#this is about the jackles’ character in the boys
thevioletcaptain · 2 months
and when the soldier boy cameo we've all been waiting for somehow involves him wearing a french maid outfit what then
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samwinchestermydude · 5 months
My Supernatural Journey I guess
I actually did go into spn fully expecting to ship Destiel. I came into SPN after watching Merlin, and I had often seen Merthur (my beloved) and Destiel likened together. I barely knew anything about Sam. I only found out that Sam existed because I saw that he was being shipped with his brother on the Ao3 ships polls last year. I didn't know if Sam was important or not because I hadn't seen much content about him. So I ended up calling him the hippie brother mentally.
The only things I thought I knew about Supernatural was that it had some religious stuff in it, Destiel was canon apparently, there were demons and stuff, and John really hated. My impression on Spn was this horror show that was featured this really tough macho dudes but the show was supposedly kind of gay??
I also followed this one person way back for discussing this one video game. They were an ex-supernatural fan way back but left because they found discourse surrounding destiel to be to exhausting. They also used to be a big Sam fan and shipped wincest. I like found the latter to be like really weird back then but man the tides have turned.
So I turned on the Spn pilot with my mom in the same room one day out of sheer boredom. Back then I was still considering Spn as that tumblr show. And then the rest was history, and I lost countless hours of my life obsessing over the show.
So first of all, I only saw one brief glance at Sam before voting for merthur in the wincest vs merthur poll (I'd have probably voted for wincest now lol) so I didn't really know who he was. To me initially he just looked like the 2nd big, gruff dude with long hair. And then I found out that the sweetest looking boy with the floppiest bangs was that guy, Sam.
Also I thought Dean was the younger brother for some reason before watching the show (Probably because Jackles just doesn't age lol). So I was really surprised to see that the little kid in the opening scene was Dean and that the baby was Sam. Oh and I was totally predicting that John died actually in the opening scene and that something else was pretending to be their father lol.
I think I fell in love with the show right away. There was just something really believable and palpable about the brother's estrangement and relationship from the start and I just wanted to see how it developed. S1 is just filled with great horror episodes, and I started watching around October so it was just perfect timing.
So Things that Ended Up Suprising Me the Most/Other Things
I actually ended up really liking John in s1. JDM was just stellar in his all scenes and brought an emotional and sincere side to John. He's tough for sure but he doesn't hide his feelings about his boys. Like you can see the tears in his eyes when they reunite. Also his speech about how he wants Sam and Dean to have normal lives and how he's tired and so broken up after seeing all his friends being killed by meg never fails to hit hard. Do I think John was a good father. No. But he did care about his boys truly. And while I do understand Fandom's widespread dislike of John it is disheartening to see him reduced to this unfeeling caricature. John's problem wasn't that he felt too little; it was that he felt to much and he never really properly managed it and it ended up hurting the his boys.
I thought Meg and Sam would maybe end up being a thing and was like :(((( (because I just liked the bros being by themselves even though I wasn't a wincest shipper at the time lol) but I was also like go Sam if thats what you want ig? Lmao Idk I just wanted Sam to be happy even back then. Anyways thank god that never happened.
Me falling in love with Sam.
Dean. I always saw a lot about him but never found myself to interested in him as all I saw was Destiel content with him. But I ended up falling in love with his character so hard in Devil's trap. When he begs John not to kill him :(((((((((. I think Devil's trap is one of my favorite episodes for Dean. It's when I started to understand him and his loyalty to his family really touched me.
1x22 was also the episode that convinced me SPN was going to be a insane show. Like what a season finale. I feel so bad for the fans who had to wait to watch s2. I actually jumped up and said it ends like that?! The car scared me so bad.
Around s2 I set my foot in the wincest fandom. Back then I thought you guys were scary but in a good way. But I was also getting really into the codependency at the time so I found myself starting to seek wincest out because well you guys just get it. And then Dean sold his soul for Sam and I looked up wincest fic for the first time with the intent to read fic about wincest. Before it was reading wincest fic despite the wincest and then well all hell blew loose (sorry I just had to).
First wincest fic I read: half the man i used to be by dollylux. I wasn't exactly a wincest shipper then. But I thought it was fucked up and strangely fitting to Sam and Dean's relationship and fucked up lives. It was probably the fic that got me into wincest.
I had a bit of an internal rule I set for myself back then where I could only read Wincest fics that were about them being in a fucked and toxic relationship because I felt bad reading fics about an incest ship. So I guess in my mind it cancelled out because then I thought then I wasn't romanticizing the incest lol. Idgaf now. I read anything about Sam/Dean if it's good.
When You're Not Here by raziella was the 2nd wincest fic I read. I read it because it's pretty much gen but it does have some wincest leanings. It's a really good fic.
I gave up Destiel even before s4. It was around in S3 after seeing Sam slowly go insane that I realized I wanted nothing more than the two brothers together.
I just realized that even if Destiel was canon or not nothing could be as important to Dean than Sam was and vice versa for Sam.
I actually was anxious about s4 because I didn't want the show to change that much and drift from the focus on the brothers.
S4 and s5 were really difficult to go through for me. I thought they were great television but it was too painful. I felt horrible seeing what happened to the brothers and how they drifted apart.
S4 Sam hair was probably my favorite.
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lol-jackles · 4 months
hey lol-jackles - love your blog and find your insights very interesting & entertaining as well!…thank you for your thoughtful n clear responses…pls keep em coming!…. 😊 😊…
My ask is about the recent statements made by misha at cons where he’d called the network homophobic and made generally crass n downright vulgar comments about dean n cas, the characters on supernatural, i n order to pande to some subsections of fandom….
Im wondering whether there are avenues for a fan or jensen or the network or writers or creators of the characters itself to sue misha for some of the untruths he tells at con's and has been for years? -i.e can misha be also sued for his statements- civil or criminally?… or is there just absolute immunity at fan-conventions?…. I clearly don't know very much about how cons bts or how a lot of it works as im more a viewer/consumer of the media - but am curious to know your thoughts 🤔 😊😊…thank you!…
Live your blog!…
Thank you friend.
Misha is too low tier to bother suing and no, there is no such thing as “convention immunity” even if NDA are involved since NDAs can legally be broken if crimes are committed.  And suing will only drive attention to Misha’s shenanigan through the Barbara Streisand effect: people who were previously unaware becomes aware.  
The best avenue is simply not offering acting gigs to Misha and it’s notable that SPN alumni have not offered roles to Misha on their own shows.  One would think Misha’s crude humor would fit in with The Boys but we’ve heard nada so far.
Sometimes I wonder if Misha’s aggressive take on Destiel is to rile up the shipping stans to pressure (future) SPN producers to include him in the revival.  And when Destiel is not acknowledge in the revival, writers/producers will get the blame.
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winchester-girl67 · 2 years
My Father's Daughter
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Summary: Y/N gets nervous when her anti-possession tattoo heals overnight. On her second attempt to make it stick she meets a boy that she might have more in common with then she thinks.
Requested by @rachelcarroll1819​ : “Can you do ome where the readers is the daughter of luicfer that john and bobby found as a baby bobby ends up raising her as his owns then when angels show up her powers finally show up also and sje in a relationship with either dean or sam ( whichever works for me)”
Pairing: Dean x Nephilim!reader
Square: Tattoo @supernatural-jackles​
Word Count: 5,805
Warnings: some SPN spoilers for season 12-15 (mainly surrounding Jack, and nephilim), not canon, language, adoption and related topics, implied relationship with Dean before the reader’s 18th birthday (reader and Dean are both 18), implied minor allergic reaction, injured!Dean, injuried!reader, blood, a little violence (involving guns/angel blades), angst, a little pining, kissing, fluff
A/N: This is before Castiel joins the Winchester’s side, I also took some liberties with the nephilim lore. Jack is such a fun character to write for, I had to include him in this request… Enjoy :) Also written for @supernatural-jackles​’ Tell Me a Story bingo.
“What the H-E-double-hockey-sticks?” You gasped at your reflection in the mirror. “Balls, that can’t be a good sign.”
You held open the collar of your flannel and traced your fingers over the unblemished flesh below your collarbone. It was easy to ignore when it happened the first time. A pencil standing on its point for three seconds longer than it should’ve was easy to play off as an illusion soaked in extreme boredom at the time. Strange occurrences were common especially around the Winchesters or anyone involved with the Winchesters, but this was- wasn’t possible. It was your eighteenth birthday yesterday and Dean brought you to get your first tattoo, an anti-possession symbol. You had it inked into the left side of your chest over your breast, just like him, but now it was gone as if it had... healed.
You decided not to tell anyone and buttoned your shirt a little higher than usual. You would just go back to the tattoo parlour today before you met up with Dean. You kept the little anomalies like this to yourself more often than not lately, after finding out you were adopted and who your biological father really was. Lucifer. Talk about daddy issues. You didn’t want anyone finding out that you had inherited anything from him. Eighteen years without a single sign of angelic anything and now you couldn’t deny there was something filtering through you, trying to get out. It felt like power.
“Meeting Dean this early, pumpkin?” Your father, Bobby, asked as you bounced down the stairs and into the kitchen. You nodded, not wanting to lie to him but it was for the best, “Do your old man a favour and grab something to eat before you head out.”
“Alright, dad.” You said, grabbing an apple from the fridge.
“You make sure that boy gets you home in time for dinner,” he cocked an eyebrow at you, “I mean it this time, Y/N. I will get my shotgun out if you’re a minute past six, got it?”
You were his little girl, but he wouldn’t actually shoot Dean, right?
You laughed and nodded, playing it off as a joke. He could only be about eighty-percent serious, at most. You didn’t have a curfew but tonight was an exception. There were family and friends and family-friends, coming over to celebrate your birthday, since yesterday was a weekday and Bobby had steaks marinating in the fridge.
“We’ll be home on time, promise. Bye, daddy.” You pecked him on the cheek and turned his cap around so the visor was in the back.
“Always with the damn hat,” he grumbled as he fixed it back to the front.
You giggled as you twirled out of the room and bit into your apple. You took a couple of bites before holding it between your lips as you laced up your boots and slipped on your jacket.
Outside, you chucked the core into the tall grass opposite the house and climbed onto your motorcycle. You started it up and pulled your hair into a quick braid for the wind, otherwise it would tangle to an extent that could never be brushed out, and took your helmet off the handlebars. You secured the strap under your chin and revved the engine as you kicked it into gear, fish-tailing around before speeding off down the laneway.
Leaves were changing colour and it was cooler outside now. For a moment you wished you had remembered your gloves but you would power through, the tattoo parlour wasn’t too far away anyway. You chose a different parlour across town than the one Dean had brought you to, just in case the artist that tattooed you the day before was on shift today too. Too many questions would be asked and you didn't have the answers.
It was easier this time around, since you knew what to expect and how much it would sting, but you hated that Dean wasn’t there to hold your hand. The woman wiped away the excess ink when she was done the final flame and held up a mirror for you to see. You grinned at the permanent ink, marring your flesh the same way it did Sam and Dean and Bobby and every other hunter you knew.
To anyone else, they’d probably think it was odd but to you it meant protection and family. It was pretty, even with the red raw edges that would eventually flatten out as your skin healed. You loved the way new tattoos raised the skin and appeared to jump out at you. You felt like a badass sporting your fresh ink and bit your lip at your excited smile.
The artist snapped a pic for her portfolio and the shop’s website and you noticed a boy about your age smiling at you from behind the gap in the privacy curtains. He was sitting in the waiting area with his hands on his knees and just staring. At. You.
“Hello.” He said when you passed him on your way out.
His blonde hair was combed to the side, unlike Dean’s whose was always spiked up like an angry hedgehog. You gave him a nod of your head and nothing more. Glancing back at the parlour as you climbed onto your motorcycle, partially just to make sure he didn’t follow you out. He didn’t give off any creeper vibes but he was… odd.
“Ow,” you hissed suddenly as your chest burned. You pulled aside your flannel to see the tattoo glowing white hot before it fizzled out. Your body healing itself again and your tattoo disappearing. You looked up at the tattoo parlour sullenly, there would be no point in trying again. “Shit-balls.”
Just when you thought puberty was over. What the hell was going on with your body now? All you could think was that your bio-dad’s genes were finally kicking in.
It would be easy enough to hide it from Bobby, not so much Dean. Things were getting heated between you two lately and it was inevitable that he’d see you in a bra again. The thing was, the only people who knew about your bio-dad were John, who had passed away a couple years ago and Bobby, who promised never to tell another living soul; especially the boys. Sam would probably understand but he was four years younger than you and he couldn’t keep a secret from his older brother. Dean on the other hand, thought of things in black and white and anything tainted with the blood of a monster must be a monster in and of itself. And Lucifer was a monster, you heard the stories.
You wanted to be like Bobby, not your bio-dad and you wanted Dean to keep loving you. Which you weren’t entirely sure was possible if you told him that you were a nephilim. Until recently you had been questioning it yourself but you couldn’t ignore the weirdness surrounding you anymore or the dreams you’d been having of a man with glowing red eyes, a raspy voice calling out to you. You always woke up in a cold sweat and now you were thinking they might be more than just dreams. Maybe if you’d said something Bobby could help you make them stop.
You started up your motorcycle and pulled on your helmet, glancing back at the parlour one last time and watching as the blonde boy walked down the steps. He still had a smile on his face when his blue eyes met yours and he raised his hand to wave. Then he started walking towards you and you didn’t stick around to find out what he wanted. You weren’t in the mood to be hit on, although you didn’t get that vibe from him. He had more of an innocence about him. You still weren't in the mood.
You must’ve drove past the laneway to your house six times before you decided you couldn’t face your father or everyone else who had congregated there for your birthday dinner. Bobby had bragged about you finally getting your anti-possession tattoo and becoming a real hunter and what if someone asked to see it? How could you explain that?
You went to the one quiet place where you could always think. The graveyard on the west side of town. You didn’t know anyone there but you felt it was nice if someone visited them from time to time. You were always respectful and you liked to sit on the bench at the back between the overgrown trees. The spot was hidden from the road and you could hear the resident owl from time to time.
It was late now and well past six, when dinner was supposed to be ready. Bobby would likely be fuming or worried as hell, probably both. On the brightside, Dean would be with him and everyone else so Bobby would have no reason to blame him or shoot him. Except it was possible he still might try.
You checked your phone to find too many messages from both Bobby and Dean, all asking where you were and when you were getting back. One more recent one asking if you were in trouble. You typed off an ‘I’m fine’ when you heard the leaves crunch under the weight of a sneaker.
You whipped your head around to find the blonde boy from the tattoo parlour peeking out from behind the trunk of a tree. He smiled brightly as he slowly approached you, waving again and if you were about to make a run for it, you no longer felt the need.
“Hello, I’m Jack. I’m sorry if I scared you earlier. This is my first time..." he paused, seemingly struggling to find the word, "-talking." He grinned again.
Did he just break some sort of oath-of-silence or something?
You were still skeptical even if you weren’t scared. He wasn’t all that big, kinda skinny, you could take him in a fight if you had to.
“Are you following me?” You asked, he smiled and nodded like he didn’t understand how creepy it was to admit to following someone. “Why, -the fuck?” You almost laughed, it was so awkward, but you settled for a single puff of air. “How’d you find me?”
"I've been looking for you, I’ve been wanting to meet you, you're not easy to find, I can only sense you some of the time -This place is nice." He glanced around, it was hardly the word you would use to describe a graveyard but what-the-hay there were stranger things at foot, “You seem troubled. Can I help?"
"Um, no? I'm just a bit confused. You ‘sensed’ me?" You asked, squinting your eyes up at him.
"You put off an energy when you're stressed and I could tell you needed me. It smells like... sour strawberries -Are strawberries good?" He asked and tilted his head. Dude was weird, but probably harmless.
“Um, yeah, when they have chocolate on them, otherwise they make my tongue feel funny.” You shrugged, Dean had bought you chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine’s day, almost made it worth the itchy throat. “Why do you think I need you? I don't need you, I don't even know you.”
“We have more in common than you think.” He alluded and you wanted to wipe that smirk off his face as he stood there.
“I’m getting impatient, Jack, and you won’t like me when I’m impatient.” You quipped and he tilted his head in confusion. Dean was rubbing off on you, after all those hours watching ‘classic’ movies with him. “Okay, I’ll bite. Why do you feel so familiar?” That was the feeling you were picking up from him, a closeness; you finally figured it out.
“I’m your brother.”
Your face blanched, “The only person I’d consider a brother is Sammy -even if it is a little awkward since I am dating his actual brother- but we’re not related, we just grew up together, sort of... our dad’s knew each other and we hung out… quite a bit actually but that’s not the point. I don’t have blood relatives, up here, anyway.”
“But we have one in common, down there." Jack pointed as he laughed and sat down beside you.
You scooched over to the end of the bench, "So... Your father...?"
"Is Lucifer, yes, and so is yours." He said.
Did he always smile? He seemed too cheery to be a descendant of the Devil himself. At least you had the decency to be unbearably irritable once a month.
"Prove it," you smirked back snidely. Yup, too much time around Dean.
"Okay," he pulled a long silver blade from his jacket, one you knew as an angel blade and levitated it in the air. He moved his fingers and the blade mimicked his motions. "Pretty cool, huh?"
You nodded and remembered the pencil; could you do something like that someday? Maybe you had to focus more or less, he didn't seem to put much effort into it.
"Do you want to try?" He asked, grabbing the blade from mid air and handing it over to you. "It's easy, just focus on what you want it to do and make it happen."
You focused on the blade in your hands and squinted your eyes, picturing it spinning in a circle like a top. You almost burst a blood vessel in your eye before you huffed and gave up, "It's no use! I can't do it."
"You're just trying too hard. We can work on it," he smiled again and you handed him back the blade.
Jack wasn't a threat, somehow you just knew, but how long was he planning on staying? And if he stayed you'd have to explain yourself and him to Bobby, that wasn't something you were looking forward to.
"Do you have any tattoos?" You asked.
"No, should I?" He asked, his smile fell and he looked worried for a moment as if you wouldn't like him if he didn't.
"I tried to get one, twice now, but it keeps healing." You pulled open your flannel a little to touch the skin where the tattoo should've been. "Kinda sucks, you know? I've been injured on hunts before and I have scars, so it doesn't make any sense to me. Why now?"
"Maybe..." he thought and tucked the blade back into his jacket, "Your powers are only developing now because you grew up slowly. You had a normal adolescence."
"I'd hardly call my childhood normal," you rolled your eyes. You were raised as a hunter and Bobby took you out for target practice every Sunday and when John and the boys were in town, you would have to participate in sparring and weapons training, all before you could read. And when you could read, lore was added to your studies along with your typical -normal school work. "How come you have your powers already then? You're about my age."
"I had to grow up faster than you, there are things -people here that want to hurt me and I needed them to protect myself." He explained, “That’s probably why yours are just showing up, your body feels it too.”
“Feels what?”
“Our father, his return.”
“Bio-dad, Lucifer?” You huffed, “Uh-yeah, I don’t think so. My surrogate dad sealed him in a cage eighteen years ago with the late-great John Winchester, you might’ve heard of him? Trust me, dude, we’re safe.”
“You can’t feel him? Maybe I can help you along,” Jack reached out to touch your forehead with two fingers and before you could push his hand away your body was flooded with images, feelings, light, dark, energy -it was too much and you pulled away, trying to catch your breath and blink away the numbing headache.
You gulped and met his blue eyes, “How are you only a day old?!”
Not only had he transferred everything he felt to you but also every memory he ever had, tracing back to even when they were just feelings in the womb of his mother. You didn’t remember any of the same stuff from your own life. How could you be the same but totally different? You were stressed beyond belief, your mind racing a mile a minute and that’s when you noticed the pulsing light coming from your palms.
“Um, Jack,” you said, inspecting your palms and turning them to face him as the light got brighter and pulsed more frequently with every heavy heartbeat. “What’s happening to me?”
“I helped you find your powers, they were -uh… hidden. I just pulled them to the surface so now you can access them.” He smiled and you gaped as a single pulse of light left your palms, hitting Jack like a force field and knocking him off the bench. He landed a good ten metres away but shook it off and stood back up, “-Ouch.”
Voices filled your mind as if multiple people were whispering in your ears all at once and they kept getting louder and louder until all you heard was a blaring hiss as if a radio was in the midst of tuning. You fell off the bench, clutching your ears with your hands, squeezing your eyes shut as if it would help.
You screamed over the noise though you couldn’t hear yourself, “Jack! Jack!”
You felt his hands rest over yours and a moment later the noise faded away. You sighed and blinked open your eyes. Your ears felt as if they were bleeding and you touched them to check.
“What the balls was that?” You asked, catching your breath.
“Angel radio, I forgot to warn you it can be overwhelming but you’ll get the hang of it. It gets easier to tune out with practice.” Jack said, helping you to your feet.
“I don’t like it.”
“Yeah, me either.”
“All I really heard was buzzing, will I be able to understand them? When I get the hang of it.” You could hardly believe this was your life now, hearing angelic voices in your head and pulsing shockwaves from your palms.
“Yes,” he nodded, “The pain will always be there though.”
“What were they saying?” You asked, noticing the dirt on your jeans and brushing off your knees.
“It was a distress signal about Lucifer.” Jack explained, brushing some crumpled bits of dried leaves from your shoulder.
You heard someone approach, heavy on their heels, “Get away from her!” Dean yelled with his gun drawn, eyeing Jack like he was ready to kill.
But you didn’t want him to hurt Jack, your little brother, “Dean, No!” You spun around and held up a hand. You didn’t mean to release another shockwave and it sent Dean flying into the tree behind him. He hit it back first and slumped to the ground, unconscious. “DEAN!”
You ran to him and cradled him in your arms, pulling his head to your chest. Tears welled in your eyes and dripped onto his cheeks as you curled over him and rocked back and forth. You didn’t know if it was your new powers but you could tell he wasn’t okay. He hit his head hard and you didn’t even know if he’d wake back up.
“Stay right there, boy.” You heard your father’s voice warn Jack as he approached you.
“Daddy?” You sobbed.
“It’s okay, pumpkin, he’s gonna be okay.” Bobby crouched next to you and inspected Dean’s head. His hand was covered in blood when he touched the back of it. He frowned and scrubbed the other palm over his scruff, “Oh, balls! Hang on, Dean.”
“Y/N,” Jack risked a step forward even with Bobby’s gun still trained on him. “I can help him. I’ve done it before.”
He had, hadn’t he? A single memory of Jack healing his birth mom while still in her womb came to mind. He wasn’t lying. You nodded and put your hand on Bobby’s gun to lower it. You weren’t even sure at this point if a bullet could even hurt him... or you anymore. Now that you feel more angelic than human.
Jack knelt next to Dean and laid a hand on his head. His fingers glowed a warm gold, the same colour as his irises and you felt Dean’s body react; his heart stabilizing with stronger beats and his breathing evening out until he began to stir. You watched intently as his green eyes fluttered open and you wiped away your tears, then dried his cheeks with your thumbs.
“Are you okay?” You whispered when he locked eyes with you.
He stared up at you, registering all that just happened and then a shot rang through your ears. Dean sat up and pushed away from you, his gun smoking in his hand and you looked down at your chest. Where he shot you.
“Idjit! What did you do?!” Bobby yelled at Dean and tried to inspect your wound. It actually didn’t hurt all that much and when you opened your shirt, the same golden glow you’d seen moments ago healed the wound until it was as if it was never there.
“That’s not Y/N! What are you, you bitch?! What did you do with her?!” Dean shouted, raising his gun again. "I swear if you hurt her-"
“Boy, you better put that gun down if you wanna see your next birthday.” Bobby warned and Dean glanced between you both, noting that he was the one out of the loop. He lowered the gun but kept it ready on his thigh and felt the back of his head curiously. “I was wonderin’ when those nephilim powers of yours would kick in, the only question I got is... Who in the holy balls is this guy?” Bobby asked, nudging his head towards Jack.
You always loved how he could incorporate balls into any sentence whether it fit or not and you guessed you did it too; you were your father’s daughter after all.
“He’s -um, my brother. Half-brother.” You said and glanced back at Jack who smiled and held a hand up as if to shake your father’s. Bobby didn’t reciprocate though and you added, “On my bio-dad’s side, obviously.”
It was well known that a human mother couldn't survive the birth of a nephilim child. Your note was more to tip off Bobby to shut up in front of Dean about it. Not that Bobby took the hint since he probably felt the cat was out of the bag anyways.
“So, good-old Lucy got sprung from the cage, eh? I figured that would happen eventually -was hoping for more time though.” Bobby grunted and fixed his cap like he did when he was unnerved and not wanting to show it.
“Am I the only one who doesn’t have a fucking clue what in the hell is going on? Y/N?!” Dean huffed and furrowed his brow.
“I -um,” you didn’t know how to explain. “I -um, I’m adopted. Surprise.”
“You’re Lucifer’s daughter?” Dean asked, catching on quickly.
The light in his eyes dimmed at the idea and you knew you needed to correct him and fast.
"No! No, I am Bobby’s daughter and I suppose... a by-product of Lucifer’s sperm donation.”
Dean nodded, then cringed. "That’s kind of gross.”
“I’m still me, Dean, the girl you’re in love with but won’t ever admit it to.” You said, hoping for him to see you the same way he did before. “I’m the same girl.”
“No, you’re not. Your eyes are different.” He stared hard like he was trying to see past something.
You looked to Bobby as if he had the answers, “Your eyes are glowing, pumpkin.”
You imagined your reflection with the eyes you’d seen Jack wear when his powers filtered through him. Then you felt it, the difference, you weren’t in control of them yet, they manifested with the waves in your emotions. It was extremely hard to control.
“Jack, how do I make it stop?” You asked and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Take a deep breath and let it go.” Jack said.
You didn’t think it could really be that fucking easy, but gave it a try. When you opened your eyes again you could feel the light dimming and then extinguish. You were exhausted.
“I wanna go home.” You looked to your father and he nodded. Jack’s smile seemed to turn upside down and you added, “Can Jack come too?”
“Might as well, party’s cleared out anyhow.” Bobby stood up and eyed Jack, sizing him up. You could tell your father didn’t trust him yet, but you knew Jack was good, you could feel it.
“Sorry I missed the party.” You stood up and hugged Bobby.
“Don’t worry about it, pumpkin.” He patted your back and ruffled up your hair when you broke the hug. You frowned and tried to tuck the loose strands of hair back into your braid. “We should get outta here before-”
You heard what could only be described as a rush of feathers before a bald man in a suit appeared before you, "Hello, Robert.”
“It’s Bobby, jackass.”
There was another louder rush and two others appeared next to him. One of them oddly wore a trench-coat over his suit. You knew instantly that these men were angels. You could see their halos shine brightly above their heads. A side effect of finally getting your nephilim powers you assumed. In all your time hunting you hadn't come across any angels, you never wanted to either based off of the stories Bobby and other hunters told you.
"Zachariah," Bobby said, nodding at the bald angel before him, then the other in the tight suit, "Uriel... long time, no see."
You knew from your studies that Uriel was an archangel, by far more powerful than the others, even if he seemed to let Zachariah take charge at the moment.
“I thought we had an understanding." Zachariah continued, "If the nephilim child showed any signs of getting her powers you were supposed to contact me, right away."  
“Like you wouldn’t have known, don’t you have some sort of angelic radar? As soon as the kid showed any signs of grace you'd feel it. That’s why you’re here isn’t it.” Bobby snapped back at the man, or angel wearing some poor sap as a meat-suit like a demon would.
“Precisely, which is why we wanted to avoid an event large enough to attract our attention. She hurt the boy, didn't she? That could've been avoided. She is an abomination and she will offset the order of the universe, given the time; there’s only one way to deal with this sort of thing... Castiel.”
The angel wearing the trench-coat stepped forward with a stoic face as if he was about to carry out some unspoken order. Like a good little soldier of heaven. An angel blade dropped into his hand from his shirtsleeve and he advanced towards you. You stumbled back and Jack grabbed your hand and puffed out his chest. Castiel stopped in his tracks just as both your eyes began to glow.
“That can’t be.” Castiel said as he backed off. He glanced back at Zachariah and then disappeared with a flutter of his wings. At least he knew when he was outranked.
The others however, Zachariah and Uriel, did not retreat and advanced upon you. Each with their own angel blade in hand. You and Jack channeled your powers together and raised your hands. You released a joint shockwave that blew them apart to mere atoms which floated away in the wind like snowflakes on a cold winter day. Your power alone was great, but together it was unmatched.
There would be no issues destroying or caging Lucifer when the time came for it. But you would have to find him first. Or maybe he would find you now that your powers had emerged. Apparently it sent up a pretty big blip on the angelic radar or whatever Bobby called it and Lucifer was probably still connected to that, right? Or at least had some sort of version of it.
"Holy hell,” Bobby cursed, “Come on, Y/N, we best be getting home before someone or something else comes looking for them or who did that to 'em."
You let your father lead the way to his truck and towed Jack along with you. Meanwhile Dean trailed behind keeping a watchful eye on your new found brother. All the while not saying much.
He didn't say anything actually, not even when you remembered your motorcycle. He just took the keys from you so you could drive back with your family. Or maybe he just didn't want to be squished into the cab of that old Ford with a being more powerful than an archangel -that was born yesterday- and your father. Bobby was super protective of you, and Dean and his relationship was strained because of that. It was a miracle they drove here together without someone getting shot now that you thought of it.
And Dean's silent treatment continued for days longer than any fight you'd had with him since you had gotten together. You didn't even know if you were still together anymore. So to say you were surprised to see him show up when Bobby and Jack went out on a day trip for some bonding, was an understatement.
"Hiya, sweetheart." Dean said, standing in the front doorway and glancing behind you, his eyes searching the space. "Bobby out?" He asked, you nodded, "How 'bout your -uh... b-brother?"
"You mean Jack?" You asked, he'd probably just forgotten his name. Dean gave you a soft smile and nodded twice, "Yeah, s'just me home. Why, you come to snuff out the monsters? One abomination at a time?"
Dean pushed his brows together and frowned down at you. "Listen, girly-"
"Y/N," Dean pleaded, slipping your name off his tongue with his hands held up as if to pose no threat. "I know Bobby said you needed time and you didn't wanna talk to me, but I just gotta get this off my chest and then I'm gone, okay? Can you just listen? Please."
That wasn't true. Bobby lied. But you motioned for him to continue anyways.
"I was pissed at you. For not telling me, not trusting me. You were there for me when my father-" Dean choked up and cleared his throat. His eyes watered as he searched for the right words to say, "I just -I didn't understand why you didn't want me there for you, so I blamed you. But then I thought about it, really thought about it and it's no wonder you couldn't trust me, hell, why would you? All I've ever done is maim and kill-"
You'd heard enough, "Dean, I trust you! Nothing's ever going to change that and I didn't tell my dad to tell you shit. You just looked so hurt, I didn't know how to reach out and thought maybe you didn't want me to." You chewed on your lip before you decided to swallow your embarrassment and rolled your eyes at yourself, "Fuck it, I love you." It was the first time either of you said that out loud, "And I know at one point you felt the same about me and I guess, I'm just hoping that's still the case?"
Dean gave a delicate nod and shrug of his shoulders, "You'll always belong with me, Y/N." He confessed and stepped forward to wrap his arms around you. You let him and he pressed his forehead to yours. "And I care about you, too."
It hurt a little that he didn't say it back, but that was close enough for you. Dean wasn't touchy-feely in the case of emotions and you didn't need to make him say it. You felt it in the way he clutched you to him and you sunk into his embrace.
Dean pressed a hard kiss to your temple and another open lipped kiss to your cheek. You felt the heat of his breath on your lips before his mouth molded to yours and your tongues touched. His movements were slow and passionate and when his fingertips touched that ticklish spot on your neck you giggled into the kiss.
He felt like coming home; safety and warmth in his arms. Even if you didn't need protecting anymore, it was nice. It was the first time in days you let yourself relax and it seemed like you weren't the only one.
Dean pulled away to let you catch your breath and you slowly blinked open your eyes to meet his. He let out a breathy chuckle and his forehead fell to yours again, his eyes admiring yours with an amused grin on his face.
"Your eyes are glowing," he breathed and sucked on his bottom lip. "You are so damn beautiful.” And he brushed the hair from your face. “You’re everything to me.” You felt his eyelashes brush your cheek and his hand sink from your lower back to grip your butt cheek. "You’re my everything.”
Your cheeks instantly hurt from smiling so bright at his words.
His other hand met on your backside and you squealed when he squeezed hard enough to bruise, but only for a second. Dean chuckled, slapped your butt and kissed you again. And you got lost in it.
Until the backdoor slammed shut, “Boy, get your damn hands off my daughter!" Bobby commanded as he set the cooler he was carrying on top of the counter.
Jack followed in behind him and smiled at Dean with a small wave.
Dean stopped kissing you and raised his hands as he stepped away from you. He was grinning wildly and biting his lip, his eyes roaming your body like they always did before they held your gaze.
You so easily fell back into the way things were before with him and this was the good part. The part where you could speak novels with a wink of an eye. It was like a language only the two of you could speak and he was saying 'I still love you, so damn much'.
Your father cleared his throat and you rolled your eyes, "Dad, I thought you said you were taking Jack fishing? Shouldn't that take a couple more hours?"
"Not a chance, pumpkin." Bobby side-eyed Dean, "Besides, kid, already caught a week's worth. He's a natural." He boasted, coming around to Jack much faster than you expected him to.
"I'm a natural," Jack repeated and beamed with a little tilt of his head. He bounced on his heels, twice, he was so excited.
You groaned and shook your head, "I'm surrounded by dorks."
"What's a dork?" Jack asked and furrowed his brow.
Dean answered, "A little brother."
_________________________ Dean: @akshi8278 @laycblack @thoughts-and-funnies @mrsjenniferwinchester @crustycheeks @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @lyarr24 @suckitands33  @eliwinchester99 @yvonneeeee @igotmajordaddyissues @djs8891 @leigh70 @globetrotter28
Forever SPN: @hobby27​
Tell Me a Story Bingo: @princessvader15
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queermania · 2 years
I think you should get into the Jackles and Chaos Machine of it all (this is a sincere request)
so the thing is that jensen has said/done some genuinely hurtful things in the past and i don't begrudge anyone who has felt or continues to feel hurt by that. that's perfectly valid. BUT the narrative that he is this insidious homophobe who is not-so-secretly disgusted by gay people is not only deeply annoying, but actively harmful.
this is a man who has taken very obvious steps to grow and become a better ally. is he always the most eloquent with his words? no, he is not. but to me actions speak way louder than words and what we know about his actions are that he 1. is lovely and open and accepting to queer fans who tell them how much dean and destiel mean to them. 2. is vocally supportive of the queer community and queer causes and most importantly 3. created an entire production company with a mission statement to uplift diverse stories and creators and is actually doing that.
the winchesters has two (probably straight) white characters that are what they are by virtue of their origin and there's nothing we can do about that but almost every other character has been a person of color with interiority and nuance and a backstory and a life outside of john and mary. like, there are two interracial romantic pairings already and neither of them include a white person and we're only on episode six.
and we have queer characters!!! queer characters who are not reduced to their sexuality or shoehorned in for the sake of diversity while meaning absolutely nothing to the plot/story!!! they matter. and we've got quotes from the creative team about how even if the language wasn't there at the time, those people existed and their stories deserve to be told!!! like. y'all can make all the jokes you want about homophobic texas christian boy jensen ackles who hasn't said dean wants to shove his tongue in cas' mouth so he must hate gay people.... but the man is out here hiring queer creatives and uplifting their voices and getting their pronouns right and being fucking normal about it unlike y'all who somehow manage to have the most insanely biphobic and acephobic takes while supposedly defending queer people and that means so much more to me than his opinion on a ship that he has zero control over.
like. if you can't get over the hurtful things he's said in the past, that's fine. there's no judgement from me on that front. but please don't pretend like they are indicative of what he is currently doing and please don't pretend like you actually care about the problems that supernatural had if you're out here disparaging the winchesters every time you even look in the spn-universe's direction without ever having watched the show (especially if you're saying you refuse to watch the winchesters because spn was racist/homophobic/whatever.... but are still watching spn?? like?? WHAT?). the show that jensen put his creative heart and soul into is actively working to fix the things you supposedly hated about spn and your hottest take is that it still sucks because jensen doesn't have a perfect track record? wow, cool. i hope the view is nice from up there on your high horse where you can't even see the people you're claiming to stand up for.
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starlitangels · 6 months
Lol i know what it like being picky with my asmr. Theres just somethings a cant stand. Its not just the voice, its the sound effects, atmosphere and who someone can build a room without being blunt. Okay bare with me, these are all the series I've collected over the years and its ALOT(these are all series but i can suggest more oneshots) Here the list
-Rescued From Aliens |KimCarter| (More about roleplay with some storyline. Also alot of VA channels collaborated for this one. Alot of sound effects but can be overwelming with some viewers. Im pretty sure this story is continuing)
-Gator Boys |Obsidian Lantern| (In siren son's universe also featuring as a character. Good amount of storyline without it making you confused. Somewhat slowburn without the whole story being overly romantic. Turns listener human and the character halfbloods. Also okay sound effects. Story is still continuing but it takes him a long time to update this series)
-Demon Roommate |Yuurivoice| (More romantic roleplay with no real storyline, more like a bunch on oneshots with you two growing closer. Cute and simple with a great voice)
-Bittersweet |Yuurivoice| (A personal favorite series with GREAT storyline containing secrets and some lore without being confusing. Romantic, angst, forgiveness with a twink thrown in there for goodluck. Series is continuing but its kinda at a standstill)
-Daughter of Khan |Joseph Holloway| (platonic roleplay of sherekhan and his daughter growing up. Good storyline with great soundeffects without being overwelming. No real lore but still good RP. I highly suggest checking out his other works. Season 2 is coming out)
-The Theif's Tale |Nomads tales & Audios| (Decent story with good sound effects. Two thiefs who do heists together realize their old partner may not be as they seem)
-The City Wolf and the Country Lamb |Nomads tales & Audios| (Series that helped me through covid. Decent story with decent acting from a small handful of other creators. Romantic story with themes of little angst and some betrayal. One of the detective ones i like with more episodes on the way)
-The New Jersey Rats |Escaped Audios| (I LOVE this series! Mafia themed without all the overused sterotypes of other roleplay. Good story with good sound effects Series is at a end but theres a video of before this series which is also pretty good.)
-Strange lands, Stranger people |Hollow_VA| (More asmr that the rest of these series but still good storyline. Theres more episodes but hes not the best at making playlists. One of my first series i liked. About a mage escaping from their town but needs a guide through the dessert to meet who they're looking for, Luckily Jackle is there to charm his way. Im pretty sure he stopped this series without actually announcing it.)
-Daisy |Audio by Dominic| (Mafia x florist listener. Some mafia sterotypes but with a great spin. Decent story with good sound effects. Series is ongoing)
-Time Traveler Husband |Exhibit A| (My absolute first series i loved. Decent storyline with decent effects. Doctor who inspired romantic themes with a tad of angst. Series is ended)
-Wolf Falls for Red RiddingHood |Allegretto| (Smal series but still decent. Alot more romantic than the others but a cute story)
WOO i think thats all the series that comes to mind after about 4 years of liking roleplay audios. Tell me if you like any of them!! ^^
Well! Considering I've already seen a good chunk of these reminds me that I've been lingering on the Audio RP scene for... a long time. Like, Hollow_ was one of my first Audio RP channels back when I was in uni. I first listened to Strange Lands, Stranger People like 5 years ago or something? (I graduated 4.25 years ago-ish so... I got into Hollow_ like 6 years ago? Hotel Sanguine was actually one of my favorites of his. Which means I've been listening to SalemAudio for like ~7 and he was I think the first proper Audio RP channel I listened to back when he was still "unasmr")
Let's see, of these, I've seen Rescued from Aliens (though I was unaware it was ongoing. I'll have to check out the rest! I was really excited for the huge collab that was the first one though!), Gator Boys (Looove Obsidian Lantern's sense of humor and creative style), bits of both Yuurivoice series (I have a hard time keeping track of his stuff), both Nomad ones because Nomad is one of my absolute favorite storytellers, New Jersey Rats (Escaped is a chaos gremlin here and I'm here for it), and Strange Lands, Stranger People (as mentioned above)!
I'll see about poking my nose into the other ones and see if I like anything. I've heard one or two Joseph Holloway audios but never followed it closely.
I'm really interested in those last two! Audios By Dominic's voice never quite vibed with me but we'll see if I can give it a shot.
Thanks for the reccs!
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zepskies · 3 months
Thank you and bless you for all the Soldier Boy stories youve been posting! I waited until all the parts were out so I could binge the new series and that latest one shot was so cute! I love those little glimpses into their relationship xx
I’m also really excited for your Russell series! I don’t even watch the show but his character is so charming and mysterious, can’t wait to see where this leads! xx
Aw you're welcome, hun! Glad you're enjoying them. 💚 I think you're referring to Wake Me Up and Wanderlust? Both of those stories were very fun to write...if for different reasons. 😂😂 But I always love coming back to the BMD-verse. It's become a very special series to me, and I'm so glad it's special to you as well!
I do understand the desire to binge read, but I will say I'm very appreciative when people follow along chapter by chapter and share their thoughts with me. It's wonderful motivation and keeps me excited about the series! Sometimes lovely readers even spark ideas for future stories in that world. 💖
(And I do try my very best to keep a consistent posting schedule for that reason.)
The same goes for that new Russell Shaw series, Every Second Counts! He really is such a charming character, and a bit of an enigma as well. I think that's why I felt inspired to write about him (and not just because it's a new Jackles character 😂).
Thanks so much for dropping in my inbox!
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leespinoodle · 2 years
Just watched "Kahmunrah Rises Again" and it was nnnnggh.
Here's a list of thoughts I recorded during the movie:
Why weren't Lewis and Clark in the exhibit with Sacagawea? Did they get sent to a different museum? Did they turn into dust after the deleted scene in the first movie where they got on a bus?
"Kahmunrah the Disappointing Son" is a wonderful exhibit name.
The animation was actually pretty good. I was worried it would look like cheap rig animation.
Octavius has no forehead. He just has no forehead.
McPhee is great.
Nick acts nothing like Nick. He was always pretty sure of himself in the other movies, at least that I remember. Why is he now so insecure and awkward?
"Give me gum-gum dum-dum son-son"
Laa is too slapstick for me. He’s kind of annoying.
Where's Ahkmenrah? You'd think in a movie about his brother, Ahkmenrah would be there. You'd think he'd at least be mentioned by name. If the tablet is there, he should be there, too. Is he just chilling in the sarcophagus in front of the tablet? Is he stuck? Let him out!
Subway scene callback!
I don’t think Joan of Arc fails or is the butt of any joke throughout the whole movie. They didn't even introduce her, she just came out of nowhere to be a plot device. And she seemed like such an interesting character in the trailer!
Laa did not discover fire when he was 11, Laa did not exist. He was created as a joke at Larry's expense.
They're not rowing the boats correctly, they should just be turning in circles.
I hate Laa.
Why is Jed so dumb and stupid? And why isn't he making out with Octavius?
There's a Wilhelm scream during jackle fight!
Ahkmenrah should have been the dj at the end. Where is my boy?
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riverwithoutbanks · 1 year
One of the things that frustrate me so much with the spn finale is that Cas’ character arc isn’t over. Sure, he learnt to love unconditionally, but what about learning he deserves it, too? What about not hiding cosmic scale secrets? Same with Dean getting out of hunting by… dying? And let’s not even talk about what they did to Sam… Look how they massacred my boy! Jack’s ending fucks with my head so badly I won’t even touch on it.
Maybe I can see something about escaping the narrative and therefore not ending the story satisfactorily… But come on! We’ve followed those characters for 15 years. We like them, and you’d expect that the people behind the show would as well. Why does it feel so cruel? Like they just threw them away? I know this had been said to death, but I still don’t get it and I think this is why spn fans can’t move on. Chuck wanted it to end in tragedy and it did, even without him being there.
Judging by S1 of the Winchesters, I feel like Jackles not only felt the same, but was ready to close the doors the show left opened. Too bad we’ll probably never get the answer…
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pearlzier · 18 days
AHH TYSM! 💗💗💗 xoxo
Any advice for a Jackles bot? Fictional characters are usually easier to write for...
OFCC <33
UHHHH. in terms of personality i find hes quite similar to beau, dean and a lil soldier boy just naturally ! for information maybe look at his wiki HSJDG or ig u wanna be more. in depth about it maybe watch a few interviews or cons to see what traits u wanna put in 💓
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spnfanficpond · 1 year
New Member Spotlight - June/July 2023
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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@lacilou -
Other fandoms? - Walker
Looking for in the Pond? - More Sam Winchester stories
Something to signal boost? - I have a TikTok! lulu_dances_with_moose
Pairings you read? - Sam Winchester x Reader
Genres you read? - All
Favorite writer(s)? - @uncouth-the-fifth @thinkinghardhardlythinking @deanwinchesterswitch
@sandwitch-of-solidarity -
Other SM names? - Discord: bean119
OTP? - Destiel, Samwena
Other fandoms? - Hannibal, Good Omens, OFMD
Looking for in the Pond? - Good fic recs!
Pairings you read? - Destiel, Samwena
Genres you read? - All, especially long fics
Favorite writer(s)? - @sobsicles, but it changes every week
@perpetualabsurdity -
Looking for in the Pond? - More Jensen/Dean content 😊
Pairings you read? - Jensen/reader, Jensen/OFC, Dean/reader, Dean/OFC
Genres you read? - Smut, mostly, but really all
Favorite writer(s)? - @luci-in-trenchcoats, @smol-and-grumpy, @supernatural-jackles
@fuiabarcelos -
Other SM names? - Discord: Fuiabarcelos, TikTok: princess_of.hell
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - Yes! I really like Julie and the phantoms and Taylor Swift.
Looking for in the Pond? - After the show ended I felt that the brazilian fanfic writers (I'm from brazil) disappeared a little, that's when I met Tumblr and AO3. I usually write fanfics in portuguese, but I'm still learning english and I thought that Pond would be a great place to improve it and, more importantly, make writer friends.
Something to signal boost? - In my wattpad profile, there are many stories of the Supernatural (all in Portuguese), but I'll leave here the link to my favorite. I know there probably won't be anyone who understands Portuguese, but google chrome has an option to translate it, in case anyone is interested. Warrior. For fans of Taylor Swift, I made some Sam's wallpapers inspired by her albums.
Pairings you read? - Mostly reader inserts.
Genres you read? - I usually read smut, fuff, Angst. My favorites are Fluff and Angst. I also like Soulmates Au, stories where the reader is some magical being and, my favorite of all, stories inspired by songs.
Favorite writer(s)? - @thinkinghardhardlythinking @princessmisery666 @queen-of-deans-booty @impala-dreamer @holylulusworld and many more!
Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
@ladynightskye -
Other SM names? - Discord: LadyKnightSkye
OTP? - Multishipper with a preference for Dean/Lucifer & Lucifer/Castiel
Other fandoms? - Multiple, but Halo, Far Cry 5, and Fire Emblem currently
Looking for in the Pond? - Kinda just wanna hang out.
Something to signal boost? - Apple Pie and the Apocalypse
Pairings you read? - Most pairings including Lucifer or Dean
Genres you read? - Au, mostly, and smut.
What do you like to write? - Alternate universes are my jam. I admittedly like taking these characters and putting them into fantasy Situations. Also lately I’ve been very into genderbending Dean.
Most underappreciated fic? - Fleur de feu
PurpleEdge (AO3 only) -
Other SM names? - Discord: PurpleEdge
Looking for in the Pond? - I would like to discuss writing stuff and SPN stuff with other fans/writers.
Pairings you read? - I'm not into romantic shipping, but I love the Winchesters family dynamics - Sam & Dean, and John & the boys.
Genres you read? - Mostly Discipline fics, whump, and angst, but I'll read whatever's good.
Favorite writer(s)? - ReaperTownUSA on AO3
What do you like to write? - Discipline fics, slavery tropes, angst, gen, family dynamics, family fluff. I've posted one smut fic, but I'm not sure if I'll do more.
Most underappreciated fic? - No Rest
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - Currently I think I've tried at least once all the tropes/genres that I like. There may be things out there that I'm not aware of, and I hope that being in this community will help me discover them.
@ani-coolgirl -
Other SM names? - Discord: aniciel, AO3: ani_coolgirl
OTP? - Wincest
Looking for in the Pond? - I would just like to expand my readership and makes some friends to share ideas with.
Something to signal boost? - I'm currently working on writing a wincest fic for every episode of the show. I recently started season 5:I'm currently working on writing a wincest fic for every episode of the show. I recently started season 5: Every First Time on AO3.
Pairings you read? - Wincest
Genres you read? - Smut and angst (but I prefer a happy ending), but I enjoy me a good fluffy fic.
Favorite writer(s)? - @zmediaoutlet
What do you like to write? - Angst, plotty drama I'll never finish, smut
Most underappreciated fic? - Cuckoos in Glass Houses
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I'm too nervous to post chapter fics because I have problems with follow through. I have epics in my brain that have yet to see the light of day because I never get past chapter 2!
@foxyjwls007 -
Other SM names? - It's the same for FB and IG
Looking for in the Pond? - To be a better writer and get help putting my work out for people to read.
Pairings you read? - Dean, Sam, Cas reader inserts
Genres you read? - All
Favorite writer(s)? - @lucidlivi, @zepskies, @spnexploration, @littlefreya, @sillyrabbit81, and many more
What do you like to write? - Fluff, smut, some angst, ofc, au
Masterlist? - I have no masterlist. Have only posted one work so far.
Most underappreciated fic? - Veggie Tale
@dawn-petrichor-world -
Other SM names? - Discord: Dawn-petrichor-world
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - I'm multi fandom, Pedro Pascal characters, marvel, Tolkien and more
Pairings you read? - Dean, Crowley, Castiel, & Sam reader inserts
Genres you read? - All
Favorite writer(s)? - @holylulusworld
What do you like to write? - Mostly angst and smut
Most underappreciated fic? - The Story of my Life (series)
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I have a lot I haven't written yet and I'd love to write. Because I'm feeling stupid an idiot and not good. I think and hope join a group could boost or help me to write. I still don't know how.
@gloriousmooseman -
Other SM names? - Discord: taylorbeans
OTP? - Wincest
Other fandoms? - Doctor Who/Torchwood, Marvel, HP, some rpf
Looking for in the Pond? - Just to meet like minded people and make new friends!
Pairings you read? - Wincest, Drarry (HP)
Genres you read? - I love a bit of domestic fluff.
Favorite writer(s)? - @astolat is a classic!
What do you like to write? - Wincest
@rominaszh -
Other SM names? - Discord: rominaszd.dis
OTP? - Destiel alongside many many others
Other fandoms? - Yes, a lot.
Looking for in the Pond? - Just to enjoy the fandom.
Pairings you read? - Destiel mostly, but anything Jensen Ackles related as well
Genres you read? - All
Favorite writer(s)? - I'm in love with everything I read, everyone is so talented!
What do you like to write? - I write mostly angst but fluff and humor is my favorite.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I have never written any Destiel fics because I don't feel confident enough to write them accurately and in a way that they deserve, but someday I would love to.
@limeskye -
Other SM names? - Discord: limeskye Other: psmalcolmbright
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - Prodigal Son
Looking for in the Pond? - To share the SPN love!
Pairings you read? - Destiel mostly, but also other slash pairings on occasion.
Genres you read? - Depends on my mood.
Favorite writer(s)? - @felisblanco
Masterlist? - I've only ever ficced for Prodigal Son before as have always felt the spn fandom is flooded with so many great writers. But who knows what the future holds. I've gifted for other stuff, mostly Prodigal Son and whump stuff.
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @katbratsupernaturalwhore and @heavenssexiestangel!
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laf-outloud · 2 years
Lol-Jackles is right. Jensen really isn’t cut out to be the leading man. He needs a stronger actor to play off of. Which is why he was passable in The Boys.
I always thought he was a good actor when watching him in Supernatural, but you're right, it was because he was acting against Jared. Looking back, I never really paid attention to Dean in scenes without Sam because I never found his solo journey all that interesting. And maybe that was because Jensen lacked the charisma that could draw me in and get me to care about the character.
I've seen some clips of his work post-SPN and it really is just more of Dean. He had a good scene with Soldier Boy and some of his work against Butcher was interesting, but on his own? Or in Big Sky? Just meh.
And that's not even getting into whatever it was he was doing on TW. The entire cast lacks any chemistry and seeing Jensen fall into that trap where he also had absolutely no connection to anyone on the series makes me think that he doesn't really understand how much work goes into creating connections. I know he and Jared were magic on SPN, but if Jensen doesn't feel the need to put that much effort into his work, maybe Jared was pulling more weight on SPN to make it work than we thought.
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thecluelessdoctor · 10 months
yall did younger me dodge a bullet-
So apparently alot of people grew up with the weirdest YouTube content known to man. I mean like The fucking content farm channels we have now but weirder.
I never experienced that?! My YouTube experience was watching this one kid play with Sonic plushies making weird yet oddly entertaining stories (low-key wish I remember the name of the channel of videos because nostalgia)
I was obsessed with these, and these videos were how I discovered my love for sonic as a whole, a love I still have now (I'm just not the most open about it)
Then I got yt taken away and would rewatch The adventures of Sonic the hedgehog over and over until the next time I had a device with YT access.
During this second time of having yt access, I would discover a few sonic channels that changed the very way I act (as well as discovering Sonic. Exe and the Tails Doll which still low-key haunt me. Especially those super well drawn renders... Eugh..)
These channels were Sonic and Tails pals, a very kid friendly reaction channel that pretended to be sonic characters. But the next few channels weren't as family friendly, the first of these being a Channel named shadow the hedgehog. I recently revisited the channel for nostalgia and boy. Has it changed. For the worse- now what do I mean by not as family friendly? WELL *ahem* it wasn't as bad as it could have been but it did involve swearing *which later either was censored or completely removed as time went on* as well as a lovely book of sex jokes. And a high implication that Shadow attempted to get Rouge drunk (as well as being drunk himself) to have sex with her, only to have been implied to have done it with Kermit the frog who basically was always high. It's hard to explain you just gotta watch it to know .-. but is was this shit that stuck in my brain and formed the way I thought. It also made me discover being gay is ok-
*ahem* we have, TheblueBlur, aka not family friendly Sonic's channel, knuckles the echidna, infinite the jackle, Metal sonic, and many other channels like this, which all apparently worked together.
These channels were goofy reaction and VR chat channels that I was obsessed with.
I know these channels shaped how I think and what I found amusing because it made me go from perfect little daughter to not straight and more of a anarchist than ever.
But I also wonder what I would be like today if I had watched shit like Funvideotv or something of that nature rather than the shit I watched (which I'ma be honest didn't shock me as a kid because I had been watching Futurama since I was like 4)
Anyway I'm done rambling about my weird childhood, I'm Dotty, and I need therapy
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lol-jackles · 5 months
He retweeted that one and added some more info:
After S3, amazon asked theboys producers to develop a 2nd Boys spinoff. Ackles' production company signed a deal with Amazon after S3. Ackles really really pushed for a solider boy prequel. The Boys: Mexico eventually was chosen over it He still is pushing for it as a mini series
So if this additional info is true - Amazon wanted another spin-off, Jensen had already played SB and so they saw how he was received etc., Jensen pitches SB prequel, Amazon looks at his pitch and says 'nah, lets go with a whole new cast and just move the whole thing to Mexico instead!', and Jensen says 'but wait!! can I at least get a miniseries? pretty please?' and here we are.
It's worse if he's pushing for it after he was on and they still don't want it.
Right, the bean counters crunched the numbers about an asshole who had no friends, abused everyone around him, murdered civilians and didn't care, didn't really take on any bad guys, was a bad guy and then got sold out by his own team because they despised him and wanted him dead. Except there is already a current show about that character and his name is Homelander.
A Solider Boy spinoff would basically be a Shein version of The Boys  where our gang tries to figure out a way to take down Vought that will totally work this time around, A-Train has to confront the consequences of his shitty decisions, MM and Frenchie complain about Butcher's leadership, Annie and Hughie argue over the right way to take down Vought, Homelander is about to snap until he doesn't, and the new supes we introduce all die by the end of the season. Every single freaking season, and there's only been 3 seasons.
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orionsangel86 · 2 years
Jensen clearly has a plan™ for Winchesters and we've barely seen it unfold. I wanna wait and see what he do before thinking about a spin off with Dean and Cas
Something tells me we're all gonna lose my minds.
He's so unhinged I love him
When that abomination of a finale first aired, and it was followed by Jackles sexy silence, I remember my friends and I speculated about how Jackles wouldnt accept that ending, how he was prob planning a reboot.
I think we predicted 6 years as a possible timeline for a spn reboot with Jackles running things.
So you can imagine how crazy we all got when he announced the production company and then The Winchesters. Barely a year after spn ended!
Whilst the premise for the prequel seemed dodge AF at first, my friends who watch it tell me every character is a Dean mirror and every story can be linked to Destiel, that its pretty obvs there is an agenda there.
So yeah I def agree Jackles has a plan and whatever it is, whenever it comes to fruition, its gonna break the fandom a la November 5th and I can't wait for that day.
I used to be so on the fence about jackles. He'd always make such stupid remarks in J2 panels that pissed me off, and everytime he'd act like a fucking frat boy with Jarpiss I lost a little more respect for him. Sometimes I wonder if it really was all a PR thing, that he had to play this role of "Jareds Brother". He was always so different, so much more relaxed at cockles panels, and this goes back years.
Its funny just how different he is now he's finally free from those asshole spn execs making him perform like a dancing monkey to "the brothers" brand. Its so obvious he's done with all that crap, and honestly, good for him.
Whatever jackles has in store for us in the coming years, I am sure it'll only add to the totally unparalleled media experience that is SPN.
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found--family · 2 years
best parts of the finale from someone who hasn’t watched the rest of the season:
John calls [Dean] ‘sir’, cue jackles facial journey 
Dean with scruff so long it’s basically a beard
Dean with dark grown out hair
Dean in dark turtleneck sweater + peacoat
Bobby is back, alongside Dean
Dean + Bobby meddling in time from heaven?
who is 'the cavalry’?
Carlos crushin on 'ruggedly handsome’ mystery man [Dean] 
Radio Company’s Keep On Ramblin’ playing in the bar where they get intel on [Dean’s] whereabouts
Dean + the impala got yeeted to The Empty? by hunter lady? Akrida queen
Dean’s journal DEAN’S JOURNAL!! 
the queen is a dark Dean meta mirror
Akrida are aliens? 
soul magic 
'you can only reverse the polarity at midnight’ it’s like Doctor Who meets witchcraft 
hope + the fight for freedom 
boys with big swords 
'you’re already a monster, john' 
girls riding in Baby, Mary at the wheel 
Baby feels like a character instead of a prop 
LA Woman as Mary drives Baby (she was always Her car!) 
Baby in a Back To The Future moment 
Dean brings back Young Mama 
John/Mary reunion giving Destiel reunion vibes we deserve 
Dean is dressed more like Dean but a little classier 
Dean 'I’m already dead’ Winchester 😤😭
Dean doesn’t reveal his identity 'I’m a hunter, just like you' 
Dean is not of this earth; heaven!Dean took Baby for a detour 'through the multiverse’
Carlos flustered by ruggedly handsome Dean 
Dean was looking for his family, a version where they have a having ending 
the Akrida were Chuck’s destructive failsafe 
Dean smile!! cheeky cutie!! 
Dean 'you can write your own story’ Winchester 🥺💖
Jack + Carlos lil wave 
Bobby and Jack are Dean’s family 
Carlos peacocking for Dean in the background 
Dean is fine with being cast out of heaven.. into the empty?! 
god!jack pushin 'peace when you are done’ for Dean :c
Dean gives John his hunter journal 
Dean warns Mary about YED 
the colt is back and Dean gives it to Mary 
Dean found his family’s shot at a happy ending in The Winchesters™ 
Dean gives them an alias of the lead vocalist of Metallica 
Nick Drake One Of These Things First plays as our old faves glowy-disappear 
Lata helps Ada grow her soul back 
Mary leaving to find herself (while looking at 2 passing girls) 
John going to face the anger inside himself and become a hunter 
others catch a case by a beach 
John hits the road with Mary in Baby Blue 
'driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cakehole’ Mary quotes [Dean's] journal 
LED ZEPPELIN’S RAMBLE ON PLAYS!!! over season 1 montage 
closing thoughts: in this universe the characters are not ruled by fate or a cruel god, they can make their lives whatever they want. the writers tie up everything well in case they don't get more seasons, but they leave the narrative open for exploration. downside is Dean's role was tied up with a bow so i don't think he's likely to return - but that doesn't mean we won't see more familiar faces! 
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