#this is absolute nonsense
newwavesylviaplath · 8 days
one of my favourite things to do when i'm alone is make up egregious 'am i the asshole' stories and like go into full detail in my head trying to defend the imaginary person in the imaginary situation. i've never posted them or shared them before cuz that would be lying, it just makes me laugh to myself. the one i just came up with is titled "AITA for wearing a skimpy red dress to my friends funeral?" i won't go into detail here - but best believe it gets interesting 🙏
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nostalgicfun · 1 year
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Her name was “Strawberrybirdmon” (really) and she didn’t have any special role in the community, she was just a designated “baby” and lived with one of the toy families as the other digimon delegated as babies did. Her special digimon power was that “basking in her presence” could make anything you cooked/baked taste really sweet, so any time someone in the toy kingdom wanted to bake something they’d comically go knock on the family’s door and ask if they could touch the baby. The running gag was that the family had a slew of ridiculous excuses why you couldn’t come in, and you had to come up with an equally ridiculous reason to debunk the excuse.
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calissarowan · 4 months
Duman: Stella, we have a very serious problem here.
Stella: Are you sure serious problem is the right term? I mean, we just lost a clown car full of monkeys.
Duman: Fair point. We have a very comedic problem here.
Stella: Yeah.
Stella: …Roxy is gonna be furious I lost all those monkeys.
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lickthecowhappy · 7 months
Earth Angel Sits On A Throne
My contribution to @crowleys-bentley-and-plants bible blackout challenge.
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There was a Throne in Heaven Sitting on a rainbow The Throne came.
Ass in the center, in front, and in back
Day and night They never stop to come
Sit down before him and say: "Open to me."
He came when he had taken it and the Earth Angel sits on the Throne and fell down and worshiped
*For the purposes of this nonsense, Crowley was a Throne.
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methinmycoffee · 2 years
My Quest For Rankings has lead me back to Kenny Dies. I have seen this episode 3 times, and I cry every time.
Stan: “That’s what Hospitals are for, they make people better!”
Stan: “I’m not the one who’s leaving! He is!”
Stan and Cartman both fail to say “friend” at multiple points in the episode.
Cartman confessing he always saw Kenny as his best friend.
Kyle and Cartman hugging and crying.
Cartman: “I’m going to find a cure, Kyle, I swear to God I’m going to find a cure.”
Kyle: “Sure you are Cartman, sure you are.”
Oh my God Kyle throughout the whole episode staying with Kenny.
When the door opens and Kenny says “Stan!” All excited but it’s not Stan.
*Sorry I’m absolutely losing my mind*
Stan: “Why does God have to take away my friend?”
Cartman: 🎵it was the Heeeeaaaaatt of the moment 🎵
Oh my Lord. Stan’s face when he sees the empty hospital bed.
Stan: “I let Kenny down, I’m his worst f-f-f-friend.”
Oh my God I’m crying.
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mad-rieux · 1 year
I've been struggling over the last few years with dealing with this sort of feeling of isolation and loneliness. Found some unhealthy ways to cope with it, and some healthy ways. Books and films have been my saving grace, one of which was Inherent Vice. A film I attempted to watch once before and found myself confused and uncaring about its obscure plot and character motivations.
Then I watched it again in full one night, in one of these sort of depressive hazes. Things sort of just clicked into place as I began to see a message underneath the obscurity, about clinging onto a past, about people forgotten who re-appear, and trying to do some good despite the lack of reward.
I found myself reading the book and taking it in more. Becoming even more confused, and still insistent on figuring it out. It's sort of obsessive like trying to find an answer to my problems in book written in a foreign language I don't speak.
And I, like many people who are fans of things do, bought things that reminded me of the feeling that book gave me. Namely a shirt with an interesting design from the movie itself. While wearing it I drove out to the grocery to pick some up something to eat ran into this interesting man. Barefoot, dirty as can be, hair a mess, sleeve tattoos, and on his forehead a third eye tattoo.
He asked me for some cash and I didn't have any. So I went inside and grabbed a pre-packaged sandwich, then a second one. I paid for my things and took out $10. Came back out handed this man a sandwich and the $10 and he thanks me in some weird rambling kind of way. Then says, "Great movie...ever been to California?" Which I had and it wasn't a great last experience but I didn't include that part.
"You'd like Fear and Loathing, good movie, trippy movie." So I did and found it as bizarre as you might expect a movie about a drugged out writer road tripping through Nevada could be. Still I found it interesting, it scratched that weird itch you get with obscure interests, for me it's history on all that counter-culture craze.
Funny thing is the movie ends with the song from the Rolling Stones Jumping Jack Flash, and an odd fact about me is that when I was being born in the delivery room, my mother told me that the doctors played that song for her.
"I was born in a crossfire hurricane"
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nooling · 6 months
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LOOK I JUST REALLY ENJOY THEIR FRIENDSHIP OK?? You can't tell me they wouldn't hang after their respective personal quests (spawn ending ofc)/emotional breakdowns over their own mortality
EDIT: I forgot to watermark these so now more than ever PLEASE don't repost
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autumnbrainrot28 · 9 months
My favourite thing ever that keeps happening to me is when I find an account bc they’re in one specific fandom with me and I’m scrolling through their posts and it turns out they’re literally the same person as me and share almost every interest I’ve ever had
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gleafer · 1 month
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More Poolverine nonsense!
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oh-snapperss · 23 days
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make sure to delete your nanowrimo accounts
(context: nanowrimo's statement on use of ai and calling the argument against ai "classist and ableist")
(additional context: nanowrimo is being sponsored by a ai company this year)
EDIT: someone in the comments has told me that apparently nano does not have you enter actual words-- regardless deleting is still the best course of action!
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so-i-did-this-thing · 9 months
Ohio has taken a page out of Florida’s book and is proposing to effectively ban adult transition care via the requirements of numerous specialists - a psychiatrist, endocrinologist, and a bioethicist.
Since most trans people get their HRT from nurse practioners via the informed consent model, this will create undue burden on both trans people and the medical system -- the bottlenecks will effectively ban transition care for adults. This is what has happened in Florida, and Ohio's rules look much more draconian and surveiliance-heavy. All trans healthcare will be reported to the state.
These new rules have not taken effect yet. Trans Ohioans should plan for the worst now.
The rules are open to public comment through 5pm Friday, Jan 19, 2024. The full copy of the rules and how to comment are below:
As a Floridian who saw the writing on the wall and fled his state (my clinic hasn't been allowed to fill HRT prescriptions since May 2023 now) -- do not delay on making preparations. If this is approved, the rules will likely catch everyone by surprise. Start talking with your providers now and plan out your options assuming the ban will take place.
Informed folks to follow on Twitter:
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wintergrofyuri · 2 months
post canon labru is so fucking peak are you kidding me. the king of melini and his most trusted advisor. his right hand man. whispering in his ear. a regal wolf and the little raven perched beside him. sneaking around the castle at night. HAND KISSING. oh my god. kabru needs to take his king's hand in his and kiss it while looking up at him through his eyelashes.
the king of melini, the devourer of all things horrible, wrapped around kabru's finger. like. this guy ate a demon and hes just like. a big dog around him. like its sick. sole survivor of his hometown and now he's got a king warming his bed at night. scratching under his chin and calling him a good boy right after a meeting.
im just. so in awe. kabru looked at laios and went "im going to whisper in his ear if its the last thing i do" and by god he did it.
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bumblingest-bee · 1 year
every day i think about that one illegal high school production of les miserables on youtube where they changed lovely ladies from being about sex workers to being about like... selling bread... but they kept all the lines about "waiting for the customers who only come at night" and "standing up or lying down or any way at all" which paints a strange and delightful picture of some kind of nighttime bread black market
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cowardlykrow · 7 months
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“Not my circus, not my monkeys”… Except those are his monkeys and they are the circus
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the-agent-of-blight · 9 months
also, i really find it interesting how people can genuinely go about saying "Well this group isn't attacked for their identity so they can't be queer " while then turning around and. attacking said group. for their identity. and exemplifying classic __-phobic tropes. It's really dumb. You are being the thing that you claim does not exist
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homkamiro · 7 months
what do you think about the ship between that LITTLE GAY medic and that LITTLE TEN TIMES GAYER scout
I like quick fix when it's
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Overall, if showed to me correctly, I can love them in any way!! Sure!!!!!
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