#this is airtight logic!!
messedupdoilies · 2 years
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an extremely specific combination that somehow applies to 3 whole characters from the same universe, incredible.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 6 months
no but genuinely it's actually wild how little sense totk story makes. it's beyond small continuity errors or character arcs being beyond botched: their own self-contained proposal for a world is actively nonsensical, there's layers upon layers of stuff that doesn't even try to strive for an internal logic, and it gets worse and worse the longer you consider everything
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calissarowan · 2 months
Ogron: Duman, don’t be ridiculous! Santa Claus does not exist!
Duman: Does so!
Ogron: The idea is completely implausible!
Duman: How so?
Ogron: Well, how does he fly around the world?
Duman: Magic.
Ogron: How does he deliver all the gifts in one night?
Duman: Magic.
Ogron: How does he make all the gifts in the first place?
Duman: Magic.
Ogron: Stop answering ‘magic’ to every question! It’s not an explanation!
Duman: How do you open holes in the very fabric of reality?
Ogron: …Magic.
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pointless-letters · 1 year
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“P.S. I am not a crackpot.”
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elminsters · 4 months
being hot hot sexy hot is so easy because you just decide you're queen of the universe and then say you are
who is going to argue with you, the queen of the universe literally JUST said so
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b-blushes · 2 years
sometimes the only way to face an irrationally intimidating task is to break it down into comically small steps and write it in your planner so you're emotionally committed to doing it. anyway shoutout to me for opening a box of velcro and holding it up to a door frame today, very beautiful very powerful 💪💪💪
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freakattack · 1 year
My argument is yes because a lot of people pitch daisy as being on a separate axis of “princess counterpart” (for lack of a better word) where peach is to mario as daisy is to luigi. But here is why i think tgats fake
Peach has long since evolved into her own independent character removed from her relationship with mario
The only time daisy and luigi ever hung out was in a mario kart statue
Daisy has many of the hallmark Wa characteristics (aggressively competitive, rude, ties to super mario land, doesnt give a fuck)
If daisy isn't wapeach that means we open up the possibility of Wa-daisy, at which point i think we have gone too far
However daisy is also conventionally attractive and looks very similar to peach. They tried to make a real wapeach once but they nixed it because they thoguht it was too similar to doronjo from yatterman, which is a shame because that would have been funny but i dont mind that we didnt get it because that comparison woild cast waluigi and wario as her henchmen and i will be found dead before i see wario working for anyone other than himself. (Tatanga doesnt count that was freelance.) Nintendo is afraid to make a real wapeach which is why daisy is all we have
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weirdfishy · 2 years
yk, i don’t know much about leaving things (citrus) untouched for long periods of time, but i may have left some partially honey-sweetened calamansi juice (fresh squeezed juice and water) in a non-airtight container for two months in my fridge
the liquid at the bottom (under what looked like a lightly congealed raft of the pulp that was in there in the beginning) isn’t raising too many concerns over my ingestion of it, having strained it, other than it looks slightly fizzy and has a tiny bit sharper smell than the container that was airtight for the two months
now i’m debating (with my limited knowledge and YOLO mindset) on taking a sip the slightly sharper/fizzy one, and seeing what the airtight one does for the rest of the semester
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So I’ve decided that since it’s international women’s day people telling me what to do is inherently anti-feminist and I get to do whatever i want. That’s how feminism works.
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innuendostudios · 8 months
New video essay! On the Reverse Gish Gallop - how conservatives can ignore 90% of your argument and still appear to be winning.
If you would like more of this, subscribe to Nebula and/or back me on Patreon!
Transcript below the cut.
Say, for the sake of argument, you’re watching a political debate on TV. The conservative candidate has used their opening arguments to dump a truckload of dubious claims on their opponent. You recognize this maneuver: that’s the Gish Gallop! The debater makes point after dubious point, and, if the other debater doesn’t rebut every single one, they will appear to have lost the argument. These points don’t have to be good or hard to disprove, there just has to be a lot of them.
Oh, but what’s this? The liberal candidate seems to have come prepared! That’s new! They succinctly and efficiently dismantle each of their opponent’s arguments, offering a clear rebuttal to every single one. It’s obviously not the first time they’ve heard this particular gallop. So, the conservative’s petard has just fully hoisted them. [“What a hoisting!”] They’ve just lost their own game and have to go on the defensive… right?
Turns out, no! The conservative points to a minor error - maybe the liberal said their program would cost $40 million but is actually estimated to cost 43 - and treats them as an ignorant sap who can’t even count correctly. That is now the subject, everything else has been forgotten, and the liberal is backpedaling.
Wait, you exclaim, how does that work?! The liberal has to rebut each and every point but the conservative takes issue with one and stays in the driver’s seat? Are audiences fooled by this? Are liberals that easily snookered? The answer may shock you!
You’ve just borne witness to The Reverse Gish Gallop, where an entire argument falls apart if any of it can be disputed. These disputes, again, don’t have to be good, they just have to call the airtightness of the argument into question.
A good example is how conservatives obsess over gaffes. (Which, fuckin’... really guys?? [W, Trump]) Some Democrat will be all “conservatives want to shut down post offices as a form of vote suppression; they’re pushing voter ID laws and the post office is where many people get IDs; also we are relying more and more heavily on mail-in voting; they overwhelmingly try to shut down offices in Black and Latine neighborhoods; a lot of services like healthcare and courts still use physical mail by default and there can be serious consequences to getting it late; many elderly people still don’t use email, and, hey, maybe some of them like getting junk mail” “AH BA BA BA THAT’S IT THAT’S YOUR WHOLE LIFE NOW FOR THE REST OF YOUR CAREER YOU’RE THE ASSHOLE WHO SAID OLD PEOPLE LIKE JUNK MAIL.”
Your mistake was assuming that dishonest people abide by the same rules they impose on everyone else. When I was a teenager, some friends of the family would invite me along when they asked my parents to dinner, because I would play with their five-year-old and let the grown-ups chat in peace. And he’d make up games where we’d bat a balloon back and forth or whatever, and change the rules on the fly when it suited him. Because the rule wasn’t actually “you can only touch the balloon once per turn;” the rule was “Andrew wins.”
The purpose of a Gish Gallop is to establish a narrative not through argument or logic but force and volume. Once established, it takes a lot less effort for them to maintain than for you to establish a new one. If they shake confidence in your argument, the audience will often revert to the previous argument, whether or not that one was ever proven. It’s a not about which story is true, it’s about who sets the parameters for all stories going forward; who got there first. This is not a debate; this is a Zerg Rush. Understand: a dishonest argument is Lego - you haven’t dismantled it until every brick is separated. But an honest rebuttal? An honest rebuttal is Jenga.
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uglygirlstatus · 1 year
Ok can you explain the “cole sprouse’s contract is airtight”/ cole stopped jarchie from happening thing to me I have never watched Riverdale but I believe in your beliefs
we have no proof and it’s mostly just joke fodder but in a way we know in our hearts that this is cole’s fault. all kj apa ever does is tongue his male coworkers on set so we know he would have no qualms with bringing jarchie to life. and good god of course we know the writers have no issue with making characters gay. So that leaves the only logical jarchie roadblock as Network/Archie Execs or Cole Sprouse himself. and seeing as Jughead is literally the only character (of multi season relevance) in all of Riverdale that hasn’t done some unarguable gay shit, the money is on Mr Sprouse refusing to play gay. Like even when Reggie was the only explicitly straight character on the show he had still kissed a man. You will never be forgiven for this Cole.
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metamorphesque · 10 months
something that has always fascinated me is the translation of literature somehow maintaining the timeless beauty of the words. how much of that lies with the specific flourish of vocabulary of the original text, and how much of that is the translator writing their own poetry on the basis of the first author's words?
perhaps a rhetorical question, wondering aloud.
In the Translation's Note of Alighieri's "Inferno" John Ciardi wrote: "When the violin repeats what the piano has just played, it cannot make the same sounds and it can only approximate the same chords. It can, however, make recognizably the same "music", the same air. But it can do so only when it is as faithful to the self-logic of the violin as it is to the self-logic of the piano."
The way I see it, the act of translation consists of 2 phases: catabolism and anabolism.
In the first phase, the original piece is catabolized and reduced to simple molecules. However, this reduction doesn't cause a loss in value for a good translator always makes sure that the translation chamber is an airtight construction. Thus, nothing can escape and nothing can be lost.
Then comes the second phase - anabolism. Our translator, using these simpler molecules of the original writing, synthesizes a new body of work. The "glue", however, is the translator's. The stronger the glue, the longer the body can withstand the hurricanes of time.
To put it simply, the act of translating a piece of writing roughly follows the outlines of metabolism.
Dear friend, I guess I should've stopped right after quoting Ciardi and spared myself the embarrassment of blabbering nonsensically.
Anyway, thank you for dropping by and serving us such delicious food for thought 🌻
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centrally-unplanned · 4 months
I guess to object-level I thought that Aella essay was really good because if you read it, step back, and ask, "but okay why structurally are women more insecure about gender than men, and is that even true" you won't find you have learned much of an answer. Not because the essay failed, but because it never even tried - its a 100% raw "inside view" of the experience. You aren't going to hypothesis test from that. So many essays would deceive you on that. Throw in say one little survey fact at the start, frame everything like its airtight logic with all the leaks covered in tape.
Aella doesn't, its the full internality, so you get that unmediated - a point she hammers via sending all capital letters to the shadow realm. Which is incredibly valuable when you are not trying to answer the statistical questions - those aren't the only ones out there after all.
Also she called people faking their reactions "LARPing" and I love that, I do that, +1 to any writer who does that idk why thems the rules.
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pothosrays · 4 months
if someones sona is a dragon they are a scaley despite them being not real and also having the distinction of wings. if someones sona is a bird they should also be a scaley because birds are dinasores and a dinasour woulmd be a scaley.
birds ar =e basically like dragon dinasoars my logic is airtight
youre speaking the truth there i will say
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starlight-brainrot · 10 months
FFXIV - Academic Rival AU (x reader)
Characters: Aymeric, Alphinaud, Urianger, G'raha Tia, Y'shtola
Tags: fluff, high school AU, academic rival AU, gn reader, miscommunication (g'raha's)
Warnings: since it's a high school AU, it's assumed that wol/reader is the same age as Alphinaud.
Word Count: 1336
Mr. class president
Chess club leader as well?
You, meanwhile, are the captain of various sports teams
As well as boasting a more than stellar gpa
It ends up being a competition of who will have the better college application - him, or you?
Whenever the two of you meet, it feels as though sparks are flying
The two of you will share pleasantries, but make no mistake - the tension is thick.
For every competition he wins, you make sure to win a couple more. For every academic ribbon you earn, he’s right there behind you.
Haurchefant and Thancred secretly have an ongoing bet to see when the two of you will finally get together.
And as time goes on, more and more of your friends join in on this bet
It seems that the feelings between the two of you are obvious to everyone… but you.
Every stolen glance, every blush, every rant about the other - it was maddening to have to watch two idiots clearly in love avoid their feelings over an inconsequential rivalry.
It’s only after the two of you graduate and receive acceptance letters into the same college, both with full ride scholarships, that Aymeric nervously asks you out.
“I know that we were at odds in high school… but seeing as we’re both here and our rivalry has ended in a tie…”
“Would you like to grab coffee with me?”
Congrats to Alisaie, who won $20 from everyone in your friend group.
The two of you are fellow debate team members
…however, the two of you are constantly trying to one up each other.
Who will capture the attention of the audience?
Who will have a more airtight argument?
You were known for your iron logic. It was tough, if at all possible for others to oppose your arguments
Alphinaud was meanwhile known for capturing the hearts of his audience
Surely a formidable duo, if only the two of you could get along…
As the semester drags on, the big competition for your debate team inched nearer and nearer
With all your mock debates with Alphinaud, you felt like you had done all that you could for tomorrow’s event
But it felt like something was missing…
It was Alphinaud who approached you, wanting to go over strategies
Begrudgingly, the two of you recognized that the other could provide helpful tips
Alisaie gives her brother a knowing look as the two of you settle in with your laptops and coffee. He avoids her look with red cheeks.
He feels sick the morning of the competition. He’s so nervous!
But when he hears you say that he better not lose to anyone but you, he feels some semblance of peace, followed by determination for the day ahead of him.
To no one’s surprise, the two of you crush your competition, leaving your opponents floundering for words as you leave them behind in the dust
No, the real surprise is how loudly the two of you cheer for each other upon victory - how proud you are for Alphinaud and how proud he is of you.
You’re unsure of when or how the two of you started competing to see who could read more books in the library.
Perhaps it was that the two of you saw each other there everyday
Or the fact that Moenbryda and Y’shtola seem to constantly egg the two of you on
Little did the two of you know, the roegadyn and miqote were trying to get the two of you together, as they had been trying to do for the past four years.
Maybe this will be the year…
Urianger found himself exploring sections of the library he wouldn’t usually frequent in hopes of being in your presence just a little longer.
His puppy love felt silly to him, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop, especially if you kept looking at him with that soft smile of yours
If given the chance, he’d make a whole new library for you filled with poems and flower words detailing his feelings for you.
If someone were to find one of your names in a library book’s checkout card, it was near guaranteed that the other’s name would be just under it.
Your name became synonymous with his, and vice versa
But a competition that was never meant to be one in the first place will fall apart, have its lines blurred and crossed.
Moenbryda and Y’shtola receive their answer one day when they approach your usual reading spot, only to find the two of you lounging together in one of the library’s bean bags, books long forgotten in favor of sleep wrapped in each other’s embrace.
G’raha Tia
Could the two of you really call it a rivalry?
As far as anyone could see, the two of you just had a string of unusual coincidences.
The exact same schedule, lunch spots near each other, both being on the Tennis team - you saw him every hour of every school day.
So then, was it coincidence that his heart eventually began beating faster when you were around?
G’raha felt like he was going to explode, constantly in your presence
So, like any healthy and sane person does, he begins to (try to) avoid you.
Unfortunately for him, it’s almost impossible to avoid someone who shares your whole schedule
Oh, and you definitely noticed what he was doing.
Had you done something to offend the miqote?
Slowly, your friendship morphed into avoiding the other, both of you running from your feelings
When I say that everyone is tired of the two of you making puppy eyes at each other when you think no one is looking
It’s the twins who eventually get fed up and decide to act on it, forcing the two of you to put the tennis equipment away together, just to get the two of you to talk.
The silence is deafening as the two of you awkwardly clean up
It’s when the two of you brush fingertips and he recoils like he’d been burned that you snap.
“Am I really that disgusting to you?” You question, frowning.
Upon recognition of what he’s done, G’raha scrambles for an explanation, but eventually sighs and gives in, telling you the truth, he’d always had a crush on you, and hoped it’d fade away with time.
News flash, his feelings only got worse
He sincerely apologizes, not expecting any reciprocation or forgiveness
And is shocked when you give a relieved giggle.
“I’ve always liked you too, idiot.”
Y’shtola was going to destroy you.
Well, perhaps that’s a bit too strong.
There was an internship available for fresh graduates under a well known researcher, and both you and Y’shtola were competing for a recommendation for said internship
Anyone who witnessed the two of you would admit that it’s a bit scary to watch the two of you interact.
As they say, an immovable object met an unstoppable force.
Even your teacher is a bit intimidated by whatever’s going on between the two of you, but given that they’re receiving help from the two of you, they’ll keep quiet about the fact that they can give you both the recommendation.
Though the two of you were at odds, it didn’t stop you both from completing your work together swiftly and without complaint.
You couldn’t help but feel as though Y’shtola enjoyed riling you up - but even as you tried to resist the temptation to reply to her, you failed every time
Luckily for Y’shtola, out of everyone she could have this silly competitive streak with, it was you. Oh, how cute you look when you’re upset, lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed.
Upon the realization that both of you got the recommendation, an eerie silence entered the room.
All that competition for nothing?
How embarrassing.
And if anyone noticed the two of you walking to a coffee shop, hands entwined after this whole mess?
They’re better off not mentioning it.
a/n - I apologize if I wrote anyone ooc hehe... I'm not used to writing for many characters so I just took em and ran (shrug)
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sonofthedunes · 1 year
How do you think dilf Luke would be with a younger and inexperienced gf?? i wanna hear your horny thoughts 😩
and boy do i have them, anon!!
once you’ve finally broken through his airtight mental barriers-actually getting him to train you in the jedi way, the rare moments he opens up about his past, the first time he kisses you and is so thoroughly freaked out he avoids you for three days (which is impressive considering temple island isn’t exactly large)-sleeping together is the next logical step.
you half expect the door of his hut to be locked the night you show up, but it creaks open at your hesitant touch…a touch every bit as hesitant as his hands on your hair, your face. although it’s been years since he’s shared his bed, the fact remains that his experience outweighs yours, and you signal that you’re more than fine with him taking the lead. still, he can’t help but apologize: “sorry about that” when his teeth accidentally click against yours in a kiss; “i swear i know what i’m doing” when he can’t quite decipher how to undo the fastenings on your clothes. despite your slight anxiety, you help him where he needs it-and perhaps your understanding is what boosts his confidence. because once all those pesky garments are out of the way and you’ve settled on his narrow rickety bed, he fixes you with a piercing gaze and says “i’ve never taught this kind of lesson to an apprentice, but there’s a first time for everything.”
“yes, master,” you agree, eyes saucers as you take him in. he’s not young anymore, but he’s in no way unpleasant to look at.
“i should warn you, i’m a bit…out of practice.”
“that’s all right, master. i haven’t had much practice to speak of.”
he nods, motioning for you to lie back. “well then,” he murmurs as he crawls over, “we’re about even.”
and in some aspects you are. but from the moment his hands return to your body, you cede control in a way that feels natural. of course he’d stop immediately if you were in pain or uncomfortable-but he clearly recalls more than he’d let on, and all you feel is a hot, feathery pleasure. his every caress follows an electric path. he guides you into positions firmly though with a measure of patience, and he often asks “is this okay?” before lighting up your nerves in a way that is more than okay. when this is finished you know you’ll be exhausted, thoroughly fucked out and covered in sweat and beard burn…but it’ll be so, so worth it.
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