#this is asking me to combine my two brainrots basically
transgreghouse · 2 years
Ok Last of Us and House MD crossover
I am having both the last of us brainrot and my usual house brainrot. So I am combining the two. Thanks for @sinclarsupremacy for helping me and listening to me ramble. I love you bro. Anyways this is going to be long but here we go:
Cuddy: head of the infection department that knew the infection was turning people. Hired House due to his board certification of infectious diseases. Main weapon is hunting rifle and maybe a few knives. She hooks up with Lucas who is a informant for the Fireflies and the military. Breaks up with him when he betrays her to the military. Her main group is with House and Wilson joins them after Amber dies. 
House: Leading the team to help understand how the infection is happening and hopefully to stop the spread. He and the rest of the team escaped but they got split up. It was House and Wilson at first but then he ran off with Amber. House finds Cuddy and teams up with her even though they bicker 24/7. No infarction until five years into the infection. He is somewhat grateful that Cuddy was able to cut out the dead muscle without giving him lockjaw or something. No Vicodin cause it is a pandemic so he is cranky. Can’t run due to leg but is good at close quarter combat. His main weapon is pistols. He has about five of them. Once he gets a flamethrower it is over for everyone lol. His cane is also his main weapon of choice. Hates clickers the most. 
Wilson: worked at the hospital where House and the rest of the team were working. Managed to get out and teamed up with his Amber who is his assistant. They managed to survive for a couple years but Amber gets bit by a clicker when she goes into a building looking for food. Wilson finds her and sees her start to turn. He cries the whole time when she asks him to kill her before she fully turns. After that, goes on his own just looking for anyone he knows. He finds House and Cuddy after they get a herd of the infected thrown at them while they were both trying to find a Firefly camp. Wilson had met both of them before the pandemic hit but really grows close to them when they finish off the herd. He and House fall in love but they still bicker and do prank wars. His main weapons are handguns and is good with explosives. Very creative with them
Cameron: was part of House’s team that was there when the infection broke out. Managed to get separated from House and Cuddy but now is in a group (and relationship) with both Chase and Foreman. They become hunters for a little bit using Cameron as bait because of her nice demeanor. They get tired of the senseless killing and heads off to find another safe zone. Is a fast runner and ok in close combat. She much prefers to set bombs like Wilson but is more basic with them. She and Foreman are the cooks because they know Chase cannot cook for shit. Her main weapons besides the bombs are a crossbow and tranquilizers she finds when looking for supplies. 
Foreman: was part of House’s team that was there when the infection broke out. Managed to get separated from House and Cuddy but now is in a group (and relationship) with both Chase and Cameron. The most stylish of the group no suits cause zombies but he has some nice flannels and keeps himself really clean. Took archery lessons as a kid so his main weapon of choice is a bow. He can throw a good punch so he also has a pair of brass knuckles for close combat. Complains everytime he gets blood and guts on his outfit. He carries most of the team’s shit cause he is the strongest. 
Chase: was part of House’s team that was there when the infection broke out. Managed to get separated from House and Cuddy but now is in a group (and relationship) with both Foreman and Cameron. Used to complain like Foreman when he got blood and guts on him but now doesn’t give a shit. His clothes are still randomly put together but he doesn’t care, it is just clothes. Is banned from cooking after he nearly poisoned Foreman. Is the planner of the group, likes to have a few backup plans in a pinch. Doesn’t trust anyone new he meets. His main weapon is a machete and a stolen assault rifle. 
13: 100% another hunter. She cares deep down but she is also trying to survive. She doesn’t know if her Huntington’s or this infection will kill her first. Dresses a lot in flannels and her hair is always tied back. Her main weapon is a shotgun and some knives. Will out arm wrestle you. House is like a father to her somehow so she is trying to find him.
Adams and Masters: were of of the firsts to die from the team. They were both sent to study how the infection spread but they really did find out. Adams dies to spore inhalation and Masters gets bit. They both turn but House finds them after not hearing from them and kills them. His first kill during the pandemic. 
Kutner: got out alive by the seat of his pants. He joined the military just to have some sense of safety and was recruited to be a sniper for them. Is a pretty good shot but unfortunately he gets distracted easily. Ends up being killed due to the fact he never checks the places he goes into for sniping so an infected got him. 
Park: also joined the military but regrets it. She is great in close combat but is a terrible shot. Ends up leaving and teaming up with Taub to go join the Fireflies. Always checks the places they stay at, she is paranoid about getting bit. She was part of House’s team that was there when the infection broke out. Her main weapons are a baseball bat or an axe.
Taub: is on the hunt for a cure. Is determined to find it and doesn’t like to kill people if he doesn’t have to. Is a decent shot but prefers to use his self defense classes to hold his own. He was also on House’s team even they both didn’t like the other. The second best most dressed for the infection but is way more dramatic if he gets blood or guts on himself. Will literally walk out in anger and disgust that he has to change. 
Lucas: is a double informant for both the Fireflies and the military. Used to hook up with Cuddy but she dumps him due to him turning her in to the military due to the fact that Cuddy and House killed a bunch of military during a raid for supplies. Uses a sniper and also some traps but eventually disappears off the face of the earth. No one knows where he is now. 
Volger: gets bit and turned. Before getting bit, he was sponsoring the team to find a cure. But he backs out due to the fact that House exists. Gets turned into a bloater. 
Tritter: joins the military first chance he gets. Hates House in particular due to the fact that he thinks House was the one to let the infection spread in the first place. He tries to hunt House down at every chance he gets. Is trigger happy and also loves to hunt the hunters. Eventually goes insane with bloodlust and House kills him in a fight. 
Stacy: was in a relationship with House before the infection started. They were serious about each other but being separated and having fights right before the pandemic led to them breaking up. She eventually becomes one of the leaders of the Fireflies and runs a camp near New Jersey. She eventually meets her husband Mark during a raid. They are inseparable and Mark is her second in command.
That’s it for now. Let me know if you want to hear more about this crossover
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pearlcaddy · 2 years
💞 & 🍭 (& also 🕯️)!
💞 what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
A combination of character and plot--the character journeys. If there isn't something evolving through the story, even a little bit, I have a hard time feeling invested in it as a writer.
🍭 why did you start writing?
In terms of writing in general, I've basically always been doing it. Before I could write, I told stories to inanimate objects. Telling stories is the truest home I've ever had.
In terms of writing fic, my first fics looked inside characters' POVs in canon TV scenes (in retrospect, very funny given my love of AU.) It was basically a way for me to exorcise the meta and headcanons I had of scenes that gave me brainrot.
Apparently there are two 🕯️ on the list, so I'll answer both:
🕯️ was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
Not the way that I think this questions means--personally, the closer something cuts to the bone, the more joy I get out of making it. Something being heavy or personal is a relief to me rather than a difficulty.
The things that are hardest for me to write are the things where my plot bunnies pull me into writing something outside my comfort zone, in terms of topic/content/style/technique. The fic that most did that is something I didn't write as pearlcaddy, and it pushed me into learning a lot of new technical skills. It's my proud, anonymous lil "never thought I could write that!" fic.
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
Fandom can create a lovely sense of community (ao3cotd puts it rather beautifully here.) When people support each other and engage with the fanworks they like, we create a beautiful environment of validation and encouragement.
As someone who sometimes gets very stressed and exhausted by social situations, the key is just observing your energy levels and boundaries. I participate when and as I can, and I try to ignore the guilt when I can't. And if a particular environment/group/person is making me uncomfortable or unsafe or just generally bringing bad vibes (particularly if those bad vibes start to impact my life outside fandom), I block and unfollow as needed.
That balance is key. We have a tremendous ability to lift each other up and support each other, but we all have to find our own ways to make that sustainable.
send me fic writer asks!
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
It’s Pumpkin Spice Day. Donald Trump is being arrested & lattes are back at Starbucks.
It’s a big day for America. It’s Pumpkin Spice Day. Not only does Starbucks’ iconic drink hit stores, signaling the start of fall despite massive heat waves across the country, Donald Trump is expected to surrender in Georgia after being indicted on RICO charges. When you combine the two, you’ve got internet gold. --- Related Stories Martha Stewart: Pumpkin Spice is for basic bitches The ultimate arbiter of taste and cuisine has spoken and Starbucks is gonna be pissed. --- The internet has strong feelings about both Trump’s arraignment and the coffee chain’s start to autumn commercialism. Here are some of the best hot takes on the orangest day of the year. Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you. So wait. You mean to tell me we get Trump's arraignment AND pumpkin spice lattes tomorrow? We deserve these blessings, fam pic.twitter.com/bL7xxxS5uc— Imani Gandy (Orca’s Version) (@AngryBlackLady) August 23, 2023 trump mugshot and pumpkin spice latte released tomorrow. an early autumn barbenheimer of sorts— matt (@mattxiv) August 23, 2023 Pumpkin Spice Latte day! Donald Trump mugshot day! PRESSURE COOKER DAY?! #BB25 pic.twitter.com/sYr7RPSnbg— Bradley Thee Esquire. (@jurisclicktion) August 24, 2023 Happy Pumpkin spice day, and happy Trump Mugshot day to all the liberals. — Bad Faith (@Jeffdc5) August 24, 2023 Me enjoying my little Pumpkin Spice drink in 90 degree heat and 75% humidity pic.twitter.com/sje3kqhJ6M— Nikki Dunagan (@nikkidunagan) August 24, 2023 Starbucks releasing the Pumpkin Spice products on Trump mugshot day? And you’re telling me the universe is random? pic.twitter.com/kxW8Kr6Ur9— Franklin Leonard (@franklinleonard) August 24, 2023 Pumpkin Spice. Trump mug shot. Big day for the color orange. — Michael King (1989) 🩷 (@HeyMichaelKing) August 24, 2023 pumpkin spice season at starbucks starts tomorrow and we get a trump mugshot what a time https://t.co/U1Gs7fOtUb— sabrina (@_sxbz) August 24, 2023 trumps mugshot and starbucks’s pumpkin spice latte being released tomorrow will simultaneously create the most chaotic day ever— The Notorious J.O.V. (@whotfisjovana) August 24, 2023 Drinking my iced pumpkin spice latte while it's 100° pic.twitter.com/cW9ZsNarEi— Myah Master (@ChaoticGoodest) August 24, 2023 Trump is getting arrested on the same day Pumpkin Spice Latte returns. Like they say, “Orange in, orange out.”— Collin Murr (@CollinMurr) August 24, 2023 trump mugshot and pumpkin spice at starbucks both being released tmmr is so poetic pic.twitter.com/bAyIBSI4Vb— samantha (@flanluvr) August 24, 2023 Pumpkin spice lattes and trumps mugshot being released on the same day is the conspiracy theory I can get behind.— Justin Martindale (@justmartindale) August 24, 2023 Me waiting for Trump's mugshot tomorrow with my pumpkin spice latte pic.twitter.com/Hc7SkLh5Ki— Kim⁷ (ꪜ) Rwrb brainrot (@PopOfHope) August 23, 2023 Pumpkin spice lattes and trump’s mug shot being released on the same day can’t be a coincidence I’m just asking questions— Alice (@alicenbunnyland) August 24, 2023 http://dlvr.it/Sv8Rzx
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artkiyara · 3 years
Might I request another levihan? It's No Name, but in the style of MCR?
Wahhh I LOVE this idea! 😭 Thank you for this lololol I'll definitely draw this at some point!
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fallenstellar · 2 years
Grian, if he was in Empires SMP
Hello, instead of napping earlier, I had a brainrot and thinky-think if Grian was in Empires SMP.
Buckle up, because I got everything to tell about his Empire.
Grian chosen biome will be Jungle, I just think Grian's bases are always or mostly exposed to the open environment that I figured out he should try building in a dense jungle. Jungle will be also important in his empires lore.
Since Grian is always depicted as a bird, why not give him bird privilege and have a bird empire. Yes, pesky parrot empire, if you will. Well, hybrids. They fly, they have wings, and most importantly, they are annoying.
Since Grian is Grian, his plan for his empire will be built in a massive tree similar to Fwhip's hardcore tree build, BUT BIGGER. Since of course, this is Grian. From the sea level to the world height, he builds a big goddamn tree.
All of his housing and other utility buildings will be in the tree, either hanging or engraved in the trunks. His build style will be huts with leaves as their roofs. Most of the housings have open doors and open windows so they could fly in quickly. Most of them are wide rather than lengthy.
Grian's export will be gunpowder and I GOT A WHOLE LORE FOR IT.
Gunpowder is actually the dried version of what they call "flight dust". V similar to pixie dust. Since it's only useful for Grian's empire, they have to dry it to turn it into gunpowder, which is a much more valuable resource to other empires.
Flight dust is what they used for flying. Since it's scientifically impossible for an adult man to fly even with wings double its size, they need ✨ magic ✨. They apply it whenever they are taking off and sprinkle to themselves if they feel their wings slowly tiring out.
I've also got lore for the empire's hierarchy. There are three social hierarchy, land workers, middle men, and nobles.
Land Workers
Land workers are citizens with only one pair of wings. They are often seen in the roots level of the big tree, among the jungle trees. These people are either agricultural workers or miners.
They have only one pair of wings because they don't really need to fly very often. Most of the time they are on the ground, working.
Even though these people sound like peasants, Grian has a high regard to them because according to him, "They are the source of nourishment and supports the kingdom on its roots, literally and figuratively." Without them, the empire will possibly fall.
Since they only have one pair of wings, they can only reach the area for the middle men and unable to fly over to the nobles' branches since their wings are too weak.
Middle Men (Catalysts)
Also known as merchant or catalysts. They are described to be the deliverers of goods to both the ground level citizens to the nobles. They are called middle men as such because they are the connection between these two hierarchy.
These citizens are often seen in the lower half of the tree.
Their area is full of market places and workshops. Sometimes their housing is combined with their shops.
They have two pairs of wings, giving them the advantage to fly to the area of the nobles.
They are the top of the hierarchy. They have three pairs of wings, giving them the advantage of reaching Grian's castle.
They are not in the hierarchy through blood. This tier belongs to those who worked near Grian, aka his government.
Knights, head of department, manager of export and imports, and the likes are the member the nobles.
The logic behind the numbered wings are it's harder to soar in higher altitudes.
A citizen could get another pair of wings if they are exposed on different potency of flight dust. The higher the flight dust on the tree, the higher its potency. Basically this dust flows through the tree and slowly lose potency as it goes down.
It mean Grian has four pairs of wings to resemble he is the king.
That's all my brain had. If you enjoyed it and is interested for more, send me an ask or reblog this!! 🥰
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witchmd13 · 2 years
this is basically GoT x merlin brainrot because i’ve been rewatching/rereading GoT and ofc my brain decided to mix the two. this is how i think merlin characters would do in kings landing.
arthur: if he wasn’t prince/king? dead. like from the get go. no question about it. he’d die faster than ned stark. BUT if he was the king or prince, i believe he’d learn the game especially if he grew up in kings landing. he might not be the best at it. he can be reckless and he is too honorable, but if given the chance, i believe he’d hold his own. I still believe he’d do something entirely moronic for honor and end up dead anyway
that is unless he’s got merlin by his side, which brings me
merlin: a dragonlord? Magic itself? That’s like being a Targaryen level 1000. He’d rule the seven kingdoms if he wanted. knowing Merlin though, he’d still be loyal to arthur and the people he loves in any universe. Also I firmly believe he’d literally burn all of kings landing in a blink if arthur asked. like no question. so there’s that.
Gwen: Gwen would rather not get involved. She’d be a good player if she wanted but that’s a big if. She wouldn’t want to play. She’s too smart to get sucked in. But like Merlin she would if the people she loved needed her to. I think she’d do okay as a queen as well. She’d survive purely by knowing when and how to pick her battles.
Morgana: she’d be a good player initially then she’d lose her grip on things once she lets her personal issues get involved. She reminds me of cersei. I think she’d have the same fate.
Lancelot: dead. no question about it. I can’t even imagine a scenario where he’d survive in kings landing. He was literally too honored to survive in Camelot lmao
Gwaine: I’m tempted to say he wouldn’t get involved unless the people he loves are in danger, but his “maybe this one’s worth dying for” about arthur makes me think differently. Gwaine would be loyal to arthur and merlin. he’d play the game and die much like he did in bbc merlin.
Gaius: he’d be totally okay lmao literally the only person I’m 100% positive would totally be in his element lmao he’d live
uther: do i even have to say it? literally the mad king lmao
Agravaine: also totally in his element. He’ll literally THRIVE. Little finger would have some serious competition xvhtdswdfvv
Elyan: elyan would be having adventures literally anywhere but kings landing lol If he does come back for some reason, I imagine a fate similar to combination of gwen and gwaine. He’s smart and experienced enough to manage but he’s do something honorable that will get him killed.
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greentrickster · 2 years
Hiiiii hope you’re doing wellll
Anyways I have a lot of Saturation brainrot thoughts but I have a few points I’d very much like to compliment you for, I’d love to hear your thought process if you have any regarding these
- it is so insanely cool to see a fic where the other character actually KNOWS their feelings are reciprocated, because like yeah oblivious to romantic feelings and all is cool to see, but it’s actually so RARE for a ship to be aware that their feelings are indeed mutual, and I think that’s one of the defining things that make your fic so unique in terms of being a Narumitsu story. Like it’s cool to see Edgeworth knowing this, and I love the funny scenes that come from him knowing this and sort of messing with Phoenix (playfully) with that knowledge
- Second, THANK YOU so much, for not doing that thing with like, getting other characters involved to “force these two to get together” Like yes there is a subtle push, mostly with Edgeworth being encouraged to acknowledge his feelings regarding Phoenix near the start of the fic, but after that it’s hands off for all other characters and Edgeworth and Phoenix figure out their feelings and admit to them on their own. This may be a personal thing of mine, but.. I don’t.. really like fics, that kind of like… have the AA side characters try really hard to get them together, like I get the intention is good nature, and yes I guess IRL it’d be hard watching two people who you think you’re certain are very much in love with each other, do nothing for years… but like.. I feel people forget ultimately that that isn’t THEIR decision to decide that, also like… there’s that line of consent too? Did these two character ever consent or ask to get pushed along by their friends?
It’s a tad difficult for me to put into words but like.. basically I’m just saying I appreciate you letting this be a story that very much centers around Edgeworth and Phoenix when it comes to their feelings. Yes other characters are there, but they aren’t there for the sole nature of pushing along a pairing. I like it a lot more when a pairing naturally comes to their own conclusion on their feelings, than supposedly others getting involved to give a “gentle push.” Encouragement is fine, in little amounts I don’t mind at all! But big grand actions is just kind of.. Not really something I enjoy seeing in pairing fics, I suppose.
Hi, I am doing quite well today, and I hope this finds you well, too!
In regards to the feelings being reciprocated, and how rare that is in fics and fiction, that's actually kind of why I did it this way. I adore stories, both original and fan-created, and I consume a vast quantity of them. They are my Special Interest. Combine this with my ADHD and being thirty-four, and I'm at the point in my reading career where I tend to notice certain patterns in storytelling and, if I've seen them done enough times, get inspired/motivated to try doing something different. Not saying I'm the first or only person to do this, obviously, but it is one of the key factors that drives my creativity - it gives me a chance to try new things and explore the characters and the world (and, as anyone who hangs around my blog or has looked through my AO3 works knows, I love me some world-building and character-building in interesting situations)! I'm really happy to hear that you've been enjoying the results of my exploration for this fic! ^U^
In regards to not having the characters try and force anyone together, you're welcome, and same, honestly. The only time I like characters plotting to get others together is if they're so busy making plans that they don't notice the two characters getting together on their own in the background, and then these two proceeding to mess with the plotters when they realize what's going on. That can be fun! But if it's played straight? Then it's not my cup of tea, either. Sometimes a character needs a little nudge to get the ball rolling, like Edgeworth did, but beyond that, yeah, I'd rather create a situation to allow the relationship to grow naturally than have characters within the fic manufacture the same situation.
It may have been difficult to put into words, but thank-you so much for making the effort, I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about and also this was just a lovely ask to receive in general - I've been mooshing my face in it for a few days just to soak up all the positive vibes! ^U^ <3 <3 <3
Thanks for the ask!
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unlimitedhearts · 3 years
My favourite thing to do is combining two of my favourite characters from any of my hyperfixations into a crackship.
So for example I'd take Draco from Harry Potter and Akira from Persona 5 and bam. Drakira. Crackship. It's loads fun and a really good way to exercise my creativity trying to make two characters work.
But I just thought of one. That could actually work loads well. Loki and Jaskier.
They're both:
Bardic in nature
Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
A flair for the flamboyant
Known to be hedonistic
Great singers
A penchant for getting into wacky situations by following their need for attention and adventure.
Leap before you look mentality
I could go on. And that's not even to talk about the ways they'd compliment each other holy shit. Jaskier being there for Loki's emotional flare-ups. Loki toning himself down around Jaskiers more sensitive moments. Because he, like all Loki's, is a bit sensitive. Writing songs together in Old Norse. Drinking wine and imbibing together. And could you even IMAGINE the tender moments? Their first kisses? Either in a heat to feel someone warm or something soft after narrowly escaping some treachery with their lives.
Taking baths together!??!
Basically I'm asking who wants to make, or wants me to make, some grade A Loskier crackfic or crackart? Because now I have been consumed by brainrot.
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artekai · 4 years
I recently picked Mystic Messenger back up, and combined with my P5R brainrot, it gave me a crack crossover idea that just won’t leave me alone:
AU where Rika and V are Takuto’s parents.
Okay, hear me out for a second.
(Bear in mind that it’s been a year since I last played Mystic Messenger and I haven’t seen all the endings yet -- I haven’t played Rika’s Before Story or V’s After -- so this might not make any sense in canon and the characterization might be all over the place. Then again, it’s a crack AU, so…)
Major spoilers for both Mystic Messenger and Persona 5 Royal under the read more!
The beginning is fairly obvious. Rika and V are an inseparable couple, they get engaged, she gets pregnant. But then The Mint Eye thing happens.
Rika considers getting rid of the baby just because it’s V’s, but deep down she still has feelings for him. Plus, having a baby in the cult is like getting a new believer but without all the purifying process, right? So she keeps the child.
Rika treats Takuto similarly to how she treats MC: she’s strangely kind to him, she mostly keeps him away from the other believers, and she doesn’t force him to take the elixir or anything. She already sees Takuto as being purified, because he’s just a toddler, so no need for all those painful rituals; she just needs to raise him the way she wants. Of course, since he’s the savior’s son, all of the believers think he’s like Baby Jesus, so no one bothers him.
You know what happens then. Canon happens. I’m not sure what route and what ending would fit this, but it needs to be a route where they go to Mint Eye and save Saeran. Maybe V’s Normal Ending? I don’t know, I can’t remember if Saeran survives in that ending. Well, let’s assume he does because I need that for my sanity.
And if he doesn’t, then I don’t care tHIS IS A FIX-IT AU.
please let me have this.
So, anyways, they infiltrate Mint Eye, they save Saeran, and they find Takuto. Given that V has been infiltrating the Mint Eye for a while, he already knows about him, and by now he has figured out that that must be his child. Either way, they get him away from the cult before any “cleansing” can take place, and V and MC commit to taking care of him.
Takuto starts off as a very anxious kid, which is normal considering that a bunch of strangers suddenly took him away from his mother and everything he has ever known. He mainly sticks with Saeran (which isn’t good for either of them), but, over time, MC gets him to open up to her and V and, eventually, to the rest of the RFA. Of course, Rika already drilled her ideas of “true paradise” and “eternal happiness” into him, so V and MC take it upon themselves to decondition him and reeducate him. Their efforts pay off, as Takuto eventually manages to adjust to normal society fairly well, but you know that those cultish ideas will still linger in the back of his mind, even if he doesn’t realize it.
Though his memories of Mint Eye completely fade away with age, Takuto inherits V’s gentleness and self-sacrificial tendencies and Rika’s madness and obsession with eradicating pain. When he’s mature enough, he also learns about what happened around that time (but maybe he doesn’t have all the details), because V and MC are determined to not keep any more harmful secrets like they used to.
Anyways, growing up with the RFA fuels Takuto’s natural passion for helping people. Yoosung introduces him to cooking, Jaehee teaches him her work ethic, Saeyoung transfers him his love of cats and animals in general (which is why, in Takuto’s words, “they don’t seem to share the sentiment”), and Zen constantly reminds him to never give up his dreams, no matter how crazy they might seem. He tells him about how he ran away from home to pursue his dream career and has never regretted it since, which Takuto takes very seriously.
As for Jumin, Takuto thinks that he’s too cold-hearted, but he looks up to him for his managerial talent and admires the bond that he shares with his father. When V and MC are away from home, Jumin offers to babysit Takuto for them, so he gets many exclusive tours of C&R, where he starts dreaming of growing up to work on a project much larger than himself with experts in the field (read: leading a team of researchers and having his very own lab).
Takuto also sees that Saeyoung and Saeran are getting along well and slowly overcoming their trauma together, so he comes to believe that everyone can change for the better, and thus, that everyone deserves a second chance, regardless of the mistakes they’ve made in the past. This will come into play at least two times: First, in his reality, when he lets Akechi and most of the Palace Owners roam free; and, second, when he decides to turn his own life around after the change of heart.
Anyways, Takuto meets Rumi, begins dating her, graduates high school, goes to college, and gets engaged after a few years.
V has always felt uneasy about Takuto dating. He knows that Takuto is too nice for his own good, so a part of him is afraid that he’ll end up in an obsessive relationship like the one he had with Rika. But, when Takuto introduces Rumi to his family, he and MC can tell that she’s supportive, well-adjusted, and considerate of Takuto’s feelings, so they are happy for both of them.
And then the burglary thing happens.
Takuto closes himself off from friends and family, overcome with grief and guilt. He still keeps in contact with the RFA, but it’s only because he knows that they will only get more worried if he stops talking to them altogether. Everyone at RFA is concerned, but V especially so, because he understands the pain of losing your fiancée and blaming yourself for not being able to do something to help her, and he doesn’t want Takuto to deal with it on his own.
After Takuto rewrites Rumi’s memories, he tells the RFA the same thing he tells everyone: he and Rumi broke up and it was his fault. This isn’t the RFA’s first rodeo, so most of them can tell that he’s hiding something, but they’ve known him for a long time, they know he’s a good person, and they basically raised him, so they decide to trust him (for the most part).
Takuto isolates himself more and more, acting like he’s fine to avoid being a burden, convinced that he must solve his problems by himself, like his father does. V and MC can see where this is going, and the former keeps spamming the messenger, practically begging Takuto to give him a call and talk to him, or at least get some therapy. But Takuto insists that he’s okay, that he doesn’t want them to worry about him, and that he just hasn’t contacted them much because he’s busy with work.
V starts blaming himself for being unable to reach out to his son, but, when he realizes that Takuto got his self-blaming habit from him, and only blames himself further.
As for the other RFA members, Jumin thinks that Takuto needs time to grieve and that, if he doesn’t want to accept their help, there’s nothing they can do about it. Jaehee is disheartened but she reluctantly agrees, hoping that Takuto will go back to normal soon. Zen thinks that they should be doing more for him, and that, if they put enough effort into it, he will come around.
Yoosung might revert back to his old ways and question V on why he isn’t doing enough to help his own son. Seeing as Takuto is his cousin and everything he has left of Rika, I’m sure he's very protective of him...
Once they all get worried enough, Saeyoung tracks down Takuto with his hacking skills, but he doesn’t find anything suspicious, so they decide to respect his privacy. After all, V doesn’t want to get too obsessive and repeat the mistakes he made with Rika, so he decides to listen to Jumin’s advice and give Takuto some space, hoping he’s making the right choice.
Meanwhile, Takuto figures out that Shido is behind the conspiracy that took away his research, which only strengthens his resolve to keep everything a secret from the RFA. Shido is too similar to the Choi twins’ father, and Takuto is afraid that, if Saeyoung hears about this, he won’t let it go, which could bring back some awful memories from his childhood and the Mint Eye thing… Especially considering that Akechi is in a similar position to Saeran, except that, you know, at least his mother wasn’t deliberately cruel to him.
A lot of the sympathy that Takuto feels towards Akechi comes from his experience with the Choi twins. He can deduce that he’s being manipulated by Shido like how Saeran was manipulated by Rika, so he wants to save him just like how V saved the twins. That also applies to the Yoshizawa twins, since the two of them promised to always be together in pursuit of their dream, but Sumire was the “weaker” of the two and was secretly envious of Kasumi. All in all, the similarities are everywhere, which might, consciously or subconsciously, affect the way Takuto interacts with the PTs.
In any case, Takuto just wants to protect the PTs from the same kind of trauma that the RFA went through. But -- he isn’t like Rika, or so he tells himself. He’s convinced that his methods are right because they can save everyone without causing any more suffering. He’s pretty sure he’s sane (he’s not). Besides, Rika’s dream was originally pretty noble, so it should be fine as long as he doesn’t start drugging people, right?
(He will retraumatize them, hold them hostage, and brainwash them, though, because he doesn’t see it as such)
The third semester comes along. I’m sure you also know what happens here. Takuto gets a god complex, the PTs fight him, defeat him, steal his treasure, and they destroy his perfect reality.
After the change of heart, Takuto is crushed, so he goes back to V and MC and confesses the whole truth through tears. He profusely apologizes, fully aware of how he retraumatized all of the Phantom Thieves to guide them to ‘salvation’, not unlike what Rika did to the members of Mint Eye, and he takes responsibility, knowing that he should’ve asked for help much sooner.
V and MC are shocked and heartbroken, faced with the fact that their son suffered so much that he fell into insanity and no one even noticed. They feel as if, with all the trauma that the RFA has already gone through, they should’ve seen the warning signs, and they should’ve tried harder to help Takuto heal… but they know from experience there’s no guarantee that that would’ve solved anything, so it’s pointless to dwell in what-ifs.
V and MC listen to Takuto’s explanation. They don’t understand any of the cognitive psience stuff and they are sure that he’s delusional because of the whole reality thing, but they comfort him to the best of their abilities. MC tells Takuto that he’s not like Rika and that he can always make up for his past mistakes, while V assures him that it wasn’t his fault and that, if someone like V could get back on his feet after everything that happened with the Mint Eye, Takuto can do it too.
Takuto takes their advice to heart, choosing to leave counseling, seek therapy, and make amends with his former patients. The RFA supports him while he gets his life together (but Jumin didn’t teach him how to drive, of course… oh god please tell me Jumin didn’t teach him how to drive), and he begins (continues?) to volunteer for the association’s charity events, so that he can keep helping people in need. That’s around the time when the P5R ending happens.
And… yep. That’s pretty much it.
Bonus points if Takuto ends up introducing the RFA to the PTs and they all become a big, happy found family. Jaehee and Akiren can bond over coffee making, Yoosung and Ryuji can bond over games, Zen and Ann can bond over acting and modelling, Jumin and Makoto can bond over being robots, V and Yusuke can bond over art, Saeyoung and Futaba can bond over memes and hacking, Ray and Haru can bond over flowers, and Saeran and Akechi can bond over their hatred of their fathers, haha.
Anyways, this crack AU became way more serious and more wholesome than originally intended... Now I actually want this to be a thing, haha.
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omegawolverine · 3 years
1, 8 for the writing asks?
1) Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
okay so ig i have four current projects rn? technically more but i only really count em if i plan on posting the wip soon or they're chaptered fics ig 🤷‍♀️ if its apart of a series of mine then really i dont call it current unless ive already started a draft for the next part, i sideline my series' constantly bc most of the fics are fine to read by themselves anyways uhmmm lol moving on, a mini run down of my current projects:
mellodramattic fic: chaptered piece about mello and matt's relationship thru the years, probably gonna turn it into a series once i finish the main piece bc there's definetly ideas i wanna include that I probably cant in the main story. progress on it is fine ig, I have the next chapter mostly drafted (by hand, i need to type it still) i just update really slow bc it's an old hyperfixation of mine so i really only get bursts of motivation for it every like 3-5 months, sometimes longer. i just really enjoy writing this one bc i can basically make up whatever i want about the characters bc there is very little actual canon material for them and, as a matt kinnie, i have a very specific vision of their lives that ive always wanted to e riu te about and i finally started doing that with this fic. there's a few chapters on ao3 rn, but they arent stellar bc it's old writing lmao. ill link it (and any of these other fics i mention) if anyone asks
bnha chat fic: a mess, has 16 chapters rn, it's a lot of chaos ft a side of me projecting. it has slow updates now bc im out of my bnha hyperfixation, but i still love writing this fic, even if i regret some of my past writing decisions with it. next 2 chapters are half drafted, but idk when ill actually get em out. it's been 8 months since i last updated anyways, so whatever. one of the chapters is chat, the other is actual writing bc ig this fic is technically like a combination of chat and regular fic, but it's mostly chat so 🤷‍♀️
karlnapity wip: i started this fic 6 months ago and just recently started working on it again?? i plan to upload it in the near future but also idk if that will actually happen bc im not actually invested in either karl or sapnaps lore which makes me very uninvested in writing this fic lmao. the wip is kinda banger tho imo, very angsty but it has comfort so its okay.
it chat fic: i know vaguely what i wanna do with the next chapter but i havent uploaded for this bitch in so long its criminal. it's literally just a modern au losers club chat fic, everybody's gay, streddie are in love and that's really the only reason im writing it, plus i made stozier have tiktok clout which i think is too funny of an idea to drop, sue me. also it's a stranger things crossover, but only bc i wanted to make richie and mike twins bc i read a different crossover fic that did the same thing right before writing this and i was brainrotting the fic too hard not to include this twin shit in my own. im unoriginal, what can i say.
8) Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
generally, yes, though i think i write more angst than i tend to read? i wouldnt call myself an angst writer at all, but i tend to project and i really like writing emotional spirals or trauma related stuff bc ooooh coping mechanisms babey but it's always paired with comfort whether its immediate or eventual. i also write more chat fics than i read, mostly bc it's a good way for me to write about a hyperfixation without actually having to have good ideas or be very dedicated to the piece, especially bc i hate not finishing chaptered fics, but i tend to do it a lot when i lose a hyperfixation (for example, i have had a 1/? fic in my works for like a year, maybe two, now all bc i stopped hyperfixating on bnha like a week or two after that, and bc it was Real Writing i havent had the energy to update it, meanwhile ive updated the bnha chat fic a few times since losing that hyperfixation bc it's very low effort content) idk i think most of it's the same typa content in the end tho
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artekai · 3 years
🌍💡 for the fanfic ask meme
fave type of au to write?
Answered here!
what inspires your fic ideas?
Well, mostly a combination of the music I listen to, brainrot, and prompts :)
Most of my reader inserts were inspired by music (except the catboy!Maruki one... I still don't know where THAT came from ._.) because a certain song reminded me of a certain character (or a feeling) and I wanted to express that through writing.
Fics like the Ideal and the Real, Tristitia, and My Reflection in Your Eyes exist because I saw a common thread between two characters and I wanted to exploit that. Same goes for most of my fusion and crossover AUs. Basically, my Takuto brainrot is so strong that I can't help but notice similarities to other characters and storylines all the time, which gives me tons of ideas for crossovers. This is my life now I guess :')
My Rarepair Week fics, my Whumptober fics, Readjustment, and I Hate Everything But You were inspired by prompts, of course (in the case of the latter, I wanted to write Maruki bridal carrying Adachi, but I didn't know where to go with it so I turned to prompts). And then the rest of my works are usually just filling in things that were left unexplored in canon (The Man at the Hospital, for example) or fics inspired by personal experience.
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