#this is coming from someone who used to have pretty fucking bad anger issues
confier-boyfriend · 8 months
If you ask someone what they think their Dnd class is they’re always going to say barbarian, but in reality it’s way closer to warlock. You’re not raging, you’re making stupid dangerous decisions that make things harder on yourself, you fucking wish you were throwing chairs.
“I’d be a barbarian because I can get pretty mad :3”Cool. hunters mark, ensnaring strike, dread stalker ranged attack, also normal ranged attack. Fuck you.
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harmoonix · 10 days
Evening Astrology💜
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✨️If everyone feels fucked up these days, an eclipse is coming very soon and at this point eclipses are more annoying than Mercury Retrogade. So things will go crazy ✨️ xd
Mercury in the 12th house natives can understand things that others don't, and that makes them more authentic
Mercury in Libra or Cancer can really understand how it feels to be the neddy of a person and, at the same time, trying to understand how relationships work
Because Venus is the most lustful planet, Venus in the 5th/7th/12th houses tend to really expose their desires pretty early in a relationship
Lacking earth placements in a chart can be an indicator for lacking stability, in all topics. I know how it is so bad, my only earth placement in my chart is my Capricorn Sun..Because planets are rarely in earth signs during January, so yeah, it makes sense 😭😭
Let's also talk about how Aquarius Risings can't do a proper 7th house persona chart since their 7th house is ruled by the Sun, which does not have its own persona chart. But it's fine because persona charts are something only pop astrologers use, we are safe from that shit
Have you guys seen that every time you have planets in transit with your 6th house, you tend to get sick or feel unwell? Especially if Mars transits your 6th house
Venus in the 10th house also Scorpio/Taurus/Libra in the 10th house tend to be sexualized a lot..at work, in the public...by strangers
Gemini Moons/Venus,are so good to hang out with like they have that type of good humor but also that chill in them. Appreciation to them
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Mars is so harsh - talking in Gemini, since Mars is a violent planet and Gemini rules over the talking and communication can really create natives with more anger in their talk and may have a tendency to scream a lot same to Mars in the 3rd house
Sun/Moon/Rising in Taurus can be prone to be good financially , but if they are harsh - aspecting, they can get greedy about money
Sometimes, Sagittarius Placements will know the truth about a situation and will hide it from you until you see it with your own eyes. Well, unless Sagittarius Mars shows up
Lilith in your 10th house or Capricorn can have lots of family trauma especially with the father, I know some of them that have even been bullied or judged by their fathers
Cancer/Moon in the 7th house placements are so good if you are into those more sensible/soft/romantic/quiet partners applying to both genders
Gemini and Sagittarius will make their presence known in a group by talking the loudest 😭 especially screaming in your face!! I did hear youuuu
Mercury in Air signs, in my opinion, type messages so fast. Like you send them a message, they reply the next second.. I love faster replies too
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Aquarius Venus,in a way like to maintain their relationship healthy/good because they don't really have time for all the drama
Venus in the 6th house can give a busy partner/overworking, you can feel like you spend less time together because of the work you do
Mercury trine/sextile/conjuct Sun opens the creative side of the native more easily when in square or opposite gives a stressful time for the native to find their creative side
You may not get along with people who have their LIlith sign in the same house as your SUN (Tested this for me is 100% true) Makes you total enemies, fighting to death
In a trio of friendship won't work if someone between you 3 has bad aspects to their 11th house ruler can be an indictor that may feel out of that friendship
Jupiter in the 1st house makes you to improve your knowledge over things, makes you wiser with the age, spiritual, empath (really depends on the Jupiter sign)
Sabrina Carpenter has a Libra mars, a good indicator that she can be really impatient with her lovers and relationships, she may also try to be the dominant one but may fail to do that
Neptune/Chiron/Saturn in the 1st house natives can often have skin issues, allergies, maybe even different skin conditions, sensitive skin placements
Mercury in the Aries/Sagittarius/Virgo/Scorpio/Capricorn tend to talk dirty a lot, especially if Mercury sits in their 3rd/7th or 11th houses of communication
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North Node in your 1st house is such a self - discovery placement. You really need to discover who you really are. Without falling for what others say or think about you
Pluto in the 1st house natives these natives may often struggle with the control, even with taking control in their lives sometimes
Pluto in the 11th house, talks about really intense relationships with people within your friends group or whenever you meet someone. You just feel intense
I don't like how people talk about Sagittarius Venus, I heard people saying that is a bad Venus sign?? Well, it is ruled by Jupiter, so i do not consider this Venus specifically being bad, just like Pisces Venus.
Something very funny about Virgo Venus is that they won't show that they're in love unless the other person shows that. Is like they wait for the other person to say 'I love you' first
Mercury in the 6th/11th houses can be good activists/using their voice to help others, this like a collective helping placement
If you have your ascendant ruler in the sign of Pisces, you really tend to be an empath. This lover energy surrounding you
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Harsh aspects between Lilith and Moon or Venus can indicate that the native may struggle to feel compassion/feelings/emotions sometimes
Sun in the 8th house can talk about knowing other's people secrets/privately knowing something good or bad about a specific person
Having North Node in the 3rd house can talk about having the power to adapt and change, and mental growth is important for them
Sagittarius Risings can sometimes be lucky without even realizing that. As a sign of them not paying attention to their luck
Ascendant square Venus can have a hard time to love themselves, which is totally fine because self-love should be learned step by step, not overnight
Having Neptune close to your Sun or Ascendant can make you to ignore your beauty/to make illsuions about it, soemtimes to create a dislike feeling. Everyone is beautiful in their own ways x Neptune is messing up with the mind sometimes
Having little to no aspects to your Midheaven can indicate struggling to find a career or a good job for you. Being indecisive about it.
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🤎🍂 Hope you all have a beautiful evening x🤎
~Harmoonix 🤎🤎🤎
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obsessedwithceleste · 5 months
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Mattheo Riddle Headcannons
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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Being the son of the Dark Lord is no easy task. Obviously.
Growing up, Mattheo had very limited contact with other people, which stunts his social skills a lot, especially with his peers
Once he breaks out and has the ability to meet other people, he's 100% an extrovert because he feels like he has to make up for everything that he missed out on
Growing up alone though made him very independent and self sufficient
Lots of trust issues, lots of abandonment issues
But he's also very bad at picking up on social cues, and reading other people's emotions
He grew up being outwardly judged by everyone around him, which caused him to develop a sort of apathetic attitude as a buffer
This gives him a sense of freedom because if he doesn't care about other's opinions, he can do whatever he wants, they'll judge him either way, so why not do what makes him happy
Mattheo also has a deep internal rage
Like, level 11 out of 10 on the scale of anger issues
He bottles up all his emotions and frustration with the world, often lashing out and exploding at the smallest triggers
His frustration mostly stems from the fact that it's not fair that he's suffering for the actions of his father. Because at the end of the day, he's still innocent in all of it
This is also why he's particularly spiteful and disdainful of authoritarian figures
He simply doesn't owe them anything
At Hogwarts it's hard for him at first. It's pretty clear that he didn't have much of a childhood and that he was forced to grow up much too fast
And once again, he finds himself being judged by everyone, so nothing new
His biggest pet peeve is when someone complains about a minor "tragedy" from their childhood, because he's absolutely certain that he had it worse
Lowkey victim complex™️
He's able to eventually bond closely with Theodore Nott, sharing a lot of similar childhood trauma (we <3 trauma bonding) and surprisingly Lorenzo Berkshire who shares his fuck-all mentality
Many assume that he's a malicious bully, based solely on his last name, but he's really more of a chaos instigator
He rebels against authority and stands up for what he might find to be an injustice, but he'd never go after someone without cause
Hogwarts is one of the first places he's able to truly act his age
He joins the Slytherin quidditch team,
He's a beater (which is kind of therapeutic as it allows him to let out a lot of his anger)
Often skives off of class,
He's not book smart like Theo, but makes up for it with street smarts
And likes to pull Theo into the fray simply because he can
This is also how he gets his reputation for frequently sleeping around to put it nicely
Mattheo grew up with a distinct lack of affection from those around him which causes him to search out any hint of it that he can find
He doesn't really use girls per se, he just doesn't quite understand the concept of love
But when Mattheo falls, he falls hard
The first time he catches feelings, he's absolutely terrified that he's under the influence of a love potion
Very confused, very upset, and denies it to the ends of the Earth
But once he comes around, he's all in
He doesn't like to think of himself as jealous, just territorial.
Jealousy is when something isn't yours and you want it. But you belong to him, and he'll be damned if he doesn't defend his territory
He also isn't shy at all when it comes to PDA, simply because he wants everyone to know what's his
Definitely love bombs, but he doesn't know what that means
Won't bat an eye before hexing someone for looking at you too long (will act innocent and pretend it wasn't him)
Honestly probably would not be the best partner initially because he's so used to being independent
And would likely try to hide a lot of his anger and emotions from you because his biggest fear would be being judged by someone he loves
It would take a lot of time and effort to work through, but Mattheo would be willing to put in the work because he's determined to have the one thing his father never could
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
What do you think about each Celestial family member having their own villain arc?
In theory? Yeah that's an interesting concept
With the show's canon? No. That sounds like a total disaster when the only person they really have left is Earth.
Sun: Killed the original bm, Tried to kill Eclipse, Purposefully scared Lunar, broke Moon's computer in anger, blah blah blah. Honestly, he hasn't done anything that bad past those things. And he tried to fix things afterward, but I'd still call that his "villain arc" because he was acting downright vile. And yes I know it's because he was dealing with a psychotic breakdown, which is why I'm not being that hard on him. But also he spent months pushing Nexus away and then was upset that Nexus wasn't like old Moon when he never really made an effort to get to know who Nexus was, he just assumed he was like Moon.
Old Moon: God I could literally go on all day. He's a villain in his own right. Abused Sun physically, mentally, and emotionally for years. We still haven't seen a proper apology or acknowledgment of that. Friends with Monty, which should be a crime in itself. He's literally done whatever he wants whenever he wants the entirety of his existence and blown up at people when they try to tell him no. He's only bothered to care when things are out of his control, he's been known to be a control freak and borderline obsessive.
Lunar: Killed Eclipse, loves to threaten to shock people for pissing him off, plus he's always been a very morally grey character. He does what benefits Lunar and doesn't care about what other people think or how it will affect them. He's a little bit narcopathic, to be honest. He lied about Eclipse abusing him for over a year just to get sympathy points, and it's only been in the past few months that he's come clean about the fact that Eclipse never abused him. He's two-faced and immature.
Nexus: Currently going through it, someone send him cookies, please. Bro is dealing with a virus and psychosis and is not having a good time, and I'm honestly slightly upset that they're actively villainizing him when he's quite literally mentally ill. Especially since he's more or less dealing with the same thing Sun was a year? Two years? ago.
Eclipse: I know he's not a part of the celestial family/related to anyone anymore, but he literally made the purpose of his existence into being a pain in the ass three separate times.
Ruin: Also not in the family but we all know his crimes (being too silly)
Solar: I don't consider him as part of the family the same way I don't consider Ruin or Eclipse as part of it. However he's cold and calloused in his own right (he is an Eclipse after all, even if he's supposed to be a "nice" one) and has been known to have something of a temper. I wouldn't say he's ever had a villain arc, but also he's a very morally grey character (again, he is an eclipse). I feel like if he had any less restraint we would have an entirely different view of him.
Killcode: Not part of the family but bro literally started as a cannibalistic freak like-
So of all the "positive" characters that leaves us with Earth. And so far she's managed to be angelically (this is a compliment to her self restraint) composed and hasn't caused any damage. So far. I really hope they don't give her a "villain arc" because she's like a breath of air in the dysfunctionality. Like yeah, she's dysfunctional and fucked over in her own right, but she hasn't tried to kill anyone. She hasn't tried to hurt anyone (besides bm but that was a security/defense protocol and they lowkey deserved it). I like Earth, I hope they just keep doing what they're doing with her.
I know a lot of people don't like Earth and call her a "Mary Sue" or some shit but I think that just comes from a lack of media literacy because she's a very detailed and complex character who's more than just "a pretty face and kind personality with daddy issues". Y'all who say that are just being offensive and rude, and it comes off as extremely misogynistic. Yes she has her flaws, but I don't see people hating the rest of the cast like they hate her.
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adiosmotherfck · 2 years
Can you write Ghost x reader and the reader troubles with anger management issues. Like having to pull the reader off of someone bc reader and whoever were having a playful fight but it got serious. Sorry if that's hard to write about 🙏 thx tho, you can choose the gender btw
He Is There
Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!Reader
cw: a bit of blood, swearing, fighting
word count: 1,5k
situation: Anger issues are no fun, he out of everyone knows it, and he knows how to calm you down when necessary
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"What did you just say?" you stopped in your tracks with a couch pillow in your hands, glaring at Soap who had a wide grin on his face and was holding a similar pillow.
"Is your hearin' as bad as your sight? That's why you kept missing targets in training earlier, eh, kid?" the whole situation was highly amusing to Soap, he was grinning and enjoying pissing you off. A little. Today's playful banter was growing out of the allowed limits but none of you noticed that, only your temper did.
"Fucking MacTavish." you threw a pillow straight at his head, but the bastard dodged it and his grin widened.
"Come on, kid, show me what you've got." he was waving a red cloth in front of the bull and didn't know what might happen to him if he didn't leave it.
"I told you to not call me kid, you old man." you picked the pillow up from the floor and swung for his head again, wishing you'd have something sharper so you'd trim his already irritating hair into a great bald head.
"Oh my bad, .... kid." he really loved to piss you off, swinging for your legs with his pillow, he went a bit stronger and your back met the floor with a thud, you not having time to react and brace yourself for the fall.
"You- little bitch." sometimes even you yourself didn't notice when playful banter grew into actual anger and irritation with your friend. This was one of the occasions when it happened, and there was no way back.
Soap didn't have time to react, as you slid to him, throwing him off his feet with a sharp swing of your leg, the man meeting the floor, with you grabbing him in a position to hold his hands behind his back, but this time he didn't let you have it this easy. He threw you off him, pinning you to the floor, trying to catch your hands and stop you from trying to kill him, but you weren't so easy to capture, you got your place on the team not for beautiful eyes and pretty lips, you were a master in combat and he knew that.
That day you two were stopped by Price, who happened to visit the room and freeze a little, barking an order at you two, to stand up and get yourselves ready for a meeting. You two brushed it off and went on, working together as a team you are.
The next time you and Soap faced each other in the base gym, both of you had some steam to let out. He smirked at you and tilted his head to gesture at the ring to train your combat skills.
You agreed, getting inside and preparing to fight with him. It wasn't a serious fight, you two were just training, but the punches grew in strength, in speed. Both of you breathing hard, a few droplets of blood on the floor from the especially hard punches landed to each other.
You long forgot that you two were just training, it was a fight you had to win. His grin was making your blood boil and your will to wipe it off grew stronger. He swung at you again, but you dodged and went for his legs, as you noticed it was his weak part. He didn't shift his weight when needed, and left them open for an attack.
Before you managed to get him in a chokehold and knee him in the stomach, both of you froze at the angered voice that thundered through the room.
You looked up and saw Ghost standing in the doorway, mask on his face, but you clearly saw his eyes that were showing the surprise and disbelief he felt in the moment of finding you and Soap in that position.
Using the moment and the fact that Soap's attention is now on the Lieutenant, you managed to get his hands and pin him in a position where he wouldn't be able to do anything, mans grunt and heavy breathing were a sign of his surprise, that you still went through with it, even after Simon tried to stop you both.
Before you even took a breath, you felt a hand on your shoulder and then a hand on your waist, picking you up the floor and off Soap, dragging you in the direction of the door, to get you out of the room.
"This is not over, MacTavish." you said, struggling against Ghost' strong arms tightly holding you close to him.
"No, it is, Y/L/N." Ghost's voice once again thundered over your ear and you involuntarily listened, deciding to not go against him again.
He dragged you out of the room, and shoved into another one down the hall. When your eyes got used to the darkness, you saw an unfamiliar room that you've never been in before. All the things in it were perfectly laying in their places, it would be hard to make a mess in there, considering that from personal things there were only two bags, a book and a weapon bag.
"What was that, Sergeant?" Simon' voice took you out of your thoughts and brought back to the reality, which was a mountain level tall man towering over you and glaring at you, waiting for an answer.
"Me and MacTavish were training, that's it." you said, exhaling, you had to give it to him, Soap was good in what he was doing.
"That looked like a hungry dogs fight over a piece of meat rather than a training, Y/N." you could hear it in his voice that he did not take your bullshit and did not believe what you just said.
You sighed, running a hand through your hair, you didn't want to lie to Ghost but you also didn't want to tell him that you got angry at Soap's banter and things got out of control, both of you not giving up and not standing down from the fight that grew from a game into a real competitive battle.
"I got angry. There. He pissed me off and I didn't hold back." You sighed and looked to the side, admitting what you are feeling, especially because of such stupid small thing felt too vulnerable for you.
Silence fell over the room, with Simon looking down at you and evaluating the state you are in. He wasn't angry at you, he didn't know what he felt when he saw you and Soap on the floor, going for each other's throats. He knew that you are able to stand your ground and wouldn't let anyone hurt you, even Soap, but he couldn't help to feel a bit of worry.
He didn't say anything and that made you think he wasn't pleased with you and would punish you, make you train more or run additional laps in training, but none of that ever came.
What came was the strong arm around your shoulder pulling you close. You didn't react at first, not knowing what is happening, but when he wrapped the second arm around you too, you relaxed into his touch, his arms that were on your back, holding you to him.
He was taller than you, and your face rested on his chest, with one of his hands travelling up to your head holding it close to him. He didn't want to overstep the boundaries between the two of you.
After a few moments, you wrapped your arms around him too, melting into the hug, accepting his help to help you calm down. He wasn't good with words, he didn't know what to say to not worsen the situation, he wanted to support you in a way, a way that wasn't worsening your state, the hug was the only thing he came up with.
And you liked that. You didn't want to hear anything, whatever he could possibly say, silence was the loudest with him. The silence held all the questions and answers, his eyes gave you everything you needed to know.
You don't know for how long you two stood like that, but his grip on you didn't weaken or falter. He stood there, keeping you close, while kept you close to him.
"Thank you." you muttered into his chest, as you slightly pulled away and looked up at him, meeting his eyes looking down at you. His mask shifted a little from your contact, and you gently lifted a hand and put it back in place. His eyes shifted to your hand, he didn't expect you to do it. A gesture of reassurance for him, and a little gesture for you.
He looked back at you and gave you a slight nod, stepping away, his arms sliding down from your back, leaving you wishing for them to stay on you for a little bit longer.
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bestworstcase · 6 months
I think it'll be interesting when RWBYJ tells everyone about the ever after, specifically Oscar/Ozpin. I think that'll be a hell of a slap in the face to those two. Imo it's pretty clear that Oz doesn't like the Brothers (his lie for his curse literally puts them in the WORST light to anyone who hears it), but isn't exactly open about it nor does he think on it much. But hearing that the 'gods' are essentially just people who got kicked out of their home would make him. Well I hesitate to say that he'd flip the fuck out, but I definitely think he wouldn't be happy at ALL. I'm sure he'd be furious while simultaneously having an existential crisis.
Frankly, Oz is just. An interesting character when it comes to his thoughts on the Brothers. He went from more or less listening to Light without question (but immediately started questioning when Salem talked to him- "Unsure of where his loyalties still lay-" he trusts Salems words but is confused about his stance on Light, perhaps afraid of questioning him), to putting them in a bad light repeatedly and more or less giving up on his task (there's far far easier ways to unite the world i.e. war- why would he deliberately make it hard on himself? He's far from stupid. He still foes his best to foster peace because why wouldn't he?). And, now, he's actively fighting his curse, and is doing so the second he got an ounce of hope.
I think why he hasn't really thought of fighting the Gods is bc a) he's still scared of them (and it makes sense, I'd be scared too) and b) he never knew that they, well, were just people. I think he'd need some convincing, but I really think he'd be happy to try his hand at giving Light a piece of his mind lol. Something tells me Oz has millennia of bottled up anger- something will eventually be the straw that broke the camels back, as even the most resilient of people can break.
Though I think the biggest issue would be the idea of teaming up with Salem. He's bitter and terrified of her, and although we don't know exactly what's happened between them since their first fight (beyond Oz spending several lives as an alcoholic, then wandering Remnant being reminded of Salem (not necessarily bc he thought every Grimm attack was her, Grimm just remind him of her)), it's entirely possible Salem has also done... something to hurt him. No one's that bitter or terrified of someone for absolutely no reason, but whatever the reason is, that'll definitely be an obstacle between him being allied with her against the Gods. Plus she also, yknow, tortured him and allowed Hazel to torture him (which Oscar took most of it, but they're in the same body).
I think that interaction would be... interesting. Especially since I really don't think Oz even is 'Ozma' anymore. Ozma is the foundations yes, but the merge changes you fundamentally. He has changed his name every lifetime (if Oz doesn't accidentally answer to the name Oscar I'll eat my left shoe), but how much of him really is Ozma anymore? Ship of theseus and all that. If he, by all accounts, isn't 'Ozma' anymore and Salem isn't aware of this, I think it'd be an interesting revelation for her. There's similarities between Oz and how he used to be, but I feel like 'Ozma' is functionally a deadname for him (Oz trans/DID allegory? /j). Especially since I think Ozma is just- not who he is anymore. He's tried living up to the name, but he can't and he knows it (the words his illusion in v9 says speaks a lot to his mental state and his opinion of himself).
God speaking of his illusion on v9, I think it's incredibly clear that what each illusion says pertains to that character in some way. And it says so so much about Ozpin and how he sees himself. It's ironic how the God of Light, associated with creation, made him, yet he thinks that all he does is destroy. He's scarily good at splitting people apart just accidentally (i.e. v6, Summer basically throwing him under the bus thus STRQ broke apart and blamed him, etc) too. Yet Salem, immortal via Lights curse, made herself through Grimm and is very good at rallying people. Dunno, fun thought there (it's why swap aus are so damn tasty with these two).
Sorry for the long ask, I just wanted to ramble in your inbox for a bit. I have many thoughts about Oz.
not. to be snarky but
To live free or die, it’s all the same The enemy was right, there’s no reclaiming In waves of shame We’re desperate to make amends But through a simple soul we lie complacent  Love brings us dreams But grief makes the heart burst at the seams  As light fills my eyes I’ll picture me beside her And pray that I’ll inspire  I promise I’ll be here until the end I promise I’ll be here until… Our story has been told Til our bodies break down every door Til we find what we’ve been looking for
terrified she’ll never forgive him and terrified of what will happen if she confronts the gods again, yes. but terrified of her?
the enemy was right. we’re desperate to make amends. grief makes the heart burst at the seams. i’ll picture me beside her. ozma isn’t terrified of salem; he is, explicitly, ashamed of himself and desperate to make amends and longing for her.
listen. you don’t have to go salem did dot dot dot something to hurt him. we KNOW exactly what she did; rejected the mandate, fought him, burned him alive. they blew up their home and killed their own kids. is this insufficiently traumatizing to explain him.
similarly i do not have to go ozma did dot dot dot something to salem: we know exactly what he did. we know why she’s furious and bitter and still hurting. it is not ambiguous.
he’s spent the intervening centuries hiding inside a narrative where salem is the Great Evil he must defeat because the guilt he feels for deceiving and manipulating her and the grief for everything he sacrificed is so unbearable that he can’t touch it except through layers and layers of distortion. but it’s bleeding through the cracks everywhere. the infinite man tried to be a hero and is a fool who may not be worthy of forgiveness, ozpin suggests. look far enough ahead from the ending of the girl in the tower, and you’ll find the hero who saved her turned out to be a villain.
he hates salem. (he deserves her hatred.) this is the wrenching internal war he fights with himself day after day and life after life; the only way he can live with himself enough to function is by hating her, but the hatred is a fiction, a lie, to protect him from his fear. the truth is that he neither hates her nor deserves her hatred.
i am being intentional about calling him ozma, by the way. i am also intentional about when i call him ozpin or oz. i do not think ozma is a deadname. i don’t think ozma is an ideal he is trying and failing to live up to. he doesn’t identify himself as ozpin; he says “the professor ozpin you all met was not my first form.” he dons these other identities as a mask—i am the combination of countless men who have spent their lives trying to protect the people of remnant—because he hates himself. ozma is who he’s running away from because he doesn’t think ozma has ever been enough.
that is why. salem distinguishes between ozpin and ozma the way that she does. and why she is able to differentiate between oscar and ozma even when oscar is mimicking ozpin, because ozpin is the latest in a long series of masks that ozma wears.
(ozpin is tippetarius enforcing his own exile, and thus he became the wizard. ozma is the true self imprisoned by the curse. he’s… named ozma for a reason.)
”what if you could be anyone?” <- the blacksmith does not ask ruby this question because ruby needs to stop being herself in order to be happy. she offers ruby a metaphorical representation of ozma’s curse—what if you could be anyone, slip into a like-minded soul and become that person—in order to guide ruby to the realization that only her true self is the right fit. this is what i like to call blunt force foreshadowing.
ozma is trying to be a thousand different heroes and salem has only ever wanted ozma. ozma then is not the same person as ozma now, but ozma is ozma is ozma. the ship of theseus is the ship of theseus, then as now. on those who enter the same rivers, ever different waters flow. read heraclitus.
the thing is. yeah. he’s going to snap like a brittle twig when he learns the truth about the gods… because he already knows salem is right, deep down. the enemy is right. it bleeds through even into the lost fable, which is narrated in his voice. jinn’s telling—his telling—obfuscates and twists away from salem’s interiority, her feelings, her motives except for the moment of her realization about the brothers: perhaps the gods were not as powerful as they seemed; she had lied to them, turned them against each other; they were fallible.
the enemy is right. he knows she’s right.
hearing what the kids learned in the ever after is going to shatter the cognitive dissonance preventing him from acting on that knowledge. it’s going to surface ‘until the end’ but now joined to the hope he has—since the end of v8—that he can make amends for his cowardice and lies.
ozma apologizing to the kids and asking for a second chance to earn their trust was, uh, a practice run for ozma apologizing to salem and asking for a second chance. the fallout of the lost fable (“there was so much you hadn’t told us! how could you think that was okay!” and “i gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world; i thought i was finally doing some good!”) is a reflection of salem’s distress. the narrative is on her side. because. he lied to manipulate her and grievously betrayed her trust. in exactly the same way he did to the kids.
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enby-wrights · 1 year
(warning i do not understand how tumblr works i have been on here for like two months and gathered absolutely nothing so i apologize if i did something wrong with like tags and the like? also i think i kind of sound like a youth pastor towards the end of this but it’s okay i do what i want. anyways)
greetings marble hornets fanbase i just have some (long) thoughts to share on tim and alex :) i have some Mental Health Hot Takes that are not worded well because i wrote this at one in the morning but feel free to read anyways. also i know that the marble hornets mental illness allegory conversation has been done to death but please let me throw in my two cents i am just a little guy and i even said please
in all my six long years traversing the Deep Dark Depths of the marble hornets fanbase, i’ve never been all that interested in exploring any kind of close relationship between alex and tim within the story-- i think 2006 alex comes off as a bit desperate and overbearing, and i think that would have made 2006 tim a little too anxious to attempt to get close to him. it’s just interesting to think that they wouldn’t quite fit together at the only point in their lives where they would have had the chance.
their position in the overall story as narrative foils to one another, however........... now that’s a tasty character dynamic if i do say so myself :) although essentially all of season three revolves around the conflicts between people as they react to the mental illness metaphor operator in their own Fun And Unique ways, alex and tim are undoubtedly the poster children of this concept. both of them begin dealing with almost identical issues, and their reactions to these issues shape their individual narratives in completely opposite directions. i was thinking about it while listening to the podcast great, more tapes today (which if you haven’t listened to it i totally recommend it even though it has been dead for a year) and it’s kind of a really great allegory for the ways in which people’s reactions to experiences with mental illness can either make or break our recovery. as someone who has intentionally made my own recovery worse on multiple occasions out of general manic faux edginess, the parallels kind of hit me really hard
i’m gonna highlight the differences between alex and tim’s reactions to the mental illness metaphor operator using a bullet point list because i’m autistic and all of my thoughts occur in bullet point lists actually
during the filming of alex kralie’s marble hornets, as their symptoms are both beginning to set in, we see alex alone incredibly often. tim, on the other hand, is always seen surrounded by other people (this also comes down to the contexts in which they were filming but whatever it’s artistic framing or something idk)
tim seeks medical attention. duh. i think it’s probably pretty safe to assume that alex did not seek any sort of medical attention for his mental health issues leading up to all that murder, otherwise there maybe wouldn’t have been murder
aside from seeking medical help, we also see tim seeking help (or at least visibility) from his peers. entry #66 is just tim yelling at jay about how scared he is. and even if jay isn’t really much help, he can at least see where tim is coming from in the future and has the opportunity to act accordingly (he does not take this opportunity but hey at least it’s there. as alex’s condition worsens, all we see is him lying to his loved ones about what’s going on. which is bad.
alex constantly walks in anger and fear. tim doesn’t stifle his emotions (i.e. him beating the shit out of jay), but he also acts logically and doesn’t dwell on them for too long
by season three alex is just fucking living all alone in the woods (which if you didn’t know is the opposite of seeking help)!! not only is he running around in an echo chamber but he chose to bring a gun into the echo chamber with him which is a really great way to become more mentally ill. tim on the other hand has a job, and a life, and people in his life who at least care enough about him to call him and see if he’ll be at work on time. he keeps busy and he interacts with the world around him and even when he’s having to constantly check in with his doctor to make sure he stays okay he is out and about and being a person
and it’s a weird thing to think about because when i’m at my worst psychologically i tend to bring a (METAPHORICAL) gun into my own echo chamber and sulk around in there until i start to believe some pretty shitty things about the world around me
but on the few occasions where i do manage to reach for help and respect my feelings while still existing outside myself it’s a miraculous feeling. i get better. and then i get worse again, because mental illness is a bitch, but it gets easier and easier to reach out every time.
and i think that’s part of the reason why alex gets eaten up by the idea of the operator while tim doesn’t. tim has experience with getting help, and he’s clearly developed a skill for taking care of himself. he just got lucky that his first time dealing with a mental health crisis wasn’t as fucked up as alex’s.
anways tldr alex kralie is my new example for what not to do in my mental health recovery journey also he’s a bitch 
(ps i don’t understand how i got to the end of this rant without mentioning masky a single time but i promise he fits into the mental illness allegory somewhere probably maybe)
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cienie-isengardu · 8 months
No offense but I imagine the Lin Kuei might have had a bit of an issue with the language barrier given Tomas probably didn't speak English and assuming he did, it was probably broken English.
Bi-Han and Kuai are just staring at him trying to decipher what the fuck he's saying and it's a really bad first impression and utterly cringe worthy because Tomas is tripping over himself trying to sound coherent and it's backfiring.
I’m here for the language barrier as Tomas comes from a totally different culture than Lin Kuei, however considering how little we know about his family, especially why they were so far away from home (Prague), I’m not sure if Tomas even spoke English before he was adopted by Grandmaster. The BIO and intro dialogues doesn’t paint one, coherent picture why they were hunting[*] on Lin Kuei territory, but as Smoke’s ending points out, he was with Lin Kuei for around 15 years (“It was looking at myself, fifteen years ago. I would've ended up just like him, if Lin Kuei hadn't taken me in”). We do not know how old Tomas is during the events presented in story mode, but I think assuming he is in his 20s is a safe bet and thus there is a real chance he was less than 8-10 years old when his family died. Again, we have no idea why Tomas’ family traveled so far from Europe, but if they were hiding from something or someone, they could on purpose avoid contact with people and in result Tomas had not an opportunity to learn different language(s) outside of his native one. Of course, he could attend school at some point before his family moved on to Asia or the parents could teach him English or any other language just in case, but we have no idea how Tomas’ life looked nor how well educated he was. So I wouldn’t cross out the possibility Tomas spoke only Czech - the same as we do not have an idea when Bi-Han and Kuai Liang started learning English, as this is not their native language either.
But the most important thing is, Tomas being unable to speak English or communicate with Grandmaster’s sons is hardly the first - and bad - impression he would make on Kuai Liang and Bi-Han. He was a kid who witnessed the death of his family and then was forced to live with a clan responsible for this merciless act. As we know Tomas as a kid did not consider being adopted by Grandmaster as anything good, he could on purpose refuse to learn the dialect used by Lin Kuei** and/or talk in any other language than his own native one - or show his justified resentment in more drastic ways. The communication barrier was, as I imagine, only partially created by lack of skills and more by lack of will to interact with the murders of his family. 
So I think Tomas on his own wanting to communicate with Kuai Liang or Bi-Han, no matter how broken his English or Lin Kuei dialect was, could be seen as a great improvement compared to his resentment, anger, maybe agression and generally speaking trauma.
That said, I’m pretty sure there is plenty of hilarious stories about their earliest attempts at communication. Sadly, tie-in material does not provide any anecdotes about that :(
[*] Tomas' family hunting as a means for survival or hunting solely for fun builds a very different impression of who they were. 
[**] I don’t have an idea what exactly language Lin Kuei use on daily basis, just throwing here an idea that since they live in hiding for centuries, their speech patterns could be considered as outdated compared to the official language(s) of China (as I assume Lin Kuei are still somewhere there stationed) and after such long time of isolation from world, Lin Kuei has their own unique dialect.
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theblackcatwitch4 · 6 months
sweet pea: the fighters
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A/n this is based on the fight between the Bulldogs and the serpents
Warnings: talk about physical abuse Physical fighting people getting beaten up This is pretty much just pure fluff Smoking of cigarettes
enjoy this while i work on requests
Sweet pea, sitting on his motorcycle in the pouring rain waiting for the Bulldogs with the rest of the serpents
"Be careful my love" I tell him Not wanting him to get too hurt
"You don't gotta worry about me," sweet pea says he kisses me on the forehead.
He turns his head away from me as he hears the Bulldogs pull up as soon as Archie steps out, sweet pea gets off the bike
Sweet pea starts walking towards Archie when he reaches him they stare down each other
As thunder claps in the sky Archie throws the first punch I straighten my back making sure sweet pea is okay debating whether or not to run into the middle of the fight
I decide against it, not wanting to get caught up in the middle. I may be a serpent, but as someone who got abused by their father, their entire childhood is not someone runs into the middle of a fight, unless someone's dying
When I see sweet pea back on his feet, I'd let out a breath of relief my eyes avert everywhere I see Archie getting thrown on the ground,. And then a second later I see one of the serpents getting their nose broken.
I see Dilson whip out a pocket knife even though there's a strict rule, no weapons not a second later, Archie yell out "Dilton!" And Archie getting thrown to the floor yet again
Archie gets kicked in the stomach by sweet pea that look like it hurt I feel a little bad for him, the next thing I hear is a gun going off seeing Archie's girlfriend Veronica, with a gun in her hand
My boy coming running after me, saying "let's go"
Me and sweet pea jump on the bike and head home. We have arrived at my trailer. I live alone because I got my dad thrown in jail.
We're both soaking wet when we walk into my trailer so I walk into my bedroom to change my clothes, when I come back out, I see sweet pea, shirtless, and and his nose and cheek and lip is bleeding
"Get off the couch, go to the bathroom I'll be there in a sec" tell him as i go to my bedroom to grab my first aid kit
When I get to the bathroom I see him sitting on the toilet, which I'm very happy about because he is very tall and I am according to my friends and him very short But whatever
I put down my first aid kit and open it up as I get alcohol wipes and some disinfectant for his wounds and some aloe vera cream for the bruises on his ribs
"My love, you need to stop fighting with everybody and just let some things go. I'm tired of patching you up all the time" I tell him
"I know you don't like it pretty girl but he fucking deserved it" sweet peas says
"Sweet pea this is exactly what I talk about he was just spring painting it's nothing you haven't done before and that's what pissed you off. You started it and then he took out his gun because he felt threatened like you wouldn't have done the same thing if you had a gun. Because I know for sure as hell, I would have." I say
"You have a point pretty girl I'm sorry my anger gets the best of me sometimes I'm still impressed you still Find it in you to stay with me" he says looking down
"Sweet pea my love of course I stay you have anger issues which is completely fair I used to have angry issues worse than yours. I just found a way to cope with mine, that's what you need to do as well it'll take time but you will get there and I will help you through it. I promise my love" I said to him and return, the kiss on the forehead, he gave me earlier
"Thank you pretty girl I love you" he says as he hugs me
I hug him back saying "of course my love now go to bed I have to pee and then I'll be there" as I kiss him on the lips
He gets off the toilet walking into my bedroom closing the door to the bathroom I reach under the sink, grabbing my ashtray Then, reaching in my back pocket to pull out my pack of cigarettes and lighting one
He knows I smoke, I'm not hiding it from him but if his parents smelled the smoke on him, he would be killed literally so I do it in the bathroom where I can have privacy
I take a hit of the cigarette blow the smoke out and ash it off in the ashtray putting it out, putting it under the sink again,  opening the door and then walking into my bedroom I grab a pair of shorts and a T-shirt to sleep in
As I start changing clothes I hear from sweet pea " looking good pretty girl" "You dog" I say laughing
I make my way towards the bed slide under the covers not even a second later I feel sweet pea, leaning on my boobs, his arm over my stomach falling asleep
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capcavan · 10 months
I actually want to congratulate you on your work because what I don't think a lot of people in this fandom understand is that Riko is a character that is FUCKING HARD to get right. Not just to understand, but to WRITE. You can't make him too unhinged or he's just a cartoon villain and you can't make his actions too light (If you're writing within canon) or he looks like a pathetic clown instead of the actual threat he is on canon and if you aim for the middle he can end up just bland (AND I WILL SAY the greatest offenders in this are Riko haters and not his stans). And even in your most redemptionest AUs you manage to write him in a way that is consistent with the existing characterisation. I have yet to come across from a post by you that didn't make me think "yeah, if things went different, he could have turned out like this"
I feel pretty honoured I feel like I just won fandom and riko is shipped to me in the post . I would like to thank my parents for making me fucked up enough to get him.
There is few things that contribute to it all pretty much. And I will use this as excuse to talk about them all its 7 am and I slept 4 hours let's goooo
I actually see riko as very pathetic and non threat myself and I'm pretty sure Neil and most foxes do as well because even on my first reading of the books something stuck out to me pręty severly
Characters who actually killed people in those books
Andrew Aaron Renee Neil ? The foxes are pretty hands on with murder
Riko? Riki never actually got his hands dirty it does separate him already in cannon as all bark no bite whose only way to be intimidating is to use family name and people who follow him menawhile Riko himself is scary only to Kevin.
Riko's buildup in narrative as threat is very good but I really wouldn't confuse it as fear of him himself.
Riko's roast perfectly sums it up
Riko is pathetic used and delusional
I'm sorry if this is spitting onto what you said I am happy you like my things but I truly believe that riko is pathetic and I say this fully loving his character and issues his character puts light on.
He is scary only if you give him power as abuser (wchih is what this fandom does a lot in their need to have black and white villian ) but as a person he is pathetic.
But seeing riko as pathetic is seen by people as " he is poor and sad and I don't want to feel this way about him BC he is bad person "
He is not pathetic little kitty
He is pathetic eaten by anger and frustrations and unable to cry from all the pain he is in I can see how killing him could be seen as mercy actually.
Another thing I think people don't get right
Is that riko is not 100% delusional about his value
He has skills and he knows he is worth something he is fighting to have his father acknowledge it not because he does not feel worthy but because he knows he has a lot to offer and wants a chance to show it
He does not feel worthles he is just frustrated that others see him as such
Also growing pains are important thing to show
I think saddest and my favourite thing about riko is that the better person you let him be the more unhappy he will be.being good person won't erase things he did in the past and hurt he caused and the further you go the heavier it will be on his conscience and this is balance in act and I have way too many versions of the story where I let him snap
So yeah riko is pathetic clown and he is scary only when you don't understand this I'm sorry to blow his cover like that !
Maybe my reading of character is different in the end we all base things we create on things we know and while I never did such horrible things I know how it feels to grow into being a better person than I used to be and I know how it feels to still not believe you did got better even when I have friends to prove. There is a lot of comfort in seeing someone so horrible get nice things not because I did those horrible things but because I know how it feels to not deserve anything nice and hate myself enough to self sabotage.
I could go on also to talk about difference between gloryfying physical abuse in fandom and ignoring psychological abuse but maybe that's a talk for another time.
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ludinusdaleth · 6 months
hey, i'm new to cr fandom and wasn't there when c2 was airing, may i ask out of curiosity what was the fandom's problem with its ending?
i want to start by saying this post is meant as a personal memory and not an incitement of any discourse. i do not want a lot of asks or replies or anything about this if i can help it. i would also politely ask that no one reblog this as i really just. dont want attention about this when ive discussed it to death on twitter. i also apologize for not having screenshots but i truly cannot bring myself to wade through that again. it was bad enough i still have nightmares about it.
basically, about 3 eps before c2's end, matt clarified on twitter the campaign was coming to a close, and that. did not go well. you see, folk (myself included, though i wasnt part of the following clown show) were very sure c2 would continue a while. it felt unfinished as the empire/trent had to be taken down, and for some of us ludinus was clearly the big bad, etc. so this was incredibly jarring to a lot of folk. and with that came anger. a lot of critique came down to fear of things being rushed, a lack of closure, claims of extreme neoliberialism due to not taking down the empire (i could write an essay on and cite multiple leftist activists who have stated c2 is truthful to the activist tale, not neoliberalism, and also how c3 deconstructs beau & caleb's actions, but everyone is allowed to have their own opinion on it), and that if shadowgast did not fuck in this short timespan the fans were going to kill liam & matt. and threats of killing were the least of what ensued. im just gonna put a tw here for discussion of extreme harrassment and even threat of necrophilia/rape:
people were. atrocious. beyond atrocious. know why 4sd/a lot of q&a events of theirs for a while had no fan questions? partially bc fans were frankly terrible at asking non-ship questions on talks machina, but mainly because folk FILLED their inboxes with insults (and a twitter account was made of screenshots bragging about it) that only the crew would get to filter out, not the cast. know why dani was terrified to show her face on 4sd for a bit? c2 fans would not let up on how it was her cishet fault fjorjester happened. people thought the solution to alleged neoliberalism was to therefore @ travis saying they would defile his veteran fathers corpse. if there was any solid discussion critiquing c2 happening, it was so drowned that actors who had nothing to do with the show told cr fans to stay away if that was how they treated their favorite creators wanting a break. it really didnt help that a certain disgraced talks machina host was firing potshots on twitter when the cast seemed to be just trying to take it all in, so more discourse was kicked up from him. in general besides all of that, you had the average death & even a few rape threats you would expect from the pits of fan entitlement. the way they were hardly the most notable of the insults hurled their way still rattles the mind. and thats just what i saw. my friends have claimed to have seen worse, but if we can help it we dont discuss it in detail, it's that bad. like i said, any idea of an actual conversation about c2 and how someone felt about it from an analysis perspective was not even a drop in the bucket; there was no actual discourse but rather spitting hatred pouring over that mistook personal grievances for excuses to mistreat quite literally anyone around them who didnt agree that threatening to defile someone was funny bittersweet revenge.
the thing is, after the c2 finale happened? i mean, a lot of folk didnt originally like it (i think it's generally pretty well liked now, and i enjoy it), but it wrapped up a lot of issues pretty well. all that terror & terrorizing over a fictional story was really for nothing. and even if it had ended undebateably badly did anything warrant that fallout?
there are of course a few other factors that seperate cast from fandom now. laura also got innumerable threats from tlou fans for playing some antagonist character, twitter is a dysfunctional shithole, and it's just rational the more popular you get to not be buddy-buddy with fans. but that was. a Time, for sure. c3 is a decent campaign but im far from the first person to note that many of its traits are set in trying to find vox machina's fixed story beats so no story beat is left "unturned" and being as un-m9-like as possible, even when they love the m9. a lot of the worst m9 fans now who harrass other campaign enjoyers and lament c2 being "an unloved middle child" are folk who never left the bitterness they held in that time. for as much discourse as c3 has kicked up i really dont think any of it compares to the sheer scale of what happened late may 2021, and im hoping with all my heart it never does reach that level ever again (i think c3 has a slightly smaller (at least online) fanbase compared to c2, and isnt marked by a pandemic hiatus, so hopefully that means something).
i hope i answered your question. i really hate remembering this time but sometimes i think it should be remembered so folk know what the cost of extreme parasociality is. the distance the cast has from fans now is not only earned but maybe should have always been there, so things never evolved to that extremity. but now it's done and gone. i envy people who watch cr on their own merits and didn't get sucked into twitter at the time; it has been fascinating watching folk say they love the travelercon/aeor arcs and the ending. rewatching later c2 really emphasizes how many complaints hinged on extremely online & parasocial headspaces - you definitely wont hear anyone nowadays say liam is a biphobic cishet abusing matt by not making caleb kiss essek yet. i hope new fans have a better time than we did. oh - and get off twitter.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Read the first part of that prompt and thought it was going to be that Danny is Darkseid’s son. Idk a lot about Darkseid but now I can’t stop thinking about that idea
the “first part of that prompt” mentioned.
Fuck the past tHREE attempts to respond to this crashed. Here’s hoping that this one works.
I enjoy this idea a lot since there is a TON of ways this could go.
First of all: both the inhabitants of Apokolips and New Genesis are home to the same race: New Gods. They’re basically a very hard to kill superhero race. The New Gods reside in the 4th dimension but can occasionally create variants of wormhole technology (Motherboxes/Fatherboxes. A very simple summary: Sometimes both planets have Motherboxes, sometimes New Genesis has Motherboxes and Apokolips has Fatherboxes. They’re sentient computers that are used as a catchall for various technological feats needed in the comics.) to go to the 3rd dimension and most commonly visit Earth.
With that in mind there is a lot of questions on how Danny grows up. Does he get boom tubed to Earth as a means to escape New Genesis/Apokolips? Is he brought to earth as a baby, a child, or a teenager? Does he still have his genetic superpowers or are they somehow suppressed until the ghost portal?
Is Danny swapped with Miracle Man instead of Orion? Does Orion exist in this universe? If so, Does Danny view him as an older brother/younger brother figure, an enemy, or someone to challenge his place for the next in line to be the ruler of Apokolips? Does Orion know that Danny even exists at all? If Danny was swapped with Miracle Man, does Orion become the Big Bad in the story since he no longer is raised by the Highfather and no longer has New Genesian morals? Is both Danny and Orion given to New Genesis for the peace treaty? Is Danny exiled to Earth and no one knows he exists? Does Danny stay on Apokolips and becomes Phantom, Ruler of Infinite Realms and is an even curler ruler than Pariah Dark? Does Danny Not Look Human?
On that note, Danny is an alien from another dimension. His anatomy is not at all the same as earthlings. Does his parents know that he isn’t human right off the bat? Does this make them more accepting if/when he comes out to them as Phantom? Does Danny pass as a human and not know of his New God heritage or is he aware of it? Was being the part of a superhero race a part of the reason why he didn’t die in the portal accident? Is Danny FAR more powerful than in the show since he’s from an OP superhero race and is now a ghost with even more abilities?
Danny definitely would have some anger issues and trouble keeping himself calm. Apokoliptians are commonly genetically evil aligned warriors who are meant to combat the forces of good. Think Devils Vs Angels but Jack Kirby style. Danny (if nothing obstructs just abilities) is the basic super humanly strong, fast, thinks fast, etc. as a New God. Having Dan be if Danny gave into his urges for violence and rage and becoming a loyal follower of Darkseid could be a very interesting take on his character.
Oh also I gotta shove the idea in there that Big Barda finds Danny and trains him in the Female Furies combat regimen. (VERY short summary for Big Barda: Mister Miracles wife. Apokoliptian. Was one of Granny Goodness’s Female Furies before ditching Apokolips to be with Scott. The ‘big’ is because she’s insanely tall. She’s an insanely skilled combatant and is super pretty and will wipe the floor with her foes entrails.)
Y’all there’s so much you can do with this look at the possibilities of funky fics you could write. I’d highly recommend doing at least a small google about the New Gods to get an idea of the races backstory, the history of the comic, and the technology they possess. I didn’t detail everything in my Darkseid and Orion explanations so I’d HIGHLY recommend doing some research yourself.
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punkiio · 7 months
Julius and Gemi infodump
I had recently written out a huge infodump abt them on toyhouse and I realized I can post it here too !! I think I'll add stuff to it too
Julius is a serial killer and Gemi is his roommate. Julius works as a funeral celebrant and kills people he deems as evil, since he is trying to get rid of evil people in the world, but thinks he is justified in killing these people. He fully believes he is doing something good and that everyone else just don't understand him. Julius sort of thinks he is a complex person and believes everyone else is two dimensional and boring, that they don't think beyond the norm. He believes bad people are born evil and will always be evil. He doesn't believe anything will help these people other than to take them out to make sure they don't do anything bad ever again. The reason he thinks this way is because in his childhood, his parents were pretty horrible to him. He tried seeking help at school multiple times but nothing really happened. No one helped him, so he was stuck with these evil people. The only thing that ended his misery was someone murdering his parents. Death was the only thing that got rid of the evil in his life, so that must be the only solution.
Now for Gemi, he's a bit more "average". He's poor, works at a record store, is a seemingly "boring" person. Gemi is a pretty quiet and introverted person. He doesn't really like talking to new people and comes off as monotone and uninterested when he talks to people. Possibly a little rude sometimes. Gemi, however, has pent up anger issues. He also had a messed up past due to his parents, and this caused him to develop anger issues. For the most part he doesn't act out on anyone, he just hides it. A sort of polar opposite to Julius, who lashes out against people he dislikes by full on killing them, when Gemi rarely even raises his voice. On top of this, Gemi has intrusive thoughts about hurting people he dislikes. Julius feeds into this. Gemi also has no idea Julius is a killer
As Julius learns more about Gemi, he begins to realize that their stories are very similar. They were both mistreated as kids and no one would help them. Because of this, Julius becomes obsessively in love with Gemi. He would do anything for Gemi, and believes that Gemi is perfect. That Gemi can do nothing wrong. That Gemi will one day think just like him, unlike everyone else in their fucked up society. Julius' world begins to sort of revolve around Gemi, the obsession he has is definitely unhealthy but he doesn't know nor does he really care. This is the first time he has felt a connection to another person. The first time he could relate to another person (as if he ever tried getting close to anyone else). Gemi is also the first other trans person Julius has ever met. He basically doesn't know how to handle these emotions I guess... His obsession is so intense that he'll kill people who have been rude or mistreat Gemi (at one point in their story Gemi's parents come visit, and after they leave he ends up killing them). Julius wants to protect Gemi as much as he can from being hurt again (emotionally, because he is completely fine with Gemi getting in fights as long as Gemi wins). Julius buys Gemi gifts and leaves notes with them, one example being an expensive cologne that he left with a note describing how he thought it would smell good on Gemi.
Gemi's feelings about Julius is a lot more tame, but still hold meaning. Julius is gentle with Gemi, he doesn't raise his voice, move unpredictably, and uses kind words towards him. Julius doesn't touch people a lot but when he touches Gemi it's always gentle. Gemi isn't used to it, and that kindness is what attracted Gemi to Julius. Which is funny, because Gemi was borderline terrified of Julius when they first met and started living together. Can't blame him though, Julius is very unsettling. But once he started to open up to Julius, he started to feel more comfortable around him, despite Julius rarely talking about himself. Gemi was just happy he had someone he could talk to when he was alone with his thoughts. Julius was always so understanding, and so the person he was once terrified of is now someone he seeks comfort from. Julius LOVES this, he loves knowing everything there is to know about Gemi, and he loves Gemi feeling dependent on him. However, Gemi doesn't know about Julius' obsession over him. He just thinks they're friends. Gemi sometimes has nightmares about him and Julius trying to kill each other and he isnt sure why. When he tells Julius about it, Julius almost seems happy or excited about it. Something about Gemi telling him he had a dream where Gemi had his hands around his throat excites him and makes his heart skip a beat.
Gemi also has a best friend named Royce. Royce always feels uncomfortable around Julius and thinks he is unsettling and that there is something off about him. He always expresses these concerns with Gemi, who always brushes it off as "you don't get him like I do" and "He's less scary once you're around him for a while". Gemi believes that everyone just has the wrong idea about Julius, including himself when he first met him. However, Julius likes Royce. Of course not as much as he likes Gemi, but he does leave anonymous gifts for Royce at his house with a thank you note, which makes Royce feel uneasy. Julius purposely changes his handwriting so they can't match it up with the notes Julius leaves for Gemi.
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I just so deeply wish it was much more common and acceptable to make powerful characters just weird
Like take idk Gojo from jjk, or Luke Skywalker
Characters that are chosen or just powerful but also so deeply not human in theory but not in practice because people are cowards
Yes Gojo seems a bit uncanny with his eyes, but for the name of “Six Eyes” its very tame that they are jusr. Bright, which just makes him pretty. And he has a bit of weird mannerism that comes with seeing too much. Give my man more eyes physically. Make him so fucking weird he will benefit from it so much, give us biblically accurate Gojo
The same about Luke, Jedi in general. They different from everyone else canonically on biological level. Make them weird. Anakin is straight up space Jesus, all Skywalkers should be eldrich horrors in the flesh that’s too small for them
True creepy strong character despite not making changes physical but only in mannerism? Ellen Ripley from Alien Resurrection. She is so weird and uncanny and wrong in an unhuman way
Making changes physical would be easier when someone doesn’t have the sheer charisma of Sigourney Weaver so I’d accept just ya know. If Anakin had weird eyes or smh
When someone is a genious in any field possible, sometimes they dont seem human to you. I had a friend in uni who was probably smarter than most professors but was well. Not most stable? Like he brought knives to uni, had some very radical and borderline rasist or homophobic views cause of the company he kepe because he was desperately trying to belong somewhere. He had wild eyes, last thing he told me was that he had his first time with a sex worker and then went into army. It was natural to be weary of him, he was a nice dude but the smallest things could tip him off
Thats what im talking about
Like i get it it might be a hard thing to show depending on the medium. Thats why you can just fucking give them idk. More eyes or too emotional or whatever. I want them to be WEIRD
(In that way i dont have much against Anakin cause man. This dude. They made him so intense he felt weird. Luke was made to be a pretty blond warrior so he wasnt allowed anything bad about him. But Anakin? Oh he was allowed his anger issues and weird staring at people which is at least a small win)
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cometconmain · 4 months
You understood the post re: what happened to middle eastern Jews around 1945 PERFECTLY and thank you thank you thank you for doing so. It feels like I've been going crazy. I'd like to add that when non-Jews come at us about Israel, It's also not immediately obvious that they don't know what happened to the other Jews in the region, or the long history of Dhimmi. We're used to being treated like we deserve to be killed for breathing, so it just looks like more of the same antisemitism - and when we try to explain it, we're told we're centering ourselves in someone else's tragedy. I do not have the words for saying what it feels like to see someone non-Jewish understand this. It gives me a kind of hope I hadn't anticipated seeing since I was little and believed in miracles, makes it feel like I can meaningfully work towards a solution without condemning my people to be horrifically killed, again, and told that it wasn't happening and if it was we deserved it. Thank you for giving me this hope.
This has really made my night and I am so happy that me trying to learn has made a difference for you in a world that's weirdly and horribly obsessed with opposing and ending your very existence.
I got here because some really REALLY patient Jewish people chose to sit me down and check where I was actually trying to come from, then helped me identify that my activism had been infiltrated by both bad faith actors and other history-ignorant people alike, and in my intention to help Palestinians without first being educated in the full history properly I was being dragged into the radicalisation rip without even realising it.
I am very sorry to anyone I made feel unsafe while spouting things I didn't understand and I'm really glad even this ultimately bare minimum act of trying to listen for once may have done something to hopefully start making up for that.
I'm going to keep trying to listen and learn because while what's happening to the Palestinians is also still fucked up and needs to end (and I want to listen to Palestinian voices on horrific things that are being done to them by their own military and the Israeli military I just need to figure out what's truth and what's Al Jazeera propaganda which those Jewish people I mentioned are currently helping me with), spreading incorrect history, denying that Jewish people are also indigenous, refusing to recognise our (non-Jewish Westerners') massive part in causing this conflict and continuing our oppression of Jewish people doesn't achieve that in any way and just adds more horrors into the world, both for Palestinians and Jewish people, a group who have never seen an end to their persecution and many of which have understandably given up hope in seeing.
You're not imagining it, you are being gaslit about your own history both by already-bigoted people who are doing it intentionally and slowly-radicalising people who don't know any better (but who really need to stop and check where their info is coming from; it's not like we don't know about propaganda on the left or that misinformation is rife and we have a responsibility to try to filter it out. There's no excuse to keep insisting on not looking when people ping us about issues in our activism and information), and you are entirely valid in feeling hurt, angry, endangered and betrayed by that.
We are out here and we genuinely want to help everyone. Unfortunately, our ignorance of history, politics and how to find reliable non-extremist news sources is being leveraged by shitty people who see an opportunity to take our anger at what's happening to one group to sicc us on the other, a time honoured fucked up but horribly effective tactic of bigots the world over.
We can be reached though. There is hope. And when we're reached we will try to reach others (I have an overdue conversation with a good friend coming up neither of us are looking forward to because I'm pretty sure she thinks I've been hijacked by the evil totally-all-the-same-beliefs Zionists who want us to turn a blind eye to war crimes against Palestinians so they can push them all out and take everything for Israel or whatever, when I literally just want her to learn the actual history/different types of Zionism/etc with me and stop applying settler-colonial theory to a place where the problems are actually very different in nature and require a different approach neither of us know how to do yet because we need to remove all the antisemitism bugs from our activism database on this first or it'll keep infecting the rest of our system until it takes over and whoops when did we become Nazis? Fuck. I know she wouldn't want that so I'm hoping to use the same approach that worked with me without her deciding she should just throw out our over ten-year-long friendship. Wish me luck. 😆 )
You are also valid in trying to make sure you're safe. Deradicalising people is always a risk and you are so valid in not being able to pick good-faith-but-ignorant people from the raging dickheads when we all share and spread the same stuff. We usually can't pick out the differences either; that's why we fall for it slowly without even realising it's happening.
One last thing.
You never deserve it. It did happen, it is happening, and you NEVER DESERVE IT.
Anyone saying otherwise has been radicalised and needs a serious wake-up-call kick up the arse. All the best intentions in the world of helping other people who are suffering and don't deserve it do not suddenly make it ok to attack Jewish people or say they deserve oppression, disenfranchisement and genocide. They do not and they never will. That is bigot talk. That is actual Nazi talk and it is never warranted or remotely justified.
(I, too, am ignorant of what Dhimmi is. Do you want to tell me about it? I'll look it up now too but I'm open if you feel safe to share. DMs are fine too if you prefer.)
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I see a lot of ppl talking about corporal punishment so let me put my input on it.
I've gotten corporal punishment (mostly from my dad) and YEAH SURE it did in fact help me learn things quickly-- but it hurt more than it helped. Recently, I've noticed that it installs fear in communicating with any authority figure. (And communication is pretty essential in terms of working out problems.) Especially when it's used on a kid that doesn't understand why exactly they're being punished. They'll end up fearing asking for help in order to fix their mistakes, and only end up making more mistakes and misunderstandings.
Now, the exception about this is that it was less of a punishment, and more of a reality check, kinda. Instead of the punching being used to reinforce an ideology that the kid may not exactly understand, it's to knock some sense into someone who seems to have gotten lost from what they already know. (and totally understands why they got punched.)
ALSO ADDITIONALLY: Corporal punishment is more constant throughout the life. This was kind of a one time thing.
Additionally, punching your loved one's is still bad. I'm pretty sure Sonic only did that spontaneously because he needed a solution, and that was the easiest one. Which brings me to ANOTHER thing which is that parents use corporal punishment instead of trying to teach their kids with less violent methods because simply, it's easier. Fear is a good motivator, no matter the context.
Sorry guys, I'm sleepy so I don't even know if my point is coming across correctly. Feel free to argue against me more and maybe I can actually get my thoughts in check ugh.
Communicating about problems- heh, who needs that?!? (<- panicking) Certainly not me. I learn from my mistakes. In "more healthy ways" or the same way I've learned my whole life. You learn not to touch the wrong wires in circuitry, or else you get shocked.
It's not just the quickest way, but it instills it for the longest. That seems like the most effective method to me.
Alright, let's talk about this for a moment.
There's a difference between abuse, corporeal punishment, and whatever the fuck Sonic did.
Tails very clearly was Abused, not punished. There's a main difference between the two and that's health after the "punishment." (Or maybe I'm just American and it's all abuse.)
If you are showing physical signs afterward, or they activity didn't provide you with things that are nessicary to live (when it was available to them, poverty is an exception to this one) then its abuse.
The most common corporal punishments are things like spanking, being pattled, or just generally being hit with blunt items on the arms, hands, back, or bottom. I think a belt also counts on this topic, but neither of my parents owned belts, so I never dealt with that.
Again, I could just be American, and this could all be abuse, but If you are being hit out of anger rather than punishment, you're left bleeding, they're depriving you of house, food or anything, they're breaking bones, and especially if you're told to lie about how you got any injuries, you need to ask for help. That's certainly abuse.
My childhood fluctuated between the two. My parents had anger issues, and while they'd try to keep it legal, their emotions often got the best of them. I don't wish that upon anyone.
(Yes, I put the sonic thing into its own category because it checks every box for abuse and I don't want to label it that with my whole soul)
Regardless, it's interesting seeing everyone argue against my upbringing, and uh yeah, I'm questioning a lot of things, guys, lol.
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