#this is gonna sound dark and i PROMISE IM NOT SUICIDAL AT ALL
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rainbowxocs · 1 year
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TW: This Character has allot of dark details in her backstory and just general lore. Unfortunately due to her being from the 1400s we have to talk allot about how women were treated back then. Including SA, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse, ETC. I will only use basic descriptions but if that bothers you then just learn about Are via asking questions to her.
with notes from me!!! Are!!! :3
Name: Are Yoru (アレ 夜)(アレ・ヨル) that’s me!
Alt Names: Akira Otome (Childhood name) (あきら オトメ) haha akira sounds like “a killa”
Are Otome no Aji-Ganashi (アレオトメ脳アジ加那志)
Special Titles: Myobu (命婦), Kikoe-Ogimi (聞得大君), Our Lady Kitsune (わたしたちの狐さま), Chiko (ちこ), Goddess of Okutama (神の奥多摩), Geiko (芸子), The Curse of Okutama (奥多摩の呪い).
Remember to bow down to your Kitsune overlord ;3
Old Titles: Juri (じゅり), Our Lady of Flowers (花の聖母), Maiko (舞妓), Minarai (見習), Shikomi (仕込)
Nicknames: Are-Chan. (アレちゃん)(アレチャン)
Chronological Age: 565. jeez you don’t have to put all my personal business out there.
Age: 18. I’m gonna be young 4eva!
Pronouns: She/They/Nya (In English.)
I Pronouns:
Wagahai (吾輩)(A neutral I that’s incredibly old fashioned, Usually seen as pompous or that the person using it thinks highly of themselves.)
Warawa (わらわ)(A feminine pronoun that’s archaic, Usually used by noblewomen or women of a high class, comes off as pompous.)
Wachiki (わちき) (A feminine archaic pronoun, Usually used by prostitutes in the past.)
Sexuality: Ryōseiai (両性愛, Bisexual), Grayromantic.
Gender: Transfem, Gendervoid, Weirdfoxic, Yanderecoric.
Species: Kitsune (Yurei) (Witch) I’m just a cute wittle foxy, you can put your fingers inside my cage I promise I won’t bite them.
Disorders: CPTSD, HPD, BPD, Suicide Ideation, Insomnia, Autism.
Physical Conditions: Chronic Pain.
Active Addictions: Self Harm, Nicotine (Vaping.)
Religion: Utaki Shinko, Shintoism. shoutout to my mommsss.
Job: Chashitsu Waitress. it’s like- totally boring.. but.. the owner is this old grandma.. and she’s nice to me so whateva.
Major: Music. college is weird. but i get straight a’s somehow.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024. hehe okutama isn’t where I’m from but it’s GREAT here!
Languages: Japanese, Uchināguchi, English, Yokai + All Languages.
Height: 5’4”
Race: Indigenous Asian.
Ethnicity: Ryukyuan. I miss my hometown sometimes.
Accent: Okinawan.
Animal Form: Pink Fox with 5 Tails.
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Spirit Level: Acceptance. yeaaaaa bitch. I accepted I was dead pretty quickly lol. There’s no use dwelling on it.
Powers: Time Travel, Resetting Time, Shapeshifting, Possession, Summoning, Divination, Creating Fire and Lightning, Dream Traveling, Flight, Invisibility, Teleporting, Illusions, Superhuman Strength, Mind Control, General Witchcraft/Magic, Creating and Seeing Omens, Siren Song, Strings.
Im like tottttesss overpowered.
Weapons: Knives, Circular Saw, Chainsaw.
Wand: Magatama, Gohei.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Text Color: Pink.
Main Animal: Fox. yip yip!
Main Hobbies: Violin, Sanshin, Yotsutake, Cello, Koto, Yotsutake, Fan Dancing, Tea Ceremonies. :)
please gods feed me food.
Favorite Drink: Bukubuku Tea, Strawberry Tea, Hot Chocolate, Strawberry Monster Energy.
Favorite Fruit: Oranges.
Favorite Candies: Strawberry Pocky, Konpieto.
Favorite Meals: Udon w Abura-age, Chicken Katsu, and Curry. Inarizushi, Hotdogs, Sashimi.
Favorite Snacks: Cherry Blossom Chips, Peelable Candy.
Favorite Desserts: Tanghulu, Strawberry Icecream Mochi, Strawberry Cake.
Favorite Flower: Cherry Blossoms.
Handedness: Right Handed.
Blood Color: Magenta.
Awareness: VERY Aware. (Effect: Negative.)
Birthday: April 14th 1459 (Aries, Rabbit, AB. ) hehe unlucky numbers babyyy.
Fun Facts: Is banned in most countries for terrorism, Was the leader of her light music club in Highschool. :D
Comfort Objects: Sakura (Fox Plush), Reborn Baby Dolls.
Special Interests: Music, Crime.
Extras: Has 5 tails, usually only shows one though cause it’s hard to sit down with them.
Stims: Tail Wagging, Hand Flapping, lots of physical stimming.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Inari, Amamikyu (Patron Deities/Mother Figures)
my moms are so annoying. But they’re nice or whatever.
Bushii Aya Otome, Ueekata Fuji Otome (Birth Parents.)
Yuki Sho, Mizuki Sho (Children)
Odoroku, Yukai (BFFs). ODO IS LIKE MY BFF, and YUKAI IS GREAT TOO! I love crashing their datessss.
Kagayaki, Theo, Joan. They’re alright too!
Romance: None. yettttt ;) callll meee.
Kami. such a dickwad.
Hwan. The god complex on this man is extreme. And that’s coming from ME.
Pets: Neko (猫) (Raccoon) BEST CAT I LOVE HIM.
Brief Personality: Are is what you would call, Chaotic, Sadistic. She seems to take pleasure in messing with people. Changing the story, Breaking the 4th wall. They are highly intelligent, however she often hides that behind a vapid/pompous persona. In reality, all Are wants is attention and for someone to play her games with her.. However they would never admit that.
Brief Backstory: Are was born a very long time ago in modern day Okinawa. Her childhood name was Akira. Her family were originally rice farmers and the first few years of her life were relatively uneventful. Until her parents realized how much money there is in the con business. It started out small, saying that the teas they make could cure illness, then they could make creams and tonics that could cure blindness and heal broken bones.
Her parents slowly did any and every type of con in the book and slowly they included Akira in the Scams. Who couldn’t resist that cute little face? And Unfortunately her parents made Akira do, allot of things for money. Akira had to deal with sexual abuse from a very young age, which warped her sense of reality.
Her parents eventually scammed and broke mostly ever law to get their way up to the top. They pretended to be Warriors, they.. of course did not have any qualifications for that sort of job, but that didn’t stop them from reaching the royal palace with that scam. They were granted a living quarters within the grounds of the palace. And they offered their child as a Juri, helping the older prositutes and eventually as she got older becoming one.
When she became more mature she was given the name Are.
Are learned from an incredibly young age how to game the system. She knew exactly what to say to charm people and knew exactly what to do to get people to leave her alone. And eventually her intelligence paid off, She was proficient in all different types of dancing like fan dancing and Yotsutake. Performing for people within the palace and dazzling them.
Eventually Are made her way to dazzling the King and Queen with her talent in music and dancing, which made her family go up in the world. Her family wanted to use their connections to royalty as a means for power. But Are just liked the safety she got from it.
The King took an interest in Are, eventually making her a Aji-Ganashi. Which she begrudgingly accepted. However, this caused her to have some evil eyes cast upon her. She noticed the other concubines would bully and harass her. Putting rats in her room, Cutting her hair off. Are’s family made her put up with the abuse as they didn’t want to lose their connection with the royal family.
One day however it went too far, as one of the other concubines poisoned her. Are slowly died a slow and painful death as the poison took over her body, She remembers her mother and father laying over her before she closed her eyes, and was transported to a forest, She sat up confused, wondering where she was until she looked over and saw a woman by a glowing river. The woman beckoned her to come towards her.
Are hesitantly got up, dusting off her outfit and going to sit down next to the woman.
“Little one, What are you doing here?” The woman asked.
“I.. think I died...” Are said, fidgeting with her ryusou. “It’s kind of blurry..”
Are looked up at the woman. “I.. wasn’t expecting to go that quickly.. My parents are going to be so disappointed..”
The woman stared down at her, with a look that Are couldn’t quite make out.
“Heh, sorry.. I guess I shouldn’t complain.. That’s life right..?” Are shifted nervously.
The woman took Are’s hands. “What if I gave you a second chance?”
“A second chance? What do you mean..?” Are said. “It’s not like any of us have that kind of power..”
The woman laughed. “You have no idea who I am, do you?”
Are gave her a puzzled look. “Um. No.. not particularly..”
“I am, Amamikyu.”
Are’s eyes got wide, she immediately bowed to the goddess“OHMYGODLITERALLYIAMSOSORRYIWASBEINGSORUDEOHMYGOD”
“Wooooahhh easy now, no need for all of that, my child.” Amamikyu said, patting Are on the head.
“Listen, do you see this river?” The goddess said, pointing at the river beside them. “This, little one. Is the river of the gods. It is the essence of life. If you drink from it, I believe it should give you a second chance.”
“I- I don’t know if I deserve that..” Are said.
“Drink, That’s a command from your goddess.” Amamikyu pointed at the river, ushering the child to drink up.
Are did as she was told and drank the contents, waking up in her death bed. and of course, waking up from the dead is, yknow, kind of a big deal. So as you could imagine the entire room, then the entire palace, freaked out. Until finally the King and Queen were called to witness the miracle.
“You have been blessed by the spirits, so is the gift of the Onarigami.” The King Said. “You have cheated death itself.”
The King placed a magmatama around Are’s neck as a sign of her spiritual ascension, and that was enough for the concubines to know not to mess with a woman who literally cheated death. She played the role of a Kikoe-Ogmi despite her status, doing ceremonies and blessing people with a long and lasting life.
She actually enjoyed it. Despite her parents disappointment in no marriage or babies with any high ranking officials. Are genuinely was just happy dancing, singing, and doing rituals. The arts of religion and culture were her greatest passion.
However the pressures grew too strong, when not only her family but the entire palace pushed her to have children, to carry on her spiritual success to an heir. And so she reluctantly obliged.
Are fell pregnant with the Kings children, and she was honestly, very nervous. As the months ticked by she felt like anything could go wrong at any moment.. Afraid that someone else would betray her and try and kill her or worse her children again.. She got obsessed with finding ways of protecting herself, lucky charms, spells, trinkets. Until finally her babies were born.
Princess Yuki, and Prince Mizuki. Her babies. Looking at their small little faces she knew she would do anything to protect them. They both grew up with lucky trinkets and protective sigils sewn into their clothes. Are taught both of them how to read and write and how to play music and dance. She tried to give them a normal life despite their royal status.
Her parents, were.. idiots.. to say the least.. They thought since now that they have royal blood in their bloodline they could act high and mighty about it, being disrespectful to everyone in the castle. Are’s reputation was slightly protected due to her status, but the rumors about her family spread throughout the castle like wildfire. Her parents were gravely messing up their con with their own stupidity.
She knew she had to shut them up somehow, She couldn’t let her parents ruin what she had worked so hard to achieve, the life she built for herself, the life she built for her children. So she betrayed her parents, she told the court the truth about their con, and how they were not who they said they were.
She knew that she could play the court like a fiddle if she said the right thing, cried at the right time, played the right part, just like in her dances. And the court spared her and threw her parents out of the castle. Due to her spiritual powers they believed that she was sent here by the gods, despite her parents actions.
Are felt relief, for a little while. She had dodged a bullet. And now her kids are safe..
..Are they safe..?
Are looked at her children, and couldn’t help but feel like there was, a darkness around them. A darkness around her entire family. She didn’t understand why though, She was blessed by her goddess, She was the high priestess of the kingdom. Why did she feel like this?
It was probably all the bad omens, The dead birds that appeared when she was around the King and Queen, water turning into blood, It seemed no matter what Are did, no matter what magic she did or what good luck she tried to acquire nothing worked..
The rest of the palace started to notice the omens, She tried to convince them that she was trying to get rid of them, that it was just temporary. But she saw the doubt in their eyes. The whispers around the palace started to grow bigger and bigger.
“She’s cursed.” One would say. “She’s infected the palace with her madness.” Another would chime.
The Palace was convinced that her magic was nothing more than a fraud. That she is a hysterical mad woman who only was out to ruin the royal family. Are couldn’t believe this.. after everything she had done for them, after all the protection she gave them, after everything she sacrificed.
“It’s probably better if she just gets thrown in the cold palace.” One of the concubines said. “Then nobody would have to deal with her and her cursed children.”
Are, snapped when she heard that. How dare she? How could she say that about her children? About the life she had worked SO hard to create.
She didn’t even realize what she had done until she saw the blood on her hands, and the concubine on the floor unconscious. The guards grabbed her and Are kicked and screamed.
They threw her into the palace prison, Are banged and screamed on the walls of her cage but it was no use. She had messed up. Oh god she had messed up.
Are slid down the wall of her jail cell, she was completely disheveled. Her hair and accessories all askew, her outfit covered in blood. What had she done?
Was it weeks.. days.. months..? How long had she been here? What time is it? There’s no light down here. Are could hardly think straight, everything was fuzzy. She couldn’t focus on anything in the room. Were people in the room? Who knows. She was so dissociated she didn’t know.
“Are no Aji-Ganashi.” A Voice spoke.
Are looked up wearily, she was on the floor of her cell. She saw a priestess with a very stern expression looking down upon her.
Are could barely speak, she just laughed softly. Trying to get up with her weak stature, her legs wobbled as she stood.
The priestess started to speak in hymns and mantras, trying to purify Are of evil. Are knew the spells very well. They wouldn’t work of course. Whoever she was, she didn’t have the gift that Are did.
Are got on her knees in front of the Priestess, grabbing the hem of her skirt and crying into it. Are felt like she wasn’t even in control of her body anymore. She just cried and cried and begged for forgiveness. She screamed she wasn’t evil, please god just let her go.
The Priestess looked at her with disgust, kicking her away from her. She looked to the guards and whispered something and then walked out. Are was alone again. All she could do is cry.
She didn’t know how much time had passed until two guards grabbed her and started to drag her out of her cell. Her vision was blurry and all she could do is let them. She heard a crowd and she heard the sound of chains.
She was tied up to a pole, she looked down at the crowd and saw the King and Queen addressing the audience.
“This woman is cursed. She is an abomination. She charmed us with her wicked ways but she was actually sent by the dark forces. The darkness radiates off of her.” The king said.
The crowd cheered.
“We will not have this curse effect our kingdom, the royal bloodline. So just like her children she will be executed, for the good of the kingdom, for prosperity.”
Are’s ears were ringing. He couldn’t be serious. Did she hear that right? Her children were dead? She was going to die? She was cursed?
No. No. That can’t be right. No.
“Burn the darkness away!” The king ordered the guards.
She felt the heat of the fire, as she desperately tried to escape. She had to escape, she had to save her children, she had to save herself she had to-
She felt a power wash over her, something she had never felt before. And when she screamed out, she saw as all the people around her dropped dead. She laughed manically as the King, Queen, Guards, everyone. Everyone was dead.
The fire slowly consumed her. All she could see was smoke as she lost consciousness..
She woke up, to someone stroking her hair.
She looked and saw, Amamikyu, and a fox. She couldn’t move. Tears streaming down her cheeks.
“You have a knack for getting into trouble little one.” Amamikyu said.
Are couldn’t speak.
The fox slowly pressed a paw on Are’s forehead. She and the creature made eye contact. Are slowly pet their head. The fox was incredibly pleased, wagging their tail.
“My friend wants to give you a gift, my child.” Amamikyu said, scratching Are behind the ears.
“why..” Are could barely speak.
“They like you. Don’t you Inari-San?”
Inari nodded in reply, giving Amamikyu a little yip.
“But for now, you need to rest.” Amamikyu said. “Sleep my child.. You will get your gift when you wake up.”
Are closed her eyes, curling up in her mothers lap. Inari curling up next to her as well.
She fell asleep..
Until 500 years later. A child summons a Kitsune.
And the “curse” begins again.
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hotdoghotdiggidydog · 3 years
I Give Up
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Summary: Wanda can’t take the way the team treats her anymore. She gives the team amazing presents for Christmas, but isn’t there to see their reactions. Wanda doesn’t know how much more she can take.
Warnings ⚠️: Self Harm, Depression, Suicidal Ideation, Talk of abuse, Talk of trauma, Suicide.
A/N: please take care of yourselves. If you know reading this isn’t good for you, please don’t. I care a lot about you.
Ps. This gets sadder and sadder as it continues. It even made me cry when I was writing it. 😕
1 year. That’s how long I’ve been here. This compound is nice, I’ll give stark that. It doesn’t feel like home though. Not in the slightest.
I didn’t expect them to absolutely love me, of course not. I mean, I don’t even like me. However, I didn’t expect this kind of treatment from my “team.” Especially right after I lost my brother.
I hate him for what he did. I hate him for leaving me alone. I’ve never felt so completely and utterly alone. I haven’t talked at all in 3 months and no one seemed to care or even notice.
Maybe I will try again today. I’ll try to talk to them, create some kind of relationship even if it was a small one.
I got ready for the day. I curled my dark hair, leaving them loose and subtle. I decided to only wear mascara, not wanting to stand out too much with eyeliner. I put on a white long sleeve shirt and black ripped jeans. Finally, I slipped on some black converse.
It sounds stupid to get all ready for them considering they wanted nothing to do with me, but I couldn’t help but feel the need to impress them.
I never had friends growing up. Pietro was the only person she ever considered to be one. Maybe it was time to try and make some.
Wanda finally made her way out of her room, anxiety creeping up into her chest already. She makes her way down the stairs. She’s met with the sound of laughter.
Once she’s fully into the kitchen, she sees the whole team having brunch, talking in different groups, laughing at jokes being made.
However, once a few of them notice her, their faces change. Their smiles fade and their laughter cuts off.
“Hey Wanda. What are you doing here?” Tony speaks up, knowing no one else would have.
Wanda looks down and plays with her sleeves, a nervous habit.
“Um, I was just coming down for some breakfast.” Wanda responds in a small voice.
“You already ate today. You can’t just steal everyone’s food. Plus, you don’t even look like you need to eat.” Natasha laughs as she looks to Clint.
Truth is, Wanda hasn’t eaten in 4 days. She’s been too sad to come out of her room.
“Oh uh yeah. Of course. Im going to go to an art museum. They just opened up a new avengers exhibit and I thought maybe you guys would want to-” Wanda’s cut off.
“Yeah yeah. Sorry kid but no one cares.” Cap waves her off.
“Oh okay. I guess I’ll be back later. Bye!” Wanda waves as she walks off. No one said bye back. Instead, they all went back to enjoying their meals and their conversations.
As Wanda steps out the door, she lets out a shaky breath.
Im such an idiot. Why did I even try? Im so pathetic, no wonder why no one wants to be around me.
I walk for hours until finally, I’m sat in front of Pietro’s grave.
“Hey Piet. Why? Why did you let yourself die? Why did you leave me alone? I really need you right now. I just- I can’t do this.” I started to cry , resting my forehead against the stone. “I’m- I’m gonna see you soon. Really soon. I promise. I love you.”
I don’t know how long I stayed there. I don’t even remember falling asleep. I woke up the next morning. By back aches from leaning against stone all night.
Oh no. I told the team I would be back last night. Fuck.
After an hour of walking as fast as I can, I finally made it back to the tower.
When I made my way inside, I saw everyone on the couch huddled in the living room watching a movie.
“Hi guys. Sorry I didn’t come back last night. I went to Pietro’s grave and accidentally fell aslee-” I rambles.
“Can’t you shut up for once in your life?! Jesus Christ. No one even noticed you were gone. You just interrupted the movie at the best part!” This time, it’s Thor yelling at me. I already feel my eyes watering up.
“Oh, sorry.” My voice cracked. I try my hardest to push back my tears.
“Great, now she’s crying again. Stop being such a little bitch. Y’know, for a monster you have too much feelings.” At those words I freeze. Monster. Monster.
I don’t say anything. I can’t bring myself to speak. I quickly head upstairs. The pain in my chest is painful at this point. I hurry to my room and once I’m inside, I can’t hold it in anymore. I can’t do anything. I can’t even breath right.
I’m dizzy, I can’t think.
Wanda has passed out on her floor from not eating and her panic attack. Her color is drained from her face. She doesn’t look good.
When she wakes up at 4 am the next morning, she takes a razor from her sharpener.
Wanda goes into her bathroom, sits on the floor and makes a small cut. She doesn’t know what she’s doing, having never done this before.
Small cuts turn into big ones. Big ones turn into deep ones. Soon, there is no space left on her arms. She would be lying if she said it didn’t hurt the bitch. But that’s the point. She deserved it.
They were right. She is a monster. She’s done horrible things in her past.
After letting the blood trickle down her arms, to her thighs, than to the floor as she spaces out, she finally gets enough energy to get up.
She hurries and cleans herself and the floor up. She takes a bath.
Wanda doesn’t leave her room for two weeks.
Christmas is coming up. I’ve put in so much thought, time and effort into the presents I got everyone. I hope they like them.
Wanda has been quietly observing the team for a while. She makes sure to stay as quiet as possible and make herself invisible while she doodles in a sketch pad in the couch while her teammates have conversations around her.
She’s gotten to know them by this method. By doing this, she was able to get a good idea of what to get the others for Christmas.
It’s the day before Christmas and everyone is asleep. Or so, Wanda thought. After being awoken from a nightmare, she goes down into the kitchen for some water.
She sees Natasha sitting on one of the chairs drinking a bottle of vodka.
Wanda pours herself some water, feeling Natasha’s eyes fixed on her.
“You know, you made my life worst since the moment you stepped into it.” Natasha’s words are slurred.
“What?” Wanda’s stomach drops to the pit of her stomach.
“You heard me. Every night I dream about my graduation ceremony in the red room and it’s all your fault. I wish you would do everyone a favor and kill yourself already.” Natasha rolls her eyes.
Wanda’s eyes start to water. she slowly makes her way over by Natasha. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I made a mistake, many actually. If I could take it back I-” Natasha smacks Wanda. Hard. Wanda feels tears leave her eyes immediately. The slap was so hard, it made Wanda dizzy.
Wanda cups her cheek, running upstairs into her room.
Fuck it.
I can’t
I can’t do this anymore.
I’m a monster.
She left everyone her gift outside of their doors.
Wanda digs into the medicine cabinets, taking as many bottles that can can fit in her arms into her room. Wanda takes 9 bottles of random kinds of pills until her vision starts to fade and she feels like throwing up. Her stomach is hurting so bad.
Instead of crying of pain, she smiles as she lays down on her soft carpet, her hearing finally stops, and lastly her heart. As she takes her final shallow breath, she whispers as best as she can, “I’m sorry Pietro.”
The next morning, Christmas, everyone awakens and goes to head downstairs. They all look down and see a present waiting outside their doors. They read the name, roll their eyes and either throw it in their room or leave it on the floor.
The avengers have a great Christmas. Huddled together, matching pjs and hot chocolate as they unwrap their gifts.
“Where’s the witch?” Cap asks.
“Probably still asleep.” Clint shrugs, giving Natasha the gift he got for her.
“Good, let it stay that way.” Natasha laughs.
Thor is the first to open his present from Wanda. He sits down on his bed after unwrapping his other presents downstairs and finally unwraps the beautifully wrapt gift. The wrapping paper was a dark blue with little lightning bolts.
When Thor opens it, he sees a note,
Dear Thor,
We’ve never talked, but I’ve heard you speak to the others about your life. I’m sorry about your mother. No one deserves to lose a parent.
It took a lot of digging, but after a couple of months, I was able to contact you friend. The one from Asgard you always talk about. I think his name is Haimdall? Anyways, after I had a vision one night, I saw a lock in one of the walls in your mothers bedroom. She gave me the code.
Inside, she left a ring and a necklace for you. She told me you’d know what it meant. It took a while to get the items here on earth, but I pulled many strings to have it here by Christmas.
I’m sorry about what I did that day. The day I went in your mind. I’m sorry I caused you pain. I hope you can forgive me someday.
Merry Christmas
Wanda Maximoff <3
Thor couldn’t believe his eyes as he looked at the ring and necklace. When he was younger, his mother would tell him stories about the first ever god of thunder. He wore the ring of power and necklace if possibilities.
His mother always told him that he would earn them when time was right, and that they would be delivered to him by the strongest of all. A gentle soul that wields power. Wanda.
He had these things after wanting them forever. And it was all because of the little witch.
Tony was next, he opened the neatly wrapped box. Red paper and a yellow bow.
He too, found a note.
Dear Tony Stark,
I know we haven’t really gotten to know each other, but I have spent a lot of time listening to the stories you tell. I hope this is something you would like. Sorry if it’s not.
Your dad, Howard, he saved a folder in his industry. S.H.I.E.L.D has kept it hidden. They probably forgot it was even there. However, he wrote you a note. I left it in this this box for you.
I didn’t read it of course, but thought you would like to yourself.
Also, I heard that you have been working on a new project. I’ve seen your sketches and equations. I figured out what the missing piece was. In the box, I have an infinity stone. (You do not want to know what I had to go through to get it)
This is the power source that will activate your invention. You are a very smart man with big ideas. I’m not sure if you hear this enough, but I’m proud of you. Thank you for letting me stay here.
Also, I’m very sorry for going into your head. I’m sorry for what I made you see. I know it’s no excuse. I hope one day you can forgive me.
Merry Christmas,
Wanda Maximoff <3
Tony looked at the glowing stone. Later that day, he put the stone in his project and it worked. He couldn’t believe it. His invention was merely a concept because of how impossible it was. However, it worked. And it was all because of the little witch.
Steve sat in his couch in his room and looked where he had thrown the box. He picked it up the blue box, a red bow on the top.
As he opened it, a note rested on the top.
Dear Steve Rogers,
I don’t know you too well. However, I loved to listen to your stories about the war. I’m sorry you lost the love of your life and your best friend.
I have news for you though. Your best friend, I think he talked to me one night in my dreams. He said his name was James. He told me to tell you that he’s still alive. HYDRA held him captive for a very long time, made him into a super soldier like you. He recently escaped.
He told me that he wanted to talk to you as soon as he got out, but he doesn’t know how. So, inside of the box, I have his address. I hope you choose to catch up. He really cares for you.
Another thing I got you. After researching Margaret Elizabeth Carter, I found that she left a memory box in her old apartment. It took me a long time to find it considering she kept it in her wall.
I was able to grasp what I could before I got caught. She had pictures of you and her. She also kept a pocket watch with a picture of you.
She wrote to you, everyday for 2 years after she thought you died. I put them in this box. I’m sorry you didn’t get to live the life you deserved. You are a great man.
I’m sorry for going into your mind that day and making you believe you had a life you didn’t. I hope one day you can forgive me.
Merry Christmas,
Wanda Maximoff <3
Steve looked through the box and couldn’t believe what he saw. Peggy’s handwriting, words and words made just for him. A pocket watch with a picture of him and pictures of them both.
And an address that would bring him to his best friend. He felt like he could finally breath again. It was all because of the little witch.
Clint Barton sat on the couch, a purple gift in front of him decorated with a yellow bow.
He opened it, met with a note.
Dear Clint Barton,
I know we don’t talk, but I heard of your past. I’m sorry about your parents. You lost yours younger than I did. You also were in an orphanage with your Brother Barney.
You did what you could to keep you both alive. I’m sorry that you two don’t talk anymore.
I contacted the Carson Carnival, they gave me your first bow and arrows you ever used. Your brother left messages in each and every one when you left. I thought you would like to have them.
I’m sorry for hurting Natasha that day. I know that’s why you hate me. I wish I could go back and reverse what I did. I hope one day you can forgive me.
Merry Christmas,
Wanda Maximoff <3
Clint looked through the box, took hold of the familiar bow. The scratches and dents he connected memories to. Finally, he read the markings on the arrows.
“To whatever end brother.”
“Day 48 without you.”
“I’m sorry.”
Clint hugged these items close to him, letting tears leave his eyes. He finally got closure after all those years. And it was all because of the little witch.
Bruce sat in his lab. Staring at the green wrapping paper. He opened it moments later. A note falling into his lap.
Hi Dr. Banner,
Sorry I didn’t get to know you much. You seem like a great guy. Thank you for that one time you stitched up my cuts even when you didn’t want to. Thank you for not telling the others.
Sometimes your thoughts get loud and I hear them. I’m sorry about your father. He had no right to hurt you and your mother. I’m sorry that your anger is now used against you. You deserve to be loved.
I’m sorry that you feel as sad as I do. If I could take yours away and add it to mine I would. When you told the team about your suicide attempts, they shrugged it off. I wanted to step in and give you a hug. I’m sorry you ever felt that way.
Anyways, I’m this box I have your mothers favorite pajama shirt. I saw her in my dream before. She was beautiful. She told me that I would find it in Ohio left stashed in her old closet.
When I was in there, I saw her amulet she said she always wore. I know you probably wouldn’t want to wear and amulet, so I had it made into a watch. On the inside it has your mothers initials.
I’m sorry for making you turn into the hulk that day. I had no right to do that. I caused a lot of hurt that day. I hope one day you can forgive me.
Merry Christmas,
Wanda Maximoff <3
Bruce saw the watch, it carried the same carvings as his mothers signature necklace. He held the shirt close to him. After all these years, the faint smell of her perfume still lingered in the cloth. He got to feel close to his mother once again. And it was all because of the little witch.
Natasha stared at the red box on her bed for a while. She didn’t want whatever the brunette girl had to give her. Finally, the anticipation got the best of her and she opened it. The note caught her attention first.
Dear Natasha Romanoff,
I didn’t get the chance to know the real you. I got to see glimpses of it though. You have a big heart and a beautiful smile. You care a lot for those you love.
I know you hate me. You have every reason to. 2 months ago, you had a dream. A beautiful one that you subconsciously shared with me from the room next door.
I saw you with your family in Ohio. After some digging, I found out that Alexi and Melina live in St.Petersburg. I have the address in the box. I went there to talk to them.
They told me that your sister was on a mission to destroy the red room. I found her in Budapest, where I offered to help her. The week I was away from the compound, I was with her.
We took down the red room together. She said she wants to see her sister again. Again, I have her number written down as well as her address. She told me to give you this vest. It’s green, her favorite color. She said to treasure it because it’s her favorite one. She doesn’t stop talking about the amount of pockets it has.
I went through Dreykovs files, and I found out what your birth mothers real name was. Her name was Yekaterina Petrov. She was 19 when she gave birth to you. At a year and a half, you were taken from your crib at night. Your mother spent 7 years looking for you. That is, until one day she found you. Dreykov ordered for her to be killed.
I know how hard it is to lose a mother. I’m so sorry you have to endure that pain. If you wish to visit her, her grave is in Stalingrad in Soviet Union. I have the address in the box as well. On her tombstone it carry’s no name, but it is under a beautiful tree. You’ll find it.
I’m sorry you never got the life you deserved. You deserved to be a kid. You deserved to have a life with your mother. She loved you very much. You look just like her. I put a photo in a frame for you. She’s where you get your red hair from.
I’m incredibly sorry for what I did to you that day. I had no right to make you relive that day. I don’t deserve to be forgiven for that. I hope you like your present.
Merry Christmas,
Wanda Maximoff <3
Natasha cried for the first time in 10 years. She called Yelena that night and talked to her for hours. They both planned to see Melina and Alexi later that week. Natasha would see her Ohio family once again. And it was all because of the little witch.
No one questioned when Wanda hadn’t left her room in 4 days. The girl usually tended to do this. They all wanted to say thank you for their gifts. But most of all, they wanted to say sorry to the young girl for how they treated her.
Later that night, the avengers sat down at the dinner table. It was a normal dinner.
“Wanda’s been in her room for days. Should one of us go talk to her?” Steve asked the group.
“Yeah I actually want to talk to her about the gift she got me.” Bruce said
“Me too.” Everyone else said.
“Okay, we’ll than we can all go up to see her after we finish eating.” Natasha decides.
The team finishes dinner and makes their way up the stairs to Wanda’s door.
Tony knocks, “Wanda, the whole team is out here. We were wondering if we could talk to you.” No answer.
“Wanda?” Thor asked. Still silence.
Natasha opened the door and immediately felt her heart drop at what she saw in front of her.
The others were frozen in shock. The smell was horrible, have been trapped inside the room for days.
Wanda laid on the floor. Her body green with blood coming out of her mouth, nose and ears.
“Clear the room. Steve, call 911. She’s gone. Has been for days.” Natasha feels her throat closing up, “she has been dead for days! We didn’t even notice.” Natasha cries now.
Everyone has tears falling from their eyes as well.
Clint grabs Natasha and carry’s her out of the room.
They close the door and wait for the police to come. Wanda’s body taken out of the compound with a cover over her body.
They arranged a close casket funeral. Her tombstone right next to her brothers. Everyone had things to say, all including sorries and thank you’s for the gifts. No one had anything to say about the wonderful personality she had because, none of them ever took the time to know the girl.
For weeks, the compound is silent. Everyone so caught up in guilt and remorse.
Finally, the team sits down and has a movie night. They all have a silent wish that Wanda would walk through that door ready to tell them about her day.
She never came though.
Wanda Maximoff was gone. She finally felt free. She had her brother by her side and she had her parents again.
Sometimes, Wanda would visit her team in their dreams. Making up for lost time and letting them get to know her.
They all learned to love the girl. They found out how bubbly and funny she could be. She looked different as well. Her eyes were lighter, a bright shade of green. Her hair was darker, healthy as it fell past her shoulders. Her skin carried a warmer color than it had before. Her scars her gone.
They loved Wanda Maximoff, but
They loved her too late.
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heryoungho · 4 years
Hehe hi there!! :3 I'd like to request for a scenario in which you and Yangyang have grown closer and have shared intimate moments together, but it's also on & off because you've been emotionally abused in your previous relationship (YY doesn't know). It's not that Yangyang doesn't treat you well, it's just that you're a lil scared since that event :( After reading ice ice baby i rly wanna see more of your work, your writing is brilliant and rly touched me heart 🥺😭 thankiew and take care!! 💖
hi anon! im so sorry this took so long to write, but here it is! i hope you like it, and this was really a fun scenario for me to write, it’s def something different than what i’m used to, but in a good way! pls let me know what you think :)
word count 1.4k
warnings description of an emotionally abusive relationship, mentions of suicide, some dark themes (nothing too explicit though)
The relationship between you and Yangyang was...complicated, to say the least.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like him, because you did, you really did, but that sickening feeling in your stomach just wouldn’t go away. Yangyang had been your close friend for 3 years, you two had done nearly everything together and it was a strange sight to see either of you alone because of how attached you two were. Your friendship with him had gotten a little rocky when you started dating your ex, Jihoon. Tall, buff, and handsome, he was the perfect man in your eyes, but in the eyes of others, not so much. The red flags had gone completely over your head, and not even your friends telling you he was being weird wasn’t enough to warn you. 
Jihoon was nice to you, for the most part, he took you out on dates and called you pretty, but that was only what the public saw. Behind closed doors, he transformed into another person. If he saw you with another guy, especially Yangyang, he would get angry and jealous and accuse you of cheating on him, and whenever you denied, he would ignore you. The only way to make it up to him was if you agreed to stop being friends with them. No texting, no calls, no hanging out, and for some reason that was beyond your knowledge, you agreed, cutting off all of your guy friends for Jihoon. You didn’t really put much thought into that, knowing how jealous boyfriends can be and that eventually he’ll get over it, but he didn’t. It got worse. 
He began to control what you wore, what you did, and how you acted, and if you tried to refute any of his words, he would guilt trip you, saying that you don’t love him and that he’s such a terrible person. He was right in that last part. The relationship only lasted a couple of months, and when you finally had enough of it, you broke it off, not letting his multiple threats of suicide phase your decision any longer. The worst part of it all was that no one knew because Jihoon had made you cut off all of your friendships, leaving you to suffer all by yourself. 
You thanked your angels that Yangyang reached out to you one day, and slowly but surely, you rekindled your friendship with him, the boy still blissfully unaware of what you had gone through because you were too scared and ashamed to tell anyone. It didn’t take long for you to develop a huge crush on your best friend, and that’s where things got bad.
You don’t know how it happened, but it did. One minute you were at a party with Yangyang and your shared group of friends, 4 shots in from the game of flip cup you had played with them, and the next minute you were in his bed, naked sweaty bodies mingled together and lips locked in a dirty makeout session. When you woke up the next morning, you saw Yangyang next to you, sleeping like a baby, the both of you still naked, and let’s just say the alcohol wasn’t the only thing that made you run to the toilet to vomit. 
It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal, right? It was just a drunk hookup, things like that happened all the time in life...Well, maybe not for someone who just got out of an emotionally abusive relationship. All of those moments lead up to the one you were in right now, Yangyang sat across from you on your bed after he had texted you saying that he wanted to talk to you. 
“__, can I just say something?” He asked cautiously, and you simply nodded, not having said a word the entire time he was here. His eyes were so warm and inviting, just like how they’ve always been.
“Okay, so, I don’t really know how to say this, but I like you. I really fucking like you, __, and you don’t know how mad I was to see you dating that asshole Jihoon because he did nothing but treat you like shit. About the party, I know I was drunk, but no part of what happened was only because of that. Every kiss and every word I said to you, I meant it. I’ve been in love with you for years, but I totally understand if you don’t feel the same way.” He took a deep breath, not noticing how fast he was talking that he nearly forgot to breathe. His eyes scanned over your face for any signs of emotion, but that was exactly how Jihoon had left you: emotionless. 
Yangyang didn’t know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t for you to let out a sob and practically throw yourself into his arms. When he said he loved you, that was all it took for you to realize that you were in love with him too, but you were so fucking broken from Jihoon that just the thought of being in another relationship scared you to death. He didn’t say anything, just letting you cry into his shoulder as his hands rubbed soothing patterns on your back, a piece of his heart breaking from hearing you sound so distressed. 
Once your tears dried up and you were able to breathe normally again, you sat back, looking at Yangyang with red, puffy eyes. “Yangyang, of course I like you. You’re the most important person in my life, and I wasn’t upset about what happened at the party, because I meant it too. I love you, Yangyang, but I’m scared...Jihoon...he…” You trailed off, and that was enough for anger to light up in Yangyang’s veins. He placed his hands on your face, cupping your cheeks so you looked directly in his eyes. “__, what the fuck did he do to you?” Yangyang asked in a low voice, and you could tell he was pissed off from the slight tremor in his words. 
You laid it all out to Yangyang, from the first part to the last, you told him everything Jihoon did to you, and this was the first time you told someone about your story, but you felt like a thousand pound weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Yangyang didn’t say a word, listening closely to what you told him, but you didn’t miss the way his eyes would darken or his jaw would tighten as the things you told him got worse and worse. When you finished telling him, his hands reached out for yours, gently holding them and cradling your hands like you were the most fragile thing he’s ever touched. 
“I’m gonna fucking kill him.” He said quickly, moving to stand up, but you squeezed his hands, keeping him in place. “No, Yangyang, he’s not worth it.” You tried to plead with him, running your thumbs across his hands to calm him down. He froze when he saw the sincere look in your eyes, taking a deep, shaky breath, and pulling you in for a hug. His arms wrapped around your shoulders, nearly suffocating you as your face was shoved into his shoulder, but you didn’t mind it at all, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
“You didn’t deserve any of that, __. I’m so sorry you had to go through that alone, and I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.” He said in almost a whisper, his voice so soft that you could feel tears burning in your eyes, but they were happy tears this time. “I know it’s gonna take some time, but I want to make this right, I want us to work out. I’ll go at your pace, okay? And I’ll do everything in my power to pick up every piece he broke. I would never hurt you, __, do you understand that?” 
You pulled away from his embrace, that last sentence cutting through your heart like a freshly sharpened knife because that was exactly what Jihoon told you, but deep down inside, you knew Yangyang wasn’t like him, and he would never be like him. 
Sniffing and blinking your tears away, you raised a shaky pinky in between you and Yangyang. “Promise?” You asked in a tiny voice, a slight crack breaking up your words because of the tears you were holding back. Yangyang looked down and smiled, bringing up his pinky to lock it with yours, and he caught you off guard when he cupped your cheek with his other hand, pressing a kiss to each trail of your tears underneath your eyes, then your nose, then your lips. He leaned his forehead against yours before speaking again.
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after the war- poe dameron
SUMMARY: so basically the reader is in a relationship with poe dameron and they’re on exegol and yeah. you get the gist. very fluffy.
WARNINGS: none cuz look at me im a saint
After the war, he’d promised you that the two of you (and BB-8, of course) would have a nice, quiet life somewhere. Yavin, maybe. It would be just you three. Safe and happy.
 But now, he’s staring down legion upon legion of Star Destroyers and thinking that he’ll never see her again, never get an “after the war”, until he hears crackling through his headset, and her voice, sounding small and distant, saying, “Poe?”
The thought that he’s never heard genuine fear in her voice before sets in, and stays there, making itself nice and comfortable.
“(Y/N).” His voice wavers, but he musters all the courage he has left- it’s not much, considering the hell they’ve gone through to get here- to sound okay, for her. This is suicide, they both know it, but neither of them want their last memory of each other to be this: a dark sky marked by the Star Destroyers representing the opposite of everything they’re about to give their lives to fight for. “I love you baby. And after this is done, I’m gonna get you that pet you always wanted.”
“Yeah?” She responds, trying to hold back the sobs that threaten to consume her, the sadness that wraps its bony fingers around her ankles, trying to pull her down, down, down. “I bet you don’t even remember what animal I wanted.”
“Does it matter? They’re all gross money-wasters,” Poe jokes, but it lacks the laughter his voice usually holds. He hopes she doesn’t notice.
She laughs, but it’s a broken laugh, cut into pieces by fading hope for a future with him. “I suppose I should get a droid instead, Dameron?”
He nods, and then realizes she can’t see him. If he squints, he can make out her body next to Finn, and he thinks that this isn’t what she deserves, nobody so perfect should have to die like this.
Her thoughts mirror his as she looks towards his x-wing. 
“I love you, General Poe Dameron.”
“I love you too, General (Y/N) Dameron.”
She doesn’t correct him, doesn’t tell him, we’re not married, idiot like she usually does. He remembers that he never got to propose as he zips around, shooting wildly and praying to whatever higher being there may be that she makes it out alive. Even if he dies, he just wants his girl to make it out alive. He can hear grunts through the headpiece as she fights to make it to the navigation signal she and Finn are trying to destroy. He doesn’t say anything; he knows there’s nothing he can say. There’s too many words billowing through his brain, and none of them are good enough for what he wants to tell her, for the love he wants to describe. He wants to tell her the moment he first knew he would marry her someday, when he saw her playing hide-and-seek with BB-8 in their shared quarters. But there’s no words for what he wants to say, so he settles for silence. And he hopes that she knows all he wishes he could say. After a few seconds of quiet, R2-D2 chirps, and he knows it’s something for (Y/N) to hear. She was taken in by Leia Organa after her parents’ death, and was best friends with R2 for years.
Down below, BB-8 beeps sadly, and all (Y/N) can say to the little droid is, “He knows.”
Poe is trying his best to keep a brave face- but it’s starting to fail. Until, that is, Lando Calrissian swoops in like the hotshot he is, with a huge band of Resistance sympathizers in tow. Poe whoops in delight, and down below (Y/N) winces from the loud yelling in her earpiece. 
“Thanks for the free migraine,” she says, but can’t keep herself from smiling. She’s bruised and bloodied, but even so, she thinks that this might be the happiest she’s ever felt. The notion that she and Poe might still have the life they’d whisper about after midnight in bed is enough to keep her moving, even after every muscle in her body screams at her to stop, to slow down and possibly never move again. She grits her teeth, tasting blood in her mouth, and wills her body to move. Thankfully, it does, but she doesn’t know how long it can hold out for. When she thinks for a second that this is it, she’s gonna die here, Poe’s voice comes through the earpiece again, urging her on, one step at a time.
He keeps talking her through this, and deep down he knows he’s trying to instill confidence in himself, too.
They talk, back and forth, as they do their respective jobs, until out of nowhere, lightning lights up the sky and Poe can hear (Y/N)’s screams as his ship is blasted by lightning, causing him to fall down, faster and faster, until the electricity stops, and he regains control of his ships while R2-D2 beeps like an angry toddler.
He allows himself to watch (Y/N), Finn, and Jannah destroy the command ship, feeling his chest swell with pride. 
After the last of the Star Destroyers have been destroyed, and Rey returns, bringing news of her grandfather’s death, Poe lands his x-wing on the desolate planet and runs towards his friends, his orange suit making that annoying plasticy sound as he does. Finn calls to him, but he runs past him and gathers (Y/N) in a bear hug, lifting her off the ground, until she yelps in pain. Setting her down gently, he notices a large gash on her thigh, and he curses as he unzips the top of his suit so he can rip his shirt sleeve and tie it over the cut.
“We did it,” he says, looking up into her eyes from where he’s kneeling in front of her to tie the makeshift tourniquet, too happy for a sarcastic remark.
“We did it,” she agrees, placing one hand on his shoulder to help her balance. Around them, their friends give each other hugs as they board ships to return to the Resistance base, until all that’s left is the two of them, R2-D2, and Poe’s ship. He helps her into the cockpit, and pushes his seat as far back as it can go so that she can sit in his lap on the way to the base. All of a sudden, he’s hit with the memory of his friend Snap, dying in front of him, and his voice trembles as he says, “Snap.”
He doesn’t need to finish the sentence. She knows.
She moves her arm so that it’s looped around Poe’s, and rubs her thumb across his suit reassuringly. 
They’re at the base relatively quickly, and everyone in sight is rejoicing. People dance, sing, kiss, and run around like lunatics, jumping with ecstasy.
Poe helps her out, looping an arm under hers and around her back to help support her weight. He turns with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes- one she knows all too well- and says, “Don’t want to be the odd ones out, right?” just before kissing her, and he swears that he died, back on Exegol, and this is heaven. Holding you is heaven. 
He kisses her, over and over, until he can’t breathe and he wonders if his lips are tinged blue by now from lack of oxygen, and when he finally pulls away, he asks: “So how about that life I promised you?”
“I don’t know,” she responds, flaunting a coy smile and raised eyebrow. “I might need a little more convincing.”
Poe turns so that she’s directly in front of him, and then drops to one knee. “Is this enough incentive?” he asks, as he pulls out a small, scratched box from the pocket of his suit.
She gasps and her eyes tear up, and he smiles as she nods and throws her arms around his neck, wincing a bit as she lowers herself to the ground because of her leg injury. He flicks the box open, and pulls out the ring nestled inside, and slips it onto her finger. Suddenly, she pulls back, and Poe’s brain stops, thinking she’s going to break up with him right after agreeing to marry him.
Instead, she says, “Have you been carrying that everywhere with you?”
He nodded, laughing. “We share the same room! You would’ve found it if I’d left it anywhere else!”
She tilts her head slightly as she thinks for a moment, then relents with a murmur of “that’s true”, and kisses him.
They stay there for what feels like forever. There’s still more work to be done before they can truly consider the galaxy “saved”, but this, this is a start.
This is the beginning of their life after the war. And Poe couldn’t be happier.
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Breathe Deeper
Tumblr media
Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 2,324
Prompt: “Why is it always murder and mayhem with you? Don’t you ever just do normal person things? Eat a sandwich? Brush your teeth? Do you even brush your teeth?” (from a random prompt generator)
Warnings: murder, violence, staging a suicide, ~feelings~
A/N: cafe bustelo does wonders for you at 1 am anyway ive been trying to finish this for like two months. have a couple more ideas for these two but feel free to send me any ideas or requests and ill do em if the inspo strikes! also title is purely the song im listening to as i type this out and has no correlation to the story LOL but hey if yall like tame impala enjoy
A single pop is heard as a bullet flies out of your gun into the head of the old man who opened the door.
“Christ! No build up?! No tension?! No confirmation that it’s even him?!” Bucky yells as he wiggles his ear to rid the ringing from it.
You brush past Bucky and slide the gun back into the holster strapped to your thigh. You step over behind whatever his name was, Bucky’s having trouble remembering after that blow to his eardrum, and hook your hands under his arms in order to  drag him back into the empty house.
“Why is it always murder and mayhem with you? Don’t you ever just do normal person things? Eat a sandwich? Brush your teeth? Do you even brush your teeth?” Bucky questions you as he closes the door behind him, stepping in between splatters of blood.
“Nope, gotta leave leftovers for the bugs that live in my mouth.”
“That’s gross.”
“Shut up, help me lug this guy to the bedroom.”
The two of you are in a small town in Northern Oklahoma on the property of one of your ex-Hydra handlers. After a few days of researching, the two of you were able to figure out where he moved to and what he changed his name to after retiring from his prior lifestyle.
“I knew it was him from the second I saw him. You never forget.” You explain to him, both of you positioning his body in the corner of the room.
“You go clean up the entryway, I’ll finish staging over here.” Bucky offers it to you. He takes out his own gun from his own waistband and fires a single shot through the same hole you put in between the guy’s eyes. The splatter that explodes on the walls behind him are perfect, artistic almost. Bucky then starts looking around the room; in the closet, under the bed, until he reaches the night stand where a pretty little pistol lays. Not the same gun as his, but he has a feeling the police system in such a small and unpopulated town won’t bother to investigate this death as a murder as opposed to the obvious suicide that took place.
Bucky notices the small skull and octopus stamped into the side of the gun as he places it in his hands. He rolls his eyes before making his way back over to the entryway where you’re sat on the ground, scrubbing away with a rag in your hands and a bottle of bleach next to you. 
Bucky walks over and takes a seat on the loveseat positioned a few feet away from where you are.
“So, where we heading after this?” Bucky asks you, leaning forward and resting his elbow on the arm of the seat.
“Back to New York? You probably gonna be busy working on that murder case.” You glance at him confused before going back to scrubbing.
Bucky pauses before speaking again, “How do you know about that?”
“I… keep up with my fair share of news.”
“You don’t pay for newspapers nor do you have a TV or a phone; you don’t have news. Besides, we haven’t released any information to the public about anything before we get more leads. So, how do you know about that?” Bucky stares at you, eyebrows pinched a bit in the middle as he awaits your answer.
“Do you wanna stop and get some pie on the way back?”
“No. Did you see something about the murders?” Bucky ignores your attempt at changing the subject.
“You just said you haven’t released anything-”
“I don’t mean on the news, I mean in that empty head of yours.” He teases.
You sigh, “I hate when you ask me about my… head.”
“Well, you could be helping here! You can try and be good!”
“I’m sitting on the floor scrubbing an old guy’s blood out of the wood of his own house after I’ve just blown his brains out.”
“Yeah, a bad old guy!”
You get off the last of the specks of blood before standing up and screwing the cap back onto the bottle of bleach. “I didn’t even see anything about the killer, anyway.”
“So, what did you see?”
“You’re not gonna let this go, are you?”
“Fetch me a bone here, doll.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you’d like that, dog.”
He grabs the bleach and rag from your fingers to free up your hands from carrying anything. Tingles travel up the tips of your fingers and flow up through your wrist into your chest. You glance up and make eye contact with Bucky and the dramatic puppy eyes and pouty lips he’s throwing your way. 
You stare for a few more seconds before looking away, “Check that huge pond in Central Park tomorrow. His next victim will be floating there.” You satisfy him before turning and making your way back outside and to the car the two of you took on your little road trip.
While walking back to the parked car, Bucky quickly rushes in front of you and grasps the handle before you can reach it, allowing you to get in the car while he holds it open for you. He throws you an innocent looking smile, a smile coming from a person who surely didn’t just stage a suicide. You bite back your own smile before taking a seat and letting Bucky close the door behind you.
When you open your eyes after your nap, it's dark outside the moving car. You slowly lift your head up off the car window and glance over at Bucky, who you now realize is on the phone with someone.
“I told you, it was a weird anonymous number, Sam. I don’t know where it came from.” Bucky speaks softly on the phone before turning his head to look at you in your sleepy state.
“All they said was to check the pond in Central Park tomorrow. I know it’s sketchy, but we don’t have any other leads anyway, we might as well try it.”
“We sounds like a lot of people, ain’t you say that to me one time? Not all of us are on vacation, you know.” You hear another deep voice through the tiny speaker of the phone against Bucky’s ear.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’ll be back the day after tomorrow, man.”
Bucky wraps up his conversation as you process what you’ve heard. Bucky has lied, again, to the government, to Captain America, in order to protect you and your existence.
“How’d you sleep?” He asks before your thoughts can get too far from you.
“Fine. We’re already heading back to New York?” 
“We’re stopping at a motel for the night, but after tomorrow’s drive, we’ll get there by sundown.”
You sit up proper and stretch your legs as far out in front of you as you can, the bones crunching and popping in relief at the new position. Bucky cringes next to you. He glances at you and watches you pick at the crust gathered at the corners of your eyes, a yawn escaping you along with the last of your grogginess.
Bucky doesn’t know how he’d fully express it to you, but he’s so happy to see the person you’re growing into. Everyday a little bit more of your personality, your mannerisms, your weirdness, your humor, your ideas; everything about the real you, shows more and more. He sees this beautiful woman who, maybe a year and some ago, was walking the line of death and now sits beside him with neon green nail polish and mismatched socks and cute flower earrings adorning the curve of your ear. He stares at the tattoo on your neck, that angry red face with large eyebrows and wonders whether or not that was your idea or not. He wonders if you have any other tattoos hidden among the space of your skin, he doesn’t remember seeing any along your sides or stomach that nightmare of a night in his apartment-
“You’re swervin’.” 
Bucky clears his throat and snaps his head forward, fixing the car to drive straight on the road. Soon, he sees the promising sign, “Motel in 10 Miles,” and the two of you park in the small lot of the light orange building.
The inside smells of old people, an aged scent that isn’t necessarily bad, but makes you scrunch your nose nonetheless. No bugs in clear sight and the roof is still intact, so it should be suitable for a night of rest.
“We only have rooms available on the first floor for tonight, I’m assuming you’ll want one bed?”
Bucky's throat goes dry for a second, “Yes, that’s fine.” He doesn’t want to consult you as you look far off out the front window of the lobby, back turned to the young woman at the front desk. No matter how small a town in whatever state there is at this point in their journey, there is no risking anyone recognizing you, even if your search mission has been deemed unsolved.
A plastic card is slid into Bucky’s right hand and he begins making his way back outside and down the walkway towards their room for the night. You follow him silently.
“I call showering first, I think there’s small clumps of blood still stuck in my hair.” You tell him, flinging your backpack onto the bed, and pulling out a large sweatshirt and panties and taking them into the bathroom with you. 
While the water begins to run, Bucky undoes the blankets, looks thoroughly through the pillows and in between the sheets in search of bed bugs. Next, inspecting the lamps, outlets, and anything else that could possibly hide a camera, microphone, or any other device. He even contemplates tearing apart the carpet under his feet, but decides against the extra work. He places your bag along with his own backpack on the small table in the corner of the room and fixes the bed to not look like he tore it apart recklessly. I wonder what side she prefers-
The bathroom door opens and a cloud of steam flows out, you soon emerge with a towel wrapped around your head, large sweatshirt hanging off your frame and bare feet digging into the soft carpet beneath you. You fling the towel off of your head using momentum from throwing your head and neck forward, the towel landing on the floor in front of you and your wet hair sending a light spray Bucky feels on his warm face.
By the time Bucky finishes with his shower, the room resembles a sauna and his metal arm has gone hot. A long sleeved shirt and cotton shorts are slipped onto his body along with a pair of thick socks to keep him warm at all times. He steps out of the bathroom, using his towel to rub through his hair, and he spots you using the small mirror on the wall. 
Your legs are on display and your underwear is in sight. Bright pink with WEDNESDAY printed on the behind in bubble letters, it’s Friday, the bottoms of your butt cheeks hanging out the bottom of the fabric. The cotton hugs your body and Bucky can’t help but blush at the sight. His mother would smack him over the head if she were here right now. 
Your shirt is lifted, one of your hands holding it high on your chest where Bucky can see a slip of under your breast peeking, the curve intriguing him. Your other hand is occupied rubbing a colorless liquid along your side, Bucky focuses his attention and realizes your rubbing along the scar he left you from your stitches. The bottle on the table has a label that read Vitamin E Natural Oil. 
Your fingers seem unbelievably soft and gentle as he watches them glide along your side, massaging the shiny oil into your smooth skin. You drop your sweatshirt and gather a bit more oil on your hands before rubbing it into your hips where Bucky can see the faintest stretch marks.
“Sorry ‘bout the scar. O-on your side, I mean.” Bucky stutters out, convincing himself that his body is warm from the shower he took. 
“It probably saved my life, so I can’t say I’m sorry about it.” You respond without turning around, as though you knew he was there watching you lather yourself in oil like the beginning of a softcore porn but didn’t mind him enjoying the show.
“What’s that stuff for, anyways?” Bucky asks as he gathers his old clothes back into his bag, folding each piece before placing the packed bag next to yours on the table. Your bag that clearly does not have folded clothes, only crinkled ones. Bucky empties your bag and folds your clothes for you before neatly packing it and closing the zippers.
“Helps fade scars.”
“Yeah, but why? Scars are cool.” 
“I suppose. I’d still like to lighten them a bit. So they look better, prettier.”
“You’re probably the most beautiful woman I’ve seen in the last few decades.”
“You don’t even remember most of the last few decades,” You try to joke.
“I mean it. It’s a compliment. It’s okay to accept and enjoy compliments, doll.” Bucky looks at you, forcing you to meet his eyes. You see in your peripheries as he puts the cap on the bottle of oil and places it next to your bag. A small smile adorns his face as he looks at you, and you can’t help but feel a knot form in your throat.
It’s been a long while since you’ve received any kind of love, whether that be physical, emotional, mental, or self. It’s an overwhelming feeling when someone who you aren’t actually the closest with gives you such a deep and personal compliment. 
Aren’t the closest with- this is your only friend he the only person you even know. The point is, being the most beautiful woman of the century is much different than having pretty hair or a good sense of humor.
You look away from him before the small bit of wetness can gather in your waterline.
“Which side of the bed do you prefer?” Bucky whispers softly to you, as to not break the safe atmosphere created by his sweet comment.
You clear your throat that now feels thick with tar, “The right.”
“Good. I prefer the left.”
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Wilford Warfstache x suicidal reader
TRIGGER WARNING: THEMES OF SUICIDE, LOW SELF WORTH, AND DEPRESSION. This was a request on my wattpad, and I experimented with it a little bit. So, Im sorry if the writing style is confusing, but! Mainly everything in italics is a memory, which I wrote using present tense, because sometimes memories feel like they’re happening as you remember them so yee. 
The edge of the roof tempted you, the ground below called you, and you wanted to answer its song.
 You already left the note on his desk, there was no use trying to hesitate now, you could finally do it, you could finally jump. 
You gulped, heart pounding as you put your foot on the ledge, carefully lifting yourself up, using your arms for balance. You looked down onto the hard ground below,which was  cracked just like you were, old and broken. This was the perfect place. An abandoned building in the woods, where no one could find you. No one would have to watch you die. Everything would be fine. By the time Wilford got your note, you’d be gone. Everything was ready, you were prepared, you wrote the note, you gave everything away, it was okay. There was no point in living. There was no point.
You took a deep breath, heart pounding, guts churning, your thoughts whispering at you to do it, to jump. There was no point now. You could fall now..you could fall. So, why did you hesitate? Why did some tiny part of you feel so...afraid? Why was there a voice inside you whispering, don’t?  Why? Why did you feel so sad at the thought of your own passing? Was it because of all the memories playing inside your head? 
One seemed so similar to what you were going through...but oh so different too--
Wilford holds your hand, the two of you stand on a cliff, it’s not that high, only a few feet, but you’re still scared. Even if he reassures you. Before you can protest, he’s counting to three, making your heart pound. You feel so loved, so brave, even if you are afraid. He looks at you smiling, before screaming, “THREE!” The both of you jump, plugging your noses as you both plunge into the cold water. 
WAIT! You don’t need this right now, you didn’t deserve these memories, these fragments of happiness and joy, glimmering glass shards against the darkness within you, you didn’t need them, you didn’t-- 
You’re alone, sad, looking at the sunny summer sky-- why couldn’t you feel that way? Like the sun, or the clouds? A sigh leaves your lips. The, he pops into view-- a bright bubblegum ray of sunshine, asking what was wrong. How can he help-- 
No! You couldn’t do this, you couldn’t! 
You take a deep breath and close your eyes, trying to focus. You were worthless, stupid, an idiot. People always said that-- bullies, your family, until all the voices outside of you invaded your body, filled you, became you. You shook your head, taking a deep breath-- it was time. He would be better off without you. He would be better off-- 
“Oh cupcake, I wouldn’t know what to do without you--”
That was a lie! A lie! He would be so much better off, he would be okay!
“My life was so horrible, so dark..” he whispers, the both of you underneath the sunshine, flower crowns on the both of your heads, the sky shining with light, yet also raining gently, the rain drops looking like liquid gold. “But now, that I have you, I’m so happy--” 
No! No! None of those things are true! You deserved the hurt, the pain that had been festering inside you for years. You deserved it. You deserved it. You deserved it-- 
He holds you so close, the both of you in a pink pillow fort, huddled against the rain. A movie plays on the screen in front of you, but for some reason, you’re crying your eyes out. Bawling. You sniff, “Wh-what did I do..what did I do to deserve you?” He looks at you, brown eyes holding the universe, holding you in them, “Oh bumble bee, I ask what I did to deserve you, and I can’t and.. I can’t think of a single thing, butterscotch.” 
Your laugh is as watery as the tears falling out of your eyes, “Oh god W-Wilfy..I love you.” 
He smiles, holding your hand, “And I love you, gumdrop.”
No, no he doesn’t love you, you don’t deserve him. These memories needed to stop invading your head, making you feel loved, worthy, they needed to stop! You didn’t deserve him!
Then..then why does your heart feel so heavy at the thought of flying away, of leaving him? Why? Why do you want to have another memory of his smile?
He’s smiling at you, the sunset cascading  like rivers of water color behind him, filling your eyes with violet skies, and a rosy sun, clouds looking like sunflowers. He’s so happy, holding your hand, his nose red from the cold. It’s your first anniversary. One year. You lean on his shoulder, smiling, feeling so happy. He has a pink scarf on, and a yellow puffy coat, and you’re wearing the same thing. It’s near christmas time, the world covers itself with darkness, before adorning a cloak of colorful lights, blinking like rudolph’s nose, painting the world in circles of color. It is beautiful here. 
You had never felt so happy before. 
He’s asking what you want for christmas…
The memory hopscotches into another one, another one--
You both play in his backyard, shivering in the cold spring rain, he’s asking what you want for your birthday, even though it’s a while away. The rain is cold, yet so refreshing, so alive-- 
It hops into another.. 
He’s off from work today, and it’s raining, the sky looking as grumpy as you feel. You feel so angry. So mad. He wasn’t supposed to go in today, but he did, and now, you feel like the thunder outside as you look at him. He left in the middle of breakfast, and now, he’s at the front door, wondering why you locked him out. You turn up the radio so you don’t hear him. He frowns, poofing up a whiteboard and marker, writing why he had to go to work. ‘I was saving up for something.’ it says, ‘something important.’ 
You flick him off. 
He scoffs, before erasing the writing, ‘something really important.’ 
You roll your eyes. 
He erases the board again, getting on one knee, fishing something out of his pocket, before writing, ‘We’ve been together for years now..’ he erases it again, ‘and I’ve been wondering..’ 
You put your hands on your hips, ready to go back to the kitchen, instead of staring out the living room window like a stupid idiot. 
‘Will you marry me?’ 
You gasp, your hands going to your mouth before you rush out the door, Wilford looks at you, standing up, a ring in his hand. You hug him, holding him tightly, “YES!” you shriek, laughing in the rain. 
He gave you so much happiness, but what did you give him in return? Nothing. Nothing. It was time to do it. Nothing could stop you now. You heard the familiar sound of him poofing behind you, and cautiously turned, tears gathering in your eyes, your mind overcrowding with memories--
The both of you playing hopscotch. Dancing in the rain. Playing on the beach. His birthday, the both of you throwing cake at each other. The sound of music filling a disco hall, the disco ball glittering. There’s a party somewhere, sometime, and you are dancing-- 
“Cupcake!” You heard Wilford yell, “Get down from there, darling! O-oh sugar pl-please..” You turned to him, tears falling down your cheeks as you did. He extended his arms towards you, walking slowly towards you, until he stood behind you. 
“P-please..please p-puddin…” You saw the tears falling down his face, and you sobbed as he said, “Please, get down, honey, please.. Don’t leave me.” 
You turned towards him slowly, before falling into his arms, tears running down your face and staining his shirt as you buried your face in his chest. You sobbed into the soft fabric, taking in the smell of his cologne, feeling the comfort of his warmth. You felt water landing on your head, and looked up, expecting to see rain, but instead, you saw Wilford crying, begging you to never do that again. 
“I-I love..I love you pumpkin!” He sobbed, “Please.. Please don’t do that ever again! Please! I was so scared of losing you.. I w-wanna spend the rest of my l-life with y--you.. That’s why I asked you to m-marry me..” he whispers, tears falling down his cheeks, his shoulders shaking as he sobs, taking your face in his hands, wiping away your tears, “I wanna be with you for-forever, cupcake, and I-I’ll remind you everyday-- what ever I need to do, I-I’ll do it darling! Pl-please.. Please don’t you ever try something like that again..I love you so much..” 
Your eyes water and you nod, “I-I promise I-I won’t Wilfy, I’m so sorry..” “Shh,” he reassures you, “it’s okay, I’m gonna get you the help you need pumpkin, because I used to feel that way too, all the time, before I met you, but now..now I don’t, because I got help, cupcake, all for you. And you’re gonna do the same for me, okay?” You nod, and he wipes away your tears, a soft smile on his face, “Now let’s go home, alright?” “O-okay.” 
He poofs the two of you home, placing you in your shared bedroom, tucking you in, and sitting on the edge of the bed, conjuring up a pink phone in his hands as he does. He turns it on and calls Doc, setting up an appointment for the next day. You felt so selfish, so stupid--why didn’t you think? The wedding was months away, you had things to look forward to but...but you couldn’t help but feel..unwanted. Unneeded. Like you couldn’t do anything right, like you wanted to die--no, you needed to die. There wasn’t a place for you here, and Wilford was making a mistake by wanting to marry you of all people. 
Wilford hung up the phone and turned to you, still watery eyed, “You have an appointment tomorrow, sugar plum.” he whispered, blinking as a few tears rolled down his face, “I’m sorry, d-darling I just.. I-I’m sorry.” 
“I-I don’t apologize, Wilfy.. I-I’m sorry, I-I should’ve talked to you, f-first..” you take a deep breath, “I just... I always figure you’d be happier without me--” “No! Never, sugar plum!” 
He grabbed your hands in his, and noticed how.. You didn’t seem to believe him. It felt like.. Like no matter what he said would matter, so maybe..maybe he could show you. He closed his eyes, before taking a deep breath, concentrating. “Wilford, what are you--” 
“Close your eyes.” 
You shut them, and as you did, you felt sparks swirling around your wrists, snaking up your arms, like heated kisses, before reaching your head, your eyes became filled with the sight of bright pink light. Then, your eyes became filled with something else, a vision of a pink, slightly static, scene. 
You’re in Wilford’s office, and he’s sitting alone, slumping in his chair, tears in his eyes. 
He looks up at you, seeming as if he’s fading into the darkness that surrounds him. 
“Are you alright?” No reply. 
You walk in further, going to the large window behind him and pulling the curtains apart, letting in the sun, he still says nothing. He is a silent statue, he watches you climb on his desk, sitting in front of him. You lift his chin up, causing him to acknowledge you. 
“What’s wrong, Wilfy?” His eyes water, filling with pink bubbles-- you know he doesn’t want to cry, doesn’t want to relive the memories, feel the pain of the wounds again, but you can already see the bubbles floating, floating towards the ceiling. It’s his way of coping-- since bubbles make him so happy. 
“I-I dunno..” he says, his voice sounding so broken, like a wilting flower in a vase.
You stroke his face lovingly, before sitting his head in your lap, tears finally shedding from his eyes as he sobs, your soft coos bringing him comfort.
The last remaining pink bubbles float to the ceiling, popping one by one, filling your view with pink, before you’re in another memory, another time, another place-- his bedroom. The pink fades into grey, and he’s laying in bed, only in his boxers, staring numbly at the ceiling. He’s been like that all week. Unable to get up, unable to eat. 
You can’t take it anymore. Him laying there like a lifeless doll, you can’t. He’s your friend, but you feel so much more for him. 
You pick the lock of his door, he can hear it. He sighs, baggy eyed, hair tangled, and let’s you open it-- he doesn’t care, but you do. You tell him to get up, get dressed. 
He doesn’t care. Just snuggles deeper into the covers. 
You’ve had enough! 
You stomp to his bed, pull off the covers, and grab his arm, rushing him out of bed. 
“What do you want?” He asks. 
“I just want you to -- to take care of yourself!” :”What’s the point?”
“What’s the point?” You ask, “What’s the POINT? I’ll tell you what the POINT is, you have people who love you. Babies who depend on you, friends who worry about you-- come on. You’re getting dressed, you’re eating. Don’t argue.” He takes a shower, he gets dressed, and he eats the meal you prepare. 
The clack of plates and scrapping of forks fades into something else, into a fancy restaurant. You sit in front of him, nervous, sweating, biting your lip, “Wilford, I love you.” “I love you too!” “Not..not like that! More than a friend. I love you in a romantic way.” “You do?” You can see the surprise on his face, and he can see the fear in yours, he smiles, before leaning over the table and kissing you deeply. 
The kiss feels like.. Like warmth in winter, like hot cocoa after a cold day in the woods. 
The kiss fades into something else, the sight of him sleepily kissing you, looking at you so lovingly, saying, “You mean so much to me, sugar, you don’t know how sad I’d be without you. I was so sad without you..so sad..”
Before you respond, the memory breaks, shatters, revealing others, ones of Wilford alone at night, staring at a shot glass, crying softly. Others are of him smiling at the sight of you, laughing with you, there’s more of him crying alone-- crying, crying, crying. You don’t know where you are, but the tears are overwhelming, and you start crying too. Lost in the tears of the past. 
You felt the tears on your cheeks, the soft sobs that came out of your lips as you snapped back into reality. He gripped onto your shirt tightly sobbing with you, “Please don’t leave me, c-cupcake-- I don’t wanna be alone again. Don’t you know how happy you make me? You make me so happy, so, so happy-- please don’t leave. You mean so, so much!”
The both of you hold each other, and you felt the pain inside you uncoiling, releasing, somehow, as you cried. 
“You mean so much to me and other people, cupcake.” He whispers, “If you leave.. I wouldn’t know what to do without you, please-- promise me?”  You swallowed your tears, “I promise.” 
He smiled, tears leaking down his cheeks as he pulled away from you, cradling your face, kissing you so softly, and for a moment, when your lips met his, the edge didn’t call.
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years
Sorry this took so long @aestheticallytiredandpathetic but I gave the #5 fix idea finished!! Im gonna have to write fluff after because DAMN—
There is a blood/injury and mentions of suicide warning, be warned!
Hope you enjoy!!
The day had started normally. Really it had, it was a nice day, light clouds scattered in the sky. Bakugo and the rest of the band were relaxing on the common areas couch when Denki pointed at the T.V.
It drew everyone's attention, Todoroki and Midoryia poking there heads over the couch and Kirishima plopped himself on the floor. Hawks and Tokoyami were shown on the screen, Hawks was laughing and patting Tokoyami's shoulder.
"We're gonna work on some people-skills, right Tsukuyomi?" Tokoyami nodded simply as a reporter shoved a microphone into his face. Tokoyami wasn't cut out for this. There was a loud scream and the two heros tensed, ready to fight.
"Heya Hawks!" Miruko landed beside Tokoyami, grinning. Hawks sighed and smiled easily. "What's up Miruko?" The reporters were talking, and Miruko shrugged. "Hate to spring this on you, but..." Miruko smirked.
Tokoyami let out a squawk as Miruko lifted him easily over one shoulder. "Gonna borrow your intern here for the day!" Without waiting for a response, she jumped away. Hawks was left gaping and Tokoyami was taken away. "Thanks, I'll bring him back later!" She called over her shoulder.
Kaminari laughed loudly, and Bakugo snorted. "Oh no you dont! Give Tsukuyomi back!" Hawks yelled, kicking off. Thus began the chase of a lifetime.
Tokoyami had no choice but to be dragged all over Kushu as Miruko tried to avoid Hawks. They almost matched in speed, which made things interesting. Miruko had lost grip on Tokoyami several times, and Hawks was barely able to catch him. Tokoyami managed to have a little fun though.
Miruko got her grip on the teen again as they soared through the sky. "We should be able to cut through here if we—" Miruko was cut off by the building next to them suddenly being destroyed. Something came crashing through, hitting into the pair.
"Holy shit—! Hang on, kid!" Miruko yelled as they were sent falling to the ground. Tokoyami clung onto Miruko's arm, and they smacked onto the roof and rolled. Tokoyami groaned in pain and looked up. A large nomu stood in front of them, cloaking them in shadow. There were many other smaller nomu with it.
Tokoyami got up on shaky legs and was ready to fight. Hawks must not be aware of this, or he'd be here. Miruko sprinted past him, and Tokoyami followed. With Dark Shadow's assistance, Tokoyami knocked nomu away and tried to stop the people from getting harmed. The large nomu appeared in front of him, and Tokoyami was sent flying with an aggressive swipe of its hand.
Miruko was next to him in seconds, helping him stand. "You good, kid?" Tokoyami shook his head to stop the world from spinning. He nodded and stood straighter. Miruko grinned ferally. "Let's kick some ass!" She went running, Tokoyami hot on her heels. The nomu was saying something, it seemed to be complaining. Hawks showed up, Endeavor and a news crew following.
"Sorry we're a little late." Hawks flew down and pat his interns shoulder. Tokoyami looked up gratefully. Hawks zipped forward into the fray. Tokoyami jumped forward, preparing to attack, when—
"Friend!" Tokoyami stopped and turned his head in the direction the nomu was looking. One of the weaker nomu was trapped under rubble. The nomu looked panicked, and struggled against Hawks, Miruko and Endeavor. It seemed worried.
Tokoyami skidded to a stop. The weaker nomu struggled, clearly in pain. Hawks let out a shout of pain and was knocked into Endeavor, and the two went flying. Miruko was shoved away, crashing into a wall with a yell.
The large nomu called out for its friend again. Tokoyami turned and ran forward, and carefully lifted the rubble. He was curious, but also knew how stupidly dangerous this was. The weaker nomu scrambled towards the larger one, and they exchanged headpats? The larger nomu stared suspiciously at Tokoyami.
Shigaraki and the strange Doctor stared as this child-soldier saved the enemy. "What a weirdo. Kill him." Shigaraki ordered bluntly, and the large nomu ran forward, intent on killing. "Wait! I want to know why the child did that!" The Doctor yelled. Shigaraki sighed. "Fine. Bring him home." He ordered.
The class was watching, worried. Tokoyami blinked and the nomu was in his face. "Wait!—" Hawks looked up at his interns face, and saw the pure fear. The nomu's hand came down. Yamomo gasped loudly and Jirou covered her mouth in shock.
Bakugo froze, and Kirishima went silent. The whole class stared in astonishment. Aziawa's eyes were wide, and he gripped his chair. "Tsukuyomi!" Hawks yelled, getting to his feet.
The nomu turned, and left. Hawks couldn't see his intern, all he saw has his hand, and blood dripped off from his fingertips. Hawks flew after them, cussing. "Give him back, you big bastard—!" The nomu turned and smacked Hawks with one arm, and Hawks went tumbling.
"You won't get away with him! Let go!" Hawks attacked it again, harder this time. The nomu let out a roar and took a random piece of rubble, throwing it at Hawks. It hit his head, and he fell, wings flopping uselessely. Miruko caught him, and Endeavor shot forward. He didnt have much luck either.
Hawks sat up. "Tsukuyomi!" He called. Miruko stared at the large fresh blood stain splattered on the ground. "He's lost a lot of blood. Its probably coming from his head." She muttered, picking Hawks up. "Let's go. We've gotta call for backup." Hawks didn't budge. "Let's go, birdbrain." Hawks left.
The news feed cut off.
In his rage, Bakugo stood and set off explosions. Aziawa stood roughly and his chair toppled over. The class was startled by the loud noise. "Aziawa..." All Might started, worried. Aziawa didnt say anything. He left the room in a rush. Bakugo followed shortly.
Tokoyami woke up to someone poking him. He grimaces and shoved the hand back, and opens an eye. The man standing over him grins under his mask, and turns. "The kid is awake! About damn time too. I was getting bored." Tokoyami was confused.
"Twice, leave him alone. Remember last time you got too physical?" A voice called, and the man above shivered. "I thought those nomu were supposed to be nice to us?!" He said, stomping towards Tokoyami. He lifted him up by the cloak with one hand, staring into his eyes.
"Hey, kid. What'd you do to get the nomu on your side? Dont tell me!" Tokoyami blinked, everything was fuzzy. Tokoyami's voice came out muffled and slurred. "Dunno... what you mean..." His eyes drooped close. He was shook violently. "You're not allowed fall asleep yet! Shigaraki wants to talk!"
Tokoyami's eyes snapped open. He was definitely awake now. "Wha—?! Shigaraki? Wait–!" He was dragged forward. Twice dropped him onto the floor. There were bright lights, blinding him. Tokoyami squinted up at the figure in the corner, and the door slammed shut. The figure moved closer.
Tokoyami stared in fear. Standing over him was the most dangerous villain in Japan. He took off the hand constantly covering his face and glared down at him. "The Doctor wasnt bothered enough to come ask you this himself, so I'm here instead." His voice was like static grinding against a cheese grater, it was disgusting.
'This bitch needs to drink some water...' Dark Shadow commented from within. Tokoyami agreed. Shigaraki held onto the edge of Tokoyami's cloak with four fingers. "Do you know what my quirk is? If you dont, I'll gladly give you a demonstration." Tokoyami shivered as the last finger came down, leaving him in sweatpants and a t-shirt.
"Your hand is next if you dont give me an answer." Shigaraki threatened. Tokoyami swallowed and nodded. Shigaraki grinned. 'Ew, brush you teeth, and work on that smile... disgusting.' Dark Shadow crackled from inside. It took all of Tokoyami's resolve not to laugh as well.
Shigaraki bent down and huffed, his breath hitting Tokoyami's face. He almost gagged. 'I'm begging for someone to introduce him to toothpaste' Tokoyami pleaded, and Dark Shadow was already screaming his discomfort.
"How did you get that nomu to cooperate with you?" Shigaraki asked. Tokoyami blinked. "The nomu?" Shigaraki got back up and kicked Tokoyami's chest. He hit the ground and coughed. "Yeah, the nomu seems to be attached to you..." He hissed. "I dont know, I cant control what it does." Tokoyami reply is forced out as he tries to breathe.
"Why'd you save the other nomu then? You have to have a decent answer for that." Tokoyami looks up to find Shigaraki's cold glare baring into his soul. "It was in trouble." He answered simply. Shigaraki laughed, and the sound was horrible, it made Tokoyami wince.
"Yeah, like a hero would risk their life for the enemy." Shigaraki scoffed. "I dont know why I saved it. The other nomu was worried, and I acted on instinct." Tokoyami spoke truthfully. Shigaraki raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, sure." He said, and kicked Tokoyami's chest again.
Tokoyami wheezed as Shigaraki lifted him with four fingers. "Well, now that I have you here..." He grinned. "Another question." Tokoyami was prepared to answer another question about a nomu.
"How do you get into U.A?" Tokoyami froze. "What?" He asked, genuinely confused. Shigaraki growled and pushed him down, and Tokoyami hissed as his back collided hard with the ground again. "You heard me, brat. How do you get into U.A?"
Tokoyami scoffed. "I'm not telling you. What makes you think I'd tell you anything?" Tokoyami hoped he sounded less afraid than he felt. Shigaraki smiled again, and held something sharp in his hand. "Because of you dont tell me..." He said, digging the object into Tokoyami's shoulder.
Tokoyami cried out in pain. "This will be the least painful thing you feel. Understand?" Tokoyami glared up at the villain. "Do your worst. I'm not telling you anything." He shot back. It was a silent promise to himself, and to Shigaraki. He wasnt going to break.
Shigaraki sighed, and leaned into a speaker on the table. "Bring them in. Our guest is being uncooperative." Tokoyami swallowed his nerves as three people walked in. Twice, Toga and Spinner. Shigaraki sat on the table, grinning.
"Welcome. At our guest's request, do your worst." Tokoyami's eyes widened. Twice laughed and got to work, punching Tokoyami's face. Toga took her time pulling out a knife. Spinner shuffled a little awkwardly at first, but got into it after a minute.
Shigaraki laughed as Tokoyami started screaming in pain. This was his own fault, after all. Dabi stood waiting behind the door, huffing as the screams grew louder.
"No." Aziawa deadpanned, holding Bakugo and Midoryia down with his capture weapon. "But, sir! Tokoyami is in danger—" Shouji tried to reason, and ended up victim of Aziawa's weapon too. "I'm well aware. But you're still students, and some are targets of the league. Under no circumstances are any of you to engage with them. Understood?"
The class begrudgingly promised not to engage. "But what if we—?" Mina's arms was wrapped in capture weapon. "I understand your concerns." Aziawa repeats for the third time. "But it's a no. There will be a rescue team of pro heros sent out to get Tokoyami back. If I catch wind of you there so help me–"
Aziawa glared. "Shigaraki and the league's torture will be nothing compared to what I'll do." The class seemed to stop complaining so much after. He left them in All Might's hands and met with Hawks and the rest of the team.
"The class wont intervene. Hopefully." Hawks laughed, though it was forced. "Come on, we've got a bird to save." Endeavor scoffed. "I still don't understand how you found the place so fast." Hawks grinned up at him.
"I've always got a feather stuffed somewhere on my intern." Hawks said simply. Endeavor gaped at him. "What? I'm always prepared for these sorts of things." Aziawa rolled his eyes at Hawks's reply, and Miruko slapped his shoulder. "After the seventh or eighth time Hawks landed Tokoyami in hospital, he just sorta started doing it." She explained to the teacher.
Aziawa glared at Hawks. "I'm well aware that Hawks has the tendency to land my student in hospital." His glare was like ice. "For various reasons." He added coldly. Hawks shrugged. "Hey, I told you I'm not good at this 'having a kid' thing." He said defensively.
"That doesn't excuse the fact you landed my kid in hospital over thirty seven times this past year alone! I told you he couldn't have dairy, and the same day I get a call—" Aziawa was ranting, ready to recite every time he'd been called in for some stupid reason, but Endeavor cut him off.
"That's enough! Shigaraki isnt a patient man, and if we do not act now there may not be another chance to get the child stuck in a hospital again." The words struck a chord in the group. Hawks hadn't thought thay far ahead. They took him because they wanted him, right? They wouldnt kill him if he was useful.
Would they?
Aziawa huffed and started walking. "Let's hurry. And don't do anything illogical. Let's do things rationally." Miruko rolled a shoulder, hearing it crack. "Whatever, I'm gonna kick Shigaraki's musty face in!" Hawks laughed. "Yeah, you do that." Aziawa and Endeavor rolled their eyes in unison and lead the way.
"Their both like interns..." Endeavor commented as they walked. Aziawa nodded. "I love and hate that about them." He answered quietly. They walked the rest of the way in silence.
"Haven't you had enough yet?" Tokoyami slammed onto the ground again, crying out in pain. Twice was gearing up for another blow, and Toga had sufficiently taken a solid months worth of blood from him. He was exhausted, and he wanted to go home.
Tokoyami spat blood out, and tried to brace himself on shaking hands. "I'm not going to tell you anything." He spat, willing himself to stay upright. Shigaraki scoffed. "Fine, have it your way. Twice?"
"Already on it! I dont wanna punch the kid anymore!" Tokoyami heard the fist collide before he felt the pain. He was sent straight down, cursing. Toga stabbed his shoulder again, earning a loud shout. Spinner had a bat, and took a swing. Tokoyami fell back, utterly spent and sore.
Shigaraki tutted. "This is all so useless. We could get along so much better if you would hear me out." He said quietly, sitting untouched on the table. Tokoyami scoffed. "Forgive me of I don't feel like listening to a psycho who's been torturing me for the past hour!" He said, gaining confidence.
Shigaraki glared down at him. "You little–" Tokoyami flinched, prepared for the blow. It never came, instead, the door opened with a crash. "We've gotta go. Heros." Dabi said, glancing down at the teen. Shigaraki growled. "Fucking– you know what? Fine." He turned to Tokoyami. "Have the nomu that likes this brat so much take him." Shigaraki ordered.
Dabi didnt hesitate. "That's dangerous. And stupid." Shigaraki turned to him. "You got a better idea, hot stuff?" Dabi didnt respond. "I thought so. Twice, let the nomu out." Twice nodded enthusiastically, then shook his head. He left.
Tokoyami wasnt sure what to expect, but it wasnt this. The nomu came rushing in, smaking Dabi away. Tokoyami was picked up and the nomu growled at everyone else in the room. It looked down at Tokoyami. "Hurt?" It asked.
Tokoyami blinked. "I'm fine." He answered slowly. It was a lie, but he wasnt about to admit that the villains hurt him. "Lies." It growled, and took a swipe at the league. Spinner yelled as Shigaraki cursed and grabbed his arm, pulling him back. The nomu turned and ran through the wall. Tokoyami let out a shout of fear as they took to the skies, Tokoyami gripping onto the nomu's neck like a lifeline.
They flew through the sky, the beginning of the sunset light hitting Tokoyami's face. "Where are we going?!" He screamed over the wind. The nomu didnt look at him. "Safe." It said simply. Well, that didnt help. Tokoyami looked around, and gasped.
Hawks had been looking up at the nomu as it zoomed overhead. He caught Tokoyami's eye. "Kid?! What are you—" Tokoyami cut him off. "Wait, Hawks! Help–" The nomu turned right suddenly, and Tokoyami almost went flying. Tokoyami was petrified, clinging onto the slimy and slippery skin, close to tears.
Whether that was from the pain or fear, he wasnt sure.
Hawks flew after them, Endeavor hot on his heels, literally and figuratively. Miruko came in as a close second, and Aziawa bright up the rear with the police. "Take care if the league." Aziawa called, running forward.
"Let Tsukuyomi go! Stupid—" Hawks yelled, and was surprised when it did. Tokoyami let out a screech of fear as he plummeted towards the ground at incredible speed. Hawks dived for him, and Miruko flew forward. "Got him!" She caught Tokoyami in her arms, and he clung tight, trembling.
"Great, now let's—Shit!!" Miruko was thrown off course as the nomu reached for them. Hawks panicked. This wasnt part of the plan. Endeavor grabbed Miruko's arm, and steered them to a rooftop. The nomu let out a roar as it knocked Miruko away, and Tokoyami smaked onto the ground hard, and he was left gasping.
Endeavor growled. A portal opened, and Spinner, Shigaraki and Dabi showed up. They looked ready to fight, but everyone was taken by surprise when the nomu swung wildly at them all. Hawks was thrown off balance, and the three villains were sent off the roof.
The nomu let out another shout and grabbed Endeavor's face, and slammed it into the concrete. Tokoyami was frozen and the nomu repeatedly slammed the number one heros head into the ground. "Wait! Stop it, let him go!" Tokoyami ran forward and grabbed at the nomu's arm, tugging with all his might.
The nomu turned, and Tokoyami choked as the nomu wrapped it's free hand around his neck. Endeavor was forgotten, left bleeding on the building. Tokoyami struggled, trying to get free. His windpipe was crushed, and he wheezed. His vision was blacking out around the edges, and everything was fuzzy.
Tokoyami clawed at the hand in fear. He couldn't breathe, he needed to get out, he begged for someone to help, he didnt want to die—
There was a snap.
Dabi heard and stared, wide-eyed. Shigaraki cursed as Tokoyami stopped struggling, falling limp in the nomu's hold. "Oh my god..." Spinner said, gripping the ledge he was clutching so tight his knuckles were a light green.
Hawks heard the sound and looked up. 'Please be a bone, any bone, don't be—' He saw his interns hand fall, useless. Miruko gasped loudly, hands shaking. Aziawa showed up, and saw his student hang lifeless. "Holy..." The words caught in his throat.
Hawks couldn't believe what he was looking at. "No, no no no no..." He ran forward, and the nomu dropped him. The nomu turned and ran. Shigaraki muttered something, and he and Spinner disappeared through the portal. Dabi didn't follow. He stared as Hawks caught his kid and held him gently.
Tokoyami's eyes were still open. Red and full of fear, staring up at the sky as it it had grown a pair of hands and flipped him off. Hawks stared at his students neck. It wasn't very obvious because of the red cloth, but it had definitely been broken. His interns chest didnt rise or fall, it stayed still and the tremors had stopped too.
Aziawa came over quietly. He stared at his students eyes for a moment before shutting them. Hawks shook, head buried in his kids shoulder. Miruko came over sluggishly. "I'm sorry..." She whispered, voice cracking. Hawks shook his head, refusing to believe it.
There was movement. Maybe...?
Dark Shadow emerged, small and wispy. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep him safe..." The quirk said softly. "And I'm sorry I cant stay." Hawks looked up. Dark Shadow faded. "I'll tell Fumi you said hello! Maybe we can see you soon? After Fumi wakes up?" There wasnt an answer.
The last piece of Tokoyami disappeared, and the heros were left alone.
Hawks let out a dry sob. That was the only sound made for a long time.
Dabi left. He didnt say anything, but sat on a balcony and smoked. He took a long drag before looking up. "Sorry, bird brain..." Dabi said to no one. He took another drag and sighed.
Breaking the news was hard, and it took a while for things to go back to 'normal' but the class helped each other move on slowly. Hawks didnt last much longer, and the world lost two birds-heros.
When they reunited, they were happy. Albeit rocky at the start, but they got used to the whole 'we get to haunt people now' thing quickly. Hawks– Kiego had fun with his bird-bro in the afterlife, and that made death worth it.
Lordie if this didnt kill me—
Also I'm sorry for it rushing at the end! I wanted to get it out as quick as I could.
Hope you enjoyed this! Fluff is next because they need a break lmao—
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skullrock · 4 years
the partners, chapter four - Steve x Reader
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chapter four: heaven knows I'm miserable now
series summary: you and Steve are police apprentices at Hawkins Police Station in the fall of 1986. you get along famously, but there’s something Steve is hiding, and there is an unknown evil lurking in Hawkins. [friends to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff]
chapter summary: You and Steve tip toe around your feelings; You find evidence that might link Chief to the death.
warnings: swearing, mentions of death, pining
word count: 4k (oof!)
a/n: here’s the Spotify playlist that goes with the series, and you can catch up here. would love to give the biggest possible shout out to @comedy-witch who helped me go through this entire plot line and find the essence of the story!!! em is the best and im love her. I hope you folks enjoy this chapter!
“And so Tommy was like –“ You make a stupid face. “’Oh, look who it is!’ And Steve was like –“ You make an exaggerated frown. “’Oh, hello!’”
“That’s not what I said,” Steve laughs.
“Um, I think I’d know, I was there,” you respond, then continue. “And so Tommy was like, calling me a slut, and – oh, and Carol touched Steve’s hair – and then Tommy got really close to Steve—”
“And Y/N shoved him away, and I tried to stop her, I did –”
“Yeah, but I was really mad, and then Tommy called Steve a fuck up, and that really made me mad, and so I took the lid off my slushie and I went –“ You mimic pouring the slushie over Steve’s head, and he makes a shocked face. “And then I was like –“ You grab Steve’s arm and twist it behind him, gently enough so it doesn’t hurt him.
“Holy shit,” Mike says, leaning forward.
“You did that to Tommy?!” Lucas says in disbelief.
“Oh, that’s not even the craziest part,” Steve says. “Then she was like, ‘Tommy, if I hear you say Steve’s name one more time, I’ll kill you,’ and then, she was like - “ he turns to you, intending on reenacting when you kissed Tommy’s nose, but decides against it. “And then she kissed his nose!”
“No way!” a few of the kids gasp in unison.
“It’s true, I was there,” you repeat.
“It was so badass,” Steve says. “I thought she was just gonna tell him to tuck his shirt in or something –”
“Steve, when have I ever –”
“I wouldn’t put it past you,” he says, and you slap his shoulder.
“And you didn’t get in trouble?” Will asks nervously.
“Not yet, hopefully never,” you respond.
“Tommy’s got a thing against girls standing up to him, he won’t say shit.” Steve assures.
Your watch starts beeping – it’s 10 pm. You have a shift in the morning, while Steve gets the day off.
“I’ve gotta run, guys,” you say, grabbing your jacket.
“Don’t beat someone up while you’re at it,” Max jokes, and you roll your eyes.
While talking to everyone, you didn’t notice Robin standing in the corner, arms crossed, and eyes narrowed. Her eyes narrow even more as Steve grabs your arm when you try to go, telling you to be careful. She watches as your face flushes and your hand tucks a stand of hair behind your ear.
You walk out to your car, and Robin bounds up behind you. “Y/N!”
“Oh, hey,” you say, as if it’s the first time you saw her all night. “What’s up?”
“What’s up?” she asks, scoffing. “What the hell was that?”
“What was what?” you ask, laughing nervously.
“Are you kidding? Y/N, when have you ever been physical with someone for someone else?”
You shrug. “I’m emotional.”
Robin laughs. “Well, sure, but you’ve never been outright violent.” She narrows her eyes again. “Spill it.”
“Spill what?”
She laughs in disbelief. “You’ve got it bad for Harrington!”
“No, I don’t!” you defend, but your face turns red and your eyes shift over to the right. “We’re just friends.”
Robin sighs. She reaches out for you and pulls you into an embrace, which you return happily. She pulls back, placing her hands firmly on your shoulders. “You need to be careful with him.”
You furrow your brows and open your mouth to question it, but she cuts you off.
“Steve has completely shut down after last year,” she explains. “And I’m very happy he’s letting you in, he must think you’re really special to have done that…. But he’s definitely not ready for any type of relationship. I’m worried you’re going to fall for him, and not be able to have him. You both deserve to be happy – I don’t want this to end badly for you guys.”
“Robin,” you say, irritated. “I’m not catching feelings.”
She rolls her eyes at first, but her expression softens. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I’m not going to,” you say, rolling your shoulders. “Robin, I promise.”
She bites her lip and starts to smile. “You would be cute together, though.”
You blush, smiling, but quickly shake your head. “I’m not into him, Robin. I promise.”
Robin clicks her tongue. “If you do get into him, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
The next time you patrol with Steve, you are acutely aware of just how much Robin was right.
Every time Steve would smile, you’d notice how cutely his nose would crinkle. You got goosebumps when he would laugh, and you found yourself laughing at almost everything he said. One time, his forehead creased, and you reached out to smooth it, stopping yourself just in time.
Keep it together, idiot, you tell yourself, diverting your hand to act like you’re rubbing a crumb off of Steve’s shirt.
“What do you think about the Chief?” Steve asks suddenly, making your brows furrow.
“I mean, we’ve agreed he’s pretty odd,” you say. “I don’t have much of an opinion beyond that. Like, he taught me everything I know – how to shoot, how to detain… how to bully guys from high school.”
Steve bites the inside of his cheek, and you laugh. “What’s your latest problem with him?”
He continues to bite his cheek, and you wait for an answer. Finally, he talks. “Before you got to the scene last week, it was just me and Chief…. Well, those weird government guys were there, too. And… I don’t know. Chief was being really condescending, and he kept deflecting me when I said I thought it was something worse than a suicide. He seems pretty hell-bent on not letting either of us around this investigation, too. I don’t think that’s what we signed up for, do you?”
You shake your head. “I think it’s weird, too. They won’t even let us look at the photographs.”
“Right,” Steve says. “Right. Something really doesn’t seem right with this. And don’t you think it’s weird that he was first on the scene? It’s usually the lower level people who respond first.”
“Damn,” you say, leaning back. “You’re right.”
“I know,” he says, and you roll your eyes. “Something’s up.”
At that moment, a car goes down the road. It wouldn’t be odd, except it was irrefutably Chief’s yellow ’67 Corvette. Your brows furrow and you lean forward. Chief never comes to this side of town – he lives on the outskirts on the very opposite side. You don’t even have to tell Steve your thoughts; he’s right there with you. He quickly puts the car in drive and begins to follow him from a distance.
“We really keep having these coincidences, huh?” you ask. “First Tommy, now Chief.”
“I think he’s heading towards the Source,” Steve breathes.
“The source?” you ask.
“I mean – the crime scene,” he corrects quickly, licking his lips. “You know – the source of the crime.”
That statement doesn’t sit right with you, but you don’t question it.
You follow Chief all the way to the west side of town, on the very outskirts. You watch as he pulls down a side road, and Steve takes another one, so it doesn’t look too suspicious. Your anxiety continues to grow, as does Steve’s, and you notice his jaw clenched tightly.
“Steve, you’re going to hurt yourself,” you say.
“Sorry,” he says, absentmindedly, and unclenches his jaw only slightly.
Steve’s confused. He thought Chief was going to Rimborn, but now they’re on the other side of town. Nothing makes sense, but he thinks something is about to happen. He’s not going to give up now.
A bright building illuminates the end of the road, surrounded by thick woods. A neon sign reading Bartini hangs off of it. Chief’s car pulls up to the front, and Steve continues down the road a ways before pulling over. You both whip around, Steve grabbing a pair of binoculars off the floor.
“Bartini?” you ask. “That’s lame.”
Steve shushes you, and you scoff. “Do you think you can hear them from he—”
You both watch as Chief gets out of his car. He goes into the bar through a side entrance instead of the front. The side door is guarded by two tall people – Steve thinks they look an awful lot like the government men from the other night. He watches as Chief flashes something – it’s too dark to tell what – and Chief enters the building.
“What’s happening?” you whisper.
“He went inside,” Steve whispers back.
“Riveting,” you reply.
Steve turns back around in his seating, letting out a sigh. He brings the binoculars to his lap. You see that same thoughtfulness from earlier. You again wait for him to speak.
“I know it sounds weird. I know it does. But something bad is happening. I want to get to the bottom of this. I wish I could explain this to you, but I can’t. And I really need you to believe me on this.” There’s a desperation in his voice that you haven’t yet heard. It makes your heart hurt.
“I trust you,” you say, despite being confused as all hell internally.
And you mean it. You would trust him with your life. Even though his vagueness and attitude are a bit annoying and frustrating, you believe his judgement. You can see in his eyes that he’s not messing around.
“You’re my partner, remember?” you add. “I’m in this with you. I believe you.”
Steve sighs, looking at you gratefully. “We’ve got some sleuthing to do.”
The next few days at the station are spent sneaking around. You both would wait until Chief went to lunch or to a meeting before raiding the office, trying to find anything to work with. You both knew most of the evidence for the case was in the evidence room – ironically, made from Hop’s old office, despite your protests – and that room was under strict lock and key.
While you tried to find things from the investigation, Steve researched building permits for the town at Town Hall. He finds the one for Starcourt Mall and sets it aside. He feels disgust churn in his stomach as he reads Mayor Kline’s signature, signing off on making a capitalist nightmare that nearly killed him and his friends a year ago. A pang of guilt runs through him. He shouldn’t have added you to this mess. If his hunch is right, you could be in serious danger. But he swallows the feeling, knowing he needs your support and help more than anything right now.
Not long after finding the records for Starcourt, he finds the records for Bartini. Steve’s heart races as he reads – Bartini was proposed the same day as Starcourt, built by the same company, and also signed off by Mayor Kline. Steve shakes his head, mumbling a “you son of a bitch,” and jumps up from his seat with the records in hand. He wants to believe that the government wasn’t that stupid, that they had realized this coincidence and checked it out. But the other part of him remembers the atrocities of the lab and thinks maybe it wasn’t a mistake at all.
At the same time, you find scans of the photographs from the crime scene. They’re shoved haphazardly into an empty drawer in the main office, and you truly can’t believe your luck. You scan through them carefully for any clues, and you strike gold. In a photograph of the back of the body, you notice a napkin sticking out from the man’s pocket. You grab a magnifying glass and look further – an illustration of a martini glass with an olive inside is printed on it in red ink. The emblem looks familiar, and you think for a moment before realizing it’s the same emblem that was on the Bartini sign.
You jump up and at the same moment, Steve walks in. He looks equally ecstatic and like he’s seen a ghost. He holds up the files with a small smile and settles at his desk. You run over and stand beside his chair as he pulls them out.
“This one is for Starcourt,” he says, placing it down. You scan it over and nod at him.
“And this one is for Bartini.” He places them side by side, and while you notice the similarities, you’re still confused.
“If Starcourt just caught on fire, then why does it matter if they are related?” you ask. “I mean, I know Kline was a crook, but what’s the connection?”
Steve curses under his breath. He forgot you didn’t know the whole story. He briefly considers telling you at least some parts but decides against it. You’d already agreed that you would take the information you were given, and you can’t break that agreement now.
“Just trust me on this,” he says slowly. “I think there’s a connection here.”
“I mean, alright,” you say, also slow. “I do have something that may reinforce your theory.”
You show him the photograph and explain the emblem on the napkin. Steve’s eyes widen and he grabs you, spinning you around. Your heart leaps and races as you laugh. He puts you down, beaming. He still holds on to your arms though, and his warm palms are all you can think about at the current moment.
For a fleeting moment, Steve’s stomach flips, thinking of how beautiful you look when you’re happy. But he pushes those thoughts to the side with an anxious pang in his gut.
“This is it!” he cheers. “This proves it. The bar is involved.”
“Bet you’re happy you let me help, huh?” you ask.
“You’re wonderful,” he says. “I knew I could count on you.”
You feel yourself blush, so you quickly pull away, walking towards your desk. “Do you think the napkin would be in the evidence room?” you ask, looking anywhere but at him.
“Most likely,” he says. “And I know just the way to get in.”
Steve’s idea was admittedly pretty stupid, and a little rude, too.
His plan was simple – flirt with Veronica, who has the key, get her to go in to find the napkin, and bring it to him.
“Veronica’s not an idiot,” you say. Something about the plan makes you feel sick, but you push it down - again. “She’s not going to just waltz in and steal evidence for you.”
“You underestimate my charm,” he says. He’s looking into a mirror in the annex and fixing his hair.
“We don’t need the napkin,” you say.
“Oh, but we do,” he replies. “Chief went to that bar last night, remember?”
“Yeah,” you say. “I don’t have a memory problem like you.”
He rolls his eyes. “Chief. The bar. Starcourt. Body. Chief goes into a private entrance at the bar – that implies that he is some sort of VIP, right? The bar’s emblem is on the dead person’s body. The bar was made at the same time as Starcourt. Chief probably has something to do with the bar, Starcourt, and the body. He doesn’t want to be caught, so he takes evidence and destroys it. We need to get that napkin before he does.”
The feeling of dread and uncertainty permanently attaches itself to your stomach, and you feel nauseous. “What if you’re wrong? What if Chief isn’t involved?”
He turns around from the mirror to look at you. He did fix his hair up pretty nicely – the handsomeness he exudes sidetracks you for a brief moment.
“Don’t you think he is involved?” he asks.
“I mean, I guess, but Steve, you’re not giving me a lot to work with here,” you say, bouncing on the balls of your feet. “And if we get caught, we’re done for.”
“We’ve been living on the edge for a while now, Y/N.”
“Patrolling on our own is completely different from breaking into the evidence room and stealing evidence.”
Steve sighs. He walks over to you, taking you in his arms again. “Don’t you trust me?”
You roll your eyes, fighting a smile. It feels good to be in his arms. “You’re lucky you’re cute, Steve.”
“Do you think so?” he says cheekily, flashing a smile. It’s enough to make your knees weak.
Still, you force yourself out of his grip. “I’m sure Veronica will think so.”
You both go out to the reception desk, meeting with Veronica. Veronica was usually a pretty quiet gal, but when she saw Steve, she could not stop talking. He flashes her the same smile he just flashed you, and your heart equally leaps and sinks.
“Veronica,” he purrs. “What’s been up, doll?” Steve admittedly does not really remember how to flirt with women, but is trying to channel his high school self as best as he can right now.
You scrunch your nose in disgust – doll? – but quickly go back to being pokerfaced.
“Ugh, it’s been so busy today, oh my god. First Chief has a ton of meetings, then Callahan isn’t here, so I have no one to talk to, and did you see what happened on 8th and Oak this morning? What a wreck, probably going to take a while to –”
“Veronica,” Steve interrupts sweetly. “Can I ask you a favor?”
She smiles brightly. “What can I do for you?”
Steve pauses – he didn’t think this far ahead. He looks back at you with his mouth slightly open, then back at Veronica, smiling cockily again. “Any chance you could grab something from the evidence room for me?”
Now you know why this display is sickening to you. Steve’s treating her like a pawn to help him excel in his mission, and it kind of feels like he’s doing the same to you. You remember what Robin said – how he isn’t going to catch feelings – and the impact of those words settle in your stomach like a rock. You are no different from Veronica; just a girl helplessly infatuated with a boy who will never reciprocate, wanting to help him as much as you could in the hopes that maybe he would like you back. These thoughts pull you from the situation unraveling, and you don’t even notice Veronica skipping off.
“Hey,” Steve says quietly, bumping into you. “You okay?”
“Oh, yeah!” you say after a pause.
“I got her to go in,” he says.
You force a tight-lipped smile, and his falters. “What’s wrong?”
You bite your tongue, afraid to speak. Is it even worth it to bring it up? Would it give your feelings away? But you decide to do it anyway, because ragging on each other is kind of your brand.
“Just seems kind of mean,” you say slowly.
“What does?”
“Using Veronica to get shit done for you.”
His brows furrow and he shakes his head slightly. “What are you talking about?”
“Steve, she’s like, in love with you,” you say nervously, “and you’re using her to break into the evidence room. She could get fired for that, man.”
Realization dawns on Steve’s face, and he looks disappointed with himself. His epiphany calms you, because at least he wasn’t doing it on purpose.
Either that, or he’s just a really good actor.
“I didn’t think of it like that,” he whispers, eyes downcast.
“Yeah,” you say. “Maybe you should reexamine your relationships with wo—”
“Stevie,” Vanessa calls as she walks out of the evidence room.
Steve spins around on his heals, dashing smile plastered on his face again. “Yes, sweetheart?”
It infuriates you that he goes back into this bullshit façade, but you decide to question him on it when you aren’t in front of Veronica.
“No napkins are in there,” she says.
Steve furrows his brows. “What do you mean?”
“No napkins,” she repeats. “Nothing that even looks like a napkin, actually.”
Steve stills and your mouth falls open. Someone did tamper with the evidence.
“Oh, well, thanks, Roni!” he says quickly, and pulls you back to the annex, leaving a confused but happy Veronica in your wake.
He shuts and locks the door and starts to pace.
“Holy shit,” you say, stunned.
“We’ve got to go in there,” he says, voice wavering.
“Into the evidence room?”
“No, no, the bar,” he says. He runs his hand through his hair – a nervous tick you’d picked up on – and he taps his fingers against his crossed arms. “Chief took the napkin, I know it. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.”
You swallow, hard. “And what are we supposed to do there?”
“Get to the bottom of this,” he says. “Find out what Chief goes for, see if there is anything up with it. Try to find out what the connection is, who owns it, who runs it.”
“We’re underage,” you point out, and he deflates. You sigh and add, “But I know a guy.”
Steve spins around. “A guy?”
You sigh again and pull out your wallet. You hand an ID over to him – it’s a fake. Steve looks between it, back at you, then back down at it, mouth open. “You have a fake ID?”
“How else was I supposed to drink when I was at school?”
“You just don’t seem like the type.”
“Does it matter?” you snap, snatching it back. “Look, if we are going in, we have to be disguised to the max. I’m talking wigs and an entire wardrobe change. We cannot be found out, because if Chief finds us, underaged in this bar, we are getting kicked into the sun.”
“Or he could get his Russian cronies to kill us,” he mumbles. His eyes widen and he looks like he regrets it immediately.
You know it’s against the rules to push, but you do it anyway, because how the fuck can you be quiet after that? “Russians?”
“I said – I said he would be rushing – rushing to get cronies to kill us.” He laughs sharply. “Uh, damn Y/N, get your hearing checked.”
You narrow your eyes. “If you don’t explain this shit and stop gaslighting me in five seconds, I’m out.”
Steve grabs your hands and pulls you towards him. This is getting ridiculous, you think, as your heart yet again goes crazy over his touch. You look away from him, but he softly says your name, so you look back. You see sincerity in his eyes, and he looks solemn.
“I promise when this is over, I’ll explain everything,” he says. “But I can’t tell you until I know you’re safe.”
“Oh, like you care about me,” you say. You try to smile through it – like it’s a joke - but it’s still a bit painful.
Steve’s brows furrow and his face goes soft. “I’m not trying to use you or Veronica. What I did with Veronica – that was stupid, and you’re right, I shouldn’t have done that. But I really do need your help. I’m not telling you things because they can really hurt you. I should never have let you in on this anyway, but I need you. You keep me going, Y/N. You’re….”
He trails off as he takes your face in. The innocence in your eyes, the rosiness in your cheeks, your widened pupils. How beautiful you are throws him off guard again, and he swallows hard, recovering and pushing past his anxiety and attraction. Being with you is simply not an option, and he feels foolish for even having the fleeting thought.
“You’re my best friend,” he finishes. “I couldn’t do this without you. Honest.”
You stare at his chest for a moment before smiling. “I thought Dustin was your best friend?”
“Oh, I forgot about Dustin. You’re right, he’s my best friend.”
You both laugh and the tension dissipates. You sigh and look back up at him. “Saturday night, we go in.”
Steve steps back and offers you his hand, and you shake on it, but you can’t help to notice how nervous his eyes look.
taglist (message if you want to join!):  @comedy-witch @wolfish-willow @harrington-ofhawkins @sassisaluxury @m-blasterrr @gothackedalready @bluebellbrooke​
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A Snake’s Truth: A Sweet Pea x OC FanFic. My Reaction After 1 Year.
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There will be spoilers in this so if you want to read it before or at all here is a link:
A Snake's Truth
One paragraph is about one chapter
My first book with a cast and and Epigraph. I know how dark this book is and yet still no tigger warning, that's a shame. *Note the salty vibes I'm giving myself.* But there is a before you read warning in the first chapter, so it's something. She's Penny Peabody's daughter. She's thinking Cheryl killed Jason. She told FP what she saw. Sweet Pea has her back.
Roxy acting like a leader. FP is kinda protective of her. She doesn't know her father. She's grounded. FP has decided to go sober amd is asking her help to clean up the trailer to get her out of her trailer. Penny and her just got into another fight. FP was arrested for Jason Blossom's murder.
Roxy doesn't believe the confession. Clifford Blossom committed suicide. Penny drunkenly kicked her out. Fangs just told her Sweet Pea is in love with her.
Sweet Pea knows about the abuse. Welcome to Southside High Jughead Jones. Jughead went to Penny and Roxy is pissed.
Jughead got beat up. Penny won't sign the emancipation papers. He knows that Penny was also her pimp and that's where the chapter ends.
Jackson? I don't remember writing that. She's gonna go on a date with Sweet Pea. Roxpea is their ship name. They ran out of snack and went to go get more and ran in Archie. They kissed, Roxy and Sweet Pea did.
They are officially dating. Serpents are going to war with Archie for pulling a gun on Sweet Pea and Roxy. Sweet pea asked her to stand back. Jackson is her twin brother. She's having a break down because she thought she sounded like her mother. So she's dying her hair purple. Jughead is getting initiated. And it is out, Alice Cooper used to be a serpent.
Time for the Gaulet. Betty broke up with Jughead. Jughead passed. They alway end up getting interrupted. They had sex. Toni and Fangs are giving the two shit about it. FP called her. The raid, her and Jughead were able to get out.
FP is her father. Tall Boy just said so. She went to go yell at her mom, then to go see FP. Penny murdered Jackson. FP made a promise to stay sober after his release. Roxy is racing the Ghoulies.
Archie called the cops on her race and she's pissed. Archie also now has a black eye. Jughead thinks running drugs for Penny is one time thing.
Roxy is telling him what to expect. This chapter is kinda cringey. She's telling her mom to fuck off again.
They didn't take her advice, FP is getting out. FP just got out of prison.
She's moving in with Jughead and FP. She's changing her last name to Jones. FP is also going to try to get custody of her. Talking about thr retirement party for FP.
FP broke his promise at the retirement party. She staying at Sweet peas until he gets his shit together. FP won't sign the emancipation papers unless he sees Roxy. To take down a penny Peabody. Everyone knows she killed her son.
Roxy just said that she ever sees her mother again she's going to kill her. She is permanently living with sweet pea now. He went back to AA.
Southside high's officially closed. Now they went to Riverdale High School and then shit hit the fan. When Reggie has to be worn that Roxy is the most violent serpent. I'm pretty sure Sweet peas just there to hold Roxy down until it's time to let Roxy fight someone.
The beginning of the sword and serpents but Roxy has a condition no Betty or any northsider. She has a headache and it makes her want to kill her brother because he's being annoying. Roxy is going to kill Reggie because he just cat called her. She got a suspension, Toni tried to stop her but failed but then again she didn't try very hard. FP is just happy that she didn't pull her knife out on him.
The Pickens day protest. Sheriff Keller stop by. She's going to her mom's old trailer after school. She may or may not have run down her trailer. She went to the mayor's office with Jughead. Penny is back.
She exposed her mother to the whole entire South side serpents. Toni punched penny. Seen her almost kill Penny scared the shit out of FP. so she was at the junkyard relieving some anger but hitting things with a baseball bat and she found the head.
Looks like Hiram Lodge doesn't like Roxy. Cheryl's going to go talk to Roxy eventually. Jughead said that he looks to The client list that she gave him and FP looks like he's formulating a kill list.
FP just admitted a lot of things to Jughead. Like how he feels guilty about all this shit happening Roxy and Jackson. Jughead is worried about Roxy. Sweet pea is worried too. Sweet Pea talk to her and he thinks she's planning something that will get her hurt. Toni think she's. trying to protect them. Cheryl blossom came to talk to Roxy. And that night Cheryl blossom and wants to be came unexpected friends.
Sweet pea and Roxy had a fight about what happened. And then skip to the scene where everyone chains themselves to Southside High. Sweet Pea got sick. Cheryl is missing.
Oh shit. Roxy is going hard on Betty. Roxy found out chic killed someone and dragged her family into the mess and she's pissed but she's not going to snitch. And she's spitting out truth to Betty. Jughead is completely missing the point.
Alice came to her trailer to thank her. And she just said that I don't approve of the verbal beating you gave Betty but in my serpent days I would have agreed with you. Midge Klump's death. The rumor of Midge cheating on the bulldog with a serpent. People finding out it was fangs. Fangs being arrested. Then shot and then Roxy sneaking out in the back door of the hospital to where no one notices her leaving. She went to go see her mom. And she's making a deal with Penny. And they made a deal a life for a life Penny loses she dies in the Ghoulies are out of Riverdale forever but if Roxy loses the Ghoulies get Riverdale.
The final chapter. As far as everyone knows fangs is dead. Roxy does walk into the bar bloody and announcing that Penny Peabody is dead. Fangs is actually alive. Everyone made her go to the ER. Roxy is officially the new Serpent Queen. I forgot I made that change in the story, in this fanfic I made Fred Andrews when the election. In the end everything was good.
Overall, not my favorite story. This is one of the stories that was like run on drama and trauma.I'm pretty sure I was originally going to bring back Jackson and that would have been a little more chaotic too. So im going to give it 6/10.
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nockfellblues · 5 years
I don't know if you do these kinds of asks but how about reader pulling a hunger games type moment and confronting Larry before he kills himself saying if you go I do too I won't let someone I love die alone type thing.
All aboard the angst train ♥  written as a mini fic! TW for attempted suicide! Reader is gender neutral.
If you are in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline and get the help you deserve. Call 1-800-273-8255. If you are like me and are afraid to call, there are also live online chat options as well, located HERE! 
You’d known for awhile something was... off with Larry. Ever since Sal had officially moved in with Todd and Neil, Larry had been stadoff-ish on a good day, and on bad days would seclude himself in the tree house, Sanity’s Fall blasting from that tiny stereo so loud you could hear it from your shared basement apartment. To say you were worried about his behavior was an understatement. Especially after you’d begun to notice the pattern of near constant headaches, the fact that he was always saying it was too loud in the apartment, the occasional mutter of, “shut up,” to an empty room when he though you weren’t close enough to hear, and the quickly worsening whip of anger he’d been developing… You were walking on eggshells at any given moment.
Finally, it all hit a breaking point. 
You had been helping Larry pack up the remainder of his non-essentials, getting them ready to go over to his new room at Todd’s. It had been a process to pack a lot of his stuff up- it was a whole lifetime to sort through; countless weird knick knacks to decide to keep or not, finding old drawings and sketchbooks from his childhood, finding a random little thing that had been lost years ago tucked away in a dusty corner someplace… 
To be honest, it had been more reminiscing about his childhood and the memories about each of the items you both went through than it was actually packing. But it was fun, and the wistful smile he wore as he told you stories of his mother, his missing father and his years of shenanigans with Sal and Todd made every wasted second well worth it. 
When you unearthed a little silver puzzle box, you expected a fun story and for him to add it into the donation box for the local second hand shop for some needy kid to enjoy it later. But the simple question of, “Trash or stash?” quickly devolved into an argument about how much you didn’t care about his sentimentality or that it was an important object to him- and it just got worse from there- until you gave up, tossed up your hands, and stated you were gonna bring the box you’d finished earlier over to Todd’s while he cooled off, and walked out.
When you’d gotten there, the first thing you did was tell Sal what was up, hoping maybe he’d have some kind of wise words or what you could have done to set Larry off in the first place. Sally, ever the sweetheart, pulled you into a gentle hug, reassuring you that Larry was probably just having a rough patch and that he would talk to him and see if Larry might open up about it. 
Taking Todd up on an offer to stay the night, you threw on a movie and made yourself comfortable on the couch, falling into a dreamless sleep. 
Neil woke you the next morning with a killer cup of coffee and a poor mans breakfast of sugar coated pop tarts. Sally had come around not long after, letting you know Larry had texted him, and they’d be headed to the apartments for some, “Ghost hunting.” He seemed kind of tense but reassured you that he’d talk to Larry today, before he met up with Ash. Of course, you’d thanked him, and settled into Larry’s soon-to-be room to start sorting out some of the easier boxes.
You woke up later, sprawled on the couch, to the sound of Todd rummaging in the kitchen. Yawning, you stretched and made your way out to greet him, smoothing out your bead-head. 
“Hey Todd, how as class?” You asked, grabbing a seat at the kitchen table. 
Todd shrugged, idly stirring an instant noodle cup, “No complaints. How’s Larry’s room coming along? Sal said you were unpacking this morning.”
“Well, I made it through the clothes and some oddball boxes… Did Sally mention anything about Larry by chance?”
Todd shook his head, “No, but he left with Ash almost as soon as he was back, so we didn’t have much time to chat. Knowing Sal, things should be smoothed over. He’s always been able to mellow Larry out like that.” 
With that, you decided to head back and see if Larry was feeling any better after some Sally time. It was getting dark, and the thick clouds looming overhead finally opened into a sweeping downpour just after you had left Todd’s. You stopped under a thicket of trees just off the road, hoping the rain would lessen, when your cell phone went off. 
Larry: [Name] im rly sry. i nvr meant that shit i said.
[Name]: Dude its all good i know youre stressed lately. Im heading back now.
Larry: stay at todds. and just dont blame urself ok? its my time to go.
[Name]: Larry wtf are you talking about? youre scaring me?
Without waiting for a reply you took off towards the apartments at a breakneck run. Bypassing the front door, you ran around the backside of the building to use the back entrance, when you noticed a light on in the old tree house- Then your gaze trailed down to the baggy with a neatly folded paper pinned to the lower steps on the tree.
You felt your blood run cold. He wouldn’t- no. 
“Larry!” You scrambled up the rickety planks, ignoring the note, and all but threw yourself onto the tree house floor. “Larry, don’t!” 
Tucked against the wall of the tree house, just under the little window, sat Larry, an old camping lantern lit in the corner beside him. His eyes were puffy and his hair disheveled, evidence that he’d been crying before. Tears welled in your own eyes as you took in his distraught expression and the bottle of whiskey in his hands. 
“[Name]..?” He whispered your name, and the way his voice cracked brought you to instant tears, and you all but launched yourself at him, pulling him into a desperate embrace. 
“Larry Johnson, you fucking asshole! Don’t you dare- don’t you dare take a sip from that bottle-”
“[Name]-” you cut him off, taking his face into your hands and forcing him to look at you. The circles under his eyes were so deep, and the absolute emptiness in them broke your heart.
“No! You listen here, you fucking string bean- you don’t get to do this. You can’t just… just push me away and expect me not to worry. You can’t just text… text me something like that and not expect me to come running to- to fucking keep you from being stupid! What the fuck am I supposed to do without you?!” You were openly sobbing now, practically screaming at the boy who all but held your entire world in his hands. “You’re all I have! You can’t just-just leave me behind and expect me to move on- who am I without my other half, Larry? Who am I?!” 
He scrunched his eyes closed, tears streaming down his cheeks again, as he shook his head.
“If you fucking kill yourself, I’m going with you. And you can’t stop me.” You knew it was a dirty trick to play, guilting him like this when his soul was this ravaged and he was so vulnerable- but you were being honest. What would you do without him in your life? What about Sal? God, what about poor Lisa? He was so dear to you all, so loved, and he was ready and willing just throw it all away-
“[Name], I-I can’t take it anymore- I just- the cult shit, that demon, the ghosts! The fucking whispers-  they’re dri-driving me insane! I‘m not like you or Sal- I can’t handle this shit anymore!” He finally breaks down into heaving sobs at that, burying his face into your shoulder, and dropping the bottle in favor of a bone-crushing embrace that you readily return.
You kick the bottle away from Larry, as far as you can get it, and quietly thank whoever will listen when the cap pops the rest of the way off, spilling the amber liquid and the mostly dissolved remnants of pills onto the tree house floor.
“…Why didn’t you just tell me? Or even Sal. Someone. You know we’d do anything for you, Larry, absolutely anything.” He didn’t reply, just shook his head and pulled you closer. What the fuck was was this place doing to him? You had to get him out- get him away- Larry’s phone vibrated from the other side of the tree house, but you elected to ignore it, praying whoever was calling was also smart enough to find you both before things got any worse.
He sniffled, hiccuping into you shoulder, “I’m so sorry, [name]. I didn’t mean anything that I said the other day- or anything I said in those other arguments. I just- This- this place is.. I think I’m going crazy-”
You shushed him, smoothing a hand down his hair and he devolved into body-wracking sobs that shook you both with the sheer force of them. Your soul ached for the boy you had known almost all your life- the boy you grew up with, shared secrets with, made countless memories with, and loved with all your heart. 
Why didn’t you see this coming sooner? “I know, Larry, I know. This place- there’s something still wrong with Addison apartments and we’re gonna get you out of here, forever. I promise.” 
“I-I’m so, so sorry, [name]. Please... Please don’t leave me.”
The rain continued to pour in violent sheets outside, but you distinctly heard the frantic voice of Sal, calling Larry’s name, as he ran towards the tree house. You had never felt such absolute relief in your life, even with Larry clinging to you like a lifeline, and the stain of his near-death slowly seeping into the floor of the tree house just behind you.
 “I’m not going anywhere, Larry. I’m with you, always, no matter what happens.”
WHEW. I tried to make it so you could read their relationship as either romantic or platonic, and tried to stay as neutral as possible in gender as well! I hope this is alright, and I hope you like it! I’ve actually never seen the Hunger Games so I kinda went my own way ♥
I’d also like to use this space as a PSA:I’ve struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts and tendencies my whole life- don’t let your depression convince you that you are trapped or alone or unloveable. I know its hard, and there’s no easy fix for it, but there are things in life that make it worth sticking around. Even if its something as silly as looking forward to a new game or story or waiting for a flower you planted to bloom, there are reasons to keep living. Please be kind to yourself and remember, even if we’ve never spoken or interacted or existed in the same space, I know that you are worthy of being loved and cared for and you are not alone. 
If ever you feel like you are truly alone in this world, please reach out- there will always be people out here willing to lend a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, and a friend to those who feel lost ♥ I know i will always be open to anyone out there in need of a friend so, please, never be afraid to reach out!
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Hi, i hope you are feeling good! Im better than yesterday so i can finally answer you. First of all: i am so happy that you shared your fanfiction! i had a great time reading it! Im always open for more recs. Maybe your all time favorites? Or if you know some good h/c these are always welcome :) And YESSS please send me a link to your fanvids. -- yeah 13rw was super cursed. haha i also watched season 1 but thankfully i was able to sto watching becaue i could feel it making me feel bad (1)
I agree the suicide scene was just cringe (but i think i remember reading somewhere that they cut it out? idk) and overall this show just gave me the feeling that there was no hope and things are always getting worse instead of better and i hated that. but enough of that cursed show. can i just say i really admire how open you are about your feelings (like being suicidal and that) i realy, really admire this about you. i have so much respect for you that you can just share your feelings here (2)
I have never heard of ace attorney but that story you described sounds really good. and i get reading sth that isnt good for you and still doing it (because im a dumb bitch too :D) -- okay i might accept that Root will never grow on you (but i thought so too and look at me now :D) but i havent fully given up yet :)-- yes thats the girl. i think it was really sweet when she said that to Shaw. and i think Shaw appreciated it that someone tried to figure her out instead of just writting her off (3)
Shaw is really cool and definately also a badass and in combination with John its just great! but you will have to suffer trough some Shoot.  but maybe, maybe you will end up not hating Root. hope dies last (idk how the saying goes in english, sorry). -- Did you ever ship Caresse (in a romantic way)? cause sometimes i do and sometimes i dont and i get so confused about it :) but i think most of the time i like them more as friends. anyway her death really sucked and you are right with (4)
her death and them losing the library it felt like a different show (i mean i guess it was a different show then). i kinda get your feelings about the destroyed library because i also really loved it (and im really bad with change) but i dont think it affected me as much as you. but yeah i still missed the library very much. and while the subway is a really cool new place its not the same. (also the subway is super dark cause its underground and idk it just makes the whole thing less homey) (5)
Yes he is everything! such a great, interesting character and i wish there were more John-centric episodes! (like ones that explored his character more). that was one of my biggest dislikes of the later seasons that John wasnt featured as much anymore. i think he chuckled a few times in the show but a real laugh? i cant remember one :(  -- He did promise Joss to talk to Tyler so @show were is that talk? -- if seen the vid its awesome! thehiddenmemory has some great poi vids! (6)
yes i think so too. Like Grace would probably be relived and thankful that Harold is still alive and maybe they would even try again but eventually she would figure out that she cant trust him after lying to him for so long or sth like that and Harold would ofc realize that he is in love with someone else now. And then he finds out that John is still alive but stayed away cause he didnt want to get in the way of Harold/Grace. But then Harold comes back. And when they meet again John is like (7)
you came back for the machine? what about Grace. But Harold tells him he came back for John not the machine and then they kiss and have a happy live with Bear (sorry i got a little carried away here :D). -- Yeah Zoe is really hot and she needed more screen time! -- i hope you have a good day and i hope i havent messed up the numbers on the asks! :)
Hi ! I'm finally free from the resits, I hope you're doing okay with your thesis 💛
Sorry for replying late, there was the exam resits, and I read a bunch of fics, then I fell into pokémon and started bingewatching it. (Also I had a breakdown during therapy today so I'm gonna finish writing my answer to distract myself - it's been sitting in my drafts for so long rip)
Thank you !! It was a very personal thing, I'm really happy you liked it !! Your support and your comment made me thrive 💛💛
Tbh I was surprised to see it get kudos given that the only intended audience was my self projecting ass 🤣
So, my fav fics (my fav fic ever is in French, rip to y'all bc it's so good):
I am, I am, I am by RavenWhitecastle
Actually check the entire series this work belongs to: The Sinner and the Saint. I haven't finished it yet but I love it (I just skipped the explicit fics bc I don't like smut or sub!John)
Breaking All The Rules by talkingtothesky
Outsider Perspective by Neery
A Really Private Person by astolat
Hamartia (the hero's fatal flaw) by astolat
If Only for Tonight by spacemutineer
From Here, Where? by AKMars
Stroll by TheaNishimori
and the world was gone by lunarcorvid
a light that never goes out by vindicatedtruth
Limitations. by Michaelssw0rd
Reel you in and spit you out by Michaelssw0rd
All I Want For Christmas Is You by richmahogany
By What Power I Am Made Bold by brinnanza
Aftershocks by darringtons
At Certain Hours It All Breaks Down by nogoaway
construction of a kingdom by the_ragnarok
You Take Me Higher Than I've Gone by talkingtothesky
All Together Now by beadedslipper
I'll Let the Waters Still by brinnanza
Birthday Tradition by talkingtothesky
Things My Father Taught Me by KRyn
Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder by infiniteeight
Better Luck This Time by Lisztful
Motivations by JenNova
What's On the Table by cortue
In Another Life by Della19
I Thought We Already Were by talkingtothesky
Misunderstandings by thisstarvingartist
This is already fucking long omg so for the h/c: my bookmarks filtered with Rinch and h/c
Here's my playlist, it's mostly Rinch, but there are a few not Rinch vids, plus some scenes I like
This is long enough already, so it's time for a read more. Also, warning, we be talking about suicide
The portrayal of suicide is cringe most of the time anyway. If my suicidal ass can find a list of suicide methods and their lethality in 2 mins on Google you'd think writers who are supposed to do some research would be able to find them too but no they're like "ah yes slicing wrists" even though it's literally the shittiest method 🙄 (I just don't understand why slicing wrists seems to be such a popular method in the collective imagination ? It's weird.) At least in 13rw she took aspirin and cut herself vertically instead of horizontally but still, no hesitation wounds, and she dies even though she only got 4 wounds iirc ? I know more about jumping off bridges than slicing wrists, but it kinda sounds like bullshit to me. Also Netflix once suggested "beyond the reasons" to me, it's a sort of discussion with the cast and crew of 13rw and the only thing I remember is a moment of intellectual masturbation abt how they "opened a discussion abt suicide" 😬😬😬
They may have cut it out it's not impossible, idk I didn't hear about it, but it's not like I look for info about this dumpster fire lol. Maybe they faced backlash ? Wouldn't be surprised given how shit the show was. And yeah it has a hopeless vibe, I mean that's how it be when you're suicidal, but I didn't like it either.
You're sweet 💜💜 it's interesting that you find it respectable or admirable, I don't have an external point of view, so I'm just like 🤷 it is what it is. I understand where you're coming from though, I guess it's still quite a taboo subject, and suicidal people don't always feel comfortable talking about it, so me throwing around that I jumped off a bridge must be surprising. I'm detached enough from my suicide attempt that I'm able to talk about it without much of a problem, and I'm not really suicidal anymore.
Dumb bitches unite 👏👏👏 we be out there reading shit we shouldn't read
Yeah I think it's nice how the show didn't portray Shaw as a bad person for not having "normal feelings". Well, hope makes one live as we say in French (idk the English saying either lol) but don't hold much hope about me liking Root lmao
I used to ship careese bc they kissed in the crossing, but then I read some Rinch fics and I just ended up falling into it to the point where I stopped caring about careese. Now I think their relationship works better as a friendship.
Yeah all that change really puts me off... It just gives me "bad spin-off" vibes. Especially since there is less John :( and less Rinch :((((
Lmao yeah I just have a lot of feelings about early poi hgkfglrk. Also :/ I'm sad about the subway being less homey pls I just want happiness ?? I swear this show destroys my heart on top of owning my last braincell (brb changing my blog title to this lmao)
Mood I need all the John-centric eps, give me m o r e characterization and development and backstory and feelings hhhhhhh. I love him so much I just wanna spend more time with him. And that's what fics are for ! Yeah thehiddenmemory is so talented ! Astolat made some good ones too, on top of writing really good fics ! (Our fandom has been blessed with the presence of one of the ao3 founders hell yeah)
Also, remember how we talked abt the poi subreddit ? The other day I left a comment on there, wild I know. It wasn't a discussion about the last seasons though, I'm not crazy, it was about the impact poi had in our lives so I said it literally taught me English. Who knows maybe sometimes I'll comment again lol. I just don't wanna meet one of those people who prefer late poi over early poi.
Allow me to uuuuh write something based on what you said. Don't ask me how John survived with no major injuries, my man got that Thick Plot Armor alright. Hope you appreciate me getting carried away sjdkdksk it's kinda rushed and the first part isn't that good bc idk how to write Grace I'm just here for that sweet sweet Rinch stuff
Harold is eating breakfast with Grace in her kitchen – he can't think of her home as his home – when his phone vibrates. It's a text from the machine. It's a surprise, she barely contacted him since... He blocks the thoughts and the images coming to his mind. The machine sent him a picture. When he opens it, his heart misses a beat. Right here on his screen is a silhouette he thought he would never see again. His phone vibrates again. Another picture, this time it's unmistakably John, wearing his signature suit, Bear next to him. Transfixed, he stares at his phone until he feels Grace gently touching his arm. She goes straight to the point.
"Is it John ?" He looks up in confusion, but before he can say anything, she adds, "I hear you call him in your sleep every night."
"It's him, yes." He doesn't want to explain. He only wants to see John, to touch him, to tell him how much he loves him.
"You should go back to him. I like you, Harold. I am deeply relieved to see you alive. But I've been thinking, and... It's not working. This, us... You aren't really the man I fell in love with, the man I grieved... I can't trust you anymore." She doesn't say 'You lied to me' but Harold hears it all the same.
Harold sits on their bench. The machine indicated John often comes here. Soon enough, his arms are full of Bear, and John is standing in front of him.
"John. How are you ?" he asks when Bear finally calms down.
"Busy. And you ?"
Harold eyes him suspiciously – John once said he was busy when he was bleeding and way too close to death – but he seems to be well.
"I'm fine." He doesn't have time for awkward small talk." I thought you were dead. Why didn't you contact me ?"
"The machine told me you were with Grace. I thought you wanted to come back to your previous life. I didn't want to crash into it and ruin what you had."
Harold wants to be angry at him, but he understands. He did the same with Grace.
"You would never ruin anything. Besides, my relationship with Grace... didn't survive my lies. She's very dear to my heart, but she's a part of my previous life, as you said."
"So you came back for the machine, and the numbers, like the good old times ?"
Harold gets up from the bench.
"I came back for you. You are an important part of my life. The most important part."
John smiles, finally. He takes a step towards Harold, they're so close they could kiss. Harold reaches out, grips his shirt and slowly inches closer. He's still afraid of being rejected but John wraps his arm around him and kisses him. The kiss is over too soon. John's smile is even wider when they part.
"You're the most important part of my life too," he says before kissing Harold again. "You will stay ?"
Damn I live for sappy Rinch stuff.
Bitches decided that Harold saying "always" is peak Rinch. It's me I'm bitches.
Also ofc I had to make a reference to number crunch, who do you think I am
Anyway. I hope you have a good day ! 💛
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He’s in Charge; Chapter Eleven
Pairing: Henry/Bertrum
Warnings: Death, murder, suicide
A/N: This one’s... a bit heavy, but plot intensive. It looks like Grant’s promise to make things right is going to pay off.
Chapter word count: 2,916
{First part} {Previous part} {Next part}
Chapter Eleven; Dirty Deeds
As he sat at the small table in the kitchen the next morning, Henry caught himself lost in thought as he stared out the back window, fingers drumming lightly on a warm mug of coffee. His thoughts ranged from drawings to Joey, and what could really be happening behind the scenes, and on days like this when he wasn’t scheduled to work. He was comfortable physically having borrowed clothes to sleep in from Bertrum that turned out to be loose on him, but mentally, not so. Bertrum, dressed in a gray tank top and pale blue pajama pants with slippers, stood over a pan of scrambled eggs. Just next to him, carrying out a conversation in a language Henry couldn’t understand was a man he had to assume was the designer’s personal chef watching over a pan of bacon. If nothing else, he certainly looked the part of a chef. Ferris laid at Henry’s feet, his tail quietly thumping against the floor. 
The animator sighed softly, shaking his head. His gaze shifted from the well-kept back yard and garden to his coffee cup as he took a small sip. He leaned back in his chair, still holding the cup, and threw a glance to Bertrum. The man’s back was to him at that moment, but a smile slowly made its way onto his face anyway. Even with all the chaos at work, at least right then, he had a moment for peace. 
After a few minutes, Bertrum plated the eggs, his chef moving the slices of bacon to their own plate for him to bring over. Grinning, Bertrum set a plate in front of Henry. “Here we are!” He said cheerily, taking a seat at the other side of the table.
“Thanks.” Henry’s voice came out more quiet than he intended. He set his mug down finally, instead taking up a fork. 
“Did you want to stay for the afternoon? I’m between jobs now, we could go out somewhere.”
“I don’t know. I’d like to go home and get some clean clothes, at least. Then maybe we can meet up later?”
“I can send someone out to get you a new set so you don’t have to drive back and forth, if you’d like.” Bertrum offered.
“What? Oh, no, I couldn’t have you do that, isn’t that a little excessive?” Henry waved his free hand dismissively.
“Please, it just makes sense. Unless you’d like someone to drive you to your apartment instead? If you’re just coming back in a few hours, I see no reason to send you away.” He shrugged.
Henry could only sigh. “That’s way too much effort for someone to have to put in for me, I may as well just wear the same clothes…”
“I do have a washing and drying unit, if you’d rather wash your clothes here.” Bertrum indicated a door behind Henry, pointing out where they were located. 
“Now that’s something that makes some sense. I’ll have to take up that offer, as long as you don’t mind me hanging onto these for a while.” He gave a slight smile, indicating what he was already wearing.
“Not at all. I think that’s a much better idea.” Bertrum returned the smile, then went quiet, giving them both some time to eat. They were both nearly done when he spoke again. “About what you said last night… Regarding Drew…”
Henry froze, looking up at him briefly. “I know I sound crazy… I’ve been thinking about it all morning.”
“No, Henry, you have probable cause. It may not make much sense to me, but regardless, it does seem a bit strange that so many people are gone- you said- without a real explanation, and you’re clearly suspicious of some kind of list you saw Drew keeping.” He paused and Henry nodded. “If you want me to, I really am willing to hire someone to look into it for you, but I’d like to speak with someone else first. Perhaps Drew’s accountant, you said he’s in charge of paperwork.”
“Right… I don’t see a problem with that, you could come meet him on Monday if you wanted. I’m sure he’d appreciate someone investigating, honestly.”
“All right, then.” Bertrum nodded once, then took a slice of bacon from the plate and held it down to Ferris.
By the time Henry’s clothes were cleaned, dried and he was dressed, Bertrum looked like he was already ready to leave the house. He was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, sitting at the foot of the stairs Henry was coming down to tie his shoes. He offered the animator a smile when he saw him.
“It’s a lovely day today, I thought perhaps we could take Ferris out to the park. It’s a lovely walk, and there’s plenty of shade there.” He offered, standing.
“Sure, that sounds nice.” Henry paused a few steps from the bottom, leaning on the banister. 
Bertrum shifted to face him, thinking for a moment. He gently grabbed Henry by the shoulders, shifting him to the side slightly and pulling him down one step. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Henry’s forehead, that time without having to bend down at all. “There. Ready?”
Henry let out a small laugh, his cheeks quickly turning color. He stepped down the last few stairs, on his way to the door. “Whenever you are.” 
Monday, when Henry walked into the studio, the remaining staff- just under what looked like two-dozen people- were all gathered near the main entrance. They stood in front of Joey, who was still wheelchair-bound, glancing at each other nervously. As Henry joined the group himself, he noticed that he hardly recognized anyone there, save for a man named Thomas. Other than his name, he didn’t really know him. Since there was space and Thomas was fairly tall, Henry moved to stand in front of him to face Joey.
“Ah. Good, everyone’s here.” Joey started as he spotted Henry. He looked much more sickly than the last time Henry had seen him, his face a sort of gray with prominent dark marks under his eyes. His voice was much more slurred than before. “It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce the death of Grant Cohen, my accountant.”
A soft murmur went around the group. Henry could hear Thomas grunt, then sigh.
Joey continued after a moment. “As it stands right now, it is a suicide. As we speak, there is a team of investigators downstairs confirming this fact. That said, please do not go down there until further notice. Even you, Connor.”
“Okay, I get that you don’t want anyone interrupting ‘em. What about basic maintenance of the pipes down there?” Thomas’s deep, gruff voice answered from behind the animator. 
“They were very clear to me that no one is to be down there for any reason. End of story.” Joey stated more firmly. “Now… I would like to give you all some bereavement time off, but we simply don’t have time for that. Please, do your best to do business as usual.” That said, he rolled himself off down the hall, towards his office. 
“Stupid cunt.” Thomas seethed quietly, meaning Joey, obviously. 
Henry shook his head slowly, going to his desk. Grant dead? And so suddenly? “This doesn’t add up…” He mumbled. 
“Hey.” Thomas Connor’s voice came from behind him. When Henry turned, Thomas was leaning against the wall.
“Uhm, hi.” Henry tilted his head. 
“You didn’t know Grant all that well, huh?”
“No… I only met him a couple of times. He was always so nervous…”
Thomas nodded slowly, grinding a toothpick between his teeth. “I knew ‘im pretty well. Had to work with ‘im a lot.”
“Oh… I’m so sorry-” Henry started, but Thomas held up a hand.
“Don’t be. He held out for a long time. He was in a lot of pain. I’m not surprised, I’m just hopin’ he’s got some peace now.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’ come here to complain, though. Grant just wanted you especially to know he’s done the right thing here. He had a plan, and it’s gonna happen.”
“What are you talking about? Did he leave a… a note or something telling you that?”
Thomas shrugged again. “Not that you’re aware of, you get me?”
It took Henry a moment to understand, a look of shock crossing his face. “You have his suicide note…? Why? Isn’t that tampering with evidence?”
“Not if he asked me to take it. There were two notes and an envelope. One had my name on it, and said to take everything before anyone else saw. Make sure it ended up with the right people. I found his body, no doubt those investigators are gonna wanna talk to me soon.”
“And… you’re going to, right?” Henry’s voice had dropped, his arms crossing over his chest.
“‘Course. I’m goin’ down there right now and then quittin’. If it works out like he wanted, it’s best to get out now before any more shit hits the fan.”
“You’re just leaving?” Henry asked, then instantly felt stupid.
“Yep, and I suggest after today, you do the same. There’s some shady things happening here, Henry, and if you value your life, you’ll get out now. Somebody’s gonna protect you when you do.” The mechanic paused. “Actually. You should come with me so somebody with the law can keep an eye on you, Drew clearly thinks you’re some kinda threat based on what Grant said. I don’ think anybody would benefit from you kicking the bucket, too.” He started down the hall and gestured for Henry to come with him.
“I can’t do that, I’m on thin ice with Joey as it is…”
“Then I’ll drop your name an’ you’ll have somebody come up and talk to you instead.” He shrugged as he rounded the corner and was gone, save for the fading sound of his heavy work boots.
As promised, not even half an hour or a full sketch later, a young man dressed in a police uniform arrived to retrieve the animator and bring downstairs. The man didn’t speak to him at all on the way down, which put him on edge. Once at the foot of the stairs, Henry was escorted by a different officer across the half-finished main room and to where Grant’s office was. Not far from it, the group had set up a sort of impromptu workroom, though the area was otherwise taped off. Just the sight of the caution tape sent a shiver up Henry’s spine. Just outside of the scene, Henry was met by someone he had to assume from the more plain clothes was an investigator.
“Hello sir, sorry to bother you.” The man held out his hand. “Warren Hoss, investigator, you must be Henry Stein, right?”
Henry nodded, shaking his hand a few tentative times. “That’s me.”
“You didn’t know Grant Cohen well, did you?”
“No, sir. I only met him a few times properly.”
“Right. Well, both he mentioned you in his letter and Thomas Connor gave your name when the question of Joseph Drew came up. Any idea why?” He obviously knew, but wanted Henry to tell him himself.
“Well… From what I knew about Grant, Joey kept him on a pretty short leash and… He threatened him a lot, from what I heard, sir, and he does the same to me. Grant knew about it, and he knew I know more about Joey than most people.”
Officer Hoss nodded. “How did he threaten Grant Cohen, exactly?”
Henry bit his lip, looking around nervously. “I don’t know, really, I’m sorry.”
“You say he threatens you too. How so?”
“He… physically threatens me a lot… Constantly threatens my job. He says he wants to make my life Hell, just because he thinks I know more than I should.” Knowing better, he left out everything about Bertrum- and about Joey’s dark magic. 
Officer Hoss didn’t press for more on that on Joey’s treatment of them. “And what do you know that’s so important he’d want to ruin your life?”
“I-I can’t say for sure, but…” He glanced around again, seeing only other officers nearby. “All of these people disappearing… Joey says they’re getting fired. Grant says- er, said- they’re not, not according to his records… People don’t just disappear, sir, and Grant was really good at his job as far as I knew.”
“Are you trying to imply that these people who were fired were actually murdered?”
Henry hesitated. The idea shouldn’t be coming out like this. “I’m… not sure.”
“Do you think Grant Cohen was murdered?”
“No, sir. I think he really did do this to himself. He was scared, more than I am.”
“Do you think Joseph Drew could be capable and willing to commit a murder?”
“I believe he could be now, yes.” Henry breathed. 
“Hm.” Officer Hoss’s eyes trailed down the hall, towards Grant’s office. “You and I may be in touch if we need to know about Mister Drew. Would you write down a number we can contact you at, please?” From a pocket in the front of his shirt, he produced a small pad of paper and a pen, holding it out to Henry. 
Taking it, he began to scribble his home number on the lines, as well as his name. “Of course, of course. Have you spoken to Jack Fain? He was good friends with Grant, if his letter wasn’t enough, Jack might have known what was going on with him.”
“That’s the second time Jack Fain has been brought up. No one of that name works here anymore, according to Mister Drew.”
“Oh.” Was all Henry managed, handing the notepad back a moment later.
“Thank you for your cooperation.” Officer Hoss gave a short nod, then ducked under the yellow tape and disappeared in Grant’s office.
A sort of numbness slowly crept into Henry’s chest. The scene was surreal at best. A man he knew personally was found dead at his desk, and his boss had briefly been suspect. He shook his head and turned away, making his way back out of the area.
Only when he was crossing the ditch in the middle of the floor did he catch on to quick feet moving behind him, calling out, “Sir!”
When the animator turned, it was the young officer that had escorted him down. “I’ve been asked to walk you back upstairs, I apologize if that bothers you.” While his tone was cheery, his face didn’t reflect it.
“Oh, no, not at all!” Henry responded automatically. Then it occurred to him that it might be a good idea on the off-chance Joey was upstairs.
Just like before, the young officer was quiet, and Henry couldn’t think of anything to say.
Later that afternoon, not getting any work done without meaning to, Henry’s attention was pulled to the hall at his back by the heavy bootsteps he recognized as Thomas Connor. He shifted to look before the man could speak. 
“Grant thought that Susie gal died. That’s why he did it.” Thomas stated, taking a toothpick from between his teeth.
“What?” Henry’s eyebrows went up, shocked. 
“Grant’s final letter. He said Drew killed Susie and that was the last straw. Drew’s gettin’ personally investigated. Grant had some freaky-lookin’ pictures of his office.” Thomas’s voice stayed flat. “I dunno who else to tell about it. Wally’s gone, Grant’s gone, Jack’s gone. Wally liked ya, so I guessed I should tell you. I’m leavin’ this afternoon for good b’fore anything else goes belly-up and I think you should do the same. Seriously. You can’t bail out the same way Grant did.” 
His voice hadn’t changed at all, but the distant look in Thomas’s blue-gray eyes caused Henry’s expression to become concerned. “How close were you with him, Thomas?” He asked quietly.
He shook his head, his voice slowly dropping. “Not very, but… I tried to look out for him, y’know? He wasn’t that good at takin’ care of himself. He hated workin’ here, but insisted he didn’t have a way out ‘cause of Drew. He found one, I s’pose.”
“Are you okay?” The animator tried.
“I’m in disbelief. Grant’s dead. That’s it. He’s just gone. An’ I don’t think he’s the only one that’s died here, and that scares me.” He glances at Henry, sighing and shoving his hands into his pockets. “Yeah, that’s right, I’m scared. Grown man, scared of death. Sue me.”
“I’m so sorry, Thomas. I don’t think it’s wrong for you to be scared, as far as you know your boss is seriously…”
“Deranged? Unhinged? No kidding, you didn’t see those pictures, didn’t see his blood all over the fucking place… That blood’s on Drew’s hands!” Noticing that his voice is rising, he takes a deep breath and lets it out heavily. “Sorry. I don’t mean to put my grief on you, you’re in his situation now. Please be careful.”
“No, no, it’s okay. I-I understand, you’re in pain. It’s alright.”
Thomas nodded. “Be careful.”
“I will. I’ll watch out.”
“Good. Good.” He placed the toothpick  back between his teeth, turning on his heel and shuffling away. 
The whole conversation left Henry with an ache in his heart, and the idea in his head that Thomas was right. He had to get away, but he needed to know just what happened to the rest of his friends. He doubted the police would be saying anything about it, anyhow.
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Too Young to Fall in Love Chapter 8 (Dirt!Nikki x Reader)
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Title: Too Young to Fall in Love 8
Summary: Nikki Sixx was a hard partying musician on the strip. He never expected to fall in love with anyone, until a girl knocked on his dressing room door looking for a ride home and took his breath away. Just like everything else Nikki did; the drugs, the money, the music; Nikki went hard with love. (Y/n) Bass never expected the bassist of Motley Crue to be the one to shake her calm and calculated life up. She had a plan. Graduate school, become an epic producer, and watch from behind the scenes as her brother’s band rose to fame. Nikki and (Y/n) were perfect for each other, too bad her brother, Tommy, didn’t think so.
Series warnings:  Smut (18+ Please), drug use, language, referenced miscarriage, drug overdose, mentioned attempted suicide, out of character moments for everyone in the band, the timeline might be a little screwy but it’s fanfiction! I know nothing of music production and my medical knowledge is really screwy, so it won’t be accurate.
Vanessa sighed as the girls left the latest shop. Nothing in any of the shops they have been to seemed to have the right fit for (Y/n)’s date. With a small groan, Vanessa looked back to Athena and (Y/n).
“Ok, this next shop has to have what you’re looking for,” Vanessa said. “Please god let it have what she is looking for!”
They had just found the perfect pair of jeans for (Y/n), and were looking at shirts when a voice called out across the store.
“Hey shitheads!” Tommy’s voice echoed. (Y/n) cringed.
“Did I just hear our idiot brother?” She asked.
“Unfortunately,” Athena muttered and hid her face. “Maybe if we ignore him he’ll leave us alone?”
“Attention K-Mart shoppers! Blue light special in women’s clothing. My sisters Athena and (Y/n), free to a good home!” Tommy called out.
Athena punched him in his arm, “Shut it shit head! I can’t believe we’re related to you.” she growled angrily. “Bad enough you got (Y/n) thinking she isn’t good enough for the guy she has a date with tomorrow. God you are an asshole!”
“You got a date? No way! Someone’s desperate.” Tommy laughed. “Nikki’s got a date tomorrow night too! He’s been like daydreamin’ of this girl or something. I don’t think she’s even real.”
Athena punched him in his crotch, “Tommy stop being a dick to her! Apologize right now! No wonder she thinks she’s ugly! You have torn her confidence to shreds!”
“S-sorry…” Tommy said, a little breathless, holding his family jewels.
“I think I found the perfect shirt.” (Y/n) said, walking past Tommy towards a rack of clothes.
“YES!” Athena clapped her hands and smiled.
Tommy looked at the shirt as he got his bearings back and shook his head, “No way! It’s too skimpy and they guy can try and take advantage of you and….” Tommy looked at Athena. “What?”
“You’re the reason this is her first real date ever, and you’re the reason that’s she’s still a virgin!” Athena hissed at him.
“Oh yes, let’s just announce that for the whole store to hear.” (Y/n) groaned. She looked at Tommy. “What do you care what I wear? You don’t wear clothes half the time.”
“I… you… because I’m your big brother and I’m trying to look out for you,” Tommy sighed. “I don’t want you with someone like me ok?” Tommy looked down to the floor disappointed with himself. “I just think that you can be better than the girls I see at our shows, you know?” (Y/n) decided to test something.
“What if I decided I wanted to start dating Mick or something?” (Y/n) asked. “You can trust them and you can trust me. And Athena bought me pepper spray.” (Y/n) told him, hugging him.
“Oh no!” Tommy shook his head. “The guys are not coming anywhere near you, trust me aside from Nikki who is gaga over this chick he’s met… I want you far, far, far away from Vince and Mick.” Tommy held her face in his hands. “Vince is a two timer, and Mick’s just weird.”
“Okay, okay. I hear you.” (Y/n) said, glancing over at Vanessa, not realizing that Athena was starting to put things together. “Well, I’m going to check out. No work tomorrow, but I do have class.”
“Tommy?” Athena raised her eyebrow at him. “Are those my pants? And what the fuck did you do?”
“Well, you see, I painted my drums but it wasn’t dry…”
“She’s gonna kill you.” Vanessa whispered in a sing-song voice.
“Damn right I am! Going to cut his balls off and turn him into our older sister!” she growled and reached for him but he was too fast.
“I’m just gonna go steal some of Vince’s or something! Bye!” Tommy ran off then.
Taking a calming breath, Athena turned to Y/N and smiled. “So… Nikki Sixx has a girlfriend?”
“Yeah, I guess he does.” (Y/n) smiled at her, but in her mind, she was celebrating. She didn’t think he’d want her to be his girlfriend, but apparently he did.
“You must be excited to go out with him huh?” Athena said quickly.
“Very!” (Y/n) froze and looked over at Vanessa, who just burst out laughing. She looked at Athena. “I…”
“I am going to keep your secret safe,” Athena wrapped and arm around her shoulder. “One, because you deserve to be happy and is Nikki makes you happy, good. Two, we can keep Tommy in the dark. And three, his face when he finds out.”
“God, that’s gonna be a nightmare.” (Y/n) sighed. “But thanks ‘Thena. I just, I really like him.”
“And he seems to really like you sis,” Athena gave her a reassuring smile.
“Okay, I think I’m ready for my date.” she sighed. “I’m nervous.”
“Don’t be,” Athena grabbed her shoulders. “From the way Tommy is describing him he’s gaga over you.” she laughed. “You’re going to knock him dead, plus we need a sleep over for you to tell me the details. So, for tomorrow night, stay over at Nessa’s and we can talk on Friday?”
“Sounds good.” (Y/n) said. They headed home, Athena ready for all the details (Y/n) could give her.
“Okay Nessa, how do I look?” (Y/n) asked the next evening. Nessa looked up from her magazine she was reading.
Vanessa began clapping her hands enthusiastically, “hot, hot, hot!” she began fanning herself. “He is going to die by just looking at you.”
“I don’t think I’d go that far.” (Y/n) laughed. “It’s almost 6. I’m so nervous.”
“Don’t be, you know he likes you” Vanessa reassured her. “Everything is going to work out. I promise.”
“Where are my keys?” Nikki looked around his room for his car keys. “Vince!?”
“What man?” Vince called back from his room.
“You seen my keys?” Nikki had now gotten on the floor to look under his bed. “I can’t find them.”
“Didn’t Tommy take your car to get some gas for his bike?” Vince asked.
“He’s going to make me late for my date man!” Nikki sighed. “Tommy, you jackass! Where are my keys?!”
“I thought I hung them up dude.” Tommy looked at the key hook by the door. “Oh, don’t see them.”
“If I’m late for my date I’m going to hang you upside down by your toes!” Nikki growled.
“Here.” Mick said, tossing him his keys. “Found ‘em in the sink. Drummer’s an idiot.” Nikki snagged the keys and ran towards the door, stopping to take a look at the clock on the stove. It was after six at this point.
“Fuck!” Nikki smack Tommy on his way out and glared at him. “I’ll deal with you later!”
Rushing to his car, he sped towards (Y/n)’s dorm building. He cursed at Tommy for making him late hoping that (Y/n) wouldn’t think he stood her up.
Forever Tags:  @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @teller258316 @horrorpxnk
Motley Crue Tags:  @primal-screamer @waywardprincess666 @twistnet @saint-of-los-angeles @vader-kai @motleyfuckingcruee @sharon6713 @kawennote09 @2dead2function @nikkisixxwiththebass @flamencodiva @iamtiber-andtiberismusic @jayprettymuchomw @charlyallise @you-know-im-a-dreamer @livingdeadharley @motleycrying @arianareirg @the-normal-potato  @nikki-sixxtynine @jjjjjjjoshdun @just-a-normal-fangirl18
Too Young to Fall in Love Tags:  @kingbouji3 @leximus98 @thekidbakerinthetardis @crystalbaby12
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v0m1tgutzx · 5 years
Depressing December
 ( Jse egos )
                                              (By:  Michaela Boyd)
It's getting to around that time of the year when it’s christmas and everything just seems tough at times and all you want to do is scream in your pillow.(me XD)  In the Septiceye house (egos House) Chase brody is being dealt with a lot of drama in his days and with christmas coming that isn't helping at all for him. Also  With stacy keeping the kids from a Cringemas party that’s going on and for like all the time from chase seeing them, what will happen in this drama-comedy story along the way? It turns out it’s going to be a Depressing December….     (warning this story contains viloince and suicide, and some swearing also. And maybe some smut involved. You've been warned. Have fun!
The Outcast
“Marvin?” Chase saw Marvin was on his hands and knees  looking under a table like he was looking for something. He was whispering something and cursing “where is the damn thing!”  He rose up quickley and bumped his head on the table “ow, fuck!” Marvin hissed as he got up and rubbed his head. “Marvin…. can i ask you something?” Chase repeated. “Oh it's you chase what do you want?” he said annoyed still rubbing the bruise. “Well i was ju-” “Oh and if you wanna know what i was doing ,I'm trying to find my wand- hey i bet Anti has it he's probably playing with it like  a knife- i'm gonna kill him!”  Marvin said  ignoring  Chases question.  Marvin noticed Chase wasn't too happy he had a frown on his face and almost tears in his eyes. Marvin stood up and put his hand on Chases shoulder. “Hey are you ok?” Being more calm this time. “I just got off the phone with Stacy and-” He was just interrupted by a crackling laughing noise by Anti. “HAHAHHAA!” Marvin looked up and gritted his teeth “ANTI! THERE YOU ARE YOU BASTARD!” Marvin yelled and walked over to Anti which was still laughing and also Darkiplier was there  strangely. “Oh look the kitty wants to play hahaha!” Anti glitched and sneered. Dark and Anti both laughed. “Hisss!” Marvin spat like a cat “You better start running you fucking jackasses!” He took anti by his black t-shirt and looked in his green glowing eyes “where's my wand! I know you took it and dont try to play stupid either!!” he said very angry. “HA! I didn't touch that worthless shit! Then darkiplier yelled out “Hey kitty cat!” Marvin took loose of Antis shirt and his eyes got wide. he saw Dark call his dog, DarkChica, and she came running to darkipliers side. “Grrrrr!!” she snapped at Marvin and barked. “ROOF ROOF ROOF GRRR!!!” “GIT THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!” Marvin tripped and fell. Chase came to help him up, as dark and anti laughed again  “don't worry she dont bite hahaha! Anti glitched. “Ugh why is one of the “ipliers” here? Chase looked at Dark with a disgusted look. That was to mean that the ipliers are Markiplier's egos. Anti looked over to Chase ignoring the comment he made to his friend Dark, “oh hello Chase- came to help your friend. Oh and how are those kids of yours  doing?? he smiled showing sharp teeth, making a smart comment back. “U-um that's known of your concern.” chase looked to the ground then for some reason he had a sense of courage come in him, he knew Anti wouldn't let him feel bad this time. , “you know- a-anti i think you should just shut the fuck up! Give Marvins wand  back now!” he yelled “oh sorry pretty boy didn't mean to hurt your little feelings hahaha!!” Anti and dark both laughed again.  Marvin stepped in front of Chase as if to protect him from Anti. “LEAVE HIM ALONE!” “or what?” Dark said with his eyebrow raised. Chase pushed through marvin. “Or we’ll call Henrik!” anti and dark laughed again Anti almost choking, “THAT BITCH DOCTOR CAN'T DO ANYTHING!!!” Anti screeched. “HE'S WEAK!!” Anti twitched.  Chase tried to say something but something was holding him back he was almost scared of Anti a little and didn't know why Marvin wasn't really even helping anyway.  Marvin then shoved chase “Stay out of this Chase!!” he looked at him with a mad look “don't make this already worse than it already is!” he almost looked like he didn't care if anti did anything he just wanted his wand back. “B-but Mar-” “GIVE ME MY WOND YOU FUCKIN IDIOTS! Marvin was yelling in Anti and darks faces cursing. “NOT TILL YOU GIVE ME MY KNIFE BACK YOU HAD TO OF TAKEN IT!!!!!” Anti glitched.  “I DID NOT!” they fought back and forth. Chase didn't know why Marvin didn't want to help him.. He felt like an outcast in this fight, as if he was a child and had to shut his mouth. I'm tired of Marvin he doesn't even care about how I feel... “ Chase thought. I miss Henrik.. He hasn't come back yet.. I wish he was here he would know what to say ...” 
Chase was lost in thought as he saw Anti push Marvin as if he  was trying to knock him on the ground. At that point Marvin was hissing and Anti was up in his face, this didn't look good. “GIVE ME MY KNIFE BACK OR I'LL TEAR YOUR THROAT OUT!!!! Anti growled spitting in Marvin face. “I SAID I DIDN'T TAKE IT ARE YOU DEAF!!!!!!” Marvin yelled louder “YOU FUCKIN LIER!!!” Anti yelled back with a high pitched voice cracking. Chase was covering his ears as now darkiplier even started to join in they were all yelling in eachothers faces all because of a fuckin wand and a knife! Chase seemed to become very angry and wanted to yell for them all to shut up but something stopped him- 
“SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!”  everyone looked up to see Henrik yelling at the top of his lungs, Chase was shocked to see him back.Mostly relieved.  Everyone's eyes widened. “What's going on!” Henrick looked at all of them. “U-um… “ Chase looked at him trying to tell him what happen when marvin pushed him and pointed to anti. “This bitch wont give me my wand back! He said.  Anti grumbled and screeched “he wont give  me my knife back!” Henrik looked at both of them with his arms crossed and he looked pissed. “Both of you give each others stuff back.. NOW! He said. Anti looked at Marvin smiling. “UGH!” Marvin growled, he pulled the knife out of his pocket in his cape. And held it up, with a disgusted face. “well ,well well. Hahaha.” Anti giggled he snached the knife out his hand. “Now give him his wand back” Henrik looked at him with a look. “What if I don't want to … doctor..?” he smiled. “NOW!” Henrik yelled as if anti was a child. “Fine” anti moaned. He took it out of his back pants pocket. “here … bitch” he cursed under his breath as he was going to hand it to him. Marvin went to get it from his hands when anti snatched it away as if he wouldn't let him have it. “Anti!” Henrik yelled. Then Marvin said  “give me it you fuckin brat!” he was trying to get it from antis hands when anti threw it at Marvin. “Here i didnt need it anyway. He cracked his neck and looked at dark and back at his knife. “At Least I have my precious knife back”  he smiled. Marvin rolled his eyes as chase picked the wand up that anti threw and handed it to him. Marvin snatched it from him and put it in his pocket. “Im sorry Henrik…” He looked up at him. “No.. don't be sorry! He said quickly, “these imbosolts should say sorry! “Now go to your room Chase” he said still angry.. Chase almost said no, but did as he was told and went. He felt as if even henrik was upset with him. He wiped his eyes and slammed the door. “Okay.. as for you Dark, you shouldn't even be here!” “I was leaving anyway..” he gave him a death stare and looked back at Anti and took chica and went. “Both of you go to your rooms i don't wanna see you for the rest of the night!” They quickly went to their rooms. “Vhat is vrong with everyone lately..” he went to chase's room which the door  was locked. “Chase?” he knocked on the door. Chase got up and opened the door and hugged Henrik. “Z-zhat was unexpected” he rubbed his hand on chases back and hugged back. “May  I come in” “y-yeh” chase said wiping his tears that just had fallen. They both sat on chases bed which had his dirty clothes on it. “vhats wrong Chase?” Chase knew he could tell him anything. “I-i called stacey about taking t-he kids to the Cringemas party b-but she said they didnt w-want to go-” Chase sucked in his snot and wiped his eyes. “H-ey- hey don't vorry about them just forget about vhat she zaid” Henrik put his  hand on his shoulder and held his hand. “B-but.. I just wanted to s-see them a- ag-ian.” tears came from chases  eyes and he hugged Henrik very tightly and cried in his white coat. “Shhh, Chase i'm here for you.. I promise.. You got to lizten to me now.” He rubbed his back trying to calm him down. “Forget about them”.... “th-ank you for helping me feel better… your a good d-doctor.  he looked at him and henrick wiped chases tears away. “For now on.. call me Henrik, i'm your best friend” he smiled. Chase blushed a little and cleaned his eyes and he calmed down. “What will I ever do without you” They both cuddled and finally fell asleep in eachothers arms.
“I really like writing this :D  Can't wait to do the next part! Teehee ^^”
Chase was on his bed on his laptop  looking at Jacksepticeye’s instagram. “Oh Jack.. why are you so happy and successful I have  to live in a house with these losers”.. "I have nothing to be thankful for." Chase pouted  to himself while looking at  pictures of jack, which he looked very happy in. It was very early in the morning he was up all night thinking about the kids and didn’t really have much sleep only when henrik got up to brush his teeth.  “*yawn*” Chase had to get up too, but didn't feel like it, so he put his laptop down and threw the sheet over his head and laid down.his eyes grew heavy and he soon closed them and went to sleep, When he heard his door open, “get your ass up!” said someone. The voice sounded like Jackieboyman, but chase ignored him.  “Go away” chase moaned. “Ok but i guess you don't wanna say goodbye to Henrik.” jackie ran out the room like a baby. “Wait what?!” Chase quickly rose up and looked around. “Jackie???” Chase got up and chased after jackie but then bumped into henrik on the way almost kissing . “Ow!” Chase shouted. “Henrik! You're still here!”   chase said blushing “zhere you are ! Oh and  zorry i didn’t see you coming ``Henrik said with a smile.  “Y-your leaving aren’t you.” Chase looked at him with worried eyes. “Yes.. I have to do my job you know I'm a doctor.” He said. “B-but i thought you don't work on Sundays that's not fair!” “I have sick patient i need to vorry about” “so you don't have to worry about what I'm going through.” Chase argued. “Of course I do!” Henrik reassured him. “I care about you more than anything chase, you just need to learn that i can't be here for you always.. You need to start taking care of your own problems.” Henrik said very calm. “Yes doctor..” chase felt kinda guilty now that Henrik had told him to deal with his own problems Chase didn't know how to do that. “Lizten you are young.. But itz time you take care of your responsibilities you underztand me?” “yeh..” Chase looked down at his feet in shame. “Im sorry” Henrik hugged him. Chase buried his face in heriks chest, he felt as if he was going for a long time.. He hated whenever he left he would always got into trouble or had to be alone all day. “Remember stay where Jackie can zee you, he will be watching you, ve dont vant you to get into trouble like you did last time.” “okay, okay i know” Chase said annyoed “I’ll be back zoon i promise.” Henrik grabbed his coat and put it on. “Bye..” “bye chase… and remember dont even think about your wife or the kids.” Chase didn't answer he just thought how boring the day would be with Jackie and Marvin. Then jackie ran  into the room while tripping with a coffee mug in his hand. “WAIT DOC!!” he yelled. “Oh yes, i need my coffee!" Henrik took the coffee and took a big sip. “Oh heeeeyyy Chase.” Jackie rubbed the top of chases head. “Oh and you forgot your hat.” he reminded Chase and he had his hat in his hand. “Ugh.. thanks.” Chase took his hat and put it on. “Im gonna make sure you dont do anything stupid haha!” jackie laughed.  “Oh i won't!” chase said with an attitude. “I'm going to my room” Chase left kinda pissed off. “Well bye doc.” “bye Jackie, make sure Chase doesn't feel too bad about me leaving,.” “sure” Jackie pushed Henrik out the door and slammed the door behind him. He quickly jumped to his feet happy that Henrik was gone. “OH MARVIN!!!” jackie yelled while running to jump onto the couch beside Marvin who had a bowl of popcorn. “What are we gonna watch?”Marvin asked putting popcorn in his mouth.  ‘SPIDERMAN!!!” jackie yelled “YES!” Marvin yelled back, putting his arm around jackie ready to watch the movie. 
Chase was in his room on his phone looking at Twitter. He then put it down and lay in his bed for a while thinking. Since Anti was out with Robbie and Jameson(two of antis closest friends in the house)  Chase didn’t  have anybody to hang out with. Besides Marvin and Jackie. Chase got up and went to check what they were doing. He crept to the living room and saw the both of them. It looked like they were playing?  “Haha stop!” Marvin giggled. Jackie was tickling marvin as Marvin threw popcorn at him. It looked like fun but Chase kinda wanted to keep watching.  Fools. Chase thought to himself as he watched them. Marvin was trying to push Jackie off the couch it looked like.  “Come on Marv!” Jackie laughed almost getting on top of marvin.”i just wanna play!”   “Hahahahaha!! Get off me you jackass!!” Marvin laughed and giggled Chase hadn't seen Marvin that happy before.”hahaha Marvin!” Marvin was still fighting him and Jackie was still playing. “Hahahaha! Jackie no! Haha! stop hahah please!. Marvin  kicked jackie's belly, still laughing. What the fuck are they doing? Chase continued to spy on the two as they wrestled. . “Come on say it Marvi!”  Jackie said laughing taking marvins mask off. “Don't you love me?” Jackie giggled. he kept tickling as he Marvin giggled too. “yeh! “ Marvin laughed even harder. “What was that? Come on say you love me haha!”  “Oh my god! Yes i love you jackie hahah!”  He kicked The bowl of popcorn which fell on the floor.making a huge mess.”how much!”  Jackie gave Marvin a kiss on the cheek. Marvins face was covered red. “I love you alot jackie.” Marvin stopped laughing and smiled at jackie. Chase noticed that he never actually saw marvins face before. But now it was kinda clear that Jackie and Marvin are in a relationship.   Their together?? but i didn't know that they were? Yuck! How did I not know? But why?. Chase thought. And oh my god marvins face looks so weird without a mask.  “OKOK STOP!” Marvin laughed harder. “Aww ok” jackie got off and laughed as marvin’s hair was messed up. “You look funny without your kitty cat mask on haha!” he giggled. “Fuck you!” Marvin pulled jackie's mask  and then let go of it as it hit his face with a smack. “OW!” jackie yelled.  “But ...You look cute without your mask too..” jackie said with a smile. “Oh..” marvin blushed again.   “Lets go check on Chase!” Marvin changed the subject. And jackie got up.  “Shit!” chase  whispered and ran to his room and quietly slammed the door. “Dude they're a couple!?” chase said to himself. “Wow.. and eww.” chase said.  Then chase remembered the time when he had a partner.. Stacy. Chase was lost in thought when Marvin opened the door. He had his mask back on, and jackie had a cup of water. “Chase we've come to check on you.  Jackie  said and handed him the cup of water. “Eww water?” “well isn't it better than drugs??” Marvin remind Chase smiling.  “but- “ chase whined. “Oh c'mon you know Doc doesn't let you have that shit!” jackie said. “We are trying to get you off that duhhh.”jackie said touching Chases nose as Chase looked at him disgusted.  “so what were you doing?” Marvin said. “Oh! I was er- on Youtube watching Jacksepticeye’s new video.” Chase lied. “Me and marvin were watching spiderman!”  Jackie lied as well. “what video was it?” Marvin asked Chase. “U-um.. The one about.-. Him playing a game!” Chase studdard and his face turned red. “Oh really can we see?” Jackie said curious.  Chase looked at them with a mad face. “Why don't you believe me!” “you think i'm doing something like… trying to kill myself?GEEZ!!” Marvin and jackie both looked at eachother "Jesus Christ no!!" Jackie said.  “No- no of course not!” Marvin said quickly. “We just are following doctors orders” jackie said. “Chase laid on his bed and threw a pillow at them   “get out!!” Chase screamed. “Chase!” Jackie picked the pillow up. “What's the matter?”  Chase was pretty upset.. Chase looked down at his feet thinking about the kids and what hnerik had said.  ignoring jackie. ”i said get your asses out!!” Chase yelled again. Marvin was kinda tired of Chases attitude he knew what he was thinking...  “Well it's not our fault your wife left you!”  Marvin said walking out the room. Chase looked up with wide eyes he couldn’t believe marvin would say something like that. He knew Chase  had depression about all of it. “Marvin!” jackie turned around to go after Marvin.  Chase got up and slammed the door behind jackie and locked it. He sat down and buried his face in his knees. “Chase?!” “ you didn't have to get so mad at us? And now you made Marvin mad just open the Goddamn door !” jackie yelled.  ‘NO!!” chase cried. “Please!” jackie said. But chase didn't answer. Chase looked up to here what jackie would say next, he never said anything. For a minute chase thought jackie left. “Jackie?” Chase checked. He didn't answer. Chase got up and looked through the crack in the door jackie was gone. With a sigh chase went and sat on his bed and drank the cup of water. “Yuck” he swallowed it, it tasted plain and gross. “Where did this come from the toilet.” with a sigh Chase laid it down on the table. He then got out his phone to call  Henrik.  “Pick up pick up!” He said hoping henrik wasn't too busy. When his phone rang a couple times he never answered. “God Damn it!”  Chase screamed in his other pillow. He thought that he would never have fun with jackie and marvin here they never wanted to do anything with him. Chase got up and opened his door and checked to see what they were doing again.
Marvin and Jackie were in the kitchen sitting at a table,  and it looked like they were sharing cookies and milk with each other. Jackie touched his nose on Marvins and looked into his eyes blushing.  “I love you Marvi…” Jackie said and then Marvin said “i love you” back  closing his eyes. Chase watched them “eww” chase whispered to himself. And walked away. “Fine if there gonna be to busy making love or something er- whatever- I'm outta here!” he whispered and then went and grabbed his hoodie and went quietly out the door.
“I ship Marvin and Jackie! Yay! ”
You Can Say It’s Just Jack Frost.
Chase walked the streets with his hoodie on his head with his hat on. It was freezing out there. “Brrr.” Chase shivered. “T-this i-is the r-right thing t-to do….” he said holding himself. “I gotta f-fi-nd s-somewhere t-to g-go.” Chase kept on walking he didn't even know why he left to start with. Even stupider that he didn't even take his car. “I-im s-such an idiot.” he closed his freezing eyes, it seems like it was going snow. He was thinking about going to Anti and the others for help.. But he just realized he didn't know where they went. “I-im gonna f-ffreeze to d-death!” chase said gritting his teeth. He came to some houses. He wanted to knock on them but didn't bother.. He remembered what Henrik told him. “Never approach strangers” he remembered. He pulled out his phone to call Anti. Surprisingly he picked up! “Hey chase!” Anti said, and he sounded happy? “H-hey A-Anti.” chase shivers.  “are you crying?” Anti said being mean. “N-n-o!” Chase tried to explain. “I-m c-c-old!” chase said. “Who cares.” Anti said annyoed “and why the fuck are you outside your gonna die!- Well i probably wouldn’t care.” anti said coughing. “W-what?” chase said not hearing Anti’s comment.  “W-hat are you e-even d-oing?” “were just hangin… wanna come i can get Jameson to come get you.” Anti said. “S-ur-” Chase almost said when he remmberd what Herik said. Don't trust anti.. Stay away from him.” The thought shivers through chases spine. He wanted to accept the offer so badly. “Comon Chase, you wanna hang with us… right?” Anti said trying to convince him. “Y-yes..” Chase said like a baby. “Then come on..”  “i-.. Ok…” “hahahaha” Anti giggled. “Ok wait somewhere Jamseson is coming. “O-ok..” Chase found a bench and sat down, scrubbing his hands togethor blowing in them to make him warm.  The  bench was really cold and icy on his bottom. “F-fuck t-its c-cold.!” chase said, wishing Jameson would hurry up. I don't even know why Henrik told me to stay away from Anti.. I trust him. Chase thought to himself.  I wonder how the kids are doing..” i wonder what Jackie and Marvin might think about all this.. If they find out i left im dead! “Well i might be dead if Jameson doesn't hurry his ass up!!” Chase yelled out loud as white fog came out his mouth. Suddenly a small white snowflake came down from the sky. “O-oh God..” Chase muttered.  And it landed on his nose  as it melted. Then came more and more.. It was snowing. “Brrr” chase shacked and freezed. “I-it's-sn-owing!” more and more snow fell as Chase began to freeze even more.what was Antis problem? Couldn't Jameson really take that long! soon minutes past. Chases hands were numb and he couldn't feel his legs anymore. Then what's even worse he had to pee. He couldn't talk either he was beginning to wonder if it was really worth leaving.. Or even trusting anti… He laid on the bench and covered himself with his hoodie “i….-i h-hav-ve t-o c-call H-hen-rik….” Chase said beginning to freeze. He forced himself to try to pick his phone out of his pocket and   then he turned it on.. It was almost frozen. But when he turned it on it died.. “N-no…” Chase looked in despair as his phone fell to the ground. He knew he probably wouldn't survive in this condition.  Chase took all his strength and threw himself  on the ground  and used his arms to drag himself through the snow. Then Chase realized.. Jameson never showed up...Anti lied to him…  As chase tried to pull .. he couldn't bear it much longer.. His eyes closed and tears filled his eyes… “i_im so-rry…. “ Chase then finally past out in the middle of nowhere freezing ..to death.
Counted how many times I say “even” in this story
The Doc Is On The Case
“Chase!” A voice shouted. “CHASE! GET UP!” The voice shouted again. Chase couldn’t get up.. He heard the voice and it sounded familiar. But couldn’t make out who it actually was. Then the person picked him up. And took him in his car. Where am i… and whos caring me.. Chase thought to himself. Chase heard whoever was saving him saying something. “Chase you’ll be ok! I promise just hold on! Stay with me!” The voice cried. Then chase tried opening his eyes he was too cold and he still was kinda frozen up. He felt a hand on his face it was really warm.. And felt a warm blanket go across his body. The car was warm too everything around was warming up. He finally could open his eyes. He saw the face of his most bestest friend..Henrik, first off he thought he was dreaming but he wasn’t it was a christmas miracle! “H-henrik..” “Chase!?” Henrik smiled and held chase’s hand. “Don’t vorry we'll be home before you know it..” Henrik cranked up the car and began to drive while Chase sat beside him bundled up in a blanket. “I-im.. sorry” Chase said sniffing.   “No don’t be… it's not your fault.” Henrik kept driving, since he was a doctor he knew what to do about Chase. As they drove Chase couldnt be more happier that Henrik was there he knew he would be ok.. “Thank you..” Chase began to fall asleep as he heard henrik say “your velcome.” in his beautiful german accent. Chase was actually warm inside and didn't want this moment to end. At home~  Suddenly chase woke up and he was placed in a warm bed. It was henriks bed. Maybe he wasn't placed in his own bed because it was a mess. Chase had been placed in an orange tank top and some sleep pants. “Henrik?” Chase said opening his tired eyes yawning. “Yes chase?” Henrik answers. “You're a lifesaver.” Chase laughed. “Oh no problem.” Henrik gave chase some coffee. Chase took a sip as the warm liquid taste on his taste buds were so delicious and warm. And he swallowed it, it was so much better than water! (speaking of gross) “Wheres Marvin and Jackie?” chase asked. “Oh those two troublemakers!” Henrik said. “I sent them to go get some groceries and some other stuff for you.” Henrik scratched his head. “But I can't believe they didn't notice you were gone.. I'm sorry this happened to you Chase.. I'll make sure they will regret doing that!” Henrik said in a mad voice. “No.. it was my fault.. They didn't let me go..” Chase sat up and put the coffee mug down. “I went on my own..” He finally said. “What? Why?”  “you never picked up your phone i called but you never answered. So I snuck out of the house and went to find somewhere else to go…``''oh chase! Why.. you almost killed yourself…” and then henrik just realized what he said.. Chase usually  wanted to do that! “Chase it's not your fault.. I'm sorry I didn't pick up the phone, I was probably with a patient. “So why didn't you ask someone for help? When i found you you were laying in the ground bundled up.” Henrik explained. “I-i called Anti.. He said he would get Jameson to come pick me up-” chase was interrupted by Henrik “and the bastard never showed!” Henrik shouted not believing what he was hearing. “Y-yes…” Chase knew he shouldn't have brought Anti up.. “I told you to stay away from Anti!” henrik said angrily. “Im sorry.. I couldnt help it i was freezing!” Chase augured back. “Why did you let him get into your head!” “I didn't know!?..” Chase said confused. Then right when henrik was going to say another comment Jackie knocked on the door. “Hello??” “doc are you in there?’ Jackie said. Henrik got up and opened the door seeing Marvin with a bowl of soup and jackie with a blanket. “ come in.” henrik said kinda still mad at Chase. They both came in and looked at Chase. “Well you sure do look warm.” Marvin said sitting the soup on the table. “Yeh..” chase was almost feeling  guilty Marvin Jackie and Henrik were both trying to help chase for something he did wrong.. This was all his fault. Jackie sat down next to chase putting the blanket over his feet. “There ya go.” jackie smiled. “Um.. thanks? Your not mad at me for leaving? 
Jackie looked up at Chase with a confused look. “Of course im mad!” Jackie said. “Yes chase we all are mad at you!” Henrik said. “Oh…” Chase looked down and closed his eyes shut.. He really couldnt believe they all were mad at him.. But he did think that henrik wasnt that mad.. After all he was upset because of Anti. Henrik to a deep breath. “Chase we don't actually blame you.. This could happen to anyone.”  Henrik said trying to be calm. “I know.. But I'm the one that listened to Anti.” “Anti?” jackie said looking surprised. “Yeh Anti told Chase that jameson will pick him up and bring him, but he never showed.” Henrik explained. “Oh that's tough!” jackie said. “Im gonna get that jackass!” Jackie said. “Wow calm down.. No ones messing with Anti.” Marvin reminded Jackie. Jackie got up and put his hoodie on his head “no worries i'm a superhero did you forget?” He bragged holding up his fists. “Sit your ass down!” Henrik said. Pulling on Jackie's hoodie.  “Whatever!” jackie sat down beside Marvin who was sitting near Chase who was getting kinda annoyed that everyone was sitting on his legs. “Guys? Can i have some space?” Chase said with an annoyed face. “Um no  i see that your better now. Did you think you were sick?” “yeh cmon get up its my turn!” jackie pulled on Chase's arm jumping on the bed. “Dude what the fuck! Get off!” chase yelled. “C'mon we want some attention too!” Marvin pulled the blanket off of chase. “What no!” Chase pulled the blanket from marvin and stuck his tongue out at him. “ very immature chase.” Henrik said. Chase looked at him with a stupid face. jackie laughed and  jumped on Chase and was trying to push him out the bed. “Cmon me and Marvin cooked cookies lets go!” Marvin got out of the bed and went with henrik in the kitchen. “Don’t you want to finish your soup?” jackie sat down in front of chase. “No.. I hate soup. Chase pouted. Jackie pulled chase’s hat over his face."aww Chase you hate everything!" "Well.. Soup taste like shit!" Chase whined again. “Then let’s go eat those cookies before they do!!!” jackie jumped off the bed and ran out the door. Chase rolled his eyes and went after him.  
Dr. Scheeplestien saved the day.. Hey i thought jackie was the superhero! XD
Not Gonna Reach My Telephone
Chase was in the kitchen with Robbie eating some cereal which was from Halloween and it was gross too. Chase was eating some sour patch kids cereal, which was probably gross too . “Mmm!” Robbie said crunching loudly. “Eww how can you eat that stuff!” Chase said disgusted. “Robbie is on box. ” Robbie said pionting at the box. Since robbie didn’t know how to talk properly he didn't really know much. So he kinda sounded weird when he talked.”this is robbie's favorwite cereal. Robbie said sticking his tongue out.   “but why are you eating it its too old.” “your a meanie Chase, it Halloween duh.” Robbie said acting like Chase was the dumb one. “Whatever.” Chase said putting another spoon full in his mouth. “ how are eating that shit?” Robbie said looking over in Chases bowl. “Because I saw it on a commercial duhhhh.” Chase said back at robbie who was slurping down his milk. Like a pig.Then Marvin came walking in with his eyes looking tired.  “Hey guys.” Marvin sat down beside them yawning.  “Chase why did you put sour patch kids in your cereal?” “this is my cereal!” Chase said laughing. Then Robbie started laughing as Chase had a milk mustache. “Haha you look like Jameson hahaha!” Robbie laughed pionting at Chase.  Chase wiped his mouth with his sleeve. “Pass me the milk.” Marvin asked   “ill help!” Robbie offered to help, so he grabbed the milk with one hand which his hand sipped and the jug of milk  accidentally dropped and the milk poured it all over the floor “oopsies!!” Robbie said slipping on the floor falling on the floor on his bottom. “Owie!!” Robbie cried. “Robbie!” Marvin looked at him disappointed. “Are you ok?!” chase went to help him up. Marvin rolled his eyes and help dry up the milk. “Im stupid…” robbie whined. “No your not… i fall on my ass all the time haha..” Chase laughed embarrassed. “Hahaha tanks chase.” Robbie hugged him and chase shrugged. “You really should be more careful Robbie.” Marvin looked at him crossing his arms. "Fuck off!" Robbie said sticking his tongue out. "Um. Robbie you do know who your talking to?" Chase said. Marvin smiled and rubbed the top of Robbie's head. "Its okay robbie." "Okay! In that case! Here ya go!" Robbie yelled and was slumbling to pour some milk in a cup and handed it to Marvin. "Er- eww- thanks." Marvin looked at it and snatched it away from Robbie. "Jesus.." Chase said being annoyed at both of them, but more of Marvin. "Marvin why don't you go shit in a litter box!" Chase said taking the cup from him. Robbie laughed and cleaned the rest of the milk up. "Oh go cry in a corner!" Marvin said back. Chase looked at him with a death stare, kinda concerned. "Go make out with Jackie! Hahaha!" Chase said back making Robbie laugh. "WHAT! HAHAHAHAHA!!! MARVIN X JACKIE!" Robbie yelled spitting out his milk pointing. Marvin's face was turned flush  red under his mask.. He was really embarrassed. "U-um-" Marvin studdard blushing. "Fuck you guys!" Marvin said running out the room almost knocking over a chair. Chase sticked his tongue out. "Yeah! run scaredy cat! Ha!" Chase laughed Robbie laughed harder enjoying Chases company like he always did. Chase was a good friend maybe because Anti is close to Chase and that makes Robbie like Chase. Chase stopped laughing and realized who he was with. He remembered what Anti did to him.. Leaving him in the cold like that other night on purpose.. Chase obviously needed to deal with the problem. "H-hey.. Robbie can you do me a favor?" Chase said sitting straight in his chair. Robbie looked up with a confused face. "What?" Robbie looked in Chase's ocean blue eyes. Chase kinda didn't know how Robbie was gonna react because he was so young but Chase had to know for some reason. "Um… I need to talk to you okay?" Chase said acting like Robbie was a baby. "Ok… " Robbie's voice sounded weak and it cracked. "Where were you last night?" Chase said trying to sound calm. He didn't want to argue with Robbie after all. "We went to..  place where to sleep." Robbie explained in a quiet voice.  "Oh so when you mean we you mean JJ and Anti and you?" Chase asked. "Yeah duhh " Robbie answers sitting up straight. "Do u know where you were??.. I mean what did u do?" "We went and  eat pizza Robbie's favorite!" Robbie said with a happy smile.. Chase looked at him smiling and maybe thought Robbie was gonna be easy to talk to. "Um.. So where did u go to sleep?" "Anti calls it apartment? But we went to sleep there Robbie have no sleep..I hate it there" Robbie pouted. "Yeah.. You missed it here huh?" Robbie didn't answer instead he got up to put the milk up. "Why are we talking again?" Surprisingly Robbie said that plain and simple. Chase just said it out loud. "Why did Jameson never show up?" Robbie yawned and looked at chase. "What?" Robbie said. Chase groaned and got up and walked over to Robbie grabbing him. "Dude! It's not that hard just tell me why Anti lied to me?!" Robbie's eyes widened. "Anti lied?" Chase face palmed himself. "Didn't u know about what happened?" "Nope??" Robbie said sounding dumb. "OH MY GOD! U FUCKIN IDIOT!" chase accidentally said out loud. Henrik came in the room looking confused. "Chase?!?!" He shouted which made chase jump. "Zhat are you doing to that poor child!" Henrik came and shoved chase off Robbie. "Were talking about Anti!" Robbie blurted out. Chase looked at Robbie and then towards Henrik . "well… why don't you just head on to bed Robbie I'll deal with chase here." Robbie went walking limp.  "Chase.. Please don't tell me you vere talking about vhat happen?" "I-i'm sorry… I just wanted to know why." Chase looked up at Henrik. "Oh chase… I know your young and curious about different things.. But you know how Anti is.. " Henrik took his finger and put it on chases chin and lifted his head, looking him in the eyes. Chase kinda blushed. "I know.." "As we all know we don't know what Anti is planning or anything.. He can be bad at times and good at times." Henrik shrugged. "Don't start trouble.. Its already bad enough that you have to deal with Stacy and the kids.. I don't need you making more things happen that's not your concern. " "anti is the least of your problems is vhat I'm saying" Henrik said with a very calm voice. He was very concerned for Chases safety. "I know you're trying to make me stay away from him.. But it seems like I can trust him." "Yeh and see where you ended up.. " Henrik reminded. Chase let out a sigh. Thinking of a way to make Henrik not make at him. "Please understand.." Henrik touched chases shoulder.   "I do.." Chase smiled a little. "Forget about what happen it doesn't matter don't let him get into your head.." Henrik kept trying to talk some sense into his best friend. "Its like I have to forget about a lot of things.." Chase clenched his eyes shut. "I wanna be able to trust that you take my words seriously chase.. I'm not playing this time. I gave you your varning" Henrik said with a concerned voice. "Your a young boy chase.. With a lot to learn, I'm telling you if you don't change your life you'll end up in a situation you'll regret happening." Henrik kept talking fluiding chases mind with different thoughts which he totally didn't care to hear why should I listen to a doctor.. I mean he's my best friend. Its where to the point, I can't control it any longer…. Chase interrupted Henrik. "Fine.. I'll work things out with Stacy.." Chase finally said. Henrik looked up surprised. "Oh chase that's wonderful!" Henrik smiled. "Or maybe you should go to her house and work things out?" Henrik said. Chase really didn't think that was a good idea last time he went to see her they had a fight. "Um.. Maybe.." Chase said finally still thinking.  Henrik took his phone out his pocket and gave it to chase to call her. Chase looked up and smiled "ok." He took the phone and hugged Henrik very tightly and put his face in his chest. "Thanks again..". Henrik let out a sigh and looked down to see chases happy face in his warm chest. Henrik didn't answer he just was proud Chase felt safe.  
Time skipped ~ Chase went in his room and sat on his bed cracking the door so no one would barge in.  Chase dialed Stacy's number. Number by number Chases heart raced. He didn't know how she was going to react He didn't talk to her in awhile. He really missed her…oh maybe she wont answer.. I mean- I want her too.. After all i'm sure we can work something out? Right? Ugh what am i thinking its stacy!
Then chase shot up when he heard a tempered voice. He was glad to hear. “Oh it’s you Chase what do you want?” Stacy said in a mean voice. She almost sounded like Marvin when he got annoyed with Chase. Chase gulped. He stood there for like 10 seconds staring at his phone. “I know it's you Chase pick up your damn phone!” Stacy yelled. “W-what!? S-stacy??” Chase said quickly. “Oh come on what do u want, you better not have a stupid exuscuse to want me back its not happening. Stacy said. “No! That's not it! I.. i just wanna ask you something.” Chase tried to say calm. “Fine it better not be something dumb like begging to me about some stupid shit.” Stacy didn’t seem at all happy that Chase was on the phone. “Im sorry.. Just please don’t hang up.” Chase begged. “If you were sorry you'll be a great father and a great husband.” Stacy said with an attitude. “I-im sorry stacy please let me just talk to the kids.. And i promise i would be a good father..” “how can i take you seriously when all you do is drink!” “i stopped that!” chase said getting mad. “You make me sick chase. The kids don't want an alcoholic for a father! And I don't want a looser for a husband.” “stacy.. I'm sorry!” “you already said you were sorry!” Chase couldnt believe what he was hearing he never thought stacy would be this mad at him. “Please! I'll do anything to see them.. Can we just work things out.. “ Chase pleaded. “And dont bring up that stupid party i already said they don't care to go.” “n-no.-” Chase tried to explain. “The kids don't want anything to do with you right now chase..” Stacy said. Chase stopped for a second.. He just wanted to cry but didn't because stacy would just beat him down for that too.. “Stacy.. Why..” 
“No chase! I'm sick of your bullshit if you don't want to get your life together, so be it.. Your not gonna see the kids again!” Stacy said pissed off. Chases heart just felt like it sank.. He was crushed for the fact that stacy would say such horrible words.. Tears started to fill his eyes. His stomach felt like it had a stone inside it. “Wh-hat…” Chases voice cracked with tears rolling down his cheeks. “You heard me, don't speak to me again or I will be calling the law on you!
“Goodbye!!!” Stacy went to hang up when chases phone slipped as he caught it in time. Holding it close to his ear. “W-wait!! Just let them stay only on the weekend??!!-” Chase quickley studdard but it was too late Stacy hung up…. “Stacy!? Stacy??- …. Im.. sorry.” Chase clenched his eyes  shut as tears kept falling down his cheeks. He threw his phone at the wall.. He was truly broken inside.(actually the phone is xD) Chase laid on his belly sobbing in his pillow as hard as he could. 
He cried for a long time only when he heard the door squeak. “GO AWAY!!” Chase sobbed harder at the person at his door. But nobody answered. Chase thought it was someone just playing. “DID YOU HEAR ME I SAID G-” Chase rose up and stopped when he saw Jameson standing at his door with a scared look. Chase wiped  his nose and eyes. “Jameson.. It's only you..”(here's where it gets boring -_-) Jameson nodded and sat beside chase with a warm welcoming smile. Jamseon was a mute so he needed to do hand gestures. What's wrong? Jameson hand signaled. “I called stacy.. It didn't go..so well.” Chase told JJ  telling him everything. Im sorry. Jameson wished he could just talk and tell chase how he really felt about all this but it wasn't really easy to do hand gestures. “Oh sorry do u need something to write on.” Chase went under his bed and pulled on a whiteboard and a marker handing it to Jameson. Jameson bowed his head thanking chase. Jameson wrote on the broad. Chase i'm sorry that has happened to you, but you shouldn't let someone get the best of you.. Listen  no ones perfect.. That's why pencils have erasers..  Jameson wrote and then he looked up and shrugged. No i actually need an eraser!  Jameson smiled. Chase kinda giggled and gave him an eraser. Chases eyes were still watery so Jameson gave him a handkerchief out of his pocket. “Thanks..your a good friend.. Better than everyone else could be to me...” Chase smiled. It's gonna be ok Chase i promise.  Jameson hugged Chase as he saw the tears coming back, it was hard to keep it together because he seemed like such a baby and he still thought of life without the kids now.. Jameson was worried for his friend he just wanted to cheer him up. “I-i miss them..” chase sobbed. I know. Jameson said that time with his mouth movement. You know chase.. It takes a real man to cry in front of another ... Jameson wrote that and chase was kinda cheered up by it. “Oh jameson what will i ever do without someone like you..” Chase hugged tighter making jameson hug more. (Jesus christ) They sat there awhile. Wow… JJ sure did help me calm down.. Now i kinda feel bad for blaming him for leaving me in the cold. Chase knew that things were not over between him and the kids, he knew it.
Stacy is a bitch! Lol but the next part is kinda stupid XD
This is based on the song telephone by lady gaga.
Hurts Like Hell 
  Jameson went and chase was still laying in his bed.and Meanwhile  He got up and was looking in his drawer for his phone. He completely forgot that he through it somewhere. He searched through and came across a photo of him and the kids. It was the one where they went to DisneyLand together.. Chase looked at the photo.. Wishing that he could change the past.. But he can't. “Why did this have to happen to me.. I'm such an idiot..”  “stacy's right.” Chase looked down at it. “Right about what?” Jackie shoved the door open hitting the wall. “Dude whats your fuckin problem?!” Chase got up. “What are you doing??” jackie smiled. “Nothing get out of my room.” Chase just wanted to be alone right now besides he was already mad enough about stacy. “Oh please just tell me, hey! What's this” jackie took the photo from Chase. “Give that back!!!” Chase yelled. “Ohhhh your kids.” “jackie! Im not in the mood for your bullshit give me the picture!” Chase struggled to get it back. Jackie grinned. “Hey, Chase were you on the phone with Stacy?” Chase looked up how did you know!!?!” Chase was getting frustrated. “I was kinda looking in on you.” Jackie said. “Why the fuck are you trying to get in my business!!” “why were you trying to get in my business?!” jackie looked at him mad. Chase stopped and looked at him. “What the fuck are you talking about?” 
Jackie looked at chase and then at the picture. “What r u doing??” Chase looked at jackie concerned. Jackie quickly took the picture and ripped it apart throwing it to the ground. “NO!” chase shouted picking them up.”WHAT THE FUCK??”  “YOU WERE SPYING ON ME AND MARVIN WEREN'T YOU?! YOU KNOW EVERYTHING AND YOU TOLD EVERYONE!” "LIKE CANT I HAVE A LIFE WITHOUT YOU GETTING IN THE WAY!?  Jackie surprisingly yelled out loud. “W-what?” chase remembered that.. Was he not suppose to know? “DONT PLAY STUPID CHASE! WHY DONT U MIND UR OWN BUSINESS!” jackie yelled at him.chase was getting really mad.  “WHO FUCKIN CARES IF YOUR DATING THAT BITCH ANYWAYS!” chase shouted back. Marvin walked in the room he looked mad too. “Don't talk to him like that!” marvin said. “Why are you loving your own person?! Thats stupid!” Chase said." Your disgusting! "  At this point it was kinda turning into a fight. “SHUT UP CHASE SINCE WHEN DO U HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THAT?? IT'S NOT LIKE ANYONE LOVES YOU!” jackie was really angry, chase's face was shot with anger as well."SHUT UP!"  “You cant even take care of yourself!?” “yeh your the stupid one! Now i know why your wife didnt want you!” “THATS NOT WHY SHE LEFT ME!!” “ohh then why did she?” Marvin said with a smart comment. Chase looked at Marvin  and jackie with a death stare wishing that he couldt just punch those two right in the mouth. “YOU TWO DON'T CARE ABOUT HOW I FEEL!” “YOU DONT KNOW HOW IT FEELS!” Chase raged. “OF COURSE WE DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FUCKIN LIFE THATS NOT OUR PROBLEM!” Marvin yelled. “WHY DONT U GO CRY YOURSELF ASLEEP LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO CHASE??” Jackie yelled. Chase never knew that he would get in a fight with them.they were one of his true best friends. “THAT'S ALL THAT YOUR EGO IS GOOD FOR CRYING!  ALL DAY YOU  CRY ABOUT SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EVEN  WANT YOU!” At that point robbie and jameson were at the door watching the fight. “ALL YOU TALK ABOUT IS STACY! SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU FOR THE LAST GODDAMN TIME!” “ SHE MAY NOT CARE ABOUT ME… BUT ATLEAST I HAVE A HEART!”the fight went back in forth. “I FUCKIN HATE THIS PLACE DO YOU THINK I WANNA SPEND MY LIFE WITH EVERYONE HERE! OF COURSE NOT!” Chase was talking over Marvin and jackie now they actually stopped to shut up. “NO ONE EVER CARES ABOUT HOW I FEEL! ITS NOT FUCKIN FAIR… I WISH I WAS DEAD!” chase got so loud now.. All the egos came in the room. That even everyone stopped to here what he had to say now . And chase was even crying too. “I HATE EVERYONE IN THIS GODDAMN WORLD! “But chase..” robbie began to say but Anti shook his head no to shut him up. “EVERY FUCKIN DAY I PRAY TO GOD THAT MY CHILDREN COME THROUGH THAT FUCKIN DOOR...BUT THEY NEVER DO BECAUSE MY ASSHOLE WIFE IS KEEPING THEM AWAY FROM ME!.. “AND I CRY EVERYDAY LIKE A FUCKIN LITTLE BITCH!” “DO YOU THINK MY LIFE IS SIMPLE! “ "I SHOULD JUST  KILL MYSELF! MAYBE THAT WILL FINALLY GET YOUR ATTENTION!!!" Henrik was staring at chase with tears in his eyes.. Everyone was.. Even Anti had to say.. He kinda felt bad for him. “I'M DONE WITH ALL OF YOU!” chase finally said wiping his tears away.”chase.. No..” Henrik pleaded. Chase didn't even bare looking at Henrik he just walk off pushing henrik pass him. Chase went out the door.  “What’s gonna happen to chase..” robbie said. “Well.. he’ll be back.” Anti said with his arm around robbie. Henrik picked the photo up. “Poor chase..” “i-im s-sorry doc…” Jackie looked to the ground upset. “I know you are jackie… I know….” 
When chase said Marvin didn't have a heart- well he does on his forehead XD lol this chapter was long..-_-
"Mommy.. When is daddy coming back.." The kids were really upset they haven't seen their father in a month.. Stacy looked at her little girl. "I'm sorry honey.. But he isn't coming back.." Stacy forced herself to say. She knew she was lying to her own kids but she obviously didn't seem to care. "W-why..?" The little boy said. "Oh he doesn't want you guys anymore.he said that he didn't want to see you ever again." Stacy told the kids in a lie. "But Daddy loves us doesn't he?" Their voices sounded soft and muffled. Chase was desperate to see his kids that's the only thing he wanted. "I'm sorry kids he just doesn't have time for you.. But hey, it's better than not having no parents at all." Stacy hated her ex and couldn't see that he only wanted to change what he done in the past. Stacy was frustrated with his foolish choices.  Since he had been doing drugs about some time she can't trust him around her own children. "Now. I don't wanna hear you talk about him no more ok?". They both looked at their mother believing her . " yes mam." She hugged them both smiling.
~Meanwhile…   Jackie was getting some breakfast while thinking of what happened the other day. He couldn't believe that Chase wasn't coming back.. It was coming to the point where Chase might of left for good. Henrik came in the kitchen and saw Jackie staring off in the distance. "Jackie?" Henrik walked over to his friend to see if he was okay. Jackie seemed upset Henrik never seen him like this before. "Henrik.. Hey"  "What.. U doin?" Henrik said . he's probably worried about Chase. Even Henrik was sure of that everyone was starting to worry about Chase because he hasn't come back this morning. "I-its all.. My fault.."Jackie finally said in a baby voice.  Henrik looked up in shock. "What? No, no it's not your fault Jackie.." Henrik went to grab his shoulder.  Jackie around to face him. "Chase is gone… and it's all my fault!…" "Don't blame yourself He's gonna come back.." Henrik wasn't sure about that though. "If I have never been such a selfish bitch..He would have... still been here.." Jackie looked at the ground holding a cup of milk in his hands. "How is it your fault?? You couldn't have known chase was gonna storm out like that!" "Well who started the fight!" Jackie looked into the doctor's eyes looking really worried. "Jackie… please don't blame yourself.. I know Chase is probably.. Gone.. -look Chase was mad okay? Henrik studdard to say.. He loved Chase like more than a patient but as a brother of course he wasn't letting this get to him fast. " Why even bother talking some sense into me.. I'm the reason he's not coming back! What if… -what .. If Chase does something bad.. What if he trys to commit suicide again!." Jackie studdard hard where to the point he was trembling. Henrik was too. "Don't say that!!! He's gonna come back.. I know he is" "how do you know- Oh don't tell me.. Because your a Doctor.." Jackie said with a whacky voice. "I'm your friend Jackie stop blaming yourself!!" "Okay.. So what.. Chase can just never come back.. We're never gonna see him again!" Henrik looked at Jackie with a face that scared jackie, "ughh stop Jackie! I'm not gonna deal with someone that is gonna keep beating their self down for something that wasn't their fault!" Henrik's accent was sounding strong now. "Well… At least not ..again" Henrik cracked his neck and scratched his head gathering his thoughts. Jackie still looking at him worried."I don't know.. Everything I did was wrong.."  Henrik took a deep breath. And grabbed Jackie making him jump.   The cup dropped to the ground shattering.  "Listen.. Chase was wrong, to leave out mad...You were wrong to tour that photo… And Marvin was wrong to even join in in the fight.. Ands what made it worse…We were all wrong to just watch as chase was defending himself.. We could of stopped him …. But we didn't-" Henrik's eyes grew watery. He only cried when something really was sad to him.. He had a job.. And it seemed like a failed his patients. "Are you okay doc?" Jackie "y-yeh.." He said wiping his tears. "Look it's been a long year.. It's almost Christmas.. We all need to fix our mistakes, Now we need to hope that chase is gonna be okay, ok?" "Yes doc.. I mean. Henrik" Jackie smiled a little. "And don't let Chase tell you anything about love.. You and Marvin are fine together.." Henrik smiled back. Jackie sighed sadly. "Looks like its gonna be a depressing December after all huh?" Jackie Shrugged changing the subject. "I guess.." Henrik was uneasy he couldn't understand why Jackie was so at edge.. He never seen him like that. Maybe it is just the season, But season or not.. Chase was still out there.. And Henrik was gonna find him. 
Marvin just came out of the bathroom from doing his business when jackie came jumping in front of him. Marvin almost wet his pants again (lol i make no sense XD) “jackie!?” Marvin screamed. “Heyyyy Marv!” Jackie smiled happily. “You fuckin scared me!” Marvin took a breath. “Geez!” “oops sorry, hey can i talk to you?” Jackie asked. “Ok, it better not be long i gotta help decorate the tree.” Marvin and jackie sat on the couch Anti and jameson were helping decorate the tree.. Mostly jameson, Anti hated to. Robbie was there caring the star which was to heavy for him.  “So, what's up?” Marvin quickly asked. “Im very worried about Chase.. I dont think hes coming back.” jackie said. “Well.. I'm sure he will, i mean he's probably not gonna survive out there by himself.” Marvin told him. “I was afraid you'd say that..” Marvin took his hand and placed it on jackie's leg. “Don't overthink it, Chase is smart enough to come back.” “we yelled at him..pretty badly..” Marvin sighed at jackie's comment. “What are we gonna do?” “since i started the fight.. And ripped the picture.. I'll go find him.” “no!” marvin cried. “Don't go out there alone im coming with you..i love you.” Marvin said. “I love you too Marv.. but i think chase was kinda more mad at you.” jackie laughed a little. “Excuse me??” mavin said. “Let me go by myself.” “fine, just take someone with you.” marvin said with a smile. “Ok bye love you.” jackie kissed marvins cheek with marvin blushing. As jackie was leaving he bumped into Robbie. “Ow!!” robbie said falling down. “Hi jackie!” jackie helped him up. “Be careful geez.” “where going?” Robbie asked. “None of your business.” jackie pushed him. “Why?” robbie said. “Huh?” jackie didn't understand what he meant. “But i want come- I mean to- I WANT TO COME” “haha what?” Jackie laughed. “Ughhh i want to come with you!” Robbie shouted trying to sound normal. They both busted out laughing. “Whatever who cares!” Robbie said giggling. “So can i??” “no.” jackie stopped laughing. “Whyyyyyy.” Robbie whined. “It's too dangerous, im sorry but your a kid.” “i'm no kid! I'm a man!” Robbie said putting his hand on his chest. “Who cares what you are i'm going to find chase.” Jackie laughed. “Oh. i miss chase.” robbie said upset. “Dont worry ill bring him back.” jackie got down on his knees and looked at robbie. “Ok.. bye jackie.” robbie hugged him. “Bye robbie make sure to tell the others and make sure to leave an ornament for me to hang on the tree.” “okie buh bye!” robbie waved as jackie got up and went to the kitchen. Jackie was sure that he would find Chase.. He probably was at Stacy’s??? Jackie wasn't sure actually. Jackie bumped in henrik on way while spilling henriks eggnog on his turtleneck sweater. “Jackie! That was a new sweater!” “ow! I keep bumping into people today everyone is so in a rush.” jackie said helping him. “Their not the only ones.. Where you off to?” Henrik said with one eyebrow raised. Jackie sighed and looked up at the doctor. He knew he couldnt get away with it. “I'm gonna try to find Chase..” Jackie finally said. “Oh… well.. I'm sure your not going alone. Are you?” Henrik asked wanting to go with him. Jackie smiled and patted dhenrik on his arm. “Oh doc of course you can come.” Jackie said answering Henriks question. “Oh ok. Let me get my jacket and change.” Henrik said walking away. “Ok i'll clean this up..” jackie rolled his eyes and started to clean the eggnog. ~Time Skip~ “ok lets go. I'll take the car you coming?” Henrik said getting in his car. “HA! I'm a superhero i can fly!” Jackie bragged putting his hoodie on. “Hmm? Ok.” Henrik cranked up his car and began to leave. And jackie just walked. (he couldnt fly XD) ~While on the way.~ “CHASE!! WHERE ARE YOU!” Jackie jumped rock to rock. He ran through the woods trying to find his friend. “Ugh where are you..” ~Meanwhile~ Henrik kept trying as the window was down he looked yelling chases name over and over. “CHASE!!!” Henrik cried. “Come on.. Where are you?” Henrik whispered. “I will find him if i have to search all night.. I will.”(he never did XD)  ~Meanwhile, Again.~ “CHAAAAAAAAASE!” jackie yelled in a tree. “Damn it.” jackie sighed. “What have I done... “ ~10 Hours passed~ it was getting dark and the doctor and the superhero still haven't found Chase.. They both called each other to head back to the Septiceye house and continue the search tomorrow. But still somewhere out there Chase was alone.. 
(Hey guys, when i was Roleplaying this i thought of Chase singing the song Let Me Make You Proud :D so that’s what he does. Ok back to the story.)
Let Me Make You Proud | Music Video | Tangled: The Series 
Chase was determined to get away from everyone as soon as possible, especially marvin and jackie.  The wind blew and it felt really nice outside. Not hot or cold. Chase thinked that he wouldn't be able to find somewhere else to go but also..He never had a fight withMarvin and Jackie  before  that bad.. And chase never felt that made since his last fight with stacy.. He thought Jackie and Marvin were his best friends.. He just didn't wanna think about them right now.. Chase was really mad mostly crushed cause of the words he said to them… it all came back to him. I wish i was dead.. If i kill myself that will get their attention.. I'm done with all of you… Chase clenched his eyes shut a shiver came threw his spine. He soon grew tired of walking. And the winds blew through his hair. He sighed and just looked around to see all the houses. He looked around for somewhere to sit but didn't see any place. He turned around to hear a noise from off the distance. “What the-?” He started to walk over and see. “Who wants ice cream!!” A cheerful voice said. Chase looked to see a man with vibrant blue hair, blue, white, and pink checkered shirt, a blue-and-white soda jerk hat, and a simple white apron. He was pulling an ice cream cart and a sign that said “ get your icecream 50 bucks!’ Chse watched with his hands in his PMA hoodie pockets. The man  looked very happy and had a big smile across his face.  Chase wonders why no one was showing up? Usually everyone wanted ice cream! Then finally a mom and her little girl showed up. The man looked at them with a smirk showing his teeth.”my names mad mike wanna bite!” He winked at the little girl and her mom.  “I GOT SOME ICE CREAM!” he shouted at them. “Mommy momy! I want icecweam!!” The little girl jumped up and down tugging at her moms coat. Chase kept on watching and couldnt believe how much it reminded him of his own little girl. “Okay honey one ice cream please.” “OF COURSE!!!!” Mad mike said. He pulled one out of his ice cream cart. “That will be 50 bucks!” He said handing to the little girl. “What???” the woman told him. “Thats too much i cant afford that!” She looked at him with a mad face. “Oops did i say 50 i mean 500.” He smarted off. “Excuse me??” “FUCK IT IT'S FREE!” He started to give the ice cream to the girl  and laughed. The woman looked at him with wide eyes. “Hurry up and eat it honey.. This guy is weird.” she whispered in her daughter's ear. “Okie mommy.” Mad mike looked at her and bit his lip. She gave the icecream a huge lick, and then suddenly her face scrunched up in disgust. “EWWWWWW!!!!! TISth TATHSSS BAD!! The little girl shouted sticking her tongue out. The ice cream dropped to the ground. “It's good for you.. Yummy drugs!” Mad mike said happily. “WHAT!!!!???”” The woman shouted with an angry face. Mad mike got another icecream out the cart. “HERE HAVE ANOTHER!” “NO! I DON'T WANT IT!” The little girl shrieked. As her mom hugged her. “EAT THE ICECREAM YOU LITTLE SHIT!! IT'S GOOD FOR YOU!” He shoved it in her face making it spladder. The little girl started crying loudly “MOMMMYYYY!!!” she shouted. Her moms face grew with anger. “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!” The woman got up and slapped him right in the jaw. Mikes face turned red and he rubbed his cheek. Then out of nowhere a man came it looked like the woman's husband. “Leave my wife and daughter alone!” He said angrily at mike. Mike grew of shock and gulped. “S-sir.. Want some ice cream hehe..” He said beginning to walk away. THe man took hold of his apren and cursed in his face. “YOU CAN TAKE THAT ICE CREAM AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR FUCKIN ASS!” He said picking him up. Mad mike didn't say anything instead he nodded very quickly as the man let go dropping him to the ground. “Lets go sweety she picked up her daughter and went with her husband as he stepped on the ice cream his daughter had just dropped. Chase looked at the family in shock. “Thanks babe” The woman kissed her husband. And they all went home with mad faces.  Chase looked at them with sad eyes wishing that was him and stacy.. Then he also began to walk away shoving the thought away he quickly walked so that he didn't have to be caught in any business with that guy… when out of nowhere someone grabbed his hat. “What the f-” Chase turned around to see Mad Mike standing in front of him. They both looked in each others wide  eyes. And surprisingly they both said at the same time.. “Do I know you?” 
(this is where the shit gets real!)
“U-um.. hello..” Chase awkwardly said with his face turning red. ”hmm you look really familiar..“   Mike said squinting his eyes. “You too… “ Chase said with a calm voice. “Hmm?? “  Then mad mike shook his head to clear his mind. “Hi! How ya doin?” he asked taking out an ice cream. “I'm just dying inside now can i have my hat back.” Chase said being rude. “Haha! Aww cheer up! U should have some ice cream!” He said giving it to him. “No thanks..” Chase said disgusted. “But it's free!” Mike kept talking. “Ugh leave me alone! I don't want your damn ice cream.” Chase began to walk away. “Fine….i guess you won't be needing your baseball cap. This looks good on my head!” Chase quickly turned around and tried to grab the hat. “Ugh give it to me!” Mike snatched it away from chase and then he noticed something. “What's wrong with you?” he asked. “U-uh nothing i just had a rough day..” chase told him. “Wowie!” Mike cheerfully said not caring what chase said. “Wait? I swear i know you!” chase looked up and looked at mike. “Who are you?’ chase said with confusion. “The question is who are you?” mike touched his nose. Chase blushed and rubbed his nose. “Really who are you.” mike said laughing. “Oh! My names Chase.” Chase said putting his hands in his pockets. “Last name?” Mike questioned with one eyebrow raised. “Does it matter!” Chase said. “Well i guess not.” Since chase couldt trust Mike cause of their nice little conversation it was clear mike was a nice person.”Chase Brody.” Chase answers. “Hmm? Still doesn't ring a bell.””they ring a bell! Like ding ding ding top of moring!  Haha!” Chase said out loud. “WHAT!?” Mike looked up. “W-what i didnt say anything.” Chase awkwardly said. “What did you just say?” Mike repeated. “Nothing.” Chase said being stupid. “Oh ok.” Mike was sure that he knew him but he couldnt place where he saw him from either could chase. Anyway Mike forgot to introduce himself so he gladly did. “My names Mad Mike!” Mike grabbed chases hand and started shaking it while shaking chases whole body. “U-um ok hi Mike.” Chase said stumbling on his feet. “But you do seem like a nice guy.. Accept you look kinda down..what's the matter?” Mike said with his head tilted. “Would you really wanna know.. I mean since we both obviously know each other… I guess i can trust that do wouldn't be rude about it. Chase shrugged looking at Mike who was still dangling chases hat around. Chase watched and then shook his head. “So..um listen so i'm not that good with relationships.. You see my wife left me-” Chase started to say when mike jumped up and interrupted him. “Aww thats so sad..”  Chase looked at him. “And well you see i have kids.. And now she wont let me see them.” Chase heard Mike gasp. “You have kids that have been taken away from you.. Me too- well actually my little girl was..” Mike said with a sad voice. “O-oh really what happen im so sorry.. That must of been hard for you..” Chase asked picking at the hairs on his beard. “Well i'm actually angry mostly.. But theres no way shes coming back..” Mike said. Chase gaspd “im so sorry for your loss..” Chase said. “W-what? She's not dead!” Mike said looking up. “Oh sorry.” “you sure say sorry alot.” Mike said being mean. “I know its a bad habit.. I miss her..” Chase said thinking out loud. “Who?” “my wife duh.. Her name was Stacy.. I loved her more than anything and then when she had kids that was the only thing that i cared for so much in the world.. She had a boy and a girl.they loved to play different things with me , i really miss them.. But one day Me and her had a big fight and she told me to leave.. Ill nevr forget the look on my kids faces as i slammed the door and left.. I just heard their cries yelling “please don't leave us daddy..” And now Stacy wont let me see them at all anymore.. I used to on the weekends but.. Now I don't..” Chase explained the whole story of how Stacy completely took away the advantage to see the kids.. And how his drinking problem became even worse. Mike listened to that part and knew chase would love to hear his secret about the ice cream. But  As Mike listened his face grew mad and frustrated. “If I were you I would just take the kids and run- but i guess that will be illegal, huh?” Mike shrugged. “I'm not kidnapping my children!” Chase told him. Mike sighed and began to tell his story. “Well my daughters name is Annie i loved her so much.. Don't worry I may look like a psychopath- er-but i really was a good father or that's what I thought.. ..accept when they took her away from me…” Mad mike said looking at the ground. Chase looked down to see him clenching his fists in anger very tightly, he looked really mad.. Chase gulped. “W-whose t-they?..” chase asked scared. “The police… “ mike answered in a quiet voice. “Oh..” chase said. “i - i did a bad thing.. Chase.. “ mike said. Before chase could talk mike quickly shut up and said. “Please don't call the police! - i-i can't go back!” mike grabbed chase by his arm. Chase looked down and then up frightened. “I-i wont… I promise!” chase said very quickly. Mike let go of him. Chase could see the angrez flashing in his bright hazel eyes. Chase was scared now but wanted to trust him because they both were going through these things. “I trust you chase.. We are both fathers and miss our kids.. “ mike said. “Im sorry Annie didn't deserve to be taken away from you.. You deserve so much in your life.” chase said trying to cheer his new friend up. “Yeah but your wife sounds like an asshole! Ugh that's why i hate females-``''pfft yeah… I guess.” chase said in a sad voice. “What did you even do to make the police take her away?” chase asked. But Mike didn't answer he was looking in his ice cream cart. “Wanna see something?” Mike asked pulling out a crate. Chase nodded and realized all that time mike still had his hat in his hands. Mike accedaentilly dropped the crate it seemed heavy, and it opened. Chase's eyes got really wide.  Whiskey bottles were inside. “Pick them up! I can't let anyone see this!” Chase jumped and quickly started helping. “Why the fuck do you have drugs in this-are you selling them?” “shhh! Geez- yes i'm trying to get rid of it before the police finds out.” when they picked it up mike showed chase. “You can take a bottle if you want.” Mike winked. Chase looked at the bottles of whiskey and wanted to chug down every last bit of it.. Accept he remembered what Henrik told him that he shouldn't drink.. “U-um no thanks I don't do drugs anymore-” “what!? You quit drinking! And to learn to be happy when we became friends.`` Mike crossed his arms in an attitude. “It's not that I don't like it, it's just that my doctor tol-” “your doctor! Doctors are losers! They just try to get in your head- what should really be getting in your head is the good feeling of being drunk, just fill your mind with empty thoughts, forget about everything.” Mike calmly said in a pleasing voice that made chase want it. He licked his lips as mike lifted it up and drank some. “Ahh thats the good shit!” Mike gulped looking at chase smiling. When they both heard a phone go off. The ringtone was “All The Way” chase jumped up as he heard his own voice. “Wowie is that you singing?” “no! Its my phone ringing.” chase said not getting what mike ment. Chase took out the phone and saw that it was Henrik. He declined and quickly put it away acting like it was something to hide. Mike was trying to peek at who it was- maybe cause he was worried that chase was trying to call the police. “W-whos that??” Mike quickly said worried. “I-its nobody-” “are you trying to call the police!” “what why will I ever do that i'm your friend!!” “Give me your phone!” Mike said. “What? I didn't do anything!?” Mike layed down  the hat and the bottle  “give me the damn phone!” mike grabbed the phone out of chases pocket and through it  “dude what the fuck!!” Chase shouted. Mike picked the hat and bottle back up sniffing. “I'm sorry- i just-..” “no.. its ok Mike..i guess i did the phone anyway- i mean well not know more” chase said. “What's that supposed to mean??” Mike looked at him worried. “I don't know.” “well.. Since i can trust you and were best friends. You have to promise you won't tell anyone ok?” “ok.”  “wowie i can't believe I found someone like you- i haven't had a friend like you in ages..” Mike told him. “Yeah.. me too my friends don't care about me no more that's why i left..” “oh-” Mike looked up to hear a noise off in the distance which made him look scared. “Do you hear that?”  Mike asked looking around. “No..” chase gulped looking at mike. It was the sound of sirens!! “Oh fuck!!” Mike  jumped up . Police cars were coming around the corner. Mike looked at chase, chase saw his scared eyes. “You called the police!!!” Mike's voice sounded fearful. The police cars stopped where they were and two policemen came out with guns. “FREEZE!” One of them said. CHase jumped up and looked at mike they both looked at eachother . There's no way chase was ending up like this. One of the policemen grabbed chase but chase quickly punched one in the mouth. Chase quickly grabbed his hat and grabbed the whiskey out of Mike's hand and stuffed  it in his hoodie pocket. “I SAID FREEZE!” The police said starting to run over to Mike. Chase looked at Mike and then sprang out running the other way, “COME BACK HERE!’ Mike shouted. “YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE! The policemen grabbed MIkes arms.  “NO!!! I CAN'T GO BACK!!” “NOO!! YOU PROMISED!!! Mike cried “YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T TELL!!” Mike struggled to get free but the policemen were to strong. Mike started crying as one of them got out the handcuffs. “You're gonna go away for a long time.” The policeman said. Mike had tears falling and the anger in his eyes were too much. He pushed and pushed but it was no use. His arms were too weak to push them off. Chases heart was pounding as he ran faster and faster. Looking back to see Mike being handcuffed.. And being forced to be put into the police car, he heard his cries and the look on his face when chase ran..  and now chases heart beating as hard as it could when he heard Mike cry even louder“YOU PROMISED!!” Mike yeled louder and louder still trying to fight them. “AHHHH!!! NOO!!!” Chase  heard Mikes pitiful words as he ran  Mikes voice  grew quieter and quieter as chase went father. And the blue and red light from the police cars were around the corner. What have i done! I'm leaving him- and he was my friend...but he kept on running. And then he tripped over a rock. “Fuck!” He shrieked. HIs hand was bleeding and the sharp pain hurt badly.  he heard someone coming It was the other  policeman. CHase got up quickly still tripping over his feet and then sprintied off to where he ran as fast as the wind. “STOP!”  Chase ran even faster he couldnt believe what had just happened but he wouldn't stop running he wasn't going  to jail. He had a family and he had friends.. But the thought of that hurt his heart alot.. Mike had a family too.. Chase hated the fact that he was the bad guy in this Mike was innocent.. As the policeman chased him through the street chase thought of all the ways that he could just say sorry over and over  again to everyone that he dissopointed... But it wasn't the time to. The man was getting closer as Chases stomach was aching and his heart. In his mind he pictured Mike trying to get  free from the police man's grip but couldnt and he was yelling for chase to come help…. The faster he ran the more he breathed harder. He finally came across a park that was closed for the night. THere was his way to escape! There was a fence there and CHase thought that he could probably lose the the man for now.  Since Chase did different stunts when he blogged,  he could jump over the fence pretty easily. Chase sped up and got ready to jump as he heard the policeman coming. He then sprang as high as he could and fell on his feet stumbling on the other side into some bushes.cutting his hand even more. As the police ran by chase was relieved that he was free. With a sigh he made sure he was gone for sure. Poor mike didn't deserve to get taken  by the police.. And when he broke a promise..he probably will never see Mike again. Chase got up and it turned dark. Chase couldnt take it anymore, he sat on a bench which wasn't comfortable he wished he was at home  In his soft bed. “I miss you Henrik..im so..sorry..” he said beginning to fall asleep. “But I don't care anymore.. “ then chase got out the bottle of whiskey and look at it in shame.. “To forget about everything..” chase unscrewed it.. And slowly put it to his mouth. “Im sorry… even 100 sorrys wouldn't be enough for you..huh?” he lifted it up and started to chug it down. To him it was everything he wanted. He truly didn't care anymore.Its like the drugs numbed the pain chase was feeling inside and the physical ones too. Drinking was his only way to forget all of his mistakes and problems, it was like medicine. As he drank even more it was coming to the point where he couldn't sit up. He drank the last sip and blacked out, Hugging his hat, it's like the thought of his family and friends washed away by the drugs. And that day he would never forget Mad mike.. And the words he would never forget will always be..
You promised…
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never made the cut [I'm slightly concerned but fuck it]
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(Self Insert Selfship Time! Tw: self harm, suicide attempt, depression, self hatred, self destruction, self deprecating, eating problems, suicide ideation, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, self starvation, negative thoughts, cutting, insecurity, peer pressure, relationship anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, ect. Note That This Is A Vent Selfship Fanfic, So It Gets DARK. If ANY Of These Warnings Are Something You’re Sensitive About, Don’t Risk Your Mental Health! I Just Needed To Get Some Feelings Out Here! I Don’t Do Any Of The Things Mentioned Here, So Don’t Worry About Me! With The Warnings Out Of The Way, Let’s Go To The Angst!)
“ALRIGHT OWLS, LET’S TAKE IT STRRRAIGHT FROM THE TOP!!!” Conductor instructed. “Oh, and uh, Stolas, was it? STAY OUT OF SCENE UNTIL I TELL YER TA COME IN SCENE THIS TIME!!!!” The Conductor yelled. Hunter tapped him on the shoulder and gestured that he was going to the restroom. “Arright, Lad...! Ya know where it is...!” The Conductor whispered. Hunter nodded, speeding off. The Conductor chuckled as he hurried off. He DID have a habit of putting off going to the bathroom until it was almost too late...! “HEY!!!! STOLAS!!! I SAW YE POKE YER HEAD OUT!!! IT’S NOT SCENE 69 YET SO GET OUTTA HERE!!!” The Conductor yelled.
Hunter shakily walked into the bathroom, small backpack slung over his shoulders. He picked a stall and locked himself in, sitting down in front of the toilet. He quietly opened his backpack, pulling out a small pocket knife. Hunter took a deep breath, ignoring how shaky his hand was. He always got shaky with this, but not to this degree. In the back of his head, he heard the voice coming back. “Do it, ya know ya wanna.” Every time he tried ignoring it, it got louder. He eventually couldn’t fight back anymore and gave in.
Grooves padded into the restroom, having just taken a break from shooting. He was...somewhat happy with his current script, but sadly it was too late to change it. As he went to go into one of the stalls, he saw something pooling near the door of the stall next to him. He thought it was just water, then the smell hit. His breath hitched; had someone gotten hurt? He steeled himself, knocking gently. “Hello? Is someone in there? Are-Are ya hurt?” Grooves asked gently. He didn’t get a response. His eyebrows furrowed in worry. No response, that’s not good. Grooves knocked again, harder this time. “Darlin’, if you’re hurt, I can go get help.” Grooves said calmly. Still no response. Great. Now he was INSANELY worried. He remembered the stall; the large one at the back. He went to grab assistance from the receptionist to open the stall.
“Hello? Little Chirper? Can ya unlock the door for us please? DJ Grooves is worried about ya.” The receptionist called. No response. “I can’t reach over. besides, climbing over is a liability.” The receptionist sighed. The Conductor walked in, jumping in surprise that the bathroom was this busy.
“Toilet trouble?” He asked. Grooves shook his head.
“Someone’s locked themselves in and we can’t get their attention. They seem to be hurt.” Grooves explained. The Conductor’s breath hitched. Hunter never came back from the bathroom.
“Move.” The Conductor breathed shakily.
“What?” Grooves asked, confused.
“I SAID MOVE!!” Conductor said, getting a running start from the back of the room. Grooves and the receptionist yelped in surprise, pressing themselves against the other stalls to get out of the way. As the Conductor’s foot made contact with the stall door, it flew off the hinges, smashing against the wall with a crash. The Conductor got up and looked around, gaze landing on the front of the toilet. “Oh....this cannae be happening....” The Conductor gasped. Grooves and the receptionist poked in.
“What’s the matter, Conductor, Darling?” Grooves asked.
“Me bag.” The Conductor croaked out. Grooves was confused.
“What?” Grooves asked.
“Go, and grab me bag!!!!” The Conductor snapped. Grooves jumped.
“Darling, is everything okay?”
“GROOVES, GO GRAB ME BAG NOW, A LIFE IS ON THE LINE HERE!!!!” The Conductor yelled. Grooves jumped, nodding and hurrying off. The Conductor hugged Hunter closely, humming a tune.
“Hush now little one, it’s okay....~! Keep on breathing, it’s just another day....~! I’m here to keep the bad dreams at bay....~! The monsters under the bed aren’t here to stay....~! I’m here, I’ll always be near....~! There’s nothing to fear....~! To me heart, you’re very dear...~! In me sky, you’re the sun, stars, and moon....~! For you to stay with me, I’d ask for no other boon...~! Call for me, I’ll be there soon...~! I know that our hearts beat in tune....~!” The Conductor hummed softly, rocking back and forth, hugging Hunter.
Grooves raced around the owl express, searching for the Conductor’s bag. “U-Um, hello?” An express owl called.
“Oh! Hello! I’m just looking for the Conductor’s bag, you haven’t seen it anywhere, have you?” Grooves asked.
“Wh-Why?” The owl asked.
“It’s an emergency, darlin’.” Grooves explained. The owl saw the concern through his glasses and took him to the bag.
The Conductor started worrying as time passed. “Come on, Grooves...where are ya, ya peckneck.....” The Conductor winced. He looked down, seeing how deep Hunter went. There was so much blood...there was SO. MUCH. BLOOD. He would HAVE to call an ambulance if Grooves didn’t hurry his duff up. Grooves returned as swiftly as he could with the bag.
“Here, Darlin’.” Grooves said handing it over.
“Thank you, Grooves.” The Conductor said, pulling out some gauze and medical tape, starting to bandage up Hunter’s arms.
“Is he...?” Grooves asked nervously.
The Conductor dropped the tape, making sure he got everywhere. “Receptionist, call an EMT, we have an emergency here. He’s lost too much and he cannae stay awake for very long periods of time.” The Conductor ordered. The receptionist was shocked. “Well?! Get moving!!” The Conductor snapped.
“Right away!” The Receptionist said, speeding off. The Conductor rubbed Hunter’s head, hoping to wake him up.
“C...Conductor...? Why....Why are you here...?” Hunter choked.
Conductor smiled weakly. “I heard there was a party in here, so I decided to join the fun.” He said, attempting to lighten the mood. Hunter looked him over.
“Oh no....your poor shirt and tie....!” Hunter lamented.
“What, these old things? Please, I can just wash them when I get home.” The Conductor smiled. Hunter frowned, eyes drooping. “Lad, no, don’t black out on me again!” The Conductor begged. Hunter’s breathing seemed to be more ragged, more harsh. He was visibly struggling to stay awake.
“I’m sorry......the voices-they wouldn’t stop.....” Hunter coughed.
The Conductor hushed Hunter. “Save it lad, ye need to save yer energy. Just stay awake fer me, alright lad?” The Conductor pleaded.
“I’m so tired, Conductor...I’m so tired of hurting…” Hunter wheezed. The Conductor’s gaze softened, hoping to relax Hunter.
“Aye, I know, lad, but ye just got ter hold on a wee bit longer, alright?” The Conductor asked, holding his hand. Hunter coughed and The Conductor winced at the harsh sound.
“I’m...so sorry...I’m so sorry I slipped….” Hunter apologized. The Conductor frowned.
“Lad, stop with this apologetic nonsense. You’re nae at fault. If anyone in this room is at fault, it’s me. I shouldae come here to check on yer after the first hour passed.” The Conductor scolded.
Hunter shook himself awake, vision starting to blur again. “I just wanna sleep...” Hunter whimpered. 
“Not yet, lad...Please...Hold on...” The Conductor pleaded.
“You look so blurry...I....” Hunter started before blacking out.
“LAD!!!!” The Conductor yelped. Medics rushed in, taking Hunter out to an ambulance, The Conductor following inside to keep Hunter company on the ride to the hospital. “It’s gonna be okay lad...I promise...!”
(Timeskip a few days.)
Hunter woke up, arms sore and barely able to feel his hands. When he looked at them, they were tightly wrapped in medical tape, stained red. Seems that they weren’t replaced. What happened though....?
“Lad! Yer okay!” The Conductor beamed. 
“Heya bud...! What happened exactly...?” Hunter asked.
“Ye slipped again, but we got to ye in time!” The Conductor explained. Hunter looked at his arms in disappointment.
“........Dammit.” Hunter cursed.
“Lad, it’s okay...! We all slip sometimes...! What matters is that we got to ye in time to prevent anything worse from happening...!” The Conductor comforted.
“I was clean for almost a month this time, Conductor!!! I was SO CLOSE!!” Hunter snapped.
“Lad, it’s okay, we’re in the here, we’re in the now, all that matters is that you’re okay...!” The Conductor stressed.
“ But I-” Hunter started.
“I wouldn’t recommend fighting him on this, Darlin’.” Hunter looked at the doorway. Grooves visited..! “You’ll only lose~!” Grooves teased.
“Grooves...? What’re ya doin’ here...?” Hunter asked.
“Visitin’ a close friend of course~! He’s a super cool guy who’s super good at animating~! His name begins with ‘H’ and rhymes with punter~!” Grooves teased.
“Oh shut up, Groovypants...!” Hunter chuffed. Grooves ruffled Hunter’s hair, earning a squeak of disapproval. 
“Still calling me Groovypants, huh, Darlin’? I guess I can still call ya ‘Little Bro’ then, huh?” Grooves joked. 
“Not little, not your brother..!” Hunter peeped.
“Well, you’re five foot three, I’m five foot six, you’re smaller than me, so you’re little~!” Grooves beamed.
“How’s everyone been holdin’ up without me?” Hunter asked.
“Darlin’, everyone’s been down in the dumps without ya! Even good ol’ Conductor~!” Grooves grinned. The Conductor’s face heated up to a bright orange.
“Well-I mean...” The Conductor stammered, all knowledge of the english language failing him.
“Really...?” Hunter asked.
Grooves nodded, grin growing wider. “This whole time with ya in here has just been him bein’ all like,” Grooves cleared his throat. “ ‘I cannae wait until me Hunter returns, this workplace is garish and borin’ without ‘im!!’ “ Grooves said, putting on his best Conductor voice.
“He said that...?” Hunter blushed.
“Well, that’s a bit exaggerating...!” The Conductor stuttered.
“Darlin’, he loves ya! He can’t wait for ya to recover and come back to work!” Grooves beamed.
The Conductor’s face was a bright orange. “Grooves!!!” He blurted out.
“Get well soon, darlin’! We all miss ya!” Grooves said. “Conductor darlin’, everyone said it’s okay if ya can’t make it to the shoot today, they understand that you’re not quite in the right mindset to work right now!” Grooves informed.
“Thanks, lad...” The Conductor sighed.
Grooves smiled, waving before walking out.
“So, ya missed me, huh?” Hunter smiled.
The Conductor’s face somehow heated up more and his ears flopped down. “N-Now wait a minute-” 
“Conductor, it’s fine! It’s...Actually really sweet!” Hunter smiled.
“Well....Ye do have this...Positive air to ye...” The Conductor stammered.
“Awww~!” Hunter teased.
“Shut up, lad...!” The Conductor “rolled his eyes”
“Also bud, guess what~!” Hunter grinned.
“What?” The Conductor asked.
“Ya just talked with DJ Grooves and never ONCE called him a peckneck~! You’re goin’ soft~!” Hunter teased.“WELL I NEVER!!!! HE’S A NO GOOD PECKNECK!!! HE’S A FILTHY PECKNECK OF A MOON PENGUIN IS WHAT HE IS!!! HE’S A COWARD!!! HE’S A SAD EXCUSE FOR A MOVIE DIRECTOR!!!” The Conductor jabbed.
“Conductor...” Hunter sighed, shaking his head. As The Conductor continued ranting, Hunter tapped him on the shoulder.
“What?” He pipped. Hunter stole his hat, holding it just out of his reach. “HEY!!” He squawked. Hunter laughed, dangling it just out of his reach.
“What’s wrong bud~? Just grab it~!” Hunter teased.
“I’M TRYING!!” He pipped, reaching as far as he could. Hunter laughed as he was barely brushing his fingers against the brim of the cap. In a last stitch effort, he pecked a quick smooch to Hunter’s cheek, shocking him at the sudden gesture and freezing him long enough for him to steal his hat back. “That’s what ye get, ye handsome devil!” He peeped. Hunter’s face was covered with a bright blue blush. The Conductor laughed at his reaction. Hunter was starstruck. His crush liked him back?!? And SMOOCHED him?!? Good thing he was in the hospital, cause he could pass out due to heart failure any second now!! “Lad? Lad? Lad, are ye okay? Did I overstep me boundaries?” The Conductor asked, worried at Hunter spacing out.
Hunter shook his head. “I’m fine, Conductor!” He said, knowing full well that he was indeed, not fine in the SLIGHTEST.
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