#this is kinda old now but i refuse 2 edit it cuz it means i actually have 2 re-read it 2 see what i wrote
yelling-space · 6 months
Children of light/darkness
it wouldn't let me change the txt 2 black so enkis pink cuz i hate him
Couldnt stop thinking about that one stupid throw away line in fagcats monologuing so i decided to apply it to the rest of the gang becuse i can 4 context i'm going to assume the ratio of children of light:darkness is similar to that a 1:45 type thing. (includes a few hcs.)
  — "Living humans are divided into two groups, yes? There are children of light. Those destined to walk under the bright sun. Those people do well in all hardships of life. They have dear humans who they want to return to. Even in the darkest hour, they can feel the warmth of their loved ones in their heart and gain extra courage from that.” - Pocketcat
Obviously The Girl is a child of light since it’s stated in-game by the New Gods. A pure child, a blank slate birthed from the darkest pits of human creation. The literal embodiment of fear and hunger, a small light shrouded in darkness without even a glimmer of hope. A child who's been robbed of love;the first kind gesture she ever received was being freed from a cage by a man who smiled at her like she wasn't a horrific monster. Yet despite all her hesitation she slowly finds herself gaining comfort in his presence, enough to scrounge a little closer and find herself enjoying the sound his voice,a man that never stop talking even tho she doesn't speak back, doesn't quite understand why he shares his food with her yet gobbles it down before he can try taking it back the second she realises its safe to eat. And then he gifts her the doll. And she's not really sure what to do or what all these overwhelming feelings inside are but the raggedy thing never leaves her side as she trails him like a moth to flame.
Cahara's a child of light, he burns slow and soft. A little flicker of light in the darkness that'll last in the wind because it has the fuel to keep going and can light up other people. He’s a people person, a social butterfly who people are drawn to and ends up making connections wherever he goes. Despite everything he's been through and all the horrors and harsh realities of life he's faced, he's still able to find joy and a love for life. Quite literally one the only thing holding the group together and reason half these people even start to tolerate each other.
“Hooo~ you do? This is the most surprising! I feel like so many people lose the sight of happiness once they grow out of their naive little views of the world they had as younglings. But perhaps it is possible to feel like that, even as someone as old as you.” - Pocketcat
Ragnvaldr’s a child light. He burns bright and fast like a strip of magnesium, his light comes in bursts. Rage comes as quick as it goes and isn't a reliable source of fuel but shines so bright when it burns it almost hurts to witness.
His light’s too hot to get close to when he's burning, and therefore it doesn't get 'shared' before it's gone unlike Cahara’s who serves to light others over coaxing his own flame. Yet despite losing his family he still carries the love his people held for him in his heart, letting it fuel his fire even though he knows he'll never be able to return to them. Yet despite losing his family, Ragnvaldr still carries their memories alive in his heart and never loses sight of the happiness that was robbed from him so instead he keeps their spirits close while he seeks vengeance.
It's for that same reason The Girl and Ragnvaldr are both attracted to and seek out light despite being lights of their own. They both require others to fuel their flame and keep them afloat vs someone whose light is soft and nurturing more like Cahara’s, whose light draws others towards him. Is bright enough to warm your hands in the midst of a cold winter’s storm yet too weak to spark the light of rebellion and bring about change in the world.
 “In the opposite end of the spectrum, there are children of darkness. Those humans are often driven to depression and sorrow because of life's peculiar ways.But they have learned how to live with those feelings. In fact, they have grown to love the ever-pressing darkness within. Those humans are able to draw energy from darkness, they are not dependent on other people. They only need darkness, their old friend.So, humans of light and darkness... Which one are you?” - Pocketcat
It's how D'arce can be born with a silver spoon in her mouth and want for nothing as she gets older, pursuing what she thinks is her dream, leaving behind her luxurious life and continuing to strive higher and higher for her 'goals' – only to constantly be miserable despite it all. No matter what she gains or what she gives up, just never being satisfied, feeling like she's stagnating and making nothing herself despite all the accolades and medals and milestones she's achieved.
It's the same reason Enki can be born in darkness, wanting nothing more then the endless pursuit of knowledge – forced to eat his younger siblings, forced to claw his way out of a well, forced to eat bugs in order to survive, forced to backstab his twin sister, only ever finding twisted satisfaction in a rare moment of joy when he burns his family and the place he once called home into ash – feels so comfortable drowned in misery.
They’re both on completely different ends the moral and social spectrum, yet they both closed off their hearts to the world and poured themselves into their own goals. A way to close off their feelings and shut away from the rest of the world. They both just sorta look at Cahara and Ragnvaldr smiling, laughing and simply ,,,,enjoying existing in each other's company. And they just kinda stare in disbelief at this light in front of them, almost unable to actually believe what they're actually seeing, let alone comprehend how they're even able to exist so freely in a place like this. It doesn't make sense. They're all trapped in this horrific hellscape of a dungeon with strangers they've never met, barely surviving the passing hours with their mess of skill sets and feeble attempts to hold onto whatever draining sense of morality and justice they had before coming down here. And yet these two are smiling and cracking jokes. Talking like they'd been friends for years even though they barely know each other. they just seem so ,,, so,,, bright. no matter how much Enki and D’arce become familiar with the sight, they feel like they're intruding on something; they shouldn't be allowed to see this. 
It's something they've already come to terms within their own lives, after all. It's a feeling people like them don't need. They don't deserve it. Yet. something about the sight is just so warm and comforting they can’t quite bring themselves to tear their eyes from it. 
“Since you were a child of darkness, I imagine you agree when I say that we don't get the luxury of happiness.We only know brief joy every now and then, but even that is getting more rare every day.” - Pocketcat
Considering how both Enki and Ragnvaldr kinda blur the line a bit when it comes to their actions and motives; how Ragnvaldr can be argued to go 'darker' while enki goes 'lighter' despite their soul compositions (in my amazing  awful timeline of events at least.)
It’s how D'arce, a knight of one the most prestigious and well respected groups in the kingdom, borne of nobility, who grew up comfortably, never having to scrape by is constantly shaped in misery and loneliness, can never truly happy no matter how high she climbs in the world vs Cahara having known nothing but constant suffering and struggles, is still able to be happy and smile with people he cares for and find people that love him despite their line of work or less than fortunate situation. He's able to befriend people in every corner of the world he travels to; there's people who care for him and want to be around him. Even though he's experienced the hardship of life first hand he's still able to look at the world with just so much love for life and she just doesn't get how. D’arce just mystified by watching the fact that two men she knows, born into poverty or into nothing at all, scraping by, living minimal, nomadic, no stable environment or home - for Cahara, nobody to call his own until adulthood - just completely shocked by the fact that they can both smile, joke and seem to be just. happy. content with what they've managed to make for themselves.
And it's not as if D'arce hasnt made anything of herself; she’s clearly put in a lot of effort to get to where she is even if she came from an advantageous background, she had family, she had friends (singular, Le'garde, so maybe ok not even 1 friend but shhh),,, has no idea what she did wrong or what she's doing wrong to continue being so miserable in life.
They all have blood on their hands but she’s yet to realise the cause of it is what makes them different from each other.
Doesn't get how Cahara can sit there and joke about the other ways he made cash to get by when he was younger with a smile on his face. Or how Ragnvalder can sit there and laugh at Cahara horrible jokes after losing everything he’s ever held dear. The way they can chatter on about nothing for hours at a time or talk about their partners with just so much love in their voices knowing they'll probably never see them again. (Maybe even wondering if someone will ever talk about her like that with just so much shear adoration in their voice and this ‘swept off their feet’ look in their eyes, but also i can see that not even crossing her mind at the same time )
Enki and D’arce just sat there a lil bewildered watching the first people they've ever seen be genuinely happy in their lives even though they have almost nothing to their name, have lost everything and yet they can still smile and laugh with each other in a place like this???
They are just so confused by rag&cahara’s chemistry because they themselves don't know how to utilise humour and light-heartedness as ways to cope with the tragedy in their lives, having chosen to instead turn their focuses outward. For example, enlightenment and study & knighthood and an entire other persona, as a way to distract themselves from the struggles in their lives and unintentionally bring the focus away from their internal darkness.
It's also interesting to observe the parallels of duos such as Enki&Cahara and D'arce&Rag to, since Cahara serves to kind of draw people out of their shells and show them light, while Ragnvaldr's light could be seen as something turned into heat and ignite the spark of retribution and spur on the need to go on. While it doesn't make D'arce and Ragnvaldr very close, I can see how it would maybe inspire something in her and propel her forward in times of discouragement. (Whether that's out of admiration for rags ability to be able to still go on after everything thats happend or if it’s from the desire to find Le’gard before Rag fucking gets him☠️is up to you.)
Cahara’s used to sneaking around even though he's very bright, and so resorts to coaxing and persuasion, whereas Ragnvaldr is very obviously used to being a leader figure and just kind of 'shines' on people. I'm not sure how well those methods obviously work on people like Enki and D'arce (lowkey think they might be more beneficial if they swapped, but that's just makes the fact i tend to default to enki&cahara + d’arce&rag funnier), but the fact that they're watching it happen at all is so rare for them let alone the horrifying moment that occurs for the two of them when they realise they actually enjoying having these idiots around (each other included).
(This awful epiphany mainly applies to Enki. He’d rather be sacrificed again then admit he cares for any of these idiots, nevermind Cahara specifically. I don't think it really hits D’arce until they’re out of the dungeon if they make it and she doesn't have their company anymore.)
After all, the world was cruel to them so they became cruel back. That  probably affects the way they’d view/interact with Cahara/Rag. Enki especially would have a hard time trying to grasp how they are both able to be so,,,happy,, after going through so much, considering the fact he also went through hell and thus chose to close his heart to the world. Yet here he is, watching these two men who have come from nothing and lost everything who have been nothing but repeatedly wronged by life, talk about how beautiful it is and he just. Doesn't. Get. It. He went through abandonment, being pit against his own sibling to see who deserved to still breath in their parents eyes. He had to resort to more than questionable things in order to survive, he stabbed his own sister in the back and burnt his parents alive after crawling out the pit they tried to bury him in. Hell, he had to eat his own siblings/bugs for crying out loud. and the way he went about it makes sense to him. He's protecting himself. He's putting his interests into unemotional things that can't lash out and hurt him again - things that he can safely invest time and effort into, knowing it will fulfil him in some way, without the pressure of it having to impress someone or be worthy enough to try to seek praise from those around him. It's totally protective, wanting to keep himself from that same hurt, wanting to become powerful and knowledgeable enough to keep himself from being hurt ever again. Right?
It's almost a childish but at the same time totally jaded, adult-ified view of what he probably wanted as a child. Bitter and spiteful since all the while, and hell even his necro tendencies probably have something to do with wanting to be in control of and listened to by something for once in his life.
He most likely also shares a lot of The Girl's wonder in the fact that, despite all the awful shit that's happened and the terrible place they're in now, Cahara and Ragnvaldr are taking a good damn while to break under the darkness that's trying to eat them alive. And even if it's terrible how it manifests, could even argue that Ragnvaldr hallucinating his wife is him retreating back to a better time full of light to cope, similar to Cahara constantly going "oh, this is how i used to gain money, its nothing new lol” when Enki tries to beat around the bush and ask if Cahara’s even okay with,,,, this and just ends up being an answer he's not really sure how he feels about.
Enki: how do you do that Cahara: do what ? Enki: just,,, exist, and seem happy about it Cahara: well, existing is quite a beautiful thing, wouldn't you agree ? Enki: Cahara internally: [he doesn't know that finding worth in life is pointless] vs 
D'arce: how do you do that Ragnvaldr: do what? D'arce: keep going onward despite the weight of everything youve lost Ragnvaldr: i've been freed of the binds that kept me from avenging them, that's how D'arce: Ragnvaldr internally: [she doesn't know that weight will stay forever]
ldk why but I really like the idea of them all having similar views but completely opposite interpretations of something. They're all looking at the exact same sunset but seeing something entirely different, both affected by their light and darkness alignments but also just their individual life experiences that shaped their world views.
I can't find it rn but also there's some dialogue from Nosramus about seeing him in the dark; if you’re playing as Cahara/Ragnvaldr, it's a simple “oh your the person from ealier”. but if you’re playing as D’arce/Enki; the response is “the one creeping around in the shadow ealier” witch makes me giggle cuz ofc those 2 be finding comfort in the shadows and scrurrying around like rats in it
“Hooo~! Very good, very good. I love honest words, even when they hurt me. I say that now... But I'm probably going to feel really awful later on. But don't you worry about that. Really. I have grown to love this feeling of being rejected.”
Bonus Daan mention :
Daan’s a child darkness both in how it paroles the girl as children destined for greatness by the gods + both more attracted to “Light”(eg elise & cahara both children light & attract others 2 them) like moths 2 a flame then actually attract people to him
Being a child of darknesses also link him 2 fagcat + part the reason pocketcats so interested in the fact “someone like him” was chosen by the gods(much 2 daans dismay)
hes is literally drowning in misery. Thinks of his life as a curse he's forced 2 live threw with the thought things could be different/better ever crossing his mind 
Much like d’arce &enki never rly know the feeling of being loved & wanted baring teh short time he was with his wife (rip elies)
He has never known a peaceful happy day, mans just straight up NOT ALLOWED nice things & those he has get ripped away from him in the cruellest ways possible & having said lost thing repeatedly rubbed in his face (eg dead wife ,her coming back as stitches + fagcat never letting him know peace )
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mira--mira · 3 years
3 things:
the first, Le gasp. Did Madara gave Hashirama the necklace that Tsunade gave to Naruto? That's always been a headcanon of mine so it'd be super cool if that was the case for OoT.
the 2nd: I now have a mental image of Gai running laps around Konoha with Lee & Hashimada bellowing about youth, like he does. Ppl just assuming that they're his Genin team. Cue either Neji, Tenten or Kakashi hearing about it and going over to check what's happening.
Kakashi will gaze upon the matching jumpsuits and give up on life
Neji and Tenten will be offended that they've been replaced.
The 3rd: Hashirama learns of Kakashi's (or well anyones) distaste for the jumpsuits and innocently suggest that when he becomes Hokage he'll implement them as the official Shinobi uniform. Legwarmers and all.
Now that I think about it, the Gai's outfit it literally Kakashi's except green and w/ legwarmers instead of bandages. So it probably wouldn't be that different, but its still kinda funny.
How are people afraid of the Gunbai? Cuz they're not old enough to have seen Madara use it and since he's a ghost, shouldn't all portraits/pictures of him be gone. I mean I guess there's still the statue. But Madara's not weilding a fan in that one. Are students just told in the academy that the fan is bad or is it more like a cultural aversion to fans. If that's the case then are they afraid of the fan or just dislike it? Cuz its kinda implied that Gai panicked upon seeing the fan and opened the 6th gate, but that's a big reaction that would only be triggered by actual fear instead of disgust.
Sorry for the long ramble. I was just so excited to see Oot update that my words got away from me. Love your fic!
Warnings for slight spoilers, it's more background necklace stuff only in point 1 but just fyi in case it’s important to you!
1. Yes! I love that headcanon but this one has a slightly different history behind it. Madara did give it to him, but it's the necklace he inherited from his mother that his father gave her. This is bc in the "canon" history, Madara and Hashirama were never public about their relationship. The traditional Uchiha courtship necklace was incredibly recognizable (the magatama ie the big "comma" symbol on sage/indra/ashura's clothes) so Madara couldn't easily make him one. However, Tajima made the same necklace for Kou but it broke into its now-recognizable shape of today and she refused to wear any other necklace but that one, saying it was unique among all the Uchiha's (she also compared it to a dick when Tajima added the two beads on either side to make it look nicer, but that's bc Kou had a rather coarse sense of humor). Typically the mother's necklace is inherited by the oldest daughter but since Kou only had sons, it went to Madara and was one of the last things he had of her. It was his declaration of love to give it to Hashirama and, considering how vilified and demonized Kou was to the Senju, his own declaration to accept and wear it.
2. Oh you better believe they’ll run laps together! (edit: I realized this got buried in my drafts so Chapter 17 has already come out, so yes you predicted part of the future 😜) Hashirama will be little more proactive in his revenge so no stumbling upon them haha! And Gai already has plans to introduce the terrors to his genin team 😉
3. He’ll accidentally stumble upon Kakashi’s specific distaste of the outfit but you better believe once he finds, he’ll just happen to bring it up to Kakashi every once in a while just to see his reaction. 
The issue with the gunbai is it’s specifically associated with the Ghost of the Uchiha. Madara’s individual name got lost (only the elders, ninja with access to classified records, and certain clans remember it). But the “Ghost” was a bogeyman to Konoha, an evil, terrible man who was cursed with only hatred in his heart, who turned on the village and tried to destroy it. 
(In the full story, it also connects Konoha’s hatred of Kurama specifically (the monster the Ghost used to try and destroy the village) which will also be connected to one reason why the jinchuriki were always set up to be pariahs, and how by killing Madara, Hashirama’s deification as the God of Shinobi was complete, as well as another reason the Uchiha were separated and held at arms length which only worsened over time as the story became more and more mythologized and Madara’s past contributions as a founder were lost.)
Because there weren’t paintings/statues of the Ghost (except for VotE which...I think is actually a bit of a controversial piece for Konoha tbh, and the Uchiha’s secret mural) the only thing that really stuck to symbolize him was the gunbai. This is a very American-centric perspective and I will be the first to admit isn’t a perfect parallel by any means but the kind of fear/hatred most of Konoha and especially ninja have towards the gunbai/Ghost can be thought of like the Red Scare panic. The “paranoia” point isn’t quite met but that kind of visceral hatred and fear over something that they’re told to fear and hate but don’t actually have first hand experience is similar. I also think it could work as a kind of dark reflection of the Will of Fire ideology. If you’re not someone who would sacrifice everything for the village and endure relentlessly...are you going to betray the village and become the next Ghost? That’s not a vocal belief in Konoha, but more something that’s kind of implied by the black/white mentality that nationalism kind of inspires. The emotion is only towards gunbai in particular, but the culture around fans in general and them being “too similar” has created an aversion to all fans esp in the ninja clans. Tenten has a small tessen (an iron hand held fan) but it’s something that very clearly marks her as clanless to other shinobi because no clan ninja would own one. 
All of this to say, when Gai first saw the gunbai unexpectedly the years of being taught this explicitly and implicitly kicked in and he reacted. It was a panicked instinct and if he weren’t the amazing man we know and love seeing Madara with the gunbai and definitely knowing their connection, other ninja in Konoha would find it perfectly reasonable for him to then try and attack Madara.
I hope this clears things up, I felt I got a bit rambly in the middle!
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dapper-nahrwhale · 4 years
for the writing ask, number 3!
Asiksj thanks so much for the ask!! (Under the cut is some fantasy high riz and aelwyn friendship I've been writing)
"One scene you want to write but cant because its difficult"
I guess it's hard for me to write like cohesive scenes like I'm used to writing slightly connected oneshots like 5 + 1 type stuff, shortish scenes that arnt connected much. But writing like stuff with connected plots is difficult, coming up with ideas for plot is easy actually writing it all together is hard.
Like theres like this fantasy high mafia road trip thing au (the title would be Pretty like a Car Crash from some song I think) I'd want to write but... trying to put together a whole plot ugh I enjoy writing lil oneshots and scenes but trying to get it all figured put is hmm not my strong suit.
Like writing out whole scenes that are connected with actual plot is hard so I just write unconnected scenes and all I'd like to figure out how to do like whole stuff but idk.
Actually some writing (fantasy high riz and aelwyn friendship I've been cooking up) under the cut cuz it got pretty long
I'm not going to write out a whole entire plot multiple chapter thing here so I'll just write some stuff that I've been working on. Even though this is a multi chartered plot thing so.
The road to recovery is paved in sleepless nights and tired mornings. (Title)
The bad kids are rightfully wary about letting them hang out together. Partly because they're both paranoid enough to think the other would take an attack of opportunity on them. Of course what the bad kids didn't expect was for them to band together when someone else gets murdered. Basrar gets framed for murder. Riz and aelwyn are on the case.
Riz doesnt like or trust Aelwyn. Aelwyn doesnt care about his opinion, but it's easier to try and get along with each other to make this long suffering case go by quicker.
Aelwyn decided to stop doing super toxic things because her sister and jawbone have gotten her to and because she doesn't like or enjoy going to parties getting rekt and kissing strangers anymore. So she needs new, slightly less toxic habits and if staying up late researching stuff while not sleeping is that then the only one to also do that would work. Putting her high intelligence to good use. (Sleeping is hard for both of them, so why not be productive instead of going to have a bad time sleeping.)
They've both killed more people then they should have. They both refuse to talk about too much with jawbone, even though at this point they really should. Instead they avoid all of their problems by solving cases and researching stuff. They both value knowledge. Adaine isn't here because she'd only discourage them and they know it's not healthy to burn out like this but. Well. It's the only way they know how to function. So. They don't talk about their feelings or anything. They both don't sleep at all if they can help it. They just work themselves to the bone, refuse to sleep because of really bad nightmares and hope it's enough. It isnt. But they'd really like to think it was.
Combined, they would sleep about 6 hours, riz passed out for 4 and aelwyn trancing fitfully for 2.
(Aelwyn will trance for just a few hours, sitting in a creaky old chair while riz works on something or other. They make it a rule to always have one of them awake if the other is sleeping when they end up working late. Paranoia and all that. So whenever riz inevitably passes out in his desk aelwyn will keep watch and go over spells in her book to keep herself awake. It's a shot system but it works for the most part. Sometimes they'll both stay up the entire night, sometimes theyll both be too exhausted to stay up anymore and fall asleep at the same time.)
To solve the case they hole up in rizs office for a few days, everyone panics at first when neither go to school and then riz and aelwyn dont answer their crystals cuz it wasnt charged and they were so focused on the case they forgot to do school. They freak out considering what happend last time and actually bust down the door of his office and find them both sleeping. It's cute but they wake up and start fighting them before they realize oh it's just the bad kids.
(Undetermined time later)
"Just had to get away from adaine for a bit. She worries about me too much."
"Are you giving her reason to be worried?"
"I dont know how sam and adaine and everyone else can forgive me. I'm a terrible person." Alewyn
"Were. You were a terrible person. You arnt anymore. Even if you think you still are, you arnt anymore. The horrors you have done are not who you are. Or something like that. The you who did all the terrible things is still you and that sucks but you just have to do better now" Riz
"It doesnt make up for all the stuff I've done."
"Probably not. It might never."
"Ostentasia still hasn't talked to me or even been in the same room as me. and I cant blame her. I cant forgive myself."
"Yeah. I mean you did put her in a palimpsest prison for several months. And then almost get her and the other maidens sacrificed to our evil vice principle dragon. That's pretty messed up "
She feels she doesnt deserve her new family. She hasn't done anything to deserve their free love. She in fact has done more to hinder it than anything.
Adaine reminds her of love without expectations. It's hard to remember but shes getting better at it.
Jawbone tells her he wanted to adopt her. She didnt understand why. Shes almost old enough to be on her own she doesnt need anyone to look out for her. But it would be nice to have a parent who cares. At least that's what adaine tells her.
Everyone else is getting better and they both feel like they're not.
This is by no means all of it or in any way done or edited and I'm still working on riz parts of it, those are much more difficult than aelwyns for me to write as of now because they're so based on my own personal stuff kinda but I'm so wicked excited to be writing this! I just think they're friendship would be so intersting and all!
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fancoloredglasses · 5 years
Crisis issue 3 “Oblivion Upon Us” (AKA The Purge: Multiverse Edition)
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(Thanks to DC Database)
OK, so to recap...we have 4 of 6 series-centric characters (and the disembodied voice of the fifth) revealed, two of five pillars that seem to be crucial to the Monitor’s plans guarded, one of the Monitor’s assembled team MIA, a rapidly dwindling number of universes (sorry Captain Carrot), and Earth-1 about to removed from that number.
Caught up? Good, cuz the cast is about to more than triple in size (and is only going to get bigger as the series progresses).
I also want to note that I’m not going to explain who everyone that appears is unless they’re important to the plot. There are just too many and I’d like to finish this before the sequel to Justice League comes out.
That all being said, let’s continue...
The Monitor studies Alexander Luthor. Alex is composed of matter and antimatter (and didn’t explode? Someone tell Mr. Scott that ye can change the laws of physics!)
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...no doubt due to his journey from Earth-3 to Earth-1. Harbinger slips away to inform the Big Bad. Psycho-Pirate tells him that Harbinger’s loyalties are conflicted and offers to use his powers to fix that. The Big Bad refuses, saying that Harbinger will eventually do his bidding and kill the Monitor.
We then visit the 30th century, where the Flash has been living after being framed for murder (long story that I’m not telling now). He sees the wall of white that’s threatening the universe and decided to return to his own time to warn everyone (not sure what good that will do...), but as Batman, the Outsiders, and the Teen Titans witness the Flash’s return, he is enveloped in a strange energy and teleported away.
For whatever reason, we switch to the cybernetic super villain Brainiac, who is in space and sees the wave of white. That’s it. Kinda pointless, actually.
Next we go to Markovia during WW2 (I’m assuming Earth-1, as Sgt. Rock’s Easy Company is among those in attendance). Blue Beetle’s trying to guard the pillar while Dr. Polaris and (Markovian native) Geo-Force are busy fighting Nazis. (Geo-Force because he feels obligated to defend his homeland 20 years before he was born, and Dr. Polaris because it means he can murder people and no one will care) Easy Company and the Losers (the WW2 strike team, not the guys in the 2010 movie) investigate the pillar, but the wave of white comes in and envelops the Losers. Then come the shadows. They take out Easy Company’s “Flower”. (I don’t know his actual name as I never read any Sgt. Rock comics) and attempt to do so to Blue Beetle, but Beetle’s mystical scarab (why a tech hero has a mystical artifact, I don’t know) saves him, but his shoulder is trashed.  Monitor sends him home. (that’s two down)
Meanwhile, at the Planet of the Apes Great Disaster, Solivar has been injured enough to be sent home as well. (make that three)
We now switch to the fourth pillar in Earth-1′s Old West (why aren’t there pillars on any other Earth?), where we see the heroes from DC’s western titles: Bat Lash (no relation), Jonah Hex, Johnny Thunder, Scalphunter, and Nighthawk. Joining them are Psimon, Cyborg, John Stewart, and Firebrand. The shadows arrive shortly after, and John’s ring dies due to the Central battery going kaboom back in issue 2. Nighthawk retreats, only to run into the white wave.
Meanwhile, at the Monitor’s satellite, the Monitor is ready to start Phase 2 of his plan...just in time for Harbinger to kill him.
Thus ends Issue 3 (and apparently the Monitor) Stay tuned for Issue 4.
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kpopkrappykraftbin · 7 years
Steampunk Cartographer! Jun
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picture credit to the innocence: do not crop or edit logo (yes it’s there in black at the bottom, i promise)
Something me and my friend @sunshine-trash came up with one night when it was past our bed times
Eccentric and he knows it, kinda takes pride in it-- he’s not a jerk about it but doesn’t try to hide it
Literally travels all the time (obviously) sits first class in the blimp
Always pulling snacks out of his inner jacket pockets to eat while traveling
They somehow never run out
Does politely flirt with blimp stewardesses when they stop by to ask if he wants a beverage or pillow
“Excuse me sir, would you like something to drink?”
“Only if it’s as sweet as you.”
His actual home is probably a smaller apartment since he doesn’t stay there often
It’s got a lot of light wood textures though like a wood coffee table, wood shelves, wooden knick knacks collected on trips
His kitchen is also pretty small with a bare pantry, he prefers to eat out and meet friends when he is home
You work as a greeter at the air docks for international travelers, checking their passports and welcoming them to the city
You first saw Jun after one of his many trips coming through the customs lines
But it wasn’t your line
It was your friend Joshua’s
Who is also a greeter
You kinda just look longingly at him from your station whenever you see him cuz somehow he always chooses Joshua’s line
He hasn’t caught you staring at him yet
But Joshua has
And Vernon, who occasionally visits you when he’s on break from the coffee shop at the docking station
Vernon thinks it’s hilarious that you have a crush on the obviously well traveled and eccentric stranger
He jokingly calls the him your husband
Joshua thinks it’s cute too
Until you hastily force him out of his station the next time you see the stranger come through
You greet Mr. Handsome like all other travelers and he seems not to pay any attention to the difference in greeters
You obviously hadn’t expected any sort of big romantic eye meeting and him confessing to you but you were still kinda bummed that it didn’t happen
You do continue to steal Joshua’s line however every single time he comes back into town
It’s not until you two meet at Jeonghan’s bar that you actually talk to each other
You sing at Jeonghan’s bar every last Friday of the month
Jun coincidentally happens to be there this time visiting the bartender, Minghao
Mingyu also frequents the bar and  likes to bother Minghao
The three are having a conversation as you sing some cool 20s smooth music
You can’t see Jun cuz all the lights are low so you don’t know he’s there and he’s so focused on visiting that he hasn’t even checked who the entertainer is for tonight
but he does think she sounds beautiful
A little later in the conversation Minghao jokingly asks Jun how is wife is doing
To which Jun replies “I still haven’t decided how to confront her, imagine how weird it would be to have a total stranger approach you at work and say ‘hey I think love you would you be mine’”
“Well you don’t have to be that creepy about it”
Jun lays his head on the bar in dramatic defeat
The mention of Jun’s situation reminds Mingyu of what his co-worker Vernon told him about one of the greeters at the air dock station and how she jokingly called a frequent flyer her husband
“What did you say your wife’s-- the greeter’s name was again?”
“Apparently Joshua. That’s what the name plate at her station says at least.”
“Oh no, that’s Y/N, she’s been switching Joshua’s station every time this one traveler comes through”
“Y/N is actually the singer up right now”
Jun is now very intent on seeing who’s been singing all night now and finds out oh wow yep that’s the cute greeter
He’s freaking out about how to talk to you since he finally has a chance to converse with you like a normal person without the pressure of a long line behind him
Minghao assures him that you always get a drink (alcoholic or not) from the bar on your break and that Jun can talk to you then, he’ll introduce you
So after finishing your first set you head to the bar and see you husb-- the handsome guy you’ve been drooling over for the past few months
And promptly decide to sit as far away as possible cuz you don’t want him to think that you’re stalking him
Minghao is giving Jun very obvious verbal cues to go approach you
And he does so in a way he thinks seems really nonchalant
Moving closer by switching over a chair about every 20 seconds
Which was really not inconspicuous and made you nervous cuz “why is he coming closer??”
When he’s finally two seats over he stops stool hopping
And he kinda just stares at Minghao silently begging for help and refuses to look at you in fear that would make it awkward
He is wrong
It’s already awkward
After receiving no help from the bartender Jun finally resolves to just start conversation with you which goes like this
“You look very wife -- I mean nice!” he tries to cover up quickly
Luckily the irony of his word choice makes you laugh and break the tension
“Thank you”
It’s now that Minghao decides to finally help you and Jun along since Jun kind of stopped working after hearing you laugh
“Y/N, this is Jun. He’s an old friend of mine. Jun, this is Y/N.”
“I always thought the name Joshua didn’t suit you” Jun said jokingly
You thanked whoever was above because it would have been so awkward if he hadn’t remembered you and you remembered him
But also oh boy, he knows you’ve been changing stations now
From there you two interact more naturally and Jun talks to you whenever he comes to the docking station
He purposely picks your line now so you don’t have to give Joshua the boot every time
After a couple more months Jun finally asks you out with no less than a dozen roses
To which you say yes
As the relationship progresses you start to take time off to go with Jun on his cartography adventures
the places he goes are so pretty and exotic
but you just stay close to the hotel cuz uh no you don’t want to go into uncharted territory thanks
Jun doesn’t mind, at least he gets to come home (hotel room) to you
You laughed your butt off the first time you saw him actually working on a map cuz he had the magnifying glasses on
And they made his eyes look like, 8 times bigger than they should be
He enjoys making you laugh so of course he milked it for all it was worth
“What? What’s funny? What’s so funny Y/N, hm?” as he gets closer to you before tickling your sides
Finally after over probably like 2 years of dating Jun wants to pop the question
One problem
He’s kind of eccentric
And his girlfriend is perfect so like??
The ring also has to be perfect??
So he pretty much starts searching all over the globe for the “perfect ring” but just tells you its mapping business cuz he wants to be romantic and surprise you
But after a while it gets old and you start to miss him since he’s gone so often
And after one of the many phone calls made between the two of you where you tell him you miss him a lot and wish he were with you cuz you miss his cuddles and his kisses and laugh and just his everything he decides that enough is enough
The ring doesn’t matter because the person he wants to marry is enough
He proposes at  the air dock station when he’s coming home
He most definitely held up the line
But you said yes
The ring is simple and elegant with a medium sized diamond and a few surrounding smaller diamonds
There’s an inscription on the inside that says “In you I find home”
So when you got Jun’s matching wedding band (that does have a medium inset diamond cuz you know that boy’s gotta have the fancy stuff) you had the inscription “In you I find adventure”
He got teary eyed when he first saw the inscription
You can bet your bottom dollar he gave you a giant love filled hug after that and did not leave you alone for the next 24  hours
Lots of cuddles and nuzzling your neck lovingly cuz omg the affection and wow he loves you
You eventually tell him about your crush on him from before you met him and how you called him husband back then
He tried to make fun of you “Of course you did, how could you not love me at first sight? I’m devastatingly handsome?”
“You look very wife” you shut him up by teasing him about your first actual encounter
It kinda backfires cuz he’s cheesy
“See, even then, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you”
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letstrysomefanfic · 7 years
I Thought We Already Weren’t PART 3 (Peter Parker x Reader Angst)
Request: anonymous asked: Ooh I love angst!! Can you do something where the reader has a huge crush on peter but he likes Liz and he asks her out on date and he asks the reader for help with everything so she basically plans the whole thing for him and he keeps saying things like “wow ur such a good friend” and out of jealousy she asks Flash on a date and they start to go out and Peter says he’s not good enough for her and they get into a huge argument and deicde it’s better if they stop being friends…
Word Count: 1,772
Warnings: angst... lot’s of it 
A/N: So wow i gotta admit this one’s gotta be the saddest i think out of all the parts haha sorry (not sorry) and hey, if you want, it hurts more if you listen to ‘Amnesia’ by 5SOS (just a thought, if you’re into feeling rly sad whilst reading this). But wow thanks so much to all those who’re enjoying this request-oneshot-turned-series! I’m soooooo glad you guys are loving it cuz i’m having such a ball writing it! ❤️❤️ So anyway I think I’m gonna be doing one last part after this, cuz i have such a great way of ending it, i think but more on that later ;} (also i didn’t edit or proofread this really so sorry for grammar lol)
again, anon, if you’re out there THANK YOU for this request ❤️❤️
Part 1   Part 2   Part 4
“Helloooo? Earth to Peter…” Liz summoned Peter from his deep thoughts about what Flash could possibly try to do tonight to ‘wow you’. He jerked his head toward her, off his propped up forearm.
“Sorry,” he stammered. “What were you saying again?”
“I was just asking what you got for number four ‘cause my equation looks different from yours…” Liz looked at him with concern. “Are you okay?” she whispered.
“Hm? Yeah yeah, no yeah I’m good,” he squeaked. Crap he thought.
“Are you sure, Peter? Because you’ve been—”
“Liz, I’m fine,” he snapped. She withdrew a little, eyebrows still furrowed with worry. Peter immediately regretted speaking so sharply; he knew she was only worried and wasn’t trying to be annoying. But every time he was with her he felt guilty. He would spend the entire time in her company trying to force himself to not feel that way, or at least figure out why; but he just couldn’t.
“Okay, come on,” she grabbed ahold of Peter’s wrist firmly and led them away from their library table.
“What—where’re we going?”
Liz led them up the stairs, through the science wing, up the narrow fire escape stairway, until they finally hit open air. She leaned back on an AC unit, and even though her arms were crossed, her face was soft and expectant.
“Look, I know I’m not supposed to push and stuff if you don’t want to tell me what’s going on,” she began. “But, Peter, you gotta give me something! You have to talk to me.”
“W—What?” he stammered. “We are talking, what do you mean I don’t want to tell you what’s going on? Nothing’s going on…”
Liz cocked her head at him, “Nothing going on? Peter, you haven’t been yourself lately, and it’s making me kinda worried.”
Peter hung his head. The last time he had a conversation about him not being himself still stung potent in his mind. The last thing he wanted now was for this discussion to end up like the last one.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been myself lately,” he pleaded. “I just… honestly just… I… I don’t know what’s going on with me, like I’m trying to figure it out but I just can’t and—” Peter faltered when he saw Liz’s eyes. The worry was hidden behind a deep sadness that he didn’t even know could be seen through someone’s eyes. “What?” he shakily asked.
“I know what’s going on with you, Peter,” Liz whispered. “And I think you know it too, but you don’t want to admit it. God, this sucks,” she muttered. She glanced up, blinking rapidly, trying to put back the tears that were forming against her will. “But that’s what makes you all the more so… so… so good and this so fucking hard.”
Peter couldn’t even speak. He could feel his old friend, guilt, clawing up his stomach and latching onto his chest. He knew what was coming, and he knew why, but he didn’t want to believe it. Part of him wanted what was coming too, but not like this. No, this was going to hurt too much.
Liz took a shaky breath, “I know you haven’t been hanging around Ned and (Y/N) as much. I know you and (Y/N), had like this… this falling out kinda thing. I know you haven’t been the same since that. I know you see me differently now, even though you try so hard to fight against it and not show it, and for that, Peter, thank you. Because I know that that’s so hard to do.
“But I also know how you look at her—don’t feel guilty; you can’t help it. You know you can’t keep a secret to save your life. It’s also just one of those things no one can help or hide. I’ve seen the way you look at her, Peter. It’s okay,” she uncrossed her arms and gripped Peter’s shoulders. His eyes were welling up as well, no matter how hard he clenched his throat or bit his lip. “That way you look at her, Peter? You used to look at me just like that, when you thought I wouldn’t notice. Well, there was less sadness in your eyes then, but considering all things now…”
Peter regretted that what she was saying was true. It was every little thing that had gone through his mind these past couple weeks, but refused to truly believe. He wished it didn’t have to be like this. There had to have been some other way this could’ve played out where no one was crying, where no one was regretting anything.
The only thing he could muster out was a small, “I’m sorry…”
Liz pulled him into a hug. For the first time in weeks, this one didn’t feel empty. Peter didn’t feel distant or like he wanted it to be over so it wouldn’t feel awkward. This was a hug he didn’t want to step away from because it felt real.
“I know,” she whispered. “But I don’t want to be part of the reason you’re not happy.” They stood there, softly holding each other for what they knew was probably the last time. “I just regret not asking sooner. I can’t imagine what it must be like, carrying that around with you all this time…”
“You don’t deserve this,” Peter mumbled into her hair. He felt her exhale a chuckle.
“Yeah, but,” she pulled away, looking down, “life isn’t really about deserving, is it?”
Peter echoed her movements, anxiously twiddling his fingers as Liz began to walk back to the exit.
“Just promise me, you guys’ll both figure it out, okay?” she called back. Peter looked up at her, forcing himself to nod. Liz’s lips pursed into a bittersweet smile, and she turned and shut the door behind her, leaving a physically, mentally, and emotionally numb Peter.
Sightings of Spiderman had doubled within these last few weeks, and the crime rate dropping by nearly the same amount. Many were applauding his productivity, wondering how Queen’s local hero had become so efficient and driven lately.
But you and Ned knew why. It was his distraction. Like those Flash dates had been for you. At least Peter’s was more constant and fulfilling than just your two hours every week.
It wasn’t like the hot air balloon lunch upstate wasn’t completely distracting, or the early screening of some new movie Flash was into (seriously impressive, you had to admit). They worked, but just for a short while. And once you really thought about it, you found that you felt worse afterward than you did before. You were just reminded of how you were trying oh so hard to forget the main reason you were doing those dates in the first place. It was like how you try so hard to forget something that you end up having it come to mind more.
Once Peter and Liz ended things, it didn’t stop your pain. But it did make you realize what you were doing was pointless. So you ended it. Not like Flash cared much anyway. But why make Peter suffer anymore than he was already. He didn’t need the weight of seeing you with Flash, added on to his guilt and sadness from Liz, crushing him more. 
“So what do you wanna watch now?” Ned asked, scrolling through the menu.
“I’m cool with anything really.”
As he selected ‘Ferris Buller’s Day Off’, he passed you the popcorn bowl. “So… have you talked to Peter yet?” he tried to ask lightly and casually.
You sighed, “You know I haven’t.”
Ned turned to you, his voice dropping into a more serious tone. “I think it’s about time you guys face this head on, you know? Confront it. Confront him. Well maybe not confront him, but at least talk to him—”
“Honestly, Ned, I think I’m just gonna feel a whole lot shittier if I do that.”
“Well I can’t keep being the mediator between you two! Honestly I always feel like I have to evenly split my time between you two, running from one end of school to the other just to hang with my two best friends, who don’t even want to talk to each other!”
“You know you don’t have to do that, Ned.”
“I know but I do anyway. ‘Cause I love you guys and if I can do anything to help you guys be happy, I will! So, that’s why I’m saying you guys need to talk.”
“I don’t even know if he’s ready, you know? To talk? I mean it’s only been like what? Two weeks since, you know... That’s not that long—”
“Pretty sure he is now.”
“‘Pretty sure’?”
Ned glanced up from his phone. “Almost positive,” he assured.
You stared at the floor, contemplating whether it was worth it to or not to reopen that wound. You knew you both knew that you had hurt the other. What you didn’t know was whether you were ready to admit why. Why you were hurt in the first place, why you hurt him in return.
Suddenly the bed lurched as Ned leapt off of it, jerking you out of your head. “Sorry, I uh—,” he stumbled to shove his feet back in his shoes. “—I gotta go, I just remembered my mom set a new curfew, so… yeah.”
“What?” your brows furrowed. “Since when?”
“Since now, apparently?”
“Sorry, (Y/N)! Enjoy Ferris Buller without me, I’ll see you Monday!” he sped out your door.
“Okay…? Bye?”
As your front door slammed shut with a loud BANG, you pulled out your phone and texted Ned to let you know when he got home. Reading the clock’s display of 10:41, you found it odd that Ned would suddenly barge out like that. You figured you could interrogate him on it back in school, so you laid back and started to scroll through your phone. As early as it was, you found yourself dozing off. Your eyes had just fluttered closed when—
*tap tap tap*
You bolted up, eyelids heavy, not sure if you had really heard it. Grabbing the remote, you shut the TV and listened again. Nothing. Beside you, your phone buzzed and you read Ned’s message.
You up still? it read.
Yeah why???? you replied.
No later had you hit the send button did you hear the window tapping again. You were sure it was real this time, and your body automatically responded faster than your mind did. Throwing the curtains back and raising the window, your heart beat up to your brain. You had no idea where this was going to take you. As you saw those fluffy brown curls amongst the scarlet and blue, your breath caught.
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