#this is my fifth rewatch of the first 3 eps an my second of the new one
beesandbis · 8 months
Ed was not holding on to Stede's hand in a romantic way at the end of ep 3. He was trying to squeeze hard enough to break it
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wander-wren · 4 months
as i do my fifth full rewatch of tristamp i’m going to make a list of my favorite details in each episode. the ones i always wait for and have to restrain myself from talking over when they happen. starting with the first three:
ep 1
vash’s little “need a hand?” joke i’m sorry it’s silly
mmm the plant light reflections on vash’s sunglasses tastey
the first shot he takes at the cluster bomb with the low angle and the sand and his jacket blowing…..we all know it. chefs kiss
THE MUSIC IN THE DUEL TOO idk anythinggggg about music i could not even tell you what instrument that is but the little. mmf. higher pitched louder four or five notes. it makes my brain happy
i should spontaneously learn to video edit and make this a compilation so i can just have it
you already know i have to mention vash dodging bullets at point blank range BUT ALSO i don’t think we give enough love to the casual flipping the guy over his shoulder. love love love
ep 2
vash’s. little. noises. in the chase scene. need i say more
does roberto call vash a puppy in this episode? he must there’s no time for it in the other two. it’s silly
we need more tomas rides i could watch them ride toma FOREVER its so pleasing to look at and the thump of the steps is good
ftr this is dub but the nebraska family have some REALLY funny lines. “he’s using rocks, our worst enemy!!!” and “haven’t you any pride as a gunman?” “eh, not really!” killed me
that slow-mo shot where vash is shooting nebraska’s bullet is so good. and iconic. i have it on a sweatshirt lol. while i’m thinking about it, shoutout to vash’s little glove w only two fingers bc i’m obsessed with it
and his gay little earring but we all know about that
ep 3
eg the mime’s little entrance is just interesting to watch. why his body move like that. i just like looking at him. what a weird specimen
i really meant to just point out smaller details but ugh, wow, i love when vash jumps on his cage and points his gun at him like “that’s enough” OH HE’S SERIOUS. ETHAN I WOULD LISTEN TO THE MAN
nai being barefoot and walking in the blood is so. so.
“does their praise cure it? the loneliness?” is something i’ve talked about before but it KILLS me i feel threatened i feel like a tiny animal i am Unsafe with this man. we could talk about whether he’s talking about vash or himself there too but that’s for a different post
i can’t even say anything about the entire second half bc every bit of the destruction of jeneora rock is soooooo
vash releasing tonis’s worms. the fact that the worms survived at all really
“how can you smile at a time like this?” “because i don’t deserve to cry” WAHH
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killerandhealerqueen · 2 months
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2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
3. how you feel about your current WIP
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
7. your preferred writing fonts
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
9. start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
13. a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
20. in what year did you publish your first fic?
26. are you able to write with other people around?
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
17. talk about your writing and editing process
16. favorite place to write
Jaz my beloved, hello!
2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
I normally write from an "omniscient" view point, so I don't really use like "character povs"
3. how you feel about your current WIP
Currently I'm working on my rewrite and I forgot how much I loved working on it. We are on ep. 27 though, which means we're getting to the mental hospital scene soon so that'll be fun. But I forgot how much fun it is to write it as well as liveblog/rewatch. God I love this stupid drama so damn much
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
The only unpublished wip I have rn has a lot of dialogue and not so much paragraphs...but this is the closest "paragraph" I could find
         “You’re right, I’m not” he agreed, just as Chen Yuzhi tripped over a rock and fell, causing him to cry out in pain before he rolled over to see the wolf coming straight towards him, its teeth barred. 
7. your preferred writing fonts
For headcanons, Times New Roman, size 12, for actual fic writing Helvetica size 11
9. start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
Hmm...last fic I posted (not updated cuz updated was 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer) was Second Chances. That fic, from start to finish...took me about...maybe 3-5 days?
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
Hmmm...good question. Maybe a few days...but it's very rare, unless a fic is fighting with me too much. I mainly work on the draft until it's done and then I post it (but I of course go over it one more time before I actually post, just to make sure I didn't misspell or forgot a word or something)
13. a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
Currently really only writing for CSI: Miami (trying to finish my multi-chapter fic, we're almost done), Killer and Healer, and S.C.I. I do have one more fic to post for White Cat Legend but other than that...I'm not really planning on writing for any new fandoms
16. favorite place to write
Either in my armchair by the window or in my bed. I can control the noise at home, so it makes it easy, and I don't have to worry about people trying to read my laptop screen
17. talk about your writing and editing process
Oof...there's not much to talk about. I get the idea, let it ruminate in my head, kind of start seeing scenes play out in my head/in dreams and then I just sort of...write. I've stopped trying to outline stuff because that just seems to fuck with my flow, so we don't do that anymore. But anyways, I just write until I'm content/I've told the story I want to tell, I'll bring up the "post a new work" page on ao3, type out all the necessary information, past the fic into the box, then copy and paste it into my notes app (cuz sometimes the formating from copying it from word to ao3 fucks up my indents) and then do a quick re-read/edit if I miss stuff and then I post. The only time I'll ever send a fic to someone (aka @ahhhnorealnamesallowed) is when I need a second pair of eyes/I'm sick of the fic but other than that...that's kinda how my process works
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
Oh, if you've read my fics you know that I research a lot of stuff for anything regarding my case fics, but I think the most interesting one is for my fic Violence Is Never the Answer...Except When It Is where I researched step by step instructions on how to clean a katana. There's never a dull moment in my fics, I promise you that, but that one was probably really interesting...and really in-depth
20. in what year did you publish your first fic?
Lord...like 2012? It was a fic that I wrote for a Kakavege fanart that I saw on Deviantart. I loved it and then messaged the artist if I could write a fic for it. They said yes and even linked it to their art. My deviantart account has since been deleted but that was definitely my first like true fanfic
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
I have no idea how to describe my writing...other than maybe out there, fantastical, exciting?
Idk Jaz, how would you describe my writing?
26. are you able to write with other people around?
Oh yeah, as long as they don't ask what I'm working on nor do they look at my laptop
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
Now...we all know that I'm very proud of 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer (and really, I should be) but I'm also really proud of For All Eternity because I flipped what I normally would do for Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi when writing xianxias/wuxias (I made Jiang Yuelou the immortal this time while Chen Yuzhi is the demon instead of the other way around) and yet I STILL kept them true to their personalities. So...yeah. I'm really happy with that fic and I hope more people read it because it's good (it's also inspired by Chinese Paladin 4 which was Mao's latest drama and my god was he gorgeous in that drama. He was also my favorite character but no one is surprised by this at all)
more fic writer asks | send me asks
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boysplanetrecaps · 5 months
The Great Produce 48 Rewatch: Ep 3, The Girls Practice for the Challenge Mission
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My dear friends who anxiously await my Produce 48 Recap Things! I forgot to post this -- sorry! This is the post that is supposed to go after this post but before this post. Sigh. I'll fix it sooner or later. So yeah, this post describes most of the second half of episode 3, where the girls begin practicing for their challenge mission.
So, this is the part of the episode where we see each group as it begins to assign parts and stuff like that.
Because MNET is *the worst* the girls clearly don’t have any translators working with them, so they can barely talk to each other if they don’t have a bilingual girl on their team. Great. Thanks, MNET Producers. Thmrucers.
The song:
Peekaboo came out in November of 2017, so it was the most recently released song among the eight at the time of filming. It peeked at #2 in the Kpop Hot 100 and was a critical darling. It’s also, in my opinion, just a great fucking song. I still remember being at Cafe Bene in K-town having some coffee when I first heard this song. I had to shazam it to find out what it was, and was surprised that it was Red Velvet. I had heard of Red Velvet, but as a fan of f(x), I had felt weird about getting into them. Seems dumb now! Anyway, this song was too good to deny and after that I was full on Reve-luv. The song is little bit trop house, a little bit pop, and 100% melodic, and the lyrics -- which compare love to a game played by children -- are fun and intriguing. The concept, too, was a lot of fun -- kind of mysterious, almost horror, but playful at the same time. Not totally sexy, but a little sexy; not totally cute, but a little cute; not girl crush, but the kind of girls you get a crush on. And catchy as all get out. It’s a great song to choose in the sense that it’s a great song, but it would be tricky to perform well, because the concept is so nebulous and mature. I mean, who else but Irene can make the word “Peekaboo” sound so elegant and cryptic? 
Team 2:
At 57:07, we have a super quick visit with Peekaboo 2.
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Left to right: Yujeong, Yeji, Yubin, Yuuka, Miu, and Dahye
Hong Yeji, 16, one of the CNC girls, the one who fell down in her video evaluation and then fell from B to F, is ranked 76thth.
Kato Yuuka, 20, who auditioned with Funny People and rose from C to B, is ranked 73rd.
Kim Da Hye, who auditioned with I Don't Like Your Girlfriend and fell from A to C, is ranked 89th.
Kim Yu Bin, 16, one of the CNC girls, fell from B to D and is currently ranked a very low 93rd. OUCH.
Lee Yu Jeong, 14, future Lightsum member and C-class mainstay, is ranked 48th.
Shitao Miu, 17, who wore the hat on her waistband in her Mister audition, stayed in D and is ranked 45
Kim Yubin was the chooser, so it makes sense she would have chosen Yeji, her labelmate. Yubin has somehow been made both leader and center, and the team seems focused on what their team name should be. You guys, I never remember the names that they come up with for these teams. I don’t remember the names of most performance teams I’ve actually been on! I’m not sure they matter. They begin to rehearse, and we find out that Kim Da Hye is actually half Korean and half Japanese and speaks both languages fluently. What a VIP! The whole team is grateful to her. 
It’s weird, but this is all we see of this team! Slightly less than a minute. I’m sure the fact that this group has the lowest average ranking of all 16 groups (70.6, when the other groups range from 16.8 to 63.6) has no connection to their lack of screen time, right? It’s just a coincidence. 
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Left to right: Jurina, Gyuri, AleXa, Gaeun, Yiren, Eunyeong
Peekaboo 1 (58:00):
Then we hop over to  Peekaboo 1. Jurina was the captain/chooser for the group, and they got their choice of song. The group was formed fifth, which means that Jurina had a decent talent pool to choose from. 
The members:
Bae Eunyeong, the mint Chewing Gum girl, who landed in B and was most recently ranked 30th
Jang Gyuri, the pink Chewing Gum girl and Fromis9 member, who landed in F and was most recently ranked 14th
Lee Gaeun, our Pledis queen, who was always an A+ girl and was most recently ranked 1st place
Matsui Jurina, queen Jurina, who stayed in B and was most recently ranked 12th
Wang Yiren, future Everglow visual, who landed in C and was most recently ranked 7th 
AleXa, who landed in C and was most recently ranked 86th place (ouch!)
Fun side note: Peekaboo was written by Swedish DJ/songwriter Cazzi Opeia, who later on wrote a bunch of songs for AleXa, including Back in Vogue! 
The group dynamic:
This group has a bit more language challenge than some, because AleXa is American, Yiren is Chinese, Jurina is Japanese, and the other three are Korean. Yiren speaks some Korean, and a few girls speak Japanese, but there are certainly layers of difficulty. 
It’s kind of interesting that Jurina chose AleXa -- they probably met when they were both in group B -- and also kind of interesting that she didn’t choose any Japanese trainees. I’m not sure what to make of that. Jurina also would have met Jang Gyuri and Wang Yiren in B group, so maybe she just mostly picked friends. Well, some Very Pretty friends! 
Eunyeong and Gyuri are labelmates and went through Idol School together before they came on this show. But there is definitely some tension between them, which might have something to do with the fact that Gyuri won Idol School and still came on this show.
The storyline:
First, Eunyeong volunteers to be leader since she already knows the choreo to Peekaboo. It doesn’t hurt that she also speaks Japanese. Then they start talking about who should be center -- The Inevitable Center Discussion, henceforth known as the ICD --  and Gaeun says that although all of the girls are suitable, she thinks that the center should be either Yiren or Gyuri. To me that seems like a good idea, as they are both “the prettiest ones” (per Korean standards). After a quick conversation, the group is starting to settle on the very highly ranked and popular Gyuri, but Eunyeoung interrupts and says that they should have both Yiren and Gyuri “audition” to be center. 
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LTR: Jurina, Gyuri, AleXa, Gaeun, Yiren, Eunyeoung
They both do well, but Gyuri giggles a little at the end and I think that loses it. After seeing each of them try the ending pose, the team votes for Yiren. Yiren is overjoyed, and Gyuri does her best to accept it, but man, that had to hurt, having a labelmate do that. You really have to wonder what is going on between Gyuri and Eunyoung. Was there actual animosity, or were they such good friends that Eunyoung went overboard in being “fair”? 
Look, if I ran things, I’d have put Gauen in the center, because I think she might be the only one on the team who can do the Irene-esque mysterious gravitas. But failing that, I'd choose Gyuri, because (a) the popularity issue and (b) Yiren doesn’t sparkle in more girl-crush concepts. I know that’s what she does now in Everglow, and um, yeah. I said what I said. 
Lingering question: Did the team make the right choice putting Yiren in the center instead of Gyuri? Will getting 4x the screen time give these girls an advantage in the at-home vote, rendering the issue of the performance win kind of moot either way?
The song:
Ok, I can’t help but love this song. It’s among my favorite Twice songs, actually. The lyrics should bother me -- bragging about how pretty they are and all that -- but am I bovvered? I also love the choreo -- it’s not particularly difficult, but it’s cute and varied, with fun little details like the air flute and the little choo-choo-train.  No surprise this song is great -- it was written and produced by Black Eyed Pilseung, a production duo that is also behind a ton of huge Kpop hits, including Twice songs "TT", "Likey", and  "Fancy"; Apink's "I'm So Sick" and "Eung Eung (%)"; Got7’s “If You Do,” ; Chung-ha’s “Roller Coaster” and “Gotta Go,”; StayC’s “ASAP” “Run 2 U” and “Beautiful Monster,” and Itzy’s “Cake,” which I really like so fight me I guess. Also “Beep Beep” by Ruann, which if you don’t know, you should check out. 
Like Ooh Ah was Twice’s debut, and it had a bit of a slow burn, entering the charts at 22 and hanging out for a while before eventually hitting 10th place. It has since, of course, grown into an enduring and well loved hit, with almost 500 million views on Youtube. 
This group will be performing the song in Japanese, but I still think that this was a smart choice for a song. The choreo is cute but not outrageously difficult. The tune isn’t too hard either. It would be completely familiar to the audience, and given Twice’s popularity, it’s hard to imagine many viewers who actually dislike it. And since the concept of the song was that the individual members were all dressed a little bit differently from one another, group coherence would be a lot less important here than it would be in other songs. 
Like Ooh Ahh 1 (1:02:00)
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LTR: Moe, Soyeon, Doah, Chaewon, Riina, and Haeyoon
The next group we visit is Like Ooh Ah 1. The captain was Soyeon, and my best guess based on the evidence is that, as improbable as it sounds, this group was formed 9th or 10th. It’s a pretty stacked team, though. They got their choice of song -- in fact, from what we could see in the editing, this was their first choice. 
The members:
Goto Moe, the laryngitis girl, who moved from F to C and was most recently ranked 8th.
Hwang Soyeon, the flat tummied “little Sunmi” who stayed in A and was ranked 46th. 
Kim Chaewon, future Le Sserafim, who stayed in B class and was ranked 21st.
Kim Doah, future member of Fanatics and visitor to GP999, who moved from A to C and was ranked 25th. 
Lee Seunghyeon, aka H1-Key’s Riina, who moved from B to C and was ranked 60th.
Park Haeyoon, my new Cherry Bullet bias, who moved from A down to D and was ranked 35th. 
The group dynamic:
Soyeon was the captain and group chooser, and she chose two former A-group members, whose skills she would have been familiar with.  It’s possible that she’d been talking to her labelmate Damin, who was in group B, and would have met Chaewon and Riina and known what they were capable of. And Moe has a compelling story that would make her stand out among the Japanese trainees. So really, I think Soyeon did a great job choosing this team. 
Looks like they have chosen Haeyoon, the oldest in the group and a Japanese speaker, to be the leader. 
The storyline:
Of course, they dive immediately into the ICD. Riina and Moe are the only two who raise their hands as wanting to be in the center, and they each audition. Riina’s energy wins her the part. 
They dive into choreo, and Moe hits a bit of a wall with the classic “ooh-ah, ooh-ah” butt wiggle. Haeyoon kindly talks Moe through it. It's a cute scene -- I just don't have much to say about it.
Lingering questions: Is Riina the correct center? Will Moe be able to wiggle her butt? 
Like Ooh Ahh 2 (1:05:03)
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LTR: Park Seo Young, Naiki Kokoro, Park Jinny, Cho Kahyeon, Choi Yeon Soo
Next, we visit Like Ooh Ahh 2. The captain and chooser was Naiki Kokoro, and was probably formed 10th, 11th, or 12th, something in there. 
The members: 
Park Seo Young, age 19, the blonde who sat in Chair 1, fell from C to D and was ranked 26th at this point.
Naiki Kokoro, age 20, auditioned with Funny People, rose from D to C, and was ranked 82nd.
Park Jinny, age 20,  is the other “individual trainee” who auditioned with Seoyoung. She fell from C to F and was ranked 49th.
Cho Kahyeon, age 14,  is the Starship girl who isn’t Wonyoung or Yujin. She held steady in B and was ranked 36th. 
Lee Ha Eun, age 13,  is the “mini Chung-ha” girl who held steady in A, and was ranked 58th.
Choi Yeonsoo, age 19,  is one of the YGK+ models, the one who fell from D to F, and was ranked 52nd.
The group dynamic:
There’s only one Japanese speaker here, the captain Kokoro. Looks like she picked Park Jinny first, then Cho Kahyeon, then Haeun, then Yeonsoo, and Seoyoung last. I really can’t figure out her plan. She may have gotten friendly with Yeonsoo when they were in D together, but her reasons for picking the others aren’t obvious to me. 
The storyline:
Turns out that this group thought that Seoyoung should be both leader and center, so they sidestepped the ICD. They’re trying to start to learn the choreography, but they’re in a huge room with a ton of other other people, no dedicated soundsystem, and no mirror, so it’s hard. It’s just the first few minutes of their rehearsal -- you can see that in the background, the other Like Ooh Ah team is still distributing the parts -- so it really doesn’t matter if they can’t get it on the first try. But even so, the scary background music lets us know that THEY ARE HAVING A PROBLEM. 
Model Choi Yeon Soo interviews, “Haeun was in Class A.  And nobody else in the group is in A. She was put in that group because she’s talented. So it almost felt like Haeun was the real leader…. Both of them were subconsciously competing. They gave different commands. Meanwhile, I just stood off from the side. It’s stressing me out, to be honest.” 
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It’s awkward because Haeun is the youngest and the tiniest, but she’s also obviously the best. And Seoyoung seems to be losing more and more confidence by the minute. It’s not usually a great thing when someone is topping from the bottom. I get it, though. I am one of those people who can’t take it when the person who is supposed to be leading just isn’t doing it right. I try so hard to bite my tongue and hang back but… sooner or later, if the shit has to get done, then… I do it. 
Lingering question: Will they ever be able to have a smooth practice without stressing out Yeonsoo?
The song: I’m going to go ahead and assume you know this song, so I don’t need to tell you that it was one of Blackpink’s two debut songs and all that. It’s not my favorite Blackpink song of all time -- that’s Whistle, if you’re wondering-- but of course I like this one too. It’s hard to imagine a world where I had never heard of Blackpink at this point, but that time once existed. I remember hearing Boombayah playing in another room (I had left a playlist of new songs playing) and hearing it and wondering, who is that? Weird, right? Anyway, despite this song not really being about anything, it’s a pretty great song, with really hard choreo and a lot of fast rapping, and it’s going to be difficult for whatever team tries to do it. It’s got super low notes in the chorus (it’s hard to sing lower notes when you’re dancing), it requires a ton of swag, a lot of it is intentionally not synchronized, I mean, this is hard. 
Hell, it’s too hard for Blackpink these days. Yep, I said what I said. 
Boombayah 1 (1:06:51)
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Left to right: Won Soyeon, Ko Yujin, Lee Chaejeong, Park Changju, Kim Sohee
We visit first with Boombayah team 1. Lee Chaejeong was the chooser, and the group was formed 9th or later. 
Won Seoyeon, age 18, who auditioned to Heroine by Sunmi, fell from C to F and was ranked 77th at this point. 
Ko Yujin, age 17, the “Hyuna lookalike” who auditioned with Lip and Hip and rose from C to A. She was ranked 34th.
Lee Chaejeong, age 18, future member of Alice, stayed in C and was ranked 94th at this point. Ouch!!
Park Chanju, age 19, label mate of Chaejeong’s, fell from C to D and was ranked 69th. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Kim Sohee, age 14, future member of Rocket Punch, rose from C to B and was ranked 44th.
The group dynamic: Chaejeong probably picked Chanju because they’re label mates, and also, all five of them were together in C class initially, and they probably became friendly then. I think it’s smart to pick people who all get along with each other, since often the team that gets along better is the one that ends up winning. 
You may have noticed that there were only five of them, not six -- that’s due to the Japanese girls who dropped out. I scoured the footage and couldn’t find any shots in which there were six of them at any point. I can’t figure out why a team would volunteer to have only five members, but I can’t find any info to shed any light on this, so we’ll have to just sort of accept that something happened behind the scenes here. 
The storyline: 
To the strains of the Knight Rider theme song (possibly the best tv theme song of all time), we find out that Chaejeong picked the group with Boombayah in mind. Guess it’s a good thing that they got it! She thought Yujin would suit the song, that Chanju would learn it quickly, and that she needed Soyeon to sing. She added Sohee on purpose to provide cuteness. Naturally, given that she had a whole plan in mind, the team elects her leader immediately. 
Lingering question: 
Everything’s going so perfectly... Is it maybe too perfect? 
Boombayah 2 (1:08:47)
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LTR: Asai Nanami, Asai Yuka ?, Kang Hyewon, Han Chowon, Sato Manami, and Chiba Erii
Then we visit with the miserable leftovers team, forced to do Boombayah as well. Weirdly enough, despite being the leftovers team, they have a higher average ranking than Boombayah 1 -- 57.3 compared to 63.6. They’re also more popular than Love Whisper 2 or Mamma Mia 2. And everyone is more popular than Peekaboo 2. So yeah, while the leftovers team might lack skills, they don't lack popularity, exactly.
The members:
Asai Nanami, age 18, aka Sailor Venus, who rose from F to D and was ranked 41st.
Asai Yuuka, age 14, who auditioned with Knock Knock, rose from F to D and was ranked 80th. 
Kang Hyewon, age 18, Miss Purity herself, consistent F class girl ranked 40th. 
Han Chowon, age 15, future Lightsum member who rose from D to B, ranked 79th. 
Chiba Erii, age 14, aka Sailor Mercury, consistent F class girl ranked 38th.
Sato Minami, age 14, aka Sailor Mars, fell from D to F and was ranked 66th.
The group dynamic:
Poor leftovers group. It’s interesting that all three members of the Blow Him a Kiss group ended up here -- all three sailor scouts. It seems clear how most of these girls ended up in the leftovers team; they were all F or D class, and most of them were on the younger side. I can only guess that Chowon was left behind primarily because she doesn’t fit Korean beauty standards, with her darker skin, stronger features, and larger body. She’s beautiful, of course, but the standards are so narrow and so specific… sigh. Lookism is such a thing in Kpop but it's still gross and I hate it. 
The storyline:
The girls are mostly pretty hopeless. This was the song that they had most wanted to avoid. Yuuka interviews, “I knew that there was no use in crying, but the tears just wouldn’t stop.”
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But luckily for them, and for all posterity, they had Chowon. 
This 15 year old girl steps up to be both leader and center (and ultimately, main vocal) of this group, this group comprising one (1) perpetually bewildered Korean girl and four (4) terrified Japanese girls who she has trouble communicating with. The girls are scared to even sing for each other, and when Chowon brings up rapping, they say, “we’re even worse at rapping.” WHY ARE YOU ON THIS SHOW, THEN? Hyewon mumbles in a voice over, “I, um, was, um, gra..ateful or something? But, also um, sorry also? Too?”  After all, she wants to embody purity and innocence, which clashes with this song.
Chowon is like, “SOMEONE HAS TO RAP, YOU GUYS, BECAUSE THIS SONG CONTAINS RAP PARTS, HOW MUCH MORE SIMPLE CAN I MAKE THIS, THERE IS NO ONE ELSE WHO WILL STEP UP, SO IT HAS TO BE ONE OF US, HOLY SHIT” and Hyewon, bless her heart, volunteers to be main rapper. I’ll hand it to the girl -- at least she isn’t just sort of “avoid the teacher’s gaze”-ing her way through all this. She's doing the damn thing. Good for you, Hyewon.
She interviews that her parents had teased her that she might end up having to rap, adding, “that’s why you shouldn’t make jokes like that -- they might come true.” 
Lingering question: What will become of Boombayah team 2? Truly, what will become of us all? 
The song:
I don’t remember a lot about my first watch through of Produce 48, as I’ve said, but I do remember that I discovered the song Mamma Mia through it, and I’ve liked it ever since. It’s just one of those classic kpop songs where it sounds sort of retro but from no specific time, so it could kind of be from any time. If you don’t really know it, definitely give it a shot. It’s catchy AF. Hit the lights let’s GO! 
The song was produced by Duble Sidekick, who also produced Mr. Chu by A*pink, Pepe by CLC (underrated bop), You’re the Best by Mamamoo, Give It To Me by Sistar, and Thumbs Up by Momoland. Kara had debuted in 2007, so they were a well known senior group by 2014, when Mamma Mia was released. At the time of filming, the song would have been almost four years old, making it the oldest of the eight songs selected, but it was a pretty huge hit in 2014 and would probably have still been familiar to most of the audience at the time. 
Mamma Mia isn’t known for it’s extremely difficult choreography -- it’s more about being confident and sexy. But the vocals might be a bit challenging, with a lot of high notes. Also, I should mention that for Produce48, they’ll be performing the song in Japanese. 
Mamma Mia Group 1 (1:12:04)
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LTR: Park Minji, Kim Hyunah, Chiyori, Park Ji Eun, Murase Sae 
We first visit with Mamma Mia, group 1. This one was formed 9th or later. 
The members:
Kim Hyunah, age 23, who I call husky voiced Hyunah, from B class, ranked a sad 72. 😣
Murase Sae, 21, who auditioned with Funny People, rose from D to C and is currently ranked 43. 
Nakanishi Chiyori, 23,  who auditioned with What's Your Name?, rose from D to C, and is ranked 37. 
Park Jieun, 20,  future ex-Purple Kiss, who fell from C to F and was ranked 70th. 
Park Minji, age 19, PD101 trainee and future Secret Number member, from B class, ranked 56. 
The storyline:
We learn that Chiyori is apparently a master of hilarious facial expressions and that at the auditions she even did quick impressions of several of the judges.  It’s nice to get a peek into her funny personality. From now on I’ll call her “wacky Chiyori.” That’s about all we get, but it’s actually a fun segment. We also learn that Hyunah is chosen as center.
Lingering questions: Will Kim Hyunah make a good center?
Mamma Mia 2 (1:14:23)
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LTR: Ayana, Miho, Bibian, Suhyun, Soeun, Sarang 
Then we visit with the other Mamma Mia team.
The members:
Cho Sarang, 14, who sang Tomorrow at the audition, fell from B to F (ouch!) and is currently ranked 90th (ouch again!). She has an eyepatch on, and I did some digging but didn’t find out why. 
Choi Soeun, 16, who did Question Mark at the audition, fell from B to C and is currently ranked 92 (oh no!)
Miyazaki Miho, 24, our multilingual queen, who has stayed in D and is currently ranked 16th place
Murakawa Bibian, 18 but looks like a baby doll, firmly stationed in F class and ranked 31st
Shin Suhyun, 22, the show’s favorite punching bag, who fell from D to F and is ranked 57th 
Shinozaki Ayana, 22, one of the What's Your Name? group, with the beauty mark under her lip, firmly stationed in F class and ranked 87th
The group dynamic:
Bibian was the chooser for this group, and it was formed 9th or later. My best guess is that she picked people she knew or was friendly with, which at some point is just as good a reason to pick someone as any. 
The storyline:
We find out that Mamma Mia was on their “black list” -- a song they didn’t want to do since they didn’t know it. Sarang especially doesn’t know it -- well, sure, she would have been 9 or 10 when it came out. So they weren’t thrilled to get chosen to face off against Chiyori’s team and do this song. 
At the song chosing ceremony, as Miho's team walks over to stand next to Chiyori's team, Chiyori apologizes to her senpai/sunbae Miho, and host Lee Seungki asks, “Any words of warning to her as her sunbae?” 
And Miho replies, with (mock?) seriousness: “All I have is confidence! I definitely don’t want to lose against them!” 
Miho and Chiyori are both on AKB48, and they are 24 and 23 years old respectively, so they have probably known each other for a really long time. It makes sense that they would have a friendly rivalry. 
The team makes Miho the leader -- she’s the oldest in the group and apparently bilingual, so she’s ideal. I don’t know, gang, I just really like Miho! She just seems cool as shit.
We don’t see the choosing or any of the ICD, but Choi Soeun has been made center. 
We hear Sarang singing a little bit of the song, and she sounds great. She’s an obvious choice for main vocal. 
We glance back over at Mamma Mia team 1, where Park Minji is listening to Sarang’s singing a bit nervously. “Sarang-chingu is their main vocal,” Minji interviews, “and she hits the high notes well. I’m a bit conscious of her. In season 1, I got sent home when I was the main vocalist.” 
We get a flashback to PD101 Season 1, when Minji performed a different song by Kara -- Break It, another bop -- and fucking smashed it. Here’s a link -- she’s the one in the gray shirt that says “Babe”. Like, no question, she was amazing. Proof that these shows are dumb. Sigh. 
Lingering question: Which main vocalist will reign supreme?
The song:
This is one of those songs that if I’m not actually listening to it, I can’t remember how it goes. And when I am actually listening to it, I don’t know which Gfriend song it is in specific -- I just know it’s one of their earlier songs that all blend together. Is this Rough? Glass Bead? Me Gustas Tu? I don’t know. I don’t hate cute songs -- I love Secret Garden by OMG, for example -- but most classic Gfriend songs do nothing for me. (Exception: Navillera, which is a Never-skip for me. What can I say? It’s a bop.)
Even if it's not my personal favorite, Love Whisper was a big hit, and came out in August of 2017, making it pretty recent at time of filming. Like all Gfriend songs, the actual vocals required are quite challenging, and the dancing is tough too. Gfriend songs are no joke, no matter how cutesy they are. It’s not a bad choice for a team that can do it, but not everyone can.
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LTR: Nako, Nayoung, Damin, Sae, Misaki, and Eunbin.
At 1:16:07, we visit with both Love Whispers, starting with Team 2, a team chosen by Nako. 
The members:
Aramaki Misaki, 17, who auditioned with the blighted Never Ending Ferris Wheel group, has been stationed in F class, and is ranked 61st.
Kang Damin, 14, the cute future member of Queenzeye, went from B to A, and is ranked 74th.
Kim Nayoung, 15, future member of Lightsum who auditioned with I Don’t Like Your Girlfriend, went from C to A, and is now in 63rd place. 
Kurihara Sae, 21, who had the great bangs in Never Ending Ferris Wheel, who went from D to F and is now ranked 84th.
Yabuki Nako, 16, who moved up from F to A, is currently ranked 27th.
Yoon Eunbin, 14, one of the CNC girls, stayed in B, and is ranked 68th.
The group dynamic:
They were actually the third team formed, and Nako had a plan -- to choose kawaii girls. MNET brings out the good ol’ “cutey pie” music to celebrate -- you know, the “la la la” music they play. Nako must have known Sae and Misaki from being in HKT48 together. I don’t think she would have known the other girls, but Damin and Eunbin were in class B together, and they’re about the same age, so they probably got friendly with each other. Not sure if anyone knew Nayoung specifically, but they all live together in big dorms and probably meet each other around.  Regardless of exactly how Nako picked them, I must say,  if there’s a group that can knock Love Whisper out of the park, it’s this one. 
Almost immediately after we meet the Kawaii Avengers, we go over to visit with Love Whisper Team 1, so let’s get the roster up:
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Left to right: Motu Tomu, Serika, Manami, Wang Ke, Noe, and Eun Chae
Ichikawa Manami, 18, with the shorter hair, from What's Your Name?, rose from F to C, currently ranked 83
Muto Tomu, 23, who we are about to get to know better, a D class mainstay and ranked 28th. 
Nagano Serika, 17, who auditioned with Mister by Kara, has lived in F class and is ranked 81st.
Son Eun Chae, 18, future member of Bugaboo, who moved up from C to B and is ranked 85th.
Wang Ke, 17, a Chinese girl who had the red polka dots in Celeb Five, moved down from B to D and is ranked 33rd.
Yamada Noe, 18, with her gravelly voice, moved from C down to F and is ranked quite high in 9th place. 
We learn that our friend the palindrome, Muto Tomu, was the chooser for this team. This is kind of an interesting team in that it’s the only team with only 1 Korean trainee, and it’s one of two teams with four Japanese members. (All the other teams have 3 Japanese trainees or fewer.) Three of the Japanese members -- Manami, Tomu, and Serika -- are from AKB48, so Tomu may have chosen friends, but most of them haven’t really worked together much on the show. Tomu also chose a team without a decent vocalist. 
Having formed such a team, they decided that the only song that they absolutely could not do was Love Whisper. However, Tomu wasn’t the fastest runner, and by the time she got to the far wall during the race, the only song left was Love Whisper. She tried to just not win by not putting the sign in the sign holder, but somehow she was forced to “win” the race anyway. (Maybe both girls who grabbed Love Whisper refused to put the sign in the holder, so production had to intervene? It’s not clear.) Then because she came in second to last in the race, she had second to last choice of groups to face up against, and had a choice between the Cute Avengers or Sakura’s team, and chose the Cute Avengers. It was just not a good day for Tomu.
The storyline:
Tomu’s team all try to sing, but many of them cannot make sounds come out of their mouth. Of the group, it seems that Manami is actually the best singer -- she physically can hit the high notes. She doesn’t really want to be stuck with main vocal, but she’s the best option the team has. 
Meanwhile, over in the Cute Avengers, they’re choosing their main vocal, but they’re having the opposite problem -- they have a a few too many decent vocalists and have to choose the best one. Nayoung can sing -- well, she has “stable” vocals -- but so can Nako, who manages to sing while holding her mouth in a full, unmoving smile. 
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This girl is currently singing.  
She’s not making an “eee” sound, more like an “uhh” sound. It’s wild. It’s like some kind of ventriloquist trick the way she can sing while keeping her mouth firmly in a smile. She ends up winning main vocal. I’d give it to her, too. What other spells can she cast if she can do this kind of witchcraft? 
Lingering question: Is Nako the right choice of main vocal? Will Tomu’s team be able to pull it off? 
The song: 
Ok, I have to admit it -- this song is charming AF. It’s not super complex, and I think it would get old pretty fast, but it’s so cute and peppy that I can fully imagine playing it at my cousin’s wedding next May and having everyone get up and start dancing even though they’ve never heard it before. 
For the record, the title is an example of what my Japanese prof in college would have called “Japanese English” -- when they use an English phrase in a way that English speakers don’t use. You’re already familiar with this idea if you know the way that Koreans say “fighting!” In "Japanese English," “Tension” is supposed to mean something more like “excitement”, not stress.
[My favorite example of “Japanese English” is the word “viking” (pronounced more like “biking”)  which is the Japanese word for “all you can eat buffet.” Isn’t that great? I think we should just all start calling all you can eat buffets “Viking buffets” instead.] 
Team 1 (1:19:55)
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Top row, team 1, LTR:  Nakano Ikumi, Mogi Shinobu, Iwate Saho, Cho Yeoungin, Kim Dayeon, Yoon Haesol
Bottom row, team 2: Takeuchi Miyu, Cho Ahyoung, Huh Yunjin, Kim Suyun, Oda Erina
Team 1:
Cho Yeongin, 16, who auditioned alongside Lee Chaeyeong, moved from B to C and is ranked 62.
Iwatate Saho, 23, who auditioned with Miyu to Dancing Hero, moved from B to D and is ranked 24th.
Kim Dayeon, 15, future Kep1er, B class mainstay and ranked 65
Mogi Shinobu, 21, the living meme, who moved up from F to D and is ranked 59
Nakano Ikumi, 17, “known for her dancing”, who moved up from D to B and is ranked 53rd.
Yoon Haesol, 20, who auditioned with Question Mark, moved down from B to D, and is ranked 50th.
Group dynamic: Saho was the chooser for this team, and picked some girls that she would have known from B class (Yeongin, Dayeon, Haesol) and a few girls she knew from AKB48 (Shinobu, Ikumi). I think this group was formed 9th or later.  They’ve chosen Youngin as the leader, which is kind of interesting since she’s definitely not the oldest, nor is she the highest ranked, but I *think* she might speak a bit of Japanese so that might explain it. 
We see a flashback of the trainees all watching a live performance of the song, which of course means that many AKB-48 girls who are on the show would be visible in the performance. Sakura, Juri, and Jurina are all clearly visible, and everyone squeals when they see them. But Iwate Saho is like, “I was there too for that performance -- where was I?” She’s barely visible in the crowd.
What if she were center this time??? Would something be different????????
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Saho trying to charm the other girls into letting her be center. 
She auditions and, to her delight, gets chosen as the center kind of quickly, ending the ICD, and they begin practicing. She sighs happily, pats her “center” sticker, and says “Ganbarimasu!” (That’s the Japanese version of “fighting!”)
Meanwhile, over in team 2, they’re deep in the middle of the ICD…. 
Team 2 (1:21:56)
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Takeuchi Miyu, 22, the one who auditioned in the awesome orange bulls eye dress, fell from A to B but is still ranked pretty high at 11th place. 
Cho Ahyeong, 16, who auditioned with future Cherry Bullet Haeyoon, rose from C to B and is ranked 78th. 
Huh Yunjin, 16, future Le Sserafim, who somehow fell from C to F, was ranked 15th
Kim Suyun, 17, future Rocket Punch badass, has lived in class C and is ranked 51.
Oda Erina, 21, who was supposedly known for her singing, fell from C to F and was ranked 67th.
This group was formed 6th, and the chooser was Oda Erina. She picked a few Korean girls she knew from class C and a talented Japanese trainee she probably knew personally. 
Miyu wants the center, but meets opposition from Erina, who says that “having a Japanese person as the center would be too predictable.”  Miyu and Erina talk about it in Japanese, and then Miyu says, “New High Tension hago shipayo-- hangul chingu wa jowayo  ” -- a mixture of English, Korean, and Japanese used to indicate they want to make a new style of High Tension, and a Korean chingu would be good center. The other trainees all say “ahhh!” in understanding -- and the editors play that over and over in case you miss it.  So the Korean trainees leave it up to Erina and Miyu to pick the center. Miyu eventually says, in Korean so basic and slow that even I understand: “We think… giraffe-chan.” Meaning, of course, our very own Huh Yunjin! These are girls who know quality when they see it. They like her “giraffe” image. Yunjin gives a cute, happy smile that was the image at the beginning of this post.
Meanwhile, Team 1 center, Saho, looks over and notices that Team 2 has chosen a Korean trainee to be the center. She wonders if that was a smart choice, given that the Japanese trainees know this song so well. 
Lingering question: Who will make the better center -- an AKB girl, or Huh Yunjin? My money is on Yunjin because, um, she’s Yunjin. But I don’t remember who wins! This will be interesting!
The song: I wouldn’t call myself an AOA stan exactly, but I do like them a lot. I love Jimin’s “hey hey”s, I love Choa’s vocals -- check out her song with Primary, Don’t Be Shy, an enduring top-100-of-all-time song for me -- and I love Chanmi/Dohwa’s swag. They always have this laid back, casual confidence that is weirdly charming -- very like “you can look but will never touch!” -- and their song Like a Cat is a Never Skip for me. 
That said, Short Hair isn’t my absolute favorite song of theirs, and was probably one of the least well known songs in the mix. It came out in June of 2014, so even though it was a pretty big hit, by 2018, it would have been old hat. Also, by 2018, AOA was sort of on the way out; Choa quit for mental health reasons (good for her!!!) in 2017, and the group hadn’t had an actual hit since 2016. 
1:23:45 Team 2
We start off visiting Short Hair Team 2.
Group Dynamics: I’m not sure who chose this group, but I assume it was formed 9th or later. They’ve chosen Sian to be their leader, and it seems like Mina is using a bit of pigeon Korean to be the group’s interpreter.
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clockwise/left to right: Rena (in gray), Miku, Mina, Natsumi, Sian, and Yewon 
Ahn Yewon, 17, model , stuck in F, ranked 88
Hasegawa Rena, 17, who auditioned alongside Noe, fell from D to F, ranked 54th. 
Imada Mina, 21, the tall one with no bangs in Never Ending Ferris Wheel, who rose from D to C and is ranked 64th.
Lee Sian, 19, one of the Idol School girls who fell from C to D, is ranked 18th.
Matsuoka Natsumi, 21, with the sort of distinctive face from Never Ending Ferris Wheel, rose from F to C and is ranked 55th. 
Takana Miku, currently ranked C, was initially in this group -- she was one of the girls who auditioned with the Banana song. More on her later. 
They are, of course, mired in the ICD. 
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Mina, Natusumi, and Sian all want to be center. They aren’t sure how to decide who the center should be, since none of them really know the song yet. 
Sian suggests using facial expressions at a key point as the audition piece. Natsumi says, in Japanese, “I don’t think I can win if that’s how we choose,” and then, half-seriously, suggests rock paper scissors to decide (!!). Sian’s reaction is priceless.
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Like, seriously, guys, did you seriously just suggest that we choose the center for this with Rock Paper Scissors? Do you want to win the challenge? What the fuck? Is this a game for you? Are you out of your minds? OMG. OMG. What. The. Fuck.
Sian politely points out that this is way too serious to decide that way. Since the decision is to be made based on merits, Natsumi bows out. All of this is making me not really like Natsumi that much, so I have to kind of take a breath and remind myself that they’re all pretty stressed out and exhausted. 
That leaves just Mina and Sian running for center. Sian’s audition is charming and lively, with just the right tone for the song. Mina’s is more muted, though still decent. It seems obvious to my eyes that Sian’s look and style are better suited to the Korean palette, and that they should choose her, but the girls vote on country lines, giving Mina the center. Natsumi says in an interview, “we thought that if we made Sian the center, we’d be Sian and the Girls.” Which… is almost like admitting that you know she’s better than you at this particular thing. It means you should make her the center and step up your own game. You know? 
Sian is frustrated. She says she realized that there’s a difference of opinion among countries. The editors play the trouble music to let us know that it isn’t just opinion at stake. 
Lingering question: Will Mina make a good center?
Short Hair 1 (1:25:33)
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LTR: Mako, Juri, Minyoung, Minseo, Sihyeon, Yuri
Kojima Mako, 21, auditioned with Playing With Fire, rose from C to B and currently ranked 23rd. 
Takahashi Juri, 20, future member of Rocket Punch who auditioned with Mako, rose from B to A and is ranked 29th.
Yu Minyoung, 18, the always squinting mint polka dots wearer in Celeb Five who moved from A to B, is ranked 32
Kim Minseo, 15, yellow polka dots in Celeb Five, stayed in C, ranked 39th
Kim Sihyeon, 18, future member of Everglow who rose from B to A and is ranked 13th.
Jo Yuri, 16, future soloist, the one who fell from A to F, ranked 19th. 
Group Dynamic: Mako was the chooser of this group, and it was the fifth group formed, so Mako had a decent pool to pick from. She would have met Minseo in group C, and would have known Juri from the AKB franchise. I’m not sure how she picked the others, though I assume she picked Yuri and Sihyeon based on their reputations. Looks like they made Sihyeon the leader -- she’s certainly the most experienced, having been on the show in season 1. 
Storyline: They, of course, are in their ICD. But the contrast between this group and Short Hair 2 couldn’t be more stark. Sihyeon thinks the center should be either Juri or Yuri, and they both sing to audition. It’s hard for us to hear their voices since they’re singing over the track, but the girls can hear and decide that Juri should be the center.  Juri tries to explain, in a mixture of Korean and Japanese, that since it’s a group battle, she wouldn’t want to cause any harm for the group, so maybe Yuri should do it. But the whole team tells her that she’ll be great. They all like her and want her to be the center -- it seems like even Yuri is on board. Both Sihyeon and Yuri offer to help her, using a hilarious and random mixture of Japanese and Korean. 
Sihyeon: If there’s anything wakarimasen[Japanese for “don’t understand”], please ask.
Yuri: Watashi-wa (“I” in Japanese)…. towajesoyo (“will help” in Korean).  
We end on this split frame…
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…Group 1 already beginning to work together, while Group 2’s Japanese contingent sitting down while Sian is up and practicing. I mean, this shot was cherry picked and who knows the context, but it’s hard not to be swayed a little by it. MNET editors!!! Why are you so evil?
The song:
Aww, who doesn’t love nomu nomu nomu? Nomu nomu nomu nomu? Nomunomumnomunomnomnomo nomnonomnonomomnomono mnomnomunomunomunom..
It’s catchy and iconic and all the good things. I mean, JYP might be creepy and weird but he can write a hit. Bad Girl Good Girl by Miss A, Nobody by Wonder Girls, ADTOY by 2pm, A by Got7, Icy by Itzy, Feel Special and More & More by Twice, the guy’s a genius. And at least he’s not as overtly gross as YG. 
So yeah, Very Very Very was a monster hit and in a way it was responsible for the success of IOI. Their first few singles didn’t exactly set the world on fire, and they needed a hit to cement their status as a hit group. If IOI had never done Very Very Very, there might not have been a season 2 of PD101. Imagine a world without Wanna One or IZ*one! Wild, right? So yeah. We all have to be grateful to JYP for giving this song to IOI, because otherwise you might not be reading these words right now. 
In terms of difficulty, I’d say that this song isn’t super hard to perform. It may have originally been intended for Twice -- can’t you imagine it as a Twice song? -- and it has that kind of upbeat, cute-but-confident vibe that Twice has. I don’t think it’s an outrageously difficult concept to rock. The tune is easy to sing -- even the adlibs are easy --  and the choreography is more about cuteness than anything else. Any team would be smart to want to perform this one. 
So, let’s check in with the teams who will be performing this iconic hit.
At 1:27:10 we peek in with Sakura and friends. Sakura is learning the Korean word for water -- mul (pronounced more like bul) -- and sharing the Japanese word -- mizu. The other trainees think that Sakura’s team is the team to beat. 
An Yujin laments her situation. Everything else was great! She was chosen to pick the first team after Sakura! She got great teammates! But then she had to go up against Sakura’s team. “I thought we were absolutely doomed,” Yujin says. Park Minji speaks for everyone as she interviews: “Sakura’s teem is more popular, but Yujin’s team fits the song better. It’s like Captain America versus Iron Man.” 
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It’s Spiderman versus Ant Man. It’s Cake versus Ice Cream. It’s Shark versus Tornado. It’s IVE versus Le Sserafim. Winner? All of us!
Let’s take a look at the two rosters. This is a juggernaut lineup. More than half the future lineup of IZ*one is represented between these two teams!
Yujin’s team, which was formed second: 
An Yujin, 14, future member of  IVE who rose from B to A and is currently ranked 2nd overall. Wow! And she’s 14, you guys. I always forget how young she is here. 
Choi Yena, 18, friendly Yena from Yuehua who kept us company for a lot of episode 1, fell from A to B, and is currently ranked 6th. 
Honda Hitomi, 16, the super cutey who worked her way up from C to A and is currently ranked 47th.
Jang Wonyoung, future Wonyoung, known for being Wonyoung, who has stayed in B and is ranked 4th.
Na Goeun, 18, future Purplekiss, A class and ranked 20th. 
Shiroma Miru, 20, future visitor to Queendom Puzzle, who fell from B to D but is ranked 22nd. 
Sakura’s team, which was formed first: 
Kim Choyeon, 16, fire-eyes girl and future Bugaboo, fell from A to C, ranked 75 
Kim Minju, 17, a Very Pretty Girl, rose from D to C, ranked 17 
Kwon Eunbi, 22, future soloist, fell from A to C, is currently ranked 3rd
Lee Chaeyeon, 18, future soloist, famous older sister and dancing machine, who stayed in A and is ranked 10th.
Miyawaki Sakura, 20, THE SAKURA, future member of Le Sserafim who stayed in A and is ranked 5th. 
Motomura Aoi,  21, sweet faced Aoi from Never Ending Ferris Wheel, who rose from D to B and is ranked 42nd. 
(Because “Choyeon” and “Chaeyeon” are such similar names, I’ll call them Kim Choyeon and Lee Chaeyeon throughout this discussion to help you keep track of who is who.)
Fun fact: Though it was implied that Sakura’s team is more popular, Yujin’s team actually has a higher average ranking -- 16.8 versus 25.3. Sakura’s team is dragged way down by Kim Choyeon, though; without her, their average ranking would be 15! 
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LTR: Yujin, Hitomi, Miyu, Gaeun, Yena, Wonyoung
We hang out with Yujin’s team for a bit. They’ve elected Na Gaeun leader, which seems smart; she’s one of the older members and is the only one who has been rated A the whole time. 
Naturally, they dive right into the ICD. It’s Yujin versus Wonyoung, and Wonyoung obviously suits being a center more for this particular song. (If it had been Boombayah or Peekaboo, I would have said Yujin.) 
Meanwhile, on Sakura’s team, they’re in their own ICD. 
Kim Choyeon has the AUDACITY to say she wants to be center. 
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After all she is THE SAKURA whose smile is completely natural and beautiful and not at all strained or weird. And she can be the ONLY CENTER. She raises her hand to say she also wants to be center, and you can almost hear Kim Choyeon's hopes shattering. 
Look, if I were on this team, obviously I’d be ok with making Sakura center, but given that she’s already THE CENTER of the whole show, it might be smart to let someone else be center here, like maybe Minju or Eunbi. However, as much as I feel for Kim Choyeon, I just don’t see a reason to make her center. The judges would yell at the team if they did. Honestly, the judges will probably yell if they make anyone but Sakura center. And they'll probably yell at you even if you do, to make more TV content starring Sakura. I think it’s just part of being within Sakura’s gravity well. You’re blessed, but you’re fucked, too. 
Lee Chaeyeon, who is a smartie-pants, recommends Minju. I see why -- she’s super pretty, she’s fairly popular, she makes a great center, and she help offset Sakura’s power a little. I know that for Lee Sian’s team, I said that they should just make Sian the center and step up their game, but in this case, Sakura’s overpowering popularity is not actually matched by her charisma, and it would just be smart to balance things out a bit with another girl who will do just as good a job in center and has the ability to be just as popular.
Sweet-faced Aoi unexpectedly backs Minju -- maybe she’s a little sick of the Sakura train? -- and so does Kwon Eunbi. And thus, both Sakura and Kim Choyeon are shut out; Minju is chosen. 
Minju is super flattered, but says, “I don’t think I deserve to be center.” 
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And Sakura and Choyeon are like, What’s that, you say? You want one of US to be center? Well, if you absolutely insist…. 
So, each of the two candidates auditions, and Choyeon wins.
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With the centers both chosen, we take a peek at each team as they start to try to learn the choreo.
Over on Yujin's team, Yujin is already a bit confused, but many members of Sakura’s team already know the choreo (notably Eunbi and Lee Chaeyeon, who are known for their dancing skills). Then Hitomi reveals herself as choreo learning machine, and the team starts following her. 
And that’s the end of this segment! 
So yeah I made this scatterplot to show you the rough correlation between average rank of a team and the screentime they get. You're welcome.
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It’s slightly thrown off by the fact that some teams were sort of approached together, like the two Love Whispers and the two Avengers teams, and other editing decisions like that, but the trend is pretty clear -- the higher the average rank of the team, the more screentime they get.
The two biggest outliers are Short Hair 1 -- Juri and Yuri’s team -- which didn’t get a ton of screentime despite their high rank because they were getting along so well, and Boombayah 2, the leftovers team, which got a lot of screentime relative to their kind of low rank because their situation is so pathetic. 
Ok, thanks for reading (or skimming) this! I hope you enjoyed it. Things are heating up! Next we’ll actually be seeing some performances!! Wild. 
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ryansjane · 2 years
i'm rewatching tol for the fifth time i think, and i've never felt the need to know how watching it while it aired would have felt more than now. like i watched yesterday episode 6 and the ending is so WOW, i was thinking JUST IMAGINE WATCHING THIS FOR THE FIRST TIME AFTER WEEKS OF SUFFERING. Did you watched it while it was airing??
bestie... I watched ep 6 yesterday too & fucking screamed, like??? are we connected or what??! but yes, I definitely watched theory of love while it was airing & it was THE BEST! it's also at that time that I started making gifs with photoshop, so frankly let's give tol all the credit for what my blog has become <3 but yeah, theory of love was INCREDIBLE to watch live as it aired tbh, like I never fucking knew what to expect, and even when I had been warned by off on jennie's show challenge that there would be a change of point of view halfway through the show, I was still FLABBERGASTED by the end of ep 6, and then the second half of the show just got fucking better as each ep went by. khai admitting that he likes third, the accident, their first kiss, that singing girlie kissing khai in front of third, the train station scene, the beach ep, the confession in the theater... I HELD MY HEART FOR EACH & EVERY ONE OF THESE MOMENTS!!! and then bc there was a week between each ep, I just rewatched them over & over again until the next one. and at the time there weren't as many shows so this??? was the only show going on all summer, like all the eyes of the fandom were on it!!! like, summer 2019 IS theory of love for me, and it will always be!!! truly the most vivid fandom experience I had until not me, I'll always remember it fondly <3
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calchexxis · 3 years
Invincible is what The Boys wishes it was.
Blasé Invincible does in about eight episodes what The Boys has, in my opinion, still not managed to do. It tells an adult superhero story.
I’ll try to keep this spoiler-free but if any do pop up I’ll make sure to include a warning ahead of time. So, in we go.
The Boys, as most people are probably at least passingly aware, is about a non-powered person who’s life gets ruined by a cadre of oversexed, drugged up, psychopathic corporate superheroes. This isn’t a spoiler as it pretty much all gets established halfway through episode one. From the get-go we are absolute slapped in the face with the fact that the superheroes are all shit-heels. That’s... mostly fine, to be honest. It’s the story of the comic, and the story the show is telling, so fine, okay.
The thing is, it’s just not very interesting. A few episodes in things are so gratuitous that it’s become a bit like binge-watching the Hostel series with the Human Centipede trilogy running on your second monitor. It’s all pretty awful from word go that by the time the second season rolls around it flies right past dark-and-gritty territory and directly into Camp. It’s just ridiculous by the end. I genuinely could not take the show seriously after a certain point.
Invincible does it right.
Slight spoilers ahead for the end of Episode #1.
The start of Invincible could be the start of a new Justice League series. I’m dead serious, they did it perfectly. Even if you already know what you’re getting into with how dark the story gets, you still get lulled into a false sense of security by Ep.1 anyway, and you know why?
There’s no blood.
That’s it. It’s that simple. Go watch/rewatch it if you don’t believe me. Watch the opening fight between the Guardians and the Mauler Twins. There’s pretty much zero blood in the first episode until the final scene with the ruinous battle between Omni-Man and the Guardians when things get so catastrophically gory that it actually feels impactful. Contrast that with Hughie’s girlfriend (who I’ve legitimately forgotten the name of because she ceased to be a relevant device by episode 3) who gets absolutely pasted in the first 4 minutes, and you see the difference which is like, they start as they mean to go on.
In Invincible, there’s actually surprisingly little gut-twisting disgust. Sure, some of the heroes are kind of dickish (looking at you RexSplode) but most of them are pretty decent people. The world actually feels like the comically overwrought world of DC where there’s some kind of reality-rocking threat every twenty minutes and it’s become so consistent that everyone’s sort of blasé about it.
In the span of eight episodes, it takes that premise, throws in some hyper-realistic fight mechanics, painfully real characters, and it tells a story. It keeps its narrative clean and concise, develops meaningful relationships between the cast, and left me absolutely gripped at the end.
Once again, by contrast, I was sort of over The Boys by the fourth or fifth episode of season one. It just... wasn’t that interesting. I grew up on Garth Ennis’ comics, so I know the style, it just wasn’t as good here.
In short, if you like The Boys, watch Invincible. It’s better.
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foxie-roxie · 4 years
why rayllum is a MASTERPIECE part 3
i even rewatched it for this!
this time i’ll try to have SOME order, and go by episode. this will however still include unintelligible screaming
first off, affectionate eye rolling, nose boop, and head bonk is the best thing.
third, their teamwork and decision making is excellent. they agree to try and sneak past sol regem, and when that fails try talking to him and then decide to simply trick his senses with the scarf. and instead of rayla shooting down callum’s “smelltriloquism” idea, she simply adds onto it! LOVE HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS
“i think it’s good luck!” YES IT IS RAY THAT’S UR BOYFRIENDS SCARF
also, here you go. you’re welcome.
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first, CALLUM BEING SO EXCITED BY ALL THE MAGIC IN XADIA IS S O CUTE! MY SON. this might turn into an overrall review of s3. o well
third, THE ADORABURR FIELD! their smiles were so fond and soft and A. they make me cry of joy. 
an overall look on it, i like how this episode really shows their feelings clearly. no “will they won’t they”, at least for rayla. it’s clear she has feelings.
first i love how when rayla mentions that she’s excited and happy but also terrified, callum tries to comfort her. good boi. best boi.
second, elf callum. i love that scene so much even if the second-hand embarrassment kills me, and rayla is j like “why the fuck do i love you. im gonna kill him.”
third, DANCE! callum not being rude and saying her home is “modest” before rayla explains it’s an illusion, his BLUSH WHEN SHE HELPS HIM, and the softness in general. rayla’s excitement that she’s home and talks abt that she can show callum where she went to school, the best moonberry surprise place, until...
fourth, AH FUCK. A N G S T T I M E. rayla being crest-fallen before callum says that it must’ve been a mistake, and she realizes that ethari would probably understand!
rayla realizing ethari ghosted her too and then callum GOING O F F. he angy and when rayla runs out callum IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS (like in a later episode) and comforts her again.
when ethari comes down and breaks the spell and says to callum “trees to meet you too” and rayla’s like “don’t encourage him”
also callum trying to get on the shadowpaw and ethari being Concerned is AMAZING. concerned dad content
i’ll talk more about ezran/ruthari/the dark magic trio in a later ted talk
4. H E R E W E G O
first, rayla clearly being sad and callum picking up on that quickly (he even seems to be almost falling on purpose, perhaps to make her smile?) and asking if she’s ok before being shot down by rayla insisting she is fine. GOD DAMN. THAT HURTS.
second, their interaction with nyx is so amazing. rayla being protective of zym and callum being a DORK is awesome, but also their decision making.
after rayla reluctantly decides that they can go see how nyx could get them across the desert so quickly, they see the ambler and then their reasoning is amazing.
“what do you think?”
“the dragon queen is dying.” and then i forget the rest of the exact quote but they give a subtle nod to eachother. they make their decisions TOGETHER. AS A TEAM. AND THAT’S ON HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS X2!
third, callum continuing to gently press for rayla to express her emotions. he doesn’t pressure her, but seems to simply let her know that if she needs to talk (when she insists she’s fine), he is there. 
four, MORE FLUSTERED RAYLLUM. YES. TY NYX but also fuck u for taking zym but also ur hot- A N Y W A Y
rayla’s crying and callum tries to reassure her. nyx is plotting, while rayla runs away and callum follows. Y E S.
rayla talks about how there’s nobody left that cares about her and she lost everything.. and then the SPEECH. i have this speech memorized i’ve watched this scene so many times
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and then rayla kisses him and that’s all that happened. callum was not a dumbass. right? RIGHT???
first, rayla saving callum from the soulfang serpents and callum helping her get up is AMAZING, LOVE THAT.
second, callum tryna get a good position and rayla j saying to hold onto her and callum GETTING FLUSTERED. BOY IS PINING also he didn’t have to hold her that close.
also here you go again
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what can i say except YOU’RE WELCOME
once again won’t b talking abt ezran specifically but there’s some passing mentions of him from now on
first, rayla and callum reaching the stone thunder and callum asking “is it... a statue?” and rayla sadly saying “no. it’s not a statue” A. I CRI.
1.5 ayla and callum best dragon parents
i’ll get to an actual analysis later
second, THIS MOMENT IS UNDERRATED EVEN THO IT’S ONE OF MY FAVS why has nobody mentioned the lil tender moment where ezran is by phoe-phoe and rayla puts her hand on callum’s shoulder AND CALLUM PUTS HIS HAND ON HERS. SO SWEET.
callum is upset because of thunder and rayla sympathizes immediately. this is similar to how callum lets rayla let out her own emotions, and rayla is doing the same. he explains how he feels angry, upset, confused, sad, and rayla quickly empathizes. he keeps on venting, not knowing whether to feel regretful, or glad, and how he’s confused because that’s sarai’s spear. he feels sorry that all this happened, but rayla reassures him that zym and ezran are going to break the cycle! that’s hope! and then they hold hands and i screech
AND THAT’S SO FUCKING HEALTHY AND I LOVE IT. THEY RLLY BREAK ALL BAD HET RELATIONSHIP STEREOTYPES (coughbutistillheadcanonthembothasbiandcallumistransilldieonthishillcough)
7. angst but not rayllum angst so its ok
first, they begin to go up the storm spire and i really love their banter. “and i’m guessing the dragon queen didn’t make her den at a nice, halfway kinda place?” “nope. tiptop!”
four, AHSDHGDHFG THEY DEADASS FORGOT EZRAN WAS THERE. more flustered rayllum i love that
one, ibis is j a good boi. back to rayla and callum
two, rayla going in to see the dragon queen and when she runs out callum QUICKLY FOLLOWS to see if she’s ok. asks her if she’s ok, and she OPENS UP!! CHARACTER GROWTH BABY!!! and then they hold hands and i once again shriek
before we go to the actual angst, can i say that THE LAUGH AFTER RAYLA SAID “STORM SNEEZE” IS SO CUTE. CALLUMS IN LOVE. MY SON.
oh no.
*bonks rayla on the head* nO SELF SACRIFICING!!
although their fight is super angsty and i hate it, it does provide some conflict and more plot because it gives callum a reason to want to find out the truth about rayla’s parents. and then he does! people argue that this fight was unnecessary or that callum was a jerk, but this was needed i think. he did let his worry become a bit of anger, and that was not a nice move, but he knows he fucked up and fixes it!
and then we get soft rayllum this is fine
there’s not much rayllum featured in this ep, but the amount we do get is 80 PERCENT ANGST AND I WASN’T OK WITH IT
first, the fluff! callum trying to do the wing spell and rayla teasing “did you pull a muscle in the middle of a jumping jack?” is so cute. i LOVE THEM. also they hold hands and i SH RIEK again. 
also soren how dare you interrupt callum he was abt to confess
second, callum when he’s explaining the battle plan and his ZAP HAND. rayla is j watching him like “yep. that is my dork.”
skipping forward in time a bit for the angst oh no
third, callum going up to the storm spire after ez encouraging him to go to rayla. love that soft brotherly relationship. and we think “oh, soft rayllum, right?”
fourth, THEY DIDN’T NEED ME TO BE ROLLING ON THE FLOOR WTF. the fact that rayla’s blade went right in front of callum and he looks up and sees zym in danger, viren is there, and RAYLA is there, p a n i k.
and then rayla jumps and the entire rayllum fandom SC REAMS after callum’s “no!” before she jumps and “no, no, no, RAYLA!”
fifth, CALLUM NO WHY ARE YOU JUMPING TOO- oh wait its ok he did the wings and im still crying fuck
THAT CONFESSION THO- i cri tears of joy now. they’re in love
sixth, I J WANNA KNOW WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT BEFORE EZRAN SHOWED UP. like it’s clear that they’re talking or something, but abt what is the question. also yes they hug and raylas fond
seventh, THEY HOLD HANDS!! soft bbs,,,
AAAND IM DONE! this is. quite long so if you read all of this i hope u have a good day and thnx for listening to me ramble with some coherent thoughts
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misscamthenorwegian · 5 years
The Untamed: What’s that about, Cam?
So Cam, what’s this “The Untamed” thing that you’ve been reblogging so much and has resurrected your urge to write? I’m glad you probably didn’t asked! (Note: This is written from the perspective of a Norwegian who’d never read the novel, is fairly unfamiliar with Chinese drama and once in a blue moon falls for a M/M ship. This is that blue moon, and boy, does it shine. Opinions within are simply my opinions.)
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What’s it about: “The Untamed” (Chén Qíng Lìng or CQL) is a Chinese web-drama based on a novel called Mo Dao Zu Shi (”The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation”). It is set in an ancient Chinese fantasy universe where there is magic, zombies, monsters, adventures and a lot of very, very pretty people. It’s an action-adventure murder mystery zombie drama with humor. Yep. In the first episode, Wei Wuxian - the main character - dies and is then brought back 16 years later through a body sacrifice ritual. Yep, that’s the start. Wei Wuxian proceeds to run into people from his past, including Lan Wangji, his former classmate and very definitely something else, and his angry brother who declares his desire to see him dead. In this universe, “cultivation” is using a spiritual form of magic, and only a few can truly master it. There are several powerful clans/sects that sometimes work together and sometimes has leaders that conspire against the others. Everyone has several names and titles and you may need the occasional chart to remember it all. Also, there zombies and sword ghosts and magical music. After the first two episodes, the series flashes back to events 16 years prior and then jumps back to the present later on. Who are the characters?
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Wei Ying: Talkative, smile that can out-cute a rabbit, likes his alcohol, likes his Lan Zhan, likes his jokes and mischief, thinks outside the box, scares most of the cultivation world later on. Yes, really, that cutiepie is feared.
The first main character is Wei Wuxian, also known as Wei Ying and later, Yiling Patriarch, a young and powerful cultivator who discovers a different way of cultivating and, through that and making a number of unortodox and defiant choices, end up on a collision course with the rest of the cultivation world.
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Lan Zhan: Can murder you with a gaze and then his sword, scary af when wants to, likes his rabbits, his Wei Ying, composes love songs with mushed ship names and is respected by most of the cultivation world yet doesn’t strive to be. The second main character is Lan Wangji, also known as Lan Zhan and Hanguang Jun. He appears reserved and cold to many, speaking only rarely. At first, he and Wei Ying do not get along, but they later form a strong relationship that is implicitly love in the series (explicitly so in the novel - they marry there). Other important characters are Jiang Cheng (Wei Wuxian’s brother), Lan Xichen (Lan Wangji’s brother), Jiang Yanli (Wei Wuxian’s senior sister), Jing Guangyao/Meng Yao, someone who is looked down on by many because of his background but later becomes a powerful sect leader, Nie Huaisang, who is not a fighter like his older brother and loves his fans and solves issues his way, Wen Ning, an adorable puppy who is also known as the ghost general - and loads of other people. Seriously, it takes a while to sort everyone out. Why Cam likes it: First and foremost, I fell for the relationship between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. I love me some good partner dynamics, and this one has that in spades. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan are very different in personality, but they share a sense of loyalty, commitment, desire to protect and strong values. While their relationship has angst and rocky patches, it is caring and loving. It’s basically the sort of stuff I go for: some angst, a lot of cute, mutual caring, uniting against common foes, characters that compliment each other, great chemistry - yes, I’ll have some of that.
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This shit is my jam.
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Oh, look, more of my jam.
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Let’s have an emotional and lovely moment while surrounded by hostile people jam.
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In mortal danger and saving each other’s life jam. They also kind of end up as co-parents for a kid. There are also a lot of other complicated, interesting and downright tragic relationships (familiar, friendly, romantic and just plain complicated) and characters. I have a serious soft spot for Lan Xichen, for instance, while others are all about Wen Qing, some just want Jiang Cheng to get some theraphy already... On and on, there are a lot of very different characters to enjoy. Secondly, it has an interesting world with a fantastical elements that I hadn’t read or seen that much before before (as sadly, I have mostly run across Western fantasty stuff, with some expections). It draws a lot from ancient China, and has some great music, costumes and scenery. They managed to differentiate the five main sects really well, and some of the scenery is just gorgeous. Thirdly, everyone is really pretty. I am shallow. Sue me. Fourth, the plot has some really interesting stuff. The novel is a lot more grey than the series, but the series also has elements of that, as well as people ending up doing not so great things out of the best of intentions. There is also a happy ending of sorts for the two main characters (and some others), though there are tragedies along the way. Along the way, there are a lot of really great emotional scenes, and some funny moments as well. Fifth, while not all the action is great, some of the fight sequences are very fluid and dance-like and pretty. The use of music as a part of the battle also works well at times. Sixth, though it has clonkier bits, the series feels like a labor of love. It has charm and goodwill and people who clearly cared when making it. There is a lot of BTS stuff for it as well. Seventh - adorable bunnies and Fairy the dog. Some stuff to consider if wanting to watch: - This is a Chinese drama, which means it is subject to Chinese cencorship. This is why the relationship between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan is explicit in the novel, but only implied in the series. However, what they do manage to get past the cencors is pretty amazing. There are still slow-motion romantic zoom, lots of loving glances, some dialogue that goes pretty far, and some physical affection (though nowhere near as much as in the novel due to cencorship). - The actors for the main characters do a great job, but the character - and acting - of Lan Wangji can take some episodes to appreciate sine it’s a character that communicates a lot through very minor facial expressions. There are some other good performences also, some decent ones, some varied, and some a bit eh to me. Your mileage may vary. - All the characters are dubbed. It’s a Chinese drama thing. You get used to it. - The first two episodes (set in “the present”) are really confusing on first time viewing. Episodes 3 to mid-33 are flashback episodes set 16 years prior. It is worth rewatching ep 1 & 2 when you have a clearer idea of what is going on. - The CGI is... yes, well, not always great. The first few episodes have some real CGI clunkers and there is some stuff later on too. - The editing can be a bit off. Cuts between shots don’t always lign up, and some episodes have good end points, while others end mid-scene and then pick it up in the next. The sound editing is also sometimes a bit off, and fine at other times. - There are fifty - 50 - episodes, so you’re in for quite the watch. - There aren’t a lot of female characters in the story. There are some, and a few of them I really enjoyed, but the series and novel definitely have mostly male characters. - The series changes several things from the novel, including plot points and how the story is structured and told. Several characters are also different to their novel counterparts, sometimes minorly so, sometimes majorly. I came to the series first, the read the novel, while others have done it the other way. You may ending up prefering one or the other. To me, the novel does better at some things, and the series does better at others. - The series have been a major hit and the novel was very popular, and as such, you can find a fair amount of fanart, fanfic, merch and so on. - The novel has a happy ending for the main characters, though not all. The series has a more implied happy ending for the main characters, though again, not all. Where can you find it? An English-subtitled complted version of the series is freely available on YouTube here. An English translation of the novel can be found here. An in-progress can be found here. Anything else?
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  I rest my jam.
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seizingfate · 6 years
CL Meta, S2E9: A World Without Circles
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So I just rewatched s2e9 bc i was trying to figure out what the hell the Moonlight Musik actually does, and holy hell the character interactions in that episode are So Good I felt the need to type words about them. The writeup will be mostly centered around Beet, tho, because, well, you know.
First we got Choppin’, the insecure shut-in who’s probably more aware than any of the Classicaloids about their legacy, because he’s so insecure (nice consistency! logical! i love it!!), discovering that people think he ripped off one of his Musiks, one of his essential parts of himself, from another Classicaloid, who he Does Not Like and Never Liked That Much in the past (as compared to literally every other Classicaloid who came after Beet lmao). And fortunately, no one in the mansion knows about it, and Beet seems to have forgotten about this piece, so it might be Ok? People online might shit talk, but no one he interacts with in real life is gonna think he’s a rip-off/fraud?
And then. Beet starts being weird about circles, and Chopin picks up on what Beet was trying to remember within, like, 5 seconds, when it takes Beet himself a day and a half and a Deus ex Mom to figure it out (although tbf, the “moonlight” sonata wasn’t “inspired by moonlight,” that was a music reviewer’s invention and the title stuck). Has Chopin been watching out this entire damn time?
And then there’s Beet’s point of view here - imagine how goddamn frustrating it would be to look down at your breakfast one day and be like ...do i remember something from my past life? what the fuck?? is up with circles??? No one around me will shut up for one damn second while i try to remember through a haze of memories to something that may or may not have happened in my past life? And now someone has stolen my goddamn breakfast?????
And then Chopin, in good ol’ panic mode, steals everyone’s stuff (sidenote I love how Liszt knows she can get him out of his room with his favorite food) and rains on first everyone, and then when he appropriately gets yelled at, just on Beet. What a good exchange for all involved.
Liszt: if u got shit with Beet have it out with him, don’t rain on us Chopin: ... *rains on Beet* Beet: Why Are You Doing This Chopin: ... Beet: Ok You Can’t Stop Me From Circles
And, contrary to stereotype, Beet isn’t really that angry at Chopin!
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Look at him this is just a 3 or so on the Beet Anger Scale. He’s more frustrated and determined to get to the bottom of this. It’s sort of the positive side of him not caring about people - even if you’re directly attempting to prevent Beet from reaching his goal, he’s not necessarily going to be angry at you, just determined to overcome the obstacles you put in his way. I mean, he’ll be irritated - he’s annoyed the scene before the Musik and when Mozart suggests forgiving Chopin and making peace he finds it ridiculous - but both times he shrugs off the irritation in pursuit of what he’s trying to figure out. Unstoppable force indeed.
Sidenote: Chopin’s music might be mostly triggered by fear, but he can control it really well (refining the target area, keeping it up for an entire damn night). 
ANYWAY SCHUBERT. One of the best parts of s2 were Classicaloids acknowledging each other’s Musik! and Schu is So Good here!! this ep almost singlehandedly makes me want to believe in schupin. Even when he doesn’t know that Chopin’s fear is basically exactly what Schu himself struggles with, he tries to help and honestly almost hits the nail on the head, it’s just that Chopin’s probably not thinking too clearly at this point seeing as he’s stayed up ~36 hours stealing stuff and Musiking.
And after Deus ex Mom triggers the climax, oh man what a resolution. Chopin’s voice actor pulls off a great performance of sincere panic and fear. And Chopin pretends he don’t care about the other ‘loids BUT HE DO !!!
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And then SCHU!
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SWEET CHILD...! Who’s struggled thru his entire past life of people calling him a rip-off! (i mean in classicaloid canon only, didn’t really happen irl BUT ANYWAY.) Now, if only someone could say the same to him or he could get some validation OH WHAT’S THAT, SENPAI ACTUALLY-
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Anyway Beet’s entire speech is 1. bangin’, because on a meta level it sort of works as an explanation of what Musik is? I mean, we learned that the entire damn reason the Classicaloids are, uh, themselves is Kyogo played them music pieces, which somehow imbued them with the composer’s soul and also Musik powers - so some of their souls *magically* transmuted themselves into the music itself, makes sense. 2. It shows Beet’s really pretty egalitarian theory of music in general, and 3. Beet’s music itself is a great example, from his general use of mastering and then bending sonata form and later tonality itself to greater express content, and also more specific examples of him using inspiration from another piece (Mozart 40!) to create one of his own (the Fifth!)! TL;DR I want to print this speech out and staple it to the forehead of everyone who shit talks sonata form!!!
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 Anyway Schu canonically brings Chop breakfast and worries/cares about him, thank u for your time here’s an extremely #blessed image of chopin with a lil bun
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callunavulgari · 6 years
Scrapbook 2018 - Pt. II
Second part of the scrapbook for 2018. A reminder, for myself and others-
Italicized titles - enjoyed quite a bit | bold titles - love | titles with an asterisk* - all time favorites | (bracketed titles) - re-watches/re-reads | strikethough - dislike
Goals are: read forty-five new books this year (34 so far!), finish six video games (2 so far!), write either 30 fics or 70k total, finish the damn Sabriel AU (not so much), and write something original.
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
(The Lost Boys)
(Road to El Dorado)
The Philadelphia Story
Singin’ In The Rain
Incredibles 2
Funny Girl
High Society
Blade Runner 2049
Ocean’s 8
Ant Man and the Wasp
Lego Batman Movie
Good Morning Vietnam
Mary and the Witch’s Flower
(Wonder Woman)
Flavors of Youth
(Song of the Sea)
The Losers
The Greatest Showman
(Jurassic Park)
(LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring)
(V For Vendetta)\
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
Wreck It Ralph 2
(Howl’s Moving Castle)
Ready Player One
Home Alone 2
The Stand | Stephen King
Think of England | K.J. Charles [Fin] 
Reincarnation Blues | Michael Poore [Fin]
Voyage of the Basilisk | Marie Brennan [Fin]
Wishful Drinking | Carrie Fisher [Fin]
(Captive Prince | C.S. Pacat) [Fin]
(Prince’s Gambit | C.S. Pacat) [Fin]
(King’s Rising | C.S. Pacat) [Fin]
The Fifth Season | N.K. Jesmin [Fin]
The Power | Naomi Alderman [Fin]
The Stand | Stephen King [Fin]
King of Attolia | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
Conspiracy of Kings | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
The Ocean at the End of the Lane | Neil Gaiman [Fin]
Postcards From the Edge | Carrie Fisher [Fin]
A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers [Fin]
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 1 | Kieron Gillen [Fin]
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 2 | Kieron Gillen [Fin]
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 3 | Kieron Gillen [Fin]
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street | Natasha Pulley [Fin]
Half Bad | Sally Green [Fin]
Spinning Silver | Naomi Novak [Fin]***
(Uprooted)** [Fin]
The Bedlam Stacks | Natasha Pulley [Fin]
If We Were Villains | M.L. Rio [Fin]
Circe | Madelline Miller [Fin]
Lord of the Flies | William Golding [Fin]
The Goldfinch | Donna Tartt
The Obelisk Gate | N.K. Jesmin [Fin]
(His Majesty’s Dragon | Naomi Novak)
The Goldfinch | Donna Tartt [Fin]
(His Majesty’s Dragon | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
Pachinko | Min Jin Lee [Fin]
The Cruel Prince | Holly Black [Fin]
Thick As Thieves | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
The Language of Thorns | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Salt Magic, Skin Magic | Lee Welch [Fin]
Red Queen | Victoria Aveyard [Fin]
Record of a Spaceborn Few | Becky Chambers [Fin]
The Labyrinth of Drakes | Marie Brennan [Fin]
The Stone Sky | N.K. Jesmin
Luck In The Shadows | Lynn Flewelling
The Stone Sky | N.K. Jesmin [Fin]
Luck In The Shadows | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Stalking Darkness | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Within the Sanctuary of Wings | Marie Brennan [Fin]
Traitor’s Moon | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Shadow’s Return | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
When Breath Becomes Air | Paul Kalanithi 
The White Road | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Casket of Souls | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Shards of Time | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
The Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
The Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss [Fin]
When Breath Becomes Air | Paul Kalanithi [Fin]
Little Fires Everywhere | Celeste Ng [Fin]
Titus Groan | Meryn Peake [DNF]
The Fellowship of the Ring | J.R.R. Tolkien
Howl’s Moving Castle | Diana Wyyne Jones
The Wise Man’s Fear | Patrick Rothfuss
The Fellowship of the Ring | J.R.R. Tolkien [Fin]
Howl’s Moving Castle | Diana Wyyne Jones
The Wise Man’s Fear | Patrick Rothfuss [Fin] 
Howl’s Moving Castle | Diana Wyyne Jones [Fin]
Ender’s Game | Orson Scott Card
The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
Wolf 359 (Eps 49-61) FIN
The Bright Sessions (56 - Finale) FIN
Penumbra Podcast (1-32)
Alice Isn’t Dead (5-6)
Penumbra Podcast (32)
Penumbra Podcast (ALL OF IT)
EOS 10 (Rewatch of s1 & 2, then 1-5 of s3)
Welcome to Night Vale (1-26)
EOS 10 (s3; eps 5-FINALE, bonus episode)
Welcome to Night Vale (26)
Welcome to Night Vale (26-29)
Wolf 359 RELISTEN (1-34)
Penumbra Podcast (Juno Steel and the Long Way Home pt 1-2)
Wolf 359 RELISTEN (34-62)
Westworld s2
Legion s2
The Flash s4
Siren s1
Sense8 Series Finale*****
Black Mirror
Voltron s6
The Bold Type s1
Anne With An E s1
Black Mirror
Big Mouth
Anne With An E s2
Legion s2
The Flash s4
Voltron s7
San Clarita Diet
Jeff Jeffries
American Horror Story: Apocalypse
Killing Eve
The Dragon Prince
American Horror Story: Apocalypse
Killing Eve
The Haunting of Hill House
The Good Place s2
Castlevania s2
The Good Place s2
Castlevania s2
American Horror Story: Apocalypse
Killing Eve
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
She Ra s1
(Dead Like Me)
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer s4)
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC - 2 hrs
Song of the Deep
(Final Fantasy 15) - 30 hrs
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC - 2 hrs
SOMA [Fin]
(Kingdom Hearts Final Mix) - 34 hrs [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Remix [Fin]
(Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix) - 40 hrs
(Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix) - 40 hrs [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Terra - 20 hrs [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Ven - 5 hrs
Prey, M Morgan - 30 hrs [Fin]
Prey, F Morgan - 6 hrs
(Final Fantasy 15) - 100 hrs
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC - 6 hrs
(Final Fantasy 15) - 100 hrs
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC - 6 hrs
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Ven - 12 hrs [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Aqua - 5 hrs
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Aqua - 5 hrs
Pokemon Go?
Pokemon Moon (34 hrs, Ghost trial?)
Pokemon Go
(Kingdom Hearts: DDD - La Cite de Cloches, 5 hrs?)
Pokemon Let’s Go Eevee
Detroit: Become Human
take the stage and deliver by mothwrites | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 3k | “Why me?” Jacobi asked.“You’re just his type,” Cutter said. “He’ll never see it coming.”
push to the limit by gortysproject | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 10k | five times kepler asks too much of jacobi, and one time jacobi can't pull through for him.
you be the motor, I'll be the gasoline by crookedfingers | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 5k | The hold music begins before Jacobi can finish his sentence. He blinks at the far wall and then glances at a clock. He’ll give it thirty seconds before he hangs up.Then the music stops jarringly mid-note and someone says, “Thank you so much for your patience. I understand that you’re seeking career opportunities with Goddard Futuristics.”
life 2.0 by goldtreesilvertree, mothwrites | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Eiffel | 5k | "Alright... Daniel. Why are we having a movie night?" Minkowski never seemed the type to be into movie nights, and Hera probably doesn't get the point. He's beginning to get the feeling this will be the first movie night Eiffel 2.0 is going to remember, and he doesn't know if that's a good thing."Because," Daniel says, passing him a DVD so he has to get up again, "I really want to watch this, and my usual movie-buddy is dead. My backup movie-buddy is also dead. Any further questions?"
 'til your heart goes numb by LuckyDiceKirby | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 1k |  Instead of going out and getting drunk with Rose, Mark goes for a drive.
black sheep and mischief by grim_lupine | Thor | Thor & Loki | 3k | A bird alights on Thor’s shoulder and pecks his cheek twice, hard enough to make him wince.“What are you doing?” it warbles in his ear.“Wondering what my brother is doing up at this hour, little bird,” Thor replies. “Will you go ask him for me?”
(Lines on Palms by Fahye | Captive Prince | Damen/Laurent | 35k | "You're lying," Damen says. "You walked into Akielos and stole something from me.")**
On Tilt by 13th_blackbird | Solo | Han/Lando | 3k |  “You want to play?” Han says, nodding at the cards, before he can think better of it. “Or are you just showing off?”
tell me, get my shit together by paperclipbitch | Solo | Han/Lando | 5k | “I thought we were actively avoiding each other after the Trandosha Shitshow,” Han says.“We’re actively avoiding each other after the Iridonia Shitshow,” Lando corrects him, “the Trandosha Shitshow is That Which We Do Not Speak Of.”
Make Me Feel by Copper_Nails (Her_Madjesty) | Solo | Han/Lando | 2k | Winning the Falcon back is supposed to fill the empty space beneath his ribs. Han told himself this the whole way to Lando, tells it to himself again, now: it’s immensely satisfying to stare up at the ship’s sleek (battered) lines, so he can stop thinking about Crimson Dawn, thanks; can stop thinking about Beckett on the cliffside and Qi’ra, fading like a star in the morning.
Proving It by sailingonstardust | Solo | Han/Lando | 1.5k |  “You know,” Lando interrupts Han in the middle of a story about a seedy club and two twi’leks, “you can talk, and talk, and talk, but I don’t believe half the things you’re saying for even a second.”
one night on the falcon by topaz | Solo | Han/Lando | 3k |  If Han was the kind of guy who thought about things like this, the idea of fucking Lando Calrissian in the ship he'd used to own would have fallen somewhere on the Cool side of the prospective ideas spectrum, probably shading to the Not really likely to happen but still fun to think about group. 
A Cornstalk Fiddle by notbecauseofvictories | Devil Went Down to Georgia | Devil/Johnny | 9k+ |  Where Johnny goes, the Devil follows; where Johnny goes, the Devil is already there.
The Beginning After the End by notbecauseofvictories | Star Wars | Padme & Obi-Wan | 7k |  Padmé wakes to the back of Obi-Wan’s head, his hair mussed and his arms spread, outstretched over her knees as though to shield her from all that would come.
( Stargazers by Ruby_Wednesday | Captive Prince | Laurent/Damen | 90k | Five years after the Truce of Marlas, Damen and Laurent meet again in Delpha. They're forced to work together to soothe the growing tension between their countries. But Laurent does not forgive easily and Damen's not that sorry.)
( One the Other by Ruby_Wednesday | Captive Prince | Laurent/Damen | 200k |  Marlas goes badly for Damen. He goes back to Ios with Laurent as his reluctant ward.)
Any More Obvious by idiopathicsmile | Les Mis | Eponine/Cosette | 2k | “Look, folks,” says Musichetta, ten minutes from the end of cheer practice, “we have an audience. A spooky audience.”
speak in tongues by SpineAndSpite | Yuri On Ice | Yuri/Otabek | 7k | The last time Yuri went sightseeing with Otabek it had been the middle of winter, and he only had breath to contemplate the speed of the bike and the warmth of Otabek through his jacket. A crowded bus is a far cry, but he still has the same feeling of displacement--of not knowing what will happen next.
cherry pie by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 133k | Billy Hargrove lives for summer. Endless sunshine, heavily chlorinated pools, roaming ice cream trucks, and unencumbered freedom? There’s nothing better.**
(you hate me) cause i got what you need by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 6k | “You smell like coconuts,” Billy murmurs. “Like the ocean, too.”
Draconia by perceived_nobility | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Mark | 4k | "So I was driving. One ex wife and one ex husband later, stopping at the same fucking gas stations you and I stopped at."
untalked of and unseen by prouvairing | If We Were Villains | James/Oliver | 5k | Four times Oliver and James slept together, and one time they didn’t. Not exactly in that order.
Swipe right by mee4ever | HP | Draco/Harry | 2k | Or then one where Harry swipes right, and it turns out Draco does too.
The Truth by mee4ever | HP | Draco/Harry | 4k | Or the one where Harry is too bloody thick to see the truth, even when it's staring him in the face.
Victory Condition by astolat | Transformers | Megatron/Optimus | 39k | “Do you want me to tell you a story?” Megatron said mockingly. “You won’t like it, Prime. It’s not a very nice one.”
chases, escapes, true love, miracles by pepperfield | The Flash | Cisco/Harry | 55k | Just because the timeline has been restored, doesn't mean things are back to normal. Cisco's got 99 problems, and Harry Wells is approximately 38 of them.
Turn by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | Star Wars | Reylo | 9k |  I would kill for you, he thinks at her, inside her, and this is the result of what they just did, the culmination of all of their history together. I would destroy the entire galaxy for this.
You should see the things we do by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | SW | Reylo | 13k | “Maybe Ben will come home from his business trip and bend me over the nearest piece of furniture and fuck me hard and fast.”
Your Pretty Little Heart by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | SW | Reylo | 64k |  “Good. Good little Omega.” He says the words against her gland, almost sweetly, and Rey—Rey is going to die. A wonderful, delicious death. Depraved, all of this. Filthy. Beautiful.
✓✓ Read by Boyue | South Park | Kyle/Stan | 65k | AKA how Stan Marsh met Kyle Broflovski through a dick pic mishap.
Pretend There Is No Wreck by LuckyDiceKirby | The Flash | Harrisco | 11k | Cisco and Harry figure out how to not kill each other, and also maybe how to talk about their feelings.
the cure by aquaexplicit | The Flash | Harrisco | 43k | “I guess I don’t really get what you need to fix? Harrison Wells is a hot, rich genius that pays you to make cool stuff with his daughter and is totally into you. If you guys boning is the biggest problem you have, I think this officially qualifies as your best relationship ever.”
and everything nice by perzimon | Voltron | Sheith | 5k | when he's beautiful and you love him but he can't make toast, the fic
hello, i love you, won't you tell me your name by perzimon | Voltron | Sheith | 12k | Keith's human enough to have wisdom teeth and unlucky enough to need them extracted. The team despairs.
Unexpected Developments by mific | SGA | McShep | 14k | Detective John Sheppard after Vegas (S5E19). His near-fatal wound's slowly healing and he's got his old job back, but then someone turns up unexpectedly who's a greater mystery than any of the cases on John's desk, and John has to make some hard choices.
teach me something new by tagteamme | Voltron | Sheith | 64k | Keith and Lance accidentally get into trouble. Shiro is the TA that has to Deal With It™.
to go, to follow, to kneel at your feet by arahir | Voltron | Sheith | 12k | They think it will be funny to leave him with a Galra in heat.
called out your name (but it was too late) by arahir | Voltron | Sheith, Griffin/Keith | 5k | Walk into the Garrison like—wait, what the fuck, is that Keith? Or: an old classmate watches Keith fall in love with someone else.
To Consummate is to Burn by the_glow_worm | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk | 6k | Miryem, the Staryk, and their wedding night.
The Time-Traveller's Portion by PutItBriefly | Pride & Prejudice | Elizabeth/Darcy | 7k | Darcy always knew she was to be his wife. He just didn't know she was poor.
songs about love by sarahyyy | YOI | Yuri/Otabek | 8k | In the embedded Instagram photo just under that subheading, a very grumpy Yuri is cuddling a very grumpy-looking cat. The caption reads: I found the cat version of me at the shelter today. #iknowisaidnomorecats #canyoublameme
Between the Lines by Dementordelta | Harry Potter | Snarry | 22k | Harry discovers a secret in his Potions text and a friend in the Half-Blood Prince.
More Than Gravity by JenTheSweetie | Marvel | Stony | 20k | “Aw, time travel, no.”On Christmas Eve, Tony came unstuck in time.
Of an Arcane Binding by Salvia_G | The Hobbit | Thilbo | 44k | An inexplicable magic ties Bilbo Baggins, hobbit of the Shire, to Thorin, dwarven prince of Erebor.
Back and Forth by kiyala | Yuri On Ice | Yuri/Otabek | 4k | Yuri convinces Otabek to get snapchat, just to send selfies of himself making faces at Victor and Yuuri. He gets more than he expected.
your tongue is sharp, but i miss the taste of it by thecopperkid | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 7k | Billy had one job -- don't take off the scarf. / Science is probably not Steve's strong suit, but he's really trying to make sense of why Billy's suddenly found him so appealing.
Things Already Said by balloonwhisk | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Mark | 4k | Damien gets a not entirely unwelcome early morning surprise.
Wreak Havoc by myfandomsareinfinite | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 8k | Five Times Ryan Dalias Saved Akmazian's Life (Sort of) and One Time Akmazian Saved Ryan's (Sort Of).
you will see what it is to be overcome by magneticwave | Star Trek | Spirk | 10k | What kind of an idiot would try to explain magic to a Vulcan.
Bloody Ruin by esama | Castlevania | Alucard/Trevor | 37k | Vampire hunter and a vampire try to get along.
Minus 1 by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | Star Wars | Reylo | 6k | The text—'What’s up, daddy?'—was originally intended for Finn.
Paint it, red by CeruleanHeart | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 3k | " That's a pretty color..." Billy repeated and stepped closer, crowding Steve against the door "... for a pretty boy."
a road less traveled and a life less led by Azzandra | Dishonored | Gen, Outsider & Billie | 9k | She took him out of the Void, as promised.And then she kept him, she supposed.
Changing the Sound of Your Name by Agrotera | Dishonored | Outsider/Corvo | 14k |  It was the first thing she said to him when they stumbled out of the Void. You’re going to need a name. Emerging from the dark into what promised to be a lifetime of questions impossible to answer, and she broached the hardest one first.
if the end comes (don't let us hear it) by Kandakicksass | Dishonored | Outsider/Corvo | 5k |  "He comes in like a ghost in the fall of 1854."
Work of All Saints by antistar_e (kaikamahine) | Coco | Hector/Imelda/Ernesto | 210k | Imelda Rivera (b. 1899 - d. 1969), a story that includes but is not limited to: the finest music school this side of the Santo Domingo, three traveling musicians and the mess they made of love, the twice-cursed assassination of Venustiano Carranza, all the patron saints, and ninety-six ways a man can try to cross a bridge.**
Traveling Far by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Brienne | 24k |  Three weeks into their delightful slog across Westeros, during yet another charming day of shitting in the woods, eating half-raw squirrel, and trudging his feet bloody, the single most dour and uninteresting woman Jaime had ever met in all of Westeros stopped in the middle of a field, drew a deep breath, and said, “When I was seven, my aunt came to visit with her son. My father told me that as the daughter of the house, it was my duty to show hospitality to my guests and to be gracious to them. I wanted to make him proud. So for three weeks, I let my cousin follow me around and talk to me about spiders.”
insert baseball pun here by hoppnhorn | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 6k |  He’s considering taking up smoking again if it keeps him from trying to pick up Steve in the middle of the office. That’s really the last thing that he needs to do, start fucking around with someone he works with. He had sex with a coworker one time back in college when he worked at some shitty deli and that had devolved into his manhood being threatened with a meat slicer.
Regrowth by moogle62 | Uprooted | Agnieszka/The Dragon | 1k |  Agnieszka’s wood-green cottage stands waiting for her when she leads Sarkan carefully by the hand back home. They wind through the trees together and only she does not flinch at the stray touch of branches. The Wood has known her too completely, now, for her to mistake friend for foe.
I just met you (and this is crazy) by littlesystems | Captain America | Steve/Bucky | 41k | After Steve gets outed by a grainy cell phone picture, it takes the media less than 24 hours to discover Captain America’s secret relationship with James Barnes: classical musician, teen heartthrob, and son of a former president.The only problem? Steve has never met James Barnes in his life.
will you chew until it bleeds? by brawlite | Venom | Venom/Eddie | 7k |  Venom drags Eddie into a seedy club out of sheer curiosity. Trying to make the most of a night he didn't choose for himself, Eddie tries to get laid. Instead, he gets mugged. Afterwards, Venom doesn't let Eddie feel too disappointed about the missed opportunity. 
devil's backbone by starscry | Castlevania | Alucard/Trevor Belmont | 3k |  “Come, now. I’ve seen you stalking around, pent up like a bitch in heat. You’re quite high-strung; it’s beginning to wear on the others, me included,” the vampire drawls. His sharp eyes find Trevor’s, narrowing slyly. “You need a good fuck.”
Steam and Skin by LuciferianRising | Castlevania | Alucard/Trevor | 5k |  He wanted to spare Sypha the horror of having to share a bath with either of them, but Trevor never imagined choosing to share it with Alucard would lead to this. He's not exactly complaining, however.
when the devil comes to plea (he'll be running quicker than you've ever seen) by Hornswaggler | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 3k | Akmazian runs with some pretty shady people. Akmazian is a pretty shady person. Now the Destroyer of Stars has developed something of a soft spot. Not all of his employees approve.
like it's supposed to by Hornswaggler | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 2k | Ryan is consistently busy. Luckily for him, that means he's consistently distracted from things he'd really rather not think about.Unluckily for him, he's apparently not too busy for impromptu visits from one of the most wanted men in the system.
a lesson in cartography by novembersmith | Uprooted | Agnieska/Sarkan | 7k | “I will never cease to be amazed at your unequaled talent for creating chaos out of the simplest components. You were meant to be scrying and map-making. What were you doing?”
heart on a string by jilliancares | She-Ra | Adora/Catra | A good Force Captain would do a lot of things that Catra wouldn’t, like not pulling their punches when fighting Adora and not sneaking into Castle Bright Moon for anything less than evil purposes. Unfortunately, Catra wasn’t a very good Force Captain, despite striving all her life to become one.No, everything had changed when Adora wandered into the stupid Whispering Woods to find a moral compass. Little did she know she was dragging Catra’s heart on a string behind her.
Aia ke ola i Motunui by asteriae | Moana | Moana/Maui | 25k | The trouble with saving the world and returning home a hero with a demigod by your side, is it really scares off potential suitors.
lilies of the valley (cover me with kisses, make my garden grow) by diasterisms | Star Wars | Reylo | 8k | Every girl is entitled to the mistake. That one colossal fuck-up that permanently alters the terrain of who you are. You'll either learn from it or you won't, so might as well have the time of your life.
Astronomical Odds by xzombiexkittenx for Cinnamaldeide | Hannibal | Hannigram | 2.5k |  Picked up a hitchhiker last night. He said, “Thanks! how do you know I’m not a serial killer though?” I replied, “The chances of two serial killers being in the same car are astronomical.”
meet me in the woods tonight by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 86k | There’s something in the woods of Hawkins, Indiana.
Notes of Noy, Notes of Joy by pendrecarc | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk | 5k | "I might wander ten thousand years in the goblin depths and never find a way out again...."Miryem descends into the depths with no more than a dagger in her hand, a mirror about her neck, and a song in her heart to bring her husband out again.
if you don't like the company, let's just do it you and me by hoppnhorn, thecopperkid | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 9k |  “Stevie, Stevie, Stevie,” Billy tuts, and it’s nearly sickening, too fucking good, the way he looks like he can think of nothing better than digging his teeth into Steve Harrington. “Look at you. What’re we gonna do with you, huh? Tell me what you want, pretty boy.”
B-Sides by notbecauseofvictories | Devil Went Down to Georgia | The Devil/Johnny | 5k | All the tunes that didn't make the cut.
Steve Rogers | Elegy
Lucifer | Heaven's Door
in my veins | keith
Voltron | Rise 
VOLTRON || H O M E || Season 6
Eleven || I'm this way because of you
Tenth Doctor | Reminiscence 
Lucifer | Heaven's Door
Marvel || Where are you now? (Faded)
Stranger Things | Heroes
What if THOR RAGNAROK had an anime opening?
the maze [multifandom]
Gilbert Blythe || The last, the only
K E I T H // "I won't quit" (6x07)
(Marvel) Avengers | Sacrifice
sᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴏʀ (ᴇᴘɪᴄ) // {Voltron AMV} ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀ sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 𝟼 sᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀs
Voltron | Rise (Season 6)
sᴏʟᴅɪᴇʀ // {Voltron AMV} ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀ sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 𝟼 sᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀs
Marvel | We Will Rock You
infinity war || bleeding heart
How Far We've Come - Voltron AMV (s1-s6)
Kylo Ren | Look What You Made Me Do
Way Down We Go|Detroit: Become Human
Loki // Hustler
Born ready [VOLTRON]
You could be h̶a̶p̶p̶y̶ and I won't know
ʜᴏᴡ ғᴀʀ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ
voltron s7 | home
VOLTRON || FIX YOU || Season 7
almost everything;
Infinity War || Flesh and Bone
Broken People || Avengers Infinity War
Marvel || Death is not the End
Blood//Water || Voltron Legendary Defender
The Wolf|Voltron| AMV
Harry Potter || Across this New Divide
► I Like Me Better
Game of Thrones | Flesh and Bone [6K]
The Byers || We can fix it, together
Legion || The World Killer
Infinity War || Violet Hill
Mike & Eleven || Out of the darkness
My Hero Academia「AMV」|| You Can Become A Hero
MARVEL || Stronger [The Score]
Peter + Roman | he hurt you
peter & roman | animals
Excelsior, Stan Lee
[Catradora] The Enemy
Avengers: Endgame - (Logan Style)
2018 --Trailers Mashup
X Ambassadors - UNSTEADY | Official Dance Video #LoveisLove
2018 Movie Trailer Mashup
just a machine? [Detroit: Become Human] *HBD Pteryx*
who are you? | Connor | Detroit: Become Human
Detroit: Become Human || Paralyzed
Emeli Sande - Daddy
EMPIRES Hello Lover
Stupid | Brendan Maclean
Chaos Chaos - Do You Feel It?
GHITA - Mindfvck
Olivia O'Brien - Fuck Feelings
gnash - i hate u, i love u ft. olivia o'brien
Paradise Valley | Honey and the Sting
Hidden Citizens - Hazy Shade of Winter
Attila the King | Nick Glennie-Smith
Lawless - Crossing Over (feat. IO Echo)
Is This the End | Joseph William Morgan
Man or a Monster | Sam Tinnesz(feat. Zayde Wølf)
Nothing Matters When We’re Dancing, Sense8 Remix ft Zoe Wise 
Moonlight End Credits | Nicholas Britell
Ori and the Blind Forest Soundtrack
Little Sadie - Crooked Still
That Feeling When - Dagny
Asylums for the Feeling - Silent Poets
Starboy - The Weeknd
Lash Out - Alice Merton
Liztomania - Phoenix
Alice - Fields and Planes
Little Black Submarines - The Black Keys
Ahead By a Century - The Tragically Hip
Can I Sit Next To You - Spoon
Fantasy Reading Soundtrack
Watercast Soundtrack
HAEVN - The Sea
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
Ocean Size - Jane’s Addiction
174 Hours - Jeff Russo
you should see me in a crown - billie eilish
the trapper and the furrier - regina spektor
the war - syml
lion - saint mesa
island - svrcina
who are you - svrcina
lovely - billie eilish
hold me - the sweeplings
natural - imagine dragons
mermaid - skott
sky full of song - florence + the machine
music to watch boys to - lana del rey
road river and rail - cocteau twins
hypnos - daemonia nymphe
in a landscape - john cage
mmm mmm mmm mmm - crash test dummies
queendom - aurora
ordinary world - duran duran
silent lucidity - queensryche
friends - marshmello
popular - nada surf
song of the sea lullaby - nolwenn leroy
flesh and bone - black math
the wolf - siames
broken people- rag n bone man & logic
nina cried power ep - hozier
kol nidrey - the yuval ron ensemble
amen - for king & country
stronger - the score
rise like a phoenix - conchita wurst
heroes - mans zelmerlow
cut to the feeling - carly rae jepsen
electrified - just loud
all my friends - the revivalists
the way you used to do - queens of the stone age
the morning after - maureen mcgovern
killer shangri-lah - psychotic beats
work it out - effee
sous les aquarelles - ingrid st-pierre
the other side - greatest showman ensemble
the greatest show -  greatest showman ensemble
never enough - loren allred
this is me -  greatest showman ensemble
SOS - Cher
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! - Cher
Dancing Queen - Cher
Perfect Opening Line  - The Frames
Twin Fawn - Chelsea Wolfe
The Plains/Bitter Dancer - Fleet Foxes
Don’t Fall In Love - Still Corners
Acid Rain - Lorn
One Night Only - The Struts
Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt
Always Starting Over - Idina Menzel
Ghost of John - Kristin Lawrence
Fernando - Cher
The Ancestors - Dario Marianelli
Turn Back Time - Cher
It’s Quiet Uptown - Kelly Clarkson
Stranger Things - Facing West
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
The Origin of Love - Hedwig
DJ Earworm Mashup - United State of Pop 2018 (Turnin' It Up)
DECADE OF POP | The Megamix (2008-2018) // by Adamusic
MASHUP 2018 "THE GREATEST HOPE" - 2018 Year End Mashup
DANCE TO 2018 | YEAR END MEGAMIX (MASHUP) // by Adamusic
Vivaldi Recomposed by Max Richter
and i'm always tired, but never of you | The Bright Sessions | Sam/Damien/Mark | 10,405 words | Sam runs into Damien at the grocery store two years later. It changes everything.  
tides will bring me back to you | Kingdom Hearts | Axel/Roxas | 7,383 words | When Axel was sixteen, he did something stupid. He and a couple of his friends took his mom’s car up to the mountains, where they’d spent the better part of the day drinking bottles of stolen liquor and staggering along a heavily forested trail, laughing and bumping into trees as they went. As it was getting dark, they’d ended up near the end of it, where the heavy brush of the trees gave way to open sky and sea, a quiet little cove in the middle of nowhere.Then, one of his friends said, “I dare you to go in the water.”
Smallest Light | Stranger Things | Gen, El & Will | 5,165 words | In the summer of 1986, Will’s mom marries Jim Hopper. OR, Will and El learn how to be real people again together.
i don't want to rest in peace, we can haunt each other's dreams | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 1,520 words |  In the dream, Ryan wakes up and Akmazian is there. 
Looking For Atlantis | SGA | Mcshep | 4,632 words | Hey Rodney, the postcard reads. Go see a movie.
keep your heart open (i'll keep mine open too) | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 7,915 words | “Did you even like me before you found out I was your soulmate?” Billy murmurs as he kisses a line down Steve’s throat.
2018 Playlist
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orionsangel86 · 7 years
hey there , what do you think changed supernatural , sometimes i wanna cry at how good the first seasons were compared to recent ones , dont get me wrong i love and respect the show , i am just really confused :(
Hey! Well as much as I get your confusion over certain episodes *cough*bucklemming*cough*
But I actually disagree. If you means seasons 4 and 5 then yes. Those were the Supernatural golden years. They were excellent television and incredibly enjoyable. But honestly, if you mean seasons 1-3 I’d have to disagree. I’ll be honest, when I first started watching this show I found it very difficult to commit to it. I started watching season 1 and found it pretty boring. Just two boys looking for their dad and I didn’t like Dean at all. I thought he was too arrogant too macho and trying too hard to be an insensitive buffoon (typical male character in a show aimed at men basically) isn’t it funny how things change?
I struggled to keep watching. I got to season two and it still wasn’t thrilling me, though the story had finally piqued my interest and a couple of episodes were really good. It wasn’t until season 3 and the introduction of the regular female characters that I started liking it. I enjoyed Ruby and I loved Bela. 
Then season 4 came on and I fell in love. No longer was I having to debate over which Winchester I preferred. Cas stole my heart the minute he entered that barn (as he did Dean’s) and I was hooked from that point.
Season 6 bored me until Sam got his soul back, then I got into it again. Its funny but I tend to hate it when the main characters lose themselves. I hated the mark of cain arc as well because it made me hate Dean. Which was very confusing because I relate to Dean the most (it helps that we are both blonde haired, green eyed bisexuals in love with Cas). Season 7 drove me mad when I first watched it because I didn’t know if Cas was coming back and I just wanted him back on the screen. Only after watching the end of the season and knowing that Cas would come back did I go back and rewatch the season just to enjoy the episodes and realise that the MOTW eps that season were really good (plus Dean’s mourning over Cas like a war widow was super obvious to me). Season 8 I adored, Season 11 I adored and season 12 so far is also really good. 
The problem with the later seasons is quite simple to me. Bucklemming. They fuck up the story, write the characters out of character, write insulting and gross scenes and bring the mood of the fandom to an all time low. I hate their episodes. (except for 11x18 which was their one good episode). It also makes matters worse that they get to write mytharc episodes which include all the main cast. They tarnish the later seasons with their mere presence.
If I was to rank supernatural seasons by my personal opinion of them that ranking would go:
4,5,8,11,12,7,6,3,2,9,1,10 (with 12 getting its honorary fifth place held pending how good its second half is).
So you can see that whilst my favourite season is an early season and my least liked season is a later one, the ranking bounces around. I really liked season 11 and I like season 12 so far (i just have to try to block out bucklemming episodes). Season 8 is up there as a fave and that counts as a later season. the first three are all kinda ‘meh’ for me right now.
Supernatural will never rekindle its golden years, but it is trying new things and being a bit more experimental with its storylines whereas in the early seasons it had a more original structure to it. Which was that everything was leading up to the apocalypse. Ever since the apocalypse was averted (end of season 5) the stories have all been thrown out there and some of the ideas didn’t work (mark of cain) whereas some did (The Trials).
When a show goes on this long it really should keep up the experimental storylines and try for new original things that could potentially boost its popularity rather than playing it safe. I hope that what Dabb has in mind follows the more dangerous path. He should take a leaf out of Netflix’s book for original story ideas really. Go for diversity and scare off some of those republican viewers and instead gain a broader audience... and sack Bucklemming. That would certainly make the show better.
If I am totally honest with you I don’t think I would be watching the show right now if it wasn’t for tumblr and the fandom (the good parts) because they make viewing this show an experience. If I didn’t have that I wouldn’t have lasted through seasons 9 and 10. So I get it, but I’m giving season 12 a chance. Dabb may surprise us. 
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piracytheorist · 7 years
Hello! It’s your CSSV :) OMG now I imagine Killian singing Sweet child o’mine and I’m melting. Oh I wish something like that would happen. That ep could be either great or horrendous, it scares me haha. BUT A&E seem to have good tastes in music (well according to my preferences :p I like classic rock/alternative) so there’s that. I saw your post about getting drunk to watch the episode, I did that for the S5 finale because I knew it would be bad,
(2/3)but I drank too much rum n’ coke so the day after I had absolutely no memory of the second hour...oops! So my advice: don’t drink too much because you don’t wanna have to rewatch it sober :p I’m excited for the Jen and Colin panel at Atlanta, but 6x11 is going to be spoiled, I'm not thrilled about that. It’s so weird that they’re screening it a month earlier, I want to think that’s because it’s got way more Emma/CS/Killian scenes
(3/3)and that they’re not awfully OOC like in 6x10, so it’ll make the fans who were disappointed get hyped again... We’ll see! And YES I want to see CS with pets so bad. Since Killian doesn’t have a job, he could take David’s spot at the animal shelter. But I doubt they’ll ever bother give him a job haha. Give your cat some snuggles for me! xx –your CSSV ♡
My sister has watched up to the fifth season and was pretty disappointed with how the show turned out, and she freaked out when I told her there may be a musical episode. She told me that if it’s worth laughing at it she’ll watch it. I will definitely drink a bit before watching it myself, but omg I’ll have to be careful! As you said, it would be unfortunate to forget the whole episode, and to be honest my drink of choice was going to be rum and coke, so I guess I’ll have to make sure the actual alcohol quantity won’t be too much :P
I’m glad for the panel mostly because we’ll get more pics of Colin and Jen and I just love seeing them working together and being happy for that :) Are you going there? Despite myself I am hoping there are more CS scenes in 6x11 with both of them being more like the Emma and Killian we know. The way they were trying to batch things up and calm down all the distraught fans after 6x10 says something, and I hope they do a decent job talking about them in the panel. Isn’t that the first time Colin will be in such a panel? It’s weird and I do want to hope that the episode itself may do its own job fixing most of the wrongs of 6x10.
Lol I also doubt they’re ever gonna give Killian a job. He’s technically a sort-of deputy (with Snow and Regina and Henry and Belle as well) but I guess he’s still paying with dubloons :P It would be nice for the show to once sit down and explain how things work in Storybrooke exactly but I doubt that will ever happen.
I didn’t have many things to do today, so I just mostly stayed in bed being lazy, and of course my cat jumped up to lie with me and I gave him lots of nuzzles! Give one to yours for me too
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An Attempt At A Comprehensive Review of RWBY Volume 4
I did a couple of posts reacting to RWBY4 as it was coming out, which you can find in the rwby4 tag on my own page. But I figured now that it’s been a few weeks I can write a more comprehensive review.
FULL SPOILERS FOR RWBY VOLUME 4. And sorry this is long.
First thought: IT WAS SLOW AS FUCK.
I mean sweet jesus, that dragged. If I were to think of the whole volume as one long movie, I could count a full hour of content going by without a single fight going on. Which, I mean, you can get away with in a full-length movie, but with a show like RWBY, which was co-created by a guy known for his fight animation, that comes out in 20 minutes spurs every week? That’s really, really bad. I mean, I guess they sort of got away with it in past volumes (not really though), but that’s mainly because the episodes were a lot shorter. And the World of Remnants coming out at seemingly random points made it all the more worse. I mean, I sat down and watched the whole thing through recently, episode by episode, and honestly it was alright. But watching it in process? That was torture. Plus it didn’t feel like the more interesting arcs going on were getting enough development time.
Second thought: Pretty good world building
Okay, slowness aside, for me the World of Remnants painted a fascinating picture of...well, of the world of Remnant. A lot of thought was definitely put into the mechanics, and Vic’s voiceover as Qrow getting increasingly drunk made them all the more entertaining. But again, I’d prefer it if they came out concurrently with the episodes rather than in place of an episode. As some have noted, that doesn’t build hype, it pisses you off.
Third thought: Meh Fight Choreography
RWBY’s was interesting to me in the first place because of the fight choreo, though I stuck around because I wanted to see what happened with the characters. Since we don’t have Monty and Shane on hand anymore to animate RWBY, their animation which to some extent was RWBY’s signature is gone. Of the fights in RWBY4, I felt that only two felt like something resembling Monty or Shane’s work––the character short and Qrow v. Tyrian, though both of these fell flat.
Fourth thought: Animation style and design was beautiful
Barring the snore-worthy fight choreography, the switch to Maya this season definitely improved the quality of animation drastically. The animation in Volume 1 was deplorable, the animation in Volume 2 was better but still kind of lacking, Volume 3 was an improvement but they could still have done better. With Volume 4 the design elements were done really well, and in the Maya engine they came out in ways I don’t think Poser could have achieved.
The Grimm this year were especially terrifying. I loved the added touch of the black smoke they emitted, and the Nuckelavee Grimm was pretty cool.
But again, I think there’s a problem when you at first have good fight choreography and poor animation, and later have good animation but poor fight choreography.
Fifth thought: Too Many Plotlines
Six different stories and about 3 hours to tell them? Really, really bad idea.
This is something you do in a show like Game of Thrones. I get that RT Animation is fairly small, but if you’re gonna have this many plotlines you need much, much longer episodes, at least 30 minutes per chapter I reckon. But 10-20 minutes means a plot that starts one episode doesn’t pop up again until almost a month later, by which point you’ve forgotten about them or ceased to care.
Sixth thought: Underdeveloped Plotlines
I would call this a side effect of the previous one. I think the first...three or so?...episodes introduced quite a few compelling plotlines (at least to me). Cinder’s recovery following the number Ruby did to her at Beacon, Yang learning to live without her arm, Blake running away from her problems, Weiss dealing with her parents, Oscar.
But as the season dragged (and boy did it drag) a lot of these plot points were seemingly dropped or at most didn’t serve as much importance as the first few eps implied. For example, I thought they would have more about Cinder’s recovery or how the team was dealing with Pyrrha’s death, but most of it only appeared in a few eps and would be brought up––sometimes randomly––several episodes later. Yang’s arc felt especially truncated––the prominence in the opening made it seem like it would be a major point this year, but they had only two episodes of her dealing with PTSD, and all of sudden she has the arm and is all better. I mean, I liked what little I saw, but I really really wish they’d shown more. If you’re gonna take on a topic like that you need time to show it, and the way this season was set up there wasn’t enough time.
The thing is, the way this year went you can sort of tell when Miles and Kerry went, “Oh crap, we went in over our heads.” I think it was around episode 4, when we had a World of Remnant, a RWBY episode, then another World of Remnant, which I think is the first time a WoR has appeared so soon after a previous one. To me that inconsistency signals a point where the team realized they were nearing the halfway point and the plot wasn’t going fast enough.
That’s a failure of the production structure: if you’re gonna take the show to an epic scale like this, you need to have everything ready before the first episode, or at least somewhere in advance. RWBY is largely produced as it’s being released, and the result is they don’t have enough time to review everything and realize when something’s not working. If Rooster Teeth Animation doesn’t have the capabilities or the time to take a plot to its full potential, that plot needs to be dropped.
The only really good plot this year I thought was Weiss’s arc. Well-written, good performances by the voice actors (more on that later), and fairly well-developed. But it was stretched out over a long period of time, so in retrospect that made it a little difficult to follow.
Seventh thought: Voice Acting Was Great
Maybe it’s experience or the fact they hired more professionals, but the voice acting this year was really good. All four of the Team RWBY voice actors were great, but I’m singling out Barbara Dunkelman and Kara Eberle for best performances, as I think their arcs provided the best range of emotion for them to portray; this especially shows in comparison to their performances in the first volume, which I rewatched back in December while this season was in full swing. I think ultimately though Yang’s plotline was too truncated for us to see how much Barb has improved since 2013. Kara, after portraying Weiss’s icy personality in the first few volumes, really showed a surprising range of emotion for Weiss’s realization of just how vain her family and acquaintances are.
The real MVP of this season was Neath Oum. He’s by no means a professional voice actor, but knowing he took on the character in honor of his younger brother and the surprisingly substantial role Ren and Nora served this year, he honestly killed it.
Minor thoughts
The best moment I thought this season was Qrow and Raven’s discussion in Higanbana in “Chapter 4: Family.” Great voicework from Vic Mignogna and Anna Hullum, well-written dialogue, good camera angles, and an interesting way of developing the plot. Only problem is it was a few minutes in an early episode, and the discussion was never brought up again––hopefully next year?
The best episode was “Chapter 10: Kuroyuri.” I thought the voiceover work for young Ren was kind of eh, but I liked that we got more of Ren and Nora’s tragic backstory, which was only alluded to in the first few volumes. We get a glimpse of Ren’s semblance and the start of their friendship, plus a genuine glimpse at what kind of enemy the Nuckelavee is. But I think it happened too late in the season––at that point I was just too invested in what would happen to the other characters to really want a flashback episode. The stakes needed to be raised earlier, and though we got hints at the Nuckelavee in Chapter 2, there wasn’t enough in the rest of the episodes to make us aware how big of an enemy it was.
Moving on/Too Long; Didn’t Read
As a general assessment, this season had vast improvements from previous seasons, but overall the result was a disappointment. Too much going on with too little time to tell it. Moving forward I think RT’s best decision is best case scenario make longer episodes, worst case make more episodes. I suppose a better in-between ground is reuniting Team RWBY, but at this point that’s probably not gonna happen until the end of Volume 5.I was, again, disappointed, but I was invested enough in the characters that I want to see what happens to them next year...this September...whenever the hell they start up. So for now I say goodbye to RWBY proper, and look forward to whatever ridiculousness they bring to RWBY Chibi this year.
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