#this is my least favorite one so far but i hope someone gets enjoyment out of it 😊
its-time-to-write ¡ 1 year
Omg I'm loving your response to my prompts!! thank you
I have a few ideas (You don't have to do them all) just throwing them out there to see what sparks ideas!!
I love secret admirer stories (I know its no where close to valentines day but still) maybe Reader is Rebecca's assistant and keeps getting gifts leading up to valentines day but she is pretty sure its like Sam or Isaac and tells friend Jaime (even though its really him) then the day of the grand finale and she comes to the lovely surprise of it being Jaime!
also if you could include Scarlett red roses in it for me (They are my favorite flower and the only flower I'm not allergic to)
So. I liked this one. Maybe too much? It might be the longest one I’ve written so far, so, uh, sorry about that. But I liked it a lot. It might be one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. Hope you enjoy. also the gif isn’t Jamie Tartt but it is Phil Dunster so hopefully that’s ok
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honey, i’ll give you all my time
Good god, it’s February all ready. You have a love-hate relationship with the month; love, because Galentine’s Day and hate because Valentine’s Day. You and your friends would go out on February 15th to get discount chocolate from the shops, then return home for an ungodly amount of takeout and a movie. On the whole, you all preferred action movies with a good romance. 
You’re dreading Valentine’s Day because it’s when your boyfriend of two years held your hands in his, and told you he wanted to break up. 
That was a year ago. You’re mostly angry that he’s a dark stain on one of your favorite holidays. You’re absolutely determined not to let him ruin your enjoyment. 
This is also the first year you’re not with your friends. You moved away last March because you realized your ex had been holding you back in far too many ways. 
So. To recap. 
You’re alone. You love Valentine’s Day, despite it forever being the day of your breakup. Your friends aren’t here. You have new friends. There is no one to go to the shops with on the 15th. But discount chocolate is still discount chocolate. 
Your current job is as a personal assistant, something you excel at. You basically anticipate needs, meet them, and just generally make your employer’s life a whole lot easier. The application said the job required a lot of travel, but all expenses (minus some food) were covered. 
You were shocked when you got an interview, then a second, then a third, then were hired. 
Your boss is a woman named Rebecca Welton, and you’re half in love with her, but who isn’t, really?
You swear you’ve never been in such a healthy work environment. You mention it one day, early on, and she says it’s all thanks to their head coach, someone named Ted. 
You meet him for the first time later that day, and you understand. 
It’s impossible not to love him, because he has vision. He knows what he wants from his team, and he knows how to get it. 
He believes the team extends far beyond the players. 
He believes it extends to you, too. 
Ted and Coach Beard steal you from Rebecca as often as they can, claiming emergencies such as “a toxic amount of testosterone from all these boys,” “life-threatening boredom,” and last but not least, “there’s a new pun Ted absolutely needs to test right now and he won’t take no for an answer.”
(You like to give Ted honest feedback on his puns.) 
You also find yourself in their office when Rebecca is out for lunch, eating your respective sandwiches and swapping life stories. 
They remind you a lot of your parents.
It’s mid-June when you mention the Valentine’s Day story. 
It doesn’t hurt as much when it’s punctuated by Ted’s “he didn’ts” and Beard’s perfectly-timed gasps. 
You find yourself laughing halfway through, unable to stop. 
“And anyway,” you finish, cheeks painful from smiling so hard, “that’s why romantic love is a joke and I am drowning myself in platonic love forever.”
Ted and Beard share a look. “I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” Beard says. 
You shoot him a quizzical look. “What do you mean?”
“Well sweetheart,” Ted says, “between the two of us collectively,” here points between him and Beard, “we know of at least three of the boys on the team who are madly in love with you.”
“What?” you gasp, “How did you- where did you- who??”
Ted zips his lips and Beard tips a finger to him. “We know of five if we count Rebecca’s intel.”
You’re sitting cross-legged on the edge of Beard’s desk, in shock. “Rebecca knows about this??”
Ted and Beard shrug in unison. “We all have our opinions on which one should shoot their shot, but that’s neither here nor there,” Ted says. 
“Coincidentally, it’s the one thing we unanimously agree on,” Beard nods. 
You’re cut off from saying anything by the door opening. One of the players stands in the doorway. 
“Excuse me, coach,” he says, accent thick. 
Ted motions in a you have the floor type of way, and the footballer turns to address you of all people. “We’re all goin’ out tonight, and Keeley sent me to invite the new girl. None of the lads have really met you yet, just seen you ‘round. Thought it might be good for team bonding, or something. I’m Jamie, by the way.”
“Oh,” you say, taken aback. “I guess- yeah, I guess I haven’t really met them. I mean, I see you guys around and stuff and I’m at your games, but I don’t really know you. Are you sure you want me to come?”
Jamie shrugs. “Coach is always on us about bein’ a team or some shit. And, havin’ a girl around makes the lads look good.”
You think that makes sense, and then find yourself agreeing to go out that night with a group of footballers you don’t know, and (thank god) Keeley Jones. 
You’re going to figure out which five before the summer’s over. 
You have nice time out with the lads. They go to a bar and cram into separate booths. You’re wedged in between two who have introduced themselves as Isaac and Dani, and across from Sam, Bumbercatch, and Jan Maas. Roy, Richard, and a few others you don’t know are milling about, and you see Jamie and Keeley at a table, surrounding by giggling girls. The sight is so absurd that you catch yourself smiling and turning back to whatever conspiracy Bumbercatch is telling you about now. 
You put Sam at the top of your list as soon as you get home. The man wears his heart on his sleeve, or maybe in his eyes, but you’re positive that he’s one of the five Ted and Beard referred to. One down, four to go. 
It’s the end of July, and you begin to become friends with the team. You know for an absolute fact who is not interested in you, Jamie being one of them. Coincidentally, he’s the one you become closest to. You think it’s because you’re not worrying about sending mixed signals or leading him on. You dropped public hints about not really looking for anything romantic, just to be sure you wouldn’t hurt anyone. 
As it is, Jan Maas and Dani have made the list. Jan Maas, because he stifled his Dutch bluntness for you and Dani, because he openly declared he was madly in love with you in front of the whole team. 
Isaac makes the list in December. It had been in between him and Bumbercatch, but Isaac was the one who walked you to your car every night and the first one to say hello to you every morning. 
You’re not gonna lie, it was cute. 
You shared some of this with Ted and Beard, who remained impressively stone-faced. Rebecca proved to be equally impervious.
You shared all of it with your lunch-buddy-turned-work-bestie, Jamie. 
You ate with him because Rebecca was constantly in lunch meetings these days, and Ted, Beard, and Roy were always revamping their football strategies.
Jamie would plop down at your table and say, “What’s the news, Amy Hughes?” in his perfect Mancunian accent, and then listen/add commentary to whatever you had to say. 
You explained to him that the reason you wanted to know who liked you was so that you could be extra careful with their hearts. You knew what it was like to be led on, and you did NOT want to do that to someone else. 
Jamie nodded thoughtfully at that and then said, “We’re all footballers though, ain’t we? We get the shit end of the stick all the time, hearts broke by models and whatever. Even ends up in the fucking press. Everyone here’s has their heart broken before, and we all know you aren’t doing it on purpose.”
You wrinkle your nose at him. “I’m pretty sure it’s short end of the stick, Jamie.”
And thus begins your lunch hour of bickering. 
No one has made a move on you yet, and you don’t have a read on number five. You still think it may be Bumbercatch, but in reality, it slips from your mind. Sam’s moved on, Jan Maas has accepted defeat, Dani swears he will love you until the day he dies, and Isaac stays, well, Isaac. Still sweet. Still walking you to your car, coming round extra early in the morning with a coffee or a water, depending on which “looked less like shit.”
Really though, you don’t think about it until February first, when you walk into your office to a small box on your desk. 
At first, you think it’s a box of Ted’s biscuits. 
Then, you notice a small, scarlet-red rose taped to the top. There’s no note, and all that’s inside is a tiny paper heart. 
It’s folded with extreme care, and you place it on your shelf, smelling the rose. It smells amazing and you make a mental note to figure out where the heck it came from. But for now, it’s time to work. 
You don’t mention the gifts until February third, because now there’s been one a day. Each one with a scarlet red rose, and a different gift. Yesterday was an incredibly expensive bar of chocolate (it was life-changing) and today is a tiny gold bracelet.
It’s a simple enough chain, but it is absolutely breathtaking. There is no mistaking the fact that it is not cheap, so you take it and march straight to Rebecca’s office.  
“Rebecca,” you say, hands outstretched, “look.”
She does, smiles, then says, “It appears you have a secret admirer.”
“But I don’t want that!” you cry. “I don’t even have time for that! I don’t even like anybody right now!”
She peers at you over her glasses. “Don’t you?”
The sheer weight of those words is enough to physically knock you back two steps. 
You don’t, you swear you don’t, you’re absolutely sure. 
What about Vienna? a voice in the very back of your head nags.
You reply, out loud, “We don’t talk about Vienna,” and Rebecca just shrugs. 
“Have it your way,” she replies in a tone that means this conversation is over, but you’re the one ending it.
You turn on your heel and find yourself taking the route to Ted and Beard. 
You burst into their office in such a flurry that the entire room turns to look at you. “Close the door,” you say with such urgency, that Trent hurries to comply. Beard even shuts the blinds. 
“What’s on your mind, Ollie Cline?” Ted asks. 
“Wait,” you say, holding up a hand. You point to Roy. “Do you want to be here? It involves feelings.”
“Fuck no,” says Roy, “thanks for being fucking considerate.” He follows it up with a pointed glare at Ted, then goes into his office and firmly shuts the door. 
“Can he be here?” Ted asks, tilting his head toward Trent. 
“I don’t care, he’s probably a good one to have around for this because look!” You present the three collected roses and the bracelet. 
“Someone’s started leaving me gifts, and I’m pretty sure it’s a Valentine’s thing because of the roses, and it was fine for the first two days but this is expensive, and I can’t accept this!”
Ted and Beard share a look. You hate it when they do that and leave you out. 
Ted sighs. “Listen, do you think this about Vienna?”
You fix him with a glare. “No. We are not talking about Vienna ever again.”
Trent pipes up, “What’s Vienna?” and you wheel around on him, taking your glare with you. 
“Vienna," you spit, like it’s poisonous, “is a terrible, awful place where people think terrible, awful things. I never want to talk about it again and I never will.”
Trent nods. “Noted.” 
You turn back to Ted and Beard, pleadingly. “What do I do? Tell me what to do.”
Beard gets up and puts his hand on your shoulder. “Kid, if you want my advice, take the damn roses and wear the damn bracelet. These boys make more money than they know how to spend, so just let it go. They all know how you feel about dating, so if someone’s shooting their shot, they know the stakes.”
You shake your head. “Fine. Fine. I’ll let it go.” 
You decide to tell Jamie on day five, because it’s a Friday and you’re dying to get his take. You tell him everything, show him the roses in your office (hanging upside down to dry), and then hand him the notebook that was in today’s box. 
“Jamie,” you say, “this is an expensive notebook. There was a typed note inside that said, ‘for your drawings.’ How did this person even know I like drawing? I never talk about it!”
Jamie looks at you and laughs a little. You’re very flustered for something most people would enjoy. “Dunno, love, but we’ve all seen the sticky notes you leave Coach. That might be it.”
You groan and flop down into your chair. 
“At least tomorrow’s the weekend,” you say.
Jamie’s phone dings at 9:00am on Saturday with a text from you that says, what the actual heck and a picture of a brown bag at your doorstep. Inside is a plastic box of your favorite lemon muffin from a local bakery. He emphasized the image, then waits for your response. 
It was still warm, you write. It was someone who knows where I live and knows what time I leave to get breakfast.
Jamie grins and sends you a shrugging emoji, and you respond with an eye roll and a you’re no fun.
Jamie reads that and privately disagrees. He thinks he’s lots of fun
You’re pretty sure it’s Isaac. After all, he’s the only likely candidate. He’s one of the few who knows where you live and knows your routine. Not in a creepy way, in a we’re-good-friends type of way. You bring this up to Jamie, after personally banning all talk of this with Ted, Beard, and Rebecca. Stupid Vienna. You should never have told them. 
Jamie shrugs for the millionth, infuriating time. He’s been noncommittal this whole time. You’re over here pouring out your heart and soul, considering whether you like Isaac romantically or not, and all he can say is, “I dunno?” 
This is not the Jamie Tartt you’ve become best friends with. 
That Jamie would be down to hunt this secret admirer with you. That Jamie would be helping you figure out if Isaac had a chance with you. That Jamie would be way more engaged than the one sitting in front of you right now. 
But, you suppose maybe that Jamie died in Vienna, so you stop bringing it up.
It’s day ten. Valentine’s Day is in four day, and you’re nervous. 
You’ve decided you don’t like Isaac like that, mainly because it shouldn’t take you that long to decide if you like anyone. There has to be an initial spark, and you shouldn’t try to manufacture it. 
Still, you’re not sure it is Isaac, so you’re not going to say anything about it. The scarlet red roses hang on your office wall, permeating the room with their scent. 
You feel like you’re dying. 
This is a cruel joke and you’re dying. 
The building is basically empty right now. Rebecca and Higgins have some meeting, the team is on the pitch (including Will) and various other staff are somewhere far away from you. So, you jump a little when Trent Crimm comes tripping into your office. 
“Vienna,” he says, no greeting. “If you didn’t want to talk about it, you wouldn’t have told anyone. I’m assuming you do want to talk about it, but you don’t want judgement from the people you love. I’m here to offer my services as a neutral party.”
You look at him. “Trent. You are a journalist. Your whole job is writing down people’s secrets. Why on earth would I talk to you about the worst day of my life?”
Trent shrugs. “I’m good at keeping secrets. This would be off the record. I’ve never lied to people about off the record, also. I consider it bad journalism.”
You consider this for a moment, then sigh. 
“Alright,” you concede. “At least if this gets out, I know whose head I’m shaving in retaliation.”
Trent looks at you in surprise, seeing you in a whole new, slightly threatening light.
“It happened two months ago. It was around Christmas, and I didn’t have anywhere to go…”
Your family all had their own separate plans that Christmas. Plans that didn’t really involve you. Same with your friends. You said something casually to Rebecca, and the next day she told you she had booked you a trip to Vienna. Call it an early Christmas present, she said. It was at the Aumaris Vienna, and it was gorgeous and ridiculously out of your budget, but she said you worked hard and gave her peace-of-mind, and you can’t really put a price on that, can you?
So you went. 
But here’s the thing. 
Someone else didn’t have Christmas plans. 
So when you brought up your trip at your daily lunch, said someone else casually asked, can I come? 
You almost choked on your sandwich. 
Because here’s the other thing.
You were, maybe, kind of, possibly just a little bit head over heels in love with this someone else.
You’re not sure when it happened, really, just that it was probably in August and that it was soul-crushing because you knew for an absolute fact that he did not, and never would, feel the same way. 
You didn’t tell anyone except Keeley, but under the condition that she just let you say it and that she never, ever give you a response to it. Just listen. 
She did, but you were pretty sure she almost combusted. 
But who are you to say no when Jamie Tartt invited himself on your luxurious Christmas vacation saying, I’ll pay extra to get a plane ticket next to you? 
You were doomed from the start. 
To make matters totally and impossibly worse, he couldn’t find another room. 
He had his tickets, but the hotels, he said, were packed. 
It was Christmas, after all. 
So that’s how you ended up in a luxury hotel with Jamie Tartt for a week and a half, one day of which was Christmas. 
You know the, “there was only one bed” trope that everyone thinks is so cute?
It was that, but only if you add deep, shattering heartbreak to it. 
Because every night, you had to listen to Jamie say, “goodnight, love,” and then get into that giant, soft bed as far away from him as you could manage. 
Every morning you woke up to the pillow barricade long gone, one of his arms thrown around you. Or one of your legs on top of his. Or a million different scenarios where you end up literally asleep together, some weird gravity pulling you to each other. 
You were falling so hard and so fast, that you felt like the air was knocked from your lungs when Jamie started talking about the girl he liked. 
“She’s just so fucking beautiful,” he’d say, staring at an Alpine mountain. Or, “Swear she’s the smartest fucking person I’ve ever met,” while traipsing through the city. Or, “Pretty sure she’s ruined me for everyone else,” while getting facials at the hotel spa. 
To be fair, you were the one who teased him into admitting he liked someone. 
You just didn’t expect it to hurt so much. 
The entire trip felt like heaven and hell had simultaneously converged on you, and you never wanted to leave but also desperately counted the days till it was over. 
You came back and broke down in Rebecca’s office. Ted and Beard were there. The whole thing came spilling out, about how you loved the trip so much it felt like your heart would explode but that Jamie loved someone else. 
They all exchanged looks amongst themselves and did their best to comfort you. 
You pulled yourself together and they promised never to say anything to anyone. 
“So that’s Vienna,” you finish. 
Trent is just staring at you, mouth slightly agape. 
He finally says, “My god, that’s fucked,” with such emotion that you decide right then and there that you like Trent Crimm and his rainbow mug. 
Now, you just shrug. “I did it to myself, honestly. That’s why I’m tripping out about this secret admirer thing. And god, Trent, the roses. They’re so beautiful and it’s so romantic, and whoever it is obviously knows me well so there’s a part of me that wants to like this person, but…” you trail off. 
“But there’s a part of you that’s hoping against hope that Jamie’s behind it all,” Trent finishes. 
You let out a little laugh. “Yeah, that about sums it up.”
Trent looks at the roses, then at you. “Maybe you should talk to Jamie,” he says, gently. 
You reply with a forceful, “No,” and then follow up with a small, “That’s what Ted and Rebecca say, too.” 
Trent stands up, shrugs, says with a small smile, “Just a thought,” then he’s out the way he came. 
It is Valentine’s Day. And it’s a Sunday, which means you are legally required to stay in bed until 10, at which point you will get out only to make yourself decent enough to go buy a good cup of coffee and maybe (definitely) something to eat. 
You’ve just finished putting on your shoes, when there’s a knock at the door. 
You take a breath, and get ready to let down your secret admirer as gently as possible. 
You swing open the door to reveal- 
“Jamie! What are you doing here?”
Jamie Tartt is on your doorstep, hands behind his back, looking shyer than the day you first met. 
He opens his mouth and says the last thing you’d ever expect:
“D’you remember Vienna?”
Your heart, which had already been going fast because his dumb floppy hair was all dumb and floppy in his stupid, cute headband, is now working double time. You manage a nod. 
Jamie takes this as permission to continue. “D’you remember how I couldn’t get another room, no matter how hard I tried? That wasn’t true. I could’ve.” He pauses, and you wait for him to continue. 
“And d’you remember when we met, when I told you Keeley told me to invite you out? That was a lie too.”
You tilt your head, confused. He keeps going. 
“Look- I fucked it. I fucked it a million times and I told Ted and I told Beard, but they kept helping me un-fuck it and giving me chances, and then Rebecca bought two tickets to Vienna and slipped me the other one, and they all told me I had a perfect shot.” 
You’re still not understanding what he’s saying. He might as well be speaking another language. Jamie sees the confusion in your eyes, takes a breath, and tries again. 
“Keeley told me to invite you out, but only because I’d seen you around and thought you were fit. Then Isaac and all the lads thought the same thing, so I didn’t even get to fuckin’ sit with you. And then you started sayin’ things about not bein’ ready for a relationship, so I tried to let it go. I really fucking tried. But I just couldn’t. Your eyes are too sparkly and your laugh is too fucking cute and I couldn’t let it go, so I started eating lunch with you and you fucking let me. I knew the moment I said anything about liking you, it was over.”
Comprehension has started to dawn, but you push down hope until Jamie’s done speaking. 
“Everyone told me to shoot my shot in Vienna. We shared a bed, for fuck’s sake.” Here, Jamie looks bewildered. “But I dunno, I didn’t want to make shit weird. So when you asked if I liked anyone I said yeah, and started fuckin describing you, but you never fucking picked up on it. That’s when I got the idea to try one more time. All by meself, no help from anyone else. So…yeah.”
Jamie Tartt is standing on your porch confessing his love for you on Valentine’s Day and it is not a dream, because if it were your teeth would be falling out and his hair would probably be neon pink. 
“I’m an idiot,” you breathe. “You like me? Like, like-like me?”
Jamie quirks a smile at that. “Not quite, darling. Pretty fucking sure I love you.” He pulls his hand from behind his back to reveal a bunch of scarlet red roses. The same from each gift. 
“Got these for you,” he says. “D’you know how hard it is to get red roses in February?”
You don’t answer him because you’re leaping into his arms, kissing him like you’ve thought about doing every day for what feels like forever. He’s kissing you back, hand with the flowers pressed against your back, other hand in your hair. 
“I love you too, Jamie,” you whisper against his mouth. He smiles and pulls you in again. 
865 notes ¡ View notes
quincywillows ¡ 8 months
a scattered and overall supportive review of percy jackson season 1
let me just say first of all, it's extremely fun to be enthused about a tv show like this again. the adaptation isn't perfect, but it's a lot of fun, and you can tell there's plenty of heart and good intention behind what they're doing. i'm very much enjoying tuning in every couple of episodes and catching up -- and avoiding the relentless commentary of the internet while i do so lol.
but now it's time for MY commentary!! to preface, i was a huge fan of the books when i was younger, am a stalwart long-term advocate of the original five books as some of the best children's lit of our lifetime, but i also enjoyed the films a decade ago for what they were and think people (including cough rick cough) are way too harsh about them. justice for logan lerman. anyway
i'm not going to do like a play-by-play, but in summary, here are my takeaways from the first season -- what i thought worked, what did not, and things i'm optimistic about going into the future seasons.
the good
for an adaptation of the original series (which, to be fair, i have not reread in years), i felt this was honest and faithful. there were tweaks, obviously, but none that took me too out of it or felt irredeemable. there was a lot to like about this show, so i want to start right from the top with my highest highs.
the worldbuilding / production design. i absolutely loved getting to see how they imagined certain iconic characters, locations, and sequences from the books. it was so exciting to get to see camp halfblood for the first time on screen (at least, in this adaption) -- that moment in episode two definitely felt like a turning point where we picked up from the somewhat laggy pilot episode. i especially loved the design of mount olympus, aspects of the underworld (hades and his upside down castle were baller, though how did percy and grover get up there lol; and i absolutely loved the choice for asphodel and the ghosts being rooted like trees, i never would've thought of that myself but it was so chilling and unique... just wish i could see it better through the terrible lighting, but we'll come back to that), and of course, camp. even down to the small details, like the camp beads... it's just very cool to see it come to life.
the casting. i wasn't sure about some of the casting when the news was breaking, but i'm very happy to have been pleasantly surprised all around (and have majorly avoided people bitching about every single thing). there wasn't any role where i felt like someone was horribly miscast, and you could tell that everyone involved really wanted to be there and committed. i thought the casting of the gods was especially inspired at times. some of the highlights for me personally:
adam copeland as ares. i had no idea he was apparently a wrestler turned actor until my sister told me, but i thought he was absolutely spectacular. very charismatic, with just the right amount of cringefail that ares needed. i found him thoroughly enjoyable in all his scenes.
lance reddick as zeus. having just played horizon zero dawn recently, oh my lorde was this an inspired choice. he was absolutely brilliant. i'm so so sad about his passing, i don't know how they're going to recapture his performance, but i have faith now that they'll find a way.
timothy omundson as hephaestus. i love that they took a softer, more mad scientist approach to his role than like ugly basement blacksmith vibes... i just thought it was really refreshing. his scene with annabeth, where we got so much humanity from him in such a short span of time, was one of my favorite scenes of the season.
jason mantzoukas as dionysus. i mean. what else can be said. obvious choice, but he was so fun lol. i hope they give him more to do next season.
other standouts beyond the main youth cast for me were jay duplass as hades (his brief appearance in 107 was thoroughly enjoyable) and dior goodjohn as clarisse (she was by far the acting standout of the first couple episodes to me). also very happy to see jessica kennedy parker and sinclair from the 100 get work, lol.
walker as percy jackson. it was really wonderful watching walker grow as an actor even just through the first eight episodes. the difference from 101 to 108 is almost night and day. you can tell how much he cares about the project and percy as a character, and he upped his game with every episode. i cannot wait to see what he turns out in the coming seasons. to be fair, i thought all of the youth cast did a decent job, and i'm giving them a lot of leeway and room to grow since they are literally child actors -- it takes time to hone your craft, and im optimistic they're all going to do a great job as the series goes on. but walker was, definitively and thankfully as the protagonist, the standout.
charlie bushnell as luke. i was so excited when i heard he got cast because i loved him in diary of a future president, and he did not disappoint. i kind of wish he had more to do, but all of that was forgiven in the finale when he had his final confrontation with percy. oh, the acting popped off then -- i can't wait for him to get to chew up the scenery more in the coming seasons.
grover and percy's friendship. it was so sweet to see this come alive, and i thought walker and aryan had excellent natural chemistry together. they were so endearing, and i really believed their friendship basically from the start (them swapping their sandwich fillings is a tiny detail from the pilot that has stuck with me since; i just loved that choice so much). they definitely provided a lot of my favorite moments in the season, and i think evoked the most genuine "aw wow" moments from me.
percy's relationship with sally. since sally was, understandably, absent from the original novel, it was awesome to get the flashbacks here that allowed us to more deeply understand their bond. i thought walker and virginia did a great job with this, and the young actor who played little percy also did a surprisingly great job (he was actually one of the stronger youth actors in the pilot imo lol). you totally understood why percy was doing everything he was, because that mother-son bond felt believable. big shout-out to the absolutely baller line "i am sally jackson's son." one of the first writing moments where i was like oh snap!
the music. a good score really can't be understated, and this one did not disappoint. did just what it needed to do. i also loved the closing title sequence and the art direction there with the epic music -- just such a nice touch that i'm so glad they included.
some of the writing. i'll get more into some of my qualms with the writing below, but there were definitely some great moments that deserve their flowers. i thought they did a great job weaving in some early themes without being heavy-handed about it (percy having to define who he is for himself, mostly). there were some genuinely funny moments that made me laugh out loud, including "i am impertinent," annabeth's "i'm multitalented," and the entire exchange on the road side when the trio to ares are like no... we're fine... ahaha bye... oh and percy trying to drive the taxi out of the garage at the casino was absolutely hysterical.
pivotal scenes hitting their mark. when the show needed to deliver, i thought they really delivered. i absolutely loved the staging and acting in the final luke and percy confrontation -- the lighting of the fireworks was such a cinematic touch. percy's arrival at olympus and scene with zeus was also a big standout. i loved a lot of the st. louis arch episode, and thought the hephaestus golden chair sequence was really well done. overall, the episodes i thought were strongest were without a doubt 104, 105, and 108.
expansion where expansion was welcome. one of my favorite aspects of the series is how it's giving more nuance to the monsters and "villains" of the books. i loved that we got a little more motivation for alecto beyond evil -- that she clearly wanted to accomplish her own mission and retrieve the helm, whether out of loyalty or fear. i loved how medusa got much more depth and humanity, that we're sort of reexamining the fairness of how myths are told rather than just taking it all at face value. i'm really looking forward to seeing how that continues in the next seasons.
the decent
percy and annabeth. to be fair, i think my issue with this is more on the fan reaction than the show itself. i think the show is doing a decent, if somewhat awkwardly paced job, of building their friendship and offering small little hints of what could blossom in the future in classic youth awkward ways -- unexpected hugs, banter, etc. i think walker and leah are both doing a good job, and i look forward to seeing how it develops. but my god, people on the internet are really jumping the shark so hard here. i can't handle seeing more "uwu percy is in love" posts when it's like. y'all. THEY ARE 12. THEY JUST MET. LET THEM ORGANICALLY BECOME FRIENDS FIRST... i just hope the creators don't feed into that and also jump the shark. like yes, we all know where this is going, but can't we enjoy the actual journey to get there instead of forcing what isn't there yet? in any case, on the positive side, some of the moments between them i really enjoyed: the conversation on the train when grover was asleep, the hephaestus chair sequence, annabeth giving him her camp beads before going to olympus (that was a slay... that was a legendary slow burn start moment worth hyping up), the way percy smiled at her in their last scene... that's the good stuff. let's not rush through what we're getting folks. the water is fine.
lin manuel as hermes. here is the thing. i thought lin did a good job. i thought his casting was apt, and fun, and he did a great balance of hermes charisma and like, a darker edge. it's just... the thing about lin manuel is that he's lin manuel. and this is coming from someone who likes him, but it's like he shows up on screen and i'm just like. hey it's lin manuel. it's a bit of a "takes you out of the moment" stunt casting, but i'm not mad about it. i wouldn't call it a bad thing. hopefully it'll wear off (though i doubt it). i guess i'm just deciding that hermes is just lin manuel, which honestly, would kind of track.
the youth acting. mentioned this above, but again, some of that early delivery was rough. but i am giving a lot of grace, and i think they've already improved plenty in the first eight episodes. i felt the same way about shadowhunters back in the day when i thought kat mcnmara was hard to watch in season 1, but by season 3 she was my absolute favorite cast member and came so far. i have no doubt these kiddos will do the same. so very much looking forward to that.
the not so great
the pacing. this was definitely the weakest part of the story writing wise. it wasn't irredeemable, but it did hinder the first half of the show (which didn't lock in for me until about 104, when the stakes truly shot up at st. louis). and that also affected how dynamics and plot points were able to unravel. the biggest victim of this...
the luke reveal. from the start, i was worried about this. since luke was only really in episode 2, i had doubts about whether the reveal of his betrayal would be at all satisfying or earned. i don't know that i can speak on it for sure, since i knew what was going to happen as someone who read the books, but i still feel we should have gotten more of those luke-and-percy-bonding scenes and convos earlier in the series rather than tacked onto the finale as flashbacks. it worked there, but i think it could've been better. thankfully, all of that didn't hinder the delivery of the finale confrontation, which as i said, was a standout moment for me.
the fight scenes. with rare exception, i was pretty underwhelmed with many of the monster battles and confrontations this season. given that's such a huge gimmick of the novels, i hope they're able to revisit and polish up the pacing of these in the future... i just felt that scenes like the museum clash with dodds were so rushed and anticlimactic. or not even confrontations at all, like the scene with crusty. we got a bit more of this at the back half of the season, in the sword fights with ares and luke, but i wanted more of that epic feeling throughout. i'm hoping it's maybe just a budget concern and that it'll improve in the coming seasons -- especially as the bosses get bigger and the stakes get higher -- but i'm not sure i'm optimistic just yet.
some of the dialogue. it was... wooden, to say the least. i think the worst moments of this were when they were trying to force Kid Bants -- which just felt stilted in the earlier episodes -- and whenever they were explaining greek myths point blank to the audience. there were moments it worked, but many where it didn't, and i hope they flesh out how to better info dump in the future episodes. i didn't mind the change of having percy be more familiar with the myths and thus more aware, but they could afford to finesse how they relay that information to us in the audience without basically reading from wikipedia in percy's voice.
the ugly
oh my god i can't see. i can't SEE. this show went to the teen wolf academy of employing one lightbulb and it's actually criminal. there were so many scenes where i really wanted to see what was happening because the stakes were high or the scenery was so pivotal -- the entry into the underworld for the first time, the vastness of medusa's basement of stone, THE FIELDS OF ASPHODEL -- but the lighting was so god awful i legitimately couldn't see a thing. in asphodel i literally could barely see the trio's expressions, it was that bad / flat. the audience is smart, we understand it's dark out. we can suspend our disbelief so you can add some visibility to this thing. i was turning up my brightness constantly but it wouldn't go any higher. please, disney execs, rick, anyone -- GET ANOTHER LIGHTBULB. i'm losing key immersive aspects of the show to this and it's a bummer. when they were walking through waterland for the first time and annabeth was like "wow can you believe this craftsmanship" i was like i don't know, girl, I CAN'T SEE ANY OF IT. begging on my knees that they fix this next season.
well, that ended up longer than expected, but oh my gods it is so nice to be writing paragraphs about a tv show again. all in all, i'd say 7.5/10 from me in this first season. there's so much to be keen for here, and i'm really happy with how it's going so far.
friends and fellow demigods, what did we all think?
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streets-in-paradise ¡ 10 months
A Fair Trade - Dastan x (Fem)Reader
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Warnings: Heavy flirting, sexual tension. Reader is named to avoid an overuse of y/n. I picked for her my favorite arabic girl name and she uses arabic pet names, mostly but not only, on Dastan. ( Apologising in advance if my translations aren't accurate)
Summary: The Valley of the Slaves harbours many secrets behind the horrifying legends, mere facade for an illegal gambling establishment ran by the greediest man Dastan has ever meet. Deprived of everything since the arrival, he is perfectly aware of needing material help of the owner in order to continue the journey. Chances seem highly improbable, but the beautifull daughter of the Sheik shows an intense predilection towards him.
Note: The father - daughter dynamic is chaotic and hilarious. I loved it more than what I initially expected.
Arabic terms: Habibi - My love
Waseem - handsome
Ghalibi - My conqueror/ the one conquering one's heart
Baba/Abbi - dad, father
Tags: @thorssweetheart @halesfavoriteharlot @axelwolf8109
The Valley of the Slaves was nothing like the tales described, those were the carefully developed cover of an illegal paradise for gambling ran by a greedy trader Dastan needed to somehow associate himself with if he wanted to get out. Exchanging Tamina for his safety was a start, but in order to continue the journey he required of aid and leaving on good terms could facilitate things for him.
Reminding some of the lessons found in his lost life of prince, he proceeded like he was taught to do when trying to seal a political deal with a foreign ruler. Expressing enjoyment of being shown arround, praise the land and pretend to agree with everything he would hear. It seemed to be working just fine, but Sheik Amar had his own sort of intempestive reactions keeping him second guessing.
The initial good mood had run out for reasons beyond Dastan's understanding. While doing his pridefull exposition about the many secrets of the place, Amar had also been doing a subtle visual search for someone who seemed absent and this fact enraged him.
" WHERE IS LEYLA? " He interrogated the first men at his service that he found on his way. " CAN'T YOU WATCH OVER HER EVEN ONE BLOODY TIME? DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING HERE? "
Seso was not far behind him and the yelling made him chuckle, amused by a scene that seemed common to him.
" She must be doing promotion. "
The guess ruined his frĂ­end's mood even more.
" Don't be so mean to her! She is a good girl, you just never give her a chance. "
The sudden softness made Dastan suspect he cared for the woman being mentioned.
" FIND HER, NOW!!!" Sheik Amar ordered. " C'MON!"
It was a perfect time to win his simpathies by being the hero, so the errant prince followed despite not being sure of what he was stepping into. The men were getting away of the race track searching the slightly calmer spaces bordering it and he remained behind for an instant, untill the sound of music began to guide him in the rĂ­ght direction. He trusted his instinct on it, but what he found wasn't the endangered girl needing of a rescuer that he hoped for.
A ravishing young woman dancing to the improvising of a darbuka player with a crowd of men loosing their minds for her. She seemed to be having the time of her life pampering the ones willing to pay better with her brief attention. To stop staring at her was impossible. Her twirls, the gracefull movements of her arms and legs accompanying her sensual responses to the percussion going strongly on her hips, chest and waist.
So shamelessly sensual that Dastan felt a bit flusterred when her glance found him, regretting so badly not having a single piece of gold to give her.
That didn't matter to her, or at least not like it did for the other costumers. Advancing in his direction in delightfull pacing meant to display her sharp hip movements, she showed him a preferential free treatment that he wasn't expecting rĂ­ght away. The foolish smile on his face only encouraged her, regardless for what that could cause in all the others.
Proximity lasted for an instant, but the sight was mouth watering and the lascivous smile she gave him felt like a mark of fire. Dastan licked his lips and instinctively took one hand to his belt, suddenly remembering the dagger.
He could have forgotten of his own name looking at her.
Before he could regain concience by himself, the precise flight of one of Seso's knives dispersed the crowd and abruptly ended the show.
" Ya Abbi!! " She called, contrastingly sweet demeanour as she noticed Amar rĂ­ght next to the knife thrower. " Look at all the gold i just made! Aren't you proud of me? My business is going great! Now i won't have to bother you the next time i want to get something nice for myself. "
Mentioning profits was her attempt to distract him, but it didn't work as expected.
" What you need is to control your overspending, not shaming yourself like this. "
She didn't take the callout, but pretended to be dissapointed.
" So much of you calling me your princess, your jewel, where is all of that when it's about investing in me? "
Twisting business language was a dangerous discursive operation, since he had the perfect comeback for that.
" Investments have returns, Leyla. "
" Or you are just cheap, and i'm sick of it! " She angryly replicated. " I'm doing something I love and people pay me greatly for it. "
" People talk, they say all kinds of things about you. " He warned her in a sweeter tone. " Unfair things, they claim my daughter is an easy girl."
Seso looked at Dastan and in his gesture he understood all he needed to know.
That stunning girl was the sheik's daughter and the gossips about her weren't entirely wrong.
" Everyone loves a good story. " She defended herself quoting her father. " We know better than anyone how false rumours tend to be. "
Tranquilizing words and her mask of innocence made Amar's softer side win.
" I know you mean well, but I have girls working for me controlling the crowd for a reason. " He reminded her, softly caressing her face. " My business doesn't attract the most honest clientele and you are the most beautifull girl this place has ever seen. They will take advantage of you for being so carefree. "
" Ohhh, he worries for me!!! Isn't he the sweetest?" She lovefully commented, then hugged him. " I love you, Baba."
Her tenderness ended the discrepancies.
" I want ten percent, for the fright you caused me. "
Leyla kissed his cheek, then bargained.
" Five, I share profits with the drum player. "
They shared some complicit laughter, fully relaxing after the moment of tension had passed, which was a peculiar way of expressing their unity as family.
Only then he noticed the furtive glance of the stranger following her.
" What are you looking at, persian? Don't make me regret our agreement."
A sudden terror made him stutter trying to excuse himself, but she helped him out with more displays of her charm.
" Forgive him for the scares." She calmed him while approaching. " Are you lost, waseem? Men like you don't pass by often, you are a blessing to the sight."
He smiled nervously, too aware of the vigilant stare of the father.
" You are a wonderfull dancer, that was a fantastic show. My only regret is being a bit short on currency to properly retribute. "
She was then in front of him, shamelessly toying with the necklace visible due to the open shirt exposing his chest.
" For you only, I accept alternatives. "
" He traded me a girl for his head. " Amar interrupted, ruining her flirty undertones on purpose. " He has nothing of value. "
The claim didn't convince her.
" I'll determinate that. "
Her hands were over him before Dastan could get to say a word, roaming in pretended search for valuable items.
It was only an excuse, the touching itself was the expected payment. Her search felt like the teasing caress of a lover, avid hands stopping for instants in the places she liked more. Awkward context aside, the persian was more than happy of letting her play with him like that. While one hand was underneath the shirt, the other travelled back to give his ass an imperceptible squeeze that the others won't notice,but he would feel.
The enjoyment ended when she reached his hips and the finding of the dagger made him flinch.
" Don't worry, I won't take your weapon. It's dangerous to go unarmed and I don't want you to get yourself hurted. " She purred close to his ear. " Pleasure to do bussiness with you. "
She turned back to her father for her conclussion.
" You were rĂ­ght, Baba. His pretty face is all he has left. "
And with that, she briefly leave them to arrange the profit split with her actual business partner.
Dastan foolishly waved at her, completely enchanted.
" Lovely girl! She grows on you very quick. " He commented to the father in order to excuse himself. " I already love her! "
Amar seemed more cheerfull than angry,
" Of course you do, she is precious as a jewel." He replied, with the pridefull trust of a loving father. " Do you have any idea of how many misserables like you make me terrible offers for her every week? I kick them all out. They come at me bargaining as if I wouldn't know how much she is worth. It's them who spread those rumours to lower the price. They discredit her morals, her suitability for marriage, because I didn't give her the ideal life for a young woman given the business i'm in … What is completely unfair: i may be slightly dishonest, but she is wonderfull. Look at her, can you believe I made s girl so fair? Part of that beauty came out from me."
Reading between lĂ­nea, it meant his pride of parent was mixed with a certain frustration because he couldn't yet fool someone into marrying her paying the full price of the probably very high dowry he demmanded even tho nobody else believed she could be a good wife. Dastan kept the thing going to please the host, talking as if she was the princess of that land of renegades.
" She is stunning … and so well behaved! Very well mannered. "
His words had a fraction of truth: she behaved very well for him. Dastan's numbed senses already adored her treatment. She had groped him with unbelievable skill, managing to surprise him even after what he saw and he knew the subtle, sensual encounters were not going to stop. Leyla would take every little chance of her father's cheerfull distractions to get what she wanted.
To the runaway prince's luck, what she wanted was him. For the first time in a good while, things were working fine. The gorgeous girl was very good at persuasion and she would take his side because she wanted him. From the moment that she saw him, an instant and undeniably mutual attraction.
Warm, soft hands rounding him from behind warned him of her presence as he watched the ostrich race.
" Leyla! " He sweetly greeted her, slightly surprised. " Do you need me to leave you a good spot to watch?"
She chuckled, approbing his following of her game.
" I'm good like this. "
The great excitement he would typically get from watching the races made her father temporally careless for the touching.
" Don't grow too fond of him, dear. " He warned her, keeping eyes on the track the whole time. " Remember that the last girl who did works for me now."
It didn't take too long for her to end up meeting the so commented girl. For most, she tried to remain silent merely observing the persian's reactions in an attempt of checking if she could be potential competition. Despite she had to admit she was very beautifull, her disastrous work performance made her laugh.
Too arrogant for a slave girl, and she didn't seem to have worked a single day of her life before.
Her disdain and lack of interest on performing didn't bother the new master, however, who seemed happy with the new adquisition.
" You know? I think our little arrangement is going to work out very well, young man."
The girl clearly couldn't handle it, the approach of men that were thristy in more than one sense of the term was too much for her. Laughter was not long in coming from the men when she threw the contents of one glass at a man's face.
" She is a lovely one! Where did you find her?"
" In the slave market of Lurs." The persian explained. " I was heading to Avrat, tried to trade her for a camel when she attacked me."
" The camels are safer."
Leyla agreed with soft chuckling, trying to get the handsome stranger's attention back on her. Her suspicious observation about the slave got some sort of confirmation, since there were pieces of his story that didn't fit. Even the most rebellious of slaves wouldn't behave like that, she acted as if she believed herself too above the tasks that was assigned for her. Beyond disdain for her masters, her reactions showed the typical repulsion of a noble for the underclasses.
He was lying, but she dismissed it hoping to see how far he was going to get. All she wanted then was to keep him, so she distracted him trailing a few pecks on the side of his neck.
" You are not going to miss her, I will take care of you."
Fear of the father overcame his desire for the daughter and he escaped her grip to finally present his request for a deal with him before she could get both of them in trouble.
" Noble Sheik Amar!" Dastan called in a flattering tone. " I appreciate your hospitality, you run a fine establishment, and the beauty of your daughter is a comfort for my senses punished by the desert ... but if you could give me the supplies..."
His luck had ran out, and the trader had lost his patience. The soft caressing of the girl was replaced by his firm grip keeping his jaw still as he threatened him.
" You know something, Persian? You bear a remarkable resemblance to the disgraced prince who fled after murdering the king."
Laughing nervously in a quick observation of the faces arround him as soon as he was released, the prince knew it was time to run and he tried so, but was easily stopped.
To an order of the Sheik, Seso threw a knife that got the sleeve of Dastan's coat stucked in a pole and Amar didn't loose the shot to taunt him.
"  Did I ever tell you about the Ngbaka? "
The persian prince agreed with resignation.
" Yes, you did."
He was surrounded of enemies, only Leyla kept looking at him with excitement, careless for the implications of the crime but delighted to the mention of his lost nobility.
Her father kept rambling while she silently evaluated the situation.
" Yeah, nothing beats a good story, eh? But yours however, trading her in for a camel, please! I mean look at her, she's worth at least two! "
He was taking the time of showing him how much of a terrible liar he was at the same time the warrior was about to point a knife to his throat.
" And as for you, young man, do you know your brother's offered a reward for you? Which quite frankly between you and me, borders on the obscene! I'd trade in my own mother for that kind of gold."
Seso gave him a surprised reprobatory look.
" What?" Sheik defended himself. " Oh you didn't know what she was like."
Fed up with the whole thing, he just wanted to get rid of the persian and collect the gold.
" Take him to the persian outpost."
Leyla leapt to the young man's defense, shielding him with her frame so Seso could not finish to fullfill the command.
" I can't allow it. I like him, Baba! For real! " She explained herself, more or less claimed to be trully infatuated with him. " And you never let me keep anything for myself, it's so unfair! "
She turned back, sweetly smiling at Dastan like a crushing girl offering herself to her love interest.
He smiled back, partially as acceptance but also out of will to escape the already growing rage of her father and his plan of handling him to get killed.
" WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU ARE GOING TO COST ME A FORTUNE! " Amar yelled, somehow shocked because he couldn't imagine she would have done something so stupid. " NEXT WEEK YOU WILL FIND ANOTHER ONE, DO YOU THINK THAT I IGNORE YOUR WAYS WITH MEN? I CHOOSE TO TURN THE BLIND EYE ON YOU! "
The release of honesty didn't upset her.
"I will not see a single piece of that gold anyways, you will hoard it as you always do."
Another argument started as he tried to convince his daughter of following his plan, presenting it as a convenience for both of them that she wasn't seeing.
" That's not true! I know, I'm not supportive of your spending habits, but with that treasure in our hands I will not have to worry for that anymore! " He reassured her. " Baba will spoil you with it, as you have always deserved. Fancy dresses, fine jewels. Do you want a pretty boy? We will get you one in the slave market, as good looking as him, no matter the price. "
The offer seemed to have tempted her, but none of them could tell if she was just taunting them.
" But I want him." She simply replied, caressing Dastan's chest. " and that I won't get if you give him away."
The young man entered their game hoping to save his head.
" Leyla! My flower of the desert! " He praised her with all his charm. " I knew I could count on you."
" It won't be for free. " She quickly clarified him. " What can you give to beat his offer?"
Angry as he was, Amar was still very proud observing her cleverness for business in action. He had raised her well, no matter what the mean spirited gossips claimed. She had what it took to defend herself in life.
" Anything your heart desires, my love. " Dastan assured her, his tone sweet and sensual in equal amounts. " Whatever it takes to keep you pleased. I have to leave so I can clean my name, I didn't actually kill my father like you must have heard. Once that would be clarified, only your wildest dreams would be the limit to what I can give you."
It pleased her and he tought himself keeping the upper hand for once, but she had it better on negociation experience.
" Marry me." Was her final price. " Get back that crown and make me a persian princess so we can offer Abbi a greater reward than the one already waiting for him."
" Risky investment, I prefer the quicker profit. " Her father objected. " Even if he isn't lying again, he can fail and I loose everything."
" If he succeeds, you get a lifetime of immeasurable richness as father of the princess. " She striked back. " Persian luxury, payback for the looting of the bureaucrats. I will marry into fortune, like you always wanted! And into the wealthiest family in the world! "
He began to hesitate, it was too good to not reconsider even for an instant.
" What do you say, Habibi? " She asked back at Dastan. " Everyone knows your story: the street kid made prince! I doubt our union would surprise them, the mere fact that you got crowned challenges the structure of their privilege."
He was as shocked as he once was when the chance of marrying Tamina was presented to him by his father. If he would be there, he would probably say that both women and their complete opposite personalities symbolized the two halves of his being. The princess, once offered to his adopted prince persona, and the dancer of treader family, so in tone with the part of him that was a birth member of the lowest underclass.
" Father may get on board for the gold, but I'm doing it for you." She softly clarified at the end. " You have won me over, my Ghalibi."
She made him feel things, but in such dubious situation he could only provide a dubious answer.
" It's a fair trade."
Leyla interpreted it as a yes and she clinged to him for a passionate kiss seiling the deal.
The desired moment took him by surprise and, while enjoying it, he let himself go before he could remember to protect the dagger.
" A guarantee for my investment." She triumphally explained, toying with it. " It's the only valuable thing you carry and I'm not going to be such a fool of just assuming you will keep to your word. "
Desperation began to overcome him, but he tried to dissimulate it.
" It's nothing, totally worthless. It may look valuable, but it's not."
He could fool the world, but not her. She had felt him watching over it the whole time whenever she would grab his hips.
" You are too defensive of it, for a simple knife." She called him out. " If you care soo much for it, you will come back."
The time being offered to him was a lending, and he was not going to explain her how loans worked.
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dorkydegeneracy ¡ 1 month
1. Andor
2. Obi-Wan Kenobi
3. The Mandolorian
4. Ahsoka
5. The Acolyte
5. The Book of Boba Fett
Andor is by far the greatest live action Star Wars project to date, which is a shame because I think it is the least watched of all projects. As someone who loves the political intrigue side of Star Wars, this show speaks to me on a personal level. I understand that most Star Wars fans may not value this aspect of the series. Indeed, I have heard from many fans that this is their least favorite aspect of Star Wars. Nevertheless, I truly believe that Andor is the only show that I can confidently say makes for good television (not perfect of course, far from it). Diego Luna's performance rivals only one other lead actor's performance imo for the best performance in live action Star Wars (more on that in just a second!). Kyle Soller's Syril was a pleasant surprise standout. Overall, the cast delivered in a way that I did not expect.
The other projects imo have writing/cinematography flaws that severely effect the quality and overall enjoyment of the show.
Obi-Wan Kenobi ranks second for me in LARGE part because, despite some valid concerns of characterization, Ewan McGregor absolutely nailed his portrayal of Master Kenobi! Ewan is a phenomenal actor. We all know this. His Obi-Wan was a highlight of the prequels, and he tried his very best to hold this show together because he cares so much about Star Wars.
Unfortunately, there are so many questionable writing issues. Chief among them, Reva's character was terribly written and the continued existence of her character damages Obi-Wan's legacy as the protector of the "last hope." Second, the budget was the smallest of all of the shows, resulting in lower quality cinematography and special effects. Lastly, there were too many strange gaffes that made the it hard to take the show serious at times (this includes the trenchcoat fiasco, Flea's portrayal of a kidnapper to name a few).
Other straws that make the show valuable and interesting to me include:
1) Excluding Reva, everything else that happened in the show doesn't present concerns for me in terms of canon compliance. In fact, the way the show ends leaves the possibility of a more introspective character story about Kenobi learning how to communicate with Qui-Gon, and his life on Tatooine.
2) The Obi-Wan/Anakin relationship. One of the key goals of the Prequels and the Clone Wars was to expand on this relationship. It is a fascinating tragedy at the heart of Star Wars. I would have loved it if the whole show was about Kenobi's guilt, seeing him get back in touch with the force, communing with Qui Gon, and Tuscan Raiders. However, the little that we did get was fulfilling, and Darth Vader releasing Obi-Wan from his guilt over Anakin was beautiful.
3) Eventhough there were critiques about having Princess Lei play the key role that she did in the show, Vivien Lyra Blair was very likeable and portrayed the spirit of princess Leia in a new way. Never in a million years would I have said that I needed or wanted to see Leia as a child, but I am glad that I did. She was for sure a highlight.
That's enough about Obi-Wan. It's not like I could possibly convince anybody who thought the show was holistically bad (a valid criticism imo) to find any redeeming qualities.
The Mandolorian is a visually stunning show for the most part, and it serves as the foundation of live action Star Wars. Admittedly, I have little significant criticisms with the stories told throughout the series. My biggest issue with Mando, and I will continue to die on this hill, is that I want it to be more about Mandolorians. This is why, believe it or not, season 3 is my favorite season. It finally focused on the show's namesake, and builds on the incredible world of Mandalore, one of the best things to come out of the Clone Wars. I desperately want Mandalore to rise again. It's such an important planet in the canon, and people love all the lore that is associated with Mandalore.
I think Grogu is an amazing character, and I love his connections with Luke and Ahsoka. I love Din Djarin and his role as Grogu's father figure. These characters are very valuable and important, but they should not have been the focus of the show. I want more clan conflicts, and I want to see Mandalore grow! I want flashbacks to Bo Katan's childhood, when Mandalore was thriving! Why has there not been a single mention of Satine Kryze in a show called the Mandolorian? I know the show is not about Satine. Nobody is asking for the show to be about Satine. But Satine is supposed to be Bo's older sister, and there is so much character development to be expounded upon there.
Other than that, I just don't personally have a connection to the Mandolorian in a way that I do with Andor and Kenobi. Seasons 1 and 2 just really weren't my type of show. Season 3 did pique my interests tho.
Lastly, Ahsoka! I thought Ahsoka was okay, but it really just confuses me tbh. My confusion stems from two key things: 1) Thrawn was very lackluster; and 2) the world between worlds was even more complicated.
Thrawn in the books and in Rebels is arguably the smartest, most cunning creature in the universe. This is his primary attribute which makes him stand out in a universe of force wielders, aliens, and bots. The Thrawn in Ahsoka made some questionable decisions, and heavily relied on Morgan Elsbeth as his fellow strategist. He also just looked goofy to me, but his skin is blue so I won't harp on it too much.
Unlike some fans, I find the world between worlds to be an interesting addition to the Star Wars universe. The mechanics established in Rebels were relatively straightforward: some sort of plane governed by the force containing various doors to different points in time. The mechanics of the world between worlds were complicated in Ahsoka.
First, Ahsoka entered the world between worlds (WBW) after falling off of a cliff at sea. Was the ocean a magical gateway to the WBW? Did Ahsoka die? Nobody knows. My best guess is that the WBW is probably an astral plane where one's spirit enters, and not their whole corporal being.
Secondly, if the WBW is an astral plane, that means that Anakin's soul was communicating with Ahsoka. Was he trapped there? Is he a force ghost? Do all force ghost reside here? And then Anakin's force ghost shows up at the end! I just have so many questions.
Third, Ahsoka did hop between different points in the timeline, but did so as a younger version of herself, which we have never seen before. Additionally, Ahsoka never walked through a door on her journey.
All of this just makes the world between worlds hella confusing.
I'm not that bothered by Sabine is training to become a Jedi. Let me be clear: her midichlorian levels are insanely low, and had this been in an era during the Jedi Order's prominence she would have been sneezed at. But I can appreciate having a character who is truly like the rest of us train as a Jedi. That was the whole point of Rey being a nobody, which they immediately retconed. No, Sabine being a Jedi isn't necessarily canon compliant, but the force is within us all, right? God knows I wouldn't be sufficiently force sensitive, so I can relate to Satine on a personal level.
The last two are set apart from the rest in all fairness because I have not watched them in their entirety. I have watched 10 minutes of Boba Fett, and after hearing what was going on in The Acolyte, I watched detailed recaps of the season because I do think that Lucas Films will be creating more stories that will build on stories established therein. Overall, I don't believe that these two shows are of the same caliber as the rest of the Star Wars live action projects.
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aangstycareberrr ¡ 2 years
summary: college au / you and kenma get paired up for a project together and fun stuff happens
kenma x reader, ft. kuroo
part 2 part 3
a/n: first fic, kinda nervous teehee, feedback is appreciated. also this will be multiple parts sorry. also this is based on my own experience in a poli-sci class in which i wish i had a kenma lol
Intro to political science wasn’t your least favorite class. The professor was one of the good ones who made an effort to learn everyone’s name and keep the class engaging; it wasn’t too early so as to make you debate dropping it every single morning, nor was it too late that all you thought about was the day being over for the duration of it; it wasn’t your major but you still found it interesting and engaging; and the workload was relatively light for a poli-sci class. Despite all these great elements, there was one detail that put a damper on your enjoyment of the course, you were one of four girls in a class of 30. You originally thought it wouldn’t be so bad until you quickly came to the bitter realization that the men in this class had no interest in ever letting you or any of the other girls express your thoughts or participate in discussions; at least not without talking over you, and addressing you as if you were below them. It was exhausting.
So when the professor announces a group project for which he will be picking the partners, you silently cross your fingers and hope that you’ll be paired up with one of the other girls.
“Kozume Kenma and l/n y/n”
Upon hearing the announcement you let out a defeated sigh, quickly jotted some notes about the project down and went to talk to your partner. You realized that you didn’t recognize the name so he at least wasn’t one of the guys who made it a point to continuously disrespect you, but you still weren’t sure who he was. You looked around the room and spotted who you assumed was him. he was sitting in the far back and just like you, looking around, presumably trying to spot you, until you caught his eye. he’s cute. You gave a polite smile, he did the same and nodded, a silent agreement that you would talk about your plan for the project after class. did he really have to be cute. You were already feeling apprehensive about the prospect of having a partner who would treat you like you just learned how to read, this was an added level of stress that you didn’t need.
Class was over within a few minutes. As you gathered your stuff, you mentally prepared yourself for whatever this encounter could be like. You decided to be nice and keep your hopes up, despite the low chance of him actually being someone who deserved it, you didn’t want to go into this with a defeatist attitude. Kenma was already outside the classroom waiting for you when you walked out.
“hi” “hi, i’m y/n” “Kenma”
He had a gentle smile as he greeted you and you noticed him picking at the skin of his fingers a bit. he’s nervous too. Ironically, that calmed you down a bit. it was a bit awkward at first, as you worked out the details of when you would meet to work on the project and whatnot, but nowhere near as bad as you imagined. He was polite and let you finish every time you spoke. You knew it was the bare minimum but you were so beyond relieved.
You guys decided to meet the next day after classes at an on-campus coffee shop. You were a bit shocked that he suggested Thursday, since in your school, that’s kind of designated get-shitfaced-day (most people didn’t have classes on friday). Nevertheless you weren’t bothered, you weren’t going to many parties these days and would’ve otherwise stayed home to catch up on your favorite show at the moment. Thursday rolled around and as you started getting ready, you surprised yourself at how nervous you were for this. You realized halfway into picking your outfit that you were in date mode, you’d gone through three different options in search of that perfect “cute but mot trying too hard outfit” and you spent more than half an hour on your makeup. You felt silly but, god, he was really cute. For a moment you questioned if he really was all that cute or if you were just feeling the repercussions of not having hooked up in five months. you quickly brushed any unsavory thoughts aside once you realized it was about time to be heading out. You arrived a couple minutes early and texted him letting him know you arrived before ordering a latte for yourself. you checked your appearance on your phone camera and silently gave yourself a pat on the back, because you really did look so cute. After a bit, Kenma arrived. He wore a black t-shirt that was a bit oversized and gray cargo pants, his hair was in a loose low pony. he looked good. You waved at him so he knew where you were and he walked over to where you were sitting.
“hey”, you said, smiling up at him. He gave you a light smile right back as he sat down “hi”
“so we should get started, i was thinking we could do our presentation on The Prince by Machiavelli, i think there’s a lot of comparisons we could draw to the current western world”, you say trying your hardest to sound confident.
“I like that idea, i think that’d be really smart and the professor would probably really enjoy it.”,
“oh, thank you”, you say this a little surprised, although he had already proved himself to be nice, you were still half expecting him to ignore what you said, but he actually heard you out and called your idea smart.
“why are you thanking me?”
“just, you know, for not immediately shooting me down.”
“of course”, he opens his mouth and closes it a few times, looking like he wanted to say something else, which he eventually does, “you’re the smartest person in that class, i think it’s ridiculous that those guys never let you finish talking, you’re the only one who ever says anything worth hearing.” he says all this with a neutral tone, while typing something on his laptop, as if he just said the most casual thing in the world. you stared at him for a bit, shocked that he actually noticed that, and relieved that it wasn’t just in your head. He meets your gaze but quickly looks down, looking ashamed.
“honestly, i’m… a little embarrassed for just watching, someone should stick up for you and the rest of the girls, i’ve thought about it a bit, but i kinda have a fear of public speaking.”
he looks guilty but all you can think of is kissing him right then because he just looks so cute. you realize you’re staring and snap out of it once he meets your eyes again.
“it’s okay”, you reassure him with a smile, “it sucks but, saying something might just make it worse, besides i known they’re just insecure”
After that you start working on your presentation and everything goes smoothly. you and Kenma work together like a well oiled machine. He’s easy to talk to and work with, and you really feel like you guys are on the same wavelength with this project. Although he’s quiet, he’s actually very witty when he wants to be, and just the right amount of sarcastic, which makes him even more attractive. Within an hour you guys have gotten through way more than you thought you would’ve, so you decide to take a break. You get up to go to the bathroom and accidentally knock over your bag from where it was hanging on your seat, your switch flies out and almost collides fatally with the floor, when Kenma grabs it right at the last moment. If you weren’t overtaken with relief, you’d be turned on by his quick reflexes.
“oh my god thank you so much, that would’ve been so bad.”
“don’t worry about it”, he said while eyeing your switch, “what games do you play?”
“mostly stardew valley and animal crossing, i just finished undertale though and i think i’m gonna start it over and do genocide route”
“heh, good luck with that”, he says with an amused smile
“what’s that suppose to mean?”
“i’m just saying it took me a week to beat Sans, it’s tough.”
“oh and you think i can’t do it?”, you say playfully
“i didn’t say that”, he says while laughing the most beautiful laugh you’ve ever heard, and holding his hands up in defense.
you guys stare at each other while laughing, for a second, and you almost feel like you’re having a moment, like maybe he feels the same intimacy you feel in holding his stare, until…
you’re snapped out of your trance and turn to see a tall boy with messy black hair approaching your table.
“hey man”, says the tall guy,
“kuroo, hey”, kenma says quietly, he looks slightly annoyed.
“hey, i’m kuroo”, this time the greeting is directed at you
“hi, y/n”, you respond while feeling a little sad that the moment you shared with kenma had to be so fleeting.
“gotta say, i’ve been Kenma’s best friend for years and i think this is the first time i see him laughing so much in public, let alone with a pretty girl.”, he says teasingly, you look over at kenma to see his cheeks are red and he’s looking down, avoiding your gaze, he’s clearly embarrassed.
“kuroo”, says Kenma, sternly, silently asking him to stop.
“we’re working on a project together.”, you say trying to change the subject.
kuroo looks like he might say something else that will embarrass both you and kenma further, but he doesn’t, which you’re grateful for.
“well it was nice to meet you, y/n, hope to see you around. Kenma, i’ll see you tonight.”
as you wondered what tonight was, kenma responded, “i don’t know if i’m going”
“come on dude don’t bail on us again, everyone’s gonna be there it’ll be fun.”, kuroo tries to convince him
“i’ll think about it”, upon hearing this, you see kuroo looking like he’s mulling something over, something mischievous, suddenly he turns to you
“are you busy tonight?”, your eyes go wide and you’re not really sure what to say out of fear of agreeing to something you’ll regret. with your silence, kuroo continues, “our frat is having a party tonight, a ton of people on campus are going and i personally guarantee a good time”, kuroo finishes his pitch and you mentally debate what to say, a party doesn’t sound bad, it’s been a while since you’ve gone to one and it’d be nice to hang out with people, but you look over at Kenma and his face is unreadable. You question wether he would or wouldn’t want you to go, you don’t want to make him uncomfortable. You give a vague enough answer, “i’ll try to make it”
Kuroo looks pleased at that answer, “great i’ll see you both there.”, he looks sternly at Kenma who only shoots him a dirty look. kuroo walks away and suddenly the playful atmosphere you had with kenma is replaced with an awkward, tense one. You feel bad, like you accidentally overstepped into his world
“i’m sor-“ “im sorr-“, you both spoke at the same time and laughed. “you first”, you say.
“im sorry about kuroo, he’s annoying”, you laughed and brushed off his apology,
“not at all, but im sorry.”
“what? why are you sorry?“
“about the party, i know it might be uncomfortable to have your classmate there, i don’t want to impose myself in that part of your life.”
he stares at you confused for a moment, then laughs a little
“no, no, no, that’s not an issue at all don’t even think about it. go to the party, as long as it’s what you want and not just something Kuroo pressured you into.”
you smile in disbelief at him for a bit.
“okay, then i think i will go”
“okay, then i’ll see you later”
he’s smiling too. is he happy i’m going?
“i thought you said you weren’t sure if you were going”, you say teasingly
“if you’re going then i’ll definitely be there”
You slightly widen your eyes for a moment, taken aback that he would say something so direct, his face tells you he’s taken aback by what he said too.
“you know, to show you around and stuff”, he backpedals
“i’ll see you later, kenma”, you can barely contain your smile and you want to walk away before he sees you blush. You think he has to like you at least a little bit, there’s no way you’re reading these signs so wrong.
You head to your apartment, with a bounce in your step, exited to get ready for this party.
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missielynne ¡ 5 months
CBS Ghosts Review: Isaac's Wedding
I specifically remember telling a Nonnie that I didn't think the stripper would be a big problem but turns out he wasn't NOTHING (at least in the context of Nisaac.) I love how they made him absolutely everything Isaac could want in a man INCLUDING hating Hamilton and having no sense of smell (which is why I was really rooting for him to die and become a ghost because it would have been just perfect for Isaac.)
I know Nisaac was the big point of the episode and the main gay rep for the show but I really like that Isaac was showing interest in someone else too so they didn't go through with the wedding. Was the timing perfect? No. But ever since the Christmas episode when Nigel slept with Jenkins based off like a one day estrangement and constantly let the man lurk in the background without being firm about where they were, I've soured on Nisaac at least where Nigel is concerned, so the thought that someone could be so perfect for Isaac as he is made me so happy (plus I like the idea of Isaac being willing to explore the dating pool instead of just marrying the first guy who wants to because he's afraid he'll never find anyone else.) He deserves better than that, and both he and Nigel deserve better development so they have a deeper, richer story, which is why I'm glad the writers took the chance and didn't go through with the wedding, even though it would have been good for representation. They built up a reason in the story why there shouldn't be a wedding so it wasn't just for shock value, allowing both our men to grow as people.
Now...the same cannot be said for our would-be throple: it took all of two seconds for them to put Thor and Flower back together again and I am not happy about it because the way they're writing it just allows the romance (which is written in a way that doesn't fit either Flower or Thor's characters at all and consumes them at the expense of the family and friendship connections that make both lovable and enjoyable to watch.) I can only hope that now that they've said "I love you" and seem to be on stable relationship ground, they'll start to make them more compelling.
My favorite part of the episode was definitely Pete on the island. I definitely felt the happiest I've ever felt watching him on this show so far. Donna was absolutely perfect for him: they were from around the same time, they found one another attractive, she found his goofy way of flirting ("My wife is terrible, I'm single") sweet and endearing and really got into his water-rafting role play without treating it like something silly or him like some sort of a dork and that's the kind of relationship he deserves. I was literally so sad when he started to disappear and the only way to fix it was to go back to a place where he isn't as appreciated as he should be and has to do all the work to make things peaceful and happy.
His speech at the wedding was so nice and so real, and I love that it was what made Isaac realize that there was more out there for him. No one thinks anything he says is that sort of meaningful, so that was nice...even if it did ruin things for Isaac and Nigel, but at least Nigel seems to have taken it well. (And I'm glad that even though it's weird, Baxter has Carol. He's been a third wheel in the shed for too long.)
And then we get to Patience: I love hearing Flower talking about her and how she was built up. (Also Thor and Nancy's "Just smile and nod" as she talked.) The first time I watched the episode, I didn't see the figure of Patience with her face obscured by her bonnet so that was creepy the second time around. And when she finally kidnapped Isaac, aided by the basement ghosts, that was the creepiest "God bless you" before he was grabbed that I've ever heard, but I loved Nancy's "let's not tell anyone about this: it's not a good look for us."
It's good payback for the ways Isaac's choices have affected other people and I can't wait to see what happens to him next!
Well, that's it, folks! The last review of CBS Ghosts season 3. It had highs and lows but there are definitely several eps that I will add to my rewatch list as we wait for a full season four (which I will also review when it premieres this fall.)
Cheers and happy Ghosts watching, everyone! :)
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heretherebedork ¡ 11 months
Rank your favorite Only Friends from your favorite to...well shitty one. And explain cause you just explain it so much better. (I know Atom is on that deep sea below after what we have witnessed.)
Oh, man, this is so hard. Mostly the top. The top is hard. The bottom is easy.
Okay. Let me try.
Boeing. Look, he is nothing but drama and trouble and I love him. He walked in looking so sweet and like he was going to be the best queer platonic friend and then he lit everything on fire and is going to fan those flames with his lips. Love him, love his wrongs.
Boston. My problematic child. I love him so much. He wants to have casual sex and he's afraid of making connections because he knows he's leaving and he has his very own moral code that doesn't always reflect the rest of the world but does reflect him and he is constantly being judged by the people around him for daring to be a promiscuous gay man and while he has done his fair share of gay wrongs he's done far less than he is accused of.
Sand. My beloved boy who deserves so much. He gave back the money that he was given to help Ray because he loved Ray too much to accept money knowing how much it would hurt Ray and he didn't have a chance to defend himself but he still loves that mess of a man so much but he loves his friends as well (friends being Nick) and he's mostly just doing his best not to drown.
Ray. The problematic babygirl. I love a broken little rich boy. I always do, I always will. The one person in the room who feels the least loved and acts out because there's no other way to get attention or love or affection and who latch onto whoever shows them kindness but doesn't know how to show kindness or love in return because he's never felt worthy of it and so throws money at everything hoping it'll keep people there but hates it all the more for keeping people there because it proves how useless he is.
Dan. The darling green flag. I'm sorry I joined in other people in doubting you, I wasn't sure how to disagree at the time and you turned out to just be a sweetheart. I appreciate that. I feel bad that you won't get the boy and that Jojo is unlikely to give me NickDanBoston because that is my new ideal... but still. You get to be here!
Nick. The red flag sexual. This boy. I really do love him but I also fear for him. He is a disaster. He is a danger to himself and others and the only person he should date is Botson. No denials. No hesitation. Just... date Boston, child, he is exactly who you want to date.
April. Also in the show. She's got no screen time so I've got no reason to hate her but also no reason to love her. But she's sweet and seems like a good communicator?
Top. The one who's trying too hard. I am kind of indifferent to Top. He is... fine. Like, I am not emotionally invested in him at all, frankly. But he's fine. I kind of hope he realizes that he should move on from Mew and maybe, like, find someone else or just exist as single for a bit? Because the way Mew treats him is not exactly ready for a second chance.
Mew. The sanctimonious one. I spent the start of this show hoping that Mew would be manipulative only for him to just turn out to be judgemental instead. That's much less interesting. And much less enjoyable to watch. He thinks he's so much better than all his friends and Top and even Boeing. He thinks he's always right and that his moral code is the Only Good One and his worry for his friends is rarely expressed kindly or with empathy. I don't like him that much but I'm mostly just bored by him. Also, he should have known Boston wouldn't blackmail anyone considering how someone was actively blackmailing him and that Mew knows that Boston's sex life being revealed is something he doesn't want.
Cheum. The really sanctimonious one. The mean girl who thinks she's a mom friend. I just... don't like her. I really don't. I think she thinks she's better than everyone around her except Mew and that she holds a lot of judgements against her friends for not living up to her idea of who they should be and that she is not kind or empathetic and that she should, frankly, take a step back and consider kindness and active listening for even a second.
Atom. The fucker. This boy can go to hell. He wants to hurt Boston for doing exactly what he said he was going to do, lied about him and not only lied but made very specific accusations against him as part of the lying because he was hurt. Atom is out to destroy Boston and has basically destroyed his chance at passing this class and could easily set him up for blackmail at this point (exactly what he accused him of.)
There are so many characters.
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nogenderbee ¡ 5 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔹, 𝕀, 𝕄, 𝕋 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bad-the-an-enjoyer request: link
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Yup! And don't worry about it hah, it happens to all of us!
BUT OMGGG AN LOVE!!!! I swear I adores writing it and I think I got her somehow right how I wanted so~ Yeah, I think it's okey ^^ Hope you like it too!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ TW: unhealthy obsession, mentions of death, killing and suicide
Not putting affiliation because I'm aware of how triggering this could be.
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✧ Both = You are a Yandere too, what's their reaction?
An is already absolutely OBSESSED with you! And by that I mean she'd do ANYTHING for you!!
So when one day, she notices you're oddly obsessed with her too... at first she treats it as a nice compliment but
✧ Improve = Will they be willing to recover from this psychotic state for their lover?
If you tell An, she's going too far and this isn't normal, she'll do it without second thought. All you have to do is straight up tell to her "go to therapist and say everything" and she'll do it.
Even if she has it to end in mental hospital, even if you won't visit her there... you bet she's gonna still go through it and get you back once she's out, proudly exclaiming she's now healthy! Well... more or less... if you visit her, she's definitely gonna take it more seriously, but if you won't, she'll instinctaly lie to herself a bit just to see you faster!
"Y/N!!! Long time no see! Haha~ I'm finally out AND I can treat you to cafe! C'mon, you don't need to worry about me so relax now!"
✧ Moving on = If you die or escape, will they be able to move on? How easy it'll be for them?
If you were to escape but leave a letter, as much as it'd hurt An, she'd respect your decision and try to not follow you. But if you didn't left anything behind, or died on her eyes, she wouldn't handle it very well...
First, everything looses it's meaning to her, along with singing and her dream of beating RAD WEEKEND becomes even more impossible... her voice breaks, making VBS loose more and more contests... Untill she decides to quit. And without music and you on her side? She doesn't have any other reason... so as you may expect, she'd simply unalive herself...
"Maybe now I can be good enough for you... I won't disappoint you in my afterlife too, I swear..."
✧ Type = What type of Yandere are they?
An finds you simply amazing! Ever since she met you, she felt the need to protect you... It's the least she could do, since she can't come close to your level anwyay... How could she ever feel enough when walking miracle is walking right next to her!?
So that leads to her being the Worshipping and Protective type! But she wouldn't mind sacrificing anything for you... and that means, ANYTHING! Her favorite thing? It's yours, do whatever you want with it! Someone's bothering you? Oh it's just few years in jail! She's bothering you? She doesn't mind giving you her life!
"You're looking so cute today!! I mean... you always do but today you reached whole new level I didn't even knew was possible!"
@bleachtheidiot @bad-the-an-enjoyer @qxmmi- come get your star girl!
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sorrowful-hyacinth ¡ 2 months
Who Is Sorrow?
Hey! I'm the gracious host of this blog and I do hope that you've found some enjoyment out of anything I've created or shared. As always, I promise I don't bite very hard if you decide to ask anything :)
I am 20 years old, pronouns She/Her, and I've been in the whump community since at least 2018 on tumblr. Although, I've been invested in men being traumatized and tormented for god knows how long. I always felt whumperflies whenever I saw a scene of someone restrained or begging, just being hurt in general. Even as far back as me watching Disney movies when I was younger. I just didn't know what the feeling was at the time. I always thought I was a little weird or maybe disturbed for feeling this way, but then I discovered Tumblr and the word Whump which just summed up everything for me. I still don't talk about Whump in my personal life yet, but I'm hoping that I get the courage to one day.
I'm also currently in college pursing a bachelors degree, which is why I have random periods of absences due to school work. I love to draw, always have. I'm still improving, but I do it for fun and it's one of my ways to give back to the whump community.
Favorite Tropes
The list is growing weekly, but I'll try to keep it short and use umbrella terms.
Held at Weapon Point
Immortal/Non-Human whump
Whumper turned Whumpee//Carewhumper// Whumpee Revenge
Pet Whump (sometimes)
Hurt/Comfort//Hurt/No Comfort
Stickler for happy endings or no endings
Fear Play
Kidnapping//Held Captive//Interrogated//Ransom
Non-con//Intimate Whumper (Adults)
Box Boy Universe
Non-con body modifications
When I say this, I'm referring to castrations, permanent limb amputation (unless necessary), just unnecessary part removals. Unless they get replaced with a prosthetic, or there's just no way around it, I get queasy just thinking about it.
Underage sexually related whump
If it's a memory or past incident that is important to the character and story, then I understand. If it's the main focus of the story and happens repeatedly with the intention of reminding you that it’s minor SA, then it’s hard to read.
Unresolved misunderstandings
If you leave two characters with a misunderstanding and they never interact again, or when they do it's not the same because of the topic. I get so much anxiety and second hand embarrassment that I cringe myself out of reading the rest of the story.
I do not support any and all forms of abuse, trauma, or the exploitation of phobias, that I've listed, in real life. I stand by keeping them fictional, and only seeing them in a fictional manner. I do not connect these topics to real people or myself. If anything even remotely related to any of these topics is happening to you in real life, please seek help and don't misunderstand my intentions behind posting related content. It's purely fictional. Keep it fictional.
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rpfisfine ¡ 10 months
do you hate miles?🤨
i was wondering when someone would send me an ask like this yeah i dont like him to be honest. i know ppl on here have largely moved on from the fateful 2016 interview and it has been discussed to death and yeah he immediately said he was joking etc etc but i dont think its weird to think you shouldnt have to feel pressured to like completely forgive and forget and absolve the sins of a male musician saying something that made a female reporter feel unsafe or objectified or 'caught in an increasingly distressing situation' or act like its some sort of unheard of and unimaginable offense that has never happened before in the history of music interviews and one someone’s favorite musician who can do no wrong in their eyes could definitely never get caught up in (esp given how gross in general the music industry is towards women). OR even go so far to say the reporter did it all for attention i cant believe this is even a discussion that has ever been had in any form ever like genuinely nothing makes me angrier than ppl who literally turn into blatant sexists whenever their favorite white guy's reputation is even mildly put at risk ive literally seen one person on here say the whole interview was made up and exaggerated and that she just wanted to 'join the me too movement' which is like Okay man i think you might just not have any respect for women in real life maybe. even watered down and not as extreme its a take thats more prevalent on am tumblr than i thought or previously imagined and i hate how bad it makes the fandom look like i trust that everyone on here is a reasonably intelligent and empathetic human being who has at least a basic tumblr education on the fact that victim blaming is bad so we dont rly need to turn around and immediately go 'she just misunderstood what he was saying' or 'she just didnt get his sense of humor' like Alright
i hope im articulating all this reasonably well like i think its literally fine that ppl have accepted his apology and moved on and are able to enjoy him as an artist and/or as a person too thats awesome and im happy for the ppl that i follow that have this kind of relationship with him. even if it wasnt for the interview thing he stil wouldnt be for me i used to be a pretty big fan of his music when i was younger but nowadays since ive found different music i dont rly pay any attention to him. im glad he was able to spark alex creatively but thats as far as my enjoyment goes of him to be yonest
also ive just realized now that all this makes me look kind of contrived given the fact that ive written milex before and i dont rly have like an impenetrable explanation i literally started writing for jamex around the time the car album came out bc i found out all my fav jamex fics had gotten deleted by their author so i wanted to fill the void and then one day i was like wait am i good enough yet to write a functional milex fic (plus i was hoping to get more ppl to notice my writing and milex offers a pretty easy way to do that) so then i wrote 2 and i was like ok i am cool. i dont intend to write another fic for them
hope this makes sense i probably forgor to say like 10 other things i wanted to say but thats okay
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Hiya! Love your analyses and writing! I’m watching playthroughs of twst since it’s not available in my country, but reading through your analysis of the manga… do you think people like me would find more enjoyment in waiting for the manga to come out? I think you’ve said before (or someone else), that there’s more content regarding the house wardens backstories (or more nuance and portrayal of Riddle’s past). I can see lots of flaws in game (from the play though), but the way you showed us how much character is portrayed through the manga… I don’t know, maybe twst is better served through a different medium than the game?
Hahahah, I’m actually trying to write my own yuusona into getting isekaid into twst and I already know trying to adapt chapter 2 is going to take a lot of effort because it is by far my least favorite of all the chapters, that’s why I’m asking.
Thank you so much for your insight and I hope that you have a wonderful day!
[Referencing this post, this post, and this post!]
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Hello, hello ^^ Thank you for enjoying my works~
I think each medium that Twisted Wonderland comes in has its own unique strengths and differences. I know that I’ve talked about how the manga excels at visual storytelling and conveying character without the same amount of dialogue as the game, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that the manga would provide more enjoyment than the game (though is it slightly more accessible) or that the manga is “better” than the game.
It’s true that we’re able to go into a little more detail about Riddle’s past, but I’d say it’s namely in new visual elements (like actually being able to see kid!Riddle, Chenya, and Trey, as well as a general idea of what Mama Rosehearts looks like; these are just silouhettes in the game). The manga does not provide any significant new information that the game lacks; the dialogue itself is largely the same. The manga is predominantly a lot of new visual information. I’d like to also add that the manga has the benefit of coming out after the game, so people already know what to anticipate from it, and thus are already primed to like or dislike the manga based on how well they received the same plot in the game.
There is a lot of content that the game has that the manga will not cover, such as event stories, vignettes, and homescreen lines, all of which serve to enhance the world and give more lore on each character. That alone is worth keeping up with the game’s content too!
Another thing to make note of is that the manga releases one chapter every other month (not counting for unforeseen or planned hiatuses and breaks), and we’ve only just started on Savanaclaw. With each subsequent episode getting longer and longer, it’s going to take literal years and years to catch up to TWST’s main story in the manga adaptation.
The manga also has a weird quirk where the protagonist seems to change every episode; if you get too invested in a certain Yuu, know that they won’t ever get a full character arc/they won’t be sticking with you until the final episode (Diasomnia). It’s not very good for those wanting a more consistent protagonist to follow.
I would say the manga also isn’t for people who prefer a medium that is more interactive or allows for more self-projection; the game is better for this, as though Yuu’s involvement is minimal, it does allow for players to imagine themselves doing basically whatever in the world of TWST. Of course, the game itself isn’t perfect and has its flaws. It’s definitely not a style of game for everyone.
Ultimately, whether you consume the game only, the manga only, or both… that’s up to you. You know yourself and your tastes the best, not me. I hope that you find my advice helpful and that you can make your own informed decision with it! ^^
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goblin-enjoyer ¡ 7 months
i'll admit that my knowledge of WoW is mostly based around 'the Horde are really cool and i like them a lot' and 'Thrall hits all the Favorite Character buttons like Winston does and actually they seem to occupy similar narrative roles' but i've heard some stuff from friends who were into WoW!
Fair. Thrall is a pretty cool dude there’s a reason why he is one of the only horde characters that gets mentioned consistently. He does preform a similar role as Winston in the sense of getting all the characters together and acting and the more reasonable and responsible party in conflict. It just sucks that he’s one of the only horde characters to get any screen time. Baine and the Tauren get to show up to fill a primarily alliance heavy scene so that horde players don’t feel left out. Trolls don’t even have a real leader at the moment and are constantly getting sidelined hard(but at least they have some of the most in-depth lore when compared to the often forgotten Tauren). Orcs are kinda just default horde npcs most of the time but at least when they do get character/culture moments lately they get the fantasy so right and it’s always nice to see orc players come together and cheer for when these things happen. Forsaken get to be a part of their own plot lines but they rarely show up in the world, things have been weird since slyvannas got hit with the standard horde leader villain bat. Blood elves are for when blizzard wants to use humans for a quest line or two but then either remember that this is a horde plot line or they want someone nicer looking. Their old lore is pretty interesting but currently they don’t have much going for them in my personal opinion. Goblins (I love them and ones my main) are the hordes joke race/only reason they have any sort of tech on par with the alliance. Their story’s are fun but far in between. Blizzard just puts them next to gnomes for the contrast.
With the faction war being pretty much over blizzard has less of a reason to give horde races story lines and prominent npcs then ever before. People complained so much about the constant horde villain batting and the obnoxious war writing of battle for Azeroth blizzard thought the best way to fix this after the faction war finally ended was instead of finally writing story lines about everyone equally and start writing the interesting dynamic from there, or give some of the hordes other leaders some time in the spotlight after constantly being raid/dungeon fodder for years they just got rid of almost any identity that and horde aligned npcs have and relegate them to scene fillers and hostile goons for the player (see the primalists being mostly comprised of horde races). I’m probably over exaggerating and forgetting a few things but man, after an expansion that disregarded most of the horde races spiritual beliefs ( shadowlands ) and one, while good and enjoyable, still primarily had titan themed stuff and aesthetics so dwarf, human and gnome ( dragonflight ) I just hope that the upcoming expansion the war within doesn’t keep kicking down.
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thevindicativevordan ¡ 2 years
Since you mentioned that Williamson would probably launch a Superman ongoing. How do you imagine his run would look like?
Well I called it, not that it was a hard thing to predict:
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Looks pretty much exactly what I expected. All the classic elements get plenty of focus, Lois is back at the Daily Planet, Clark will be going up against a bunch of classic villains - Parasite is the villain of the first arc, seems Livewire, Bizarro, and Silver Banshee won't be far behind - classic supporting cast members like Jimmy Olsen will be getting used, and there may be either some new faces or revamps of old ones. That cop with the pony tail in the upper right might be a new take on Inspector (Commissioner?) Henderson. Williamson is at his best when he's focused on one character and just doing fun superhero adventures instead of trying to write big events or copy Morrison. Robin and Flash delivered that for me and were enjoyable, he should bring a similar level of quality here. If nothing else the use of classic Superman Rogues who haven't gotten attention in a while like Livewire, Silver Banshee, and Bizarro get points with me, I don't expect him to write the definitive Parasite arc, but if he can at least provide entertaining Superman stories featuring classic Superman Rogues I'll be happy.
Kaminski (head editor for the Superbooks) hinted on Twitter that Zod was going to play an important role in the Superbooks next year. Given Williamson already used him once for Batman/Superman - his use there of Zod was good - I wouldn't be surprised if he uses him again here. Perhaps Zod is the figure in shadow if it isn't teasing a new Superman Rogue. I've long wanted Zod to fill the Ra's role in Superman's Rogues Gallery and Williamson did position him as that, if he is writing Zod I hope he continues to develop that characterization for him.
Obviously Campbell's art is gorgeous, but does anyone really think he's going to last long on a monthly ongoing? Naomi and Far Sector really struggled to come out on time, if Campbell can do just one arc I'll be happy. Dragotta is a good artist too, but I don't know if he's fast enough to do a monthly these days. I'll enjoy their time on Superman regardless, can't wait to see them draw the villains!
Now for the rest...
Anonymous asked:
New Superbook lineup?
First DC panel thus far to actually talk about the big plans for 2023. Honestly I'm pleased overall with the news that was shared.
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Action is becoming a Superfamily book with PKJ continuing to write the main feature, which will still be standard issue length. Lineup is Clark, Kara, Conner, Kenan, Jon, Natasha, and the two Phaelosians from Warworld that Superman adopted: Osul and Othul. Ever since Detective Comics became a Batfamily book during Rebirth I've been wanting to see someone try and do the same for the Superfamily. Metallo is going to be the main villain for the first arc starting in Action 1051, and seeing Metallo be a threat strong enough to challenge the entire Superfamily has me hyped. Loved how PKJ has written the book up till now, hopefully this switch doesn't cause him to struggle. If he does a good job he'll be delivering sorely needed development to Superman's Rogues and his Family, two areas I've long been begging to see more attention given.
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It's a small detail but I love that Kenan still has his white and black yin-yang s-shield underneath his jacket. Everyone looks good to me, although perhaps Nat should just change the color of her armor rather than wear a hoodie. And PKJ finally gets an artist who is both good and fast! Sandoval hasn't had trouble meeting a monthly schedule so Action should finally have an artist who can draw consecutive issues. Just need DC not to poach another artist from PKJ for their events, first Sampere then Federeci, go find another book to swipe artists from!
Two backups are being added, Jurgens writing kid Jon stories set in the past and Leah Williams writing Power Girl. Jurgens Lois and Clark was my favorite thing he's done since the Triangle Era, but this sounds boring. Doombreaker (aka Doomsday with four arms instead of two) is not a villain who is attracting my interest, PKJ already brought back Conduit Jurgens, you've said repeatedly you were going to tell a Conduit story after Action 1000 if you got to stay. Go tell that story instead of something conceptually dull as Doomsday 2.0. No opinion on Williams, her Trial of Magneto was terrible but her Mary Jane series was entertaining, I think PG will be a good fit for her, and there's always Johns' JSA if not.
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Superman: Son of Kal-El is ending with issue 18 and DC is launching a new Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent 6-issue miniseries where Jon will fight Ultraman and meet Val-Zod. Taylor was claiming he was writing post-Kal-El Returns SSOKE issues a while back on Twitter, so I assume that DC is taking what he had planned for future issues and just doing it as a mini in hopes of increasing sales. My hunch is that this mini will mark the end of Taylor's time with Jon, and he'll either depart the Superman sphere entirely or go do a Val-Zod mini, since all he really cares about is using Jon's book to spotlight his OCs. I want it to flop so he'll be done for good, he's done jack shit to establish Jon outside of his bisexuality, countless other more pressing developments need to be done for Jon to really stand on his own as a hero, but of course Taylor would rather bring in his successor to Superman and try to push Val one last time over actually developing Jon as a character.
Saw that yet again you have people theorizing this is going to end with a version of kid Jon returning or Jon being deaged and at this point I don't even care if that happens. Taylor completely squandered the opportunity Jon represented, long as Val-Zod fucks off back home to Earth 2 and Taylor doesn't try to keep him on the main Earth then fine, whatever, you lot can have your kid Jon back. Completely wasted the potential he offered, might as well reset him back to default. I don't think that's happening, Othul and Osul are filling the kid role for Clark and Lois, plus there might be that Legacy League book coming yet. If it does I don't even care anymore. There's one ray of hope for me even now: Waid, Yang, Watters and PKJ might be writing him soon.
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Coming up after Dark Crisis, we have the Lazarus Planet event. Waid has a good track record with weekly events - 52, the No Surrender trilogy - and the supporting writing lineup looks great: Yang, PKJ, Watters, and more. No Multiverse bullshit and any of those guys writing Jon will be an improvement over Taylor. Given this is where Jon is getting his electric blue powers, which will still be a thing over in Action and AoS, this event is going to be important for his direction as a character. Obviously this is me projecting, but I want to believe that one of the writers here is going to end up taking over control of Jon after Taylor's finishes his mini, ideally Yang or Watters. Hey Yang if you can bring Kenan into this event, do it. Taylor keeps trying to make his Superman stick, might as well assert yourself and use your Superman too where you can.
Good lineup generally. That's not counting other projects we know are coming such as Porter's Superboy mini, Waid's Superman: Testament book with Hitch, or Venditti's Superman '78 Season 2. Taylor hinted on Twitter that there are more announcements coming too after Action 1050, and PKJ hinted that something might be coming with Lana. Praying that a Steel miniseries with Lana in there as secondary protagonist/love interest is coming, written by Greg Pak, is in the works. Steel isn't in Action or advertised as being anywhere else, but he had a badass Action 1050 variant and it would be weird for him to just disappear. Irons is being positioned as a key player for PKJ Action, for him not to be with the Superfamily post 1050 must mean he's getting a book of his own. That's how I'm coping anyway.
Anonymous asked:
Thoughts on the NYCC announcements? Personally I'm afraid the Authority will go into the background if Action is becoming the Superfamily book, but I still trust PKJ to introduce interesting concepts.
Yeah I'm resigning myself to the Authority crew getting dropped. PKJ was asking on Twitter if people thought there was any interest in an Authority book not by him, and saying he'd want to get an LGBT+ writer for them. Later said that DC was trying to find a place for those characters, so maybe we'll get a new Superman & the Authority book down the road. I wish they'd induct Apollo into the Superfamily, getting him away from Midnighter who always overshadows him (heh remind you of another duo?) would be good for him. Let him play off of other flying bricks and show how he's similar and how he's different. Let him bond with Jon over being a queer hero and the difficulties that come with that, of trying to establish a place for yourself in the shadow of one of the greatest heroes of all time. I want Apollo so badly to be inducted into the Superfamily but I don't think it's happening. Can always dream though!
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cryingyetcourageous ¡ 1 year
What is your favorite thing about each of the Sealands?
@fort-no-more, (Peter that I write; default for when he references Peter unless someone requests a specific Peter for their lore! I default to being multiverse with each character, but I'm happy to change that upon request): He has so much care for others. He's always so excited to meet new people and help however he can, and despite how badly he was let down from so early on, he still finds it in himself to trust and care and hope. He started off as a fort, so childish innocence was never really an option... but he tries anyways, and he keeps an open mind an open heart. Don't let the snarky sense of humor fool you! There's strength in kindness, and despite how young he is, he's one of the strongest people I know
@sea-enjoyer (partially based on Discord RPs, so this might not be reflected in things seen on this account): No one can make me laugh like him. When I'm around him, it's like all my worries disappear. Well, erm, aside from my worries about him, because I might coddle a bit... Still, I feel comfortable with him in a way that I don't around anyone else, maybe even more than I feel with the other Baltics. I was so worried about how our relationship would change once he stopped being a child, but now he gets to be my little brother and closest peer at the same time. I feel like I can tell him almost anything... so, um, letting my guard down. That's the favorite thing. Laughing, comfort, trust: general things associated with letting guard down.
@paralianprince: I'm only now starting to get to know him, but he's so passionate! When he cares about something, he puts so much energy towards it that it's contagious. Whether it's about his fellow micronations, kaijus, or concerns about a perceived slight towards me, he expresses his feelings and sweeps you up in them, too. Again, I've only recently met him, but I feel like I could listen to him explain his interests and opinions and ways of thinking for hours, and it makes me want to share more of myself, too. It's kind of scary how quickly we connected, but I think that's part of the same thing. He feels and expresses things quite intensely, and when I'm with him, I feel that, too, so it makes sense that the friendly feelings would also come so sudden and intense, if that makes sense.
@bates--boy: He's so motivated! Hobbies, careers, self-improvement, creativity, now family: He has so much going on! I should have known since he was little, you know? He was always such a bright kid, but to see him grow into someone with the means, skill, and dedication to figure out what he wants and to go for it is truly humbling. Especially when life has been so unkind, it can be easy to learn passiveness and self-pity, but he never really let that take hold of him, at least not for long. Even when he stumbles, he pushes himself back on his feet and keeps running. I just hope he knows that it's okay to stop and breathe sometimes, and to ask for help. I think he must know that if he's gotten so far, but it's my nature to worry. And I hope he knows that I'm proud of him - truly, deeply proud of what a great person he's grown to be. My Not-So-Little Brother
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unprocione ¡ 1 year
hello, dear!
your study on leon is so well thought i am always left speechless as i read your posts. i am in love with how you portray him and how aesthetically pleasing your blog and writing is, making my little neurodivergent brain stick around and focus more easily.
i wish you a great day.
please, never stop writing.
thank you so much!! i've been seriously enjoying writing and thinking about leon & his point of view lately and i've been having a ton of fun with it behind the scenes, hopefully that post is one of many more to come because i have alot of ideas in store! i'm so glad that you're enjoying my portrayal and find my blog & writing aesthetically pleasing, because i put alot of time and thought into what i want on this blog these days, and what's helped me significantly is cutting down on what i reblog here and just setting up a separate spam sideblog for all of my fanart and etc. posts if they aren't related to specific character bonds, and i potentially have an aesthetic sideblog in the works too to streamline things more. i feel like i have a more concise place to write leon when i have everything organized, when i look back on my archives and recent posts now, i have like.. a sense of consistency? and it makes it so much easier to keep going when i feel concrete like that.
my friend over at blitzkriegers, ty, has been like... the tumblr version of marie kondo for me lmao, this 'does this spark joy' figure helping me sort out alot of my anxieties around being on this blog and tumblr in general, and writing overall, and has been a massive help in identifying all the little ways i procrastinate to put off writing because of some internal confidence issues. alot of that came across in constantly remaking graphics (ty actually made alot of material for this blog so i could focus on writing - if you like my icon borders i use for leon, those are all his work), alot of that was doomscrolling on pinterest, alot of it was just generally a bad mindset i had gotten into with the way the rpc in general, not just resident evil, functions - lately feeling very draining at times, learning how to navigate all of that w/ his support as a friend has been really positive for me.
so if you like what i put out on my blog here, i can't recommend enough that you check out his blog at blitzkriegers, where he writes karl heisenberg, as well as my other friend cj, who writes a splendid ethan winters on wintersdecay & a stunning ada wong, amongst other muses, over at greenherb. she does alot of study posts that are in significantly more detail than mine but far more legible, and her and ty's mutual worldbuilding is so easy to fall in love with. both of their blogs are more than great in my opinion if you're like me and have issues with focus but become super invested in roleplay and how people individually portray their muses, their blogs are very aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and their writing styles even more so. they're a joy to discuss headcanons and dynamics with, and alot of what i have on this blog i have built either with them directly, via their suggestion, or with them in mind! if you follow one i bet very soon you will be following the other lmao.
i hope i never do stop writing. it was tough going there for a while, but i feel like at least for right now i can reach that source of joy that i was out of reach from for a long time that inherently drives my writing. thank you for sending in such a sweet message!! it seriously made my evening to read it, and it really makes me proud to know that i'm putting time into one of my favorite hobbies and it's paying off not only for myself, but that someone else besides me is getting alot of enjoyment out of it too, and the reminder, the validation of that, is just always a wonderful gift to receive.
have a lovely day yourself! :) rian!
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dreams-and-drabbles ¡ 2 years
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I’d like to offer you all a huge thanks for the support. I did not expect my blog to be so well received, and for that, I thank ya’ll. Asks make my day, as do the hearts, the reblogs, the comments, and most of all— YOU. YOU, THE READERS ARE ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING TO ME. Seriously, I wish I could bake ya’ll some muffins or an apple pie. Those are the only two things I’m confident in baking, haha. Anyways, given all the good reception— I figured I’d tell ya’ll a bit about myself!!! As such, here’s 20 facts about your author!!!!
I have anime protagonist hair, and I hate it. Essentially, my hair never stays still. Think— Bakugou with Best Jeanist. No matter how I style it, POOF!!!!! I cut my hair myself, too, and style it. I’ve actually gotten pretty good, and occasionally I’ll redo my cosplay wigs, as well. I’m cheap like that, but also— There is something very cathartic about cutting hair.
I am a cat person. Actually, I’d go so far as to say I’m a cat fanatic. I’m obsessed with cats to the point it’s almost unhealthy. For example, I see a cat in the road— Next thing you know, I’m crossing the street. Yeaaaah. Cats are great.
I love coffee, but only when it’s black. Listen, if I want to kill my tastebuds, I’ll order a frappe or something. Why would I drown the drinks natural flavor? ((My favorite type of coffee is Sumatra, by the way. It’s very good and if you haven’t tried it, I strongly recommend. ))
The only food I can’t stand isn’t even a food, its a condiment. Mayonnaise. I swear, I hate that stuff, and I’ve been known to come up with some crazy food combinations. ((Cheetos in chocolate milk, peanut butter and pepper jelly sandwiches, sugar cookies and hummus, etc…)) Mayonnaise is just not for me. I don’t know why— Maybe it’s the texture, but eh. I don’t want to think too hard about something I detest as much as I do mayonnaise.
I don’t fall out of fandoms, I shuffle through them. I will have one week where I’m absolutely obsessed with Jujutsu Kaisen, and then I may see a post about Naruto, and that one gets a turn— Of course, I still like the other fandoms I’m in, but the one that’s on my mind— Well, I get very sucked in. At least, until something random switches things up again.
I don’t mind not talking to friends often. I’m not the type to get butt hurt if someone doesn’t talk to me for a while— I actually get relieved when plans are cancelled last minute. I’m perfectly capable of socialising, but given the choice, I’d rather chill by myself. I rarely ever reach out first, and if I do, well— I absolutely adore that person.
For the life of me, I cannot stay still. I’m always either tapping my fingers, or kicking my legs, if I’m in a situation where I’m forced to sit.
I am not scared of the dark, but I have this weird thing where I have to be able to see my hands. If I can’t see them, then I get scared, haha!
I’m very much a people pleaser, which is funny, as it’s contradictory. While socialising drains me at times, I cannot stand the idea of conflict. I HATE ARGUMENTS. If it’s to avoid conflicts, then, I’ll do just about anything. That’s not to say, I can’t set boundaries. I’m actually a huge stickler on that. I just tend to put others first by habit. I get some confrontation is necessary in life, but conflict? Eeeek. I hate that. I especially hate arguing, when really, you have words. You don’t need to yell. Just talk things out, yanno?
My biggest pet peeve is when I say something, and the matter keeps getting pushed. I will open up to someone on my own terms, and anyone who pushes a matter after I’ve set a boundary, well— I don’t think that sort of behaviour is something I’d want to be around, anyways. (( Don’t let people walk all over you, if you’re uncomfy just say so!!! I learned this the hard way, ahaha. I hope you all have a better time than me. 🖤✨))
If I had to choose a quote that I say often, it would be either “Life is pain” or “Most likely kill you in the morning.” Both quotes are from The Princess Bride. If you haven’t read/watched it, well— Such a notion is inconceivable!!! I strongly recommend both the book and the film adaptation. ((It’s one of the few film adaptations that I find enjoyable. It’s a classic, after all!!!)
My least favourite cliché in writing is where the Main Character is suddenly best friends with everybody. Like— Hello?!? That’s not how people work!!! Heck, even Mystic Messenger and Obey Me have some conflict with the MC. NO RANDOM STRANGER IS GOING TO LOVE YOU LIKE THAT RIGHT AWAY !!! If I wanted something like that, I’d watch a Disney movie, not sit down and read.
I tend to be a pretty forgiving person, so when I finally reach a certain threshold, I cut people off. The majority of the times, it’s emotionally. I just go numb. I will never go out of my way to be rude to someone, even if I dislike them, but I’m also not going to give them an inch into my personal life. I’ll be civil. I won’t be friendly. You can be polite to someone, while still making it clear you have no interest in them.
If I push something off, then it doesn’t happen, and if it does happen— Well, usually it’s months later. *awkwardly gestures to the asks that have been in my inbox *
I am not the type to fawn over smelly good things, and I rarely ever wear perfumes, or scented hand sanitisers. On the other hand, I LOVE playing mad scientist. I make perfumes, write the recipes down, and once I’m satisfied— I promptly hand out the finished product to other people. ((Friends, family members, etc—))
The majority of my clothes fall under either cottage core, dark academia, or grunge in their aesthetic. I will almost always make an effort to look decent, if I’m going out. I rarely ever go out, though, sooo— Well, that’s what my several hoodies are for. I’m a fiend for hoodies, I swear— Will I spend money on Genshin? Rarely. Will I drop like 50$ on a Naruto hoodie at the mall? Oh, absolutely.
I won’t lie and say I’m a good person. I’m actually pretty skewed in the ways of morals. I do, however, believe in honesty above all else. That, and freedom— You can be honest without being mean. It’s all in the phrasing. As for freedom? Each and every person has their own life. Who is anyone else to tell a person how they should think? Personally, I feel as each and every person only knows their thoughts— It’s kind of dumb to try and force those on others. Of course, sharing thoughts is cool, but attempting to force an idea on someone else. That’s just rude.
I’m not religious, but I do believe in something? I guess, agnostic is probably the best term to describe myself. I also tend to avoid religion as a subject, and this is only on here for the sake of fun facts✨
I am prone to disappearing for months on end, so if my Tumblr is inactive— It’s just my yearly vanishing act. I also occasionally delete my socials, and make new ones, when I’m feeling especially drained. ((My discord is the main one. I think I’ve shuffled through like three Discords by now??? I post on Insta and Facebook maybe twice a year, so they’re not really worth mentioning. Speaking of Discord, if you’d like to be friends on there— I did make a new one. It’s SIU#0687 and that is the only Discord I am using at the moment. Naturally, if I delete this one— I’ll update the info here. I don’t exactly know why I delete accounts, but sometimes they just feel so cluttered. I do have an insta which is dreamsanddrabbles , but I only just made it, and probs won’t be very active. Nonetheless, feel free to hmu on either Discord or Insta. Discord is your best bet tho.))
You’re more than welcome to PM me or what not. As I stated earlier, I rarely reach out to anyone, but that doesn’t mean I won’t answer if someone pings me— Likewise, as I do have a horrible habit of pushing things off, the occasional reminder that Tumblr exists is very much appreciated! <33
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