#this is not analysis so much as loosely connected thoughts but they can't all be bangers
lakesbian · 1 year
i poked around the fandom a bit last night and it was very funny to me that alec/taylor and alec/brian seem to be significantly more popular pairings than aishalec. whether you see their relationship as being more on the romantic side or more on the platonic side, it’s very textually explicit that aisha is the only undersider who even approaches understanding what’s going on w/ alec, and it’s also very textually explicit that alec is the only undersider who sees aisha on a specific meaningful and validating level for her. so it’s exceedingly funny to me that people have a habit of tossing aisha (whose problem is Literally that she’s chronically ignored LMAO) aside in favor of pairing alec w/ a girl who tends to ungenerously + hypocritically regard him as having no real interiority beyond “unempathetic sociopathic rapist” or a boy who consistently wins the Worm’s Most Heterosexual Man Award.
to be clear, i don’t think it’s impossible to do something interesting with alec/taylor interactions or alec/brian interactions, but i do think you have to work a lot harder to squeeze something compelling out of it--and i really don’t get why people aren’t as interested in exploring aisha/alec interactions in fan content when it’s textually the singular most significant human connection he has. if you want to start poking around in alec’s psyche, pairing him up with the one person who actually gets into his psyche in canon seems like it should be the most obvious choice, but almost no one goes for it.
i also have to admit that alec/taylor shipping always makes me snicker a bit because her canonical first reaction to him is is literally “Hmm. Not really into....Effeminate Boys." taylor might be a weird straight girl who can’t appreciate alec’s gnc swag, but i know in my heart that aisha (also bisexual, To Me,) saw him and immediately went “Ohohoho. Hohoho. Ohohoho. Nice.” 
as for brian. he is definitely remarkably heterosexual but the idea of him being a weird repressed bisexual similar to how many people read taylor is very funny to me. like so:
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(...you could actually get something interesting out of how brian & alec are both traumatized boys who are trying very hard (with varying degrees of success) not to turn into their father figures, but they differ in that alec is uninterested in masculinity to the point where he experiences homophobia for it in canon whereas brian is obsessed with being masculine to a self-destructive fault. i’m compelled by the idea of brian trying to convince alec to do some self-defense training w/ a misguided appeal to his sense of masculinity only to end up vaguely jarred and confused when alec informs him that 1. his current t-shirt and leggings are both from the women’s section, so he’s pretty sure he’s got nothing left in the masculinity department, and 2. he’s good with sitting back and letting brian + bitch’s dogs handle the messy physical violence for him.)
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i literally can't stop thinking about something
i loveee re6 AUs with luis, but
death island!luis !!!!
specifically, a scenario where he saves leon instead of/with rebecca. like imagine him working with rebecca on the vaccine and delivering it to the island to save leon and the rest 😭😭
and i actually see two scenarios here
either luis is obviously alive and all, and leon knows it, and it's just, hey! my husband's here to save the day!!
OR it's a big reveal lol. rebecca shows up there like, 'a friend helped me', and it's LUIS there with her. like, i know rebecca is super capable and she made the vaccine all alone in the movie , but just imagine if it was actually a bit more complicated, so she would have to reach out for help, and who would be better than luis
i NEED to see luis and rebecca team up, they'd work so well together 😭😭
and older serennedy!!!!! omg
i just need to see older luis 😭😭 and the parallel with him delivering the suppressant in re4, and now the vaccine
i don't know what i wanted to say with this and i really didn't think it through that well, and it's rushed, but i really need to share these thoughts 😭
@silverhexrt HI SO UM. THIS ASK WAS SENT IN JUST OVER A WEEK AGO and it gave me SUCH AGGRESSIVE brain worms that I was like Oh this would make for SUCH a cute little Drabble!!!!! But then I just. Kept going. So I accidentally made a whole entire fic for you!! I really truly hope you don’t mind!!!!!!!!! ;^^/
I know this blog is more of a character analysis blog so if you or anyone else still wants to talk to me about the LOGISTICS of what Luis in Death Island would look like I’d be MORE THAN HAPPY TO RAMBLE cuz I am SO FASCINATED by how that would work character and legalities wise,,, but uh for now!! I hope you don’t mind this little thingymadgig I made!!!
Fatigue was the overwhelming sensation dragging Leon’s body down. His breathing was labored and his skin burned against the Velcro of his protective gear- far from unfamiliar territory in terms of the worst symptoms he’d survived. But this somehow felt so, so much worse.
Leon felt like he was dying. Like actually dying. Which was downright terrifying.
He hated that he even knew what dying felt like. Leon could easily pick up on the little ways his body began to shut down; it felt like he couldn’t breath in far enough to fill his lungs, his limbs felt weighed down by an invisible force, his vision was blurry… except, this time, it was his own body killing him from the inside-out.
He was much more used to- even comfortable with- the close brush of death being from the hands of a Bioweapon or loose debris crushing his body. Leon at least had some level of control in those scenarios. He could kick and wriggle and spit and cuss out whatever was holding him down until a miracle freed him and he could load bullets into the face of whatever was hunting him.
But Leon couldn’t run from his own body, no. And oh, how badly did he wanna run until his legs burnt beneath him.
Leon had only ever felt that inherent, gut-wrenching urge one other time. One other time when he was on the brink of death and freedom alike; warm tan hands and cold needles in an isolated village so far from home. Leon could’ve taken the medicine and ran. He could’ve watched the world burn from behind his lovers back as they chased windmills without a care in the world.
He could’ve faced death in the eye. He could’ve taken the blade of the knife for him. He could’ve been just a fraction of a second too late for Ashley. Oh, the possibilities.
What a weird time to be thinking about Valdelobos. Maybe it was just his oxygen-deprived brain desperately trying to connect the dots for one last dream. Like falling asleep with the TV on and having a dream about the movie you’d just watched. Arias had his own ‘inspirations’ from Los Illuminados, after all. Maybe he was just trying to think of one last happy memory to drift off to.
Leon hoped dying would be a little bit like falling asleep. He was never religious, never superstitious- but deep down he hoped that he’d be reunited with the loved ones he’d lost. Finally, finally getting the chance to feel those warm palms against his cheek that he missed oh-so dearly.
Leon sighed and let the concrete below his hands wobble a little. He could just barely make out Chris and Claire’s labored breathing from behind him- the only other thing keeping him grounded.
But god was it getting hard. He couldn’t tell if it was just the pure exhaustion or the virus or what, but Leon’s head felt so heavy. Heavy enough that it almost felt as though somebody was holding it up for him. He let himself pretend, just for a moment, that it wasn’t just his imagination. That the warmth on his cheek wasn’t his flushed skin and were instead the hands of a lover, keeping him upright and rested against a beating heart that Leon was sure was just the blood roaring in his ears.
He let himself pretend that the stroke he felt against his cheek was his lovers thumb. A lover so considerate that they’d wipe the blood off of his skin and tuck the loose hair behind his ears. He pretended that the murmuring of his ears giving in was somebody talking to him, whispering comfort in his final moments.
Leon almost let himself give in completely to the imaginary man holding him- the distant scent of leather and cigarettes felt so real, after all- but a cold prick against his neck and the immedie, cold relief of fluids beneath his skin snapped him back to reality.
His breathing came back to him in time with his heartbeat, his fingertips pulsed with the sudden pumping of blood, and…
The feeling of somebody holding him hadn’t gone away.
His cheek was still warm with another man’s hand. His nose still stung with the smell of leather.
His heart was still beating in time with somebody else’s.
Leon hesitated. He didn’t want to open his eyes. He knew he was just dreaming- that he’d look up and the vision of the man he yearned for every night would disappear like a mirage. He wanted to keep them closed and pretend for as long as possible. Until-
“Leon? ¿Corazón? Mierda, Rebecca, he’s not responding-“
Leon’s eyes opened just slightly.
He was staring down at the concrete, somebody must’ve moved him to get access to his neck easier. But he wasn’t dreaming. He wasn’t dreaming of the arms clad in white wrapped around his shoulders and the ringlets of curls that fell around his vision, shielding him from the fluorescent Alcatraz prison lights.
Warm hands went back to stroking his cheek.
Leon wasn’t dreaming.
“Leon? Oh, please wake up,”
His voice sounded so broken, so quiet. Leon had never heard of it like that. It broke his heart.
“I can’t- I can’t leave you here, not like this, not again, please…”
Leon couldn’t take it anymore. He was terrified to roll over and face the man he’d chased in his dreams for so long but he had no other option. He’d rather he disappear and it all be his imagination than hear him this sad ever again.
Leon turned his head and blinked up at Luis like a newborn deer. His big, brown eyes were wet with tears but that stupidly charming smile was unmistakable.
“Hey there, Leon…”
Luis managed to croak out, the hand against his cheek trembling from the tears. Leon reached his own shaky hand up to brush Luis’ long, grayed locks out of his face just as he had done moments before for him.
“I must be dreaming,” Leon huffed out, and Luis chuckled, shaking his head and the tears from his reddened cheeks at the same time.
“If you’re dreaming, then so am I, I’m afraid”
“I’ll take my chances.”
Luis chuckled and Leon wasn’t far to follow suit. Even with the end of the world on his shoulders- even with Dylan fighting tooth-and-nail to break down his, Jill’s and everyone else’s spirits- Leon still found time to laugh with Luis like it was autumn of 2004 all over again.
“Just like old times, eh, Sancho?” Luis gave a little sniffle, and while Leon had more than too many questions to ask- how he was even alive was obviously the most pressing- he just couldn’t find it in himself to care.
He let himself rest his head against Luis’ chest. Heart beating strong, almost as if to mock Leon for ever doubting his lover's strength.
“Just like old times, Don Quixote…”
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helpfandom · 1 year
Yandere Platonic Two-Face {TAS} x Reader HCs
Ngl, I'm thinking about doing an analysis on the TAS villains. ALL of the TAS villains with the same kind of reader.
It's just that realistically, this is the type of reader that would be the most likely with how Gotham is.
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Honestly, I have no idea on why he would initially be interested in a kid, if it wasn't for a bad reason. Not saying that yandere isn't bad, but more so that, I can't see him stalking a kid or anything for any morally good reason.
But, in the interest of fanfiction, we shall say that this reader is of the 'uncaring' variety, much like my Riddler (also TAS) reader.
So perhaps, Reader initially met him in a dark alley, so of course, without realizing, he pulls out a gun and threatens you. He was shocked with himself that he would do that to a kid, but on the other side, no loose ends.
So, he flips the coin. But reader tells him that it's not a 50/50 chance like he has always believed. {It truly is not, by the by, it is ever so slightly tilted to the heavier side, making it a 51/49 chance.} This catches him off guard and he fumbles, losing the coin.
The two-toned man rumbles to you. "Go ahead. Leave. Take your chance and live." You stand up from your spot, having fallen from the spook of running into one of Gotham's infamous villains. "Cool. Thanks man." You walk off, feeling his stares, but letting it slide off your back.
Why would you walk from someone who is a villain? A scary person who could kill you, simply for existing in the same area as him?
And with that, you sealed your fate. He couldn't get your words out of his head. Was everything he believed in a lie? Was everything he's doing for naught? With that simple sentence, you broke his entire world in half. He needs something new to focus on. Too bad it had to be you.
Without even needing the coin to decide, he knows that he has to see you again. You've haunting him, it's so stupid that you've been doing this to him. WHY! Why are you haunting, why are you stuck in his every waking thought?!
Needless to say, he's a very quick yandere. I mean, he already has an obsession, it just moved to you.
I wouldn't say he's quick to kidnap. To me, he seems like more of a stalking type at first, but then, when he goes to flip his coin again to see what to do tonight, he thinks of you. He thinks of how you interacted with him and your words get stuck in his head all the time.
Would he be prepared for you? No. Not really. I mean, it's not like he sees himself as a dad either, it's more of just... He needs you there. You need to be there for him. His obsession with the coin flipped over to you, and now you're the one reason he's still here, able to articulate his words, be alive, and live his life.
Batman and Robin wouldn't be able to help you out either, for he wouldn't let any sign of you actually affecting him show, unless...
Set the scene: Two Face is robbing a bank, he flips the coin and right as it lands in his open palm, you walk by, unflinching at the alarms going off or anything. you. You. YOU. He drops the coin, everyone who knows him even a little bit is shocked at that. Why would he ever let it drop? Everyone knows that he's obsessed with it.
That would be the only sense in which Batman and Robin would ever find out of an obsession with you. The way he pauses when someone says something that sound like your name, the way that he purposefully selects the spots away from your home so you're less likely to be caught in the crossfire...
I can see Batman connecting the dots, but at that point, its too late.
He's already kidnapped you.
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radiant-vulpine · 1 year
A post about TENNA & MIKE, and why they matter. (Official Deltarune Analysis)
So this is a post I'm doing since I've heard a couple people outright brush off Tenna's big reveal in Sweepstakes, treating Mike as a primary antagonist, despite Toby trying to make it clear this isn't the case. So, this post is going to go into WHY this bothers me, what I think about Tenna and Mike outside of Vision Crew, etc. 1 - Mike is likely a mutual ally to Spamton I've seen a hell of a lot of people making Mike their primary antagonist even after the Sweepstakes lore reveals. This is something I can forgive if a project predates it, as it's EXTREMELY difficult to rewrite things like that. But, when you make a new project, it's a good idea to look into what we know about Mike through dialog. - Spamton knows him - He's associated with TV - ... That's essentially it? Usually, yes. But with Sweepstakes, we've learned another piece of crucial information. Mike is NOT the Cathode Screen. Mike is someone being protected from the "Cathode Crew."
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So Mike's not the TV?! Then who the hell is? ... Well, a new character was revealed and namedropped similarly to Mike during the Sweepstakes. Out of nowhere... 2 - Who is Tenna?
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We don't know very much about "Tenna." At all, really. The ONLY thing we know is a name and potential affiliation. Spamton shows disdain towards them, if the URL is him. So everything from beyond here is very speculative.
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So... in the game, the TV is referred to as a lot of things.
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We know Spamton kinda wants to wring this guy's neck. Almost every reference he makes towards TV is given negative connotation.
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Personally, my working, NON VC theory is... 3 - Mike is our secret boss, Tenna is our main boss. This is a little bit of a shot in the dark, very very dark actually. It's like throwing a rock into an abandoned mineshaft. But, there's a few things that make me think this way. - Mike being on the run means he may be hidden away somewhere out of sight. - Tenna is the only character whose name is overtly connected to the TV, who is tied to being an antagonist. - Mike & Tenna as a word combination forms a sort of wordplay. None of these things are points, this last little segment is a bit more of a tangent with VERY loose thoughts that are most likely a shot in the dark. So, in summary... I think making Mike a primary villain is silly. Of course, I can't stop you! Feel free to do your own thing with it. Most of my favorite takes actually have Mike instead of Tenna... But, I'd really suggest looking into the lore given through Sweepstakes. It's the only real peek we have at Chapter 3 that isn't development info from the Newsletter!
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gg-selvish · 1 year
analysis of maple syrup vs. good luck charm: mirroring in dynamics, reactions to rumors, and bad vibes
this spoils the ending of both fics btw.
there's a lot of mirroring between these two fics, naturally because they're in the same series/au but there's a lot of similarities between the two relationships yet it's handled completely differently by the characters involved. all four of them have issues (sapnap is the most stable but he's damaged too lets be real) and they handle those issues in unique ways that lead to interesting dynamics in the duos they're in (because while they're all connected they don't really all connect yknow?)
in maple syrup george is unempathetic and possessive while also having this deep desire to be 'good' because he knows he's not. he knows sapnap makes him better because sapnap is in love with him and can kind of wrangle him into being reasonable so he latches on both emotionally and physically. he really does want to be a good person i think he just has no idea how besides clinging to sapnap because all he's ever known to do is hurt people throughout his life. sapnap is so kind and endlessly understanding, its inspiring to him and he admires him as well as truly loves him and i believe that. the way he hurts him is because of impulse and some sort of trauma response i don't even understand but rev said it was because he had his toys taken away as a child (/lh)
so he scars him as a permanent commitment to settle his internal anxiety that he's going to fuck up and sapnap is gonna keep running instead of just committing to being better and showing that he can be a good partner for sapnap. but he can't yet. so sapnap pulls himself away and they take another break and george relapses into his self-hatred and self-destructive tendencies and perhaps that's the wake up call he gets that teaches him to be tamed a bit. so him and sapnap are back together a third time and he treads much more gently because he knows no matter what he does, even permanently marking his lover, it's no guarantee he'll stay. the only way to get sapnap to stay with him is being kinder and learning to be good.
karl is very different. at face value when you first hear about him he's pretty similar to george, untrustworthy and a bad reputation, but the way he's introduced to dream is different because he has a base level of respect for dream and admires him distantly. as in the fic: george sinks his teeth into sapnap while karl yearns from afar. he probably talks about dream so much without even thinking of it, he's quite resigned to his fate of never being anything to dream because dream is far away from anyone, but then sapnap gives his number, dream texts him, and it's the start of something.
a kind of unfair aspect to the style of this storytelling is because maple syrup was written for an exes to lovers prompt, so i skipped over their whole getting together and pleasant months of their relationship. i havent put too much thought in how it happens but i have a feeling its just george stalking after sapnap after that first glance in the first scene of maple syrup and sticking to him. that's another similarity between the two dynamics: sapnap and dream look different than the rest of campus. sapnap punk and hardcore with denim jackets and big boots, dream in maxi skirts and loose blouses and long hair, and karl and george are very intrigued by that and it piques their interest. karl and george are bad, dream and sapnap are different and they want that.
so i think georgenap got together in a pretty simple way, with george and his girlfriend breaking up when he realizes he has feelings for sapnap, pulling moves on him at parties until they hook up, continuing to hook up because despite george's abysmal reputation he's funny and hot and a good fuck so sapnap goes with it until he catches feelings himself and then he's In It for about seven months. then he gets cheated on again, maple syrup, moving on.
good luck charm: karl has his eye on dream from before dream even knows what he looks like. well, he kinda does, he's seen him around, but dream isn't really attentive to other people with what he has going on. karl sees him, though, around campus and at parties and maybe even at the bar too. i think that could be a cool thing to think about... when karl brought george and the ex gf to the bar in the first fic and must have tried to talk to dream. and dream still doesn't have him on his radar at all
and then dream gets a little interested himself, with karl being flirty and promising nothing serious it's easy to accept his affection and instigating because dream's always just been kind of going with the flow. he doesn't have any big expectations and definitely doesn't think anything with karl will go anywhere until he actually meets him. then he's consumed, infatuated, totally drawn into his orbit and would really like to stay there even though he's scared of two things: karl leaving, and karl asking him for more. they're equally terrifying to him, so he holds his feelings close and enjoys being fond of karl without worrying about escalating it at all and just coasting.
my friend rev brought up another really cool aspect of mirroring that i didn't consider until he brought it up: the scar versus the hair dye. it's obvious that the purple is important, though it may not seem so at the time. that date where they dye karl's hair really means the world to dream, that's when he really starts to commit to having feelings, it's a shame he got scared off so shortly after that just because it meant something to karl too.
the thing is, george and karl have some pretty nasty skeletons in their closet. they both fuck and drop, they both kiss boys and brush away what it means, they both war with themselves with what they want and what they can't have but they handle it very differently. george never stops moving towards his goal, while karl knows to respect boundaries, because if him and dream had something real he knows dream will come back. especially with sapnap on his side. setting up the party and loosely inviting dream is the farthest he's gonna go with instigating and trying to get dream in the same room as him. but once he's back he takes that as an inch to run with and really let dream know he wants him and that hasn't wavered despite dream ghosting because he knows and trusts that dream feels something for him too. even after scaring him off. he came back, and that means something to both of them
the hair dye is kind of similar to the scar, that's the mirroring i'm thinking of. not as permanent, but a physical altering of karl's body that stays after dream is gone. and when he comes back to karl's house and sees him in his lilac glory made from dream's own hands it hits him right in the chest. he did that. he's so used to things happening to him and taking it so it impacts him, but this time he changed someone else and it was a good thing. george branded sapnap as an act of cruelty and possession, while karl asked dream to dye his hair because he wanted dream to have some kind of claim on him. and dream finds comfort in that with his own more hidden possessiveness in the same way george finds comfort in the scar, the difference in the climate in which those changes took place
just one more thing i want to touch on: the ending of good luck charm. when i first finished it i was worried it was unsatisfying and rushed and didn't really hit very strongly, but then i read it cohesively with the full context of that ending and i was like
so it's a fic like that. you have to reread it to really get it, maybe not the whole series though that would be cool, but definitely glc is meant to be read more than once. watching dream agonize over karl's behaviour in contrast to his kind actions to him personally you're wondering the whole fic what is wrong with him? why is he hurting people? and then it comes out and you're like oh my god. he's just ace. so you reread the fic with that information and all of karl's actions make so much more sense, everything he says and his behaviour and his gentle treatment of dream's boundaries, and then his freak out at the end of dream touching him. i still think it's a bit rushed but when you've spent the whole fic agonizing over a why and then find out that why, what more is there to say? they get each other now, so they can just be together and be happy. that's what it's all about, really, georgenap's ending was bad because of their contrasts and george's poor way of navigating his feelings while karl is more stable and both asks for what he wants and respects boundaries.
so the same, but different. two very different stories that follow the same general idea: damaged people do damaged things, but sometimes there's a reason you have to unearth to find the good person buried beneath the negative actions. and it's up to you whether you choose to stay and steer them in the right direction, or protect yourself and run.
i'm glad they both stayed. i'm optimistic for their futures together.
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fivewholeminutes · 10 months
i am in fact the same TMBTE anon both times (sorry!! 😭). again, such a cool analysis!!! i'm new to ST and IMMEDIATELY got invested. i haven't seen an artist do something like this before, so it's really amazing trying to connect the dots based on what everyone thinks. and yes, i do think it's the same girl in the music videos, which is interesting because of the whole "he planned everything from the start" theory. then i wonder about what the music videos mean (though i do agree that the vision shifted a little after TLYW)! i loooveee the idea that Sleep is coming from within Vessel, cause he's literally a host as in an empty holding vessel. and the white mask thing omg......so crazy cool......cause then it goes into after being "taken hostage", they change their masks as like some sort of acceptance (which kind of mirrors Vessel's black body paint transformation cause the current masks are black too?). idk, i do think that sometimes we/the fans stretch things, but that's also the fun of it. always love hearing the Think™
and in true sleep token fashion, i think i'll remain anon - 🪼
Hello again, Anon!! Sorry this one took so much time! I am stuck in a car now, so I can finally finish it. The editing on mobile is an absolute fucking nightmare though
Don't be sorry for being the same Anon! I was just listing all possibilities and now, knowing it was you all the time, I hereby pronounce you My Beloved Anon. No take backsies. (Kidding, if you're not comfortable with this title, let me know!)
Alright! Let's make a list:
Immediately getting invested in ST? HIGH FIVE, this is what happens to approx. 98% of us (at least here on tumblr). And everybody agrees that there is Something about them. And nobody knows what that is, only that it works. So we're actually in a cult, sorry everyone!
Ok, no, it's not entirely true that we don't know, people have hinted that their uniqueness might be in a. extreme fucking talent, obviously and b. letting the audience fill in the gaps that lack of the band members' identities provides with whatever suits everyone's needs best.
The videos switch their vibe dramatically, don't they? The early ones feel more... I don't know, based in reality (maybe except for the Fields of Elation), while TPWBYT ones feel more like they are set in those dreamlands Vessel mentions in The Apparition. Okay, TLYW is more dreamland-ish, Alkaline looks like it's set on Earth/waking world, but Vessel gets too much power from Sleep and needs to be stopped by the ancient-gods-slash-eldrich-horror-hunting version of Ghostbusters. So the older videos seem more human to me, you know what I mean? Maybe they wanted to show that with time, Vessel looses more and more of his humanity. But we can't rule out the "they just had more money for the videos, so they went off" possibility. Also, I think they don't make much videos to not let the fans think there is some "canon" here?? Or they just don't like making them lol
EXCELLENT IDEA with that whole hostage mask situation - I've just had a loose thought they looked like sacks, but i haven't connected it to the lore, thank you, Anon!!!!! Now, as usual, it made me Think™. Cause we have interpretations floating around (which i love, btw) with the other Vessels being "drafted" into the band to relieve the first Vessel from the toll Sleep's power has on him, cause after all, his human body cannot manage it by itself when Sleep grows in power from all the worship. BUT what if they didn't join voluntarily? They weren't persuaded to join the cult, but they were kidnapped instead. Carefully chosen, to fulfill the plan of greatness. Hence the hostage-looking-masks. And then stockholm syndrome kicked in (i know, i know, the term is not exactly correct anymore, but for the lack of a better one 🤷‍♀️) and they were like "ye, you know what. That's actually better than a 9-5 job" and the masks changed. They have embraced the dark side. (I am cataloguing this under "unhinged theories", btw. But yeah, it's just a thought, possibility, me fucking around etc. That's a long-ish car trip, I gotta do something with myself, you know.)
Oh and we absolutely DO stretch things (see point 4, for example)! See things that aren't there. Make 2648585 interpretations. It's fun (when we remember not to involve the real people behind the masks in the mix)!
Anon, i respect you deciding to stay on Anon so much. You're making the band proud, probably!
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knpjpr · 3 years
weekend | myg smut
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📱synopsis: "weekends are always boring for you, filled with intense amount of screentime, the only excitement you get is from watching your favorite camboy, but what if he lives next door?"
character analysis: yoongi is soft when it comes to you, he can't help it. seeing the small look you give him sets his stomach a blaze, even so making it harder to resist you.
->genre: smut
->pairing: camboy!yoongi x neighbor!reader
->word count: 2.1k (unedited)
->warnings: mutual masturbation, unprotected sex (wrap it up smh), yoongi's a tease and kinda a lil shit, swearing
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You said, breathing out a raspy sigh. Watching your favorite cam boy since 1 in the morning, you had been cooped up in the comforts of your bed, the warmth from your sheets surrounding you. It was the weekend, so filled with nothing but ultimate boredom, you might as well spice it up.
He had a very popular following considering the fact he was a huge tease to his audience.
He constantly looked over to the screen, always making you blush under his gaze. Even if he wasn’t directly looking at you, you could still feel the intensity that was behind those brown orbs.
“Do you guys want to switch up on something?” He said softly, your heartbeat fastened to the way he smirked. His room was clearly shown with the way his set up showed, seeing his dark grey walls that ran down to the floor. The corner of his bed was just in sight, but was blocked by his figure that sat effortlessly in front of the camera.
Watching ever so closely, you noticed as he reached down to his legs. The camera facing his lower abdomen, showcasing all of his movements.
You could feel the butterflies in your stomach as you saw his hand glide over the semi-hard bulge that sat in his pants.
“Damn, he really likes to tease.” You said with a heavy breath, obviously flustered with the slow movements from the man behind the screen.
Almost close to unzipping his pants, he laughed, his laugh ringing through your ears as he turned the camera up to meet his face.
“Sorry pretties, I’m not doing that tonight.” His words make you internally pout as you look up towards the corner of your screen, seeing how his views had multiplied to up to five thousand watching.
You were quite jealous, not liking how other girls or boys were drooling over him. You didn’t know this man personally, but with the way he made your stomach churn with need, you didn’t need to know him on an everyday basis.
With a smirk Yoongi was saying his goodbyes for the night, making you even more frustrated.
Twenty minutes passed and you turned off your phone , your attention was instantly drawn to the next door neighbor, a loud bang against the wall. You grew curious, wanting to know if they were okay.
Getting up from your bed, you headed out of your apartment, walking over to the door to the right.
You knocked a few times before it was opened, the door creaking open before showcasing who owned the next door apartment. Eyes growing ten times more in shock as you made eyes with the neighbor.
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“Can I help you?” Yoongi asks, raising his eyebrow as you look over his body. His hair is wet, obviously indicating he was fresh out of the shower. Loose clothes covering his body; simple grey sweatpants that hung loosely around his waist, and a plain white t-shirt. His figure resting against the doorframe, a long stare on his face making him look more fuckable.
“I, uh came to see if you were alright..I heard a bang.” You couldn’t think straight, the sound of your heartbeat ringing loudly in your ears, as you could feel your skin crawl in nervousness.
Multiple nights of sexually pent up frustration, and it was all caused and owed to the owner of apartment 213, the man who lived right next door.
“Oh, the shampoo bottle fell hard in the shower, but it’s all okay.” Your sight wouldn’t leave his lips, watching as they pulled off each other with every word he spoke out lowly.
Yoongi didn’t know what was your problem, but the shy demeanor that you showcased made his pride go through the roof. Licking his lips, he pushed his hand through his hair, showing off his forehead as he looked down at you.
“Would you like to come in?” He spoke out slowly, the words sending straight to go in between your legs as you could feel the intense stare he had on you.
Who would you be to reject? Nodding your head lowly, he laughs out shortly, the real sound of his laugh making your heart squeeze, it was cute.
He’s grabbing your hand, guiding you to the kitchen as he’s stepping towards the cupboards. Standing at the island, you watch as he’s turning to you, holding up a cup. “Want something to drink? I haven’t gone grocery shopping, so I don’t know what I have..” His face is showing off an embarrassed tint of red on his cheeks, making you internally coo, shaking your head to his offer.
He placed down the cup, making his way over to sit beside you at the kitchen island, turning his stool over to fully face you. “I’m surprised, I can’t believe I’ve never met you before.” He places a frown on his face, which makes your heart flutter even more.
You still couldn’t believe this, Min Yoongi was sitting inches away from you, the man you had been watching for quite a few months. Nights of always imagining what could conspire when you finally could meet him, and he lived next door all this time.
Eyes watching your every move, he studied you, your frowning eyebrows showing him that you were in an intense thought, which he had found very intriguing. He wasn’t going to lie, when he made first eye contact with you, he was very much into you. Your face was enough to turn him on, and now that you weren’t that away from him, he contemplated straight up asking you if he could do more than just talk.
“Pardon me if I come off a little forward,” He starts talking again, taking your attention as you watch the way he starts to move closer into your personal space. His body smelling of strawberries, most likely from his body wash, but even so, you loved the smell of it.
“Can I kiss you?” That four word sentence could almost kill a person. The words replaying in your head as you had to comprehend what the fuck he just asked you.
He didn’t need an answer, the way you had been looking at him the whole time was answer enough. Grabbing a hold of your t-shirt and pulling you closer, your body now in between his legs.
He didn’t want to scare you, slowly placing his hand to the small of your back as he moved his face to move closer to yours. You didn’t know what to do at the moment. You wanted this truly, wanting more than ever to be under him, feeling him close.
Without any more thought, your lips are connected, your body instantly melting the minute his lips make contact with yours.
It was a mess, but you loved every second of it, his lips fitting perfectly in the space that yours didn’t. His hands holding a strong hold on your hips, the feel of his rings scraping against your shorts.
He’s stopping, pulling away with a huff as his lips are now red and wanting to be back with yours. But he’s stopping himself, making sure you want to take this to the next step. And you were ready, already moving back so he could step off the stool and lead you into his bedroom.
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“Are you sure you want this, it’s a hundred percent okay if you don’t.” He’s not leaving his sight off of you, your mind going to answer you always had ready.
You were shocked, never thinking that you would be in the room you had simply seen behind the screen. You’re focused on the surroundings, not noticing how Yoongi is already pulling off his shirt and tossing it into the clothes bin he had beside his dresser.                                    
“Yes, I’m okay, I want this.”
All at once, he’s grabbing onto you, pulling you back into his lips, his scent engulfing you once again. On impulse, you are placing your hands into his hair as he is leading you to the bed. Back hitting the soft sheets, as he’s pulling away again, his body placed over yours.
Without any more time wasted, he’s cupping your breast through your shirt. Fingers reaching down to the hem of your shirt as he’s pulling it over your head. He only sees it fit for you to be just as naked as him. The lace of your bra makes him lick his lips in anticipation.
He wants to savor this moment, sitting back which makes you frown in confusion. He laughs at your face, unzipping his pants and rolling the rest off his hips. “Go on, pull those off.” His tone is more serious this time, softness still on his features as he points towards your waist. Your fingers lock with the bands of your panties and shorts, pulling them down and shifting them off the bed.
You shudder at the feeling of the air nipping your skin, your legs closed and shielding Yoongi’s gaze on the one thing he wanted to see. “Open. Slowly.” He says, not needing to abbreviate more as you could understand what he meant fully. Legs opening at a slow pace enough to show your pussy that had pooled with wetness.
“Fuck that was hot.” He said as he wrapped his hand around the base of his cock, locking eyes with you as he was already hard, his touch making him almost shudder. “Touch yourself baby. I want to watch.” That statement was enough to see the green light in a traffic jam, your hand sliding between your legs as he watched with hooded eyes.
Fingers gliding your entrance, you could already feel the slick that slipped out, making you gasp out to the immediate touch. You were extremely horny, and it wasn’t hard for Yoongi to see that.
Slipping two fingers in, the sound of your moan triggered Yoongi, making him groan as he slipped his hands down the base at a rhythmic pace, his tip leaking pre-cum.
Walls pushing against your fingers as you push in and out, your stomach fluttering with pleasure as Yoongi watches, not being able to pull his sight away.
You had fantasized about this moment, thought of all the pleasure he could give you, but to have him watch you fuck yourself was just the icing on the cake.
Soon enough you could feel your edge pooling in your stomach, legs shaking as you watched his hand travel up and down on the shaft of his cock.
“Ugh fuck, I’m close.” He groaned from his place on the edge of the bed, as you fight the urge to cum right then and there. But a few strokes he’s cumming indicating that you could cum too, your back arching as your high hits your stomach.
He’s watching you still as you calm down, moving to be over your body again, but this time Yoongi has a fucked out expression as he’s taking his cock in his hands again. “Can I fuck you?” He didn’t have to ask, your legs already opened and beckoned him to give you a release, but you're nodding your head. He takes that as an answer, slipping his tip to slip past your folds as you gasp out louder. The feeling is addicting, his lip caught between his teeth as your walls sink down onto him.
He starts to move slowly, letting you adjust to the size of his cock, watching your face as you sink into the sheets more.You’re just as tight as he thought you would be, your walls squeezing his cock with every thrust into.
He’d never fucked someone that has had him this horny, this needy, and he wanted to go further with every thrust of his hips. Your throat hurts and gasps with every bump of your g-spot. His back warm and red as your nails scrape hard with every slap of his skin.
His hands make home everywhere around your body, synced moans that drip with sex as he’s balls deep in your cunt.
The same fluttering feeling is plaguing your stomach as his grunts pick up pace, indicating that he’s just as close as you are. His grip tightening as his stomach is on fire with needed pleasure, your fucked out face plaguing his mind.
“Fuck, I’m about to cum..” He grunts out loud, heavy breaths as his bottom lip bleeds with the hard pressure of his teeth.
Your lips grip harder around him as he stuffs his cock far in your pussy, not lasting any more time before he’s cumming inside.
Deep breaths is all you and him could produce when he’s slipping to the other side of the bed, the both of you out of energy.
“You know..I never got your name..” He speaks out with a tangled voice, the statement making you breathlessly laugh as you look over at him.
“It’s Yn..” He sits there for a moment, not saying a word before he’s resting his body on his side to face you fully, a stupid grin placed on his face as he looks over your body.
“Well Yn..want to make this weekend less boring?
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Copyright © by knpjpr
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curioskitty · 4 years
THE・Rarest Bakugou
Given Bakugou-kun's description as a "juvenile delinquent" (Horikoshi sensei uses the term 不良少年, or furyou shounen, meaning juvenile delinquent boy), it's expected that he wouldn't conform to standard. So obviously, it's not possible to find Bakugou-kun wearing a tie properly................
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What is up with this perfectly tied nonsense right here?!
Bakugou-kun, I thought I knew you!!! THE LIES! THE BETRAYAL!!!
But, it's probably just a fluke. You didn't mean it, right Horikoshi-sensei?
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WTF?! WHY?!!! Horikoshi-sensei?!
Yep. Contrary to expectations, Bakugou-kun wearing a tie correctly only ranks at Ultra Rare status: difficult to find, but not impossible.
So, what's rarer than a tie-wearing Bakugou-kun? Go Beyond, Plus Ultra Rare Bakugou!
In fact, it's even harder to find Bakugou-kun wearing a tie improperly. Given proto-Bakugou's loose tie design, I would have expected that to be the likelier delinquent-esque tie option. But I've only seen Horikoshi-sensei draw him like this once:
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(Horikoshi-sensei's one year celebration illustration. This is still fairly early in the publication.)
On top of that, Bakugou-kun consistently wears his uniform tie-less and with at least one button undone on his shirt collar. His pants are always slung low on his hips and legs bunching up at his feet (except when he had to wear jeans for Best Jeanist). You can even see panels where Horikoshi-sensei drew in the rips at the hems near the heel where they drag on the ground.
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So why the inconsistency, Horikoshi-sensei? I see you over there, stop pretending you didn't notice. I know you're paying attention.
Horikoshi-sensei gave proto-Bakugou a loosened tie, so what is the reasoning for taking Bakugou-kun's tie away?
Some No-Tie Theories
Fan Theory #1: HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW
//Like Midoriya-kun, Bakugou-kun came from a middle school with gakuran uniforms. They never learned how to tie them. Midoriya-kun messes up his tie, while Bakugou-kun doesn't even bother to try.//
I actually think this is the least likely reason. Bakugou-kun was designed to be a naturally talented genius. I think this applies to anything he wants to do. If he does something, it's always perfectly done.
Bakugou-kun can (and does if you look above) tie it perfectly when necessary.
CONCLUSION: If Bakugou-kun doesn't do something, it's completely out of personal preference or because he doesn't see a reason to.
//Bakugou-kun is a delinquent and maintains that image because he thinks it looks cool. Or maybe he is rebelling against fashion designer parents. Either way, because of his family background he knows how to tie a tie, but wants to be a rebel.//
I'd give partial points for this one. I'm pretty sure he wears his pants loose at least partially because he thinks it looks cool. However, Bakugou-kun's parents were noted to be designers and not specifically fashion designers.
Despite appearances, this is the kid that sleeps at 8:30pm, doesn't break school rules, and yells at his friends for smoking.
He zips up the collar on his gym track suit all the way. Both the summer and winter versions get the same treatment. He doesn't feel the need to "make a statement" by wearing his track uniform incorrectly. Outside of class, he can and does sometimes wear his track jacket unzipped, but during class he always wears it properly.
So then why does Bakugou-kun refuse to wear the band T-shirt and Christmas party Santa outfit? Because he isn't cooperative. In Ultra Analysis, his Cooperativeness Stat was the lowest rank: E.
CONCLUSION: Bakugou-kun may be non-conformist and uncooperative, but he isn't a rebel.
Fan Theory #3: TRAUMA/PTSD
//This is one of the more popular theories. Between Dabi grabbing his neck, the Sludge Villain and being restrained at the School Festival, our boy has been through the wringer. As a result, he just doesn't like stuff around his neck because it gives him anxiety.//
The Western Fandom is definitely concerned about the mental health of the kids. But I don't actually think this is the reason. Not that I don't think they all need some therapy and self care, especially right now, but there just isn't evidence for this specific trauma in Bakugou-kun.
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He wears scarves and even turtle necks without a problem.
On top of that, Bakugou-kun ALSO unbuttoned the top button of his shirt and gakuran in middle school; even from before the Sludge Villain incident. There isn't any evidence Bakugou-kun changed his dressing habits due to trauma. He wore a scarf to the entrance exam for UA, too.
CONCLUSION: Bakugou-kun has ALWAYS worn his shirts with the top button unbuttoned.
These 3 theories are inadequate, too. Even if they did explain the reasons Bakugou-kun doesn't wear a uniform tie, they don't factor in the reasoning for why he DOES wear his other ties properly sometimes.
HC#1: Bakugou-kun's preference
Bakugou-kun doesn't seem to care about his image and how "extras" see him. Even during the press interviews after his hero debut, he wore the same style of open collar look. He's not shy about being nude or taking his shirt off.
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But what he hates is being uncomfortable.
He is "explosively brawny". Just look at how thick Bakugou-kun's neck is when compared to Midoriya-kun's. It isn't just that Midoriya-kun is supposed to be scrawny, but also that Bakugou-kun has a thicker than average neck.
Bakugou-kun doesn't like to button up his shirts all the way because it's uncomfortable. It's reasonable that he zips his track suit and everything else up because those are looser at the neck or made of stretchier materials.
As for why he doesn't wear the uniform tie at all... Don't forget Bakugou-kun is a perfectionist and a bit of a neat freak.
He always tucks his shirt in. For the band performance he wore a collared black dress shirt. From what we saw of his room, it's minimalist and clean. I don't see him wanting to look like a slob.
A sloppy loose tie would probably irritate him more than just not wearing it (which is even funnier when you think about Midoriya-kun's chonk tie. It probably makes him want to strangle Midoriya-kun, or maybe just tie it himself...)
Bakugou-kun has difficulties compromising when it comes to his high standards. So if he has to wear it, it's going to be either 0% or 100%.
HC#2: Explosiveness
Why draw Bakugou-kun with either 0% tie or 100% tie? If Horikoshi-sensei is going for a delinquent image, wouldn't the 50% tie option make more sense?
Taking a look again at Bakugou-kun's profile page, Horikoshi-sensei describes him to be explosive in every way. That includes his whole body being "explosively brawny", but also adds a note that he looks slender in clothes.
Horikoshi-sensei put an effort to make every element of Bakugou-kun's character in some state of either fully compressed or explosive.
His slimming clothes, general appearance and even his speech patterns are highly compressed (blunt/terse) and loud. The extremes of his attitude are compressed too; if Bakugou-kun is not loudly raging, then he's quietly observing.
This contrast is key to his character. You can't explode if you aren't compressed first. It's supposed to be shocking to see how brawny he actually is under his slenderizing clothes. And I always feel shocked whenever I see this kid compressed into a tie.
HC#3: Deku & Kacchan
These two are set apart from the class by design and very much on purpose. Horikoshi-sensei designed them to be at opposite ends of the same spectrum.
If Bakugou-kun has muscular arms, then Midoriya-kun needs muscular legs. If Midoriya-kun buttons up his shirt all the way to the collar, then Bakugou-kun's collar has to be loose. Their designs reflect their connection.
So if Midoriya-kun has a poorly tied tie, the opposite of that is either non-existant or perfectly tied. If it's perfectly tied, he'd just blend in with the class.
The no-tie option just makes more sense.
Plus Ultra Rare Bakugou
Horikoshi-sensei only ever draws Bakugou-kun with a tie in specific scenarios. Costume events that require the neck tie as part of the costume or "fancy" events where everyone is in formal wear. And even in those, Bakugou-kun manages to not wear his tie 90% of the time.
So, I just imagine that when Horikoshi-sensei makes Bakugou-kun wear his tie, he's super grumpy! Just look at his face in every illustration he's wearing a tie in. He's probably hot, uncomfortable, and really not enjoying himself at all.
Ultimately, the "Plus Ultra Rare Bakugou" is a Bakugou-kun who wears the tie and SMILES while doing it.
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(Yes, I know that's NOT actually a tie. Shut up Bakugou-kun. You're only smirking in this one because you won the Popularity Poll for the 5th time in a row...)
(Well that's random, you say? Welcome to my blog. Considering the stuff going down on canon, I figured I should give fans, and myself, a break from angst to talk about something silly.
Please note that this applies only to the manga. I've found that the anime isn't quite so strict about how Bakugou-kun looks.
Regarding the headcanons, I just want to clarify that everyone is free to think whatever they like. I enjoy all headcanons and support your right to have them.
I wrote this a while ago and then debated posting it because it's such a huge meta about... Bakugou-kun's tie. I had regrets. But now it's become my new years post. Regrets were for 2020, it's already 2021!
Demons out, fortune in!!! I know it's not setsubun for another month, but 2020 was such a demon.
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m0e-ru · 3 years
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eight months in somebody actually asked me abt visualive instead of me immediately annoying ppl about it without former notice. I might actually write properly for once 😳😳😳
OK OK!!!!! In this essay I will.... I will.... Visualive Adachi.... Visu/BURSTS INTO TEARS/
OKAY OKAY for real I just care Visualive so much (as someone who can’t fully understand Japanese AHAHA)
First I’ll add some foundation about what Visualive really is, then I talk abt Adachi in the latter parts of it because this is technically the first time I’m properly talking about this hehe 🐿
T....table of contents???
Visualive the Evolution
Masami Itou
Visualive Adachi
Visualive the Evolution Adachi
Terms and Legend
VL - Visualive
VLE - Visualive the Evolution
stage - shortened for “stageplay”
面白い - omoshiroi (it’s just that specific)
Yuuya - VL Hero name
Hayato - VLE Hero name
Baba - Hero
Masami - Adachi
Taniguchi - Dojima
Saotome - Daisuke
Mamiya - Izanami
I add honorifics but sometimes I forget the hyphen intentionally or unintentionally I’m sorry if it makes it hard to read lol
all links have automatic timestamps for easy viewing. i mean. i hope the timestamps work
VISUALIVE “Persona 4.” A stage adaptation of SMT: Persona 4 by Atlus. It adapts the first part of the story, from the hero’s arrival to after recovering Mitsuo Kubo from the TV world. It also ends on a cliff hanger, showing a teaser of Shadow Naoto being projected on the screen.
It takes up a speedy recapitulation of the hero’s spring life, before slowing down and showing in depth his school life in summer. A day before Morooka-sensei’s death, there is a little skit with Kou, Daisuke and Adachi. The hero walks into the conversation before the two other boys leaving, and Morooka-sensei walking in on the student and detective. The next day follow’s the teacher’s death and the Investigation Team (IT) begin investigating their new lead.
From the words “visual” and “alive,” the niche of this stage was meant to be the fusion of live acting and visual digital projections. All seen from the stageplay with the colorful cast of actors and CG animations being projected on the screen. This offers an opportunity for characters to summon their personas, perform cool visual effects, change the backdrop, or even confront their own Shadows.
Performed in Sunshine Theater from the 15th to the 20th of March 2012. The screenplay was written and directed by Shintaro Asanuma from the theatrical group “bpm.” The video production produced by Shutaro Oku, a film director and visual planner. He later takes over as director for VISUALIVE THE EVOLUTION, the sequel stage. The stage music was produced by Shunsuke Wada, with a special show exclusive vocal track sung by Shihoko Hirata.
On this note, I haven’t seen any sort of original soundtrack released for any of the stages and I’m SO SAD. The last song in Mitsuo’s boss fight was such a BANGER and literally EVERYTHING ELSE Marvelous, Wadasan please take my MONEY
Regarding the cast, there were some special accommodations for Teddie, Rise, and Nanako, all of which did not have live actors at the time. During the casting, actors for the three characters could not be found or simply left the directors unsatisfied they couldn’t cast anybody. An exception for Rise, who was able to have a live actor in the sequel stage. It has been stated that there weren’t any “pretty boy” actors that fit the “Teddie Criteria.” While there weren’t any child actors that were believed to portray Nanako well.
Teddie was only ever seen in his bear costume while Rise was busy talking through a call, all voiced by their video game cast. Nanako has never appeared on stage, only being scarcely mentioned in the script. Again, this is different in the sequel stage where her role was extremely important and was shown as a screen projection.
VISUALIVE “Persona 4” THE EVOLUTION. A sequel stage. Beginning abruptly in the middle of Shadow Naoto’s boss fight, the story continues from there until the “true end” of the game’s original story. *Certain characters are introduced while others have been reintroduced. And on a personal note, when it’s all comedic in the beginning, it’s all for what’s coming right after.
I don’t know if I’m salty or just find it really funny AHAHA I might go talk abt it some other day with more context ehehe
Performed in The Galaxy Theater from the 3rd to the 9th of October 2012, only a few months after the PSVITA Persona 4 Golden release, which is July 2012. The screenplay was now written by Jun Kumagi while directed by Shutaro Oku. And music production finally taken over by Shoji Meguro himself.
HAHAHA this is starting to look like a wiki page. moving on. I might start rambling rn
(warning LONG !!!! aaa,,)
My thoughts on the stage adaptations. For the first Visualive (VL) I believe it’s pretty close to canon! I enjoy the characterization and how much love and care was present when handling the entire production.
Actors were busy playing the game itself, wherein a PS2 was present in the practice room. Along with magazines and game guides explaining the game’s story and the characters itself. Actors performing together and even improv acting together to get a grasp of their characters. All of them knowing well of Persona 4 as a well loved game, delicately handling their characters and hopefully performing them right while making the audience happy.
The staff taking care of each other while the director and video producer, Asanuma-san and Oku-san, working together well to make their vision into a reality.
The same thing happened with VL the Evolution (VLE) and literally every other good stage. Except... I feel the script kinda got out of hand with too much liberty where it feels a bit more disconnected from canon. But! It makes up for it in its content, whether comedic or (INCREDIBLY) dramatic! It’s great as its own story at that point. So in this case, I like to take the first VL and get to connect it canon, while I don’t know what the hell happened in VLE to the point I’ll just enjoy it as its own content.
These opinions deserve its own essay, post whatever bc I have SO much to say abt this. ANYWAY. VL ADACHI
Tohru Adachi is portrayed by Masami Itou (伊藤マサミ), a screenplay writer, director and an stage actor himself. He does have a single character voice role along with a fellow troupe member in the same franchise, but mostly works as the former three. He is part of Asanuma-san’s entertainment group “bpm.” On a similar note, Masashi Taniguchi, Dojima’s actor, was also part of their group from 2011 to 2016, which may explain their good synergy as the boss and the bumbling fool dynamic. I mean, somebody’s gotta get hit in the head every few skits.
With Masami-san being an important part of the cast, he doesn’t appear as often as Taniguchi-san in backstage content like the VL bonus disk or the official blog. Mentioned in his own personal blog, he had been busy with his roles as assistant director (I am assuming also for VL).
Also fun to note, because his role is mainly comic relief, he has been using his liberty to change up the material almost everyday making each performance exciting. This also leaves some other actors jealous of his freedom in his role, such as Saotome-san, Daisuke’s actor.
VL Adachi really has a... how do I say this? an adorable speech pattern (THE SAME SPEECH PATTERN THAT DROVE ME MAD TRYING TO DECIPHER I THOUGHT YOU WERE A CITY BOY OSSU OSSU MY ASS /shakes you violently/). Overall, he really fits the loose lipped bumbling fool, and his accent really makes him seem more casual and invested. What I’m saying is... VL Adachi either actually has genuine empathy or he actually has more energy to fake it (compared to some other edgelord. i mean you saw my p4ga analysis. I’m sick of him lol ahaha).
One of my favorite ways to explain this (OTHER THAN CHAIR CAR ADVENTURE MY BELOVED WE’LL GET TO THAT LATER) is the rice field scene with him and Dojima. It’s overanalyzation time 🎉
While investigating, Adachi whines about being tired while Dojima smacks him in the head. In this case, it’s established that Adachi doesn’t want to be there, yes? It’s the country, it’s hot and it smells like green.
"Ah... Dojima-san..! Why don't we take a break? (...) There really is nothing out here... Is the criminal still even here at all? (...) I wonder if I've passed being a rookie yet. Haha, but this city doesn't even have convenient transportation. I can't go to leisure lands (recreation, amusement parks, arcades, ect.) and head home at all."
Adachi then tries to tell Dojima a story. “when I got to this city after being newly assigned, I met an interesting guy (...) Yeah, I remember that the cherry blossoms haven't bloomed yet. So, I was driving my car and got near the station and--” Dojima gets a phone call.
Adachi politely puts his hands down waiting for his boss to finish so he can finish the story. Again and again, Adachi attempts to talk to Dojima about a story he’s so persistent trying to tell someone about. It was so 面白い that he would find someone to talk to about it. Even being polite and patient enough to wait for a chance to speak. He even gets fed up with it and blows up in front of his boss, clearly irritated he’s not given a chance to talk.
Sure, it could be Adachi feeling fed up like a normal person where someone agreed he to listen to him, before being constantly ignored. Or Adachi trying to be a more annoying whiny brat, depending on where you look at it.
If the story wasn’t too “interesting” to Adachi, he would’ve just brushed it off and stopped talking to Dojima entirely, or start up new small talk, or even complain some more. But no, he had a story he wanted to voice out so bad that he got irritated that the one person in the vicinity couldn’t listen to him.
Only after Dojima told him to continue their investigation elsewhere did Adachi finally stop and focus on something else. Maybe that story was for another day, or maybe it was never meant to be told.
What if it was just original (game) Adachi? He’d find a way to squirrel out of the investigation as usual, or push Dojima to “investigate” elsewhere. “Hey boss, don’t you think it’s hot? Why don’t we go elsewhere? We’ve seen this place too many times to count and I doubt anything new’ll turn up. How about we take a break at Junes, y’know? Where it’s cool? C’mon boss,” something like that.
og Adachi is just really annoying and silly to me. Some grown man thinking he can freeload because he never gets anything out of putting in more energy and effort? I don’t care how tall he is, I will smack him in the head.
Yeah VL Adachi whines, too, but at least it doesn’t look like he’s going to escape and waste his time somewhere else. He just sucks it up stops trying to leave the situation.
Or maybe I’m getting this all wrong and VL is exactly the same and my rage just gets dampened because of Masamisan’s execution of character hmm...
SO. What was his story about anyway? The one he really wanted to share to Dojima?
I mean... it’s obvious enough
First day in town? Spring? Actually mentioned driving a car when literally out of every single persona 4 media at the time was there not a SINGLE mention of Adachi having a car OTHER THAN the same stageplay it’s being mentioned in?
A story, from somewhere around uhh four? five months ago? was something that he remembered so dearly and was willing to share despite it obviously embarrassing him even if he puts the blame on a certain somebody in the same story?
Or maybe it’s because he really had nothing to talk about ever since he realized all his stories from the city weren’t actually that funny or interesting in the first place.
BUT then that would mean out of all the things he could talk about—more whining, complaining, complimenting, small talk—he insisted about talking about this story in particular.
Okay, look. I’m just. Just. As someone who talks too much, of course I have things I actually want people to hear out of all the bullshit that comes out of my mouth. And if the thing I actually want people to listen to doesn’t even get heard, I’d go mad.
Sure, Adachi’d be fine when his complaints or intentionally unfunny jokes get brushed off. But a story of a guy that he thought was so funny, interesting, 面白い gets ignored, he really blew up, even just for a split second, maybe.
And ALL the things that happened in that story—on his first day in Inaba! His car got dented, he had to deal with a weirdo dumbass employee that knew zero personal space, yelled in his ear, who didn’t know how to do their job, got his station reputation messed up on the first day, got his ass grabbed, got (unintentionally?) mocked for his lame stories, and got his car dented for the SECOND time. Probably MORE
And he STILL wanted to talk about it /punches through concrete wall/
yes I’m overthinking about this of course i am
This little tidbit of VL Adachi kinda makes me go insane sometimes—his entire characterization in VL in particular. It was really refreshing to see and how they included both of his characters in it, his facade and how irritated he is of a lot of things underneath. And how flexible his character is immediately working with other characters when there’s sudden improv to balance the situation. Like him and Dojima, Morooka, the attendant, or even Yuuya (hero) himself.
I’ll take Taniguchi-san’s messing around in the VL bonus backstage disc in place of Masami-san being so busy he couldn’t appear in it as often as other characters.
For stagetime that lasted for fifteen minutes or less, my appreciation for VL Adachi, even if he was just comic relief, really rocketed. I say VL, bc Adachi the edgelord he’s supposed to be in literally every other media is something I analyze separately.
I haven’t even gotten to VLE oh my GODDDDD
Like I said, I don’t really regard VLE close to canon but as something to be appreciated for what it is by itself. But the way Adachi was characterized there, in or out of character, still struck me.
Yes, there was his strange fan-agreed-canon which is,,, now canon obsession with cabbages (not that that’s a bad thing lmao). There was also him being a lot more jumpy and intimate in a clowny way, patting people on the shoulder or even downright hugging them just to mess around. Even FORGETTING who the same goddam loser who grabbed his ass almost a year ago is. But like, can’t blame him they literally changed their actor (and screenplay writer) AHAHAHA
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ha... no more comedy, only dorky sword fights now
(speaking of sword fights I think it’s a fun thought how Mamiya-san [Izanami, also one of the youngest in the cast] admitted it was his first time doing sword fight choreography and even thanked Masami-san and other staff members for guiding him)
One thing unintentionally in character was Adachi accidentally nabbing the sushi overdosed in wasabi. Masami-san didn’t actually account for a joke sushi and didn’t immediately eat it—until Taniguchi-san (who also made Dojima go off his shits compared to VL) jokingly yelled at him and even riled up the audience for him to eat it. He even went off stage to get water just for him to eat the goddam sushi.
And Masami-san did! (kinda choked, but he’s fine).
Continuing from the same scene, while being overly giddy about sushi dinner (and I mean overly--he was singing about it while hopping to the Dojima residence), he tried to remind the two, Dojima and Hayato (hero), that Nanako was sleeping. Probably where she was sick if the scene was translated from the game.
And... the dramatic parts of VLE
Adachi was the one who reported to the IT that Dojima was chasing Namatame in the rain. While Naoto was discussing Namatame’s journal entries, Adachi, as giddy as he is, took it from Naoto’s hands and reveled in the discovery of evidence so childishly(?). He even ran to Dojima when he began regaining consciousness and immediately called the nurses to help him wheel Dojima to the ER.
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Then, The Hospital Scene™️, right after Nanako flatlines.
Adachi, who recently walked into the scene, immediately worries about Dojima and IT who were ALL crying. He looks down, devastated—before yelling how Dojima’s heading to Namatame’s room.
He yells in terror and the same grief at his injured boss, all while running past and even jumping over children, who fell to the ground sobbing, to get to him. He continues yelling in a pained fashion while immediately reprimanding Dojima to stop. He gets carried by the collar before being tossed to the ground at Hayato’s feet, all while being pat by the same boy.
Dojima makes his speech about how unfair it is for the ‘killer’ to be alive when his daughter isn’t. When he finally falls to his knees, Adachi rises from the ground, humbly saying he’ll do his best to take care of Dojima (or something like that I’m in tears I literally can’t do VLE’s hospital scene i h8 this). He finally starts crying along with everyone else, being pushed away again but still tries again, trying to usher his boss away from the door.
With the help of the guard in front of the door, they all disappear off stage
please... I know this scene doesn’t need that much translation because of how important this scene is in the entire story. and I know my narratives aren’t enough so just,,,, just watch it please it’s so much more than this. everyone’s acting was just spectacular
So, after the IT (YOSUKE. JUST YOSUKE. good job Mae-chan) stop themselves from k wording Namatame, it was ADACHI who reported Nanako’s miracle recovery. He ran to the same corridor where they all cried in, even panting and falling to the ground in relief trying to report the good news. Then he pats Hayato on the shoulder and says he’s going to Dojima.
With this... /slaps roof of half of VLE/ ALL of this....adachi.... adachisan.... he Cares™️..... holy shit.....
now. comparing to the game. do you even remember what og Adachi did? did he.. even do anything?????
NO!!! he just stood there!!!! being a bumbling fool but.... inappropriately!!! man. he didn’t act concerned enough.
adachi: /walks into a bunch of kids crying outside a hospital room/ “lmao why tf are y’all crying? did uhhh what’s her face uhhh nanako. did she d word or something? rip, I guess lol” LIKE????? CAN YOU IMPLY FASTER
and then he’s like “wgat hmm Where’s Dojima-san Heading Because That’s Not The Way To His Room 🤔” and only when he’s asked he actually mentions he’s heading to Namatame’s room and still needs to get choked by a first year for the room number like..... zero consideration
and his boss??? where his daughter he loves so much just??? di*s???? and he’s so devastated he’s doing what he can that very moment while he’s so numbed of thinking of the consequences???? And adachi goes “uhh boss that’s illegal” LIKE. BITCH. /punches through a concrete wall but harder/
And??? His confrontation scene??? Like, I know they mashed it up w his tv confession scene to save stagetime for other scenes BUT IT WAS SO MMBMBMBMMGN /gestures in a good way/
UM?? guy behind everything??? in a vulnerable area where he could easily get physically assaulted bc hes not in the tv world w his persona?? Trash talks women like he absolute misogynist he is??? getting yelled at by a bunch of kids and YELLING BACK IN THE SAME AGITATED MANNER even TAUNTING THEM then and there to GET HIS ASS?????
og Adachi was such a pussy he got caught and just scurried off into the TV world where he ended up having powers like...ok....scared of getting beat down by a bunch of highschoolers unless you have powers...ok....
he only taunted them to get him when he was in the tv world too.....he rlly couldn’t say shit in the real world huh... lol
(yeah yeah this shows how VLE Adachi knew abt his TV world powers which would make you think if he ever went into the tv world and came back out alive. Or he’s really just a badass who doesnt give a shit abt anyone’s opinions and CAN beat anyone’s ass. i have a separate thing abt this but bc i like to laught at vle rather than overthink its own lore i might. not. idk lol)
and ??? VLE Adachi can??? He can swordfight??? he doesn’t even NEED a gun—he even reflects bullets w his blade (but apparently he can still get slapped by a flying fan more often than any other attack). His fight choreo was just...so poggers. He’s like short villains done good—like??? he’s short compared to everyone else!!! but he makes up for it for stuffing all the energy inside him while is bursts out making him him the over energetic gremlin he is!!! go VL adachi!!!!
(am I low key making fun of Madono-san in the TUUSH stageplay I’ve seen four minutes of? maybe)
OK!!! Yes I was gushing abt Masami-san again back to Adachi.
It’s portrayed that while not being afraid to admit his crimes, he also goes out of his way to be a bastard and have the gall to get a bunch of kids to fight him, one on eight. He can use a katana, probably a narrative dark reflection of the hero, Hayato which I thought was nice—and he can fight!!! It also shows his persona, yes, but...it doesn’t make it clear if he’s overwhelmed by his Shadow like in the game, where his eyes were yellow and he was emitting a dark aura.
But it gets interesting how he sees he’s getting overwhelmed and starting to lose his edge towards a bunch of kids. He falls to the ground even banging the floor like a whiny brat while literally the IT tries to tell him to turn himself in. Again, like a brat he tells everyone to shut up—before getting incapacitated. While some of the IT rejoice, he bolts up unaccepting of his defeat—before getting hit in the stomach.
And his words from when he drops his katana, “Why..?” He grabs the foldable chair against his stomach, and with a remorseful look in his eyes, he says “I’m sorry..!”
THEN HE BACKFLIPS—then Hayato slashes him.
In a tone of disbelief, he goes “no way...” and collapses to the ground, being possessed by Ame-no-Sagiri.
Blah blah blah then Teddie rockets himself into the eyeball spy cam and then they both explode aaaaa
Teddie survives but I really don’t know where Adachi went. Not even a mention by Dojima if he turned himself in or was ever found—or I need to review VLE for the 48274827482nd time hehe
WHOO then the whole cast appears for the dance number at the end of show YAHOO
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dramajib · 3 years
Tunnel, Episode 1, semi-live-tweeting-esque thoughts.
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This show is starting out not at all with the vibes I was expecting. Which just has me worried that all this meet cute gruff exterior adorableness is going to implode, soon, in the most spectacular fashion.
It hasn't escaped my attention that the sleazy reporter dude refers to the victims of the killings as "women in skirts", and that Yeon Sok, is, in fact, a woman in a skirt. But surely the tragedy isn't going to happen this soon.... right?
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Whoomp. I didn't consider the little sister angle. On the one hand I'm glad our meet cute is still intact, but on the other hand I am a sucker for platonic relationships, and am sad we aren't get to see this one more.
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I already love the constantly vomming maknae (I only wish this character had been a girl so I could have thrown some "OMG SHE'S PREGNANT who is the baby daddy" speculation in the mix) and am not thrilled by this huge guilt trip he's been thrown.
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Okay, turns out Gwang Ho is a good sunbae who tries to (gruffly) knock some sense into his maknae.
I was relieved when the doctor said the time of death was before Chun Hui's boss spoke to him, but I also appreciated what Gwang Ho said about it not really making that much difference - because realistically you can't save everyone, and you can't let each inevitable failure break you, because that means letting the bad guys win.
Also, I will be thrilled if the serial killer is a woman after all. Hey, a girl can dream.
So for the sake of a recap, in the rest of the episode, Gwang Ho basically forces his boss to admit there is a serial killer on the loose, after finding dice marks on the victims feet. They're missing victim number 5, but he does find a rich high school student with a giant backyard of dead murdered dogs, and he's making his behavioural analysis jumps and connecting the dots that his peers aren't trained to/don't want to.
He knows, and we know, that the creepy student did it, but we can't quite prove it yet. So he heads off to canvas the crime scenes again, and we circle back to the opening scene of him getting his head bashed in.
This episode managed to put in two instances of foreshadowing that ignited completely opposing reactions in me:
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No, thank you very much, I am not looking forward to him not coming back to take you on this Han River cruise for your birthday and not bring you roses;
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But hot damn if I am not two thousand per cent here for watching maknae become the chief and Gwang Ho having to work for him in the year 2017.
If he ends up in maknae's son's body I am going to need several moments to gather myself.
Other general thoughts from this episode:
I LOVE the 80s scene shots - Gwang Ho dejected after the funeral, walking home in the rain, the funeral itself, the city before its been built up... just gorgeous.
I can't wait to see what sort of stupid symbolism this whistle necklace is forced to play.
That flickering lantern better have a purpose in driving the plot forward.
I don't think I realized when I picked this drama up what a stellar cast it has. Or perhaps that's why I added it to my list in the first place, and then forgot in the ensuing years.
And on that note I am going to bed. As much as I'd like to start the next episode right away, this one took me about 3 hours to finish, because I kept pausing in between for dinner/tea/a shower/cleaning up/general adulting. But I have no plans for tomorrow (apart from watching the last episode of Youn Stay) so fingers crossed I come back to this drama.
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