#this is not that serious theres just so many people saying this and i dont get it
just-some-guy-joust · 1 month
with all due respect i truly do not believe "he has psychic powers" is a good argument against mob. thats not what this tournament is about
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aro-ortega · 5 months
i think it would be funny if in the future daniel + julia try to convince sasja to give polyamory/them as a throuple a shot
#like a reversal of step talking them into a being a triad in retri#been a while since ive played and definitely since ive played a chargeflystep run so. not confident in my memory#i just thknk it would be neat ! funny !#sasja still hates julia but. she knows now. and he knows that she knows. and thats not the reason she didnt save him#he still hates her for that hates her for leaving him. but. he also knows now that hes done much worse so. shrug#and in some runs he does accidentally drug-addledly confess to still being in love w her#and ! hes going to therapy and he does take it serious ! he can be difficult and lash out but. he does listen to what finch has to say#(and is willing to Work on things and like. have therapy Homework post retri)#and he wants. he doesnt want to be this (terror) anymore. he went to far he can see that now daniel made him see that. he wants to be.#something. better ? less murderous. less violent ig. i think he just doesnt want to hurt daniel again but. theres lots that could hurt him#anyway ! all that to also say - daniel is (supposedly) very perceptive and even tho hes not in the room when sasja confesses to julia#i dont think it would be hard for him to figure out that sasja misses julia (he still hangs out with her. even tho hes told her to fuck off#fuck off a thousand times) and ? maybe he would see or feel that theres still something there between them and#and idk. maybe daniel and ortega talk. maybe sasja and his romantic past w julia comes up. maybe ortega is like. it is what it is hes#hes clearly in love with you anyway so... but ? maybe......#idk ! im tired ! forgot where im going w this. idk how they get there but. maybe the float the idea by sasja. see if he would be willing to#to give julia another shot#(this came about bc i was thinking about how its funny that he + milo (+ vanya) are polyamorous but while milo#milo is dating as many people as she can sasja is just dating one person rn. i just think the contrast is funny)#sasja x daniel x julia#sasja jespersen#op#fh#sasja x julia#sasja x daniel
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2-wuv · 2 months
on one hand. loottta ideas 4 sk!llshipping art rn bc system things. on the other hand we r procrastinating on drawing them bc will people be Normal,
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infintyonhigh · 7 months
not to make a mountain out of a molehill here but like, i think thats why the discourse around beauty standards online irks me a little bit. so often u see anyone trying to conform to them framed as morally weak and often, those same critics will turn around and make fun of the smallest, most random aspects of someone's appearance.
im not saying beauty standards aren't cruel or unjust. or that the systems that put them in place shouldn't be dismantled. but i think we also need to acknowledge that sometimes twisting yourself into any kind of desirability mold that will fit is a way of surviving
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quecksilvereyes · 6 months
oh my god do not click links in emails that tell you to verify your data or your bank account gets locked or click links in messages telling you your safety protocol is ending, like, tomorrow, you will get SCAMMED SO BAD AND YOU WILL LOSE A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY never ever let anyone pressure you into giving away login information especially to your online banking by creating a sense of urgency oh my GOD
some things to look out for
1. spelling mistakes. do you know how many rounds of marketing and sales experts these things go through? if theres a spelling mistake dont click it
2. not using your name. if an email adresses you with "dear customer" or, even worse, a generic "ladies and gentlemen", it is most likely not actually targeted to you
3. verifying or login links. even IF your bank was stupid enough to send these to customers, dont EVER click those. look at me. they can legally argue that youve given your data away and thus they dont have to pay you anything back DONT CLICK THAT FUCKING LINK
4. creating a sense of urgency. do this or we lock your account next week. do this or your ebanking stops working tomorrow. give us all your money in cash or your beloved granddaughter will get HANGED FOR MURDERING BABIES. no serious organisation would ever do something like that over email or sms. ever. hands off.
5. ALWAYS CHECK WHO SENT YOU THE EMAIL. the display name and the email adress can vary a LOT. anyone can check the display name. look at the email adress. does it look weird? call the fucking place it says its from. you will likely hear a very weary sigh.
6. if its in a phonecall, scammers love preventing you from hanging up or talking to other people to have a little bit of a think about whats happening. there should always be a possibility to go hey i wanna think about this ill call back the official number thanks.
7. do not, i repeat, do NOT a) call a phone number flashing on your screen promising to rid your computer of viruses after clicking a dodgy link and b) let them install shit on your computer like. uh. idk. teamviewer.
fun little addendum: did you know a link can just automatically download shit? like. a virus? an app you can't uninstall unless you reset your entire device? dont click links unless youre extremely sure you know where they lead. hover your mouse over it and check the url.
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235uranium · 2 years
ppl will literally see "ppl shouldn't have to jump thru hoops to cover up any trace of sexuality" and be like here's a great opportunity for me to talk about how gross and icky I think sex is
#☢️.txt#some of you genuinely need therapy for how much hatred you have for sex#theres a MASSIVE difference between not wanting to have sex and being disgusted by the sheer idea that other people want to#'but im sex repulsed!' if you are so repulsed by the idea of sex that you cannot contend with the fact that many people you love#enjoy sex and want to have it and have it as an important part of their life without feeling grossed out. that might be more serious than#just being ace and not liking sex#this goes for romance repulsion hitting those extremes too! if you cannot handle seeing people expression romance At All. Ever.#thats not just the aromanticism babes!#to elaborate i dont mean being uncomfortable with people directing those things towards you or even just#discomfort at people expressing attraction towards you. i think an initial feeling of discomfort for those things is normal#the distinction im making is 'are you upset by others existing in this way?'#and also. would you get upset at friends for being honest about their lives if/when they involve sex/romance and prefer for them to hide it#i say this bc ive Been There and to some extent still am! i am SUPER FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE with cis men being attracted to me to the extent#of it being part of my ocd and hampering friendships with cis men i know#it used to be worse! it used to be way worse! and it was all driven by my own ocd and gender dysphoria#ill probably never like cis men finding me attractive for Reasons. ive gotten better with cis women although im still t4t
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dyketubbo · 5 months
forgive me if i lose tubbo character analysis points (rolls eyes heavily) over this or something but i honestly dont think the date was very ooc or that the frubbo romance is going to be played as something that makes qtubbo better. obviously qtubbo gained a lot of trust issues and lost a lot of hope in others + started to strongly believe that love only hurts after purgatory and the funeral. and hes an extremely defeatist guy at heart
but he also makes exceptions because no matter how much he tries to disconnect himself he still cares so so much about others. he has such a weird fucked up view of love and justifies seeing sunny as an exception by saying they wont hurt each other because their love is unconditional and yet he also claims empanada isnt safe when bagi is around because the eye workers will use that connection to their advantage And Yet he constantly looks after and takes care of sunny anyways. even though hes already mourning her before theyve even died. even though by his own logic it may be safer for sunny to not be with him
and like.. he says dont get attached empathy makes you weak but he tries to ruin fit & pacs date so they dont abandon him. he still jokes around with them and has happy moments with them bc ultimately theyre his friends and even if they dont Really understand what hes going through or what would help him they want to be there for him and make him happy and they Do make him happy. bc qtubbo doesnt spend all of his time with his friends whining and groaning about how theyre going to leave him some day and despite being suicidal and defeatist and at times a fucking jerk that isnt his whole personality
depressed people Have happy days. they have ups and peaks in their life and yeah actually many of them do manage to have nice relationships and theres a lot of depressed people out there who are fully capable of just. not being complete downers to be around all the time (cough a lot of comedians have depression cough). if anything i would argue it isnt just in character but realistic for qtubbo to be able to just. have a normal date where hes a bit of a loser and manages to get through an actual confession
and its not like hes going all in oh we're dating and we're going to get married now bc he doesnt even consider themselves boyfriends and he turns down sunny claiming fred as another parent. he just had a happy day and it boosted his mood a little. i dont think fred is really on his list of trusted people and in fact i feel like him just being very silly and awkward during the date is a Part of him not fully trusting fred or wanting to be super serious around/with her. i think to qtubbo fred symbolizes sure some pain from the whole funeral situation but also still a lot of happier simpler times and ultimately a time where tubbo was happier and openly hopeful
if anything, tubbos relationship with fred is another form of escapism for him. of course it isnt going to make him better. he literally brought fred to him and sunnys island where they plan to live far away from everyone to avoid their problems. its all a fantasy for him, and one that he isnt even allowing himself to fully jump into but will joke about and dance around the subject of nonetheless
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All About The Trines Pt. 1 : Sun's Rising
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Alright, so today's focus is about the beautiful trines in astrology.
Whether its in the natal chart, synastry, or even a transit. Trines are very interesting associations that connect the planets together. It is a natural force that takes just a tiny bit of effort, but once you get a taste of it, you gotta pull its string a little. Just so you can get more of it. When you do this, it'll become a stronger sensation. And it will mean much more throughout your lifetime (natal) if you play your cards right.
So whatever planets you have trine in your chart, also look to the houses. Because it shows that the energies of these houses blend together to create something natural, powerful, and authentic.
So, here is a few observations I have on some trines. This'll be part 1 because there is so many, but if you feel I missed yours or your just interested in learning different trines in any chart, feel free to let me know and I can add it in pt.2.
So you ready? Lets ride.
Sun trine Moon
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To have this in a natal chart shows theres a compassionate nature that comes out of the individual. They have a creative force that is authentic, yet inspirational. Interesting, but very divine. You attract people like honey, and your words fuel the gates to return to heaven. I mean that seriously. Its a beautiful placement overall. It has this flow that is strong, yet soft. Blissful, yet hard to come by. These people seem to be protected by a hidden force that is deeply felt. Like their connected to the archangels or something. A sun trine moon individual must weave their power in order to get into their bag. In order to truly capture this, they must allow their souls to express itself freely. And whatever feelings come out of the surface is what they should allow to flow through air, and allow others to flow with its being.
Sun trine Jupiter
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A person with this special persona is up for a real treat. Lucky experiences can take shape in the houses these two planets are in. They change abruptly, thats jupiters domain. This release they feel comes from the brain, and out into the world. The body holds onto this magic, and awaits for it turns to absorb any more of it that they can get. This is so that when the time is right, they can create realities out of thin air. And have a magical race into the sunset. Lol. its a one of a kind placement.
So lets get serious for a bit, sun trine jupiter placements have a knack for picking up on the finest lines of social stimulation. So much so, they tend to get into fortunate experiences every chance they get. They know to take a chance and to allow things to come in when need be. Optimistic nature is a given, so they dont work to hard to get what they need/want. This might be different if Jupiter is in retrograde, as time and time again it will show a different discretion. Hoping for something different and not getting the results (we will talk about retrograde planets in aspects later). Overall, this placement is a natural force of divine intervention, and a worthy placement to have when you're feeling good & lucky.
Sun trine Mars
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There energy is always up for the challenge. Their honestly gifted in areas where their soul can jump into high intensity inducing things. Their energy is powerful, strong and vital. And this type of placement needs more time and structure than any other. It is because this placement needs time to focus its energy onto something, as martians typically need to put themselves on overdrive to use up some of that intensity they have in their bodies. Their expression (sun) ties real well with the bold like persona (mars) of an individual who knows what they want. These people are pretty confident naturally, and need no ones help on getting to what they desire. Although it would be nice, these placements typically know their way around. Because it is a trine, its flow and force is deeply penetrating. I would say this makes them more well liked but it isn't true. Martians tend to be unlikeable due to unconfident people or others not being able to catch the flow they have and tame it. Its inspirational by nature because it uses its force to capture an authentic moment that describes who they are. Their just naturally equipped to due dangerous things, or things people are too scared to do and shy away from, This is what makes them sexy. If you have this placement or anyone with it, please tell them to try new things that dare them to go above and beyond. You dont know what'll make of it, thats the surprise all along. It's truly a one of its kind.
Sun trine Pluto
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Ah, the gift that keeps on giving. Here, I believe this placement can be very authorative. It has a special quality to it where people who heal others can weave their ability to make amends with the psyche and what wounds they've been carrying around for some time, and open up to a higher awakening so that their souls can meet a new cycle they've been dreaming of for a while.
These individuals have what it takes to move on from cycles that no longer serve them. Their energy is built on capturing the moment to when it times to breathe their last, they are transforming into the next big thing. Every single time. It's like the butterfly effect but in human form. Its capable of treating others in a way that reflects back into their inner circle. That domain they keep their hidden selves in up until they meet a sun/pluto individual. You make them wonder what its like to live on the other side. On edge. On an emotional rollercoaster, but the one that shares its joy and authenticity at the end of the ride. It makes you wonder, what are they truly hiding? Because they make themselves look so well put together after everything done.
Sun trine Saturn
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Structure & Foundation is a karmic blessing for them. They do have a gift inside of them that helps them get through the day. They understand that things really don't come as hard, but as easy as people say. I love this placement simply because there is a sense of maturity already present in the individual, that they don't need to oversell it and potentially lose their childhood. They kind of know what they want and what they have to do to get it respectfully so they can grow into that thing they are looking into. It's like a person who is consciously aware they're like a 'tree', one that grows with time and can't be rushed.. so their patience for things is really top tier (unless they have other placements with mars that say otherwise). They naturally carry a sense of wisdom that is given to them by birth, and they tend to know what their talking about early on. Even if they haven't gone thru it themselves. Great and carrying personas and could be like teachers even at a young age. A wonderful placement to catch in the chart.
Sun trine Neptune
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Oh my gawd. These wonderful placement holders have a GIFT from God. Naturally empathetic, intuitive, and can really see into the soul. Their so talented in what they do and what they come up with and they intrigue people (like their sun/uranus buddies) in a propelling way. They are the light that the world needs when things get to ugly, to dark, to serious. They connect to the ethers in a way that others may have forgotten, or have never knew before. The way sun trine neptune can pick up on energies before it shows up in the room, or the way they are able to read other people and understand the differences between them and others makes them likeable and rejected by society at the same time. Like I said, they can be pretty interesting. But there connection to the stars is unmatched.
Sun trine Uranus
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Compelling natures. Quick-witted. And has a looooooad of information in those brains that can't go unnoticed. Literal geniuses in those little bodies of theirs. Their intellectual but their force is so much more than that. You can't keep up with them. Their literally 20 years away while everyone is trying to catch up. Make fun of them now, copy them later. It's the usual. They know they shock the world, but do they care? Not exactly. There is an innate understanding on how the world works, and their rebellion is far past the way society moves. They're just different, theres nothing for them to prove. They ease into this as they age as well.
Sun trine North Node
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Rahu has its mark here.. Very interesting considering that their mortal enemies. In a trine its no different. These two have a fiery nature when together. So a person with this in a natal chart have a drive that is incapable of stopping any time soon. There destiny wants it, but do they need it? They have to go with the flow, which is incredibly interesting because trines work that way. But with rahu against the sun? Whew. They got some work to do. If it’s talent you wanna see, then with this placement you just might get it. You gotta work hard at it though because rahu isn’t letting up lol.
Sun trine South Node
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Beneficial factors play here because ketu is sweetened with the suns magic. Your souls purpose becomes a factor in a way that you aren't creating anything out of thin air, it just comes to you. Your soul's spirit was ready to take on the mission since the day you was born. So you're capable of anything. You just have to wait for the right time, because it's divine intervention that takes the cake here.
I hope you guys enjoyed this small interp on the trines connecting to the sun! Beautiful placements.
Also if anyone was wondering, the sun cannot trine venus and mercury since they can't be no more than two signs away from each other. Hope that helps.
Anyways, if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments!
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schizopositivity · 2 years
how to advocate for schizophrenics and psychotics in every day life:
correct people when they misuse the word "psychotic" (as in if they use it in any other way but a serious disconnect from reality, delusions or hallucinations)
correct people when they use the word "schizophrenic" as an adjective (its not!!! its a severe and persistant mental disorder)
correct people when they call people "crazy" aka "shes been acting crazy lately" (they likely dont actually mean it and this word is thrown around a lot, but as a schizophrenic im asking you to not use this word to describe people since this has been tied to me and my fellow psychotics for ages)
do not assume that a psychotic person is dangerous in any way (psychotic people are more likely to be the victims of abuse than be the abusers)
when talking about mental illness or the mental illness community as a whole consider, does this apply to psychotic and schizophrenic people as well? (if not, youre not talking about the whole community! its that simple)
do not purposley trigger someones paranoia aka telling people that theres someone after them (this is always harmful and potentially life threatening, its not a joke and never was)
dont assume schizophrenia is "just hallucinations and delusions" (its much more than that, it has negative and cognitive symptoms as well, which for some people is much worse than the positive symptoms of hallucinations and delusions)
dont make lobotomy jokes aka "lobotomize me" jokes (these procedures were used to turn schizophrenics into "pets" so that other people could better deal with us, its not a joke)
dont act "crazy" for shock value aka wide eyes, rocking back and fourth, shaking (our mannerisms arent for you to pretend to be crazy with, this is who we actually are, im looking at you rock bands)
dont fear the people on the street talking to themselves aka calling the cops on them (these people are suffering, these people need help, them being psychotic doesnt make them any more dangerous than anybody else)
dont use the word delusional for every idea you dont agree with aka "that conservative politician is delusional!" (delusions specifically describe strongly held beliefs outside of reality, not just beliefs outside youre specific world view)
dont expect people to express emotions the same way you do aka "why arent you reacting?" (many schizophrenics stuggle with flat affect and cant change it, it doesnt mean we dont feel things, just that we dont express them the same way)
dont expect us to be able to do the same amount of, or intensity of work you do aka "i work 5 days a week, you have it easy!" (executive disfunction is very common in schizophrenia, it doesnt make us lazy, we are just disabled)
dont post derealization without tagging it or TWing it as such aka that post with a fake european country saying that americans dont even know what country this is (we already struggle enough with figuring out whats real and whats not we dont need "pranks" or "jokes" trying to fool us without any TW)
dont assume schizophrenic and psychotic people cant see your post or view your media or anything else (we are real people interacting with the world just like everybody else, we can see your jokes about us, or your media portraying us as dangerous, we arent fictional characters)
dont assume youre superior to, or smarter than us (once again we are real people, we deserve the same respect as anyone else on the planet)
dont call someones delusion stupid aka "obviously youre not the reincarnation of kurt cobain thats stupid" (you have no idea how real these are for us, they dont always make sense to you but they do to us, please respect that)
dont ask if were hallucinating right now (its none of youre business! and if we say yes youll likely ask where it is, and if we show you youll likely look in the direction of the hallucination which is dangerous, it blends the real world with the hallucination and its already hard enough for us to tell the difference)
dont stop trusting us and what we say just because were psychotic (we still deserve to be listened to and trusted just like everybody else)
learn about less talked about symotoms like catatonia, avolition and word salad (these are just as common as the talked about ones, but just less talked about cause i guess it doesnt make for an intresting horror movie)
learn more about schizophrenia and psychosis from actual schizophrenics and psychotics (a great example is the podcast Inside Schizophrenia, scrolling through this blog, looking up students with psychosis)
TLDR: no go back and read it, its the least you could do
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i met with a good friend yesterday and it was really nice but something is bothering me and i wish it didnt.
so she has started to call herself a „queer feminist“. she kept talking about „queer“ this and „queer“ that and at some point talked about reading a „queer“ book. thats when i interjected and said what does queer mean? this tells me nothing. is it about a trans male experience, about a lesbian woman, this doesnt mean anything (turned out to be about a bisexual woman which is why she related which she probably wouldnt have if it was about a different type of „queer“ person). so i go on saying thats why i find the term useless. she says she finds it a useful umbrella term and i say umbrella for what? she says „what if for example a woman dates a nonbinary person?“ im like well it depends if the person is male or female since sexuality is still based on sex. what do i as a bisexual woman have in common with a straight man who thinks he‘s a woman? i dont see us as part of the same group. and while she wasnt able to explain the usefulness of the term she said she would keep using it. out of principle i guess.
and it frustrates me because she like many other women is an intelligent and reflected woman whose opinion matters to me but she seems to mindlessly parrot whats popular right now which makes me take her opinion on feminism a lot less serious. how are you a feminist but you think one can identify in and out of womanhood? who are womens rights for then? people who identify as women or people who are women? at the end of the day, if you think women can stop being women under certain conditions, i just dont know how you are helping the liberation of women.
i just cant take people seriously who earnestly use nothing terms like „queer“ and „nonbinary“ and who think me an extremist for not pretending the person we both know is a woman is a „nonbinary person“. it doesnt seem like she has thought about why its predominantly women identifying as nonbinary, and what background these people have (we live in a very liberal city and shes doing her masters in a program and at a university that is breathing queer theory). its like a virus, smart women suddenly regurgitating and internalising all this seemingly without ever considering the implications and consequences. and it creates a distance between women like my friend and i who definitely share a value system but i refuse to pretend and just accept.
she doesnt even know theres many lesbian, gay, bisexual and even trans people who dont consider themselves „queer“. „queer“ is its own community and NOT an umbrella term for same sex attracted or gender dysphoric people (who are already not a coherent group). depending who you ask, asexuals and intersex people are also included. which basically makes „queer“ another term for „different“ (which is its original meaning completely lost here because we are in germany and only use queer in this context).
and since we had debates in the past i already know where it will go when we talk about it. she considers me to be extreme anyways so we will start with her wanting to reject my opinion. it will end with her saying „i cant argue with that (my arguments) but i still disagree“ because its so scary to start questioning all that while youre in these super „queer“ environments.
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accidental-homestuck · 6 months
you rb too many posts that have absolutely nothing to do with honestuck, that chess podt doesn't even say anything about black always winning, or that the battle field evolves, or a new piece called "the ring" that evolves your king, its just funny chess rules
is the bar so low that we just need to find posts about something that was IN honestuck, rather than people accidentally explaining things that happened in homestuck?
i wish this blog had a higher standard for what "accidental homestuck" means :/
help this isnt a serious blog its just something i made for the funsies . i just reblog posts people tag me in .. + i dont think theres a post that talks about a new version of chess where black always wins and the board evolves until it becomes a planet and the king has got magic powers . idk
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zerokaram · 2 months
I just wanna take a moment to make a few points regarding zionists, tlou, and palestine.
No one should stay silent about this, especially not tlou creators, considering that neil druckman has unfortunately managed to incorporate and slip in very controversial and quite frankly--just straight up wrong representations of palestinian people and zionist ideologies in tlou. Heres an explanation to that:link
If you're either fucking ignorant or just living under a rock, (but considering the publicity of the situation at hand, is very unlikely) there is a genocide going on in palestine. If you didn't know, (which is very, VERY unlikely, like i said) you do now. Furthermore; now that we have this in mind, I have seen many people in the tlou fandom continue to post and interact with tlou content during strikes and most the most important of all--not posting or spreading awareness about palestine at ALL. If you are aware of the genocide, speak about it. Theres no fucking excuse to not be doing so. If you are not speaking out, you are a part of the problem.
2. I'm not saying you only have to post about palestine. That's not it at all. What i'm saying is---there can be a balance between posting your own personal content as well as posting and spreading awareness about palestine at the same time. Absolutely everyone can find the time to post about palestine.
3. If you are in the tlou fandom, please educate yourself. It is still okay to like tlou, it is still okay to post about it, to post content, fics, etc. but with that comes the responsibility of knowing the creators wrong doings, and how israeli themes are incorporated into the game. it is always important to clarify that you do not support that part of tlou, which is what I am doing now. Bottom line, separate the art from the artist, seperate the wrong ideologies from the art.
4. Acknowledgement. There might be questions like, "why keep posting about or liking, interacting, or overall just giving publicity to tlou content?" which to that I will explain. It has to be first and foremost that everyone as well as myself continues to acknowledge the fact that tlou was made by a zionist. That is absolutely a fact. And no amount of fics, smut, or shit like that is gonna change that. But people don't LIKE tlou for that. people dont POST tlou content because they want to spread zionist ideology. They simply just post scenarios, fics, or drabbles about their favorite characters from said video game. So posting about tlou and its characters will not benefit zionists or spread their ideology individually (unless they ARE in fact saying that they support it) , nor neil druckman. But what WILL benefit him is buying any more of the games, which please---you should not do. The money goes to a horrible person like him, and that fact should be acknowledged. So continuing to post about characters from tlou like abby, ellie, dina, joel--stuff like that, theres nothing wrong with that. But failing to acknowledge or want to acknowledge that the TLOU creator is problematic, and that neil druckman has included zionist ideology in TLOU, as well as not spreading awareness about palestine when you, yourself, are aware, is what is wrong.
And I really did hope this would go without saying but unfortunately some people cant seem to fucking understand; people are dying. let that sink in. and you're over here worrying about fictional pussy? be so fucking for real. if you're mad about people flooding tlou tags to spread awareness, go cry about it.
If I have said absolutely anything out of line in this, PLEASE let me know. I am always wanting to further educate myself about serious matters like this, so my comments are always open.
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kumezyzo · 1 year
streamer!gf is also a good idea i’d love to read
again, with this one, its mostly just for me [and this amazingly supportive anonymous] but i still felt like writing it. (although it took me three hours to come up with ideas that made sense lol) i also think this ones kinda ass in comparison to the others.... sorry.
but yea, this is streamer!gf that i tried to make gender neutral until the very end really.... enjoy! or dont.... :) m.list
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bf!sapnap who most likely knew you from the SMP before you started dating. and only recently when he realized how much he liked you, did he start trying to pursue the relationship (which was maybe over a year and a half ago)
bf!sapnap who agreed with you to not say anything about the relationship for a few months just to let it sit and see where you guys lead
when you do finally announce it, its because you guys notice a genuince shift in the relationship where you can tell its getting more serious.
bf!sapnap who shyly brings up the idea of doing a relationship q&a on your channel after the announcement (that was also on your channel)
during the video, hes very clearly all over you, hugging you and leaning against you. your fans think its absolutely adorable how much of a simp he is.
in the middle of that video theres a moment when you two look at eachother after answering a question and it cuts to you two giggling and looking away from eachother. sapnap with a very clear blush and wide grin on his face mostly because you guys took a break to just kiss eachother which accidentally went on longer than expected
bf!sapnap who didnt realize how many people were already shipping you two when he called you the honourary dream team member once a few years ago
bf!sapnap that gets edits of you (sometimes you and him) during TNTL streams and just on his timelines and tries his hardest to not act flustered although he clearly has that glint in his eye
bf!sapnap who manages to come into your room during the most inconvenient times during your streams. ie. when youre actively and/or loudly simping over an actor in your fav movie or show.
you just freeze mid sentence, mid gesture, and stare at him as he steps into the room. he stares back and peeks his head into the frame and your chat proceeds to spam 'LMAOOOOO's
"can i help you....?"
".....so who were you yelling about-"
"Oh my- GET OUT😭!"
bf!sapnap who will very openly brag about dating you and just talk about dating you (he just wants people to know youre taken🤭)
"well im dating y/n"
"how does that have anything to do with vidcon-"
bf!sapnap who gets teased for not being as good of a gamer as you. and not having as many followers (because youre def. very popular) (i also imagine this next convo with george and dream laughing the entire time)
"sapnap, how does it feel having a girlfriend thats better at minecraft than you?"
"george, shut up."
"sapnap, hes not wrong. and doesnt she have more subscribers?"
"im literally never doing a manhunt again then."
"good, then we'll just have your girlfriend replace you"
bf!sapnap who jokingly suggests yout two starting an onlyfans where he posts videos of you two fucking (but he secretly really wants to). cause he has a whole album of pictures and videos of you two that he would be willing to post (if people pay for it obvi)
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again, gimme suggestions and stuff. and show support for my sanity lol -Nony
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reegis · 5 months
Yo! Do you have any notes/tips for your coloring process? I've always had trouble with that part of drawings looking good lmao and I really like yours! If not for your specific style, do you have any tips with that in general?
Iv gotten a few asks about how I color but iv always avoided answering because
A) I am absolutely awful at explaining things, and
B) I am a very Very lazy artist you should probably Not do the things that I do
BUT i feel bad gatekeeping(?) my horrible technique if it helps anybody ig ill try and explain so
✨✨✨Welcome to Reegis’ Probably Not Reputable (But Very Long Winded) Art Advice✨✨✨✨
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line art of a random character for the example, just pic whatever colors you have in mind for your base colors, you can try using palette generators or basing it off of existing palettes/characters/whatever I have absolutely no idea how color theory works (& this is why you shouldnt listen to me) so im solely going off of vibes. but it is Rough so onto step 2 & 3
(edit to add i usually start off with the skin hair & clothes on separate clipping layers and merge them together towards the end.. i think i forgot to say that at all here oops)
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I abuse the hellll out of layer blending modes. overlay, saturation & multiply mainly, but also difference, brightness & screen. (just doodle something & try all of em out to get a feel for them honestly ik theres a Lot and they can be intimidating) for this i just wanted a more cohesive warmer tone to start with so i added a peachy overlay & a slight ombré to the hair to add a bit more interest to the character.
then just the most basic of rendering, some blush & highlights just wherever i think theyd go.
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Another thing they tell you Not to do, my next step is to block out all my shading in a vaguely purpleish multiply layer!!! i cant be assed to do it any other way im sorry…. once i have the basic shading down, i lock the layer & go in with air brush eraser & also airbrush in other colors wherever I think the purple is maybe too harsh/clashing
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still wasnt 100% happy with the colors so messed around with some more layer filter/modes/whatever you call them then colored in my line art! i think this is honestly the saving grace for all of my art shshsdhhf color your lines people. doesnt have to be all (i dont, i like the contrast) but it usually helps to make some at least a little less harsh
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then with a little more color tweaking im done! one random sleepy dude, fully colored (by my standards)
and then if a piece needs more dramatic lighting you justttt
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im so serious play around with layer settings! these are just basic multiply & add(glow), there as so many others you can abuse the shit out of & nobody will know or care in your finished piece.
was this?? in any way helpful???? I hope so.
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st4rgzer · 8 months
Can you write a about the reader loving Matt sm but knowing he doesn’t like her back. Liek don’t have a super happy ending but also don’t have a super sad one. Do it inspired by me and …
UNREQUITED (matt sturniolo)
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summary: the reader experiences some unresponsive feelings from a special someone
genre: angst
cw: taylor swift references maybe…? Is that a warning? Other than that I really don’t think theres much
a/n: as always, @iha8you ‘s request, ly, also dw you’ll get him🙏
This winter had been hell for me, it was always my favorite holiday, the cool air, snow, when it rained and I got to stay home playing boardgames with my mum, or I finally got to read that book that had been collecting dust on my shelf for ages now that it was dark and rainy. No, none of it this year. Every time I hung out with him I held my breath, in fear I’ll do something wrong, take too much space, become too much of a liability. Its stupid, just stupid, I’m his best friend, known him since i was 16 years old, but he seemed so much more older, and wiser.I belittle myself next to him, instead of just letting go, I take a mental note of every little gesture he does that correlates in any way to me, every choice of words, I save them to then divulge them later. It’s draining, not knowing if its just all in your head. If you’ve got it wrong…
“y/n? Hellooo, are you there” i snapped out of my meditative state.I was cross legged on my bedroom floor with two of my closest friends, I didnt even remember what we were talking about anymore.
“yeah sorry i was just distracted” I sighed tying my hair back into a low ponytail and resting my hands on my knees
“we were talking about Matt? Y’know you actually have a chance with him, did you see the way he talked to you earlier?” My friends were only feeding into my delusions, the other nodded in agreement. Even if he did actually see me like that, i dont know what i would do, we’ve been friends since highschool, everything would just be too weird and messy, it wouldn’t be right, no, not with me, not with him.
“No, guys, stop, you’re all just talking nonsense and it just makes everything worse” I groaned, placing my head between my hands.
“C’mon, who could ever leave you?” She says giggling, looking over at my other friend, it wasn’t funny, not in that moment at least. I felt despaired, I know it’s obvious I like him, maybe no one actually takes it seriously when i throw in some extra compliments once in a while of some flirty remarks, but I never try to hide it, except the real thing of course. I know my love should be celebrated, I shouldn’t settle for someone who just tolerates it, but I keep going back to the same thing, always, no matter how many people I see, no matter how many excuses I make to not hang out, its like a moth to a flame, I know im bound to get burnt, trust me. My friends keep convincing me, I feel petty having to listen to them try and make me feel better. Sometimes I come close to actually getting serious then I just think its a waste of time, he just always assumes im fine when my eye contact becomes non existent and my words get mixed up, I dont think he notices it at least, I dont think he ever notices. I guess this means im just doomed, It doesn’t matter how many times my friends reassure me, how many “glances” i pick up from him, Im never going to be one of his main concerns, unrequited. Im always just dimly lit, just enough. I should start trying to accept, settle, “always the bridesmaid, never the bride”.
a/n: this is kind of sht i wrote this at 1:00am, I’ll write more with requests🙏😊😊
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
I think the biggest factor re: Seph being the only one who broke down so spectacularly is that he actually had the power to back it up.
Everything about how he was raised, what was done to him, and the perfect storm of Nibelheim just lined up perfectly with the fact that he actually had the power to back up his breakdown.
Like no one else is as strong as Sephiroth. Other characters whos only major kneejerk problem solving skill (violence) simply do not have his firepower. He has the magic, he has the physical power, he has the skill.
The games have power creep and all so its hard to see this, but Sephiroth in the lore was just totally unmatched except for Cloud in terms of what a single person could do. Zack is crazy strong, and Sephiroth had to have been sleep deprived and not eating for a week and mentally compromised for Zack and Cloud to just barely win and nearly die in the process.
Sephiroth has the biggest rampage because he has the tools to do it in a way that any of the other people on a violent mental breakdown bender simply do not.
I dont think, strictly speaking, the reason why he broke down like that specifically was simply because he was always destined to do so - I dont think he was destined to always go evil- but it was 100% only a matter of time before he simply couldnt take the strain of everything and had a serious mental breakdown of some kind. Eventually the untreated trauma just piles up so much you cant function anymore.
He didnt have to have chosen violence as his method of mental breakdown, but with the situation as it was, that is what he landed on. He could have just as easily chosen to take his own life or made a beeline for the brass and killed them all instead given other circumstances.
Without Jenova whispering in his ear, he probably would have chosen one of those, I think. In even fairly well adjusted people irl, discovering what unnecessary violating medical atrocities were done to you as a child secondhand off your medical records is often incredibly harrowing.
Theres just so many layers to why Sephiroth snapped and why Sephiroth behaved like that beforehand.
When characterizing him, I feel like people really undersell and underestimate what chronic trauma starting from childhood does to your sense of self, decisionmaking skills, emotional regulation, and ability to cope with shock.
Like without the way he was raised, he would simply not be the same person. Chronic childhood trauma becomes your sense of self when you experience it because your sense of self was forming when you were put through all of that. Its baked into your bones and how your brain is wired.
A Sephiroth who was raised in a loving family that wasnt medically violated or stuck in a lab or trained as a child soldier and set loose in war and put up as a carefully cultivated symbol would simply be unrecognizable. He would not act the same, he would not have the same preferences, he would not have the same insecurities or instability. He wouldnt be recognizably Sephiroth- not just because no cat eyes and white hair.
Because to be Sephiroth, he has to be incredibly traumatized by default.
Im not saying that his trauma of all the characters was the Most Awful and therefore he blew up the worst or w/e, but more that this multilayered complex trauma left Sephiroth unable to healthily cope with all the events piled on him during the events of Crisis Core.
I think the factor of how childhood trauma and continued abuse completely shapes how you respond to things as an adult is often lost in the discourse when people try to detangle Sephiroth's actions, so thank you for pointing that out.
Another thing, when talking about how Sephiroth's power is unmatched, is the Jenova cells in him (and how he later became one with Jenova) The only thing that took down Jenova was the Cetra because it/she was that powerful. So while he wasn't destined to break down, you have to admit that something was waiting to happen given what Jenova was.
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