#this is not. i shouldnt tag this. im not
teruthecreator · 1 year
okay yknow what fuck it im going crayzay
truthfully i dont rlly wanna make a sweeney todd au for mop bc there are too many discrepancies plus i would never wanna put anyone through what johanna has to deal with. also itd make me like a very certain fic writer if i suddenly made a character a sex pest just to fit the narrative ghbgbrhrgbjhrgbhjrghj but mostly what has been capturing my interest is using sweeney todd's character arc as a way to study toichiro bc like. okay
sweeney todd is originally benjamin barker. a very normal barber with a very normal life. a wife and a kid on the way (??? or she was very young) and a thriving business. but then judge turpin comes along and sends him to prison and ruins that perfect life of his. then, he returns to london with only one goal: return to normalcy. only oops!!!!! wife is dead (allegedly) and child was taken in by judge turpin. which is when his goal shifts to wanting to getting his revenge. it's an extremely simple, extremely personal goal that has very little room for failure.
only it does fail. horribly. not only is his kill interrupted, but now johanna is being sent to the insane asylum where he'll never be able to see her. and it's at this moment (during the song epiphany--very fitting title) that he realizes and understands that he will never be able to return to what he once had. it's gone forever--and, even if he had succeeded, he understands in this moment that it Still would've never been able to go back to normal bc sweeney todd is living as a fugitive, his wife is dead (allegedly), and his daughter is practically all grown up without him. so his goal now becomes broader. less of a personal vengeance and more of a societal vendetta. frankly, he goes a little nuts! and decides that he will be the harbinger of death to the filth and shit of london. and it's not necessarily a superiority thing; sweeney understands he is just as bad as the worst of london, but by removing them he will at least be able to make the city less awful.
NOW kinda bringing this back to my original point. toichiro experiences KIND OF a similar arc. not going to say it's the exact same bc the reason toichiro's life falls apart is by his own hand, not by an outside force. but i think there's something to be said about like. a goal shift. what those years isolated did to his outlook on his ideals and what he wanted to do.
bc it seems like he starts claw and this whole world domination process simply bc like. he can. a test of strength, as it were. he had the power and he felt that he had the right to use it. so he began building his terrorist organization and amassing more and more espers. until his wife leaves, and then things...shift.
i think his goals change from something he Can do to something he Has to do. the moment his wife leaves is the moment he has that major failure, like sweeney did. i fully believe toichiro, prior to that moment, believed he could have some semblance of a family left waiting in the wings as he took over the world. after all, he's all-powerful. why wouldn't they want to stick around? but his ex wife leaving proves that power isn't everything, and now power is all he has. so now he Must use that power to its absolute extent otherwise he has to admit to himself that he fucked up severely. it's the same moment sweeney has of understanding there is no returning, there is only forward from now on.
and this framework is especially interesting to me because of how they differentiate. sweeney never backs down from his final goal shift; he leans more and more into this crazed idea until everything has fallen to pieces around him, and then he is promptly killed. he only understands the true scope of what happened right at his final moments. but toichiro survives the explosion. toichiro is able to see the error in his ways and he Lives. which means we get to see his goals shift once more to something far more personal and far more kind: to change. to seek connections. to become something he never was. and there is still this recognition that he can never return to what he was before all of this (recognition that not only he experiences, but shou as well), but now that recognition doesn't come with bitterness. it's simply...an acknowledgement. there would've never been a way for sweeney todd to have this moment bc his story is not built for that kind of lesson. it isn't meant to tell that kind of tale. but i think the framework of his story is a rlly cool analysis tool for someone like toichiro, who is so similar yet so vastly different
anyways stream pretty women/epiphany from the sweeney todd original broadway soundtrack
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hillhomed · 2 years
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ground me ground you
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seokjinite · 1 month
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SEOKJIN + looks i'm not normal about (cr. 0613data, apple tape)
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itsdefinitely · 4 months
Can you please draw some Murder Paulkins (Paul 23 and Emdroid)
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normal couple activities
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likealittleprayer · 8 months
It blows my mind how much credit we owe Misha Collins and the people who helped him bring the Love Confession to the screen for having some hand in the WWDITS Guillermo “im gay” coming out, the Good Omens kiss and OMFD kiss between the leads. Misha basically said to everyone including TV execs, “people want this, they want to see these relationships play out on screen, not just a couple market research individuals, there is a massive audience for these queer stories”. It’s not even funny how much he contributed to queer fandom and even more largely queer media. Props to this guy you can think what you want about him but I genuinely believe he caused waves with the confession.
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willthespy · 11 days
how do i tell the people i ship one-sided labru bc i 100% believe that laios is aroace. like how do I bring this up. how do I convey this.
it’s always “mithrun is aroace!” but meanwhile I’m here just wrapping laios up in an aroace flag like a burrito…
(i gotta add that this isn’t about one of the pride art requests… i’m still happily doing that. labru art coming right up)
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dailyloopdeloop · 17 days
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DAY 75: onehat
#codacheetah#isat#loop isat#siffrin isat#isat act 6 spoilers#twohat spoilers#isat spoilers#yea im tagging the onehat post twohat spoilers. watch me#..do we know what time of day it is when siffrin goes to the favor tree?#i always imagined the evening for some reason.#um so anyways. hey do you guys ever think about onehat. do you think about it#do you ever think about how siffrin never learning about loop and never getting closure with them#is just as valid of an ending as twohats. you dont have to get twohats. loop getting some catharsis isnt necessary to siffrin's narrative.#they asked to be here. they were here to help siffrin. and they did. and it ended#that's it.#i've always wondered if loop saw siffrin perform the ritual for them#i wonder if it would comfort them or not. if you ask them if they're a ghost they say yes (and no) after all#the tree is their grave.#something something from main character to stage director to sponsor to corpse#and with how arcane the prereqs for twohats are. yes you can get them naturally on a first playthrough but it's definitely not the majority#experience especially playing blind.#to give loop an ending you have to reach back in with both hands and grasp at that connection#i dont rlly know how to articulate it but it makes me feel a kind of way tbh. you only learn the prereqs (w/o guidance) by talking to loop#very frequently and paying attention to the hints they drop to you about the coin. labor of love situation#self love. siffrin reaching back for loop. We Are Getting Out Together Bitch#Is this anything i dont know that it is#idk onehat fascinates me a lot and im not even gonna touch on the onehats playthroughs where u actually do get the prereqs#i think there is a slight tendency among some fans tocharacterize loop as. more vindictive than they are? i guess?#it's easy to stare down loop's big twohats breakdown and see them bare their fangs and look into their anger#but loop's willingness to fade into nothing and leave siffrin alone shouldnt be forgotten i dont think
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 4 months
I'm gonna pump so much of my light into your asshole, it'll feel like I flashbanged your intestines.
Audio Source
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dreamsy990 · 3 months
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some of the less nice thoughts about being aroace
extras below the cut
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closeups on my favorite panels
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bonus: adios
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crunchchute · 4 months
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Mr. Raglan
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lucabyte · 4 months
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Standalone post of my doodles for @samhainian's AUs of sorts from this post which you should go read because oouuuuh,,,,,
There's a lot of possibilities with how either of these go, mostly depending on how honest Loop is upfront (or how caught red-handed they are, so to speak). Since... Well, the party is loving. That's the point of the story! They just learned this!
But. How do you even begin to explain this. Especially when you aren't fully over it yourself.
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mintmatcha · 8 months
i saw that
I'm sorry tumblr user demilypyro for my strong opinions on the most popular girls name from 1996 to 2007 :( it WILL happen again #banthenameemily2024
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wiihtigo · 7 months
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(paul mccartney voice) temporary...secretary
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angelogistics · 8 months
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bestows the highest honor upon beloved characters (lion dance AU)
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tangledinink · 1 year
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TMNT: Stabilize [ part one ]
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jestroer · 1 year
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late night Wels in a cute outfit
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