#this is on their fridge at their hideout
eachuisge-cc · 2 years
genuinely considering trying to make a meat cooler for werewolves that you can store food in but can't use to cook because my dude has so much meat that's gonna go to waste if I take away his fridge but I really need him to quit cooking and then getting pissed about the meal he himself made for not being raw meat when he's perfectly capable of hunting.
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moodyvoid · 10 days
You’re the newest member of the League of Villains. You get captured by the authorities.
The League quickly infiltrate the police station, taking out everyone on their way to get to you. They see you through the glass in the interrogation room, being questioned. Shigaraki stops everyone, curious to see how loyal you are.
Detective: “Tell me about the League.”
You: “What about them?”
Detective: “Any info you’ve got. Perhaps I can cut you a good deal.”
Toga, worried: “Y/n wouldn’t talk, would they?”
Twice, shaking his head: “They’d never! They’re totally going to rat us out!”
Spinner: “What do we do if they do talk?”
Dabi: “Burn them.”
Mr. Compress: “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s give them a proper chance.”
Shigaraki: “Quiet. Listen.”
You: “Alright. I’ll tell you what I know.”
The League’s expressions all fall for a moment, but then you continue.
You: “Toga always steals my body spray, Mr. Compress hogs the coffee machine every morning, Twice snores loud enough to rattle the entire building, Spinner leaves his monster energy drink cans all over the hideout, Dabi has set every couch we’ve had on fire, and Shigaraki keeps stealing the meals I prep out of the fridge, but I let him because otherwise I don’t think he eats. I even started making extra so I know he’s getting enough food—“
Detective: “I meant information about what they’re planning or their current whereabouts. Not your roommate complaints.”
You: “Ohhh… Fuck off.”
Shigaraki nods approvingly before entering the room, decaying the detective, and letting you free.
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carolmunson · 7 months
the boy is mine (carol's edition)
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you know i had to do it to 'em. if you'd like to take a crack at the 'the boy is mine' writing challenge, you can check it out here. you can also see the masterlist of everyone's works here. a/n: for me, how eddie was fleshed out in FOI has always been how i see him. hurting, but goofy, but snarky, but sweet, but loving, but scared, but all that. eddie 'has taken care of himself since third grade' munson just makes sense to me. in this ficlet, our romantic night in gets muddled when eddie doesn't know how to just let someone love him right. i've also always have written eddie as older than he actually is, so here -- he's 25. argue with the wall. tw: 18+, angst, hurt/comfort, some smutty references but no smut, references to smoking and drinking. some arguing but nothing crazy.
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The day was hard on his shoulders and back, no one should be hunched over the hood of a car for this long -- and even being young isn't saving him from the grimace he makes every time he gets out of his bed with a decades old mattresss. Eddie cracks his neck each way while he chugs down the road leading to Forest Hills, slick and shiny with rain from the afternoon. The orangey yellow headlights on his beat up '71 Chevrolet bounce cheerily off the darkened asphalt, but the scrape, clatter, and growl of his engine and whatever else was a stark reminder that this van was on it's last leg. As bright as the headlights were, the gloomy purpled evening sky was a perfect match to his mood.
Today is Eddie Munson's birthday.
For the past few years, Eddie has spent his birthday working double shifts at the auto shop and then meeting the guys at the Hideout to get so drunk he can't see. Can't be sad about your birthday if you're too drunk to think about how your mama's dead and your dad won't call. Can't be sad about how you won't ever get to hear her sing you happy birthday, or put on a record, or dance with you in the living room. Or have your dad make dinner and put the six pack away if only for that night. To not run out on 'a job' or 'work a late shift' where he won't come back for days afterward.
He'd drink and drink until you had to hold him up to get him out of the bar, piling him into the back seat and having the guys follow you home to help load him into bed. He always looked forward to the greasy diner hangover breakfast in the morning where it could be just the two of you, and not his birthday, and not all the awful things he thinks he is.
The gravel groans and crunches when he pulls in at the side of the trailer he used to share with Wayne. With another roll of his head and shoulders he kills the ignition, hopping out of the van and leaning over to grab his bag. It's only when he slings it over his shoulder that he notices the warm glow of the kitchen light on, passing muted through the small curtains. He hip checks the door shut and makes his way up the steps that need repairing -- another thing to add to the list for 'Spring Cleaning' in a couple weeks that he knows he'll forget to do until you remind him or one of the boards rots out. Eddie's ring tap against the metal handle and he braces for the screech of the door, only to be met with the cozy blend of garlic, onion, and rosemary hitting his nose first. He swallows while he kicks off his work boots, turning the corner to see you in the kitchenette, putting the lid back onto the one large pasta pot he has and turning the burner off. "Oh!" you jump when you see him, shock turning into a smile, "You're earlier than I thought you'd be. Hold on!"
"What're y--" He's interrupted by you hurrying into the fridge, glass clinking when you pull out a Mionetto bottle that was already opened to reveal the cork.
"Surprise!" you ring out, popping the bottle with a little flourish, "Happy birthday!" He stands there, unsure at first what he's looking at, trying to take it all in. You in the kitchen with an apron on, the table set nice, a cake set on the counter to cool with a covered bowl of what looks like home made vanilla frosting next to it. To the side, a familiar small notebook lays opened to a buttercream recipe -- his mom's buttercream recipe, still scrawled in her loopy handwriting on yellowing pages with fading blue ink.
"Melvald's didn't have any like, nice cups," you say with a scrunch of your nose as you pour two glasses of prosecco into flimsy plastic flutes, "Is that okay?" "Uh..." he snaps back to reality when you hand him the cup, "Y-yeah that's okay." "Happy birthday, handsome," you smile, raising your drink before you take a sip, he follows suit.
"What is all this?" he asks, voice sounding like it's coming from someone else. Objectively, he should be falling to his knees right now, crying with adoration for you. Sobbing over the clear effort you've put in for a romantic night together at the trailer. "Um," you suck in your lips quickly, and release them, eyes lowering to the scuffed linoleum, "I uh, I made braised short rib and mashed potatoes, some broccoli. Wayne told me that um, that your dad used to smoke them for your birthday but we don't have a smoker so..."
"Why?" The swell in his heart builds from genuine affection to suspicious bitterness, this was way too much.
"Did you not check the calendar today or something? It's kind of a big day," you try to lighten the mood with a laugh, taking the apron off and hanging it on the hook by the hallway, "Sit, sit." He follows your direction, sitting at the table where the place setting is the best it can be with what you have. You even folded up the paper towels nicely. He silently sips on the bubbles, uncomfortable on the makeshift throw pillow cushion on the chair, while you take the plate in front of him and begin serving.
"I should um," he starts, voice gravelly, "I should wash my hands and uh, and change or..." "Yeah," you nod, voice higher pitched than expected, "Go, go ahead. It'll all be ready when you're done washing up." He leaves the glass behind, thudding into the bedroom where he notices a Frederick's of Hollywood bag sitting at the end of the bed. A small pile of gifts in shiny blue paper lay stacked up pretty on his dresser -- a card front in center 'Eddie My Love' - you write it in the same way you sing it to him absentmindedly every now and again. Flipping the lyrics every time. He swallows again, pulling in his cheeks and biting down while he peels off his coveralls and slips into what he was planning to wear to drinks later -- a band tee and some worn jeans. It feels cheap to wear this now, now that you've put in all this effort. Now that you're looking all sweet and put together in the kitchen for him. He rolls his shoulders again, trying to stretch the frustration out. He doesn't wanna be mad at you, you didn't do anything wrong. He doesn't wanan feel so sick in his chest over it -- but he does. All this work for what? Eddie takes his rings off to wash his hands, using the same Dove bar soap to wash the remaining grime off his face from work. Big inhale, big exhale into the towel on the door before making it back to the kitchen where the dinette table was ready for dinner, two tapered candles lit in old holders on the side. He sits across from you, your eyes glittering in the light of the flame.
"You didn't have to do this," he says quietly. Your lips twitch into a half smile, head cocking slightly to the side. "I know, but it's your day...it's a big one, too. The big two-five," your voice doing its best to soothe, "Can't just, I dunno -- get plastered at The Hideout every year..."
"Sure I can," he shrugs with a quirk of his brows, pushing the mashed potatoes around with his fork. He watches the melty pat of butter ooze off one of the edges like a volcano, pooling in next to the broccoli. "And you like that? That's fun for you?" you chuckle before noticing he's just playing with his food, "You gonna eat?"
"Getting plastered at The Hideout is like, tradition," he mutters, looking at the clock over the cabinets, "And we're gonna be late meeting the guys."
"Ed..." you say, a vapor of disappointment floating through his name when you say it. He winces.
"Like I said, babe," he says, "You didn't have to do all this -- y'know, spend all this extra cash on dinner and --"
"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to -- I wanted to do something nice so that your birthday could be sp -- " "Okay, well I don't need my birthday to be special, it never is," he snaps, he doesn't mean to, "I didn't ask you to do this for me." You hold your soft gaze at him, shoulders round down while you rest a cheek on your palm. If Eddie's mama was still alive, she'd tell you to get your elbows off the table.
In the flame, your glittering eyes turn glassy. You let a soft breath out through your nose, a sulk clear in your posture. "You're right," you mumble, a soft squeak of a sound while you slowly stand, shaking your head, "You're right, you didn't ask. I shouldn't have assumed that you..."
You trail off while you flick the lights on in the kitchen, leaning forward to gently blow out the taper candles. Your hand swishes away the smoke and soot, pushing out out of the cracked kitchen window before the smoke detector catches it. The cabinets creak while you take out some Tupperware from the top shelves, the good stuff that the ladies in the park sold Wayne back in the 70s. They click and clack as the bowls and trays and their tops hit the formica counter top.
"Well--well, wait -- you don't have to pack it up, babe," he says, sitting up a little taller in the chair. When he hears the shudder in your breath he stands, "You don't have to put it away."
"No, it's fine," you assure, a small strain coming through from your chest, "It'll be like -- you'll be so excited when you get home and there's all this food. I just gotta call the guys and tell them to just go to the bar instead of coming here."
"Whaddayou mean, coming here?"
You turn around, eyes wet now but not crying, a tug on your brow and taughtness in your jaw from where you try to hold it back.
"It was supposed to be a surprise," you shrug, "But like, it's not important. Lemme just pack this up and I'll get it figured out." "What's the surprise?" he asks, tilting his head to get a better look at you. "Well I..." you let out another breath, lower lip wobbling; an action your stop with a sharp inhale through the nose. "Well I thought it would be fun if the guys came over and did a birthday oneshot campaign with you. I helped Gare and Jeff write it and Jeff was gonna DM," you let out in one breath, "And it was gonna be like, a silly drinking game version." "You were gonna play?" he asks meekly. You nod. You rarely play, always watch. Always make snacks or help him clean up the trailer, always order the pizza because Eddie forgets to. Always add extra mushrooms on one because Richie likes extra mushrooms. Always make sure to get one with white sauce cause red cause doesn't sit great with Dustin.
"Did a, um, did a character sheet and whatever," you say, defeated, while you open the utensil drawer to pull out an extra pair of tongs and a serving spoon, "Drew her -- it's in your card."
You start to pack up the food and the tears start up again, welling in your eyes but still not spilling over. Eddie steps forward, getting between you and the pots and pans on the stove.
"Hey, wait," his voice bare audible, "Babe, don't."
"It's okay," you sniffle, "I just have to call them."
"No -- baby, stop," there's an edge now, ring hand falling on your wrist, "Stop packing it up."
"It's fine--"
A waltz between you, him, and the tupperware on the counter.
"Don't make me..." he huffs, trying to maneuver the tongs out of your hand, "If you don't stop, we're gonna have a pr--"
"Ed, enough! We will go to the bar, it's fine," you urge, anxiety heightening in your chest where it bursts, you start to cry, "Please, let me put it away. It's fine. I just -- fuck --"
"I feel like such an asshole," you sigh, breaking. You relent, letting go of the tongs where he takes them and leaves them between the burners on the yellowed stove.
"Don't be like that, you're not," he soothes, closing in on you against the counters edge, "You're not, I'm sorry."
"I really just wanted your birthday to be special," you weakly murmur, wiping at your eyes.
"You know how I get," he says, rough hands coming up to cup your face where he leaves a soft kiss to your cheek, "M'just not great at bein' fussed over."
"You deserve to be fussed over, doofus," you garble out, his thumbs replacing your fingers to catch the tears as they fall.
"It's hard, babe," he nods, "You knows it's hard for me. Y'know with my mom's stuff gone and my dad being...who fuckin' -- who fuckin' knows. The Hideout just makes sense. That's y'know -- that's what I deserve."
"That's not even true," you shake your head, "Don't be stupid."
"Well, I barely graduated so," he offers you a peck to each salty, wet cheek, "Stupid's my middle name." "Don't cry, sweetheart," he breathes, leaning in with a slow kiss. A kiss drenched in apologies and thank yous, breaks away just to kiss again. And again, and again, and again until you're both breathless under the sickly yellow green glow of the overhead kitchen light. "How about I change into something nicer than this, and we'll pop these plates in the microwave and start over," he asks, a smile toying on his full lips, "'Kay?"
You nod back, getting another peck stolen from you, and following him down the hall. "Oh, yes, yes, allow me to slip into something more..." he announces with flourish, posing half sexily half awkwardly in the doorway to his bedroom, "Uncomfortable." You snort, giggling while you follow in after him, settling on the end of his bed, "You don't have to dress up fancy." "'Course I do," he tsks, brows furrowing, "M'going to a five star restaurant doll, I can't look like a slob." He pulls out a pair of slacks from a funeral he went to two years ago, discarding his jeans and sliding them up over his pale legs. To your dismay, he plucks the t-shirt with a screen print of a tux out of his closet, and exchanges the worn Dio tee with that. You'll always prefer the Dio tee. "Classy," you tease. He winks, and that's enough to make you okay with the tux shirt. His fingers trail over the stack of presents and land on the envelope.
"Can I open the card?"
"Am I gonna cry over it?" he asks, looking at you over the dull paper when he flicks open the top.
You shake your head, "Nah, it's not sappy. You're the sappy card writer."
"I'm so sappy," he agrees, pulling out the card, "I gotta work on that, huh?"
"No, I like when you're sappy, ya sap." You watch him read the card, blush evident in the warm wash of gold from his bedside lamp. You're not a sappy card writer, but you always know how to make him feel like a kid with a crush. When he opens up your character sheet his bottom lip tucks between his teeth. "Shit," he grins, "Rogue tiefling, huh? You tryna kill me?"
"I thought it could be fun," you titter, standing up to look at the pages next to him, "Chaotic evil. Look at me."
"Ugh, baby's first villain," he gushes, "I love it."
"Look at the picture," you bounce on the balls of your feet while he goes to the next page. A much quieter 'shit' falls from his mouth. It was not a drawing that was for the rest of the guys to see, a sketch of a tiefling version of you in an outfit meant for his eyes only. "So you are trying to kill me," he asks, fingers tracing the curve of 'your' hip on the page where the outfit digs into the fat of 'your' hips.
"No, that'll be later," you smirk.
"Hm?' his brows raise.
"What do you think is in the Frederick's bag?" you ask, faux innocence smattering into your tone.
"Ah, you put a little costume together for me?" Eddie's mouth waters at the thought, brain fuzzy as he looks at the picture and then at you.
"Something like that," you tease, making your way back out into the hallway. "Something like that?!" he repeats back, hurrying back out to pull you into a searing kiss before you can make it back into the kitchen. The kind from the movies where he dips you down toward the faded carpet. As he pulls away, he nuzzles your nose against his, staring at you through lowered lids, "Thank you."
"You're very welcome," you nod, both of you making it back to full height, "Happy birthday."
You relight the candles on the table and nuke the plates of food, topping off each others plastic flutes with the left over Prosecco. There's three cases of beer in the fridge and you know Gareth is bringing Absinthe and it's something you pray doesn't mess your boyfriend up too much.
Dinner is the best meal Eddie's had in years, unable to keep his eyes off of you in between bites while you rehash your day and him, his. You're picking up the dishes off the table when the boys show up and they deliver. Taking the heat off you, they provide the snacks and even more extra booze. Jeff passes out party hats that make you all look ridiculous -- Eddie can remember laughing this much on his birthday, not even when he was a kid. Not even when his mama was alive.
After the oneshot completes and everyone is ankles deep in a tipsy haze and the smoke from a few joints lingers in the air, you walk in with the cake that is finally frosted -- the 2 and 5 confetti colored candles dancing in front of him while the rest sparkle in the middle of the coffee table. He makes one thousand wishes that he knows will come true because his friends are all still there with him and so are you. You're one room right over, cutting the cake and plating it up, and you'll be there when the boys leave in your skimpy nerdy costume that you bought just for him. And you'll be there while he sleeps and you'll be there when he wakes up. You'll be there across from him the next morning when he feeds you fries dipped in chocolate shake at the diner.
Today is Eddie Munson's birthday. And his mother's buttercream frosting is the sweetest it's ever tasted.
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yourfatherlucifer · 8 months
Sticky Situation (HJ)
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Ghoul!Hongjoong x afab!reader
Summary: after receiving a dare from your friends, you went into the ‘haunted’ mansion as everyone says, but is it really haunted though? Something is watching you..
Warnings: NSFW MDNI, messy intercourse, slight stalking, dumbification, slime/goo play, ghost stuff, mention of death, aphrodisiac cum, rough sex.
Genre: Smut
AU: Paranormal
WC: 1.6k
Rated: R
Tags: @stardragongalaxy here is your secret admirer request!
Also there will be no part two cause I struggled lol
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“Come on, you guys really cannot believe it’s haunted! Ghosts don’t exist!”
Your friends had rolled their eyes at you, “You don’t have to believe us, which is why we are daring you to go inside.”
You had stood in front of a large lavish yet run down mansion, it looked like it was straight from the 1700's, but it was still beautiful. It didn't exactly look quite abandoned but also looked like no one lived there. Maybe someone kept maintenance of it.
Approaching the vast doors, they creaked open with just a soft touch, “Hello?” You called out, like an idiot. Have you not learned from the horror films?
The place was beautiful on the inside, but was clearly abandoned, yet in pristine shape. Who was keeping it so mummified?
There was a grand staircase that winded up to the second floor, which was lined with old renaissance paintings, covered in yellow varnish.
A lot of furniture was covered with white cloth, which you assumed was to protect them from the dust already accumulating.
Dead eyes appeared in the darkness, watching you from afar yet you hadn’t noticed.
The air was musty and smelly, smelled of slight death and blood.
You made your way through double doors and found an almost pristine kitchen with antique appliances, the fridge, the stove, etc. All early eras.
Slipping out of the kitchen into the next room, you found a secret staircase, it seemed like it led to the basement, but as you descended down the steps, the stench of death kept heavily increasing. So, you quickly ran back up the stairs and slammed the door shut, covering your mouth as you tried not gag.
The eyes that watched your every move, quietly chuckled. An evil like smirk forming on its face.
Did you walk into a serial killer's hideout? Why did it smell like pure death? You wanted to leave so badly but your friends made a bet you wouldn’t last long, through the night even so.
You covered your mouth and left the area with teary eyes. You made your way upstairs to the second floor, the winding steps making you dizzy.
You could only open doors that were unlocked and there weren’t many. It was as if someone was trying to prevent you from exploring. You found the master bedroom, or what seemed to be the master bedroom. It was very large. The bed looked very dusty and unused. Looks like this is the room you’ll be staying in tonight, you thought to yourself.
Making your way to the bed, the floor creaked beneath you. You winced with every step and hoped this home was truly empty and was just an old place with dead bodies.
When you sat on the bed, you noticed some type of slime was excreting from it. You shot up from the mattress and began frantically wiping your pants, clearly grossed out.
“What the fuck!” You gagged, hands now covered in the slime.
You couldn’t even begin to think of where it came from, let alone excrete from an old bed.
As you went to leave the room, the door slammed shut in front of you. You let out a loud scream and fell to the floor, slightly bruising your tailbone from the fall.
“Where’d you think you’re going, pet?” A voice mocked you in the darkness.
You gasped in fear as you stood up to your feet, running to the door. Pulling on the handle that just wouldn’t budge. You cried out in frustration as you began to feel trapped and feared for your life.
“Awe, you think you can leave, oh-precious-life?” The voice began to stalk towards you.
You whipped around to face a man, or what looked like a man, his deathly pale skin, wide brimmed hat and a long black coat approached you with a scary grin.
“Get away from me!” You backed into the door.
“That’s very cute. You aren’t going anywhere.”
As he came closer, you could inspect his features, which you came to realize he is very attractive, but still scared you to the very bone.
His black tipped fingers came to brush against your cheek, goo oozing from the tips.
His chest pressed closer against yours, the hat brim stopping him from pushing even closer, “You smell delicious.” His tongue swiped across his lips, “I love the scent of fear.”
You whimpered as he threw the hat across the room. His nose falling to your neck crevice, inhaling your scent. The close proximity of this attractive..man, was arousing you greatly.
He let out a loud cackle, “Ooh, never have I had a human get aroused just by this!”
You gripped onto his coat as he began licking strips along your skin, taking in the flavor of human flesh.
He chuckled once again at your desperation, “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you, human?”
Hongjoong pressed his hardening bulge against your thigh.
‘What are you doing?” You whined as his hands began to roam your body.
“I’m going to fuck you, is that not what you want?” He whispered into your ear, nipping on the lobe.
His hands began to roam your body, “I can clearly smell how much you want this.”
His two hands came up to your shirt, grabbing the middle and ripping it in half. The pieces hang there from your shoulders. You yelp in protest, heat flooding throughout your body.
“You’re never gonna want another human cock after this.” An evil like cackle spilled from his lips with a toothy and mischievous
His teeth pierce the skin between your neck and shoulder, not drawing blood but practically attaching himself to you with a mark.
He grabs you from under the thighs and hikes you against the wall, tearing your feet from the floor, to wrap around his waist. His hardened cock now pressed against your clothes and wet cunt.
Hongjoong giggled in your ear, “You know, I haven’t fucked a human in so long, not since I died,” He pulls his face away and takes one boob in his hand, the black slime on his fingers left behind a slimey trail down your breast valley. His claw-like fingernails jabbed into the plush skin, drawing blood and pain. He didn’t care for your cries because he knew you wanted this just as much as him.
He brought his pale lips to yours, smashing them together. He then carries you to the unused bed, practically throwing you on the mattress. He uses his hands to rip open your pants, tossing the now ruined fabric across the room.
You quickly scrambled to the headboard, clearly embarrassed you were in your underwear in front of him.
A crazy grin spread against his cheeks as he grabbed your ankles, yanking you down the mattress and back to him, “Why do you continue to try and run from me?” his hand ran down your waist, to your thighs, then back up to your underwear, snapping the band against your hips.
Hongjoong buries his face against your clothed cunt, taking in the scent of your arousal, “Fuck, smells so good.”
You whine as he pulls down the cloth, tossing it over his shoulder. His long and pointed tongue darts out to lick the slick that leaked out of your hole. He throws your legs over his shoulders and pressed his nose against your clit. His tongue playing and teasing the tight hole, he wanted to prepare it for what he referred to as his, ‘monster sized cock,’ when he wasn’t wrong. He is a monster and his cock is huge.
“Gonna fuck you so good.” He mumbled into your cunt as his tongue swirled around your walls, his fingers digging into the back of your thighs. Then slipped his free hand underneath, and slipped a finger in just below his wet muscle.
When he was done playing with you, he removed himself from you and let your legs down.
“Ready for my cock, pretty one?”
You whimpered with a nod, spreading your legs to reveal your puffy and used cunt, “Please, I want your cock so bad.”
He laughed and took the base of his cock and lined himself up, the tip of his tongue sticking out in concentration as he pushed in, “Little human is so pathetic for me. How cute.”
The second his cock reached the hilt, you already felt fucked dumb. He was just that big, his cock so thick and long in size. The best you’ve had.
“Gonna cry?” He grunts as thrusts his hips up, “Gonna cry like a little baby? Can’t handle my cock?” He rests his arms by your head, “Well too bad, you’re gonna take it, you’re gonna love it and you’re gonna beg me for more.”
He sat back on his knees, thrusting into your cunt, while his hands excreted ectoplasm onto your body, the stick feeling was heavy and gross but you couldn’t focus on that. Not while his cock jackhammered into you, barely putting any effort into it yet he had you seeing stars.
He flipped your body around, so that your head could be pushed into the dusty mattress. He raised your hips up, but also rested a hand on your lower back.
You let out a scream as this angle let him reach you even deeper than before, his cock seemed to stretch you out even more if that was possible.
“I’m gonna cum so fucking deep in you, you’ll never want to leave me here. You’ll be mine forever.” His hand gripped your hip so tight, that his nails drew blood and left behind bruises.
“Please, inside, please!” The mattress mumbled your words but he understood you clearly.
He leans down to your ear, “Gladly.”
His black cum spurt out in all directions inside of you. It definitely didn’t feel normal but it heated you up and felt like you needed more. You wanted more, “Oh fuck, I need more. Fuck me more. Please.” You whined and looked back at him.
“That’s so funny, I told you that you’d beg for more, pretty one.”
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pxrxcxa · 2 years
Off Limits 
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✶ One shot - is a part 2 to untouchable but can be read as a stand alone
Pairing | Eddie x his best friends little sister
Post summary | You’ve been in love with Eddie since you can remember. When he refused to see you as anything except for his best friends, untouchable, innocent, little sister, you worked out a way to get him to look at you differently, now you deal with the fall out of it.
What to expect | Established friendship, mutual pining, jealous Eddie & reader, lots of tension - no use of y/n
Post Warnings | Drug mention, F oral, Fingering, voyeurism, public sex acts, slight choking - let me know if I missed any
Word count | 6 K
Pt 1 | Pt 3 |
Authors Note | Okay first of all - Tumblr was being a B and wouldn't let me post, so I had to refresh and lost all of the tagging I did (which took me for effing ever) I'm posting this and I'll tag everyone once I've had a goddamn ciggerate. Anyways, I wrote a long ass part 2 and then decided I wanted to halve it and make a part 3 because I have an unhealthy obsession with ending things on a cliff hanger (sorta) but it's written and proof read and will be posted 24 hours after this. I hope this lived up to everyones expectations
As always, any & all comments/reblogs are most appreciated - Love, P. x 🌿
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I jumped at every sound that drifted down the entry hall, flipping through an open novel spread across the kitchen counter that I wasn’t paying attention to, as I re read the same paragraph for the fifth time. My nerves spiked and my fingers gripped the next page, in danger of ripping it from the spine of the book as the front door smacked open and my brothers voice rang out.
I hadn’t seen or heard from Eddie since what happened under his Hellfire table. He’d ushered his club out as soon as the campaign ended, providing me with a quick escape as I fled from the room and didn’t look back. I’d worried about what to say – or not to say – the next time he turned up with Trevor, but I shouldn’t have bothered panicking about it because Eddie had been ominously absent without an excuse. 
I couldn’t very well go and ask my brother about it, his response making me choke up before I could even figure out the words, and I didn’t want to give myself away as the reason why Eddie might be avoiding me – and by extension Trevor. But tonight was movie night, and if Eddie missed this without a good enough reason – like a broken leg or death – Trevor would get suspicious. 
I definitely had not changed my outfit three times and spent an hour on my makeup just in case Eddie turned up for tonight. 
A shiver shot down my spine as I leant further over the counter, burying my head further into the book as I fidget, trying hard to look relaxed and unbothered as footsteps filled the empty hallway.
I couldn’t help my glance up as an unfamiliar footfall slapped against the linoleum. 
“Umm… Hi?” 
“Hey” The tall blonde smirked at me, helping herself to a drink from the fridge as her short mini skirt rode up her thighs. My stomach sunk as I watched her prance around the island bench, leaning on it as she popped open the soda can and glared at me over the lip of it. 
“Who are you?” I hissed, slamming my book shut as I straightened up. 
“Laura.” Her eyes flashed in surprise at my animosity and her smile was sickly sweet as she took a loud slurp, leaving makeup stains on the can. 
“Right… and you’re here why?” I was afraid of the answer. 
“Movie night.” She grinned and tossed her hair back as my face dropped, my lunch threatening to make a reappearance.  
“Or a movie date, whatever you want to call it, we met at the Hideout.” At that moment she glanced towards the hallway, and I spun around to face what my anger was internally screaming at. 
Eddie was hovering in the darkened entry space, turned towards the living room but facing to where I stood shaking in fury next to the stranger dressed like a whore in my kitchen. His brows knotted as he spared her a glance and his hand moved to rub at his jaw as his gaze reluctantly moved to mine. 
I didn’t know what I expected, something along the lines of how he’d looked at me between his legs in front of his throne, or if he wanted to pretend it didn’t happen then maybe how he’d always looked at me, like a kid sister. The dark resolute of disinterest bordering on anger was not what I thought I was going to find when his glowering stare met mine. 
Trevor chose that moment to burst through the doorway, shoving past Eddie as he came to stand around the bench. He slowed and rested his fist on the countertop as the thick tension hit him, his eyes flickering between our faces. 
“You ready babe?” I spun around as he slid his arm around Laura’s waist, accepting her kiss eagerly as he scowled at me over her shoulder, not knowing what caused the awkward atmosphere but blaming me for it anyway. 
“Wait she’s here for you?” My voice came out in an unplanned shocked screech.
“Obviously, who else?” He stared at me like he wouldn’t expect me to consider Eddie as a possibility. I tried to not be noticeable as I dropped my eyes from them and turned back to face him but he’d disappeared from the door frame.
“You joining us?” The microwave door creaked as Trevor slid a bowl of unpopped corn kernels into it.  
“Uh yeah.” The whole situation had caught me off guard, and I’d answered without thinking. 
I hesitated in the kitchen as my brother and what appeared to be his new girlfriend, giggled and groped at each other as the occasional pop echoed off the cabinets, I groaned and grabbed my water bottle as they started making out without shame, heading for the living room filled with the blue glow from the tv set that was geared up and ready to play Trevor’s horror movie choice of the night. 
I waited for him to acknowledge me, but his eyes were glued to the paused screen, leaning his head into his arm perched on the side of the couch. I briefly considered taking up residence in the uncomfortable chair directly next to the tv and facing away from it, but that would look more suspicious to Trevor than sitting next to Eddie on the couch we always shared. 
“Hi.” My voice was small as I gripped the bottle tighter to my chest, unsure where we stood after what happened between us. His eyes flashed to my face, softening as they moved behind me to see that I was alone. 
“Hey you.” He allowed me half a smug smirk as I took a probing step forward, returning his smile with a careful one as my heart unclenched a little. 
“Haven’t seen you for a bit.” I walked past his spread knees as I plopped onto the furthest end of the couch, trying to keep my eyes on his and not how tight his pants were around his hips as he stretched and tugged his jeans down an inch. 
“Yeah, had some stuff to sort out.” He titled his head towards me as his stare burned into me, and even in the cold space between us, the night time sky seeping in through the open window casting long shadows over us, I could feel the suffocating zaps of electricity that flared between us. 
It was strong enough to steal my breath away, too strong for me to have imagined it, and from the way Eddie’s eyes darkened as his eyes fell to my lips, he had to be feeling it to. 
I opened my mouth to say something when the entry hall light flicked off and Trevor strutted into the room, bringing the strong smell of butter with him. 
“Bunch up man.” He nodded at Eddie as he gestured for Laura to take a seat, handing her the bowl as he went to go grab the tv remote. 
I heard Eddie’s low sigh as he balled up his hands and used them to push into the couch, propelling him towards my end as I shuffled up against the very edge of it. The room blackened completely as the screen went dark, the quiet static creeping through the speakers. 
In the darkness the tingling tension between us hiked up a hundred times more, almost palpable in the air. My breathing stopped, and from the way Eddie froze beside me as he went rigid from trying to keep the non-existent space between us, so had he. 
The couch groaned under Trevor’s weight as he folded himself onto the opposite end of it, slinging an arm over Laura and pulling her into his side from where she was wedged between him and Eddie. 
The screen lighted up, the words ‘based on a true story’ spread across it as it faded back into blackness and a scene of a happy couple making out at a lookout, took its place. 
“Thought this was supposed to be a horror, not a romance Trevor.” Eddie hissed, digging his hand into his knee as he picked at the loose threads and grimaced at the display of affection in front of us. 
“It is, dude.” Trevor glanced over the mound of blonde hair to shoot Eddie a concerned look. I burrowed down into the cushions away from Eddie, crossing my arms across my chest as I tried to melt away. 
Any other night if I was sat in front of an R-rated movie, I’d be jumping and letting out little squeals the same as Laura. But I was too focused on snatching my hand back when it reached out to brush against Eddie’s thigh like it had a mind of its own, barely catching myself in time. I was literally having to remind myself to breath as every little shift that brought our bodies together, sent a flash of heat from wherever our skin touched. 
He was driving me insane, but most infuriatingly of all was how unbothered Eddie seemed. Even though it felt like he was going to strenuous lengths to avoid touching me as much as possible, he was slouched in a relaxed position with his head leaning against the back of the couch, his hands resting in loose fists along the curve of his lap. 
I swallowed hard as his lashes lowered against his cheeks, his breath fluttering from his parted lips as the mixed colours of gore from the tv, reflected off his sharp features prettily. 
I’d turned my head too far and he noticed me, I dropped my gaze just as Eddie’s eyes slid to mine, watching my cheeks blaze in indignation at being caught. I felt his stare burning heat into me like an actual physical touch and I couldn’t help myself, I glanced back up shyly to find his almost black eyes focused entirely on me now. 
The upturned corner of his lips twitched as a tight coil constricted around my chest, making it impossible to breath as his eyes trapped me. I caught my lip between my teeth as Eddie leant across my lap, his fingers brushed my knees as he swiped up the bundle of blankets at the corner of the couch. 
“It’s cold.” He didn’t give the others a choice as he tossed a blanket into Trevor’s face, turning his back on him as he tucked the fleecy material into the contours of my body. I stayed as still as stone as Eddie draped it over my shoulders, his warm breath tickled my neck as he bent close to whisper in my ear. 
“If you bite your fucking lip one more time, I’m going to do it for you.” 
I was lucky it was dark because my face was on fire, my breath blew past my lips in a shudder as Eddie sunk back against the pillows. A satisfied scoff vibrated through his chest as he lightly hung the rest of the blanket over his lap, his arms disappearing beneath it. 
Spurts of red danced across the screen as the movie reached the point of the killer going on a spree, his victims screams bounced off the walls and drowned out my gasp as Eddie’s fingers brushed against my thigh. 
His light touch traced across the fabric of my skirt, quickly moving down the side of my naked leg as my breath tumbled out in gasps. The thin blanket bunched up in my lap as I twisted it in my hands, gulping as Eddie’s fingers tips crawled over the top of my thighs, making his way to the blazing heat between them. 
Eddie kept his eyes on the screen as he bantered back with Trevor over the low budget gore effects, squeezing my inner thigh until I relaxed and spread them apart for him. 
I didn’t know what was in the air between us that made even the slightest touch feel like a lightning strike. But my body betrayed me as it became alert to every delicate brush of Eddie’s fingers, every inch that brought him closer to my drenched panties made me tremble against him. 
I buried my groan by biting into my fist but he wasn’t so subtle. Eddie’s head fell back against his shoulders and let out a sigh through clenched teeth as his fingers slipped between my folds, flicking up and down through my slick as I anchored myself to the couch, holding on for dear life as his finger tip moved over my swollen bud, rubbing constant circles until my legs were shaking so hard the pillows beneath us started moving. 
I whimpered as Eddie’s hand curved, pressing his first long finger inside of me, the intrusion burned slightly as he stretched me out before drifting off into a new sense of pleasure. I’d played with myself before, too many nights to remember where I pretended my smaller fingers were Eddie’s long ones, covered in bulky rings as they slammed into me. 
But out of all the times I’d imagined this, I didn’t expect to have to have to swallow my cries because Eddie was secretly touching me in front of other people. Eddie laughed loudly to cover my moan as he slid a second finger deep into me, leaning forward over his lap to block me from view as I grabbed his wrists above the blanket, using him to keep me steady as the feeling of his hand threaten to send me over the edge. 
“You’re actually enjoying the movie?” Laura scoffed, glaring at Eddie as I tried to blink through my tears of pleasure. 
“Uh yeah, I actually really like what I’m watching.” He smirked, covering his mouth with his free hand as he glanced over at me through his thick lashes. 
My head snapped back as I couldn’t stop the shudder and soft whimper that fled me as Eddie pushed up against a sensitive soft spot deep in my pussy. I squeezed my eyes and shook my head as Trevor asked me if the movie was too scary, not trusting myself to speak. 
There was a roar of a chainsaw and Laura shrieked. 
“Oh my god stop stop stop.” I scrambled as Eddie ripped his hand from between my legs, rubbing his jaw with the fingers still drenched in my essence as he glanced at my brother reaching for the remote. I used the distraction to shimmy my skirt back down my thighs, pinching the fabric of my panties to cover my slit again after Eddie had shoved it out of the way for himself. 
He turned his head to look at me with alight eyes as my chest heaved and I sat up straighter, breathing deeply as I tore the blanket off my lap and let it fall to our feet, wanting to hide the evidence. Eddie grunted and curled over like he’d been punched in the gut as he glared at me, his hand pressed against his crotch. 
I narrowed my eyes back confusingly at him before he huffed and his hands quickly dipped beneath his pant line, readjusting his hard on before the others noticed it straining against his jeans. 
“I cannot believe you thought a double date watching a gross horror movie was a good idea.” Trevor’s face flared in anger as we all snapped our necks towards Laura and the boys almost yelled over each other. 
“This is not a fucking double date –“ 
“-God no, she’s just Trevor’s sister.” Eddie shook his head with a look of – what I could only describe as disgust – clouding his face. 
Just Trevor’s sister
The rush of air that was knocked from my chest was quiet, but he heard it. Eddie’s face was cold and devoid of any emotion, hiding whatever thoughts burned behind those pretty dark eyes as hurt flared in my face. That hurt quickly spiralled in anger as Trevor laughed like Laura had told the funniest joke in existence and she glanced between us in confusion. 
I was only ever going to be the little sister. Nothing more, nothing less. Never my own person. The cold gut wrenching feeling of being used washed over me as everyone’s eyes settled on me. 
Eddie had been right. He knew what guys wanted, what all guys wanted. 
What he wanted.
My pathetically pining heart that had chased him for the last decade, cracked as I struggled with the realisation.
It didn’t matter how much I tried to fight and prove myself against the ‘innocent’ label they’d branded me with, because Eddie wasn’t going to feel anything genuine for me, he was just going to treat me like his little play thing. 
I was such a fucking idiot 
That knowledge made the corner of my vision turn red as my nails bit into my palms, the words falling from me without fear or hesitation. 
“You know what Laura? I completely agree with you, it is a stupid idea. And I’m really glad that the guy that asked me to go out this weekend, doesn’t think I’d enjoy watching a horror movie under a blanket for a first date.” I spat the words at the shocked face of my brother and the stone cold, barely concealed simmering rage of Eddie’s. His eyes followed me as I launched myself from the couch, kicking his feet out of the way as I sped from the room before my building tears could fall. 
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The cold press wasn’t helping to dim the puffiness around both of my eyes, I slammed the wet cloth against the sink as I sighed and leant over it, glaring at my reflection in the mirror. My scream mutilated in my throat as I clutched my chest and spun around, cowering against the vanity as the pair of reflective eyes that scared me, emerged from the darkness. 
Eddie hovered in the doorway with a grim expression, anger tightening the corner of his mouth as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“You’ve been crying.” His voice didn’t reveal anything as he pointed out the obvious. 
“Clearly, genius.” I swallowed as my eyes roamed over his bare chest, flitting away as he shifted and his plaid pyjama pants dipped lower against his v-line. 
“What’s wrong?” His jaw clenched as he stumbled over the question, his eyes flaring with the answer he knew was coming. 
“Why would you bother asking me that? I’m just Trevor’s little, innocent, stupid sister.” For the first time real anger flowed between us, pure undiluted rage as I stood my ground, copying his stance as I cocked a brow at him, daring him to deny the truth. 
“Untouchable. Remember?” My hushed yell was still far too loud in the quiet house, cutting through the darkness as something burned in Eddie’s eyes and tears threatened to make a reappearance in mine. 
“I never said you were stupid.” His face blazed with his own anger now as he took a few steps towards me. I backed into the few inches of space I still had behind me, needing to stay away from him to keep my head clear. 
Eddie muttered my name as my eyes closed on their own, squeezing shut tighter and his rough, cold hands cradled my face. 
“Open your eyes.” He demanded, pressing his hold on me as I shook my head. They flew open in shock and widened as Eddie’s chest pressed against mine, feeling it expand as he sucked in a deep breath and tilted his face towards me. 
He was so close it was hard to look up at him, his lips moved closer to me as he whispered his question, the words vibrating through both of our bodies as he pressed me to him. 
“What do you want?” It was barely a sigh, sending my mind blank as the minty smell of him washed over me. Eddie’s lashes brushed his cheeks as they focused on my quivering lips, patiently waiting for an answer that I couldn’t comprehend. 
I caved
I couldn’t resist him
Even if he only wanted what every guy wanted 
“You.” I didn’t say it, I just mouthed the word because Eddie’s dark stare had stolen the power of speech from me. 
“Say it again. Louder.” His jaw flexed as our shaky breaths mingled, our lips moving closer together as his loose hair brushed past my collar bones. He paused, just as his bottom lip caressed mine and my knees gave out. 
Eddie’s arm slid around my waist to keep me upright and the corner of his mouth twitched as he tried to force his smirk away. 
“Say it.” 
“You.” Eddie’s lips encased mine. 
His heat flooded through me as they moved in a way that I’d only ever read about in my romance novels. They were softer than his hair looked, firm but they moved perfectly in sync with mine. God, the taste of him was more than I could have imagined, somehow a perfect mix of his cologne and weed and cigarettes and our peppermint mouthwash.
He was everywhere, his hands touching each bare patch of skin that I needed him to as I gave in completely, twisting my hands in his hair to pull him closer to me as I revelled in finally having our first kiss, never wanting to feel the cold air between our lips again. 
Eddie groaned in response to my own one that tumbled from my lips, gripping the fabric of my shorts at my hip until I was afraid he was going to tear it away, his free hand trapped the side of my face, tilting my head up so he could attack my neck. 
Each gentle bite followed by a kiss elected a desperate moan from me, flowing faster from me before I could stop them, almost like Eddie was chasing after them and finding pleasure in each sound he forced from me. My head rested back against the mirror with a sigh as his lips traced across my collar bone, teasing at the base of my neck as his hand brushed past the side of my breast, seeming almost like an accident until I spotted the smirk on Eddie’s face. 
His hand tightened behind my ear and the nape of my neck as our eyes met, Eddie rose to his full height as an electric bolt shot through me from where our bare skin touched, straight to between my legs. 
A tremor of cold reality washed over as his hand moved to trace the outline of my lips and I remembered where his fingers had been only a couple of hours ago. His face dropped as I gasped and lightly shoved at his shoulders, slipping out of his grip as I pulled up the strap of my shirt that Eddie had sneakily slipped off my shoulder. 
“Don’t do this. Please, if you don’t care about me, don’t act like you do. I’m not some whore you can have when you want.” I couldn’t hold his stare as my breath quivered from me, sounding embarrassingly like I was going to cry as Eddie gripped the sides of the vanity beside me and leaned over it, forcing me to bow back against it and look up at him.
His jaw was clenched and his eyes flashed dangerously, Eddie ran his tongue along his bottom lip as his stare flicked between mine, trying to read something in them as his brows creased angrily. 
“You have no idea how much I fucking care about you.” 
I refused to believe him
“Like a sister.” I mumbled. 
Heat flashed up my arm as Eddie wrenched it away from his chest, pressing my fingers against his hard length hidden beneath his pants. I glanced up at him as he let out a hollow sigh, smiling without humour as he shook his head. 
“I haven’t stopped being hard since you decided to hide under that fucking table. I haven’t been able to stop thinking you. You have no idea-.” Eddie tilted his forehead until it was pressing against mine, letting his eyes fall shut as he loosened his grip around my wrist. 
I kept my hand pressed against him, my cheeks blushing as I waited. 
“-what you do to me. Fucks sake you pretty, silly girl. I tried to stay away because I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you. Look what happened tonight, I thought I could handle seeing you but I fucking can’tstay away from you. I love Trevor like a brother, and because of that, you’re off limits.” Eddie dropped his grip completely and took a step back, shaking his head to clear it as he stared up at the ceiling, clenching his fists together before he yanked them through his hair roughly. 
Eddie glanced back down at me with a sad smile as I froze, soaking up every syllable. 
“Like a sister.” He mocked me. “You’ve got no idea how hard it is not to corrupt you. I was able to stay away from you for ten years, but you just had to prove how bad you actually are didn’t you?” Eddie shook his head again, his hand squeezing my cheeks until my lips mushed together. 
“Not so innocent, am I?” White, hot pleasure cut through me. I’d won
Eddie groaned and threw his head back, muttering the word Succubus 
“The things I want to do to you, what I dream about doing, what I need to do to you. You don’t do that to a sister.” Eddie took a few more steps back, like he needed the space between us as a foreign heat spurred me across the tiles of the bathroom a couple of paces. 
“Like what?” I demanded, excitement urging me on as the walls between my legs fluttered at his words. 
“That’s not the sort of thing I should tell someone like you.” Eddie wrapped his hands around my wrists to pull them away as I reached up to cup his face, pinning them between us as he smirked at the pout on my lips. 
“Someone like me?” I scowled. 
“Virgin.” Eddie grinned widely, whispering the word like he was embarrassed.
“How would you know.” I shot back, flinching away from him. 
“Because from the first day I met you, I haven’t taken my eyes off you. Trust me, I would know if you weren’t one anymore.” Eddie’s eyes flashed a warning in them as his face coloured, his chest heaving as he ran his gaze over my body. 
“Show me.” 
“What?” I enjoyed catching him off guard for a split second before I pushed forward, refusing to lose my false sense of confidence. 
“Show me… what you want to do to me.” My voice sounded heavy with lust even to my own ears, a blush creeping up my neck as Eddie halted. 
Eddie’s hands fell to my hips as he pushed me back against the counter, kicking the bathroom door shut with his heel as he lifted me onto the counter behind us, sliding my legs apart as he moved between them.  
“That’s it. Keep those pretty eyes on me.” My breaths were shallow as Eddie dipped against my chest, biting at my breasts beneath the thin fabric of my shirt as he moved across my stomach, his hands tracing the trails of fire that his mouth left behind. 
My head pressed back against the cold surface of the mirror as I knotted my hands in Eddie’s hair, holding onto him to keep me on earth as his face pressed against my slit covered by my pyjama shorts.
I wasn’t wearing panties and Eddie knew that. His eyes glinted up at me as I peeked down, shutting my eyes and throwing my head to the side as he pressed his nose against me and rubbed it against my swollen clit, laughing deeply as I trembled and hooked my legs around his back to trap him against me. Eddie pushed my thighs up further until they were resting on his shoulders and I was sitting half off the vanity, my pelvis angled perfectly towards him as he looked at me like I was edible. 
“So goddamn corruptible.” Whatever snarky response I might have had, died on my lips as Eddie devoured me like a mad man. His lips latched around my clit as he tugged slightly, grinning into my thigh as a loud moan slid out of my chest. He squeezed my legs and shushed me before he brought his tongue to my puffy lips drenched in my own arousal and his saliva, spreading the mixture around and burying his face in it as I twisted beneath him and tugged his hair up towards me, begging for him to suck on my clit again as I whimpered. 
“Please Eddie please.” I arched away from the mirror as I reached up to cup my own breasts, surprising myself as I pinched and twisted my hard nipples until I was crying out from both the pain and the laps of pleasure Eddie’s tongue was erecting from me. 
“Uhh I’m fucking powerless if you beg.” He rolled his eyes as he moved higher on his knees, digging his fingers into the tops of my thighs as his teeth dragged along my throbbing bud, each tug from his mouth made my legs ache to snap shut and trap him there forever. 
The mirror steamed up as heat billowed around us, a lusty concoction of my moans and Eddie’s grunts and the erotic sounds of his tongue on my pussy was enough to suffocate us both. 
Something tightened just below my stomach, forcing my eyes shut as my legs twitched and I froze, almost seizing as Eddie’s tongue circled around my clit as his longest finger slid inside of my drenched hole easily, almost like he recognised some unseen cue to go faster. 
His free hand that wasn’t working between my legs shot up to shove his fingers in my mouth so that my gag muted my scream, coating my tongue in the sticky residue that his hand had fucked out of me. 
It all happened at once, something invisible broke inside of me and my legs snapped shut against the sides of Eddie’s face, my crossed ankles digging into the middle of his back as I arched up off the mirror, ripping his hair from the roots as my lips locked around a silent scream and choked on his hand. 
Waves of immense pleasure, nothing like I had ever been able to elicit out of my body myself, destroyed my composure. This feeling came deep from within my soul, no, Hell. 
It had to come from Hell because nothing could so devilishly intoxicating, I would ruin my soul searching for this feeling for the rest of the time. 
As quickly as it came, it was over. I slumped against the vanity as I melted, my eyes ringing and blocking out Eddie’s question as he rose to his feet, grinning as he wiped the wetness from his chin and wrapped his hand around my ass, crushing me to him as he dipped his head down to me. 
“You still think I’m innocent?” My hypothetical question came out groggy, like I was drunk as I clasped my fingers around the back of his neck. I couldn’t help the stupid grin on my face as I shivered, unable to block out the tingling between my thighs as my internal walls fluttered around nothing, begging for something. 
“You just came on my face, what do you think?” His grin was twice as wide as his lips moved to mine. 
“Yo Eddie, is that you in there?” Eddie’s face froze inches from mine as Trevor’s voice rung out from the hallway, his heavy footsteps thudding against the carpet runner as he headed towards the bathroom.
“Uh yeah man, just taking a piss.” I jumped as my brother’s fist pounded down against the wooden door, flinching as it rattled on its hinges. Eddie’s face was an exact image of fear the same as mine, as we tensed in each other’s arms. 
“Well I’m gonna smoke if you wanna come.” There was a pause as Eddie’s eyes snapped shut and he pinched the bridge of his nose, I could see his thoughts ticking over as my head swam, my thoughts turning foggy from the breath I refused to let go off. 
I tightened my hold around his shoulders as Eddie’s hands gripped my sides, lifting me off the bench and placing me with a feather light touch next to where the door would swing back on. His hand wrapped around my mouth as he turned towards the closed doorway. 
“I’m going to tell him.” His words were barely more than a whisper as resolve hardened in his eyes, speaking more to himself than me as my face narrowed in shock. 
“Yeah, I’ll be out in a sec.” Eddie’s eyes flashed back to mine as his hand dropped to my throat, not tight enough to hurt but he squeezed it until my core throbbed for him again. Eddie mashed his lips to mine, wiping the smile off my face as his free hand cradled the curve of my cheek softly, he pulled away only to whisper in my ear. 
“You’re not going on that date this weekend.” Eddie’s smirk disappeared from my shocked glance as he placed a soft kiss at the side of my neck, leaving me alone with my shiver as cold air replaced his hold and he tugged the door open, wide enough to slip through but still hiding me and my reflection, from view. 
“You been jerking off in there or something?” I pressed both hands against my mouth as my knees shook, my brothers voice barely audible over the roaring in my ears. 
“Yeah, couldn’t help myself.” There was a tinge of nerves and annoyance in his voice that Trevor didn’t pick up on, drowning in his forced laugh and my brothers boisterous one. 
“You need a girl man.” It sounded like Trevor slapped Eddie on the shoulder and I glanced up in the mirror. 
Eddie’s pained and honest stare met mine in the reflection as he glanced over his shoulder, a war raging in his face as he pulled the door closed behind him. 
“Believe me, I’m trying.”
Part Three
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Also readers - if anyone’s looking for a slow burn Eddie x enemies to lovers, check out my Opposite Ends series (almost completed)
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Copyright ©️ 2022 P.McCann
All Rights Reserved
5K notes · View notes
ronearoundblindly · 7 months
Hideout (3.1)
touch-starved!Nomad Steve Rogers x motel employee!Reader
Sensitive Boy, part I (see previous or series)
Summary: Steve surprises you with help at the perfect time.
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Warnings for light smut (I have to split this chapter or it's just suddenly twice as long as the last, but really there's just massage and an implied orgasm in this half. You know me: too many feels and too much development...) MINORS DNI. This series is 18+ only. If you are underage or simply enjoy lighter content, there is plenty for you to read on my Light Masterlist, but this post is not for you! WC 3.2k
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With so much on your mind, scaring the crap out of you is not difficult, so his strong hands hold you upright.
“Don’t do that,” you shriek, barely glancing at Steve’s face. You startled so suddenly your housekeeping cart is left rolling away at a snail’s pace.
“Sorry, I—“ long arms abandon you and reach to stop the bin “—it said on your website you were closed for renovations, and…”
You look him up and down. You were sure after he left two months ago that you’d never see him again. You’d gone too far. You’d pushed him too hard. He wasn’t ready.
Steve adjusts the strap over his shoulder. “I thought maybe I could help out…if you want?”
The last guests checked out a half-hour ago, and you readied to spend the whole week meticulously refreshing each room with your parents. The list of what needs done, however, doesn’t only include the motel. There’s a bunch you all had let slide up at the house. Help would…be extremely helpful actually.
Steve pulls a paper bag out of his knapsack. “Or I brought you some lunch if you just want a break or something.”
“It’s okay,” you rush out. “More than okay. Thank you, yes. We’d love—I’d love that.”
No one else can know it’s him-him there though. You’ll have to think of a way to keep your parents and St-‘Grant’ as far apart as possible, and how long you can manage that is…questionable.
If Steve’s not worried though, you’re okay.
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Turns out, keeping your family up at the house is easy. Your mom shouts down the phone with relief that she can tackle the fridge, and you hear your dad mumble something about ‘the garage in daylight.’ You can enjoy a sandwich in the office with Steve in peace, explaining what all needs done before the electricians show up Friday afternoon.
The closure hasn’t been planned for a long time—not even before Steve and ‘Tom’s’ last visit—hence why you just painted Room 8, 5, 2, and 1 since March, but doing all those is how you and your parents really noticed that the light fixtures from the ‘90s were not only dated but very worn and that the same color layered over and over again for twenty years was, well, getting old.
Warmer months are better for the work. Pipes won’t freeze while you air out paint fumes, etc. The week after the gigantic, city festivities of Independence Day is notoriously dead. Since there were no reservations this stretch as of April, the family jumped at the chance to fix it all in one big, daunting go.
Saying you’d looked forward to this is a wild overstatement. You’ll be glad when it’s finished, and that’s the bulk of your excitement.
With his assistance though? Hope soars.
Steve will help you take down the sconces, the hanging lamps, and the panels above the vanities, then you both can—
“Where’s the paint?”
He’s very intense with the gameplan. Three guesses why.
“Dad’s gonna pick it up today. Probably. I’ll text him.” You whip out your cell again. “We didn’t think we’d get that far by evening.”
Steve nods.
“We also need to move all the furniture away from the walls and drape plastic to protect the carpet. Oh, and put tape along the trim and doorframes, ya know.”
Steve nods again. He wads up the wrapping from his sandwich and casually asks, “are all the doors open?”
You only just get your finger in the air to point at the desk.
“Master key is—“
But Steve is observant and has clocked everything about his surroundings each time he’s stayed, apparently. He stretches over to the wall beyond the counter, snatches the (correct) unmarked key, and heads out the door.
The service bell rings gently to emphasize the conversation is over.
All furniture in every room is pulled away by the time you finish sanitizing the one guest room he interrupted.
He asks where you keep the ladder, not that he’ll need it, but you will for reaching some of the lights.
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You don’t know whether to be in awe of or exhausted by his efficiency.
He’s rigid and militant—go figure—until these few moments he suddenly can’t be.
As you toss plastic over the last bed to move, Steve yanks that sucker across the floor so fast, you roll off. His eyes are saucers as he apologizes, but you get the giggles and pick yourself up.
His fingers can’t separate thin layers of the plastic at one point, and he throws a minor fit until three rip apart together. Steve frowns at you and grumbles that he’s only ever used cloth for this before. It seems to take everything in his power not to say “back in my day,” but you can read between the lines.
Years of crusted paint makes the removal of some fixtures tricky.
Steve rips out one stripped screw with needle nose pliers, squeaks in alarm at the hole left behind, and then quietly asks if you have patch paste.
You call your dad before he’s left to buy paint. He adds spackling to the list.
The closest Steve comes to telling you anything specifically about himself is when you struggle with a stuck bolt.
“Just a little trick I learned when I was—“ Steve wraps his big hand around yours to pull the wrench instead of push from the other direction “—smaller.” He huffs out a laugh, adding, “when I couldn’t, ya know, ‘put my weight into it’ because a feather could’a knocked me over.”
As you relish the simple contact of his fingers, you smile, too.
“Hmm. I heard you got into back alley scrapes.”
“If you heard that I won any of those, you were lied to.” He patiently waits for you to finish removing the bolt before he pries the aged metal and glass away from the old paint it’s stuck in. Steve sighs dramatically.
“Shoddy education these days…”
“I…” You tap his bicep with the claws of the wrench. “I can’t argue with that. We hear only what they tell us about…heroes.”
You should have known he’d shut down at that word, but it’s the truth. Even with him right in front of you, the only things you know about Steve Rogers are from books, newspapers, and the internet. At face value—looking directly into the face of this man—all of what you’ve been told is hogwash. It’s insufficient. It barely covers 1% of who this man is.
He teaches you tricks of the weak man’s trade because it helped him once, too. Today, he’s friendly. Not that he was unfriendly before, but Steve is so reserved he never reference the past, in general, i.e. that there was a past existence of like the planet much less him.
It’s the number one rule of Fight Club: you don’t talk about Fight Club.
If there was ever a real fight club, it’s the Avengers.
You have no official rules for what this is between you. You don’t have to to know that is the most important one. You do not talk about Fight Club. Steve isn’t afraid of silence, that much is clear, but he isn’t a fan. He tries—he is trying—to connect and relate. He can’t be a man of the people, however, if he can’t talk to the people. 
It’s important: connection. You know with every fiber of your being that Steve deserves it, but even with unlimited, super-human strength, he cannot get himself out from between this rock and that hard place.
You do not talk about Fight Club, especially when you’ve been kicked out of Fight Club.
Today, though, he’s a little different, a little softer. Perhaps it’s knowing there are no other people in the building, perhaps he is truly more comfortable with you, but either way, Steve is not flat or off-putting.
His organized persona, his focus on the work, his indirect interactions and practical touch; they all fit here while he has a project. It’s the closest he can be to his old self, maybe even his real self, without mentioning the past—the fighting past—at all.
“You’re really good company,” you tell Steve, “even when you make holes in the walls.”
He tilts his head down and blushes. He shrugs as he takes the sconce out to the dumpster. Although he didn’t say it, you hope this is okay.
Either way, you relish it. The help. The touch. The silence. All of it.
You relish Steve.
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Your dad brings by the paint, spackling, and a surprise of pizza for dinner while Steve is taping the baseboards in a corner. You introduce ‘Grant’ from afar and haul the cans and boxes from the car to the room, cataloguing all you two have finished to this point and what you’ll do before stopping for the night.
Dad is impressed. He’d suspected the three of you—you, he, and Mom, that is—might settle for slapping some paint up around where the electrician would install the new lights. No one planned on getting this far in one evening.
He won’t stand in the way of progress, so your dad simply calls out, “bit of an artist, are ya?”
Steve looks up, confident with only the side table lamps plugged in, he can barely be seen. “Just want to be useful,” he mutters.
You wink at your dad as he heads back to the still-running car. “Grant is a jack of all trades.”
You’re sure to thank him for the food and let him know all the motel stuff is completely covered for tomorrow, too. You’ll work as late as you can and start as early as possible.
Dad says your friend has gone ‘above and beyond.’ You agree wholeheartedly.
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‘Grant’ would more aptly be described as a machine.
All the furniture moved, all the lights taken down, all bordering taped, and now all blemishes in the walls smoothed, your impromptu contractor finally calls it quits when he’s forced to watch stuff dry.
You’ve kept the air conditioning going in one room.
Steve tentatively asks if he should walk you up to the house, but you counter with “it’s not any less dangerous for an average guy alone to return” and a cheeky smirk. Besides, it is very late. You let Captain OCD keep going; you tapped out a while ago.
He puts his hands on his hips, arms akimbo, thinking of a comeback that never manifests. After giving up, Steve takes his tiny bag into the bathroom and brushes his teeth.
You can faintly hear it over the murmur of the TV.
You aren’t really watching. It’s background noise to your general exhaustion.
With only a side lamp and the screen as light, Steve’s bare feet crumple over the discarded plastic sheet on the floor. He falls into one side of the bed, fully-clothed and (finally) tired.
Though productive, the day has been a distant one, working in different rooms for most of it and tiptoeing around real conversation. You want him to feel appreciated, not pressured, so you ask if he’d like the TV on for a while or would rather quiet.
Steve just grunts with his eyes closed.
Gently, you place a hand on his chest to steady you, leaning to kiss his bearded cheek.
“Thank you, Steve,” you say softly. “Good night.”
He hums when you say his name, and before you can lift your hand away, he captures it under his, holding you in place.
His eyes aren’t open. He can’t see you smile wider.
“Okay.” You tuck yourself into his chest as he raises his other arm out of the way. “Okay.”
Your ear sits in the dip beneath his collarbone, listening to his steady heart, his thumb sweeping back and forth over you knuckles.
He smushes you closer to his side. You toss your leg over his.
You forget to turn off the TV.
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He’s sanding the spackled spots by the time you wake, so you rub across his back and dismiss yourself to get breakfast up at the house.
Steve makes no effort to go with, which is fine. You assumed as much.
Your dad calls Grant a ‘magician’ over the pop of oil in the skillet and insists you give your friend whatever he needs to keep working so fast. You are only half-joking when you admit the key is staying out of his way.
Bonus: the exchange reinforces your parents simply leaving the two of you alone down the hill, and you proudly tell Steve that when delivering him an enormous plate of scrambled eggs.
He jumps right back into planning-mode and orders you to roll the first coat of paint onto large areas. He’ll follow, completing the edges and corners.
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It’s such a domestic thing to do. There is no one in danger, there are no bodies piling up if he makes a wrong move, and he can go faster or take his sweet time. Steve breaks when he wants or needs to. He sits outside and listens to the birds in the sunshine. No one is around to question him, not even you. You are only there to encourage.
You realize he was looking for a project. He’s used to—and likes—being busy, getting his hands dirty, producing results.
It’s a long, messy day where he becomes more serene in spirit the more intensely he works. You reward him with gentle sweeps of your hand down his arms, pats on his shoulders, and brushes at the small of his back.
Despite the almost constant movement, the day is over before you know it, earlier than yesterday, but it’s too hot to go on.
All the windows stay open to air out the fumes.
Though it won’t stop you from sweating, you both shower off as many splatters and flecks of paint as you can. You insist he goes first so there’s plenty of hot water.
He’s sitting on the bed, shirtless, checking his phone when you come out of the bathroom, but he immediately squirrel the device away in his small bag. Not much to carry around. Not much to leave behind. Steve can’t leave a trace of himself anywhere.
Hunched over and fatigued, he flashes a polite smile your way and blinks heavily.
He deserves the world.
You grab the small bottle of lotion from the countertop and playfully jump onto the bed behind him.
“How about a massage, yeah? You much be aching.”
Honestly, you don’t mean for it to sound sexual, but the phrase comes out downright dirty, making Steve awkwardly chuckle.
“You don’t have to,” he placates.
“Nonsense, I want to. It’ll make the air feel cooler.” That’s as good of an excuse as any. Who cares when the rippled expanse of his back flexes wildly in your touch?
His breathes are audible from the beginning.
You dig at his traps, his leg bouncing as he tries to relax. You use your thumbs, the flats of your hands, and your knuckles.
He shoves his fist in his mouth when he starts to moan, covering the move with a cough, but muffling the noise is abandoned in favor of clasping over his lap. He’s intent on hiding his hardness this time. There’s nothing you can say to truly lessen the sting of needing more. You can’t simply tell him he’s allowed to desire this; you have to ignore his misplaced shame.
But you can take pity on him.
“If you lie flat—“ you step off the bed to give him privacy “—I’ll have more leverage.”
You hear him crawl and adjust on the sheets. “Unlike the torque on a wrench,” you add, just to show you’ve been listening to him.
More lotion is needed for the surface area.
You turn up the TV, feining interest in the late night show so any noise he makes is not as obvious. What the speakers can’t cover, however, is Steve’s involuntary thrusts when you rub the heels of you palms up and down the sides of his spine. If you prop up on your knees, he has more range of motion and doesn’t obviously rock you while mindlessly humping the bed.
His sweats are slung low on his hips, two darts of muscle prominent above his ass.
They are irresistible, the perfect grooves to target and roll into, and he immediately mewls long and deep into the mattress, fingers curling and relaxing while his body seizes.
He hasn’t even finished coming, you think, before he taps at your leg and races to the bathroom.
You hope you didn’t push too far. You hope he’d tell you to stop if he needs more space, more time. Mostly, you hope he knows you’d give him every conceivable pleasure, just because he is him.
The water runs a long time, continuous splashing in the sink, and then nothing.
He didn’t bring much because he doesn’t have much. Your heart sinks, realizing you’ve made him soil one of only two pairs of pants he has here.
He cracks open the door, muttering, but you can’t make out the words.
You turn the volume back down. “What?”
“It pretty hot.” He clears his throat. “Would you mind if I sleep…without…?”
“Naked?” you squeak before composing yourself. “That’s fine. Whatever’s comfortable.”
You shuffle up the bed to click off the lamps. This man isn’t the type to strut around in the nude—yet, anyway—so in the faint and ever-shifting glow of the screen across the room very little can be seen.
‘Little,’ however, can’t describe anything that is visible about the man emerging from the bathroom.
You have to make a point not to stare, but no skit or commercial on the channel promises the same level of entertainment.
Steve slides himself beneath the sheet, sitting near the headboard.
You hold up the remote. “On or off?”
“Off,” he says, “please.”
You’ve certainly done enough for one day. You won’t push your luck, so you hit the power button, toss it on table, and snuggle into your half of the bed, facing away.
“If it’s too hot for any covers, that’s okay, too.”
A rustling interrupts the rhythmic whir of crickets in the night until you feel a warm hand lightly mold to your waist.
This should be encouraged. This should be rewarded.
“Hey, Stevie,” you whisper, waiting for his hum, “happy belated birthday.”
At most you expect a grip of notice, but instead, the big hand snakes across you and hauls you into his chest, his long legs bending to match the crook of yours, his nose and forehead tucked against your occipital.
“We did okay today,” Steve mumbles into your shirt.
You walk your hand over your stomach to find his, lacing the fingers together. “Yes. Yes, we did.”
Steve got to be useful today. He had a partner today. He will tomorrow and the day after, for as long as he stays, for as long as you’re alive. Nothing can change that.
Maybe he can’t talk about Fight Club, but he connects with you anyway.
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A/N: Whoopsy. Didn't want to make y'all wait for a 6k+ chapter, so here's the first half! I am DEEP in the feels of this one. So, so many notes have been taken. The brainrot is real, and I fucking love it!!!!
[Next: Sensitive Boy, part II]
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn @rogersbarber @spectre-posts @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @fallinallinmendes @deandreamernp @im-a-slut-for-fluff @fangirl-swagg @georgeweaslysgirl @austynparksandpizza  @claireelizabeth85 @jamneuromain @rach2602 @royalwritersoftheuniverses @shelbygeek @rogersideup @eyebagsanonymous @trudy-shams @saranghaey @awkwardgiraffe726 @marvelmenwhore @happinessinthebeing @before-we-get-started @sjsmith56 @esposadomd @cjand10 @yearningforsappho @mrsevans90
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mrsjellymunson · 2 months
🌸🌼 One Fine Day 🌼🌸
Adapted from this ask from @celestialbat for the @steddiemicrofic June 1-year anniversary prompt, ‘one’. WC: 1,111. Rating: G. CW: tooth-rotting fluff, romance, flirting, mentions of food (no actual eating) and Eddie’s difficult childhood (not detailed).
Before today, Eddie never would’ve believed that one day could mean so much.
He and Steve haven’t been together long, and haven't really even gone on a proper ‘date’. But Eddie’s decided: today's the day.
He’s not usually one for cuteness and grand romantic gestures - he’d usually take someone to The Hideout, or spend time in his van out by Lover’s Lake. Not because he doesn’t want to, more because he doesn’t know how to, and prefers to keep things simple rather than run the risk of embarrassing himself.
But with Steve, everything’s different.
Before Steve, he reckons he wouldn’t’ve known how to be romantic if his life had depended on it. But now, he’s finding he loves to do things to make Steve laugh, to make him blush, even just to make him smile, and he doesn’t even care if he makes himself look like an idiot while he does it.
So today, he’s packed up as much of a romantic picnic as he can manage. He’s borrowed a basket and cooler from Robin, along with some tips on what to pack, after he admitted he was just going to get Twinkies, chips and Mountain Dew from Melvald’s. She’s even let him raid her fridge for a few things.
He’s shaken out the blankets from the back of his van, and has borrowed a few pillows from the trailer, so they’ll both have something comfortable to sit on. He’s brought camping plates and cutlery, usually reserved for Wayne’s fishing trips, so Steve doesn’t have to pick things out of packets like Eddie usually would, and purchased some of Steve’s favourite name-brand soda (rather than the store equivalent). He’s discovered he and Wayne don’t own napkins, so he’s Origami-ed some kitchen paper into bird-like shapes so they stand up on their own - fancy.
Steve assumes Eddie’s just taking the pair of them to the local park, perhaps picking something up from Benny’s on the way, but Eddie surprises him, swinging the van along one of the exit roads to a ‘secret spot’ outside of town.
It’s down a quiet lane, a pretty meadow filled with tall grass and wildflowers. And it’s beautiful.
Eddie doesn’t mention that he used to come here with his mom. It’s not far from the house they used to live in, and she’d bring him here when things got really bad with Al. Sometimes they’d even camp out under the stars. It was one place where Eddie felt safe.
Maybe he’ll tell Steve about it one day.
He grabs Steve’s hand and unnecessarily helps him down from the cab with a gallant, “This way, sweetheart”, and insists on carrying everything himself, even though Steve offers to help. (And, as Steve suspected he would, he almost trips twice.)
Eddie chooses a patch that’s more grass than flowers, explaining to Steve that, “I don’t want to hurt them”, and lays everything out on the well-loved blanket.
Steve can’t believe he’s gone to all this effort. There’s cold meats and cheeses, small tomatoes, carrot batons, berries, nuts, apple slices and a few grapes. And because Eddie can’t forego the snack food, there’s also pretzels, breadsticks and, yes, chips.
Steve thinks it’s wonderful; thinks Eddie’s wonderful. And the two of them spend an idyllic afternoon snacking and chatting and laughing and playing with each other’s fingers and tracing their fingertips up and down each other’s arms.
Steve asks about Eddie’s tattoos, and Eddie enjoys telling Steve the stories behind them. He makes up outrageous tales about the creatures and how they fought for their places on his human canvas, occasionally lifting his shirt and enjoying the way Steve’s eyes glitter as they roam his torso.
Once most of the food is gone, Steve helps Eddie to pack away the leftovers and encourages him to lie down, insisting he deserves a rest after all he’s done today.
Eddie smiles softly at him, and says he will, but,
“Only if I can choose the best pillow in the state.”
Confused, Steve glances around at the worn cushions brought from the trailer, and Eddie smirks as he drops down onto his elbows and wriggles backwards to place his messy mop into Steve’s lap. He moves his head back and forth a couple of times, settling, humming to himself, mumbling,
“Mmmm, definitely the best pillow in the state. Wait, the country! No, I’m so stupid, of course I mean the whole entire world!”
Steve chuckles down at him and the corners of his honeyed eyes crinkle as Eddie peeps up with those coffee coloured pools Steve adores so much.
Steve enjoys the weight and warmth of Eddie resting against him, and runs his fingers through Eddie’s bangs. They talk about everything and nothing, and Eddie begins to doze in the afternoon sun. He stirs a little as Steve periodically leans to one side, but thinks nothing of it.
He rouses as he feels Steve playing with his hair again, and thinks he might just be in paradise. Surely, there’s no earthly reason why the two of them couldn’t stay like this forever?
But then something unfamiliar tickles his cheek, and he opens one eye to see Steve leaning over him, examining a small yellow flower with a long stem before cocking his head sideways and appraising Eddie, squinting a little.
Placing it carefully into Eddie’s hair between an orange and red bloom, and just above a tiny purple one, Eddie sees the tip of Steve’s tongue emerge from between his teeth as he adjusts it before leaning back and admiring his handiwork.
Eddie brings a hand gently up to his hairline, careful not to dislodge anything, and discovers he has quite an array of blooms adorning his waves.
Steve reaches into his bag and pulls out his Polaroid camera, wanting to capture Eddie’s beautiful visage. Taking a couple of snaps, he places them face down on the blanket to develop as Eddie gleefully makes grabby hands, wanting to take one of his own. He hadn’t realised Steve had brought it, and he’s not missing this opportunity.
Steve won’t know it, but the sun that’s dipping low behind him is giving him a glorious golden halo that Eddie thinks makes him look like an ethereal, heavenly being. If he can capture even a tenth of that in a photo, he thinks he’ll keep it close to his heart forever.
Eddie’s convinced this is definitely the best picnic, and possibly the best afternoon, of his life. He wonders whether Steve feels the same.
Before today, Eddie never would’ve believed how much romance he actually had in him, or that one day could mean so much.
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Thanks so much for reading!!
My masterlist
Tagging my general list (open): @joejoequinnquinn @jamdoughnutmagician @guiltyasquinn @madaboutmunson @airen256 @sunshinepeachx @the-unforgivenn @skrzydlak @comeonatmebruh @jamiecb66 @80s-addict @abellmunsonmovie @definitionwanderlust @sheneedsrocknroll92 @munson-blurbs @wonderlanddreamer @daisy-munson @maedesculpaeusoubi @kurdtbean
Reblogging divider by @strangergraphics 💚💚
And how could I possibly pass up yet another opportunity to reshare this beautiful and rather gloriously appropriate piece of art by @themultiverseofmars 😉😘 YES I AM OBSESSED, WHAT OF IT HUH? HUH??
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105 notes · View notes
hellfirenacht · 1 month
Wing Man 15
Fic Summary: Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
Chapter Summary: Everyone prepares for take off. The final chapter.
8.5k words
(Master List 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14)
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“So, do you want the good news or the bad news first?” 
Paige’s voice was professional over the phone, but that didn’t stop Eddie’s stomach from dropping at the question. It had been about a month since the audition, and even though Paige had said that she would get back to Eddie with an offer, the stretch of time had made everyone nervous. Corroded Coffin had been left hanging, wondering if this had been too good to be true. 
“Bad news first.” Eddie said, rubbing his forehead. 
“WR Records interfered, and they need more from you than the audition.” Paige sighed. “They remember you flaking out a few years ago and they want proof that you aren’t just going to turn tail and run.”
“I’m not!” Eddie protested. “I mean- we’re not! And I didn’t in the first place I just...”
“They don’t care why you didn’t come last time.” Paige continued. “You didn’t show up after I had stuck my neck out for you and that’s why we’re in this position to begin with.”
Eddie didn’t need the reminder. “So, what do they need? Do they want us to go to LA? It was hard enough getting everyone to go to Live Mike-”
“No, they don’t want you all in L.A. Not yet anyway.” Eddie could hear the exasperation in her voice, and he didn’t know if it was at him or the situation. 
“So what-?”
“They want to see your stage presence. More than in just the audition tape we used. They want you to put on a show. A real one.”
“I take it that means that the Hideout doesn’t count?” Eddie asked. 
“They want to see fans, Eddie.” she explained. “They want to see Corroded Coffin with the real target demographic. Not just a handful of drunks wincing at your latest cover of Paranoia.”
He knew she was right, even if it did suck. When it came to fans, you were the only real one that they had at the moment that would fit the description of what WR was asking for. How the hell were they supposed to suddenly find people to support them, let alone like them? 
“It’s not going to be easy, but it’s not impossible.” Paige said. “You just need to put on a good enough show that they’ll sign off on you with Left Turn.”
“Why does this feel like a punishment?”
“Because it is.”
“It’s not a lost cause.” She continued. “They didn’t exactly give us a time limit on this, especially since we’re still setting up shop in Indiana. Everything is ahead of schedule and we’ll have everything set up by late May or early June.”
“So we just have to prove ourselves by Summer and we’re in?” 
“Plenty of time for you to find some fans.” Page laughed. 
“Yeah, finding fans in a town that thinks I’m a satanic cult leader. My fate rests in the hands of people who’d rather run me out with pitchforks than touch a die with more than six sides.” Eddie began lightly smacking his forehead against the refrigerator. “Sounds easy.”
“You’ll figure it out. Besides, there is good news to incentivise you.” 
“When we get the green light from WR, Left Turn is willing to offer you a two record deal.”
Eddie froze with his forehead pressed against the cool exterior of the fridge for the moment. “Wait,” his head snapped up and he pulled the receiver away from his ear to stare at it, wanting to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. “Are you joking?”
“I don’t joke about business.” Her tone was serious. “We discussed it, and we really think Corroded Coffin is going to be the breakout band that gives Left Turn what it needs to no longer be the place where second rate bands play third rate songs for passive income for WR. We want you, Eddie. You all have something special.” 
Special. The only time he had been called that was when the jocks called him Special Ed after he showed up for his fifth year of high school. Shit, who was he kidding, they called him that even before then. 
“Two records?” Eddie repeated. Did they even have enough songs for that? Corroded Coffin had maybe five original songs, and at least two of them were incomplete.
“It'll be easier to go over the details with everyone in person. But the long and short of it is that if you can pull off a halfway decent show for the label, you’re in. And, okay, I know I said that they didn’t give us a time limit but we’d really prefer to start giving you all studio time next summer.” 
“Wow that’s...” An eternity away? Too soon to even conceive? The most exciting and terrifying thing to happen to Eddie Munson, outside of stealing weed from a reefer truck and being in a shootout when he was eighteen? 
“The best deal you can hope to get.” Paige finished his sentence for him. “Trust me, we are bending and breaking a lot of rules for you, Eddie. Most bands would kill for this kind of deal that we’re offering you.”
He believed it, because it seemed like every time Paige came to him with any kind of news about his band he felt like he stepped into an alternate universe.
“So do a show, get fans, and get signed.” It was a three step plan that would work in theory, and Eddie had created campaigns and encounters on flimsier ideas. Then again, right now he wondered if fighting a litch would be easier than getting people in this town to like him. 
“We’ll talk more about this later. I’m heading back to California tomorrow but I’ll be back in a few weeks for the holidays and we can talk business then. Give the boys the good news and start working on a plan for your show.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
“Good night, Eddie.” 
“‘Night, Paige.”
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Winter passed in a blur of slush and snow and dreary days, while you found your life suddenly filled with more warmth and light than you had ever expected. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, all came and went with Eddie. You got to know his uncle Wayne, and Eddie spent his weekends more often than not at your apartment, watching movies, listening to his tales from school, and discussing his band. 
In January, you found yourself sneaking into Hawkins high on occasion to join Hellfire. You didn’t want to risk coming every single week, but when Eddie needed a sub, or when he said that he would be running a one shot, you were there. He had spent a night at your place helping you create a character, and you had admittedly gone overboard and ended up coming to the sessions with a new character each time because you had so much fun making them. You weren’t always clear on the rules, but you had enthusiasm and that counted for more in Eddie’s book, even if he had killed two of your characters.
In February he surprised you for Valentine’s day by playing you a song that he swore up and down he only tolerated because you liked it. In a card he bought was a paper heart that he had folded himself and had doodled hearts and skulls on. 
“It’s not as good as what you make, but you always show interest in my stuff, so...” Eddie had just shrugged. 
That was the first time you said ‘I love you.’ to Eddie Munson. 
His brown eyes had gone wide, and he had stared at you in surprise at those words. He didn’t say it back, not then. You didn’t need him to. You knew how you felt about him, and by the look in his eyes, you had an idea that he wouldn’t be far behind. 
Eddie had kissed you in response, and you don’t think that the two of you stopped kissing until you had to force yourself to pull away to give him his gift; a mix tape of both of your favorite songs and a tape recorder so that he could keep better record of all of the music he was trying to make. 
It wasn’t the world, it wasn’t a stage, or a record deal, but it was from you. 
You found that dating Eddie was easier in March and April. Spring had come and there was a lot more that you could do together outside of your apartment. The two of you fell into Lover’s Lake a handful of times, courtesy of Rick lending Eddie his boat and the two of you having horrible coordination. One weekend, the two of you drove past the old theater, and found it to now be fully closed and under some sort of construction as a radio tower was put on top of the building. 
Fine, good riddance. 
You remained Corroded Coffin’s number one fan, and had dragged Steve and Robin to the Hideout to watch them whenever you could. You tried to get other people to go see them play, and put up fliers for the band on the days where Keith wasn’t around. On the odd occasion you had seen a new face at the Hideout, but no one had stuck around for more than one set. 
Eddie was getting discouraged by the time May came around, and it was breaking your heart. He was putting everything into this band, and even though the past few months they had worked so hard on new music, they weren’t able to find that spark that would get people talking about them. As much as he believed in this band, in their music, it wouldn’t matter if this town wouldn’t give him a fucking chance. 
You... were not doing much better. Actually, if you were being completely honest with yourself, outside of spending time with Eddie and his friends and the occasional movie night with Robin and Steve, you were feeling more lost than ever. 
What was it about finding yourself, that made you feel even more out of place? With Eddie you could breathe, so why did it feel like in every other aspect of your life you were treading water?
Because all of those stupid rom coms that you had watched also lied to you. Turns out that by getting a man, it didn’t magically fix anything wrong in your life. Not that it had ever been his job to fix you, nor was that your intention but still. 
With Rocky Horror long gone, you had tried to focus your efforts on Corroded Coffin instead. It wasn’t the same. The harder you saw your boyfriend working towards his passions, the more you realized that you had no idea what the fuck you were doing with your life.
Being the assistant manager, who did more work than the actual manager sucked. You were pulling in so many hours with little to no reward. You nearly hit a breaking point when Keith tried to change your schedule so that you had to work on Tuesdays, and even though your day had remained intact, you still felt like you had lost somehow. 
Time spent with Eddie was the only time you didn’t feel stuck at work. Even when you were hanging out with Steve and Robin, all they seemed to be able to talk about was work or Steve’s dating life, or whatever movie was on. 
Everything came to a head one afternoon in May. It was Saturday, the busiest day of the week and you were staring at the door to your apartment with dread. Outside was the perfect day, finally warm enough to wear whatever you want without it being too hot or too cold. 
And yet, you felt clammy all over, you felt frozen in place staring at the door. You could already hear customers complaining about movies, Keith blowing off any responsibility, and-
“I’m sick.” you said bluntly into the receiver.”I’m not coming in.” 
You didn’t give Keith a chance to respond before hanging up and unplugging the phone. 
The drive to Gareth’s neighborhood was a blur and you pulled up behind Eddie’s van. You sat there for a moment before forcing yourself out of the car and walked over to the garage. 
The few times you were able to swing by during practice, it was usually a cacophony of music that echoed down the street, but not this time. You heard Eddie’s voice before you saw him with the band, they were all standing around and Eddie had his arms crossed. 
Zack was the first to notice you and gave you a wave, and you waved back. Eddie turned around and you saw the way his face relaxed as you approached. His arm wrapped around your shoulders and kissed your forehead. 
“Thought you had work today.” Eddie said. 
“I...” you shook your head. “I don’t even want to talk about work right now. What’s going on over here?”
“Oh, we’re fucked.” Gareth shrugged, spinning his sticks. 
“We aren’t fucked.” Eddie snapped. 
“I don’t know man, we seem kind of fucked.” Jeff sighed. 
“Fucked like a cheap whore.” Zack added. 
“Stop!” Eddie snapped, his eyes narrowing at his band. He removed his arm from around you and crossed his arms. “We aren’t fucked until I say we’re fucked.” 
“...Fucked.” you said, and everyone looked at you. “....I felt left out.” 
Eddie sighed from deep in his soul. “We have no venue, and no steady following except for you.” 
Ah, this again. You had been hearing about this problem for the better part of four months now. You honestly didn’t know what WR Records expected from a bunch of high schoolers with no money and no idea how to put on a show. You’d been here for this conversation so many times that you could practically recite everyone’s responses. 
“Let’s just... everyone take five. I need a smoke.” Eddie said. 
“Take it to the street, mom is gonna kill me if she finds another one of your butts on the lawn.” Gareth said. 
“Right, right.” Eddie grabbed your hand and led you to the side of his van as he pulled out his cigarettes. 
“Still no idea about a show?” you asked, leaning against his van. 
“Not a clue.” Eddie took a long drag of his cigarette and exhaled. “But it’s nothing you haven’t heard a thousand times over at this point.” 
“I’m surprised that you haven’t used the frustration to write any new songs.” 
“It’s hard to fight demons when they won’t even give you a battlefield.” He gave a subtle laugh. “At this point I’d rather be fighting a real demon.” Despite his smile, you saw the stress in his eyes, and that worried you. 
“How would you even do that?” you asked. “Baseball bat with nails? Molotov cocktail? The power of friendship?” 
“Obviously through the power of metal. I’d play a guitar solo so sick that a demon’s head would explode.” 
“Effective.” You nodded. 
“So... why aren’t you at work?” Eddie asked, flicking his cigarette. You watched as the ashes fell to the ground and disappeared on the tar of the street. “It’s not like you to play hooky. Am I really that bad of an influence on you?”
“It’s not important-”
“Please.” Eddie turned to you and looked into your eyes. Sometimes you hated how intense his eyes could be, it was like he could see straight through you. “I’m so sick of hearing about my own shit. What’s going on, Sweetheart?”
Your gaze tilted up to the sky, it was a perfect shade of blue that you’d only see in photo books or inspirational posters in a library. “I... am so sick of feeling stuck.” you started, and from there a dam burst. “I’m sick of being at work, I’m sick of Family Video. I’m so tired of just waking up and going to work and coming home, just to turn around and go back to work. Keith is making my job so fucking difficult, I don’t even get to be on shift with Steve and Robin for more than maybe two or three hours a week, and if I have to hear one more person complain about movie ratings I might actually throw up.” Eddie reached out and rubbed your back. “I just... everyone else has something they can do. Steve does sports, you’re about to record an album, Robin knows like, 5 languages, and I’m...”
You didn’t want to finish that sentence. You didn’t know how to finish that sentence. 
“I want to quit.” you admitted. “I wish I could just quit and throw caution to the wind and give some sort of big dramatic speech about sticking it to the man and running off into the sunset. But I can’t.” 
“That’s bullshit.” Eddie said, finishing off his cigarette and crushing it under his worn sneaker. There was a small hole in the side of the shoe, threatening to expose his sock which probably also had a hole in it. “You’re smart, you should be able to get any job in town.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, and I know you’re right and that sucks.” You leaned your head on his shoulder. “I want to leave, but I feel stuck, and I feel stuck because I won’t leave. It’s a vicious cycle.” 
“Says the girl who kept showing up to my shows after I blew her off at the arcade.” Eddie nudged you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders again. “You had no problem going after what you wanted back then.”
“I knew what I wanted back then.” you looked up at him. “You were an easy choice, Eddie. Right now, I just know what I don’t want.”
There was a look in his eyes that was hard to read. Eddie was always a bit of an enigma, even after almost six months of dating. He was so expressive, and it was usually so easy to tell how he was feeling at a glance but there were moments like this, where he’d look at you with that distant expression and you couldn’t help but wonder what he was really thinking. 
“And what don’t you want...?” Eddie asked. 
“I don’t want to feel stuck, and I don’t want to hear people complain about movies ever again.” you said firmly. 
HIs expression continued to be unreadable and he looked down at the smashed cigarette butt by his feet. “You know... if this doesn’t- I mean if we can’t get our shit together to do this deal then we might be stuck.” 
“I’m just saying that I get it if you signed up to be with some big time musician. If this falls through, I don’t want you to be stuck with more than just your job.”
“Eddie.” You said again, sharply. “I liked you that first night at the arcade when you blew me off, I liked you the night I first saw you play, and I like you now because you’re you, Eddie. Of all the things I’m stuck with, you are the thing I choose to be stuck with. Everything else in my life might range from mediocre to shitty, but you are the one thing I’m sure about right now.”
“Are you sure?” Eddie asked. 
You grinned wickedly at him. “I’m not stuck with you, you’re stuck with me.” Your arms wrapped around his waist tightly. “Sorry, no refunds. I’m not going anywhere.” 
“You are a brave woman.” He said. 
“Not brave enough, apparently.” You leaned against his chest and sighed. “Bleh.”
“Are you two done making out yet?” Jeff’s voice carried over, and you remembered that you had technically crashed their rehearsal. “We want to at least play something before Gareth’s mom runs us off.” 
“Eddie’s putting his pants back on!” you called back, resulting in a mix of laughter and groans. “Looks like the show must go on.” 
The two of you made your way back to the driveway, and Eddie went for his guitar. You took a seat on the driveway, feeling the warm, rough concrete against your palms. 
You watched them take off and fly, the same way you had seen over and over again. Despite their frustration with the lack of venue, they lost themselves in the music, using it as a way to battle the demons in their own heads. 
You wished you could feel that way too. To be able to feel that power inside of yourself and just let go and lose yourself in the moment. Your eyes closed and you leaned back, tilting your head towards the sky. In your mind, you visualized your own world with their music, one where fighting demons was easy, and that any problem could be solved with some sort of sick solo. 
Your mind drifted, as you imagined demons taking over Family Video, and you and Eddie fighting them off while the store was being destroyed. That was a nice thought. There wouldn’t be a lot of room in the store though, it’d be better to take the high ground, maybe fight on top of the strip mall? Once the plaza was thoroughly destroyed in your mind, you moved the battle elsewhere; the old movie theater. 
No, you still cared for the old theater. But you did still have it out for one Chris Morrison. You could imagine him with his horrid toe colored hair as some sort of ugly demon and kicking him in the nuts again, only this time in your mind it came with a satisfying pop sound. He’d never be able to harass any women ever again. 
You let Corroded Coffin’s music be the catharsis needed after a long and stressful winter. As they played you imagined beating the shit out of every grievance you’ve ever had, and some that weren’t even yours. Eddie’s voice carried such weight as he sang about a demon who had demanded that he drop his weapons and tried to banish him-  
The idea struck you like lightning, and charged every single nerve ending in your body. You felt the hair on your neck stand up and your body prickle with goosebumps as your eyes snapped open. 
Oh, shit. This was going to be a bad idea. A brilliant idea, but probably a bad one. One that might get you all in trouble.
But it was so stupid, it might actually work. 
Eddie’s eyes met yours and he must have seen something in the way you were staring so intensely at him. He motioned for the band to stop after the song they were playing. 
“You’re glaring a hole in my head, sweetheart.” He said. “Was it that bad?”
You shook your head. “I have an idea for your show. It’s stupid, and could get all of us in trouble and might be illegal. I can’t say for sure.” 
Eddie stared at you, looking slightly worried. “Care to share with the class what you’re thinking?” 
“Can’t be worse than some of the schemes we’ve come up with.” Jeff said. 
Eddie helped you stand up, and you told them exactly what you were thinking, and how it would be stupid and reckless but that you had an idea about getting an audience, and a large one at that. 
They were all quiet as they listened and thought about what you were saying. “That’s... jesus, you’d really help us do that?”
“Do you think you can pull it off?” you asked. “Don’t worry about me. What do you all think?” 
The boys looked at each other, and you could feel the air crackling with excitement. 
“You’re right, it’s a stupid plan.” Jeff said. “But...”
“Mom would actually murder me.” Gareth said, but despite his words, there was a wicked grin on his face. 
“We’re so fucked.” Zack muttered under his breath. 
You looked at Eddie. Eddie looked at you. “Well?” 
Eddie’s frown slowly moved up into a grin. “That’s pretty risky. You sure you want to do this?”
“It’s easy to go for something when you know what you want.” You grinned back. 
The rest of the day was spent hammering out all of the details of this plan. For the first time since your audition for Rocky Horror so many months ago you felt excited, like you were really a part of something. You felt... real. 
Eddie’s excitement over this plan didn’t wane for the rest of the day. He followed you back to your apartment after rehearsal, and decided that actions spoke louder than words to show his gratitude towards you. 
The sun was just starting to set and Eddie was sleeping on your chest now. Your fingers were running through his hair as he clung to your naked form, while you stared at the ceiling. In a bit you’d probably wake him up for dinner, but for now your mind raced and went over the plan over and over again. The rational part of you was screaming that this would be a bad idea, but when you glanced down at Eddie, and remembered how he looked when he was with his band, all doubts went away. 
If you could do one thing right, it would be this. 
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You arrived at the Munson trailer far earlier than you’d like to help Eddie get ready for graduation. Eddie had spent the morning with you sitting on his bed and him taking off and putting on every single shirt he owned. Normally you wouldn’t mind seeing him constantly removing his shirt, but this wasn’t the time. Eventually you had to step in and hand him his Hellfire Club shirt. 
“This is your legacy, Eddie.” you said. “This is what you’re wearing today.”
Eddie’s curls were being especially unruly after he’d showered last night and slept in wet hair. You pulled his hair back into a low ponytail to try and get his graduation cap to stay on, but he hated how it looked. He shook his hair free and you opted to use some bobby pins you had laying in the bottom of your bag instead to keep it on. 
Eddie needed to be at the school early, and you rode along with him with the promise you’d save Wayne’s seat. Your boyfriend was practically bouncing in his seat as he drove to the school and parked. The two of you went over the plan one more time, and you both adjusted the walkie-talkies that the two of you had borrowed from the freshmen. 
You walked with Eddie to the auditorium where graduates were being told to meet up. 
“You got this, Eddie.” you said, squeezing his hands. “No matter what happens today, I’m proud of you, okay?”
He leaned in and gave you a kiss, the tassel from his cap hitting your face as your lips met. “I don’t think I could have pulled this off without you.”
“I know you could have.” you said. 
“Maybe, but it’s a hell of a lot better with you helping out.” Eddie hugged you and kissed your forehead. “I’ll see you on the other side, mk? In two hours, you can officially say that you are no longer dating a high schooler.”
“Oh good, because I was getting worried that at some point I was going to be put on a list.” you snorted. “Knock ‘em dead, Eddie.” 
“Trust me, that’s the plan.” He said before disappearing into the auditorium. 
With that, you made your way to the football field where the actual ceremony was being held while the graduates did one last practice run in the school. You made your way to the bleachers and made your way to the very top, near the announcers booth and set your bag down next to you. 
People filed in steady for the next while. In the front row of the bleachers, you saw Steve and waved to him. The freshmen were all gathered in a group a few rows over, and the rest of Corroded Coffin wasn’t too far from them. You kept scanning the crowd diligently before spotting a girl with short dark hair chatting with a few members of the baseball team. Perfect. 
Wayne showed up about a half hour later, as the stands were starting to fill up with people. He stopped to speak to a woman you had seen around the trailer park the few times you had visited, as well as the tall woman next to her. You moved your bag as he took a seat next to you, and he looked over the field. 
“You know, I never did make it to any football games in my day.” he said. “Too noisy.”
“I went to a few, but mostly stayed because of my friends and the snacks.” you replied. In the months that you had been dating Eddie, you had gotten to know his uncle fairly well. He was a quiet man, a bit stoic, but surprisingly easy to get along with. You had a soft spot for his dry sense of humor as well. 
“Didn’t think I’d ever come to one of these.” Wayne continued. “I always had hope though.”
You had a feeling that he wasn’t talking about football anymore. 
“He worked hard.” you said. “He really wanted it this year.” 
“Well, he finally had some motivation to finish this year.” Wayne pulled a cigarette from his pocket. 
“Yeah, the promise of a record deal will do that.” Behind you, people were going into the speaker booth and started playing some filler music before the ceremony started. You took a second to look up, confirming that things were in place. 
“I ain’t talking about that.” He shook his head and looked over at you. “My boy isn’t exactly the best at expressing himself, but it was more than just his band that gave him that final push.”
You felt your cheeks warm up and you shook your head. “I didn’t do anything.”
“You did more’n you think.” he continued. “He used to only talk about his band and his games. He never did talk much about the future, always avoided it. Eddie talks about it now, and he can’t say more than two sentences without including you in it.”
Eddie thought about a future with you? He talked about you in the future tense with his uncle? The idea made you feel flustered more than you cared to admit. 
“I’m glad he’s with you.” Wayne concluded. “You’re a good influence on him.”
The music to cue the ceremony started, which was a blessing as you had no idea how to respond to that. Did Eddie really see a future with you...?
Everyone in the bleachers started cheering as the graduates in a sea of Tiger’s green made their way to the field and took their seats in the folding chairs. The next thirty minutes were filled with boring speeches by the faculty as they all stroked their own egos about how amazing the school was and how good of a job they did at teaching the students. 
As you watched, you saw someone in the seats move from one row to the row in front. A few minutes later, they did it again, moving down the row this time. 
“What the hell is that boy doing?” Wayne said, realizing before you that it was, in fact, Eddie, who was seat hopping from the back row. 
It was the strangest game of Frogger that you had ever witnessed as your boyfriend moved from seat to seat for the next ten minutes before finally settling in the third row and not moving from then on. 
“What do you think that was about?” you asked, but Wayne just shrugged. 
After what felt like an eternity, it was finally time for the graduates to walk the stage. You politely cheered for most of them, but you were here for one person only. 
Okay, fine, two people. You hadn’t forgotten that Robin was also graduating. But you knew it your heart that right now you were here for- 
“Eddie Munson.” Anyone with ears could hear the waiver of disdain in Higgin’s voice as he called out the name. You had never heard his name said with such contempt.
The cheers for Eddie were noticeably quieter than any graduate from the general crowd. You decided that it wasn’t a bad thing as you and the rest of Hellfire cheered and screamed loudly for him. You were shameless, hollering and clapping as Eddie strode across the stage as if he owned the place and stopped in front of the principal. 
True to his word, Eddie snatched the rolled up piece of paper out of the older man’s hand and everyone in the bleachers gasped and laughed as Eddie flipped him off. He then turned to the audience and, in true Eddie fashion, threw up his fingers like devil horns and hissed before cackling like a mad man and running off the stage. 
You stood up and asked Wayne to watch your things as you quickly made your way down the bleachers, meeting him behind them. You threw your arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. 
“Congratulations, Eddie.” you said as he hugged you tightly, 
“If you hadn’t helped me study, I might not have made it.” he admitted. 
“You could have.” you said. “Also, what the fuck were you doing down there?”
“Jocks cut me off in line, and I had to find a way to get to my assigned seat.” Eddie took off his cap and gown and you took the items and folded them up carefully. “Now, are you ready for the most metal concert that Hawkin’s High school has ever seen?” 
“Everything is all set up and ready to go.” you said. “Wait for the signal. I’ve already gotten the all clear that it would just take a flip of the switch and everything will swap over” 
Eddie’s smile lit up his face, excitement radiating off of him now. “Let’s do this.” he handed you his diploma and you expected him to run off to get in position for the plan, but instead he stayed still for a moment just staring at you. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked. “Don’t tell me you’re getting stage fright now.”
His hand wrapped around the back of your neck and he pulled you into a deep kiss. You barely understood what he was doing, but you kissed him back on reflex. You reached up and grabbed his shirt, holding onto him. You had never thought you were the type to make out with someone under the bleachers, but it seemed there was a first time for everything.
“I love you.” he said quickly. “I’ll see you after the show.”
That was when he turned tail and ran off, leaving you dazed and stunned at his drive-by confession. 
I love you. 
Those three words echoed in your head as you were left speechless and frozen in place. 
Oh.. that prick. He thinks that he can just drop that on you and then run away?!
He can and that’s the worst part. You would have to kick his ass and kiss him senseless later. For now, there was still a job to do. 
Eddie’s kiss haunted your lips as you made your way back up the bleachers and set his items down next to Wayne. 
“What is this?” he asked, frowning at you. 
“So, I don’t have any time to explain.” you said. “And you are about to take back everything you said about me being a good influence.” 
Wayne’s frown only deepened, but Higgins was now shaking hands with the last student on stage. You turned and made your way to the announcement booth where Dustin was waiting for you by the door.
“Ready to do something stupid and reckless that’ll get us into every sort of trouble ever?” you asked. 
“Is that a hypothetical question?” he smiled at you and the two of you made your way into the booth. 
Being friends with Steve meant that you were friends with Dustin, Mike, and Lucas. By knowing the kids, you were vaguely aware of their siblings. 
You had never officially met Johnathan Byers or Nancy Wheeler. If anything, Nancy was more of a mythical being, the ex of your best friend. You knew that she and Steve had famously dated, broke up, dated again, broke up for good, and now she was dating the man next to her holding a camera. The whole thing seemed messy, but this wasn’t the time for that. 
“You might want to get down to the field if you want to get any good pictures of this.” Dustin said to Johnathan. 
“Wait, what’s going on?” you asked. This had not been part of the plan that you recalled. You had asked Dustin for help as he had been involved with the AV club, which meant that he knew how to work the booth but Nancy and Johnathan hadn’t been anywhere close to this plot. 
“Dustin told us what was going on.” Nancy said, holding a pen and paper. “And we were promised an exclusive if we help.”
“You-” you shook your head. “You want to do a story on this?” 
“A graduation being taken over by a small town underdog band that could get signed?” Nancy asked. “Eddie is about to do something so stupid that it could get him run out of town. I’m going to make sure that this gets spun the right way.”
“You said you needed a show and an audience.” Dustin shrugged, making his way over to the booth. “Corroded Coffin needs press. I called in a favor. Now get over here, we’re running out of time.”
Shit, the kid was right. Higgins was in the middle of his closing speech and you didn’t have much time left. You could already see some parents gathering their things to beat traffic. 
Now or never. 
Dustin flicked a switch and suddenly Higgin’s microphone cut off. He kept talking for a moment before realizing that his voice was no longer echoing across the field. He tapped the microphone a few times before looking up towards the announcement booth. 
You pulled out the walkie talkie. “Paper Crane to Corroded Coffin, are you ready? Over.” 
There was a beat before static crackled through the device. “Corroded Coffin to Paper Crane. We’re ready.”
“On my signal.” you said, and set the walkie talkie down. 
Dustin flipped a switch and music started blasting again, this time instead of the cheesy family safe hits that had been playing before, the screeching guitar of Metallica echoed across the grounds. You had no doubt that this was going to be heard for miles. 
With this distraction, Corroded Coffin stormed the stage with their instruments, setting up in record time just like they had practiced. Higgins was too stunned to speak for a moment, before seeming to sputter and yell at the boys. 
That’s what you were assuming anyway, as you could only see him and in no way hear him. 
Eddie didn’t seem bothered at all as he swung his guitar around so hard that you were sure it would have caused some serious damage had it actually hit the man. 
Dustin hit your arm to get your attention. “Introduce them.” he said, pushing the booth microphone towards you. 
“I’m sorry, what?” you asked. 
“Introduce them! This is a concert, you have to tell everyone who they are!” He said again. “You said you’d give the signal so give it!”
“What are you talking about, that’s their job! I’m just here to push the buttons and-” 
“Just do it!” Dustin pushed the button to turn on the mic and shoved it in your face.
For a moment, you were suddenly back on stage at the middle school talent show, with the hot lights beating down on you. You were back in the theater with Chris Morrison before you even had a chance to audition. You were in the back row (fuck the back row) dancing and yelling at a screen with dozens of people as you watched a movie you had seen a dozen times before. 
Something inside of you snapped and you grabbed the mic. 
“And here they are to close out todays’ ceremony, let’s all put our hands together for Hawkins High School’s favorite Hellions- Corroded Coffin!” 
The reception to your introduction ranged from luke-warm to confused. You saw a few people clapping, but most people had no idea what was going on. 
If the reception put off the band, they didn’t let it show for a moment. They took off like a rocket, flying high with a bust of energy as they launched into their first song. Higgins stood there, gobsmacked as they played, his face a bright shade of red that you could see even from here. He attempted to yell, but it was no good. 
Then, the oddest thing started to happen. 
It started with the graduates, as they all stood up and started to cheer. You tore your eyes away from your boyfriend long enough to see people clapping. You weren’t sure if they thought that Corroded Coffin was actually good, or if they all just thought it was part of the ceremony but it was happening. 
Higgins turned to the crowd, still fuming with anger, but froze as people started to warm up to the band on the make-shift stage. Slowly, the excitement moved backwards from the Graduates on the field to the bleachers. 
Sure, there were some parents who were quickly grabbing their kids and ushering them out of the area as quickly as possible, lest the Devil take their soul for daring to be in the same vicinity of someone playing an electric guitar. But be it by genuine curiosity, novelty, or seeing Corroded Coffin as you saw them, people were staying. 
With the court of public opinion swaying in their favor, Higgins had no choice but to storm off the stage in a huff. That’s what you liked to believe at least. 
Corroded Coffin flew through two songs without stopping, so deeply in the zone they seemed to forget where they were and who they were playing for. 
As the guitar shrieks came to a close, Eddie signaled for his band to stop. 
He looked out at the crowd of people, who were (for the most part) cheering for him. His eyes went wide, and you wondered if anyone at school ever gave him any sort of positive attention like this outside of his friends. 
Stunned for just a moment, he grabbed the mic and leaned forward. “Thanks everyone, we have one more song before we close out this whole thing.” he said. “For the past, oh, six years, I’ve been fighting my way out of the bullshit that is Hawkin’s High school. It took me longer than expected but now I’m proud to announce that your resident Freak is now going to be set loose on the town during regular school hours.” Eddie grinned wickedly, and you saw a few parents and students shift uncomfortably. “Get ready Hawkin’s because this year Corroded Coffin has officially been signed!”
Cheers and confusion rang through the stadium. You couldn’t stop smiling and you felt your eyes start to water. You were just so damn proud of Eddie in that moment. 
Eddie’s gaze moved to the announcer booth, and you could feel that he was looking at you. He extended a finger towards you and called out your name. 
“This one’s for you.” 
You felt your heart jump in your chest and your face heat up a million degrees. Eddie’s guitar started on a riff that you had heard so many damn times it was nearly seared into your brain. 
But, you hadn’t heard them play this song before. The idea had always been three songs, but this song was not part of the line up. When had they learned this one? When had they practiced this one? 
You held your hand over your mouth as Eddie started to sing. 
“It’s astounding. Time is fleeting... Madness takes its toll...”
There was still a part of you that stung thinking about those days at the theater, but seeing Corroded Coffin on stage, playing something that he knew had meant so much to you... 
Rocky Horror. Eddie was singing Time Warp from Rocky Horror.
That absolute jerk. How dare he tell you that he loves you and then runs off before you could respond, and then plays this?! 
This just confirmed what you had known for months now. You were in love with Eddie Munson.
When Officer Hopper came up to the booth, looking at you, Dustin, and Nancy, he seemed more annoyed than angry. You quickly surrendered the controls to him, letting him pull the plug on Corroded Coffin. You loved Eddie, but you also wanted to minimize whatever trouble everyone was about to get in. 
You were escorted off the campus by Hopper who said that Higgins wouldn’t press charges as long as you and Eddie swore to never step foot on the school grounds again. Easy enough, with Eddie’s diploma safe in hand now. 
Wayne had laid into Eddie for being an idiot, but it was clear his heart wasn’t really in it. How could it be with Eddie smiling like a maniac the whole time, still high off the thrill of his takeover of the school that had shunned him for so long?  
There were pictures taken. In true Eddie fashion he held his diploma proudly as he flipped off the camera. A copy of that photo would sit on your bedside table for many years after that. 
Paige dropped by the Munson trailer that night, cackling maniacally at how insane Eddie had been for using his own graduation for the concert. Eddie, of course, had given you all the credit for the idea. 
Corroded Coffin did not get the front page, despite Nancy Wheeler’s best efforts. They did get the starring headline for the entertainment section though. Your name was even mentioned in the article, as Nancy couldn’t leave out Eddie’s dedicated song to you. 
That article was also framed and hung up in your small living room, and after reading it at least once a day, it wasn’t long until you had it memorized. 
You couldn’t pinpoint the day that Eddie officially moved in that summer. At one point he came over for a movie night and just... never left. It became so easy to just have him stay the night, wake up next to you, fight over stupid things like how late he stayed up to play guitar or what to make for dinner. 
And, of course, as Corroded Coffin’s appointed emotional support fan, you were there the day that they stepped into the recording studio, this time as an officially signed band. 
When Paige had said that they had been setting up a new studio near Hawkins, the last place you expected for that to be was the old theater. You had froze outside of the building, the marquis had been torn down, and the radio tower now loomed over you instead. You had avoided being anywhere near this area since that day in November, and now here you were with your boyfriend as he got to live out his dream in the theater where you had one day hoped to live out yours. 
Jealousy wasn’t the word you were sure you were feeling. There was something there, maybe more akin to disappointment or irony at the situation. Whatever it was, you shoved it down. The past was the past, and were the odds that Chris would be there...?
Pretty high, actually. 
Chris was standing next to his dad, glaring a hole in the newly installed carpet of what had once been the theater lobby. Paige shook Papa Morrison’s hand and took some keys from him. You froze when Chis looked up and made eye contact with you, but Eddie squeezed your hand protectively and all Chris could do was cross his arms and follow his dad out of the theater with his tail between his legs. 
You’d learn much later from Robin (who heard from Columbia), that Papa Morrison had never intended to keep the theater, just hold it to sell out to someone else. Rage hadn’t been the feeling you had felt, but something between anger and disappointment conflicted with the fact that Corroded Coffin was finally getting the start they deserved here. 
Summer had never felt so bittersweet. 
It wasn’t all disappointment though, there were certain perks that came with being with the band. Every time they were in the studio, you found yourself talking to the staff, learning more about how studios worked, and that this specific studio was special. The radio tower that had been placed on top wasn’t just for show, Paige had decided that the best way to get Left Turn on the radio was to become a 2 in 1 radio station. 
You were enamored instantly. 
While Corroded Coffin worked with writing and playing, you found yourself bothering anyone who would talk to you until Paige decided that it would just be easier to allow you to intern with them on the radio side. 
You didn’t even bother giving Keith your two weeks notice. Your ugly polyester vest was dropped off with your last movie rental and keys. You hugged Steve and Robin, thanked them for everything that they had done for you and never looked back. Thankfully, you didn’t have to go to that store ever again, as there was a new rental chain called Blockbusters starting up right down the street from your home. 
“So, they’re really going to let you play Time Warp as your bonus track?” you asked one night as Eddie restrung his guitar. “I thought there’d be like, copyright stuff or something like that.”
“Paige explained it to me, it’s a bunch of weird legal loopholes but that’s the plan.” He said, plucking one of the strings. 
“And you’re good with it?” you asked, taking a strand of his hair and twirling it around your finger. “It’s not exactly about fighting demons or D&D.”
“Maybe not, but it’s the song that helped us get signed.” Eddie reached up to take your hand in his, and you laced your fingers together. “I have a soft spot for it.” 
“I hope you all get to shoot a music video for the cover.” you smiled. “I would pay anything to see you in Tim Curry’s lingerie.” 
“Not in a million years.” he laughed and kissed your hand before letting go. He fiddled with his guitar, checking the tuning as he started playing. You always found the electric guitar a little funny sounding, especially when it wasn’t plugged in. 
Eddie’s voice had gotten better over the last few months since Corroded Coffin started working professionally, but there was something about his voice that was distinctly him. Something raw and real, that couldn’t be replicated or trained. 
“I love you, Eddie.” you said, interrupting the chorus. He stopped and looked up at you with a grin. 
“I love you, too.” Eddie said back, and you leaned in and kissed him again. 
Let’s do the Time Warp again
Let’s do the Time Warp again. 
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a/n: Well folks, this is it! This is the official last chapter of Wing Man. The epilogue and post-credit scene will come out on Friday (the one year anniversary of me posting chapter 1!). I'll have more to say about that later, but for now, thank you all for the support. I couldn't have done this without you all <3
Dividers by: @strangergraphics
Tag List @k8loo @terrormonster55 @sp1dyb0y1008 @crocwork-clockodile @ali-r3n
@mxcheese @josephquinnschesthair @gagasbee @peaches-roses-sins @witchwolflea
@vintagehellfire @royale1803 @cumslutforaemond @prestinalove @browneyedgirly93
@perpetualmessmachine @thebook-hobbit @cultish-corner @grishaversecaptivated @sortagaysortahigh
@siriuslysmoking @huffledor-able541 @pookiesnatcher @eddiesguitarskills @browneyes-8288
@sheneedsrocknroll92 @kores-mun-son-n-more @eddiebuttcheeks @kirsteng42 @dreamerjj
@moonisu @em022O @cosmorant @kurdtbean
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Nest Swap 7
Tim had one major takeaway about his experience when he got back to the right part of town and could stop looking over his shoulder for the Sausage Guy: He had to get better at this. 
Tim went right back to his hideout and then into the secret hideout portion, determined. He knew himself. There would be lots of useful information on the computer.
It took a while to find anything. But he was right. There was a treasure trove of information. There were years worth of mission reports, and there were multiple procedural handbooks. 
Batman apparently released one every autumn. Tim started printing them, and then looked at the much shorter Young Justice handbook. That seemed approachable. 
He read through that on the computer while the printer was still whirring away. It was only 21 pages long. Tim crunched on an apple in one hand and used the other to scroll down the side progress bar. This was all pretty simple. A lot of it wasn’t relevant to him because it was about the chain of command and coordination, but there were some interesting things about personal discretion and mission security. There were also some interesting implications vis-a-vis the color coding and graphic design for each section, which Tim could only assume was meant to hold the attention of an audience for whom the length would be challenging.
Once he finished that, he gathered up the most recent Batman procedural handbook and stapled it carefully into a neat and portable workbook. He took the indexes for each earlier edition as well so that he could easily cross-reference what he might need to look in another year's handbook for. He also found an empty notebook and some writing utensils. Then he dragged it all upstairs.
He put it on the table. Tim pressed his lips together pretty hard and hummed. It was a lot of paper. He probably needed a juice break.
He took care of that first. He spotted lunch meat while he had the fridge open and his stomach growled at him. Fair enough! Tim made a sandwich and ate it while he read and took notes on stakeouts. 
There were some areas for improvement on what he’d done. He took a few notes of what he really needed to remember. Then he turned back to the beginning of the handbook to read it through properly.
“Huh,” Tim said, squinting at the red all-caps admonition to never access these materials outside of a Bat-approved hideout or to print them. “Well, you should have told me before.” He ignored that and settled in with a pink highlighter for a long read. He had no idea how much time had passed, but it was all dark outside. The only light was the sickly glow from streetlights.
“Proximity alert,” said an unknown voice.
Tim jumped halfway out of his skin and looked around wildly. About a moment later he registered that the voice was kinda robotic sounding. “Where?” he asked stupidly. 
“External wall proximity alert,” said the robot.
His heart rate jumped up again. He accidentally dropped all his papers when he stood up. Tim started gathering them again and then realized no, he didn’t have time for this. He breathed heavily and looked around for an answer. What did he do?
“Initiating shutdown,” the voice said pleasantly. “In 3, 2, 1.”
Metal shutters slid down over the windows. Tim whirled around at the sound of thuds all over the apartment. It was dark inside. After moment emergency lighting turned on, soft red lights at ankle height that he had never noticed before. That was the only light source aside from what he forgot on in the kitchen.
The only sound for a few seconds was his own harsh breathing. Tim swallowed hard and wrapped his arms around himself. Was this ok? Did that shutdown mean he was safe from whoever was trying to get in? Maybe he could just wait it out. He tried to slow down his breathing. It didn’t work. His head felt kinda swimmy. He swallowed hard and stumbled towards a window. He couldn’t see anything, obviously, but maybe he could listen and figure out who it was. 
Despite thinking that, he jumped straight up when someone banged a fist against the metal shutter. 
“Let me in, bird boy!” came a female voice. She paused. “Let us in, it’s me and the Big Bird.”
Big Bird? Like, the yellow giant bird with the huge claws? It was real?
He felt like he was going to throw up.
Why was Big Bird at his house? And why was Big Bird real? Was Big Bird a predator? Tim started crying a little. Why was Big Bird trying to break into his house? He kept each sniffle silent, petrified that Big Bird was going to hear him. They didn’t actually know that he was in there. 
“You’re in trouble, Mister,” she continued. “Answer your phone sometimes!” She hit the window again. Tim put his hands over his mouth to keep as quiet as possible and hiccuped. 
‘I’m in trouble and she brought the bird to punish me.’ Tim dropped to the floor and hunched together as small as possible, butt touching his heels and arms wrapped around his shins. He buried his head in between his knees. ‘What did I do? Is this- is this because I blocked Robin’s messages? Why does this lady even know about that?’
“Timmy Tim Tim,” sang a new voice. Male. Pleasant. Tim hunched inwards even further. “This is a wellness check!”
A buzzer went off, harsh and ugly and loud. Two shrieks issued from the window.
Tim raised his tear-stained face to stare in confusion.
“Ah- O, come on-”
“My ears oh my god my ears are broken-”
The two strangers talked over each other for a few confusing moments. Big Bird still hadn’t said anything. Tim remembered just how big Big Bird actually was and he started crying a little. He didn’t want to meet Big Bird.
“Fi- Alright, alright. Bye!” The female voice had a distinctly harassed tone to it now. There was a scuffle against the metal covering the window. 
Then there was silence. It really did seem like they left. But maybe they were just waiting for him to make a noise. Tim waited and shuddered, scared they were going to come back. 
A soft beeping started up in the kitchen. 
‘...Did I leave something on?’ Tim wiped his face off with a wrist and rose. He gave the window one last look before he shuffled away.
When he entered the room, the kitchen’s water dispenser flashed at him. Then a voice came out of it. 
“Sorry about that, I didn’t realize they were heading over. I would have given you a heads-up.”
“How are you in my fridge?” Tim asked, indignant. He made a way-too-loud wet sound from his nose by accident. 
The lights in the room spun through a color change. “I am in everything,” the lady intoned.
That was when he placed the voice. “Thanks, Oracle,” Tim said.
“You’re welcome.” There was a pause. He knew that she was still there. Tim sniffled and wiped at his face again. It occurred to him too late that she might be able to see him. “Have you reached out to any magical specialists to fix this?” she asked casually, as if she hadn’t clearly been thinking over what she’d say.
Tim shook his head no and said nothing, testing to see if she could see him.
She breathed out a gust of static. “I think that the situation is affecting you,” Oracle said frankly. “Can I call Zatanna? We need you back on your cases and I can’t keep the birds out forever. They’re getting worried.”
…Tim had a suspicion that birds might actually not mean ‘birds’ in this context. 
He didn’t know anything, though. He was such a dummy. He didn’t know how to do his job and he was ruining Big Tim’s life, and he had made people so mad that they’d come and shut down his house. As he was thinking that, a soft whirring started up and the metal plating covering all his windows started to retract. 
“I think that help would be good,” Tim admitted defeat. He needed to go back to elementary school and become the Tim who could handle his adult life. He clearly wasn’t qualified for it. 
“Oh. Great.” Oracle paused again. Was he not supposed to say yes?  She recovered quickly. “I’ll get right on that. Have a good night. And go to bed!”
Tim stuck his tongue out as the connection ended. The lights went off on his fridge when Oracle went away.
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kit-williams · 4 months
Home is where the heart is... so where is my heart?
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
@the-californicationist (You might like Horus ((Before he turned evil))) @justeverythingnothingelse (Since you kinda asked for this)
tw: Smut, canon compliant breeding kink
Word Count: 2437 (6 pages on Google Docs) ((I use docs to check the word count))
As always thank you @squishyowl for the dividers
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Horus at one point loathed to return to his quarters alone... when his Mournival came it made it feel less cold but that wasn't always the case and he would come back to the room alone. You helped keep it neat and tidy but Horus tried his best to fill it with things... knickknacks... the walls in far more private rooms had graffiti that reminded him of home but all he tried to do only made it feel like a parody.
No matter how close he got it to look like an old ganger hideout that he remembers so vividly... it lacks the feeling... the smell of bodies passing through... the appearance that someone else other than him has been there. You find him so very glum as you feel brave enough to try and ask your Primarch what is wrong and listen to his woe...
"Would... would you like me to help with that sire?" You offered and you see that he almost jumps with excitement like a dog almost.
"Um what would you propose." He says with restrained eagerness.
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He no longer dreaded returning to his quarters as there was at least one other person! Not the size of a gang that he wanted to share a space with but... he had his mournival always around him so he could survive having at least one person around at all times. He got you to move in basically when the Primarch told you what he was so use to... he didn't like to live alone... sure he could sleep alone but the sterile living quarters or bachelors pad that it was made him go crazy.
You moved in full time just adding your touch to living there and it made him actually relax while he was there. You were on the large sofa sewing patches on your clothes... He could just get you new ones... though... one of those was your favorite blouse. "What happened to your blouse?" He said leaning on the back of the couch.
"Popped a button." You say as he looks at how one of the buttons over where your breasts would be had popped. Horus bit his tongue as he looked you over and indeed... your breasts had grown slightly sending a fire to his loins. Not only that just... just the fact you were here verses your own quarters doing your mundane chores; once he caught you here on your day off just relaxing and doing some sewing as you watched a drama on your cogitator... eventually he pushed it onto the large screen as the two of you sat on his couch watching tv as you were sewing what he later learned was a baby blanket for another serf... He remembers holding it and looking at the little animals on it... he liked babies... he babied some of his own sons... but they weren't his babies...
"Horus?" You say looking up at him as he was zoning out.
"Hmm? Sorry..."
"It's fine you're just staring at my blouse still... do you want to talk about it?"
"No... do you want dinner?" Horus put the blouse back down.
"Augh thank you for reminding me." You said starting to pack things up, "I finished cleaning-"
"Where are you going?" Horus says frowning.
"Back to my quarters?" You pause as you're surprised by this sudden line of questioning.
"I have to get started on dinner?"
"Just eat here." Horus says waving his hand.
You let out an exacerbated sigh, "My Lord-"
"Why are you getting formal on me?"
"Horus!" You say stopping him from continuing on and he looks at you... and you just let any annoyance leave you as you see him look at you with some look in his eyes that silently pleaded with you to stay. "I... Just.... You don't have anything in your fridge for me." You finally relent as he just gives you a genuine smile as you sit back down and return to sewing.
"I'll get something nice brought for you... we can always get ingredients for you to use."
"Your kitchen is huge."
"But your quarters are so far..." He whined before you could feel him suddenly beside you. "So... what if you got closer quarters?"
"If I lived closer?" You say as you were getting dangerously close to moving into the same quarters as him, stars above if that happened...
"Would you eat dinner with me more?" He said as his hands move over your shoulders, his large thumbs gently rubbing against the back of your neck and you just groan in enjoyment at the sudden massage.
"Maybe." You sigh out enjoying this. "Can I stay on your couch tonight?"
You can't hear the way his hearts jump or the restrained excitement in his voice, "Oh why?"
"It will be far too late and I'm not fighting a sea of second shift people leaving to get back to my quarters if you're also getting me dinner too."
"Of course I'll be a happy host you."
You wonder if this is what a noble who gets his undivided attention feels like as it feels weirdly intimate as food seems to arrive without you knowing... you had heard that he had wined and dined mortals before a bit before your time but... you move your stuff out of the way. But the food... the food was far too rich for you... far too good for your station... and yet you felt comfortable with how Horus ate like a commoner still. Oh he loved to relax as you had found him laying around with his men like a bunch of teenagers trying to expend as little energy but still get food into their mouths.
You don't know what happened... one moment you two were watching some horror and sharing food from your plates. How your lips bush against his fingers as he offered you to eat something as your eyes are focused on the predictable plot, "No bitch don't go in there." You say softly as you quickly burrow yourself into his side to hide from the killer that would show up.
"She's so fucked." Horus whispered but he was focused on you as you were hiding.
You hide your face in his side as the actress gets mauled on screen by the killer and he could feel your heartrate spike and he just soon pull you into his lap as you were watching through your fingers, "By the stars this is terrifying."
"I think the director is Nostroman." Horus said casually putting another piece of food to your lips and relishing the way your mouth moved against his fingers.
"I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight." You whined.
"You can stay with me." Horus says softly as you just mindlessly nod. The movie ends predictably... meaning that the killer might come back... and you lean against his chest just trying to dispel your fearful thoughts. "Did you really get scared?" He asks with some concern and you laugh and nod a bit.
"Its been awhile since I had a scare like that."
You feel his index finger curl under your chin as his thumb rests just below your bottom lip, "Good thing you have me to protect you tonight." Horus says in a husky voice that causes your breathing to hitch for a moment.
"My L-"
He cuts you off with a kiss, his hand groping the fullness of your ass as he carries you to the bedroom. Your clothes being removed piece by piece and you're in your underclothes by the time his foot closes his bedroom door. "You smell so good my little-" He cuts himself off as he kisses you hard. "Let me touch you darling... let me love you." He breathes against your skin and you moan.
"Horus... Horus..." You say spreading your legs wide as he pulls your underclothes away and his finger coaxes its way into the slick opening of your sex.
The restrained Primarch felt himself start to unravel seeing you writhe under him to his ministrations. So use to your presence he had become that the thought of you not spending the night any longer was driving him mad. You'd left your mark on this place, pictframes holding picts you had taken of Horus and his Mournival all the ones you had taken all of them being in such humanizing moments, a blanket you had sewn drapes across the back of one of the couches, your scent lingers in the couch cushions... it lingered in the air... it lingered how Horus needed.
"You'll be such a good mother." His gene enhanced voice dropped an octave as his desires were laid bare and he hummed approvingly as you clenched on his finger, your teeth pressing onto your bottom lip, as you covered your eyes with one arm whimpering as the lavished attention of your Primarch was an intense thing... and it did things to you. "You're taking my fingers so well my little wife... " He cooed into your ear, you wanted to ask what he meant by that but you also were pulled into the sexual fantasy so easily. His tongue tracing the shell of your ear, "Will you take my cock just as well?" He whispers to you and you whimper out a small orgasm as your walls clench around his fingers.
Horus pulled off his pants with such quickness you thought he had simply adjusted his position over you as he smears your fluids over his cock head. "Breathe." He orders and you obey as the sensation of his cock sinking into your sex causes you to exhale slowly and inhale sharply. Your small foot pushes against his chest during moments it becomes too much, his thumb making circles on your hipbones... Horus wondering how much more pronounced they would look on you after you had a baby.
Horus was utterly fascinated by the human body... and the way it shifts and will change to accommodate growing a life inside of it. Of course, your body would never be the same after having one... or two... or three... but the thought of you carrying something of his own making was utterly erotic for him. He sinks in more when you let him losing your breath as he bottoms out and you uncover your eyes just looking between your legs with wide eyes, "Oh by the stars." Your shocked voice shakes out as you weren't expecting to fit him, far to scared to see how big he was.
Horus chuckled softly, "Of course you would take my cock so well..." He looks down at you with such a sin ladened look that it causes you to be utterly flustered, "I seem to just..." He clicks his tongue thinking for a moment, "Have a good eye for people."
Your breath leaves you as he churns his hips and all you can manage out besides pleasured noises is his name. All the while the Primarch is whispering such lurid things in your ear; you honestly didn't realize that you might have a breeding kink as well given how he tells you what he wants to do to you in erotic detail. How he will just find a day to utterly fuck you silly and so full of his cum you'll look pregnant. How greedy he will be to suckle and lick your breasts when they start to weep... how this man can make it all sound so erotic... it makes you buck your hips back into his begging for him to give you what he is promising. Though in the back of your mind it dances how he calls you his, you are one of his menials yes, but the other how he keeps calling you wife....
You'll ask later as right now you're utterly lost to the way he fucks you from here to Terra only finally stopping when you're close to passing out to which he cums inside of you.... not that you're fully there as he kisses your throat... "Yes rest now my pretty little wife... everything... will be... care of."
You pass out not long after that the horror movie monster long forgotten as you sleep in such a lavished bed... waking up with your head on his chest listening to the twin beats of his hearts. You wipe away the drool from the side of your mouth, "Hey pretty girl." He says with a wink as his eyes darted from his datapad for a moment before looking back.
"The shift master is going to kill me." You grouse as you know you overslept.
"No he's not." Horus says amused.
"Well I guess not since I'm here to start my shift." You say with an amused snort. To which Horus copies.
"Can't be late to work if I never left it."
He lets out the most pleasing laugh, "Can you feel your legs?"
"Barely. So..."
"So?" He looks at you smiling.
"That breeding kink huh? You uhhh said some stuff."
"I certainly did say some things." Horus says with a smile as his hands move over your body grabbing the fattier parts with a possessive squeeze. "And I meant what I said."
You swallow as you were just a menial... not any of the pretty noble ladies that you saw in articles being friendly with the gregarious Primarch. You are soon on your back finally seeing the, once more, hard cock for only a moment before he kisses you but you were always a brave one... or perhaps stupid as you speak, "So... you want to start... something with me?"
"Did I lay it on too thick last night?" Horus says with a smile fully knowing what he said.
"Something like that my-" His hand squeezes your cheeks gently.
"None of that. No more hiding behind formality. Its a very easy way to tell you're trying to deflect. Try that again." He says as if he was gently correcting a child.
"I guess it was something like that... almost as if you wanted me for something more than a quick fuck." You force the unsaid words out.
"I do enjoy commitments. They make things more erotic for me."
You hesitate to ask about the wife comments but spin it in a way that might be able to possibly slow down the breed happy Primarch, "I... I suppose I can... um is this a way to ask me to court?"
Horus looked at you for a moment with a blank expression before it turns into his normal confident smile, "Something like that."
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hisunshiine · 1 year
—"lemme swallow your pride" [2/7]
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Part 2 of 7 of the Seven Days Series ↣ series masterlist
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🗓️ pairing: nurse!jungkook x teacher!reader 🗓️ au/genre: non-idol au, brother’s friend au, fwb, age-gap(reader is older), f2l, fluff, angst, smut, 🗓️ rating: M 🗓️ wc: 3,629 🗓️ warnings: emotionally constipated pairing, reader is older, adult worries, growing older, dating younger, time passing and not hitting milestones everyone else is, jealousy, using sex to deflect, explicit sexual content: oral (m receiving), spitting, cum swallowing, multiple orgasms, light degradation (cum slut), praise, shaft riding, mutual orgasm    🗓️ an: part 2 is here! And yes, based on the title alone, I am sure you are able to figure out exactly what type of sex this story focuses on.  🗓️ summary: “Open up say ahhh, Come here, baby, let me swallow your pride…” Jungkook comes over for an impromptu movie night that triggers some internal angst. You share a little, and he shares a lot... and your angst turns a little green. To change the topic when it gets a little too deep, you deepthroat him.
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Taglist: @sizzlingfestpeach @mochminnie @jungkooksmytype @kookslastbutton @taebangtanbabe (if joining the taglist, please think about reblogging with tags/leaving feedback!)
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“I need butter for my popcorn!” Jungkook is his usual whiny self as he stands in the kitchen, taking up space in the most unhelpful way as you prepare snacks for a movie night he planned in his own head and decided to carry out in your living room.
“Go finish the blanket fort, or whatever you were building in the living room,” you order with a small shove to his back, “I will put ample butter on the popcorn—this is not my first Jungkook Movie Night rodeo.”
Jungkook turns to shoot a glare at you over his shoulder, but he shuffles out of the kitchen to the living room without additional fuss. You resume your task, opening another packet of popcorn to cook in the microwave, then search the fridge for a stick of salted butter. Once it sounds like most of the kernels have metamorphosed into fluffy crunch balls of love, you swap the packet for the bowl of butter and let it melt.
Over the hum of the microwave, you can hear Jungkook whistling the main track to the movie he picked, his body appearing in your line of sight every few seconds as he shifts around the room to finish his task.
The beeps signaling the melted butter is ready cause you to jump a little, with how engrossed you are in watching him move. As a male nurse, he’s quite fit. You’re well acquainted with how fit he is, and you can’t help but admire his body when he’s wearing a white, sleeveless, ribbed tank top and black Nike shorts. 
Wistfully, you look down at your own comfy outfit, sleep shorts and a shirt Jungkook left at your place eons ago, wishing you could look as hot as he does without effort. Switching focus, you turn your eyes to the microwave and top off the large bowl full of popped corn with waterfalls of butter for your savory snack. (Whether the savory snack is the popcorn or Jungkook, you’ll never tell!)
“Hurry up! I’m wasting away here!” he’s over-the-top dramatic right now, something you’ve experienced with him before. Whenever he’s lost a patient at work, he doesn’t like to talk about what happened and often can’t because of patient confidentiality, but he seeks out comfort in ways like this: creating a soft place to hideout, comfort foods and movies, and begging for all of your attention. You never ask him about it, and you’re sure it has to do with the last patient he saw before arriving late last night. You think the theatrics are his way of lightening his soul from the sadness, and you’re unable to resist.  
“Oh dear, what will Ggukkie do without this small snack?” you ask as you carry the large bowl into the dim room. 
“Fuck, yes!” He reaches for the bowl so you can settle onto the couch, ducking your head under the blanket he’s strategically strewn across the top of the couch with well-positioned pillows and dining room chairs.
Pressing play on your smart TV remote, you both settle in with a blanket over your laps as the opening scene reveals people trapped in traffic and then Jungkook’s melodious voice quietly sings along to ‘Another Day of Sun’.
Leaning your head onto his shoulder, you sink into the show tunes—made better by Jungkook’s voice—and let yourself become immersed in the characters’ problems, forgetting your own. 
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“I hate this movie, Jungkook, and you always make us watch it,” you sniffle, rubbing at your eyes. “It’s just so real, you know?”
“Yeah, that’s one of the reasons I love it. I think it’s a true take on the real world—tragic—but realistic.”
You fiddle with the frayed edges of the throw blanket on your lap as Jungkook begins clearing the empty bowl and mostly empty glasses of apple juice from the coffee table.
“Sometimes I like to escape real life, though, you know? I—never mind. What’s next on the movie agenda?” you question, but Jungkook returns to plop down next to you, practically sitting on top of your lap, and won’t let you deflect.
“No, no, talk to me. What’s on your mind? You’ve been thinking a lot lately. Almost couldn’t sleep last night because of it.” 
“Hey, I was sleeping, but someone decided to tire us both out even more, if I remember correctly.”
“Apples and oranges, babe. I even made it to work for my meeting before shift started. So tell me what you were about to say, or I’ll tickle it out of you.”
He leans forward with his elbows on his knees, his face set in determined seriousness, and you know from your own experiences that once he starts tickling, he won’t stop until you’re screaming for sweet release from the painful pleasure that is his fingers dancing across the soles of your feet, your neck, or your tummy and ribs.
“Fine. I hate La La Land, because they went through all of that, supporting one another through pursuing their dreams, just for them to not end up together in the end? It’s not the escape from reality that I want in a movie.” You keep your eyes down on the blanket, top teeth worrying your bottom lip.
He says your name softly as he takes one of your fidgeting hands into his larger one. “I feel like there’s more to it. Talk to me, babe.” He stresses the second sentence, and you can tell his doe eyes are searching—no—yearning to make contact with yours.  
“I know you probably aren’t even like…thinking about this kind of shit yet, but Yoongi is getting married. This weekend. And of course, my mom has been hounding me now,” you raise your voice an octave higher to mimic your mom, “saying ‘When are you next? Your younger brother is getting married, and you can’t even give me grandchildren yet.’ I hate it.
“And this movie just makes me scared that I’ll end up in something like it, in a relationship that serves as nothing but a chapter in my life, instead of being the whole book. That I’ll waste time with someone who’s not going to be there a few weeks, months, or years from now.”
Jungkook settles back against the couch with a hum, strong arms folded across his chest. “That’s tough, babe. I can imagine this feeling has gotten worse now too, what with Yoongi’s wedding looming. You know what’s crazy—you’re not the first person to say something similar.”
“Really? Who else do you know has a younger sibling getting married and is feeling the pressure?”
“Actually, you remember SoHee?” Jungkook asks timidly. You do. SoHee is another nurse who used to work with Jungkook at the hospital, but Yoongi helped her get hired at the high school you work at as the school nurse. It’s summer break, so you haven’t seen her in weeks, but of course you remember her.
“Yeah, we work together, duh.”
Jungkook tries and fails to hide the smile building on his face, small dimples appearing to frame his chiseled jawline as he begins to talk about her. 
“Well, she’s picked up a few shifts here and there at the hospital, since it’s summer break and all, and we’ve been texting again. She’s actually a lot like you…But we were just talking the other night, and she was saying how she’s been worried about turning 30 next year, and not being married with kids yet.”
“Do I talk about this a lot?” you ponder. 
“I mean, not like a lot, but it seems to be a theme or something for all the ladies in my life who are a little older than me.”
“Ladies in your life?” You try to keep your tone level, but your face always gives you away. You can feel the way your energy shifts as you tilt your head and raise an eyebrow (or attempt to raise just one eyebrow) to look back at him. 
“Yeah, you, SoHee, some of the other nurses and doctors I talk to at work.” Jungkook spreads his legs wider, and his arms drape along the back of the couch as he settles deeper into the cushions. “SoHee just said she wasn’t interested in, like, playing games, or whatever. She’s said she’s done sleeping around and going out clubbing because she wants to develop something real. It’s something all of you say, all of the older women.”
You internally cringe at the way he refers to you as an ‘older woman’, and your chest tightens at being lumped together with others. You’re his best friend, hell, you take better care of his dick than you take care of your car—what with you topping off his fluids more than your Hyundai and all. To shake the uncomfortable feeling away and climb back out of the hole of deep feelings, you do what you do best. Turn it into something humorous, sexual, or both. In this instance, you go for both. 
“Why are we talking about deep feelings instead of deep throating?”
Jungkook’s boisterous laugh fills your living room, and fills the holes in your heart.
“I don’t know, but I think I’d like to talk more about deep throating.”
Sliding off the couch and positioning yourself between Jungkook’s spread knees, you place your palms on each of his thighs. He reflexively flexes his quads at the touch, and you see him visibly gulp in anticipation.
“Me too.” Though, you have no plans of talking—just doing; showing. You do love to perform for him.
Your hands slowly traverse to the waistband of his black shorts, the soft fabric allowing your fingers to slide up with ease, and the stretchy waistband allowing them to slide down around his muscular thighs without resistance. You release them to pool around his slippered feet, eyes only focusing on the way his proud appendage takes on a darkening, blush-colored hue as his hands grip the edge of his tight tank and pull it up to reveal his six-pack. You take note that he’s shaved his happy trail, leaving an unblemished view that directs you to his pride and joy.
Licking your lips, you shuffle closer and rise up higher on your knees so that you can greet his cock with your moistened mouth—tiny pecks that tease Jungkook so he’ll make your favorite sounds. Your eyes shift to his—brown and dilated in desire.
Gathering your spit, your hand holds his shaft still so that you can slowly drip the clear secretion to meet his tip, watching him watch you slather it from top to bottom as you begin to ready him for what’s to come. (Hint: it’s him). Dropping lower, you take the blushing head into your mouth, tongue swirling around as you get a good taste of the pearlescent pre-cum that accumulated from your strokes. Jungkook squirms minimally each time your tongue brushes the bottom of his cock, sensitive to your ministrations.
“Fucking tease, you know that?” he asks you, and you just smile—or smile as best you can with his cock in your mouth. 
Taking him deeper into your mouth, you break eye contact so that you can add some vigor to your movements, lips wrapping around your teeth to protect his shaft from any accidental nips. He reaches the back of your throat, leading you to gag, which was your goal. Your mouth fills with more spit, the fluid allowing faster movement as you ease back to the first half of his cock, your hand working from the base to meet your lips. 
It’s sloppy, and the sounds of your hydrous cock-sucking mix with curses and strangled iterations of your name. Jungkook’s hands move from clenching the fabric of the abandoned blanket and couch to your face—he loves to hold your cheeks and feel the way they hollow out as you blow him, his eyes never moving from the view. 
Your eyelashes, wet from choking on him, make you look so innocent when you peek up at him through them—but the way your pouty lips envelop him, bobble-heading in his lap, remind him that you are anything but. Your spit is everywhere. It dribbles down from the base of his shaft, runs in small rivers between your fingers, caresses his heavy sack that’s waiting to spill its load and cover your tongue. It even begins to slip towards his puckered hole, and thoughts spin in his head of the things he would ask you to do if—but you’re not.
“How?” he probes with a rasp, knowing you can’t answer. “How can you look like an angel, but—shit, babe—” He throws his head back into the couch unwillingly. “You fuck me and suck me like the devil.” 
Your following chuckle makes his hips thrust up, and you gag around him as the tip enters your throat. A hand slips into your hair, messy and falling around your face, but feeling your throat embrace his head in a warm and wet squeeze has him gripping your hair. It’s just the right amount of pain, he’s not pulling your hair up, just tugging some strands into his fist held close to your scalp. 
Your clit throbs between your thighs, aching and untouched, but this? Making a strong, virile man turn into figurative putty in your literal hands? Nothing makes you feel more confident, more beautiful, and empowered. And if there is, you haven’t experienced it yet.
“Fuck, baby—I—shit!” Jungkook doesn’t know whether you want him to pull out or not, his hands attempting to both pull you off and bring your nose closer to his pelvis, but you don’t stop. Sucking and allowing the spit to run as you speed up, both hands adding friction and pressure—one to the shaft and one to his balls—lewd sounds a cacophony as he feels that spot inside him tighten before he’s weeping rivers of cum into your waiting mouth.
You press your palms flat to the tops of his thighs, holding your balance as his body writhes on the couch. Your mouth keeps a tight grip on his cock as you glide up and down to milk him, breathing controlled as you inhale and exhale through your nose.
“Baby, you’re so fucking good at that…my own little cumslut, hungry for my cock,” Jungkook speaks once he’s able to form words, letting you know you could sit back on your heels. His praise touches you more than either of you know and are willing to share, your inner goddess preening under his heated gaze and soft caresses. “Show me.”
Opening your mouth, you allow him to see the aqueous ejaculate coating your tongue. His tattooed hand grips your chin as he peers inside. He radiates a post-orgasm haze, his smile loose and wide.
“Swallow.” You instantly snap your mouth shut and his hand moves to wrap his fingers around your throat so he can feel you physically swallow him down. You smile in response, and like the hazard to your health that he is, he connects his lips to yours, tongue forging ahead to taste the remnants of himself in your mouth. He groans, his hands tugging at your waist until you’re straddling him. 
“Use me however you need.” 
You know what he’s saying, knows he can’t do much with his cock after the Gawk Gawk 7000 you delivered, but he’s trusting you. His body is at your disposal for however you need to get off. It won’t take long; the throbbing between your legs is echoed with the rushing of blood in your veins, begging for you to find your release through pleasure.
Hands push Jungkook’s taught pectorals until he’s laying on the couch. Pulling your sleep shorts to the side, you steer your legs to straddle his waist so that you can slide your dripping pussy along his softening shaft. You take up a stirring motion, allowing a delicious friction to your clit on his spit-covered rod, you reach for Jungkook’s hands where they’re resting above him and bring them to your chest.
Whining, you realize it’s not enough, not what you actually want, but Jungkook knows you and knows your body even better. Your body talks to him about its wants and needs the way he wishes you would open up to him; the same way his cock is able to split you open like a blooming flower and penetrate to the deepest parts. He lowers his hands to the hem of his shirt (it looks better on you) and sneaks underneath. He holds your breasts, fingers tightening and releasing in time to your hips and you cry out, your own hands laying on top of his as if clutching him to your chest as you rock on his sensitive length with growing urgency. 
“C’mon baby, swallow your pride and let go. It’s okay if it’s fast, it’s hot,” Jungkook shares, “means I was able to take care of my baby the same way you took care of me.”
“Say it again?”
“What part?” he goads, once again loving that when he has you like this, so desperately wet and delirious off of his cum, you’re honest and open. 
“Your baby,” your tone reflects a neediness that has his cock hardening quickly in combination with your frantic ruts. His hands tighten on your boobs again briefly before he glides them to your back and pulls you down so your chest to chest. He knows exactly how to speak to you, how to lower his voice and soothe your ego into cumming for him, on him, so he can soothe his ego.
“Cum for me, wanna see my baby feel good.” His right hand curls a loose strand of hair around your left ear, an endearing touch to make you feel safe and loved and willing to allow your pussy to make a mess of him. “Fuck—baby, my baby, your pussy feels so good, gonna make me cum again? You want me to cum with you, princess?”
Hearing him call you princess—well, it does something to you. You let out a high, throaty whine, a keening call that sings to his soul. And when you call for him, say his name in that whine, syllables broken up in the same pattern of your hips oscillating—fuck. Jungkook hears the extra release of your orgasm, feels the way your unfilled hole clenches at the base of his cock, and he watches as your body freezes. 
You want him close, but he pushes your shoulder firmly, but gently, so he can see the way his rosy cock is cupped against his lower abdomen thanks to your pretty, puffy pussy.
“Look, princess, look what you do to me.”
You pry your eyes open with sheer will as the aftershocks continue to cause you to tremble from your throne atop him. Looking down where Jungkook holds your shirt taut so you can see his fat, peeking head between your thighs, you watch as cum dribbles out slowly from the slit, his perfect and glorious steel cock exuding the proof that he thinks you’re too blind to realize. 
In actuality, you’re so fucked out by him, that you don’t think it means anything more than what he says. You do this to him. You make him feel so euphoric that he’s unable to refrain from covering himself in lust and desire for you. There’s a part of you that wishes others could see this evidence of your fucking, proof that you make each other feel so good that your cum collectively coats his abs—a messy visual art piece worth framing…
Reaching for the coffee table, you grab Jungkook’s phone as it’s nearest to you, and swiping open the camera, you take several naughty photos of your position: close-ups of your pussy wrapped around his cock, a wider angle that captures the view of his abs and cum running into the dips between them—proof that you did that to him.
Jungkook lies under you, watching in awe as you document one of the best sessions he thinks you’ve had together, or ever, and surprise paints his features when you switch to video, recording without a second thought.
“Look what your baby did to you,” you giggle, fingers drawing dirty lines, “made you make a fucking mess.” You aim the camera so that it can take in the pornographic view and resulting mess. “Anything you’d like to say to defend yourself?” Jungkook just laughs as you aim the camera at his face—he knows this is something just for his eyes only, and yours if you want to watch it with him again, maybe while he fucks you from behind.
“Nothing to defend, princess. I told you to use me, and said if my baby cums like a good girl, I’ll cum again with you. Just following through with it.” Jungkook grabs the phone, turning the camera on you, and you try to shy away, but he doesn’t let you get far. Gripping the front of the shirt, he tugs you to his chest, both of you making sounds at the way your pussy rubs him, and then you’re both in the camera view, his hand in your hair as you rest right below his chin. 
“Best throat and pussy on the planet right here,” Jungkook tells his future self, memorializing today forever. 
“Yeah, gave him that gawk gawk—he has the prettiest cock…it deserved to cum twice.”
Jungkook can’t handle hearing you talk like that without wanting to bury himself deep inside you. Locking his phone, he tosses it onto the carpeted floor and pulls you closer, his lips fervently kissing you as he waits out the refractory period until he’s able to do just that.
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stay tuned for “it’s the way that you can ride” coming 8-?-2023!
↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine 2023. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed.
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serafilms · 10 months
song 25! hope ur ok (olivia rodrigo) + jason todd requested by @feralsecondchild (spotify wrapped event)
but god, i hope that you’re happier today, ‘cause i love you, and i hope that you’re okay
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There was a boy you knew once when you were young.
His name was Jason, you recall. Jason Peter Todd. He was your best friend.
You first met him at ten years old. At that age, you had only just begun to grasp the idea that there were horrors in the world, so when you wandered into the wrong side of town on your way home from school, you were an easy target. Or you would have been, if a boy with jet black hair and pale blue eyes hadn’t dragged you away to his hideout. You kicked and almost screamed until he whispered his name and a promise that he was helping you.
Jason was scrawny and malnourished, but where any older or more condescending of a person might have pitied him, you were in awe. With a crowbar clutched in his hand and eyes alert, he looked brave to you. And you told him as much, vowing to bring him gifts as often as you could to show your gratitude.
He told you you were stupid, but he still escorted you out of town and was the first (and thankfully, only) one to greet you when you returned the next week. You’d snuck in an extra two fancy sandwiches your mother had mass made and put in the fridge because you thought he’d like to try some, and brought along your homework, because you needed to do your homework.
Jason was interested by both, apparently, and you decided from there on out that it was your sworn duty to bring this boy food and an education every few days. It was probably a miracle you made it out of there unscathed every time, you think now. But you loved those days.
You’d read with him, and laugh with him, and cry to him, and eventually he opened up enough to cry to you too. Your heart broke as his eyes filled with tears, and that was the first time you realised how cruel the world could sometimes be.
Then, a day after your twelfth birthday, he disappeared. Some old items remained, but his most personal belongings were gone, including the copy of a book you’d given him.
“Jason?” you whispered to the air. There was no reply, and you left with nothing in your heart but worry and disappointment.
It was a few months later when you saw him again, looking completely different but entirely the same, and his name left your lips for the first time since the night you’d found him gone.
He was here, at Gotham Academy, your school, wearing your uniform.
He turned and looked afraid for a moment, but your face broke out into a smile and so did his, and he spoke your name before you ran and tackled him in a hug.
“You’re here,” you exclaimed, “but how?”
He’d been adopted by Bruce Wayne, he told you (“Bruce Wayne!” you cried, envious and excited all at once) and now he was doing better and he was enrolled at Gotham Academy.
That meant that you spent almost single day together, in much the same way you used to, but this time in a much better situation. It didn’t bother you much that Jason couldn’t stay long after school. You figured he had a lot to deal with adjusting to this new life and a new father figure.
When you got a little older, though, you started to find it strange. He was awake at odd hours of the night, but sometimes wouldn’t text you back for hours. He’d show up to school with bruises and you began to worry. He assured you he was fine and even invited you to Wayne Manor to prove it, an invitation you accepted in part to ensure your peace of mind and in part because you just really wanted to see where Bruce Wayne lived.
“You must be Y/N,” Bruce Wayne said, greeting you. He was intimidating, with a large stature and something in his eyes that told you not to mess with him, but when you shakily greeted him, he laughed and you realised that he wasn’t all that bad.
You were well received by Alfred as well, and Jason seemed very pleased by the whole afternoon, but wouldn’t tell you why.
Then at fifteen, on the eve of your 16th birthday, Jason Peter Todd was declared declared.
You cried more than you’d ever cried in your life. Your parents didn’t really know how to comfort you. They didn’t understand the depth of your connection with Jason, since you’d neglected to tell them about the two years before he joined your school. Bruce Wayne delivered the news in person, his eyes tired. His tears had dried out. When yours did eventually did, you weren’t tired, but angry.
How could this happen to him? To Jason, the best person you’d ever known? He deserved better. You couldn’t believe it. It couldn’t be true.
“I held him in my arms,” Bruce told you. “He’s gone.”
That was when you decided that there was no more good in the world.
But sometimes you would dream of a boy, with a hair and face just like Jason’s, waking from a deep sleep, or wandering around, lost. He looks just like your Jason, but his eyes are darker, a startling shade of green.
You would hear a call of your name in the night, in a voice that sounded exactly like his, and look around in a panic only to find nobody there.
A manifestation of your grief, said the psychologist your parents made you see. “It’ll get better.”
It did, for the most part. You don’t hear his voice anymore, except occasionally in your dreams. You rarely dream of him, but in your sleep you sometimes see a man who looks eerily like what you imagine he’d look like now if he had lived. You tell yourself it’s just a face you’ve seen on the street, just a stranger who looks similar. Your Jason had blue eyes.
You try not to think about him as much, but sometimes, you whisper his name into the wind, just to hear it out loud and remember how the syllables feel on your tongue. You send all your well wishes and prayers along with it. You feel like you still don't know what happened to the little boy with eyes of salt, but you hope that wherever he is, he's okay.
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a/n: it’s almost 3am here but i totally fixated on this fic and needed to finish it bc i love this song sm and it made me sad and i just felt so good writing this???? anyways stream hope ur ok it samples the atla avatars love song at the end and i listen to it every time i need to sleep
update: read the sequel here!!!!
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it's cold outside | charles leclerc
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🍪 synopsis: The weather forecast predicts a blizzard for the next three days and a couple turns their shared apartment into a cozy hideout. warnings: just pure fluff, christmas drabble, 400 words
| listen to my christmas playlist |
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In the background, the TV announced the impending blizzard like it was the end of the world. I glance at my boyfriend, Charles, who is scrolling through his phone, checking for the hundredth time if the world was indeed ending.
“Three days of snow? We’re gonna be stuck here, aren't we?” I say, pulling my favorite blanket around me.
“Looks like it’s just us and whatever’s left in the fridge.” Charles smiles, throwing an arm over my shoulder.
I squint through the frosty windows, but it’s hard to see anything outside. Our living room is fully decorated for Christmas and the fairy-lights reflecting on the glass makes it even more difficult to see the street outside. It’s like the cold transformed everything into a white void and not even our decor can turn the winter wonderland outside into something lively. I give up and turn to Charles.
“Come on, be useful and at least help me with dinner.” I half-complain.
“Excuse me? And what do you mean ‘at least’?” Charles sounds offended but there’s mischief in his eyes.
“Well, I decorated the living room practically by myself!” I jab my index finger at him, pointing the blame.
“Babe, that’s not true. I hung the stockings!” He defends himself with a grin.
Charles, in full defense mode, lists off every little thing he's done since coming home. As he goes on, the storm outside intensifies. We decide to raid the kitchen, on a mission for the ingredients of a turkey breast with pancetta, figs, and leek. The weathermen's voice faded as we became fully engrossed in prepping our meal. Slicing veggies, measuring the salt.
Our kitchen gets attacked by different smells and sounds, with the sizzle of pancetta, the earthy aroma of figs and the fragrant smell of leeks. Charles decides to be in charge of seasoning, as he freely sprinkles pepper and rosemary anywhere he can reach.
“Behind!” Charles yells, his tone playful, as he goes out of his way to pass behind me on his way to the oven. 
I chuckle, pretending to be surprised. “Yes, chef!”
As the oven door creaks open, the turkey breast, now a masterpiece of pancetta-wrapped goodness, finds its home. Charles, wearing a satisfied grin, nods approvingly at our creation.
With the meal complete, we plate up and go back to the living room. As I share each bite with Charles, in those simple exchanges, I realize with certainty that there's nowhere else in the world I'd rather be.
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deancasbigbang · 21 days
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Title: Till It Shines
Author: kleptomalfoy
Artist: LeafZelindor
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel Novak, Castiel Novak/OMC, minor Dean Winchester/Lisa Braeden, minor Dean Winchester/Aaron Bass, minor Sam Winchester/Eileen Leahy
Length: 31000
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence References to past sex work and child abuse
Tags: alternate universe, law professor Castiel, mechanic Dean, hunter Dean, housemates to lovers
Posting Date: October 9, 2024
Summary: Castiel Novak moves halfway across the country from California to Kansas to become the youngest chair of KU’s law department. On the recommendation of his friend and former TA Sam Winchester, he moves in with Sam’s older brother Dean.  Dean earns his living as a car mechanic and spends his downtime as a hunter and vanquisher of the supernatural, following in the family tradition.  Hijinks ensue, Dean introduces Cas to “the life”, they fall in love, the end. 
Excerpt: He explores Dean’s house, cataloging the things he sees. Records in the den, stacks of DVDs and old VHS tapes under and behind a large screened TV. There’s a record player with a cracked lid next to the couch, a blue La-Z-Boy angled just so between the couch and the TV. The curtains in the den are a dark blue, the carpet a tired beige.  The hallway wall and up the stairs is crammed with pictures, of Sam and Dean when they were younger with someone who must be their father, a bearded man in flannel wearing a baseball cap. A picture in a tarnished frame of a blond woman with her arms around a small boy. Castiel figures that this must be Dean and his mother, they have similar smiles, similar eyes. Then there’s a picture of Sam at his high school graduation, looking tall and happy; and another picture of Sam, now in college with a blond girl whom Castiel vaguely remembers as being dead. There’s a group picture further up the stairs, of Dean with a bearded man in a hat, a young woman sandwiched in between them, everyone smiling.  The kitchen has a long shelf filled with cookbooks and cooking magazines, but there’s hardly ever any fresh food in the fridge. Dean seems to subsist on burgers and beer, something Santi mentions with something akin to wonder, because, so he asks, how do you eat like that and look like Dean.  The upstairs hallway is varnished wood, off-white wallpaper with faded flowers, the stairs worn down in the middle. The door to Dean’s room is always closed. The doorframe to Castiel’s study, formerly Sam’s bedroom, has pencil and sharpie marks, alternating between Sam’s and Dean’s names, documenting the year and their height until it’s only Sam’s, continuing on. The markings end in the year 2000, with Sam’s name and 6’4’’ in blue pen and a sticker of a moose next to it.  By all accounts, Castiel thinks, it should be a comfortable house, lived in, but it strikes him as oddly functional instead, a space used more as a hideout than an actual home. From what Sam has told him, Castiel wonders why Dean has never moved. 
DCBB 2024 Posting Schedule
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shoezuki · 6 months
I dunno why but I feel like Gepard can handle liquor. Like Sampo has the gift of bein smart knowin his limits and what to drink and when, so he gives off the vibe of being able to handle a lot but he's not that heavyweight. He's jus big brain conman XD. Get enough in him n he'll go down like the rest.
But Geppie. Man's sippin vodka from the bottle and not even slurrin his words. When he was a trainee the older guards decided to prank him with a glass of absinthe n called it a weak alcohol only for him to get halfway and not even bat an eye, only stopped cuz it tasted like ass. Dude takes the path of preservation seriously. Even his liver is beyond destruction XD.
Which is why I find two situations very freakin funny, which I'd love your opinion on:
1) Sampo starts up a drinking competition with him. It's on one of his guardian mandated holidays, so Gepard doesn't have to be responsible, and Dove 3 in 1 won't leave him alone anyway, so he agrees. Partway thru Sampo realises he's losin but Gep insists on gettin the drinks so he can't even cheat his way to victory. Cue Gep having to drag a very drunk, incredibly flirty Sampo back to Natasha but he keeps running off. Even being drunk doesn't stop him from havin smoke bombs up the wazoo.
2) Sampo manages to cheat, scheme, girlboss his way to victory. He comes out on top but now has the problem of an incredibly drunk, dangerously curious Silvermane Captain who won't stop flooding him with the oddest of questions. "Why are your eyes so green? Is your hair natural? What happened to the rest of your shirt? Do you really enjoy crime or is it jus something you fell into?" Whi- okay that one was oddly specific and he doesn't have the capacity, as tispy as he is, to answer.
He really needs to get him back home, before he asks the wrong person the wrong question, but isn't cognitive enough to face being questioned by Bronya and would sooner die than face Serval. So he opts into takin him to one of his more obvious hideouts which poses 10 million problems in and of itself when he keeps freakin touching everything!
ANON YOURE RIGHT YOURE A FUCKING. GENIUS. I been thinkin bout this A LOT ACTUALLY prob cuz for some reason fandom seems to lean towards gepard bein a horrific lightweight (i mean i know Why the lightweight trope is very much seen as 'cute' and childlike n whatever but i digress). But tbhtbhtbh i agree w u 100% like.
Gepard is a Tank of a Man. Homie can handle anything. Mfer the living embodiment of preservation like dude could be like 'serval this drink sucks' and hes gulping down perfume, unaffected. Dudes prob ate weird shit out on the front lines n questionable rations. The stuff in his fridge is expired n hes jus shrugging and eating it anyways.
I think w sampo its like. He SEEMS like he can handle his liquor. And hes not bad w it. But hes an Actor. Mfer could be plastered and you wouldnt know. Dude could convince a breathalyzer that hes only a Little Tipsy. But theres a threshold for him where he jus Caves at some points. Like u said tho man is Always competent w bombs. Like drunken boxing but w daggers dude could be blown over by a gentle breeze but still kicks ass.
I imagine that gepard doesnt Usually drink in that he jus. Doesnt care much. But absolutely his drink of choice is the hard shit. He jus has whiskey w ice or vodka w tonic water like a freak. Maybe a white russian if hes feelin zesty. When his guards convince him to go to the bar n challenge him to take shots he shrugs n jus packs them back no big deal.
But oh my god like. The 2nd scenario. I imagine it in order like first sampo realizing gepard has an Inhuman tolerance n making it his missiom to get the good ol captain fucked up. N it takes a while but like. Gepard jus gets more... blunt. But in a strange soft questioning way where he asks the things he wonders bout but never says aloud. The kinda soul reads like 'sampo youre a criminal not because you need to be but because you enjoy the thrill and attention right?' N sampo is just like holy fuck. But its like his inhibitions are gone and hes so Curious about everything and everything. He hangs onto sampos every word n it drives sampo crazy
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mrsjellymunson · 2 months
Hi kittie Hope you're well
Imagine going on a picnic date with eddie after the food he lays his head back on your thighs you softy begin to place flowers in his hair
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A Crown For Your King
Pairing: Eddie Munson x gn!reader
WC: ~950 || CW: None, other than mentions of food (no descriptions of eating), although this is extraordinarily fluffy so if you’re worried about dental caries perhaps take heed 😉 || A/N: Oh, this is such a lovely idea @celestialbat! I hope you like it 💗 Also, how could I possibly pass up the opportunity to reshare this insanely beautiful and rather gloriously appropriate piece of art by @themultiverseofmars 😉😘
Eddie’s not usually one for cuteness and fluff - he’d normally take someone to The Hideout, or spend time in his van out by Lover’s Lake. Not because he doesn’t want to, more because he doesn’t know how, and can’t take the risk of embarrassing himself.
But with you, it’s different.
Before you, he reckons he wouldn’t’ve known how to be romantic if his life depended on it. But now, he’s finding he loves to do things to make you laugh, to make you blush, even just to make you smile, and he doesn’t even care if he makes himself look like an idiot.
So today, he’s packed up as much of a romantic picnic as he can manage. He’s borrowed a basket and cooler from Steve, along with some tips on what to pack, after he admitted he was just going to get Twinkies and chips from Melvald’s. Steve’s even let him raid his fridge for a few things.
He’s shaken out the blankets from the back of his van, and has brought a few throw pillows from the trailer, so you’ll have something comfortable to sit on. There’s camping plates and cutlery, usually reserved for Wayne’s fishing trips, so you don’t have to pick things out of packets, and he’s bought your favourite soda. He’s even folded kitchen paper into bird-like shapes, so they stand up on their own - fancy.
You think he’s just taking you to the local park, maybe collecting something from Benny’s on the way, but he surprises you, swinging the van along one of the exit roads to a ‘secret spot’ outside of town.
It’s a pretty meadow, down a quiet lane, filled with tall grass and wildflowers.
He takes your hand and helps you down from the cab with a polite ‘my dear’, and insists on carrying everything himself, even though you offer to help (and, as you suspected he might, he almost trips twice).
He chooses a patch of meadow that’s more grass than flowers, explaining he ‘doesn’t want to hurt them’, and lays a blanket out for you both before opening up the cooler.
You can’t believe he’s gone to all this effort. There’s cold meats and cheeses, small tomatoes, carrot batons, berries, nuts, apple slices and a few grapes. And because he can’t forego the snack food, there’s also pretzels, breadsticks and, yes, chips.
You think it’s wonderful. You think he’s wonderful. And the two of you spend an idyllic afternoon snacking and chatting and laughing and holding each other’s hands.
Once most of the food is gone, you help him to pack away the leftovers and encourage him to lie down, insisting he deserves a rest after all he’s done today.
He smiles softly at you, and says he will, but,
“Only if I can choose the best pillow in the state.”
Confused, you look around at the worn cushions he’s brought from the trailer, and he smirks as he drops down onto his elbows and wriggles himself backwards to place his messy mop into your lap. He twists his head back and forth a couple of times, settling, humming to himself, mumbling,
“Mmmm, definitely the best pillow in the state. No wait, the country!”
You chuckle down at him as he peeps up at you with those coffee brown eyes you love so much, and run your fingers through his bangs.
You enjoy the weight and warmth of him resting against you as you talk about everything and nothing, and Eddie begins to doze in the afternoon sun. He stirs a little as he feels you periodically lean to one side, but thinks nothing of it.
He feels you playing with his hair again, and thinks he might just be in paradise. Surely, there’s no reason why the two of you couldn’t stay like this forever?
But then something unfamiliar tickles his cheek, and he opens one eye to see you leaning over him, examining a bright yellow buttercup before you cock your head sideways and appraise him, squinting a little.
Placing it into his hair between a poppy and a daisy, he sees the tip of your tongue poke out as you adjust it before leaning back and admiring your handiwork.
He brings a hand up to his hairline, gently and carefully so as not to dislodge anything, and discovers he has quite an array of blooms adorning his waves.
You reach into your bag and pull out your Polaroid camera, wanting to capture his beautiful visage. Taking a couple of snaps, you place them face down on the blanket to develop as Eddie gleefully makes grabby hands, wanting to take a picture of his own. He hadn’t even realised you’d brought it, and he’s not missing this opportunity.
You won’t know until the picture develops, but the sun that’s now setting behind you is giving you a glorious halo that Eddie thinks makes you look like a heavenly being. He decides that if he can capture even a tenth of your ethereal beauty in a photo, he’ll keep it close to his heart forever.
Optional ending:
Just as you’re thinking this is definitely the best picnic, and possibly the best afternoon, of your life, one of the daisies bends a little, and something small drops from one of the petals.
It’s a tiny green caterpillar, and it tickles him as it squirms against Eddie’s temple.
Bats, rats, skulls and devils don’t bother this metal-loving freak, but real-life creepy crawlies? That’s a whole different story, and a massive nope.
He leaps up, thrashing wildly at the beautiful display you’d made, the colourful petals and bright green stalks flying everywhere and showering you both like confetti as his feet get tangled up in the blanket and he squeals,
“AAAAAHH!! Bug!! BUG!!”
Disclaimer: IDK what wildflowers grow in Indiana so I’ve gone with ones I do know 😜 Also, a couple of these things are based on my own experiences, but I will only divulge which if you ask very, very nicely… 😉
And, if you’d like to see a Steddie-fied version of this, because I just couldn’t help myself, stay tuned….
Tagging my general list, which is very much open: @joejoequinnquinn @jamdoughnutmagician @curlyjoequinn @madaboutmunson @airen256 @sunshinepeachx @the-unforgivenn @skrzydlak @comeonatmebruh @jamiecb66 @80s-addict @abellmunsonmovie @definitionwanderlust @sheneedsrocknroll92 @munson-blurbs @wonderlanddreamer @daisy-munson @maedesculpaeusoubi @kurdtbean
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