#this is only like 900 of the songs in my playlist :/ it's all i was allowed to post.
noxtivagus · 1 year
listening to a lot of songs rn n i'm just thinking of how much i love my music taste
#🌙.rambles#from the softest piano melodies to metal or wtvr#hehe i watched like. i came across the orchestral version of animals by the architects n i saw s&m from metallica in the comments#thought i'd listen to it sometime n well yk what the day after when apollo n i were talking about music in the car#our dad hehe mentioned the album ^^ he bought the disks long ago even iirc????#n he played from the spotify album i think n this night i've been listening to some songs as well as a lot others too#I REALLY SHLDVE LISTENED TO THESE EARLIER AAAA#i only listened to 2 so far bcs i keep on adding stuff to my queue n i've made 3 playlists w nearly the exact same songs uh#YEAH YOU GET THE POINT 😭 i have. nearly 900 playlists in my library bcs i just rlly love music so much i want to#yk. organize it Somehow or just place it somewhere but man it gets out of hand fr but honestly idrc#i listened to nothing else matters from the s&m album n then devil's dance#just those two so far bcs of the reasons i just mentioned n I LOVE IT SO MUCH AAAA N THE NORMAL VERSION TOO#songs like. devil's dance from metallica & the end of the dream by evanescence & cerberus from ffxv's ost &#the apocalypsis songs from ffxv; noctis/aquarius/magnatus#all have this vibe to me that i grp them together with.#n then. another vibe would be insanity from ffxiv's ost & illuminated world from gbf (both versions)#as well as angels from within temptation#listening to music just puts me so at ease i love it when my mind is at work n just. idk how to explain but yk analyzes it n all!!!!#i genuinely really don't want this to come off as bragging or being arrogant n i probably didn't have to say this but#i have trauma from some old friends being mean to me abt that when i was just happy n passionate 😭#but i like my. genes. being intelligent really is in my blood#i love that honestly. the way i grew up with so much.#loving life. being curious about everything. reading so many books watching so many shows n#god i grew up with those + music n video games too. hehe i'm rlly glad i grew up mostly well w my family at least#n yeah i've always been naturally intelligent. n then. i'm.. special too in a way i suppose it wouldn't be wrong to say#i have a twin. i grew up in a way i really like. i've really grown to be able to love myself n love life at heart#though i do definitely know how hard it gets. n. that makes me appreciate all these things more n. yk yh help others bcs i know how it is
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bucky-barnes-diaries · 6 months
Day 9 — Christmas Ambiance
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Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Word Count || Around 900
Contents & Warnings || Fluff, very mild Angst — no warnings.
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
Advent Calendar 2023
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During the holiday season, Christmas songs held a deep significance, not only for you and Bucky but for people all around the globe. Without iconic songs such as “All I Want for Christmas Is You,” “Mistletoe,” “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree,” “Feliz Navidad,” “Jingle Bell Rock,” and “Last Christmas,” the festive spirit would be boring and bleak, making the season dull and joyless.
You and Bucky refrained from listening to any songs before December 1st. But, the preparation for your annual Christmas playlist started weeks in advance. All the iconic songs made the list, as well as spicing it up with new releases.
On November 30th, a few minutes before midnight, you and Bucky found yourselves nestled on the sofa, each engrossed in a book. Your eyes occasionally darted to the clock, anticipation building for the stroke of midnight, signaling the start of the holiday month.
With your phone synced to the Bluetooth speakers, playlist queued up, and finger hovering over the play button, the moment arrived. The clock chimed midnight, and you pressed play.
The opening jingle of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You” resonated throughout the living room, and, unable to resist, you started singing along, your voice blending with hers.
“Come on, Bucky! It’s time,” you urged, pointing at him to join.
“I don’t want a lot for Christmas.”
“There is just one thing I need.”
Bucky closed his book, meeting your gaze with a smile that spoke of his affection. As the song continued, he joined the serenade.
“Make my wish come true.”
“All I want for Christmas is you.”
Bucky cupped your face, pressing his lips to yours, firm and determined, sealing the song's sentiment with a kiss.
“It’s true, doll. All I want for Christmas is you. Only you.”
Cliche yet heartwarming, his words elicited a giggle from you as you exchanged kisses.
You and he danced and spun across the living room as the song continued, singing your hearts out to the classic tune. In between verses, Bucky took the opportunity to steal affectionate kisses and tender touches, adding a touch of passion to your laughter and joy, making the experience memorable.
Throughout December, Christmas songs became the soundtrack of your days. During car rides, you would sing your voices hoarse with upbeat Christmas tunes. In comparison, playful days had you and Bucky twirling and laughing to the classic songs in your living room.
Amidst the joyful chaos, your favorite times were the quiet evenings of Christmas ambiance, when the two of you engaged in a slow dance guided by the timeless melodies of Bucky’s beloved 1940s Christmas songs.
Bucky placed the cherished 40s classics onto the turntable. The classic holiday tune, “White Christmas” by Irving Berlin, began to play, casting a warm, sepia-toned ambiance across the living room. The aged melody conveyed nostalgia that enveloped the dimly lit space. As the needle delicately traced the record’s grooves, a soft hiss accompanied the music, adding to its charm.
“Dance with me, doll,” Bucky invited with a boyish smile. Pulling you into his arms, he planted a tender kiss on your forehead. You hummed in contentment as you placed a hand in his and the other on his shoulder. Bucky’s free hand found its place on the small of your back, drawing you into a gentle yet firm embrace.
“I would love nothing more,” you giggled, allowing him to lead.
Your bodies melded together seamlessly, like two pieces of a perfect puzzle. Your head found a comfortable spot on his chest, near his heart, while his chin rested atop your head, creating a cocoon of protection and closeness. The dance was slow and deliberate, synchronizing with the tempo of the music. His movements were smooth and practiced—a testimony to his bygone era.
Bucky’s focus extended beyond the dance itself; it lingered on you. Amidst the nostalgic atmosphere, he showered you with whispers of sweet nothings, tender kisses on your forehead, and soft touches on your back—deepening the dance and connection.
As you and he immerse yourselves in the music and each other, your thoughts wander to a younger Bucky—charismatic and a true ladies’ man in the 1940s. A hint of jealousy flickered as you envisioned him gracefully dancing and wooing women with his youthful charm. However, these moments were part of the tapestry of his life, contributing to the person he is today. So you embraced those memories with a bittersweet taste, understanding and cherishing them.
Meeting Bucky’s gaze, it’s as if he could read the currents of your thoughts. His smile radiates warmth, his eyes reflecting adoration—a silent reassurance and affirmation that your love is unique, different from anything that came before.
“You’re everything to me, doll. You’re it. You know that,” he murmured, gently pinching your chin and caressing your lips with his. “You’re the love of my life. My one true love.”
“I know, Bucky. I love you—past, present, and future. All your stories, all your scars, you. You’re my one.”
Bucky’s charm shines through as he gracefully twirls you around, eliciting a cheerful giggle as you spin in his embrace.
As the song comes to an end, Bucky delicately dips you, sealing the intimate moment with a passionate kiss. With a smile, he brings you upright, cradling you in his arms, the steady beat of his heart syncing with your own.
You continue to dance the night away, celebrating your journey and cherishing your shared and personal scars and stories. The ambiance of Christmas songs envelops your home, creating a backdrop for your celebration.
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Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
I don’t do taglists so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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kwwallen · 15 days
xdinary heroes / your weekend.
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gerne: fluff (sfw)
warning: maybe too lazy
words: ~900
from the author: еnglish is not my native language, enjoy reading! (*´︶`*)ฅ♡
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♡ Gonil, as a leader, will try hard for the benefit of the group, so most likely the dates will take place in the studio while the guy practices his drumming.
♡ You try your best to take care of him, and since there is nothing to do on the weekend except lie down. It would be a good idea to prepare something for Gonil and go to the company.
♡ He’s very cute when he’s busy working, so You just wanted to watch. Yes, perhaps you needed some attention from him, but for now he is reeeeeeeeally busy.
♡ But still, the moment will come when Gunil will clearly get tired and need rest. Then you will need to force him to be distracted, in the worst case, drag him away from the drums yourself. But Gunil still agrees to a break.
♡ You will eat food prepared by you, talk about music, literature, quotes and everything that you have wanted to tell for so long. But most importantly, spend this time together.
♡ I think that some kind of force majeure will happen, after which you will giggle at each other.
✿ Jungsu had been looking for a reason to take you on a date to an amusement park for a long time, and the most suitable moment fell on your weekend.
✿ How much childish joy was in your eyes when you arrived at the park. Various stalls with cotton candy, popcorn and other sweets attracted them to take them, and attractions beckoned them to ride them.
✿ You decided to ride only a few of them since the rest seemed scary.
✿ Taking one large cotton candy for two you walked around the park. We ended our walk on the Ferris wheel, looking at the city from high up in each other's arms.
✿ At the end of the day, Jungsu walked you home and left you a light and embarrassed kiss on your forehead, already looking forward to the next day off.
♡ Not knowing how to spend this day, you turn on a random playlist, and while breakfast was being prepared, Jiseok began to move to the beat of the song, and you joined in.
♡ After breakfast, you stood in front of the mirror and started moving again. They were completely different, and it didn't matter if you didn't know how to dance, the focus was on imitating each other, creating joint choreography.
♡ At some point, one of you will get tired and start clapping to support the other so that he moves more confidently.
♡ So unnoticed you will spend seemingly ordinary days, fun and together.
O. de
✿ On this day you didn’t want to do anything at all, so after breakfast you went back to bed.
✿ After a while, I became terribly bored and decided to watch some series on laptop. You had to get up for a while to bring it and some snacks
✿ Here you lie again, watching the first series you come across. He seemed to be interesting, with a high rating among the others, but Seungmin still thought that you were much more interesting.
✿ He'll take just a quick glance at the action on the screen, then turn to you and draw attention to himself, for example, running her hair through his fingers, looking at your enchanted face, holding your hand, stealing a snack right in front of your eyes. Basically, anything that can distract you.
♡ There was absolutely nothing to do, time passed slowly and was as boring as possible. You guys couldn't figure out what to do with yourself. We didn’t want to go for a walk, it was raining outside. Games on the phone are, in principle, terribly boring, as is watching TV channels.
♡ At some point, you again started meaningless conversations about everything in the world and reached the interests of each other. Junhan talked about how he likes to build with construction sets, as well as his great passion for comics.
♡ This was a small start. You simply began to assemble Lego pieces into various shapes, while simultaneously maintaining the same conversation about hobbies.
♡ Later, after collecting a joint model of an airplane, Junhan decided to show off his shelf with a lot of bright comics. He began consulting on which ones he really liked and which ones he didn’t really like. You started talking about various genres, especially romantic comedies.
♡ Still, you managed to brighten up this rainy day with such a homely atmosphere.
✿Jooyeon has arranged a date for you, which should take place at his house. The guy didn’t hold on to the intrigue the moment you gathered with him, so he immediately pointed to a stack of video games and a console.
✿ It was difficult to understand and remember which joystick buttons you need to press in order to perform at least some action. Jooyeon helped a lot with this, always explaining and pointing out mistakes.
✿ After a while, you finally decided to play against each other. Then problems with control began again due to excitement. Your blood began to boil from the understanding that the guy would no longer help, but you really wanted to win.
✿ As expected, Jooyeon won the fight, which made him sad. But he began to persuade for the second round, in which he would of course give in to see the joy on the girlfriend face.
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©kwwallen//copying and translation is prohibited.
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turtletaubwrites · 2 months
✨1,000 Followers Celebration!!✨
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I can't describe how much being part of this community has meant to me. The first fic I posted here was in November in the middle of some major health and life crises (which I talk about in my about me post if you'd like to know), and I honestly don't know how I would have gotten through it without all of your support and encouragement, as well as all the laughs and good times that y'all have shared with me.
It blows my mind that there are 1,000 of you here 🤯🤯🤯 I'm so grateful for all the love, it means the world to me! 🖤🙏🏼
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Here's what I've got going on:
I wanted to plan something extra special for this milestone, but y'all have been following me faster than I can write! For the 900 milestone I decided to circle back around to Numbers Game since it was the most requested fic, and I'm so happy that the bad men of the Cross Guild seem to be hitting the spot 😅
WIP Updates
I keep my current and upcoming wips + announcements listed on my pinned Masterlist post, and here's what I've got at the moment:
Numbers Game ~ Part 13 will be out later today!
Current WIPS: Numbers Game 14, and We've All Got Needs 28 Upcoming WIPS: Misty Eyes 6, 1 request, Wrong Side of the Bars 2, a few WAGN extra scenes, and 4 requests that came in while they were closed) Announcements: Requests will remain closed until I complete the next batch of Numbers Game, as well as the requests on my list. I'm sorry for the delay, I keep turning them into multi-chaptered fics! If you've submitted a request, know that it is on my list, and I've already started outlining!
New Fic Rec Masterlist
I have been reading some amazing fics lately, please check out my new Fic Rec Masterlist, and show the authors some love!!
Fic & Personal Playlists
I never made playlists for writing until I was tagged in an ask game, and it was so fun! Typically my brain will only let me listen to the same 1-10 songs over and over for a month or more, lol. So in addition to the fic playlists I'm starting, I've made a playlist of my current hyperfixation songs if you'd like to check in on the sounds looping through my head that week 😅 Plus a dump playlist where I'm slowly adding all the past hyperfixation songs I can remember because sometimes I need to pull one back in when there's a void, lol. I love getting song recs too! This reminds me of hooking up my dingy little ipod nano (that I still have, his name is Desmond 🥰) to all of my friend's computers to steal their music since I couldn't afford to buy my own 😅
TurtleTaub Current Hyperfixation Playlist TurtleTaub All the Fixation's Playlist Misty Eyes ~ Law x Reader Playlist Bend Until You Break ~ Playlist More to come, and feel free to send me song recs, they make me so happy 🥰🎶
Next Fic Poll
To celebrate this milestone I'm going to write one of the requests/wips of your choice that I've got on the books next.
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| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 | ko-fi |
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
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white christmas | bradley bradshaw x f!reader
this is my contribution to @notroosterbradshaw 's #hello december playlist challenge! my song was 'white christmas' by bing crosby - so feel free to listen to that to get in the mood!
what to expect in this fic: Bradley couldn't remember the last time he hadn't spent Christmas on some type of naval base. After all, he figured it would be better to work through the holiday than sit all on his lonesome. Lucky for him, his girlfriend of two years has other plans this Christmas. You can expect northern lights, snow lanterns, a little good ol' whimsical fun in the Swedish wilderness!
warnings: afab!reader, she/her pronouns, christmas content, santa clause, reindeers, foreign countries (if you're not swedish), mentions of ditching a plane, mentions of security measures on planes (listen, I couldn't help myself. I used to be a flight attendant), mentions of alcohol, l-bombs, random information about swedish christmas tradition, fluff, whimsical stuff.
disclaimer: this was such a fun challenge! and I went a little self indulgent and figured I'd teach y'all some swedish christmas fun! I added some links along the way to help visualize some Swedish stuff that people perhaps have not encountered before. enjoy!
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Bradley was sat by the window seat of the Airbus A330 from Chicago. Glancing over to his side, your head had already settled on his soft, hoodie-clad shoulder. During your previous flight from LAX (in a smaller Boeing 737-900), you’d been granted the window seat. On this longer flight though, Bradley had offered to sit by the emergency exit over the wing.
The flight attendant had looked so relieved it was almost comical. They were always surveying their passengers, and he was grateful that they took the extra step to make sure able bodied and stronger looking people were sat at the emergency exits should they need to evacuate. 
His girlfriend had given him a small smirk as he’d sat down at the emergency exit seat, and he could tell she was about to tease him light-heartedly. “Oh, I’m a pilot,” you’d giggled, soothing your words with a soft kiss to his shoulder. Bradley had only offered you a smile back, and as he felt the aircraft vibrate for takeoff, he’d smirked and decided to annoy you further, leaning over, letting his lips ghost by your ear as he murmured:
“V1,” as the aircraft hurtled by the last safe speed for which the runway would allow it to stop in case of engine failure or error
“Rotate,” he continued, right as the nose rotated and started it’s ascent, mimicking the words currently spoken in the cockpit by the first and second pilot. He’d snickered as you rolled your eyes, muttering “Show-off,” before turning to read your book. That had been at the beginning of your twelve hour flight, which was now soon coming to its’ close - with you snoozing softly on his shoulder.
He glanced over to the other emergency exit across from him, where a woman in her late 40’s sat with a crossword. Bradley had heard her tell the attendants that she too worked as a crew member, and was very familiar with the procedure should they need to make an emergency landing, or ditch.
Just the thought of ditching this enormous plane made him shudder. He was quite glad that he’d never attempt it in his jets. More often than not, even with a bigger, slower flying aircraft, landing on water was tricky. If the water was rough, a bigger aircraft like this sometimes broke off in the middle. It wasn’t impossible though, and he spent a good 5 minutes thinking of successful ditchings before kissing the top of your head, inhaling the sweet scent - one that instantly brought him peace and comfort. The rest of your flight to Stockholm Arlanda airport was uneventful, some turbulence here and there but it was to be expected.
As Bradley took in the sight of you snoozing on his shoulder, he couldn’t help but smile. Bradley hadn’t asked for leave from work over the holidays since he’d joined the Navy. There was never a reason for him to be home over Christmas, and most years he’d actually ask if there was any available work for him, just so that he’d have something to do on what most would consider one of the more cheerful days of the year. The exception had been last holiday, when you’d asked him if he wanted to come around for dinner with your parents to celebrate Christmas; the year before that your relationship had been relatively new, and you’d exchanged gifts on the 26th instead. 
So, last New Years, after a few too many drinks - Bradley had confided in you his secret of having worked during the holidays since his early twenties - and that he’d often been stationed somewhere there really wasn’t any snow, and how he really wished for one of those White Christmases that you saw on TV. Bradley would be the first to admit he got sappy when drunk, but your response had been so sweet - promising him a white Christmas next year, and he was almost sure he heard you swear that he’d never have to spend Christmas alone again.
And so, a few days into the new year, the two of you had begun to plan the journey you were currently on. A journey that would take you deep into the Swedish snow, up in the north where a small village called Jukkasjärvi lay. You’d decided upon it together, both agreeing that staying a night in the iconic ice hotel was a sure thing for the Christmas bucket list.
Bradley knew his girlfriend had spent the entire year researching everything Christmas-related in Sweden, and he also knew she was dying to tell him every single thing she’d found. The two of them had scoured the internet for fun things to try whilst in Sweden, and they’d narrowed it down to a list they figured they would manage during their two week stay. 
The first week was for exploring, experiencing their bucket list, and lastly, Christmas. The second week would be for lounging, relaxing and just generally enjoying each other’s company in the wooden cabin they had booked for themselves for the second week. Bradley had insisted on one of the cabins that had a sauna, because he desperately felt he’d need one in the cold climate.
You had teased him, asking him if he knew that it was tradition in the northern countries to sauna in the nude, and then roll in the snow in between sessions. He told you promptly that he did not know that. It sounded almost like a torture tactic. After he’d told you so, you’d forgone telling him about the use of smaller tree branches as whisks to whip against your back. He wasn’t ready for that information yet, you’d decided.
As you successfully landed at Arlanda airport, the two of you sleepily made your way underground for the next part of your travel itinerary. You’d decided that you might as well take the night train to Jukkasjärvi as soon as you’d landed, and you’d only have to switch to a bus when you made it to Kiruna, a town that lay only 30 minutes away from your final destination.
Getting comfortable in the bunk bed you’d booked, Bradley smiled as you snuggled up against his chest and fell fast asleep. Bradley, however, found himself too excited to let sleep grasp at his consciousness just now. He was spellbound as his eyes gazed out at the gray night sky, already seeing thick snowflakes falling around the moving train. But soon, the warmth of your body, the gentle rocking of the train, and the flurry of snow outside the window of the compartment had him lulled to sleep. 
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Bradley was fucking freezing. Of course, he had anticipated that the Northernmost cities or villages of Sweden would be cold, but this was beyond anything he’d ever experienced. He was surprised to find he liked it. It kept his head surprisingly clear as he inhaled the icy air.
He was suddenly glad the two of you had researched extensively what type of gear you’d need to sleep in a hotel made of snow and ice, because his wool thermal underwear, his fleece midlayer, his balaclava, warm hat and mittens kept his body sufficiently warm in the coveralls the ice hotel had provided you. 
He snuck a peek at you, where you stood, enraptured by the guide that had welcomed you. The guide had first informed you that the temperature was about -15 degrees celsius, which meant that it was roughly 5 degrees fahrenheit. The guide then started telling you about the Polar nights, or as they called it, mid winter nights “Oh my god, Bradley that sounds magical” you whispered to him, your voice laced with an endearing amount of excitement.
He smiled down at you and squeezed you close to his side to show he was excited too. The polar nights were a period of time in Lapland where the sun never dared to show itself, the guide expressed, and the only light they got were two hours near noon that they called “blue hours”, when the night sky turned a little lighter blue, and the white snow reflected that soft light to make it illuminate the nature just a little bit. Your eyes were twinkling excitedly, and Bradley thought he might not have seen anything more beautiful in his life. 
You were looking up at him, giggling softly as the hot breath made wisps of smoke appear in the cold air. “You have ice in your mustache, Roos,” you murmured, in awe of the fact that almost every single individual hair of his mustache had ice crystals on them, on the bottom from the moisture of his lips, and the top from where he exhaled warm air onto it.
Rooster was pretty sure he could feel the hairs in his nostrils freezing as he inhaled - it was a weird sensation, but something he got used to surprisingly quickly. “Yeah, well your eyelashes are icy too,” he mumbled with a quick smile before nudging your side, to make you turn your attention back to the guide. 
The guide was smiling at the two of you, explaining how the inside of the ice suites were actually about -5 to -7 celsius due to the insulation that the snow and ice provided (Bradley thought that sounded like a contradiction if he ever heard one), which was about 19 degrees fahrenheit.
As the tour ended, the two of you made your way into the hotel. Bradley was blown away at the detail with which the artists had sculpted ice to look like art. He could hardly voice how in awe he was, which caused him to just gape and stare at the interior. You, on the other hand, were ohh-ing and ahh-ing and pulling on his hand to drag him further in to explore the ice bar, and the ice church. The two of you shared a very cold drink in one of the bars icen glasses, giggling and sharing an excited kiss over the first drink of the night. 
“Happy holidays, Bradley” you sighed happily, leaning your body into him. Bradley was used to having you close, so the distance your thick clothing provided had him whining softly at not being able to have you closer to him.
“Happy holidays, my love. This is already above and beyond any of my wildest dreams right now,” Bradley confessed into your beanie clad head, pressing a soft kiss to the fabric, hoping you felt the sentiment of it. It seemed you did, since you offered him a breathtaking smile that had his heart doing double time somewhere under all his layers of clothing. 
“We can’t forget to watch for the northern lights tonight!” you reminded him softly, sipping on your drink. He shook his head, smiling at your eager tone. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, sweetheart,” he had listened to your calculations, and the general knowledge you’d picked up about the aurora borealis, and he hoped you’d get to experience one tonight. 
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After a chilly night in the ice suite, you spent the rest of the week in your booked warm hotel room, enjoying fancy dinners during the evenings (which, admittedly, didn't always feel like evenings due to the almost constant darkness), treating yourselves to glasses of prosecco and wine. Giggling with each other in the room beforehand as you dressed up fancy. Bradley alternated between slacks and a button-up, and full blown suits. A favorite of yours was his navy blue one, that he wore tonight, on the 22nd of December. 
“Have I told you that you look gorgeous in this?” you said, voice a low murmur as you slung your arm around his neck in the elevator on the way to the dining hall.
“Nope,” Rooster smirked, dropping down to give you a breathtaking kiss “But thank you, sweets. You look real handsome,” he teased, noticing that you referred to him as the endearment he most used for you - ‘gorgeous’, switching up the endearment to the one you most used for him - ‘handsome’. But he’d have likened your look to ‘beautiful’ in all reality, because that’s what he could best describe your deep green attire, hair and makeup all done up and pretty. 
As you sat down to eat, you figured you’d go over the plans you had for the morning. Bradley had been looking forward to this one all year. You’d booked to go sledding, to see the reindeer farm located on the native Swedish land.
Bradley and you had spent countless hours searching for the perfect place to be able to interact with the reindeer, and the perfect opportunity seemed to be close enough, with a museum of the Sàmi customs and cuisine, which gave you a two for one experience - culture and some good old fashioned Christmas experiences. 
“What if we see Santa?” you exclaimed excitedly as you raised your glass to your lips. “Why would you say that?” Rooster furrowed his brows, feeling like he might’ve missed something important here
“Roos, he lives here!” his girlfriend exclaimed, as if mortally wounded that he did not know that Santa Clause resided in Jukkasjärvi. “I thought he lived on the North Pole?” Bradley laughed, and you shook your head vehemently “No, babe. The Swedes insist he lives here, in Lapland. Of course, I saw some forums argue he lives in Finland - but I choose to believe he lives here. Wouldn’t it be great if we saw actual Santa?” 
Bradley could only smile at your satisfied smile over the rim of your champagne glass, a determined twinkle in your eyes. He loved the fact that you were kind of whimsical, trying to make this a real White Christmas for him to remember - and he couldn’t exactly help that it made his heart grow three sizes. 
“And how is it that you know this then?” Rooster inquired, smiling softly as you took a bite of your meal. He had an inkling that you’d gone all in for the research, to surprise him with fun facts during your trip. Your bashful smile confirmed his suspicions. 
“Well, I might have read up on Swedish Christmas traditions - wouldn’t it be fun to follow them? I’ve even booked their Christmas smörgåsbord!” Bradley couldn’t help but throw his head back and laugh at the excited sparkle that hid beneath your lashes, his chest filling with warmth for his girlfriend again. “There’s a Christmas smörgåsbord? Is that tradition?” he inquired curiously.
“Yup! There sure is. They have small sausages, meatballs, of course, and a ham that they eat with sweet mustard - and some weird pickled herring. I’m a bit wary of those, but we have to be brave, Bradley. We have to show the vikings we’re one of them,” your soft giggle mingled with his laughter, as the soft voice of Bing Crosby meandered through the dining hall, singing about White Christmas as the snow fell peacefully outside of the window. 
“Is that on the 25th, then?” you shook your head no, “Swedish folk celebrate Christmas on the 24th. Which makes sense if Santa lives here! He’ll do these countries first, and then come to us. I knew that man couldn’t possibly do the whole world in one day!”
As dessert was served, and your glasses began to empty, the two of you were feeling giggly, sleepy and all around filled with warmth and Christmas cheer. As you stood up after having paid, Rooster wrapped a large arm around your frame, pulling you into his chest to place a lingering kiss on the top of your head. “This was one of the best ideas we’ve ever had, darling,” he murmured, placing a couple of more kisses against your temple as you slowly made your way up to your room.
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Cold, biting air nipped at Roosters cheeks as the sleigh moved forwards in the snow. It was a clear sky today, which heightened the chance to see the auroras considerably, you’d told him happily after the two of you enjoyed a lengthy breakfast together. You’d made Bradley try some Swedish spread called ‘kaviar’ to which he retched for a good three minutes, before he swore revenge upon you, making you giggle as he pretended to glare at you. 
Bells were softly jingling as the large horses trotted along the small streets through the tiny village, headed towards the snow clad boreal forest. Bradley was squinting to see the houses that lined the streets. Some of them had snowmen and women in their front yards, but many of them had weird, cone shaped little snow buildings by the entrance to their homes.
He furrowed his brows, pointing with a mittened hand in the direction of one before he asked out loud “What are those little lit up things? Are those made of snow?” he watched as you turned your head to inspect them too, before the driver of the carriage half turned and smiled. 
“Those are snow lanterns,” he spoke, before gently saying something in Swedish to one of the horses to calm it before continuing “they’re made out of snow. Mostly children will make them by making snowballs, and arranging them in a cone shape. Their parents will then put a candle in the cone as the dark falls, and it works as a pretty lantern the children can watch from their windows before they go to sleep. Some parents tell their children that’s how Santa will find their houses.”
Bradley thought to himself that if he ever had any children, he’d make snow lanterns with them to make sure Santa and his reindeers found his house. The smallest stitch of sorrow settled deep within his chest, before he caught sight of your face - looking as enamored as he was by the idea of snow lanterns. 
“Maybe we could make one later?” Bradley told you softly, smiling down at your bundled up form. “Sadly, the snow is too dry to form anything. They must’ve made these earlier in the year, when the snow was still wet.” the driver said before turning around completely to steer the horses into a narrow path in the woods. At this, your face lit up, and Rooster could tell that that was something you had read up on.
“Roos, did you know that the native people of Sweden are said to have about one hundred different lexical words for snow? Like the quality of snow matters!” you looked so beautiful like this. The soft light of the day, the crystal white and sparkling snow whirling all around your face, cheeks cold and eyelashes frosted. He had to take a deep breath to settle himself, a lopsided, goofy smile on his face. “Is that so? What type of snow is this then?” 
“Well, seeing as it’s so cold, I’d say this is probably the powdery sort. The kind that when you throw it at someone, it just dusts away in the wind. I would guess that to make snowmen and snow lanterns, you’d need the heavier, wetter kind that falls in the beginning of the season, when it’s not below freezing,” you surmised, and Bradley just chuckled, ruffling your hat on your head “That’s my smart girl!”
As you approached the reindeer farm, Bradley could practically feel you vibrating with excitement beside him, and as the sled came to a stop, Bradley jumped down, offering his mitten clad hands out to you to help you down.
His heart stuttered a bit at the breathtaking smile that had formed on your lips, and he opted to seize you by the waist, lifting you down instead. Your happy peal of laughter as he spun you once, made a large grin appear on his lips as well. “Hi, baby,” he murmured, as your arms snaked around his neck, leaning down to peck his lips lovingly before he let you down. 
The afternoon on the 23rd was spent petting and feeding the reindeer, cooing over how absolutely sweet and adorable they were, eating candied almonds you bought (and learning they were popular here during Christmas), had a glass of mulled wine each with almonds and raisins in it, and learning about native Swedish customs and culture. As the two of you meandered towards the end of the little market they had put up, suddenly Bradley heard his girlfriend suck in a heavy gasp.
“Bradley!” you whisper-screamed, jumping up and down whilst pointing towards the thicker forest a bit away.
There, between the thick cover of pine trees, a soft gold light was moving slowly in the thick snow. Bradley furrowed his brows, staring more intently as he caught a glimmer of red flashing in the soft light.
“Oh my God, Roos!” your voice was borderline hysteric with unbridled, childish excitement, and Bradley himself couldn’t help but feel somewhat the same way as you. There, in the woods, was undoubtedly a man, who was quite large - his thick white beard decidedly not a fake one.
One of the reindeer close to you, heard the ruffle of movement and it snapped its head around to look at the man. It slowly turned and started walking towards the man, and both yours and Bradleys’ jaw dropped as you faintly saw the man chuckling, a small piece of parchment sticking out of one of his deep, worn pockets. 
Bradley hardly wanted to blink, but he had to gauge your reaction - were you seeing this!? Were his eyes deceiving him? But no, as he looked at you, the same stunned, wondrous facial expression was on your face as well. “Baby…” Bradley said incredulously, and when his gaze returned to the spot where he’d seen the man and the reindeer - they were gone.
“Was that…?” Bradley started, and you only nodded mutely, completely flabbergasted at what you’d just witnessed. “I need a moment,” you told your boyfriend and he nodded, only letting one small laugh escape his lips as he shook his head - a new found twinkle shining in his amber eyes as the two of you ordered a cup of hot chocolate, Bradley opting to have the smiling girl clad in a Gákti (a traditional dress for the Sàmi) fill his cup with a minty liquor as well. 
As the two of you sat in the carriage on the way home, silence stretching through the darkness of the night, the moon illuminating the snow enough so that every single detail of the landscape was still dimly visible, you finally spoke.
“That was the real Santa Clause, wasn’t it?” your voice sounded revered, and serious. “I am so fucking sure that that was the real Santa, didn’t you see the reindeer approach him!?” Bradley could barely contain his mirth “Shh, Bradley! No swearing!! He’ll know!” you hissed before triumphantly saying “I told you he lived here!”
“Oh, fuck! Shit, I mean–” he laughed at himself “I won’t swear anymore,” before silence fell between the two of you. However, the night wasn’t completely silent anymore. Aside from the soft noises from the horses, and the bells jingling softly, a peculiar sound met their ears.
The driver smiled softly “I believe we’ll see some northern lights soon,” you gasped softly at the drivers words “Oh my god, I read that some people can hear the auroras,” and as soon as the words were out of your mouth, the sky exploded in shades of green, blue and at some spots violet as well.
The sharp intake of air from you was the only thing filling the night, except for a peculiar crackling sound. It was so overwhelming, seeing the lights dance slowly across the expanse of the night sky. Bradley had never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life, and as the sled slowly came to a stop, he noticed that his tears had already frozen on his cheeks. 
When you’d admired the aurora in awed silence for a few minutes, the driver softly had the horses come to a walk again, sensing that staying still for any longer would have them freeze. However, the lights were still slowly dancing back and forth over the skies, and Bradley was sure he’d have a kink in his neck from the way he couldn’t bear to rip his gaze away from this phenomena.
All at once, Bradley could understand why the Sàmi, and natives in his own home country might believe that a higher being was sending them omens through the lights. They were breathtaking, and if he hadn’t known the science behind the lights - he was pretty sure he too would believe that they were otherworldly. Perhaps he’d choose to believe they were either way. 
The two of you reached your room, drawing a hot bath before peeling your clothes off. When you’d warmed up a little, the two of you chattered excitedly about what you’d experienced that day - arguing over who had been the nicest this year.
“Listen, I am one hundred percent sure Santa saw me give Hangman the last piece of the birthday cake earlier this year!”
“Bradley, that was his birthday cake!” 
“So then it was pretty nice of me to let him have it, right?”
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Waking up on the 24th, Rooster nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent as you slowly came to consciousness. “Merry Christmas, Roos,” your soft voice had a sleepy hint to it as your fingers carded through his slightly longer locks.
“Merry Christmas, love of my life,” Bradley sighed happily, placing soft kisses to your exposed neck as his arms wound tight around your midsection. The two of you lay wrapped in each others embrace for a big part of the morning, before exchanging a single gift with each other. 
Later that day, you joined the other residents in eating a Christmas smörgåsbord, listening to Christmas songs, and lastly, dancing around the large tree that sat in the lobby. Drinking Christmas ale, mulled wine and sparkling cider. It was the best Christmas Bradley had had for years, and as the jolly type of music wound down to a beautiful Swedish rendition of ‘O Holy Night’ transitioned into ‘White Christmas’, Bradley once again embraced you, swirling you around in a slow dance.
His lips found yours in a kiss that felt as if the northern lights had exploded within the two of you, and were dancing merrily between you.
“Thank you,” Bradley murmured against your lips “for giving me the best Christmas of my life,” he continued, pulling back to admire your beautiful, twinkling eyes.
“Thank you, Bradley,” you replied softly, squeezing his hand before resting your cheek on his sweater clad chest, swaying softly to the tune of the beautiful song that rang out in the winter night.
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a/n: ahhh!!! I hope you guys liked this one! I added links to give a visual to things that not everyone knows of or has seen before. I hope it wasn't distracting! Please let me know what you thought of this whimsical little fun fic! <3 lots of love to those who don't celebrate christmas, or have a hard time with christmas as well - I love you so much<3
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thesoftboiledegg · 8 months
Subconsciously, I assume that all the bands on my Spotify playlists are moderately popular. If they're online, they must have a following, right? But nope--listening to some of these tracks is the equivalent of finding a dusty cassette tape at a flea market.
Miracle Parade has only SIX monthly listeners. I have no idea how I found this song--it must've been in my Discover Weekly playlist. The fuzzy recording gives "I Will Make You Love Me" a haunting quality.
How about 30 monthly listeners? Graeme Downes deserves more for "Hammers and Anvils" alone. I love the stripped-down tune.
Only about 1,000 people listen to Ultimate Fakebook each month. Admittedly, some local bands would kill to have that many. "Brokyn Needle" is a perfect catchy, upbeat alt rock song.
Lapush barely cracks 300 monthly listeners. I heard "Aurora" nearly two decades ago on the local alt rock station. The station abruptly disappeared one day mid-broadcast, and I'm still wondering what happened. Anyway, this song's intro gives me intense nostalgia.
If you want to know how old "Arthur Nix" is, I found this track on a CD compilation of Myspace's top ten songs. Myspace, CD players--yeah, that was another lifetime! Jupiter Sunrise only has about 900 monthly listeners, but they deserve more because "Arthur Nix" makes me tear up a little, and I don't cry easily.
Does anybody remember IMF (International Music Feed)? I used to watch music videos on Fuse and IMF for hours. Test Your Reflex has about 1,700 monthly fans. I recently thought about "Pieces Of The Sun" and its music video on IMF for the first time in years, and I still enjoy it today.
Tender Age has about 280 listeners each month. Admittedly, "Lowers" is a little out there. This track is a combination of indie rock, shoegaze and fuzz, and you either like it or you don't!
I did NOT expect An Angle to have only about 250 monthly listeners. "White Horse" always sounded like an indie rock classic to me. I've had this one on my playlist since 2013.
Damn, only 173 monthly listeners for Roll The Tanks? "Goodnight Jimmy Lee" is one of my favorite alt rock songs. It's loud and exciting and grabs you from the first note.
"Chemical Reaction" is another alt rock song from my preteen years. It's a great song that still holds up and a shame that The Vanished only has 400 monthly listeners. Admittedly, they haven't released a full album since 2006.
What about you guys? 🤔 What are some bands with tiny followings on your playlists?
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recurring-polynya · 5 months
Writing/Art Update 1.9.2024
Bleh. I was holding off doing this update, hoping I was going to be able to report that I had finished That Stupid Scene that I have been working on since before Christmas. I had so many thoughts in my head while I was cooking dinner and then, when I actually sat down to write, they had departed. Maybe they'll be back tomorrow.
In any case, I did make a huge amount of progress this week. It was hard! I had a lot of writing time, which was nice, except that I spent a lot of it staring out the window or clicking on my other browser tabs, which is always very irritating. However, I did manage to get most of it written, and it hit all the bullet points I needed it to. I basically just have to wrap it up and transition into what happens next. It shouldn't actually be that hard, I'm just tired and I'm not sure I can swing it right now. It's a big scene, too-- I clocked 4,375 words on it this week in addition to the 900 I already had, so it's probably going to be about half the chapter.
I've had a feeling for quite some time that I had not actually budgeted enough space in the outline for the back half of this fanfic. The thing is, though, it is nearly always the case that an extra chapter manages to sneak in somewhere along the way. I decided to just leave the outline as it was, and that way, if an extra chapter appeared, then my pacing problem would sort itself. That...may be happening. I am not entirely sure. I'm in sort of a weird place where I simultaneously feel like I am very close to done and also very, very far away from being done. Hopefully, in the next week or two (that is, when I finish Ch 7), that will sort itself out. Either that, or I'll just keep writing chapters, like Zeno's fanfic. I sincerely hope that doesn't happen. I will die.
Ugh, I want to post. I am wallowing in the pit of it's been so long since I posted, I feel like I have literally stopped existing, and I keep getting dumb urges to "just take a little break and write a short one" (note that I do not actually have any ideas towards "a short one", it's 100% urges only). Anyway, I definitely do not want to do that, because I want to finish this one very, very badly, and it's taking long enough as is. What I should probably do is polish up Chs 5 and 6 and send them to the beta, but that would require coming up with a name for the art museum that I placeholdered a bunch of times in Ch 5. I actually named it in Ch 1 and then decided I didn't like it and needed to rename and I just haven't yet.
Speaking of names, I've also fallen into It-Needs-a-Title Madness, where I start to go Actual Nuts because I can't think of a title for this stupid fanfic. I forgot that in addition to staring out the window, I spent a lot of time looking through the lyrics of songs on my Ductwork playlist and googling for, like, "phrases with injury" in them. I hate this. It's such a waste of time and yet I do this every time. Why can't you pay someone $10 to name your fanfic for you? Can I just call it "Ductwork"? Does it even matter? (it does matter. I regret every terrible title I have ever slapped on a fanfic in a fit of "Fuck It, We Post")
In other news, I drew all seven days last week (the theme was fruits and vegetables). I took yesterday off, but then I drew a can of soup today, which was hard. It's cool. The people in art club are very nice. I am really hoping to draw a Rukia for her birthday. I have never drawn a bankai Rukia, and I'd like to give it a shot. I bet it would be a lot easier if I could resist doing a full body shot, but somehow, I always do a full body shot. We'll see!!
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fillinforlater · 2 years
One year in the rearview mirror
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On September 12th 2021 I posted my very first k-pop fic. With the encouragement and editing help of my favorite writer @worldsover “Castle of A Thousand Spiders” became the start of my official Tumblr writing career. A journey which has been an absolute blast from the start and my chance to meet lot’s of talented, like-minded k-pop fans. 
Let’s take a short look back (I promise I won’t make this as long as I had planned out in my head. You all have other things to do in your lives xD)
Okay, to be honest, you now tapped the “Read more” line and I, uhm, have no clue what to do now. Like, do I just talk about my accomplishments? My development? Numbers and stats? All those amazing writers, editors, friends I met and made along the way? Do I just give big shout outs to you, the reader, who made this possible? Do I just post the BIG fic I have (almost) ready for you?
Dude, I have no idea xD I’d feel bad to leave out someone, to not mention something big and important or not praise all the amazing fics others have written over this one year span and way before that. I’m basically scrambling to find an idea. Hmmmmm.
I have something. I’ll just do a collection of Top 5′s for certain topics I like and maybe you will enjoy that. This is gonna be fanfic and k-pop focused as fuck and some lists are outdated, but whatever. Let’s get started!
Top 5 favorite K-Pop Songs of all Time
Damn, I love kpop. Of the 2079 Songs in my kpop playlist, hundred are deeply burned into my heart. Luckily, I regularly do lists to rank them and the current one is as follows.
5. Pray (I’ll Be Your Man) - BTOB
3. Answer - ATEEZ
1. We are Bulletproof: the Eternal - BTS
I fucking LOVE all these songs! Literally my favorites ever!
Next one:
Top 5 favorite K-Pop Groups
Disclaimer: this list is old. I will redo it in the (very) near future, so take it with a big grain of salt. This ranking will definitely change, but as of... 9 months ago... this is my Top 5:
5. NCT
4. Dreamcatcher
1. BTS
Up to the next:
Top 5 favorite K-Pop Idols
Those that know me as just the girl group smut writer, seeing BTS at No. 1 twice was probably kinda surprising. This will change now. No male idols in my Top 5! This does not make it easier to rank them... it’s impossible, I just adore them so much:
5. Kim Gaeul - IVE
4. Kwon Eunbi - IZ*ONE
3. Kim Dahyun - TWICE
2. Ahn Yujin - IVE
1. Kim Minju - IZ*ONE
(But that’s basically just two groups---yeah I don’t care lol)
Top 5 favorite Fanfics of myself
It’s kinda fun to ask myself this question and to compare how my own favorites stack up to my most popular pieces. Let’s take a look!
5. You asked for it ft. Yeojin (830 Notes! One of my most popular fics!)
4. Legendary Cookies ft. Yuri, Sakura, Eunbi, Hyewon, Minju (636 Notes! Nice!)
3. Blonde: Chapter I ft. Gaeul (female reader fluff) (155 Notes. Expected, but I really appreciate that there is people who like this :D)
2. Loathing Love: Lucky Loser ft. Eunbi, Hyewon (706 Notes! Insane!)
1. Classmating ft. Minju (689 Notes! Amazing!)
Top 5 favorite Fanfics of other writers
Yeah, no, that’s just impossible. Do not take this list as my ultimate statement on my favorite fics, I’ll just list 5 incredible fics y’all should read.
5. Crybaby by @iznsfw
4. Scoring Position by @writerpeach
3. Movie Night by @existslikepristin
2. Cherry Blossom Blooming and Aegyo Avoidance by @ggidolsmuts
1. Upper Floor Lower by @worldsover​
(ey, those are six---I could’ve only put Levi here, okay?!)
Dammit, it’s after midnight. I missed my own writer birthday hard lmao.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this. From 0 to 3360 in 365 days with one fic over 900 Notes! That’s just unbelievable. Thank you.
No wait.
THANK YOU! <3 <3 <3
I love you all. Stay awesome. 
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randomvarious · 11 months
1990s Downtempo Playlist
Last week I had a little update for my 1990s drum n bass playlist, which featured a song by a guy named Dominic Glynn, who you probably don't know by name, but whose work you've definitely heard before. His career is basically two-pronged: he's an underground electronic music producer who goes by the name of Fluid, and he also formed half the duo of Syzygy as well, whose 1994 LP, Morphic Resonance, is reputed to be the stuff of legend.
But Glynn is also a prolific composer for film and TV too. He's made music for Doctor Who, American Idol, The Apprentice, The Simpsons, Big Brother, So You Think You Can Dance, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, SpongeBob SquarePants, MTV Cribs, Ricki Lake, My Super Sweet Sixteen, and many other productions.
So, now I'm back this week with another Glynn banger to add to this growing 90s downtempo playlist of mine. This song's called "Spitting Sand," and it's a mix of trip hop, eastern flute, and some squelchy Roland TB-303 acid too 😌. Originally released in '96, it found its way onto UK budget label Dressed to Kill's 1997 quadruple-disc compilation, Amberdelic Space II: Angel of Ecstasy. Overall, I don't really vibe to most of that release's mystic-psychedelic electronic theme, but since it's four discs long, I was still bound to find some goodies on it, and this happens to be one of them.
"Spitting Sand" doesn't appear to be very well known either. It has under 1,000 plays on Spotify and only over 900 on YouTube across its couple uploads. It's a great, overlooked mid-90s chillout groove, as far as I'm concerned.
Fluid - "Spitting Sand"
I also added this song to the YouTube version of the playlist as well, which has a lot more 90s downtempo tunes on it than the Spotify one does, because a lot of the tunes that I want to add just aren't on Spotify at all.
And the playlist is on YouTube Music too, if that's your preferred platform.
So, here's where things currently stand: we've got 34 songs on the Spotify playlist, which totals 3 hours and 35 minutes, and we've got 57 songs on the YouTube one, which totals *6 hours and 15 minutes*. So, a whole lot more rare and unknown goodies in that YouTube one to chew on.
And I'm still, really, only just getting started with this whole thing 😅. There's so much fantastic and ephemeral and slept-on downtempo from this decade that's out there that I need to show you all.
More to come, eventually. Stay tuned!
Like what you hear? Follow me on Spotify and YouTube for more cool playlists and uploads!  
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auroracalisto · 1 year
aurora's 2,000 followers celebration
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welcome, friend! take a seat, stay a while—this celebration is for you! like i've said before, i honestly do not know how i even amassed 100 followers, let alone 2,000 of you! i appreciate you so very much and i'm so glad to be able to celebrate with you.
when: january 1st through january 8th who: i would appreciate it if you followed me to participate, but it is not necessary. also, you can be anonymous or not—the choice is entirely yours! how: send me an ask, along with what is asked of you (see below) | please be sure to either send me the emoticon or the name that corresponds with the emoji so i know what you want!
more information is under the cut ♡
✎ blurbs [send me a prompt from this list here and a character you'd like to see it with (scroll further to see who i'll write for); blurbs will not be any longer than 900 words]
♢ mini games [fmk, top five, this or that, would you rather]
☆ ask me anything [with this one, ask me what you want to know. it could literally be anything. ask for advice. ask about my wips. you could even ask for my unpopular opinions with this one]
☼ cast my mutuals [send me a thing and i will cast my mutuals]
☺ playlists send me a character or a ship and i'll make a playlist with 5 or more songs!
♡ love letters mutuals only—send me the heart emoji and i'll write a love letter to you; why you are such an amazing and wonderful mutual. p.s., we don't have to be close mutuals for you to do this. i love you no matter what.
i will only write for adult characters.
for the blurbs, i will not write anything nsfw.
i'll write for any of the following characters: [bridgerton] anthony bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, colin bridgerton, eloise bridgerton [marvel] matt murdock, otto octavius, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, loki [peaky blinders] thomas shelby, alfie solomons [stranger things] eddie munson, steve harrington, robin buckley [the last kingdom] uhtred ragnarsson, osferth, sihtric, finan [top gun] rooster, hangman, bob, phoenix, iceman, maverick, goose, slider [american horror story] michael langdon, xavier plympton, chet clancy, kit walker, james patrick march [the umbrella academy] viktor hargreeves, klaus hargreeves, diego hargreeves, ben hargreeves, lila pitts, sloan, axel, otto, oscar character you want not listed? send me an ask and i'll let you know if i can write for them or not.
ALL POSTS WILL BE TAGGED WITH: #auroras2kcelebration
tagging some of my amazing mutuals who may want to participate: @imgoingtofreakoutnow @imaginearyparties @yn-ymn-yln @hellotvshowtrash @elijahs-wife @dumble-daddy @twinkiemaximoff @themarvelousbee @undeadcortez @prudentia-potentia-est @dizzydancingdreamer @gggoldfinch @hoebrowsalad @kpopgirlbtssvt @kitwalker02 @leossmoonn @lady-salvatore @xxwritemeastoryxx @captainsophiestark @vxidsti1es @bisexual-rebekah @no-mercy-bby @mrs-maximoff-kenner
disclaimer: you may send as many asks as you want. however, i do have a life outside of tumblr, and i often become overwhelmed. please be patient with me as i navigate through the asks. also, if there is anything that i may feel uncomfortable with, i will delete it. please be aware that there is a human on the other side of the screen, and do not take offense.
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godza · 5 months
tagged by the lovely @saeu for the first ten songs shuffled on my main music playlist. i have 900 songs which are 52 hours we got a lot of things to shuffle around
1. energetic by wanna one
2. work by millennium parade and sheena ringo
3. dancin in the vr world by kuragep
4. papermoon by tommy heavenly6
5. yeah boy and doll face by pierce the veil (my fave song ever btw)
6. lets kill ourselves by neru i forget what the title actually is its something like that
7. coconut mall from mario kart.
8. needle light from imas
9. super yuppers by wjsn chocome
10. money by the drums
this is a good lineup! usually i get some random ones but these are all good and presentable songs. for the past 24 hours ive only been listening to limp bizkit so a break was good. tagging everybody on earth!
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Wait... you know Hetalia???!!!
I love Hetalia and I'm forever thankful that I was never exposed/encountered the bad side of it, especially since I've been in the Hetalia fandom for a long time. It does make me feel sad that whenever I bring up Hetalia, it's the bad side people only know 😔.
I still follow Himaruya's post (comic strips), if there's a new season, new character song, new theme song, drama cds, new musical, and merch. Atm, I have a mochi England plushie (it's the only one available) and a hetalia jacket. (I'm poor).
I fell inlove with history (I now love historical (even war) movies and known as the weird but smart/nerd and quiet student 🤣😅) and came to appreciate languages and culture of other countries, really fascinating. I also became a yearly viewer of Eurovision 😅. Some songs are in my playlist.
I love the characters cause despite them being based on stereotypes, you can see that they have their own distinct personality. Also the fact that they have human names, it really helps prevent people from thinking I'm crazy XD.
For anyone wondering (since I saw some anons who didn't know about it), Hetalia is a comedy/satire show/comic starring the personification of countries. Every epsiode is only 5 minutes so it's very quick. It can be/seem offensive, depending how you take some moments. It sometimes hits you with emotional damage out of nowhere and that's what I'm focused on in this fandom. Angst and historical aus is my bread and butter. Eng dub is great, it's like an official abridged XD. Be ready for the accents. It also has a movie. Expect silly moments most of the time. The story is not linear, it tackles history from 900-1000's to present time. It sometimes feels like a slice of life anime with historical/cultural trivias/jokes sprinkled in there. It has canon AUs as well like nyotalia, which is basically genderbent version of chars or nekotalia, which is the cast as cats. Advice, take the infos in the show with a grain of salt and maybe don't take everything seriously. It consists of a lot of male characters , so very limited female cast.
Now for the fandom, I can't control what part of it you may run into so uh... goodluck. Lucky for you, it's chill compared to what it's like before, like no joke. It does feel barren sometimes. Just beware ig lol. (I'm not really showing confidence towards the fandom, despite being part of it HAHAHAH XD) Be ready for the weirdness, we have Iceland x Fridge, Gru (yes from despicable me) x lovino (s. italy), sweden x ikea, toris (lithuiana) x therapy/happiness to name a few (crack) ships and a fricking religion called Doitsuism, idk why but it exists. 😂🤣🤣😅😭
If anyone is curious about character songs theres: aiyaa 4000 years (china), Moi moi (Finland), How about me (Estonia), Excuse me I'm sorry (Japan), white flame (Russia), and steady rhythmus (Germany) to name a few. There's a ton more, some have multiple char songs, while others have only one song. There's also group songs (two of which are christmas songs). Every song is sung by their VAs in the anime, including the ending songs. It has multiple versions so if you're tired listening to Italy singing the ed, try to listen to idk England's version, each one has different vibe and unique lyrics fitting for the char. Example, Ed 1 can be orchestral or rock depending which version you listened to, really cool stuff imo.
From a (confused if I should be a proud) Hetalia Veteran 🤣😅
p.s. I love your Arakawa family, Masadai, and Minedai comics. It always makes me smile. Also, sorry for the long ass post 😅. Why can't I write like this whenever I'm tasked with writing an essay. This was made by a sleep deprived individual and unfortunately I'm letting out my zoomies (is this correct idk) through this, sorry. I'm now going to sleep. I'll probably regret all of this when I wake up lol.
well for the mates who kept asking about hetalia. here you are
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darling-archeron · 6 months
Ho Ho Hello! I’m back with another snippet!😌
We’re only one week out until the posting window opens, but I’m probably going to begin posting it closer to the 23rd or 24th, when I finally get to head home bc work ends for the holidays. The gift is still coming along nicely, though right now it’s looking like it won’t be completely finished, so I’ll be posting chapters probably once or twice a week to allow for final edits (unless I manage to actually get it done in the next week! 🤞🏻)
Any holiday plans this year? Other than me going home I won’t be doing much, probably just a lot of reading and trying to hit my book goal for the year (I’m 11 short right now😳)
Also what if I told you meet me in the woods is Also on the playlist? 😂 I was choosing between the two for the last message and was so glad to see you also think that mmitw is a Rhys song!!!
That’s so exciting you have hozier tickets!!! I’ve been putting off getting them bc I’d be going alone (and I also need a paycheck first 😅) luckily I live in an area where I could theoretically go to one of three concerts without being too far out of the way, so there’s still plenty of single seats available, hopefully it stays that way🤞🏻
And I’m trying not to pressure myself over word count but it’s def a long fic and around 30k now😅 (which is around twice the length of my next longest fic😬)
And for the snippet:
Rhys was slouching on a chair, one leg thrown over an armrest, the other flat on the ground to keep him from sliding right out of the seat. He had a full glass of wine in his hand, but there were two discarded bottles laying flat on the plush rug, so he’d obviously been drinking for a while.
And, on the couch next to him, sat the most beautiful woman Feyre had ever seen in her life. She had golden hair and brown eyes that seemed to draw Feyre in, despite the fact that the woman couldn’t see her.
“You can fix things,” the woman said, and Rhys groaned like he’d heard it before and didn’t believe it.
“No I can’t,” he whined, bringing the goblet up to his lips.
Omg Santa, this snippet has me so excited!! Rhys being a drama queen?? Drunk Rhys?? I'm absolutely here for it. These snippets have me so excited!!
Not going to lie, hearing that we're only a week out from posting was like a bucket of cold water because I still have some major work to do for my giftee, but I'm also super excited for reveals! I feel like we're definitely going to have to exchange playlists because it seems like we have very similar tastes in music. :)
I'm also super short on my book goal, I'm currently trying to read Fourth Wing before my ebook is due back at the library but I don't know that I'll be able to finish it....I miss being 16 and being able to consume a 900 page book in like 3 days haha.
I don't have any crazy plans for the holidays either! Just some time with close family. It sounds like you have a cozy time ahead of you.
I really hope you're able to get Hozier tickets! It sounds like it's going to be a great show.
Absolutely don't pressure yourself over word count! I'm someone who does this all the time so I completely understand, but it also sounds like you're having fun writing it and I'm so glad!
I can't wait to find out who you are, Santa, you have me very curious!
Have a great weekend <3333
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cadrenebula · 1 year
Do you want to try that song shuffle-fic game? I'll give you the number 4 then! :)
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In the End by Linkin Park
I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all
(Thank you @celestialspark - I just want to say curse you playlist lol. With almost 900 songs and it gives me the one that got me through my Senior year of HS. So please have this dark piece of Alexois right after his betrayal of Lancefer... Prolly a little over 10yrs ago? I didn't do the math but Alex is 36 now an this happened in his early 20s. Warnings for blood and violence.)
Alex slumped with his back against the tree near one of the deep ravines. It seemed it was safe enough to stop running. Putting a hand over the still bleeding wound on his face.
A fraction slower on dodging and he could have lost his eye. It was bad enough how badly face wounds bleed. Lance's sword had certainly tried to claim his eye. Not that he could blame the man that had just been his friend the day before.
Balling his blood stained hand into a fist before thudding it into the tree behind him. He wasn't sure what hurt more. The one person he allowed himself to care about thinking the worst of him. Or the throbbing slash wound in the flesh of his face.
Wrapping a cloth around his face as best as he could to help stop the bleeding. Hands freezing at the sound of someone approaching. Quickly grabbing for his dropped polearm to defend himself. Just in time to avoid the blade of his mentor aiming for his neck.
"I told you to kill the boy. Yet he still lives. Why?" Sneered the dark skinned duskwight know as The Carver among Ishgard's assassins.
"I wasn't being paid to kill some snot nosed brat from Hallienarte." Alex grimaces as he avoids meeting his mentor's gaze.
"I gave you an order. I guess I'll just have to kill the boy myself then."
"No!" Alex snarled in response as he glared hatred towards Jacques. He wasn't going to let all his work still end in Lance's death. He'd hoped that betraying Lance would be enough to make it look like he'd never cared about the high born lad. As if he'd just been using the black sheep of the Aurifore family. Damn it all that it hadn't been enough to trick Jacques.
A sharp crack of flesh against flesh as Alex's head snapped to the side. The hastily wrapped cloth coming off his face with the backhand he took from Jacques. The wound still seeping blood as Alex snarled.
Lunging for his mentor now. He couldn't let it happen. He wouldn't. He might not be a good person but Lance was. Broken but with good intentions of trying to help those who should have been beneath him as a high born. Putting every thing his mentor had taught him over these years to use against him. He would not let Jacques kill Lance. Even if it meant he died here.
Alex knew he couldn't beat Jacques in a prolonged fight. The other assassin had far more experience and if he got inside of Alex's reach... He'd be screwed. Distance was his friend with a polearm. Using the terrain to his advantage as he attacked like a frenzied animal. Driving Jacques back towards the ravine. Hating that gloating look on Jacques' face as he blocked and feinted attacks.
Only for that gloating look to be replaced by one of shock. The edge where Alex had pushed Jacques to, crumbled beneath them. Down into the ravine the older man plummeted. But that polearm was Alex's saving grace as he managed to lodge it into part of the rocky face.
Alex managed to climb back up, collapsing onto his back. It wasn't safe for him anymore. Without going down there, he couldn't be sure if his mentor was dead. Nor did he have the strength to go check or face another fight. All he could do was hope that Jacques was dead at the bottom.
Forcing himself to his feet, he collected his discarded cloth he'd been using as a bandage. Once he had it in place again, he started south. Heading towards the Shroud to put as much distance as he could between himself and Ishgard.
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chiveburger · 1 year
I have not been listening to any other music or any other artist other than from or in affiliation to 等一下就回家... I’m actually obsessed with this guy. every single second I have where I can listen to music on my spare time I just turn on his spotify playlist. It’s so fucking good and even when I’m on youtube I’m listening to his mix. my spotify stats for short term, long term AND all time are 90% his songs and then 10% my mom’s songs because she uses my account to listen to her 80s chinese songs. he only has like 20 songs too and I know every single one and I can say that they all hit, some more than others but ultimately they all hit. his songs are not getting old to me like they continue to bang and bang and bang no matter the first or the 900 millionth time I hear it
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hii, for the fanfic questions could you answer 9, 10 and 16? thank you🙇‍♀️
of course my love 🫶
9- Honestly i don’t listen to much music when i write 👀 the only time i do is when i do my lives :p i’ll put on my playlist and it’s got close to 900 songs on it, all metal just cause it’s the genre i like the most 😂
10- Kind of?
I like to try and separate myself from the characters specifically but when i write i usually imagine the reader as myself just to make it easier for me to finish :p when i put myself in the scenario it makes it a lot easier for me to make dialogue for some reason
16- to be honest, not really 😅
most of the time when i write it’s all spur of the moment things that come to mind, but i am working on all the requests in my inbox right now! i’ve got like four that are halfway finished so i’m pretty proud of myself for that :p
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