#this is overdramatic but miss no hands me is having a rough time
pussymasterdooku · 6 months
another day another medical malpractice…the allie experience!
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nouvxllev · 7 months
Hi, love your writing! I have a request where reader and Jenna are in a long distance relationship and reader decides to surprise Jenna after hearing Jenna’s been having a tough week filming or something. Just something along those lines haha
a flight away
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
Summary: ^^ request!!!
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: bittersweet
a/n: first of all,, thank you so much!!!! and second of all, ill try my best! hope this is to ur liking anon
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You didn't know what you were getting into the first thing in the morning when you checked your phone at exactly 6:34 AM.
Normally, you'd do the routine where you stare at your wallpaper (it was a picture of Jenna) for a good 20 minutes before internally dying inside because of why should she be such a hardworking woman to the point you only get to see her for about 1-2 months before leaving again, but then fall in love with her like it was the first time for that exact reason entirely.
Now, you woke up to Jenna's notifications flooding her digital face, more voicemails and missed calls rather than messages.
Obviously, you panicked out of your fucking mind.
You knew she was safe in Ireland where she was filming season 2 of Wednesday. She has more bodyguards around her than people trying to get her autograph, and she has her co-stars with her at all times.
She was safe. Safe. The word almost sounded like a prayer you repeated in your head as you eyed her messages.
You couldn't open the voicemail for the reasons that you might hear an announcement that Jenna has got into some serious shit and might need to be hospitalized and you absolutely need to be there for her right now.
But after 5 minutes of going through all stages of grief, you pressed play.
You were not expecting Jenna to outright scream at her phone in the middle of the night.
"Y/n. Y/n, I—God, I don't even know where to start with this. I'm just so… so tired. From everything, from everyone. I don't know why, seriously, I don't know why but i just—I just broke down when I came back to my apartment."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I have to message you like this in the middle of the night. I'm doing well in Ireland, but I'm having such a rough fucking time in shooting every scene. It's not like I hate everyone on the set, I love them, I… I don't know."
"I need you, please Y/n. Even if it's just your voice, just please give me a piece of your presence. I need something to hold on, someone to tell me that it's going to be okay and I'll get through this. I know, it's a bit overdramatic but… I just miss you so damn much, and this distance is killing me more than ever. We haven't seen eachother atleast a year now. I'm so tired."
"Please pick up, y/n. It's selfish for me to ask, but I just want to hear you. It feels like I'm losing myself in all of this. I don't want to break down in front of everyone on set tomorrow. But, y/n. Y/n, y/n, y/n, it's so hard."
"I love you. I love you so much. So damn much, it's killing me. I miss New York, I miss our home, I miss you. I wish you were here. I'm sorry for letting you hear me like this over the phone, it's unbecoming. I love you, goodnight."
Your heart sank.
It was all too surreal, all too agonizing, like you feel bile coming up to your throat.
The daunting feeling of Jenna experiencing all of these emotions at once dragged your heart, her voice like a film tape in your mind as if were right there with Jenna in her room.
You heard her cry, you watched her curl herself up on her mattress all while she clung to her phone as if it was your hand she wished she held everyday.
You craved for the warmth of her hand, and you imagine she craves yours as much as you do with hers while you longed to be there with her, for her. To hold her close to you and offer the comfort she needed. The very touch that healed every scar, present and future, was replaced by the lifeless screen of your phone.
You were there, you swear you're there, but you couldn't do anything but listen.
On top of everything, you blamed yourself.
You called her almost everyday, the long-distance relationship being almost a mere label to the both of you.
You texted her every morning and went to bed with her every night. You were there, always. Yet, it felt like you neglected her. Like a piece of you was missing before you even realized it.
Now all you can think about are her restless nights.
The days where Jenna staged a performance with a heavy heart while you smiled with joy, the nights where you slept peacefully in your own bed while Jenna tossed and turned in discomfort in something unfamiliar, sacrificing her rest for your peaceful evenings to remain the same.
You don't know how many days she's been like this, nor do you want to know, the thought was unbearable enough.
And you almost feel bad of booking a plane ticket rather than responding to her. You were just a flight away anyways.
Shit, her head hurts.
Hammering, actually.
Like someone cracked it open with an axe made out of obsidian right down the middle and served it to her on a silver platter.
She never should've accepted that afterparty invite from Georgie.
If she never got absolutely wasted to shots from bottles of alcohol, maybe Jenna would've had the brain capacity to curse him under her breath for being such a good damn friend.
Worst of all, she was missing someone. Horribly.
Not just you, but everything of you.
Your scent, your warmth, your presence, your heartbeat against hers—a cruel reminder on how she was missing all of these.
She longed to hear the way you laugh as if you heard the funniest joke ever, the way you smile at Jenna as if she was a saint that had done nothing wrong, the way you loved her oh so dearly like she was the only person that made you crawl out of your skin in a good way.
Now it was taken from her. All of it. She felt like she was nothing without her muse, which was actually the case here.
Jenna was supposed to stay for a year with you—a whole fucking year! A whole year was watered down to a pathetic one to two months because of a change in filming schedule that Jenna had, somehow, no right to turn down.
That's not even half of the time Jenna spent miles away from you, and she couldn't even apologize properly in person since she had to depart so early in the morning.
The thought of you expecting Jenna to wake up beside you with a smile and a kiss only to be woken up with a cold bed with a note apologizing a million times made her flight to another country worse.
She would've been happier if the plane crashed then she would be begging to whatever afterlife she was in to bring her back to the living and spend her life with you.
It's gotten to that point where she looked just like Wednesday off-cam if not worse. She even almost snapped at Emma when she tried consoling her.
Now she sits in her trailer, on a chair, not with you, but with... a chair. Along with her script on a table.
Jenna tried a few lines, repeated them, tried a few lines, repeated them, and it all just comes back full circle.
No matter what she does, she still fucking missed you and wished she could just tell everyone she wanted and needed a nap along with her girlfriend by her side until it reaches winter of 2025.
She could take a nap right now, but you weren't with her. The cold surface would make you appear in her dreams like the loving parasite you are to her and she would only yearn more.
She could take a walk right now, but little ice cream shops along the way would only make her reminisce about the times you would take her out on dates every damn day like you had buckets on buckets of gold to spend it all on Jenna. She would only miss you even more.
She could talk to one of her co-stars, but they weren't you. The stupid and fuckass conversations you'd often bring up, they wouldn't do that. Even if they did, it wouldn't have the same effect.
Why did life suddenly become so difficult when she now has the most gorgeous, talented, and loving girlfriend a billion miles away from her!?
After putting her arms over her eyes, trying to calm down the impending woe and sadness she was facing, a soft knock on her door interrupted all of it.
"Jenna?" She heard Emma's voice, soft like she was hesitant to talk to her if not for Jenna responding with a hum, "we've been calling you for 5 minutes now. It's our scene."
Her voice was serious, though quiet. Or maybe that was just concern, Jenna has been distant for a while now.
Letting out a sigh, she replied, "Right, I'll be there in a minute."
She pulled herself up from the chair. She didn't really need to return to the makeup team, just thankful she didn't cry herself to death thinking about you.
She turned her back to see Emma standing in front of the door, half opened, peering half of her body, "Jenna, you know you can take a break if you want—"
Jenna only offered a weak smile, her steps matching Emmas as they walked over to set, "It's fine. Don't worry about me too much."
Her thoughts are too different from what she was saying, but it wasn't like she could say she'd rather kill herself before even stepping foot out of her trailer without seeing y/n.
"Jenna!" Tim Burton called her out, his voice calm, stretching out her name like he was going to say something completely off-guard.
The girl in question was already staring him down as he spoke, "We've got a change in script"
The girl in question was already staring him down as he spoke, "We've got a change in script. Nothing too big, just that we've added a new extra that Wednesday needs to interact with on this scene."
Isn't that a slight bit unprofessional?
Jenna could let out the most exhausted and exasperated sigh if not for Tim being the one of the sweetest, yet often odd, directors she ever worked with.
"Yeah, sure, can I atleast meet this person—"
"Sorry, Jenna," He lead her to the place she needed to be, the extra in question being no where near in Jenna's sight, "but this is really a last minute change and we just need you both to improvise."
"Wait, but—!"
Her protests were already too late, looking like it went through one ear and out the other through the audio. She was just grateful she had enough training and years in this industry to immediately get into character.
It was supposed to be her scene with Emma, lurking in the woods, a lantern between her fingers as they approached a silhouette of a figure.
Now it was just Jenna in the scene, lurking in the woods, leaves crunching under her combat boots as she watched the camera move alongside her body, not a lantern but rather a flashlight gripped on her palm.
She was informed that the silhouette in question was one of her co-stars that she had met before hand, a tall figure in the distance that she could immediately distinguish based on the back alone.
Now... it's... not exactly what she was expecting to see when she got in character.
She approached the figure, confused as ever, not because it was in her script to do so, but she was actually so damn confused it wouldn't be a surprise to her if she was imagining things.
Because the silhouette looked exactly like you.
Jenna knew you from the slightest shade of your skin, even when it's so damn dark outside.
She knew you from the way you stood, the way you sometimes would do whatever it is with your hands when idle, the way you'd often slightly tilt your head back when you're suppressing a hard giggle—which you were and failing to do so—the way you, in your own words by the way, aren't a good actress for Jenna to practice her lines on without laughing like a total maniac.
Holy shit.
Jenna's mind raced, all too fast for her liking, her heart pounding in her chest, and her body almost in flames at the thought of you being here. Finally being here.
It couldn't be real, of course it wouldn't, why would you be on set in fucking Ireland? It must be a trick, much so a figment of her imagination and maybe more or less girlfriend deprived of everything you gave her. But as she drew closer, her steps doing all but walking slowly to the silhouette, it because unmistakable who it was.
It was you.
Her best friend ever since she learned how to act in middle school, a friend that stuck with her forever even in times where you could've left her all alone.
Her girlfriend. The girlfriend of almost a few years that she loved and cherished with all her might, even if she were to commit a sin, there would be no greater wrong than Jenna disliking you.
It was her home. At last.
Without a second thought, Jenna abandoned everything, forgetting that she was even supposed to be the character she was and rushed towards her, arms already stretched in a desperate embrace to feel your warmth against her body once again. Your heartbeat against hers. It was all too surreal, all too fucking real.
Jenna threw herself into your arms, wrapping you in a tight hug that almost knock you both off of balance in the dirt. Your body stumbling forwards as your back was faced on her.
You still smelled like New York, mixed with that familiar airpot scent that Jenna always got used to. But now, it felt so new, so new that you were hugging her, touching her like it was the last symphony you'd play in your life.
She hugged you, tight. Her hands gripping your clothes like you'd disappear in a matter of seconds. You can hear her taking deep breaths against your body, gulps, and her hold tightening onto you with each passing moment.
As you turned around, you waited for Jenna to slowly loosen her grip, her eyes searching yours as if she still could hardly believe that you were here, standing in front of her after all this time apart. And now, you couldn't believe devotion was still present in her eyes, that warm of a gaze that you always managed to capture in her eyes.
"You're here. Y/n, you're—" She sniffed, looking up at you as she cupped your cheeks, a stray tear trickling down her eyes that shimmered, "You're really here." She whispered, her voice cracking almost to a fault. Her voice was fragile, it crushed you. "Why, how? What, I don't under—"
You smiled softly, chuckling even, you didn't expect it to go this way. "That's not part of the script, Wednesday." You joked, even if it was a serious moment, you always seemed to have one.
"You're not part of the script, why are you here!?"
You reached up to brush a stray lock of hair from Jenna's fringe as Wednesday, your touch gentle and reassuring like it never changed over the years. It was still there, your love was still there, and you were waiting for your lover to come back once in your arms to show how much you missed her oh so dearly.
"I missed you." You simply said, slightly swaying the both of you back and forth
Jenna couldn't say anything, let alone form a few words, but the way she hugged you yet again after a few seconds of silence with such tenderness and compassion, it said everything that you needed to know.
Everything that you lost and you hold today, nothing mattered. Not even the heart that wouldn't stop beating against your chest, it wouldn't matter if you died, atleast it was in her arms.
"So I don't get to have an I miss you back?"
Jenna pulled back slightly, you can see how her eyes glistened looking if it was something that not even renaissance artists could sclupt.
"You don't know how many nights I've spent crying because of how I missed you." She mumbled, voice below a whisper, her mouth hung open from her slight crying, taking a deep breath as she let herself be in the most vulnerable state with you yet.
"You cried?"
"Without you? Terribly so."
Your heart ached when Jenna started to cry, she looked small. Smaller than ever in your arms when you once held her for the first time when she became a busy actress.
She broke down, almost melting in your presence as you try to hold her up. You knew there were cameras rolling, that there were people on set watching this go down, but you knew that you were the only one witnessing her vulnerable state, no matter how many people would see right through her.
You reached up to gently wipe away the tears that streaked down her cheeks, her freckles being in view, something that you missed so dearly, your touch light and tender as you held her—your world—in your hands.
"I wish I could've been there for you," you regretted, "I wish I was there every night, to wipe away the inevitable tears that would grace your face, to hold you in my arms every night.
Jenna shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips, "all that matters is that you're here with me." She chuckled. "Why are you here?"
"Booking a small plane ticket from New York to here was the smallest price to pay for the chance to hold you in my arms once again."
"You know those are expensive, y/n," she scolded you, yet her tone was playful. "How long are you planning to stay?"
You hummed, a grin curling on your lips, "As long as you want me to be here," you replied, "I can't go back when I don't have a return ticket."
Jenna leaned into your touch, her eyes closing as she savored the warmth of your embrace, she didn't know how much she took advantage of this until now. She was afraid you'll be leaving soon, even with all assurances, everything you'll be giving her wouldn't be enough to ease her fears of you departing from her soul once more.
"I love you, y/n. Too much."
"I love you too, Jenna. You know I was only a flight away."
Y: i heard your voicemails, by the way. J: i sent voicemails?
a/n: sorry if this request was so so so late!! i still have more requests in my inbox and they'll probably be delayed for a couple of days or maybe even weeks because of exams. buttt ill try to post as much as i can with requests and super sorry in advance to those who requested! ill be updating future posts in my masterlists
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everythingne · 2 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ➛ one and two, chapter three (ls2)
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heading back home after silverstone is rough, for a number of reasons.
warnings/notes: alcohol mentions, yns dad being kind a dick to logan, me manifesting a logan to prema indycar move in this fr (guys lets see if i was an oracle, i wrote this on july 3rd LMAO)
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You're sitting in the William's offices, legs propped up on the couch as the sim work Alex and Logan have been doing slowly wraps up. You've been a ball of anxiety all weekend, this is when Logan is supposed to announce his move to Indycar and you're not sure who he's told about it. Media's been swirling rumors for weeks.
You've been sitting on this secret for so long, it feels like its about to burst out of your mouth.
You turn your head to where Alex and Logan talk in a corner. The two look like they're in deep discussion, murmuring with hands over their mouths as if holding the words in their mouths will make them hurt less.
At the end, they share a tight hug, Alex whacking Logan's shoulder and murmuring something that has Logan tossing his head back in a laugh before they part ways when Alex's trainers come to grab him. Logan makes his way back to you, leaning down to steal a kiss before he takes you by the hands and drags you off down a hall.
"How'd it go?" You ask Logan, his hand intertwined with yours as you follow him to the little room where his bag is sitting. They've pretty much finished for the day, and you know Logan wants nothing more than to get back to the apartment so you can finish packing, so you just follow behind him.
"Sim was fine." Logan shrugs, "that thing does not perform like my car at all. I wish my car was like that."
"I know, baby." You hum, squeezing his hand, and the look you give tells him what he needs to know.
"Now Alex and Oscar know." He presses a kiss to the side of your head before detaching to grab his stuff, "I mean, I think Alex knew as soon as the rumors came out that they were true. He took it well, said he'd miss having me around."
"Well good thing he lives pretty close by," You smile when you notice Logan looks a little lost, reaching out to intertwine your fingers, "we can have him and Lily over during breaks a such, and you can go to races to support him when we aren't busy."
Logan smiles, squeezing your hand, "Yeah... yeah, thanks I just... I don't know. I knew leaving this was gonna be hard, because all of this is my dream... but..."
"But you get treated like a seat warmer. So, it's off to better ventures with Prema, right?" You smile and Logan nods, pecking your lips once again like he can't do it enough.
"Right." He sighs, smiling before he pulls you off and into the main halls. It's time to leave, and with your hand in his, you can tell Logan feels more confident now.
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You land in Iowa for the Hy-Vee Homefront 250. It's nice to be back on home soil, but within moments your father is on the phone with you, breathing down your throat about everything. You're set to meet Logan's family on this short trip from Iowa, to Florida, to DC, and then back out to England for Logan to finish up his training before the second leg of the season.
So as Logan stands with some Indy drivers, shaking hands and laughing with them, you're stuck bickering on the phone with your dad. About what? Logan. Apparently, Logan's now not good enough for you.
"This is the stupidest thing ever," You hiss into the phone, glancing to make sure Logan's far enough away to not hear you as you snip back at your father, "I went along with your little arranged marriage, fell in love with the guy, and now you want me to back out?"
"He's a terrible driver, you deserve someone who's able to keep up with your lifestyle of being amazing at your work!" Is your father's response, and you can hear your mother scolding him in the back. Your father is quick to wave her off with a sharp hiss of some choice Italian words that would make your Nonna beat his ass.
"He's in a shit team that hates him," you overdramatize, "He is a good driver, he just needs a chance to show it. That's what IndyCar is gonna do for him. Okay?"
Your father sighs, "I just don't want you to be the only successful one."
"He made it to F1, is that not successful enough for you, Santino?" You huff at your father, leaning against the exterior wall of the Arrow McLaren motorhome that's housing you this weekend (a bit of a gift from Pato and Alex.) You rake a hand through your hair, knowing you're messing it up, but you just swallow and look away from where you can see Logan laughing with Kyle.
Your father comes up with some bullshit excuse that has you telling him to leave you alone for the weekend, since you'll be in DC on Tuesday morning, and you quickly shut off your call before slipping your phone in your pocket and laying your head back against the wall.
You take a slow breath and then push yourself off the wall, quickly making your way back to Logan's side to wrap your hands around the arm he had hidden in his pocket. He looks over, leaning down to peck a kiss to your head.
"Sorry for running off," you apologize, mostly to Kyle, "work calls."
"No worry, I get it." Kyle smiles, peeking over his shoulder at a few of the other drivers to make their way over. Logan and Alex sharing a quick fistbump in greeting as Pato happily gives you a hug, exclaiming how he's been told so much about you. By the end of the conversation, you've been roped into a dinner with the group, and Logan leans over to murmur,
"See, told you they'd be more welcoming."
And you can't help but laugh softly because, yeah, of course they were.
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liked by premaracing, patoward, oscarpiastri, and others...
yn.fdotus: a red adventure for the off weekend ❤️ congrats to @ patoward and @ kylekirkwood on their wins this weekend in iowa !
thank you to both @ premaracing and @ arrowmclaren for hosting us this weekend
tagged: logansargeant, kylekirkwood, patoward
user1: they went to the indy race??
patoward: you better come back soon
user2: logan is going to prema. its real. yn said so basically.
kylekirkwood: see you soon !
premaracing: see you both very very soon at hq !
liked by yn.fdotus, logansargeant
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Madelyn has been non-stop gushing over you since you and Logan had made it to his parents house in a small oceanside town a bit away from Miami. Between showing you the house and mass amounts of baby Logan (and by extension, Oscar) photos, you've been practically smothered by her love.
It's much later now, having spent most of the afternoon lazily tanning and spending time with the Sargeants poolside. Logan's father, Daniel, had made a fire with Dalton and his wife and kids, and you reap the benefits of their hard work as you braid your hair back in front of the warm fire.
Dalton's youngest watches you, jaw dropped before she wiggles off her chair and quickly runs around the fire to grab at your leg, "excuse me, miss yn..?"
You smile, tying off your braid as you look down at her, "Yes, sweetheart?"
"Can you make my hair look pretty like yours?" She asks, and her older sister gasped, running over too and begging for the same. You laugh and lean over, hoisting both girls into your lap and taking their little ponytails out. You brush your fingers through the youngests hair--Maddie's, quickly braiding back her hair in dutch braids and letting her watch as your braid her sister Dani's hair. Once your done, both girls hop off and run to go show their mother and you smile, shaking some loose pieces of hair off your hands before a blanket is draped over you and Logan pops down next to you on the little swing chair set up.
"You look so perfect here." Logan murmurs, pressing a kiss to your lips, "I love you."
"Love you too," you whisper to Logan, unable to hide the pure love in your smile as he grins and lets you lean your head on him.
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liked by oscarpiastri, daltonsargeant, potus, and others...
logansargeant: coolest aunt and uncle award
tagged: daltonsargeant, yn.fdotus
user2: shut UP yn and logans nieces (?) im gonna scream
daltonsargeant: the girls want auntie yn back soon !
user3: crying. they are a fucking FAMILY.
oscarpiastri: how many baby photos were shown?
⤷ yn.fdotus: so many. I have an arsenal.
user5: their relationship is so random i cant believe they arent arranged
yn.fdotus: best uncle forever <3
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Your family is far more stressful than Logan's. You fly out with his parents to DC, knowing its time to prepare for the rest of your relationship with Logan. Apparently, you'd been able to convince your brother Santi to talk your dad off calling off the whole thing.
When you arrive in the White House, your father is in a meeting, so your mother spends her time touring around the Sargeant's and introducing them to the maids and such who will be helping them for the weekend they're in DC. And you and Santi sneak off to a hall while he gives you a tight hug.
"I know I'm normally on your case, but you've got yourself a good guy, and I'm actually happy for you." Santi admits quietly, a maid passing by with a drink cart to bring to one of the main rooms.
"Wow, my brother not being a dick?" You grin, punching his arm, "who would've thought."
Santi scowls, going to say something when the maid reappears, apologizng for interrupting before informing you lunch is served. You and Santi nod, thank her, and make your way into the lavish sitting room your mother has had all set up.
"This is wonderful," Madelyn smiles to your mother who thanks her, and you know your mother is just happy to have guests. Santi kisses his wife as he steps in, and you move to settle down next to Logan who leans over and murmurs,
"I now have baby photos to rival the ones my mom showed you of me." His grin is contagious and you can't help but laugh, punching his thigh as you lean into him with laughter. Your mother sharing a happy expression with Logan's parents, and handing out plates of food to the table.
And finally, your father makes his way into the room.
"I apologize for the delay," your father brushes imaginary crumbs off his suit, "politics wait for no one. But I should have the night clear."
He introduces himself to Logan and his parents formally, and you can tell Logan's a bit nervous about the whole thing. Your hand finds his under the table naturally, your other hand settled on the neck of your wine glass as you take a slow sip of the cool liquid. Logan squeezes your hand, settling into his chair.
You can see the way your father's eyes linger on Logan each chance he gets, and he dances around the topic of racing, instead devoting time to discuss how exactly you and Logan were going to act. It's pretty much just as you had been, the two of you were absolutely infatuated with one another, and were to continue acting like it. Luckily, for both of your sakes, no acting would be needed since you did truly love one another.
And then it comes to the ring. Your father declares he'll buy it, but quickly Logan clears his throat, "Actually I was wondering, uhm.." He falters, glancing to his mother who gives him a smile of encouragement, causing Logan to continue, "I have my mothers original wedding band. And my brother, Dalton, got engaged with my mothers original engagement ring. I... I figured it would be more... symbolic, I guess? To give Yn something from my family. Help to... seal the deal, y'know?"
Your mother awes, immediately exclaiming, "that's a wonderful idea, Logan! Don't you think so, Santino?"
Your father rolls the idea around, before Logan's mother grabs her purse and fusses with it, all eyes drawing to her as she takes out a box and slides it down to the table to Logan. He takes the box and opens it, turning it before you can see the ring. Your fathers eyes soften, gently taking the ring into his hands.
"I..." Your father hums, clicking the box shut and handing it back to Logan before turning to your mother, "I do agree, my dear. It's quite the beautiful ring. And very personal. The story behind it will help solidify the relationship."
"And then when should the engagement happen?" Logan's mother asks, fiddling with her wine glass as she smiles at her son. Your mother hums, tapping her acrylic nails on the counter before waving her glass at you in expression as she asks,
"What is the date you've been telling people you started dating?"
"I haven't been--" You start, but Logan cuts you off, "Ironically, July 4th, 2020. I said it was the last time I was able to spend July 4th home in the states because I wasn't really racing pro yet. And I said we went out with my family, and that night kinda solidified we were dating."
You turn to smile at him, happy the date is actually something with a super sweet meaning--and laughing a little because it's just so American to have your anniversary be the fucking Fourth of July.
"And it will be, what, four years of dating?" Your mother hums, "Four is my lucky number. Seems like a perfect time to me to get engaged."
You nod and Logan smiles, lifting your hand to press a firm kiss to your ring finger and you laugh, leaning into him. The rest of the planning revolves around who's going to help pay for the wedding, where it will be, when it will be, and who will be going. Your mother insists on helping you hire a wedding planner, which is fine with you, and you make a small list of bridesmaids while Logan makes a list of groomsmen. By the time the lunch is over, the plan is set solid, and the next years Fourth of July won't ever be able to come soon enough.
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liked by potus, kylekirkwood, alexalbon, and others...
logansargeant: true patriots over here
user1: did they visit yns family???
user2: first logans family and now yns?? gonna CRY
yn.fdotus: imagine losing to the nationals. could be the marlins.
⤷ logansargeant: shut the fuck up?
user3: ur honor they are ENDGAME !!!
oscarpiastri: you couldn't be american enough, you had to date the first daughter
⤷ logansargeant: I am pretty patriotic
santino.fsotus: wow u made yn look tall?
flotus: so nice to have you logan!!
⤷ santino.fsotus: we've known logan for a while ..
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taglist (still open, and thank you!)
@stinkyjax @kroissant-content @samantha-chicago @jpg3 @mickf1loverf2too
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joeys-babe · 1 year
Joey B Imagines: Kindergarten
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summary: after your daughters 4th birthday, her first day of kindergarten hits your husband joe like a brick wall. you seem to be the only person that can make him feel remotely any better about his first born growing up.
warnings: none, fluff
pairing: joe burrow x reader
shortly after savanna’s 4th birthday the realization that she'd be off to kindergarten soon hit joe like a brick.
joe was so nervous about the whole thing, even though he was gone a lot because of football he always knew that his little girl was safe with his wife or other family members. the thought of his first born being in a building with complete strangers freaked him out. y/n tried her best to calm her husband down, reassuring him that sav would do great because of her social personality.
"what is she misses us?" - joe
"listen, she's going to be too distracted with making friends and learning to even think about us joe." - you
y/n hoped that attending the open house would ease some of joes worries because he'd be able to meet the woman that would be sav's teacher along with being able to explore the place his daughter would be 4 hours a day and 4 days a week.
while there, sav was shown her cubby, her assigned seat, and she met her teacher Mrs. Martin. after sav talked to her teacher for a little bit, you suggested she go play with some of her classmates while you and joe talked to Mrs. Martin.
you asked questions, and observed that Mrs. Martin had a passion for teaching by how she talked about it.
due to the fact it was a private school, sav had to take tests to get in. there were just a couple things that they had as requirements for the kids to know before hand. joe was the one that taught her everything, there were many nights that you two would be sitting in bed and joe would be making flashcards to test sav on the next morning. you found it cute. joes nerdy side had been one of your favorite things about him since you were introduced to it in the beginning of your relationship.
Mrs. Martin quickly noticed how joe kept nervously looking at sav playing with the other kids instead of intently listening to what she was saying like you were.
"she's going to do great Mr. Burrow, her test scores have been astounding and she has exceptional social skills for her age. you've prepared her well." - Mrs. Martin
"i know she will. it's just hard, she's my first born and she's growing up so fast.." - joe
Mrs. Martin nodded before she moved on to talk to other parents.
that night after tucking sav in, joe cuddled up to you in bed.
"you okay?" - you laced your fingers into his hair, knowing it comforted him
"no." - joe sniffled
"she's gonna do great joey.." - you kissed his forehead
"i just can't believe she's old enough to be in school. i know it's just kindergarten but then comes 8th grade graduation.. and the next thing you know she's off to college." - joe cried
"baby..." - you held joe in your chest
"i know you're probably thinking i'm just being overdramatic.." - joe
"no, not at all joe. how about we get some sleep though, okay?" - you
"okay. can you hold me?" - joe
"of course" - you wrapped your arms around him and entangled your legs with his
(y/n's pov)
the next morning was even more rough. joe tried to busy himself by getting up super early and making pancakes for sav, along with checking her backpack three times to make sure she had everything and packing her lunch.
when i woke sav up to start getting her ready for her first day, she seemed excited to go to school.
after i got her in her first day dress, she told me about everything she was looking forward to as i curled her bleach blonde hair.
once she was completely ready i told her that breakfast was waiting for her downstairs.
"morning dada!!" - savanna yelled when she saw joe sitting at the kitchen counter
"mornin princess! you excited for school?" - joe
"yup! i like school." - savanna
"you need to eat your pancakes real quick so we can get going." - joe
in the time span of sav eating her pancakes, joe and i had gotten dressed and were ready to go.
as i was getting all of sav’s extra stuff put in the backseat, along with a gift basket for her teacher, in the corner of my eye i saw the sweetest sight. sav had her backpack on, lunchbox in hand and joe had her posed in front of the front door as he took pictures of her.
when joe told her that he was done she ran over to the car and climbed in, leaving joe and i alone for a second.
"i wish we would've picked the homeschooling option." - joe
"well with how much you're away because of football it would be more me then we.” - you
"exactly why we didn't pick the homeschooling option." - joe kissed your cheek
"i love you." - you smiled
"love you too, babe." - joe
you held joes hand the entire way to the school and you felt his grip get tighter as you guys pulled into the parking lot.
"i'm gonna stay in the car, you okay to walk her up there?" - you
"yeah, i'd prefer it actually. i’ll be right back, momma." - joe kissed you before he got out of the car
"bye savvy! have a good day!" - you watched joe get her out of her car seat
"bye momma!" - savanna replied before joe shut the door
joe held sav tightly as he walked up to the door.
"good morning miss savanna! morning Mr. Burrow!" - Mrs. Martin
"mornin!" - savanna
joe put sav down and crouched down. he had to grab her hands before she could run away.
"you're gonna do great sweetheart. remember everything i taught you?" - joe
"yup!" - savanna
"you're so smart princess, just like your momma." - joe smiled
"can i go? i wanna play!" - savanna
"yup, here give me a hug before you go." - joe
sav wrapped her small arms around joes neck as he hugged her tight. he really didn't want to let go.
"have a good day okay? you can tell me all about it when i pick you up." - joe
"i will daddy!" - savanna
joe hugged her one last time and placed a kiss on her cheek.
once he stood up, sav was ready to take off into the school.
"bye, sweetie." - joe attempted to smile
"bye dada!" - savanna turned around and ran into the building
joe stood there for a few seconds and watched her walk up to a couple other girls her age and then put her backpack in her cubby that was in the hallway in front of the classroom.
"you need a tissue?" - Mrs. Martin
joe didn't even realize he was crying till she said that.
"nah i'm good... i'm gonna get going." - joe
your heart broke when you saw joe slowly walking back to the car. he was visibly upset. that was a rare case when it came to joe.
once you guys got to the house and the twins were occupied in their room, you attempted to console joe.
"you need to relax a bit baby.." - you hugged him
"i know.. i really don't know why this is so hard for me." - joe
"your first born starting school is a big deal, most parents have the same reaction." - you
"mhm. i cant wait to pick her up." - joe laid his head on your shoulder as you rubbed his back
"you need to distract yourself. don't you have some film to watch?" - you
"yeah, i do actually. i'll be in the office if you need me, okay?" - joe
"okay." - you smiled and pecked his lips
the remainder of the day at home, joe tried to distract himself by watching film and occasionally playing around with the you.
but, with all the time you'd spent being with joe you could easily read him. you could tell he was counting down the hours till it would be time to pick sav up from school.
you were washing dishes with your airpods in when all of a sudden joe rushed into the kitchen and grabbed his car keys off the key hanger.
you paused your music and stopped your husband before he ran out of the kitchen and into the garage.
"joe.. baby where are you going?" - you
"the school." - joe
"school doesn't end for another 45 minutes.. we live 15 minutes away." - you
"i know. i want to go early and wait in the parking lot." - joe
you couldn't help but smile; this overprotective dad side of joe was so lovable.
joe still stood there, waiting to hear what you were going to reply with. almost as if he was asking for approval.
"okay, i'll see you in a bit then?" - you
"yeah. bye, i love you!" - joe turned and walked into the garage
"bye, love you!" - you
joe sat in the parking lot of the school for over 30 minutes. he sat scrolling on his phone, kid cudi playing lowly through the cars speakers.
as soon as the clock hit 1:30, joe got out of the car and hurried up to the door. he was the first person in line.
his anxiety levels shot up when a minute had passed and the doors hadn't opened yet.
at 1:32 there was still no sign of the doors opening so he texted you to verify the time sav was dismissed.
hubby💕 - school ends at 1:30 right? it's almost been three minutes and the doors haven't opened  yet
before you could even answer, the doors opened and Mrs. Martin wasn't at all surprised to see that joe was the first parent in line.
"savanna burrow!" - Mrs. Martin called out
sav ran outside and up to her dad, joes face lit up as he reached down to grab her hand before walking back to the car.
"how was your day?" - joe
"awesome! i love school. i made a friend! her name is summer!" - sam
"thats greet sweetie. so you're excited to go back tomorrow?" - joe
"yup!" - sam
“i’m so glad you had fun, princess. wanna go to the store with me to get momma some flowers? she needs something after putting up with me today.” - joe mumbled the last part
“sure, daddy!” - sam giggled
god, joe loved his girls.
authors note: fluffy dad joe is my favorite ❤️
hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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moonselune · 1 month
I love your writings so much.. I’ve never sent requests before- but may I ask for some soft Karlach with Tav? 😭😭 Or anything Karlach… you just do her justice every single time, thank you!!
I think we all need some soft Karlach in our lives <3 thank you so much for your love and support xox
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Karlach x reader | Never again, babe!
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The camp was bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, the warmth of the evening light filtering through the trees and casting long shadows on the ground. The day had been unusually quiet, a stark contrast to the usual hustle and bustle of traveling and adventuring. You had taken the opportunity to relax at camp, organizing supplies and enjoying the rare moment of stillness.
You were sitting near the campfire, a small smile playing on your lips as you tended to some small tasks. The peace of the evening was a welcome change, and you were savoring the solitude.
Suddenly, the calm was shattered by the sound of hurried footsteps approaching. Before you could react, Karlach burst into view, her expression a whirlwind of relief and frustration. Her armor was scuffed from the day's battles, and her usually fiery demeanor was now tinged with an exaggerated sense of drama.
Without a moment's hesitation, Karlach ran straight into you, tackling you to the ground with a force that left you gasping in surprise. You landed on the soft grass, her weight pinning you down as she wrapped her arms around you in an enthusiastic embrace.
“There you are!” she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of relief and exasperation. “I’ve missed you so much! You wouldn’t believe what a nightmare today was.”
You looked up at her, trying to suppress a chuckle as she clung to you.
“Karlach, what happened?” you asked, your tone a mix of concern and amusement. Karlach’s face was flushed with a combination of fatigue and emotion, her eyes wide as she began to recount her day in dramatic detail.
“Oh, where do I even start?” she began, her voice rising with each complaint. “First, Gale wouldn’t stop lecturing me about the importance of magical theory. As if I have time for that when I’m out there fighting!” You could see the frustration etched on her face as she continued. “And Lae’zel and Shadowheart were bickering non-stop! It was like two rabid animals fighting over a bone.”
She buried her face into your shoulder, her voice muffled but still filled with intensity. “I couldn’t take it anymore. I was so ready to come back to camp, and now I find you’re here alone, without me. It’s like everything fell apart without you!”
You ran your hands soothingly over her back, feeling the tension in her muscles as she clung to you.
“I’m sorry, Karlach,” you said softly trying to hide your smile. “It sounds like it was a rough day. You know, I didn’t realize how much my absence would affect you, I'm flattered.”
Karlach pulled back slightly, looking down at you with a mixture of frustration and affection.
“It was terrible!” she exclaimed, her voice rising with each word. “I missed you so much, and I can’t stand it when you’re not around. You have to promise me that you’ll never stay at camp without me again! It’s just too much to handle! Never again, babe!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at her overdramatic declaration, the sound of your amusement mingling with the warmth of the evening.
“Alright, alright,” you said with a teasing grin. “I promise I’ll try not to leave you behind again. I didn’t realize my absence would be so dramatic.”
Karlach’s expression softened, her frustration melting into a tender smile as she looked down at you.
“I’m serious, though,” she said, her voice taking on a more earnest tone. “I really missed you. It’s just not the same without you by my side.”
You reached up and cupped her face gently, your thumb brushing against her cheek. “I missed you too, Karlach. And I’m here now, so let’s just enjoy this moment together.”
Karlach’s eyes softened, and she leaned down to press a tender kiss to your lips. The kiss was warm and full of the affection and relief that had built up throughout the day. When she pulled away, her eyes were bright with a mixture of happiness and contentment.
“Thank you,” she said softly, her voice carrying a note of sincerity. “For being here and for understanding.”
“Always,” you said, pulling her into a closer embrace. “I’m here for you, no matter what.”
As the evening settled into night, the campfire flickered gently, casting a soft glow over the scene. Karlach remained close, her earlier drama giving way to a quieter, more peaceful moment between the two of you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Some soft karlach or moreso pouty karlach, to soothe out souls. Hope you guys enjoyed it ! - Seluney xoxo
If you want to support me in other ways | Help keep this moonmaiden caffeinated x
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second-wife-playbook · 4 months
Coronis had always wanted to come to Wrath. To visit. Wrath was a wilderness with a capital W. The desert that stretched off into the horizon, it's many suns and volcanoes, and it's people...wily, strong, and with quickfire tempers. She had seen it replicated on TV, with adventures in the lawless lands, cowboys and the like.
Well this was an example of; be careful what you wish for.
The transport going through the desert likely boasted some stunning views, but Coronis wasn't seeing any of them. She felt out of place, paralyzed with terror. Her high-society gown was completely unsuitable to the rough terrain, and every time the vehicle jostled over the rough robe, she felt her breathe catch and her pulse quicken.
Andrealphus looked unconcerned. Why should he? He wasn't the one about to become a meal.
"You're so overdramatic. It could always be worse." That was what he said. That was the fucking audacity the Marquis had when Coronis was strong-armed to the ground, hands and feet tied and the horrors explained. "You will be remembered as an exalted martyr, and spare the family a terrible fate. What more could a noble want, really?"
To live, goddammit! To actually live, and not get eaten by a fucking snake-god!!!
Cori had tried to protest. But apparently such attempts at mercy were unpalatable to the ears of her brother and her fated executioner. A simple gesture was all that was needed to tape her beak shut, unable to make a peep aside from muffled whimpers and cries. She wasn't even given the courtesy of knowing what she was being sacrificed for.
The convoy stopped outside of a volcano. A lone cave awaited, with a rough looking imp in a robe bearing a serpent with terrifying eyes. He looked displeased to see the Marquis and Coronis, but nonetheless gestured to a lone minecart. "This will take her right down." He explained gruffly. "Beware Goetia. The Great Destroyer does not take pleasure in meager offerings."
"Rest assured, my heart breaks to see her go-" Andrealphus had said with a long-suffering moan, wrapping an arm around Cori's shoulders, even as she wriggled to break free. "-and I will mourn her passing every day for as long as I live."
A very scripted, very insincere answer. The imp must have sensed it...but didn't question it. "Right. Down she goes."
Andrealphus had brought two large hellhounds for security...and a sack. Coronis fought to break free as hard as she could, but she was being wrangled in with the ease of manhandling a baby chick. The Marquis gave her a last long look.
"I will miss you, you know." He said. Trying for once, to actually sound as if he meant it. "There will never be a soul as easy and soft as you."
Don't! Don't! Coronis begged with all her might, trying to plead with her eyes. Please, please, I don't want to die!!
But as she was dropped into the minecart, everything went very dark. There was a moment's stillness, and then a jolt as the cart went sailing, the sound of the wind whipping past and a heavy dip-
And Coronis entered Wrath's underworld.
C'mon, c'mon! Get these stupid things offa me!
The cart whistled down the track at speeds Coronis could only imagine. But within the sack she was trapped it, she pushed her arms around her back legs as far as they would reach until they were capable of being severed by her talons...as fast as she could anyway. It was slow work, and each second felt like it was passing at breakneck speeds.
I-I have to get out! I'll be killed if I don't get out! What would happen should she escape the sack, much less the cart, she had no idea. Run away and join a rodeo? Become an itinerant wanderer in the desert? Turn into a cave dweller?! That could all wait until the ropes-
To her great relief, her hands were freed. She tugged and tore at the ropes binding her feet, then clawed at the tape that kept her beak shut, shredding it off. "I gotta get outta here!"
The cart stopped so short that the sack...and all it's contents, rolled out. Coronis yelped in surprise and pain, bruised by the rough landing. She frantically felt for the opening, pulling it open as fast as she could-
Only to wish she had stayed in the sack.
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thedovesaredying · 1 year
Hi I'm hyperfixated over your zombie! Ghost and I've been reading it every hour since it was up, it's the idea of him only acting upon his own primal urges get me going 🤤 i don't know if your zombie! Ghost is a dead person who became zombie or just an infected living human but either way I'm so down!!
I thought about what if reader leaves the muzzle on him all the time and do the usual stuff, pull him by it when they walk about looking for food and medicine, loosen it a bit when he tries to eat whatever is in his zombies menu and of course tugging it backwards as you ride him 🩵
- 🌋
Anon! Your brain!! 
I’m glad I’m not the only one weak for our Zombie lad. I actually have a bunch more I want to write about him, so feel free to request more for him at any point uwu 
A little snippet for you below the cut <3 
Words: 780
Rating: NSFW
Warnings: Teratophilia, PnV, Unprotected Sex, Muzzles.
Reminder, this is an 18+ account!
Ghost has been in quite a huff with you recently or, at least, you think he is. It’s a little difficult to tell given his difficulty stringing full sentences together after the infection ravaged his brain. He’s still cognisant and able to get his thoughts across to you (even if most of those thoughts involve being hungry or wanting to fulfil certain urges).  
However, his attention span isn’t the greatest and he’s constantly getting distracted by things in your surroundings. Wandering off like a toddler at every new sound, checking to see if there’s food or a potential threat hiding around every corner. No matter how many times you ask him to try and focus, he’ll inevitably end up finding trouble.  
The other zombies aren’t much of a problem since he can chase them off with a few well-placed swipes and growls to remind them of their place. It’s the other survivors you’re worried about. It’s a lawless land out here and anyone that’s survived this long knows to shoot first and ask questions later. This doesn’t bode well for your zombified partner. He’s an enemy and when he has his sights on a potential meal there’s little you can do to deter him from attacking.  
Hence, it’s easier to simply keep him at your side. The muzzle works wonders for when you need to gently steer him away from distractions, even if he occasionally gets a little grumpy at having to be pulled around by his face. He can’t nose his face up against you properly when it’s in place which often makes him grumble and sigh a tad overdramatically.  
You take it off when you go to sleep, after all, it wouldn't do you any good to have your guard dog unable to use his best weapons. Ghost doesn’t require sleep anymore, so he makes an excellent protector for when you’re in your most vulnerable state.  
He stays with you all throughout the night, his body pressed up against your back and his arms caging you to his chest. His lips are dry and completely missing in some parts, but that doesn’t stop him from trying to lave every inch of you with kisses. A soft rumbling sound always accompanies his affections, almost a purr.  
But the uses of a muzzle don’t stop at simply helping to direct your companion whenever he starts to drift away. It’s particularly useful for manipulating his face to exactly where you want it, be it away from something he wants or toward the places you require his attention.  
Riding him is only more intense when you’re able to grip at the thick leather straps keeping his muzzle in place. He tries to press his mouth to your throat, but you hold him back, forcing his milky white eyes to stare directly into your own as you slowly sink down on his cock. It’s beautiful, the way his eyelids flutter and a frankly sinful groan escapes him.  
“Good boy,” you coo, earning yourself a rough jerk of Ghost’s hips. He starts rocking his body up and into your warmth, his gloved hands raising to grip at your waist.  
He pulls you down and onto him over and over again in time with his rapid thrusts, snarling and growling all the while. Ghost might not be able to shift his gaze from your blissed out expression, but that doesn’t mean he’s any less in control. The pace he sets is downright brutal, bullying his entire length into your sopping cunt until it nudges at your cervix.  
Even when you gasp at the sensation and one of your hands grips at his hair he doesn’t faulter. Your noises seem only to urge him on, his panting breath heavy as he endeavours to draw out at many sounds from your lips as physically possible. His intense gaze from where you hold his face only heightens the experience, his eyes scrutinising each and every expression you offer.  
You grow close to orgasm almost embarrassingly fast, but all it takes is a raspy, possessive, “mine,” snarled at you to have your pussy clamping down around Ghost’s cock.  
With your body growing weak from coming so hard, Ghost takes full advantage of your distraction, pushing you down and onto your back without missing a single beat in his current rhythm. He keeps going all through your orgasm, the slick from your tender hole only helping to easy his way. He doesn’t let up with his desperate chanting of, “mine, mine, mine,” right up until he spills deep inside you.  
Your attempts to dominate him hadn’t exactly gone to plan. Perhaps next time you should use some handcuffs as well.  
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sexynetra · 1 year
I’m so sorry to be that person but I can’t choose a specific prompt for the otp protective list thingy 🫠
IF you want to I’m down for anything on that list for boxer au, you pick…apologies again 🥲🥲
No worries! Even just showing interest at all in more boxer au is helpful to me 💕
Have some concerned Marcia, as a treat
Also… me completing a piece of writing these days? Less likely than you’d think! But we did it lads <3
Pretending everything is fine so the other doesn't have to know what's going on. / “Please never do that again.”
(Also uhhh this one got long sorry)
Ao3 link
Either Marcia had gotten complacent, or Anetra was an incredibly skilled actress. Marcia wasn’t sure which. But when Anetra insisted she was fine after a particularly rough match, Marcia believed her. After all, Anetra had no reason to lie to her. She was a nurse, Anetra would tell her if she was hurt. Besides, Anetra had been fighting long enough that she could certainly tell when an injury was serious or not.
So Marcia didn’t push, didn’t force Anetra to let her double check. They were early in their relationship, and Marcia didn’t want to ruin things by being too much of a worrywart. So she left after the match, with a kiss goodbye, and a promise to see her for their dinner date. And as she left, she tried to convince herself that everything was fine.
And it was, at first. Anetra looked radiant as ever when Marcia arrived at the restaurant, blonde hair perfectly coiffed, tight pink dress like a second skin hugging her perfect figure. Nearly all traces of the fight had been wiped away, hidden under effortlessly blended makeup.
The only hint that she had been bloody and bruised just that morning was the slight limp in her walk, and the split second longer than usual that it took her to react.
“Hi, beautiful,” Marcia murmured, crossing the distance to wrap her arms around Anetra and pull her in for a gentle kiss. Anetra set her hands on Marcia’s waist, squeezing gently as she kissed her back.
“Missed you,” she breathed into the kiss. “You look ethereal. As always. Taking my breath away.”
Marcia pulled back finally, a shy smile on her face. No matter how many times Anetra complimented her, Marcia still couldn’t believe it was real. That Anetra was actually hers.
In hindsight, maybe she missed the signs because she didn’t want to admit anything was amiss. She just wanted a nice date night with her girlfriend, and maybe if she ignored what she knew in her gut, it would go away. That was the hope at least.
But life didn’t work that way, and denying the evidence in front of her face could only last so long. Especially when Anetra was acting so… off.
“Babe, you aren’t looking too hot, are you sure you’re really okay?” Marcia asked after the third time she’d had to drag Anetra back into their conversation. Anetra blinked a few times, shaking her head for a moment as if trying to force herself to focus on the conversation at hand.
“Damn. And here I thought you found me beautiful. Now I’m not even that hot?” She joked, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. Marcia’s own frown deepened.
“Neech, I’m serious. You’re really out of it and it’s starting to scare me,” Marcia tried, chewing on her lower lip as she watched her girlfriend who was currently refusing to look her in the eyes.
“I’m fine, Marcia. Don’t be overdramatic. I had a big fight this morning. I’m just tired,” Anetra deflected, picking at her chipped nail polish and staring resolutely down at her food. Marcia deflated a bit.
“I’m not trying to—“ Marcia sighed, rubbing her temples. “I’m not trying to be a drama queen, I’m just worried, okay? Can we just like… go back to my place? Relax on the couch and go to bed early? If you’re really just tired then I’ll drop it and things will be all good in the morning.” Marcia put on her best puppy dog eyes, looking across the table at Anetra until her girlfriend looked back.
Anetra deflated slightly. “Yeah, okay. That sounds nice,” she admitted begrudgingly, waving over the waiter to get the check.
Marcia was still antsy, but was trying to rein in her concerns. Surely Anetra really was just tired, and a good night's sleep would fix everything. She kept telling herself that, until Anetra went to stand up.
Marcia felt frozen as she watched Anetra stumble, grabbing onto the edge of the table with white knuckles and clenching her eyes shut, head dropping. After a second she sprung into action, running over to the other side of the table to wrap an arm around Anetra, to make sure she was steady on her feet.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m fine. I'm okay. Just got… dizzy,” Anetra’s voice was distant, her breathing shaky, and Marcia’s heart broke for a moment.
“I’ve got you. Just breathe. Let’s go outside. Get some fresh air.” Marcia kept her arm right around her girlfriend, letting her lean against her side for support as she got them outside, helping Anetra down onto the nearest bench. She sat down beside her, thoughts racing as she watched the color return to Anetra’s face.
“Marsh, I—“ Anetra began after a moment but Marcia cut her off, trying to keep her voice from trembling.
“How long have you been feeling off? Don’t lie to me, please. I need to… I need to know if this has to do with the fight. Please, let me help you. I just want you to be okay,” Marcia rushed to get her words out, eyes wide and pleading.
Anetra was silent for a moment, chewing on her lower lip and fidgeting nervously with the rings she was wearing. “I… I thought it was just a headache from the impact, I swear. If I thought it was anything serious I would have told you,” She spoke quietly, finally glancing up from her lap to meet Marcia’s eyes. “I know you get frightened during these fights and I just. It would have scared you even more if I told you something was wrong. I just didn’t want you to have to worry about me.”
The revelation that Anetra had been hiding things from her did nothing to soothe Marcia’s frayed nerves. For all she knew, this wasn’t the first time Anetra had been hurt and thought it wasn’t important for Marcia to know. “I’m a nurse, Anetra. You need to tell me these things. Of course I worry, you’re my girlfriend, and I care about you. A lot. But I’m gonna worry a hell of a lot more when you nearly pass out in a restaurant than if you just tell me when something isn’t right. Or better yet just… let me check to make sure nothing major is wrong after fights. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? Better I find it early than… whatever could have happened tonight.” She paused to take a few calming breaths, trying to keep a cool demeanor, despite how anxious she was. “You can’t keep this stuff from me, not if you want me to come to your matches. Not if you want to be able to keep fighting in the long run. This isn’t fun and games, Neech. It’s life and death, and I don’t think me being worried is an overreaction. This is my job, I know how risky what you’re doing is, and I just want to help. But you can’t keep this kind of thing a secret from me. Please never do that again. My heart can’t take it.”
The guilt was plain as day on Anetra’s face and Marcia wondered for a moment if she had pushed too hard, if she was being too harsh. But Anetra reached to take Marcia’s hands in her own, and Marcia melted slightly into the touch, having to blink a few times to keep her tears from spilling.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was… I didn’t realize. I never meant to frighten you,” Anetra murmured, running her thumb across the back of Marcia’s hand delicately. Marcia melted more at the gentleness, shifting to rest her head on Anetra’s shoulder.
“My heart can’t take it,” Marcia repeated quietly, closing her eyes and focusing on the feeling of Anetra, sturdy against her side.
“I know. I’m really sorry. If I’d known I was making you worry this much I never would have kept it from you…” Anetra’s breath was warm on her hair as she felt her place a soft kiss to the top of her head.
Marcia turned her face to bury it in the crook of Anetra’s neck. “You owe me big time, you know. For lying to me. You’d better be prepared to grovel.” Anetra laughed softly against her hair and Marcia smiled to herself, warmth running down her spine. Everything was going to be okay, she could tell.
“Of course, darling. Whatever you say.”
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otrtbs · 2 years
are you a taylor swift fan? if so, what songs do you associate with art heist baby?
sorry this took me so long to answer i went a little very crazy haha but this is like my achilles heel
(also if you're not a taylor swift fan in the whole ass year of 2022 wyd?)
I did Something Bad- Art Heist in general
"They say I did something bad Then why's it feel so good? They say I did something bad But why's it feel so good? Most fun I ever had And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could It just felt so good"
Willow- Art Heist Jegulus
Regulus to James
"I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night Rough on the surface but you cut through like a knife"
"I'm begging for you to take my hand Wreck my plans"
James to Regulus
"Lost in your current like a priceless wine The more that you say The less I know Wherever you stray I follow"
"Wait for the signal and I'll meet you after dark Show me the places where the others gave you scars"
Lover- Jegulus
"And this is our place, we make the rules And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever?"
"All's well that ends well to end up with you Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover"
My Tears Ricochet- Art Heist Black Brothers
"And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed Look at how my tears ricochet"
"And you can aim for my heart, go for blood But you would still miss me in your bones And I still talk to you (when I'm screaming at the sky)"
This is Me Trying- Art Heist Black Brothers
"I've been having a hard time adjusting I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting I didn't know if you'd care if I came back I have a lot of regrets about that"
"And maybe I don't quite know what to say But I'm here in your doorway
I just wanted you to know That this is me trying"
"They told me all of my cages were mental So I got wasted like all my potential And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad I have a lot of regrets about that"
Paper Rings- Art Heist Dorlene
"I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings Darling, you're the one I want, and I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this"
"I want to drive away with you I want your complications too I want your dreary Mondays Wrap your arms around me"
Don't Blame Me- Sirius to Remus
"For you, I would cross the line I would waste my time I would lose my mind"
"And baby, for you, I would fall from grace Just to touch your face If you walk away I'd beg you on my knees to stay"
Gorgeous- Art Heist Evan to Barty (idk if y'all know that yet but it is lmaooo)
"You should take it as a compliment That I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk You should think about the consequence Of your magnetic field being a little too strong"
"You're so cool, it makes me hate you so much (I hate you so much)//You've ruined my life, by not being mine"
"You're so gorgeous I can't say anything to your face 'Cause look at your face And I'm so furious At you for making me feel this way But, what can I say? You're gorgeous"
"You should take it as a compliment That I'm talking to everyone here but you And you should think about the consequence Of you touching my hand in the darkened room"
"You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad"
There are like a million more but im gonna stop now because I can go on for 3493284148 years
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pretty toes ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1741
request?: yes!
@gar-goyle “Can you write a fluffy smut about machine gun Kelly’s foot fetish and the reader?”
description: something as innocent as going barefoot in your house results in sweet words and love making
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
(fair warning, i personally am not a fan of feet, so this imagine isn’t gonna focus too much on feet)
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It was a rare event when Colson had more than a day off at a time. After releasing Tickets to my Downfall, Colson decided he wanted to take a lot of time off of work to focus on spending time with you and with Casie. The album had taken up so much of his time and energy that he rarely got to see his two favorite girls, and when he was able to see you two, he was usually drained.
On a night that you two actually had to yourselves, Colson suggested a relaxing night in watching movies. After a long week of work, you couldn’t have agreed more to anything that included the word “relaxing”.
You were both sat on the couch; Colson on one end, you on the other. You had your legs stretched out to be rested on his lap. You were in a pair of pajama pants and one of Colson’s shirts, so you had your socks off, leaving you barefoot.
At some point during the movie you were watching, Colson began running his fingers up and down your leg, spending a little extra time grazing over your feet. Eventually, he gave up pretending and just put both warm hands on your cold feet, beginning to give them a massage as he did so.
“Am I turning you on?” you teased, using the foot he wasn’t massaging to playfully kick him.
You knew all about Colson’s...love for feet, so to speak. You thought it was a joke at first, but soon came to learn that it was anything but. Colson had a thing for feet and, while it was still something you were getting used to, you couldn’t deny that you liked how much attention Colson would give your feet sometimes. Like in that moment, where he continued to massage your feet despite your teasing.
A small smile came across his face. “Of course you are. You and these pretty toes.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “They’re literally just on your lap. We’re just watching a movie. You’re being overdramatic.”
“How am I being overdramatic when you’re sat here looking like a fucking goddess?”
You shook your head at him. “I’m sat here in pajamas with my feet on your lap. I’m hardly a goddess. You’re just looking to get your dick wet so you’re trying to butter me up first.”
He chuckled at this, but your dirty words must’ve gotten to him as you could feel his bulge growing against your feet. He moved your feet so they were resting on the couch and knelt in front of you. You raised an eyebrow at him, feeling excited to see where this would be going.
“You are a goddess, no matter what you’re wearing,” he told you. “But especially when you’re wearing nothing.”
You giggled as his hands started trailing up your legs, stopping at the hem of your pajama pants. He looked up at you, waiting. You raised your hips so he could pull them down your legs and discard them somewhere on the living room floor. He ran his hands up and down your bare legs before lowering himself towards your feet again.
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met,” he said. His warm breath brushed against your bare skin, causing you to shiver. “Even when you’re not trying. Especially when you’re not trying. You just radiate this natural beauty.”
He started kissing up your legs, giving both of them the same amount of attention each as he trailed his way up towards where you were starting to want him most. Your body was practically vibrating with anticipation.
As he got higher up, his hands slipped under the shirt you were wearing and lightly traced your bare skin. A moan slipped from your lips as his hands ran over your breasts, pausing for a moment to give your nipples a slight pinch.
He was teasing you. His mouth was kissing around your already soaking panties, but he wasn’t kissing the area you wanted most. You ran your fingers through his hair before trying to place him where you wanted him most. He looked up at you, mischief in his eyes, as he kept resisting and just kissed your thighs and stomach instead.
“You’re mean,” you said with a pout. “I wasn’t intentionally teasing you, you just decided I was.”
“You have a point,” he said. “I was just calling you a goddess, and now I’m teasing you for no reason. What kind of monster am I for doing that?”
Before you could respond, he quickly kissed your clothed clit, causing you to gasp. He smirked at you, and in one quick movement, he had pulled your panties down your legs. You repositioned yourself so he could comfortably lay between your legs.
The feeling of his tongue against you was like heaven. Your eyes immediately rolled into the back of your head in ecstasy. You grabbed at Colson’s hair, taking a handful of it and pushing his head slightly, trying to get him to go deeper.
His strokes were long and slow, sending a shiver up your spine every time his tongue connected with you. He was treating you like the goddess he kept saying you were, and you definitely weren’t complaining.
You whimpered as he pulled away. You tried to pull him back again, but he untangled your hand from his hair and kissed your stomach. Realizing what he was getting at, you pulled your shirt over your head and tossed it to the floor with the rest of your clothes. You lowered your body to be laying down on the couch as he began to kiss up your stomach. He took your breasts in his mouth one at a time, giving them extra attention. You were starting to become needy and desperate to feel him inside of you, but you were enjoying the praise too.
His lips finally reached yours and he kissed you gently. He rested his body on top of yours and you could feel his bulge pressing against you through his sweatpants. You hands ran down his back and pulled at the hem of his pants. He smiled down at you as he sat up long enough to pull them off. His boner popped free and you felt a growing wetness between your legs.
He pumped himself a few times before he leaned down to kiss you again. You gasped as you felt him push himself into you, slowly filling you up. When he had pushed completely inside of you, he laid down on top of you again, his arms resting on either side of your head so he could keep himself up.
It had been a while since the two of you were able to have slow, passionate sex. With Colson’s busy schedule, or with Casie always looming around the corner, the sex that you had was usually rough and quick. You were always trying to finish fast, and you wouldn’t complain about that, but you did miss being able to just hold Colson close and to be able to take your time.
He lowered his head to yours and kissed you gently. He lightly traced your cheek with one hand as he pushed himself deep inside of you, then pulled out almost all the way and pushed himself back in again. He repeated the pattern over and over, driving you wild with his slow trusts.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed in your ear as he started to kiss down your jawline and neck. “The most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
You tried to say something back, but it was cut off with another moan as Colson’s hips met yours. He chuckled at your attempted response and began to suck on the sweet spot on your neck that he knew all too well on how to find.
His slow thrusts were driving you wild. Your body was beginning to shake as you started to near your climax. Your nails were clawing at Colson’s back, surely leaving marks that you currently didn’t care about.
“Are you close, princess?” he asked. You nodded in response. His teeth nipped at your ear as he told you, “Let me feel you cum around my cock.”
The words alone were enough to drive you over the edge. Your eyes rolled back as you felt your climax hit hard. You called out Colson’s name in pleasure as he pushed himself deep inside of you, wanting to feel you cum on every inch of his hard cock.
When you had finally rode out yours, Colson began to thrust again. This time, they were fast and hard, causing you to let out screams of pleasure that echoed back to you in the empty house. You heard him grunt once before feeling him twitch inside you, followed by him filling you up as he hit his own climax.
You stayed tangled together for some time. Your vision was so clouded with lust that you felt like you could barley see anything. Colson was placing sweet kisses on your neck again as he came down from his own high. When you both felt like you were able to, Colson pushed himself off of you and got up from the couch. He passed you your clothes as you both began to dress again.
“That was...intense,” you commented, finally finding your voice again.
“In a good way?” Colson asked.
You giggled. “Of course in a good way. I don’t think there’s a bad way for sex to be intense.”
Colson chuckled as well. “You have a point. I just wanted you to know how much I love you and that I do think you’re a goddess, in all aspects of the word.”
“You tell me those things all the time,” you reminded him. “Although if your reminders are like that, I will take them whenever.”
He chuckled again before sitting next to you on the couch. You turned off the movie the two of you had completely forgotten about and decided to watch an episode of your favorite show together. You cuddled into Colson’s side and kissed his cheek.
“I’ll also walk around barefoot more often if it gets me those kinds of reminders,” you told him, looking down at your bare feet.
“Definitely won’t complain about seeing those pretty toes more often,” Colson agreed. You smiled up at him before settling into his side again.
I’m sorry it doesn’t actually focus much on his foot fetish at all :/ I hope you still liked it though!
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Losing So Much Time | Part Three | S.R
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A/N - Part Three of the LSMT series. Find the series masterlist here.
Taglist and requests are Open
CW- This one's angsty, I couldn’t help myself. Fluff, smut and angst all in one chapter. Fingering, oral (male receiving), rough sex, unprotected sex, angry sex, mild spanking, dom! Spencer. Aggressive behaviour towards the reader from male side character. Swearing. Quote about the beach taken from s8 ep5 The Good Earth (originally a conversation between Spencer and JJ.)
WC: 6.6K
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Los Angeles, California - 2007
You pulled your robe closer around your naked body as you padded back across the living room towards your bedroom. Your legs shook as you walked, threatening to give out on you at any minute.
Your whole body ached. Your back was sore as were your thighs and you were sure there were bruises forming on your neck.
I hope my concealer can cover that, you thought in absent mind as you pushed open the bedroom door.
You discarded the robe on the floor and crawled back into bed. You felt like you could sleep for a week but you knew there was no chance of that happening.
“You’ve broken me.” You grumbled as you pulled the duvet around yourself. “Well and truly. I’m not sure I will ever be able to have sex again.”
He laughed and even though you weren’t looking at him you knew he would be rolling his eyes. 
“Has anyone ever told you you’re overdramatic?”
You rolled your head on the pillow to look at him. 
Over the last year he’d lost his glasses in lieu of contact lenses and grown his hair out a little which showcased his natural waves. He was dressing less in oversized tweed jackets opting more for tighter fitting sweater vests. 
He was changing but you supposed so were you. You were both ebbing into your late twenties now and the physical changes in you both were apparent. 
He was gaining in confidence too, at least he was with you. He was still nervous in the bedroom, still always so eager to please but over the years he was getting more comfortable. 
“Once or twice.” You laughed. “Honestly Spence, this week has been…” you trailed off, not sure of the right word.
“Perfect?” He fielded.
“Yes.” You agreed. 
The annual FBI conference was being held in LA this year and started tomorrow. Spencer had taken a week's vacation prior to the conference, telling Hotch he was going to visit his mother before catching a flight to LA today. 
In reality, he had spent the last week in complete and utter bliss with you. 
The last seven days had been, without a shadow of a doubt, the absolute best of Spencer’s twenty six years of life. 
You’d spent your days strolling the streets of LA hand in hand, visiting art galleries, museums, libraries and coffee shops. 
Your evenings had been filled with hours spent reading together, watching TV and having more sex than Spencer knew was even possible. 
You actually felt like a real couple for the first time. 
There had been more than one occasion over the past week that Spencer had found himself drafting his resignation letter on his head, the thought of ever going back to DC just didn’t seem like an option anymore. 
He loved his job, he loved his team; but he loved you more. 
Spencer knew really, he couldn’t leave the BAU and he knew you weren’t ready to leave counterintelligence. The timing wasn’t right. Maybe one day it would be. Maybe one day he wouldn’t have to cling to every small moment he got with you because he could have infinite moments with you. 
Every day you spent apart he was losing time with you and he knew all too well how precious time was. He was losing time knowing you, seeing you change as a person. He didn’t get to see the way you gradually grew, he missed out on seeing the new version of yourself you were with the dawning of each new day. The subtle changes, that’s what he’d missed. 
He didn’t get to see how different you were in the morning after a particularly hard case in comparison to easier ones. He didn’t get to see the way your skin changed with passing seasons. How did it change your demeanor? 
How did you spend your days off when you weren’t entertaining him? Who did you spend your time with? Who were your friends? 
Did you always keep your apartment so tidy or was it just for his benefit? Was there always so much food in your fridge or were you just trying to be a good host?
Did you sleep naked when you were alone or was that just for him? Did you always wake up with a soft smile on your sleep lips or was that because he was laying next to you? 
He’d learnt a lot about you, even more so this week, but he still had so many questions about you that just couldn’t be answered by a once a year trist. They weren’t questions he wanted to ask, he wanted to learn them on his own over time. 
“What are you thinking about?” You spoke, shaking him from his thoughts. 
Spencer sighed a little and placed his large hand on your cheek. 
“You should be kissed and often, by someone who knows how.” He kissed you gently, quoting Gone With the Wind. 
“Soul meets soul on lovers’ lips.” You spoke into the kiss. 
“Prometheus Unbound.” He smiled softly. 
“Indeed.” You sighed. 
Your bubble was going to pop tomorrow when the two of you had to enter the real world once more. You still had a few nights left together but it wouldn’t be the same. 
“Do you want to go for a walk?” You asked him, making him laugh.
“It’s three am.” 
“So?” Your eyes sparkled at him in the dark. 
“Let’s go for a walk.” He kissed your cheek, wanting to make the most of every single second he had left.
“I hate the beach.” Spencer grumbled a little as you walked hand in hand along the sand, his shoes dangling from his free hand.
“Why?” You laughed a little.
“Well let’s see. Sandy food, pink skin, limited and unengaging topography, but mostly drug-resistant bacteria spread by seagull feces.” 
“Sorry I asked.” You squeezed his hand. “Do you not think I could make it fun?” You glanced at him and your eyes sparkled in the moonlight and it made his heart practically burst. 
“Honestly, I think you could make a lethal injection fun.” He chuckled, kissing you as you walked. 
For the late hour, there were still a few other night owls littered on the beach. A small bonfire was going. There was a group of teens listening to music. A few couples sat side by side in the sand and there were even a few dog walkers about. 
But you paid them no mind. The only thing that mattered to you was Spencer. You tried your hardest to commit everything to memory, the way the sand was soft and sunk under your bare feet, the way his large, warm hand held yours so tightly. You tried to hold onto the memory of the way his hair moved so gracefully with the calm breeze, the smell of salt water and burning wood. 
The happiness that swelled in your chest. 
“Can I ask you something?” Spencer spoke quietly as though he wasn’t sure he wanted you to hear him or not.
“You can ask me anything.” You encouraged him. 
He took a deep breath, and you worried what it was that was clearly plaguing him. 
“I hope this doesn’t sound as pathetic and needy as it does it in my head,” he tried to laugh but it sounded more like a sigh. “But I...I just need to know something.” 
You pulled him to a stop so you could look at him. Concern was riddled on your features.
“What is it Spencer?” 
He chewed his lip, running his fingers through his hair.
“Have you...uhm well...I guess I was wondering...have there been...have you been…”
“Spencer,” you squeezed his hand. “Please?”
He took another deep breath. He wished he hadn’t brought this up already. 
“I guess I just need to know...have you been with any other men since we...since we met?” His cheeks immediately turned bright red. He didn’t know if he even had a right to ask you something so personal.
Your relationship had never been defined. For three years now the two of you had met up on an annual basis to fulfill your sexual needs. You spoke on the phone, sometimes once a week, sometimes once a month and sometimes every few months depending on your schedules. You had every right to be with other men, but honestly, the thought of it made Spencer feel ill. 
You gave him a soft smile. Removing your hand from his you got up on your tiptoes in the sand and took hold of Spencer’s lapels.
“Not a single one.” You told him honestly. 
“Really?” He didn’t look convinced.
“Really. Honestly Spence, there isn’t any other man I’d want to be with.” 
“Good, thank you. That makes me feel better.” His sigh told you he didn’t feel completely better.
“What is it?” You smiled softly, letting go of his lapels. “Somethings whirring around that big old brain of yours.”
“This has been the best week of my life. But in a few days I have to leave and then what? I see you again in a year from now? It’s hard trying to live my normal life knowing you exist in this world and I can’t see you everyday. This wasn’t supposed to happen, I wasn’t supposed to feel this way about you.” 
You saw tears spring to his eyes and it broke your heart. You took hold of both of his hands.
“I know Spence, I know.” you sniffed. “I wish there was something I could say to make this situation less...messy. But my life is here and yours is in DC.” 
“I know, I know.” he sniffed, desperate not to let his tears fall. “I guess if once a year is all I get with you, it’ll have to be enough.” he removed one hand from yours so he could cup your cheek.
“Maybe one day things will be different. But right now this is just the way things have to be.”
You fell into his arms and he held you tightly on the moonlight beach. 
Life had thought it was doing you a favour bringing the two of you together but really, it had only tormented you. It had dangled a carrot in front of your face and continuously snatched it away everytime you got close. 
“Just in case you ever foolishly forget; I’m never not thinking of you.” You quoted Virginia Woolf into his chest. 
“You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.” He replied.
“Arthur Conan Doyle.” 
You stayed like that under the moon in each other’s arms for some time, just revelling in each other.
Because come tomorrow, everything was going to go back to normal and the little bubble you had created for yourselves would burst. 
Such is life.
Spencer met Hotch and Rossi at the conference center the following morning, brandishing coffees for the older men. 
“Ah kid, you know the way to an old man’s heart.” Rossi grinned, taking the coffee.
“Thanks Reid.” Hotch added, taking his cup from the young doctor. “How’s your mom?” he asked as the three of them headed inside.
“Good.” he nodded, not making eye contact. He wanted to say as little as possible. The fewer words he used, the less likely he was to be caught in a lie.
Truth be told, Spencer wasn’t sure why he hadn’t told his team about you. A part of him liked you being his secret. He liked that he had one thing that the team didn’t know about his life. He knew if he told the team they wouldn’t understand. His feelings for you wouldn’t make sense to them. They wouldn’t understand how he had fallen head over heels for a woman he only saw once a year. Honestly, he didn’t entirely understand it himself so how could he expect anyone else to?
The three of them signed into the conference and headed inside. The first thing that caught his eye when he entered the large hall was you, no surprise, only you weren’t alone.
You were leant against a wall on one side of the room, a tall, broad man in front of you. He was tanned, muscular and attractive. He stood a little too close to you for Spencer’s comfort. He had a hand on the wall next to your head. 
He was talking and you were smiling at him. He made you laugh and you even touched his toned bicep. Spencer felt a pit form in stomach. You were flirting with him, he was sure of it, and he couldn’t blame you. The man in front of you was superior to Spencer in every way. 
“Reid, are you listening?” 
He snapped his gaze away from you and onto Rossi who was glaring at him with a frown.
“Huh?” Spencer swallowed, looking like a deer in headlights.
“I said the first talk is about to start.” Rossi repeated, looking at Spencer in concern.
“Oh right, sure. Let’s go.” he gave you one last look over his shoulder, tasting bile in his mouth.
Had you not meant what you said last night at all? He still had three days left in LA but right now, he felt as though he may as well not be here at all.
He couldn’t concentrate all day, the only thing he could focus on was the thought of you with the muscle man from earlier. 
Between talks he saw you again with the same man by the bar, laughing and flirting like before. 
It made his heart ache. If you were like this while he was still here, what were you like when he wasn’t? You’d told him there wasn’t another man that you wanted to be with, had that been a lie?
Spencer wanted to walk away. He was sure his brain was saying to walk away. But he did the opposite. He found himself walking right towards the two of you and he had no idea why. 
His heart was hammering as you neared you as he had no idea what he planned on saying when he reached you. He begged his legs to stop and turn around but they wouldn’t listen. He just kept walking. 
He was barely a few feet away when you looked up and saw him approaching. The look on his face was unreadable.
“Hi Doctor Reid.” you smiled a little at him. “Uhm, Casey, this is Doctor Spencer Reid with the BAU. Spencer, this is Casey Langley he works cyber crimes.”
Spencer didn’t look as though he was listening to you at all and he didn’t even so much as glance at Casey.
“Can we talk?” his voice was devoid of any emotion. 
You frowned, looking from him to Casey.
“Uh, I guess I’ll talk to you later Casey.” you shrugged at the other man.
“No problem. Dinner yeah?” 
Casey gave you a wave and Spencer a small frown before he took his leave.
Once he was gone you glared at Spencer.
“Well that was rude.” you folded your arms across your chest.
“You’re not going to dinner with that guy.” he spat.
You exhaled a frustrated breath before grabbing Spencer by the wrist. You had a feeling he was going to make a scene and you weren’t risking that with people around. 
You pulled him by the arm away from prying eyes or ears. You found an empty room, the size of an office with a single desk and chair in the room and nothing else. You pulled him inside and locked the door behind you. 
“Ok firstly,” you spun to face him, your frustration evident on your face. “Why were you just rude to Casey? You acted like he didn’t even exist! And secondly, where the hell do you get off thinking you can tell me who I can and can’t have dinner with?” you crossed your arms again.
“What happened to what you said last night? That there was no other man you wanted to be with. Was that just a lie?” he folded his arms too as if mirroring you.
“I have no idea who you think Casey is but you’re sorely mistaken.” 
“You looked pretty cosy to me this morning.”
“We had a thing, years ago. We were in the academy together. It was over a long time ago. That’s the first time I’ve seen him since I left.” You couldn’t believe this. You didn’t peg Spencer to hold this kind of jealousy.
“Did you sleep with him?” He grunted. 
You rolled your eyes.
“Yes Spencer. But like I said it was a long time ago. Long before I even met you. I had a life before I met you.” You raised your voice a little, angry he was reacting this way. 
“And I didn’t? Is that what you’re trying to say?”
“What?” You frowned at him. 
“You don’t know what it’s like for me to imagine you with other men! You don’t have to deal with that because I was the pathetic virgin when you met me.”
“Spencer,” you unfolded your arms, softening a little. “I’m sorry but I don’t know what to tell you. It was a long time ago.” 
“What do you even see in me?” 
“I look nothing like him. He may as well have been a damn Ken Doll he was so perfect. How do you go from someone like that to...someone like me?” He unfolded his arms, hanging his head. It was amazing how quickly all his insecurities could come rushing back to the surface. 
“Spence,” you stepped closer to him. You put your hand under his chin and guided his face up so he would look at you. “I was barely twenty one years old when I met Casey. He was kind of like this bad boy type, always getting into trouble, trying to play the tough guy. I was young and naive and for some reason I found that attractive. But I’ve grown up a lot since then. Trust me when I say I have long grown out of my bad boy phase.” You stroked his cheek, hoping he would see you meant it.
“I can’t compete with a guy like that.” 
“You don’t have to compete with anyone.” You insisted. “Spence, you already have me. Whether or not we only see each other once a year, it’s only you I’m interested in. It’s only you I want.” You kissed him softly hoping to prove that fact to him. 
He seemed to melt into your lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, needing him to know he was the only man for you. 
His tongue found its place in your mouth and he held your face in his hands. It wasn’t long before you could feel his arousal growing in his pants. 
“Spence,” you broke the kiss panting, your eyes dark and mischievous. “Want to have a little fun?” 
“Wha-what?” He stuttered but you didn’t answer him, no with your words anyway. 
You dropped to your knees, pushing Spencer back so his back was flush with the door. You undid his pants while he stared down at you.
“Y/N, I don’t know if this is a good idea.” 
You took hold of his shaft in your hand, looking up at him.
“You don’t want this?” You smirked and ran your tongue over his head making his hiss. “I can stop if you’d like?”
“Hmmm.” He mumbled. This was a terrible idea. They could be caught at any moment. But your hand was practically dancing up and down his throbbing member and he couldn’t think straight. 
“I’ll take that as a no.” You laughed before wrapping your lips around his swollen head.
He moaned deeply, his eyes fluttering closed.
“Jeez…” he panted as you worked his dick the way only you could. 
You knew his body in a way he never thought another human being could. It was as though you knew his body better than he knew it himself.
You knew the best places to touch him, to kiss him and lick him. You had studied his body and passed the tests with flying colors.
Each minuscule movement of your tongue was enough to push him further towards the edge. Your lips were perfectly shaped to fit him and they moved up and down his length with meticulous precision. 
Your tongue glided up the underside of his dick, right along the length of his throbbing vein. He slammed his hands back against the door and moaned.
You wrapped your lips around his head, your tongue virtually floating over the tip of his dick. 
His legs were turning to jelly. You made his whole body feel as though it was on fire. Just as you took him all the way in your mouth again, his head hitting the back of your throat, his phone started ringing in his pocket.
“Shit.” He groaned.
“Ignore it.” You spoke coming off him just long enough to speak and then you took him in your mouth once more. 
He slid the device from his jacket pocket and saw Hotch’s name on the display. 
“It’s Hotch…” he groaned as he spoke. “I have to take this.” 
Once again you let your mouth slip off of him as he answered the call. 
“Hi Hotch.” He tried to steady his breathing. “Uh I just needed some air. Yeah ok.”
You decided to have some fun so you took him in your mouth, you tongue gliding down his shaft.
He gasped loudly.
“What? No-nothing.” He spoke into the phone trying to ignore the way you were making him feel. “Mmm hmm. Yep. See you...then.” He hung up quickly.
You smirked around him, the way his body shook told you he was close.
“That was...dirty.” He panted. “That was my damn unit chief.” 
You just kept moving around him, sliding up and down with ease thanks to your saliva and his pre-come. 
You reached around him and grabbed his ass cheeks, squeezing hard. It forced Spencer to jut forward into your mouth. 
“I’m close...so fucking close.” His legs were shaking, threatening to collapse from under him. 
You pursed your lips around his head using your tongue to really push him over the edge.
He thrust into your mouth as he came and you felt reams of his salty come filling your mouth. You let him ride out his orgasm before you slid off of him. 
He was still leaning against the door staring at the ceiling.
“I can’t believe we did that.” He tried to catch his breath. “That was dangerous.”
You stood up from your position on the floor.
“That’s what makes it hot Doctor.” You took hold of his face and brought his lips to meet yours. He could taste himself on your lips. “You gotta go meet your unit chief?” 
“He wants me to have dinner with him and Rossi.”
“Rossi?” You stared at him. “David Rossi?” 
He tucked himself back inside in his pants and did them back up.
“Oh my gosh.” You gasped. “He is a legend. I’ve read all his books. I’ve followed his career for years. I thought he was retired?” 
“He was. But when Gideon left they called him and asked him to come back and he did.” 
“I’m obsessed with David Rossi.” You blushed a little, feeling like a fan girl.
“Do you wanna come to dinner with us?”
You chewed your lip, exhaling.
“I can’t.” You stepped back a little. “I have dinner plans.”
“Oh.” Spencer frowned. “With who?”
Your eyes looked at him guiltily and it didn’t take a profiler to figure out why. 
“That Ken Doll?” He exclaimed. “You have to be kidding me.”
“He’s an old friend. I thought we just cleared this up?”
“He’s an old fuck buddy!” Spencer spat. “He’s going to try and get in your pants.”
“He is not Spencer.” You frowned. “And even if he is, that's a two way street. And my end of the road is cordoned off.”
“Maybe it shouldn’t be.” He grunted, turning to unlock the door.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“It means,” he looked at you over his shoulder. “Fuck him. Don’t fuck him. I don’t care either way.” 
“I’ve got to go.” He opened the door and stepped into the corridor.
“Spencer don’t you dare!” You raised your voice, following hot on his heels. 
“Do what you like Y/N. It’s not my concern anymore.” 
You wanted to call after him but there were people around and it certainly wasn’t the place to cause a scene. You tried not to think about how many people saw you leave that empty room together.
You watched him go, weaving in and out of people. You should have gone after him but you were too mad right now. You needed to cool down. 
You didn’t like this jealous side of Spencer one bit. If he didn’t trust you when you were in the same city, how the hell was he going to trust you when he went back to DC? 
And also you reminded yourself, the two of you weren’t a couple. He didn’t have any right to be jealous because you weren’t his girlfriend. If you wanted to sleep with Casey, which you didn’t, but if you did you had every right to. 
He was out of line for acting this way. He couldn’t possibly expect you to stay celebate all year long while he was on the other side of the country. And you wouldn’t expect him to either.
Maybe you would sleep Casey just to prove you could. 
“Seriously, earth to Doctor Reid?” Hotch waved a hand in front of Spencer’s face, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“What?” He looked at his unit chief in a daze. 
“What’s with you tonight kid?” Rossi asked from across the table. “You’ve been a million miles away all evening.” 
It was true, he had been. He couldn’t stop thinking about what you might be up to right now. Maybe you had bypassed dinner altogether and gone straight back to your place. 
Was he better than Spencer? Did he make you moan the way Spencer did? Could he make you come from doing barely anything to you at all? Spencer could. 
“Nothing sorry. What were you saying Hotch?”
He tried to tune back into the conversation but he couldn’t focus at all.
All he could focus on was the idea of you on your back and another man between your legs. 
He didn’t have the right to be jealous but he was, he couldn’t help himself. 
A quote came to mind that kept spinning around his head. 
If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t they never were.
Maybe he had to just let you go and hope you would come back to him.
Or maybe he had to fight for you.
“This is me.” You stopped outside your apartment building, hands dug deep into your pockets. “Thanks for dinner. See you tomorrow.”
You turned to head up the steps of the building. 
“What aren't you going to invite me in?” 
When you reached the top step you turned to look back at Casey on the sidewalk.
Dinner had been nice, you’d enjoyed catching up with an old friend. But Casey hadn’t been thinking of you as just an old friend. 
He’d been trying to charm you, ordering the most expensive bottle of wine, insisting on getting more food than you could ever possibly eat and paying the check before you even had a chance to argue.
“Well, why would I do that?” You raised your eyebrow at him.
He started up the steps towards you and it put you on high alert. Your back straightened and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up.
“Old times sake?” He grinned at you, the very grin that had landed you into his bed all those years ago 
“I don’t think so.”
“Oh come on sugar.” He stood right in front of you, eyes dark with lust.
You cringed a little at the nickname. He’d always called you that, telling you it was because you were so sweet. You knew the truth. You knew he slept with so many women he called you all sugar so as not to risk using the wrong name.
“Do you really think that still works on me?” You chuckled, folding your arms to create a barrier between the two of you. “I have a lot more self respect these days.”
“You’re really going to turn me down?” He smirked as though he thought it was only a matter of time before you caved. 
He stepped even closer and placed his hand on your cheek. You slapped him away instantly.
“Don’t touch me.” 
“You know you want it.”
“And here was me thinking you’d changed.” You rolled your eyes. “Newsflash asshole, you are not god's gift to women like you think you are. You can’t make me fall in your bed just by clicking your fingers anymore. Jesus it’s pathetic really.”
You pulled your keys from your pocket and turned your back on him. As you went to put the key in the lock you felt his hand clamp down on your shoulder.
“Stop playing hard to get.” 
You spun back to face him and he moved fast, pinning you against the door. His eyes were wild as they stared at you. 
“We both know how tonight is going to end. You on your back, legs in the air and you’re going to love every minute of it.” 
You weren’t scared of him. Maybe you should have been but you weren’t. He’d left himself exposed without even realising it.
In one swift move you bent your leg and sent your knee flying into his crotch, your whole strength behind the movement. 
He groaned loudly, stumbling backwards down the stairs.
“You fucking bitch!” 
“Here’s what’s actually going to happen tonight.” You followed him down the stairs, hands on your hips. “You’re going to go crawl back into whatever hole you came out of. You are going to stop harassing women and act like a fucking FBI agent! You're supposed to stop creeps like you! There’s enough bad in this world without the people who are supposed to be keeping the public safe becoming one of the bad guys.” You slapped him hard around the face before storming back up the stairs and unlocking the door.
You were inside with the door locked behind you in a matter of seconds. 
Your heart was racing and palms sweating. Tonight wasn’t supposed to turn out this way. You were just supposed to be going for dinner with an old friend. 
The whole day had been a disaster. Yesterday you had been the happiest you’d ever been and today it had all come crashing down. 
You wanted to call Spencer but you were still mad at him. He probably wouldn’t have any sympathy for you anyway. 
You slumped into your apartment. You’d gotten so used to him being around the past week that it seemed too empty. Too quiet. 
With Spencer here there was always some kind of noise whether he realised he was making it or not. He was always either tapping his fingers on something or muttering under his breath about one thing or another. 
The apartment was deathly silent without his presence. You knew it would only take one call and he’d be here in an instant. But after the way he’d talked to you earlier, your annoyance towards him outweighed your need to see him. 
You changed into shorts and a tank top before crawling into bed. You reached your hand out to his side of the bed. It was cold, just like it always was before this week. 
But why was it only now it felt so painfully empty? 
You weren’t asleep when there was a frantic knocking on your apartment door. You couldn’t sleep even if you’d tried, which really you hadn’t. 
With a sigh you got out of bed and padded across the living room. You already knew who it would be. 
You threw the door open, glaring at him.
“Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise.” You grumbled at him. “If you think you’re still staying here tonight you are sorely mistaken.” 
“Is he here?” Spencer asked, making you roll your eyes.
“Yes Spencer, he’s naked in my bed right now.”
“I’ll kill him.” Spencer pushed passed you, clearly not sensing the sarcasm in your voice. 
You sighed following him into your apartment. 
“Where is he?” He yelled from the bedroom.
“Spencer, he isn’t here for god sake.” 
He pulled the duvet from the bed, tossing it aside. He threw open your closet, shoving your clothes aside so he could inspect the small space.
“Spencer seriously!” 
You followed him as he frantically turned your apartment upside down, opening cupboards and turning couch cushions over. 
“You think I’m hiding him in the couch?” You scoffed. “Spencer there is no one here! Stop this.” 
You grabbed his wrist, his frantic movements coming to a stop.
“So he’s gone already?”
“He was never here! Seriously what on Earth would you have done if you did find him?” 
Spencer didn’t answer that because honestly he didn’t know what he would have done. Casey could easily take him in a fight. 
“What do you think of me?” You spoke again when he didn’t answer you. “You think I just jump into bed with any man that looks my way?”
“You did with me.” He shrugged. 
“That was different.”
“Was it?” He stepped closer to you and you stepped backwards away from him. He kept moving closer until your back hit the wall. “How am I supposed to know that wasn’t just a regular occurrence for you?”
“Because I’m telling you it isn’t and you should believe me.” 
“What if I don’t?”
“Then I don’t know what we’re even doing here Spencer.” 
“Was he better than me?” He ignored you again, stepping even closer so you were trapped just like you had been with Casey earlier.
Only when Spencer did it, it was hot.
“I’m not answering that.” 
“Why not?”
“Because you might not like the answer.” You didn’t mean that, you just wanted a rise out of him. 
There was something about angry Spencer that was turning you on. You’d never seen this side of him and you were loving it.
He put his hands on the wall either side of your face, moving closer to you still.
“I don’t believe that.” He grunted, his breath hitting your face. “I don’t believe anyone can make you moan the way I do.”
“Believe what you want.” You shrugged. 
The look in his eyes was feral and it was making you so, so wet. You wanted him to take you, to show you he was the best you’d ever have. 
“I know you Y/N. I know your body better than anyone. He doesn’t make you wet like I do.” As if to make a point he moved one hand down between your legs. Moving the flimsy fabric of your shorts aside he ran his fingers between your legs. “I knew it.” 
He brought his fingers to his lips and sucked them, making your legs buckle.
“This is all me. He doesn’t make you feel this way. Only I can make you feel this way.”
 His fingers went back between your legs and he thrust two inside of you. You had no idea where this raw confidence of his was coming from but it was driving you wild. 
You moaned deeply at the sensation, needing more, so much more.
“Prove it Spencer. Prove to me you're the only one who can make me feel this good.” You goaded him. 
He started thrusting his fingers in and out of you with a force he’d never used with you before. It made your head spin. 
He curled his fingers inside you, hitting you deeper and deeper with every thrust. His eyes were dark as they stared at you, a combination of lust and anger. 
“Jesus Spence.” You moaned making him smirk dangerously. 
Suddenly his fingers withdrew from you and you whimpered pathetically making him laugh. 
“Told you.” He spat. “Only I do this to you.” 
He yanked your shorts down and you kicked them off your feet before he pulled your tank top over your head, tossing it aside. 
You stood naked with your back flush against the wall waiting to see what his next move would be. 
He pulled his sweater vest over his head and it joined your clothes on the floor before he started working the buttons on his shirt. 
As soon as he was topless he worked on getting out of his pants and underwear and it wasn’t long before he too was naked and hard in front of you. 
“Bend over the couch.” He told you sternly. “I don’t want to look at you right now.”
You swallowed taking a few shaky steps forward. Spencer taking control and telling you want to do like this was the sexiest thing you’d ever experienced.
You bent over the back of the couch, making sure to give him a good view of your ass. He was behind you before long, digging his fingernails into the flesh of you backside. 
His hard member slid between your legs and he thrust inside of you forcing a loud moan out of your lips.
“Fucking hell!”
The sudden friction burned, pushing through your whole body. He started thrusting hard and fast, the sound of flesh hitting flesh was electrifying.
Your whole body tingled at the sensation. You honestly didn’t think Spencer had this in him. 
He brought his hand down and collided it hard with your ass check making you hiss.
“Was he...better than...me?” His words were punctuated with hard thrusts. “Was he?”
You wanted to lie to frustrate him more or not answer at all. You wanted to push him further but you spoke before you realised you were going to.
“No.” You whined. “No one is better than you Spencer.” 
“That’s what I thought.” 
His whole demeanour seemed to shift at your confession. He buried his face into your neck holding you tight as he continued his thrusts.
“Please Y/N,” he panted into your ear. “I can’t stand the thought of you with anyone but me.” 
He sounded like he was crying. 
He reached around and cupped the back of his head, his thrusts easing up on you.
“It’s ok Spence.” You comforted him as you felt his tears roll onto your neck. “I’m yours.”
That seemed like all he wanted to hear as he came soon after. 
He slid out of you and you turned to see tears still falling from his eyes.
You wrapped an arm around his shoulders and guided him to the bedroom. You both got under the covers and his head found solace on your chest. 
You held him as he cried into your breasts. 
Oh the tangled webs we weave, you sighed to yourself. What have I gotten myself into?
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biggest-stupidhead · 4 years
Bad Timing (Levi x reader) Part 6
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Summary: How do you tell your friends that you’re falling for your big brother’s best friend? 
Word Count: 5.8K 
Warnings: none? (let me know if I missed something pls) 
November had seamlessly slipped into December, your small town was now decorated with wreathes of evergreen boughs instead of dried corn husks. A large Christmas tree had been set up in the small park off of main street, a crowd of enthusiastic citizens milling about to decorate the large evergreen. You turned your attention back to the hardware store where your older brother was purchasing a roll of wrapping paper and an armful of Christmas lights. Erwin thanked the cashier and pushed out of the store with his arms full of paper bags. You wordlessly relieved him of two of the bags, a smile on your face.
You had to admit, the town was doused in an ethereal winter glow, it was a Saturday afternoon and main street was bustling. The small coffee shop was decked out in Christmas decorations and people were flocking to get a cup of their holiday specials. The small boutiques were advertising the latest fashions, the hardware store was busier than usual, and the small breakfast joint was packed with families enjoying a quiet breakfast. The sidewalks were damp with melted snow, chunks of sidewalk salt crunching underfoot as you made your way to Erwin's minivan that was parked down the street.
"So movie night tonight..." Erwin cleared his throat and glanced down at you.
"Yeah, nothing too special just the usual crew." you shrugged indifferently.
"I figured as much." the blonde sighed as he fumbled for his keys in his pocket.
"Is there a problem?" you asked, a bit nervous that Erwin would change his mind and tell you that you couldn't host the movie night that you had planned.
"No, no of course not, I was just wondering if you were planning on seeing Levi off with Mom and I tomorrow morning." he hummed thoughtfully as you loaded the bags into the trunk of the van.
"I'll be there." you grunted as you settled into the front seat. Erwin nodded, pleased with your response and started the car.
When you arrived at your house you were surprised to see that Levi and Hange were both present. A glance at your brother told you that he also was not expecting them to be there either. You both made quick work of bringing in the groceries, you smiled softly at the sight of your mother and Hange fussing over some garland that you draped over the kitchen cabinets as decoration. Levi was hunched over the sink with his sleeves of his chunky knit sweater rolled up as he scrubbed relentlessly at a pan. Erwin bushed past you and into the living room to light the fireplace, you bit your lip to conceal a giggle as Hange got tangled in the itchy garland. Your mom immediately set to work on untangling her and you turned to put away the goods that you and Erwin had acquired.
Erwin waltzed back into the kitchen and set to work on drying the dishes that Levi had already washed, the two of them falling into an easy rhythm. You took the dried dishes and began to put them away, reveling in the domestic environment. You knew that this wouldn't last much longer, they were going to school, starting their lives. Instead of dwelling on the thought you decided to just enjoy the little time that you had left with them.
"Aw that looks amazing! Good work Hange!" your mom praised the brunette as she finished tacking up the garland over the cabinets.
"Thanks Angie!" Hange beamed, your mom chuckled and took the hammer and remaining nails from her to return to their rightful places. Hange turned to see the three of you finishing up the last of the dishes.
"Look at you guys getting along." she cooed, clutching her hands over the sleek black turtleneck that she wore tucked into her bright yellow checkered pants.
"Shut up and go grab me a fresh rag." Levi grunted as he shoved the dirty rag into Hange's hands. She turned and obediently made her way down the hall to the laundry room to fetch a fresh rag for Levi to wipe down the counters.
"What's Kenny planning on doing this year without you home?" Erwin prodded, as he watched Levi scrape a skeptical finger over the countertop.
"Gamble, drink himself to death, hell if I know." Levi scoffed as he wiped his hand off on a hand towel and stooped down to pull out the all purpose cleaner from under the sink.
"Is that what he usually does?" you asked carefully, Levi paused a thoughtful look passing over his usually stoic mien.
"I guess." Levi shrugged, his face falling back into one of indifference. You hummed thoughtfully, nobody deserved to spend Christmas alone, not even Levi's bum of an uncle. Hange jogged back into the kitchen sliding on the clean floors due to her thick cabin socks. She held the clean rag out proudly for Levi who then doused it with cleaner and began scrubbing the counters. Your mom returned from the garage, her cheeks flushed from the cold.
"Levi sweetie what have I told you about cleaning? You really don't have to do that." she scolded, Levi frowned but continued to wipe down the counters while Erwin busied himself with inspecting the new LED lights that he had purchased. Your mother reached up and ruffled Erwins hair affectionately as she passed and made her way towards the stairs. Hange chuckled and settled into one of the stools at the island.
"When will your buddies be arriving?" she hummed, a smirk curling onto her lips as she perched her chin on her intertwined fingers. You pursed your lips and glanced at the clock over the stove, it was only three o'clock, they shouldn't arrive until six.
"Sometime around six." you reported, pulling a holiday magazine out of the stack in the middle of the island. You idly flipped through the pages, ignoring the way Hange's glasses glinted in the light as she studied you thoughtfully. She inhaled, as if she were about to speak, but you quickly shut the tabloid and threw it back onto the pile and stood.
"Welp better go set things up." you stretched dramatically and before Hange or anyone else could get in another word you fled down stairs. Thankfully you had taken the time the night prior to clean out the basement and pull out decorations. You stacked piles of seasonal quilts and other knit blankets about on the couch and some on the floor as well. You lit some seasonal candles in the basement restroom and one on the T.V stand.
You had already set up a tangle of white LED lights at the base of the TV and some other small snowmen figurines as well as a small Christmas tree in the back corner for the group to decorate and place white elephant gifts beneath. The tree was already bundled up with rainbow lights and strands of shimmery tinsel. You deemed the basement as satisfactory and turned to begin preparing snacks and other treats.
You weren't surprised to find Hange and Levi at each others throats, Hange had a fistful of Levi's sweater, and he had her by the ponytail. Erwin was still engrossed by the lights as he attempted to untangle them, seemingly unbothered by his friends. You carefully stepped over the mess of lights and began by preheating the oven, you planned on making frozen pizzas and some of those cheap Pillsbury dough boy sugar cookies that you bought during the holidays.
"Admit it!" Hange snarled as she jostled Levi.
"You're being overdramatic four eyes." Levi hissed as she shook him relentlessly.
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
You rolled your eyes and did your best to ignore them. Their relationship never ceased to confuse you, the pair seemed to constantly be in a state of turmoil. One day they were perfectly content with each other, but the next they would be at each others throats as they were now. It gave you whiplash, especially on days when they flipped between these two states every few minutes. Realistically you knew that it was Hange who added the turmoil to their relationship, she was very chaotic by nature. You originally figured that Levi tolerated Hange's presence because Erwin and her were dating, but now that you had gotten to see the two of them interact you knew better. Somewhere deep down you knew Levi cared about the manic young scientist, and Hange openly voiced her affections for Levi.
You smiled at the sound of the two of them tussling, their staggering steps receding into the living room where they would have more room to rough one another up. You heard a body slam to the ground, which is when you turned to see Levi glaring down at Hange who was now sprawled out on the hardwood floor. Erwin frowned at his friends disapproval evident on his features. When he had first introduced the pair all they ever did was fight, but that was when they were younger, now he expected better from them. Also he was surprised that Hange still even attempted to best Levi in a fight, the raven haired male was surprisingly strong and had experience under his belt.
Hange hauled herself onto her feet as Levi stalked back towards the kitchen, his sweater now stretched out around the neck where Hange had tugged on the material. Just as he was about the sit down, Hange snagged him around the neck and locked him into a choke hold, a victorious bout of laughter leaving her lips as she dragged him back into the living room. Levi's socked feet attempted in vain to slow down the persistent brunette as she drug him backwards. You slid the pizza in the oven and turned to pull out the popcorn so that it would be ready for when the others arrived. Erwin scoffed and gathered the lights, which were now free of tangles and hauled them outside into the waning light.
You frowned after him, hoping that he didn't plan to put them up in the dark. Turning your attention back to the brawl in the living room you were impressed to see that Hange still had the upper hand. Levi had a hand placed on her jaw as he tried to push her face away from his, the two of them were on the ground, Hange underneath Levi who was trapped in a choke hold with Hange's legs wrapped around his waist. Levi snarled as he thrashed in Hange's hold, his sweater riding up as he struggled. Hange was laughing her head off, finally releasing Levi in favor of clutching her stomach as her laughter grew more intense. Levi seethed as he took a few healthy steps away from Hange and ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to straighten it. Hange stood up and wiped a tear from her eye before turning to face Levi.
"But seriously, you should do it." Hange's tone turned serious as she addressed Levi. He scoffed and curled his lip in disgust.
"Probably more trouble than it's worth." he retorted.
"Just give it a shot." Hange begged, her hands clasped together over her chest.
"I'll think about it." Levi snorted, he stalked out of the living room and back into the kitchen, his eyes sweeping over the room, clearly searching for Erwin.
"Outside." you jabbed a thumb in the direction of the front door, he said nothing as he trudged past. You knew better than to ask what they had been arguing about, they always just brushed you off. So instead you returned your focus on preparing for your movie marathon. You could already see a bruise forming on Hange's jaw from here Levi's fingers hand attempted to pry her off of him. You flinched, recalling his iron grip, you knew how it felt to be manhandled by him.
"So...what are you guys doing tonight?"  you questioned casually as you pulled the cookies from the oven. Your voice derailed Hange's train of thought, she whipper her head around and pursed her lips as she considered your question.
"Hm, I guess whatever Levi wants since it is his last night in the states for a whole month." she mused, rubbing her hand along her tender jaw. You nodded, this probably meant nothing, Levi wasn't much of an extrovert so it made sense that he wouldn't want many people present except for those he considered dearest to him to see him off.
"Well if you guys want you could join us, they won't be staying late." you were quick to tack on the last part, knowing that Levi probably wasn't ecstatic to spend his last night with underclassmen.
"I'll see what I can do." Hange winked before retreating towards the stairs and jogging up them, presumably to change into comfier clothes. You leaned against the counter and sighed heavily, things were changing and you hated it. You knew that at sooner or later your brother would go off and begin his life, but you did not expect it to come so quickly. You also didn't expect to grow so fond of his friends. Before you could totally bum yourself out your phone vibrated, startling you.
"Hello?" you asked, not bothering to check the caller id.
"(Y/n)?" Connie's familiar upbeat voice brought you back to earth.
"Yeah what's up?" you chuckled as you wedged your phone between your ear and shoulder to slide the pizza into the oven.
"I just wanted to let ya know that Sasha and I are on our way and we are bringing some snacks just like you asked!" he boasted, you could practically see the swell of his chest and the smug smirk on his lips as he spoke.
"Great! How far away are you?" you asked as you shut the oven.
"About five minutes." he affirmed.
"I'll see you soon." you hummed as you set the timer on the oven.
"Yep!" he beamed, after a moment you heard the familiar beep signaling that the call had been ended. You dropped your phone back onto the counter and glanced out the window behind the sink. The sun had began to sink below the trees, and still Erwin and Levi were outside, you hoped that they were not trying to tack up the lights. With a heavy sigh you trudged through the front of the house and slipped on a pair of Erwin's moccasins and pushed through the front door. You wrapped your arms around your chest and frowned when you didn't see the pair anywhere on the front yard. You cupped your hands over your mouth and inhaled sharply.
"Erwin!" you yelled, your voice echoing off the barren trees and the serene snowy scene. No response. Just as you were about to call again, a huge glob of snow fell off the roof right on to your head. You shrieked and turned to see Levi standing on the roof, the toes of his boot sticking over the newly uncovered patch of your roof. You glared up at him as you brushed the snow off of your shirt and shivered.
"Quit shouting." was all he said before turning and stalking back out of your line of sight.
"Are you guys almost finished? It's getting dark and I don't want to spend the night in the hospital." you whined as you took a few steps back to get a better view of the roof. You heard the distant sound of a hammer, but no response to your question. You rolled your eyes and took yet another step back. This time you could see Erwin hunched over the edge of the roof, Levi had returned to his side to hold him by his belt as he stood on the slippery surface. Not the smartest or safest way to hang up lights but hey if it works it works. After a few more swings Erwin leaned back on his haunches to admire his work, with a satisfied nod the two grabbed the remaining nails and began their descent.
"Hold that ladder for us would ya (Y/n)?" Erwin hollered down and pointed a finger to the old metal ladder that was perched against the side of the house. You nodded and waded through the snow to stabilize the ladder for the two of them to climb down. You only relaxed when both of them were safely on the ground, the three of you quickly gathered all of the tools that they used and folded the ladder back up before trudging through the snow to the side door that led into the garage. You stored all of the items and filed into the door that led into the kitchen, only to find Sasha and Connie milling about with Hange and your mother.
The kitchen was warm due to the heat of the oven and all of the people in the room. You tugged at the neck of your crewneck sweat shirt, your eyes drifted to where Connie was struggling to open a candy cane. Sasha was ripping open a bag of popcorn to place int the microwave. A short knock on the door alerted you that someone else had arrived, just as you rounded the corner to let in your guests, the door opened and Jean poked his head in.
"Hey!" he exclaimed as he pushed the rest of the way in, a paper bag cradled in the crook of his elbow.
"Hey, come on in!" you waved him in, a smile gracing your lips at the sight of Marco close behind him, a stack of old CDs in his grasp.
"Marco! I'm so glad you could make it." you gushed as you went to relieve Jean of the bag in his arms. Marco smiled a bit bashfully and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah me too." he blushed, the red tint obscuring his freckled cheeks.
"Well you can go ahead and take those to the basement, Jean can you show him?" you asked as the three of you entered the chaotic kitchen. Jean nodded and grabbed Marco's bicep to steer him towards the basement, before you knew it the pair had disappeared down the stairs.
Your mom had given Connie a hand and opened his candy for him, and now he was sucking on the peppermint candy, the end of it gradually forming a point. Sasha was listening to Hange as she gestured wildly, something about the amount of chemicals and various pesticides used to grow corn. Levi was surprisingly still in the crowded kitchen, although it seemed he was purely there to supervise, Erwin was inspecting Hange and your mother's handy-work with the garland. Just as you managed to wedge yourself between Hange and Sasha to reach the oven, the sound of the doorbell made Sasha jump and push you back.
"I'll get it!" she cried out before making a break for the foyer and escaping Hange's rant. You rolled your eyes and pulled the pizza out of the oven. Hange bounced around the kitchen, stopping in front of Erwin, he pulled her into his embrace by her hips, Levi rolled his eyes before stalking away from the pair. He padded through the kitchen and into the living room where he dropped onto the sofa. You pursed your lips, the thought of joining him crossed your mind but before you could act on it Jean had you by your shoulders and was steering you towards the basement to follow the crowd downstairs.
You allowed him to guide you downstairs along with the others, Connie and Sasha were already in the basement, running circles around the couch chasing one another. Connie had Sasha on the run, periodically jabbing his sharpened candy cane at her whenever he got close enough. You cracked a smile at the pair as the others moved to sit on the couch, you took a moment to appreciate Mikasa's outfit, she had favored a festive red sweater that had a raindeer sewn onto the front instead of her usual goth get up. Eren had also worn a forrest green sweater with a Christmas tree, Armin wore a sky blue sweater with a cheeky snowman on the front. You beamed at their choices, all of them very fitting, Jean and Marco wore a matching set with two elves on the front of their green sweaters. Connie and Sasha also wore sweaters, Connie's had Rudolf with a nose that actually lit up while Sasha wore a white sweater with a turkey on the front.
Connie finally managed to catch Sasha, holding her in a chokehold and dragging her over to the sofa. Marco dropped down next to Armin and the two began to sift through the options, Mikasa watched the two converse while keeping an eye on Eren who was poking fun at Jean's sweater. You decided to let the pair work it out on their own for once and dropped down next to Mikasa. Marco had managed to bring quite the variety of movies, he had classics like Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, A Christmas Story, Santa Clause, Home Alone, and more. You unanimously decided that A Christmas Story would be the perfect start, so you popped the disk in and all settled into your seats. Sasha and Connie had to sit on the ground, you had learned the hard way that they were messy eaters and it was much easier to clean the floor than the crevices in the couch. The movies went by quickly, and before long it was already 12 am, you finished the last few minutes before everyone began to fold blankets and pick up the dishes that they had used. You all climbed the stairs and dropped the dishes in the sink and the trash in the bin, you thanked them for coming and wished them safe travels as they all filed out the door. Jean lingered for a moment, a hand on your hip as the two of you stood on the threshold. The others had long since climbed into their cars, it was only Marco who was waiting for Jean.
"Thanks again for hosting tonight." Jean smirked as he pulled you flush against his chest, the scratchy sweater tickled your nose as you rested your head against him.
"It's really not that big of a deal, I like having all you guys over." you whispered against his chest as he rubbed a hand up and down the curve of your back. You were surprised when a flurry of butterflies fluttered in your stomach at his ministrations. His hand slid up your back and came to rest splayed between your shoulder blades for a moment before continuing to slide up and into your hair. Your heart pounded in your ears as he kept his steady gaze on your face, with a gentle tug he pulled your head back to look up at him. You blinked rapidly, as he slowly leaned in until his breath fanned across your lips.
"May I kiss you?" he murmured, his tongue flicking our over his bottom lip as he awaited your answer.
"Y-You may." you stuttered, that was all he needed. He closed the small gap and pressed his lips against your own, taking your bottom lip into his mouth and sucking. You kissed him back timidly, not quite sure how you felt about this interaction. It seemed as if the kiss lasted for hours, when in reality it was probably only about two minutes. Marco laid on the horn of Jean's car, startling the two of you. Jean smiled sheepishly at you before turning and jogging down the steps and over to his car. He turned and waved at you, even going as far as winking before climbing into his car and starting the engine. You couldn't stop your wandering fingers from tracing your wet lower lip as he drove off, he wasn't a half bad kisser. You stepped back into the foyer and closed the door and locked up. The house was quite, but you could hear Hange laughing upstairs, and your mom's TV in her room playing Grey's Anatomy. Since the others had been kind enough to aid you in cleaning up most of the mess, you decided to go get changed into pajamas. You tiptoed up the stairs and past Erwin's room, you could hear Hange, Levi, and Erwin behind the door, they seemed to be bickering as per usual.
You quickly threw on a sweatshirt and a pair of running shorts before wandering back to Erwin's door and rapping on the wood with the back of your knuckles. The voices fell quiet before Erwin pulled the door open just enough to peek through the crack, you frowned at him skeptically. He relaxed when he realized that it was only you and pulled the door open to allow you inside. Erwin's room was like most athletic teen males, messy. His desk was cluttered with papers and pens and the odd textbook. His bed was messed up, Hange was splayed across the comforter watching Levi scroll through his phone. The LED lights in Erwin's room were rotating through multiple colors, the floor was surprisingly clean, probably because Levi was in the room. Your eyes fell on his large beanbag that rested in its usual corner and you moved to fall onto the familiar seat but before you could collapse Hange called out to you.
"(Y/n)! come lay with me." she yawned as she beckoned you over. You sighed but decided to indulge her, you frowned at the small amount of space between her and Levi and opted for the foot of the bed. Erwin dropped down into his desk chair and hunched over his homework, seemingly uninterested in hanging out with you just yet. You sank down onto the foot of Erwin's queen sized bed, Hange frowned and patted the space between her and Levi. You grimaced but still crawled up the bed and pressed your self to Hange to avoid entering Levi's bubble. Hange draped her arm over your waist as you settled your back against her chest.
"Leviiiii let us see" Hange cooed, reaching to pull Levi's elbow so you could see his phone screen. Levi frowned but obliged, angling his wrist so all three of you could see his screen. He was on tiktok, watching a deep cleaning video. His for you page followed the trend of the first video, reviews on cleaning products, amazon reviews and unboxings, some aesthetic videos, mostly boring things. Before you knew it Hange's head slumped down onto your shoulder and you felt her steady breath on your skin, her arm that had been holding you in her iron grip had also gone slack. Levi glanced at the two of you and tried to engrave the image in his mind, the crushing reality of leaving his friends was beginning to sink in. Anyone else would think that he would be happy to leave this bumpkin town for Paris, but they would be wrong. His phone buzzed in his hand, forcing him to tear his gaze off of the two of you. He blinked at the banner that had appeared at the top of his screen, an unknown number.
"Have a safe trip tomorrow big bro! ❤️(red heart emoji)" Levi allowed the corner of his mouth to curl upwards as he read the message. However it was short lived when he realized that it was around 7am in Paris, what on earth was she doing up? He rolled his eyes and opened the message to shoot her a reply:
"Go back to sleep brat it's a Saturday."  he shut his phone off as soon as the message went through, feeling a bit better about his impending departure knowing that his sister was waiting for him. He hadn't seen them in almost 7 years now, he had left France with his uncle when he was only 11 years old when his uncle had gotten a new job. He was only able to return now because he had spent the last three years working odd jobs to save up enough cash to purchase a round trip to France for the holidays.
"Penny for your thoughts?" your muffled voice brought Levi back to the present. He scoffed, glancing down he noted that your eyes were closed and your face pressed into the pillows. He spared another glance to your brother who was now typing furiously on his laptop with a pair of cheap headphones pushed deep into his ears.
"Well?" you pressed, cracking an eye open to gauge his reaction.
"There's nothing to share." he huffed, sinking deeper into Erwin's bed dejectedly.
"So you admit that your head is filled with nothing but elevator music?" you jabbed, a sleepy smirk on your lips. Levi's nose scrunched at the comment, he rolled over onto his side, propping his head on his hand as he glared daggers down at you.
"At least tell me what song is playing in there." you giggled, reaching a hand up to tap you index finger on his temple. He blinked slowly as he allowed you to tease him, knowing that this would be the last time you would get the chance for a whole month. You frowned when he said nothing still and sighed heavily.
"You really won't tell me?" you pursed your lips when Levi's lip twitched, threatening to curl upwards. So that's how it's going to be.
"I was thinking about you." Levi professed, his tone surprisingly tender. Your eyes widened, now you were awake, you felt hot embarrassment rush up your neck and cover your cheeks.
"W-What?" you stammered, the confidence that had flowed so freely through your actions earlier long forgotten.
"You heard me."
"Could you be more specific?"
"Eh" Levi shrugged and rolled over so his back was to you. Astonished, you sat frozen still being crushed under a sleeping Hange. You sat up as much as you could to peek at Erwin, yup he was still grinding on that Economy project. Carefully you shrugged Hange's arm off of your waist and rolled out from under her head. She only snorted and rolled so her back was to you. You sat up fully and grabbed Levi's upper arm to shake him, after a few seconds of jostling, he rolled over and opened his mouth to hand you a snarky comment. His eyes widened slightly to see your finger pressed firmly against your lips. You jerked your head towards the door before you threw your legs over Levi's and slid off the bed and quietly let yourself out of the room. Levi frowned as he watched you leave, a bit confused on what was about to happen. Did you want him to fuck you? Maybe, most likely not but a guy can dream.
He frowned at Erwin who was totally engrossed in his work, even mumbling incoherently to himself as he typed. Perfect timing, he padded quietly across the room and slid out into the dark hallway, a purple glow illuminating the hall as he opened the door. You turned and gave Levi a small smile, but just as he was about to demand why you had summoned him you turned and slunk down the stairs. Now he was officially stumped, still he followed you down into the empty kitchen, you didn't stop there though, you continued down the stairs.Casting a brief glance over your shoulder to make sure that he was following you. Once you had reached the basement you dropped dramatically onto the couch and leaned back into the cushions.
"So are you excited to leave tomorrow?" you asked, turning your sleepy gaze to him as he settled down onto the cushions next to you.
"You could say that." he shrugged as he threw an arm over the back of the couch and tilted his head to gauge your reaction.
"I would be too, I mean those French girls must be smoking hot." you chuckled as you rolled to your side to face him, a wry smile on your lips. Levi scoffed and averted his gaze, once you had stopped giggling you sighed contently.
"It's getting late." you groaned as you glanced at your phone. Levi hummed in agreement as he watched you avoid his gaze.
"Why did you drag me down here?" Levi asked outright, you licked your lips as you attempted to put your feelings into words. But how could you do that when you didn't even know how to feel.
"I guess I just wanted to, I don't know have a moment with you before you leave." you muttered your eyes trained on your hands as you toyed with a ring on your finger. Levi said nothing as he watched you fidget.
"Well here we are." his cold eyes were locked on you as you turned to shoot him a glare.
"I know." you replied meekly, desperately wanting him to ease the awkward atmosphere, but you knew Levi and he wasn't very good at breaking the ice. So the two of you sat in silence for a moment, just staring at each other.
"Even though you're a massive dick, I'm going to miss you." you broke the thick silence.
"Quit being so dramatic, I'll be gone for a month not a year." Levi rolled his eyes and let his arm fall from the back of the couch to drape over your shoulders. You winced, surprised by his sudden action. He tightened  his grip and pulled you into his side, his face still void of emotion.
"It's not like that, I'll just miss you cleaning my house for me. Now I'm going to have to pick up the slack." you joked, a playful smile spreading across your face, but the happiness didn't quite seem to reach your eyes. This didn't escape Levi's watchful gaze, instead of commenting on your obvious uncertainty Levi only pulled you closer to him.
"If it makes you feel any better, I'll just be cleaning up after Isabel and Farlan." he spoke softly, his face still void of any expression in particular. You pursed your lips and nodded thoughtfully, you wondered if one day you would get the pleasure of meeting the pair. When you said nothing Levi tapped his finger against your bicep and inhaled sharply.
"Are you jealous?"
"Ha as if." you scoffed, throwing him a playful glance as you elbowed him sharply in his ribs. His lip quirked upwards, if you hadn't been paying attention you would have missed his small smile.Your chest swelled with pride, it was rare for someone to say something worthy of Levi smiling about, it was only recently that you had noticed that you had been able to coax a few brief smiles onto his face.
You wondered if you would be able to still make him smile when he comes back.
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
the teenage girl at 12 grimmauld place
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a/n: this is the first little fic i’ve written with sirius and lupin, and even though its not really romantic or anything, i still really like it! i have been seeing vids about the order meetings w music playing from upstairs and i couldn’t get the idea out of my head. i’m sorry for my absence, too! i’ve been in a bit of a rut when it comes to my brain producing any sort of intellect, so i’m hoping this kind of knocked things loose. i’ll be getting back to requests soon though!
summary: Sirius has an overdramatic daughter who can’t help but interrupt The Order’s meeting.
It had been a rough week at the Black house. Heartbreak fell hard on one specific person in the home.
You had been dating a muggle boy down the street for a few months, nothing serious, but you had grown to like him a considerable amount. It was with a heavy heart that he broke up with you, saying he just couldn’t stand to make you go long-distance when he moved in a couple of months.
You knew that the long table downstairs was very much occupied. You knew it was serious business down there. You also knew you couldn’t deprive yourself of a laugh at a hard time like this.
Your father, Sirius as most of the people downstairs called him, couldn’t bring himself to be angry. You had, after all, inherited your dramatic flare from him. 
You shamelessly turned up the dulcet tones of the music coming from your massive speaker. You had moved it from the shelf it sat on to the center of your floor, just so the vibrations shook the house a little more violently. You were surprised your father hadn’t put a silencing charm on your room, but found yourself very grateful that he hadn’t. 
“Is she alright?” Lupin inquired, raising a concerned eyebrow at Sirius.
“Oh,” he groaned, leaning back in his chair and lulling his head to stare at the ceiling above him, “she’s fine.”
His eyes came back to the filled table in front of him, meeting the questioning looks on everyone’s faces.
“The muggle boy she had been seeing broke up with her. She’s just being dramatic,” Sirius continued, to which understanding looks fell upon the adult Weasley’s faces.
“Poor thing,” Molly cooed, nursing a cup of tea in her restless hands.
“She’ll be alright,” Sirius said, shifting awkwardly in his seat, “don’t mind her.”
“I reckon she was too good for him anyways,” Lupin said, smiling proudly at Sirius.
Sirius nodded his head fondly, enjoying the praise of his daughter. You were too good for that muggle boy, he could barely keep up with you half the time. Quite daft, Sirius always thought of him.
Just as one song ended, the vibrations of the house stilling, the conversation found it’s opportunity to start again. Arthur, with deep worry lines and tired eyes, began to update The Order.
He barely managed a word, however, when the next song started in full force. This time, the pounding of your moving feet caused the light hanging from the ceiling to move slightly. Sirius groaned, putting his head in his hand.
“Dear god,” your father mumbled.
“I could go check on her?” Harry offered, willing to do anything to allow the pressing conversation to continue.
You and Harry were friendly, but as he walked up the old and creaky stairs, he regretted offering to come. He didn’t know what he was going to say, he had no idea how to console a heartbroken girl.
As he got closer to your door, the music and pounding of your feet got louder and less muffled. 
He knocked on the door, and knocked again when the first time was entirely too quiet to be heard over the loud music.
Harry heard the music stop, and your tentative feet padding towards the door.
You opened it slowly, and Harry saw your puffy eyes, red nose, and the heavy blanket wrapped around your shoulders. You were out of breathe from all the dancing, and your hair was sticking up in odd places where it had escaped its rightful places.
“Hey,” Harry said weakly, waiting for your to open the door wider.
“Oh,” you said, opening the door and relieved to not see your pissed off father coming to tell you to turn your music off, “hi, Harry. Meeting over?”
“No, not yet,” Harry paused, furrowing his brows, “are you alright?”
You pulled the blanket tighter around your shoulders, “I suppose I will be.”
Harry looked at the floor awkwardly, not knowing how to comfort you. The two of you stood in silence for a moment.
“Do you want me to get your dad, or something?” Harry asked, already turning around and starting down the stairs.
You shook your head no, “No, thats alright.”
You moved past Harry, closing the door behind you. You walked down the stairs, and Harry had to wait for a second to follow you so he wouldn’t step on the blanket that trailed behind you.
In the better lighting of the hallway, Harry could see the black makeup smudged on your eyes. He winced in pity, his eyes squinting a little from behind his glasses.
You shuffle into the kitchen, and everyone’s eyes are on you. They couldn’t resist, but at least they pretended they weren’t looking. You moved slowly to the freezer and adjusted the blanket on your arms. You stood in the freezer, feeling the nice frost on your face. You heard Harry sit back down, and you knew Sirius was asking silent questions with his facial expressions. You also knew Harry was just shrugging his shoulders because he didn’t know the answers to Sirius’s unspoken questions.
“Alright there, Y/n?” you heard Remus ask, snapping you out of the daze the freezer had put you in.
You finally pull out the ice cream you had come to retrieve, and meet Lupin’s kind smile. You nod to him. You look at your father to see him stifling laughter at the mascara smudged on your eyes, and you glare at him, which only makes him laugh harder.
Everyone had gravitated towards one end of the table, leaving the other end empty. You sat at the head of the table, as your father sat at the other end. You glared at him some more as you shoveled ice cream in your mouth.
The silence in the room was not missed on your part. You watched everyone’s eyes downcast at the table. No one wanted to tell you to leave, but they had important things to discuss. Sirius had never wanted you at the meetings, said you ought to leave that stuff to him. 
“I liked the music you were playing!” Tonks said cheerfully, giving you a friendly smile.
“Oh,” you feigned surprise, “you guys could hear that?”
You knew they could hear it. Sirius was always yelling from the kitchen in the mornings to “turn that ruckus down!” as he tried to peacefully drink his morning tea. You never turned the ruckus down.
Your father sighed loudly and rolled his eyes, “Our meetings not over yet, darling.”
You stand slowly, wrapping the blanket tighter around you.
“My apologies. Wouldn’t want to interrupt your important work with my incurable heartbreak,” you retort sarcastically, gripping the ice cream tub and spoon in one hand.
Harry suppresses a chuckle, and Ron and Hermione have a baffled smile on their faces. Fred lets out a surprised laugh, earning a elbow to the ribcage from George. The twins were barely allowed in the meeting, and George didn’t want anyone to remember they were there and change their mind about letting them in.
Sirius stood too, meeting you in the entry way of the room. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him. He removed his arm and put his calloused hands on your cheeks, bringing your tear stained faced closer to his. He leaned forward and kissed your forehead. 
“Bring that down when your done. I don’t want ants in this house,” he said, pointing at the ice cream.
“Okay, dad,” you groan, setting off to march back up the stairs and play your music even louder.
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baekhyyun · 4 years
[2:30 PM]
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» pairing: suh johnny x reader
» genre: sfw, fluff, established relationship
» word count: 1,012
» warnings: language, clingy and overdramatic johnny
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a/n: a little gift for the one man who stole my heart from the beginning when i started stanning nct, happy birthday to the loml johnny suh!!! 
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The constant buzzing of your phone was starting to annoy you, it was distracting you from actually trying to work. You had picked up an extra day at your job, because it meant more money in your bank account. The bad side was canceling your plans with your boyfriend Johnny, he was extremely disappointed that he would have to wait longer to see your face. Weekends were specifically reserved for the both of you since you were never able to see each other often because of work or classes. This schedule worked out for you both and treasured each weekend like crazy teens. 
Quickly ducking behind the counter, you pull your phone out in the process you see a plethora of messages from the man you adore. from: loverboy
babe [2:30PM]
from: loverboy
i know ur at work but i miss u [2:30PM]
from: loverboy
tell your manager that u came down with something [2:31PM]
from: loverboy
or say that i broke my arm and u need to drive me to the hospital [2:31PM]
from: loverboy
babeeeeeeeeeeee pls [2:32PM]
from: loverboy
i just want to see ur face [2:32PM]
from: loverboy
i never felt so ignored in my life [2:32PM]
from: loverboy
send f’s in the chat [2:33PM]
from: loverboy
damn it do be rough out in dis streets officer [2:33PM]
Chuckling at your boyfriend’s antics you finally decided to reply to the big baby.
to: loverboy
u do realize im working??? [2:34PM]
from: loverboy
so??? it’s interfering with my weekly scheduled program aka spending time with my girl [2:34PM]
to: loverboy
gOD UR SUCH A CHILD!!!!! [2:35PM]
from: loverboy
im just tryin to love u and all i get is hate [2:35PM]
Shaking your head from the childish behavior that he was displaying over text was tempting, it wouldn’t hurt to tell a little white lie to your manager. Yet you knew better than to give in to the devil’s temptations. Johnny would have to wait an hour and a half for your shift to end so he could spend time with you. You were going to get complaints from this decision, but you knew he would understand your choice and just impatiently wait for you.
from: loverboy
fine i’m coming to ur job to annoy u bby girl [2:38PM]
That was the last message he sent and god were you freaking out over it. You were sure that you were going to get into trouble somehow over the fact your boyfriend was being clingy and couldn’t handle a few hours without you. Placing your phone back in your pocket you straighten yourself out trying not to stress over the tall man coming and focused on making yourself busy.
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Your anxiety was through the roof and obsessing over the front entrance whenever the bell rang was not helping. Every time the bell went off it notified you that a customer came into the shop, when they didn’t look like your boyfriend it made you sad. You tried your best to focus on the customers in front of you who were trying to order their drinks and sugary snacks. 
The line slowly started to get smaller as each person got their items and dispersed from the counter, you didn’t realize Johnny had made it to the shop and blended in with the customers when you called out the last customer which was him. 
“Hi baby.”, he grinned.
Giggling at your goofy boyfriend you responded, “Hi handsome, what can I get for you?”
“Um, let me get an iced americano and your time.”, he teased.
Groaning out loud from the cheesy response that came from his mouth you questioned everything from the minute you answered his texts. Was it worth it dealing with his flirty ass just because he missed you? Anyone would have thought that you would get used to the idea of your boyfriend constantly flirting with you, but he always found a way to tease you.
Watching your boyfriend walk away from the counter, a voice broke your concentration of making Johnny’s drink, “Hey ___,” your co-worker Taeyong called, “you can leave early if you want, Mark is coming back from his break in a few.”
“Are you sure about that? I don't want to leave early with an hour and a half of my shift left.”, you expressed.
“Go spend time with lover boy over there,” he pushed you away from the coffee machine, “I’ll take care of this, plus leaving early won’t hurt anyone.” 
“Are you sure about that Tae?”, you hesitantly asked again.
Pushing you from behind the counter Taeyong didn’t bother giving you an answer, you knew that he was going to be fine without. You made your way where Johnny was seated who was currently occupied with his phone playing some game that he was obsessed with.
“One iced americano for the tall gentleman and the barista's time.”, you announced with a grin.
“Oh wow, thank you so much”, he played along, “people usually get my order wrong, but you got it perfectly.”
Chuckling at his response, you admired your lover while he was sipping his drink as he returned his attention to the phone in his hand.
“Let’s get out of here and have a cuddle session.” you requested.
“W-what, don’t you have work still?”, he questioned.
You explained to your boyfriend that Taeyong was generous enough to let you leave early today and you wanted to take advantage of the extra time you had to spend with the man across the table from you. Johnny was beyond thrilled from the news, quickly getting up from his seat he pulled you along by the arm towards the door and thanking your coworker loudly for letting you leave early. 
“John, people are watching, stop it.”, you tried to push him quickly out the door.
Looking back you saw Taeyong laughing by the register with a confused Mark, who was coming back from his break, asking why you were leaving so soon.
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Copyright © 2021 baekhyyun. All rights reserved. Please do not repost on any platform or translate without permission.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Auntie flow
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Warnings- smut, period talk, period sex, shower sex.
Please do not steal or repost my content. Reblogs are welcome.
Wtf am I doing posting this.
Steve stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for his floor. He was so excited he was almost jumping. It had been a busy few days he hasn't had much time to spend with you. Luckily he managed to get his work done sooner so that he could go home and cuddle all night. Maybe you both can go out to eat, go to McDonald's drive through. He didn't consider that real food but anything to indulge you.
The elevator dinged and he stepped out pressing in the code for his apartment.
"Honey, I'm home", he called out for you, heloved saying that.
It was nice to come home to someone. You had only started living together a month ago but he still wasn't used to it. Usually you would come and jump into his arms. So to get no response from you was weird.
He stepped further in and saw you in front of the tv clutching your stomach. He ran to your side and started stroking your hair. "Hey, what's wrong?"
You looked up at him your lips quivering, "I'm dying."
"What? What happened?" He knew you tend to a tad bit overdramatic sometimes but he was worried nonetheless. The med bay was still open maybe he could take you there.
"Auntie flow is visiting and she is being extra bitchy this month," you whine. You did feel a little bad, he just got home from a long day and you were already venting.
"Oh no, sweetheart. Is there anything I can do?" he cooed.
"No. I just need to go lay down. I had to pick up my teams slack today so I'm just a bit frustrated."
"Alright. You go take a nap and I'll make us some pasta. I'll wake you up for dinner. Does that sound good?" You nodded and went to the bedroom to lay down.
He washed his hands and started on making dinner.
He hated this.
He hated feeling so helpless. There must be something he can do for you. He didn't have a lot of experience with periods. Except that one time you asked him to buy some tampons for you. He still found it weird that it just... sits in you all day.
While stirring the sauce he looked up periods on the internet. He read chocolates make women feel better. He could order some or go buy them real quick.
But then... he stumbled upon an article that said orgasms relieve cramp pain.
"Steve, can I help you?" He jerked when he heard your voice. He didn't hear you come in at all.
"Hey, you couldn't sleep?" he asked and put his phone aside for now.
"Well, I'm just uncomfortable," you whispered as you stepped in front of him and started toying with the buttons on his shirt. "It's been a week. I miss you."
Your relationship was still brand new, so you not being intimate for a week was making you so so horny. Maybe it was the hormones or seeing him be so caring or how fine his ass looked in those jeans.
Could be anything.
"It has been a busy week," he cradled your face and dipped down to kiss you.
"Let's go take a bath?" you whispered.
A bath would be very relaxing for you but it wasn't very practical. Steve's brain has always been very strategic he started thinking of places where he could please you the most, now that he knew his way around your body so well, if Bucky was alive he'd call him a 'stud'.
Which would be untrue. He was just a guy trying to take care of his girl.
"Hm... Let's go in the shower," he suggested.
You nodded and stepped out of the kitchen. He switched off the stove. He can make pasta later, he has to attend to his girl now.
He looked at you stripping your pajamas, in awe of you even though he'd seen everything so many times now
"What? You've seen me naked hundreds of times now," you said and rolled your eyes. You started setting the shower.
"Somehow you become more beautiful everytime." he kissed your shoulder as you felt heat creep up to your cheeks.
He wasn't a fan of living in the tower. There were so many buttons and settings everyday. It would be nice to have some simplicity. But now with his new family and his girl this was home and having a ridiculously huge shower helped in occasions such as these.
You both stepped into the shower and he started kissing down your neck to your chest. He sucked and left marks on your breasts and clavicles, making you gasp and moan.
The hot water and steam somehow making your skin even more sensitive and hot. You thread your hand through his hair. He looks up at you. You melt looking at the love and adoration in his eyes.
He dips down to capture your lips into a kiss. You close your eyes and lose yourself in it. You feel his fingers trail down your stomach and reach between your legs. You break the kiss to take deep breaths, biting his neck. He parts your intimate lips, rubbing your clit. You gasp, struggling to breathe, his expert fingers already making you dizzy.
He pushes a finger inside you and then another. He thinks about how your moans maybe the best sounds he has ever heard. How did he go so long without hearing them.
"Steve..." you moan "use two fingers."
"I am," he said.
"Then use three!" you whined.
Usually just two would be more than enough, on account of how thick they were, but your pussy was being especially needy tonight.
He added a third finger. It was a tight fit. He started pumping them as you grew more and more breathless. You were completely clinging to him. You screamed as you came and for a minute you felt as if you were weightless.
Forgot about how your activities had created a crime scene. How disgusting it should be or how you were made to believe it to be. But it didn't feel disgusting. It felt right because it was with the man you loved.
Steve didn't stop until you down from your high. He stood there for a minute holding you.
He abruptly picked you up with your legs wrapped around his waist and leaned you against the wall. You yelped, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He always enjoyed manhanding you and how you squeaked or yelped when he picked you up. It's in moments like these he is even more thankful to the serum. Old him would've never been able to make love to you for hours.
Hell, old him would've never been able to get a girl like you.
"You want more?" he asked between kisses.
"Yes. Yes, please. Get inside me. I wanna feel you," you pleaded.
He rubbed his cock against your drenched pussy and slowly slid in.
His breath hitched. He bit your shoulder. He slowly started rocking into you and then picked up his pace. He moaned when he felt you scratching down his back. It hurt and burned but in a way that left him wanting more.
He moved his head to look at you. Your eyes were closed, mouth wide open. It was a heavenly sight and with you wrapped around his cock it was a heavenly feeling as well.
He moved his hand from your hip between you and started stroking your clit. You gasped. "Oh my god I'm gonna cum," you come for the second time.
His thrusts became erratic and rough as he released inside you. He laid his head in your neck and you stroked his head.
You were still catching your breath. "I don't feel so terrible now," you said with a smile and made a mental note of never letting this man go.
After dinner Steve left saying he has some errands and wants to buy some groceries. It was strange because you already had groceries to last you for the rest of the month. When you asked if you could go with him he told you to stay home and rest.
The shower did help in relieving some pain and now you were watching some show waiting for Steve to get home.
He was back with huge bags in his hands.
"What's all this?" you asked him. It was a bit annoying how he picked now to go shopping. When you were in desperate need of sone cuddles and love.
"I got you some chocolates," he said handing you your favorite chocolates. You felt as if you were going to cry. Because chocolates... nothing would make you happier... "And... well, I saw these flowers in the store thought might as well get them for you," he continued handing you a bouquet of roses.
You kissed his cheek and thanked him.
"I also got some snacks"
"Snacks?" That perked you up. Steve never gets any good snacks, which was why you never let him do groceries. "What did you get?"
"These healthy vegan chips. They're supposed to be good for you", he says.
"Mmhm. Well I'll try them. For you, because I love you,"
"I love you too," he smiled.
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sidespromptblog · 4 years
I Know...
“What were you doing down there?” 
Logan visibly fought the urge to flinch at the accusatory voice that assaulted him the moment that he stepped through the door that led from the dark mindspace. The light that clicked on stung his eyes, he had been down there for so long he had gotten used to the dim lighting and his eyes had more than adjusted to it. Everything around him felt blinding, like he should shy away from it and go back to the shows that he had just left. 
Still, irritation pricked his insides like wildfire, and so without even offering Roman an answer, he attempted to shoulder his way past him. It was more than late, and he had a lot of stuff to do in the morning, and so very little time to prepare for all of it let alone schedule for it. 
“Logan,” Roman’s terse voice snapped again, “Don’t ignore me! What were you doing?!” Like a viper, his hand struck, gripping Logan’s arm and preventing him from so much as taking another step away from their inevitable conversation. His grip was like iron, although his expression rather screamed fear and uncertainty rather than the annoyance he had come to expect from the creative side when it involved him. “Why were you down there Logan… talk to me.” 
A rough snort left Logan before he could even think to stop it, “Oh I’m sorry, I thought that you would rather my dialogue be optional.” He snapped, the words laced with venom as he gave his arm a rough jerk. “And here I was doing exactly that for you… sparing you my comments.” 
Roman’s hand jerked away as if he had just been burned by the white-hot coals of a burning fire. 
His voice was terribly small, and uncharacteristically soft. 
Not at all like the overdramatic prince that unsheathed his sword at every opportunity when it came to saving one of them from some dastardly monster.  This, however… this was a monster of Roman’s own making, and they both knew that well enough, and the things that Roman had done in the past hadn’t really been made up for yet. Even now, even now Logan could still recall every single thing that Roman had said about him and his contributions, he could still remember that Roman meant all of them when he had said them. Then again…
He had said awful things to Roman as well. 
“I’m just worried,” Roman’s hand curled back against his chest, before he casually went to run his fingers through his hair. As if letting go of Logan was his own choice, and not done out of shock or hurt. “My brother isn’t exactly the kind of person you should be hanging around… he’s hurt you before. And Dec… Janus…” Roman’s lips twisted, and his knee bounced up and down. “I don’t know okay… I’m just worried about you.” He softly admitted, casting his eyes down to the floor so that he wouldn’t have to meet Logan’s fierce stare that wasn’t backing down one little bit. 
It didn’t escape Logan, and it didn’t escape Roman’s attention that he had just ignored Logan’s outburst of emotions. They both knew that he was correct. Roman had said that he wanted Logan’s input to be optional, and that was yet another thing that he couldn’t rewind the clock and take back.  
It was yet another mistake. 
Yet another thing that had made him the bad guy in Logan’s eyes. 
“I was having fun,” The words were practically exhaled from Logan’s lips, and Roman’s head snapped back up at them. A momentary flash… no more than a glimpse of hurt echoed in Roman’s eyes at this, “I was having fun, something that I seem to be dearly missing out on when I am here with you and everyone else.” The words were true, and Logan meant every last one. He would say it again too, even if Thomas and Patton were here and even if they seemed horrified by what he had to say. He wouldn’t apologize for this truth, and he would never take it back. 
Pain and agony lanced across Roman’s heart as he felt the distance between him and Logan growing even greater than before. Peering into the shadows of Logan’s eyes, he could feel nothing but pain and guilt. 
Roman thickly swallowed, “Oh…” He softly whispered, his nails clutching the fabric of his uniform right over his heart, he could feel it thumping against his ribcage. “I… I…” Even his bones felt like they were trembling, even though he could tell that he was standing perfectly still. “You’re probably tired then, huh?” The laugh he forced out was just as painful as the agony on the inside. “I’m sorry… for keeping you then.” The smile that he forced on his face felt like a wax painting that had been set for too long. 
There was nothing that he could do now. 
“Yes,” Logan straightened his back, taking a step away from Roman. That one step was nothing in comparison to the chasm that the creative side felt growing more and more with each second. “I’m sorry too… for making you worry about nothing.” 
With a stiff nod, Logan turned away his hand trailing up the railing as he made his way to his bedroom. 
Leaving Roman behind in the darkness of the living room.
The gentle click of Logan’s door shutting was all it took to break the dam that had been building and building inside of Roman. As his knees crumpled under him and his hand clapped over his mouth, a vain effort to stop the wail that had sat perched in his chest since he’d had his talk with Patton. The tears that streamed down his face burned, like hot ashes sticking to his face and refusing to leave no matter how desperately he rubbed at them. His chest heaved, and just like that the sobs broke loose like a tidal wave being unleashed onto land.
“I’m.. I’m sorry!” He openly weeped into his hands, although there was no one around to hear his apologies. “I’m so sorry!” He repeated, “I’ve failed.. I’ve failed.. I’ve failed! I know that! Just tell me how I can make it better! Tell me how I can take back everything, and make you love me again! Please! I’m sorry! Please!” Gripping at his hair, Roman could only cry and cry, into the silence of the living room. Desperately wishing  that these words had come to him when Logan had been standing before him, or even before then when he had the chance to take back every way that he had slighted him or the others. 
But there was no winding back time, there was only the future.
And the things he had done to it. 
What was he going to do though? What was there to do? How on earth could he possibly make this… their relationship any better than the mess that it was right now? How could he make Logan ever look at him, and not have that massive chasm between them. 
“Good, now trying saying all of that in front of Logan instead of just being a willy.” Remus’ voice piped up being him, and Roman was almost certain that he snapped something in his neck with how fast he jerked his head to look over at his brother. 
“What?” He asked, shame and humiliation in his voice as he desperately attempted to wipe his tears away with the wet sleeve of his shirt. It wasn’t really working all that well, but he had to get some kind of credit for trying. “When did you… how long have you been here?!” 
Remus gave a simple shrug, “Since you grabbed dorkness, instead of letting him leave.” And just like that, yet another stellar example as to how Roman had fucked up in the past twenty-four hours. “But,” The other creativity tossed a box of tissues at Roman’s face, only partially caring if his brother caught them in the first place. “I’ve learned that nothing heals better than a good apology, so work on that. And you should be…” Remus’ nose scrunched up a little. “Well not golden, but maybe silver or bronze.” 
Roman fumbled with the tissue box as soon as it was thrown at him, but plucking a few out he dabbed at his wet tearstained face clearing of the evidence of his tears. 
For a moment there was nothing but silence between them, as Remus wiggled in place. Clearly more than a little uncomfortable about having such a… genuine moment between the two of them. 
“Then,” Roman paused for a second as he struggled to stand up again, “I’m sorry, Remus for… everything. Since the moment we’ve been separated, I.. I should have fought harder for you to be included, and I should have cared more about what happened to you. But I didn’t, and that’s on me. So… I’m sorry.” He honestly said, making a point to somewhat meet Remus’ eyes, as he looked back at his twin brother. “I mean it.”
A soft exhale from Remus was his only answer, as if his words actually took the air right out of his brother’s lungs. 
“I know...”
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