#domestic sirius black
ellecdc · 8 months
hello!! i came across cbbh a few days ago and im OBSESSED 🩷 definitely one of my faves!!
can i request a blurb about cbbh sirius x reader’s little domestic moments as they raise their family 🥹 tysm 🩷
you absolutely can babes! thank you so much for reading and the request 💖
CBBH Sirius Black x reader - bedtime foul
You moved at the pace of a snail as you closed the door quietly to Aurora’s room, not wanting to wake the girl you had finally gotten to sleep. Trying to get the nearly-five-year-old to go to bed almost made Lyra’s nine-month-old sleep regression look like child’s play. 
You followed the gentle sound of Sirius’ voice murmuring to the offending infant’s nursery, leaning against the door to enjoy the view.
It was a painfully domestic scene, watching your husband in his band tee and plaid pyjama pants hold Lyra’s small form up near is head as he murmured into her dusting of black hair, looking out of the window into the night as it fell upon Potter Manor. 
“And then, Princess Y/N and the brave Knight Regulus jumped out from their hiding spots and defeated the monster, and they all lived happily ever after.” You heard Sirius finish before Lyra grabbed a fist full of his hair and tugged hard before letting out a guttural scream. 
“Oh, you poor darlin’. What’s your papa doing to you, hm?” You commiserated with the baby as she reached her pudgy arms out to you. You took her easily into your arms and Sirius, though disappointed at the usurpation, gladly released his grip on Lyra after she relented her grip on his hair.   
Lyra, much to your husband’s chagrin, calmed instantly and watched your face as she let out a shuddering breath, tears drying up almost immediately.
Sirius leaned his forehead onto your shoulder from behind you and the three of you rocked back and forth like a boat at sea. 
It wasn’t long at all before Lyra’s breathing evened out, and you were almost sorry to have to disturb this little vertical family cuddle that was happening, but you wiggled your shoulder signalling for Sirius to move his head before you went to place the infant into her crib. 
You both left the nursery and moved across the hall toward your own room. You closed the door behind you as you let out a breath you weren’t completely aware you had been holding. 
“These girls make Draco look like an angel baby. I don’t remember us having such an issue at bedtime with him.” You complained as you moved to the bathroom to brush your teeth. 
“It’s ‘cause Lyra hates me.” Sirius muttered petulantly, causing your toothbrush to pause on its way to your mouth. 
“Lyra does not hate you!” You argued emphatically. In fact, it could be said that he was Lyra’s favourite person – especially as Padfoot. You’d be damned to admit that to the likes of him, however.
“Sure she does.” He scoffed as he spread moisturizer on his face. “You probably thought I’d been accosting her with the way she started squealing; she’d have you thinking she acted in self-defence.”
“I did not think that. I heard you speaking so sweetly to her!” You said through a mouthful of toothpaste.
“Well, if I’m so sweet to her, why does she yank at my hair?” He asked. 
You hummed as you finished brushing your teeth and spat into the sink. “Maybe she doesn’t hate you, maybe she just hates your hair.” 
The lid to his moisturizer fell to the sink below him as he whipped his body to face you. “Why would you say that?” He interrogated you in a whisper. 
You started to chuckle, and he quickly shook his head.
“Babe.” He insisted, “why would you say that?” 
Sirius had always had a better poker face than you, and you were nearing full on belly laughter at this point. Sirius remained stony faced, though his lips looked a little tight and his eyes were full of mischief. 
“Take that back.” He demanded.
“Hey, you asked.” You said with a chuckle as you left the ensuite and moved towards your bed. You didn’t make it far before Sirius had launched himself at you and you were bearing the brunt of his weight in a very crooked piggy-back-ride. 
“You take that back right now.” He demanded again as he clung to your form. You were still laughing as you continued to step towards your bed with his feet dragging uselessly against the ground behind you.
As you made it to the bed, you turned your body so that your back - and thus, Sirius - were facing the bed and fell backwards, trapping Sirius under your weight. 
Neither of you said anything or made an attempt to move, inhaling deeply at the quietness that seemed to be missing from the Manor all day. 
“This hair, Y/N,” Sirius started solemnly. You closed your eyes and started giggling silently which left you basically vibrating from your place on top of your husband. “This is the hair of legends, okay? Generations of Black’s have specifically passed down th-”
“You can say bred. You were bred to have that hair.”
“Specifically passed down the trait for this hair. Okay? It was what generations of Black’s strived for.” He continued slightly louder as if you hadn’t interrupted him at all.
“M’kay, you’re like an F3 goldendoodle.” You stated simply which earned you a pinch in the ribs and an indignant ‘oi!’. “You’re like a GMO.” You continued.
“I beg your pardon!?” Sirius all but screeched.
“A genetically modified organism.; you were genetically engineered. Your ancestors were like mad scientists.” You answered as you placidly rolled off of him and landed face down into your mattress.
“You are so lucky that a) you are all the way over there now, b) so incredibly pretty and the love of my life and c) that I’m so fuckin’ tired right now because I would absolutely beat the crap out of you for that cheek.” He said as he reached his arm over to demonstrate the new-found space between you two, though it didn’t amount to much when his fingers landed on your bicep. 
“You’re all bark, Black.”
Sirius sighed dramatically. “You’re right. I’d never.”
You smiled to yourself and the two of you laid there - the top half of your bodies on the bed and the bottom halves hanging off - for a few moments just enjoying the silence.
You both had nearly fallen asleep like that when you heard Lyra wail from her room.
“For fuck’s sake.” You muttered as you stood, pushing Sirius back down onto the bed as he went to do the same. “Stay here, protect that hair.”
Sirius groaned but did as you told. “She better not hate my hair, that little minx is bound to inherit it herself.” 
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lupinflowrs · 2 months
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cozy wolfstar doing some bedtime reading 💫 (obviously it's remus who's doing the reading, sirius is much more interested in some kisses)
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moncuries · 9 months
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older wolfstar mess
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sorenphelps · 7 months
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This is fine.
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addsalwayssick · 9 months
“Go fish.” Remus scoffed at James. James sighed and grabbed a card from the deck.
“Got any 5’s?” Sirius asked Peter. Peter groaned and handed his 5s over.
Sirius grinned at him. He sat back in Remus’s lap, who had an arm protectively around him. “3s?” Remus asked Sirius.
There was a careful knock on the door. It was quiet, almost as if it were barely there. James looked at everyone. “I’ll get it I suppose.” He said, getting up from his spot on the floor.
He opened the door carefully. “Hello-“ He started, before swinging the door open. Sirius began growing worried as James sat there with his mouth agape.
“James who is?” Remus asked.
James, who was shaken out of his trance by a small, shy voice that he would have never expected from the type of person he was say; “It’s fine, I’m sorry, i’ll go.”
“Wait!” He called, grabbing his hand. “Regulus, come in.”
Sirius immediately got up and went to the door. “Reggie?” He said. He looked at the blood he was soaked in.
“James who is it?” Effie Potter called down from the stairs.
“It’s Regulus, mum!” James called.
Effie came running down the stairs, a hand covering her mouth when she saw him. “Oh you poor dear, let’s get you cleaned up.”
“You’re staying.” Sirius told Regulus.
“I will if they are alright with it.” Regulus retorted.
And James was so happy he didn’t even realize that Regulus’s gaze lingered on James for longer than normal.
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teaforthotxxx · 10 months
I just know that James would give 0 shits about Harry’s grades till OWLS. Like Harry comes back with Os for most of his subjects and James is so shell-shocked.
James Potter: Tell me how you did it. Did’ya charm your tests without Minnie looking.
Harry Potter: *furrowing his brows* Urm no. I just had Hermoine help me a bit. Also, Remus and mum and other dad-
James Potter: MERLIN’S BEARD! PADFOOT! My son’s a natural born genius!! WORMTAIL DO YOU THINK HE TAKES AFTER ME?
Remus, Lily and Regulus who had been tutoring the child in various subjects since birth: (seething)
Sirius Black: OH THE SPROG MUST TAKE AFTER US, PRONGS! He’s going to be the first genius seeker for Puddlemeres!
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largecoldbrew · 1 year
in another life i would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you
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fiolect · 1 year
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And believe that your kindness has made me love you deeper than if I deserved your love:  and though I couldn't, and cannot help showing my nature to you, I regret it and repent it; and shall regret and repent it till I die!"
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broadwaycantdie · 7 months
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snadwich-underscore · 7 months
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after nap time blues </3
Sirius: "Oh, look who decided to wake up! Morning, beautiful."
Teddy: "Where did Haz (Harry) go?"
Remus: "He had to go back home, love. Uncle Prongs wanted him home before dinner."
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bolalawie · 1 year
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coyotelip · 18 days
wolfstar microfic: patronus || fluff finally! wolfstar raising harry pt.6 || @wolfstarmicrofic || wc: 516 || all parts on ao3!
"Oh, what's that?” Sirius's voice breaks into a yawn as he enters the kitchen in the morning, ready to start preparing breakfast, but sees a man at the counter.
Remus is placing breakfast on plates and waving his wand to make them float to the table. When he's finished, he dries his hands on a towel and turns full attention to his husband in the doorway, who is studying the scene in front of him with sleepy and surprised eyes. In two steps, he walks over to Sirius and kisses him on the forehead as a greeting.
“I know you lost a little sleep last night because of me, so it's only fair that I return the favor.”
Sirius takes a closer look at his favorite bacon and cheese on toast breakfast and the mug of coffee next to it, and then turns his gaze to Remus in front of him, now looking into the man's eyes with tenderness and love. “Thank you,” he says briefly, knowing that words will not convey the full range of emotions that are swirling in his chest at the thought of belonging to this man.
Without any more words, Sirius puts his arms around man's neck and presses his lips to his, kissing lightly, innocently, just giving off his warmth. But Remus's arms go around his waist and press him harder, his fingertips squeezing as if to demand more, so the kiss deepens and Sirius steps aside to press his back against the kitchen table.
They're both good at math, but it's impossible to count the amount of time they've spent like this over the years, entwining their bodies and kissing each other with everything they have in them. Sharing a breath, it was easy to forget about the world around them.
However, the world around them did not disappear and sometimes had the audacity to remind them of itself, so their blissful bubble of morning tenderness was penetrated by the high-pitched childish voice of Harry coming down the stairs for breakfast and shouting, “Good morning! You see, I can wake up by myself and come down on time! Moony, you promised me that cool thing for that!”
“Argh!” Sirius can't help but groan as he breaks the kiss and turns to the kid, who is running in his pajamas and messy hair. Turning back to Remus, he speaks softly into his lips, “Please distract him for a few more minutes.”
Remus chuckles softly in response and pulls out his wand again to whisper a spell and release a white light from the tip of his wand in the form of a wolf, which runs playfully toward Harry and twists around him, earning the boy delighted squeals and laughter as he tries to bury his fingers in the wolf's fur around his neck, but his fingers pass through the disembodied animal.
Sighing in relief, Sirius pecks his husband on the cheek, “So creative as always,” and resumes their strong kiss, enjoying the moment before Remus disappears into the floo for the day.
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lulublack90 · 22 days
Prompt 3 - Domestic
@jegulus-microfic September 3, Word count 144
Regulus and James were enjoying a pleasant breakfast. James was marking his last few homework assignments while tucking into a large bowl of porridge and Regulus read the latest fantasy book he’d picked up from the bookshop on his way home from work yesterday. 
“Wow, isn’t this the epitome of domestic bliss,” Sirius guffawed as he walked into their kitchen uninvited as usual. Regulus had no idea how his brother kept getting in. He’d confiscated all his keys. Sirius snatched up a croissant and shoved the entire thing in his mouth. 
“And with that, my love, I’m off,” Regulus carefully put his bookmark in his book and hopped onto James’s lap, giving him what can only be described as an absolutely filthy kiss. Sirius choked on his mouthful of pastry. Regulus left the house feeling that he’d accomplished quite a lot already this morning. 
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siriuslylu · 1 month
James: Sirius is not gonna like it
Regulus: i don’t think he’ll notice
James: of course he’ll notice, and I don’t know how we’re gonna tell him
Regulus: we’ll, we don’t have to tell Sirius
Sirius: what don’t you have you tell Sirius?
Regulus: James and I are dating
Sirius: WHAT?!
Regulus: we also adopted a dog
Regulus looking at James: see? told you he wouldn’t notice
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marauderswolf22 · 9 months
imagine baby harry bieng still a toddler but big enough to understand things, and james showing him his animagus form for the first time (i mean the transformation, not the deer only)
boy would be schocked
and the next time uncle moony and padfoot would came he would be even more shocked that this big silly dog that he pets everyday is sirius
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
thinking abt s and r sleeping in the same bed together and r wakes up first and just takes a moment to look at him. hair all mussed up and splayed across the pillow, lips slightly parted, spread all over the bed and remus just. smiles. how did they ever get this far?
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