#this is silly and self indulgent but we all need that today don't we?
apoptoses · 2 years
A Matter of Taste 2.9k Lestat/Armand (a hint of Lestat/Armand/Daniel at the end) domesticity/blood sharing/discussions of home/Benji and Daniel’s awful taste in furniture
Also on Ao3
(Wrote this sitting in traffic with nothing to do, enjoy ♥)
“So that’s it?” Lestat asked.
Armand nodded. “Yes. Monstrous, isn’t it?”
The sofa was massive, all gray fabric and enormous pillows, closer to a bed than a settee. Surrounded by priceless antiques and a hand painted ceiling imported from some crumbling chateau, it dominated the entire room. Lestat took a step back and cocked his head. Had this been Night Island it would have fit in; Night Island had been crafted to blend the best parts of 80s design and old world aesthetics. But in Trinity Gate it stood out terribly, Lestat had to agree.
Ironic, really, that Armand had invited him over to discuss home decor when he’d been thinking about what a pleasure it would be if they finally acquired a home of their own. He just hadn’t had the courage or the opportunity to bring it up yet.
“And you ended up with this sofa how, exactly?” Lestat asked.
“Benji and Daniel were adamant we have at least one thing upstairs to sit on that isn’t an antique. I asked Louis, assuming he would be on my side, but unfortunately he agreed with them and I found myself outnumbered,” Armand said with a sigh.
“So? Don’t they have their little game room for unsightly furniture such as this?” Lestat asked. “I remember that god awful leather thing with the cup holders they found on the street and demanded we drag home- I still haven’t gotten over the indignity of that, by the way. Taking home actual trash off the street as if I were Louis in that old hovel of his I burned down.”
“Not enough, apparently. They’d like to be ‘comfortable’ in my presence and as I spend most of my time upstairs…” Armand trailed off, waving his hand dismissively. “Regardless, it is done. It lives in my sitting room, where it will stay until some misfortune befalls it.”
“The fire gift, perhaps?”
“Too great a risk, the smoke would damage the ceiling.”
“True. Well, I suppose that leaves only one choice-”
Lestat turned on his heel and let himself fall backwards, collapsing into the pillows with a dull thud. He was no small man but even he felt dwarfed by the sofa, wide as it was. When he kicked off his shoes and put up his feet they came nowhere near reaching the end of it. Hideous, perhaps, but luxurious, even he had to admit. The type of thing one could fall asleep on without quite meaning to.
He patted the space beside him. “Well?”
Armand stared. “I will not have intercourse with you on the sofa in my sitting room, where all of Madison Avenue can see.”
Lestat rolled his eyes. “Number one, no one out there can see because you have enough velvet hanging from those windows to curtain even the largest stage,” he said, counting off the reasons for his indignation on his long, pale fingers. “Two, you know that’s not what I meant, you wretched little succubus. And three, even if I had, an audience has hardly ever stopped you before.”
Armand’s mouth was set in a flat line but there was a certain mirth to his eyes only an immortal with their heightened senses would be able to pick up. Of course he’d been winding him up. Anything to make Lestat look like a petulant brat.
“Get over here and lie down with me, before I go and buy Benji the matching armchair and really ugly the place up,” he threatened.
Armand rolled his eyes even as he acquiesced. There was ample room for them to lie side by side but he tucked himself in between Lestat and the back of the sofa anyways, head resting on Lestat’s broad chest. “It is comfortable, if nothing else,” he had to admit.
“Just be careful we don’t lose you among the cushions, mon petit chéri, Louis would never forgive me,” Lestat teased.
He got his side pinched for it but he didn’t bother to pinch Armand back for once. Getting to curl up with him like this was too delicious to ruin with childishness. Armand fit so neatly against his side, leg thrown over his thighs and his hand curled in his sweater; nestled in at just the right spot for Lestat to tilt his face down and kiss the top of his auburn head. Lestat ran his hand up and down the length of his back and Armand’s fingers tightened on his sweater in response.
So sweet and domestic, it was, lying together like this. A perfect opportunity to bring up the apartment he’d found in Paris.
“You know, I’ve been thinking-” Lestat began.
“How frightening. Your thoughts so often end in chaos for us all,” Armand mumbled into his chest.
Ah well. Fine. If Armand was only going to hassle him he wouldn’t say it at all.
“Mon dieu, fine. Nevermind. I’ll just call Benji and tell him you said to go ahead, get the armchair. And one those horrible gaming chairs with the neon lights while he’s at it, that would really set off the Louis XIV desk you’ve got in the corner-” Lestat pretended he was going to grab for his phone but then Armand shifted, his chin pressing against his sternum as he looked up at him. 
“Lestat, go on,” he murmured. I want to know what you’ve been thinking. Truly.
“You just don’t want another ugly chair in this room,” Lestat said, though he was struggling to withhold a smile. Impossible to be annoyed, really, when he had such a lovely little demon staring at him as though hanging on his every word. “Anyways, as I was saying. I was thinking it was time we got a home together, you and I.”
Armand arched a delicate brow. “A home?”
“Yes. Picture it, a penthouse apartment in the heart of Paris. Something small but sumptuous, two bedrooms. Just enough for you and I, and perhaps a guest if we so wish to bring Louis or Daniel along,” Lestat said. “We already have such grand homes for entertaining and loaning out. It’s time we had something just for us, something we can escape to and make just as opulent as we like. Don’t you agree?”
I already had a place in mind. Nothing is set in stone, of course, but I thought best to come with a clear vision to convince you with. Lestat opened his mind, letting Armand shuffle through the images of the apartment he’d been looking at.
In comparison to the court at Auvergne or Trinity Gate it was small, but with its antique wainscotting and floor to ceiling windows overlooking the Seine it rivaled both in terms of luxury. He allowed him to see his ideas for decor as well, the silk damask bed covers and ancient, oversized mirrors that could line the walls. The great 18th century wardrobe he’d seen for sale, barely big enough to hold his own clothes, but then the second bedroom could be retrofitted into a dressing room if need be. Between the two of them they’d come up with something.
You know that I hardly need convincing. Armand turned his head, settled with his ear to Lestat’s racing heart. The worry that he might be turned down had made him so nervous for a moment. But why Paris? Why now?
“Well, why not?” Lestat asked. “I never should have pushed you away so suddenly when we first met. I should have taken you into Paris, re-introduced you properly to living amongst mortals. Taken you to the opera, to the fashionable boutiques to get you out of those old rags and into the silk and lace you suit so well. I never should have left you to founder alone.”
“It never would have worked out, long term. You know that,” Armand said quietly.
Armand wasn’t wrong. The people they were then were incapable of any sort of relationship. Armand would have dug in his claws too hard, Lestat would have instinctively jerked away. The blows they’ve already dealt each other would have been nothing compared to the pain of the slow and then cataclysmic dissolution of any relationship they might have built in their youth.
And yet Lestat fantasized about it anyway. Perhaps it was in his nature, wanting to fix something beautiful and broken despite so often being in shambles himself.
“Yes. I know.” Lestat dragged his fingers through his hair, nails skimming across his scalp. If he did this long enough Armand would drift off; he’d found that out some time ago when he’d been playing with his hair, only to look down to see him fast asleep with his head in his lap. “But just think, now we can experience all of those things in a Paris built with modern luxuries, with nary a rat infested slum to be found.”
“You put things so romantically,” Armand muttered into his chest. He’d shifted up a little, tilted his head in silent demand that Lestat massage the back of his neck. Lestat indulged him almost immediately, searching for the spot that would make him sigh and melt under his hands. 
“Perhaps I’m merely saving all of my romantic urges until I have you at home with me in the City of Love,” he said, just as Armand gave a little groan. Ah, there it was. He pressed his thumb harder into the sensitive ditch between his neck and his jaw. “What do you say? I want to hear it, that you’d like this as much as I would.”
“I would like it,” Armand said. “But I’d like to visit first and see the place you have in mind before we commit to it. And there must be some rules.”
Lestat practically beamed. Damn the rules, he was pleased enough he’d agree to most anything Armand proposed. “Such as?”
“What colors we paint the rooms. We may agree on much but there is a line between opulent and garish,” Armand began. “And who may visit when we are there.” No David Talbot. No Marius either, not yet.
Lestat snorted. “You know that I’ve been to Night Island, you’re hardly one to talk about garish when I’ve seen the heart shaped bathtub you had hidden in there,” he said. “But yes, of course. As you like. I see them more than enough in Auvergne as it is.”
Armand nodded and then, like some great jungle cat, pushed himself up onto his elbows and stretched. Then we must seal this agreement with a kiss.
There was some mischief in his gaze but Lestat hardly had time to question it, for Armand had curled his fingers in his hair and sealed his mouth to his. Armand must have fed earlier that night because he was so warm, he was practically burning up beneath Lestat’s hands as they found their way up the back of his shirt. Lestat pulled him closer, sucked his lower lip between his teeth and savored the approving sound that got out of him. When his fang pierced Armand’s lip the fingers in his hair curled so tight it ached.
It was only a little taste of blood. But it was enough that Lestat’s mouth tingled with it, that it burned all the way down his throat. He sucked at it hard, didn’t let go until he was certain that when Armand pulled away his lip would be bloody and swollen with his kiss. Even their tender moments were laced with violence, but how could Lestat help that? No one wore a bruise as beautifully as Armand did. 
He left the cut unhealed and let Armand work his way over his jaw, down the column of his throat. Soft kisses, with just the hint of teeth to get Lestat to inhale sharply and bare his throat. Not that he had a choice, Armand’s grip on his hair meant he could turn his face any which way he liked.
Normally Lestat would fight against this. They did both like a tussle, and Armand could give as good as he got. 
But let the little devil take what he wanted, Lestat decided when Armand licked a hot stripe up the length of his neck. He’d given him such a great gift tonight, agreeing to his whims about sharing a home. A few moments of control was the least he could give in return. Especially when the ache in his scalp and the sharp nip Armand delivered to his earlobe were so delicious.
Go ahead and do it already, no need to drag it out, Lestat demanded in his mind.
Armand brushed his lips teasingly against his artery, hovering there as if he might actually obey Lestat’s command. Patience is a virtue, they say came the reply as he pulled away to tug his sweater down and nip at his clavicle instead.
“Not one of mine,” Lestat muttered.
The little pat to his cheek was equal parts endearing and patronizing. Lestat had half a mind to flip them over and show Armand what a real tease was. Just as he reached down and got him by the hip Armand tugged hard at his hair, and ah, there it was. Exquisite pain, radiating down into his chest. Sometimes Armand was as slow and gentle as he was with one of his beloved victims, but others he sank his fangs in all at once, holding Lestat tight so he couldn’t scrunch his shoulder up and shrink away from it. It made his heart pound, hard enough the arterial spray into Armand’s mouth must have been overwhelming; enough that the sudden loss left Lestat dizzy and panting as he held Armand tight.
When he opened his eyes Armand was hovering above him, blood dripping from his mouth and onto his chin. He looked like a lion after the kill, Lestat couldn’t decide if he wanted to lick him clean or smear it across his skin and leave his throat bloody and red too.
“What a tragedy,” Armand said.
Lestat shifted over, craning his neck awkwardly to see what he was looking at. Beside his head was a blood stain, still wet. The pillow was soaked; some had even dripped down onto the cushion beneath him, and every time Lestat moved he only made it worse. Armand had only half healed the wound before he’d pulled away.
“You did that on purpose, you little demon,” Lestat said. “You’ve never spilled a drop before.”
“I was overcome by how beautifully you submitted to me.” A demon and a poor liar. Lestat could see the tension at the corners of his mouth where Armand was holding back a smile. “I suppose this sofa can’t remain in the sitting room in this state. That stain will never come out.”
“No, I suppose not.” Lestat sat up and neatly shoved Armand onto his back. He pulled his sweater off, discarding it before it could get stained too, and settled into the space between his thighs. “So that means there’s only one thing left to do.”
“And that is?”
Lestat smirked and licked his own blood from the corner of Armand’s mouth. “Wreck it entirely, of course.”
Lestat was curled up in an armchair with a book, hair still damp when Daniel came in the front door. There was nothing unusual about that. He often went out with Benji and Louis, returning home before them while they went out to feed. Perfect. Daniel could be easier persuaded to choose something nice from the furniture store. For once Lestat had every intention of cleaning up the mess he’d made. He was in too good a mood to leave Armand to deal with his coven complaining about the ruined sofa.
“Jesus christ, what happened here?” Daniel asked.
Lestat snapped his book shut. “There was an accident.”
Daniel arched a brow at him. “An accident? It looks like a goddamn abattoir in here.”
Well. He wasn’t entirely wrong. A little scratching had turned into a lot of biting, and a struggle that had left both of them so breathless they’d left their table manners behind entirely. Armand had come out worse for the wear, but he’d insisted on staying in the bath alone while Lestat dealt with the issue of the sofa.
“Yes, well, your maker can be such a wild cat when he thinks the sanctity of his home decor is being threatened.” Lestat got up and threw his arm around Daniel’s shoulders, guiding him back toward the door. 
Daniel, always a perceptive thing, was eyeing the blood stain on his collar. Lestat hardly cared. He’d abandoned the concept of shame in his youth and life was far more enjoyable for it. 
“And I’m guessing the bruises I’ll find all over Armand later will have been an accident too?” Daniel asked, shaking his head fondly. “What is it with you two, it’s like you can’t get off unless you leave the place looking like something out of the Shining.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. Anyways, come, we’ll go pick out a replacement together. Something comfortable and tasteful,” Lestat said as he guided him down to the sidewalk, where he hailed a cab.
“Or something ugly we can help Armand destroy together?”
Lestat glanced at Daniel, took a little peek into his mind to see if he was joking. He wasn’t, not entirely. He had visions of Armand between them, both of them holding him with their preternatural strength as they sucked marks into his neck. There was a reason he’d always liked Daniel. Oh yes, he would definitely be invited to their little Parisian love nest once they’d broken the place in.
“Daniel Molloy, I do love the way you think.” Lestat slid into the back of the cab beside him and shut the door. “Let’s go to wal-mart, shall we? I’m sure they have something Armand would find absolutely hideous there.”
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mschoiyuki · 6 months
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Always Be With You
Nanami Kento x f!reader
tw : self indulgent. SFW
wc : 1.2k
a/n : I’ve been feeling down this couple days and the negative thoughts makes me a little sad, and I need comfort from my man, Nanami Kento. The most greenest flag man I ever see and I miss him like crazy. And this might be my last writing. Who knows.
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Sunday is a lazy day for you and Nanami. You stir awake when you smell the coffee being brewed. Slowly blinking away the sleepiness, reaching the empty space of the other side of the bed and it's still warm. You pick your husband’s shirt and put it on. Walking out to the kitchen, seeing your husband prepares morning coffee.
You slither your arms to his waist, hugging Nanami from behind. Nanami smiles, “Morning, sweetheart.” You just mumble a hum, pressing your face to his broad back and tightening your hug.
Nanami scrunched his eyebrows thinking this is odd. You usually will greet him back. Nanami takes your hands, releasing your grips on him and turn around to see you. That’s not your usual sleepy face, there’s something wrong with it.
Nanami cups your face and lift it, “Bad dream, sweetheart?” Nanami kiss your temple.
You shake your head, “No. I suddenly feeling blue. Maybe the period mood? I don’t know. Just feeling sad, I feel like I’m not enough, feel tired, feel like I want to cry.” You grip Nanami waist, feeling the tears are forming on your eyes now.
Nanami lift you up and sit you down on the kitchen counter top, and he takes both of your hands, kiss it tenderly, "Why you have to think that you are not enough, my love? You are enough, more than enough. Don't let that thoughts eat you up. If you feel tired from works, take a rest. If you want to cry then let it out, I'm always here for you."
"But maybe it's just my period mood swings, Kento. I don't want to burden you with this kind of things. And it’s embarrassing for crying over nothing." You stare at Nanami with glassy eyes.
Nanami cups your cheek, “There’s nothing to embarrass about, love. If it’s too much for you to handle, just let it out. Don’t bottle up your feelings. It’s not good for you, you know.” Nanami hugs you and rubs your back, soothing your uneasy feelings away. And just like that you can’t hold back your tears anymore, sobbing on Nanami bare chest and hugging him so tightly.
Nanami cradle you and still rub your back, whispering all the sweet words for you. “This is so silly, Kento.” You say between your hiccups, looking up at Nanami.
Nanami wipes your tears away and kiss your eyes, “Nothing is silly, my love. So why are you thinking that you’re not enough? You are perfect for me. Don’t listen to the others.”
“I don’t know. Just feel sad and tired suddenly.” You avert your eyes from Nanami.
“Let’s eat breakfast first, I also make your favorite coffee after that we can stay at bed and cuddle. How’s that, sweetheart?” Nanami lift your face again so he can see you.
“You don’t have mission today?”
“I think the others can handle it, don’t worry about it. Even if it’s urgent I’ll call Gojo to take care of it. For now you’re my top priority.” Nanami rubs your cheek and gives you a slow deep kiss. “Sounds good now, sweetie?”
You nod and Nanami pick you up, you hug him and sling your legs to his waist, and nuzzles your head to the crook of his neck. Nanami smiles at how clingy you are when you’re on your period mood swings. He finds it cute and he loves it when you get clingy, sometimes he’ll tease you about it when you’re on a good moods.
Nanami puts you down on the chair, he quickly brings the coffees and breakfast. Nanami still hold your hands until both of you done eating. Nanami pick you up again, one hand slides under your knees and the other on your back. “I can walk on my own, Kento.” You try to protest but still slither your hands on his neck.
Nanami chuckles and plant a kiss on your lips, “Just let me pamper you today, sweetheart.”
Nanami brings you to your shared bedroom and put you down gently onto the bed, "What should we do today? Watching movies? Or read some books?" He gently tuck your hair behind your ear.
"Read me some book, please? I love your voice, Kento. It can make me calm."
"As you wish, princess." Nanami kiss your forehead and go fetch some books to read. He sits on the bed leaning against the headboard, you nuzzle to his side, head on his chest so you can hear his heart beat and his voice echoing. Nanami put his left hand on your arm and rubbing it to soothe you. As you listen Nanami reads the book, your eyelids getting heavier and you drift off to sleep.
When Nanami hear your steady breathe, he peek from his book and find you already asleep. Nanami close his book and put it on the night stand, he slowly slide down and bring you close to him, he kiss your forehead and drift to sleep too.
Both you and Nanami wake up at the sound of nonstop doorbells and Nanami's phone rings. Nanami grunts and take his phone to see who the culprit that dare to disturb his and your peaceful day.
As soon as he sees Gojo name on the screen, he knows who rings the bells too, "What do you want? It's Sunday." Nanami pick up the call and answer it with annoyed tone.
"Don't be mean, Nanami. We came to cheer Y/N up!" Gojo still rings the doorbells.
"We??? Stop ringing the doorbell, please." Nanami pinch the bridge of his nose and sighs, he stands and walk to open the door and you following him.
"Yes. We! Surprise!" Gojo spread his long hands as like introducing the guests.
"Nanamin! We heard from Gojo - sensei that your wife is sick. We finish up our mission and come as quick as we can!" Itadori gives his puppy eyes to Nanami.
"Sensei, sorry for the intrusion. We bought mochi for you and your wife." Kugisaki hands out the package, while Megumi just nod at Nanami.
You let out a small laugh behind Nanami and come forward taking the mochi package from Kugisaki, "Thank you for coming. Come on in. It's cold outside."
Gojo lead the packs and sling his arm to Nanami's shoulder teasing the hell out of him. You bring tea for all of them and sits beside Nanami, "How do you know I'm sick, Gojo? But I'm not sick though."
"Nanamin send me a text, he said he can't accept any mission today because his lovely wife is sick." Gojo cross his leg and sip the tea.
"I didn't said she's sick. I said I need to stay with my wife." Nanami sighs and take your hand, intertwining it and rubs your back of hand.
Their bickering and the first years teasing make your heart lighter, erasing the dark cloud on your mind, you laugh with them and tighten your grip on Nanami hand.
Nanami peek at you and nudge your head with his head, "Feels better now, my love?"
"Yes. So much better. Thank you, Kento. I love you." You whisper to him.
"Anything for you, my love. I love you too." Nanami bring your hand and kiss the back of your hand.
Where could you ask for a man that accept you for being you, crying over nothing yet Nanami still stay with you giving you love that you deserved. Making your world shine again. The man that would do anything for you, and you are so grateful to has this man in your life as your husband.
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dividers by : @saradika-graphics
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writeblrgarden · 4 months
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Meet Dani, who got ninth place in our grow a plant event in november! Dani goes by she/her, is interviewing herself, and you can find her at @ikilledmyocs. She has been writing for about 10 years, writing fantasy and science fiction.
Tell us about the WIP you'd like to talk about today.
I'm going to be talking about my baby We Are Unsuper since that's all I've been working on lately. The daughter of a ruthless Governor and an involuntary leader of a superhuman rebel group must partner up to put an end to the war in their city. But when Callista, the prized daughter of the city has been kidnapped by Unsuper and told to kill her father, it makes trusting them difficult- even if their goals are the same. Britta, on a path to discovering what Unsuper's really up to, begins to learn that her and the Governor's daughter aren't so different after all.
Describe your writing process. Do you like to plan everything or are you more spontaneous?
I am so spontaneous it hurts. I should outline, I know I should outline, but I don't :) It's just easier and a bit more exciting for me to write the story along the way. I have a brief idea of what I know needs to happen- especially after working on this wip for as long as I have, so I don't get too lost. I do get frustrated though which leads to me taking a break until I finally get ~the spark~ again.
Below the read more is more of our conversation with Dani
What inspires you to write?
Music, books, movies, games, my own life, etc. I can only listen to music when I'm writing though. I end up getting more focused on whatever I'm watching instead of writing but I always listen to the same 10 songs when I'm writing it seems. But video game soundtracks are where it's at.
What do consider your writing strength?
I wanna say dialogue. To me my dialogue feels fine until it comes to important conversations and it all goes out the window and everyone is infodumping. idk. Worldbuilding would have to be my top strength, it's just so fun and I love being able to feel like I live in my worlds. Whether I manage to put that all onto the page is another question.......
What do you love the most about writing?
Being able to dump out all my silly worlds somewhere. I have so many and I can only daydream so much. I like being able to read everything back and picture it like a movie. I'm just being self indulgent and making the stories I wanna see fr.
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gaykey · 8 months
first off, want to send big big hugs to you! I’ve always loved your posts and really love your perspective and how you write!
this isn’t much of an ask, it’s just that today I was thinking- can’t believe I’m almost glad for September, that kinda prepared me for taking a long look at myself now. I remember writing to you back then too, and your posts were so reassuring! That sounds so dramatic, but it felt good to know I wasn’t alone feeling conflicted and silly. Should’ve known that getting into a fandom trying to forget toxic family dynamics was the wrong move, but there were fun times while it lasted. I don’t hate the man, but this just isn’t for me. I knew someone’s great-grandparent who was in the salt march, I’m not ready to take a nuanced look at boycotting, and hate almost everything about the dialogue surrounding this shitty situation. but at the same time, I don’t like how that’s used against me, like I have to perform hate towards someone I used to respect, and can still appreciate in many aspects. It’s all, just, way beyond anything I was prepared for, coming into a fandom to do silly fandom things.
Hope that was okay to say. just wanted to thank you, I’ll always remember you as the fun part of being here, and wish the very best for you! sending you loads of love!
hello anon.
thank you, this is actually a comforting and really nice message!
this is about to be a kinda self-indulgent reply. i just need to vent, so, can we spare the hate train in my inbox for a sec. just skip if it's gonna annoy you.
yeah like - it's weird and, sad tbh.
i don't hate him either. i feel like i'm gonna get hate for that, but, it's true.
i'm disappointed, angry & upset with him. i can't even look at him the same way now but, he's someone i have loved, and respected, and revered for so so long, that i can't just go from that to hate immediately.
you're not alone in feeling silly at all. i feel like such an idiot.
and yes, it is dramatic. this is a k-pop man. there's the bigger picture to look at.
and people will probably read this, and roll their eyes, or think how sad it is that an almost 31 year old woman feels this intensely about a stranger.
but, that's just how i feel. and like i've said previously, i know it's my fault for holding someone i don't know in such high regard.
i need to hold him to the same standard that i hold everyone else. i've condemmed others for less. i cannot justify his actions.
and this is after his comments a few months ago. after i forgave him.
but like i said in another reply, this isn't about how i feel personally.
because there are many many people suffering, and there war cimes, crimes against humanity, a genocide - happening as we speak - and we need to do what we can and speak about it, and be proactive, and condemn those that directly and indirectly aid the oppressors of the palestinan people.
and key, with his active campaign with macdonalds, is one of those people.
sending love to you too, anon. take care of yourself 💕
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onlyplatonicirl · 9 months
Hello HeadcANON here, late, but here nontheless to congratulate you ON TCOTI's fifth anniversary. To say this fic changed me would be an understatement.
It became something so much more than just a piece of fanfic.
It became a source of inspiration, of comfort, of joy. It became a reason for me to keep going, through anything really. Anything difficult I was dealing with, I knew I could do it because despite everything you've been through, whether minor or major, you persevered.
That and, if I hung up this hypothetical phone too early, I'd never get to hear the end of it, and I really, really wanna.
This fic meant and still means so much to me. You published it when we we're 13, now we're 18, and all throughout that time, my interest (if not obsession) with your fic and characters never dwindled. It only grew. It made me want to pick up writing again, and I did, and I still do. And, I hope you continue to do so, as well.
Genuinely, I'm glad to know how much this fic has changed your life, but I need you to know that on the flipside, it's changed mine and so many other people's lives as well. Whether by inspiring them to write their own stories or to begin drawing, or just giving them that same feeling of comfort and joy.
Thanks for everything, Lorel - HeadcANON
Under normal circumstances when I recieve a complimentary message I keysmash and spam a million heart emojis because I'm not the best at taking compliments, but I would be an absolute fool to not respond to this ask with the same sincere and heartfelt energy that you put into it.
I legitmately began to cry as I was reading this ask. It absolutely baffles me that I have literally impacted people's lives over something so silly and self indulgent.
I want you to know that I see and fully internalize every single person who has ever sent me a message like yours. To know that I am inspiring people to draw, to write, to create, to overcome challenges not based on my writing but from what I've been through myself, it's all I can really hope for in life. By all accounts, if my fic really did do everything you said it did for you, than I have quite literally succeeded in life. Even if it's only a handful of people, knowing I have helped them through dark times in their life, even inadvertently, means more to me than I could ever express in words. I am so incredibly happy.
Genuinely from the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful that I could help you all like this. And I know you know you've all helped me too. I hope even when my silly fanfic has finished writing, that we can all continue to support each other and go out into the world and raise more people up. I sound so insanely sappy and dumb right now, but about a couple of weeks ago one of my friends I met thru TCOTI flew out to come see me, and us plus a mutual friend hung out together in my appartment and talked and laughed and all watched movies together and I realized my life, and their lives as well, have been changed by this. Which is simply insane to me.
I hope that as I continue writing this story you all enjoy what I have to offer. I plan on updating by at least the 9th of January, but we'll see haha.
Have an amazing day headcANON and I hope you know how much love you have filled my heart with today. I don't think I will ever forget this message <3
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sydsaint · 10 months
Was this entirely self-indulgent? Yes. Do I care? No. That's my silly little guy. Enjoy 💚
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Summary: The reader gets a chance at seeing Cameron again after almost a year. And she isn't about to let this opportunity slip through her fingers like it did before.
You arrive at the arena an hour before NXT is set to start taping as usual. A few fans are hanging outside the arena hoping for photos and autographs as usual, so you indulge them and give a few out.
After taking a few pictures and signing a few signs and shirts, you head inside the building with your women's title belt proudly slung over your shoulder.
"Afternoon, Y/N. You look lovely today, my dear." Ilja greets you backstage once you've made it past security.
"Thank you, Ilja." You flash a friendly smile at him. "You're looking sharp as always, champ." You pay the compliment back. "Did you notice all of the fans lined up outside today?" You ask him. "It seems like there are more than usual this week."
Ilja nods in agreement. "I suppose that they are hoping to catch Mr. Gargano upon his arrival. Or one of the others." He shrugs.
"Mr. Gargano?" You repeat the champ. "What is Johnny Gargano doing back here on NXT?" You ask.
"Did you not hear? Y/N?" Ilja replies. "The main event tonight? It's a fatal 4-way with some of NXT's best former North American champions." He explains.
"Oh." You nod. "No, I wasn't aware." You shake your head. "Who are the other three competitors? Do you know?" You ask him.
Ilja nods and takes notice of the slight pitch in your voice at the question. "Yes. Mr. Gargano is supposed to be joined by the likes of, Bronson Reed, Cameron Grimes, and our own Wes Lee." He informs you, watching as you twitch ever so slightly at the mention of Cameron Grimes.
"Well then." Your face remains nonchalant. "That ought to be quite the match. I'll have to tune in and watch it. And how are things with you, Ilja? Baron Corbin isn't causing you too much grief I hope?" You change the subject for the moment.
"He's a thorn in my side, yes." Ilja chuckles. "But it's no worry. Baron Corbin will get what's coming to him soon enough. How are you, my dear?" He asks you right back. "I heard a rumor that Lyra Valkyria has been eyeing your title for some time now."
You laugh and nod, patting your hard-earned gold with pride. "She can eye it all she wants, Ilja. But this title isn't going anywhere anytime soon." You assure him with a smile.
"Of course not." Ilja smiles at you. "Well then, I do believe that I am about to be late for a photoshoot. Have a wonderful night, Y/N."
"You too, Ilja." You nod and watch the champ walk off.
With Ilja gone you allow yourself to finally don the eager smile that you've been trying to hide. Wasting no time, you head for the locker room area in search of your lost best friend/love, Cameron Grimes.
"Now if I were him, where would I be?" You ask yourself aloud as you weave through the backstage area.
Too focused on trying to remember what locker room Grimes used to prefer way back when you don't notice someone coming around the corner. The mystery person rounds the corner at the same time you do and the two of you collide.
"Oh! I'm sorry." You mutter a quick apology and look down at your blouse to fix it back into place.
"Awe, that's alright, darlin'." A male voice with a slight accent replies. "Wait a minute. Y/N?"
You look up from fixing your blouse and find your target man grinning ear to ear at you. "Cameron!" You are quick to match his smile.
Grimes opens his arms for a hug and you waste no time in attaching yourself to him in a much-needed hug.
"Wow, funny running into you like this, huh, Y/N?" Cameron laughs once he's let you go. "I was just on my way to come find you." He explains.
"Haha." You laugh with him. "Funny, I was just doing the same thing after Ilja told me you'd be here."
You and Cameron both laugh for a moment with one another, and it's almost like it hasn't been nearly a year since you've seen him.
"Well, look at you, Y/N." Cameron eyes the title secured around your waist. "You must be what? A three-time champion now?" He asks you.
"Mhm." You nod with a proud smile. "What about you? Mister bigshot Smackdown guy?" You tease him.
Cameron hangs his head in embarrassment. "Awe, come on, Y/N." He chuckles. "Man, it is so good to see you again." He sighs contently. "It's been too long."
"Yes, it has." You nod in agreement. "I miss seeing that larger-than-life smile around all the time." You tease him.
"Oh, it's only this big when you're around darlin'." Cameron insists.
You giggle again and head backstage with Cameron while the two of you catch up some more.
Eventually, NXT starts its taping so you part ways with Grimes for the time being. But you both promise to link up again after the taping.
You remain backstage to do a quick interview for the show and run into Ilja again who's got Johnny Gargano with him.
"Hey, Y/N! It's good to see you." Gargano greets you. "Ilja was just catching me up on some stuff. Congratulations on your third championship reign by the way." He adds.
"Thanks, Johnny." You grin and give him a small hug. "I ran into Cameron earlier, good luck on your match with him tonight."
"Yeah?" Johnny replies. "I'm sure that Grimes was ecstatic to see you." He chuckles. "You were basically all he could talk about on the way over here." He explains.
Your eyebrows raise in surprise at Johnny's little joking tidbit. "I was?" You ask him.
"Oh yeah." Gargano nods. "You know I'm surprised that the two of you never went out back when we were all here on NXT." He adds. "I mean, the two of you were so close. Always hanging around with each other and stuff."
"Yeah..." You trail off a bit.
Johnny heads off for his match leaving you with Ilja again. Ilja walks over to your side and decides to watch the match with you.
The whole match your eyes are fixed on Cameron. You'd forgotten just how much you enjoyed watching him in the ring. Hell, you'd forgotten how much you love being near him in general.
"Y/N, dearest." Ilja sets a hand on your arm to get your attention near the end of the match.
"Hmm? Yeah, Ilja?" You turn to him.
Ilja turns back to the TV monitor and nods to it when Cameron comes on screen for a moment. "You've got that glint in your eyes, Y/N." He informs you.
"Glint?" You reply. "What glint?" You ask him.
"Love, my dear. It's love." Ilja smiles at you. "You should say something before he's gone from your life again, Y/N." He informs you. "Pining isn't good for the heart, my dear. Or the soul."
You nod and look at the monitor just as the match ends. "I don't know, Ilja. How could it even work with us?" You shake your head.
"Does he make you feel happy?" Ilja replies. "Because I don't think I've seen you smile this much since I've met you." He reminds you.
"He does." You nod. "He always has."
Ilja nods and turns you toward where the curtain out to the ramp is. "Then go to him. Because if it's meant to be? Well, then everything will sort itself out." He assures you.
"You are the best friend a girl could ask for, Ilja." You crack a smile as Cameron comes through the curtain with Bronson and Johnny.
"I know." Ilja nods and gives you a small push toward the curtain.
Ilja watches you briskly walk across the room. Your brisk walk then turns into a full sprint towards Grimes once he's through the curtain.
"Cameron!" Your voice rings through the room.
"Y/N!" Cameron's stoic expression breaks into a smile when he sees you coming his way. "Oh! What are we hugging for?" He asks when you attack his sweaty body in a near-tackle. "Not that I don't love a good hug." He adds with a chuckle.
"I love you!" You blurt out for anyone and everyone in the room to hear before crashing your lips to Cameron's before he's got a chance to reply.
Johnny walks over to Ilja with a laugh. "Damn, Ilja. That must have been some pep talk you gave her." He jokes.
"It was, yes." Ilja agrees with a small laugh.
The pair watch you pull away from Cameron after the kiss, ready to accept whatever he's got to say. But instead of words, you're met by another kiss.
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erineas · 1 year
➤ Well, I certainly don't hope that you will read my message, but.. Heh, it's nice to see you in any of the cases. I really admire you and your amazing work. And, as my old friend Spamton G Spamton would say:
Erinras, you're a [[Little Sponge]] or maybe it's better to say a [[BIG SPONGE]] If you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, today is your lucky day! Because I'M here to offer you my Proposal DEAL. AND especially for YOU, I have one sweet... [[Hyperlink friendship!]] HAEAHAEAH! Yes! You want it... You want: [[Hyperlink Friendship!]] don't you? Of course, you ARE. After all, we are [[BIG SHOT'S]] And we don't need anyone else. So, my [[Best FRIENDS! Forever]] Where we should start? A friendship bracelet? Gift Credits? The soul sales? Gosh, I'm ready to do anything for my new pal, just call me at any time.
• Heh yea... I guess that's what he would have said when he first met the celebrities. But I'm not Spamton, so don't worry, my proposal will be a little more modest, at least I'll already be happy if you just read this strange "ask question", Although I admit that I would like to ask you another couple of questions. =p
Guess who did read your ask 👀 (even though a bit late but still!)
I'm gonna be honest, I don't entirely know if I got this right since my english failed me at some point buuuuut I think I got most of it?
Like hey, I'm glad you like my silly self indulgent doodles and simping antics! But you know I'm not really a celebrity of any sort, so feel free to send me as many questions as you want! I don't have a clue what you have in mind but I'll try answering all of them, usually because I just like people popping asks but now I'm also curious 👁️👁️
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on-coming-dusk · 2 years
some silly little steddie
i'm just keep finding scenes in one of my notebooks today. next up is one from beginning of November 2022. Shall we have a look see????
Steve hadn't meant to intrude, really. It was such a private moment and he was going to hate himself later for just barging into that hospital room. Eddie clung to his uncle, sobbing with his face buried in the man's chest. Steve back pedaled immediately, but not before he saw the way silent tears ran down Mr. Munson's face as he held his nephew like he would never let him go again. It makes Steve's chest ache as he drives back to his big empty house.
It hurts worse that night, worse than it has in a long time. The mean part of Steve's brain - the part he desperately tries to ignore - tells him how sad it is that even the town freak has more people looking after him than he does. He knows that isn't fair, especially because he really likes Eddie, and realized throughout this round of Upside Down shit that he hadn't been fair to Eddie in the past. Maybe it was karma from being a shitty person that left him sitting alone in this house, that was at least an easier pill to swallow than the alternative. He forces his mind away from it all, turns on whatever record Robin left on his turntable just to shut his brain up.
Steve gets through it, breathes through the tears as he has so many times before. He goes to the hospital for regular visits, spending what precious time with Max and Eddie he can until they are released. He's a little sad that Dustin is spending almost every free moment he has in Eddie's hospital room but hey, he gets it. At least if Dustin can see Eddie he knows he's safe. Steve remembers vividly that state the kid had been in when they were headed back to the trailer, clutching a bloodied Eddie, sobbing and screaming for help, screaming Steve's name. He never wants to see Dustin like that again.
It goes on like that for a while. Steve and Robin volunteer regularly until Family Video is able to reopen while the party goes to school. Eddie and Max recover while Mr. Munson signs every form imaginable the government places in front of him because Eddie broke down and told him everything. It takes Max longer to heal than the kids thought it might, her spunk and ferocity making it hard to believe that she needs all these weeks in the hospital. But Eddie is released before long, back to driving his teachers insane and determined to graduate.
Steve doesn't expect it, the heavy knock on the front door of his house. Robin knows to just let herself in. He blinks as he opens it, staring up at Eddie, curls groomed and looking more put together than Steve can ever recall seeing him before. "Hey Harrington. Henderson mentioned you have a real sweet piano in this big ass house. Think I could use it? I need to sound something out for Gareth and really don't want to spend all my free time at that God forsaken school."
That implies you're happy to spend time with me though his brain practically shouts and now Steve is fighting tears as he lets Eddie inside because he has someone who wants to visit besides Robs. Not that he's ever ungrateful for his time with Robin, this is just different and new and for some reason seeing Eddie Munson kicking off his new Reeboks in the foyer is exciting. "I didn't realize you play piano, Munson. Are you a man of many hats?"
"Nope. But we're planning something for Uncle Wayne and I need a piano for it. Now is as good a time as any to learn, y'know?"
This is purely self indulgent and I love it. I was a band geek in school and...yeah. Stay tuned!!! I'm gonna post this to ao3!!
Ps, I know my tenses are all out of wack I speed ran writing this at work today 🫠 I promise it will be better in the final draft!
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hi! Had an idea for the actor AU!
Thena got curious what kind of a training he does when he goes to the gym so she decided to ask him if she can come with him.
Maybe you can do some fluff and cute stuff? Like Gil showing her a few things and comes very close? And of course a bit of a little thirst for Thena, I mean those muscles duh!👀
It just came to my mind maybe you can write something nice wit this prompt? :)
"Uh," Thena looked around, her ponytail swinging, looped through the back of the hat on her head. "Wow."
She knew that Gil went to one of the pretty hardcore gyms for people in show business. Of course there were still different levels of practice, and everyone was welcome. But she recognised several action stars just from their backs as they carried on with their own workouts.
"It's okay," he chuckled, nodding his head for her to follow him in.
She was the one who had asked to tag along to his gym for his usual workout. She was considering changing gyms and personal trainers herself, since she - since working more and more with Gil - was apparently just...becoming someone expected to do stuntwork. And she enjoyed it, really. But if it didn't include Gil, she wouldn't be signing on for it for fun.
"Today's an off day, so my usual trainer isn't actually here," Gil said gently as he led them to an end of the weight racks reasonably far away from everyone. "I was just going to come and do some light lifting and maybe a little boxing work done."
Thena nodded, feeling sheepish surrounded by people all with a certain level of ferocity to them. They were all either training for something particular or just had a certain physique in need of maintenance.
"What do you usually do for your workouts?" Gil asked as he grabbed some weights for her first.
"Nothing like this," she murmured, still self-conscious as she pulled off her hat and accepted the weights from him. "It's more some light weights, leg stuff. Probably more cardio, than anything."
Gil just nodded, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable about anything. Not that it would be possible for him. "That's a good routine to have."
Thena eyed him as he picked up his own weights--massive things that looked like she would have to two-hand them. His arms rippled as he picked them up. She dashed her eyes away, feeling silly for it. "I-I'm sure my usual stuff would be like a warm up for you."
"That's not true," he refuted, even as he started bicep curling with the massive weights in his hands. "We all have our own stuff. I'm terrible at cardio. You should see me when I get in the ring--I'm huffing and puffing, covered in sweat, it's not pretty."
Thena kept quiet about whether she thought that would be true or not. Maybe pretty wasn't the word, but she certainly thought it would be sexy...
Gil blew out a breath taking a break between his sets. He looked at her, easily lifting the weights he had given her. "Maybe you need heavier ones."
"Oh, no thank you," Thena laughed immediately, but Gil set his weights down with a shake of his head.
"No, really," he retrieved the next weight up. "You barely look like you're lifting anything. I know you don't want anything too hard, but there's such a thing as too easy, too."
Thena pouted at him as he exchanged her nice and light weights with slightly heavier ones. "But I like easy."
He chuckled, easily depositing her other ones on the rack before picking up his own again. Again, his muscles undulated under his skin from the movement. And again, Thena caught herself staring before forcing herself to look away. "Indulge me."
Oh, she was indulging, all right. Thena's eyes kept drifting over to Gil as he lifted beside her, focusing on himself and his movements, not imposing any need for conversation between them. He knew what he was doing. His arms looked massive as they moved, and as he switched movements with them, she could catch the ripple of his muscles in his chest under his shirt, in his shoulders, his back-
"Hm?" she blinked, feeling herself blush. She had been caught staring, again (the evidence of her ogling him on the red carpet was bad enough).
"What training did you do when you were in that ballet movie?"
"Oh," she blinked. It had been a long time ago, fairly early on in her career. It was her first big dramatic role, and she had taken it quite seriously. She didn't think Gil had seen it. "I remember that. The training was fairly gruelling, as I recall. I went to an actual ballet academy for their expertise. They let me train with them to the extent I was able in the few months I had before we began filming."
"Hey, ballet is no joke," Gil grinned at her, some sweat starting to collect on his brow. He wore it well. "Dancing requires a lot of muscle, and even more control over them. I know better than to try and keep up with them."
"I know the feeling," Thena smiled, taking a break in her own lifting. "Trying to keep up with even the rudimentary practise they constructed for me was exhausting. I kept that in mind at all times when we were filming and I was allowed to take breaks as often as I pleased."
"It was a great movie, though," he smiled at her, and again, she felt herself blush.
"When did you have time to unearth that old thing?" she asked with a laugh in hopes of downplaying her fluster.
"Actually, it's one of the first movies of yours I saw," Gil confessed more quietly. He also set down his weights for it, swiping at his brow with a towel sitting out of his bag. "I can't remember how I came across it, but I saw it before I really knew who you were and stuff. I've always really liked it."
Thena smiled down at the ground as she set her weights aside as well. "I have fond memories of it. I still consider it my big break, of sorts."
"You got an award for it right?"
"A few," she admitted, although with a faint glow of pride to her as she said it. "Guild, the choice award, and even a globe."
"That's pretty damn impressive for your first big break," Gil chuckled, guiding them away from the handheld weights and towards the equipment. "I remember rooting for you for the globe. You wore that fancy black dress-"
"Stop it," she gave his chest a pat with the back of her hand.
"Fine," he accepted the friendly nudge with a laugh, patting the small of her back in a similar gesture. "What first?--rower or deadlifts?"
"Stairmaster," Thena responded cut and dry, already moving to the equipment that didn't require anything of her arms (already tired).
"What happened to wanting to see my routine in action?" Gil chuckled as he took up one of the machines directly across from her, able to talk to her without really having to shout.
"I can see you just fine," Thena huffed, starting her usual - agonising - climbing routine and shaking her head, letting her ponytail bounce behind her.
"I guess so," Gil raised a brow at her. She returned the expression playfully.
Thena nearly tripped on a step as Gil pulled up the bottom of his loose workout clothes to swipe at the sweat on his face. She stared down at her feet, attempting to banish the thought of his rock solid barrel chest and the hair around his bellybutton from her mind.
Gil happily turned his focus to his own workout, staring ahead of him and definitely not at the sway of her hips, or her legs in her skintight yogapants, or even the way her seductive little shoulders swayed with every step.
Just two people enjoying a casual, platonic workout together.
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༉‧₊˚ A Rainy Day with Raindrop Cake
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Synopsis: You and Raindrop Cake planned to spend the day together, but on the day of, it started raining and forced the two of you to spend time indoors… Not that either of you mind, though. Notes: 1.5k+ words; can be seen as platonic or romantic; gender-neutral Master Attendant; self-indulgent
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It was a rainy afternoon as you rushed back into the restaurant that doubled as your home. Not only your home, but it housed many other Food Souls as well, all busying themselves with duties around the restaurant. At least, that’s how it was normally. Today the restaurant was closed and all because you decided to take an off day. Of course, there were others still keeping the place nice and tidy, but the rest seemed to be off running other errands. 
Though it just seemed like another rainy day, today was a special one. After drying your hair and getting a change of clothes, you knocked on the door to Raindrop Cake’s room.
“Raindrop!” you call. “I’m home! May I come in?” Hearing the faint sounds of movement inside, you take a step back as Raindrop Cake opens the door for you. “Oh, you’re… you’re back.” You nod with a smile, “Of course.” You’d promised to spend a whole day with him today; despite his reluctance, he just couldn’t deny you. 
After a moment's hesitation, he lets you in and you close the door as you enter. 
“So,” you start, sitting on his bed. “What shall we do today?” Your hair was still a little wet from the rain, and Raindrop Cake took notice of it. “I thought maybe we could go see the sakura trees today, but it started raining and it didn’t show any signs of stopping. They’re really pretty though and I haven’t had the chance to stop and take a walk, so if you’re up for it I was thinking that maybe we could go another day. Oh! I also got a new recipe from one of our regulars at the restaurant, it’s a new savoury dish we could try out. I might need to ask someone to pick up some new ingredients for me though…” 
You continued to ramble about potential indoor activities the two of you could do before Raindrop Cake intervenes, a question on his lips. “When you say you just got back, Master Attendant, did you… did you come straight to me?” His question made you tilt your head a bit. “Sort of,” you answer. “I dried off a little before changing clothes. I didn’t want to barge in your room soaking wet.” You laugh a little, Raindrop Cake’s expression quieting you almost right away. “Raindrop? What’s with the long face? Oh- geez, I didn’t come at a bad time, did I?” Your worrying was enough to make Raindrop Cake quick to get on the defensive. “N-no no, nothing like that, Master. I just…” He trails off, looking down. “I just… I don't understand.”
“Don’t understand what?” You push, patiently waiting for him to continue.
“Why have you decided to waste your time on me?”
You frown, “I wanted to hang out with you, silly!” He keeps quiet, giving you the impression to say more. “You’re in your room alone often, and I’ve been wanting to get you out, or at least interact with me or the other Food Souls.”
From the moment you summoned Raindrop Cake, you’ve known him to not be the most confident. He’s always been on the more ‘sensitive’ side, but not in a bad way. No, it was never in a bad way. 
Raindrop Cake still kept his gaze downward, his hands on his lap. “Master Attendant, surely you don’t mean that.” When he sees you look at him, clearly determined to say otherwise, he continues. “There’s other people, other Food Souls to stick around with. Am I even worth being called a Food Soul? There’s better options, why do this?” His tangent made you feel horrible. 
“I’m useless,” he finally says. “It’s best if you stay away from me.”
He was just as determined to make you believe him, to think that maybe he was right and that you shouldn’t waste your time hanging out with someone like him. But as much as he pushed, you couldn’t understand how he could say such things about himself.
There was much you didn’t understand about Raindrop Cake, much you probably wouldn’t understand, but there was one thing you could be sure of: whatever happened to Raindrop Cake prior to your summon for him, you would make sure that he wouldn’t stay feeling this way about himself for as long as you are his Master Attendant.
“Raindrop Cake,” you announce, standing up from his bed suddenly as the sternness in your voice shocks him a little. “You are as good of a Food Soul as anyone else. 
I may not know what happened to you in the past, but it must’ve been so tough for you. You were, and still are, so strong. You’re still here because you got through it. I can tell you’ve been through so much, but that just makes me believe in how strong of a Food Soul you are. And… and I really care about you, you know? I… care about you as much as I care about anyone. Maybe even more.”
You paused, almost as stunned as Raindrop Cake after giving such a passionate speech. But you wouldn’t let yourself hesitate a second more.
“You might not believe it now, but don’t you think, not even for a second, that you’re not worth a thing. Even if I have to remind you that you’re not worthless every single day, so be it.” You give him a smile that makes Raindrop Cake feel as warm as the sun itself. “You’re amazing just the way you are.”
If you two were debating on Raindrop Cake’s worth, both of you were sure that you’d won. For a while, all you could hear was the sound of rain hitting the glass windows; the speech you gave on the spot was enough to render him speechless.
“Master Attendant…” 
Your cheerful smile, the way you cared more for him and others more than you did yourself. It was a demeanour all too familiar to Raindrop Cake. He’s quiet for a moment, taking a pause long enough to make you worry. 
“Raindrop?” You hold his hand with a visibly worried expression, “Is there something wrong?”
Raindrop Cake looks at you, a bit surprised to be snapped out of his momentary daze. To your surprise, he breaks into a small smile, “Really, you don’t have to worry about me.”
In his mind, he thinks: you really are just like him. Like his old master attendant. The memory of his old master would often bring him feelings of pain and regret, but after being with you, after being by your side, he’s found it in himself to move forward. 
Sunshine streams through the windows of Raindrop Cake’s room, and the sounds of water droplets seem to cease. You let go of Raindrop Cake’s hand and move to go open the windows. Raindrop Cake moves his wheelchair to peek out the window with you. “The rain stopped,” you comment, pointing out the obvious. He nods. You two keep idle at the window for a minute, breathing in the fresh smell of rain.
“Master Attendant?” Raindrop Cake says out of the blue.
“Mm? What is it, Raindrop?” You ask. Raindrop Cake seemed to struggle to get the words out, his face one of mild discomfort. “Now that the rain has stopped… maybe we could see the sakura trees in bloom?” You turn to look at him, busy in your own thoughts for a moment before making up your mind. Shaking your head, you answer, “We don’t have to go out, Raindrop. It’s okay.” You could tell he was trying to force himself but you didn’t let him. “But Master-” Cut off by you putting a finger to his lips, Raindrop Cake found himself being helped out of his wheelchair. 
“Ah-! M-Master Attendant?!”
Seating Raindrop Cake onto the bed beside you, you ask if he’s comfortable before leaning back to spoon him. At first, Raindrop Cake tensed in front of you, not quite understanding the situation. But, as you run your hand through his hair as you hold him, a soft sigh escapes his lips. Before he knew it, Raindrop Cake relaxed into your arms, closing his eyes as he felt your hand comb through his dark pink hair.
You treated him so gently and with such warmth… How long has it been since I felt like this? He thinks.
The two of you stayed like this for a while, petrichor and Raindrop Cake’s sweet and familiar scent filling your senses. 
As the evening sky slowly darkened the formerly lit room, you could hear the gentle breathing of a sleeping Food Soul in your arms. You turned a little and adjusted your position to see his sleeping face, and you couldn’t help but notice how peaceful he looked; a stark contrast from his usual melancholic expression. Seeing this change, you let yourself ease into the bed, smiling and lying comfortably with Raindrop Cake still in your arms.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As sunlight streamed into the room once more, Raindrop Cake awoke to a sleeping Master Attendant cuddled up at his side. Startled, he shot up, only to remember about the time he had with you last night. He relaxed, looking back down at your sleeping form. As he did, the Food Soul attempted to recall the events that happened yesterday, and he was kept thinking.
If spending every rainy day with Raindrop Cake is what it’ll take for him to believe you, you were ready to take that chance. He knew that, and in knowing so, he smiled.
“Really, you’re too good to me, Master Attendant.”
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Find the Word Game
I know I did one of these recently, but I got a tag from @k--havok and I love doing them, so... Here's more from me, haha. Since last time I did ones I talk about pretty frequently, here's some back-burner WIPs and other curiosities from the depths of my writing folder!
My words are: Sky, Eyes, Cushion, Ruin, and Glass
I'd like to tag @asablehart, @flowerprose, @magic-is-something-we-create, @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @dogmomwrites, @nectargrapes
If you accept, your words will be: Run, White, Tall, Rain, Power
Here's one I don't talk about much: a totally self-indulgent WIP that I dabble in when I need cheering up. Contemporary fantasy with more worldbuilding than it really needs. Working title: The Angel Wars
Whatever was in the crater made another sound, something that sounded like what a wounded animal might make, a sort of low gasping pant. It moved again, one of the… the wings shifting with a rustling sound. The hump of its shape lifted slightly, then collapsed with a sharp whimpering sound. "Oh my god," I whispered, staring at the shape of the thing, lit awkwardly by my flashlight. It stopped moving. There was the sound of a wheezing, rough breath, and then a hoarse voice said something in another language, something that sounded like, "Voytheya." I didn't have to speak whatever language the thing in the crater was speaking to understand the pain in their voice. That was a plea for help. The thing in the crater… the person in the crater… had fallen from the sky, crashed through a roof and two floors, and somehow survived making a crater in a solid cement floor. The person with big, feathery-looking wings was asking me to help them. There was a fallen angel in a big crater in my basement. Holy fuck. There was a fallen angel--
Here's another one that's mostly on ice. This is a story I've wanted to tell for a long time, but I'm not sure when I'll get around to it. It's based on the story of Ker Ys, tangled together with the East of the Sun, West of the Moon fairytale. Working title: The Black Horse
"Is it selfish to say I hope it doesn't work?" she said, sounding wistful. Isabel smiled at her, dropping her chin down to rest on one hand, her sharp elbow on the table. "Very," she said, but her voice was gentle and her face soft. They'd known for years now that today would be goodbye, but they'd never seemed to find a reason to end things. Isabel didn't have the heart to fall in love again, and Kya… Kya had never wanted anything different than what they had together. That Kya had been willing to help her meant all the more, when all she'd had to do was convince Isabel not to go through with it, and she could have had her heart's desire. Right now Kya was looking at her with forlorn doe's eyes, her round face soft and sad. Isabel tried to memorize the way she looked, from the tight curls of her short hair to the sloping line from her chin to her collarbone, the way the light shone off her warm umber skin and the wide flat planes of her nose over her full and curving lips. Right now her dimpled hands were wrapped around the silly cauldron-shaped coffee mug that Isabel had gotten her for Samhain, and for a moment she tried to imagine that today wasn't the last day of her life.
Way down in the queue and in dire need of some re-writes is what my sister lovingly refers to as "the spidermance." Fun fact: reading Grace Draven's "Radiance" is what got me back into writing, and this partly-done manuscript was the result. It's an arranged-marriage high fantasy romance with a human woman marrying a drider-like prince to end a war.
She sat down on the low chair that was the compromise to keep either of them from towering over each other, tucking her legs beneath her, and he settled himself onto the cushion to her side. They'd been seated roughly a quarter of the distance of the curved table apart from each other, a balance between being side-by-side and facing each other that allowed them to either look towards or away from each other without difficulty. As servers began filtering into the garden and courtiers found seats at the wrought-iron tables scattered across the lawn, Ciara turned to examine Hislen, to find that he was already doing the same to her. His mandibles were parted, allowing her to see most of his mouth, and he looked a little dazed, if the expressions translated between their kinds. She wondered what he thought of her. He was dressed in a splendor of platinum, pearls, and gossamer silk, the dark blue a good color for his ash-brown skin. His ear-jewelry moved as he adjusted his ears with small motions, perhaps listening in to different conversations in the garden. Plenty of those she'd met in the past two months had filled her own ears with stories of the preternatural senses of the akrrtel, and Ciara was sure they held at least some truth in them.
On occasion, I dabble with other genres - who knows if I'll ever publish them, but I've got at least 100k words written in various sci-fi or reverse harem WIPs. Maybe 200k; I've never added it up. This is from a potential quartet. Working title: Summer Heat (Book 1 of The Totality War)
"Nicely done," he said, sounding pleased. "He likes you." "I'm very likable," I said cheerfully, earning a chuckle from Scyran. "Are the two of you friends? You mentioned not many eridani like to far-range." I looked up at the intimidating form of the horned boar and wanted to creep away. Like being an avalanche, I reminded myself. Besides, the range-leader could still see me, and I didn't want to ruin my reputation as a war goddess. I grabbed the harness and vaulted up onto her back, and Scyran followed. He whistled to the sow, and she turned and started walking back down the slope up to the viewpoint. "Kihael is much older than I am," Scyran said. "Nearly fifty. I'm young enough to be his son, and he's a mated man, besides." He sighed, relaxing down against me. "I have never been more than a day's journey from Herrenya. I am no different to him than any other star-eyed young man he tells stories to."
Peering way into the future, book 4 of Echoes of the Void is The Princess and the Chimera, and being who I am I've already written 10k of it. So here's a peek into 2024's queue.
I moseyed over towards the woman at work, leaning into my mage-senses to observe the movement of the ley magic through the station. The invisible paths of power spread out across the world like cracks in a shattered glass sphere that had been put together again, an ever-shifting map of weak points, strain, and pathways. My teachers had described the ley in so many ways: like water carving streambeds and canyons on the face of the world, like shifting auroras of light, like trails and roads through a dense forest. A deep river rarely shifts its bed, they'd said. If you want to follow something shifting, don't focus on the details. A paved road is easier to follow than a rabbit-trail. I found it much easier to think of the world in fracture patterns. Push here, and the world will break into the shape you desire. Push there, and you'll put it back together again. A crack that's been opened again, and again, and again, is child's play to open for a fourth time; if you want to break something in a new way, you must first determine if that crack will snake too easily to a neighboring break, falling into a familiar path. Old wounds are so much easier to open. Chisels are so much more predictable than sledgehammers.
That's all I've got! See y'all next time~
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sacharowan · 4 months
okay okay so confession time I was actually rereading teddy picker when you posted that so have to say one of my favourite things about your writing beyond it generally being brilliant is the way seb and/or lewis haunt the narrative even when they don't appear - I feel like you really grasp the way in which charles is *obsessed* with them (and now we get to add jenson!!!! to the list)
as for the fic itself- OBSESSED I feel like you got them SO right and charles being confused and also horny was brilliant - the sebchal haunting the narrative was intriguing and heartwrenching (sebchal is as sebchal does) jenson being possessive (and also delusional in his Horniness bc jenson babes why were you jealous of FRED.
glad to see charles wdc kink out in full force too
also the religious metaphors of ferrari were gorgeous (and jensons inner monologue was lowkey giving Italian man glad to see he is a tifoso through and through) (or a lecfoso more like)
tldr I am obsessed with the way you wrote them !!! and now im going to sleep before I actually pass out like a sim
oh thank you so much !!! teddy picker was definitely another fic that was insanely impulsive so I'm glad you like these types of ones.
honestly I don't think there will ever be a time when charles isn't affected by the monument of seb or lewis. or most other wdcs tbh. like we have all these wdcs obsessed with charles but it is mutual. mutual insanity.
sebchal will always haunt the narrative. I am still not going to recover from them so charles won't either. sebchal <33
jenson's possessiveness was interesting to add because it's not really what I expected to write? but I think it does make sense for him to be a possessive guy. but being jealous of FRED? yeah no that's a little bit silly.
charles wdc kink to me is basically just his competency kink. and how else can you prove your competence to the man who lives and breathes racing than by winning the highest achievement available.
ferrari will always be a religious metaphor. I was describing it to my non f1 fan mother today and the best way I could describe it was as a religion (or a cult) because its so all-encompassing? or absolute.
everybody is a ferrari fan! but after today, I think we can see that jenson button is a lecfoso all the way :))
I'm glad you enjoyed!! this was genuinely so self indulgent and mildly insane to write.
have a good sleep (I also need to sleep damn, it is 3.15am)
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ari should i watch the apothecary diaries? i've been kinda interested in it for a while + you keep hyping it up... today i woke up with the opening playing in my head
i agree with what you said about jinshi, his behavior reminds me a little of cult leader geto's antics... he's so pathetic... (my all time most favorite genre of men after motherly). he's also so so beautiful and the lining of his outer thing (sorry i don't know what it's called... fake chinese moment) is really similar to the sash on geto's gojo kesa... which i think is sooooo beautiful as well
n my friend said i'm realllllyy similar to maomao so this will probably be a self-indulgent watch for me... read her backstory and it's making me so sad but she comes across as so strong... i'm already so attached to her it's not even funny. also i didn't know your whole family was into anime!! that's so wholesome and cute..
about the kenny plushes, they don't sell very well (especially in the jp fandom!) so you can get them for sooo cheap. you can use a proxy if you really want to! i use sendico and the shipping isn't bad! i know they ship to a lot of smaller european countries too ^ ^
i can NOT believe they got lost at sea. omfg i am fuming for you that is so very sad. we should track down the ship. that lost it. it's negligence.
are you talking about these? https://jp.mercari.com/item/m92282289388 i actually have the cat plush one that's fairly similar! https://jp.mercari.com/item/m20944297256 N ABOUT THE MERCH I JUST.......... ORDERED A LOOK UP.... finally found geto's for a reasonable price :( now i just have to wait for golden week to end for it to shipp,.w;...... AND THIS ONE https://jp.mercari.com/item/m89522427367 where he looks so hot that i'm literally about to die
thank you so much for listening to my rambles!! :D <3 🌖🌖
YOU SHOULDDDD YOU SHOULD!!!!!!! it’s super duper duper good!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the plot is amazing and the animation is gorgeous and the characters are so so charming…. JINSHI IS LITERALLY CULT LEADER GETO just. less evil. and more flirty. he’s kinda like…. if you mixed cult leader geto and teen toru in one big bowl. BUT HE’S GENUINELY VERY SIMILAR TO HOW I PICTURE CULT!GETO BEING W A CRUSH…. like….. in an au where there aren’t any complications and you’re on his side. i think he’s soooo silly and bratty and pouty. but he wants you to lean on him so badly.
he makes me insane btw motherly/pathetic men are the actual standard ANYWAYYY MAOMAO. i adore her!!!!! just as much as jinshi!!!!!! 🥺 AND WE’RE TWINNING SO HARD 🌖 ANONNNNN i see myself as super similar to her too 😭😭 just. the way she acts…. but she rlly is so lovely and funny and soso strong!!!! she’s a wonderful character……
AND YES KINDA PHDKDJ … honestly it’s mostly just. me and my two older brothers. but my mom likes manga!!! i think she’s still caught up on detective conan to this day…. the amount of chapters are frankly really silly i can’t believe it’s still ongoing 💀 BUTTT i do force my older sis to watch anime w me sometimes :3 yesterday i made her binge dungeon meshi w me!!! i’m still not nearly finished w it (and all the episodes aren’t out yet!!) but i recommend it SO strongly it’s so feel-good but also so???? idk. it’s special. and i adore laios like nothing else…. mr puppydog…….
BUT WAHHHHHH :((((((( kenny being neglected…. sniffle……… i tried using that site but it does Not work for me lmao it won’t let me register my credit card :’3 and i’m worried since i can only write my name and adress using english letters…… the kenny stuff rlly was so cheap grrr i’m mad. but oh well!!!
AND YES EXACTLY IT’S THOSE CATS!!!! 🥺🥺 wahhhhh i need the goken set so BADLY just look at them…. the meowmeows ever…….
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all the merch you linked…. GRRRRR you are tempting me so hard rn 😭😭 THAT ONE OFFICIAL GETO ART. need him so bad. he looks soooooo fucking good it should be illegal…… i’m also sooooo jealous you found geto’s look up!!!!! i need to hunt him down!!!!!!!!!!!! but i can’t spend any more money on merch this month…. sobs…….. I’M ALWAYS VERY HAPPY TO HEAR ABT YOUR MERCH ESCAPADES THOUGHHH i hope your sugus reach you safely!!!!! pls send pics once he comes home plspls 🥺🥺🥺
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canarymemories · 10 months
21 + 25 for izumi and leo!!
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
that's such a good question and i've been thinking abt this today bc i don't think there is something that is like. my Most Favorite thing to do with them, little things maybe, but idk if it's because i haven't written them much lately (haven't written much of anything lately rip) that i'm really sat here like um,,, i think something that's fun to write with izumi is physical affection. neither of them are really good at voicing their thoughts or feelings and sometimes i think about meowzart's debut fic (trio) and there's a lot of just little physical affection moments from izumi that live in my head (be free and write ur self indulgent fics guys, it's so nice) (plus i have thoughts abt izumi and physical affection but it's 1 in the am and i need to be up early so. that's for another day ig). trying to figure out leo's is so,,, you'd think i'd have more to say abt him w having a whole lot written centering around him (looks away from symphony). i do like the concept of him learning how to write music again or maybe not so much learning, but letting himself go back to that. i just think he's a little silly goofy too and he's fun to use to create plots that are a little silly goofy like the nui izlo i've had on the back burner since august (i'll finish it eventually, i promise). as for what i don't like, that's an even better question. i'll get back to u on that lmao
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
i don't remember if i said it here (i think i have. maybe (has a horrible memory)) but fun fact, i didn't like either of them when i started enstars lmao didn't really like knights as a whole but. then they crawled into my brain and never left. so way back at the end of may last year, the usa mv came out and that, unironically, was my entry to enstars. i knew engstars was coming out soon so i decided, bc i had nothing better to do quite frankly, i would watch the anime. this decision made me very much not like izumi for a while asdkhg leo i don't remember having any real like thoughts towards him, i think i was just kind of neutral. i like to think we all know how i feel about them both now 😔😔 (i love them both dearly and would die for them both. could probably write essays about both of them)
ask game
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pretendstoread · 1 year
i smoked a cigarette and i wasnt even that drunk
there were a few things i wanted to write about today but theyre lost to me now and i wish i at least wrote down the general Idea. but i've at least noticed that ive been actively Indulging in more...taboo? things i wouldn't normally or were too scared to try. i've smoked two cigarettes this summer (woah!), had two shroom trips (WOAH!), had sex with a man for the first time (JEEZ!!), i'm smoking weed more often (hmmm....), and i'm thinking of testing the waters with (recreational?) adderall. this is not to say that i'm going downhill, or self sabotaging, or actively trying to harm myself and others. in fact, i quite like this sort of indulgence i'm in. let me do some unhealthy things right now. i don't think i Deserve it but i just....idk...i kinda need it?
i've always been in this need for control--to have it, to be in it. it's very hard to do new things that way because i don't know what i'm getting into. i'm at the whimsy of the uncomfortable zone. i focus too much on the potential negative of a situation: i'm going to have a bad trip, i'm going to make a bad drawing, i'm going to humiliate myself because i am New To This. and that's where i lack grace and freedom and embracing the Fun of being new.
it sucks that being new at something, trying new things, meeting new people, putting yourself out there in some capacity makes me feel like a burden. if i'm not the responsibility of someone else (i.e. a supervising coworker, a babysitting friend, an experienced lover) then i'm a burden to my own ego. even if i'm alone in my room trying to shake my ass i still feel incredibly embarrassed by my own reflection. seeing such failure (seeing my own body) is maybe worse than sharing it with someone else. there's a humor in that vulnerability that brings me closer to whoever i'm sharing that with: coughing while smoking a cig, readjusting on a dick, spilling a nutcracker in your hair while tripping on the beach are all moments that, while silly and messy and unprepared, bring me closer with the person on the other side of that. it shows a little bit of humanity and humility.
that is not extended to moments with myself though. i dont really know how to fully explain it. maybe it's some degree of not being comfortable with myself or perfectionist problems i have and self-perception etc etc etc. but have you ever failed yourself so hard you don't even want to try again? there is no one else to laugh along with you or reassure you or empathize. when i fail myself, I Fail Myself. yknow? ehhh not really something i want to think about further.
random things i have Happy Feelings for:
came home last night after being in a weed comatose at nat's and hammered nails into my walls so i can hang my belts. it was a random spurt of energy that got something i wanted done but for some reason never tried to do in my free time (i realize i am wayyyyy too adaptable to my own traps of inconvenience. i put the bag of toiletries in my room to Force Me to unpack them and ultimately left it in the way for a couple weeks before just stuffing the whole bag in the closet.)
really liked todays episode of the sopranos: s1e12. junior and tony both deal with mortality in different ways. not much more to say on it right now
also between this episode ^ (isabella the madonna hallucination), honestly themes of the show in general, and watching contrapoints content i've gotten a little interested in reading more about freud LOL. he kinda makes a lot of points??? like we all know this we're just freaked out about the mommy sex stuff. there's a tangent contra video on gamergate and an article she sourced talked about Gamers feeling threatened about their Space, their Games, being taken away by The Woke Mob--AKA women, aka MOMMY. the looming fear of mom coming in your room and saying it's time to stop playing. getting grounded and no video games for a week. mom said it's my turn to use the xbox. that fear recurring in these sad adult men being forced to look at their own flaws. their lack of perspective. stupid sluts coming in and ruining the fun, taking away our games. i found that psychoanalytic perspective reallllllyyyyy interesting
finding a new perspective on chores and self care: there's no rush with it. this is not a thing that needs to be Taken Care Of right this second. my whole evening should be dedicated to doing things on My Terms. i spend 40 hours of my week, every week, doing things on another entity's terms. i do shit when i wanna!!!! and it's for ME!!!!
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sunshine-scented · 2 years
No this isn't self indulgent, shut up, you're over thinking aha stfu
❀ I live to serve, my lord ❀
: The lotus prince falling heavily in love for you <3
: Nezha x Servant! gn! reader
: Fluff
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You were Nezha's oldest friend, a servant and companion in his travels
Constantly doting over him, placing blankets on his shoulders, talking the night away, making fun of Wukong and backing him up in every petty argument
You both were inseparable
"My Lord, I have prepared your necessities for today's journey" you bowed your head towards him as he hummed in approval
"Very good as usual, (Name), what would I ever do without you" he smirked as you chuckled "Oh so helpless, My Lord"
"Ugh, can you just stop flirting?! Bleegghhhh" fake gagging noises could be heard behind you as the monkey bent over dramatically
"Wukong, behave yourself" The great monk rubbed his nose bridge in annoyance "Yes master" he immediately stood up straight like a board
Silently snickering to yourself while folding the left over blankets "Kiss ass"
Nezha rolled his eyes "Tell me about it"
"Yes master"
Moments are always so lighthearted when you two are together, though, you have to admit that seeing Nezha getting worked up by a silly remark by Wukong always amuses you
But you aren't dumb, you see the way he looks at you
Every time you laugh or seem happy over something, he's always looking at you, as if he's figuring out what made you so happy
You didn't understand why he kept observing you, so you decided to play a bit and copy what he's doing to you
Whenever you make him laugh you just stare at him intensely, and when he notices your lingering eyes just looking at his face, his heart quickens and clears his throat in an attempt to calm down the ever growing blush on his cheeks
Now it made sense
The new information made your stomach do backflips, but you all hid it in casual playfulness, while also serving his every need
That's just what you are though, a servant, you don't know if romance was even allowed between you two
Which is why you pretended they didn't exist
But they only grew bigger everyday
However, it appears that so did Nezha's
You've noticed how he's been more,,,,touchy, for the lack of a better word
He's always scooting closer to your side whenever he gets the chance, always calling your name for some petty requests where he could obviously do them by himself in ease
"(Name), could you please tie my hair?"
"Don't you always do it yourself, My Lord?"
"I—....You just do it better than me, okay?"
He's always averting his eyes whenever you link gazes with each other, it always amuses you on how flustered he can get just by staring
Ever since you fixed his hair, he's now constantly hinting at you that his hair looks messy and wants you to fix it
But you just noticed that he's been roughing up more frequently just to make his hair more messy
How adorable ♡
You're always snickering behind his back, pretending to be the idiot between you two cause honestly, he's just so cute
"(Name), I request your presence on the near by lake we passed through earlier" he suddenly called out which caught your attention
"Of course, My Lord. But may I ask the reason of your offerings?" You tilted your head as he looks away from you "I just felt like you needed a break from how hard you're working"
"With you?" Your smile grew in amusement as he huffs a breath "Don't keep me waiting now"
Holding a hand on your mouth, you grinned behind your palm "Of course, My Lord~♡"
He rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face before walking away from your figure
You quickly finished the rest of your chores and slipped away from the rest of the group who was sleeping peacefully in their own tents
Your footsteps crunched on the grass as the crickets sang their songs in the birds absence, the cool night breeze was relaxing your every muscle as you smiled in content
Parting the branches that blocked your field of view, the sight was mesmerizing
The moon shined a blue hue all over the lake as it's reflection was shining as bright, yellow fireflies lit up the area even more as the cool breeze tickled your hair making it flow freely in the wind
Turning his head, he locked eyes with you before smiling a bit "Come, stay with me"
You stood there dumbfounded at how beautiful he looked on the moon light, gosh he just looked so kissable right there
However, you contained yourself and broke a smile to him with the same cheery glint decorating your face
Standing side by side, you both stared at the distance, taking in the view
"So, how's your day" he started first
You looked at him with raised brows before giggling "Surely you didn't call me here to have small talk" you tilted your head with the same amused half lidded smile "What's on your mind, My Lord?"
Your remark caught him off guard before chuckling with you "Always as playful since the day I met you" he shook his head "No wonder I love you so much"
Your actions came to a stop as you stared at him who was staring off at the distance with a smile on his face "Come again?"
He huffed a breath and turned to look at you with the most serious expression
"I love you" his hands started to hold yours "I love your everything since the first time we met"
He paused for a second before continuing "I love the way you laugh, I love the way you talk, everything about you makes me weak and vulnerable"
"And I want you to be mine"
For the first time you were at loss for words with your eyes widened and heart racing "Well, I can't say I don't feel the same thing" you started with your eyes slowly wandering down to the grassy floor
"But I can't.."
Now it's his turn to get shocked
His whole body tensed up but you moved quickly to reassure him "I love you back! I always had!... But it's because I'm nothing but a servant and you're a deity, that's just something out of our statuses.."
He stayed silent with his hands still holding your own
Before breaking out full on laughter, his soft voice echoed all over "Seriously? You care about something as silly as that?"
His smile was highlighted by the fireflies' slight glow, he held your hand up to his lips and planted a feather light kiss on your knuckles
Oh how you wanted to slap his pretty face right now
"I could care less of how others see us, I love you, that's never gonna change" he pulls you closer to him by your waist "They could tear this whole world apart, and I wouldn't bat an eye"
"I love you, so much, is it really that hard to understand, (Name)?"
Oh how the tables have turned, now it was you who was flustered beyond belief, now it was you getting shy with his gaze
Now it was you wanting to keep him all to yourself
Sighing, you shook your head and smiled at him "I love you too, now and forever"
Chuckling, he grabbed your chin by his fingers to meet eyes with him and leaned in closer while tilting your head "Does this mean I've won?" He whispered on your lips with a smirk
Snickering, you grinned in amusement "For now, but I'll get you back~"
"Mhnn~ I'll be waiting for you ♡"
Your lips met and danced together in a slow, passionate kiss
Filled to the brim with love and adoration for each other, the cool night breeze cooled down the heat radiating on your bodies
And spent the whole night just staying in each other's arms with the one you can call, yours ♡
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Ugghhhghhghhh I wanna pull his hairrrrrr ♡ >:(((((((
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