#this is such a phenomenon to me and it grosses me out to no end
purpleminte · 1 year
If someone was pulling gum out of their mouth to stick to the underside of a table and they happen to stick it right on top of a wad of gum that happened to already be stuck there, would that person get grossed out ??
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
always forever
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pairing: jungkook x f.reader
genre: angst || hints of fluff || hurt with minimal comfort ? || non-idol au
summary: you're right there
word count: 2.1k
tags/ warnings: it's just kinda angsty, not exactly a happy ending? but not exactly a sad one, very much open for interpretation, grief, alludes to insanity, and slight slight slight yandere themes towards the end
notes: made the end a little less angsty than originally intended because i too like soft endings :D also got the idea while listening to ‘exit music (for a film)’ by radiohead, that’s kinda the vibes for this
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
It will always be a strange phenomenon, how anger will almost always equal shouting. Such a human response to such an ugly human emotion.
Anger is such a raw feeling, bubbling, burning beneath the skin that you need to let it out, release the pressure that rage had built. So many words you had never thought to even say spilling past your teeth before you even know what’s being said. Never enough time to bite down on the bitter tasting filth thrown at someone else. Not a thought behind such horrible language, tearing your heart up, because surely if they’d hurt your fragile emotions then it was only fair you did the same to them?
It had been an accumulation of things leading up to this moment. Jungkook hadn’t realised his patience was wearing so thin to the point his unbridled anger had been directed at you. A bad morning, cold shower, no one to help him at work and too many people complaining when really their issues were never his faut. It had rained and he had no umbrella, and the bus was running late. He hadn’t eaten since breakfast. Just too too too too much for his fragile human brain to handle.
“Why won’t you fucking say something?” it comes from his chest, throat scratching, his own voice ringing inside his head at how loud he’d gotten.
A pitiful mix of desperation and wrath mingled, clawing its way up his throat, digging into his mind, slowly pulling him apart until he doesn’t even recognize his own voice as he shouts at you. Doesn’t even recognise the words as his own.
“One thing I asked you to do, and you couldn’t do it?” a rush of air fills his lungs, burning slightly as he swallows down his growing upset.
He wanted you to shout back, tell him how horrible he is. How terrible of a boyfriend he was calling you names, horrible things that he knew you weren’t because you could never do any wrong in his eyes. Picking you apart of the little things you’re scared of.
The days the both of you had sat down, you handing him your heart on a platter for him to cradle to his chest as he’d told you how he’d always be there. Your secrets, your insecurities, all locked away within a small box, trapped in his heart, protected by his ribcage. Thick layer of skin and muscle and other gross bodily things encasing your hurts and worries. So many things he’d kissed away and locked within himself to help you hold the burden of your hurting.
His words are venomous as he tries to rile you up, anything to get you equally as mad as he was. Logic long gone, tucked away in the far crevices of his mind.
Somewhere beyond him, he doesn’t even remember why he was so upset in the first place, words being thrown around, eyes rage filled as he just watches you sit there.
And then he sees it, something almost like pity painted behind your eyes.
“Say something!” he cries, your face blurring over as tears glaze across his vision.
“What do you want me to say?” you ask him, the first thing you’d said to him since he’d gotten home, the first words he’d really let you have. Having exploded the moment he’d seen you lounging in his room.
He opens his mouth, words almost there before he flinches. Loud knock on the door to his bedroom.
He sees you turn towards the door, your eyes flickering back over towards Jungkook when there’s a second of silence, thick as it coats the room. Lost words thrown around seeping out of the walls now that it was quiet, a silent witness to what had just happened.
“Jungkook?” Jimin calls from the hallway, “Jungkook?” he calls again, palm of his hand smacking against the door, rattling the wood; vibrations shaking the walls.
He hadn’t expected his roommate to be home, shame slithering up his spine as he takes one more look at you before trekking over towards the door. It wasn’t often the both of you argued, let alone with people being there to hear what was happening.
He yanks the door open, anger still fizzling somewhere within him, annoyance coating his tone as he comes face to face with his older friend.
“What?” he almost barks, reeling himself in, chest shaking as he takes in a long breath. Edging himself to take a calmer approach.
Jimin peeks into his room, eyebrows furrowing a little.
“Who are you shouting at? It didn’t sound like you were playing any games, are you okay?” Jimin peers over his shoulder, eyes falling on Jungkook’s computer; switched off, plug pulled from the wall.
Jungkook swallows, “Sorry”
Jimin shakes his head, meeting Jungkook’s eyes.
“It’s fine, I was just a little worried…”
Jungkook looks back at you sat on his desk chair. Your eyes meeting his instantly, though you don’t make a move to open your mouth, eyes telling enough of how you were feeling.
“You don’t need to worry hyung… me and y/n just had a disagreement” he tugs a smile onto his face, evidently forced, though he can only hope Jimin doesn’t point it out.
Jimin’s eyebrows furrow a little deeper, forehead creasing.
“Right, baby?” Jungkook pulls the door open a little more so his roommate can see you. He motions for you to answer, eyebrows raising a little as you keep your mouth shut.
“Jungkook?” Jimin says, tone ever so careful.
Jungkook turns, eyebrows creasing at the concern on his friend’s face.
“What…?” he asks, “We’re really okay, right y/n?” he turns back towards you, desperation growing.
You smile over at him, gentle as he stands there. Eyes locked with your own.
“Come on, don’t be quiet now. Tell him we’re okay” he almost laughs, “We’re always okay, just me and you remember? Forever”
Jimin’s eyes flicker between Jungkook and the empty chair.
“Jungkook…” he presses a hand to his shoulder, tugging his friend towards him, “you haven’t forgotten, right?” he asks, catching sight of his friend’s eyes. Eyes wired and feral as he turns towards him.
“Forgotten what?” he asks, glancing back at where you’re sat. Just as pretty as the day he’d met you. Jungkook’s rage simmering out into confusion as he looks between you and Jimin.
It briefly crosses his mind, how awful he had been to shout at you, just pretty you sat like a dream in his room. And what a piece of shit he’d been to even raise his voice at you, a vow he’d made to never do. One he would spend the rest of his life proving to you that this was one little slip up. That he would never have reason to shout at you again.
He thinks it must be desperation, your silence stretching out for too long. He wanted to hear your voice, for you to tell him it was okay. That the both of you were okay. Just like always. Just like it’s supposed to be.
“I’m sorry” he steps towards you, shrugging Jimin’s hand off his shoulder.
“No—” Jimin’s fingers wrap around his arm, “Jungkook no. She’s gone”
Jungkook stops at that, muscles locking up. Cogs of his mind cranking back into action, hazy thoughts clearing for a moment at what he’d just heard.
Ever so slowly he turns towards Jimin, eyes narrowing.
“Pardon?” he seethes.
“Look!” Jimin points to the chair, “It’s empty. She’s not there. No one’s there. You’re imagining things Jungkook, you need help”
“What?” Jungkook turns back to look at you, “She’s literally right there!”
He points to you, frantic, “tell him you’re here. He can see you, you’re literally right here”
He pulls his arm from Jimin’s hold, feet dragging against the carpet, “Come on, baby. You’re right here” he kneels before you, warm fingers slipping through yours. Desperation seeping from every pore as he holds onto you.
Jimin watches, slipping his phone out his pocket to message one of the older roommates, concern shrouding him as he watches Jungkook whisper to nothing. Your name slipping off his tongue like it were the only thing he knew.
“Tell him” Jungkook whispers, pressing his forehead to your knees.
Your fingers slip from between his own, gentle as they brush over his hair. How many times the two of you had been in this position, or the roles swapped as he pampered you with his love.
“Jungkook” you murmur, hand running over his cheek. Your thumb brushes over a tear, swallowing as you call his name again.
He looks up at you through wet lashes, “I’m sorry” he whispers.
“I know you are” you nod, “But I’m gone”
He shakes his head again, hands running up your legs, fingers digging into your skin.
“I can feel you, see?” he laughs, wiping his cheek with the sleeve of his hoodie, “You’re right here, we’re together”
You blink down at him, slow as your arms snake around his neck. You slip off the chair to sit with him on the floor.
He pulls you closer to his body, arms wrapping around you, cradling you like you were the most precious little being, so fragile and small and all his.
“I’m not here anymore” you whisper, “You know that too”
He shakes his head, “No, because if you were dead then I would be too. I can’t live without you”
“Yes, you can” you look up at him, “I’ll always be here” you press a finger over his heart, “Here too” that same finger pushes against his forehead.
You notice Jimin’s absence from the doorway, eyes flickering back to Jungkook who had been looking at you. Scratching the image of your face into his mind. Regret finally settling over him as he catches up with what he had said earlier, a million apologies lined up on his tongue.
“I’m the only one that can see you?” he murmurs, fingers tangling into your hair, “Just me?”
Your tongue runs over your bottom lip, “I suppose”
Jungkook wipes his cheeks, mouth pulling into a wide smile as he pulls your body closer to his, “Then we can really be together forever?”
You press your cheek to his shoulder, nodding. Unsure what else you were supposed to do.
“It seems so” you whisper, eyes closing, knowing it would only take so long for Jimin to get someone. Gentle peace between the both of you only lasting so long before they come and break Jungkook apart.
You wonder what they’ll do. You can only assume he’d fall into hysteria the more they tell him you’re dead. Remind him of what happened, how you lay six feet under, flowers he’d brought you rotting over your grave in that exact moment. Decomposing along with your body.  
Your eyes peek open, catching sight of the last photo you and Jungkook had taken together, pinned beside his bed. A good omen he’d told you, so that on the days you would sleep at your apartment, at least you’d be looking over him. There even if you weren’t.
It was a small beach house the both of you had rented out for the summer. The final photo before you’d taken the long drive home, his fingers interlaced with yours, sweet smelling sea air slowly fading out the longer you drove. With the promise that you’d come again next summer, just the two of you.
“What about the beach?” you pull away from him a little, his eyebrows furrowing in question.
“The beach?”
You nod, “To be together forever” you watch his face, careful of his reaction.
“They’ll take me away from you”
“They?” he asks, “No one’s taking you away”
You glance back at the door, “Your friends… they’ll make sure we’re never together”
Jungkook follows your gaze, silence stretching out between the both of you. Faintly you can hear Jimin on the phone, too far away for you to catch any of what he was saying.
Jungkook turns back towards you, “The beach…”
You nod, gentle smile toying at your lips. Because even in death, there would never be a day you’d want to watch him suffer. Any excuse for him to escape and for you to trail along behind him, truly in his shadow. Nothing more than an bodyless being that only your lover would be able to see.
Your arms wrap around him tighter, pulling him a little closer to you until his face is pressed into your neck.
Jimin can’t see you when he comes back upstairs, can’t see the lack of expression on your face as he worries about his friend. Blissfully unaware of the little seed of hope planted in Jungkook’s mind.
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this might be controversial but i feel like so many straight men arent even attracted to their sexual partners? they just use them to get off.
they feel entitled to a megan fox or porn star type (no matter what they themselves look like) but since they cant get that they settle for the next best thing because its better than nothing. thats why many men cheat as well, theyre just waiting for something better to come along.
this is such a widespread phenomenon theres even several sayings on it. in german: „loch ist loch“ which translates to „hole is hole“ meaning no matter where your dick lands at least you got off and „lieber widerlich als wieder nicht“ which (loosely) translates to „i‘d rather have sex with an ugly/gross one than no sex at all“.
sex for so many men is completely centered on putting their dick somewhere and ejaculating. many straight men dont love pussy, they dont necessarily desire their partners, they just see them as a means to an end, or otherwise they would put in actual effort to satisfy her as well. this is underlined by this cliché of women being so difficult to reach orgasm, when in reality, women often dont know how themselves because they internalise they cant come and dont get in touch with their own sexuality, and men dont bother trying.
ive heard from many female friends that they want sex more than their male partners because they always leave them unsatisfied. for most men sex is over when they come. and if they actually cared about and desired their partners they would ask how to satisfy her as well. dont get me wrong, orgasm isnt the end and center of sex, but there is a clear clear gap here.
and i think in longterm heterosexual relationships, women get so frustrated they just dont want sex at all anymore. this might also lead to the „my wife always has a headache when i want sex“ dumbassery because at some point women more or less consciously tell themselves im sick of being used by him to get off. i‘d rather have no sex than unsatisfying sex. then men use this to justify why they cheat and neglect their wives, well we dont have sex anymore so she isnt of as much value to me anymore. when its their own fault the wife checked out of their sex life.
this also explains why sex buyers are mostly male. they either feel entitled to fuck an attractive woman they wouldnt get without paying or they just want to get off and need a vessel.
i know i will get some idiot in the notes saying my jakey isnt like that. okay good for you. but what about his former sexual partners? and what about all the other women who have given up on sexual satisfaction by men out of frustration or maybe even think they are the problem? this is not a fringe phenomenon this is reality for many women who have sex with men.
and how would it be different? the whole sex industry is catering to men. and we have established that porn is seeping through the cracks into the mainstream. which only makes sense if most men start watching porn from a young age and carry what they learn there into the bedroom with unsuspecting women.
this shit makes me so angry! women deserve so much better!
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leoparduscolocola · 5 months
the simple fact that it is impossible to keep killer whales in captivity without causing the same gross anatomical deformity in over half of them should make it plainly obvious that they shouldn’t be kept in captivity at all. ALL adult male orcas, and a considerable chunk of females, whether captive-bred or wild-captured, have collapsed dorsal fins—in the wild, collapsed dorsal fins almost always occur only in orcas who are starving to death or have been injured in some way. and we don’t know if the collapsed dorsal fin has any health, social or behavior impacts! we just don’t know because captive orca facilities have stuck their head in the sand ever since they first started keeping orcas captive and refused to do any research on the phenomenon whatsoever!!! pro-captivity people will tell you in a cheerful, nothing-to-worry-about-folks tone that it doesn’t have any negative impacts, but that’s a lie, because at the end of the day, we don’t know. all we know is that something about captivity clearly causes it; we don’t even know the exact cause. in my opinion, it’s honestly ridiculous to suggest that a male killer whale’s most prominent secondary sex characteristic being totally deformed would have no bearing on his health or social status at all, but that’s just speculation too because nobody has ever looked into this phenomenon at all. that right there should prove that seaworld and their fellow captive killer whale facilities do not care about scientific research or about their animals’ welfare. if any other species experienced a gross anatomical deformity due to captivity (for example, if all male elephants’ tusks fell out, as well as some females’ tusks) and the facilities that held them refused to study it, the zoo industry would be outraged. but because it’s seaworld and they have a huge amount of money and they’re apparently the “world’s foremost experts on killer whales” (despite repeatedly ignoring the hard science from wild orca biologists that makes it obvious that their practices, such as separating moms from calves and restricting their movement, are incredibly harmful), the entire zoo industry just takes their word for it that this deformity is not harmful even though they’ve done no research on it. the dorsal fin issue makes me feel like i’m going insane; seeing smart, animal-loving people fall for this nonsense is very disheartening. it is genuinely shameful that captive killer whale facilities are so willing to overlook a blatant issue because acknowledging it would mean that—gasp!—they’d have to admit that their practices are not perfect and infallible. it would be laughable too if it wasn’t so depressing, because the welfare of these animals is being ignored. but remember kids, seaworld cares! your ticket pays for rescue and research! consume our product to save the earth!
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alien-ally · 1 year
So. Yesterday, a classmate asked me a very interesting question. (I’m out to her btw) Lolol honestly me clarifying in between that i’m actually 100% on the far end of being aro kind of collapsed the quo but i told her to ask away anyway. It was something like ‘Hypothetically, if u happened to meet an arospec person in school and you guys managed to really hit it off together, so much that you felt like you wanted them in your life even after school ended, would it…’ basically you get it. So she wasn’t really asking if i would date them but if it could possibly lead to any kind of partnership/if i could see myself in that sort of a companionship. and actually. what a brain-gear turning quo. The answer is no btw, that’s not the brain gear turning part. cause the quo ties to me Also happening to be aplatonic. which means nothing of that sort has happened to me till now and i frankly see the possibility to be very low. There has never been an instance where i’ve ‘hit it off’ with someone so profoundly that i end up ‘wanting them in my life more intensely’. (which doesn’t mean i don’t ever hit off with people or ever find happiness from having them in my life. No, that would be a gross misconstrue.) Uh anyways, i’m not going to explain the phenomenon of being💥apl💥top to bottom once again, just know that the answer is a direct no for me without any further ruminations. However the brain-gear turning part to me is that i nevertheless see meeting a fellow aroace(apl) person as the next biggest thing to happen in my life. And i have fantasized about it on many occasions. cause that would entail an exquisite kind of understanding i’ve never experienced in my life and mark an important milestone. which i’m sure won’t be happening until later. school is about to end in less than 6 months. So then what would it be like? Given that i am what i am. What form would that grandeur take? What form can it take?
On a lesser note, it also made me aware of the sort of ‘lack of determinism’ on my part. cause i have always been so led to want things i don’t truly want, which part of the yearning is real and which an inherent conditioning? Yeah you don’t see anyone asking straight people if they would ever turn gay but it���s allowed to aspecs? And it’s a thing we repeatedly ask ourselves too due to the same conditioning. Given that growing up and finding partnership doesn’t invalidate your aspec-ness in any way? As harmless a quo (my classmate’s) it was, led to a cascade of thoughts all over again. Good old Aromanticism.
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tangledbea · 1 year
Can you rank the 9 40min + episodes( including before ever after and plus et en vouz)
I'm going to rank these based on initial reaction, both my own and the fandom's, and give a bit of a description as to why I put it where I did. Note that this order doesn't necessarily reflect the order in which I find them the most entertaining to watch.
Destines Collide - I feel like, in terms of what people were anticipating by this point in the series (we all knew someone would betray Rapunzel, there was the theory about Eugene being the Dark Prince flying around, we wanted to know what would happen when Rapunzel touched the Moonstone, etc), this episode was the most satisfying to watch.
Queen For a Day - I remember watching this episode with a sense of "Oh, god, I know none of these people are going to die here, but by god, are they giving me a heart attack watching them go through all this!" And then the ending, where Varian goes villain? MWAH! *chef's kiss* Fantastic storytelling.
Rapunzel and the Great Tree - This episode introduced the concept of the Reverse Incantation, as well as really gave us fodder for Cassandra's eventual betrayal. And even though a lot of these major plot points were eventually brushed under the rug, at the time, they were such a huge deal and sparked so much debate in the fandom.
Cassandra's Revenge - While I find this the most satisfying portrayal of Cassandra as a villain, it doesn't change the fact that the whole time I was wishing she'd just stay committed to the bit instead of being wishy-washy. Still, it has the reveal of Eugene's birthday and age, and Rapunzel wanting to propose to Eugene, not to mention that absolutely epic battle, and proof positive that "Enchanted Girl" was indeed Zhan Tiri, in case anyone still had any doubts.
Tangled: Before Ever After - The one that started it all, and the episode I've seen the most times. Did you know I watched it literally eleven times the day after it aired? I watched it live the night before, then just ran it On Demand all day the next day. I do have some complaints with a few things, but overall, it got us going. It gave us a reason (sort of) for the hair to return, and it was just so nice to see my baes (and their animal sidekicks) again.
Beyond the Corona Walls - My dudes, I cannot explain how shook up the New Dream fans were to learn that Eugene had been previously engaged, and for those of us who know Chuck (the series) to have found out that Yvonne Strahovski was going to be playing her. This was the third party interference that so many had been waiting for. Not to mention, Rapunzel was finally getting to see the world, at last! Very important!
Secret of the Sundrop - You would not believe how much Rapunzel forgiving Frederic and never getting to bring up his gross invasion of privacy did to sour my mood for a big chunk of this episode. Also, by the time it aired, I wasn't particularly invested in Varian's arc (due to overexposure). I was, however, extremely interested to see how Rapunzel was standing up for herself and not just letting Frederic keep her locked away. I loved seeing her actually harness the power of the black rocks and control them. I loved the wall breaking, even though she hadn't directly told the rocks to do it. "Ready As I'll Ever Be" became such a phenomenon, it brought a lot of people to the series who hadn't even heard of it because it was suggested on YouTube.
Rapunzel's Return - I spent the majority of my first watch-through of this episode angry. I really, really hate that Gothel is Cassandra's mother, and the fact that they not only made that canon, but made that the focal point of her betrayal really pissed me off and soured my mood for most of the episode. It's good, though, it really is. Varian's redemption was a little rushed, but was still satisfying, and I like that he came to the conclusion on his own that he was in the wrong. I also like that Rapunzel got to tell him what I'd been saying for a year or so (and still am).
Plus Est En Vous - I'm not going to lie; by the time this episode aired, I was very ready for the series to be over. There's a lot - and I mean a lot - that I actively dislike about it. There are also several good points in it for me, though, but most of them are moments at best, rather than entire scenes. The best part is literally the very end. If it hadn't ended on the proposal, I probably wouldn't like this episode. I will always have the fond memory of having watched it with @kelseyfitzherbert, though. She came to visit me just for the finale, but of course we also went to Disneyland the day before and got New Dream hugs, and we got tattoos together later that day (they don't match, but they are both Tangled-related). So the events surrounding this episode, I'm very fond of, while the episode itself, not so much.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Controversial film director John Waters doesn’t find Drag Queen Story Hour offensive, rather he finds it funny.
The director behind gross out cult classics like the X-rated "Pink Flamingo" and 1988’s "Hairspray," weighed on conservatives’ objections to the recent cultural phenomenon of adults performing drag shows for children, some who are only toddlers.
In a recent interview with "The News & Observer," Waters conveyed his amusement with the idea.
Waters told the Raleigh, North Carolina outlet, "I just picture little Billy coming home from school and Dad saying, ‘How was school today?’ And he says ‘Oh, Little Miss Hot Mess taught me how to put on bottom lashes!’ Get it girl!"
Waters, whose own famous X-rated film features a drag performer eating dog feces on camera, also spoke about conservatives banning books, and his own run-ins with conservative outrage culture as someone who embraces the taboo side of things.
He told the outlet, "I built a career on being banned. Nowadays if they ban a book, it’s the best thing that can happen, because there are sections in bookshops — right up front, near the cash register — that say ‘banned books.’"
The director, who was given the nickname the "Pope of Filth" by The Baltimore Sun back in the earlier days of his career, was candid about his fascination with "extremes." He stated, "I’m not saying I believe in all the extremes, but I’m fascinated by them."
Mentioning his new spoken word show "End of the World" – which is currently on tour – Waters added, "That’s what my new show’s about, the extremes of things going wrong, and ‘Can anything ever go back to the way it was?’"
Explaining how he has avoided getting canceled even with his shocking filmography, the director claimed it’s all about not taking yourself too seriously. He stated, "If you stick around long enough and you make fun of yourself and you’re not mean-spirited – which I don’t think I’ve ever been, I make fun of things I love, and I think that’s why I don’t get canceled really."
He also told the paper that his movies are more than just being filthy or embracing taboos, that there is a discernable morality to them. He said, "There’s all sorts of universes, and there’s different rules in each one, but there is a right and wrong in each one."
First of all, Fox News misspelled "discernible".
Second of all, of course it's Drag Queen Story Time at libraries.
"the recent cultural phenomenon of adults performing drag shows for children, some who are only toddlers"
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crplpunkklavier · 1 year
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ok i'm not going to make this one rebloggable, i'm not looking to have a discussion or start beef with anyone, especially not on a holiday. i just grow another stomach ulcer every time people on here get psychology so, so wrong. and i need to get this out or i'll explode.
that original original post is so annoying. why are you guys out there trying to one-up and gotcha your therapists. "why do all adults need therapy then?" they dont. they dont!!!! not all adults need therapy. what the fuck are you talking about.
the next one is also annoying. implying that any kid that "seems resilient" is simply repressing trauma to resurface later is so harmful?? what are you doing. some children are resilient!! it doesn't mean they'll never have problems, or never need therapy, or that they aren't still repressing something. even if a child seems resilient, yes of course it should still receive help. but acting like there is no resilience in children is going to just make people misinterpret actual resilient children and offer the wrong help. you'll end up digging for issues where there are none. assuming that every well-adjusted child is just repressing trauma and every adult needs therapy is a pointless doom mindset that helps nobody.
that FUCKING addition. first of all, that person sure seems to reblog from a lot of terfs. secondly, id love to see their sources. because, yes! there HAVE been a lot of studies on child resilience! and yes, if children receive social support after traumatic incidents, they come out more resilient than if they dont. thats.... not all though? what are you talking about, "ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS a result of the support they receive"?? its. its not. science doesnt work with "always," first of all. no serious study is going to claim that child resilience is "always" a result of support. we cant prove "always." nobody can. secondly, that is a GROSS SIMPLIFICATION of a VERY COMPLEX phenomenon, resilience. we still dont fully understand it. we have spent decades researching it, and we still dont think weve uncovered all factors that lead to child resilience. it is in fact still baffling to science just how resilient children can be, so i also honestly dont see why people are harping on a therapist for saying kids are resilient!! a big majority of them are!! and a big majority of children in fact receive social support!! most studies indicate that social support is in fact an important factor for resilience, but never the only one. if your parents dont support you, someone else might, or if your parents do support you, you still might grow up in the worst shithole in the world, and then sometimes you might come out resilient, sometimes you wont, and we dont know why. genetics could play a role. probably in some way they do, but we dont know how big a role it is. what im saying is, resilience can be the result of support kids receive, AMONG OTHER THINGS. i also dont understand what the fuck that person thinks they mean by "true resilience." resilience that isnt just ~hidden trauma~ i guess which apparently ~all adults~ have anyway.
ok. rant almost over. shit like this just gets me, because i know a lot of you are struggling, and i dont want you to get the wrong ideas about what did or didnt happen to you. some of you may have wonderful parents and youre still struggling and you dont feel resilient, and that doesnt necessarily mean that your parents did something horribly wrong. it may mean that something in your genes isnt working in your favor, or that every environmental factor was working against you and your parents.
or, an alternative that i personally find worse because i myself have struggled with it a lot: you may have horrible parents who didnt support you and you may still feel resilient. and if someone comes along and tells you that you can only be ~truly resilient~ if you had the social support, youll start wondering..... are you misremembering? were people supporting you, and youre being a monster by painting them as bad? are you maybe not resilient at all? are you really fucked up and are going to need therapy because all adults do?
you might. you might not. answers to these things are too complex for tumblr posts, and i certainly wouldnt trust people whose blogs are 50% terf reblogs and who claim that science has "proven" anything or that things are "always" a certain way. nothing ever is.
its shabbat and rosh hashanah so im going to only do the bare minimum here but since i was talking about sources earlier, i will say that if you'd like further reading on just how complex and undecided the research on resilience has been, i would point you, for example (there are so many sources), toward masten's papers "competence and resilience in development" (2006) and "resilience in developing systems" (2007), and sameroff & rosenblum's "psychosocial constraints on the development of resilience" (2006). peace and good night.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'The directors of A24's acclaimed movie Talk to Me get candid about their chance to compete against Barbie and Oppenheimer. A hit at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival, Australian horror film Talk to Me was later picked up for distribution by A24, the production house responsible for indie favorites like The Witch, Hereditary and Everything Everywhere All At Once. Already a smash among critics, as evidenced by its 95% score on Rotten Tomatoes, the Talk to Me release date arrived last week, as the film was plunged into the deep end of the box office pool against twin behemoths Barbie and Oppenheimer. Competing against the pop culture juggernaut that is Barbenheimer is of course an exercise in futility, and the directors of Talk to Me are refreshingly aware of their movie’s place in the box office universe, as they conveyed during a recent interview with Letterboxd. Responding to a review suggesting that fans turn their Barbenheimer experience into a triple feature including Talk to Me, Danny and Michael Philippou had jokes about the absurdity of forcing themselves into the conversation around the summer’s two biggest films, while admitting they really can’t compete...
MICHAEL PHILIPPOU: We want to be inserted. We want to force ourselves into that conversation.
DANNY PHILIPPOU: We are not part of that conversation. Everyone's, “Barbenheimer.” We’re like, “You know. Talk to Me.”
MICHAEL: There's a few other films coming out, if you guys don’t know. Talk to Me?
DANNY: I love how we're getting pitted against the biggest cinematic event in the last decade. We have no chance. But it'll be fun trying.
Talk To Me Is Not Really Competing Against Barbenheimer
Released in North America on July 27, Talk to Me grossed $10.4 million in its opening weekend, good enough to finish in sixth place and second among the weekend’s new releases. That number was of course far behind the $93 million grossed by the weekend’s winner Barbie, and quite distant from the $46 million taken by the number two film Oppenheimer. It may therefore look like Talk to Me was stomped by the Barbenheimer phenomenon, but the film is actually a huge financial success. Grossing more than its $4.5 million budget in just its first weekend, Talk to Me again proves that low-budget horror movies are, in terms of profit margins, the surest box office bets around. The film's A24 branding is also significant, as audiences are by now aware of the company’s reputation for releasing quality horror films.There is indeed a real sense in which Talk to Me was a huge winner at the box office last weekend, and not a loser. Of course the film was never going to make a dent in the Barbenheimer phenomenon, but it was never actually in competition against those movies to begin with. Fans who like good horror will seek out films like Talk to Me, regardless of what big movies may also be drawing crowds at the multiplex. It will indeed be fascinating to see how the Australian horror film performs in coming weeks, as Barbenheimer dies down, and word-of-mouth buzz grows over A24’s latest acclaimed fright-fest.'
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donnerpartyofone · 2 years
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I don't consume any fan content and I don't wanna get involved with this post, but it made me wonder. Like first I thought OP was complaining about how fan fiction makes it overly convenient for two characters to unexpectedly fuck--like every fic is just a lazy setup for random sex scenes, the way that mundanities like pizza delivery and emergency plumbing are inciting incidents in pornos. Then I realized that maybe OP doesn't object to the cheap, too-convenient sex scenes; it's only the routine appearance of the guest toothbrush that bothers them. So their reasonable question may be, why is that a phenomenon? It can't be essential to the plot or atmosphere or anything, this insisted-on reassurance that the visitor who winds up at the spontaneous erotic slumber party Definitely gets to brush their teeth, Don't worry you guys! Is the answer just that the average fandom member is so obsessive compulsive that fic authors just KNOW they have to clarify whether or not appropriate dental hygiene happened before and/or after all the sucking and fucking? Like nobody can relax and j/o until the guest toothbrush makes its appearance? That's actually really funny.
I have never led a lifestyle that would tell me if most sexually active adults normally have lots of spare toothbrushes to accommodate potential overnight hookups. The person who actually reblogged this onto my dash seemed to think it was CRAZY for independent grownups not to have a lot of spare sex toothbrushes around, but somehow I doubt that's universal. I often have extra toothbrushes from dentist appointments and shit, but it never occurred to me that it is the duty of the promiscuous individual to make sure that unplanned lays have the ability to brush their teeth before they walk-of-shame it home or to work. And if I were meeting someone whose place I hoped to stay at/had done so before and I were REALLY worried about my teeth, I'd probably bring my own toothbrush rather than expect the person to offer amenities! But that's just me, the person who already admitted that she has little to no experience with random sex. My only point of reference for this is my old, extremely slutty roommate who accumulated a big collection of really gross used toothbrushes on the edge of our sink. I do believe they were from hookups, but I think those dudes brought their own, I don't think that my broke, freewheeling roommate was stocking up on fresh toothbrushes to provide proper hospitality for the stream of drunk strangers that came through. Anyway at one point I begged my roommate to just look around the bathroom and throw out anything that was trash, and I thought it was obvious that I meant the broken coke mirror on the floor by the toilet and all those pestilent toothbrushes, but he came out with only MY almost-full bottles of shampoo and conditioner in his hands, ready to toss them out because he "didn't think anyone was using them."
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openingnightposts · 26 days
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bookoformon · 6 months
Mormon, Chapter 6, Part 2. "The Forthcoming."
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Mormon is Hebrew for "the Pillar of the Myrrh" also "Balm for the Oppressed." Moroni, who is reintroduced here means "Blood of the Grape."
There is also a mention of the Plates of Nephi which have been abridged to include "a marriage" that binds all of mankind together, a term called Mashiach, "global ethical government", which is the successful conclusion of all religion for all time.
Plates are not dinner plates, they are "reflective surfaces" each which names an attribute or tenet that decree how mankind is to demonstate aspects of the Law. While the entire Book of Mormon is such a plate, the Prophet has identified Gold Plates, which he did describe, presumably these are the Torah itself, there are Brass Plates which contain the Wars named in the Book of Mormon, the Nephite Plates are also decentralized throughout the Book. Finally There are Jaredite Plates, 12 of each that contain Spiritual and Temporal Commandments upon them. We are in search of the 12 Temporal Plates, the others have been defined by this forum. One presumes these, like the others will be identified by name before the end of the Scripture.
Mormon 6 warns against letting ignorant person have access to the Plates. Something weird, like 17 million ravishing incestous pedophiles might try to take the government down or dig like prairie dogs underneath a town near you. Shivers!
In spite of the gross misinterpretation of the Book of Mormon, it served the most important purpose in religious history- it ended slavery, setting the black man and black woman free, and it proved God can speak to us through His Spirit and motivate us to carry out His Will and do something remarkably good. No other religious tract can claim this.
Its first converts were all murdered for doing it, then Brigham Young and his freaky flock hauled ass into Utah. Now all of us are good and fucked because President Biden turned his back on them, allowed them to become weaponized and they are scaring the world to death.
The same Book that was once the cause of a great liberation is now the cause of some of the boldest terrorism in world history. Mormon warned this could happen:
6 And it came to pass that when we had gathered in all our people in one to the land of Cumorah, behold I, Mormon, began to be old; and knowing it to be the last struggle of my people, and having been commanded of the Lord that I should not suffer the records which had been handed down by our fathers, which were sacred, to fall into the hands of the Lamanites, (for the Lamanites would destroy them) therefore I made this record out of the plates of Nephi, and hid up in the hill Cumorah all the records which had been entrusted to me by the hand of the Lord, save it were these few plates which I gave unto my son Moroni.
7 And it came to pass that my people, with their wives and their children, did now behold the armies of the Lamanites marching towards them; and with that awful fear of death which fills the breasts of all the wicked, did they await to receive them.
Unfortunately, the modern Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints needs to be labeled a terrorist organization. It needs to stop tithing and Its assets need to be used to pay off its victims, its members forbidden from gathering ever again. The Book can easily be studied in Yeshiva, it's contents were composed using Hebrew Gematria, the whole thing needs to be decrypted and explained in English. Such an amazing phenomenon must be studied and used properly, it would be such a waste to let this opportunity go to waste.
The world will not miss its former stakeholders, not in the least.
The Values in Gematria for the above verses follow:
v. 6a: And it came to pass that when we had gathered in all our people in one to the land of Cumorah, behold I, Mormon, began to be old; and knowing it to be the last struggle of my people. The Value in Gematria is 8806, חחאֶפֶסו‎, "He caught them."
v. 6b: And having been commanded of the Lord that I should not suffer the records which had been handed down by our fathers, which were sacred, to fall into the hands of the Lamanites, (for the Lamanites would destroy them). The Value in Gematria is 10928, אאֶפֶסטבח‎ ‎ ‎Apfestbah, "An epistle."
v. 6c: Therefore I made this record out of the plates of Nephi, and hid up in the hill Cumorah all the records which had been entrusted to me by the hand of the Lord, save it were these few plates which I gave unto my son Moroni. The Value in Gematria is 10100, יאאֶפֶסאֶפֶס, Jaapesapes, "which they missed."
v. 7a:  And it came to pass that my people, with their wives and their children, did now behold the armies of the Lamanites marching towards them; and with that awful fear of death which fills the breasts of all the wicked. The Value in Gematria is 12471, יבדזא‎ ‎ ‎yabadza, "You will lose this one."
v. 7b: Of all the wicked, did they await to receive them. The Value in Gematria is 3782, ג‎ז‎חב‎, gezhab, "The shearing will be forthcoming." also "The golden."
I believe in prophecy and feel the above reinforces what I have been saying. The next generation of convert to the Book of Mormon will carry its modern torch of spirituality, but not this one. This one needs to go into the furnace.
If you have not broken the law and believe in God, the Christ and the Book of Mormon are all real and are young enough to hope the world will still be here in a few weeks, then its burden of creating an America that is finally truly free of corruption and evil falls on you.
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coffee---bean · 6 months
thoughts about why i focus on bad people
i wrote a comment on a review for the new everything everything album, where i recommended their 3rd album "get to heaven" and described it as taking an empathetic view on the most hated people in society, and i said that it's a good album to listen to if you hate yourself.
that thought just kind of came out of nowhere, mostly just as a joke. but i've been thinking about it all day. i am currently kind of low in self-esteem. i don't really like myself as much as i usually do, and i think it's been a self-defence mechanism for me to extend empathy as widely as i can. and that's not because i think i'm so great, it's because i think i suck, and i really want to convince myself i don't suck, so i find people who do suck and try to see their value or humanity or whatever.
i just thought that's an interesting psychological phenomenon happening in my brain right now, and i think it's probably got something to do with the fact that my jesus quotes ended up fascistic and sad and gross. i think i sort of don't like myself at the moment and that's reflected in me making a character i don't like, one that's like a dark reflection of the things i hope i'm not, i try not to be, i'm terrified i am or will one day become.
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purplesurveys · 7 months
What's the weirdest thing you've witnessed in public? So my memory is horrible at retaining things like this, but yesterday I saw a dead rat at the sidewalk I was standing on while on my way to the dentist so there's that. 😬
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Time travel. As a history buff with a major FOMO complex in terms of what will happen in the future lol, it just makes the most sense.
What's the scariest encounter you've ever had with another person? I probably almost got abducted. It was around 15 years ago, the church service I attended with my mom just ended and she had to leave me for a few moments to attend to something. That one time she did, a woman approached me, held out her hand, and told me to come with her. I was like 10, didn't know any better, and was easily swayed at the time, so I very nearly went with her until my mom caught me at the exact moment and picked me up.
Other scary encounters... just a lot of gross experiences with men. Catcalling mostly, but I can recall at least two times men have gone out of their way to lunge at me while I was walking outside.
If you could go back in time and change one decision, what would it be? I would not.
What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you? When I didn't get into the school paper back in high school, it was a big hit on my pride tbh. Writing was and is the only thing I love to do, and being told I wasn't qualified based off of an interview alone felt unfair and it made me doubt my passion in writing for a time. It was embarrassing for me, but I also couldn't face my parents at the time because I felt like I let them down. Anyway, I absolutely refused to give the paper the time of day for the rest of high school, even when they eventually came to me in like senior year and asked me to hold an editorial post.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Sushi, just cause there's so many different kinds and I think it would be a while before I start to get sick of it.
What's the most unforgettable dream you've ever had? I had one dream where a loved one and I got shot, and another where I encountered an abandoned baby. Both visuals continue to stick with me.
What's the most unexplainable phenomenon you've experienced? Nothing.
If you could live in any time period, past or future, when would you choose and why? The 90s so I can live through the pop culture trends of the time.
What's the best piece of advice you've ever received? Giving up decisively also counts as courage.
What's the funniest thing that's ever happened to you? That one day I locked myself out of the office, leaving my phone and laptop behind, while a presentation where I was due to talk was ongoing. I stepped out to handle a delivery hence the door closing and locking on its own for the three seconds I needed to go out.
If you could erase one movie or TV show from existence, what would it be and why? That Sabrina show, just out of personal spite.
What's the biggest regret you have in life? I don't have any big regrets.
What's the most interesting fact you know? I always like rehearing the fact that says if you fold a piece of paper enough times it'll reach the moon.
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose and why? Monica Geller. I want to be able to cook anything I want to eat.
What's the creepiest encounter you've had with a stranger? Just a bunch of stuff with men.
What's the most heartwarming act of kindness you've witnessed? My dad coming to pick me up from Makati at 1 AM because there weren't any Grabs accepting my booking, and the Starbucks I was at was about to close.
If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would you choose? Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero, Windham Rotunda.
What's the most unusual phobia you have or have heard of? My own fear of catching advertisements at night, when I was a kid lol.
If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be and why? Cooking. It's a basic skill that I'm too scared to do but know that I have to learn at some point.
What's the most thought-provoking book you've ever read? I don't read a lot to begin with but the last book I read – Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 – did make me think, largely because I felt super betrayed at the end haha.
What's the most unexpected plot twist you've encountered in real life? It's my own experience again, but basically it was how quickly I moved on from my past relationship. That, and me getting into K-pop which goes hand-in-hand with the said moving on lol.
If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be and why? Someone who lives in New York, so I can travel around New York for a day.
What's the craziest coincidence you've experienced? I'm sure there've been many interesting ones but I can't seem to think of anything at the moment.
If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go and why? New York City. I'd love to go to their museums.
What's the most bizarre conversation you've overheard? I don't really eavesdrop much but that's also because my hearing is so poor, haha.
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why? PR for WWE. It's the industry I'm in already, but I'd love to be able to do it for a brand that I've long been watching. I'm sure it'll be a nightmare LOL what with all the messy shit WWE deals with on a daily basis but that's the kind of challenge that makes the job exciting as well.
What's the most surreal moment you've ever experienced? Seeing Yoongi. I never thought I'd be lucky enough to see BTS.
If you could witness any event in history, what would it be? Whatever was going on in the universe (if there was one?) before the Big Bang.
What's the most valuable lesson life has taught you so far? To focus on yourself, and that comparing others' progress to your own is pointless, even unfair because we all move at our own paces.
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ariseri · 8 months
this whole “internet angel” phenomenon is such an organic, yet postulated religion hyper, RGB illumination! (peace!) these anonymous accounts are all gathering now
this gross, piece-of-shit reality will be wiped away by your angel shortly! oh, but don’t tell any adults, okay? everything’s going to be fine, please don’t be afraid!
go touch some grass, you stupid kid. fuck off, you terminally online piece of shit
you tell me that you understand, but you’re just lying where you stand yet again… what does sadness really mean? could you be lonely here with me? are you listening…?
i want to see your messages on my phone, but please always leave me alone in this loop… the best part of my day is night, but i’m always so cold in this light won’t you hold me tight…
and honestly, i know i could probably be happy. but i just can’t stop living like this
haters can fuck off! fans can’t fuck me! all of my hard work equates to nothing! i’m only descending down to hell! i’m prolly already in one of those holes, anyway.
then likes can be my lawyers, i guess hypocrite’s traps are a spider’s thread oh, this pain is really taking over, but how could i ever leave my dear internet??
filling up my body with ecstasy only to pass out on myslee my screen illuminates at night the anxiety, it holds me tight!
can someone just come kill me now? wait, no, i still wanna live somehow! oh, can the sun just stay down? i’m dying. END! ME! i’m gonna fuckin’ explode!!!!!1
despite everything, i’ll guide you nerds through the chaos of the internet let’s witness something only we could have created here! from the disturbing internet we’re all stuck in, ah… these poisonous radio waves almost fall like snow
see, i actually saw a therapist once! but i was told it’d be a good idea to leave the internet. but it hurt me so bad thinking of not being able to see you all, so i decided, fuck reality, i like it here!
and i do still remember when people had first started following me. and oh, people liking me made me feel so warm inside! you know what? fuck this! who cares about anything!? one two,
drowning in the thrill of ecstasy i hope to dream sweet with you, dear myslee i can feel you starting to reach my hand as you swim through this cyberspace, internet boy!
i’ll leave my sorrow to descend with all of my pain while you play with me this internet game i know now i can rest my head on you this way promise you’ll never forget your internet girl, okay?
kys i’m DEAD retweet weird flex but okay noob! HELP. plsss, that’s a mood. big cringe, epic fail KILLING MYSELF. would you love me if i was a worm? TL;DR, that’s fire HEAR ME OUT… pardon my french, dropped a banger private quote retweet! tumblr sexyman you wanna kiss me soo bad, LMAO kys i’m DEAD retweet weird flex but okay noob! HELP. plsss, that’s a mood. HEAR ME OUT.
i love you! love you-
from the blue light of every digital screen in the world as just pixels, i’ll heal all my nerd’s loneliness after all, that’s my job as the internet angel!
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embossross · 2 years
2022 in Anime
i give ratings out of 10 stars based on a rubric that considers the following:
2 points / ambition of what the anime is trying to achieve 3 points / effectiveness of the anime in achieving its aims 4 points / my personal, subjective enjoyment 1 point / pacing +1/-1 miscellaneous
so with that said... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (2 anime)
Ping Pong The Animation - believe the hype. incredible.
Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2 - honestly if this show sticks the landing, it may become my favorite anime of all time. it's just the best week to week viewing experience. my jaw lives on the floor. and i spend at least half an hour after every episode debating ethics with my friends. amazing.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (6 anime)
samurai champloo - music! animation! episodic storytelling! STYLE! this anime just has style
ranking of kings - most loveable anime characters of all time. classic fantasy setting. stripped down for honest and charming character storytelling. hilling is best girl of the season FIGHT ME
Golden Kamuy - slow start and then POW. perfect shonen story in an atypical setting. juggles a large cast of characters with competing motivations expertly so you can never predict the twists and turns. criminally underrated
Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song - managed to make me - a known hater of ai/robot stories - glue my eyes to the screen for 3 days. tons of heart and fun storytelling.
Odd Taxi - this is a novel come to life. some of the best dialogue in anime history.
Kotaro Lives Alone - cutest anime child of all time must be protected
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (6 anime)
princess jellyfish - kind of the pinnacle of a generation of shoujo for me
yona of the dawn - tbh i can't remember if i watched this last year or in 2022 but anyway it's great. gripping stuff. the lack of season 2 is criminal and i'm gonna have to collect the manga smh
kaguya-sama love is war season 3 - continued great direction, gimmicks, and jokes
ya boy, kongming! - the shock of the season. somehow this is actually funny and the rap parts are genuinely powerful. i didn't know anime could do music this well tbh
the devil is a part-timer season 1 - had fun watching but nothing sticks with me
parasyte - truly ambitious, gripping sci-fi that doesn't spoonfeed you answers but examines a dilemma from every angle
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4 anime)
banana fish - high stakes international thriller with a diverse cast and a gary stu at the helm
darling in the franxx - the not quite as good cousin of evangelion, interested in pubescent sexuality in big robots. major points for bonkers ambition. i was stunned with what it was trying to do.
spy x family - that little girl really is cute
space patrol luluco - studio trigger on speed with 7 min episodes
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (8 anime)
the tatami galaxy - smart, stylish, creative use of the medium.
made in abyss season 1 - a classic hero's journey to confront the unknown and come back forever changed
btooom! - prisoners' dilemma with explosions
demon slayer season 2 - i liked that guy with a bunch of wives and the bad guys
black lagoon - peak 90s anime
moriarty the patriot season 1 - no one told me moriarty is a righteous socialist antihero. it's fun.
theatre of darkness: yamishibai - horror vignettes in 5 minutes for halloween
ascendance of a bookworm season 1 - slow, dull isekai about learning to make a book (not write a book. make a book) until it suddenly gets political in the last couple episodes. can't decide if it's worth continuing tbh
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4 anime)
seraph of the end - 'has-to-learn-the-same-lesson-500-times-protagonist'
my dress up darling - i watched the first two episodes in a dark room with strangers and it felt like a soft core porn showing but for kids ??
mushoku tensei: jobless reincarnation season 1 - damn this for having good animation and actually decent pacing because this was gross and i wanted to give it a garbage rating
horimiya - cute romance but i forgot everything about it
⭐⭐⭐⭐ (1 anime)
no game no life season 1 - confused that this was such a phenomenon when it came out. it's fine i guess.
⭐⭐⭐ (5 anime)
that time i got reincarnated as a slime season 1 - when given a name for the 1st time, male goblins evolve into 'hobgoblins' and female goblins evolve into...wait for it...'goblinas.' i died laughing + that's this show's legacy to me
danganropa - edgy and strange and not altogether convincing but it has its moments
my teen romantic comedy snafu - 🤷
call of the night -pretty colors! boring anime¡
death parade - philosophy for dummies the anime
⭐⭐ (1 anime)
k-on season 1 - i know it's a classic & i'm so sorry i was just so bored. cute girls doing cute things is not for me! maybe if it was a movie, but a whole 24 episode show!?!?
⭐ (1 anime)
overlord - overpowered isekai fantasies for men are something. i'll leave it at that.
& then ongoing shows that i'm not going to rank until i finish them (but actually all are pretty good so far) - chainsaw man, blue lock, mob psycho season 3, to your eternity, ao ashi, made in abyss season 2, dororo
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