#this is technically a headcanon isnt it? idk
lighthouseborna · 2 years
i don’t know who needs to hear this but if your muse has any kind of affectionate (platonic, romantic, familial) relationship with henry he 100% wants physical gestures of affection and will sit on them if they let him
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razberrypuck · 11 months
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was figuring out a design for qphil and he and bbh not showing their faces* has spawned a series of headcanons in my brain
*in my designs of phil and bbh specifically
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kyistell · 3 months
Headcanon time because my tag paragraphs get shorted to nada and I didn't realize
Okay I'm a dumbass and didn't ever realize or notice that tumblr has a tag cap, because at least to my knowledge it does not tell you that you've hit a limit. So I shall rant about a kinda dumb headcanon I have for the states.
Warning: This bitch is longer than I thought it would be, you have been warned!!
ALRIGHT SO. The way I tend to draw the height for states is based off of two things, their state size and vibes, this is however excluded for the OG13 and then some.
This rule-ish not applying to them is because they all have actual families. Now you may be thinking "What the hell does that mean" and I am so glad you asked.
I haven't really talked about outside of the headcanon things but both New Jersey and New York have families, NJ his moms and technically the devil from the bible, NY his grandparents.
This also goes for the rest of the OG13, they all have families that while those who raised them aren't around anymore that family line still is. This is to the exception of Maryland because he is somehow even farther from being human than states normally are.
Anyway because of this, the OG13 heights are not based in state size, instead it is technically a strange mix between family genes and land size, only technically because those like Mass and Virginia are both taller(mass) and shorter(ginny) than one would assume based on state size. It's basically a ruelette on whether or not you get genes over state size and somehow Rhode STILL managed to be short as hell, bro rolled wrong TWICE XD.
Now it should be interesting to note that it's pretty much only the OG13 that have weird height despite the few other states who have family are locked to their state size. This would include Texas, Louisiana, both the Dakotas, Utah, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Minnesota Wisconsin and Michigan- I see these three at least somewhat related in some way shape or form so thats why they are together like that.
So despite states out side of the OG13 having actual human families they are related to, it's only the OG13 that aren't state size locked and there could be some reasons for this.
For one it could be that colonies more or less aren't locked to their size, mainly because colonies can mix and it's shown quite a lot in history that there were no firm lines between colonies. So it would make sense that when the states (then colonies) were growing up they weren't locked to the size of the colony and rather just their family genes.
It could also be that because they were already adult age (or close to it) it was too far for weird border magic to effect them since they were too old and such. This would make sense and work well with this idea that the other states with families outside of the OG13 are sized locked because their borders were a lot clearer by the time they were older.
Another reason could be because they all have families, which yes doesn't make much sense but here me out. All of them excluding NJ and Maryland had normal human families, it could be that because they had families they were only labeled as personified states once the country became a country. This doesn't mean that they weren't already personifications, just that you have to be labeled a state for border size to take effect, however once again since they were all already adults or almost adults, it wouldn't take effect.
And the final reason I can think of could just be that they were a special case, considering the fact that (if I'm remembering correctly) there aren't personification of the Canadian provinces in canon. It very well could be that yes normally states whether they have family or not are state sized locked, but since they would have been a special case in that there weren't personification like them before that the magic creating state personifications was newly born and didn't have rules yet. This would also explain why they would have families to begin with, the magic had to pick those who lived there to be those personifications, meaning they originally human. The only real problem with this one is the fact that states outside of them have families, however this could be explained, it could have been a lack of people in the area to build a personification from, it also could have been in the southern states case that because family is pretty important there, it made sense to chose those from families instead while still keeping the rules in place.
Now this is a whole lot and it kind of sounds like I've gone insane thinking about this but honestly this is mainly just me typing before I think lol. Is it clear that I needed a reason as to why some states are not close to their state size, because I feel like it is.
I do want to say that the states do have some control over their height, Texas could get taller but it would feel wrong and that goes for most already tall states, it's vice versa for the smaller states who may already be at their height cap by default. I'm not super sure if the OG13 should be able to change their height slightly, mainly because they are all more human to an extent than the other states, of course ignoring whatever the hell Mary is and the fact that NJ is related to the devil from the bible because lord knows those two are not as close (or close at all in Mary's case) to being human like their fellow states with families.
Now height isn't super important but I feel it can explain some dynamics people may have. If you have a tall friend and a short friend, theres gonna be a lot of short jokes. Two short friends and it's a whole lot of complaining about not being able to reach anything. Two tall friends and it's either complaining about feeling claustrophobic in lower ceilings or feeling like your god because your taller than everyone. Two friends of the exact same height and it will always be a competition to see who is truly taller (it's neither but their in denial).
You have to think about these things when making characters because it can effect the dynamic, obviously not by much but still, it's important to know. So while this might seem like far to much thinking when it's literally just a funny internet series that was the only way you knew the news during covid, I find it important. Sure I may never actually write a proper fic and I will probably really only stick to my funny lil drawings, it feels important.
My drawings are like snippets to what happens in the day to day crazy-ness in either the Statehouse or just with the states, thus it is important to me that I have their heights to how I have my headcanons set up when drawing. It's small details like that, that convey a story when drawing without doing an actual comic, it brings life when I know my drawings can be a little stiff, it's about the story and maybe that's just the writer within me talking but I don't care XD.
Basically I just like having some sort of reason as to why the heights for the OG13 aren't consistent with their state size when I draw them. What can I say, I'm a dork :D.
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dvilborn · 4 months
the morningstars have at least two homes in hell. there's one in the pride ring that was always more or less just for appearances, to present the image that the royal family cares about sinners. charlie lived there after moving to the pride ring (also, where she and vaggie lived for that couple years pre series) but the only time it was used before that was on the rare occasion they'd actually have to spend more than a couple hours there for royal duties. the property that is now the hotel was one of liliths projects before the separation, hence the family portraits, but never ended up going anywhere. the home charlie actually grew up in is based in the gluttony ring, while she attended school in the sloth ring.
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blaithnne · 3 months
ok i forgot that goldie isnt canonically 5'1 on a good day so i have to restructure this ask
1) thoughts on short goldie
2) is heron short also
3) (contingent on answers 1 and 2) thoughts on scrooge and beakley both falling for tiny evil women
1) & 2)
I think the toxic yuri polycule height chart is something like this—!
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They all wear heels so it’s not exact (also I whipped this up in like 5 minutes lol)
Huifen is tall, she’s a black heron after all, and though they’re not the tallest birds ever they’re still pretty long! But she looks short standing next to Beakley, because everyone does (also I undersized her a little bit in my first human drawing by accident, whoops). Goldie is a short queen LMAO, she’s not minuscule, only slightly shorter than the average person, but she looks tiny next to these two (she might be slightly shorter than I drew her here, idk, I struggled to scale her LOL). Scrooge, for the record, is around the same height as Goldie!
In terms of their builds btw, Beakley is, obviously, very muscular! Though she might seem like a tank, she’s actually very soft — big ol squishy teddy bear! Heron on the other hand is a gangly mf, long, skinny, and sharp. Goldie is sort of in between them, an hourglass build like Huifen, but with more muscle on her (not half as much as Beakley, though).
Heron might not be tiny but Beakley treats her like she is, picks her up like a feral cat when she’s being too much 😌 Scrooge and Goldie only have a very slight height difference, but I think he’s very smug about it lol
Also, my funniest headcanon ever is that Beakley has a thing for bad girls, and she HATES IT. She’s so embarrassed about it and fully intends to take it to her grave. This also leads to her hating the aforementioned bad girls even more, bc she’s so frustrated with herself for liking the in the first place. So Beakley can spend 24 hours a day ranting about how much she hates someone, and be blushing the entire time. All this to say, Beakley might not technically have a leg to stand on when it comes to criticising Scrooge’s relationship, but that doesn’t stop her.
I think they’re both massive hypocrites about it, bc they wanna protect eachother despite the other really not needing the help. They’re also endlessly frustrated with eachother’s toxic Yuri partners. Beakley to a much bigger degree because she definitely has a thing for Goldie, which only makes her hate her even more. Scrooge is more annoyed by Beakley and Heron than anything else bc he just does not understand what the hell is going on there, but he’ll also occasionally be all,
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In conclusion, Beakley and Scrooge being a disaster sibling duo is my favourite thing ever. Scrooge is practically immortal, nothing can take him down. Beakley is a walking tank, she could walk off a bullet. They looked at eachother and went “that idiot needs me to protect them from their own love life” and they were kind of right??
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
Got hit with the brainrot beam for a new Au fella, so so hear me out
Nefertari Sanji
Back when sanji was still in germa the kingdom would sometimes attend the royal refari (idk how you spell it) and this one time judge brought along all his spawn and Sanji!
Vivi and Sanji became quick friends and Cobra was also enjoying this shy well behaved boy, maybe Sora was actually good friends with the Nefertari family and asked them to keep an eye on Sanji if she wasn't not around anymore.
So basicly on that event they see the way Judge treata Sanji as if he doesnt exist while showing heavy amounts of love and attention to his other kids, and the siblings beating up Sanji ans bullying him, not to mention the bruises on Sanji that show it isnt the first time this is happening.
So either they steal him away at the risk of a war but Judge doesnt care to find out who took him and pronounces him dead or maybe kong Cobra is a little more careful ams decides to deceive Judge by making him give up Sanjk to Alabasta (like maybe sell him or maybe they set it up like a marriage alliance where vivi and sanji will be wed when they both are of age)
But Sanji ends up as a nefertari and Vivi's brother ✨
Amazing. I love this and I love your brain. Good Lord it's a whole Ace and Sabo situation where the will of D is fucking handed to someone not technically born with it. Amazing.
Cobra and his family are friends with Sora and they see each other at every Reverie and they watch the children grow as Sora grows weaker. Sora makes them promise to care for Sanji when she passes and it is held in the highest regard to Cobra and his wife. They see the bruises, they understand what is happening. So when Sora passes before they take Sanji. Cobra expects a fight for the third prince but Judge says have him, he's useless, so Sanji is adopted and inherits the will of D. He is not the crown prince, only because he was adopted after Vivi was born. That's it.
He's allowed more to focus on his hobbies that way but he still has royal duties. Everyone can also see the will of D infiltrate his being. He eats like a D, is stubborn like a D, he puts his mind to things like a D. Thank the gods he wants to be a chef because he is a damn good cook. He's also kind and takes care of his people the best he can.
I've headcanoned that Sir Crocodile was a friend of Cobra and a trusted advisor who basically acted as the kids uncle until the coup. He would watch them train with Cobra who would smile and say that Sanji joining the family was one of the best things to happen to them. Crocodile agrees as he watches them grow. Sanji learns not only his martial arts but swords and guns as he is dead set to protect Vivi with his life, not only as her brother but as a member of the Royal Guard.
Then the coup happens in their parched land. He escapes with Vivi and runs. Sanji has to protect the crown and that crown is on his little sister. They watch Baroque Works take control of their home and hold their father prisoner. Sir Crocodile, Mr. 0, became a warlord and has made everything worse. They make it to Whiskey Peak with Karoo and Igaram. Then they meet the Strawhats. And they go with them to take back Alabasta.
Zoro and Sanji still fight but Sanji takes over cooking duties which makes the crew salivate. Vivi and Nami hit it off and Sanji absolutely sends his little sister knowing looks and teasing remarks that make her flush. He says once this is all settled and she nods. Everything is pretty normal, Sanji laughs so hard he's crying to Vivi and Igaram about Crocodile buying the whole 'Mr. Prince' thing and Vivi chokes with how hard she's laughing. He helps Luffy get Nami to Doctorine. Chopper joins and they get to Alabasta. It's the first time in Sanji and Vivi's life in Alabasta they feel the rain, how it drenches them and their father.
It would also be fucking hilarious if the crew had no idea that Sanji isn't just a soldier like Koza but also a prince. When his bounty comes out he looks at it and shrugs. Nefertari D. Sanji is apparently Black Leg Sanji because they didn't recognize him and he certainly doesn't act like a prince. He curses more than anyone and smokes so many cigarettes. It's actually worrying how easily he takes to be a pirate as he bids farewell to his family and Vivi is part of the Nakama even if she isn't on the ship. He keeps in touch with letters.
Until he's sent to Momoiro by Kuma and Ace dies in Luffy's arms.
When they come back together it's still very funny to him that he's royalty and no one knows that or believes it except for Robin who doesn't mention it at all. Jinbei also doesn't mention it even though Sanji is sure he knows. Law doesn't care enough about them to remember much about them probably.
When Sanji goes to protect the crew for WCI he's looking at Judge with anger and annoyance, even as the cuffs are put on. When his bounty is changed to Vinsmoke after the escape he's even more annoyed. He doesn't bring up his name until after Wano before the crews all separate when Law asks him about Germa because fanboy behavior.
"I'm not a Vinsmoke and haven't been since I was a child." Sanji shrugs in response.
"So you've been a pirate for a long time?" Law asks.
"Oh, no. I joined the crew with my little sister in Whiskey Peak, Vivi. She stayed in Alabasta after we kicked Crocodile's ass since she is set to take over the throne." Sanji answers.
"Wait, you're a prince, like actually a prince?" Law asks with puzzlement.
"Technically. I was adopted by the Nerfertari's as a child. My name Nefertari D. Sanji, not Vinsmoke." Sanji nods.
"What the fuck? What the actual fuck?" Law yells as he walks away.
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sun-stricken · 27 days
Do you think Gray, Natsu , Erza and Wendy have accents like all came from different places and I headcanon Florian wasn’t any of their first languages so whenever they get emotional their accents come out and Lucy’s just like “ guys please I can’t understand what your sayin” but they can understand each other just fine.
Like that get ambushed on a mission and they all start swearing except only Lucy’s swearing in Fiorian and they get so angry after the missions complete and thier all complaining about it Lucy’s just completely lost because their accents are popping so hard.
i do think so actually
i mostly just played around with what their accents would sound like rather than what you asked, so sorry🙏
Almost no one outside of who she grew up extremely close with can understand Erza when her accent pops out. Erzas accent is a mash up of a bunch of different ones, being raised in the tower with a bunch of people from various linguistic backgrounds does that, you could not pin point where shes from originally from speaking alone. When her accent pops her words can go anywhere from a clear-cut and concise, to a rolling drawl, to fast and choppy, it will give you whiplash
Natsu and Wendys accents are harsh and makes their words slur together heavily, sounds like theyre short-cutting their words as much as possible. Its meant for fast speaking.
Wendys accent is a different dialect of the average Fiorian one, the rhythm/structure of it flows similarly, but the pronunciation of letters are fairly different. When her accent comes out, her words probably the easiest to make out since (after Grandeeney) she was technically raised in Fioré, although that isnt saying much when compared to the other three.
Natsu, now Natsus accent is practically unintelligible at best, by the time you process what one word was, hes already moved on to another sentence, he could not slow down if he tried. Even if hes speaking a language youre fluent in, if his accent breaks through it sounds like a different language altogether.
Grays accent is sharp and sounds a little awkward, it can make him trip up on his words since Florian languages are faster and the sounds are shorter and an Isvani accent will put stress in unneeded places and is more drawn out. His accent is very, indecisive? the way he says words will change depending on where in the sentence they are or how he uses them. very inconvenient for anyone trying to understand him.
All of this very inconvenient for Lucy. Her first language is Florian, she knows a couple different languages fluently but holy shit, she should’ve brought her flash cards with her when she ran away. Although none of them wouldve prepared her for this
Wendys accent is heavy when shes upset for any reason, while Lucy is okay at understanding her (even if the pace makes her dizzy sometimes) she absolutely cant whenever she cries. Or when shes yelling, or if shes doing anything actually, Lucy has to pay very close attention to understand
Natsus pops at any given time, no real reason, but its like he purposely uses it when hes cursing someone out, he thrives on their utter confusion. If Lucy thought Wendys pace was dizzying, Natsus makes her feel like shes in a tornado.
*Natsu and Lucy arguing and his accent comes out*
Lucy, nearing a breakdown: IDK WHAT THE HELL YOURE SAYING
Natsu, knowing exactly what hes doing: FUCK YOU
they have fun🤗
Both Grays and Erzas come out mostly when they’re tired, during intense moments/emotions, or when they talk for a long time.
Lucy has given up on trying to understanding Erza, just sitting there in horrified facination as she successfully captured a part of every countries accent while also trying to use context clues because for some reason the others can understand her perfectly fine (so unfair)
Gray also sometimes uses his accent to confuse people, although he usually dabbles in the actual language than the just the accent cause its funnier that way. Lucy at this point has given up any sense of peace she’ll get to have ever, itll never happen around any of these fools
So far, Lucy thinks Wendys is the easiest to understand (which means its her favorite), Grays is the nicest to listen to (even if the sharpness of it makes it feel like hes about to yell), Erzas is the most confusing (literally what the fuck is it??), and Natsus pisses her off (she knows that mf uses it on purpose to make her confused)
Once they all started talking with their natural accent and Lucy thought she had a brain injury before staring blankly and wonder what her life has come to
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usuratongaychi · 2 months
Drawings + Rants + Headcanons/Naruto AU
i finally had some time to draw my versions of tean seven (minus kakashi). im gonna detail more of my AU later in the post but here are the designs and some notes.
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For sasuke, in one of my other posts i had the theory that sasuke keeps his hair short to avoid resembling itachi, and thats why it is longer in time skip, because he is coming to terms with his trauma and still loves itachi. I also gave him similar creases to itachi, just from stress.
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tbh im not too sure about this naruto design…but at least he isnt balding like before💀.
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for sakura, i actually really like her older design, so i just drew her working. she would have her hair up and i gave her sakura blossom hair pins and eyeshadow.
also i havent drawn in forever so..thats why its messy.
(the rest of this is me rambling on..)
Now for changes i made to the story:
1. Narusasu endgame (yk im a stan)
I would have both of them be joint hokages, so technically both are the 7th. I know Sasuke is referred to as the shadow hokage, but that doesn’t really entail anything. I think it’s important because Sasuke would know just how important reform is for the village and shinobi system, but since people are still suspicious of Uchihas, Naruto would be the face. This fulfills Naruto’s dream, which when you really think about it, his dream was just to be loved, not really to be a politician. Naruto has seen how unfair and corrupt their society is, so he would completely work with Sasuke to make sure things like Danzo and Hiruzen’s corruption, child soldiers, hyuuga slavery and the “Uchiha Incident” dont happen again. I could explain more of this in a later post.
2. I would have Hinata look up to Sakura more, instead of Naruto.
I think it makes a bit more sense, Sakura is brave, outspoken and independent, just like Hinata wants to be. I would have Sakura be her first friend, since she can’t stand to see people be excluded or alone. That leads me into changes I would make for Sakura’s story.
3. Sakura. In the original, I would keep her kind of bratty attitude until things get serious in the Zabuza arc. Seeing her close friends so close to death, while not being able to help much would challenge her to become a protector. This also gives motivation for her to learn healing and medicine when Tsunade comes around. Sakura would be the “rock” or “glue” of team seven, which makes sense because she is the only one of them that came from a stable home.
Sakura initially resents Sasuke for betraying the team, but seeing how dedicated Naruto is to saving him, she decides its worth it to help bring him back. Besides if she didn’t, naruto would just endager himself trying.
4. Sasuke. I would have Sasuke after he realizes Itachi was manipulated into a genocide to protect the village, still go through him “i’m gonna destroy the village” phase, but when Naruto defeats him, they make a promise to change things, so no one else will have to suffer like that. I would also show more of the psychological effects of witnessing Itachi’s murders. One of my headcanons is that he’s pretty thin, since trauma survivors tend to have chronic stomach pains. He’s probably pretty paranoid about others betraying him, so he does it to them first (probably why he pushes naruto away so much). Sasuke is also probably still ostracized or “othered” for being an uchiha, since that is what the village is told about them. People still pity him, but dont come near him.
5. Naruto. 😭I actually made up a whole theory on why Hiruzen didn’t take great care of naruto, bc to me it just doesn’t make sense. it’s kinda a dumb theory and doesn’t rlly have anything to do with canon, but- what if Minato wanted to expose the corruption in the hidden leaf and get rid of the foundation, so as a sort of revenge, or just general distaste for Minato, Hiruzen doesn’t really provide for Naruto. 🤷‍♀️idk. A change I would make is to have naruto mature more to match his age. Like ofc it makes sense for him to act out for attention esp when he was younger, but i feel like past shippuden..he didn’t really mature at all? maybe thats just me. I’ll probably have more stuff to add for him, i’ll think of it later or put it in my headcanons post.
😭im so tired yall i will make a better post later on.
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moncey-imagines · 2 years
WDW Trip Headcanons | Sans x GN!Reader
Sorry this took so long, Thanksgiving week has been quite busy 🥲 but now it is done and out for all the world to see 🐎🐎for context, the reader is hyperfixated on the disney parks (just like me 😎)
Also I added an intro to lead into the headcanons 😱
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It started with a simple statement:
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* seriously.
This is the first time you found out that Sans had absolutely no idea about the pure magic and majesty of Disney parks.
* You've been on the surface for like a year...how do you STILL not know about Disneyworld...
* idk
* Do you even know about the Disney company at all??? You have to, they are industry giants in like every category of anything ever...
* i think so, are they the ones that have the princesses?
* Which princesses?
* you know, the ones.
* No I don't, you have to tell me which ones.
* the ones with the hair.
* long hair i think.
* Rapunzel?
* idk
* Okay yeah that's it, we're going to Disneyworld, lemme go book the flights.
* cool
Two weeks later, you and your skeleton boyfriend were off to Orlando so you could expose him to the wonders of Walt Disney World.
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Once you two are there and walking around, he'd probably be more focused on you rather than the park. I mean, it's kind of hard to ignore how excited you get over being in the park. The amount of facts that pop up in your brain the second you're in the parks is abundant, so much so that there is no way to stop you excited rambling (not that he'd try, he thinks it's cute).
* Look!! Look at the windows!!
* im lookin.
* It's a tribute to Marc Davis!!
* i...sorry, i dont know who that is.
Expect a lot of Sans not understanding a single thing you're talking about.
* Sans!! Look at the rocks, it's shaped like the Nautilus!!
* yeah?
* Yeah!! That's cause 20000 Leagues Under the Sea was here before The Little Mermaid ride!!
* wow.
* Do you know what any of what I just said means?
* um...not really no, im sorry.
He'll still listen though, he likes seeing you happy and excited.
* i really don't think these guys have the guts to be in here naked
* They're fake skeletons, Sans, but there's a rumor that the skull on the bed in Disneyland if re- wait...they don't have the guts. I just got it.
* took you a minute huh.
* Shut it, bonehead.
* sorry, but a name like that won't get under my skin.
* These jokes suck, you must have left your funny bone at home.
* i know, im just a lazy bones like that.
Everyone around you two have to occasionally either sit through agonizingly horrible jokes or get up and walk away.
* Hey, Sans! Do you think you can solve the murder mystery?
* murder mystery? isnt that a little dark for magic kingdom?
* It's not too dark for the Haunted Mansion, that's what this ride is all about.
* ah, okay. i wont let it rattle my bones then.
* You're such a doofus.
* actually, in your own words, im a bonehead.
* Do you think you can do the puzzle or not? The lines gonna move...
* yeah, yeah, okay.
Sans also seems to really like standing in line to hear what other people are saying.
* people say some wild stuff here, (y/n).
* Like what?
* i just heard a little girl ask her mom what happened to Mickey Mouse when he went backstage and her older sister said that the staff skinned him.
* Oh my god.
* thats not all, after that her mom agreed and told her thats how they make the Mickey ear hats.
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* these fireworks are pretty nice.
* Did you know that they have to set them off no matter what? For safety reasons, they can't let old fireworks sit back there unused, even is they cancel the shows.
* so theres technically always a show?
* ...I guess so, yeah.
* ...
* What do you think happens if an airplane flies to close to the fire works?
* what happens?
* It probably becomes a scareplane.
* that one's a stretch
* C'mon, I thought it was funny.
* you were close, but not close enough. maybe next time.
Driving the car to the hotel, you turn to Sans.
* Did you...like today's trip? I wasn't annoying was I?
* i liked it, yeah, and not at all, i thought all your little facts were great. im excited for what you tell me tommorow.
* Alright, I'll stock up on my facts for Animal Kingdom tomorrow.
* you better, ill even polish my humerus.
* I knew you were gonna make some kind of pun, I felt it in my bones.
* what, have you been spine on me?
* Okay, that one was knee-t.
Sans lets out a sigh.
* What's wrong?
* nothing at all, i love you.
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also sorry if its more dialogue than headcanons, I've been coding VNs as of late DHFYSGADFh
I kinda wanna make this into a short visual novel...but I cannot at the moment, I must get this fic out DHGFIYFSG
I hope it was good, if anyone wants a part two in another part just send in an ask 😎
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oldmemoria · 9 months
i have a lot of unorganized miguel headcanons that float around my brain at times but since i usually think of them at night and forget about them the next morning im just going to continuously update this post probably? anyway here are the ones that i do remember
i will either leave this in my drafts and update it when i want to or ill just edit/reblog with new stuff idk
edit after i stopped typing:
ok its time
fuck you
identity headcanons first, because idk getting those out of the way feel free to get pissed off about these ill just block you 💖
trans man. he/him pronouns. probbably doesnt care if you use gender neutral terms for him because like... why would he, he has a multiverse to stare at
asexual, can't really figure out of i see him as being aromantic as well, i personally just think he's too busy to think about it atm but i dont think hes incapable of it. maybe arospec, like demiro or greyro or smth idk, i just know this mf is asexual.
he is autistic (and probably undiagnosed?) i will die on this hill as if i was a warrior cat defending the sunningrocks i will commit an oakheart fight me on this and i will throw rocks at you and then promptly get crushed by rocks as well (is that warrior cats spoilers um oops sorry)
now to the rest- that i remember- i have not read the comics yet so if some of these are like.. actually canon lmk because that would be really funny
this one might be a hot take but he does not hate miles. he wants to look out for him and definitely either currently regrets or is going to regret what happened in that chase scene. i genuinely doubt he hates any of the spider-gang hes just very, very worried about the multiverse. in his head thats the only way. (i am hoping and pleading that miguel and miles make up somehow, maybe miles doesnt forgive miguel and that totally understandable and would make sense but pLEASE writers i would die if you kept them as being rivals i genuinely would)
he hates Audrey Hepburn, fangoria, harry houdini, AND croquet. he CAN swim, he CAN dance, and he DOES know Karate. he still wont make it though. sorry man.
since hes from the future i dont think he'd be terribly confused by current slang/terms, hed more look at it like we see terms from like... the 80-90s or anything before that as "oh wow people used to say that? huh. interesting."
im going back on a headcanon ive had since i saw the movie im SoRRYYY but he cant curse. from what ive seen from the comics he uses replacements like "shock" and "bithead", thats it. maybe he says fuck on accident or in spanish (he technically kind of does depending on how you see "Ay Coño" being said but thats beside the point).
probably a blue eyes hater idk he just gives me the vibe of saying "jesus christ your eyes are way too blue, get contacts please im begging you stop looking at me" which is probably why him and gwen have so much beef.
i dont give a shit about what the movie says his fangs are not retractable fuck you. (he still has crooked teeth though i will never forget about those <3 )
autism be damned my guy can work a grill 🔥🔥🔥🔥
a lot of people cant really tell if hes pissed or not by his tone sometimes. is this projection? yeah, next question.
he hardly ever sleeps but when he does its like hes dead (at least when its dead quiet, which again, isnt often so he hardly ever gets a good nights sleep). you'd have to use a fucking blowtorch to the face to wake him up.
i also see him as not only having hypersensitive vision but also having elevated senses period. hearing, smell, touch, etc. probably the main reason he sits in the dark with no other noise.
branching off of that he frequently gets migraines of things get to stressful or too loud or if anything is very off about his schedule.
arachnophobe. ha.
cat person.
cat person as in he likes cats not like hes a catboy.. i shouldnt specify that actually that just makes it worse but i will anyway because tumblr hellsite will be tumblr hellsite
he partially likes lego peter because his daughter really liked lego.
ok but like think about it he'd probably be really good at taking legos apart with those claws. like imagine. it'd be nothing for him.
hasnt spoken to gabriel in years. he cant bring himself to reach out and when gabriel does he just doesnt have the energy to try and respond. he has no idea how to, especially now.
this is very specific but he stims a lot with his claws. like extend and retract over and over absentmindedly (mainly because thats what i'd do if i had claws imagine how fun that would be)
he usually bottles up all the emotions that he has, including anger. kind of explains why he lost it in the chase scene in my head because he reached a boiling point. he hates talking to people about his problems.
empanadas are his safe food, also theyre just easy to eat when your mouth is a little funky (i would know i have some fucked up braces theyre great for that 10/10), its mostly just easier on his fangs.
definitely horrible at the whole self are thing. he just forgets, all the time. would forget to breathe if it wasnt involuntary
if you say anything he doesnt particularly like (eg "hey bro are you okay do you wanna talk") he'll just stare at you with his rat eyes like 👁️👁️ until you stopped idk what im saying.
he is a bit touch starved, depending on his mood he'll let people touch him in a friendly (emphasis on friendly. friendly friendly friendly dont take it any other way :/) way.
OH I almost forgot about this one: he hisses. some spiders hiss. so does he. vampire furry energy
he also gets pissed when people call him a vampire so uh... im counting my days oops.
will go out and sit in the rain. (wait would it still rain in the future? is the climate still fucked in his timeline or nah)
like "ah, its water time" and goes out to sit like this:
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Man if only there was a rain filter
that is all i have for now maybe if something else comes up ill reblog with new stuff >:)
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the-kipsabian · 1 month
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
�� Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
💖 What do you like most about your own writing? my prose is very purple but honestly im in love with it so. i just love describing things especially from the emotional point of view idk
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP. ...i dont know if i have sharable wips hang on yeah no there really isnt anything thats sharable right now, sorry ;;
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc). in the last month (im counting that as recent) i finished a few fics i didnt hate. i even posted one so. yayyy
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to? its technically two since i wanna write them as a ship, but skye and julia are on the top of my list rn
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet? sooooo many. recently been thinking about potentially revamping/restarting the escort au so theres that. also that one orangekip idea set in the early days of aew that i honestly dont know what to call that au but. yeah that too. we'll see if anything actually ever happens with either of them
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing. god uh... creative, caring, pretty. take that as you wish i guess
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work? i tried really hard to think of one but my brain is shutting down at the moment but just. think of the entirety of the belt corruption au/immortal fears. thats about it
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave). that feeling of wanting. it will forever be my favorite 💜💜💜💜💜💜
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
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polym4id cariňosa <3
notes/me going insane abt them under the cut bc i know the tags would be long if i didn't!
first up! carinosa is a folk dance that originates from the colonial era of the philippines. it tells the story of a man and a woman falling in love but are too shy to properly show it so they do a little hide and seek type of thing. the fan and handkerchief play a very important role for the dance because it helps tells the audience their shy way of showing love.
my headcanon for dalia's mother is she's filipino and her father is japanese. her brother has no canon appearance yet so i just made one up for him!
i headcanon dalia being very close to her filipino side of the family since her mother always video-called them when she has the chance ever since she was a kid. her relative gifts her and her brother presents every time it was their birthday or any holiday.
marika is literally the "ideal" dalagang pilipina (on the outside). fair skin, nice attitude, has a good career as a model, and is very sweet. dalia's relatives would probably like her a lot if they didn't know abt the fact marika does NOT clean her room n stuff.
"tito" in english is "uncle", not to be confused w "ninong" which is used for godfathers (ive accidentally called my tito 'ninong' more than two times bc i didnt know this difference when i was younger). the feminine equivalant for both words are "tita" and "ninang".
no one is wondering this but the reason i didn't get any of their boobs out is bc that would be. not good to do. it's a no no. that era in the philippines was very conservative on that kind of thing, so it would be a bit disrespectful (to me) to do such a thing. also how am i supposed to get the tits out w that outfit huh? (and i cant drAW BO--)
also also. if ur curious why some tagalog words remind u of spanish or anything reminds u of something from spain, it's bc spain colonized the philippines for 300 years. that's why some filipinos have "spanish" names. my middle and last name r spanish bc of this. (idk if some of this is correct tho bc i havent went to a filipino history lesson for like. two years technically. reason why i kinda remembered this is bc we were taught this ever since we were like. in kindergarten.)
that saori and dalia one is based on an image in the wikipedia page of carinosa. i rlly liked it a lot even tho it isnt even part of the dance lol. that was the first drawing i did for this and it took me a while to finish haha.
this isnt connected to the drawings (kind of) but back in my old old school in the philippines we had to dance the carinosa for this annual dance competition against every grade, from the kindergarteners to the damn high schoool students. it was a mixed school so there were boys n girls and i was paired up w one of my friends, all of us were practicing rlly hard but when the performance day came, my friend and his brother (also my other friend i think) wasnt there. so i had to be paired up w the girl his brother was supposed to be paired up w, and considering the fact this song is abt a two lovers n stuff it made it pretty gay lol. we did well but we didn't win, i forgot who won tho...
also rika's necklace is from that one art from the character designer where's theyre wearing the yoba academy uniform.
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obscureother · 2 months
we call him "barry" here, sir.
every once in a while i have the courage to go "this is my blog, i can post whatever i want whenever i want and everyone's dashboards can just deal with it. thats why i have tags for my f/os and my goofy f/o stuff." this is one of those times. so completely unprompted, this is my post to tell you that i gave my poor little lore-less f/o a name because the one in the credits is given to him as a nickname by the guy who beats him up dsfsd-
. 🌑 .
too many times have i been writing drafts that i almost type "barry" instead of "smiley." so im tired of trying to not have to correct it every time because its too natural for me now, ive had him living rent free (like he could even afford rent-) in my brain for like, 2 or so years now.
so for those of you who dont know smiley, you go "who tf is smiley?" and i tell you, "he's this guy from ford fairlane heehoo <33"
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those of you who dont know barry, you go, "who tf is barry?" and i tell you, "you do know him. he is also this guy from ford fairlane heehoo <33"
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because i have to give my f/o so much lore and headcanons that his name is Barton and i call him barry for short, so when you ask "who tf is barry" or "who tf is smiley" youre asking the same question twice and you dont even realize it.
do you know how hard it is to correct him every time when i talk to people?? orhghfkdghfg- maybe thats the only good thing about him being a very unnoticed character tho, i dont have very many people who know who smiley is to begin with, so he doesnt get brought up too often. .
. . but that also makes me sad because i love him. . 😔
. 🌑 .
i dont know if this one is as relevant, because i could be fine, but i know im not good with accents. Whatever accent he was supposed to have, the closest i could find to it was cockney so if he's technically not cockney, he sounded like it to me, so he's also called my cockney criminal and that's going to be how he talks to me forever. tell me "nah, its a BURMING'AM ACCENT-" or "no its NEW YORK IDIOT-" bro idk accents, he sounded closest to cockney when i looked it up so thats what the f/o version of him is. maybe im right tho, idk, maybe YOURE the dumb one. Either way, if you tell me f/o barry isnt cockney, then youre definitely the dumb one. robert englund himself could tell me he was supposed to sound jamaican. that's cool for the movie robbie, but he's cockney to me. he's the cockney criminal f/o.
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regnzz00 · 11 months
dc superhero girls headcanons
hey there if you found this post, that must you really like this show and i do to
i have hyper fixated and maladaptive dreaming about this show since it came out (so like 4 years i need a life lol) so i have a lot of headcanons but some of them are so wacked that they dont make sense, so i will only put the ones that make sense and ill keep adding as time goes on, oh, and another thing to note is that i know nothing about the dc universe other than this show so idk
(also if you dont know what a headcanon is, its like something about a show or a movie or a book is canon or confirmed in your head but not in the actual show or movie or book or whatever, hope that makes sense)
~ kara is an alien (which makes sense cuz she is from another planet so she technically is)
~ since kara is from another planet, english probably doesnt exist there and the language of her planet probably different from all the other languages on earth so it would make it really hard for her to learn english, what im basically saying is that english isnt her first language
~ kara probably got some sort of ptsd from the hole she was stuck in for a bunch of years or what ever it was i think its the phantom zone but idk anything about that sooo, and on top of that she lost her mother and her home so that would make a source of her anger and emotional problems
welp these are the only ones that i have thought about and/or fucked or not relevant or about people gender and sexuality wise but its not my job to label people thats their job but i could add those idk (but ignore the label i just put on kara about her mental state shhh its an idea remember shhhh)
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ok i thought of more shit
also a lot of these are going to be about kara because shes the one i decided to latch onto 4 years ago so yeah
~ i find it really weird that the names on kryton are similar to the names on earth cuz like i said they are different planets so things would be totally different like the language and stuff, but for some reason the names are very english like kara, clark, laura (whatever the aunts name is) but names like zod and non arent traditional english names. so my headcanon is that kara and her cousin either chose or were given those names to be normal ig
~ zees mother probably cared about her a lot and she probably had a reason for leaving but her father keeps its from her
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i forgot to finish last edit oops
~ karen is more angst than she makes it out to be and kara is more sweet and innocent than she makes it out to be
~ being queer on kryton is like totally normalized
~ kara find babs absolutely beautiful, like not shes attracted to her or has a crush on her or anything, she just finds her extremely aesthetically pleasing to look at (no i dont ship these two, thats fine if you do tho)
~ kara is kinda the mom friend to garth, karen, and babs
~ kara doesnt know how old she is or when her birthday is cuz all planets rotate and revolve differently so i would think that years would be different there, i would think she is probably around 16 to 19, also wouldnt she be like older is she didnt go to the hole or whatever, idk the whole story about that
~ diana once asked kara to teach her krytonian so that kara would have someone to talk to (which is so sweet when i think about it), but its like really hard and it took kara forever to learn english and she is still learning it, but kara loved the offer
~ diana speaks a lot of languages (which im pretty sure is canon), she speaks greek (cuz shes from there), english (you know), (these are the most spoken languages of the world, according to google) mandarin chinese, hindi, spanish, french, arabic, russian, portuguese, german, hebrew, latin, and she is learning japanese so she can talk to tatsu (damn girl idk how she does it, miss try hard)
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so i know its been a while cuz ive been lazy lol
i also only have a few today
~ kara actually has a good singing voice, but she never portrays it
~ kara is also very musically talented and dabbles in many musical instruments
~ also kara is much more intelligent than she portrays, she just sucks at english and earth stuff (idk if i said this before)
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starfruit-baby · 1 year
What is the difference between Leo Manfred and Gavin Reed in your opinion? Like, why do you think Leo is worthy of redemption and not Gavin?
I don't like Gavin, and I didn't like Leo either, but your posts are making me think
in retrospect, i guess 'redeemable' wasnt the right word and im sorry for using it, since technically, as far as canon is concerned, we never see concrete proof he truly sees androids as equals, much less regrets any harm done by his own hands and words. right now i think the word i could use would be "sympathetic", since what we CAN do is walk through his backstory, and connect the dots from his life to his current thinking, even if it doesn't necessarily excuse his actions, far from even. by now im gonna be talking from an utterly biased perspective so its not quite set in stone, im prone to fucking up what is or isnt canon or weighing in personal judgement from My preferences, so just a heads up, but going a little more into it:
like, putting yourself in his shoes, he was a child of a fling, and his rich father although comfortable enough to openly claim him, did not bother to visit him personally until he was a teenager, an already difficult phase for the average person, only to be met with scorn because by this time in his life, he found solace in the wrong crowd and vices. and from this point on trying to get closer to his father is useless because of something so difficult to change in yourself.
and then, once disabled, Carl gets a machine to help him around, which is normal at this point in time. but, as the game makes it seem at least, carls whole behaviour changes gradually, because he talks to markus, and this angry (at least as far as Leo is aware), pessimistic old man is caught smiling, because of this machine. he chats with it. and now, hes walking into his father guiding this thing into his fathers very passion. this, as far as Leo is concerned, common object, a household facility like a toaster, is getting lessoned proudly by his father, who loses all the shine in his eyes once he walks in, goes back to his sarcastic, bitter old tone, and will grow aggressive if you even speak ill of the thing. and, later on, Carl talks about his own son as if he's not there in the room, ordering around his toaster to deal with you as if to not get his hands dirty. dirty with You being in his way. his own blood.
now, again, does this excuse his behavior? nope. even in the belief that Markus is truly an unfeeling object, at the very last moment before Markus is forced to decide between obeying or not, he starts referring towards Markus as something that could be physically hurt, and emotionally provoked. where previously his mockery of Markus felt more about provoking his father, not addressing Markus directly, the time he decides to pick a fight with Markus he's talking TO him. hes speaking as if this theoretically unfeeling being could either fear or be angry at him (which turns out, he can), but its difficult to tell if hes under some sort of influence or not, or if this egging on is still in part more to dash back his frustrations at Carl in a less direct manner. his love for the old man stops him from wanting to lay a hand on him, but he knows with how clear the guy makes it he cares for this android, how he yells, itll still inflict Something to tear this thing apart.
now, i may be wrong here, and im real sorry if i sound like a douche for it, but i dont personally consider too much the actors headcanons as full canon, and Gavins background according to the game is really uh... unclear? i can understand how people get to the conclusion his workplace ambition is what makes him hate androids, hell do Anything to get to the top, but a lot of what people attribute as being the motivation behind it i find kinda... idk, circumstancial? im not saying improbable, but my post was more about how people latched on to him when theres way less explanation and even content to him than Leo does? my last guess is that people plain and simple found him sexier than Leo
from My perspective, the closest we get to a Leo redemption is if Carl dies, and he comes across Markus mourning his father as well. the first time i saw this i thought there would be a fight, that he would scream and yell that it was all Markus' fault, even when he knows it wasnt, how dare this fucking thing even show itself in a cemetary. but he just... looks on. in shock. what he deemed something slightly above a glorified toaster is there, when he shouldnt even be. the fruits of his fathers time invested in this android. in his bonding. this thing that shouldve been dismantled in a junkyard somewhere, completely useless, now overwhelming the news talking about civil rights. and this is where he gets it. this thing understands the concept of grief, its clearly feeling it. Markus looks sad. a cold and calculating machine would understand theres no point in visiting a stone with some decaying corpse underneath it, death is final. wouldnt bother making the time to visit this unremarkable place while its on the brink of raging a war. but it did. the same as he was about to do. fucked up
on an alternate where Carl survives, most of what Leo says goes more towards the favor of his father than mentioning the android. we dont know if he knows anything of what happened with Markus at all, so its hard to draw a conclusion, but the game certainly feeds some hope that after this horrible event they can mend back. he promises to do what he can to get rid of what, as far as he knows, is what truly keeps Carl from loving him. no more ugly addiction. who knows, maybe theres a chance for growth. maybe if he really wants to, Leo could give in to seeing Markus as something equal, if thats what would make his dad not hate him.
and, with Gavin... he either leaves on a corny joke, beats up Connor, or gets beaten up. which i certainly see the appeal of, but definitely doesnt scream "no longer sci-fi racist"/"only mildly, acceptably sci-fi racist" to me, but to each their own
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kurjakani · 1 year
Hiii! I was wondering if you’re still into cyberpunk if you could give us (mainly me) some more Dum Dum/ Royce hcs I love the way you interpret them 💛 just go off the rails plz
I am DEEPLY into dummybaby still even tho its been a while since i played cyberpunk 2077.. the tech stuff is cool in a lot of places but the only ppl who rllly wet my appetite for scifi humanity r the maelstrom and the little hints we get about how they function.. Im not like. adept w any technology i can barely keep my comp 2gether so i dont quite understand it, but the part about Maelstrom bodies or brains somehow amplifying music in Totentanz? Made me d r o o l
ANYWAYS im not gonna talk abt te canonical stuff i barely remember it i need 2 refreshen my brain abt it but ill give. u a quick reminder of how i visualize/characterize Dum dum mostly but ill also give some royce stuff and then ill just go ham w some headcanons abt their basic life.
2 me as like, one of the CHillest maelstrom, which, isnt saying a lot, but 2 me (maybe as an adhd person who experiences the same and mayyy be reflecting a bit teehee) hes someone whos experiencing some level of understimulation who gets over it w extremity.
I usually imagine ngl that its caused by being so overstimulated by an extreme enviroment for his whole life (i mean. night city yk?) that he needs constant punching to get through life. this makes for a vERY hollow feeling life for him but 2 me.
Royces chaos kinda enhances it for him 2 some kinda point of like. purpose? Almost? which is why he seems 2 have at least. like some mild genuine respect & dedication to him. yipee yk.
Royce is just batshit and he loves his music and is the exact opposite he seems 2 be full of energy and so on. Royce is hyped Dum dum is exhausted but seeking smth that feels real and alive and exeptional.
2 me. we get so little abt their personalities in game PLEASE leave me alone this is ENTIRELY speculation and reflective.
anyways yeah just some random stuff!!!!
bc of that i kinda like to think that they r both. unwell sleepers if that makes sense? Dont sleep enough. Royce sleeps naturally very little and dum dum keeps up w him. We doo see dum dum usually just hanging about, lounging, I can totally imagine him taking mininaps constantly, eyes flickering from time to time, head nodding. Snapping 2 awakenness suddenly when Royce starts speaking again.
ive looked at some rotations of dum dums model and some of his bodymods are DEFINETLY more just aesthetic than functional.. at LEAST his upper lip rings. Those r trditional piercings. Probably also is chin metal n much of the stuff around his mouth. Again im not technically adept and Idk what the designers were going for, but I'd love to think that also the cored part around his neck, where they've just taken a part around his spine and replaced it w a dent of metal, is fully appearences, just bc its so extreme and interesting. He likes his bodymods he enjoys the process!!!! Perhaps he even enjoys the care that goes into them, bodymods that heavy must require a lot of care.
I dont. think he has tattoos in his final design right? og dumdum had the tats? Though i do love to think that he got tattoos when he was younger but most of them have just gone through being torn apart by his later bodymodifications. Maybe he has some shitty stick & pokes somewhere thatd be cute. bonding w the boys.
he mentions he likes classic rock music- tbh i kinda love 2 imagine that hed also enjoy old movies/shows? classics enjoyer. i knoww they have like those brainfilms n shit but its rly hard for me to imagine film going out of style fully, just like books havent fully gone out of style bc movies exist. i dont remember if movies r much mentioned in the game though. STILL yeah I bet hed like some horror movies... He would 1000% watch texas chainsaw massacre etc, and movies from our day as classics. Midsommar w / dum dum sounds like a nightmare.
Secretly dumdums a lil interested in philosophy. He kinda dismisses stuff like that but he does have a secret admiration for the world and thoughts. This comes out particularly bc Royce has some weird ideas.
I think he must be running warm most of the time.... My friend asked me if i think his metal parts get cold enough for your tongue to get stuck and yeah thatd be funny he prolly hates cold weather and needs 2 wear a balaklava when its wintery outside so his metal parts dont freeze his face.
seeks purpose but u might not realize it bc hes made chaos his purpose
Litcherally never prolly thinks about cyberpsychosis. if e does, maybe he even wishes for it in some way? in a self destructive sense. Royce is more likely to experience it faster, though which i imagine would be a big blow 2 dumdum
Has a lot of CASUAL friends in the maelstrom but it never gets fully to the level of found family/genuine friends. Yes they have a lot in common, yes he spends all his time w them, but it often feels surface level to him, and "unreal". Hes found a more profound connection in Royce, but i feel like his admiration is a little one sided, and that he realizes it? But is like. whatever this is still nice.
dehydrated, forgets to eat and eats like shit when he does eat. Loves carbs and sugars. Possibly caues some of his exhaustion.
He kinda plays up his emotional outbursts!!!! He isnt that angry. He does it to assert dominance in a very outbursty enviroment. If he was in a chiller enviroment you could actually mess w him quite a lot and hed just laugh and mess back w you.
BOTTHH of their eyes can flicker 2 the beat of music like those old computer apps that played music and had some kinda visual indicator of the rythm. fuck w them
Dum dum prolly drives some kinda rly shitty van most of the time, just bc hes usually hanging out w so many people. Big driver in general!!! Not like a car/bike person but enjoys sitting at the wheel and feeling out how the car runs. usually a p good driver but sometimes he gets too focused on getting some adrenaline and becomes a bit of a mess of a driver.
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