#this is the most crucial outreach we can be doing
aesethewitch · 7 months
Spirit Work: Connecting to Spirits through Food
We've all got to eat. I'm a huge proponent of casual, every day spirit work and devotions. In my post about Hanging Out, I briefly mentioned sitting down for a meal with your chosen spirit(s) to bond. That concept goes beyond just eating together, of course. There's far more than just eating when it comes to food.
Food as Devotion to Spirits
Food is the heartbeat of culture. Consider where your ancestors came from.
If you talk to folk practitioners, especially ones who do spirit work with ancestors, they'll tell you about all the things they've learned about their culture, their history, their people, and where their beliefs came from. Well, maybe -- folk practitioners are often a secretive bunch, and for good reason. Our practices are highly personal, constructed from local and family beliefs, cultural hand-me-downs, and word of mouth.
Even if you aren't a folk practitioner, there's value in looking to the foods and ingredients that were (or still are) crucial to the culture you come from. Especially if you work with your ancestors, but this can apply to deity and other spirit work, too.
And this doesn't just apply to immigrant US Americans whose families came from Europe, either. Think about where you live now, too. What did your grandparents or great-grandparents like to eat? What dish is your hometown renowned for? What's your country's signature dish?
Research is devotion. The time you spend asking questions or reading about the foods that formed the foundation of your culture's existence is time devoted to the spirits connected to that culture. Even for spirits with whom you have no ancestral ties, like deities from other cultures, researching the foods they were historically offered is valuable.
Taking time to learn how to make a dish and then taking the time to actually make it is a great offering. So long as it's done conscientiously and with purpose, it counts.
When you sit down to eat, dedicate the meal to the spirit(s). Set a place for them at the table and put together a little serving of everything on offer. The contents of the meal don't necessarily matter. Hell, I've set aside a chicken nugget and little pile of french fries for spirits before. Offer the first bite, a taste of whatever the spirit would like. Then, dig in and know that you're sharing a meal with that spirit.
The idea is that learning about, making, sharing, and consuming the foods that have been made for years -- centuries, even, sometimes! -- forges a strong connection. It's all about learning and appreciation.
Food as Connection... to the Living
There are few experiences more powerful than sharing a meal. Cooking for someone, having someone cook for you, going out to eat, going through a drive-thru -- it doesn't matter. People have been gathering to enjoy meals since time immemorial. Food is love, I really do believe that. To consciously choose to share a meal is an act of love.
I'm of the perhaps controversial opinion that the most important spirit work occurs with the living. Living, breathing, human people. We all have spirits, and we nurture ourselves every day. But do we nurture each other?
When we die, we don't really know what happens. There are countless theories on the subject, and I don't plan on revealing mine currently. If you work with spirits, chances are you've got your own thoughts; and even if you don't, you might still have thoughts.
The vast majority of spirit work we see in books and online occurs with the intangible spirit world. Deities, ghosts, Fair Folk, and the like. There's nothing wrong with that, necessarily, but I do think practitioners who don't turn their attention to the living are missing out.
Making connections with the living is critical. My views on spirit work have been massively impacted by interactions with volunteer programs, community outreach programs, and events in my community.
Don't wait until they're dead to respect them. Whoever they are, don't wait.
If it's your family members, ask about their favorite foods. What did their parents make them, and when? What's their go-to secret ingredient? What do they make for the holidays, and why? What traditions do they follow? Why do they make this particular soup on this particular day?
If it's your community leaders -- who can absolutely be your ancestors, too, even if you've never met them in person -- talk to them about where they came from. What did they eat as a child? Where do they like to go when they eat out, and why? Would they share that cookie recipe with you from the last community potluck?
Understanding the living will help you understand the dead. Not only will you form strong, lasting connections to people who care about you in your life, but it'll also strengthen your ties to those who are gone. Spirits of your ancestors will recognize your efforts to learn and preserve the memories of the people in your family and community. Your deities will see you reaching out and learning, and they will appreciate it as devotion to the culture they came from.
You don't need to be a fabulous cook or even cook at all. It all comes down to the effort you're putting in. Learning is enough. Reaching out is enough. The work is enough.
If you like my work, consider tossing a tip in my Ko-Fi tip jar! Support helps me keep making posts like this one consistently.
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enny43 · 2 years
Let's talk about Colorado's 3rd congressional district.
Lauren Boebert and Adam Frisch are locked in a ridiculously close election in a race a lot of people are watching very closely. Seeing Boebert unseated would be a huge win and may turn out to be crucially important in a midterm the Dems (shockingly) still have a chance to take the House in. It has been razer thin for several days, and over a long lapse in reporting, Fisch lead by less than 70 votes with ~90% of the vote in.
As of right now, Boebert holds a lead of 1,136 votes with about 98% of the votes counted. It might take until next Thursday for the remaining votes to be counted and a winner declared, as there are an estimated 5,898 votes still to be counted. This does not include overseas and military votes or ballots that need to be cured, but we'll get to that.
First lets address a question many people have:
Why is this taking so long?
The short answer is, it's not. The main reason it seems to be taking longer than most races is directly related to how close the race actually is. See when news media "call" races, they are actually just projecting the winner based on the possibilities in remaining math. If it becomes reasonably impossible for a certain candidate to win, they call the race. The projected loser may even concede at this time. But that is not an official result, nor does the counting stop at that point. Just like in CO-3, counting continues following the guidelines set by the state to tabulate an official result. This race only hasn't been called yet because with the remaining votes, either candidate can still win. Colorado also has a gold-standard level election system.. so we can expect counting to take a little longer due to such a high percentage of ballots there being mail-in (Colorado sends ballots to all voters by default)
As far as the timeline goes, this is not abnormal.
So what are Adam Frisch's odds of winning and how can we calculate them? This is a more complicated answer, but I'll do my best to keep it simple.
As I said, there are an estimated 5,898 votes remaining to be counted. The bulk of them (2,365) come from Pueblo County which favors Frisch by 3.3%, and another large share (700 votes) comes from Pitkin County which favors Frisch by 29.2%
If all math followed those numbers, this would be a pickup of 565 votes for Adam Frisch. Boebert also has an advantage in Mesa County of 7.8% where there are 726 estimated votes remaining. This would give her a pickup of ~112 votes. In the remaining counties where there are less than 300 votes remaining to be counted, we can estimate that the votes would mostly cancel out, with a slight edge for Frisch.
All the math with these smaller counties included points to Frisch coming up short by about 770 votes (this would still fall in the range of an automatic recount).. but this does not account for all the outstanding ballots.
There are still an indeterminate number of absentee ballots from overseas and military votes to count, in addition to provisional ballots that may have been cast on Election Day (Colorado has same-day voter registration, so these are uncommon).. and there is also a curing period for ballots that may have had a mistake and need to be verified (such as someone forgetting to sign the envelope when mailing their ballot in)
We can expect the military and overseas ballots to favor Frisch. Not only does the military slightly lean Dem as it is, Southern Colorado is home to a lot of active duty Air Force which has an even more liberal tilt than the military broadly. As for the cured ballots, it's hard to say.. but my intuition tells me Democratic voters would be more energized and likely to fix their ballots by the deadline (there's also a lot of outreach being done to help people through this process, something I imagine the Boebert camp will be less capable of doing)
Are there any guarantees the remaining votes will follow the trend exactly? Of course not. They may favor one candidate or the other to a greater degree than the averages represent. Without knowing how many outstanding ballots there are from the military, overseas, and cured counts.. it is fundamentally impossible to know how this race will turn out. What I can say is not to expect many updates between now and next week. This one is going to come down to the wire, and whatever candidate ends up winning will do so by a very tight margin. No matter the result, I expect a recount will be triggered leading us to even more waiting to find out the official results.
My suggestion to everyone is to be patient and let this process play out. I have no reason to be worried about the results of this race, which is already much closer than anyone expected it would be going into Election Day. After all, CO-3 is an R+6 district. The race being this close is something no one expected.
Here's a chart with all of the data I discussed:
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How to Get Traffic to Your Website Fast
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Are you struggling to attract visitors to your website? Do you find yourself wondering how to get traffic to your website fast? Well, you're in luck because we have the solution for you! In this article, we will share proven strategies that will help you drive more traffic to your website in no time. Whether you're a blogger, an online business owner, or an entrepreneur, these tips will work wonders for you.
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The Importance of Website Traffic
Before we dive into the strategies for getting traffic to your website fast, let's first understand why website traffic is important. Website traffic is the lifeblood of any online business or blog. It determines your online visibility, brand awareness, and ultimately, your success. Without traffic, your website is like a deserted island in the vast ocean of the internet. Website traffic not only helps you reach a wider audience but also increases your chances of generating leads, conversions, and sales. More traffic means more potential customers and clients. It's the key to growing your online presence, establishing authority in your niche, and achieving your business goals. Understanding Different Sources of Website Traffic Before we delve into the strategies, it's crucial to understand the different sources of website traffic. There are three primary sources of traffic: organic, paid, and referral. Organic traffic refers to visitors who find your website through search engines like Google. Paid traffic, as the name suggests, is generated through paid advertisements such as pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. Referral traffic comes from other websites that link to yours. Each source of traffic has its own advantages and disadvantages. Organic traffic is highly valuable as it indicates that your website is ranking well on search engine results pages (SERPs). Paid traffic, on the other hand, offers immediate results and allows you to target specific keywords and demographics. Referral traffic can be a powerful source of traffic if you have high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Increased Website Traffic One of the most effective ways to get traffic to your website fast is through search engine optimization (SEO). SEO involves optimizing your website so that it ranks higher in search engine results pages, driving organic traffic. Here are some key SEO strategies to implement: - Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify high-traffic, low-competition keywords relevant to your niche. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find the best keywords to target. - On-Page Optimization: Optimize your website's meta titles, meta descriptions, headers, and content with your target keywords. Ensure that your website is user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and loads quickly. - Link Building: Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry. Guest posting, outreach campaigns, and creating shareable content are effective link building strategies. By implementing these SEO strategies, you can increase your website's visibility in search engines and drive targeted organic traffic. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising for Instant Website Traffic If you're looking for instant website traffic, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a powerful strategy. PPC allows you to display ads on search engine results pages or other websites, and you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Here's how to get started with PPC advertising: - Set a Budget: Determine how much you're willing to spend on your PPC campaign. Set a daily or monthly budget to ensure that you stay within your financial limits. - Keyword Research: Conduct keyword research to identify the best keywords to target. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find high-volume keywords with low competition. - Create Compelling Ads: Craft attention-grabbing ad copy that entices users to click. Highlight the unique selling points of your product or service and include a strong call-to-action. - Landing Page Optimization: Ensure that your landing page is optimized for conversions. Make it easy for visitors to take the desired action, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting you. PPC advertising can generate instant traffic to your website, especially if you're targeting high-intent keywords and have a compelling ad copy. Social Media Marketing for Driving Website Traffic Social media marketing has become a powerful tool for driving website traffic. With billions of users on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, social media provides a massive audience for your website. Here's how to leverage social media for traffic generation: - Choose the Right Platforms: Identify the social media platforms where your target audience is most active. Focus your efforts on those platforms to maximize your reach. - Engage with Your Audience: Build a strong social media presence by engaging with your audience. Respond to comments, answer questions, and share valuable content regularly. - Share Your Content: Promote your website's content across your social media channels. Create compelling captions, add eye-catching visuals, and include a call-to-action to encourage users to visit your website. - Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influencers or industry experts to amplify your reach. Their endorsement can drive significant traffic to your website. Social media marketing allows you to connect with your audience on a personal level and build brand loyalty. By consistently sharing valuable content and engaging with your followers, you can drive traffic to your website and increase conversions. Content Marketing and Blogging for Sustainable Website Traffic Content marketing and blogging are essential for attracting sustainable website traffic. By creating high-quality, valuable content, you can establish yourself as an authority in your niche and attract a loyal audience. Here's how to utilize content marketing and blogging effectively: - Identify Your Target Audience: Understand your target audience's needs, pain points, and interests. Create content that addresses their challenges and provides solutions. - Develop a Content Strategy: Plan your content strategy by creating an editorial calendar. Decide on the topics, formats, and publishing frequency to stay consistent. - Optimize Your Content: Optimize your blog posts for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords, headers, and meta tags. Make your content easy to read, visually appealing, and shareable. - Promote Your Content: Share your blog posts across social media platforms, email newsletters, and online communities. Encourage your audience to share your content to increase its reach. By consistently producing valuable and engaging content, you can drive sustainable traffic to your website and establish yourself as an industry expert. Email Marketing and Newsletter Campaigns for Targeted Website Traffic Email marketing and newsletter campaigns are powerful tools for driving targeted traffic to your website. By building an email list of interested subscribers, you can directly reach out to individuals who have shown interest in your products or services. Here's how to effectively use email marketing and newsletters: - Build an Email List: Create opt-in forms on your website to capture visitors' email addresses. Offer incentives such as exclusive content or discounts to encourage sign-ups. - Segment Your Email List: Divide your email list into segments based on demographics, interests, or behavior. This allows you to send targeted emails that resonate with each segment. - Personalize Your Emails: Use personalization tags to address subscribers by their names and tailor the content to their specific interests. Make your emails engaging, visually appealing, and mobile-friendly. - Include Call-to-Actions (CTAs): Include clear CTAs in your emails, directing subscribers to visit your website. Offer valuable content, limited-time discounts, or exclusive deals to entice them to click. Email marketing allows you to nurture relationships with your subscribers and drive targeted traffic to your website. By delivering valuable content directly to their inbox, you can increase engagement and conversions. Influencer Marketing and Partnerships for Amplified Website Traffic Influencer marketing and partnerships can be incredibly effective in driving amplified website traffic. By collaborating with influencers or industry experts, you can tap into their vast audience and gain exposure. Here's how to leverage influencer marketing and partnerships: - Identify Relevant Influencers: Research influencers or experts in your niche who have a significant following and engage with their audience. Look for individuals who align with your brand values and target audience. - Reach Out to Influencers: Contact influencers through email or social media, expressing your interest in collaborating. Offer them value, such as free products, affiliate partnerships, or exclusive content. - Co-create Content: Collaborate with influencers to co-create valuable content that resonates with their audience. This can include guest blog posts, social media takeovers, or joint webinars. - Track and Measure Results: Use tracking tools to measure the success of your influencer marketing campaigns. Monitor website traffic, engagement metrics, and conversions to determine the ROI of your partnerships. By leveraging the reach and influence of industry experts, you can amplify your website traffic and gain exposure to a wider audience. Website Traffic Analytics and Tracking Tools To effectively measure the success of your traffic generation strategies, it's essential to utilize website traffic analytics and tracking tools. These tools provide valuable insights into your website's performance, user behavior, and traffic sources. Here are some key tools to consider: - Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a powerful free tool that provides comprehensive data about your website's performance. It tracks metrics such as website traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate, and user demographics. - SEMrush: SEMrush offers a range of features for tracking website traffic, performing keyword research, and monitoring your competitors. It provides valuable insights into your organic and paid traffic sources. - Bitly: Bitly is a URL shortening tool that also tracks clicks, allowing you to assess the success of your social media and email marketing campaigns. By analyzing the data provided by these tools, you can make informed decisions to optimize your website, improve your traffic generation strategies, and ultimately increase conversions. Conclusion: Implementing a Multi-Channel Approach for Long-Term Website Traffic Success Driving traffic to your website requires a multi-channel approach, combining various strategies for maximum impact. By implementing search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, influencer partnerships, and utilizing website traffic analytics, you can generate consistent and targeted traffic to your website. Remember, building website traffic takes time and effort. It's a continuous process of optimization, analysis, and adaptation. Stay consistent, monitor your results, and adapt your strategies based on the data. With patience and perseverance, you can successfully increase your website's traffic and take your online presence to the next level. So, start implementing these strategies today and watch your website thrive! Read the full article
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bignosebaby · 9 months
hi! don't know if we can still send in questions, but I was wondering if you know what kind of careers you can get in conservation?
You can always send in questions!
There are a lot of different careers in conservation. Like, a LOT. Many jobs, especially at the entry level, may be tricky to find as many organizations rely on funding which means you see a lot of very specific jobs that are for specific periods of time as outlined by grants and funding. For example, I recently applied for a job that was hiring specifically for a set number of hours a week a a set hourly rate, for a period of 10 months. This is because when grants are given to organizations to hire people, they tend to be very specific as to how the grant money must be allocated. Some of these jobs are extendable, meaning if they get more funding they can keep the person in the position on for another grant period (usually doubling the original contract).
If you live near a zoo or conservation facility you would like to work for, I recommend checking their career page regularly or subscribing to receive hiring updates via emails. When it comes to conservation jobs getting a foot in the door is crucial so even being a janitor or doing grounds keeping for a reputable zoo is a great way to start networking, and start moving up into a job that you would prefer more. Similarly, working in any type of environmental role or conservation position is an asset. My goal is to work in ape conservation, but I will look for any environmental jobs that are comparable to the type of work I would like to do.
When it comes to what kind of careers you can get, there are a lot of fantastic options to set your sights on. Remember that many of these jobs require many years of experience, but even if you are not qualified knowing what kind of career you want to strive for can help create a path to your dream job. Different skills and experiences can help you become qualified for different rolls, but the single most common thing I see in job postings (especially permanent, salary rolls that pay well) is management skills. This is good news because this is a very transferable skill, meaning that you can become a skilled manager in any field and be qualified to move into a conservation roll. In general, if you have management, financial, or administrative skills and experience you can probably find a conservation job that wants you. Here's an incomplete list of some conservation careers I have seen:
In animal care/wildlife sciences: Veterinarians, Wildlife Health Technicians, Zookeepers, Reproductive Research Assistants, Nutrition Assistants, Conservation Stewards. 
In facilities and infrastructure: Plumbers, Electricians, Carpenters, Mechanics, Gardeners, Material Collectors, Project Managers Exhibit Design Technicians.
In communications and guest experience: Event planning, Partnership & Event Associates, Marketing Associates, Education and Outreach facilitation, Fundraising, Advertising.
In administration and general management: Finance, Purchasing & Supply, Human Resources, Payroll, Technology, Safety & Security, First Aid.
Basically conservation is a very large expanse of many careers, and while it can be very competitive (last job I applied had over 100 applicants for one position) it's a small world where you can make connections with people and build on pretty much any skills or experience you bring to the table. If you have questions about specific career paths I would love to answer them, and I recommend checking out GoodWork.ca* and the websites of places you want to work such as the jobs page for the Toronto Zoo or Calgary Zoo, just for example. Even if there isn't anything you like or are qualified for, you can learn a lot.
*GoodWork is Canadian. If you know of a conservation job posting site for other countries such as the U.S., drop a comment!
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mariacallous · 2 years
shocking no one, two weeks before Election Day AOC is going all out to attack Democrats
AOC: Democrats have ‘never tried’ with Latino voters
"I'm not here to sell people on this idea that leadership of the Democratic Party, which is overwhelmingly from one generation... and from a lopsided class perspective, is the same as me or you" -AOC
I mean, I do think she has a point - the Democrats have struggled (at best) to consistently reach out to and advocate for Hispanic and Latine voters and the issues most important to them, and that's been an area we as party need to be better about, both on a moral and policy basis but also because of how crucial they are when it comes to voting and turnout - the Democrats can't afford to lose ground like they did with those voters in 2020.
I don't know that I would necessarily say the Democrats have "never tried" but I will say that it is far from where it should be. Part of it is because of how the GOP has weaponized anti-immigration and nativist sentiments, aided by a sensationalist media environment, which means that the merits of things (like immigration reform, or protecting DREAMers, etc.) get completely lost and because so many people are uncomfortable either for purely racial reasons or because of "people benefiting from breaking the law and jumping the line", and part of it is because issues or policies that do benefit the Hispanic and Latine community often aren't touted or identified that way, instead caught in a general "look at how this helps people of color!" sentiment or an even more race-and ethnicity-neutral discussion or presentation.
I don't think AOC does herself or the issues she cares about a lot of good, either, but she's not the only one saying this sort of thing, just the most recent and the most notable specifically because it can be turned into an "AOC blasts out of touch old white Dems" angle (and also because she frames it that way), and her and Bernie talking about socialism and other issues also helps alienate or turn away some of the same voters, and the cluelessness and lack of outreach isn't unique to just those of a certain generation or class perspective.
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radio-charlie · 10 months
Its actually not difficult, to reach out to “ordinary”/”politically apathetic” malaysians (as labelled by these arrogant little brats that is). people are more open to your ideas when you engage with a genuine desire to listen and understand. and if u do ur best to be honest, and try to work with them wherever they’re at. instead of parroting talking points from dumbfuck tryhards who need you to know they’re always reading the latest murakami or something lmfao. don’t condescend, let people talk, and you don’t have to respect their ideas, but it’s absolutely crucial that you show respect for the fact that they, like you, are a person who did not choose the circumstances of their birth and upbringing. given just a few tweaks to your own, you could have ended up a much worse person. the focus should never have been on kneejerk judgment and apportioning blame, but on understanding as many personal circumstances as possible so that you can speak with people better and figure things out that actually help them. not just so you can mind-game them into lending you their support and then leave them hanging lol. like do you know how bad this shit backfires. rhetorical question la. we all know you don’t actually know anything.
This type of humility is like, one of the most fundamental principles of leftist outreach. but it’s okay. you have to feel very special every single day. go online and find somebody to dunk on then. :>
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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World Environment Day 
World Environment Day urges all of us to protect our natural surroundings. The stunning facts? An estimated 7 million people die each year from causes related to air pollution, with a majority occurring in the Asia-Pacific region. This day, which falls on June 5, encourages worldwide activism. That means everything from littering to climate change. World Environment Day is both a global celebration and a platform for public outreach.
China, which now owns half the world’s electric vehicles and 99 percent of the world’s electric buses, hosted the 2019 event. “The country has demonstrated tremendous leadership in tackling air pollution domestically,” said Acting Head of UN Environment Joyce Msuya. “It can now help spur the world to greater action.” The UN first established World Environment Day in 1972.
When is World Environment Day 2022?
World Environment Day is observed on June 5 every year. Outside of our homes is the actual home we all live in, and preserving it for future generations is more crucial than ever.
History of World Environment Day
World Environment Day (WED) is one of the more unique and special holidays because of its history and its many firsts. It was created on the first day of the first-ever U.N. conference which focused on humans and how they interact with the environment.
However, this didn’t happen overnight. Sweden first suggested having such a conference to the U.N. way back in 1968. And in 1969, the U.N. agreed that after 3 years they would have a conference in Sweden that focused on environmental issues. Interestingly enough, the conference was led by Maurice Strong, a Canadian diplomat who worked in the oil and mineral industry, who also had a soft spot for the environment.
Finally, it all came together in 1972, after 4 years of preparations and $30,000,000 later. World leaders from around the world sat together to discuss how they can raise awareness to protect our environment — and it was then WED was made. Then 2 years later, the first-ever WED was celebrated with the slogan “Only One Earth.”
Ever since then, WED has been completely embraced by people everywhere, so much so that it’s even slowly creeping into pop culture (and we love it!) Celebrities around the world all encourage people, in their own unique way, to do their part and “ save the world”. Fan-favorites Leonardo DiCaprio and Meryl Streep are some of the many who constantly speak out about environmental awareness. So, it doesn’t matter if you’re a famous actor, an athlete or a student in college: gather your friends and spend a day outdoors doing fun activities towards preserving this beautiful planet. Believe us when we say, you’ll have a blast and feel so much better afterward.
World Environment Day timeline
1968 The Idea is Born  
Sweden suggests to the UN to have a conference that is focused on the environment.
1972 First U.N Environmental Conference
Maurice Strong finally leads the discussions about marine pollution, human overpopulation, and global warming.
1974 A Dream Debut
The first World Environment Day is celebrated in Spokane, Washington.
2019 China Hosts World Environment Day
China raises awareness of the 7 million people who die annually from air pollution with the slogan  'Beat Air Pollution.'
Traditions of the Day
Sustainability and the protection of the environment are without a doubt among the most pressing issues we face in the world today. The core necessities of life all come from Mother Nature and, unfortunately, we take it for granted. World Environment Day encourages everyone from individuals to large-scale corporations to be more conscious of their impact on the environment.
A theme is observed every year. The theme for 2020 was ‘Biodiversity.’ Advocacy campaigns and calls for change are heavily promoted, all the while educating others to adopt healthy actions and break patterns that contribute to the degradation of the ecosystem. Just the simple act of switching off unnecessary lights has a tremendous effect. Exhibitions and events take place at educational institutions, with influential spokespeople in attendance.
By the Numbers
90 billion tons – the number of resources extracted from Earth every year.
7.8 billion – the number of people populating Earth.
4.1 billion – the number of consumers in the world.
5.6 billion – the number of consumers expected by 2030.
70% – the percentage of the world’s resources currently being overused.
2.12 billion tons – the number of waste dumped every year.
50 million tons – the number of e-waste produced every year.
$7.8 trillion – the value of the global production of synthetic chemicals.
2050 – the year when the world population is expected to be too big to feed.
2070 – the year when coral reefs are expected to be gone altogether.
World Environment Day FAQs
Is global warming real?
From the data gathered it seems so, and according to NASA, the debate is now moving from if humans are responsible for global warming to how is the best way to respond to the problem.
What fun activity can you do on World Environment Day?
Either by yourself or with a group of your friends or even family members, plant a sapling (young tree) and take a selfie with it. Don’t forget to post it on your social media with #SelfiewithSapling.
How often is World Environment Day celebrated?
Every year on June 5 World Environment Day is celebrated. The cool thing is, almost every year a new country hosts the holiday and since it was first celebrated 34 different cities in 25 countries have hosted this day.
How to Observe World Environment Day
Make a commitment to recycle
Plant a tree
It might seem like a basic tip, but are you really taking every possible opportunity to recycle? Next time you're thinking about throwing that piece of paper in the trash because a recycling bin isn't accessible, think twice. Holding a plastic container and too lazy to see if it's one of the biodegradable kinds? Open up your smartphone and look it up! Everyone's responsible for reducing greenhouse gas emissions — including you.
Trees absorb odors and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark. Placed strategically around a single-family home, they can cut summer air conditioning needs by up to 50 percent. By reducing the energy demand for cooling our houses, we reduce carbon dioxide and other pollution emissions from power plants.
Anyone can volunteer, and volunteering can make a difference to the whole community. Get out of your comfort zone by volunteering for the National Park Service, or stay local by volunteering at your farmers’ market. Any way you choose to participate, you'll feel the positive impact of getting out of the house and caring for the planet.
5 Interesting Facts About World Environment Day
Solar Panels
CO2 Vacuum Cleaner
The Ocean Cleanup
Plant-Based Plastic
Eco-Friendly Batteries
The largest solar farm, Yanchi Ningxia solar park in China, can provide up to 1 billion watts.
Developed in Switzerland in 2016, giant machines capture CO2 to clean the air we breathe.
Backed with $30 million and led by a 22-year-old, this company uses U-shaped screens to catch garbage in the ocean.
Created by an Indonesian company, it’s made from agricultural leftovers like corn, sugarcane, etc.
Developed in the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden using upgraded aluminum.
Why World Environment Day is Important
It reconnects us to nature
It raises awareness
It encourages us to take action
Sometimes we forget just how much natural systems support our own well-being. But we're part of nature, and we depend on it. So today's the perfect occasion to go out and enjoy your country's national parks, and celebrate the vital relationship.
More and more people are starting to understand that we need to sustainably manage our planet's resources and ecosystems. However, that belief is far from universal. That's why World Environment Day is so important: it provides an occasion to raise awareness and teach friends and family that the physical environment is fragile and indispensable. But before you begin promoting environmental awareness in your own community, make sure that you have a thorough understanding of environmental issues yourself. There's always more to learn!
The environment has become increasingly polluted with contaminants and toxins, and these have a harmful impact on our health. They can cause respiratory diseases and cancer—and that's just for starters. By raising awareness of the issues with the air that sustains us, World Environment Day inspires us to do something about it and fix the environment we can't live without.
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How I scaled my SEO traffic globally to 20k readers in 6 months without a huge team
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Here is a dive into how we exploded one of our site from 1K traffic to 20K global SEO traffic within a period of eight months. This is done without huge overheads: - Using processes to scale SEO traffic in a methodical and documented manner - Utilizing an online offshore team to manage moving parts - White Hat SEO backlinks building These are methods not practiced by most local Singaporean SEO agencies (as far as I know of). This case studies is based off MarcusNeoCom (sold to BeyondAges.Com), one one the port folio sites I owned. It's a dating advice site for men. It started off as a local projected and I made the decision to scale globally, target U.S. and U.K. international traffic. This led to SEO link building systems: figuring out how to methodically execute it at scale, and how to really step by step break down each and every process so that we don't get lost in the process. SEO is a complicated subject; there are so many moving parts. The key here is to be transparent and documented in our process so that clients understand that our digital marketing agency is working hard for you. Each and every link is documented and it goes into helping you and your website traffic and revenue goals.
How Did I get from 1K Traffic to 20K SEO traffic?
SEO is a complicated process, and the way to do it is to break it down into a step-by-step process and segment the different pillars of SEO and hire out the right people on your team to do it right. I couldn't do everything in SEO because that would just be an inefficient use of my time. Hence, I created processes around the four pillars framework: I could hire offshore and get more cost efficiency. You want to segment SEO into four different pillars so that you can have different staff, local and offshore to execute these processes together. 1st: Technical Site Audit, Content Audit, and Keyword Research. 2nd: Customer Research, Content Strategy 3rd: Outreach Handling, Backlink Acquisition Scale 4th: Transparent Link Documentation Analysis. Without this framework, you won't be able to execute SEO in an efficient and documented manner.
Pillar One) Site Audit, Content Audit, Keyword Research
Site audits are making sure your site functions healthily when it comes to Sitemaps, servers, site speed, links, HTTPS hosting issues, UI/UX issues. They keep your website healthy and fully functional. Technical SEO is crucial because there is no point building backlinks and traffic to a site that isn't working properly. This is why technical SEO audits are important. I've managed SEO projects where the site had broken themes and plugins. These will indirectly disrupt your SEO efforts. You want your website to be technically sound before doing any changes or driving traffic to it. Our site grew to over 20K global traffic. The old hosts couldn't handle the increase of traffic, and I had to switch hosts midway to an American international host. The basics, to name a few are: site find-ability/ index-ability checks, URL friendliness, On-Page SEO, and internal linking and backlink audits. SEO tools used can be as simple as Ahrefs Site Audit and Screaming Frog. Secondly, you want to be ranking for the right keywords. It is a no-brainer. This is where keyword research comes in. You take a look at competitors and you can map out keywords to your site's content. You can also take a look at your current keyword rankings from Google Search Console.
Pillar Two) Content Pillars, Customer Research and Architecture
There is HUGEEE misconception when it comes to SEO that all you have to do is publish content and you'll automatically convert SEO traffic into customers. Ultimately, customers searching for your content have hopes, dreams, pain points, they're looking for solutions, and they have their own skepticism when it comes to content on the internet. For example, content audits overlap with SEO principle of auditing if the your content matches the user query (keyword phrase). This is why you have to do customer research and a content audit. Customer research and a content audit helps map out your site's architecture, and how it's going to the built. This may require more content pillars, removal of thin content and rewriting existing content to optimize it for leads, sales and revenue.
Pillar Three) Link Acquisition and Manual Outreach
No matter what SEO agencies or consultants tell you: white hat backlinks are going to move the needle. There is no debate about it. I've spent years finagling around site architecture, on-page SEO, keyword research, keyword density, and all the technical SEO you can think of. The variable that exploded my site from 1K to 20K traffic are white hat backlinks. Link acquisition is the hardest part on SEO because MOST marketers don't break it down into processes. Hence they find link building overwhelming. The key here is to hire an offshore team to execute your campaigns without doing everything on your own. Our team audits every single link that comes through. Our team pays attention to every anchor text and document each and every link. This way it is transparent and you can track progress. Our custom email outreach campaigns for link building is also managed by my offshore team.
Pillar Four) Link Documentation, Analysis and Reporting
Most SEO agencies, SEO consultants, and marketing consultants just send you monthly reports. You don't know the quality of your links, you don't know what's going on behind the links and behind the processes. That is why the fourth pillar is link documentation, analysis, and reporting. You'll want to document every single link built, the cost of content, and each and every task. Hence we are transparent in this process alongside custom reports such as keyword rankings tracked using Google Analytics, Google Search Console and etc.
Ending Words on Project Management and Processes
Through this SEO project management process. There is a possibility for transparent client-agency relationship management, transparent reports, transparent monthly keyword traffic reports and transparent documented link acquisition costs. Through this, it allows both parties to achieve a clear client-agency relationship and a compilation of tasks done for the client. There is a clear and systematic approach to tackle new keywords, content creation month on month and year on year. Lastly, project management offers my SEO team or our agency working for you to attain increased economies of scale in the specialised tasks that each team member performs. In conclusion, SEO is one of the best ways to grow your revenue and traffic. This is complimentary to paid Facebook advertising and funnel building. Google has one of the best platforms in the world, and the more you invest in SEO, the more the website becomes an asset for you and your business. Read the full article
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seniorsourcelist · 18 days
Senior Source List: Proven Strategies for Reaching Seniors with Telemarketing Leads
In today's competitive market, effective telemarketing strategies are essential for businesses looking to connect with senior audiences. Whether promoting products, services, or charitable causes, having access to a reliable and targeted telemarketing list is crucial. 
Senior Source List stands out by offering unique features in our telemarketing leads. We provide top-quality phone number leads that are not only reliable but also targeted, helping businesses achieve remarkable outreach successes.
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The Importance of Quality Telemarketing Lists
The success of any telemarketing campaign hinges on the quality of its contact list. A high-quality telemarketing list ensures you reach the right audience of interested seniors, maximizing your campaign's effectiveness and efficiency. By using effective telemarketing lists, businesses can avoid wasting resources on uninterested parties and focus their efforts on potential customers who are most likely to engage.
Low-quality lists are rife with outdated or incorrect information, waste precious resources, and risk alienating potential clients.
Therefore, investing in quality telemarketing lists from a reputable source like Senior Source List is essential for effectively targeting the senior demographic. This ensures that every call you make has the potential to convert into a valuable interaction.
How Senior Source List Leads the Industry in Senior Telemarketing Campaigns?
Senior Source List's unparalleled experience and deep understanding of the senior market set us apart. Unlike other providers, our data is meticulously curated, ensuring the highest quality of telemarketing leads. 
Our extensive telemarketing database boasts more telephone numbers than any other compiler, offering unparalleled access to the senior demographic. 
This unique combination of quantity and quality in our telemarketing lists enables our clients to achieve unparalleled success in their campaigns. It solidifies our position as the industry leader in connecting businesses with the senior market.
Customization: The Key to Targeted Outreach
One size does not fit all, especially in telemarketing. 
Senior Source List recognizes this through its commitment to customization. Customization means selecting telemarketing leads by geography, interests, or other demographics, ensuring your message reaches the most receptive audience. 
This targeted approach increases the efficiency of your outreach and significantly enhances the likelihood of engaging seniors who are genuinely interested in your offer. 
Compliance and Peace of Mind
Navigating the legal landscape of telemarketing can be challenging, especially when targeting seniors. We prioritize compliance, ensuring all our telemarketing leads are meticulously scrubbed against the federal Do Not Call List. 
We ensure that all old people numbers to call and other contact data are legally acquired and that campaigns are conducted respectfully and law-abidingly.
Our meticulous adherence to compliance not only ensures the legality of your campaigns but also provides a sense of security. With us, you can focus on crafting impactful messages, knowing that your brand's reputation is protected and trust with your audience is fostered. 
Our commitment to compliance means you can focus on crafting impactful messages and be confident in the legality and responsiveness of your outreach efforts.
Achieving Record Responses with Senior Leads
Our clients' success stories are a testament to the effectiveness of our senior leads. By leveraging our meticulously curated telemarketing lists, marketers have witnessed unprecedented campaign response rates. This success is not by chance but by connecting with seniors through relevant and timely offers. 
Engaging this demographic requires precision—something our leads provide, enabling personalized interactions that resonate deeply with seniors. 
Our clients' achievements underscore the value of using quality leads to reach and truly connect with the senior audience, driving impressive outcomes for their telemarketing efforts.
Getting Started with Senior Source List
Beginning your journey with the Senior Source List is a straightforward process. Businesses interested in acquiring reliable telemarketing leads can reach out to us via our website or call us to discuss their specific needs. 
The process starts with defining the campaign's objectives, followed by list customization and compliance checks. With a clear understanding of goals and a compliant, well-targeted list, businesses can confidently launch their telemarketing campaigns to connect with valuable senior customers.
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abby-conrad · 1 month
Global Awareness Initiative
The biggest hurdle when it comes to the issue of intersectionality is the educational aspect, which is why global awareness initiatives would be so necessary and effective. While the concept of intersectionality was introduced by Kimberlé Crenshaw in the early 70s, it has become much more popular amongst activists and scholars as of recently. The essence of intersectionality is the idea that each individual is composed of a unique combination of identities that shape their experiences and interactions, and therefore there is no such thing as a single-issue struggle. As a country, our approach to a lot of social issues are ineffective as they do not consider this idea. Intersectionality as a functional idea provides a lens for developing holistic and impactful social change. For example, when we look to develop policy that addresses poverty we must first analyze how its circumstances are impacted by things like climate change, health inequities, lack of opportunity, etc. 
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Social media and technology have become central to how we disseminate information in today's world, so online campaigns have become crucial parts of recent successful social justice movements. Online campaigns, especially if they are supported by public figures, are a great way to spread awareness about concepts like intersectionality. It is crucial for people to feel seen for every aspect of their identity and to connect with others wh embrace this complexity. Utilizing platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr people can share their own stories and challenge others to shift their perspectives in a very accessible and relatable way.
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Community engagement and educational outreach go hand and hand when it comes to these types of issues. Developing training and workshops specific to different demographics is a great way to raise awareness on the issue in tangible ways. These types of events can also work to build community, as members would be able to better understand and appreciate the identities and experiences of those around them. Education is most effective when done in engaging and community-based ways. Personalizing and humanizing these experiences enables a greater sense of understanding as to why they are so important to implement on a larger scale. 
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Is Email Marketing Still Relevant In The Age Of Social Media?
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Rapid technological advancement has a huge impact on the digital marketing world with innovative forms of marketing making deep forays and providing marketers with the opportunity to try out incredible things. However, amidst all these happenings most marketers are thinking about the relevancy of email marketing today.
Many millennials opine that email marketing has become a thing of the past, however, in this article, we will discuss the crucial aspects of email marketing that make them relevant even in this day and age.
Factors That Make Email Marketing Important
There are certain factors that make email marketing still stand out among the host of digital marketing available today. Let us have a look at these things:
Wider Reach
Well, even today email marketing has a very wide reach that is larger than even the social media platforms like Facebook and X. It might sound astounding but consider yourself when you are opt to buy anything online then the list of information that you have to provide contains your email address which is compulsory.
Today there are billions of people worldwide who have an email ID because just like our name it has become synonymous with our identity. Besides that, when you are signing up for a website then also you have to do it with your email ID without which it isn’t possible to access those websites.
This proves that even today email marketing is completely relevant in reaching out to a wide section of people which might not be possible with social media outreach. No doubt social media platforms play their respective roles in reaching out to potential customers but nothing can come close to email marketing.
Assured Delivery of Message
Now, often marketers face the dilemma of choosing between social media posts and email messaging when it comes to reaching out to clients. Most of the time what people don’t understand is more than 90% of emails get delivered to your intended recipient’s inbox, however, the same thing cannot be said about social media posts.
The majority of millennials have this misconception that when they post something on their social media handles then all their subscribers are able to view it but this isn’t the case. That is because social media platforms limit the number of times your posts appear in someone’s news feed.
Due to the limited reach of your social media posts, you cannot bank completely on your social media platforms to reach out to people and this is where the role of email marketing becomes immense in reaching out to people. Besides that, when someone signs up for your email then it signifies that they want to hear from you.
In addition to that, email offers you the opportunity to tailor personal messages for your clients on an individual basis which might not be possible in the case of social media posts.
Boost Your Conversion Rate
Conversion is the difference between a customer and a paying customer. No matter what digital marketing strategy you are employing if it is not boosting your conversion rate then it is of no use. Now, with email marketing, you can have a sharp focus on converting subscribers into paying customers.
This is because various research surveys have published reports which indicate that people have a higher possibility of clicking on the links they receive in their emails than what they come across on social media platforms. This indicates that you have a higher chances of increasing your conversion rate with email marketing.
Besides that, if you are going to compare the cost of advertising on social media platforms with that of email marketing then you will find that email marketing is a very cost-effective digital marketing method.
Increase Brand Awareness
Well, social media platforms aren’t the only source for increasing your brand awareness and email marketing is equally effective in doing so without a hitch. Email marketing provides you the opportunity to increase the interest levels of potential customers with personalized messages & brand promotions.
You can evolve an effective digital marketing strategy revolving around your emails and reach out to millennials across the globe.
The above-discussed factors are some of the factors that make email marketing still relevant today in this age of social media usage. You should never consider dropping email marketing from your digital marketing strategy rather use both social media & email marketing for greater outreach.
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pixenite · 2 months
Why Link Building is Important in SEO?
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In today's online world, every business should have a strong presence. But simply having a website isn't enough. To reach your target audience and achieve your goals, you need your website to be visible in search engine results pages (SERPs). This is why you need Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
What is Link Building?
Think of the internet like a massive network of roads. Websites are like destinations, and links are the pathways connecting them. Link building involves obtaining links from other websites to yours. When another website links to yours, it's essentially like a vote of confidence, telling search engines that your content is valuable and relevant.
There are two main types of links:
Do-follow links: These links pass on what's called "link juice," which helps improve your website's ranking in search results.
No-follow links: These links don't directly impact your search ranking but can still be beneficial for driving referral traffic to your website.
Why is Link Building Important?
Search engines like Google consider backlinks to be one of the most important factors when determining a website's ranking. Here's why:
Establishes Authority and Credibility: The more high-quality websites that link to yours, the more authoritative and trustworthy your website appears in the eyes of search engines.
Improves Search Ranking: Stronger backlinks can significantly boost your website's ranking for relevant keywords, making it more likely for users to find you in search results.
Increases Website Traffic: When other websites link to yours, it drives referral traffic to your site, exposing you to a wider audience.
Enhances Brand Awareness: Links from reputable websites can increase brand awareness and establish your brand as a leader in your industry.
Building Backlinks the Right Way
While link building is crucial for SEO, it's important to focus on acquiring high-quality, natural links. Here are some effective strategies:
Create High-Quality Content: The best way to attract backlinks is to create informative, engaging, and valuable content that people want to share.
Guest Blogging: Contribute guest articles to other relevant websites in your industry. This allows you to showcase your expertise and earn backlinks to your website.
Broken Link Building: Find broken links on relevant websites and suggest your content as a replacement.
Industry Outreach: Build relationships with influencers and industry leaders in your niche. They may be more likely to link to your content if they know you.
Social Media Marketing: Promote your content on social media platforms to increase its visibility and encourage organic sharing.
Avoiding Black Hat Link Building Techniques
Be wary of black hat link building techniques that focus on acquiring low-quality or spammy links. These tactics can actually harm your website and get you penalized by search engines.
Here are some things to avoid:
Buying Links: Purchasing links from link farms or other low-quality sources can seriously damage your SEO efforts.
Link Exchanges: Engaging in excessive link exchanges where websites simply link to each other can also be flagged by search engines.
Comment Spamming: Leaving generic comments on other websites with a link back to your own is not an effective strategy.
Building links is essential for any effective SEO plan. By acquiring high-quality backlinks, you can establish your website's authority, improve your search ranking, and drive more organic traffic. Pixenite, as your SEO agency partner, can help you develop a link-building strategy that's safe and effective. We focus on high-quality links from relevant websites, ensuring your climb to the top of search results is smooth and sustainable.
Ready to take your website to the next level? Contact Pixenite today and let's discuss your SEO strategy!
Q. How many backlinks do I need?
There's no magic number. Quality matters more than quantity when it comes to your backlinks. Concentrate on getting them from relevant, authoritative sites.
Q. Can I buy backlinks?
Absolutely not! Search engines penalize websites that participate in link-buying schemes. Focus on
Q. Can I do link building myself?
Yes, you can certainly implement some basic link building strategies yourself. However, if you're serious about maximizing your SEO results, consider partnering with an experienced SEO agency.
Q. How long until you see results from building links?
Building a strong backlink profile takes time and consistent effort. It can take several months to see a significant improvement in your search rankings.
Article Source - https://medium.com/@pixenite/why-link-building-is-important-in-seo-279bb143d5f4
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airambulanceindiaa · 2 months
Wings of Emergency: The Role of Air Ambulance Services in Cuttack
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Welcome to Cuttack, a city where history meets modernity, and the urgency of emergency medical care is ever-present. In the midst of bustling streets and serene rivers, air ambulance services stand as silent saviors, providing a crucial lifeline to those in need of urgent medical assistance. Join us as we explore the significance of air ambulance services in Cuttack's healthcare landscape and their pivotal role in saving lives.
Swift Response, Critical Care:
In medical emergencies, every moment counts, and Cuttack's air ambulance services understand the urgency of timely intervention. These aerial units offer a rapid response, swiftly transporting patients to medical facilities equipped to handle their specific needs. Whether it's a cardiac emergency, trauma case, or any life-threatening condition, air ambulance services ensure that patients receive the critical care they need, potentially saving lives in the process.
Navigating Cuttack's Terrain:
Cuttack's urban landscape, with its narrow streets and congested roads, presents challenges for ground ambulance services, especially during peak traffic or in remote areas. Air ambulances, however, transcend these obstacles, providing access to patients in even the most inaccessible locations. Whether it's a rural village on the outskirts of the city or a densely populated neighborhood in the city center, air ambulance services ensure that medical assistance reaches those who need it most.
Expert Care at Altitude:
Manned by skilled medical professionals and equipped with state-of-the-art technology, air ambulances in Cuttack deliver more than just transportation – they provide critical care in transit. Paramedics, nurses, and physicians work tirelessly to stabilize patients, administer life-saving treatments, and monitor vital signs throughout the journey. This level of expertise ensures that patients receive continuous and comprehensive care from the moment help arrives until they reach definitive medical facilities.
Accessible to All:
Despite misconceptions, air ambulance services in Cuttack are accessible to individuals from all walks of life. Many providers offer flexible payment options and collaborate with insurance companies to ensure that financial constraints do not hinder access to lifesaving care. Every person, regardless of their socioeconomic background, deserves timely medical assistance during emergencies, and air ambulance services strive to make this a reality.
Spreading Awareness, Saving Lives:
Raising awareness about the availability and benefits of air ambulance services is crucial for their effective utilization. Through community outreach programs, educational initiatives, and collaborations with local healthcare providers, efforts are underway to inform residents about the importance of air ambulance services and how to access them in times of need. By empowering the community with knowledge and resources, more lives can be saved during medical emergencies.
In Cuttack, where the past meets the present, air ambulance services in Cuttack stand as symbols of hope and compassion. They are the unseen heroes that traverse the skies, bringing comfort and relief to those in their most vulnerable moments. As Cuttack continues to progress and evolve, let us recognize and appreciate the invaluable contributions of air ambulance services, for they are the wings that carry hope and healing to those who need it most.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Software Tools for Nonprofits - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-software-tools-for-nonprofits-technology-org/
The Ultimate Guide to Software Tools for Nonprofits - Technology Org
Every day, we think of new ways technology can help humanity. While we are opening the new horizons of AI and machine learning, we shouldn’t forget how technology can help the previous concepts. Every nonprofit organization continues to face difficult challenges and needs definite help in streamlining its budget and resources. That’s where software tools can be a huge blessing for NPOs. 
Business card exchange – illustrative photo. Image credit: Van Tay Media via Unsplash, free license
Common challenges faced by non-profit organizations include budget allocations, generating new leads, and reaching out to new audiences. God knows what not! It is not only beneficial but extremely crucial for them to do focused fundraising for the sake of the needy. 
In this article, I will dive into the software needs of NPOs to help them drive toward their immediate goals as soon as possible.
Understanding Nonprofit Needs
As mentioned earlier, Non-profits face a different set of difficulties and challenges when compared with for-profit businesses. They must balance operational efficiency with current mission-driven goals. Especially when offered with way too less human resources, as is with most of the nonprofit organizations. 
The software tools for nonprofit organizations must be pocket-friendly, offering features specific to the organization’s nature. Not to forget the necessity of being user-friendly to a range of people. So, think about making a checklist of the current needs and requirements of your organization so that you can look for the tool with better clarity. Don’t forget that most of you might be on a super tight budget. 
One thing that’s going to be common with all the NPOs is to boost fundraisers and propagate crowdfunding channels. That’s precisely what I am going to help you with. By the time you reach the end of this piece, you will have a better understanding of your own goals. 
Categories of Software Tools for Nonprofits
Now, there are multiple categories of software tools for Nonprofits. Some might be looking for donation software, and others might be in need of a great outreach tool. If you have no idea whether you need volunteer management or any of the tools I have mentioned, just stick with me for a few more minutes-
Donation and Fundraising Software
Donation software allows you to track the source of donations and amounts, as well as manage and even engage with the donors. This can be a huge leap for your non profit organization. Once your fundraising has started, you can streamline the revenue spending process and support your needs in a far more meaningful way. 
There are many such software in the market, but you should only check the top donation software. Donorbox is a personal recommendation in the fundraising scene. With its robust features and great UX/UI, all your donations will be properly tracked and managed. 
Communication and Outreach Tools
Obviously, if you want more people to know about your non-profit you need to reach out to as much as a bigger audience as you are able to. With restricted resources, the same becomes a little tricky and to be fair, quite difficult to do. That’s where social media and outreach tools can help you a great deal. 
Celebrate your wins on Instagram, connect with similar NGOs on X (previously Twitter) and maintain a strong presence on all of the platforms. There are so many people actively looking for ads to help NGOs as not many can do it themselves. Bridge the gap between the donor and you. Run ads, reach out to celebrities and social media influences for additional support. The scope is truly endless. 
Do not underestimate the power of emails. Even in 2024, it is one of the most revenue-generation business models for many businesses. Simply emailing the right donors will skyrocket your NGO like nothing else. You can ask the rich of businesses to be your sponsors, and to your surprise, many will also do it gladly to maintain a good reputation on the internet. 
Project and Volunteer Management Software
If you are an international or even an interstate organization, God bless your soul by manually managing the volunteer workforce. Needless to say, volunteers are the backbone of any non-profit organization. That’s why a good Project and Volunteer Management software will ensure you keep track of all the people, what tasks they are assigned, and whether the project gets completed on time. 
Financial Management Tools
Financial transparency and accountability are paramount for any organization and even more important if you are a non-profit. With a limited budget and limited resources, having a master financial management tool like MoneyMinder and Freshbooks will not only do the correct financial reporting but also regulate the revenue flow making the organization more efficient. 
Implementing Software Solutions
After you have recognized your NGOs need and chosen the right one for your organization, the last step is to integrate and implement the software. This might be technical for many, so it’s best if you let someone experienced implement the software. It will require them to feed the software existing data and information, which can take a little time. However, once done, you have no idea how easy your processes are going to be. 
I hope the article helped you with choosing the right category of software for your non profit organization. After thorough research and brainstorming, you will get the right fit for you. Fundraising software are the new cool and once you get the hang of them, you are never coming back to the ordinary world. 
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johnmya · 2 months
b2b lead generation and appointment setting services
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an established concept that has gained significant traction in various areas of business management, marketing, and sales. One particular area where AI has made notable advancements is lead generation for B2B marketing. Many online lead-generation software options leverage AI technology to enhance and streamline the lead-generation process.
Artificial intelligence, in combination with lead generation software, harnesses the power of advanced platforms and algorithms. This powerful combination enables businesses to gather and analyze relevant data, leveraging past sales, marketing strategies, and market conditions. By doing so, it enhances customer relationship management, provides valuable insights for decision-making, and helps identify profitable investments, ultimately maximizing return on investment 
Best Practices For B2B Appointment Setting List
Generating leads is imperative for a B2B company’s growth. One of the most effective ways to convert them is through appointment setting services. But just because it’s practical doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Creating and booking an appointment is a struggle in itself. Therefore, we will discuss the best practices for B2B appointment setting to be more productive, efficient, and thriving. So stay tuned and start reading!
Getting the data
Getting the data means prospecting. First, gather information about your prospects. Then, the salesperson will procure the prospect’s background information, industry sector, departments & personnel information, and contact information. Getting the information is directly linked to verifying the data.
Verifying the data
After gathering the data, you should verify the information. You can ascertain whether the prospect is qualified based on the collected information. This verification helps you prioritize and categorize the prospects.
Nowadays, various information about a person, like bio-data, social media accounts, and other account details, are collected online. This information can be natural or fake. Hence, verification of information is crucial. This verification process is done using prospecting and sales intelligence tools. Also, the gathering of prospects’ information is done using CRM tools and lead generation tools.
Research your prospect
You can schedule an appointment in advance. However, you need to understand your prospect before making an appointment. Prospects tend to ignore or hang up sale calls, and salespeople are least pleasant with cold calling. The salesperson communicates with different types of prospects and has to face objections and rejections.
Also Read: Proven Tips for Your Prospects Research 
So, the salesperson must do homework about the prospect’s business and background. First, you must find their problem and whether your product/service solves it. Then, based on your imagined scenarios, the question-and-answer session assists the salesperson during appointments.
Understanding the pain points
Knowing your prospects’ pain points is essential for a successful sales meeting. Understanding what’s frustrating and keeping them up at night can tailor your pitch to address their needs. To determine your prospect’s pain points, you must research beforehand. 
Talk to your customer service team, read reviews online, and ask your current customers about their experience with your product or service. Armed with this information, you’ll be ready to have a meaningful conversation with your prospects and show them that you’re invested in helping them solve their problem.
Do an outreach
In this step, you will try connecting with your prospect via different channels. These channels include mobile, email, and social media, also known as communication platforms. They are crucial for B2B appointment settings. You can use cadence or sequence to reach your prospect. Don’t try to follow templates or copy-paste the content for cadence or sequence. 
You can develop innovative and engaging content to grab the attention of prospects. Two-way communication is vital because you can listen attentively, engage actively, and identify your prospect’s concern. Finally, create a lasting impression that makes your prospect look forward to the next appointment. 
Make an online presence
Developing an impactful online presence is more critical than the prospecting process and creating network strategies. Salespersons can engage with prospects by following, commenting on, and liking their social media and other online accounts. This strategy helps them build a presence before their prospects and create a relationship with them.
The online presence helps you smooth out your work more than the first time you connect with them as a stranger. It is like a small but powerful action that allows you to lay the groundwork for booking an appointment with them. 
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jasonblack901 · 2 months
Interview with Viplove Bhojwani: Mastering Lead Generation in IT
Jason Woods: Hello, dear readers. I'm Jason Woods, and today I have the privilege of speaking with Viplove Bhojwani, a sales expert whose strategies have revolutionized lead generation for numerous IT companies. Viplove, welcome, and thank you for joining us.
Viplove Bhojwani: Thank you, Jason. It's fantastic to be here and discuss my work.
Jason Woods: Your reputation in the IT sales community is quite remarkable. Can you give us a brief overview of how you got into this field?
Viplove Bhojwani: Certainly, Jason. My journey began about 15 years ago when I took a sales position at an emerging tech firm. I quickly realized that the ever-changing nature of IT sales was both challenging and exhilarating. Over the years, I've honed my expertise in lead generation, which has become my specialty and passion.
Jason Woods: Lead generation is a critical component of any business. In your view, what makes it especially important in IT?
Viplove Bhojwani: In IT, products and services can be highly technical and complex. Lead generation is about more than just capturing interest; it’s about educating potential clients and helping them understand how a particular IT solution can address their specific needs. It's about forming a connection between technology and the people who can benefit from it.
Jason Woods: What strategies have you found most successful for generating leads in this sector?
Viplove Bhojwani: A multifaceted approach tends to yield the best results. This includes creating high-quality, informative content that addresses common pain points, ensuring robust SEO practices to improve online visibility, and engaging in personalized outreach. A particularly successful strategy involves leveraging professional networks and platforms, like LinkedIn, to connect with decision-makers directly.
Jason Woods: That sounds like a comprehensive strategy. Could you share an example where your approach made a significant impact on an IT company's lead generation?
Viplove Bhojwani: Absolutely. One IT security company comes to mind. Their solutions were top-notch, but their lead generation was lagging. We developed a series of educational webinars and whitepapers that positioned them as thought leaders. We also optimized their sales funnel and introduced a CRM system to nurture leads more effectively. The result was a 150% increase in qualified leads within a year.
Jason Woods: That's a staggering increase. Quality over quantity is essential, though. How do you ensure the leads you generate are likely to convert?
Viplove Bhojwani: That's true, Jason. Quality is crucial. It’s essential to have a clear definition of your ideal customer profile. We use a combination of lead scoring and targeted content to ensure that we're engaging with the most promising prospects. Additionally, regular feedback from the sales team and data analysis helps us fine-tune our methods to maintain a high-quality lead pool.
Jason Woods: With technology advancing rapidly, how do you keep your lead generation strategies up to date?
Viplove Bhojwani: Keeping up with the pace of innovation in IT is a challenge. I dedicate a significant portion of my time to education—attending industry events, following thought leaders, and analyzing market trends. This ongoing education allows me to adapt my strategies to the current landscape.
Jason Woods: Lastly, for IT sales professionals looking to improve their lead generation, what advice would you give?
Viplove Bhojwani: My advice would be to never stop learning and experimenting. The landscape is always shifting, and what worked yesterday may not work tomorrow. Always focus on the value you're providing to your prospects. Make your interactions meaningful, prioritize their needs, and demonstrate how your solution can make a difference for them.
Jason Woods: It's been enlightening talking with you, Viplove. Your expertise in lead generation is clearly a game-changer for IT companies. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
Viplove Bhojwani: The pleasure was mine, Jason. I'm glad to share, and I hope your readers find these insights helpful. Thank you for having me.
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