#this is the third time they asked
tmnt-obsessed-ace · 2 years
To the person on ao3 who keeps asking when Sunshine Of The Woods will be updated. Stop asking yes I am very well aware that is hasnt been updated since halloween and there should've been more than two chapters posted by now but I am currently writing the third chapter I promise I am but I am either busy or my ADHD brains decides not to fucking cooperate and goes into executive dysfunction for god knows how long. I am working on the third chapter and I will get it published before the end of November so please stop asking. If you ask again I will turn off guest comments. Don't ruin it for everyone ok?
Para la persona en ao3 que sigue preguntando cuando Sunshine Of The Woods se actualizará. Deja de preguntar, sí, soy muy consciente de que no se ha actualizado desde Halloween y que ya debería haber publicado más de dos capítulos, pero actualmente estoy escribiendo el tercer capítulo, lo prometo, pero o estoy ocupado o mi cerebro con TDAH decide no cooperar y entra en disfunción ejecutiva durante Dios sabe cuánto tiempo. Estoy trabajando en el tercer capítulo y lo publicaré antes de finales de noviembre, así que por favor dejad de preguntar. Si vuelves a preguntar desactivaré los comentarios de los invitados. No lo arruines para todos, ¿de acuerdo?
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hellsitegenetics · 3 months
Dear Hellsites Genetics,
I love all the hard work you do and I really appreciate it. I'm currently learning biology and I'm starting to get really into it. I hope that you are well all the time, and that you have all the luck and happiness in your future. You inspired me to study biology, and I'm really grateful for it. Thank you once again!
With love and respect,
An anonymous amino acid creature
String identified: a t Gtc,
a t a a a acat t. ' ct ag g a ' tatg t gt a t t. tat a a t t, a tat a a t c a a t. t t g, a ' a gat t. Ta c aga!
t a ct,
A a a ac cat
Closest match: Plasmodium sp. DRC-Itaito genome assembly, chromosome: 10 Common name: Unclassified Malaria-Causing Parasite
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(image source) Note: this image is not of the same organism, but of P. falciparum, which is of the same genus.
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nidbaesenpai · 21 days
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Dare you say this love could just save you
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shorthaltsjester · 2 months
doing questionable things like rewatching a bard’s lament for “fun” and scanlan and vex you will always be famous. the fact that scanlan brings up that they’ve travelled across planes to fix vex’s daddy issues but then it’s vex’s daddy issues that ground her rebuttal to scanlan when she tells him to stop treating kaylie like an object. and god. vex’s “fuck him! fuck him for not saying anything sooner. and fuck us for not asking.” in the immediate aftermath, and then once she has time to put her walls back up, vex’s “my take-away from scanlan is that we all talk too much.”
the fact that vex was the one who made that comment that without his magic scanlan is just some guy but he’s also the some guy that vex spends the campaign looking up to (even if she does it through barbs and snark), the fact that when vex was fighting against saundor hearing things like “unproven ally” scanlan was all jokes until he realized how much vex believed what was being said to her. the fact that when scanlan comes back, it’s vex who literally sees through his disguise.
what do you mean scanlan was a deadbeat father who discovered a daughter that he did love but loved only as an object until vex called him out on it? what do you mean vex was a woman who struggled to forgive in part due to her crapshoot father and she was the first to forgive scanlan when he came back?
vex and scanlan also have such interesting interactions in terms of the balance of snark, silliness, and sincerity. it’s not uncommon from any characters of sam or laura’s since they are both silly little guys who also love drama and roasting each other especially when it comes to character rp, but as always it’s so dynamic when it’s the two of them bouncing off each other, especially when they’re doing so through scanlan and vex who are already bitchy characters (affectionate) with humour as a deflection method. but it’s a silly and deeply sincere moment when vex finally puts the witch hat scanlan gave her back on with his promise that he won’t run away from the final battle. it is one of my favourite laughable moments in c1 but it also reeks of sincerity when scanlan asks vex if she prefers planetar scanlan or normal scanlan and vex tells him he is fucking hot as a planetar, but she loves him like he was and he’s her favourite when he’s just himself.
like. they’re insane do you understand. the dawnfather asks vex to prove herself and scanlan turns her into a dragon to help her succeed, pelor asks vox machina what vex means to them and scanlan says she’s greedy and mean and the most perfect of them all. the knowing mistress asks scanlan to prove himself and vex escorts him on a broom he unlocked for her and then she picks an impossible lock for him, ioun tries to remind scanlan that his strength is the joy he provides to his friends and he makes a deflective quip that he’s really powerful and vex undercuts his deflection with a sincere assertion that he is. scanlan cast his last wish spell letting her see her brother on her wedding day. vex sent herself across the continent alone with her worry and grief while scanlan’s corpse lay awaiting resurrection to ensure that his daughter could be there to either bring him back or say goodbye.
they are the platonic chosen soulmates of all time to me. i make a post like this like once a year minimum and it’s because they Haunt me. both sam and laura said what if we made high charisma characters using their charisma as a shield and humour as a weapon and they saw through each other’s masks but they never explicitly talked about it to one another. good riddance to talks machina but i will never forget the episode post bard’s lament with laura and sam where sam revealed that vex was the only one who said anything that actually got through to scanlan and another episode where laura revealed that the reason vex was so angry and sad when scanlan left was that vex felt like her and scanlan had a unique bond where they were the only two who really saw one another’s masks for what they were. also laura providing the insight that while vex was actively working on being more forgiving, another reason she was so open and happy with scanlan when he came back was that vex didn’t want to scare him away again.
what am i supposed to do with all that? be normal about scanlan and vex? literally impossible
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martynsimp69 · 2 months
Dogwarts - A Horror-Themed Minecraft Map
Ever since the beheading, paranoia has taken hold of the Red King.
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Dogwarts is a short Minecraft map full of secrets, made for AUFest 2024's Reverse Big Bang. You can find more information on it here, including the world download, content warnings, how-to-play guide, and a video showcase for anyone who can't or doesn't want to play through it themselves.
As part of the event I had the honor of working with two INCREDIBLE writers, Sparrow @erstwhilesparrow and Writer @capriciouswriter207!! Both of them did a masterful job bringing this story to life in a new medium, and I'm delighted that I got to have them on my team <3 Check out their fics:
branches, but softer by sesquidpedalian
The things Martyn carries with him have dwindled to almost nothing. One bucket that he doesn’t dare abandon to the capricious shadows, a handful of glass bottles. A scrap of banner that he keeps in his pocket, that he wipes his sweat on but never without feeling a little bad. If it’s the tunnels themselves that are responsible for all his misfortune, they never make a sound to suggest so. If this place is haunted, it’s not haunted by any ghosts but his own.
What happens below (none will ever know) by Writer207
The enchanter must be protected at all costs. Away from prying eyes, deep below the ground, nobody but Ren will ever lay their eyes on it again. A labyrinth of dirt and stone must be dug to further protect it. The process weighs heavily on Martyn, and the tunnels themselves seem to suffocate him. It's all worth it, though. The enchanter must be safe.
Thank you, and enjoy <3
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tibby-art · 11 months
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life series team dynamic: Just Some Guys
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royalarchivist · 3 months
Pac: I can't keep doing this, I can't do this– [Laughs] I can't do this anymore— What is this, man?!
If you didn't see Pac suffering in Sims earlier today, here's a (translated & subtitled) compilation of some silly Sims Hideduo moments that made poor Pac look like he was questioning all his life choices.
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rooksunday · 4 months
when the coruscant guard toured their new barracks, they immediately clocked a problem.
“where are the rest of the bunks?” stone asked, looking between his datapad of assignments, and the last of the dozen bunkrooms.
even sleeping two to a pod, with four pods to a room— even hotbunking, like they were going to have to if the ‘suggested’ shift schedule was correct— there simply weren’t enough beds.
thorn grimaced. “we could give up the rec room and mess.”
“and eat where? and we need at least one room for sitting in and staring into the middle distance,” stone countered. they’d been doing a lot of the latter that day already.
with a conceding shrug, thorn turned to fox, who had been increasingly stiff and silent as the inspection had continued. stone couldn’t blame him. the building that the senate had ‘generously provided’ appeared to be held together by force of habit and spite; stone could relate, but he didn’t want to spend a war there.
“what are you thinking, sir?” stone prompted fox. the vod was always thinking something. that was his problem.
fox shook his head slightly, as if stepping out of deep water. he hummed.
“i saw something on the holonet… leave it with me,” he said.
after fox had left—marching with determination toward the broom cupboard he’d claimed as a an office—stone turned to face thorn, who was already looking at him with a particular tilt to his visor.
“on the holonet?” thorn repeated. “have you got any idea what he’s talking about? all he looks at on there is conspiracy theories and pictures of tookas.”
stone slowly shook his head. “i’m sure it’ll be fine. i’m sure it’ll be… fine.”
the guard moved in. they made it work. what other option did they have?
six weeks after landing on coruscant, fox burst into the commanders’ shared bunk with something fluorescent streaked across his armour and the stench of burnt feathers in his wake. he’d lost his helmet somewhere. stone had been cleaning his armour and threw the cloth at fox in instinctive reaction, but fox just batted it away.
“what the kark, sir?” stone spat out, heart thick in his throat.
“whuzzat?” thorn mumbled as he rose to a sit. “fox, you stink.”
“of victory,” fox countered. he stalked across the room and thrust and vial of smoking … something… to stone. “here, drink this.”
stone’s eyebrows rose. “no? sir?”
“is it tasty?” thorn asked, sleepily.
fox produced another vial from his utility belt and held that one out to thorn. he popped the cap with his thumb. smoke boiled out, glittering like dust motes. this vial was presented to thorn.
“i put honey in yours,” fox said.
of course he did.
but if fox was handing mysterious vials to thorn, he probably wasn’t planning to kill them all. probably. besides, it had been a long assignment and the war wasn’t going anywhere. the chancellor wasn’t going anywhere. stone took his vial, and saw thorn take his.
“well. cheers, i suppose,” he said, catching eyes with thorn, who rose his vial in turn.
between them, fox danced from foot to foot like he’d drank too much water before a long shift. his attention flickered between stone and thorn as they drank. his eyes were bright and he kept making and unmaking fists at his sides. he looked like a tubie waiting for their first live fire drill.
stone drank.
“huh. that doesn’t—“
then things got really kriffed up.
cody rubbed at his comm as if that would help comprehension.
“say again? some interference on my end,” he said.
the tiny blue rex rubbed the bridge of his nose. “tookas, vod. hundreds of tookas. they’re all over the senate building. they’ve herded the chancellor into his office and are blocking the hallway. no one can move them. the optics would be terrible.”
“where did they come from? can’t the coruscant guard take care of it?” cody didn’t want to assign fox to animal crowd control, but wasn’t protecting the senate his job? an invasion probably counted.
“that’s the problem. one of the tookas… it knows dadita.”
“excuse me, captain. did you say there’s a tooka that knows dadita?” general kenobi asked, leaning in to see rex. he’d been working on the other side of the office on the negotiator; sound didn’t have far to travel.
“that’s right, sir.”
“fascinating. what did it have to say for itself?”
rex shifted his weight. he looked off-camera. “it said, ‘tell cody i’m the kar— i’m still the smart one’. sir.”
silence weighed heavily in the room. cody scratched his nose and turned the message over for a second time. a third. an eleventh.
“therefore you believe that this tooka—“
“is commander fox, sir, yes,” cody said, so rex didn’t have to.
“fascinating,” kenobi said again.
“yes, sir,” rex said, his tone implying that fascination wasn’t really the problem. “and also— excuse me, sirs, one moment.” his voice became louder as he looked off-cam again, and his brow furrowed. “did someone give fox’ika a lightsaber? why is it red? what do you mean, you found it in the chancellor’s office?”
cody met his general’s eyes, and suspected his own were as wide.
blast it, fox was the smart one.
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longlivetv · 24 days
The culture around creation right now is fascinating to me, because whether we’re talking a blogger with a couple hundred followers on a dying website or the biggest artist in a generation, huge groups of people seem to think that creators should mold their creations to suit the consumer and get angry when they do not. When in reality, the creator gets to decide the direction and it is on the consumer to let it go and find something else to consume if it isn’t what they want.
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iknowicanbutwhy · 24 days
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Just me trying to test out comic-page format during breaks while I work and being inspired by this lovely post
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
My brain is unwilling to let go of Twin AU prompts. Sorry for the long post lmao.
Jazz and Jason are getting pretty serious in their relationship, and honestly, they’ve both been hesitant to introduce their family members to one another despite constantly talking about them. They’ve been dating since she started her doctoral studies at Gotham U and she’s about to defend her dissertation, so it really is about time. He saved her in her first week as the Red Hood and he immediately felt at home with her (something, something liminal), she runs into him the next day at a coffee shop and thanks him for taking the time to help her. 
Identities are obviously blown. Jason knows that her brother works in ‘politics’ and her younger sister is a travel blogger, and that the three of them don’t talk to her mad scientist parents anymore. Jazz knows that he came back from the dead, his adoptive family had a slew of issues in addition to their hero-complexes and that he would be prepared to kill for any one of his siblings. Their communication skills are top notch. 
But then came the issue of actually meeting the family. Like Jazz knows all of the drama between the siblings but could not pick them out of a line up, or more importantly, know who to talk to if an emergency situation came up. Jason agrees, that yeah, it would probably be for the best if he could at least identify her little brother and sister if they had to like, meet at hospital or something. 
So that was the plan. Invite just siblings over to their shared apartment, no parents and no fuss. (She even called Danny ahead of time to tell him not to portal straight into the apartment, he needed to walk in the door like a normal person. They could share Ghost King secrets later.) 
Tim arrives first, he’d been working a case nearby and Jazz & Jason live pretty close to a nice coffeeshop, so he stopped along the way. He’d done some creeping to figure out that she drinks Chai so he brought one for her. Creepy and yet, endearing. 
Ellie comes in second from the window, launching into a story about how annoying it was to find the place with all the gloom, didn’t this city have any respect for the dead? Tim doesn’t get it but Jason is laughing along so Tim files it away for later. 
Dick comes in with a shit ton of Pizza he panic ordered, a fruit bouquet and two bottles of wine from Bruce’s cellar. Duke came along with him, a large tupperware of Alfred’s cookies. 
Then Steph, Babs and Cass show up, immediately treating Jazz like family while also being hella suspicious about the whole thing. She notices them looking at her hands and Jazz explains that no, they weren’t doing this because Jason proposed. Steph and Cass are annoyed at Jason but tell Jazz she could do better if she wanted. Babs is happy they aren’t rushing into anything (she’s the only one besides Tim that knows how long they’ve been dating- this is just to throw out a red herring for the others)
Everyone is getting along and having a great time, Ellie being a natural entertainer along side Dick, everyone trying to tell embarrassing stories about Jason. Loud noises are coming from the hallway when they realize that neither Damian nor Danny had arrived. 
Rushing out the door, the boys are alternating putting each other into choke holds and arguing about not being clones. Danny keeps phasing out of Damian’s grip and Damian keeps pulling out more knives. The hallway looks like it had been blown up and the two are continuing to yell at one another about going to a family dinner. Jason and Jazz just stare at them from the doorway, and wouldn’t you know it, they look like fucking twins. 
Jazz grabs Danny, Jason grabs Damian, and everyone is fucking confused. Both sides of the family can confirm growing up with the twins, that neither are a clone. Ellie helpfully supplies that she’s the clone and that opens a whole other bag of chaos. 
Eventually they get everyone to sit down for dinner and the night gets weirder from there. 
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dailyloopdeloop · 3 months
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DAY 94: antiquing
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fairycosmos · 1 month
friend ditched our plans to go with her boyfriend instead
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flamememeago · 2 months
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Old bug bits that have no other place to go
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nibbelraz · 8 months
I had an idea! SQH drinks a love potion regularly in order to convince the sect that he has been brainwashed if he is discovered. MBJ knows about this.
This can go two ways and know I love both of them
Does he actually drink a love potion that doesn't have any effect because he's already so helplessly in love with Mobei Jun that it doesn't have anything else to do or does he slap a bottle with a label and chug it and then act like his usual love struck to demon self
Either way Mobei Jun knowing about it and just letting it happen while STILL struggling to court him is great
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elssbethtascioni · 3 months
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Emily Blunt as Lady Cornelia Locke The English (2022) | 1x01 - What You Want & What You Need
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