#this is usagis idea of flirting
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teasodium · 2 years
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what do u get when u combine Goemon Ishikawa XIII and Usagi from 2003 tmnt in an attempt of the rottmnt style??
a silly
jus the idea of Usagi being a wandering ronin to then encounter the turtles would be fun, especially with how different the battle nexus is.
he's jus a lil guy who sometimes appears on rooftops to dramatically say absolute nonsense, cry about honoring his blade and vERy OBVIOUSLY flirt with Leo is jus very good to me.
i am still not over 2003 Leosagi ngl and it shows... the grip it has on me all these years...
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I've seen a lot of rottmnt-version of Yuichi Usagi. But I've only seen one Samurai Rabbit version of rottmnt Leo. So let me add another:
Samurai Rabbit version of rottmnt Leo starts as an enemy to Usagi and the others. He's a ninja who wants to steal a piece of the Ki-stone, but chipping it will cause all yokai to become trapped again.
So Usagi and the others have to stop him at all costs. But he's fast for a turtle, crafty with his portalling odachi and flirts messes with Usagi to fluster and distract him.
They have stopped him so far. For now.
But Usagi does wonder. What does the turtle want with a piece of the Ki-Stone?
And for you, readers, why is Leo all alone?
(EDIT: Hey there, I noticed some people are saying this is a fantastic idea. If you think so too, go ahead and run off with this plot bunny. I would love to read them too😉)
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angelkitty54 · 2 years
Okay, so!! So! I had this idea (inspired by web series called Chikn Nuggit) for Usagi in the rottmnt universe! Also Leosagi thoughts, coz I really like this ship. All the art and stuff I've seen floating around is so cute!
Right so like, Usagi is a rabbit yokai whose family was cursed forever ago to transform into a demonic hell beast, or whatever. They have since more or less resolved their curse, in that they are not going to lose their minds and become a rampaging monster, but are still able to transform into their demonic forms.
Usagi is kinda morally grey here. He may be a demon (technically) but he's definitely not evil, he just leans a lot more on the "anti" side of anti-hero. He's also has a history of bad choices fueled by teenage rebellion, is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, and ran with the wrong crowd for several years. He's making an effort to turn things around for himself now tho.
Leo and Usagi had a whole enemies to loves thing. As in one minute they were at each others throats, and the next they were making out. It was actually a case of love at first sight but they are both absolute disasters and misunderstood their feelings, landing on hate instead of love. They worked themselves out eventually. They still have this rivalry but now there's a lot more flirting involved.
Anyways, I just have this one scene thats been circling around in my head for ages:
Somebody, possibly April: "Why are you sitting in a ring of salt?"
Leo: "I had a fight with my boyfriend and I'm still mad at him."
April: "What...?"
Usagi emerges from the shadows in demon form: "YOU CAN'T STAY IN THERE FOREVER!"
April, backing away slowly: "...what...?"
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Leosagi x2 Calm, cool and collected 2…
That's what the older Leonardo had to be after being trusted back into the “new normal” Casey Jr. and the rest of the Hamatos had created. He’s now in uncharted territory and all he expects is gone, battles he strategized, systems he followed, dates of death honored, all of it had never happened, only to him and Casey Jr. But Casey didn’t appear to dwell on the past, like it never even happened.
While the older was processing his existence the younger Leonardo called over a waiter. The bunny was the same height as Leo-kun bar the ears and his earthy red eyes shown a familiar sparkle. Leonardo-san dug into his mind trying to remember his name, “Yukichi?”
“Wow, is my handwriting really that bad?” The rabbit said inspecting his nametag, in a sort of disappointed tone. Leo-kun quickly slid over stumbling over to save the day and said to the rabbit “Don’t mind him, Pops here forgot his reading glasses at home. You know how old people are. The names Leonardo Hamato”
     Rubbing the rib the younger Leo re-bruised, Leo-sensei responded “Don’t Push it Jr. you're the one who wanted to come here in a hurry” Casey on the back turned his head towards the conversation, Leo-san turned to him correcting himself “Not you Case, your doing great.”
    “ I’m Yuichi Usagi,” the young rabbit introduced himself, “I’m guessing your dad is Leonardo Hamato Sr.”
    There was an awkward silence for a moment before Leonardo Sensei gave an exasperated “Yeah” after ordering his first non rat filled meal, everything went smoothly, though Leo-kun decided to chat with the waiter a bit more. Looking at them conversing was a surreal moment for him. Leonardo-san never would have imagined seeing himself flirt with someone and actually getting a response. After the Kraang invasion romance was put in the basement of his mind, to the point it took a whole year to process that his Raph and Cassandra got together and another to process “Why”. 
    Then a wave of sadness washed over him, he could have had something like this but the Kraang ruined it, he ruined it. Ruminating in this feeling, the older Leonardo failed to see another rabbit approaching him, then again he was very small. The older rabbit was no bigger than Casey Jr, not including the ears, he wore a light blue kimono with a crest with three dots and a dark blue hakama. Below the long running scar on his forehead was a set of golden and determined eyes.
    “Dad.. what are you doing here? You were supposed to be talking to Hueso-san” called out Yuichi. The older Leonardo was able to translate that into “Dad, don’t be here you’ll embarrass me” and this gave him an idea. He then put on the smuggest grin and said “Oh, it's fine, us dads can chat over here while you have your own conversation. Say Mr Usagi want to know the time my boy here got himself stuck between a baby gate when he thought a plate noodles were a bunch of snakes.” 
    This made both rabbits chuckle and Leo-kun a brighter shade of red. Now it was Mr. Usagi’s turn “Sure, I will share with you the time my “son” got an entire grape stuck in his nose for a whole year.” and this cracked the whole table up. The two younger yokai now had the same thought in their mind, revenge but before expressing it Hueso had called Yuichi over to wait more tables. Leaving Miyamoto with the Hamatos. 
    “ My name is Miyamoto Usagi, I am a yojimbo looking for a job but I couldn’t help but notice that you weren’t as into the festivities as the rest of your family Kappa-san.” He said. Leonardo-sensei was about to introduce himself when Splinter decided to do it for him.
    “His name its Hamato Leonardo, not Kappa. I know how to name my sons.” the rat said in an irritated tone, “I don’t know how you managed to raise such an upstanding boy while working as a yojimbo.” Draxum, the sheep yokai, placed a hand on the rat mutant's shoulder to silently say, “Shut up”. Though Splinter's word did get to the ronin, with his ears lowering a bit “That's because I didn’t raise him, I have had bad luck with my sons.” He said. 
    Sons, that word was what caught the older turtle’s attention, and to keep the conversation flowing he made the mistake of asking, “Who is your other son?”
    “His name was Jotaro, the last time I saw him was before the attack.” the rabbit sighed, “You must understand what it's like, putting on such a brave face for your children. Is the arm modeled in her memory.” 
    This dug a deep hole none of the table can get out, how can they explain time travel to this poor rabbit, who lost his son recently. Leos felt even more guilty, “ I was the reason you lost your son, I’m the reason Yuichi lost his brother.” They thought, and wanting to provide sympathy they went along with Miyamoto's assumptions. 
    “Her name was Madonna,” The older Leo fibbed, then pointed to Raph, with her mask tied in a bow, who was shakily drinking her water, “My eldest inherited her looks,” Then he pointed at Donnie who was reaching over the table  for the bread sticks with his mechanical arms. “My second youngest her brains,” then to Michaelangelo, who was texting on his phone, “My youngest, her spirit. ” Lastly pointing to his younger self “This one inherited my ugly mug”
    “I think you are quite handsome, Leonardo-san. Yuichi seems to agree in regards to your son” Miyamoto said. This left the two red-ear sliders flattered, especially since it was the first time they felt handsome after the Kraang Invasion. “I hope we can keep in touch, here's the address where I’m staying at, I would like to see more of what Madonna saw in you.” Miyamoto hands Leonardo-san a napkin with an address before rather hastily departing. He makes a b-line to Yuichi, who was waiting a table, before dragging him out of the store too. 
    Outside, the older rabbit asks “How committed are you to dating that young turtle.” This left Yuichi flabbergasted, then he responded, “Very committed knowing-” However before he could finish, Miyamoto said, “Because I think I accidentally asked his father out”
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summer-nights19 · 1 year
I'm not her
Cheater! Haruka Tenoh x gn! Reader
Cheating, sexual references, angst, hurt no comfort, self deprecating thoughts
I wrote this sleep deprived in 2 sittings, so I apologize in advance for the dumpster fire it will inevitably be.
Enjoy loves :>
Sighing to yourself, you took a u-turn and drove your Lamborghini back in the direction you came from. You'd made plans to go on a weekend trip with your friends, Usagi and Naru, but the flight had been cancelled so the trip was postponed. It all happened with the worst timing too. You and your girlfriend, Haruka, had been increasingly off recently and you had no idea what to do. She barely even gave you attention anymore, let alone offered to take you out. She'd come home late, and every time you asked her if she wanted to do something, some emergency plan or other appeared like magic. All this was really starting to stress you out- you wondered around the house aimlessly during the day and couldn't sleep at night. Although part of you wished that she'd just leave you and rip off the band aid, you just couldn't seem to figure out what to do without her.
She was your whole world.
You'd been dating Haruka Tenoh for the better part of 5 years. Initially, your entire relationship had felt unreal. Yes, you were dating a celebrity racer, but Haruka was genuinely stunning, and not just physically so. She had the kind of magnetic personality that everyone was drawn to, and neither girls nor guys could ever seem to get enough of her. Even back when you first met, in your senior year of high school, talking to her had felt like talking to an intimate friend. The two of you had quickly gotten close - you'd cycle to school together, eat lunch in the same spot every day and hang out after school on the days Haruka didn't have to race. She started flirting with you a few months in, doing so boldly and bluntly. Haruka was the kind of woman who knew exactly what she wanted and stopped at nothing to get it. It was one of the many things that made you weak in the knees about her. About six months later, on a moonlit summer night, she'd given you a simple sapphire pendant and asked you to be her girlfriend.
At first, you couldn't believe it. You were just an average student. You were bashful, socially inept, uninteresting... the kind of person no one even gave a second glance. And yet, despite knowing she could have anyone at all, she chose you. You knew things were moving way too fast, but, by that point, you were already madly in love with her, and logic and rationality had long left your body like steam evaporating from a hot cup of coffee.
From that day on, your life was radically transformed. You were the partner of Haruka Tenoh. Celebrity racecar driver, serial heartbreaker, and national sex symbol. There wasn't a person in the whole of Japan who didn't want to be you. Naturally, you ate all of the attention up, enjoying it like a part of the lavish and luxurious lifestyle you now led. After all, you would be lying to yourself if you said that you didn't feel a prick of satisfaction when the paparazzi crowded around you and Haruka, her arm slung around your shoulders or waist, and pushed and shoved for the chance to capture a hot shot for this or that gossip magazine. It would be dishonest to say you hadn't delighted in the envious glares of random girls when Haruka pulled your body against her own and kissed you, all in one swift movement.
It had never truly been about the attention or riches though.
Ever since you'd first spoken to her, you'd felt like she held a piece of your heart in her grip. What she did and said, however seemingly insignificant, took such a large toll on you that it drove you mad. When you were with her, you felt like you'd found your place in the world- like you could truly just be. She soon filled up all of your life, because even when you weren't with her, you were thinking about her. Moving in together in your pent house apartment, with its marble kitchen and breathtaking view of the city, had felt like a dream come true.
It was about 4 years into the relationship that everything started to go sour. Every day, Haruka grew a little more distant, a little more closed off. She no longer sought you out unless it was necessary, and what little affection she still offered felt like a performance deprived of any passion. Her kisses were weak compared to what they'd once been, as though an essential part was missing. You couldn't remember the last time she said "I love you".
It hurt, especially at first. Each one of these little betrayals felt like a stab wound in the heart. You tried to talk about it with her, to understand, but she always shut down the conversation brutally.
"I'm busy right now, Y/N. Do we really have to do this ?"
"God, were you always this clingy ? It's starting to get on my nerves,"
The first few times, you were left standing in shock and fighting back tears. After a while, you just gave up- maybe if you kept quiet and compliant, you could keep Haruka. The distance between the two of you was becoming increasingly large and difficult to bridge, and you knew this. Even when you say next to each other on the sofa or at dinner, it felt like she was miles away. That was probably what hurt the most- her heart was slipping through your fingers before your very eyes, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. At the same time, she still had as firm a grip on your heart as when you'd first started dating.
Parking your car and pulling the housekeys out of your bag, you made your way to the main entrance of the vast apartment complex in which you two lived. After you finished high school, Haruka had insisted on moving to one of the most expensive neighbourhoods in Tokyo.
"Nothing but the best for my baby," she used to say, her rough hand cupping your chin.
You pushed the memories to the back of your mind as you walked up the stairs. It hurt too much to remember what had once been. However, you couldn't carry on ignoring the evident decay of your relationship. You decided that, tonight, you would sit Haruka down and try to really salvage your relationship. You wouldn't shy away or let yourself be shrugged off- you would fix the problems you two had no matter how many hours it took, because you still loved her and you couldn't carry on living with only the corpse of your relationship in your life and pretending everything was fine. You made a fist around your pendant and closed your eyes, making a wish.
When you got to the apartment, the door was already half open. You let yourself in, not thinking much of it. As soon as you did so, you froze in shock, your jaw clenched, eyes wide and all your muscles tensed. You let the tears run freely, biting into your arm to stifle the sobs.
Another woman's moans were coming from the bedroom you shared with your girlfriend.
"OHH ! Haruka... mhhhh,"
You recognised her voice instantly. It was Michiru Kaio, the violinist. She and Haruka had become incredibly close after meeting at one of Haruka's races about a year ago. It was also around the time Haruka really detached herself from you. You'd been so stupid not to see it before.
In your mind, you conjured the image of the woman's face. She had smooth, flawless skin and a pair of intense blue eyes fringed by almost impossibly long lashes. Her hair cascaded down her back in thick waves and her body curved in all the right places. You remembered the gala a few months ago, which Michiru had attended in a skimpy little white dress. Haruka had barely been able to keep her eyes off of her. Blocking out the moans, you crept into the bathroom and really looked at yourself in the mirror for the first time in months. It was like wearing a new pair of glasses. Your hair was full of split ends and it had lost its shine almost completely, just like your skin (which was beginning to break out). The bags under your eyes were increasingly visible. Your eyes, once shining and full of joy, looked hollow and empty. Your body was no longer what it had been at 18, 19, or 20. Suddenly, you saw it all- cellulite, love handles, thighs like formless lumps of dough... you imagined yourself standing next to Michiru looking like that and bit your arm again to stifle a loud sob. No wonder Haruka made the choice she made.
Michiru's moans got louder, more frequent.
You thought back to when it had been you moaning like that in the very same room. It felt like a different life now, but the more you thought about it, the more you could feel your blood begin to boil. The rage you'd been suppressing subconsciously all this time had finally broken free and taken control of your mind, making everything else pale in comparison.
You slammed the bathroom door and marched to the bedroom, letting the tears flow freely down your face. It felt like your heart had been ripped apart from inside replaced with a cold stone. You harnessed the pain, letting it fuel your anger.
" Haruka, you fucking bitch ! I caught you !" You screeched, your voice unstable yet powerful. On the other side of the door, silence instantly fell. You heard some rustling before Haruka came to the door and opened it, her gaze meeting yours steadily. Unflinching. As soon as you saw her, your anger evaporated, leaving only a crushing desperation. Seeing her face like that made you want to cry even harder. You wanted to fall into her arms and beg her to stay. You wanted to tell her to forget about Michiru, and that all would be forgiven if she just gave you another chance. If she simply took you back.
You opened your mouth but Haruka beat you to it.
"Yeah, sorry... this isn't the way I wanted you to find out, but I'm with Michiru now. I love her, and have done so for a few months now. It's over between us,"
Your entire body started shaking as you sobbed harder and harder. Your beautiful star in the night sky... the woman you loved more than life itself... it was all being ripped away from you. Haruka looked at you awkwardly. There was a time when she could cheer you up like no one else- she'd rush by your side and embrace you hard, comforting you and making you laugh until your problems seemed minuscule.
"It can't exactly come as a surprise, Y/N. It was pretty obvious that I wasn't happy with you. I haven't been for a while,"
The ache in your chest grew sharper, all consuming. In a swift gesture, you ripped off the sapphire pendant on your neck and threw it at Haruka with all your strength. The clasp cut your skin, causing beads of red to trickle down your neck. You didn't care.
Taking one last look at the place you'd called home for the last 3 years, you gathered all your remaining strength and turned around, making for the door. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Michiru sitting on the bed, her perfect hips on display. At least she had the grace to look embarrassed.
"Wait, Y/N-" Haruka called as your hand reached for the doorknob. You turned around, a small, pathetic part of you still convinced that Haruka would apologise and ask to take you back.
"What is it ?" you said, trying to keep your voice even. Haruka's face was a strange blend of regret and relief.
"Never mind. you can leave now," she nodded coldly towards the door. You wanted to get on your knees and beg her to keep talking, even if it was just one more sentence. Instead, you embraced what little pride you had left and exited the apartment, forcing yourself not to look back. As soon as you reached the bottom of the staircase, you let yourself crumple to the floor as sobs convulsed your body violently. You no longer had the energy to care who was watching.
She had been your entire world.
And now, you were alone.
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dgknightblue · 2 years
I genuinely don’t know much about Usagi but idea for my rise Version:
Maybe Raph stops being completely hostile to him when Leo’s not there because he saved Leo one time. He’s really thankful for that, so when Usagi said Leo could hug him for 4 to 5 seconds and Leo heard/ screamed 45 seconds- he groaned as he looked at Raph, who relaxed his glare a little and grunted before turning.
The moment 45 seconds pass, Usagi pulls a way to leave. Leo cutely chases after him.
Raph calmly destroys a wall and quietly screams in a loud manner. Donnie fills his Glock with bullets.
“If he breaks his heart, I’ll break his spine!”, said Raph.
“He’ll have to say good bye to his kneecaps.”, said Mikey.
“Don’t worry me and my Glock will take care of him.”, said Donnie.
“I’ll cut his dxck off.”, said April.
They all look at her and she shrugs.
“What? I’ll do it. Mess with my little brother, you mess with me, and no body messes with me.”, said April.
She takes out a knife Donnie gave her for her birthday to play with it in her hands.
Usagi feels a terrifying chill go down his spine from far a way as Leo chatters on happily without a care.
“Man I really love you, you’re a great friend! You’d make a great boyfriend too one day…for someone!”, giggled Leo.
They were walking to an arcade in the hidden city. Leo excitedly grabs his arm to lean his head against since it’s cold. He feels a purring hum trying to free itself.
Usagi, again groans and tries not to be too obvious in his annoyance. Since he did just save Leo, he won’t push him a way.
At least until they enter the arcade. Leo let’s go to begin playing games. Usagi’s friend is there and starts to compete with Leo. They’re having fun. Usagi watches.
Some yokai tries to hit on Usagi. Leo notices and gets a little jealous he isn’t watch them anymore.
Usagi’s friends gets too immersed in the current game to notice Leo jog over and hug Usagi again.
“Usagi! Whose your friend? Going to play with us?”, smiled Leo.
The yokai starts ignoring Usagi to flirt with Leo. He gets a little uncomfortable when they get too close. He accidentally tightens his hold around Usagi.
Who then put a comforting arm around Leo (protective huh?). Leo is a blushing mess and buried his head into Usagi’s chest.
The yokai frowns and huffs, walking a way. Usagi forgot about them, he was too busy frowning at Leo.
“Must you be affectionate?”, he asked.
“Yes!”, sings Leo.
They spend a significant amount of time like that without anyone noticing them. Except Usagi’s friend who would glance at him with a smirk.
He’d gently nudge Leo to let go, but never ask. Leo doesn’t budge.
Once Usagi finally asks after about two actual hours to let go, Leo does. Leo doesn’t let go until he’s asked too after all.
Leo is on cloud nine with a big blush and an equally big smile. Usagi goes to get pizza in at “Run of the Mill” with Leo and his friend in tow.
Usagi is on his day off so he didn’t really want to got there, but he figured Leo might calm down from his clinginess if he was at a familiar place with familiar faces.
Worse decision of his life. His friend left before someone came to take their order. So the waitress/ coworker kept smirking at him and he’d glare at her.
Then his boss showed up to poke fun at Leo, who wasn’t even paying attention. He stared at Leo for a second before turning to Usagi with a piercing stare.
He began to sweat.
It was obvious that Leo couldn’t hear anyone since he was too busy in his own head. Boneman gave him a look that promised him many things.
For good measure, he pat Leo’s head- who didn’t even turn. Boneman turned to him with a frown again.
Usagi held his hands up in front of him. Leo took that as an opening to hug him again. God he was clingy.
Usagi felt his face twitch and feel much warmer than it should be in public. Boneman (I forgot his name okay) smirked at him and said something in Spanish in a teasing voice.
They ate their pizza, sitting closer than what was comfortable or normal for friends to sit in public. All of the regular patrons glancing at them constantly and some giggle.
Leo held his hand all the way back to the lair. He chatted a way while Usagi lost his patience. He decided to get back at Leo then and there. At the front entrance of the lair, Usagi hugged Leo and kissed him.
Leo was so incredibly confused and shocked that he didn’t do anything other than lean in.
Usagi forgot what the purpose of kissing Leo was and continued to kiss him for a solid five minutes. When they parted, Leo was dazed.
Usagi’s eyes slowly open wider as his face turned bright red and he stiffened.
Oh god-
Panicked, Usagi looks into Leo’s eyes. He pretends that he wasn’t having thoughts about Leo like always did and wanted to act defensively, but he couldn’t move.
Leo tilted his head and pouted, “Usagi?”
Leo hugged him again and laid his head on his chest. Leo sighed. Usagi relaxed as he stood there.
“Do you like me?”
Usagi gulped as he didn’t want to answer. Leo looked up at him; he pressed his hand against his cheek.
“You’re…nice. You are…sweet. I…”
“I like you. You’re really…you’re a great friend, Usagi. Really really great….”, Leo smiled softly.
They lean in to kiss again. But when they were inches a way, Raph appeared to yank Leo out of his arms. His killer snarl was back and worse than ever.
Usagi sweated and held his arms up like for Boneman. Raph held Leo like a Princess- he has a confused expression, stuck in a happy blush.
For the recorded Raph has no clue they kissed, he only saw them leaning in for the second one.
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annonniiiiieeeee · 1 year
I'm surprised that no one would has asked about AWOSAN but with Donnie. Or alternative title : 6 months of Donnie being miserable without tec and hissing at a bunny because he's afraid to lose his twin.
That is such a fun idea.
First off Donnie would hate it.
I’m assuming they were both found unconscious. Maybe donnie used his nimpo to rocket back up to the ship to be with Leo when he closed the gate.
But when the twins wake up, donnie has no WiFi, donnie has no way to communicate with the family of his tech and Leo is siting their calling a strange bunny boy an angel. All around a bad time for him.
When they are asked for proof of their story donnie is more the. Happy to show off his battle shell. But that begs the question, what powers the battle shells? Because it looks like the have ports they plug into at night. What happens when the battle shell dies? Does Donnie have to take it off? It’s useless weight at this point but he’s vulnerable without it.
Leo and Donnie are left to twirls their thumbs after telling their story. That is until Usagi’s brought in with an injury. Cue two things. One Leo getting a job in the infirmary. Two Usagi spending a lot of time with them.
I think Donnie would focus on researching a way home. The days Leo works in the infirmary Donnie is researching. I think he would also find odd jobs around the Tenshu. He would invent things that would be helpful even though they don’t have electricity. Maybe he creates away to power certain devices but he still doesn’t have the internet. So it only fixes half of his problem. But while he pouting the Tenshu I already thinking the two are gifts from heaven even before the show off their powers. Donnie for his inventions and Leo for his work in the infirmary.
I don’t know if Donnie would realize Leo and Usagi were flirting until Leo admitted to his crush. I think after that he’s wary of Usagi. Leo might want to stay with him and Usagi is taking up a lot of his twin (and only prescient family members time)
I think eventually he’d come around the the idea of them as a couple once Usagi starts complimenting his inventions.
It’s a fun idea but I think the thing that would change the most is the public opinion of the two and the neko battle in chapter 11. Between Leo’s portals and Donnie’s arsenal they didn’t stand much of a chance
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sailormoonrewrite · 3 months
Usagi: Then why don’t you like me then?
Mamoru: ?? You’re repeatedly thrown stuff at me, refused to apologize and antagonized me? But you’re right you do share some of her qualities. *Gives her a soft smile.*
Usagi charmed but trying to fight it: There’s some ways you’re like him ,you know ,when you’re not being a jerkface. *Standing straight.* Though I hope you’re not falling for my charms. I plan on marrying Tuxedo Mask someday! Mamoru : *Says nothing but responds with a bemused but subtly fond smirk.*
Usagi: I hate that smirk. Means you think you know something I don’t and that amuses you.
Mamoru: Yep. Usagi: Leaving before you insult me then. Bye~
Mamoru: Oh, Odango-Atama you have no idea...
Also, that interaction was perfect! Mamousa argue-flirting will never stop being adorable,
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myobsessionsspace · 1 year
Another One of My
First Experience With Queer
Representation In Animation
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Neptune
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Part One
Sailor Moon, my first introduction into the world of Manga and Anime. Like many, I fell in love with the ditzy yet full of heart Usagi Tsukino (aka Serena in the western dubs) and her band of unique yet loyal friends. Like most ensemble casts, the writer made sure to make each character different, yet all lovable in their own ways.
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Each edition of the manga and episodes of the anime would have me finding a new favourite member amongst the group, never leaving behind their two cats and mentors Luna and Artemis.
It was in the third act of the story, that two characters were introduced to viewers and readers, Sailor Neptune (Michiru Kaiou, known as Michelle in the western dubs) and Sailor Uranus (Haruka Tenou, known as Amara in the western dubs).
Depending on how someone came to discover Sailor Moon, they may have had the misfortune of watching western dubbed episodes, who had the notion that they were ‘protecting’ children and viewers by taking it upon themselves to change the nature of the relationship between Haruka and Michiru.
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Try as they may to cut as many suggestive scenes as possible, the animation aired in the west that was left couldn’t do enough to change the relationship shown between the characters, who were originally written to be lovers.
This made it all the more ridiculous the ‘straight-washing’ the west tried, with their idea to depict the two as cousins and not lovers as in the original content.
How confusing it must have been for the ‘young impressionable minds’ they were trying to shield from seeing queer love, to see ‘cousins’ in romantic situations.
All because of the intolerance of showing queer representation on screen.
“Another group of fans in a tizzy today are fans of the Toonami edit of Sailor Moon S. Back between 1999 and 2000, Cartoon Network and YTV Canada aired a watered down edit of Sailor Moon S, in which Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were still allowed to be touchy-feely with each other, but were edited as "cousins" who touch each other, rather than lesbians…… because according to Cloverway, the now defunct Toei Animation subsidiary responsible for the change, cousins touching each other is more "kid friendly" than lesbians touching each other. Sense made? None.” [quoted from link below]
“However, whether in an attempt to be more faithful to the original Japanese or through failure to edit consistently, several episodes of the former English dub retained a noticeable amount of their casual flirting.[49] Due to the censorship and problematic dubbing, some viewers inferred not only a homosexual relationship between the two girls, but also an incestuous one.” [1]
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The character of Haruka also introduced me to gender nonconformity, to masc presenting women, to non-binary, bigender and transgender identities. Haruka may have simply been a ‘butch lesbian’ or one or more of the aforementioned.
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Reading the manga and watching the anime has been a very important part of my journey.
A seemingly childish show about school girl heroes and villains gave me my first understanding of different types of queer representations. It opened my eyes to not just love between two women but how simple it could and should be. It showed me in relation to these two characters, the different ways women can chose to present themselves and still have purpose, have friendship groups, be accepted and be themselves.
Unfortunately it also showed me the different levels of acceptance of healthy queer relationships and the lengths some go to, to deny representation.
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Take away any biases, beliefs or judgements about queer representation in animation, their story is one to be told and one to be witnessed. They showed humour, friendship, loyalty, like and love.
They may not have been the main characters but they were one of my favourite, for what they represented but also for their individual characters.
Kudos to Haruka & Michiru for being kickass heroes and a cool introduction to queer characters.
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[1] Sebert, Paul (2000-06-28). "Kissing cousins may bring controversy Cartoon Network juggles controversial topics contained in the "Sailor Moon S" series
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bbcreative-0 · 1 year
Master Post
Hey everyone!! It’s me BB. Creative!! I go by She/Her pronouns, I’m 20 years old, a part of Multiple fandoms, and anyone can call me BB. We welcome anyone as long as they are kind and respectful! If you ever wanna chat fill free to!!
This post help everyone investigate everyone with all my art work/project!! I hope this was all helpful and everything goes well!
A Deal for Love (AKA Hercules AU)
MORE FANART FROM @neonblue47
FANART FROM @chocoee
FANART FROM @neonblue47
The AO3 Link: A Deal for Love
Have a Nice Day
Leonardo Hamato Character Design
Usagi Yuichi Character Design
Hercules AU
The Prince AU
The Prince AU Frida + Irma
New AU Leo + Usagi
TMNT/Samurai Rabbit Content
Leosagi One Shot
Blinded Love Leo’s Character Design
Funny Pattern
Funny Headcannon
Usagi Hates His Job
Blinded Love
Who Swears the Most
Fanart for @sansbyshipper
Dumb 2012 TMNT Headcanon
Valentine's Day Art (Late)
Unhinged 2012 Leo
Dead Dad Jokes
Forgetful Leo Part 2
Leo and April Gossip
Drawing Advice of TMNT Characters
His Last Name is Yuichi
Misplaced AU Leo with Usagi's friends
LeoSagi Idea
Usagi Can’t Flirt
Forgetful Leo
Dream SMP
Bedrock Bro’s Fic
Son of Death
Platonically Promise (Golden Duo Platonic marriage)
My Hero Academia
Villain Dad Deku
Deku Jinx
Deku Video
Miraculous Ladybug
Pressure Fic
Thoughts on the reveal
Idea for Miraculous
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random-mailbox · 2 years
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
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This week’s trope of Enemies to Lovers from @floraone ’s matrix (here is the post with it for reference) was chosen by the amazing @daikon1 . These stories are more in line with the anime characterizations of both Usagi and Mamoru than the manga but it does not make them any less wonderful. I guess I am giving away the ending in these more than usual but the below standard disclaimer still applies - sorry!
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
Scavenger Hunt by Scarlet32
While flirting with Motoki, Minako “accidentally” tells him that Usagi might be in love with Mamoru (which Usagi denies!). To prove to Usagi that HE actually likes her, Mamoru asks her what it would take, with Usagi giving him a list of seemingly impossible tasks to complete. And I have to give it to Usagi on these - they are imaginative, but Mamoru is if nothing but resourceful.
Secret Admirer by @starlingsinclair
Mamoru makes fun of Usagi getting gifts from a secret admirer, taunting her that it's creepy and not romantic. What if the tables are turned and he is the one on the receiving end of these? And the person doing it seems to know and understand him shockingly well.
Stitched - @irritablevowel
After an accident in the kitchen lands Usagi in the emergency room to get stitches, the person treating her ends up being someone she used to argue with daily in her school days. Can they put aside their past animosity and start over? (This one is probably in my top 10 favorite fics, make sure you check it out!)
What We Could Be - @allyunabridged
Mamoru and Usagi get set up on a blind date by someone who has no idea they have known each other for years and have been less than cordial since their school days. Could this be their chance to start over?
Right Hand Red - Usabelle
Motoki convinces Mamoru to throw Reika's going away party in his apartment. Can a game of Twister and a little alcohol change things for our favorite duo?
Next week I will be covering Slow Burn Fics based on another request from @daikon1 before getting into the Holiday Spirit with some Christmas-y stories.
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post)
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
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darthkvznblogs · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Sailor Moon and its characters? I'm personally still surprised over how ahead of its time it was and how much it holds up in today's media.
I was going to answer this ask while I watched Promise of the Rose last night but it’s not available where I watch it 😭 this is devastating…
Anyhoo, I have a LOT of thoughts re:Sailor Moon! I'll list them below, rapid-fire style, in no particular order. I also have no idea what the consensus is so there may be some hot takes I’m just not aware of haha :P
I had no idea how much of a little shithead Usagi was! I guess seeing gifs and images from her I had a very different concept of what she'd be like, but I really love how much of a gremlin she can be.
For such a romance-obsessed series (which I don't mind and actually quite enjoy most of the time) they don't actually show you much of the actual relationships, which I think is a shame. You've already sold me on Usagi and Mamoru, but I need more meat on those bones! Show me them going on cute dates! Show me arguments that last longer than two lines (and are often motivated by magical destiny BS)! You're telling me about a love that has managed to survive through death and the thousands of years in between their past and present lives, now show me it!
I'm such a sucker for the premise of S1. The sense of love and duty persisting through death and reincarnation, the struggle to regain the memories of a past life while keeping your footing in the modern world, the classic balancing act between being a teenager and having the weight of the world on your shoulders as a superhero, the engaging dynamics between the members of the Dark Kingdom and, of course, the bonds between the Sailor Scouts...
...and that finale, goddamn. What a freakin' sucker punch. It's one thing to allude to the fact that death is a very real possibility when facing the enemy throughout the series, but the show hadn't done much more than flirt with it a bit here and there. Seeing that flashback to the Silver Millennium and realizing that not only is it possible for them to die in the line of duty, but that it's actually a very likely prospect...and then following through with it! That sequence, as each of the Guardians sacrifices themselves to clear the way for Sailor Moon, with Usagi going through pretty much every stage of grief in a mere few minutes, had me slack-jawed the whole way through. And Usagi finally fully embracing her identity as Princess Serenity and sacrificing herself as her mother once did, wishing for something as simple (as understandably selfish, as heartbreakingly yearning) as giving herself and her beloved friends their normal lives back, free of their burden. Genuinely perfect ending.
I think the only part that doesn't work for me about the S1 finale is that the monsters that kill the Guardians aren't shown to be special in any way, just volunteers from Beryl's monster hordes. I wish they'd been her elite royal guard that never left her side or something, otherwise why wait to deploy what are clearly your most powerful mooks? It makes the lieutenants lesser by comparison.
The bespoke animations for each of the signature attacks (and the transformation sequences, of course) are great, but there's like...no fighting in this show, which is disappointing, ngl. I know this isn't a shonen and I'm not asking for complex fight coreography, but trading a few blows, damaging the environment, just generally showcasing that the Guardians aren't just soundbites and elemental ranged attacks would be much appreciated.
I regret to inform you all I've become a Sailor Earth truther. NARU DESERVES BETTER (or at least, she deserves to have superpowers so she doesn't get her life force drained every other episode, jfc)
S2 had kind of atrocious pacing - I didn't mind it having two distinct arcs, but the Ail and An arc dragged on for too long and too much time was spent with Rubeus relative to the other Black Moon clan members, so it really robbed them of their impact. I felt great satisfaction when Rubeus was defeated, but the others...eh. I did love the Spectre Sisters and their decision to become normal humans, and Wiseman/Death Phantom (though he kinda came outta nowhere) was super cool. Never underestimate the stark image of a bleached human skull and a cool voice haha.
I feel like most people probably find Chibiusa really annoying (and I was right there with them a few times, admittedly), but remembering that she's a terrified, traumatized child really helped. It was utterly bizarre of Usagi (and the show, to some extent) to consider her any sort of rival for Mamoru's love, that was uncomfortable and ridiculous. The reveal that it's her fault that Crystal Tokyo went to shit was great, I loved that (and generally the implication that the Black Moon Clan is only a problem because they were excluded from utopia as part of Silver Millennium 2.0 for very vague reasons felt like a very intriguing detail, like Neo-Queen Serenity might've also made a huge mistake there.)
Just generally speaking, I wish the Sailor Scouts were a bit more consistent in battle; they're either utterly dominating or getting absolutely destroyed within moments of arriving.
The drip (as the kids say) in this show is impeccable lol everyone always looks amazing
I could go on but you get the idea! I just started Sailor Moon S yesterday so I'm still trucking along. If there's anything I didn't mention that you want my opinion on feel free to hit me with another ask!
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Sailor Moon: Reignstorm - Chapter 4: Moon Spectrum Power
Usagi and her friends had decided to stop by the Bob-Floy Ice Cream Shoppe on their way home from school, with Rei, Luna and Artemis joining them along the way. The cats found their usual spots on Usagi and Minako’s shoulders before the girls went up to order. With ice cream in hand the girls started to make their way to the Hikawa Shrine for another study session.
“You’d better have that finished before we get there, Usagi.” Rei said, “I don’t need a repeat of what happened the last time you brought ice cream into my room.”
“Hey, that’s not fair!” The bun-headed girl said in response, “Mina made a mess too!”
“Yeah, but I’m Rei’s favorite, so I get a pass.” Minako said, slinging her arm around her raven-haired friend’s shoulders.
“You wish.” Rei responded with a light blush, but without making an effort to remove her friend’s arm.
Ami and Makoto walked behind them, holding their ice cream in one hand and their partner’s hand in the other. Even after they had been together for almost three months, every time Usagi saw the two of them do normal couple things it filled her with joy. She had watched Ami pine after Mako for as long as she could remember, and had begun to worry that Ami would never tell her how she felt. Especially when she thought she lost them during the Galaxia incident. After they came back Usagi strongly considered just locking them in a room together until it was resolved, but ultimately decided against it. She figured it would be best to give them some time to process what had happened to them before forcing something like that. But she swore that if it went on much longer she would’ve been forced to take action.
Although now there seemed to be something going on between Rei and Mina, which was a whole other thing. Originally Usagi just assumed that Mina flirting with Rei was no different than her flirting with… well, everyone. But now she could see why Rei had felt the need to ask her about it. There was definitely something different with how the two of them were acting. 
“Oh, by the way, how did your audition go?” Rei asked, referring to the audition Minako had attended to perform at a local club.
“About as well as I expected.” The Guardian of Beauty said, shrugging her shoulders, “They said they’d call me but… I dunno, I really don’t wanna get my hopes up.”
“Aw, c’mon, give yourself some credit. I’m sure you’ll get it.” Rei said with a smile.
“Rei’s right! In fact, I bet we could already celebrate you getting it by going to see a movie before we go to the shrine!” Usagi said, clearly attempting to get out of work.
“No way, Usagi!” Ami rebuked, “We’ve been taking it way too easy lately. I only got a ninety-one on my last English test!”
“Babe, you know that’s not bad right?” Makoto said before taking another bite of her ice cream.
“I mean… It's not great.” Ami replied.
“Ami, do you have any idea what I would give to get a ninety-one on a test?” Usagi shot back.
“You wouldn’t have to give anything if you would just study.” Luna said snarkily.
“Exactly!” Ami agreed, “Which is why we can see a movie later!”
“Ugh, fine!” Usagi finally caved.
Suddenly, the Guardians felt a shift in the atmosphere, and watched as the sky above them went dark, covered in an inky, black shadow.
“What the-” Usagi began to ask before she was cut off by a large object falling from the sky and impacting down the street from the girls. 
When the dust settled the team was shocked by what they saw. It was seemingly the Makai tree but… wrong. It was roughly the same size as they remembered, but its bark was jet black, with red leaves coming out of its branches. Branches that were currently flailing around and destroying the city, as it moved around on its roots, which seemed to function almost like tentacles.
Floating in front of the Makai Tree were two figures who Usagi immediately recognized: Ail and An. The team quickly ducked into a nearby alley to transform unseen.
“Well, it’s been a minute, ready girls?” Minako asked, to which the others simply nodded in reply.
“Venus Crystal Power!”
“Jupiter Crystal Power!”
“Mars Crystal Power!”
“Mercury Crystal Power!”
“Moon Eternal!”
“MAKE UP!” The five girls shouted in unison, the alley filling with light and energy as they transformed. When it died down, however, it was clear that there was a problem.
Usagi hadn’t transformed.
“What?!” She asked, looking down at herself, “I said, Moon Eternal MAKE UP!”
“I don’t understand.” Usagi said, ripping the Eternal Moon Article off of her uniform and looking down at it. Nothing seemed wrong with it. So why wasn’t it working?
“You hang back with Luna and Artemis and try to figure that out.” Venus instructed, “The rest of you, let’s move!”
Usagi watched helplessly as her friends ran off to fight. She decided it would be best to get to higher ground, so she began quickly making her way up the fire escape in the alley.
“Usagi, what are you doing?” Artemis asked.
“I don’t know!” Usagi blurted out.
She made it to the roof and looked out to see her friends fighting. They were holding their own, but it was clear they were outclassed. She looked down again at the Article.
“C’mon, I need you to work!”
“Jupiter Oak Evolution!” Jupiter shouted as she attempted to attack the raging Makai Tree. Unfortunately, her attack failed to leave so much as a mark on the tree’s body, “Damn, this thing’s tough.”
Meanwhile Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus had engaged Ail and An, but were struggling to get close to them due to their telekinetic powers.
“So what gives? I thought you guys turned good?” Venus questioned while dodging an attack from Ail.
“Good, bad, does it really matter?” An said, launching an energy attack at Mars, which the Guardian of Fire barely managed to avoid.
“Uh, yeah, I would say it does!” Mars said, “Fire Soul Bird!” She shouted as a large bird made of fire erupted from her body and towards An, who effortlessly repelled it with a psychic shield.
Mercury had hung back and was using her computer to analyze their opponents, “This doesn’t make any sense! They’re significantly stronger than last time! And this energy they’re giving off… it couldn’t be…”
“Mercury look out!” She heard Jupiter cry from across the battlefield, prompting her to just barely avoid being crushed by one of the tree’s roots. 
“Uh, guys, not to be a spoil sport but I don’t think we’re winning here!” Jupiter said sarcastically while launching another bolt of lightning towards the Makai Tree, which once again had no effect.
“Yeah thanks Jupiter I got that!” Venus said as another of her attacks bounced off of Ail’s psychic shield. 
“C’mon, work dammit!” Usagi shouted as she shook the Article in her hands, “This is a really bad time for… whatever this is!”
Suddenly, cracks started to form in the Article, and it all but exploded in Usagi’s hands before the newly freed Silver Crystal floated up in front of her face.
“What…?” Was all she could manage to say.
The crystal started flashing different colors in front of her.
Sea Green.
The color sequence repeated, faster and faster each time.
Blue, Red, Green, Orange, Navy, Sea Green, Garnet, Purple, Pink.
Blue, Red, Green, Orange, Navy, Sea Green, Garnet, Purple, Pink.
Blue, Red, Green, Orange, Navy, Sea Green, Garnet, Purple, Pink.
Until finally, a new object formed around the crystal. Floating in the air in front of Usagi was a silver compact, with a large pink crystal in the center, with eight smaller, different colored crystals surrounding it.
“Usagi, that-”
“I know, Luna.” She said, grabbing the compact out of the air in front of her and affixing it to the bow on her school uniform, “Alright, let’s do this.” She said with a small smirk before raising her hand into the air.
“Moon Spectrum Power! MAKE UP!”
With that, Usagi exploded into a series of multicolored lights, before ultimately emerging as another new incarnation of Sailor Moon.
Her skirt was white with a pattern on the front which included nine different colored lines. Both her gloves and boots were now white, the shoulder frills which she had on her fuku as Super Sailor Moon had returned, along with her tiara. The tiara was no longer gold, however, but instead silver.
From her transformation four beams of light shot out and impacted her friends, altering their appearances as well. Their skirts were now multi-layered, as hers had been when she was Eternal Sailor Moon, each layer having a different shade of their respective color. They also gained bubbles on their shoulders, as well as knee-high, white boots.
The Sailor team looked up to see Usagi floating above them, utilizing a pair of butterfly wings which appeared to be made of some kind of rainbow energy.
“Sailor Guardians! You guys take Ail and An!” She instructed from above, “Leave this overgrown weed to me.” She finished, tightening her gloves.
So, I have a couple things I should say here:
First, yes Mako bites her ice cream (aka eats it the right way) deal with it.
Second, I don't have a lot of experience writing fight scenes, so if they come off as a little weak, that's probably why.
Third, this is probably one of the more self-indulgent aspects of this fic as I... HATE Sailor Moon's Eternal form. I always wished they had done more to incorporate some of the design elements of Sailor Cosmos as opposed to... whatever they were going for with Eternal, and thus I tried to do that with "Spectrum" Sailor Moon (Having more white on the costume, using Cosmos's skirt design, etc.) I do like the Eternal Forms of the other guardians though and the 90s anime cheated us out of seeing those, so I decided to incorporate them as well. Like I said, this element of the story was very self-indulgent.
NEXT TIME: Sailor Moon discovers the new abilities which come with her new transformation! The Inner Guardians vs Ail and An! And our mysterious masked villain finally makes the scene!
Until then, let me know what you all think! Comments, likes, reblogs, etc. are very much appreciated!
And come back next time for Chapter 5: Enter Reign.
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askglassanon · 2 years
Pinned Post?! Alright listen up. I have no idea what I'm doing that is all. Soo
Disclaimer! There are times Glass' does, says or implies something concerning. Glass' mindset is neither healthy nor does it reflect Mod/Maus's mindset.
Also a lot of Glass' backstory involves dehumanization so you might want to avoid that if you're sensitive about it.
Both me and Glass are female.
Status: Glass is available for asks
Magic Anon: Nope
She is not a mutant or Yokai. She is Glass. She is soft spoken? Her voice is generally level and she rarely raises it.!'s are used to emphasize excitement or emotion, unless used with all caps. Don't harass me or others that's rude no matter how you spin it. (I will bite your knees)
Glass isn't romantically interested in anyone. She's significantly older then everyone else. (I didn't create her for that anyway) However mentally she's somewhere in her ate teens (older then Raph so like 18 to 19)
She had a crush back when she was younger but he's long dead (especially because it had been in her first years)
If you think she's flirting with you. She isn't. (She likes flattering people and making them feel nice) She herself can barely receive a compliment without getting giddy.
Kill List (Trust me it's important)
The "Doctor" who stole Bee's blood if he shows up again.
Pri's "Mother"
Yuichi Usagi (He's not dead)
Dutch or whatever Boar Yokai
The Cartel (Fab's universe and Just trust me bro)
The Kraang (don't think they can die but we can find out together)
Circle/⭕ Anon (can catch this hands any day)
Liars Anon (^^)
Levi's "Parents"
Svelte Silver Arc: Is for casual things
Clear Cuts: Is just me telling you guys things about Glass just because usually
Freezing Over The Water Dome Arc: Is lore related but I'm not talking rn
Flashback to Reality: Shows past events from when they happen. Can't be asked about.
Crystal Fuel: Celestial AU fics
Extraterrestrial Prism: :3 (Also a Celestial AU tag)
Crystalline Cuts: Clear cut but make it Celestial
Maus Notes I◞ <
My tags for ooc posts is Maus, OoG and Out of Glass.
Whenever I use we, our or us, I'm probably talking about both myself and the character unless stated otherwise in some way.
I'm not really comfortable with cursing especially excessively.
Glass of Maus: Is now for posts that aren't explicitly me or Glass
Ignoring the clear boundaries set is rude, gross and will get you immediately blocked. Please be respectful
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Au idea, Leosagi x2 Au or Get your Cake and Eat it AU
Say Future Leo, refered to as Sensei or Leonardo-san was sent back with Casey but was put into a coma waking up a week after the Krang invasion. To celebrate Present Leo, refered to as Leo or Leo-kun, takes them all to Run of the Mill Pizza. Leo mentioneds since the Krangs gone he can finally make his move on this cute waiter he saw the week before the invasion. Sensei recalls that memory and adds " I never saw him after that."
Usagi Yuichi just started his new job at the Pizza Place after Lord Kogane banished him for "not being of anymore use" after the resolution of the Yokai and Alien threat. So he moved to the hidden city a week before the invasion. During the "mystic blackout" Miyamoto Usagi was released, revealing that afters sealing the Yokai, Miyamoto was sealed away in the mystic yoyo since he "stabbed" the Ki stone. Now free and readjusted to corporeal life he is invited by Yuichi to find work at Run Up the Mill, Miyamoto interpreting it as find a bodyguard job while hanging out at the restaurant.
"Hueso-san, I.. uh got back in contact with my estranged dad. And I want him to work here so we can... Father/son bond at work." While Yuichi gives his cringe explanation to Señor Hueso, Someone catched Miyamoto's eye.
Sensei, upon seeing his younger self trying to flirt with Yuichi, starts to resign to the fact He and his younger self are now different people, leading different lives as he sees Leo do things he gave up on years ago. In that moment is when he sees Miyamoto walking to his table.
Tldr it's a Future!Leo x Miyamoto and a Present!Leo x Yuichi.
In this au Miyamoto and Sensei Leo are around the same age* (I'm seeing Miyamoto "I regret not spending as much as the fleeting time i had with my son, Jotaro" Usagi and Hamato "my timeline is erased and I'm a single father" Leonardo angst.)
*Miyamoto can be older, if he had exp as a samurai he's definitely older than 30.
And Leo and Yuichi are the same age and are going to deal with the fact they is technically their own grandpa. I'm kidding but there is angst on them feeling at fault for their own Alien invasions and not living up to expectations.
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