#this is very......hmmmm......how do I say....self indulgent...
crybaby-bkg · 1 year
as you sit in the empty practice room, you mutter to yourself as your fingers fly over the keys of the piano. you hum the rhythm of the piece your instructor has so kindly gifted you, clicking your tongue to keep up with the melody. on the outside, you're sure you look insane, all hunched over, eyes damn near touching the sheet music, fingers flying madly over the keys.
and then - you fuck up. on the same part you always fuck up on. groaning in frustration, you rest your hands on the keys, the piano emitting a funny sound, body deflating. you perk up though when you hear a chuckle to the left of you.
"It's not that hard once you break it down," a singsongy voice carries over to you, your back straightening as your head whips over to find the culprit that snuck up on you.
lo and behold, its gojo satoru - the music departments gifted prodigal student that is miles ahead of everyone. and just your luck, his focus is the piano (alongside the harp, violin, snare drum, and a multitude of other instruments you don't care to list anymore).
"Yeah, cause nothing's ever hard for you." you sneer at him, eyes squinted in his direction. gojo feigns a pained expression, hand over his heart as his bottom lip pouts. insufferable, you think to yourself, this man is.
"You don't think I put in the work like the rest of you guys?" gojo bemoans, back straightening as he makes his way over to you. you try to take up the whole bench, but he only moves you over with his hip and a faint, "scooch."
"Why would you? You are the gifted one." your voice is airy, holds a level of sarcasm that barely conceals the truth of your words. gojo only smiles lightly, head tilted back as he rests his hands over the keys. doesn't even warm up, doesn't even look at the music before he starts playing the section of the piece you have the most difficulty with.
and gods, do you want to be mad at him, for intruding on your solo practice time, for coming in so late, for showing you how it's done. but its hard to, when his body sways with the melody, when his pink lips barely part. his fingers fly so effortlessly against the keys, long and thin and pale, and you can see the faint scratch on the back of one of them that you gave him when he wouldn't stop putting his arm around your shoulders.
you want to hate him so bad. but its hard to, when he brings your hand up to play with his, when he knocks his shoulder against your own, when he hums the harmony, when he smiles at you.
"Is this helping you understand that section?" Gojo quietly asks you, mouth turned to your hair, but his body continues playing the piece like its second nature. you try to keep up, pouting a little, face warming when his hand grabs your own to direct you to what key to hit next.
"No, you fuckin' show off." you mutter back, to which gojo only laughs heartily at you. but still, you two play together for what feels like hours. and finally - finally - do you master that section. not because of his help though, you'd never admit it. but gojo puffs his chest proudly the day you perform it in front of everybody, and look to him for reassurance.
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mysicklove · 1 year
Pairings: Drunk! Bachira x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: Just a silly little fic where reader has to take care of her lovely, very intoxicated (and horny) bf
A/N: Very self-indulgent. I had a lot of fun writing this, even if its a little pointless and I have little ppl reading my bllk stuff
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Bachira is a lightweight. Sure the muscles he gained from the years of soccer helped him just a little, but other than that, after three drinks he is a goner. Some nights he cries about everything he sees, others he's laughing till he physically can't anymore. You'll never know what you'll get, but either way, he has to be watched 24/7.
And of course, his friends like to use this against him. In a couple of days it is his birthday, so the boys took him out drinking to celebrate. You didn't mind, it's not like your boyfriend would ever do anything too bad while intoxicated. Besides, you threatened Isagi enough to watch over him.
Of course, the knocking on your apartment door did not sound like a good sign. Nor Isagis slightly slurred, "Y/N! Open up!"
You sigh, and stand up from your spot on the couch to hear Kunigamis gruff, "Dude be nice!"
"Please open up?"
"We are at Y/Ns house? Woaahhhhh!"
You open the door to see Kunigami, Isagi, and of course your boyfriend. He is being held up by the two, his head lolled to the side and a lazy grin on his face.
You raise your eyebrows at Isagi in particular. He knew how easily Bachira gets drunk. "Really?"
"Hey don't look at me! Kunigami was the one who gave him shots!"
Your mouth flies open and you turn to the orange-haired man. "You gave him shots? Are in insane? He gets tipsy off a sip of alcohol!"
"Y/NNNNN," Bachira whines, trying to wave at you from the hands on the two's shoulders. You half-heartedly wave back, looking back to the other two for an explanation.
Kunigami leans forward to get a look at Isagi. "How was I know he was a lightweight?"
Isagi points a thumb at you. "He was crying about how he missed her after two drinks!"
Before Kunigami could argue, Bachira tries to reach out for you, and goes toppling forward. All three of you guys catch him, your hand on his chest to try and steady him. "You caught me!" He giggles to you, smiling as his forehead bumps yours.
"Yeah no, we caught you. Y/N, do you think you can handle him?" Isagi says glancing at you, hoping you aren't too mad.
You sigh, and manage to wrap an arm around your shoulder. He leans his head onto your shoulder, trying to get as close to you as possible. He was so clingy when drunk. "Yeah yeah. I'm fine. He isn't too heavy."
The boys both sigh in relief and help pass him on to you. You turn around and wave them goodbye. They nod and apologize before you shut the door. You hear Kunigami mumble something about how this trip was sobering him up.
"Let's get you to clean up and to bed, hmm?" You sigh, rubbing his hair affectionately and beginning to drag him to the bathroom. It was harder than you thought, considering he was basically putting all his weight on you, and cuddling up to you.
"I had fun tonight!"
"Yeah?" You respond, maneuvering him to sit on the closed toilet seat. He nods his head, it's slow and wobbly, but cute.
"But I—But then I was like.....Like where is Y/N? I miss Y/N." Both of his hands are planted in between his slightly spread legs, and he's swaying from side to side. "And they were getting mad at me!"
An amused smile pulls at your face as you open the cupboard and pull out a soft light blue headband. "What did they say?" You say, placing the headband over his face, and then back up again to remove his bangs from his face.
He touches the headband, while his eyebrows slightly furrow. "Hmmmm...They said—Oh! They said I was being dramatic! And I was soooooo confused. Because I am not dramatic, Isagi is the dramatic one!"
You bark a small laugh as you use a wet rag to damp his face with water. "I like your laugh," He mumbles, head falling forward onto your stomach. You prop him back up and he pouts at you but doesn't say anything.
You grab the face wash and foam it up, before turning back to him and spreading it on his face. He blinks up at you and smiles at the proximinity. "You are so pretty, Y/N"
"Thanks, Meguru. Can you close your eyes for me? I don't want to get soap in them." He obeys with a hum and begins to sway again, but this time it seems more purposeful as if he was just happy to be there.
'Y'know, I think I like you. Like really really really like you," He chirps, leaning into your touch, and allowing his face to get massaged by the soap.
You laugh at him, a grin plastered on your face. "Weird...Cause I happen to really really really like you too." His eyes fly open with his smile. "Close them."
"Oooooh so demanding. I like that too."
You ignore him, instead grabbing the washcloth and beginning to remove the soap from his face. "So I was thinking....." He opens his eyes when he feels you dab at his forehead.
You can tell he is looking at you to prompt him. "Yeah?"
"Wellllllllll, I think tonight. Well actually! And tomorrow and after tomorrow and the day after—"
"Meguru," You warn, cutting off his ramblings.
He giggles at you. "We should have sex!"
You pull off his headband and set it back away, trying to fight back the smile. "You are a horny drunk. It's not happening tonight, that's for sure."
He lets out a loud dramatic whine and stands up, wobbling over to you. "But whyyyyy. It's my birthday! And I am not drunk!"
You watch him stumble over his feet and raise an eyebrow. Before he could fall you grab at his side and lead him back down to the toilet. You hand him a glass of water. "Drink."
He takes a couple gulps of water under your watchful gaze, before cringing from the lack of air, and slamming it back on the counter. He immediately goes back to the conversation before. "Whyyyyyy. But I like—No love you! This is what people who are dating do!"
"Because you are drunk. Your breath smells like straight alcohol. And your birthday is not for another two days, egoist."
"I am going to brush my teeth. And then—You!" He jabs a finger in your face. "Will meet me!" Finger flips around to point at himself. "In the bed in five minutes. Where we!" He rotates the finger back and forth between the two of you. "Will make love."
You nod at him, patting his head in a teasing way. "Lets work on the first task. And I will think about it."
He seems to like this answer, eyes lighting up. "Really?"
"Sure," You say, knowing its definitely not happening. You grab his toothbrush and lather it with toothpaste.
"Oh my—I just remembered something."
"Hmm?" You mumble, putting water on the bristles.
"I got hit on at the bar!" He giggles, looking up at you with a grin.
You narrow your eyes and cock your head to the side. It's not like you were worried about it, but still, it was not something to hear about it. "She said—Wait. What did she say? Oh! Oh! She said I was "totes adorbs" Isn't that funny, Y/N? She was a foreigner!"
You didn't think it was too funny. You hand him the toothbrush, but he doesn't take notice to it, still immersed in the story. "But hey! Guess what."
"I said I was married. And coming back home to my wife. My wife as in you! You are my wife. Er-um, pretend wife, who will be my real wife soon!" He rambles on, leaning forward toward you to hopefully coax out some approval.
You indulge him, smiling at him. "Good job, my pretend husband," You tease, ruffling up his hair gently. "Now, brush your teeth."
He nods, plunging the toothbrush into his mouth and getting to work. You lead him to the sink and he spits it out and turns to you with approval. You nod at him, and he gives himself a thumbs up in the mirror.
ust when you are about to lead him out of the bathroom, you watch a frown begin to form. Not a good sign. The waterworks were coming. "I missed you so much," He whines gripping onto your shirt, as tears begin to prick at his eyes.
"Wow, Meguru. You really are drunk. C'mon, let's get you to bed," You sigh, hoisting him up and helping him toward the bedroom.
He sniffles at you, leaning into your neck. "Did you not miss me?"
"I missed you desperately," You tease, smiling at him and wiping away the dramatic crocodile tears.
He seems to like this answer, nodding to himself. "Good. Cause I missed you."
"I know, love."
"A lot. I was so so sad." You cover your mouth to hold back the laugh. You didn't want to encourage him even more or make him cry again. "But don't worry! I am happy again!"
"I'm glad." You say as you begin to undress him.
"Woah. Woah. Woah. You said—You said! We weren't doing it tonight. But look at you." You glance up at him in amusement and then tug his sleep shirt on. Once he realizes it, he pouts and looks away.
Then you pull up the covers for him and lead him into bed. He more like trips into the sheets, but you throw a pillow on him, not worried about it.
Finally, you get on your side and tuck yourself in next to him. "Goodnight Meguru, let's hope the hangover isn't too bad."
"I really want to have sex," He turns to you, blinking at you in the dark.
You sigh, pushing a pillow in front of his face. "Maybe tomorrow, you drunk. Goodnight Meguru."
He groans one last time, and you hear him mumble, "Worst birthday gift ever." into the pillow. He falls asleep in less than thirty seconds.
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If Suguru had a childhood friend, do you think he would give them a promise ring like Rika did with Yuta?
OOOOOH 👀👀👀👀👀 anon this is such a tasty question ….. i’ve said this before but sugu w the childhood friends trope is like . my favorite thing Ever. so i have many thoughts hehe >:3
hmmmm honestly . i think it kinda … depends….. like i could totally see him being a promise ring guy, but i also picture his childhood besties to lovers arc as being a big slowburn !!! so. i just feel like he wouldn’t reveal his feelings as early as yuuta did w rika, yk? i can picture him being more like your protector when you’re children, watching over you and tending to you …. and i think that stays the same as you grow older. he’s a patient man so i don’t think he’d feel the need to confess right away!! giving you a promise ring feels a little too direct somehow…? 🤔 then AGAIN i’m very self-indulgent and i like my childhood friends romances to be as full of pining and longing as possible LMAO
like . in a way it’s possessive . and that’s kinda sugu. but maybe i see that more as an older suguru thing? i could see him giving you a promise ring when you’re fresh out of high school bc he just. wants you to know he’s there when you’re ready. he wants you to know how deep his devotion runs. but when you’re kids i think it’s more likely that you make a promise w him under a starry sky or smth 😭 the trope where you promise to marry each other if you haven’t found someone else in 20 years. or something. i feel like you would promise each other that and he would never forget it.
SOOO basically i guess what i’m trying to say is….. suguru would 100% give you a promise ring, but probably not when you’re children. i think he very much views you as His Person tho 😭😭 in a very tender midly possessive way !!!
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kale-theteaqueen · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers Tag Game!
Shout-out to @c-e-d-dreamer and @jsmelodies for the tag!
How many works do you have on AO3? 21 fics and counting!
What’s your total AO3 word count? 858,895 (a problem fr... someone stop me)
What fandoms do you write for? I've only published for ACOTAR so far!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? To Pay A Debt is my top by far, but then my next are The Whole Truth, Burning From the Inside Out, Lady Death and her Kingdom, and Of Death and Resurrection
Do you respond to comments? I used to be really good at it and now I'm really bad at it... I try!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I may be an angst specialist but I always have a HEA. I think my angstiest ending is Like Fire, She Raged?
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hmmmm I think my happiest ending /will/ be Debt, but for what's already published probably Burning?
Do you get hate on fics? I've gotten a few hate comments from anti Nesta people but overall my interactions have been very positive!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I write smut if it's incorporated into a larger story. I have yet to delve fully into smut-only fics but... that isn't to say there aren't ideas in my brain.
Do you write crossovers? I do not!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of? Thankfully.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No but this is a dream of mine.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I haven't but am open!
What is your all-time favorite ship? Nessian has me firmly in their grasp and I'm okay with that. But beyond them Royai from Fullmetal Alchemist, always.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I promised bonus chapters for Of Death and Resurrection but I keep getting new ideas for other fics and they keep getting pushed off.
What are your writing strengths? Emotions and dialogue. I love delving into feelings and inner turmoil and how that is presented in interactions between characters.
What are your writing weaknesses? Action scenes 100%. I'm a big emotion/dialogue writer, and scenes with a lot of movement are hard for me.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I am a polyglot and love doing this!
First fandom you wrote for? Lol... I think as a Youth i wrote Hetalia fanfiction but it never saw the light of day.
Favorite fic you’ve written? Ugh this is like picking a favorite child. I'm really really vibing with And Now She Becomes Death. Burning will always have my heart because it is so self-indulgent, and Debt means so so much to me (Finishing it has me in my EMOTIONS). I also really love The Hike, Alternatively. I will say... there is a WIP coming for Nessian week that I think is going to be my favorite.
No pressure tags: I think many people have been tagged but?? @wishcamper @acourtofladydeath no pressure!
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illmetkismet · 8 months
Hihihi!!!!! I Hope You don’t mind yet another ask from me!!!!!!! I’ve already said this before but I absolutely adore the way you answer questions and analyse stuff, it’s such a breath of fresh air to see!!!! This is totally self-indulgent so I hope you don’t mind me asking, but do you have any personal headcannons/analysis thoughts on Luis perhaps??? It feels strange to admit but he’s a very big special interest of mine so I just wanted an excuse to hear somebody else’s thoughts on him!! I hope You’re having a good day regardless!!!!
Always happy to see an ask from you, and don't even start with the strangeness or self-indulgence of being really into or asking about Luis; just yesterday I was wondering whether I should wait for spring to get a splish splash fish ankle tattoo or just do it now and deal with an itchy ankle in my winter boots lol...
So yeah, Luis is my love my turtledove the light of my life and I would LOVE the chance to talk about him!!! He was one half of why I got into resi in the first place (serennedy had me like 'hmmmm maybe horror games are not too scary for me if they have cuties in them....'), and every time I think about him my brain does that thing where you put your head in your hands and sigh while cartoon hearts float up above you...
He's just..... So good.... And despite that, he's made SUCH shitty choices. I love how painful that is for him, but that he's got enough self awareness to understand when he fucks up. He doesn't try to blame anyone else - he faces his mistakes and his own shortcomings (pride, willful ignorance, cowardice) head on, and tries so desperately to make up for them, even as he keeps making them.
I love that he's not some perfect angel, that he hangs on to the amber and intends on handing it over to Ada at first, in exchange for getting out of Valdelobos, despite knowing full well that no good will come of that. The part in Separate Ways where he tells her he doesn't care who she works for, could be the devil himself, so long as she gets him out of there was so shocking for me to hear at first, but then I realized that's the core of his tragedy - that he's a good man trapped in a horrible situation, and he's scared, he wants out, he wants to live so badly! Unlike Leon, he's got a healthy dose of self-preservation, and honestly, if I were in his shoes I would probably make the same choices.
But still - he runs into the burning lab, he risks his life to get the suppressant to Leon, he tells Ada he won't leave her, he picks up his 'lance' and says alright, let's go rescue the princess! He's so full of regret and fear and he keeps making shitty choices, but he also keeps doing the right thing.
The way he's written and acted is so rich and nuanced. Watching him, I understand exactly where he's coming from and every single one of his choices. Out of all the characters in re4r he feels the most real to me, the most human. Every second he's on screen is a joy, even the horrible painful seconds at the end.
I wanted him to live so badly, and not just because I like him, but because he wanted to live so badly... All the re6 AU's I've seen floating around where he meets up with Leon again are among my favourite things to come out of this fandom!! I know Capcom is never gonna do that, but in my head it's canon: when Ada told the helicopter pilot to change course she actually went back for Luis, gave him a little first aid spray, and then they joined forces and lalalala everything is fine!!
Ok I'm gonna wrap it up cause if I keep talking about him I'm gonna be late for work, but thank you so much for the chance to gush!! I love Luis so much and I think about him all the time.... My sweet bisexual disaster man..... Going to his death with a smile:
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the-stove-is-divorced · 6 months
*seeing the possible nicknames: Ships and Sails* Hmmmm, uh, how about we combine them for the ultimate irony? Since you don't like shipping, how about Sailing Ships?
Have you planned out the future plot of kintsugi? Of course, nothing is set in stone and you can change it whenever but what are your plans at this point of time? I'm very curious 👀👀
Oh my goodness, this is so perfect??? It honestly has the exact kind of vibe to be a mlp pony name, and I adored that show so absolutely, yes! I am Sailing Ships, who dislikes shipping, now and forever thank you. Irony my beloved!!! (*´▽`*) ♡♡♡
And sort of! Most fics have a general point of conflict I wanna reach and/or moments I wanna build up to and write the story along the way, so 98% isn't planned, but 2% I really want to reach for. Tysm for asking btw, I love chatting about fic ideas!!! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
The main eventual conflict is that fact a) Chill/Blue doesn't want to go back together and become One Whole Bruce Wayne because this specific part of Bruce doesn't like being Batman. He's actually one of the few aspects with some actual self preservation, and simply put: it's exhausting, it feels futile, it's painful, and he's done enough. As the personification of indulgences and whims, Chill/Blue wants to indulge in the idea of retirement, putting his feet up, doing what he wants, eating what he wants, and rejecting the hard standards and restrictions Bruce puts himself on. He wants to indulge in the joys he feels he's been neglecting to be Batman, he's tired of the sacrifice and efforts it takes to maintain on a constant basis.
As you can probably guess, b) the others hate this. Hope/Gold is what made Batman and what saved Bruce from despair by giving him something to work towards, Crimson would be frustrated by the idea of doing nothing at all when he could be doing something, and Lavender couldn't stand the idea of how many people could get hurt by sitting idly by. Both Lavender and Crimson don't like Blue, and frankly wouldn't mind if he wasn't part of the Whole Bruce Wayne anymore, and while Hope can appreciate anything by nature, he isn't exactly gonna run and demand for Blue to stay. But the conflict is the all of them have to be together for the whole Bruce to come back.
And gosh, if you don't mind the ramble I love having character study types fics like these! Because it's demonstrating there is a part of Bruce that can understand he is, objectifying, overworking himself and sacrificing his own life for a meaningful cause, it's selfless for others, but arguably self destructive it taken way too far. It's not good, it's not pleasant, but when there's so many reasons to keep going, (like Hope, Lavender, and Crimson each think about), who cares about the small part of him desperate for sleep? If he has to stay in perfect shape, who cares about the craving for popcorn or ice cream he has? If he has a city to save, who cares if his spine hurts so badly, or his knees ache, or his body is still bruised? Bruce, Batman, to me, is a character who probably give anything to anyone who needs it, and yet deny himself the same generosity at the same time.
I also want moments of Blue bonding with one of the kids, or something of the like. Confessing about how much he likes heights, how much he loves the rain, being strangely, perhaps jarringly open, because he's not afraid of sharing the wrong thing, or how carefully he has to think about what to say, because words are so meaningful to him. I want to show how harsh Crimson will be with other aspects of Bruce, but loathe being that harsh with others. Stuff like that! :D
AGAIN TYSM FOR SHOWING INTEREST! I love yapping about fic ideas and fic plots and the like, teehee. (´꒳`)♡ I should have a chapter out hopefully soon????
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yugiohz · 1 year
genuine question… you say notes & likes don’t matter, but you’re also a prosperous artist when it comes to stats. would it still not matter/influence how/when you art if you were a small (stats-wise) artist? in that vein, any tips for new artists?
hmmmm, i think so :) there's a lot to take into account, i think whether you get affected by engagement or not depends on your overall personality. like while i enjoy sharing my art online , drawing has always been a very self-indulgent/therapeutic thing, sharing it with others is just bonus. also I'm 26 and while i love being active online, im at a point in my life where getting attention online is a fun thing but thats it, i just dont tie it to who i am in real life
it was also interesting to shift from a fairly small fandom to a very big one like i SEE how my bnha art gets quadruple the amount of engagement compared to my ygo art lmao, like i AM satisfied with my art but i also know that most people enjoy it because its derivative art, numbers dont reflect your worth or credibility as an artist at all and im at an age where im too old to pay it any mind
as for tips, 1. center yourself, create what you want to create because once you lose that intrinsic motivation youre gonna see art as a chore more than anything 2. do notttt draw things just because you think people might want to see it you have to draw with love!!!!!!! you have to be your own no.1 fan!!!!!!! i feel like people are drawn to artists who are very overtly passionate about sth sdkncv fvn it does help to be obsessed with sth y,dnvkjvjxy 3. Also frequency I think posting very often and all kinds of random sketches puts you out there, u have to be ok with ppl seeing your unpolished silly stuff though #vulnerability
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florbelles · 11 months
what abtttt a sile/karlach moment 🫶🏻
HMMMM hmm hmm i want to say they WOULD be good together in many respects, like. they're friends they're allies they get on they both want to live not just survive more than anything they both crave violence they have a blast. they've both been selfish in the name of self preservation before, they both have to live with that, they both enjoy some bloody bloody vegneance BUT!
i feel like the things that they clash on that are very possible for them to move past as friends and allies could potentially come more to the forefront. as it is, their relationship is very balanced (if anything with the greater Labor arguably defaulting to sile purely by nature of being the de facto bitch who Gets Shit Done and is the one responsible for organizing things so that everyone gets their needs met, assisting in Personal Quests, etc. both became of game mechanics and also because sile as a person is inherently inclined to take over) but i think the emotional labor could tip the scales a bit in a romantic relationship because sure sile will go to literal hell and back for you but she is also petty and vindictive and bitter and cruel and moody and self-indulgent and entitled and while as a friend karlach can simply go tell her to go stab the training dummy until she feels better that can take on different implications in a life partner.
like i said i DO think they could work but here's the thing right they specifically could probably work post-campaign when sile is the best she's ever been in terms of stability and a return to what's normalcy for her but obviously with karlach's route that. is not something that exists that is not something she returns to that is not stability and normalcy she gets and while she would trade it off without a second thought because she does not realize how much she needs that i don't think anyone would like who she would become in avernus (with The Worst parts of her already being something she easily taps into as it is).
so tl;dr in theory they'd be fantastic but in practice idk if i would want to inflict that on karlach. i would still never give it a firm no because there's a LOT that's good there though
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odnson · 2 years
two tag games involving fic stuff under this
one line any fic! rules: pick ten of your fics, scroll to somewhere midpoint, pick a line chunk and share it, and then tag ten people.
tagged by @b1uetrees, thank u so much!! i’m a little late but i finally got the time!! i don’t think i can pick 10 fics tho; i’ll get to posting a 10th fic someday. 😂 also not putting the entire titles because i’m on mobile 💀
1. this one is from rivers aka one that is still very dear to my heart 😂
Instead of saying anything, Joowon chooses to act: he lets his breath ghost Dongsik’s nape, watching the hairs there stand before he leans in and kisses the skin between his shoulder blades, at the first knob that formed his spine.
2. this is perhaps my fave line from hook, only because i have a vivid image of ds tearing down the walls caging yy’s remains with his hands after he saw there 👀
Dongsik knows how to be gentle, but sweetness eludes him.
3. to the sun features jw and hyuk having a moment and looking back, i still like it so:
Joowon is steadily working past all these preformed prejudices in his mind, and he’s long realized that he’s been treating Hyuk like shit because he never saw Hyuk’s concern for him as something sincere.
4. from waterworn wishes, aka perhaps me at my cheesiest
Dongsik wonders if this is how it feels to be loved.
5. from tall ships, which i think still has the intro i’m really proud of:
There’s no guitar, but Dongsik’s heart sings nonetheless.
6. from as the world, one of my stuff that i look at rarely, but doing this fic meme thing reminded me that i had this bit in it
It takes him back to the reed fields, to wind against his hair as he tugged Joowon away from meeting the brunt of it.
7. this one is from company policy, and i really like it only because i think it hones in on the fact that jw is the “get out of my school” meme the moment he developed a crush 😂😂😂
He hates how everyone is entitled to Lee Dongsik’s kindness, but his dislike is reserved only for him.
8. this is part of wasted love’s summary, but eh, i think it says a lot about my hcs about these two lmao
The longer he remained here, the more he realized that this was exactly where they differed: Han Joowon was capable of loving only one person, but Lee Dongsik possessed a heart too big to love just one.
9. from qualm, the only fic i have that had the scenes flowing in a pace that didn’t require any separator, which, i think, is really interesting fsr bec i never trusted myself to have a piece that had one cohesive flow
There is no torrential downpour soaking them, no more darkened, dusty basement concealing decades-old secrets, and still Han Joowon is pleading.
second meme starts here, the fic writer interview. @b1uetrees was very kind to tag me once again, thanks very much!! 💕
name/nicknames: j
fandoms: be nowadays; gotta love how insane those characters made me
two shots: hmmmm to the sun and hook, perhaps? hook is so self-indulgent lmfao i wanted service top jw shaving off ds’ stubble and it was so specific that i knew i had to do it myself if i wanted it to exist 😂😂😂 to the sun was also self-indulgent, (all my stuff are lbr) but not as much as hook, i think. it did have jw in eyeliner tho, which ngl, i wrote for me 😂
most popular multi-chapter fic: exec horny/company policy 😂😂😂😂 funnily enough, it was 50k when i completed it and i thought “yeah i can post this in chunks” because i like finishing stories before posting, but idk. sth happened and it turned into an 80k thing somewhere along the way.
actual worst part of writing: oh, writing itself, i guess. like, wdym i gotta do it myself and that idea won’t spring out of my head fully formed like athena?? what
how do you choose your titles: unless something fits for the whole thing (like company policy), i go through a bunch of instrumental osts
do you outline? the better question would be “do u follow the outline” imo because that’s when i’ll start sweating 😂😂😂 i mean i do outline, but only for significant stuff i’ll likely forget (covid did me so bad and gave me horrible brain fog), but how to get from one plot point to another…………i wing that most of the time 💀💀💀
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: mafia au, i stg, i did this little meme re: zodiacs and battery percentages on the cursed bird app and it revealed a “gang au” which is basically the same thing?? yeah. i do have an idea for it and the whole vibes, but wdym i gotta sit down for it to see it happen? 🙃
callouts @ me: ur phone is not a suitable device for writing
best writing traits: i think it’s the fact that i always write for me 😂 like, i write what compels me, what i want to see, what i enjoy. other ppl liking it is a very nice bonus, but me liking it has to be the most important factor here. i’d hate for the joy of writing to be taken away from me.
spicy tangential opinion: this might come as a shock to some ppl but if u don’t like sth, pressing the backspace key usually makes the thing go away. also if u’re going to be nasty to some fics, do it in ur dms and gcs and not on the cursed bird app bec u don’t know who sees those and don’t, ffs, bookmark the fic and tag it with “meh” or put a rating 💀💀💀 i’ve seen these things happen and with all due respect to ppl who do these: wtf is wrong with u??? (if u dont have gcs or frens to trashtalk stuff with then guess what, u’re probably a nasty fandom police that everyone has blocked)
not tagging folks bec i think everyone has done this by now 😂😂😂 if anyone wants to do it tho, say u’re tagged by me!! 💕
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authoratmidnight · 2 years
👻 🫘 🦷 💥🛏
👻 Is there a new genre you'd like to write?
Hmmmm. Nothing that springs to mind tbh.
🫘 Spill the beans. What's a new project you're doing this year?
I mean, the first chapter is out already but, my extremely self indulgent fic Flames of Love. I've never written OC x Canon before but the idea and character came to me and I was like 'yes' and i've been having fun writing it.
Also I have a, very spicy side story in the works ft. a pair of characters that appear in the fic, Ipos and Murmur (there's a line/scene in the main story where Ipos flusters Murmur by saying *something* but the reader never hears what he said, but the implications are, naughty, and then later on i drop a couple throw away lines indicating these two hooked up/are hooking up, so I figured, why not just write it? it's just, pwp tho haha)
🦷 Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're dreading to write (but is necessary to your plot)? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
As much as im enjoying writing Welcome to Fatherhood. I really should have like. plotted out what I wanted to happen and in what order b/c right now trying to write what happens next is just kicking my ass. It's a fun fic but oof. Also idk how/where to end it.
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
the aforementioned Ipos/Murmur smut fic lol
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
Hmmmm. No idea but Im sure something new will pop up and twig the writing bug and make me go 'I wanna write this'
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astrxealis · 2 years
small snippet ...... under cut bcs i'm shy ( no spoilers btw !! )
joie hadn't realized they had said that out loud until the man she had just accidentally complimented turned to her with wide eyes, his hand still on his chin in contemplation.
"ah, did you say...?" "n-nothing! think nothing of it, just a slip of the tongue!" themis slightly tilts his head to the side as joie swiftly jumps to explain themself, though they can tell his movement is not just out of curiosity (not fully that, at least) when he raises an eyebrow and the corners of his lips lift up.
"is that so, then? you don't think that i'm, well, pretty?" he muses lightly, a certain sparkle in his eyes.
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zenezene · 2 years
Your analysis of Ren is really interesting(thank you for creating more content for him, by the way. It's never too much.). I do agree with it too. Wanna know your thoughts on the Auditioner. Because, i think a lot of BTD2 Ren had to change to get to that path. He can't switch between dominant and submissive when he's leading an underground business, he certainly had to learn to at least pretend he's keeping it together, least someone took advantage of that side of him.
Do you ever wonder what happened to mc in that route? He's learned to be more cold blooded by now, so mc being dead is not that far fetched. But i like to think he kept them as his pet forever! Because it's more fun that way.
Which version of him is your favorite?
thank you for the feedback! sometimes I have to remind myself that this is a fandom space and hopefully I'm not annoying anyone too much with my rambling :'D
HMMMM my opinions on dilf Ren...... to be honest I'm still in a little shock 😅 there's no doubt people change a ton between 21 years and 47 years old... and that outcome is apparently supposed to be the canon continuation for ren's "strade shirt route".
honestly if I take a more realistic psychological approach to the dominant/submissive scale, I'd say that it's probably not too far fetched that Ren still indulges his submissive side. no doubt it probably looks very different from back then, but it's still likely there in some way, shape, or form. it's common in BDSM for people to want to play the opposite role to their everyday life, so I wouldn't be surprised if he showed that side to a person he trusted a lot.
now that you mention it, yeah I kinda do wonder about what would happen if someone stuck around for that long! I wonder how he'd handle being in a committed relationship, even one of the, uh.... pet / owner variety.
ooh, my favorite version of Ren ........ super self-indulgent, but I love the endings where u make him ur bitch HAHAH he makes a very cute submissive and I'd love to take care of him (after putting him in his place, of course). I think Ren would actually be very nice company if you got to steer the relationship. his behavior in the beginning is.... concerning, to say the least.... but I think if u could subdue him a little so he's not so quick-tempered, he'd be pretty fun.
this has no basis in canon as far as I know, but I like to think that Ren has the sort of personality that complements the person he's with. for example, if you're more submissive in the relationship, he'll step up into a more dominant role. if you're the more confident, dominant type, he'll naturally follow your lead. I think he probably just craves validation and is therefore down for just about anything 😭
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decepti-thots · 2 years
How about 5 + 21 for the Valentine's meme?
5. What is your most fluffy + happy ship?
Oh gosh, hmmm... I think probably Nightbeat/Rung? Not so much in canon (they do uhhhh both... die) but in that they are a ship I just want nice things for. Which, usually I am someone who is very happy indeed to not give characters or pairings I love nice things, lmao, quite the opposite, but something about them! They are too sweet. I simply think they should be allowed to enjoy themselves for a bit. Have a nice time. Hang out. Maybe have a date where nobody dies. Bless them both.
Runner up goes to IDW2 Greenlight/Arcee I think. I love them!!! And their beautiful daughter!!! I want them to be HAPPY and TOGETHER and to KISS A LOT. Very gently. <3
21. Favourite thing you’ve ever created for a ship?
Oh man. HMMMM. Maybe. ...yeah, I think it's still that one TaraProwl NSFW fic I did last year for kinktober. I just love it very, very much. It's dumb and ridiculous and it makes me delighted when someone says they have read it. I miss. Writing dumb self indulgent nonsense, honestly. I hope I am in a place where I can get back to that stuff soon. Hopefully! But for now, that fic may be my favourite TF fic I've written, it's just so... much.
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xseaxwitchxkpop · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet: Sub!Sannie Edition
A/N: I've seen a lot of dom!ateez edition for this but not really much sub!ateez, so y'all know I had to do it lol. As always, take this with a grain of salt as I do not know the ateezers irl
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Doesn't matter if y'all had rough and kinky sex or sweet and soft sex, this boy will always be blissed out when y'all are done. He needs all the sweet kisses on his cheeks, his neck freckles, knuckle kisses, and cuddles. Whisper praise to him and feed and hydrate him...and give him a bath if it was a particularly rough session complete with washing his hair.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's most proud of abs because not only would he be able to see (and feel) a tummy bulge with ur larger strap on/large dick, he also knows it earns him praise from you because of how hard he works for them. On you, he can't choose his favorite: he'd sway between your lips and the way they make him shudder, your fingers and the way they dig into his hips, and your legs that he could hold onto in missionary, whether thicc or skinny.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He definitely loves to eat cum, both yours and his, but especially his when it's paired with degradation. He also loves the feeling of you cumming in his ass and it never fails to send him over the edge and wiped out so quickly...he will beg for this. If you have a pussy, make him eat you out after he came inside, it's one of his favorite things.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's really private with intimacy and prefers not to show off...however, at least once, he would love nothing more than for you to take him in front of a camera and treat him as nothing more than a useless plaything for your pleasure, showing everyone that you own him and then gift the tape to his members...perhaps to lead them to a whole ass orgy where he gets absolutely destroyed by everyone on your command.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Contrary to popular belief, he's not as experienced as we might be inclined to believed. He's probably only had a couple of partners because he fell in love way too fast and might have messed around with a couple of members, but overall he's only kind of experienced. He knows what he's doing as a baseline, but it's also different for different people, so he quickly learns YOUR body and its responses.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Honestly depends on his mood: if he wants it fast, rough, and completely fucked out it's doggy style hands-down; if he wants it slow and sensual, good old missionary with his legs laid over your thighs so he can squeeze them when the bedsheets aren't enough.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Most of the time, he likes to be more serious with sex because he views this type of intimacy as people sharing each other and putting utmost trust in each other but every once in a while he'll want soft, giggly sex where you two simply exist in a moment and in each other without the filth of kinky rough sex.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I'm more than positive all of them, at the bare minimum, trim their pubes for logistical reasons but I think San probably just full on shaves down there as a matter of principle: if he likes you to be clean shaven down under, he'll put in the same effort for you.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
As I've said, he's a very intimate person, so he treasures every single moment every time you two have sex. No matter how far deep into sub space he gets or how severe his punishments, his heart will always fill up with joy and happiness whenever you two get intimate. He's also very possessive and he feels 1000x moreso when sex is involved which is why his orgy fantasy will be nothing but a fantasy for quite a while.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't masturbate too often because the relief of the release is not satisfactory and he only really does it when it becomes an annoyance or interference in his daily routines. BUT. When he's on tour and finds himself on the rare occasion that he is aching for your touch, he'll take a pair of your used panties he snuck into his baggage and jack off in the shower to the thought and smell of you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
This kinky mf will try most everything once. Some of his kinks include but are not limited to breeding (you breeding him and him breeding you, depending on if he's a service top in the moment), restraints (i.e., shibari, handcuffs), sensory deprivation (i.e., blindfolds), tummy bulge (in him), hair pulling, choking, cum eating, mommy/noona/hyung/daddy/master/mistress/etc., dollification, edging, pegging/anal play, biting, nipple play, and cock rings.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He prefers the bed above all else because it resembles a little nest of blankets, pillows, and plushies which makes him feel the safest in whatever the mood y'all have goin on. He is not, however, opposed to being railed on the countertop.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Hmmmm I think a better question is what doesn't turn him on. He's definitely a kinky fucker and a sex fiend, but among his top turn ons are ass groping, lip biting, hair tugging, and gentle pats on his lower back, especially if you're doing it to guide him somewhere. Also the Voice (tm), especially in public!
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Deliberately ignoring him, even if it is out of playfulness and teasing on your end. I don't peg him as an attention whore by any means, but he is very sensitive to being included/excluded and the like, so this would only genuinely hurt him, especially if you decide to drag it out for longer than a couple of minutes.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
This man LIVES for eating you out and/or sucking you off, whether that's a strap on or actual dick. It gets him going so much so please let him just go down you at any time, any day, nearly any where. He doesn't like receiving much because he doesn't get too much pleasure -- he doesn't make him feel subby at all and that's not something he particularly likes but if you really want to, he'll let you go down on him every once in a blue moon.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
As emphasized previously, it very much depends on his mood, but he'll typically want fast and rough on his more stressful days and slow and sensual on his more "down" days when he needs to be reminded that he is loved for more than just his body, that he is more than just his body. The soft and giggly sex he'd want when he's in a very happy mood and just wants to share that warmth with you, the sweet thing.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He's not really that into quickies, but if you want one or two, he's not gonna put up a fight lol.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Again, he'll do nearly everything once, so yes, experimentation/risk is the name of his game.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
During fast and rough intercourse, he could probably go three rounds with overstimulation but during slow and sensual intercourse, he could do a strong single round or a questionable two rounds because the slow and sensual one tends to be more emotionally exhausting than fast and rough for him.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Ofc the sweetheart owns toys! Miss Size Queen has his own dildos, vibrators, anal beads, handcuffs, and nipple clamps. Most of these things he uses on himself and his partner uses on him, but every once in a while the partner will use one or two things on themselves to tease and punish the poor boy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If he's being a brat, he will tease you to no end until you have his ass and remind him to behave. Most of the time, though, it's his partner that's teasing him and he might try to tease you back out of revenge. Keyword: try.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
San is loud as hell in bed and there is no convincing me otherwise. He will let out the most sinful moans, cutest little whimpers, and high pitched whines so muffle his mouth with your used panties/underwear or stuff his mouth with your fingers to decrease his volume. The only time he's not being loud is when he's so completely fucked out that all he can do is whimper, drool endlessly for your strap on/dick, and roll his eyes in the back of his head.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He loves it when you make him cry from fucking him so good. The first time he cried from fucking was when you two tried out mirror sex and you forced him to look himself in the eye in the mirror and he was absolutely gone. This kind of fucking, however, leaves him kind of sore in the ass for the next couple of days so y'all rarely do it when he's working on promotions and a comeback so when y'all can do it...well, he won't be walking for a while.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's a little longer than average, but not by much; he also has average girth. This doesn't bother you, though, as you're the one fucking him most of the time and he knows how to use his dick, anyway, so it hasn't caused any problems between the two of you.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a pretty high sex drive, so when you're not in the mood and he is, you indulge him in guided masturbation either with his hand or via plushie fucking. You'll also let him ride your thigh if you can handle that or give him a quick handy. However if you both have the same high sex drive, y'all gonna have a lot of sex at many times during the day.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He tends to fall asleep pretty quickly, passing out within like 20 minutes of y'all finishing. If, though, it was soft and giggly sex, he wouldn't fall asleep at all, he'd just snuggle into you and talk about cute things he saw that day or scroll through social media for cats or some cute shit because he's not really tired, just very warm and very content...dare I say, like a cat in the sun.
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peggyrose19 · 3 years
Speak Now
This is a purely self-indulgent fic cause apparently that’s how I process emotions. So do with that what you will. But anyways. 
It's been months since the last time Sirius and Remus saw each other. But in a week they leave for college on opposite sides of the country. They reunite one last time, to say goodbye and confess some secrets.
Sirius (8:52pm): hey when do you leave for school?
Remus (8:55pm): The 26th, why?
Sirius (8:55pm): oh good i leave the 25th
Sirius (8:56pm): i’m trying to see everyone before i leave. wanna hang out this week?
Remus stared down at his phone for a long moment. He and Sirius hadn’t seen each other since graduation, since Sirius had left the week after, traveling across the country to visit family against his will. They hadn’t talked much since then, and Remus couldn't figure out why. But he missed him.
The fact that he was also in love with him was unrelated, of course.
Remus (8:58pm): Sure
They set plans for that Saturday evening, at Remus' house in the country. His parents were away, up the coast for a friend's wedding. Secretly, Remus was glad they wouldn't be there; it guaranteed fewer questions. Plus, he liked having the house to himself every once in a while and, after all summer with his mom working from home, he was glad for a little peace and quiet. Not that Sirius Black could ever be described as peaceful or quiet.
The knock on the door came far too soon. With a deep breath, Remus steeled himself and opened the door.
Sirius stood before him, very much real and not just a figment of his imagination.
"Remus!" he exclaimed, and hugged him tightly. "I've missed you."
"Missed you too," Remus muttered into Sirius' shoulder, subtly breathing in the familiar smell of fresh air, leather, and his mother's perfume.
Sirius pulled back with a wide grin, and Remus was frozen all over again. He'd thought it would be easier this time, that time and space would have lessened the want in his heart. But it only seemed to make it worse, as he asked how Sirius was and he immediately launched into a story.
It was like no time had passed at all. Sirius talked and suddenly Remus was 16 again, realizing he was in love with his best friend and not knowing what to do about it. It wasn't easier at all, it was harder. It was so much harder. But he pasted on that mask, pasted on a smile, and pretended he wasn't falling apart inside.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Remus demanded some time later, watching Sirius trying to start a fire, and completely butchering it in the process.
Sirius looked up from his pile of sticks with a guilty smile. "Starting a fire?"
"That is so not how you do that."
"Okay then Mr. Expert, how do you start a fire then?"
"I'll show you," Remus snipped, and he snatched the matches from Sirius' hand, fighting back a fond smile. The banter always had come easy to them.
Carefully, Remus cleared the fire pit of ashes and coals before grabbing a few newspapers from the nearby pile.
"You have to shake them out and then crumple 'em back up," he murmured, demonstrating. Sirius watched, smiling. Once the newspapers were crumpled, Remus set them in the middle of the pit, the taking a few small sticks from Sirius' hand. "Now you use the kindling." He began laying it down across the paper. "And create a pyramid. Once you have that done, you can add some bigger pieces." Sirius readily handed over a few larger sticks, and Remus placed them next, careful not the knock the whole thing over.
"Can I light it?" Sirius asked eagerly.
"Sure. Make sure to light the paper."
Sirius gave him a nod. "Yes sir."
Remus just rolled his eyes. But Sirius did as instructed, and soon they had a crackling fire going. Once the wood had caught, Remus added a few logs to keep it going and sat back down beside Sirius.
"How'd you learn to do that?" Sirius asked. The night was quiet around them, save the pops from the fire and the hum of insects.
"My dad taught me when I was little."
Sirius seemed to hear the sadness tinging his voice. "D'you miss him a lot?" he asked. Grief wasn't something Sirius was familiar with, not this kind. He didn't care about his family. Not that Remus could blame him. But still, he'd done everything right when Remus' father had passed six years before.
"Yeah," Remus admitted, voice soft. "I wish he was here. Big things happening, y'know?"
"Yeah. I can't believe we're leaving."
"Part of me wasn't sure we'd ever make it."
"I'm gonna miss you."
Remus looked over at Sirius. He stared resolutely at the fire, shadows dancing across his face. "Me too."
"Remus," Sirius started, "I need you to know something."
"Okay." Sirius took a deep breath. He didn't look away from the fire. "You remember I had a girlfriend last summer?"
Remus frowned. "Yeah?"
"Right. Well. That was fake. I'm actually gay."
"Oh." Remus had not expected that. Although, in truth, he'd suspected for a while. One did not look at Sirius Black and think "straight", generally speaking, of course. But Sirius didn't need to know that. "Well. That's great, Sirius. Thanks for telling me."
Sirius just swallowed. "Right. Yup. That's not what I need to tell you."
Now Remus was getting concerned. Sirius never acted like this; the last time he'd been this squirrely, Remus had found out his mother abused him. He tried not to panic. They may not have talked in months before this but he'd never stopped caring.
"Sirius, what's going on?"
"I like you," he blurted. Then, "Shit."
It was all Remus could think to say. He'd imagined this happening many times, imagined what he'd say, what Sirius would say. He'd thought up a hundred different scenarios. But none of them had prepared them for his fantasies becoming real.
"I'm not expecting anything else back, obviously," Sirius rambled. "I just wanted you to know. Clear the air. I-"
"Sirius, stop."
He shut his mouth with a snap.
"I'm not upset at you." It was all he could think to say. Sirius didn't say anything. Remus swallowed. "And I... I like you, too. A lot."
Sirius stared at him. "That's not funny."
Remus felt his heart begin to shatter. "It's not a joke."
"That's not funny?" His voice broke.
Conflicting emotions flashed across Sirius' face, but he stood and walked over. Wordlessly, Remus opened his arms and Sirius sank into them.
"I'm not kidding, love," he whispered. "I've liked you for like, three years now. I was just too scared to say anything."
Sirius pulled back and looked Remus in the eye. He didn't say anything for a long time, just looked. Remus couldn't look away, mesmerized by the emotion in those grey eyes. But after a while, Sirius leaned forward again and kissed him.  
It felt as though the whole world stopped and started again in a single instant. It felt like fireworks went off. It felt like everything had righted itself.
The kiss was by no means perfect; it was messy and wet and awkward. But Sirius tasted like smoke and vanilla, and he was holding Remus close. And when he kissed Remus a second time, more sure this time, it was even better.
Remus didn't know long they spent like that, kissing in the fading daylight, the fire crackling along beside them. All he knew was that Sirius was warm on his lap, and his mouth soft and sure. He didn't ever want to stop. Luckily for him, Sirius didn't seem to want that either.
"Stay tonight?" Remus asked in a whisper, and Sirius just nodded.
Remus (10:21am): You left your sweater here
Sirius (10:21am): oh no whatever shall i do
Remus (10:22am): I guess you'll just have to swing by and pick it up
Remus (10:22am): Wouldn't want to forget it when you leave
Sirius (10:23am): no we certainly can't have that
Remus (10:23am): hmmmm
Sirius (10:24am): you're wearing it aren't you
Remus (10:24am): It's quite comfortable, I have to say
Sirius (10:24am): keep it then
Remus (10:25am): *pouty face*
Sirius (10:25am): nooo why the pouty face
Remus (10:26am): Guess I just won't get to see you today then, if you don't want it back
Sirius (10:26am): ahh i see
Sirius (10:26am): i'll have to stop by for one of your sweaters
Remus (10:27am): *smiley face*
Sirius (10:27am): see you soon <3
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 years
Hey, on the topic of crack ships, what's your favorite, Mod Terezi?
Mine is Bec Noir and )(IC.
There's literally zero fanart whatsoever and the main comic has been over for several years now so neither are threats anymore, but god damn it, I still want the minor villains to meet up and maybe smooch.
The dog and the fish can 100% bond over their mutual hatred of cats, too.
That’s a spicy one, I dig it
For me though? Hmmmm
I’d have to say one is Egbert and Feferi, there’s something interesting about how they’re both Crocker/Condesce’s heirs and want nothing to do with their respective empires and how they handle that, plus they’re both nice people, but handle their negative aspects rather poorly and generally resort to passive aggression 
Another would be Jade and Vriska, blackrom-wise. They are both bullheaded little spitfires, but Jade is generally more tempered than Vriska so she doesn’t lash out as much. But that can also lead to Jade tending to ignore her own wants and desires, something Vriska has no real issue in indulging. I just think they have a very complimentary chemsitry that’d be fun to see come to clash more often
And just to give Hiveswap some love, I’m a sucker for for Daraya and Chixie. They both have their own resentments of the system they’re in and have surprisingly similar tastes and outlets, but while Daraya can be violently self destructive and self sabotaging at times, Chixie’s moments of despair are much more understated. I think they would work well together to strike a balance and find some happy ground.
- Mod Terezi
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