#this is what I was talking about or at least hinting at in my conventions cosplay post
rainerioun · 2 months
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𝖧𝖮𝖶 𝖣𝖮 𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖸 𝖵𝖨𝖤𝖶 𝖸𝖮𝖴? | 𝗉𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝖺 𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖽.
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— Hello! I thought I'd try and give a more in-depth reading. Interestingly, some of the piles seem to be similar. Perhaps this reading is meant for just a few people. I tried to keep it pretty general and unbiased whether we're talking about platonic or romantic connections, but it seems like there are hints of romantic feelings in all of them. However, if you're inquiring about a friendship or something similar, feel free to take what resonates and ignore the rest. <3
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HOW TO CHOOSE A PILE : The outcome may vary based on whether you receive clear messages visually or intuitively. If you resonate more with selecting a pile visually, trust that inclination. Personally, I believe the notion that 'looks can deceive,' so I prefer to take a deep breath and close my eyes, allowing the pile I'm meant to connect with to come to me. You might see the color of the pile, sense or hear a number, or simply feel its overall vibe.
Please don’t redistribute or edit my content.
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How Do They View You? King of Wands | Queen of Swords | Death.
To start, this person respects you heavily. They perceive you as someone exuding confidence and leading by example. You've influenced them at the very least. If you're experiencing change or have recently undergone a transformation, they want you to know they're proud of you.
How Do They View You? Dragon : Seeing One's Most True Self, Balancing Ego. | Oyster : Patient, Secret-Keeper, Hiding Inner Treasures.
They see the real you, not just the image you project. If you're shy or uncertain, they want to remind you not to underestimate yourself, and to embrace your genuine beauty and intelligence. They know that everyone else wants to see it too. I believe that they might perceive your confidence as a sort of façade.
How Do They View You? Trickster — Light : Transcending Convention, Stuffiness and Predictable Behavior. Shadow : Manipulating Others Through Duplicity.
I didn't view this card negatively; it felt more like confirmation of what I said earlier. This person understands that you don't reveal everything and perhaps even play a role, though it may not be intentional. They recognize your tendency to use humor as a shield, but they wish you would let them in a bit more because they can see through you already.
How Do They Feel Around You? Determination, Balance, Cleanse, Magic, Protection.
When this person is around you, they experience a sense of balance and comfort. They feel a protective instinct towards you, given what they know about you, or vice versa. They long to express their love and appreciation more openly and receive it in return. Reach out to them more often!
Additional. Photograph : Looking at Your Photos, Missing You, Nostalgia, Make New Memories.
They miss you if there's any current separation or lack of communication. They might even be keeping an eye on you, whether through social media or mutual connections, just to ensure you're doing alright.
Extra: Aquarius, Change, 10, Unique, Libra, Scorpio, Emotions, Bittersweet, Funny, Summer Blues, Phone Call.
Alien Blues : Vundabar | Fine Line : Harry Styles | I Wanna Be Yours : Artic Monkeys.
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How Do They View You? Ten of Wands [Reversed] | Nine of Swords [Reversed] | Knight of Pentacles.
This person acknowledges your ambition but finds it amusing that you can also be a bit absent-minded. It's not meant as an insult but more of a playful tease. They believe you sometimes overlook the risks around you because you're so captivated and excited by what lies ahead, which can come off as slightly immature. It reminds them of a naive child who might need a gentle nudge in the right direction, so you don't leap off the cliff hoping to grab the sun. I can picture someone stumbling clumsily while the other bursts into loud laughter.
How Do They View You? Moth : Impulsive, Hasty, Wishful | Bee : Earnest, Hardworking, Democratic.
I find this dynamic incredibly endearing. They see you as someone goofy or even whimsical. You're sensitive and vibrant, drawing people to you effortlessly, which they appreciate. Sometimes, it seems like they want to slow you down a bit so you don't scurry off too quickly. You give off a jittery vibe at times.
How Do They View You? Rescuer — Light : Provides Strength and Support to Others in Crisis. Acts out of Love with no Expectation of Reward. Shadow : Assumes that the Rescued will Reciprocate. Goddess — Light : The Feminine Expressed through Wisdom, Nature, Life Force and Sensuality. Shadow : Exploitation of the Female Nature and Form.
This person admires your kindness and charm. I can picture them giggling nonstop whenever they're with you. It's as if you have no worries, just frolicking through life carefree.
How Do They Feel Around You? Sweetness, Success, Rejection.
Once more, you're incredibly sweet to them. Normally, they feel content in your company, but there might be moments when they feel rejected. If they've made a move and you've turned them down, that's the reason. They need time to move on and accept that boundary if don't reciprocate their feelings. If not, it's because they've been dropping hints left and right, and you're just too oblivious to pick up on them.
Additional. Stabbed in the Back : Heartbreak, Pain, Separation, Shocking Attack. Camera : Remininscing, Keepsake, Perception, Learn from the Past, Make Memories. Coffee Cup : Meeting and Conversing, Savoring the Moment, Feeling Uplifted, Friendship.
Yeah, they're definitely feeling a bit disheartened that their attempts to win you over aren't hitting the mark or are just going unnoticed. But hey, you don't owe them anything, so no need to feel guilty. Regardless, they want to keep being part of your life, cherishing the friendship you've both formed.
Extra : Pisces, Indecisive, Kind, 7, Individuality, Unique, Communication, Taurus, Leo, Cancer, Junebug, Wheel, Fields.
Dangerously In Love : Beyoncé. | Hanging Your Picture Up To Dry : Cut Worms.
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How Do They View You? Ace of Swords, Six of Swords, Wheel of Fortune [Reversed].
I wasn't anticipating this kind of reading when I shuffled the cards. I almost reshuffled to get a more generic and 'safe' result, but I decided against it. It seems this person likes you a little more than they probably should. They perceive you as someone incredibly self-assured and inspiring, maybe even a bit out of their league. Yet, despite feeling like they're chasing you, they don't seem to mind the playful challenge and are willing to put in the extra effort to break through your defenses.
How Do They View You? Cheetah : Solar Force, Action, Achievement. | Starfish : Beautiful, Alluring, Superficial or Shallow.
This seems pretty clear-cut, lol. They view you as someone with the potential to reach any goal, maybe because your appearance tends to influence people without you even trying. They're strongly attracted to you, but they're also aware they're not alone in admiring you.
How Do They View You? Queen — Light : Radiates the Regal Feminine. Uses Her Benevolent Authority to Protect Others. Shadow : Becomes Arrogant When Authority Is Challenged. Controlling and Demanding. Hero/Heroine — Light : Passion for a Journey of Personal Empowerment. Shadow : Escapism and a False Sense of Heroism.
They definitely put you on a pedestal in their mind. Sometimes you can get a little sassy or assertive because you're clear about what you want, and they find that irresistible. They truly appreciate the natural authority you exude.
How Do They Feel Around You? Passion, Trust, Hunger.
Do I really need to elaborate? For my own sake, I'll keep it brief. You light a fire within them, and they feel like they cannot control such feelings.
Additional. The Snake : Competition, Enemy, Clever, Malicious, Look Over Your Shoulder, The Other Woman. Kisses : Unconditionally Loving, Giving and Receiving Affection, Falling in Love.
As I mentioned, they feel this urge to compete for your affection with others. They might even experience a twinge of jealousy seeing someone else getting your attention while they're so invested in you. My advice is, if this is a secret admirer or a third-party situation, it's best to tell them where they stand. If you're not interested, it's important not to lead them on. However, if polyamory is part of your dynamic, then there's no need to worry about what I'm saying; it seems like they enjoy the thrill of the chase.
Extra: 6, Virgo, Possessive, Cancer, Fussy, Moon, Emotions, Strong Needs, Candles, Stack of Papers, Show Off, Linger, Lust.
Fields of Elation : Sleep Token | Somebody Else : Bad Omens | Lost in the Fire : The Weeknd.
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solarmorrigan · 1 year
So this started out as some scribbly thoughts on FTM Steve and devolved a little bit into smutty Steddie rambling. As happens. So anyway, explicit text below the cut, click through at your own discretion, et cetera
Warnings(?) for some clumsy language and hints of period-typical transphobia; some discussion of Steve and Nancy together, but only for Steddie purposes. This is mostly just silly
“So, wait, you slept with how many girls in high school, and still managed to keep this a secret?” Eddie asks, brows climbing his forehead.
“Not as many as rumor would’ve had you think.” Steve shrugs. “Like maybe four? The rest, I just… didn’t discourage when they exaggerated. Helped my image.”
Eddie can’t help but snort. He’s glad Steve outgrew that image. “Still, four is a lot to keep a lid on. All of them agreed not to tell and then just – didn’t?”
“Actually, most of them never found out. It was only–” Steve pauses, eyeing Eddie cautiously, as if talking about his past female sexual conquests with his current boyfriend is fine, but what he’s going to say next will be a bridge too far. “It was only Nancy who ever knew.”
Ah, yes. Nancy. Nancy Wheeler. Steve’s one true love.
Until now, Eddie fiercely reminds himself. He eyes the t-shirt that is very much his that Steve is very much wearing and slides over the jealousy to address his more pressing question.
“Okay, how did you have sex with at least three other people without them finding out you don’t have a–” Eddie stops short, fumbles for a moment, “a, uh, conventional dick?”
Steve snickers. “Nice save. And, uh – I never actually took off my pants. My talents are in other areas, and I always provided enough of a distraction that they didn’t seem to notice when I just… took care of myself.” He wiggles his eyebrows at Eddie, who can’t help but give him the laugh he’s looking for. “It didn’t say flattering things about my stamina, but multiple orgasms are a pretty good bribe. I got good reviews.”
“Huh.” Somehow, Eddie can’t help but feel impressed; he doesn’t quite understand why Steve had felt the need to do it at all—still doesn’t really understand Steve’s drive for popularity when he’d been in high school—but he can admit the skill in the subterfuge. “But you told Wheeler?”
He’s not sure why he’s asking. A part of him, he thinks, wants to make sure Steve had been able to tell her on his own terms, rather than having his hand forced.
Steve shifts, shrugs. He doesn’t look sad, but he’s maybe a little melancholy.
“Nance wasn’t… temporary, for me. She wasn’t a fling, and I didn’t want to hide from her. And it’s the same with you.” Steve’s gaze falls heavy on Eddie. “You are the… third? person I’ve ever told. I want you to know just– all of me.”
Eddie reaches out, grabbing for Steve’s hand; he’s pretty sure he’d be physically incapable of stopping himself from somehow touching Steve after an admission like that.
A thought is beginning to form, however, leading back to what had started this conversation in the first place. Eddie would bet anything that if Wheeler was the first person Steve told, then Buckley was the second.
And that meant only one person Steve had slept with had ever known all of him – but just how much of all of him had Wheeler been interested in?
“How’d she take it? Wheeler, I mean,” Eddie asks, as casually as possible while his thumb is still stroking Steve’s knuckles.
“Uh… pretty good, actually. She was kinda surprised, and she wanted a little bit of time to come around to the idea, but I think she was mostly just bothered that she didn’t figure it out before I told her.” Steve smiles, distantly fond. “But after that, she was cool. We didn’t talk about it much, but I knew that I could talk to her if I wanted to. I’d never had that before. It was… nice.”
It does sound nice. It had probably been the first time anyone had ever been close to accepting every part of who Steve is, and Eddie feels almost bad about turning the memory to sex.
Almost, but not quite.
“So… she was cool with…” Eddie’s eyes flash down below the belt, obvious and significant, “getting involved?”
A sly grin spreads over Steve’s face as he catches Eddie’s eyes. “Are you trying to ask what Nancy and I did in bed?”
Eddie throws his hands up in defense, forgetting for a moment that he’s holding one of Steve’s hands and pulling it up with him. “I’m just trying to figure out what I’m working with here,” he insists, smiling a little too hard to be innocent. “Now, you insinuated you have talents in the oral and digital departments—which I am very interested in, by the way—but what I want to know is what’s been done for you.”
Steve eyes Eddie like he’s considering whether or not to answer, but the way he’s licking his lips says he’s already decided, even if he doesn’t quite realize that himself.
“She… definitely didn’t mind being involved,” he says finally; there’s a slight stain of pink gathering at the tops of his cheeks that Eddie sort of wants to bite. “She would finger me. Sometimes she’d go down on me, but I think we both enjoyed it more the other way around. I think she liked seeing me get myself off while I did it, and I– definitely liked that, too.”
Eddie makes the mistake of imagining it: Steve on his knees, fingers buried in his cunt, wet and dripping, his hips jerking down onto his own hand, maybe kneeling between Eddie’s legs while he does it, maybe looking up through his lashes while he sucks Eddie’s cock.
A little noise escapes Eddie.
“How about… toys?” he manages after a moment. He’s leaning closer now, raptly watching the way the flush on Steve’s face darkens. “You ever try those?”
“I have a… a couple,” Steve says, voice gone low and rough, his eyes fastened now to Eddie’s mouth. “We didn’t use them together, though, they’re just mine.”
Oh, they’re going to revisit that. They are absolutely going to revisit that, but right now Eddie is on a mission. He won’t let himself be distracted.
He slides closer, practically on top of Steve now, one hand on his hip and the other spread warmly over his ribs.
“Never thought about a strap?” he asks.
Steve shrugs, not nearly as nonchalant as he’s pretending. “Thought about it, never quite got there.”
“Which way were you thinking? Would you have worn it? Or…” Eddie is going out on a limb here; just because Steve has a pussy doesn’t mean he likes the idea of penetration, but Eddie has a hunch. “Or would it have been the other way around?”
A sharp breath escapes Steve’s chest. “Do you want that?” he asks, soft, almost hopeful.
Eddie strokes a thumb across his ribs. “Want what?”
“To fuck me.”
This time it’s Eddie who goes breathless. “Is that even a fucking question?” he demands, and then, in case he wasn’t clear, adds, “I would want very much to do that, yeah. If you want me to.”
“I wasn’t sure if you would,” Steve says. “I mean, I know you’re strictly into guys, and I don’t exactly have… a conventional dick.”
“You’re not gonna let that one go, are you?” Eddie asks, eyeing Steve’s smirk.
“We’ll see,” Steve says, which likely means no.
“Fine. But Steve,” Eddie reaches up, cupping Steve’s face in his hands, “I am one hundred fucking percent into you. You are a guy. You are an incredibly hot guy whose pants I have been wanting to get into forever, no matter what you’ve got in there.”
Steve smiles, and Eddie caresses the corners of it with his thumbs.
“Well, you do seem to prefer the weirder shit, anyway,” Steve murmurs.
“Not weird. Different,” Eddie says, and Steve makes a face at him but readily allows him the kiss he presses in for after that.
“So have you…” Steve starts, once they’ve broken apart, “ever been with a guy with my, uh– sort of equipment?”
Eddie would make fun of how awkwardly the words had tumbled out if he hadn’t suddenly been feeling a bit awkward himself.
“Not, uh, exactly.” Steve raises an eyebrow at him and Eddie amends snappishly, “okay, fine, not at all, no.”
“But you’re open to it?” Steve checks, as if the way Eddie has pressed against him like a needy cat has left any room for doubt.
“More than open,” Eddie says. “I might just, y’know– need some direction? To start with?”
“Directions, huh?” Steve smirks. “I can work with that.”
Eddie has no doubt that he can – and that Eddie will enjoy every second of it.
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Hobie Brown & Non-Conventional Relationships
How to Write Hobie in Non-Conventional Relationships - & How I incorporate it into my own writing
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{Non-Conventional Relationship Abbreviated as NCR}
This is Part 2 - Check out Part 1 here if you want! Hobie Brown is unconventional is every way - and he likes it that way. From his music to his views, Hobie is always ready to challenge the norm - choosing to look for healthier, kinder, and freer alternatives.
And that extends to his romantic relationships too.
I talked HERE about Non-Conventional Relationships, the lack of them in fics, what they could look like for Hobie, and how they're a reflection of his values - including his feminism.
In that one, I wanted to talk about why Hobie needs Non-Conventional Relationships, and I analyzed why NCRs are so scarce within the Hobie fandom (hint: it's sexism). I also spoke about how I purposely designed my Spidersona - DiscoSpider Diane - with subversion of a sexist trope in mind, and how we as a fandom can write healthier 'Y/N's.
But I also wanted to talk about - and give clear examples of how a NCR might work for Hobie, and how to write it in fanfiction.
This is a Writer's Guide to writing Hobie Brown in NCRs, and writing 'Y/N's that challenge the norm. As well as how I apply these tips directly in my own writing with Hobie.
[I offer tips and writing advice as well as the ways I use these tips in my writing. I touch on alternative forms of affection, intimacy, polyamory, independence, and labels] Heads Up!! This post is LONG and Detailed. At the end, I have a full deep dive and analysis of my Spidersona DiscoSpider Diane, Hobie, and their NCR - feel free to pass on that if you want or check it out if you're curious or want an example :)
I hope someone out there finds this helpful or at the very least, entertaining! With that said,
Let's Begin~~~~~~~~
Hobie Brown & Affection:
Showing and valuing alternative forms of affection can be a great foundation for Non-Conventional Relationships. There's a wide array of ways to express affection in a relationship - ranging from full on playfulness and messing with each other - to being romantic but only in private. And anywhere in between. In order to challenge stereotypical romance, here's where we can start.
First things first: Cut the generic pet names One of the most common things across all Hobie fics, are generic pet-names. It's hard to find a fic without one 'luv', 'darlin', or 'sweetheart'. And it makes sense, it romantic - and a classic way to show affection. But it can be easy to use these terms as a crutch to infuse romance into dialogue. A good way to diverge from this convention is by dropping the generic pet-names all together. By abandoning words like 'luv' and 'darlin' we're forcing ourselves to find more personal terms for him to call his partner. Hobie calls Gwen and Miles personalized pet-names, and this can extend to his partner too. These names can be personal - When writing OCs, you can use things like inside jokes, a shortened version of their name, or some form of rhyming slang. Having something happen within the story that Hobie pulls a nickname from is also a great idea, or having him call them by a defining trait or something tongue in cheek. [Like if your character is known for being a bit gloomy, have him call them sunshine. If they sing, he can call them songbird, etc.] When writing xReaders, you can subvert typically 'negative' terms into loving and playful names. For example, if the !Reader is portrayed as shy, he may loving call her Mouse Whisper. If they're hotheaded, he may just call them 'hot-head'. But by having personalized pet-names, the reader is shown that Hobie and them have history and past connections that Hobie finds meaningful.
Annoyance can be affection too I talked about this HERE We all love attention from our partners - some just seek it out in different ways. Annoying ways. And I can see Hobie being one to do this - Adorable, but annoying ways. Playfulness is a great way to substitute romance in NCR. We all know those relationships where they love messing with each other or pissing each other off. Having inside jokes about each other, or teasing in a way only the other person is allowed to. It's never mean, but in a way, a form of intimacy. And when romances are written like this, it shows that the two know each other well, down to the smallest things that make them tick. They know each other well, and have a clear soft spot for each other when one starts bugging the other and the other doesn't snap (lol). When writing, you can give them small pet peeves that Hobie may do to irk them. When writing OCs, Hobie can give them nicknames that irk them. Or point out things that annoy them. Maybe he likes a food they hate, and eats it in front of them all the time. It's all in good fun, and shows the two aren't shy around each other. You can also have them bring up embarrassing stories of each other, to show they're close and spend a lot of time together. When writing xReaders, you can have him popping up at the worst times, hanging off of the reader, and overall trying to distract them from what they're doing. He could also play light pranks to mess with the reader - and vice versa - always making sure to end it with a hug and a laugh. At the end of the day, it's all about getting their partners attention and playing around with them. And talking about that -
Touch as a Love Language: Don't be afraid of playfighting Some IRL couples playfight. And it can be adorable. If the pestering goes to far, then the reader finally has to give him all their attention - and they can playfight him. Which is what he wants, their attention. This is something that can be done with both OCs and xReaders - and if they're a Spider-person EVEN BETTER. Don't be afraid to have Hobie pick the reader up, having the reader jump on his back, or punch his arm lightly. Having them wrestle for something, and it can turn into cuddling. The character can jump on his back playfighting, and doom - Hobie's running and it's a sudden piggyback ride.
While on the topic of Love Languages: Laughter as a Love Language Laughter can be a HUGE love language. In addition to annoying their partner, some people aim to making their partner laugh whenever they can. Whether this be making jokes, or doing things they think are hilarious. Not only is is super playful - but it shows that they're close and know each other well. They know what they other think is funny, what's sure to get a laugh, and most importantly, when their partner needs it the most. It shows that they care about their partner's happiness, and they want to bait it out them every way they can - even if that means making themselves look silly from time to time again. This is one of my favorite tools when writing NCRs and it works for both OCs and xReader.
If really want to challenge yourself and show a new form of romance: Abandon 'I love you.' Ever heard of Han Solo and Princess Leia? The whole "I love you." - "I know." trope? Saying 'I love you' is of course one of the easiest ways to show love - but when we abandon it, we can find cuter and more personal things to replace it. In doing this we begin to show a NCR relationship that openly challenges romance. By doing away with 'I love you's in favor something personal, we're showing that their feelings go beyond 'love' into something more personal and intimate to them. They can still be madly in love and not say it - it can be completely unspoken cause they both know. And so, they don't take it too seriously. When writing OCs, you can replace the phrase completely, substituting it with a repeated phrase on both sides. "I hate you" also works as a playful subversion. When writing xReaders, you can have the other side not respond the usual way - "I love you." - "Uh-huh." Or you can have them not say it at all. And have it completely but clearly emotionally implied.
Hobie Brown & PDA:
Hobie is a natural touchy guy. He likes standing close to people, leaning over them and putting his hands on their shoulders. So by having him display limited romantic PDA with his partner, and treating them no different than anyone else, you're challenging the norm and forcing yourself to write other ways.
Prioritize Privacy Hobie is often (or rather only) characterized as a very open person with his relationship, openly kissing, making out, and touching his partner. And this is very typical of a romantic relationship. If you'd like to write a NCR you can try to challenge this. Hobie is from a police state, a world where surveillance is prevalent and freedom is limited. Plus he's a rockstar - people get nosey. And don't even get me start on The Society snooping. You can reflect this by having him prioritize privacy - either out of survival instinct, or just personal preference. Hobie keeping his relationship a secret, or simply not mentioning it, allows a freedom not often see in traditional relationships. By doing this, the relationship can develop naturally without typical pressures or outside influence - whether dangerous or Society wise. The two are allowed to take it as slow - or as fast as they want, without worrying about anyone else getting in the way. And with Hobie being a guy who likes to share often, him keeping one small thing to himself can be special. This can be used for both OCs and xReaders.
Keep Kisses in Private Stealing kisses can be extremely cute, and saving them for private can make them 10x more intimate. Plus this is another one that can be used by both OCs and xReaders. By saving kisses for private moments, those rare instances automatically become more intimate. And by having them restrain themselves, when they do finally get to be alone it can feel romantic (not just sexual). By having them save their kisses for only them, they become more special to Hobie and his partner. They may choose to not kiss at all in public and leave it at that or try to steal kisses when they can - or even substitute a different form of intimacy in place of kisses. Ever see that couple that one of them will walk by the other, and one person will put their hand in the other's for a moment as they pass by before letting go? Like that. Cheek kisses can also be a good substitute for public. Plus in the rare times they do kiss in front of someone, you can save it for super emotional or heated moments (or moments like parties, bars, etc - those are always fun. The gang finding out the two of you have been dating a year after you both get drunk at a party and make-out? Love it.)
Or you can take it over the top - and make it openly committed and intimate, but label-less. Having a partner he kisses, hugs and lives with but does not refer to as his girlfriend also challenges norms of possessiveness - bonus points if they're poly (which I'll touch on in a second). By having him clearly involved with someone, and seriously committed but having it between them can be a NCR. The character doesn't have to be his girlfriend or boyfriend. That can simply be 'his person' or 'the one'. Or he's 'seeing somebody' - or 'with them'. He's not outright saying they're dating, but yeah - they're solidly involved. They may have a kid together, sleep in the same bed, or say 'I love you', but by both parties rejecting labels, they're openly denying people an inside look to their relationship. Are they together? What's that got to do with you?
Or have them be 'life partners' aka - marriage without marriage. This one may be easier to develop for OCs, but can be done for xReaders too. Have them openly express interest in being each other's life long partners. Have them speak as if they're married, even if they aren't. By verbalizing this connection, they don't need rings or a wedding certificate to speak to them, because they openly say it as a form of PDA. Having them believe in soulmates, or 'other halfs' takes the 'caring boyfriend' trope and pushes it into something far more intimate and personal. This could include things like matching tattoos, sharing a home together, wearing things of each other's in place of a ring, etc.
Hobie, Labels, and Polymory (Open Relationships)
Every single fic I've seen of Hobie assumes both parties are monogamous. Let's challenge that.
Do away with the idea of Hobie and jealousy It's unrealistic for his character. Hobie is openly supportive, non-possessive, and EXTREMELY confident. Jealousy is an attribute that feeds off of insecurity first, and sexist tropes of possession second - the idea of having no one touch 'your' partner. Any partner Hobie has isn't his - no one belongs to any one. They can be with whoever and do whatever they want when he's not there. So long as he sees his a priority in your life, he'll be there. Let's just hope the OTHER guy is okay with that (and not extremely intimidated by how perfect Hobie is). This applies to both OCs and xReaders.
Open the relationship - and keep it honest The priority when writing this is honesty - because Hobie values it A LOT. And I cannot stress this more. If his partner is honest with him, and genuinely makes an effort to make him a priority, then Hobie is happy. Hobie himself may not choose to have multiple partners, but by having option on the table and having his partner exercise that shows a huge degree of maturity, communication, and freedom. By having a partner who can openly pursue romance outside of Hobie, but still chooses Hobie as their primary partner, their relationship becomes a lot freer, but still just as close - if not stronger. Sure they've got options, and sometimes they may have flings, but at the end of the day, there's no one they connect more with than each other. Better with OCs, but can be done with xReaders.
Let his partner have the last say Hobie can't be a player if he's not the one calling the shots. Have a xReader or OC that is openly outspoken about what they want and the label they're interested in. (even if thats 'unlabeled) Have the reader be the one who doesn't want to make it official, or on the inverse, have them insist that either they make it official or else they'll stop seeing them. And have them stand their ground. Do not have them budge or waiver or second-guess. Have them leave the ball in Hobie's court - and sort it out for himself. By doing this you're giving them a sense of agency and independence outside of him, and inverts the sexist expectation that men be the ones who define the relationship.
In the words of Coi Leray "Cause Girls is Players too." Kick slut-shaming in the teeth. Where are all the city girls? Directly challenge sexist tropes that are prevalent in the Hobie fandom, by writing a female character who is openly and sexually liberated, knows her worth, and knows how to handle her feelings. Have her be the one seeing multiple people, have him be the one to pass the guy on the way out. Its not more shameful when the character does it. If you want to make Hobie a player who can run game - acknowledge that some girls run game too. And many girls can call that shit from a mile away. Having a character who has multiple partners, but slowly finds themself falling for Hobie in specific is an interesting dymanic. It forces you to show a woman's sexuality in a different and positive light, one not connected to her lust for a specific man. And it forces you to challenge the idea of 'fast girls' or 'groupies'. Ever seen 'She's Gotta Have It' by Spike Lee? That. And you can have her other partners acting as a contrast to Hobie. If she starts realling her other partner really ain't shit - Hobie starts looking a lot better. And let me just say - this doesn't have to cause drama. Having Hobie and the character both be polyamorous, only to connect with each other and laugh about their other escapades can be CUTE. And neither are threatened, because they know it's all in good fun, and they know they've got their partner on lock.
Find alternative labels Take 'boyfriend and girlfriend' off the table and get creative. They can be life partners, or Best Friends with Benefits (who are genuinely friends, stay that way and are not just thinly vieled romantic tension), or the xReader/OC can simply 'his girl' or 'his guy'. By doing this, you're able to put a label on it, without taking it serious at all. It signals that there is something there and they know it, and they don't need normal terms to define it. Good for both OCs and xReaders.
Hobie & Gender Roles
Chivalry is dead. Romance your boyfriend to death.
I spoke in the last post of about Hobie's feminism and his understanding of the patriarchy and the way it works. And I think Hobie would work to openly defy gender roles in his relationship. Here's are some tips to do that.
Have the xReader or OC initiate the romance Have them confidently ask him out. Have your OC or xReader be the one to approach him at a party and hit on him. Just by doing so, you're putting your characters in a situation that subverts gender roles - where the many is typically the one to approach his mate. It shows confidence on the part of the xReader/OC and let's them step outside the traditional trope of a passive feminine partner.
Have them initiate touch/affection as well Have them touch him first, or wrap their arms around him. Have them kiss his neck (if they can reach lol). Instead of having a shy and quiet xReader who only accepts compliments from Hobie - have them openly and boldly compliment him. A girl who openly loves her partner/boyfriend and yeah- she's gonna talk about him cause she can. Have them call him pet-names first. And show Hobie enjoying it or feeling comforted by it. In doing so, you're allowing him to show a softer side that is also absent in a lot of fics. Plus you're breaking the trope of once again, the partner just passive accepting Hobie's affection without active reciprocation.
Actively show Hobie being comforted and taken care of - not just when he's in crisis Have the character ask if he's okay - in the way a couple will look at each other and be like "You good?" even when nothings going on. Have the character be the one to ask if he's eaten. Don't only do this when he's about to emotionally crack, or when he's physically beat up. Do it on the daily. Men shouldn't have to break before their emotional needs are addressed. So often in fics Hobie is seen as the perfect protector who never gets tired - and then there's no mention of him ever taking care of himself in any way. That's now how this works. Hobie is community based. That means he looks after the people he care about. If the character cares about him, they have them go out of their way to show it - the same way he does. The xReader/OCs can hold him while he's crying or make him go to sleep when he's up all night. They can hear him out when he's annoyed with Miguel, and help him when he's feeling not 100% too. SO many fics are about the reader NEEDing Hobie for some often asinine reason. Sometimes Hobie needs his partner too.
HI HI! If you've read this far, thank you so much! I really appreciate it and would love to hear your thoughts! The next part is centered around my spidersona Disco-Spider Diane, her relationship with Hobie, and how I incorporate all this into their dynamic. This part is LONG and detailed (I'm unhinged) so I don't blame you if you wanna peace out now! If you do peace out, thanks again! - here's a photo of Hobie for the road!
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_______________________________________________________ Now let's talk about Lil Miss Disco and her Boo Thang
DiscoSpider Diane and Hobie -
How I write a Non-Conventional Relationship For more info you can check out Diane's Character Sheet here and her tag here
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I spoke briefly in my last post about Hobie, feminism, and how subverting sexist tropes contributed to her characterization - so this time I just want to give an overview of how that translates to a NCR - and how that can be shown clearly in writing.
Hopefully this will give some ideas or at the very least, I can ramble about Diane lol Diane & Hobie - A Basic Overview
[You can check out Diane's Character Sheet here!][And check out her tag for more art & writing here!]
I don't have a word for what Diane and Hobie are supposed to be, and that's intentional.
They aren't dating. Because they don't go on traditional dates - they just hang a lot. They're not boyfriend and girlfriend because that's rigid in it's confines. Even partners can be a bit of a stretch. I wanted to write them instead as two people who care about each other and make an effort to be in each other's lives. They're the other's largest emotional support and cheerleader - and their emotional reactions take focus over the romantic ones.
Diane and Hobie have a Non-Conventional Romance because they're in an emotional relationship rather than a romantic one. There is romance there - but the same way a romantic relationship isn't a 'sexual relationship' because sex is involved - an emotional relationship does not become entirely romantic once romance is involved.
Their emotional relationship is very committed, but their romantic relationship is extremely casual. Here are some ways I show that.
DiscoPunk & Affection:
Diane and Hobie do not use typical pet-names. Instead, Hobie is more likely to call Diane 'Daiquiri' - a nickname left over from the first time they've met. It's an embarrassing memory for Diane - and a story Hobie loves to tell. But by calling her Daiquiri, he's sending the reminder that he thinks about the night they met often and remembers it well. Including the 4 Daiquiris she made him buy her. He also calls her Clover - as she's one of his 'Lucky Charms'. Diane is the same, preferring to call Hobie by his name - or over the top names like 'pookie', 'honeybun', or 'hot stuff'. Though the most common she'll default to is 'babe', though she will only do this will they're completely alone. Hobie openly annoys Diane and she lets him. Diane is easy to mess with, easy to sneak up on and easy to confuse (sorry girl). It's easy for him to make her jump if he's too quiet, and despite being fairly outgoing, Disco gets embarrassed easily. Sharing constant silly stories, calling her embarrassing nicknames and ruffling her perfectly manicure hair, are go to ways to piss her off. And you can usually tell when she asks "Am I playing with you? Does it look like I'm playing right now??" In turn, Diane does her 'groupie act', which involves running up and hugging him hard as hell, jumping on his back, or talking about how cute he is in a baby voice while pinching his cheeks. They playfight A LOT. Hobie is known to come up behind Diane, lovingly slipping his arms around her waist. He lifts her up - and then tries to bodyslam her. He's holding her like he's about to do a judo flip and Diane is shoving at him telling him to cut it out. In turn, Diane likes to run at him from a far and jump on his back, and she's known to punch his shoulder if he gets too cheeky with the jokes. (Thank god they both have Spider Strength). And while they may not be quick to cuddle or hold each other in public - if Hobie is asking for it they WILL wrestle, and with matched strength, they don't stop until someone (usually Jess) tells them to cut it out. And Laughter is one of their biggest Love Languages. Hobie LOVES making Diane laugh - mainly because it's such a spectacle. Diane will scream and cry in laughter, doubled over so hard she has to sit down or leave the room. And for Hobie, it's easy to do this, so he does it whenever's the most inappropriate. Him dancing is a HUGE way because it brings Diane to tears almost instantly, without fail. She begs him to stop cause she can't breathe - she's laughing so hard. Hobie refuses and keeps dancing, just to mess with her. On the inverse, when Diane does it, most of the time she doesn't mean to. Diane is clever, but she's blunt and a little.. easy to confuse. And when she blurts something out or asks a question that sounds a bit ridiculous, Hobie can't help but laugh. Like when she saw Peter B. unmasked for the first time, and immediately asked him "Wait, why are you white?" Hobie will almost away burst into laughter, which is usually followed by Diane going "Whatttt? What did I say? Why are you laughing at me :(' Everytime she does this she is completely serious, which Hobie finds even funnier. If she's confused, he'll try to explain it to her, and he never teases her for it. It's just that Hobie chooses his words very carefully, and Diane says exactly what comes to mind.
They very rarely say 'I love you' and only do it in private. Usually, they'll only say this when one of them is going through it, the other just did something awesome, or they're alone and in a good mood. It reserved for moments of intimacy or spontaneity. With a relationship that is so playful, the two of them would probably think that saying it outright is a bit too sappy and plain. Instead, they substitute it by asking the other if they love them -
If Hobie does something for Diane, instead of Diane saying "I love you", Hobie will be the one to say "Don't you love me?" If Diane does something for Hobie, instead of him saying "I love you", he can swap it with "You must love me." (Usually the other person may say "I do" or an equally loving "Shut up.")
DiscoPunk & PDA:
They prioritize privacy. They don't label themselves - to anybody, even close friends. They let people make their own assumptions because it doesn't matter anyway. Plus with Diane being very committed to her place in the Spider Society, it's preferable to just keep it between them. Hobie doesn't really care either way. But the less people bothering him and asking questions, the better.
Diane and Hobie never kiss in front of other people. Save for a few exceptions. Despite being very physically and playfully affectionate, Hobie and Diane choose to keep most of their PDA completely private - and they're more likely to link arms than hold hands. When it comes to kissing, the two saves it for behind closed doors, or hidden spots in HQ. With relationships between Spider-people being prohibited at HQ, it's just easier that way - and the both of them prefer it. This even extends to close friends, including Pavi and Gwen. They may dramatically kiss the other's cheek to annoy them, making kissy sounds and grabbing each other's faced - and on occasion Hobie may give Diane a forehead kiss (she's tall enough to do this). They may cuddle in front of others too, but that's about it. But kisses in specific are just for them. Wasn't a conscious choice, but they like it that way. There's two exceptions though: 1) Shortly after meeting Hobie, Gwen ran into Hobie and Diane kissing at a hidden spot on campus. Nothing heated, but kissing. Diane felt her looking and seemed very disturbed and uncomfortable she had seen. Gwen left quickly, and although Hobie assured Diane that Gwen was okay, the two of them didn't meet until a later date, and Diane seemed a bit embarrassed.
2) Parties. After shows and while drinking Hobie and Diane are completely fine making out in public and showing full PDA. Why? Because they have the cover of the 'groupie act' and they can argue that they were drunk and were only messing around or even say they straight up don't remember. Their terms of commitment are unique. Neither Hobie (in my little universe) nor Diane believe in soulmates. But they do consider themselves 'committed', but they're not life-partners either. They don't care if they'll be together forever. The idea is nice, but it's not their focus. If they wanna spend their lives together, they can start but showing up for each up daily, rather than wearing rings daily.
DiscoPunk, Labels, and Polyamory:
Diane and Hobie are in an open relationship. Since they've never officially asked each other out, monogamy hasn't really been on the table ever. And both are fine and comfortable with this. Because they're great at minding their own business. Who's the girl leaving houseboat when Diane comes through? Who cares - but if touched the makeup Diane left on his bathroom counter, she'll be sending her an invoice and an angry letter. This is equal on both sides.
Diane is without a doubt more active, and more prone to one-night stands (she has a kink for guitarists) rather than full on relationships. Maybe it's the fact that having Hobie in the picture is intimidating as fuck to most guys.
Hobie also has his share - though he usually finds himself in flings and short relationships - going more for romance than sex. In fact, Hobie was with Diane for the duration of his relationship with his Felicia Hardy.
Naturally, Felicia and Diane knew about each other - though they hadn't met. Diane was fine with this and at most would ask how Felicia was doing. Felicia however really wanted to meet Diane. Like dying to meet her. So she found out Hobie's secret identity and just - turned up at one of his shows. Diane was...understandably confused. She was nice, but confused. Asked Hobie later like "Why's she here. Nothing wrong with it but like forreal why is she here?" and he's like "IDK I aint invite her m8 she always does this." Eventually the two got to know each other and although Hobie isn't with Felicia anymore (it's messy), her and Diane are still close friends.
Hobie perfers to let Diane have the last say when it comes to labels.
He's fairly unbothered. What's he gonna do - tell her he has to be her boyfriend? Or brush her off and still expect her to be there? Nah, Labels are the last thing he's worried about. And that's because he's fine with all of them. So long as they're clear. If avoided labels, and demanded to be label-less, that was still caring about labels.
This is where there's conflict - and instead of most fanfics in which the conflict is coming from him - in their case it's coming from her. Diane avoids commitment, terrified of the threat it could cause to the multiverse and Hobie's universe in specific. She's drank the society Kool-Aid so to speak, and will dance around the topic. Hobie has on occasion mentioned monogamy between them being a good option, but when directly approached, Diane will try to dance around the topic - mainly afraid of what Jess and especially Miguel will do if she falls out of line.
This, along with canon events, are the only things that can get them to actually argue - and it can sometimes decend into screaming matches (more about the Society rather than their relationship). They try to avoid bringing it up. But Diane is still paranoid and avoids it.
They use alternative labels instead. For sake of implicity, if you ask them directly "What is x to you?" Hobie will either say "Diane's my bird." or "Why do you want to know - You interested in me or her?" He may also say 'The Old Ball n' Chain' (mocking boomer humor) or simply say "That's Daiquiri."
Diane will most likely say "He's my little boo thang." She may also call him her 'hubby', or say 'I'm his biggest fan.'
Finally, DiscoPunk & Gender Roles
I wrote in the last post about how feminism and inverting the sexist trope of 'groupie' contributed a lot to Diane and her behavior towards Hobie. This can mostly be seen here:
Diane initiated the romance. Diane has always been Hobie's groupie, and outspoken in her affection for him. She thinks the girls hiding how much they like Hobie is silly - He KNOWS he's hot. Why not come out and say it - hype him up. Diane is also a way bigger flirt than Hobie - and I really wanted to write the two of them this way, because so much of the time Hobie is the one flirting, usually on a passive OC or xReader that simply passively accepts.
It's rare in dialogue that someone outright points out how hot Hobie is. So Diane does it. She was fine with being like "You're so hot it's distracting and that's not a joke. :) "
Diane usually initiates touch. Hobie rarely wraps his arms around her (unless he's doing that stupid judo shit she hates), but Diane does it to him all the time. She's tall enough on her skates that if she holds him by the waist from behind, she can see clearly over his shoulders. And it's not unusual to see Diane's eyes peek over Hobie's shoulder when you're talking to him. She's not listening, she's just there.
In turn, Hobie accepts this touch very much like the way an xReader would. He's usually the one intiating and offering touch, but when Diane does it him, he finds it comforting to be on the receiving side.
And I usually see this/show this as him softening into her touch, complimenting her for it, or baiting her into cuddling (like plopping down on her on the couch)
They supplement this a lot with closeness. Hobie and Diane always seem to be shoulder to shoulder, whispering inside jokes into each other's ears and trying not to crack up. Most often, Hobie with hput his arm around her shoulder, or if she's in her skates - a hand on her waist to steady her. Not that she needs it. Their relationship is mainly and largely emotional. And that's the basis of it. Hobie was the one who recruited Diane, and has been there for all of her canon events since, seeing her in her most venerable states.
Diane is dedicated to canon - and letting Miguel write her life for her - and although she finds herself conflicted and cornered by the Society, Hobie wants to be there for her always. And he'll be along for the ride as long as she'll have him. Diane in turn, tries her best to be positive when they're both from worlds where things can get really negative. No matter how much he tries to hide it, the constant battles and brutality with the police of his home world wears on him - and he's aware that he's different than most other Spider-people. He's killed before. Usually, he lets it out through his music and when it isn't that - it's through anger and protest. But like Hobie, Diane is a huge supporter of radical happiness. If you can think of Hobie's music as a call to arms, Diane's music is a love song to the sweeter brighter things in life. Diane was raised by The Black Panthers, and she knows just as well as he does what the brutality and pain of oppression can feel like. She has her feet firmly on the ground and her head happily in the clouds.
If anything, Diane is a person of comfort and escapism for Hobie. A reminder of the sweet life that he's fighting for. Diane lives completely free, free of labels and limits - even while living under the thumb of the Society. And she tries to remind Hobie what freedom feels like, when he gets tired of fighting every now and again _________________________________________________
In this way their emotional connection is mutual.
More than anything, I wanted Hobie and Diane to be emotional rocks to each other, before romantic partners. I didn't mean to write it that way (in my head), but it kinda ended up that way.
So often in the Hobie fandom we see the extremes of either Completely Detached Hobie - who sleeps around and wants nothing to do with labels - or Completely Committed Hobie - who is madly in love with his partner in a traditional sense. And in their relationship, I hoped to challenge that. By writing a Hobie than didn't care either way, or went with the flow. A Hobie that was just as thoughtful in his relationships as he was in his friendships. Instead, I wanted to shift the focus to Diane and making it about her choice. By having the woman be the one to define the relationship, the story can now focus on an internal struggle. And seeing his partner being the one to struggle with labels - whereas he's made peace with them.
And by having their affection shift more into playful - that was just because I think it's really funny. Hobie's a little shit.
All of this allows Diane and Hobie's relationship to be something based on mutal care and admiration for each other - rather than lust and clear-cut commitment.
They're able to be independent people, with independent lives and beliefs, while still being a large part of the other's life. They're able to excecise freedom in their situation, while still having an underlying conflict or struggle driving their story.
Hobie and Diane deeply care about and love each other, multiverse be damned. And even if they may not always see eye-to-eye, they're willing to put that aside if it means they have a chance at a peaceful future together - no matter what universe they're in.
They're not conventional, but they're in love. Cause I said so.
So uh....yeah. That's how I incorporated Non-Conventional Relationships into my uhhh..deeply complex mental world that isn't written down yet besides glimpses in comics I make in photoshop.
If anyone read this far I will genuinely be so surprised, cause I literally just wrote an essay about their entire relationship lol
I feel like I could type anything down here and be safe cause it's hidden in a cattacomb full of TEXT like lemme just-
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(I laughed at the second one til i crrriieeeddddd bro thats so foul)
But if you did read this all, thank you SO SO SO MUCH! As you can probably tell, I think about this a lot. And these characters mean a lot to me so I love sharing them when I can. I hope this helped someone and someone finds it helpful or at least entertaining! You rock <3
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Writing this is normal, well-adjusted behavior. Cringe is dead.
Stream Diane and Hobie's album 'BackAlleyJazzLettuce' aka their Funk-Rock fusion ship playlist
Now take this photo of Hobie Kissy Kissy Face and get off my property.
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littelestvic · 8 months
About the Damon Baker x Kris Gustin photo session and what it means to me as a queer artist obsessed with Joker Out
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Note, this is not me trying to look smart and trying to talk about someone else's art pieces, although my dearest Daria made a small analysis on the Kris-Bojan set that I found very interesting, and it is interesting that these are a somewhat subjective views of Bojan and Kris's souls, or at least a visual representation of themselves as people. In any case, this is, if anything, an overview of what these art pieces make me feel and their significance to me.
First I must admit, as an artist, that these photos are beautiful and actually hold a lot of artistic value from my perspective. I think these should be seen as pieces of art and must be perceived in a different way than other Joker Out photos. However it is still very interesting how much these photos actually talk about the subject: these pieces are an exploration of Kris Gustin, the person portrayed, and I've honestly never have seen portraits that explore the nature of the subject in such a personal manner. Kris is displayed in a subjective, intimate way, whether how Damon sees him or how Kris himself sees himself deep down. I'm sure more elaborate and accurate explanations of Damon's art can be found online, as I actually didn't know of his work until now, but as I was able to read he focus a lot on the intimacy of the subject.
Anyways, there's a clear theme this session follows: femeninity and vulnerability. The usage of visible makeup (a first time for Kris on camera if I'm aware), the flowers, the exposed skin, the cloth (a typical femenine piece of clothing on Balkan/Slavic cultures), I think they were all choices to purposefully provide a more femenine vision of Kris. But he still allows himself to do poses similar to those I've seen him do before, there's still a hint of the Kris I know, his posing flows naturally and doesn't feel forced because this is just a natural extension of what he is, this is a natural exploration of his most femenine side, he is simply letting himself flow.
I think we all know Kris seems to be a man with a complex relationship with normative gender roles. Even as a cishet man he has this appearance and mannerisms that can be more related to a more "femenine" convention of gender and I have always wondered if he has ever struggled with this, and that if he has ever felt forced to keep the normative conventions of what a man should be. Things like asking to have his hair cut shorter after being called a girl when he was a child, or denying to be put makeup on by fans, he sometimes tried to run away from things that could be perceived as "feminine", maybe out of insecurity, maybe out of fear.
But there he is,
Glitter on his eyes,
Flower in his head,
Embracing himself.
I am a person with a complex relationship with gender roles. I was born a woman. I am short and tiny and have feminine features that simply cannot be ignored. I will forever be perceived as a woman by the people around me. I look like a girl, I have long hair because I am not allowed to have it short and I wear women's clothes. And while I don't want to be a girl, my relationship with femininity is actually very strong. I like pretty things, I like sparkles and pink, I like everything girly, I like girls. I've been told it's stupid to perceive myself as a guy since I look so girly, since I like so many girly things, and in times I don't feel I have deserved the masculine pronouns I use and my neutral name I've given myself (the ones I can only use online out of fear).
So I try to put some sense into it. I draw girly things because I like girly things. I draw men because I want to be like men. I draw men in pretty soft pinks and sparkles and sequins because that's what I am.
And I've found a safe place in Kris, with his non conforming masculinity that more often than not becomes femininity. As many other people like me, I like him because he helps me put sense to my feelings. I draw him in soft pastels and pretty clothes and delicate features because in my mind, if a man like him can be allowed to be femenine, then I can allow myself to feel the way I feel too. I can allow myself to simply not fit any binary gender convention, and I can allow myself to be myself. I like Kris because I find a part of me in himself, I relate to him and I see myself in his eyes. It is a complex relationship where I don't necessarily like him because I find him attractive, I am not actually sexually attracted to him; I see myself in him, in my own little weird way. I have distorted my own reality to make my own perception of him fit my needs. This is why I draw him the way I draw him. And perhaps that's why so many praise how I draw Kris. It is unique because it's personal. And I know he doesn't necessarily see himself this way, at least not in the degree I do. My Kris talks much more about how I see myself than how I see him. The way I draw Kris represents myself. My Kris is myself.
So when I saw him in this session, with the glimpse and the passion and the attitude I draw him like, it felt special.
"He looks like my art" I told myself. "He's seen himself the way I see him."
This is Kris,
This is my Kris,
This is me.
So I'm very thankful for Kris trying to open himself, and embracing this vulnerable side of him I purposefully push into the narrative of my art. He called these "therapy sessions", so I can't help but wonder if these have been helpful to him, if he has found something about him, if he has learnt to accept himself the way he is. He has helped me cope with complicated subjects of my life, and I cling to him to keep with life. He is my special little obsession that keeps me alive. So I can't help but sometimes wonder if he's happy, If he's loved, if he's content with himself.
And I think this exploration of himself will be very helpful to his soul. I am very proud of him, I am hopeful for his future, and I wish him the best.
I love you, my muse, and thank you for allowing yourself to see you with my own eyes.
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grxmreaperx · 11 months
Professor Hoffman Pt. 2
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Pairing: Mark Hoffman x reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: 18+!! Smut! Dirty talk, cockwarming, p in v penetration, age gap (everyone is over 18!), mentions of spanking and oral (f! receiving)
Summary: You’ve grown accustomed to your weekly tutoring sessions with your favorite professor, but even if you are doing better in the class, Professor Hoffman believes you need a lesson in focusing.
read part 1 here!
here is the highly requested part 2 to my professor hoffman au! hope you guys like this one, i included a cockwarming kink since i wasn't super happy with how the last fic with that kink turned out. let me know what you guys think <3
“Now, someone tell me what you thought of the interrogation I just showed you.”
The deep voice of your professor drug you out of your daydreams. Your gaze fell onto the man at the front of the room, his hands pushed deep in his pockets as he waited for an answer. It was an understatement to say you had been distracted in that course, even more than you had been before your “meeting.” Your mind wandered even more than it did before, except now it wandered to memories of your so-called tutoring sessions.
He did help you with course work during your session, but not in a conventional way. He would reward you for completed assignments and an understanding of the concepts, typically involving his head buried between your thighs. And for any wrong answers you gave, you received punishments, walking out after your session with handprints on your ass.
“How about you, Miss,” he said, staring straight at you. “What did you think of the interrogation?”
He smirked. He knew where your mind had been, he knew what you thought about during his class and it sure as hell wasn’t the video you were supposed to be watching. He watched you intently, tilting his head slightly, waiting to hear your response.
“Well, the suspect’s body language was very interesting. He was closed off and held his arms around himself for comfort, hinting that he may be guilty, or at least very uncomfortable with the subject.”
He nodded. “Very good observation.”
You decided to press your luck, wanting to get back at him for picking on you. “I have another observation too, if you’d like to hear it, Professor.”
He furrowed his brows slightly. “Go on.”
“Well, in the interrogation, you didn’t exactly try and build rapport with the suspect, which probably would have been ideal in this case. You were quite aggressive, Professor.”
You hardly registered the turning heads, other students’ eyes widening as they listened. Professor Hoffman was known in the criminal justice department as a hardass, not taking any disrespect from faculty and students alike. You knew your classmates were shocked; no one else would dare talk to him that way.
You watched his jaw clench slightly, looking down as he tried to compose himself. Trying to stop himself from dragging you back to his office right then.
He looked back up at you. “I don’t believe I asked for your thoughts on my behavior in the interrogation.”
“No, but you did ask what I thought of the interrogation. And I thought you were a little too aggressive.”
He sucked in a breath. “I suppose I did. How about you see me after class and we can talk a little more in depth about your thoughts, hm?”
You tried to keep the smile off of your face. “Yes, Professor.”
You heard whispers around the lecture hall, heard the disbelief that someone had spoken to Professor Hardass that way.
Your friend turned to you, a look of shock glued to their face. “What the fuck was that?”
You shrugged. “What? I was simply sharing what I thought.”
They let out a small laugh. “You’re fuckin’ crazy. You must have a death wish.”
“Something like that.”
Later that day, you made your way through the now familiar hallways leading to Hoffman’s office. You tried to keep your pace steady, trying not to appear too excited in case anyone saw you. You knew what you were in for, you couldn’t get the look on his face when you had talked back to him out of your head.
You knocked softly as you stood in the open doorway, attempting to look as innocent as possible. “Hi, Professor. You wanted to see me?”
He set down his pen, leaning back in his chair as his eyes took you in. “Sit.”
You closed the door behind you, setting yourself down in the chair facing him. You took him in: the neat hair that was slightly tousled after a long day, his shirt sleeves rolled up above his elbows, his tie loosened around his neck.
“Do you think you’re clever, sweetheart?” he asked in a low voice.
“I do, actually.”
He chuckled. “Of course you do. How clever do you think you’ll feel when you can’t walk out of this office, hmm?”
You squeezed your legs together, trying to stop the blush from rising in your cheeks.
“What’s the matter, baby?” he asked mockingly. “Not so clever now?”
You tried to think of something to say, some sarcastic remark to wipe that look off of his face.
“Did you bring your book with you like I told you to?” he asked.
You nodded.
“Good girl. Get it out and get over here.”
You pulled the criminology textbook out of your bag before making your way around his desk. You set yourself down on his lap, laying the book out on his desk. His hand snaked around your waist, fingers drawing small circles around your hipbone.
“I think we should try something different today, what do you think sweetheart?”
You looked at him. “Something different?”
“Well, it’s obvious what we’ve been doing hasn’t been working. You’re still not paying attention in my class. And now you’re talking back to me. It’s time we try something different to teach you.”
You shifted slightly on his lap. “What are you thinking?”
He smirked, gently grabbing your hand and moving it to palm him through his dress pants. “I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do baby,” he started as you felt him harden against your hand. “You need more focus, don’t you? So, you’re gonna open that book and explain to me every concept in the reading for tomorrow. And you’re gonna keep my cock warm while you do it. We’ll see how well you focus then.”
Your eyes widened at his words, feeling a spark between your legs.
“How does that sound, sweetheart? You gonna strip for me, or you just gonna sit there and stare at me all day?”
You quickly stood, discarding your clothing as he undid his belt. You made your way back over to him, facing his desk as he guided your hips. Your mouth fell open as you sunk down onto his cock, not stopping until you were fully sitting on his lap. He wrapped an arm around your waist, placing teasing kisses along the back of your neck.
“Go on, baby. You better get started.”
You opened the textbook, staring blankly at the words on the page. You tried to focus on the words, tried to take in any information you could as your eyes scanned the page. You gripped the arm of the chair, forcing yourself to focus on anything other than the feeling of him inside you. He held you still, not allowing you to move.
“You gonna tell me about what you’re reading, or are we going to have to stay like this all day?”
You tried to clear your head, tried to focus on the words in front of you instead of the ache between your legs.
“The strain theory,” you began, before he shifted underneath you. You froze, letting out a small sound at the movement. “That’s not fair,” you cried.
“What’s not fair, baby doll?” he asked, placing a kiss on your shoulder. “Go on.”
“The strain theory says that…” you sucked in a breath as he ran a hand over your thigh. “That people turn to a life of crime if they can’t reach their goals.”
He thrusted up into you slightly. “Good girl. That’s right. Keep going, baby.”
Your nails dug into the soft leather of the chair, trying to keep the little bit of composure you had left. You tried to roll your hips slightly, to get some sort of relief, before a hand wrapped around your throat.
“I wouldn’t do that, sweetheart. Do what you’re told, or I won’t let you cum.”
You let out a small whine, eyes fixing back on the book in front of you, quickly trying to absorb enough information to please him.
He ran a hand over your stomach, pressing gently just below your belly button.
You let out a soft gasp, even more aware of the feeling of him inside you. “You’re such a bastard,” you breathed.
He chuckled. “You still think you’re clever, baby?”
You tried to ignore him, quickly reading the next page. “Self-control theory says that crime is caused by…” you let out a breath as he ran his lips down your neck. “By people looking for instant gratification.”
“Good girl,” he praised. “Do you think you’ve learned how to focus?”
You could tell his restraint was failing: his breath was growing shallower, his hips shifting in his seat. You decided to test your luck once again, rolling your hips against his. You felt his forehead press against your back, a small groan leaving his lips, and this time he didn’t stop you.
“Yes, sir,” you moaned, and he let himself go. He quickly stood, pressing your front down onto his desk, hand wrapping in your hair.
“So good for me, aren’t you sweetheart?” he said, beginning to thrust into you. You could’ve sobbed from the feeling, the feeling you had been yearning for. You wrapped your fingers around the edge of his desk, trying to keep yourself steady. You let out a loud moan as he set a quick pace, your punishment tormenting him as much as it did you.
His hands roamed down your back, settling on your hips. He gripped them tightly, pulling you back to meet each of his thrusts. The sound of your whimpers filled the room, legs beginning to shake. You were so sensitive from your punishment you could already feel yourself getting closer to the edge.
He grabbed your leg, hooking a hand under your thigh, and lifting it onto the desk. You cried out as he pressed deeper into you, filling you to the brim.
“You gonna be a good girl and cum for me, baby?” he groaned.
You nodded frantically against the wood, a chorus of “yes’s” falling from your lips. He speed up his pace, hands gripping you so hard you knew you’d have bruises. You felt you body shake as you reached your high, holding the edge of the desk tightly to keep yourself grounded.
You felt his forehead press against your back as his pace faltered, one hand coming to rest next to your head as he reached his own climax, spilling inside of you.
He slowly pulled away, helping you up off of the desk and setting you on the edge. He grabbed your clothes off of the floor, handing them to you before zipping his pants back up.
You noticed the textbook on his desk as you began to dress. You had hardly even registered it underneath you, but some of the pages were torn, the paper covered in sweat.
You gave your professor a look, gesturing to your ruined textbook. “You better buy me a new one of those, that shit is expensive.”
He chuckled, fixing his shirt. “Yes, yes, I’ll buy you a new one. I see where your priorities are.”
You smiled at him. “Listen, that��s a lot of money you just ruined right there. And if you want me to be able to focus in your class, I’m gonna need a new one of those.”
He shook his head, smiling. He grabbed your chin, pulling you closer as his lips met yours. The kiss was surprisingly soft, his hand moving to rest on your cheek.
“Have I told you lately that you’re my favorite student?” he asked, pulling away just enough to rest his forehead on yours.
You laughed. “You’re my favorite professor.”
tag list: @bee-who-isnt-french, @enigmatic-blues, @kujofam, @aliengutzstuff, @mysunfishpeedinmyroom, @slut4hoffman, @schrodingersjigsaw, @hoffmansnightmare, @karmaswitch, @mrs-hotforhoffman, @returntodustsblog, @capan-deveraux2, @switchbabeeexo, @librababe99, @honimello
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hi! it's the pregnancy-as-plot-device anon again! thank you for your answer to my ask. I'm so grateful
could you help me on how to write a scene where the readers know that the main couple had (s*x) together but without a smut and a "waking up together nak*d* scene too? I just don't wanna make my main female character pop up pregnant out of nowhere and don't want to write an explicit chapter too.
Thank you so much.
Non-Explicit S*x Scene
** Note: I am choosing to follow the text convention Anon used (s*x) here. If that bothers you, keep scrolling.
There are a few different ways you can handle a s*x scene without being explicit or having them wake up together naked.
1 - Fade to Black - This is where you "fade out" before things get too spicy. What's great about this method is you can control how little or how much you want to show before that fade out occurs. You can do as little as having one lead the other into the bedroom and the door closes (leaving the rest up to the reader's imagination), or you could have them start kissing and then fade out, or you could ramp up toward some spicier making out before you fade out. And the fade doesn't have to be them going into the bedroom and closing the door. You can get a little poetic instead... maybe they start kissing, and the narrator says, "They spent the rest of the night getting lost in one another's souls." It's not explicit... it's not even specific, but it's reasonable for the reader to guess what exactly they got up to.
2 - Implicit Description - With implicit description, the reader is present for intercourse, or at least some of it, but it's described in a way that leaves things to the reader's imagination. It's more about emotion, thought, and feeling than describing body parts and what they're doing. It's poetic, like the "getting lost in one another's souls" bit, but more emotional and descriptive. Just not explicit.
3 - The Morning After, Just Not Naked - You can still skip to the morning after without the couple having to wake up naked together or waking up together at all. A day can begin when one character wanders into the kitchen to find the other making pancakes. Maybe they exchange a sly grin. Maybe one says something like, "Last night was amazing," or teases, "I see you found your underwear..." Here again, it's pretty clear what happened the night before without explicitly stating it. It doesn't matter whether or not the reader figures out they went all the way... they know something happened, so it's not going to be a huge shocker if someone ends up pregnant.
4 - Hinting Through Dialogue - Another option is to have one or both characters talk about it--not with each other as in the "last night was amazing" type of remark, but with other characters. For example, maybe Character A goes to meet friends at a coffee shop the next day, and Character C asks, "So, how did it go with Character B last night?" and Character A blushes, leading Character C to say, "NO! You didn't?! Did you two...?" Now it's out in the open. And this method can be used on its own or to clarify one of the methods above.
5 - Combination of the Above - Just as you can match #4 with any previous method for clarification, you can use any of these in combination to get the point across. You don't need to hit the reader over the head with it--especially if you're trying to be subtle--but if you combine methods, you'll definitely get the point across.
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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Real Life — Chapter 3: That Night
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A/N: posting this even though i said I wouldn’t.
Warnings: smut implied a bit.
“So,” matty started, his eyes darting around the busy restaurant. “what arbitrary social convention have you broken to incur the wrath of People Magazine?”
“What?” Most people open with what’s your favorite band. Or do you like to travel? on a first date. Why was he doing this. “Nothing! It’s none of your business!” Fuck. Her ex had clearly done a number on her. She’d forgotten how to talk to people.
“Right” he whispered. “Sorry. Was just trying to make polite conversa- never mind.”
Matty was painfully aware of her preoccupation with her phone. He counted the number of times she’d glanced at it since they sat down. Six. Six times. “So, you from around here then?” He tried a different line of questioning. There goes seven. “Right, I’m just gonna leave. Have a nice night.” He grabbed his coat off the chair and walked away.
Claire’s phone dinged again. It was Jazmyn.
You never thought to mention that your date is one of the most publicly hated people in the media??!! And you paraded him in front of PEOPLE MAG)?!!!!?
Her brows furrowed, she mouthed the contents of the text to herself. What was Jaz talking about?
A quick google search of “Matty Healy” gave her an idea. Fuck. What a hot mess.
She rushed over to him clutching him by the back of his coat “you’re not going anywhere. care to explain this???”
“Oh.” Matty began to panic. “Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah. Exactly.”
“Oh, fuckin hell. I— I’m so— fucking people Magazine. I am so sorry.”
They walked back to their table. Matty reached for his wine and gulped down, waving the waiter over for a refill.
“I genuinely am sorry.” He finally spoke again. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I- saw that you were uncomfortable. I thought I owed it to you—“
“They hate you.” Claire stated emphatically.
“Yeah, erm, they- sort of think I’m… a Nazi.”
“Well, are you?”
“What? No! For fucks sakes.”
“Great. I’m publicly dating a Nazi.”
“I said I’m NOT a Nazi! Look, I’ll fix this.”
“I’ll….i don’t know. Find someone to kiss in public. I’ll post something on-“
“Great; not only am I publicly dating a Nazi, I’m publicly being cheated on by-“
“If you say ‘Nazi’ one more time-“
“I have to go.”
Claire moved to stand from her seat. She felt Matty’s arm reach across the table to grab her hand.
“Please. Claire. Don’t go. Stay. Let— let me at least explain. Have dinner with me.”
The waiter cleared away their empty plates, offering them the dessert menu.
“So, what’re you doing now? Hiding out?” Claire asked, playing with the stem of her glass.
Matty shrugged. “Tour’s over. We’re on break. Figured it’s best to lay low.”
“You’re hiding out.” There was a hint of a smile in her voice. She unfolded the dessert menu, glancing at it to look away from him.
“I’m not! I’m still makin’ music. I’ve got a solo project. Might even do some soundtracks for a film or tv show. I’m just….not in the news as much. Well, I suppose after tonight….”
Claire smiled silently.
“I really am sorry.” He couldn’t help but repeat his apology over and over.
The restaurant was significantly emptier as they waited for their tiramisu and coffee.
Claire sipped on her drink. “It’s my dad, by the way.” She said. “People Magazine is interested in me because of my dad. He’s well known. Rich guy. He and I….we don’t have the best relationship.”
“Daddy issues. Hot.” Matty giggled. “Sorry, I really don’t know why I say these things.”
She rolled her eyes. “Anyway, they want me to talk about him. I would much rather forget he exists.”
Matty nodded, leaning forward to rest his arms on the table. Suddenly, Claire realized they were the only table left.
She tucked her hair behind her ear.
“Well, this is it.” She nodded towards the front door. “Thats my place.” Her arms wrapped around her protectively. Slowly, she tore her eyes away from him. “Thanks for tonight. And for….”
She let her words trail off, turning her back to him. He stood there, in silence for a while.
She fumbled with her keys, raising her free hand up to him. "No, listen. I- can't." She blushed. "you're very attractive, obviously. I mean, look at you...but it's a bad idea. You're a bad idea."
When she finally gathered the courage to look into his eyes again, she saw that he had a self-satisfied smile on his face.
"I was just going to ask for my jacket back." He watched the blood drain from her cheeks.
For the first time that night, she was speechless. She moved stiffly, eager to take off his jacket, but before she could shake off her embarrassment and restore her feigned, dignified indifference, she felt him get closer, his arms around her shoulders, helping her out of his leather jacket. The scent of his cologne had transferred over to her clothes. Even with her back towards him, she could also smell the cigarettes on his breath.
Am I really such a bad idea?" He said into her ear.
She turned her face towards him. The tip of her nose brushing against his. Their lips locked together, his body slamming hers into the door.
Claire awoke to the strong aroma of freshly ground coffee beans filling her nostrils. Even through the curtains, the sunlight pierced through her eyes. She blinked, once, twice, and three times before the blob in front of her took the shape of Matty, standing by the bed with two mugs of coffee in his hands. He’d clearly made himself quite at home in her kitchen.
“Morning.” He offered her one of the mugs.
“Wh- what time is it?” She was groggy.
“7:30.” Matty blew on his hot beverage a few times before taking a sip.
“What? Fuck! I’m late!” She jumped up, setting the coffee mug aside and rushing to her closer.
“Oh. I was going to ask if you wanted some breakfast but I suppose—“
“No, no. There’s no need for any of that.”
Matty tracked her with his eyes as she bounced from one corner of the room to the other, collecting discarded items of clothes from last night and rummaging through her drawers for a new outfit. He trailed after her to the bathroom as she hurried to brush her teeth.
“I understand that the timing isn’t ideal, but, since we’re…..time is off the essence. I— erm, when can I see you again?”
Claire swore she nearly chocked on her mouthful of toothpaste.
“Pardon?” She mumbled, spitting into the sink.
“I mean…could I at least get your phone number? We could make plans later if….”
“What?” She turned around. Matty noticed that her face was cross. “No.” She washed out her mouth.
“I mean….we don’t have to do all that pretend politeness. It’s all good.”
“I’m not pretending.” He stated simply.
When Claire took a moment to pause and look directly into his eyes, it dawned on her. “Oh. You’re….being serious?”
Matty blushed. “I— had fun last night. And,
I thought…maybe I thought wrong?”
She was beginning to feel unsure, so she resumed her nervous dashing about. “Look, Matty. Last night was fun and all— it’s just…it’s not you; it’s me.”
He rolled his eyes. “Really? What’re you gonna say next? That it’s just not the right time? You’re not looking for a relationship right now?”
“Well, im not.”
“You’re just focusing on your career at the moment?” He sneered.”
“I am! But it’s not like that.”
Claire sighed, grabbing his arm and rushing him towards the door. “Listen, I really am running late. Last night way great. But— I’m not dating right now. I don’t think we should see each other again. You have to go cuz I need to get out of here.”
Matty wasn’t exactly sure what happened next, but he found himself on the streets again, with his coffee in a to-go cup, feeling incredibly unlike himself.
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tuulikannel · 2 years
I was bored and played around with the incorrect quote generator. The names I put in: Nagisa, Karma, Gakushuu. Some of these fit really well, some are pure crack. All pairings at least hinted at, I think XD
Nagisa: What do you think Karma will do for a distraction? Gakushuu: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. Building explodes and several car alarms go off Gakushuu: … or they could do that.
Nagisa: Hey, Karma? Can I get some dating advice? Karma: Just because I’m with Gakushuu doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Nagisa: If Karma and I were drowning, who would you save? Gakushuu: You two can’t swim? Karma: It’s a hypothetical question, Gakushuu! who would you save? Gakushuu: My time and effort.
Nagisa, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Karma: You did WHAT– Gakushuu: William Snakepeare
Nagisa: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Karma: The car takes a screenshot. Gakushuu: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Nagisa: Karma and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Gakushuu: Sighing What did Karma do? Nagisa: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and… Karma: Who wants a steering wheel?
Nagisa: Gakushuu and I are having a baby. Karma: That's gre- Nagisa, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
Nagisa: Karma, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Karma: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Nagisa: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Gakushuu.
Nagisa: What did you do with Gakushuu's body? Karma: What didn’t I do with the body? Nagisa: Karma: Okay, that sounded more sexual than I intended. I disposed of the corpse respectfully.
Nagisa: Are you sure this is the right direction? Karma: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest! Gakushuu: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Nagisa: Tell Karma about the birds and the bees. Gakushuu: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.
Nagisa: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness. Karma: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you. Gakushuu: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-
Nagisa, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Karma: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Nagisa: Orange soda, please! Karma: I'll have the strawberry soda. Gakushuu: Me too, strawberry soda. Nagisa:
Nagisa: HELP! I TOLD GAKUSHUU I’D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN’T COOK! Karma, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Nagisa: If you had to choose between Karma and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose? Gakushuu: That depends, how much money are we taking about? Karma: Gakushuu! Nagisa: 63 cents. Gakushuu: I'll take the money. Karma: GAKUSHUU!!!
Nagisa: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container. Karma: The cow??? Nagisa: What? Gakushuu: Karma, W H Y?
Nagisa: I know you snuck out last night, Karma. Gakushuu: Play dumb! Karma: Who's Karma? Gakushuu: NOT THAT DUMB!!!
Nagisa: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life Karma: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? Nagisa: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Gakushuu: edible
Nagisa: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it Karma: Just rip the bandage off. Nagisa: It’s Gakushuu. Karma: Put the bandage back on.
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 month
The part about 3 of Cups got my attention.
Jensen is now going to be a regular in three different shows. Jared will be in 3 episodes of Fire Countey. Danneel will be doing 3 conventions this year (2 OTH charity events and a SPN one).
Hello Anon, thank you for your ask. For anyone who is interested in a synopsis of what was said in the other post about the 3 of cups, here it is below:
I mentioned the 3 of cups earlier having a possible interpretation that "3's a crowd". Interestingly, the Page of Wands happens to have 3 peppers on it. Often times this card is a very positive one and indicates a time of celebration, friendship, creativity, and even hardcore partying. I believe however that while this card offers a silver lining in that things will turn out okay overall for all parties involved, it won't be the happy ending certain parties involved are hoping for. In this case, the said wishes for Jensen of being involved with Jared as more than friends, and also any and all current lovers and relationships. I personally think that it's partially true what tinhatters believe but it's alot more complicated than what people want to believe. I've generally held more positive views of Jensen in previous posts. I still believe there is some goodness in Jensen somewhere. However, based on learning more things about Jensen, looking at his mannerisms and especially when I went to the main panel physically at the Charlotte convention earlier this year, my views of him have admittedly shifted some. After noticing some things personally, what I felt in the room during the main panel along with what I've learned about their dynamic, I believe Jensen has a so called "dark personality" for multiple reasons that in itself is for another possible post. Jensen can advocate for Jared all he wants with words BUTt based on the events and funny timing of when things were announced/aired surrounding The Winchesters versus Walker and YANA, along with other things, his actions sing a very different tune...
It is interesting you mention the 3s regarding new shows going on for Jared, Danneel and Jensen. We know Jared said yes to showing up on The Boys for at least 1 episode and kripke keeps teasing of a possible Winchesters reunion onscreen. Given these talks started before Walker was canceled, it's possible Jared could have a bigger role in The Boys (or not, I'm not positive).
It's also interesting now this post is being brought up in the context of Jensen buying that house in CT. Since I made this post back on Oct 22, 2023, it seems Jensen also has put up 3 of his Austin properties up for sale (FBBC taproom that is for sale as of June 10, 2024, the condo by that hotel that was sold back in April 12, 2024 for about half of its original asking price, and possibly that B&B that seems to possibly have been sold effective June 3, 2024). I'm also aware Jared sold one of the farm houses he owned back on March 3 of this year over a couple months before Walker was canceled.
Not sure if there's a hidden 3rd major event for Jared going on behind the scenes or what but my overall point here is that it seems their lives are certainly headed in different directions. Happy endings? Perhaps but it's not what people were hoping for sure. I say at this point people need to just accept it, their lives are going in different directions and so are their careers. I don't the prospect of any so called Supernatural revival happening next year to be a bit laughable. Give it a few years AT LEAST if not more.
Also, with the so called Geneva trip earlier this year according to Clif, pictures or it didn't happen. Even if it did, they would've been seen with a fan, cause they were never shy about taking selfies with fans as far as I'm aware and who cares if it's a friend's trip? Hint: no one does! Clif has claimed many things over the years to supposedly support the tinhatters' theory (ex. Showering together, sleeping together, etc.) and according to one person has said other things about the Pads' marriage that's... interesting to say the least. If you ask me, Clif is questionable at best and frankly needs to go.
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callsign-phoenix · 2 years
I wrote this for a lovely anon, I hope you like it!
It is a Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x female!reader imagine.
Thank you @famfan-1034 for proofreading!
Warnings: none
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Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw didn’t have anywhere to be after his work ended at 1600, which was why he simply decided to spend some time at the Hard Deck on most weekdays.
That was how he had started becoming friends with you, because you liked to spend time at the bar before too many people were there.
You loved the atmosphere of the quiet bar and it really helped you wind down and write your poetry, plus watching the occasional gorgeous aviator wasn’t exactly disabling your imagination.
The second you had met Bradley you had been slightly crushing on him, but just by the way he acted around you you could tell that he wasn’t into you.
He liked you, that was for sure; after your first meeting he came by more often and just liked to sit by your side when you wrote, sometimes talking to you and sometimes sneaking a peak at what you were scribbling in your old and used notebook.
You had settled for a friendship with the young aviator but if you were honest you were more into him than that, you had written a few longing and heartfelt poems that expressed your emotions, and that you had kept far from his sight.
Your crush wasn’t immense, it was mainly just that you found him attractive and he was both funny and charming, so you could keep your feelings at bay.
You met that way occasionally when he was off work, it was mostly just the two of you and Penny who stood at the pretty much still empty bar.
This went on until one day at the usual time the door of the Hard Deck opened, and a group of aviators came in.
It had to be at least half a dozen people and Bradley immediately stood out to you, no one was so laidback, bulky and tall, and no one wore their sunglasses while entering the dimly lit bar except for him.
With the sunglasses on you couldn’t quite see if he was looking at you but he pulled them off quickly when he saw you, giving you a grin and a wave as he tugged them in the front of his white shirt that was below one of his endless Hawaiian shirts.
Your exchange didn’t go unnoticed by the other people with him and Bradley excused himself, making his way to you to give you a hug.
“Come meet my friends. They’re fun, I promise,” he asked and you obliged readily, closing your notebook and making your way over to his crew.
You didn’t consider yourself very conventional, you didn’t like going to bars in the evenings because they were too crowded, you didn’t dress like everybody else you knew and you felt like you stood out.
You were pretty sure that Bradley would usually go for the conventional blonde model kind of woman, which was why you hadn’t made a move on him before.
You joined everyone to say hi and after a while all of you decided to get some drinks, venturing to get some beers from Penny.
Bradley was leaning against the bar in his proper lazy fashion and you were grinning at him for no reason, you were caught in a comfortable silence as Penny got your beers.
You acted on instinct when you reached for Bradley, pulling the sunglasses from his shirt collar and putting them on.
“How do I look?” You grinned broadly, knowing that the aviators were too big on your face, and not caring about it at all.
You had turned away from Bradley at first and had asked the others but afterwards you turned around, that silent laugh on your face and the too big aviators hanging askew on your nose.
He knew you had done it to diffuse any possible tension and be funny but with your smile and playfulness Bradley couldn’t help himself, his eyelids fluttered slightly and his lips opened just a hint, but it was enough to give away to the people who knew him well what was happening.
He gulped and tried to look away but he couldn’t tear his gaze from you, he was caught in the moment until you cocked your head and a slight frown appeared on your face, replacing the playful grin.
“What?” You asked but he just shook his head, trying to busy himself with the beer that was placed in his hand by Penny in that moment and hearing his friends chuckle knowingly.
He knew he was turning slightly red so he hoped that downing a lot of the cold beer would help, his breath was slightly hitched and he tried to give you a grin back that would make him seem normal again.
Despite his best efforts you could see a shift in him you couldn’t quite determine, but you were quickly caught in a conversation with a lovely WSO called Bob, still wearing your friend’s glasses on your nose.
You didn’t notice Bradley and his friends talking because you were focusing on what the shy backseater had to say, but Bradley’s friends made his feelings abundantly clear.
“That was pathetic, Bradshaw,” Jake laughed, swatting his wingman on the shoulder.
Bradley was still watching you even though you didn’t notice, and it just made your friends laugh even more.
“That was priceless, Roo,” Nat added, her teasing grin etched into her face for minutes now, and Bradley rolled his eyes in annoyance.
“It’s not… I mean I didn’t…,” he tried to say but he found no words.
His eyes once again returned to you and a small smile appeared on his lips as he watched how gentle you were with the WSO.
“I didn’t realize it was her,” he added, and the teasing smiles faded.
You glanced over at Bradley to see how he was doing and your eyes met over the distance of the almost empty bar, a smile playing along your lips to show him you were okay.
“She’s special, I’ll give you that,” Jake said to Bradley when he noticed just how infatuated his friend was, clapping him on the shoulder once again before stepp back slightly.
“Go talk to her,” he said and Bradley nodded, taking a deep breath and chugging back the rest of his beer before he approached you to interrupt your talk with Bob.
Nat, Jake, Penny, Maverick and everyone else of his friends watched as Bradley asked you out, and everyone heard your excited laughter when you undoubtedly said yes.
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luvtonique · 8 months
How do you keep up the motivation to work on your game?!
I've been stalled out on 2 ttrpg projects and every time I try to get started, either my motivation dies like a candle in a hurricane or I get immediately interrupted and motivation gets hijacked to go do someone else's thing.
I have a few motivators of various different weights.
I want to play the game with my mom. I wanna show her what I've made, and get her honest first-time reaction of seeing a video game designed by her son. Especially with the Pixel Animation, which lets my mom see my art come to life. When I was growing up, our family was a Disney family, and animation has always been something of a dream of mine to one day be able to do. So showing my mom that I have made a game with animation in it that I made all by myself is a priceless thing that I want to experience.
I need to just figure out motivation in general. I'm 35 and I've only been employed a total of 2 years in my life at Victoria Secret in Hollywood. If I don't make something of my life soon, I'll never get anywhere. At least I don't think I will.
Money, obviously. I can absolutely live on commission money and conventions for the rest of my life if I keep producing merchandise and commissions, but I've got extremely high hopes for my game. After making the Lil Miss Rarity animation with almost 9million views and daily comments after 9 years, the Bestia mod for Binding of Isaac with over 100,000 downloads and sitting at the 70th most downloaded mod in the game, and the Full Service Playing Cards which made me lifechanging amounts of money at conventions, I'm convinced that I'm entirely capable of making something that people will love and will give me a real income that will let me live more comfortably and continue to follow my dreams.
I am extremely excited to tell this story. I've always been a creative writer, my teachers used to call my parents just to tell them over the phone to encourage me to keep writing. I wrote a story called "The Wolf and the Vixen" when I was 13 that was about a wolf inside the earth who built mountains to try and impress a Vixen in the moon who was making rain and water with her alchemy, and a guy got called in from a university in Florida (I'm in Cali) to read my story and he talked to me about getting a Young Writers Scholarship and moving to Florida to study in some program where I'd get a publisher at the end of it. (My dad told me to turn it down and I did).
Added to the above: I think Melodi, as of right now, is the most insanely deep and compelling story I've ever written, and that's saying a lot. I've been writing the world of Lucidia since I was 13 or 14, and I gave a hint of it in Lil Miss Rarity with Malice and Lucidia's story arc, but that was only the tip of the iceberg.
So, I know, what you were asking was "How (IN GENERAL) do you stay motivated to keep working?" and a lot of these are very personal reasons that won't really help the average person, so I'll give some advice here. The advice here is, because if you truly are passionate to tell your story, nothing should stop you from telling it.
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justjyve · 1 year
So... While I've not been the most active on a good day, more prone to dropping in and out and mainly become a blog to comment on the going ons with General Hospital and all that jazz... I've been caught up with the show, and do have things to say in my usual way... I felt it appropriate before any of that to talk about Billy Miller.
It still hurts.
I found out through a notification on my phone, a tweet / xeet from William DeVry noting the passing of Billy and as soon as I saw his name, an "oh no..." came out of me and I tapped that thing as quick as possible, hoping it was another Billy... but no.
It's so odd, shortly before that I was binging Justified and was so delighted when Billy popped up for an episode ( albeit, for a very not good guy ) and I was so happy to see him, which made me think about him and hoping we get to see him in some new series.
Oh, no, it hurts again.
I was a Jasam fan, back in the day, though with the whole Franco business I was more a fan of Sam. Jason was.... He was a character that I was souring on, though I appreciated the grief portrayed when he had "died". When it all unfolded that Jason was alive and coming back, I was excited, though more for Sam and what the story would bring. And then that first scene, when Danny wandered into the hospital room of "Jake Doe", that's when I first saw Billy.
I was skeptical about another actor portraying Jason, I think we all were, but when we went through the stages of Jake Doe, a man with amnesia, a new face ( I loved the explanation of that rather than just accepting he always looked like this ) and having some mysterious bond with those of Jason's past -- Sam, I'm talking about Sam, the fury I had for Elizabeth knowing who he was and keeping it a secret because "It's my turn" yeah I remember that shit, and then the revelation, the story was done so well. Not having "Jason" fall immediately to who he was but struggle with it. Gentle with Sam, them both taking it slow. We watched them fall in love again and I... I fell for his Jason. I fell for Billy. Because it was definitely not Steve Burton's Jason, definitely a 2.0 version, and I loved him. He was funny, he was warm, he was fierce and protective but not anywhere near "stone cold" but one open with his feelings. And that was all Billy to me. That's just how he was and I loved him and what he brought to the character.
He played a Jason that hated his past, his mistakes, and for all the Sam fans, he did what we wanted Jason to do so many times -- leave Sonny and the mob, for the woman he loved, went a different path, a safer one, and I was so happy for them.
And then Steve Burton came back, and they ruined that story, jasam 2.0's story, and it turns out Billy's Jason wasn't Jason, but Drew. All the things we loved about his Jason turned out not to be Jason, not to be the character development that I was so happy to see, and god, it was such shit, but Billy acted the fuck out of it and gave us Drew's turmoil of his whole life that he took so long to remember not even his.
So, I fell in love with Drew. Loved his character. Because I truly enjoyed watching Billy. And when Drew was written off, I mourned not only the character but not having to see Billy on my screen again. At least not on General Hospital.
When the show kept hinting at Drew being alive, I was so desperate for it to be Billy, though that was dashed but I did love the character, giving a chance.... Just not the same, though. Never would be, without him.
Suits was a blessing when I got into it and didn't know he was in it a few episodes, and that was a real treat. I wish we were blessed to see him more and more. He really was a bright spot in the acting community, in the soap community. I mourn that I never made it to any conventions to meet him and tell him how much I loved what he did on the show. I remember the video and I believe letter he put out when he left GH. A class act. So unbelievably kind. Such a bright smile.
And he's gone.
I keep tearing up at the thought. The realization. He's gone.
God, do you all remember "killy with kindness"? I don't even know this man, I can't imagine what those that knew him, loved him are feeling. Hudson put out a post about working with him and it broke my heart. So many lovely posts from his co-stars. His friends.
Breaks my heart now knowing he was in such a dark place, suffering from himself, that he saw no other way out...
I mourn the guy he was, the talent he had, the love he had to give and for others to give to him, I mourn what could have been, the what ifs, I mourn him.
I'll miss you, Billy Miller. You were wonderful.
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walder-138 · 4 months
Psst! Pookie, what does good ‘ol’ Nikolai think of Marlene since he took Annika’s place as Bell? 👁️👄👁️
(In this AU, Annika’s only eleven during the events of the campaign, and Nikolai didn’t get into organized crime, instead he took it a step further and joined an international terrorist organization 💀)
If you’d wanna know how not-brainwashed Nikolai think about Marlene, let me know
Imma start this off with one thing: if you thought Annika was bad, her dad’s ten times worse. The Voronovs aren’t called (at least in my mind) “The Legacy of Brutality” for no reason. ‘ol Nikolai’s a former Spetsnaz operator who thought the Geneva Convention was a checklist.
Dudebro’s a war criminal. A wanted war criminal. Everyone; MI6, CIA, BND, even fucking France wants him dead or locked up with the key thrown away. Annika was just a local threat; her dad was Mr. Worldwide.
Unlike Annika, Nikolai is very meticulous with how he kills people. He takes his time; scouts out an area, before wiping everyone out swiftly, not leaving a trace. None of that reckless bullshit we get with our girl; he kept things clean.
Despite being a vile, terrible monster, Nikolai’s soft. In this AU, (the good dad AU 👍) he made damn sure Annika wouldn’t live in fear. He kept her blissfully ignorant to any of the shit he was involved in. Nowhere near the perfect father, but he got the job done.
This is the part you’ve been waiting for 💀
However, during his time as Bell, he doesn’t remember any of that. When Nikolai, known as Daniel Korvach, saw Marlene for the first time, she seemed familiar in a way he couldn’t place. When ‘Daniel’ tried to string it together, he’d hallucinate. Park and Adler just attributed it to his trauma from Vietnam. He’d hear laughter, crying, voices in a language he couldn’t pinpoint.
She’d overwhelm him— confuse him. ‘Daniel’ would connect Marlene to his trauma, which gets him aggravated whenever he’s in the same room as her. Not necessarily directed at her, but ‘Daniel’ would be more on edge when he feels her presence.
‘Daniel’ is defensive of Marlene, but simultaneously doesn’t want to be anywhere near her. Like if Adler’s getting too violent with her, he’d step in like “C’mon, she’s a kid.” But if Marlene even THINKS about talking directly to him, he gives her the coldest shoulder known to mankind 🧍‍♂️
“Piss off. I’m busy.”
“Take a hint.”
“Common decency, Monroe. I don’t want to be around you unless I absolutely have to. Don’t know why you’re important to those two anyway. Frankly, I also don’t care.”
Overall, ‘Daniel’ wouldn’t particularly like Marlene, but still be quite subconsciously protective of her.
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leothil · 1 year
if the writers planned the whole season out in advance then eddie and marisol makes even less sense because they literally didn't even have a moment or an interaction in the episode she appeared in and she was largely forgettable. And please don't sit there and suggest that Natalia Ms Buck's death was so cool is the couch he's been searching for since the premiere cause that makes even less sense.
Okay listen, I get that you're worried about your preferred ship, but you're drawing some really weird conclusions completely based in internal agony.
We still don't know if Marisol is back to date Eddie or not. We'll know more tonight (or tomorrow, in my case), and if she is there to date Eddie, then we'll see how it's presented and can start speculating with some actual canon to back it up. And yes, the writers always plan for season-long arcs and stories from the very beginning of starting to put together a season. Scripts for specific episodes aren't written until later, of course, but the big themes and stories are brainstormed and agreed upon at an early stage. For example, Juan Carlos Coto said this after 6x02:
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[Image ID: a tweet from Juan Carlos Coto @ brasstab posted 7:02 AM Sep 27, 2022 (UTC+2 time zone). The tweet reads: "when the idea for this ending hit us in the writers' room, we knew we had a season #911onFox" /end ID]
This could be hinting at several things - Buck's upset over Levi and the happiness convention and Bathena never getting to go on their honeymoon being two of them. We'll know more once we see the last two episodes.
But my point is, being worried about potential new love interests simply seems very unnecessary to me, because the way their stories this season have been framed, there's been so much pointing to buddie. Remember how in 6A people were complaining that we got the initial Buckley-Diaz dinner in 6x01 and then very few buddie-on-their-own scenes the rest of the half-season while we got much more Hen/Buck and Chimney/Eddie content? It seems very obvious, to me at least, that they gave us that not just to deepen those on-screen relationships (which are so great!), but also so we'd be able to contrast those interactions to the many Buck/Eddie/Christopher scenes we got in the beginning of 6B. That's what the writers do, and what they are so good at: they see the whole picture, and know how to reach both forwards and backwards in the show's timeline to make us react to what we're seeing on the screen.
I've been watching seasons 2-4 with my sister while s6 has aired, and we all love to talk about the shift in buddie's dynamic between season 2 and 3 (which is huge! Don't get me wrong!), but let me tell you, the difference to s6 is also much bigger than I think a lot of people realise. (I actually feel like this second shift really started in s5, but I'll have more thoughts on that once I've gotten to rewatch it.)
And lastly, if you think I'd suggest that Natalia is Buck's endgame, I don't know who you've been following on here, but it sure isn't me.
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hxhhasmysoul · 9 months
Hi.....Do you mind if I ask you some random thing? I used to love shounen and shoujo manga equally....But ever since I found BL manga 3 years ago, my interest in shoujosei (especially het romance) decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...And what I want to read mostly are just mlm or wlw stories....
What do you think is happening to me? Is it really weird?
No, there's nothing weird about it. We all change over time and our tastes change too.
I also prefer queer romance and don't look for media with het stuff at all. I don't mind it being there but it's not something I would go out there to look for.
For me it's obviously a function of my own queerness to some extent. I'm bisexual* and I could technically form something that'd look like a "straight relationship", I've been considering abandoning having a gender entirely recently, but if I ever tried to have a relationship again, I wouldn't even try going on a date with a cis het. Like most of them are just so far fucking removed from what I want from life and what I'm interested in, especially those close to my age. And part of it is the whole societal expectations and cultural conventions related to het relationships. I've recently been forced by capitalism to get a corpo job and I interact with normies much more than I used to and it's fucking daunting. I have yet to meet a queer in person in that job. Like I know they exist, I've interacted with them online a little, but my team and the people on my floor I've heard talk thus far seem to be very painfully straight. Like very much about that cis het life. The het life progression: education, job, marriage, property, kids, rat race, it's all they want to talk about. They all get kinda silent and have these expressions of "yikes it's one of those what should I do how should I behave" when there's any hint that I'm queer.
But my point is, their life is very much like the het life in the media and I have no interest in that kind of life. I find it deeply unappealing and media that show relationships like that are boring to me. I've seen enough of them in my life and when I interact with media that have the same w|m story beats and cliches, I just shrug.
I want to see different stories, stories I can relate to more. Or at least stories that don't follow those tired tropes. Stories that will show me something new. And maybe you're drawn to them because there's some kind of queerness in you too, be it same sex attraction, or no attraction, or gender shenanigans.
But maybe you're perfectly cis het, anon, so you're not like me who wants to enjoy media that has people more like me in them. But maybe you don't want the cis het life the het media offer, the cis het life that mirrors the shitty cis het relationships people around you may have. Relationships where you're not sure if the parties like each other, relationships that feel like they have nothing in common apart from a mortgage and a couple of kids and the fear of shame that in their mind would come from divorce.
The queer relationships in the media and also often in real life are built on other things than the cis het ones because there aren't really strong societal expectations for them, or cultural conventions. So they are built on more singular grounds. And even if they are weird and toxic in the media or real life, there's always this strong element of relating to the queerness of one another. The connection and the intensity is different than in the typical het relationships and that might appeal to you.
But maybe you just find such media fun and there isn't any deeper meaning to it. Maybe it's what you're aesthetic sense find most pleasing and experiencing beauty is important for our well being as humans.
Basically enjoy what you enjoy. The things you like are not a reflection of you as a person. Maybe there is some deeper reason why you're drawn to them but maybe there isn't. Have fun with what you like!
* as in I'm attracted to every gender equally and I don't care about the body shape but I'm also old and bisexual was the first word I learned for that and I'm sticking with it, also all people identifying as pansexual I've met were kinda dodgy, plus the bi flag has better colours
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krenenbaker · 1 year
now that I'm a few chapters into Faust's route in ikevamp, I want to share some opinions, mainly about the MC. (I'll put the stuff about the actual storyline under the cut, since it would be at least a bit spoiler-y).
I don't know if it's because I haven't played many (conventional) otome games, or if past games and life experiences have altered my perspective, or if this is just how she's written in this route, or if I'm becoming a Faust fan/apologist because I relate with his worldview, but I cannot seem to place myself in the shoes of the MC. You know, like you're supposed to be able to do in these sorts of games?
She is just WAY too passive and submissive, and almost every single decision she makes, I would do completely differently. She's also just... just such a wet blanket!! It's honestly a bit disappointing.
I mean, you have the opportunity to learn what effects time travel and living with vampires have on the human body - YOUR body - and you are squandering it! I want to know what those results would show - it's such a unique position to be able to research! But nOooOoo, she's not even giving it a hint of consideration!
To be fair, the kidnapping was excessive, and an absolute dick move, but, really! I would willingly participate in this research... happily! It's absolutely fascinating stuff! Heck, I would offer to help Faust with his other research, too! (however, for clarity, I have considered studying to be an embalmer in the past, so many others would NOT share that same sentiment - this would be a great way to learn if I would actually enjoy something in a similar field, though.)
ALSO! I feel like you could so easily convince Faust to let you stay at the mansion if you actually cooperated with his studies?? Just ask him something like, "Wouldn't an abrupt change, like moving to a new place and without a strong support network skew the results of the study, at least in the short-term?" and then WORK WITH HIM.
(Also, he, Charles, and Vlad would have a person inside, and close to the residents of the mansion, to get info about them. Even if MC was aware of that fact, having her at the mansion for part of the day would also greatly benefit them!)
I don't know... I guess I'll just keep going and hope that the other characters make up for the MC :/
One other thing, she's kind of... unexpectedly... really religious?? Like, she's done a LOT of God talk just in these few chapters.
Plus, her worldview is so different from my own. Enough so that lot of what she says I outright disagree with. Again, I'm relating to Faust and his views a lot more! (is that okay to say?)
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