#this is why i'm afraid to start anything oc related
vanteguccir · 8 months
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      𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x fem!oc (Elena)
SUMMARY: Where Elena and Matt grew up together, fell in love as kids but realized too late. Will there be any hope for them?
WARNING: A little angst and mentions of cheating.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
Part 2
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Elena was born and raised in Boston, in a two-story house, next door to one of the most beautiful houses in the city, but not because of its external beauty, but because of who lived inside.
Elena grew up being the next-door neighbor of the Sturniolo triplets, she also studied at the same school as the three of them, these two factors made her and the trio become almost a fantastic quartet.
The four of them grew up together, ran down the street every day together, got dirty with dirt and mud on rainy days together, played cooking together (they were forced by her) and, best of all, they made mini "vlogs" together throughout their childhood and pre-adolescence, becoming literally inseparable.
Nick was Elena's confidant, always there to listen to her and give faithful advice to the girl, giving her a shoulder to cry on and a company to laugh when needed. Nick trusted Elena with his eyes closed and loved her with all his heart, so much so that she was the first one he came out to.
Chris was her partner in crime, the two grew up playing pranks on their parents, brothers (on his side) and neighbors. Chris saw Elena as his anchor, losing count of how many times he entered the girl's room through the window in the early hours of the morning to vent or just to be able to sleep with her company, dispelling his biggest fears.
Matt was a different case. Matt was the boy who took her as his date to every school dance and accompanied her to every friend's party. Matt was the boy who bought Elena flowers every week and took her to the city's summer amusement parks, always making sure to get her a different teddy bear. Matt was the boy who made her heart flutter, but also stay in a sacred calm; that made her body freeze, but also warm with affection. He was the one who introduced the feeling of love to her...
But who said he did anything about it? Despite acting almost like her boyfriend, Matt was afraid of rejection, after all, his heart belonged 100% to Elena and he couldn't bear having it completely stolen from him if she denied it. And that's why, out of a silly but genuine fear, he lost her.
At the age of 17, Elena moved to New York with her parents after her mother received a job offer that she couldn't refuse and that would open doors for her career. Seeing her leave was one of the hardest things Matt has been through, but the most painful was seeing her post on Instagram, 6 months after she left. Elena was dating, and it wasn't him.
Over time, things changed, the triplets moved to Los Angeles and grew dramatically on social media, becoming extremely well-known and loved on the Internet.
And Elena... well, Elena finished school and started International Relations at NYU, working at a coffee shop near her house so she could save money, since she was engaged. That's right, her boyfriend, Jeremy, of almost 2 years had asked her to marry him. It was a big shock and Elena had to think a lot before accepting, but it was her dream, to have a successful career and raise a family. Right?
Elena and Jeremy were in the middle of a month of decisions for the wedding, decoration, food, cake, clothes, etc., so Elena was feeling overwhelmed, it was a lot on her mind, and she found herself wondering if that was really what she wanted. Therefore, the girl (now woman) decided to pay a visit to her grandparents, who still lived in Boston. Cooling down in a place more than familiar to her seemed ideal now.
Elena just didn't expect that her grandmother would tell Mary Lou, and that Mary would tell Nick, who would tell his brothers, generating a secret collective trip to Boston. The triplets were dying to see Elena, after all, it had been 2 years since they had seen her best friend, or, in Matt's case, crush.
It was a Saturday morning when Elena landed in Boston, quickly grabbing her small suitcase and hailing a taxi at the airport's main pedestrian entry and exit gate, giving as her destination address her grandparents' house, which coincidentally, was on the same street where she grew up.
Elena planned to stay in Boston only until the next day, Sunday, since Monday she had classes again and she was going back to work, besides she knew that if she stayed much longer away from home, from Jeremy, he would lose his mind.
It didn't take long for Elena to arrive at her destination. The girl got out of the car after paying the taxi driver and took her suitcase from the trunk, thanking him once again before she knocked on the front door, waiting.
It was a big surprise for her when her grandfather opened the door and behind him were her best friends, Nick was holding a sign that said "WELCOME BACK, ELENA! WE MISSED YOU ♡", while Chris was holding three packets of her favorite candy in his hands and Matt held a bouquet of flowers that almost hid his red face, Elena wondered if it was from embarrassment or the heat from the summer.
The girl dropped the suitcase, bringing her right hand to her mouth, covering half of her surprised expression. She felt her eyes fill with tears, God, how she missed the three boys.
Next to her were her grandparents, with big smiles on their faces and bright eyes, watching her with a mix of affection and pride.
"Oh my God, you guys are crazy! What are you doing in Boston? I thought you were in LA!" Elena exclaimed, her voice cracking mid-sentence with high emotions.
"We were, but Grandma told our mom that you were coming here today and I couldn't handle missing my best friend anymore." Nick said as he placed the poster on the couch. He turned quickly and ran to the girl, hugging her tightly. The action seemed to wake Matt and Chris, who quickly moved and formed a mini line behind the oldest.
"Damn, you look old" Chris joked when his brother got out of the hug, laughing loudly when Elena hit his forehead. "Here, to sweeten your life." He scoffed, handing the candy packets to her.
"I have to check if these aren't sour candies, coming from you I expect everything." Elena joked, taking the candies and placing them on top of her suitcase. She opened her arms and hugged Chris momentarily.
Chris pulled away as they separated and positioned himself next to Nick, the two exchanging glances before turning their gaze to Matt.
"They're pink tulips, I hope they're still your favorites" Matt stepped forward, showing the full bouquet before handing it to her.
"Oh Matt, they're beautiful! Thank you" Elena received the bouquet, smelling them quickly and mentally punishing herself for blushing.
Matt smiled widely and watched her for a few seconds, only breaking out of his trance when he heard Elena's grandfather make a fake cough. The boy shook his head and walked away, lowering his gaze to the ground.
Elena quickly placed the bouquet on the coffee table and finally greeted her grandparents, placing kisses on their age-marked cheeks.
"Let's take these things to your room and make plans for the weekend!" Nick spoke loudly, throwing the candies to Chris and taking the small suitcase in his hands, before starting to climb the stairs without waiting for anyone.
Elena laughed loudly as she heard Chris swear at Nick as he bent down to pick up the packages that fell at his feet. Matt shook his head, smiling as he saw the girl take the bouquet with extreme delicacy.
The three following the oldest up the stairs.
Hours later, the quartet found themselves in the triplets parents car, parked at the Mc Donald's they grew up going to, while eating their favorite burguers and catching up on conversations. They spent the afternoon driving around the places they went when young, which made Elena's heart warm, she missed that, that feeling of calm, without any burden, without obligations or responsibilities, just the interest of being happy.
During that early morning, Elena woke up to the sound of rocks hitting her window, which she quickly recognized. What surprised her was that when she got up and approached the window it wasn't Chris there, but Matt.
"What are you doing here?" Elena asked in a whisper after opening her window, squinting her eyes as she tried to better see Matt's silhouette in the pitch black night.
"Let me in." Matt whispered back, ignoring her question as he looked down to check if he wasn't about to fall off the edge of the roof.
Elena sighed and walked to the side, giving Matt space to enter through the window, closing it shortly after to stop the night wind of entering the room.
"What are you doing here at this time?" Elena asked again, sitting on the edge of her bed and watching him.
"As if I didn't pay you visits in the early hours of the morning before." He responded smiling, sitting on the bed and dragging himself until his back was against the headboard and his legs were stretched out on the mattress. He slapped his hand on the space beside him, looking at Elena.
The girl sighed but smiled, following his silent request.
"I missed you" Matt commented. "It's strange to live life without you with us"
"I miss you too" Elena replied, looking at him. "It's strange to only keep in touch on the phone and find out about some things through social media" She continued, receiving a nod from the brunette.
"You still have them" Matt realized as he noticed all the teddy bears he got for Elena piled up on top of the dresser next to the closet.
"Of course I have them, why would I throw them away? They're cute and remind me that you're actually good at something" She scoffed, receiving a light push from the boy.
"As if you weren't rooting like crazy for me while I was trying to hit the game targets" He mocked back, seeing Elena roll her eyes with a big smile on her face.
"Obviously, getting teddy bears is better than buying them, have you seen the prices of these little things?" Elena gave a low laugh when she saw Matt open his mouth exaggeratedly, soon after the two burst into laughter together.
"So, are you really going to get married?" Matt asked suddenly after they calmed down, looking directly at her.
"Yeah, I will" She replied, lowering her gaze to her hands, specifically to the silver ring on her left ring finger.
"You don't look very excited" He commented, making the girl sigh.
"I just... I don't know, I'm so young, you know? I'm only 20, getting married seems a bit drastic right now, but Jeremy thinks it will be good for our future, us having the same last name will help in the office" She replied, furrowing his eyebrows.
"What does he do for a living again?" The brunette asked.
"He currently works at his father's office and studies law," Elena said, noticing the grimace he made at her response. "What?"
"He doesn't seem like your type. In fact, he seems like quite a daddy's boy." Matt commented, regretting it seconds later after seeing Elena's eyebrows raise in surprise.
"And what do you know about my type, Matthew?"
"I'm sorry, ignore what I said" Matt intervened quickly, the last thing he wanted was to fight with Elena now, knowing that after that Sunday, he didn't know when he would see her again. Maybe at her wedding, the boy felt himself shudder at the thought.
Elena sighed.
"You know that my dream has always been to be successful with my career and have my own family. Us getting married would give me both... Having his last name, I will be able to start my International Relations profession within the office that soon will be his, which will make me grow faster on the career, and I'll have my own family." Elena spoke while gesturing.
"Sounds like there's a lot of self-interest involved" Matt commented.
"Matthew!" The girl exclaimed, making him raise his arms in a sign of redemption.
"Sorry, sorry." He sighed. "I remember, you know."
"What?" Elena looked at him confused.
"How you always wanted a family, when we were kids me, Nick and Chris were always messing around and you were playing mommy with your barbies. You wouldn't let go of that damn Baby Alive even if you were paid to, always taking her everywhere." Matt let out a laugh as he remembered, making Elena laugh along as she saw her own smaller figure running after the triplets with her doll in hands.
"You can't say anything, you always took care of my Baby Alive when I asked you to" The girl replied with a wide smile, watching Matt roll his eyes exaggeratedly while she laughed as quietly as she could.
The brunette turned to her to rebut, but stopped in his action, reinforcing in his mind every detail of the face of the girl who had his heart in her hands, details that he had memorized a long time ago and still found himself remembering and tracing in his mind on sleepless nights.
The two stared deeply at each other for what seemed like an eternity, before Elena looked away and fake coughed.
"Just think about your decision Elena." Matt asked softly before getting up from the queen sized bed.
"Where are you going?" Elena looked at him again, her eyes pleading, as if she was afraid he would leave her there, alone and without him.
"I'm going back home, if my mother wakes up and doesn't see me in bed in the morning, I'm sure she'll freak out, and the situation won't turn out very well for us." He spoke with a sigh, going to the window and opening it, looking back one last time, before moving outside, closing it again before disappearing from the girl's vision.
Elena stood still for a few minutes, processing the conversation and that last moment, feeling her heart sink at the thought of not seeing the boy again for a long time after Sunday. It felt like a goodbye.
On the next day, Elena woke up significantly early as she felt the sun's rays coming through her window. As she opened her eyes, ready to complain about why it was so bright in the room, she remembered Matt leaving and how she forgot to get up and close the curtains.
The girl sighed, before getting up and getting ready for the day. She felt excited to be able to see her friends again, but her heart ached at the thought that that very night she would leave again.
After getting ready, Elena took her cell phone and saw a message left by Jeremy.
"I hope you're having a good time there. I can't wait to have you here again today, I can't stop looking at the wedding catalogues. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla cake? xx, jeremy"
Elena sighed again, it's obvious she preferred vanilla, how did he not know that? The girl shook her head, deciding to answer him another time.
"What are we doing today?" Nick asked as they found themselves in front of the triplets' door, as they had done years before.
"I thought we'd go to the amusement park, the one that only opens in the summer, you know? Like old days." Matt suggested. Elena looked at him when she heard about the park, quickly looking away when she saw him already looking back at her. She needed to stop this.
"Let's go then!" Chris spoke loudly, running over to his parents' car again, fiddling with the passenger door handle impatiently, begging Matt to unlock it.
Elena laughed at the action, running to the car too and soon getting into the back seat, sitting behind Chris's group, having a view of the driver's seat.
A few minutes later the four arrived at the amusement park and started going on the basic rides, which the four liked, bumper cars, roller coasters and carousel.
"Can we go on the ferris wheel?" Elena asked, puting her hands in a sign of prayer and looking at the three of them with a pleading look.
"I'm not going, it's too boring. I want to go to the arcade area" Chris replied, ignoring the girl who was begging.
"I want to go to the arcade too!" Nick shouted, raising his hand like a child and approaching Chris, making Elena roll her eyes and cross her arms with a huff.
"I'll go with you." Matt said looking at Elena, who smiled big, taking his hand and dragging him through the park to the ferris wheel line, ignoring the taller man's protests.
"Wow, I don't remember the last time I entered a cabin like that" Matt commented, closing the small door behind him and sitting on the single bench next to Elena, who smiled as she nodded and looked at the outside view through the cabin's glass window.
Matt found himself watching her, taking note of her profile, feeling himself falling in love with her all over again.
It didn't take long for the wheel to start moving, the cabin swayed a little making Elena let out a surprised sound, holding onto Matt's arm to steady herself.
"Sorry, I don't remember it moving that much" She commented, smiling awkwardly as she took her hand off the boy's arm, watching him wave his hand like it was nothing.
The two focused their eyes outside the cabin, taking note of the people who looked like little ants as the cabin rose higher, the blue sky with few clouds, the light breeze that blew and the birds that passed by in the distance. Elena looked at the cabin ahead and saw a couple cuddling each other, smiling big as they also watched the view, and she found herself trying to remember if she had ever been through that with Jeremy, but her mind came out was blank.
Her chest tightened as she realized that she had never even been to an amusement park with Jeremy, or a park, or a romantic walk. With Jeremy it was always all about work and having the perfect status.
Her gaze changed from the couple to Matt, noticing that he was also looking at the couple, but quickly his blue eyes focused on her as well.
"I love being able to look at you up close like this," Matt whispered, as if he was afraid of speaking too loudly and end what they were having.
Elena smiled, blushing, but forcing herself not to look away from him, she didn't want to miss that moment for anything. Her eyes took in all the little details of Matt's face, his sparkling blue eyes with dilated pupils, his nose perfectly shaped and the right size for his face, his cheekbones slightly reddened by the heat, his big, messy hair, his beard starting to appear again due to the time without shaving it... She felt like she could stay there forever.
Matt moved slightly closer, stopping with his mouth centimeters from hers, seeming to wait to see if she would pull away, which she didn't. Elena held herself in place, yearning to feel him.
Matt, realizing that there was no movement on her part, moved closer until their lips touched, and Elena felt that everything she read in romance books about the sensations of electricity through her body and the fireworks around her when kissing her right person was true.
Matt let out a sigh through his nose at the sensation, feeling instant relief and as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He never wanted to leave there again.
It was just a touch of lips, but it was enough for them at that moment. It was exactly what they needed.
Elena pulled away first, still with her eyes closed, trying to prolong the feeling and sensations in her body and mind. When she opened her eyes, she noticed Matt already looking at her, smiling broadly, and she returned the smile.
"I love you." Matt blurted out, making Elena's eyes widen. "Elena, I'm sorry for not having said or done anything before, but I've loved you for as long as I can remember, since the first flower I plucked from my mother's garden and gave to you, since the first time you gave me your Baby Alive for me to take care of as if it were the most precious thing in the world, since the first day you asked me to kiss your scraped knee to heal it. I've loved you for so long and I was an idiot for not saying it. And it's okay if you don't want me, you're engaged, you have a life in New York and... Asking you to leave all of this is impossible, but I needed to tell you."
Before Elena could process it, the bubble around the two seemed to burst as the ferris wheel stopped and their turn was over, the little cabin door opening again.
Matt cleared his throat, getting up and helping Elena out. When they both touched their feet on the floor, Elena felt her cell phone vibrate, picking it up only to see that Jeremy was sending her a new message about the wedding, and at that moment she fell to reality, she had cheated on her fiancé with her best friend. A bitter taste entered her mouth, her body froze and a horrible feeling took over her heart. God, what did she do?
Elena quickly pulled away from Matt, feeling her hands shake. She put her cell phone in her bag and turned to the taller man, seeing him looking at her with a worried look.
"Matt I cheated on him... I-I cheated on my fiancé with you." She stuttered. Matt looked at her with a weight on his eyes, feeling horrible for having contributed to that, blaming himself for kissing her, wanting to go back in time and not even agreeing to go on the ferris wheel with the girl.
He loved her, but she didn't love him back, not like he wanted her to.
"Elena look, it's going to be okay, you can talk to him, I swear I won't approach you again, I'm sorry-"
"I-I need to go."
"What?" Matt stopped walking completely.
"I need to go Matt." She looked into his eyes, feeling guilty as she saw immense pain in the blue pools. "Don't go after me, please. I'm sorry."
Elena turned and ran away, wiping the tears that fell from her eyes without stopping and feeling an emptiness and weight in her chest, as if part of her had stayed with Matt.
The girl got out of the taxi in front of her grandparents house and walked to the door, taking the spare key that her grandfather had given her, trying to unlock the lock with her blurry vision.
"Elena?" The girl heard her grandmother call from the kitchen after closing the door behind her.
"Hi grandma." Elena responded, her voice cracking from the held back cry.
Her grandmother quickly appeared at the kitchen door after noticing the difference in her granddaughter's voice, approaching with quick steps when she saw the youngest's red eyes and wet cheeks.
"Oh Elena, what happened?" The older woman asked worriedly, taking Elena's shoulders and leading her to the sofa, sitting her on the soft surface and sitting next to her.
"Why does love hurt so much, grandma?" Elena asked, letting out a sob. Her grandmother sighed, pulling her into a tight hug.
"Oh Elena, love doesn't hurt dear. It took me many years to learn that, if love is right for you and your heart, and it's reciprocal, it doesn't hurt, it wasn't made to hurt. It was with your grandfather that I learned that love is free, it is generous, it is safe and it empowers you in a way that makes you feel stronger and like you can conquer the world." The oldest explained with a smile. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
"I kissed Matt." Elena said, looking down at her hands, quickly looking away from the ring. "We went to the amusement park we went to as kids, I wanted to go on the ferris wheel and he accompanied me, we had a moment and we kissed."
"He always looked at you differently... And you at him, so much so that I swore you two would end up together. I remember all the times you came running here with a new flower in your hands and said it was from Matt, as If I didn't already know that." Elena smiled upon hearing her grandmother's words.
"But grandma, I'm engaged." She whispered regretfully.
"Do you love Jeremy?" The eldest asked, cupping her granddaughter's cheek and lifting her face so she could look her in the eyes.
"I-I... I don't know." Elena desperately tried to feel for Jeremy what she felt for Matt. "I don't feel about him what I feel when I think about Matt, or when I'm with him. Jeremy is an incredible man, with a planned and perfect life... I feel so pressured sometimes, like I have to be perfect all the time to fit in with him and his plans. It's not light, grandma."
Elena cried harder when she realized how heavy her days were with Jeremy, how she always had to have the most impeccable and perfect clothes, with the best posture, the most flawless makeup, the best-groomed hair and the best modes. How she felt about being looked at and evaluated by everyone all the time, especially at Jeremy's parenting conferences or in her father's office.
"Elena, pay close attention to me, what does your heart say if you spend more time worrying about perfection than kissing him? If you spend more time in the day thinking about a thousand things than living love lightly? Do you feel like to run away when with him? Honey, I'm sorry, but that's not love. Not the right one for you, at least."
Elena looked at her grandmother, surprised by her wisdom and how it all made sense.
Jeremy was a perfect man, but not for her. Matt was her perfect match.
God, what would she do now? She ran out of the park and left Matt all by himself after he declared his love for her. And she still had Jeremy...
"I already know what I gave to do."
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ju-vondy · 4 months
A special invitation for Jason girlies who love to read...
I'm really thrilled to announce I finally got the A03 invitation and started uploading my fanfiction there! I want to invite you to read and leave your opinion please *shaking in nervousism language*
I couldn't help myself and uploaded 7 chapters already. I'm kinda afraid you guys may not like it, LOL, therefore I decided to put some thoughts about the protagonists here and if you do not identify with my way/pov of seeing them I strongly recommend that you don't read the fanfic because you will hate it.
Let's go?!
♏ JASON: I don't think he's THAT bad. I like to think that this "strong" personality of him is just a mask he puts on because he doesn't like/want to show people that, deep down... He's a vulnerable human being.
You know those Pitbull dogs? They're very gentle breed, but because of their size people think they're aggressive! I believe Jason is exactly like that: from afar, it seems like he's going to bite you... But if you just get close tender and gentle and pet his belly, he'll roll over asking for more love. (lmao)
I also like to think that Jason wasn't always so tough like this. In my head, at some point in his life... He was the kid who was bullied — not the one who bullied. So that's why he's like this today, a bit scatterbrained and cruel.
(Bullying victim 🤝🏻 Vowing to do worse to others when grown up)
I believe that CEO Jason is totally different from Family-Son-Brother Jason. (Yes, I think he has a younger brother*¹) We all act differently when we're at work VS with friends VS family, so why not, right?
It'll be so beautiful to see Candy breaking down all the barriers he built around his inner child MUHAHAHAHA this is so cliché, but I love it!
Headcanons facts I keep in my mind for him:
He was bullied throughout his entire pre-adolescence for being skinny, and also for the white streaks of hair on the sides of his head;
The tattoo on his arm is to cover a scar.
He started taking boxing lessons at 17 because he was tired of getting beaten up by classmates who teased him for being skinny.
He knows how to play the piano and appreciates Operas.
He speaks 4 languages.
He holds a degree in finance, with a specialization in public relations, and has an MBA in administration.
He enjoys a bit of BDSM, yes.
¹* the younger brother is the only person who makes Jason be, like, GOOD. Jason acts totally different when he's around his brother... As if he wants to set an example, you know? Now let's move on to...
♓ CANDY : A tender young woman who, after getting into trouble with Ioan, doesn't want anything to do with mixing work and romance anymore. She doesn't want anything to do with spoiled boys anymore and vowed to put them in their place if she ever came across one again. Sometimes she misses having someone to fulfill her desires, but being a one-night stand for someone is out of the question for her.
She hates casual encounters and wants to find someone for a true, deep and lasting connection. She's firm in her principles, but sometimes she doubts what to do. She constantly follows her heart instead of reason, and she knows she has to stop this stupid habit if she doesn't want to get hurt again.
She's kind, charismatic, and has a big sense of humor. She doesn't back down from Jason's provocations and responds to him in "style"! She's convicted
In the game, she's Ysaline, but for this fanfic, I'll use my OC, Candy who is a redhead and white just because yes ;-;
Headcanons about her:
When she was a child, she hated her name and insisted that everyone must call her "Mandy"
She knows how to speak 4 languages, including sign language.
She likes to sing.
She loves to draw.
Her mom has Latin origins.
She went to college when she was only eighteen years old.
She graduated in advertising, completed a postgraduate degree in information management, and later pursued a specialization in crisis management. She has an MBA in digital marketing. The girl LOVES to study and learn new thing lol (Latin families are kind of strict with that)
She is afraid of heights.
Now... Let's go to the context I imagined for the story. That is: some headcanon facts that I wanted to add to their past to make everything make more sense.
• Jason and Candy studied together, but they don't remember. (fact which will be explored around by the Chapter 10+-)
—> Jason used to tease Candy during class: he would take her pencil case and run away... Tie her shoelaces to the chair leg without her noticing... Tangle her hair, etc. (thinking they had a cat-and-mouse dynamic since childhood makes the whole thing funnier, hahaha)
• Their families were close when they were kids, but a tragedy happened and they lost contact.
—> Jason's father and Candy's father were on a small business trip when their car was brutally hit by a truck. Jason was with them, got seriously injured, and his forearm got a terrible scar (hence his tattoo).
—> Candy's father died instantly. Jason's father is in a coma till nowadays.
—> After the accident, Candy's mother (named Edith Beaumont, not Zahra Dolga) moved with her daughters back to their home country, getting closer to her parents again. Only years later did she return to Amoris, but she never bothered to look for the Mendals to reconnect.
• Everything Jason built was thinking of his father. How satisfied he would be when he woke up from the coma and found out that Jason had been successful as he had always planned... (fact will be explored by the Chapter 20+-)
—> After his father fell into a coma, Jason's uncle named Viktor - the vice-president in the time - took over the company leadership, and Jason had been groomed since childhood to work there. Eventually, Viktor's hunger for power got to his head, and he refused to integrate Jason into the board (after he graduated from college) using the excuse of his poor behavior. From then on, Jason was like, "Oh, so they think I'm the villain? Then I'll be the villain! I don't need this selfish family for anything SCREW THEM UP" and left his father's company only to invest in his own dream.
This fanfiction starts with fire already (but if it slow down after that). So, if you are the kind that don't like smut scenes... Well, good luck reading it. I tried to do something easy so everyone with all tastes could read but... Softness is not something I expect from JasonXCandy. So if you do not have experience with sex scenes maybe you'll find it... weird?
I don't know if you'll get it: I had to start right away with the tension between them finally blowing up. After all, isn't that what we want to see? All hell breaking loose? I'm a sassy reader/player. Of course I want CHAOS. There was no other way: whenever I thought about their story, I got bored having to tell everything from the beginning so my mind just said, '"Nah, start narrating 6 months after the start of the game (MCL) and it's all good. Start telling their story by the point they finally can't help and spend a night together*silence* *considering* But what if people don't lik- *sigh* YOU HAVE TO START THE STORY TELLING HOW THEY WOULD IGNITE TOGETHER, JULIANAAAA'"
⚠️🚨 Why did I decided to write? 🚨⚠️ I just finished playing ep. 3 and my mind started wondering that Beemoov would mess things up. I asked myself how I'd like things to happen between my candy and Jason. I didn't get a answer right away, but then the voice of my imagination whispered "So.... WHAT IF there's this crazy night they spend together, but therefore everything starts over slowly because, guess what? Jason doesn't remember a single thing."
And then I went like "YESSS babe give me that cliche, I'm into it!" and decided to create my own narrative following that ideia of "the night which would change everything about them". Based on that premise, I had to juggle a hundred things to make them able to spend time together after that and... Well, I hope you like the plot my crazy mind came up with!
🚨⚠️ Will there be cliches? 🚨⚠️
Sorry but it will.
🚨⚠️How their dynamic is going to happen? 🚨⚠️
A big blow, and then a slow-burn filled with a lot of tension though. * LAUGHS * And finally FIRE again.
The romance plot it is indeed enemies to lovers but I don't want to be that "I can't date Jason because OMG what my boss will think?" thing (._.) Well, Candy might have her insecurities but she's an adult, it is kind of dumb wasting her mind thinking like that. So don't expect you'll find here scenes like "He is our rival, it's sooo wrooong dAtInG HiM, Oooh what others will think? *~Cries in drama language~*"
It makes more sense if she is tempted/divided/doubtful because Jason is a Don Juan and she doesn't want to break her heart again. My Candy in particular doesn't like the thing of being one-night-stand. And thanks to Devon and Roy she thinks Jason is a bad bad and spoiled guy, so that's the reason she despises him and thinks she should stay away from him because he'll do no good to her............................. But in the same time: Jason *knows* how to do so well... And he's pretty. But she swore to reduce him to dust.... Hate was everything she felt since the beginning. She can't date someone she despises so much, can she? That's it: She hates him because of his despicable personality, it has nothing to do about Jason's being the "rival" from Devenementiel.
Now that you've made it this far and didn't give up on me yet, I bet you have everything you need to read this mesmerizing story if you want to. I'm loving writing about these two! The first chapter begins precisely at the event mentioned in the synopsis: they'll be at a masked ball, and from there, everything will unfold! Are you ready?
Click in the link below and enjoy!
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yanderehsr · 10 months
Hi hi! Here’s a request for your 1k followers event (congratulations on getting 1k!!)
Can I request Yandere Neuvillette
The oc’s name is Elyna. She’s 23 years old and a Female.
Personality: She’s very closed off and barely interacts with anyone, although when she’s friends with someone she’s very kind and supportive. She often has trouble expressing her own feelings, worrying that people may not like her for it. She doesn't want others to worry about her, and tends to get emotional very easily.
Backstory: She was a respected citizen of Fontaine, now people barely see her.. Her life was pretty normal, up until a couple years ago.. People would often rely on her for help, but by supporting everyone equally people started to believe she was two-faced, and only trying to get on others' good side. She was then confronted by one of her “friends”, she tried to reason with them and say that she isn’t two-faced and was just trying to help, but they wouldn’t take that answer.. The confrontation was harsh, and that’s what caused her to become so closed off, afraid of that happening again.. She has a few close friends now, and only goes out to get basic necessities. She once was a respected citizen of Fontaine, now people barely see her.. She now does work like hunting and stuff so she can actually live.
In my canon, she’s only seen Neuvillette a couple of times and has never interacted with him, so you don’t need to write anything long. Just a general headcanon on how they would interact for the first time and how Yandere Neuvillette would actually work with someone like this.
Thanks for the congrats, not gonna lie tho... this OC feels too relatable😌
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Neuvillette feels... saddened, Elyna was one of the few people in Fontaine he genuinely thought would never break the law, and he was right, she never broke even one. No, the reason he feels sad is because Elyna has closed herself away, he barely gets to see her anymore, it ticks him off and he doesn't understand why
Neuvillette makes the Melusines spy on her, they don't question him on this, they would never question Neuvillette, he needs the daily report on her to feel sane, otherwise he might just go down to her home, break down the door and take her away, he doesn't wanna break a law so he satisfies himself with the information for now.
The friend that confronted Elyna is put behind bars, Neuvillette dug through everything about her to get her a sentance, for once he didn't care if someone had actually commited a crime, they would pay for what they did to Elyna.
But dragons aren't known for their patience and Neuvillette is no different, he can only go for so long before he needs to see Elyna again, but just to make sure he breaks no laws, he makes sure to summon her to his office, if she refuses that could always be put as a charge that can imprison her, oh and when she enters his office she isn't leaving, he can't stand not seeing her again, he truly hopes she can understand that.
"I'm sorry but you aren't leaving but trust me on this, you will be so much happier by my side rather then staying home all day"
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taleasnewastime · 2 years
Hello again hehe LOL I thought that little button lead to a very complicated link that would require me to probably code Tumblr all over again LOL don't know why I was so afraid of sending an ask hahaha anyways:
Hello lovely! Hope you're having an amazing day. I love your writing and I feel in love with your 'What if I love you too much' story, I think I relate to OC's overthinking a little bit too much haha (did you took a sneak pick at my mind? Please confess now hehe) so is love to request a drabble of maybe that first date/dinner of them with gorgeous little Zack and maybe Zack is so shy at first and oc is in her head about the whole thing but JK sort of ease them both down with his unlimited chill that he poses in this story, some fluff and all sweetness to heal my broken heart please. If possible? Thank you so much! Lots of love from this over thinking Londoner
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Hello!! I hope I'm not too scary, I try not to be anyway. But thanks for asking for WIILYTM requests, and thanks for sending this in! I struggled to start with but in the end I think it's cute so I hope you like it :) Thanks for loving my fic, hope you're doing ok!!
Genre: FLUFF!
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Reader is frustrated at Zac, worries, insecurities, same old with this story really
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“Zac, I asked you to go brush your teeth.”
You’re being too snappy, taking your nerves out on your son, but Jungkook will be here any minute and you still have one hundred things left to do. The house is a mess, toys everywhere, you haven’t even started thinking about cooking. Though Jungkook said he’d do it all you wanted to at least lay everything out for him so it would be easier. And Zac sat in the middle of the floor playing with his toy’s isn’t helping.
He should have been in bed an hour ago. But your stress coupled with his sixth sense for anything to do with Jungkook has meant he’s still wide awake. At least he’s in his pyjamas.
You manage to ignore him as you head into the kitchen, hoping that by the time you go back out he’ll be upstairs doing what you’ve asked. At this point you’re not even getting much done. The house in a state beyond recovery so soon to Jungkook turning up. It was his suggestion to have your date at home so that you didn’t need to worry about childcare, and though he’d offered to have it at his place, you’d said it would be easier here. Now you wish you’d never said that.
“Zac,” you stop dead in the doorway when you see him still sat playing on the floor. His eyes are wide as he looks up at you, a look that’s trying to show he’s innocent even when you both know he’s not. “What did we agree earlier?”
He looks to be contemplating the question and in this moment you fail to recognise his age and naivety. Frustration takes over. More frustration at yourself for not being more organised and nerves building for your first date with Jungkook.
“You promised that you would go to bed by 7 if I bought you that truck.”
He continues to stare at you with butter wouldn’t melt eyes. But you know you have him.
“Go brush your teeth and I’ll come and read you a story.” He stands, truck still in hand and you add, “Leave the truck here. We can play with it tomorrow.”
It’s the same moment Jungkook decides to turn up. Unaware of the current struggle going on, he does as you asked, knocks lightly on the door to announce his presence and then walks in. In theory it would have been enough to make sure Zac didn’t wake up. But with Zac not even in bed and you attempting to get him to go up, Jungkook’s arrival doesn’t help.
“Jungkook!” The name is screamed in much the same way it always is when coming out of Zac’s mouth.
While you give up, collapsing on the sofa, Jungkook only looks over at you in surprise before looking at the little boy charging towards him with a truck in his hands. He’s better at managing his emotions. You watch as he sets down a bag, bends and easily lifts the little boy who’s not so little anymore. While you always let out a little huff of effort when picking him up, Jungkook lifts him in a way that looks like he weighs nothing.
“Hey Zaccy,” he says, stepping further into the room. “I thought you’d be in bed.”
There’s a beat of silence, Zac’s attention going to his truck which he runs up and down Jungkook’s chest. He’s trying to supress a smile and when Jungkook’s eyes go from your son to you, you can see a similar smile on his own lips. At least someone’s amused by this situation.
“We were just discussing the importance of brushing our teeth, weren’t we?”
Zac’s head snuggles deeper into Jungkook’s chest, continuing to run his toy across Jungkook’s shirt while Jungkook lets out a small chuckle. You shoot him an annoyed look, but he just smiles down at your son.
“I thought something smelt,” he pegs his nose in mock offense. “Is that your breath, Zac?”
Zac giggles, looking up at Jungkook. “No!”
“Phwoar,” Jungkook waves a hand in front of his face, scrunching his face up, getting another giggle from Zac. “It is, isn’t it!” He sets him down on the floor and whilst bent whispers. “Go brush your teeth before your mum gets too upset,” Zac glances at you before looking back at Jungkook, “she’ll come read you a story in a minute.”
“And you?”
“If you go fix your stinky breath I will.”
Satisfied Zac goes running upstairs, truck and all. Jungkook watches him until he’s out of sight and then standing to his full height, turns to look at you.
“I don’t know how you do it,” you admit because that looked way too easy.
He rolls his eyes, walking towards you. “Let’s not pretend it’s not you who’s the hero here.”
“Which reminds me,” you ignore him. “Don’t look at the house. It’s a mess.”
He smiles. “Are you sure?”
He closes his eyes and then carries on walking towards you, stumbling as he goes. His arms go out in front of him as his knees hit the sofa, he falls slowly, his body hovering over you. By the time he opens his eyes you have a smile on your face.
“I meant to clean the house before you got here and at least get some food out, if not start –”
He cuts you off by pressing his lips to yours. Light, but you can still taste like the chocolate he told you he’s obsessed with. He pulls far enough away to look at you.
“I said I’d cook.”
“But I wanted to –”
“And the house isn’t a mess.”
“It’s always a mess.”
“Well, then it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”
He smiles as you softly hit his side. He leans down to peck your lips one last time before fully pulling away. Standing above you, he offers you a hand to help you stand up. You want to tell him that this isn’t how you imagined your first date, that you wanted it to be perfect, to have candles lit and Zac tucked away. That you wanted the house clean and something delicious cooking on the hob. But that’s not your life, it’s never been perfect and it’s not about to start now. All your insecurities manifesting and all your worries about what Jungkook might start second guessing about all of this, that he might start to realise this isn’t something he wants.
All of it silenced with another small kiss, a small push towards the stairs and some reassuring words, as if he can read every thought and wants you to know that’s not what he’s thinking at all.
“Go read Zac a story,” Jungkook says. “I’ll get the food on and there’ll be a glass of wine waiting for when you’re back.”
It doesn’t alleviate your worries, but it calms them for the time being. It makes you remember that Jungkook knows what he’s getting into, that he’s here for the whole package.
You smile wider at him, are quick to lean in for one last kiss before you’re heading up the stairs to make sure that Zac is definitely cleaning his teeth.
It may not be the perfect first date for some people, but for you, you can’t think of anything better.
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softpine · 1 year
→ oc questions tag ←
tagged by @subtlefires thank you!! i haven't seen this tag before, so this was really fun 💖
i decided to do casper to make up for all the times i've chosen coco
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→ 5 words to physically describe your OC (do you have a drawing? even better!) (since we already know what he looks like, i chose general descriptions and stole your moodboard idea hehe)
energetic, reliable, persistent, lacks confidence, sweet
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→ Who inspired your OC?
at first, nobody. casper was meant to be the... not comic relief exactly, but a break from the heavy ghost/death/trauma stuff in the main story. but as he got older, i started putting so much more of myself into his character. without going into detail, i've learned things about my own family that makes me relate to casper's situation more than i thought i would when i came up with it. i never planned to go more in-depth about his biological father & half sisters because i thought, well, he has 2 loving parents and siblings he grew up with, why would he lose sleep over these people he's never met and is only connected to by blood? it was one of those things where i thought i knew how i would feel in that situation, but i never really knew until i knew. i wish i could say this is the only part of my life i've imparted on casper, but it's not 😅 casper is also the first character we've seen in college since beth, and my college experience was SO much closer to casper's than beth's. so like. it's me, i inspired casper fjksdjs
→ Give me a song to define your OC
soda by nothing but thieves // lyrics:
i once had a thought, but don't know where it went 'cause i've been living off soda and cheap cigarettes maybe when i was a kid i was dropped on my head yeah, that would make some sense
i don't want to be myself it's making me so unwell
→ If I met your OC on the street how would they greet me?
he doesn't make it a habit to greet strangers aside from a polite nod, but if he already knows someone he would loudly call out to them even if they're far away and it's embarrassing for everyone involved – that is, if he remembers them. he's really bad with names!
→ Can your OC be your best friend? Why?
oh yeah for sure. not so much now, but i was friends with so many jock types in high school. i think it's because once those guys find out i'm a lesbian they just treat me like a bro 😌 but they would tell me things they didn't think they could talk about with anyone else. i love being the friend everyone comes to with their problems because i'm telling people what they already knew but didn't want to admit, and making them feel like they came up with a solution all on their own. that's exactly what casper wishes he had in a friendship right now. also i want him to be my personal trainer!
→ 1 adjective and 1 noun to describe your OC
neurotic // i know this word is outdated, but i still use it for myself and i can't think of a better word to describe the way that he manages to be anxious about anything and everything. so much of his personality / habits / lifestyle were formed in response to anxiety (like, he was afraid of staying the same so he changed everything about himself all at once. he did so many sports and he exercises all the time because it keeps him busy. etc.) and the important thing is that most of his fears are totally irrational and not the more common worries people have, even other people with anxiety. it's not like "are my friends secretly mad at me?" it's "i'm going to walk to class today because i'm afraid i'll run someone over with my car" and things of that nature; things he knows are irrational, but that doesn't make them feel less real. but we'll get more into that later
toaster // LMAO... it's a ubiquitous household object you take for granted will always be there. you don't really know how it works on the inside, you just count on the fact that it will. you don't even take notice of it unless something is really wrong with it. but it's a tried and true part of a daily routine and you'd be really bummed if you lost it! tell your toaster you love them today sdjksjd
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→ tagging: feels weird tagging anyone after i got so personal here lmao so if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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vicciouxs · 2 months
10 FACTS ABOUT YOU tag game !! tagged by @moonwoodhollow and @skaterboisims thank u sm 😭💐
⠀01 ★ I love writing. When I was little I wrote and illustrated my own stories, but as time went by I focused more on writing and I have even won awards for short stories. ⠀02 ★ Another of my hobbies is cooking. Above all I love baking, I could even say that it is my "love language", if I love you I will surely make you your favorite cake for your birthday or any dessert that you crave at that moment. In general I love cooking for the people I love. ⠀03 ★ Since I was little I have done sports like basketball, ballet, flamenco, swimming, running and I currently go to the gym. But my metabolism is low af, so I guess I'll be a strong chubby girl for the rest of my life. ⠀04 ★ I'm from a town in the south of Spain, so I have grown up surrounded by mountains, horses, goats, deers and wild boars (and temperatures above 45 degrees in summer 💀) ⠀05 ★ Cinema, literature and art are my favorite topics of conversation. I can talk for hours about my favorite artists and writers down to the smallest details. My favorite movie is "Dead Poets Society", book is "The Little Prince" and "The Fall" by Camus and painting is "The Frogpond" by Monet and "Monk by the sea" by Friedrich. ⠀06 ★ My mother has always liked video games and so have I. her favorite game is "Resident Evil: Code: Veronica" and that's why my name is Verónica. My favorite game is "Silent Hill 2" ⠀07 ★ I am a philosophy student. From a very young age I was always interested, so I never saw a problem in making it my dream. However, people tell me that I won't amount to anything, but I just want to be a philosophy professor and write a book. ⠀08 ★ Related to the above, philosophy has helped me see things in different ways, so I am a very calm person and I would say that few things can disturb me. ⠀09 ★ Im a listener. Sometimes people complain that they talk too much, but I don't care, I even prefer it!! I just have a hard time starting conversations (even with some of my best friends) Just listening is enough for me. ⠀10 ★ This last one is a funny one, because as a child, dogs used to follow me and stay near me. Since I didn't understand the reason, dogs always scared me, but then my little old boy come to my life and I'm no longer afraid of it.
tagging: anyone who feels comfortable doing it <3 (since is not related with ocs or something I dont want to tag anyone 😭💐)
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ryuichirou · 8 months
More replies~
Anonymous asked:
Do you watch other adult swim cartons like moral orel or the venture bros?
Not really, sorry :( Nothing against these shows, I guess we just don’t gravitate towards them. Venture Bros was recommended to us though.
Anonymous asked:
"Nooo Ortho wanted to slurp this one" not a problem at all, i don't mind sharing uwu uhuhuhuh sorry for cursing the askbox so soon too XDDD i couldn't help it
Ah it’s so nice when people share… uwu
No worries btw, every single thing in this blog is cursed one way or another, so it really fits xD
Anonymous asked:
No bc the way your fem idia is just insanely body goals
Omg Anon, thank you?? I don’t think if she should be body goals though, she’s kind of too skinny for her height… she just has a high metabolism genetically I guess, I’m pretty sure any other means of achieving her appearance would be unhealthy...
Anonymous asked:
I never thought about ADeuce in the future, but the idea of them being together without really committing to a relationship makes a lot of sense.
I imagine a similar scenario for Ruggie/Leona. They wouldn't even see eachother that frequently, but they still keep in touch and hook up whenever they do meet. They are not just keeping this up because it's beneficial to them, they actually seem to enjoy eachother's company. It's not anything close to dating, and they would never call it love, but I feel like that's the highest level of commitment you can get from either of them. Also Ruggie would probably spend a lot of time working, leaving the Sunset Savanna quite often. If he sees a chance to bag some extra cash he is not going to let a little distance stop him! Meanwhile Leona is just hanging around the royal court. Has he given up on his plan to help the poor people of his country or is he cooking something? Honestly not even Ruggie knows...
(this is related to the 6th reply from this post)
ADeuce really are a bit annoying like that, but I love them for it. Everyone knows you want to be together, guys. You’re just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn, because you’re too afraid the other party is going to ridicule you for expressing your feelings that both of you are already aware of, because you’ve been sleeping together for years, COME! ON!
Also everything you said about Ruggie/Leona makes sense! Ruggie is too busy and focused on his job(s) to start a family, and Leona is either plotting something or just doing nothing being unmotivated… so whenever they have an opportunity to do so, hooking up sounds logical: why not? It���s definitely not love and not a romantic relationship, but it is a relationship nonetheless… a mutually beneficial one, but also a surprisingly “comfortable” one because both of them are so used to this dynamic that doesn’t require any emotional effort. They’re surprisingly on the same page.
Anonymous asked:
i might have written an OC spanking Riddle once :eyes: usually i just see characters and readers or OCs being spanked by Riddle, but he would be so cute being spanked! teary eyed, confused and flustered, his ass clearly needs attention
(this is related to the 2nd reply from this post)
I know right? For some reason it just works. Maybe it’s because of his backstory and him being so very serious but also so immature, but if you imagine a spanking scenario with Riddle, it’s like… he belongs there lol
Anonymous asked:
About how young was Silver when he and Lilia first started fuckin 🤔 honestly I'm super interested in what those early days would have looked like, and how their first few times would go
Honestly, it depends on whatever route you want to take for any specific post/art/comic/etc, and I feel like with us it’s always a very vague and implied “kind of young”.
We explain it with Lilia having uhh alternative views on parenting, it’s like a mix of him being a fae (turns out, this doesn’t excuse him 😔), him not knowing how children work and him adoring Silver way too much and having too much fun with him. He’s not the best person lol So yeah, Silver was probably way too young to figure out what’s going on, but also this whole thing was a “norm” to him, because it also happened very gradually: the goodnight kisses became more mature, the way they cuddle changed; and with Silver absolutely adoring Lilia, trusting him so much and believing that Lilia only wants what’s best for him, he never had a problem with any of it. Even the first times weren’t too much of a shock to him, especially since Silver considered it to be some special type of training that he really wanted to get good at as soon as possible.
The Zigvolts would’ve been terrified if they found out…….
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railingsofsorrow · 10 months
𝙾𝙲𝚃. 25𝚝𝚑; 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊, 𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖘.
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summary: iris's letter.
pairing: spencer reid x oc!iris valentia
w.c: 706
warnings/content: mentions of food poisoning, vomit and fainting; mentions of self medicating; mentions of Alzheimer's disease; angst (not much); fluff; “ODU” is the acronym for “Old Dominion University”.
A/N: LAST LETTER!! we are done with act 1, now we'll proceed with act 2. next chapters are going to be in narrative style.
series masterlist
whoever wants to be tagged for this fic, fill this out or dm me.
[letter 1] [letter 2] [letter 3] [letter 4] [letter 5] [letter 6] [letter 7] [letter 8] [letter 9]
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October 25th.
Dear, Spencer.
My whole department fell in sick yesterday — including my students, barely anyone was spared. Some kind of food poisoning? I don't know, people started throwing up, passing out and whatnot. We didn't know what to do!
(Yes, this is how I start my letter. I had to vent to someone how weird this is!)
I immediately called 911 and the cafeteria became swarmed with EMT's. My first supposition was that something was wrong with the cafeteria food. I never eat there because I either bring my own food or... I just don't remember eating until I'm off to go home. So, I tested it, the cafeteria food. But no. Nothing was wrong. I still find it weird that this happened out of nowhere, but my colleagues think it wasn't anything serious.
ODU was on the news today. Same thing happened. I can't shake this off, it can't be a coincidence, can it?
Sorry, I needed to ramble to somebody.
Ah, Spencer. It's too late for that, I already care enough to worry. What other resources are you trying? I hope you are not self-medicating yourself, it's not good. You're not doing that, right?
I have a friend that I could recommend you. She's a neurologist so she could be more helpful — you've probably been to a lot of those, but she's really good.
Her name is Clare Thompson, her office is in Washington, DC at Georgetown. If you want, I can make an appointment for you, we're close friends. If not, then just ignore this. I'm not trying to push you into anything, I'm just concerned.
What you said reminded me of the concept “Athazagoraphobia”. I researched about it to include it in my MD thesis about Alzheimer's disease. It means exactly what you said: fear of forgetting something or someone, or being forgotten.
I relate to you on that. But I'm more afraid of being forgotten. Sometimes I think that if I don't put my mark in the world, then how will people remember me? Do you feel like that too?
I absolutely know what you mean about the dolls... They're creepy. I had a few when I was a child, I don't know where they disappeared to though, I think my mother donated them. Either way, I'm happy not knowing their whereabouts.
I am happy that your friends are threatening you to to go out more.
Yes, maybe he is sick. It's an option I've considered. But he usually sends an email letting me know he will miss class. Fabian is not the kind of student that misses class without a plausible reason. He's very dedicated and one of my top students.
Of course you'd take is as a challenge, Doctor Reid. I could tell you were the competitive type from the moment you told me you were a rebel as a kid (no, I'll never forget that, you book thief).
Oh, did you really like the book? I'm so glad. Yes! I have like 5 recommendations to you but I'll spare you two: After Dark and Sputnik Sweetheart. Tell me what you think afterwards.
Something reminded me of you today. I was grabbing my coffee and I guess I picked up the wrong order. Do you know why I think that? Because it was the sweetest beverage I've ever had. I could've dropped dead right there if I had taken another sip. Disgusting, really. My blood vessels were almost clogged up. The person left in a hurry and left their coffee right beside mine on the balcony. Oh! And guess what: it was written “Reid” in their cup. I know it is a common name, but it reminded me of you.
Don't forget to drink water and eat, Spencer. As always, be careful. Looking forward to hear from you soon! <3
taglist: @lilyviolets ; @chayceschultz; @cultish-corner
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dunkledog · 3 months
Introductory Post !
I fear something of this nature is long overdue. So here it is.
I go by Lucifer and my pronouns are he/him. I'm an artist, I enjoy writing, and most of all I enjoy frolicking in anything TF2-related. Most of my art is somehow TF2-related these days. I'm back in the trenches of my biggest obsession hehee... I do have non-tf2 content that I may upload more of.
Unfortunately I don't post often. I'm more active on my main blog, @lucifer-the-fetus-eater, but I don't really post art over there, just general hijinks, rambling, and reblogging. I do dabble in SFM... So I might start posting stuff like that sometime. Who knows
For general warnings, I'm liable to post artistic depictions of blood and gore, possibly body horror, suggestive content, drug use, crude humor, and foul language. I will do my best to tag posts with the appropriate trigger warnings. Discretion is advised.
Now is a better time to mention than never that due to the general nature of my content, this blog is NOT intended for users under the age of 18. I apologize for not clarifying this sooner.
I definitely should've been clear about whether or not I'm accepting requests. As of currently, I am not, since I have a bunch that are still sitting in my ask inbox and have been for months that I wanna try and fulfil before accepting any more.
I will, however, answer questions! I will answer questions about... like... anything, I guess. I'm afraid I might open pandora's box with that one, but to hell with it. Why not?
I don't want to make this too long, but below the cut I have described some blog-specific tags you'll start seeing on some of my posts.
!this post might change and update as time goes on!
Blog-specific Tags
#the magic renaissance - This is my main OC world. It's full of random fantasy crap I've cobbled together over the past like... 7-ish years. It's technically an urban fantasy since it features an alternate history Earth with magic and non-human sapient species and other neat stuff. The (segmented across time periods) story takes place surrounding six main characters. Heinz and Franz (Infernal Emperors), Adrik (Harbringer of Winter) Ritter and Winnifred (Twin Seraphim), and Connor (Son of Creation). There's a lot more, but idk how to condense it more than that just for this post.
#coarse gravel - The basic idea behind this one is "what if The Gravel Wars actually happened, and Valve was hired by the US Government to create a silly 'documentary' video game so no one would take it seriously?" It's like a version of the TF2 universe, but significantly less cartoonish with alternate, more disturbing lore. (With respawn mechanics inspired by Emesis Blue.) It takes place deep in the Rocky Mountains and focuses on the conflict between D.A.C.S, (aka Defense Area Control Squadron, a division or RED), and S.H.A.U, (aka Specialized Heavy Assault Unit, a division of BLU.)
#salem: supernatural reckoning - I haven't posted or mentioned this one at all as of writing this. Mainly because it's very new. It's way more of an elaborate shitpost than anything else... It's a TF2-based universe where these angel and demon teams run around trying to foil each other. I really let myself go crazy with this one. The conflict is between two angels of death-- one fallen, and the other still in reputable standing. One is in part responsible for the respawn machine, the other is trying to find a way to free the souls in its belly. You know how it is.
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dinocos-golden-boy · 1 year
Favourite Pixar movie?
Oof. This is a hard one. I hope a few are alright. I'll also explain my reasons as to why I love them. Because one answer isn't enough for this one I'm afraid.
1. Planes Fire and Rescue - before you come at me. Let me just explain why I'm going with this for my first choice. First of all, this was the first film I watched before I saw cars. Now, mind you I didn't know cars until 2015/2016 so I've been into the cars fandom for a while. Enough about that though. The main reason is I love love LOVE Blade's personality. (I think you can see that based on my posts of him and constant HC ideas on him) and also the plot was really amazing. I loved that they focused on the dangers and risks firefighters go through. And how they didn't shy away from Dusty's disability with his gearbox. Blade is my favorite character out of everyone in this film because of his character and the fact he's so well written that you have to figure out what he's thinking about. I recently got back into this film simply because of Blade and my love for helicopters and even making heli OCs related to him and in general. And seeing others HC ideas and storylines on him.
@carsgeek24 can also attest to that since I've been sending a lot of asks on their ideas for Blade. And let me tell you, they're so amazing.
2. Cars - I know it seems I'm not into the fandom anymore, but I still love love LOVE this film with all my heart. It was one of the reasons why I started to make cars OCs. And I won't ever stop loving this film even though I'm not doing anything with the characters atm. And I can't believe Cars 3 will be 6 years old this year. I still remember waiting for the days for it to come out, getting a lot of merch, reading the novelization, and so much more. But I'll always have a deep spot for these two films in my heart.
I hope that answers your question friendo :D
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FUCKING HELL- 'I sUcK aT tHiS' I JUST BUSTED MY OVARIES! pls more on these 3🙏🏽 I loved it.
Ah- alright then! Your wish is my command! Although I actually don't know what I'm doing. I should make a masterlist or whatever those professional people out there are doing if I ever got the chance cause my profile is messy.
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Warnings: Bad Grammar, Cursing Or Bad Words, Sexual Themes at the nsfw part, Polyamorous Relationship, NB x Male at the sfw part, Male x Male at the nsfw part.
- This is my own character not a Y/N cause I don't know if you can relate to my character at all! 😭 But feel free to imagine yourself or your oc as the male character!!
People under 18+ do not interact!
Imagine having three absolutely fantastic boyfriends yet you're just someone plain that doesn't have anything to show. Your lovers had it all, money, fame, looks, Ect. They were someone you could only fantasize about. Yet here you are living everyone's dream. You have one boyfriend that is cold yet loving towards you, you have one boyfriend that takes care of you and treats you like you're the best thing in his life, you have one boyfriend that is literally a heartthrob and is super popular yet he only has eyes for you. You had everything that many people wish they had. You had everything yet you can't help but feel out of place. You don't deserve any of this. You weren't anything special so why do the three of them keep on wanting to be around you. When this thought hit you, you soon began to avoid them more frequently because you think that you don't deserve anything that they give you.
Goo was the first to notice your sudden coldness towards the three of them. He asked Gun about it and that is when Gun also noticed it too. Gun answered that he didn't know why you were suddenly acting like this. The two eventually went up to DG and asked him about it. DG also didn't notice your sudden change of behavior. The three of them felt awful. Goo even almost started a fight with the two cause he thought the other two weren't giving you enough attention and now you were sad about it. DG stopped him right on time and asked him to calm down so the three of them could figure this out without fighting each other. Goo hesitated yet still agreed to what DG said.
They came to the conclusion of just talking to you about it. They pinned you into a room and Goo was the first one to confront you about it. His tone wasn't angry or annoyed, he was so soft and gentle when he asked. His voice sounded like he was afraid and worried. He also seems like he hasn't slept or eaten anything at all. You took a look at the other two before you answer his question. You noticed that Gun was much more messier. His hair wasn't perfect, his glasses were slightly tilted, his outfit was wrinkled, he looked like a total mess. DG on the other hand looks so worried about you. He was also messy from his hair to his shoes and he looks like he doesn't know what he's doing anymore, like his mind had just gone blank. He was nothing but an emotional trainwreck.
You suddenly felt guilty about your actions. You couldn't even get a word out as soon as you realized this has all happened because of your stupid insecurities. You could do nothing but cry. You felt so vulnerable and exposed to the three. The room was filled with nothing but sobs and sniffles. You soon felt warmth as you opened your eyes to see the three hugging you. You couldn't help but cry more because of this. This was all your fault. You couldn't help blaming yourself.
Your sobs soon lowered down and now you're in bed sitting with the three next to you or behind you. Goo took a deep breath and asked why you were suddenly ignoring them. You explained to them what you were thinking and how they're better off with someone as equally rich and pretty as them. As soon as you were done explaining, Gun responded with "If we were ever given the chance to choose you over money, we'd always choose you cause the money means nothing to us if you weren't here. In fact, the money can't even be compared to how complete you make us feel. You are much more better if you didn't have us ruining your life yet you still choose us over a nice and comfortable. That is why we love you till the day we die,".
DG soon added "And being handsome or pretty doesn't mean anything to us. Even if you're fat or skinny, even if you're black, white, yellowish, or brown, even if you can't talk, see, or hear, even if you're from another religion, you are perfect the way you are and you're never going to change that. We never forced you to be something you aren't because we loved you the way you are and whenever you smile it feels like I'm staring at a fallen angel. Please don't leave us and ignore us. It hurts just not having to talk to you. It felt like my heart was being ripped apart."
Goo nodded his head, agreeing to the other two. That day, they all took a break from their jobs and spent time with you. At the end of the day, you had three people cuddling you as you try to read a book. They're just so cute and peaceful.
Of course, a relationship also has it down sides and there are days where you fight with the three. You'd get so fed up with them and just leave the house to go calm down. You'd call Jake, Your most trusted friend, to ask if you can stay at his house for a while. He'd hesitate a little but still agreed. His mother loved you, you weren't a gangster, you were doing well financially, and you had a stable job. His mother would sometimes pursue Jake to go on dates with you but each time she does that Jake would always tell her that you already had a fantastic lover. Even though Jake already said it to her face she would still try to get you two together. Eventually, Jake just gave up and allowed her to do whatever she wanted to, knowing full well that you were loyal to your lovers.
To get your boyfriends to apologize and regret their decisions, you would have to make the first move.
To get Goo to apologize was quite simple, you had to get caught going out with Samuel (You two were going out to eat because you owe him food from the last time you two met.) for him to get jealous and drag you out of there. Once you're in a secluded area, Goo would cling onto you and apologize over and over again. You would also tell him you're sorry cause if you don't then things might not end well. You let him explain his Actions and why he did that then you two would talk about how you could avoid them in the future.
Gun isn't as easy as Goo but simple enough. You just need flowers or anything expensive. Then you would knock at the door of the house. Gun would quickly answer and get surprised when he sees you. You would give him the gift and ask if you could go in. If he says no then you could try again next day. But if he says yes, you would lead him to the couch and make him sit down. You could ask Gun about what happened and why did he do that. He would answer you truthfully and then you two can now start talking about how you can avoid things like that from happening again. You then have to take him out for a date after you two are done talking to get you to trust each other.
Nsfw Part!
DG is the hardest. He is always busy and can barely talk to you. He always pushes you off and ignores you. The other two understand that it was their fault or that you had a reason to fight with them but DG just thinks you're being silly. You would have to go inside the house without his permission and wait for him there. You would have to wait days if not weeks for him to come home. If he does come home at about a day or two, he would immediately tell you to get out. You would have to go against him and roughly grab his wrist. Force him into his bedroom and pin him on the bed. He may be saying that you're so disgusting for touching him but soon enough he'll whine and beg whenever you don't touch him.
He definitely acted cocky about knowing how to handle you and that you can't even make him beg yet here he is now, begging and whining for you to just do anything to him.
Don't give him anything he wants and he'll lose his mind just from you touching him the way he likes it. He wants it rough? Go soft and gentle. He's begging you to go faster? Go slower. He wants more of you? Stop everything you're doing. He'll be begging you and will even do whatever you want him to do just to get you to do what he wants. You just grinned as you heard the door of the house opening and closing. The footsteps of the people who entered could be heard in the bedroom. DG's eyes widened as he quickly covered his mouth when you began pounding into him like a monster.
A few moans slipped out and the two heard, thankfully. They headed to the source of the sound. Of course they knocked first before entering. Their eyes widened to see the scene in front of them. Your gaze went from DG to the two. Gun asked what was happening and then you explained the whole situation. You offered them to join you as soon as you were done explaining. They seemed to hesitate but the second they saw DG signaling them to say no, they smiled sinisterly and agreed. Let's just say DG was a mess when you three were done with him. He body was full of hickeys, cum was all over the place, and most of all, he got so fucked out that he couldn't even remember his old name. The three of you couldn't help but grin at the masterpiece you three made.
The two soon went away to go to sleep since they had work tomorrow. You just nodded and stayed next to DG. You soon got up and began cleaning him up. You made him take a warm bath while you were changing the bedding and cleaning everything up. Once he was done, you changed him to more comfortable clothes. The comfortable clothes we're talking about was the one stolen from you. You also took a shower before picking him up to finally go to sleep. Once you made him lay down, he would immediately shut down. You shook your head and smiled as you got in the bed with him. He wrapped his arms around your head and gave you a little kiss in the forehead. When you are waken up, you'd be greeted by Goo asking if you two want breakfast. You'd tell him yes and go down stairs to eat your breakfast. After you're done you would go get a small table that had DG'S breakfast on it. (Gun prepared it.) You then would head upstairs and wake DG up. He would then be forced to eat his breakfast on bed since his body was still weak from last nights event. You can now start talking to him about your argument since he's all calmed down. He would finally understand what he did and apologize. You two would talk about how you can avoid it. After DG is done with his breakfast, you'd soon put the table on the floor and cuddle with DG knowing Gun would eventually go inside the room to go get the table.
[This is unedited cause yes I'm that lazy. I hope you enjoyed! This annon actually popped up when I was watching a horror movie on my phone. I shouted so loud because of that and my family was looking at me as if I was some weirdo! 🤣 But thank you for sending this annon! I really appreciate whenever you guys spend time on someone like me. Till next time! Love you annon!]
Side note: I'd probably edit this once o have time 😚
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peccaberry · 1 year
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I made a Pokemon Legends of Arceus ship list bc lists are fun! These are all just my own personal preferences and not a condemnation/moral judgement of any ship. If a ship isn't listed it's because I don't really have an opinion on it/didn't think of it. Feel free to copy me and make your own list!
❤️ Talk of ships below cut ❤️
OTP ❤️:
Rei x Volo - No one who has spoken to me for more than 2 seconds is surprised about this one. I have an ongoing Fanfiction where they are the main couple and I am probably the biggest shipper of these two that I know of. Rarepair but they mean a lot to me in the specific context they have in the story I am writing. In any other interpretation it can definitely depend because Volorei is something a lot of people like to do in ways I can't get behind.
I tend to stick to just making my own Volorei content and just enjoying that but my friends also have started making content for them at times because they love me and like to see me lose my mind. I love them for it, y'all know who you are 😂
If you want to know more about why I ship this just go read Achilles Come Down (link in my pinned post) bc that is my 100,000 words and counting Volorei thesis paper.
Anyway Volorei is autism 4 autism to me and that should sum it up nicely
I really like this ship:
Adaman x Irida - Two young people leading rival clans who also are probably the only people with any real understanding of the pressures that puts on a person? Good shit good shit! They should yell at each other and then kiss about it. They should date in secret. They should be messy and lovestruck and it should affect the clan relations in ways they must deal with together.
Adaman x Rei - If I had to ship Rei with anyone who wasn't Volo it would absolutely be Adaman. I'd probably be cool with writing fanfic about them in the future but seeing as the next billion years will be taken up by writing Volorei in ACD it's too soon to say if that will happen.
Dawn x Irida - One of my friends ships this and has inducted me into the cult. Not something I would have thought of on my own but it's cute and if you've been following me I'm sure you've seen my art of it 😂 I prefer considering this interpretation as one of Dawn in the place of Akari bc Akari is aro ace to me.
Adaman x Melli - A ship full of any number of potentially hilarious situations. I actually really like it and I feel like there are actually some things that could be interpreted as canon feelings on Melli's end and I feel like that would be interesting to explore. Good luck Melli, go get your man!
Ginter x Tuli: THEY ARE MARRIED TO ME OK??? This is actually canon based on I said so.
Cogita x Ama: Ok this one is just Cogita x My fanfic oc but this is my list so I get to put it on here. Let the ridiculous sapphic woman get her awkward immortal gf ok? I mean it ends tragically in ACD but I still like them together so this is definitely my top Cogita ship.
I could get behind this:
Mai x Arezu - They both eat hot chips be bisexual and lie together. It's just so obvious how could they not be together? Needs more research.
Adaman x Volo - This is probably the only non Rei ship I would probably ever consider for Volo. Idk if I have any strong feelings about why or how it would work but they seem like two personalities that could be interesting together. Wouldn't seek it out or anything but maybe it wouldn't be so bad?
Cyllene x Cogita: Older ladies kissing? You have my attention.
Pesselle x any age appropriate girl: You know it!!! 🥺❤️ we must research the potential....
The Miss Fortune Sisters: Lesbian crime triad tbh. Absolutely Iconic for it.
I don't particularly like this ship:
Palina x Iscan - This ship held so much potential, especially as the only canon one, but overall it kind of disappointed me in practice. Iscan is just so cartoonishly afraid of ghost types it kind of makes him harder for me to like because they made it so much of his personality. If they'd been less heavy handed with it I'd probably like this couple more but I just end up feeling meh because I don't wanna see them interact more.
I feel like someone could convince me with a good fic where Iscan is treated like less of a complete coward though. There's nothing wrong with having fears or phobias but I guess I just didn't vibe with this particular portrayal of it. It's really too bad because the backstory they have together is so sweet and they are one of the ones I wanted to like the most but it just didn't end up happening. Iscan deserved better writing tbh.
Laventon x Cyllene - Cyllene just doesn't seem like she'd appreciate Laventon like he deserves. He's so nice to her and she just kinda brushes him off. I'm sure some people like ice queen type pairings and if you do you'd probably like it more than me but I want Laventon to have someone who acts just as happy to be with him as he would be with them.
Hard no:
Volo x Akari
Volo x Ingo
Volo x Emmet
Purely personal reasoning but I do what I can to avoid them. There's nothing wrong with them I just don't want to see it because all the characters here besides Volo I like to interpret as Aro/Ace and as an aro ace person myself it's just gonna be that way for some ships 😂 I also interpret Volo as a lot younger and the twins as a lot older than a lot of people so it's just not my thing based on that too.
It also feels weird that Volo x Emmet is as much of a thing as it is because Emmet is not in PLA. It makes it feel like more of a submas fandom thing than an actual PLA fandom thing so I honestly am pretty heavily dissociated from wanting to see it even more than with Ingo.
Volo x Cogita - While I know there's no official interpretation of their relationship I feel like too much points to both Cogita being way older than him (her having lines under her eyes/grey hair to indicate being older, her calling him "young man" to indicate she sees him in a much different age group than her) and potentially a direct ancestor of him herself (how similar they look in facial structure)
Now you could interpret things as they are the two unrelated people that got together to eventually have Cynthia and they are both immortals or whatever but it doesn't really seem that way to me and it kinda just doesn't vibe for me because of that. No shade if you disagree but it's not for me! They will always be dysfunctional family members in my eyes.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 5 months
Happy 4th Anniversary for TW:OPT!
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(Two weeks late, but better than never.)
Can't believe it has been 4 years, eh? Can't believe I'm almost one year without posting any TW:OPT related since the final episode. I don't even think I ever post a Behind the Fic for chapter 163. Sorry about that.
I honestly don't know what am I supposed to make for this year. Honestly my biggest goal is to finish all of my wip, including ideas for TW:OPT Gaiden, before moving on to Book 2.
But sometimes I even wonder whether I want to write Book 2 or not.
Don't get me wrong; I still like Twisted-Wonderland. I still love my fic. But the spark is not there anymore. And I don't know why.
I mean, I barely interact with main content of TWST nowadays. Am I overwhelmed? Maybe. Am I having a burnt out? Perhaps. Or maybe I'm just getting old. It just doesn't feel the same, but I cannot pinpoint why it is different.
There were times when I thought: "what's the point? nobody will read this anyway" and wanting to delete everything to start a new or just disappear quietly. It's not like anyone gonna miss me, right?
Which is strange. Back when I wrote TW:OPT for the first time, I don't really care about the reaction. I was writing it for funzies. I know I didn't fit the target audience with the male oc-centric, so I never expected it to pick up. I was just going to write it until I stop and abandon it like many times.
But then you guys came, dearest reader. I never expected much, so it doesn't took me by surprise. I never expected so many people to like this little story. Even now I still sometimes go back and read your comments. Those were the moments when I felt like finally I did something right.
Meet new friends who I'll always treasure them in my heart and I lost a friend, which kinda makes me afraid in commenting others' WIP, but that's another story. I feel like I learn more about writing when planning for TW:OPT that I've ever before in school. It was a good times to find something to do, especially during quarantine, might I dare to say TW:OPT was the that bring me through quarantine. It came at the right place, at the right time.
But there are times, many even, when I looked at the neighbor's grass and see that it is greener. I thought I could handle myself, but jealously will come sooner or later. Insecurities is not a nice thing. It will eat you up until it left you crumbling to your knees. And the biggest thing that annoy me is that the fact that I care. I admit I don't have the best understanding with my surrounding and can be apathetic, so I shouldn't have feel jealous or anything. I'm the type of girl who can admit defeat and knows when others can do better things than me, so why can't I accept this? I've written a lot of fic and I never expect any reaction. So why am I bothered with attention when writing TW:OPT?
There's a saying: "Above the sky there is another sky". I know that. I know there are many writers better than me. Heck, my friends are better writer than me. Do I want to be the only writer? Absolutely not! If someone as pathetic like me can find joy in writing, I'm sure many will as well! I wasn't intended to gatekeep. So why am I feeling jealous like this?
If I have to explain this the best I can, it will be maybe like this: Writing is the only thing that I can enjoy and at least have a decent skill. Even if in real life I keep this a secret, at least I can take pride by myself. And when that one thing is taken from you, what is left? If TW:OPT is my one pride, what happen when it doesn't give you the same happiness anymore?
It's a thing that I noticed. After the middle of Scarabia Arc, I don't feel as happy as I used to when writing it. It became a chore. The thing where it supposed to be a stress-reliever, was instead became the cause of stress. I was plagued with the thoughts: I need to update. I have to update. When can I write? They've waited for too long. I can't stop now. I must finish this goddamn fic. It shouldn't have take three years to complete this damn fic. Why can't I update everyday like before? What wrong with me? Am I losing my touch? Why I don't get that many attraction anymore? Do they hate my work now? Am I not as good as I thought I am? Everyone is better than me. Why can't I be like them? Are my readers disappointed in me? Are they already moving on because I took too long? No one cares anymore. Always knew that I'm irrelevant. I'm just wasting my time trying to get something that's never mine.
But I'm still clinging onto TW:OPT. I'm not ready to say goodbye just yet. I still have Book 2/Last. I promised to myself that I will write it. I want to complete it. It doesn't matter if Twisted-Wonderland continue into Year 2 or 3 or 4. My goal is to complete Year 1.
I just...I don't want to disappoint you guys. I don't want to disappoint myself. I don't want this to be an abandon project. I just want to finally complete something that I started on my own will for once in my goddamn life.
What a hubris thought, huh? I'm sorry. I must've sounded like a selfish, attention-seeking, and ungrateful little bitch, aren't I? "Write for yourself" as they would say; I don't deserve to complain like a baby. I'll stop now.
I honesty don't know where is this rambling goes. I don't think I've ever talk like this before. Sorry. This might be a bad look on me, but it has been eating in me for the longest time. Does it feel good to let it out? Maybe. Or maybe I'm not able to feel anything anymore.
I just want to be happy in writing again. I want to be optimistic in my writing again. I don't want to be jealous of others. That one spark that I had back in early TW:OPT, I need it again. I want to try again. I want to write for TWST again. There are so many WIP that I want to write before I maybe disappear again. I know I will go back to write for Book 2. But not in this state. Not in this mental state where I think will care anymore.
I just want to be happy in my writing again.
I don't know... What do I do? I can try writing more. Will it help? It won't be another futile attempt? Or am I really hopeless and never have the chance since the very beginning. TW:OPT is my peak after all. It'll only go downhill from here.
Okay. I'll really stop here.
Dearest reader, whoever and wherever you are, I'm sorry for not giving you much. I perfectly understand if you want to leave. But I am eternally grateful for you guys who still stays. This four years has been an experience. But thank you for being there to experience it with me.
I'm going to stop whining now. Bye for now.
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giantchasm · 6 months
🎶🐛💼 for peony the beloved? :3
Hehehe. Thank you for the ask! Sorry I'm answering like 24 hours late, but I do indeed have Thoughts
(For the uninitiated, here's a rundown on Peony for some context. TLDR: my Taransusie fankid with a god complex who sees ghosts)
🎶 (Music Notes) - Do they play any instruments? What kind of leitmotif and/or battle theme would they have? Are there any songs you associate with them?
I can see her trying to learn how to play an instrument, as both of her parents are musically inclined, but not getting far. One of Peony's biggest faults is that if she isn't immediately good at something she gets frustrated and gives up, so I can definitely see her doing that there ahahaha.
I don't have any thoughts on leitmotifs or battle themes as I'm not actually that musically inclined myself, but as for songs I associate with her, I actually have a full playlist! Some of these songs are technically for the people around her within the context of situations they're only put in in the "Peony AU," but the majority of them are for her specifically. My favorites are Above the Clouds of Pompeii, Angels and Tiny Fiends.
🐛 (Caterpillar) - What are your OC’s greatest fears, and why? How do they act or react when they’re afraid?
Peony's definitely pretty recklessly bold, and to that extent she's not super fearful... or at least, she tries to act like she isn't afraid of anything. Her biggest fear, I think, is helplessness. She hates the idea of being stuck in a situation where she thinks something is unfair and not being able to change it. She wants to believe she's capable of "fixing" everything, and the reality that that might not be possible is something she's not willing to face.
I also think she has some fears related to her near-death experience, but a lot of the anxieties surrounding that are... blocked out. It was the most terrifying, painful thing she's ever gone through, but she tries not to think about it in that context and instead just processes it as "Oh, well, I came out of it fine and even got cool powers, so it's a GOOD thing it happened, actually!" even if that's maybe not entirely how she feels deep down. She probably gets a little nervous around big machinery and when people touch her unexpectedly in the places that she was injured.
Peony puts on a brave face in the face of fear. She tries to convince both others and herself that she's not afraid. In fact, this 'bravery' can even turn to boldness and anger, especially when associated with helplessness. When something scares her, she wants to make it go away or change the situation, and so she demands that be done or that she get her way.
...It's not always that easy, but she's certainly good at yelling about it.
💼 (Bag) - Inventory check! What items does your OC typically carry around with them? What do they carry them in?
There isn't toooo much Peony keeps constantly on hand, at least as a kid. Lots of little scattered trinkets and things she forgot she picked up in her pockets. Nuts and bolts and books and what-have-you. The only thing she consistently keeps on her person at all times is the hair clip passed down from Susie. It's her most precious belonging and she takes very good care of it. Literally her first question following her near-death experience was if it was alright or if she broke it because she was that worried about it.
Once she's grown up and started to travel the galaxy she's forced to be slightly more organized and have a set of tools as well as mementos. Then, what she has on her at all times is a scepter for magic, a bayonet for fighting (that can magically separate into a gun and rapier), and two items equally as sentimental to her as the hair clip that she's acquired over the years: a worn-out red scarf (not a hand-me-down from Taranza, surprisingly. It's actually the half of the two-piece set that Sectonia discarded when she lost herself) and a golden pocket watch (not the original, but something she practically hounded her mom into helping pick out with her when she realized her granddad no longer had the one Susie gifted him many years before. This was meant for him, but it was only after going through all of the effort that Peony realized a dead man would not, in fact, be able to keep her gift on his person. That's okay, though. He told her to hold onto it for him- something she's done dutifully.) The latter has a picture of her family inside.
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captain-kraken · 1 year
Writing Questions Tag
Thank you @writernopal for the tag! See her post here!
No pressure tag for @lexiklecksi @arctic-oceans @kittensartswriting @toribookworm22 and anyone else who wants to do it :)
What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
I can't say because of spoilers!! Which is SO frustrating for me XD all I can say is that it's related to the Sinni bonds and one of the misconceptions around it XD
Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you, and you still think about sometimes?
I don't think so? Nothing that stands out in particular.
What is your favorite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
My favourite part is just simply the creation of it. I love being able to pull whole worlds out of my mind and poke around to see what lives there.
I don't really like the editing stage, as this is where most of my self-doubt kicks in.
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
Escape, mostly. My real life isn't... great. I honestly struggle to get through to the end of each day, but being able to disappear into the world inside my head makes life a little more bearable.
Plus, making my characters deal with the same stuff that I have to deal with makes me feel less alone, and helps me work through my own feelings that I'm otherwise reluctant to face.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever read or been given as a writer?
To just write for myself. It sounds basic but I'm a major people pleaser and it has been very detrimental to my writing over the years. Which is so silly because people seem to like the stuff more since I stopped trying so hard to make it for everyone.
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
That there's always going to be people that won't like what I'm writing. It just means that my writing isn't for them. Trying to please everyone means I'll please nobody, especially myself. I've had a lot more fun writing Blue Blood than I did with Outcast because of this.
What is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you’d like and can!
This is a tough one, because most of my completed stuff is really old. If anything, I like my poetry a lot more because I don't think too hard about them and they're mostly just raw emotion.
I'd link one but the search system has gone out the window so I can't find any of them :(
What is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
Ooh this is a tough one because I love a lot of quotes but I dunno what's "out of the box" so i'm just gonna go with this one -
"Think of me long enough to make a memory"
It just always hits hard for me. From this song.
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so, and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
Hmmm this is a tough one because I feel like a few of the Blue Blood OCs are controversial lol
I'm hoping Mahrias, since I fully intended for him to be controversial lol. I want people to feel very conflicted about rooting for him, especially with the further along in the book it gets.
I love Mahrias a lot, his desires align with a lot of mine and I can understand his motivations for a lot of the things that he does. But there are some things he does where I wouldn't go that far, so it's complicated lol
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
I think he'd see all the queer characters I have and just cry lol. It was such a big thing for me back then, I was so afraid of writing about my two gay characters because of the negative feedback I'd received. Now I'm just like
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golden--doodler · 1 year
Currently still working on my newest Bob's Burgers comic (because Gene deserves love too! Okay, yes, he had Courtney, but still). Here's everything you need to know about my newest OC, AKA random facts no one asked for but I'm giving anyway:
--First off, he's kind of an amalgamation of several old OCs I made but never ended up using.
--Their full name is Alexis Emiliano Franklin-De La Vega. His super long name comes from the fact he's Guatemalan and his adopted parents have two different last names (he was born in Guatemala but then brought to the US and adopted when he was a baby).
--He's Nonbinary AMAB (Assigned Male At Birth) and uses He/They pronouns. He might change it to They/He once they're older, but I'm not entirely sure yet. They're also Androsexual. However, they always tell people they're Gay, because that label is usually easier for people to understand.
--Loves theater, making outfits (thrifting is so important to them), and all things flamboyant. They even have a small hobby of glassblowing, something they particularly love doing when they're stressed. This is why Gene loves them.
--Their favorite color is yellow (that color remind you of anyone? 👀), and their favorite book of all time is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They were so obsessed with it when they were young, they wanted to be Charlie so bad and meet Willy Wonka.
--He was born without a right foot and has a prosthetic so he can still walk. He was also born with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, meaning their joints are pretty loose, and they can't move and run around as fast or as much as other kids.
--They're actually an excellent baker, something they don't often bring up, because he's afraid of being judged for this hobby. However, when he does bake, he bakes the best chocolate chip cookies. They've also tried their hand at making Beignets in the past. This causes Bob to immediately take a liking to Alexis. They consider baking an art form.
--They have Perfect Pitch, something Gene is pretty jealous of, but also greatly admires.
--They're a Night Owl, and can't go to sleep any earlier than midnight. It's kind of a problem when he has school the next day, but on the weekends, he can just sleep in.
--Loves drawing and character designing, and so far has only shown his drawings to Gene, who loves his art. Sometimes, on the cover of the night, he likes to sneak out and paint gorgeous murals in certain places.
--Not great at picking up other languages, but has a knack for picking up specific accents. He can imitate things like an Irish or Cockney accent so perfectly it's almost scary. This serves him well in theater.
--In secret, he also loves watching Stand-Up Comedians (like John Mulaney or Ali Wong) and thinks they're great. He also loves watching sitcoms, even if the writing is terrible. He just loves anything that can make him laugh.
--Their adopted parents aren't supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, so once he realizes he has a crush on Gene, he has to keep it a secret from them. Their parents also don't know they're Non-Binary.
--Loves collecting vintage vinyl records, especially of things from the Jazz or Blues Age. They just love studying certain things related to vintage times, such as music, but also the fashion people had in the past.
--Has a crippling fear of heights because of an incident when he was young. He was at a state fair with his parents, and they got on the Ferris Wheel. It got stuck, and they had to stay there for hours until it started working again.
--Is a Vegetarian and has a low spice tolerance.
--Has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor which can put most people off, but Gene loves it. He says Alexis' sense of humor/general demeanor reminds him of Louise.
--Carries a stone in his pocket for good luck, especially before a theater performance, a habit he picked up from his adopted grandmother. He swears it's actually helped him in the past.
--Eventually bonds with Bob not only for their shared hobby of cooking/baking but also for loving rock and roll. Their general love for music and theater allows them to eventually bond with Linda.
--Has a job at Jimmy Pesto's (doesn't let Bob know because they know he would freak out), but hates working there. Also, their working there isn't exactly legal because of how young he is (their parents know Jimmy Pesto, so that's why he got hired in the first place). They only work there to earn some money, which his family definitely needs. They burned their hand working there once, and he doesn't even cook or go into the kitchen that often. It left a permanent scar on his hand.
--Wears black, rectangular glasses and is nearsighted and has an astigmatism.
--Enjoys Science Fiction, ET being one of his favorite movies (mainly because of how amazing the design of the puppet for ET is), but thinks the concept of aliens is pretty unnerving.
Finally, here's a little drawing of them, a sneak peek from a panel of the comic:
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