#this is why I hesitate getting to know someone on text in general
fr3aklike-me · 2 years
getting to know someone on text when they're not an expressive texter is so--
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mokulule · 8 months
The Number You Have Called Cannot Be Reached (Catnip) - part 10
First| Masterlist
It was near noon. Tim was in civilian dress outside of Jason’s door. He took at deep breath. Worrying did not help. It did not help to think about the fact that Jason had pointed a gun at Bruce last night. That he had looked very close to pulling the trigger.
It wasn’t that Tim hadn’t noticed something was up with Jason. Of course he’d noticed, a blind man would have noticed. But this was Jason, something was regularly up with Jason. And like when wasn’t his relationship with Bruce strained? Basically never? 
But things had been getting better. Jason had stopped crime-lording, left that to his lieutenants, who as long as they followed the rules, operated relatively unmolested in Crime Alley. It worked. He kept apart, but he was on the same comms as them. He helped out if there was trouble. He cared, they all knew he did. Even if things were still hard. 
It was a bit back and forth but generally the relationship between the bats and Red Hood had been getting better - like the overall trend, Tim had a graph. There was a prognosis that Jason may join them for Sunday dinners in a couple of years. So it was not so weird that Jason had been drawing back, Tim had assumed that was just some of the regular fluctuation that happened now and again. 
But this?
Jason pointing a gun at Bruce?
That was more than just a fluctuation! That was something else, and it all lead back to Jason meeting the Ghost about 5 weeks ago. Jason had been odd that night, there had been something uncertain, hesitant, about him. Tim had brushed it off at the time, there could be any manner of reason for Jason to act a bit off, guilt being the obvious one. Jason for all his gruffness did not like accidental violence, his violence had a purpose and was doled out to those he deemed deserving. 
At one point that had been Tim. 
That thought sat heavy in his chest as he took another deep breath. 
Was he the best person to do this? No, probably not. But someone needed to do it. Dick was on a Justice League mission halfway around the world. Cass would probably have been safest, least likely to piss Jason off, but Tim couldn’t outsource this. Tim needed to talk to Jason, to assess him himself. 
Finally, heart steeled, he knocked on the door. 
There was movement inside, footsteps coming to the door. There was a rumble in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the text:
You should not be here.
Tim scowled at the door. “I am not leaving. I need to talk to you.”
There was a moment of silence that dragged. Tim would wait out here all day if he had to, he was stubborn like that and Jason knew it, which is why eventually the sound of the locks turning reached him. Tim carefully kept the victory out of his face. 
Jason didn’t meet his gaze as he let him in and locked the door behind him. He didn’t bother to reset the traps. Instead he padded barefoot over to the kitchen counter.
“Coffee?” He asked, voice scratchy.
Tim didn’t respond immediately eyes too busy following the small trail of blood Jason left behind where he stepped. 
“Tim?” His eyes snapped up, meeting Jason’s tired eyes. 
“You know me,” Tim finally responded weakly. Jason looked… sick, was probably the best word. He was pale, the bags under his eyes so dark they looked bruised. His hair was unwashed and there was something about the weariness in his posture that made him look small in his loose t-shirt and sweatpants. 
Something about the image deeply alarmed Tim and he retreated with a, “I’ll just use the bathroom real quick.”
He noticed the crunch under his shoes even before he saw the broken mirror over the sink; that explained why Jason’s feet were bleeding. Fuck. He sank down onto the closed lid of the toilet and put his head in his hands. This was so much worse than he’d thought. Tim could handle anger, not whatever that was.
“Fuck,” he repeated his earlier thought, quietly and emphatically. Then stood, flushed and washed his hands, to keep up appearances - for something to do. Stalling didn’t help.
He walked back out to find Jason sitting at the small kitchen table with two cups of coffee, one of them placed in front of the empty seat across from him.
Tim sat down and picked up the mug with both hands. He sniffed the rich aroma before taking a sip, Jason had great coffee.
“What do you want, Tim?”
Tim looked up and opened his mouth to reply, something, a deflection, but Jason didn’t let him.
“You’re obviously not here for my sake, so cut to the chase.”
Tim’s mouth clapped shut and his lips thinned. Outrage burst in his chest at the implication that he didn’t care. But Jason was right. He wasn’t here to check on Jason for his sake, he was here to assess him. To make sure what happened last night would not happen again. He was there for them, for the mission, not for Jason. 
Jason was right and it stung. 
Well far be it for Tim to further try to delude them both. 
“I need you to stay away from the Ghost.”
“Like Hell!” Jason snarled jumping to his feet, and there was the Jason Tim had expected, and he held the instinctive fear in an iron grip, not letting it reach his face. There was only a tiny tremble as he brought the cup back up to his lips.
Jason paced. Then turned on Tim, eyes with just a hint of the green they didn’t talk about.
“You cannot bench me,” he spat.
“I’m not. I’m asking you, Jason.” Tim carefully set down the cup.
Jason frowned and this was the one chance Tim had to convince him, he had to make it count.
“He disappears as soon as you get within 20 yards of him. I will figure out a way to capture him, but I cannot do that when he keeps disappearing. I need you to hang back.”
Jason was wavering, his hands clenching and unclenching.
“Please.” Finally Jason sighed and the weariness was back, he sat back down heavily. Leaning his head on his hand he spoke quietly, “he needs help, Tim.”
Tim didn’t know what made Jason so certain of that, but Jason didn’t know what Tim suspected either, what the ghost could be building. 
“But first he needs to be stopped.”
There was a long moment of silence...
“I’ll hang back.”
Taadaa! The misery continues... Things will be coming to a head soon, I don't know if you can feel it? I just have to write a small Danny POV, and then Tim coming up with the plan and then we'll get into it, it's exciting.
If you wanna subscribe to the story you can do so here
Update: next
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7ndipity · 1 year
Dating Yoongi headcanons
Yoongi x Reader
Warnings: swearing, lil suggestive, not proofread.
A/N: Alright, if we're gonna do this series, then it's time we talk about my ult. The man, the myth, the meow meow(I'm sorry Yoongi)
(Also, I'm already planning a pt.2 for this series that's more on the crack side, so if anyone wants to send me headcanons for the members to possibly be included in future lists?)
Requests are open
Dating Yoongi is comfortable.
So soft for you, I can't even begin. Like, I don't understand how people ever think he's cold, he is the epitome of soft boi.
Blushes when you complement or brag on him.
Turns into a scrunched up, spluttering mess if you call him cute(we love our tsundere).
Very cautious at first with his feelings, but once he feels comfortable enough to open up, he's very straight forward.
To call it dating is a bit generous though. Like, y'all immediately go from 'kinda dating' to 'married-but-not-married'.
Tells you he loves you for the first time in one of those long ass, 3am texts like he sends to the members.
Random,(half-)joking proposals(Marry me, Yoongi uno reverse card!)
"What kind of ramen do you want?" "Marry me." "Both it is."
So many songs about you, but you will not know until they're released(or he makes them into a playlist/mixtape for your birthday or anniversary)
Actually really hesitant about letting you in his studio(sorry fellow writers). He just prefers to have a level of separation between his work and you.
Dates are usually pretty chill(except for special occasions or when he wants to flex and rents out a whole fucking skating rink for y'all or smth)
Another who lives for domestic activities with you, like cooking together or even just grocery shopping. Idk, he just likes getting to be with you.
Probably would love going camping with you in one of those little camper vans.
Likes to teach you things?
I mean, he won't want to be your full time teacher, but if you show an interest in smth like piano or producing, he'll get a kick out of teaching you the basics.(let him teach you about basketball, he'll lose his gd mind)
Not big on nicknames(big shock🙄). Like, you have a perfectly good name, why not just fucking use it? Also calls you 'Jagi', but that's if he's feeling particularly soft or needy.
Acts of service King.
Have you eaten? He's making food. Are you cold? Makes you take his jacket. His top priority is making sure you're taken care of.
Gets lowkey jealous of Holly getting too much of your attention. "Yah, are you dating me or my dog?!"
Sass and bickering are basically a second language for you two.
Subtle about pda. If he's not holding your hand, he has to have one resting on your back.
Not always vocal about wanting physical affection, but when he is, he's lowkey dramatic.
*laying on the couch*"If you don't kiss me, I'm gonna die." *kiss* "Better?" "Hmm, still in critical condition. Keep going."
Another who gets more than a little enjoyment in winding you up into a flustered mess, and is smug about it(again, shocking no one, I'm sure)
Slow, lingering kisses as he holds onto you like you're the most precious thing in the world.
Gets really quiet if you fight(and sulks), but is usually the first to apologize because he absolutely cannot stand y'all being mad at each other.
Holds you to go to sleep.
"Marry me." "M'kay."
Okay, that's enough delulu for right now, Imma go cry.
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rieamena · 3 months
i dont care what ANYBODY SAY and if its self-indulgent but I KNOW that INO TAKUMA LOVES BLACK GIRLS i can feel it in my soul
contains: ino having a major crush on you, non-sorcerer au, black!fem!reader working at a cafe, nanami & ino are more friends than mentor/mentee
wc: 1.2k
part two: the first date!
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ino who is star struck when he walks into the cafe that he was meant to meet nanami at for lunch and sees you. your bright smile as you tend to a customer lights up the cafe, going beautifully with your skin. the way you move with grace and confidence behind the counter captivates him, making it impossible for him to look away. he’s completely entranced by the warmth you give in your interactions with everyone. he finds a suitable table and sets down his things, his eyes never leaving you. you finish up with your current customer and consider walking over to take his order but hesitate, noticing that he must be waiting for someone.
ino who's eyes accidentally meet yours and he starts freaking out. texts nearly every group chat he's in, frantically typing, "GUYS WHAT DO I DO!!! OUR EYES JUST MET..... GUYS??? HELLO???" his phone lights up with multiple teasing and encouraging notifications, but none seem to be helpful in the moment.
ino who musters up the courage to walk up to the counter and order a few things from the menu hanging above your head. he lies and says he's not sure what to get, asking for your input instead. "i recommend the vanilla strawberry trifle cake with our signature iced honey lemon tea!" you pointed to the cake in the display next to you. ino hums in approval, "i'll get that then!" you entered his order into the screen before you, looking up when you heard your name. "y/n? is that right?" ino tilted his head, eyes on your name tag. "yeah...!" you beamed before collecting yourself, signaling to the card reader at the edge of the counter. "it's pretty, just like you."
ino who immediately taps his card and runs away to his table, silently begging for nanami to come quicker, his heart dropping when he sees nanami's "i'm going to be late." text. his head goes straight into his hands, unbelievably embarrassed. you watch him retreat, a soft smile on your face and turn to start preparing his order.
ino who sulks for 30 seconds before realizing that this is the perfect opportunity to get to know you a bit more. he sends a picture of the menu to his colleague and within seconds got a reply. "i'll have a croissant with black coffee, thanks. be there in 15." taking a deep sigh, ino walked back to the counter, playing with his hands. feeling someone's presence, you yelled out "sorry! i'll be right- oh its you!" walking over to where he was, you continued speaking, "is everything okay? wanna change your order?" ino shook his head and signaled behind him, "no no! i'm ordering for my friend." friend?, you thought, eyes looking past him and at the table he claimed. "but there's no one there?" you looked up into his eyes and ino could've sworn his heart skipped a beat. looking back, as if he expected nanami to randomly appear, he laughed, "yeah, you're right. he's running a bit late, though it would be better to just not come at all." "why's that?" you continued preparing his order, pouring ice into a glass. "well our lunch break ends soon..." ino pauses, checking the time, "in like 20 minutes or so."
ino who tries his best not to laugh as you whip your head around to look at him. "20 minutes?!?! oh my god..." you finished making his tea and quickly moved over to the display to cut him a generous piece of the cake he ordered. slice of cake and glass of tea in hand, you walked back to the man, placing it in front of him. "here ya go... sorry about that. what would your friend like?" the man's gaze was directed slightly above your eyes. "your hair... it got out of place..." shuffling to find the nearest reflective surface, the man continued to speak "wait...! i got you. don't worry!" he pulled out his phone, opening the front camera and turning it towards you. peering into the device slightly, you fix your sections and the decorative scarf on your head. "thank you for that....." your voice trailed off at the end, needing something to complete your thought. ino took a few seconds but ultimately understood with a big smile on his lips. "ino."
ino who finds it hard to not self-destruct when he hears his name on your lips. "thank you for that ino, and for that compliment from before too." he chokes on his breath, violently coughing afterwards. "yeah...! uh, no problem! just calling it how it is..." he laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "if it helps, i think you're pretty cute yourself!"
ino who finds himself coming back to the cafe every day. never forgetting to order something extra for his friend. "let me guess, a black coffee and croissant for nanami?" ino softly laughs and nods, and you give him the pastry and drink that you prepared ahead of time. "yeah but im off today. i'll just be dropping it off at the office." "wait..., you're here on your off day? isn't your job super stressful? why dont you relax at home?" "being able to see you is relaxing. how could i miss a day of conversation with the prettiest girl in the world?" you stared at him, feeling heat rise to your face. "do i look good?" "good?" ino questioned. "baby, you're stunning." he pouted, thinking that you might be feeling insecure in the moment. smiling and letting out a sigh, you corrected yourself, "no i mean, does my hair look okay? my clothes look straight?" you gave him a quick 360 as you smoothened out your work uniform. ino silently ohhed as he searched your form for any imperfections. "nope! nothing out of place." "thanks, wanted to make sure before i do this." ino stayed silent and you took that as an okay to continue. "okay... i can do this... uh ino, can i... have your number?" you stared at his expressionless face before burying your head in your hands.
ino who thinks something is up when you give him that request. "y/n, did you read my mind last night?" "what?" your eyes met his and they widened when you found ino already looking at you. "last night, i told myself that i was finally going to ask you out but here you are beating me to it!" you let go of a breath you didn't know you were holding and giggled. "well, since i beat you to it." you unlocked your phone and created a new contact, handing it over to ino. he briefly poses for the contact photo and saves his number in your phone. giving your phone back, he speaks. "on one condition." "which is...?" you put your phone back into your apron pocket, smiling coyly. "i get to take you on a date?" ino's tone was soft, unsure if his advance was going to land the way he wanted. "of course you can."
ino who turns away from you and begins celebrating as if he's invisible. he does multiple yes! motions before abruptly stopping, collecting himself, and turning back to you. "so uh, your shift ends in 30, right?" ino glanced at the clock, his forearms resting on the counter, bending over slightly. looking at the small digital clock on your right, you nodded. "i'll wait for you then."
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first jjk post hello???!!! first post in a year hello?!?!? this is my first time writing in sooooo long i swear but i feel that i really needed that break and i think i got better (i hope i got better) as usual if you liked this let me know! likes, comments, + reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated. love yall <3
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cassianig · 1 month
- Why Didn't You Wait for Me? -
Rindou Haitani - Words: 1405 warnings: uhh reader gets their drink spiked, dw nothing happens!! just a warning in general ive never been to a house party, never gotten my drink spiked so i did my best if its bad my bad.
no pronouns used rin calls reader pretty and ran calls her princess
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hehe he poses so goofy. (got this off Pinterest ngl to u.)
You stand in front of the lively house, your phone in hand. You glance down at your phone and then back up at the house. This was the address Rindou had sent to meet at. You glance back at your phone looking over the messages you two had shared in the last hour.
[You]: [image]
[You]: does this look ok?
[Rinnie<3]: You look perfect. Now hurry up, you know I don’t like to wait.
[You]: are you sure they’re ok with meeting me?
[Rinnie<3]: Yes, they are happy to meet you.
[Rinnie<3]: Ran says to hurry up he wants to see you.
[You]: what was the location again?
[Rinnie<3]: ➤ Started Sharing a Live Location with you.
[You]: omw.
Read: 9:26 PM
You sigh and glance back at the building sending him a quick text, before you walk towards the front door. 
When you reach the front door, it’s cracked open. You push it open and step into the overly crowded two story house. You glance around scanning the crowd looking for either Rindou or his older brother. Your eyes flick from person to person, group to group. You bite onto your lip and glance back at your phone.
[You]: i'm walking in rn
[Rinnie<3]: Wait for me at the door.
[You]: ok hurry there's so many people
[Rinnie]: I’m wrapping something up just give me a min.
You stand by the door, awkward and out of place, nervously twisting your fingers and tapping your foot in waiting.
Your head turns when you hear a voice call out to you. “Hey there, you look lost. You looking for someone?”
You nod your head, “Yeah actually, well kind of.” 
“I know almost everyone here, shoot, I can probably point you in the right direction.” He gives you a charming smile, stepping right next to you, your shoulders almost touching.
“Well, my boyfriend said he’d meet me here,” You stated, unsure of whether or not you should tell him or just wait.
“C’mon, shoot!” He challenged rather confidently.
“Okay… I’m looking for Haitani Rindou and Ran, do you know where they might be?”
“Hmm,” He places a finger on his chin, “I think they might be in the kitchen, that's where I saw them last… Let me take you?”
You glance at your phone then back at him, “Yeah, alright.” 
He guides you through the mass of people around the house, you stick close to him as he leads you towards the kitchen. 
You pass through the archway that leads into the kitchen, you glance around and see no sign of your boyfriend.
“I don’t see him.” You voiced looking towards the guy. 
“He was just here, I swear I saw him.” He places his hands on his hips, “Here, I’ll help you look.”
“Ah- I should just go back to my waiting spot.” You point your thumb over your shoulder.
“I insist!” He remarks, reaching a hand out to which I just glance at. He retracts it and scratches the back of his neck. “Let me introduce myself, I’m Kenji. Would you like to get a drink and look for your boyfriend and his brother?”
You hesitate for a moment, “Yeah, alright.”
“Cool, what can I get ya?” He turns towards the liquor. 
“Oh- I don’t really drink.” You clarify, “Is there water or soda?”
“Oh, yeah that's cool, there's some coke over here,” He grabs a bottle of coca cola. “Ice, no ice?”
“Ice, please.” You tell with a smile.
“Gotcha.” He turns his back to you as he grabs the ice and puts it in the cup, then he turns and pours the soda. “Here you are.”
“Thanks.” You take the glass from him with a small smile.
“No problem, let's go find this missing man, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You nod, following him out of the kitchen and bringing the glass to your lips taking a small sip.
After a while of looking Kenji walks ahead of you with his hands stuffed into his jacket pockets, and stagger behind. Trying to keep up but your vision was starting to get blurry and your footing was beginning to turn wonky.
“Ken-Kenji.” You call in a slur, trying to get him to slow down.
“You’re going so fast- I’m not- I’m not feeling well. Can we take a seat somewhere so I can text Rindou?” You slur, grasping onto the wall as you blink slowly, reaching behind you to grab your phone.
“Kenji?” You call.
No response.
“Hey,” A gentle hand places on your shoulder turning you around, “Who’s Kenj- Whoa are you okay?”
Your eyes focus in on the figure in front of you spotting the glasses, the multi-colored hair, “R-Rinnie?” 
“What happened? I was looking for you.” He places his free hand on your other shoulder for stability, leaning you against the wall.
“I don’t feel so good, Rin-” You breathe in a slur, your hand clumsily coming to grasp one of his.
“I can see that, what happened?”
“I was looking for you, Kenji was helping,” You glanced at where Kenji was last. “Woah, Kenji is gone.”
“Some guy I met, he told me he knew where you were, and fixed me a drink and we were going to find you, and look I found you.” You smile up at him.
Rindou’s eyebrows furrow, “Fucking dead man, he must have spiked your drink, did he touch you? Are you okay?”
You shake your head, “Mm-mm.”
“He didn’t touch you or you’re not okay? Use your words, pretty.”
“Didn’t touch me. ‘M really really sorry.” You lean against him, “I was trying to be nice.”
“Well don't.” He speaks bluntly, “I don’t give a shit who it is if you don’t know them, don't go with them, don’t take drinks from them, and sure as hell don’t leave our meeting spot.”
You lean down the wall, and Rindou crouches in front of you, “Didn’t mean to.”
“I know, pretty. But why didn’t you wait for me? I was almost done, almost there.” He sighs out, tucking loose hair behind your ear.
“Didn’t want to rely on you. Or bother you, was gonna find you.” 
“(Y/N).” He speaks, tucking his index and middle fingers under your chin, lifting your head to look at him. “You could never be a bother, you know that?”
You nod, “‘m really, really sorry, Rinnie.”
“You don’t need to apologize to me, pretty.”
He gently guides you to your feet, “Now, come on, we’re going to go find Ran and the others.”
You shake your head, “No… Can’t let them meet me like this.”
“It’s okay pretty, we’re only going to want a few answers.”
“Of what.”
Rindou leads you to a couch in the middle of a room with a group of people sitting at it. Ran notices you two first and stands to his feet walking up and wrapping an arm around you.
“What happened to you, princess?” Ran asked with a look of concern on his face.
“Some idiot spiked a drink and gave it to her.” Rindou answers for you.
“He seemed nice.” You slur.
“They all do.” Ran shook his head and they sat you on the couch.
“What was his name?” An unfamiliar voice calls.
“Kenji.” Rindou answered.
“What was he wearing? I’ll beat his ass. No one messes with my baby brother's future wife.”
“Stay focused.”
“Sorry. He was- He was in a red jacket, it was poofy like this.” You gesture with your hands.
“That’s great, (Y/N). What else was he wearing?” Rindou asks.
“... Black pants, they were also poofy.”
“I know who that is.” Another unknown voice, you turn your head to see a guy with a tattoo on the side of his head, blonde.
“He had an ugly nose.”
The guy snorts, glancing at you, “Did he?”
“Take us to him, Shion.” 
“Okay, pretty. You sit here with my friend Kakucho, okay?”
You nod, “Where are you going?”
“To go kick someone's ass.”
“Don’t worry about that pretty head of yours. We’ll be alright after all there's five of us and one of him.”
Let’s just say you had to meet them all again, they loved you and invited you out more!!
They also loved to make fun of Rindou for how much of a simp he is around you
Kenji was never seen again. Dun dun dun
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moonspirit · 2 months
"Armin's love came out of nowhere" T-T. It's an statement I am seeing a lot lately. And even I am starting to falter. Sorry, I am weak, master. :(
Faltering anon, fear no more, I'm here!
Firstly, I have to say: I don't want to sound rude or bash people's opinions, but... *Sigh* I see this take a lot, honestly, and I often wonder if it would be doing the rounds so much if people didn't so gullibly buy into Eren's lies about Armin "inheriting" his feelings for Annie (for the millionth time, you do not inherit feelings, you inherit memories.)
Secondly, the Aruani ship is based on subtlety, nuance, body language and the art of inferring from a manga panel more than what is just "said" - which is, you know, how you read manga.
I'm going to assume you have no doubts that Annie always had a soft spot for Armin, more so than for anybody else in the 104th. The way we understand that she has this soft spot is first and foremost, by reading into her body language, her facial expressions, the underlying meaning of what is said, the context of what is said, the reactions before, after, during, and so on. For someone like Annie to spare Armin's life on multiple occasions, hesitating in front of him several times, taking to serious heart his words and what he thinks about her - literally all of this is inferred by analysis and deconstruction of more than just what's written as text.
The eaxct same logic applies in reverse. Cadet Armin, who we see interacting with multiple people including other girls like Sasha and Historia, gives special attention to Annie, the one girl who's infamously aloof and cold. He isn't scared of her, he approaches her kindly, he looks beneath the surface and finds someone who cares, and he tells her as much. Sure, Armin is nice to everyone but he's no social butterfly; for him to be given noteworthy time and space with Annie of all people, resulting in interactions that have a direct impact on everything that happens subsequently (Stohess, S2, S3, S4), is not something to be ignored.
We don't get to see much of Aruani in their cadet years to be honest. The "what happened before" is a mystery, but considering Annie's tendency to avoid people and social interaction in general (something that is very clearly alluded to in S1), we see her on multiple occasions standing very close to Armin in the background, in both anime and manga. This is the art of showing - what do we understand from this? That Armin and Annie were good friends as trainees, that it is likely that they spent time together if Annie's proximity to him is anything to go by, that it is more than likely that they grew close quite naturally, that it is extremely likely that this is when Annie began to develop feelings for Armin and also when he started to see through her icy exterior and found a nice, caring girl underneath.
This is WHY Armin is able to call Annie "nice" and "good" in the first place, and WHY they affect her so much, including all of her future actions. He didn't make this observation overnight, anon. It took three years of time spent together.
For Armin, the first clue we get about his feelings is when we come to know that he waited a whole month to reveal his suspicions of Annie. A month is a long time when your friends and superiors have died at the hands of the FT, and those alive continue to be at risk every minute. A month is a very, very long time to hesitate and keep your mouth shut when the FT has tried to kidnap your best friend and only Humanity's strongest was able to prevent it. A month is a dangerously long time. Why a month? Why a month for Armin, who, without a doubt understood the moment he saw the FT on the fields that it was an enemy?
Because he knew it was Annie, and because he liked Annie.
I don't think his feelings at this time could be described as love, but they definitely ran deep and close to his heart. Enough to consider the implications of never seeing Annie again and what it meant to know that she was, in fact, an enemy with dangerous and unknown motives and not someone he could stand on the same side with. That is the reason he kept his mouth shut for so long. These are inferences the fandom gets from looking at the picture from above, with the context, the past, the present and the possible future laid side by side.
Everything that happens next in the story of Attack on Titan is, to a large part, a direct consequence of Annie sparing his life, and him trapping her as a result, setting the ball rolling for S2, S3 and S4. The interactions between Aruani have monumental implications in scale even if they take up only a few pages in the manga.
S4 Armin then, visiting Annie's crystal, is someone in love. Bertholdt's memories only give him a better understanding of the person Annie is and the circumstances she grew up in, the life of a warrior, the existences they are forced to suffer - Bertholdt's memories do not make Armin fall in love with her, they make Armin understand why Annie is the person she is. He falls in love with Annie because he already liked her to start with, and now he understands her. At this point, Eren's lies confused a lot of people into thinking Armin visited Annie's crystal only because of Bertholdt's feelings, but two things to keep in mind here:
Armin is a highly emotionally intelligent person, capable of differentiating his feelings and emotions from his actions. The person who caught onto Eren's bullshit the fastest in that room was Armin - you couldn't have gaslighted him into believing this nonsense under any situation. His shock came not from buying into Eren's lies, but from the fact that his best friend is a stranger, saying such things to his face, of all people.
Armin did not spend four years and infinite hours in front of Annie's crystal speaking to someone who, for all he knew, could've been in a total coma, not because he was pushed to do so by someone else's feelings, but because he wanted to. Being with her comforted him. He's already been with her, in the years before they graduated. Annie is a friend, more than a friend, and this emotionally intelligent boy capable of distinguishing between his own desires and the non-existent possibility of someone mind-puppeteering his actions, visited Annie because he missed her. And that's that.
This is already very long, but uhm, well, I hope you have found solid ground to see that Armin didn't just fall in love with Annie overnight or because of anybody else's feelings (again, a LIE, a MYTH) - he liked her, he always liked her, and finally he fell in love.
It's important to give importance to what is hidden between the text. Even what we don't see matters when it is an important factor in understanding someone's actions and emotions.
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For the BINGO, can I please request the Free use Space with Ethan Landry and prompt #12 ?
Please ignore this if I am wrong, but in case the free use space means we can pick an idea to go with the prompt: would it be alright if you made something of a continuation of your High School Sweethearts post with Ethan? It was so sweet and cute and really interesting! I always wondered how Ethan would turn out if he had someone who truly loved him from the beginning. Also the way you wrote Ethan in that as a soft dom was insanely hot! You really are a terrific writer.
But if the space and/or prompt is already taken, please ignore this. Thank you and have a great day!!!
—𓆩[surprise getaway]𓆪—
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Ethan Landry x Fem! High School Sweetheart! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, slight angst maybe?
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 3.7K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Ethan loved you more than you could ever know, but the problem was he was trying to get himself to understand he could choose you over his family - someone who could give him a life of happiness and not murder. So when you surprise him with a trip to your cabin normally used for trips in the winter before you both go off to college, he finds out he could live a life with you he initially didn’t think was possible. And maybe, just maybe, he can get away from his family once and for all, and stay with you.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - edited timeline ofc || kinda goes along with these two fics: one & two || cursing & foul language || your family has a house in the mountains now || surprise vacation to the mountains || aged up some more || live your rich dream here || fingering || unprotected sex || riding || creampie || slight marking kink? || just fluffy, mainly vanilla sex || mentions of plan b || slight degradation? ||
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“You both ready?”
Ethan paused from packing your bags into the trunk of the truck your father was loaning him for the drive, a four hour road trip certainly an amazing test for your relationship. “Yes! I’m so ready!”
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Ethan smiled at your voice, nodding. “Yes sir, I’m ready.”
“Good,” your father gives him the keys, raising a brow. “Take care of my girl. Don’t bring her back pregnant.”
Ethan offered a sheepish smile, laughing slightly. Even though you were on birth control and he often wore condoms, there was always a chance. “I won’t.”
Your dad raises an eyebrow, tilting his head. “Why was that so hesitant?”
“I-I uhm-”
“Bye daddy,” you interject quickly, giggling as you kiss his cheek. “I already said bye to everyone, so I’m going to go before you change your mind! I love you!”
You dragged Ethan into the driver's seat, quickly going around and getting in the passengers. Ethan quickly starts the truck, sighing as he stares at the texts from his dad and Quinn. Richie was just… killed, and though he cared he wouldn’t let it ruin this vacation with you.
“E?” You whisper, softly patting his hand. “Are you sure you are okay with this?”
He squeezed your hand, shaking his head with a soft kiss to your temple. “I’m fine, precious, perfectly fine.”
You hummed as he quickly pulled out of your driveway, already putting on the playlist you made for the two of you. Keeping your hand in his, you leaned on his shoulder in the one cabin truck, an old 1989 Chevy that your family had kept running for two generations. You loved this truck almost as much as you loved Ethan, smiling as you leaned on his shoulder, thankful for the fact that you had persuaded your dad to install an up to date stereo that had Bluetooth.
“When we get there, we just have to unpack and we can have the rest of the day free. I was thinking later this week we can go hiking, what do you think?”
He looked over at you, smiling slightly. “Whatever you want to do.”
You pout, rolling your eyes. “If I wanted someone to just agree with everything I say, I would’ve brought someone else.”
He laughed slightly, shaking his head. “I’m sorry… I just,” he sighed, shaking his head. “I just want you to be happy. I’ll do whatever you want to make sure you stay happy.”
You paused, looking up at him, the way his eyes focused on the road and his brows were slightly furrowed made it obvious that he was thinking about something else. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be happy if I’m with you. No matter if we argue or fight, I’ll always be happy.”
He inhaled, eyes flickering from you to the road before he got to a light and leaned down to give you a firm kiss. “I like hiking, but as soon as we get there, I think I’d rather just… stay in with you.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Yeah, because you want to bang.”
“I so want to bang.” Ethan was tired of renting hotel rooms because he didn’t want to disrespect your parents house, and this didn’t really count — or that’s what he kept telling himself.
His words make you laugh as you lean on his shoulder, humming softly as you start to close your eyes. “When we get there, we have to get ice cream first. They have the best ice cream ever.”
He laughs slightly, nodding as he pressed a soft kiss to your temple. “Go to sleep, precious. I’ll wake you up when we get there.”
You hummed, nodding. “You sure?”
“I’m sure, precious. Just… get some sleep.”
He smiled as you quickly took advantage of it, falling asleep on his shoulder as his phone started to ring. He quickly grabbed it before seeing Quinn’s name blare, sighing softly before declining it. He wasn’t going to risk you hearing anything, or her ruining your vacation.
It was this road trip that Ethan decided you needed to stay awake if you both ever drove anywhere else. He so took a wrong turn somewhere, but his phone didn’t have any service and he didn’t want to wake you up. So, pulling into a gas station, he tried to turn on and off his WiFi before someone knocked on his window.
It makes him jump, cursing as you slowly wake up and he starts to roll down the window by twisting the knob.
The man pauses, his slightly gray beard catching Ethan’s eyes before you gasp. “Ethan, you got us here! Hi Uncle Luke!”
“I knew I recognized you! Hey kid!” The man laughed. “This that boyfriend your dads been telling me about?”
“Yes! This is Ethan, Ethan, this is Uncle Luke, he’s my dads best friend. He builds custom homes for people who want properties in the mountains.” You say, smiling as Ethan cleared his throat and quickly got out to be respectful.
He offered his hand, smiling. “Nice to meet you, sir.”
“Oh, a handshake, I like him already.” Luke took his hand, shaking firmly with a laugh. “Got a nice handshake, too! If you’re ever interested, kid, you got a job with me, as long as you don’t hurt my niece.”
Ethan laughed, nodding. “I would never even think of hurting her.”
“Yeah, Uncle Luke, he couldn’t even if he tried to,” you giggled, nodding. “But I think it would be good if E worked with you. He’s got some good hands.”
Ethan blushed madly, quickly pulling his hand from Luke’s grasp with a sheepish laugh. “Y-Yeah, I-I’m pretty good at like uhm, building things and stuff.”
“Oh yeah? How long are you guys here?” Luke asked, tilting his head at Ethan.
“We’re going to be here for about a month. Ethan lost his brother but he got accepted into college, so it’s my little surprise getaway for him,” you say, getting out of the car and tucking yourself under his arm. “What’d you have in mind, Uncle Luke? Besides game nights and dinner.”
“Well, maybe Ethan can come to work with me one day. See how he likes it, and I’ll start him off at thirty dollars an hour if he stays.” You knew Uncle Luke didn’t think either of you would stay, but the option did appeal to Ethan.
You giggled, nodding. “You like that idea, E? Maybe later on after you graduate, we’ll come live here. I’ll work medical billing and coding from home and you’ll work with Uncle Luke.”
Oh, he liked that idea more than you knew.
“Well, I’ll be off, Y/N, you have Lori’s number to set everything up, I’ll see you both soon!” Luke walked off as you giggled, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Let’s go into town, E. We’ll stop and get some ice cream, then we go home and unpack. Sounds good?” You suggested making Ethan nod, smiling.
“Yeah, for sure, precious.”
You both quickly got back into the truck, you gladly telling Ethan to keep going straight and that you both would get to town soon. Ethan loved it when you snuggled up right next to him, softly brushing your fingers up and down his inner thigh as you kissed his neck.
“And you said I wanted to bang.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “I always want to bang. It’s a consequence of having a boyfriend that looks like you. Oh, park there! In front of the shop.”
He laughs, shaking his head as he quickly parked and you tugged him off the truck. “Let’s get ice cream and sandwiches so I don’t have to make dinner. Sounds good?”
“Very good,” Ethan agreed, smiling. “So, what do I do?”
“Let’s go order the sandwiches first because it might take a minute, then we’ll get the ice cream and eat it while we wait. Sounds good?” You offer, Ethan nodding with his smile growing bigger as you dragged him to the back of the store.
A nice man greets the two of you, cracking jokes and laughing as he took your orders. “Alright! I’ll have these done in about fifteen minutes. How long are you guys staying in town for?”
You’re about to answer before Ethan quickly interjects. “About a month, but I’m liking it here so far, so we’re planning to talk about moving.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “Oh yeah? If it’s just the two of you and no baby any time soon, there’s a nice house out on the edge of town. It’s a bit of a fixer upper, but nothing too major. Probably the cheapest thing you’ll find in town, though, because everything else is pretty big. Unless, of course, you’re like those people who want to stay outside of town in the mountains if you got the money.”
You laughed, nodding. “Yes sir, my family owns the cabin on King’s Peak. If uhm… if we move up here, we’ll probably live there,” you glance at Ethan, humming. “No baby anytime soon.”
“Oh, nice! Well, I’ll get started on these sandwiches, come back in about fifteen minutes.” He walked off as you slowly dragged Ethan down the aisles, tilting your head. 
“What was that?” You asked him, crossing your arms. “You’ve been here not even an hour, and you want to move here?”
Ethan sighed as he held your hips, shaking his head. “Come on, precious… you’re always talking about this place, always talking about how much you wished you lived here. It’s not like anything’s keeping me in Woodsboro, come on, what you said earlier sounded perfect.”
You swallowed, shaking your head. “What about Quinn and your dad? Th-They-”
Ethan sighed, shaking his head. “I don’t want anything to do with them,” he says, shaking his head. This new plan they were deriving had to do with you, killing you. He couldn’t let that happen, he had worked too hard to get you to notice him and fall in love with him, he couldn’t lose you. “Please… please, I don’t want to go back.”
You inhaled, slowly holding his face with a hum. “This isn’t like the movies, E. We’ve never lived together before, what if-”
“This is our trial period,” he whispers back, shaking his head. “I love you too much to fuck anything up. I won’t.”
“I know you won’t,” you smiled, nodding. “Okay. Let’s see how this month goes, then I’ll talk to daddy about buying the cabin.”
He looked at you confused, his head tilted. “What do you mean?”
“Trust fund baby,” you giggle, shaking your head. “You just worry about sitting back and looking pretty.”
He laughed, shaking his head before you dragged him to the cashier, paying for two double scooped cones, proceeding to drag him to the ice cream part of the shop. He smiled as you quickly ordered a double scoop in a cone, Ethan ordering the same as you quickly licked the side. You both moved toward the tables, your foot settled in his lap under the table as he held your ankle.
“Best ice cream ever, right?” You giggled, shaking your head. “I will never get tired of this ice cream. One time, we were here for a week, got it every day.”
He laughed, rubbing your calf. “I’m looking forward to eating ice cream every day this month.”
You giggle again, humming with a nod before the bell dings. “Oh! Sandwiches are ready.”
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After grabbing and paying for your sandwiches and finishing your ice cream, quickly going back into the truck and driving to your cabin. It doesn’t take long, but you both do have to leave the main part of town to get there, easily going up the mountain until you lead him to a perfectly picturesque cabin.
“Here we are!” You giggle as you got off, dragging him in.
He didn’t even worry about the bags as you started putting the sandwiches in the fridge, kissing against the back of your neck before you bent down, laughing. “Ethan!”
“Didn’t you say you wanted to bang, precious?” He whispers as you stand back up, easily turning you around as you giggled. “Let’s bang.”
“Goodness, when we say bang, it makes me feel like eighty. Come on,” you whisper between kisses, Ethan’s hands holding your hips as you start to walk backwards. Ethan’s heart was beating out of his chest as you started to walk backwards up the stairs, everytime you missed a step, you giggled as he stabilized you and helped you find the next step. “I don’t think living here with you would be that bad.”
“That bad?” Ethan laughed as he tucked his head under your jaw when you both get to the second floor, kissing against your neck as he moved your hair to the side. “If we move here, I’ll make you breakfast in bed daily and then fuck you every night until we pass out.”
You laugh as his teeth graze your skin, your hand quickly searching for the doorknob of your room. “That’s the best idea you’ve had since you said we should move here.”
You gasp as he easily picks you up, opening the door and tossing you onto the bed before taking off his shirt. It was truly amazing how much urgency he had, and where it came from you had no clue, but you weren’t opposed to it as he threw his phone onto the bed. It makes you giggle when he almost tripped onto the bed, slipping off your shirt and sweatpants after kicking off your shoes and socks.
He smiled as he quickly crawled over your body, leaning down to steal soft kisses from you. “You didn’t see that, right?”
You giggled, shaking your head as you pulled him lower, gasping as his fingers trailed over your stomach. “No, I’m blind.”
He laughed against your lips as his hands trailed over your thighs, one of them already sliding up and down your slit as you inhaled sharply. “Yeah, sure you are,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Goodness, precious, want you to ride me. Want to see my precious girl bouncing on my cock.”
You groaned as he ducked his head once again, his fingers spreading your wetness up and down your slit. “E-Ethan, condom?”
“Fuck,” he cursed, pulling back to lick his fingers making you blush madly. “They’re in my bag. I’ll go get ‘em-”
“No!” You say, quickly sitting up. “No, don’t worry about it. We’ll just… go raw. Not the first time, besides, you can drive an hour to get me plan b tomorrow morning before breakfast in bed.”
He laughed, nodding as he leaned forward to kiss you, a hum falling from your lips as you ran your fingers through his hair and pulled him closer. He doesn’t break the kiss as you situate yourself in his lap, lifting your hips just a bit as his fingers easily slide into you, how wet you were working in his favor. You groaned out against his lips, holding his head as his cock rubbed against your clit, your hips rolling to feel his head rub perfectly against your sensitive bud.
Ethan pulled away and kissed your neck as you tilted your head to the side, looking down at his cock rubbing against your clit. You pushed your hand in between you both, grasping his pretty cock and watching precum dribble out of his tip, a perfect picturesque view before your thumb swiped it away onto your clit.
He groaned at your touch, pumping him all while you grinded against his tip and his fingers thrust into your cunt easily. Your cunt fluttered around his fingers, each nimble digit perfect and rubbing against every sensitive spot you had before you groaned against his neck. His teeth grazed your shoulder, tongue trailing your skin before he started sucking another hickey against your skin.
“F-Fuck, Ethan,” you gasped, groaning as you rode his nimble digits, the pads of his fingers brushing against your g-spot before he starts to flex them inside of you, grazing that perfect spot all over again. “Th-There!”
He laughed as your hips stuttered, your grip on his cock finally letting go as your hands moved to his shoulders to stabilize yourself. Your hips continue to rut into his fingers, groaning as your hips stutter before his fingers pull out of you. You stared at the shining essence on his fingers, your essence that he gladly pushed into his mouth and sucked off.
“There you go precious, now you’re all stretched out… and now you can ride me until you can’t feel your legs.”
Oh, it must’ve been a promise, the way Ethan helped you stay sitting up by holding your hips. Your thighs were already covered in mixed cum as you tried to balance yourself on top of him, lifting your hips slightly to continue bouncing on his cock. “E-Ethan, I don’t know if I can keep going-”
“Oh, precious, come on,” he urges you on, shaking his head, laughing as he rolls his hips into you. Your nails dig into his chest, a whimper falling from your mouth as he holds your hips. “You can keep going. I know you’re strong enough, precious, I love you bouncing on my cock, don’t you?”
You whimpered as he helped you lift yourself fup, stabilizing yourself again before continuing to bounce on his cock, letting your head fall back. Your inner thighs were read and sore from when he helped you earlier on, thrusting up into you and digging his nails into your plush love handles and helping you move up and down his cock.
This time was no different, besides his hands being more gentle as you continued bouncing on his cock, switching between the hopping movements and rolling your hips. You groaned loudly as you settled on his hips, rolling your own desperately into his, the angle unable to get his cock fully inside of you. “E-Ethan, it’s not enough, it’s not enough!”
He smiled up at you, laughing slightly as your eyes started to water. “Ethan, don’t be mean! Y-You’re not fully inside of me, need you to be all the way inside of me t-to get that part-”
“You want my help, precious?” He tilted his head, teasing you. “My precious girl needs my help to get off, doesn’t she? Because if my cock isn’t all the way inside of her she can’t cum.”
You whined loudly as you nodded your head, sobbing. You were so desperate for his cock, desperately nodding as he lifted his hips slightly and finally hit that spot inside of you. “F-Fuck, yes! Yes, right there! Oh, fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck…”
You babbled mindlessly, eyes rolling back as you flew forward, finally letting Ethan use his entire strength to thrust up into you. He grunted into your neck as you moaned loudly, your vision blurring as your nails dig into his skin, hips desperately trying to match his pace, not trusting your voice to say anything else but words filled with lust.
“Am I making you feel good, my precious girl? Yeah? C’mon, tell me, need to hear your voice,” he said, and you could practically hear his smirk. “You’ll get there baby, take your time.”
You felt so fucked out, groaning as you nodded into his neck. “Y-You make me feel so good, Ethan, don’t stop!”
He laughs, shaking his head. “You think I could stop? When your pretty cunt is barely letting me pull out, clamping down on my shaft like a desperate little whore?”
You whined as he continued to thrust into you, using your body like a fleshlight as you shake your head into his neck. “N-No, no! I don’t think you can stop, I don’t want you to stop, I never want you to stop! Love feeling your cock inside of me, I love it so much, need it every day for the rest of my life!”
Your words make his hips stutter, eyes rolling back as you moaned into his ear like you knew he loved. His hips stutter as he groaned out, finally cumming inside of you as he panted underneath you. He doesn’t pull out as you hummed, pulling your face out of his neck as you pulled him in for a firm kiss.
“Sex here everyday sounds nice.”
“So nice,” he said, laughing as he shook his head. “I’m going to help you buy this house, I swear it. Then I’m going to give you the best life ever.”
“You already have,” you whisper back, nodding as you slowly laid on his chest and he reached down to grab his phone. He waits until you fall asleep before unlocking it, hesitantly letting his finger hover over the block button on Quinn’s phone number.Looking down at you though, there was nothing to be hesitant about. He blocked his sister, then his father, tossing his phone to the side and softly kissing your head. You don’t wake up as he whispers soft praises of ‘I love you’s and other words, but he doesn’t need you to wake up for you to know.
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Thank all of you so much for supporting me!! Even though Bingo requests and Bingo itself is done, I have my next event already planned - please stay tuned!! Requests are closed but they will be open when I clear my inbox, and again, thank all of you so much!!
also, thank you hunny!! i hope you have a great day/night as well! i hope you enjoyed this fic!
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© asterias-record-shop
339 notes · View notes
Thomas Michael Kinard, you are the man of my dreams... No, Buck thought, too cheesy, and he scribbled that out. "Tommy, you are the coolest person I've ever met..." Nope, too casual, Buck decided, scratching that line out too. "Tommy, you complete me..." No, that wasn't quite right either. Buck's mind wandered, "Tommy, your body rocks my world, and I can't wait to get you into bed tonight." He grinned at the thought, but quickly dismissed it. True, but definitely not appropriate for his vows.
Buck sighed, frustration mounting. Why was this so difficult? He knew, without a doubt, how much he loved Tommy, so why couldn't he put those feelings into words on paper?
Buck and Tommy had decided that they wanted to write their own vows, because really, there was nothing traditional about them as a couple. Buck tapped his pen against the dining table, contemplating his next words. "Tommy, when I met you, I thought I was straight, but then you kissed me and my entire world shifted." Not a bad start, Buck decided, nodding his head in approval.
As he leaned back in his chair, his mind wandered to Tommy. Was he also struggling to find the right words to express their love? Buck couldn't help but smile at the thought of Tommy, perhaps pacing back and forth in his living room, running his hands through his hair as he searched for the perfect way to express his feelings.
"Maddie, why is this so difficult? I know what I want to say, but I just can't get it from my brain to the paper!" Tommy groaned, frustration evident in his voice.
Maddie smiled reassuringly, "Well, I'm happy to help. What do you have so far?"
Tommy hesitated for a moment before sliding the notebook over to her. Maddie began reading aloud, "Evan, I have never met someone as unbelievably sexy as you. I am constantly thinking of what I want to do to you and fantasizing about that thing you do with your tongue..."
Tommy made a choking noise and quickly ripped the notebook from Maddie's hands, his face turning a deep shade of red. "Those ones are private," he mumbled, embarrassment radiating off him.
"Well, I would hope so!" Maddie exclaimed, her eyes widening. "Wine... I need wine. I have to forget that ever happened. He's my brother, Tommy!" Maddie exclaimed, shaking her head vigorously as if trying to physically dislodge the memory. Tommy had never felt more humiliated in his life, wishing the ground would just swallow him whole.
Sensing his discomfort, Maddie suggested, "Let's pause the vows for a minute." She grabbed a bottle of red wine and poured a generous glass for each of them. "How's the guest list coming along? RSVPs were supposed to be returned by Thursday, right?"
Tommy nodded, grateful for the change of subject. "We got the last one we had been waiting on yesterday, Evan's friend TK and his husband Carlos. So now we have a firm final number, and we can complete the seating chart."
Maddie's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Can you believe you're getting married next week?" she squealed, her earlier discomfort forgotten.
Tommy really couldn't believe it. Before Evan, he didn't think marriage was even a possibility for him and had resigned himself to being whatever the male version of a spinster was. But here he was, just days away from marrying the love of his life.
**** Buck stared at the crumpled pieces of paper scattered across the dining table, feeling utterly defeated. He needed help, but somehow, he was the only member of the fire family without a shift today. Pulling out his phone, he opened up the 118 group text. It was the next best thing, Buck thought.
He quickly typed out a message: "SOS! I need help with my vows."
Chim was the first to respond, "Not sure how much help I'll be, bro. I got married in a hospital."
Eddie chimed in, "I'm not exactly the poster child for healthy relationships."
"That's the understatement of the century," Buck muttered under his breath.
Feeling frustrated, Buck sent another message, "Seriously? No one is willing to help? Everything I've come up with is literal garbage."
Hen's reply came through, "I've got you, Buckaroo. Happy to help."
Bobby's message followed shortly after, "You know I'd love to help you, kid. Why don't you head down to the station for family dinner, and we can brainstorm."
Buck heaved a sigh of relief, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. He grabbed his jacket (well, really Tommy's jacket) and headed out the door, eager to get some much-needed assistance from his chosen family.
Maddie sipped her wine, observing Tommy as he animatedly discussed the wedding details. She had let him procrastinate long enough, allowing him to steer the conversation away from the vows. They had covered everything from the guest list to the centerpieces (a beautiful combination of dahlias and calla lilies), the attire (tailored suits, navy for Tommy and maroon for Evan), the menu (a delectable array of Italian dishes), and the cake (a towering three-layer masterpiece with smooth buttercream and tangy raspberry filling).
Maddie knew it was time for Tommy to focus on his vows. She set her wine glass down and turned to him. "Tommy, let's get back to your vows. I want you to close your eyes and think about specific moments with Evan. Focus on how you felt in those moments – the warmth, the laughter, the comfort. Those are the feelings you want to capture."
Tommy closed his eyes, letting memories flood his mind. Evan's laughter, his gentle touch, the quiet moments they shared.
"Now," Maddie said softly, "open your eyes and write. Don't worry about making it perfect. Just let the words flow from your heart."
Tommy opened his eyes, picked up his pen, and began to write. The words poured out, filling the page with heartfelt emotions. Maddie watched, smiling proudly as Tommy found his voice.
Buck sat at the firehouse table, his head in his hands as he struggled with the task of writing his vows. The weight of the task seemed to bear down on him, and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Well, you could always go traditional," Eddie suggested with a shrug.
Buck shot him a look, making it clear that wasn't an option. "What do I saaay, Cap?" he whined, turning to Bobby.
Bobby looked at Buck with a fatherly expression. "I think the problem, Buck, is that you're trying to find the perfect words, and there's no such thing. Do you know how much Tommy loves you?"
Buck nodded.
"And does Tommy know how much you love him?" Bobby asked.
Another nod.
"Then that's enough," Bobby said firmly. "Tommy knows your heart, Buck. Regardless of what you say, you show him how much you love him every day."
As Bobby's words sank in, Buck felt a weight lift from his shoulders. He sat up straighter, his mind clearer and his purpose focused. The love he shared with Tommy was the foundation, and the vows were simply a way to express that love.
With renewed determination, Buck grabbed a pen and paper, ready to pour his heart out in a way that truly reflected his feelings for Tommy.
The remaining days before the wedding passed in a blur, and soon the big day arrived. As the music started, Jee-Yun walked down the aisle where Bobby and Tommy were standing. She spread her petals before running over and jumping into her daddy's lap.
Maddie grasped Buck's hand, feeling it was clammy and noticing he was shaking a bit. "Ready to do this?" she asked.
Buck nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself.
"Then let's go see your man," Maddie said with a warm smile.
Buck and Maddie started down the aisle, and Buck's breath hitched in his chest. There, waiting for him, was the most beautiful man in the entire world. Tommy was staring back at him, his face adorned with that special, crinkly-eyed smile reserved just for Buck – the "Evan smile."
Buck had to stop himself from running to Tommy. He could not wait to become his husband. Finally, he reached the end of the aisle, and Maddie gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Buck stood next to Tommy and grasped his hands, his heart swelling with love and anticipation. Tommy leaned in and whispered, "Hey, gorgeous," before giving Buck a little wink. The gesture, so intimate and playful, made Buck's knees weak. He nearly passed out from the overwhelming happiness he was feeling in this moment, standing beside the man he loved.
Bobby looked at the two men with a proud smile and began the ceremony. It felt like everything was happening too quickly, and in a blink, it was time for the vows. It had been decided that Buck would read his first, so he began:
"Tommy, I spent so much of my life desperately searching for something that I couldn't put a name to. I was lost, aimlessly wandering through life, and then you kissed me, and everything came into focus. You helped me to see a whole other side of myself and to accept myself for everything that I am. From the moment we started dating, I knew that there was something different about our relationship. Something strong. And then I went and screwed it up by talking about hot chicks on our first date."
The guests laughed politely at Buck's confession.
"But you never made me feel bad. You wanted to let me do things on my own timeline, and you were open to giving me a second chance. And after that coffee date, I swore to myself that I was going to do everything in my power to keep you."
Buck paused for a moment, his eyes locked on Tommy's, before continuing.
"Tommy, you opened my eyes to a whole new world. You have made me feel safe, protected, and like I matter. Your love is my lifeline, and I vow to spend the rest of my life working to be the man that you deserve."
As Buck finished his vows, Tommy, deeply moved by his words, responded softly, "Oh baby, you already are." His voice was barely louder than a whisper, but it carried the weight of his love and admiration for the man standing before him.
Bobby smiled and indicated with a small nod that it was Tommy's turn. Tommy took a deep breath, his eyes glistening as he began his vows.
"Evan Matthew Buckley, you are sunshine personified. For so long, I lived my life with a dark cloud above me. I was scared to share my heart with anyone. I spent so many years in the closet, afraid to admit who I was. And even after I had accepted myself, I still walked around with a chip on my shoulder, mad at the world."
Tommy paused, reaching out to take Buck's hands in his own, his touch gentle and reassuring.
"You changed all that, Evan. You softened my heart and allowed me to be vulnerable. Your love melted my icy heart, and you brought warmth and light into my life in a way I never thought possible."
Tommy's voice wavered slightly, his emotions threatening to overwhelm him. He took a steadying breath, his eyes never leaving Buck's.
"Ev, your love makes me a better person, and I vow to spend every day of my life protecting you from the harshness of the world and never allowing anyone to extinguish your beautiful sparkle."
As Tommy finished his vows, a single tear rolled down his cheek. Buck, equally moved, reached out to gently wipe it away, his own eyes shining with love.
"I believe you have rings to exchange," Bobby said, and they both nodded, never taking their eyes off one another.
"Do you, Evan Matthew Buckley, take Thomas Michael Kinard to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do," Buck replied, sliding the ring onto Tommy's finger, his hand trembling slightly with emotion.
"And do you, Thomas Michael Kinard, take Evan Matthew Buckley to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I absolutely do," Tommy said as he slipped the ring on Evan's finger, his smile so big it looked like it might actually be painful.
Bobby beamed at the newlyweds, his voice filled with joy as he proclaimed, "Then by the powers vested in me, I am delighted to pronounce you husband and husband. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Thomas and Evan Kinard!"
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coffeeailee · 4 months
hey miss ailee! nice blog you have here ^^
anywho, may i request your general headcanons for ranpo x reader? please tell me if you require more info! thank you and have fun writing! <3
happy sugary love.
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chars . Edogawa ranpo x GN! Reader
fandom . bungo stray dogs
romance / fluff ? . romance
warning . cringe, that's it. cringe.
When you fall in love with ranpo, he can immediately tell the way your eyes look at him, it's already enough for him to know how you feel about him. Yet, he doesn't say anything about it, he was quite unsure what to say about you...
As you develop your feelings more, Ranpo eventually starts to develop feelings for you as well. If you're observant enough, it's pretty obvious by him sharing his snacks with you and pretty much more, everyone in the armed detective agency can see that both of you are clearly in love with each other, even the oblivious one can tell. It was really obvious.
If you ever wanted to find someone to solve a mission along with you, Ranpo WOULD immediately jump and give you a thousand reasons why he's the best person to go on a mission along with you, if you however did reject his offer ... He wouldn't really be happy, and was going to have a pouty face all day while sitting on his chair and looked even more annoyed when someone called for him.
If you did accept, you wouldn't be the one who's doing your mission. He will be the one who's doing your mission instead, Even if you insist he actually genuinely gives zero shit. He doesn't want you to be tired at all! Why bother being tired when the world's greatest detective is here by your side?
Anyways, usually after you two finished the mission. Ranpo would force make you go to a candy store with him to share the candy together!, and perhaps an ice cream would work too... Whatever, he just wants to eat something sweet along with you by his side. That's the perfect reward for the world's greatest detective.
After a while, you finally confessed to ranpo !, gosh ranpo was really disappointed you didn't confess early enough, but it's okay. He forgives you since he likes you as well! you two would start to be assigned to the same mission so you two could always be together no matter what, ranpo was the one who requested it, as long you're with him, he'll do whatever fukuzawa told him to do.
he would show you different snacks that you've never tried before and smile brightly as he shows you each different snacks you've never seen or try, not only does he get to eat snacks, he also gets to eat snacks with you!
Overall, your date is usually going to a store that has sweets or eat snacks in the park, or maybe going to a festival if there happens to have one. Ranpo is definitely the best person if you happen to like sweets as well, plus he's the one who's going to do YOUR mission! not you!, you wouldn't be tired as long as the world's greatest detective is here by your side!
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note I : It feels really weird writing this, i wanted to add more but I ran out of ideas .. i apologize if it's really short. I was actually hesitant to post this one... But I managed to force myself to post this publicly. I also think I added too much bold onto the text.. sorry I'm obsessed with the bold on the font 😔
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featki · 4 months
Miss you !
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— pairing: 박성훈 x reader — contains: Angst, jealousy, cutesie hoon — now playing: 一子青葉
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You hate to admit it, but you were bad at handling your feelings, especially when it came to jealousy.
It was in your nature to become distant and cold, more often than not you took an hour or two to reply to Sunghoon's text which was unlike you, and whenever he'd ask why you weren't being as clingy as usual, you'd chalk it up to knowing he was busy and not wanting to be too overwhelming, plus you were busy too. You were both idols and so he understood sometimes you were just too tired to talk.
Now Sunghoon knew how you were when you got jealous but he didn't know how to bring it up.
It's been a solid week since you and your boyfriend had a proper conversation, and Sunghoon's been spiraling the entire week. He's been questioning what he could've done to make you upset.
Jake and Heeseung both said he should give you space, and he has, but it's hard for him to be away from you for so long.
At every music show, award show, and time he and Wonyoung had to mc for your group, if he spotted you in public, wherever you two were, he'd spot you out and give you that small smile he knew made you blush. He'd throw in a wave if no cameras were watching him too.
He'd even send you photos and videos of himself and Gaeul. Always with the text "I miss you" afterward.
With every day that passed it was becoming increasingly harder and harder to distance yourself from him. His cute fangy smile, the cute beauty marks on his face, his soft hair. You missed it all.
You decided to finally give up on being petty and talk to Sunghoon. You were worried he'd be upset over you being so petty about something dumb.
But despite that, your thumb hovered over the call button, and right as you were about to click it your phone lit up. "hoonie" Popped up on the screen, you hesitated for a second but ultimately clicked accept.
"Hoonie?" Hearing your voice and the nickname you gave him for the first time in a while only made him miss you more. "Hi baby" You could hear his smile over the phone "Hi" Your tone was quiet and somber "I miss you," He said
A short pause was followed up by "I miss you too hoon"
You could hear him sigh a little before he started "Why have you been so distant?"
You sat there, pondering your answer. He sounded so upset and tired, it felt horrible hearing him like this. "I'm sorry baby, I really am. I just..." You trailed off
You let out a shaky breath as Sunghoon waited, he didn't rush you or hound you for an answer, but instead, he finished your sentence for you "Is it Yunjin?" You almost started tearing up.
"Yeah" Shaky but coherent enough for him to understand.
Yunjin was someone you weren't very fond of, you didn't hate her but you knew she was into Sunghoon, and she made it apparent to everyone. It wasn't even entirely her fault, everyone wanted them together. Her members would tease her about him on live, show hosts would mention him just for her to blush, and she'd talk about him non-stop.
And of course, it would be easier to forgive her if she weren't always putting you down, but she was. Yunjin was a subject that you and Sunghoon discussed more than once.
He knew she upset you, and he knew to always avoid her, but this time it wasn't his fault.
He and Wonyoung were hosting for Lesserafim, and as he was speaking, Chaewon began nudging Yunjin and pointing at Sunghoon.
He was smiling, not even at her, just in her general direction, just to be polite. But of course, Yunjin took it as him being interested, and she started giggling.
Wonyoung and Sunghoon shared a glance, both knowing Yunjin was embarrassing herself.
The entire situation made you feel gross, seeing other girls giggle so hard at your boyfriend, and seeing Chaewon, someone you considered a friend, supporting Yunjin's weird behavior.
And that was the cause of this whole situation.
Sunghoon was starting to get annoyed with Yunjin, he was tired of seeing you be distant because of her.
"I'll be over in 10 okay?"
"Okay" He could hear how sad you were over the phone and he decided to try and make you feel better.
10 minutes later you heard a knock on the door, presuming it was Sunghoon you walked downstairs and opened the door.
You were wearing his hoodie. You had slight tear stains left on your pink cheeks and your lips were puffy. Sunghoon cooed at the sight, grabbing you in his arms and running his hands through your hair.
He kisses your head before pulling away and showing you the bag of goodies he has. Smiling, you pull him inside and bring him up to your room.
You guys spent 2 hours just laying together, you were eating snacks, and watching whatever Netflix show you chose for the night, all while he held you close and went on and on about how much he loved you, and that no one would change that.
Eventually, you fell asleep in his arms, he planted soft kisses on your head and fell asleep with you. At the end of the night, Sunghoon was just happy to have his girlfriend back.
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@ featki
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adamsstabwound · 7 months
Hi 😚 if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to request a fic – one where Adam's usually tough lover has a rough day and reluctantly asks for some comfort from him. It can be a short fic or even just hcs! I don't mind which one of you writes it, I'd love to get the work of whoever is inspired by this :3 Would love to see how he'd react since I'm sure he wouldn't really be a soft kind of individual :p
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Hi hi hi Mod Balls here how’s it going I LOVE YOUR BRAIN HERE YA GO
A/N: There’s a lot of talk about feeling generally shitty, so like just in case someone doesn’t like that don’t read this!
Summary: You’ve been feeling really shitty lately, and missing your partners gig really was just the cherry on top
That all too well to you known feeling, which settles deep within your ribcage, made itself known again.
It scratched and clawed at your organs as you stared at the neon sign of the building before you.
You hesitated, having already run so late, you just couldn’t move from your bed today, the dreading feeling having encapsulated you.
You texted Adam, four hours ago, that you probably won’t make it to his gig today.
He asked why, but you didn’t want to worry him with the truth so instead you just told him you were busy, and that you’re sorry.
He had read it, but didn’t respond.
Then, just half an hour ago from now, that dreading feeling subsided, and you felt fit enough to listen to your wonderful partners music. And so you texted him, half an hour ago, that you’d be able to make it! Dumb decision, really. What if you felt the dreading feeling on the way there and had to go home again? What, you’re just suddenly busy? You know Adam wouldn’t buy that.
So now, you’re standing infront of the building with the neon sign and staring at the metal door before you, and that dreading feeling is back. And even though you could go home again, you didn’t allow yourself to. You said you’d be there. So you’re gonna be there.
You took a deep breath, inhaling the nights fresh air, before pushing the door open.
It was loud, and there were people everywhere. Some kind of band was playing that you weren’t familiar with, wasn’t Adam and his band supposed to be playing? You looked around, maybe they’re next in line after this band.
Letting the door fall shut behind you, you scanned the room quickly, looking for your fucking ten foot boyfriend to be amongst the crowd. Easier said than done.
People of all shapes and sizes littered the room, a lot easily as tall or even taller than Adam, and as you pushed past them to get near the stage, you couldn’t find your Angel, he was no where to be seen.
Huffing, you took out your heaven phone, checking if Adam responded to your last message at all,
You: I think I’m able to make it sugar, you just wait ❤️ Can’t wait to hear your tunes
Aside from your last message, there were no recent texts other than the ones from four hours ago.
You squinted your eyes at the screen, shoving a hand in your pocket. Adam hasn’t read the message yet, where was he?
You sighed, hanging your hands off of the sides of your neck, and you closed your eyes. You really, really wanted to go back home, it was already so late in the evening. Your ears barely picked up on the current band leaving the stage, and as you opened your eyes something small inside you got excited, you were overwhelmed by stress, yes, but seeing your partner on stage was always so lovely.
A few heads turned to look at who’s playing next, and instead of Adam and his band, there was another band you didn’t know! As soon as they started speaking into the microphone, something about an intro to the song, you left the stuffy building.
Have you seriously missed Adam’s gig? When was he supposed to play again?
Your feeling of dread got worse by the second, taking out your phone you scrolled up your text messages with Adam.
The gig ended an hour ago.
You groaned, holding your face against your phone, grimacing.
Okay. This is fine. He‘ll understand that you had something more important than that gig to do and he’ll understand that you fucking forgot at what time his band was supposed to even play-
There was too much air in your throat, and so you sighed deeply, multiple times.
This went on for a few minutes, just standing in the cold nights air, face against your turned off by now phone.
Then, you texted Adam.
You: Are you home?
Before putting the phone away again you stared at it for a good minute or two, then you started speed walking to Adam’s place.
You had a key, you just wanted to give Adam a hint you’d be there.
As you walked and as time passed, you kept checking your phone, worried that Adam wasn’t answering you. Was he mad? He didn’t even see the message maybe he just didn’t notice? Maybe he’s hanging out with his band friends? With Lute?
Your heart told you he was upset with you, and rightfully so, you told yourself.
Some time has passed, and you were there. Standing infront of his apartment door, you swallowed hard.
And you knocked, and there was no answer.
And so you rang the bell, but there was no answer. So you just stood nervously.
It took some time, but eventually you fished your keys out of your back pocket, unlocking the door.
The apartment was quiet and dark, as you peered through the door, you saw no one. Opting to quietly shutting the door behind you, you put your coat on the coat hanger and sneaked around, searching for Adam. Maybe he just fell asleep?
Your questions were soon answered by the sounds of snoring emitting from the living room.
You blinked, how in heavens name have you not noticed them beforehand? Sighing, you made your way to the living room, peering over the sofa, and- there he was.
Adam was still wearing his robe and mask, laying on his side on the sofa, one wing leaning against the sofa lean, the other sprawled out over the coffee table where his halo lay.
You smile, and lean down, planting a soft kiss on the side of your lovers face, he mumbled something, but you didn’t quite catch it, so you simply leaned up again.
The guilt was eating you up inside, alongside all the other things your brain is stressing you on about, this really was the sugar on the cream now, wasn’t it?
The Angel below you mumbled something again, and your grip on the sofa lean tightened. You’ve gotten to know Adam well enough by now to know that, yes, he mumbles and talks in his sleep, but his words are usually a few minutes apart from each other, so this meant he was waking up.
You heard him whine, and placed a caring hand on the side of his head, gently stroking your thumb over it as he finally blinked his eyes open, leaning into the touch.
„Why are you on the couch?“ You asked calmly, turning the mans head with your hand a bit to the side so he looks at you.
Adam simply hummed, „'was waiting for your late ass“, he closed his eyes again.
And thank god he did, you didn’t know if the guilt was that apparent on your expression- the ‚moon‘-light shining down on it.
„I’m sorry,“ And you couldn’t help the sorrow seep through your voice, and you couldn’t help the grimace you made as Adam opened his eyes again, looking up at you. „Hey it’s- fine man, shit“
Adam sighed, „I just expected you to be here sooner, is all,“ He peered off to the side, clearly upset, even if just slightly.
Your heart sunk for the- God knows what amount of time- that day, just now remembering the plans you two made the previous evening-
„Oh- fuck- Adam I was so focused on that gig the entire day-„ you started, your chest growing heavier by the second.
The Angel in question only quirked his eye brow at you, seemingly confused.
„Thought you said you wouldn’t come?“
You inhaled, „Well- yeah but I changed my mind-„
„Changed your mind-? I thought you were gone because you were busy? The hell?“ he sat up slowly, his wings ruffling slightly, you looked off at them, feeling exposed. „Well I- sorry bad wording- haha- I mean I was busy, but then I wasn’t anymore! So I went to your gig!“ „I didn’t- see you there?“ „No I mean like-„
You sighed heavily, „I completely forgot at which time you had the gig and I went there just a bit ago and-„ you spoke quickly, and Adam raised his brows, „woah babe- babe it’s fine-„ he drew out, stumbling to get up, but managing.
„You don’t-„ he looked nervous? „Have to explain I guess-„ the Angel paused, „Do you need anything-„ he smiled at you anxiously, what the hell?
„No-„ at that Adam couldn’t help but frown, „Are you sure?“
You held your breath, starting a nod but slumping your shoulders. „Ive not been doing well, sugar,“ you manage out, and your Angel blinks at you, before reaching to unclasp his own mask, setting it aside, „Why? What happened?“ That look of nervousness and worry grew more apparent on his face, you don’t recall having ever seen him like this before.
You shrugged, sitting down on the sofa, having climbed over the lean easily.
He sat next to you.
Swallowing, you just stared at your fingers, messing with them, not knowing how to answer that question-
After a long moment of silence, in which Adam was waiting for an answer he didn’t receive, he spoke again, „Did I do something?“ you let out a small laugh and shook your head, „no, no,“
He sighed, and seemed to relax a bit, but he still looked concerned. „Then what is it? Do I need to exterminate someone?“
You give him a look at the suggestion.
„Just sayin‘-„
You sigh, leaning your head on the mans shoulder, he tenses for a moment but quickly relaxes, putting an arm around you, rubbing your side.
„Ive just- I don’t even know why- I’ve just been feeling like shit lately,“ „oh-„
He rubs your side more gently, „Well,“ you glanced over at Adam, seeing him scrambling to find words. „Everyone feels like shit sometimes, it’ll pass? We can- uh“ he looked at you, „do stuff you like? Or- whatever you want! Whatever makes ya happy!“ he tried a smile.
„Well it’s“ you sighed deeply, „it’s not just sometimes- it’s been an entire week,“ and you rubbed your eyes.
Adam squeezed your shoulder gently, and you leaned into the touch. „Maybe cuz- uh-„ he grimaced himself now, he really, really wasn’t good at this, but you felt comforted at the fact that he’s also really, really trying his best.
The room was silent for a moment or two. Maybe three.
„Y’know I was watching this documentary on psychology recently cuz there are so many dumbasses around me-„
You gave him the most deadpan expression in the history of mankind. Adam would know.
The look you gave only made him speak faster „-and they said something about how when you don’t talk about your feeling to anyone for a long time it like- messes with your feels n shit y’know-„
You expression softened, oh so this WAS related to the situation. You tilt your head nontheless.
He looked at you, „What I’m tryna say- if you don’t do the thing for the y’know and time it can be really- oh Jesus fucking Christ-„
You raised your brows. Adam coughed, „may his soul be blessed for eternity-?“ you snickered.
„Just uhm- tell me? Next time that happens? Sooner than later? Cuz y’know the long game of not telling anyone that stuff is like- super shit-„ He huffed, then paused, „That wasn’t an angry huff by the way-„
You nodded, leaning your head on the mans chest, a bit of an awkward position from the way you two were sitting, but it felt right. He started stroking your back gently, „yes?“ „I’ll try,“
You sounded tired, yawning, you nuzzled your face into the mans chest.
„Thank you,“ Adam whispered, carefully pulling you into his lap, holding you. His presence was warm and soft, he felt like a blanket.
„And you?“
„I’ll try as well,“
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smwhererealistic · 9 months
Could you do in where Tsukishima breaks up with you and you're like heartbroken until you love on them you get someone new and he finds out and is kicking himself because of it. And he messaged you telling you how much he loves you and regrets everything
I loooove your work 💕❤️💙
thank you so much!💕
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tsukishima kei (second year)
texts + writings at the bottom!
warnings: angst, slight cursing
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you and tsukishima had only started dating in march of your first year. both of you honestly had no problems, other than tsukishima's general nature of being petty, sarcastic and all of the above..but you saw the nice things about him, other than his best friend yamaguchi.
when you two had broken up, it was nearing the examinations. your best friend, haruto, the one who often 'joked' about pursuing you...he was the one who helped you through it all.
getting over tsukishima was one big problem, but letting go of everything about him was worse. but haruto was always patient..with you of course.
after a back and forth complimenting session with each other on the school rooftop during lunch, haruto decided to shoot his shot, and confess.
luckily, during those times of him helping you, you finally noticed him, and how great he was. you happened to develop a crush that only increased each day with him.
by the end of november, and the start of december, both of you were a couple.
"yn and ______ are so cute!" tsukishima heard some second years girls squealed as they scurried past the classroom to get to class.
tsukishima placed his book down, frowning at the news. he turns to his nervous friend beside him.
"did you know about them?" he asks, quite sternly, earning a hesitant nod from the freckled boy.
tsukishima kept hearing both those names throughout the day, making him annoyed. it would be either, he waited for her before they went to class, held her bag or books for her, gave her stuff etc.
tsukishima kei was sick of it.
you were quite known by the second years, before first years, since you always helped people. helping with even the simplest things seemed to make people like you apparently.
and that guy..haruto takao, the basketball club's starting player and number 4. supposedly, haruto had his jersey with the number 4 because it meant something about yn, that's what people said.
tsukishima didnt really care about other people, but when he had volleyball practice and surprisingly, the basketball team was also using the gym, he needed to get a glance.
tsukishima made a face at the amount of basketball players, and how loud they were..
his eyes then landed on a tall guy, but not as tall as him, stand to the side as he helped the juniors with the layout.
tsukishima smirked at the fact that he was taller, he wanted to boast about it if he could, until you peeked out from the gym doors, smiling softly as the basketball manager approached you as you both chatted happily.
when haruto finally turned around, he grinned at the sight of you, dragging his feet as he whined and embraced you, as his friends teased and copied his actions jokingly.
tsukishima grimaced at that. he did not like that. he almost had forgotten you both had broken up. he got out of his daze when yamaguchi handed him his filled waterbottle that yachi had just passed.
"are you okay, tsukki?" his worried friend asked.
"of course i am? why wouldn't i be?" he retorted, huffing as he walked off to the corner to stretch before practicing.
basketball practice started earlier, so it would end faster than the volleyball club. he noticed you waiting outside and wanted to approach you, thinking you waited for him, when he came running as he hugged you tightly.
tsukishima soon grew a hatred for haruto, he grew annoyed at everything he did. it was as if he was there to bite him back in the ass after the break up.
tsukishima would walk home from practice with his headphones on, and he would see both of you at the convenient store with haruto as you two shared earpiece and held hands as you two headed off.
he was in class because he didnt want to head out for lunch, he would see you two walk by, laughing about something as his arm was over your shoulder.
he would see you sit beside the basketball manager, helping to take notes since you took amazing notes. he would also see you converse with the coaches happily, as if the basketball team was a whole family, and you were always welcomed.
he was sick of it, sick of seeing you everywhere. in the crowds of students rushing to class, sitting at the school assembly hall where you sat four seats infront of him, or carrying books with your boyfriend.
he missed you, he didnt want to admit it, but it hurt. he wanted you again.
when volleyball practice was horrible, since hinata and kageyama were there, you always would reassure him, promise to bake him strawberry shortcake if he went to practice.
he dealt with all this frustration, until he got fed up. he was scrolling through twitter and unexpectedly saw a post of you..and him.
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his eyes glanced over the comments, scoffing at the "so cute!" and "i hope you two last long" comments.
tsukishima gripped his phone tightly, his veins popping as he shoved his phone away on the bed. he held his head in his hands, as if he had a headache.
tsukishima had referred to haruto as 'him' or 'your/her boyfriend' so many times, he forgot the poor guy's name.
but he didn't care, that was his final straw.
he needed to do this, even if he knew it was wrong. he wanted to try. he took a deep breath, and picked up his phone again, turned it on, clicked on the messages app as he went to your contact.
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he let out a sigh.
he knew it would happen.
you were loyal, it was definite you would reject him. he glanced at his desk, looking at the two keychains hung up close together, a dinosaur, and a bunny.
when you were dating, you had bought that for the two of you, except he would have the bunnt and you would have the dinosaur, which represented tsukishima.
tsukishima dislikes the idea of putting the bunny keychain on his bag since it was 'childish', but you didnt care, and hung his dinosaur keychain on yours.
however, when you returned it, he just decided to keep it both.
a couple days after you broke up, when he heard his door bell ring, he was surprised and slightly annoyed to see haruto there instead to return everything he had given you or what you had 'borrowed'.
when he brought his stuff to his room, he dropped everything to the side and instead picked up his hoodies. he could smell your perfume on it, but he liked it.
he didnt know why, but he texted you right after, complaining, almost scolding you on why you didnt wash it before. that made you feel much worse during the break up times.
tsukishima kei wasn't one to cry, it wasn't rarely, but he almost never cried. but..apparently that day was different.
tsukishima sat on the bed tiredly, and held your bunny keychain..and cried.
he didnt know what to do but slowly the tears fell as he didnt even care on wiping it.
he missed you, he wanted you back..but that would never happen.
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queenofthekings · 1 year
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𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒞𝒶𝓉
Summary: Every cat loves Eddie, all except one.
Author's note: I have no idea where this came from but the idea of a cat making Eddie's life hell is so funny to me.
CW: None
Word count: 702
Any hate will not be tolerated, constructive criticism is welcomed.
It was easy to say Eddie liked cats, and cats very much liked Eddie. Anywhere he’d go, he would somehow attract cats; whether they were strays or domesticated, they seemed to be all over him.
All cats liked Eddie, except for one.
Wayne’s ginger tabby cat – also called Eddie – despised him. Eddie the Cat would pee on Eddie the Human’s bed, use his guitar amps as chew toys and hiss anytime he so much looked in the cat’s general direction. On more than one occasion, Eddie had thought about how life would be easier if that cat wasn’t around.
The ginger tabby had been around for as long as Eddie could remember, always curled up with Wayne on the couch after he came home from work and snuggled up to him while he slept.
But as soon as Wayne left, and it was just Eddie and the cat? A never-ending spree of growling, hissing, and trying to bite and scratch Eddie’s hands. But nobody ever believed him, because the cat was so nice and sweet to everyone else except for him.
Even you had a hard time believing that the little elderly cat was capable of being so vicious, as he was always sweet to you and wanting head scratches. It was while you were giving Eddie the cat endless amounts of attention and Eddie the human was stumbling in the kitchen to make drinks that you made him question everything, by a simple observation; “Eds, have you ever thought about who was named Eddie first?”
He hesitated as he brought his head out of the fridge to look at you, “what do you mean, honey?”
You leaned back a little on the sofa to get your head closer towards him. “I mean, the cat has been around for practically forever. Have you thought that the cat was named after you or the other way around?”
Eddie completely froze at the thought, falling unusually silent for the rest of the night until you went home, and he was able to sit down with Wayne during dinner. “Wayne,” he began, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. “This is a serious question; was the cat named after me, or was I named after the cat?”
Wayne looked at his nephew for a few moments, completely confused as to why he’d ask such a question before finally answering. “You were named after the cat.”
The answer completely broke Eddie, he felt as if his whole life was a lie. For years, he thought he was named after a distant family member or someone famous but to be named after that cat? Absolutely not. It had to be a lie; it couldn’t possibly be true.
But Wayne wouldn’t lie to him, would he?
Laying in bed and being unable to shake that thought, even at 2am. He called you, waiting multiple times for you to pick up, your sleepy voice quietly coming through the phone. “Eddie, it’s late, tell me it’s important otherwise I’ll have to kill you.”
He could tell you were already falling back asleep as you were talking, and he did feel bad for waking you up, but you were the voice of reason. “I’m sorry for waking you up, baby. I promise I’ll make it up to you in the morning, but Wayne told me I was named after the cat and-”
Your sigh cut him off, hearing the rustling of your bedcovers as you got comfortable. “Eddie, you were not named after the cat, and the cat doesn’t hate you.”
“But how do you know?”
“Because Eddie the Cat is seventeen years old, you’re almost twenty. And he only attacks you because weed is toxic to cats and you reek of it most of the time, you complete muppet. Now go to fucking bed.”
Eddie was about to question you again, but you hung up on him, almost instantly drifting off back to sleep. He tried to call you several times, but you were too deep in sleep to reply. By the time you woke up, you had 6 missed calls and only one text.
EDDIE: But how can you be SURE I wasn’t named after the cat?
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Can i ask for general relationship hcs for genesis and sephiroth (gn!reader), pretty please? :)))
Hey there, dear anon! Thank you so much for your request. <3 I know it took me a while to finish these but I hope you enjoy the headcanons nevertheless.
Characters: Genesis Rhapsodos, Sephiroth
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General relationship HCs (gn!reader)
Genesis Rhapsodos
One might not expect it but Genesis is a hopeless romantic at heart. He usually hides it quite well but once you get closer to him it’s obvious how much all of this really means to him. He often brings you flowers from Aerith or leaves little notes for you to find, for example when he has to leave the house before you wake up.
Whenever you compliment him, he’s putty in your hands immediately. Genesis might often act like he doesn’t care what others think about him but deep down, he really craves these words of affirmation – especially since he’ll probably never stop seeing himself as a monster or a failed experiment. It’s also so very easy to fluster him with genuine compliments, though he tries his best not to let it show.
Aside from Angeal and Sephiroth, you’re the only one he trusts enough to show his true self. Around others, he hides behind a mask of cockiness, even arrogance, carefully locking away his feelings and struggles, but around you, he doesn’t have to fake anything. He can be himself, without having to fear any judgement from you, and that alone is enough to make him fall in love with you again every single day.
He’s not one to get jealous easily since he trusts you and knows that you would never betray him like that. But he still hates when others are clearly trying to flirt with you, especially if you’re obviously uncomfortable with the whole situation. It makes his blood boil when others are unable to respect your boundaries, and in moments like that, he definitely won’t hesitate to step in.
Of course, his SOLDIER duties keep him more than busy, and he sometimes has to be away from you for days, if not weeks, but Genesis makes sure to contact you at least once a day, not only because he misses you but also to show that you don’t have to worry about him. He doesn’t always have the time to call you though, so sometimes he just sends a quick text (which includes at least one quote from Loveless as well as some variation of I love you).
Sephiroth isn’t someone to fall head over heels in love with someone or to dive head first into a relationship. He’s definitely hesitant, even repulsing at first, and tries to push you away, both because he feels like he’s not what you need and because he’s just so used to being alone. But once you have him, Sephiroth is yours forever. 
He’s not overly affectionate, in the sense that he rarely initiates cuddles or kisses himself but he would never deny you any affection if you asked for it, especially since he soon realizes how nice it feels to just hold you close for a while. There’s something so calming and peaceful about cuddling with you, and although he’d probably never admit it, he really craves these feelings. However, PDA is something he most likely never gets used to. 
There’s absolutely nothing Sephiroth wouldn’t do to keep you safe and sound. He knows first-hand how dangerous and awful the world can be, and he tries everything in his power to keep you safe from all harm. And should someone dare to lay a hand on you, Sephiroth won’t hesitate to make them pay for it. He fiercely protects the people he loves, no ifs, no buts – even if he had to risk his own life in the process.
You’re one of the few people he trusts with his whole heart. When he’s around you, he doesn’t have to pretend to be something he isn’t, and that’s one of the main reasons why he feels so comfortable in your presence. You know him – the real him – and you accept him just the way he is, his flaws and quirks included, and he loves you all the more for that. 
However, being in a relationship with Sephiroth isn’t all sunshine and flowers. No matter how much he loves you, there will always be situations where he still pushes you away, for example when you get into an argument and he feels like he needs to protect you from himself. In moments like this, patience is key – sooner or later, he will come to you to apologize but until then, it’s best to give him some space.
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it please consider liking, reblogging and/or leaving some feedback. I'd really appreciate the support. <3
Taglist: @sixdaysofsilverashes @thevoidwriting @theimaginaryheir @strawberrymoonsx
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okay let's fucking crack into finally discussing the book of life, ive been putting it off for ages but the time is now upon me to chat shit about it, bc apparently i might have a meta/analysis rep to maintain?
so first thing's first, im going to look at the narrative itself and the references we have to the BOL. we start off with michael discussing it on the phone with an unknown person:
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given this dialogue further on in s1, i think we're all in agreement that the conversation is with beelzebub; the precedent of intelligence sharing was definitely set in s1 with michael and ligur.
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but beelzebub sounds surprised on the phone, and when speaking to crowley seems to slightly hesitate on whether extreme sanctions actually did exist... but the archangel michael has just threatened it, so of course it must be real. it's a threat to anyone without discrimination, by this account - any angel, demon, or human (i imagine) can be written into it - so it stands to reason that beelzebub chooses to take michael at their word.
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now michael obviously seems similarly convinced that the BOL indeed exists and that it erases from existence any name that is erased from it. ive mentioned before that its interesting that the moment that the metatron appears in the bookshop is when michael is intending to make good on that threat with aziraphale:
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but authorised by who? just in the general scheme of things, as supreme archangel duty officer? in which case, why wasn't this a chekhov's gun suggested in s1, even if in the very abstract? i guess it could have been information overload but, given aziraphale literally helped to divert armageddon and disrupt the great plan, you'd think that would be a situation that would warrant such a threat too, from gabriel as supreme archangel?
so by that reckoning, it must be knowledge that michael didn't know about much before the telephone call, because they weren't of sufficient rank (albeit the rank seems to be one they've assumed rather than been entrusted with in the interim). alternatively, the use of the word 'authorised' suggests they've received a direct green-light from someone above them... and who is above the supreme archangel? 👀
but the metatron interrupts the threat before it can be actualised, which obviously feeds into the whole 'came down here to get aziraphale back on side, here have this coffee 🙂' thing... wouldn't do for you to go out on a recruitment drive and have the angel you want to be blinked out of existence before you can make the job offer. so off the archangels go - after a very pointed interaction of michael and uriel not recognising the metatron at all.
but where does metatron fit in the narrative as concerns the BOL? well, nowhere yet. the conference scene in the beginning of ep6 that Crowley witnesses doesn't have any reference to the BOL at all, so it was never on the table as concerns gabriel's demotion (just a good ole memory wipe). so this is where i come to parsing out what i think the BOL actually is.
now im reluctant to go by other texts to riddle this out, mainly because GO is largely inspired by other works and religious texts so i don't tend to double down solely on what they themselves say, but in the absence of any other information from GO itself, this is what ive got to help it make sense.
BOL indeed, by both hebrew and christian text, records all those that are considered worthy before god. that those people are written into it before birth, and to be removed from it signifies death. now that this seems to be to be very human-centric, so how would this apply to angels? well, the re-wording of 'death' to 'never have existed' is an indicator here.
in Revelations, st john the divine of patmos recorded that those who were written and kept in the book would be saved from the Last Judgement; which i think can be agreed in this case would refer to the resurrection of christ aka. the second coming. and to be removed from the BOL would result in being "cast into the lake of fire" (20:15, KJV). which sounds somewhat familiar, right?
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so can we be certain that the BOL just simply means oblivion for any angel written in it? i don't think so. there's the school of thought floating round that crowley had his memory wiped which - yes - there are clues that that may be the case (i still sit on the fence, because in some of the examples that support the theory i still also hold the thought that the angel that crowley was may have just been a bit of a work-obsessed knob). but i do wonder if there's some small grain of truth to it, because if we consider this hypothesis that being'wiped from existence' isn't actually that at all, or not as it sounds anyway, wouldn't an angel consider that not being an angel is essentially the same thing?
in falling, you lose who you were, and you're no longer that person. that person, that angel, ceases to exist?
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it would certainly make sense to therefore not erase gabriel from the BOL, because it would make him fall, and they would lose another powerful angel to hell... after all:
"For one Prince of Heaven to be cast into the outer darkness makes a good story. For it to happen twice makes it look like there is some kind of institutional problem."
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
I'm always cautious about posting links to fundraisers. A long time ago I started writing a draft to help a friend of a friend who was struggling with cancer. Only to find out she and her mother developed an elaborate ruse to make her look sick. She shaved her head and bought a medical gown.
And so when strangers ask me to post charity links I have a difficult time taking the chance. I try to keep it to people I know well and can vet properly.
But I have known Ralph since the early days of Tumblr. He has been a friend and supporter the entire time. We chat on Facebook from time to time and I enjoy watching his family unit grow. He's a wonderful dad.
But here is why I have no hesitation posting this. Quite a few years back when my family was really struggling month to month, he set up a monthly donation. And I can't tell you how many times that monthly donation was the difference between paying a bill or an overdraft fee. Ralph's generosity is almost second nature. He gives even when he may not have much to give.
All this time I had no idea his family had similar struggles.
I'm still months away from knowing if my financial problems will be a thing of the past. I'm really hoping I will no longer need Ralph's help or anyone else's to get by. But, in the meantime, I was hoping all of you could help me help Ralph before that.
I hate that GoFundMe has basically become health insurance for the working class. And I know for a fact that Ralph and his wife work their ass off to take care of their family. But you can never account for things like this. And his daughter deserves peace of mind that she will have access to the medication she needs.
You all have been so generous to me. And I have no way of thanking everyone properly. But I would be eternally grateful if you could help me pay it forward for someone who has made my life a little easier to manage.
One thing I noticed when everyone helped me raise money for my mortgage is how quickly the small donations add up. People would even apologize for having so little to give. But those were the donations that ended up making the difference. Those donations meant the world to me and I'm betting they'd mean the world to Ralph and his family.
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