#this isn’t a theory btw I really don’t think it’s what’s happening here
blue-dream-rhapsody · 2 years
Messy TR 276 notes (they’re not really connected to each other until they are)
Can we talk about how in Mikey’s first emotional moment in the series after August 3rd he went off to a private corner of the hospital to let out all his feelings about Draken where no one would see, and now he’s openly bawling in front of everybody
It’ll actually be interesting to see what if anything happens around Inupi and Koko bc as far as we know, the fire had nothing to do with all of the Mikey or Kisaki stuff, so it could still happen exactly as it did and affect them both the same way. Though I’d really like for both siblings to be alive, I don’t really want it at the cost of Inupi and Koko having a good relationship of some kind. Something something bait and switch where we think Koko’s on a date with Akane from behind but we see the front and it’s actually Inupi with long hair, just like how he mistook them that night except this time HE knows and WE don’t
These are connected to each other:
I doubt it so much but like imagine if the leap actually brought everyone who was at the fight back to the past too. Everyone who explicitly doesn’t recognize Takemichi eventually so far, are people who were already dead as of the leap point (Sanzu didn’t really seem to imply if he does or doesn’t, and Mikey does say his nickname after a moment). But that way all their growth and experiences so far would be carried with them, but they get a second chance to live and avoid all the bad things that happened, while still holding on to who those things made them as people. Mikey not having his fall bc he knows it could happen avoids 30% of the bad shit, Takemichi maybe letting Kisaki save Hina instead of him keeps him from becoming a monumental and murderous douchebag which solves 60% of the other problems. (Last 10% is like, Izana being abandoned, the Inui fire, etc, which seem to be unrelated) So Takemichi may lose her heart, but will protect her life. How would he manage to timeleap everybody? Fuck if I know. Power of love or something. Or the how doesn’t matter, just that it happened.
Of course this means important meetings between people who got brought back and people who didn’t could still happen bc the ones who came back need to meet them again. Chifuyu needs Baji, Mitsuya needs Draken, you get the idea.
Takeomi is the only one of his siblings who doesn’t know and is comically out of the loop, letting Sanzu and Senju bond. Taiju maybe sucks slightly less bc he’s already learned his lesson and Yuzuha never knows that level of trauma. Draken and Emma meet and fall in love over again. Mikey seeks out Izana and insists the Sanos make him family, he brings Kakucho, it’s a mess at first but they get there eventually. And so on.
Maybe a chance for a Time Capsule 2, Electric Boogaloo?
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kuijoon · 27 days
Sampo used to be a self-annihilator before becoming a masked fool
Note: this is a crack theory(?) (not even a theory tbh as I don’t really think it’s true and more so a different view on him)
First of all, this started with the similarities between Acheron and Sampo. Dark hair with white parts, dead snake imagery, diamond shaped pupils, leaving purple slashes in the air with their weapon, both nihility, etc. Obviously, this isn’t enough to warrant speculating about Sampo being connected to Acheron/the self-annihilators, so let me elaborate:
White hair: As we know, Acheron has a streak of white hair and completely white hair when she is in her alternative form. Self-annihilators are mentioned to “lose their color” as time goes on, which I think the white hair symbolizes. Sampo also has white hair, however it only is at the end of his hair (=he was losing his color back when he was a self-annihilator but after escaping the nihility and becoming a masked fool, it stopped- I’ll explain this idea more later on)
Snake imagery: As I think every Sampo fan is aware, he has skeletal snake imagery all over his design and it was even confirmed to be intended by hyv in the notes discussing Sampo’s beta design. Acheron possesses some of it too, albeit much less prominent: the spine thing on her back, similar belt decoration to Sampo’s, long spine painted (like that of a snake) on her sleeve, diamond eyes that could kind of resemble that of a snake (just like Sampo btw) and a spine in the background of her splash art. She even has a shoulder guard like Sampo, although it doesn’t directly resemble a snake and more so a vague bone structure (then again Sampo’s snake design elements are exclusively from snake bones). Other than Acheron, we have another known self-annihilator that features snake imagery; the one from the SU occurrence “Kindling of the Self-Annihilator”. Here, they are described as someone who’s a serpent below their waist, with dark green scales that give off a metallic glint- may be a coincidence, but for the sake of this theory I will choose to believe it’s intentional.
Besides Acheron’s and Sampo’s similarities, there are also a few more reasons to support this:
Aha saving a self-annihilator: In the Swarm disaster, Lepismat Part VI, Aha pays a self-annihilator a visit and they are described to have a “heartfelt smile on their face”, as if being rescued from the nihility’s pull due to Aha. Now, my theory would be that the same happened to Sampo- he was slowly fading away (his hair started to turn white), but then Aha showed up for whatever reason and Sampo was able to get out of IX’s shadow, becoming part of the masked fools instead when he realized the joy of life- turning from nihilism to absurdism, as the two concepts are closely intertwined anyway (hair stopped turning white).
Sampo’s in-game path is nihility: Now, if what I said before was true and Sampo stopped following the nihility, why would his in-game path being nihility support this? Well, I think don’t think that he has to completely turn away from nihility- as I already said the nihility and elation are closely connected in the belief that nothing matters, so still having sharing some beliefs would make sense to me.
Anyway that’s it for now (probably forgot something but wtv)
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l00rem · 2 months
Gibeon & Amethio are related, but they are not father and son.
So, ep45 had me applying my clown makeup as I was a firm Gibeon is related to Amethio denier and that has uh clearly been proven true by that final scene… but I still don’t think they’re father and son like most people seem to be saying. First, let’s start with Gibeon’s physical condition.
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It seems clear by his position in the reveal that he suffers with functioning properly, this is further demonstrated with Hamber’s ‘Gibeon is awake’ comment. Considering he’s at least over 100, this is probably him abusing his mortality coming to bite him in the ass or some injury he sustained when Lucius kicked him out of the Rakua gc. And while pokemon never acknowledges topics like sex for obvious reasons, I doubt the writers would ignore the fact that Gibeon is clearly not in any condition to be breeding (dude only holds like 3 min meetings before going back to bed, he could never last that long in a physical activity such as that)
Now, this brings me to another theory i’ve been seeing: Amethio is some sort of clone/ artificial human being. I can see why some people think this, but i don’t think it’s going to happen. I just think it goes against the themes horizons has been setting up about generations (ex: ep34 where Hamber and Diana both pass things down to Liko and Amethio) i think it would be weird to have all this stuff about ancestry and then just throw in ‘oh and amethio’s not human btw’. It’s also just a really dark existential topic for pokemon, i know they can go dark and have done artificial creation before but that’s always been strictly for pokemon at least to my knowledge. I think people who believe in clone theory are getting too caught up in their Amethio and Hunter from ToH comparisons- ofc your free to theorise what you want but I just don’t see this happening.
To give some more solid proof that Amethio isn’t Gibeon’s son, let’s look at Liko’s ancestry.
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As we can see, hair does seem to matter when it comes to being directly descended from someone. All three have the same hair pattern, even if we can’t see the brighter blue for Lucca’s. Compare this to Lucius’s hair:
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It’s been made very clear that Liko is a descendant of his somehow, but this isn’t as direct as a great grandfather because then Diana could’ve literally just asked her mom who the man in the photo was to learn they’re related. Lucius resembles them somewhat but there are very clear differences.
Likewise, this seems to be the case with Gibeon and Amethio’s hair differences. They have the same colour scheme of white and black, but the way the two colours are separated are completely different. Just as Lucius and Liko’s family both have that sticky outy bit of their hair, Amethio and Gibeon both share that little white antenna although Gibeon’s is positioned differently.
So here’s my proposition: Amethio is related to Gibeon the same way Liko is related to Lucius.
Perhaps then Amethio is some distant relative to Gibeon who he located at some point- likely he didn’t have any family and so when Gibeon pulls up with his ‘oh hey we’re related’ spiel Amethio jumps at the chance for any form of connection. It’s not clear how much Amethio knows regarding Gibeon (he didn’t even know why he wanted the pendant after all) but perhaps Gibeon uses his condition as a further way of manipulating Amethio: not only does Amethio work for explorers to get Gibeon’s approval but also to find whatever he needs to not die so he won’t lose his last chance at family?
I also believe this is supported by all the Amethio-Liko parallels the show has been building up. It’s likely that Amethio’s backstory could be a dark mirror of Liko’s where the Explorers are to him what RVT is to Liko. Although, Amethio’s situation takes the ‘found family’ part more literally and instead of experiencing happiness he gets moulded into a child soldier…. yaaaay…
So then why does Gibeon actually need Amethio? Aside from the obvious meta reason, it’s likely Gibeon speculated someone with his blood could function as a Lucius detector (the pendant only stopped being dormant after amethio came into close contact) and this is also one of the reasons Amethio gets booted off the mission as he’d already performed his purpose of confirming the pendant was related to Lucius. Perhaps there’s something about Amethio’s ancestry which doesn’t apply to Gibeon that’s important? Or maybe Gibeon just put an easily exploitable child to good use.
Either way, there really isn’t a happy explanation for Amethio’s circumstances. Poor guy :(
I’ll potentially be eating my own words in a few months when we learn more about Gibeon and Amethio’s relationship but hey it never hurts to theorise. Hopefully we learn more stuff soon and that Amethio doesn’t get locked into off screen jail for another 11 weeks 💀💀
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writing-for-life · 6 months
Sunday Mourning—About Dream Entities and Stars
Why Head-Canons Are Wonderful, But Forcing Them On Creators Isn’t
And as always: Send me asks about everything Sandman-related!
First of all: I don’t want to take anyone’s head-canons away from them, it’s what fandom is partly built on. I support them, I love them, I have plenty of my own. The Sandman very explicitly tells us about “books never written” in Lucien/ne’s library, and we can be sure ours is in there.
But that’s not quite the same as harassing both creators and other fans in an attempt to make fanon canon, and that’s what partly sparked this post. So if a super-long meta exploration of “Sunday Mourning” (and there is a lot in this post) that also contains a bit of fandom criticism (feel free to skip that if you just want the meta) isn’t your thing—this is your warning 🤣
Also: Massive spoilers ahead…
The theory that Morpheus forever lives in Hob’s dreams (and with Hob) as a dream entity regularly makes the rounds. And it’s a nice theory, and I get why people like it. I also get that “The Wake—Sunday Mourning” is maybe ambiguous enough to consider it a possibility (which then goes into head-canon territory). All good so far.
What’s problematic is when fans begin to leverage their head-canons/theories as “true because Neil gave it a like”, and then proceed to present them as canon.
Neil likes posts, yes, but he said *several times* and *very explicitly* that’s never endorsement of anything, but rather valuing that people put thought into stuff and engage with his stories critically (and he also said that it’s sometimes just a slip of his finger, but that just as an aside, you’ll find one example here).
So if Neil liked a happily-ever-after-dream-entity post, that means he supports your head-canons as head-canons because he always does (or his finger slipped—I guess we’ll never know). He is awesome that way and always was. Again: In a way, it’s even an integral part of The Sandman. It also means that he likes the fact you engaged deeply with the source material, in either a heartfelt or critical way.
What it *doesn’t* mean: Head-canon is the same as canon despite both being valid in their own way. He said all of this a million times in a million posts.
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Let’s explore that particular theory and start with an ask:
His endorsement goes as far as acknowledging that “it’s never only a dream,” and that “dreams are where the stories are.” And we need to stop pretending it’s anything more than that, even if he likes a few posts here and there (posts that go in all different directions, btw). Neil used his own experience with grief and mirrored it 1:1 in how Hob handles Morpheus’ death in The Wake and Sunday Mourning.
Here is a quote from the Sandman Companion:
NG: […] Bette's stories have happy endings. That's because she knows where to stop. She's realized the real problem with stories—if you keep them going long enough, they always end in death.
HB: It also makes me think of Hob's dream in part 3.
NG: That was something that actually happened to me. [1]I dreamt about a friend who'd died six months earlier, woke up completely upset that she'd died, [2]and then realized I'd simply had a dream and felt enormously relieved... [3]and then I woke up all the way and remembered that she really had passed on.
[numbers and bold by me]
And then remember what happened to Hob:
1. He found out in a dream Morpheus had died and woke up upset and crying in The Wake, Chapters 1-3 (#70-72).
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2. Then he had another dream that somewhat gave him closure and a sense of relief (Sunday Mourning, #73).
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(Can I also just point out where Destruction’s fingers are pointing here and then contrast it with what he told Daniel in The Wake about “walking amongst the stars”, or Morpheus actually turning into a star?)
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(What might the end of the story be? Who knows, but once again, have a look where Destruction’s fingers are pointing.)
3. Then he woke up all the way and felt peace (also in Sunday Mourning).
Make of that what you will, but to me, saying that scene was based on his own dream is basically Neil confirming that Morpheus has “really passed on.”
Will Hob remember Morpheus? Of course he will. That’s what humans do. Does Morpheus live a happily ever after in Hob’s dream with Hob? And would that be in character? And would he want his memories to be intact to make that happen? Would that truly be passing on?
I will explore why canonically, we don’t find much to support that notion, and why it would seem OOC. But if you believe it, it’s your personal truth. Should we call for the ending to be changed though to make our personal truth that of the author?
Life and death are our own, and it’s never just a dream
Destruction was in Hob’s dream (when Hob never really knew him), and Destruction walked away from it all. As did Morpheus. They’re both free. It was very likely (and I'm phrasing this carefully on purpose) a dream gifted by Daniel!Dream (who had a very long talk with Destruction during the Wake) to give Hob closure, and it seems straightforward enough if you read The Wake not just single-mindedly focused on one thing. Daniel!Dream is not in the original panel, but he is in the background of concept art of that panel for a movie pitch by Jill Thompson and Neil Gaiman, so we can probably assume it was always the intended subtext.
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And what does Death say in Façade? Or what does Morpheus say to Orpheus, or to Delirium after he killed Orpheus? That life and death are our own.
Destruction’s life is his own.
Morpheus’ death is his own.
And Hob’s life AND death are his own.
The three of them are the literal embodiment of that sentiment:
One walked away and chose life.
One walked away and chose death.
One chooses life for as long as he sees fit and can choose death if he stops doing so.
It makes sense to put them in a panel together at the end for that very reason (and a few others of course).
That, right there, is already “more than just a dream.” It is the story, not just a metaphor. It is canon, and it is fairly explicit.
Would Morpheus ever want to be a dream entity with all his memories intact?
From this point onward, we get more into interpretation based on canonical character traits:
Morpheus living forever as a dream entity *tied to Hob’s dream* is canonically antithetical and OOC. There, I said it. He wanted to be free from the Dreaming, he even said so to Death (“But even the freedom of the Dreaming can be a cage, of a kind, my sister,” in #69).
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But existing as a dream entity WITH ALL HIS MEMORIES INTACT (that alone should make people say, “He would never want this in a million years” because it’s the very source of his pain—he wanted punishment for Orpheus’ fate/death—Nuala called him out on it) would forever tie him to it. Plus, it would make him Daniel’s subject in a way. It would be, again, very OOC.
Also: Dream had very strong feelings about the dead NOT belonging into dreams/the Dreaming permanently, or the living building their lives around them. WHY would that apply to Hector, but not to Morpheus himself? Again, it makes no sense in continuity.
But Destruction was in that dream…
Destruction visited Daniel!Dream during the Wake. They talked about a lot of stuff that’s very relevant, I recommend a reread if you’re not certain (this is long enough as it is, so I’ll skip it at this point). And it makes narrative sense to anchor that in Hob’s dream for reasons already outlined (they might not make sense to Hob, but they make sense to us, the reader, if we are willing to see that “it’s more than just a dream” isn’t equal to two people riding off into the sunset together, as nice a head-canon that might be). What I *do* want to point out though is that Destructions talked about “walking amongst the stars” and again, where he points in Hob’s dream.
Someone said this somewhere else and drew parallels to Stardust: Morpheus *does* become a star (or returns to them, who knows), it’s all over The Wake. That star is in literally *every* panel with a window/sky after his barge has transformed. And what becomes of him as that—who knows, since we all know stars have some sort of sentience in Gaiman’s universe, and that “oblivion is not an option” if Death took your hand to lead you into the afterlife. Again: Head-canon territory…
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Head-canons are beautiful
No one is trying to take them away from us. Let’s knock ourselves out in fanfic and fanart, it’s comforting and healing. The Sandman is a story about stories. Our stories are our own, and they are true for us, that’s the whole point. And Neil will *never* tell you your head-canon is not real, because for you, it is, and that’s all that matters. But the constant need to elevate fanon to canon really gets exhausting at times, especially if it involves pestering the creators, constantly being on their blogs/tagging them and trying to get them to confirm what we want.
And to those that insist we will undoubtedly get a happily ever after because “Hob’s dream says so”, and think the writers somehow should “read the room” and provide fan-service (side-note: What is it with this entitlement in fandom? The creator tells *their* story, not yours):
One of the main messages of the story is (already in 24/7) that stories only have a happy ending because we know when to stop, but that they ultimately *all* end in death. No matter how much people say that “the show is so much more hopeful”, that very line has already been brought into the show. They didn’t take it out. It will have weight at some point, I’ll put my money on it.
But show!Murphy isn’t comics!Murphy...
People point out that show!Morpheus is different from comics!Morpheus to justify we will get a different ending. Making Morpheus a bit softer around the edges seems, at least to me, a move to make him likeable as the protagonist, because it would be very hard to like early comics!Morpheus, to be frank. The fact that he brought Gault back from the darkness—I saw that as giving show!only fans a nicely wrapped end of the first season, because we didn’t even know if we would get a second one at that point. It also shows us that he is capable of change—a thing I am near certain he will repeatedly deny as we go on (he already did). So no, I personally don’t think it set him on a different path. There are even scenes in the show that very heavily foreshadow The Kindly Ones (the cracks in the window are overlayed onto his face in such a way that they heavily hint at the scar he is going to receive).
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So yes, by all means, let’s have a bit of ambiguity in Sunday Mourning for the people who don’t like the tragic ending, but let’s also focus on more than just making everything about the ship. Their relationship is important, and even more so because it isn’t romantic—that’s why it grows and lasts (unlike Morpheus’ romantic relationships). But it’s only the tiniest fraction of what The Sandman is about.
I write fanfic. I give Morpheus happy endings, too. I get it, I want him to be happy, too. But no matter how much we write him in character, we will ultimately break character the moment we make him do things that lead to a different outcome. In canon, he is the way he is. And I am afraid to say:
I personally think he is also like that in the show, even if they softened him a bit around the edges and shoved certain messages down our throats that people who know the comics didn’t need, but newbs to the Sandman did (“I’m listening now…”)—it was a good move, and all of that made sense for show-narrative reasons. But not once did I have the feeling that he wasn't exactly the same Morpheus underneath it all, and we already had too much foreshadowing to think that we would really get a different ending.
Why chemistry isn’t confirmation of the ship
That’s another one: To turn one (!) show-writer’s comment that Morpheus’ and Hob’s chemistry was a thing, and that they allowed that type of ambiguity, into, “Their romantic relationship is canon.” These two things are not the same. And Neil said that Benton’s comment did not make Dreamling any more real/canon, but people conveniently forget that. He also didn’t deny it, he just didn’t confirm, because, again: He doesn’t confirm or deny head-canons. They’re ours. Let's please stop pestering the man to confirm our head-canons and fantasies, but that just as an aside.
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It shows one thing, however:
How conditioned fandom is to make everything about romantic relationships (ideally m/m), even if they have nothing, and I say nothing, to do with the main message.
And it’s okay the wish for these relationships matters to some people, but they don’t have to matter to everyone else, to the extent that we expect the actual story to change. Why try to twist his arm into changing his own story, and the way he wanted to tell it?
So again: Head-canons are beautiful. Trying to get them confirmed by creators and foist them upon everyone else (to the extent that people get harassed) is not.
And if I'm proven wrong on this, I’ll still die happy, but I'm putting my chips down right now and say:
Morpheus will die in exactly the same way as in the comics. And if we get The Wake, we will get a scene in Sunday Mourning that can hold ambiguity for processing our grief, just like the comic can. And the shippers will say, “He’s with Hob, yay!”, and the non-shippers will say, “Nah, not what I saw.” And Neil will get a million asks and answer each single one with:
“What do *you* think?”
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the-kinnie-in-me · 1 year
Okay, well then I hope you don’t mind me returning with yet another request. I can’t help it, I just really love your writing <3
I would love some headcanons for tasm Peter falling in love again for the first time since Gwen (god, just typing that made me tear up lmao)!
Take your time, have fun with it, and have a lovely day/night :)
A/n: This has been in my ask box for so long holy shit- I'm so sorry about that. I was on an intense writer's block and I think the fact that its Valentines' Day where I'm at kinda inspired me. This is not my best work since romantic writing isn't my cup of tea 😭 But I still hope you enjoy this-
𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐌! 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐠����𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐰𝐞𝐧:
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(I’m basing this off before he met the other Peters btw)
Let's start with some pre-relationship stuff-
I don’t really see it as love at 1st sight
It might take some since yk- his ex died because he couldn’t save her
How much time it would take would depend on how persistent you are in befriending him 1st
 There's definitely some remaining guilt and self-loathing so please be patient with him
He’s still a nice and friendly person so it isn’t that hard to befriend him 
In other words- You’re gonna have to buckle up since you’re about to experience the slowest slow-burn friends-to-lovers in history (Tho the fluff post and pre-relationship make it worth it)
Now onto the relationship itself
Aunt May adores you
She saw how you make her nephew happy after what happened with Gwen and approved of you immediately
“I saw how that boy mourned Gwen. I raised him for most of his life and it was devastating for me to see him like that. Then he met you, it was like it never happened and he was as happy as he was before. And I can’t express how thankful I am to you.”
We all saw how much effort he put into his and Gwen’s relationship- He would do the 1000% same thing with you
This is a bit angsty but- It just doesn’t feel the same?? THO IT DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HOW MUCH HE LOVES YOU- When he was doing that stuff for Gwen he had a lot more self-esteem if you get what I mean?
There have to be a lot of words of affirmation in this relationship homeboy needs it
After he gains his confidence it's mostly rainbows and sunshine
The reason why I say mostly? The topic of Spiderman.
I mean- He would tell you but he doesn’t want you to get involved 
He is very much persistent about that
He will give you every reason to not  get involved 
There’s honestly no win in this situation
If you don’t get involved you worry about him daily
*Peter enters your bedroom through your window*
“The hell happened this time?”
“They um- got me pretty bad”
You rush to grab the First Aid kit
“Yeah. I can see that.”
“Are you mad at me?”
“I’m not mad.”
“Are you sure…Because your tone kinda says otherwise”
*Sighs* “I’m not mad. Just stressed and worried because of you.”
If you do get involved he worries about you daily
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be out doing Spiderman things?”
“Yeah about that- Whatever I was fighting got away and it seemed pretty pissed. I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t gonna be petty and go after you”
I just realized the majority of this has been angst or about Gwen’s death in some way-
He doesn’t confront people when jealous
Poor boy just wants to leave with you beside him
He tries to hide it but it's kinda obvious
Tease him about it and see how long it takes for him to admit it I wanna test a theory
He is a total softy for you
Why can’t I find a bf like that on E-bay
A sane amount of PDA
Like hand-holding, falling asleep on him (albeit accidentally), and kissing on the cheek
He likes cuddling in private tho
Everything he does for and says to you just seems to be genuine-
A gentleman that was raised well fr
He will do so many things for you that it's concerning how fast he agrees,
“Hey Pete can you-”
“Of course”
This is entirely my opinion/ idea of him- I don’t see him calling you any pet names besides the occasional “babe” 
BUT- the amount of love and emotion traced whenever he just simply says your name makes up for it completely
Before I end this I just want to make 1 thing clear-
You are NOT a rebound 
He will do anything to prove that he never considered you a replacement for Gwen the moment he senses you feel that way
In his eyes, Gwen is his past 
In his eyes, you are his present and future
In his eyes, you are his everything.
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stanparkerss · 1 year
DISCLAIMER: I am extremely bad at writing but I just want to get my points across.
I believe a lot of people are confused with both Dan Heng and blade’s relationship in honkai star rail especially in a shipping perspective. I see a lot of people saying that their relationship is toxic because Dan Heng is “clearly traumatized” by blade which isn’t exactly true, that’s only a part of it.
His fear of Blade is because running and fighting him is also coming to terms with his past. Because Dan Heng is running from his past, why would he want to confront it? I should also add that it would be extremely frustrating if a man from the past your trying to run from, came back every time you stabbed him.
(References below)
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Btw to people saying they aren’t equal to one another, the second image is proof of the opposite.
I also find it weird that while people are saying that Dan Heng is “traumatized” there are multiple posts proving that he misses his “bosom friend.” There’s an official post on the Honkai Star Rail account that says “the fragrance and the moonlight, everything’s just right” with a picture of Dan Heng holding an alcoholic drink with a full moon behind him. I will admit that this is most likely a reach but I believe that it’s also connected to Blade’s relic set description for the bracer. There’s a theory going around that Dan Heng doesn’t have memories of his past, only the feelings towards it. So his “missing” and “longing” are more personal feelings from a hidden memory. I don’t believe this is true since there’s a light cone that disproves it. I just want to put it here since I found it interesting.
Here’s a picture of both btw if anyone is interested.
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Also I connected this to “‘Eternal Regrets of A High Elder’ (an aria from the ‘Dragontooth Tales’)” but keep in mind that this is even more of a reach. I just find it too much of a coincidence to ignore (Reference below)
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Now I’m not saying they aren’t toxic. Enemies to lovers is not really a healthy dynamic for ships and is often confused for “rivals to lovers” which is why people argue about it all the time. But keep it mind that before saying “Dan Heng is traumatized” people should probably get more in touch with the lore rather than the story that is thrown at your face. Lore and story are two completely different things, don’t get them confused.
My last explanation is based on LEAKS so please read ahead with caution. I won’t explain in full detail but I’ll be hinting at a certain scene.
If Dan Heng was clearly traumatized of Blade SPECIFICALLY, I don’t think he would confront. That’s all I’m going to say.
Now I could be wrong about all of this so let’s see what happens in 1.1
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wenellyb · 1 month
What’s your take on the hunch that the show (now that Buck is confirmed queer) is going to kill him off because he and Bobby have their final goodbye in the s7 finale? The show’s creators said that Eddie will go into s8 feeling isolated, and we know that Peter’s contract isn’t up for the show, so Bobby’s likely not dying. Does anyone know if Oliver’s contract is up??? I really hope they don’t give us a bury your gays trope 😫
Hi Anon!!!
I don't know anything about the actors contracts and I don't know where that rumor came from but I know for sure they won’t kill off Buck. If it were Grey's anatomy I would have a different answer but the 911 franchise don't kill off their Main Characters so "easily".
And I don't even why they would kill off Buck "now that he's confirmed Queer"...?????? It doesn't make sense. I would expect 911 Lone Star to kill off Nancy, or Tk, or Carlos, or Paul.
I'm not saying it couldn't happen in the future, and for sure something dramatic is going to happen before the end of the season, but I can already tell you if they kill off a Main Character it won't be Buck ( if Oliver contract was ending, and I don't know that that the case, they would find another of making him "leave").
Eddie feeling isolated could be for different reasons, and also feeling isolated isn't the same as being isolated.
I think his recent actions show that he's in a weird place and he might isolate himself in fear of being judged. Or he might be isolated because some of his friends won't approve his behavior. There are so many storylines the writers could come up with...
So here's the wild part, I never really thought about how Eddie might feel isolated, but this is how I imagined Eddie's recent storyline going.
I don't know if Eddie will keep seeing Shannon's lookalike or not, but going on a date was already cheating and I don't know if he'll confess or not, but Marisol will eventually hear about it and probably break things off.
We don’t know what Eddie and Marisol's relationship is at exactly, but we know that Marisol and Christopher are really close, we saw it the last episode, but we also heard that Marisol often babysits Chris when Eddie goes out with friends, and once did it twice in the same week. And finally, Eddie wouldn't have moved in with Marisol if he thought Chris would have the slighest problem with it (she moved out the same day, but the 1st decision was taken seriously and having Chris in mind).
So here's my wild theory, and bear with me.... I think that when Marisol and Eddie break up and Chris finds out it's his father fault.... He contact Marisol and run away to see her, I think he'll only stay a little, like Marisol will call Eddie to tell him that he's safe and tell him it's better if he stays the night because he was pretty upset. So even if Chris goes back home, he will still be mad at his father and won't talk to him (leading to Eddie feeling isolated).
If Christopher ever learns that his father cheated on Marisol with his mother's doppelganger, things might be even worse, he might leave to go live with Marisol for a while or with Buck.
I know this isn't your ask, but I'm sure Buck is safe (from being killed off, not from other dramatic events).
And your ask made me think of my theory and whataver the writers do with Eddie and Marisol's relationship I hope they explore the impact it has on Christopher because we've already seen that they're really close and anything. I hope the writers don't suddenly forget about it.
Sorry for derailing but your ask was the perfect opportunity to talk about this.
Btw, does anybody know anything about Olivier's contract?
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galax-dragon · 9 months
hiiii who wants to hear about yet another coroika au from the person who has too many of them
so yeah extensive infodump and doodles under the cut
Ok so lots of idk’s for this one, bear with me ok
So you know how a lot of Goggles’ opponents (Skull, Emp, Vintage) seem to turn stupid after Goggles defeats them? Yeah, this is based on that, but Scary
So in this Goggles is a 19481059149 years old (very ancient) eldritch monstrosity from the eternal void, he is reborn every 1000 years or so to cause destruction and stuff. He “brainwashes” (turns stupid) the other Coroika people, usually by pantsing, but people can be brainwashed without pantsing them. (Ex: Army.) He may or may not have some evil plan, idk yet
So yeah, somehow Rider finds out Goggles is a monster (idk yet, I think he sees his true monstrous form somehow?) And Rider is totally freaked out, but also curious, and tries to find out more about Goggles, and eventually finds out that he is brainwashing people.
Team Yellow-Green (Stealth, Blazer, and Bamboo) are the first Rider tells, when they see him with like his big cork board with all the strings attached to it (do you know what I’m talking about) But they don’t believe him, because Goggles? An evil eldritch monster? How absurd!
So then Rider tries to warn other people, he warns Ocho and Wireglasses because they are the current Big Bad Opponents and likely Goggles’ next victims. (Btw I headcanon that Rider and Wireglasses are cousins, and I also ship Ocho and Wireglasses.)
But Ocho and Wireglasses don’t believe Rider, either, and they get caught by Goggles!! :0
So now Rider is desperate to warn people that Goggles is dangerous. He calls up Mask and Aloha, a couple of Goggles’ victims who haven’t been brainwashed! And luckily, they actually believe Rider’s whole theory! (Btw at this point Rider hasn’t slept in like, three days)
Together Rider, Mask, and Aloha try to figure out how to defeat Goggles and stuff. Also at first Aloha is just goofing off because he’s not sure if he really believes this whole thing, but once he realizes Army has really been brainwashed, he is really on board.
Also, I bet you’ve been wondering why Rider himself isn’t brainwashed, because he is Goggles’ first opponent and has been pantsed thousands of times! Well there’s an explanation for that: Gorai! Goggles didn’t brainwash Rider because he loves him in an unhealthy and creepy way!
Idk how to explain it, Gorai in this au is basically like this picture:
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Yeah 👍
So anywho then Events occur that somehow lead up to Mask and Aloha getting brainwashed and Rider having to confront Goggles’ true monster form.
(Btw in this Goggles can like, control his victims to basically be zombies that obey his mental commands? This isn’t their default form, it can be turned on and off.)
So anyway yeah that happens and there’s actually multiple outcomes I’m thinking of! So either Rider like, convinces Goggles to stop being evil somehow and everything is good, or Goggles brainwashes Rider, achieves his evil goal, and everything is Not Good.
Also I’m not sure how Team Blue ties into all of this, I think they know that Goggles is an ancient eldritch monstrosity but they’re ok with that?
Anyway, that was a lot! Here’s the doodles as promised:
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Sorry for the not-great quality, I had to take these on the bus so I wouldn’t forget 🙃 (I might take some better pictures later)
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yukidragon · 2 years
Can you do a theory of how S.D.J got stuck in a tape? (Ik there isn’t much clues but I just wanted to ask) :)) Btw LOVE YOUR THEORYS!!! :D
Awww, thanks! I’m really happy to hear that you like my theories. 💖
Unfortunately, there is very little evidence at this time to create a solid theory about why Jack was trapped in the tape to begin with. I can, however, talk about what we do know about the tape so far and what my headcanons are.
I will be using some screencaps of the demo as well as images that were posted publicly on Sauce/Jambeebot’s public twitter before it was closed down, as well as links to the official Sunny Day Jack twitter. Gentle reminder to everyone - please don’t repost any of the private images posted on the Snaccpop Studios Patreon. The crew relies on those kind donations in order to make the game at all. Consider joining it instead, donating to the Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack kickstarter, or just spreading word about this engaging game.
With that said, let’s start off with the tape itself.
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An ordinary but old and cracked VHS tape with a sticker on it bearing the words “84′ Incident” written in smudged red marker. It’s pretty well universally theorized that the video tape captured Jack’s death, which appeared to take place during filming of the SunnyTime Crew Show. We get a shot of the incident itself here on the twitter page. (Pun not intended.) There was also apparently children on set as well who witnessed the incident, according to the actor who played Cloudy-Belle Sue.
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We get a glimpse of this incident as well in the style of a children’s drawing on the title screen of the demo, along with a closeup of the tape.
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After that, Jack was trapped in the tape for (presumably) almost 40 years. To him it was a place where he couldn’t dream, where he felt cold, and where he buried his old self as Joseph to fully embrace the role of Jack.
Then MC gets a hold of the tape, pops it in a VCR, and is introduced to a rather confused but relieved Jack... only they don’t remember that. They just woke up the next day and Jack was just... there. Now the tape won’t play again, so there’s no telling exactly what is on it.
Seems pretty standard with ghosts possessing something involved with their murder and haunting whoever interacts with it right, right? What I find interesting is Jack is always called a ghost(?) The fact that this is in question at all suggests to me that there’s something more going on with him than the typical ghost can’t move on from their horrific murder story.
I think the fact that this is in question plays a part in how Jack was trapped in and is still connected to the tape. There’s too few clues to be sure of how that happened, so it’s just left to pure speculation on our parts. All we can be relatively sure of is that it’s related to Jack’s death and the incident itself.
You know, let’s take a moment to examine Jack and what he can do now. Maybe it’ll give more ideas about how he got into his situation.
Jack is quite an interesting sort of ghost(?). While it’s tempting to look at another game involving ghosts made by SnaccPop Studios, the Groom of Gallagher Mansion, as a point of reference for how other ghosts are depicted, I’m going to stick with strictly SDJ-related sources.
Jack is solid to MC (unless they don’t want him there), and can be perceived by all their senses, but no one else. He doesn’t show up in mirrors or recordings. According to a line from the Patreon-exclusive virtual body pillow, Sleepy Time Jack, he has a heartbeat. He has bodily fluids such as spit, sweat, and semen, as shown in the demo. He feels warm to the touch, not dead at all.
Well, maybe not all the time.
Jack has the power to influence other peoples’ thoughts and feelings. It’s most obvious with MC, where we have seen instances where he seems able to outright read their thoughts/narration, but he was able to influence Nick’s mind to the point of nightmares, insanity, and self-harm. For the most part he can’t interact with others, but it seems there’s a way he can force it?
Or maybe Jack could be perceived by others... but he has a reason to choose not to exert that much influence on reality.
Maybe it’s because he’s not strong enough yet at the start of the game?
MC’s love seems to make Jack stronger. There’s a “piece” of him in a place others could never reach, and that piece of him grows bigger and stronger. The stronger it gets, the closer he gets to being “one” with MC forever.
I think that “piece” of him is inside of MC and is vital to keep him solid and real. I suspect that Jack might have a “piece” of MC inside him as well... one he can make even bigger by taking more from them and giving more of himself in return, as suggested by a quote from the “no” route.
I want him to re-write me in this moment. I want him to do what he wants to help me forget anything that isn’t him.
He’s taking some part of me...
Infecting me with some kind of fever... Some need...
And I don’t want to admit it...
But I want to surrender and let him fill it.
Although MC is under supernatural influence that makes them addicted to the feelings Jack gives them, it seems as though their wants and desires towards Jack play a key part in everything.
In the game, if MC keeps their distance from Jack emotionally, he gets “colder” to them, and it could get to the point that they can’t touch him anymore. I imagine, if they turned their back on him completely, they could make him disappear altogether.
The influence Jack has on MC is subtle most of the time, just really good feelings mostly. I theorize this is a supernaturally-enhanced sort of empathy due to MC having a piece of him inside of them (and likely vice-versa). I believe that’s how Jack can detect MC’s emotions in return and catch some of their thoughts. It seems this works both ways, as suggested by the “yes” route, where MC can sense things about Jack but is too caught up in the pleasure they’re sharing to really think about it much.
He was close.
He didn’t even need to tell me.
I suspect if MC knew how to use this power, they might be able to have more of an influence on Jack.
After all, it seems as though if MC is going through something like, say, the pain of a period or being drunk, Jack experiences these things too. At least according to a couple posts from the Jambeebot twitter.
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(Again, keep in mind posts and art from Sauce’s twitter need to be taken with a pinch of salt when it comes to canon, as things can (and have) changed before the final product of the game.)
Jack himself says that MC makes him feel love, and he’s so happy to be with them. What if that’s why whenever MC spends time with him alone, they feel so happy? What if MC is literally feeling Jack’s love and happiness, which is why being around him feels so addicting? After all, isn’t it addicting to feel loved by someone so unconditionally?
It can be resisted as well, though even when they do in the “no” route, it’s a very weak resistance. MC is addicted to the warm and fuzzy feelings Jack gives to them, which Jack can intensify and doesn’t want to give that up.
I was suffocating in his embrace.
Something about the air was thick and sticky.
Like I was breathing cotton candy…
Like I was under a spell.
Jack even keeps asking in the “no” route if they can feel how much he cares about them, how good he can make them feel.
MC themselves admits earlier that they feel for Jack. He likely can sense that, which could be why he said they make him feel love.
There’s a strong emphasis here on consent and feelings, as well as pieces of both MC and Jack.
Also, before we move on, I want to quickly add that Jack might have the ability to manifest items as well. We know how confused MC was about blueberries appearing out of nowhere, but Jack could’ve snatched them from a grocery store or even snuck them into MC’s cart/basket when they weren’t paying attention so they eat healthier. However, what is harder to explain away is a full change in wardrobe that is distinctly themed around Sunny Day Jack and fits him perfectly. Somehow I don’t think MC bought that for him at the store.
As I’ve mentioned before in past theories when it comes to my own personal telling of the story, Sunshine in Hell, I think Jack has a piece of MC’s soul and MC has a piece of his soul in exchange. I think that whatever happened when MC watched the tape, it created a sort of contract between them and Jack, one that requires consent on both their parts. It requires that continual consent and for their bond to be strengthened in order to give Jack more strength.
It sounds almost like a ritual was performed, wasn’t it? Maybe Jack’s costume as a demonic incubus isn’t too far off the mark from what he is now.
Who knows... it might even be why MC is so tired lately.
(Though they could just be exhausted from being overworked by an uncaring boss.)
Which leads me back to the 84′ Incident. What if Jack didn’t simply randomly possess the recording of what happened because he couldn’t move on? What if his soul was trapped in that tape all this time? After all, he seemed so confused at the start of the game about what’s going on and what happened to him, which suggests he didn’t willingly go to, as he put it, hell.
The entertainment industry is a truly frightening place. Money, power, connections... they can bury so many secrets, even people and memories. There are rumors of unsavory things like crime rings and cults. The studio behind the SunnyTime Crew Show seems to have a dark side as well considering it buried the memory of the show and the murder of Jack under the threat of NDAs.
So now, let’s talk about LambsWork Productions. As I previously touched upon before when analyzing the teaser picture of an undead Jack looking in a mirror, the name of the studio is very interesting. A lamb’s “work” is to be sheered for its fleece, or butchered for its meat... sometimes both.
I think that LambsWork Productions was connected to a cult, maybe even built by a cult outright. I believe what happened to Jack to trap him in the tape may have been part of a ritual.
Jack was a teenage runaway who changed his name from Joseph, hiding his real identity. We don’t know how he was discovered by the studio, but he would be someone with no connections, and no family, maybe even no friends.
Who would look for him if he went missing?
This seems counter-intuitive doesn’t it? Jack was a famous actor with many eyes on him. So many people, kids and adults, loved him.
What the people loved was a character he played. Even when being interviewed, Jack had to stay in character. He couldn’t be “Mr. Haberdae” even when talking with a reporter who wanted to learn more about him.
The studio made a creation that was loved... and what if that was part of the ritual? What if Jack’s murder was planned all along? It would explain how they could so quickly and thoroughly bury all evidence that the show ever even happened if they were prepared to do it ahead of time.
Being loved and being willing plays a part in Jack’s powers. What if that ties into the murder? What if Jack, this fictional entity the studio made up, needed to have the love of countless people, and the distress and pain they felt from seeing him die, along with his death?
For what purpose? It’s hard to say, but Jack’s powers are nothing to sneeze at. For all we know, whatever MC underwent to be bonded to Jack by watching the video wasn’t actually meant for them... it was just the first time it actually worked.
After all... consent plays a part. If Jack didn’t consent to, say, his murderer getting a piece of his soul and control over him...?
Now we’re really going deep into headcanon territory here, and it ties into the tragedy of [Redacted] and the lover who used him. I will stress that my headcanons will likely change as more evidence comes out or as I work on it more before writing it into Sunshine in Hell, but I figure it might be entertaining to tell it anyway.
It goes like this: someone with a lot of pull and connection to LambsWork Productions, maybe even the owner in charge of it all, wanted supernatural powers. They were connected to the occult and learned of a ritual that would require the absolute obedience and enslavement of a soul, as well as love and innocence of children to create a servant that would do whatever they wanted.
What it required was a person who is utterly devoted and willing to submit to the caster. The easiest way to do that? Why, love and desperation of course. Find a person who has nothing and offer them a life they always dreamed of... they just need to be obedient, sacrifice more and more.
This person is pushed slowly to do more, give more of himself. He is pushed to act a certain way all the time, painted up as this new persona to further signify that he is no longer [Redacted] but the always helpful Jack. He needed to want to be this character they created... who they were going to make real with the ritual using his willing soul.
When the target is primed to be obedient and utterly addicted to needing the caster and everything they have to offer in every way imaginable, and is loved by many innocent children... that innocence is destroyed as part of the ritual by having them witness his death.
The ritual results in this creation that will do anything for their master... provided it is consenting on both ends. The victim doesn’t even need to know it was all a setup. In fact, it’s better he doesn’t know in order to ensure he’ll remain desperate in his new inhuman state.
The recording is the medium to create the connection to the new supernatural entity. There was just one teeny, tiny hiccup.
The person who performed the ritual and wanted those powers wanted to make that connection, but Jack? Ho... they might have twisted [Redacted]’s heart to be desperate for their love and everything they provided, but Jack is far from stupid. Whether he started to suspect before his death and hid it, or he realized what was going on when murdered, who’s to say? Either way, he did not consent to his former lover taking a piece of his soul when the tape was played, and thus the ritual failed, no matter how many times they replayed his tragic death.
The tape was kept as a reminder, a snuff film for entertainment purposes until it gets lost or discarded in some other way. The culprit would have to figure out what went wrong, how to perform the ritual correctly next time... Or another member of the cult who learned of the ritual decides to try again, believing they know what went wrong.
Maybe the problem was relying on romantic love. What if the “lamb” to be sacrificed was someone who would have a stronger bond to the caster, maybe even more desperate for love and approval than a lover. Say, perhaps... a blood relative?
Actors sometimes join cults. If, say, Jean joined and found out about the ritual and wanted it to work out for himself, well... he does have a child from one of his sugar babies who wants to be an actor, doesn’t he?
What stronger love is there than a parent and child, especially a child who might have spent a lifetime wishing for his absent father’s love?
Well, Jack might argue his love for his sunshine is stronger. After all, unlike those monsters who damned him to the hell of the VHS tape for selfish purposes, they didn’t need him like Alice(/MC) does. They didn’t long for love as desperately as he did... and he was certainly so very desperate for even a speck of warmth after 40 long sleepless years trapped in a cold empty hell...
Soooooo... yeah. That’s the headcanon I currently have for what Jack is and why he was trapped in the tape. With how few clues there are, I’m not banking on this headcanon on being anywhere close to accurate to what’s going to happen in the game. Chances are very good that this headcanon will change and evolve as I get more ideas and more hints are dropped. Still, I find the idea to be fairly entertaining, and I hope you did too.
What does this mean for Jack, Alice, and their connection of souls via the ritual? I’m going to have to think about that a bit more, but whatever it was, it was something worth a hell of a lot of trouble for the studio to go through...
After all, Jack has a pretty impressive array of powers already, and they’re only going to get more powerful, maybe even manifest other unexpected ways we haven’t seen yet, as his love for Alice and hers for him grows ever stronger...
Of course, with an MC resistant to that love? Well... that might explain the glitches we see here.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic
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trekkie-polls · 5 months
Hello! This is a new blog. I’m still figuring out the details.
I’ve been a star trek fan my whole life - it started with getting in trouble in kindergarten for staying up to watch late night tos reruns, and I watched all of tos, ds9, and voy as they aired. I tried ent when it first aired and didn’t care for it. Later as part of a project to watch all episodes in in-world chronology, I did watch all of ent. Still didn’t care for it. But it is trek. I watch all new trek, and for the most part I love it (pauses to side-eye Picard season three), but don’t have the same knowledge base with it because I haven’t rewatched it as many times. I’ve seen all of the movies but I honestly just tend to forget them when I’m thinking about what’s happened in cannon. I think they live in a separate part of my brain? I haven’t read the books or comics yet but I do spend a lot of time on Memory Beta.
Right now I’m rewatching lower decks & tos and that’s what I have on my mind.
Anyway, this is all to say that I plan to be inclusive with all star trek media on this blog, but not everything will get equal attention. There are just some things I know more about or am more interested in.
In particular, there are a limited number of options in tumblr polls, and there is a lot of star trek media out there. I make sure to put “other in tags”, or combine titles in a choice, in cases where every item can’t have its own little box. Yes sometimes my personal opinions influence how I break that up, and that’s ok, because this is something I do in my free time for fun.
You are very welcome to submit polls & posts. If you do, and I repost them, I’ll credit you unless you prefer to stay anonymous. Btw - this is how you can get more content around your favorite series if you’re not seeing as much as you’d like.
Right now I don’t have any rules about submissions. It’s possible I won’t post something that’s clearly prejudiced, malicious etc… but I haven’t figured out exactly where I draw that line yet. I don’t plan to gatekeep what is and isn’t trek. I have personal opinions about what I enjoy and what I don’t enjoy, but star trek belongs to everyone and it’s illogical to try to draw lines around what is “legitimate” trek for everyone.
I haven’t really figured out what to say about trigger warnings, spoilers, and nsfw. I don’t plan for this to be especially nsfw, but I do plan to cuss and touch on adult concepts sometimes (I mean how can we not talk about the many forehead vaginas). I also plan to add content/ trigger warnings that are obvious to me but I’m far from an expert about what the most important ones to include are. And finally spoilers are hard because most star trek media has been around forever and the fandom is here to talk about what happened in it, but some is brand new and it can be hard to stay completely caught up, and even the oldest series are new to someone. So I’m making an effort to consider triggering content, spoilers, and nsfw but can’t responsibly make promises on any of them.
And last but not least, I’m happy to block people who call me names. I’m here on my free time for fun.
This blog will be a mixture of:
Polls I make
Other star trek posts I find interesting
Polls & posts you submit
If I see a star trek poll I find interesting I may write the author and ask for permission to reblog here
This blog will not:
Gatekeep what is & isn’t star trek
Be completely impartial to my interest
Be completely sfw or spoiler free, or include all important trigger & content warnings
P.S. I’m in this for the tags. I absolutely love reading through everyone’s theories, favorites, stories, etc…. So if you want to tip this blog please do it by adding your star trek thoughts :)
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mrs-gauche · 1 year
So, I had planned to write a comment on the three published synopses of the upcoming comic series "The Missing" (first volume to release on January 25th btw!), but since @felassan​​ kinda beat me to it and already wrote amazingly detailed posts summing up everything and elaborating further on what I fail to put into words lol, I'm just gonna add my pointless ramblings poor two cents to it now, I guess. 😶
(Beware also of spoilers for Tevinter Nights, Absolution and the comics under the cut!)
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(Thanks Dark Horse btw, for already giving away half the plot with these, jeez 😂)
First off, when I first read the second synopsis, not gonna lie, I was genuinely surprised that Solas turned out to be the "former friend" in question. 😂 I know, it was kinda the obvious answer, but maybe that's why I wasn't really expecting it? I think the title also lead me a little astray here? Assuming that the title is actually referring to Solas.. Given the circumstances, referring to Solas as "missing" would be.. pretty funny and also more than a litte strange to me, actually? lol It would definitely raise a few questions here...
So, let us assume that the theory about the eight year timeskip since Trespasser turns out to be true. Have they (the Inquisition) been searching for Solas this entire time? And if that's the case, why is that so funny to me? 😂 (Especially considering the whole ending of Tevinter Nights, even though we can't really tell when exactly that last chaper took place.. Imagine they've been searching for him for the better part of a decade, and then he just pops up with a silly wig and a fake french accent at some tea house one day. lmaoo)
Furthermore, why is it *only* Varric and Harding that seem to be conducting this search? You would think that for something as crucial as finding the person that announced to destroy the world, there would be a few more people on this search than that? lol So, what's the rest of the remains of the Inquisition doing then? Are there several teams searching in different places maybe? To expand this search as far as possible? Maybe they're trying to keep a low profile by searching in teams of two, since it would reduce the risk of Solas finding out about what they're up to? I mean, wasn't that the whole reason for why they even said they needed to "find someone Solas doesn't know"/never sees coming at the end of Trespasser, to try and keep him in the dark about any efforts against him?
Also, speaking of Varric. Assuming that this story takes place after Absolution now, the ending of the series could explain why Varric left Kirkwall and his position as Viscount? Maybe, aside from trying to stop the obvious threat/end of the world, they are now desperate to seek help/information/any answers from Solas on what to do against the corruption of the Blight and the red lyrium spread? (Because if there's *anyone* who would know something, it's him right?) What does the state of the world look like in regards to the Blight and red lyrium in general after a potential eight year timeskip?
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Okay, so why would they be searching for Solas in the Deep Roads beneath Marnas Pell then? Honestly, when I read this the first time, my mind (as always lol) immediately went back to the red lyrium idol again. And no, I still don't believe that a single thing about the Bard's tale in Tevinter Nights actually happened (but that's just me). lol So, assuming this happens after the end of TN (and Solas isn’t already in possession of the idol like he claimed), he would still be searching for that flippin thing now, wherever it may be. (How could the idol end up in the Deep Roads beneath Tevinter you ask? No idea. 😂) But I also can't forget about the ominous "Hunt of the Fell Wolf" poem from the Jaws of Hakkon DLC that talks of a demon wolf (Solas?) in a "labyrinth of winding cave" (Deep Roads?) where there's an "idol that could prove the monster’s doom"(!! Coincidence?? I think NOT! lmao).
Btw, wouldn’t it be kinda funny though if Solas was searching for the idol now, while Varric who found the idol with Hawke in the first place, is now searching for Solas? lol
So, what's the plan here exactly? Assuming they would be successful, in which case Varric and Harding find Solas and then.... what? You're telling me Varric and Harding are gonna tie him up and talk him out of his endeavors? 😂 Single-handedly kill him? Torture him with tea? Spy on him? Reminisce about the Inquisition days? lol I honestly think it's more likely that they would try to talk to him, being former friends and all, unless they have some type of super secret weapon against him that we don't know about yet.
So what *would* Solas be doing in the Deep Roads beneath Marnas Pell? (Besides, you know, painting yet another teaser trailer thumbnail for YouTube. lol)
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(Our man has been procrastinating hard for the past eight years, painting as many Deep Roads cave walls as possible to avoid going through with his plans. lmao)
It's also worth to remember that a lot of Tevinter was actually build on the ruins of old Elvhenan, which could explain why there are still places with names like "Solas" to be found on the map. (And btw, what is it about this place that lead to it getting this name, anyway? I mean, that name practically guarantees for this place to become relevant in some form down the line in DA4, right? Especially since Solas' line about how he supposedly came from a "small village to the north" won't ever leave my mind and we all know that this man is always telling at least half the truth, so.. could he have been referring to the place literally called Solas, if that's his place of origin or would that be too much on the nose? 😂) Anyway, it definitely raises the question on how old some of these Deep Roads beneath Tevinter actually are and if there could be structures found beneath it that even precede them (like what we saw in The Descent)? And maybe that's part of the reason why Solas would go there..?
Anyway, since none of this actually seems to matter now, because as it turns out in synopsis two, apparently Solas wasn't there after all. 😂 Next stop is Vyrantium and an encounter with "deadly Antivan Crow assassins", which is interesting, since the last we heard of Vyrantium and crows, it was in the "The Wigmaker Job" in TN. Additionally, the cover of volume two features two characters that kinda look like the crows Teia and Viago!
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I'll be honest, I had completely forgotten that Teia and Viago even made an appearance in Deception. lol But the look does kinda match? So the question is, what lead Varric and Harding to go from the Deep Roads to Vyrantium and then to the Arlathan Forest?
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So, the Arlathan Forest. Again, please check out felassan’s post for more information, they’ve done a fantastic job to write down every important bit to know here. Much like Teia and Viago, it was also featured in both TN and one of the short stories “Ruins of Reality”. As were the characters Strife and Irelin! Could they be the mysterious “Veil Jumpers”? What even is a Veil Jumper, anyway (felassan gave some pretty cool speculations on this!)?
Former DA4 Creative Director Matthew Goldman made an interesting comment on a fanart once, that lead people to speculate that the group of people we've seen in a lot of concept art are called “Veilfire archer”?
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..Which does sound to be in the same vein as Veil Jumper, so could they all be part of the same group of people/an entirely new faction even?
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(Notice also the recurring background with the golden/autumn leaves. Reminds me of the leaves and branches seen on the (now removed) vinyl cover (showing the Black City *cough* Arlathan *cough*??).)
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And lastly, what is this "crucious stone" and how does it relate to literally anything? lol While felassan did speculate about a potential link to Latin/Tevene, someone else pointed out that "crucious" is literally Greek for "crucial". So.. plot crucial stone? lol As in, literally another MacGuffin? (Red lyrium idol, you're getting competition lol) The fact that it's Greek is interesting to me, given that we've been speculating for a while now that BioWare seems to take a lot of inspiration from Greek mythology for anything regarding the ancient elves. 👀 And since we *are* in the *Arlathan* forest here after all, maybe that's where the connection lies..?
People have also pointed out that, based on the track Varric and Harding have been taking so far, first Marnas Pell, then Vyrantium and now the Arlathan Forest...
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...assuming that, if they were to go further east, they would end up at the White Spire, which is why some people assume that this is where Solas has to be now. lol
I mean, anything is possible! We know next to nothing about the White Spire (not to be confused with the White Spire in Orlais btw lol), other than it's an Antivan mountain north of the city of Brynnlaw, so there is really nothing else to go on as to why Solas would even be there.. But considering how they are marketing this comic as a direct tie-in for DA4 and there’s still one volume to go (I think?).. Maybe we do end up knowing where Solas is at the end of this comic and this will segue directly into the beginning of DA4 somehow?
(I also want to mention that Rivain is also right next to the White Spire when going even further east. Rivain being also where the main base of a certain guild of treasure hunters is located. Lord of Fortune has been a very popular candidate for the potential next protagonist for a while now. Just saying... 👀)
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winderlylandchime · 5 months
Hello! I’m here to tell you that my brother and Brian the cat are officially back home! I have to tell you some stuff tho! I was asked (nicely) to send you a message and i almost died when i got texts from my dad yesterday, so i knew i had to let you know. Anyway just a little thing for you to read because i thought you should see it as well.
I got a text from my dad that my brother befriended the old lady that sat next to him on the plane and they discussed Desperate Housewives because he is still watching it (he isnt at Gales season yet) and the lady really liked it back when it aired. He originally mentioned Gale and was about to tell her about qaf and my dad smacked him on the head and went ‘don’t even think about it. I’m not (my name)’ (he mentioned Gale and went ‘he was on this show Queer as OW’ according to my dad. You can take a guess when my dad smacked him) So he definitely has different ways of dealing with him than I do..I wouldve let it happen and then watch in amusement for 5 hours while he has an old lady trapped with him on a plane while he talks about two dudes in love.
ALSO! They had a surprise party planned for him. And i got a video sent to me of my brother’s girls (aka the queens) and his best friends that came to wait for him at the airport. They even made him a sign (the sign said ‘welcome back Mr Wannabe Kinney’) and he was so happy. And then they all surprised him at that bar they all go to! Turns out my mom, grandma, grandpa and the queens planned a surprise welcome home party. They decorated it all with signs that based on some photos had qaf topics written on them and balloons and when he sent me a photo this morning of all of them in a group, i swear it’s the cutest shit ever. I wish you could’ve seen it but just imagine a shit ton of people where 98% are queer, a few drag queens and then in the middle a dude with a Britin shirt on that looks like he doesn’t even belong there. It’s adorable how happy they all are to have him back and I can’t wait to find out how long that lasted until he unloaded all of his qaf/gale/randy/britin knowledge on them.
And secondly, I’m a little late with this but he did text me before he boarded the plane, asking me to relay a message to you: ‘yooo tell them that I just read that last chapter while we were waiting on our flight. What a fucking ending. I actually loved it, felt good, felt nice, felt like the right time. Wish that the real show ended in a similar way. For real (my name), you’re gonna love it when you read it.’
After that I texted him your replies to my message and he immediately texted me back ‘DRAG QUEEN STORY IS NEXT?! FUCK YEAH! I CANT FUCKING WAIT!’ And then in the middle of the night (so for him around 3 am) a very lovely text followed up: ‘can you nicely ask them to tell their Hannah Montana friend that I fucking love the new story. I have so many guesses and theories how it’s gonna go and I can’t wait to be wrong cause I know it’s gonna be better. And this shit is based on how the other person’s friends met?! I have so many questions, I feel like they’re right up my ally.’ After that he spammed my phone to ask me if I’ve read both of the fics yet (i have and they’re absolutely brilliant. You guys are talented as fuck)
Today he actually called me to talk to me about your epilogue and about your friends fic. This is really how we will bond from now on, isn’t it? I did send him your little teaser of the drag queen fic and he completely lost his shit. He’s so excited and if you were nervous about writing this fic, just so you know, you got a random straight dude in your corner because he is so excited for it, it’s kinda ridiculous (not really, its actually really sweet)
Btw, about the podcast Ron and Dan were on, I’ve also never listened to their podcasts even though I knew about it. But curiosity did get the best of me so I went and checked it out. It was a pretty decent interview. I don’t think it made me hate them more or less, kinda just the same. They didn’t say anything that I would clock as bad. I did see that they might do a part 2 where they’ll answer fan’s questions so i guess we’ll see then how i feel about them.
Dear sweet anon! Thank you so much for sending this update.
Queer as OW I'm dying! I would have let him trap that lady too. Maybe gotten another viewer of the show!
Welcome Back Mr. Wannabe Kinney! Oh I love that. I'm going to guess that since they're his friends, they're used to him info-dumping on them and they signed up for this. Otherwise, they wouldn't have encouraged it with their care packages. They know who he is.
I'm so glad he (and you!) enjoyed the final chapter of Fireflies. It was a short chapter given how long it took me to write it. I'm just terrible at ending fics.
This is my friend's story (as I texted it to the fic author):
"We were at a sex party and after fucking, I asked for his number and he actually gave me his real number instead of what he usually did which was give out the number of the last guy who had 'exchanged' numbers with him."
I'm excited that he's excited for the drag queen AU. It's going to be a long time coming though. I mapped it out yesterday and it's going to be about 20 chapters because I want a chapter devoted to each of the drag race all-stars challenges. And I'm going to include actual queens from the show. I want to have a good amount written before I start posting to make sure I'm up to the challenge. It's hard to capture everyone's voices and balance that many moving parts. My fics tend to focus on relationships and mental health, I don't write super plotty fics so this is new for me. I'm really excited for it though.
I'm going to check out the podcast! After I finish listening to my library book. WHILE WE WAIT FOR ANOTHER RANDY PODCAST EPISODE.
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roodllle · 2 years
Ok so I know I said I was going to write “reasons Marika sucks speech” post a few months ago but anyways here it finally is
Now I’m also going to be interchanging Marika with the Greater Will sometimes since the GW choose her to like....rule 5ever so I’m just going to assume they were both on the same page. And now the Greater Will controls the Erdtree, slightly, so I’ll be interchanging with that too sometimes.
There’s going to be different segments to this, like different groups that give me evidence as to why Marika is kind of a beach, here we go:
The Gloam Eyed Queen and the Godskins could *kill* gods/people with the Black Flame (Not just kill people and have them reincarnate back from the tree, like no your soul is gone baby) and the GE Queen was an empyrean, the GW was cool with her!! They were cool with her having death powers!! And yet Marika/Maliketh killed her and lessened the power of the Black Flame so that Marika had no more outside competition, she wants to rule forever and have her cake and eat it to god damnit. And this shows so much with her own kids. How Ranni and Marika seemed to actually work together and at the same Godwyn was Marika’s most “beloved” son yet he gets the boot
Gonna go deeper with this one. I feel like people mostly focus on how a divorce messed up the Carian Royal family, but no one really talks about poor Godwyn. His dad gets kicked out, his mom makes him go fight against the dragons but finds out one is chill and befriends the dragons. And then he gets to be the one assassinated and his dragons also later on get fucked over. Maybe Ranni ordered it and then the Black Knives turn on her later OR maybe Marika did order it OR the Black Knives just spun a wheel to see who would be killed but...now Godwyn is the thing Marika hates the most, he is the Prince of Death. Which is something Marika seems to be afraid of and Marika alone.
After Godwyn we are going to move on to poor Miquella and his blade Malenia. I’m gonna be honest I don’t have a lot of meat to talk about these two. I just think its funny how Miquella wanted to cure their ails and even after Radagon did try to show his son what the Golden Order could do, it wasn’t enough so Miquella went to make his own tree. I’m not saying Marika didn’t care about her kids, I just think its amusing that she had 5 kids and 4 were 2 sets of twins, one pair being literally by definition Unwanted and another pair that is so cursed, like we don’t see any other sign of being unable to age or contact Rot. (I know Rot is another outer God but it seemed to have backed off when the GW arrived and Millicent and her sisters are all from Malenia).
Kenneth Haight, my beloved!! His whole quest being an implication that hating on non-humans did not come from royalty. And how the Erdtree’s light makes people chill with each other, why was the solution not to have everyone live under the light off the Erdtree?
Isn’t it messed up how Godfrey did a lot of the hard work and then became the first person to get kicked out. Oh! And the same thing happened to her own shadow Maliketh
This is where it gets tricky bc I’m about to talk about the whole Marika Radagon...thing
ok I’m in the camp of Radagon and Marika used to be one but they split at some point
(My theory is that Marika after dealing with the Fire Giants was cursed but she couldnt afford it so she split herself)
So Radagon becomes his own person, falls in love with Rennala have 3 beautiful children WHO ALL GO INTO SORCERY BTW ye all 3 have RED hair and Radahn looks up to his dad + Godfrey but they all went into sorcery and became masters of their own form in their own way like !!! they loved their momma
But then Godfrey gets the boot and since I guess no one else wanted to marry Marika, she calls over her male self since the world can’t go on without an Elden Lord
Radagon feels terrible so he leaves his wolves to guard his wife and hides his affections for her by remaking Rennala’s sword to look like one of the Order.
Bottomline: my main dislike for Marika comes from how her and the GW wanted to basically kick out almost everyone. The Fire Giants bc their flame could burn the Erdtree even tho the Erdtree and the Fire Giants were living peacefully beforehand. Also I love the fact that fire is actually needed to solve this Elden Ring conundrum. How the Demi-Humans, Omen, and Misbegottens were #HereFirst. The Albenarquics get treated like shit and couldn’t even join the Haligtree (maybe Miquella was influenced by Marika still) And Moon believers couldn’t even worship a physical rock in space without being told off and thrown underground. And what even determines who gets grace and who doesn’t, it’s not like this isn’t some luck of the draw thing. No, the grace is given by the Erdtree/Greater Will/Marika so what is their deal??
And then the audacity to call them all back because Marika wants to be able to do what she wants without giving up rule while everyone in The Lands Between suffers for it
Ugh ok, if you read this whole thing, thank you for putting up with my brain and thank you for reading. I just want to state as well that this is just my theory and ofc you have the right to disagree and post.
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Hi again! 💜
I read your feylin onefic and it was wonderful, I really love the way you depict the characters. 💜
The onefic made me curious: Do you have any thoughts, theories or headcanons on how the story of ACOTAR would have continued had SJM stuck to her original plan and kept feylin as the endgame?
I really hope you are feeling better btw, please take care and stay safe! 💜
Hello! And thank you! That story was a joy to write, and I’m so glad you enjoyed it. ❤️ I appreciate your patience in waiting for an answer this question while I was in the hospital. I’m home now, and feeling much better. After giving your question a lot of thought, here’s what I’ve come up with. (Settle in! It’s a long one.)
First things first. Whatever SJM may say about Feysand, she started off adapting the Ballad of Tam Lin/Beauty and the Beast, indicating that she did want Feylin as endgame at one point. I must admit that I do find SJM’s choice to adapt Hades and Persephone for the sequel to be unique and creative, even though I don’t care for the execution. (Or Tamlin’s character assassination.)
So, assuming that nothing changes about ACOTAR (bargain tattoo included), that means that Feyre is still Rhysand’s mate, and she must visit him in the Night Court for one week every month. I want to keep that in this story. Since she has a human heart inside a High Fae body, this gives us room to explore the dynamic between her head and her heart, and lets us wonder if she’ll choose her mate or her own fate (with Tamlin). Of course, since this is my version, she’ll choose Tamlin in the end, but I would prefer that the story actually makes us wonder.
I still like the idea of Hybern being the next big enemy, but the focus of this story would be on Prythian itself. There is a tentative peace after Amarantha’s reign; the courts are trying to rebuild, and Feyre is trying to adjust to her new life.
I’m not against the idea that Feyre and Tamlin both have nightmares after their experiences Under the Mountain. However, I would tie that into the fact that Rhysand hasn’t called in his bargain yet. Give Feyre a physical reaction to the magical bond she shares with him, so that they both bear the consequences of an unfulfilled bargain. Hence we see the nightmares and the vomiting. Perhaps over the week of the full moon? But of course, Feyre and Tamlin don’t realize what’s really going on, since she was once human, and she might think it’s her new body reacting to her “time of the month”.
As for the smaller details, I want to see moments of comfort and calm between Feyre and Tamlin. I want to see them press their foreheads together and breathe in unison when they’re feeling anxious. Love scenes are good, but I also want the intimacy of what comes after. She presses her cheek to his chest so that she can hear his heart beating, and he rests his chin on her head and falls asleep with her cocooned safely in his arms.
Since half of his face was covered by a mask, Feyre takes every opportunity to brush his hair back from his forehead. Tamlin’s claws haven’t made an appearance for months. I want to see them in his study together as he slowly teaches her how to read. I want to see their engagement. I imagine that the square-cut emerald ring is an old Spring Court heirloom (it may or may not have belonged to his mother), and though Feyre is initially thrilled with it, she begins to feel the weight of her future role as Lady of the Spring Court. (That’s not too different from what happens in canon, but this time the engagement isn’t mentioned as an afterthought.)
Enter Ianthe. She’s not there just as a wedding planner, though she certainly wants to be involved. It would be quite the career-boost, so to speak, to officiate a High Lord’s wedding. However, I don’t want her to seem like a shallow villain who just wants power. I like the kind of villain who has goals we can understand, even if we don’t agree with them. So I imagine that Ianthe wants to re-open The Mountain so that the priestesses can reclaim it, and it just so happens that the ruins are rumored to be the final resting place of the Cauldron itself, which is a sacred artifact to the priestesses.
Side note: I know in canon that the Cauldron was once on the continent, but I would prefer to keep the action to Prythian and Hybern in this book. Therefore my headcanon is that everything related to the Cauldron is in Prythian, from the pot itself to the three feet to the two halves of the Book of Breathings. The whole debacle with the mortal queens wasn’t my favorite part of Book 2, so I’m ignoring that for now.
I’m going to leave the timeline more or less intact, as I don’t want to gloss over the importance of Calanmai. In fact, I might make that a more important feature in Book 3, but for now we have the wedding to look forward to. And Feyre is looking forward to it, especially since it means seeing her sisters again, even if it is just for a short while. I imagine it is Ianthe who makes her doubt whether her human family should come, since Amarantha’s beasts still roam the forests, and there are many faeries--High and Low alike--who do not care for humans. Little comments like that make Feyre begin to doubt herself and her human heart. She’s High Fae now, and she should act like it.
Regardless, not long after, the invitations are sent out across Prythian. This isn’t going to be some small Spring Court affair, after all. This is the wedding of the century! Not only is this a High Lord’s wedding, but Tamlin is marrying Feyre Cursebreaker, the Savior of Spring and Defender of the Seven Courts. This is a chance to celebrate, and to make peace. However, one person in particular is not thrilled to receive an invitation. Rhysand decides that if he’s going to have any kind of chance to win over his mate, he has to act before the wedding.
In this story, it’s OK that Rhys is selfish. He’s not rescuing Feyre from a panic attack. He just spent half a century Under the Mountain, and he’s not willing to give up his mate so easily, especially to his enemy. Feyre has to go with him, of course, and throughout the course of the book, we learn more about what happened between those two High Lords, and she realizes that the Night Court is not as villainous as she had been led to believe. Still somewhat villainous, though, because drama. (Also, I want Tamlin’s side of the story about what happened to Rhys’s mother and sister. Feyre was too quick to accept that Rhys’s story was the absolute truth.)
I have seen some fan theories that suggest that Rhys used his daemati powers to influence Feyre’s thoughts, aka brainwashing, but I don’t know if I would go that far. There would be accusations of his influence, certainly, but I don’t know how far I’d push Rhys to be an outright villain. 
Tamlin is a nervous wreck when Feyre comes back, and he is desperate to find a way to break the bargain between them (but not the mating bond, because his parents were mates, and he knows how sacred that kind of bond is). He pushes for a smaller, faster wedding, thinking that his marriage to Feyre will get Rhys to back off. Then they can have a larger party with all of the High Lords and her human family later on. Feyre is understandably hurt by this, as she doesn’t like to think of herself as anyone’s possession. After all, Amarantha thought of Tamlin as hers, which is why Feyre went Under the Mountain in the first place. So there’s a small wedge growing between our lovebirds. (I did say I wanted Feyre’s choice to feel like a choice, after all.)
I haven’t even mentioned how Feyre’s burgeoning powers play into this. I do know that there needs to be a limit to how powerful she is, and limits are not something that are well-defined in canon. I would still like to see her develop her gifts, but I don’t know how involved Tamlin should be. I just know I don’t want him to forbid training her, because that aspect of his character really bothered me. Make him protective, sure, but not to the point of stifling her. In fact, I think he would be all right with Lucien training her physically, with a sword and on horseback. Tamlin was trained as a warrior, after all, and he learned to suppress his magic gifts to avoid detection by his brothers, so why wouldn’t he think to encourage the same for Feyre?
Feyre goes along with this at first, until Rhys points out that stifling her magic now will only make her a bigger target later. Of course, he offers to train her magically while she’s with him. And how convenient that her magic will help them as they search for the magical artifacts scattered across Prythian? Now we have this push and pull between Rhys pushing her mentally (for his own selfish ends, let’s admit it), and Tamlin pushing her physically. Meanwhile she’s just trying to find the right balance between the two, since she feels torn between what she was and who she has become.
And speaking of training, I liked visiting the Summer Court in canon. Rhys takes her there to get the other half of the Book, but she insists that they ask for it first. Rhys is used to acting alone, so he is reluctant, but Feyre wants to do things right. They still end up stealing it, but only because she has been led to believe that it is for the greater good. (She will have learned about the looming threat of Hybern by now, so she is more easily convinced.) This becomes one of the first big secrets between her and Tamlin, and it eats away at her. On the one hand, she can feel herself becoming stronger under Rhys’s tutelage, but on the other, she betrayed the trust of one of the Seasonal Courts who was an ally Under the Mountain.
The Mountain has always been a natural barrier between the Solar and Seasonal Courts, and though there is a kind of peace between them now after Amarantha, all is not well between them. For fun, let’s say that both halves of the Book of Breathings are in Prythian: one in the Seasonal Courts, and the other in the Solar Courts. We know the first is in Summer, so let’s put the other half in one of the libraries of the Day Court (since I consider those courts as mirrors of the other). Let’s make Lucien’s heritage a bigger part of this story, while we’re at it.
And speaking of heritage, I also want to learn more about existing characters, specifically their names. The Lady of Autumn is one, and Papa Archeron and the King of Hybern are the others, though I’m sure there are more.
I could make this response twice as long, and there is still more I could think to add to this story. For now, I think this is a good start, especially since it’s been a while since I read ACOMAF all the way through. If I sat down and thought about it, I could come up with a whole outline to change that book into a Feylin-friendly version, but I hope you’re content with what I’ve come up with. I have other projects that take precedence, unfortunately.
I don’t want to leave you hanging, though, so I will tell you the conclusion of the story (as it would be in Book 3). I would try to find another fairy tale I could adapt for the final story in the trilogy--and it would have to be a trilogy--but at this point I don’t know which one I’d choose. I just know that Feyre wouldn’t be a spy hellbent on taking the Spring Court down from the inside. That was my least favorite part of ACOWAR.
Anyway, at the very end of the story, Feyre would have to make the difficult decision between siding with her mate or choosing Tamlin. Spoiler: she chooses Tamlin with her whole heart, echoing the concept from Book 1 and tying everything together in a neat little bow. Although the soulmate concept is a romantic one, this story is about taking your fate in your own hands instead of letting it be decided for you.
This question was a challenge, but I enjoyed it! I didn’t expect my answer to take so long or to be so long, so thank you for sticking with me. And thanks again for visiting my inbox!
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I really appreciate (need) the Daniel Howell quote, too — but help, I’m stupid. Do you think this means that Larry isn’t real or broke up, is that how you take it, and/or just a gentle reminder to not be so invested in real people’s lives that you don’t know? (I know he wasn’t referring to Larry!). Sorry 😣 it’s just the bit about it not coming true that threw me. I’m disappointed in stunts, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re all real? (Again, sorry, just trying to understand ♥️)
don't apologize, please!! the point isn't about whether or not the theories are true or not, it's more about the existence of those theories themselves. who knows, maybe what we think really is true, but that doesn't mean we're entitled to know/find out for sure.
in any case: stunts are fake, always. it's pr, and in h and l's case it's also a closet. that doesn't automatically make larry real, of course, but that is what i think is the truth, based on what they've shown us. and then there's the thing, involving daniel's quote, that i then not hang on to that thought like it's gospel (as in, that my own life would be ruined if it ends up not being true like i thought) but especially that i then not pry into their private lives to find out more "proof" to underline my theories. i wouldn't even go ask louis outright if he's queer, yk, despite the fact that i feel like he signals that he is. bc he hasn't decided to disclose that info. (and so him not coming out doesn't mean he's not queer, it really only means he hasn't come out (and he doesn't need to).) compare it to two ppl you see irl and you think might be dating. they look cool and they seem to have chemistry and they always talk about the same stuff. are we really going to follow them home and ask their family what the deal is and then be ruined if they happen to not be together? that's an extreme example but you get my point lol.
and i'm talking to myself here too btw, these are things i remind myself of all the time. that if my thoughts on larry aren't true, that's okay, and that i also shouldn't theorize about ppl's private lives. it took some time for me to properly step back from that a bit, but little by little it also just feels a lot better to let go of that
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benbamboozled · 1 year
Give me your thoughts on Jason for the ask game :)
Oh look and also @paigeoforacle got in on this one!
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HOKAY, here we go!
1. Assuming you had to write the character for the New 52 era reboot (as in, rebooting from Post Crisis) how would you write them? Anything you would change?
So if I had to reboot Jay from scratch…
I mean, honestly? I think I would really only change a few things.
—Instead of stealing the Batmobile’s tires, I’d have Bruce catch Jason stealing whatever the Batmobile equivalent of a catalytic converter is (which btw my mind always wants to call those “flux capacitors” and never provides the correct term). Just to kind of update the setting (and actually he could have a crowbar to pry up the Batmobile’s HOOD, so, HEYYYY!).
—I would leave the source of his resurrection a complete mystery. I would throw out a few theories in the narration, but I would not confirm any of them. Ultimately, I think this is the way to go all around, because WHY Jason’s came back to life isn’t really the point of his story.
Oh, and obviously keep pre-boot Jay’s Mean Little Bitch personality, because I miss it.
2. A single change from 52, Rebirth or Infinite Frontier you would keep.
3. Your top 3 changes from 52 and on you hate.
(Oh only three haha! Lolsob.)
—Stoic Sad Sack!Jason Todd. Literally, pre-Flashpoint Jason Todd and post-Flashpoint Jason Todd are two entirely different characters AND I HATE IT. Jason being depressed? GOOD! Jason being whatever the hell Lobdell was doing? BIG NOPE FROM ME.
—Everything that happened with Willis and Catherine Todd. What even is the status quo anymore? Is Willis still Wingman??? (I think Catherine got rolled back to “doing what she could” which I approve, but Willis is still a big ?????)
Okay so as per the original post I’m gonna tag in…
@arkhamnyanight @prodigworl @hussyknee @disniq @peacockbastard (I know you don’t normally do these kinds of things but I wanna hear your opinions) aaaaaand @forcesofnatureunleashed
(But also if I see this popping up on my dash from any moots I’m gonna be in your askbox needing your salt!)
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