#this just added fuel to the fire
chrollohearttags · 1 month
all this rap beef going on, i just know ej was begging kendrick to let him on those drake disses 😭😭
bae yk he was!! foaming at the damn mouth to hop on the beat. He got YEARS worth of hateration to get off of his chest 😭😭
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aesthetic-uni · 1 year
Misha Collins is the funniest straight man ever. He’s the only person to arguably queerbait in real life. He had to come out as a straight. He was told by WB to just stay bisexual. He’s living every homophobe’s nightmare scenario but the only difference is that everyone actually loves it for him
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tevanbuckley · 17 days
this might be controversial, but man am i becoming increasingly convinced that buddie trutherism* is just not (and probably never has been) a very healthy way to engage with this show. *to be clear, by this i don't mean shipping buddie, or hoping it'll be canon, or thinking that it could be, i mean the completely unshakeable belief that it is absolutely going to happen (and to a lesser extent that it's always been the plan).
every single piece of evidence for buddie is evidence of a potential, often very compelling potential, but there is really nothing to suggest some big six season plan or any plan at all.
i'm sure a lot of these ppl (maybe even most) aren't bad, or doing anything out of malice. however, i do think having a large chunk of the fandom make post after post, week after week, season after season going "don't worry guys, buddie's definitely happening because of x, y or z," has helped create the current environment. where ppl have spent so long in a bubble where buddie's been presented as the only reasonable outcome, that they can't conceive of the idea they might've been wrong.
atp a lot of buddie meta isn't a queer reading of the show/relationship it's just straight up lies. no tommy isn't a miserable hater who never smiles at his bf, nor is he a predatory freak preying on sweet baby bi buck, and no eddie wasn't jealous at the wedding, no buck didn't realise he was in love with eddie when he came out to him. truly, after a decade in different fandoms, I don't think i've ever seen shipping goggles this bad.
again i don't think the ppl making meta/analysis about things that genuinely have some queer subtext to them are bad or doing anything wrong. but, when a narrative that you're contributing to is feeding into this much wider ecosystem that's influencing others to harass ppl and peddle homophobic dog whistles in an attempt to bridge the gap between their fanon and canon, at what point do you step back and go, "you know what, i don't think it's responsible for me to feed into this anymore."
and i worry that even the people who aren't hurting others with this kind of engagement, are gonna end up hurting themselves in the long run.
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daz4i · 9 months
sometimes i fear i am filled with too much rage but then i go online and see. people so dedicated to their anger it is practically their entire existence. are you not tired? do you not feel consumed by it? it's okay to let go. your passion can still be expressed through other feelings as well. flames of emotion do not always have to burn you to ashes. please rest a bit and let them just pleasantly warm you
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khalixvitae · 7 months
Thinking abt Leona lots and lots after talking to @v-anrouge bc there is SO much to unpack abt this man. I feel like he has so much potential for soft moments.
Like I’m stuck thinking about sitting in the sun with Leona. It’s a silent exchange, as are most moments spent alone with him, but you don’t mind. There isn’t really a need to speak- the quiet is comfortable, a testament to the fact that neither one of you has to justify or explain yourself to the other. He’s almost undoubtedly lying down, making himself right at home wherever he so pleases. With long lashes fanned over his cheekbones and his messy curls strewn about your lap, he’s a sight to behold. Every time you try and commit his relaxed features to memory. A vulnerable lion was a rare and privileged sight, after all.
He looks like he was made for this. You can’t imagine a world where he isn’t meant to live in the sunshine.
Or maybe you were made to admire him this way, working your fingernails along his scalp in a wordless act of reverence.
Maybe it’s a bit of both. You’re not entirely sure.
When you finally lie down with him, as you always eventually do, he lets out a sigh- it’s the most noise he’s made quite a while. He’ll wordlessly find his resting place on either your chest or in the crook of your neck. He feels closest to you that way. You’ll know he’s settled in when he sighs again- this time a low rumble from somewhere deep inside his chest. It’s a vulnerable position for both of you, one that relies on utmost trust. Leona is physically stronger than you, yes, but you could break him irrevocably. It’s not the threat of that mutually assured destruction that bonds you, but rather that the fallout will never come; and there is a very, very big difference. You both know that.
The quiet is sacred to you and Leona. It gives space for reverence and mutual understanding, things that aren’t easy to come by nowadays.
But as long as you two have each other and a warm sunny spot, maybe things will turn out alright.
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summerblueringo · 2 months
"Sebastian asked me to say hello to Kimi, to tell him that he is ready whenever it suits Kimi. Sebastian has improved a lot [at badminton] during these two years and he believes that whereas Kimi is a bit rusty, he himself is much better than before.  He boasts wondering if Kimi will even score one point anymore," Pärmäkoski said throwing more water on the challenge-sauna heater*. "However Kimi is damn good and talented in every way," Pärmäkoski admitted.
excerpt from a 2011 interview with Tommi Pärmäkoski, who used to be Seb's trainer. (additional translation of the whole article here)
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cocktailjjrs · 11 months
At 15, a boy desperate to find a way to end his own life or to find a meaning in the thing called living, meets another boy who is not sure of his own origins or his humanity for that matter, and decides living is worth giving a shot, and completely believing in others humanity
And at 22, trying to stay alive because now he actually have something he wants to protect, but he gets shot in head by that one person, who is not under control of himself, not human anymore... and it just ends there... incomplete
idk of I should laugh at the irony or drown in my own tears...
Me going back and forth between 'he'll live' - 'he's dead' - 'oh he's definitely not dying like this' - 'holy shit this is actually happening and it's NOT a drill'
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snzluv3r · 4 months
fell asleep at 5 am after literal hours of desperate, uncontrollable sneezing fits and woke up this morning with a twitchy, allergic nose…
it’s already a sneezy day and i haven’t even gotten out of bed…lord help us all
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YES the first four is me. Believe me when i say the sentitwins telepathy concept changed the trajectory of my life like i was IMMEDIATELY obsessed with the idea. Im glad you liked my lil doodles, im going to read what you are writing over and over im so exited!! Heres a bonus, might draw more
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ahhh well i'm so glad you liked my twin telepathy idea! and even gladder it inspired these amazing little comics lol i'm like lowkey obsessed with them 😂 like, you just get these boys! "hope he dies soon" "i can just kill him" "NO" jklsadffkl;sdf you nailed their personalities and their dynamic i'm GIDDY
the senti-twin telepathy idea hit me while i was writing the ladybug/peacock fusion scene in What Makes a Monster! i realized it was a very real possibility that the peacock holder could telepathically communicate with a senti that's already been created by another holder, as shown in "feast." and since adrien and felix are sentis, well, that would include them also!
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blanketmoss · 5 months
Drawings of medic and heavy making out in medic’s lab/surgery thing are always very funny to me because. There’s a guy in that fridge. Having to hear all that
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bobbys-not-that-small · 6 months
Someone got me thinking more about Kipps and what he represents this evening and I was thinking about the parallels I felt with no longer being a student.
I graduated before most of my uni friends for various reasons, and when I went back to visit them I was always overwhelmed by the feeling that I wasn’t part of that student world anymore. Partly in a good way - I felt like I’d matured a lot more than some of them - but I always felt a little bit lost when they were all up to general student stuff and suddenly I didn’t live in that city anymore so was at loose ends if everyone was busy and I didn’t have a home round the corner to go back to.
And I think that’s comparable to losing your talent, and suddenly realising you’ve been forcibly kicked out of this world that you used to love and that a load of your mates are still part of, but that doesn’t fit you in anymore. But you’re not a real adult either, so what are you?
Also, when you’re a student and you meet new people, just going “I’m a student” gives the general sense of what kind of stuff you’re up to, even if you’re post-grad, doctorate etc. But suddenly being a grad and then not even a fresh grad anymore, and maybe not being settled in a career path makes it so much more complicated to explain. You’re a real working adult, not a student, but you don’t feel like you fit in either worlds.
It’s really clever of Stroud to make that connection (on purpose or not) and provide a counterpart in a world where kids are employed instead of in school.
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aria0fgold · 22 days
Two birds, One Stone, and Me
A Persona 5 snippet starring Akechi ft. Kaito Kuroba (Magic Kaito) and Asuka (an oc by @misty-wisp)!
Akechi massaged his temples as he walked through the station after having just gotten out of the train. It was headache one after another for him nowadays, the matter with Shido's jobs combined with the emergence of the so called Phantom Thieves of Hearts, not to mention the return of that pesky thief Kaito KID in Japan after doing heists overseas. His first problem is easy to deal with, as something he had gotten used to doing, his second problem was coming along well enough as he already has a good idea on who the members of the Phantom Thieves are, and the third problem is the biggest headache of all as Kaito KID has been a consistent problem for years now. Disappearing in the past only to have a come back years after and no one has any idea how to deal with him.
There's already even a police force specifically designed to capture that thief and yet there's no progress at all anyway. And for some goddamned reason, Akechi was also tasked to help with that too!
If a police force dedicated to capturing that thief can't even handle it then what else can I do anyway? Detective Prince my ass, if only those people know the truth they wouldn't add on to my mountain of problems something nearly impossible to achieve!
Figuring out the identities of the Phantom Thieves were easy with how sloppy they were at keeping it hidden in the first place but figuring out the identity of a criminal that's most likely been at it for more than a decade isn't something Akechi should be doing in the first place. That should fall on the hands of the adults instead.
Ah but of course! Adults are practically useless, good for nothing fools who's only good at hurting others and getting children to clean up after them, OF COURSE! WHY ELSE AM IN THIS WHOLE MESS ANYWAY IF NOT FOR THAT!
Akechi let out a small quiet sigh, it's best for him to retire for the day and take a rest, although, just as he rounded the corner, he was met with a particularly familiar face that had immediately fallen into a frown the split second she noticed Akechi.
“Ah, Asuka, yes?” Akechi put on his usual polite smile, the face of the exemplary Detective Prince.
“Riight, yeah.” She averted her eyes from him, it was obvious it wasn't out of embarrassment, “Excuse me.”
Akechi could just let her go, but a thought formed on his mind, “Wait, if it's alright with you, could you spare some of your time to have a short chat?”
Asuka attends the same school as Akira. In fact, she attends the same school as most of the members of the Phantom Thieves. There's a possibility of her being involved with them, it's better to check just in case.
There was also... That... Although it doesn't seem to be relevant at the moment, it was still a particular pattern to keep in mind.
Asuka looked back, her eyes squinted slightly, though it was still a frown, Akechi can feel the sharpness of a glare hidden behind a thin veil of public civility. “Unfortunately, no. Goodby—”
“Isn't that…”
Just before Asuka could finish her sentence, a person by the distance caught Akechi's attention. And as his gaze fell on the figure's back, the person turned to meet his eyes.
It was Kaito Kuroba. Someone who's close to Akira.
Asuka followed Akechi's sight with a glance and it was at that moment that Kaito beamed at them before waving his hand as he approached the two.
“Oh hey! You're that so called Detective Prince, aren't you?” He smiled so brightly at them Akechi felt blinded and very much so annoyed.
But he can't quite show such a thing, smile, smile… smile… he needs to smile.
“Ah, yes—”
Kaito then quickly turned to Asuka, her passive aggression towards Akechi was replaced with slight anxiety, “And you… Ah! You're that student Akiki told me before! You sit behind him, yeah?”
She nodded, “R-right…”
. . .
Akechi really hates this guy.
He mentally collected himself, it seems that he'd have to talk to Asuka another day. Though this is an ideal situation of killing two birds with one stone, both of them have possible connections to the Phantom Thieves but right now, he'd rather not deal with someone as obnoxious as that guy.
Kaito clapped his hands, “Hey! Since we're all here, how about a meal? My treat! I'd love to get to know more about Asuka and Mister Detective Prince! It's not everyday an opportunity like this can come by!”
Goddammit, WHY?! “You're right, I'll take you up on that offer then.”
“I'll take my leave instead…”
“Now, now, Asuka. Since this kind person is going to treat us, wouldn't it be polite to accept such an offer? He seems to know someone close to you too.”
FINE! Might as well take this chance! DAMMIT!!!
“I'm not really… close to him though.” Asuka tried to take a step away from them.
“Aww! Please, please, please, pretty please? How about I help you with homework too? Please come with us! The more the merrier after all!” Kaito pleaded with the best puppy dog eyes expression he can muster.
“Exactly!” Akechi added, to which Asuka openly glared at him for.
For a second, the two's expression seemed to telepathically communicate with each other, two different thoughts yet both in sync enough to converse with the other.
This bastard is surely planning something…
If I'm getting roped in with this guy, I'm going to drag you into this one too.
. . .
And so, the unlikely trio sat by the table of a restaurant nearby. One who was visibly dragged in, another beaming with a light as bright as an artificial sun, and lastly someone who deep down wanted to break the glass of water nearby as they waited for their orders.
Dealing with Asuka should be easy enough but this obnoxious bastard has got to be faking this entire overly cheerful personality of his otherwise his entire existence is just gonna piss me off to no end.
“So, you go to Ekoda High, Kaito? That's quite far from here.” Akechi is luckily used to maintaining this image of his, it should be easy to do despite how badly he want to just get out already.
“Nah! So long as you know your ins and outs, it's actually pretty close by!”
“Is that so—”
“By the way, Asuka! Your scarf suits you so well! It even matches your uniform!” Kaito cut Akechi off again.
Deep breaths… This guy… is clearly doing that on purpose!
“Ah… Thanks…” She took a small glance at Akechi and then at Kaito before looking at her scarf, she seemed to be thinking about something.
It's fine, if his goal is to rile me up then let him try, his attempts won't work on me at all anyway.
“Being a so called Detective Prince at that age sure is impressive, huh Akechi?” Kaito threw the ball back at Akechi's court.
“It's nothing I can't handle—”
“Yeah, it must be so hard getting swarmed with cases left and right that you don't even have time to do all of them anymore.” It was Asuka that cut him off this time.
“Oh, I'm just saying. In a general sense.” Asuka slightly squinted at him and seemingly rolled her eyes in a subtle manner as she turned to look away. It was as if a switch was flipped and now, instead of Akechi killing two birds with one stone, it feels as though that two birds are killing him with one stone.
. . .
Akechi mentally sighed as he could only freeze his own smile in place to keep it from faltering, he shouldn't have accept this invite.
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telltaletypist · 3 months
jokes aside it's a little sickening that a genuinely earnest and important piece of queer history is struggling to beat a terminally online irony poisoned problematic mess like dykes to watch out for
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mainfaggot · 28 days
criticizing countries that have insanely oppressive governments due to the weaponization of religion (Iran and Saudi Arabia for example) is a perfectly acceptable thing to do, but tumblr users are actually fucked in the head and jump onto any opportunity to be blatantly islamophobic... like fuck you for real... it's always the hindu nationalists, zionists, and catholic fucking freaks banding together to be disgustingly uneducated in the tags of any critical post
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alicentes · 2 years
Do I think Rhaenyra will murder her much younger siblings to protect her claim? No but I do think that their lives will be under threat, even if Rhaenyra does not want them harmed that doesn’t mean that someone on team black wouldn’t kill the young princes to protect their Queen’s claim despite possible consequences from Rhaenyra. We saw this happen with the little Lannister princes in GoT despite the fact that king Robb said they were not to be harmed. Let’s be real, Daemon would have no problem killing them before Viserys’ body is even cold because he knows Rhaenyra would never have him executed. Alicent’s worry is not just being irrational and paranoid because Otto wasn’t entirely lying about the future they may face.
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fastfists · 5 months
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...cause Echidnas have long tongues. He is already judging you hard about what you may or may not be thinking.
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