#this list of questions is sure to grow as i keep writing 😭
what kinda info are you looking for? any specific questions?
- 🏁 nascar anon
hi again nascar anon! :D
i have a running list of questions, so here’s what i have so far (some of these are very basic 😭😭 don’t judge me for being too lazy to google them):
(also if you can’t/don’t feel like answering them all, you definitely don’t have to!! you also definitely don’t have to answer them all at once, there’s a lot of questions here)
- what happens after a crash?
- what is the format for a race week? is there a whole day dedicated to media or no?
- testing? training?
- just like roughly explain the grid—it’s more fluid than f1, right? how does that work?
- time off—summer break???? weeks off between races????
- are they as tied to certain teams/are there set teams like in f1? <- also do drivers live in certain places according to where teams are based, where race tracks are, etc?
- how do they celebrate wins? do they have podium celebrations at all?
- how easy is it to win a race?
- how easy is it to win a cup?
- are there backrunner and front runner teams? or are the stock cars similar enough that that doesn’t really happen?
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siriuslysatorusimping · 5 months
Hi Kiko! I'm glad to hear you'll be starting your new job soon! So exciting!!
And thank you for the update on Atlas🥺! I'm happy to see him doing so much better!! (And that picture of him as a kitten??🥺🥺🥺omgg so cutee). Also you mentioned he is part Maine Coon, is he a big boy then? Because I know Maine Coon cats can grow pretty big.
I hope the new year hass been good so far for you! For me its been a bit hectic with university but not too bad so far. I'm also taking driving lessons to hopefully finally get my license in the summer!
And I have another fun random question about Goinko for you. What do you think their icks would be about one another? (I feel like Gojo seriously wouldn't be able to find any because he's just that whipped for Rinko haha)
HELLO. I AM ALSO EXCITED, AND TERRIFIED. It's completely in-office, which I haven't done in years. My old job was hybrid, and my most recent job was fully remote. I have to wear real pants for this new job 😭😭😂
Atlas IS a big boy. He's already bigger than Arli, who is just a domestic shorthair. She's going on... seven(?) years old now, and Atlas is already about three or four pounds heavier than she is at just over a year old. But the vet says he's at a healthy weight! He also looks bigger sometimes because he's SO FLOOFY. SO FUCKING FLOOFY. But he's long, too. Like, very long. But his tail is kinda short. (hehe. i'm a child for laughing at all the euphemisms that can be made 😂)
The new year has been mostly uneventful so far! I've been trying to spend the time before I start my new job relaxing and catching up on some chores I let fall flat because of my extreme depression 🫠
Good luck with this semester of school! And with your driving lessons! If you don't mind my asking, are you in the states or somewhere else? And do you have a specific reason for not getting your license until now? I know the driving age is different in a few countries, but some people also just choose not to get their license if they don't want/need!
As for your Goinko question: What are their 'icks' about each other?
BRUH. I'VE NEVER REALLY THOUGHT ABOUT THIS. I also don't have a super good understanding of what this means... DOES THIS MEAN I'M OLD? 😭 google only kinda helped 🥲
We'll just do Another Level for now, but maybe in the future, I'll do Physical Paradox, too! (when i have a better understanding for what this actually means)
Gojo with Rinko:
Whenever she does something that reminds him of the Zenins too much. I think her sneer is one, oddly enough. Like, her really mean sneer that literally matches Naobito or Naoya perfectly.
When she speaks poorly of herself or tries to run from a situation when they have a disagreement. As their relationship develops now that they're together, I can see her avoidant personality really bothering him.
Little ones I think could include silly things like how much detergent she uses when washing clothes, how she hangs her shirts in the closet once they've moved in together completely... I'll probably think of more as time goes on?? maybe??
Rinko with Gojo:
him drinking is for sure one. but idk if that counts?
when he refused to take teaching seriously
when/if he keeps up the facade of overconfidence when they're alone instead of being honest with her...
but in reality, they're so whipped for each other that most things they can just talk through or get over?? like idk if that matters for icks?? WHAT EVEN IS AN ICK. I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND.
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Can I request Bokuto, Diachi, Osamu and Kita with a girlfriend that his friends are surprised he's into. Maybe they meet her for the first time and are surprised she's a more edgy/punk girl with a septum and tongue ring and half black/half white hair?
I definitely can write this!! It’s such a cute idea especially for Kita!!! Like Kita who seems like he’d settle down with a really quiet person ending up with someone who has an opposite style….would it hurt if I switch Osamu’s reader’s style to be very soft? I didn’t because that’s def not what you wanted but I’m debating on if I should write that separately or add something about that to my little prompt list!!(also I try to avoid describing readers so it’s inclusive to everyone!! So if I mention the hair at all it’s going to be very briefly!! I don’t mind describing piercings!) This makes me miss my dyed hair a bit😭but it’s ok I’m trying to grow it out and keep it healthy!!
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Tw- light cursing, Akaashi’s subconscious thoughts could be insulting if you think too hard about them(they’re not mean he questions how reader and bo met!), making out? Getting caught making out?, I talk a ton about piercings, reader doesn’t have a belly button piercing, let me know if I missed anything!!
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It shocked Akaashi, he’d thought Bokuto would settle down with someone quite the opposite of him maybe calmer in their looks to placate Bokuto’s strong personality but instead it was the opposite.
When you’d sat down beside Bokuto in front of akaashi he tried to keep his staring down to a minimum, how the fuck did you two even meet?
But that question was quickly wandered by Bokuto who began talking excitedly about how much he loved you and how he met you in detail and by the end of it Akaashi thinks he got a slight head ache from how many times he heard the name ‘y/n’.
He watched as you smiled shyly, quite the opposite of your personality, so while Bokuto seemed to get excited easily you were more inward with your excitements, which seemed weird to Akaashi, when he thought about it he’d thought bo would meet someone like him, but he guesses you balance him out perfectly the more he looks at you two.
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You’d met him through Suga, who met you through someone else. Anyways long story short, he did not expect to see you suck eachothers faces off when he walked into daichis apartment for dinner, like he’d been invited to do???
You two were even in the same style range surely Daichi wasn’t your type? He was though, Suga learned that quickly as he sees Daichi sit there a little stunned black lipstick smeared over his mouth as Suga rolls his eyes scoffing at the two of you.
“And no one told me you guys were together!” He complains.
Daichi’s scrubbing at his mouth while you giggle softly moving to set the table with plates he blushes when he processes Sugas words.
“It kind of just happened” he mutters, he was right it was just like a little spark that lit fire!
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Honestly, no one’s even surprised with the way you look.
Osamu has never brought home a girl, so they’re more so surprised that this mystery girl he’s been talking about actually exist.
Mama Miya absolutely loves you. She thinks you’re hair is amazing.
Osamu had told you his mother may come off strong since she’d been rather protective of them growing up but that didn’t happen at all, instead she was fascinated by your hair and piercings asking you if you think she’d look ok with another piercing.
Atsumu is intrigued asking how bad a tongue piercing hurts and if you’d go with him like he wasn’t afraid of needles. And Osamu smiles to himself he knows he picked the right person as he fidgets with a pretty ring in his pocket.
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Honestly his grandma was a little confused, this was the girl Shinsuke had been talking to? All throughout highschool he hadn’t boughten a girl home in fear that his grandmother would love her and then they’d break up.
So you were the first girl he brought home, and that left little to no idea of what his type of girl was to his grandmother.
She smiled fondly seeing how you smiled softly at Shinsuke.
Eventually she grew to love every bit of your style, picking up random records for you or jewelry she’d see in town that reminded her of you and you nearly wanted to cry when she’d given you a belly button piercing with a little bat on it and just stared at you confused when you told her you didn’t have a belly button piercing.
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Anyways! Let me know if you want to see more because I love writing requests!!
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these-written-reveries · 11 months
About Me!
*I figured I would make a little post to tell y’all a bit about myself. If you’re interested, keep reading!
» Hi, I’m Kalista! I also go by Kal, or whatever other sweet name you wanna call me 🥰
» I’m 24
» My pronouns are she/her
» I identify as demisexual and lesbian/queer 🌈
I know it may be silly/confusing to hear this, considering I write/post/fawn over fictional men 🤭 I do find myself attracted to male fictional characters because they’re…well, fictional. If they were real, that would likely be a very different story lol. Take a look at “compulsory heterosexuality/comphet” if you’re interested to know more about that -or ask me, I don’t mind!
» I have autism and adhd (audhd). This discovery about myself has opened many doors to self-acceptance that were previously locked by shame and confusion. I’m very proud of my neurodivergence!
» I am also physically disabled. I have a nice lil’ handful of chronic conditions lol. I like to laugh about it because it’s the best way to cope through the misery.
» I’m a “maladaptive daydreamer”. Have been since I was a child. Reading/writing was always a primary outlet for me to cope with and escape my reality and delve into dream worlds. Fanfiction was a huge part of that, so I’m very grateful for it.
» Music is a big inspiration for me when it comes to…just about everything. But especially my writing. I also have a very eclectic taste in music. I like at least a little bit of almost everything.
Favorite artists/bands: Lake Street Dive, Chappell Roan, Taylor Swift, Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks, Shania Twain, Anna Calvi, Ashnikko, Superknova, Sammy Rae & The Friends, Ella Fitzgerald, Qveen Herby, Laufey, Hozier, BTS, Sabrina Carpenter, Nine Inch Nails (I’m trying not to list a lot, it’s very hard 🙈)
» Some of my fav shows: Supernatural, New Girl, My Hero Academia, Stranger Things, Pose, Grace and Frankie, Ouran High School Host Club, Sherlock, Haunting of Bly Manor, Orange is the New Black, Why Women Kill
» Some of my fav movies: Howl's Moving Castle, Joker, Batman: The Dark Knight, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Pirates of the Caribbean (1-3), Ratatouille, Legally Blonde (2001), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Peter Pan (2003), Princess Diaries (1 & 2)
» Brevity is not my expertise. Can you tell?
» I love rats! Had 8 of them as pets, but decided to stop caring for more due to my disabilities and busyness of life that made it hard to keep going with it. I do not intend on having kids, so I hope in the future I can get back to being a rattie mom again. I also want cats…yeah, idk how I’m gonna make that work 🤭
» I live in America…It’s not fun here, guys…😭
» I'm working on writing a novel that will likely become a series! Not sure whether I'll decide to go with a publisher or self-published yet. I am still in the early-ish stages of worldbuilding and whatnot, so I have plenty of time to figure that out! This is my dream and I’m working hard to make it happen!
» One of the reasons I am committing myself to getting back to writing and posting fics again is because I want to keep my writing skills sharp while I work on my novel. I want to learn and grow and challenge myself more to become a better and more confident writer. The other reason is because I have held myself back for so long from doing this out of fear of not being good enough. I’m quite frankly tired of holding myself back from the things I want and I’m working on healing these parts of myself. This is part of that process! So, for those who have read my fics, thank you for supporting me through this journey!
» I’m always open to making new friends, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me -I promise I don’t bite!
I can’t really think of much else right now. Thanks for reading if you’ve made it all the way through! If you have any questions about me or wanna talk about something I wrote here, you can certainly send me an ask/message -just please be respectful, of course!
Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are! 💖
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queenofbaws · 2 years
Top five horror movies and/or books?
of COURSE you'd ask me one of the HARDEST questions in the WORLD!!!!!!!!
for real though, picking favs when it comes to horror is always so hard for me 😭 (AS ALWAYS WITH ANYTHING HORROR - please be sure to check a site like doesthedogdie for trigger warnings before picking any of these up!!!!!! lots of upsetting stuff in pretty much anything i recommend ever, lol)
house of leaves by mark z. danielewski (book). this one always makes the list because it just...it's just so good. it's a story within a story within a story within a story within a story, and i stg every time i read it i come away with something different. it's influenced my own writing so much, and just...it's literally the ONLY book i've EVER read that scared me so bad while i was reading it the first time that i had to like. find people to sit with to keep reading it lmao
the thing (1982; movie). this one ALSO always makes the list. oh. oh it's so worthy of it too. the thing is just like...my ideal horror movie. it's got everything a good horror movie should have: atmosphere, isolation, slow-growing dread, practical effects, a decapitated spider head monster thing that screams at you. i've probably watched this more than any other horror movie. and speaking of number of watches...........
hereditary (2018; movie). i've seen hereditary once. once. i'm not sure i intend on watching it a second time. maybe someday. there's a lot of horror out there these days that's centered on grief, but in my oh so humble opinion, hereditary is the granddaddy of all those. i cannot explain the emotions i experienced while watching this movie, lmfao. it was like...all of them. i'm pretty desensitized to most horror, and i'm very aware of that, but this movie? this movie right here? i was on the edge of my goddamn seat the whole way through, i watched parts of it through my fingers, and i was squeezing a pillow pretty much from the start to the end. it's so, SO fucking good. but it's also so, SO much.
the ruins by scott smith (book). i read this after watching the movie, and since the movie was kind of ehhh, i expected the book to be kind of ehhh too. it...it is not. BOYYYYY it is not ehhh at all. this book is fucking...terrifying. if you can't stomach body horror, don't even think about reaching for this, it is not FOR you. i LOVE body horror and there were some scenes that felt like they weren't even for ME sdklfjsdklfjd if you haven't seen the movie, or are unfamiliar with the premise, a group of american tourists and one very unfortunate german man find themselves at an old mayan ruin where a bunch of archeologists have recently gone missing. when they get there, uh...well, they find themselves stuck without any way of getting home, but they DON'T find any of the missing people. at first. then they do. then something finds them. it's. intense.
i'm thinking of ending things by iain reid (book). again, i decided to read this after watching the movie. the difference is...i really, really liked the movie, and so had very high expectations for the book. GOD DID IT DELIVER. this one is horror in a...different sort of way, and i'm not even sure everyone out there would classify it AS horror, but for me, it feels appropriate. it's a very personal kind of horror, the horror that comes with loneliness and regret, and a lot of it just really REALLY hit very close to home for me personally. it's absolutely beautifully written, and i think i've probably read it like...three times this past year alone. it's a short read, you can probably do it in one sitting if you've got a lazy day planned, and it's...GOD it's good. you'll probably cry, though, so be warned.
ask me my top 5 anything!
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
thank u guys sm for 300 followers! it genuinely means so much to me that you all enjoy what i do 🥺
since my requests are already open, i’ve decided to switch it up a bit!
this event will be going until the end of september, and has three parts:
ask me questions!
tell me about yourself!
decide the next series!
ask me questions:
who is on my simp list? (celebrity crushes, etc.)
fuck, marry, kill
school questions (favorite class, embarrassing moment, extracurriculars)
favorite characters
my marvel rants and overanalysis
random topics
random stories ab me
general questions :))
tell me about yourself:
zodiac signs
personal preferences
funny stories
stories you always want someone to ask about
stories in general, i love hearing about other people’s life experiences lol
favorite things
your marvel headcanons/rants
song, movie, book recs
decide the next series:
option one: hades and persephone
ship: bucky x fem!plant powers!reader
genre: comedy, fluff
summary: you’ve been in hiding in NYC ever since your escape from a HYDRA facility. in all honesty, it hasn’t been too bad. your power over plant life has made it laughably easy to establish yourself as a small-time florist in new york. you’ve thought about trying to join the avengers, yet it seems like such a hassel, especially while being a small-business owner. but you’re far from prepared when the whole group comes busting into your store after a bad mission involving a lot of poison ivy. turns out you hadn’t been hiding very well, they were just being polite. (no civil war)
basically a superhero comedy showcasing some fun plant-based powers. isabela madrigal who???
things to know:
reader’s powers include growing plants, manipulating them, immunity to plant-based diseases and allergies, plus flowers grow in her hair based on emotion
i’ll put flower meaning with each one!
reader’s time at hydra was brief, and solely experimentation. she didn’t see any field work. she definitely has some trauma but it’s mostly with doctors, needles, medical things like that.
she’s out here living her aesthetic nyc plant mom life 😌
Carefully making sure no one is watching, you run a hand over the wilted orchids, watching as they return to life with a mere touch. You smile, setting the pots up on a shelf, perusing your store and keeping every plant in top shape. Flowers and houseplants alike line your shelves, all perfectly healthy without a dead leaf in sight.
You sigh, relaxation taking over your mind. You feel your powers tingle, and when you glance over to the mirror, you’re met with a scattering of lavender flowers growing in your hair.
Frowning, you begin to brush them out, waving a hand and dissipating the petals on the floor. Just as you manage to remove the last one, your door bursts open with a loud bang, sending you jumping and causing begonias to bloom in place of the lavender.
You shriek, ducking behind a shelf to furiously remove the pink-orange blooms.
“Sorry! Sorry, miss. You don’t have to hide, we know about your powers,” a voice says. How do they know? You’ve been so careful to keep it all secret.
You peeked out from behind the shelf, eyes widening when you saw who was standing in your.
The Avengers. Still in their mission gear, covered head-to-toe in rashes. Poison ivy. You were sure of it.
“What the hell happened to you guys?”
option two: lonely is a man without love
ship: marc spector + steven grant x avenger! assassin!female!reader (no jake i’m sorry i just don’t have enough screen time to know how to write him😭)
genre: comedy, fluff, slight reverse comfort bc episode five
summary: when you went to london to check out rumors of a new vigilante superhero, you were shocked to only find a mild-mannered gift shopist. you befriend him nonetheless, and are just about to call the tip a bust when one night, you hear loud noises in his apartment next door. when you break in to check on him, you don’t find your shy friend. instead, you come face-to-face with a snarky mercenary and his… giant skeleton bird? (good ending to endgame, reader can see khonshu for reasons tbd lol. comedic effect??? idk)
basically a girlboss x malewife fic with angst. reader is badass that has her life moderately together and steven and marc are sweethearts with unresolved trauma.
things to know:
reader gives yelena vibes, but she never went through the red room or hydra (not traumatizing a reader??? unheard of 🤭)
she worked in shield as a partner to nat and clint, but didn’t join the team until age of ultron.
lives at the compound, but is more active on missions regarding possible new avengers, so is out a lot.
i will be trying my best to avoid writing steven as a helpless lil man bc i’m tired of seeing him be infantalized.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,” you say, holding a hand up. Steven- no, Marc, sighs exasperatedly, waiting. “You are a mercenary?”
“Why do you need to know?”
“Just answer the damn question!”
He rolls his eyes. “Fine. Yes.” You sigh, leaning against the bookshelf.
“So what? Was Steven just an alibi?” you ask. You really hope not. One, because he’s sweet and kind and an absolute nerd. And two, because if he isn’t, then that means that Marc’s dedication to a cover is better than yours. And that simply will not stand.
“No, it’s more complicated than that. He’s, like, a facet of me. Another personality.” You perk up, visibly relieved.
“Oh, so he’s an alter? Like, you have DID?”
“Is that what it’s called?”
“Do you… Do you not know the name of your own personality disorder?” His silence speaks volumes. You chuckle under your breath, watching him stammer to try and recover from his fumble. You remove the gun from your waistband, preparing to set it on the table. In an instant, Marc has your wrist in a death grip, attempting to jostle the gun from you.
On instinct, you twist under his arms, kicking out his legs. He rolls over and stands back up, kicking the gun from your hands.
You take a moment to analyze his fighting style, scanning him as he circles you. He’s good, yes, but his form is sloppy. Basic US military training, most likely nothing specialized.
Taking one out of Nat’s book, you leap up, wrap your thighs around Marc’s head, and flip him over, holding him in place as he thrashes on the floor.
“Shut up, holy fuck you are so damn loud Jesus fucking Christ,” you hiss. Eventually, he taps your leg, wheezing.
“Truce,” he sighs. You roll off of him, nodding.
“Yeah, truce.”
option three: america’s ass
ship: steve rogers x female!shield agent!reader
genre: comedy, fluff
summary: working in shield means hearing a lot about the avengers. especially captain america. but when nat gets injured on a mission and has to be benched for a while, they bring you in. and dear fucking god, america’s golden boy is one hell of an asshole.
basically an enemies to friends to lovers because i simultaneously love and hate steve rogers.
things to know:
reader is friends with nat, doesn’t really know the rest of the team.
reader will not be “fixing” steve. she isn’t his mother. she’ll call him on his bs and he’ll improve himself 😌
reader is implied to be pretty short. more anger is stored in smaller things.
won’t follow canon at all, likely won’t have too many parts. everyone from civil war will be involved, plus bruce and thor bc i miss them
Nat limps as she leads you through the building, passing several hallways and ending in the kitchen/lounge area. The whole team is gathered there, eating a late lunch as you take in the scene.
You’ve seen the Avengers before, even met a few, but the one you’ve never interacted with is Captain America. The First Avenger. The Star-Spangled Man with a Plan and all that shit.
“Ahem,” Nat clears her throat and all movement ceases. “I’d like to welcome our newest recruit-“
“Temporary,” you butt in.
She slaps you best she can on crutches. “Shh. Our newest recruit, (Y/N) (L/N).”
You wave, awkward silence hanging for a moment before questions are launched at you.
What’s your training? What weapon do you specialize in? Do you have powers? Are all mortals so small?
You answer each question, reveling in the curiosity. Once they finish, the blonde captain himself stands from his seat.
“What makes you think you’re qualified to be here?” he snaps.
Now, Steve had been against bringing in a sub for Nat since the beginning. To be frank, he doesn’t trust SHIELD. And he doesn’t trust assassins, save Nat and Clint, who he got used to.
It’s not that he has something personal against you. No, not at all. He just has a hard time being okay with a complete stranger waltzing in and being expected to watch his six.
But all you see is another man with a “greater-than-thou” attitude, and even if he is America’s Golden Boy, you won’t take his shit.
Already labeling him as a rival, you cross your arms and glare up at him without a hint of respect for your superior.
“Ex-fucking-scuse me?”
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mlmxreader · 10 months
HIYA!! Sorry once again for the absence! I feel so incredibly bad but I'm like 1 week out of uni starting and I've been running around trying to make sure everything's been in order 🙃🙃. I promise I will be getting to the Eames and I think it was Bob (?) fics you posted as soon as possible (thank you again, absolute gem you are). And please don't strain yourself! Even if it takes you 1 year for the request or if you don't write them, it's all good! Take care of yourself first 🖤.
About your baby turning 2 years old... I KNOW!! OMG, my eldest pup is turning 7 at the end of the month and I'm like "where the hell did the time go!! Stay a baby, please!!" 😭😭.
Okay now onto the onslaught of questions (please let me know if you'd prefer me to send these in separate asks in the future, lmao):
1. whats your favorite thing to rant/ramble about?
5. knit or crochet?
6. do you tend to have "favorite things"? list some if so (foods, colors, shows, etc)
8. how does it make you feel when it rains?
15. who do you want to hug right now?
16. whats something you really can't understand or conceptualize?
18. whats something you always notice about a person?
21. whats a random piece of advice you want to give?
28. what's one thing on your bucket list?
29. do you prefer playing video games or watch someone else play them?
30. what makes you feel safe?
31. do you pop your joints? (Please, for the love of all things, tell me you don't crack your knuckles 👁👁)
32. what 'childish' habits do you hold on to?
43. whats something positive that changed your life?
44. how do you feel about marriage?
46. something that made you smile recently
48. whats a talent that you have?
50. list some things you are grateful for
Take care, hon, be safe, and enjoy the movies!! Til the next one (hopefully sooner now that life is chilling out a bit, but who knows 🤷🏽).
hi!!!! my beloved snake anon!!!! that's absolutely no worries, you shouldn't feel bad AT ALL!! I'm pretty sure it was Eames and Bob, yeah, although don't ask me for certain bc I'm terrible at keeping track of things 💀💀 thank you for being so patient, though - it's only taken me a while bc my mental health hasn't exactly been the best at the moment, especially w the extra diagnosis that I got it's been though tbh. but I WANT to write, and that's the problem 😭 heart wants what it wants and the brain goes "nah lmfao get fucked ya cunt".
Red Baron is an adult now and it genuinely feels like only yesterday when he wasn't much bigger than my Xbox controller 😭 he used to be so LITTLE and now he's a proper ball python like 😭😭 SINCE WHEN DID HE GROW UP??? WHO ALLOWED THIS??? he was so teeny tiny, a literal baby, like, he used to fit in the pocket of my cargo trousers and now he can hardly fit in them 😭😭 he's so big, now, it's like he's just suddenly gone POOF! BIG BOY! although I always knew he was going to be on the larger side bc ever since I got him he's been bigger and heavier than the average male ball python for his age BUT I STILL DON'T LIKE IT 😭
1. WORLD WAR ONE!! and politics.
5. knitted bc my gran makes all my socks by knitting.
6. yeah! my favourite types of food tends to lie w curries, my favourite colours are usually grey (the no.1), as well as brown, black and green, my favourite shows include Downton Abbey and The Boys, my favourite films are all horror films (Cannibal Holocaust my beloved)!
8. I like to stare at puddles and watch the ripples ngl. but if it's been a hot day and suddenly there's a cool rain, ooooh that shit hits the fuckin SPOT every time. itches my brain like buggery. i love it.
15. no one. I don't enjoy physical affection fhfkskfkskg
16. it's something that I've said a lot, but like, this whole trend of filming people in public; like, other than being outright malicious (even if you're doing it to be "kind" or to show "cute" things), like... why the fuck is your first instinct to film people??? not to mention how fucking ableist it is when you consider that a large majority of these videos revolve around people who have some sort of mental health episode in the moment - such as that "that motherfucker is not real" lady on the plane. like, where is your compassion for your fellow man? why are you filming people to mock them, instead of offering a kind and gentle helping hand? like, the lady on the plane was CLEARLY upset and in distress - why did they film her instead of trying to help her?
it's so fucking weird, and dangerous, and it's something that I genuinely fear, like, I don't wanna be filmed in public minding my own business only for some fuckin cunt to be like "lol he thinks he's the main character 🙄" or fuckin "check out this fuckin crazy psycho talking to himself!!" like... idk, maybe I'm out of touch w the kids or whatever but don't fuckin film people in public. I can't wrap my head around why you'd ever do such a thing outside of wanting to be a malicious little freak.
18. how they treat people who are beneath them. be it homeless people, waiters, children, etc. it's something I always pick up on, especially if it's unkind/apathetic/rude/etc.
21. unionise. wherever you're working, unionise. unions won't solve EVERYTHING, but all the same, they are there to protect your rights as a worker. unionise. and talk about pay w your colleagues.
28. I don't really have one, but one thing I'd like to do before I die is go to London and take a piss on Thatcher's grave.
29. I like to play them myself mostly bc I can't fuckin STAND commentary on video games and I also hate youtube.
30. being on my own tbh. when Brian was around, I could go for miles and miles and miles walking and I'd ALWAYS feel safe. but I go walking w anyone else and I still get paranoid.
31. YEP!!! I can crack my knuckles by flexing them, same w my jaw and my left ankle and I do so quite a lot tbf - there's no studies to suggest that the old wives tale that it causes arthritis has any basis, and it's not been proven that there's any negative side effects of doing it either.
32. I don't have any 💀💀
43. tattoos. all 12 of em.
44. I'm aromantic, so I could NEVER see myself getting married tbh bc I don't think there'd be any point in it - I don't believe in monogamy, I don't want to settle down w one person. HOWEVER, if it meant that I could immigrate somewhere or I could fiddle my taxes? I'd absolutely be down to marry a friend platonically.
46. one of the cats at work who hisses and swipes at EVERYONE actually ran up to me and started purring when I scratched his chin and his ears.
48. I can climb trees well enough that I can position myself and hide in them, I can dig VERY GOOD WW1-style trenches, and I am AMAZING at handling and restraining snakes :)
50. snakes. Red Bull. cigarettes. tobacco. the cinema having saver seats for £5 so I got to sit in the same seat every single time for Oppenheimer.
we shall speak soon 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Oh my god, I love your Guzma writing!! 😭♥️ Could you do headcanons for him with a trainer who also adores bug-type Pokemon?
well I'm glad to hear that bc I adore Guzma actually and I love writing for him fghmjhgfd. I hope these are okay!!
The big bad Guzma was never popular— and only partially because of his attitude. Even before he befriended his precious Wimpod, his interests leaned towards the creepy-crawly. He was constantly coming home with Spinarak clinging to the back of his clothes, and faint dustings of Butterfree scales in his hair. Add that to the long list of scoldings.
So many people are scared of bug-types, or think they’re gross little things that shouldn’t be trained. His mother would screech whenever even a Caterpie made its way indoors; Pineco were considered a local menace, eating Berry farms until nothing grew; Dewpider and Araquanid dripped lakewater everywhere, often tainted with tufts of fur and other unmentionables. And that’s exactly why Guzma was so drawn to them— like all other Pokémon, they were doing their best to live their own lives, an unknowing piece of something much bigger. And yet, despite that, they were hated. Feared. Cast aside. An awful lot like a sad little boy he knew too well.
By the time he’s an adult, obviously Guzma has embraced his love for the unloved, reaching beyond bug-types and extending to other unwanted children. That doesn’t mean his mindset has completely evolved, though— people continue reacting badly to his bugs, and he can’t tell if it’s because he or Golisopod is the scary one. He’s gotten used to rolling his eyes and stomping his feet whenever someone complains about Surskit’s oily little footprints, or Spinarak’s sticky webbing— so when your first reaction is to coo at his little babies and reach to pet one, he’s stunned. He has to actually stop his rant about “they’re not gross!” to take in what you just said.
When you reveal your own team to him— with a notable amount of his beloved bugs— Guzma is thrilled; he has to catch himself from shouting in excitement, because he does have an image to keep up. To him, your willingness to work so closely with so many loathed pokemon speaks volumes— if you’re willing to accept them, maybe you’ll get along with him as well. Granted, he feels all of this more than he thinks it; Guzma has never been the type to point at others and call them friends, and he’s sure not starting now. You will notice, though, that he’s quick to throw his arm around you— this close up, he’s definitely as intimidating as his Pokémon— and drag you to the nearest cafe for a mug of tapu cocoa. He wants to talk, and you’re gonna listen.
He wants to know everything about you. Where are you from? What kinda bugs did you see growing up? Why’d you choose these specific ones for your team— hey, Grubbin, get out of his salad— and are there any others you’ve raised? When Guzma really gets going, he has trouble stopping; at some point, in the middle of a sentence, he slams his mouth shut and forces a harsh glare onto his face. He’s absolutely said too much— why can’t the big bad Guzma just stay quiet?
But you answer his questions freely. You ask some of your own. You’ve got treats for your Pokémon that you’re more than willing to share with his. Golisopod eats right out of your hand, Surskit nestles onto your shoulder, Grubbin tries to climb into your pockets. Now that he’s past his initial adrenaline rush, Guzma is definitely more guarded, but he’s also not uncomfortable either. You can easily work him open to talking again.
You probably hadn’t expected to make a friend that day, and even though Guzma’s too shy to say it directly, you are one now. You know he’s serious about keeping you in his life when he presents you with an egg he was very careful about obtaining— the day it hatches into a Larvesta for you, he’s just as giddy as you are about the new life. That way, you’ve got something precious that will always remind you of him— the unloved boy who built his own family.
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hqrbinger · 3 years
- 🥀 anon
HI ROSEEEEEE (i hope its ok that i call u that SKJHSDFKLSF if not lmk what u would like 2 b called <33) my day has been ok !! i wasn't v productive but it was chill HAJKAHKSL I HOPE UR DAY WAS GOOD TOO MWUAH I AM GIVING U A HUG RN <333
im not sure what exact advice u are after, but here are some things i learned after being here a bit!!
1. don't be too intimidated to post! i would not have started posting on tumblr back in march if it wasn't for my friend's encouragement, otherwise i would have been way too scared to. having a fresh new account can b scary but u gotta post if u wanna grow !!
2. only post what ur comfy posting !!! this can reference a lot of things, but for me, this was cutting down my chara list/ending my event prematurely. for example, i do not like writing for childe, diluc, and zhongli. are these three three of the most popular charas? yes. would i possibly get more exposure/notes if i wrote for these charas? maybe. but i hate writing them, so i'm not gonna. this blog should be a source of happiness and relaxation, don't push yourself to do anything u dont want to do!
3. keep an organized layout! this isn't necessarily referring to ur blog itself (although having an easy to read/navigate blog is helpful as well) keeping your posts neat and organized (and refraining from just having a big block of text) will entice readers! i often find myself not reading a fic if the post itself is hard to read through
ahh i hope that was useful ;; if u have any other questions lmk :DD
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