#this looks like shit I was just doing sketch warmups
transgender-catboy · 11 months
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While my pen charges, have this fuckin thing
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tainted-liquor · 10 months
'Make it Awkward...⋆。°✩
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E1610!Miles Morales x BlackFem!Reader Ingredients: Sugar, Kisses, n a lil bit of smiles! TWs: Awkward teen love like rlly rlly awkward W/C: 1.8k A/N: SZA Inspired fic ❤︎!! another cute lil req from my 100 special!
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You and Miles had developed a sturdy friendship in middle school, with you always being hyped up as the "art kid" in each of your classes. Initially, he was a little bit bitter because he didn't really understand what the hype was all about. He could draw, and he could do it just as good as you. Which, granted was indeed true, but your work felt like something out of a Van Gogh discography. Each and every one of your paintings and drawings almost looked like there was a filter over them, like something out of a flurry dream that evoked nostalgia and warmth in whoever seemed to view them. To say he was inspired by you was an understatement, he wanted to drown himself in everything that was your talent.
But as time passed and spiders bit, you two grew apart from each other on account of him semi-blowing you off for Gwen. You stopped hanging out slowly, he began to drop art and pick up a sudden interest in physics and inter-dimensional travel, and even got...meaner? The kind and innocent kid that once was Miles suddenly became jumpy and antsy. You thought that you two had something worth way more than any other friendship you had, but one day shit just shifted into complete, and total, awkward silence. But as time heals all wounds, you slowly began talking again at the top of this month, right before your summer came to its close.
Miles quietly hummed along to the steady bump of the music in his headphones, nodding to the rhythm as he began illustrating a head in his sketchbook. As 'Les' By Childish Gambino slowly fizzed out and the electronic chords of 'Awkward' By SZA became known, his sketch started to warp a little. He didn't necessarily remember how or when, but he noticed his sketch become a lot less androgynous and more familiar, with twinkling brown eyes and thick curly hair becoming more detailed with each pencil stroke. It took him a while to realize, but eventually, he had drawn...you. Down to the finest details as well, your smile lines and your perfectly sculpted Nubian nose.
What he hadn't anticipated was filling up the next 2 pages of his sketchbook with both your face and the signature crochet fingerless gloves you wore during the winter. What initially was just a warmup while waiting for you to arrive at his house turned into a full-blown drawing session with you as the muse. You weren't even there and he still had drawn you 100% accurately from memory. He sighed as his playlist continued to play out a steady stream of nothing but SZA, leaning back in his chair as he stared up at the ceiling before he heard a knock on his room door. "Ah-Come in!" he yelped as he quickly put away his sketchbook, swapping out the pencils and paint markers for paintbrushes and canvases.
You gently pushed open the door, showing Miles your painted tote bag full of art supplies, such as watercolors, charcoal, oil paints, three palettes, and various paintbrushes. "Hey, Miles! Sorry, it took me a lil bit...that fuckin' line in the art store was INSANE" you chirped as you slowly entered Miles's room and set down your bag. You placed your shoes in the corner of his room before walking over to sit on his bed. He pulled off his headphones, gently placing them on their stand before spinning around in his indigo desk chair. "That's fine! Don't even worry about it I know how full them stores get" he shrugs as he grabs his Bluetooth speaker from off his shelf, motioning for you to follow him as he stacks the canvases and art supplies in his hands.
"C'mon, there's not enough space in my room for two people to paint," he explains as he climbs the stairs up to his apartment roof. You followed closely behind him, setting up the art supplies as he fidgeted with his speaker. You lean back against the wall as you sit on the concrete roof, taking in the pretty sky as you sketch out some buildings and a landscape on your canvas. "So how's summer for you, huh? What's her name...Gwen was it? How'd things go over with her?" You ask as you begin to add minor details to your sketch. Truth be told it ate you up every single time he would mention her in your past conversations, with you having a small...thing for him that grew over time.
"Oh! Uh, Gwen...yeah. Things went south, we don't really talk anymore..." He shrugs as he rips the plastic off of a rather large canvas. You nodded slowly, indicating that you were hanging on to his every word as you cracked open a fresh bottle of paint thinner, pouring it into a small glass cup before coating your brush in the clear mineral spirit. You slather a couple of shades of deep blue, rusty orange, bright magenta, and off-white on your paint palette as you work to form that beautiful 'sunset gradient' on your canvas. He connects his phone to the small black speaker, his playlist resuming quietly in the background. "But how's your summer been?" he asks as he mirrors the process of sitting beside you and leaning against the wall.
"My summer's been fine actually. Nothing too eventful, no trips or nothing, just taking a couple...ahem...adventures!" You explain as you recall how you nearly got in trouble with the police for trespassing in various abandoned locations for funsies. Miles gives you a playful side-eye, looking you up and down. "You sound a lil sketchy...what did YOU do this summer?" he chuckled as he began sketching out some scenery and what looked like the early stages of a body on his canvas. "Shhhh, your dad's a cop" you giggled as you picked up a smaller brush, filling in the buildings and scenery in your painting. You both chuckled at the slight confession, looking ahead of you so you could get an accurate view of what you were currently painting.
You took a small glance at what Miles was currently sketching, getting a good look at the faceless humanoid figure sitting cross-legged, with an unidentified object that vaguely resembled a pencil in her hand as she drew on her...face? Eyeliner maybe? You hummed along to 'Supermodel' By SZA. You held up your canvas closer to Miles's canvas, analyzing the difference in art styles. Yours was much more realistic, and heavily influenced by the world around you with your unique play on your color palette. whereas Miles was more stylized and thought out, the colors remaining true to their actual hue.
"What do you think this needs more of?" you ask as you tilt your canvas towards Miles. He thought for a moment, tilting his head slightly so he could thoroughly analyze the painting. "More shine to the light sources maybe? Like a soft glow!" he beamed as he pointed towards the canvas with the opposite end of his paintbrush. You nod with your signature full smile, smile leans indicating your raw and unfiltered joy. Miles's eyes lingered on you for a couple of seconds before he madly swiped away at his canvas, seemingly blocking out more details with darker shades of watercolor.
You spent the next four hours, yes, four hours giggling like children as Miles sang along terribly to some of the songs on his playlist, starting a mini karaoke session on his roof with the both of you. It began to get cold and dark, so you decided you would pick up the canvases again after going inside to get something to eat. He grabbed his speaker and supplies, leaving his large canvas on the roof of his building before disappearing through the door to his apartment complex. You stuffed most of what you wanted to bring back down into your bag, before deciding to look over at Miles's painting. It looked exactly like you, but you were younger.
You remembered that damn scrunchie you had locked on your wrist, your favorite dark red satin scrunchie that went perfectly with your uniform. You shifted slightly to get a better angle of the canvas, watching as 8th grade you sprung to life in the form of doing your eyeliner on the bathroom sink. Miles had been there with you, watching as you painfully kneeled on the edge of the sink and leaned hazardously close to the mirror. You smiled softly to yourself as you noticed each beauty mark you had perfectly positioned on your face, from each scar to every minor indent in your smile. You chuckled quietly before swinging open the door and bolting down the stairs, straight to Miles's room.
And there he was, viciously fucking up a cup of noodles like someone would take it from him at any moment. "Damn, is it good? it ain't goin' nowhere now..." you joked with wide eyes as he gestured to an identical cup cooling off by his mini desk fan. You ate alongside him in silence, not really knowing what to say to each other. "I see you're still painting like in middle school...?" he states, referring to your distinct blurred style of painting. "Huh...Oh! Yeah, haha. I miss middle school kinda." You shrug as you sit the cup down on the side of his desk.
"Really? I always thought you thought I was a lil annoying back in middle school. I think you were my quietest friend ever" he joked as he finished his cup, dunking it in his trash can. "Huh? I literally thought you were the cutest thing ever! If I thought you were annoying I would've told you!" you stated with a small chuckle. Miles seemed to think for a moment, pausing as he processed the first half of your sentence. "Wait, you thought I was cute this whole time?" He asked with wide eyes. "Yeah! I was quiet cuz I didn't wanna fuck anything up! I think I had the fattest crush on you!" you laughed as you realized he thought that YOU thought he was annoying this whole time.
He gawked for a minute, his jaw slacked and eyes even wider than before. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" he semi-shouted as he began pacing around his room. You could only laugh, saying "We were like 10 and I didn't know if you would've liked me back." He looked at you as if you had 2 heads, going on some long rant about how he always thought you just weren't interested or thought he was annoying. You silently got up from his bed, walking over to him and stopping him entirely.
Miles looked at you with a rather confused and amused expression, probably still processing the fact that you openly admitted to liking him in middle school. But nothing in the world could have prepared him for the delicate kiss that you placed on his lips. He eagerly closed the space between the two of you, wrapping one arm around your waist almost by instinct. You pulled away from him after what felt like years, muttering a small "Who taught you that?"
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booperbeanv3 · 2 months
☕ for the ask meme if you want to answer?
(from this)
☕ Do you do warmup sketches before drawing? (Bonus: do you have any to share?)
Sometimes! Depending on my mood it can evolve into a rough piece or it just. stays around. and I wonder why it looks like shit. I should really warm up properly tho cuz it just makes the sketch sesh so much cleaner
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hinamie · 2 months
☕️ and 🌊 for the artist ask? your art is so cool, I love the way you use color <3
Hi anon !!! thank u so much !
☕ Do you do warmup sketches before drawing? (Bonus: do you have any to share?)
aaaa I actually don't :< thumbnailing is usually the extent of the sketching I do which kind of sucks ! because warm up sketching seems like a really helpful habit to get into ! but my all or nothing mentality usually prevents me from sketching unless I intend to turn it into a finished piece and I hate leaving things half-done
🌊 What’s the hardest thing for you to draw? 
ooo ths a good question . I feel like the things that are hardest for me to draw are things I just avoid altogether ? like any vehicles or elaborate mechanic shit are examples of things I don't even attempt most of the time hh ,, but as for things I do draw regularly but struggle with/dread I really dislike backgrounds :( and perspective is hard :( and coming up with poses sucks :( and LEATHER fuck leather i hate rendering that shit specifically the matte kind i can never get it to look the way I want >:(((((
artist asks !
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pakeithpsy · 6 months
Just how.
How do artists do ANY of the things they do? How do they just draw without thinking about how it looks? How do they nail every single sketch on the very first try? How do they draw proper proportions and anatomy without ripping their hair out? I literally cannot draw ANYTHING without struggling for hours trying to get it right. I don’t understand how this is so effortless for hundreds if not THOUSANDS of other artists yet I can’t do it no matter how hard I try.
THIS is why I’m angry. THIS is why I’m bitter. THIS is why I never improve. I’ve been taking classes for years yet I can’t fucking draw anything right, and I’m sick of all the snooty pros acting like this shit is the easiest thing ever. It isn't. Every time I see a profession veteran artist say something like "Oh, just keep practicing and you'll be as good as me!" or "Just teach yourself this and that, I did it, why can't you?" or talk about how terrible their old art or warmup sketches are when they're the most gorgeous shit ever that would put Don Bluth to shame I just want to punch their face in because they don't understand what it's like to live without their gift. They think everybody is as fortunate and lucky as they are and can be taught and perfected the exact same way.
It feels like nobody understands. Nobody understands the drive to get better at art and pushing yourself to keep improving even though you NEVER EVER do. It feels like the only way to improve is to just be born good at it, and I had the misfortune to be born without any talent at all. All I can do is write, but from my experience being able to write is so useless I might as well be good at nothing.
All I've ever wanted in life is to be an artist but I never will because I have no talent or confidence or social skills for it. I can't even draw a simple hand or the most basic and rough gesture drawing. I struggle for hours just to draw a simple sketch that the average artist wouldn't even consider good enough for their reject pile. I've tried drawing every day and I've plowed through all the classes, tutorials, and references in the world and I've still only barely improved since middle school. What's the point in even trying anymore when nothing ever works?
I wish I never wanted to become an artist. I wish I never even touched a pencil in my life. I feel like I've just wasted my life pursuing a stupid pipe dream that was never meant to be and would've never made me happy to begin with. Even the few people trying to support me can't help - my family and therapists don't know the first thing about drawing and it feels like my teachers and classmates refuse to give me any critique out of fear of hurting my feelings and just tell me I'm "good enough" even though I'm clearly not. I feel so lost and alone as an artist, I feel like nobody will ever come along who can truly help me and all my fears and insecurities fall on deaf ears.
Last year I very seriously contemplated just destroying all of my art because it all felt so worthless and a painful reminder of my mediocrity and wasted dreams, and sometimes I think it was a mistake to not go through with it.
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techiebrots · 11 months
Hello so I’m going to be word vomiting in your ask box due to the beloved archive being down and I have thoughts tm about B team that weee caused by your drawings + others and also because you artist need to get an ask that is just a mega laser kung pow penis beam of love for what you create and I’m here to do that
B team look so friend-shaped! The way you draw them, with softer corners but keeping lines straight and the flat muted colors that are still bright and draws the eyes’ attention/greys which are layered in such a nice way
I also see the checkered orange-yellow blanket
ham is such a soft shade of pink which is easy on the eyes but is more vibrant than Peni and Noir (Morse obvious in noir and the contrasts between noir and ham is sooo good, opposite spectrums of color)
he’s more humanoid but he’s still cartoony and the way you draw him just fits so well with B team. A wonderful balance
Him and Peni together are just great, they’re probably incredibly chatty and Ham would get Peni more since he’s more in tuned with technology unlike noir’s old man soul
Peni having a round face in the artwork of B team napping together resonates with me, she looks so comfortable napping with her dads
also the doodles of ham and her brushing their teeth (or in ham’s case his eyes), her drinking out of her #1 daughter mug, and noir ruffling her hair :D the daughter and her two dads <3
noir! Dad and friend-shaped. Your rendition of him unmasked makes him so handsome and pretty, like he reminds me of the dad from my neighbors Totoro- except more worn out lol
The drawing you did of that fanfic where B team are chilling with Hobie and Noir listens to some of his music- that has been keeping me GOING through the blackout
he’s holding his hat next to his face and is one sentence away from hiding his face while ham is one moment looking at noir’s face from having his eyes turning into hearts
Im not really a writer that can put how much I adore the drawings into words that perfectly articulate every last thought I have but I hope I did pretty well and sound vaguely comprehensivable and that tumblr didn’t say something was wrong with send- god I had to rewrite this thing once already-
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HOLY FUCKING SHIT- UH THANKS! At first I thought this ask was just headcanons of team b and I was so ready to hear you out
While reading through this I got just a small idea of team b and decided to draw it out, which will be posted soon after this so thanks for the brief idea
Now here’s where I say my OWN incomprehensible ramblings so yay more text!
I have NEVER had someone inspect my art or at least told me they have so thanks! I am currently freaking the fuck out and going crazy actually, I have like five messages to my friend freaking out about this ask, and I WILL be rereading this every minute of the day
I have a lot of drawings of them all that will never see the light of day, mostly since they’re warmup drawings and I’m still figuring out how to draw them all consistently but I’m having fun. I mostly based ham off of how he looks in in comics since I love how silly he looks in them and also taking inspiration off of other artists who draw him.
Now here’s the fun part about that exact napping post you’re talking about, that post almost never got made. Like I completely abandoned the idea at first since I didn’t like the first sketch I made of it and almost discarded the idea a couple more times during the process of making it since I had a different idea in my head of what it was supposed to be. Even when i was done with it I was thinking of just not posting it since I didn’t completely like it myself, but now here we are with it being my most popular post. I like the drawing now since I pretty sure I was just staring at it for too long
AND THAT FIC DRAWING- WIZARD MAKES GREAT FICS! I keep rereading them and I will probably go back and read them AGAIN once archive is up and running, I have ideas for some of their fics to draw out but nothing concrete yet
Anyways in short i fucking appreciate this so much thanks! I am currently vomiting everywhere
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localsya · 1 year
ooooh questions 6, 8, and 15!!! (also the warmup question but that's four whole questions so I don't want to be too greedy lol)
heloooo hi heloooo uvu
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
I think a lot of things kfdgd most of the times is media or content that stuck with me, the red shoes is one of the biggest ones i always remember once in a while, also last night in soho, they are constantly in my head and i always remember them so im kinda really close to them hehe
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also some written media, the ones i always spin around is autobiography of red by anne carson, and the portrait of dorian gray!
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
sadly almost everything, most of the ideas i had around have been abadoned cause i simply dont have the energy/will/joy to work on them, these days focusing on art has been terribly hard -if not impossible tbh- get it ig, shit happens
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
mostly in my desk uvu, i like to have my own space where i can focus with me myself and i, i can def work somewhere else but i do need to be basically alone, or where i cant get distracted with anything, or no one there to distract me uvu
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
yup! i start my art sessions with loose sketches and doods, if im feeling specially lost, i do studies, after that where i feel loosen up and with a better sight i jump into actual work or bigger pieces hehe
sm examples:
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og piece by awanqi.
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or like these quickies that wont take more than 30 min
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apollotronica · 5 months
goodness. ok one big ask for all of them
🤍 - you scare me /pos
💛 - you are like a wet cat
💚 - one million dollars. for you
i'd say red but that's known
4. fav character/subject thats a bitch to draw
9. what are your file name conventions
24. do your references include stock images
27. do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? if so, what is it you draw to warm up with
30. what piece of yours do you think is underrated
specific and unrelated
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
7. what animal do you look forward to most when you visit an aquarium
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip
26. hows your spice tolerance?
bamboo - do you change into a different outfit when you get home
sage - what 'medium' of art (poetry, music, fiction, painting, statues, etc) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is
ivy - what are your 'tells' for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you're happy annoyed upset or tired
chamomile - what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts
aloe vera - what's something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
taro - if someone called you right now to catch up, what're the things youd tell them about
- 💌
OKAY JESUS HOLD ON these responses are for the heartsI SHOUDLNT SCARE YOU IM SO SWEETS and like you said . a wet cat .norhing to be afraid of . 10 jerbillion dollars for me
these r the attist asks i think
4 - honesltyUMMM i can never get dazais hair right . but hes pretty sinple everywhrr else . i also feel like i draw akutagawas hair inconsistently . all my problems are centered around hair
9 - my file names are whatever ibis paint x decides the file name is . unless i download it on my computer in which case its usually somr dumb shit
24 - SOOOOOMETIMES ???? i go on pinterest and just save and use whatever i need Hold on let me look at my reference folder rq. yeah ol i only have one stock image and its a dude holding a corndog
27 - NOPE my warmup is the sketch and maybe ill draw a couple face expressions on the side if im not in the zone yet . but no indont warm up usually
30 - THAT ONE OF IVLYA (OC) where hes like . almost facing the side .i cant find the image rn just go into my art tag😢
these repwonses r for the . unrelated/specific ones, 4 + 7 answered
16 - i like the mint . not the chocolatw chip . i think i would enjoy a minr chocolate swirl better because i hate chunks
26 - Um . average . i can handle like actual food spice like curry or other . things . but junk food like takis RUUUUUUIN MEEEEEE
these r for da get 2 know me ones ^_^ ivy ans chamomile answered
bamboo - Yeah i hate wearing outside clothes in the comfort of my home . i change into . usually what i slept in
sage - MUSIC AND POETRY i dont seem like a poetry guy i think but holy fucking shit some poems . some of them man. Ugh. and music theres so mucu potential Like . harmonies and shit dude im unwell . Music foreva
aloe vera - i kinda wna tto go on a real date Because like . idk that stuff is so foreign to me im not familiar with aaaany of it . i also want to get into baking
taro - FUCJ IT DEPENDS FROM WHEN HONESTLY i d let them know about my Mental Ailments i think id show off some art and link some of my socials maybe . and id talk about music . and things i got into while they were gone . Maybe attempt to discuss ... shivers . Feelings . i dont know
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keefwho · 1 year
May 24 - 2023
8:20 AM
Forgot to write about my day yesterday but I don’t really wanna do it late. Anyways I remember a short dream where I was dating this girl I used to be friends with in early high school before she went off the deep end. In the dream her ex’s were giving her a lot of shit and I was trying to convince her to let it all go because they were just trying to get to her like trolls would. 
11:56 PM
Getting to bed on time tonight. This morning I made a bologna sandwich for breakfast but I overcooked it a little so it was very dry. Today’s stream went okay, warmups felt slow and the commission stream guy was a little late but I changed my eraser to 75% opacity and it had exactly the effect I wanted. When I use it for my linework, lowering the opacity has given me greater flexibility with line weight and it leaves a gently remnant of my sketch lines where I allow it to. It makes for a look I really like, or at least avoids a look I don’t like which is when lines are too crisp. Too binary. After the stream I was meant to go on my treadmill for 45 minutes but I didn’t. I relaxed for a bit instead, I felt too tired to pull off a workout. When I went to shower I pulled off a very lackluster nut that I didn’t even want to follow through with halfway through but I had already started so if I didn’t finish then it might have bothered me for awhile. I was slow to figure out lunch which was some corndog bites, a can of beanie weenies, and a pineapple cup. I also put a glass of coke in the freezer for later. I wasn’t completely satisfied with how I did on the request today and after that I worked on a Zelda meme for a bit. It’s coming out well and I’m glad I feel like I’m finally starting to get a grasp of human facial proportions and head shape in a way that I can replicate. It’ll still be awhile before I figure out my own style for it though. Currently I’m sticking with copying other styles. With work complete I resolved myself to playing Zelda with a Twitch stream on the side until Daisy offered to call and then we played together. I did lots of exploring today and we started Yunobo’s quest. 
Sporticus has been in heat and should be done with it, tomorrow she needs a bath and a freshly cleaned bed. I’m thinking about taking another half of a gummy tomorrow for funsies. The half I took before barely did anything so might as well. I don’t know when I’ll feel like getting more high, but whenever I do it’ll be with 1 full gummy. Then depending on how that goes, maybe 2. 
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what brush do you use for your lineart? it looks so good ;;
My brushes r actually quite simple !!!!!!! I built them to compliment my very freehand/sketch style. If someone is interested, feel free to ask, I can check how to make them downloadable/whatever, but really I have just a couple things that I focus on when it comes to them!!!
Square tip. I use one in CSP called quadrado, I think its in the original set, I'll have to check that out later? But yeah I feel a square tip allows for some fun angular spots to really come through !!! This is also super popular in painting I think, angles & sharp edges r super important there
Shape dynamics. The super basic stuff. I have two main brushes; my basic square, which is for draw flow stuff, and a rough square, which i mostly use to fill in bigger areas / do some extra shading with. My basic square has more flexibility (a bigger range, a lower minimun value) and the rougher one is less flexable and most of the time chunky.
Density. I find density options more appealing to me compared to opacity, but I cant tell why? exactly???? yk???? But yeah. Again, basic square has more flexibility, and rougher less. I find the flexibility & range in my basic brush SUPER important, since i like sketching within my linework and erasing it away/cleaning it up. (difficult to explain- if someone wants a video feel free to ask)
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oSoOther settings go a bit more into semantics. I also use a blender tool to sometimes soften areas, and often my eraser is set to erasing on all layers so I can kinda build my linework ON my sketch layer and use it in the back as some extra flow.
My current style of drawing is inspired by som rly specific artists that I can talk abt if someone wants 2 hear. I do intend to experiment w stronger lines, im just a wuss and like all... squishy stuff ; v ;
U DIDNT ASK, but again bc i just loooove rambling abt this shit, some additional things that have personally helped me w linework!!!
Those super basic linework practices !!! Just drawing straight lines endlessly, drawing a squicle and trying to replicate it now w a slower stroke
Forcing urself to sketch fast; croquis !!!! I recommend croquis cafe for anyone looking to do this kinda stuff online, its GREAT. Just focus on the time, not how good the sketch is. Croquis is FANTASTIC. it helps u develop muscle memory for unique strokes, develop understanding of what u need to pay attention to (are you paying attention to shadow, light, where the weight of the body is, the squished parts, the stretched out parts, the skin, the muscle, the hair, etc) (ive personally done sessions just focusing on darkest shadow, midtone shadow etc, or light, or the stretched out parts, or just like, a few lines to give the idea of the pose ((eg 5 sec croquis)) ((tho i havent seen those in any web stuff, i had a class where we had those and they were fantastic))) anyways DO CROQUIS AND ALLOW URSELF 2 SUCK AT IT DO IT UNTIL UR HAND HURTS AND UR HEAD HURTS (dont actually do that please) (drink water, take breaks, stretch ur hand)
Warmups !!! before i take on a serious linework, I ALWAYS DO WARMUPS. Some lighter line stuff, flowier line stuff. I often do croquis for this. If i dont do this i get more severe hand cramps, because.... yeah
Traditional sketches w different pens. Preferably ones that u cant erase. Kinda similiarly to croquis, this is super good to just develop more confidence w ur lines. U cant go back and erase them so... U just have to learn to get them right. Im bolding this bcs this is probably the one tip i heard that has helped me the most. All my traditional sketches w pens r ugly as hell but they seriously have helped me so much to get some more freedom and have more fun when drawing & not worry all the time, and its made the process way more enjoyable !!!!
Also please take breaks and stretch ur hand !!! THeres a lot of good guides for artists to stretch their hands :> Seriously. Take care of urself.
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anianimol · 4 years
okokok id like to request somethin from the fluff prompt pls hehehe ushi & 11? or asahi if u dont wanna write for ushijima:) thanks bb!! 🤍🤍
a/n: ALLI BB!☺️!! I haven’t gotten to write this man in SO long so ty! (p.s. this was supposed to be a drabble but oops I got carried away)
warnings: I think there’s like one swear word, lol + like slightly spicy kissing?
!!premise: spending your mornings enjoying your neighborhood’s botanical gardens, a certain captain begins to join you, and not just to cultivate his green thumb.
prompt #11: “I think I’m in love with you.”
Ushijima Wakatoshi checked his watch as the doors to the gym swung open, signaling the end of practice.
“11:47 AM.”
Shit. He was late.
Slinging the maroon duffel across his body, he broke into a sprint, the swishing of his warmup jacket and the whistle of the wind the only audible sounds of the crisp summer morning.
You heard his presence before you saw it, those familiar heavy footsteps pounding against the concrete, only pausing a few paces away from you as his heaving chest found a calmer rhythm.
You thought it was cute, how he tried to make it seem like he hadn’t dashed all the way here from Shiratorizawa’s campus—a twenty minute walk from the gardens, an even longer one for anyone coming straight from a grueling three-hour morning practice.
Peeking at your phone, you glanced at the time;
“11:54 AM.”
Well, Toshi wasn’t exactly your average human.
The wooden planks of the gazebo groaned under his heavy trod as he padded up its steps, his movements slow and deliberate, as if not to disturb you.
He was silent for a moment as he sat, settling his bag beside you.
The quiet between the two of you was routine—not awkward, or forced, but comforting. You seemed to have an unspoken understanding of one another, each relishing in the calm of the garden’s hidden oasis.
Getting lost on your way home from classes, you had stumbled across the spot coincidentally years before, immediately proclaiming it your new hideaway—your very own secret garden.
Though it wasn’t long before a certain upcoming volleyball superstar from your school discovered your best kept secret.
You remembered the moment as if it were yesterday—heading back from campus, you jogged briskly up the winding path, slipping through rows of trees, whistling to yourself as you made your way up the oak steps. You froze at the entrance, hand clamping over your lips as your gaze settled on the boy before you.
Stretched out upon the bench, he lay with an arm shading his eyes, his broad chest rising slowly, breaths even and deep. Toffee brown locks feathered his forehead, ruffled messily by the wind. You noticed the familiar garments he wore, the inky purple hue against a stark shade of ivory, eyes flitting over his loosened tie and forgotten blazer.
Ignoring the heat that began to rush to your cheeks, you tiptoed to a spot across from him, settling yourself on the bench and slipping a bound leather notebook from your bag. Fingering through pages covered in sketches of greenery and blossoms, you decided it was time you attempted a new subject.
Ushijima’s eyes fluttered open, squinting at the sunlight which poked out from between the branches of a large fern nearby. Rubbing his temples, his ears perked up at a sound, something like a soft scratching, or maybe...?
Eyes wide, he shot up, his gaze immediately landing on the figure that sat across from him.
Head bent in concentration, your hand moved skillfully against the paper, the graphite sliding smoothly, etching silky lines upon the blank surface.
A breeze blew through the wooden fortress, blowing small strands of hair into your face, tickling plush skin, brushing past faintly flushed lips, as if they had just been bitten.
He felt a breath catch in this throat, clearing it with a low cough.
At the sound, you glanced up, your eyes locking immediately.
Smiling warmly at his flustered expression, you greeted him with a shy laugh;
“Toshi. Toshi! Helloooooooo!”
You chuckled as the man beside you blinked, looking to you in surprise.
The brunette dropped his gaze, mumbling a low “Sorry.”
Placing your sketchbook to the side, you glanced over, intrigued by his strange behavior.
“Something wrong?” you mused, poking at his bicep, which you hadn’t recalled being so muscled the last time the two of you had met.
He shrugged, not meeting your eyes, his hands fiddling with something you couldn’t see.
“What’s that?” you asked, leaning forward against him, a hand reaching out; “Let me see!”
Ushijima stiffened beside you, his large palms instantly clamping shut, concealing the hidden object.
Pouting, you tugged at his sleeve, whining, “Come onnn, I let you look at my drawings all the time!! Nobody else gets to see them, so just show me once!”
Wakatoshi felt his cheeks begin to burn as you brushed against his arm, looking up at him with those shining eyes he found extremely hard to resist.
“Fine. Close your eyes.”
Slightly puzzled but not wanting to push him further, you squeezed your eyes shut.
A soft gasp slipped out as something cool feathered your wrist, peaking your curiosity.
Upon your left wrist lay a delicate bracelet, a beautiful thin, golden chain adorned with handsome white blossoms. As you held your hand up to the light, tiny fuchsia petals smiled back at you beside the brilliant alabaster of the apple blossoms.
“For me?” you murmured incredulously, glancing to the man at your side.
He nodded, a soft smile dancing upon his lips at your glowing expression.
“Thank you, it’s beautiful!”
Without thinking, you threw your arms around his neck, leaving the captain sputtering in surprise, his face now buried in your hair. Had you always smelled this good?
“I love it,” you laughed, amused by his bashful reaction. Cupping his cheek with one hand, you pressed your lips gently to his skin, the soft peach fuzz tickling your nose.
Pulling away slightly, the gaze you were met with brought that same feeling of butterflies you had experienced the first day you had met, all those years ago. His chocolate irises were focused, filled with the kind of warmth you had never seen in them before.
“Toshi, what—“you started, freezing as his calloused hand rose to brush against the apple of your cheek, palm so wide that it grazed against the side of your jaw as his fingers wove with your hair.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now.”
Bridging the gap between you, his lips met yours, unsure at first, catching your bottom lip between his, the gentle pressure of his hot mouth leaving your head spinning.
Allowing the electric feeling to take over, your lips moved against his fervently, the hidden desire that pooled within you surfacing, sending waves of goosebumps across your body at the thought of Toshi’s soft lips melting against your mouth.
As his touch seared across your skin, your body moved of its own accord, yielding to his warmth and allowing him to clutch you to his strong chest, his arm supporting your waist.
Cradling you in his arms, Toshi broke away after a long moment, his breathing heavy and eyes glazed with longing.
Resting your forehead to his as your breaths began to even out, you leaned into the hand that caressed your face tenderly, inhaling his heavenly scent.
“Rest.” His voice was hoarse, almost a whisper as he tucked your head into the nape of his neck.
Lids growing heavy, you nuzzled against him, sighing contently.
As he peered down at your sleeping form, his lips came to rest at your crown, murmuring into your hair;
“I think I’m in love with you.”
The apple blossom symbolizes preference. When gifted to another, it says, “I prefer you before all.”
🍄taglist: @janellion @stcrryskies @kuronekomama @the-kool-aid-man-is-real @fandomwriter73 @deadontheinsidebut @thirsthourdemon @bokutoskb ☺️
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dreamy-writings · 3 years
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~ Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
~ Synopsis: You’re afraid of thunderstorms.
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You were bundled up in Katsuki’s warm blanket while he was away on patrol. It was raining heavily today, and the air was fresh and cold, but a nice kind of cold.
You sipped on your hot chocolate, content. Today was the perfect day to get a drawing done, something about rain was really motivating! You’d hoped there wouldn’t be any loud thunderstorms though, since the only person you could cling to now was the large white bunny plush next to you on the bed, and you were sure it was as helpless as you in this situation.
You pulled out your tablet, and turned it on, getting out your pen.
Humming quietly, you turned on a song to suit the theme of your drawing, and so, you began the sketching process. And eventually, after getting stuck, you decided to actually do those warmup sketches.
The windows shock, and a loud thunder rang out, making you jump and almost knock the tablet away. You trembled a bit, hugging the bunny close, stifling a whimper. “Damn...why is he taking so long..?” You reached out for your phone, but you saw lightning out of the window, and quickly blocked your ears for the incoming thunder. You let go eventually after a few seconds, looking around, and then it happened. You teared up, hugging the bunny tighter.
Luck really wasn’t on your side today, huh?
You frowned, mumbling. “Katsuki is taking too long, right, Berny? What do we do now?” The phone rang, and you jumped again, startled before picking it up and answering. “K-katsuki? Is that you?” You stuttered, hugging Berny tightly. “Is something wrong? You sound nervous.” He picked up on it fast, hm? “Me? Nervous? Why?” You denied, giggling nervously. He was right, damn it. You could feel him sigh as he always did when you tried to deny something he was right about, and he let out a huff. “What is it, babe? You can tell me you know.” He reassured, trying to keep you calm and make sure you were okay. “Ah..it’s thunder...I hate thunderstorms..” You mumbled, embarrassed. Why were you so scared of them? They were completely normal! “Oh..well, don’t worry, alright? I’ll be done soon. This villains aren’t gonna last against The Great God of Killing Bomb Dynamight!” You couldn’t hold back the laugh that escaped you at the mention of his hero name, it was a bit...too long. But it was kind of endearing. “Alright, I’ll b-be waiting, but take your time! And be careful!” Bakugou tended to get excited a lot in battle, which always worried you, it was risky and you never wanted him to get hurt because of his rather reckless actions. He laughed. “Yeah, sure. You take care too.” He hung up, and you kissed the top of Berny’s head. “He’s coming s-soon, we don’t need to worry, Berny.” You imagined it’d agree, because of course Berny trusted Bakugou as much as you did, he was a wonderful hero after all. Two hours passed, and the door was flung open. Loud footsteps echoed throughout the eerily quiet house, and Bakugou looked around for you. “Y/N, you here?” No response. “Love...it’s okay, I’m back.” He kept searching for you, until he heard a muffled whimper in the room. He lifted the blanket off, and there was your tablet underneath it. He frowned, peeking under the bed, and there you were, hugging Berny, tears streaming down your cheek as you attempted to muffle your cries with the bunny you held close. He frowned, cursing under his breath. It was his fault he was late, if he was just faster then maybe… He sighed. “Come out now, baby. It’s okay, I’m here now.” You stared at him for a while, too scared to even move, then gave him a slight nod. And slowly, but surely, you crawled out from underneath the bed, still holding Berny close. Once you were seated in front of him, his expression looked a bit more relaxed. “Can I touch you?” You nodded, and he moved slowly. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close and letting out a breath of relief. “It’s okay now, I’m here.” You buried your face in his shirt, nodding into it, wrapping your arms back around him tightly, too afraid to let go of him. He stayed with you until you calmed down, burying his face in your hair and inhaling the scent of your shampoo. He picked you up eventually, putting you down on the bed. “I like the sketch, by the way.” You giggled, shaking your head. “It’s not th-that good.” “Eh? You’re saying I have shit taste in art?” “No!!” “Then it’s good.” He pecked your lips softly, patting your hair. “Sorry I was late.” “You were fighting villains, it’s not your fault…” You mumbled quietly.
“You’re my responsibility too, dumbass.” He said, kissing your cheek. “You should sleep, I’ll be here while you do.” “But you just came…” “So?” You gave in, closing your eyes and cuddling close to him.
“Fine…’night, katsu…” “Goodnight, idiot.“
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klm-zoflorr · 2 years
I'm gonna send u another :3
🙃☕🌊<- for the ask game :33
Sadly I have already answered 🙃 to this beloved friend of mine that sends me lovely asks in a very timely manner, so I'm gonna have to redirect you to it: https://klm-zoflorr.tumblr.com/post/673613883115749376. Very sorry for the inconvenience 😬 but you should just get gud
☕ Do you do warmup sketches before drawing? (Bonus: do you have any to share?)
Do you think I'm made out of time over there?! It's already hard enough to keep focused to draw an hour now I have to warm up for an hour before?! Imma be honest if I did warm up sketches i'd do nothing but the warm up sketches. Also when I got an idea in my mind I have to do it NOW
🌊 What’s the hardest thing for you to draw? 
Mmh... I think I struggle an awful lot with animals. Basically first grade doodles lol, I just do not get what it's supposed to look like. I can do cute cat emojis tho xD
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But yeah apart from that I take issue with clothes and how folds work. Simply do NOT get this shit.
Ask game
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kessielrg · 3 years
Comeback Kid: Part 3
Summary: More third person additions to the chaos rp that @chibi-mushroom​​ and @animacreates​​ are doing.This time, Sabrina has spontaneously decided to break up with Ventus after what could amount to a nervous breakdown. In the aftermath, she is forced to take all her vacation time and become reacquainted with one of her favorite hobbies. But is it enough to get over Ven, or will the memory of him be too much to ignore?
Rating: K+
Word Count: 2,492 words
Part: 1 | 2 | 3
If you liked this story, please reblog!
In dance, the phrase 'one more time' was its biggest lie. It was always 'one more time' before you ran through the routine seven more times. It was very common for a class to sometimes run five to ten minutes over just because the teacher wanted to make sure everyone had the right steps down. The only good thing about having private lessons meant that you could almost end the session whenever you wanted. Roxanne wasn't that bad either- no surprise, Max was pretty good at finding genuine girls.
Not much smaller than Sabrina, Roxanne was a lovely redhead with a habit of twisting her hair when she was nervous or excited. When dancing, she kept her hair up in a high ponytail with a little strand hanging down on the right side of her face. Sabrina didn't want to admit it, but Roxanne was pretty good as an instructor. Just a few days under her tutelage and Sabrina was once more accustomed to her dancing shoes. It also helped that Sabrina was there four times a week. She would have been here six times a week if her family wasn't closely monitoring her. It was like being a preteen all over again.
“The recital isn't that far away, but if you want to, I'm sure we can squeeze you in.” Roxanne offered after the first week. At this point, Sabrina had gotten a refresher on the basics, so she and Roxanne were working on a short routine for her to further develop her old skills. “You can use this routine we're going through and everything.”
“I've got all the time in the world, Roxanne.” Sabrina prudently informed her. She couldn't look at her teacher because she was currently stretching a leg on the barre. “I can be here every day of the week if I wanted. As long as I'm home before 10. I'm on a curfew.”
“Any particular reason?” Roxanne asked, not meaning any harm. “I noticed that someone usually drops you off. Max mentioned that you were trying to recuperate from a bad breakup. Is that still the case?”
Sabrina's body tensed. “Yeah.” she grumbled. She switched legs before telling Roxanne, “Apparently, coming home and screaming like you've got witnessed a murder means you've had a mental breakdown and need to take a month to recover. If that.”
“Oh, wow.” Roxanne marveled. “I didn't know. I'm sorry. Let's talk about something else, then!”
“Let's.” came the agreeing hiss.
“I know!” the bubbly instructor said. “The local radio station is going to be interviewing some staff here at the studio for a little sketch they're doing. Something about hometown heroes or hotspots? Either way, I'm one of the staff that volunteered to be interviewed, so I may have to leave our session for a bit to talk to one of the hosts.”
“When is this happening?” Sabrina questioned, putting her leg down so she could give Roxanne a hard glare.
“Next Monday, I believe.” Roxanne grinned. But then she noticed Sabrina's dark expression and seemed taken aback. “You don't mind, do you?”
“No, I guess not.” Sabrina replied, her voice rather dark, before she got down to the floor to straddle the wall. Maybe the pain from the stretch warmup would distract enough to not be bitter.
. . .
“Lengthen your body a bit more. Good. Now lower your leg slowly… Perfect!”
This routine was becoming second nature at this point. Roxanne would sometimes stand near Sabrina to help her balance a bit when they had to review certain positions, such as at this moment. Not that Sabrina particularly enjoyed the -literal- hand holding. Still, someone would have tutted at her for not accepting other's help- let alone from her own teacher. She could stomach this for now.
The girls were interrupted when Roxanne's phone started to go off. She carefully let go of Sabrina before going on over to see who it was. She gave the phone a rather funny look as she answered it.
“Hello?” she asked. Sabrina only half listened to the conversation as she got some water from her water bottle. “Is he here? That's great! I'll be out in a moment.”
Roxanne happily twisted her hanging strand of hair. “He's here!” she happily announced to Sabrina.
“I'll be back in a jiffy. Feel free to go through the routine again, or whatever else you'd like.”
Sabrina gave the instructor a rather disinterested hum in response. It didn't phase Roxanne in the slightest. She happily smiled before heading on out the door. Sabrina looked back to where Roxanne had left, then her gaze fell to the one-way mirror next to the door. It was placed there so parents could watch their children dance. Sabrina had a good feeling that other people used it to peep in on whoever was in that studio at the time. She knew that at least one single parent on Mondays looked in on her while she practiced. He wasn't particularly cute and his kid was a brat, always asking to go to the bathroom so they didn't have to be in a class they didn't even enjoy.
She had a feeling someone was watching her now, and the thought made her grimace.
Besides throwing a towel up at the window, there wasn't much Sabrina could do about it. So instead she went to the stereo and flipped through her music playlist. She didn't know how long Roxanne would take, but she wouldn't spend her time just sitting around for her. Sabrina clicked her tongue as she went through every song she had, not liking a single one at the moment. She finally paused when a song with a relatively good beat started to play. Her expression hard, Sabrina carefully stepped away from the stereo to the center of the room.
She looked at herself in the mirror as she started to move her body to the music. It was like she was experimenting. The routine she and Roxanne were working on led emphasis more to her legs and upper body control than much else. But this time, Sabrina just went with whatever felt good. Quick foot movements, seductive little hip tilts, her arms used to bring her chest up a bit higher as she continued to watch herself. Sometimes she'd close her eyes- phantom images of a certain someone crossing her mind as she moved her body just the way she wanted. She never once got the chance to 'service' him like a professional. The idea just never came up before. Now it was the only thing she could think of.
She was a bit disappointed when the song ended. At the same time, she didn't realize how much of a workout she had given herself. Her chest lightly heaved as she caught her breath. She wasn't quite aware that the door to the studio room opened up until she saw someone with fiery red hair enter with Roxanne. Sabrina immediately spun around to give them both a dark glare. Roxanne didn't seem to notice Sabrina's annoyance, the newcomer (who had to be a good six feet at least) just grinned at her in a smarmy way.
“Sabrina!” Roxanne happily said, “Come meet Lea. He's that radio host I mentioned earlier.”
Sabrina remained rooted in her spot. It didn't stop Lea from casually walking over to her, extending his hand in hopes of an earnest handshake.
“Pleasure to meet'cha!” Lea grinned. It didn't change Sabrina's outlook on him in the slightest. “Your name is Sabrina, yeah? You wouldn't happen to be the same Sabrina that used to work at the police station with Sora, are you? The one that was fraternizing with another cop. Ventus, I think?”
Sabrina's face immediately paled. Without meaning to, she grumbled under her breath, “Shit.”
“So you are her!” Lea gleefully marveled. “Sora's got a lotta respect for you. Makes Kairi jealous sometimes, you know?”
Sabrina just gave him a stiff nod- unsure if she was going to kill Kairi first when she next saw her, or Sora. Maybe both. Both sounded incredibly tempting at the moment. Then she could steal their kid as a peace offering to Ventus. It would be the perfect revenge.
“How do you know Kairi and Sora?” she asked instead through clenched teeth. She did accept his handshake, although her grip was a bit too hard. Oh well, she had to assert dominance over this moron somehow.
“I'm Kairi's brother if you'd believe it.” Lea snorted. He pulled his hand away with a little shake, but didn't say anything about it. “We don't get to meet up as often as we'd like, but when we do��! Phew, her man really knows how to tell a story.”
“Sora does have a chronic 'won't shut up' problem.” Sabrina agreed with a sneer. She folded her arms in front of her chest in defiance.
“Now, I wouldn't put it like that,” Lea laughed, placing a hand behind his neck. “But he is animated. Hopefully having kids won't knock that out of him too much.”
“Here's hoping.”
From there, a dead silence fell between the two of them. Sabrina casting daggers at Lea from her eyes, while Lea likewise felt a bit out of place. There were few people who made him feel small. Kairi when she was peeved was one of them. This girl, Sabrina, was starting to become another.
“Well, I, uh, should let you girls get back to your lesson.” Lea stammered, hoping to get out of the room as fast as possible now. “It was a pleasure to meet you guys. Roxanne. Sabrina.”
Roxanne gave a happy wave as Lea left, Sabrina just continued to give him a hard glare. Once it was sure that he had left the building, Roxanne immediately turned to Sabrina to take her by the hands.
“You were a cop?!” the bubbly redhead asked. Sabrina’s whole body tensed as she tried to get out of her instructor’s grip.
“Roxanne, now isn’t the time…”
But Roxanne was too in wonder to do much else.
“Well it’s no wonder you got such refined upper body strength!” she went on. “You can’t really tell because you don’t show off a six pack or anything, but do you ever look at yourself in the mirror? How your abs just contract and expand in this beautiful way?”
“How does that even-?”
At this point, Sabrina might as well give up making Roxanne change the subject. She was going to have to excuse herself to leave early today if this kept up. Why did talking about the past feel so much more draining now? It’s not like it was anything she was -too- ashamed of. Were the memories draining because she worked to the point of exhaustion? Was it because of the people she spent time with? No, that couldn’t be right- would it?
Either way, Sabrina was sure of something;
If she saw Lea again, it would be far too soon.
. . .
Sabrina looked at Roxanne like the dance instructor just told her Ventus had recently punted a puppy.
“Don’t worry,” she tried to tell the unamused dancer, “You’ll still be able to do your single routine at the recital. But I think it would be good if you tried a pas de deux as well.”
“With who, Roxanne? Because I don't know anyone else in this studio, and I sure as hell am not just going to start shaking hands with the first guy that walks in.”
Roxanne very quickly twirled her strand of hair in excitement. “Oh, but I think you already know who this is. He’s been a super quick learner for our first session. You and him can come up with a routine for the recital in a snap.”
Sabrina just continued to stare. “No, I don’t think I do.”
“Just trust me.” Roxanne told her, even putting a hand on her shoulder. “He’ll be here on Thursday. I’m going to get you two started as soon as possible.”
Sabrina emitted a low growl of displeasure. Even when she had freedom, she was still trapped. But she was patient… to a degree. She decided to humor Roxanne and waited dutifully for her new dance partner. The odd feeling that the certain someone was blonde kept nagging at her. When the door to the studio room opened, she had to physically keep herself from strangling the six foot, fire red haired mutant that actually did come through the door. He even acted all surprised and thrilled to be with her- that fool.
“Hey Sabrina!” he cheerfully greeted. “Roxanne was telling me that you're looking for a dance partner.”
“I am not.” came the prudent reply. She even folded her arms in displeasure as he walked further forward.
“Ah, too bad.” he teased. He boastfully pointed to himself before adding, “Because you got one right here!”
“Behind the beanpole in front of me, or are they somewhere else in the building? It would be rude to not tell them they aren't wanted to their face.”
“Ha, ha.” Lea retorted in a dry tone. “Look, Roxanne’s kinda already gave me the spiel that you’re not that trusting toward others. I ain’t gonna knock that outta ya because it’s your business. But you’re a good dancer. You put a lot of heart into what you do. Now, I may not be the best, but I want to work with you.”
Sabrina held herself tighter. “Why?” she sharply questioned. “What do you have to gain from it?”
“Do I have to have anything to gain from it?” Lea wondered right back, his hand sheepishly reaching behind his neck. “Maybe I’d just like to dance with a talented partner? Do I hafta go through a whole interview process?”
She wasn’t going to lie, it sounded incredibly tempting. But this wasn’t the police station. This wasn’t even her trying to find some good trait in a super lousy county treasurer with delusions of grandeur. She didn't know Lea well enough to know what he'd do at all. Not knowing if she couldn't trust someone was like being vulnerable; she couldn't allow it, and she wanted it even less. However, she likely wouldn't even be in this spot if she didn't open up more. She flinched, not for the first time today thinking of someone else. If she could have just stopped being an abusive monster and just talked to him like he wanted…
“Fine.” she finally grumbled. Her fingers digging into her arms as she looked back up at Lea. “But only until this next recital. After that, I don't want anything to do with you.”
“Alright, geez.” Lea retorted, unsure if he should be grateful or even more wary. “Dancing with one guy isn't going to change your whole outlook on life, kid.”
Sabrina recoiled a bit. Lea didn't know it, but that was exactly what she wanted to do.
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archivebottles · 4 years
do you have any advice about artist block lmao, ive got ideas but no willpower and then i see your amazing art and i’m in awe
hmm i usually use an art block as a sign i should take a break from art and consume media instead, but you can also see if maybe you need some new music to draw with(i only like upbeat tracks bc it gets me movin), maybe change where u draw or when? maybe ur better at focusing at art at night until you can get urself in the habit of drawing!
you could also see if trying some warmups will help you out? i know ppl may have the idea that warmups are a finished doodle BUT HONESTLY most warmups can look something like this
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warmups for me are usually things to help me get used to being on a tablet and how sturdy and controlled my lines are (notice the difference between the bigger block of lines and the smaller one after i started doing these)
if you can get urself to draw little shapes n shit then maybe it can break you into doing something bigger
BUT if you have the idea why not just sketch then out and then let them sit because whenever i have an idea i try and at least Write it down so i dont forget it and my sketches can range from
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i tell myself they dont have to be 100% correct bc a lot of the times my sketches are What Not To Do in art lol
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arkannis · 3 years
hi, i’ve been reblogging your art for a while and wanted to ask if you have any advice about getting better? (you are super talented 😭😭)
hi! first of all thank u !! long post incoming they dont have the keep reading option on mobile, my bad
second of all i am bad at giving advice because i am in NO way knowledgeable about...art..? i am completely self taught and ive been drawing for a long time. this is what works for ME:
you don't need to make a whole art piece everyday
use references like your life depends on it. no seriously. unless you have the ability to draw from memory (unlikely)
i look at other people's art tutorials because they break down components in an understandable way
when i draw humans, i draw realistically sometimes. helps me understand actual facial anatomy before adapting it into my own style
i watch speedpaints/art timelapses a lot. seeing another person's process helps me learn a lot about how they approach their artwork - and how i can apply that to my own process. this can be about how they start off a painting (sketching vs. blocks of color first) or what they color first (focusing on values i.e. greyscale or base colors right away?)
now actual advice from other people that ive read and i definitely do not do:
warmup drawings and by that i mean lines and circles, not whole artworks
i should REALLY take this advice. its good to understand the fundamentals/basics of art like values and color theory and composition. i know in cosmetics they say that makeup has no rules but it does have a theory. i imagine visual art is somewhat the same?
work smarter, not harder.: use the resources that your medium is offering you
yes thats all i got. im not a professional. also you should compare yourself to yourself, not others (quite difficult to do but we can still do it!). development in art skills is different for every individual depending on time, resources and experiences. don't be afraid of constructive criticism! as long as you actually asked for criticism. people who just freely say unwanted shit r annoying lol.
i hope this is of use to you😫 this took a long time to write bc im wary of advice i give
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