#this man has killed and will kill again if his captain or crew requires it
notkingyet2 · 9 months
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crowrave · 2 months
I Hate You (Because All I See Is Myself)
Crown‘s insanity gives way for his mind to truly dwell in his resentments of existence. He also gets into a verbal fight with the magic of the Dark Sea that controls his mind.
⚠️ self-depreciation, slight description of blood and injury, manipulation attempt, and feelings of isolation. (Also my writing is still kinda shitty)⚠️
Story is under the cut, as always!
It’s the middle of the night in the Nimbus Sea. The dull, unfeeling moon remains stagnant in the sky, gleaming down at the waters below it. The chilling cold of the ocean breeze, paired with the beginnings of a hellish war brings forth a particularly sour mood for a certain Vice Captain.
Cain Crown sits at his desk, glaring at a mirror on the wall in front of him. He stares it down with burning hatred in his eyes— scorning its very presence with as much contempt he can muster.
The reflection does not react. The only thing interesting about it would simply be his own reflection staring back. Crown does not seem to agree with this observation.
The Navy guard continues to grip onto the wooden table; leaning as far forward as he can while looking at the mirror the entire time. He remains silent for a few minutes longer.
Eventually, he finally slumps down in his seat, grumbling to himself and keeping an eye on the frame of the glass. He seems rather discontent with the mirror’s continued existence.
He glowers at the reflective surface, seething with rage at his own appearance in the mirror. The face looking back at him seems… off. As if it’s using the man’s face to express a very smug expression.
“Stop looking at me like that. How about you fuck off, and just leave me alone?”
The one before him simply smiles— although, Crown himself retains a scowl. He can feel his mouth speaking, and hears a gentle, but mocking voice come from his throat.
“What look am I giving you? Perhaps you’ve simply gone mad again. You’re quite easy to rile up, you know.”
The Captain continues to express his displeasure of seemingly being used as a vessel for another.
“If I could, I’d stick a foot up your ass. Why insist on sticking around? I know you’ve got far better things to do than stay here and taunt me.”
The man in the mirror hums. They tilt their head with a smile that feels far too fake to be genuine.
“Why not? It’s fun. You can’t get rid of me. I’m you. No amount of warding potions or denial will change that.”
“Come back to the Dark Sea. It’s much more interesting there when you’re around. Perhaps you might even rid yourself of me, yet.”
Crown returns the reflection’s smile with a scathing glare. He narrows his eyes, and slams a fist down onto the wooden surface.
“Don’t play games with me, you asshole. You’re just gonna try to take over again, aren’t you? You’ve done plenty of that even out of that cursed place. There’s not need for returning when you made it clear you don’t even require being there to take control of my life.”
The looking glass silently gives a scrutinizing gaze. The smile on its face becomes strained, and its hands begin to clench in what appears to be frustration.
“Your opinion on the matter means nothing to me. Why defy my suggestions if you already know there’s no point in fighting back? Give me the reigns. Your time has come to an end, anyways.”
“Your friends don’t care for you. I can make them regret it. They’ll be worshiping you like the god you are. All I need is your support. Give in.”
The last bits of the vice captain’s sanity scream at him to get the fuck away. To flee, and break that god-damned mirror and kill other him that seems oh so entertained by his misery.
He doesn’t dare to show weakness. Not when he’s face-to-face with such a despicable foe. He snarls at the reflection, and draws his fist back.
…the resounding sound of glass shattering likely woke up his crew. Blood drops from his knuckles and down to his arm, leaving droplets of blood on the desk. Glass lodges itself into his hand, and the searing pain from it just makes him angrier.
He doesn’t care. They’ll just think he’s fucking around again, and go back to sleep.
And that’s the worst part. They don’t know just how much he’s struggling. How the ‘leader’ they look up to is hardly even alive at all. How no matter how hard he tries. No matter now many opponents he’s fought, no matter the amount of people he’s killed for the sake of their safety.
None of it will ever amount to the losing battle he’s fighting. Himself. Because they were right. They are him, in a sick, and twisted way. And that will never change.
He may be Cain Crown, fierce Vice Captain of the Grand Navy; near-invincible and immortal demigod that has slain thousands for his own personal gain—!
But he shall forever be fated to become nothing but Cain Crown, an amnesiac dumbass that lost his mind to his own curiosity. The Dark Sea will consume him, and he will become nothing but another story to tell of a lost soul who was swept away into history.
The man feels the sanity of his mind receding once more. He grips his head, and sighs.
The small moment of clarity is hidden away. No one takes a second glance at them in the morning when he gives the crewmates a friendly wave with a bandaged hand.
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decent0distraction · 10 months
Okay so
Stede wants to go to the Republic of Pirates and Nigel INSISTS on going with because yeah Stede is gonna get himself killed. And when Jackie threatens to take his nose, Nigel is all like “um?? Excuse you??” But mans is still in uniform??? And they get thrown out immediately.
There’s a little shopping required now but the crew has to explain that shopping as a pirate means stealing. Stede is against that but Nigel has now been hand delivered the reality that his clothes are putting them in danger so he just takes em.
I love the idea that yellow is now Nigel’s favorite color because it reminds him of Stede, but yellow is NOT Nigel’s color apparently. So Stede, while he disapproves of theft, helps Nigel put together a proper outfit. He chooses a nice green jacket for the man, a yellow handkerchief in the pocket. Pairing it with a black shirt and a good sturdy pant, Nigel keeps his old boots and his sword of course, but he manages to find a yellow and emerald holster (is that what they call those sword holder things) and it all just looks very nice.
Anyway, back to the main story.
The entire time Stede, Nigel, and Lucius are trying to find someone to buy the remaining Navy officer, that dude is being RUUUUDDE to Nigel. Basically calling him a traitor and telling him that Stede will never fall for this act.
Stede surprises Nigel by shutting the man up, threatening to skin him alive if he dares speak another word.
“Where on Earth did that come from,” Nigel asked, the man behind them silent and frightened.
“I haven’t the slightest idea,” Stede whispered, just as shocked as the former Navy captain.
When they’re tricked into going to Spanish, Nigel is immediately subdued by several men, who make him watch as Stede is stabbed.
They laugh and make fun of Nigel as he screams, struggling to try to get to Stede as the Gentleman Pirate begins to die.
He doesn’t trust Blackbeard’s crew when they first arrive, until he realizes their helping him.
When Blackbeard frees Stede from the noose, Nigel shoves him out of the way and carries Stede back to the ship.
Although it pains him, he has to tear himself away from Stede’s bedside to tend to the crew.
While Edward is doing his whole, yk, watching Stede sleep thing, guess which former captain and current first mate are getting to know each other??
That’s right. Izzy is so fucking confused right now!
Because the crew of the Revenge SUCK. But this guy? This guy actually knows what he’s doing?? And he’s actually doing it??
And when Edward and Stede seem to be getting along and connecting so fucking well, Nigel realizes that Stede was never his. And that Izzy is married in an uncomfortable state ;)
So Nigel brings it up. Plain and simple.
Izzy reacts like a hurt animal someone is trying to show affection to.
But Nigel is a stubborn bitch and will not give up.
The duel never happens. Izzy doesn’t leave.
But the Navy still find them because Nigel’s brother believes that Stede Bonnet poisoned his twin’s mind and he will not let the Gentleman Pirate get away will it.
Stede takes full responsibility and Nigel is set free. He and Edward take the Act of Grace and they are sent off.
Meanwhile, Nigel drinks. Because he just lost everything. But…
Nigel was on his second bottle when a gloved hand threw it over board. “Get the fuck up.”
“We lost, Izzy. It’s over. He’s gone,” Nigel muttered.
Izzy kicked him, the man shouting in pain.
“It’s over, is it? I can’t believe how foolish I am! What a fool you have made me! How dare you make me of this? Fine then, you bastard. Fuck off then. But for whatever it’s worth…” he smiled and shook his head. “No. No, you know what? Just forget it.”
Nigel stood up, stumbling. “What? No, really, what?”
Izzy turned around and slapped him. “You made me believe I could live again! I have spent my whole life loving that stubborn man and he doesn’t love me. No he loves that Stede Bonnet. Who when I met you, you couldn’t dare to stop staring at. But don’t think I didn’t notice you begin to look at me instead.”
Nigel was suddenly sober. “Izzy.”
“No. Just drink. I’ll get them back myself.”
But when Izzy turned to go, Nigel stopped him. His large hand wrapped around Izzy’s arm.
“Wait,” Nigel begged.
“Let go,” Izzy demanded. But Nigel’s hand moved down to grasp Izzy’s.
“I won’t. I won’t let you go. Let’s safe those idiots. Together.”
Izzy turned, suddenly brave, and kissed him. Standing on his toes, he pressed his lips to Nigel’s, briskly pulling away. “Together, then.”
And these two, babes? These two are a deadly pair.
They find the dock, but Edward is alone.
The three of them return to the ship and Edward changes.
He becomes dark, the bitterness is his heart twisting him back into Blackbeard.
For who could ever love a monster like him.
He sees Izzy’s love for Nigel as a betrayal. And as punishment, he cuts Izzy’s toe off and feeds it to Nigel.
He steals Jim and Frenchie, the rest of the crew stranded and left behind.
Izzy and Nigel look after Ivan, Fang, and the others like a family, mourning Ivan when he’s later killed.
When Archie and Jim have to be trauma surgeons, Nigel begs them to save Izzy, staying at his side while his leg is amputated.
Nigel is forced to go with Archie and Jim when Blackbeard threatens to hurt them if he doesn’t.
When he hears the gunshot, the only thing keeping him from killing Blackbeard right then is the knowledge that their fragile little family won’t last long with both him and Izzy gone.
But when Izzy shows up, Nigel is overjoyed, holding him up while the crew subdue Blackbeard.
More to come.
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sea-of-monster-s · 1 year
Sea Of Monsters: The Crews Beginning
Chapter 2: Killing Loneliness 
 Suzie woke up to the sudden sounds of terror. She got up and looked over at the village, and what she saw made her really fear the terror. Somehow the pirates found their village, and now they are going to pillage it for the treasures. Suzie quickly got up and swam to her home, hoping that her mother was safe, but that didn't meet her expectations. Suzie's house has collapsed, and only a single, cold arm was visible from it. She was stunned, not only she made her mother sad by not returning tonight, but she's now gone forever.
 Suzie falled down onto the ground, she started to tear up and let out a loud scream, she looked up at the shadows of the ships, wanting revenge from what they took away from her. She noticed that next to her there was a lonely spear, she picked it up, and noticed that it had her name carved into it, right after her mothers name. She felt even more ashamed, but that didn't stop her from her revenge. She swam up and jamed the spear into the ship, weirdly it went through like butter, soon she cut out a large hole into it and soon water rushed in, she did the same to all the ships she saw. She felt powerful like someone who won the world, but that feeling was cut short by a blow to the head from behind, which knocked Suzie unconscious.
  -Eww is it still moving?- a mysterious voice spoke. Suzie slowly woke up and she discovered that she's been captured by the pirates. She opened her eyes and got up, she was locked inside an iron cage that had just enough space for her to get up, and her hands and legs were tight.
-this thing can talk?- one of the pirates said -but how?- another one said -well, well, well…- a figure from among the crowd walked closer to Suzie, it was the captain. A greedy man from the first sight, -look who  decided to wake up- he continued - faul sea beast, we lucky to have capture you-
-Why do you think that? How did you found us- Suzie sead
-well, lets just say that a lonely old man wanted to make a quick cash from you beasts-
Suzie was too stunned to speak, her greatest human friend decides to betray her just to benefit himself
-we will greatly use you- captain spoke
-For what?-
-you see, there is an ancient monster that requires a fancy sacrifice to tell us where the great treasure is-
- w-WHAT?! No no you Can't do this to me- Suzie said in fear
-we can do whatever we what with you beast, you have no power over us-
-i have greater power that you-
-like what you're going to flop around with your tail?- the whole crew started laughing and Suzie was completly striped from hope
-Get to position boys, we're going to be rich tonight!- the crew started cheering and preparing to sail to where the ancient one was.
 Suzie looked helplessly as the Envluck island was getting smaller and smaller, soon the ship was surrounded by nothing but fog. Suzie started to feel the enchiants presents and started to twitch inside the cage to no avail, the captain again gave out a speech, that terrified Suzie to the bone
-prepare the beast to the ancient one-
 Suzie's cage was picked up and moved up the stairs on to the front of the ship, she was let out but she couldn't escape because of their tight legs and arms. The captain slowly walked by Suzie and glanced at the waters from up, then he let out a call to call the ancient one
 As soon as the words left his mouth, the waters began to rumble. Soon gigant tentacles surrounded the boat, and then the being showed his face, it had a thousand eyes and even more sharp teeth. 
-why'd you call the ancient one human?- the being said
-your great oldness i offer you this beast for your great knowledge-
The being closed up at Suzie looking at her, making the captain back up,the being seemed to have an interest with Suzie in some way. Then the beings eyes widened,as if it found something odd. Suzie was confused but she looked down at herself and found that her necklace was glowing brightly, suddenly the light got brighter and brighter, and then glowing chains started to burst out of the necklace, the chains started to surround the ship fully. The chains then disappeared and the necklace returned to normal.
 Suzie was confused, but when she looked over the the ancient one she knew that he wasn't satisfied with the crews sacrifice
-You dare to give me a cursed one?-
-y-your gr-grea..- the captain wanted to say something but the ancient one continued
-You think that this is great, giving me one of my own kind? You have failed me one too many times, greedy human-
Suddenly his large tentacles become to take every human that was there, that gave Suzie enough time to cut the rope with her claws, once she was free she discovered that it was really difficult for her to stand, but she needed to find a spot where she will be safe from the ancient ones anger. She rolled down a pair of stairs, and she was spotted by some surviving crew, they decided to chase after her, then she got up, and struggling to stand she ran into a hallway, that at the end of was an opened door. Suzie quickly made her way there and shut the door behind her. She could hear the crew angrily beating the door, but then she heard screaming and then silenced, now she was inside an empty ship. 
 Suzie got up and wanted to leave the room,but she discovered that the door was now locked. She then looked around the room that she was in and discovered that its a small library of all the maps of the world, the room also had a desk and a big window. Suzie decided to break it open so she could get back to the ocean, when she did that and jumped down into the waters she discovered that there is now a half transparent chain connected from her neck to the ship, she tried to swim but the chain was strangling her. Suzie had no other choice but to climb back to the library with her remaining energy.
 She laid down in the library and wondered if her faight ends like this but soon the many eyes that she first feared now visited her
-your cursed- he said -just like us, you'll be in an endless spiral of hunger, loneliness and pain-
-am.. am i going to die like this?- Suzie asked
-no, your body and soul is now stuck in an endless circle, there is no escape from it, i advise that you'll get some rest before thinking of doing anything-
Suzie then decided to accept her faith as an immortal being, she took the ancient one's advice and she went to sleep. 
 Then for many days Suzie studied and memorized all the maps she could and begone to like her immortal state, but the hunger and loneliness will surely get the best of her one of thos days
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eric-the-bmo · 2 years
Tell me more about Ven pls!!
Oh!!!!!! Oh Ven my beloved!!! He’s so awful okay where do I start oh goodness-
{warnings for mentions of cannibalism, manipulation, memory loss, and suicide ideation}
Also all of this is from memory, I haven’t checked his character document in like half a year-
So! Mechanically speaking, Ven is a dnd character I have yet to play (im so sorry, ive got you intrigued by my dnd oc), but I’ve planned out events in my head and he essentially functions as a whump oc, my funky little pathetic magician who will be covered in blood. In regards to Dungeons and Dragons, he’s an Aberrant Mind Sorcerer with the Haunted One background <3
He likes poetry, peppermint tea, the color green, and would really just prefer to live peacefully in Meadowvale with his wife. He’s quiet and a bit nervous, and is reluctant to admit he has magic and has a habit of talking to himself. He dislikes being pushed on certain topics and will erupt in anger if continued to be pushed, and will often stalk off to read poetry to calm down (nerd). He also likes cooking, and carries around a journal that functions as both a poetry book and diary. He has very long fingers, a sign that his body has already begun to change from delayed ceremorphosis. I’m uh, I’m not the best at describing personalities? Maybe I’ll ramble more but here’s his backstory:
Ven showed up to Meadowvale around 8 years ago and bought an empty bookshop to use as his own. He was very religious and never spoke much about his past, even to Ophelia, the captain of the guard who would eventually become his wife. The two of them got married, and it rained, but that was okay. A little over a year ago in the current timeline, he suddenly disappeared. Search parties were sent out but to no avail, and eventually Ophelia hired a passing adventuring party (who called themselves the Dice Crew, and might lowkey be wanted by the law) to go find him. They did in fact find him, in the woods, and while he was a bit apprehensive they managed to bring him back to her. Unfortunately what they didn’t realize was that during his time being missing, he was being held captive in a mind flayer lair (hooray!). He had fit the requirements for the ceremorphosis process, and so an illthid tadpole was inserted into his brain via his eye. Before it was inserted, however, he prayed to every deity he could think of, begging for them to come save him. None of them did, of course, and in his last moments before the parasite ate away at him he vowed to never worship them again. Anyway he has Extreme Memory Loss, and one of the only things he remembers is that the gods did not help him (help him with what, exactly, he doesn’t remember). (Also fun fact it’s implied there are other people like him who got implanted with parasites, hooray)
He eventually get reaccustomed to everything, but due to so many townspeople worrying over him he eventually felt,,, guilty? He dislikes being pitied, and perhaps if I had the words I could explain it better. This is around the time he starts to develop some sort of PTSD from what happened- disliking things going near his eyes, panicking whenever he sees a tadpole or some kind of multi-legged bug, nightmares he can’t quite remember. Ophelia tries her best to help him (genuinely let’s acknowledge how she’s also going through a lot atm, we love Ophelia in this household) This is also when the parasite residing in his brain starts to act up. More migraines, sleepwalking (*cough* it’s possession *cough*), things like that. The parasite also communicates with Ven, although since he doesn’t know of its existence, he merely thinks it’s his own thoughts, and often speaks out loud “with himself” to try and figure out his thoughts. Cere essentially functions as intrusive thoughts, self-hatred and anxiety for Ven. One day in the summer a man enters the shop with a dagger and threatens to kill Ven, implying he knows the poet. Ven, having no recollection of this man, tries to deesculate the situation. The stranger lunges at him, and in this moment of stress- Well, his body’s psionic magics have slowly been building up for a long time. With all of it suddenly being unlocked, well... the man was torn apart, and Ven entered a panic attack. Unbeknownst to himself, he used his magic to make Ophelia hide the body, and he was afraid of this newfound sorcery. His guilt over being a supposed burden to his wife, as well as all of his guilt over murdering a stranger/ his anxiety over being found out, his fears of hurting Ophelia with his magic... There were a lot of factors, one of them being Cere’s manipulation, of course, that pushed him to leave. He reasoned that if he became an adventurer, he could find a way to get rid of his horrible magic. He secretly gathered up everything he felt he needed to become an adventurer, and on his and Ophelia’s wedding anniversary they spent the entire day together. It was nice. He left in the middle of the night, with a letter on the counter explaining why he had gone. He promises her he will write to her (there will be no address listed, to prevent her from tracking him down. He wants to do this himself.), and that he will come home eventually.
While he doesn’t have a good grasp on his magic yet (sometimes accidentally using it), he has a good enough grasp that he can manipulate it enough to avoid killing anyone with it. AKA, his spellcasting primarily focuses on Utility, Enchantments, Area of Effect, anything besides violence, although he does have a few small-damage spells. Despite having a green color palette, his magic is purple, a color that’s primarly used for Ceremorph. When using his Metamagic or using extra Spell Slots (AKA when he uses too much magic ig), it will result in a nosebleed.
Eventually Ven will discover the parasite in his brain, as well as the fact he’s becoming a mind flayer, and it just overall won’t be a very fun time for him (he has a horrible mental breakdown and temporarily goes insane, because the way he finds out is that he blacks out and wakes up in the middle of eating a man’s brain). I’ve a few scenes in mind, such as him considering bashing his head against the wall. My personal favorite is where he considers staking himself with the tools from his monster hunting kit, because isnt he a monster? Isnt it better to destroy himself now, rather than watch himself become worse? He’ll decide against it, saying he promised Ophelia he’d come home. (It’s also because even I don’t want him to die like that, that’s too dark for me. I want this poet to get better.)
he has such low self esteem, he doesn’t want to bother people and so he doesnt bring up his trauma at all and feels bad when he needs to be comforted. He has religious trauma and an avoidance coping mechanism and it’s so terribly bad, bestie u cant run from the parasite in ur brain. He wants to help others to try and prove he’s not a bad person, that he’s not a monster, and despite making bad decisions he doesn’t want to hurt anyone. He likes cooking, eventually he’ll only be able to be a cannibal. He’s a bit of an asshole. He’s against murder and will try to find another way to apprehend enemies, but hates the Gods and will in fact try to stab one (with the Stranger’s Dagger, mind you, because I love parallels), deep down he’s worried he did something that caused him to lose the Gods’ favor. He’s got PTSD from two fucking events, I want him to hallucinate. Ophelia deserves to be really pissed at him. He’s gonna have a horrible time, I want him to have a happy ending after everything he’s gone though.
He’s my pathetic little poet and I adore him, he’s in a psychological horror movie <3
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
You Can't take the Sky From Me- Serenity chpt.4
Return to File
Recovery date: March 4th, 2024
Description: The crew of The Challenger, captained by Miyuki Kazuya, take on a job that requires the cover of another job ferrying people. Ever the genius, Miyuki keeps some key details hidden from his crew, and it bites him in the ass.
Notes: Updates will be irregular because I'm still writing chapters but only as I feel like it. Don't question the timeline here please, it's only sort of coherent.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5
Word count: 1 556
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Kuramochi had put up with a lot of Miyuki’s bullshit in his time running with the young captain. The man was reckless with his safety, and that made him a danger to be around, but he didn’t mind. Danger was what he wanted. In this world freedom was dangerous, and freedom was all he wanted. It was why he used to scavenge in Alliance scrap yards on Ariel, it was why he ran with Ryou, and it was why he followed his hazard of a captain.
But this? This was more than Miyuki being a hazard, this was him actively putting his crew in danger for the sake of a job.
If they’d been stopped by the Alliance while Miyuki was asleep, if Mei hadn’t kicked up a fuss, if Chris hadn’t recognized Rei and he hadn’t recognized Haruichi… if they’d been caught harboring fugitives, then nowhere would be safe for them. They toed the line of legality enough as it was, but they were always in agreement to break the law to help people. All Miyuki had to do was explain what was happening and Kuramochi was sure everyone would have signed on, if not a bit begrudgingly.
He doesn’t think any plan Miyuki has will make him want to stay, and he’s pretty sure Ryou won’t be too happy with him delivering his younger brother to his door, so he’s not sure where he’ll go next. But he’s got plenty of time to think about it with the remaining four days of their trip.
A knock on the cockpit door snapped him from his reverie.
“Come in, unless your Miyuki then you can go fuck yourself!”
The door creaked open, and he turned around partway to find Zono and Nabe stepping through the hatch. He sighs and turns completely, dropping his hands into his lap and leaning forward on his elbows.
Nabe takes a seat, while Zono leans back against the wall, and the three sit in silence for a solid minute.
“You aren’t actually going to leave, are you?” Nabe asks, his voice is quiet as though he doesn’t want to be heard.
Kuramochi lets out a tired sigh.
“I don’t know.”
“Well I think you should,” Zono grumbles, “he could have gotten us killed! And he promised to stop being all secretive after the last mission.”
“Zono… I get why he didn’t tell us.”
“Ya,” Nabe mumbled. “If we’d known we would’ve tried to avoid the Alliance, and then when Miyuki told us not to, this,” he waves a finger in circles, gesturing to the three of them, “would have happened anyways.”
“Doesn’t make it right.”
“No, and if he doesn’t apologize I will leave, and you two should too.”
Nabe and Zono nodded in silent agreement, but Zono stopped when he turned to leave and faced Kuramochi again. The pilot had already swiveled back around.
“Speaking of secrets. Who’s pinky?”
Kuramochi doesn’t turn around when he answers, “A… An acquaintance's brother.”
“And you didn’t think to tell us he was Alliance?” Zono sounds annoyed.
He’d been so caught up in his anger with Miyuki that he’d completely forgotten that Kuramochi had recognized the pink haired boy when they’d picked him and his friends up.
“He’s not a fugitive as far as I know, it wasn’t going to be a problem.”
Nabe is left confused as Zono seems to accept the answer. Kuramochi doesn’t have a history of lying, unlike their captain, and Zono knows he could’ve pushed him for more information back when he announced he was going to take the boy to Haven. So he leaves quietly, and Kuramochi can hear him explaining the situation to Nabe behind the door.
He’s left alone once more, and finds himself thinking back to how he’d met Ryousuke Kominato.
When Kuramochi first broke into an Alliance storage facility, deciding to take a step up from his usual scrapyards, he was… clumsy, to say the least. If he hadn’t run into a pink haired pirate, also mid-theft, he definitely would have been caught, so he was baffled when the man didn’t immediately kick him off his ship after they’d escaped.
“So, are we partners now?” Kuramochi asked, dropping into the co-pilot seat of Ryou’s dinghy little ship.
“Then just drop me off back at the settlement.”
“Wait, is this a kidnapping?”
Ryou rolled his eyes as he readied the ship for take off.
“Consider it payment for saving you.”
“I could’ve handled myself,” Kuramochi grumbled, crossing his arms and staring a hole into the dashboard.
“Like a bull in a china shop,” Ryou snickered.
Up until this point, Kuramochi Yoichi was known for nothing. He lived in a small rural settlement on Ariel and regularly raided the junkyard for scraps to sell– much to his family's chagrin. School was a lost cause for him, even if his family had scraped together the money to send him to a good academy they were sure he’d have gotten himself kicked out. Letting him be a scavenger certainly wasn’t what they’d hoped of him, but he seemed to make it work.
However, he was about to find himself smack dab in the middle of the Alliance’s radar.
“So, where are we going?” Kuramochi asked once they’d left the atmosphere.
Ryou glances at his new companion briefly out of the corner of his eye, but doesn’t respond.
Kuramochi waits, watching him, before asking a different question.
“You a pirate?”
A faint smile pulls at Ryou’s lips. “Ya.”
“You gonna kill me?” Kuramochi asks, scrutinizing the man beside him.
He doesn’t look like a pirate to Kuramochi. Ryou is clean, wearing a white button up and a vest. Instead of a pirate, Ryou looks more like a doctor on a house call. Maybe he was pretending to be a doctor?
Ryou’s brows furrow as he feels Kuramochi seemingly sizing him up. This was going to be a long ride, he could feel it already.
“Yes, if you don’t shut up.”
Kuramochi rolls his eyes and turns to face the vast void before them. He thinks he should be more afraid then he is, but instead he’s excited. This is his chance to be free, to explore the sky.
“So… you can fly a ship?”
“Can you teach me?”
“How about I tell you what I need you to do?” Ryou snaps, looking to shut Kuramochi up.
“Hey man, I asked you that earlier and you said no.”
“Well I’ve changed my mind.”
Kominato Ryouske is known by the Alliance for a lot of things. Most interestingly, he’s known for being a former medical genius who dropped out of the academy and joined a band of pirates just a year before graduating.
No one understood why he left, much less to join pirates, but they were quick to move on to an even more impressive genius.
Kominato Haruichi was even smarter than his brother, that’s what everyone said. Ryouske had enrolled in the academy at age sixteen, Haruichi enrolled two years later at age fourteen. Ryouske was set to graduate a year early at age nineteen, not that it mattered because Haruichi would surely graduate a year early as well at age seventeen. So when one of his academy friends showed up at his room’s door in the middle of the night with a frantic look in his eyes, Ryou knew that whatever happened next was his only chance to escape his younger brother’s shadow.
His bare feet stuck to the perfectly pristine linoleum floor, while only the heaviness of Jun’s stride echoed under him as they rushed through the blinding halls. He needed no reassurance of the lack of security, he was ready to fight anyone that got between him and his freedom. Jun led him out into the cool night air, he remembers thinking of how he and Haruichi used to play on days like this back home, towards a landing dock.
They round a couple of crates and there’s the sharp sound of a gun’s safety being unlocked when Yuki levels a pistol at Jun’s head. He’s crouched over Tanba who’s clearly bleeding heavily, his sleep shirt is soaked in blood and Yuki is pressing a bloody towel down on his shoulder. Just as Yuki lowers the gun, Chris pops out of the open ship.
“What’s Ryou doing here?” He asks, beating Yuki.
“We needed a doctor.”
Ryou hadn’t even let him finish before he was crouched down beside Tanba and examining the wound.
“Did you at least tell him what’s happening?” Yuki asked.
“Either you were running away or fighting for something and honestly I don’t care,” Ryou looked up at the man across from him. “I want out, same as you all.” 
Yuki gave him a curt nod.
“What do you need?”
“We need to get Tanba on the ship and get out of here. They won’t save him if we get caught now, he’ll just be used as a warning.”
Said man let out a pained groan in response.
“Jun, help me move him,” Yuki whispered.
Ryou helped Tanba hold the soaked towel in place before running onto the ship to prep the small med corner while Chris settled into the pilot’s seat.
That night five students defected from an Alliance Academy, with Tanba Koichiro being declared dead– killed in a fire fight as he and his cohort stole a ship.
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Izzy Hands is a victim of his own success.  And not just in his construction of Blackbeard, which we'll get to... later.  Probably in another post.  But he's a victim of his own success in that he has created his own persona and nobody ever takes him for anything but surface value.  
Izzy's created himself as a capable, suave, smart individual who can handle anything that comes at him.  And, in a general sense, it's true.  He's helped Edward Teach create the Blackbeard myth, he's an obviously talented fencer and fighter, and he's reasonably (more in a minute) sure of his place in the world and what his responsibilities are.
And here's the thing.
Izzy's place in the world is just, "Blackbeard."  I mean, yes, you could expand that to "Blackbeard's right arm," because Izzy is Blackbeard's first mate, given that position by Blackbeard himself.  But I'd make the argument that it wasn't really because Izzy did anything exceptional; it's because Izzy was there, he helped construct Blackbeard, of course it makes sense that the next step would be making him first mate to help keep Blackbeard shored up.
And being first mate comes with a certain set of duties, like keeping the crew in line, basically being the captain when the captain isn't around.  And as long as he's doing it in Blackbeard's name, there's not that much required out of him; the fear of Blackbeard does most of the job for him, and he can fill in the rest.  And the crewmembers like Ivan and Fang (I love Fang so much) have probably figured this out.  I mean, they have zero respect for Izzy; consider the sketching in "The Best Revenge Is Dressing Well".  Wee John comes in and tells Lucius and Fang that "the boss" is back, and Fang literally shits himself thinking Blackbeard is back and hurries to get up, but John tells him, "it's just that angry fecker, Izzy" and the INSTANT reaction is laughter and "let him look."  And then he proceeds to spill the tea to Lucius about Izzy's misadventures at sea, which was meant only to humiliate Izzy.
Which brings us to the Revenge crew.
Absolutely none of them have respect for Izzy.  You'd think they would, because of who he purports to be (Blackbeard's First Mate), but their first experience with Izzy is... they run rings around him and Stede steals back one of their prisoners.  Given what we know about the crew's opinion of Stede at that point, if Izzy can be beaten by Stede, why would they have any respect for Izzy?  And then he shows up on the Revenge and Blackbeard "takes" the ship, but it's not like any other ship they've encountered.  
They don't know how to be invaded, they don't know how to be prisoners, and Edward is totally enthralled with everybody and everything, including being ass over teakettle for Stede Bonnet.  There is no fear of Edward or of Blackbeard--only respect, and only for Edward.  Izzy gets dragged along, yes, but he's such a fish out of water.  He has no idea how to actually handle people; even Ivan and Fang ultimately agree to mutiny against him.  Lucius blackmails him--and let's marvel at that for a moment.  *Lucius* blackmails Izzy.  And not only does he blackmail Izzy in a beautifully benign way--"It'd be a shame if your nickname got out, Dizzy Izzy"--but he also shows Izzy that he is out of his depths.  Izzy tries to blackmail in return, with Lucius' sexual history, and Lucius basically defangs him.  He proves that Izzy really doesn't know how to manage people outside of fear, and that sets him back.  
Then, we have the heartbreaking moment of Izzy and Fang and Ivan in "The Art of Fuckery."  not just the opening monologue, but the moment of, "I guess we're not killing this guy" and Izzy's determination of, "The plan is very much alive. He promised me."  That's not the voice of a man who is happy, but of a man who is expecting disappointment.  He knows he's going to have to be the one to kill Stede Bonnet, and he's going to have to be the bad guy, again, and push Edward into something Edward doesn't want to do.  Izzy doesn't care that it'd break Edward's heart, or possibly break Edward himself, he just wants Stede and these other idiots gone and be back with the real Blackbeard.
But there's also like, maybe 1% of Izzy that is... well, not rancid.  He has actual feelings; Con O'Neill is utterly brilliant at using his face to show what Izzy is feeling, even when his mouth is saying something different.  He's chastising himself when he lets Stede get away with one of the hostages; he's petulant when he whines "Can't I just send the boys, Ed?" and Edward insists that Izzy do it to make a good impression on the "Gentleman Pirate."  Somewhere under all the bullshit that Izzy has constructed for himself, there's a person.  
And that person has some kind of love for Edward.  It's not healthy, for either of them, it's not even spoken of, hell, maybe it doesn't even have a name outside of "weird" or "toxic."  But he's capable of it, and the fact that nobody sees that is what makes me love Izzy the way I do.  Nobody sees beyond this shell that Izzy built for himself--which is exactly the thing that's happening with Edward.  Nobody sees beyond the shell that Edward has built for himself--except when he meets Stede.  
Izzy doesn't have a Stede; in fact, if there were someone willing, I don't know that Izzy would even accept it.  But I also think, of course he would if that someone was Edward.  
My hope is that eventually, Stede and Edward break through with each other, and then Edward can look at Izzy and say, "Shit, man, I've been wrong to look at you like this.  You're my friend, mate, and you need help."
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ilovefictiontoomuch · 3 years
Log #761
Earth is a deathworld. Being a deathworld, it is dangerous and deadly and absolutely not somewhere you'd want to vacation. That being said, it is also extremely beautiful.
Lt. Ti'lear has only been there once, sent on a mission by the Captain who had wanted to hire another human for the crew, since the ones they had were incredibly efficient, even if they got off task abnormally often. Ti'lear wasn't entirely sure what made the Captain actually send someone in person to pick up their recruit when they could have very well made it on their own, but apparently they weren't taking any chances in their new crewmate getting themselves hurt, which was also something that happened frequently. Why in the galaxy would anybody think turning a toy spaceship into an inter-dimensional laser gun would be a good idea? Daniel, apparently, did. He though it'd be "rad". Holy Star these creatures were going to get themselves killed.
Anyways, off to Earth Ti'lear went, both hearts trembling in fear and his mind cursing his Captain's decision (never the person themself, he respected the good captain too much for that).
And Mighty Sun was it an experience.
When he'd finally stepped onto Earth's surface, after hours of vaccinations and medical checkups and exercises in the space station orbiting the planet, he was completely blown away. Almost literally, since the winds were so strong. He'd come from a planet thats strongest 'wind' came from the breath that exited the creatures bodies that resided there. Actual deathworld-level wind was something of a slap in the face. With a brick. Made of solid air.
But that paled in comparison to the vibrant explosion of color and sounds and smells. There were plants of unlimited variety, small feathered creatures brighter than any animal on his home planet, there were people of all races, cultures, and species, dining laughing living together as if there were no worries in their lives, no duties binding them to one place or responsibilities holding them captive. It was free in a way he had never experienced before.
With all that he'd heard about Earth, this was nowhere near what he thought it'd be like. It hadn't quite computed that humans had managed to tame a deathworld, to turn it into something of their own while still leaving it with all it's glorious wonders and perils.
Ti'lear spent his week there touring everything (taking extra precautions, of course), eating anything that his stomach could handle (there was a close call with a pepper, how did humans eat well known poisons for fun??), talking with as many people and species as he could to gauge what they thought of the place. He got so many wonderful recommendations but he wasn't able to try even half of them before his time had run out.
At week's end, he met his new crewmate mate at the airport wearing a sunhat (their star was far too close for his liking), two pairs of sandals (for all four of his legs), and a black shirt that said 'Aw Man' on it with a print of a fictional green creature from an ancient "video game" that was somehow still extremely popular. Said fictional green creature looked oddly similar to himself, except it's legs were shorter and it didn't have arms. Also it was significantly blockier.
When his new crewmate, and young engineer called Allisa, saw him, she laughed and said he gotten "touristed", whatever that means.
His past self would have called him crazy, but Ti'lear honestly wanted to go there again. It was on the other side of the galaxy by now, but maybe he could visit Earth with his human colleagues when their month off came around.
Ti'lear smiled, brushing a clawed green hand over his favourite shirt before gently tucking it away for a time when he wasn't required to wear uniform. Stars damn him and all his misconceptions about Earth, even if they were accurate in a different time.
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
Rivalries Of The High Seas
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Requested By Anon: "Pirate AU, enemies to lovers."
AU: Pirate
Pairing: Captain!Rosé x Fem!Captain!Reader
Word Count: ~ 7,375
Warnings / Misc. -- Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Major Injury (Inflicted On Reader), Dangerous Situations, Fluff
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Anon, thank you for this one! I've never seen the movie you mentioned in your request, but you did well in explaining what you wanted to see here. I had a lot of fun with this one, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
PS ~ Captain Rosé could step on me and I'd say thank you
♡ Happy Reading ♡
Death isn't a new thing to you. It isn't some far-off, enigmatic fear capable of tearing down your psyche anytime the topic is brought up. In fact, you're faced with the harsh realities of it almost everyday, given your ranking. Even still, when you woke up this morning, you hadn't expected for the day to consist of you meeting your end. 
Your hands remain clasped together tightly, bound to the rickety wooden chair you've been securely strapped into by layers of rope and chains. Your wrists burn as the rough material pulls against your skin, surely leaving dark marks by now, but that's the least of your worries as you eye the bandits standing before you. Their faces hold smug grins, cheeks pulling back in eerie smiles to reveal crooked teeth. "I won't give you the pleasure of seeing me beg for my life. I accept my fate." You say bravely, holding your head high. 
"How noble, Captain." They sneer, leaning far too close for comfort. You fight the gag that works its way up your throat at the smell of them, the wicked stench burning your nostrils as it invades them. 
"Even if you escape now, the rest of my crew will come for you." Rosé finally speaks from behind you, sitting in the same state as you as she glares at the surrounding men. Her fingers futilely pull at your shared restraints for the millionth time, brushing along your wrist in the process. 
"It's cute that you think that matters. We'll be long gone by then."
Her head lightly pushes against yours as she leans back in her chair, seeking to evade the man when he enters her personal space. For some reason unbeknownst to you, your blood boils at his actions -- though Rosé is your enemy of sorts, seeing that she's a rival captain herself, you can't help but want to keep him away from her. 
The vile creature parts her legs with an evil smirk on his lips, his filthy hand groping her thigh as he runs his fingers along her beautiful skin. She whimpers in protest, growing afraid of what he'll do to her in her captive state. Had she been unrestricted right now, she would've most definitely cut his hand off, forever reminding the world of his misdeeds. 
"Just get it over with!" You shout angrily, voice hoarse from all the screaming you've done today. You've grown tired of the game they've been playing for over an hour, flipping between beating and ridiculing you relentlessly. 
"Alright, alright," their leader chuckles, putting his hands up as he approaches you. He instructs his men to be on standby, ready to gather around the two of you and hoist you into the air. They wait for the all-clear to throw you overboard and into the chilly sea below, full of creatures you've seen during your fateful adventures over the years. There are certainly worse ways to go, and you attempt to come to terms with what's about to happen. Perhaps this is a poetic end for you -- being laid to rest in the place that you've spent most of your life and made countless memories.
"Keep those eyes on me as you fall. I want to remember what it looked like to take down the infamous Y/N L/N." You narrow your eyes at their leader, grimacing as they scan over his greasy, jet black hair and tattered overcoat. Aren't the "bad guys" supposed to at least be stylish? He's a sorry excuse for one if so. 
"Kiss my ass." You utter, spitting at him. He lunges forward, just like you expected -- seriously, why are men so predictable? -- and takes the collar of your shirt between his fingers. He delivers a swift blow to your left cheek, only allowing you a second to recover before pulling your head back up to give the same treatment to the other side. 
You can feel Rosé tense behind you, doing all she can to reach for you and offer comfort. 
With a pained groan, you spit out a mouthful of fresh blood and raise your head to look at him again. "You know, you're not nearly as observant as you think you are." You smile, ignoring the pain that shoots through your busted lip. Before he has time to react, you raise your foot in one motion, swiftly connecting it with his crotch.  How could they neglect to tie your feet? That's practically Pirate 101.
He doubles over in an instant, lungs void of the air necessary to speak another insult in retaliation to your act and body incapable of any further movement. His men make the decision for him, taking this moment as a sign to follow through with their plan and throw you over. Shouts and cheers pierce through the air above you as you make your quick descent, not even having time to say a goodbye to Rosé or offer a final word to the universe. 
Cold water immediately rushes over your heated skin as you plunge into the waves below, its frigid temperature almost taking what little breath you managed to store away in your lungs. Aided by the water's altered state of gravity, you're able to work your hips past a few of the loosely tied ropes that rested against them. 
One thing you admire about Rosé is her quick thinking. She's smart -- while you distracted the leader, she took the opportunity to pry off some of the restraints that required more time and effort, just like you hoped she would. Her slender fingers inconspicuously wiggled their way out of the ropes before freeing you from them as well, and the bandits were none the wiser. Her previous actions make this part all the more easy, and after spending a while on the final ties, the two of you kick off of your chairs and head for the surface. It's a struggle, no doubt, with the way you have to fight to bring the chains up with you and keep them from pulling you further under. But eventually you reach the surface, once again filling your lungs with that miraculously fresh air that they so desperately craved. 
The saltwater stings as it flows over your face, getting in your eyes and rushing over all the wounds you've accumulated. Rosie sputters from beside you, struggling a bit to keep her head up, so you extend an arm for her to use to push herself up. You tell yourself you're only doing it -- that is, making sure she doesn't drown -- because she'll be useful in helping you survive. Deep down, though, your intentions extend further than that. 
Once you find a steady rhythm with the waves and the fear of drowning subsides for the time being, you scan the horizon line. "I see land -- over there." You say, using your head to point to what looks to be an island in the distance. "We'll swim when we have the energy and float when we need rest, okay?" She nods in response, and the two of you get set on your way. 
Huffing from the pure exhaustion coursing through your bodies, you manage to drag yourselves onto shore before collapsing. The sand serves as a good place to lay, almost cradling you the longer you lay there. Tiny, rippling waves -- the aftershocks of much bigger ones -- lull into shore, fluttering past your ankles before being pulled back in by the tide. They lap against your skin, remedying your racing mind with their rhythm. Minutes pass in this cycle, setting you in a state of comfort before you remember everything you'll have to do before nightfall.
Once gaining enough strength, you raise your head and peek over at your rival.
She's sleeping. Of course. You can't blame her, but the sun -- once blazingly hot, perched high up in the sky -- is now setting, giving you a preview of the darkness that the night sky will hold. She turns, rolling her head towards you in her sleep, and you almost smile -- a light dusting of sand sticks to her puffed-out cheeks, and the bridge of her nose holds a small sunburn, making her look sunkissed and blushy. Y/N, stop that, you command yourself, shaking your head at your thoughts. She's your enemy, and she's the reason you're even in this mess in the first place. 
"Wake up," you nudge her, reverting back to your previously tense demeanor. The anger you possess for the situation you're in is returning en masse, wiping the pleasant thoughts of Rosé from your mind. 
She groans, keeping her eyes tightly shut as she attempts to ignore you. "Roseanne, we have to get up." Your voice is strong, commanding her just like your crew. Your crew, you think to yourself. Some of them were killed by the bandits while others were thrown into the prison chambers of your ship, left at the mercy of your enemies until they decide what they want to do with them. Your people are inventive and strong -- they'll likely find a way out of the sticky situation and reclaim victory. For now, though, you're left to worry about their fates as you attempt to survive on this island. If the elements and animals don't kill you first, the gorgeous woman beside you most definitely will. 
"I'm up!" She all but shouts, following another prodding from you. Her eyes flutter open and she instinctively raises her hand to wipe her face -- you catch the chains before they can make contact and harm her, and she sends you an appreciative look. "Guess I forgot about these…" she shakes her arms, jiggling your restraints in the process, "Oopsie."
"Come on." You say, standing up and pulling her along with you. Her dilly dallying is making you impatient, and it only increases your levels of irritation. You don't have time to waste. 
"We have to break these," she states the obvious, searching the shore for a decently sized rock.
A sarcastic gasp slips past your lips as you look at her. "You don't say! I was thinking we'd just leave them on." She turns to glare at you, narrowing her eyes as she stops walking. Dear god, there's no time for this. With a mumbled "here we go", you allow her to continue. 
"You know, we wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for you." 
"Me?!" You shout, completely taken aback. "Quite the contrary, Rosé. You're the one who led them to us!"
"If you would've accepted my offer, none of this would've happened. But you refuse to team up with anyone else. Look at where that got us now." She motions around herself to the island, expression settling back into an annoyed scowl as her eyes settle on you again. 
"It's not my fault that my crew is more trained than yours; I had no reason to merge our teams."
"An agreement would've solidified our strength!" She yells, stomping her foot into the sand. Her boots managed to survive the long trip here, but their material is completely soaked.
"I'm responsible for my crew, and my crew only. I had no decent reason to bring yours in with mine. It's just a liability and more mouths to feed." You say evenly, clenching and releasing your jaw a few times. 
She begins to fire off her rebuttal, but you tune her out for the most part and start walking further inland. She has no choice but to follow, and she does so while adamantly complaining. You throw occasional jabs to her arguments in order to keep her moving, and your plan works well. She's too busy bickering with you to notice that she's doing exactly what you want her to.
"...and you're so arrogant, Y/N! I mean, really. God, you're infuriating." 
"Are you done yet?" You ask, cocking your head to the side while you simply blink at her. She squints at you, about to give you another piece of her mind, but you glance down at the rock you led her to and she closes her mouth. 
"You can keep screaming at me or we can break these chains. Your choice." You shrug, pursing your lips. She cuts her eyes at you, but agrees with a huff, nonetheless. 
The two of you work together to find fittingly sized rocks, taking turns dropping them on your restraints and methodically working them against them. Eventually the chains give way, allowing your hands to wiggle out of their strict hold. You're the first to free yourself; once you're done, you find Rosé struggling in silence, refusing to ask for your help. 
"Here," you offer, extending a hand to her. Doing nice things for people without gaining something for yourself isn't something you do often -- you've been raised differently; grown more independent and self-serving after your time on the sea. 
"Oh, now you want to work together?" She quirks an eyebrow.
You put your hands up with an amused grin. "I don't have to help, feel free to do it alone." You stand, dusting the sand off of your clothes as you begin to walk away and investigate the island. She calls out behind you, annoyed shouts getting further and further away as you just smile and continue your journey. 
"Ah, glad you could join us again." You smirk, adding some kindling to the small fire you managed to set up during her time away. 
"Shut it," she bites back, glaring at you. 
"Tough crowd," you laugh, raising your eyebrows. For once, she doesn't say anything back. She busies herself with removing her shoes and socks, setting them next to the source of heat to dry before disappearing into the tree line. She returns a few minutes later, carrying with her a few different branches. Some of them are forked at the top, and she arranges them into a sturdy structure beside the fire as well. You try not to focus on how strong she looks as she does it, her muscles glistening in the fading evening light with a sheet of sweat.
To your surprise, she begins stripping. 
First her overcoat, which she drapes across the branch acting as a beam between the forked ones, and then her vest. She wrings them out individually, and you watch as the materials drip with what water hadn't already evaporated yet. The loose linen undershirt that she wears remains on, and you're thankful for that -- had she taken it off as well, you likely would've passed out. The blush on your cheeks deepens as you feel her eyes on you, and you keep your gaze trained on the fire. 
"Well? Are you planning to stay in those clothes all night?" She asks, running a hand through her hair to fix it and get some of the sand out. 
"If I didn't know better I'd say you're trying to get me naked, Rosie." You play, smiling harder when you see her roll her eyes and look away. 
"You wish," she scoffs, though you can see her stealing glances at you as you remove your clothes. She admires the shadows that the fire casts over your body, the flames dancing as they offer their beautiful warmth. The two of you go way back, having grown up as frenemies due to your professions, but she's always had a soft spot for you. You piss her off to no end, and yet somehow she can think of plenty worse people to be stuck with.
After catching her staring, you decide to tease her. You flex your muscles, making sure to be extra and really make a show of it. She blushes, hiding behind her hands to escape the situation. 
"Awww, somebody's shy." You say, chuckling at her. 
"Am not," she protests, though her sheepish grin sells her out.
"Prove it," you challenge, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Teasing her is one of your favorite pastimes. 
Tired of the games, she gathers all of the courage she possesses and stands, slowly sauntering her way over to you. Your eyes take in the sight of her, and she smirks; she works hard to stay in shape, and she knows she looks good. Countless weeks spent at sea, working alongside her crew on long voyages has left her with artfully tanned skin and a physique to die for. You go to compliment her, but she stops you before you have the chance, pressing a finger to your pursed lips. She trails it lower, blazing a path across your jawline and chest, stopping at your ribs. Your breath hitches, and she definitely feels it. You curse yourself for being so easy, already knowing what's coming. 
"Who's shy now, sweetheart?" She purrs out, smiling victoriously. 
How she's capable of switching demeanors so easily baffles you, but it ensures that no interaction with her will be boring, if nothing else. 
"Yeah, yeah," you grumble, pushing her away to break the growing tension. She's looking at you with some glint in her eye that you can't quite place -- all you know is that if she keeps doing it, things might escalate to a place neither of you are prepared for.
You clear your throat and step around her to adjust your clothes on the drying rack. "You can go ahead and sleep. I'll stay awake and keep the fire going."
She nods with a slight frown on her lips, though you don't see it. "Alright. But wake me up when you get too tired, okay?" You assure her you will, though truthfully your body is aching for sleep right now. The beating you took earlier did its worst on you, leaving your skin bruised and muscles knotted. She deserves to rest, though, and you're okay with giving her the first shift of it. Besides, your mind would surely keep you awake for the better part of an hour -- at least it'll be used to its fullest with her. 
What you don't realize, however, is that when she lays down beside you, cuddling into the sorry attempt for a bedroll that you threw together, she merely pretends to fall asleep. Likewise, when she settles her head in your lap, searching for a more comfortable place to lay it, she's fully conscious. She lazily smiles when you run your hands through her hair, wrapping the locks around your fingers in mindless patterns before releasing them and starting over. It's soothing, and soon enough she calms her eager heart enough to slip away to dreamland. 
--- A Few Days Later --- 
"Wakey wakey…" Rosé sing-songs, hovering over you. The two of you have settled into this familiar rhythm over the past few days, spending the daytime searching for food and supplies and taking shifts to sleep through the night. You've almost always ended up taking the latter opportunity, though sometimes Rosé would force you to rest first if you needed it badly enough. 
"Mmm," you groan in disapproval, rolling over. The sun is far too bright, and your upgraded bed situation is much too comfortable to offer any valid reason for you to leave it. Rosé knows how difficult it is to get you up, but she's learned some very useful tactics. 
"Y/N…" she drawls, voice like honey as it releases your name with care. Her lips are next to your ear, teasing you as her warm breath fans across your neck. You audibly swallow, not prepared for that in the slightest, and slowly peek your eyes open. She raises a hand to shield your face from the unforgiving sun, and you smile at the domesticity of the act. She looks like a dream -- her hair is fanned out, swaying peacefully in the calm breeze that rolls in from the sea, and she's grinning that killer smile down at you. Her previous sunburn has turned into a tan now, making her look even more irresistible somehow. 
"What do you want to do today?" You ask, lacing your fingers together as you put them behind your head. They work as a cradle, cushioning your head from the sand.
"I saw some berry bushes on the north side of the island. They didn't look like any poisonous kind I've studied about, so maybe we could check them out?" She suggests, sitting back on her knees with a quirked brow. 
"Sounds like a plan." You smile lazily, gazing up at her. A light pattern of freckles paints her cheeks, and you can't help but grin at how adorable she is. 
"What is it?" She asks skeptically, squinting at you. 
"You're just too cute for your own good, is all." You sigh, content as you stand up and tug a blushing Rosé behind you. She closes the "door" behind herself, sealing off the entryway to your humble abode. It's a panel of leaves and sticks, built to be sturdy yet lightweight and easy to move. She built it herself, and a sweet smile works its way onto her lips as she remembers the praise you sent her way after she presented it to you. 
"If you don't slow down then I'm gonna slap you," she says, peering up at the trees that loom high overhead. In her distracted state, she neglects to look where she's going.
Her rambling is cut short by your hand darting out in front of her, effectively stilling her movements and words. You glance at the ground, prompting her eyes to follow the path they made and widen upon realizing what you just saved her from. An animal -- some wretched cross between a scorpion and pincher beetle -- continues its trip across the downed log that lays in front of you, menacing in its appearance. 
"Thank you," she breathes out, leaning into your side as you hold her and direct her away from danger. 
"Do me a favor and don't die, okay?" You quirk, scrunching your face up at her humorously. She shoves you, holding up her middle finger as she walks ahead and blazes a path for the two of you. You chuckle, grinning stupidly as you follow after her. 
--- 3 Hours Later --- 
"Take cover," you shout to an imaginary army, seeking refuge behind the base of a large tree. Rosé chuckles maniacally from behind one of the berry bushes, her fingers lightly stained from the juices that are running down her palm. 
"Nice try, Y/N. But you can't escape… CAPTAIN ROSÉ!" She shouts, surprising you as she charges in your direction, pelting you with berry after berry. You squeal, evading as many of the makeshift missiles as you can by darting behind different greenery. She eventually catches up, snaking her arms around your waist and preventing you from getting away again.
"NO!" You exclaim, slumping further into her arms in defeat after your attempts to escape prove futile. She spins you around to face her, pressing your back up against the nearest tree as the two of you practically double over with laughter. She looks ethereal, with how she shines in the sunlight that sneaks its way through the canopy of tree tops above you. Her eyes are almost closed from how hard she's smiling at you. 
A sharp growl breaks the happy moment, perking your ears up and causing your heart to race for a different reason entirely. You glance around the tree, protectively stepping in front of Rosé to shield her from any new threat. An animal -- something you've never seen before -- bares its teeth, snarling aggressively as it sets its sights on you. Your blood runs cold in your veins, stopping your heart momentarily as your brain attempts to formulate a plan on the fly. With only a few precious moments left before it attacks, you glance around for anything to double as a weapon without making any sudden movements. 
Rosé is clutched onto you from behind, and you can feel her heart beating wildly. You have to protect her, no matter what. 
"On my count, I want you to climb into this tree. I'm going to try and defend us." From what little knowledge you've inferred in the past couple minutes, you doubt the animal is capable of climbing well; it doesn't have the body or feet for it. You fear it is capable of running quickly, though, so the tree is likely your best bet. 
"What? No, I'm going to--"
"Roseanne, please, for once, just do as I ask. Trust me." You plead over your shoulder, noting the slight tremble that runs through her as another roar echoes out. Your eyes remain trained on it, never backing down for a second. 
One steadying breath later, you shout, "Now!" and swoop down to pick up what helpful materials you can. You charge at the animal, taking the offensive in order to keep as much distance possible between it and Rosé. You successfully jab the sharpened stick into its side, causing it to wail in pain. In an instant it grabs your arm, wrapping it's paws around you as it lunges forwards and tumbles to the ground on top of you. A scream leaves your lips as you watch its teeth dig further into your flesh, garnering deep crimson blood to spill from your developing wounds. You protect your neck with your other arm, only breaking this rule to reach to your side and retrieve the heavy rock you brought along as well. It connects with the side of the animal's head, only making it whimper before loosening its grip the slightest bit. You weren't prepared for it to be such a tough enemy. You use your strength to roll it over and sit on top of it, keeping your arm in its grip to ensure that it stays occupied. Your fingers dig into every sensitive part of its body you can reach, performing the defense moves you've spent your life practicing to use. With a glance at Rosé, you find her safe in the tree, just like you wanted. 
"Run!" You shout, willing to keep the creature distracted in order to give her time to escape. Before you can see if she listens to you, it's nails claw into your abdomen, scratching painful designs into the previously smooth skin. It performs another death roll, and you barely have the strength to shank it in the side again. It howls, rearing back to go for your jugular before its movements are abruptly cut short. An unsettling crack rings out above you, and you open your eyes after not receiving the fatal blow you had been expecting. The animal scampers away from you, limping off further into the forest until it's out of sight. 
Rosé drops the large branch in her hand, the end of it lightly stained with blood. "Go..." you weakly mumble, eyes beginning to flutter closed as you notice how much blood you've already lost. You feel cold, and you have to fight the shiver that runs through you.
"I've got you, Y/N." She whispers, cradling your fragile frame in her arms as she picks you up and begins the journey back to camp. "You did good." She reassures, having no idea how much you needed to hear that before falling unconscious. 
After gathering the medicinal plants and resources that the two of you have accumulated so far, she returns to the fireside, settling down beside you. She raises your shirt enough to have access to your wounds, but not far enough to expose you. Temperate water meets your bloodied and broken skin, rushing over the sensitive areas as she gently cleans them. Once dry, she mixes the materials into a sort of salve to rub on them before laying the plants on them in place of bandages. 
The crackling of the fire works with the crashing of distant waves to serve as background noise, making the night far more peaceful than the day had been. She allows you to continue resting, knowing you need all of it that you can get. 
About an hour or so later you wake with a start, hands reaching out as if you were right back in front of the animal. Your dreams were plagued with images of the nightmarish beast, and you're having trouble adjusting to the fact that they were all in your head. They felt so real. Rosé is by your side in an instant, brushing your hair out of your face with one hand while caressing your thigh with the other -- it's one of the only places that made it out of battle relatively unscathed. Your panicked eyes find hers, glazed over with tears as you pull her flush against your body, glad to know she's okay. Her warmth reminds you that she's here, that she's real, and that she's safe. 
Memories of your fight come flooding back, filling your mind with the terrifying things you witnessed and reigniting your fight or flight response. You remember that she didn't listen to you -- she put herself in harm's way instead of leaving you behind, like you asked -- and you grow angry. Muttered phrases of disapproval leave your lips as you push her away, stumbling slightly when you try to stand on your own. Although confused by your erratic behavior, she reaches out to assist you, only to be met with a harsh refusal from you. 
"Stop!" The word comes out as an angry shout -- louder than you originally intended -- but you can't find it in yourself to apologize right now. You find your footing after a moment, holding your side as you walk away from her. 
"What's your problem?" She shouts, marching after you. She refuses to let this go without a fight, seeing as how she has plenty more questions than answers now.
"You could've gotten hurt, Rosé, and I could've handled it on my own." You say over your shoulder, continuing on your journey away from camp. Her relentlessness is quickly getting on your nerves.
"Clearly you couldn't! You needed help; why are you denying that?" She stops now, crossing her arms angrily with her brows furrowed. The fact that you're still so set on clinging to your pride is pissing her off. 
"You should've left me there! I can't have you getting hurt because of me." You turn around now, setting your jaw. Is she really this blind? This has nothing to do with your pride. Her eyes meet yours, the pools overflowing with confusion as they scan over your face in search of clarification.
"I can handle something happening to me; I've made my peace with that. But if something ever happened to you because of my incompetence…" you shake your head at the mere thought of that, momentarily too overwhelmed to continue, "...I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I care about you, idiot." You add that last line before turning around, not bothering to wait on her reaction. Part of you is scared to, honestly, and the day has been far too eventful for you to handle a potential rejection on top of everything else. 
She says nothing, leaving the air around you void of her beautiful voice, and you don't know whether to be thankful or disheartened. 
You put more distance between the two of you, leaving a stunned Rosé in your wake as you find a place to sit along the shoreline. Your temper -- more precisely, the fear you hold that presents itself as anger -- reared its head tonight. You didn't mean to snap at her like that, but the possibility of her getting hurt because of you makes your blood boil. That would be unforgivable, and you wouldn't be able to live with yourself. You felt helpless earlier, quickly running out of the strength required to keep her safe.
Salty tears manage to break past your line of defenses, much like Rosé has managed to do with your heart. She's torn down every wall you've ever put up to protect yourself, and now that she's there you don't know how to cope. You've had people you considered close before, but none of them have mattered like she does. You've never been so afraid of losing someone. 
A soft hand on your shoulder makes you jump slightly, pulling you from your thoughts. Speak of the devil.
"Hey." She says simply, sitting down beside you. You turn your face away, not wanting to let her see you cry. "I'm sorry for fighting, okay? But I'm not sorry for helping you. I care about you, too, and I'll be damned to just leave you like that." She doesn't say anything else, doesn't try to make you look at her -- she just sits there, waiting for you to be ready to do so on your own. 
She's waited on you since you were teenagers, so she figures she's capable of waiting a bit longer now. Both of you are aware of the love you hold for one another; this is just the hardest part -- finally admitting it. 
"I can't lose you," you whisper, eyes full of tears that occasionally roll down your cheeks once gravity finds its footing. You turn to the front, still too emotional to look into her eyes. 
"Ditto. That's why I did what I did." 
Your knees are raised and pulled in close to your body for security, your arms wrapped around them to keep them in place. She reaches over to rest her hand on yours, wordlessly coaxing you into looking at her. 
"I…" You pause, voice breaking with the emotions you're still reeling from. 
"I know." She says, resting her forehead against yours. 
"I love you, too." 
She pulls you in, making sure to be gentle and not injure you any further. She raises your head to press her lips against yours, tasting the faint hint of wildberry that still rests on them from earlier. It's slow and new, giving you a break from the intensity you've been dealing with the past few days. You tilt your head to the right, letting out a whimper as her fingers graze a bruised spot on your ribs. She gives you another peck before pulling away, determined to stop herself while she still can. You're addicting, and she already can't get enough of you. 
A beat passes between you, giving you time to sort the thoughts rushing around your mind. "I've always loved you." You admit, pulling back to look at her. Tears well in her eyes, shining brightly in the brilliant moonlight as they threaten to fall. 
"Ever since we commanded our own boats for the first time. Mine was better, of course," she laughs at that, smiling despite herself, "...but I knew you were different then. I've spent all these years being too stubborn to let myself have you." 
She takes your words in, her heart pounding victoriously in her chest at your confession. "I knew when we were still training together. You always made things better for me then; I was so thankful to know you. Even if we teased the hell out of each other." 
You grin at the countless memories that come to mind. "Do you remember that night at the docks, after we graduated from our classes?" She looks up, searching her memory vault. "When you kissed me?" She asks. You nod, looking down with a bashful smile. 
"I knew we wouldn't see each other for a while, so I wanted to make it count."
"You made it really hard to say goodbye, you know?" She says, her eyes softening as she looks at you. 
"I know. But you get half of the blame." 
She tuts at you, nudging you playfully. You hiss in pain, causing her to bring a hand up to cover her growing smile. "Oops. Sorry, not sorry." 
"If I wasn't hurting so bad I'd tackle you right now." 
"Oh, I'm so scared." She laughs, mocking you. 
"That's it," you declare, ignoring the pain that shoots through your body with all the moving you're doing. Her laugh practically heals you anyway, so it's not hard to push it from your mind. You press her into the sand, rolling over to straddle her hips and pin her hands above her head. 
"Woah, tiger. Don't hurt yourself." She raises her head as much as her restrained state will allow, coming dangerously close to your face. 
"You're such a dork." You tut, leaning in to capture her lips once more. She mumbles out a, "you love it, though" against you, and your heart can't help but soar. 
- A Few Weeks Later -
A soft melody rides along the airwaves towards your ears, persuading you to wake up from your cozy slumber. You cuddle further into Rosie's tempting embrace, smiling at the way she pulls you impossibly closer. Her throat wiggles as she hums out a familiar tune from your childhood -- one of the songs you used to dance together to. 
"You big softie." You coo, resting your chin on her chest to look into her eyes with a smile. She grins, finally peeking at you through her lashes. 
"Good morning, beautiful." She says, her accent coming through adorably. She pulls you up to her lips for a kiss before rolling you onto your back. 
You sigh as she leaves open mouth kisses to your neck, dragging her lips over the skin there lazily. She takes her time, leaving marks here and there to show the world who you belong to. Her hands skim over the warm skin of your abdomen, finally free of the intense wounds you've been recovering from. Only small scars are left now, serving as a testament to what you endured.
"Mmm, I'm hungry. Let's go get something to eat." She chuckles at that, her head falling forward to rest against your shoulder as her body shakes with laughter. 
"You're thinking about food while I'm kissing you?" She grins, propping herself up on her arm to look down at you lovingly. 
"What can I say? I'm a hungry girl." You kiss her cheeks, ghosting your lips over hers. "Although," you tease the corner of her mouth, "...you're looking pretty tasty right about now. I might just eat you instead." 
She squeals as you crawl on top of her, pretending to bite her skin as you tickle her sides. 
"I surrender!" She shouts, finally giving into you. You kiss her one last time before pulling away and practically dragging her out of the structure. 
"I'll get started on cooking the fish if you grab some water." You offer, rustling through your handmade crate for the skewers you use to prepare food. 
"Alright," she nods, kissing you on the cheek before grabbing your canteens and setting off towards the freshwater spring not far from camp. 
"Be careful!" You call out after her, smiling when she turns around to face you with her hands in the form of a heart. 
"Good job baby. That was delicious." She compliments, leaning back against the log you use as seating beside the fire. She almost always opts to sit in the sand and rest against it for some reason, but you're long past questioning her at this point. Rosie's… unique. 
"They don't call me Chef Y/N for nothing." You quip, holding your head higher with a sense of self-importance. 
"They don't call you that anyway." 
"Hey," you pout, slapping the back of her head with no real force. "Let a girl pretend, would you?"
"Fine, my apologies." She smiles again, and you can't help but do the same. You've lost count of how many times she's made you laugh over these past few weeks, and although you hope to be rescued sooner rather than later, the thought of being stuck here with her for a while longer doesn't seem all that bad. 
"You're doing it again," she trails off, wiggling her voice up and down to tease you. 
"Looking at me like a lovesick puppy." Her eyes shine in the warm, tropical sunlight, pools of rich amber that you wouldn't mind getting lost in. They match the color of whiskey almost perfectly.
"Not my fault. Have you seen yourself?." She scoffs, but blushes nonetheless. You lean over to press a kiss to the top of her head affectionately. 
Your attention is stolen away all at once as you hear the words you've been imagining ever since you arrived on the island. "Land, ho!" Multiple voices bellow out in the distance, prompting you to search for their source. Collective cheering can be heard, and you swiftly stand -- as if that simple act will miraculously enable you to see better. 
"We're coming, Captain!" Jisoo, your second in command shouts, seemingly hanging off the bow of the ship -- your ship. A squad of others follows behind, maintaining a tight formation as they make their way to shore. 
"Us too, Captain!" Someone calls from one of the neighboring boats, apparently one of Rosé's crewmembers. She waves back excitedly, and you bite back the smile that tugs at your cheeks. 
Eventually they reach land.
"Y/N!" Your scout, Lisa, shrieks like a schoolgirl, running into your arms eagerly. She was the first friend you ever made during your training years, long before you met Rosé, and you were truly worried for her.
"Ah, Lisa. Jisoo." You look between the two of them proudly, glad to see them alive and well. "What happened?" 
"We managed to defeat Captain Crusty's men--" she stops to explain when she notices your brows furrowed in amused confusion, "--that's the nickname we gave the bandit leader. Anyway, we defeated them and repaired the ship enough to make it back to shore. They did some major damage, though." 
You nod, satisfied with their story, until you remember that they didn't come alone. You subtly motion your head to the other crew, and Jisoo gets the memo. "We found the rest of these pea-brains back at the docks and they insisted on coming along."
"Hey, it's not like we wanted to be stuck with you either!" Jennie, Rosé's second, hits back, defending herself and the rest of her crew. "If your moron captain would've listened to Rosé we wouldn't be here, and we wouldn't have lost anyone in the process." 
"Quiet," Rosé warns, stepping in front of her to block the two sides from each other.
Despite knowing it isn't technically your fault, Jennie's words do hold some truth. You feel guilty for all the senseless violence you could've potentially spared your people from enduring, and the what-ifs weigh heavily on your mind and heart. 
"So long as I'm still in charge, no one will disrespect Y/N or her crew. Are we clear? I won't take kindly to any of you going against me." It's a heavy warning, and her tone makes it clear that she'll be true to her word. They know better than to test her. Her eyes scan the group of misfits, all looking bewildered by her sudden change of heart. It must be a bit jarring for them, after being such bitter enemies with the others for so long. Regardless, scattered nods and grumbles of acceptance leave them before they all scurry away to get started on their tasks, looking like scolded children. 
You send Lisa and Jisoo along with the rest of your crew to go ahead and board again, seeing that you have no real equipment to pack up this time. It feels wrong to leave the island  -- the place that brought you back to Rosie and allowed you to open your heart to her -- without something to remember it by. So, with a whispered, "Wait here," you run back to camp to snatch something. 
You return soon after, a huge smile plastered on your face. "You're bringing our door?" She laughs, tilting her head at your strange choice. 
"Duh. Good to know your eyes still work, I was getting worried." You tease, giggling as she pinches you. 
"Come on baby; let's go. Last one there has to clean the poop deck." 
"Get back here!" She yells, chasing you into the chilly water with a smile. Whether she loses or not doesn't matter much to her -- she finally has you after all these years, and she can't wait to see where the future will take the two of you. 
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cienie-isengardu · 3 years
Hi! I love your in depth thoughts/analysts! They are so good! So I saw a post that zoro would kill one of the strawhat crew if luffy ordered it and the more I think about it the less sure I am if he would or not. Do you think zoro would? Honestly I just want to hear your thoughts on his loyalty level!
Thank you very much!
Well, in a certain situations and under very specific, extreme conditions Zoro could follow such order but to be honest, the only one crewmember I see him killing on Luffy’s request is Luffy himself and more as a way to shorten his agony, not letting Government/Navy to capture and publicly execute Pirate King or, in case of Luffy being under mind control or in state similarly threatening safety of the crew, to save the rest of nakama.
Unless we count a different type of order, not a direct execution but ultimately leading to death anyway, then Zoro could sacrifice in such a way only himself. Luffy wouldn’t even need to order it, because Roronoa is always up to fight and/or stay behind to protect friends and allies, no matter how the mission is beyond the limits of his endurance or how powerful, dangerous and outclassing him the opponent is - Zoro proved time and again his willingness to die for crew’s sake, and in that context, he would execute captain’s order to the last breath, regledless of its suicide nature.
However hurting or killing people they both care - or cared - very deeply just to satisfy Luffy’s whim is quite unlikely to happen, at least not with a Zoro at the current period of time (Wano Arc).
Zoro is one of few confirmed characters that in fact killed someone and definitely doesn’t mind to do it again if the situation requires it. He doesn’t just like a good fight, Zoro enjoys bloodshed and his killing intent is so strong and palpable to the point many consider him either a born killer or a beast. At the same, he has a very strict moral sense about who he can kill and who not and the crewmembers naturally fall into the category of people he will protect no matter what. Similarly, Zoro has a clear sense of leadership and a responsibility coming with it.
There is no doubt that Zoro is loyal to Luffy but loyalty is not the same as a blind obedience. What is one of the major themes of the manga, from the start building the contrast between a corrupted, authoritarian government where people either die for insubordination or are forced to commit hideous crimes and the pirates so keen on keeping their personal freedom (dreams). Of course, all Straw Hats are loyal to Luffy and care for his dream more than for their own life, but it is their choice alone, made by each for their own reasons. Over the course of the story, Luffy proved to be worthy of their trust and love and there is no blackmailing, no threatening on his part, no demands for anything in return. No promises of power or money either, just a grand adventure and a chance to follow dreams.
But the relationship between Zoro and Luffy was always unique in the sense how narrative makes them more equal partners than just a closely tied leader and his right-hand man. Through the course of story, various Straw Hats (usually Nami, Usopp or Sanji) were allowed to smack Luffy whenever he did something stupid or reckless or call him an idiot (done by almost everyone at some point) or show in any other way their dissatisfaction yet Zoro had a direct impact on Luffy’s captaincy which is one very prominent detail about Zoro and Luffy’s bond - it was from the start grounded not only in mutual respect but also high, clear exceptions on both sides. These exceptions of course evolved along their friendship but its core didn’t change. Because of that Zoro is not there to blindly follow orders, he is there to keep Luffy grounded, to either be his backbone in dire situations or to push him into the right direction if Luffy oversteps the line between leader worth to follow and the one unworthy of Zoro’s obedience.
The best example comes from Enies Lobby Arc, in which Zoro refused to let Usopp come back if he didn’t apologize first.
[Zoro]: Whatever you do, Luffy, you better not kiss his butt and tell him how happy you are to see him again. I won't let him come back unless he apologizes for what he did! Whatever Luffy and Usopp were thinking of when they started arguing -who was right and who was wrong- that doesn't matter. When two men decide to have a duel, the only thing that matters is who wins. Usopp lost! And he left the ship on his own. Listen, all of you. This guy may be an idiot, but he's still the captain. We're better off without a crewmate who can't respect the captain when the going gets tough! A crew that doesn't respect their captain and a captain who doesn't deserve that respect is destined to fail! I don't care how much you screw around under normal circumstances, but you're still the captain, and you rank above me. If you don't act like a captain at a time like this, I'll be the next one to leave this group! [chapter 438]
I know that a lot of fans considered his words as a sort of emotional blackmail (“me or Usopp”) but I personally see it as him acting as a true quartermaster that saw an error in Luffy’s judgment and Usopp’s unpunished “crime” and did not let it slip. What is important, ultimately Luffy’s decision was made after each person had a chance to speak in favor or against Usopp’s return and once the final verdict was made, the crew obligately abided “the law” whenever they liked the result or not.
Zoro may sound cruel and cold back then but he acted for Luffy’s sake (upholding captain’s authority) as well for the wellbeing of the crew (not letting in someone who may leave them again on whim). He also set clear standards Luffy must uphold if he wants Zoro to still consider him the leader.
This example shows that: A) Zoro’s opinion on critical matters has a weight between whole crew, including captain
B) Zoro takes very seriously Luffy as the captain but does not blindly obey his decisions if these are against the best interest of the crew and his own moral code.
C) Zoro’s obedience is not permanent and may be denounced if Luffy fails to fulfill his part of the “captaincy deal”
The last point especially is something that was brought up by manga a few times. Obviously, the first time happened when Zoro agreed to join Luffy under a very specific conditions:
[...] If I have to abandon my dream for any reason then I’m going to make you commit hara kiri.
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The dream is both about ambition and Zoro's moral core for as he had said before, he lives by his own code and that is not gonna change.
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So when Luffy got his first mate, the deal comes with ground rules: Zoro will obey as long as Luffy doesn’t interfere with his dream and that includes respecting his personal code. In return, Zoro gave a word to be Luffy’s (loyal) crew member and become the best swordmaster, because anything less would be unacceptable for (future) Pirate King.
This symbolic agreement about “obligations” - Zoro giving his best while Luffy respecting his dream (freedom) and “privileges “ (having a first mate that makes Luffy finally a true captain and the possible breach of the pact if Luffy fails to keep his end of the deal) drastically contrast with strict obedience of Navy in which the soldiers were treated like dirt, physically and mentally intimidated so they out of fear carried all horrible orders and the one lieutenant who actually refused to find and kill a little girl was killed by captain Morgan himself.
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Considering how Eiichiro Oda is familiar with the history of piracy, I’m convinced it was an intentional choice of the author to have these two kinds of submission side by side. The authoritarian, inhuman “follow orders or die” and the piracy’s “I will obey you as long as my freedom (dream) is not threatened”. Because historically speaking, a lot of real life pirates were once sailors working in awful conditions, ill treated and abused by their masters, all the lords and officers above them and this is why they refused to give away their freedom completely. Captain was a man to follow without question only during battle or crisis situations, and to secure the rights of the common people (as equal distribution of loot and supplies, responsibilities and access to medical care) the crew chose the most trusted member to counterbalance captain’s power. At that moment, the deal between Luffy and Zoro was just about them, but Zoro slowly will grow up into fine Quartermaster of the Straw Hats (with Nami to share the burden) and because of that, his loyalty does not lie solely with Luffy (the leader) but with the crew as a whole and thus can’t be blindly obedient to captain.
(To be honest all core members of the crew actually made a symbolic pact of equality, their own Code of Conduct before they crossed the Grand Line. The barrel played the role of round table while everyone stated their goals - no matter how big or small their dreams were, all were equally important and part of the great adventure awaiting the crew ahead. They came to the Grand Line as an equal not as master and his duty bound subordinates. Something similar happened again in Alabasta, with the mark of friendship.)
With passing time, the importance of things Zoro held the dearest (his dream, swords, life) of course have been revalued in Luffy’s favor but his moral core did not bulge at all. Another example of Zoro’s insight about captaincy coming into play could be observed during Water 7, when Luffy won the duel over Going Merry.
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[Luffy]: This is too much…!
[Zoro]: That’s the burden of being a captain. Don’t doubt yourself. If you start becoming unsure… who can we have faith in?!
So Roronoa makes it clear to Luffy that as a captain he can’t doubt his own decisions because otherwise the crew will lose faith in him and that will lead only to bigger catastrophe. Which is pretty interesting since he was the only one to show Luffy support in a dire time of personal crisis while for most of the conflict he simply observed the development of the situation. In contrast, Nami, Chopper and Sanji kinda sided with Usopp in the sense they were angry at Luffy for letting Usopp to leave (Nami screamed at him, he should apologize, Sanji hit Luffy when he was about to say to Usopp he can leave if he disagree with his decision about Going Merry and later even verbally attacked Zoro blaming him for Franky Family attack on Usopp, while Chopper in general was very much affected by the bad physical condition of an already injured colleague). Zoro let Luffy and Usopp solve their problem by duel but made it clear to Luffy he can’t regret his choices even if the consequences are an emotionally heavy burden. In fact, he did what a loyal first mate would do, he stepped into “leader mode” when Luffy himself was too emotionally hurt to give a proper order and commanded the crew to prepare to leave Merry Go [chapter 333].
Which shows how important Zoro is to Luffy, not only as a friend but also as a trusted right-hand man. He not only stands side by side with him or protects his back in times of fight or crisis but is always ready to step in and take command if Luffy is unable to do himself, either because of injury, absence or like in this case, overwhelming negative feelings. At the same time, there is no “if you can’t meet [my] expectations I will denounced my obedience” as was during previously mentioned example or another, from Fishman Island Arc:
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This scene in all fairness could be read just as a cocky joke, but nevertheless shows Zoro’s mindset. If Luffy couldn’t use haki at a satisfactory level, he wouldn’t be worthy of the captain title. And I don’t think it is just about power level and more the matter of danger for the whole crew - a weak captain makes wrong decisions that may ultimately lead to death of others.
Zoro could joke then but he was pretty serious in Punk Hazard Arc when he demanded from Luffy to get serious since “New World starts here”
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Of course, Luffy is Luffy and almost right away came with a silly “ufo” attack but frankly this wasn’t the first nor the last time Zoro scolded his captain for not acting as he should during a serious battle, even when the rest of crew doesn’t seem bothered anymore by his sillness.
All of the mentioned examples makes me think that Zoro’s loyalty never has been about blindly following orders but to keep Luffy grounded. To stand side by side with him against the world when Luffy demands it, like when taking together beating from Bellamy or facing the Emperors Kaido and Big Mom or watch his back in battles or doing what Luffy can’t do himself at certains times (leading and protecting crew in his absence or in case of seriously injury). Luffy knows that and greatly respects Zoro’s opinions on critical matters and frankly, this specific type of first mate’s loyalty is what pushes him and demands to do better, to grow up into the best captain he could be.
Zoro is always there to rise to the challenge, to do impossible just on Luffy’s whim when they are in the battle but his duty is as well to the crew’s wellbeing (something that in all fairness Luffy’s relies on a lot too - Skypiea Arc was one of the first hard crashing with reality of Grand Line, when Zoro’s presence did not protected Robin and Chopper from Enel’s powerful attack). One of the prominent traits of Roronoa is that he is always kinda on the side, distanced from everyone, even between his nakama. But this distance allows Zoro to look most objectively on the crisis so the feelings will not hinder his judgment when he will need to act to either bring comrades to order or raise up the important matters to debate .
Zoro is a quiet character but very morally grounded and over the course of the story, sort of plays the role of Quartermaster (sharing some duties with Nami) for Luffy’s sake and the crew alike. It is the trust given to him by all members of their little group.
Luffy ordering Zoro to kill a (weaker) member of the crew would break their first established rule - to never demand from Zoro to act against his principles. On the merciless sea and against the whole world, the crew is the only one thing that keeps you alive and killing a comrade is a crime among those following commonly accepted Conduct of Honor. If Zoro killed a comrade, especially the weaker one for any other reason than self-defense, he would violate the principles on which he built his worldview, morality and ambitions to be the best swordsman and as a result, violated his own dream.
There is of course a possibility that somehow in future Luffy and Zoro could choose a dark path similar to Doflamingo or Kaido or the world may go straight to hell and in result drive Luffy into madness to wish death upon his own nakama (thus act so completely out of character). But for that to happen - and with any alternative universe - Zoro would need to undergo the same radical change along with Luffy for them to abandon their moral core they both are so stubborn to keep.
So in short, with the exception of the few specific scenarios I mentioned at the beginning, I don’t think Zoro would follow such an order and definitely not against anyone that is not Luffy or him, if there were extreme reasons to do so.
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viking-raider · 3 years
Hoist the Colours - Part II
Summary: You try and survive being Henry's captive, while your father plans on how to get you back.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 7,629
Warning: PG-13 - Pirate!Henry, Some Dark Themes, Language, Kidnapping, Ransom, Captivity, Possible Trigger Warning, Unwanted Physical Contact, Angst, Fluff, Bondage
Inspiration: Pirates of the Caribbean and Henry Cavill!
Author's Note: Gotta love Pirates!
Tag List Blog: @viking-raider-taglist
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Henry woke with the sun glittering off the ocean and into his face and groaned, rubbing at his bearded cheeks and sat up, rolling his stiff neck and shoulders. His body was sore after the battle the day before, he crossed the swaying room and poured himself a stiff drink and quickly downed it with a groan.
Splashing some water in his face from a small basin, Henry peeked through the narrow gap between bed curtains and saw you sound asleep, before a light knock sounded on the still locked door.
“What is it?” He asked, opening the door to his first mate, Benjamin Nullings.
“Morning to you too, Captain.” Nullings greeted him back, with a smile.
Henry shook his head at the man, a smile tugging at his lips. He and Nullings had known each other for a good many years, back when they were both crewmen on another Pirate's ship, before Henry acquired the Crimson Jersey, a Spanish Galleon, and he made Nullings his First Mate, being one of the only men that he trusted.
“Good morning, Benji.” He replied to him.
“Well, good is going to depend on how you take the news I have for you.” Nullings answered, his brow creasing.
“What news?” Henry frowned, not liking the tone or the look Nullings was giving him.
“It's Valentine.” Nullings said, clearing his throat and rubbing the back of his bald head. “He was injured in the skirmish yesterday, took a musket ball to the arm. The surgeon had to take it off during the night, but he ended up bleeding out and died early this morning.”
Henry's head dropped back with a growl. “Fuck.”
“Exactly.” Nullings nodded, pressing his lips together. “You know old man Norris entrusted us with his son to try and straighten the boy out, not get his arm blown off or him killed.”
“He's going to kick up quite the fuss back at the Island for this.” Henry groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Has Quartermaster Astley tallied up the new loot?”
“He has, and we should make a very tidy profit of ten thousand pieces of eight.” Nullings informed him.
“Divided by a thirty man crew.” Henry squeezed his eyes closed and did the math. “Three hundred pieces per man. Norris will want his son's portion plus compensation for his death. Give him Valentine's portion and I'll compensate Norris for the death of his son.” He told Nullings, pushing his jaw forward.
“Once we get back to the Island, that is.”
“I'll have Astley make a note of it in his logs.” Nullings nodded, agreeing with his Captain and friend. “How's our bargaining chip holding up?” He asked, with a knowing smile.
“Stubborn and feisty.” Henry replied, glancing over his shoulder.
“Typical of all women.” Nullings laughed, his head thrown back.
“True enough.” Henry agreed, looking back at him. “Have Ellis keep us on course for Tortuga, but we won't be harboring there. So, have him anchor us off shore and the men will row out to it. They've earned a jaunt on shore after being at sea for the last eight months.”
“When we get the girl's ransom, do we still intend on returning to the Island?”
“Yes, we won't be able to hold anything more and we're already starting to ride lower in the water than we should.” He commented, running a hand through his hair.
“Well, we'll be in Tortuga within two days.”
“Excellent.” Henry nodded, pleased. “Have Valentine's body put in a shroud and we'll pay our respects to him this afternoon.” He instructed him, hearing you start to stir, disturbed by the sound of their voices.
“Aye, Captain.” Nullings nodded his head at Henry and went about his duties.
Henry closed the door as you pulled back the curtains, whimpering as the bright sunlight hit your unprepared eyes. “Good morning, pet.” He purred, smirking at you as you brushed your sleep tousled hair out of your face.
You huffed at him, rolling your eyes at his continued nickname for you, but didn't answer his greeting.
“Someone is a grumpy morning person.” He chuckled, openly teasing you.
“Only with bloodthirsty pirates.” You growled at him, trying to soothe the wrinkles in your skirts.
“Well, they don't call me Henry the Red for nothing, pet.” Henry grinned at you, unashamed and proud of himself. “We'll anchor off the coast of Tortuga in two days' time.” He informed you, combing his fingers through his messy curls.
“Tortuga?” You frowned up at him, surprised. “Why not Lockemirth?”
“I'm not going anywhere near Lockemirth until your dear papa has your ransom.” He replied, pulling his hair back with the leather string. “I'm not a stupid man, if I was to go near that island before hand, it would give him and the Crown amble opportunity to try and overtake my ship and crew. So, we'll wait in Tortuga.”
“Then, how will you know my father will have it?” You asked him, lifting a brow at him. “Tortuga and Lockemirth are eighty kilometers apart.”
Henry smirked at you, impressed. “A woman that knows her cartography.”
“I'm an educated woman, not the plague ridden whores you gallivant with.” You hissed at him, venomously.
“I have much finer tastes.” He replied, his stormy blue eyes scanning you for a long moment. “Anyhow, I have my ways of getting messages between the islands. So, you don't have to worry about that, pet.”
You glared daggers into him, wishing you had some means to wipe that smug look off his face. Henry stared back at you, he could see the thoughts flitting across your mind, you were either terrible at hiding how you were feeling or you weren't bothering to do so. Either way, he wasn't threatened by it or worried that you could pull it off or even attempt it to begin with, and he let that show on his own face.
“Enter!” He shouted, just as a knock came, causing you to jump at the sudden sound.
His cabin door opened and the same man from the night before entered with another silver tray with food upon it, he paid no attention to you as he bowed his head to Henry, set the tray down on his desk and left again.
“Are you starving this morning as well, pet?” Henry asked, picking up a few bits of food off of his plate and popped them into his mouth, making a big deal out of chewing and how good it tasted.
You watched him eat and felt your stomach rumble in your stays, you hadn't eaten since early afternoon the day before and were parched beyond belief. Henry lifted a silver goblet to his nose, swirling its contents and taking a whiff of it with a satisfied hum, before taking a deep swallow.
“Mmm, simply remarkable.” He said, after rolling the mouthful of wine in his mouth for a moment, before swallowing. “A 1681, Spanish Red.” He spoke, licking his lips. “I've always loved red wine, so it works out in the end.”
You gulped, feeling your hunger start to break down your willpower as you watched him enjoy the wine and food, purposely taking his time and making a show of it. With every bite of food and sip of wine your hunger and desperation grew, to the point you almost became unhinged. Henry set his goblet down and picked up yours, holding it out to you, a playful and teasing smirk and expression on his face, continuing to poke holes in your weak resolve.
“You know you want it, pet.” He hummed, lowering the deep timber of his voice, taunting you. “Wet those sweet lips of yours.” He purred, his tone teasing more than one meaning of his words. “Be a pity to let yourself go to waste.”
Gulping and licking your lips, the last of your will dissipating as you shot forward and snatched the goblet from his hand, making him laugh, as you hastily downed it, your mind not taking a moment to ask your taste buds how it tasted. Henry picked his own goblet back up, slowly sipping his wine, while you started to gorge yourself on the food. He plucked up the uncorked bottle of wine on the tray and refilled your goblet, the rich and deep red liquid splashing onto the stained oak wood of his desk as the ship bucked on the waves.
“Easy, pet.” Henry cooed at you. “Don't make yourself sick.”
You slowed down, looking up at him as you swallowed down the bit of food you had been devouring, the look in your hungry and exhausted eyes shifting, then you gulped down, audibly. A broader smirk crossed Henry's face and he rolled his eerily blue eyes at you.
“I ate the same food off the same plate, pet. It's not fouled up.” He laughed at you, increasingly amused at your silliness at thinking he, or the cook, had some how poisoned the food. He touched his fingers under your chin, smirking at you.
“For Lord's sake, you're no use to me dead or damaged.”
Another knock sounded at the door and it opened without Henry's permission, revealing Nullings. “Captain, Valentine and his shroud have been prepared, all we wait for is you.” He informed Henry, lifting a brow at the two of you.
“If you aren't busy.” He added, clearing his throat.
“I'm not.” Henry replied, dropping his hand from your chin. “Just making sure the Governor's daughter had her breakfast.” He chuckled, gently patting your cheek, then polished off his wine and set it down on his desk. “Come along, pet. All aboard are required to attend.” He told you, starting for the door.
“Attend what?” You asked, staying where you were.
“One of my men, Valentine Tash, was injured in the skirmish yesterday.” Henry replied, pulling on his jerkin. “He died, after having his arm nearly blown off.” He explained to you, settling the garment on his body.
“What's that matter to me?” You snapped, narrowing your eyes at him. “You were the monster that attacked my ship. It's your fault, he's dea--”
Henry bolted across the room, the back of his big hand connecting to your surprised cheek in a harsh smack; if it wasn't for his desk, you would have crumbled to the floor, instead you fell upon the desk, sending the tray of food crashing to the floor and spilling your goblet and the bottle of wine across it.
“Every man, and woman, on this ship knows the difficulties and dangers of being on these seas and in this occupation. Death is part of that expectation, no matter who they are. If they die, from whatever the cause, they have been cautioned and informed of it, and still they chose to come. That isn't on my head or on my heart.” He hissed at you, face twisted with rage.
“So, I suggest you watch your tongue, especially when you speak of things an insolent and ignorant girl does not understand.” He grabbed you by the elbow and yanked you up onto your feet. “Do you understand what I've said?”
You looked up at him, sniffling, eyes brimming with tears and your cheek welted with his knuckles. “Y-e-s.” You hiccupped and gulped thickly.
“Good.” Henry replied, tense. “Now, we're going out there and you will behave yourself, and if you try anything stupid, you won't leave this cabin again, until I have everything I want from your father in three days.” He warned you, shoving you in the direction of the door.
You tripped over the threadbare rug on the floor, but was thankfully caught by Nullings, before you fell. He gave you a soft and sympathetic smile, supporting you until you managed to right yourself, then kindly let you go. Henry moved in behind you, making you shiver as you followed Nullings out of the Captain's cabin. You blinked at the bright light of the morning as you stepped out onto the main deck of the ship, it seemed by the amount of people there as well, that the entire crew was out and waiting for the ceremony to send Valentine off to his watery grave.
It would be a lie, if you said you weren't interested in how pirates dealt with their dead. You had spent much of the voyage on the Kilmartin dreaming up scenarios about pirates and their ways of life on the high seas; but being kidnapped and held for ransom wasn't one of them though.
You saw a canvas wrapped body on a long wood platform that was balanced on the edge of the ship with two men holding onto it, so it wouldn't prematurely fall into the roiling sea below. The men gathered around their Captain, removing what hats they were wearing and bowed their heads. Henry stood tall beside you, his broad shoulders straight and tense as he surveyed his crew, his expression hard and unreadable.
“We gather here in honor of our mate, Valentine Tash.” He said, speaking loudly over the waves crashing against the hull. “He was a good man, a hard worker and a sound fighter. It is unfortunate that we have lost him, but he will forever be remembered.”
The crew let out three cheers in agreement and honor of their fallen comrade, before Henry gave a stiff nod of his head and the two men holding the body, lifted the platform and the shrouded body of Valentine Tash slid off of it and into the abyss below, never to be seen again. The crew lingered for another moment of quiet, before silently returning to their stations. You stood beside Henry as he continued to stare after the now vanished body, you saw, now that his men were gone or distracted by their duties, the look in his ordinarily hard and guarded eyes was one of a raw heart, one that had lost many men over the years and, even after telling you he felt none of it, was a man that had felt all of those deaths as if they were his own.
Henry caught you staring at him. “What?” He snapped, regaining command of his face.
“Nothing, just enjoying the sunshine.” You replied, blinking up at the blue and cloudless sky. “You?”
His eyes narrowed, then blinked at you, softening slightly. “Same.” He answered, his voice calmer. “It won't last though.” He added a second later, squinting into the sunlight.
“Why do you say that?” You replied, frowning and trying to see what he was talking about.
Henry dropped his eyes to you, amused. “I've spent my entire life either on or by the sea.” He replied, moving to the railing. “All that experience teaches you the language and nature of it. Even if it looks calm, sunny and beautiful, there's always something brewing just beyond the horizon.” He told you, leaning his forearms against the worn and sun faded railing.
“There's a storm coming.” He whispered, narrowing his eyes at a very thin strip of dark clouds. “But, we should be off Tortuga by the time it arrives.”
“Will we make landfall then?” You asked, gulping at the thought of being on the ship, any ship, with a storm going off.
“No.” He chuckled, shaking his head and looked over his shoulder at you. “We'll be as safe on the ship as we are on land.” He could see the fear and anxiety in your face and eyes. “Don't fret, pet. I've sailed this ship around hurricanes and she hasn't sunk yet.” He grinned at you, giving you an odd feeling of safety, but also a feeling of uneasiness.
“Then again, she can't.”
“All ships sink.” You frowned, shaking your head at him.
“Not this one, pet. Not this one.” Henry replied, still grinning as he looked his beloved ship over. “She's special.”
“Special how?” You answered, starting to worry for the pirate's mental soundness.
Henry pushed off the railing and caught your chin in his fingers, tipping your head back to look up at his amused face. “That's nothing for you to worry about, pet. There are some things beyond your innocent understanding in this world and beyond it.” He told you, his eyes darkening with an almost sinister delight.
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You jerked up with a gasp as a crack of lightning struck the water, so close to the Crimson Jersey that Henry's cabin lit up like broad daylight. You gripped the blankets of Henry's bed as the ship tilted and swayed at nauseating degrees under the heavy winds, the torrential rain hammered every part of the ship, pattering against the glass of the stern windows like small pebbles. You gasped again as a hiss filled the cabin, but slightly relaxed again, a spark of light flared to life and illuminated Henry's face as he leaned over his desk to touch the flame to the blackened wick of his tallow candle.
“I didn't mean to wake you.” You spoke, barely audible above the storm.
“You didn't.” Henry replied, crossing the room with a small struggle.
“I'm impressed how well you and your men can walk across the room or deck, when the ship is bucking like a wild animal.”
“It's land that tends to be tricky for most sailors.” He chuckled, pouring a drink, unphased by the glasses moving across the table. “Your body gets so used to the sway of the ship, it doesn't know how to react when you're finally on unmoving land again.” He told you, picking the glasses up and crossed over to you, holding one of them out.
“It's like watching a newborn babe try to walk for the first time.” He laughed, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “I'm supposing this is your first time at sea.” He said, sipping his drink.
“It is.” You nodded, staring into your own glass for a moment, before lifting it to your lips. “I would have rather stayed in London.”
“With your mother?”
Your eyes jerked over to him.
“You were the only woman on board the Kilmartin that my men and I encountered.” He clarified. “I doubt your father had you himself, so that leaves your mother still in London herself.”
“She is still in London.” You nodded, chewing on your bottom lip and trying to hold back the overwhelming wave of tears that wanted to overtake you.
You were so consumed by all the events of late, being forced to leave the only home you had ever known, to sail half a world away to a teeny island, where you knew no one other than your father. Then to be kidnapped by Pirates and held for a ransom, that you feared if your father didn't or wasn't able to pay would only end badly for you. It was all adding up on you, especially when you were still trying to deal and come to terms with your mother's passing.
“I doubt we could have brought her, even if we wanted too.” You mumbled into your glass.
“Did she not wish to join you both?” Henry asked, head slightly tilting as he noticed the cloud that crossed your face, even in the crepuscular light of the cabin.
“I'm sure she would have come with us, if she could have.” You looked up at him, eyes shining and red. “But, sailors already believe a woman on board is a bad omen, I shudder to think what they would have said about transporting the dug up coffin of one.”
Henry's mouth dropped open for a moment, before he regained his composure. “She's passed on then.”
You nodded your head, dropping your eyes back to your barely touched drink. “A year ago, this past month.” You whispered, ringing the tip of your finger around the rim of the glass. “She was sick for a very long time.” You sniffled and gulped, feeling your strength start to waver.
“I'm very sorry.” Henry whispered, softly. “It must still hurt you deeply.”
His words were the keys that opened the floodgates to everything you had pushed behind it. The walls of your throat closed and your eyes burned with the liquid fire of your tears, your breathing hitched, catching in your throat, and your shoulders trembled as tears washed over your cheeks, dripping into the glass still in your lap. Henry sighed, his face pinching in concern and sympathy as he watched you melt into sobs. Setting both glasses on the rocking floor, Henry reached out for you, resting his hands on your arms and gently pulled you into his arms and lap, tucking your head under his chin and rubbed your back, letting the sway of the ship rock the two of you. You clung to him and cried yourself out in his arms, drenching the shoulder of Henry's shirt, but he didn't care, he was a pirate after all and used to being wet.
He gently traced the outline of the whale bones sewn into your corset, beneath your dress, feeling the steadily growing weight of your body on top of his as you calmed down and fell half asleep. Biting and pressing his lips together, then sighing, Henry stood with you in his arms and leaned over the bed, gently laying you down and covered you up, before tugging his tear stained shirt off over his head, tossing it on his desk. He studied your sleeping form in his bed and sighed again, before taking the two neglected glasses back to their tray, then returned to the bed, sitting down on the edge and stared out the stern windows as the storm continued to rage around the ship.
��Look after us.” He muttered to himself, before getting into bed with you and pulled the curtains closed against the bright lightning flashes.
Henry stiffened as you whimpered in your sleep, at a rumble of thunder, before rolling into his side and relaxing again. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, but didn't move away from you, not that he could to start with, he was already laying on the very edge of the bed, so if he wanted to get away from you, he'd have to go back to where he'd been sleeping below the stern windows. So, he didn't move or push you away from him, knowing you would likely only find your way back up against his side, figuring if it gave you some measure of comfort, he might as well enjoy the warmth of your body pressed up against his, being the first woman of any standing to share a bed with him in many months, even since the last time he was on land.
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“Land ho!”
The cry woke you from a sound sleep and for a moment you forgot what ship you were on, until you opened your eyes and saw Henry pulling on his discarded shirt and his boots, before unlocking his cabin door and stepped out onto the deck.
Glancing out the stern windows, you saw the mid morning sun was shining and there was even the cry of seagulls, as if the storm had never happened, and the first real sign there was actually land nearby. Excitement blossomed inside of you and you jumped to your feet, quickly going out of Henry's cabin, hot on his heels. Henry was standing on the starboard side of the ship, a spyglass held up to one of his eyes as he swept it over the glittering water.
You didn't need a spyglass to see the approaching stretch of land and felt your heart and spirits soar as high as the seagulls beginning to circle the masts. Tortuga. You heard several of the men aboard murmur across the deck as they gathered, grinning and clasping each other on the back and shoulders, excited at the prospect of touching down on land again, getting their hands on quality booze and ladies of the evening. You couldn't wait for the opportunity to sneak off the ship and find safety somewhere on the island, surely some kind soul would point you to the Mayor or Governor, a British Subject, who would then give you safe passage to your father in Lockemirth.
“Nullings, have Ellis anchor us close enough off the island that the men can row out and enjoy themselves.” Henry barked the order, snapping the spyglass shut.
“Aye, Captain!” Nullings shouted back and ran up to the helm to relay the message.
“Drop the long boats once we're anchored offshore, men!” He yelled to the gathered men on the deck.
“Aye, Cap'n!” His men roared back, throwing up their hands in cheer.
“You.” Henry called, turning towards you.
You started and looked at him as he strode over to you, catching your elbow and turning you back towards his cabin, marching you through the door.
“From this point, until your father gives me my ransom, you are not leaving this cabin.”
“Why!” You protested, planting your hands on your hips.
“Because, I know in that little head of yours, you're already plotting on how to get yourself to that island and I'm not losing my bargaining chip, and if my men have to spend their first time on land, in months, looking for you, they'll bitch about it until we get home.” He told you, sternly.
“Now, stay put and behave.”
“And if I don't?” You retorted, lifting your nose at him.
“I'll tie you to a fucking chair for the rest of your time here.” He replied with a growl, then slammed the cabin door shut, the sound of it locking following.
You let out a frustrated shriek and stomped your feet, before angrily pacing the cabin, mumbling under your breath about how much you hated him and his stupid pirate crew, hoping your father and the Crown sunk his unsinkable ship with him on it. You soon felt the ship slow and the scrapping of the anchor chain unwinding from its storage as they dropped anchor, no doubt close enough to the island for the crew to row the longboats out to shore and enjoy themselves.
“I hope they all get the bloody pox!” You shouted at the cabin door, picking up a glass from Henry's desk and launching it at the door.
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“I want you to employ our usual method of message running for our ransoms.” Henry told Nullings as they stood on the deck, huddled together.
“Aye.” Nullings nodded, taking the heavy pouch of gold coins Henry held out to him. “The auction should be bustling, taking in all the ships currently in harbor.” He observed, glancing at how packed Tortuga harbor was. “I'll have Barnard and David take our messenger to Lockemirth Island. With any luck the Kilmartin survived the storm and is already anchored in their harbor. But, if they're late getting in, I'll have them wait.” He explained to Henry, running a hand over his smooth, suntanned and sweat drenched head.
“That leaves one other thing.” He sighed. “What if they wrecked in the storm? What do we do with the girl?”
Henry rolled his jaw, mulling over the possibility. “We'll deal with it, if it happens. Until then, act as if its still sailing.”
Nullings nodded. “Aye.”
With that, Nullings boarded the first long boat that had been lowered into the water and rested as the men manning the oars rowed them ashore. Once they landed, Nullings marched up the crowded beach, smiling as a few of the Crimson Jersey crew called out to him or made lewd gestures before vanishing into the streets to find the taverns and whore houses. As much as Nullings wanted to do the same, he was on official ship's business, so it would have to wait until later in the day, once his task was completed.
It only took a handful of minutes for Nullings to find the place he wanted to be, the Tortuga Slave Auction, melding into the crowd that pressed in on the auction block, voices from various positions in the crowd shouting out prices. He waited until he found one of interest and joined the chorus, not allowing the other buyers to push him out, until he finally won the bid and left the crowd to pay and collect them.
“You understand English?” He asked the teenaged boy, pulling him into a quiet and discreet corner.
“Yes.” The boy replied with a mild accent, and a nod of his head.
“Excellent.” Nullings smiled. “What's your name?”
“Well, listen here, Hany. I'm the First Mate of the Crimson Jersey, and I have a task for you; a task that once you fulfill, you'll gain your freedom and a passage to any place you wish to go or a place on our crew, that will be left up to you.” He explained to him.
“Do you understand me?”
“Yes, I do.” Hany nodded again, blinking at Nullings, wide eyed.
Nullings removed a small, rolled up piece of parchment out of his pocket. “You will take this to the Governor of Lockemirth Island, two of my men will take you there, then wait for his reply and return here with it. You will find me at the Golden Mermaid, ask for Nullings.” He said, handing him the note.
“Any questions?”
“No, sir.” Hany shook his head, tucking the note into the pocket of his filthy and tattered pants.
“Great! Follow me.” Nullings nodded, then took the teen to the boat where Barnard and David were waiting for him.
With that done and nothing else to do, Nullings went to the Golden Mermaid tavern in central Tortuga and ordered a room, a pint and a woman to fill his time, while he waited for Hany, Barnard and David to return with Sir Thomas's reply.
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Thomas was a mess after Henry had taken you for ransom, going from spurts of violent anger to deep depression and lamenting. Captain Davis tried his best to keep the new Governor's spirits up, but more often than not, failed at it.
“The vile things that damned pirate and his men could be doing to my beautiful and innocent daughter.” He raged, pacing the cabin in a highly agitated state. “I swear, if he harms a hair on her head, I'll hang the bastard thrice!”
“You must keep your composure, Thomas.” Davis replied, watching his friend pace from his seat behind his desk.
“Composure!” Thomas roared, stopping before the Captain's desk and slapped it with his palms. “I don't have to do any such a thing! You are not a father, you do not know the pressure and responsibility it is for one to care for their children, especially their defenseless daughters!”
Davis sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes shut. “You know my meaning, Tom.” He replied, exhausted. “We'll be in Lockemirth harbor in a couple hours time, then we can muster what we need to rescue her, in safety.”
“Yes, we will.” Thomas growled, starting to pace again. “I'll be damned if I give that abominable pirate a cent from anywhere! The only payment he will get will be to the hangman's noose.”
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A few hours later, the HMS Kilmartin docked in Lockemirth harbor and Sir Thomas disembarked from the ship, meeting the welcoming party the gentry of the island had put together for him, and you had you been with him. But, Thomas was in no mood for a welcome party and good cheer under the circumstances. He demanded to be shown the base of his operations and have all the top officials of the island to be assembled there, at once.
Several people branched out from the large group that had congregated around him, to set about his orders, while the rest of them showed him the Governor's office.
“What is the meaning of this?” One of the officials demanded as he entered Sir Thomas's office.
“Yes.” Chimed another, entering behind the first.
“We have serious business to conduct.” Thomas snapped, glaring at the full room of officials.
“What business can be so urgent that you must conduct it the moment you've stepped on the island?”
“While we were sailing here, we were attacked and boarded by pirates.” Thomas replied, his temper mounting more and more.
“Pirates!” Several gasped.
“Yes, pirates!” He barked, impatiently. “They've not only stolen several valuables from the HMS Kilmartin, they've also kidnapped my daughter and are holding her for ransom.”
A murmur went through the collection of men in the room, agitating everyone.
“What is the pirate's demand for her back?” One of the men asked, lifting a brow at Sir Thomas.
“Three-fourths of the islands money and goods.”
“Absolutely not!” The man roared back. “You can't just show up here and give them almost all that we have, I don't care if the pirate has your mother!” He protested, several of the others agreeing.
“I have no intention of giving them anything, you fools.” Thomas hissed, banging a fist on his desk.
“Then, how do you propose we retrieve your daughter back?”
“That—what is it?” Thomas barked as the door to his office opened to his clerk, Samuel.
“There is a boy here to see you, Sir.” The clerk replied, sheepishly. “Says, he has a message for you.”
“Tell him to wait.”
“But, Sir, he says it's from a man on a ship called the Crimson Jersey.”
Thomas stiffened at his words. “Let him in.” He said, pushing off his desk.
The clerk pushed the door open and stood out of the way, omitting Hany into the office. He looked around at the full room and gulped, slowly removing the note Nullings had given him out of his pocket and held it up, looking into the face of everyone in the room, not sure which of them it was meant for.
“Governor?” He said, hesitantly.
“Yes, that's me.” Thomas replied, stepping from behind his desk. “Hand it here.”
Hany took a couple steps forward, meeting Thomas halfway and allowed him to take the note from his hand. “I wait for reply.” He informed your father, uncomfortable.
“Yes, yes.” Thomas nodded, breaking the wax seal and unrolled the stiff paper.
“To the Governor of Lockemirth Island. I send you this note to inform you that I and your daughter, who is in good health and condition, are quite nearby to your island of Lockemirth. I send this messenger and expect him, and your answer, back before first light tomorrow morning. If he, or your reply, do not return by that time, I will take that as a sign of your refusal to pay her ransom and your leaving her to my mercy. Captain Henry Cavill of the pirate ship, the Crimson Jersey.”
Thomas read the note aloud, his hands slowly starting to shake with the multitude of emotions he was struggling to keep at bay.
“What is your plan, Governor?” One of the men asked, watching him restlessly pace the room.
He paced the room for several more moments, trying to gather his thoughts and form some sort of plan to get you back from Henry. Stepping up to the globe that was beside his desk, he studied it for a long moment, before turning to his desk and took up a quill and a piece of parchment paper, scribbling down his reply to Henry's note, and sealed it, pressing the signet ring on his pinkie into the cooling wax to make it official.
“Take this back to him and tell him we'll be waiting for him at that location.” He told Hany, then dismissed him to return to Nullings with the reply.
“Sir?” A man impatiently growled.
“We'll be meeting the pirate on Hafstead island.” Thomas replied, meeting the group's eye. “There is only one likely place that the Pirate and his men would make harbor in, and that's Tortuga. It's the only Island close enough to us and is friendly to their kind.” He explained his logic.
“Putting Hafstead island between Tortuga and Lockemirth, a perfect neutral ground for our transaction.”
“You stated you wouldn't be giving them their ransom demands? How then, are you planning to get your daughter back from them?”
“Misdirection.” Thomas smiled at him.
“We'll fill two crates with the goods and the rest with something else that will weigh roughly the same as the real two. They'll demand to see proof that we have their demands, so when they do, we show them the first two. Once they've handed my daughter over and move to start loading the ransom onto their long boats, we'll have guards from here attack, and all will be well.”
“I'll have my daughter back and the island will lose none of its profits.”
“You're sure this will work?”
“Yes.” He nodded, confidently.
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With what men who wanted to go ashore gone, Henry let some of the tension go out of his shoulders, before heading back into his cabin. He opened the door just as you were opening one of the windows at the back of the ship, crouching in it, poised to jump into the water blow.
“Don't you dare!” Henry barked between clenched teeth, pointing a finger at you in warning, his lip curling with anger.
You looked over your shoulder at him, heart racing in your chest and hands shaking as you gripped the open window frame. Both of your hearts paused for a frightful moment, and everything became slow-motion; Henry taking a slow step forward as you gradually let go of the window and tipped forward out of it. Reality caught up as you slipped out the window, free falling countless meters, just as Henry stuck his head out the open window to see you crash into the foamy waves.
“Fuck!” He shrieked, enraged and concerned.
Glancing behind him for a moment, Henry tore off his jerkin and boots, before swan diving out of the window and into the water after you. Making it into the water, Henry saw you slowly sinking and struggling to swim with the weight of your clothing bearing down on you. Bubbles rose towards him as you struggled to hold your breath and quickly losing the fight. Kicking his feet harder, Henry reached you and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you against his sturdy body, buoying both of you, before his fingers dug into the ties of your corset and dress, ripping them open and letting the heavy garment slip off your body and sink into the oblivion of the ocean below. Kicking his legs in unison with yours, Henry propelled you both to the surface of the choppy waves.
“You fucking brat!” Henry hissed, shaking his head, his long hair coming free from its tie, before sticking two fingers into his mouth and let out a shrill whistle, right beside your ear, uncaring if it hurt you as you coughed and sputtered for air.
A shrill whistle sounded back as he guided you around to the side of the ship, the remaining crew leaning over the railing, to see the two of you treading water.
“Man overboard!” A call went out, the men jumping to action.
“Captain overboard!” Another corrected back.
Several of the crew helped Henry haul you back onto the ship from a small ladder built into its starboard side. You stood on the deck in nothing but your shift, hugging your arms against your chest and shivering violently in the strong breeze. Henry finally set his soaking feet onto the deck, the men huddled around him for a moment, to make sure he was all right, but his blue eyes were burning holes into you.
“Go back to your duties!” He bellowed at his men, who paused for a moment, then scattered out of sight.
Henry snapped across to you, his hand raised and stopping a centimeter away from your cheek, you scrunched up your body, wincing and turning your head away, anticipating the slap. He shook, throat bobbing up and down as he struggled to control his white hot anger. His hand unclenched and squeezed around your jaw, in a bruising grip. He jerked your head forward to look up at him, making you whimper. Your frightened eyes looked into his furious blue gaze, like he was tearing you apart with his sight alone.
You shivered again and whined, cold and scared, the suspense of not knowing what Henry was going to do to you, for your open and continued disobedience.
His hand moved from your chin and grabbed you by the neck, making you yelp with alarm, terrified he was about to kill you. But he growled deep in his throat; dull nails digging into your skin. Henry jerked you sharply towards him, crushing you against his soaking body and crashing his lips to your cold ones, in an angry and sloppy kiss, his other hand coming up to tangle in the back of your wet hair. You struggled against him, squirming, beating and clawing at his chest, but Henry wasn't deterred, his continued to kiss you, for a long moment, before breaking it, then, with his hand still in your hair, Henry dragged you back into his cabin and shoved you onto his bed, uncaring that you would get the blankets and mattress wet.
Stomping across the cabin, he retrieved a coil of twine that was on a sideboard and crossed back to you. Yanking your arms up, Henry tightly weaved the rough twine around your wrists and tied it off, leaving a length of it hang from it, before cutting the excess with a small knife that was in his belt. Taking the lead of your bonds, Henry tied it to one of the bed posts.
“You're a fool.” You hissed at him as he picked up his boots and jerkin, closing the window as well.
“Am I?” He laughed, tossing his jerkin over the back of his chair.
“My father doesn't suffer Pirates.” You replied, jerking on your bonds. “He never has and he never will. You may think you'll get what you want. But, the moment he has me. He will kill you.” You told him with a deep conviction.
“He's been killing Pirates, better than you, before you were alive.”
Henry turned towards you, eyes wide with focus as he regarded you and digested your words, but before he could answer you, the door flew open and Nullings came flying in, skidding to a stop as he noticed you tied to the bed, then looked to Henry with a questioning look.
“What's the word?” Henry asked, ignoring his expression.
Clearing his throat, Nullings replied. “The Governor has replied to our ransom, he'll meet us at Hafstead island with our demands in exchange for the girl, tomorrow afternoon.”
Henry gripped the back of his chair, drumming his fingers against the carved dark wood, then glanced over at you, before pushing off his chair and hustled out of the cabin with Nullings, closing the door behind them.
“It's a set up.” Henry told him, keeping his voice low.
“What?” Nullings snapped, brow and forehead creasing. “Why do you say that?”
“Something she said.” He replied, carding a hand through his drying curls. “I want you to go back into town, find a girl her height and appearance..”
“I'm sure the man knows what his own flesh and blood looks like, Hank.” Nullings huffed, shaking his head. “Be real.”
“Listen to me.” Henry growled back, chest heaving. “Cover her head, so they don't see her face. That way, we find out just how truthful the dear old Governor is being. Take everything they bring for the ransom, only after everything loaded, will you give her to them.”
“And where will she be?”
“With me.” Henry replied. “I know Hafstead island, I know a good place to keep her. If anything goes wrong, I'll take her back aboard here, we'll all come back to the ship and head for our island.”
“You want to take her back to Shipwreck Island, if something goes awry?”
“That was the deal.” Henry barked at him. “His refusal to pay, would forfeit her to my mercy.”
“What do you bloody plan to do with her?” Nullings asked, exasperated.
“I'll figure something out.” He replied, unperturbed. “Do you understand the plan, Ben?”
Nullings tapped his foot, antsy, as he ran through the plan in his head, things were getting so much more complicated than he anticipated.
“Yeah, yeah!” He sighed, giving in. “I got it, Hank.”
“Great, get about it.” Henry smiled, patting his friend on the shoulder and going back into his cabin. “You and I, my sweet pet.” He grinned, tilting your head back to look up at him.
“Have a date tomorrow.”
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bottlepiecemuses · 3 years
Another Last Survivor Of Their People In The World Because Of The Government
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Even though I have a hunch that there is more Lunarians but they really well hid, but right now King is the last known survivor of a race that were at one point heralded as gods and live on the red line, but at some point were hunted down. So it’s not enough that King was experimented as a child, but the fact that because of the past actions of the government he was alone in the world.
Again where have I seen this before.... ?
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I have a feeling that King is the Law/Robin equivalent of the Beast Pirates. A mysterious and dark member of the team who seems to have a psychotic reputation, but actually has had a hard past due to the government fucking them over. And if we had an expanded backstory on King I have a feeling we would see any relatives he could have had that could have been killed by the government and then he was taken at a young age to be a test subject. 
And one thing that makes his thing even sadder is that unlike them, he probably never had a true homeland like them because according to what is said about the Lunarians they lived where the Mary Geoise is. In other words, his true homeland is one that was stolen and probably was a wanderer with whatever parents/relatives he had in hiding so that the government wouldn’t take them.
Again one of the worst things in One Piece is to be alone and to carry that burden for years. Even after finding a place in the world, that status as lone survivor will also linger on them. And that makes me wonder even after finding his place among the cutthroat crew of the Beast Pirates, he still was troubled by the issues concerning being the last. While he is dedicated to being his captain’s right hand man I also think he secretly wants to continue his people’s legacy in some way.
As much as he’s been a supporter of the shit the Beast Pirates have done, when you peel back the implications of his backstory then you realize we have another Law/Robin like backstory with all the baggage required. And unlike them, he had the misfortune of ending up with Kaido who would then corrupt him into the person he is today. And again this could meant that King is what could have happened if they never eventually found people who could stir them on the right path. 
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
pirate!ateez |2|
The continuation of the pirate ateez au inspired by pretty much every wonderland stage and the kingdom wonderland performance!! Once again credits to mai @wingkkun for the ideas that sparked san, mingi, and yeosang’s stories!
(Reading part 1 isn’t required to understand what happens here; however, there are spoilers for previous members’ stories!!)
Pairing: Ateez x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 11.9k (total)
Genre: some fluff, mostly angst, pirate!au
Triggers: cursing, blood and death (sometimes semi-graphic) - specific triggers for each section are listed below the header!
Part 1 (Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang) | Part 2 (San, Mingi, Wooyoung, Jongho)
Ateez Masterlist
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san (ABS - specialty in swordsmanship)
warnings: cursing
so. san.
poor dude i put him through a lot in hongjoong’s part :/ he didn’t deserve that i’m sorry san
but let’s start from the beginning
unlike some of the others, san has only ever known the streets. he has no memory of real parents, just various random caretakers who ended up causing him more harm than good
there are two singular exceptions to this during san’s childhood: you and an older pirate named jongin
you’ve been there ever since san can remember. even now he’s not entirely sure how or when you two met, he must’ve been very young, but he just knows you’ve been with him for what feels like forever
the two of you wandered the streets together, begging and stealing food whenever you could
it only makes sense that you two would fall in love once you were old enough to understand it (which comes a little later than either of you would’ve liked - you’re probably sixteen or seventeen when you get the guts to press san against a wall and kiss him like person starved as san kisses back with just as much fervor)
when you were still together, it sometimes felt like you were the only reason san could stay alive
you mean the world to each other. the literal world
so that’s you - someone san knows will never abandon him willingly, will always stay by his side as long as they can
now uh moving on to jongin
you two were young when you tried to pickpocket him that one time
immediately it was clear you’d messed with the wrong guy - he noticed you two immediately and you were caught
but surprisingly, all he did was smile and offer to buy you something to eat
and being the hungry children you were (san thinks you were around twelve at the time) you said yes without a second thought
luckily jongin didn’t have any ulterior motives - in fact, he taught you and san to become better pickpockets, how to take advantage of people’s blind spots and your natural talents
so naturally, he became both of your role model
and because jongin was a pirate, you two resolved to become pirates just like him when you grew older, even asking him to take you on his ship whenever he returned to the city to visit.
but every time, jongin refuses. when you’re younger you kind of accept it, but as you and san grow older you start to insist more and more
there’s nothing left for you two here except a life still on the streets, and isn’t being a pirate pretty much the same? stealing and pillaging, just on the ocean instead of on dry land
neither you nor san flinches at blood, and you can both deal with injuries
but jongin still refuses, finally telling you just how far from heroes pirates really are. they kill and steal, often more than they need, not taking just enough money and food to survive or pass out to those less fortunate the way you and san both do
this kills the dream a little for you and san, though you both come to the conclusion that not all pirates have to be horrible - look at jongin
so you still resolve to become pirates, maybe on a crew that isn’t as terrible as the ones jongin has told you two about
this sort of dream goes on for another year or so. you and san figure out your shit and finally kiss, jongin mock claps when he finds out before disappearing again, you and san wander the streets again still with little aim but your interlocked hands are purpose enough
until you get kidnapped. 
san literally almost goes insane when he can’t find you after two days. tears around the city like a man possessed, looking everywhere you might be and then everywhere you definitely aren’t on the off chance he’ll find you
but even when jongin arrives back in the city a few weeks later and joins san’s frantic search, you’re never found
it’s all too much. way too much for san - he’s literally lost the one person who keeps him sane - and honestly the last straw is when jongin asks if he wants to join his crew now
deep inside san knows he means it out of the goodness of his heart. jongin isn’t evil and he’s hurting too with your disappearance, he’s just trying to give san a semblance of a new home
but san explodes. none of this would’ve happened if jongin had taken them in earlier, had let them join the crew together, if he’d even taught them more - it’s his fault, it’s his fucking fault
jongin tries to grab san but he just twists away - jongin’s touch feels like fire burning against his skin - and runs
for how long he runs, san genuinely doesn’t know. he just knows that he can’t stay here, can’t stay in this city anymore 
so he becomes somewhat of a highway robber? holding travelers at sword point and demanding what they have
the sword he uses was gifted to him by jongin and it makes him feel sick every time he pulls it out, but even though san is sometimes irrational, he’s not stupid - he needs a weapon, and if this is the only one he has, so be it
doesn’t matter if memories of you and an older pirate come flooding back every time he grips the handle.
san makes a name for himself - people whisper about him, tell travelers to avoid the paths he frequents, but the thing is he doesn’t really frequent anywhere. he’s a wanderer too, which makes him so dangerous because he’s so unpredictable
until hongjoong appears and san makes the mistake of challenging him to a fight. 
i say mistake but really, it was probably one of the singularly most life-changing events for san except for 1. meeting you, 2. your disappearance, and 3. leaving jongin 
because when hongjoong has his sword positioned over san’s neck and san thinks he’s about to die, hongjoong gives him a choice - join his crew or get his throat cut
san just scoffs at first and is like why would you want a highway robber on your crew? don’t you know who i am?
hongjoong does know, of course - he actually tracked san down because he needed a good swordsman to join his crew and thought san would be perfect
san is on the edge of saying no, but hongjoong is one of three people who’ve ever beaten san in a fight (jongin, you, and now joong) so he’s got a little grudging respect for the guy
but even more than that, he remembers you and remembers your pact to find a semi-decent ship and join the crew 
it seems like a childish pact now, but for some reason, once he remembers it, he can’t put it out of his mind
(maybe it’s because if you’re dead, which you probably are, san wants to at least fulfill his part of any promises you made so long ago)
so he says yes
for the first few weeks, san really considers jumping ship
seasickness is a bitch, first of all, even if the ship’s doctor is nice enough to give him tips on how to handle it
but the main issue isn’t just him being sick - it’s the people
not all of them. most are fine. but san has a particular problem with wooyoung and his partner, not because they’re assholes or anything, but because they remind him way too much of him and you. childhood friends who grew up together and wouldn’t part for the world, except they’re still joined at the hip while you’re lost
and san just thinks it’s horribly unfair that you had to be torn away from him while others are allowed to stay together
but really, the ship is better than living on the edge on land. besides woo + his partner, the others are nice, and san has found himself a match in sword fighting with hongjoong and yunho
so as time passes, san acclimates to the ship. he gets closer to everyone there and comes out of his shell, even becoming friends with yeosang whom he previously deemed too close to woo + his partner to deal with
and because yeosang is a package deal with the other two, san eventually becomes friends with them too
for the first time in a long time, san thinks he’s happy, even though he still sorely misses you and wishes you were here. but you’re dead or at least long gone, and he’s not going to find you again
so when you turn up on an enemy pirate ship several years later, san nearly has a heart attack when he sees your face (wooyoung actually has to catch him when he stumbles)
from the widening of your eyes, it’s pretty much the same reaction for you
there’s no fight, at least not then. the town your ships have docked in is safe ground for pirates, meaning the villagers will deal with them but won’t tolerate fights
so your crews resupply, all the while studiously ignoring the pirates from the other ship
but san is itching to talk to you - even just see your face one more time
you look so different yet somehow exactly the same and san wants to know what happened to you - how did you get that scar down the side of your face?
you feel the exact same way. 
when you were kidnapped, you were taken on a pirate ship that was far less respectable than hongjoong’s. meaning you went through a fucking lot
you tried to escape at least five times but each time you just got caught, so you eventually gave up. so here you are, ignoring the literal love of your life because your ship is shit and happens to have beef with hongjoong’s
meaning you couldn’t escape if you tried. 
so you’ve resigned yourself to mere stolen glimpses of san’s face but then your captain gives all of you a mission
he wants a hostage. and he wants you to lure one of them in. 
you don’t want this mission. you fucking hate it and you hate your crew and you don’t want anything more than to just run away so you just ignore it and resolve to subtly sabotage your crewmates’ efforts in any way you can
and for the most part it works
but then you’re on deck, helping one of your crewmates put some supplies away
when a crowd comes on board, bruised and bloodied, and drops choi san onto the wooden floor.
the captain is ecstatic - they’ve managed to catch hongjoong’s best swordsman, no doubt they’ll get a hefty ransom for him
but you’re not listening. all you can do is avoid san’s sharp gaze
and think of a way to help him escape.
the ship sets sail within hours, trying to get away from hongjoong as quickly as possible. san lives his days in one of the tiny cells belowdecks, barely fed between questioning sessions during which he says nothing
but he can feel hope slipping away, day by day - even he can’t break through chains, and even if he could, his sword is gone. five or six pirates he could maybe take alone without a weapon, but there are far more on this ship
still, when the ship finally docks, san has resolved to at least attempt an escape. he knows the captain is in negotiations with hongjoong over getting him back so hongjoong has to be in the same port, or at least nearby
so when someone opens the cell again, san literally launches himself at them in an aborted attempt to run
you subdue him quickly - you’re not dehydrated and underfed, after all
san just gapes into your face that’s barely lit by a torch on the wall outside his cell. he has so much he wants to say, the first being how could you do this to him, did none of your time together mean anything - 
but then you unlock the chains around his wrists, toss him a bundle of fresh clothes, and tell him to get changed
dressed in the new clothes, he looks like a member of the crew, and you tell him to keep his head down as you bring him up out of the ship and into the village
san’s still kind of dumbfounded so when you tell him to run, he doesn’t understand at first. run where?
hongjoong’s ship is in the next port, you say. on foot, it’ll take a few days to get there, so he needs as much of a head start before people realize he’s missing
therefore - you push back his forehead with a finger - fucking run, choi san. i don’t recall you being stupid before.
when he understands, he tries to tell you to come with him - hongjoong’s a decent captain, he’ll probably understand
but you shake your head. you yourself need to leave. once your captain realizes san has disappeared, it’s only a matter of time before you get found out, considering the number of unconscious and dead bodies you left in your wake, and you need to be long gone and away from san before that happens. you’re not going to bring more harm on him again. the least you could do is maybe divert their attention for a while
san’s heart sinks when he realizes you have no intention of coming with him, no matter how much he tries to convince you
and he almost starts crying again - just when he’s finally gotten you back, fate is forcing you to slip through his fingers yet again
you just hug him and apologize for everything, for getting kidnapped, for not helping him escape until now even though none of that is your fault
san says that and more, apologizes for even thinking you’ve changed - he should’ve known you were still the same person he’d fallen in love with so long ago
but there’s no more time and now you’re pushing him away and telling him he needs to go before it’s too late. in the process, you press a blade into his hand. 
for protection. 
it’s faintly familiar. and when san looks a little more closely, he realizes it’s the blade that jongin gave you so long ago, a copy of the same one he gave san. only the initials etched into the handle are different.
it makes him feel sick. san had switched his blade out for another sword the second he could, too many memories of you and jongin attached to it. but you never stopped using yours. 
that knowledge makes his insides burn with shame and he tries to give it back to you but you force him to take it. i have more weapons than just this. you have nothing. and now you need to go.
he kisses you one last time. you kiss him back with just as much fervor and when you break away, there’s a small smile on your lips 
you tell him you’re glad he’s found a kind crew, a crew he’ll be happy to remain with. you’re glad he’s luckier than you
san tries to tell you again to come with him, but you shake your head. hongjoong won’t be happy to take in a member of an enemy crew, and even if he was, that’d only turn your ship’s sights on san’s for a long time. you won’t have that. 
so you disappear with a last reminder not to be stupid, a wavering smile on your face 
it takes everything san has to return to hongjoong’s ship without chasing after you, and he’s welcomed back with open arms and warm words
but despite being back with his family, san’s heart sinks the farther they get from the harbor, knowing that he’ll probably never find out what happened to you, his original family, after this
wooyoung tries to comfort him, saying not to lose hope - after all, you met once after your separation, you might meet again
however, fate isn’t kind. san knows that very well. twice you’ve met, and twice you were separated
san hopes wooyoung is right, hopes he’ll see you once more
but as the ship cuts through the water into the open ocean and land fades from sight...
deep inside, something tells san he won’t.
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mingi (ABS)
warnings: cursing
you look me in the eyes and ask how it is possible for me to write angst for someone like mingi. i tell you i will try my best
that is a threat and a promise
anyway! let’s get on with it
mingi is a pure-hearted orphan who has somehow survived the demoralizing and horrible orphanage system in his hometown
he never knew his parents, all he’s ever known was that shitty little orphanage, it’s a miracle that didn’t break apart his pure personality
it helps that from a young age, mingi was taller and bigger than his peers - people didn’t want to mess with him
also when he’s not smiling, he can look pretty scary
but that left mingi lonelier than he wanted to be, so he resolved to smile whenever he could so that people wouldn’t feel intimidated by his stare
it didn’t win him many friends??? like the kids his age were more just weirded out by him smiling when they lived in a fucking orphanage. but he did get more free handouts from adults when he’d pretend to act like a cute kid, so he just kept doing that
eventually when he grew older, maybe mid-teens, he got a job working at his town’s port
mingi’s pretty smart and more importantly here, he’s very strong - just the type of worker his supervisors were looking for
the job is okay - not horrible, but it’s kind of boring and mingi’s supervisors aren’t always the nicest
but mingi’s always been the type of person to just content himself with the fact that hey, things could be worse
he might not have survived the orphanage
he might not have been born with strength
he might not have gotten a job that comes with a semi-stable roof over his head
so for a couple of years, this goes on, mingi helping ships unload and reload, stuff like that
until hongjoong’s ship pulls into port
it normally wouldn’t mean anything if hongjoong hadn’t been half dead on his feet with his partner and seonghwa pretty much carrying him down the gangplank
most people were just shoving them around, totally ignoring the fact that hongjoong clearly needed help
but even though his supervisor told him to go help one of the bigger ships, mingi saw hongjoong and went off to go help them
recommended a cheap place to get rest and offered to help them with some of the ship repairs so they wouldn’t have to pay so much (because their boat was... a little beaten up to say the least)
after a few days, hongjoong recovers from his sickness (brought on by exhaustion, not eating well, and god knows what else - his partner chewed him the fuck out), and they all thank mingi profusely
they’re about to leave then - the ship has been repaired thanks to mingi’s help and they’re ready to set sail again
but a glint appears in seonghwa’s eye and he suddenly turns around and asks mingi if he’d like to come with them
mingi: wha - you mean me?
seonghwa: is there another guy named mingi around?
mingi: i mean technically yeah, there’s a lee mingi working on the other end of the shipyard -
at first mingi’s like... no i don't think so because he has a stable job here, right? nothing really happens and it’s kind of boring, but being a pirate sounds kind of scary
but another part of him has been aching for something more interesting than the monotony of working at the port day in and day out
besides, hongjoong seems like a much nicer person than his supervisors
so in the end, mingi throws caution to the wind and joins the crew
he kind of questions it at first because he really doesn’t seem to have a knack for swordplay, also he kind of tends to panic/get squeamish when there are fights
but seonghwa keeps faith in him no matter what - he was the one to ask mingi if he wanted to stay, after all
so as time goes on and more people join the crew, mingi adjusts to life as a pirate. he finds his role on the ship in making repairs when they’re in port or even when they’re on board, which makes him happy - mingi likes being useful
he also likes jongho, who joins him as one of the ship’s repairmen when he ends up with the crew
he even becomes a fair swordsman - definitely not the best on the ship, not by a long shot, but after being trained by first hongjoong and then yunho (with san occasionally interjecting when he joins the crew), he definitely has the skills to defend himself and others
emphasis on others. because while mingi might panic during a fight where he’s only defending himself, when those he cares for come into play, mingi is a demon. an absolute demon. 
an enemy pirate once got within a hair’s breadth of killing seonghwa once and mingi just unleashed absolute fury. first time he ever killed someone
it haunts him sometimes, but the knowledge that he was protecting seonghwa keeps him from dwelling on it too much. that’s how much mingi cares about his crew
and that comes into play when you enter his story
you’re the child of a couple corrupt aristocrats who have never, not once in their lives, given you the attention you deserved
no matter what you did, they didn’t care
you studied your ass off. you worked so hard on swordplay. you’re literally the golden child in the aristocratic circles of your region and other nobles wish you were their child, but all your parents ever do is give you a passing glance and a fake smile
sure they’ll praise you at parties and things when they talk to other nobles, but it’s all empty - they only barely remember all of your accomplishments. they just don’t care
then one day, hongjoong’s crew pisses off your family - ruins trade at some port or whatever
so your father puts a bounty on his crew’s heads
it’s not exactly a common thing to put bounties on the heads of pirates, but it can happen if a crew fucks around a little too much
and when the bounty goes out for the crew of the aurora (hongjoong’s ship), you seize on it as your last chance to gain your parents’ approval, the approval you’ve been seeking for quite literally your entire life
you’re not dumb - you know it’ll be hard, and you know your family is only going to be completely satisfied if you bring back proof that the captain is dead. not some other random crew member, though that’s a step in the right direction
you decide to go for one of those crew members first, preying on the fact that if one goes missing, the captain will likely be easier to capture
you’ve heard stories about hongjoong, he isn’t heartless. he actually does care about his crew, each of whom plays an integral role on the ship
which means if you can get one of them, you can lure him out - you might not even have to kill off the rest of the crew if you can just take him out
therefore you set your eyes on one song mingi. from the rumors he’s the worst at fighting, but he’s also essential when it comes to ship repairs 
the perfect target for your plan
so you set out on your journey. your idea is to try and see if you can befriend mingi somehow, get him to trust you, then take him hostage
and somehow, you get lucky at the first port you visit - hongjoong’s ship is right there, aurora emblazoned on its side
it’s not hard to spot mingi - he’s one of the tallest, and he’s busy tinkering around the side of the ship
it’s even easier to get his attention
because your master plan is simple and dumb as fuck
fall into the water and pretend to drown. 
mingi, being the pure-hearted lovely soul he is, jumps in to save you despite you being very able to swim
he’s worrying over you when he pulls you out of the ocean, spitting and choking water
and all you can think is 1. mingi is very handsome but more importantly 2. all of this is genuine. like too genuine
it unnerves you - how can a pirate be so pure of heart?
but you push that thought away. there has to be some hidden side of mingi that he hasn’t shown yet, he’s a pirate after all. you can’t feel guilt for using him - you need to gain your parents’ approval. you need to
so you do your damn best to keep him in port. every night you go out and subtly undo some of the repairs he’s made and create a few new problems as well
the ship ends up staying in port for a few more weeks than expected
and during that time, you find that mingi... is really not hiding anything
at all
you keep trying to prod at him when you invite him to bars for a drink, when you “coincidentally” catch him on the streets, etc. 
but there’s nothing to mingi except his very kind personality that sometimes, against your better judgement, sweeps you off your feet
like when that horse-drawn carriage almost hit you and mingi pulled you away just in time
or when you bumped into the wrong person and they pulled a knife on you that mingi was fast enough to deflect
by the time those several weeks are over, you haven’t made any headway in your plan to kidnap mingi
you tell yourself that it’s fine, this mission was always going to take a long time - you could be here for over a year before the right opportunity presents itself after all, and mingi probably doesn’t trust you enough just yet for that to work anyway
mingi ends up sailing off again, and he promises to come back
also makes you promise to stay and wait for him. 
you tell yourself another lie, that you’re happy he’s asking you to wait just because it’ll make your plan so much easier - plus, it means he likes you, which is a step towards trust
it’s definitely not because mingi’s smile is as bright as the sun itself. 
the next time you see the aurora come into port, you swear to yourself you’ll do it this time. you’ll kidnap mingi, force hongjoong to come out so you can put his head on a silver platter
but it doesn’t happen. and the next time it doesn’t happen, either. 
and in the end, you have to accept that the reason you keep sabotaging the ship, trying to keep mingi in port as long as you can, is that you like his smile. way more than you actually should. 
some stupidly hopeful part of you tries to convince you that it’ll be fine, you can continue living like this
but another part of you knows lies never last
and a last part of you screams that you’re a disappointment to your family, falling in love with one of the pirates your parents have put a bounty on when that pirate probably doesn’t even love you back
he does, though. he really does
mingi loves the curve of your lips when you smile genuinely, when the clouds in your eyes disappear for a moment of pure, blessed happiness
he’s fallen in love with your mind, with your quick wit and light banter when you speak
for the past two trips on the ocean, mingi has dreamed of little more than holding you close and kissing you and he’d resolved to that, finally, when he came back this time
which is why his heart completely shatters when he finds you by the ship one dark night, carefully undoing some of the repairs he made just this morning
he never suspected it, but as he stands, watching you work, the pieces begin to click together
mingi isn’t stupid, after all - he knows you’re smart, knows you’re good with your hands, and you’ve also been extremely secretive about your past
even more secretive than he is about being a pirate.
you sense his presence when he gets closer before he even says anything and your hands freeze
for a moment, neither of you says anything
then mingi just lets out a cracked why?
you could lie. you consider it for a few frantic moments, mind working to conjure something credible 
but it’s mingi. it’s fucking song mingi, the pirate you’ve fallen in love with against every single one of your wishes
so the truth behind all of your lies spills out in one go
in the moonlight, you can see mingi’s eyes turn from confused and betrayed to even more betrayed
but what really drives it home is when you mention hongjoong, and how you were trying to use mingi to lure him out
mingi’s eyes turn angry for the first time since you’ve met him
because like i said, mingi doesn’t take kindly to anyone who tries to hurt those whom he cares about
like yeah, he cares about you, but hongjoong is his captain, the captain who’s saved mingi’s life multiple times, often at risk of his own
that’s when mingi’s eyes narrow and his expression turns cold
a chill runs down your back, a chill you’ve never felt before in his presence
and mingi tells you then and there that he better not see you ever again
because if he does, it won’t end well
you’re in the next town before you allow yourself to process anything that just happened, mainly because you know that if you try you’ll start crying
and that’s exactly what happens in a dark little tavern at the edge of the city
you cry over yourself, over losing mingi, over failing your stupid mission for stupid parents who were never going to accept you anyway
you cry because you hurt someone so pure of heart just for two cold aristocrats who didn’t give a shit
you cry because now you have no purpose in life - you’ve catered your entire existence to your parents, and they don’t even care
what’s the point of anything now?
back on the ship, mingi doesn’t cry. he just stares at the fading town as the aurora draws farther and farther from land
your story plays in his mind over and over again
he sympathizes for you, he really does - mingi isn’t cruel or heartless, he heard the desperation in your voice when you talked about your parents and he’s seen the clouds in your eyes firsthand
but it doesn’t change the fact that you’d sought him out with the intention of hurting his crew beyond repair
he tries to tell himself this as comfort, to reaffirm that he did the right thing by chasing you off
deep inside, though, even if he’s sure he did right
the pain of a broken heart and what could have been, he knows, will never fully go away.
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wooyoung (ABS)
warnings: cursing, death, blood
before i start i’d like to preemptively apologize
probably should’ve done that before every other part too idk why i'm only doing it now
maybe it’s because this one is 3.4k long and the second longest is a mere 2.8k (fuck you san)
doesn’t matter i've done it please don’t come for me
wooyoung is a ball of pure sunshine aboard the ship. almost literally
sometimes shines a little too bright (ie he gets annoying), but without him, the crew would fall into darkness
but a light needs a source, doesn’t it? it doesn’t just spontaneously emit out of nowhere - fires need kindling, candles need wax, even the sun burns on fuel
and wooyoung’s fuel is you.
like i mentioned in san’s part, you and wooyoung are childhood friends. probably not quite as long as san and his partner - you met when you were a bit older, maybe just after you turned twelve or something, but that doesn’t mean your bond is any less strong
wooyoung remembers your first meeting very clearly - in fact, it’s one of his favorite memories
some older kids were pushing him around, and wooyoung was just trying to run away
he’d just broken free and was running off when a hand grabbed his wrist, dragging him behind an empty market stall, and another hand slapped over his mouth to muffle his cry of surprise
the older kids ran past, then stopped, looking confused, but when they couldn’t see wooyoung anywhere they just left
you finally let go of wooyoung and he turns around to look at you
and from then on, he swears you’re his savior
seriously, wooyoung thinks you’re literally the greatest fucking thing on this planet. might not act like it all the time because he’s a little shit, but you mean more to him than anything in the world
you don’t plan to get attached to him, not at first - you’re a little more standoffish, you told wooyoung you only helped him because you really hate the group of kids that was messing with him
but wooyoung attaches himself to you like a fucking limpet and as the months pass, you find you don’t mind. not at all. 
you’re both street orphans, pickpockets and all that - neither of you are in the orphanage (wooyoung just never ended up there, while you ran away early on) and you’ve both been alone for a long while, so it’s nice to have someone with whom you can trust your back
and as time goes on, you start thinking of wooyoung less as an ally and more as a friend, then less as a friend and more as someone you love
wooyoung, on the other hand, has been head over heels since day one - getting into your space, pressing stupid little kisses onto your dirty face even as you try to bat him away
but he obviously doesn’t make a move at first because he’s like fucking twelve and doesn’t understand what he feels, and when he grows older and figures it out, he refrains from doing too much (like kissing your lips) because you don’t seem to feel the same way
except you are an impatient fuck
so once you figure it out and more importantly, you figure wooyoung out, it takes less than a day for you to have him pressed up against a wall, kissing him with all the strength you can muster
when you pull away, lips swollen and eyes suddenly shy, wooyoung tries to crack a joke like wow, didn’t know i was that irresistible
you just smirk and say you’re the one who’s been staring at my lips day in, day out for the past several years, woo
oh yeah that’s when wooyoung knows you’re the one
(he does ask why the fuck you waited so long if you noticed everything over the past few years)
(the truth is you only really figured it out a few days ago, but you tell him you just wanted him to suffer)
(it cues a lot of angry whining and cute pouts even though he knows it’s a joke so what can you do but kiss him until he shuts up?)
anyway you and wooyoung more or less rule your small section of the streets
master pickpockets and all that, plus you know how to use a knife very well and wooyoung is adept at fighting with whatever the fuck happens to be nearby
you’ve got a good head on your shoulders and though you never truly lie, your reasonable-sounding words always have several layers of meaning, which is very useful in negotiations
meanwhile wooyoung is just really, really good at sliding out of sticky situations - you turn your head the other way for one second and he’s disappeared
people don’t really dare mess with either of you because they know that if one of you get hurt, the other will literally go out for blood
the same goes for yeosang - you met the quiet orphanage boy on one of the rare times he went outside, and everyone knows not to mess with him since he’s under your protection
this reputation precedes you, which is why you and wooyoung are very surprised when a tall, gangly looking dude comes into your little pocket of territory looking very lost
both of you immediately think this is someone good to pickpocket, or at least harangue for news - he’s clearly not from here
too bad mingi has a hongjoong on his side who is very worriedly looking for his tall lost repairman
and in the middle of you two getting up in mingi’s space, hongjoong appears, wielding a very scary-looking sword
both you and wooyoung know this is someone not to be messed with, but curiosity gets the better of you - who is this guy, why is he here, and why doesn’t he know to stay away?
instead of asking, though, you both run away fast enough that hongjoong doesn’t have to deal with you
the next day, though, when you see a familiar face with a familiar sword hanging around the market, you decide to tail him for a bit
turns out he’s a pirate, which is intriguing in and of itself - it also explains the unfamiliarity with the territory
but what’s even more intriguing is how he manages to defend himself against your knives all the while answering your peppered questions in the most evasive manner possible
in the end, hongjoong has you pinned against an alley wall, sword inches from your throat
he clearly expects you to start begging for your life
but you just laugh breathlessly and say - hey, i’ve got two friends who’ve got nothing left here, just like me. do you have an opening for three on your crew?
hongjoong thinks you’re joking but you’re dead serious. there’s nothing in this town, you’re sick and tired of pickpocketing people and protecting your little territory to no end - there’s no point to it all
you know wooyoung feels the same way. he’s so energetic, always looking for something new, and even though he doesn’t say anything, you know he’s itching to get out of here
yeosang might take a little convincing, but if you can prey correctly on his desire to visit the lands he’s only ever marked on maps, he’ll come too
hongjoong asks what you have to offer to his crew. you say a sharp tongue, resourceful fighters, a navigator
and most importantly, a source of light. 
(hongjoong doesn’t ask and you don’t elaborate on the last one, even though you can see a hint of confusion in his eyes)
he gives you two days to convince wooyoung and yeosang, if you don’t show up by then he’s setting sail
wooyoung is convinced almost immediately - his only qualm is seasickness, and you tell him he’ll get used to it
yeosang takes a little more effort, but with your persuasion skills, he agrees
and so the three of you join hongjoong’s crew
being a pirate isn’t as glorious as you originally thought it’d be - the first few weeks are just being seasick all the time, and there are fewer fights and less exploring than you’d like, more just running around and maintaining the ship
but the crew makes up for it more than tenfold
you and wooyoung have never really had family - just each other and then yeosang
but now that you’re with the crew, that sense of home you’ve only ever felt with woosang just multiplies
you love it on the ship. so does wooyoung
(he says it’s because there are so many hidden places where you can hide to kiss, but you think it’s because he has seonghwa to annoy now and not just you + yeosang)
both of you are on cloud nine, even with the nonstop work day in and day out
it’s all worth it when you can see the new cities, pilfer a little something in the marketplaces every now and then
life goes on like this - some crew members are lost and others join
you mourn for those gone, especially hongjoong’s partner, and you try to welcome the new members as best you can
(san is a tough nut to crack, but in the end, you and wooyoung are both happy that you kept at it long enough to see the results)
it’s a constant give or take - you know the ocean isn’t kind, know that the life of a pirate isn’t kind, and you’ve learned to live with it even though a piece of your heart breaks away with every crew member who falls
but then yeosang falls. literally. 
and wooyoung begins to fade away.
wooyoung feels his emotions deeply, he’s always known that - it’s what binds him so strongly to you and what bound him so strongly to yeosang
so when he fell during that battle, stabbed several times, and could only watch yeosang fall into the ocean from the crow’s nest - essentially yeosang’s home on the ship - 
wooyoung cries for hours after the battle, locked in your arms
and for once, even the knowledge that you’re by his side doesn’t seem to be enough to fill the void left by yeosang’s loss
the entire crew is experienced with their own types of loss, loss of partners and friends
but this is the first time wooyoung has felt it so deeply, like a knife carving out a hole in his chest
eventually, though, he recovers
it takes months, but he still has you. he still has san. he still has yeosang’s grieving friend, who might have become his partner had he lived, and he still has all of the crew
and you let him latch onto you whenever the void comes creeping on him again, because though wooyoung might be the light, you’re the source of fuel that keeps his sputtering flame burning
(guilt eats at you, too - you’re the one who convinced yeosang to join the crew, after all. but wooyoung calls it bullshit - you’re not at fault, not at all, yeosang understood what he was risking - and when he latches onto you, you take your own comfort in the warmth of his arms)
life goes on after the battle and yeosang’s death. wooyoung takes a long time to recover from his injuries and you’re by his side the entire way
but then san gets kidnapped and wooyoung almost goes off the deep end again - he can’t lose another friend
thankfully, san returns, so wooyoung doesn’t lose himself completely
but he begins to fear the disappearance or death of one of those whom he loves even more than he used to
as time goes on, he realizes he might not be able to handle the life of a pirate - he cares too deeply, too much, losing the people he cares for is breaking him slowly, bit by bit
you ask him what’s wrong one day and he spills all of this to you, sobbing
the next day you ask hongjoong to leave you and wooyoung at the next port - you can’t be on the crew anymore
hongjoong asks why, but when you explain he doesn’t even hesitate to nod and thanks you for your service
he does say that he’ll miss the source of light on his ship, the light and its kindling, but if this is what you and wooyoung really want, then it’s what he’ll give you
wooyoung feels a guilty sense of relief when you bring him back the news - he’s relieved that you two are going to leave, but there’s also the guilt of taking you away from a life that you enjoy
but you remind him that he’s your life. wooyoung is everything to you, and if he isn’t happy, you’re not going to be happy, no matter what
so it’s settled that you two will split off from the crew at the next port, which you’ll reach after a few weeks of sailing, maybe
you reach the port and are ready to part ways, saying goodbye to the rest of the crew
the aurora is staying in port for a couple of days for repairs, and you and wooyoung decide to stick around for at least the night before you go off
you go on a walk that night with him, darkened streets lit up by evenly spaced torches and lanterns
which is why you see the other ship pull into port with a navy seal on its side. and your blood freezes. 
with one look, you and wooyoung are racing off to where you know the crew of the aurora is staying because you have to warn them
hongjoong looks grim. there’s a fight, it’s going to be inevitable, and you can feel wooyoung tensing up next to you
your former captain says you don’t have to fight if you don’t want to, you’re technically not part of the crew anymore
but one look between you and wooyoung settles it. one last battle to help the family that took you in
the battle is in the dark, bloody and brutal and made even worse by the fact that you can’t see the rivers of blood flowing down the streets - it’s all a mess of sticky black that your feet leave tracks in on the roads
you and wooyoung are back to back with san, the three of you fighting to the last
until there’s finally an opening and you manage to escape into a little alley
except the alley ends in a wall. a wall tall enough to climb over, maybe, but wooyoung has a wound in his stomach and san’s bleeding out of his side and you’ve got injuries of your own so you’re wholly, completely fucked
as several naval soldiers appear at the end of the alley, all you can think is how you and wooyoung were supposed to have gone off today, were supposed to have left to find a more stable life together
but at the same time, you know that if you hadn’t stayed for the night, your crew, your family, might not have gotten enough warning to save at least a few of their lives
wooyoung is starting to wheeze behind you. san doesn’t look much better, and you feel like you’re going to collapse
there are four soldiers standing in front of you, and there’s no shred of uncertainty in your mind when you think we’re not going to survive this
except - maybe if you can buy yourselves some time - 
your eyes light on one of the torches on the side of the alley and a really dumb plan springs into your mind
you spring forward, ignoring wooyoung’s cry, and snatch up the still-burning torch
with a prayer that the ground is flammable, you hurl the torch in front of you 
and thankfully, a flame begins to burn
you turn around and start helping wooyoung boost san over the wall
wooyoung is about to go next, grasping san’s hands - you go to help push him up
but then metal flashes in corner of your eye and you have to whirl away, dropping wooyoung to dodge the sword that came a hair’s breadth within slicing the skin off your cheek
how the soldier got past the fire, you have no idea - it’s still burning
maybe they got over it when it was still low
but then there are two shadows, not just one, both with blades flashing
and you know with a stark certainty that both you and wooyoung are going to die if you don’t get up that wall immediately
the problem is, there isn’t enough time to get both of you up - one is going to be slashed to pieces by the time it’s their turn
but one of you...
you block one of the blades and send the soldier crashing to the ground. the other is farther away and for one split second, you lock eyes with them
there’s enough light to see your smirk
give me a moment here, will you? you say
then you turn around and kiss wooyoung on the mouth. 
it’s a brief kiss, barely longer than a second, but it’s all you have time for before you bodily lift wooyoung as much as you can so that san can reach him, arms pulling him up
san acts on reflex - he doesn’t realize what you’re planning just yet and neither does wooyoung
but they sure as hell figure it out when you duck under the second soldier’s swipe and begin fighting, despite the blood streaming from your face and body
in the background, you can hear wooyoung screaming and no doubt he’s thrashing around in san’s grip
but it’s all you can do to focus on the fight at hand - two against one with the one injured isn’t fair, but since when has the navy played fair?
you notice the sword flashing down at your side. you notice it, but you’re not fast enough
white hot pain bursts below your rib cage and you fall to your knees, blades clattering from your hands
another explosion of pain enters your back and you let out a scream of agony, collapsing to the ground
wooyoung watches you fall in the moonlight, red and black blood pooling beneath you
and only then does he stop thrashing in san’s hold
because he’s crying too hard, too hard to see or do anything but let a silently crying san carry him away
san takes him back to the ship where hongjoong manages to set sail in record time, leaving the navy behind
wooyoung doesn’t even move from where san has laid him on the floorboards - the only sign he’s still alive are his eyes, deadened eyes that track the land they’ve left behind, growing smaller and smaller in the distance
the land that holds your body
the body he’ll never see again.
several hours pass. someone’s moved him into the medbay, wooyoung doesn’t know who because all he can see is you collapsing to the ground over and over again, dark blood flowing endlessly from your wounds
tears build up behind his eyes again and he wants to scream, scream how nothing is fair, nothing is fucking fair, he was the one who wanted a new life that wasn’t that of a pirate and you were just going along with it but now he’s still alive and on the same fucking pirate ship he wanted to leave in the first place 
and he’s lost both of his childhood friends, first yeosang to the waves and now you to the navy
with this loss, wooyoung is grasping his will to live by a mere thread
and he isn’t even sure he wants to hang on any longer.
there is no sun aboard the aurora anymore, at least not in the form of jung wooyoung
because once a fire’s fuel is gone, it can no longer burn
and wooyoung’s fuel is out.
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jongho (ABS)
warnings: cursing, death, blood
ah yes jongho stronk boy
when i listed the best fighters i bet you were expecting me to put him in there too
but what i meant by best fighters is best sword fighters
see, jongho is extremely good at fighting and has the arms to prove it
however, his skills don’t solely lie in swords - hongjoong/yunho/san are better than him there - but he will fight with whatever the fuck else happens to also be around him
mingi sometimes likes to bring up that one time there was an enemy pirate fighting next to him and jongho just picked him up, swung him, and knocked out a second enemy pirate right then and there
so yeah. that’s jongho. well-rounder extraordinaire
no one knows how the fuck he’s so good at everything and at this point most of the crew is afraid to ask
but anyway let’s talk about the back story a little shall we
unlike most of the others, jongho has parents that he remembers and as far as he knows are still alive
however that does not mean he likes them
they weren’t abusive, exactly - they just were never around and when they were, jongho mostly got ignored or ordered around to do stuff like cook dinner or fucking whatever
so that’s what he suffers through for most of his childhood
during that time, he learns how to be pretty self-sufficient - he’s the one who takes care of himself, after all
he learns to cook, clean, etc.
but most importantly he learns to repair things, like the house
he gets really good at it too, to the point that people start hiring him to help them with fixing their shit
which is how hongjoong finds him
well, more accurately, yunho finds him
the aurora has docked in jongho’s town after a long storm and the ship has a lot of damage that’s going to take mingi a lot of time to fix
so yunho sets out to find someone who they can hire to help mingi out
he asks around and everyone recommends jongho, so yunho goes to find him. after losing his partner in that storm, hongjoong is in no shape to leave the ship, san is still recovering from injuries and guilt, and seonghwa’s busy tending to the crew members and making sure they don’t fall apart
when jongho answers the knock on his door, yunho is like ???? at first because what the fuck this guy can’t even be older than him - is he really that good at fixing things??
tbh yunho was expecting some middle aged man with massive muscles or something
but jongho’s staring at him like wtf do you want and yunho remembers he actually has a purpose here plus jongho does have really big muscles even if he isn’t middle aged so he’s like hi i heard you’re jongho can you help us fix our ship we’ll pay you
and what’s jongho gonna do? say no? 
so he works with mingi for the best part of a couple of months, fixing up the aurora
and during that time, he meets the rest of the crew, who come and go
jongho gets to know them and he grows to like them - he used to be a pretty solitary person, but it’s really impossible to stay that way after meeting one jung wooyoung and his partner
even after he puts it together that they’re pirates, he still likes them
jongho isn’t stupid, it’s pretty obvious after working with mingi for a couple of weeks - they talk of treasure and travels when they think he doesn’t hear
but really, jongho doesn’t care too much - pay is pay, no matter who it comes from
and really, pirates can’t be much worse than the greedy nobles and aristocrats who run his city, right? their illegal acts are just blatant and out in the open, while the aristocracy try to keep their wrongdoings under wraps
he does ask mingi about it one day - why he decided to join the crew of the aurora
after the initial spluttering of we’re not pirates, cueing jongho’s deadpan expression that has mingi immediately quailing, mingi tells jongho more or less his story of joining the crew
maybe a few embellishments because yknow it’s mingi and we love him for it
and jongho listens carefully. his story is a little similar to mingi’s, actually, even if he knows his parents and was never at an orphanage
they were both alone, they both learned to do repair work...
that night, jongho lies awake in bed in his empty house, thinking about what mingi said
as they continue working, jongho prods mingi for more and more stories about the crew and their adventures, and though he visibly shies away from some topics (major fights and major storms, particularly the one that drove them into this port), mingi tells jongho enough for him to see that hongjoong’s crew isn’t immoral. far from it, really
there’s no explaining away the battles and murder and pillaging, but as far as jongho is concerned, at least they’re upfront about it
nobility does the same shit, they just prefer to call murder “the hanging of criminals” and pillaging “taxes”
and jongho is tired of both
after about a month or a month and a half, he decides to himself that he wants to join the aurora
so he asks mingi one day how hongjoong might feel if jongho wanted to join the crew
he doesn’t know hongjoong, he’s only caught maybe a glimpse or two of the captain because he’s been grieving this whole time, which is why he goes to mingi first
mingi tells him to come back the next day, he’ll see if seonghwa can better answer that question as the second in command since hongjoong is still out
seonghwa takes a liking to jongho almost immediately, and the feeling is mutual
even just minutes after meeting, seonghwa gives jongho the sense that he truly cares for him in a way that jongho really hasn’t felt before, not even from his own parents
so the deal is settled and after the repair job is finished, jongho returns to his small home to pack up his stuff. the next day, he’s sailing into the open ocean without looking back
like almost every other new crew member, jongho gets seasick for the first few weeks he isn’t on land
meaning he stays in the medbay more often than he’d like to
but it’s fine - because that’s where he meets you
you’re the ship’s doctor. relatively new since the last doctor was killed in battle maybe half a year ago, but wooyoung was lucky enough to befriend you, an apothecarist’s apprentice, in one of the towns the aurora docked in 
you come from a town that’s a safe zone of sorts for pirates - the locals are friendly if wary, and pirates don’t get into fights on your land
it’s a pretty decent existence if you ignore the fact that royalty/nobles would have all of your heads if they could find definitive proof that your town likes to harbor criminals, but people keep their mouths shut here so it doesn’t happen
however, as decent as this existence is, you got a bit of the short end of the stick
your parents died after you were apprenticed to the apothecarist, leaving you with no nearby relatives or places to stay other than the orphanage or the apothecary
and the orphanage in your town majorly sucks so you just opted to stay at the apothecary
except the apothecarist is not a good human being. major leech. creepy. you hated being around him any more than necessary
which means you learned everything as fast as you could just so you could stay away and look after customers on your own
and when the opportunity to use your skills elsewhere came up, you barely hesitated before telling wooyoung please get me the fuck out of here
only thing that made you balk was the possibility of death on the seas, but you’re young and naive and when you’re at that age, you feel like you’re invincible - therefore you brush it off
plus, everyone dies eventually, right?
you’re the new blood for several months until jongho joins the crew
and because he’s the new guy now, you take it upon yourself to familiarize him with how the ship and the crew work while he’s currently bedridden
it gives him something to focus on other than the rolling sea beneath him
and it’s nice to talk to someone who’s just mildly sick and not bleeding to fucking death
even after jongho gets better, he continues to spend a lot of his free time in the medbay because he likes being around you. your voice is soothing and somewhere in the back of his mind, he probably associates it with care and comfort, given how you treated him during those first few weeks
slowly but surely, you grow closer and closer
you’re the one jongho goes to when he feels a little stifled, too used to independence on land and unfamiliar with the teamwork that comes with being part of a crew
and you like to talk to him when you’re exhausted after treating wound after wound after wound after a harsh storm or bloody battle
it feels like you understand him, no matter what, and jongho does his best to lend you a listening ear as well - it’s the least he can do
you feel comforting, but in a different way from the rest of the crew
like yeah, seonghwa’s comforting in that mother sort of way, hongjoong has that tired dad vibe where jongho knows he can go to him with whatever, and the rest of ateez are like older brothers he knows he can trust
but there’s something different about you
he figures it out, of course, because jongho isn’t dumb or clueless - but he is a little afraid of being so attached to you
because what if he loses you? then what happens?
he tries to go to seonghwa to talk about it because he’s genuinely so scared
but seonghwa’s not in his room and instead, a tired-looking hongjoong catches jongho in the hallway knocking on seonghwa’s door and asks what he needs from hwa
jongho is slightly nervous because he hasn’t spoken that much to joong, or at least not as much as some of the other crew - after all, he joined the crew when hongjoong was still in grieving and has only really been talking to him for a few months
and by now he knows what happened to hongjoong’s partner in the storm - the same storm that wrought the damage on the aurora that jongho helped repair
so he isn’t sure if it’s a good idea to talk to joong about it
but hongjoong presses him a little, saying that hwa is dealing with some other stuff at the moment and that jongho can talk to joong if he wants
so in a fit of recklessness (he’s also been holding it in for kind of a while, he needs to talk), jongho spills it in hongjoong’s office
and hongjoong goes silent. 
jongho regrets his entire existence during the few minutes of silence and he’s opening his mouth to apologize and take his leave
but hongjoong talks first
and he says to go for it. 
you can’t live your life in fear of what might happen, especially when it comes to love
losing love hurts, but the memories you make are worth the pain
hongjoong’s eyes look haunted, but there’s a faint smile on his face that jongho somehow knows isn’t faked - his words are the truth
and he takes them as comfort when he goes to talk to you later about how he feels
turns out you’ve felt the same way for a while, but you didn’t think the feelings were reciprocated so you didn’t say anything, just kept caring for him in the ways you know best
you talk the entire night about what this means for the two of you, and it ends with you and jongho holding each other on one of the medbay beds, curled into the other’s warmth
it turns out to be a blessing that jongho talked to hongjoong about this and not someone else
mingi/yunho/san don’t have partners on the ship, while wooyoung and his partner have been together for literally forever - getting together was barely a decision for them, more like the only logical path to follow
seonghwa would’ve been good to talk to, probably - he lost his partner (at this point he still thinks they’re dead) and would’ve said something similar to hongjoong 
he still wears the ring, after all
but the talk with hongjoong breaks down that last wall between him and jongho, and they grow closer
which is something jongho really appreciates, because hongjoong is as dependable as seonghwa and another figure jongho can now trust
life goes on - it gets better for jongho, actually, what with you and finally growing close to every member of the crew
he loves sword fighting practice and delights in terrorizing his crew members during mock fights by using whatever happens to be nearby, not just his sword
he also loves sitting with you on deck and breaking an apple in half, wordlessly handing one part to you and keeping the other for himself, all the while staring at the clouds during the day or the stars at night
just being near you makes jongho instantly feel not safer, but more comforted
because jongho’s in as much danger as he always was, he knows that
but having you close by makes him feel more able to handle that danger.
at least, until yeosang dies. 
jongho watches him being flung off the crow’s nest and into the water, never to resurface
watches his partner race to the railing and scream until their throat goes raw and the screams die to begging wails
the scene replays itself in his head again and again after the battle is over
only instead of it being yeosang flung through the air, it’s you
which doesn’t make sense. you’re the doctor, you stay belowdecks during fights and have never ventured into the crow’s nest as far as he knows
but suddenly jongho is confronted with the very real fear that you could die any second
he knew that before, but like you, he was young and reckless and thought himself invincible
now, though, he knows what could happen
and it worries him. you’re not the worst at fighting on the ship, you can defend yourself pretty well, but you don’t have have as much experience as even mingi because 1. you’ve been on the ship for less time, and 2. you don’t go above decks during fights - you stay in the medbay with someone designated to protect you. a ship’s doctor is valuable, after all
your instincts are to heal, not to destroy, and that terrifies jongho
it gets even worse after wooyoung loses his partner and jongho sees the shell that he’s become
jongho didn’t see it happen, but san tells him and seonghwa several days later, eyes haunted as he tries to describe the sight of wooyoung’s partner jerking under the blades, wooyoung going limp as a rag doll as they fell, san being forced to bring basically a corpse back to the ship - the only reason he knew wooyoung himself wasn’t dead was because of the tears running down his face
the story cuts deep into jongho’s heart - wooyoung’s partner was a very good fighter, far better than you, and even they were lost
what if it was you, not them?
jongho decides it’s better to be paranoid than to do nothing and he trains you harder, asking san/yunho/hongjoong to help
you notice the change in his demeanor but don’t question it - after all, you’re wrestling with similar thoughts to his
you confide to him during long nights with you two curled up together on one of the infirmary beds and jongho talks, too
neither of you wants to end this, and you both agree that ending it won’t do much, anyway - you still live on the same ship together, and breaking apart will only hurt you two more
but jongho wishes there was something he could do about this constant fear that he’s going to lose you
wooyoung is still a shell of his former self - jongho doesn’t know if he’d become the same way if you died, and he doesn’t want to test it out
he tries to ignore the fear, to just enjoy every day with you like it’s his last
pressing his lips to yours always makes him feel a little better, anyway
the fear never goes away, though - it’s almost like something is warning him that he will soon suffer the same fate as wooyoung and his partner
jongho ignores it. prays to every higher being he knows that you’ll be safe and extends his prayers to those he doesn’t even know
but prayers don’t work when fate has already decided its path. 
the battle comes quickly, and jongho is thrown into the fray, incapacitating as many navy members as he can
he’s so focused on the fight to see the two navy soldiers going belowdecks
because nobody goes belowdecks. the fight stays on top of the ship, only when the ship is being pillaged after the fight do they go below to see what’s there
but since when have naval officers played fair?
jongho has just stabbed an enemy soldier when he hears the muffled yell through the floorboards
a yell of fear, familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time because he knows the voice, but he’s never heard it so frightened
no one has ever seen jongho move that fast. he crashes through the throng of individual battles, earning himself a scrape in the side and several cut ons his arms, but in the moment, he doesn’t feel any of the stinging pain
he crashes belowdecks and freezes for a second at the sight of a dead crew member on the floor, the crew member who was assigned to guard you during this battle
and in that frozen moment, he realizes that there’s no screaming anymore. 
jongho throws himself into the medbay
and the first thing he registers is the blood all over the floor.
grief pulls a desperate cry from his lips
the soldiers turn around
and jongho doesn’t know what happens next.
when his mind catches up to the present, jongho’s throat is raw and two naval officers are dead at his feet, their blood seeping into the floorboards, almost ripped apart
but he can’t even take sick satisfaction in that
because no matter how much navy blood he spills, you will still be gone
your blood staining the medbay floors
jongho falls to his knees - blood soaks into his pants, your blood or the officers’ blood, he doesn't have any fucking clue
all he knows is that you’re dead, gone forever the way he always feared
and no amount of blood he spills will ever bring you back.
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If you enjoyed, please don’t forget to reblog and leave a comment to tell me what you thought! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day <3
(1 reblog = 1 prayer for me these parts were so much longer than they should’ve been I think I’m going insane)
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bring-it-all-down · 3 years
I think it’s easy to think of Vane’s season one arc as being out of place with the rest of his time on the show, but I’d like to offer an alternative understanding. I think that Vane’s arc is an extremely cohesive examination of Hobbes’s social contract theory that begins with its acceptance and ends with its complete rejection. This is a rather lengthy analysis, but it’s one that people might find interesting if not compelling.
Hobbes’s Social Contract Theory
Central to Hobbes’s conception of political life are four terms: liberty, equality, fear, and power. Liberty for Hobbes is “the absence of external impediments” such as water being enclosed by riverbanks or humans being chained to something (xiv). This conception of liberty is purely physical, detailing a relationship between concrete things. Next, Hobbes understands equality as being the equal ability of one to kill another; there is no natural inequality among human beings as anyone has the power to kill any other person, either through strength of body or of mind, or of some combination of the two. Because everybody has equal power over everyone else’s life and one’s ability to be free, Hobbes states, “they are in that condition which is called war; and such a war as is of every man against every man” (XIII). This condition necessarily leads to “continual fear, and danger of violent death” (xiii).  
Finally, Hobbes defines power as the ability to acquire some future good. This conception of power stems from the fact that there is no private property in Hobbes’s state of nature: “It is consequent also to the same condition that there be no propriety, no dominion, no mine and thine distinct; but only that to be every man’s that he can get, and for so long as he can keep it” (XIII). Power, according to Hobbes, manifests itself in two ways: natural or instrumental. Natural power is acquisition through using physical characteristics like strength and intelligence, whereas instrumental acquisition requires one to use one’s reputation, friends, good luck, etc. 
It is this fear of death and desire for acquisition that leads us to form political communities, which is our natural end; we are meant to live in communities. These communities form when their members “confer all their power and strength upon one man, or upon one assembly of men, that may reduce all their wills, by plurality of voices, unto one will” (xvii). This singular power, known as the Leviathan, is absolute; it cannot be transferred to another body (no separation of powers) or forfeited, and there is no power above it. The Leviathan enforces this power by tying its subjects through “fear of punishment to the performance of their covenants,” namely their covenant to live peacefully with one another (xvii). 
While the Leviathan’s power is absolute in theory, Hobbes does allow for its dissolution if it becomes too arbitrary or capricious on the ground that it would then plunge a civil society back into the state of nature, from which point they would be allowed to choose a new sovereign. However, because the state of nature is so feared, people are highly unlikely to dissolve the Leviathan’s power. This, then, is how authoritarian states justify their power.
In this account of the social contract theory of government, we see the relationship among liberty, equality, fear, and power. In order for people to fully exercise their liberty and power, their fear must be redirected from one another toward a singular entity. This creation of an unequal civil society is what allows for the development of private property, as well as concepts like justice and morality, which are absent in the state of nature due to the lack of agreed upon definitions. 
Vane’s Season 1 Arc
Initially, Vane appears to embrace a Hobbesian conception of the state of nature. His season 1 arc, I believe, is his embrace of Hobbes’s state of nature through the confrontation of the two people who hold power over him: Eleanor and his enslaver. After Eleanor gets him deposed as captain of the Ranger, he tells Idelle, “No captain on this island's ever known that kind of power. Power that doesn't care how many votes you can tally, who loves you, who hates you, who fears you...none of us have any right to hate her for it. She's strong and we're weak. That's the reality of things here. And no one down there is strong enough to change anything” (1.05). Here, Vane reduces things to power. Eleanor has the power to acquire private property and to cut off pirates from doing the same, and so people––including Vane––fear her. To them, she is a quasi-Leviathan figure. However, Nassau exists more as a state of nature than it does as a civil society, and so the possibility of being her equal remains.
While Eleanor threatens Vane’s power, he doesn’t fear her in the same way he fears his enslaver, Albinus, who threatens his life. This constant fear of Albinus manifests itself in Vane hallucinating Albinus’s presence in Nassau. This vision causes Vane to realize that if he is to become equal to Eleanor, he must first become equals with Albinus. He initially seeks to overtake Albinus through taking away his other slaves. He pitches Nassau to them as a place “where strong men live lives of pleasure, not labor, a place where you could be feared and respected once again” (1.07). For Vane, the pleasure comes through realizing one’s equality and thus one’s ability to instill fear rather than have fear instilled in them. As is typical in the state of nature, Vane’s relationship with Albinus ends first with Albinus believing he killed Vane and then with Vane actually killing Albinus. 
Vane’s conversation with Jack upon his return to Nassau cements his role as a Hobbesian figure. He tells Jack, “In some ways, Jack, it had to come to this, don't you think?...Me deciding if you live or die” (1.08). Over the course of the season, Vane has increasingly reduced relationships to the ability one has to kill the other and the fear such ability instills in people. Following a Hobbesian model, then, we would expect Vane to think the formation of civil society with a Leviathan figure to be good, but this is not where his season 2 and 3 arcs go.
Vane’s Season 2 Arc
Indeed, Vane quite explicitly rejects Hobbesian social contract theory. While Hobbes argues that humans are driven toward society in part because of a natural “desire of such things as are necessary to comfortable living” (xiii), Vane says to Flint, “‘Give us your submission, and we will give you the comfort you need.’ No, I can think of no measure of comfort worth that price” (3.08). For Vane, then, living in the “pre-political” Nassau is better than submitting to the power of the state. This is the case because no such “state of nature” exists; there will always be a state attempting to impose its authority on Nassau.
Vane’s separation from Hobbesian political thought, then, begins as a matter of practicality. He does not abandon fear of death as the starting point, but he expands his thought beyond himself. It is no longer simply his own fear of death that drives him, but the fear within his fellow pirates of that same death. After he learns that Charlestown has captured and will kill Flint he tells his and Flint’s crew that “Nassau is strongest when she’s feared. And if what promises to happen here tomorrow actually happens, a trophy made of one of her most notorious captains, she may never be feared again” (2.09). He reiterates this point to his quartermaster, who is concerned that his crew will kill Flint’s crew to steal the Man of War: “Tell them if this ship tries to run on a skeleton crew, they’re going to get chased, they’re going to get caught, and they’re going to get killed” (2.10). It is not fear of one another, then, that drives Vane toward a community but rather fear of the authority of the state. While he and Flint are equals, he realizes that neither is equal to the state, England, and if they remain as individuals, the state will kill them one by one.
Flint’s (and then Vane’s) trial stands as an example of a Hobbesian state; the lawmakers are the executors are the jury. All sovereign authority is placed in the hands of one body with no authority above it. When confronted with this example, Vane comes to conceptualize of community as the only means of instilling fear in the state; as the state is unified, so must be the pirates. 
In accord with Flint telling him “we remind them that they were right to be afraid,” he provides a refutation of Hobbesian sovereignty for the audience: “these men convinced you that they speak for you, that the power you’ve given them is used in your interests. That the prisoner before you is your enemy and they your friends. For those of you who live to see tomorrow... know that you had a choice to see the truth and you let yourselves be convinced otherwise” (2.10). He reminds them that they’ve granted the sovereign power on the basis of it working toward their collective good and can thus conceivably revoke said power. He then illustrates that the sovereign cannot fulfill its purpose of providing for their safety against the threat of pirates and therefore the covenant on which the sovereign’s authority is based is inherently faulty. He pokes metaphorical holes in Hobbes’s contract theory of government before he pokes literal holes in Charlestown with his canons.
Vane’s Season 3 Arc
Vane’s season 3 arc offers an alternative foundation for civil society than fear and desire for property: friendship. When Vane confronts Jack in the first episode of the season for lying to Vane about using slave labor to rebuild the fort when Vane stood up for Jack against Flint, Jack lays it out for Vane: “you and I had been through enough shit for you to know that I would do the same for you, that I have done the same for you, and would again without hesitation. I made a commitment to you, with you, to restore this place, to make it strong again...Please know that I meant no slight by it. No lack of respect or friendship. It's quite the opposite” (3.01). Vane is certainly right to be angry about enslaving people, but Jack is correct in reminding him that this new effort to free Nassau has as its basis friendship and mutual respect.
At this point, however, Vane does not yet understand what friendship entails. For that, he needs to confront his understanding of friendship, which he does through the return of Edward Teach to Nassau. The conception of friendship Vane learned from Teach is simply to let people live when you could have killed them. Teach did this for Vane when Vane betrayed him for Eleanor, and he did it for Jack after Jack lost the pearls in the ocean, and it was his offer to Eleanor after she betrayed him by freeing Abigail from him. 
When Teach offers to defend Nassau if afterwards Vane sails with him away from Nassau forever, he outlines what their relationship is: “I do not seek your partnership because I am too weak to defend myself. I don't seek it to protect my things or to increase profit...There is an instinct to leave behind something made in one's own image. Nature has denied me the ability, it would seem, but not the need” (3.03). This understanding of their relationship rejects the fundamental Hobbesian basis for such things––it’s not fear of death or desire for acquisition––and instead points toward a desire for a certain kind of immortality. However, this relationship still fundamentally falls within a Hobbesian conception of the family which is artificially constructed in civil society and which requires the children to obey and honor their fathers. Therefore, this, too, is a relationship not based on friendship.
It is Jack’s conversation with Vane before he leaves with Teach that offers Vane a different kind of friendship. Despite Woodes Rogers’ early arrival ruining their plans to defend Nassau and the target placed not only on Vane but on all pirates close to him, Jack refuses to leave with Vane. His refusal is predicated on the fact that he desires freedom: “Teach respects you...but me, I have no interest in living as a target of his….Nor would I be a ward of yours. I've made something for myself here. I'll make it again somehow, but I've come too far to go back” (3.04). Here, Jack presents friendship as a type of equality predicated on freedom. Friendship must be a choice rather than the obligation to repay a debt, and it must result in some type of good for the parties beyond the acquisition of material goods. Jack refuses to go with Vane because his desire to make something of himself is greater than his desire to live a subservient life.
Flint reiterates this notion of freedom to Vane when he comes to ask him to rejoin the effort to free Nassau from England. Vane tells him “my pledge to him began a long time before I ever knew your name. What I owe him…” (3.06). In response, Flint says this project is too important to be clouded by any of that: “Forget me, forget Teach, forget loyalty, compacts, honor, debts, all of it. The only question that matters is this. Who are you?” (3.06). While Hobbes defines liberty in relation to external impediments, both Jack and Flint understand it as something greater than that, something that points inward and moves beyond the desire for safety or the terms of contracts, be they written or otherwise.
After being presented with this understanding a second time, Vane finally accepts it as true. He leaves with Flint to join the revolution. He allows himself to be arrested in order to free Jack. He does all of this on the basis of this new understanding of friendship. When Jack asks why he came back to Nassau, Vane jokingly tells him, “got worried you two'd be lost without me,” but it’s more sincere than joke (3.08). He is committed fully to liberating Nassau not to return it to the days of Teach but to provide it as a counter to the social contract theory of civil society. His final speech before being hanged reveals this shift in his political thought:
These men who brought me here today do not fear me. They brought me here today because they fear you. Because they know that my voice, a voice that refuses to be enslaved, once lived in you. And may yet still. They brought me here today to show you death and use it to frighten you into ignoring that voice. But know this. We are many. They are few. To fear death is a choice. And they can't hang us all (3.09). 
He has gone from believing the fear of death to be the greatest fear, the motivator for all human action, to somebody choosing to let civilization kill him. He does this because he now knows there are things worse than death and things greater than physical freedom. He does this because he understands that he owes his fellow pirates the chance to obtain this freedom for themselves. He does this because he has come to recognize that friendship is the act of helping people better themselves.
Vane’s arc therefore acts as a critique of Hobbesian social contract theory. He demonstrates that the sovereign’s power is based on an illegitimate conception of human nature that emphasizes the desire to dominate others. But he also illustrates the fundamental problems with living in a pre-political community attempting to exist outside of the sovereign power. Through his arc, then, we are presented with the fact that a legitimate society based on true friendship in achieving the good of all is not only possible but is worth the sacrifice of one’s life.
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sinchronicity · 2 years
it's first contact day but i don't love the first contact movie so i'm watching one of my unpopular faves again, TOS: metamorphosis (ft. mr cochrane) ^_^
- god i forgot how gorgeous the score is. the music and planet design with the purple/pink sky is a huge part of why i enjoy this episode so much despite its flaws. the music creates a melancholy atmosphere that i love
- lmao in retrospect it is very embarrassing for the fleet members involved that they don't immediately recognize cochrane...surely he's a more relevant historical figure to them than like, abraham lincoln lol
- one thing i enjoy about tos is that sometimes there are episodes where kirk is just grumpy. this is one of them
- forgot that spock shakes cochrane's hand. lmao. slut.
- spock: true, his body was never found
cochrane: you're looking at it, mr spock
spock: if so, you wear your age very well
(the girls are fightinggg)
- the character of commissioner hedford is misogynistically written, but having a non-crewmember here is a great choice. i love when she cries "we're not animals!", overwhelmed by the alien-ness of the companion's actions.
- "everything's alive, cochrane! life everywhere!" im not crying YOURE crying
- cochrane knows the companion loves him, but he can't admit it. :)
- "a symbiosis of some kind. a sort of...joining" im not saying it's like a mind meld but. its not NOT like a mind meld👀
- it's kirk who names this as "love" !!
- kirk vs cochrane aka the dueling 60s masculinities
- i'm always a sucker for a judas ref u_u
- love bones begging the companion to stop hurting kirk and spock by appealing to a sense of morality that he assumes the companion has ("stop it, you're killing them")
- kirk's responsibility to his crew leading him towards antagonism! i feel like this is something trek often wrestles with. he jumps to "how do you fight a thing like that" but immediately follows it with his declaration of duty to protect the lives of spock+mccoy+hedford AND the enterprise, which is a lot of weight to bear. the situation is largely beyond his control, but: "i'm in command, bones, it makes it my fault"
- bones, the heart of the triumvirate, suggests some diplomacy - that's fun. mccoy is a shamelessly human character, prone to human prejudice, but his ethical code requires he preserve life
- i love it when scotty is acting captain tbh i respect his sort of casual professionalism
- communication = the possibility of love and true respect uwu
- the gender-based presumptions are literally so dumb & funny 😭 "she was a [feminine sounding cloud], he was a boy, can i make it any more obvious"
- literally the man must continue.
- spock: "i do not totally understand the emotion, but it obviously exists. the companion loves you"
- bones: "there's nothing disgusting about it. it's another life form, that's all. you get used to those things!" :)
- "he was loved, and he resents it" from hedford.....woof. there is something fascinating here beneath everything.
- kirk's various Speeches About Love are one of fave tos things. go off bestie!!
- the whole "different things" "you can't join" "if i were human there can be...love?" is suuuch k/s fic fodder 😩
- "love sometimes expresses itself in sacrifice" 😐
- it's both of them! the companion and the commissioner! she holds a fragment of her garment into the sky, and it looks like an alien thing.
- "i might even try and plant a fig tree. a man's entitled to that, isn't he?"
- such a conceptually interesting episode and one i think about often. i always enjoy watching it and chewing over it, the good parts and the not so good. it's very telling of the landscape of tos, for better or for worse.
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hickeys-dickey · 3 years
Pls share your thoughts about the gays in THAT scene… I would love to read them!
Ahh you are too kind, I am but a little swiss cheese brain but I'll try my best to sum up my thoughts, I have too many! I wanted a chance to grab some screenshots too! I'm going to put a read more because this is a long one buckle up lads.
So obviously the whole punishment for Hickey is designed to humiliate him (I would imagine this is one of the reasons his punishment isn't explained to him, because if Hickey truly was a naval petty officer he would know, and I think it's another way for Crozier to essentially say "I see you" and not in a good way). The fact we're not shown the other whippings shows the importance lies in the scene with Hickey.
I've seen a bit of discussion about his charge of "dirtiness", which isn't listed initially when we see him being questioned by the Captains, and whether or not it alludes to homosexuality but on a quick cursory search it does seem to have been used as a euphemism where an outright accusation of sodomy would mean a death sentence. The way Crozier throws it out there, no doubt to heap the humiliation onto Hickey and add crimes to the list to cover the fact he added lashes on to the punishment essentially for a bruised ego (but that's another matter), suggests a whole lot of venom to the accusation. Hickey's pointed look at Irving and Irving's quick shift of his gaze down suggests they both know exactly why Crozier has listed this among Hickey's list of crimes, and Hickey looks furious for it.
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But I think this is also ultimately where the panic begins to set in. Again, there are far greater minds than me who have made excellent posts about queer coded characters in the terror, and I think it's no surprise that most of them are the faces that are focused on in this scence. It is clear long before this moment that Crozier's leadership is lacking, and people have already begun to voice concerns fairly loudly. Tozer for one is livid in the wake of Heather being injured, and the marines have clearly started distancing themselves from both the officers and the men. I feel like this scene, for a lot of characters is a point of major shift in either allegiences or character.
Tozer and the Captains are the first faces that are panned to in this scene and I think the expressions speak for themselves.
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Tozer is visibly upset/concerned after the first lash. I do think guilt probably has a part to play, in that is was him whole told Hickey where Silna was, and presumably approved enough of the plan to not rat him out to anyone. Again, very probably part of Tozer's anger at Heather being injured due to what he sees is Crozier's poor management. Fitzjames is stoney faced, but is also the only one looking. As a man who many have noted pushes himself to pick emotional scabs, I think it would make sense for someone who is also notably queer coded and stuggles with trauma to make himself look directly at someone being whipped for a crime he himself might commit. Crozier isn't even looking, whether out of suddenly doubting his harshness or simply triggering something in his own memory it's not clear. I think the end of this shot also speaks for itself.
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(Fig 1. Three Concerned (very likely not straight) men contemplate)
The lads at the back behind Mr. Johnson are all looking Directly At the whipping as it is taking place. Interestingly none of the men at the front near the table are looking. This is the stewards, officers, and marines. Whether out of respect or also Concern at their own skins (I think every one of these characters has been addressed as being queer coded at some point, minus the marines who are all, except Tozer, fairly nameless characters).
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I'm not a gifmaker which is unfortunate for this section, though this is what is gifed in the beautiful gifset by sashneeka I reblogged (x). Tommy is also visibly upset, whether because he knows Tozer was involved in the plot to kidnap Silna and is concerned for him and any of the rest of the crew who had assisted in someway or voiced support. Billy interestingly does look briefly, and sets his jaw after in a way that suggests he's trying to fight the guilt of being the one to tell Irving about the whole affair with Hickey to paint himself in a better light. It could just as easily be Billy there on that table being lashed, but he somehow rationalises it in his head (probably because Hickey is a little bastard) that he was right in what he did. He does look down fairly guiltily after this, so maybe he hasn't quite settled on an opinion. Jopson also looks incredibly concerned/unsettled, and interestingly looks at Hickey right up until the whip hits where he flinches, and not for the only time in this scene. From what we know about Jopson's past, though not at this point, it may well be he is remembering similar punishment/mistreatment and like Fitzjames looks enough to pick the scab open and flinch from his own trauma.
The closeup of Hickey shows the full extent of his rage and humiliation building, and as I think Adam himself said, they whipped something out of Hickey that day and let him reach this potential that lay inside him (to become an even bigger bastard). He's fully severed all ties and feelings of loyalty after this and it becomes full on train to manipulation station from this point. I have a lot of Thoughts about Hickey also (which I am sure you are all aware of) but I think there was some semblance of Hickey attempting to start afresh on this journey, or at the very least keep his head down and go unnoticed. The trouble is, he notices Crozier as a flawed man, and one not from the upper classes like himself, and his ego can't help but think we're not so different, that could be me with the right connections. Well surprise lads, its murder time now and he's gonna make this old man pay for not recognising initiative but punishing it. I do wonder if Crozier wasn't booze sick and rattled from losing even more men under his command, would he not have come down so harshly for someone clearly defying the Articles to do what he thinks is right and save the men (a la Crozier and his fuck you I'm directly contradicting an order and leading this rescue party myself).
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Tozer gets another wee closeup here and again looks like he has resolved something in his head too. Most likely that he thinks Crozier an unfit leader, and admiring Hickey for having the balls to do what he did (Hickey also never reveals anyone else who came with him, and when he talks about Hartnell and Mason's part in taking Silna it highlights their skill and bravery and (he thinks) commends them to the Captain. It's probably the only time we see him building up and applauding others). He looks dead ahead here and seems to have a very steely gaze, like yep fuck it looks like I'm going it alone now. It is interesting that Tozer goes from this to notably disliking Hickey (both at the start and when they are packing up - "you've just given me an excuse to give a big shove". This might be anger at Hickey having caused all the issues with Silna after the fact when Heather gets killed at Carnivale), but still follows him in the end. Hickey has the ability to kill, manipulate, steal, basically do whatever needed for their group to get ahead, which means Tozer can be part of the group and not have to dirty his own hands. I think Tozer probably has a complicated relationship with Hickey, but he does fall for the charm hook, line, and sinker, and the fact he seems concerned for him here suggests how easily he is sympathetic to those he sees as being wronged.
Gibby getting Hickey's blood on his hand (ayy) seems to visibly make him blanch, and I do find it interesting that the shot then pans to Tommy as though they are looking at each other when they are stood side by side. The similarities between them maybe? (I've seen and reblogged a lot of discourse about Tommy loving Tozer, maybe another nod to no one being so different to the man on the table?) Irving doesn't get much of a close up in the rest of this scene but bless him he looks equal parts terrified and guilty (another man who has been noted as having a list of many things to distract from the Gay Thoughts like why do you need to distract from Gay Thoughts Irving?). He also has the Far Off Look of trauma about him, probably because he too could just as easily be on that table.
I have many many thoughts about the way Hickey turns to look (and fucking smile???) at Crozier next, which is when Crozier is looking directly at him and Fitzjames looks at him. Like if I were Crozier I think my fucking blood would chill, look at this man. Being humiliated and lashed still hasn't broken him, if anything he has just become fully unhinged and looks at Crozier as though to say "did you really think this would work?". I would also say, this man has fairly quite for someone who is at this stage something like 22 lashes in? Like what the actual fuck Hickey?? I fully belive Hickey to be a psycopath, and most of what he does in the beginning of the series is an attempt to stay hidden until they get to Hawaii and he can ditch the crew, but I think it is fairly safe to say he isn't hiding it any more.
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And he knows this is going to make the men doubt Crozier - I can't do a proper search because I am using my work laptop atm, but I seem to remember reading that a punishment greater than 12 lashes required a court martial (probably why Little steps in to say so when Crozier orders his punishment as well as them technically being lost at sea), which would be another strike against him as a Captain. Not only that, but Crozier does seem to grant him some mercy in letting him only be lashed I think 23 or so times? Probably because the tension is fucking palpable in this whole scene and Crozier can either choose to claw back some sense of control on the matter, or deal with the consequences of many people admiring Hickey for what he has done for the crew and start a mutiny. I think this is the first time Fitzjames sees the damage Crozier is doing to himself with his choices as Captain, and is probably just as concerned at the look Hickey is giving him. He knows this has unleashed something in this tiny rat bastard too, and that he will become the physical manifestation of Crozier's self-destructive tendancies. Crozier perpetually comes to everything just a fraction too late to change anything - he never saves any of the men, only comforts them as they die, and a lot of this has to do with his own ego and bad decision making, and I think this is the first example here of the fact his actions are having an effect on others to the point it will be his downfall.
Anyway, to round it off, I think this scene really epitomises the notion that Hickey is a mirror to the rest of the men, and they see their flaws in him. Those who have questioned Crozier's captaincy look concernced knowing they too could be being lashed. They too would have tried to get Silna to stop the Tuunbaq hunting them. Those who are queer or queer coded know they too could be being lashed for it. Crozier himself sees his unwillingness to follow the Articles in him, sees his own insubordination, and feels what Sir John meant when he said his position afforded him deference. Hickey may as well be a metaphor for all the men being lashed, theres not one among them who haven't voiced wanting to do what he has done. Let them without sin and all that. This is make or break for who holds loyalty to the Captain, and the turning point for who is going where. I think everyone except Jopson, Irving and Fitzjames ends up in the mutineers camp, and Irving ends up killed and mutilated by Hickey and Fitzjames is scavanged by them. Theres not one of them that isn't haunted by what happened in this scene, and Hickey would end up being the death of every single one of them. The only one who remains loyal after this is Jopson, who thinks his care and duty to the Captain can outweigh his other sins. Fitzjames and Crozier have a stronger relationship once he recovers from his withdrawal, yes, but Fitzjames also keeps him in check now (I'm thinking of Edward Little being threatened with flogging again because of course I am), and it is another step too late for Crozier's self-destruction. I've seen a Hickey/Fitzjames Christ analogy on here before too, so I hope you'll forgive me in comparing them, but Hickey in this scene really does get punished for everyone else's crimes in this scene, and becomes a sort of Christ-like figure, reborn as a complete version of the worst of himself from the pain of being lashed. They whipped something out of him!! Anyway, that about sums it up!
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