#this one is for you michi
bringiton · 9 months
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🎄 25 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS → DAY NINETEEN 🎄 DIE HARD 2 (1990), dir. Renny Harlin "Just once, I'd like a regular, normal Christmas. Eggnog, a fuckin' Christmas tree, a little turkey. But, no. I gotta crawl around in this motherfuckin' tin can."
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michi-chelle · 6 months
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these might be the cutest towas ever. sorry i don’t make the rules.
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drarry-reccage · 20 days
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you look so fine by michi_thekiller (16k, E)
Tags: Veela!Draco, Horror, Gore, Dark Comedy
And Potter, still not touching with his body, not touching with his hand - saving, murdering, forgiving, damning hand - slowly notches their mouths together. Chaste, gentle, and perfect. When they say a kiss is stolen they must mean this. A kiss taken from him, lips stolen from him because they are no longer his the moment their mouths meet. A kiss ripped from him, everything he wants and nothing he wants, too much and not nearly enough. His breath, snatched completely out of his lungs in that one meeting, where his whole body is left empty, hollow, wanting.  And he’s never so much loved the thief.
(Rec by @garagepaperback)
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incorrectvtuberquotes · 5 months
"The One Thing You Can't Replace" - Ex-Niji Version
AKA the closest I'll ever get to discourse-posting. But if you have quotes for Mint, Doki and the rest, by all means send them in!
Maid Mint: Another story I heard about myself... This one happened in Nijisanji. We had this boss, Mr. Tazumi, and I had a kouhai who went to our agency, Rosemi Lovelock. She was in Obsydia and I was in LazuLight, so she was a gen behind me.
Mint: So Mr. Tazumi was an asshole. And one weekend, he and his yacht decided to leave town, which you should never do if you're an asshole. And Rosemi decided to throw a party at the HQ - hooray! So everyone around Niji heard about it, and we all got up individually and said:
Quinn Benet: Okay. Let's go over there and destroy the place.
Mint: I walked into this party. Everyone I had ever met was there, and everyone was drinking like it was the end of the world! We were drinking like it was the Civil War and a doctor was coming to saw our legs off. It was totally unsupervised. We were like dogs without horses - we were running wild.
Mint: I walked down... I walked down to the basement. They had a pool table in the basement.
[Cut to Michi Mochievee, jumping onto the pool table]
Mint: One kid took a running start and threw her body onto the pool table and broke it in half.
[Cut to Kuro, plotting mischief]
Mint: Another kid found out which office was Tazumi's and went upstairs and took a shit on his computer.
Mint: So the party was going great.
[Chat cheers]
Mint: I'm standing in the basement, and I'm holding a red cup - you've seen movies - and I'm standing there, and I'm starting to black out. And I guess someone said, like...
Sayu: Something, something, managers.
Mint: And in a brilliant moment of word association, I yelled:
Mint: And everyone else joined in! Three dozen drunk EN children yelling "Fuck. Da. Managers." with the confidence of guys who have, like, already been to jail and aren't afraid of it anymore - you know, that "I served my nickel! You come and take me!" confidence. But EN children.
Mint: The reason someone had said "something something managers" was because the managers were there. So an Anycolor manager walked down the stairs and got to the bottom in the basement, and looked out over a sea of drunk toddlers yelling "Fuck the managers!" in his face! And he was almost impressed! He was like, "Wooooowww..." And then he leaned into his walkie-talkie and went: "Get the paddywagon!"
Mint: And my friend Matara - who is now a mother, this woman has babies - she grabbed a 40, smashed it on the ground and yelled:
Matara: SCATTER!!!
Mint: And everyone ran in a different direction. We all ran in different directions. It was like that scene in Rat-tat-touille when the humans come in the kitchen and all the rats go in different ways - we all ran in different directions.
Mint: I ran into the laundry room and I jumped up on a washing machine, and I crawled out through a window into the back alley, and now I'm running through the back alley and there was this big chain link fence. And I thought:
Mint/Pomu: I have never climbed a fence that high before!
Mint: And then I woke up at home.
[Chat laughs uproariously]
Mint: On Monday, I went to work, because that's what we did back then. And I'm walking into the collab, and who do I see but Rosemi Lovelock. And she says to me:
Rosemi: Hey, were you at my party on Saturday?
Mint: And I said no. You know, like a liar. And she said:
Rosemi: Things got really out of hand. Someone broke the pool table. Someone took a dump on Tazumi-san's computer. But the worst thing is, someone stole these old antique photos of Tazumi's grandmother. And our bosses are freaking out about it.
Mint: And I had that thought that only blackout drunks and Steve Urkel can have: "Did I do that?"
[She pauses as chat reacts]
Mint: I figured no, I wouldn't have done that. But I was never sure - until, a year later... Relax!
Mint: I'm playing video games with this kid named Dokibird, that we also went to Nijisanji with. A year later, we've graduated by now. We're playing video games for a couple hours. And then Doki says to me:
Doki: Hey, come here, I wanna show you something.
Mint: And she takes me into her bedroom, and then she takes me into a side room off of her bedroom - never a good thing to have.
Mint: And she shows me a tiny room that is covered wall to wall in stolen antique photos from Nijisanji parties over the years. And I said: "Why? Why do you do this?"
Mint: And Doki said:
Doki: Because it's the one thing Tazumi can't replace.
[Chat erupts into laughter and cheers]
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incorrecthatchetfield · 9 months
Max: You’re giving me a sticker?
Richie: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”
Max: I’m not a preschooler.
Richie: Fine, I’ll take it back-
Max: I earned this, back off!
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jamicha · 22 days
I heart you August 31st birthdays
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everything except for this was lowk bad im sorry gugs i was in a rush esp for the miku one
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masonjarsmoments · 10 days
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The annual Kraftböck summer vacation looks nice 😏
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im-not-a-l0ser · 3 months
*Lipschitz Twins and Partners driving to relatives in Ohio* Trevor: *on the phone* Mom, where are we supposed to be? Mama Lipschitz: Well tell me what you see? Rudolph: All I can see is corn. Mama Lipschitz: Then you're there. Have fun! *hangs up* Max: *jokingly* What's not fun about corn? Richie: No, no... Rudolph: Take it back, Max... Trevor: *glares at him* Really? Max: ...What? Trevor: You throw away the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside of the inside then throw out the inside of the inside. It's STUPID. Max: I wasn't really expecting an answer... Rudolph: Yeah, neither was I when I asked. Richie: He's always been like this about corn, I don't know why!
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bird-likes-to-fandom · 11 months
why do you dislike michie? /genuinely curious
cracks my knuckles. I'm so glad you asked, dear anon!
First and foremost, I want to say that I'm big on "do what you want forever" when it comes to fandom, even if I hate a certain ship. Just because I post about hating something (because it's my opinion and I can also do what I want forever), doesn't mean I'm gonna police or attack people who love it. I have like 4 or 5 mutuals who like michie! I'm completely fine with others liking it, it's just not my thing and since you asked, I'm gonna tell you why.
Hello! If you're going through the npmd tag and reblogging this post, please reblog the version with the readmore. I meant to put one here the first time and apparently forgot! I'm sorry.
I've tagged this post with "anti michie" for tag blocking purposes.
I don't understand it at all. Max is a vicious, vicious bully, who terrorizes Richie and his friends for literally no fucking reason. He's constantly on a power trip and he enjoys it, and no matter what his home life is like, I don't think that justifies his actions. It doesn't justify his actions. The entire school lives in fear of him, the entire school has physically or emotionally felt his wrath, even his so called "friends", Kyle and Jason. Hell, Richie says he used to not be able to even open his locker out of fear. If Max hadn't died, and if he had genuinely worked on himself, the absolute MOST I could see between him and Richie is a shaky acquaintanceship. I don't think anyone would want ANYTHING to do with him for a very long time, once they knew it was safe to not suck up to him.
I don't understand how people can watch the Nerdy Prudes Must Die song and scene and think it's mutual-love relationship material. Richie's death is genuinely haunting, even only the parts we see of it. Richie is sobbing, begging for his life, and Max taunts him, and you think that's fluffy? And reminder - we don't actually see Richie's real death. We see Max about to strike and laugh maniacally before the lights go black, but at the beginning Bailey says Richie was purple-nurpled and swirlied to death. At the beginning and in Richie's death scene, we hear Max calling out for him, toying with him like predator and prey.
A lot of people make ghost Max out to be nothing that he is in canon, a lot of people make him a goofy guy who is just mildly annoyed by Richie's and Ruth's ghosts. And while canon Max has his funny and silly moments, it's important to remember his actual character and what he represents - a figurative and literal monster. In fanon, people erase all of Max's bad traits, which is what his entire character is meant to be. He's not some dumb himbo, he's a bully. He's meant to represent a real thing that hurts and even kills real people. It's a disservice to take that from him.
I've seen certain Michie works put emphasis on Richie being the one to forgive Max, and not Max taking the long road to work on himself, when in reality it is NEVER on the victim to forgive their abuser. Even if Max works on himself and redeems himself to the best of his ability, even if he gives Richie the most sincere apology in the multiverse, Richie does not have to forgive him. He does not owe him that. And I don't think Richie would forgive him, at least not for a long, long time.
And also, if you want to ship Richie with someone who needs a little redemption, Jason Jepson is right there, and it's a way more probable ship than Michie ever has the capacity of being.
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guardianhyren · 3 months
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Have some 2am Ghoul Takemichi bc I was rereading @13reasonstoeatthatcake ‘s Tokyo Ghoul AU Have Your Fill for the 500000000th time (because this concept and AU has a death grip on me and will never let me go) and only just now realized and remembered I could draw ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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richieshitlips · 11 months
for the careful consideration of the npmd fandom: i think we should start calling michie (max/richie) ‘ghost stories’ that is all thank you for listening
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24-guy · 4 months
Max being all scared and being comforted by Richie (they're watching a horror movie. Probably saw, knowing you)
In Max’s defence, he mightn’t have been so scared if Richie hadn’t infodumped about how all the traps could theoretically kill someone if they were real.
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formula-red · 2 years
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ella-ashmore · 11 months
haiiiiii hai hi ummmm. a gift. 4 the seven michie enjoyers out there
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aliensubstance-xxx · 5 months
Opening the Michie explicit tag on ao3 to find my fics are the three most recent is a little bit mortifying
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藤井 風 (Fujii Kaze) - 満ちてゆく (Michi Teyu Ku, Overflowing)
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