#this one is hella niche i don’t expect it to get notes
seveneyesoup · 3 years
microdosing on being an avatar of the spiral by forcing people to listen to the mouth albums
#this one is hella niche i don’t expect it to get notes#it’s for me and a friend and that’s it#actually maybe a mutual as well they like lemon demon but idk if they’re into the mouth albums#anyway i usually have a funny little tangent to go off on in these tags but nothing much about the spiral#except i’ve had an insane fanart idea for mr micheal d stortion so#i may do that but i’m not making any promises#i will say it’s something i have not seen before#so instead i will say that i caught two of my snails mating tonight#i was planning to see where they laid eggs and so i was like how long does the actual process take#and i went on the internet and found. Wildly conflicting information#which tracks there’s a lot of diversity in snails but apparently they may not even lay eggs straightaway and didn’t seem in a hurry to leave#once they were finished#there was also like. it was weird idk what i was looking at exactly?#i will not go into any detail bc i don’t know if people wanna read that#and bc this is a spiral post so no one is here for bugs anyway#though i will also mention i’ve noticed some little roundworms?#they’re probably just free living ones who eat detritus and stuff#okay i will make one spiral comment which is everyone draws micheal distortion in ugly patterns but never spiral tie dye#bright colors perhaps surprisingly complex and also spiral haha#plus i like the idea of it dressing like a camp counselor#crocs n stuff#anyway#tma#the magnus pod#the magnus archives#the spiral#it is not what it is#mouth albums#neil cicierega
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naturepointstheway · 3 years
Overthinking it: trying to figure out which of the Outer Wilds Ventures astronauts are oldest to youngest (and who’s got most experience to least)
So my brain kept me awake last night trying to figure out who had the most experience in journeying through the solar system, who had been up there longest over all, and their relative ages to each other. I found figuring out relative ages fairly easy, as it’s pretty obvious Esker is the oldest of them, followed by Feldspar (as they’re one of the founders like Esker); while Esker is pretty much confined to the Attlerock in terms of experience, Feldspar has literally been everywhere from the Hourglass Twins to Dark Bramble, and they’ve reached an age where they like peace and quiet and not having to live up to everyone’s expectations like when they were younger and the best pilot, period. 
Next, I imagined Chert would be a good bit younger than Feldspar, but still older than the Hatchling, Riebeck, and Gabbro. They have clearly settled into their role as the astronomer of the lot, setting up camp on Ember Twin to begin updating Hornfels’ star charts. They clearly have dedicated their life to their career--I’d imagine if they were in our universe (and human), they’d be well into their PhD (and take a very zero tolerance view on plagiarism, considering their “property of Chert!” addendum to their notes!) They’re definitely not a Hatchling or their equivalent of a young adult, but they’re not practically retiring all alone on the Attlerock like Esker. At least Chert cares enough about Esker to swing by the Attlerock every now and then just to visit them <3. Esker definitely deserves a friend or two. 
I feel like it gets a bit murkier with Riebeck and Gabbro; nevertheless, they’re definitely both on the young side relative to Chert, Feldspar, and Esker. Still, I imagine Riebeck as still being a bit older than our Hatchling, and has clearly been in space long enough to gain some experience with their archaeological endeavours, leaving their notes on the Attlerock and Ember Twin (I think, if I remember right), and braving Brittle Hollow. They clearly are passionate enough to overcome their phobia of space to pursue their dream of being an archaeologist and that’s amazing. 
Finally, we have our chillest traveler/astronaut: Gabbro. I imagine Gabbro to be the youngest by far, being much closer to the Hatchling in age, but not so much that they haven’t already garnered some experience and spaceflight time, including bringing back a statue from Giant’s Deep, working out how all the quantum stuff works (they’re hella smart, I tell you what), and going with the flow with the time loop. Unlike the other astronauts, however, they don’t seem to have really settled into a “career” for lack of a better word: Chert is an astronomer, Riebeck is an archaeologist, Esker is the lunar lookout Hearthian, and Feldspar is the original ace space pilot, but Gabbro seems to have yet to find a niche, but they seem, for now, to be purely content with exploring and finding out all the weird and cool things to find in the solar system and universe. 
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hwangdol · 5 years
n.jm: where were you?
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summary: y/n does not know what the fuck is going on half of the time. 
pairing: highschool!fboi!jaemin x fem!reader
warning: a lot of cursing, drug usage reference, crackheadness, maybe a lot of grammer error. this is my first bullet-scenario au so yeah. also! this a collab with the lovely @huangsren in out nct dreamies alternate universe teehee. she has a lovely, fluffy renjun one up so go read it!
part two!
you okay let’s get this collab with @huangsren 
so at NCT High if you don't know Na Jaemin who the hell are you? like everyone knows this kid from lunch ladies to the freaking janitors 
its not a surprise since the dude is literally dead drop gorgeous and has a shit ton of social skills. like the boy deadass can swindle his way out of detention (which he did) with just a wink 
typical fboi but instead of it being a huge turn-off, girls still throw themselves on him even when he WARNS them beforehand that he isn't looking for a serious thing
still, they get attached and heartbroken when he tells them “this isn’t working out” 
his friends (aka art-hoe!renjun and student-athlete!jeno) always rolls their eyes when jaemin rolls up into the lunchroom with his arms wrapped around a new girl’s shoulder
“bet she’s not going to last two weeks”- renjun slapping down a 10$ 
“knowing him, this isn’t going to last more than a week”- jeno said but still sliding over a 10$ bill 
AND SUPRISE it doesn’t 
both renjun and jeno don’t approve of his philandering, but they stick w jaemin cause he’s still their best bud cause bros before hoes ya know what i mean?
this is especially true with jeno cause they’ve been bffl since they were like five but that doesn’t mean that jaemin is anything like jeno. 
nah man they both are the complete opposite of each other
like jeno is a quiet reserved student-athlete boi but jaemin out here acting like a little thotty 
nomin is like a package deal, no one can separate them
here where out little y/n comes in
surprisingly you’re childhood friends w nomin 
both u and jeno are neighbors and your families have been friends since before you were even conceived 
your moms’ have weekly tea times where they’d gossip about everything and anything while your dads would be watching the weekly soccer/football games drinking a cold one 
you and jeno would be playing with some legos or barbies 
jeno had a minor (major) barbie obsession which was probably induced by you
don’t tell anyone but jeno still binge-watches barbie movies;;;his favorite really be the princess charm school one 
like i said nomin is a package deal so expect jaemin to be taging along to yours and jeno’s weekly playdate
imagine you being the princess while jaemin pretended to be the prince and jeno was the dragon,,,yeah man it was so lit 
this isn’t a jeno fic btw keep in mind its still jaemin 
all of that stuff before was when the three of you were like kids
once highschool came around all three of you found ur niches: jeno was the student-athlete, jaemin was well that guy that was wanted by all the girls
and you were just a regular mundane student ya know,,,you weren’t extremely talented nor smart you just floated around 
u still hung around jeno tho but your friendship was really lowkey 
like both of y'all would wait until the other one was completely alone or do some ridiculous actions to deliver the simplest messages 
jeno would look both ways before slipping you a note in class that said “can your mom drive me home today?” and you would make sure no one was looking before nodding secretly 
or the two of you would hide behind bushes to say that y'all parents wanted to have dinner together tonight 
tbh yall could just text each other but where’s the fUN in that? 
jaemin, on the other hand, was someone you haven’t a solid conversation with since sophomore year bc of an incident 
basically, you had helped one of your friends into a relationship with jaemin that lasted for about two months,,, which was considerably a long time considering that it was jaemin.the two of them were a fat power couple 
ur friend, let’s call her ella, was probably one of the more popular girls at school. she was well-known for being the prettiest, kindest girl that everyone LOVES
anyways, things didn’t end so well bc he stood her up at hoco even though he was gonna be crowned homecoming king and her queen. 
no one knows why jaemin just ditched but he did. 
didn’t stick well with your friend tho cause she stopped talking to you as well not really giving you an explanation
and this led to everyone in your friend group to kinda put all the blame onto you 
this is also when jaemin picked up his heartbreaker reputation and began living up to that title
at first ur were hella mad and sad, but you got over it cause being outcasted and kicked out of that friend group led you to befriend the local stoner boi!haechan
honestly, you got over it but after ignoring and avoiding jaemin for a whole year it just stuck. 
yall never talked again 
u were so done w school at this point, you had suffered and labored through junior year,,, SAT and ACT were the biggest bitches you ever faced in your lifetime and this is coming from someone who was friends with the resident shithead lee haechan 
so it’s lunchtime and you’re listening to haechan’s wild story about some shenanigan that he and his weed dealer/ older college friend mark had gotten up to the past weekend 
“so like we were just hitting a blunt this weekend in mark’s car and this cop pulls up next to us.mark rolls down the window and all of the smoke just hits the cops in the face” 
“you're a fucking idiot, haechan” 
“listen bitch, i’m not done” 
“so the cop is doing the regular illegal drugs bullshit and asked mark a question. understand at this point that mark is high as fuck so i kid you not the crackhead says quack. nothing else just quack. honestly, i still don’t know how we got out of that but we did and lee haechan is still in school.” 
you want to slap your friend with a big smh at this point 
but it so ridiculous and so haechan that you can’t say anything else 
and you don’t have too! bc someone taps ur shoulder pulling you out of your convo and boom it’s ella 
“hey, y/n” she starts out sweetly and you could feel haechan’s bitch face directed towards the girl, who seemed to just ignore the boy 
“what’s up, ella?” you were hella fucking slightly irritated and highkey suspicious bc like this was the first time that she talked to you in like two years
“this out of the blue, but you know how prom is coming up soon? we need extra hands on the planning community,” ella explained with a bright smile  “we need another person to work on making the centerpieces for each table, but we only have one person on that” 
“okay, so what does this have to do with her?” haechan’s bitchy tone soaked in each word 
ella’s smile faltered slightly at his words, but it was so subtle that only people with keen eyes could notice
“i hope that i’m not imposing anything on to you.” ella trying to reassure  “but Mr. Moon told me that you still need some community service hours for our graduation requirement so I just assumed that this would be a good opportunity for you.” 
oh shit 
you completely forgot about that and you still needed like another 10 hours to complete
“i wouldn’t ask you this but my workload is completely swamped” ella added “it would be a big help if you can help. haechan, you can help too!” 
haechan let out a loud gag that seemed to baffle her 
“oh hell no, i already got my community service hours done like freshmen year.” 
you gave haechan the most incredulous face you could make cause like this druggie who gets high every other week and vapes in the bathroom really finished his community service hours before you????how?? 
“don’t look at me like that.” haechan kicked you underneath the table “it was before i learned how to roll a blunt” 
“drugs aren’t good for you, haechan,” ella chided 
haechan made a mocking face,,you know the one he does like that one,,”not all of us can be little miss goodie-two-shoes like you” 
oKAy time to do some damage control before your shithead friend gets himself into more shit 
“i’ll do it. just text me the details.” 
“thank you so much y/n!” ella said before bouncing off 
“i hate her” haechan stated
“you hate everyone” 
CUE aFTerschool when you follow ella’s text to go to the art building where everyone was gathered 
the minute you walked in you realized that you should have just said no and done some other community service activity cause jaemin was present standing in the corner and other people who you once called your close friends that turned out to be fat snakes
now you gotta deal with them again (aww shit here we go again) 
ella is motioning you to come into the classroom which you obliged cause you figured that you possibly could survive w ur rbf on as you made your way to the other unoccupied corner
there was some whispering in the background but you ignored it cUASE like hyuk always says: “you just gotta get high and block out all the haters” 
well, he was right about the second half, not so much the first. 
“alright everyone! thank you so much for volunteering to help set up for our senior prom! we only have about three weeks so we have to get all of the decorations done as soon as possible!” ella said in a chirpy tone
a lot of people looked motived by the girl’s bubby short speech on how everyone needs to put in 100% of their effort. you zoned that out as you caught the sleeping figure at the teacher's desk 
“goddamn you mr.moon forcing me to be here” you grumbled in your head almost missing your assigned duty, 
“y/n!” your head snapped in the direction that your name was called 
you saw ella standing with jaemin and the sirens go off in your head 
you let out a loud sigh before trotting over to the two 
ella gave you a piece of paper that had the centerpieces’ picture on them along with a long list of decorations “all you guys have to do is make about 300. all the directions are on the sheet and the supplies are in the other room. it’s really simple, just have it done by next friday.” 
you nearly popped a blood vessel 
300 by next friday? today was wednesday so that meant you only had ten days to finish all 300 of them
so you and jaemin are walking to the classroom next door to get the supplies y’all needed,,, in your head, you were just cursing everything in existence for putting you into this position especially mr. moon 
“so how did she rope you into this?” you heard jaemin say from beside you as you both carried boxes out to the parking lot. 
you two came to the good conclusion to split the load so that he would do half and you would do half 
150 it’s not that bad 
15 a day
hell yeah
it was so strange and foreign talking to him since it’s been about two whole years.  
he had a nice voice tho ngl maybe that’s why he got out of that detention that one time 
“she somehow found out that i still needed to complete my community service hours before graduation” you murmured, praying that haechan remembered you telling him to wait for you after school 
he probably ditched you to get high or hang out with one girl he liked
all jaemin said was “oh” and the rest of the walk to the school’s parking lot was quiet 
the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife and the knife would break
“hey can i ask you a question?” jaemin asked when the two of you were about to go your separate ways 
you could see mark’s old beat-down car meaning that haechan, in fact, did ditch you but had the decency to call up mark to pick you up 
“yeah, go ahead” 
“how come you still talk to jeno, but not me?” 
i shit you not this was the quietest and deepest voice that you ever heard jaemin project 
you didn’t know how to reply so you looked down at the large box in your hand, mumbling some incoherent excuse
“can you repeat that?” 
“ i said, we don’t really have any other reasons to be friend's unlike me and jeno” 
“is that all?” jaemin asked, probably catching onto your bullshit
you were probably delusional but you could’ve sworn you heard some sadness in the tone he used
you nodded quickly trying to get to mark’s car hoping to avoid further conversation 
but boy was jaemin stubborn 
“that wasn’t a good explanation,y/n! ” jaemin called out after you. 
this time he sounded more lighthearted than before
you turn around to face jaemin who had a fatass smile on his face 
damn was he good looking smiling like that 
“give me a better reason tomorrow or else i’m taking you on a date!” his dazzling smile nearly blinding you as he made his way to his own car
inside your head little y/n is going whattheactualfuck? 
“what’s with that shook face?” mark ask as you climbed into the passenger seat 
“what the fuck?” you say 
you look at mark “what the ACTUAL fuck?” 
poor mark is like wtf is wrong with her,,,did haechan get her on some type of crack? 
that night while you were making the little centerpieces you were still going over what jaemin said 
you looked at the last centerpiece you finish making 
was he flirting with me? or was he serious?
he sounded sad when i said that tho? 
at the same, this was jaemin, a boy who is well-known for having flings left and right. 
he’s probably just flirting
until next day! jaemin pops up next to you as while you get your shit from your locker for your first class 
“did you come up with a good explanation yet? 
his sudden appearance startled you causing you to subconsciously let out a yelp 
“cute” he said, and you forced down the blush that was about to show 
“i thought i told you already?” causing jaemin to shake his head like a cute little puppy 
“i don’t accept it.i want a better one,” he said sounding like a spoiled toddler 
you gave him the “wtf do you mean look” and he was about to reply until you saw haechan walking through the school doors with a pair of sunglasses on which can only mean one thing
that little shit head came to school high again
you pushed passed jaemin and stormed towards haechan pulling him to some vacant hallway to lecture him
leaving jaemin standing there staring at your backs as the two of you left 
jaemin’s smile dropping significantly as he nearly glared over at the two of you leaving, specifically at the back of haechan’s head 
“dude, why do you look like you’re going to murder someone?” jeno asked as jaemin sat next to him at their lab station 
you weren’t in this chemistry class but haechan was,,,and it was his naptime
“how is y/n friends with him?” jaemin stared directly at a sleeping haechan 
jeno follows his line of sight, letting out a sigh once he notices it was haehcan
“she never really told me, but i assume it was because she stopped being friends with ella and that group” jeno said honestly. he raised an eyebrow in question at his bffl “why do you need to know” 
jaemin didn’t answer him, continuing to glaring at the sleeping male 
jeno rolled his eyes at his friend's antics 
but in a serious tone, he warns to his friend, “don’t pull your games with y/n.” 
except jaemin’s head wasn’t registering this warning,,he was solely focused on how lee fucking haechan the biggest stoner of NCT High managed to take a girl’s attention from him, na jaemin....it was simply ridiculous 
maybe he really was an attention seeker bc he made a beeline for your table during lunch instead of his regular one once he saw just how loud you were laughing at haechan’s joke 
“what’s so funny?” jaemin asked sliding into the seat next to you 
now both of you and our boy hyuk is like wtf 
immediately you’re on defense, “what are you doing here?” 
“you never gave me a good explanation!” jaemin pouted, giving you fat puppy eyes 
those aLMost worked 
“uhhhhhh” you try to find a good excuse but jaemin quickly cuts you off 
“it’s okay if you don’t have a good explanation,” jaemin reaches over and steals a fry from haechan’s tray eliciting a hissing sound from the boy “you just have to go on a date with me” 
then he winks 
and he's gone
“what in the holy fuck just happened?” 
the amount of time that y/n has said wtf is unbelievable 
haechan’s sunglasses slip down the bridge of nose and you could see his red eyes giving you a look of disappointment, “and you say i have issues” 
“stfu before i slit your throat” 
the rest of the day wasn’t any easier on you tbh. you learned that jaemin was really really stubborn and very very clingy 
the boy deadass scanned the whole hallway to find your face so he could tag along with you to your next class even though you could have sworn that his class was one the other side of the school 
he kept on bombarding you with questions on what you wanted to get after school and if you like roller skating 
by some means, you were able to hide in the library for the rest of the study hall period which meant that you could probably avoid jaemin until school ended 
you spotted a familiar boy huddled in the corner reading a book that made you squint your eyes. 
marching over to jeno, your eyes just say “explain” 
jeno looked at you with like those wide eyes he does when he’s shookth bc the two of you never interacting in school so puBlicly
“what the hell is na jaemin trying to pull?” you whispered-yelled plopping down in the wooden seat next to the athlete 
jeno is all like????wydm 
and you explain your whole situation to him and he just lets out the biggest sigh 
“he doesn’t like being left on read” 
“what do you mean?” 
“i mean, that’s what you basically did to him sophomore year. he was kinda depresso about how you just stopped talking to him out of nowhere. by the way, why did you do that?” 
tbh you really didn’t know at first you were mad at him
was it bc his actions caused all your friends to blame you for his inability to commit to a relationship,,, but it’s been two years since that incident
you got over it, so why were you still avoiding jaemin? 
“i dunno after him and ella broke up, i didn’t have a reason to talk to him.” 
jeno looked at you like “really? is that your answer?” 
“think about that question again because i’m sure that that's, not the whole answer.” 
now you’re more confused but also very mad about how both of them weren’t accepting your reason as valid! 
so as you were furiously making the stupid centerpieces that ella forced you into volunteering to do
angry y/n really got through a solid 50 of them 
you pondered on jeno’s words and you thought back to sophomore year 
you remembered still joking around lightheartedly w jaemin until he started dating ella 
he actually spent a lot of time and effort even ditching jeno sometimes for her which was okay cause jeno would chill w renjun or even you (mostly bc he could watch barbie movies w no shame) 
everything was alright until homecoming came around and jaemin flaked on ella leading them to breakup the next day 
and ella to stop talking to you which made everyone mad you or think that you were the one that caused the breakup 
you were the one that hooked the two of them up too! so it was really unfair! 
it's like 2 am and you don’t know what came over to text jeno but you did 
y/n: why didn’t jaemin go to hoco sophomore year? 
you felt instant regret after sending that text bc like it probably made it seem like you were interested in jaemin,,,, which you were totally not!
seconds later jeno slaps you with the ”ask him yourself”  
fattest facepalm 
so that’s how you spent the entire night finishing all of your centerpieces that you were assigned to make cuz of your frustration
wow we love a productive y/n 
alrighty this is where shit goes down 
now that you were done with all of your centerpieces you took them to the art room the next day before school where ella was there doing her stoof 
she looked up with a giant smile when you came in with a giant box 
“you finished all of it?” 
“nah just 150. jaemins finishing the other half” you set the box down 
“oh okie,” ella nodded returning to whatever she was doing beforehand 
since it was just the two of you in the classroom and you’ve been dying to know the answer since sophomore year 
so fuck it 
“hey ella, can i ask you a question?” 
the said girl looked up with that same friendly smile that she gave everyone “of course!” 
“why didn’t jaemin show up to hoco sophomore year?” you blurted out 
in an instant, ella’s smile dropped and there was a sudden cold look in her eyes 
“you already know the answer to that, y/n, you don’t need me to answer you. now if you excuse me, i have things i have to do” ella said in a very unlike-ella-way 
her answer made you even more confused than ever bc how were you supposed to know the answer to THAT 
confused!y/n is even more confused 
however, all your questions were about to be answered, not really tho 
you’re on your way to the third period with the same burning question in your head: why the hell did jaemin not show up to sophomore year hoco??? someone help?  
tbh you didn’t even notice someone yanking you into the janitor’s closet until you were surrounded in darkness and someone's hands were clasp over your mouth 
“it’s me, jaemin” his soft whisper sent tings down your spine 
he let go of your mouth to switch on the light 
“are you fucking insane?” 
“yes, but it’s only cause i’m madly in love with you” 
you rolled your eyes “cut the bullshit, jaemin, what do you want?” 
“our date. you never gave me a solid explanation, so i want a date” 
you were about to reject him but then an idea formed in your head 
and with that one-word jaemin’s eyes glowed 10x brighter with his smile almost blinding you 
cheesy i know. 
“let’s go now!” 
the boy was really about to skip class just to go on this stupid date w you 
is he that bored? did he really run out of girls to date? 
but then again you really don’t want to go to math bc you’re pretty sure there's a test today that you haven’t studied for yet 
so that’s how you found yourself with jaemin at the local ice cream parlor 
jaemin INSISTED that y'all share a sundae, which he also fought you to pay for 
there a silence that falls upon you for a little bit 
jaemin breaks it though like he breaks heart (okay minnie that’s kinda mean) 
“ella told me that you finished your half of the centerpieces in two days. that’s pretty impressive,” he comments 
you nodded staring at the ice cream drowned in chocolate syrup 
“to be honest, i haven’t gotten much done yet,” he admitted, continuing to ramble on “it’ll get done. i might even pay renjun to do it, but i’m pretty sure he’s too preoccupied with this girl that he’s been pining over for a while” 
“speaking of which, are you seeing anyone right now?” jaemin asks out of nowhere. 
“lol i could be doing other things with my time.” 
jaemin observes your face closely taking in the faint blush on your cheeks from his direct gaze, “so what about that haechan dude?” 
“what about him?” 
“are the two of you a thing?” 
you nearly gagged 
“there no way in hell i’d ever get with haechan. besides, he’s having some of his own girl problems right now. he was being a little bitch about it too” 
“good” jaemin says really contently. 
“why didn’t you go to hoco sophomore year?” you finally asked
taken back slightly, jaemin softly smiles down at the half-eaten sundae
instead of answering you, he asked another question “why did you stop talking to me?” 
you gulp, but eventually, you had to tell him the truth even though it was kinda dumb and immature
“because ella was mad at me after the two of you broke up.” 
he shifted his gaze up to your own eyes 
“do you know why she was mad at you?” 
you shook your head
jaemin smiled again 
this time it kinda looked sad :( 
“because she knew that i was in love with you”  
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End of year fic wrap up
I was tagged by the lovely @natsora and @whatsherfacewrites  (thanks frands 💚💚) with slightly different variations of the same thing so I just mashed all the questions I liked  into one because we all know I do what I want. This got long so I put a lot of it under a cut.  total number of words you wrote this year:
112,029. This is a bit skewed because I started TRoCP in 2017. 
fic(s) you completed this year:  I’m only going off Ao3 for this so it isn’t absolutely everything - The Romancing of Cassandra Pentaghast (90 055k).  - Moonlight, (944) - First Things, (580) - My Apologies, (651) - Cold hands, warm hearts (702) - Quickly, (749) - Trust Exercises, (2280) - Happy Ending, (1028) - Never Let Me Go, (814) - Maybe? (1065) - Letter Writing, (1017) - The Hanged Man, (1290) - Hardest Goodbyes, (1447) - Galaxy of Stars, (405) - Vid Nights, (938) Notable mention in the form of the writing that got the most notes on tumblr - We’ve Earned the Right to be Selfish
fics you’ll continue next year:  Deliverance. My study schedule isn’t full time this year and I only have to do one subject this semester so I have time to write. I just need to develop some healthier writing habits.  I keep saying that I want to continue Hold so I should probably hold myself to that threat. 
current number of wips:  4. I think? 
any new fics to start next year:  Probably not. But with my two who knows. There are also a lot of good characters out there that I love, so it might not be a long fic, but it might be a one shot or a few chapters.  favorite fic you wrote this year: Its a tie between three.  Some small monster called The Romancing of Cassandra Pentaghast.  I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with this fic because it bought some of the worst and most toxic people I’ve ever met into my life, but it also bought some excellent people. It may not be the best in the tag, or the most liked, or the most popular. But its mine. Second is Maybe? Because of how soft Ellana is and how awkwardly Cassandra Cassandra is.   And lastly We’ve Earned the Right to be Selfish, I think it was one of the best things that I wrote all year and its the perfect embodiment of Ellana and Cassandra’s relationship when its at its absolute best. 
Actually thats a lie Trust Exercises also a favourite. Its hot. Its tender. Its intimate. Ultimately ticks all the boxes of things I like to read in smut - intimacy between characters who trust and love each other. 
least favorite fic you wrote this year: There’s two. Both were tumblr prompt fills for the same person that never actually read them. They’ve since been deleted.  favorite line/scene you wrote this year: Picking one is hella hard.  “I never would have picked you as a stargazer Cassandra,” Ellana’s soft voice says thoughtfully, and Cassandra turns to find the smaller woman looking up at the sky beside her. “It would surprise many to know that I’m not entirely unfeeling in the face of beauty,” Cassandra remarks dryly, returning her gaze to the heavens when Ellana hums thoughtfully. “It's not surprising that beauty appreciates beauty Cassandra,” Ellana says quietly, almost as if she’s talking to herself. Cassandra looks at her with a frown, and the expression on Ellana’s face is strange. Is something that Cassandra struggles to read in the dim light of the torches that are littered throughout Haven. Ellana’s expression shifts into a wry smile that doesn’t quite meet her eyes, and her next words knock Cassandra off balance. “They’re almost as beautiful as you,” She exhales. The words coming out in a rush of air, as if she'd lose her nerve if she said them any slower. “You’re drunk,” Cassandra snorts, not even daring to believe that the words are meant honestly. Surely she’s just teasing her. “Only enough to say what I’m thinking around you for once,” Ellana’s words are followed by a harsh bite of laughter, her long hair shifting around her shoulders as she shakes her head. Her words give Cassandra pause. They hadn’t known each other for long but Ellana had always been honest enough with her. Why would now be any different? “I apologise,” Ellana says stepping away from her, leaving space for the coolness of the night to take over what her warmth kept at bay. “I’ve overstepped, goodnight Cassandra,” The shift in her mood was strange and leaves Cassandra feeling like something important just slipped from her grasp as she watches Ellana walk away from her. most popular fic this year: The Romancing of Cassandra Pentaghast.  But in terms of stand alone fic that was written and published this year Trust Exercises with 728 hits.  least popular fic this year: Besides the prompts for the person that didn’t read them and most of the things posted on tumblr, least popular fic this year was Letter Writing.  longest completed fic you wrote this year: The Romancing of Cassandra Pentaghast. 
shortest completed fic you wrote this year: Galaxy of Stars. A cute little moment between Sara and Cora for my neglected Andromeda series. Because I have a habit of falling for the female characters BioWare makes straight. 
longest wip of the year: Deliverance.  Currently sitting on 7524 words for chapter one. 
favorite character to write about this year: Cassandra. I love her, she’s fascinating and I think there's absolutely so much more to her character than “Grumpy, punchy, romantic”. She’s genuinely funny, and she cares, you just have to look at some of her dialogue in game with characters like Sera and Cole. I think she’s capable of change, esp when she learns something that she didn’t know previously. Also I just think shes neat.  a fic you didn’t expect to write: Happy Ending - something that started out as a dumb head canon about hair pulling ended up being the third time I ever wrote smut. I’m biased but I think its good and honestly, what better way to show how much trust and love two characters have for each other than with some good sex?  Maybe? Was also unexpected. And neither would have been possible if I hadn’t finished TRoCP
most memorable comment/review:  All of them are memorable. But someone admitting that I made them ‘swoon’ with one of my chapters when they never swoon was a good one. @dr-hoffmans-mechanic is currently re reading TRoCP and commenting on every chapter, which is honestly just really great and I appreciate it a lot. And her also admonishing me for calling something PWP because it wasn’t PWP is also memorable xD. 
events you participated in this year:  @joufancyhuh‘s  fic or treat Halloween Event. 
fics you wanted to write but didn’t:  I wanted to write something Halloween related for the girls but Halloween, which is also my birthday, always falls in study week for end of year finals so I didn’t have the time to work anything out. Not to mention there were a lot of things going on that weren’t the best. 
favorite fic you read this year:  I didn’t read much because of uni. Or I stopped reading things because I didn’t enjoy it anymore. I was enjoying a tag team written college modern au for a while. Literally everything riveu (?) writes is stunning. Out of Hand(s) by @thewindysideofcare / mytha was completed this year which was honestly very good and Leliana/Cassandra is one of my favourite rare pairs.  I read @whatsherfacewrites modern au City of Lies last week and absolutely loved it. 
number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year:  9. I don’t really use bookmarks. 
favorite fanfic author of the year:  I’m conceited, but first and foremost I’m going to list myself. Because for a while there it felt like I was my only supporter and audience. But I always love seeing the work of my mutuals popping up on my dash ( @dickeybbqpit, @natsora, @ravenqueen89, @goblin-deity, @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul, @trvelyans, @schoute, @andrasste come to mind)  because everyone has such different styles, takes on characters and niches that they write for and they’re all very good.  Writing goals for 2020: Get better, write more, make my discord into the space I needed at my lowest for others, write more, develop better writing habits.  I also want to leave better comments for the fics I read. 
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manoharis · 8 years
A Year in Review: Telugu Movies!
You can’t pay me to watch these (aka watch me roast them in 10 words or less)
Dictator - a Bala Krishna movie without animals in the title!
Krishnashtami - wyd Sunil.
Terror - the title aptly describes my feelings about this movie.
Guntur Talkies - lets just not. more like gun-to-ur head after watching this.
Attack - this wins for having a director and actor that Idc about!
Edo Raakam Ado Raakam - edho raakamaina torture.
Thikka - ee cinema choosaka vacchedi adhe
Jaguar -  just when you’ve thought twood’s exhausted the possible feline comparisions
I really really dont care:  Savitri, Raja Cheyyi Vesthe, Abbayitho Ammayi, Killing Veerappan, Express Raja, Naruda Donoruda, Hyper, Speedunodu, Garam, Nayaki
Nenu Sailaja -I had a lot of expectations for this movie because it was said to be “fresh” but there was really nothing new here. I loved Ram’s look, some of the comedy and most of the songs. Worth a watch but nothing ground-breaking. 
Nannaku Prematho -  A for effort? I just couldn’t connect to the film because I felt like the emotion was kind of artificial and didn’t really pull me in. I couldn’t get behind a lot of the “logic” in this film. Also there disruptive bgm in every scene which made it really hard to focus on the film. 
Soggade Chinni Nayana - I feel like this movie was targeted towards middle aged aunties lol. I love Nagarjuna and Ramya Krishna but there were one too many scenes where I was hiding my face from embarrassment. On the plus side, all the sarees in the movie were gorgeous !
Lacchimdeviki O Lekkundi - messy because of all the back and forth plot twists. Horror comedy is literally my least favorite genre so I didn’t like this.
Seethamma Andalu Ramaya Sutralu - below average; I don’t have much to say about this. If I hadn’t watched it, this would belong in the ‘I really don’t care’ list.
Krishnagadi Veera Prema Gaadha - I think I was drowsy when watching this (not because of the movie) so I honestly don’t remember anything but the beginning portion which was really funny. I need to rewatch this.
Malupu - I always love a good thriller but it could’ve been better. Aadhi Pinnisetty’s voice tho !!
Kshanam - FAVE !!! This was so good! again always down for a good thriller. Super gripping and just the right pace. I loved how in this the love story was relevant to the script. It was very well written, acted, and taken as well in terms of technicalities. I can definitely see it getting awards next year.
Kalyana Vaibhogame - The first half was loud and messy which made me almost stop watching it. With a premise like this, the story is extremely predictable, as in you knew the lead pair would fall in love eventually, it was just a matter of when. I thought the second half was pretty cute though.
Shourya – I know this is biased of me but I can’t remember the last movie of the Manchu brothers that I’ve seen because the kind of movies they make are just so not my type. However, when this movie came out I did hear some positive talk for it on twitter. But then it wasn’t talked about at all after like a week? So I’m not exactly sure how successful it was. I may watch it eventually but I’m not dying to see it lol
Run- This was the remake of Neram by Sundeep Kishan (side note: I really like Sundeep, so I was annoyed that he was doing a remake). I didn’t hear much about this either after the first week so I don’t think it did that well. However, I do want to watch it because I’ve been trying to watch Neram since forever but I could never find it with subtitles so I guess this is my chance to watch it, but a lesser version ofc. Although one of the main reasons I wanted to watch was for Nivin and Nazriya so this doesn’t really do much more me lmao
Oopiri – I haven’t seen the original so I really liked this! S/o to Nagarjuna for realizing fairly quickly that its time for him to more age appropriate roles (take notes @ chiranjeevi). This is why the Akkineni’s are my fave! (my bias is showing so much in this post but do I really care). anyways, I loved the chemistry between Karthi and Nagarjuna cause lbr their bromance was the real love story in this. Shriya’s appearance made the childhood shipper in me super happy. Overall, an enjoyable film with some great performances. 
Sardaar Gabbar Singh – The amount of hype this movie had, jfc. Tbh I don’t have anything major against Pawan Kalyan. He’s just not one of my favorites, and ngl I liked him in the early 2000s phase (i.e. before Gabbar Singh which is when his fans went to piccha peaks). His fan base is literally one of the worst. I just think they’re super extra and very disrespectful, esp at audio launches. So yes, I was happy that it flopped because one it put the pk fans in their place who were hyping this to no end. Also he wrote the story and screenplay for this and reading some reviews about that gave me life lmao. If you want to hear something good about this movie, Kajal looks stunning in all her princess-y clothes and a few of the songs are pretty good. 
Sarrainodu – I actually haven’t seen this yet but I do want to. Here I go being biased again lol. If this starred anyone I didn’t care for, I would have no interest in this movie but because it’s the fave, Allu Arjun, I have to watch it. I like a lot of the video songs and the music actually grew on me when I was forced to listen to it A LOT in India over the summer. Also he looks hella good, I’m sold, bye. 
Supreme – Ok this movie was huge in India over the summer. Everyone loved it and ngl I used the phrase “its amazing zing zing” about a thousand times among my cousins without even having seen it. I tried watching it once I got back and it was just too much loud comedy for me to handle and I never finished it. 
Brahmotsavam – oh lord. TOO SOON. Jk, I’m over it. Easily the biggest disappointment of 2016 in terms of what was promised and what was delivered. I literally followed this movie since it was even rumored to be happening because Mahesh and Sreekanth Addala. Then Mickey J Meyer was brought on and then Samantha and I was just so hyped. I think the fact that I was dying to watch this in theaters and then I didn’t even want to watch it once it was online, says a lot. I was just really shocked that everyone, fans and non-fans alike panned it especially when it involved sooo many people. The second hand embarrassment is too real. But I did eventually watch it and what the actual hell. There was literally no story, no coherence, and way too many irrelevant characters. Mahesh has a pattern of delivering blockbusters after massive flops so here’s hoping the best for his next!
A…Aa: I have so many feelings about this movie. Trivikram is one of my most favorite directors/writers and has been for a long time. With Attarintiki Daredi, I was pretty disappointed that he went full on commercial and I thought he lost some of his touch. That changed a bit with Son of Satyamurthy (but I feel like a majority of the reason that I liked that movie is bc of Allu Arjun lol). But yeah anyway, A…Aa is still a very commercial movie, its not in any way niche. However, I think Trivikram finally struck the balance of substance and commerciality which made it an entertaining movie while also leaving you with something to think about. The story was actually very simple and something that’s definitely been done before, but the screenplay had Trivikram’s name all over it. It was apparent in every single dialogue. He also pulled out some spectacular performances that were subdued but well done. I remember Samantha saying in an interview that because this is Trivikram’s third movie with her, he knows when she’s reusing an expression which forced her to improve her performance. When the movie was announced, I was kind of disappointed that Nithiin was in it because he’s never been a favorite of mine but I fell in love with him after this. I think in a lot of his movies he tries to do the typical commercial hero act and its obvious that he borrows heavily from Pawan Kalyan’s style. But in this his characterization was very subdued and painted him as  a common guy which made him a lot more likable. It was also easier to ship the lead pair because the star aura tends to overshadow the chemistry but here I was really able to see the characters instead of the actors behind them. I just wished the story was more unique but otherwise a really good movie!
Okka Ammayi Thappa - Sundeep really needs to promote his movies more because they always seem to go under the radar. I was actually really excited for this because Sundeep & Nithya as the lead pair. I’m pretty sure its one of those movies that takes place in the span of a single day which I love bc if you can stretch a day into a full film, its gotta be one hell of a day. Not sure if this was a hit or not but I definitely want to check it out once its online.
Gentleman – (Spoiler Free). This was pretty good! A nice balance of romance and suspense. The story was intriguing and the performances were well done. I didn’t like the comedy though. The situational humor was fine but I hated the comedy track and I felt like it made the movie so much slower than it needed to be.
Oka Manasu - I was so hyped for this cause I love Naga Shourya and Niharika but apparently this was very slow and boring. I hope this doesn’t discourage Niharika from doing more movies because tollywood really needs some actual telugu actresses. (Side Note: Allu Arjun’s speech at this movie’s audio launch !! He basically called out the PK fans in a long 10 mins lecture and it gave me lifeee)
Pelli Choopulu - FAVE!!! Truly a new age rom com. I watched this in a theater in India and I loved it! The story was fresh, engaging, and hilarious. I loved how the characters were very realistic and reflective of actual youth and not hero-like at all. Also s/o for the strong female characterization !! You go Chitra! I think it did an amazing job of combining comedy, romance, social issues, and emotion into a very believable and enjoyable film. And not to forget the music which is so so good. Also, I’m gonna quote this movie in my grave. 
Manamantha - I looove movies that have multiple inter-related stories. The four characters and their respective stories were written well with each character tackling a unique situation. Overall, I liked it, but it definitely could have been better.
Srirasthu Subhamastu - I watched this in India and it was nice to see it on the big screen because the best part of this movie was the grandeur of production. Starring in a movie produced by your father clearly has its perks. I don’t really care about Allu Sirish but he’s still pretty new so to be fair he was pretty good in this. The story is very very routine and predictable but I remember liking the dialogues
Babu Bangaram - I don’t think this was a hit? But fiiinally, Venky in a movie that’s not a remake, which ofc didn’t last long cause his next is a remake smh. 
Janatha Garage - This movie was apparently the biggest hit of 2016 in terms of box office and imo its not deserving. The trailer for this movie made it seem really good but it was a disappointment in the end. The thing with Koratala Siva’s movies is that he always has a good social message but then commercializes it way too much. I understand what he’s trying to do but I wish he’d cut down on the violence and focus on the actual issue. This couldve been a really amazing movie about environmentalism but it turned into something really routine. Im also annoyed that a stellar cast of NTR, Mohanlal, Samantha, and Nithya was wasted on such a mediocre movie.
Jo Achyutananda - This was pretty good. As per the director’s style, it was very simple with life-like characters. The story was very interesting but I thought it was pretty anti-climactic and definitely could have been taken to another level. S/o for Nani’s cameo towards the end which sadly was the only male eye candy (sorrynotsorry).
Majnu -  Even though this is Nani’s movie and I usually have high expectations for his movies, I didn’t expect much from this. The movie didn’t offer anything spectacular. The plot started off pretty interesting but then went the routine rom- com path. It gets a fair share of laughs and the music is fabulous but otherwise underwhelming.
Abhinetri - I haven’t seen this yet and I don’t really care tbh but I’ll probably watch it eventually.
Mana Oori Ramayanam - This seems really interesting from the trailer. Definitely a niche film and I don’t think it did well commercially but I want to see it.
Premam - What do I say about this that won’t get me hate lmao. I haven’t seen this yet but it received pretty good reviews as well as commercial success. I don’t support remakes ofc but I know I’ll end up watching this eventually. I’m glad that Naga Chaitanya is back on track again ?
Saahasam Swasaga Saagipo - I really want to watch this because romance + thriller is my faaave. I don’t think this was that big of a hit but Im still excited to see it. The album is amazing and I assume the bgm will be as well. Also s/o for Naga Chaitanya’s look in this movie which is his best yet imo. Is it just me or has he become so much more attractive now that he’s unavaible lol.
Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada - I haven’t seen this yet, but heard that it was really good! Seems like another Karthikeya-type movie? Who would’ve guessed that Nikhil would be most successful actor from the Happy Days gang (besides tamanna ofc).
Jayammbu Nishchayambu Raa - same as above ^, haven’t seen, heard it was good.Other than that, I’m glad a small film got acclaim.
Dhruva - How much credit can you give to a remake ? I haven’t seen this or the original but I know I’ll probably like it. 
Overall I think 2016 was a pretty good year for movies with many of the successes coming from small budget films which seems to be an increasing trend in Tollywood. The fact that Sardaar Gabbar Singh and Brahmotsavam were total box office disasters even though they starred arguably the two biggest stars in TFI shows that the majority of audiences crave content over star power which I’m all here for! 
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