#crocs n stuff
spotsupstuff · 10 months
Since most rain world creatures are a cross between 2 types of animals it's totally possible that scavs are a cross between apes and some kind of insect (probably ants) which I'm that case the scavs could be matriarchal with a queen like ants, (since the leader of the scavs is called the chief not the king it's possible) so in that case artis campaign could end in the ultimate girlboss battle.
all that theorization and consideration all to come to a girl-boss battle conclusion
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crocodilenjoyer · 6 months
loony tunes physics and injury recovery this and that yes i know. however with the consistency that characters lose teeth i think there should be more false teeth in the op world. plus all these little shits are tacky as hell (like, just, as people) and i want to know how creative they can get with it.
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They're married 💍💕
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discountwives · 2 years
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mm i got a p cute chara care package the other day and i think its cute :']
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la-ro-ki · 2 years
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“the fantasy world you’ve idealized turns out to not be a perfect utopia” -core :((
june and dave are Not having the time of their lives at hexside unfortunately,,, i don’t know if i’ll have the motivation to finish lining the other two kids anytime soon but i really do want to make more art of this au!!
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shleemies · 1 year
Literally cannot imagine my life if choso didn't exist as a character this man has been my entire personality for almost 2 years now and I love him so much
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klipkillakai · 3 months
Connie and bae getting into an argument about his friendship with his ex Sasha and she walks out mid argument because he was tryna defend their friendship. She leaves and doesn’t show up until like two weeks later because she knows he’s crazy about her and she wants to test his loyalty (basically seeing if he would come look for her or not) I’ll leave the rest up to you
inner peace 🎋
“i keep telling you about that bitch connie” you spit while throwing clothes in the washing machine with a harshness as your fuming with anger, your not a jealous person.. never, you respect boundaries and you think it’s reasonable for your man to have friends within the opposite sex, within certain bounds, but sasha.. sasha clearly likes him, the way she finds any way to touch him, the way she brightens her voice when talking to him, the way she looks at you when he’s not paying attention, and the way you know she’s had the pleasure of being all over you man’s dick at some point..
you hear connie’s heavy footsteps walk down the hall, knowing he’s looking for you—
“you say that every time she comes over mama, i keep trynna tell you we just friends”
you roll your eyes “please connie.. she be all over you, “oh connie you so funny” “connie remember when we was together and we did this” “connie remember the time i did a split on it” you say pissed as hell can’t believing she actually say that..
you hear a sigh “she’s just joking, you know that—
you look up “don’t tell me what i fucking know connie, cs your really starting to piss me off” you push pass him and start walking towards the living room
“bro you need to relax alright, your acting like a bitch right now..”
you stop walking and you turn around to face him, “i’m acting like a what?”
he smacks his teeth “man you heard me”
you just stare at him, feeling the anger of all those times, you watched her flirt with him and he seemingly flirting back, the small touches.. the whispers and the stank looks caught up to you in that one moment until now, does he even want you? why is he fighting so hard for her? does he have that same loyalty when it comes to you? i guess we gon find out..
“fuck you connie” you spit out with a potent venom, you make a show of climbing up the stairs and ripping open the hall closet to grab your suitcase and duffel bag
connie’s heart sinks knowing he fucked up, he quickly runs up the stairs and follows you, he sees you packing up your stuff and his heart stutters
“where you going?” you don’t say anything, shoving all your clothes in your bag, opening the drawer and discreetly grabbing your passport and stack he had left in there and you shove it your duffel..
“you must not want this like you claim” you say calmly “your willing to call me a bitch over your ex who i say clearly makes ME uncomfortable” “where is your loyalty to me connie? why aren’t you defending ME?” you say and stare up at him with unshed tears in your eyes.. so guess what.. i’m going away and i’m gonna let you think about where your loyalty lies..
connies mouth slightly agape, not knowing what to say, he never thought this what happen, he never thought you would leave him like this, “imma fix this jus don’t leave” he starts stuttering out, he watches you grab all your bags and walking down the stairs “baby- FUCK please don’t leave” he says rubbing a hand down his head, at this point panicking over the thought of not seeing you again..
you don’t care, you’ve had enough and you need him to see, you slip on your crocs by the door and you walk outside, connie closely following, you throw all your shit in your car and you get in quicker than connie can catch you and you lock it so can’t get in, he banging on the door, pleading for you to not leave—
“please baby don’t” “don’t fucking do this y/n”
“GET OUT THE FUCKING CAR” he starts pulling on the door—
you start the car and you pull out, as connie starts following, trying to run with the car, but you speed off not giving a fuck..
connie stands in the middle of the road, yelling profanities, loosing his shit, he walks back in the house, and punches the wall, leaving a hole..
the first night you spend at your friends house, crying telling her what happened as you head you phone buzzing constantly, flooding for texts from connie and his friends, you didn’t care tho, you decided you was gon book a trip to costa rica, you have the money and you just want to get away..
a week has passed and connie wakes up, with a massive headache, he’s drunken and cried himself to sleep more than he wants to admit, he misses you, his baby, he misses waking up next to you and getting food with you, he misses your mind, your laughter, the peace you give him, and your gone
he’s reflected this passed week and he realizes his relationship with sasha is inappropriate, and it was confirmed when he called to cut her off, she called you all types of bitches and insecure and he realizes he been the biggest fucking idiot, and how much grace you’ve given him.. now he doesn’t know where you are, you blocked him and your friends refuse to tell him where you are, he stands up from the bed and decides to shower, he knows he should clean up the room but.. he needs to clean himself first,
—music floods the house soon after, and connie is shirtless fixing the hole in the wall, fixing the drywall with a white paste, he gets a ding cutting his music off for a second and he looks at his phone hoping it’s you, it’s eren and he reads the texts “this yo girl?”
connie’s brows furrow and watches the friends only story and sees you on a beach somewhere, just glowing, eyes looking brighter than he’s seen in awhile, your humming along to some song in spanish and it your with a group of people, someone says something in the background and you let out a soft giggle before the video ends..
connie feels his heart sink, not because you’ve done anything bad or anything like that, but he’s sees your thriving, you look better, you’ve gained a little weight, you look well rested and that makes him look like a shit person, had he been that draining? was his relationship with sasha stressing you out that much? why didn’t he listen to you? why didn’t he believe you?
he slams his phone down, climbing up the stairs abandoning, his project, just wanting to roll up that point and sleep—
-two weeks later-
you sigh as you walk off the plane, neck pillow around your neck and headphones over your ears, you can still feel the sway of the water all over your body, you can still feel the warmth of the sun and you can still taste the sweetness of the fruit on your tongue, you unblocked connie on the plane and watched all the texts pop up on your phone, you’ve forgiven him at this point and now you think about him, you miss him, you miss his smile, his jokes, him dancing around the house.. his dick, everything..and your glad to be back home..
connie hasn’t seen you in three weeks and at this point he’s lost a bit of hope, the only peace he finds is when he wakes up early and heads to the gym, he hasn’t been much of a gym rat, he has been here in there but he’s started taking it more seriously, to distract himself, he drops the weight finishing his set, he gets a notification from his phone and sees its from ring, thinking it’s a package or something he almost clicks out but then he realizes it says door unlocked and his heart skips a beat, he grabs his bag and water and almost runs out the gym, he gets in his car and speeds off, hoping it’s you, hoping your finally home—
you walk inside and set your bags down, looking around “connie?” you yell, looking throughout the house and quickly realizing he’s not home, you walk downstairs and open the fridge grabbing a coconut water and sipping on it as you tap on your phone, you had gotten a fresh set of a acrylics before you came home and you love them so much..
30 mins pass and your listening to music as you cook some sausages in the pan, your stomach grumbling with hunger, you hear the door unlock and you slightly jump, heart skipping a beat.. you put down the spatula and quietly walk towards the foyer, hearing keys jiggling and shoes being kicked off..
you stand there, his back turned alway from you, a duffel on his shoulder and flowers in his hand and he finally turns towards you and your quickly met with a look of shock that morphs into a soft smile
“hi” you whisper, he slowly walks towards you “hi” he whispers back..
you run towards him and jump on him, legs wrapping around his waist and arms wrapping around his neck, he drops everything in his hand and wraps his arms tightly around you, he presses kisses all over your head and cheeks, whispering “im so sorry” and “i love you so much” “please don’t leave me again” you press a kiss to his lips and he walks further in living room and sits on the couch with you in his lap..
“how was your trip?” he whispers, staring at you like a hawk, trying to capture your face, in a way he never forgets anything about you again..
“peaceful” you whisper and softly wipe the tear slowly gliding down his cheek, you squeeze his arms and notices there firmer and stronger than usual and he jus smiles “i’ve been at the gym” you smile amused and nod “i like it” he softly grabs your cheek and kisses you..
you both know that you’ve changed and that your relationship will be different than before, but for the better, you guys are stronger than before and that gives you the peace you both have been looking for, inner peace..
chile i don’t think i’ve ever written angst before, i definitely think i could do a little better but, i didnt want it to be too depressing fr, but lmk if you want a part two for some smut 🤭, also sorry girl for taking so long to reply, school be kicking my ass fr!! but guysss send me more requests this was sooo fun!! i know for me that i want to see very specific things in fics or like smut, and the best way to make that possible is when you inbox the writer, so inbox me fr!!! i don’t bite 🩷
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tvgals · 1 year
e42! miles morales x black! fem! reader.
synopsis — you hate miles’ job as the prowler, so miles does the only thing he can think of .
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“miles, i don’t like this.” you tell your boyfriend while patching him up, his wounds practically flowing blood. “i know. you tell me everytime i come over here.” miles says, hissing when he feels the peroxide cleaning up the wound on his back. “so why do you keep doing it? it’s like you enjoy doing this shit.” you tell him, worry laced in your voice. “baby, you know i do it for us.” miles says, pulling you into his body, your hands on either side of him filled with cleaning supplies. you take a deep breath against his chest, smiling when you feel a kiss being pressed onto your head.
“baby, please.” you ask him, pulling your head away from its previous spot on his chest and looking into his eyes, his eye bags being prominent. “miles, you’re tired. you need to take a break.” you tell him, analyzing his face. “i’m not tired. i just look like this. you tryna say i’m ugly?” miles chuckles, looking at you twist your face up in disapproval but giggling nevertheless. “i’m serious, miles. this is dangerous, and i’ll be damned if i lose my boyfriend to some stupid shit.” miles looks at you for a second, watching how your eyes expressed how you were feeling, how you expressed yourself with your hands when you talked, and especially how your lips moves while you spoke to him.
“everything’ll be okay. i’ll tell uncle aaron i’m done being the prowler, that i’m done hurting people.” miles tells you, pulling your head up to look at him by your chin. “promise?” you ask. “cross my heart and hope to die.” miles grins, pressing kisses all over your face. you smile and miles hops off of your sink, walking into your bedroom. you put everything up and follow behind him, sitting on your bed. ”i’m tired as hell..” miles groans, laying down onto your bed. “i thought you said you wasn’t tired?” you asked, laying down next to him, yawning.
“i lied. had to prove a point to you.” miles admits, snuggling himself into the covers and faking a sleep. “g’night, miles. love you.” you whisper, kissing his temple and falling asleep yourself. after about ten minutes of making sure you’re asleep and won’t wake up, miles reaches for his phone — turning it on and texting uncle aaron.
‘ yo? ‘
‘i’m finna come over there. i gotta talk to you.’
‘The doors unlocked.’
miles slithers out of bed, laying his phone next to your pillow, and puts his feet into his crocs and walks out through your front door, being sure to close it as softly as he can. he walks down the stairs of your apartment and pats his sweatpants down, almost panicking when he doesn’t feel his phone in his pocket. shit. he left it next to your pillow. miles stands on the second to last flight of stairs for a second, contemplating on going back. miles sighed and left out the building. miles walks down the streets with his hood on, biting the inside of his cheek. was he really going to do this? was he going to quit the business with his uncle just for you? all this thoughts were cut short when he saw uncle aaron’s building, on the verge of being run down and abandoned. miles unlocks the door and walks up the stairs, opening uncle aaron’s apartment door.
“miles?” aaron calls out from somewhere in the back. “it’s me.” miles calls back, slipping off his crocs. “what you gotta talk about?” the taller man asks, emerging from his bedroom. “so my girl-“ “y/n?” aaron cuts off miles with a smirk. “yeah. she don’t like this prowler stuff i got going on. so i’m here to say i’m done with this shi’. like forreal this time.” miles tells his uncle, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets. “nah, don’t work like that youngin’.” uncle aaron chuckles, putting his own hands into his pockets. “how come it don’t?” miles asks, cocking a brow.
“can’t get into business and then just quit. finish what you started.” uncle aaron almost growled, miles face heating up in anger. “listen. i could lose y/n over this. i love her. please.” miles pleads, his hands balling up into fists. “sorry, miles. doesn’t work that way.” uncle aaron shrugs, walking back into his bedroom. miles takes a deep breath, turning onto his heel and putting his crocs back on, making a point by slamming the door behind him. while on the way home back to your house, miles knew he was fucked. maybe you wouldn’t be mad at him. at least he tried? you loved him, so maybe you’d let it slide. the walk seemed 10x shorter than normal. miles stopped outside of your building. what if he just didn’t show up? what would happen if he just ran away? if he didn’t confront the problem? his phone was already in your room so no one would know where he was. but he didn’t want to worry his pretty girl, what would his mom think? but it seemed as if his legs moved faster than his mind, that he was already down a dark alleyway and around two corners. that this was the life he was going to live.
TAGLIST — @looking4chanel @draculara-vonvamp @lovelytayy @laylasbunbunny @kisminarii @d7n3 @deadgirlkisses @darkknightpeanutbagel @thecoloredpages @xricly @princesslilisworld @baboon-milk333 @marcelineormars @mxspiderman2099 @ravereina @stevenknightmarc @die4niyahhh
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joelswritingmistress · 2 months
Camp Crystal Lake: Chapter 7
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Requested by @yellowjacketsbuzzbuzz
Joel Miller x f!reader (romance/horror)
Setting: Camp Crystal Lake
The reader is taking on the position of a camp counselor at the infamous Camp Crystal Lake. While she begins to enjoy her summer, even crushing on the camp director Joel, a killer lurks in the woods unbeknownst to anyone.
The night was low key. I could tell everyone was at least a little tired from working, and playing, in the hot sun all day. Mark sat on the porch with a book in his lap, and as I entered the cabin from exploring the grounds a little I saw Vicki wander over to sit beside him.
When I entered the cabin, Jeff and Sandra sat in the living room toying with an old record player. Scott laid the length of the couch with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed. I saw he had an ear pod in and was gently bobbing his head to whatever music was playing.
Joel looked over his shoulder from where he was retrieving hot dogs and hamburgers from the fridge and smirked subtly at me as I entered. I smiled back and toyed with a few stray strands of hair by my forehead.
“(Y/N),” Sandra called, waving me over.
I wandered over toward where she held a few albums in her arm like a pair of books. “Hey, did you guys get in trouble?” I asked quietly.
She shook her head. “Nah. Joel just told us not to go back over there.”
“Did you see anything creepy?”
“We didn't get that far,” Jeff claimed. “The cop picked us up before we could go inside any of the old cabins.”
“Anyone want burgers or dogs?” Joel asked aloud. He held a package of hotdogs in the air as we all glanced over.
Jeff held a hand up and then Sandra did the same. I gave a nod and Scott sat up from where he laid.
“Food?” He asked, removing his ear pods.
Joel snickered and confirmed with a nod. “Food.”
Annie appeared at the top of the open staircase toying with her damp, towel-dried hair. “Shower’s free if anyone needs to get in.” Her croc-clad feet peppered down the stairs. “I'll be back in a little bit.”
“You want anything to eat?” Joel asked her.
“I made myself a big salad about an hour ago,” she claimed. “And I'll probably have a s'more or two when I get back.”
“Beware of Ralph,” Joel said to her, half-kidding.
“Ha ha.” Annie threw her hair up into a high bun. “If I see him, I'll give him an ice cream sandwich. I'm going to check out the ice cream inventory.”
“Take a break,” Joel encouraged. “Do it in the morning.”
She waved a hand at him. “I'll be twenty minutes.”
“Mark,” Jeff shouted through the screen of the porch window. “You guys want hot dogs and burgers?”
“One of each for me,” he called back.
“I'll take a cheeseburger if you're offering,” Vicki said next.
“You hear that boss?” Jeff asked Joel.
“Loud and clear.”
“Where's Teri?” I looked around the open floor plan.
“Upstairs,” Sandra claimed.
“Anyone want to give me a hand bringing some of this stuff out to the grill?” Joel asked.
Jeff began to raise his hand but Sandra nudged his stomach with her elbow.
“Ow,” he said quietly, glancing at her.
“Go,” Sandra whispered to me, as Joel nonchalantly retrieved cheese, lettuce and tomato from the fridge.
I chuckled and cleared my throat. “I'll help,” I volunteered.
“Great, thanks,” Joel said back.
I gazed at Sandra and we shared a smirk. I pulled her in to whisper discreetly. “We need to talk later.”
“What happened?” She whispered back.
“I'll tell you later.”
Joel and I made eye contact across the room and I wandered over to grab two oversized dishes he’d laid out. When he placed a knife on top of them I glanced up at him.
“Might need you to slice a tomato or two while I heat up the grill,” he explained.
“No problem.” I retrieved the lettuce and tomato, scooped up the plates and followed him out the back door onto a little deck. The light by the back door illuminated the grilling area as the atmosphere darkened under the cover of the trees.
I placed the plates down on a small table beside the grill and retrieved a tomato as Joel squatted to turn the gas tank on. My back was to him as I began to slice the red sphere. My body stiffened and I felt a rush of adrenaline power through me when Joel’s hand topped mine on the knife. His body brushed up against mine and I let out a breath without looking back.
Joel’s hand pressed down and I went with the motion, cutting the tomato once, twice, three times.
“You’re very good at that,” he practically purred in my ear. Feeling his breath land against my neck as he spoke made me weak in the knees, and my toes curled beneath my white Nikes.
I swallowed hard, taking completely off guard but also totally on board with Joel’s advances. “Thank you,” I choked out.
“I knew how you felt about me the second I met you,” he spoke quietly. His fingers tucked a few stray strands of hair behind my ear.
There was no use in denying it. “How?” I whispered back.
“A man can tell.”
A man. He certainly was a man. The tumultuous emotions that brewed inside of me were unlike anything I’d ever felt before when it came to sex, romance and dating. My whole body was hot and if there would have been no repercussions I would have uncharacteristically turned and jumped his bones right there. 
The knife left my hand and he turned my body to face his. Joel dove in for a kiss, an extension of what was interrupted in the shed by the sheriff earlier in the day. I had been thinking about it ever since.
Can anyone see us? The concern was a fleeting one and I continued to indulge in him until Joel was the one to pull back with a breath. When he proceeded to peck my lips just after I wasn’t ready for it and simply closed my eyes without reciprocating. His hand landed on the side of my face and my eyes flickered open again. Joel let out a breath through his nose.
“Are you involved with anyone?” he asked.
I shook my head. “No. Are.. you?”
Joel mirrored my response. “No.”
“Good.” I laughed lightly as I said that.
“You, uh.. You want to agree to a summer romance?”
I laughed a little louder and Joel laughed with me. “What are the terms of that?”
“Why don’t we make them right now?”
“Okay.” I felt my body heat up even more and I couldn’t keep a wide grin from my face.
“Don’t pursue anyone else at the camp.” The statement came out sort of as a question, “And I won’t either.”
I nodded. That was more than reasonable. “I’ll agree to that.”
“Unless you’re not into this once we try-”
“I’m into it,” I said right away, making him chuckle. I added, “A man really can tell, I guess because I’m.. very into this.”
“Good.” Joel smirked, “Because I am, too.” He pulled me back to him and our lips met again. I could feel him smiling into the kiss the same way I was.
“Do we have to keep this, like, a secret?” I asked.
“Doesn’t Sandra already know?”
My eyes widened and I swallowed hard. “Well.. not.. Exactly.”
“She’s smart,” Joel said with a smirk, “She knows.”
“Well, she’s suspected.. I didn’t say anything.”
“We’re all adults here,” he reminded me, “I’m just the organizer of this place. You all seem like good workers so there’s no favoritism.” Joel toyed with my hair again, “As long as you’re not embarrassed about it, it doesn’t bother me.”
“Why would I be embarrassed?”
“Because of our age difference.”
I laughed lightly, “No guys in their twenties made me feel what you’ve made me feel in the short time I’ve known you.”
Joel looked pleased by my words and smiled smally, mostly to himself. It almost looked like he was giving himself props in his mind. It made me chuckle again.
“So.” He held a hand out in front of him, “Do we agree to the terms?”
I glanced down and shook his hand. “I agree.”
“And you’re a townie, like me,” Joel added. “So, if things go really well, maybe we can even go apple picking in the fall.”
My heart grew a size. “I’ll be around.”
“Good.” He leaned in and kissed me lips again as he reached for a spatula.
@gissellec1 @cattt777 @mellymbee @armybts20137@bbiophiliaa @littleblackcatinwonderland @mermaidgirl30 @brittmb115 @yellowjacketsbuzzbuzz @beltzboys2015-blog blog @lwfics @pedropascal111 @mellymbee @itscatrodriguez-thepearl
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carleycore · 1 year
When they insult you(Kenma and Oikawa)
A/N this blog is so weird- It’s like 400 styles in one.
Genre: Angst (it’s not SUPER bad- I can write a part two as comfort if y’all would like that)
Warnings: Insults obvi, pregnant reader(oikawa)
Part two
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(not having a job)
Being with Kenma is wonderful. He never looks at other girls, fights you, and always is there to support and love you, so of course you did the same.
You’ve been dating him since high-school so you were there for him through his volleyball days all the way to his billionaire status. Naturally, you both loved and were there for each other unconditionally, so it was no surprise when he got down on one knee and proposed.
Currently the two of you were in the process of wedding planning which was super fun, but stressful as hell. 
Kenma made enough money from streaming and his business and he loved to stream. So he was still working when he really didn’t need to. 
You’d quit your job to focus on the planning and all had been going well.
Now the week was two months away and all you had left was the finishing touches.
All of the major stuff was done, and now all you had to do was plan the little things. Little things that would’ve been really helpful to have your fiancé's input on, so you opened his door slowly to see if he was streaming, which he was, but he was in the middle of a break.
“Hey baby,” you smiled, walking over to sit on his lap, “are you busy right now?”
You couldn’t tell when you walked in, but he seemed pissed off. 
“I’ve been streaming for four hours. All I want is a break, what do you want?” He responded harshly.  
“Just turn off the stream, I wanna talk about wedding stuff,” you bargained. 
“One of us has to work, Y/N. I know it’s fun to just lounge around on the couch and pick flowers but I have a real job. A job I need to support you and this lavish wedding you want.” 
After hearing this, you simply got up and left the room. If that was truly how he felt, so be it. There didn’t have to be a wedding after all.
Going into a guest room and slamming the door, you instantly started applying for jobs. Kenma knew you were waiting until you finished college to get a job again, and that he’d support you through getting your masters degree. But clearly, that was a lie. 
And you wouldn’t force him to support you any longer.
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(Not dressing up)
You were 20 weeks pregnant. Finally at the point where it didn’t just look like you ate a lot. It looked like you were growing a baby. This also meant that it was getting harder to find an outfit that wasn’t just a shirt that was streched out too much, or an ugly maternity dress that made you look even fatter than you felt. Thankfully, Oikawa was there for you ever step of the way. Buying you new things to try on, encouraging you, and telling you how beautiful you looked. But his views changed one day.
Now you and your husband, Oikawa, were walking around the grocery store. Just buying food for the week when one of his old classmates came up to him.
She was pregnant too, and shopping for groceries with her husband. The only difference was she was absolutely glowing. Her bump fit her nicely, and the dress she was wearing looked amazing on her. It gave her a very cheery vibe.
Since you didn’t go to Aoba Johsai, you didn’t know them. So, you just smiled and looked at the food intently, as if you didn’t know what you were going to grab. 
After a while they left and Oikawa’s mood seemed to have worsened.
“What’s wrong babe?” You asked, trying your best to keep up with the speed that he walked to the cash register, “and we’re missing a few things.”
“Why can’t you look more like Nami? She’s 24 weeks and she still dresses nicely,” He complained, gesturing towards your Crocs, T-shirt, and sweatpants.
“I’ve tried, nothing you good on me,” you were about to cry. You didn’t know if it was pregnancy hormones or if it was the fact that your husband was berating you in public. It was a good thing the cashier had her airpods in and the store was fairly empty.
“Well maybe you should stay home then. It’s embarrassing when my friends’ wives look better than my own,” he grumbled, picking up the pancake mix and syrup you put in the basket, “seriously? Are you trying to look like a whale?” 
Instead of explaining how HIS child was craving it, you simply put it back on the shelf and was silent the entire way home.
That night, after putting everything up and showering you rolled on your side of the bed alone. When he wrapped his arms around your bump as he did every night, you pushed him off. Ignoring him when he tried to apologize and reason with you.
The next day when he apologized, bought you new clothes, jewelry, and the food you wanted you still didn’t talk to him.
It’d take a lot more than bribery for you to forgive his actions. 
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reblogs and likes appreciated <3
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Fun Batfam Fashion HCs
Cass has kinda small feet so she definitely wears the Batman Jr Crocs just for funsies.
Bruce only has three modes: batman, suit, or WE merch.
Babs made her own Batgirl suit, so we all know she can def sew, so she probs takes off the rack clothes and adds like magnets instead of buttons and extra openings to make them wheelchair/disability accessible for her n the galdem.
Gotham fashion designers are actually elite and the themed collections go wild. They totally have secret forums to discuss villain costumes they made.
Tim unironically wears steel toed socks when working on mechanical stuff in the Batcave, ain’t nobody wearing shoes inside.
Jason has one of those cute little book wallets of The Picture of Dorian Grey.
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mattssluttygf · 2 months
beach boy
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summary - it was supposed to be a fun hang out day with your brother on the beach but someone else got involved
warnings - soft dom!chris x poc reader, swearing, praise kink, public sex, pet names (ma, baby, princess, sweetheart) degrading kink, mention of safe word, lowercase, unprotected sex ( wrap it b4 u tap or whateva ) guys you’re on the pill, aftercare, no use of y/n.
semi-proof read
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i was woken by the sound of my older brother yelling at me “wake up jackass were going to the beach” he yelled. i checked my phone, the time was 2:42 pm ‘shit..what the hell was i doing last night..’ i thought to myself.
i quickly got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. i washed my face and brushed my teeth as i quickly put on my hot pink bikini, i stared at myself in the mirror for a good 1-2 minutes until my brother started pounding on the door telling me to hurry up.
i rush out of the bathroom, grabbing my towel and my crocs and making my way out the door. we arrived at the beach 10 minutes later, we set our stuff down somewhat close to the water and we went from there.
me and my brother rushed off into the water after we sat our stuffs down . my brother noticed a guy staring at me from afar, he gave him a glare before he quickly turned around, but he still kept staring, “that guy keeps staring at you.” he mumbled eying him down. i turned around to see what he was talking about, and oh my god.
my eyes widened, not a lot, but just a little bit. he was an average white boy, not too tall and not too short, he had brown hair, blue eyes, freckles, and he was a triplet. but he stood out more than the other two, a small smirk grew on his face when he saw me turn around, i gave him a little wave and a flashed a quick smile.
“lawdd, he’s fine don’t you think?” i squealed as i quickly turned back to my brother. he gave me a blank stare and splashed water in my face, i rolled my eyes and walked off. i headed over to the snack bar to clear my mind.
“chris” he said, i obviously introduced myself back. “i couldn’t help but stare at you from afar, you’re such a pretty girl.” he said with a smile, my thighs clenched a little bit from the compliment. “thank you!” i replied.
“i think you’re a little cutie too.” i winked, he pulled me in by my waist. his pale hands stood out on my dark body as i leaned more onto him. we continued our conversation, sharing different things about one another and our interests
“see you later maybe?” he said, “probably in another hour” i giggled. we both parted our ways, making it back to my spot where i had left brother. “so did you guys fuck.” he snorted, “no we didn’t , shut the fuck up.” i yelled
“god i wish we did though..” i mumbled under my breath. another hour or two went by and i was getting bored, all i was doing was sitting in the sand next to my brother covering my feet.
“im going to the bathroom” i yelled, my brother glared at me with a ugly look on his face like he was annoyed.i really didn’t have to use the bathroom, i just wanted to wonder around to see if i could find chris. i approached the bathrooms, trying to figure out if they had separate stalls but they were all family bathrooms.
i groaned at the sight, worst part was that they didn’t have locked for some apparent reason which means anyone could walk in.
i was startled by 2 knocks on the door before someone walked in, my heart dropped at the sight. it was chris. “miss me princess?” he spoke with a shit eating grin while looking at me through the mirror.
i quickly turned around before i could speak and thats when his lips crashed into mine, slowly pulling me in by my waist.
our tongues were fighting for dominance but his obviously won, my hands behind his neck and his hands wrapped around my waist. “i’ve been thinking about you ever since that conversation ma.” he said pulling away from the kiss with a smirk, my thighs squeezed together even more. “need help?” he spoke, he saw me squeeze my legs together i just knew i was fucked.
he began to slowly kiss my neck till he reached my chest, still holding onto my waist. my hands found their way to his pants, but he pulled me away from him before i could do anything. “just fuck me already..” i mumbled and without hesitation he quickly turned me around and bent me over onto the sink.
he pulled the bottom half of my bikini to the side and pulled his pants down, he pushed his tip against my folds, he was teasing me at this point.
“your safe word is red.” he spoke before he slowly pushed himself inside of me. “just squeeze my hand if its too much okay ma?” he spoke softly.
he slowly kept pushing himself in, my hands resting on the corner of the sink. my head was down but he slowly pushed my head back up and forced to me to look at myself through the mirror. “look at me, is this okay sweetheart?” he whispered in my ear, i nodded my head rapidly as i was begging to him to fuck me.
“words baby.” “yes..more please.” i mumbled out, his eyebrow raised “more already? we just got started princess.” he spoke with laughed. he forced himself into me and oh my god i was a moaning mess.
he pounded relentlessly into me, he was definitely a good 8 inches, he felt so unreal. “your doing so good for me baby.” he said as he looked down at my back tattoo.
“im surprised i didn’t notice your back tattoo earlier, it looks great on you baby .” i tried to tell him thank you but all i could do was blabber.
‘theres no way im letting a white boy fuck me in a family bathroom at the fucking beach.’ i practically spoke to myself. his hands slowly crept up to my neck , pulling me back onto his chest “look how beautiful you are getting fucked in a family bathroom. such a slut.. it’d be a shame if anyone were to walk in huh princess?” the knot in my stomach ended up snapping just because of that.
my vision was blurry but i could tell he had a huge smirk on his face when he said those exact words. the only thing that was coming out of my mouth was his name, one of our hands were interlinked as his other hand held me up because my legs obviously gave out.
“you’re doing so good for me baby..im almost there okay..” he spoke in my ear, his head resting on my shoulder. his thrusts became sloppier by the second “shit..in or out ma” “in me please..” i moaned as i squeezed his hand tigher.
i held myself against the sink as he pulled out. my bikini was shifted in different places, he cleaned me up before cleaning himself up. “you did so good for me ma.” he smiled as he helped me adjust myself. all i could do was smile back, my voice was so hoarse from all my yelling. i feel embarrassed.
he pulled me in closer for another kiss, more sloppier than the ones earlier. his hands traveled down my body stopping at my waist. i pulled away from kiss, a small whine came from him. “sorry babe but i have to get going, my brothers probably looking for me. or was looking for me.” i said sarcastically, “no thats fine, its okay. could i at least get your number?” he spoke with a smirk. “oh shit right sorry!”
@sturnsslut @vampsturns
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floral-force · 10 months
Lay Me Down to Sleep
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x GN!Reader
summary: Insomnia plagues you during your first night on-base with Task Force 141. A little midnight stroll leads you to the imposing masked lieutenant you'd been warned about. Maybe a common struggle can lead to comfort...
words: 1.8k+
warnings/tags: just really soft stuff here (but my work/blog is always 18+ only), this one goes out to my fellow insomniacs, insomniac!simon "ghost" riley, pride and prejudice mention, all fluff, technically pre-slash, soap is a lil shit
a/n: hi, hello, I am back (sort of). I took a long hiatus bc of work/life stress but I cranked this out a while ago and finally feel confident enough to post it. thank you for reading and sticking with me &lt;3
masterlist | read on ao3 | taglist
You stared up at the ceiling of your room, rubbing the heels of your palms into your tired eyes. Hours had passed since you’d gotten into bed to rest up before a briefing in the morning. Sleep still hadn’t found you yet. Maybe it was the time difference—you had flown into England from the States not even 12 hours ago—or maybe it was the stiff mattress. Or maybe it was the way you still thought of the masked lieutenant at Price’s side when you’d gotten off the heli. 
Whatever it was, you needed to get over it. You’d read online that sometimes leaving bed to do something other than try to sleep helps, so maybe it was the perfect time for you to check out that tiny little excuse for a kitchen the Scottish private—nicknamed Soap, he’d told you with a wink—had shown you earlier. With a sigh, you got up and wiggled out of your sleep shorts and into more modest sweatpants, anxiously pulling at the hem of your shirt as you stepped into your crocs and walked out of the door.
Your eyes finally adjusted to the bright fluorescent hallway light as you reached the kitchen, surprised to see a light on when you opened the heavy door with bated breath. You peeked inside and saw a broad man sitting at a table, absolutely dwarfing it with his size. 
“Can’t sleep, eh?” 
You jumped at the deep voice and nearly let the door slam, catching it right before impact and slowly closing it. “Uh, no.” You chuckled, walking behind him to the right side of the table.
You reached the chair, then stopped in your tracks when you lifted your gaze off the floor. 
It was him—the masked lieutenant. 
You could barely make out a quirked-up eyebrow under the shadow of his sweatshirt’s hood as he took a sip from the mug his large hand dwarfed, his fabric mask scrunched up over his nose. Your heart raced and you looked down at the seat of the crummy plastic chair in front of you. The kitchen was now the last place you wanted to be, but you were too tired to make up some shitty excuse to flee. 
So, you stood awkwardly in front of the chair, hands in your pockets, biting your lips.
“I’m—” you cleared your throat, “I’m guessing you can’t either, Lieutenant?”
“Never can these days,” he replied gruffly. 
There was the sound of another sip from his mug, a thump when it was lowered to the table, and then silence. It was heavy and awkward, and you were certain you’d never felt more embarrassed in front of a commanding officer before, even though you’d fainted in front of one during a basic training run.
There was a heavy sigh. “Christ, ‘m not gonna fuckin’ bite ya.”
“Soap told me you would,” you quipped back.
Soap had warned you about the masked man—Ghost, he’d called him—and told you not to bother him much. “That’s my job,” he’d laughed. 
Right now, you felt like you were definitely bothering him.
“Figures,” he grumbled. 
You finally looked back up at Ghost, meeting his brown-eyed gaze for the first time since you’d entered the room. He looked at you with curiosity, not malice; somehow, that made you feel a little better, even if it still made your heart race and your palms sweat. 
“I just—I can’t stop thinking,” you blurted out, finally responding to the question he’d asked when you’d opened the door with a solid answer beyond your meek “no.” 
“I get nightmares.”
It felt like a confession, and you pulled out the chair, cringing when it squeaked across the linoleum floor. You sat down to hear more, crossing your arms on the table and resting your chin on them. Ghost’s eyes tracked your movements, even as he took another leisurely sip from his mug. Now that you were closer, you could smell that its contents weren’t coffee, but tea, the herbal notes reaching your nose. 
Before you thought better of it, words rushed out of your mouth. “It’s stupid, but when my insomnia is really bad—like it is now—I call my best friend and ask them to read to me. I’d do it now, but they’re at work.” You shrugged your shoulders. “Gotta love the time difference.”
Ghost shook his head. “Tha’s not stupid at all.” He took a long drink from his mug and set it down. “Whatever works. I jus’ make myself a cuppa, then see what happens.”
“And what’s happening next?” you probed.
He nudged his thumb against the mug and tilted his head. “I think ‘m gonna try reading.”
“Y’all keep books in the kitchen?” you teased.
“Hell no,” Ghost scoffed. “Did’ya bring any wi’you?” he asked.
You pursed your lips and squinted as you thought. “I think I brought Pride and Prejudice with me. I told myself I’d start rereading it since the plane ride over here was the perfect opportunity…but I fell asleep.” You sat up and smiled at him. “Why do you ask?”
He shifted in his seat and his hood fell, revealing short hair and red-tinged ears. “Could I read a bit of it?”
You blinked, a bit stunned at his shy question. Ghost, a man with a taste for Jane Austen? Something about a man like him wanting to read a period romance novel lit a tiny fire in your chest.
“Um, sure.” You stood and took a few steps, pointing at the door. “I can go grab it—”
“No, no, I’ll go wi’you, save you the trip back, yeah?” He rushed to his feet, and you stopped in your tracks at his side, gulping at the way he towered over you. 
“If you say so, Lieutenant.”
“Ghost,” he nodded.
“Ghost,” you repeated with a soft smile, leading him to the door.
The walk to your room was silent except for your footsteps tapping on the floor; his boots and your crocs mixing into a twilight harmony. Ghost kept up behind you. Your cheeks burned at the thought of him seeing you in your ratty sweats and shirt and crocs—fucking crocs—as you finally reached your door. You fumbled with your keys, swearing under your breath.
You unlocked the door and hurried across the room to flick on the lamp at your bedside. Ghost closed the door, then loomed over you as you crouched down and rummaged through your backpack. You hummed in triumph when you finally pulled out the beat-up and well-loved book, turning and reaching up to hand it to him. You stood and sat on the edge of your bed, expecting him to leave. Instead, he pulled the chair from the desk across the bed over to your bedside, settling in as he read the back cover. You were suddenly aware of his musky, amber scent because of the short distance, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t feel inviting, much unlike the person it clung to.
“Making sure you like it?” you asked with a nervous chuckle.
“Do you like it, love?” Ghost’s eyes flitted up to meet yours.
The pet name and Ghost’s suddenly soft voice caught you off guard. You reminded yourself it wasn’t personal, that it was a common British thing, that he didn’t mean anything by it, that it was colloquial. It didn’t feel bad or gross—it felt like a warm hug, a gentle kiss on the forehead, a thumb softly stroking across your cheek. 
You swallowed and dug your nails into the mattress. “Yeah, yeah! I’ve—I’ve read it, like, twice now.” You silently cursed yourself for stumbling over your words.
He nodded. “Have you ever listened to someone read it?”
“No,” you answered hesitantly.
“Would you like to?”
You nearly choked on your breath. You couldn’t stop your eyes from widening and your lips from parting. Having Ghost read to you would be absolutely unreal—his voice was strangely soothing, washing over you with a gentleness you didn’t think he’d be capable of. And yet, here he sat, staring you down as his thumb stroked the front cover of one of your favorite books, his offer dangling in the air.
“You said being read to helps you fall asleep,” he continued. “You’re gonna need the sleep to handle Price’s brief, I promise you that, love.”
“I mean, yeah,” you replied. “But I don’t want you to think you have to or need to. I’m a big girl, I can force myself to fall asleep if you say Price is really that bad.”
Ghost shook his head. “Nah, I want to.” He reached for the lamp and jerked his head at you. “Get settled, love. You can still get a decent amount’a sleep in.”
“What will you do?” you asked as he dimmed the light.
“Me?” he shrugged as you lay down. “I’ll live.”
“Then I should stay up too.”
“No, sleep. That’s an order,” he said, the command stern yet playful and stoking the fire in your chest. You swore he winked at you, but it could’ve been a trick of the light. 
“Fine,” you huffed. You closed your eyes so you could focus on the silky tones of his voice.
“Now then,” he cleared his throat. “Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen.”
You smirked. “Off to a great start already, Ghost.”
There was a low chuckle. You smiled, hoping he was looking at the page, but also secretly hoping he was looking at you. Maybe he was, but you could already feel your mind relaxing even though he’d only read the title. There was something in your gut telling you that Ghost was softer than he seemed. The imposing, threatening lieutenant was just a man that enjoyed tea and struggled with insomnia—and apparently, he was a bit of a softie underneath his vest and mask.
As he read, you began to let your mind drift off into dreamland, lulled by Ghost’s dulcet tones and the way he tried to engage with the text, varying his intonation and even chuckling at some of the dialogue and sentences. If he truly didn’t care, you couldn’t tell; he seemed to get more wrapped up in the book the more he read. 
“..but his friend Mr. Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, and noble mien, and—”
“Hm, like you,” you mumbled to your pillow, thinking of Ghost.
There was a pause, then he continued, sounding amused. He probably hadn’t heard you. He was probably just smirking at the next sentence about Darcy’s money, not your sleepy comment. You yawned, your eyes heavy and brain finally quiet enough for sleep to overtake you right as Darcy commented on Elizabeth’s appearance, Austen establishing their complicated and dramatic love-hate relationship.
Ghost wouldn’t tell you he’d blushed at your comment. That would be his sleepy secret.
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taglist: @tizylish @dheet @sinfulsalutations @oliviagreenaway @johfaam0 @sofasoap @nickangel13
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wordy-little-witch · 2 months
Hiiii dis is a follow up to my long ass brainrot,,
So the candind buggy pictures just started out as pics from a fan from buggys crew while at a party but then caught the pic at a time when buggy was taking a break at the top of a stage, gazing at the ocean and having this calm yet longing look,, he looks so pretty there w the wind slightly blowing his hair, and the sun has almost set and the fans heart skips a beat and photographs it without thinking,, skip a few days later, the photo is also included in the printing of buggy photocards for the fanclub lol
And everyone in the crew is shocked at the pic and they b looking at it for morale,, lets just say the productivity has increased and the fanboying/girling also increased including praises towards their captain,,
mihawk noticed it, and the pictures which made him look twice and thought that the clown is pretty there, which made him more interested in the clown so he tries to sneakily see that calm look while going to in the library or during quiet moments,,
As this goes on, some ppl of the crew has to travel for business and they bring along their buggy merch n photocards, then shenanigans ensue and ppl on that island see a merch n photo n become curious abt it, the crew wanted to gatekeep at first but then their admiration for their captain won out and started boasting abt their captain and shows the merch and photos including that one pic eksjzksjz and everyone is taken by it lol and asked if they r selling, so the crew sold is as a part of their business transaction lololol
Then crocodile now know of this due to his connections info and the paper documents of the crews trips amd notice ther is an increase if sales in this "merch" (he has no idea at first abt the merch the buggy fanclub has been selling) so he be curious and asks a member abt it and they show the merch and dat pic, and croco is shocked at how pretty the clown is, then he notices the stonks of money the merch n pics has been bringing in so decides dat buggy should do a photoshoot w the help of the members
- croc convinces buggy that its for the morale of the crew
- the crew also helps in by giving buggy a makeover n giving compliments dat boost his ego lol
- mihawk croco n the other crossguild members decides to dress up buggy acc. To their tastes and they swoon at how attractive buggy looks
- buggy tries to pose very bold aggressive n flashy but its not giving the effect that that one photo had, so buggy is frustrated
- but then a child of one of the crew/staff had approached buggy to thank him for the stuff toy
- cue soft buggy cuz he will be nice to a child goddammit, he smiles gently and looks fond of the kid and pats their head, then the ppl there stares at buggy and go like 'oh..'
- then the camera clicks n the picture of him being soft was taken.. along w stylish clothing chosen by each member
- then there r also pics of him practicing circus acts in his hot ass tight n stretchy clothes, him in the library looking so focused yet calm while reading, him cuddling w richie with a relaxed smile... just pics of him showing a different side of him which the ppl find so alluring n pretty fkkssjjxjs
- then there are the thirst trap photos, an idea by hawks n croco, cuz they r so attracted to buggy it makes them mad lololol, they they chose low v necks, his hair in pony tails or elegantly loose, they instructed him to pose and lie down on a surface (👀 u guys aint slick), thet both feel hot but they realize that they are in a room full of other ppl helping the set up (who are also thanking the stars for this moment being near their captain while being this hot lol) then they collect themselves but this made their resolve in wanting to court buggy
- the sales of buggy merch was already good, but after the thirst pics were dropped, the merch store had run out of things to sell and there is a mob of ppl getting angry because they wanted to buy more buggy merch esp the thirst traps lololol and there has been an increase in marriage proposal letters to buggy but the crew are handling those out so it doesnt reach to their captain
- becuz of this croc decided to take the merch selling business seriously so he instructed the crew to double the products and made the clown go to the photoshoot, but this time w ulterior motives😳
- croco also wants to be w buggy in the pic but since he prefers to be on the backstage figuratively, it will be just his hand showing in the pics,
- so its just gonna b a series of buggy looking good/elegant wearing silk/lace with jewelry and with crocs hand holding his face, with buggy, being flustered but commits to the act by leaning to his hand and looking at the camera and at crocodile seductively, theres even a pic were his thumb is on buggys lips and buggys eyes are heated, a pic where the hand is wrapped around his neck-djskdjskzksjs whcih made evrryone in dat room esp croco feel flusteredddd, hawks is just looking at dem disrespectfully O_O
- this also sold out instantly with now ppl shipping the two together cuz its obvious whos hand is dat and loving the buggy aesthetic,, he just looks so pretty, submissive n breedable lmao
- mihawk doesnt want to lose to croco so he also made buggy pose with him but without showing himself that much so its gonna be similar to the previous photoshoot but buggy is wearing gothic circus styled clothes while mihawk is behind him and his arms are wrapped around buggy, then feeling competitive, hawks decided to also show the lower half of his face in the picture w buggy just to show the public who was touching him so intimately (and maybe also to start another ship lololol)
- this also sold out and now there are maybe shipping wars in the grandline lolol maybe perona n zoro shipping bughawk and robin and the spiders cafe ppl are shipping crocobug lololol
- shanks is both thriving n suffering from this phenomenon so he decides that looting from the buggy merch ships isnt enough and goes to buggys island hxjsnsjsjs
- buggy acts in a usual buggy way but then calms down after complimenting buggy n giving him treasure jejdjs then they decided to party together and buggy n shanks are drinking together but then the photo crew notice this look buggy has when looking at shanks and sneakily decides to take a pic of him
- then that pic had caused the most uproar in history cuz buggy looks so in love in that photo (shanks is cropped out lololol) cue the marriage proposal letters piling up even more,
- also even some marines are buying the merch tho undercover
- then buggy finds out while sailing on a nearby island (and finally out of his inveting hyperfixation of a new and improved buggyball in the invention room) wer ppl there suddenly recognize him as buggy the pretty blue haired clown and wanting his authograph and to his shock they have his merch evenr the thrist traps hdjsjxkskz
- hes gonna b upset n mad a first mostly abt ppl not telling him another way of getting money, but calms down at how much profit they havd. he doesnt understand his own appeal due to low self-esteem but as long as it makes him richer hes okay w the photoshoots jdjsjzkskz
i need his followers to help him fail upwards cuz they be unintentionally setting him up in the manga lolll
Basically buggy in his idol/influencer era with a hint of crossguild n shuggy
I ran out of crossguild n shuggy ideas tho my brain cells r tired lmao i hope u like dis brainrot of mine fjsjzkskz feel free to add more to it only if u want to cuz i know u can cook 🔥
Thank u for reading dis long ass ask again HAHAHAHA
I am eat WELL TONIGHT christ on a cupcake sugar this is DELICIOUS THANK YOU FOR THE MEAL I'M GNAWING ON YOUR LEG (/pos)
I'm going absolutely insane over this, like I physically cannot articulate how much I love this. Like. Yes. Yessss. ALL THE YES.
I'm gonna Sprinkle in some of my own headcanons here, but like. Casual intimacy as well is so beautiful, and Buggy would absolutely just bloom under some soft, sweet, gentle loving moments. Like Buggy being good with kids makes me so soft bc he IS a clown and he would 110% become the kind of adult who he would have needed/wanted as a child, I bet. He thinks Shanks is Roger's legacy, but he's the one who carries so much of his captain in his veins and heart and soul.
Up to and including the unyielding notion that children are to be protected.
I love the idea that for some holidays, Karai Bari opens boarders for trade or festivals or visits other places for business deals. Or maybe there's a situation where a business meeting is nearly canceled because of a family emergency, no babysitter for the little child of the boss, and Buggy just goes "Oh, bring her along, that's fine. I guarantee her safety."
Croc and Hawk are both pissed about it, bc the clown? This little spineless buffoon?? Really??? But boss man mcgee is relieved and does bring her.
And Buggy is. So good with her. Respectful, sweet, just the right blend of protective and allowance to explore the world but do so safely. And when lil girlie pop mentions liking his face paint, he just grins. "Why thank you! Do you like makeup, too?"
"Uh huh!"
"We should have a makeup party, then!"
"Can you do me like yours?"
"Sure, if your dad is alright with it. Tell you what, we'll do each other's makeup."
The dad IS okay with it honestly, is more happy that his little girl is safe and happy than anything else, and Croc and Hawk are surprised by how... smooth this is going. Dude's more relaxed and open to discussion on arrangements and such, and they get to see a tame Buggy with the softest smile they've ever seen...
The pictures of that time are a HIT, and boss man is assured baby girl's face is kept out of the shots sold. The ones including her are given to him.
((She grows up to be a clown but that's beside the point)).
Just. Yes. Buggy with the RANGE. He can do the fierce, bold, masc thing, but it always feels fake, uncanny valley even. The ones that are softer and sweeter are so much more authentic.
((And when something finally comes along to push his buttons Just So, they all get some shots of Buggy truly Livid and Confident. It's not a deathly glare and snarl like it would be on many. It's not an dangerous scowl or a glower. No, it's a slight smile, crooked, toeing the line between smile and smirk. It's lidded eyes, an arched brow, cocked hips and casual flippancy. It's a flirty line, degrading and sickly sweet, a finger hooked under a chin while the other hand casually finger-walks up a chest of a person bound and bloodied. It's a face close to another, grip soft on a jaw, red lips perfectly pouty and sly. It's a sudden, jarring shift, grip tightening, face still placid despite the tenseness of muscles and mild furrow of a brow. It's a nightmare dressed like a day dream, and the guild is absolutely PROFITING over it.))
(((Shanks has to step away to his cabin when he gets that batch of pictures. Nobody has the nerve to go close enough to hear if he's yearning or... occupied else how.))))
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theforbidfruit · 5 months
StonedReader MK1 Dialogues
Liu Kang: your skills are impressive,but your confidence and self control in substances is lacking.
Reader: I’ll work on the confidence but self control errm I’m not fixing that.
Reader: I’m not sure about going after the black dragon clan. What if I’m not capable?
Liu Kang: This match will be proof that you are capable of this mission.
Liu Kang: You remind me of a teacher I had in my previous timeline. But drinks a lot
Reader: I bet he would love a good kush.
Johnny Cage: Come on! My movie needs more than one comedy relief.
Reader: I’m good. I’m going on a lone mission,Plus I don’t like cameras.
Reader: Johnny, I took 2 gummies from Madame Bo and I’m freaking out.
Johnny cage: oh Shi-
Johnny Cage: You still got your ‘pen’?
Reader: Yeah but I’m not sharing after what happened last time.
Kenshi: Let’s see if you are up match with me!
Reader: hahaha ‘see’
Reader: Any advice for going up against the Black Dragon?
Kenshi: a clear mind…also watch out for Kano and Kabal
Reader: Come on, just one smoke break I promise I will look after you.
Kenshi: After that stunt you pulled on Johnny, no way.
Raiden: You were very quiet at the tournament.
Reader: I took 3 gummies before coming to Outworld.
Reader: you serious about training with Kuai Liang?
Raiden: I just need a little push on my abilities.
Raiden: Madame Bo asked if you would like to share tea with her-
Reader: No thank you!
Kung Lao: you get to go and travel while I’m staying here, training! No fair!
Reader: haha! I’ll ask Liu Kang if I could bring a plus one.
Reader: You ate 6 gummies?! Oooh! You’re going to have a good time!
Kung Lao: wait what?!
Reader: place your bet! I call for your hat!
Kung Lao: gimme half of your stash!
Ashrah: You want my sister to be with Bi-Han?
Reader: Yes!yes! A thousand times yes!
Reader: I’m Shocked to hear about you and Syzoth.
Ashrah: all I wish is for your support.
Ashrah: Lord Liu Kang says you have substance issues.
Reader: it’s not an issue. He makes it an issue.
Syzoth: You?! You’re the one they call (Y/n) the high champion?!
Reader: hehehe Don’t tell that to Kung Lao.
Reader: Come at me, Killer Croc!
Syzoth: I don’t know what that is?!
Reader: Your family would be proud of you for stepping into a new chapter.
Syzoth: Thank you. But hold your condolences till after the fight.
Baraka: Does your stuff help with Tarkat?
Reader: I don’t think so. But it does ease the nerves
Baraka: You are the only person that tries to get near me, why?
Reader: Because I think you need some connection to help your pain.
Reader: I’ll be your opponent today, Baraka!
Baraka: No my opponent today and everyday is waking up knowing I have Tarkat….
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lvrcpid · 1 year
sweetheart - modern!au
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valentine’s day with modern!au avatar!
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— he’s so adorable
— he walked into school LOADEDDDDDD with stuff for you
— i’m talking chocolate covered strawberries and a big teddy bear
— he refuses to let you put stuff in your car, you WILL show him off
— you guys wore matching outfits
— he slipped some hand written letters in your locker
— his handwriting is so pretty
— i feel like you purposely brought lipstick to put kisses all over his face
— sweet boy would take you on the beach (since it’s like on the cusp of winter and spring it’ll be a little cold)
— gives you his jacket
— doesn’t care if he’s freezing
— you guys watch the sunset
— he gives you a pendant with your birth stone on it
— kiri gave him the idea
— he’s so in love with you it hurts
— imagine he’s dating YOU and not tsireya, just for the umph factor
— he’s so corny
— he comes into class blasting music
— he embarrasses tf outta you
— he got you some flowers with DADDYS MONEYYYYY
— he didn’t expect to get anything from you so when you got him stuff he almost fell out crying
— i see lo’ak as the type to get you like things you can use (he spent 100 dollars on neytiri’s card buying you FULL SETS AND CANDLES)
— he stays showing off his stuff
— “dawggggg look at what (y/n) got me!!” “you don’t have nothingggg (y/n) got me thisssss”
— strictly told you she didn’t want anything
— like almost choked you out
— when you got her something though, she didn’t complain
— hated it on the outside but loved it on the inside
— i feel like she’s the type to bring you a whole cake
— all decorated and pretty
— probably slipped a rose quartz in your pocket
— you take it out like ???
— she took you on a picnic after school
— sunset pics with kiri!
— love her sm
— he refused to give you anything during school
— mainly cause he forget them in his car
— “you have stuff but it’s in my car..”
— when he finally DID give you your stuff, it was A LOT
— he got you a pair of crocs?? gift cards??
— he took you to dinner after school
— i’m thinking red lobster
— he the type to play footsies with you under the table then kick the hell outta your shin
— he paid for dinner 🤭
— you paid for ice cream though
— his weird ass didn’t get ice cream but got sherbert
— he took you home and y’all SMOOCHED before he walked you to the door
— you have so many plushies. i mean so many.
— she bought so many for you , you needed to go leave some in the office
— matching flowers in eachothers hair
— her outfit is all red and pink
— you know how some schools do that little candy thing
— she bought you like 10.
— poor girl is so in love with you
— you guys go roller skating as a date
— a lot of falling down together
— “(y/n) HELP ME!!!”
— she’s literally on the wall
— you leave before any of y’all can break a bone
— she kisses u before you take her home
— live laugh love tsireya
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