#this one might be my favourite b side i really enjoyed it
cherryobx · 4 months
turn the radio up - I have so many songs I want to share with you sjsj. but they all seem difficult to write with bc ofc my music taste is basically really emotional songs jsjs. but a classic that i’ll always love is iris by the goo goo dolls !! maybe that could be a cute one with like comfort or something? but idk, you’re the writer hihi. so do with it whatever you want <3
summary: you go looking for JJ after a big fight with his dad and it ends with a confession of feelings
a/n: it was supposed to be based on that song but i got kinda carried away so this will have to do lol, also, i was too lazy to proofread so let me know if you spot any mistakes
wc: 1.8k
warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of JJ's dad (deserves a warning), happy ending tho
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“Have you guys seen JJ?” You barge into the chateau where all of your friends are currently watching a movie on John B’s old and kind of broken TV. Well, everyone except one.
“Weren’t you two supposed to go ‘midnight surfing’ together?” Kiara asks from her spot on the floor. Even if she would’ve fit on the couch, she preferred to sit on the floor as she found it more comfortable.
“We were but he never showed up.” Your voice is full of worry. He never just stands you up like this. He’s late all the time but he always shows up eventually. He’d never do this to you intentionally which is why you’re so worried in the first place.
“He probably just fell asleep,” John B butts in, eyes glued to the TV screen in the corner of the room.
“Yeah, go check his place, see if he’s home,” Kie suggests. “Do you want me to come with you?”
You shake your head. “No, it’s fine. Stay and enjoy your movie. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
You rush out of there as fast as you arrived, grabbing your bicycle and biking towards JJ’s house. 
JJ doesn’t live very far away so you’re there in a couple of minutes. In fact you can reach everywhere in Kildare in a very short amount of time. It’s a small place. 
Leaving your bike in the driveway, you creep up to the window of his bedroom. You didn’t want to take the risk of knocking on the door and running into JJ’s dad. It’s a small risk since he’s away most of the time but it’s a risk you’re not willing to take.
The light in his room is not on but the light from the moon reveals enough, he’s not there. If JJ’s not in his room he’s not home. It’s as simple as that. 
Your worry increases. If he’s not at the chateau and if he’s not at home, where the hell is he? 
You walk back to where you left your bike and start walking away from there, pushing the bike beside you. You need a second to think. Where could he be?Why didn’t he call? Did something happen? With his dad maybe? It’s very possible. JJ’s dad is not known for his kind heart and sweet words. You suspect that might be the cause because nothing else could make JJ miss hanging out with you. Especially without saying anything.
Where would you go if you were JJ?
You walk and ponder for a while. There are not very many places JJ would go in a time like this. Usually he goes to the chateau or your place because they’re more his home than his actual home ever was.
Then it dawns on you. There’s this place that JJ showed you a couple of months ago. He made you swear not to tell anyone. Even made you pinky swear. He said it’s his secret spot, somewhere he goes when he needs a moment alone and space to think. 
It’s a really beautiful place and it became your favourite spot too. It’s not far from the chateau but it’s hidden enough to be private. There’s a big oak tree near a small creek. When it’s sunny, the sun shines through the leaves and makes the water sparkle and it’s magical. Beautiful, really.
You’re sure that’s where he must be. 
Hopping onto your bike you ride there in a record time. You leave your bike at the side of the road and push through the bushes and trees to reach this secret spot of JJ’s. Well, yours too now.
And there he is. JJ’s sitting on the ground, on the green soft moss, his back leaning against the oak tree. His knees are pulled up to his chest and his hands are resting on them. Even if he hears you approaching, he doesn’t turn his head to look. He just keeps looking ahead.
It’s even more magical in the middle of the night than it is during the day.
You sit down beside him carefully so as not to startle him. “Hey,” you say softly.
His face is covered in various cuts and bruises.
“What are you doing here?” His voice is raspy and devoid of all emotion. He still won’t look at you.
“I came looking for you. You didn’t show at the beach. I was worried.”
“You shouldn’t have.” He throws a rock into the creek and the splash of water sounds so loud in the quiet of the night. 
“What? Why?”
He stays quiet. His lips are pulled between his teeth as if to specifically stop himself from speaking.
“JJ, talk to me.” You place your hand on his.
“Got into it with my dad again. It’s nothing. Just go.” He shrugs your hand off, physically pulling away from you. It hurts because JJ never denies physical touch from you. In fact, he craves it. He initiates it most of the time. His hands are always on you no matter what. It’s one of the things you love about him so much. Among many other things.
“You shouldn’t be alone here.”
“I don’t want you here right now,” he bursts out, finally looking at you. His eyes are red and so full of hurt.
You're taken aback by his words, mouth agape at his outburst. “What?”
“You heard me. I don’t want you here. So just go home. I don’t care.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” Even though his words hurt, you stand your ground and don’t back down. He needs you there. At least, you’d need him in a situation like this, you think.
“Then I’m going.” He stands up and starts to leave. 
You shoot up from the ground and grab his hand to stop him.
“Let go of me.” He stops and stares at your hand gripping his wrist. It must be painful with the way you're digging your nails into his skin but you don’t let go.
“Y/N…” he warns, his tone low and angry.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
“Let the fuck go of me.” He’s actually angry now but doesn’t make a move. You know he doesn’t actually want to go.
You’re desperate now. “Why won’t you talk to me? I’m right here JJ.”
“I want to be alone right now.”
“Do you really?”
“You’re a fucking liar.”
He seems genuinely taken aback by that. “Excuse me?”
“You fight with your dad all the time. And I get it, it’s hard and I’m sorry. But you never pull away from me like that. Never. I know you like the back of my hand, JJ. There’s something you’re not telling me.”
“It’s none of your fucking business,” he snarls.
“Your problems are my problems, right? Isn’t that what you said to me when I was sick last month and you wouldn’t leave my side? What happened to that, huh?”
There’s a beat of silence where the only things heard are the running water, rustling of leaves and your angry breathing.
He sighs and you feel him relax in your grip but you still won’t let go, scared that he’ll flee as soon as you do. 
“We fought.”
“I know.”
“About you.”
Now you’re genuinely aghast. “What?” You blink in confusion, your grip on his hand loosening.
“He said some stuff I can never say to you and I couldn’t see you after that. I couldn’t bear the thought of facing you after the things he said.”
“What did he say?”
“I won’t tell you.”
“Tell me.”
“No. And don’t fucking argue because I will take those words to grave with me. I’ll make sure of that.”
You nod. Maybe it’s for the best.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
“Am I okay?” he chuckles dryly. “Never been better. I feel like a fucking loser, a failure with an asshole for a dad. And I’m so fucking alone that it physically hurts in here.” He places his hand right over his heart. 
“You’re none of those things, JJ. Not to anyone, not to me.”
“Who’s the fucking liar now?”
“I’m not fucking lying, JJ!” You force him to look into your eyes. “Your dad might be an asshole, a big one at that, but you’re not a failure or a loser. I don’t know how but didn’t turn out like him. You have a future. He threw it away. And you’re not alone. You have us,” you refer to your friends. “And you have me.”
You place your other hand on his hand that’s still on his chest. “You’ll always have me.”
“Not in the way I want. Not in the way I need.”
You furrow your brows in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“You know, I’ve never taken anyone here before.” He looks around his secret little getaway. “You’re the first person I’ve shown it to. The only one I thought it was worth showing to.”
Your eyes remain on his face as he talks, taking in his features. 
“I’ve never wanted to take anyone here before. I didn't understand why I wanted to show you this place so badly. Why it mattered to me if you liked it or not? And then I realized I’m in love with you and I’m absolutely fucked.”
I blink slowly, mouth agape, as I try to process his words. “You’re in love with me?”
“Yeah. And I know it’s stupid and I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“Because it fucking ruins everything. You’re never gonna wanna speak to me again and things are gonna be so awkward and-”
I interrupt his rambling. “Have you even asked me what I feel?”
“You go on this tangent about how your feelings for me are horrible but you don’t even know how I feel. So ask me. Ask me what I feel for you, JJ.”
“What do you feel for me?”
“I feel like I want to hit you, JJ. I’ve been in love with you for like… ever and you didn’t even seem to notice. I’ve made it very clear. Hell, everyone else except you knows that I’m head over heels for your stupid ass.”
“Are you serious?” he asks.
“Of course I’m fucking serious, JJ. You think I’d tell you this for shits and giggles?”
“You-” he wants to say something but seems to think twice and before you know it his lips are on yours. His hands are on the sides of your face, pulling you close. You melt against his body, wrapping your arms around his torso.
“That was for shits and giggles.” He pulls away, completely out of breath.
“Totally,” you say and pull him back against your lips for another kiss.
“But I mean it, JJ,” you state when you finally separate again.
“I’ll always be here for you. Through the bad and through the good. Always. I promise.”
“So do I.”
“You better,” you jokingly threaten and he laughs at that. 
“Do you wanna go to the chateau? The others are watching a movie right now.”
He denies your offer. “No, I’d rather stay here with you for now. If that’s okay?”
“It can be arranged.” You smile up at him and his face lights up.
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join my picnic!
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pia-nor481 · 8 months
Lando norris nsfw alphabet
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A- Aftercare (what are they like after sex)
I feel as though it’s very dependent on his mood, sometimes it’s a little chaotic running around grabbing water and rushing to the shower, where other times is just soft pillow talk and cuddles.
B- Body part ( their favourite body part of theirs and their partner)
In my mind he favours his hands due to their size, maybe a little bit of a size kink. He enjoys the difference and perhaps how one can cover most of her throat, or how he could easily grasp both of his partner’s wrists together
While on his partner, we know he likes ass so I don’t know what you expected. However, I feel like he might also really like tits, but keeps it a secret because it’s considered “childish” by some (mainly in the uk). In a less sexual sense, I believe he’d really love his partner’s eyes, whether it be staring at them, or how you can tell so much emotion from them.
C- Cum (anything to do with cum)
I don’t know why I get the feeling that he cums a lot in one go. Anyway I think he’d like to pull out and cum on his partner, whether that be tits, thighs or stomach etc. But if can cum inside he definitely would, this would be a main factor in deciding the type of aftercare given.
D- Dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
He may or may not have jacked off to a normal voice note of his partner. The context wasn’t even sexual, he just missed hearing their voice and was very horny.
E- Experience (how experienced are they?)
Is it bad I don’t think he has that much experience? We don’t know about many ex girlfriends. But I think he likes to fuck a lot, so he would be very experienced in pleasuring just his partner after learning (being taught) what gets them off.
F- Favourite position
I think we can all agree he likes doggy, but not for the reasons as most men ((boys) bc a man would never!)) He really wants to be able to see his partner’s face and reactions to what he is doing, he likes the ego boost. Plus I think he likes spanking, not too hard in this specific position, just a few light taps and some groping.
But cowgirl gets an honourable mention, as mentioned above he does like tits so getting so stare at them really gets him off
G- Goofy (how serious are they in the moment?)
Very dependent on the lead up. There are times where sex just has inconvenient moments; struggling to take clothes off so that just leads him to resting his head on his partner’s shoulder, letting out a sigh then a little chuckle. Or maybe a time where he’s just hard, not for any specific reason and asks (begs) for his partner to get him off, and he’s all giddy about it, so it’s just laughs in between moans and groans. On the other hand, I think there are times where he’s very serious , mostly when sex is on the rougher side or post race. Maybe even on an anniversary or special occasion he’d try to be much more serious. But in general I don’t think he’d actually make a joke, or at least not on purpose.
H- Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
I’ll be honest, I think it’s a little darker than the hair on his head. I don’t think lando is clean shaven (now that he actually has pubic hair), he tries to keep it quite short though, but sometimes he gets a bit busy and so neglects the length and doesn’t trim it. But I think he may refrain from blow jobs at this time and opts to fuck his partner’s tits instead. Separate thing, but, I think he also has Sunday everything showers on non-race weeks.
I- Intimacy ( how are they during the moment? Romantic? Pleasure driven?)
I think a mix of both as he’s a very horny man so sometimes he rushes for pleasure, yet other times he likes to be slow and passionate, making love not fucking. He would really like to take his time, traveling from room to room, spending lots of time feeling up his partner.
J- Jack off ( masturbation headcanon)
I think he masturbates a lot, a few times a week and I think it would be roughly at the same time of day as well. But he can’t just sit there, he needs material!! Whether that be just pics or short videos in his ‘my eyes only’. Again let me mention the voice notes, he does think it’s bit strange how much he liked it, and how quick he came. But he would much prefer phone calls where he’s limited to just his girlfriend’s voice. Almost teasing himself. And her
K- Kink (one or more of their kinks)
As mentioned above size and voice.
But he really likes control and being dominant. He knows that dominance isn’t just position. He knows how to dominate without putting in any of the physical work
Sensory deprivation- so blindfolds, mainly again as he really likes control (as said in some interview) and he knows not being able to see will heighten your other senses so he would talk/whisper a lot more and be more feather light with touches. This idea can also tie in with the only phone calls not face time
Impact play- again linked to dominance, I think of this of being very specific and planed out. It doesn’t happen just because he got hard 10 minutes ago, but this is specifically reserved for non-race weekends. Mainly trying new toys, whether it be a crop or any object. Maybe just his hands. I think a lot of this is exploring based; testing different areas like the very top of the thighs, instead of just the ass. He always makes notes (during the sex in his head, then after maybe in a book as that can’t get leaked) but this started with a lot of communication to prevent any real injuries, making sure to use a safe word system (I imagine the traffic light system as it fits best) and ensuring that he only hits fatty areas not where organs reside. He wants to play yet it must be safe or it isn’t fun.
Katoptronophilia- mirrors. I believe that he likes to make his girlfriend watch what he’s doing to her as well as see the pleasure he’s giving her. It’s like a power rush as well as a sense of accomplishment/ achievement.
L- Location (favourite place)
Definitely bedroom. This is mainly due to privacy, but I also think it’s because he’s not very tall, so perhaps his hips aren’t high enough for counter sex. I’m not sure though, I may have tested it ( for context when I’m on my tiptoes I’m almost his height and my hips were not above the kitchen counter.) but tables I think he’d like, as well as bending her over the sofa or in the bathroom sink in front of the mirror.
M- Motivation (what gets them going?)
I think most things would turn him on, but I think being challenged would give him motivation to put his girlfriend in her place. Also, just generally intimate/ domestic situations
N- No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Probably watersports etc but to be honest I don’t know with him. To me I think most people don’t really like that, or at least won’t say they do.
Electro stimulation- it just seems a bit too scary
O- Oral (preference on giving or receiving, skill)
He’s a man so will probably prefer receiving, but he would really enjoy eating his girlfriend out for a sense of pride. However, I feel as though you may have to teach him a little, like he knows what he’s supposed to do but may struggle with actual delivery, but he’s so willing to learn, all smiles. We should take into consideration that he is an athlete so his breath control will be amazing.
P- Pace (are they fast or slow? Rough or sensual?)
Not to be repetitive, but, it will depend on the situation. However, I believe he leans more on the rough side, I don’t have evidence but I stand with that opinion. Furthermore, he’s likes to be rough due to the power and trust it gives him.
But he usually isn’t particularly fast as he’s been informed (generally speaking on the internet) that women will say harder but a man would go faster and they wouldn’t like it. (I know that’s super generalised but he would definitely listen and do what would give her pleasure) he likes research and found some study that wearing socks can make women cum harder and immediately suggested it.
As mentioned before he likes to make love, so winter or summer breaks are reserved for kinky fucks and sensual love making. I rest my case
Q- Quickie (their opinions, how often etc)
He absolutely loves them. He gets horny very quickly and so would want a release as quick as possible. Also the convenience of his drivers room allows for quickies all the time, pre and post race. But if he’s at home he’ll want long and more passionate sex
R- Risk (will they experiment? Do they take risks?)
If it’s not a hard no he’ll probably try it at least once, but he also must worry about his career. Although he really wants to fuck publicly, he can’t take that risk
S- Stamina (how many rounds can they go for)
Again he’s an athlete so can go for long periods of time yet I don’t think he could cum more than twice in one go. He can definitely cum many times in the same day, but he needs a few hours break. But he will make the time he’s fucking his girlfriend as long as possible.
T- Toys (do they own any? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves)
He knows toys are his friend not his enemy (as told by the bathtub toys thing.) Anyway, I think he once bought a vibrator when he was single just because he saw some men talk about how amazing the orgasm felt and he would have really enjoyed it, but always cums way to fast for his liking, he wants to last longer than three minutes. He will definitely use toys on his partner, whether that be a dildo or vibrator of some kind. He also really wants to try hand cuffs but he feels as though he needs to build up to it, as such a physical restraint can be quite a mental strain; so he decides to try it with just paper first so she could very easily get out it she wanted to, then tried those silicone “cuffs” for the same reason. Then finally used metal ones with a lock. But he will always cuff her hands in front of her.
U- Unfair (how much do they like to tease)
I think verbally he teases A LOT. But physically not too much. He may deny the orgasm once or twice before letting her actually cum. But foreplay will be quite lengthy, he wants to slowly drag his hands along her thighs or only push his cock in 2 inches before pulling out fully.
V- Volume (how loud are they, what sounds do they make?)
I think he will always be making noise just not overly loud. Always groaning and moaning (thank you for the twitch streams) he can be completely quiet, except for heavy breathing, if he really needed to.
W- Wild card (a random headcanon)
I think, at some point, he bought one of those moulds to make your own dildo. Just the thought of his girlfriend fucking herself with a silicone version of his cock really gets him going. Along with those remote control vibrators. He would love them especially when she can’t be at a race and so he can make her cum when he’s on the other side of the world. (I didn’t know that was possible until the other day) it’s just so hot to him.
X- X-ray (how big are they?)
You know what they say about the skinny ones. He’s either very long and is relatively thin. Or average length but girthy as fuck. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t think his tip is pink/ red ish. I’m totally basing this off the colour of his lips. But you know. Just a thought.
Y- yearning (how high is their sex drive)
This man is so horny. 8 or 9/10
Z- Zzz (how quick do they fall asleep afterwards?)
I don’t think very quick, unless it’s been a super long session, but even then he’d make sure his girlfriend is situated before daring to fall asleep. He likes cuddles so expect to be in his arms for as long as possible.
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If you have any other ideas/ headcanons please comment. I really want to see other people’s opinions.
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sundrop-writes · 4 months
Precious Time Alone
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Gar Logan x Fem!Powered!Reader
aka the fic where Gar has a knot
Even with the ability to see the future, you never would have guessed that your life would lead you to falling in love with the perfect man - someone sweet, caring, funny, cute. Someone with the passion and fire to protect the ones that he loves no matter what. A precious guy with green hair who had the ability to transform into a tiger at will. And when you finally made love to him for the first time, you never could have guessed how that unique ability affected his sex life.
You weren't exactly complaining, but you wished you had seen this coming. At the end of the day, it was just another thing about him to love.
Or - Neither you nor Gar knew that he has the ability to knot, and you both find out for the first time when you have sex together.
Gar Logan x Fem!Powered!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut/PWP. Set during Season 2, Episode 9.
Word Count: 11,800
DC Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
THIS IS A RE-POST. This is a fic from my old blog (a blog that was shadowbanned, forcing me to move). This fic is not stolen, it is completely mine, and I am just re-posting it to help people find my new blog, to make my masterlist for this fandom more complete, and to help new people discover my old fics.
Detailed warnings and author’s notes below the cut.
Important Note: for reference, this is not an A/B/O fic - I have nothing against A/B/O fics and I love them very much (it's one of my favourite genres, and I really need to write more A/B/O fics and post them) - the reader character is 100% human and does not have any traits that fall into the A/B/O category. This fic is based off the concept that Gar has a knot due to his animal traits/animal DNA, and it is something that happens to his body because of his ability to transform into an animal. This could be considered a hybrid fic, but Gar's knot is the only animal trait he possesses during sex. If this is your thing, I hope you enjoy. If not, come back later, and I might have something more your style. Or you can check out my masterlist in the meantime.
Warnings: the reader character has a vagina and uses she/her pronouns; this is an established relationship - Gar and the reader have been dating for a while now; mentions of canon events from S1 and S2 (so there is some spoilers from the show - if you haven't seen the show yet and you want to watch it unspoiled, be warned); mentions of canon level violence, including Gar being tortured at the asylum; this is set during 2x09 when Gar is 'home alone' (and the reader is there with him); the reader character suffers from insomnia; the reader character does have powers but they don't really have major involvement in the plot of this fic (idk if I should have even labelled this as 'powered!reader') - the reader character has psychic visions; mentions of clothes sharing - the reader is implied to be bigger/plus sized because Gar wears her clothing and it's 'oversized'; the reader is attracted to Gar's more 'animal' side - she admits to being attracted to him because he protected her with his powers; this fic does use Y/N (I am a proud Y/N truther); Gar and the reader have engaged in sexual acts before (handjobs, fingering, oral) but this fic features their first time having penis in vagina sex; Gar's knot is a surprise to both of them due to it being their first time having penetrative sex (his dick only swells up once it gets inside of her body); though this is both of their 'first times' with each other, I didn't put any big emphasis on virginity in this fic, especially because they have done other sexual acts before; this could be considered Crack Treated Seriously - but like I said, my brain just took the concept and ran with it; there is something in this fic that could be considered consensual somnophilia - the reader character starts performing oral sex on Gar in order to wake him up, but she's not specifically turned on by the fact that he's sleeping, and there is an unspoken consent due to them being in a relationship; this whole thing fluctuates from making love/passionate sex to rough, animalistic sex; slight praise kink - Gar verbally praises the reader and compliments her a lot; there isn't really defined roles here, but Gar is more dominant and the reader is more submissive; as mentioned before - penis in vagina sex; unprotected sex - they don't use a condom (the lore of knots and condoms bothers me anyway, like how would a condom not break under those circumstances??); possessive!Gar; biting kink/marking kink (Gar bites the reader - a lot); Gar cums inside the reader - a lot, because of his supernatural dick (though this doesn't quite make it to cum inflation levels); Gar knots the reader (if you don't know what that is, just stay away); creampie kink - NOT breeding kink; there is mentions of pregnancy in a discussion after the sex is over, but not in the breeding kink sense (Gar and the reader both want kids and there is no mentions of alternate forms of birth control, so if that gives you the ick then don't read this one); slight warning for VERY BRIEF painful sex/pain after sex - Gar tries to pull out not knowing what the knot is and accidentally hurts the reader's vagina because of it (the pain only lasts for a few seconds, and he stops trying to pull out once he is unsuccessful); scent kink - Gar loves the way you smell after being fucked by him; (I was not planning on adding a bonus scene when editing this fic, but it's Gar and I got carried away) more consensual somnophilia toward the end - Gar fingers the reader a bit while she is sleeping, and then he masturbates on top of her and cums over her thighs before cleaning her up (again, this is operating off the pre-existing consent in a relationship, or you can imagine that they had a consent conversation about this before the fic, idc); the ending of this fic is just pure fluff.
A/N: This is one that I wrote in 2022 and I had kind of forgotten about it? But I was going through my older fics on AO3 and I was like 'omg I love that fic, I forgot how much I love that fic'. And because I am trying to post some easy stuff before my move (which will be exhausting and it will mean that I will post pretty much nothing for a few months) - I realized that this fic was an easy re-post because it didn't need a lot of work before being re-posted. So - here ya go! If you haven't read this fic before and you don't know what a knot is (in terms of fanfiction/smut): run away. Run away now. I don't need to be the one to corrupt you lmao. But yeah - this fic was inspired by someone on Tumblr (I wish I could remember who it was and link the post) posing the theory that if Gar is 'part animal', then he might have a knot. And my brain felt the need to exorcise that idea once it entered my mind and literally possessed me, and thus, this fic was created. I think it is one of my better Gar fics - with a very straightforward concept. And if this is your thing, I hope you enjoy it!
It was entirely strange to wake up to the Tower actually being quiet. 
Well, quiet aside from the sound of Gar’s snores rumbling beside your head. But there was a lot less noise than usual. 
There was no distant beeping of the coffee machine where Dick had it pre-set to go off at an ungodly hour. No grunting of Jason training because he couldn’t sleep. No rumbling bass tones of Rachel’s music where she played it aloud, thinking no one else could hear. 
No arguing voices. 
Strangely, that was something you missed most of all. You had come to love the chaos of so many people living in your new home. And you had secretly hoped that Dawn, Hank, and Donna would stick around for a while, even if they insisted that they were just going to take care of the Dr. Light problem and leave once again. With them cooking meals and hogging the TV, it had started to feel like a real family. 
You had definitely not expected all of the Titans to barrel out faster than cockroaches fled from light when Dick told them of his past transgressions. But boy - they fucking ran. And naturally, when Gar volunteered to stay at the Tower with Conner in order to hold down the fort, you stayed with him. 
What else would a good girlfriend do? 
You had stuck by him through everything else, so of course you would stick by him through this. 
And even though you missed everyone dearly, and you worried about the long-term impact that Dick’s confession would have, you did see the appeal of The Tower now being completely empty. You would be lying if you said that it didn’t bring some salacious thoughts to your mind. 
Maybe it was that morning silence, truly reminding you of the lack of occupants in the house - or the burning hum between your thighs that had you awake at this hour in the first place. But you couldn’t sleep, and now your mind was brimming with better, hornier things that you could be doing with your time. (Things that you likely already would have started if Gar had been awake along with you.) 
You were sometimes jealous of his ability to sleep so well. Typically, sleep was an area that you did very poorly in. 
Usually, having Gar’s intense warmth curled up next to you did help. And you thanked that perfect human furnace for what little sleep you had gotten the night before. Especially after all the anxiety and the fighting, and the unexpected charge of everyone leaving so suddenly. 
You lifted your head from Gar’s rumbling chest as he snored and snorted away and you looked at the clock on his nightstand - 4:15am. You sighed deeply to yourself and decided to get out of bed. You knew from your experience with insomnia that it was no use trying to fall back asleep again. 
You untangled yourself from Gar’s grasp, careful not to wake him - and then you grabbed a piece of clothing off the floor to shield yourself from the morning chill. 
It was an oversized hoodie that you and Gar often shared. It had originally started off as yours, but now your things had migrated into Gar’s room and it seemed like your lives were easily blending into one. He found himself wearing one of your socks mix-matched with his own, and he often slept under a fuzzy throw blanket you had brought when you moved into The Tower. You used his body wash in the shower, and had some of his nerdy pins on your backpack. 
It always just felt right. 
The hoodie smelled delightfully like your boyfriend - and you couldn’t help but to press the fabric to your nose with a small contented sigh while you walked down the hallway to check on Conner. 
The young man was still deeply unconscious - not making a single movement or a flicker of acknowledgment toward you when you walked into the room. His vitals were stable, with his puppy asleep on his knees. The dog looked at you with curious eyes as you checked on the machines and even used a stethoscope to listen to Conner’s heart just to make sure that he was doing alright. Krypto made no moves to get off the bed, entirely protective of his half-human companion. You shut off the light and partially closed the door as you left (leaving enough room for Krypto to get out if he wanted to). 
Then, without much else to do, and feeling a slight grumble in your stomach, you went to the kitchen. You ate a bowl of cereal as you scrolled your phone, listened to music, and checked for messages from any of the other Titans. There were none. 
After you had eaten, you were still bored and the sun wasn’t even up yet - so you decided to take a shower. 
As the hot water poured over your body, you couldn’t help but think of Gar. 
The two of you had been together since your psychic powers led you to Scooter’s Roller Palace. 
Before that, you had lived a somewhat normal life, even with your visions. You had the very typical ‘loving family, suburban home, thriving at school’ type of life. 
You had been trying to achieve your goals while completely ignoring your visions. 
Visions that you had previously denied had even been able to predict the future - until a horrifying dream of your parents’ double murder came true. You were unaware at the time that the same doomsday cult that was attempting to track down Rachel was also looking for you. A group that had been watching your abilities carefully and wanted to use you to track Rachel and to perceive better outcomes for ‘their work’. 
So with the realization that you could see the future, you knew that you had to act. Especially with visions of the dark, crumbling end of the world plaguing you. You let your powers guide you to that roller rink in search of a purple haired girl who could save everyone and a green haired boy who could transform into a tiger. And since then, you hadn’t let him go. 
It was only when you had been captured at the asylum that you and Gar became truly close. The day that he had first come to your rescue. 
The ‘scientists’ there hadn’t been unable to taunt or shock him into his transformation like they had been planning to. But the moment he had heard your screams of torture and torment from down the hall, he had transformed into the tiger and ripped the cage’s door off its steel welded hinges with his teeth just to get to you. 
When he witnessed them torturing you in an attempt to demand predictions of the future out of you - Gar had snapped. And then, a bizarre vision that you’d had years ago came to life before your very eyes. A vision of a giant green tiger ripping apart a group of men in white lab coats, making them bloody in order to save you. 
He later told you, as you were traveling on the train, that he had never harmed another person before that. He had never used his powers to harm someone before that. But he also told you that he absolutely didn’t regret it. He had told you that if it meant that he got to save you, then he would do it a thousand times over. And that was something that warmed your heart and drew you to him like a moth to flame. 
If you had a schoolgirl crush on him before that, then in those moments, it grew into a heated, womanly lust. You started falling in love with him on that day. 
That animalistic strength, that passion, that courage was what had drawn you to Gar immediately. He claimed it was ‘hero syndrome’ - the thing that made you pull him close and kiss him on the train. The thing that made you call him your boyfriend. He claimed it was only because he was the one that saved you, and if it had been someone else, then you wouldn’t have ended up with him at all. 
But no - nobody else had the primal drive that he did. Nobody else had the same protective instincts that he had. Nobody else looked as good with blood dripping from their teeth. 
It was a dangerous thought to have. But it was one that got your clit throbbing every single time. 
Of course, you loved Gar for all of his soft parts. You loved him for his dorky smile, his smooth laugh, his shy gaze. He was a soft place to land when you were hurt, upset - when you needed comfort the most. But you also loved him for his sharpened edges - his undeniable passion, the way he wouldn’t hesitate to harm an enemy when it came to protecting the ones he loved. The way he bit down on your lip whenever you gripped his cock just the right way. 
You sighed hard through your nose as the water went cold around you. Had you really been in the shower for that long?
Disappointingly, you and Gar had never actually had sex before. 
You had done plenty of sexual things - but it always felt rushed, and it never quite scratched that itch in the way you needed it to. 
The fact that the two of you were pretty much never alone together meant you never had the time to indulge in each other, to properly touch each other the way that you really wanted to. Everything you did together was always quick and haste. Grabbing and groping each other through clothes, shoving your hands into each other’s pants, panting breaths down each other’s throats, desperate to cum as quickly and quietly as possible. 
You wanted nothing more than to feel every single inch of his naked skin against yours. You wanted to be able to spend hours worshiping his body, getting your tongue onto every perfect muscle you had seen when he trained shirtless. You spent far too long fantasizing about him laying you down in the middle of his bed and pounding into you, roughly and savagely - showing off that animal side you loved so much. 
As you wrapped a towel around yourself and wiped the steam off the mirror, you realized something absolutely wicked. The house was empty. This was the perfect opportunity to get exactly what you wanted - what you needed from Gar. 
You dried off your body, abandoning the fresh clothes you had brought into the bathroom with you and simply walking down the hallway naked. It was a strange feeling, to say the least. You were aware of the fact that there were cameras in literally every common area of the Tower (as Gar had pointed out to Rose a few days prior) but you took for granted that nobody would have to review this footage for any reason. 
You slipped into Gar’s room, where he was still fast asleep - splayed out on his back, his jaw wide open as he puffed out air and snorted loud snores. 
He was adorable, almost innocently so. He was so peaceful when he slept. He was wearing a tee shirt with a cartoon of Link from The Legend of Zelda on it - something you only knew about because he had explained it to you in great detail. His green hair was messy in a beautiful way that suited him, his limbs sticking out from the covers at odd angles. Even though you did have some idea of the not-so-innocent things he thought about you on a regular basis, you did feel slightly guilty for disrupting his sleep with your lustful corrupting force. 
(Just not guilty enough to stop what you were about to do.) 
With the morning sun rising at your back, just slightly orange through the curtains, you pulled up the covers and crawled in on top of Gar. Instantly, you were warmed by the natural heat radiating off his body. Apparently something about his ‘condition’ - that thing that made him half-animal, also made him incredibly warm. At any given time, his skin was near-burning, almost like a fever to the touch. It made him so pleasant to sleep beside, so nice to hug and cuddle up against. It was just one of the many, many things that made him the perfect boyfriend. 
With that heat gathered under his blanket like a sauna, it almost made you want to lay down on top of him and fall asleep again. But the prominent hum between your thighs was a bit more persistent - and you knew that there would be plenty of time to fall asleep with Gar later. His clothes did slightly irritate your sensitive, bare skin - you knew that you wouldn’t have to tolerate the feeling for long. 
Gar liked being naked more than you did. So he certainly wouldn’t mind you undressing him. You knew the only reason he even bothered to sleep with clothes on was because of the general pretense of others being around. 
You pressed yourself on top of Gar, not worried about your weight disturbing him - not after the many times he had told you how much he enjoyed the feeling of being cuddled with you laying fully on top of him. You pulled the covers up over your body as the chill of the room bit at your still somewhat damp skin, and you leaned in to kiss across Gar’s neck. He moaned quietly in his sleep and began to stir. 
You smiled to yourself, loving the feeling of his muscles so relaxed underneath you. It was something that had been too rare as of late - with all the intense training sessions, and the stress of Rose being brought into your home, Jason being kidnapped, and then Conner being shot. For the past few weeks, whenever you had hugged Gar or cuddled against him in bed, he had been nothing but a tense ball of stress. 
You certainly understood that stress. He was worried for his friends and wondering what would happen next. Even though you had the ability to see the future, you couldn’t simply predict what would happen on a dime. You had helped to secure Jason’s safety, but you had been nervous that the others wouldn’t be able to get to him in time. Even though everything had worked out in the end (debatable, seeing the emotional scars Jason had come away with), the stress had taken a toll on you and Gar. 
Life as a Titan was stressful. And you knew that you and Gar were both well deserving of a break. Even though Gar marked this as a tense fracturing of the group, something else to stress about, you knew that everyone simply needed a break. 
And you knew exactly what kind of relaxation Gar deserved now that you had the time on your hands. It was something you hadn’t been able to give him since a late night in the bathroom many weeks ago, when he had to muffle his moans into a hand towel for fear of being caught. You laid a few more gentle kisses against the skin of his neck, and then began to descend downward. 
You wiggled yourself completely under the blanket, loving the warm cave that it created around you - a pleasant fog of Gar’s body heat that easily made your cheeks scorch. It raised your body temperature more already, and made your cunt clench in anticipation. 
Of course, you were going to focus on him first. You pushed his shirt up his stomach, gathering the fabric lazily around his midsection, not really making an effort to take it off. You appreciated the skin that was revealed to you, especially seeing as every single part of him was beautiful. 
You had seen him naked before.
Gar was a smart person - but he wasn’t always clever. So he had unintentionally shown off his ‘goodies’ on more than one occasion when transforming into that mighty tiger that you loved so much. He didn’t always rush to cover himself if he thought that nobody was looking. It was a strange juxtaposition - the fact that you had made him cum before, but you had only seen him completely naked when he used his powers publicly. 
During the times when you had been intimate, you had both been forced to keep most of your clothes on - your trysts entirely secretive, shoving your hands down each other’s pants or dropping to your knees and taking his cock out, keeping everything haste and ready to easily redress in case someone came upon you. 
Now, you were more than ready to make love to him. You were fed him with never having enough time - never having enough of him. You so badly wanted to have your naked body pressed against him completely; to have him naked in bed for hours where there would be absolutely no disruptions. Your pussy throbbed with excitement at the very thought. 
(Perhaps Dick coming clean of his transgressions and pissing off all the Titans had been the best thing that had ever happened to you. Not that you would ever admit that out loud.) 
You kissed along the now exposed skin of Gar’s stomach, loving the little moans he let out as you did so. Clearly, he was still floating somewhere in sleep, his sounds still dull and adorably sleepy. Perhaps on his way to waking up as your wet mouth worked a trail down to the edge of his sweatpants. 
His stomach muscles flexed under your touch as your tongue darted out and traced the light trail of hair leading down from his belly button and dipping into his pants - definitely one of your favorite things about him. You laid a few more light kisses near his hip, causing more cute little jolts, before you lovingly eyed the outline you saw forming inside his pants. Even though the fabric, his cock looked perfect. 
You knew that Gar pretty much never wore underwear. 
It was something he had given up on because it was just another article of clothing to rip off, previously impeding his transformations. And then he simply never wore them in his off-time because once he had stopped, he found them too uncomfortable to wear casually. It was a dirty little secret of yours - but you absolutely loved his commando lifestyle. 
It always made the outline of his dick so obvious through his clothes (even when it was soft). You had never admitted that you ogled him on a regular basis. Especially when he trained - his movements when sparing causing his cock to bob around and move in a devilishly delicious way. 
Maybe you were a bit of a pervert. At least, that’s what some people might call the way your mind worked. But you couldn’t really help it. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that you had found the most gorgeous man ever and he had a sex drive that seemed just as potent as yours. (Though - as previously mentioned - you had been horrendously impeded by a barrage of housemates and multiple crises interrupting your alone time. Until now.) 
You were quick to undo the tie on his sweats, and from there, all it took was a firm tug to get his pants down. The fabric became slightly trapped between the plushness of his ass and the bed - thankfully he was still limp and pliant with sleep, and you didn’t have to put too much effort into getting the clothing down. You took the edge of his pants down to just past his hips, letting his cock free. 
This gave you a perfect view of his long, thick cock - freshly awakened from its slumber and easily half-way to hardness. It was as remarkable as always - pretty pink cockhead (just like the sweet pink of his lips), pale and seven inches long - about nine inches long when he was fully hard. Tugging the fabric of his pants down a bit more, you gently pet your fingers over his round, full balls - one of your favorite parts of him, even if you felt shy admitting it aloud. 
You also loved his so beautifully Gar, bright green pubes. The first time you had seen that his green hair was so entirely all natural (well, natural since the injection of Dr. Caulder’s serum) - you had been shocked and absolutely amused. 
You loved every inch of him, and you definitely loved how this was a solid reminder of exactly who your boyfriend was, even when you were making steady eye contact with his dick. 
You placed your hands on the tops of his thighs and leaned in, taking the head of his semi-hard cock into your mouth. You couldn’t help but to be pleased with yourself, knowing that this was how he was going to wake up. His skin was delightfully smooth under your tongue and he tasted slightly of a musk that was so uniquely Gar. 
You wrapped your hand around the base of his cock, thumbing down over his balls as you bobbed your head down - with your tongue loose and your mouth wide open, you gave a few good, greedy slurps on his cock, simply enjoying the feeling of him hot and thickening up in your mouth as he became harder. You couldn’t help but to moan around him, and he let out a startled snort, and then a deep groan. 
You felt movement above you as his tired arms grappled with the covers - he was definitely awake now. 
His dick throbbed under your tongue as he swelled to full hardness - and you held back laughter as he momentarily pushed on your head through the covers. Clearly, still not quite awake enough to know what was going on - just enjoying the feeling of a warm mouth on his cock. You squeezed your grip tighter around the base and prodded your tongue into the slit, gentle and exploring, lapping up the first bit of precum that he leaked out. 
He let out a perfect shuddering gasp. 
“Wha-? Hmm? Y/N?” He mumbled out, confused in that tired, dumbly adorable way. 
A moment later, the covers were ripped off your head, ruining that lovely cave of warmth you had going, causing a rush of cool air to prick at your skin. With your lips wrapped around his cock, bobbing down over the first few inches of the mighty, thick beast while gently pumping at the rest with a casual grip, you looked up at Gar through your eyelashes. You attempted to look sweet, knowing how sinful you looked with your lips stretched around the girth of his cock. 
You suppressed a moan of your own when you taste more salty precum and his jaw dropped open with a broken moan. 
“G-good morn-ning.” He said, voice tight and raspy, partially from the haze of sleepiness and partially from the lust coating his throat. 
He propped himself up on one elbow and stared down the length of his body at you. He moved to wipe the sleep from his eyes, clearly stunned and awed to be woken up this way. His gaze was hazy with that half-awake look and his chest moved in thick beats as he began to struggle for breath, partially holding back his moans in a practiced way due to your living situation. 
You simply continued your actions, widening your lips to suck more of him down. You bobbed your head slowly as you took the first half of his impressive length like a popsicle, swirling your tongue around it and using your hand on the base. Gar’s chest became tight with trapped sounds, and his hip muscles seized tight as the urge to fuck your mouth overtook his body - but he held back with intense self-discipline. 
“You - oh - you-you’re naked.” He quickly observed, struggling to speak through the pleasure of your tongue on his cock. 
His eyes scanned over your naked body with intense hunger, and he rushed to move the blanket back more, wanting to reveal your bare ass and thighs. When he managed to do this, you quickly felt the coolness of the room against your bare pussy and realized just how wet you were. 
Gar’s eyes went wide in an almost cartoonish way as he drank you in. 
He had only been able to get glances at your naked body before - when you were coming out of the shower and flashed him in an attempt to rile him up, or during your trysts when he had been able to pull off pieces of your clothing, but not everything all at once. Now, seeing you entirely bared to him, in the warm light of the early morning, something that made your skin glow - it caused his heart to speed up inside his chest, and made his dick throb. It was something you felt under your tongue that brought you another thrill. 
You popped off his perfect cock with a wet sound, much to Gar’s disappointment, so that your mouth would be free to speak. 
“I had a shower.” You told him, giving him a little smirk. “I didn’t feel like bothering with clothes afterwards.” 
You leaned back in and licked a broad stripe across Gar’s dick as you waited for his reply, causing a sharp breath to shake his chest before he could speak. 
“But what if someone-?” He glanced toward his bedroom door, thinking of the other Titans. Thinking about the possibility of being disrupted yet again. 
Perhaps he had forgotten of the debacle that happened the day previous. You were quick to remind him. 
“No one else is home. Remember?” You said, your breath fanning out over his cock before you gave a few kitten licks to the leaking, pretty pink cockhead. 
Gar shuddered with delight, gripping the sheets with tight fists. He hadn’t really forgotten, but he had been hoping that someone else would have come home by now. That they all would have gotten over the argument and just wanted to be Titans again. But he couldn’t find himself too upset about those hopes being dashed with your hand pumping his cock and your tongue swirling around him like that. 
“Fuck.” Gar breathed out, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment, desperate to compose himself. “What about - what about Conner?” 
“He’s still asleep.” You told Gar. “That lady - his Mom, guess? She said that he would be out for at least a few days.” 
You paused for a moment, and then, you gently confirmed:
“It’s just the two of us. We’re all alone.”  
You stopped your actions, simply holding his dick in your hand and looking up at him with a small grin, giving the words a moment to sink in. Gar stared down at you, letting it truly work through his brain.
The two of you were alone. You were naked. You were naked in his bed. You were holding his hard cock and you both wanted it to happen - very badly. 
There was nothing stopping the two of you. 
“This is so awesome!” Gar’s voice was pure enthusiasm as he grinned widely at you, his hands quickly moving to rip off his shirt. 
You sat back on your heels, giving Gar room to fully shed his clothing, knowing that he was likely just as excited to be fully naked and uninterrupted as you were. He was slightly clumsy in kicking off his pants - something that made you giggle as he got caught up in the fabric. After a moment of struggle, you reached out and helped him untangle the pant legs from around his ankles and toss the unwanted item to the floor. You were now both fully free and absolutely ready for each other. 
“C’mere,” You let out a joyous laugh, quick to pounce on Gar. 
The second that you were close enough, you got your mouth on his, engaging in hot, open-mouthed kisses while he wrapped his arms around you. He was quick to roll you onto your back, leaving you lying slightly awkwardly, diagonally on the bed with your ankles tangled in the sheets. Not that you cared about any of that for a moment - not with his whole body shadowing over yours, bringing more of that amazing warmth to cover you. 
Then, for the first time, you felt that ultimately satisfying press of pure skin on skin. The feeling made you both moan loudly into the other’s mouth as he leaned all of his weight onto you and pressed your bodies almost completely together, from knees to chests. You felt every single inch of him: his warm, muscled thighs pressing against your own, his hard cock up against your pelvis, creating a deep hunger that caused your pussy to throb hard between your legs, his smooth stomach and chiseled chest pressing against you - the beating of his heart racing in tandem with your own. It was topped off by the breath-taking sight of his big, brown eyes staring into yours as he looked down at you with utter adoration. 
It was so utterly perfect.
He leaned in for another long, hot kiss, and you moaned heavily into his mouth.  After a moment, he pulled away from the kiss with a nip on your bottom lip - something that made you whimper from the back of your throat. A hard, hot pain throbbed between your thighs as your pussy cried out for him, desperately needing him inside of you. 
You had waited far too long for this. His fingers had always felt good, but you knew that his cock would feel so much better. 
“So fucking perfect.” Gar told you, his voice taking on a deep, lustful rumble that had you clenching around nothing, yearning for the fullness of his cock inside of you. “You are a goddess, I swear.” 
As he said this, his eyes raked over your naked body with an intense heat that had you squirming. 
His voice caused even more heat across your skin - an intense tingling raking over you like goosebumps. You felt his words with the genuine intense passion that he intended them with, all the affection that boiled inside of him breaching out and spilling over you. It was something that made you feel more beautiful than any expensive dress or makeup ever could have. 
“You’re perfect too, Gar.” You echoed back, feeling lame and uncreative with the compliment, but absolutely believing it to be true. Every inch of him was something to love. Inside and out. 
Gar drowned any further words - perhaps afraid he would get too emotional - by shoving his tongue past your lips. He ran his hands up and down the sides of your body while yours settled on his gorgeous, plump ass. Your legs naturally fell open for him, your knees coming up to sit on either side of his thighs. 
You let out a moan as his tongue mingled with yours, his hips grinding into you, moving his cock against your mound and partially bumping against your swollen clit. It was a beautiful sharp shock that made you gasp and pull him closer into you. You wrapped your ankles around the backs of his knees, setting yourself in the perfect position to take his cock. 
You were dripping and needy, and you weren’t prepared to wait much longer. 
“Gar, please,” You moaned, pulling away from the kiss to puff the words out against his now wet lips. 
You angled your hips up in a way that directly dragged the wet folds of your pussy along his hardness, beginning to hump yourself against him, showing him the true depth of your desperation. This caused him to groan and buck into you. He echoed the movements right back, humping his cock along your pussy, rubbing across your clit again and sending sharp jolts through your whole body. 
This made you even needier. 
“Gar!” You gasped out in response. “Please!” 
Your voice was a lilting whine that you barely even recognized. Of course, only he could do that to you. 
“Yeah, yeah.” He mumbled back. 
His brow furrowed as he stared down between your bodies, clearly captivated by the sight of your pussy drooling wetness all over his cock. He was now very purposefully jutting his hips to slick that glossy wetness across his dick, to feel the essence of you covering him for the first time. 
“You want me to just-? You-? Are you ready?” He choked on his own words, his mind hazy with lust. 
“Yes.” You were becoming absolutely short on patience, your tone demanding. “Just get inside me. Please.” 
Gar simply grunted in affirmation, reaching down to use a hand on his dick to guide himself inside of you. You hitched a leg up over his hip, opening yourself up more to give him better access. It was only a single moment of staring at his concentrated face - something that was entirely arousing in the situation - before you felt it. 
The thick head of his cock breaching your slicked, needy hole. Your body was so prepared to take him, having taken his fingers (and your own thinking about this very moment) so many times before - you practically sucked him in. He let out a breathy, desperate sound as he let go of his cock and gently rolled his hips into yours, sinking home for the first time. 
It was something that made you dizzy. You were so fucking full. 
You knew how large his cock was - you had seen it, felt it in your hand - but having him fully inside of you for the first time - it knocked the air out of your lungs in the best possible way. The press of his pelvis fully against you, the slight coarseness of his pubic hairs up against your most sensitive skin, his heavy balls brushing your ass - all of it sent jolts across your skin and had your mind so beautifully blank. 
All you could do was grip onto him tightly, and let out a breathy moan of his name. 
“Y/N.” He moaned back, his voice absolutely thick with pleasure, lost in a deep haze as the feeling of your pussy clenching him for the first time. You were so perfect - so tight and hot around him, leaking wetness around the base of his dick. The feeling easily sent hot waves rolling over his body. “Fuck, so perfect.” 
He was absolutely smothered - the feeling of you gripping his cock like a vice driving him insane in the best way. His thighs quivered and he struggled for breath as he resisted the urge to pound into you - resisted the urge to selfishly chase his own pleasure inside the irresistible, velvety feeling of you. 
He didn’t want to hurt you. 
The last thing he ever wanted was to hurt you. 
There were the tiniest echoes of logic still chanting in his brain, screaming at him that he absolutely couldn’t risk hurting you. That he had to use self control. 
Even as he looked down at your gorgeous naked body, your tits heaving with your breaths, the slight gleam of sweat across your skin, your kiss-bitten lips, the gloss of lust that had come over your eyes. You were a sexy goddess; you were so perfect, and you made his cock ache, and he wanted to pound into you until you were screaming, and filled with his cum and dripping white around his cock. 
But he could never hurt you. 
“Move, please.” You begged. “Need you, Gar. Please make me cum.” 
With that perfect plea, how could he resist you? 
Any semblance of Gar’s scared self control flew out the window. 
And you became all too thankful for that. 
In seconds, it went from a feeling of perfect fullness to a blur of flesh, his hips pulling back and slamming into yours. His animalistic instincts kicked in, and absolutely took over. That thing in the back of his head chanting at him, telling him to fuck his cock into the perfect hot body beneath him without stopping. 
Don’t ever stop. 
That thing told him that he needed your pussy to live now - and he couldn’t find a lie anywhere in that feeling. 
He let out a growl that shook your chest - a sound that turned you on far more than you expected it to - causing you to let out a whimper in response. He gripped at your inner thigh, holding you open as he dug his knees into the mattress and pounded into you with impressive might. The thickness of his mighty cock splitting you opened caused sharp pleasure-pain shocks from your pussy that quickly stole your breath. You didn’t think that you would enjoy the slightly venomous bite of the pain so much, but mixing with the pleasure, it made you even more beautifully delirious. 
You knew that you would likely have difficulty walking after this, but you really couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
The pure force of Gar’s hips easily shook the whole bed. 
You were mildly aware of the headboard hitting the wall behind you - a sound that seemed so distant in your sex-hazy mind. It was easily drowned out by the wet, sloppy sounds of your pussy drowning his cock; the wicked slaps of flesh to flesh, and the whiny whimpers you let out. Followed by his near feral groans and deep growls that were absolutely programming a response into you that would likely get you untimely turned on the next time he transformed into the tiger. 
(But that was something you would have to mentally unpack later.) 
It was all so perfect. 
The hot, shocking tingles flowing from your pussy in waves, the perfect pain of his pelvis bruising you every time he slammed into you, splitting you open with his cock. But you needed one more thing. You reached a hand down, needing some form of touch on your throbbing clit. 
When your hand found its destination, Gar was quick to smack it away - something that surprised you. He had never been so rough with you during a sexual encounter before. You absolutely didn’t hate it, though. This new side of Gar sent dizzying waves through you. You fucking loved it. 
“No.” He said, his voice edging on a growl. 
He went so far as to grab your wrist and pin your hand down to the bed - and you let out another loud moan at the feeling. 
Before you could question him, he went on to answer the silent query - why didn’t he want you touching yourself? 
“Mine.” He grunted, his voice almost unrecognizable, coated hazy with lust. 
He moved his touch away from pinning your wrist down, and in a second, he had a thick thumb on your needy, swollen clit in place of your own touch. 
He was possessive - claiming your pussy entirely as his own. The action sent your spine into a sharp curve against the bed as you felt even more waves of white-hot pleasure shooting through you from the touch. He made quick, demanding circles against your clit in time with his hard thrusts, leaning down to dig his teeth into your neck as you desperately gripped at his upper arms for something to hold onto. 
“Mine.” He grunted again, the word solid and demanding against your neck. 
“Mine.” The second time, it became lost, a slur against his teeth as he bit down into your skin again. 
“Gar!” You gasped out. 
You already felt your orgasm coming to fruition, tight and hot in your belly. His touch was so perfect against you - he was so perfect. 
“All yours.” You murmured back, your throat tight and almost too weak to form words. You hoped he even heard and understood what you were saying. “Yours.” 
He sunk his teeth harder into your neck, a sharpness that stung in a delightful way, and then pulled back to lav his tongue over the blooming bite mark. 
“Mine.” He growled into your neck once more - a powerful, possessive statement that made you quiver. 
He pressed his thumb harder into your clit as he felt your pussy fluttering around his cock, as he felt your thighs jumping from pleasure, heard your needy whines. He knew you were tumbling over the edge. He gave a few good, hard slams of his hips - almost as if he was attempting to break your pelvic bone - but it was a roughness that had you gasping with delight, chugging air past your moans. It was a wonderful, harsh fullness that sent a perfect ache through your pussy. Gar played your body as well as played his favorite video games. 
He had you cumming around his cock with a strangled sound, digging your nails into his biceps so hard that you likely drew blood. 
“Fuck, Gar! Oh, oh!” 
It was a dizzying orgasm. Blood pumped through your ears, your whole body tingled - your pussy clenched down on his cock hard, as if determined to keep him inside of you. You felt like you were floating - the only feeling you had left being the hard throbbing where you were connected to him and the dryness of your mouth. Your tongue turned to sandpaper from being exposed to the open air by your slack-jawed moaning.  
You were beyond words. You couldn’t even get out the single syllable of his name, left gargling your own spit and gasping for breath as he fucked you through it and groaned into your neck at the wonderfully wet feeling of you cumming around him. 
He slowed his hips after a moment, still hard and throbbing inside of you, and moved his head up to lay gentle kisses across your hot cheeks and jaw as he finally moved his touch away from your almost numb clit.
“So perfect,” He murmured into your skin, clearly delirious with pleasure himself, his eyes closed as he leaned into your skin. “So beautiful. So good, Y/N. So good. I love you so much, baby. So much.” 
“I love you.” You breathed back. 
You were barely capable of speech, but you knew that you had to return it. Especially after something that spectacular. As you came down from your orgasm, you found yourself still hungry for him at the feeling of his thickness perfectly motionless and full inside of you. 
“Wanna make you cum,” You told him, your voice raspy and rough. 
He laid a gentle kiss on your mouth before he took a breath, gathering his words to make a request. He pressed his forehead gently into yours as he spoke. 
“Can you -?” He paused, attempting to think of the right words or gathering his breath to say it. “Can you turn around?” 
You were slightly confused by this. Fuck-drunk from your orgasm, feeling numb and positively unsure how to move - you had no clue what he meant. 
Gar saw this on your face and drew more words from his mind. 
“I wanna - I wanna see your pretty ass.” He spoke out, hot breath fanning across your cheeks. “Wanna grab it. Wanna fuck you from behind.” 
Those words sent a hazy wave of pleasure through you, and caused you to unconsciously squeeze around his cock - which drew a whiny groan from him. 
“Yeah.” You told him. “Yeah, okay.” 
Gar hesitantly pulled out of you, drawing a small gasp of disappointment at the empty feeling. This left you absolutely gaping from the absence of his large cock. But it was only for a moment as you situated yourself and got comfortable with a pillow under your chest and one under your hips at Gar’s insistence. 
Though that pillow did little to support you, seeing as a moment later, he was using his animal strength to man-handle your hips into the air. He positioned you with your knees bent and your ass high up, your chest and face pressed into his orange tiger striped pillow case. 
He didn’t hesitate this time before plunging his cock back inside of you - something that had you absolutely alight with pleasure, showing the animal inside of him shining through. Especially as he let out another sharp growl and didn’t waste any time before he began drilling himself into your tight, wet warmth. 
“Fuckin’ love you.” Gar grunted out, his words quiet compared to the loud slapping of his hips against your ass as he fucked his cock deep inside your wanting pussy. “Love how you feel on my cock.”
His filthy words had you clenching around him, moaning out so whiny that you barely recognized your own voice. You were so pliant to Gar, so needy for him. But you loved it, because you loved him. You couldn’t help but to love everything about him. You felt like you belonged with his cock inside of you. 
“Love you too.” You gasped back, barely able to summon words at all with the powerful fury of his hips fucking into you. 
Gar groaned out, his head tilting up to the ceiling in a moan as he grabbed a handful of your ass. Just as he had promised, he took a possessive hold on the flesh, tight enough that it would likely leave marks behind. He pistoned his hips into you with a mighty fury, fluctuating between staring at the space where his cock disappeared into your dripping, wanting pussy, soaking his cock with your wetness, and closing his eyes for fear of cumming too soon at the delicious sight. 
You gripped the pillow underneath you, desperate to hold onto something. Your face was half-shoved into the fabric with some drool leaking from your open mouth onto the pillow case as you struggled for breath and involuntarily let out an increasingly loud string of moans and whorish cries for Gar. His cock was so perfect inside of you - a perfect, hot length filling you up. 
Your pussy was dancing somewhere between pain and pleasure, well used by him and tingling with shocks every time he fucked back into you with the sharp movements of his hips. So you almost thought you were mistaken when you felt that thing. That extra bit of thickness prodding to fight its way inside of you. 
“Gonna cum.” He grunted, his voice garbled down to a broken mess of consonances by now. At this point, one word syllables was all he was working with. 
He was already so big, it seemed impossible that there was more of him. But you definitely felt it. That extra bit of something at the base, that extra girth of his already impossibly long cock that he was shoving inside of you with each pass. More and more of him with each time he fucked his hips forward. 
It felt so fucking impossible. 
Your voice was a whiny, high-pitched howl that you couldn’t even recognize, a plea for him to slow down, or give it to you - you weren’t entirely sure. Your pussy ached with a hot fire that you had never felt before and you wanted more. You really couldn’t imagine him stopping at this point. If this was going to break you - then so be it. 
“Take it.” 
He growled, shoving his hips so close to yours, spreading your pussy open with the impossible thickness of his cock, and that even thicker thing blooming at the base. It felt like it was going to split you in half, but it felt too fucking good to stop. 
“Take it, fucking take it-” 
His words dissolved off into a shuddering moan as he gripped your ass even tighter, pulling you back into his pelvis, shoving his cock impossibly deep inside of you as your pussy somehow accepted his gigantic size. 
His words had you faint and hazy, the sound of his voice like that making you more drunk than any booze ever could have. You knew that those words - his voice in that ravenous tone, it would echo inside of your mind forever. It would be something that you thought about every single time that you touched yourself from now on. 
He leaned down to drape his body over yours - creating a wonderful slick of sweat and damp skin on skin that warmed you in the coolness of the room as he pressed right up against you. 
He mouthed at the back of your neck and across your shoulders, leaving more sharp lines with his teeth, determined to mark you. Your pussy was almost numb with the pleasure, absolutely throbbing around him, but the feeling of him swelling even more inside of you was unmistakable. Somehow, his already large and impressive cock was growing larger. 
In your babbling haze of pleasure, you couldn’t find your voice to relay this strange feeling to Gar. So you were only able to lay there and clutch at the pillow as he dug his fingers into your hips - hard and possessive, as he shoved his cock even deeper inside of you and began spilling his cum inside of you in hot, thick waves. 
“Y/N, fuck - love you,” 
Somehow, his cock continued to expand inside of you. It was an entirely strange feeling, but not an unpleasant one. It was something your body began to take pleasure in. Something that had you letting out a strangled moan as he bit at the back of your neck and groaned into your skin, gently humping his hips into you as he rode out his orgasm. 
He was so swollen and thick inside of you that it felt as though your pussy might burst, the outer ring of your muscles almost stinging with pain, stretched to the limit where the base of his cock was lodged inside of you. He was slick with your wetness, but not a single drop of his cum had leaked out from where you were locked together - you could definitely feel that. 
Gar moved to pull back, seemingly unaware of the strangeness going on down below. When he did so, a sharp pain rocked you as he pulled at your most sensitive, stretched-out muscles. 
You loudly winced in pain and he immediately stopped his movements. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, breath puffing out over your neck, his voice returning to its usual brightness as he was shaken from his pleasure haze by his worry for you. 
“Just stay still.” You instructed. 
Your legs were shaky, your muscles weak from the intensity of the sex. You were still high up on your knees where Gar had put you, tiredly trying to support your own body weight. Struggling with that task as your thighs quivered, so fucked out from his excellent job fucking you. You unconsciously squeezed yourself around him and he let out a groan - clearly still sensitive. 
He tried again to pull himself out, not yet understanding the situation, and you let out a sharp hiss of pain as the thickness of his cock tried to breach through you without success. He was stuck inside you. 
The realization flashed through your mind. Oddly enough, you knew exactly what was happening. One too many late nights plagued by nightmares (that had turned out to be glimpses of the future) had caused you to end up reading some… interesting fiction to fill your late night hours. So you knew what this was. At least, a fictional approximation of it. That’s what you get for dating a guy with animal DNA in his system, you guessed. 
“Gar.” You said, a warning in your voice. “Just. Stay. Still.” You gritted your teeth, praying he would listen this time. 
“What? What’s wrong?” He said, his voice quickly escalating with panic and worry. 
He raised his head up from your neck, moving to look down toward the space where you were joined, looking to inspect the problem. This was a movement that jostled things, and caused another a small jolt of pain. 
“Gar!” You gasped, voice warning him to stop once again. “Just - just lower us down so I can lay on the pillows, okay? Be gentle. Please.” 
“Why? I can just pull out, right? Did I hurt you? I didn’t mean to, I swear, Y/N-” Gar began a rambling panic, and you knew the news you had to tell him wouldn’t calm him down at all. 
“You’re stuck inside me.” You told him. 
“Stuck?!” Gar shrieked with shock, his voice sharp right next to your ear in a way that made you flinch. “Wh-what do you mean? Did I do it wrong? Fuck - I must be the only guy who messes up having sex, I am such a fa-!” 
“It’s not your fault, Gar.” You said, quickly cutting him off. Your legs shook more, and you yearned to rest against the bed. “Just lower me down to the bed, please.” 
He began to do so, easing your joint bodies down toward the bed, letting your legs untangle and stretch out - the soreness from how roughly he had fucked you was already setting in. 
“What the hell is happening, then? How did I get stuck? I’ve literally never heard of this happening to anyone ever.” Gar said, clearly exasperated. 
He settled in, laying against you. As he put his weight against your back, his cock sank somehow even deeper inside of you. This sent latent shocks through your overly sensitive, worn-out pussy, causing you to let out a quiet whimper. 
“Sorry.” Gar mumbled as he heard the quiet sound. 
You really didn’t need him to apologize. It had been the best sex of your life. 
“Just - just pass me my phone.” You said. 
The only way you could think to properly explain it to him would be to look up some diagrams and perhaps show him your AO3 history. It was strange to see, and feel some of those wild fictional concepts coming to life right between your legs, but hey - at least you weren’t as unknowing and freaked out as him. 
Gar glanced at both night stands flanking the bed and then sighed. 
“I don’t see it.” He told you. 
Right. You had left it in the kitchen before you went to shower. 
“Then… pass me your phone.” You said. 
He would end up with some very weird shit in his search history, but this was quite literally, his problem. Technically - it was both of your problem, considering it was currently between your legs. And he was your boyfriend, and you definitely weren’t going to break up with him over this. Especially with your reading history, you found it to be more of a turn-on than you were willing to admit. 
Gar reached out to the night table on the other end of the bed, something that caused more jostling and another sharp gasp of pain from you. He mumbled a chorus of ‘sorry, sorry, sorry’ as he grabbed the phone and then returned. He blanketed his body over yours once more, relaxing into his position on top of you as he passed the phone to you. 
It took you about an hour to fully explain the concept to Gar. There were a few diagrams available - ones that had been drawn by writers in the genre. But most of the explaining was done by your hand movements, showing him how it was possible to get ‘stuck’ because he had moved smoothly and pleasurably and first, and then essentially - based on biological instincts, and no purposeful intent of his own: he had knotted you. 
“So you know this from a story?” Gar asked, trying to confirm the source of the information. 
“A few stories.” You told him. 
You didn’t want to divulge just how many stories of the genre you had read and fantasized about before. You were glad that your face was half-buried in the pillow, and Gar couldn’t see the expression of partial guilt on your face as you tried in vain to hide your kinkier side from him. 
“So how do you know it’s true?” He asked. 
“Because you’re literally stuck inside me right now.” You said, voice dancing with a laugh. “And in fiction, it’s usually something that happens with characters who are half-human, half-animal. I think we know which part of you is doing this.” 
Gar sighed, leaning down to rest his head between your shoulders. Clearly he was frustrated at the lack of predictability. He was frustrated that this was just another aspect of his life that couldn’t be normal. 
“Fiction is the only good reference we have to go off.” You said. “Rachel can bring people back from the dead, Kory can literally shoot fire out of her hands, and you can turn into a giant tiger. I think we passed reality a long time ago.” 
“So… when does it stop?” Gar asked. “As much as I enjoy being this close to you, I don’t wanna hurt you.” He rubbed his hand lovingly along your bare side, a genuineness in his voice that made you absolutely thick with love. 
“In the stories I’ve read…” You were also hesitant to share this answer. “Anywhere from a few minutes to… several hours.” 
“Hours?!” Gar let out another indignant shriek, and your muscles tensed. “We’re gonna be stuck like this for hours? Wh-what if it doesn’t go down at all? What if we have to call 9-1-1 and get my dick surgically removed?” 
“It’s gonna be fine, Gar.” You told him, trying to be the soothing calm to his unnecessary panic. “It’s your body’s natural instinct. Your body knows what to do. Just relax. It’ll probably help.” 
“My body’s natural instinct?” Gar echoed back the words. “So what… the animal inside me wants to get you pregnant?” 
Your face burned at the words, and you wondered if Gar felt your pussy flutter around him. 
That did appear to be the truth. A large part of you had wondered why this had never happened to him before. His cock had reacted differently when it had just been your mouth or your hand, or when you had made him cum in his pants dry humping against each other. It was like some animal instinct inside him took over when his body felt your pussy around him - like that thing inside of him really was determined to get you pregnant. 
It was a thought that made your stomach roll with heat. The part of you that loved being Gar’s, the part of you that loved him and everything about him so dearly. Of course you wanted a family with him. Of course you wondered what your little green haired babies would look like. 
“That seems to be the case.” You said, slightly breathless in your reply. 
Gar wrapped his arms around you, tucking his strong grip between your stomach and the mattress to hold you tightly. 
“Would you wanna keep it?” He asked, voice quiet. It was something he did when he was afraid to know the answer. “If you did… end up pregnant?” 
He was leaving the choice entirely in your hands. As though he had no say in the two of you starting a family. But he was good like that - he knew that it was your body you would be sacrificing for those months, he knew it would be asking a lot from you. 
“I wouldn’t want it any other way.” You told him. “I’d wanna have your baby.” 
Gar moaned quietly at this realization. 
You chatted about other things for a while - what you were gonna make for dinner, hopes of the other Titans to make-up and come home, wondering when Conner was going to wake up, wondering what Krypto would eat because you didn’t have any dog food in the house (wondering if you should go out and buy some dog food). Eventually, you dozed into sleep and Gar fell asleep on top of you. 
Gar woke up before you did. 
His cock had slipped out of you while he had slept, and he felt an insane sense of relief to look down and see his usual soft member hanging out between his thighs, no longer stuck inside of you. 
Then - he became very distracted by something else. 
The sight of your pussy - fucked raw, slightly gaping, with white cum flowing out of you. So much cum. 
Gar bit his lip, suppressing a groan - he wanted to be quiet. It would be rude to wake you. 
His eyes flickered over to your sleeping face, wanting to check - and yes, you were in the middle of a deep, peaceful sleep. You had been worn out from the intense, rough fucking. You deserved to get all the sleep that your body needed now. 
Gar’s eyes went back to your pussy, and entirely against his will, his cock stirred to life between his thighs. He was still covered in the mixture of your wetness and his own cum, and god - the smell. He knew that his sense of smell was infinitely more sensitive due to that animal part of him, and fuck - this had to be his new favourite smell. 
The tang of your natural wetness mixed with his own cum. The undeniable scent of him just pouring out of you. The fact that he could smell how well he had claimed you. 
Gar itched to touch you more, and gripped a fist tightly, resisting the urge. 
It would be rude to wake you. 
But maybe - he didn’t have to. 
While sitting back on his heels, he inched his touch forward, and oh-so-gently eased two fingers into your pussy. He just needed to feel you - he needed to feel what he had done. Your pussy easily gave way to his touch, and more of his cum came gushing out around his fingers - he was met with another pungent burst of that perfect smell, and his cock ached between his thighs. 
He couldn’t help himself. 
He gently scooped through the mess, careful not to be too rough with your sensitive, fucked-out pussy as he gathered the mixture of your cum and his on his fingers - and then he brought this hand toward his hard cock, spreading the mess across himself. He choked down a loud moan, wanting to stay quiet for you. 
He wrapped a tight fist around himself, and began jerking off earnestly - he needed to cum. He needed to capture this moment in his mind forever. 
His eyes couldn’t race fast enough to take all of you in - your beautiful, peaceful sleeping face, the soft muscles of your back, the way your breasts were pressed against his pillows, showing off the gentlest peak of the side, round fat. The thickness of your spread thighs, slightly marked by his dull nails scratching you earlier, the perfect plumpness of your ass, and your perfect pussy leaking his cum - the ultimate mark of his claim on you. 
All of it had Gar fucking his own hips into his fist fast, biting down on his lip hard to conceal growls deep within his chest. 
Within a minute, he was overwhelmed - by your beauty, by the perfect smell, but the idea that he had you, perfect you, and he would get to have you forever - and all too soon, he was cumming again. Not nearly as much this time - a meager few stripes that leaked across his fist and sprayed out across your thighs and his own. 
He felt much better now. 
He knew that it would be polite to clean you up, so that you wouldn’t have to wake up to the mess. The first thing he spotted was his own shirt that he had shed off in a haste earlier, and he wiped you down with that (and let out a growl when even more cum came spilling out of you the more he wiped) - before he went to the bathroom in order to get a warm cloth. 
Once you were as cleaned up as he could get you (he was partially impressed and partially embarrassed by just how much cum he had fucked into you) - he found a pair of your panties and slipped them onto you, leaving a small kiss on your ass through the fabric before he covered you up with a blanket. He could have spent all day in bed with you, but you had requested pasta for dinner. And he was nothing if not a servant of your every need. 
You had dreams of a green haired little boy with your skin tone, and you wondered if it was purely fantasy, or your powers trying to tell you something. 
You woke up feeling unpleasantly empty. 
You knew in a moment that Gar’s knot had gone down and he had successfully pulled out of you. It left your pussy sore, but not unpleasantly so. He had also managed to dress you while you were sleeping. Well, he had put a pair of panties on you. 
Your body must have really been exhausted from the sex for you to sleep so deeply, but it was something you were grateful for, considering how many nights you had laid awake sleepless due to your nightmare-like visions and the worry they caused you. 
With your upper half bare, you still felt a slight chill - you got up and grabbed an oversized, cotton band tee shirt that Gar often liked to steal from you and shoved it on. As you moved, you noticed that the modest cotton underwear he had put on you were slightly damp against your pussy. You didn’t think much about it. 
You continued on, shoving your feet into a pair of slippers you had left in Gar’s room to shield you against the coldness of the floors. You heard music coming from the kitchen and followed the sound, smiling widely when you saw Gar stirring a pot and swaying his hips, dancing to a Cardi B song. He was dressed in an oversized green hoodie that made him look delightfully cozy and a pair of sweatpants. The moment he saw you, he put down the spoon he was using and turned to pause the music. 
“You’re awake.” He gave you a small, lop-sided grin. “I tried to clean you up as best I could, but there was a lot… a lot of… cum.” 
His hesitance to say the words was entirely adorable - especially considering how filthy his mouth had been just hours before. His persona outside of sexual encounters shifted entirely, and it was one of those things you loved so much about him.
That would explain why your panties were damp. 
He cleared his throat, quickly shifting the tone of the conversation when you didn’t respond. 
“Look, I’m sorry about earlier, I kn-” He began to apologize, and you were quick to cut him off. 
“Don’t be sorry.” You said. 
Gar’s brows curled with confusion and you stepped closer to him, leaning your body against him, reaching up to smooth your hands over his arms and across his shoulders. You pressed your forehead into his and his hands took a natural place on your waist. His expression softened as he realized that you weren’t mad at him or upset with him in any way. 
“Don’t even think about apologizing, Gar.” You told him firmly. “You don’t have to apologize for what happened earlier, because I loved it. It was fucking amazing. That was the most amazing sex ever.” 
Of course, you had to start by assuring him of this fact. His skills were well pronounced and he had to know that he had made you feel a multitude of pleasure that you had never felt before. Something that you knew you wouldn’t be able to get with anyone else but him. 
“The ending… I know it was… weird. Neither of us really saw it coming. Which is strange, considering my powers.” You said, chuckling lightly as the joke flowed naturally from your lips. 
Gar let out a laugh at this. 
“But I love that side of you.” You declared, absolutely certain. “I love the animal part of you as much as I love that sweet, soft side of you.” 
You leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss, skimming your teeth along his bottom lip in a tentative bite as you pulled away, showing him a little roughness of your own. 
“I’ve never been afraid of the tiger, you know.” You added on, your thoughts on the matter absolutely final. 
Hearing you say that made Gar’s heart flutter. It was something you had told him before - after he had taken down your attackers at the asylum. But back then, he had been convinced that you were just trying to placate him. He had thought you were just trying to soothe his anxieties about hurting someone for the first time. Now he heard it for the genuine sentiment that it was: you saw his animal side, and rather than being afraid of it, you embraced it. 
“I love you so much.” He said, a heartfelt whisper that warmed you from the inside out. 
“I love you so, so very much.” You told him, and he kissed you again. 
“I made dinner.” He announced. “The pasta you wanted.” 
It was something you had discussed earlier, when you had still been locked together in that slightly uncomfortable position, a lovely food smell now filling your nose. He was a talented cook. Just another thing about him to love. 
Krypto wandered in, the padding of little doggy feet catching your attention. When you leaned down and began petting him, cooing at the dog with a sweet little baby-talk voice - Gar couldn’t help but imagine the two of you in your own family home, with your own pets, making dinner for your kids some day. Maybe it was a pipe dream to think a couple of super-powered freaks like the two of you could have the white picket fence dream, but Gar wanted it so badly, because he wanted it with you. 
“I also made cookies, but they turned out weirdly… flat.” Gar said, moving to the counter, and picking up a large plate that was covered in plastic wrap. 
He presented them to you, and you couldn’t help but giggle as you saw something that you easily recognized as an amateur baking mistake. He had either set the oven to too low of a temperature or neglected to refrigerate the cookie dough before baking them, causing the butter to melt before it actually started cooking. 
“I’m sure they’ll still taste good.” You assured him. And to make sure of this, he handed you one to sample. You tasted it - the mixture of sugar and butter and chocolate chips could never go wrong. “Delicious. Everything you do always turns out right.” 
It was a clear hint at what had happened earlier, and Gar grinned at you. 
“Everything I do for you always turns out right.” He corrected. “And I’m thankful for that.”
A/N: Please keep in mind - this fic is a oneshot, and there will not be a continuation or a 'part 2', so please do not ask for one. If you are going to comment, please comment about the body of work that has been written. Reblogs and comments are appreciated, and if you want to check out more of my Gar Logan fanfics, definitely check out my DC Titans masterlist!
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jjsfavgirl · 4 months
NSFW alphabet • j.maybank
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Enjoy this!!
Warnings: p in v sex , oral m and f receiving , shower sex , dirty talk , fingering , aftercare , corruption kink , sex toys , dom! JJ , sub! JJ , dom! Reader , Sub! Reader , eating cum , oral fixation, size kink , smoking weed , mentions of UTI , male masturbation , talk of erections? , teasing , quickies.
A- after care | JJ is BIG on taking care of you after you have sex, because of how rough he is afterwards he’s a big softie. Lets you wear his shirts, even sits with you in the bathroom checking on your while u pee as to avoid a UTI, he’ll then carry you back to bed place a kiss on your forehead then cuddle you till you both fall asleep.
B- body part | as much as he loves your personality my man is an ass man at heart, always squeezing your ass while you’re bouncing up and down on his cock, giving it it firm slap whenever you are just existing in your house. He always gives you his smaller boxers just so he can see your plump bum cheeks sneak through the bottom.
C- cum | my man cums HARD. Especially if he doesn’t masturbate for a while his white liquid comes out in strings after strings. He makes many jokes about being a proclaimed “artist” after he’s covered 90% of your body in his seed. Your face, your tits, your stomach,your ass, your thighs.
D- dick | JJ is fucking hung, he always thought he was average due to all the porn he’s watched. But when you first fooled around at the château, you were on your knees in front off JJ as he was man spread on John B’s couch when he quickly fumbled to open his belt and slide down his long cargo shorts which caused his large hard length to spring out of his boxers. He loves the thought of his big dick pressing against all the walls in your cervix , doing the stomach trick just to see him tip above your belly button.
E- experience | he had slept with quite a few girls before he met you, but once he did he stopped fooling around with girls out of respect in case you one day felt the same. He has experience on the sex side of things but he lacked the emotional connection with most his previous partners so when he met you he almost cried the first time you had sex. ( my poor touch starved baby ).
F- favourite position | he doesn’t understand all the really intricate positions he just thinks fucking is fucking and you don’t need to be mid twister match in order to have an orgasm. His favourite position is simple, you laying in his bed, his hands beside your head as he plowed into you from above, looking down at your orgasm face in awe.
G- goofy | his highness depends on how silly he is during sex. If he’s high he’ll be laughing and smiling the whole way through, it’s ten times worse if you’re both high, it’s just a laughing mess. But both fully sober and not in an intoxicated state he’s more serious.
H- hair | he has never once dared to try shave down there. Out of fear he might slice off his dick and also how much you begged him not to whenever he randomly brought up the subject of even trimming his pubes.
I- intimacy | the way he shows his intimacy during the act is with his words. He’s very vocal during sex. Doing so well for me baby , you can take it I know you can , c’mon princess cum for me , you’re so beautiful , m’fuck love this pussy.
J- Jack off | he is just as feral with masturbating as he is with sex, he’s cut down on his masturbation since you started dating ( always being able to have you get rid of his erections ). However, before you were dating my man would have to run back into the château bathroom after a day of watching you play volleyball with the other pogues in your tight pink bikini as your tits bounced around and almost slipped out every time you ran over to JJ in order to high five him.
K- kink | he isn’t the most kinky person ever, but he loves the thought of completely ruining you (corruption kink I think this is ) . If you’re a good girl kook he’ll love plowing into you and reminding you what your family would think about their A+ perfect daughter getting fucked rough by a dirty pogue.
L- location | he is a mostly bed sex guy. He doesn’t want to get caught or let anyone else see you in the orgasmic state that’s only for his bright blue eyes to see.But he loves surprising you by jumping into the shower with you, lathering your tits up with soap as he blows his load into your from behind.
M- motivation | he’s mostly turned on by just you in general. Your whole being makes him hard. But his main thing is kind of weird. It’s you being nice. If you smile brightly at him my man is bricked up immediately, or if your having a conversation with the bar tender as they’re making yours and his drinks he’ll watch your face intently as you smiled and laughed with the girl across from you ( if it’s a man it’s a different story ).
O- oral | as much as he loves getting his dick sucked, his favourite thing ever is pleasing his girl. He’s always eating you out, every spare second he has his tongue is exploring your folds as his finger enters your dripping hole. His tongue will flick and suck your clit as his fingers will brush against your gooey g-spot. ( he will also know that you have a massive oral fixation and will always bight his biceps whenever he’s wearing a short sleeved shirt or no shirt at all.)
P- pace | usually his pace varies during sex depending on the type of sex , sometimes he’ll be rough and fast and quickly overstimulate you enjoying watching you squirm but the other time he’ll be slow, allowing you to fully adjust to his size and stretching your walls, he will talk you through it and place kisses all over your face every time he lent down to your face.
Q- quickie | no matter how rough and fast he is, JJ isn’t the biggest fan of quickies, of course he will fuck your quickly in your pink bikini before going on a boat trip with the pogues but he prefers sex sensual and slow.
R- can’t think of one :( the prompt I’m using says risk for R but I can’t think of any I’m sorry guys :)
S- stamina | my man is fucking energetic , never once stopping to take a break during sex or take a breath while eating your pussy. But the second you both pull back, chests heaving up and down and heavy breaths filling the room he’s out like a light, falling asleep immediately or being stuck in a fucked haze.
T- toys | JJ doesn’t own any toys for himself but enjoys using your own toys on you. He’s not into the whole BDSM thing but he’s willing to use your vibrator and dildos on you so he can watch you in overstimulated pleasure.
U- unfair | JJ fucking Maybank is the biggest tease known to man. He will tease you from the second you get on the HMS Pogue. Hand on your thigh which inches closer to the hem of your bikini, pulling you into his lap and gripping your bare hips with his ringed fingers and lightly rubbing you against his hard erection.
V- volume | he’ll always try and match your volume, if your quiet, he’s gunna be quiet. But, he will always be talking you through it . M’Doing so good f’me baby , taking me so well , this pussy was made for me.
W- wild card | a random head cannon: he always tells John B and Pope that he’s the dominant one always. Which is pro dominantly true. Sometimes . Sometimes he’ll crumble under your touch as you’re overstimulating the poor boy by grinding forwards and backwards on his long length as it hits all the right places inside you, his hair was soaked in sweat at the tips as his ringed hands cling tightly to your bare hips, moving you in all the place he wanted causing his head to tilt back in pure ecstasy.
X- X-ray | under his clothes (we’ve all seen in obx cmon my mansey is fine) he has very tough muscular arms, his abs are formed into a perfect six pack which makes you drool every time he’s on top of you thrusting into you while you whine and beg for more.
Y- yearning | luckily for JJ he was blessed with a girlfriend with just the same sex drive as him. Let me just say for the first month of your relationship all you and JJ wanted was to be with each other inside all day, every day. Let’s just say you still go at it like rabbits and nothing has changed.
Z- zzzz | after sex, JJ’s eyes will to shut but he knows that he has to take care of his princess first, cleaning up his left overs from between her thighs, placing a soothing kiss on her still sweaty forehead before carrying her to the toilet for her after-sex-piss before carrying her back to bed and tossing one of his weed smelling shirts over her head with a smile.
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ohdeerfully · 5 months
I live
Well, barely
Your writing. I swear. It's so good. Like when I read any other alastor x reader fic I have this nasty voice in the back of my head going 'He wouldn't do this'. THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN HERE
You are a genius. (Thabk you for speepy Alastor coming from an insomniac is good praise, no?)
My personal favourites are
a. Either of the sleepy Alastoe fics (obviously)
b. Dry bed. Istg the writing in that.. Augh
Could you do a part two to Dry bed? Maybe they just wake up (Together!!!) and awkwardly get their way down to breakfast. Then they simply avoid each other all day, not talking, but still stealing glances at each other when the other isn't looking. Then reader finds Alastor chilling on the hotel roof the following night and they TALK about it. And figure things out.
Omg thabk you for listening to my rant I hope you are doing well byeeee
P. S. You and your fics are my new hyperfixation
hello!!!!! in general sorry yall for my absence, finals are literally next week so it Will happen again
im so glad u like my depiction of alastor hes literally so annoying to write... a dry bed is honestly probably one of if not THE fave fic ive written (though might be a tie with mourning dove) so i hope part ii does it a bit of justice (,: i kind of deviated from ur request at the beginning (they dont wake up together >_<) but otherwise i hope u enjoy! hopefully its not too obvious i kind of rushed it
mwah! <3
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A Warm Bed
(sequel to A Dry Bed)
Alastor x Reader (hurt/comfort, fluff) TW: none really, alastor is probs ooc but who cares
join my discord!
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It felt a little bit too cold when you woke up, but you couldn’t immediately find a reason why. Your eyes squinted open, facing the curtains that were drawn just enough to where a peek of the morning light rudely shone against your face. You turned over with a dissatisfied groan.
Peering at the empty bed beside you, you stared blankly as wheels began to turn in your mind. It only took a few seconds to remember the previous night, and your face quickly warned as you hissed in a breath through clenched teeth, wrists coming up and rubbing your eyes with a sense of dismay.
Man, what were you thinking. You felt a strong mixture of regret and embarrassment but also… you felt lonely. The strong, strange affection from Alastor the previous night directly compared to him disappearing and leaving you alone in the morning made you feel all the more cold. The room also had an uncomfortable silence to it, but at the same time too loud with the hum of your ceiling fan.
Whatever, you feigned indifference to yourself and lifted yourself from your mattress, legs dangling over the side of your bed for a few moments, allowing yourself to get a quick stretch in before sliding on some comfortable slippers while you went to your restroom, protecting your feet against the cold tile.
You quickly freshened up, pulling on some comfortable loungewear before leaving your hotel room and walking down the long corridor that led to the steps. Maybe it was just your current mood, but the ambience was too quiet and uncomfortable.
Your spirits slowly lifted as you made your way down the steps, and you could hear the faint clashing of kitchen tools being dropped and thrown, alongside unintelligible and arguing voices, one doubtlessly being Vaggie trying to tame—or, no, threaten—the chaos.
The air, at the very least, smelled good despite the racquet. Though you were in Hell, the food was still appetizing—even if you weren’t exactly sure what it was half the time.
You must’ve made it just in time, as right when you turned the corner you nearly hit your head against Charlie’s shoulder as she rounded the same corner. You tripped over each other for a moment before she ultimately steadied you with a hand and a breezy laugh.
"Good morning! I was just about to tell everyone breakfast was ready…” You smiled at her gesture. Every morning she tried to host some sort of typical continental style breakfast that was standard for most hotels—that is if Niffty’s behavior permitted a successful morning—and the quality was usually higher than what you remembered in your time alive. Of course, you were dealing with the Princess of Hell, who obviously wouldn’t want anything mediocre for her treasured guests.
“Thank you,” was all you could offer in return before she passed you, doubtlessly to gently announce the food to the other guests. There had been an increase in residents lately, so you weren’t shocked at the piles of delicious looking food that met your eyes when you stepped into the kitchen. You could practically imagine sparkles dancing around the fluffy pancakes and still sizzling pans of various breakfast meats.
You helped yourself to a meal, carefully stepping around the growing crowd of other guests, who all, for the most part, seemed a little aggravated at being woken up but nonetheless pleased at the free meal.
A brief hush filled the room as the air seemed to get just a bit heavier, more ominous, alongside the new presence of a prickling against your skin. You didn’t have to look up, nor did you even want to look up, to know who the culprit of such a suffocated atmosphere was; you knew him well enough.
The kitchen slowly came back to life, albeit a bit stiffer and with quieter conversation. You kept your eyes glued to your plate of food as you made your way towards the dining area. As you passed through the entrance, out of your peripheral you saw the large, looming figure of the demon you had become unnaturally attached to. You didn’t look up or even acknowledge him, pretending to just not notice, but you could swear you felt his red gaze burning a hole in your skin.
A few minutes passed after you sat down before Alastor joined you, sitting in his unofficial assigned seat. The only difference was he didn’t scoot his chair nearly as close as usual, as well as the way his body was turned just slightly so that his back was facing you. Not enough to be noticed by other people, but just enough for you—though, maybe you were just overanalyzing things?—to notice how he was pointedly uninviting you from any interactions with him.
Why even bother coming to breakfast, you thought coldly to yourself, deciding to just feel mad about it instead of stewing in your own self-hate and regret. You had already spent all morning feeling stupid for the night before. It’s not like you even eat this shit. Go eat a dead deer or something.
Your fork poked aggressively against the food on your plate, head propped up against a fist as you mindlessly scooted the food around in a pool of syrup. You hoped to convey some sense of hatred to the demon next to you as you jammed a fluffy bite of pancake into your mouth—oh, that’s so good, your spirits were lifted just a bit as the slightly sweet and buttery pancake touched your tongue.
A hand touched your back, and you jolted in surprise. Naturally your eyes first went to Alastor next to you, thinking maybe he was finally over himself, but he had his hands folded on the table in front of him as he watched another table argue over something probably meaningless. Maybe you’re crazy, but did you see his eyes flick to your just as you looked away? You shook off the idea.
Vaggie sat to your right, and was currently eyeing you with a hint of concern in her eye. You shrugged off her hand as politely as possible before smiling at her with a raised eyebrow, trying to play it off with an ‘I’m alright.’
“People that are ‘alright’ don’t usually have some personal vendetta against a plate of breakfast food,” She said in a low voice, trying to keep your conversation private, particularly from a certain set of prying, fluffy red ears. “You know you have friends here. Especially Charlie.”
“Really, I’m all good, just… long morning,” You did your best to wave away her worries again, suddenly feeling a little childish. From the way she spoke, you would think she was talking to someone going through something serious—you were just having some guy problems.
It seemed to work well enough, because after looking at you for a few more beats she raised her hand and turned away, picking up a conversation with her girlfriend. You sat in your spot for a few more minutes, but the growing anxiety from silently and awkwardly sitting next to Alastor, sifting through so many racing thoughts and doubts, gnawed at your stomach. You finally stood up and excused yourself with a thank you and left the room.
You had no specific place to be, so you just wandered into the lobby and slumped against a couch. You briefly wondered where Angel was; he was surprisingly good at listening to romantic troubles, though honestly you probably wouldn’t divulge your whole “thing” with Alastor. That would probably meet no welcomed response.
You must have dozed off, because the sudden sound of raised voices startled your eyes open. Arguments and general anger were commonplace here, so you weren’t particularly shocked to find Vaggie and Angel Dust going at it about something regarding his behavior and the Hotel—a recurring theme in their conversations. Vaggie’s words fell on deaf ears as Angel tutted at her words with a waving and dismissive hand.
“I’m sure ninety percent of these guests would love to have a piece’a me!” He said, taking long strides across the room as he fixed up his chest fluff with two hands. He leaned his hip against the large chair that, much to your dismay, sat Alastor, his grin tightening as Angel approached. His eyes narrowed suspiciously as the spider laid his torso across the head of the chair.
“Even this one…” Angel said with a pouty lilt in his voice, finger dragging up the embellishments as he tried to play flirty. Alastor clicked his tongue distastefully in response before he stood up, hands folding neatly across the top of his cane.
“Not quite to my taste, thank you!” He said, looking down at Angel with an ugly curl in his lip. Angel only huffed in response before slinking down the back of the chair and taking up the space where Alastor previously sat, leaving said demon just standing there.
Alastor’s eyes glanced at you, so brief that you honestly may have imagined it, before he simply hummed with closed eyes and melted into the ground, the shadow where he once stood inking across the carpet before finally coming to a rest… behind the couch where you were laying. You grimaced as you felt his presence manifest again, sending a ripple of that familiar prickle down your bare arms.
Was this going to be your eternity now? Playing some game of cat and mouse where you have to leave every room you’re in just because Alastor gets too close for comfort? You turned your head to try to get a look at him from the corner of your eye, but immediately looked away again when you saw he was already looking at you. You couldn’t read his expression.
You sat up and thought for a few moments. Honestly, it was probably best to just go spend a depression day alone in your room. As pushy as Alastor could be, he wasn’t typically the type to barge into rooms without invitation.
Slowly standing, you managed to avoid the attention of the couple of others in the room—though, realistically, none would care if they happened to see you leave; you were just on edge to everyone and everything. You quickly made your way up the stairs, frowning down at your feet as you walked. You shot a sideways glance at Alastor as you rounded a turn in the steps, finally meeting his gaze for a few seconds before your view was blocked by the wall.
You sighed as you found yourself in front of your hotel room, a heavy feeling making you suddenly choke up. You ushered yourself into the room before you embarrassed yourself by crying openly in the hallway, but the comforting solitude of your room as you leaned your back against the door to close it made it a bit easier to breathe.
After ensuring the door was locked, you went to stand at the edge of the bed, frowning down at the still unmade sheets. Thoughts of that tender night came to the front of your mind at full force, and you bit your lip anxiously. The warmth of his body against yours, the tangle of legs and soft touches of lips… was it all actually, in a cruel turn of reality, a fake expression of care from him? When you had finally begun to think you could read the affection on his face…
You settled into the soft mattress, uncomfortably aware of how big and cold it was. You were no stranger to sleeping alone by any means, but after finally experiencing the shared space with someone you loved, the contrast was stark and unwelcomed. You did your best to ignore it as you tucked yourself in, letting your eyes fall shut in a poor attempt to sleep away your worries.
Your attempts were unsuccessful, and an empty feeling of longing and despair in your stomach grew stronger with each hour that passed as you watched the red hue of the daylight sky turn darker. You felt both restless and tired at the same time, lacking any energy to actually do anything to pass the time. 
It all proved to be counterintuitive to the whole “sleep your worries away” as the hours you spent just lying down only gave you ample opportunity to melt in your own thoughts as the memories of last night kept returning. Man, why did you have to kiss him? You unwittingly ignored the fact that he had also played a part in closing that gap between you; you were honestly just pinning the blame fully on yourself.
Finally sick of stewing in misery, you kicked off the heavy blanket and stood up. You needed some fresh air. 
You tried to walk quickly with a fake sense of purpose so, in the odd chance you passed someone, they hopefully wouldn’t ask about your absence all day—you were typically more present and friendly with everybody as you would often help Charlie with event organization. Lucky enough for you, you passed nobody on your way to the door that opened to some stairs up to the roof of the Hotel.
After a quick pace up the echoey, metal steps, you pushed open the large doors and greeted with a pleasantly cool rush of wind. It was still warm, of course, being Hell and all, but cooler than usual. You quietly closed the heavy doors behind you.
There was a spot on the roof you typically sat at during long, restless nights, and you turned the corner of the door before promptly backtracking and pressing yourself up against the metal door once again, jaw clenched in a mix of shock and anger.
Why the Hell was Alastor on the roof at your spot with your blanket that you had left up here on some previous night? Was he doing all this on purpose? Constantly getting all too close to you while simultaneously acting cool and indifferent towards your existence? Was this all just some sick game to him? Well… it is Alastor.
You peeked over the edge from where you hid to get a better look at him. He sat serenely with his back towards you, legs hanging over the edge of the roof. You couldn’t see his expression, but his body waved just slightly, most likely to the tune of some song in his head. Despite all the frustration you felt in your soul towards him, looking at him under the blanket of a dark red sky with a sprinkling of stars… he still endeared you. Especially when he looked so harmless and relaxed.
Just as you were about to turn away again and find somewhere else to relax, he cleared his throat, stopping you before you could even move.
“It’s rude to stare,” He stated, projecting his voice just enough for you to hear the light humor in his voice. “You seem like a stalker, darling!”
You straightened your shoulders before walking out from behind the wall, a frown on your face. You didn’t walk any closer—God forbid you accidentally do anything to hurt your relationship anymore, if that was even possible.
“I didn’t mean to, I was just… surprised, that’s all,” You reasoned, tapping your foot impatiently. “You are kind of in my spot.”
He hummed, absently pointing at the surface around him. “I didn’t see your name on it.” 
You couldn’t really think of a response quickly, so you just stayed quiet, continuing to just stand in place a few meters away from Alastor.
He briefly put his hand down on the space next to him, patting twice in a vague invitation for you to join him. You thought for a brief moment before cautiously walking towards him, steps growing slower with each foot you got closer. He made no move to send you away—in fact, he even started moving the blanket in a way to make the concrete just a bit more comfortable to sit on. He still didn’t look at you.
Embarrassingly your hands had started to shake, which you realized when you reached your hand down to support your body as you lowered it to sit. You just hoped Alastor didn’t notice. You let your legs fall over the ledge, swinging slightly next to Alastor’s. You didn’t notice how he shifted his knee a bit closer to yours.
The two of you sat in silence under the still-darkening sky, and you couldn’t decide if it was a comfortable or awkward silence. Alastor didn’t seem to mind, so you tried to convince yourself it was comfortable despite the itching anxiety in your chest.
“I’m really sorry about last night,” You blurted out, unable to contain it anymore. Was it a bad idea to even bring it up? Maybe. But you felt that your relationship was already irreparably damaged so it couldn’t hurt to at least apologize. You saw his eyes turn towards you out of your peripheral, and you were too ashamed to meet his look, instead opting to fiddle with a fray of the blanket edge.
“Whatever for?” He responded after an uncomfortably long pause—this stunned you. Fuck you mean ‘whatever for?’ Your head whipped up to look at him, brows furrowed.
You had spent all die scared that you ruined everything between you and Alastor, regretting everything that led up to last night’s events—it didn’t help that Alastor himself was also blatantly avoiding you. What the fuck is he acting so confused for?
Apparently you said that all out loud, as Alastor’s smile was growing more and more strained with each loud word that tumbled from your lips. You didn’t even realize until you were done and catching your breath, but at this point you couldn’t care less to apologize or feel bad about it. You folded your arms and fixated your eyes on some random pedestrian below as another long stretch of silence filled the air.
“You confuse me,” He finally said, with a voice that lacked its usual radio tone. You didn’t respond, so he continued. “I feel these alien emotions when I’m near you—you bewitch me. And I don’t like it. I hate you for it.”
You couldn’t control the slight slump in your shoulders and the sharp pang in your stomach that his words brought you. Hate. 
“But… I kill the demons I hate,” He said, looking away from you and up at the sky. “And I can’t find myself wanting to kill you. That has to mean something, though I’m really no man to figure it out myself.”
You cautiously returned your eyes back to him, shoulders curled forward as if to protect yourself against the blow of any harsh words. But, as he spoke, you felt that anxiety slowly lighten as you pieced together what he was trying to convey in his own strange way. Although, you weren’t really sure what to say in response, filled with too many swarming emotions—both new and old. 
Suddenly you looked at the space between the two of you—was Alastor’s hand there just a minute ago? You looked up to try to get any hint of his goals; but, unsurprisingly, he remained unreadable. It was definitely safer to just ignore it.
Well, that got a lot harder when his pinkie finger stretched towards you just a bit, practically inviting you. You looked at his face one more time, swallowed your fear, and tenderly laid your hand down next to his. You moved it cautiously closer, just enough so that your pinkie touched his own. His lifted up and curled over yours, tightening in a way to bring the rest of your hand closer and enveloping it with his own. Your gaze was fixated on this exchange and you felt heat warm your cheeks and ears.
You both said nothing, but you thought the pounding in your ears would drown out any attempt.
Your attention finally broke from the hands that now clasped together between the two of you, turning up towards Alastor. You found that he had been looking at you with such an intensity it made you feel like an open book before him. His eyes had a slight glow to them now that the sky had fully darkened—eyes that were usually so malicious and secretive seemed to now burn with what you could only assume was affection.
“I can’t promise I’ll be a good man,” He finally broke the silence. His smile was small but strained, and his voice uncharacteristically quiet. 
In response you shook your head with a breathless laugh, tightening your hand just slightly around his as you focused on the street below, watching the scattered presence of night owl demons.
“I probably couldn’t promise the same, either,” You admitted, leaning back and stretching out your legs in the open air over the ledge of the roof. You froze momentarily when Alastor shifted a bit closer, his knee now barely knocking against yours.
He reached his hand out, fingers curling gingerly but firm over your chin and pulling your face closer to his. He examined your face for a moment, red eyes trailing over every curve of your features before settling back to look into your eyes.
“But I can promise, cher,” The new name he referred to you as made the already present flush in your cheeks only intensify. “That as long as you own what’s left of my heart, no demon in Hell can keep you away from me. Not even you.”
His words were spoken almost like a threat in an ominously low tone, that heavy radio affliction dripping from his words. In his eyes was a sudden look of sinister intensity and devotion, something you had never even dreamed of seeing, especially from him and especially towards you. As menacing as the words seemed, you couldn’t stop the wry smirk that inched up your lips, slightly smushed between his fingers that still firmly held your head in place.
“I’d like to see anyone try,” You responded in an attempt to match his energy. This seemed good enough for him, as his smile lifted for a moment as he released you from his grasp and faced forward again.
You yawned and stretched out your arms above your head, popping a few bones in your back before you stood. He followed suit, deftly touching his clothes with one hand to smooth any wrinkles or crooked buttons—his other was still holding your own.
He stepped closer, nearly pressed against you, when suddenly the atmosphere around you seemed to melt in a swirl of black before being replaced with the familiar decor of your hotel room. He gave you a light nudge and you fell back onto the bed.
After recuperating and settling, you watched him from your spot on the bed as he draped off his coat and slacks before joining you in the sheets. His body language was tense and unsure, but to your own pleasure the stiffness in his shoulders lightened just a bit when your hands tenderly rubbed against his skin.
The bed that was only hours before too big and too cold was now inviting with the warmth of Alastor’s body against your own, his scent filling your nose with every inhale as his hair brushed against your cheek. Every movement was a shaky blur as you were still filled with a sense of disbelief and maybe a little bit of adrenaline from the unexpected switch-up from him. The mattress dipped and creaked as he tried to make himself comfortable, which took an awkward few seconds, but after finally settling in you found yourself laid against his chest, fingers trailing down his skin.
Alastor’s own clawed fingers trailed through your hair and he hummed the quietest tune, lulling you further into an exhaustion that you didn’t realize had been creeping up on you. You fell asleep to a comfort that you hoped you wouldn’t have to spend another day in eternity without.
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maarslovesmonkees · 2 months
Hey!!! 👋 I wanted to know if you could do a NSFW alphabet for Caesar ?
{Caesar NSFW alphabet}
Hii!! Yes absolutely!! This is my first post, Im actually quite nervous writing😭 I really hope you enjoy (feel free to message me constructive criticism if applicable!)💞💞
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Notes and warnings: Caesar x Human!Reader, Gender Neutral terms!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
AFTERCARE IS A MUST! Incredibly giving during and after sex, will pamper you so good. He won't really talk, but his actions speak up loudly. Masaging you in your sore places, kissing your neck, giving you water, cleaning you, then giving you a cuddle right after is his little go-to aftercare routine.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For himself, he doesn't have much of a favourite, but if he were to choose, his hands. How much he can do to you with just a touch of his hand. Loves to really feel you, caress your whole body and face, squish your sides and hold your hips as you bounce on his cock.
He loves anything squishy and smooth on their partner. Tummy, ass, tits/pecs etc. He also loves your neck. Smelling your unique human scent, biting it, licking it, nibbiling it>> (in Caesars eyes).
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He prefers coming inside, thinking of marking you with his seed. He'll always ask before he comes though, as he knows in human culture, not everyone wants to get creampied. He also cums a big amount, a pool gushing out of you each time you get bred.
If you're scared to get cummed in he'll love to see your stomach and chest covered in his white sticky cum.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Definitely owned(stole from a cabinet when he was bored) and fapped to porn magazines back when he lived with Will and Caroline. He doesn't own any anymore, as he doesn't use much human products. Plus, he has you now ;3
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not as experienced as you think BUT A VERY FAST LEARNER. He definitely has some knowledge of the human anatomy beforehand so he'll know what to do!
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. Aye man he might be an ape king but he still old. Just loves getting a good look at you, and its such a comforting position for both. Vanilla and basic but theres a reason its popular.
Another would be you on top, riding him. Not as taxing on his joints, but also can get a full view of your body. How his dick slides into you, how your boobs/cock bounces as you went up and down... He just loves to give you pleasure and physically seeing it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.
Quite serious, and doesn't really joke during it either. He thinks sex is a very pure thing but If you do pop a joke, he'll definitely give you a chuckle as he looks at you adoringly.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Do they like hair on their partners? etc.
His fur is softer than you think. He's definitely quite softer than the others as well, trying to maintain a good fur routine as he doesn't want to give you rashes or anything during sex.
He doesn't mind about hair on the partner as well. Shaved, not shaved, trimmed, don't matter to him, he's putting his dick in you.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Incredibly romantic. So giving and loving throughout it all. He doesn't talk much, and doesn't really moan either (mostly pleasured grunts), but his actions speak so much louder than words. He'll look into your eyes, caress you, and will DEFINITELY pull your head in for the forehead touch😭💞
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Doesn't masturbate often, but he prefers having you with him when he does. He LOVES mutual masturbation, you getting off, gets him off.
When he does masturbate alone, hes quiet and goes slow. Gripping his bed as he comes, thinking of filling you up.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding. Thinking of giving you, a human, his kids gets him all hot and bothered. Whether or not you can have kids, hell still love to fantasize it as he fucks you. Going into positions that has a higher chance of pregnancy, loves getting in deep and cumming in deep, caressing your stomach afterwards after, and even the day after he feeds you like you were pregnant🥺
Praise. Being a king can be hard. Giving him compliments, telling him hes making you feel good, telling him how amazing of a partner he is will give him butterflies. He kind of misses his parents and grandfather. How they were so kind and always praise him. He'll MELT from both your kindness and a bit of nostalgia.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His/your nest. Intimate, private, comfortable, what more can he want. He wants you to be comfortable and laying on the ground with a bunch of sharp sticks and rocks anywhere isn't ideal.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You in the mood, gets him in the mood. As an Ape, he does have a keen sense of smell. If he senses your arousal, instant boner. A human loving him in such a deep, private and erotic way gets him so horny.
Also when your enjoying yourself and physically making it noticable, gets his cock ACHING. Your moans, grunts, shouting of his name, your body shaking in pelasure gets him GOINGGG.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Hes a gentle and loving man, below all his stoicism, so he wouldn't do anything that could hurt you. So sorry BDSM lovers :(
I wouldn't think he'd be interested in exhibition or anything involving such a private moment being out for everyone to see. You are his, and hes not really comfortable with others seeing such a vulnerable state for both of you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He has no preference with giving or receiving, but again it he had to choose, giving. He just loves lapping around your heat, slurping up all your juices, and holding your shaking legs stable. He'll be sucking up your sensitive spot then going to nibble your inner thighs.
When receiving, he loves to look into your eyes, and caress your hair. He'll grabs your head oh so gently and help you keep a steady pace. He enjoys it so much but still keeps alert if your jaw starts to hurt. His cock is quite big so good luck 🤞
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and senual for the most part. Especially at first, with you being human and all. Quite fragile compared to a chimp but even after that, he likes to milk every moment of this intimate practice with you. Again, he is quite serious in this matter so he likes being in the moment.
Howeveeerrr, if you ask, he'll happily let you indulge yourself with some fast and hard fucking. Its not like he doesn't like it, he does, its just he prefers sex to be more romantic.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He'll be open to it. Not his favourite but he understand that you both have responsibilities in the colony and need them done, so a little quickie to satisfy you both wouldn't hurt.
Its mostly in the mornings where a good quikie will happen. Waking up to get ready for todays task, but your still horny? He'll smell your arousal and give you a quick orgasm by putting his thick cock into you while stroking your sensitive bits.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Not really but again, open to it. This is Caesar the ape king, we're talking about. He's taken so many risks in his life, and sometimes he just wants something loving, familiar and stable, especially in his sex life with his amazing mate. He'll be hesitant with experimenting but he knows he can trust you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
If in a comfortable position, he can go all night long. Again, grown ass ape we're talking about.
Doesnt last too long when it comes to you. Maybe like 10-20 minutes hes already pumping hot cream deep inside you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Doesn't as its quite hard to find (and maintain). If you guys actually have one for some reason, it'll definitely spice up the mutual masturbation time.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not a teaser. He loves to give you what you want, what brings you the most pleasure. Its his duty as both a king and a mate to keep his 'subject' happy.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Vocally not loud. Grunts and heavy breathing mostly, with a couple of moans here and there.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Doesn't do it often, but loves to stay inside of you after sex. Keeping his cum plugged in deep all night long, and just being attached makes him feel so warm.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
5 inches but VERY girthy🙏
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Normal ish. Around 6/10. You can turn him on quite quickly though.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn't sleep fast at all. It actually takes quite a while for him to fall asleep. He just loves to stare at you as you sleep, post orgasm and such. He snuggles you up close, kissing your forhead for a while. He likes to look over you, in a protective sense, after sex. He feels the most relaxed in his life with his mate just sleeping next to them, and hes not one to waste a moment.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Clark Kent nsfw alphabet
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I just thought this was a really nice gif.
Featuring some of my kryptonian headcanons. This is the kinda thing where I make myself flustered when I write it for some reason, hope you guys enjoy.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Clark is super cuddly and attentive after sex. He loves kissing and cuddling and will even give you a massage afterwards. If you’ve actually gotten him tired he too would love a rubdown.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Clarks favorite part of himself is his chest, his thighs, or his arms. On his partner its their legs or their hands.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Being a kryptonian means Clark cums a lot, and can do it multiple times. He doesn’t know how many times he needs to get off to not have any more cum in him. He loves to both cum in you and on you, and he loves when you do the same on him.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Clark has had many fantasies of using kryptonite during sex. He also has an almost animalistic need to breed you or be bred, or to mark or be marked by you. He definitely has thought of having sex whilst flying before.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Clark doesn’t have an insane amount of experience, but he has some, though more experimental things would be new for him.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Clark likes any where he can wrap his arms around you or you can hold each other in general.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Clark isn’t the goofiest during, tho he might make a few jokes or chuckle every now and then.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Kryptonians in general don’t have a lot of body hair, so he only really has a nice happy trail and pubes and some chest hair.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Clark is a very intimate person, even just in general. He loves kissing and hugging and being romantic. He would fly to the other side of the earth if it was only possible to get your favorite flowers there. He says he loves you multiple times a day.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Clark jerks off a lot more than you would expect. Because of his kryptonian biology his sex drive is extremely high, so its not unusual for him to jerk off every day. At times he gets so wound up he will just jerk himself off through his suit whilst doing patrols.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Cum and anything involving it in general
Overstimulation and milking
Body and muscle worship
Oral fixation
Kryptonite usage (this is a secret though)
Spit and drool
Ripping clothes and alike.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Clark to most people’s surprise can do it in a lot of places, even pretty public areas. Though he likes to keep it at least semiprivate. With a partner he keeps it mostly at home or bathrooms and alike. But he can jerk off almost anywhere.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Its extremely easy to turn Clark on when you get together. Just rub his thighs or stomach, kissing and bite at his neck, or just give him a heated look. Because of his sense of smell, he can even smell when you are turned on which will get him going almost immediately.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Clark won’t do most kinks that will harm you too much. He isn’t the biggest fan of sharing, though if its someone he really trusts he might go along with it.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Clark loves both giving and receiving. He has no gag reflex, and because he’s kryptonian he has a slightly longer tongue and some different muscles in his throat that makes it feel even better. He always swallows and he looks euphoric when he does.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends. With you he would be slower and more careful because of his strength. But when he’s jerking off, he can be pretty fast and rough with himself.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Clark is all for quickies honestly. Because of his insane sex drive, you just have to give him the look and pull him around a corner and he´ll drop to his knees and suck you off. He also jerks off regularly, whether its with you or on his own.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Clark is open to try new things, though there might be some kinks that he will research, or some areas he won’t do it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Clark will most likely have a lot more stamina than you, no matter how many rounds you go. You are more likely to pass out from exhaustion and he won’t even be a little tired. It’s not unusual for him to jerk off a couple of times after you fall asleep.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Clark owns more toys than people assume, most of which are to help him jerk off. He has some vibrators and dildos too though.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Clark wouldn’t tease a whole lot, but he might do it every now and then when he’s feeling frisky. It would be more of you teasing him though, being sure to use his extremely high senses against him. Like smell, taste, or his hearing.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Clark isn’t very loud in general, but it’s not impossible to make him be louder. He does keep quiet though when he’s anywhere but at home.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Kryptonians purr and growl, but its at a low enough frequency that mostly only other kryptonians can hear. Kryptonians also use scent a lot without realizing, whether it be rubbing their scent on people they care about or using it to mark their area. Kryptonians reach sexual maturity after their 30s, and typically only after they’ve met someone that they are compatible with.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Clark is huge, like jaw droppingly big. Both in length and thickness. This stems from him being a kryptonian, as most kryptonians have larger bits than humans. Veiny though not too much and uncut.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Clark has an extremely high sex drive, like only other kryptonians could keep up at this point. This is why he jerks off every day or even multiple times a day. He doesn’t have to get off every day, but he can get pretty uncomfortable if he doesn’t.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Like I stated earlier he has a lot more stamina than you if you aren’t another kryptonian or some kind of superhuman. He will spend time cuddling and kissing you until you fall asleep, and he could just go about his day or stay with you, or jerk off by himself until he gets somewhat tired.
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j4desblurbs · 4 months
harley quinn x fem! reader
harley has taken over my life recently LMFAOOO so i just had to write something for her 🫶 hope y’all enjoy :)
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this is nsfw, my blog is 18+, so if you’re a minor dni!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
harley might not seem like she’d be into aftercare, but she definitely takes the time to see what you need and make sure you get it, whether that be just cuddles or a shower.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
i’m honestly not sure what body part harley likes on herself. i think her hands and face are contenders, though.
as for her partner, i think she likes her partner’s thighs & boobs. she loves to tease her partner in those areas.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
harley likes to cum on your face and also loves it when you cum on hers.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
i really don’t think harley really has a dirty secret, she just seems like a very open person when it comes to sex.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
harley is definitely experienced. she has been with both men and women, and is experienced with both.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
harley is pretty much into anything, but i get the feeling she likes 69 the most.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
harley definitely has the potential to be a little bit of both, but she generally errs on the goofier side just a little.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
harley is a very unserious person, but when she is actually serious enough to be intimate it’s very sweet.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
harley definitely gets herself off whenever she’s away from you or just in general. you’ve caught her quite a few times.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
harley has pretty much every kink in the book besides the gross shit like piss and feet and all that. she loves overstimulation, though, both receiving and giving.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
harley has been with you in all sorts of places, public and private. she’s absolutely fearless when it comes to public sex, though. you’ve lost count of the amount of times she’s gotten you off under the table.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
pretty much anything you do will get her going, but i think seeing you be assertive might be a big one.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
harley might spank you for fun, but she really wouldn’t do anything that would actually hurt you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
i honestly don’t think harley really has a preference here, she loves giving and receiving head equally. she’s very good at giving it though. knows all the right spots.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
i think harley tends to be more on the rougher side, just because she’s so enthusiastic and energetic and that transfers into her pace, but she’s definitely doing her best to be mindful of the way you’re feeling and making sure she’s not hurting you.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
harley would definitely be game for a quickie. i do think she’d be more into proper sex, because there’s more space and time to actually have fun, but you’ve had more than a few quickies together.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
harley definitely takes risks in the bedroom. with your consent, of course.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
i think harley would have a decent stamina, she’d probably be able to last 3-4 rounds, 5 if you really push her. if she’s really trying to focus her attention on you, she’ll hold back her own orgasm to prioritize yours.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
harley definitely owns toys and loves using them both on herself and you. she’s got the strap.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
harley is a big tease, but she will eventually get impatient and end up giving you what you want.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
harley is a big moaner. she giggles sometimes too, if the moment is appropriate, but she definitely is on the louder side of things.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
i feel like harley’s stolen sex toys and lingerie before, and then come home with it all as a surprise for you.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
harley has a pretty high sex drive, that’s just the way she is.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
i definitely think harley would make sure you’re comfortable before she sleeps, but it really depends on how many rounds you’ve gone for.
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cherryluvrx3 · 1 year
Okita Sougo Not SFW Alphabet
Gender-neutral reader
CW: hard sadist/masochist dynamics. He’s gross and a freak, expect the extremes. Mentions of reader getting penetrated. Mentions of him having some nasty kinks.
Do people even care about Gintama anymore??? I just started getting into it and the lack of fics is heart breaking
I don’t even like hardcore sadism (on me) tbh idk why he’s my favorite but I love him soooo much my little Princess <3
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
There’s different kinds of sex that you guys have, sometimes just regular or standard stuff you’d have with any other guy but other times full on BDSM fantasies that would make 50 Shades Of Grey look vanilla. With that being said, the aftercare would depend on what type of sex you’ve guys had. If it was something incredibly taxing and rough on your body, he’d show you a rarely sweet side to him. His hands would be the gentlest ever as he washed you and soothed any bruises he might’ve caused on your skin. He’d clean and tidy up before tucking you into bed. If you mention how nice he was the next day he’d flick your forehead and change the subject.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part might have to be his face. He likes that his cute face hides his true nature well. But he’d also like his hands because they’re rough and calloused from all his training and hard work and they look so perfect wrapped around your throat.
On his partner he’d also like their face. He probably has a folder in his phone just filled with different expressions that he’s brought out of you. Faces of embarrassment, neediness, desperation, shyness, defiance, humiliation, and his favorites being ones where you look utterly fucked out of your mind and brainless.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
He loves cumming both on you and in you. He sometimes has an inner battle on whether or not he should pull out.
Cumming inside gives him a hot, proud feeling knowing that he’s marked you in a way so intimately. He loves spreading you open and watching his cum leak out of you only to swipe it back up with his fingers and shove it back into you, reprimanding you for wasting the ‘gift’ he left you.
Cumming on you, your face specifically, gets him shivering in satisfaction. Nothing strokes his ego more than watching his beloved with his sticky cum dripping down their face. The fact it’s so borderline disrespectful is what really gets him off. The way you’re letting him do this to you. And the sinfulness of it all spreads to your everyday life. He can’t help but think about it while you’re talking to and treating others with a smile like those lips haven’t been coated and defiled with his cum.
He’s honestly a huge asshole and sometimes cums a bit on your hair on purpose because he knows it grosses you out and pisses you off.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It’s an undeniable fact that he’s the dominant one in your relationship. The thought of anyone trying to top him is honestly laughable and something he’d never allow.
He has on occasion, let his mind wander to fantasies of what it would be like to submit to you. Especially if you’re someone he’s been with for a long time and genuinely trusts and loves. He has a hard time expressing his emotions without reverting back to his asshole ‘I don’t care about anything’ attitude. He wants to tell you he loves you so dearly and that he’d gladly give himself up to you entirely but he can never bring himself to admit it.
So force the words out of him. Force him to admit how much he belongs to you. How his body exists to be used to entertain and please you.
As fast as his mind conjures up these thoughts though, he throws them out the window even faster. He’s so wrapped up in his own pride he can’t even let himself fantasize in peace.
Another thing he enjoys about this scenario is the thought of revenge. After having his body ravaged and used by you, he’d imagine all the things he’d do to you to make sure you don’t forget your place under him. Giving out punishment when you actually deserve it tastes much sweeter and he'd be so excited to pay you back for everything you did to him and then some.
All hypothetical of course! He’d never tell you any of these fantasies. Only way this could happen is if you follow your own selfish desires to have him submit to you and really follow through. You can’t half ass it because even though it’s something he secretly wants, there’s no way he’s going down without a fight.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Depends on how old he is at the time. At 18 he has an idea of what he wants and the things he likes but at 24, he’s pretty experienced and has been around. Not really any serious or meaningful relationships, just ones with masochistic sluts who let him do whatever he wanted
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He has a lot of positions he likes and goes through but if he had to choose one… probably good ol’ missionary. Mainly because he’s on top and can see your face.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He technically does joke but it’s more teasing and mocking you then actually trying to be funny
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He’s well groomed, he doesn’t like it to be a mess but it’s not something he meticulously takes care of either.
His hair is slightly darker than the hair on his head.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
I guess it depends because like I said before there's different kinds of sex you guys have but usually, he’s not romantic. He’s just fulfilling his fucked up kinky desires.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
If he has a choice he’d prefer not to, he’d rather have you gagging and slobbering on him over his boring hand any day but if you’re not around or willing to, he’ll settle. He has pics of you to get him through it.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Ohhh boy…
Jeez I actually don’t want to like… expand on all of them cuz we’ll be here all day.. so I’ll just list them lol.
BDSM, leash & collaring, pet play, spanking, roleplay, choking, exhibitionism, public sex, oral, marking, recording, humiliation, desperation, orgasm denial, bondage, toys, rough sex, dirty talk, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, mind break, anal, face-fucking, cock worship, creampie, facials, saliva swallowing, spitting, corruption, degradation, discipline, objectification, crying, handcuffs, sensory deprivation, biting, breeding, wetting, piss drinking, watersports
I know some of these are gross but he’s a freak idk what to tell you I’m just being realistic 💀
I think it goes without saying but this is stuff he’s doing to you.
Also if you don’t like any of these that’s fine, he’s not gonna force it on you. I mean he’ll try to persuade you but if you seriously don’t want to then he won’t be seriously upset. It’s not like he needs all of these kinks to have sexual satisfaction, they’re just things he enjoys and gets off to.
Also.. remember his dirty secret? They’re things he wouldn’t mind you doing to him.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Your apartment because it’s a space where you both could prep for some real crazy shit and clean up easily. Since he lives at the Shinsengumi headquarters, there’s not that much freedom or privacy you both could have there. He likes the thought of public sex but understands if you don’t. Plus he’s a cop so he shouldn’t really be doing scandalous things like that anyways.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Lots of things to be honest. He enjoys arguing with and pissing you off so that he could ‘put you in your place’ but he’s also a fan of when you’re obedient. He has a love/hate relationship with bratty types because he likes being in control but the thought of breaking you or forced submission is something he loves. Being super sweet and kind to him makes him think ‘ohh I have to ruin them..’ a sweet s/o would really bring out his corruption kink. Acting clueless to his sexual innuendos and advances will get him hot and he’d be more than willing to give a private demonstration.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
In early stages of your relationship, you dominating him is completely off the table, an absolute hard no. He has to build up his trust in you for you to be able to see such a vulnerable side of him.
Also, I’m kinda on the fence with this, I think he’d hate the thought of sharing you. He might like to show you off, like he’s done with walking that one girl on a leash down the street, but the thought of someone actually touching you would make him sick. He’s a very jealous person, he doesn’t mind people looking because he’s very proud to have you but he’s the only one allowed to use you. They can look, can’t touch.
Also scat and vomit stuff, that’s too nasty.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He lovessss receiving. If he could keep you on his dick 24/7 he would. He loves seeing your mouth stretched open around him while a mix of drool and precum leaks past your lips. The messier it gets the better, he gets so hot and bothered at the thought of ruining your pretty face, having it slick with a crude mix of spit and cum.
He’d totally slap you with his dick too lol like he’d pull out, give a few wet slaps to your cheek and lips before plunging back down your throat.
Oh yeah he’s a big facefucking enjoyer.
If you let him, he’d grab the sides of your head and use you like a fleshlight. He’d lock his legs behind your head and forcefully hold you down, choking you because he’s an asshole. As you struggle and cry he’d just resist the urge not to cum then and there.
Also like I mentioned in C, he loves cumming in and out of you. Usually he doesn’t warn you, you’re just gonna have to guess based on his reactions because he likes giving you evil surprises. Like boom cum down the throat and now you’re choking or boom cum in your eye. If you complain about it enough then he’ll start to warn you because he does feel just a bit guilty of seeing you in genuine pain and peril. Just a bit though.
He’s pretty skilled at giving but he doesn’t do it often. He makes it his personal goal to learn every little weak spot to drive you crazy, he wants to know you better than you do. So eventually he’ll become a pro at making you cum with his mouth but he just doesn’t do it much. It’s mainly like,, an entree or teaser before the real show.
In a situation where you're dominant though… SIT ON HIS FACE! FUCK HIS FACE! USE HIM!! He might cum untouched just from the aggression and thought of being used as an object hehe.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s a mix of it all and does whatever he feels like. Usually likes going fast and aggressive to overwhelm you but as soon as you’re about to cum he’ll slow down and mock your whines and begging for him to speed up. When you two are having a sweeter time together though, he’d go slow and deep, trying to enjoy and feel you as much as possible, kissing beneath your ear and neck and starting to speed up once he feels he’s about to cum.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s fine with them, he doesn’t particularly love them but they get the job done when he wants you and there isn’t much time. But he’ll usually prefer to thoroughly enjoy you. Might see it as a personal challenge to get you to cum fast but sometimes if he’s feeling especially mean he’ll go, “I have to be in a meeting in 5 minutes, if you can’t cum that’s your own problem.” And he actually will leave you high and dry.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
There’s a lot of things he’s into and willing to try. He’ll practically say yes to anything unless it changes the power balance between you too. Things like that might take some extra convincing and persuasion but he could also see it as ‘I scratch your back, you scratch mine’, if you want something from him, you’ll have to give up something in return. Wanna peg him? Then let him walk you with a leash so he could “potty train” you. A lot of times the odds are unbalanced but he’s hard to persuade otherwise.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can probably cum twice, three if he’s really energetic. He has good stamina from training and personal experience but he’s still only human. Most of the time is spent making you cum anyways.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Absolutely. He has so much shit with him you’d think he has a premium membership with the local sex shop. You don’t even know where he keeps it because again he doesn’t have much privacy back at the Shinsengumi headquarters since they have routine inspections but whatever. They’re pretty much all stuff he uses on you, he’s never really bought anything for himself/own personal use (like a fleshlight) and doesn’t really see the need to. He thinks toys should be used on his partner.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
ABSOLUTELY!!! Being a massive asshole is his whole fetish. He on a daily basis thinks of shit he could do to piss you off or tease you. Seeing you in tears, whining and crying is like fuel to his existence.
If he ever managed to piss you off to the point of tears, part of him would feel guilty but the other part of him would show through the rock hard boner he has in his pants.
During sex, he’ll ignore his own needy cock if it means making you suffer more. Hell, he might even cum just from the teasing he does to you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s fairly vocal but it’s mostly degrading, mocking, teasing words or commands he’s barking at you. When he’s actually inside you he’ll try not to moan, mostly because he’s shy and a little embarrassed, thinking that moaning is a sign of being weak to how good you feel. He usually covers up his moans with more degrading words and dirty talk.
(If you ever managed to top him, he’d be a very bratty bottom. Talking nonstop shit to the point you gotta just gag him. Only take it off after successfully breaking him so that the only sounds he makes are fucked up babbles and whines of how much he wants to cum)
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Under normal circumstances it would be pretty hard to get him in a subspace or submissive mood but being incredibly loving and doting on him makes it hard for him to tease you. (This is something that would only work if you had been together for a while and he really loved you)
Late at night, laying in bed with him, start placing kisses on his neck and caress his body. If he asks what you’re doing just say “I’m just trying to give you some love,” and go back to smothering him in affection. It’s hard for him to accept at first and his natural instinct is to take control of the situation but if you stay strong and confident through it, by the end you could be on top of him and maybe he’d end up in tears by the overall intensity and intimacy of it all.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s about an average size in length but is a bit on the thicker side. His tip is pretty well pronounced too. Not super veiny- actually he had pretty much only one thick vein you could easily see on the side. It’s a slightly tanner color than the rest of his skin and the tip gets reddish when he’s close to cumming.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high, he’s a young active guy who (I think) is a bit hypersexual. A lot of the time he’s capable of control and restraint but sexual thoughts plague his mind often.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It depends on how long you guys had been going for but usually since he has good stamina, he has enough energy to stay awake to clean up you and the area before he goes to sleep but if you’re topping him, he’ll probably be really sleepy and drained.
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
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One Direction fics with one of the main characters as a nanny for the other main character's child(ren) as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
♡ Baby Steal My Heart Away by @snowy38
(E, 63k, rich Louis) Louis headed into the hall, seeing the Moses basket right away.
♡ somebody to love by dilfrry
(E, 51k, lawyer Harry) the single father harry and uni student nanny louis fic where if it wasn't for a little red headed spit fire they wouldn't have met
♡ we are honey and the bee by orphan_account
(M, 41k, uni) where harry plays rugby at uni, louis needs to hire a nanny, and life is one big cliche.
♡ All is fair in love and war by weddingbells / @pinkniall
(E, 34k, The Nanny au) The Nanny AU in which Louis is the sassy gay Nanny-by-accident taking care of the kids of movie director Harry Styles. 
♡ Harry Poppins by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom
(E, 32k, Disney inspired) When Louis’ best friends pass away he finds himself with an instant family. 
♡ we can get there (we can do it if we try) by @zouisclimax
(E, 28k, dad Louis)  the one where Louis's a dad in desperate need for a new nanny. Harry's perfect for the job
♡ Everything Has Changed by louisgrindsonharry / @nauticalarry
(E, 27k, secret relationship) When Louis' sister can no longer watch his child, he needs to find a new nanny.
♡ honey, make this easy by sweetums / @darlou
(E, 25k, grief) Harry’s sister recently passed away, leaving him with temporary custody of her daughter.
♡ Barefoot in Blue Jeans by @indiaalphawhiskey
(E, 24k, footie player Louis) Louis Tomlinson is trying desperately hard not to fall for his son’s au pair, but he can’t, for the life of him, remember why.
♡ the love is ours to make (so we should make it) by @lingerielarries
(NR, 19k, punk Louis) the one where louis takes some time off from life to return home, only to be met with a strange boy in pink and a flowercrown as the nanny of his siblings.
♡ all i want for christmas is by pinkgelpen
(E, 17k, Christmas) Harry up against his side, his little four year old snuggled in his lap like it’s her favourite place, Louis could really believe they’re a real little family, off to their chalet to spend Christmas in the snow.
♡ I Will Care For You by @lululawrence
(NR, 15k, a/b/o) “Oh, Harry. Just get yourself a nanny.” Afton threw out the suggestion and Harry sat up. How had he not considered that?
♡ It'll Be by @styleandsin
(E, 13k, adoption) Louis hires Harry to be his Nanny, and it all works out great. Until Louis falls in love with him.
♡ Summer Solstice by teapotpourri / @neverhaveieva
(M, 7k, famous/not famous) After a tragic accident, twenty-two year old indie popstar, Harry Styles, is left to take care of his niece Lydia. 
♡ cherries by resurrectdead
(G, 5k, humor) louis is a chaotic dad with chaotic twins and is in immense need of a nanny
—Rare Pairs—
♡ Better With You by harriet_vane
(T, 38k, Liam/Louis) Single parent and solo artist Liam Payne hires Louis Tomlinson to be a full time nanny to his four year old son Sammy. 
♡ Be Here by winglesswarrior
(M, 20k, Louis/Liam) Liam's in dire need of a nanny for his twins, who are terrors. Niall might have an pretty unconventional option.
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branwendaughterofllyr · 8 months
Do you have any other fic recs for your poison tree fans 🙏 it's dire out here
Anon, I KNOW. There are very few HoTD fics that I unabashedly like, and even fewer long form political ones.
But there’s some I can recommend.
I recently blitzed through Dragonskin by Missybee303 and it’s one of the few Aemond/OC fics I’ve actually really enjoyed. The premise seemed just a tad far fetched to me at the start but it completely earns it by the end. Jeyne, a farrier’s daughter and secret skinchanger in King’s Landing, encounters Aemond after Vhagar’s saddle breaks, and this changed the course of their lives and the Dance. The author clearly did their homework, and this is one of the few Dance fics that I’ve seen actually tackle the politics and emotions of the Dance based on the barebones F&B gives us, and it does it with grace and style. I loved loved loved the side characters the author built in (special shout out to Jeyne’s dad, Denys, who stole my heart and the show.) and how organically they meshed into canon. This the only long form Dance fic I can pretty unabashedly recommend, especially if you are interested in world building and wider ensembles. (It even avoids the over competent Aemond syndrome trap that so many show fics stumble into.) My one gripe is there is A Lot of smut, to the point that I was like “enough! Get back to the story!” But I know that will be a positive to many people, hahah. It’s almost done so you don’t have to worry about it being abandoned and it’s very long and satisfying.
I’m keeping an eye on Scorched Earth by 0Junebug0 which is a Rhaenyra’s daughter OC/Aemond fic. But wait!! Before you run away at this tired old premise, know that so far this has been primarily been a character study of the Team Black family dynamics, particularly how Rhaenyra would deal with a daughter and how being a Targaryen women is not all it’s cracked up to be. It’s only six (normal length) chapters at the moment but it updates frequently. As of the last chapter, Aemond has finally appeared on the scene, so I can’t speak to how the main pairing is going to play out, but I have high hopes. And the prose is genuinely very gorgeous and atmospheric, so if you are were drawn to “a poison tree” by the writing style, this might just hit the spot for you.
The oddball on this list is Salvation by Targresurgence, which is another Aemond/OC fic. Jeyne Hightower (wow, I really do believe in Jeyne supremacy in HoTD fics), the daughter of Ormund Hightower is sent to KL for Alicent to make her a match. Aemond decides that actually fuck all of that, his mom’s cousin deserves only the best (him) and shenanigans ensue. I like this fic, but it’s sometimes against my better judgement, but when it’s good, it’s good. I respect this fic primarily for the massive mommy issues it gives Aemond and Aegon II, and it’s attempts at worldbuilding that are a little hit or miss (but when it hits, it HITS). It also has one of my personal pet peeves in it, which is killing off Johanna or Elenda to make Jason or Borros into sexual threats to one of the female characters (why this is so popular, I do not know. Drives me bonkers) but that’s my nitpick. It IS a bit of a wonky fic in places, so fair warning on that, and prepare to suspend some disbelief. It is unfinished and hasn’t been updated in a little while, but it’s fanfic. Never give up hope.
If you are interested in more book canon and Alicent centric fics, I really like what we’ve gotten so far of The Heretical Education of Lady Alicent by @aifsaath. It’s part of a larger ongoing series, The Sky is Always Red Above Valyria, exploring various dynamics of book canon, with a heavy focus on Alicent, Aegon II, and Baela, but this one has to be my favourite. It’s also beautifully illustrated, so even though it’s only three chapters long at the moment, for sure check it out.
In the same breath, the joint work Our Father’s Clad in Red by @gwenllian-in-the-abbey and @aifsaath is a book canon Aegon II/Baela fic that explores the aftermath of the Dance and how House Targaryen is to rebuild in a world without dragons. If you like world building, psychological exploration, good prose, and gorgeous illustrations, this may just be the book canon fic for you.
A brief shoutout to signs amidst the starry mirth by xiaolongbaobei, because I know this one is very popular and gets recommended a lot (as it should). This is a fem!Aemond fic with very GRRM-esque writing and the most terrifying and well-thought out Daemon I think I’ve ever seen in a fic. I really love gender-bending fics that really think it through and this one just has a great prose style and is actually addressing the politics of the Dance.
Obligatory witchcraft in your lips by slaymond mention. This is Aemond/Sansa crack treated with deadly seriousness and somehow. It’s really really really good. Great writing style, on point characterization, I’m sure you’ve already seen this fic recommended somewhere.
…. I also kinda vibed with @charmtion’s Daemyra fics? I’m not a daemyra stan by any means, but I’ve loved charmtion since their Jonsa days, and I liked salt more than I thought I would. If you have an inkling of an inclination towards Daemyra as a pairing, check this out. They also have a Helaemond fic, thyme, if that’s more your speed. Charmtion has a very loose, vivid, dreamy style that I have just adored for ages, so I would not count these fics out at all.
And is it even an HoTD fic recommendation list without including the one and only See, What Happened Was… by the legendary @daylander1000? This Aemond/Rhaena fic asks the question “what if the Velaryons actually had plot and character relevance and also what if Aemond and Rhaena had the chance to be weird, slightly murderous children together?” One of my favorite depictions of Alicent and Criston to boot (especially since now Mine Was The Hand You Reached For by HaughtHightower appears to be deleted 😔). It’s not been updated in a while but the author is a very busy person and I’m very happy to let her take her time.
I’ve read a lot of HoTD fics by now and these are the ones that I’m like “other people should read these too actually.”
Oh! An addendum! If you are seriously looking for a long piece of fiction that deals with a succession crisis, you might want to read When Christ and His Saints Slept by Sharon Kay Penmen about the real history of the Anarchy, the civil war between Matilda and Stephen over the English crown that inspired the Dance of the Dragons in the first place. In this time of fandom drought, if you are a fan of “a poison tree,” you should seriously consider giving this book a read. It’s so good.
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Some more bonus thoughts for the sweater weather AU, Akai family edition™ (somewhat disjointed because I've been busy)
The Akai siblings all have one of the OG cream sweaters, it's a matching set (this is conjecture, but the Akais seem like an old family line to me, and so they have a family crest, which is sneakily integrated into the knitting pattern - this makes the sweaters distinguishable to those in the know). The sweater thing was all brought on by Mary deliberately misunderstanding Shukichi's polite nudges about her being cold to her children.
This fact makes Amuro's meeting with Masumi even more awkward than in canon! :) Because she's sure she's seen this guy before, and he's wearing the family sweater, which leaves two main possibilities: either a) Amuro killed Akai and took his sweater or b) Amuro was Akai's friend/lover and was either gifted the sweater or inherited it after Akai's death (because she knows Shukichi and herself still have theirs). The whiskey trio seemed friendly when she met them, but her big brother was an agent and possibly undercover, so it's a toss-up and she's gonna be real suspicious of Rei going forward. Throughout this whole exchange Rei is hugging the sweater to himself as if it could protect him from this feral teen. It's not helping :)
Sweater exchanges become significantly more difficult due to Masumi's stalking ["Do something, FBI dog. She can't keep following me, eventually she'll get wrapped up in something she can't handle. And she's annoying. Also, tell her to get a different hat, fedoras are so cliché." - "Furuya-kun, she believes I'm dead." - "Well, maybe you should fix that, actually." (Rei has strong opinions on not telling people you faked your death, he's still miffed about Scotch)]. As a side effect, this also drags Okiya's already shaky credibility as his own definitely real person in the mud, and Mary ends up figuring her son out.
We all remember that scene at the end of the Scarlet Bullet movie where Mary waits in Okiya's car with a gun and threatens him, right? Well, that happens, but it's "I don't blame you for not telling us you faked your death. But you really could've called and told me about your partner." To which Akai is like "??? - Mother, my ex has been dead for half a year now, and we hadn't been dating for three years before that?" Mary is tempted to just shoot her stupid son, she's seen the security footage of the blonde guy coming over and staying for hours on a semi-regular basis. Masumi has told her how long they've known each other. She's seen them fight.
(Though for what it's worth, Akai's telling the truth - he might be teasing Furuya but the agent is, at this point, barely tolerating to have a couple of drinks with Shuichi after a particularly bad day. Since becoming Okiya he's been bored a lot, so he's mostly humoring Furuya and enjoying company where he doesn't have to hide his true self. He figures Furuya might need the same).
Nobody bothered to ask Shukichi, who knew the whole time Akai was still around, whoops (when they eventually decide to tell him, he pretends to be pleasantly surprised). He meets Amuro in his favourite sweater, smiles cheerfully, comments on the need for such cosy clothing (to which Amuro agrees pleasantly), and files the information away for later use with a sly glint in his eyes.
Sweater weather AU masterpost
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xenostalgic · 2 months
walking through a city park late at night, I come across an art installation: holographic figures glowing in the darkness, talking to and over one another. an avatar of @transgenderer appears in front of me and is trying to ask me some questions but I can't hear them; instead, @perdvivly's voice comes out, unsynced from the hologram's lips. how bizarre...
1. What virtue do you most often see in other people that you feel comparatively deficient in?
many things can be virtuous in some amount, I guess, and relatively few remain good regardless of how much of them you have (temperance being among the virtues). this feels maybe slightly against the spirit of the question but I guess I want to say something like prudence in the original sense, or judgment; I'm not sure my prudence is deficient so much as defective in that I'm over-cautious, prone to inaction, and people I know err on both sides of this but I do know some who strike a good balance
2. Show us an object in your daily life that you have an emotional attachment to - tell us a little bit about it if you want! (a favourite mug perhaps? socks with a cute pattern? dealers choice)
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I keep a steel ring on my keychain that matches the one on my collar. very comforting object to hold, satisfyingly heavy
3. If you could choose, what level of fame would you want? How many people would you want to recognise you?
if I could I'd like to have a negative amount of fame, where people are unusually unlikely to hear about or remember me. I wish I had more people who knew me, but I really don't like being recognized by strangers; I always feel very THE WHOLE WORLD MONITORS AND MOCKS MY EVERY WAKING MOMENT about it. I guess that's downstream of the context of being recognized around my neighborhood, I probably would mind less if it was people who recognized my name from my research or something. still not actively desirable, though.
4. Where do you feel language is least adequate to capture, communicate, or express your experience?
I think language is probably up to most tasks in principle even if I'm not capable of using it to adequately capture/communicate/express something. maybe... probably lots of people will say this, but like, non-analogical, non-referential descriptions for granular sense-experiences like smells or the details of visual perception like visual snow.
5. If you had to come up with a question with the following criteria:
a) it should disuade knee-jerk reaction answers (i.e. it shouldn't be something people are likely to have spent a lot of time considering before)
b) it shouldn't be too specialised (the audience should be general, don't ask about people's top 3 byzantine spice merchants opperating between 754AD-816AD)
c) it shouldn't be needlessly emotionally charged or divisive
d) it should be a question you expect people to have lots of varied opinions about
What would your question be?
idk if this is a good question but I'm sleepy and it's what I've got: you see some pervasive graffiti/sticker campaign around your neighborhood and it inspires such strong feelings that you feel like you have to reply somehow. what might it be, would your feelings be negative or positive (artistic inspiration), how would you reply?
idk who to tag that would actually want to answer. @unknought, @nightpool, uhhh. @figment-wrangler I don't think I've ever seen you do an ask meme, time to reveal yourself
(original questions & my answers below the cut)
1. Favourite colour?
green! but ideally dark green, maybe even almost black. brighter colors are good too but in smaller doses, dark green is something I enjoy wearing or would like as the focus of a painting or something
2. Last song you listened to?
Golden Age but that's like, a regular evening doing-dishes listen. Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now is the most recent one that's not in regular rotation
3. Currently reading?
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea by Mishima, which is great so far. always kind of weird to praise the language of a book in translation but I think it makes sense here—I keep being surprised by the directions the characters' thoughts go in, enjoyably, and the specific word choices are part of that but not the central thing. also A Glastonbury Romance (slowly), SPQR, and theoretically The Allegory of Love, which I haven't given up on yet this read—but I might fail to get through the "case studies" part of the book yet again. I've enjoyed the first two, more analytical, chapters several times but the further one gets into the book the more difficult it is to read Lewis going "btw, this poem is not good, it's primarily of interest for how it affected other literature which I'm not going to talk about" and still maintain motivation to hear more
4. Currently craving?
I am so full of burgers it's impossible to crave any food. kinda want to get high but this is impossible due to excessive prudence
5. Coffee or tea?
Tea, but I haven't had either in I think months. I guess I mostly enjoy tea in the winter to warm up with, I always get mint or other non-caffeinated kinds
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taranida · 5 months
The Bright Presence: a prick of light in an ocean of darkness
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The present me here. Few warnings right away: I will address the Presences by “it” as well as “she/he”, when I feel like it suits my needs; it’s a very long read and there are lots of things to tackle (and I’m quite sure that I forgot some of them; plans are not my forte, my best tactics in writing theories is “I’m drowning”); even if me, who wrote the following introduction, has yet to learn this. So, grab a cup of your favourite beverage and enjoy! Now I will give this theory back to the naïve and cheerful past-me.
Finally, I can talk about the Bright Presence! I was so excited to write about him from the very beginning, but couldn’t, really, without establishing the foundation for the story of the real Thomas Zane and what happened and didn’t happen in the 1970 or how Alan was able to pull him into the story, given he had no knowledge about the population of not-a-lake.
Now, there are several things about the Bright Presence that I want to touch upon and will try my best not to plunge into insane rambling about this or that; and keep it as tidy as possible. Obviously, we have no knowledge about the origin of the Presences and the Dark Place itself, except for it all being in Ahti’s bucket, but we at least have some information to help us understand their nature and what actually hides beneath the waves of Cauldron Lake.
Randolph, the trailer park manager has this to say about it:
“The Indians thought the lake was a doorway to the underworld.”
The Dark Place and its entities are old, tremendously old. The Dark Presence spells it for us in the final confrontation in the first game:
“I’m much older than you. Older than your first work of art.”
She’s talking to Alan, of course, but it is pointless to compare this entity with him, he’s 31-33 (depends on what you ask: the guide that puts his age at 31 in 2010, or the memorial statue, that has his year of birth as 1977), and the Dark Presence was kicking long before his birth, as we know from Thomas’ story and the beliefs of the locals. She’s talking about humanity, about our first primitive work of art. Which puts her at least at around 50 thousand years old, plus this vague “much older than you”, which will put her at an even greater age, depending on what she means by that — where her definition of “you” starts. I mean, we talking hundreds of thousands of years now or even millions; what is evolution for her, really? She finishes with a promise to find someone else to dream her free, so her definition of humanity might do something with the first glimpse of imagination. And that is hardly something that we can establish properly. The Dark Presence might’ve existed before the Bright Presence, but we have hints that they are two sides of one coin, fighting their eternal war, so I will say the Bright Presence is as ancient at the Dark one.
So, what are they? This House of Dreams gives the explanation about the Dark Place as well as its inhabitants:
"In the end, he finally understood what he had to do, finally understood the true nature of the dark place that was hidden under the waves of the lake where they lived. The lake was an opening to dark place that was much bigger than the lake itself, in fact, much bigger than the whole universe we live in. He wrote one last poem, his masterpiece, a secret poem, a hidden poem, a poem that’s not among the poems I’ve found in the shoebox. And he took his girlfriend for one last dive. Together they sank down into the depths, far deeper than he had ever dived before. In the dream, I was there, diving with them. And from the depths, something, or some things, surged up to meet them. Things of darkness, but bright things of light as well. The diver explained that these things, or these presences, were forever fighting a war between the forces of light and darkness. A dark presence had taken over his girlfriend, and a bright presence now came to take over him. And he surrendered his body to it, but at the same time, the essence of who he was kept diving deeper, ever deeper, holding the essence of his girlfriend (their spirits? their souls?). The diver (or what was left of him, his true self) spoke the words of his secret poem. The poem described a new world, an island in this sea of darkness, a safe haven, a paradise, a “baby” universe. The nature of the dark place was such that anything dreamed up there, any dream or a work of art, would come true, just as true as anything in our world can be. And the poem came true and the essence of the diver and the essence of his girlfriend escaped from the darkness and disappeared into this new world to live there happily ever after; while their shapes, his now taken over by a bright presence, as his girlfriend’s had been taken over by a dark presence, surged up, through the opening in the lake to our world, to continue their battle there."
Alan through Zane’s notes in the cabin expands on it further:
“Anything outside of writing is a struggle. I feel ill. I managed to make my way downstairs. There’s a shoebox filled with books and papers by Thomas Zane. It’s very hard to focus but I managed to read some of it. He’s a poet and a good one. He writes of muses and creators, summoning fabulous things from a magic lake, using its power to shape the world, of a realm of gods and dreams, and demons, dark things that wait for a chance to slip through, wearing the flesh of men as disguise. Zane writes about himself, his girlfriend being taken over by a Dark Presence, about growing scared of the lake. Zane believes it’s a mirror to the gaping void of darkness above, where some Lovecraftian presence lurks. I crawled back upstairs. I’ll borrow these things for my story. They ring true. They fit.”
Alright, as I believe, the shoebox trick was added into Zane’s story by Alan, and also the whole “writing Thomas and Barbara out of reality” was him as well, but it doesn’t mean that all the contents were written by Alan; after all, in This House of Dreams we have two sets of poems — one by Thomas and another by Alan (I probably should talk about it in more details someday). It also fits into the Bright Presence’s story he showed Samantha, his own words in-game and what Mr. Scratch tells us about the Dark Place. So, I will count this information as the truth Alan borrowed, not as something borrowed becoming the truth. Although, it’s really exhausting — separating what Alan wrote into reality and what was the reality before Alan started to tinker with it.
Now we have a bit of an understanding of what both Presences are, where did they come from and what do they want. Let’s summarise: they are fighting an eternal war of light versus dark in the enormous, if not infinite, realm that has an opening into our world through Caldron Lake (among other places). They are insanely old and both are not against taking humans faces to surge up. They are also drawn to our world, might be because of human’s ability to create something from nothing with just dreams or works of art; might be because the Dark Place is seen as a prison by them (the latter is also hinted at in the Bright Presence’s acknowledgement, that he wasn’t able to find a way to leave the Dark Place for good). Although, the Dark Presence and its minions are much more proactive when it comes to “find someone to dream them free”, as we see with the Dark Presence, Thomas’ story and Mr. Scratch. When both Presences got out of the lake someone or something did put them back; the boys of OGoA (just a wild guess, there is only one thing that can tie them up to events of 1970 — the name of their first album, according to the now-dead site, was “The Memory of the Slaughter” and the release date is 1971)? The whole “we have bodies now, hell yeah” thing ended as they exhausted the freeing power of having flesh, but have no one to feed them with art? Maybe this freeing power was exhausted in their clashing with no winner and they both retreated back. However it happened, back into the lake they went.
Aside from that the story of the Bright Presence goes by spotted hovering lights. In the in-universe book “The Alan Wake Files” by Clay Steward we have an excerpt from another in-universe book “Bright Falls: A History”, that has a whole chapter on local peculiarities and paranormal rumours. It’s quite a read as a whole, but we now need only this part:
"Lights in the Sky Paranormal activities and other strange events have not been limited to creature sightings. In 1901, before the invention of the airplane, and before the widespread introduction of electricity to Bright Falls, residents reported a series of incidents involving hovering lights just above the trees. The sightings occurred on four separate nights through the summer of that year, with each incident reported by multiple people. One resident, Tobias Crane, created an oil painting of the scene decades later from his childhood memories. The painting, called “Floating Lights over Cauldron Lake,” now resides in the private collection of Dr. Emil Hartman. It depicts children by the shores of the lake pointing skyward, while strange lights illuminate the water’s surface. Dr. Hartman’s collection, while not on public display, is reputed to be one of the largest gatherings of art depicting bizarre, unnatural phenomena."
And here are those lights again:
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If you don’t recognise this newspaper, it’s the one with the fish belonging to doc Nelson:
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This story is a result of the Bright Presence visit to the Bird Leg Cabin to free Alan.
So, the Bright Presence’s sightings are going very far back. The thing I find fascinating is I wasn’t able to find any other hint on the Bright Presence helping anyone out with the Dark Presence. Thomas’ story has him only show up to grab a body, with the boys of OGoA in 1976 we have a lightning strike, but I don’t believe it has anything to do with the Bright Presence, we have a lightning strike in the main game:
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Yes, Tor is complaining that the Scratching Hag took it from him, but if we take it at face value, then things do not add up. It means the Dark Presence pulled that trick with the stage herself, killing her own minions in the process, which is not that farfetched, really, she’s, after all, bound by the story; what is really farfetched is her using a bright flash of light. Another option: Tor is just furious that the Dark Presence even dared to take his power, but not saying she striped him from it, because he did use the lightning to banish Mr. Door in 1988. Whatever the case, we have two wielders of the lightning: the Dark Presence and Tor, as far as confirmed information goes. The Bright Presence was never seen to use something like this, his light is soft and continuous, so I would bet he didn’t help in 1976.
But he helped Alan. A lot. Let’s get to it.
The very first time we see the Bright Presence happens in the dream, that might’ve occurred somewhere deep inside the loops of the first game or even before that. He’s our tutorial on fighting and understanding the forces we will face in the game. He saves Alan from certain death in the hunter’s cabin with his light, guides him to healing lamppost and then speak riddles, before explaining that he entered the dream to teach Alan. The question here is — why? Why would the Bright Presence even bother, when he didn’t bother before? Well, the loops, of course! Alan does forget quite a lot after each loop, but he leaves himself the breadcrumbs to follow: we see it throughout the second game, and even in the Control’s Hotline:
Have I been here before? Gone down this path before? The darkness wants to hide the past to make me lose my way. You must know where you've been to know where you're going. I trust what I read on these pages. I wrote them for a reason. My notes to myself. The only way to make progress.
In the first game his “notes to himself” are the manuscripts, Zane’s shoeboxes and the Bright Presence himself — his guide and helper. And his long longed-for father-figure. Someone, who knows the rules, who knows the environment, who’s wiser and more experienced. Just like an adult would be in the eye of a child. In all the interactions the Bright Presence seems caring and gentle towards Alan, he’s soft-spoken, concerned and always tries to help even if it costs him greatly, how it was with freeing Alan from the cabin.
There are several things that hint or plainly spell that Alan has an issue when it comes to the absence of the or a father in his life.
From the guide:
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From “The Alan Wake Files”, which preludes the “Errand Boy” that tells a story of an 18 years old protagonist going to visit his father he never knew:
“While the subject matter changed, Wake’s fiction itself remains charged by his own unique psyche and the doubts and fears he contends with. Wake could not escape himself through fiction; if anything, his fiction reflected a deeper version of himself. Thus we see repeated in Wake’s universe, stories of fractured father-son relationships, accounts of lurking evil, and of the hero’s dawning awareness of his predicament. These themes haunt Wake’s fiction and give his fans glimpses into the epic forces that shape his emotional and creative life.”
From Alan himself in The Signal DLC:
“The playground. Wake’s pathetic memories of the wonder years and the contrary little boy pretending he didn’t miss his father he never knew.”
But let’s not forget how exactly all of this is happening. The Writer in the Cabin makes it very clear:
“I’ll be bound by the events of the story just as much as anyone else who’s been woven into it. The story must stay true for this to work. There have to be victims along the way, near escapes, cliffhangers. In a horror story it can’t be certain that the hero will succeed or even survive. He almost has to die. I’ll write my own escape into the story next. I need help. Zane’s going to be the one who’ll help me. I’ll make it happen.”
Alan is the one who makes everything in the first game happen; he’s the one who binds everyone by the story. In the cutscene when he remembers the missing week, he says:
“Zane was weak, far away. But I had written him into the story, and his light had been enough to set me free.”
And even the Bright Presence himself gives away the game:
“I’m here because it was written. I brought the light to set you free.”
Then the Bright Presence is the one to deliver the manuscript pages to Alan; he’s also the one who places the Clicker in the shoebox and gives clear instructions on what to do next — get to Cauldron Lake. As I mentioned before, the Clicker and the Light Switch are not the same.
The Clicker:
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The Light Switch:
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They are obviously different, although I don’t know why the Light Switch was in the shoebox with Alan’s poems, but it looks more like an old switch, that could be used in 1960’s by Thomas Zane. I will talk about it in details another time.
So, it’s safe to assume that the Clicker was delivered to the shoebox in the Well-Lit Room by the Bright Presence from the Dark Place, where it must’ve been since the whole Bird Leg Cabin disappeared with Alice’s possessions. As to the manuscript page, Alan finds there… well, he claims he didn’t write it, but if we were given a penny every time Alan claims he didn’t write something… Nonetheless, it doesn’t really matter who typed the page itself, the Bright Presence could’ve done that as well, Alan was the one to write this page into reality. As Cynthia put it: they all are characters trapped in his story. And bound to play their parts.
The Bright Presence’s part was not finished at that. He’s the one to help Alan escape from the apartment, where the Dark Presence tried to set an Alice-trap and he’s the one to give instructions on how to defeat the Dark Presence after: fill her heart with light. That’s what was written, and you know what wasn’t? Mr. Scratch.
Isn’t it odd that the Bright Presence, as we know, the long enemy of all things dark, dismisses Mr. Scratch’s escape and further activity in our world? He just nonchalantly says:
“Don’t mind him, he’s Mr. Scratch. Your friends will meet him when you’re gone.”
And simply moves on with “use the Clicker”. It’s very reminiscent of my favourite dialog between him and Alan:
“Do you understand?” “No.” “Follow my light.”
This, I believe, is the true face of the Bright Presence. He’s by all means not so dissimilar to the Dark Presence — he’s not human, he doesn’t care about things we care about, he doesn’t understand things as we do, and his goals are not at all to be humanity’s saviour or guardian. For him some little minion of the Dark Presence escaping the Dark Place is nothing, as Mr. Scratch noted himself:
“All that chaos and madness, it doesn’t really do that much down there. It’s like pouring a glass of water into the ocean, right?”
The Bright Presence did acquire some traits of Zane’s personality, as the Dark Presence took something from Jagger, but we mostly see it when it comes to Barbara: how he calls the Dark Presence by this name, how he regretfully says about it steeling her skin. It doesn’t really go beyond. This entity is still distant and alien to us, humans. He acknowledges this himself:
“This is a vast place, home to forces and beings that are completely alien.”
When Alan responds to it “the Dark Presence”, the answer is “yes”, and note that the Bright Presence, who’s the Dark Presence’s counterpart is not saying “completely alien to us”, he doesn’t specify. I will return to it.
But what about DLCs, where the Bright Presence helps part of Alan to reunite with Alan in the cabin? If Alan in the cabin, judging by the TVs is the one making all this happen, surely, the Bright Presence acts on his own volition, right? Well, it would’ve been true if we wouldn’t have the rational part of Alan, who didn’t give up. If Alan in the cabin is creating everything bad that happens with the other Alan, then someone has to create everything good. Create, meaning write or dream, the Dark Place doesn’t really care if it was put in writing, it will manifest things regardless. I doubt that Alan in the cabin, being curled in a fetal position on the floor can write much; he can’t even reach the typewriter.
For simplicity I will refer to Alan in the cabin as the Dark Alan and to Alan, who we play as — just Alan.
The Signal starts with Alan separating from the Dark Alan and finding himself on the streets of the memory-idea of Bright Falls. He instantly informs us that there is something waiting for him at the back of the diner. It’s part memory, part dreaming. He’s confused and lost and from the main game his go-to tactics of dealing with it — so-called Zane. And, who would’ve thought, the Bright Presence manifests through the mirror and explains everything! He also says that he will try to help the best he can, but ultimately, it’s up to Alan. Here, I believe, the Bright Presence has a bit more breathing room in his actions, but he’s still bound by the “story” in which his role is the same as it was in the main game: help and guide. And again, he’s acting as a father-figure, an adult to a child. This very idea Alan has of him are the shackles, that control what he does even better than the writing did before. Yes, his every step is not set in stone by the manuscript, but he must fit the role perfectly. That’s why he’s kind, patient and helps every time help is necessary (if Alan is in condition to dream this help). Even as Alan snaps at the Bright Presence during their calls, the Bright Presence doesn’t stop being kind, caring and gentle. Like a good parent with an edgy teenager.
And all because of one thing: Alan cannot imagine — dream himself out of this situation without the Bright Presence:
“The GPS system was supposed to lead me to Zane, but the shifts were interfering with it. I had to keep trying. I wouldn’t survive alone.”
Alan is not ready to be alone. He even creates imaginary Barry to keep him company. And he’s yet not stable enough to navigate the Dark Place by himself; both DLCs are about how he fell apart after finishing Departure (and consuming the Dark Presence? This is for another time).
But let’s return to the Bright Presence. In the end of The Signal he’s swooshed away by the Dark Alan:
“Swept away be the gathering insanity, Zane was gone.”
Alan can make the Bright Presence appear and play the part of a guide and the Dark Alan can make it disappear: they both use him as a doll, really, all in simple dreaming. There is nothing the Bright Presence can do about that, as we see. Alan — whichever one of them — controls the Dark Place and its inhabitants. Were those Taken, Alan fought with just concepts, ideas and memories or were they just like Mr. Scratch — entities, that call the Dark Place home, taking the appearance that Alan’s mind can comprehend?
Moving on to The Writer. In the opening we, again, see that Alan is more capable than he thinks and can deal with everything by himself. After the disastrous ending of The Signal he’s snapped back by Barry, who’s a figment of Alan’s imagination — meaning Alan himself. And the Bright Presence, who would be really helpful at that point makes no appearance. Is it because there was no need? But there was, Alan was going into the same madness the Dark Alan was experiencing. Or was it because there was no one to dream him there, since Alan was consumed by the insanity? The latter, of course. As soon as Alan gets a grip, he instantly summons the Bright Presence into the lodge. And proceeds to bind it to himself even more, now the Bright Presence is accompanying Alan.
Among levitating trees (just like the Dark Presence, by the way), giving pages and placing words around (questionable though), the Bright Presence also converses with Alan, during their journey together. And keeps the charade of Tom Zane quite alright. When talking he does it in a way that can be expected from Tom:
“This is a vast place, home to forces and beings that are completely alien.” “Sometimes transmissions can be sent between world. You’ve done this yourself. But to actually leave the Dark Place? I haven’t found a way.” “It’s like learning to control your dreams. There’s a connection.” “Yes. I taught you. You fixed the foolish mistake I made with Barbara.”
But there is a big slip up and a complete giveaway of who controls whom and how Tom is not the author of Alan’s story. After Alan is freaked out by realising there are two of him, he asks about Mr. Scratch, just to learn he’s not another Alan; and then this dialog happens:
“Zane, are you playing some kind of a game with me?” “I’m not the author of your story.” “How can you say that when you wrote that page about me and the Clicker? It wasn’t one of my pages. You directed me to it! You had Weaver guard it!” “Yes, she was needed, and you needed the Clicker. But… I am not…” “What? I don’t understand—” “Alan. You should keep going.”
And the Bright Presence just poofs (“follow my light” all over again). The only things the Bright Presence acknowledges are: he indeed made Cynthia guard the shoebox and indeed had something to do with the Clicker being in there. The page? No answer. The story? No answer. And this “I am not” might be understood in many ways, but I think it is a direct continuation of “I’m not the author of your story”, meaning “I’m not in control”, which can be read as “you made me do it”. Given so much breathing room in his actions, the Bright Presence is not following the script and here his lack of understanding of how humans connect things and interpret words shines. He didn’t expect that Alan will be convinced that his story and the Clicker were written by someone else, as he was the one to write this part into the Departure; the Bright Presence is also forbidden to step out of his role, so this dialog catches him off guard.
In my opinion this is also pointing on the real Thomas Zane having nothing to do with Alan’s story or Alan’s existence in the first place. It’s a whole talk on its own, but here I will note that if the Bright Presence took some traits from Thomas along with the body, and we know that after the possession happened there was a lot less left:
“And he surrendered his body to it, but at the same time, the essence of who he was kept diving deeper, ever deeper, holding the essence of his girlfriend (their spirits? their souls?). The diver (or what was left of him, his true self) spoke the words of his secret poem.”
He surely would be aware of Thomas writing Alan before. And it has to be before, cause on the private island Thomas has no need to make a hero, that will make his appearance only forty years later. Even if we assume that Thomas cared about the mess he created, he would be more concerned with making a hero, who will put both Presences from their new playground — meaning our world — back into the lake in 1970.
Now, there are some things that suggest that the Bright Presence is indeed the real Thomas Zane:
“Yes. I taught you. You fixed the foolish mistake I made with Barbara.” “It stole the skin of my Barbara a long time ago. She looks so old.”
And his “Barbara”, sounding as if he’s pleading for her to snap out of this darkness, when the Dark Presence returns to the cabin after Alan’s escape.
Let’s address the elephant in the room: why do I insist that the Diver is the Bright Presence and not Thomas Zane? Well, This House of Dreams was created for a reason and, considering how many references to it we have in the second game, I strongly believe, it still holds merit. Especially compared to the other online source that was scrapped — the OGoA site. This House of Dreams is still there for anyone interested to read, it is also tightly connected to Control: not only because of Ordinary, but the shoebox, indeed was in the possession of FBC and then mysteriously (ah, if only they would read the blog or had internet!) disappeared. The story there is the in-universe truth as far as the real event go; Samantha’s dreams on the other hand might be a bit of a distorted truth, but they are corroborated be the Dark Place’s inhabitants in the most important parts, so I take it as facts when it comes to the nature and populace of not-a-lake. Another piece of evidence we have is the absence of the Bright Presence in other instalments, as it fulfilled its role. And Tom the Filmmaker goes even further to prove, that the Diver is not the Thomas Zane (just as the filmmaker himself).
The abilities of the Bright Presence, the way all the lights are blinking when he talks, how he cannot enter the cabin because the Dark Presence forbid it (and we know that it’s now her place of power; even if it wasn’t before, Alan wrote it to be), his awareness of the Dark Place and total lack of concern over Mr. Scratch, his whole personality and slip up also points that he’s not Tom Zane. Even Alan, although, not in the right direction, questions the Bright Presence:
“I was glad to have Zane with me in this place. He knew the terrain, such as it was. But part of me wondered if he was even human anymore, after so many years in this place.”
But there is another piece of evidence. If there is anything in this universe you can absolutely trust, it’s the songs of Old Gods of Asgard. And we have, actually, two songs that shed some light on this whole Tom or the Bright Presence question.
The Poet and the Muse:
Now if its real or just a dream One mystery remains For it is said on moonless nights They may still haunt this place
We know exactly how the Muse is haunting the place, so it’s fair to assume the Poet does the same.
There is another line that ties up nicely with the next song:
And vowed them both to silence Deep beneath the lake
And here’s from Herald of Darkness:
He could write a new story Like Tom Zane before him And maybe they'd be happy once again
The Poet and The Muse point us to the direction of the real Tom and Barbara being deep beneath the lake, silent and not going around, making Darknados or delivering manuscripts, while Herald of Darkness heavily implies that the plan with the secret poem worked: Tom wrote a new story, he’s happy with Barbara on their private island; and Alan could try to pull the same trick with Alice and “maybe they would be happy”.
There is still one burning question left: why would the Bright Presence keep the charade? Firstly, I think because it doesn’t really mind being called Tom Zane, since its wearing his skin for four decades, took some things from the man and got comfortable in this role; secondly, as it proved times and times again, it’s not one to explain things outside of those that are absolutely necessary and demanded of it by the story (follow my light); and lastly, well — Alan. Alan decided that the Bright Presence is Tom Zane; who is the Bright Presence to object? An ancient being with unknown power, we probably cannot even comprehend? Well, yes, but also Alan’s shiny puppet, that is being tossed around like nobody’s business, whooshed in and out of the events at a whim.
Where is the Bright Presence in the latest games? Well, I have an idea about its whereabouts in AWII, but in AWAN I cannot say. My best bet is it’s so damn done with a certain tortured writer who’s playing god even with such powerful entities in the Dark Place, it skedaddled as far as possible as soon as Alan and the Dark Alan reunited in the cabin, the Bright Presence is forbidden to enter; and hoped that no Alans will venture out and remember about it.
And I would say: good for it.
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bloomfish · 5 months
I am NOT endorsing or promoting the use of any recreational drugs. Do NOT do drugs, they are bad. Anyway here's why I think ketamine is great
So a pretty common thing I've noticed among casual drug users is that they very often are for some reason TERRIFIED of ketamine. And this includes people who have done like, Ayahuasca or peyote which I personally am extremely apprehensive about. And I don't get it! I think K is a misunderstood old thing :(
Obviously it's not something I would recommend to anyone without experience of psychodelics. However I think even people who do have experience with psychodelics might have had negative experiences with ket simply because they don't know what to expect going in so they're caught off guard. It's NOT a psychodelic and it shouldn't be treated like one. It's NOT a party drug and it shouldn't be treated like one (at least not until you're used to it). It's a dissociative, which can be unfamiliar. But I sincerely find it like... Mild compared to acid?
I think it's about a) being careful with portions. People who are used to railing massive lines of blow assume that they can handle that with ket and rly to start you should be doing the tiniest bumps possible, you do not want to be trying for a K-Hole at first (I never do in general bc i like consciousness). You build tolerance very fast but always err on the side of less. Whatever you think you can handle, take some off.
b) creating the right environment. As I said, it's not a party drug. It's for chilling on the sofa with your favourite music and a good friend. Take all pressure off and make sure there's nothing you need to actually do. Don't combine it with any other drug (ESPECIALLY not acid!!!!)
c) having the right mindset going in. Two things about this, first the effects of ketamine are over fast. It always passes after a short while, and if you're aware of that you can relax and know you'll be okay because even if you don't like it you'll be fine soon, so you might as well just try and enjoy what you can. Second, as with any drug anxiety and overthinking will make it worse- typically in a situation where you feel like you're losing control I'd suggest trying to relax and find something pleasant about the sensation to focus on until you ride it out. That's why you should make absolutely sure you're in a position where nothing can happen to you except being conked out on the sofa for a while.
All this being said, what ARE the benefits? She's a weird one for sure, as I said it's a dissociative– this means that you kind of feel like you're outside your body. At higher doses people see their body from the ceiling and stuff but I don't think it's necessary to get to that level. At lower doses it's just floaty. Like with psychodelics music can sound like the best thing ever and conversations can be super deep/hilarious in a way that makes 0 sense later. Things, especially your body, can feel really cool and the way you see the world is just weird and different and interesting. I've tried a fair amount of "mainstream" drugs and the best/most enjoyable highs I've had have been with ketamine by far.
An interesting thing about ketamine is that there's not really any comedown nor hangover– unlike something like mdma you don't go through days of depression afterwards. Actually it's kind of the opposite, you can actually feel better about life and the world afterwards. The reason for this in my non-scientific opinion is that being momentarily detached from your body gives you a weird kind of outside perspective on life? And then when you're back on earth things just look different. It's honestly been helpful to me for processing specific things on occasion.
Obviously this is a recreational drug, not a cure for depression nor a long term emotional crutch and there ARE risks just like with any substance. I mentioned that you build tolerance quickly– for me this was an incentive to use infrequently because otherwise you start needing bigger doses to achieve the same effects. That doesn't mean it's impossible to create a dependency or that there might not be risks. Like anything, it's about being careful and safe and knowing your personal limits.
I am also not saying that everyone should go out and try ket. Certainly I would not recommend it to the average Tumblr user. I merely think that she's underrated and could potentially be enjoyed (in a responsible way 🥴) by people who have experience with and know they can handle LSD or shrooms or similar (NOT AT THE SAME TIME. DONT COMBINE KETAMINE AND LSD LOL u probably won't die but it won't be fun 😭). I think if you're used to the feeling of surrendering control for a while and Ur reasonable about dosage it's really like... much less extreme than acid. And can be rly rly fun especially with friends but it can also be nice alone!
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6K Followers Event - PRESS PLAY
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Thank you all for 6k subs! It means the world to me that people enjoy my fics enough to give such consistent support - I really, really couldn't have done it without y'all ❤️❤️
To celebrate 6k, I will be taking requests (for fics/ drabbles based on songs! cuz it's fun lmfao) and writing a part 2 to at least one of my oneshots. This event will be in two parts: Requests and Voting!
(Main Masterlist) (Event Masterlist)
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- Send me a request based on a song!
Tape 1, Side A: love, love, love,
(listen here)
my favourite straight-up love songs
track 01: My Kind of Woman // Mac DeMarco
track 02: Daze // Steve Lacy
track 03: We Might Even Be Falling in Love // Victoria Monet
track 04: Romanticist // Yves Tumor
track 05: Amor Prohibido // Selena
track 06: Crush On You // Lil' Kim
track 07: Baby, This Love I Have // Minnie Riperton
track 08: Seaforth // King Krule
track 09: Fraulein // Chuck Berry
track 10: Pilot Jones // Frank Ocean
track 11: La Ciruela // Nico Play
Tape 1, Side B: ...and other stories.
(listen here)
angsty, heart-wrenching; songs that tell a different story about love.
track 01: Lover, You Should've Come Over // Jeff Buckley
track 02: Baby Blue // King Krule
track 03: King // Dreamer Isioma
track 04: Shot My Baby // Daniel Caesar
track 05: Mojo Pin // Jeff Buckley
track 06: Jonny // Faye Webster
track 07: Seigfried // Frank Ocean
track 08: Carry Me Out // Mitski
track 09: No Me Queda Mas // Selena
track 10: Show You A Body // Haley Henderickx
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Rules for Requests:
- You must: send in a song, from the tracklist or otherwise. I'm happy to take song requests and add to the tracklist - all I ask is that it fits the "vibe" of either Side A or Side B.
- You must: Specify which tape side, A or B. To clarify: Side A: fluff, mild angst with a happy ending, all about love! Side B: heavy angst, hurt / comfort, happy ending or otherwise.
I tried to pick songs with potential for different stories - so give my playlists a listen to understand the "vibes" and also cuz I spent so so long creating them, I'm begging y'all 😭
- You must: Provide an x reader pairing! I mainly write for Miguel O'Hara, Joel Miller and Finnick Odair, but I'm more than happy to write other pairings - check tags for the fandoms I'll write.
- Other than that, be as specific or vague as you'd like. Give me a specific line from the song, a trope / prompt, etc etc. or don't! go crazy lmfao.
- NSFW is allowed for either category, please specify, but as always: 18+ for those kind of requests.
- Most of these will be drabbles, around 500 words or so; but I tend to get carried away with prompts so no promises 🤞
- I will write as many that catch my eye, with a few of my own ideas as well :)
(i am still taking other requests, but prioritising the ones for this follower event for the time being)
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Please vote for a oneshot of mine that you'd like to see a part 2 of! This does not mean I won't write a second part for the other fics at all, it just tells me what to prioritise.
(Main Masterlist) (Event Masterlist)
I already have some stuff planned, but please give me some time to write all of this up – unfortunately, I am a slow writer with a whole ass job. This will be an ongoing event, just a little project I will chip away at.
Reblogs are appreciated, thanks everyone!
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