#this one's so short I can just post the whole thing lmao
xivu-arath · 8 months
On one of the Fundament's nights, dark and thick as fear, Xi Ro revels in small victories.
“Look, another one!” Xi Ro calls out, the bait star glimmering – its warm/welcome/safe light dimming slowly in her clenched hand – as she leaps down the steps to join her sisters.
This is why she loves her sisters: Sathona and Aurash have no interest in knightly feats, but they crowd close anyways, admiring the strength of her arm, the keen edge of her blade, her swift and sure feet.
Taox would call it a foolish risk to chase after a stormjoy. Father would say nothing – the triumphs of his youngest daughter of a small brood are not very important to a king, especially with maybe-war on the wind. Even if she wants to be a knight! Even if he will need more knights, if it comes to that.
Xi Ro almost hopes it does, even if that would make Taox frown and be stern with her. It is true that there are more than enough things alive – and some not, like rain or fickle waves – that kill their people already, and adding more is unwise.
(Lack of wisdom is another thing that kills, and quickly.)
But when the court talks of the Helium Drinkers, she wants to know – and in this feels what being Aurash must feel like, all the time – what their weapons are like, their armour, if they learn the cleaver the same way. Would she be stronger than them, or faster? Who would win?
But the war is a maybe and she is not Aurash, so she does not ask the questions or seek their answers. Instead, she chases stormjoys.
They cluster together, huddled close as if they were newly hatched – maybe it is for her sake, because she is the youngest and there is comfort in this still – and pass the bait star around like a bauble. It shines brightest when still attached to the feeder tentacles, but even now it is reassuring to hold, its glow catching the eye. Xi Ro has two already, kept hidden in a hollowed out shell.
“Is it hard?” Sathona asks, head tilted. “To move against the light when it baits you.”
Xi Ro preens a little as she answers. “It is, a little.” Her smile is sharp and proud. “The light may make me happy, but being stronger than it is even better than that. There is nothing like winning.”
“As long as you keep winning,” Aurash says fondly. They do not need to speak of what happens to those snared by the bait stars, who are a little too slow or unsure. That is why she does it – to cry Look, I am here! This death has lost, so I am stronger than it!
She will live a short life, no matter how it ends. She will not know things like Aurash, or become a mother and shift the court through clever words like Sathona. Why not spend her years fighting for kin, strong and gloriously alive? She will be victorious until she isn’t.
That seems a better end than whatever is happening to their father, a withering even clever Taox does not understand.
“I will!” she says, and squeezes her sisters’ shoulders. This feels less like a hatchling comfort now and more something shared – they are together because they know and love each other, and are strong because they are together. “I promise.”
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Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Vol. 3 Chapter of the Last Quarter — Short Story Translation
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A short, sweet, and comedic tale about the Mukami brothers being supportive siblings… and nearly committing accidental fratricide in the process. Meanwhile, Yui watches with increasing concern as the disaster unfolds.
Please refrain from using or reposting the translation anywhere without my permission.
[Note: The story is written in Yui's POV.]
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"Uh...something's wrong..."
Kou-kun groaned as he stared down at the pot.
"Should I help after all?"
"Eve, you mustn't get involved...okay? Just quietly watch over us."
Even though he said that, an increasingly terrible smell was spreading throughout the kitchen. Despite being told not to interfere, I was starting to get a bit worried.
"Maybe it needs some sugar-chan!?"
Before I could stop him, Yuma-kun dumped several sugar cubes into the pot, filling the room with a foul stench. I felt a sense of despair.
The whole mess had started when Ruki-kun injured his hand.
"Ruki-kun always cooks for us, so let's all pitch in today!"
And so, Kou-kun's plan of making dinner ended up as disastrously as I had feared.
"...This is...?"
"Well... It's supposed to be curry..."
Kou-kun glanced at me as if pleading for help. When I looked at Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun, they averted their eyes. In short, something horrible had been created. Its color was... to put it nicely, pitch black. After tasting it, Yuma-kun commented nonsensically that it was "bittersweetsalty". Dubbed "Mukami Brothers' Style Curry" it had transformed into a mysterious substance resembling anything but curry. Just by looking at it, anyone would instantly recognize it as inedible.
Yet, Ruki-kun was peering at the plates lined up on the table with a happy look on his face.
"Maybe it's better if we don't eat this..."
In spite of Kou-kun's uneasiness, Ruki-kun scooped up the substance with a spoon and brought it to his mouth.
". . ."
"It's disgusting."
We all shared the same fear. That even though he's immortal, Ruki-kun might die from this.
Despite his words, Ruki-kun's expression suddenly relaxed. We stared at him in amazement.
"Ruki...! Damn it! Yer such a...!"
The three brothers, seemingly drained, collapsed to their knees on the spot. Ruki-kun simply watched them in silence as he continued to eat.
And then, afterwards—Ruki-kun was bedridden for three days and nights. Even though Vampires aren't supposed to get sick...
Seeing this, his brothers made a firm vow to themselves. They would never try to cook again.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅✮⋆⋅
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altruistic-meme · 8 months
hi! I totally understand if the answer is no but I’m just curious, do you think you will be continuing “(why is there) joy in this poison”? it’s one of my favorite fics, so I’m just wondering if that’s something you’ve decided to abandon or maybe continue
hi darling! sorry this reply is a few days late but i was on vacation :')
i absolutely DO plan on continuing (wit)jitp!!! i am actually working on both chapter 11 and a bonus chapter for it currently :D i know it's been. *cough* a year. since i've updated it but trust me i have been very very aware of the passing time.
alas, life simply decided to hit me over the head with several various hyperfixations and an additional handful of stressful issues (that i am unfortunately still dealing with some of) that meant that most of the time i just didn't have the energy to write at all and the times i did have energy, i was writing for whichever fandom my brain was actively attached to at that moment, which was simply never aftg.
but yeah! YEAH!! (wit)jitp is definitely getting continued. hopefully soon, but that really depends on a handful of factors so i make no promises. but it IS being worked on actively.
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catboii · 7 months
← Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 → Full Thread
[Day ####]
In the morning, despite not falling asleep at all, at the sound of her alarm Agent 23 gets up and follows her normal routine, getting up and making coffee while she drops two slices of bread into her toaster. She feeds her dog, Goldie, and ruffles her head fluff while telling her how much better she’s looking. 
When she gets into work, she’s almost dreading going into the chamber with her charge, as she feels like they made so much progress, but it was all dashed in one shocked gasp. 
However, once she’s in the first chamber, the little creature perks its head up, hopping over to the final doorway ready to greet her. She can physically feel the relief flooding her body like adrenaline, from her chest out to her fingers. Every muscle relaxes by the time she’s through the final door, and she reaches her hand out to pet the crow’s head, but instead it flaps its huge wings and jumps onto her forearm. She isn’t expecting it, and it’s a lot heavier than any parrot she’s ever held at the zoo as a teenager, and her arm droops. The creature flaps to stay steady, and she pulls her arm up and out, supporting its weight fully. “Oh. Hi there.” The creature trills and headbutts her in the chin, its fluffy feathers tickling her nose. She feels silly for worrying about anything now, and she starts instead to worry if the creature felt similarly, like maybe while she was gone it had worried that she wouldn’t return. With her other hand, she pets the back of the creature's head, and it butts her chin again, this time keeping it there while she pets it. They stay like that for a while. 
“Crowvid,” she starts, while sitting with her legs outstretched, the creature perched on the tip of one of her shoes. “Is there anything I can bring you? Like the chess set. If I’m allowed to bring you something to play with, so you’re not bored…” The creature has already hopped down onto the floor, and is now holding out one of its feet, as if clutching something and swirling it. “Are you miming something?” She watches it do this a little longer and tries to guess what it’s trying to say. “Are you stirring something?” It shakes its head and instead of the smooth round swirling motion, it instead swishes its foot around more randomly. “Are you- drawing something?” The creature drops the pose and nods vehemently, hopping up and down with its wings outstretched. “Oh! What are you drawing?” The creature stops and shakes its head again. “You’re… not drawing anything?” She thinks for a moment longer, the crow just looking up at her with its head tilted. “Are you asking me… for something to draw with?” Again it hops up and down nodding. “Ahh! That makes sense. Alright. Wait right here.” As she gets to her feet, the crow hops over to her feet and puts one clawed foot on her shoe, as if to grab her. “What’s wrong? I’ll be back as soon as I can, alright?” The crow slowly takes its foot back, and hops back one step. “Alright. Wait here.” She avoids adding ‘like you could go anywhere if you wanted.’ 
In less than twenty minutes, she returns with a sealed packet of printer paper and some marker pens. She had to sign off for each pen individually, but if somehow this creature can draw something recognisable, it would be a big step in the research, and if she can make enough progress with this job, she could even start thinking about putting in for a promotion. The year before she had started thinking about applying to become a researcher, but there was a lot of work you need to do beforehand, and you need to ultimately be referred by your department’s overseer, and they aren’t likely to do that unless you’ve made some waves, and gotten a name for yourself. Before this, she was just another Agent, sat around writing notes about objects that didn’t do anything beyond give some people the creeps. 
She places everything on the floor as she kneels down, still not having the authorisation to bring in a chair. Something about it being too large to account for. The pens roll around on top as she puts it down, and once it’s down and she starts to undo the bottom of the packet, Crowvid tries to pick up one of the markers with its beak, but it can’t quite do it, they’re too round and slippery for it to hold. “Just hold on. I’ll help you in a second, okay?” Once the packet is open, she pulls out a few sheets in one pull, and puts them down between herself and the bird. Crowvid straightens the papers with one foot as it looks at the pens. Agent 23 takes one, pulling off the cap and holding it out at the end so it can take it with its foot like it showed when miming. 
It takes the marker and awkwardly starts trying to draw something. It’s just a bunch of squiggles the best she can tell, and she turns her head from one side to the other, trying to see anything recognisable in it. Eventually the crow drops the marker and digs at the paper, throwing it away as it uncovers the next piece. 23 reaches for the discarded piece and looks it over. She still can’t quite tell if anything is here, but as she looks back to crowvid, it looks like its very carefully marking out shapes. Possibly letters. 
It makes short marks on the paper, dashes, over and over, joining them together to make a shape. It keeps hopping back on one foot, not dropping the marker as it reviews its work from a distance, then going back to it. There’s a recognisable P and R, then a triangle. 23 watches, astonished, as the creature continues to very attentively write out P R A C T in very large letters on the paper. With no more room, it pulls that piece away and gets another ready, although slightly marked from the leak-through, and it finishes the final letters, reading I C E. It drops the marker and pulls that piece away, lining it up with the other, spelling out “PRACTICE”. The animal looks up at Agent 23, whose mouth is open slightly, and it looks proud of itself, if a crow could look proud of itself. 
“You… You just wrote that. ‘Practice’?” She looks on, still stunned. Not only can the creature understand her, but it can write… “Okay. How did you learn to do that?” As far as the paperwork suggests, the creature wasn’t picked up in this country, it was picked somewhere that primarily spoke a form of chinese. If that’s where it was from, how could it write in english? 
The creature hops back over to the pile of papers, picking up the pen and again and with great effort and concentration, dashes out something on the page. This time it doesn’t look like letters at all, just a jumble of curved lines. Eventually it stops, puts the pen down and looks up at Agent 23. She falters as if she’s missing something obvious. “Um. It’s um.”
The creature looks down at the drawing, circling the paper to look at it from her angle. After a moment it goes back to the other side, and starts drawing something else, smaller. It doesn’t pick the pen up so far this time, and seems to be putting more effort into drawing straight lines. After a while, an image starts to appear. “Oh. is it a bed? Do you want a bed?” The crow shakes its head and carries on drawing something else. A small arrow. The arrow is pointing from the bed to the squiggly mess of shapes. “Is it a blanket?” The creature drops the pen and jumps up and down excitedly, letting out a small caw. “Oh, and those are cushions!” It hops up onto her knee and headbutts her in the chin again. “Alright. I’m sorry. It’s a very good picture! I’m just not used to talking to someone like this. I’ll get used to it!” After she finishes saying this, she realises she said ‘someone’, implying that she thinks Crowvid isn’t just ‘something’, but she doesn’t correct herself now. 
Again, she leaves the chamber to go and fetch a blanket, or a sheet of some kind, and some cushions, which is something they definitely have. Some of the Anomalies have certain comfort needs, and so cushions and the like are easy enough to obtain and sign off. Although she does have to sign different kinds of waivers than for the chess set and papers, as cushions and sheets can be dangerous with the risk of smothering or choking. This usually feels condescending, as some of the inanimate objects use cushions because if they’re in contact with certain hard surfaces, they have certain effects, but usually this can be negated with cushions of different materials. Having to sign to say ‘I understand the receiver of this object could smother me or someone with this object and I take responsibility for the consequences’ feels stupid when you’re using it with something like a little wooden box that can’t physically move, and therefore cannot smother you in any way. 
When 23 returns, Crowvid has drawn some other things, some papers strewn about the floor, some apparently ripped up by its claws. She places the blanket and cushions on the floor beside the wall where it normally sits to relax or seemingly sleep, and she wanders around, looking over the doodles. One of the pieces is almost a shape she feels she should recognise, and she notices that its redrawing it, looking back and forth between the two. It’s a rectangle about half the size of the piece of A4, and there are some squiggles around the edges. On the discarded piece there’s another rectangle drawn just inside this, and there are some squares drawn in the middle, with wiggly lines that may indicate words. As she watches it draw the second version, she exclaims, “is that a phone?” 
The bird drops the marker and squeaks in surprise, as if it wasn’t finished and it didn’t think she would figure out what it is. She pets it on the head, thinking. “I’m not sure that I can do that… But I can see what I can negotiate.” At that, the creature pulls away from her hand, looking up at her with wide eyes. At first she thinks it’s thankful, but there’s something in the way it’s stiffened that makes her think something’s wrong, maybe it thinks this is impossible and she’ll get in trouble? So she keeps talking. “I’ll have to get the Overseer to sign off on something like that. Normally it’s only a case of filling out some forms and getting the… Well, someone higher than myself, to approve it. But a phone?” The crow has settled again, and is back within reaching distance, so she returns to petting its head, and it lets her, its feather’s fluffing as it nestles down onto the ground. “I’m sure I can think something up though. I’ll ask when I leave in a bit. My shift is nearly over.” The crow is now half leaning against one of her legs, and she runs her fingertips over the small, soft feathers of its forehead. It closes its eyes under her touch. “Is there something you want it for? Is it for writing on?” The creature shuffles, pulling out one of its legs from under its fluffy body, making the looping gestures that earlier meant ‘drawing’, rather than writing. “Drawing?” It drops its foot and nods slowly, settling again. 
At the end of today’s shift, she scoops the bird up, who flaps uncertainly at the new movement, and she gently places it down on top of the blanket and pillow pile. She pulls at the free side and folds the blanket over the creature’s body, tucking it in crudely. It trills and she smiles down at it. She almost wants to kiss it on the head like she does for her dog when she puts her into bed. But she resists. They’re not quite that close yet.
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sparrow-ceiling · 5 months
because i want to squeeze him like a rubber duck (I WROTE DICK HELP)
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OK FIRST CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE PARALLEL TO THE TRUST FALLS WHEN HE CATCHES CHARLIE (TWICE)!!??? Like she trusts him. They love each other. They're gonna be ok. Charlie never set out to do this but in saving all those other people she also saved herself and her dad and i love her for that. Also I just realized they have the same little cheek circles its so cute <3
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(help why does Charlie look like Candace Flynn In the first pic-) LOOK at him hes such a short king. He's trying to hide it with that silly little hate but he's fooling exactly nobody.
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"I'm going to FUCK you." HES SUCH A DAD LMAO he really thought he ate that one. Also its so silly how his hair part switches sides all the time I love him for that. ((Also did anybody else notice that when Charlie pops in she has her hair tied up and stuff but before and after she's like. disheveled/bloody etc. Probably just a mistake but still interesting.))
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ALSO HIS WHOLE FIGHT WITH ADAM IS SO FUNNY why is he so unserious about everything LMAOO. Also bonus look at his slutty little eyeshadow in the first pic (also most of these pictures but its so silly I love it. Also probably necessary to keep the design from being monochromatic) He really gives so few shits about Adam and just beats the hell out of him it's hilarious (honestly giving Alastor-Vox dynamic a little bit but I may be reading into things too much)
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ALSO THE DYNAMIC DUO!! They really destroyed that fucker so hard together. PLUS get you a dad that looks at you the way Lucifer looks at Charlie.
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ALSO HES SO FUNNY HERE. Hes so fucking confused. And concerned hes just like uhhhh. Awkward wet cat of a man!!!
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ALSO THIS IS SO FUNNY LIKE READ THE ROOM MAN. Your daughter and her friends are soaked in blood and you're out here asking who wants to have pancakes (I mean fair enough though. I could use a good pancake after slaughtering angels honestly). But the contrast between them is so funny.
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AND LOOK AT HIM HES SO SWEET TRYING TO CHEER UP HIS DAUGHTER. WE LOVE A KIND MAN!!! (Also i just realized he only has four fingers)
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Also girl what are these fruity ass stances chill out bro
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AND HE TAKES HIS HAT OFF TO SALUTE SIR PENTIOUS AWWW. Hes so genuine about it too <33333
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ALSO HIS REACTION WHEN ALASTOR SHOWS UP LMAO. The SASS, he hates that guy so much kdhsjksf
Anyway that concludes my rant about lucifer i love him so fucking much!!
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infamous-if · 6 months
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Dec ✮ 12 ✮ 2024 – update
Part of me hates doing these mostly because it's a whole lotta nothing and me just repeating everything I said the last update (lol) but I do like doing it because I like keeping people updated, even if it's a non-update. I may sound like a broken record (pun not intended) but I know a lot of people don't catch my updates every time so it's nice to just keep people informed yk yk
✮ — Part 2 + rewrite
Fun fact: I had written an entire essay about my excitement for the rewrite and chapter 3 and beyond but it got too long!
It boiled down to me wondering why I'm so excited for this rewrite and realizing it's because I feel comfortable enough to approach it with complete creative freedom. I wrote the first iteration of the demo with the constant worries swimming in my head like "I hope people understand what I'm trying to say here" and "I hope this situation is being read the way I intended for it to be read." And I think I sort of had those thoughts tenfold while writing Part 2. If you paid attention, you can probably see where I was trying to shut down certain discussions in the narrative lmao
Recently I had a tiny epiphany and reminded myself that it's not always about what I intend to write, but what is being understood by each reader. And yes this is basic writing 101 but let me have this moment of clarity okay. Embracing that means I can proceed with Infamous without holding back and sticking to my guns in regards to what I want for this story aka I'm just going to write what I write and like....not worry about the rest you feel (while of course integrating the common critiques and suggestions and improving on the things Infamous falls short in—I am not Shakespeare lmao)
ANYWAY my point is that I'm excited to fix up the demo !!! and just go back to it with complete confidence in myself and write whatever the heck feels right to me (and write the rest of the story lolol) and return with a better story than I have now for everyone!!
✮ — December will be for
planning what I'm going to improve and squeezing that in a reworked outline so it can flow much better narratively.
Outlining Chapter 3 and hopefully have the bare bones first draft drafted up which is mostly just be writing blocks of descriptions
I'm not sure I'll have anything substantial to justify looking for beta testers so soon yet but maybe!
work on my spice writing babey writing/reading spice makes me actually physically recoil but im determined to get better! which reminds me to finish the 6k follower gifts!
And also take a small breather because I am moving!
✮ — Patreon
I've already mentioned this on Patreon and a few times on here, but I do want to reiterate that Patreon content is coming out in bulk this month, in case anyone was wondering why I'm not posting as frequently. The content is still the same in terms of the quantity, it just won't be released every few days! thank you guys for being understanding of that <3
✮ —
My activity has is decreasing little by little due to my move but I do read every question and try to at least answer one question a day. I get quite a few mentions lately so I have to sort through those since I do get tagged in things, but I miss them due to my notifications. Usually I hope for the best and hope tracking the tag puts it on my dashboard <3 im not ignoring anyone!
That's all for now! Hope everyone has a happy December and Happy Holidays!
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
craving some more fluff serotonin in life, can we please have some promts of kissing/first kiss with the TADC cast? (caine will be....something lmao)
Kissing hcs w/ TADC cast
gonna format this kind of like the hugging hcs post! also reminder that requests are still closed, i am answering requests that were sent before this morning! any requests sent after are going to be deleted due to me trying to clear my inbox; please hold onto your requests until i announce requests are open again! if in doubt refer to my bio!/nm/not targeted
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this man would not be shy about giving you affection, he would kiss you as soon as he felt it was right and you were giving him the cues and all that. he understands that teeth arent ideal for kissing so similar to kinger (who i wrote first for this post) he gently presses himself into your mouth. weird feeling but hes careful not to bite you or get too harsh, i give him a 6/10
very short you might have to kneel or pick her up so she can reach you if you're taller than her.. very timid and awkward, quick peck on the lips. pomni does not know what she is doing!! who let her cook! 7/10 though, pomni as a whole is soft, its kind of like kissing a marshmallow... actually she kind of tastes like one too, weird... give her some time and she'll be more confident!
soft but not as soft as pomni, instead of kissing a marshmallow its like kissing one of your dolls... i think it depends on what kind of material ragatha would be made out of... assuming the digital world gives her textures and give and all that.. hmm...her mouth is odd, i personally hc that its just. 2D. like pomni has a proper mouth, you can see the depth of it. but ragathas mouth is like, stop motion... 7/10 simply because she probably holds you close and her hugs are amazing so it just adds to the experience
similar to caine, i think! we never see jax actually.. open his mouth, its just teeth. personally i think thats just how his mouth is, he cant open his teeth. so... teeth kisses... though caine can actually open his mouth, jax just has. the wall of teeth... odd... kiss the teeth wall i promise he brushes his teeth/j i give him a 6/10, i think its something you have to get used to
i said it a few times but kinger would need to hype himself up before kissing you for the first time. or alternatively, if a tense moment just happened where say.. one of you guys almost got hurt (or as hurt as you can get in the digital world,) he would probably kiss you me thinks... no mouth how will he give kiss kiss :(? gently presses where his mouth would be to yours. hard and cold, 5/10 but he still tries to be gentle so its not like hes clacking himself against your teeth
similar to kinger but also not because of how zoobles head is shaped... maybe you guys can assume the space between their eyes is where their mouth would hypothetically be. its like putting your mouth against those plastic foods.. cold, their head feels hollow like some of the plastic food toys.. not noticeable unless you press hard against them.. 4.5/10
you see this one i can work with since i have already written characters with masks getting kisses! just kiss where her mouth is and you're golden! sure the mask is also her face and shes like ragatha in regard to the 2d mouth thing... but hey its better than zooble, i think! similar scoring, i think, 7/10 also i think she would put her hands on your cheeks while you two kiss
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doctorsiren · 8 months
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So I said this in the tags of my last post, but then I went wacky and doodled up some pages of this other AU idea that stemmed from the idea of that comic I did
In this AU, Miles goes to Diego Armando’s office a few weeks after the Fawles trial. There is no cocky, arrogant, or smug air about him like there was during the trial and instead he seems really shaken and nervous. Diego’s like “hey what’s wrong?” And Miles is quiet but then says that he needs help. He tells Diego that he can’t get the image of Fawles’s suicide out of his head and that he has no one he can talk to about this. Diego asks about Miles’s mentor, but Miles says that there’s absolutely no way he could ever go to his mentor for help with emotional stuff because it would show “weakness” and he also isn’t comfortable with von Karma. To make a long story short (because I’ve thought so much about this), Miles ends up pleading with Diego to protect him from von Karma just in case he goes after him for switching sides to be a defense attorney. He knows that von Karma will see him as weak and a traitor for switching teams after a single case, but Miles can’t be someone he’s not. Diego points out that Miles seems to be trying to be who von Karma wanted him to be. So he asks Miles what he wants to be, and Miles responds by saying he wants to be his dad (just like in my 1985 animatic 😭).
So Miles decides to renounce prosecution. He rips off his cravat and throws it in the garbage in Diego’s office and declares that he’ll become a defense attorney. He also asks Diego is he could be his mentor to help him in both being better at defense law and also just being better with interacting with people.
He joins the Grossberg Law Offices and works alongside Mia and Diego to gather evidence on Dahlia Hawthorne, as he now too believes that she has done terrible things.
After Diego is poisoned, Miles freaks out because people just keep dying or getting hurt around him and it scares him. (Oh…baby boy just wait until Mia dies too-)
He takes the case to defend Phoenix, gets TERRIFIED when Phoenix eats the poison necklace, and then at the end, Phoenix was like “oh wow! You’re a defense attorney now?? Lmao when did that happen??” Bc he had been too busy simping over Dahlia. But Miles tells him that he should still pursue law so that they could work together and also so that Phoenix’s law classes and studying wouldn’t have gone to waste. So Phoenix becomes a lawyer and works with Miles and Mia at the Fey & Co Law Offices until she dies and then it becomes Edgeworth & Co Law Offices because he had been a lawyer for longer.
I like the idea that in this AU, Phoenix and Miles obviously have huge crushes on each other, but these idiots still refuse to acknowledge or admit it <3
Also :((( when Diego wakes up, he still goes on his whole antagonist arc as Godot, and Miles refuses to tell Phoenix the truth about who he is. See, I also like the idea that in this AU, Nick and Miles are still as cagey with their past and truths as they are in normal AA
As you can see, I am perfectly normal !! I think about ace attorney a very normal amount!! 🤭
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cheekinpermission · 2 months
I wanna talk about the scene in the museum with Azul...
During Ch. 38 of Book 3, Azul and Yuu have a short conversation post-overblot in the underwater museum place. I always felt that this bit of dialogue was weirdly charged? The whole scene felt very intimate to me (and the soft music in the background doesn't help lmao), but I never knew WHY since nothing said was inherently romantic.
So, I went back and re-read through every post-overblot and realized that Azul is the only who who has a one-on-one conversation with Yuu after their overblot??
It's rare enough to have one-on-one conversations between Yuu and another character, but then Azul goes a step further. He's the only one to open up to Yuu about his problems:
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Some of the other overblot boys talk about their problems, but not to Yuu specifically. It's more of a declaration than confiding in someone, you know? (E.g. Riddle talking about how he prefers milk tea even though the rules stipulate lemon tea)
We, the players, are shown flashbacks of the overblot boys to explain how they reached this point but I can't recall if Yuu is privy to this information as well. (It's theoretically possible since Yuu already has visions / dreams of the Great Seven, but no one ever mentions it so who knows. I'm personally on the side of Yuu NOT knowing because it feels a bit invasive that they'd have this knowledge of people who weren't ready to share it.)
Regardless of whether Yuu can or cannot see those flashbacks, Azul is the only one to willingly talk about his motivations to Yuu. For Azul, this is especially important as he's so protective of his image as a clever and upstanding housewarden, and yet here he openly admits to Yuu that he was a bit of a loser as a kid (his words not mine!).
I guess you could argue that he felt there was no reason to hide it anymore since Yuu already saw him as a chubby octopus baby, but he didn't have to talk about it at all if he didn't want to. But he did. On his own. With no prompting. (Really, though. Yuu can either say they want to make sure he puts the photo back or that they're worried about him, and either way he drops his lore on them lol) And then Yuu tries to help him feel better??
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To my knowledge, Yuu doesn't do this with any of the other overblot boys, either. I could have missed it during my research, but if they did it wasn't nearly to the same extent as with Azul.
I still don't know why Azul felt like opening up to Yuu. He didn't have to, but maybe he wanted to? Maybe he wanted to try his hand at being genuine for once and felt Yuu was the least intimidating person to do it with (the magicless human that they are). Who knows? I wish there were more scenes like this. It makes Yuu feel more included in the story. I also think it shows a lot of growth on Azul's end to open up about his problems to Yuu of his own volition.
I'm not sure what I wanted to say with this post, only that I wanted to get my thoughts out there about this scene because it always stood out to me. I felt there was always an undercurrent of something and I think it's because this was the only post-overblot private conversation we got with Yuu and an overblot boy, plus the added encouragement from Yuu at the end.
I'm curious to know if anyone felt the same way about this scene or if I'm just imagining things. I'm also interested in hearing any theories why Azul suddenly felt the urge to open up to Yuu, if you've got them!
Thanks for enduring my rambling!
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Azul's so funny for trying to play it off all cool like he isn't doing flips and princess twirls in his head rn. Yuu laid it on THICK. We all know he's freaking out internally.
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ceciliasxx · 1 year
—:: Secrets in plain sight ?
cl16 | instagram au
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: you and charles prefer to keep your relationship private, so when you start posting a little girl on your instagrams, it leaves people questioning whether or not you may have been hiding a big secret
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 629, 924 others
tagged: charles_leclerc and carlossainz55
yourusername core memory watching charles teach her to play piano + special feature from dumb and dumber (charles and carlos) 🤍
charles_leclerc she’s almost as good as me at piano, and it’s only been a few days
— yourusername she’s a natural protege
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livelaughloveleclerc need to see the picture from carlos’s pov
— astrid.olin it’s prob his blackmail material
— carlossainz55 don’t expose my secrets
— ferrari4life LMAO he actually replied 😭
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leleleleclercfan okay but who’s the kid in the pictures?? and why is no one talking about them
— selene.daska no because what
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f1fanforevss babe wake up, new y/n and charles conspiracy theory dropped
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liked by yourusername and 834, 274 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc enjoying the short weekend before the next race.
yourusername so happy we get to spend these small breaks together during breaks between the races <3
— charles_leclerc 🤍
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16isthebest stopppp you guys are literally the cutest igh im so jealous
— ferarrarrarrari when will it be my turn
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grandgrandprixfanxoxo going to the next grand prix, hope they’re both there so I can get a picture with them ahhhh
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user8495103 yall the little girl is in the pictures again, i’m telling u that conspiracy going around rn is true
— carlosleclerc highkey agree tbh
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485, 384 likes
tagged: charles_leclerc and yourusername
f1wags is there a new kid in the paddock? fans have begun speculating that @/charles_leclerc and @/yourusername may have a little girl they’ve been keeping secret based on recent photos posted to their instagram accounts. what do you think?
sienna.layi honestly would be so happy for them not like it’s any of our business anyway
— user83773 right it’s only their business
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ferrarif1xxxx i wanna say it’s their kid but like how would they of been able to keep it a secret this long ??
— khloeponta probably had ndas signed tbh
— charles161616 oh definitely
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keepingupwthewags okay hear me out, maybe they’re babysitting because you know y/n wouldn’t want to miss out on posting cute pregnancy pictures
— user2375 the only voice of reason so far
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liked by charles_leclerc and 748, 489 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername behind the scenes if the paddock during a race 🏎️
livinlifefastt y/n i desperately need an answer to this, what’s your favorite charles moment so far this season?
— yourusername the vegas videos <3
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kimiii.ohonnn lmao istg charles just does duck lips in every photo at this point 😭
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ferrarrigofastt sooooo are we just gonna completely ignore the whole secret kid thing
— liliannaalmaa literally like c’mon
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scuscuderia y/n marry me
— yourusername sorry, i’m already taken
— livetheleclercss sobbing crying
— view 42 more replies
yourusername added to their story
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1K notes · View notes
hi covey, can you write for daughter of poseidon dating leo valdez and them being at camp half blood for new years and kissing at the end of the docks with all the fireworks going off around them at midnight
✮⋆˙ what a way to start the new year; leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader blurb
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content: leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader blurb warning: language probs lmao author's note: MY POOKIE I'VE MISS WRITING FOR THIS BOY RIGHT HERE FRFR MY LOVE MY LIFEEEEEEEEE
you had yet to see leo the whole day. it was making you pouty but you understood why the boy who stole your heart was busy. it was new years eve and the hephaestus cabin has been hyping up this fireworks show for weeks. the year-round campers were promised a firework's show like never before seen and leo was not exactly one to leave people disappointed.
and it's not like you weren't busy, too. chiron had put you in charge of plenty, as he trusted you fully. snacks were to be handled by you as well as seating on the beach, set up the beach volleyball nets that you were not tall enough to set up by yourself. sure, they're weren't a ton of year round campers but still it was a lot of work. you were running around with a clipboard, checking things off your extensive list.
you and leo only ever say each other in passing. a brief locking of hands or pressing of lips before running off to do something else so the evening would run smoothly. by the time the sky had started to darken, you were already prepared to change into a shark onesie and go to bed. but you just had to stay up till midnight, the incentive of a kiss too good to pass up on. but, as you stared at the mini skirt and sparkly top you had planned for the evening, you knew that wasn't happening. you were exhausted and knew it would take a miracle to get you to midnight, let alone dressed up. you knew leo wouldn't care but couldn't help but feel a little disappointed as you tugged on one of his sweaters and a pair of denim shorts.
you spent your evening playing a surprisingly competitive game of uno with chiron, mr. d, and a few of the hermes kids. around 11:45, leo and the other hephaestus came running to the beach, cheering about working mechanics and how they were gonna blow the socks off everyone. this lead to a pilgrimage to the beach, leo and you taking up post on the dock, forcing a few of the younger campers to scram by pulling the seniority card. his arms were wrapped around you waist, your back pressed against his chest as he leaned his head on your shoulder. his hands had found a home flat against your stomach, shoving your - his - sweater up slightly. his hands were warm against your slightly cold skin, earning him a few giggles.
"you smell like fireworks," you whispered, turning to look at him over your shoulder.
"hmm. in a good way or a bad way?" he asked with a raised brow. you sucked on your teeth, which was answer enough for the boy, causing him to released his hold on you.
"you love me, fireworks smell or not," he mused and this time you hummed in agreement. he leaned down to pull your lips against his but you stopped him, holding your hand up and his lips slamming against it. he frowned at the hand, glaring at it before turning his hardened gaze to you.
"as much as i love to kiss every part of you, baby, that's not what i wanted," leo huffed with a pointed look and you laughed, shaking your head as you wrapped your arms around his shoulder.
"it's not midnight yet," you explained and leo groaned, leaning his head back exaggeratedly.
"are you kidding me?? first, i don't get to see you, like, all day. and now i don't even get to kiss you??" leo huffed and you laughed, shaking your head at him.
"you're life is sooo hard, valdez," you pouted up at him, watching as he twitched forwards, eager to kiss the pout off your lips but knowing you'd just stop him again.
"very hard," added leo, smirking down at you. neither of you were paying attention so the first shouting of ten had the pair of you jumping closer together. the rest of the campers continued to count down until one, shouting happy new year as the sky blew up in a colorful display that'd appreciate later
"happy new years, leo," you barely managed to get out before leo was smashing his lips against yours, leaning you like you guys were in some dramatic rom-com.
"and what a way to start a new year, too," leo breathed out as he pulled away from your lips, his twitching upwards as you laughed for the first time that year. and he would make sure it wasn't the last time, too.
and as he kissed you again, he knew he'd fight like hell to ensure that wasn't for the last time this year either.
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ilys00ga · 3 months
You are essentially the best fluff writer for yoongi at this point. I can't put into words how grateful I am for having access to such high quality sweet fluff with literallly no suggestive themes and little angst. I'm someone who hates angst and wearily go through warnings n shit and you are one of the few ppl who is safe to read hahaha. Do you have any similar fluff recommendations from other blogs ? Tysm and kisses xo
hello omg...! 🥹
thank u so much for your kind words. It made me soooooo happy, and I'm sorry I'm replying to this so late.
im so glad somebody is like me!! I found my people <33
I really, really, REALLY loveeee fluff sm. like hello? u can't go wrong with fluff, can u?? exactly. I also don't really fancy reading angst that much, but I discovered that I still like writing it sometimes, which is so weird lmao. but fluff is just... superior, indeed.
and as per your last request, how did u know that i was considering making my very own fic recs post?? 🤨 lol.
i actually haven't read anything lately... but in general, I'm a person who usually leans towards shorter one-shots/drabble and with the tag 'established relationship', rather than reading whole fics and all of that. so here are some of my recently fav fluffy fluff stuff for u to enjoy!
- flowers in your hair (I LOVEEEEE THIS SMMMMM)
- this super short but super cute thing omg (I'd eat up anything this user writes btw. go check their masterlist !!)
- dad!yoongi 😫🥺🥺
- this hand size comparing/difference headcanon thingie omygoddd
- this masterlist (this has different themes and genres tho! but I like so many of the fics in there omg)
- this one makes me wanna cry too, i love it soooo much..
- wishes and kisses
- basketball (this one's cute too).
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theriverdraws · 2 years
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First of all, I might be biased, but since this "post" is called "The newest girl", and Susie seems to really hate Kris in particular, I feel like this is great proof for the "Susie was from a human community" theory. Because she seems to really dislike Kris - who is the only human in the city - for no particular reason.
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Also Susie never bullying Noelle because she was the only person who was ever nice to Susie... I love them so much.
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Well, even if Kris cared about it they wouldn't be able to do anything because.... Yeah. But considering later additions to this it doesn't seem like Kris ever hated Susie? The thought of "wasting no opportunity to expell her from school" is something they never thought of, and they seemed to get the worst of it. Who knows, Kris is weird snsjsjs.
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We know that Susie being "mean" is more of a persona she puts up since no one is nice to her, so it's really hard to read her true intentions here but I mean if I were to assume.. Susie has very bad eating habits, and it seems like she's trying to warn Kris here but she's not being nice about it.
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.. And she made Kris laugh! They maybe thought it was a joke, or maybe it's just their weird sense of humor but it seems like they really vibed with Susie's whole thing, because they are both literally the same level of chaos. They seemed to like her while she hated their guts.
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Susie clearly misinterprets Kris' reaction and throws the apple at them and we can see Kris being a true gamer and also a weird little shit kRIS DON'T EAT THE APPLE WHAT ARE YOU DOING--
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And then Susie makes an oopsie. Listen, I know Susie and Kris are THE bestest of friends now, and it's very clear that they like each other a lot, and can never be separated, but I really hope they talk it out about everything she said.
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Because that clearly hit Kris really hard. While Kris sure has uh, a lot of other worse things to worry about now, I'm sure they would still remember this no? They really need to talk everything out I think :(. Perhaps in the diner scene in ch4 haha hello please Toby?
(Also maybe Susie was projecting a bit when she said that? It's very unclear if she has parents soo, it would make sense) .
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This part is very interesting. Because if Kris really did say something, there's no way that what they said was a threat. If a threat scared Susie that much, I doubt that she would completely brush it off and start bullying them again in the future. But what else could have they said to make Susie run away like that?
Well, we do know Kris is going through a lot, so I imagine they probably had a pretty bad reaction that wouldn't be a threat, but it would make Susie leave, out of shock perhaps?
So what I think Kris would have said (if they said anything at all, and it wasn't just their expression) , would be some short but very self-deprecating sentence like: "Yeah. She would". And that, together with whatever face they were making, would be enough to push Susie away I think. Anyway those are my 2 cents to this.
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Also Noelle hid inside the locker lmao, and Kris knew she was there all the time and just slowly shut the door on her again. They're so weird I love them so much.
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Hi! How are you? Can i request a Velvette x F reader? Or GN if you feel more comfortable, I don't mind. The reader being so slow to understand Velvette flirting and she gets frustrated like "oh you are so lucky that i love you"
Hi there! I’m good! Hope you’re doing good too. Love thisssssss. Velvette would get so lovingly annoyed lmao 💜 thanks for the request! And enjoy~
TW: suggestive themes, lots of cussing
Notes: gn!reader, this is just a short little drabble
ALSO, I got a ton of requests waiting for me rn. Plz feel free to keep sending em in! Just be patient with me, I’ll get to them 😉
Velvette x reader- Oblivious 💓
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Girl tries soooooo hard and gets soooooo mad when you don’t get it.
Velvette is pretty confident, extroverted and bold naturally so when it comes to her fat crush on you, she’s not afraid to make it known.
But come on! She’s trying to have fun with it, trying to tease you and get you all flustered but you just won’t budge.
She will straight up compliment you, loudly and in front of all her models and assistants, something about looking hot as hell, and you just figure she really likes your outfit today. That’s all she means, right?
Velvette likes to jokingly do things that’ll allow her to touch you intimately.
For example, she’ll drop something in your lap just so she can slowly reach down and pick it up, letting her fingers linger on your thigh all while maintaining eye contact
Literally doesn’t phase you and she’s just flabbergasted…like damn, what does she have to do? Straight up kiss you on the mouth to get her point across?
She’ll post pics of you on her sinstagram with nothing but heart emojis as the caption and you just like it and comment “BESTIE” and now she’s pouting bc she wants to be bae, not bestie
One time, she made this big scene complaining about being short a model and her desperately needing an extra body. She’s so dramatic, so cute.
Immediately points to you, wiggling her brows suggestively as she motions for you to follow her.
“I’ll even dress you myself~”
And she proceeds to take you to a room alone and watch as you happily undress. You’re comfortable with her, why not?
Meanwhile, Velvette is dripping in sweat and trying not to straight up moan at the sight of you so bare and vulnerable before her.
“You okay? You look like you don’t feel good.” You feel her forehead as if checking for a fever and she wants to slap you rn bc hello?! She’s literally in love with horny asf for you and you think she’s sick? Satan, help her.
“UugggHGGGHHH! Bloody fuckin hell, (Y/N). Just-just…ugh.”
And when her words fail her, she goes to plan B- kissing you right on the mouth.
It’s one of those kisses that starts tense and awkward but is easy to melt into.
“Oh.” Is all you can get to come out of your mouth once you part and this makes Velvette huff in frustration once again.
She goes on a tangent about her feelings and how frustrated she is with you. She’s like lowkey scolding you as she confesses her love and attraction for you.
By the end of it you’re a bright red, stuttering mess of embarrassment and adoration for her.
“I’m so sorry. I’ve been..very into you this whole time too.” You finally admit it.
“You’re adorable, truly you are. I love you but for FUCK’S SAKE, (Y/N)!”
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thatdeadaquarius · 10 months
Okay so-- i was reading some sagau posts and came across this one where the reader was an army vet and my brain just Did Its Thing--
So now I'm here to inflict this on to you--
Would guns be considered as catalysts. And would they only do Phys Damage.
Me reading this ask:
😶 😐 🤨 🧐 🧐 😰 🥲 😭😭😭 💀
(Also srry took so long to respond, when i didnt realize how short this was/was just sitting over here 😓)
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^ For the sake of gun imagery being a lot/maybe staff might hate me for it,
we'll put this gay shit instead (i almost mispelled to "gay shot" lmao)
Sun: Army Veteran Reader, Gender neutral Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: SHORT Headcanons
Stars: everybody bc i think itd be funny
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: gun stuff, mild violence, mild cursing & Trigger Warnings: Gun fun everywhere
You're out here having a whole gun they let you take for off-base
And u ofc have a license so u can conceal carry
(idk how non-american gun laws work, but tbh ours are so fucked idk how they work here either, just that an army guy i knew once could have his gun when he got back home)
And ofc ur just paranoid enough (more like it just makes u feel safe)
That when u get yoinked into a portal to a silly little brightly colored gacha game fantasy world, the gun comes with 💀
Id like to add in my silly little "ur in a video game, so video game rules" AU version of genshin so:
The only other gun (ish) wielder (Mika) has unlimited bolts
Sooo I'd think your gun would be the same jfc lol
When u first stumble into abyss monsters/hostile creatures of the realm, u nearly scare off a Lawlachurl bc every shot's like thunder to these bitches😭
So not only the monsters but the vision holders think u fucking summoned lightning
STOPP- you're becoming a witchy god or smth to all of Teyvat bc it just looks like hella high level magic atp to them LMAOOO
Rumors of you get out of hand and say u just point or snap ur fingers and things get wounded/just die on the spot 💀
Oh another difference between Teyvatians seeing ur gun vs. crossbow (what they know)
Is that guns are wayyyy more destructive
Like an arrow would get shot but it'd bounce off of things like rock or wood or metal, maybe dent a little depending on how close
But a bullet goes thru that shit so easy, and leaves a whole little explosion behind, once again depending on range
(I once saw a Mythbusters episode? of them proving bullets would definitely go thru car doors, like movies lied to u, this is why drive-bys acc work like for gangs)
Lmao, the image of you in like full armor with a Teyvat made automatic gun after showing it to blacksmiths
Makes u just more convincing as a god, esp bc military training
(Ppl like Gorou and Kokomi begging for military tactics/training ur world has done)
I'll address it.
But only so u dont think im stupid later.
Yes, the Fatui have guns.
No, this not the same as having a glock LMAO
End of story.
(Also, urs runs on bullets, whereas the Fatui rely on magic/delusions to power theirs, plus they dont seem as fast or destructive as urs, more "explosions aimed at you" than real bullets)
Which,,, u leave the managing of ppl copying ur gun to ppl like the Qixing or smth, but make sure to give them advice on good gun laws if teyvat accidentally revolutionizes bc of ur advanced gun that anybody can wield (non-vision users)
Thats the best ive got abt that
Oh, also enjoy being praised as a War god now.
... dammit i had smth i was gonna tell u guys-
Uh what tf was it, it was important
Next post is the Eldritch God Oneshot! Look out for it :) !!
Safe Travels Kid,
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(If you ever wanna drop, just DM me! "No more taglists/[specifically this AU/fandom] please!")
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aothotties · 3 months
Sneaky Link w/ Jean
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Warnings: MDNI, sleepy sex, Jean is so cute lol, squirting, protected sex. This one is pretty tame in comparison to the other scenarios lmao.
Word Count: 938
It all started with Sasha, with her being the foodie of the group, she always had recommendations for restaurants to try. One night she got everyone to come out and try your restaurant and it suddenly became everyone’s favorite place, especially Jean’s. 
What he didn’t know is that part of the reason she brought everyone down was so that the two of you could meet. Why not? She figured, you’re both single, attractive, and can make good food. That’s a plus in her eyes. 
Low and behold, her plan worked and before you knew it, Jean was sitting at his favorite booth every evening, patiently waiting for you to close the store down. He would walk you home every night to make sure you got in safely, and to return the favor you would invite him in for tea…amongst other things.
In the beginning the night caps were completely innocent, you would invite him in for tea and a talk then he would go home. 
Then one night things took a complete turn, you grew tired of the longing stares, the friendly touches, you wanted more. In the middle of a conversation you threw yourself into his arms and kissed him. 
You instantly relaxed when he slid his tongue against yours and the rest of that night was history.
You two decided to keep your escapades to yourself and because that’s all it is, a nice meal and some dessert. And Jean will be damned if you’re not the best dessert he’s ever had. 
“You guys have a good night!” You wave to your last few customers before locking the doors. You walk over to Jean and release a tired sigh as you plop down into the booth next to him.
“Your exhaustion is a sign of hard work, remember that.” He gives you a smile and you chuckle in response.
“I know, I’m getting closer and closer to a beach vacation.” You tiredly celebrate and he gives you a pat on the back.
“Can’t wait to see you in a new bathing suit by the way.” He kisses the side of your head and you snort at his words.
“Clean that table up for me while I go and count the register, then we can head to the apartment.” You stand up and walk behind the counter. 
“Ay ay captain.” He fake salutes you and grabs the dishes off the table.
The walk to your apartment was a short one this time, Jean took it upon himself to carry you on his back the whole way there.
“‘M not that tired.” You mumble against his shoulder as your eyes close.
“You hugged a light post thinking it was me, hand me your key.” You place it in his hand and close your eyes once again.
He helps you to the floor and wraps an arm around you in support. He smiles down at your sleepy expression and strokes your cheek. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up and in bed then I’m gonna head home, me and the guys have a road trip this weekend.” You nod your head and cover up a yawn. 
“You go on ahead then, I can get in the shower by myself.” You tell him as you walk to the bathroom, your shirt comes off first and then your pants follow soon after.
Jean can’t help but to follow you down the hallway with his eyes, his bottom lip finding its way between his teeth.
“I can at least get you tucked into bed though.” He mumbles as he takes his jacket off and walks into the bedroom.  
Which is exactly how you both ended up under the covers. Your leg resting in Jean’s hand while his cock bullies your cunt at a slow pace. You sigh against his lips as you two continue making out with one another. 
He has you hold your leg up so he can reach forward and rub your aching clit with his fingers. He hisses at the way your pussy tightens around his shaft in response to his touch.
“You’re so fucking pretty like this, such a slut even when you’re tired. You’re never too tired for me, right?” He asks, sucking a small bruise on the side of your jaw.
Your eyes close and you grab the sheets tightly as you begin to bounce back against him.
“Y-yes just for you!” You bite your pillow as you slide all the way down on him as you come.
He chuckles at your reaction and rubs your clit side to side rapidly all while moving his hips faster against yours.
“Fuck Jean! ‘S t-too much daddy.” You grab his long hair and grit your teeth as your body begins to shake. 
He smiles at your reaction and continues his movements against your g-spot and your clit. 
“You can take it mama, I know you can. You got me so fucking close sweetheart.” He lets out a deep grunt once he reaches his climax, his fingers don’t stop rubbing your clit until he feels you squeeze around his dick and arch your back against him.
“Jean” You whimper quietly as he pulls out of you slowly and throws the condom to the side. 
He grabs a washcloth and cleans up your mess between your legs, he looks up at you to say something but smiles at the sound of your snoring. He plants a kiss on your forehead and lays next to you. Before he knows it, he’s drifted off right next to you and is awoken the next morning by some texts from the group chat about their trip.
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