#this piece is soooo far out of my comfort zone
purpleleafsyt · 7 months
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{And I cannot resist, though futile it is to admit to insist to use these gifts. Comically kissed, analogous to the abyss}
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The Background + Soul separated, as a treat
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arecaceae175 · 2 months
For Want Of Rest: Ch. 4
Fic Summary: Five times Sky falls asleep somewhere that isn’t a bed plus one time they all do. Or, Sky struggles to manage his disabilities, then the chain has a conversation about accessibility and accommodations.
Fan Joy July! Each chapter is inspired a few amazing art pieces of Sleepy Sky <3. There are plenty more chapters and art inspirations to come :D
Chapter Summary: Sky struggles to stay awake as the chain travels. 1.3k, angst and hurt/comfort. Also Legend decided to use she/her pronouns in this one, apparently. Good for her
Art pieces:
Sky snoozing by @narsh-poptarts Sky and Wars napping by @sraksha
My favorite thing about narsh-poptarts's art is how much the pose mimics the one in the game. Even later in life, blorbo is still the same eepy blorbo. I also think the pose is cool and it looks hard to draw!
Sraksha's art is always amazing. It's such a distinct, soft style that is perfect for two blorbos napping. I love how Warriors is smiling in the second panel. He is very proud of himself for helping his brother be comfy <3
Chapter warnings: could be read as dissociation, but is intended to be blorbo being soooo fucking tired. Also Sky continues to be an unreliable narrator with low self esteem and internalized ableism (directed towards himself, not others)
“You good, Sky?”
Sky held back a sigh and forced a small smile instead. Ever since they found him passed out beneath the tree, one of the other heroes was never far from Sky. He was glad he was used to living in close quarters on Skyloft and used to Groose’s anxious clinginess; some of the others surely would’ve snapped by now. Every time he felt frustration bubbling at his family’s overbearing concern, he had to remind himself that he was thankful they cared so much.
Legend was watching him with thinly veiled concern. Against his will, Sky’s eyes darted to the braces on Legend’s knees and the compression gloves on her hands. Sky felt the burn of shame. He could ignore the ache in his joints and the fatigue dragging him down. He didn’t want to be the one to slow down the group. 
“I can keep going,” Sky said. 
“Not what I asked.”
Sky felt the tips of his ears go pink. “I’m okay. Are you? Do you need a break?”
“If I need a break, I’ll ask for one,” Legend said pointedly, narrowing her eyes at Sky. 
Sky shrugged and turned away. A break would be nice, but he didn’t need one. The pain wasn’t unbearable yet, and he was still moving. As long as he wasn’t assigned to a watch shift tonight, and they made it to a place to stop early in the day tomorrow, it would be fine. He could handle it.
Legend’s stare weighed on Sky’s shoulder for another moment, before Sky heard her huff and stomp away. Disappointment twinged in Sky’s chest, but he couldn’t quite figure out why. His gaze went back to his feet and he tried to let himself zone out, just barely watching for hazards he could trip on. It was easier than focusing on the pain in his hips or knees or back or feet or head or the one weird, sharp twinge in his ankle— that was new, what was that about?
It must have worked, because next thing he knew, Four’s stopped feet appeared in his view. Sky barely scrambled to a stop before he ran into Four, and he still had to put a hand on Four’s shoulder to steady himself. He muttered an apology as he took a step back. Four smiled and waved it away. 
Sky glanced around. They were still in the woods— which did not make Sky want to cry, not at all. The path ahead was split into three forks. Wild, Time, and Twilight were crowded around a broken signpost trying to make sense of the directions. 
Pain slammed into him with full force. His legs were shaking minutely. Sky felt himself sway, and he desperately looked around for the nearest tree to discreetly lean against. Things always felt worse just standing. If they were going to be here for more than a few more seconds, Sky really needed to find a spot to rest. 
“Hey,” Legend said quietly. 
Sky looked at her in surprise. She inclined her head towards Sky’s left and raised her eyebrows. Sky followed her gaze and saw a tree stump partially hidden from Sky’s view. Sky felt himself sag with relief and immediately went for the stump. He collapsed on top of it with less grace than he would like to admit. Against his will, his eyes slid shut immediately. He crossed his arms and clenched his fists into the fabric of his sleeves as he breathed through the wave of pain in his hips and back with the new pressure. 
The voices of the others faded into background noise as Sky began slipping into a light doze. Sky could still hear the words, but he didn’t put much effort into processing them. Someone would get him when they needed to move again. 
A voice rose louder than the others. “Um, guys?” 
Sky startled, ever so slightly. Sky knew he should probably open his eyes to see what the problem was, but he couldn’t muster the energy. There was a span of silence.
“Is this a safe place to make camp?” 
“Fresh monster tracks.”
Another pause. The voices faded into a buzz. 
Sky jolted, then winced as his back twinged. He rubbed his dry eyes. “Hm?”
Hyrule smiled apologetically and held out a hand. “We’re moving on.” 
“Oh. Okay.” Sky stifled a yawn as he took Hyrule’s offered hand and let the traveler pull him to his feet. “Thanks.”
Hyrule’s smile widened. “‘Course.”
As they started to walk again, Sky tried to focus on anything besides his body. He looked around the path and noticed a hero was missing.
“Where’s Twilight?” Sky asked. 
“Scouting ahead,” Hyrule said. His ears twitched, and wasn’t looking at Sky. If Sky had any energy, he would’ve pressed. His thoughts were too heavy for that, so Sky just hummed a reply. 
An amount of time passed. Sky didn’t know how much. Staying upright and putting one foot in front of the other was taking all his concentration. An amount of time passed, and then Twilight was jogging down the path towards them. 
“There’s a cave close. A few monsters outside, but it don’t look too deep. We can clear it,” Twilight said. 
Sky frowned. His accent was thicker than usual. That usually meant he was tired, hurt, or stressed. 
“It’s a tight fit, though,” Twilight continued. 
“We’ll split up,” Time said. “Legend?”
Legend shook his head. “I’d rather keep moving.”
“I can stay,” Warriors said.
“Um.” Sky cleared his throat. His ears pinned themselves to his head as Sky grabbed his sailcloth to fiddle with it. “I don’t think I would be the most helpful right now.”
Warriors, with clear movements in Sky’s line of sight, patted Sky’s shoulder. “We’ll stay back.”
“I’ll stay, too. I’ve got a bit of a headache,” Four said, tapping his temple lightly with one finger. 
“Come on, then. It’s close,” Twilight said. 
“Stay safe,” Warriors called as the group left. 
Sky’s eyes burned, both with forming tears and the dryness of exhaustion. He hated feeling like he let the others down. He hated being too slow. 
Sky stepped far enough to be off the path and collapsed in a heap against a rock. He curled his sailcloth around himself and let his eyes slide shut, then let his head fall against the rock. His entire body throbbed. 
“Do you need anything for the headache?” Warriors asked. 
“No, it’s not bad. More pressure than pain, really. I’ll stand watch if you want to…” Four trailed off.
Sky’s neck protested the angle with sharp pains. He huffed a watery breath of frustration and dragged an arm up to rest between his head and the rock. 
Leaves crunched as footsteps approached. 
“Sky?” Warriors asked softly. His voice was closer than Sky expected. He dragged his eyes open and saw Warriors kneeling beside him. 
“Do you want to lean on me? It’ll be more comfortable than the rock.”
Sky briefly considered protesting, but exhaustion and pain won over. He nodded wordlessly and pushed himself off the rock just a bit. Warriors smiled and settled against the rock just behind Sky with his head pillowed on his hands.
“Touch is okay?” Sky had to check.
Warriors smiled and nodded. “I wouldn’t have offered otherwise. Here.”
Warriors gently guided Sky to lean back against his side. With the way he had his arms up, Sky’s head fit securely on his shoulder. Sky scooted until his back was fully supported and extended his sharply aching knee. He wanted to thank Warriors, but he couldn’t find the energy to open his mouth. 
Sky’s eyes slid shut as the aching in his body settled. He’d be sure to thank Warriors tomorrow.
Endnotes: By the way, in case any of the implied stuff wasn’t clear: when Legend left Sky, she went up to Time and Wild and said “Birdbrain needs a break. Don’t make it obvious.” And then when Sky’s on the stump, they’re trying to figure out if they can stop and rest because Sky is clearly having a horrible time. Wolfie is sent to scout for the nearest place to rest, even though they won’t make it to wherever they were going. And they split up on purpose so Sky doesn’t have to fight. There is plenty of room at the cave. Sky doesn’t know any of that though. Blorbos :)
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Head Canons: Jealous of their dance partner
Pairings: Akaashi x reader, Bokuto x reader, Kuroo x reader, Kenma x reader, Atsumu x reader, Oikawa x reader, Iwaizumi x reader
A/N: So sorry that this is so late! I’ve never done headcanons before so i was really nervous to do these. I hope they meet your expectations! Some were really fun to do and others were a bit challenging because I didn’t want them to be similar to each other. I tried to keep each person’s unique. Also changed the prompt just a little! Maybe if this does well, I’ll do more headcanons? i’m not sure! Enjoy and happy reading!
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Would be calm and collected on the outside but lets be honest, he’d be RAGING on the inside
I don’t know why, but his s/o doing ballet
So when he picks you up from practice one day, he sneaks a peak at your upcoming showcase performance
But… who the hell is this guy next to you?
And why is he touching your waist like that?!
Akaashi would be standing by the doorway, with his hands crossed, eyebrow twitching in annoyance
When practice is over, you skip into his arms
Of course you earn a loving smile in return but when your partner passes, best believe this boy is glaring at said man
Performance day comes and I can just imagine him snatching the best seats in house with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in hand
When you come on stage, you have his full attention
His eyes are shimmering with admiration and pride for you
But is quickly replaced with a scowl when he sees your partner
Cue twitching eyebrow
But OOF does this performance require close contact and almost kissing
Wtf, Akaashi doesn’t remember this when he watched your practice?!
Despite how monotone his expression is all the time, you can tell when somethings bothering him
So when you greet him after your performance, you see it right away that hes bothered by something and you already know why
“baaaabe, you know its not like that! It’s only dancing, nothing more” you reassured him
And he knows that
But that doesn’t stop him from staring down your partner as he passes
You already KNOW this man gets jealous and he shows it
That sad puppy face, those droopy eyes, and his deflated hair
Its cute but also sad at the same time
He wouldn’t know about your routine until the day of the performance because he wanted to be surprised
But as soon as he saw how close you and your partner had to be
His smile went from 😊 to 😐in a split second
I can already hear his friends laughing at him in the background
What’s even worse to him
Its not even that your close to your partner
It’s the fact that you look like your enjoying it
Hes squinting hard because did he see that right?
Hes so deep in his jealousy that he doesn’t even realize that youre only doing it to look believable to save your grade
You all know those type of teachers
When youre done with your performance, you go to find your boyfriend in the sea of people
You cant help but stifle a chuckle when you see his looking down
Youre fixing his hair, as one would do
But as soon as your dance partner comes into view, hes pulling you into his arms and you best believe you are staying there
Hes wants to make it crystal clear that you are taken
Youd have to spend the rest of the day cheering him up because his mind always goes back to your routine
Ahhhh this man
I am in love with this man
This man is the most supportive boyfriend
Right when you get on stage, he is screaming and I mean S C R E A M I N G your name
Everyone in the audience looks at him like
Who the fuck invited this man
He is so hype during your performance and is so proud of how much you improved throughout the semester
Everything is fine and dandy until he sees your dance partner pull you close to him and your faces almost touch
His heart dropped to his stomach
Like ouch
He wasn’t expecting that
hes the only one that’s allowed to have you that close but seeing that someone else that he doesn’t even know if basically flirting with you on stage in front of everyone has him seething
and he goes through the different stages of denial
the initial denial
like was that really you or did he mix you up with some other dancer
then hes basically ripping his hair out
and finally just sits there like, what is life?
Hes sulky, almost like Bokuto
Youre waiting for him to come pick you up but Kuroo takes a little detour to the mens dressing room
Remember that scene where Kuroo gets upset that they insulted his height and there was fire in the background?
Same energy
Hes letting your dance partner know that he is your boyfriend and if he ever touches you like that again, the only he’ll be touching is the ground when he crumbles him to pieces
And he’s bragging at how much of a better dance he is and could replace him as your dance partner if he really wanted to
…He cant fucking dance…
Empty threats but your dance partner doesn’t know that
He’s trembling in his shoes when Kuroo goes to congratulate you
Then its back home and he showing you who you belong to *wink wink*
It takes a lot for you to get Kenma to come out to your debut showcase
Dancing isn’t his thing, but really, what is?
Your heart flutters as you peak behind the curtain and you see Kenma, all dressed up with a single flower in his hands, sitting straight dab in the middle
Of course Kuroo is with him because he needs someone to help him get out of his comfort zone
Kenma isn’t too impressed with the performance so far (only because you haven’t shown up yet)
When you do appear on stage, he is absolutely mesmerized
He never knew you could dance so well. If he knew, maybe he’d sneak at you more often
The moment male counterparts entered the stage, he already knew this something was fishy
In his mind, thoughts are racing 100000000x a second
Are they just backup dancers?
Why are they coming towards you?
Are you going to dance with them?
Who is that guy?
And as soon as one of the guys brings you close to him, Kenma is as stiff as a board
You know how a cat is when they get scared? That’s Kenma in his seat
Kuroo notices it right away and smirks
This is the first time he’s seen Kenma feel jealous, or feel any other emotion
When you ask Kenma what he thought of the performance, he was shy at first
Like, you did good. You were very pretty
Although small, you appreciated his compliments because it was hard to get them out of him
He’s shy at first, but then he’s quick to give his judgements about your dance partner
As if he couldn’t stop, he was complaining all night long that there should never be a man that close to you that’s not him
Not the jealous type
Sorry, but I just don’t see it
But you know what I do see?
That he likes to show you off
He’ll go to all of your dance practices and all of your performances because we love a supportive boyfriend
Even when he has volleyball practices, he’s going straight to your practice right after
And lets be honest, hes looking at your ass more than he is watching out for other guys
Hes confident about your relationship and that you wont leave him
Hes in the crowd screaming like Kuroo
Omg how embarrassing!!!!
Gosh, you could hear him from the stage and it took everything in your power to not laugh
After the show, you jump into his arms because awwww!
Hes complimenting the dance and how well you did
Hes giving out all these compliments to your other dance mates
But when it came to your male dance partner
He literally shoves his face out of the way like hes not even there
Like his massive hand just covers his entire face and is like nope, you’re not even there to me
Fine maybe he is a little jealous
Being the jealous type, he already knew everything about this little duet you were doing
Who your partner was
What class they were in
Does this person have a partner?
When were you were having practice?
Who else was going to be there? Because he sure as hell will make sure he’s there if its just you two
How close were you two getting?
Only because he forced you to tell him
He’s monitored your dance so well that he’s sure he could copy it
No he cant  
Yeah it’s a little much, but hes the protective type! Hes just making sure that you’re safe and that your partner doesn’t try anything on you
But no matter how many times hes seen the dance
No matter how many times he knows that it means nothing
And no matter how much he braces himself for that part
A part of his stomach just tenses up
Its frustrating to see his s/o be that close to someone who isn’t him. And he cant help but be jealous, who wouldn’t?
Your expression, your dance moves, the emotion you put into the dance – they were all so convincing. If no one knew you had a boyfriend, they would all think that you and your dance partner would be dating
He cant have that
After the showcase, he makes it really known that you are already taken
Given his extra ass, he’d be exaggerating soooo much and youd just roll your eyes at him
Jokes on you, he IS your dance partner
Yeah, he’s got other hobbies other than volleyball
And don’t’ judge! Dance is good for flexibility
If your team needs any couple dances, its you and Iwa-chan
There are times when your team separates you two
And when that happens, best BELIEVE he’s keeping an eye out
During practice, he’s always side glancing and huffs whenever you two laugh together
When your dance teacher suggests you and your partner do something a little sexual, Iwa sit here to immediately stop it
If you had to do anything of the sorts, you were doing it with him
Your teacher wouldn’t be too happy that he is ruining their vision
But he promises that you two will practice extra hard for those parts to make it perfect
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billyboymiki · 4 years
5 Works Tag Game
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and post or link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I got tagged by @tippenfunkaport and @caramelaire for this tag game!!
I’m not one to compliment myself on anything honestly. Recently I remember thinking about how I barely drew anything this year. There was a part of my brain nagging at me to check how much I had drawn last year. So, I uh did. Turns out I drew basically nothing?! I triple checked this in fact. My DeviantART, Tumblr AND my camera roll. Nothing . . . I drew 5 very basic pinback button designs and that was it. I couldn’t believe it; but, it made be feel so much better about what I did this year. Basically my whole instagram is all artwork from this year, since I am actually really new to IG. I got super close to 40 works this year!
Now onto the works! They are in order of when I drew them 😊
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Glimmer Inspired Patterns
I wanted to teach myself how to make patterns on Clip Studio so bad! I watched a couple of YT tutorials, and I can’t even remember why I decided to make She-ra ones specifically; I’m glad I did though! The Glimmer one means so much to me. Just looking at makes me so happy! The fact that so many people have now called it ‘aesthetically pleasing’ makes me feel as though I actually created a work that others could relate to. That was enough praise for me; to create something for myself that everyone else loved as well 💖
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Glimbow Cuddle
This was my first real She-ra artwork. When I saw there was a Glimbow Week again I knew I had to join this one. I don’t know if anyone knows this; but, drawings take me forever to make. I used to be strictly a traditional artist and still prefer to draw rough drafts on paper. I couldn’t decide if I wanted them on Glimmer’s window seat or in Bow’s dads’ library. I was afraid of doing backgrounds; so, both sounded absolutely terrifying. I decided to go for the fireplace even if it meant fancy lighting on top of the background aspect. I think I actually spent more time on the lighting that’s hitting Bow than on anything else in this picture. It was worth it though. I studied how the show did backgrounds and lighting for a while. I tried so many different attempts at how I wanted it to look and ultimately went with this one! I love it so much 🥺
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Bow’s list with doodles
Ah, yes the drawings I did for Tippen’s birthday!! I knew I wanted to draw a scene from ‘Tuna Cans’, but I was worried to try something like this. You see, I’m somebody that likes to stay in a comfort zone and only uploaded fully rendered perfect artworks. This year was the first time that I let the ‘fun’ aspect overrule my perfectionism. I’m so happy that I stepped out of my comfort zone for this, because I love Chibi styles so much. I can’t even explain the absolute joy I had drawing these. I didn’t tell anyone what I was up to, so it was just me laughing at myself for being an absolute goofball. The end result and everyone’s reactions were more than I could have ever expected. I’ve decided I’m going to revive this style soon as well so please look forwards to it!!
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Space Suit Squad
Okay, so I cheated a little with this one! I couldn’t just pick ONE of the squad. Honestly though, I drew these with the thought of making them into prints in the back of my mind. I taught myself how to draw a space background and I’m really proud of it! So much in fact that the one in the final pictures is the first and last one I ended up doing! If I had to pick my favorites I think I’d have to pick Glimmer, Bow and then Catra. I LOVE the way I draw Catra I don’t know why? Maybe the eyebrows I’m not sure 🤔 It took me a while to decide on expressions and poses; although, I figured these were the ones because I could look at them and go ‘yep that’s them.’
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Winter Glimbow
This one took me soooo long; I actually had to tell myself that I should put my pen down because it was done and I should stop touching it!!! I was sketching pictures in my sketchbook to make more patterns for my Redbubble account, and of course I’m like 100% Glimbow brainrot. My brain went, oooo you know what would be cute? If this skate was actually Bow’s and not just generic. So, I ended up sketching Glimmer’s as well. The heart that their skates make is like the cherry on the top for me, it had to be done! I’m not sure I did the background justice on this one? It doesn’t matter to me though because the concept was worth the effort. It was snowing here and I needed this picture like I needed air, even if it wasn’t even December at the time I posted it 🤣 I liked this one so much that I have similar ideas for the other seasons sketched out as well 👀
I’m sorry that I ramble so often. I’m like this quiet person; yet, it’s hard for me to get out everything I want to say? I’m horrible at it actually my brain runs at a hundred miles a minute and I’m not good with words most of the time. This turned out as more of a thought process than my actual feelings on each one I suppose. SO, in conclusion. I drew A LOT, I stepped out of my comfort zone, taught myself digital art and patterns. I let myself come to terms with the fact that not every piece of art has to be ‘perfect’. I drew at least 5 FULL backgrounds and I never used to draw them! I’ve also always been one for simple shading and lighting, and I do think there’s a time for that type of style, while other times sometimes a more difficult one might be appropriate. I’m glad that I did both because now I know I can do both, and they each give a characteristic that I adore 🥰 Thank you to everyone that has followed me through this journey, or just anyone who read my rambling! I have an honorable mention under the cut and some originals for anyone that made it this far! 💖
I’m not going to tag anyone; but, if you want to do this PLEASE do it. It was so great to reflect on what I did this year, it really surprised me and I think what you have done will surprise you as well! It’s been a rough year, and in the end we have been here supporting each other and that’s one of the most rewarding parts of being in a fandom! 💜
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Glimmer screencap redraw
Another picture where I really tested myself on drawing a background! I love it even if it killed my hand!! The background definitely took the longest on this one too. My sister literally said ‘Wait, you did the background? I thought you just drew her?!’ And that was the only validation I needed!! I ended up thinning out Glimmer’s outline so she matched the background better. If you use the vectors on Clip please use this feature! You can do the opposite as well, it’s super useful!
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Oh hi! Remember when I said I couldn’t decide between the two locations? Truth is, I also couldn’t decide if I was going to make it traditional or digital. I ended up getting really mad at the traditional version unfortunately. I haven’t gotten the hang of traditional backgrounds. In the end, I should have also done it in Copic and not cheap pencil crayons 😫
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Just some space friends! There is something so rewarding about traditional art. Yes, I can see the mistakes and the proportions are most likely off; yet, it doesn’t bother me? I wanted to also show these bonus drawings because nobody is perfect and I thought some of you might like to see some of my process. Being able to hold it in my hands is something I will never tire of, in a way it’s super rewarding. I keep all my art actually and sometimes I like the rough drafts more than the finished work 👀 Outlining artwork can actually ruin the charm every so often 😔 I do really love the final versions of these though!
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Annnnnd the last bonus!! As you can tell the final version stayed pretty true to my sketches! I almost went with a more realistic look and made the symbols ‘stitched’ onto the skates. In the end it felt like it didn’t fit the rest of the drawing unless I wanted to add extra details to the clothing as well. The wings on Glimmer’s skates turned into ‘Shwings’ PLEASE tell me other people know what that is? I had a pair a few years ago and misplaced them. I was doing the rough draft and it popped into brain and I treated it as a joke at first, until I gave it a proper chance XD In the end I fell in love with it!!!
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spacecakes20 · 4 years
Begin Again
Chapter 3: Sebastian, Third Time’s a Charm
(Chapter 2)
Sebastian didn’t know what to make of the new farmer. Granted, he had only met her twice, and both times ended so painfully, embarrassingly awkward, that he was sure people could just feel the embarrassment all the way from Calico Desert.
      If their awkward first meeting wasn’t bad enough, the second meeting somehow ended up being worse. He felt it was mostly his own fault for being so zoned out, and the look of pure guilt on her face just made him feel even more guilt. And he didn’t even get the chance to apologize and assure her that no, it wasn’t her fault and to please stop looking at him like she’d just kicked a puppy. It was just a bloody nose; he was 50% sure it wasn’t broken. But she had run off before he could even get the words out and that just made him feel even more guilty. How she was able to make him feel guilty when he was the one standing there with a bruised face and a bloody nose, he’d never know.
      At this point, he was just hoping the two would never run into each other again just to spare both their pride. Or what little was left of it anyway. It couldn’t be too hard. Avoiding people was practically his specialty. But if it was one thing Sebastian’s learned after living on this earth for the past 23 years was that the universe was a spiteful bitch. Perhaps Sebastian committed some unforgivable crime in his past life. Or maybe the universe just hated him specifically. Ether way, things never seemed to work out in his favor, and he doesn’t really know why he’s so surprised anymore.
     They had somehow managed to avoid each other at the Egg Festival. He had thought she didn’t show up, but then later saw her chatting with Elliot and Leah. The three seemed engrossed in whatever they were talking about and were practically ignoring the actual festival. Which was good, because it meant the farmer never noticed him. So far so good, Sebastian had so foolishly thought. He should have known better than to be so optimistic.
     The next time they would meet, it would be at the worst festival of the year; the dreaded Flower Dance. It was bad enough that Sebastian was forced into a stuffy and outdated suit that was an obnoxious color of teal, but he was also forced to dance in front of the whole town. Sure, the population of this town was 31, but that was still 31 too many. The number of people that he actually liked being around was 2 on a good day. And even then, he’d never be caught dancing, even around them. Unfortunately, he didn’t get much of a choice on the matter.
     That day was already off to a wonderful start. Sebastian and his stepdad, Demetrius, got into an argument. He couldn’t quite remember what the argument was even about, but knowing Demetrius and how petty he could be, it could have been about anything. Eventually, his mother had to come and separate the two. So, Sebastian had decided to go out by the lake and cool his head with a smoke. Right as he pulled out his cigarette, a large gust of wind decided now would be the perfect time to make its appearance through the area, making the unsuspecting Sebastian drop his cig into the lake. Which might have been fine had it not been his last fucking one. Needless to say, he was not in a good mood at the moment.
     Currently, Sebastian, Sam, and his other friend Abigail were over by the lake. Close enough to still be at the festival but far enough away to escape the chatter. The farmer wasn’t hard to spot. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail to the side, held together with a sunflower clip. Her bright yellow sundress stood out like a sore thumb; especially compared to the other younger residents; the women wearing their lacy white dresses, the men in tight blue tuxedos. Despite sticking out, he’d admit, the dress suited her. It complemented her warm skin and made her vibrant eyes stand out even more if that was at all possible.
     “Hey!” Sam shouted from beside Sebastian, making him jump.
     “What is it, Sam?” Abigail raised an eyebrow questionably.
     “Is that Luna?” Sam pointed across the field at the woman in question.
     Sebastian stiffened. He knew where this was going, and he didn’t like it. Before anyone could stop him, Sam cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted, “Hey Luna!” 
     She must not have heard him, because she continued her conversation she was having with his mother and for a moment Sebastian felt relief. That moment only lasted for a quarter of a second when Sam decided to shout her name even louder. That seemed to have caught the attention of not only her but also half the town. Everyone turned to the source of the shouting. Sebastian wished he could cease to exist, if only for a few minutes. Or an hour. Maybe even a week. Ether way, he really didn’t want to be here.
     He saw Luna politely end her conversation with his mother, leaving with a shy wave before making her way over to the trio. He noticed she hadn’t given him eye any contact. Great.
      “Hey, Sam.” She greeted him with a small smile.
      “Hey, Lu! How are ya?” Sam’s voice normally didn’t grate on Sebastian’s nerves, but he wasn’t in the greatest of moods now.
      “I’m alright.” Luna tried to appear nonchalant, but he noticed her shoulders were a little tense. Maybe this was as awkward for her as it was for him. For some reason, he found that thought comforting.
      Sam had snaked his arm around Sebastian’s shoulder, “Have you met my buddy Sebastian here?”
      Finally, finally, the two gave each other eye contact. If Sam or Abigail noticed the tension, they didn’t say anything.
      “Yeah…” Luna trailed off, voice a little higher than before, “We’ve, uh… we’ve met.”
      That seemed to have taken Sam by surprise. He whipped his head over to his friend so quickly, Sebastian was surprised he didn’t get whiplash.
       “You did?” Sam questioned, “When?”
       Luna averted her gaze, looking at a piece of grass like it held the secrets of the universe. Sebastian wished it did, then maybe it could tell him how to get out of this awkward encounter.
       Sebastian swallowed, opening his mouth to speak. Maybe he could try to lighten the mood. Don’t say anything stupid. Try to play it cool. “She uh… hit me with a door.” He said the words before he had the time to think of the many different reasons why that was the worst possible thing he could have said. He mentally smacked himself. I could just… drown myself in the lake, right?
       But to his surprise—and relief—he was met with the sound of a small amused chuckle. Looking at her face, her brows were raised in surprise, but her lips were upturned in amusement. This smile, though small, was vibrant, making her eyes sparkle. It was much better than that empty smile she had given him at the pier not so long ago.
        “I did not!” She defended, then added more sheepishly, “I mean… I kind of… did…”
        “What?!” Abigail and Sam said in unison, confused more than anything.
        Luna held her hands up defensively, “It was an accident!” Her eyes met his and that look of guilt came rushing back in them. The same look she gave him outside of Pierre’s that made him feel like he kicked a puppy. “I didn’t… break it did I?”
        It? Oh! Right! His nose! That’s right.
        “Nah…” Sebastian hoped he sounded nonchalant, putting his hands in his pocket with a shrug, “It’s fine. Just bruised.”
        “Oh!” Abigail gasped, lips twitching into a smirk, “Is that how you got that bruise?”
        Before Sebastian could even answer, Sam interrupted his train of thought by bursting into a fit of laughs.
        “Seriously?” Sam wiped a tear from his eye, “Here I thought you might have gotten into a fight or something. Turns out little miss Luna just took you out with a door!”
        Abigail joined in with a snort, “Look at the bright side Seb.” She nudged Sebastian with her elbow, “At least now we know your face looks good in purple!” Sam and Abigail joined each other in a chorus of laughs.
        “You’re so right!” Sam agreed through his laughter, “Purple is his color!”
        It was nice to know his pain amused them so much.
        Sebastian took the opportunity to steal a glance at Luna. The young woman was smiling, but it wasn’t vibrant, nor was it empty. It was one of the shy smiles people did when they were unsure of what to say or do but didn’t want to come across as rude by leaving. He could sympathize.
        Clearing his throat, he brought Luna’s attention back to him. “Seriously,” He tried to sound convincing, “I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.”
        He must have sounded more convincing then he thought because she gave him another one of her genuine smiles.
        “I’ll take your word for it.”
        That seemed to dial back the awkwardness if only for a second. But now they weren’t sure of what to say next, so the uncomfortable silence seemed to drag for what felt like hours. It had only been two minutes.
        “So...” Luna was the brave soul who decided to break the quiet, “What’s this flower dance all about?”
        That only earned her a groan from Sam, “It’s soooo dumb!” He grumbled, “Basically, it’s a dance—”
        “Nooo, really?” Luna gasped in mock surprise, giving Sam a half-smile.
        Sam only rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance, “Any-waaay… It sucks. But we all gotta do it anyway.”
        “Because,” Abigail pipped in, “‘It’s ‘tradition.’” She made air-quotes with her fingers accompanied by an eye roll.
        “Yeah, pretty much.” Sam sighed.
        Luna sent them a sympathetic smile.
        Sebastian raised an eyebrow curiously, “Are you participating?” Come to think of it, she wasn’t dressed for the occasion.
        She shook her head hesitantly, “No? I don’t think so anyway.”
        “Do you have a partner?” Abigail asked.
        Again, Luna shook her head, “Um, no. I don’t even know the steps.”
        “Lucky.” Sam pouted.
        “Yeah, I’m kind of jealous too.” Abigail agreed.
        Sebastian agreed with a hum. He wished he could trade places with her. But despite his disdain for the Flower Dance, there was one thing he did look forward to. Looking over to Abigail, he couldn’t help the ghost of a smile that graced his lips.
        “So, what about you guys?” Luna tilted her head questionably, “Do you have a partner?”
        Sam had the nerve to look almost sheepish, “Yeah, I do.” He smiled shyly, eyes drifting off before catching himself, “Oh, but maybe we could dance together next year?”
        Luna gave a slight smile before looking over to Sebastian. He avoided her gaze, eyes dropping to the grass below his feet. “What about you?” She asked, “Do you have a partner?”
        Sebastian’s eyes subconsciously looked over to Abigail, before averting his gaze to a nearby tree. “Yeah.” He answered, “There’s someone I have in mind.”
        Before Luna could even give him an answer, Mayor Lewis called for all the young residents to take their places for the Flower Dance.
        Sam gave an exaggerated groan, “That’s our cue.” He said before running off. Before he could get too far, he turned to Luna with a wink and said, “See you on the other side!"
        Luna gave a light laugh and shook her head, “Have fun!”
        Before his brain could catch him, the words fell out of Sebastian’s mouth before he even realized, “We won’t.” He winced when he realized what he said might have sounded harsh. Turning, he slowly meets Luna’s gaze. He was washed over with relief when he saw she was trying to hold back a laugh. The sparkle in her eyes almost looked mischievous.
        “Then,” She responded, “try not to die of embarrassment.”
        “No promises.” He said back. Turning, he made his way to the middle of the field where everyone was lined up with their Flower Dance partner. The music started, and Sebastian and Abigail followed the steps they both knew so well, they didn’t even have to think. They’d been partners for this dance since they were teens. Sebastian still remembered how flustered he was the first time they had danced together. If he recalled correctly, she was nervous too. Abigail’s hair was chestnut back then, but the current purple curls felt more suiting for her round face and rosy cheeks.
        “New farmer seems nice.” Abigail whispered low enough for only Sebastian to hear, “What do you think?”
        He simply shrugged, “I dunno.”
        “You don’t think so?” She quirked an eyebrow at him curiously.
        “I mean, we haven’t known her very long.”
        “Are you sure you aren’t just mad she assaulted you with a door?”
        “Ha. Ha.” Sebastian responded dryly.
        There was a part in the dance where the men switched sides with their partner in one seamless turn. From this new angel, Sebastian caught sight of the farmer in question. He was surprised to see she was alone. She had distanced herself to the corner of the fence that lined the forest, away from any residents. Even though she was watching the dance, her eyes looked distant. As though her mind were elsewhere. Something about it made her look… lonely. Like she didn’t quite fit in and she knew it. Her bright yellow dress seemed to only accentuate that fact. Sebastian didn’t know why, but he felt a ping of guilt at that realization. It was too late to be Luna’s dance partner now. Even so, he probably wasn’t suited to be her dance partner anyway. She’d probably be more comfortable with Alex or even Sam. Someone who was more outspoken and could carry a conversation. Someone who wouldn’t make the whole thing feel awkward.
        Finally, after what felt like a millennium, the dance was over. Sebastian didn’t even wait to hear the announcement of the Flower Queen. It would probably be Haley, just like it was last year. And the year before that. He didn’t really care. Just wanted to get home and get out of the tux and into something comfortable asap. And maybe sneak in a nap while he’s at it.
(Chapter 4)
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agreste-image · 4 years
☕️ your classmates!
Well, this is going to get a little long, probably. I mean, there’s 14 other people.
In general, I like them all to a degree. Some I consider my best friends, some I’m just not close to, others are...
Not nice people.
We’ll just go for a paragraph per person. Skipping myself, obviously, I’m not my own classmate.
Soooo... Chloe, then. She manages to fall under both not a nice person and a best friend. Even I’m not really sure how. She can be kind when she wants to be, and she was my only friend for years. I hope I can help her be more of herself, not just a little platinum blonde echo of Audrey, because I think she’s struggling too.
Alya, I’d like to think, I’m kind of close to. Not as close as I could be, considering she’s dating one of my best friends. She’s a nice person, wayyyy too freaking brave, though. How many time have Ladybug and Chat Noir had to physically relocate her out of the danger zone of an akuma? I guess it’s kind of admirable, though, that she’s willing to do that for the sake of providing information to the public. Sometimes, though... she needs to do actual research... I’m definitely a huge part of that whole nightmare situation, though.
Her boyfriend, though. That’s Nino! You guys have probably seen me talk about him on here sometimes. He was the first one to actually give me a chance when I started going to public school, everyone else just assumed I was going to be like Chloe. He’s kinda my hero? All he knew about me was that I was friends with Chloe but all it took for him to decide to befriend me was watching me try and get gum off a seat. He knows what his goals are and he goes for them, though he does get pretty frustrated when things don’t go the way he hoped, but he’s quick to forgive other people when they mess up and damn I know that’s hard to do. He’s ALSO recklessly brave, like Alya... I thought I was going to have a heart attack when Anansi was a thing. Augh.
Sabrina is... weird. You’d think I’d know her a little more, given she’s always with Chloe, but I really don’t? I don’t know if I’ve ever spoken to her one on one. She’s eager to please Chloe, but I don’t think that extends to anyone else, not quite the same way. I know a lot of people feel bad for her because she basically acts as Chloe’s servant, but I, uh. Don’t? Obviously it’s not a good relationship, but I remember bits and pieces of the One Time Sabrina was partnered with Marinette and Chloe on a project, and Sabrina’s capable of being just as mean and manipulative as Chloe. She’s just more submissive, for some reason. I dunno.
Rose is like what I would be if I was incapable of truly recognizing the cruelties of people. It is SO strange. I’ve never seen anyone as optimistic and bubbly as her. I like being around her, but in small doses. She can be a little airheaded sometimes, which makes planning things with her just a bit of a headache, because she’s always so excited about everything...? Once you get it all ironed out fully, though, usually it’s okay. She’s not a planning person, definitely spontaneous, or at least that’s the impression I get. She’s the singer for a rock band, actually, Kitty Section. I play keyboard for them sometimes.
I feel like I have to talk about Juleka after Rose. They’re a pair- dating, maybe??- I almost never see one without the other. Juleka’s pretty opposite to Rose. Rose is bright and loud, Juleka’s dark and quiet. Short and tall, outgoing and shy, confident and too hard on herself. She wants to model, or did at one point, and I fully believe she’d go quite far if she put her mind to it, but she is so. Painfully. Shy. It’s nice to see her with Rose and her other friends because she’s not trying to curl in on herself and not be seen. Unfortunately, because of that shyness, I really don’t know her very well. I’ve made some attempts to get to know her better, but, ah, to get her to talk requires Rose’s presence, and third-wheeling is awkward.
Kim is... yeesh. Competition is fun, but life isn’t a competition!! You don’t have to constantly dare everyone to ridiculous things. Sometimes it’s fun, but my god, Kim, dial it back. I’ll give him this, he’s calmed that down somewhat in the last few years. but beyond that, I barely know the guy. I’ll admit, my most prominent memories of him usually involve akuma, so that probably makes me subtly wary, but those weren’t his fault. I should try and hang out with him sometime, really, and actually get to know him.
I don’t know Ivan very well either. He’s quiet, seems grumpy a lot of the time, but I think that’s just his default expression. He and Mylene seem very happy together, which is. Surprising to me. Mostly because of how they got together. I know he’s ridiculously honest, I’ve seen him try to lie and it was... so embarrassing to watch. I should try spending time with him as well.
Max I’ve been around, but again, am not super close to. I’ll be perfectly honest, his intelligence is a little intimidating at times, while occasionally making things awkward when he takes stuff too seriously. But, wow, he made Markov. Who I would count as a classmate if he was able to participate, but he’s not, at the moment he’s... well, not recognized as a person, legally, yet. 
Alix is always the one taking Kim up on his dares. Usually, her conditions are that he stop making dares, which makes me laugh. She’s very comfortable and confident with who she is and doesn’t ever seem afraid to speak her mind, which does lead to some fights when she won’t admit she was in the wrong for a little while. She comes around, though. I admire that, and yet again, I realize I should probably try to spend more time with her.
Mylene, poor girl, she’s such a scaredy-cat. I’ve literally seen her jump at her own shadow before. From what I’ve been able to gather, she’s a very caring, kind person who will always do her best to help others, even when she’s on the verge of tears from how frightened she is. I wish I could help her with that, but I don’t want to give her a heart attack by approaching her. (She seems pretty easily distracted at times.) I think she could be an actress, if she wanted to be. She’s not half bad at it.
Nathaniel is a VERY talented artist, and I’ve encouraged him multiple times to at least consider doing it as a career, or side-job, at least. He’s shy about it, especially after Evillustrator regarding himself and Reverser with Marc (another class), but he’s been working off and on with Marc on a small series of comics. I swear, he never puts the pencil down, and I don’t ever want to interrupt him while he’s in the zone, so he’s another one I’ve mostly observed, but would like to know better.
Marinette. Where to begin with her? I can easily describe her as our everyday Ladybug. She’s a wonderful girl, always taking the lead, doing her best to help everyone within reason and not backing down when threatened. She’s gotten the attention of celebrities, for crying out loud, my own father and Audrey Bourgeois and Jagged Stone all acknowledged her talents and that makes me unbelievably proud of her. Sure, she...may not have been able to get a proper sentence out around me for a few years, and sometimes we don’t even say anything, but that’s alright. I know the reason behind it, even if I can’t do anything with that information, and I understand that feeling. Being around her is comfortable. But I don’t know her as well as I’d like to. I wish I could ask without making things potentially weird. Besides, she’s almost as busy as I am. Class rep, clothing design, helping with her parents bakery, helping all of her friends. Our schedules almost never line up, I think...
...Lila. I put off talking about her as long as I could, and that turned out to be a good few hours as I slowly answered this ask. She breathes lies that can be unraveled with the slightest bit of research, but nobody ever DOES and it infuriates me to no end. Lila made me regret being kind and giving her repeated second chances because my refusal to tell someone about the lies I caught her in got Marinette temporarily expelled and ostracized, and I’ll never forgive myself for my part in that. I have to be around her that much more than anyone else because of course she somehow managed to get Father’s attention and started modelling with me because for some goddamn reason she wants to be around me for some fame to rub off on her. Or wants me. One of the two. I legitimately hate every second I’m near her.
That should be everyone in my class other than my teachers. I realize, reading back over it, that I don’t know most of them too well, which makes me feel a little bad, but hopefully I can correct that. 
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tare-chan · 5 years
Spideychelle time!
Ok so now time for my spesific Spideychelle in FFH review :) It really took me this long to write cause… well… real life needs priorities ^^;
so anyway… beware of the long post under the cut
Okay, so when I read the news about the making of Spider Man FFH around October, when they shoot the Spideychelle scenes that’s placed in the very end of the movie, my hope for Spidyechelle being canon in FFH skyrocketed. 
and finally, when I saw it on screen, I have to say, I’m pleased :D Thank you Jon Watts! 
A little dissapointed that we didn’t get to see what happened right after the blip. I mean, surely the victim of the blip will be very confused, and shared the same trauma. We did see Aunt May raised a fund raiser for the blip’s victim. I was hoping to see how MJ would react to the blip, and what will be her reaction in seeing Peter and Ned still the same age at her. Surely they will become the best trio…… But then again, perhaps the script writer decided to leave those times to the fanfic authors?? ^^
Anyway, the first thing I noticed about Spideychelle moments were, everytime Peter interact with MJ, the bgm played the same song that played at the london bridge scene :D Awww…. totally love that bgm! Soft tunes and romantic….
So, the first scene we had was Peter telling Ned his plans, and MJ come to literally says hello to them :D This is one big step for MJ. She now feels comfortable enough to approach Peter and Ned. We already seen how akward Peter and MJ were in this scene. Did anyone noticed that MJ was a bit dissapointed when she heard that “Peter has plan”? Perhaps she thought Peter has plan to… approach European women? or something else? She looked relieved when the conversation went south, with those little spoon collecting things, and thus leaving the boys by giving them advice about VPN. Ned claimed that the conversation went well….. while we of course see that those didn’t went well at all XD
Next, the plane scene. For the first time on screen did we see MJ cleverly defended Peter from Flash. And the highlight moment when Peter acknowledge her actions. His expression was priceless. The little smiles and adoration eyes… that immediately changed into dislike upon seeing Brad.  (oohh Peter… you’re so cute!!) Then we saw Ned being the best BFF trying to become the wingman, and execute the ‘sit next to each other’ plan, that went horribly wrong. ^^; (I laugh so hard at that scene). We can see MJ was curious when Ned tell Betty to switch seat with Peter, and that curiosity turned into annoyed expression when at the end MJ needs to sit besides Brad. But she managed to control herself (as always), and tried to enjoy the ride. Unlike Peter whose face clearly showed how disappointed he was. 
The bathroom scene were also very sweet. Peter was so terribly awkward, but he still tried to did his best, and give his best for MJ. The confused MJ unfortunately didn’t get the ‘coded message’, thus leaving a high hope Peter face to face with….. Brad XD Lol!! 
Then the boat scene. Where Peter stared at MJ too long, that MJ started to look back. I think that’s when MJ started to understand that maybe Peter’s unto something. She’s very observant after all. But, as a very guarded person, she won’t be reckless or she will be hurt. Thus she still cope with whatever thing Brad has to offer, before ditching him, and went to have espresso. I think, she needs that espresso to ‘encourage’ her to approach Peter (she usually just drink tea). After all, we did see her waited at the pillar, until Peter showed up. Of course her intention was to confront Peter about that little gift, but in her subtle way, by sharing her knowledge about that magic word ‘Bo’. Perhaps that’s a very subtle message to Peter too…. “that’s my super power”?? Get it? MJ of course already suspect Peter was Spider-Man for so long. 
Then the Hydro-Man appeared. I love how both Peter and MJ jumped in to rescue Ned and Betty. They’re very brave!! In this scene, like my post from long time a go, noticed that MJ’s eyes didn’t actually looked at the monster, but rather at the boys before her. She must’ve noticed the conversation, thus holding Ned arms to lead them away from the dangerous zone. She didn’t look back, or search for Peter, because she already know (or suspect) that Peter could handle it on his own. And it’s her job to make sure Ned and Betty were okay. 
After that, the camera only focused on Peter, and the rest of the group who went to the closed museum. We didn’t get to see where MJ was….. there’s a possibility that she sneak around to watch Peter from a far. (just like the scene at the carnaval in Prague). 
Later we see that Peter once again tried to execute his plan, and asked MJ to went with him at their next destination. Eiffel tower in Paris. And MJ liked the idea! But of course, she has to stated another dark information regarding the tower, just to mess with Peter. She really love his petrified expression, didn’t she? Only this time, MJ always relieved Peter by immediately stating the positive things. Like how she actually love Eiffel tower. Aww….. I really like this development from her part. 
The bus scene! Once again we see how MJ tried to being nice with Brad. But at a certain point, she choose her book instead. And at the ‘Baby mountain Goat’ scheme Peter did, did anyone noticed that MJ didn’t buy it at all?? Everyone else went to the window side, but MJ sit still in her seat. And when Peter were confronted by Betty, we can see that MJ kinda ‘glared’ at Peter from the top of her book. And MJ keep sending Peter an “annoyed stare”, several times after that: when Brad tried to showed her ‘that’ photo, when Mr. Harrington briefed the kid at the hotel lobby and Peter’s phone rings. I’m guessing MJ started to piece things together and a little bit annoyed that Peter’s spider things hijacked their vacation, and there’s possibility dragged them all to danger things. 
From this scene onward, we did see how MJ build up her courage to interact with Peter. The silent looking at each other when they walked to the opera house, then she compliment him pretty, and she even managed to asked Peter to sit with her! Totally love how MJ didn’t immediately accept Peter’s rejection as ‘rejection’, but tried to confirm what he meant by ‘no’. Especially since MJ must’ve noticed Peter fumbled with something in his ear. And when Peter didn’t showed up at her side, MJ now run after him!! I saw these as a great growth from her part. Sure at this point, I think MJ was still confused at her own feeling, as in whether she actually want Peter because she likes him, or whether she was intrigued by Peter’s alter ego and want to confront him for confirmation.
Judging by what happened at their night walk at that bridge in Prague, I’m guessing MJ leans to the later excuse. Now, this is one of my favorite (angsty) scene. Noticed her expression when she cut Peter’s confession. She was so proud of herself, pointing at Peter’s disappearance that’s corresponds with Spider-Man’s appearance, she even scoffed at Peter’s lame excuses, and her expression when she took out her ‘proof’ was such a ‘happy - proud - managed to solved a problem - you can’t make anymore excuses’ one. 
Knowing he was caught, Peter went silent. But what weigh him more was that harsh truth that apparently MJ didn’t like him back for what he is. He can’t help but wear the ‘extremely’ disappointed expression. His heart literally broken to pieces there. He has sold his favorite toys to buy the beautiful necklace for her, he has prepared all those plans, he has mustered all courage he has to tell her his feeling, but apparently, all of that was wrong!! His broken ‘so…. you’ve been watching me, because you thought I was Spider-Man?” part was soooo well played by Tom, that I can’t help but feel the boy’s pain. Poor Peter… :,(
On the other part, MJ instantly knew that she’s stepped the boundaries. Her facial expression changed from proud to ‘regret’ in split second! (bless Zendaya and her acting prowess). She shouldn’t pushed Peter to admit his secret, a thing that she should know was something so important to him for a reason. She shouldn’t snoop into other people business, especially when said people purposely hide it from others. And at that moment, I believe MJ suddenly aware that Peter has feeling for her. That part scared her, especially since she are now confused at her own feeling. Guilt mixed in that. Thus she escape to the things she never did, she lied. 
Thankfully, the projector butt in, and the conversation could be put on hold. And Peter’s rational- responsible part, made him not to dwell much on his broken heart things, but to immediately prioritize his actions. Thus he confirmed MJ’s suspicions, cause he needs to do something to fixed his mistakes fast. MJ’s was taken back with this sudden change of behavior. Apparently she rarely see Peter’s taken charge and now things need to be done. I totally love how they ‘solved’ this Mysterio is a fraud problem together. They’re both very smart!!
at this scene, we could also see how MJ still feels guilty to pushed Peter and snooped at his secret, that she, in her own way of course, reconfirmed Peter’s decision to tell her about his alternate ego. I’m pretty sure MJ wasn’t only 67% sure that Peter’s Spider-Man, but she was asking whether it’s okay for Peter to let her know his secret. That he trust her enough to hold the secret. And Peter said ok, that he trust her enough not to tell people. Despite her excitement for receiving Peter’s secret, MJ can’t helped but being overwhelmed by so many possibilities of danger that haunted them while they’re on vacation, thus she rambled. And this is one rare occasion when Peter was calm enough, while MJ’s mind going crazy. Just to point the fact that Peter already has so many more experiences with ‘danger super hero things’ than MJ was. 
We can see how MJ still worried over things and still can’t think of what to do next, back at Peter’s hotel room, while Peter already has clearer idea of what he has to do. This lead to a funny scene where Peter changes in front of MJ, then get embarrassed. While on MJ part, we finally see the raging hormone teen in usually stoic MJ. LOL! totally love this part. And as already stated by other tumblr account, we did see the extreme changes in MJ, how she can relax and let down her mask in front of Peter, but quickly put them back on while in front of Ned. (again, amazing acting Ms. Z!)
After that we skipped into an angsty part from Peter’s own little adventure. But it still showed how Peter still has deep feelings towards MJ. No matter what has happened, no matter that (he thought) MJ didn’t like him back, he still has strong feelings towards her: The illusion scene where he still jumped after the illusion MJ, and when he asked Happy to give MJ the necklace. Those are deep feeling, I refuse to called it puppy love. Peter really really like MJ. :,( my poor boy….
On the other hand, I love to see how fast MJ adapt being the FOS, a.k.a being the closest persons to Spider-Man, the persons whose chance of being hurt as collateral damage are high. And I love seeing her being the more calmed person than Ned, and still can think clearly despite the chaos in front of her: she shoved Flash to move and away from the danger, she being the person noticed that they might be the target of Mysterio’s drones, she questioned who Happy was, and her idea of using the mace. I’m guessing despite her snarky sarcasm exterior, she was scared, and extremely worried for Peter’s safety. She might have just finally brave enough to admit it to herself, that she actually really like Peter in a romantic way. Especially when Happy at some point, gave her the necklace, that could be seen as Peter’s parting gift. She might be very scared for not being able to meet him again, to finally tell him the truth about her feeling. Especially, since she has lied to him before. Thus we saw her immediately darted out of the vault, the second things seems went under control.
I love how the camera zoomed out, to show MJ being the lone figure that moved between the remnants of destruction at the bridge. It showed how determined MJ was to find Peter, and to make sure he was alive. And it leads to the scene, where a ‘non hugger’ MJ, literally throw herself into Peter’s arm, and hugged him tight. Cause he’s alive.  Noticed that MJ was still new to this worrying things, that she didn’t managed to call Peter’s name throughout her adrenaline rush, and stumbled on her words, stuttering and all when explaining what happened. While the more experienced Peter was calmed enough and managed to call her name, and asked coherent questions regarding everyone’s safety. . :)
But the table turned fast, when it’s time for them to talked about feelings. It’s Peter’s turn to stumbled on his words, and tried to apologize for every stupid plans he has made, the broken necklace, with thought that he has assumed things on his end. He was already accepted the ‘fact’ that MJ didn’t like him like that, and his gift and plans will make it awkward, between them. 
But, of course MJ need to stop his thoughts, and one effective way to silenced a rambling Peter was with a peck in the lips. And it was effective! MJ was observant after all :D Then we saw how MJ really struggled to showed all her inner fears, and at the end, she really really like Peter for who he was, with flaws and in such a ‘broken’ state. 
A very relieved Peter (look at his expression! Tom… oh my oh my… what a wonderful acting!) finally managed to tell MJ his feeling, that reciprocates! *sniffles*. 
And at the movie end, we saw the romance bloomed beautifully, and both of them understand each other so well, but them still being themselves :,) MJ still teases Peter and being a blunt honest, with a hint of soft (”well… except me… “, her texting “don’t swing and text”) and Peter accept MJ for who she was.
All in all… the development of Spideychelle in FFH was wonderful, and I shouldn’t asked for more…. (but I really hope there’s more!!) I can’t thank Jon Watts enough for this wonderful development, and for Tom and Zendaya for delivering such a perfect interaction between the two :,)
The mid credit scene, I say, built the stage for the ‘rocky’ relationships between these two. I can’t wait to see what the directors will prepared for us!!
Meanwhile, I will indulge myself in fanfic community :D
And… this turned out to be extremely long!! ^^; if you managed to come this far… I can’t thank you enough to spent your time in reading my fangirlism rambling. XD 
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aj-artjunkyard · 5 years
Trials Of Apollo Oneshot Series  CHAPTER FIVE
This is a post-ToA chapter! Takes place after Apollo regains his immortality.
I sighed. Strolling aimlessly through the halls of my palace on Olympus, I wondered if it had always been this unappealing. The gold trimmings seemed fake. The extravagant furniture felt uncomfortable. Even my bed was too big. Every shiny object played murder on my eyes, and every smooth surface was too warm to be refreshing. It just wasn’t homey. Not like the Waystation or Aeithales or either demigod camps. It felt more like a sized-up garage to keep a fancy car in. 
I found myself yearning to be outdoors - no uncommon craving. Like my twin, most of my domains are set in the great outside world. I threw open the golden double doors of the balcony, closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh Olympian air. There was still something missing. Furrowing my eyebrows in frustration, I opened my eyes and glanced around for anything that might sate my dissatisfaction, when my sight landed on a certain figure making her way through the buzzing streets of Olympus and towards the entrance of my palace. I felt a natural smile creep onto my face. I would have to look for the missing thing later. Right now, I needed to be with my mother.
We had been in this comforting embrace for almost ten minutes now. I combed my fingers through Leto’s caramel hair while she sobbed into my shoulder, her frame shaking considerably. I felt the wet tears soaking through my jacket and dampening the shirt beneath. I pressed my lips against her forehead, hoping to make her content enough to talk to me. Eventually, she pulled away and reached up, running her fingers through my hair, almost to reassure herself that I was actually there. She looked deep into my eyes, while tears danced in her own. I took her hands in my own, and gently led her to a white sofa, which was far to big for the space of the room. It looked like whoever had put it there was just trying to cram as much unneeded furniture into one place as they could. Oh wait…that may have been me.
Leto sat down beside me. She sniffled a little, avoiding my eyes. She fiddled with the brooch on my toga. I held her hand. She squeezed it. 
“Apollo…” she trailed off, seeming lost in her mind.
“I’m alright now Mother,” I said in an effort to soothe her. “I’m immortal again. I cannot die. I learnt a lot too. And I want to apologise for not being the most attentive of sons. I should visit you more, and I will! Really, father was right to-”
I fell silent, shocked that my mother would ever scream in such a tone. She looked at me, and I noticed how tired she was. No doubt staying up to watch every second of my quests, worried sick that something might happen if she took her eyes off me. It would not be out of character for her to do such things.
“Your father was not right to punish you in such a cruel manner. To have you forced into servitude, with next to no natural means to protect yourself or others!”
“Honestly, Mother I-”
She held up a hand for quiet. I obeyed.
“I know you should not have done the things you did. I know you’ve learned. That does not warrant your father’s merciless behaviour. You kept getting hurt and I could do nothing, he said if he caught me in the act of helping, he would make it worse for you. He said there would be more deaths, more guilt. So I obliged. I made sure he didn’t catch me. I convinced Artemis to send her hunters. I persuaded Hermes to crash the sun, and Athena to lure you to the child-” she paused. “-Whom I have been caring for. He is named Cindeo - the one who escapes danger.”
I nodded. “I see you have been taking care of everyone.”
“That is indeed my sole purpose, yes. It distracted me, which Artemis says is a good thing. But still…I was watching. That day on the boat.”
I swallowed a lump in my throat. I knew exactly what she would be referring to before she even said it. “You stabbed yourself.” 
I drew in a sharp intake of breath, remembering the pain.
“I knew Medea would heal me.”
“You did it willingly.”
“It was only a distraction.”
“What was? Your life?”
“Caligula needed me alive more than my friends did.”
“They all needed you in the end, Apollo! I needed…I needed you.”
We sat, not talking. Just staring at each other, mentally comparing our broken pieces. I was willing to gather my pieces - make something new. I knew my mother wanted that as much as I did. We hugged again, this one lasting even longer. Neither party minded. Her caramel hair still smelt of honeysuckle, a trait inherited by my sister. She was still soft and warm and safe. After all these centuries, she had not changed. I was glad. 
After an eternity, we separated. I examined my mother, my medical urges setting in. 
“You look like you haven’t slept since I woke up in that dumpster. You need rest.”
She shook her head. “Apollo, you just got back. If you think I’m going to-”
“And I’ll be here when you wake up. Why don’t you use my bedroom? That way you won’t really be leaving. I’ll still be around, I promise. Even if you sleep as long as Gaea did.” She tried to protest, but I easily guided her to my sleeping quarters. By the time we arrived, Leto was practically using me as her only way of staying upright. I gently laid her down on my king-sized mattress, and she immediately melted into the warmth of the duvet. 
I made my way to the kitchen, intent to taste ambrosia for the first time in months. A shape shimmered into existence on the blinding white counter. A freshly baked pie. Curious, I picked up the little note beside it, which read in perfect ancient greek calligraphy;
You deserve it! I love you!
I chuckled and called down the hall, “Go to sleep!”
To which I received a muffled “I am, I am!”
I grabbed the pie and sniffed, enjoying my newly heightened senses. I could tell exactly what was in it. Ambrosia, sugar and chunky slices of…baked apple. The smell smacked me as violently as my realisation. My palace was golden, hard and shiny. It was devoid of life. Life like that of a particularly bossy half-blood. I decided to call in a discreet demigod quest.
“Soooo…about this quest.”
“It was to help you plant stuff?”
I patted down the soil around a sweet-smelling Hyacinth. We sat in a huge garden positioned behind my palace. I had never fully understood why it was here. What was its purpose? Why would you look at some boring old trees when my palace was right at the end of the long, wide strip of grass, glowing golden and easily mistaken for a beautiful sunset in the evening?  Once, I had even petitioned for the land to be flattened and used for a theatre (Dionysus and the muses backed me up, but Demeter, Poseidon and Artemis were strongly against it). But now, I smiled to myself as I began to see its importance. 
“I don’t know what you find so complicated about this, Meg. I thought you liked gardening.”
My former master scrunched up her nose, pushing her cat-eye glasses further up her face. Her hands were caked with mud and the knees of her new leggings were already ruined. She had not wanted to change her dress, but when Percy mentioned to Mrs Jackson that she was still wearing the same borrowed garment from several months before, Sally had sent a package and insisted she change clothes every once in a while. Meg had donned the teal tunic and green leggings ever since. Such was the fashion sense of The Meg. 
“Well, yeah. But I don’t think you’re allowed to call it a quest.”
“You were summoned to assist a god, were you not?”
“So you are on a quest.”
“To plant flowers.”
Meg shrugged. “Okay. But how do you plan to explain it to Zeu-” I cleared my throat loudly, glaring obviously at my reckless young friend. How many times did I have to tell her that names hold power? I definitely did not have a bullet-proof backup plan incase my father did find out, so I did not want to draw his attention and let him in on my little secret. That would not go well for anyone, trust me.
“How do you plan to explain it to your father?” Meg corrected. Satisfied with that adjustment, I turned my attention back to my Hyacinth. 
“I’m not going to.”
“That’s a stupid plan.”
“I would have thought you’d know me better than to assume I have a real one.”
“That’s fair, you’re pretty dumb.”
“Hey!” I threw a clod of dirt at her, which hit her right in the centre of her forehead. We shared a look of mild amazement. I actually hit my target. It had been a while. I grinned with triumph, but it was soon smacked off my face as I got hit full whack with a dirt ball to the cheek. Then our eyes met in silent challenge. We both accepted.
It only took fifteen minutes for the massive garden to become an all-out war zone. There was no safe place. Dirt flew every direction, and we both took advantage of our own abilities - Meg using plants to trip me up or willing the dirt to fly with excruciating accuracy, and me, using beams of sunlight to reflect off Meg’s glasses and blind her, and when I found her charging at me, I flew over her head, just to be annoying. 
When Meg shoved half a dozen handfuls of mud down my shirt, I decided to play dirty (well...dirtier). I conjured a hose, and watched with enormous enjoyment as Meg’s cocky grin melted into morphed into one of realisation and fear. I blasted her. 
We chased each other around the grass, continuously soaking each other (Meg had used a plant pot as a bucket and filled it in a nearby pond) until the sky started to dim. It was early January, so it wasn’t too late, maybe six o’clock. Cold and exhausted, we made our way back towards my palace. My mother was waiting in the kitchen when we arrived, a new apple pie steaming on the dining table. She tutted at our wet cloths and sopping hair. With a wave of her dainty hand, Meg and I immediately dried.
“You let the other one go cold, dear,” Leto smiled, gesturing at the pie. Two golden-rimmed plates, complete with solid gold knives and forks which shimmered into existence beside it. 
“Thank you Mother!” I said excitedly, kissing her on the cheek and sitting down at the table. Meg looked more wary. She eyed my mother suspiciously, while Leto smiled softly at her. Stepping closer to the table, perhaps under pressure, Meg inquired, “Is there ambrosia in it? I can’t eat much of that stuff.”
Leto laughed. “Yes, dear. But only traces. Only eat a slice or two, and you’ll be absolutely okay.”
I turned around in my chair and grinned over the backrest at them. 
“Meg, it’s fine. She wouldn’t hurt a fly, would you, Mother?”
Leto looked horrified. “Of course not! Why would I damage such a harmless creature that’s so vital to the nutrition of other creatures?” 
I gave Meg a look. “See?” 
Meg seemed satisfied with that answer, but was still cautious in her approach to the table. But after no more than fifteen seconds, she was shovelling in mouthful after mouthful with incredible velocity, rapidly cleansing her plate of any crumbs. My Mother watched her with intrigue, and I could almost see the cogs turning in her head. While Meg helped herself to seconds, Leto quietly pulled me aside.
“When was the last time the child ate?” She whispered urgently, casting solicitous glances over at my young companion. 
“It can’t have been long ago. Meg eats a lot,” I reassured. Her shoulders relaxed, her gaze softened. Leto looked thoughtfully back over at Meg.
“Does she have somewhere to stay?”
“I believe she intends to become a year-rounder at Camp Half-Blood. She’ll be with her siblings and cousins there. Her family.”
“Mother?” Leto peered deep into my metallic gold irises. Then back looked at Meg. Then back at me. “What are you thinking?”
“If she is to remain at Camp Half-Blood, you will not be able to meet with her. I implore you, son. Look into the future. What possibilities do you see for her there?”
I concentrated, absorbing in every part of Meg’s being and taking into account every decision I’d ever seen her make. (Being a god, this was easy. Oh, how I enjoyed the wonders of a working memory!) I started off simple to ease myself back into prophecy, by predicting where her fork would land next. [She will miss the pie and stab the plate] Clank! My power proved to be working. I stretched myself a bit further, into next week. I saw her hold up a red flag in triumph. [She will win Capture The Flag for the Demeter, Hades, Dionysus and Apollo cabins] Yes, that seemed plausible. 
Then I looked years ahead, in fast-forward. I laid every likely option and decision for Meg out on a metaphorical table in front of me and examined them all. Useless nonsense rushed past me as I sifted through the possibilities. [On May 23rd, she will eat meatloaf for dinner] [Exactly two weeks from now, she will push a son of Dionysus into the lake] [In three years, she will set Peaches loose on a rabid Manticore] None of these helped me. I searched for the correct timeline, the one where she stayed at Camp. I found it. 
[She will miss Apollo] Fair, I would miss her too. [She will feel lonely] I will too, friend. [She will distance herself from anything to do with Apollo, including his children] Wait, no- [She no longer considers Apollo to be a friend] STOP!
My eyes flew open. My mother held onto my arm, steadying me. Meg had turned around in her chair, seeming concerned. 
“You okay?”
I stumbled for an answer. Would she really dismiss me? Would I dismiss her? “Uh, yes. Yes, everything is fine.” Meg’s eyebrows scrunched behind her cat-eye glasses. The rhinestones caught the light, and shone brightly. 
“You look sick,” she announced, with her usual Meggy bluntness.
“Thanks,” I grumbled. “Meg, it’s getting late. Perhaps I should send you back to Camp.”
Meg pouted. “Why can’t I stay?”
“You know why. Father can’t find out you’re here.” 
Meg groaned. “Ugh. Okay. Just don’t forget about me or I’ll march right back to kick you in the kneecaps.”
I smiled. “I would not dream of it. See you soon.” I waved my hand and Meg evaporated in a shower of gold, and I felt her reappear safely at Half-Blood Hill.
My mother turned to me. 
We sat on the cold stone steps of the amphitheatre, where I’d dazzled the demigods into minor depression with my Lydian and one-four-five Progressions so many moons ago. 
It was late afternoon and the sun shone softly through the trees, scattering beams of light around the secluded area. I appeared similar to what I had a few days ago, only this time I had donned a more ‘modern’ look from my usual toga. I wore an ACDC t-shirt under an unzipped orange and white jacket. My jeans were worn pale at the knees and hems, which contrasted the bright red of my nike trainers. Only my hair was much the same - long, blond and flowing down to my shoulders. 
Little sparks of light bounced cheerfully off of Meg’s rhinestones. She kicked a pebble down the steps, and watched in fascination as it skipped, making tic tic tic sounds all the way to the bottom. She was still wearing the same teal tunic and green leggings, her gardener’s belt hanging loosely around her waist. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, she spoke.
“You said you wanted to ask me something?”
I nodded. “Yes, but I want to inform you that how you answer will not affect my view of you in the slightest. I will always admire you, whether you turn down my offer or not.”
I laced my fingers, trying to think of the best way to word it. 
“Following your recent quest,” (Meg snorted. I continued.) “I realised that I will not be able to see you as often as I would like. I will not be able to intervene on future quests, or protect you much beyond what my father allows. It will most likely be a long time before all the gods begin to treat the mortals as beings. I will also have to endure the endless mocking from my fellow gods, simply for changing my morals, and someone with mortal experience would be good to keep me straight. So, my offer to you, should you choose to accept it, is the offer of immortality. I would like you to live on Olympus, with me.” Meg’s eyes widened. Her jaw dropped. Seeing this, I rushed to hastily add to my unexpected statement. “Now, please know that this is not a one-time offer. You can say ‘No’ now, and come back later! Or not. Whatever you choose, I’ll always be looking out for you, okay?” Meg furrowed her eyebrows and blew out her cheeks in concentration. I watched her, not quite knowing if I should say more. 
“Will I have to leave Camp forever? Will I be able to visit?”
“That’s the thing. You would only be allowed to visit if you have a specific purpose for coming, and you would have to make sure it’s iron-clad just in case Zeus confronts you about it. But I am working on finally getting those laws abolished. Hopefully, one day, you will be able to come simply because you want to. The catch is; I am not sure how long it will be until that happens.”
“So all my siblings might be dead.” I smiled sympathetically, feeling the chance of her accepting my offer sinking dramatically.
“Most likely.”
Meg gained her closed-off expression, her guards shooting up to prevent any and all emotional damage. I held my breath, waiting patiently for her to respond. It took a few minutes. Finally, Meg uttered at an almost indecipherable volume, “Can I think about it?”
I breathed a sigh of relief. That was not a no. There was still time to convince her.
“Of course, dear Meg.”
Abruptly, Meg stood and sprinted back towards Cabin Four without another word. I had expected this, but it still threw me through a loop. I ran my fingers through my luscious blond hair, and inhaled deeply through my nose. While I was lost in my thoughts, a voice suddenly piped up and made me jump a foot in the air in surprise.
“Hey Dad!”
Gasping sharply and clutching my hand to my thumping heart, I turned to meet the speaker. My son, Austin Lake, stood before me holding a battered, grey-silver saxophone and smiling nervously. I gestured for him to come and sit with me. He complied. 
“You here to see Meg?”
I wrapped my strong arm around him, and pulled him close to my side. “I was going to visit you kids too, but you ruined the surprise.” I punctuated my statement with noogie on Austin’s cornrows. He giggled and shuffled closer to me, absolutely failing at being inconspicuous. I didn’t mind. My kids and I are born to be obvious. Why hide something good?
I gestured to his beaten saxophone. “What happened there? The Ares kids?”
“Nah. I never found the one I lost in the labyrinth, so I had to take this old one from the back of Cabin Seven. I don’t think it’s been used since before that orientation film was made.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “It sounds fine, but I wish it had I bit more…I don’t know…pizzazz? Flash?”
“A bit of shine is never amiss,” I agreed.
“It doesn’t matter anyways. I tested it out on Miranda Gardener and Sherman Yang, and they did kiss when I played ‘Careless Whisper’, but it just doesn’t help the whole YouTube thing, y’know?”
“Of course. Sometimes people simply refuse to take you seriously unless you look the part. A frustrating yet universal part of showmanship - one that none of my children should have to deal with.” I waved my hand, and the old saxophone glowed, and began to fix it’s dents. The tired looking grey colour ebbed away and darkened, a black sheen taking it’s place. The keys and rods however, brightened until they shone gold. Soon Austin was holding a very classy jazz saxophone that matched his black woollen peacoat. I am extremely conscious of the instrument matching the style of the musician, hence why all my instruments include some form of precious metal or stone.
Austin’s brown eyes glittered with pure excitement. 
“Thanks Dad! You’re the best!” He launched himself into me hugged me like he would never let go. I drew him closer to me, savouring every moment. I heard him mumble something unintelligible into my chest.
“What was that you said?” I asked. My boy tilted his head up slightly, so I could only see his eyes and above past the folds of my ACDC tee. He repeated himself a bit louder.
“Do you read all our messages? Like, the ones Chiron gets us to write to our godly parents?”
I chuckled, raised one hand for dramatic effect and recited: 
“Hey dad! I’m Austin
Chiron said you like haikus
Poetry is cool”
“Nooooo….” Austin groaned. “I can’t write poetry for my life…”
“I think it’s great! You were only, what,” I counted on my fingers. “Seven at the time?”
“And already better than your dad!” An unknown voice rang out loudly from behind us, making us snap back from each other and whip around to face the impish figure. Hermes held up his hands in mock surrender, his signature stupid grin plastered on his face as he sauntered towards us. His dirty blond hair bobbed in its curls with every step he took. He nodded to Austin.
“‘Sup kid? Did anyone ever tell you about the time Apollo was obsessed with Limericks? Maybe you could compose one of those about your old man’s ‘awesomeness’,” (emphasising the ‘awesomeness’ with air quotes. Humph!) “and send it to me later, yeah? For mocking purposes only, of course.” Austin shifted uncomfortably, clearly not thrilled to have been interrupted from rare cool father/cool son bonding time. I knew how tricky Hermes could be, and I definitely did not want to put my son through the embarrassment of somehow signing off his mother’s inheritance to cattle farmers in Indonesia, so I took initiative. 
“Austin, why don’t you go show off your new saxophone to your siblings? I promise I will come back to visit again soon.”
Hermes snorted. “Yeah, maybe don’t swear on the Styx though, bro. Dad wants to see you about some flower planting quest.” His grin spread like he had just cracked an atrocious pun, and was awaiting the groans of his audience. “He’s soooo mad.” I gave a reassuring smile down to my apprehensive son. 
“Do not worry about me, child. Hermes is a known fibber. I’m sure he’s not that furious. It will be fine.”
It was not fine.
As soon as I entered my father’s personal throne room, I could tell. The enchanted ceiling was dark with storm clouds. The atmosphere was thick and heavy with static and tension. I felt a trickle of sweat run down my back.
My father sat on a proud marble throne, its veins of grey curling like smoke throughout the white stone. The king himself wore a smart navy suit, complete with a matching tie and a mid-length salt and pepper beard that overshadowed his mouth. His long hair was styled not unlike my own, except a lot darker and less flamboyant. He took the form of a man in his late 40’s, but could only be shown by the unfashionable wrinkles around his eyes. He was well built, and, despite my love for my eight-pack, far more muscular than I thought was attractive or necessary. He glared down his nose at me as I walked down the aisle of blue carpet towards his feet.
He must have been forty foot tall, which was big even for a god. I stood at a more natural twenty. I did not dare make myself bigger. I did not want my father to be under the impression that I wanted to intimidate him. I did not. 
I bowed at my father’s feet and lowered my head, waiting for the word to stand up. It did not come. Instead my father spoke in his low growl:
I swallowed my anxieties and forced myself to look up into his eyes. They were not their usual electric blue, as so many of his offspring had inherited, but they had been clouded over with a thick, angry grey mist. His dark brows were furrowed in concentration. A permanent scowl was fixed on his features. I willed my voice not to squeak or crack. 
“Yes, father?” Zeus’s scowl deepened.
“Do you think I am witless, boy?” He rumbled.
“I - no, father,” I stammered. Zeus leaned forward in his throne, glaring holes through my head.
“Do you think I am beneath you?”
“Wha - no!” My hands subconsciously gripped my jacket and fiddled furiously with the zip. I could feel my godly sweat making the cool metal slippery. The air around Zeus condensed into a dark haze. Lighting cackled like an entourage of jeering bullies, laughing at my panicked face and hopeless predicament. 
“YET YOU STILL DISOBEY ME?” I took several deep breaths. I was a god. I had faced python, while mortal, and defeated him. I was still undoubtedly terrified, but I thought of Meg, of my children, of Perseus Jackson. They needed me to take this first step into defending the demigods. My face hardened. My voice was calm, quiet and deliberate, but hid a tsunami of fear.
“Name the law.” My father’s raised bolt faltered, reflecting his confusion. 
“Name the law,” I repeated. “Name the law I have broken by ordering a demigod, whom I know well and am sure is capable of being assigned a task, to go on a quest.”
Zeus gritted his teeth, and growled in his gritty voice; “I watched you play, boy. Do you think you are humorous? Do you think you can scorn my gift in such ways? I gave you immortality. I made you a god! Yet you run around like a hooligan, associating with these lesser beings, for what? Your twisted idea of justice? I am the god of justice, you insolent child. I have decided our laws, and I can make more laws if I so wish. Do not test me.”
“As I remember brother,” a feminine voice cut the thick tension of the room, “You need council approval to decree a new law. Am I correct?” Zeus scowled, but his anger visibly dissipated. He sat back in his chair as the dark clouds surrounding the throne lightened into grey wisps, like one might see on a dull autumn’s day. I did not dare turn my back to my father to see the speaker, though I knew the voice well - a voice older than Zeus’. I kept my kneeling position, hearing the footsteps of the graceful Olympian stride down the single strip of carpet, stopping just behind me. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. It pulled me up until I stood beside the tall, warm figure of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. 
She wore a simple, emerald-coloured dress that flowed down to her ankles, revealing a pair of bronze-coloured sandals. A thin, gossamer shawl of sage-like hue was wrapped around her shoulders and hung around her tanned arms. Her wavy blonde hair shared an alikeness to that of Sleeping Beauty’s. A ring of glittering corn stalks circled her brow. Her form was a few inches taller than my own. She kept her hand firm on my shoulder and glared defiantly up at Zeus with those striking green eyes. 
“Margaret is my daughter. I invited her to Olympus to congratulate her on finishing her quest, as is customary. She and Apollo simply conversed over some flowers.” She looked down at me. “And I for one, am pleased that Apollo is finally making good use of that great space.” I smiled up at her, then glanced nervously at Zeus. His mighty hand stroked his beard in thought. At last, grumbled and said; 
“Very well,” his deep voice echoed throughout the hall. “But be warned. Next time that mortal comes to this land with no believable reasoning, I will not be so merciful.” 
“Of course, my lord.” Demeter and I both bowed in respect (well, more so ‘custom’ or ‘fear’ than respect, but whatever) and made our way out into the cheery sunlight, leaving the clammy throne room behind us.
We wandered down the streets in silence, watching all the minor deities, cloud nymphs and satyrs frolic and chat excitedly. I got a few gazes from a group of dryads, but thought nothing of it. Perhaps they had heard of what I did for the Palm Springs residents. Did dryads have some sort of mental link or Whatsapp text group? I imagined it would go like: “Hey gurrrll!!! ;D You see all this heatwave shiz??? Gone!!!! Apollo is #greatest” or something similar. After a few minutes, Demeter pulled me to a park bench that overlooked a large, shimmering lake. Ripples glided across the water. Every now and then, a tentacle rose above the surface and plunged back under, sending a spray of droplets to dampen anything in a metre radius. Some hippocampi splashed playfully around the shallows, some allowing a pod of Naiads to stroke their noses and fuss over how cute they were. We watched.
“You did well by my daughter, Apollo,” Demeter mused. She kept her eyes on the lake. No doubt, she was not comfortable congratulating her least favourite nephew, but I admired her determination to go through with it anyways. I may not have done the same. “I am surprised.” 
I gave a short laugh. I was used to being mildly insulted. It did not phase nor offend me. 
“Meg is truly an extraordinary demigod. You must be very proud.”
“I am.” A small smirk appeared on her otherwise neutral expression. “She is one of my best.”
“She could live here. You’d get to see her. I would too. I think a wild demigod energy such as hers is well needed around here.” The goddess of grain raised an eyebrow, and peered down at me from the corner of her eye. “I have offered her immortality,” I clarified. “She has not yet answered. I think if she accepts, you should be the one to grant her the immortality. Of course, I can do it myself, but I thought it may be more impactful for a mother.” She furrowed her brows, and her corn crown seemed to catch the light of the late afternoon sun, making her eyes hard to focus on. 
“Zeus would not approve.”
“Zeus wouldn’t have a say,” I countered. Demeter only nodded her head ever so slightly, her face scrunched in concentration.
“Very well. I will accept if she accepts.”
Apollo was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Meg simply could not understand him. She lay belly down on one of the thick branches of the tree that supported the newly built Cabin Four like a panther reclining in the jungle, contemplating her idiot friend and his dumb offer. She sniffed, shifting her head on the uncomfortable bark. She liked Camp Half-Blood. The food was good, there was some people her age that she could beat in a fight - and older campers she could beat too - sword practice was fun. So was capture the flag. But Meg was alone, and maybe that was good. People crowded her on the first few days after the end of the quest, wanting details about the most dangerous parts. She had even been given a necklace with a single green bead on it that held a picture of a writhing serpent - Python, the monster she and Apollo had slain. Every now and again, an Apollo camper would ask questions about their dad, and she always made sure to give them less than flattering (but truthful) answers.
But that had worn off after a while. People left her alone, apart from Billie Ng and Miranda Gardener, who she was trying to teach how to summon a karpos (they were pretty bad at it). She hated that she missed her partner in crime. But if she left, she would miss her home, where she belonged.
‘Ughghhh” Meg groaned, sliding ungracefully off her branch and landing on the floor with a whump. She rolled onto her back and scowled at the unfairness of having to deal with feelings. Time passed. Eventually, she decided to make a call.
I didn’t scream. Nope, definitely not me, the cool and chill god of a-heck-load-of-things. No, I’m quite sure I stayed calm and collected at the sight of Meg McCaffrey appearing in a shimmering vapour form - in my shower. 
Fine. I may have screamed. But you cannot blame me! It is one thing to take a shower with a ‘date’, and quite another to be peeked on by a twelve-year-old. I frantically made my best efforts to cover my perfect physique for the sake of the child, who immediately threw her hands over her eyes and made a ‘gross’ face. She wore a baggy Camp Half-Blood T-shirt over her usual dress, and a single bead hung by a thread on her neck.
“Meg, what the actual-” I hissed, cutting myself off. I took a deep breath and held my tongue to refrain myself from swearing in front of a kid (my mother would never let me hear the end of it if I didn’t). “Why are you Iris Messaging me? Now, of all times?”
“I didn’t know you were in the shower, dummy.” Meg blew a raspberry, her vapour form producing a few bubbles in the process. “I didn’t think you had to wash since y’know,” she gestured at my tanned body. I covered myself a little more, even if she did still have her eyes shielded. 
“I don’t. It’s just relaxing,” I grumbled, grabbing a towel, wrapping it around my waist and stepping out into the steamy bathroom. I kept the shower running so the Iris Message could continue, which involved getting the towel wet. I prayed the extra weight would not lead to any unexpected revealings. 
“I’m not supposed to be taking to you, Meg.”
Meg uncovered her eyes and snorted. “Says who?”
“Says my father.” I felt my face darken. “He heard about your little quest. He told me you could not come here again with out ‘believable reason’.” I punctuated the last part with air quotes.
“I told you that you should’ve had a plan.”
I rolled my eyes and scoffed. “I did have a plan! My plan was for him not to find out.”
“How’d that work out for you?”
“Shut up.” I could not resist the smirk that played on my lips. I wanted to be around my friend more often. She was one of the few who still talked to me as an equal (kind of). The other Olympians…let’s just say they didn’t exactly show me the same level of respect has they had once done, with the limited exceptions of Poseidon (who had been mortal once before) and Artemis (who had never respected me - its a sibling thing). “Listen, I cannot guarantee that my father isn’t keeping a close eye, so let’s make this quick. What did you want to tell me?” 
Meg’s face lost its humour. I was afraid she’d back out and end the message. Instead, she spoke. “I thought about your offer.”
I felt my chest swell with hope. Maybe she’d say yes. Maybe she’d come up and be my friend for eternity. Maybe I would have one more person to talk to. “And?”
My smile faltered. I felt all sense of excitement in me shatter in that moment as I struggled to put together a sentence. “Wh…what?”
She looked down at her rough, calloused hands. “I don’t want to be a god. I don’t want to live directly under Zeus’s thumb. I killed Nero. I killed him because he was awful and forced me to do stuff I didn’t want to do. He made me feel stupid and useless. I got rid of that.” She stared me directly in the eye. “I never want to feel like that again.”
The argument I’d prepared died in my throat. Could I really blame her? After all, she was right. My father didn’t even allow me to talk to my friend. Meg didn’t want to be oppressed like I was. She was free. That was a feeling I could never truly have. I’d given up on it long ago.
“Yeah,” I croaked. “Okay.”
“Okay,” she mumbled back. “Bye.” Her figure disappeared, and I was left alone, standing in the all-too-quiet bathroom. 
It had been several months since Meg had declined my offer. I still thought about her and my children every day. I searched for and aided a few of my less remembered offspring, guiding them to their respective camps. Thirteen-year-old Seamus, ten-year-old Anthony and two-year-old James made their way to Camp Jupiter. Nine-year-old Aiden, twelve-year-old Dwayne and six-year-old Marigold travelled to Camp Half-Blood. I had just ensured the safe arrival of Marigold, the curly blonde-haired excitable young demigod who seemed to have inherited my ability of Photokinesis, a rare and promising talent for my children to have. In other words, I was exhausted. So I teleported to the most calming place I could think of.
I collapsed down underneath the aged mountain laurel tree. It was located high up in a rocky, unforgiving mountain range, but overlooked the beautiful view of the other mountains, the lower halves shrouded in white mist. We often met here. 
Beside me sat a young girl in a grey puffer coat and black leggings, her long dark hair tied back in a high ponytail. She was busy whittling on a long piece of wood, and so, did not look up at my arrival.
“Brother,” she greeted plainly.
“‘Sup?” I replied weakly, exhaustion filling my voice. I watched Artemis whittle for a while, my eyes half closed, the bow slowly taking its shape and the sound of the knife scraping evenly across the smooth surface calming me. “You making this for one of your hunters?” 
“Yes. Being their leader has responsibilities, you know.” 
I blew out my cheeks in exasperation. “At least you never have to go chasing down kids all over the world to drag to two camps in North America.” Artemis paused her whittling, and looked at me quizzically. “My son, Diego,” I clarified. “His mother is Spanish. He did not want to leave Madrid. But I finally convinced him after, what,” I tried to recall. “Three days? Ugh. Sometimes I just wish there were a few more camps around, ya know?”
The huntress had gone back to her work, her face contorted in concentration. “Mmm.”
“Are you even listening?”
“Uh huh.” I elbowed my beloved sister in the ribs, an effective attention-attracting tip I had learned over the course of my punishment; courtesy of Meg McCaffrey. Artemis glared daggers at me. “What?” 
I beamed my most innocent smile. “You weren’t giving me enough attention, Artie.”
“Sod off.” She grunted. She will always deny it, but I saw a slight hint of a smirk seep through her annoyed facade. I grinned to myself as I decided to be as provocative as possible. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and snickered at her crabby expression and ancient greek curses as she tried to push me off. 
There are many perks to being a sibling, dear reader, and annoying the younger sibling (or the one that appeared to be younger anyways) is most definitely in the top three. Along with the whole ‘If You Anger One Of Us You Deal With Both Of Us’ Ride-Or-Die attitude we can have (of course, this does not apply to every situation. See: the time Hermes pushed me into a very deep swamp, and all my dear sister did was laugh until she could no longer breathe). 
Eventually, Artemis melted into the hug, leaning her young head against my chest. She took a deep breath and quietly said; “I am going to tell you something.” 
I drew her a little closer, my embrace no longer meaning to provoke, but to comfort. I leant my cheek on her head.
“What’s up?”
“I am only telling if you do not get big-headed about it.”
“When have I ever done that?” I teased. “Honestly, I’m rather offended that you would even insinuate-” A small hand flew up past my face and grasped a lock of my beautiful, long hair - and yanked it downwards. “OW!” I rubbed my scalp and huffed down at my smug sister.
“You deserved that.”
“Uh huh,” I grumbled, unimpressed.
“What I was going to say was that I really did miss you, Ollie.”
“I missed you too. And I never got to say thanks. Y’know… for that time in Indianapolis. I couldn’t because the others were always around so… thanks.”
Artemis fiddled with a loose string on my sleeve. “Yeah, well. I had to pay you back for that time with Atlas and Luke…” she waved her hand, gesturing vaguely to the air. “So yeah. I guess I owed you one.”
Several years ago, my dear sister had taken the weight of the sky off a young maiden in an attempt to save her from being crushed. She succeeded, but at the cost of holding up the burdensome pillar of clouds for days without rest. By the time she made it back to Olympus, she was faint and required several days of rest (as ordered by her doctor; me). The topic was not often talked about. I wished everyone would have the same attitude over my embarrassing adventures. Still, I remembered mother and I being worried sick, and Zeus coming thundering through the door when he heard about her. We thought he was there to console or mourn, or maybe hatch plans on how to save her from the titan’s clutches. If you thought ‘What? That doesn’t sound like Zeus!’ then congratulations! You are learning. He told us that a demigod quest had been despatched, and if he were to find either of us interfering, he would rip out the ‘Number Ten’ lighting bolt. But not to worry, oh readers! He didn’t catch me.
Artemis shifted under my hold. We fell into a comfortable silence, and I found myself thinking about Meg again. Her tyrannical attitude, her odd fashion sense, her scent of baked apple. I could see every rhinestone in her cat-eye glasses. Every stitch in her well-worn dress. I got to thinking about how we would meet up again. A brilliant thought crossed my mind.
“Are we sure this is a good idea?”
“Relax, you big baby. It’ll be fine.”
Meg blew a raspberry at the window she’d just obliterated. 
“Well done,” I congratulated dryly. Meg kicked me in the shin, then readied another nerf bullet.
“I’m gonna miss if you keep distracting me!”
“Oh, was my mere presence distracting? I didn’t say anything!”
“Shut up,” she grumbled, sticking her tongue out in concentration as she aimed for the makeshift target we’d made and blu-tacked on the wooden wall. “I’ve got the gun and you’re being annoying.” I kept my mouth shut. The bullet was let loose with a twang. It went right through the hole where the window had once been. There were shouts from outside varying from “Get down, get down!” “Do not worry! I predict it to be no- six letters. Starts with ’T’” “Trench?” “Top-hat?” “That’s two words, Aloe.” “My bad.”
Of course, we were back at Aeithales. Palm Springs had welcomed us back with open arms. And I had my cover story set. I was here to personally check up on my Sibyl, as to not neglect my duties over prophecy, which was one of the reasons I’d been sent to Earth in the first place. I’d even gone to the extra trouble of making sure my dad was okay with it the day before. (“Because, you know, there may be some of my friends down there, cacti spirits and such, and I know you told me not to communicate with-” “APOLLO! IT’S TWO IN THE MORNING! GET OUT OF MY BEDROOM!”) So I figured I would be fine. 
It was currently quite late, maybe eleven o’clock, and I had hung around all day. Just as Meg finally hit the target, I said;
“Perhaps I should get going. Do you want to spend the night here or go back to camp?” Meg sniffed. 
“You don’t seem too bothered.”
“By what?” I asked. “Did I do something? Forgotten something? Today isn’t your birthday, is it?”
“No,” she stated bluntly, going back to aiming at the target.
“Care to elaborate?” I enquired cautiously. I did not want that nerf gun aimed the wrong way.
“You offered me immortality. I turned it down. You don’t seem upset.”
“My dear Meg. I simply respect your wishes, like I said I would.” I laced my hands together, trying to convey my feelings in an accurate way without bursting into a song that has all the feeling pre-written. “Your reasoning was sound, and while I do not fully understand your final decision, I trust your judgement. Besides, Percy Jackson turned it down too. So maybe it is not as valuable as I first thought.”
To my delight, Meg smiled. Albeit a small one. “Thanks. Do you think we’ll ever get to meet up? Without all the secrets and planning and stuff?”
I sighed. I really hoped so. “I do not know. One day, perhaps, my father will change his mind. I do not know when, or how. But I have hope that he will. As long as we keep working on him, yeah?”
“Right!” I clapped my hands together like I had seen dads do in movies to symbolise the end of a touchy conversation. “Now off to bed or I’ll turn you into a traffic light.”
I closed the door as quietly as I could, careful not to waken the sleeping demigod. Her snores were muffled as I strolled through night, evaporating and reappearing in my palace. I wandered the golden hallways for a while, taking in every piece of decoration and furniture in a different light. The palace wasn’t cold and useless as I had first thought. It was dazzling and elegant and me. I had been under the impression that because I wanted to heighten my morals and personally intervene more often, it would require changing everything. But it didn’t. So what if I liked shiny stuff? I can have good taste and still be an awesome god! It simply wasn’t the problem. It was only what I had lacked that had bothered me. And, looking down to Palm Springs one last time, I knew I had found it. 
This was kind of a one off! The next chapter will be back with mortal Apollo during the trials. i just wanted to try something different.
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southsidexslytherin · 6 years
The Diner--Sweet Pea x reader
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Summary: Being friends with your ex is hard, even harder when they move on before you.
Warnings: language, angst
Word count: 2,272
Author’s note: Soooo... I was listening to The Wonder Years again because I love them so much and I was inspired by the song Melrose Diner which is one of my favorites. So I wrote a little drabble thing. I’m still working on Dirty Laundry Part 2, but I want it to be perfect. I’m hoping I’ll have it up by the end of the week. In the meantime, enjoy!
Breakups are hard, pretty much no matter what. Breaking up with the person you thought was your soulmate was a herculean trial, especially when you were friends with the same people. Add in the fact that your group of friends was as tightly knit as they come and you spent nearly every day together, and the pain was nearly unbearable.
It had been five weeks since you and Sweet Pea had broken up, and you were trying your best to remain friends, but it was extremely difficult. The breakup itself wasn’t particularly nasty or anything, but after being together for a little over a year, and with graduation looming ever closer, it became apparent that the two of you weren’t going to make it long term. You wanted to leave Riverdale and spend your days traveling and writing. Sweet Pea, on the other hand, was content to stay here on the Southside and attend the nearby community college in Greendale in the hopes that he could someday open his own auto shop.
It was a difficult realization. You were so perfect for each other. You fit like two puzzle pieces. You had the same sense of humor, the same taste in music and movies, and had a way of communicating with each other through simply a look. No one knew you like Sweet Pea did. No one could comfort you the way he could. Letting him go shattered your heart, but you both agreed it would be easier to do it now, rather than later. You thought it would, at least.
So far it was proving to be a lot tougher than you had imagined. Every time you saw him sitting in the student lounge at school you wanted to crawl into his lap and run your fingers through his hair like you normally would. You missed riding on the back of his Harley and sleeping in his bed. You could barely look at him without your heart breaking.
But for the sake of your friends, you were putting on a brave face. You tried not to let it bother you when Pea would catch your eye and wink, like you were privy to some inside joke no one else understood. You laughed at his jokes and participated in conversations when all you wanted to do was crawl into bed and cry. You didn’t think things could get any worse. You were very, very wrong.
A couple weeks ago Sweet Pea had started bring a new girl around. Apparently they were dating. It cut you like a knife. The pain and heartbreak you felt the first time you saw them together was undefinable. It was like he had reached inside of your chest, pulled out your beating heart, and smashed it under his steal-toed boot, laughing all the while.
Her name was Dannie. They had met two weeks after the breakup, on a night when you were still too upset to join the gang at the quarry. According to Fangs they had been flirting and dancing all night. Every day after that night, Pea spent so much time on his phone or talking about the new girl in his life that it had sparked a burning rage in you.
How could he just move on like that? Did you mean nothing to him? Were you so easy to forget? You still felt like you would never be okay again and he was already seeing someone else. Someone you didn’t particularly care for, at that. You hadn’t spent much time around Dannie, and when she was in your presence you tried your best to ignore her. Maybe you were just jealous, but you found her incredibly annoying. The way she’d hang on your ex-boyfriend’s arm like he would float away if she didn’t hold him down, the way she laughed at every single thing he said, how she sucked up to Toni and Fangs and even Jughead; she was like a leech, sucking the life out of your group of friends.
You took to writing and doodling in your notebook whenever she was around, which seemed to be always. You had never seen her at school before and yet somehow, she was everywhere you went now. And she was always touching Sweet Pea, playing with his hair, or dragging her nails along his thigh, or nuzzling into his neck. If you were being honest with yourself, which was something you had been avoiding lately, you hated her for it, and Sweet Pea too, for that matter. The more time you spent around them, the more your anger grew, until you barely spoke when they were around in fear you would snap and say something more hurtful than you intended.
Toni and Fangs did their best to ease your mind. They’d tell you she was just a rebound, that she wouldn’t last more than a month. They’d insist she was just a B-rate version of yourself meant to help ease the pain Pea was feeling about losing you. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes whenever they brought it up. Whatever she was to him, did he really have to bring her around all the time? Couldn’t he see it was driving you crazy?
“Pop’s tonight?” Toni asked at lunch, stealing a cherry from your tray and popping it in her mouth.
“I can never say no to Pop’s,” Fangs sighed. You nodded in agreement, playing with the subpar food in front of you.
“Sweet Pea?” Toni called. He was busy sucking on Dannie’s neck, making her squeal like a squeaky toy. Fangs threw a fry at him to get his attention and it hit him right in the eye.
“What?” He asked startled. “Yeah, Pop’s. Sounds good.”
“I can’t,” Dannie pouted, “I have a stupid group project I have to work on.” You wanted to punch her in her perfectly lip glossed mouth. Instead you took a deep breath and stabbed what the school was trying to pass off as meatloaf with your fork a few times.
You zoned out as Sweet Pea tried to convince the imp in his lap to bail until Toni kicked you lightly under the table. When you looked up she was fake gagging and you couldn’t help but laugh.
Later that night as you headed to Pop’s you started to feel a bit more cheerful. You had the night off from feeling like an outsider amongst your friends. Finally things could feel normal again, if only for one night.
When you walked into the diner, Fangs and Toni were already in your regular booth sucking down milkshakes. You sat down across from them and ordered a coffee milkshake of your own along with a basket of fries when the waitress came by.
A few minutes later Pea slid into the booth next to you, dropping his arm over the back and brushing your shoulder. You tensed immediately and gave him the side eye, trying to ignore the hickeys next to his Serpent tattoo. The waitress came by with your food, and Sweet Pea reached for a fry. You slapped his hand away but he managed to grab one and shove it in his mouth.
“Get your own,” you grumbled. He ignored you and started prattling on about some fight he had with one of the Northsiders in his English class.
As the time passed, you could feel the anger you had been holding onto melt away. This was how things were supposed to be, just the four of you hanging out, laughing at the shenanigans you got yourselves into. It almost felt like old times, but then Sweet Pea had to ruin it by talking about his stupid girlfriend.
“Dannie’s so hot,” he purred. A thick layer of ice settled into your chest.
“Uh huh,” Toni and Fangs said in monotonous unison. You were obviously not the only one displeased with the change of topic.
“She has the most incredible ass I’ve ever seen,” he continued. Your jaw clenched tightly, hoping someone would redirect the conversation. No one did and Sweet Pea went on objectifying his girlfriend’s body, oblivious to the tone of the group.
“We were down at the river last night and—“
“Move,” I cut him off.
“Huh?” He asked, caught off guard.
“Move!” I said louder, shoving him hard. Sweet Pea was much taller and stronger than you, so your shove didn’t move him much, but it got your point across. He climbed out of the booth with a confused expression on his face.
As you stomped towards the door of the diner you heard him ask your friends, “what’s with her?”
You couldn’t stand it anymore. You could not be his friend if you had to endure one more minute of this. Once you were outside, you leaned against your car, trying to calm down. You slammed your fist against the car door and let out a low, angry scream.
You heard the bell above Pop’s door ring and looked up, narrowing your eyes into a glare when you realized it was Sweet Pea. “What the hell was that?”
“What do you want?” You snapped.
“I want to know what the hell has gotten into you.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “No, really,” he barked, “what the fuck is your problem?”
“My problem?!” You were nearly shouting. “You’re my problem! You and your stupid girlfriend who is always around. God, she wasn’t even here tonight and I still had to listen to you ramble on about her!”
“What, are you jealous?” He asked with a smirk, a gleam in his eye.
“Hardly,” you replied coldly.
“Hey,” he said with a heartless chuckle, “it’s not my fault you’re still in love with me.”
With that something inside you snapped. “In love with you?! I’m not in love with you, Sweet Pea. I can’t stand you!” It was like the levy of anger you had been holding back finally broke and words started flooding out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“I hate your stupid serpent tattoo. I hate the stupid stories that you tell over and over again even though we’ve all heard them a million times. And half of them aren’t even your stories!” You took a deep breath, relishing the hurt on your ex’s face, and continued.
“I hate the way you get drunk and start dancing like you’re trying to be sexy. It’s not sexy, Pea, it’s embarrassing. I hate the way you always call me when you’re drunk and I hate that it’s the only time we ever talk anymore. I hate your stupid hair and your stupid face. I hate the way you sit way too close to me considering you have a girlfriend. Who I also hate, by the way.” You were on a role, there was no stopping you now.
“I hate that I can’t seem to even look at anyone else after you and you’ve already moved on. I can’t stand that thing you’re hanging with now and I can’t stand that she makes you so fucking happy while all I have left is a petty ‘fuck you.’ And I cannot fucking stand when you point out that guys are staring at me, because we both know I won’t do anything about it.” There were tears stinging your eyes now and you started to choke up.
“I hate that she’s always around and I hate that I hate it when you’re not around. I hate that this hurts me so much and you don’t even care. I hate that you’re totally fine while I feel like I’m dying.” You were full-on sobbing and you stopped to bury your face in your hands.
There was a moment of silence. “Is that what you think?” Pea said softly. His voice was hard. You swiped at your eyes, trying to stop the tears as you looked up at him. His jaw was set, eyes angry.
“You think this is easy on me? You really think I’m with her because I moved on? I’m with her because I don’t know how to move on!”
You sniffled, “She—“
“SHE’S NOT YOU!” Pea shouted. “She could never be you! She’s just a distraction so I don’t have to walk around wanting to punch everyone in the face!” You were speechless.
Sweet Pea took a step closer to you. “I could never just stop loving you, Y/N,” he continued. “You were everything I could ever want. And more. How am I supposed to just forget about that?”
You shrugged, unsure what to say. Everything you thought had been wrong and now you didn’t know where you stood. You were startled when Pea closed the distance between your bodies and pulled your face to his. His lips crashed onto yours and you could feel all the pain and longing he had been holding onto. You leaned into the kiss, grabbing at his jacket and pulling him even closer.
You broke apart when you heard pounding on the window of the diner behind you. Toni and Fangs were whooping and cheering, having watched the whole scene. You laughed and let your head fall against Sweet Pea’s chest as he chuckled into your hair.
Dread and guilt filled your gut. “What about your girlfriend?” You asked, unable to meet his eye.
“We’re not actually exclusive,” he admitted. You punched his chest lightly and tried not to smile. “I’ll let her down easy.”
He lifted your chin so he could meet your eye and placed a soft kiss on your lips. “I love you, Y/N. I always will.”
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helmes-deep · 7 years
Thoughts on Season 3 of Fuller House (3B):
Thoughts on 3A here. So just binge-watched all 9 episodes of it today haha and here are my random thoughts:
Seriously, Andrea Barber is such a great actress!! Like honestly, she should really win an Emmy for this show I am not kidding haha. She is soooo entertaining!! and wickedly talented at acting!!!!
DJ AND STEVE YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! FINALLY!!!! I’VE WAITED SO LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! I’m not exactly 100% down on the whole DJ x Steve thing; I’ve said before that I think currently, the actor who plays Matt has more chemistry with DJ, but DJ x Steve was how it was SUPPOSED TO BE and I’m 2000% down for that. Also, idk how, but I think the Steve actor guy (Scott Weinger) somehow got cuter/more likable over the Season 3 break. He just seems to look a bit cuter and has more chemistry with DJ now lol (the kind he should have had at the beginning of Season 1).
The wedding fiasco... didn’t go down as ideally as I would have liked it to... it was the ultimate break-up — a wedding break-up — so it was, in a way, what you would have expected: really sad and harsh-letdowns all-around... idk how it could have turned out better (although there really is no excuse for how Steve and DJ treated their significant others ://). I am glad they didn’t drag out the whole DJ x Steve thing, though. And the Japanese-set episode was really fun!! Really enjoyed seeing all of the different, beautiful sights and experiences!! Wish we had gotten to see more of those :33 (The Japanese episode was definitely a bit shorter than I had expected.) Also loved how the episode was shot.
The appearance of the Japanese boy group Sexy Zone made me think of K-pop, and how much I love it, so I could relate. Sorry, guys, I just had to put that in there :PPP 
That alligator scene was top-notch. Great acting/balancing!
Seriously, as much as I love DJ and Steve, I will be so, so, so, so, so sad to see John Brotherton (the guy who plays Matt) go if he no longer gets a larger presence on the show. I have really, really appreciated the character Matt and have really enjoyed watching John’s performance.
Max, thankfully, is getting a little less annoying to handle on-screen (might have to do with his lack of scenes with the dog, which perhaps makes him less juvenile???). Also not exactly into his whole “I’m a smart guy”-type persona, but it’s not done terribly or maybe I’m getting used to it, so I can live with it. Idk, I just know I laughed more at and enjoyed his scenes more than I used to (he’s my least favorite character on the show, and probably still is).
Not really a fan of Max’s relationship with CJ’s girl, either (seems a bit forced), but whatever. If they want to make them that horrendously (I am not exaggerating when I use that word) cute couple, then more power to them.
Kinda sad/disappointed we didn’t get to see Popko for 3B, but he was a jerk, so it’s all okay. Ramona didn’t exactly get any love interests this time around, which is fine. And I really, really hope she doesn’t get with that high school dance-team guy, ugh. The dance-rival thing-y is cute enough, though, and I can see it being pulled off in the future.
I also don’t know why Ramona would skip out on SAFSPA: seemed like it was definitely her dream/goal as portrayed thus far, but okay, maybe it wasn’t. I thought the lesson we got out of that whole parent/kid situation was really good/nice.
Jackson and Rocki are a thing, and I AM LIVING FOR IT!!!!!! I’m just a sucker for nerdy guy/cool girl relationships, tbh :p :p
Still don’t like how Gia (a.k.a. Rocky’s mom) is sometimes cast as the “villain,” but oh well. I guess that discrepancy comes from us wanting post-Full House to be absolutely, 100% “feel-good,” but Gia was inherently written as a “bad” character, so she’s destined to be somewhat of the “bad” girl, no matter how far we get into the Fuller House world. At least she was written as less “evil” this time around.
ADORED Fernando and Tommy; ADORED Fernando, Tommy, and the race-car storyline; and ADORED Fernando and Tommy vs. Jesse and Pamela moment.
Tommy’s cute rn and had some really, really adorable moments this time around (funny enough, I enjoy him with Cosmo more than I do Max + Cosmo). I just really hope he doesn’t end up becoming annoying and unlikable like Michelle was on the original show. I liked Michelle as a baby/younger, but I didn’t enjoy her when she got older/was a toddler.
Honestly, I’ve never been a big fan of the “let’s be cute with babies” on TV-thing, especially on the original show, but I really liked seeing the guys or anyone holding and playing with the babies this time around. For once, I was like, “You know what?? I get it. This totally warms and melts my heart into a million pieces.” Idk, something cute and maybe more maternal?? within me just spoke :’pp
I STILL don’t think Stephanie should have a baby, especially when she has no job, no stable relationship, etc. I also kind of don’t want anymore babies lololol (first Jesse and Becky with Pamela, and of course, there’s already Tommy); there’s already so many people I have to keep up with on this show haha. But if that’s where they want to go, then hey, I’m glad the surrogate’s Kimmy and not someone else.
Needed more Stephanie and Jimmy. Or just Jimmy tbh.
When I saw Vicky, I gasped out loud. Could NOT believe she’s back, even though I already knew she’d be back/had a strong feeling she would be (idk if it was announced).
I DO NOT want the older guys (aka Danny, Jesse, Becky, and Joey) back for the majority of next season. It just seems like whenever the older guys come back it’s more of a static “callback” than actual progression of the episode/overall storyline. I enjoyed a lot of this season because there was less of the older guys; vice versa, I much more enjoyed seeing the older cast members visit this time because there wasn’t so much of them around. So yeah, reaaaalllly hoping we don’t see that much more of the older cast during the next season (if they get a next season), since they all announced they’re going to move back to San Francisco.
On the other hand, I’d really like to see Danny and Vicky finally get a news/television show together and get married already, lol.
I do like it when the older and newer generations are well-integrated, though. The Danny, Jesse, Joey, Steve, and Fernando scene was really funny and one of my favorites. Fuller House is basically just one big fanfiction that isn’t perfectly written, but it’s pretty snappin’ close, and it’s all TRUE AND Y’ALL GET TO CLAIM IT AND CALL IT CANON!! :P :P
Like I said, glad the whole DJ x Steve thing didn’t get dragged out, but a little disappointed it wasn’t exactly, totally resolved... But it’s okay; I can live with it, for the most part. At least they’ve decided they really do love each other, got in a good kiss, and want to try to pursue a real relationship again (hopefully that doesn’t get messed up next season). Excited to see what happens when they’re finally together after the “6 months” are over huehue...  
Happy that there wasn’t so much drama over “whether DJ would pick Matt or Steve”; I really didn’t want that plot point to drag on forever :V :V There was a lot more focus on the girls and family-interactions this time around, which I liked, even though it meant less of the adult pairings altogether.
TBH, there weren’t that many substantial main storylines or funny lines during this half of the season, imo (SHOUT OUT to that “ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM” EXCHANGE THOUGH; that scene was hilarious!!). A lot of it focused on everyday family interactions or Stephanie’s “surrogate/trying-to-get-a-baby” storyline (for those who are curious, I’d say the most we got this season was a solid on Stephanie’s storyline, and DJ and Steve confirming they will be getting together, but there really isn’t any further development toward their relationship. Also surprised they didn’t have a Christmas episode??) But tbh, I’m not mad. It was nice to not have to worry about any big romantic or whatever-else-possible drama, and just focus on seeing these characters interact with one another as a family. It was just ordinary, nice, and cheesy fun, and somehow kept me laughing and smiling like an idiot the entire time (which, in a way, is a nice nod to the original show’s purpose). This is really, really just a feel-good show. And you can see that reflected in the cast. You can just tell how comfortable everyone is with one another, and at times, you can see some real tears about to be shed during a couple of heart-felt scenes. It really is just about one big, ordinary, and optimistic family (although sometimes a bit too optimistic lol; I think they give themselves a bit of a dig about that at the end). So yeah, Fuller House is cheesy, ridiculous, lame, or whateverrrrrrrrr you want to call it, but I love it. And I enjoyed watching every episode of the entire second half of this season :’333
Please tell me they bring on Urkel as a special guest for Season 4.
Yup, I think those are my thoughts for now. Might add/edit some more points in later if I can think of anything!! lol :P :P
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rrrawrf-writes · 7 years
@cracksandcraters 1+2+9. sunrise on a skyscraper. something is lost, and found. something is lost forever
i feel like you’re way more poetic than i could ever be, but i like this one and i like what came out of it. 
i wrote this entire thing at work this early morning on my phone and then i tried to upload it on my phone THREE TIMES and tumblr was just TOO DUMB TO HANDLE IT so here we FINALLY are
Ali threw open the door to the roof, and stopped short. Eli, significantly taller and broader, had to catch himself on the doorjamb above her head in order to avoid running her over.
“I don't know why I’m surprised,” Ali said after a moment, voice tight with anger. “Of course it would be you.”
Winn stood on the very edge of the roof, up on a two-foot high wall around the rim. A strange pair of elbow-length gloves, bulky with some kind of reel. He looked exhausted, Eli thought: missing his usual beanie and hoodie, the young man had deep shadows under his green eyes, and blond stubble on his jaw. But he only grinned when he saw the two of them.
“You took your time,” Winn said. There was a backpack on the wide ledge at his feet. Eli’s gaze was drawn toward it, but Ali was too furious to notice. “I was getting tired of waiting.”
“Oh, poor you,” Ali snapped. “Where’s the bomb?”
Winn’s grin grew broader. He reached down for the backpack, and Ali swore, lunging forward. Eli didn't bother moving; he just pulled out his gun.
“Put it down, Vinn,” Eli warned. Winn shot him a look that was equal parts sly and irritated. Ali paused halfway between Eli and Winn, as the latter unzipped his backpack.
He turned it upside down, and all the components of a weapon of mass destruction fell out - in completely harmless chunks of disassembled metal and wires. Ali stared, dumbfounded, at the mess.
“You did loads better than the Liberty Guard,” Winn said, “but it wasn't fast enough. I don't know how this entire bloody country hasn't been blown to pieces yet, none of you can get anything done on time.”
Eli lowered his gun, though he was still tempted to shoot the cocky smirk right off Winn’s face. “How long have you had that?” he demanded.
Winn shrugged, shaking the backpack to get a few more bits and pieces out. “‘Bout a day, now. Had Bayonet help me take it apart.”
Ali gaped at him, then swore and grabbed a piece of metal plating off the ground. She threw it at Winn. “You idiot! You had that taken apart for a day, and you didn't tell anyone?”
“Who was I gonna tell?” Winn ducked as Ali threw another object at him. Eli tensed up, but the thief easily kept his balance on the roof’s edge. “Everyone wants to throw me in jail!”
“They should!” Ali shouted. She was still in her oversize blue SEARCH AND RESCUE uniform; it would have looked comical, under any other circumstances. “I spent the last nineteen hours straight helping to evacuate the whole damn city! The entire! city! of New York!”
“That's not my -”
“I had to drag an old fat guy five times my size out of his apartment.” Ali stormed forward, four-feet-and-eleven inches of pure Indian-American fury. Grabbing Winn’s shirt, she dragged him off the higher ledge with a strength that still surprised Eli, even after watching her work for the past day. “He was just soooo convinced that nothing was gonna happen, that the frickin’ Liberty Guard was going to save the day. Now he’s probably gonna sue me for hitting his head on the stairs!”
While Ali vented her well-earned rage on Winn, Eli squatted down next to the pile of junk. MI had initially been hired to find the power source Wildcard was using for the bomb; when the threat had gone from ‘possible’ to ‘imminent,’ though, Eli had abandoned the search in order to help get people out of the blast zone.
But now, maybe he’d get to finish the job after all.
“Nineteen hours!” Ali yelled, as Winn finally disentangled himself from her grip. “And you just couldn't be bothered to call the police?”
Eli smiled to himself as he sifted through the pieces, and found a purple, nearly-clear hexagon, small enough to fit comfortably in his palm. Straightening up, Eli stifled a groan as his sore muscles stretched, tucking the hexagon away in his jacket.
“Denvall,” he said. Winn was shouting back, now, about how he ought to be thanked for saving a billion people. Eli sighed to himself.
He reached over and grabbed the both of them, pulling the two shorter people apart. “Both of you, shut up already. No one died, all right? We can stop yelling now.”
“Do you expect me to grovel, instead?” Ali snapped. “Praise him for being a decent human being?”
“That’d be nice to hear, for once,” Winn retorted. Eli let go of Ali and rubbed his eyes. Winn, he kept a tight hold of.
“Let’s just all calm down, okay?” Light glinted off windows of skyscrapers across the street from them; Eli squinted against the glare. “Look, the sun’s coming up. We can all enjoy the sunrise for a minute, then go get coffee, all right?”
Ali, at least, turned to look. She really did need to sleep. Eli was pretty sure the poor woman had been working for far longer than nineteen hours.
He felt a tug on the inside pocket of his jacket. Frowning, Eli looked down to see Winn retrieving his hand, a purple light glowing from his fist.
“Vinn,” Eli warned.
“Sorry, Eli.” Winn rubbed his thumb over a facet of the hexagon, and then flicked his fingers at Eli.
Every muscle in Eli’s body locked up. Winn wiggled out of his now-stiff grip, and threw Eli a mock salute. “I got a job to do, now, too.”
“Wait, what did you do to him?” Ali whirled around, brown eyes going wide as Winn backed up to the edge of the roof.
“It wears off.” Winn gave Ali a crooked grin, then shoved his free hand into one of the bizarre gauntlets that hung from his side.
He was right; Eli could already feel the paralysis fading, though it left an uncomfortable tingling in his fingers as he twitched them.
“Get back here,” Ali snarled, lunging. But Winn was already at the edge, sitting on the little wall. Like a scuba diver, he grinned at them, and then fell backwards off the roof.
“Winn!” Eli jerked off the paralysis, stumbling like a drunk man to the edge, on legs that didn't quite work. Ali peered over with him, and then growled in disgust.
Winn’s glove doubled as a grappling hook. The hook end was embedded on the wall of the skyscraper, just a few inches out of Eli’s reach. Winn rappelled down the side of the building with a skill like he had done this all his life.
“I want one,” Eli said.
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ephemerally--yours · 5 years
M A Y 1 6 , 2 0 1 9
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I didn’t know if I wanted to write this post for two reasons: 1) The weather started warming up before I was able to draft a proper piece and 2) This was a jacket that went to outlet, so it’s no longer available. Yet, here we are with cloudy skies and mild rainfall. 
I had initially gone to the outlet store to see if they had any leftover Guccighost or Coco Capitan collections. However, because of a misunderstanding, the sales associate presented me this piece after I had asked for “the handwriting collection.” I was initially taken aback by how bold this denim jacket was with its allover print and cheetah print (leopard? I’m not well-versed in my felines) pony hair collar.
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Honestly, this piece was so far out of my comfort zone that I would never have picked it up myself. However, the sales associate INSISTED on me trying it out and needless to say, I never took it off. As soon as I slipped my second arm into it and straightened out the jacket, my life was changed. I know that’s dramatic, but it’s the truth. However, I was heavily deterred by the price point. Up until that point, I had never spent so much money on anything with such a bold design. I typically invest in more muted pieces that could be deemed a classic that would age well, but I couldn’t say no this jacket. Luckily for me, I was at the outlet store, which offers a 50% discount off the retail price tag. However, after MUCH deliberation and 20 minutes of walking the store in the jacket, I ended up leaving with it!
This is also one of my favorite pieces of outerwear that I bought in the last year, so I genuinely felt that it would be a disservice to the jacket if I didn’t feature it one way or another. I know this jacket isn’t for everyone, and it’s SOOOO different from anything I’ve ever bought but that’s why I’m absolutely in L.O.V.E!
Ephemerally yours,
The Mess:
Jacket – Gucci
Shirt – H&M
Jeans – Uniqlo
Boots – Saint Laurent
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delongwayblog · 6 years
Tokyo was soooo much fun!  This was our first time visiting Japan, so we were super excited!  We had a 7 day window for travel, so we wanted to take full advantage of our time away to experience as much as we could.  After doing a little research on Tokyo, we made a list of what we each wanted to do/see.
Travelling, for us, is about a few things.  Of course we like seeing new places, but we like to see how other people live, what they eat and what they like to do.  When you interact with people outside of your “bubble”, you realize that we are similar, but we are very different!  I know that sounds cliche, but it’s the truth.  For instance, growing up we would occasionally have tacos for dinner.  I mean, lots of families make tacos for dinner, but ours were a little different.  My mother would fry flour tortilla shells to make them crunchy.  This was normal to me because it was all I knew, but later in life I realized that the way we made tacos was different than the way other people/families made tacos.  Travel for me is about watching other families make tacos…lol.
Ok, so back to that list of things that we wanted to experience.  Food was number one on the list!  We LOVE sushi, so you know we had to try sushi in Japan (one of the places that it originated from) and we had to try ramen….not cup-o-noodles, but actual ramen.  We wanted to see a sumo wrestling match, ride a rickshaw, see some ninjas, check out some comic books stores, see robots, but the thing we wanted to do most was ride go-karts through the city dressed like Mario characters…lol.  We had a long list, but this is how it actually went down:
Day 1:
We arrived and checked into our hotel.  We stayed in Roppongi, which is a tourist-friendly area known mostly for it’s nightlife.  Once we got settled in our room, we changed and ventured out to explore the area.  There were tons of restaurants in the neighborhood…most of which were not Japanese restaurants, so we had to search for a legit sushi spot.  We found one and sat at the sushi bar.  Our Chef was very entertaining and he spoke English.  (sidenote: I don’t know about the rest of Japan, but Tokyo is very American friendly).  Most restaurants have English menus so you know what you are ordering.  The sushi was a little expensive…about $3 per piece of Nigiri (rice ball with fresh fish on top) or $6 per Maki roll.  At home I usually order tempura or maki rolls, so Nigiri rolls were a little out of my comfort zone, but these were sooo good!  You could definitely taste the freshness and none of the fish tasted fishy.  I never thought I would eat raw fish and like it, but I did.
  Day 2:
We set out to explore the Tsukiji Fish Market and Akihabara!  The Tsukiji Fish Market is one of the largest seafood markets in the world and Akihabara is an area in central Tokyo mostly known for electronics.
We took some pictures as we passed by a Buddhist temple on the way to Tsukiji Fish Market:
Once we got to the fish market, we checked out the food stalls and grabbed some lunch:
Then we headed over to Akihabara. We checked out a few electronic stores, comic book stores and game centers.  There was even a 5 story Sega store that had VR games.  We kept seeing fish shaped pastries, so we tried those too.  They were basically fish shaped waffles with pudding filling.  I didn’t really like those:
Day 3:
We went to Asakusa and Shinjuku.  We didn’t really have any plans for Asakusa, except to try to find some Ramen and do some shopping for souvenirs.  We knew that the Sensoji Temple was in Asakusa so we visited it and took a rickshaw tour.  We went to Shinjuku for dinner and a show at the Robot Restaurant:
Day 4:
We were on a mission to find the Unicorn Gundam statue at Diver City Tokyo Plaza which is basically a 7 level mall.  I had no idea what it was, but Daren explained it to me.  After visiting the mall and watching the Unicorn Gundam transform, we headed over to Shibuya for dinner at an oyster restaurant and then to Harajuku for desert crepes:
Day 5:
This was our last day. We stopped by the Tsukiji Fish Market one last time to try some more delicious seafood.  We were a little disappointed, because there were not as many food stalls open as there were the first time.  We asked around and were told that Sundays are the best days to go to the market, so if you go, you want to go on a Sunday! I was excited to try these shrimp filled dumplings that I couldn’t find the first time we went…they were delcious!
After we grabbed a bite to eat, we were ready for our MariCAR gokart tour.  This tour was one of the main reasons we wanted to visit Tokyo.  We had a blast driving through the city!  If you decide to go and you want a discount, as for Pablo and tell him that the DeLongs sent you!
Once we finished our MariCar tour we went on a quest to find some ramen.  We found quite a few shops that sold it, but they only had beef or pork ramen, but we don’t eat beef or pork.  We finally found a chicken ramen restaurant and we were not dissappointed!  It was neat because you place your order from a vending machine then the chef brings it out to you.
This was a pretty long post, so thank you for reading down this far.  I hope you enjoyed the highlights of our trip.  Let us know what you think!
-The DeLongs
5 days in Tokyo Tokyo was soooo much fun!  This was our first time visiting Japan, so we were super excited! 
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