#this post brought to you by using the bathroom at the airport
schrodingers--slut · 6 months
“you know i’m something of a woman myself” i say, before taking a running start and flinging my body flat style directly against a brick wall making a looney toons-esque thunk
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
I feel the need to share since my lube post is going around that my life is just like that since I worked at the sex shop. Sex Ed is a very standard topic. People just immediately pick up a vibe from me and even in situations where someone doesn’t know I used to sling dildos for a living they’ll just start confiding sex stuff to me.
Not in a creeper way. But like this weight had been lifted and they can finally talk freely about sexual topics. The energy I put off is just so blasé and accepting that people tell me about their sex lives, usually very quickly after meeting me. They usually then have a moment of panic or regret and apologize but I always reassure them that I used to work in a shop and that I see nothing odd about talking about it.
My go-to line is, “I’m a creature devoid of judgement.” They always laugh. Then the questions get more specific or people start asking for brand recommendations. It’s always been funny to me.
My beloved has always been a little confused by it. “People don’t just start talking to me about sex! I know you don’t bring it up. It just always seems to go there when people talk to you.”
“It’s just my energy.”
The first time I was meeting their mom she was coming to stay with us. We picked her up from the airport and brought her home. My beloved went upstairs to use the bathroom. When they came back down their mom was asking me questions about vibrators and their jaw hit the floor.
In our room later they said, “She doesn’t even talk to me about that stuff! She’s so embarrassed about sex topics, I cannot believe she was asking you about that!”
“What can I say,” I shrugged, “I’m a creature devoid of judgement.”
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allywthsr · 10 months
A WEEKEND AWAY | (l.norris)
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summary: Lando takes you on a weekend away
wordcount: 1.5k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: none!
notes: I‘m late with posting today :((( normally I always schedule them, so they’re right on time, but today was super stressful and I was working when it was time for it to get published🥲
advent calendar
”Do you want to get away for a weekend?“
”I‘d love that, Lan.“
So before you knew it, you two had packed up your things and were on your way to the Nice airport, to fly to Austria. Lando had rented a beautiful cabin in the middle of nowhere, you can always reach the landlord via phone, and the next house is only five minutes away, but all in all, you were alone. You two needed that, a weekend where no one had any responsibilities, almost no phone service, and just relaxation. Lando also couldn’t wait to go skiing again, and you were excited about it too, Lando had shown you how to ski and since then, you always loved going on ski trips with him and your friends.
You arrived at the cabin, and the landlord, Michael, drove you and your luggage on his special snow bike up to the house. He was generous enough to stock the fridge with food, just as drinks and whatever your heart desired. You went inside it and looked around, the wood walls were looking comfy, and made you feel like you were in a Christmas movie. Everything was decorated beautifully, the living room had a fireplace with wood next to it, you couldn’t wait to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate next to Lando in front of the fireplace later. The bedroom had floor-to-ceiling windows all around the room, so wherever you looked, you could see mountains, and the bathroom was spacious and the shower was a rainshower, all in all, it was perfect.
Lando and you started with packing your clothes out of your suitcases into the closet, you hadn’t brought that much, after all, you were only staying for two nights, and mostly you wanted to go skiing. So warm clothes and your skiers it is. You two had a small lunch, cutting up some bread that was placed in one of the cupboards, even finding Nutella, and before you knew it, you were wrapped in thermo clothes and your snowsuit. Lando was holding his helmet under his arm and in his hand he held his ski goggles. The nearest ski slope was only ten minutes away, when Michael dropped you off, Lando and you couldn’t contain your excitement. The first few meters on the skiers were wonky and slow, both of you had to get used to standing on them again, but once you two sat on the ski lift, you were ready to go down the slope.
You and Lando had so much fun skiing down the hills, Lando even tried little jumps over a few rocks. After two hours of going down different slopes, it was time for a break, you two settled down in the restaurant cabin and ordered a hot drink, to warm up.
”Do you know how sexy you look in your snowsuit?“
You shushed Lando quickly, he was talking way too loud, ”Don’t speak too loudly, but have you seen yourself?“
Lando grinned and took your hand over the table, his glove-covered thumb stroked over the back of your hand. ”What do you wanna do later? We can fire up the fireplace?“
”I would love that, I also packed some of our baked cookies, we can eat those.“
”I love you so much Y/N, you know me better than anyone.“
After that confession you two went back to the slope, driving down the different tracks, enjoying the feeling of gliding over the white snow. Luckily for your snowsuits and helmets, no one recognized you, and you could fully enjoy the private time you two had. No cameras, no Instagram, no pressure of looking a certain way, nothing. When you were back in your cabin after an eventful day, Lando fired up the wood in the fireplace and you started to cook an easy meal, you couldn’t go, full gourmet, after all, Michael stocked it up with basic food items, but the pasta with sauce would still be delicious.
The snowsuits were hanging on the rack in front of the chimney, to dry faster. You couldn’t wait to relax with Lando, maybe read a book or watch some YouTube videos you couldn’t catch up together, or continue your series, a lot of things could be done, but most excitedly you could enjoy the time and cuddles with Lando. Due to his job, you hadn’t really the time to calm down and not do anything for a few days, but now you could, and you would.
Dinner was delicious, but now you were chilling on the couch in front of the fireplace with a MacBook perched up on the coffee table, with your current series playing and two mugs filled with hot beverages next to it. That was what you longed for, you in Lando’s arms. He laid on the couch, with you on top of him, his arms clung around you, stroking your lower back and ass, and your hands were resting in his hair, pulling slightly on his strands.
With every minute passing you two grew more tired, the flight and the skiing tired you out, you were ready to fall asleep on top of Lando, but he knew if you did that, both of you would have back problems the next day.
”Come on, love, let’s go upstairs, we can sleep in the bed.“
In your tired head, you only nodded and slowly scooted off of Lando, closed the lid of the MacBook, and made your way into the bedroom, you were happy you already took off your makeup earlier. You laid down next to Lando and he pulled you close to his front, breathing in your scent before both of you went into the dreamland.
The next morning started off slow, Michael brought fresh bread rolls to your door, and it was almost midday when you got out of bed and ate breakfast, but this weekend, you could do whatever you wanted, sleep as long as you wanted, or stay awake as long as you want.
”What do you wanna do later?“, Lando asked when he bit into his bread roll.
”I want to build a snowman, and maybe just chill in front of the fireplace, or skiing?“
”We can start with building a snowman, maybe then skiing? We’re not coming here often, we should ski as often as possible.“
You nodded and pushed the last piece of bread roll into your mouth. Together you cleaned up quickly and before you knew it, you were wrapped up in your snow suit again, ready to go outside and build a snowman.
Lando and you immediately got to work, rolling little snowballs in the snow that was lying on the ground, freshly snowed from the sky while you were still in bed this morning. The crunching of the snow moving underneath your shoes was music to your ears, you loved listening to that sound. With Lando’s ball being almost as tall as his hip, he stopped and put it in a spot where you could see it from the living room, your ball was a bit smaller, so Lando heaved yours on his. While Lando got to work on the head, you went looking for rocks, it wasn’t that easy because of the snow, but close to the house, you found some. You looked for ones that had the same size and quickly you found some, bringing them to Lando who was almost finished with rolling the ball around.
He placed the head on top of the body and you pressed the stones in his face, now he has eyes and a mouth. Lando went and grabbed a carrot from the fridge, digging a small hole with his pointer finger and pressing the carrot in there.
When the finished snowman was standing in front of you, you hugged Lando, squeezed him tightly, and kissed him.
”Look at him!“
”He‘s mint! Let’s call him Steven.“
”Yeah, he looks like a Steven.“
You started laughing and Lando let out his high-pitched laughing sounds.
After going back inside, cuddling on the couch to warm up again, you decided to go skiing one more time, before your flight leaves tomorrow. Michael picked you two up and brought you to the slope, dropping you off.
It was already 3:00 pm, so you didn’t really have that much time left on the slope, but you made the most out of it. Gliding down the tracks with Lando by your side, it made you happy that you could see Lando enjoying himself, he was just Lando and didn’t need to be someone he wasn’t.
The last evening was spent, again, in front of the fireplace. The MacBook was playing a movie in front of you and snacks were placed next to it, Kinder cards, self-baked cookies, and other sweets you found in the cupboards.
”Thank you for taking me on this trip, Lan.“
”Always baby, you know I’d do anything for you.“
You looked at Steven and cuddled a bit tighter to his chest.
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copperbadge · 1 year
I'm here! Well, I mean, I've been here for several hours at this point, but I've reached my lodgings and settled in. I hung up the next few days' worth of clothes, put my toiletries in the bathroom, took a shower, and am now running today's (which are also yesterday's) clothes through the small washer-dryer. We'll see if it actually dries them; if not at least I'm not doing this the hour before packing for Paris.
Went to Sainsbury's. You guys are not gonna believe the shit I found, but it's going to have to wait until my phone charges.
There have been a few hiccups on the road; the main one is that due to a complicated series of events, I have two USB ports I can charge all my gear from when I really could use four, and I'm not sure if I'll even have those two available once I leave London. I'm just going to have to be a little measured with my power use until I have more intel. In any case, most trains these days seem to have USB ports, so I'll just plug in whenever I can. As long as the phone stays charged I should be fine, and I can charge it like four times on my backup battery before the backup bites it.
Overall, despite Heathrow being a nightmare, it was a pleasant day -- I checked my luggage at the Tate Modern, did a loop of it, then went off to Pick & Cheese, the conveyor belt restaurant. I wanted one of everything but I know me, so I limited myself to three plates, which was enough to fill me up, although I imagine I'm going to have a snack before bed. (Hence Sainsbury's.) It was really, really good cheese and pairings, but I'm sure part of it was also that I hadn't had a real meal in roughly eighteen hours. The dinner they served on the flight was absolutely inedible; I had three or four protein/granola bars and a cup of Chobani, but that was pretty much it. It's fine -- Adderall is an appetite suppressant and normally it doesn't affect me because I'm home all day and like to eat, but actual hunger isn't an issue and as long as I make sure I get some calories in my face every few hours, blood sugar wasn't either. This is why I brought a literal dozen protein bars.
Still nice to sit somewhere and eat what amounted to a big plate of protein and sugar.
Everyone I've interacted with has been super nice, too -- people don't know how to walk on the sidewalk, which my midwestern-transplant soul found almost actively rude, but I chalked it up to tourists the same way we do back home. All the "staff" I've dealt with -- airport attendants, train officials, waitstaff, museum staff, the guy at Sainsbury's -- have been super nice. It reminds me that some cities actually want to be tourist cities, unlike Chicago, which begrudgingly admits we need tourists but really would rather they all die horribly. There's being a good customer service staffer and then there's actually being a nice person and I think most of the folks I dealt with are the latter.
Tomorrow I go to the British Museum, and I'm kind of glad that mudlarking fell through, because I feel like I definitely am going to need the morning to do a little recovering from all the walking. I'm going to ice my feet tonight and that should help.
So yes, here I am, in the new time zone, plotting a heist getting ready for tomorrow. I've successfully taken several different trains and a bus, and I know at least two of my payment cards work overseas plus my phone, so all of the major problems I anticipated are non-problems in the end.
I'm hoping tomorrow morning to go back over my posts and add anything that's needed and maybe post a few more photos from today, but we'll see. I have no idea what time I'll wake up tomorrow if I go to bed in the next half hour. Exciting to find out!
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Intertwined With the Inhuman
Hehe :D Heres the first chapter!
Cross posted on wattpad under Dontjudgemepels
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chapter one: and so it begins
(next chapter: 2)
as I looked at the letter for the fifth time today, I still couldn't believe it.
I, Y/n L/n, got a free ticket to japan and a free ticket back as well. I am so happy that I kept entering into those raffles!
I packed up my bags and prepared every thing that I may need while in japan. Another thing that I'm happy about is that, since I kept entering into the raffles I have quite a lot of yen, as well as a free hotel room and some free- non- expiring tickets to various events, which makes my life as a college student extremely easy, and my summer all the more fun!
I texted my group chat:
three best friends in a room:
depression (jerry), Cat lover(you), and smart one (cherry (cher for short))
Cat lover:
I'm so excited, but I'm also sad, since I won't see y'all and I cant afford to pay for the out of county wifi. D:
Smart one:
Well, that part sucks but japan is a safe country, and plus It'll be a good way to relax after the school year. those finals were rough
thats for sure, those finals fucked me up, I didn't sleep for four days to study and then right after them I slept for two and a half days straight!
Smart one:
Jerry that's not safe.
Y/n take lots of pictures, get us souvenirs and have fun! that's the best thing you can do okay! And if you ever feel unsafe just call the cops on a public phone, okay?
Cat lover:
see this is why you're my smart friend, And I'll try to keep that in mind... Anyways, I have a flight early in the morning, love y'all I'll try to take lots of pictures and get you gifts and food lol! ttyl
I thought i was your smart friend too...
Cat lover:
You are!!
yea sure, anyway, have fun loser, we'll miss you
smart one:
cat lover:
cat lover:
awww you'll miss me :D
*depression has logged off*
cat lover:
Smart one:
ignore him, he's right tho, we will indeed miss you! so you'd better have enough fun for all of us! love you, and get to bed
*Smart one has logged off*
I turned my phone off smiling to myself, my friends are so great!
Time skip: the next day (3: 30am)
I ran around the house making sure I had everything, seeing that I did, I called my uber and let them know to pick me up.
I walked out the door, and brought my suitcases out with me, and sat at the curb to wait.
while I waited I decided to play some honkai star rail, since I wouldn't be able to play it in japan (no wifi and all)...
the sound of a car pulling up brought be back to reality, and a girl with rich dark skip stepped out, "are you, Y/n, the cat lover?" she asked.
"yes, are you Trina...?" I asked unsure.
"yes! yes I am, okay hop in, let me help you with your bags." she beamed.
the ride to the airport was nice, the time flew by as I talked with trina, she was a really nice person. As we talked I found out that she also played star rail and we bonded over that, at the end of the ride we made sure to exchange ids (in game).
I made my way into the airport after saying goodbye to trina.
After checking in, checking my bags, and going through security I went to sit at my gate (for the flight).
Time skip: In japan
the voice of the flight attendant woke me up:
"Welcome to japan, and thanks for flying with our airlines!"
and she said that i looked out the window, to see the airport in japan, it was quite something (especially knowing i went across the globe to come here).
"we will now begin un-boarding."
Time skip: at the hotel:
the hotel was beautiful, the pictures did it no justice. The hotel was supposed to be a more modern twist on a traditional japanese design.
There was a closet, a bathroom and plenty of other things in the suite.
I unpacked some into the room, putting my clothes into the closet, my toiletries into the bathroom, and organizing everything else.
after I was settled in and had showered I looked at my To-Do list
1- go to a shrine
'seems simple enough' I thought to myself as I changed into a modest outfit, and grabbed the map, smoothly making my way out the door.
Saying goodbye to the staff as I left and letting them know that I'd be out. (Y/n speaking no japanese the staff thankfully speak english too)
the staff were even nice enough to point me in the direction of the shrine that I wanted to go to.
thanking them, I ran out the door, eager to get there! I made my way down the roads following their directions.
after a while, I found myself lost.
"that's okay I have my phone, Gps is good for this." I said to myself as I pulled my phone out.
"no wifi"
"...l-I forgot about that." I said as I read the error message that showed up as I tried to use the gps app.
as I was cursing my luck a blue haired male bumped into me causing me to drop my phone.
"Sorry miss, here let me get it for you" he said as he bent down and grabbed my phone. handing it to me when he stood back up.
"oh don't worry about it, thanks." I responded
'he's so nice'
I looked up at him to meet his eyes only to be met with a mask covering them.
"say, sir, I'm lost do you mind giving me directions to the shrine." I asked, inwardly hoping that I wasn't bothering him.
"Why of course." he said as he continued to give me the directions
"Thank you so much" I said as he finished, " I really owe you one-"
I was about to offer to buy him coffee but I was interrupted by the shout of a mad in a black coat and glasses, with black hair.
"Dottore! we're going to be late." he shouted
"I'll let you get going, sorry to take up so much of your time, thanks again." I said to him as I made my way to the shrine, finding it much easier now that i had clearer directions.
Time skip: at the shrine
I got a fortune slip, and some pictures for my friends. and on the way to the shrine I happened to see a traditional dango stand... so I had to get some
it was very good, Jerry would be very jealous.
The sun started to set, so I finished up my time at the shrine, concluding it by ringing the bell three times and praying.
time skip: at the hotel
It was so fun, as I came back into the suite room I set down my shoes and got ready for a shower, where I washed up for bed.
after the shower I put some of the things I got for my friends into my empty suitcase, before getting into the bed.
Sighing contently, I turned to the lamp next to me and turned it off. trying to get comfortable in the bed (you're wearing a robe to sleep in btw).
as I let my eyes wonder I was met with some lifeless blue eyes.
a small 'ah' left my lips as I shot up from the covers.
the eyes just stayed there, neither of use made an attempt to move.
"wh- what do you want?" I questioned quietly, almost a whisper.
as I said that the man began to move towards me , soon the bed dipped as he crawled towards me. we were face to face, I began to lean away from him, my body leaning into the mattress as his towered over me and leaned in closer.
if we had been lovers the position would have been romantic, but I had never seen this man.
I soon had no where to lean now and he was awfully close to my face. I turned my head away from him, which in turn gave him access to my neck, to which he buried his nose into, and he seemed to be swelling me.
"you smell so good" the ginger haired male said in a deep voice as he attempted to bury his head further into my next, where my neck met my collar bone.
when i suddenly felt something wet on my neck i reflexively pushed him, causing our eyes to meet once more.
"you're quite the interesting human, I wonder." he said as I shook slightly
"why do you smell like dottore?" the ginger growled
at the name of the man I'd seen earlier I relaxed some, although i'm not sure why.
"huh, are you perhaps in some sort of relationship with that man?" he asked his voice laced with venom as he mentioned him. "Your body relaxed when I said his name."
I wanted to reply, I just couldn't find my voice.
'who was this man?'
"childe I do suggest you don't go marking that which isn't yours." a deep voice interrupted.
the two of us turned our attention to a grey older man, who was illuminated by the moon light.
the man's above me, childe, obliged and got off of me, which allowed me to sit up and scoot away.
looking at the grey older man once more, I noticed that he had some sort of mask covering half of his face. and I also noticed his eye and how it seemed to glow.
I gazed back to childe and noticed how he looked like dog following its master's rules.
"I do apologize about his behavior, it is almost the full moon and he must not have been able to control himself." the older man said.
I opened my mouth to speak, but ultimately didnt know how to respond, " Uh, I suppose it should be okay... as long as it doesn't happen again..." I said, unsure the entire time.
suddenly I saw a flash of blue and heard a thud.
childe was on the ground four feet from the bed, i suddenly felt two arms wrapping themselves around me, I looked around and I couldn't tell who's arms they were.
childe was on the ground and the older man's was still standing.
the person behind me began to lean down to where my neck met my collar bone.
"it's okay, it's just me" Dottores voice whispered against my skin and he loosened his grip on my waist, allowing me to turn around to see him.
In my fear ridden state I clung to him, my arms wrapped around his neck, and in turn his arms tightened around my waist.
"I'm sorry" I whispered to him, so quietly, that he almost didn't catch it.
he rubbed his hand on the small of my back and glared at childe, and said, "I don't know why you're apologizing, but if anyone should apologize it should be me."
His sudden confession caused me to look up at him, only for him to lean down into my exposed neck (the robe was now slightly disheveled now thanks to childe) and bit down, causing me to gasp in surprise.
a deep sense of sleep soon took over me, as I began to hear dottore gulp , and my vision faded in and out, before faded to black. 
How is everyone liking it so far? 
also, im glad people here (tumblr) are enjoying this far more than the people on wattpad (which is a little surprising to me, but anyways.)
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baronessblixen · 2 years
Prompt (after Syzysy or whatever the name of that episode is, lol) --- "Something smells pretty good" Mulder said. "Well whatever it is, it's not my perfume!" Scully answered defensive.
Post-ep for Syzygy. Mulder and Scully are stranded and have to share a motel room.
Fictober Day 14 | Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2022 | Wc: 1,483
A Bit On The Nose
At one point Scully has to admit they’re lost. Well, she is. Mulder nods, visibly biting his lip to keep himself from saying something. He doesn’t have to open his mouth for her to know what he’s thinking. If he’d driven them, or if she’d listened to him, they wouldn’t be here now. Wherever here even is.
“There’s a motel over there.” Mulder points to a sign that reads ‘Lord’s Pinnacle Motel’, reminding her that they’re definitely not in Comity anymore.
Scully sighs and steers their car towards the deserted parking lot. Staying here is their best choice. They’re who knows how far away from the airport and they’ve missed their flight anyway. Tomorrow morning, one of them will book new flights while the other talks to Skinner and explains what happened. Scully can only hope that she herself understands the situation by tomorrow.
The further away from Comity they drove, the calmer she felt. And more embarrassed. Her behavior has been irrational, to say the least. But some feelings still linger. When she looks at Mulder and he cracks open a sunflower seed, something she should be used to, she can still recall the anger boiling in her veins.
She knows what it was, but she refuses to give it a name. Refuses to acknowledge it at all. But still, the image of Mulder and Detective White is carved in her mind. That woman on him. She shudders just thinking about it and only snaps out of it when Mulder throws her overnight bag at her feet.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, trotting off. Scully grabs her bag and follows him inside. The place is dimly lit and reeks of cold cigarette smoke. Her nose twitches in disgust but holding her breath is not an option.
“Two rooms please,” Mulder says.
“Can’t do,” the man at the reception desk says. “Can give you one room.”
“There are like two cars in the parking lot,” Mulder says. The guy behind the counter just shrugs.
“Take it or leave it.”
“We’ll take it,” Scully says, regretting it immediately. However, spending the night on the road is not a good idea. Mulder gives her a look and shrugs. He pays with their Bureau credit card and snatches the keys off the counter. Apparently, he packed his frustration and anger up in his bag and brought it with him.
Their room is surprisingly clean and roomy. There’s only one bed and no couch, which will pose a problem. Scully ignores it for the moment, checking out the bathroom. When she returns to the room, Mulder is on the bed – sans shoes, luckily – flipping through the TV channels. There’s a hint of a smile on his face, assuring her that maybe not all is lost.
“Never appreciated different channels more,” he says, looking at her. His expression doesn’t change. The smile stays, and the hope in her grows. But there’s something she has to do before they can put this behind them.
“I’m sorry, Mulder,” she says, defeated.
“We’ve stayed in worse places. Go take a shower. I’ll find us something to watch.”
After not talking to her at all on their drive here – despite reminding her that they were going the wrong way and her ignoring him – he’s chipper. Too much so.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I know, but… let’s just forget about it. We’re here now and it could be worse. Right?” She nods before she locks herself in the bathroom.
Scully thinks about his behavior as she stands there in the shower, her eyes closed. The water is hot, almost scalding her. She needs it. She scrubs her skin, needing to wash off what happened in Comity. What she did and what she saw.
Her jealousy is not something she thinks about a lot. She never talks about it. It’s something she’s buried deep, deep down inside of herself. Melissa knew about it, of course, and liked to make fun of it. She called it her irrational streak. There’s no reason to feel jealous. Mulder can be interested in whomever he pleases. She grimaces. But does it have to be Detective White?
Scully stays in the shower until the water runs cold. She towels herself off and puts on her pajamas, feeling almost normal. Mulder has picked a movie and has changed into more comfortable clothes. He glances at her, taking her in, as she emerges from the bathroom.
“All yours,” she says. “I fear I might have used all the hot water.”
“Don’t feel like a shower anyway.”
“What are we watching?”
“The Sound of Music,” Mulder says.
“That’s not your usual kind of movie.”
“I like it. I can find something else if you want.”
“No, leave it. I like the movie, too.” The movie doesn’t bother her. The sleeping situation, however… she’s so used to being around Mulder that sometimes she forgets how big he is. How much room he takes up. Not just in her life, but in the world. The bed should be big enough for two people. But seeing Mulder in there, she can’t help but wonder how she’ll fit in.
“Do you need me to scoot over?”
“It’s fine,” she says, sitting on the edge of the bed with her back to him. She lies down, keeping to the edge, and as far away from Mulder as possible. She’s never once minded sharing space with him. They’ve even shared a bed before, once or twice. Today she’s too aware of his body and things unspoken. There’s too much between them. Except space.
“If the TV bothers you, let me know.”
“It doesn’t,” she replies. “I’m just tired.”
“Long day,” Mulder says. He’s quite for a moment and Scully closes her eyes, praying for sleep. The sooner she falls asleep, the sooner she can wake up, and they can go home. Tomorrow, she’ll let Mulder drive. Just as she’s getting comfortable, Mulder decides to speak again.
“Hmm, something smells pretty good.” Scully’s eyes pop open again. It’s like he pulled a trigger on her and now all the rage she felt earlier returns to her.
“Well,” she says, her voice laced with annoyance and defensiveness that she can’t stop from slipping in. “Whatever it is, it’s not my perfume.”
“But,” Mulder starts. He falls quiet and Scully, still turned away from him, hears her own heart pounding in her chest. The mattress moves, which means Mulder must be moving, too. His heat is by her back and she catches a whiff of him as he leans over her.
“It is you,” he says, sounding surprised. “It’s you, Scully.” His soft voice makes her turn around.
“I’m not wearing any perfume,” she says.
“Then it’s… you.” He takes a strand of hair, looking at her. “Can I?” She just nods, watching him as he sniffs it. “Definitely you. Give me your hand.”
“Mulder, this is ridiculous.”
“Your hand, please.” She gives it to him, stifling a laugh. Her mood is turning back around with every second that passes. He sniffs her hand, too, and she can no longer keep her chuckle in.
“Are you done now?”
“Hmm, yeah. You smell amazing, Scully. Has anyone ever told you this? It was you all along. It wasn’t- something wasn’t right in that town, Scully.” She could deny it and find logical explanations. But she doesn’t. She hasn’t quite figured out what happened with them – and between them – in Comity. Right here, right now, she feels like herself. Looking at Mulder, she feels like she always feels when she’s around him. Safe. Trusted. There’s no anger inside her now. It dissipated as quickly as it appeared.
“You’re right.”
“Wait,” he says, his eyes huge. “Did you just- did you just say I’m right?”
“Don’t push it, Mulder.”
“You said I’m right, Scully. Let me have this. Where is my diary when I need it?” He grins at her. “If I, um, if I get too close to you tonight… just kick me. I respond well to kicking according to… people.” Jealousy rears its ugly head again, but Scully shoots it down. Mulder has a past, just like she has.
“I have no intention of kicking you.”
“I can’t promise my nose will stay away from you.” She imagines waking up to Mulder’s nose burrowed in her hair, or her neck. His warmth all around her, their limbs tangled. Heat rises in her chest and into her face.
“I won’t hold it against you. Now let’s watch the movie.” He nods and Scully finds herself drifting closer to him, drawn by an unknown force. Her eyes are heavy, and she knows she will be asleep before Maria and Captain von Trapp are married. The last thing she hears is Mulder hum ‘Something Good’ and she thinks this disastrous night, in this mediocre motel, might indeed be something quite good after all.
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katoktm8 · 4 months
Chicken Bus Airplane
Excuse the exhaustion and the illiterate thoughts in this blog post, I believe I am at 30 hours without sleeping in a bed. if you can match the pictures to my stories, that would be helpful.
One of the strangest flights I’ve ever taken. If I took a charter bus from Charlotte, North Carolina to Madrid, I was on a school bus to Albania. People squished in, up in the aisles the entire flight, groups up and laughing and chatting with the flight attendants, window shades up, music playing, loud talking, people brought their own food on board, bananas, chicken, anything that smelled… school bus interior. As opposed to my charter bus interior plane that had pink lights to wake us up and light blue lights to dim the lights for sleep. Chatting, conversing, pushing and shoving, just to get on and off the plane. And at the airport, there were no announcements of boarding or gates. You just had to know where to go and when to get on the plane.
Long traffic jam drive back into the city to our hotel. Where we dropped our bags at the oldest hotel in Tirana and went looking for lunch. Ended up with Albanian stew, Albanian specialty soup, and Greek salad. (Photos) Very salty. Reminds me a lot of Romania. Actually the whole city reminds me a lot of Romania. Communist Era 1940s-1991. This dictator had his own brand of communism, and therefore Russia and Yugoslavia were the enemy.
Walking walking. Caroline and I take an online self guided walking tour of Tirana city. We ended up walking about 9 miles. Some great architectural buildings. (photos) Not the most beautiful city, still remnants of the communist era. We walked by what was once the communist dictator’s house. Enver Hoxha. As you can see from the pictures it is by no means a palace. Apparently he is so hated they closed the doors on his house and left everything inside and never looked back.
Pyramid. Apparently the dictator’s daughter built a pyramid mausoleum for her father. See photos. But he was so hated. He is no longer underneath the pyramid and now it is a tourist attraction that you can climb and see the city from above.
Doors… I swear every door is not closed, but they have this little lip on the door that’s about a half inch wide that makes it look like the door is not shut, but it’s really shut. See if you can tell what I’m talking about in the picture. It’s driving me bananas because I’m trying to slam the doors, but they are already slammed shut.
Walked to this man-made lake and had a rest and watched ducks and dogs play for a while.
Stray dogs. You can notice in a picture that one of the stray dogs we met has a blue tag on its ear. Similar to feral cats in Arizona, they round up the stray dogs vaccinate them, spay or neuter them, and if they can’t find a rescue to take the dogs, they release them back into the streets. But by seeing the tagged dog, you know it’s safe and healthy. The stray dogs seem to be very well fed.
Artist meeting. Walking along, we were looking for things that someone would normally not see. I looked down and saw an artist studio so of course we had to stick our noses in the door. Apparently this artist was very famous during communist times for his caricatures of the United States in Russia politically. Anyway we talked a while. Got some photos and went on our way. He was quite intense.
Professor meeting. As we were walking along the street, looking for coffee to give us energy a man walked up to us and said, “I am a professor. Could you tell me what the word squander means.”After a discussion about using it in context, he gave us a whole history of how dictators all are trained in France. And gave us many examples of how to use or how should he use the word squander. We finally said we had to go to the bathroom and left.
Me always looking for the spiritual salvation we went into the orthodox church and took some pictures and tomorrow will be the Great Mosque. It was cool to see this man touching up the murals on the inside of the Greek Orthodox Church
My Fluent Spanish. As one would predict my Spanish is very fluent in Albania. I’ve ordered Café con Leche, and at the restaurant said no Gatos no perros allowed. Albanians do not speak Spanish anymore than they speak English, but this is all that comes out of my mouth. As when I was in China, it’s always Spanish.
Dinner… delicious dinner in the touristy section of town. Near the castle. I had my favorite big fat sardines, big fat, feta cheese, and other appetizers. We shared a liter of wine and sat in the cool night patio.
Click on pictures to see the full view. 
In conclusion, I cannot believe how nice people are here. Everyone goes out of their way to help us. Instead of charging us a full amount they charge us less, take our phone and set up Wi-Fi, park a car, whatever that needs to be done to help. Our hotel is a wonderful, we can’t be happier, but we can’t be more exhausted.
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briamichellewrites · 28 days
We need to have a cat play date with Rob and Mowgli. – Bria
“We?” Who’s “we?” If Bria meant herself, then yes. Mike thought it sounded interesting. He had no idea how the cats would respond to having Mowgli in their house. Jason agreed with the idea. He would have to ask Rob. That was something he would leave up to her to do. He was staying out of it. Jason stretched before joining his brother on the couch. He just flew into London. Jason picked him up from the airport and brought him to his flat. He was beyond happy to have him there.
You can talk to Rob about that. They’re your cats. It sounds like a good idea, though I’m not sure how it would work. Talk to him and see what he says. – Mike
Will do. – Bria
Brad didn’t have a problem with the idea of a cat play date. Micha and Henry might like playing with whoever the other cat was.
“Who’s Mowgli? Was that the kid?”
“Yeah, dude. Mowgli is the little boy.”
He laughed. “Gah, now I have to remember who everyone is. Mowgli, I know for sure. There’s a tiger, a panther, a snake, and a gorilla.”
She grabbed her laptop from where it was sitting beside her. Everyone came in, as she was naming off the characters from the Jungle Book. He laughed because it had been a long time since he had seen that movie. George asked them what they were talking about. Bria told them about the conversation she was having with her brother in law, Mike. Jason had an idea of having a cat play date.
Mike was leaving it up to her and their friend, Rob. Why were they talking about the Jungle Book? Rob’s cat was named, Mowgli, so Brad couldn’t remember which character he was.
“It’s one of those conversations where it starts one way before veering off into another direction.”
They laughed.
“We were talking about Rob and his cat, Mowgli. That led to us talking about the Jungle Book because his cat’s name is Mowgli”, he said with a smile.
“He is so adorable. Oh my god. He got him around the same time I got Micha. It was also around the same time my dad got Princess. It was either the late nineties or the early two thousands.”
They laughed. Jason showed Mike around London. As it was Saturday, they both slept in. They then had breakfast before heading out. The city was busy with Londoners going about their daily lives. It was a beautiful city with a lot of history going back thousands of years to 47 AD.
The Romans were the first people to colonise it. It was then fought and taken over by various groups. They took a hackney carriage to the downtown area. He wanted him to see where he worked. The downtown area was modern compared to the more historic part of London. The building was closed, as it was a weekend but he had a key.
He said hello to the security guard posted at the front. After showing him his badge, they were allowed in. Thank you. His desk was a little messy with papers scattered around. He had a picture of their family at his wedding, along with his license for landscape architecture, a bobble head French bulldog, and a small Japanese flag. It wasn’t a lot because he was still adding to it. Mike pressed down on the dog’s head, making it bob up and down. He laughed.
“I got that at a store that had a bunch of random stuff. I like to use it when I need a break for a few minutes. It’s also a conversation starter.”
“It’s adorable. The dogs would love it.”
He laughed again.
Dave and Chester were attempting to keep up with the animals’ demands. All while making sure Henry didn’t hurt himself again. The dogs needed to go outside to use the bathroom and Princess was demanding attention. Chester held Henry, as he got the dogs ready. Dave took the cat from him, so he could have his hands free. Thank you. He got his shoes on before attaching the leashes to their collars. Kate pawed at the door. I have to go to the bathroom!
After getting plastic bags and sticking them into his pocket, he opened the door. The dogs pulled him out. He had to tell them to stay. They let him catch up before walking off. Henry meowed because he saw his sister looking up at him. Dave asked her if she was jealous of her brother. She meowed in denial. How dare he accuse her of such a thing!
“Princess, it’s Henry’s turn right now.”
Meow! She followed them into the cat room, where Micha was hanging out. He went in there to escape his sister. She was complaining about something and he just wanted quiet. He was using the cat tree to sharpen his claws when they came in. Princess climbed the jungle gym to the top. Now she could see everything! She liked being taller than the humans.
Dave brought Henry over to a dangling rope on the floor. He used his paws to bat at it like it was a mouse. Get back here, you! He grabbed it with his paws and pulled it into his mouth. Yum! Yum! He rolled over to his back and watched the rope swing around. If he could, he would pounce on it. Unfortunately, he had to wait until he was fully healed. He grabbed the rope again but it slipped through his paws. Dave sat down next to him. Micha came over to see how his brother was doing.
Henry swiped at him. He jumped out of the way just in time. Hey! Micha got distracted by a ball. He swatted at it, as it moved around the floor. Princess used her paw to clean her face. As a princess, she had to be clean at all times. That was her number one rule. The other was demanding attention or food. When she didn’t get either, she fell to the floor in a tantrum. How dare they not treat her like royalty!
Chester made sure the dogs did their business. They did. He complimented them. Thank you, human! They sniffed at the air, as their nose picked up different scents. Growler barked because he saw a squirrel. Haha! You can’t catch me, dog! He growled and barked at it. Get back here! The squirrel ran off laughing because it was too fast. It ran up a tree using its little claws. Chester pulled him away. He whined because he wanted to chase the squirrel.
Bruiser reminded him there would be other squirrels to chase. He grumbled. One day he would get that stupid squirrel! When they got home, he ran to his toys and started chewing on a stuffed rabbit. Kate asked him if pouting was worth it. Yes, yes it was. She went to the kitchen to get some water, leaving him to his stuffed rabbit.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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berniefaccio · 7 months
The List
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When he went to bed with someone else, leaving me alone in the hotel room. He uploaded a story of him in a party and texted me saying: "I'm having so much fun, I'll see you in the morning." He then went to fuck another guy, recorded him dancing for him, fucked him, and then cuddled him until next morning. He still likes his posts on IG and DMs him ocassionally.
When during my three-day hospitalisation, he invited a Grindr guy over to my room and fucked him in my bed. He turned out to be a thief that stole my Chanel Bleu. The next day, he brought me flowers to the hospital room and looked at both me and my mom like nothing happened.
When I arrived to my room from the hospital after being cut open and my entire apartment was trashed. He was smoking inside, the bed was undone - dirty, and he was drunk. That night, I spent the entire evening cleaning my stuff and the vomit he puked in the living room. When I confronted him about it, he threatened to leave me and go to Toronto.
When I went to have dinner with my best friend and he then went to a bar and fucked someone in the dark room. When I confronted him about it, he swore "on his life" that he was only having a beer at a local pub. After two days of lies and continuous investigation, he finally told me the truth.
When while drunk, he took the wrong keys and went to fuck someone he met on Grindr. He couldn't open the door, so he waited for me in the front door and told me that "he went for a beer" but later revealed that "he fucked someone real good". This happened twice.
When he asked me to search for the credit card that he lost at a bar but while I was asking bartenders, he was getting fucked by a random guy in the bathroom. This happened twice.
When during a work trip, he went to a sex club to fuck multiple guys. I found out because I found a condom they only give in that club in his wallet later on. I've never confronted him about it.
When we were denied entrance to the airport in Guatemala because he was too drunk to board. He then started a fight with security personnel so I had to stop us being arrested.
When he was too drunk in Los Cabos so I missed the sunset and he almost caused an accident on the highway as he was leaning on me while driving.
When he drank all the booze I had in my appartment and never replaced a single bottle. He drank my gift bottles, my special bottles, and even bottles that weren't mine. When I confronted him about it, he said "we will just buy more" but he never did.
When he left me in the streets of Toronto during winter because he was too drunk to open the door for me so I had to seek for shelter with a friend as there were no hotel rooms available those dates.
When he left me alone and passed out in a club in El Salvador so I had to sleep in the street. A couple of girls found me on the floor, picked me up, and took care of me while I waited for him. In the uber, he puked on top of me. This wasn't the last time he did that.
When he trashed my apartment - again - because he was angry that I went in a work trip. He puked on the sink, clogging it, smoked in the apartment, leaving cigarette butts everywhere, breaking glasses, and then acting like nothing happened. When I confronted him about it, he said he had spent at least 1000 dollars on me already and I shouldn't be asking him for anything.
When I invited him to an office party and he got too drunk that he was falling over guests embarrasing me. He then went into the loo and did coke, came out of the room like nothing happened.
When he finished all my drugs and promised he would buy more but that never happened.
When he physically forced me to kiss him, violently pushed me, squeezed me, licked me, threw things at me, and fucked me without my consent - sometimes while I was asleep. When I confronted him about it, he repeatedly told me that I was stupid and then he used to laugh at me.
When he kissed his ex-boyfriend in front of me at the bar. He then invited him to my apartement for a threesome but his ex did not want to.
When he kissed multiple guys in front of me at a techno rave but forced me to stay with him so I couldn't do the same. When I was close to kissing one guy, he said he was ugly and I didn't deserve that.
When he wouldn't let me enjoy concerts, ballets, plays, movies or anything else because he continued taking over them as if he wanted to have my full attention all the times.
When he continuously gaslighted me sayig that all the things he did were because I had done something wrong to him before.
When every time that he woke up and I wasn't there, he accused me of fucking someone else.
When he was too drunk in Toronto that we were turned away from a restaurant and I never got to meet his friends, sabotagging every opportunity to meet someone close to him.
When he was too drunk at my family's house party that he needed to go to bed and took all of his clothes allowing my cousings to see him naked. When I tried to wake him up, he started yelling at me. He then pretended that nothing happened.
When he found a guy that looked exactly like me to fuck him in his last day in Mexico City. They still follow each other (and probably text) on IG.
When he promised me he would not be talking to anyone else during our trip to Merida. But then he said he was invited to a house party by someone he met on Grindr two hours later.
When he disregarded my feelings or anything I had to say after I broke up with him - treating me like nothing happened and calling me names, like our relationship never existed.
When he used to say that he was in Mexico "only to avoid the winter in Canada" and that he was staying with "a guy" - like I didn't matter to him at all.
When he left my apartment and he gave me no explanation. He took up all his stuff, opened the door, and threatened to hit me if I didn't open the door for him.
I am sure that during our relationship he fucked more guys than the ones I know of. He never let me look at his phone and was always secretive about it. He never appreciated the love and care I put into our relationship. To him, I was the person that provided him with housing, booze, sex, attention, PreP, love... without giving anything in return. He was a narcissistic piece of shit that swore he loved me but he never actually did. He only loved himself.
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w2soneshots · 7 months
Lads holiday -W2S
words: 0.9k+
warnings: none.
summary: you and some of the sidemen along with their girlfriends go to Ibiza.
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Liked by wrotoshaw and 930,522 others
y/username: holiday day 1 and 2 dump🤪 @wrotoshaw @faithloisak @behzingagram @calfreezy
faithlouisak: love u🩷
-> y/username: love u too🩷
taliamar: looks dreamy, see you in a few hours😉
-> user35918250: omg can't wait for all of these pics!
freyanightingale: you girls look fittttt
user14072397: Harry just floating😂
Me, Harry, Faith, Ethan and Freezy are currently in Ibiza. We arrived two days ago and have spent a day on a boat, a day at the beach and a been on a night out. Today Talia, Simon and JJ arrive (they could only come for five days but we wanted to come for a whole week so came two days early). We are all sharing a villa, It has 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a beautiful kitchen and a big pool outside along with a cosy living room.
Today I woke up alone in mine and Harry's bed. I lifted my head from my pillow and tried to adjust my eyes to the bright sun beaming through the thin curtains. I swung my legs off the bed and stood up. I looked down at what I was wearing: a pair of black, low waisted pyjama shorts and a little black bra. I slipped on Harry's blue sidemen t-shirt and my flip flops. Then made my way downstairs.
I walked into the living room to find Harry and Ethan chatting away and Faith sat next to them on her phone. "y/n! Thank god they're talking about football." she said with a roll of her eyes. I laughed and sat down "Cal still asleep?" I asked. "Yup." Harry said flashing me a cute smile. "Do you want some breakfast?" Faith asked me. I nodded "please, I'm starving." I followed her into the kitchen and she grabbed a platter of fruit out of the fridge, along with a plate filled with pastries from the cupboard. "Take your pick, Ethan and Harry bought them this morning." she said.
Once I finished my breakfast Freezy woke up and ate his while me and Faith got ready. I slicked my hair back, did my skincare and got dressed into a light blue bikini, some white linen pants and a tank top. Once I was done I went back downstairs and waited 5 minutes for Faith to finish get ready. Then we all left to head to the beach.
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y/username just posted a new story!
Once we arrived at the beach we I sat down in the sun and laid next to Faith, both sunbathing in our bikinis, while the boys messed around in the water. After a little while I got a text from Talia: "just landed!xx". I turned to Faith "they just landed." She moved so her head was leaning on her arm "great! Are they going straight to the villa?" She asked. "I'll ask T." I said and looked back to my phone. "We're at the beach, you going straight to the villa??x" I text. I got a reply a few minutes later "how long are you staying for? were going straight to the villa to wash the airport smell of us then we'll meet you there?x". I replied quickly "we're gonna stay for a few hours so you can meet us here x" "Ok perfect, see you soon😘"
Around an hour and a half later Talia, Simon and JJ (the love triangle) arrived at the beach. "T!" I shouted and ran up to her then pulled her into a hug "how was your flight?". She smiled "great, It's so hot here" she said fanning her face. We all sat down, ate a light lunch and continued to talk for a while before we headed back to the villa to get ready for dinner.
Me, Talia and Faith sat in my room getting ready while Eminem blasted through the speaker T brought. Faith put on a short, slightly glittery light blue dress, Talia picked a pale yellow dress and mine is also yellow but it's crocheted. I slicked my hair back (again), and put some makeup on then slid on some little white heels. Once we were finally all ready we left and got a taxi to the restaurant. Usually every night in Ibiza, we'd be getting pissed but because Talia, Simon and JJ are pretty jet lagged, we wanted to have a chilled night.
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Liked by faithlouisak and 2,023,196 others
y/username: 🌼 @wrotoshaw @taliamar
wrotoshaw: ❤️🔥🔥
taliamar: my girl
-> y/username: 😉
y/nfanpage21: yesss we never get a pic of you and Harry!!
user05724923: yellow is your colour😍
Once we arrived we took some pictures and posted them to instagram then ordered our food. We all ate our food and it was soon dark. We walked back to the villa so me, T and Faith all had our heels in our hand and were walking bear-foot, until the boys picked us up for the last 20 seconds as a "funny" joke. 
When we got in we were all boiling since it was still so hot and the air was thick even though the sun went down a few hours ago. So we decided to jump into the pool. We threw on our bikinis, the boys just took their shirts off and we jumped in.
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calfreezy just posted a new story!
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theforcedcreative · 2 years
Trip to Northshore
My excursion to Northshore started with me driving to the location. The drive to the location was good, light traffic. If I was someone who was travelling by public transport I know it would have been a long, tedious ride (something I could possibly consider for this location?). It got to a point where I turned in, at the lights from the main road to get to the location. This is where that feeling of desolation starts. The whole Northshore place felt open and completely void of community.
You drive past a big children's playground, a shopping centre/supermarket and some tall buildings, some residential, some office spaces, and then all of that drops away and there feels like there is nothing. Those residential buildings are the biggest thing around and seem to intrude from out of the ground. They interrupt the skyline with their presence making the rest of the sky feel very empty.
After that there is a lot of industrial buildings, warehouses by the looks of it. Unbusy, with things unbuilt and industrial sized vehicles. I think this is something that contributes to the emptiness that is currently Northshore.
I parked and explored the surrounds of Northshore. Again, there is a lot of emptiness, as well as big blocks of construction on the other side of the river. You can see a view of the city which is something I think can be capitalised a bit more.
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One thing I noted was the reuse of materials (mentioned previously in client briefings and lectures) that I didn't realise were so important. Not only does it limit waste, but it adds to the vibe of the place. It feels maritimey. Its recurring themes of docks adds to the area in a way that is pleasant for visitors (such as myself).
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The reuse of these anchor posts as seats and blockades was something that I found myself to enjoy.
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The information center I found to be a neat, impressive structure (also using recycled materials in a way that was interesting), though a little lack luster in terms of its 'information' (which it presented as a QR code on a wall, though it could be possible that I missed something as I did not spend that much time here).
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And of course there was Eat Street, which during the day (a Monday afternoon) was void of people except a few workers. The parking spaces are big, and I wonder (if choosing the workshop location) whether some of that parking space could be used for the project at the workshops? Of course the parking is needed for those busy Eat Street nights. I might have to revisit the site one night to see.
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Maritime green is just across that parking spot. The use of shipping containers for shade, bathrooms, and BBQ areas I found to be quite nice, though did add to the industrial feel of the place. Considering Northshores history does stem from Industry I could also look into that side of it, and play it up.
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The Green itself still feels a little desolate, but that is something that I think will be fixed once those trees grow in a bit more and become more developed. From the green you have a direct view of the city. I stayed in the area for a good hour and a half just observing the surrounding area and the activity of the area. A few people visited, which is good. The place had a steady stream of at least one person at a time. There was a dog walker, a jogger, an elderly couple taking pictures of across the the river, a blind man walking, and some police officers, who used the BBQ area to sit and chat, maybe on their break. With the closeness of the airport planes flew over every once in a while.
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The place was also VERY quiet. Sounds of planes could be heard in the distance, as well as the sound of humans coming from the Circus school. A Will wag tail was the only form of wildlife that I saw.
(NOTE: Maybe I could look into introducing SOUND into the scape)
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The painted artwork brought a sense of fun to the place as well, and a brightness in colours.
I really loved this little corner that people can hang out in and I spent most of my time sitting there. It is a definite must have to the area and provides a comfort for people visiting. I would argue that more things like this could by added. They face the water, a little hidden away from the park, but do put emphasis on taking a minute to stop and look at the view.
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The workshop I didn't go into (it was busy with people and felt like a place I couldn't go into by myself since I missed the fieldtrip). In saying that It could be something that is opened up ab it more, so regular people like me don't think twice before entering and feel welcomed to enter.
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A lot of interesting ideas. Some things I could play with -> SOUND and VISUAL elements.
0 notes
worldofanimenews · 2 years
Thoughts on Anime Expo Chibi 2022: A Compilation
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A9ent 760 - Staff Writer When Anime Expo announced an event in Ontario, California for November 2022, I thought it would be a good opportunity to get back into the anime convention experience after being away from the scene for years. The recent passing of my friend Greg Hignight, who had been a well-known personality in the L.A. anime scene, brought out many friends that I have not seen in a long time and have reconnected me with the convention scene at first with Pacific Media Expo in San Gabriel a couple of weeks ago and with AX chibi his past weekend. In the spirit of Greg's "Go out and show them what you've got and be proud of it" motto, the following thoughts I've had about the convention this past weekend have initially made their way on my social media, and for the sake of posterity I've decided to make those thoughts available in one blog post on a site I haven't touched in a long time. Hopefully, it will give you a sense of what it's like to be at a convention in Ontario, California and plan accordingly and also to give you a taste of how Anime Expo did with their first "mini" event and give you a sense of whether you want to spend the money to attend or not.
DAY ZERO Ontario is a great venue for throwing an anime convention because of its access to hotels near the convention center for travelers, whether they are driving there or flying in (if you don't mind shuttling over from ONT airport). Mass transit options aren't readily available to the convention, outside of the Ontario East Metrolink station on the Riverside line and what seems to be a 35-minute bus ride from there to the convention center. Since it's a commuter line, don't expect weekend service to take anyone back and forth from the show, though. Hopefully the county can do something to improve on the ground transportation options heading to and from the convention center in the future.
The big issue for attendees on a budget, eating at the convention center can be super expensive, but what the food choice in convention center catering lacks, the "night market" food trucks make up for it while giving attendees a chance to get some variety in what they're eating for the day (food costs may vary). The only issue that may be a deal breaker is the "outside food and drink policy" inside of the venue area. You aren't able to bring food or drink upon entering the premises and con center staff will ask you to dispose of it before tapping your wristband to enter. Speaking of which, no badges were issued for AX chibi but you will be issued an RFID wristband with a "tighten once" adjustment and if it gets lost you have to pay a replacement fee, so plan accordingly.
While no indoor events were held on day zero, the bathrooms were available for attendees to use, but masking is required anywhere inside the building unless you're eating or drinking. To make up for events being held outside, careful consideration has been made to provide most of the outdoor sitting areas with a heat lamp to keep everyone warm in the 40 degree weather til the event ended around 11PM. Artist Alley was open for business and was inside a tent, but I haven't had a chance to see if it was climate controlled somehow. The outdoor stage handled all of the live programming of the show including a City Pop Dance Party event run by Gregory A. Hignight's Tune In Tokyo Events team and the DJ's dedicated their set to him in light of his recent passing. Other live events included performances by Koto, S4X, Super Soul Brothers, Black Ros3 and tsUgU Itagaki with each event ramping up the energy as the show went into the evening. With the temperature in mind at this time of the year, my suggestion for attendees would be to dress warmly if most of your time will be spent outside hanging out with friends or catching cosplayers around the show.
I'm looking forward to seeing what the convention has in store for the rest of the weekend and hope that the powers that be at SPJA continue to improve on it and keep bringing events like this to the IE. DAY ONE I finally got a chance to check out the artist alley. Despite being outside in a big tent, it looks like artists were in a mostly climate protected location and the crowds inside the tent weren't a complete fire hazard. A look into the dealers' room had a really good selection of merchandise that was sure to cater to anyone looking for anything from clothing to traditional offerings like posters and the occasional sword and plushy. Seeing Hypland's display of a Lambo and a Porsche decked out in Naruto and DBZ was the first thing to catch your attention the moment you walked into the dealer's room and makes me think of how far dealers' rooms have evolved from the days when most halls wouldn't have had that 30 years ago. Other offerings included the manga room where one can read a manga while resting in a room with other anime fans, the arcade room for vintage and current arcade video games, a tabletop gaming room, Lounge 21 for the 21 and over crowd with musical performances on a mini stage, a cosplay set space with different scenes for cosplay photographers to do photo shoots in different settings and a maid cafe provided by the Dreamland Maid Cafe crew, which I would have found out more about if there was enough visible signage telling attendees that there was an actual second floor with tons of other stuff to do.
I also spent part of the day hanging out with a con attendee who had never been to a California anime convention before and it got me thinking that sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes to show you what it is that makes conventions special. While most of the time was spent looking through the dealer's hall and "speed running" the artist alley (which never really ended up not speed running at all lol), the rest of the time was spent talking about what anime fandom was like in Missouri (the conversation felt so wholesome and innocent it made me appreciate how lucky California has it sometimes) and watching him take photos of cosplayers from different anime shows that are popular these days. It all goes to show that no matter how different the scene has changed, the whole core of the fandom and how attendees act has not changed significantly in the past 30 years and it was refreshing to see enough to re-invigorate the spirit. I swear the energy just felt so infectious that you wanted to get motivated to do fun stuff at the convention, and I really appreciated that feeling. Fast forwarding a couple hours and outdoor live events continued to catch people's attention with music shows, cultural workshops and performances concluding the night with Dueling DJs at the end of the night. I was able to check out the Bon Odori Dance lessons provided by Little Tokyo's Ondo dance group where they were encouraging crowd participation while teaching you Japanese folk dancing and how it could also be easily applied do modern music (which they called "Pop Ondo") and it was very fun to watch. If my legs weren't so tired from all the walking around and standing, I probably would have joined in. Night Market/Food Vendors and photo booth were still running and the larger turnout of people on Saturday really filled out the place til about 9-10pm when crowds started to dwindle. Things wound down around the 10 o'clock hour with no one at the food trucks and most of the indoor programming and artist alley closed, but the DJs carried the night with a healthy amount of stragglers til the venue closed up around 11PM.
Knowing that the night market and food trucks* will not be available on Sunday, that leaves the outdoor stage, artists alley and indoor events left to carry out the con til closing at 6pm, so I hope they can finish the weekend off on a high note. Here's hoping they can pull it off.
[*Editor's Note: the food trucks ended up being available on Sunday until the end of show at 6PM]
DAY TWO: THE FINAL DAY What could they do to end its inaugural weekend and leave attendees on an emotional high? While the final day of convention is usually a recover from wild partying and pack up to leave, the convention felt like it was doing the same. Night Market and Night Market Stage were closed off to prepare for closing, so events were moved into the "North Rotunda" of the convention center so that basically translated to events being mostly relegated to the back of the building that hardly anyone noticed. Although there were rumblings that the stage was used for events, but I didn't really spend much time outside on the south end to notice. In AX's defense, I thought that their use of the outside patio, which they DID call the North Rotunda was a very creative use of space, making the upper balcony stairwell from the second floor into a DJ booth which gave everyone a clear separation between the performers and the attendees. For me it was more of a chance to spend some time on the events happening inside the building to appreciate some of the indoor events I might have missed from the past two days. It was also a chance for me to get a bit silly thanks to the help of the folks from Furyu in the form of some cardboard bunny ears they were handing out to everyone while promoting their figure company to North American audiences. It sounds like they'll be doing more promotional events in the Los Angeles area, so it will give me an excuse to visit LA city more often.
One of the newer trends with anime conventions in recent years is the inclusion of a maid cafe, and AX chibi had one that seemed to be one of the busier rooms that needed a reservation to get into. A larger room would have probably helped them over the weekend, as attendees were literally filling every hour slot available and there was a limited number of spaces to get into it. This was one of, and only, events which required payment to get into and for the $35 per person minimum with a 2-person party minimum requirement, it was an enhancement to the modern anime convention experience. Dreamland Maid Cafe did a wonderful job at keeping the audience entertained for the hour long service and their dance routines were on point without a movement out of place. My only complaint was probably the waitlist if you wanted to eat at a certain time of the day. Even though I waited in line to make a reservation at 10:30AM, the earliest they could accommodate for me and my party was 5:00PM, which was the last hour of the convention, but it did give me a chance to maximize the time I had left to interact with the con before it closed for the year, which was spent catching up with my cosplay friends (in between photo shoots), my con photographer friends (in between shooting my cosplay friends) and the new friends I've made along my AX chibi journey.
Surprisingly, this one of the few times I can say I've had a good time at an Anime Expo event. The large show in Los Angeles has become an overpriced mess of claustrophobia and herd mentality in recent years, this is a pleasant change. It provided its guests with a taste of what's to come with their large event in the summer while maintaining a harmonious convention-attendee schedule balance. The overall consensus from attendees and vendors has been that it was one of the most relaxed shows they've been to in a long time (and no doubt a money maker for anyone in a seller's capacity over the weekend) and they should be applauded for their effort in making that a reality. I hope that they keep this positive momentum up and that it gives them an incentive to keep this convention going in the years to come.
GOT A CONVENTION TIP OR A NEWS ITEM TO CONTRIBUTE? Share them with us at [email protected].
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thebaileybugle · 3 years
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x male reader
Warning(s): Use of pet names (baby boy, sir), fluff, hint of lust but nothing more
Request: Hello, good day. I just saw your request post and I was wondering if you can do an Aaron hotchner x dominant gn reader or male reader? :D - maybe Aaron returning home after a long day at work all stressed out and reader just ready to offer comfort etc. Thank you 😊😊😊
AN: I think this request is so cute, here you go. My Request Are Open!
Aaron walked slowly through the front door, the comforting smell of your scent lingered in the air greeted him with open arms and he, his briefcase and go-bag on the verge of falling out of his grasp. He tossed them to the floor next to the couch and let out a deep sigh as his back thudded into the door, drawing your attention from your shared bedroom. You had a feeling it was Aaron as he had called a few minutes beforehand to inform you that he was on his way home from the airport.
Still unsure of who that might be, you carefully walked out of the bedroom and toward the source of the thud, a metal baseball bat held tightly in your hand. (On the weekends Aaron's away, you and Jack bat around.)
You relaxed as you rounded the corner of the hallway to see your boyfriend's go-bag and briefcase littered on the floor. You took a full step into the living room, slipped the bat onto the couch, and turned to Aaron, anxious at how he had yet to say anything.
It was because he was so exhausted and had his eyes closed that he hadn't sensed your presence yet. You made your way up to him, towering over his tall figure a bit, and put a warm hand on his tense shoulder. His eye shot open and a gasp left his mouth. Poor baby, you thought. His head fell into your chest and h let out another deep sigh.
Aaron gradually regained his composure and raised his head to give you a sheepish gaze. His eyes were a bit glossy with a touch of sadness in them. "I'm sorry love, I-i didn't know you were awake." You watched him as he boldly gazed you up and down in his drowsy condition, a smug grin emerged on your lips. Your hair was partially tidy yet tousled, and you were dressed in grey sweatpants with a matching sweater. You'd say you were a mess, but you looked exquisite in Aaron's view.
With each passing second of just gazing at you, his eyes began to cloud over with desire. "Easy, baby." You intervene in any of his plans to say or do something that would lead to things. Aaron sulked, but immediately wiped the expression away once you gave him a disapproving look. "All we're going to do tonight is get you washed up, eat, and go to bed. Nothing else."
He nodded, a saddened expression adorning his face. "Yes, sir," he responds to your appointed words.  You guided him to your master bathroom after placing a delicate kiss onto his lightly chapped lips.
Midway through the hallway you turned his boy to yours and brought him into your arms. His body instantly clung onto yours as he was desperate to feel even the slightest bit of warmth after what he and the team went through. His face found your neck and nestled into it, he wanted nothing but to stay they forever.
"I'm so glad you're home, baby. I know this case was horrible, but I will help you forget it in any way you need. I love you." He didn't move from your neck but you felt him nod.
"I love you too." He muffled out. Aaron mentally thanked God that he was finally home, in the arms of his home once more.
It took me a while to grasp the beginning of this but hopefully, it was enjoyable!! 🥰
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Steve/Peggy + stuck in an airport AU for @thesokovianaccords
and since you were the only one to send me anything, you also get a short reading bonus :)
~ * ~
Peggy wouldn’t be annoyed with her flight being delayed, she wasn’t looking forward to spending two weeks listening to her mother’s jabs of disappointment; if she didn’t know her mom would somehow blame her for the plane being late.
As if Peggy had the power to control circumstances with sheer wishful thinking.
There was only one way to spend who knows how long waiting for her flight and prepare for storm Amanda once she sets foot in England - airport bar.
With a few of the scheduled flights being delayed, the lounges were already swarmed with irked people.
She found the last free barstool, right next to a long polished bar counter, and ran towards it - just in time to slide onto a dusty pink velvet seat before some middle aged, lanky man reached it.
She glanced at two women next to her browsing their phones and sipping on mimosas. On her right sat a man, his head bowed down as he read a book. He looked up just as she was staring at his profile.
Startled, Peggy was about to mutter an awkward apology, but he only smiled at her warmly and shifted his attention back to his book. At least he wasn’t the type to start a random conversation, or worse, try flirting.
Though he was rather pleasing to the eye.
Peggy didn’t mind light flirting, especially if she was at a bar (airport one, but still), unfortunately most of the time men who hit on her were crude assholes with egos in need of a separate plane ticket.
When the bartender approached, she ordered an old fashioned. Like the neighbors on her left, she spent some time going through her phone. She texted Michael that she’ll be late, sent a few whiny messages to Natasha, checked her social media.
And got bored.
Bored enough to start studying people around her. The man on her right included.
He read fast, but seemed absorbed with the story. Every time he turned a page he also reached up to comb back a few strands of hair fallen over his forehead. He had flecks of copper in his dark blond beard, a few gray hairs too.
And he was ordering orange juice. Only that.
Perhaps it was the boredom, or maybe Peggy found him intriguing with his quiet demeanor and non-social media catered preferences, but she decided to chat him up. 
“Plain juice? I guess you deal better with delayed flight frustration than the rest of us.”
He looked up at her, clearly surprised, but then his face lightened with a smile. He picked up his glass of juice and tipped it her way.
“Have to keep my head sober in case a gorgeous woman approached me at the airport lounge,” he replied and Peggy had to admit it was a voice tempting to continue conversation, just to hear him speak.
She grinned at his cheeky response, which was inviting enough.
“Afraid you’d be too easy if I tried to lead you astray?” Peggy brought her own glass to her lips, glancing at him over the rim.
He shook his head slightly, hair he so often brushed back fell across his forehead again.
“Rather that I make a fool out of myself if that were to happen.” He admitted.
Peggy instantly liked his honesty, and the lack of false, cocky prowess.
“You can relax, for now.” She chuckled, but couldn’t help herself leading the tease further - “I haven’t yet checked if the bathrooms are suitable enough to take full advantage of a pretty boy.”
“Mm, too crowded.” He frowned, pretending to seriously think over the ridiculous scenario. “But there’s a storage room behind the kiosk with chocolates.”
“Private and with post action snacks at hand, I like the way you’re thinking.” Peggy grinned and then both of them laughed.
“I’m Peggy.” She extended her hand to him.
His handshake was firm, but gentle. Peggy always appreciated when men greeted her the way they would another man, not treating her fingers as if they were made of the most fragile glass about to shatter if they squeezed.
“So, Steve,” she squirmed on her barstool until she was facing him fully, “where were you supposed to go before we got locked up?”
“London.” Steve closed his book and leaned his side against the counter.
Sleeves of his pristine white shirt were rolled up and his tie loosened, top button of his shirt undone.
Peggy arched her brows in surprise, she never got to experience those little coincidences which Natasha called dola - signs of the fate assigned to you by the gods.
It was a first for her. And it made her feel slightly warmer; or was it her drink.
“As do I.” She admitted.
There was no point in lying, especially if they were going to share the same flight anyway.
“Going back home?” Steve asked and then cringed, as if he realized of some mistake. “Sorry, couldn’t help noticing your accent.”
“I wasn’t exactly trying to hide it.” Peggy waved her hand dismissively. She sighed. “Visiting family, so I can personally hear my mother complaining at me living in the States, not just over the phone.” 
She loved her mother, truly. She also loved having an ocean between them and the ability to end the call.
“And you?” Peggy tilted her head to the side.
“Less exciting. Only work.” Steve shrugged.
“Ah, international business. Fancy.” She didn’t want to pry, she was simply wondering how busy he’d be in case she needed an excuse to meet a friend in the city to run away from her family. 
“Something like that.” Steve smiled.
He didn’t seem uneasy, more like a little embarrassed to tell her more. Peggy understood that, after all they were complete strangers who enjoyed a little flirting at a bar. 
She was about to change the topic when a young man ran up to them. He was nearly out of breath as he stopped beside them. He put one hand on his hip, trying to compose himself. In his other hand he was holding a hanger. 
Protective foil wrapped around a distinctive, dark blue suit.
“Captain, Sir, sorry-” the man wheezed out. “All cleaned and pressed.”
“Thanks, Junior.” Steve took the hanger from him and folded it neatly over the counter. “There was no need to rush with it, we’re still delayed. And probably gonna be cancelled anyway.”
“Maria sent me.” Junior gave him a pointed look, as if that explained everything. 
“She said, and I quote, that I better deliver it to you asap, before you come up with a stupid idea to fly in your damn leather jacket.”
Steve rolled his eyes. He would do it if Maria stood in front of him, too. 
“I honestly doubt anyone actually cares what I wear, as long as I fly them safely to their destination.”
“Maria knew you’d say that.” Junior grinned, now clearly amused. “She ordered that I tell you-” 
He paused, straightened his back and then spoke in a manner undoubtedly meant to mock said Maria’s voice:
“Here at Shield Airlines we’re making fantasies come true. And most of our passengers fantasize about a pilot in his full uniform, so you’re going to wear it and make some panties drop.”
Junior chuckled when Steve groaned and hung his head low in embarrassment. He mock-saluted him then turned around and left.
“I think I need to have a talk with Maria.” Steve muttered, finally looking up. 
He glanced at Peggy. Uncertainty paled his features. She wondered what kind of reaction he feared seeing on her face. 
Annoyance because he didn’t tell her he’s a pilot right away? Lust because he is a pilot and that in itself turns some people on? 
Well, it was sexy, if a profession could be described as such. 
“A pilot, huh?” She kept her tone casual, not wanting to make Steve feel more awkward than he already was.
“I said I was traveling for work.” He shrugged, smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
“You also said our flight will be cancelled?” Peggy frowned.
“The weather is getting worse, both here and right over the islands.” Steve nodded. “I expect we won’t be able to get wheels off the ground for at least six hours.”
“Bloody hell.” Peggy downed the rest of her drink in one go. 
It wasn’t that bad of news for her as it may be for other passengers. Her family wasn’t going away, she still had ten days of vacation to spend in London, and she could get back to her apartment for the night. 
Then again, it was over an hour drive one way. The weather could change anytime, she suspected. 
Six hours could become only four. Or stretch into eight. 
What was one supposed to do at the airport for so long?
Peggy licked her lips as she slid her hand along the counter. She tapped her red-painted fingernails against Steve’s fingers.
“Well, Steve. Do you know any nooks that may provide us entertainment for the next few hours without any interruptions?”
It was bold. Even for Peggy. But she felt compelled to check what dola had in store for her and that cute pilot. 
Steve’s breath hitched and Peggy felt a wicked sense of joy at his reaction. He trapped her fingers between his own, squeezing them tightly. 
“It would be very unprofessional of me to take a passenger to the pilot's private rooms.” Steve’s gaze fell to Peggy’s lips, then down to her cleavage and back up to hold her gaze.
Peggy leaned forward, tugging on his tie with her free hand.
“Here at Shield Airways you’re making fantasies come true. Your passenger is currently fantasizing about seeing you in your uniform and then out of all clothes.”
“Yes, ma’am. We aim to please.” 
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meltwonu · 3 years
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❤️‍🔥 𝔩𝔦𝔪𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 ❤️‍🔥
↳ pairing ; ceo!taehyung x fem!reader | mentions of ceo!jungkook x fem!reader
↳ genre&warnings; ceo!au, dom!taehyung, ‼️cheating‼️, dirty talk, blindfolds, angst(bc I'm fucked up ☠️), ‼️unexpected(unwanted) creampies‼️, mentions of impregnation!kink.
↳ notes; YALL!! My first fic back after almost getting unalived and not having internet for almost two weeks! ☠️ Sorry it had to be this way dkjfkdjfh HAHAH After this, I will post a bday mini-fic for Joshua as well! And then my regularly scheduled programming will start in January and yes, that means for all my current fics. I know it’s been a while so it’s gonna take a sec to get back into it and I haven’t been in the best of moods but I’ll do my best! 💕 For now enjoy limited love and I’ll see you tomorrow... Sorry I went crazy on the angst with this one too kdfhskfh 😗💕 I love you and thank you for your support and patience with me! 
♦ so i will follow the light;
that shines from the night
wiping tears from my eyes;
just forget it, forget it
now, you gotta let me go ♦ 
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Jungkook packs his overnight bag at 11:03PM on a Friday night.
‘It’s just a weekend business thing,’ He says - eyes downcast at the leather duffle, ‘It’s business, sweetheart. I can’t miss it. It’s important. I’ll make it up to you when I get home.’
And with tired eyes, you nod gently; already mentally out the door before Jungkook can even finish zipping up his bag. 
‘Will you be gone all weekend?’ You ask. 
Jungkook purses his lips - he knows why you ask every single time.
‘No, it... Shouldn’t be that long. I’ll be back by tomorrow night, 6PM. Not a minute later.’ Muttering, he slings the bag over his shoulder as he takes you in, standing by the penthouse bathroom in your silk robe and nothing else.
‘Just... Don’t stay out too late. Bam still needs to be fed. In the morning too. Give him an extra snack for me? Since I can’t take him to the dog park tomorrow.’ He  whispers softly. 
You can only nod in return, eyes following the way Jungkook leaves his black card on the nightstand before he starts to make his way to the door.
‘Tell Taehyung I said hi.’
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And you do - in between the feverish kisses and rough touch of Taehyung’s hands when he meets you at the familiar hotel room that you always booked when Jungkook would leave for business trips. 
Taehyung wasted no time before he’d pinned you against the bed sheets; cock sheathed inside your tight warmth as he rocked into you. 
Tonight, he'd brought his favorite silk tie too - dragging it against your skin before he’d tied it gently around your eyes.
“Do you pretend it’s Jungkook when I fuck you like this?” He asks; voice low and gravelly as your walls tighten around him with each skillful thrust of his hips.
“Ngh, n-no... Just... Just you...” You whisper back as your hands find purchase underneath the pillows tucked under your head. 
Jungkook’s cock was longer but Taehyung’s was thicker - both of them bringing you to mind-melting pleasure in different ways.
But it hadn’t always been like this.
“Oh? Not even a little bit?” Taehyung teases back.
It started out as a fluke. 
A one time thing you promised yourself you’d never do again when Jungkook had broken an anniversary date and you’d found comfort in Taehyung - one of his business partners and close friends.
He’d offered his time and you needed the comfort. 
It’d just been ongoing since.
“N-no... Just, T--Taehyung, please...”
Your back arches off of the bed when his cock curves right into your g-spot and he smirks at your lips that ease into a pleasure ‘o’ shape. 
He knew your body better than Jungkook by now, as much as you hated to admit.
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‘Can I ask you something?’ Taehyung asks. 
‘Why do you stay with Jungkook if he leaves all the time? Doesn’t he know about this...? Us?’
Your tired eyes look past Taehyung to the city skyline illuminating the hotel room.
Jungkook would be back at 6AM and you promised to meet him at the airport before he whisked you away to LA for a holiday the day after.
‘Guess it’s not always about the sex... Love does weird things to me, Taehyung. I love him too much. And he loves me too. Even--even with all of this.’
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“Fuck, baby, I’m so close to cumming... You’re so wet and tight around my cock, tonight~ Ah, I can’t hold back...”
Taehyung moans and throws his head back - hips snapping into you as you bite your bottom lip.
“Y’know, it’s officially my birthday now~ Don’t I get a present too?” 
You moan back in return as your brows furrow, “T--Taehyung, d-don’t cum, a-ah, inside m-me...”
“Mm? Why not? Don’t I usually? Or is it because Jungkook is coming back sooner, huh? Don’t want him to catch you with your cunt full of my cum?”
Your walls tighten around him at his filthy words - toes already starting to curl when he starts to double his pace.
And Taehyung doesn’t wait for you to respond before you hear him scoffing.
“Wouldn’t be the first time he caught you like that thought, would it? I should cum inside of you every time we fuck and then maybe you’ll get pregnant~ You know I’d take care of you too, baby. You’d look so good carrying my babies~”
You let out a choked sob as your body rocks against the sheets; mind melting at the way Taehyung’s cock fills you up to the brim.
“I’m, mmnh, f-fuck, s-serious Taehyung, d-don’t cum inside---ah!”
You feel his cock throbbing as he bottoms out completely - grinding against you as he unloads all of his cum inside your hot cunt.
And you feel yourself follow suit as you cum with him; toes curling and sharp cries of his name leaving your lips as your body trembles and quivers underneath his own.
Your body felt warm as he continued to cum inside of you and despite telling him not to, you can feel yourself only wanting more.
“F-fuck, fuck...” Muttering, your walls flutter around his cock as you milk him for all he’s worth - Taehyung already starting to resume his movements as he fucks his cum deeper into your pussy.
“Let’s play a little longer before I let you go home~ Please?” 
And with the blindfold, you can’t see the way Taehyung stares at you longingly - eyes filled with sadness and want as he holds onto you a little tighter. 
He knew it wouldn't last long. 
You cared too much about Jungkook. 
And Taehyung cared too much about you.
“O-okay... I--But I have to go before 8AM... I--I have to feed Bam...”
Taehyung reaches for the blindfold; wiping the dreary look from his face as your eyes adjust to the light. 
“I’ll make sure Jungkook doesn’t see a single hair out of place when you get home.”
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beauvibaby · 3 years
Purple and Yellow – j.oleksiak
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• Jamie Oleksiak goes through heartbreak and challenges along with his daughter but then he meets a woman who seems to catch both their hearts •
a/n: ok this is NOT proof read at all I’m sorry but I knew if I went back and did that I’d end up hating it and not wanting to post it but I know y’all wanted it so here you go!
Word Count: 6.1k
Jamie knew he was going to Seattle, and he’d be lying if he said the proposition didn’t excite him, but once his name was inked on that paper, reality came crashing in. He had to up and move his daughter, she was only three, maybe it wouldn’t be that hard. But who was he kidding, everything is hard with a three year old. And how would he explain that they wouldn’t be able to visit mommy every weekend, just like they did every weekend since. That’s all that plagued his mind as he drove home from the airport, Ivy was waiting for him, but he knew she’d succumb to her sleepiness before he could get there. His parents already texting him with a picture of her half asleep on the couch.
Then, the cars on the other side of the road slammed on their brakes, the sound of tires spinning out made everything come rushing back.
“Is this the father of Ivy Oleksiak?” Jamie didn’t even have a chance to speak before the words came across the phone, “yes, who’s speaking?” Jamie replied, heart rate picking up at the soft sigh the woman let out. “Your daughter and Miss Cora Hadley were brought into Medical City from a car accident scene.” All she said were those words before he was rushing to his feet, “are they ok?” He asked quickly, never getting a pair of shoes on so quickly in his life. “Sir, I’m not–“ “Bullshit! Is my baby and my fiancé ok?” He snapped, based on the way she whimpered, a rather young woman on the other end of the line. “Your daughter will be fine, just some scratches, the car seat did it’s job.” She spoke slowly, her breath hitching. “I think it’s best you get here as quickly as possible.” She spoke carefully, and in that moment Jamie’s heart fell to his feet like an anchor, he could feel his stomach twisting and his eyes burning. He knew what those words meant. Then he thought of Ivy and that snapped him out of his daze, he had to get there, now.
Jamie pulled into his driveway safely this night, parking beside his parents car, a sigh escaping his lips, forcing the terrible memories from two and a half years ago away. He gathered his bags, and lugged them inside, smiling at his family all asleep in the living room. That made him forget that oh so familiar ache in his chest just a little bit more. He put his bags in the corner, those could wait, but right now all he needed was to hold his baby girl. He scooped Ivy up, smiling as she fluttered her eyes open just enough to see him. “Daddy.” She murmured, “hi bug.” He inhaled the scent of her toddler shampoo, his mom always taking care of her hair the best, brushing the detangler through the unruly hair she got from her father. “Sleep with you.” Ivy whined when he started heading for her room, normally he didn’t give in, not wanting her to be dependent on him to sleep, but he needed her tonight too. “Just tonight princess.” He gave in, bringing her to his room with him, where she fell asleep instantly when he placed her on the plush bed.
Jamie laid awake, staring at the ceiling for a little while, thinking of how he would tell Ivy about having to move. “I hope you’re proud of me.” He whispered out, his tears staying pooled in his eyes as he forced himself to calm down. “Sleep daddy.” Ivy complained, nuzzling closer to him. “Hold me.”
“Jamie.” Cora whispered, hoping he was awake despite the late hour, he grunted in response, being a light sleeper ever since he found out Cora was pregnant. “Hold me.” She demanded with a light tone, her back aching and stomach bulging as Ivy kicked around in there. Jamie blindly opened his arms for her, letting her settle into his chest. “Always.” He murmured, already half asleep as she sighed in content.
“Come here baby girl.” Jamie murmured at Ivy, letting her rest her head upon his chest, Ivy was a very cuddly little girl, the second she was comfortable with you, she’d be sitting in your lap and telling you stories and anything to be touching you. It was one of Jamie’s favorite things, especially when he came home from a roadie and all she wanted was to be held by him.
“Daddy!” Ivy called, she managed to climb onto the bathroom counter to brush her teeth but now she was too scared to get down, “daddy!” She shrieked again, Jamie’s eyes fluttered open as he quickly took in his surroundings, “daddy, I stuck!” Ivy called, this time sounding annoyed by his lack of response. He threw the blanket off as he knew where she was stuck, this was a common occurrence. He appeared in the bathroom doorway, arms crossed over his chest, “and just what do you think you’re doing?” Jamie asked his daughter as she made grabby hands for him, she grinned brightly at him, “I brushed my teeth!” She answered in a duh tone, she grabbed his face once he scooped her up, kissing the tip of his nose, and he the same to her, “I’m very happy you brushed your teeth, Ivy, but you know you’re not supposed to get on the counter, that’s why we got you a stool, remember?” He explained, for easily the tenth time in the past month. “I know.” She huffed, dramatically pushing her hair back, making Jamie chuckle as he walked down the stairs, hearing his parents talking in the kitchen.
“Well, good morning sleepy heads.” Alison teased as Ivy gasped at the sight of pancakes on the counter, Jamie shook his head with a smile, placing her on the seat beside his dad, “I’ll make you a special plate.” Richard quipped to the little girl, which really just meant drawing a smiley face on it with whip cream. “Thanks mom.” Jamie gave his mom a kiss on the cheek before shuffling around to get his coffee, desperately needing the sleep kicked out of his system. “When are you going to tell her?” Alison asked, taking a small bite of her food, giving her son the side eye when he hesitated. “Today.” He gave in, knowing he absolutely had to start packing now, otherwise it would never be done in time. “So, Ivy, do you have any plans for today?” Alison shifted her attention to her granddaughter, figuring they could take her out to do something so he could get more done. “Gonna go see momma!” She cheered, some syrup smeared around her mouth.
Jamie froze, it was Saturday already, he checked his phone and felt humiliated that he had forgotten his promise to take Ivy to the cemetery. Evidently the panic was written across his face when both his parents stared at him. “Why don’t grandma and I bring you? We haven’t been there in a while.” Richard offered, rubbing Ivy’s back when she looked to Jamie for permission. “I think that would be nice, right baby?” Jamie finally found his voice, and Ivy nodded brightly, anytime she got with her grandparents was cherished. “Daddy coming to?” She asked, tilting her head as he sipped on his coffee, “I’ve got some work to do, alright, I’ll go next time.” He assured her, shooting his dad a thankful look as he quickly changed the subject before she could pester on any further.
“Ivy, I need to talk to you.” Jamie announced, he couldn’t wait any longer, he had to do it and be done. Alison nearly choked on her coffee and Richard looked at his empty plate like it was suddenly the most interesting thing. Ivy nodded, munching away on her pancakes, not understanding the severity of what was about to be said.
Jamie cleared his throat and pulled out the chair beside her, “you know how I had to go away to this new place for work, yeah?” He reminded her, “Seattle.” He said, and she nodded, “Seattle.” She repeated, not entirely perfect but good enough. “I got a job over there.” He spoke, waiting to see what she thought. “Hockey?” She asked, confusion lacing her tone. “Yes, still hockey.” Jamie chuckled softly, “it’s with a new team.” He paused, glancing away for a second, “we have to move there.” He concluded. Ivy nodded slowly, “new house?” She asked, she might be young, but she knew that moving meant not in this house. “Yeah, new house, new city, new people.” Jamie explained, panicking when she went wide eyed, “what about uncle Ro-Ro?” Ivy asked, referring to Miro, she was closest to the young defenseman as she always saw him beside her dad on the ice. The nickname had been dubbed upon him when she was learning to speak and liked to repeat things. “We can visit, baby.” Jamie spoke softly, heart breaking as she began to sniffle. He could practically see the wheels turning in her head, he knew the realization was coming. “But Momma!” She sobbed.
And that completely shattered his heart.
“I know.” He picked her up, feeling her sob into his neck, “momma.” She whimpered, though she didn’t remember her, Jamie made sure to keep her an important part of her life. Ivy didn’t know that she loved going to a gravestone that much until this moment. “Hey, look at me, bug.” Jamie demanded gently, situating her to be in front of him. He sat her on the countertop and stood in front of her, “momma will always be with us, right? Isn’t that what I always say?” He explained to her. Ivy nodded slowly, she was so young but always acting older, trying to wrap her head around this. “Yeah.” She mumbled sheepishly, cheeks red and eyes puffy, she felt shy under the gaze of her grandparents. “It’s alright, daddy’s sad too.” He assured her, lowering his head to be eye level with her. She stared into his eyes, reminding him so much of Cora in that moment, and once again she kissed the tip of his nose. “No sad daddy.” She demanded, drumming her fingers on his cheek. He pecked her forehead, “alright baby.” He agreed, if she could do it, so could he, right?
Ivy slept the whole plane ride, which is what Jamie was hoping for as they would be meeting the moving truck at the new house, plenty of things to be done asap.
“Come on Ivy.” Jamie mumbled, carrying her off the plane as she groggily woke up, looking around slightly confused until she remembered what was going on today. “Daddy, Seattle?” She asked, lifting her head from his shoulder, he chuckled, lowering her so she wasn’t so high up on his chest. “Yeah, Seattle baby.” He assured her, her pigtails bouncing as she looked around rapidly. He smiled at her reaction to the airport alone.
“What do you think, Ivy?” Jamie asked, raising his eyebrows as the three year old spun to face him. “Love it!” She squealed, her room was twice as big in this place than her bedroom in Dallas, and Jamie told her she could pick whatever color (within reason) to have her walls painted. Of course she would love it here. Jamie looked around their new-but-empty-house one more time, sighing as he could picture Ivy growing older in this house.
Time to make it a home.
“Hi.” Ivy grinned up at one of the movers as he placed a stack of boxes in her room, Jamie just being outside the door heard her speaking, he raised an eyebrow waiting to hear the guy speak. “Hello.” The young guy spoke sweetly, chuckling at the little girl. “I’m three.” She spoke, “how old are you?” She asked, Jamie held in a snicker as he walked in. “Ivy, leave him alone, bug.” He laughed softly, the guy taking it as his excuse to go get more boxes. “Ugh.” She huffed, flopping down on her bed dramatically, Jamie rolled his eyes, looking around. “What color do you want?” He asked the opinionated little girl, he sat beside her, smiling as she stood next to him, being eye level with him. “Hmm, purple!” She gasped, looking around the currently beige room, Jamie nodded slowly, “light purple.” He countered, knowing she would want to choose the darkest shade. “Fine.” She giggled, “we can go tomorrow, alright? Today we need to focus on finding all your stuff.” He tickled her sides.
Ivy was tugging on Jamie’s hand, somehow spotting the paint section quicker than he could. “Slow down!” He laughed heartily, his daughter shooting him a glare as he purposely slowed his feet down. He hoisted Ivy up to see the purple swatches along the top row, she reached for a dark one, just like Jamie knew she would. He sighed, “Ivy, we agreed on light purple, what about this one?” He offered, grabbing a lavender type color, she grunted in disgust, shaking her head dramatically, her blonde curls hitting his face. “Love this one.” She pouted, holding it in front of his face.
Jamie held in a sigh as you walked past him, stopping to look at paint swatches as well. “What about this one?” Jamie compromised, it was darker than he wanted to go, but still light enough to not feel like a dungeon. Ivy’s lip began to quiver, quickly catching both Jamie and the woman’s attention. “Ivy.” Jamie sighed softly, you intervened, “you know, I wanted a dark purple room when I was your age too.” You spoke to Ivy, catching her attention as she lifted her head, Jamie shifting slightly, giving you a smile. “My dad wouldn’t let me do it.” You made a face, getting a giggle out of Ivy, “he was right though, but guess what we compromised?” You mused, holding your hand out for the paint swatches that Jamie had. He handed them over with ease, “we painted one wall, dark, the wall I had my bed on, and the rest we did light.” You explained, Jamie giving Ivy a bright smile when she looked at him like it was the greatest idea ever. “We can do that, Ivy.” He agreed, and you giggled, “glad I could be of help.” You added.
“Thank you,” Jamie paused, waiting for a name. “Y/N.” You told him, smiling at the pair, “and your name is?” You asked, already figuring the little girl's name was Ivy. “Jamie.” He introduced himself. “What are you painting?” Ivy asked boldly, not one to talk much around new people, Jamie set her down so she could look at other colors, amused by her sudden interest. “I’m painting my dining room.” You answered, squatting down to her level, “do you have any color suggestions?” You asked Ivy. Jamie gave you a look that said you really don’t have to entertain her but you just gave him a smile. “Yellow.” Ivy announced, looking at the wall and grabbing actually, a very nice swatch, it was just yellow enough. You tilted your head as you looked at it, imagining it in your space. “That’s a very pretty color, Ivy.” You told her, smiling brightly as she blushed, handing you the color sample. “Thank you, Y/N.” She spoke politely, even though the words didn’t come out perfectly, it was a great attempt. “You’re welcome.” You stood to your full height, shocking Jamie by walking over to the counter to order the paint, no hesitation that a random little girl picked it out.
“You don’t have to-“ Jamie started to say, but you shrugged, giving him a happy smile, “I just got a new place, a fresh start, yellow seems fitting.” You told him. Jamie gave you a lopsided smile, if only you knew he was doing the same. “Daddy, this ones.” Ivy gasped, giving him two swatches, he chuckled at her grammar, squatting down to her level, “you’re sure?” He asked, he knew after all it was just paint, and if it turned out so terrible, they could paint over it but he didn’t want to have to do this twice. “This one looks like momma's dress!” Ivy explained, Jamie looked at the dark purple in his hand, instantly remembering Cora in that dress, Ivy’s favorite picture of her that she kept in her room. Suddenly her color choice made sense, you couldn’t help but eavesdrop, your heart stopping at Jamie’s next words. “Yeah, I think momma would have loved this.”
Was she… dead? You tried to knock the thought from your head, they were so young, but you knew accidents happened. You quickly looked away as Jamie stood back up, “here you go ma’am.” The teenager behind the counter spoke, you took the gallon from him, shooting him a smile. “Have a good day.” You told him, offering Jamie and Ivy a wave. “Will I see you again?” Ivy asked, Jamie nearly had heart failure right there as you stopped and giggled. “Oh I don’t know sweetheart, Seattle is a really big city. But don’t you worry, if I ever see you out and about I’ll be sure to say hello.” You assured her, watching as she got all giddy and slightly hid behind her father again. “Bye.” You told him, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from smiling any wider. “Bye, Y/N.” He mumbled, seeming a little dazed as he made his way up to the counter.
It had been nearly a week in the new house, the walls were done, almost everything was unpacked and they were starting to feel a sense of normalcy. Jamie loved the neighborhood they ended up in, a true mix of all different people, yes their house was rather large, but it was still homey. The community was sprawling, having a little bit of everything, stand alone homes, townhomes, even some condos, there were plenty of kids around which made him feel good about his choice as he followed Ivy down the road as she rode her bike. “Slow down, Ivy.” Jamie cautioned as she was getting a good bit ahead of him, she huffed dramatically and slowed down, waiting for him to catch up. She was looking around at the houses, confused as to why they were attached, even though Jamie had explained it to her plenty of times. Ivy gasped so loudly, that you could hear it from your front lawn where you were spray painting a piece of furniture. You glanced over and did a double take.
There was absolutely no way, you refused to believe you were actually seeing this, then you saw Jamie and you were convinced the universe either loved you for letting you see him again, or hated you, as you were in ratty old painting clothes.
“Ivy!” You grinned, laughing when the little girl flew off her bike, letting it fall sideways, making Jamie groan, “hi Y/N!” She squealed running up your lawn. You smiled brightly as she hugged your leg, “Ivy.” Jamie called, giving you an apologetic smile but you shrugged it off. “Did you paint your room?” You asked the little girl as she pulled away, a pink tint to her cheeks, she nodded, her blonde curls bouncing in her ponytail. “Yay, that’s great!” You cheered, Jamie walked up behind her, “hi, Y/N. How are you?” He asked, his daughter leaning back against his legs as you two spoke. “Good, been busy making this place my own.” You laughed, motioning to the small townhome behind you. It was your first solo place, and you absolutely adored it, even if it needed some work. “Yeah, you always forget how much work it is moving into a new place.” He agreed, chuckling softly. “Did you do yellow?” Ivy asked, rocking on her feet. “I did.” You assured her, “would you two like to go in and see it?” You asked, cringing internally as you waited to look up at Jamie. “Sure.” He answered, grabbing his daughter's hand, following you inside.
You led them to the dining room, giggling as Ivy gasped, “so pretty!” She cheered, the yellow paid off, it made the space feel much more happy. “All because of you.” You told her, she asked if she could look at the pictures you had sitting on the entry table and you gave her a quick nod, giving you and Jamie a chance to talk. “Same neighborhood? If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were stalking me.” You teased him lightly, getting a hearty chuckle out of him. “It is quite the coincidence.” He agreed, he felt butterflies in his stomach for the first time since he had met Cora.
It absolutely terrified him.
It had been a few weeks since that day, and you’d seen Ivy outside playing with another woman, Jamie not to be seen. You came out to grab your mail as she went riding by, “hi, Y/N!” She called, continuing to pedal away. “Hi, Ivy.” You spoke, you went over and introduced yourself to the girl, Taylor, finding out she was her babysitter. “Jamie must go out pretty often.” You commented to her, she shook her head, “oh no, he never goes anywhere without Ivy aside from work.” Taylor told you, “he plays hockey, I'm surprised you didn’t know that.” Taylor added, smiling as Ivy came up to the two of you. “We should be going, it’s almost dinner time.” Taylor spoke, she couldn’t be older than 20. You gave them both a smile, “yes! You don’t want to miss that.” You chuckled, bidding them a goodbye before going inside and googling Jamie.
What you found shocked you.
Jamie Oleksiak taking personal time to mourn loss of fiancé.
Jamie Oleksiak, will he be able to balance a professional career and a baby?
Will he bounce back from this?
You clicked the first article, bracing yourself as it loaded.
The date was from almost three years ago, you scrolled down and began to read…
Jamie Oleksiak has announced the sudden passing of his fiancé, Cora Hadley. Together they shared a daughter Ivy, who was also involved in the incident, she is expected to make a complete recovery.
A close friend tells us it was a severe car accident.
Our condolences to the family.
You clicked away from the article as tears burned your eyes. That was terrible. You read some of the other articles and only grew mad at how the reporters belittled his pain, only talking of how poorly his game play had been since then. And though you’d never wish that kind of loss on anyone, you know they wouldn’t be writing like that if they had felt it.
You and Jamie exchanged numbers, citing that it was for “neighborhood emergencies” you giggled at the thought as he was currently asking you what he should get Cora for the upcoming Christmas.
She’s the pickiest three year old ever, everyone always tells me that.
Well, what does the pickiest three year old ever like to do?
She’s either riding her bike and getting absolutely filthy or she’s inside playing dress up and being a little princess
Princess car?
They make those?!?
Oh, Jamie, I really need to take you shopping 🤦‍♀️
Tell me when and I’ll be there…
You tell me hot shot, you’re the one that plays hockey for a living.
How did you find out?
Google is a powerful thing… just kidding, Taylor told me.
Of course she did
Saturday afternoon? My parents will be in town and they want to take Ivy out for the day, so it’s a perfect excuse.
You know where I live, see you then!
He started typing, but then the dots went away and you never received another message.
You brushed it off, feeling butterflies in your stomach for the first time in years as you thought of merely shopping with Jamie for Christmas.
“You like him!” Your friend gushed to you as you spoke on the phone while getting ready, “no!” You rushed, only proving her point more. “Y/N, really.” Your friend, Amanda, spoke. “There’s nothing wrong with that, he’s clearly attractive and he’s a dad! He’s not going to be a jerk that just messed around with girls! It’s great.” She rambled, you sighed, pulling your jeans on with a little jump, “his fiancé died, Amanda. He could very well not be over that yet, and I wouldn’t blame him.” You explained, she went silent, “well you left that part out, how was I supposed to know.” She mumbled sheepishly. “It was almost three years ago, their baby was only six months old.” You whispered, cursing when your doorbell rang down the stairs. “Shit, shit, I have to go Amanda!” You rushed, hanging up as soon as she said bye. You adjusted the sweater you had on as you rushed down the stairs, careful not to fall flat on your face. You grabbed your purse as you walked past the counter, yelping as you stumbled and landed on your butt. So close.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” Jamie called, hearing the thud, “yes, yeah, just a second.” You called out, wincing as you stood up, that was definitely going to hurt later. You finally, finally reached the door and unlocked it, pulling it open and giving him a bright smile. “Did you fall?” He asked instantly, bursting into laughter when your face went blank. “We’re not going to talk about that Jamie.” You chastised, stepping onto your little porch to leave with him. “Sorry, sorry.” He chuckled, giving you a once over as you locked the door. “Is Ivy excited to be with your parents today?” You asked him, Jamie laughed under his breath, “so excited, she didn’t even care that I was going out.” He told you as he opened the passenger side door of his truck for you. “Thanks.” You mumbled as you slid in, your heart pounding in your chest. He shut the door and made his way around the truck as you adjusted in the seat.
“So, where to?”
Jamie was shocked and grimacing at the price of the princess car that he and you both knew Ivy would love. “Is she the type to give up on new toys quickly?” You asked, tilting your head as you both stared at the display, he shook his head as gave in. He had been leaning against the shelves and as he walked away you noticed his phone had fallen out of his pocket, you picked it up so no one would steal it as you waited for him to come back with a cart, and hopefully someone to help him with the box because it was not something you’d be much help with. His phone began to ring in your hand, the contact flashing across the top said mom, you let it ring, you’d tell him as soon as he came back. As soon as it stopped it was ringing again, you panicked and swiped to answer it, worried that something had happened to Ivy. “Hello?” You spoke into the phone, hearing Ivy wailing in the background. Fuck.
“Who is this?” His mother rushed, “I’m Y/N, Jamie forgot his phone he’s walking around the store– is everything alright?” You asked, cutting straight to the point, “no, we’re going to the emergency room, Ivy fell at the park and I think she broke her arm.” His mother rushed, and thankfully you saw Jamie approaching, “Jamie!” You shouted, rushing over, he furrowed his eyebrows seeing you on his phone.
“It’s your mom.” You rushed, giving it to him and you could see the wheels turning in his head as he listened to her speak over Ivy crying. “Shit, alright I’ll meet you there.” He told her, shooting you an apologetic look. “Go.” You assured him, he shook his head grabbing your hand and pulling you along, he wasn’t going to leave you stranded in a department store. “Sorry, he’ll purchase it another day!” You called to the employee who had a blank look on his face. “Let me talk to Ivy.” Jamie demanded after his mom had said something else, “daddy, it hurts!” Ivy got out between cries as his mother held the phone to her ear. “I know, princess. I’ll be there soon alright? I promise.” He assured her, finally releasing your hand as he realized he’d been holding it this whole time.
He managed to get off the phone so he could drive to the hospital, repeatedly apologizing for you being stuck with him and that this happened. “I was going to take you to lunch and ugh I’m just sorry.” You raised an eyebrow at his ramblings as you guys got stuck at a red light less than a mile from the hospital. “Jamie, stop apologizing. She’s your daughter, she always comes first, that’s how it’s supposed to be.” You soothed him, he glanced over at you, nodding softly, “reschedule the lunch?” He asked, despite the panic in his head, he still wanted to make sure you saw that he was interested in you.
“Yeah, we can reschedule, let’s just go see your baby.” You leaned over the center console, kissing his cheek as the light changed, doing a little happy dance in your head at how he blushed deeply at your actions.
“Family only.” The nurse remarked as you were about to follow Jamie to the room Ivy was in. He gave her an incredulous look, “it’s fine, go.” You assured him, pulling away from him to stay in the waiting room. He hesitated but went along, disappearing behind the doors as you picked a seat in the corner, making sure you had a sight line to the doors he went through. Over an hour went by as you sat there, scrolling through your phone, not hearing from Jamie, which you assumed was because he was being bombarded with questions of the girl who answered his phone, while also dealing with Ivy who was not going to enjoy the process of getting a cast.
Your phone chimed with a text just as you had finally decided to get off of it,
Finishing up now, sorry if my parents are a lot
You chuckled at the message, making sure you had all your items, including the little stuffy you’d bought at the hospital gift shop during your time sitting here. You stood up as you saw them walking out, Ivy draped over Jamie’s chest, half asleep with her head on his shoulder. “Y/N, it’s so nice to meet you.” His mom spoke, offering her hand, you repeated the sentiment, as well as with his dad. “Ivy.” You whispered, placing a hand on her back, holding the small stuffed animal in your hand, “I got you a little gift for being such a big brave girl.” You mumbled, she shifted to look at you with her puffy eyes, and pout settled deep on her lips, “thanks.” She whispered, taking it and holding it close to her chest, she kept her eyes on you as you walked behind Jamie, keeping up a conversation with his parents. And he was right, they were kind of a lot, but you pushed through, smiling when Ivy finally fell asleep in the car.
You sat in the back with Ivy, Jamie insisting you didn’t have to but you wanted to. “She handled it pretty well.” Jamie commented as he glanced back to see her asleep with her hand in yours. “She’s a tough little thing.” You agreed, glancing over at him, he gave you a heartwarming smile. “Thanks for coming with me today, I know it didn’t go to plan, but it was nice, you know… before she broke her arm.” He trailed off, pulling into your driveway to drop you off. You carefully pulled your hand from Ivy’s, she didn’t budge as she was exhausted from today.
Jamie got out to say goodbye, surprising you with a quick kiss to the cheek and a promise of that lunch date.
“Did some research?” You asked teasingly as Jamie took you to your favorite restaurant, you gave him a sideways glance as he parked the truck, “I may have had some assistance.” He shrugged, making you realize that’s why Ivy was grilling you the other day, when you had offered to watch her since Taylor was unavailable. “You two are trouble.” You quipped, watching him slip out wordlessly before opening your door for you. “But I’m a gentleman.” He reminded you, “a very good one at that.” You agreed, steadying yourself with his shoulders when you hoped down. “I’m going to kiss you now.” He declared, had you not wanted to kiss him so badly you would have teased him for the nervousness in his voice, but you simply looped your arms around his neck and let him sweep you off your feet with a wonderful first kiss.
The first of many.
Two months, and many, many, sneaky dates and stolen kisses later…
You were over at Jamie’s house, having dinner with him and Ivy, you and Jamie had gone out here and there, but most of your time was spent together with Ivy, and that’s what told him that you were the girl he needed to hang on to. Jamie wanted to take tonight to explain to Ivy that you two were dating, but he was scared, petrified even, that she would become upset and confused. You kept telling him nothing had to be done yet if he wasn’t ready, but he was, he swore he was.
“What’s your favorite color?” You asked Ivy, dinner was long gone and you were playing a game of twenty questions, she wasn’t entirely aware of that but she was having fun nonetheless. “Purple! Like my mommas.” She declared, you gave her a smile, glancing over at Jamie to see how he handled it. Many conversations had happened between you two about the loss of Cora, you never wanted to rush him, and as he only gave Ivy a proud smile, you could tell he was truly ready to start the next chapter of his life again. You liked to think Cora was proud of him, for choosing you to be in their life.
“What’s yours?” Ivy countered back, giving you an inquisitive look, the closer she got to age four, the more like Jamie she seemed, and it always made you chuckle. “Yellow.” You told her, watching as she grinned, Jamie winked at you as you turned sheepish under their gaze. “Because of me?” Ivy gasped. “Yes, because of you.” You giggled, welcoming her hug when she bounced over to you. “Ivy, do you know what it means when people are dating?” Jamie asked his daughter as she stayed seated on your lap, she rested her elbows on the table, holding her head in her hands. “No but you said I’m not allowed to do that.” She spoke in a serious tone, sending you into a hysterical fit of laughter, not expecting her to be so blunt. Jamie tried not to but he joined you with a deep laugh, tipping his head back as Ivy grew impatient. “Ok, besides that.” Jamie cleared his throat, “when I say I’m dating someone that means that I really really like them and I want them to be part of our life.” He explained as best he could, you smiled from behind her at his words. Encouraging him to go on.
“Y/N and I are dating.” He spoke officially, you both held your breath as you waited for her reaction, she turned and looked at you, and then back to her dad. “You love her!” Ivy grinned, sending Jamie wide eyed and you into a wide smile as he blushed, “you love my daddy!” Ivy gasped turning to you, now he was the one grinning as you opened and closed your mouth trying to find the words to say. You gave her a nod, “well, it’s a bit more complicated than that when you’re our age, but yes.” You agreed with her, Jamie grabbed your hand from across the table, giving it a squeeze as Ivy climbed off your lap and started dancing around.
This had gone so much better than he had hoped.
When he was tucking her in that night while you were waiting for him on the couch, she said a few words that made him one hundred percent sure that everything was going the way it should, and that Cora even played a hand in this. “Can I have two favorite colors daddy?” Ivy asked, looking up at him sleepily as he pulled the blanket up her body, she was clinging to the stuffy you’d bought her. “Of course, bug.” He assured her, thinking that was that, but as he kissed her forehead she said, “purple and yellow are my favorites.” By the time he pulled his head back, her eyes were shut and her breathing was evening out. “Yeah, I think those are my favorites too.” He whispered.
Taglist: @boqvistsbabe @tortito @2manytabsopen @heybarzy @barzysreputation @yzas-stuff @iwantahockeyhimbo @hockeyunits
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