#this post disappeared into the void somehow so I had to rewrite it...
Source: Assassination Classroom
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Verdict: 2005-2009 Mercedes S-Class (W221 series)
(notes: this is Gakuho's car, which is fitting, but the mangaka really missed a chance to give him an A-Class Merc instead... 😝)
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konton317 · 7 months
Can’t believe after so long I’m only now getting a Tumblr account… well since I’m at it might as well publish a character idea
Some time ago I had a character idea based on some stuff that happened to me, and I thought, “what if I make a character out of this?”, so if anyone sees this post somehow feel free to use the character or the model/idea (just give me credit or tell me or smth since I’d like to see/read about it too), and some art of him would be cool to see too, anyways, here goes
The character is as follows;
You have, first of all, the concept they aren’t human, they are a creature from the void, existing from the first creatures to exist amongst all existence, however he takes a male human appearance, he looks like a teenage male despite being (technically) 25, black messy wavy mid length hair, no beard, maroon eyes with a soft glow, and sharp teeth, he’s 1.85 meters tall, slim yet athletic body, and there’s a tattoo on his back (hopefully I find how to put the image of how it looks)
However he can also modify his body to look like a girl, slightly curvy and a longer hair (prefers to remain as male for fun), but the main transformation he can perform is into a monster type creature, his original form; he grows up to 3.5 meters tall, most of his body gets covered in a thick black fur, the tips glowing white, his muscle mass doubles, his ears disappear and instead long wolf ears take their place, his eyes go black and the iris and pupil are replaced by the same form as his tattoo yet white and glowing, two dragon horns sprout out from his forehead up and back, two fox like tails grow on his waist which are as long as he is and very fluffy, he also grows big dragon wings, and his overall image looks more like a werewolf than a human.
But what’s interesting about this character isn’t it’s ability to change how it looks, but the rest of his abilities, he can travel through worlds and adapt himself and others into it, so for example, you have a fantasy of entering the world of Star Wars, he can turn you into a Jedi or Sith or Pilot or Trooper or… anything, and rewrite reality for you too have always existed in the story, allowing you to write your own in that world, but he can also do it with himself, or remain as a ghost in that world to spectate your new life, in the topic, he also possesses the ability to create abilities, his own force attacks, or in Dragon Ball his own beam attacks, Call of Duty his own weapons, he can create anything he needs in every world
That is basically the character idea, an oc capable of altering reality to suit himself or others into an already existing story, and can modify his body to adapt into that story even further or differ from it
That’s… all I’ll post I guess… gotta learn how posts really go later, but for now time to place the picture of the tattoo on his back as well as the eyes, oh and the tattoo is black instead of white
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secret-engima · 5 years
I know you probably had too many bastard LC AU OC, but I can't help but entertain with the idea of Lightning Farron as one of them. Light probably not interest of being royalty and just being her lone wolf self and do whatever she please. Then the knowledge of what the prophecy entail come up and when 'no.' Like this is someone who sister being turn into crystal and decide 'let fight god then'. Or maybe I just like the idea bahamut realize who Light is and just 'oh no, not her' XD
I don’t have near as many as I COULD so sure let’s open a slot for one more. Also-
I am not particularly “Up” on anything FF13 since I never finished the first game let alone played the other two but like- I LOVE HER. I love her from what I’ve seen in Dissidia NT and what I know from the game before I quit playing.
ohhhhhhhhhhh. I need to think about this one.
Some initial thoughts-
-This is a world after … whatever went down in FF13-2 and FF13-3 which I’m fuzzy on the details but I know it led to the making of a new world and stuff so we’ll all pretend that world was Eos.
-Regis’s road trip Oops Bby. Born to Altissian mom, doesn’t know about her magic or remembers her past until an accident nearly killed her when she was …. let’s say 8. Her magic reacted to the danger and saved her (probably the incident was a fall and her magic reacted on instinct to do that lightning float thing Lightning can do in the beginning of the first game). After that, she passed out for about three days while all her memories loaded. Woke up and freaked out over having magic because, you know, LC magic looks A LOT like l’Cie magic and for a while she was super paranoid about being saddled with a Focus. But the world she’s woken up in is … not like her old one. Not really. There are similarities but not ENOUGH.
-Starts training because she’s not an idiot, magic wants to be used and if it isn’t it will react Badly™. That, and she knows the bedtime stories of this world, the only two lines with magic are LCs and Oracles and while she’s blond, she REALLY doesn’t think this is Oracle magic.
-Weskham finds her about a month into her training, catches her trying to figure out how to use tiny bursts of ice to cross a body of water and goes “Oh dear”. Takes her under his wing and finds her … worryingly mature and paranoid. Lightning’s mom is a “lady of the night” to use the more polite Alitissian term and isn’t really … a bad mom, but is busy a lot and tired a lot and doesn’t have time to spend on Lightning more than necessary. Considering Lightning is so self-sufficient, that means Lightning is on her own a lot of the time. It makes Weskham angry.
-Weskham contacts Regis. He HAS TO. It’s his duty and this child needs a proper guardian. Lightning just about runs away into the hills, but Weskham HAD warned her beforehand and Lightning knew that she … probably wouldn’t get very far if she tried to survive in the wilds as a “wayward LC”. She knows about the Empire, she can put pieces together. Especially since she’s physically EIGHT and it would be impossible to get around without a “guardian” of some kind.
-Of course, to make it a little easier on her (and funnier for him) Weskham doesn’t CALL Regis when he contacts him, no, Weskham packs his bags and carts Lightning all the way to Insomnia to meet her dad in person (Lightning does take time to say goodbye to her mother in person, her mother is … understanding and kind, but doesn’t fight it, Lightning isn’t sure how that makes her feel).
-Weskham takes her to Insomnia and because Lightning is only 8 rn that means Aulea is still alive and Gladiolus is just born (I think). On the way to Insomnia, Weskham stops in Hammerhead to say hi to Cid. Cid takes one really long look at the pasty blond 8 yr old at Weskham’s heels with piercing armiger blue eyes and sighs. Because there’s no way that kid is Weskham’s, but something is clearly going on and Cid isn’t stupid.
-Cid: “Reggie’s kid?”
-Weskham, smiling serenely: “I’m on my way to introduce them now. Care to come?”
-Lightning, watching the unholy gleam in Weskham’s eyes and the protective, righteous wrath blooming in Cid’s: “You did this on purpose.”
-Anyway yes much drama ensues and Regis needs to sit down with a tall glass of water. Lightning is unsympathetic (Lightning in all her deadpan eight year old glory: “It’s called protection, idiot. Maybe use it next time.” Regis *chokes and sputters that an eight year old KNOWS THAT*. Aulea *coos over the sarcastic snarky bby*). Weskham is enjoying this PROBABLY too much as Cid delivers a blistering lecture and Cor smothers his snickers in the background.
-Cor and Lightning get along like a house on fire. They are fellow Murder Children. Cor can feel it in his bones.
-Aulea doesn’t die in this au because Lightning is there and she doesn’t treat LC magic the same way other LCs do so if she wants to use a healing spell to fix Aulea post Noctis being born then SHE’S GOING TO FIX AULEA. This is the woman who threw hands with multiple so-called gods. Mere post-preganacy complications are no match for her sheer levels of Stubborn.
-Regis has a minor crisis when he realizes his daughter can basically use Oracle magic without being an Oracle.
-Queen Sylva probably comes to visit because WHAT. What is going on.
-Lighting, unimpressed: “Magic is will. I wanted to heal. It’s not that hard.”
-Is the most Doting Big Sister Ever to Noctis. Her bby sibling. HERS.
-When Lightning is 14 and Noctis is 4, Regis comes back from communing with the Crystal, shaken and near tears. Lightning eavesdrops on the adults and learns that her brother is the fabled Chosen King and will have to DIE for his cause (Focus, her mind hisses, this is a FOCUS JUST LIKE L’CIE HOW dArE baHAmUt-).
-Regis and Aulea and Cor and Clarus all have joint heart attacks when a guard rushes in to say the Princess just BROKE INTO the Crystal chamber and DISAPPEARED INTO THE CRYSTAL.
-Lighting, in the blue void of the Crystal, chasing a terrified Bahamut around with her sword and all her l’Cie powers of old because SHE was the one who helped rewrite the world and now Bahamut’s gone and done the very thing she sought to wipe out: “I DID NOT SUFFER A LIFETIME OF THIS NONSENSE AND NEARLY KILL MYSELF FELLING AN ENTIRE PANTHEON JUST SO YOU COULD BRING BACK FOCUSES AGAIN.”
-Bahamut, only Just Now realizing that the legendary Lightning has been reborn and he just GAVE A FOCUS of sorts to her BABY BROTHER: “I’M SORRY I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO. THE SCOURGE IS TOO GREAT FOR US TO CURE ALONE.”
-Ramuh in the background: *passes astral popcorn to Odin, who is very Pleased and Smug to see his former mistress still kicking butt and taking names* “Bet she gets him to finally listen to our alternate plan.”
-Odin: “Bet she comes up with an even better one and browbeats him into it.”
-Ramuh: “Deal.”
-Six hours of angry chasing, much groveling from Bahamut, and much PANIC™ from the adults who have no idea where Lightning went other than into the CRYSTAL SOMEHOW and Lightning reemerges looking irritated and smug at the same time.
-Lightning, calmly putting away her sword: “Fighting the Draconian over the Prophecy.”
-Regis and Co, all having simultaneous heart attacks again: “YOU WHAT.”
-Lightning, unfazed: “Well he was being an idiot. And threatening my baby brother. So I fought him.”
-Cor, in the back, mentally: Is this what it felt like for the others when I ran off to fight Gilgamesh oh Regis I’m SO SORRY-.
-Lightning, misinterpreting the horrified looks on everyone’s faces: “Don’t worry, I won. He’s been demoted and Odin’s in charge of the Astrals now because he actually has some common sense. We’re working on an alternate plan. Noctis will be fine. I just need to go fight the Accursed now and fix him.”
-Regis, still having a heart attack: You what. They WHAT. BAHAMUT’S BEEN WHAT. YoU neEd tO WhaT-.
(pssst @oliverslewty any ideas on what to call this shiny new AU?)
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elementalwriter67 · 5 years
The Void Chapter Eight
A/N: Fair warning these are going to start getting longer and longer so buckle up kiddos. Also from now on every post I make with the void up until chapter eleven I think will be the rewrite, making a new post for the chapters is just easier than scrolling back through to find the original. And one more thing yes there is a tag list for this! And for those of you who asked me and I haven’t been tagging the simple answer for that is I just kept forgetting with everything that’s going on in my life so I apologize, I am however going to remember from now on cause I’ve written it down.
Pairing: (eventual) Jason Todd x Reader
Word Count: 8956
Chapter One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven part one, part two
Tag List: @clea-nightingale, @wittedhat, @reclusive-chicken-nugget, @undertheredhood
Summary: The Void is a hellish place filled with screams that echoed throughout the place at all the hours of the night, and where pain is a very close friend. You’ve spent your entire life in the Void, having been there since you were ten and you’ve just recently gotten a new cellmate… Who’s a little more hopeful than you are that either of you are going to make it out of this place alive. Though you have to admit that maybe his hope is rubbing off on you because you slowly find yourself hoping that the two of you do get out of here.
Jason gasped as he scrambled back, his body running on pure instinct right now as he backed up until he hit the wall. His gaze jumped around the room searching for the guard, for the danger, that was supposed to be there but wasn’t there. That, however, didn’t stop his heart from beating furiously against his ribcage, his breath from coming in short panicked bursts, and his mind from swirling around in a maelstrom of emotions and thoughts as he struggled to figure out what was going on.
He didn’t know where he was, what was going on, or what had happened to you. He didn’t know what floor he was on if he was in the basement or not, hell he didn’t even know if he was still in the fucking Void or if they had moved him to a different building or not. He didn’t know what was going to happen to him, didn’t know if he was being kept here until the guards came and got him for some sort of sick public execution thing, or if Dr. Roberts was waiting to punish him, or if Dr. Roberts was just waiting to kill him or not. More importantly, he didn’t know where the hell you were. All he remembered was the fact that the two of you had been hiding in the room from the guards when they suddenly burst into the room and he had tried to get over to you and then nothing, just blackness as to what happened after that. He had no idea if you were alive or not if they had shot you dead right there. He knew this wasn’t the first time that you had tried to escape and he knew that they didn’t like it when the prisoners tried to escape, they would have shot you dead. Oh, gods, you could be dead right now and it’s all his fault. If he had just waited like you had told him, if he had just waited until he was fully healed, if the two of you had just had a little more time to plan this whole thing out, if he hadn’t decided to stop to write that fucking message to his family then the two of you wouldn’t be in this position in the first place! Then you probably wouldn’t be dead! The two of you would probably be out there right now running from this place and going somewhere safe, somewhere where your life isn’t constantly in danger, someone where you would be happy, gods why did he have to be so fucking rash?! No. No, he couldn’t think about you that way, like you were dead because you weren’t dead, you couldn’t be dead he just needed to think about this logically that was all. Yeah. Yeah! There was no way you were dead because for some reason the people here needed you, you were important to them, there was something about you, something that made you different from everyone here and that’s why they hadn’t killed you yet, after all, how else would you have been able to survive for this long in this fucking place if they didn’t need you. Right? Right. So, you were fine, you had to be fine, you were fine, you were fine, you were fine, you were fine.
Jason latched on to the mantra like it was a safety blanket repeating it over and over again until his heart started to slow and his breathing started to even out as he pressed his back against the wall using it to ground himself in the moment. He kept repeating it until everything started to calm down until he could think clearly again until his head was no longer a maelstrom of thoughts and emotions and he could breathe without feeling like there were a thousand pounds of dirt pressing down on him. Closing his eyes Jason took a couple deeper breaths revealing in the feeling of having a free chest before he opened his eyes and finally realized what exactly his situation was.
Metal cuffs were wrapped around his wrists and ankles with thick iron chains attached to them that disappeared into four separate holes in the ground. His brow furrowed in confusion as he raised his arm, the chain giving easily allowing him to move without any restrictions.
“What the hell?” Jason muttered to himself as he stood up from his position, the chains moving easily with him. He looked down at the holes in the ground as he slowly started walking the perimeter of the room, the chains giving easily allowing him to move however he wanted even as he punched the air suddenly trying to see if the movement would cause the chains to lock up but they didn’t.
“Huh.” He mused as he stared at the chains trying to figure out if he could break the chains or somehow slip out of them. Jason jumped suddenly when a loud ear-piercing scream sounded from somewhere nearby and the familiarity of it struck deeply in Jason’s mind and he froze where he was trying to hear the scream again. He didn’t have to wait long as the scream came again and he flinched, guilt welling up inside of him, he knew exactly who that was and as another scream sounded, he felt anger well up with the guilt. He glared at the door his hands clenched into fists as he glared at the door just as two guards walked into the room with him and he growled at them.
“Oh, good you’re awake. This is going to make our job so much more fun.” The first guard said as he stepped further into the room, the door slamming closed behind his companion who stopped just beside the door.
“Where’s (Y/N)?” Jason asked and a wicked smirk spread across the first guard's face as he looked Jason over.
“Who?” The guard asked and Jason glared at him, the smirk on the guards face only growing as he watched Jason’s reaction.
“The girl I was with. Where is she?” Jason asked again, his voice almost a growl as he clenched his hands stopping himself from charging the guards right now.
“Oooooh, you mean that (Y/N).” The first guard commented and Jason opened his mouth to say something else when the second guard spoke up.
“That slut is getting what she deserves for trying to escape again.” The second guard said as he pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning against and moved to stand next to his companion. “Just like you will be.”
Jason growled deep and low as he bared his teeth, every fiber of his being was screaming at him to attack the guards, to beat them until they were black and blue, until they were unrecognizable, until they were nothing but a bleeding and broken mess. But he couldn’t. The main reason being the chains around his wrists and ankles the second reason being the fact that both of them were carrying loaded weapons, and there was a good chance they could probably draw and shoot him before he could get close to them. So instead he fought back the urge to fight them as forced out his next question.
“What are you doing to her?”
“Oh, it’s not what we’re doing to her. No, no, no it’s what Dr. Roberts is doing to her.” The first guard commented and Jason tensed as another scream echoed throughout the room.
“And by the sounds of it, I would say that the good ole doc has moved on to using that whip of his, damn shame he decided to use it now I was hoping I would get to watch as he whipped that bitch back into submission.” The second guard said and Jason felt his blood run cold both at what he had called you and at the sound of another scream. For a couple of seconds, Jason stood there in complete silence, the anxiety and guilt of the situation threatening to drag him under but the anger and rage keeping him afloat at the moment as he glared at the guards.
“Tell him to stop,” Jason ordered his voice hard and eyes shining with a barely controlled rage. The guards stared at him for a couple of seconds before they burst out laughing, doubling over at the waist as they wheezed. Another growl escaped Jason as he watched the two guards laugh.
“Tell him… tell him to… tell him to stop?! Can you believe this guy?! Oh, my gods, that’s rich! That’s fantastic! I didn’t know you prisoners could be so damn funny!” The first guard wheezed out as he whipped none existent tears from his eyes.
“Sure, well tell him to stop when we decide we want to actually die.” The second guard commented before he continued to laugh with his compatriot. Jason stood there, body tense and eyes hard as the guard’s laughter bounced around inside his head taunting him, laughing at him, mocking him.
“I’ll kill you!” Jason shouted as he charged forward without any warning or any forethought on his end as he charged towards the guards his teeth bared and his hands gripping one of the chains fully prepared to choke one of the guards to death.
“No, I don’t think you will.” The first guard said as he calmly pulled a remote from his pocket and just as suddenly as he had been running forward Jason had stopped. He stood there for a second confused as to what was happening and he was just about to take a step forward when his arms were suddenly yanked behind his back and his feet were pulled out from under him and he hit the ground with a hard smack and the next thing he knew he was being dragged back across the floor. The concrete scraped against his bare arms as he was dragged back struggling and trying to break his thumb so that way he could at the very least slip one hand out of the cuff but with the position that the chains had yanked his arms and legs into it made it impossible to break his thumb so he could slip the cuffs.
“No! No! Let go of me! Take your fucking ass-kicking like a man!” Jason shouted as he was dragged back until he was resting over the holes in the ground with his arms and legs bent behind his back as he laid there struggling and vulnerable for the guards. The two guards chuckled as they walked up to him, peering down at him with victorious smiles on their faces as they watched him struggle.
“Now why would we want to let you up when we know that a) we are so much more powerful than you-” “and b) when it’ll be so much more fun to have you completely at our mercy for what we’re about to
smile down at him. Jason glared up at them snarling with a fire in his eyes because he wanted nothing more than to fight them both right now.
“When I get out of here, I’m going to tear both of your fucking faces off and then I’m going to burn this place to the fucking ground,” Jason shouted at them as he struggled against the chains trying desperately to get a limb free but the angle was all wrong for everything he was trying to do.
“Big words coming from someone who’s currently restrained against the floor.” The first guard said as he stared down at Jason that a victorious smile never leaving his face as he watched Jason struggle.
“Why don’t you let me up and I prove just how big those fucking words are.” Jason countered and the second guard leaned closer to him smiling evilly as he got closer to Jason.
“And why would we want to let you do that when we have you right were, we need you for what we’re going to do?” The second guard asked him tilting his head to the side and Jason glared at him, not at all intimidated by the act that these two were trying to play.
“And that would be what exactly?” He asked and the guards shared a look before the two of them looked back at him smiling evilly.
“Why for our revenge of course. You didn’t honestly think that we would take the fact that you had killed several of our comrades lying down, did you?” The first guard asked him and Jason smirked confidently as could be as he looked the two of them in the eyes.
“Think, no. But I did hope that you would all take it lying down like the bitches that you are.” Jason commented and that got the desired response out of the guards as they both glared at him.
“Shut that whore mouth of yours!” The first guard shouted as he kicked Jason in the side, the steel toes of his boot digging in right between his ribs. Jason grit his teeth biting back a groan of pain as he tried to keep his face a neutral as possible, he wasn’t about to give these assholes the satisfaction of seeing him in pain. Especially not when he could hear you screaming from down the hall or from wherever you are.
“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Jason asked a bitter chuckle in his voice as he looked up at the guards and the seconds' guard’s eye twitched and the next thing Jason knew there was another foot being dug into his ribs. He had to fight back another groan of pain as his ribs began to throb from just two of the kicks, this was going to be a long, long, day.
“We said shut up!” The second guard said as he kicked Jason again before he could say something sarcastic. Jason barely managed to stop himself from groaning and instead turned it into a cough as the guard's second hit landed directly in his stomach.
“And what if I don’t want to?” Jason countered and the guards shared a look two matching smiles spread across their faces as they looked back at him.
“We were hoping you would say that.” The first guard said and the next thing Jason knew he was being kicked repeatedly by the two guards each kick landing either in his ribs or in his stomach. Jason fought against his chains trying desperately to break free so he could at the very least curl up into a ball to protect his organs, though at this point he wasn’t sure it would do any actual good. After two or three more kicks the guards finally decided to take a step back from him the two of them panting heavily as they stared down at him their eyes burning. Jason grimaced as he shifted with the limited space, he had his muscle aching and screaming in protest at the punishment they had just been put under and the position they were being forced to keep.
“Had enough yet subject?” The first guard asked and Jason glared at them. Turning his head to the side he spits at the first guard’s feet, a mixture of blood and saliva. The first guard smiled viciously as he brought his foot back and kicked Jason once again in the side causing him to cough instead of groan in pain.
“Tell you what I’m feeling a little generous right now. So how about we strike a deal hm?” The first guard asked as he started walking around Jason clearly still trying to be intimidating. Jason watched him pace in and out of his line of sight, pretending to debate on whether or not he would take whatever deal they offered.
“What sort of deal?” He asked and the guard stopped walking a large, toothy, grin spreading across his face as he whipped around to face Jason clapping his hands together as he did so.
“Oh, I was hoping you would ask. I propose to you a deal if you simply apologize for what you did to our comrades, we’ll stop punishing you as hard as we have been, don’t agree to our deal and well we’ll step it up a notch.” The guard said and Jason eyed him for a couple of seconds before he started chuckling softly and it wasn’t long before it had turned into full-blown laughter as he threw his head back, laughing very much like the guards had been earlier.
“Shut up.” The second guard growled out in warning but Jason continued to laugh his whole body shaking with the force of it, and for a brief moment the guards thought that Jason may have lost his mind. That after spending only a month or so in here that the doctors had finally managed to make him snap, but as he continued to laugh, they realized that wasn’t the case at all and that realization only served to make them angrier.
“I said shut up!” The second guard shouted as he pulled his pistol from its holster and backhanded Jason with the handle. Jason’s head snapped to the left, the laughter dying instantly on his lips as he stared at the wall for a couple of seconds before slowly looking back at the guards. There was a tense moment of silence as Jason and the second guard stared each other down before the first guard finally broke the silence.
“Are you going to take the deal or not you psychopath.” The first guard stated his voice hard and his hands clenched into fists at his side as his partner held his gun up high fully prepared to pistol-whip Jason given the opportunity.
“So, let me get this straight, you two chuckleheads, want me to apologize for killing a couple of your buddies? You want me to apologize to you after everything that you guards have done to me, too (Y/N), to every other person in this hell hole?” Jason asked and a small smile started spreading across the guard’s face as he looked at Jason, his chest puffing out like he thought Jason was actually going to take his deal.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I want you to do.” The guard said and Jason stared at the guard for a couple of seconds before looking towards the second guard and the pistol that he held and then looked back at the first guard.
“Then to that I say, get fucked,” Jason started his voice full of a silent sort of rage and the first guard’s bravado disappeared in an instant as he looked towards his partner.
“Hit him again, and don’t stop hitting him until this fucking brat apologizes for what he’s done!” The first guard shouted and the second guard raised his hand high before bringing the butt of the pistol crashing into Jason’s jaw once again.  Jason remained strongly silent even as the guard landed blow after blow to his jaw, to his body, even after he felt one of his rib’s breaks, even after he was sure he would be black and blue for days to come he remained silent. He remained defiant of them as he stared them in the eyes and refused to give them the apology they wanted, or the screams that they were craving. He would not be broken by some low-level sissy guards no matter what they did to him he would not allow them to break him. Especially when he knew he had to make sure he lived through this just so he could apologize to you for everything that he had put you through.
~Arkham Asylum Gotham City~
It had been a week since Dick and Roy had told the others that Jason had gone missing and it had been a long, long, long week for the whole family. The first week had simply been information gathering, it had been Bruce, Tim, and Babs scouring every inch of the internet searching for any trace of Jason online. While Dick, Roy, Damian, Cass, Steph, and Kate split up to search the city and surrounding cities searching through Jason’s safe houses to see if he was actually hiding out in one of them and was just ignoring all of them. But all of them hit the same dead-end which was nothing, there was no trace of Jason anywhere that they looked. Which is why Bruce is currently walking through the hallways of Arkham Asylum, in his full bat get up, heading towards the most secure part of the building with commissioner Gordon following at his heel looking for the better part weary about what they were about to do.
“Not to, question your abilities here Batman, but are you sure this is a good idea?” Gordon asked as the two of them turned down a heavily guarded hallway the two of them passing armed guards as they went.
“Yes.” Was all Bruce said as they stopped in front of a thick steel door with a solitary window in the middle of the door and a slot to slide trays of food through. From the other side of the door, they could hear the sounds of maddened giggling that built up and up until it was full-on cackling.
“Well, well, well if it isn’t little batsy watsy! What brings you all the way out here?! It’s not just to see little ole me is it?!” The crazed voice of the Joker asked from the other side of the door and suddenly he was standing there in the window his head tilted to the side and his eyes as wide as the grin on his face as he stared out the window at the two of them.
“Oh, and you brought our favorite friend! Commissioner Gordon! Now it truly has been a long time since I’ve seen you, tell me how’s that daughter of yours doing?” Joker asked his head tilting to the other side and a look of mock concern crossing his face that was quickly replaced with a look of glee when he saw the rage flash across Gordon’s face.
“Listen here you- ““Gordon.” Bruce interrupted him before he could say anything. Gordon looked at Bruce before sighing.
“Right, I’ll just be over here then,” Gordon grumbled as he turned and walked back around the corner. Though he would never admit it Gordon was glad that a lot of the questioning Batman did with this psycho he did it alone, the Joker always rubbed him the wrong way. There was a long moment of silence as Joker and Batman just stared at each other, Bruce waiting to make sure that Gordon wasn’t still listening on the other side before he stepped up to the door.
“So batsy watsy what brings you all the way out here to visit little ole me? Don’t you have bigger fish to take care of now that I’m in here?” Joker asked as he leaned against the door with his arm above him so that his hand was dangling down and Bruce kept a straight face as he stared at him.
“What do you know about the Void?” Bruce asked his voice emotionless as he stared Joker down. Joker was silent for a couple of seconds before he tilted his head to the other side a large hyena-like grin spreading across his face as he looked at Bruce.
“The Void? Why on earth would you ever want to know about those pencil-pushing scientists?” Joker asked.
 “What do you know about the Void?” Bruce asked once again, ignoring his first comment and Joker was silent for a couple of moments, just starring at Bruce before the pieces seemed to connect in that demented little head of his. The Joker suddenly slammed into the door his face pressed against the glass.
“Now, why would you want to know about the Void? They’re so far under your radar that you shouldn’t even know about them. Unless… unless one of yours was taken by them…” Joker trailed off watching the barely their reaction of Bruce, the twitch of his jaw and the flashing in his eyes that had the joker laughing as he stumbled back from the door.
“Oh! One of them was, weren’t they?! One of your little birdies was finally caught in the cat’s maw, weren’t they?! Oh, that’s fantastic! That’s glorious! You thought I was bad with your little pet birds! You better kiss this one goodbye for good, cause you’re never going to find the body.” Joker’s tone dropped as he pressed his face back up against the window and Bruce glared at him before turning and walking away leaving the man to cackle madly to himself. Bruce ignored Gordon as he tried to ask what happened and instead walked immediately passed him and out of Arkham entirely disappearing into the night.
“I hate when he does that,” Gordon grumbled as he crossed his arms and stared at where Batman had just been.
~Lower East Side of Crime Alley~
“Does anyone have eyes on Scarecrow?” Dick asked as he stood on the rooftop near the abandoned warehouse that they assumed was Scarecrow’s hideout for the time being.
“He’s inside,” Damian responded from where he stood on the rooftop that was to the east side of the warehouse.
“Is he alone?” Dick asked and there was silence for a couple of seconds as Damian scanned the room through his inferred binoculars.
“Yes, it looks like he’s testing new chemicals,” Damian reported in and Dick nodded.
“Two guards at the main entrance and then two guarding the entrance to Scarecrow’s office, and more goons milling about on the bottom floor some armed some not,” Roy stated from where he was standing next to Dick, his fingers tracing over the screen in his hands, controlling the fly sized drone he had shot into Scarecrow’s hideout. Dick hummed as he looked at the building watching as goons walked in and out of the front door.
“How do we want to do this thing? In through the front or is there another point of access?” Dick asked the two of them and they were both silents for a moment before Damian spoke up.
“There’s a window that leads directly into Scarecrow’s office. If you want to do this without a fight Grayson, and ensure that we’ll be able to question Scarecrow without any interference or him escaping the window will be our best option.” Damian stated and Dick was silent for another moment before nodding his head.
“Alright, we’ll go in through the window. Robin stays there I and Arsenal are on our way.” Dick stated and Damian made a noise of agreement before Dick looked towards Roy who was already pocketing his bug.
“You think he’ll have any actual information for us?” Dick asked and Roy shrugged as he pulled an arrow from his quiver and removed his bow from where it was collapsed and hanging from his waist.
“No idea, but for his sake, I hope he does,” Roy started his voice firm and leaving no room for argument as he walked to the edge of the roof and jumped off firing his grappling arrow as he did and swinging over to the roof that Damian was on. Dick perused his lips at the inclination in Roy’s voice and while he didn’t necessarily agree with the idea of torturing Scarecrow for his information, he certainly wasn’t opposed to the idea right now. As Dick landed next to the two of them whatever conversation they had been having ceased and they both looked at him.
“You two ready to go.” He asked and the two of them nodded as they ran and jumped the three of them crashing through the window all at once and with their weapons drawn. Scarecrow jumped back away from what he had been working on and looked up at them.
 “Oh, it’s just you three,” Scarecrow said his tone sounding almost bored as he returned to what he had been doing before they busted into his office. The three of them stood there starring at him in shock.
“What? No running away from us? No shouting for one of the hundreds of goons that you’ve got scattered around the place? No trying to kill us? No snarky comment about how we apparently don’t know how to use a door?” Roy asked, gesturing with his hands as he spoke looking around at the others to see them looking just as confused as he did.
“No, I’ve been expecting at least one of you to show up for some time now though I’ll admit I thought it would be much sooner and that it would be Batman himself who came not his children and their friend.” There was a hint of a disgusted sneer in his voice as he looked over the three of them but didn’t stop what he was doing.
“What have you done with the Red Hood?” Damian all but growled out as he drew his sword, pointing the tip of it at Scarecrow who looked down it completely unphased by the threat. Sighing Scarecrow stepped back from his desk and fell back into his chair.
“Take a seat, I’ll tell you anything you want to know.” Scarecrow gestured to the chairs in front of his desk. The three of them looked at each other confused as to how easily this was going but neither of them made a move to actually sit down and Scarecrow rolled his eyes but didn’t make a comment.
“Alright if you’re so willing to talk then let’s start with what exactly it was you were doing with the Red Hood that night,” Dick said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“And why exactly we can’t seem to find him or get in contact with him,” Roy added on.
 “A couple of weeks ago, before that night actually, I was contacted by a couple of people from a place called the Void. Now admittedly I don’t know too much about the Void itself only whispered horror stories of the place and tall tales that the other villains have told but I do know they’re not exactly the kind of people you want to get yourself mixed up with, they’re worse than the Joker.” Scarecrow explained and Dick furrowed his brow in confusion.
 “If they’re so undesirable then why did you work with them?” Damian asked, never having lowered his sword.
 “… They were offering me something that I greatly needed, the two missing chemicals for a new grade of fear toxin that I’ve been working on, I couldn’t very well say no to those ingrates those chemicals are extremely hard to come by.” Scarecrow explained to them and they all gave him a deadpanned look.
“I am no proud of what I did but I will not take it back just because you disagree with me, but needless to say I don’t have your Red Hood the Void has him and no before you ask I have no idea where they are hidden all I know is that they have him and may I suggest you start trying to find them before there’s nothing left to find,” Scarecrow commented and they stood there in grim silence for several moments before they launched into their next questions demanding to know everything that Scarecrow knew about the Void and who else might know about the Void.
 “We’re leaving the alley where Jason disappeared, all we found were smashed bits of our trackers and his helmet nothing else.” Steph’s voice sounded over the coms just as they were leaving Scarecrow’s office.
“Joker offered me nothing too,” Bruce commented and Dick shared a look with Roy and Damian before pressing his fingers two his ear as they walked away from Scarecrow’s hideout.
“Well, then it’s a good thing we got a lot of things you guys are going to want to hear,” Dick stated.
“Everyone returns to the cave; Dick tell us what you learned,”  Bruce ordered and the three of them started moving.
~The Void~
You groaned as you forced open your eyelids fighting against the fuzziness that had filled your head as you struggled to wake up from the drugs that they had pumped into you. Blinking a couple of times, you stared blankly around the room not fully realizing where you were mainly because you couldn’t exactly see where you were. The world was far too blurry for you to make out anything more than the wall and the harsh white lights shining above you. Slowly you started to regain your vision and as the world started to come back into focus your heart stopped beating for a solid several seconds as you realized what exactly your position is.
You were suspended in the air spread eagle by thick metal chains and cuffs, the rusted metal of the cuffs digging into the delicate skin of your wrists. You winced when you gave your hand an experimental move the action causing the rough metal to dig in even more into your wrist, and the same thing happened with your foot.
 “I knew it! I knew it! I fucking knew it!” You shouted as you clenched your hands into fists. Righteous anger overriding the fear over the fact that you were about to be punished. You knew it! You fucking knew it! You knew that if the two of you tried to escape that the two of you would be caught and you would end up getting punished for it, you knew it! You knew that this would happen! If that dumbass had just kept fucking running then the two of you might have been able to escape from this hellhole but no, no he had to stop and do some stupid thing on the computer. And now here you were chained up in the air, dried blood caked to your body from where you had been shot, waiting to be punished all because Jason couldn’t fucking wait until the two of you had a better plan and because he just had to use the fucking computer. If you made it out of this alive, more importantly, if he made it out of this alive, you were going to fucking kill him so help you, god. You were going to be the death of that man and if you didn’t kill him you were going to punch him so hard, he saw the world upside down for a solid fucking minute.
“Oh goody, goody, you’re awake.” Dr. Roberts said with a smile on his face as he walked into the room being flanked by two guards who stood at the door emotionless and with their hands clasped in front of them. At the sight of Dr. Roberts fear immediately chased away the anger at Jason as your eyes widened and you stared at him terrified as he approached the wall to the right of you.
“I was so worried that I was going to have to start this session off with you sleeping, but no instead you’re awake which is going to make this so much more fun.” Dr. Roberts said as he pressed his hand against the wall and a pin pad appeared and with his other hand, he typed in a code that revealed a metal tray with a variety of tools each one worse than the last. A shiver ran down your spine at the sight of the barbed wire covered whip as you remembered the feeling of it tearing into your skin ripping away muscle and flesh and leaving you aching and burning for days after. A sick smile spread across Dr. Roberts face as he picked up his first tool, a simple hunting knife that he tucked into the waist of his pants before walking up to you. 
“You know my dear I am so ashamed of you right now. I thought we had taught you better than this? I thought we had finally managed to beat the rebellion out of you? Where did we go wrong? Did we not hit you hard enough? Did we not burn you bad enough? Did we not scar you bad enough? Tell me, my dear, where did we go wrong with you?” Dr. Roberts asked as he looked at you waiting for your response but you knew better than to actually answer. Answering just meant that everything got so, so, much worse than they already were. After a handful of seconds, Dr. Roberts sighed as he shook his head and pulled the knife out of his waist.
“Not feeling like talking my dear? Ok, how about I make it easier for you to talk. You answer my next question and depending on what your answer is I will either make this an easier punishment for you or harsher for you, does that sound like a deal to you?” Dr. Roberts asked, gesturing with the knife as he spoke. You remained silent as you continued to stare at him, face an emotionless mask.
 “Excellent! That’s what I was hoping you would say!” Dr. Roberts explained as he started pacing back and forth in front of you still gesturing with the knife as he went.
“Now, my dear, I know that despite what happened yesterday we still taught you well enough that you shouldn’t try escaping from here so I’m going to give you one chance and one chance only to answer this question. Which one of you planned and came up with the idea for this little escape attempt of yours?” Dr. Roberts asked as he stopped walking in front of you starring up at you his voice deadly serious and his eyes hard. You stared right back at him your face still an emotionless mask as you looked at him. This was your chance, you could pin this all on Jason and even though it wouldn’t make your punishment any less bad than it was already going to be Jason would still end up getting punished pretty bad and it would be an excellent chance to get revenge on him without him knowing it was you. And you were almost tempted to tell Dr. Roberts that, to tell him that it was actually Jason who wanted to do this, wanted to escape, planned it all out but you stopped yourself from saying anything. Instead, you continued to stare at him silently for a couple of seconds before taking a deep breath and letting it out as you looked down at the ground.
“It was me.” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you looked down at the ground and Dr. Roberts was silent for a few seconds watching you before sighing heavily in disappointment as he shook his head.
“Why am I not surprised by that fact? Honestly (Y/N) sometimes I think you enjoy being tortured like this.” Dr. Roberts commented as he settled the tip of the knife against your collar bone and you forced yourself to remain impassive to the knife pressing lightly into your skin.
“But I know that’s not true isn’t that right my dear? Especially with the way that you scream so good for me when you’re in pain.” Dr. Roberts said as he pressed in harder. The sharp edge of the blade piercing your skin and causing a stinging sensation as Dr. Roberts dragged the knife down keeping the pressure nice and even as he drew a thin line from your collar bone down to the collar of your shirt. He was silent as he lifted the knife from your skin and repeated the same mark on the other side of your collar bone creating an ‘X’ on your chest that stung like a bitch but you refused to let that show.
“You know now that I think about it, I think these clothes are going to get in the way of my punishment plans, so let’s get rid of them, shall we?” Dr. Roberts asked as he placed the tip of the knife just under your shirt and in one swift movement, he tore through your shirt tearing it in two. Reaching up he gripped your shirt and tore it the rest of the way off of you, exposing your naked upper body to the cold air. Your arms and legs twitched with the desire to cover up your exposed body, digging the rusted metal further into your wrists and ankles pricking your skin.
“There we go, that’s perfect, now we can truly begin.” Dr. Roberts said as he spun the knife around in his hand and in one quick motion sliced across your skin cutting deep and causing a hot burning sensation to spread throughout your body like fire. You grit your teeth as you fought the grunt that threatened to escape you as Dr. Roberts repeated that movement once again carving another line into your stomach. Your hands clenched into fists as Dr. Roberts repeated that move several other times carving your stomach up. Blood flowed from your cuts as Dr. Roberts spun the knife around once again and walked away from you over to the tray again. A whimper threatened to escape you when you saw him pick up the container of salt and walk back over to you a victorious smile on his face as he poured some of it into his hand.
“Now, this may sting a little… okay, a lot but I’m sure you already knew that isn’t that right my dear?” Dr. Roberts said it more than asked it as he reached up and rubbed his hand against one of the larger and deeper gashes that he had made. Instantly it felt like he had pressed a burning hot spike against your skin and automatically you jerked away from it barely cutting off your scream of surprise as he continued to rub more salt into your wound grinning as he did so. Gritting your teeth, you grunted against the fire quickly spreading through your body and becoming the only sense that you knew. Dr. Roberts did this to each and every single one of your wounds causing them all to burn and sweat to break out across your forehead from the struggle of keeping the cries at bay.
“Well as much fun as that was my dear, I’m afraid it’s still not what I’m looking for. No, I don’t think this is working out as well as I had hoped for, guards reposition her for me while I grab our next toy, will you?” Dr. Roberts ordered more than asked as he walked off behind you and the guards grumbled something under their breaths but neither of them protested as they stepped forward. Together the guards released the chains from the wall catching her as more length appeared for the chain and they moved her so that she was now lying midair, still spread eagle but now at perfect waist height.
“Excellent, excellent, George you're helping me with this one.” Dr. Roberts said and your body tensed when you heard the familiar sound of water sloshing around inside a canister.
“No, no, no, no, please no.” The words were falling out of your lips before you could stop them and Dr. Roberts chuckled.
“Ah there it is the sweet sound of you begging, we’re almost there boys! Soon we’ll have her doing exactly what I want her to do.” Dr. Roberts’ demented smile was the last thing you saw before George wrapped the towel around your head pulling it taunt. The next thing you knew cold liquid was crashing down on top of your face in a seemingly never-ending stream. Your lungs constricted as your body started thrashing, fighting instinctively to get away from the water so that you could breathe, wrists and ankles digging into the cuffs as you fought to break free uncaring of the physical damage that was happening. Finally. Finally, after what felt like hours Dr. Roberts stopped pouring water over your face and the guard tore away the wet towel. You sagged against your chains coughing violently, your body trying desperately to expel water that wasn’t actually there.
“Please… stop.” Your voice came out sounding hoarse and scratchy as you spoke in between coughs.
“Again, so close to what we actually want.” Dr. Roberts stated his voice firm as he motioned with his head and the guard wrapped the towel around your head again holding your head still with his hands.
Water flowed from the can once again covering your face in pressure and sensation that in any other case would have been soothing but in this one, it only made everything worse. Your body once again started to thrash fighting against the pressure of water that it was almost certain of was entering your lungs at this very minute but never made it past the towel, your lungs seized trying to stop it from entering them as you fought against the hands and chains that made it seem like you were being held underwater. As more and more water flowed over your face the burning and tightness in your chest only got worse and worse as you pulled and thrashed against everything until Dr. Roberts finally stopped the can and the guard removed the towel. Once again you were coughing violently in between great desperate gulps of air trying to soothe the burning sensation in your chest but no matter how deep of a breath you took the sensation never went away.
“Again.” Dr. Roberts said his voice calm and collected as he lifted up the can one again and you flinched at the sound of the water sloshing around.
“No, no, no, please. Please stop, please.” You begged them but your pleading went unanswered as the guard wrapped the towel around your head once more and Dr. Roberts started pouring water again. This time it felt like your lungs were on fire from how hard you were struggling to breathe around the pressure and thrashing but no matter how much you told your body that you weren’t actually drowning it kept fighting. Kept acting like you were being held underwater and the scary part of it was that you were honestly starting to think that you might be as the water seemed to keep coming and coming until finally, it stopped.
As soon as the guard had removed the towel from around your face you were sucking in great gulps of air that burned on their way down your raw throat, and you didn’t care that you had tears streaming down your face or that your hands and legs were slowly becoming soaked in blood from how much the cuffs were digging into your skin now. All you cared about was the fact that you could finally breathe. Your reprieve, however, did not last for long as Dr. Roberts nodded once and the guard had the towel wrapped around your head once again forcing you to relive the experience once again. This time when the guard let you go you didn’t even wait to catch your breath even a little before you were shouting.
“No! Please! PLEASE! STOP! STOP IT PLEASE! I'm SORRY!! I’M SORRY!! I PROMISE I WON’T DO IT AGAIN!!!” You shouted as you pulled against the bonds trying to get away from the guard and Dr. Roberts chuckled above purposely shaking the can so that he could watch you flinch at the sound of the water sloshing around.
“Now that’s what I wanted to hear! However, I don’t think I’m done with this just yet though. Cover her again.” Dr. Roberts stated. Panic gripped you causing your already racing heart to race even faster as you strained to get away from the guard.
“NO! NO! PLEASE! PLEASE! DON’T! DON’T!” You scream became muffled as the guard toweled you again and pulled your head back. Dr. Roberts continued to do these two more times after this one and each one felt worse than the last one until you were sure that there was going to be a burning sensation in your chest, and that your head felt fuzzy from the repeated lack of oxygen. By the time Dr. Roberts was truly done you were openly sobbing in between coughs and gasps for air and you hung their tears streaming down your face as you pleaded for him to stop body weak and mind even weaker.
“There we go, that’s what we like to see, our favorite little girl all broken and willing for us.” Dr. Roberts said as he set the gas can a 1/8th of an inch full of water down on the ground purposely making it slosh as he did so just to hear you whimper and see you attempt to curl up in a ball.
“Ah, you truly are a beautiful young woman aren’t you my dear?” Dr. Roberts asked as he caressed your cheek, loving that you were two weak to even move your head away from him as you continued to sob and plead for him to stop. Snapping his fingers, the guards put you back in your original position. Your head lulled forward, pressing your chin against your chest as you continued to sob great hiccupping things as you stared at the ground looking at the pool of blood that was steadily growing larger the more you lost.
“Please… please… stop… please.” You begged him voice weak and hoarse as you looked up at him but all he did was smile back at you.
“Oh, but my dear we’re not done yet. Oh no, we’re not going to be done for a long, long, time not until I think you’ve thoroughly learned your lesson on never, ever, trying to escape from here again.” Dr. Roberts stated his voice dark and promising as he snapped his fingers and he was handed the handle of a whip that was covered in barbed wire. You whimpered audibly at the sight of the whip your body already tensing in preparation for the hit.
“Ready my dear?” Dr. Roberts didn’t wait for a response before he reared back and hit you with the whip, the whip making a loud cracking sound as the barbed length of it lashed out and stuck into you snagging on skin and muscle as it wrapped around you from shoulder to hip cutting across the previous ones and only serving to make them worse. Instantly a scream was tearing free scrapping your already raw throat raw as burning white pain shot through your body like wildfire, a sensation that was only made worse when Dr. Roberts pulled back the barbs of the whip taking chunks of flesh and muscle with it as he did. Blood sprayed from the wounds and Dr. Roberts laughed as you screamed again when he hit you.
“Yes, yes, yes! THAT’S IT MY DEAR SCREAM FOR ME! SING TO ME THE SPYMOPHNY OF YOUR PAIN!” Dr. Roberts shouted over your screams laughing maniacally as he whipped you repeatedly loving the way the whip tore away chunks of skin and muscle leaving you looking suspiciously like swiss cheese.
It wasn’t until hours later, after Dr. Roberts had switched from using the barbed whip to a normal one and then back to rubbing salt into your wounds that he finally grew tired of torturing you that he finally took a step back from you a victorious and self-satisfied smile present on his face as he looked you over. You hung there head lulled forward and eyes barely open as you fought against the pain and the blood loss. Your chest rose and fell in shaking intervals the spaces between your next inhale and exhale getting longer and longer as you hung there dripping blood and fighting the darkness that threatened to consume you whole. Distantly you heard Dr. Roberts say something to the guards but it was all garbled and sounded far away. You blinked slowly as you watched the guards and Dr. Roberts have a conversation.
Gods you were so tired, every nerve in your body screaming at you in pain and every ounce of you wanting nothing more than to go to sleep, to surrender to the darkness that was threatening to consume you. After all, it felt so warm and cozy, it felt so much safer than this world, than this darkness that you had been living in for your whole life, it felt so right to just relax and let it consume you whole to let it take you away from this world. From this hell hole of a life but you couldn’t. You couldn’t let yourself be taken by the darkness, you still needed to hit Jason for what he had done, you still needed to see Jason, you had to make sure that you sacrificing yourself for him hadn’t been in vain. Oh but the darkness felt so nice, so warm, so comfortable, so much like a safe space that you couldn’t help it, couldn’t help but surrender yourself to the darkness and the last thing you saw before the darkness took a hold of you was a guard walking up to you.
As George and Dr. Roberts released you from your chains the second guard caught you with a grunt and as you landed in his arms you exhaled softly before falling completely limp in his arms head lulling to the side as your eyes slid closed.
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cynnymonsnaps · 5 years
Let the Tides of Change Come
Pairing(s): Carlos de Vil/Jane/Oc, Ben/Mal, Evie/Doug, Gil/Jay
Word Count: 2,062
Summary: Sometimes the power to rewrite things comes in the form of jumping right into the Descendants universe and giving everyone a piece of your mind.
Doug's stereotypical nerdy band kid shtick? Out the window it goes. The adults not knowing how to do anything right? Not on my watch. Kids being stuck on a prison of an Island? You're all coming with me now.
For Micha, they've taken on the grueling task of heading to the surface to help teach the kids of Auradon and the Isle that it's okay to talk things out and to not give into the rules and expectations of the older generation.Will someone at least give these teens a moment to breath in between saving the kingdom please? Jesus.
[This series goes through all three movies as well as the main events of the books to fix some of the unexplained happenings in the timeline. A very long winded story to fill the void in my heart of there being no more Descendants. *sobs*]
Warnings: Mentions of drowning.
A/N: Posting this on tumblr too so it can reach more people, but welcome to my new series!  I’ve already got all the plot laid out in a doc on my computer so it’s all a matter of time to sit down and actually write the beast. Anyways, enjoy!
          From the darkened gloomy waters emerged Uma, daughter of Ursula, dressed to the nines in golden sea themed jewelry and a sequin dress with the Isle of the Lost behind her. Seeming to notice the camera she turned towards the screen, swaying to the waves of the ocean with a sneer across her lips. “What?” The teal haired girl who leaned in closer, her golden seashell necklace glowing in the night. “You didn’t think this was the end of the story. Did you?” She gave an evil cackle before slowly sinking back into the murky depths of the sea, leaving no trace of her in sight. Before I knew it, the screen faded to black and the credits were rolling as a cover of “Kiss the Girl” played. From the comfort of my wheelchair I lazily watched the credits all the way through, having watched the movie multiple times to know it was the end.
           I loved the Descendants series with all my heart. From its catchy music, to it’s colorful and eye-catching costume design, to the characters who grew alongside me as I aged. Even through all its little plot holes and Disney-ified solutions I had stuck with the series for a whopping 4 years, never losing the passion I always had for it. There was something about the concept of the next generation of Fairy Tale characters and sticking them in a multiverse that was so eye catching. It was the same reason I liked Every After High, RWBY, Once Upon a Time and the many other iterations of the same concept. Which was why I felt pretty frustrated with Disney and how they wrote some of their characters. True, Descendants was marketed to a children’s audience, so there had to be some liberties taken and some things had to be dumbed down, but I wished they had done more with the story and its characters. There were so many ideas that could’ve been bounced off, it was almost a goldmine of storytelling.
Take Doug, son of Dopey, for example. He was always portrayed as a nerdy band kid who didn’t know how to get the girl he liked without being creepy and clingy. He had very plain fashion sense and hardly ever spoke to help the plot in anyway. A basic throw away character in all reality. I could see through, that Doug was just as silly as his father in his own story and always seemed to pop out more when dance scenes come on. He would move his body in a way that seemed like there was a firecracker that wanted to be let out, sharp moments here, exaggerated expressions there. The boy knew how to have fun and it was such a shame that the writers hadn’t let it shine through his personality or lines. Such a waste of material.
I had much hope that Descendants 3 would somehow right these wrongs though. The release date was nearing, and I’ve been saving myself from any spoilers like the trailers or any music videos that Disney released. I wanted to have a fresh pair of eyes when I dove straight in. And if anything, I knew that I’d have a fun time just experiencing the last movie in the trilogy.
           Stretching out my tired body, I got up to look at the digital clock on the table. A bright “2:00 AM” blinked back at me and I knew it was time to head to bed. I was always a night owl, so it was common for me to stay up until the early morning, but the premier was only a few days away and I needed to fix my chaotic sleep schedule before then. How else could I watch along with the cast all the way through? Closing everything off I gave one last yawn before headed to bed and falling into the soft sheets. Drifting to sleep faster than I expected, I hadn’t even realize anything was amiss when I felt the brush of liquid surround me. It was when I felt the water gently rise when I furrowed my brows in confusion. “Funny. For a dream this kind feels a little too real.”
I tried to open my eyes to wake up, but found a heavy force keeping them shut. “Huh?” Trying to move my arms this time, it felt like no matter how hard I tried to raise them, some sort of pressure was keeping them locked to my sides. Alarm bells were ringing in my head and I felt panic rip through me as the water rose faster. “Fuck! Is this how I’m gonna die? Death by drowning in my sleep?” With my effort to break free failing and the feeling of water rising almost past my face, I couldn’t help but take in a deep breath before fully being submerged. The whole situation filled me with dread as I was left helpless with nothing to do but wait for the end to come.
But it never did.
In my wait I could hear the distant muffled call of a name above me.
A sense of relief washed through me as the voice called out again seeming a little closer than before.
If only I could just move something, anything to catch their attention, maybe they would be able to save me from this nightmare. With one last try I went to get up, putting every inch of energy into my limbs.
“Micha!” A hand shot through the water, grabbing onto my arms and helping me break through the surface. I couldn’t help but gasp for air and flail my arms to try to keep afloat, but what was I to do when I almost drowned? “Calm down child! You’ve only swum down for a few moments and you act like you’ve been under for decades. If you do not calm down, you will take in the water.” The voice scolded with a hint of concern. Just like the voice said I accidentally gasped a bit of water in my freak out and made myself cough in an attempt to get it all out again. “By the gods, let’s just get you to shore so you can collect yourself.” The voice huffed. Once again, I was pulled along in the water, kicking my legs weakly to try to get back to shore as fast as I could.
           Trudging out of the water I laid down on the cool earth, facing the sky as I tried to slowly fill my lungs with air again. The air was surprisingly fresh, and, in the distance, I could actually hear the sounds of wildlife. They helped me ground myself and it almost felt like the heavy presence I’d felt in the water disappeared into thin air. At least that nightmare of a situation was over now.  As I sighed in relief, having a little moment to myself before I felt the voice kneel down beside me. “Have you collected yourself?” The voice called out again. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by a man who looked to be in his late twenties frowning down at me. He had long piercing white hair that pooled over his shoulders and soft indigo blue eyes that seemed to make me feel safe and secure. His skin was a russet, reddish-brown and there seemed to be blue tattoos marking his right pec. There was a slight familiar feeling about him and his tattoos, but I couldn’t quite place my finger on it. “You usually never lose yourself when venturing the waves. Was there something that frightened you?”
           “Uhh.” You awkwardly let out unsure how to answer exactly. My hesitation caused his frown lines to grow harsher, like he’d been frowning for a long time. Not wanting to anger him I quickly sat up, but because of my fast motions I got a little lightheaded. He immediately steadied me with a firm grip and his eyebrows seemed to furrow. If he kept that up, he’d probably get so many forehead wrinkles. I looked around where the two of us were and found that we were somewhere I’ve never been before. “Where… uh.” I coughed out awkwardly. “Where are we?” He gave me an incredulous look, like maybe the water had gotten to my head or something. I didn’t really know what to say though. I’ve never been to such an open and natural place with waterfalls and stone ruins before, having been surrounded by tall buildings and concrete streets my whole life.
           “Michael, we are in Atlantis near one of the coves you love to explore ever since you were a child. Do you not remember that?” The man gives me a suspicious look when I almost went to shake my head but quickly nod when I caught myself. I’ve heard of Atlantis before, having read it in my history books from school, but there was no way I’ve ever been here before in my life. And who exactly was this Michael? I heard him calling me Micha earlier too, but that wasn’t my name. I quickly shake myself out of his grasp and go to the edge of the water, being careful not to fall in. Didn’t want another drowning spell when I had just woken up.
           I couldn’t believe my eyes. On the surface of the water I saw a similar pair of soft surprised indigo eyes staring back at me. A soaking met mop of white hair on my head as lines of the same blue tattoos ran just under my right eye and my left shoulder. My skin color was the same russet reddish-brown as the man’s and I looked to be about 10 or so. I reached down just to make sure this wasn’t a hallucination and as I did, the little girl in the reflection did the same, causing the surface to ripple. As I did so a little blue crystal with a dim glow dangled in front of me. Wait a minute.
White hair,
Blue eyes,
Glowing blue crystal,
Oh my god. Was I in the lost empire of Atlantis right now? Did I literally get transport into the Disney universe? But this isn’t my body… Oh my Jesus and a fry stick! Did I die and get put into someone else’s body?!?
           “Did you hit your head on one of the rocks when you swam down there?” Out of nowhere the stranger took my head into his hands and searched for any bumps or bleeding while I was having another mini freak out. He slightly man handled me here and there which I didn’t take too kindly towards. When he found nothing, he went to feel my forehead as if I could have gotten a fever in the short time I had been in the water. “You seem alright physically, and your temperature is just fine. Maybe you’re gotten a screw loose?”
           “Hey!” I brush off his hand and give a small scoff, in response he chuckled to himself. I gave him a little glare and proceeded to ring out my hair a little. I still didn’t know who he was and wasn’t too keen on letting him get too close, but at least I now knew where I was. Now the question was, why was I in Atlantis?
           The stranger watched as I made some distance between us and sigh. He didn’t know what I was thinking exactly but with how strange I was acting it he thought it was best not to do anything too extreme. He also went to ring out his hair and went to grab us some towels that were lying to the side. He handed me one before making speaking up again. “We should head back to where Mother and Father are. I’m sure they could come to a better conclusion as to what is going on then I can.” He motioned for me to follow him and slowly started to make his way over to an open path. I was reluctant to follow him at first, but at the mention of “Mother and Father” the idea of going along with him wasn’t too bad if somehow, I could get these new parents of mine to introduce me to Milo and Kida.
I just hoped they were still around for me to talk to.
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toyfrog · 5 years
“Parents don’t stay angry with their children. Or their grandchildren.”
“And that's who you are to us. It doesn't matter who you were. This is who you are and who you'll always be.” “It’s like Lipstick on a pig.” Ahhh Brimley be still my heart... Sending out a hug to Lizzington fandom. This is not a “I told you so,” post that would be mean. However this *is* and *always* has been the direction of the show since season one with a surprising twist. Was the show wrong to manipulate you guys? Yes. But at this level of you think there’s any hope or prayer for a coupling you’re not going to get it. You never were. The dynamic has always been the same- Liz/Ressler the love couple: Red/Liz father/daughter it’s complicated love story. This wasSeason 2 until Eggold’s story disrupted the flow, the pace, and greedy writers room took a surgical knife and gutted solid portions of story, left characters in limbo. It sucked. “I'm not conflicted about killing you. I'm conflicted because I can't. Because I can neither kill nor trust nor forgive.” This deep freeze will go on through Season 7. Now that Agnes is returning-Liz plans to use her inadvertently to bond with Reddington... This writing team is creating new shifty characters which I do like because they don’t change the main plot line it’s still the same. Lol “I’m a sucker forLimoges.” So am I 😊 Love seeing Red negotiating. “Are you upset? Conflicted. About what? I live and work by a very strict code built on loyalty, justice, trust. I survive because I eliminate those who betray it. Up until now, no one has been spared, not even my closest associates. Not even Kate Kaplan.” This should’ve been Red’s reaction against Liz in Season 2 after he was shot and in season 3 after he discovere Liz faked her death... but there was no fallout- just Kate getting “killed” Or is she really dead?🤔 to write the wrong of this show is to bring her back! This is key dialogue so pay attention. Key dialogue.... “So that's what you're conflicted about? Whether or not to kill me because I betrayed some "code"? You can mock it because you live in a world with institutionalized codes, where order has already been imposed by powerful forces outside of yourself, where there are laws and rules for everything. I live in a world with no laws, no rules, and certainly no order. So I have to impose my own.” Task Force and Ressler and Liz will be adopting these rules because Anna McMahon and the Cabal will Be rewriting the rules. Hey. Where have you been hiding? - What do you mean? - You've been a ghost ever since I told you that I've been looking into who Reddington was. Ahhhh sweet. Not plot driven. Ressler Missing his partner-life partner lol. The more intimate details they share, the more season 3 dialogue up till end of artax network should piss you. Off. “Thought maybe you were still pissed at me.” What? No. I'm grateful. Ressler’s heart swells three sizes with her response. Her, who knew? Oh gee not me no sireee what do I know wishful thinking right? “If anything ever happened to you I’d never forgive myself.” You did what you thought was best for me. I'm grateful for that. “IF ANYTHING EVER HAPPENED TO YOU ID NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF.” What I said earlier was true. I'm grateful that you're a good friend. But, um, I'm also grateful for what you did, for telling me about my grandfather. This means Liz has the hots literally and FEELINGS forRessler.. the Ummmms will continue. “Nothing worse than when a child disappoints-like being impaled by a unicorn.” HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Glorious. Yes Liz has pissed off her Dad! Red is so so SO disappointed with her. And here comes more KEY DIALOGUE!!! [WHISPERING] I found him, and he told me about Reddington, about who he was. Wait. You You know? His name was Ilya Koslov. He and Katarina were childhood friends, and then they were in the Cabal together. Ah childhood... “But why take on Reddington's identity?” I KNOW I KNOW!!! My lips are sealed. “After the fire, after I shot my father and the world was after Katarina, the only way for her to survive was to access the funds they used to frame Reddington.” “You are going to be SO WEALTHY.” Yeah, but they couldn't do it without Reddington. Since he was already dead, Ilya Koslov brought him back to life. That's the answer that Reddington killed people to keep quiet? - I mean, why? - I don't know. SEASON 7. To protect me somehow? To protect himself. Ilya Koslov and Katarina Rostova disappeared after betraying powerful people with long memories who were willing to kill to find out information about their whereabouts. Or try to. So guess whose the next couple to betray people with long memories? Or at least be framed thanks to Anna McMahon? Reddington will so be needed and his code of NO RULES. Welcome to the CIA. A couple of weeks ago, I got the drop on some KGB mook who had heard that I was looking into Katarina.” Yeah Ressler- you in danger babe... your bae will be freaking out and blaming herself... “IF ANYTHING HAPPENED TO YOU ID NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF.” This is KEY TO THE ENTIRE MYTHOLOGY OF THE BLACKLIST. It GOES ALL THE WAY BACK TO ANSLO GARRICK. what kind of leads I had. That's why he's keeping it a secret. That's why we can't tell anyone. Yeah, but we got to tell Cooper and ARAM. Pillow talk. How sexy. Go back to Season 2 after they bumped off Alan Fitch... Whoever he was, he is Reddington. Cooper will understand that, but he might feel obliged to tell someone in the Bureau who doesn't. KEY DIALOGUE... Anna McMahon does not trust the Task Force, and she hates Reddington. She's looking for any excuse to shut us down. Perjury, breaking the law, letting fugitives go... yeah those are causes to shutdown and assasinate everyone... that dossier is the new fulcrum. THE SHOW NEEDS LEONARD CAUL FOR THIS LEG OF STORY HELLO!! You're worried that they'll void his immunity agreement. YUP THEY WILL AMONG OTHER THINGS. Once Reddington disappears that’s the mystery isn’t it? I'm pretty sure I had the right to know the truth, and I'm absolutely sure no one else does.” Yeah NO you’re wrong. Go back to Season one and you’ll recall why. An episode featuring Diane Fowler being shot in the belly—-a house blown to smithereens. Look, I get that, but is it the truth? KEY DIALOGUE. I mean, does it make sense that this is the answer he'd kill to keep quiet? This is why what happens to Ressler is essential to understanding Reddington’s secret. That so many people have died trying to find out? It's because so many people died that I gave up my child. To protect Agnes until I learned the truth. She hasn’t learned the truth so guess who will e in danger in the finale? Except not a infant this time... Am I sure I know why he guarded his secret? No. Is it possible that I'm overlooking some of the holes in the story because there's a sweetness to it? Yes, it's possible. Rose colored glasses are cute on Liz. But it's more possible that it's true. "More possible. " Ilya Koslov had motive and opportunity. If this were a crime, you'd say it was solved, and you'd believe you were right.” Don’t it words into his mouth... Ressler’s gut instinct won’t let it go and that is a good thing. IF ANYTHING HAPPENED TO YOU ID NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF.” Hang tight. Enjoy this moment where THE WRITERS ROOM ROBBED KEENLER OF THEIR BABY AND WEDDING. If you can’t see it here compared to now... You’re fooling yourself.
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idolisme · 7 years
I wrote a thing for Thor: Ragnarok and have no patience to make it into a Proper Thing, so instead of posting it in its inchoate form to the more respectable fanfic sites I am, for the first time, putting fic on tumblr.  And it’s Christmas fic, no less.  have I truly fallen so far???????
AU where just after the midcredits scene of Ragnarok, Loki explains to Thor who they’re dealing with and why, and Thor has the brilliant idea that he might be able to defeat Thanos with his lightning and the Tesseract and the element of surprise, so he convinces Loki to switch their appearances, to fool Thanos long enough for Thor-as-Loki to get close, then blast him with Space-Stone-infused lightning.
It goes as well as can be expected.
And after…
They fight the whole battle against Thanos without Thor, because Thor has been killed - everyone believes it, because Heimdall witnessed him disappearing into a hole in space when he was so damaged there is no way he could have survived the void and its maelstroms and monsters.  He makes his report to Val and Loki while Loki is still pretending to be Thor, and the battle is soon so the truth has to come out anyway, so Loki just goes to the Avengers as himself to tell them what has become of his brother.  He swears on Thor’s sacrifice that he will fight to protect Midgard and Asgard, and that’s enough for Steve, which means it’s enough for the rest of them.  Bruce is, to Loki’s surprise, a comforting presence at his side — he had come to care for Thor, and as a healer, feels his best way to work through his own grief is to help Loki through his.  (Loki feels like this should piss him off, that he should find this insulting… he is actually grieving too much to care.)
So they fight, and they win, and Loki becomes an Avenger though he is also still King of Asgard.  Val and Heimdall also fight, and both survive.  Midgard and Asgard are well defended, and things go rather quiet on the Avenging front for a while.
And then….. it’s Christmas.  Loki, having finished building a school in Asgard (to keep their history alive — and corrected, after Odin’s rewrites), has gotten bored of kingship but is unwilling to stray far from Midgard, so he finds himself frequently in Avengers Tower, watching Bruce and Tony play with Midgardian tech, occasionally giving them fresh ideas — some of which, yes, are intentionally bad.  It makes him grin to see them get knocked off their feet.  His good ideas and advice, though, are well worth the danger to the science bros, and maybe Bruce has talked to Tony about the stages of grief and how Loki is doing remarkably well for someone who has lost the only people they cared about, not long after losing their entire planet, and having to be the guide and role model for the rest of his people as they process their own grief… and Tony really doesn’t mind the occasional explosion in his lab anyway.  (There’s probably at least one instance where an idea Tony and Bruce have backfires badly enough that they could die, but since Loki is there half-attentively observing, he uses his magic to get them out of the room because he notices the problem before they do, and then they’re super grateful.  Thereafter they’re pals, as much as anyone can be pals with Loki.)
So, Loki hangs around Avengers Tower to avoid people and to play pranks on his new friends.  Heimdall rules Asgard in his stead, as Regent, and its people are cool with it.  But then it’s Christmas, and all the Avengers are going to get together in the Tower for a few days before the holiday.  Tony, as the party planner, carefully doesn’t tell Loki this is happening because he kinda wants him to be there at least for a little while, to give the others the opportunity to tell him that they want good things to happen to him in the new year, and to give him a gift, if they feel so inclined.  Well, he and Bruce have felt so inclined, and they want everyone to see that the crazy alien who took a bite out of New York some years back is actually a cool guy now that he isn’t under the influence of an evil monster.
And then Heimdall, eyes sparkling, pulls Tony and the other Avengers — not Loki — aside, and tells them the news.  Thor is alive.
He has just come out of a portal from the void, somewhere far away, and is rapidly making his way to Midgard.  He and Heimdall have spoken, and Thor is a little weird and he’s missing a hand as well as his eye, but he’s pretty much himself, and he is delighting himself with the idea that he might surprise Loki with his alive state.  And he wants to do it in person.  So please don’t tell Loki, okay?
So Thor gets to Midgard and he comes to the Tower, and he knocks on the door, and Tony says, super casually, “Hey Lokester, d’you mind getting that?”
Loki, uncomfortable in a red reindeer knit sweater but drinking some Midgardian wine and chatting amiably enough with Clint’s wife ((((Laura???)))) about Asgardian bread, rolls his eyes, throws off the reindeer antlers that keep reappearing on his head (put there by the children?? Tony?? there have been many guilty parties.  He’s pretty sure Strange is in on it too, which is why he never catches the culprit), and goes to the door.
He’s a little bemused to notice that all the sound has gone out of the room behind him as he opens the door.
“Loki,” Thor says, smiling.  It sounds like he has a cold.
Loki can’t really move at all.  His ribs feel like stone — cold, shatter-prone.  His scar hurts.
They continue to stare at each other, and Thor’s smile fades.  “Do… Do you not recognize me?”
“Oi, let him in, idiot-king,” Val says, knocking Loki’s shoulder on her way past him to thump Thor’s arm with her fist and then crash into his chest with a hug.
Loki watches them without seeing anything, frozen in a tilt from how he’d caught himself from falling after her shove.
Thor’s eyes only briefly leave his to glance down at Val as she draws away from him.  “He’s done superbly in your absence,” she informs him in a stage whisper.
“Is he all right?” Thor replies in kind, his brow furrowed.  His eyes suddenly grow wide, and he holds out his hands placatingly.  “Brother, if I have angered you—”
“Shut up, you piece of filth,” Loki says, striding over to him and tugging Val behind him.  His seidr wraps around them both and forms a barrier in the doorway.  The sweater is gone, replaced by his armor.  “Who the Hel do you think you are?” he says, grasping the impostor’s collar and pulling him forward to sneer in his face.  “Do you have any idea what sort of people you’re trying to fool?”  He laughs mockingly.
“I’m not—”
“That is actually your brother, Your Majesty,” Val says from behind him with a note of warning in her voice.  “Calm down.”
He looks at her over his shoulder at her.  “My brother,” he says, his voice rough only in patches, as he strives to maintain his vitriol, “is dead.”  His gaze on her softens, however, and he follows with, “I swear to you, I will figure out how this magic works, and break the spell upon you.”
Val looks at Thor and rolls her eyes.
“Brother, I don’t want to hurt you,” Thor says desperately.  “But let me go, and I will explain all.”
In the next instant, Loki yelps as his seidr barrier in the doorway is broken from within by a long sword.
“Your Majesty!” Heimdall calls to him, and he cranes his neck to look at him, his hands still on the impostor’s shirt collar.  Odd that no danger proximity alarms have gone off in the Tower, and that he cannot sense any deceptive magic in or on the being before him.  Save for the faint smell of ozone, and of leather, and of something else that was how Thor had always—
Heimdall says, “Let him go, Loki.  He is your brother.  I saw him leave the void yesterday, and make his way here.  He asked me not to tell you, as a… joke.”  The disapproval in Heimdall’s voice could not be mistaken.
“Which was stupid of me, I see now,” says the impostor, and Loki whips his head back to see that stupid, familiar grin.  “I am truly sorry.”
Loki stares.  “How are you tricking him,” he mumbles to himself.  “Tricking Heimdall to see someone who isn’t there is impossible.  Or very nearly.”
“Consider that I am tricking no one, dear brother, and it should make sense.”  He places his hands over Loki’s at his collar and slowly pries them off.
Loki’s seidr trickles away as his shock increases, and his armor abandons him — he is left again with the too-large, reindeer-themed sweater.  He glances over his shoulder once more to meet Heimdall’s eyes, which are clear.  There are still no alarms or signs of foul play.  Tony and Bruce are smirking into their beer.  Steve and Sam smile openly, and turn away to go back into the Tower, to — what, give him some privacy to greet his brother?  His brother.  Thor is alive, Thor has come home…
He grits his teeth and says, “I loathe you,” to Thor before taking a single long step forward and hugging the life out of him.  He wraps his arms over Thor’s so he can’t lift them and locks his hands together against Thor’s back, then squeezes.  Thor coughs.
“Norns, let me g- huhhh, let me go!” Thor says, twisting.  “Let me hug you properly, Your Majesty,” he teases.
Loki releases him and wipes furiously at his tears.  “I don’t want any of your stupid h—”
Thor crushes him to him, hands on his back, and presses their cheeks together.  It’s mortifying, but it also feels really good.  Like every earnest hug he’d ever received from Thor or Frigga, wrapped up in one.  He can’t stop crying.  He desperately hopes everyone else has taken Steve’s lead as usual, and gone back inside.
“I’m sorry.  I’m so, so, so very sorry.  I’m here.  I’m home now.”
The antlers have made their way back onto Loki’s head (Strange must be involved somehow), and he petulantly tears them off and jams them onto Thor’s.
“Merry fucking Christmas,” he tells him, and at Thor’s bewildered look he begins to laugh.
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chocolatequeennk · 7 years
Three sentence meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (or however many you have altogether). See if there are any patterns. Then, tag your favorite authors. 
I was tagged by @sequencefairy​, @crythewolf, and @pellaaearien​
More Than Words Can Say (Ten x Rose, pregnancy fic)
The Doctor found Rose on the couch in the library, surrounded by a pile of books about pregnancy. He leaned against the door and watched her for a moment, still trying to take in the fantastic notion that they were having a baby.
Anywhere You Are (Ten x Rose, established relationship)
Rose looked at the Doctor after Ida waved awkwardly and closed the door to their tiny quarters. “Another night, another strange bed.”
The Same Old Story (Ten x Rose, post Doomsday)
The Doctor tapped his fingers against his leg as the lift took them from the top of Torchwood Tower to the lower levels. He just wanted to be at home with Rose, preferably in bed as they celebrated their unlikely victory. It was easy to imagine how differently the day could have gone, and he was desperate to hold his wife until it sank in that she hadn’t fallen into the Void.
No Matter What the Future Brings (Ten x Rose, sequel to The Same Old Story)
An hour after leaving the Powell Estate behind, the Doctor and Rose were spooned together in bed as the sweat from their lovemaking cooled their skin. When he closed his eyes, the Doctor could still picture Rose falling to the Void, as had almost been her fate. But now he could also picture the way her eyes had fluttered shut as she’d fallen over the edge into ecstasy, and he focused on that image instead.
The Ghost of Kisses Yet to Come (Ten x Rose Doomsday angst)
The worst part of losing Rose was the memory of all the things they hadn’t shared. In the few short months they’d been lovers before Torchwood had stolen her from him, he’d managed to cross off many dreamed-of kisses, but there were still hundreds on his list.
Death Cannot Stop True Love (Ten x Rose, Doomsday fix)
Online and locked.
The suction of the Void, which had dwindled to not much more than a strong gust of wind, returned to full strength immediately. Daleks and Cybermen soared through the air into the open breach, but the Doctor ignored them all. Every atom of his existence was focused the woman clinging to the lever on the other side of the room.
Bound By Time: Being a Tale of Hearts Entwined by the Hands of Fate (Ten x Rose, purple prose, last chapter adult
Her name was Rose.
The words, which had been torn from his as painfully as his beloved, echoed in the console room. The Doctor tried not to look at the empty space, as empty as his hearts now that she was gone, but it seemed the fates were determined to hammer him with the waves of agony, and his gaze landed unerringly on her favourite purple shirt.
Better With Two? (Ten x Rose, post GITF conversation)
The Doctor hoisted himself up from underneath the console, groaning a bit when he rolled his shoulders. There was more he could do, but six hours was too long to stay hunched over like that.
On the Same Page (Ten x Rose, pre Idiot’s Lantern conversation)
Voices drifted through the flat door, reaching the Doctor’s ears as he returned from the shops with the groceries.
“Are you sure you want to keep travelling?”
The Doctor had his sonic screwdriver in hand, ready to unlock the door, but at Jackie’s question, he froze.
All I Need (Tentoo x Rose, on Bad Wolf Bay)
The Doctor needed Rose Tyler. It was one of the basic facts of the universe—of every universe. Water is wet, bananas are good, and the Doctor needs Rose Tyler.
Kiss and Tell (Ten x Rose, pre-relationship
The day after the Coronation, Rose disappeared back to her room as soon as breakfast was done. “I want to talk to Mum, and take a bath, and do my nails… I just need a day for myself,” she explained to the Doctor.
Old Friends, New Promises (Ten x Rose, established relationship, School Reunion rewrite)
The Doctor groaned softly when Rose’s fingers combed through his hair, massaging the sensitive skin at the nape of his neck. He dropped his lips to her neck and laved his tongue over her clavicle, grinning when her head tilted back to give him more access.
Memories and Promises (Tentoo x Rose, proposal fic)
Rose sighed and pushed her plate away, dinner only half-eaten.
“Are you feeling all right, love?” the Doctor asked as he cleared the table.
Just the Bits In Between (Ten x Rose, established relationship, GITF rewrite without the squicky bits)
When Rose woke up the next morning, naked and wrapped in the Doctor’s arms, she thought she was dreaming for a few seconds. He soon proved, very thoroughly, that her memories of the previous night were absolutely not the product of an overactive imagination, and she happily accepted the change in their relationship.
At Last (Ten x Rose, Idiot’s Lantern first kiss)
Rose knew she was being rude. She knew she was ignoring the person talking to her because she couldn’t stop glancing down the street, wondering when the Doctor would arrive.
Just One Word (Nine x Rose soulmates au that is finished)
Soul marks. Not everyone got them; they only came if you were so inextricably connected to your partner that you’d never be able to be with anyone else, not even if they died. To a young Rose Tyler, the idea had seemed hopelessly romantic.
In the Shadow of a Ghost (Ten x Rose, Martha POV)
Martha pursed her lips as she listened to the Doctor explain what his precious Rose had done to save Jack’s life. The reverence in his voice was obvious—a Time Lord might have become a vengeful god with that much power, but he clearly worshipped this girl like she was his goddess.
Holding Onto Forever (Ten x Rose, post reunion)
Consciousness stole over Rose softly, like a warm glow slowly getting brighter behind her eyelids. The novelty of easing into wakefulness was enough to wake her up; she hadn’t had a lazy morning in bed in years. Her life was a series of alarms and appointments, all designed to get herself home.
Projected Longing (Nine x Rose, Ten x Rose, telepathy and Bad Wolf)
The Doctor watched Rose out of the corner of his eye while he set the coordinates for their next trip. She was dressed in jeans and a white vest today, somehow looking both confident and vulnerable.
Forever and Never Apart (Ten x Rose, established relationship, telepathic bond)
At first, Rose thought the Christmas carols were part of her dream. She and the Doctor were dancing again, just like they had on the Titanic a year ago—only this time, without the threat of a nuclear apocalypse getting in the way.
And a sneak peek for @lastbluetardis
There was one thing Rose hadn’t considered when she’d accepted the Doctor’s proposal, she reflected six weeks later.
Jackie’s strident voice filled the small chapel. “No, this isn’t nearly big enough for the number of guests we’ll have.”
So. Patterns. I have a slight preference for Doctor POV--12/21 versus 8/21 for Rose. I write a lot of established relationship fics--15/21. I apparently like to start with at least one of them in bed, or with them snogging--5/21.
The biggest pattern hasn’t changed in all the times I’ve done this meme. I start with character. I try to give some clue about setting in the opening paragraph, but the most important thing to me is that you know where the characters are emotionally at the beginning of the story. That’s very indicative of the kind of stories I write, I think.
Tagging: @asmilelikestarlight @tenroseforeverandever @chiaroscuroverse @jem-scribbles 
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trendteeshop · 5 years
Carrie Fisher’s Daughter Billie Lourd Admits She ‘Hated’ Star Wars as a Child: I ‘Dig’ It Now
Carrie Fisher’s Daughter Billie Lourd Admits She ‘Hated’ Star Wars as a Child: I ‘Dig’ It Now
Billie Lourd may have starred in a Star Wars film and be the daughter of Princess Leia herself, Carrie Fisher — but she wasn’t always sold on the Force.
While making an appearance on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen on Thursday, the Booksmart actress revealed she “hated it when I was a child.”
“My mom said I would always cover my ears and say, ‘This is too loud,’” she shared.
Lourd, who had a small part in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and will appear in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, stressed to Cohen that she “really digs” the franchise now. “I love Star Wars,” she said.
The actress, 26, will star alongside her late mother in The Rise of Skywalker, director J.J. Abrams recently revealed to Vanity Fair.
He told the outlet he used old footage of Fisher for the upcoming Episode IX and had cut Lourd out of those scenes with her late mother thinking it would be too painful for the young actress to see.
Instead, Lourd asked him to keep their scenes intact.
“There are moments where they’re talking; there are moments where they’re touching,” Abrams said of the mother-daughter duo. “There are moments in this movie where Carrie is there, and I really do feel there is an element of the uncanny, spiritual, you know, classic Carrie, that it would have happened this way, because somehow it worked.”
He added, “And I never thought it would.”
Billie Lourd and Carrie Fisher on the set of Star Wars The Force Awakens
Abrams rediscovered footage of Fisher that was filmed during The Force Awakens and was able to rewrite scenes in The Rise of Skywalker around the old footage.
“It was a bizarre kind of left side/right side of the brain sort of Venn diagram thing, of figuring out how to create the puzzle based on the pieces we had,” he explained.
Abrams addressed her appearance while speaking at Star Wars Celebration in April, confirming the news that the film will use previously unused footage of the actress.
“As I’ve said, we couldn’t,” he said of filling the void. “We all talked about how to move on. She was the best, she was glorious, she was amazing. We all just loved her. It was impossible, there was no way. You don’t recast that part, and you don’t have her disappear. Using CGI was out of the question.”
He continued, “There was actually a way to use those scenes to continue her story. And the crazy thing is, every day it hits me that she’s not here, but it’s so surreal because we’re working with her in scenes. She is alive in these scenes, and in some with Billie, her daughter. Princess Leia lives in this film in a way that is mind-blowing to me.”
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