#this really is not shippy just a canon scene hc
fivekrystalpetals · 10 months
So, I was trying to figure out a bit of the timeline for a fic and found this interesting (to me) something here: (this is a fun analysis and probs won't go in the direction you expect lol)
The events between Retrace 42 to Retrace 45 happen over one and a half day at the most. Something in this order:
Break wakes up after being bedridden for three days, finds that he is almost fully blind,
Oz and gang have a discussion in his bedroom,
They prepare to find the second seal at Rytas' place, Sharon insists on joining them
They arrive at the village as per Duke Barma's orders and meet up with Gruner
Next day: The fight between Marie and Oz goes down, Rytas acknowledges his right to be shown the seal
Finally the Head Hunter attacks, kills every one present and destroys the Seal.
Next, in Retrace 45, we find Vincent and Ada on a date and they discuss the Head Hunter as well. (which is being discussed at around the same time by Leo and Elliot)
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He asks her to tell everything about herself, her father, her uncle Oscar whom he is targeting for the Key to the Door of the Abyss. And this, if you remember, he mentions as part of his plan to obtain the Key in his discussions with the Baskervilles in Retrace 46.
Which means... the Vince-Baskervilles discussion happened before his date with Ada, or let's say, sometime after the Head Hunter attacked Rytas Mansion. Or, maybe, even on the same day cuz, of course, news spreads fast, you know.
Same day, the day the Seal got destroyed, which if you keep count of, is 3/3.5/4 days after the Sablier Arc, the day after Break woke up.
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So here, the second seal has already been destroyed and Lottie is questioning why the chain Head Hunter, having some involvement with the Nightrays, is destroying the seals (supposed to be the Baskervilles' job)
Well, we know the answer to this, but that's not the interesting thing I wanted to point out.
It's that Lottie was mad af right from the start of this conversation. She is so grumpy here and even slams the seat to silence the group, which.... is so unlike her.
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Because, she is usually the noisy and talkative one in this group. Back in the Lutwidge arc, Fang was struggling to keep her under control when they kidnapped Oz. (It's only after Fang died, she became full-on depressed.) But here, Fang, who is the voice of reason in this little ragtag group, is carefree and chatty and playing with Lily. Even the silent Doug is playing chess with Vincent.
It's strange that only Lottie should be so serious and frustrated here.
On reading this for the first time, I assumed this conversation is happening a week after the Seal was broken. annnnd, so, it didn't make any sense to me why she should be mad for so long either. She generally gives me the impression of being cool headed over most things.
But this is just utmost four days after Sablier.
So, my (not so) secret headcanon is that she is still mad, not at the Baskervilles for not getting to the second seal fast enough, not at the Head Hunter for breaking the seal either..... but at Break (lmao) cuz she is still not over what happened to her. As in, she is still confused frustrated because she couldn't get why and what the guy was aiming at?
As I said, this is interesting to me cuz I wanted to see her reaction after Sablier. I thought we never see it cuz the next time we see Break and Lottie interact again is at Isla Yura's place. They never ever openly react to anything nor openly give their inner thoughts that I have to pick up from small things like this.
Anyway, to continue, I imagined the Vince-Ada date in Retrace 46 and the dungeon scene happens as a continuity to the one in Retrace 45. that is, Vince and Ada roamed around the park for some time, visited the opera following which she takes him home.
But, their clothes are different in both? I suppose these are different dates they went on.
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So no clear timeline of when the Opera Hall date happens. But the one in the park is definitely after he discusses his problem and solution of targeting Uncle Oscar through Ada with the Baskervilles.
These scenes happen a week later, though.
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sickgraymeat · 1 year
do you have any adventure time fic recs?
Omg! Thank you for asking :3 unfortunately I’ve been struggling with reading so I haven’t read a ton BUT my bookmarks have some really good ones; they should all be concentrated in the most recent so when you hit other fandoms there’s probably no more AT after that. I’m guessing there’s a big canon-compliant majority bc that’s what I usually go for, and I dont typically read E rated fics so I don’t think there are any there. And they’re definitely all shippy bubbline fics (but hopefully you’re expecting that haha). A few in particular:
This one abt visiting Elise in the deadworlds is a bit older and very popular so you may have read it already but it’s one I come back to a lot it’s soooooo good. Feels like another distant lands episode tbh super in character and on theme with/similar vibe to (more serious parts of) the show.
This sweet series of past and present parallels is a collection of shortish works so it’s perfect for the ol adhd brain. It’s also just amazing and heartwarming— fluff with lots of substance. I’m not caught up with them but the author is still writing AT fic!!
This alternate post-stakes path (not like a long au, just the immediate aftermath) is heartbreaking (in the bittersweet way) and incredible! I think the author said it was their first fic which is super impressive.
This series covers the author’s hcs for TONS of missing scenes in Bonnie and Marcy’s past as well as the canon timeline. Super imaginative and sweet and detailed in a fun, accessible way. There’s one I haven’t read but based on the rest I’m sure it’s great too. This author is also still writing AT fic (I think)! *Edit: I was scared off by the title of the series but I’m a huge wimp and it’s not too angsty for me (especially the later ones) so dw if that puts you off.
Now that I look I’m sure there are some I forgot to bookmark 🤦 I hope this wasn’t too long and also was long enough! Thank you for asking it was fun to look back and pick out recs :3 (also if you haven’t read my fics and you wanna check em out… 🫣)
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lesbianbluesey · 8 months
klena and carolena for the ship ask game 💖
assuming by Klena you mean Klaus/Elena and not Katherine/Elena because that reply would be different lol
Whether I ship it or not: not really
Why I ship it or not: there’s no very deep reason, it just isn’t one of the dynamics for either of them that pops to me / makes me want to get invested I do respect the desire to want Elena in non-salvatore ships but I’m more of an Elena/Rebekah and Elena/Elijah girl myself when it comes to Mikaelson/Elena pairings.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): I can see where people get some vibes from things like how he reacts to her in certain late s2/early s3 scenes but again other interactions grabbed me more. In terms of chemistry combined with storyline potential I think Klaus/Bonnie had a lot more going for it, more than a lot of Klaus canon ships (and I say that as someone who did enjoy most canon Klaus ships to different degrees with the exception of Klamille which I didn’t dislike at all but which left me cold).
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): I haven’t gotten very deep into the fandom for them so mostly a blank slate but I do think it’s sus when shippers react negatively to Bonnie/Mikaelson ships or people shipping Bonnie in non canon ships with duplicitous people she has chemistry with like Klaus Kai etc. but then go for Klena and Kailena outside of that specific fan archetype I don’t have a problem (sorry this was not a very involved answer I just genuinely don’t think about them much).
Whether I ship it or not: hmmm. It actually kind of depends on my mood + what I’ve rewatched last and how I felt about it, I’ve been into the idea at some points but less at others. So I guess yes and no and ultimately sometimes lmao, but regardless their dynamic holds interest to me.
Why I ship it or not: for the yes/warmer on them side of things they play on some archetypes I am into in terms of shipping in general, I do enjoy a toxic teen girl situationship or just a messy friend-situationship and I like ships between chars who are set up to be foils which they really are so moments and storylines that play on/emphasize that can get me thinking of them in a shippy mood. And there are interesting things about the way they treat each other and how the show treats them and like the arc of their relationship on a meta level…. On the other hand the reason why they’ve never been a hardcore ship/otp of mine has to do with how strange and transient I find the writing for them… I’ve actually been trying to make sense of my overall feelings about them more on this rewatch so consider this a very *atm* answer that could evolve lol but I just find the way tvd wrote female friendships very odd they’re both interesting to me and uninteresting to me at the same time, if that makes sense and this is really how I feel about barolena dynamics in general so while I have shipping moments with them I find it hard to get really invested in them romantically the way I did with say, different combos of girls on Pll or even Legacies. I think it’s why all my TVD femslash Otp’s ended up being antagonistic ones other than the fact I just like antagonistic femslash in general (see Elena/Rebekah Caroline/Katherine Bonnie/Nora) because the writing just clicked for me better and I could understand nuances in those dynamics and them being awful to each other better which seems counterintuitive but it’s how I felt ultimately…
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): I think they have some standout gay moments “lesbian friend necklace” some of Caroline talking about how perfect Elena is and their chemistry is fine idk if I would say they have amazing chemistry for this show but it’s definitely not bad chemistry for this show either. I tend to be more into Nina and Candice’s on screen chemistry in Katholine scenes but again that might be more subjective because their storylines tend to hold interest for me.
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): There are a lot of different takes about the contentiousness of their relationship which I do think should be analyzed/explored but stans do tend to take sides based on who they like more and especially some of the hardcore Caroline stans I’ve seen get into this unfairly vilify Elena in the dynamic imo, I’m sure there’s some of the reverse too but I see it less probably because Care is more of a fan favorite. So I dislike that specifically… but I generally find it interesting to read people’s takes about them maybe also because there are so many different ones lol. ty for the ask!
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autistic-beshelar · 2 years
fjolly > fjordmauk it’s such a good ship name. i’m v widomauk-minded but fjolly is also just extremely good. they were Room Mates and Canonically had Tension. bonus points for widofjordmauk..
and aahhh i know widomauk is such a huge ship, it's like the most popular molly ship but i never really... vibed with it? i much prefer them as weird friends. i read a really awesome fic about caleb and molly both being the Mentally Weird ones of the group which is something i would have loved to have seen explored more
it's mostly the fandom interpretation i don't vibe with, i find it's often a lil ooc? i know a lot of people saw the 'socially casually against the wall' as sexual tension but it was just. molly being a dickhead and i felt uncomfortable that people sexualised it. like it was fucked up. and i LOVE that it was fucked up! but i don't see how that scene was shippy. same with the forehead kiss - yes it was cute, but it also came right after molly slapped him out of a flashback. which isn't healthy! i have my own hcs about that, but i would like to see more talk about molly learning that the way the circus taught him to deal with things is Not Good, rather than just... yeah. this has turned into a rant im so sorry. there's so many good molly and caleb scenes but i always just see those ones and it's kinda :(
i would have LOVED to have seen more of molly and caleb's relationship, and i've seen interpretations of the ship that is cool and some really cute fanart! i just yknow. only my version of the characters is correct lmao. but i have that problem with a lot of molly things tbh. and actually with shadowgast too, i ship them but i don't like a lot of fandom content of them
sorry to be like 'i like this thing' 'I HATE THE THING YOU LIKE' khldlgfdg
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yaboyspodcastpalace · 3 years
For the character asks: Jon, Peter Lukas, Annabelle Cane? (giving multiple suggestions so you can pick one in case you get the same character twice in different asks)
very kind of you to assume i get many asks :') THANKS ill do all of them u_u
[Send me a character and i'll tell you...]
(under the cut bc i love talking and this got long lmao)
First impression
he's a uptight prick with obvious favoritism for sasha and tim and i love him so! much!!!!!!
Impression now
my poor little mew mew hm................I've got a complicated relationship w/ jon bc i love him a lot, but i loved s1 him the most, and literally everything else just makes me really, brutally, sad ;_; The way he tries so desperately to cling to his humanity and how other characters just call him by the title imposed to him makes me wanna cry
...also he just cares so much ;_; i cry
Favorite moment
probably his interactions with georgie at the beginning of season 3!!! From s5 id say when he killed not!sasha, it felt vindictive ù_ú
Idea for a story
Dhfhdh im p basic when it comes to him ngl, either jon/tim/sasha friends to lovers or jon and desolation!tim or *something*!sasha trying to stay as human as possible, together 😔 (or just any of them living and coping together in s4 n s5)
Unpopular opinion
Im just not a fan of monster jon, at all! He's not the type of character that i enjoy seeing having a corruption arc unfortunately!! It just hurts!!! (and this Is from someone that Loves corruption arcs!!!)
Also i really hate moth jon imagery??? For not particular reason, moths are pretty, but i still hate it u_u AND THE ASSOCIATION OF GREEN W/ JON (or the beholding in general!) I CANNOT STAND IT!! i know its bc of the tma logo but guess what! Its wrong! Purple jon rights!!!
ALSO ALSO the so called pining he had for martin just.... didnt felt like that at all! i have Many feelings abt this!
Favorite relationship
either georgie in s3, or sasha!!! i love how he always praises sasha in her research in s1 and even thought he's at his driest & sharp Trying-To-Project-Professionalism-And-Skepticism she still rolls into his office, interrupts him mid statement to banter w/ him abt pronunciation n stuff and its just Normal, like that speaks volumes of how comfortable they felt around each other! they were friends gdi! the moment he realizes she died and then everytime the not!them mocks him w/ her death makes me wanna break smth q_q
im not even gonna mention tim bc even though i love their relationship It 👏 makes me👏 very 👏 sad 👏
non shippy and also staying strictly canon, i love his relationship with melanie!
Favorite headcanon
sometimes i think abt that one hc that hes really good with arcade games bc he lived near the coast and i smile bc thats cute :) also hes a trans man 💙💗🤍💗💙
First impression
Mystery evil captain man!!! Fog?? I LOVE him :)
Impression now
I STILL LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Hes an asshole and has a lovely voice and smile and hes not, hes not Dumb but also he's far from the whooooa evil lonely influence he think he is (played like a cheap fiddle). He also makes me sad in ways i cannot and wont describe, and its a shame that he died cuz he was the best part of season 4 😔 rip you beautiful bastard man i still miss you </3
Favorite moment
"It has blood on it" "thats Leitner's too :D". Also when martin was angry abt idk, breekon? Jon going into the coffin? Cant remember, but peter was like I said id protect the institute, that guys not my problem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Idea for a story
dfgdfg i have..... a petermart story that dealt with the different flavor of loneliness they both had, half smut half genuine meta of both of them and theorization on the branching of an Entity & how their powers manifested in other people...
basically, peter thinks hes hot shit when it comes to loneliness but gets overwhelmed when martin accidentally projects his feelings abt *fic's plot stuff* on him, its fun stuff!
Unpopular opinion
people either paint him like an absolute devil or an incompetent idiot and hes neither of them! hes an asshole who loves being an asshole but far from the worst monster in the show and he tried to do a clever scheme TWICE on his life and 1. while it was established that any of the rituals wouldnt work singularly the Silence was still a pretty clever attempt if it weren't for gertrude! and 2. well... he tried to manipulate someone petty and formerly supposed to be a web avatar, again not his fault, cant call him stupid for trying dfgdfg
i Do think hes kinda pathetic in some sense considering his backstory, but more out of personal pity than anything else
Favorite relationship
Canonically speaking him and martin! The pull and push of them was The best thing about season 4! Peter being a quite dangerous avatar and martin, beautiful and scared and kinda feisty, confronting him every chance he gets, peter doing his best to manipulate him and martin letting him believe hes succeeding (even thought, he is, partly). They're fascinating characters to have side by side
Favorite headcanon
Partly canonically speaking him and mikaele salesa :) they do bets together! They're lonely sea men! What else could you possibly want?
Also non shippy i like thinking abt peter's and simon's relationship but thats entirely non canon ♡
Diversity wins! The heir of the lonely is a gay man!
Also I think as every rich household(?) the lukases had many paintings and peter as a kid saw the ones w/ sailing ships and imagined sailing far far away from his family. That and seaman aesthetic fucks, which is why he always has the same vibe going on as an adult. He does Not know half of the things he'd need to know to have a ship though but hey he's rich and thats all he needs
First impression
thats a horrible psychological experiment they're making there D:
Impression now
THATS STILL A HORRIBLE EXPERIMENT AND ANNABELLE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER............. idk! she makes me sad in the same way jon (and to a degree, peter) does! to be a living puppet for the thing that traumatized you as a kid and that later kinda killed you / is the only thing keeping you alive, to be devoted to it scrambling to believe in a higher reason for all of it to happen bc to believe otherwise is............. anyway. i love her, and i feel so so sorry for her
Favorite moment
her "maybe ive never been to the beach" at the end of ehr statement (that i fully believe its bullshit but, yknow, i love that she adds that), most of her convos with martin, her "i told you this might happen" "you did, you did" with mikaele
Idea for a story
i think a lot about her having conversations w/ either mikaele (platonically) or sasha (shippy) and their different points of views and treat with her making her doubt the web a bit
Unpopular opinion
listen, listen, i know it sounds like im woobifying her i Know it but reading the scraps of her story how can i Not feel sorry for her? when the story framed her very similar to jon? the supernatural childhood encounter that gave them arachnophobia and the subsequential joining with an Entity against her will? the fact that both the story and the fans treat her like a spider woman always sat very very bad to me, and the fact that the story itself always framed her like a villain (considering All The Other Characters that get the benefit of the doubt) was extremely disappointing
Favorite relationship
her and mikaele!!!!!!! wish we could have seen more scenes of just the two of them!!!!!! *singing* he is her daaaaaad, hes her dad! boogie boogie boogie! (ok no but like... their offscreen friendship is my favorite thing of season 5 ;_;)
Favorite headcanon
Sigh i dont know...i still think she's scared of spiders which make her current existence harder but thats a sadcanon :/ umm...... i love the idea of mikaele and her cooking together from time to time! Mikaele showing her some plates he used to eat as a kid as he talks stories about his life :) and she listens and sometimes tells a story of her own! its been so long since he had a quasy normal conversation! its weird yet nice!
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army-of-mai-lovers · 3 years
1, 5, 8, 12, 18, 20, 22 for the ask thing; you dont have to do all of them lol
lmao try me
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
answered here!
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Okay this is my third attempt at answering this but I’m going to say Mako. Like me, Mako is mixed, like me, Mako is an oldest sibling, with all the mess that comes with that, and like me, Mako spends so much time people pleasing that he has no idea who he actually is. I’ve written a lot of characters who have traits similar to me in some way, but Mako is so similar to me that the first time I tried to watch lok I could not stand him because he reminded me of all the parts of myself I couldn’t stand (although I didn’t realize it at the time). He’s weird and awkward and stubborn and shouldering way too much, but I love him nonetheless. 
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
literally not at all lmao. I don’t read nearly as much fic as I used to, but the fic that I do read most often is fluffy shippy stuff, which is largely not the kind of stuff I write. fanfic for me is definitely comfort reading, and so I try to maximize the comfort as much as possible. outside of fic....yeah honestly I read way more romance than you would expect looking at my listed works on ao3. other than that, I read a lot of nonfiction and poetry, and sometimes I like to read “literary” books. I’m really trying to expand my horizons reading-wise (and I think in a lot of ways I’m succeeding) but honestly I think people get a little too up in arms about trying to make other people expand their horizons reading-wise. I’m in college, and I have to read a bunch for school, so if in my free time I just want to read fluffy oneshots on ao3 that’s what I’m going to do. When I gather up the time and energy I really enjoy reading more “literary” stuff on my own time, and that stuff tends to have a huge impact on me (and my work), but I believe that, at least to an extent, you should let people turn off their brains every once in a while. it’s a shit world out there and the least you can do is read about your favorite characters getting together in the stupidest most cliche way possible. so yeah, I practice turning my brain off every once in a while as a form of self-care, and I’m not ashamed of that in the slightest. 
12. Do you want your writing to be famous?
that is an excellent question. I’d really like to be a writer someday, and I’d like to be able to live off of income from my writing, so in that sense yes I’d like my writing to be famous. as far as fanfic is concerned? eh. it seems like a lot of pressure and a lot of nonsense to have a fic that Everyone Knows About And Is Waiting For You To Update. but also, there are certain fics of mine where I would like it if they got popular throughout the fandom, if only so that people would start emulating choices that I made in their own writing (e.g. not setting their modern aus in the US/UK/Europe). I don’t know though, I think even if that happened, it wouldn’t happen in the way I wanted it to. every time I’ve seen this fandom shift in what I think will be a more equitable less racist direction, all that’s actually happened is that people come up with new racist tropes to fit whatever “unproblematic” new trope the fandom’s come up with. at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter what I want though, because my fics are either going to get popular or they’re not, and from what I’ve seen, my writing and the larger atla/lok fandom aren’t that compatible, so that’s the end of that. 
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
in an early outline of ktwab, Zuko was going to be a bender, which if you’ve read that fic would have changed the storyline drastically, since so much of his character in the published fic revolves around him not being a bender. I wasn’t super comfortable with the nonbender Zuko hc at the time I was outlining ktwab for the first time, so I was really hesitant to put it in the fic, but after a while I realized that it was the right thing for the story. honestly, I’ve really come to love it. there’s always something interesting about imagining a bending character without bending, but I think it’s most interesting when looking at Zuko because it’s both so close to canon (in that he’s a late bloomer wrt Firebending and he’s not that great at it for most of the show) and so far away from it (in that Firebending is an integral part of the way canon Zuko views the world). and it gets doubly interesting when he’s the primary antagonist to Avatar Sokka. 
20.Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?
ugh ok I’m going to copy/paste part of a mini essay I wrote about character foils in ktwab but redact all the parts that would indicate who it’s about because it’s all spoilers: 
[REDACTED] has been cheated out of power, and his every action is motivated out of anger that he was cheated out of that power. Even his love for [REDACTED] is colored by the fact that he knows that one day, [REDACTED] might repay him by allowing him to survive and thrive when he’s [REDACTED]. [REDACTED], on the other hand, has never had access to imperial power and thus has never had the opportunity to be cheated out of it. His anger is at the fact that imperial power exists. Thus, while both of them are angry and fight against the Fire Nation with violence, [REDACTED]’s is the anger that’s misguided. It is based in a selfish desire to regain imperial power rather than a solidarity with people who have never had imperial power. Thus, his death in Ba Sing Se foreshadows the death of imperial power itself, a la [REDACTED], rather than power simply changing hands. Not only does [REDACTED] die, he dies for [REDACTED], the one best suited to end the imperial project of the Fire Nation. [REDACTED]’s role to him changes from “person who can help me survive” to “person who benefits from me losing my imperial power” to “person whom I can help end the imperial project” Meanwhile, [REDACTED]’s survival signifies the survival of an organized anti-imperialist resistance, one with an incredible amount of teeth, and its alliance with people who have the power to enact it on a grand scale. 
22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
I think the only one I reread somewhat often is the greatest of them all, and even that I haven’t looked at in a long time. my feelings toward that fic in particular are mixed, mostly because that was the first thing I’d written creatively in a long while and it’s pretty apparent from the writing style of it (at least to me). but I think that with every new fic (or every new chapter of fics I’ve been working on for an obscene amount of time) I improve as a writer, and the whole reason I got into writing fanfiction is because I want to be a better writer. so I’m grateful towards any piece of work that helped me get there. 
writer meta ask game!
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kelpie-earnest · 5 years
They’re really gonna kill my boi billy huh ? (Plz convince me otherwise):
Oh anon. I’m not sure I’m the right person to come to, for comfort. lol I like to stick close to reality, in theories and HCs (still love my AUs too of course) So I apologise in advance if this is not AS hopeful as you’d hoped. But I will share my honest views, based on what we know so far/what I think is going to happen.
After the events in the new book about parts of Max and Billy’s earlier lives (Runaway Max) I’m pretty sure that they are intending to make Billy more sympathetic. Not redeeming him (yet?) not by any means, and also not painting him as a better guy per se, but showing us more of how he was, how Neil was, what he was subjected to for a long time and how he ended up like he is, achieving this sweet spot between ‘I still don’t like him but I feel sorry for him’ for a lot of people aka. probably the majority of ST fans who originally hated him. Naturally, this doesn’t look good for his survival chances because it seems to be building the audience up to at least feel something when or if he dies.
Depending on how much you want to accept as canon from the book, of course, as it wasn’t written by the show runners (but most likely had base points to stick to). So from the book we know Neil’s been beating/abusing him for a long time, and that he is resigned to it by now. We also know that he knows Neil is full of shit, and doesn’t consider him his proper ‘father’ (now if this means he really isn’t Neil’s biological son, or just that he knows/expresses that Neil is not fit to be a parent is a good question. Maybe we will know after s3, if we see glimpses of his mom there).
It also makes it look like that he is aware that Neil would beat him, no matter what he did. He would find a reason. So his behaviour and the way he dresses, in part, might also be him taking back a semblance of control, by creating a ‘reason’ himself. But I went off there a bit, sorry. :’)
So yeah, what we take away from the book is that he’s already, unfortunately, pretty damaged as a result of his upbringing and does some unsettling things - that are, by the way, not out of the realm for a teenage guy at this age, in his situation. I was actually relieved they weren’t worse - and appears to be only half there unless when he’s angry/ snaps to attention which is when the unpredictable things and his violence happens.
He also had some tiny bonding moments with Max - and his quip about Neil - which showed that, even if he’s somewhat out there, he’s not completely gone yet, as a person. Which again circles back to most people probably feeling sorry for and troubled by him, if they read this book.
Back to s3. What we know or suspect so far all points to the fact that yes, he’s probably one (?) of the main enemies. But not by his own accord. He definitely gets possessed by the Mindflayer and I’m pretty sure he will become a sort of spy/lackey to it, moving things behind the scenes, doing its will, setting things up. I’m also pretty sure that, after taking a good begrudging look at El and then at the School/The Party in it in S2, the Mindflayer knew that for its plans to succeed this time, it will need to take El and the Party out, first, which is most likely what it’s going to try to do with Billy.
So yes, Billy will be possessed and do things against his will.And this part is speculation, but I think Heather might be his first real friend (or girlfriend) or just someone he’s relatively close with, and she might sense something is off, first, or see something at the pool which will lead to the Mindflayer killing her off first, to eradicate the witness, using Billy to do it of course. This will also definitely lead to Billy suffering emotionally - I don’t think he will be completely gone yet, before this. Maybe after. (( I’m also fairly sure that IF anything happens with Karen, even just Billy starting to pay attention to her compared to before, it will be because of the Mindflayer, making him, to get closer to the party through Kare,/one of the moms. To hear things.))
So the thing with him in S3 will most likely be that we know he’s not himself, or not even there, and will probably see him scared or suffer for it first, but after the possession takes over he’s definitely going to do a LOT of bad stuff. Trying to get the Party, get El, do the bidding of the Mindflayer in whatever form… Essentially yes, a villain.
For this purpose the mindflayer might make him team up with Lynx Corp too, by the end, because they have the same goal of opening a gate to the UD again and /maybe/ get El too, and it will most likely recognise that while not having enough physical presence/ muscle in the human world, it’s within its best interest to work together with them — until it won’t need them anymore, of course.
What is also suspected/spoiled from some sources is that at the very, very end, Billy will snap out of this state/ manage to get his body back, and do something that will have a pretty big -positive- impact. But this action will cost his life. SUPPOSEDLY. As I said, this part is a spoiler which, again, no matter the source I’m still treating with a GIANT pinch of salt.
Even if true, Stranger Things had cases of seemingly killing a character (like El in S1) before, only to bring them back next season. So unless his death is very, and I mean very obvious and final, I’m not treating it as a confirmed death, until a final scene OR the final season, S4. Final consensus – I’m sorry, I know I went WAY off on this, but there’s been SO MUCH new content and info with Billy… it’s impossible for me not to talk about it right now. lol
So final consensus is that:
Billy is definitely a main villain, but not by his own will. He is also set up to be a somewhat sympathetic villain, with his life and Neil, and his grief and suffering (to come). The way his character is treated and presented so far does seem to build up to a possible sacrifice/victim of events sort of approach with him, but there is also just so much material in him, and possibility, that right now I would also not put money on him being killed off for good. It would be a very boring decision from the writers. Personally I see him fake killed off for dramatic effect,and then showing up in a final scene or just, suddenly, next season. Like oops, guess who didn’t bite it!
I also need to cram in here that he would be such an amazing asset for the team, against fighting monsters. And it would also definitely help him start to deal with things. Such as his anger… I also think they would make a fucking amazing duo with Steve, and would begrudgingly develop mutual respect (especially Billy towards Steve, the grudging ‘I guess you can handle yourself after all, pretty boy’) which then would COULD turn into a very mutually beneficial friendship. Not even in a shippy way. I genuinely believe their friendship would be awesome and help both of them a lot, emotionally. Even if for Billy, it would be slow going. 
Ahem, sorry for the mini novel. But here it is! A few of my takes on Billy, gearing up to S3. 
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krinsyn · 5 years
May I ask where the Skywarp/Mirage ship comes from? Do they have a past together? What do you like about this ship the most?
tl;dr they were a crackship that wormed its way into my heart and festered into true OTP wuv ;u;
longer explanation:
As far as I know, they haven’t interacted in a meaningful way in any part of the franchise, except maybe this fight in G1′s episode “Traitor” ha ha look how conveniently shippy fight scene screenshots are >.>
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lol. btw, Mirage is really brave, he charged right at Skywarp here to knock him to the ground. And he’s also really strong. Right after this part, he THROWS that Seeker:
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Thanks, G1! My plan, if anyone ever gets mad at me about this ship for whatever reason, is to point the finger and the blame right here :D
Anyway! A few years ago I made a buncha TF crackpairs because I didn’t really understand the whole OTP thing and I wanted to participate, but since I knew I couldn’t do it in a sincere way, I thought I’d do it in the most ridiculous way I could think of. I initially paired Mirage/Skywarp because 1) I think their colors go really nicely together. I love purple, and with these two you have purple+blue, and black+white. 2) They both disappear! Mirage can go invisible and Skywarp can warp away. They both can vanish in the blink of an eye. Really interesting stuff, to me, at least =) What does it mean to not be seen? What does it mean to be seen? How do you use those powers? How do others on your side see you? How do you see someone else who is similar to you in this way?
Throw in some cross-faction intrigue and pull them away (even if just slightly) from their stereotypical canon/fanon interpretations [Mirage = snooty rich guy, Skywarp = dumbass] and you can hc some neat stuff. After thinking about them way too much, I grew to really like the dynamic. And I got mah first OTP!! ;u; Aww yay, I can finally understand why people like to ship characters. This was a personally pleasing breakthrough; I prefer to understand why people do things fully, rather than just intellectually understanding the issue =)
>Do they have a past together?
This is honestly the easiest way to get them together- for them to have had something before the war. I do hc that, yes =)
>What do you like about this ship the most?
:intense thinkmoji: They’re very beautiful, very unlikely. Unexpected? I've seen a fandom-observation type comic floating around that says something like “I’m in love with their love” and that sums it up pretty well XD
Thanks for asking :)
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 3X15 - Quiet Minds
What did the doctor diagnose Zelena with when she came complaining about knee pain?
Oz-teoperosis! XD
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I wish I could get you to a doctor! I’m actually pretty sad to watch this episode and I’m sure you know why. So let’s get to it. Under the cut is where you want to be.
Press Release
Neal finds himself back in Storybrooke and yearns for a way to reconnect with his son Henry, whose memories of his father are gone, while also trying to find his own father, Rumplestiltskin, whom he has just learned is alive but missing, and Regina discovers a possible connection with Robin Hood. Meanwhile, in the Fairy Tale Land that was over the past year, agonizing over the death of his father, Neal - with the help of Belle and enchanted candelabra Lumiere - attempts to find a magical solution to bring back Rumplestiltskin from the dead.
Main Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness
I like how Belle and Neal’s past conversation is almost meta like in their discussion of the nature of Rumple’s sacrifice (Ex. Belle debates that Rumple saved everyone whereas Neal debates that he saved just his family). I like this discussion so much and wish that we had more Neal and Belle moments because these kind of discussions about Rumple’s morality are so interesting! Neal is much more critical of Rumple’s every act, be in kind in nature or not while Belle is more lenient, choosing to believe in him. I can’t help but wonder how these two would’ve worked together going forward had Neal not died. Would they have been able to get along because of those differences? Probably, but I could see the occasional fight break out between them. And it’s interesting to see how in the end, Neal is right. While undoubtedly the thing anyone would do -- save their child over the dagger -- it was selfish for everyone who now had to deal with the consequences of that decision. Rumple saved his family -- not the grander scheme of things. BUT that’s not framed as a terribly bad thing either, and rightfully so, as evidenced by neal calling it a “true sacrifice” during his death scene. It’s still legit.
I like how Neal’s lack of magical understanding -- one of his biggest character flaws -- is what gets him into this mess, as well as his impatience to get back to his family. I some ways, it reminds me of a reverse version of “The Crocodile.” There, Rumple’s need for vengeance, over-reliance on magic, and impatience costs his best chance at getting back to his family and the same happens here.
The dialogue between Zelena and Rumple has much more meat to it in hindsight than during the first go-around. There’s this whole other layer to the conversation that’s completely missed without the context that Rumple was Zelena’s tutor and taught her basically how to be evil and powerful!
The story in the present section is definitely one of those “all come together moments” where the plot is more of the driving force than a story and it works fine enough here.
Because of that...well, let’s talk about Neal’s death, why don’t we?
I feel like when talking about Neal’s death, we have to do it in two parts: The first is how the death worked on its own (I.E. the staging, how it fits into the story of the episode, etc.). The second is how it worked as the death of a character (I.E. what this character’s death left people desiring, was it an appropriate death, why this death happened, last impressions of the character). I’m going to focus on the first part here and the second part over where I talk about the cultural elements of the show.
So within a vacuum, how was Neal’s death handled in the confines of this episode? Eh. Neal is so adamant about getting back to his family and making things right and just leaps at his death without looking for another option. I just can’t help but feel like Neal would be a bit more stubborn with that. He’s giving up his chance to be alive with him family. If this was the only way and alternatives were explored a bit more, that would’ve been one thing, but they’re not. Belle reads exactly one book and they don’t even try to consult Blue or Regina before going to this final resort. It’s not impossible to believe, but it is hard.
But that’s not all there is to a death. Some of it can come down to his goodbyes to other characters and Neal had the benefit of dying beside the two people he was closest to: Rumple and Emma. And while Henry is absent during the scene, and understandably so given the story, his absence of presence and memories creates an extra layer of underlying tragedy to this death that thankfully is brought up in the next episode. But let’s keep our focus on Emma and Rumple. Now, I like talking about shippy stuff at the bottom of my review and I will further elaborate on my points there, but to sum it up, it was honestly so beautiful and touched upon every point it needed to. I genuinely loved it. As for Rumple, it’s perfect. I love the sharp denial Rumple has for Neal’s passing, jumping between every stage of grief and being left so emotional as he finally passes. Every touch is so important and emphasized and I think the staging of Emma holding Neal so those touches would stick out more was a masterful choice.
Insights - Stream of Consciousness
-Zelena, I don’t recommend wearing that Wicked Witch cosplay while trying to blend in!
-”Beautiful one.” Not really selling me on adoring your monkeys when you sound like you’re about to butcher a puppy, Zelena!
-FUCK! Rumple can run! Does Storybrooke have a track team because if so, put him on that track team!
-Oh jeez. While funny (And I do believe that’s what they were going for, and it works), I am so glad Killian gave Belle a better apology later on in the series.
-”What the hell?” What the hell’s right! Lumiere is more than a touch creepy!
-Yay! We’re finally starting to really touch upon the Captain Beauty friendship!
-”I got you breakfast because I am supermom.” I love the way Emma says that line and sinks into that big armchair as she says it like, “Yeah, I’m a boss.”
-”That’s a bagel?” Emma, I am so proud of you for instilling such a good taste in bagels into your son. *Tear falls*
-In case there was ever a doubt to Henry being noble as all hell, he’d rather go back to SCHOOL than be lied to!
-Not gonna lie: Neal looks REALLY hot in that t-shirt!
-Watching Neal hear about how Henry not only doesn’t remember the bond they’ve formed, but how he does remember him as a jerk is so harsh and heartbreaking!
-I love how Zelena just concots this whole fucking story for Lumiere that is so typically Rumple! XD
-So I’m looking at the cover to the book that Belle’s reading about The Dark One and it says “IN A AKY ACAZ CA KAWO.” Does anyone know what this means?
-”Born out of -- well -- darkness.” More like vengeance, but sure, whatevs.
-Neal! Why did you blow Lumiere out?! And without a warning?! That was just rude!
-”Says more about them than it does about you.” I don’t know about that, Zelena. Your story was pretty convincing, tbh.
-For all of Zelena’s strengths as a villain, the woman is as subtle as a brick to the face! XD
-Not to get into shippy stuff, but that’s 2 couples so far that have explored this farmhouse!
-JELLO! I still mourn for the jello scene that never canonically was, but fuck, I love this one!
-I love the shot of the clearing by The Dark One’s Vault! The snow and wintery atmosphere makes it so gorgeous!
-Once again, Robert Carlyle is creepy and awesome as hell for it!
-Seriously! Someone get Rumple on a track team!
-I can’t help but feel like it may have been a better idea for the candle to not be revealed as a villain until Belle discovers it. Like I get that he’s supposed to be redeemed, making this a double twist of sorts, but I wasn’t feeling it.
-”The Wicked Witch?” Belle’s tone to me implies that Belle has either seen or read “The Wizard of Oz.” Thoughts and HC’s?
-Like father, like son with that impatience!
-Neal, when things start to glow, we take our hands off of them!
-He loves pizza! I like how just like with the underlying softness between Robin and Regina, there’s that underlying memory of Henry and having pizza with his dad.
-The special effects team must’ve had a fucking FIELD DAY with that transformation in the woods! The actual hell?!
-I love how Lumiere calls his bit of goodness a flash of conscience because damnit -- that’s what it is!
-”I’ll be watching over you guys from somewhere.” Good HEAVENS! I have one HELL of a theory about the nature of the Underworld for Neal and Rumple. Remind me to tell you about it some time!
-”Let go.” NO! Rumple, save him!
-I feel bad laughing given that we just lost Neal, but WHY do the Charmings have two doors to their bathroom! Even the architects in Storybrooke are so fucking extra! XD
-”That was rather ill-timed.” Zelena, you fucking bitch!
-Okay, when Zelena stepped over Neal’s head, I was terrified she was gonna crush him.
-We get a nice bit of Golden Swan in this episode! Not only are they mutually grieving Neal’s loss as he dies and for a few moments afterwards, BUT we see how Rumple has faith that Emma will rally everyone to defeat Zelena!
-I’m not gonna lie: I’m kind of loving this Rumple whump. Having the dagger shoved quite literally in his face -- I don’t know how to describe it, but it does stuff to me, okay!
-I don’t know if Zelena makes him walk back to his cafe instead of poofing to torture him or if he voluntarily does that so he gets some time to himself to mourn, but either way is so sad!
-That having been said, seeing Robin and Roland play together is fucking precious!
-Take that, people who say no one cares about Belle! Snow goes over there and checks on her! :D
-Oh sweet! The lake is back, which will henceforth be known as The Mirror Lake! Like seriously, the entire crew was having a fucking field day with this half season. These shots! These effects!
Arcs - How Are These Storylines Progressing?
The Wicked Witch - Once again, Zelena gets to show off how intimidating she truly is! In the present, she continues to manipulate everyone into thinking she’s a good person and even when she’s exposed, she still manages to kill Neal in the process. And in the past, her plan is straight up devious and so cleverly put together. Even as she’s now exposed, getting there only took four episode and didn’t lag too much at all. Also, there’s still so much to get into that there’s enough fresh ideas to keep the arc chugging along. Also also, I REALLY get how so many people wouldn’t want a redeemed Zelena after this moment. Hell, I don’t think I want it anymore either! Like, Zelena is fucking wicked and just as much as wicked always wins, seeing her laud Neal’s death -- a death that she cause -- over Rumple fucking hurts to watch!
Emma Accepting Home - I think that Neal’s death was an important thing to depict to show Emma the dangers of being in Storybrooke and to reinforce her desires to leave with Henry for a life in New York.
Favorite Dynamic
Neal and Killian. Look, we had a bunch of good dynamics here, but this was a sad episode and I need something lighthearted to fangirl over. This is about as good of closure as we were ever going to get between Neal and Killian and I utterly LOVED it. The jello Killian offers Neal is funny as all hell, I love their conversation concerning the nature of the good and evil deeds they’re doing and...THAT HUG! It’s sweet and and awkward and a little uncomfortable, but is also so earnest. And fuck me gently with a spoon, Neal calls Killian...well, Killian! There aren’t a lot of characters who do that and the implication of them doing so is that on some level, they get who he is, so to see Neal join those ranks is just beautiful.
Kalinda Vazquez is our writer today, and boy was she stuck with a difficult episode. Killing a major character is NEVER easy, especially such a big one. Until the the end of Season 5, this was a burden left solely on her shoulders alone (Unless you thought Rumple did die during “Coming Home,” I didn’t). And with that difficult situation, I think she made something very solid. Neal’s death, while not ideally set up in some ways, IS a tragic scene that allows for Neal to get a degree of closure with the three most important people in his life. I can talk about the rest of the episode, but that was where the writing needed to work, and thankfully, it did.
I feel like I should preface the discussion about Neal’s death as an overall factor on the series as a whole by talking about my original experiences with the character. I binged Seasons 2 and 3 a few months apart, so a lot of Neal’s time on the show passed for me in a blur. I didn’t hate him by any means, but he didn’t leave a big impression on me.
This rewatch changed things. I started to pay more attention to him as a character. That happened mostly I think because there’s always been such a controversy surrounding him and because I didn’t pay much attention to him last time in favor of some of the flashier characters, I wanted more than anything to form my own opinion on him. Much to my pleasure, that opinion was positive, and as I closed in on his death, I began to get sad at the thought of it -- so much so that I put off the start of this review basically all day.
Anyways, let’s talk about the larger factors of the death (I.E. what this character’s death left people desiring, was it an appropriate death, why this death happened, last impressions of the character). I talked about my last impressions of him, so we’ll get into everything else.
Now, I can’t speak for anyone else here, but I can speak for me when I say that I was left desiring a lot more development with Neal’s relationships with both Rumple and Henry. While I like the resolution Neal and Rumple got, i can’t help but feel like it had to zip dash to the finish line when Neal’s introduction back into the series implied that this was going to be a harder road. We only got a few episodes of them being at odds and while those moments were mostly great, they’re so little compared to all of the baggage they had. There’s no point where Neal sees the scale of what Rumple did cursing this land and reacting to it and he barely gets to spend time with Belle.
As for his time with Henry, yeah. I would’ve liked to see more of them. After Neal’s death, Henry carries so much grief over him throughout the other seasons, mentioning him at least once a season until we hit 7, but in terms of the time they spend together and how that time is spent, we come up really short. They play games and have pizza and that’s all well and good, but I feel like it would’ve been great had Neal occasionally given Henry some advice or left him with a phrase or something that would’ve equaled out to all the love that Henry has for him. Like, where Neal’s “with great power comes great responsibility” Uncle Ben moment? What we got was fine enough, but I would’ve liked to honestly have seen a bit more meat to it.
Was the death appropriate, or rather, was it warranted? Certainly more so than Robin’s (I’ll get to that one), but to tell you the truth, I’m not sure. I think that it opened up story possibilities that were taken good advantage of and Neal’s death was given the dignity he deserved, making the death more than just something done for shock, but as a story point that would follow Henry, Rumple, and Emma for a while. I think the broad strokes with Neal’s character were taken care of prior to the death and while I have my issues with it in regards to the finer details of some of his dynamics, Neal was pretty complete. That having been said, the issue of if a death needed to happen is a valid one and it opens a lot of points that, to be honest, I just don’t know if can delve as deeply into it as the topic deserves. There are so many factors that go into this conversation, up to and including the magical world of OUAT and the resurrections that take place afterwards. So my answer is a light yes, but there is so much room for nuance in this conversation that it’s nothing I’d give a ride-or-die answer to.
Now here comes the “fun” question: Why did Neal die? A lot of people attribute it to Captain Swan and bringing an end to the love triangle, and that is not a line of thinking I agree with. And I know, it makes sense that I’d say that as a CS shipper, but I beg you to follow my line of thinking here.
Neal was killed because of the choice to make Rumple a baddie again. When you look at Season 4, Rumple plays a gambit on everyone. If Neal were alive and in character, he would not have been able to do that without getting caught by someone other than Killian. I’ve mentioned before, but what makes Neal a great character and a great contrast to Belle is that while Belle is willing to often give him the benefit of the doubt, Neal isn’t. Neal would’ve been on Rumple’s ass the second he heard something shady and Rumple’s so shady, he makes the space underneath a pine tree look like the Sahara on a cloudless day. And look, that’s not Rumple’s fault, or even the writers necessarily, but I’m gonna say that they had some idea of what they wanted from Season 4 by this point and they understood that there had to be a trade off for Rumple’s development of an evil plan and his returned love for his power. And Neal, just as he was in this episode, was the price. I’m not happy about it -- I hope that’s something I’ve made clear -- but that’s my thought process.
9/10. Everything about this episode was going to come down to how well Neal’s death was handled. Fortunately, it was done well -- not flawlessly, but well. The story was solid and it delivers on giving the audience a level of closure for the character, closure that will continue for the rest of the season. Even the past segment offered something unique in that regard, making for a weird kind of love letter to Neal. It’s an episode that really does encompass his character and a send off that is divisive, but for me, more satisfying than not.
Flip My Ship - The Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness”
Swan Fire - You really see just how determined Neal and Emma are to get back together here and it works so much! Even Belle ships it, explicitly reasoning the safety of Emma’s necklace was a result of it originating from their “True Love.” No matter what you get from that line, I think the role that that necklace took on for both of them as well as its presence throughout the series shows how special Neal and Emma were to each other. Also, I love seeing Emma and Neal bonding over their evil significant others. Watching them laugh together in the forest just shows how in-tune they are with each other. Seeing Neal remorseful for how things with Walsh turned out is so sweet. Finally, let’s talk about Neal’s death. Neal’s attention to making sure Emma knows that she can find love and happiness is so important here. Neal cares so much about Emma and you see it as he shakily holds that necklace up to her, begging her to continue on her story. And seeing Emma barely able to hold herself together while watching Neal die guts me. The acting from both of these guys is amazing! And that hug as she cradles him to her chest choked me up and got some tears welling!
Rumbelle - “I love him -- all of him -- even the parts that belong to the darkness.” I really like this line and it leaves a lot to be discussed when it comes to the nature of Rumple and Belle’s love. It’s important not only to see as a point about the depths of Belle’s love for Rumple, but also as a point about that love’s limitations. As I said in my “Skin Deep” review last summer, Belle is one of the only characters who gets to show amusement at some of Rumple’s antics. But I like this line because it gels well with the breakup we see in Season 4, Belle likes the darkness, but has clear limits on what how much Rumple can let that darkness effect him. It makes Belle a good character with human-like limits, but showing that there is something attractive to even a good person about the darkness. ANYWAY, let’s just look at Rumple and Belle’s reactions to Rumple coming out of the vault. Belle’s got freakin’ tears welled up and Rumple’s first word is her name! It’s -- to quote a sexy narrator -- straight out of a telenovela!
Outlaw Queen - Once again, I like their banter a lot! I also like the gentleness that’s formed between them because of their adventures in the Enchanted Forest. While they don’t remember it, there’s an underlying feeling of trust that you can just tell is there and watching it is really fun. Like, they’re really cute and despite later seasons really taking me out of OQ, I do sincerely love their origins here. Also, I want to talk about this line: ”From where I’m standing the ‘Evil’ moniker seems to be something of an overstatement.” I know this line gets a bit of criticism, but I actually think it works. For me, part of what works about Outlaw Queen is that Robin, from his perspective, is a redeemed villain and he’s hanging with and will come to court a redeemed villain. From his current perspective, he sees her in her current more redeemed form and thinks that she’s on his level, but currently has no idea what he’s getting into. That’s what makes the Marian twist at the end of Season 3 so big and why I’m so annoyed that that nuance isn’t brought up later! ...Sorry I got a bit off topic back there. Finally, I love their chemistry! Sean and Lana have some sexy chemistry in 3B! I love the way Robin and Regina are basically flirting over drinks! It’s cute as all hell!
Wow. That was… a lot. This episode left me with a lot to think about in terms of fictional deaths. Please don’t take anything I say here as ultra definitive because I promise you, I could see my mind being swayed by a good enough argument.
Anyways, thank you all for reading that and to the fine folks at @watchingfairytales! Love you all and see you all soon!
Season 3 Total (145/220)
Writer’s Scores: Adam and Eddy (39/60) Kalinda Vazquez (26/40) Andrew Chambliss (27/50) Jane Espenson (20/30) David Goodman (20/40) Robert Hull (30/40) Christine Boylan (20/20)* Daniel Thomsen (20/30)
* Indicates that their work for the season is complete
Links to the rest of my rewatch will no longer be provided. Tumblr now take posts with links outside of searches and I spend way too much time on these reviews to not give them that kind of exposure. Sorry for the inconvenience, but they still can be found on my page under Operation Rewatch.
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anti-anti-culture · 7 years
Okay there is a lot of issues going around with “Broganes” rn and i’m going to make a post about it obviously.
I’m going to put my disclaimer here rn so you all can see it before reading the rest of the post:
IT IS FINE TO SEE SHIRO AND KEITH AS HAVING A BROTHERLY BOND IF THIS IS HOW YOU PREFER TO SEE THEM. This does not mean it is okay to attack others who do not see it that way.
I’ll break the issues down here:
A majority of people do not like the term “Broganes”. It is seen as racists and there is a reasoning behind that. It is very disrespectful to take family names that are completely different and mash them together like this. Japanese last names do not work the same way as American or European last names guys. They have a history and honor to them that is different from how European and American ones do. They are fictional characters so it isn’t harming any actually family names honor but this is still something you should really consider and think about when making up phrases such as “broganes” is the cultural context and historical background and meanings of names like these.
Another point on the last names - Keith does not have a canon last name in Voltron: Legendary defenders. Kogane is specifically from the 80s voltron character Akira Kogane who Keith is based after. It is perfectly fine to use this as a HC last name if you see him as Japanese or part Japanese as it is a Japanese last name, if you see him as Korean though it does not work at all.
Using “broganes” in the sense that it is Keith’s “canon” last name you would also have to include Lance as Lance’s 80s base since name was Isamu Kurogane.
If you just use it as a headcanon last name that is perfectly cool!! Just try to think of a different name than broganes
“Shiro you are like a brother to me”
Okay y’all here is where the issue is with the discourse on using this for “broganes”, the “you’re like a sibling to me” have been a media trope for a long time and is used in real life as well. Please stop using it as a way to try and prove they are canonically brothers. If you see it as a platonic scene that’s perfectly fine. Just stop trying to shove it as “proof” down other peoples throats since a lot of people’s sibling relationships really are not like shiro and Keith’s relationship so they just cannot see shiro and keith that way.
“Shiro and Keith look alike so they have to be related!” “Shiro and Keith’s dad look alike so it means Shiro and Keith have to be related!”
My guys, my dudes, my ladies……..animators have something called an art style. Those art styles tend to range from 2 to about 9 different facial structure differences. Studio mir has 4 distinct chin shapes, about 6 distinct eyebrow shapes, and 4ish distinct eye shapes and also eyelash shapes. I will list them all for you (will go more in depth with photo accompaniments on a secondary post for this specific point) so this really isn’t a good basis for a “broganes” argument.
Chin shapes -
“The square jaw”
“The sharp point”
“The rounded but still kinda pointy” (their main face shape for girls and the younger guys)
Eyebrow shapes -
“Normal Skinny”
“Dramatic skinny”
“Angular thick”
“Dramatic Thick”
“Actually normal”
Eye shapes -
“Big eyes”
“Squinty eyes” (like actually closed eyes)
“Normal eyes”
“Small eyes”
Eyelash shapes -
“No lashes”
“Winged eyeliner”
“I just have normal eyelashes thanks”
Arguments for “broganes” that are perfectly fine
“I personally prefer them in a platonic brotherly relationship and hc them as brothers even though it is not canon and i understand this”
“I know you headcanon them as a couple but I headcanon them as brothers, could you please not send me shippy shiro and keith content”
“I understand it isn’t canon but i love the idea of them actually being related somehow (be it brothers or cousins) but i know it is just a headcanon and that’s okay!”
“If you respect the fact that I see them as brothers I will respect the fact that you do not see them this way”
Now as I said at the beginning, it is perfectly okay to see them as brothers! It’s a fun headcanon to have and I personally enjoy good wholesome “adoptive bros” content as well (as i personally hc Keith as Korean) but just keep in mind these little pointers!:
It is just a headcanon, not canon
It is meant to be fun
Some like it some don’t, please respect everyone’s perspective
Many people see “broganes” as racist so try to see if y’all can band together to make another phrase like “platonic Keiro” or “Bro Keiro” so you don’t have to run into Sheith things since you don’t care for sheith, which is perfectly acceptable
Stop using a fun headcanon as a way to try and disprove other peoples feeling on a ship, its a dick move and makes the fun headcanon not so fun anymore
Studios have styles, this isn’t a good basis for “canon” evidence
Stop using it as a way to fight in a ship war, its suppose to be a fun headcanon not a weapon
And for Sheith shippers who get pissed at anyone who likes “broganes”:
It’s a headcanon it’s okay if they see it that way
As long as they aren’t attacking ppl or using it as a way to disprove your ship or trying to make it canon there is no issue for it
If i see you harassing a person who likes “broganes” when they aren’t attacking ppl, using it against your ship, or trying to prove it as “canon” to disprove your ship then I will call you out for it and so will my friends. Anyone that is just having fun with it does not deserve to get shit on for liking it.
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yuzuria · 6 years
Kirigiri & Togami ?
yes~ thank you!
Kirigiri Kyouko
why i like them
           the fact that the mystery and plot moved around her she genuinely felt the protagonist for me more than naegi. the type that she was the “chosen one” in trope terms where there’s mystery about  what her talent is and why she’s in hope’s peak, the one everyone is intrigued about and sort of suspicious while she’s the one who contributed the most in the trials. she got this rock hard rational attitude about her but despite that she’s very empathetic and that side of her always comes at the right time and instead of it presenting as a soft spot like stereotypes do, it’s part of her strength that builds her character. she’s initially a lone wolf but she steps forward and build their morale in a very kirigiri way and she does that while not making everyone look dumb, it naturally happens, in contrast to a certain heroine from sdr2 :/  im love her
why i don’t
          i had a bad dream where she was stripped off her character then died because she turned into a waifu. scary. :/  
favorite episode (scene if movie)
          when she threw off togami in ch4 and ch5 when she’s the only one who can lead them to the truth about junko’s plan making her sacrifice naegi in exchange of her life
favorite season/movie
          chapter 5 
favorite line
          “no amount of human language can describe the disappointment i’m feeling right now”
favorite outfit
           i really love her design, silver hair and outfit and all,, her ff uniform is much simpler than her dr1 uniform but manages to make her look breathtaking but my fav has to be her dr1 outfit
          not to be basic but,, dr1 survivors, celeste, with sonia seems appealing~ and lastly komaeda!! not that i think they’ll be best of friends but they look so appealing and fun to imagine their professional rship :> my dream team
head canon
          i thought of how her hair braids have special meanings for her then i looked into her wikia and found out it’s in her likes and kinda shippy but before the tragedy i hc her to be close with sayaka and have her braid her hair
unpopular opinion
          she’s not a mary sue, she’s not an “ice queen whose heart is melted” idk how popular this is but there seems a few who believes she is one…..and her revive in dr3 sure is shit but she didn’t deserve to die in the first place (dr3 doesn’t exist)
a wish
          idk other dangan materials but i want a spinoff in her pov (dr kirigiri maybe?) and komaeda and kirigiri team pls pls pls also burning the reopened hope’s peak along with naegi
an oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
          imagine an independent well written chara was turned into a tool for manpain and reward in the end for some guy?? that sounds so bad im glad it didnt happen. dr3 doesn’t exist
5 words to best describe them
          classy, unyielding, empathetic, genius, Not-A-Mary-Sue (i ran out of words)
my nickname for them
          i’m not good at nicknames orz, i saw a fic that refers to her simply as Kiri and i find that cute~
Togami Byakuya
Why I like them
          HE’S HILARIOUS idk about any of you but simply his mundane scene makes me laugh, he often gives me secondhand embarrassment at times but despite all that i gotta give him chill in a while and admire that his ego came from hardwork of fighting for the top of the top so his arrogance isn’t baseless. also he’s ishida akira, what’s there to hate
Why I don’t
          After chapter 2 he’s just there, he gives major clues who the killer was in ch3, suspect and got wrong in ch4, it’s kinda underwhelming for a chara that seems to be compared to komaeda in terms of status as a “deuteragonist” when he’s just… that 
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
         I like the part that he’s aware and in monitor of celeste’s actions in chapter 3 and he was the major key (iirc) to luring out the real killer, it shows how similar they are also the investigation with him during ch2 was hilarious, since i played it and knew he did the crafts of “genocider syo murder” it was funny that he showed you around the places for you to be “amazed” of “”his” work like, “look naegi, it’s suspicious isn’t it *smirk*” like a lil kid showing his mom his work
Favorite season/movie
          chapter 3
Favorite line
          is there a more iconic line than “My name is Togami Byakuya” which was followed with “How does that relate to what I’m saying...”
Favorite outfit
          He only wore one clothing iirc, let him wear a fursuit you cowards
         Formerly with celes but I kinda grew out of it, ironically shipping togakure now because of one hilarious comic and their name fits perfectly (it’s a sign of true love)
Head Canon
         he used to play those mainstream fb games long ago like farmville and ofc he’s also a billionaire there
Unpopular opinion
A wish
         he gives me all his money
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
          interact with toko? pls don’t ever? again? i hope after toko’s honeymoon with komaru she forgets togami’s existence
5 words to best describe them
         togamemes, togamemes, togamemes, togamemes, togamemes
My nickname for them
give me a character and i will answer
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(Ugh, sorry for this late reply! OTL I’ve been busy and whenever I sat down to try and write this message it would be bedtime before I’d even gotten halfway through)
If we want him to be happy the best, most plausible and canon-compliant choice is Saiko…yet Ishida’s been ignoring her ever since she told Urie she loves him ;-; #IshidaY
Correction: Ishida (like Shuu and Uta) is a picky eater. He’ll only eat human flesh that’s been steadily stewing in misery for at least a year, and the bitterest, saltiest tears are all he ever drinks.
Ishida’s eating habits being similar to Uta’s makes sense though, since he actually said he gave Uta some of his hobbies lol
Just stop hurting us, please…Ishida needs to redeem himself with Hide’s return as quickly as possible. Either that or something bad needs to happen to Furuta (if Rize somehow breaks free and eats him I’m sure at least half of the fandom would realize that they can, in fact, be satisfied).
Hmm, I was fine with Re up until this arc. Touken feels forced, shippy fluff and Mutsuki drama is getting in the way of the ACTUAL plot (even with all his trolling skills, Ishida cannot convince me that sex scenes and love triangles/squares are more important than how the Q squad is dealing with their trauma from the last battle, what Juuzou, Urie and other investigators are going to do now that they suspect Furuta is lying, how the rest of Goat is doing, what Uta and the Clowns are up to, and Furuta finding a way to, oh, I don’t know, BRING BACK THE FREAKING DEAD). It’s like Ishida has a really interesting plot in there somewhere, but he’s buried it beneath the pointless, badly timed romance.
As for Mutsuki, I used to be a bit 'meh' about them (I used to like them, and then I didn’t mind their backstory/the treatment they got at Torso’s hands simply because I got spoiled and knew it was coming from the very beginning, plus the parellels with Kaneki had me thinking they’d get a similar interesting development) but I’m starting to become more and more indifferent towards them because they just feel really flat now- a basic murder-bot, a copy of characters like Yuno Gasai. Maybe I’d sympathize with them more if their love for Sasaki/Kaneki felt a bit more genuine, but as it is, it seems lacking. It feels like we’re viewing Mutsuki from an outsider’s POV; not much about their actual feelings or thought process about the entire situation, just a bunch of crazy, yandere moments with a few
That AU…make it canon, Ishida. (jk, but seriously). I’m one of those people who won’t complain no matter how much the creators pile on the angst as long as it’s plausible angst (I’m afraid I’m a bit of a masochist when it comes to fandoms…) but I like to think of my favorite characters being happy for once ;-;
 0/////0 TYSM ;-; You’re so supportive and sweet and just asdfj;lk (it’s not easy to reduce me to keyboard-smashing but I have a lot of feelings right now) <333 I’m still scared because there are two ways this could go (either I somehow get over my fear and do ok, which would probably be really good for the anxiety, or I just freeze the second I step onto the stage…which would probably make things worse) HOWEVER, for Queen Luna I shall do my best !!!! <33333 :D
But wait a sec…‘King’…
Plot Twist: I am the real One-eyed King
‘Urie & Tumblr(Evans): A short story’
-Urie pretends not know what tumblr is
-Only he totally does
-It’s an addictive hole of darkness
-And Luna spends way too much time on it for his liking
-Ok, so it’s not tumblr he’s worried about, really
-It’s this guy called Evans that Luna keeps talking to
-And no, he did not just assume this person’s gender, he (ACCIDENTALLY) saw one of Luna’s messages to them calling them a ‘king’
-She never calls HIM stuff like that there’s only that stupid nickname ‘Oreo Cookie’
-N O
-That’s for the common folk like Sasaki
-Look, he’s just worried about his s/o ok
-Then one day he brings it up
-'The 'King’ thing was an inside joke of sorts’
-'Evans is a heterosexual female’
-R.I.P Urie, who must now admit that he was indeed jealous
(super awkward crack that suddenly popped into my head
And aww, I’m really so glad you enjoy the HCs ^^)
Me + a person with Shuu’s personality would be pretty hilarious if we managed to get along well. Since at first sight, I appear like this really quite and polite person who’s way too nice for their own good (sort of like an even more introverted and awkward version of Kuroneki), but with people I’m really close with I suddenly turn into Haise with all of his cringe-worthy moments- plus a little bit of dry humor and sarcasm.
Haven’t got the chance to listen to all of those yet but what little I’ve heard sounds lovely! The first three and Soldier Game are my favorites, I think :)
Give it a few weeks and I’ll probably be joining you in Idol hell…
Loki’s hair is actually as long/maybe longer than Thor’s in later movies tho XD but I’m glad Thor’s getting some love! A lot of fans just characterize him as this big blonde idiot who has no clue what he’s doing, when in fact he’s grown quite a bit since the first Thor movie, where he was a reckless, hot-blooded, proud and arrogant person who really did have no clue what he was doing…sort of like musical-verse Hamilton minus his book smart nature and power of speech (isn’t that a terrifying thought?). Never knowing when to shut up and back down, which is coincidentally one of the things that damaged his relationship with Loki- who is his opposite in almost everything.
Without spoiling too much, let’s just say:
Thor is the extrovert, Loki is the introvert. Thor relies mostly on his raw physical power to get the job done (though he’s much more diplomatic now than he was in his first movie), Loki’s power lies in his words (he IS the god of lies after all) and his cunning. Thor can sometimes be a bit thick about the emotions of those around him, Loki reads people like open books and manipulates them like puppets on a string. No matter how much Thor grows up he’ll still have a bit of his old hot-tempered, non-stop personality, while Loki usually prefers to wait for it until he’s sure of the situation.
Unfortunately, Asgard (Thor and Loki’s 'home’- though Loki doesn’t consider Asgard his home anymore) values courageous warriors over quiet scholars and sorcerers like Loki. They praise honesty and boldness; Loki’s lies and illusions make them uneasy and they see him as a coward.
Despite being a prince, Loki has spent almost his whole life being identified as simply 'Thor’s brother’. People tolerate him because he’s a prince and Thor’s Brother, 'friends’ hang out with him because he’s Thor’s Brother, few openly show that they dislike him becuase he’s Thor’s Brother. Heck, when he lands on earth during the first Avengers movie, humans immediately identify him as none other than Thor’s Brother. He’s spent his entire life in Thor’s shadow.
It’s a very Burr-Hamilton relationship, and you can’t really blame Loki for wanting to be in the room where it happens.
(Also, the daddy issues.
I mean, look at what Odin and Laufey did
(SPOILERS for first Thor movie)
What Laufey (king of the frost giants) did:
1: Abandoned Loki because he was a 'runt’
2: Didn’t just abandon him; left him outside in the freezing cold in the middle of a freaking battlefield
What Odin did:
1: He rescued Loki when Laufey abandoned him because he felt sorry for the child…and also because he was planning use him as a pawn to someday make peace with the frost giants.
2: was planning to never, ever have a decent, reasonable 'you’re adopted, but you’re just as much my child as Thor is’ conversation with Loki
3: 'Yes, frost giants are terrible, bloodthirsty creatures, they are completely irredeemable’
4: some years later- 'Am I…? 'Yes, you are also a frost giant’
5: it’s heavily implied that he, like most others, always paid more attention to Thor than Loki
6: 'FATHER! I could have done it! For you…!’ 'No, Loki.’ *lets his adoptive son FALL INTO AN ABYSS IN SPACE. Like, he literally just stands there, watching Loki let go and fall to his death (well, not actually death, but that’s what it looks like)*
6: 'Both of you were born to be kings’
Later: 'All this because Loki desires a throne…YOUR BIRTHRIGHT WAS TO DIE! As a child, cast out on a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in, perhaps you would not be here now to hate me.’
I don’t hate Odin as much as the rest of the fandom seems to, and I do think he had reasons for doing what he did, but the fact still stands that he can be a massive hypocrite (tells Loki that he can’t try to take over the earth because they are no different from humans in the end, then tells Thor he shouldn’t date a human woman and calls her a 'goat’) and the things he did to Loki were just cruel.
Also, Thor, though he never wanted to hurt Loki, didn’t help. From what little we got to see in the Thor movies, it seems he also thought Loki was a bit weird for his quiet nature and interest in books and magic, usually refused to listen to anything he had to say, and just took his presence for granted most of the time so that he never realized how much Loki mattered to him until he lost him.)
Ok, so I’m trying to start the fic and I’m narrowing it down to Urie, Ken, and Shuu. I mean, the obvious choice is Urie since it seems like he’s one of your faves, but Heathers is a bit of a…graphic…story and while I’ve thrown in a bit of extra fluff IT WILL NOT BE A HAPPY FIC. So. Maybe you don’t want to see your favorite character hurt that way…
Also, because it’s HEATHERS, the story that’s set in a normal high school with absolutely no sci-fi or fantasy yet manages to be almost as dark as Black Butler, I guess I should put some warnings…
Slight yandere-ish behavior, murder, bullying, very vague mentions of self-harm and suicide (nobody actually does it or did it though), implied child abuse, sort-of-smut(scene cuts off right before anything smutty actually happens), and a ton of angst
(hint: it’s probably angstier than that thing I wrote about Viktor in a TG AU)
Is this ok with you?
Last note: Heathers and DEH both have a lot of dialogue to fill up the spaces between songs so you might want to either read the plots on wikipedia or talk with me every one or two songs so I can help explain what’s going on ^^
No worries ^^ I was a bit worried though, since I though you interpreted my ‘no new fandoms until the weekend!’ as ‘no messages until the weekend’
About the new chapter (127), has there been another time skip? Also, Shuu’s back! I’m sure you’re happy to see your hubby again (・ω<)☆ And I’m so proud of Naki ;-; My boy’s finally speaking properly.
#bringSaikoback  #becauseHe’sEvilThat’sY
Wait, she confessed her love? Man, I’ve forgotten a lot of things…
Yeah, that seems about right… What a gourmet.
Mask making, then? or eating eyeballs, that also wouldn’t be so weird. 
I want Hide to come back to life and become the next Jesus or something, saving absolutely everyone, because why not? I mean, he’s Hide after all.  Rize eating Furuta would be enough to get me to read the manga again (I already am, tho, at least somewhat. It’s your fault)
Maybe Ishida’s trying to redeem himself by giving us all the lovey-dovey stuff? It’s a shitty redemption attempt, but still…  and bringing back the dead certainly is an interesting way to advance the plot. hopefully it turns out to be a good one as well. hopefully.
i understand how/why mutsuki would fall for sasaki, but it was done in a very bad time and generally doesn’t fit with anything. id be a lot happier if they went murder crazy, but without the whole sasaki obsession. just let the guy be happy for fucks sake
You’re definitely a masochist. I mean, anyone who reads TGRe is (does that make me one as well…?). The AU is my pride and joy, the best idea I’ve ever had. I mean, just imagine it. Everyone being happy and enjoying life without suffering.
I’m sure you’ll do just fine ^^ I may not have anxiety but I do know the feeling of stage-fright. I mean, just a few weeks ago, I was at the japanese speaking contest and I still remember how badly I was shaking before, during and after my speech. I was so afraid I’d mess up… and I did! I did not understand any of the questions they asked me. Only later did I realise what they were trying to say, but in the moment, I was too scared to comprehend basically anything.  However, I got through it, no matter how scared I was. So I’m sure you’ll do just as well, if not better!
All hail King Evans, the One Eyed King! Now go stop the fighting between ghouls and humans, please.
Yeah, Evans is a bit of a boyish name. My first association with it before I met you was Soul Evans, from Soul Eater, a guy.  It’s also part of the reason why I was really afraid to write anything that might delude your gender, since lots of people get mad when people assume. 
Jealous Urie would be one of the most hilarious things ever. He’s to awkward to admit it, which means he also doesn’t do anything about it. How fun.
But you still haven’t answered my question… Who would you pick to be your significant other from the other fandoms we share, like Kuroshitsuji, AoT or YoI? Or even the Avengers universe ;)  You’re not avoiding it!
Honestly, Shuu is one of those people who get along with basically everyone, so I’m sure you’d get along with him. Besides, he’s empathetic, so he’d give everyone a chance to open up.
IDOL HELL! Join us... 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Oh really? Well, I was planning on watching the first Avengers movie and the Thor movies today and tomorrow (and maybe during the next week), so I’ll definitely tell you my opinion, then ^^ But Thor has short hair in the new movie. I am definitely not satisfied =3=
The whole family has some huge issues, doesn’t it? (thor’s family)
I say Kaneki, because it’s not a happy fic and out of the three, I like him the least. 
Sure, I’m fine with basically everything at this point. TG has ruined me in the darkness of itself (i don’t know what im typing anymore, don’t question me, please)
Okay, I’ll make sure to ask you about anything I don’t understand when I start listening to it ^^
0 notes
thatsnotbeautiful · 7 years
chocbox ex 2017 signup
hi! thanks so much for making me a thing, i’m so excited to see what you come up with!
i tend to be pretty long-winded with my Dear Gifter letters, but please know that all of these are intended as suggestions or as jumping-off points for you to brainstorm ideas, if that sort of thing helps you. i’d say the only thing you “have” to read are my general dislikes, i.e. things i definitely do not want to see in a fic/art.
some of my ideas are nsfw, but definitely don’t feel like you have to include nsfw if you’d rather not.
i really love fics that focus closely on characters, the relationships they have with each other, and the dynamics of those relationships. e.g.s: a character overcoming an obstacle, a character learning something important about themself, slow burn/relationship development, fluff and domesticity, rivals with benefits, complicated dysfunctional relationships - i could go on. (perhaps by extension, i also really like polyamory.) looking at characters and how they fit together is probably one of my favorite things in fanwork tbh.
i like canon-compliant works as much as AUs; i’d enjoy a “deleted scene” as much as a future fic or rock star or space opera AU. cute slice of life is great, but if doing an AU is something you’d be interested in, i particularly love anything involving scifi/advanced technology or magic.
please none of the following: incest, non-con/dub-con, abuse/bullying, angst/unhappy endings (i’m fine with hurt/comfort or characters being sad or suffering as long as it’s resolved somehow?), pregnancy/kids/parenting, big age gaps, ageing characters down, gore/torture/graphic violence, character death, infidelity.
some things i love in YOI that i’d like to see more of in a piece of fanwork are: - characters using and keeping up with each other via social media - long-distance friendships/relationships and running into each other all over the globe - how most of the skaters seem to be friends with each other and sincerely cheer each other on while also compete with each other and want to achieve the best result they possibly can - characters developing their figure skating career - some of the costumes are so beautiful?? i’d love to see more stuff involving pretty clothes in other contexts, too (maybe even lingerie if you want to go nsfw, idk)
onto the ships:
HELLO, WELCOME TO MY YOI OTP. i love both of these characters and their relationship in canon so much
laundry list of ideas:  - i like thinking that they provide a form of respite for each other, that they feel comfortable opening up to each other in ways they don’t with other people, that they can really be themselves around each other. (i’m thinking about when they’re having tea with each other and just chatting with those easy smiles.) some kind of scene like that would be lovely - i also like thinking about how both of them go so hard with skating and how hanging out with each other could be a kind of break from that specifically? so: spending time just doing fun things together, introducing each other to things they like, goofing off and being teenagers - teaching each other how to do things, e.g. Otabek teaching Yurio how to ride a motorbike or Yurio teaching Otabek how to cook pirozhki  - soft domesticity: sharing a bed, cuddling on the couch while watching a movie, just general taking care of each other - Yurio introducing Otabek to his cat or taking care of a pet together  - relationship development! slow burn, friends -> lovers, snapshots of how their relationship develops over time, UST!! bonus points if one or both of them don’t realize their growing feelings for each other right off the bat - rivalry! Otabek challenging Yurio for the gold and how that effects their friendship (if it even does at all)! - getting into a fight or one of them Honestly pissing the other off and then making up again - literally Anything w Yurio acting catlike  - rule 63 or any kind of trans hcs  - fantasy (actual fairy+hero?) AU - kemonomimi AU
nsfw-ish ideas: (some of the prompts make more sense if they’re older and presumably have more experience) - first times - size difference (Otabek picking Yurio up and carrying him around; Yurio growing taller than Otabek as he gets older seems to be a popular hc, but i actually like him staying shorter/smaller/slighter ;;)  - Yurio wearing Otabek’s clothes and Otabek getting flustered at the sight (or vice versa) - Yurio being really bendy and just, casually stretching around Otabek and Otabek getting super Flustered  - i love... D/s... i think either role could work wonderfully for either of them. i love Yurio being a bratty, fighty bottom who wants to be pushed around and put in his place, and Otabek being an unyielding top who is so soft and doting during aftercare (pain kink, “punishment”, humiliation, choking, overstimulation, bondage, gags, collars, petplay are all fair game here); but likewise i also love Otabek quietly yet very desperately wanting Yurio to step on him  - presentation play e.g. wearing heels, lingerie, other pretty clothes - not used as a humiliation thing or source of embarrassment, though, it is only a good and awesome thing - again, rule 63 or trans hcs are A-OK --Yurio friendships w/women--
Yurio is so, so important to me. so are literally all the female characters in the show, they're all so great and different despite being minor characters. it goes without saying, then, that Yurio and his relationships to femininity, to women in general, and to specific female characters are all very important to me, too. 
when i say "Yurio and femininity" i don't just mean in terms of presentation, although that's definitely part of it: i love Yurio's brashness when we first meet him contrasted with the delicate hand-flick right in Yuuri's face; i love that he's nicknamed both the "Russian punk" as well as the "Russian fairy"; i love that his hair and outfits for his routines are pretty feminine and he is totally okay with that. 
i love that so much of his strength as a skater ("eyes like a soldier") comes through ballet, which is typically regarded as being very feminine and delicate (despite being one of the most hardcore and brutal types of dance ever)
Yurio & ballet - i'd love to see something about his development over time, either pre- or post-canon, or something about how he feels about ballet and his training in general. something just showing him practicing would be great too
Yurio & women  - i have a lot of feelings about how he doesn't really have any female figures in his life family-wise, but ends up having a female role-model/coach in the form of Lilia, and friends in the form of Yuko and Mila. i like the idea of him looking up to them (esp Lilia and Yuko) and deriving strength from them.  - with any of the three, i'd really like to see their relationships developing as Yurio grows up 
Yurio & Lilia - i love Lilia so much, she's such a no-nonsense hardass and demands so much from Yurio but also gives him such fond, proud looks whenever he's skating. - anything with Yurio trying his hardest to meet Lilia's expectations - them interacting outside of the skating/ballet context (i mean, he lives in her house for a while???) - seeing the post-canon aftermath of Yurio winning gold and breaking Viktor's record
Yurio & Yuko - i love that Yuko was one of the only people who was truly, outright "nice" to him when he came to Hasetsu, i love that she cheered him on before the Hot Springs on Ice exhibition when he seemed to really need it, i love that they still keep in touch. - Yurio visiting her in Hasetsu when he's older or Yuko going to watch him skate - Yurio interacting with her family as a whole (the triplets!!)  - Yuko acting as a source of emotional support for Yurio
Yurio & Mila - anything featuring their bickering-sibling-like friendship (but also supporting and maybe even doing nice things for each other through all the teasing!!) - if you like otayuri, i really like the idea of Mila realizing Yurio has a crush on Otabek, and consequently teasing him about it or using it to mess with him. i love Kubo saying that Mila is "into Otabek"; i really like the idea of her being flirty at Otabek or telling Yurio that she wants to be, again, just to mess with Yurio or maybe spur him into making a move but also because, hey, Otabek is pretty damn cute, and flirting with cute people is fun. 
--Phichit ships--
i will straight up admit it right now: i love Phichit Chulanont with my whole entire heart, hence i mostly requested these ships with him at the forefront of my mind. 
(that said, i do like all the other characters as well, i wouldn't have requested them if i didn't, haha. i'd be more than happy to read fic focusing more on them instead, if that's what you're more comfortable with. any shippy content with Phichit in it is automatically good content, even if he might not be the POV character or main focus.)
Phichit things i'd love to see in any capacity for any of these ships: - Phichit's 5GB external hard drive of blackmail material that he's Too Nice to actually use - Phichit's Internet Thirst; or: ANYTHING involving taking selfies, or photos, or video. getting other characters into SNS or helping them with it. soliciting help from them to get the Perfect Lighting. general communicating via social media (and yes this includes nsfw stuff: sending nudes, taking sex videos and voice recordings, etc) - Phichit attending this year's GPF banquet with everyone - Phichit being That Friend who is always in on all the gossip in spite of it happening, like, on another continent - Phichit who isn't looking for a serious relationship but who really enjoys casual FWB setups, who gets propositioned by other figure skaters on the regular, who loves making out and who considers smooching his friends p much a form of greeting
more ship-specific ideas:
Phichit / or & Yuuri - i am absolutely here for former boyfriends or former FWBs. i do like it happier rather than angsty, though? they dated or messed around in Detroit and amicably parted ways, and by the time we reach canon Phichit is sincerely happy for viktuuri - i also like it purely platonically. their friendship is so important to me. Yuuri calling Phichit at whatever hour in the day, Phichit including Yuuri in his dream of reaching the GPF final, both of them respecting each other a lot as skaters and hoping for the best for each other - i love the idea of them experimenting and experiencing first times together - first kisses, trying out sexual things with each other. even better if it involves a lot of laughter and even awkwardness that results in more laughter - Yuuri telling Phichit Everything regarding him and Viktor, even back when it was just him fawning over the posters of Viktor he had in his room - Yuuri talking to Phichit about his sex life with Viktor in exhaustive detail or asking his advice/opinion on certain things; Phichit doing the same w his various escapades with various other people - you know how there are those fan theories like “the pole dancing moves Yuri was doing at the GPF banquet weren’t easy, he must’ve taken pole dancing classes at some point before” - Phichit taking those pole dancing classes with Yuuri is 100% canon to me. so anything involving that (and potential makeouts after class while still wearing their pole dance gear) - taking sexy pictures together/Yuuri helping Phichit take The Perfect Nude - just keeping up with each other and their daily lives over time and distance after their training in Detroit comes to an end - visiting each other’s homes in Japan/Thailand!!
Phichit/Leo/Guang-hong or Phichit/Guang-hong - all three of them being super into SNS together - for Phichit/Guang-hong, Guang-hong seems so soft and sweet, i really like the idea of Phichit Dragging him into shenanigans and generally being a “bad” influence - Guang-hong having a hidden spicy/mischievous side is also good though - one thing i really like that’s applicable to these three is two people already being in a relationship flirting/pursuing the third person, coming to terms w the fact that they’re both crushing on someone else, enjoying the fact that their s.o. has a crush bc wow it’s hella cute. the flip side is also good: the third person crushing on both members of a couple at once and deciding what to do about that (here it’d be Leo/Guang-hong as the established couple and Phichit as the third) - Leo/Guang-hong is honestly super cute, i love how they were watching the streams while chatting with each other and i love how much Guang-hong outright admires Leo
Phichit/Chris - i'm actually pretty fond of Chris? he seems like a good friend and his over-the-top ice fuckiness is both awesome and hilarious - i like Phichit/Chris because they occupy similar "good friend" roles for the show's protagonists (Yuuri and Viktor), they're also both fun and outgoing people, i think they'd have a lot of fun together - Phichit Loves being in on the Drama and taking incriminating photos of his friends; Chris is basically a walking incriminating photo - viktuuri wedding planning and/or best man shenanigans - POLE DANCING TOGETHER - Phichit taking photo/video of one of Chris's routines (either bc Chris asked him to for reference or bc he just wants to idk) and things get Spicy
~ REQUEST #2: HAIKYUU!! ~  ushishira - (mutual) pining - Shirabu being jealous/possessive - i have been pretty darn fixated on the “will you use me mercilessly in any situation” line from S3 so, uh, anything riffing on that  - JUST D/s AND BOTTOM USHIJIMA IN GENERAL - Shirabu who’s dealt w having a debilitating crush on Ushijima for So Long (that he perceived was unrequited) that when he actually starts dating Ushijima he doesn’t know what to do w himself for a good while - ushishira from the POV of a third party, esp get-together fic; other teammates making comments @ either of them about their crush(es)/developing relationship - anything involving devotion, including AUs (retainer/lord, priest/god, etc) - mind-share, mental links, fusion (Steven Universe-style), bodyswap  - FAKE DATING!!  tenshira - one of the things i love most about these two are their vastly differing approach to volleyball - Shirabu, though irreverent, is also deliberate and conscientious, while Tendou works best when running with his gut and doing things that are considered out of the ordinary by most players. i can see that translating to their approach to dating? e.g. Shirabu doing things Properly and Tendou just swinging in and sweeping Shirabu off his feet  - Shirabu clearly finds Tendou Annoying and he’d probably continue finding him annoying even while crushing on him. Tendou probably enjoys bothering Shirabu a little too much. - frenemies -> lovers - both of them bonding over having unrequited feelings for someone else (Ushijima?) and ending up getting with each other instead along the way  goshiten - my favorite goshiten dynamic is Tendou enjoying messing with people and Goshiki being perhaps a little too gullible than is good for him. just how much can Tendou get Tsutomu to do. (nothing outright malicious though plz) - Goshiki’s Praise Kink. anything with Goshiki being eager to please or Tendou finding him so cute and being very free and abundant with his compliments - date fic! especially Goshiki being like i am going to take you out on a DATE and aiming to impress and Tendou enjoying every minute of it regardless of whether Goshiki messes anything up (as he inevitably does)
akakuro - they’re both very caring in their ways, and spend a lot of time looking out for other people on their team. i think they’d definitely recognize that quality in each other. - in a lot of my Akaashi ships, i think of Akaashi as a good shoulder to lean on for the other character, but i think Kuroo is one person who wouldn’t need to depend on Akaashi as much, and who Akaashi could let himself relax around? - showing appreciation for each other, spoiling each other, relaxing together. - UST is great. Kuroo being very smitten and sweet and romantic about Akaashi is great. - Akaashi teasing/dragging Kuroo and Kuroo lowkey enjoying every minute of it - flirting, enjoying that in-between period of both parties knowing they like each other but not having actually gotten together or clearly acted on it yet  - Akaashi wearing beautiful clothes 
Hinata/Oboro/Takumi and Hinata/Takumi - i am so, so weak for lord/retainer stuff and both of them are so clearly devoted to him, holy shit, they even purposefully dress like him and compete over who is better to him, in Conquest route they freaking die for him. and i love how Takumi clearly has soft spots for them and feels more comfortable around them, e.g. doing nice things for them both, being noticeably less prickly around them  - devotion stuff aside, though, i’m also really interested in them navigating that space between retainer and friends/lovers. Hoshido seems to have pretty clear shoulds and should-nots when it comes to how a retainer should act yet these three easily seem to bend these (e.g. Hisame commenting that Hinata acts Overly Familiar with Takumi) - if you go the OT3 route - please involve both Oboro and Hinata equally; i’d love to see either a V-relationship with both of them dating Takumi and being close friends with each other, or all three of them dating - if you go the Hinata/Takumi route - i am so tickled by the fact that they’re overly familiar to the point that Hisame notices it and thinks it’s inappropriate, and i love that Hinata’s supports are about him putting on show fights for Takumi to cheer him up - anything expounding on either of those things would be great - any of them doing something super nice for the others - surprising them with a gift or taking them on a nice trip - bathing together, sleeping together - helping Takumi unwind - brushing Takumi’s hair - helping Takumi deal w his nightmares - h/c (bonus points if someone cries) - comfort sex or stress-relief sex - altered states, sex pollen, marathon sex
Mitama/Rhajat - GOD, i love my weird trouble girls, they’re probably my F/F OTP??? their supports are so great, i love how they’re both odd in different ways and kind of alienate other people, i love that they end on this BFF/”us against the world” note - anything extrapolating off of them teaching each other stuff, maybe Mitama even teaching Rhajat about poetry and Rhajat teaching Mitama about summoning the undead - anything focusing on (their different brands of) magic, i love magic - future fic showing them living their lives together, traveling the world together - all of the above sounds like it could easily be platonic but i definitely don’t want it platonic. i want them to kiss and to be so very Overwhelmed by gay feelings (especially Rhajat) - expressing love and affection in ways that look fucking strange to outsiders. Rhajat being her creepy self (like when she has feelings for MyUnit in-game) but Mitama finding that so utterly charming
Scarlet/female!Corrin - oh my god... i’m so frustrated by how this plays out in the game like their supports are pretty much The Most Romantic thing ever but then you can’t marry her if you’re playing female Corrin, and even if you marry her as male Corrin she gets killed off in like 2/3rds of the game routes fjdskhg - post-game fic (but with Scarlet surviving, somehow). how they live out their days at court. they’re both pretty unfamiliar with court life? Scarlet is, well, a rebel, and Corrin has been sequestered away throughout most of her life, it would be interesting to see them figure their new lives out together. - getting dressed up together and going to fancy events like banquets etc - CONVERSELY: Corrin running away w Scarlet on Adventures - get-together fic, date fic, anything involving lots of cute flirting and those first fuzzy blushes of romantic feelings - anything playing with Corrin’s ability to transform into a dragon
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