#this started as me wanting to write about Daniel and Max making out on the couch
vicsy · 2 years
hold down, rewind
2,6k, mature, Daniel/Max. read on AO3.
I want to say huuuuuuge thanks to @leclerctops for putting up with me, reading through this mess and reassuring me that all of this makes sense. 💕 As usual, shout out to the Bread server, I love you all so much for inspiring me to write again.
Daniel processes his journey back home, curses time for its existence and kisses Max like a deja vu.
Time is a flat circle or whatever shit people keep saying on the internet; Daniel doesn't really keep up with the buzz, can't grasp the full meaning of it even if he tried amidst the turmoil of his homecoming. And yeah, everyone keeps calling it that.
For all Daniel knows, time is not some fucking circle; it's something he's constantly running out of. Time is never on his side. 
Daniel wouldn't, by all means, call himself a believer in fate or a higher power but he'd send a thank you card to the universe if a chance ever presents itself. Or if he goes completely off the rails. His journey back home – and, yeah, he's calling it home now, he's rolling with the punches – to him reads more like returning from a failed conquest, dragging his battered body to where he can lick his wounds in peace; to somewhere he feels safe enough to admit to the failures that befell him. 
Time, that bitch, would never be kind enough to him so he stops treating it like a commodity. Slaps a handle with care sticker on the whole thing and keeps on living. Without an ounce of regret, though, just with a bunch of lessons learned, a bruised ego, thicker skin and a face card that never declines.
Maybe something is wrong with time. Maybe Daniel has some screws loose in his head, not a surprise after the year he's had. Reality feels off, warped, tilted on its axis as he signs the dotted line and jokes around with Christian; poses for some photographs and records a couple of videos for good PR; greets the mechanics and Red Bull staff, who still consider Daniel one of their own more than a driver for a rival team. Frankly, he always kind of hated the taste of papaya.
It doesn't truly hit him until he's clad in dark-blue colors for the first time in what seems like forever. In what seems like lost time. It's then that he feels something catching up to him, scratching the back of his neck; asking him to turn around and witness the chances he's missed. Daniel won't look back, no way in hell. Only forward now, where the future is still uncertain but ignorance offers familiar comfort.
They say that the greatest and most impactful historical events tend to circle back and repeat themselves, like a curse of a lifetime. In Daniel's case, this for sure isn't that, barely an event. Those words are too big for an Australian boy with braces who just wanted to race all around the world, lost his way in the process, and defied all odds for a second chance. 
This time, the whole Red Bull shebang would not be the same. Daniel isn't an active part of the grid but he wanted it that way, even if some fuckers on the internet call him a show pony now. He feels indebted to the team, all the squabbles laid to rest in the past where they belong. He'll put the work in now, he'll prove his weight in gold. A time comes when Daniel would get back into a race car under his own number or abandon it altogether, douse his life in gasoline and light up a match. In his wreckage of a mind, the decision is still up for grabs. 
Daniel is not always there, at the Red Bull garage. He kicks back and lets time slip through his fingers like sand in the hourglass. Stays in Perth for so long he forgets where his passport is. Makes up for years of lost time with his family, fools around on their farm like a kid; goes on elaborate adventures with his friends, indulges in his every insane whim and finally laughs, unburdened. Time, ever the killjoy, only feeds his hunger. 
He gets the itch under his skin the moment a new season actually starts, an alarm going off in his head, shrieking you should be racing, you should be training, you should be driving. And Daniel isn't in that place, doesn't miss it, he doesn't– except he fucking does. Has to google what FOMO is because Scotty won't stop bothering him, saying he has it like some kind of disease. Daniel promptly tells him to fuck off. Time's still not right. 
Thing is, he fucking hates his friends for being right. And it's not like Daniel is… absent or something. He went to pre-season testing, all smiley and full of joy, fresh off vacation. At the track, Daniel didn't stay still for a single second. He chatted with Red Bull mechanics about the changes in the car, grilled them for all the details; distracted Max by telling him the most annoying jokes he knows, like Max hasn’t heard more of them during the short time they spent together off-season — tucked away safely on Daniel's farm, a secret to the outside world. He even got on well with Checo, not minding some tension. It was all fine. Daniel didn't feel out of place, sticking out like a sore thumb. It was fine.
When the lights go out in Bahrain, Daniel is not fine. Sitting in front of the TV in his Monaco apartment, not fine. He wants to curse the natural passage of time for the fact that his life is playing out on the screen while he's on the fucking sidelines. By choice, he has to remind himself, and yet he yearns to feel the fire ignite inside of him, but there is a dull ache in its stead. Daniel stares at his phone, at the thumbs-up emoji Max sent him as a response to his good luck message. On the screen, they're five laps in. 
Daniel spent a month leading up to the season giving out interviews, repeating word for word, it's a new exciting chapter of my life and Red Bull does feel like home to me, like coming back to family and people have different, uh, reactions to me joining the team as a third driver and I'm focusing on doing what would be best for me in the long run. This and so many other rehashed sentences that Daniel treats like a doctrine, like the only true testament to exist in the world — the one he desperately wants to believe in. But all of it is pure bullshit. People telling him he came back to Red Bull because it’s easy and he’s washed is bullshit; trying and failing to accept that he’s back at square one, not even a real driver, is bullshit. Time is unfair and cruel to Daniel and he has no one to place the blame on, wandering like an exile in a world that was once at his feet. 
He wishes for many things, honestly. To rebuild his career brick by brick; get back on the grid; not read dumb comments about his life on the internet; quit racing for good if it keeps hurting him. Stop worrying about time. But whatever Daniel wants to build from scratch is already there, waiting, after he willingly let it slip away. A couple of years ago, Daniel would have laughed at the prospect of crawling back to his old stomping grounds. You can’t go back in time, you can’t come back home and find it as it was. Right? Right. 
As the Daniel Ricciardo he is today, he couldn't not appreciate the irony. 
Time is a weird fucking concept, an indomitable force of the universe, but Daniel wouldn’t mind taking control of it, mould it to his liking, do some minor time travel while he’s at it. If he’s not behind the wheel of a Red Bull car, maybe a Delorean will do; he’ll take it for a spin, blissfully ignore Doc Brown’s lessons on messing up a timeline — it’ll do shit to whatever he wants fixed.  
At the back of his mind, Daniel knows the universe is teaching him a lesson, but he's never been good at those, so he wishes he could skip this part straight to the one where he finds atonement.
“I missed you in this, in– blue,” Max blurts out, shy, cheeks flushed a lovely pink and Daniel doesn’t need a fictional car to fling himself into the past anymore. 
On the dingy couch in his driver’s room, sitting an arm’s length from Daniel, Max looks too young again, eighteen again, with a puppy crush written all over his face. Daniel does an honest to god double take and his memory hits him with a flashback, the same setting about six years ago. Maybe he is wrong in the head. Or maybe he's just been blind and busy trying to grasp the concept of forces beyond his comprehension to see how Max was always the one who stayed, an unchanged constant of Daniel's otherwise turbulent being. A lifeline he's been clinging to as if he was drowning. 
"Aw, Maxy, you're gonna make me blush," he jokes in self-defense, throat tight, and– it's weird since Daniel's been wearing Red Bull colors for a couple of months now. He gets it a beat later — missed you at the races, Max means. Daniel missed himself that way, too. 
Max looks soft and happy, not wearing a cap for once, and Daniel reaches out to him with a quiet come here, sweetheart, forever unable to resist. Max climbs into his lap eagerly, with practiced ease, and loops his hands behind Daniel's neck. He can’t help but stare with warmth in his eyes before tilting his own head back and bringing Max down. 
It’s a gentle press of lips to lips at first, a quiet hello between them, an I missed you that they won’t say enough times. It doesn’t take long for Daniel to turn things around, slip his tongue past Max’s plush lips, tug at the hair behind his ear and make it dirty. Daniel deepens the kiss, swallows a whimper Max lets out, the inside of his mouth smooth and hot. It makes them both dizzy. Daniel strokes Max’s side up and down, draws circles on his hip, squeezes his thigh before slipping his hand underneath the hem of the tiny shorts Max is wearing, palm flat against supple skin. He gasps at the teasing touch and Daniel reminds himself not to get carried away now. 
Their first time back together in the same time zone, Daniel locked the flimsy door of the room shut, spread Max naked on that same couch, screwed two fingers inside of him and told him to keep quiet, the thrill of getting caught hanging heavy in the air. And certainly, Max couldn’t, not later when Daniel started fucking him in earnest, messy and fast, little ahs echoing in the small space they shared. Daniel moved forward with a harsh thrust and clamped his palm over Max’s mouth mid-shout. Kept fucking him shallow, eyes locked on his, waiting for a reaction, a sign. Max nodded against the stiff cushion, chest heaving with rabbiting breaths. Daniel got them both off like that. Came into the tight heat of Max with a hard gasp, pushing his head into the couch, feeling his mouth try to move under Daniel’s palm with a stifled moan; watched Max come undone beneath him, his stomach sticky with come and sweat, legs trembling at Daniel’s sides. 
Today is race day, so anything beyond would be a no-go, but there’s less rush. Daniel is in the paddock for the first time as a Red Bull driver and on his home soil, too. It feels special and nerve-wracking. Daniel forces himself not to think about it, dials it down a bit, and chooses to focus on mapping Max’s back with his hands, moving to place them on the curve of his ass. Slick sounds of kissing ring loudly in the silence around them. Max cards through his hair messily and Daniel grips him by the jaw, fingers pressed firmly into the bone there, feeling it move as they kiss, losing the sense of time. 
Max is a changed man now, too. Bigger, a new broadness to his shoulders, and so much bolder, unashamed to arch his body into Daniel’s with a lazy roll of his hips. It makes Daniel desperately want to crawl back into his own skin from years ago, dig that part of himself up and dust it off. With time, perhaps, he’ll come around. Until then he’ll just lick into Max’s mouth with renewed vigor, his weight solid and grounding on Daniel, wring ungodly sounds out of Max and relish in the thought of things suddenly falling back into place. 
Max chuckles into the kiss, inadvertently breaking it. His eyes get all crinkly, in that special, endearing way that makes Daniel think about finally letting the words he’s been keeping on the tip of his tongue free. 
"What?" he simply asks, lips stretched into an easy smile, something unspoken sticking to the back of his teeth. 
"Nothing, it is just," Max ducks his head, rubbing his thumb against a pulse point on Daniel's neck. "It is funny how we are doing the same here again. Do you remember?"
Daniel remembers, too much sometimes, to the point where he wants to scrub his memory clean and hit rewind on the banged-up cassette player inside his brain, relive it over and over again, until the record jams and breaks for good. But time, he learned, won't let him do that, not even in exchange for the most precious riches of the world. Daniel wouldn't wish for it, though, not anymore. He's hit with an overwhelming clarity that he’s not alone at ground zero; that Max might just be the catalyst he’s been missing — a pleasant handful in his lap, the reason his heart always beats out of sync. 
He still won't believe in fate, but the universe just might be his gal. She relented, guiding Daniel to the right place at the right time, rewarding him a Red Bull contract, his name written in blood on paper. Took matters into her own hands to bring him back where he belongs or whatever. Gave up on the torture and let Daniel circle back to the beginning, give it another go with some knowledge to back him up this time around. He probably needs to throw some of his old convictions in the trash, but it's not the worst he's ever had to do.  
For now, Daniel needs a place to start anew; Max tethers him to it, illuminating the path home like a lighthouse.
"'Course I remember, Maxy," he manages, voice hoarse as he traces Max’s kiss-swollen lips with an index finger, touches a freckle there. “I seduced you with my wild charms and weird noises, yeah? You never stood a chance.”
Max punches him playfully on the shoulder as Daniel laughs unabashedly, his heart ten times lighter. Of course, it’s a lie. He was gone for Max from the start, his gangly limbs and all that blunt demeanor — hook, line and sinker. Took them some time to figure each other out, but here they are, signed to the same team again, sneaking away to make out on the couch like teenagers. 
To hell with time and its tricks, then. 
"It is a little bit weird, but of course in a good way," Max concludes, grinning crookedly, pressing his chest closer to Daniel. He feels Max’s heartbeat mingle with his, nothing but a layer of navy-blue fabric between them. "How we end up in the same position like years before. And you are back on the team now. It is almost the same."
Daniel thinks back to the string of events leading up to this, like he’s some hero in search of redemption with a chip on his shoulder the size of Australia. 
“You know how some folks out there say,” he drawls, tugging Max down to kiss him stupid. “Time is a flat circle, baby.”
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captainreecejames · 3 months
So Long, London || My Ex is a Footballer MV1
[masterlist][my ex series masterlist][written version]
summary sometimes your childhood sweatheart doens't work out, and that leads you to your true love.
pairings ex!ben chilwell x reader, max verstappen x reader faceclaim danielle campbell
warnings cursing, j*s mentioned, some hate
notes I love this so much I hope you guys like it too. Also this is now going to get a written version because I need to write the angst of ben x reader and how we got to max x reader
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ynusername posted ------
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liked by maxverstappen1 benchilwell and others
ynusername thank you to redbullracing for having me in the garage! always love visiting the paddock
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redbullracing we loved having you for the weekend! stop by soon
username1 what did you get maxplained about? ↳ ynusername huh? ↳ username1 it's when max traps people into conversations cause he can't stop explaining stuff to them ↳ ynusername ooohh lol I just asked him about sim racing ↳ username1 NOO girl got roped into simracing
username2 Ben in the likes 😭😭😭
username3 benjamin come get your girl!! She's being rizzed up by a vroom vroom man
redbullracing send us those pictures you took of max on the podium 🙏 ↳ ynusername I gotchu!
maxverstappen1 loved having you! ↳ schecoperez yes yn! Visit again soon 👍 ↳ ynusername if you two insist ☺️
scuderiaferrari stop by our garage again, we have the good gelato ↳ ynusername don't threaten me with a good time
username4 yn tifosi real? ↳ ynusername well I can't argue with the goat Sebastian vettel so 🤷‍♀️ ↳ redbullracing yeah but we had him first
mercedesamgf1 yn we have another goat if you want to hang out with us ↳ username5 yn really has f1 admins fighting over her in the comment section
chelseafc don't forget your first love yn ↳ leicestercity she won't. we love and miss you yn 💙 ↳ username5 no now she has football team admins here 😭
max's whatsapp messages -------
max emilian charles, is alex going to the jeddah gp?
charles perceval dude, he's driving
max emilian you know that's not what i meant
charles perceval ooooohhh yes, she's going
max emilian cool can we introduce her to yn
charles perceval is yn making her debut as a wag
max emilian you know i hate that word
charles perceval oop yeah, we can introduce them
max emilian thanks
twitter --------
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ynusername posted -----
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liked by charles_leclerc, schecoperez and others
ynusername not how I expected our relationship to be revealed but okay here goes nothing, everyone meet my boyfriend max
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username6 charles is not beating the lestappen allegations, why did he like this so fast? ↳ username3 especially on post just of max
username7 why yn making max kinda...? ↳ username8 i was not a max girlie but now I see it
username9 how am I f1 girlie now?? yn you've bewitched me ↳ username10 the vampire diaries to f1 pipeline ↳ username9 don't forget the pit stop at chelsea fc
username11 yn is making me a fan of sports by dating these men, stop that
redbullracing new max verstappen fan account?? ❤️ by ynusername
scuderiaferrari I guess we won't get you in the garage anytime soon? ↳ ynusername can I still get some good gelato? ↳ scuderiaferrari we guess ↳ ynusername ❤️
maxverstappen1 schatje 😒 ↳ ynusername love you babe 💙❤️
username12 yn... you were supposed to get him away from the skinny jeans, not wear them as well ↳ ynusername oops! 😅
username14 clocking in to start my shift as yn's biggest defender
username13 moving on real fast ↳ username14 I know you're not saying that 18 months is fast
username15 homie hopper ↳ username14 bitch? max and ben aren't friends, they barely even know each other
carlossainzjr no mention for the race winner? ↳ landonorris or me? ↳ ynusername i mean, congrats? 😅
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ynusername posted-----
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liked by landonorris, masonmount and others
ynusername congrats charles on the Monaco win, but we come back in Canada 💪🏼
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maxverstappen1 why those pictures? ↳ ynusername cause you're my cutie pie
charles_leclerc thank you yn! see you in montreal
username21 yn feeding us max girls with the boyfriend content
masonmount missed you yn! save me a ticket at silverstone ↳ ynusername ill see what i can swing mase 😂
username22 did you see what ben said about you? ↳ username23 girl she literally talked to him, of course she knows what he said
username26 not ben and max fighting over our girl yn ↳ username14 they're not fighting, max already won
username30 cause of death? that last slide
benchilwell tough race for red bull, but good to see you yn! ↳ ynusername thanks ben ↳ username26 she used to call him benny or chilly or b, never ben 😭😭 ↳ username14 tough shit, she's with max now
username27 the difference between her comment to mason and to ben, bring our family back together please
username28 congratulates charles on the win but not carlos in australia, she really is part of the lecfosi ↳ ynusername I've versed myself in the fan terms since mexico, sorry to disappoint but I'm just happy for the hometown hero ↳ charles_leclerc I'm not sneaking you anymore gelato ↳ ynusername booooo 👎🏻👎🏻
1K notes · View notes
sunrizef1 · 5 months
Baby Blue
Pairing: Logan Sargeant x fem!reader
Warnings: Slight cursing, not edited
Word count: 3.8k (this was supposed to be short 😭)
Summary: Logan had just misspoke, shouldnt have been a huge problem, right? Wait, what do you mean he said he had a daughter? And is that his girlfriend?
Authors Note: Surpise, not a whiv chapter but instead, an uncharacteristically sweet fic.
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Logan had fucked up. Royally. And he knew that, which is why, the second the words had left his mouth, he was grimacing, gaze quickly switching over to Oscar who was sat a few yards away with wide eyes.
It was the United States Grand Prix. Austin, Texas. Logan had been put on the media panel that day since he was the only American present and had the most connection to Austin, Daniel Ricciardo not included.
By pure luck or maybe by sheer will, Logan had been sat next to Oscar, both grateful to have a friend next to them. Fortunately, on Oscar’s other side was Max, a driver who’d always been respectful toward the American. Lewis completed the quartet, another driver that Logan wouldn’t have to worry about in terms of kindness.
When the panel started, almost none of the questions were for him. He’d expected that, he wasn’t exactly having an overwhelming season. Especially compared to the joys and successes of the Red Bull world champion or the unexpected high-placing finishes of the Aussie next to him. And his woes were nothing to write home about when placed next to the declining team performances from the 7-time world champion and future Ferrari driver.
So, as he had expected, most of the questions were asked to his left.
But he’d been put on the panel for a reason, and eventually an America-related question did arise, signaling that maybe he would be of use today.
“Good morning,” the reporter calls out toward Logan and he smiles with a nod toward the darkness where the reporters are all sat.
“How’s it feel to be back racing in America? You have any family or special guests in the garage this weekend, giving you that extra boost?”
Oscar nudges his knee with his own, causing Logan to let out a small laugh as he glances over. He actually did have some special guests in the garage, not just his own family, who’d come from Miami for this, but also, you, his Fiancée. And his 4-year-old daughter, of course.
Your entire family lived in Texas. So whenever you werent following Logan around the world, you landed back home in Texas, the family home being the best place for your daughter to grow up. It helped that your parents loved her more than the world, constant presents being rained down on the little girl every time you’d bring her. He hadn’t seen you in about two months, not having had a time to come back to America since summer. So having you in his garage for the first time in a while was all that much more of a motivator for him.
He raises the microphone to his lips to say a paraphrased version of that, your relationship not being a very public one yet. Logan wanted to get the wedding done before he paraded you around, not wanting to add the stress of the public on your already existing stress from wedding planning and taking care of your daughter.
“It’s always great to get back home, you know? Uh, got to stay with some family out here for a few days, got some good southern food in me, which was great,” Logan laughs lightly, watching as the reporters grin widens, “And it always feels different when you’ve got important people in the garage, cheering you on. People who don’t usually get to make it, so that’s really nice.”
The reporter nods as Logan puts his mic down, but she raises hers to further the questioning, “Anyone specific? A lot of people were curious about a few different people in your garage.”
Logan nods, your family was pretty well known, especially in Texas. You weren’t famous or anything, but you’d grown up like Logan and when people have that type of money, their names get spoken pretty often.
“Yeah, some close family and friends. You’re probably asking about the l/n’s and I, um, knew them growing up so it’s really nice to see them out here supporting me,” Logan pauses slightly. The internet was pretty sure he had a girlfriend, not that he’d confirmed anything. It wasn’t hard to figure out though, as he almost never shut up about you. But it wouldn’t hurt if he mentioned having a girlfriend, right? Everyone already knew that anyway, it couldn’t do too much damage, “My girlfriend’s here, as well. Really happy to have her here, she hasn’t been to a race in a while.”
Oscar snorts, making Logan glare at the Aussie. Oscar knew you were more than his girlfriend, having been present at the engagement. He also knew Logan was leaving out a key family member in his list, a certain baby being completely unmentioned.
“Well it’s always nice to have your family, right?” The reporter nods with a kind smile, jotting something down on her notebook.
Logan nods with a matching smile, eyes shining as he thinks about you and your family in the garage, “Yeah, and I mean, my daughter-“
Logan pauses, stomach dropping as he takes in the slip-up. He glances over to Oscar whose eyes are wide with shock, mouth dropped open slightly. Max leans forward to lock eyes with the American from Oscars other side, eyebrows furrowed. Lewis looks his way as well, but his expression is soft as he takes in the younger man’s evident embarrassment.
Logan had fucked up.
His cheeks are bright red as all the eyes in the room stare at him, questioning looks on their faces. Logan laughs slightly, rubbing the back of his neck as he looks back out toward the reporter who’s now wearing an incredulous smile, “Shit.”
This breaks some of the shock in the room, laughs ringing out from in front of him. Logan shakes his head with another embarrassed laugh, “My girlfriends gonna be so mad at me.”
Logan drops the mic next to him, reaching his hands up to shield his face in order to avoid some of the embarrassment. Oscar, still laughing, reaches over to pat him on the back, his free hand stifling the laugh threatening to escape his throat.
Luckily for Logan, they run out of time before the questions can get back to him and the surprise child he just revealed he had. He’s quick to rush out of the room, only pausing to allow Oscar to catch up before he’s gone again, practically running to Williams.
He can hear Oscar struggling to keep up behind him, shocked laughs occasionally echoing out as he runs.
“Logan- Come on, slow down man!” Oscars calling out toward the blond, Logan continuing at his fast pace. He only slows when he makes it to hospitality, Oscar slamming on his brakes in order to avoid crashing into the taller mans back.
Logans eyes scan the room in search of you, Oscar reaching a tired arm up to rest agaisnt the distressed Americans shoulder.
Oscars groaning as Logan walks off, apparently having caught sight of your family.
“Hi, Mrs. L/N,” Logan says shyly as he walks up to your mom, a sheepish smile painted on his flushed face. Your mom turns toward him with a smile but after taking in his guilty demeanor, she looks at him suspiciously.
“You’ve known me for 18 years and you’ve never called me Mrs L/N,” your mom looks your fiancé up and down, eyes narrowing as she catches sight of an equally nervous Oscar, “What did you do, Logan? And why did you drag Oscar into it?”
Logan laughs nervously, glancing back at Oscar who ducks his head, looking away from the interaction, “Do you, maybe, know where y/n is? It’s important.”
Your mom pauses, suspicion still rolling of her in waves. But, sensing Logan’s urgency, she nods, “She’s in your room with Nat.”
Logan can’t help the smile that shows at the mention of your daughter’s name, sighing slightly with relief, “Thank you, I need to go talk to her.”
Your mom just nods, watching as Logan starts to walk quickly away, moving toward you in his room. Oscar moves to follow but your mom is calling him back before he can take a step, “Stay here, Oscar. Let him go, you’re going to tell me about the season. Either that or you’ll be the one to tell me what Logan did.”
Oscar, having had plenty of conversations with your mother while growing up, sighs, accepting his fate, “It’s been good.”
Logan, though, has made it to his room, opening the door quietly as he reaches it. He smiles once he looks inside, being met with you dancing around with your daughter, music playing from your phone on the table. As the door opens, your daughter looks over, a grin breaking out on her little face as she practically lights up, “Daddy!”
Logan grins as your daughter jumps up, sprinting over to jump into her dad’s embrace, giggling as he lifts her up into the air, clutching her gently to his chest, “Hi, baby. You having fun with mama?”
Your daughter nods, smiling brightly as she turns to look back at you, “Yeah! Me and mama went to see the cars and they let me sit in it! I wanna be a driver like you, dad.”
Logan grins, looking over to where you’re stood, a small smile on your face as you watch the interaction. When you catch Logan’s gaze on you, you speak up, “They let her sit in your car. They told her about how her daddy races every weekend and she decided that that’s what she wanted to do. She said you’re the coolest person she knows, now.”
Logan laughs, warmth filling his heart as you recap your daughter’s words, “Just don’t tell her Oscar races, too. Can’t have her thinking he’s cooler than me.”
You daughter looks up at the statement, confusion crossing her face, “Uncle Os drives fast too?”
Logan hums, nodding as he sways, your daughter resting her head on his chest, “Yeah, he does. He’s not as cool as me, though.”
You daughter hums, “I think he’s pretty cool.”
You laugh, moving toward the father-daughter pair, a serious look crossing your face, “He is, baby. Do you want to go see him so I can talk to daddy?”
Logan grimaces but lets go as your daughter nods, letting you set her down. She wraps her small hand around one of your fingers, swaying happily at the idea of seeing her Australian uncle.
You push the door open to go find Oscar but when you look up, you see Oscar’s already stood there. He looks exhausted and Logan knows that a conversation with your mom was no doubt the reason why.
“Uncle Ozzy!” Your daughter’s small voice calls from below you, causing a bright grin to burst onto Oscar’s face as he picks her up, the small girls hands immediately moving to push against his face. Oscar laughs, moving an arm to support the small girls weight as she pushes his face around.
You smile at the pair, laughing as your daughter grasps Oscars hair in her small fists and pulls gently, just watching as his head rolls around, “Can you watch her? I have to talk to Logan.”
Oscar smirks, glancing over your shoulder to see Logan standing sheepishly, “Someones in trouble.”
You hum, small smile on your lips, “Can you just hang with her for a minute?”
“Yeah, I can,” Oscar says, smiling down at your daughter in his arms, “Anything for my favourite American.”
You hear Logan mumble “rude” under his breath, warranting a snort from you as you watch Oscar walk away, no doubt about to parade your daughter around to anyone who'd listen.
You turn back around, coming face-to-face with Logans grimacing form, “Saw the panel.”
Logan winces, rubbing his hand along the back of his neck, “Yeah?”
You hum, stepping across the room to reach your fiance, “Mhm, I did.”
“Im sorry,” Logan sighs, looking anywhere but at you.
You can't help the small laugh that escapes you at his clear distress. Logans head snaps up, confusion crossing his face at your apparent glee, “What?”
“Im not mad, Lo,” you laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck. He stares at you, a puzzled look stuck on his previously fear-stricken face.
“You’re not?”
You smile up at him, shaking your head, “I mean, it's not how I would’ve wanted to announce it but I don’t mind too much.”
“Really?” You giggle when you catch the relief on his face, his shoulders dropping dramatically.
“Mhm,” you tangle one of your hands in the hair at the nape of his neck, his head tilting slightly back into your touch, “It was nice to be private for a while during the engagement. We didn’t have concrete wedding plans and Nat was so young. But the weddings basically planned and Nats old enough to handle herself in public, I think it’s a really good time, actually. Do you want to say something official?”
“I will, but until then I’d be happy to not have to hide you guys,” Logan grins, a hand reaching up to grasp the side of your face. You blush as he presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
“That sounds lovely,” you say, untangling yourself from his hold, “But, for now, I think you have interviews to attend to.”
“Yeah, yeah, I do,” Logan replies, but his gaze is still locked on you, love filling his eyes, “I’ll see you in a minute, I love you.”
“Love you too, Lo. Go do your interviews,” Your soft smile shines, lighting up your face.
Logan nods, moving to exit the small room, stopping to send you another grin. You laugh, pushing him out of the room, the door sliding closed behind him.
He moves on practical auto-pilot, feet carrying him to the media pen, thoughts of his family stuck on his mind. He reaches the pen quickly, spotting a group of about 8 drivers all huddled together in a chat. He thinks about walking the other direction but Max spots him first, gesturing for the younger driver to walk over. Logan agrees reluctantly, making his way to his fellow drivers.
“Logan!” Max calls, a smile on his face as he greets the Williams driver warmly.
Logan nods, smiling at Max politely, “Hey, Max.”
Max grins, throwing an arm around the blond driver, “How are you doing?”
Logan hums with a small smirk, knowing exactly what Max was eluding to, “I’m great, actually. Thanks for asking, Max.”
Max tilts his head with a wide smile, raising an eyebrow, “Yeah?”
“Yeah, I mean, you know how my morning went.”
Max seems to catch that Logan’s allowing him to publicly address the situation in front of the other drivers, turning his attention to the slightly confused drivers around them, “How’d the Mrs feel about it?”
“She was fine with it,” Logan smiles, “Honestly kinda happy to be open about it.”
“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend,” Lando says from across the small circle, a confused look occupying his face.
Logan shakes his head lightly, arms crossed across his chest, “Fiancée, actually. Been engaged for like a year now.”
This sends a wave of shock around the group, Daniel being the only one to pipe up, a huge smile on his face, “I know what this is about!”
George turns to the VCARB driver, a questioning look laying beneath his dramatic sunglasses, “What are you talking about?”
Before Daniel can explain, a high-pitched voice yells out from behind Logan.
Several drivers turn, being met with the sight of a small girl sprinting her way toward the group, a smiley Oscar trailing along behind her. The girl giggled as she approaches her father, skipping along happily as she gets near him. Logan leans down, opening his arms to let her walk into his grasp. She wraps her arms around his neck and Logan holds her tightly as Oscar stops behind him.
“Hey baby,” Logan says to his daughter as he looks down at her, “Have a good time with uncle Osc?”
The small girl nods excitedly, grinning as she looks back over to the man she’d spent the past 15 minutes with, “Ozzy took me to the orange garage, um, papaya I think actually, and I got to sit in another car!”
Logan hums, running a hand through the girls hair, trying his best to swipe it back into place, “Yeah?”
“Uh huh, it was really fun!”
Logan smiles, turning back to thank Oscar for looking after the girl. He turns back around, catching the gaze of about 8 different F1 drivers, all with varying levels of shock painted on their faces, “I don't know if you guys saw, but, um, I accidently revealed i had a daughter this morning and, um, this is her?”
Max is the first to laugh, having already been through his shock about the young girl currently attached to her father. Logans face heats as the drivers stare, Nat burrowing her head in her fathers neck as she tries to discreetly glance at the men around her without having to make any eye contact.
“Congrats, man,” Daniel grins, moving over to clap the younger driver on the back. Logan chuckles slightly as your daughter finally moves her head away from him, her curiosity at the Aussie overtaking her shyness.
The honey badger smiles at her, nodding his head. She smiles gently, reaching a small fist out toward the man. Daniels eyes widen at the gesture, eyes glancing between the girl and her outstretched arm before he reaches his own hand up to fist-bump hers. She nods with a satisfied smile, turning back toward Logans neck.
“He’s kinda cool, I think,” She mumbles and Logan smiles glancing over to see if Daniel has heard her words. Based on the increased grin on his face, Logan figures he had.
The rest of the drivers take their turns congratulating Logan on his fatherhood and introducing themselves to the small girl, her favourites being Daniel, Max, George and Alex, who she’d already met in the Williams garage over the past few months.
Eventually, all the socializing caused her to fall asleep against her father's chest, her tired eyes slowly drifting closed. Logan sways slightly, trying his best to soothe her in her slumber.
Once she's fallen asleep, he turns to Oscar, "Do you know where y/n is?"
Oscar nods, "I think she'd fallen asleep when I went to drop Nat back off. Didn't want to wake her so I just brought her over here."
Logan nods, glancing over to see the other drivers getting pulled into interviews. He didn't want to wake you, knowing how little sleep you'd been getting lately with all the wedding planning and your daughter. Anyone else in your family would be too hard to find on such short notice.
So, when his pr officer calls him over to do interviews, he holds Nat a little bit tighter, hoping the interviews don't wake her.
He smiles at the shocked interviewer as she hands him a microphone which he holds in his free hand, trying his best to support your daughter with one arm.
"Morning," Logan nods, voice low.
The interviewer nods slightly, shaking herself out of her shock so she can ask the American some questions.
"Good morning!" Logan thanks his lucky stars as the woman catches his drift and tries her hardest to stay cheerful while keeping her voice relatively quiet, "I had a couple questions about the panel from this morning but it seems you've answered them yourself before I could even ask."
Logan laughs, glancing down at his girl before bringing the microphone to his lips, "Yeah, my girlfriend was asleep and I didn't want to wake her so this girl is joining us today."
The interviewer smiles warmly, "Before this I saw she was hanging out with some of the other drivers?"
"Yeah, yeah, she was. She, uh, had a good time getting to meet some of the grid. But, you know, all the socializing tired her out."
The woman in front of him nods again, glancing over his shoulder at who Logan knew to be Max, getting asked questions across the pen, "How'd they react?"
"I think they were pretty surprised, you know? I don't think a lot of them saw the panel from this morning and even then, I didn't really give much of an explanation. Don't think Max even believed me until Oscar brought her over," Logan laughs, grinning lovingly at the girl starting to stir in his arms.
"Hi baby," Logan says gently, watching as the little girl rubs at her eyes, trying to pull the tiredness from them.
"Hi Dad, where'd Ozzy go?"
Logan glances over his shoulder, looking for the Australian in question. He eventually sees him, turning his body so Nat can see him as well,
"Uncle Osc is just over there, angel."
The girls nods, a frown still on her face from having to wake up, “What about Maxy?”
Logan grins, happy that his daughter was already comfortable with his fellow drivers, even going as far to seek Max out. Logan turns straight around, pointing behind them at the Red Bull driver, "He's there. And Danny's next to him."
The girl nods, a satisfied look on her face as she spots her new friends. Logan turns back to the interviewer, the grin not leaving his face.
Max, meanwhile, is in the middle of an interview when he notice the interviewer looking over his shoulder. Max looks at the man in front of him with a confused look, the man quick to explain.
"Think the newest addition to the paddock is looking for you, Max."
Max looks over his shoulder to see a small girl, chin resting on her dad's shoulder as she stares back at Max. When he turns to see her, she grins, moving a small hand to wave excitedly at the driver before moving to tug at her father's hair, looking for his attention.
Max grins, waving back as Logan looks over, indulging the girl. She laughs happily, getting even more excited as she spots Daniel beside him.
"Maxy! Danny!" Max looks beside him and sees that Daniel hasn't noticed your daughters yelling and he quickly leans to the side, poking the Aussie. Daniel turns to the side to see what Max wants but is instead met with Max pointing vaguely across the pen. Daniel glances over and grins when he sees Logan and his daughter, the smaller of the two waving hurriedly at the pair of drivers.
Daniel waves back, a grin practically splitting his face. The interviewer sends him a questioning glance and he laughs lightly, "Seems we've got a new cheerleader, then."
The interviewer laughs, quickly returning to the questions. Max, after waving bye to your daughter, turns back as well.
Your daughter, now properly noticed by her new favorite drivers, turns back around, letting Logan get back to his questions. She wraps her arms around his neck gently, smiling in satisfaction as she leans up to tell him something.
"I like your friends, dad."
Logan smiles warmly, happy to see her getting along with his coworkers, "I'm glad, baby."
@casperlikej @evie-119
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5sospenguinqueen · 5 months
Bedtime Stories | Daniel Ricciardo x Author! Reader
Summary: For the past six years, you've been dreaming of a future with Daniel. Until one silly little interview shatters every illusion.
Warnings: Swearing. Angst. Baby fever. End of a relationship. Daniel bashing.
Female reader with various faceclaims. Takes place in the 2022 season.
Main Masterlist
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User 2 no, it's not an announcement. her best friend is currently pregnant and she was gushing about looking forward to aunty duties
User 3 omg her and daniel would make the cutest babies though
→ User 4 i bet she can't wait until they have their own mini-me
User 5 imagine our rom-com queen going from writing the cutest but filthiest fiction imaginable to writing about why you should eat your carrots
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User 6 i can't believe this man was talking about being in the height of his career when he's been nothing but a flop since leaving red bull
User 7 the way he's been stringing this poor woman along for 6 years, knowing how badly she wants children, to then decide in a random interview that he's never going to have kids because they would be a 'distraction'
User 8 fans spotted y/n running from the pits once she saw that daniel was safely done with racing
User 9 i fear we may be witnessing the downfall of something we once held sacred
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fallontonight just posted
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liked by YourUserName, kellypiquet and others
fallontonight did you know @ YourUser Name was once chased by a kangaroo? find out how in tonight's episode of The Tonight Show 📚🦘
YourUserName thanks for having me! ✨
User 11 excuse me, ma’am, reassess what
User 12 daniel has been absent from her last 3 posts
→ User 1 not even in the likes or comments
→ User 2 and he didn't even congratulate her on the recent book launch
→ User 3 ya’ll are reaching. he's busy racing. she's busy doing book promo. they still follow each other
User 4 anyone notice she didn't look as happy as she usually does
→ User 5 yes! and i swear she got teary when talking about her life plans 🥺
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, mclaren and others
YourUserName my happy place 🌊🐚🦀 Aug '22
User 6 does this mean a new book is coming soon
→ User 7 girl, we’ve just had one. let the woman rest
→ YourUserName sorry, my lovelies but i don’t think i'm in the right headspace to being right a romance novel at this time
→ User 6 confirmation??!?!
→ User 7 we’re children of divorce
→ User 8 honestly fuck those two because i couldn’t have cared less about vroom vroom boys until mother started dating one and now i'm crying in class ‘cause they’re over
landonorris get that bread, queen 🍞
→ YourUserName who let you out of daycare
→ User 9 not y/n and lando interacting like she didn’t break his teammates heart
→ User 10 more like his teammate broke y/n’s heart. let's not make daniel out to be the victim here
kellypiquet p said get writing those children’s books so she can brag about aunty y/n to her friends
→ YourUserName my sweet girl. i saw the cutest dress the other day for her so I’ll pop round soon x
→ User 11 i love their friendship
→ User 12 get this woman a child. She’s too sweet to be stuck in cool aunt mode forever
User 13 anyone notice she didn't do her annual birthday post for daniel?
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User 14 no because the interviewer was so real for that. checo has a few children and he’s currently 2nd best. max is nowhere to be seen on the grid he's that far ahead and he makes sure p is his priority when she’s there so???
→ User 15 and the way he stormed out. i bet PR are sooo happy with him
User 16 nah because mclaren recently announced that they’re not extending his contract so he currently doesn't have his seat and doesn't have his y/n, all because he thought he was better than that
YourUserName posted a new story
danielricciardo posted a new story
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danielricciardo just posted
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liked by landonorris, estebanocon and others
danielricciardo yesterday was something. p17 wasn't the result we were expecting, and the media were a challenge but it's always a delight to be in Suzuka. Moving on to the Americas
User 1 maybe if y/n was there, you wouldn't have done so badly
User 2 maybe if he had a baby waiting in the paddock he would’ve had more incentive to do better
mclaren we’ll get them next time 💪
User 3 letting mclaren and lando down
→ User 4 the real reason he and y/n broke up is because he has no wins. she should move onto lando or something
→ User 5 he’s way too young for her
→ User 4 they'd make a good looking couple tho
(comments have been disabled for this post)
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by charles_leclerc, bloomsburypublishing and others
YourUserName thirty, flirty and thriving. please enjoy a small snippet of my 30th birthday, organised by my favourite girl. these are the nice moments before she plies me full of cocktails and i become the sloppiest person in monaco tagged: kellypiquet
kellypiquet any chance to celebrate you 🤍🤍
→ kellypiquet and an even better chance to drink the entire bar and force max to carry us home
→ maxverstappen1 i'm just glad i was able to pull you both out of the sea before you drowned
landonorris can't believe you tried (and failed) to stop us from gatecrashing
→ YourUserName it was an exclusive event, we don't let randos in
→ landonorris i know you're joking but it still hurts my feelings
maxverstappen1 happy birthday, sloppy. you don't look a day over 40
→ YourUserName i'm gonna let that slide but only because i love the bag that kelly told you to buy
User 7 happy birthday to the best author
User 8 happy birthday queen
carlossainz55 happy birthday, y/n 💐
liked by YourUserName
danielricciardo happy birthday x
User 5 kelly and y/n look like the funnest people to hang out with
→ User 6 literally need to know how to become part of their duo
lewishamilton happy birthday, y/n. have a lovely night 💕
liked by YourUserName
mclaren happy birthday to papaya's favourite author (we're still waiting for a racing rom-com that is quite clearly about your favourite f1 team and their super sexy admin) 🥳🥳
liked by YourUserName
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This is going to be part of a Baby Fever Angst series with the other drivers. So, multiple drivers are going to have an smau like this.
Max’s Version | Lando’s Version | Lance’s Version
Charles’ Version | Oscar’s Version
I do have Part 2s planned if people want them but also happy to leave it like this :)
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cheriladycl01 · 7 months
Would you be up for writing a fanfic with Lando or Max x reader where reader also races but due to the training and harsh training her team and trainer are putting her through develops an ED (common among competitive sports and I’ve got experience 😭) maybe Reader faints or her bf finds out? No problem if not 😘 love your writing!
Those inward struggles - Max Verstappen x Driver! Reader
Plot: After having to change you diet and do more work after struggling in Singapore you spend a year on strict training away from your boyfriends knowledge. What happens when a year on and people are noticing how much more exhausted your looking after each race.
Warnings: Eating Disorder, Reader Being Sick
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Singapore and Qatar 2022 was extremely hard for you. Your body temperature in the car didn't regulate that well and you lost way more weight than any other driver.
You new that the 2023 season was going to be even harder with where the races were placed in the year.
Your physician wanted you to keep the weight off. The lower your body mass, the less you'd struggle with the heat. That was their thought process and that's what they deemed best for you as a woman. So of course, you trusted the team's decisions and you started to train more, and eating in a calorie deficit.
They'd come up with a plan for you to loose a safe amount in a safe amount of time, however it almost felt like a competition and you wanted to be as ready as possible.
At first it was hard, you craved sugar and grease the most but eventually once the majority was out of your system the vegetables and fruits started to taste like when you have a sip of that half stagnant water at 3am when your body decided to lower your thirst bar all the way down.
Max as a driver had also seen how much more you were with your personal trainer, and how it didn't just stop when you got home as you would often be in your home gym.
You'd serve yourself less and meals than him and he noticed these little things. Of course he did, he'd been obsessed with you since he was a 13 year old and both of you met in karting.
You started dating a year before he got into F1 quite literally being the definition of childhood romance. But this did mean that he knew you like the back of his hand.
"Baby, how about a sweet treat?" he asks holding up your fav type of cookie waving it in front of your face.
"I really shouldn't, I think the team wouldn't be happy if they found out I was eating more than i should!" you explain to him, continuing to wash the dishes from earlier that night.
"But... you didn't have much for dinner and you skipped lunch!" he asks remembering what you'd eaten throughout the day.
"Oh? So your keeping tabs on me now?" you ask looking him over with a soft yet teasing frown.
"Well, when your with me for a good portion of the day I notice" he grumbles making you turn your head to him at that tone, it wasn't one he used often.
"Huh?" you say leaving the dishes fully in the sink before placing a hand on your hip.
"Look, It's not just me noticing it but your not healthy right now!" Max offers and you turn back round to do the washing up.
Your trainer said you might feel a little tired and icky while you were on such a strict diet but once you'd got to your goal weight you'd feel better.
"Please just eat the cookie!" he smiles and you roll your eyes. You take the cookie and finish it off under his watchful eye. It tasted so good, but you almost gagged at how heavy the chocolate felt at the back of your throat and how you could feel the chunkiness of the chewed batter.
There wasn't that fresh aftertaste you been getting recently from the various fruits and veges you'd been relying on to get you eating something.
You gagged at something that used to be a delicacy too you, something that would excite you. However you finished it off to please Max. Once he was satisfied you had your filling he explained he was going out to a set with Lando, Daniel and Charles.
You'd already said you wanted to stay home today.
The minute he was out the door you were in the bathroom getting the sugary sweet treat out of your body, feeling disgusting from having had it.
The guilt was eating away at you the minute you had it, you knew just how unhappy the trainer would be. You spent the rest of the evening in the gym, weighing yourself before and after the session.
To your dismay there was no improvement and you sat in the gym crying over you predicament.
It was time for the 2023 Qatar Grand Prix, you were already struggling just walking round the paddock in the areas that didn't have aircon. When you'd done your track walk, you could feel the damp sweat on areas of your body you didn't know was possible.
However, you pushed and pushed yourself through the whole weekend, you drunk lots of water and made sure to keep up with the exercising and kept eating to a minimum.
When you'd got in the car for the first practice your hard work seemed to pay of, coming P4. Again in qualifying you'd had a fastest lap in Q2 and split the Mercedes up Q3 coming P3 behind Max and George. Both of these weren't too bad, it was in short bursts that didn't make you too hot.
However as the weekend moved forward, it was obvious to your team, to Max and to the media that you were becoming more and more exhausted. A lot of people noted that your tailored race suit was starting to bag in places it shouldn't and that you had sunken areas on your face, making you look all the more exhausted.
The Sprint shootout was awful, you placing 9th fastest overall, which compared to your earlier racing was no good for you or your team.
You only managed to move up one place to P8 in the Sprint, meaning you were in the points but you were taken to the medical tent after reporting feeling dizzy and your sight spotting.
Max had headed over to the Aston Martin garage asking for you, all the mechanics just saying you were still with medical. He rushed over, quicker than his car on a flying lap as no-body actually knew what was wrong with you.
"Y/N?" you'd heard as he'd come storming in looking around for you.
"I'm in here!" you said and he came over taking your hand in his.
"What's going on, what's wrong?" he asks looking over you.
"Nothing, just had a bit of a migraine. Apparently not enough water!" you lie, knowing the doctors were still doing tests but they said you were free to leave.
You'd left, he'd comforted you at the hotel making sure you had everything you could possibly need before you both slept away the tire of the day.
Sunday of course was a shit show. Medical still hadn't fully worked out what was wrong with you and they were debating pulling you from the race. You'd refused saying you were fine to race.
You were 20 laps in when your vision started to blur until ringing in your head occurred.
You tried to keep up with the fluids from your drinks tube but they were just heating up along with everything else in the car.
"Y/N are you okay. Medical have just deemed you should be racing. We want to retire you" your engineer comes through at lap 50.
"7 more laps, I'll be fine" you groan. You'd managed to stick to P4 for the majority of the race. But now that vision in your left eye was pretty poor you were taking turns a little more hesitantly meaning you were down in P6.
You defended from Ocon like your life depended on it, and finally pulled up to the area where the cars sit when the race it over. You sit in the car, in silence trying to get your vision back and stop shaking.
You body ran cold, you were shivering now and could feel the cold sweat in your suit, you wanted to reach up and take your helmet off more than anything but your arms didn't obey.
So you just sat there, until some Aston Martin mechanics came through with water. They helped you out and up handing you a bottle of water. But with the ringing not having stopped your vision completely went as you fell back onto the hard ground of the track.
Max once he'd found out his team and your team and pretty much everyone had kept you fainting from him a secret he had yelled, a lot, at anyone and everyone he could.
Even Lando and Oscar in the cool down room had to be at the receiving end of his wrath.
After his podium that he had tried to make as quick as possible he was right with you. Yelling at everyone while making sure you were getting the correct medical attention.
When he found out the reason behind you fainting and the fact that you drove the last few laps half sighted he was back to MAD MAX, and oh boy it wasn't a pretty sight.
He couldn't believe your team who were supposed to make sure you were in the best health had actually been hindering you and not helping you.
To say the he and Rupert his own personal trainer would be taking over from now on and he'd be hiring a private nutritionist to get you back on track to your starting F1 weight in 2022.
He loved you and would do anything for you.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @formula1mount @tinydeskwriter @butterfly-lover @ironmaiden1313
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vivwritesfics · 11 months
Better Than He Ever Was - MV1
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This gif makes me feral - I am on my KNEES
Y/N is pregnant and Max is sweating
Related works: Mini Me Prodigy
When Y/N Verstappen found out she was pregnant with Fabian, Max was terrified. He was utterly, utterly terrified.
He played it well, cheering and happy smiles when Y/N showed him the pregnancy test. To everybody on the outside, he was the overjoyed father to be, talking about Y/N and their baby on the way any chance he got.
There were very few people who saw beneath the facade Max was putting on. The first was Christian Horner, who himself was like a father to Max. The next was Charles Leclerc, who was way too excited at rhe prospect of being an uncle that he forgot he wouldn't actually be related to the baby.
Both said the same thing: that Max should talk to Y/N about it.
But where was he to begin? How did he tell her, after seeing how happy she was, that he wasn't ready to have a baby.
When she started showing? Oh boy.
It was never something Y/N wanted to keep hidden. As soon as she had all the tests she had taken come back positive, she posted something to all of her social media's. Max did, too, playing his part well.
Y/N didn't wear baggy clothes to hide her bump; she showed it off with pride. At every single grand prix she'd be standing beside her husband, hand over her stomach and the press took pictures of them.
Most husbands, when their wife's baby bump began showing, would be over the moon. But when Y/N started showing, it just made Max more fearful.
Y/Ns very first proper indication of the was when they were discussing baby names.
Any moment she got, Y/N was writing down potential names. She had at least twenty of each.
"How do you like Felix?" Y/N asked him as they watched a movie together. Max had been sim racing all day; this was the first proper moment she'd had to spend with him. "Or Daniel?"
"Daniel can be the middle name if it's a boy," Max said as he fed her a Malteaser.
Y/N moved over to her list of girls names. "If it's a girl, I liked Mila. Thought Mila Verstappen had a really nice ring to it."
Max just hummed.
It was two weeks after that Y/N finally sat him down.
"What's going on with you?" She asked, her hand resting on her bump. That morning her snack of choice had been stroopwafels, and she'd accidentally finished the entire box (but who could blame her? They're addictive).
"What do you mean?" Asked Max as he lifted the box to see what he was inside. Nothing, empty. He made a mental note to buy more.
A terrible, horrible feeling settled in Y/Ns stomach. "Please, Maxie," she placed her hand over his, rubbing her thumb over his wrist. "Tell me what's going on. I'm begging you!"
Max let out a huff. He hated himself. "I love you," he said, which definitely wasn't concerning. "I love you so much and I know how excited you are to have our baby, but I don't know if I can do it."
Her heart was beating so loud she was sure Max could hear it. "Wha-what are you trying to say?"
"I'm trying to say that I'm so fucking scared, Y/N. I'm terrified of being a dad. What if I raise our child like my dad raised me and the kid ends up like me? I'd never be able to forgive myself if that happened."
Oh. This wasn't a dire as Y/N thought it was. This was something she could deal with. "Come here," she said softly and tried to pull his chair closer. Max shuffled over. He let Y/N wrap her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder. "Do you remember last summer, when we went on holiday with my sister and her kids? Do you remember how they loved you so much that they wouldn't leave you alone?"
They'd rented out a villa. Max and Y/N had just come back from their honeymoon when Y/N's sister had invited them away.
As soon as they had their things unpacked, the kids grabbed their uncle Max's hands and dragged him into the pool. "Let's race!" The oldest shouted. Max was more than happy to oblige. He raced them to the other side of the pool and back, letting them win, of course.
When Y/N and his sister started on lunch, Max was blowing up the inflatable pool toys and looking after the baby. He was a natural with all three of them. Y/N watched them out of the window as she buttered the bread and passed it to her sister. That was when she realised how wonderful of a father Max was going to be. That was when she realised she wanted to have his children.
By the end of the holiday, the children were obsessed with him. According to Y/N's sister they didn't stop talking about him until at least two weeks after the holiday.
Max nodded his head. At first he'd been secretly reluctant to entertain the kids. But he loved it, and he actually found it fun. Of course, it wouldn't be the same when it was his own child.
"You're going to be an amazing father, Max. You're so kind and caring and kids love you. Plus, you're aware of how shitty your dad was to you, you know what you have to differently," she said, running her fingers through his hair. "I'll be there with you every step of the way," Y/N whispered and kissed the top of her head.
Max was still terrified, but he was trying not to be. But Y/N saw him change. He really did become that cheering and happy father he was pretending to be at the start.
Aside from Formula One, Max's life became getting Y/N whatever she and the baby were craving. Stroopwafels, mostly.
They discussed names more when Max became more comfortable. He was a big fan of Nora. Nora Sophie Verstappen. It had a very nice ring to it, Max thought. Little baby Nora.
They'd struggled to settle on a name for a boy. After Max had suggested his mothers name for the baby's middle name, Y/N was afraid Jos' name was going to be thrown into the mix. Not after all of Max's fears and anxiety. They'd decided Hugo, Hugo Verstappen was to be his name.
If it was up to Y/N, Jos wouldn't be in the child's life. But, of course, it wasn't just up to her. It was a decision she and Max had to make together.
When they found out they were having a little boy, Y/N and Max were over the moon. They decorated the nursery, painting the walls to be like a Formula One track. The bottom third was all grass, the middle was the track and the rest was blue skies with fluffy clouds.
The track went all the way around the room, with little race cars painted onto the track. There was a little Red Bull with a 33 on it, and a little Ferrari with a 16. It was a friend who painted it for them, going into intricate details for the cars and garages.
And then Y/N went into labour.
All of those fears Max had managed to get past came flooding back. His wife was about to give birth to his little boy.
Max wasn't much help through the delivery. Actually, through most of it he wasn't allowed in the delivery room, since he was panicking too much.
He wasn't a Hugo. That was what Y/N and Max decided the moment he was born. He was a Fabian. Fabian Hugo Verstappen. He was the most gorgeous little boy in the world. That was all Max could think as he stared at him, cradles in his wife's arms.
His son. His boy.
"Welcome to the world, Fabian Hugo Verstappen."
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love-belle · 1 year
when i said we could be friends, guess i lied !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which their post break-up era is them trying to be friends and failing miserably.
for when you can't forgive and forget so fuck you and fuck that is the way to go. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // carlos sainz x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - posting this bc i promised y'all i will!!!! only one part of this series left before i start with all of their second parts!!!!! thank you so much for reading, i love you <3
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liked by francisca.cgomes, carmenmmundt, lilymhe and 788,626 others
yourusername "the grudge" is now officially yours <3 !! it took me exactly 178 days to complete this song and it's easily one of the most vulnerable and raw songs i have ever written. every feeling i have felt for the past few months is sewn into words and i hope you all like it just as much as i do. i love you <3
username oh my god
username my undying LOVE now i hold it like a GRUDGE
username this has ruined me wtf
username no bc how can she write "it takes strength to forgive but i don't feel strong" and expect us all to be okay??????
-> username she's never reaching the pearly gates for this
username carlos sainz i will haunt u in ur dreams
francisca.cgomes such a raw and heartfelt song!! felt every second of this!!
*liked by yourusername*
username i miss the drivers in her comments section :////
-> username carlos really snatched the most iconic friendships from us
-> username fr like give me my charles and y/n, lando and y/n, daniel and y/n, MAX AND Y/N back
username carlos i am in ur walls
username 178 days.........THEY BROKE UP EXACTLY 178 DAYS AGO
username i need this song injected in my brain
username no bc i thought it'd be a song about revenge or like shitting on him but this makes me wanna die whatcthrbfuck ur paying for my therapy
lilymhe so proud of you 💌
*liked by yourusername*
username i NEED all the drivers to comment in this post stat so i can know that they're all friends 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
username how could anybody do the things u did so easily 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
-> username no bc if i catch him out on streets it's on SIGHT
username she genuinely looked so sad in her ig live i wanted to cry for her 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
username the fact that carlos broke up with her over CALL like mf at least do it with ur chest
alexandrasaintmleux 🤍🤍🤍
*liked by yourusername*
username is it js me or this feels like the end of y/n's friendship with the drivers and their partners like they haven't liked this post and only a few wags did and while they also commented, y/n did not reply to them
-> username no bc i will actually CRY if that happens 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
username "it takes strength to forgive but im not quite sure im there yet" fuck forgiving if i was y/n i would SWING
username i honestly thought that they'd make it like they were just SO real
-> username they were together for 6 years EVERYONE thought that they'd make it
carmenmmundt 🫶🏼
*liked by yourusername*
username y/n ur paying for my therapy sessions
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 799,526 others
carlossainz55 when i said we could be friends, guess i lied
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, carmenmmundt, lilymhe and 798,627 others
yourusername you have everything and you still want more
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lecsainz · 1 year
Sister's Support
pairings: daniel ricciardo x sister!reader / charles leclerc x ricciardo!reader / max verstappen x ricciardo!reader / lando norris x ricciardo!reader / carlos sainz x ricciardo!reader
warnings: a day in the paddock with the ricciardo’s siblings, daniel being an annoying and funny brother, 2022 grid.
authors note: i think i don't need to say BUT I LOVED WRITING THIS VERY MUCH, apparently i love writing them all 😅 and i just miss ricc 😭 well, i hope you all like it.
word count: 1.7K
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Y/N had always been too busy with college to attend her brother's races, and she never wanted to be in the public eye. As a result, she chose not to accompany Daniel through the paddock, opting instead to stay in a reserved family room or in the grandstands.
But one day, something shifted inside her. She woke up and realized that she wanted to experience a race in all its glory - to walk through the paddock, meet the drivers, and feel the energy of formula 1. And so she made the decision to join Daniel at a race, fully immersing herself in the world of motorsport.
And here she was stood in front of the mirror, smoothing down her dress and adjusting her hair. Today was the day of the race, and she was excited to be joining Daniel in the paddock.
She had flown in from Australia to Monaco just for this event, and she was determined to make the most of it.
As she finished applying her makeup, there was a knock on the door.
"Hey sis, you ready?" Daniel called out.
Y/N opened the door to find her brother grinning at her. "Ready as I'll ever be," she said, rolling her eyes.
Daniel laughed. "You look great. Although, maybe a little too great," he teased.
Y/N scowled at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Daniel just grinned. "Nothing, nothing. I just don't want any of the other drivers to get distracted by my little sister."
Y/N rolled her eyes again. "Please, as if."
As they walked through the hotel lobby, Y/N couldn't help feeling a little self-conscious. She was wearing a tight dress and heels, while Daniel was dressed in his usual casual attire.
But as they stepped outside and made their way to the paddock, Y/N started to relax. There was a buzz in the air, a sense of excitement that was contagious.
And as they walked through the paddock, Y/N felt her spirits lift even higher. There were so many people, all dressed in team colors and milling about, chatting and laughing.
Daniel introduced her to some of his colleagues, and Y/N tried her best to keep up with the racing lingo. She was a little intimidated by all the technical jargon, but she could tell that everyone was impressed by her enthusiasm.
She watched in amazement as her older brother Daniel climbed out of his race car, his face beaming with excitement. It was the first time she had ever come to a race with him, and the atmosphere was electric. Everywhere she looked, there were people milling about, mechanics tweaking engines, and drivers zipping around on their scooters. It was a world unlike any she had ever seen.
"Come on, sis!" Daniel called, grinning from ear to ear. "Let's go check out the paddock!"
Y/N followed him eagerly, taking in all the sights and sounds around her. As they walked, Daniel waved to other drivers, slapped high fives with mechanics, and generally acted like he owned the place.
"Hey, there's Max!" he said excitedly, pointing out the Red Bull driver as he walked by. "Hey, Max, over here!"
Max turned to look at them and raised an eyebrow in greeting. "Hey, Daniel. Who's your friend?"
"This is my sister, Y/N," Daniel said, putting an arm around her shoulders. "She's a bit of a newbie to all this, but I'm showing her the ropes."
Max nodded, giving Y/N a polite smile. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. You should come hang out with me and the guys later. We'll show you how to party properly."
Y/N felt a blush creeping up her neck. She had never been good at handling attention from guys, and Max was one of the most handsome drivers on the circuit.
"Uh, yeah, sure," she stammered, hoping she didn't sound too eager.
Daniel chuckled, ruffling her hair. "Don't mind her, Max. She's still a bit star-struck. Come on, let's go find some food."
They made their way to the hospitality area, where teams had set up tents and tables for their guests. As they approached the McLaren tent, Daniel saw a group of his teammates sitting together, laughing and joking.
"Hey, guys!" he called out, striding up to them. "Mind if I introduce you to my sister?"
The guys looked up, their eyes widening as they saw Y/N. She was wearing a tight-fitting dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, and her makeup was immaculate. They had never seen Daniel with a girl like her before.
"Hey, Y/N," Lando Norris said, grinning widely. "Welcome to the crazy world of Formula 1."
"Thanks," Y/N said, feeling a little overwhelmed by all the attention. "It's amazing to be here."
They chatted for a few minutes, with Daniel teasing Y/N mercilessly about her lack of knowledge about the sport. "She doesn't even know what DRS stands for," he told his friends, shaking his head in mock disappointment.
Y/N rolled her eyes, feeling a little embarrassed. "I'm learning," she protested. “And I know what it is DRS stands for Drag Reduction System, it's a...”
Daniel interrupts his sister “Or... DRS could stand for Daniel Ricciardo Supremacy. I mean, let's be real, that's what it's all about, right?”
Just then, they heard a voice calling out from across the paddock. "Hey, Dan! Over here!"
It was Carlos Sainz, the Ferrari driver, waving them over. Daniel grinned, giving Y/N a quick hug before leading the way.
"Hey, man!" he said, clapping Carlos on the back. "What's up?"
"Not much, just hanging out," Carlos said, grinning at Y/N. "And who's this lovely lady?"
"This is my sister, Y/N," Daniel said, proudly introducing her. "She's come to watch me race."
"Ah, I see," Carlos said, winking at her. "Well, you're welcome to hang out with us if you want, Y/N. We could use a bit of glamour in the Ferrari garage."
Y/N felt her cheeks flush again at the attention. "Sure, that sounds great," she said, trying to act cool.
For the rest of the day, Y/N found herself in the middle of a whirlwind of activity. She watched as Daniel went through his pre-race routine, making sure that everything was in place for a successful day on the track. As she stood by his side, Daniel made sure to include her in every step of the process, explaining things to her and answering any questions she had.
During the race itself, Y/N watched from the pit wall as Daniel battled it out with the other drivers on the track. She felt a thrill of excitement as he made daring overtakes and defended his position against his rivals.
And while Daniel didn't end up winning the race, Y/N still felt a sense of pride and excitement as she watched him climb out of the car, sweaty and exhilarated.
As the celebrations wound down, Y/N found herself wandering around the paddock, feeling a little lost. That was when she saw him.
Charles Leclerc was standing a few feet away, talking to some of his mechanics. He looked up and caught her eye, and Y/N felt her heart skip a beat. She had always had a bit of a crush on Charles, with his charming smile and piercing green eyes.
"Hey," he said, walking over to her. "You're Daniel's sister, right?"
Y/N nodded, feeling a little shy. "Yeah, that's me."
Charles smiled at her, looking genuinely interested. "So, what do you think of all this?"
"It's amazing," Y/N said, feeling a little more at ease now. "I've never seen anything like it."
Charles nodded, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Yeah, it can be pretty overwhelming at first. But once you get used to it, it's just another day at the office."
They chatted for a few more minutes, with Charles asking Y/N about her life and interests. Y/N found herself relaxing more and more, feeling like she could actually be herself around him.
"Hey, would you like to grab a drink later?" Charles asked, sounding a little hesitant. "I know this great little bar down the road."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. She had never expected something like this to happen.
"Yeah, that sounds great," she said, feeling a little giddy.
Charles smiled at her, and Y/N felt a flutter in her stomach.
As Y/N and Charles walked away, Daniel spotted them from across the paddock. He jogged over, grinning from ear to ear.
"Hey, what are you two up to?" he asked, nudging Y/N in the side.
Y/N rolled her eyes at her brother's teasing. "Just hanging out," she said, trying not to sound too excited.
Daniel turned to Charles, giving him a playful punch on the arm. "Watch out, mate," he said, grinning. "Y/N's a bit of a heartbreaker."
Charles laughed, looking a little embarrassed. "Is that right?"
Daniel nodded, his eyes twinkling. "Yeah, you better keep an eye on her. She's trouble, I tell you."
Y/N groaned, feeling herself turn red. "Daniel, stop it," she said, swatting him on the arm.
"Charles, did you know that Y/N has a crush on a certain number 16 driver?" he said, grinning at his younger sister.
Y/N felt her cheeks turn bright red.
"Daniel, please." she hissed.
"Really?" Charles started teasing her. "Maybe I have a crush on her too."
She looked surprised at the monegasque and he gave her a wink. Y/N was sure she was redder than ferrari.
But despite her embarrassment, Y/N couldn't help feeling grateful to have her brother there. He might tease her relentlessly, but she knew he had her back no matter what.
As they continued chatting, Daniel made sure to include Y/N in the conversation, joking and teasing with both her and Charles. Y/N felt herself relaxing more and more, enjoying the company of her brother and this charming young driver.
And as she looked over at her brother, grinning from ear to ear, Y/N felt a sense of happiness that she had never felt before. Maybe, just maybe, she had found her place in the crazy, wonderful world of formula 1 after all.
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pia-nor481 · 3 months
okay so this is personally what i think some of the driver's kinks are:
Max Verstappen: a huge praise kink
Lewis Hamilton: sir kink
Lando norris and Charles Leclerc : mommy kink ig🤭
Carlos Sainz: a huge ego and a huge daddy kink
Daniel Ricciardo: somnopholia or like fuckin someone in their sleep
Alex Albon and Logan Sargeant: gotta be overstimulation (both giving and receiving end)
and that's all I could think of as of right now you can mix them up a little and feel free to use them ideas
love you<33
MV: he loves receiving praise so much. He wants to hear how well he makes her feel, how well he’s doing. It can be as simple as “So good Max.” Or something extremely specific that he does. He also enjoys giving praise, especially when it’s trying something new. “Such a good girl, so perfect for me.” Or “look at you, taking me so well.”
LH: perhaps this has stemmed from the knighthood. “So, Sir Lewis Hamilton.” He didn’t expect her voice to affect him so much. Slowly it developed into a reoccurring title in the bedroom. “Yes Sir, I’ll be good I promise. I’ll do everything you say.” It really gets him off now. So anytime someone reminded him of that title he smiles to himself, thinking about her.
CL: he lets it slip one night. Maybe after a long few race weekends he just wants to relax, let her take control. “That’s it Charles, lie back, let me take care of you.” He lets out a quiet sigh and closes his eyes enjoying the feeling of her on top, and around him. “Please mommy, faster.” Even he was shocked that he said it, eyes shot open, expecting her to be angry. Charles wanted to tell her at some point, he was just unsure of when. She began rocking her hips faster. “That’s it Charles, be good for Mommy.”
LN: now, one evening Lando put all his cards on the table and decided to tell her everything he was into, and I mean everything. It was overwhelming to start, but she knew his intentions, he didn’t want to get too attached then reveal something that could have been a dealbreaker. He didn’t want his heart broken. One thing with Lando, is that he likes to be on top. “Yes Mommy, you feel so good…Please can I cum please.” Sometimes he will just walk up behind her, arms tight around her waist as he buries his face into her neck. “Mommy, I need you.”
CS: Now let me tell you, this man likes to DOMINATE. He actually refers to himself as daddy quite often, even outside of the bedroom. “You can cum one more time…that’s it come for daddy.” He’s always so casual about it as well.
DR: he’s the first one to ask, he was talking about really wanting to be woken up by getting head. He wasn’t expecting it to feel so good, the only thing he could think about or feel is pleasure, and it was one of the best ways to wake up. After he’s cum down her throat, he couldn’t help but express his enjoyment, and it made her slightly jealous. So he offered, one day as he wanted to keep it a surprise, that she’d experience the same pleasure. And oh was he right
Williams: so they both want to cum dry, usually about 4 or 5 orgasms and the excitement of it just pushes him closer to the edge each time. So after 2/3 it becomes hard to think, almost in a haze. Cock become so sensitive he’d have to push you’re hand or mouth away as it’s all too much. On the other hand, he’d just love to see her squirming with how much pleasure he’d given her. Begging him to stop because he’s just too good.
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Hey love, sorry this took so long. Anytime I tried to write the universe said “no ideas for you.”
I hope you’re doing well and thank you for sending in ideas xx
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mariclerc · 1 month
hello, i have a poly request. danny ric x single mom and they're just starting their relationship and max somehow finds his way into it and in the beginning it's smooth sailing just him and his two "friends" and the kid but then he beginns to question his feelings and gets insecure etc. but danny and reader notice it and they talk and in the end they're one (not so) little happy family?
Thanks for this request!! It's the first time I write something about Max and Daniel, it's a little short so I hope you like it!!
Three plus one | dr3 & mv1
Summary: your partner's best friend somehow enters your relationship Warnings: insecure Max and fluff.
request by: @kigieri
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You and Daniel have been dating for a couple of months now, at first it was quite awkward for you to date, being a single mom and going on a date looking for your ideal match it didn't feel good, or at least not to you. But when you introduced him to your little Ally it was like everything was in its perfect place, Daniel is someone quite nice and who can easily adapt to everything and, honestly, you were grateful for that.
So now you find yourself in the comfort of your apartment as you make a light dinner for the three of you and while he plays with Ally to build with blocks.
“Wow Ally, you're a real pro at this! You're going to be a champion builder one day!” Daniel laughs.
Ally giggles. “I'm gonna build big towers!” she smiles.
You smile, leaning against the counter. Your heart melts watching them interact. “She's so happy with you Dan” you say softly.
Daniel turns to look at you. “I know, right? It’s incredible, it's like she’s got so much energy.” he smiles warmly.
A comfortable silence falls between you. You feel a blush creeping up your cheeks. “Yeah, she's a whirlwind.” you giggle.
Daniel gets up and walks towards you. “Hey, are you okay babe? You seem a bit quiet.”
You look down, avoiding his gaze. “I’m fine. Just... thinking.” you say softly.
He cups your face gently. “Look at me. You can tell me anything, you know that.”
You meet his gaze, your heart pounding. “It’s just that... everything is moving so fast... I mean, I’ve never felt this way before.” you say hesitantly.
He smiles reassuringly at you. “I know it’s a lot to take in baby. But I want you to know that, I’m in this for the long haul. I really care about you and Ally.”
You feel a lump forming on your throat. “Thank you Danny... That means a lot to me!” you smile shyly.
Daniel pulls you into a gentle hug.
“I promise, I’ll always be there for you both, okay?” he says in a whisper and you close your eyes, feeling safe and loved.
A few weeks later, the atmosphere is still warm and inviting. Ally is a little sleepy as she snuggles up next to you while you and Daniel are on the couch, watching a movie.
“Can you believe she’s already learning to count? It's amazing.” he says while smiling.
You giggle. “I know, right? It feels like just yesterday she was crawling. Now she's a big girl!”
Suddenly there’s a knock at the door and Daniel gets up to answer it while you put Ally to her bed.
“Hey Max! What a surprise, come in mate.” says Daniel, somewhat surprised by Max's presence.
Max enters the apartment, he’s clearly out of breath. “Sorry, I just finished a run around the block. I hope I'm not bothering you, I just wanted to pay you a visit.” He says, scratching the back of his neck.
Daniel smiles. “No mate, it’s okay. You can come by here whenever you want!”
You come back from putting Ally to bed and greet Max, the atmosphere in the apartment is nice and light, you find out that Max is a pretty calm person despite all the things they always say about him.
Over the next few weeks, Max becomes a regular visitor in your apartment. His charm and easygoing nature make him a natural with Ally and you couldn't be more grateful for it. However, things start to shift subtly...
One night you and Daniel were alone on the couch.
“Have you noticed Max lately? He seems... off, I don't know what's wrong with him.” you say a little concerned about the situation.
Daniel nods at your words. “Yeah, I have noticed... He’s been quieter, more withdrawn... Something is definitely wrong.”
You two drink simultaneously from your cups of tea, there’s a long pause as you both contemplate the situation.
Suddenly you speak up. “I think he might be feeling insecure about something... I don't know, but my hunch tells me so.”
“Maybe love. He’s always been so confident and awesome.” he says in a whisper.
A few days later, Max is in the apartment and Daniel decides to talk to him... Or rather, Max decides to confess.
“I don’t want to mess things up mate... I just don't know what's wrong with me.” he say hesitantly.
“Hey, we’re friends, right? You can tell me anything mate, you know that neither I nor y/n are going to judge you.” he says while putting a hand on Max's shoulder.
Max let out a sigh. “Well, the thing is that... I think I’m falling for you both. And I know it’s complicated, and I don’t want to come between you and I care about Ally too.”
Daniel is quiet for a moment, searching for the necessary words to tell Max.
Daniel smiles. “Max, I care about you a lot. And I think we’re building something special here, maybe we should talk about this with y/n.”
Later that evening, the three of you have a heart-to-heart conversation. It’s a vulnerable and emotional exchange, but in the end, you decide to explore this new dynamic together.
“I love you both guys and I think we can make this work! Also Ally will be super happy that you are here with us day and night.” You say with a smile on your face as you hold Max and Daniel's hands.
As the night deepens, the three of you share a tender moment, realizing that love can take many forms. A new chapter begins, filled with both excitement and uncertainty.
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no-144444 · 2 months
navigation :) -requests: open!
hi, i'm daisy and i'm irish. my main teams are redbull, mclaren and mercedes but tbh i like all of them and just enjoy the sport. I also watch f2 and a bit of f3 :)
for my stories i'll be going by the 2024 grid and obvi update it next year :)
fic-tober masterlist!
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who i write for:
charles leclerc
photograph a step into your life with charles
mistakes and miscalculations a fight and a mistake leads to something worse
max verstappen
congratulations max shows the whole world something new after his fourth world championship win.
oscar piastri
false starts and unthinkable mistakes Oscar comes to you at the end of a bad race
debuts and podiums how oscar celebrates after your first race, and first win.
mishaps online oscar accidentally posts a nude online the night before your big concert and launch. oops.
red flag you get in an accident on track
the disgraced pop princess oscar is your salvation after things so horribly wrong
-> his disgraced pop princess oscar is there for you through your first real GP weekend and everything else, of course
my girl fans made a youtube compilation of oscar and you being in love since your prema days.
slip-up oscar slips up about your wedding
pointe shoes and racecars
you and oscar had grown up together, and grown apart. now you're teaching him ballet for a mclaren video. will you two reconnect?
lando norris
mistakes the aftermath of the Hungarian gp
family issues lando (and his mum) are there for you during a difficult time.
catch-up lando after monza
the break up of the century you and lando break up on horrible terms, could a new album and a special performance bring you tow back together?
daniel riccardo
logan sargent
meetings from the past you and logan reconnect after years apart
alex albon
george russel
lewis hamilton
kimi antonelli
taking care kimi takes care of you, in his own special way
ollie bearman
paul aron
arthur leclerc
(but you can request others!)
the grid: (aka blurbs)
reacts to: getting caught making out
complimenting you
you find out you're a bet
'the grid' = piastri, leclerc, riccardo, verstappen, russell, norris, albon, hamilton (but tell me if there's others you want on it :)
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leclercstars · 9 months
i’m craving something super angsty and max. like he and reader got into a fight and she left their apartment and got into an accident (someone hit her car while she was driving or someone ran into her while she was walking) and max doesn’t know that she’s been hurt for a few days until someone on the grid mentioned it to him and he grovels like his life depends on it to try and win her back. can end sad if you want
Woohoo another request fic!! This is a little different than what I usually write but I’m excited! Also I think I’ll turn it into a series. Anyways:
die for you
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Max Verstappen x Reader
Warnings: mention of car crash, some cursing.
“This cannot be fucking happening right now,” you were pacing around the kitchen of your and Max’s high-rise, your head buried in your hands as tears of frustration threatened to ruin your makeup. Thunder boomed and rain pounded on the windows.
Max had just gotten home from being out last night. It was 2 p.m.. The next day. You rarely felt this sort of anger towards him- but how could betray your trust like that? He swore up and down that he had accidentally fallen asleep at the after-party Charles had, but how could you be sure?
“Baby please you have to believe me,” his voice getting louder and louder as his frustration grew.
“I can’t! I can’t believe you! You slept at CHARLES? UNTIL TWO? It makes no sense especially since you usually don’t even drink that much.” tears were now spilling out of your eyes and your voice had taken on a tone you hadn’t even heard before.
“I’m sleeping at Isabelle’s tonight.” you said matter of factly.
Max sat on the couch, head in hands, too stunned to even move. What had he done? He knew why she was upset- and didn’t really expect her to believe his story. He hadn’t been answering her texts or calls last night either because his phone died- which certainly didn’t help the situation.
She left without so much as a goodbye. He might’ve just lost the best thing he ever had.
A week had passed now, without so much as a call or text from her. He had never felt so sick in his life, the heartbreak taking a toll on his physical health. Her stuff still lay scattered around the apartment- constant reminders of her presence that haunted him daily.
Max was hanging around the paddock the Thursday before the Monaco Grand Prix, chatting with all of his fellow drivers. He was sure that he was doing a poor job of hiding his down-trodden state.
“Did you hear about that massive wreck that happened the other day?” Daniel posed the question to the group. Everyone gave various sentiments of shock- talking about how the people involved were lucky to get out alive.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Max snapped.
“Dude, your girlfriend was literally involved. How do you not know? Did she not tell you? She’s going to make a full recovery reportedly.” Daniel replied back with genuine confusion.
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The entire world started spinning- and he only saw Charles concerned face before his vision went completely black
PART 2???
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onakomiyaki · 5 months
just a silly crush (not) pt.2
pairing : daniel ricciardo x childhood friend-brabham!reader
summary : your wall is starting to crumbling down, thanks to daniel. and the ice exterior you've been putting on for years started to melt, thanks to the daniel, the sunshine himself.
warning: unedited and rushed work, harsh words, slowburn.
a/n : we start to explore what's going on with y/n brabham. and honestly this is one of my favorite chapter to write so far!
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most of juniors that tried to befriended you have one same goals; to get you to help them to get close to some of your friends-your driver friends of course. or maybe that's just how you've been treated your whole life when you grow up, so you just assume that they want you for something–link to the drivers in this case.
if there is something you know best about f1 is that it is a hot topic amongst your juniors in modelling world and oh how they wish to be one of the wags of the f1 drivers.
many have tried, from buying you some expensive gift, trying to go on a lunch date with you, or just be your matchmaker–which let's be honest, sound kind of dumb when you surrounded by some of good looking-breath-taking drivers, not only in f1 but on some other motorsports as well–and the list is still counting.
and you, by natural, got a lot of heat from it. but you're fine. by the end of the day you're still the one who spend some holidays with those drivers, not them.
but not even once succeeded to even own your private phone number.
"(y/n) you really need to be nice to your colleagues, the media is onto you again." anna, your manager, watch your reflection with annoyed expression.
"what is it now?" you simply ask, eyes closing as you massage your temple.
"you were voted as the most cold-hearted models to work with." she exclaim, walking towards your direction with ipad in her hand.
you just stare at the pad with unamused expression. you read the headline with a frown on your face, then let out a scoff.
"i honestly adore (y/n) so much, she's an icon. but it is-it is hard to get close to her. to make friend with her outside the work talk. almost like she build this wall around us."
"i remember she's constantly sat alone in the dressing room-sometimes she just sat there with her headphone on. and when she's alone no one dare to talk to her-she's just that intimidating!"
and there's more articles and some interview snippets from your junior about how unapproachable you are.
"ice princess? what am i, elsa from frozen?" you said, scrolling away.
"i told you to be nice to those young models, (y/n)." anna said, snatching the ipad from your hand.
you finally turn your body, looking up at your manager. "they only want me because they want to get to know my friends." you stated.
"well maybe they want to be your friends? can't you just humor them for once? it won't kill you to gave them some of your friends' numbers..." she asked, sitting down on the sofa, just across you.
"anna, im not trying to gatekeep those men. they are welcome to get to know lewis, lando, carlos, charles, max, esteban, pierre-"
"and daniel."
"-nope. not daniel, not a chance." you finally turn your body, pointing at anna with frown on your face.
"why not? you know him the longest i'm sure you'll find a model that will fit him as a girlfriend." she asked, throwing a little smirk at you.
"that's the problem, i've known him almost all my life! what if i introduce him to a wrong person then shit went downhill? what if they only want his money? i can't risk that anna." you said, voice gone an octave higher.
"(y/n) you know that's not true. that's just you being scared of nothing-"
"anna you don't understand! he is the one constant in my life that i can count on–he keep me grounded okay? i am me with him and the thought of losing him-"
"‐point is im not gonna risk my friendship like that. especially with daniel. if they want to get to know those drivers, just attend the race, get a paddock pass or something. im sure if those drivers truly interested they will come." you finally stated, voice stern as you turn your back on your manager like a kid throwing small tantrum.
anna shakes her head in disbelief as she walk away from you, taking the ipad with her. "you're such a child sometimes."
"oh but you love me enough to stay with me for 10 years." you bite back.
"and i am amazed at myself for doing that. okay back to the topic, can just think about befriending your junior, please? that's all i ask from you, and you know i never asked anything from you." anna said as she walk out from your room, closing the door behind her.
you just sat there, pouting as you return your attention to your original task, watching the replay of british gp on your laptop.
it has been almost 2 months since your party and your meeting with daniel. and its also been 2 months since you call him. yes, texts were exchanged, but of course you miss his voice as well.
between your tight schedule and his race, you never find a time to call him. well you can but choose not to. you don't want to distract him.
as you saw the checkered flag being waved you take your phone, wanting to send daniel a congratulations text for his p5.
p5 bigman. congrats! podium next maybe? i miss watching your shoey thingy.
you stop, hovering at the send button. you want to call him. should you call him? you should probably call him instead. its his highest position of this season afterall.
but what if he's busy? he should be loaded with interviews by now right? ah there's also briefing right? you shouldn't call him. but, it won't hurt trying to call him. worst thing that can happen is the call never got answered anyway.
so you just sat there, phone in your hand as you chew the inside of your cheek, tasting a bit of iron when you accidentally bit too hard.
10 minutes have passed, and you're still staring at your phone. pretty sure by now daniel would've changed his outfit, already out of his race suit and maybe already headed back to his motorhome.
before you chickened out, you press the call button. the call is connected and you shriek, pushing the phone away as if the phone burn you.
"please don't answer, please don't answer! please-"
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"p5 mate, that's a good one." one of the engineers welcome him with a clap on his shoulder, but voice is not as excited as it should be.
"yeah, thanks. i can do better, i will do better next time." daniel said, voice a bit trembling from the adrenaline that still coursing through his body.
he pull the baclava off or his head, sweats dripping from his brown curls. his freckled face flushed, chest heave heavily as he wait for his water. if you look close enough, you can see steam seeping out from his racing suit.
he tear the velcro of his race suit, pulling the zipper down. "daniel! points for both of us!" lando, race suit sat snuggly on his hips, greeting the older man with a beaming smile.
"and you did amazing out there. keep up with the goodwork." daniel said, ruffling the younger's hair, smiling proudly at the young brit.
although daniel got points for mclaren, he knew that all eyes are on him. expecting something more from the ferocious honey badger, a win maybe. and truth be told he also expected more from himself.
the fact that p5 is his current highest position in this season really speak something. of course its not a bad thing, but he can't help it. he knew mclaren put a lot of faith on the 7 times champions to take home the first trophy for mclaren.
he silently walk back to his driver room, helmet sat snuggly on his waist beneath his arm. michael, his trainer, follow him while he ramble about their next training session.
but of course the only voices he heard right now is just some static buzz and noises. he is dissosiating, moving autopilot towards the sofa and plop down. his body instantely melts as he stare blankly at the ceiling.
"- and (y/n) will be there and all." michael said.
at the mention of your name, daniel's ears perk up and he only gave the other man a puzzled looks.
"sorry, you were saying?" he said.
"daniel this is getting ridiculous. i've spent 5 minutes explaining how we can improve your training and you just listen to me after i mention (y/n). just call her for godsake." michael said as he put some notes for daniel down on the table, throwing an acussing stare at him. daniel flustered under his gaze.
"sorry i was just– its not that! i–"
"i get it buddy, you're hopelessly in love with (y/n)" michael said, patting the aussie on the shoulder as he walk out from his room. "you really should call her man, stop playing the tough guy card, you're not fooling yourself or anyone."
daniel sigh in defeat, unable to come out with a comeback. to think that everyone but her knew about that–his feeling–is just sad at this point. michael was right, he is hopelessly, pathetically, desperately in love with you. for years now.
he knew he loved you eversince he saw your freckled face blushed under the australian heat, helmet in your hand 20 years ago as you listen to your father explaining how you can improve your turns and how you should control your kart well.
he loved you eversince you introduce yourself, voice cocky and proud after winning the carting session. "(y/n) brabham, and i will be an f1 driver." he remember what you said as you walk towards him and he was stunned, just silently watching as you walk away from him, your ponytail swaying left and right.
he loved you eversince you give him a can of cold soda, putting the can on his cheek. he jumped, flinching at the sudden cold sensation on his cheek. and that was the first time he heard your–oh so cute–cackles.
he loved you eversince he found you hiding away out of the karting field, sitting alone on the grass. he saw how your back was trembling, so he sat down with you. "i will never be a driver. i will never be enough." you said, wiping your tears as you lean into his left shoulder. and daniel listen to the voice of your soft sobs, letting his race suit wet from the tears.
he loved you. still love you. and will always love you. desperately so that it hurts him whenever you call him your bestbuddy ever or whenever he listen how you cry after unlucky relationship with some random man or when he went out on a date with some random girls, trying his best to burrow his feeling deep, which of course doesn't work.
just let me be your man, dammit.
so, daniel let out a deep shuddered breath as he sat down. his eyes landed on his phone that laying on the table, next to the report papers michael left for him.
should he call you?
he shakes his head, raising from his seat to walk towards his fridge. he took one of the bottled juice michael had prepared for him. he took the lid off as he empty the bottle in no time.
after throwing away the empty bottle, he shurg off his race suit, tossing it to the nearest chair.
he was halfway from taking his heat suit off of his body when his phone rang. its so embarassing how his head whipped quickly to his phone and how he struggle to just shrug his heat protector away.
"oh shit-"
he crashed, fall to the floor before quickly running for his phone. he accept the call, let out a wheezed air as he press the green button.
"hello?" he calmly said as he rub his elbow.
"hi danny, you busy?"
"no-no not at all. i was just chilling in my motor home. i have interview in 5 though. do you need something?" daniel finally sat down, this time on the floor.
he wait for your response as lay down, face facing the ceiling.
"oh. no, not at all. i just want to congratulate you on p5."
"you watch the race?"
"i always watch your race, maybe not in person, but i never missed your race."
and now daniel turn into 17 years old girl who got called by his crush, giggling and twirling his hairs. "really?" his voice squeak pathetically, so he clear his throat.
"yes, of course! i will always support my best buddy no matter what, even if it from afar."
yeah, bestfriend.
"aww, geez. thanks, brabham. i knew you're in love with me."
"hah! you wish, ricciardo! anyway-"
"you're doing great sweetheart. do not forget who you are and what you capable of. keep your chin up, bigman."
daniel smile slowly creeping back on his face. he can feel how flushed his face right now.
"thank you, (y/n)."
"you are most welcome, honeybadger. bite 'em okay?"
he turn his body so that he's laying on his side. he used his left arm as a pillow.
"can i bite you instead?"
silence. daniel held his breath, biting his bottom lips as he wait for your answer. and when he about to apologize, daniel heard you clearing your throat.
"alright pump the brake romeo. anyways, i will leave you be now. i'm gonna catch some sleep here. talk to you later, ricciardo."
"alrighty, cheers, brabham."
and the call end just like that. and daniel feel silly. he pull his phone closer to his face, gently hitting his forehead with it.
"you stupid boy..." he said to himself.
but he can't help it, he wished that you're here with him. god how he want to hug you right now. even better, kiss you right now.
"oi, danny! we need to go now!" one of the pr team shouted as he knocked the door.
"yeah! coming! just gimme a sec!"
meanwhile, you on the other side, had to stop and do a manual breathing after the call. you're slapping your face with both your hands as you watch your reflection on the mirror.
"bro pull yourself together! he is your bestfriend!"
"can i bite you instead?"
you let out a scream as you recall what he said to you. his deep voice haunted you–making you both dizzy and anxious (in a good way). no, definitely not. you can't! panicking, you get up from your seat as you pacing around the room.
"that bastard."
prev next
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coco-loco-nut · 4 months
pairing: Oscar Piastri x Reader
summary: idek, an unedited fluffy short blurb
requests open masterlist
Usually your period isn’t this bad, but your body decided to rebel against you.
“How are you feeling?” Oscar asks, handing you a mug of tea as you are curled up on the couch watching your ultimate comfort movies.
“Like shit,” you groan, ignoring the cramp you just felt.
“I can make you a warm bath, maybe light some candles,” Oscar offers, sitting beside you.
“It’s okay, there is nothing Barbie doesn’t cure. You don’t have to sit here all day with me, go ahead and do your training,” you tell Oscar, watching to watch the old Barbie movies in peace, without Oscar worrying about you. He takes your hint without being hurt about it, he’s a big boy.
Honestly, you don’t know how you ended up with Oscar, he doesn’t really look like any of the princes, and those guys are definitely your type.
When Oscar reappears a few hours later, freshly showered, he notices you scrolling on your phone, humming to the music from the movie.
“Babe, I’m going to order pizza, what do you want?” Oscar asks, opening the app on his phone.
“Hold on, I’m about to get with you,” you say, fully invested in your phone.
“This has been the slowest burn ever, but we are finally about to get together, in like chapter 20. I hate slow burns,” you huff.
“Babe, we are already together. You married me?” Oscar says confused. You finish the last paragraph and look at him.
“It’s fan fiction, Osc. You know, on Tumblr,” you show him your phone and his eyebrows are furrowed.
“Why?” is all he can say, unsure of how to react.
“I got bored of writing,” you say, closing the app and refocusing on the movie.
“You write the fan fiction? For me?”
“Ew no. That would be weird. I write for the more popular drivers. You know, Charles, Lando, Carlos, Max, Daniel, Lewis,” you list and Oscar just stares at you. You are literally besties with Lando and Charles, but you don’t write for your own husband? He’s honestly offended.
“What do you mean ew? I think how you scream my name most nights contradicts that,” Oscar smirks, your face flaming.
“That’s why it would be weird. I’ve written it but it will never be published,” you admit, a little embarrassed.
“Anyway, pizza. Yes or no?” you quickly reply yes, hoping to move on from the conversation. That night, once you fall asleep, he scrolls through your account, reading the fan fictions you wrote and reblogged. It’s weird, but he enjoys your writing.
The subject isn’t brought up again until one drunken grid and WAG dinner, where Oscar drunkenly blurts it out.
“Y/n’s written fan fiction about us,” he says and all the guys look at you.
“The girls love it. Some of your antics make for great stories,” you defend yourself.
“So true, I love reading them,” Kika says, the other WAGs voice their agreement about it.
“What?” Charles is confused, but Lando, being the child he is, gets excited.
“Which one of us gets the most written about?” he asks and none of you waste a second replying.
“Charles,” the answer is in unison, causing the Monegasque to blush. None of you will admit that Lando is a close second.
Over the next week, you get random texts from them, asking which ones you wrote, but also their thoughts on different ones. Charles is appalled and flattered by the amount of smut written for him. Lando and Daniel are the opposite, they love the smut and how they’re talked up. They also told you that they got ideas from some of them, causing you to want to bleach your eyes out.
Eventually, they found out which account was yours, sent it to each other, and started spamming your inbox with requests. Lando’s tend to be about him winning a WDC, poor guy can barely win as is.
After a week of them spamming your inbox with requests, you decide to post an announcement on your account.
Dear readers,
Unfortunately my account has been outed. I know you all love my works and when I post some behind the scenes information about GPs. Sadly, my friends who work in an important role in F1 found my account and it no longer feels right to write this anymore out of respect for them.
Thank you all ❤️
↪️ user1 she knows a driver doesn’t she
↪️ user2 or an engineer
↪️ cl16racer don’t stop 😢
↪️ y/username sorry buddy, it’s time
↪️ oscarpastryy yeah, it’s a little weird now
↪️ landomorewins it doesn’t have to be!
“Wow, the guys are really torn up about it,” you laugh, Oscar’s arms around you as you cuddle on the couch. You had been thinking about stopping writing them anyway, so it was just a good excuse.
“I just wish you’d publish what you wrote about me,” Oscar kisses the side of your head.
“That’s far too dirty and intimate. It’s what I read when you are away,” you say with a blush. “You can read it if you want,” you hand him your phone. He holds the phone where you can both read it, his other hand running up and down your side absentmindedly at first but more intentionally the longer you read, until you aren’t reading anymore. That might’ve been some of your best sex.
“From now on, when you write like that when I’m away, you send it to me. Promise, Mrs Piastri?” Oscar says, kissing you.
“I promise,”
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
@boycarfreak told me to do it so I did. This is longer than I was expecting so it's on ao3 too.
cw: explicit sexual content, oral fixation, a bit of praise kink (because of course, I was the one who wrote this, what did you expect), under-negotiated kink (not negotiated at all tbf), cockwarming
Max has always spent an almost embarrassing amount of time studying Daniel.
It had started as a way to integrate himself in a team that was much bigger than anyone he had experienced since then, a way to learn from a more experienced driver, to become a better teammate. It hadn't taken long though before it had simply become a way to learn things about Daniel, to fill his brain with Daniel knowledge.
When Daniel had left, the additions had become rarer, details he had to pick up during drivers meetings and parades, while watching onboards, promotional videos that made his stomach curl in jealousy. It's been years since he's started, the Daniel drawer in his brain filled to the brim, but when Daniel gets promoted he's not surprised to find that there are still holes to be filled.
They're in a meeting the first time Max notices it. Daniel has always had nervous fingers, biting at his nails, shredding napkins and playing with paperclips, so it's not new to see him fiddling with a pen. What's new is seeing him absentmindedly putting the pen in his mouth and starting to lightly suck on it.
Max valiantly ignores the way his dick is immediately interested in the action, and observes instead how Daniel's shoulders drop, some of the nervous energy bleeding out, leaving him looking more focused, settled. He looks at how he bites down on it, moves it around with his tongue, saliva forming a thin shiny line when he takes it out for a second to write something down, before putting it back in his mouth.
Despite how...interesting this new find is, Max forces himself to not put it in the Daniel things drawer quite yet, not when it could be just a one-off occurrence, but then. He keeps noticing.
He watches as Daniel bites on the straw of his water bottle, not even drinking from it, wrapping his tongue around it over and over again, obscene in his absent mindedness. He watches as he plays with his mouth guard, as he bites on the wire of some headphones, on pens and pencils. And every time, it seems like something in him relaxes, some tightly coiled nerve loosening.
He puts it in the drawer.
He doesn't exactly plan to use his newfound knowledge, but after all, he's never stepped away from an opportunity, never not gone for a gap. It happens on a Saturday, before qualifying. Daniel is bleeding nervous energy all over the garage, too sharp jokes and too loud laugh making Max feel like he too should be bouncing off the walls.
He understands how Daniel feels. They're both unhappy with the car, fighting somehow both understeer and unpredictable oversteer, pushing against the lack of pace with a relentlessness that leaves them both exhausted, but he understands that it's different for Daniel. Max is the team. Max has three championships and a place in whatever team he would pick, if he wanted to move. Daniel has, once again, the need to prove himself. To show the world that it was right to promote him, that he can still fight in front, by Max's side. It doesn't matter if the car is shit, he needs to fight it harder than Max, because he has more to lose.
So yes, he understand Daniel's badly concealed nerves, but he doesn't think it's going to be productive, to go into qualifying with shaking hands.
He goes for the gap.
"Daniel." Daniel's head snaps around, attention already gone from the mechanic he was bothering, smile too big and too bright already turned towards Max.
"Max! Maximus! What can I do for you, mate?" Daniel punches his shoulder, then again his arm, seemingly unable to stop himself. Max doesn't complain.
"Come with me."
He's not expecting Daniel to follow without questions, or in silence, so he's surprised when Daniel just. Goes. Bounces behind him in that cartoony way he has sometimes, fingers sliding over every single surface he passes by, jumping to slap the top of the door when Max guides him into his driver's room.
He closes the door and watches as some tension immediately disappears from in between Daniel's shoulders, now that they're away from the people and the cameras, away from the stage where he feels forced to play his act. He looks more tired than Max feels, older in a way that Max's brain sometimes forgets, still stuck with the Daniel he used to be.
Max sits down on the small couch.
"Sit," he says. Then, perhaps a bit too late, "please."
Daniel sits, not arguing, not asking questions. Something stirs inside Max at the simple way Daniel is accepting his guidance, but he refuses to look at it too closely right now.
"Do you need help with something, Maxy? Advice from a multiple times race winner as me?" Daniel laughs at his own joke, and Max is unable to stop himself from smiling too, but he shakes his head.
"I want to help you," he says instead. Daniel's posture changes, going rigid for a second and then curling in, defensive.
"Am I doing that bad?" he asks, still laughing, as if Max would be tricked into thinking it's not a serious, terrified, question.
"You're doing great," he reassures without even having to think about it, "but you're tense, and I think I can help with that."
Daniel wiggles his eyebrows, loosening his stance again.
"You gonna give me a massage, Maxy? Get your big, strong hands and..." Daniel yelps as Max doesn't let him finish his sentence and drags him down to lay on the couch, his head in Max's lap, but doesn't struggle. He goes silent, waiting for Max's move.
"If I am wrong, you can punch me," Max tells him, trying to keep his voice light, and void of the amazement he's currently feeling for the way Daniel is just letting himself be moved around, pliant in Max's hands.
He positions him so he's sideways on the couch, cheek smushed against Max's thighs, and then, when he's happy with it, he brings two fingers up to Daniel's mouth.
This is the lead up to the corner. He saw the gap, he's going for it. If he's wrong, if Daniel closes the door in his face, he's going to drop back, or worse, crash against the barriers.
Daniel opens his mouth.
It's almost surreal, the feeling of Daniel's mouth, wet and warm around his fingers, his lips closing around his knuckles, his tongue touching his fingertips. Max forces himself to not hold his breath, to not get hard, to not make any of this about him. Daniel's restless legs still as he sighs and closes his eyes, and Max is almost overwhelmed by the amount of trust Daniel has just thrown at him.
One of his hands is still fidgeting, opening and closing, fingers single-handedly picking at cuticles. Max brings his free hand up into his hair and presses a little bit more into Daniel's mouth, down on his tongue, watching how his slack jaw opens a little around his fingers before closing again. Daniel's hand stills and he breathes out, long and steady, relaxing into Max's lap.
Time becomes sticky. Seconds dragging over each other, minutes hesitating before sliding away, being sucked back into Daniel's mouth like his spit on Max's fingers.
Max keeps an eye on the clock, not wanting anyone to interrupt before they have to go back out for qualifying, but it's hard when Daniel is like this, open and soft, settled by his own hand.
When the time is up, too soon, way too soon, Max moves the hand he had kept buried in Daniel's curls down to cup his cheek, turning his face towards him and gently sliding his wet fingers out of his mouth. Daniel whines a little, blinking up at Max with glazed over eyes, and Max needs to take a second to sternly remind his dick that this is not about them before he can smile.
"Time to go," he says, aiming for light, landing on guiltily fond.
He gives Daniel time to go back to himself, to blink away the fog in his brain, then helps him to sit up. They don't talk before going out, even if Daniel does send him a long, thoughtful look, but Daniel is still loose and relaxed when he jumps in the car.
Max gets P2, Daniel P4.
Max doesn't push again, doesn't even bring up the topic. He sees how Daniel looks at him sometimes, but he knows how Daniel is, how he'll need time to think about this, turn it over and over around his brain, until he can't bear it anymore and he decides to barrel through.
Max likes to think he's a pretty straightforward person, a pool. You look at it and you know what you're gonna get. People often assume Daniel is the same, but Daniel is a spring. Water so clear it looks shallow, ground just below the surface, but then you get in and you can't touch it at all, optical illusions hiding its depth. Max has thrown a rock in the spring, now he needs to wait for the water to settle, for Daniel to find his footing.
It takes Daniel two weeks.
He walks up to Max with a too-confident smile and asks "it's not going to be a problem, right?". When Max denies, his smile softens, and he pats him on the shoulder before walking away, leaving Max feeling like he just accomplished something good.
It doesn't really become routine, but it does become a thing. Sometimes, when Daniel is too high-strung and restless, he'll meet Max's eye and Max will lead him away. He doesn't care really about what everyone else in the garage things they're doing, disappearing like that and coming back smiley and loose, he only cares about Daniel performing as well as he possibly can. And if he gets to enjoy the feeling of having Daniel in his lap, trusting and relaxed, from time to time, well that's just a bonus.
The thing changes after a particularly frustrating race. Max had started P2, finished P3, and Daniel had started P3 and ended up all the way back to P9 because of a fucked up start and pit strategy. He's tired and frustrated, hating this long season, hating the car, hating the disconnect he feels from the team, especially after the last few good years. He wishes he had decided to leave straight away instead of waiting for tomorrow, but it's too late to change it now.
He almost doesn't answer the door when he hears someone knock, just wanting to be left alone, but the Daniel drawer in his mind is full and he knows that pattern and he's never learned how to tell him no.
Daniel looks restless and tense, fingers twitching and smile way too bright, and it doesn't take Max's much to understand why he is here. Somehow, instead of making him feel more tired, it makes him feel better, knowing there is something he can do right, something that will make them both settle.
"Maximus!" Daniel pushes past him, bouncing slightly on his toes, eyes sweeping around the room .
"Hello Daniel," Max replies, following more slowly, door closing with a click behind him. He doesn't ask before going to sit on the small couch, patting the cushion beside him. Daniel though, doesn't move. He bites at the skin of his thumb, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, eyes never meeting Max's.
The uncertainty throws Max off. They have a way of doing things now: Max will sit, Daniel will lay down and take his fingers in his mouth, and then they'll let time pass. But Daniel isn't sitting.
Maybe Max has read him wrong? He's not used to reading Daniel wrong, he doesn't like this.
"Are you okay?" is not the question he wants to ask, but it's the one that comes out of his mouth, and he hates the way it makes Daniel flinch a little.
"Yes, yes," Daniel nods vigorously, curls bouncing, nerves so clear Max can almost taste them in the air. He waits as Daniel takes a breath, then another. " I thought..."
Daniel stops again, and then Max sees it, the moment he too decides to go for the gap. Daniel has never been one to hold back either, always pushing just as hard as Max, sending it full speed in the corners, braking late late late.
Daniel goes for the gap and drops to his knees in front of Max.
"You can tell me no," he says, all tension focusing into determination, eyes steely when they meet Max's wide and surprised ones. Max doesn't want to say no. He's not allowing himself to think too much, doesn't want to have expectation, doesn't want to imagine what might come next, but he knows he's never wanted to tell Daniel no.
He shifts, picking up the decorative pillows and handing them to Daniel, enough of an answer for the both of them.
He doesn't hold his breath when Daniel reaches for his shorts, raises his hips to help him tug them off, but he can't help himself when Daniel pulls down his underwear.
His dick is still mostly soft, just barely starting to chub up, and for a second Max doesn't know if it's going to be what Daniel was expecting, if he's going to be disappointed, if he's going to raise his eyes again and say no thanks, and then...
Daniel sighs, leaning forward, apparently unbothered. Max is driving blind, new circuit without a track walk, unprepared for every new turn Daniel is throwing his way. He sits still, trying to breathe, letting Daniel take control this time.
Daniel wraps a hand around Max's ankle, the other in his lap, and then takes Max in his mouth.
They both exhale at the same time, and Max can almost see the tension leave Daniel's body. He shifts, laying his head on Max's thigh, and closes his eyes.
For a second, Max is sure he's going to go insane. Daniel's mouth is so warm and wet around his dick, his tongue laying flat against the underside of it, moving slightly when Daniel gently sucks back the spit pooling in his mouth, but then it's like something dislodges in his chest and he can just. Relax.
He can't forget that Daniel's lips are wrapped around his dick, but it's like his focus shifts. Time stretches again, and all that counts is Daniel. Daniel's curls under his hands, Daniel's eyelashes brushing against his skin, Daniel's warm hand like a cuff around his ankle, Daniel's cheek slightly bulging out, Daniel's slow deep breaths.
He doesn't know how long they stay like this, an exercise in patience, better than all the dumb meditation stuff Rupert has been trying to get him to do, but it doesn't matter. He'd be happy to stay like this forever if that was what Daniel wanted, what Daniel needed. Here, it's just them, the world far away, Daniel safe in the bracket of his legs, Max safe in the wetness of Daniel's mouth, and it's perfect.
It's an eternity later when Max realises he's fully hard, and as soon as he does he needs to focus to keep his hips from fucking up into Daniel's mouth, the simmering arousal in his gut suddenly becoming a sharp need. It's almost impossible to stay still, but he doesn't know what Daniel had signed up for when he had gotten on his knees, and he refuses to mess this up for them. Even if it means losing his mind.
But then, almost the same time, as if connected to the same timer, Daniel shifts with a soft whine, head raising from Max's thigh to pull back a little, tongue swirling around the head of Max's dick, making him gasp.
Daniel doesn't open his eyes, but the air frizzles with electricity as he bobs his head once, twice, nose brushing against Max's pubes. He knows he's not big, but the sight of Daniel being able to take all of him so easily hits Max like a punch in the gut.
"Fuck," he moans, the first proper word either of them has said in ages, "Daniel."
He's so close already, feels like he's been close the whole time, warmth curling low in his gut.
"Daniel," he says again, half a moan half a warning, hand twisting in his hair. Daniel pulls back slightly, then sucks again with a whine, and Max finds himself shaking through his orgasm, Daniel's name stuck in his throat.
He feels Daniel's hand around his ankle spasm, the only part of him that isn't fully relaxed, as Daniel swallows, and Max moans again, hips twitching in oversensitivity now, his dick still in Daniel's mouth.
"Daniel." It feels like the only word left in his brain, but it seems to be enough, because Daniel lets him go, whining and panting against his thigh.
"Come here, come here," Max asks, dragging Daniel into his lap, the other's legs useless after spending so much time on his knees, a new urgency making them both shake.
"You were so good," he finds himself babbling, hand frantically dipping into Daniel's sweats and underwear, while Daniel drops his head on his shoulder, whimpering softly.
"So good," Max repeating, panting against Daniel's head, mouth watering at how big and wet Daniel is, barely knowing what he's saying. "You are perfect, Daniel, so good. Such a good boy."
He twists his wrist and Daniel closes his teeth on Max's shoulder as he comes with a cry.
They're both shaking as they come down, Daniel a warm, boneless weight in Max's lap, breathing heavily.
"Thank you," Daniel rasps after a while. He's not moving from his hiding place in the crook of Max's neck, but Max can still feel him smiling slightly, feels the corner of his mouth tick up as a reflex.
"You're welcome."
They'll need to talk about this, probably, it's not the same as what they were doing before, and Max really wants to know if he's now finally allowed to kiss Daniel, but he can give himself a few minutes with this before doing that.
Pole position, his brain unhelpfully provides, cooldown lap.
He rolls his eyes at himself and presses his lips to Daniel's hair, waiting for both their hearts to slow down in sync.
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Hi ! Idk if im doing this right, its my first time sending a request…
Anyways, I loved ur autistic!reader x Oscar fic and i was just wondering if you could write more about them :)
I would love to read something about how she would interact with the other drivers / how they would interact with her!
If you don’t want to write that then you don’t have too! I love your writing and would love to read anything you post <3
Have a nice day, bye 😊
Grid Encounters
Oscar piastri x Autistic!reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: Yes, and with the amount of people who want to see Oscar and his Autistic partner, I will potentially make this a series:). Also, I'm still open for requests
Summary: Shenanigans on the grid take place when Oscar and his girlfriend are there
Warnings: idk I don't think there is
Notes: Trying a new format, let me know what y'all think!
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It didn't take long for some of the drivers to catch on
Others were completely oblivious
Oscar and Lando both found it incredibly entertaining when she struggled to filter her thoughts
Her opinions and comments about things making them laugh hysterically
When someone told a joke she didn’t understand and gave them a blank stare, the reaction to them was funnier then the joke.
Oscar always swooped in to save her
Explaining what everyone found so funny in a way that made it all click for her
Max became close with her easily
She listened intently every time he started Maxsplaining or info-dumping
It was obvious to her when he was joking
He appreciates her laughing at his jokes
Charles is absolutely clueless
The two often staring blankly at the other
No thoughts, head empty
Until they figured out their shared interest in music
Then they wouldn’t shut up
Lando appreciates her tastes in food
Specifically the lack their of
Finally he could go out to eat with someone who understood him and his pickiness
Much to Oscar’s dismay
Daniel is very sweet with her
He tries his best not to shout in her ear and if he knows he’s going to be loud he’ll make sure to warn her
He gets defensive whenever someone gets insensitive
He’s always ready to tell someone off if they aren’t listening to her and what she’s saying she needs
Lewis was always wanting to know as much as possible
Learning to help make people aware of the hurtful stereotypes
It was refreshing to see and she openly answered any questions he asked
The reporter and journalists on the other hand, had yet to learn their lesson
It became a game among everyone who was regularly in the paddock
A game they called “which journalist would be getting a blunt answer today”
They always wanted to know why she did the the things she did
In which they would either receive a blunt and unfiltered answer
Or a sarcastic remark
“Is this the new style?”
“Sure. But I just find it comfy.”
“Do you ever get annoyed by things around the paddock?”
“That’s a stupid question. Don’t you have a degree for this stuff?”
“How do you and Oscar celebrate?”
“We party really hard. Drink a lot… of water. Lay on the floor. I’m always exhausted after.”
Speaking of the floor
She had a habit of always being on it
She determined that some floors were better then others
Oscar loved to indulge in her experiments
Rating every floor she was willing to lay on
They once were judging to tarmac on the circuit
Other drivers were doing track walks
Eventually they joined in
The journalists were confused at why half the grid was laying in the ground determining if they could sleep on it
It was a nice change, being around people who didn’t label her and accepted all of her quirks
Oscar was glad she felt at home around the paddock
He loves her for who she is
So seeing her smile about her environment and being accepted into his grid family made him smile too
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