#this took AGES to put together hahah thanks for the ask!<3
no-chancess · 1 month
what's your fave song from each album here are mine so we can compare notes:
st - taxi cab aka The Bridge To End All Bridges WERE DRIVING TOWARD THE MORNING SON WHERE ALL YOUR BLOOD IS WASHED AWAY AND ALL YOU DID WILL BE UNDONE (also like...air catcher, trapdoor, acatad, taxi cab.....unmatched four songs in a row they all hit you square in the gut sheesh)
rab - tie between clear and glowing eyes and be concerned (how do I choose?????? i wish that i had two faces!!!!! To prove which theory works!!!! & i will TELL YOU WHAT I CAN....the harmonizing with himself....!!!!!!! I know there's someone at the door they called for help of this I'm sure but do i want to say goodbye to all the glowing eyes???? AND IF I SAID THAT I WOULD LIVE FOR YOU FOR NOTHING IN RETURN WELL IM SORRY MR GULLIBLE BUT LYINGS ALL I LEARNED) calling god mr gullible is just....
v - migraine. as someone who suffers from chronic migraines and also migraines caused by stress and depression,,,,, my guy he's done it also it's so fun to sing like are u kidding
bf - doubt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GNAWING ON THE BISHOPS?????? don't forget a-bou-ou-ou-ou-out me insanity
t - leave the city. just. yeah
sai - when choker first dropped i was omw to work and played it on loop crying my eyes out i felt something i never felt before. i sounded insane when i told my supervisor why i was still crying when i walked into work
also just their entire discography at this point lol
what song are u most excited about for clancy? let me know all ur thoughts!!
i'm not going to go deep bc nah not today. but let's go, here are some cute things i like about my fav songs on the albums
*cracks knuckles*
Self titled - Fall away
first of ALL. Tyler's vocals in this one <3333 all i want ever is to hear this one live. it's all i ask for.
And I, I can feel the pull begin I feel my conscience wearing thin And my skin It will start to break up and fall apart
this song just means a lot to me
RAB - Anathema
there is something comforting about this song that i can't really explain. it's so beautiful and the way tyler sings in this one is just ahhh
So won't you say goodnight, so I could say goodbye
Vessel - Holding on to you
first of all - Vessel is my absolute favourite album of theirs, i love all it's songs so much and they all have a special meaning to me. HOTY is an extra special one to me tho<3
I must've forgot, you can't trust me I'm open a moment and close when you show it Before you know it I'm lost at sea
lol i'm the most annoying person whenever HOTY comes on around my friends, i ALWAYS have to rap the whole thing before anyone is allowed to speak again hahahah
i have to mention Semi automatic too because it is my mum's favourite. i remember back when i lived at my parents house and i played top and semi automatic came on, my mum would always sing along<3
Blurryface -Heavydirtysoul
It's an amazing opener for the album and i love me a fast rap <3 i also love this one so so so much live and i really hope they keep it for this tour<3
Trench - My Blood
as an older sister who is very close with and protective of their younger sister, this one means a lot. whenever i listen to this song my heart goes warm and i think of her and how i would do anything for her happiness and safety.
also Tyler's falsetto AH it's so beautiful
SAI - Redecorate
girl i don't even know what to tell you. like you said with leave the city: just. yeah.
She had plans to change her name Just not the traditional way
when the album was new and fresh my fav was No chances tho. i just really love the vibe of that song.
thoughts on Clancy
DUDE i can't even explaaaaiiin how hyped i am for this album to drop, like all of the singles are so good?? espescially Backslide has my heart<3
i'm the most excited for Paladin Strait!! i NEED to know what Tyler put in the song that the fake album reviewer would have mentioned. i am actually going mad over it.
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fallasleepscenarios · 3 years
𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓶 𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓽 [bakugo x reader]
type: one shot, angst, fluff pairing: bakugo katsuki x reader (gender not specified) summary: (Y/N) and Bakugo have not established their relationship, leaving (Y/N) to question their whole "friends with benefits" thing. And it all goes down to what happens when they attend Kirishima's party. rating: R for implication of sexual act word count: 2.4k disclaimer: I do not own any of the mha characters and all of them are written as if they are of age also posted on my wattpad one shots book
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
"You're so silly. Get your butt here."
Bakugo shrugs and pouts angrily but eventually lets his body fall on me and weighing me down on the couch as I try to lift him off me. I laugh at his silliness, knowing that this is the best way someone like him can show affection. He lets his guard down so rarely after all, doesn't even want to show softness, ever. Only with me he does. He can be mellow, can't express it in words easily though.
"Tsk, I don't want to go to the stupid party with all the stupid bastards", he growls while finally making himself comfortable without hurting me.
"You promised! Besides, everyone's waiting for you", I run my fingers through his hair, "You know how much Kirishima has been waiting to see you!" I could tell by his look at this was somehow enough for him to accept attending the party with me. All his UA classmates would be there.
"Whatever! I have to train." In a swift move he gets up and leaves the room, like he always does.
"Bakugo--! Wait!" he stops without turning to look at me. "D-Do you wanna spend the night?" I gulped.
"I have to train", he says and leaves.
And at times like these, I ask myself, what the hell am I really doing. Having a crush on Bakugo Katsuki? That's far enough. Establishing a relationship with him? That's so far beyond the line of sanity. More times than not, I question myself for any signs of emotional masochism, because this really doesn't feel like a mutual feeling. Yes, he can be soft and sweet, would never admit it, though. Yes, somehow, he does like me in a sexual way, at least, or maybe considers me as a way to relieve stress? The past three months and a half have been so exciting, and I've been.. happy. But..
This really isn't enough for me. If only I could do anything to make him say what's in his mind, 'cause his actions really really don't match with his words. And then again, well, whatever, never mind, it could all be way worse for me..
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
On the day of the party, Bakugo was supposed to pick me up at 8 and head over to Kirishima's together, since I've never been to his place before. I put extra effort on picking an outfit I like and felt pretty cute and confident in it. At 7:45 I was already by the door, tying my shoes and receiving a text message by Uraraka-chan.
[19:45] From: Uraraka-chan<3 I can't wait for tonight! Deku-kun will also be there, haven't seen him in two weeks! Don't be late Y/N :D
I smiled at myself and happiness overflew in me. Don't want to jinx it but tonight sounds ideal; Bakugo agreed to come, I'm going to see everyone, even Midoriya found time off his strict training schedule, and Uraraka-chan is very happy, as well, I am glad.
But as I waited for Bakugo, the clock turned 8. And then 5 minutes after 8. And then a quarter past 8.
Normally, that's acceptable, since when one is late, they probably have informed you beforehand. Or at least, an apology is waiting for you at their arrival. Oh, but when Bakugo arrived..
"What took you so long?!!" My mood, the outfit I wore that I liked, the excitement, all had disappeared.
"SO WHAT, I had training to do! Deku has been training all week!", he snapped back at me and frowned. "Let's go damn it!"
"You're unbelievable-! That's how you treat me?!" This time, I was not going to take it.
"Tsk, you don't understand"
"At least you could have told me you were at practice..! Not arrive, what, a quarter to 9 and not even apologizing for keeping me waiting?!"
"YOU attacked me right when I arrived, when I would I apologize?!"
I refrained from saying anything else. I didn't want to completely ruin my mood for the party.
"Okay, stop." I let out a sigh. "Let's go. I really want to enjoy the party. I even wore that outfit that it took me so long to come up with, I really wanna enjoy it.." I closed and locked the door behind us and Bakugo just stared at me.
The road to Kirishima's was quiet. I caught a few glimpses of Bakugo walking by me and leading the way. Surprisingly, he didn't say anything at all. We passed by the river, it was beautiful and I so wanted to comment on the cherry blossoms showing as the path alongside it.
I tried not to overthink about this but it was bothering me, that Bakugo didn't even consider my feelings. He stood me up. This definitely isn't what you expect of your partner to do. Details like this, how he never calls me just to talk to me, he never texts me "good morning" or "good night" like my friends' significant others do, how we've never really agreed to have a proper date but always meet up at home, eat inside and are secretive, I don't like that. I think I am the only one in this relationship.
Heck, there is no real relationship. Friends with benefits, after all.
"(Y/N)! Bakugo-kun! You've arrived at last!" Uraraka-chan was the first one to greet us by the door.
"I'm sorry we're late, I asked Bakugo to pick me up since he lives so close-by, but he was training and couldn't leave early", I felt my cheeks flush up. Everyone's attention was on us and I didn't like it. "Besides, Kirishima-kun! Thanks for having us!"
Thankfully, I quickly felt comfortable and no one talked about how they've been waiting for us. We had a fun time, joking around, eating cakes that Sato baked and listening to what everyone's been up to on their vacation. I was able to forget about Bakugo's attitude, but every time I looked at him, it all came back to me, so I tried to avoid him as much. But still, I was able to catch glimpses of him, noticing that he never looked at me too. I am better than this.
I got up to pout myself some water and when I came back I noticed that Deku had joined Uraraka and they were cheerfully engaging in conversation by themselves, so I decided I wouldn't go back to Uraraka and third wheel them. Instead I decided to get some fresh air and went outside. The cold wind felt so nice on my face but I could tell I'd soon be cold enough to return inside.
"Y/N!", I didn't even hear Kirishima opening the balcony's door.
"Kirishima-kun, are you having fun?"
"For sure! I'm glad you could bring Bakugo with you. Wasn't really sure he'd come, since he's been eager to train as much as he can during the vacation time, but maybe having to accompany you made him responsible to come" Kirishima smiled and he'd never looked so innocent to me before.
"Ah, I just guess he came for you Kirishima-kun. You're his best friend after all."
We laughed and I suddenly felt really soft and comfortable talking about Bakugo with him.
"Kirishima-kun, you're great.. I wish I had a relationship with someone like you!"
And then I realized what I just said. Kirishima turned red and I no longer felt cold outside.
"Y/N, I-I don't think I like you like t-that.."
"Ah! No, it's okay, I don't think I do either.."
What am I saying, I know I like Bakugo.
I know he said he didn't like me but the vibe sure felt weird and tense and somehow comfortable. I could so simply say things like these with Kirishima and it did feel awkward but it was okay, we could sit in silence. And it was easier to stay outside now.
But then he called out my name, and I couldn't read his face. He surely thought that I might like him now. I noticed Bakugo was arguing with Iida-kun by the door, when Kirishima raised his hand to cup my cheek and-
"Can I kiss you?" he whispered.
Why am I not pulling back? Maybe he wants to find out if he'd feel something.. maybe I do as well. Bakugo wouldn't even care anyways. He wouldn't be the least jealous if he saw us.
"Yes", I whispered back and closed my eyes only to feel his soft lips on mine.
It lasted a few seconds but I knew for sure that this wasn't what I felt when I kissed Bakugo. Kirishima was now smiling softly as me and I knew we were on the same page. And this will be between us and nothing will be affected. Except that something caught his attention and he gasped ; I turned to see who else other than Bakugo staring at us.
He looked mad, but doesn't he almost always?
Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with regret towards him.
He wasn't supposed to get jealous, he has no right to!
"Ah, Bakugo saw us maybe", Kirishima shrugged, "He probably thinks we're stupid hahah"
I chuckled, not to make my uncomfortableness look so obvious and we headed back inside, since Bakugo had also disappeared from the entrance.
The rest of the night I felt so out of place and it was hard not to show, but I had to. Spent it mostly chatting with the girls and playing cards and board games.
But soon enough, it was time to go.
Midoriya had already left and so had some of the others that aren't late nighters, and I felt tired from all the tension of the day. I was glad that I had some fun though.
"I'm off, everyone!" I greeted them and put on my shoes and coat.
"I'm going to. Have to train early tomorrow"
I froze. Bakugo was also leaving and this could only mean he wanted to confront me.
I waited for him to be greeted by everyone as well. It was inevitable, we'd go the same way anyways.
But Bakugo didn't say anything. He started pacing fast and it was kind of hard to keep up.
When we reached the cherry blossoms, Bakugo stopped.
"Are you stupid? Why did you do that?!"
He was indeed jealous!
"What does it matter to you even!". Tears were forming in my eyes, I felt so guilty! But it wasn't entirely my fault!
"TO ME? That you're stupid?"
"What does it matter to you??! It didn't even matter to me!"
Bakugo turned around but he wasn't looking at me.
"..I.. don't know... I was curious.. "
"Tsk, 'curious', what even..!"
"I was, okay?! Kirishima was being so nice to me..."
"And you had to be stupid?!"
"STOP it! Okay? This, this is why I did that. Because I can no longer pretend that you care about me! You made that clear today!"
"I don't go around doing things a scumbag would do!"
Bakugo was starting to redden up, he had become really angry..
"BUT YOU DO!" I shouted, glad that we were the only ones on the street. "You do, when you're late and don't inform me, you do when you're embarrassed and secretive of me, you do when you never really tell me what's on your mind"
"You.." he frowned. "And YOU GO AND DO THAT"
"YES because MAYBE, MAYBE HE would actually LIKE me!"
He seemed to be taken aback. And I was properly crying. And I felt the cold wind against my face and hands. It was too bad we're ruining the effect of the beautiful cherry blossoms.
"Stupid.. STUPID STUPID STUPID", he was now pulling his hair in anger.
"Bakugo, stop! What are you doing!" I rushed out and grabbed him by his shoulders forcing him to look at me. And I felt guilty and sad to see him this angry but this had to mean something.
He looked away, avoiding my gaze at all costs.
"I should be asking you why are you being like this now..", I said softly. "It.. hurts to think about this, but did it feel like you were losing towards Kirishima?"
No answer.
"I'm sorry anyways, I am too tired to argue anymore and I'm sorry I kissed him. I.. didn't think it'd make you angry"
"Tsk, what are you apologizing for, loser.."
Bakugo's voice was soft and quiet..!
"I should be the one saying sorry. I FAILED don't you understand? I didn't make my feelings clear to you"
"All this time, I've been failing to this, I don't no a thing about romance"
"And you never even said anything, either! You just went along when I first kissed you!"
I had nothing to say. Suddenly, everything seemed so meaningless, because he was opening up to me.
"No, shut up, you listen to me now. It drives me crazy cause I can't concentrate and think about you all the time! I LIKE YOUR STUPID ASS"
This can't be for real. I've always wanted him to open up but I never..
"Can you.. say that again?", I was too startled.
"Weren't you listening?!"
"No, I was, it's just that I liked hearing you say that.."
I'd forgotten I'd been holding him weirdly and suddenly felt conscious about being so close to him, when I've been closer to him so many times before, but not like this.
"Tsk, I like you stupid ass, stupid", he frowned jokingly and it was his turn to wrap his arms around me. "I like your stupid stupid ass."
My cheeks have probably never flushed as this much before.
"I like you"
He kept repeating and I felt like I could faint.
"And I promise, I won't ignore my feelings anymore and I won't be USELESS!"
I backed away to look at him.
"Bakugo,.. does this mean, we're really together?"
And Bakugo blushed!
"Yeh" he simply said.
I couldn't help but smile and the cherry blossoms were beautiful around us.
Then, Bakugo tightened his grip on my waist and brought me closer. He kissed my cheek and looked at me again. And I couldn't decide over staring at his eyes or kissing him that moment.
But I couldn't bring myself to stop, I leaned forwards and felt his soft pouty lips against mine, his warmth transmitting to my skin. And we didn't pull back for a few moments.
"Do you want to stay over, Bakugo?"
And he nodded excitedly as we walked home together.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
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All The Hurt - Chapter 3
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: ANGST, Peter was an ass, reader is a hurt and petty bitch, fluff to make up for the angst, curse words, lots of “coincidences”, horrible description of death and feelings lmfao I’m sorry
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: dis a long one HAHAH
You groggily twisted in your bed as you tried to find the nagging nuisance that interrupted your peaceful slumber that barely lasted five hours. Your vision slowly focused as you rubbed your eyes vigorously, still searching for that damned alarm clock that you couldn’t seem to find.
“For fuck’s sake,” you grumbled, turning on the lamp beside your bed and hissing at the sharp light that was out to attack your pupils. The alarm clock, which somehow made its way onto the floor, read 7:00 AM, September 14th.
You scratched the side of your head, wondering why on earth your past self decided to wake you up this early on a random day.
Until it clicked.
September 14th. The Academic Decathlon competition that was being held in D.C. - the one your team had been preparing for months on end.
With all the ruckus that’s happened in the past few months, the competition was filed under the “unimportant events” cabinet in your mind. Truthfully, you didn’t really want to go. The only reason you were in decathlon was because you and Peter had a competition going to see who could get into as many after-school activities as possible while keeping their grades up. Plus, he said your intelligence would be an asset to the team.
It was stupid, really, but you both found joy in watching the other succeed, and at the time, Peter thought it’d be a push for you considering you were demotivated to study.
After he left you, you quit everything else besides decathlon. When you tried to, they told you you weren’t allowed to due to your name already being written down as one of the team’s members. You slacked off and often avoided going to the after-school practice altogether, hence why you forgot about it.
However, right now, it wasn’t a burden you had to bear. You were grateful for the upcoming distraction, and you thanked God Peter was somehow able to spontaneously quit the team the other day, the 'Stark Internship' granting him access to do so. Luckily for you, that meant some form of escape without having to be around him.
You felt yourself become lighter already, and you quickly got ready for the fast-approaching competition.
Once found your team waiting by the bus, you were greeted by a disoriented-looking Flash, making you giggle as you approached him while giving everyone you passed by a smile. “You look like shit.” You commented when you reached him at the back of the lengthy bus.
“I feel like it,” he groaned, his forehead pressing into the side of the vehicle, “I’m so not a morning person.”
You rolled your eyes and handed him the iced coffee you bought for him on the way, “I know, that’s why I got you this.” You said, shaking the beverage and holding it out for him, "Drink up, Eugene. We got people to beat. And before you ask, yes it has almond milk in it.”
He lifted his head and looked at the coffee in surprise, then back at you, “You’re a lifesaver.” He said, engulfing you in a hug so suddenly you had to hold onto the side of the bus to keep you both from falling back.
You teasingly shook your head and patted him on the back, “I know, I know. I’m amazing.”
“I don’t disagree.” He said, pulling back and taking the coffee from your hands with a small ’thank you.'
You stared at him as he slurped on his drink and sighed in bliss, and wondered what it would be like if he treated everyone the way he treated you.
You knew of his past and understood why his actions came from a place of hurt and nothing more. During these past few months, Flash helped you open your eyes and made you more understanding of people. Especially those who tried to cover up their pain by pushing others away in self-preservation, in fear of showing others who they truly were because they were afraid of being hurt, taken advantage of, or even worse, mocked for it.
At the simple gesture of getting him coffee, he seemed shocked that you even remembered his order, let alone got him something. Your empathetic side was much stronger than you thought it’d be, you realized, your heart aching for the misunderstood boy who stood in front of you.
“What?” Flash inquired with furrowed eyebrows, capturing the metal straw once more (because plastic ain’t it).
You were about to make a joke about how you were staring at him to process how ugly he was when Abe gleefully yelled, “Hey, it’s Peter!” And pointed ahead of him.
You swore your heart stopped for a moment, the voice in your head repeating the word ‘no'.
Your eyes widened as you slowly turned around in astonishment to find that, yes, it really was Peter, in the flesh.
And he’s asking to rejoin the team, but you were still caught up in his presence.
And how much you hated it.
Of course he showed up. Last fucking minute.
Boiling anger shot up to your throat and escaped through your mouth with a growl, “No, no way,” you walked towards him, eyes burning with rage as he backed up, “You can’t just quit, make a grand last minute entrance and be welcomed back.”
Of course, he was welcomed back by all but you and Flash, but that didn’t make a difference to anyone else no matter how many times you whined and objected.
“One more smart team member couldn’t hurt,” Mr. Harrington said.
And that’s how he ended up taking his seat about two rows behind yours, as you and Flash took your designated spots in the front. All the memories of him being Spider-Man fogged up your brain like you couldn’t see anything but him in the suit. It was infuriating how just him being there seemed to fuck with you.
What really pushed you to the edge was that you caught him looking at you. And not just stealing glimpses, no, you mean full-on gawking.
The audacity, you thought, exhaling loudly through your nose.
You found it hard to answer Liz’s training questions correctly. How could you? You were consciously aware of his presence, and consciously aware that he could be hearing your thundering heart if he concentrated enough.
Okay, so you may have done a little bit of research about him and watched a couple of his one minute interviews with reporters. None of them explained how he got said powers, but in one he told the interviewer all his senses were far, far more advanced than normal humans.
You wondered if he ever got a sensory overload.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the ring of a bell and his answer that followed, his voice echoing in your head. When you answered incorrectly for the second time, you decided to give it a rest. You plugged in your earbuds, raised the volume as high as it would go, and wished you could tune out your thoughts like you did to the world.
You were already awake when you reached your destination. While the rest of the students were in awe of how big it was, you and Flash weren’t.
Once all rooms were assigned, Peter and Ned immediately dashed to theirs without waiting to hear Liz’s plans to "act rebellious as a group". Normally, that wouldn’t raise any suspicions, but now that you knew about Peter’s little secret, you were skeptical. They must be doing something related to Spider-Man.
You ignored the dull pain in your chest.
And as much as you wanted to find out, you were drained. Thinking had seemed to take up most of your energy, which was something you needed in order to win. So, you grabbed your spare key card to the room you shared with Sally Avril and searched the second floor for Room 249 together.
Sally and you weren’t exactly friends, but you talked a few times and said hello to each other via a nod when you passed each other in the hallways. She agreed to be your science partner for this quarter’s project, and you knew that she was incredibly bright for her age, so you didn’t mind rooming with her for a while.
When the both of you were out of breath and complaining about your backs aching from your heavy backpacks, you thankfully found your room.
And, what do you know? It was exactly across the fucking hall from Peter’s.
You annoyingly rolled your eyes and hastily swiped your card on the card reader, pushing the door with your foot and throwing your backpack onto the bed before flopping on it with a groan, your tiredness leaving you and allowing anger to fuel you instead.
“You okay?” Sally asked, always the sweetheart, shutting the door and placing her own backpack on the bed, taking her possessions out.
“Just peachy,” you sarcastically mumbled, your face squished between the pillows. You could only describe their scent as hotel rooms, but they were cool enough to help put out a little bit of the fire that you still had within you. You took a deep breath and pushed yourself up, leaning on your elbows, “I’m gonna go check the gym out.”
A while back, you learned how to manage your anger by using it to your advantage. The excess adrenaline helped pump your energy and allowed you to finish your workout faster, which in turn made you stronger and defused the storm within you. You took your gym clothes to the bathroom and changed before yelling out a goodbye to Sally and exiting your room.
As you shut the door behind you, you looked up in time to make eye contact with Peter, who stood behind his glass window and froze upon meeting your eyes. You scoffed and turned away, and he sighed and continued closing the curtains to his room, obstructing anyone from seeing him remove the tracker from his suit.
When the clock struck 10 pm, you heard a secret knock that meant Liz was here to take your asses to sneak into the pool as a group. You tiredly tied your robe around your body as Sally opened the door, squealing and giving Liz a hug. The group was buzzing with excitement, and you weren’t 100% sure of it, but you were certain this was the most rebellious thing they’ve ever done.
It was adorable how innocent they were.
While the students ran down the hall, you slowed your pace down to walk beside Flash, who waited for you at the end of the line they formed and handed you a snickers bar - your absolute favorite.
“Aw,” you cooed, finger tapping his nose, "Is this a thank you for the coffee this morning?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Flash scrunched his nose and flicked your hand away.
“What's up with you lately?” You asked, peeling away at the bar’s wrapper and taking a large bite, “You’ve been so touchy and caring. I mean, you’ve given me more hugs this week than you have in your entire life.”
Flash’s ears turned red as he pursed his lips and looked down at his bare feet, “I’m not being touchy.”
You stopped and turned to face him with a tilted head and cocked eyebrow. He sighed, “You almost died, Y/n,” he admitted with a small voice, tracing all your scars with his eyes, "I don’t know, I just...I don’t want to lose you, you know? It was scary.”
Your demeanor softened and you gave him a gentle smile. Flash wasn’t one to open up and express his feelings properly, but it warmed your heart that he tried to with you. You wrapped your arms around him once more, calmly rubbing his back, “I don’t wanna lose you, either.”
He snorted and pulled back, jabbing your side and making you squeal, “Yeah, who wouldn’t?”
You jokingly pushed at his shoulders, “I could give you a fucking list.”
The two of you laughed in the hallway as you looked up to see that you were almost at Peter’s door, where he stood there talking to Liz alone. Or, more accurately, both of them exchanging love eyes that made them fumble with their words and made a visible blush rise to their cheeks.
You rolled your eyes with disgust and gagged in revulsion while your heart clenched so hard you had to put a hand on your chest to make sure it was still beating.
And boy, was it beating, all right.
Flash was quick to notice your actions and tried to get them to separate, cupping his hands over his mouth, “Yo, loser,” he called out, making Peter turn, “Stay here. I’m sure Iron-Man is gonna need your help rescuing kittens that are stuck on trees.”
You let out a chuckle and grabbed Liz by her arm when you got close enough, “Come on, don’t waste your time with him. He’s got civil duties to get to.” You threw a deadly glance at him and dragged Liz with you to the pool, failing to notice Peter’s crest-fallen face.
Who cares about him, though? You were here to win a competition and get the trophy - maybe that’ll prove to your dad that you’re worth something, and if that fails, it’s still pretty cool to have accomplished something.
You ended up teaming up with Abe and successfully pushing Flash into the pool, high-fiving Abe before he canon-balled in himself. You giggled, watching your teammates gesture you to come in, but you shook your head and took a seat in one of the chairs.
“Oh, come on, Y/n. Just come in for a minute.”  
“I’m not a swimmer, Flash. I’ll be here, just not in there.”
Your body was aching from the lack of sleep and constant moving around. Plus, you really weren’t much of a swimmer. You quietly took a seat beside MJ as she read a book you once read as well, the chair making a screeching sound that made you cringe and alerted MJ of your presence.
“Can I help you with something?” She asked, flipping to the next page and reading on, but somehow she saw you throw a glance at her.
“Nah,” you crossed your arms and leaned back, watching as Liz got splashed with water by both Cindy and Abe, who then proceeded to dunk Flash’s head in the water and high-fived, “just recognized the book, s’all.”
She hummed and nodded, and you saw her peek up at you from the corner of your eye, “Good taste. I’d like you if you weren’t a bully.”
“Guess you’ll never like me, then.” You replied, monotony lacing your voice, immediately putting an end to the conversation that was only beginning to bloom. You knew she was going to transform it into another ‘what you’re doing isn’t right’ lecture, but you’ve heard enough of it from Jane.
A tense silence settled between you two as her words settled in your mind. A bully. That’s exactly what you were seen as. You guessed people don’t exactly see what caused the change in behavior, but they see the change itself.
You placed the back of your head against the concrete wall and stared up, looking through the built in glass that allowed the moon’s light to bleed into the pool, fully brightening it up until the shadow of a figure covered the view. Him.
Him clad in his latex suit with a backpack on, hands holding the mask that would hide his identity from the rest of the world.
You saw him staring at her.
You felt your heart fall to the pit of your stomach, where it seemed to only cause a burning sensation - jealousy. You were looking at him while he was too busy looking at someone else, and that seemed to have followed you your entire life, even when you weren’t friends.
You gulped and turned away before you ever saw his line of vision move over to you, wondering and wondering.
The next morning, you stood in front of Flash’s room with your hands on his shoulders as you tried to calm him down.
“Holy shit. Holy shit, I can’t do this, Y/n,” He said, rubbing his forehead. His shoulders were rising and falling at a quick pace beneath your palms as he took shallow breaths, nerves practically spewing out of him.
Who knew Flash was a worry wort?
“Okay, Flash, listen to me,” you grabbed his face and tilted it towards you so you could look him in the eye, “This competition is just a competition. It doesn’t prove your worth to anyone.” That’s not what you thought of yesterday, "Your grades and results don’t determine how smart you are, all right? They’re just numbers and letters, and those don’t make up who you are. And besides,” you gestured to the group of people that were across the hall knocking on Peter and Ned’s door, “if you’re so worried, we’ve got a whole bunch of smart-asses who’ll make up for your stupidity.”
You gave him a teasing smile and relaxed when he shook his head with a chuckle.
“You’ve got this, Eugene.”
He took a deep breath and nodded his head in affirmation, “Yeah. Yeah, I’ve got this."
“Attaboy! That’s the spirit!” You said, punching him in the shoulder and laughing when he held his arm in pain.
The concoction from the other side of the hall seemed to have risen above your laughter, making you and Flash exchange a look before running over.
“What’s going on?” Flash asked, causing everyone to turn.
“The boys won’t come out, and if they don’t we’ll be late,” Liz answered, checking the watch on her wrist and tugging the ends of her ponytail stressfully.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” You mumbled, rolling your eyes and elbowing your way through the crowd until you reached the door.
“Ned! Parker! Get the fuck out of this room or so help me God I will fucking break the door down!” You yelled, repeatedly slamming your fist on the door as it shook from the force.
To your surprise, the door immediately swung back to reveal a sweaty Ned and a missing Peter. Before he was going to say something, you asked, “Where is he?”
Ned stood there like a gaping fish, opening and closing his mouth with broken words falling out, “He..uh, he..won’t be able to make it?”
“He left?”
Ned took a shaky breath in and toyed with the hem of his shirt, “M-maybe..”
Typical Peter. Running away when he was needed.
“Of course he did,” you pinched the bridge of your nose then turned to Liz, “we’re just gonna have to leave without him.” You shrugged, watching as Liz’s shoulders deflated.
She looked mad, worried, and at the same time disappointed. You guessed it had something to do with whatever they were talking about yesterday.
You also guessed he left due to something that had to do with Spider-Man, but you didn’t have enough evidence to prove it to yourself. Regardless of how you wanted to feel, you started getting rather distressed. You wondered if he left after seeing you guys in the pool, where he was, if he was all right, why he hasn’t come back - all questions that could be answered by Ned, you realized. But you didn’t want to risk it.
So, you made your way to the competition with murmuring nerves and trembling hands. You blamed it on the competition, but you knew deep down that it was Peter’s absence that was troubling you.
Either way, you thanked God for MJ’s intelligence that won you the competition.
Hugs were being exchanged all around and pride flowed between your teammates as a golden trophy was handed to your team.
To celebrate, you made your way to the Washington Monument, where you’d be given a boring tour and promised an 'unforgettable view.’ However, there was a tugging feeling in your stomach as Flash asked Mr. Harrington if he could tell Peter that he was expelled. He still hasn’t shown up. Your mind raced with possibilities, and only got worse as the monument's elevator ascended.
Until it abruptly stopped and aggressively shook in its place, causing panic to spread among your group as dust fell upon everyone from the hole that seemed to have appeared above you, covering you from head to toe. Smoke began to fill the elevator’s confined space and-
And this was starting to feel like Delmar’s all over again.
You were frightened, hands shaking and tears welling up in your eyes as oxygen barely made its way into your lungs only to come out again. Your eyes were glued to the hole in the elevator’s roof, as if it’d somehow close up again if you stared at it long enough. It felt as if you were looking at the inside of one’s body - it was a sight you were never meant to see, and now, here you were, seeing it. You saw the wires and pulleys that kept the elevator in its place, and you couldn’t describe how wrong it was.
“Okay, guys, I know that was scary but our safety systems are working. We’re very safe in here.” The lady assured in the most tedious way possible. It was like you weren’t about to meet death himself. Like everything was okay.
It wasn’t.
“No, lady! No, we’re clearly not!” You yelled as you collapsed to the floor, clutching your head and rocking back and forth.
“Okay, Y/n, breathe, breathe.” Mr. Harrington crouched down to your level, inhaling and exhaling slowly as if that’d help you. You could hardly focus on anything but the fact that you felt like you were going to die.
Death seemed to chase you wherever you went, like you were cursed, and now these people were going to go down with you, with no superhero to come swooping in because you didn’t know where he was.
Oh my God, why is this happening?
Flash hastily looked around and pointed to a small opening on the side of the elevator, “We can open that! We can open that and get out through there!” He said, and the others got to work right away.
Ned carried the lady on his shoulders as she successfully pushed it open, allowing new air to come through, the group taking a large, collective inhale. Flash kneeled down beside you, and rubbed your back, promising you everything will be okay, which calmed you down enough to stand up.
You were still scared, hands were still shaking, but you knew you had to put others before you. So you concealed them from everyone’s view, and helped your teammates safely climb out to where a group of security guys was waiting to pull them out.
Cindy went up first, then Abe, Sally, and the dude with glasses you could never remember the name of, until you, Flash, Mr. Harrington, Liz, and Ned remained.
They all suggested you go first, but you refused and told them you’d be fine with assisting them. Flash was up next.
The minute he jumped off the elevator’s surface to grab ahold of the security guard’s hand, the wires which held the elevator in its place snapped and you began your fast descend, screaming into oblivion as your heart rattled inside your ribcage.
A strong force stopped the elevator from falling further for a second before it started falling again, not giving you enough time to catch your breath. It hit a large metal ground, hard, and that seemed to stop it and made you fall on your knees and bust the rest of the glass.
You breathed harshly, thinking it was over, basking in sweet relief until Spider-Man fell from the hole into the elevator and pushed it down even further, prompting the elevator to plunge at an even faster rate, and both Liz and Ned to let out an ear-deafening scream that made its way to your stomach, twisting and turning it while your knuckles turned white from the death grip you had on the railing.
There's your second chance at death, because apparently, one time wasn’t enough.
With his quick thinking, though, Spider-Man raised his arm and shot his web to the ceiling of the building, holding on as he planted his legs on the corner of the elevator, and pulling as it hung in the air.
He looked around the elevator, pausing for a second on your curled up body, before clearing his throat, “Hey, how you doin’?” He said, thickening his New York accent, “don’t worry about it, I got you.”
Ned - like he wasn’t about to fucking die - began fangirling over his best friend as he yelled out multiple 'yes's and bounced up and down, making the elevator’s wheels creak, threatening to fall once again.
"Hey, hey, hey, big guy! Quit movin’ around!” Spider-Man scolded Ned, his voice returning back to normal as he tugged on the web to slowly pull the lift up.
Your insides were still flipped and in all the wrong places, mind frozen as you sat on the ground, still rattled, with tears pushing hard against your waterline. Your breathing was loud and labored, which caught Liz’s attention.
“Hey,” she sat down beside you, voice husky, still half dazed herself, “we’re gonna be okay.” She said, almost as if she was trying to convince herself with her words, "We’re safe now.”
She paused for a moment, "I know what happened to you at Delmar’s-“ You saw Spider-Man’s head swerve towards the both of you for a second as you inhaled sharply. “-but you’re okay. We’re all going to be fine.”
You tilted your head towards her, tracing over her messed up hair and flushed cheeks, dirt painting her face but a small, hopeful smile sat on her lips. You managed to give her a nod and a squeeze of her hand in acknowledgment. Though it did nothing to calm you down, you were still grateful for her sincerity and effort in trying to do so.
“All right, everyone out.” Spider-Man demanded once you reached the level where the security guards were waiting. His grunting made it sound like he didn’t have as much time as he needed, and every person made their way out slowly but carefully.
You shakily stood on your legs, waiting for everyone to get out and counting down until it was your turn. Three, Ned was out first. Two, Mr. Harrington made it to the other side. One, Liz was safely out as she looked back at you and stretched her arm, palm open and awaiting your own.
You quickly skidded across the floor, and just as your skin touched hers, the web broke into two with a splick sound.
And for the next second you were falling to your death, all on your own.
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Tags: @peachescream06
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By the king’s hand 🐍 XIV
Warnings: dubcon/noncon/rape
This is dark!fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You try to adjust to life back at the palace.
Note: Let me say this is torture to write sitting with my bf because I wanna jump his bones but whatever. Anyways, this chapter is kinda just porn but you know we have some plot coming so enjoy while you can hahah.
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Loki was reluctant to leave you and when he did, he left Hal in his stead. It wasn’t subtle. The boy watched you with his bright eyes and every time you stood and paced the room, he asked if you were well. It was rather irritating even if the boy meant well.
You sighed and dropped onto the chaise. You looked around the chambers and hunched forward as you held your face in your hands. Finally settled, as much as you could be, you were restless and you dared to admit it, bored. Hal sat in the armchair and held the same book he’d had in the carriage. You tilted your head as you admired the worn spine.
“Is there nothing I am allowed to keep me from going mad from this tedium?” You asked.
Hal looked up and blinked. He closed his book and rested it on his leg. “Can I ask you a question?” He wondered. You squinted but nodded. “You, by your own words, are a peasant. How come you speak so well?”
You shifted. You hadn’t expected that. You were unused to talking about yourself or thinking about your former life. It was so distant it felt as if it had never been yours.
“My uncle,” you said softly. “I worked in his pottery shop. We never made anything fancy, nothing for any noble patron, but when he was an apprentice, he was employed by a jeweler. Peasants don’t buy jewels. My uncle always said that a merchant should speak all languages, high and low, if he is to be successful, so he always reminded me to enunciate and use big words.” You scoffed and almost laughed at the thought, “Seems ridiculous now. He never made a pot for anything more than a modest holy man, and you know it is unseemly to accept coin from one anointed by the gods.”
“You made pots?”
“And chests, and plates, bowls, cups. We used clay, wood, we even worked some glass.” You explained. “My uncle’s wife died before he could have a child and my mother left me with him before she ran out.”
“And your father?” Hal leaned forward and winced at his own words. “My apologies, I shouldn’t--”
“My mother never married him proper.” You shrugged. “So I suppose, I’m a bastard too.” You touched your stomach. “Only entirely common.”
“I didn’t mean…”
“You don’t have to be sorry.” You let yourself smile, “You’re the first in this godforsaken place who’s even asked about me. No one else cares what I’ve done, only what I can do for them.”
There was a pause as Hal flipped the cover of the book open and closed. His cheeks coloured, as they often did when he was thinking. “If you are bored, you might read?”
“Read?” You laughed, this time aloud. “Peasants don’t read. We can keep a ledger of debts but letters, those are beyond us.”
He was embarrassed. His whole face turned red and his blue eyes rounded. “Well, I… I don’t-- I didn’t--” He cleared his throat, “I could… teach you?”
You almost laughed again. You were kept from it as a knot formed in your chest. It was a kindness you hadn’t known in your time at the palace. Sure, the king had brought you charcoal and paper, but he didn’t care that you couldn’t draw. Aside from that, he expected you to wait around until he required your service.
You were suddenly overcome. You felt as if you would weep and quickly blotted your eyes with your sleeves. You sniffed back the threatening deluge and sat up. “You would teach me?”
“If I can,” he said meekly, “I’ve never taught anyone but I could try.” He stood and set aside the book. “Would you want to?”
“I think… but what is there to read?” You asked. “I always just thought books looked so...complicated.”
“Oh, there are wonderful stories,” he chimed, “Of princesses and knights and kings and queens.” He went to the writing desk in the corner and shuffled through the loose leafs, “Even stories of commoners; of the poor out in the cold and the lowly soldier marching with his liege.”
He turned with a handful of untouched parchment and an inkwell in hand. He set it on the table and retrieved two pens from the desk drawer. He pulled a chair away from the table and looked to you.
“My lady,” he said.
“I told you, that is not my title.” You rose slowly and groaned as your hips ached.
“May I call you it anyway?” He asked. “I think it fits you.”
You chuckled at him and patted his shoulder as you sat in the stiff-backed seat. “If you must.”
“Well,” he sat and placed a pen in front of you, “I think it is best to start by writing out the letters. That is how I began.”
“Alright,” you took the pen and rolled it between your fingers. He slid a sheet before you.
“Just repeat as I do and we will go over the sounds of each letter.” He explained, “Don’t forget the ink.” He uncapped the well and shook his head at himself. “Better I am not a tutor. I think the sword might be better held in my hand.”
“Oh, but Hal,” you said, “A knight should have patience and I expect, you’ll need much with me.”
Your lesson was long and frustrating. Hal seemed much wiser than you as he assured you that you must be twice his age and so it might take longer for you to catch on. It did not help as you only felt even duller. The boy was patient, to a fault, even, as finally you drew out your entire alphabet and named all the letters by heart. He advised that you looked them over often and repeat them when you could until the next lesson.
He shuffled up the parchment and cleaned the pens. He tucked it all away in the broad drawer as you moved to the chaise and reclined as your lower back rang with pain. He snapped it shut and resumed the armchair.
“The king writes in his solar often,” Hal said, “So you might assume that desk in his absence.”
“Is that what he does when he is away?” You rubbed your stomach pensively.
“He reads, he writes, he meets his council and gives his decrees,” Hal said, “He is a king who keeps himself busy.”
“You would think he’d long for solace when he is not at his duty,” you sighed.
“I think a king is often lonely in his own way. His nobles only expect favours of him and he cannot meet any on even ground.” Hal mulled. “Perhaps, he might feel as you do; that they do not ask after him, only what he can give them.”
“Hmm,” you hummed. How much did Loki give to any? It seemed as if he only took. “Perhaps from his eye.” You tapped your fingers on a wrinkle in your gown. “How long have you served the king?”
“Since I was only eight years.” Hal said. “My father is an earl and Odin saw fit that I take service in the palace for my education. His own son needed an attendant. The king, a prince at the time, did think me too young.” He chuckled to himself, “He said I was as sweet as a maid and I would make a poor lord.”
“That isn’t very kind,” you huffed.
“Ah, but the king is only one who needs proof of one’s worth. He did see my loyalty and my diligence. He has kept me on and has made me squire. I cannot be more grateful.” Hal expounded, “When my training begins, I will no longer be expected to feed or dress him.”
“Oh,” you said glumly, “And when does he intend on that?”
“In the spring, when he is wed,” he answered, “When the snow has melted and the yards are not so treacherous.”
You were quiet. You sat up and turned your legs over the edge of the chaise. You leaned on the low arm and kept a pillow under your elbow.
“You will see me still, my lady,” he said, “I promise that.”
“No, I don’t think I will. I will be round and ready to burst by then and you will have a new duty.” You picked at the edge of the cushion, “And the king will have his wife. I think I mightn’t be here then.”
“Where would you be?” He asked.
“I don’t know. Hidden away so that the king’s shame cannot be known,” you shrugged, “What should a wife, a princess, think if her husband does keep another in his bed?”
Hal reddened and you almost giggled at his embarrassment, not thinking before you spoke. 
“I’m sorry,” you looked down.
“No, it is only… I am almost a man, I know of these things,” he insisted, “It is only, well, I cannot think of how he should have both.” He twiddled his fingers. “It makes me sad to think he might have to be rid of you. To think that things can change so quickly.”
“So is life,” you threw your hand up, “Nothing ever stays as it was.”
“I suppose,” Hal swallowed and opened his book, “But I would not dwell on it.” He flipped through the pages, “I’d rather enjoy things as they are now.”
You peeked over at the boy. As you watched him put his eyes to the page, you felt a bittersweet churning inside. He was so young, you recalled yourself at his age. You’d never been one for dreams or whimsical aspiration. Your uncle called you his little miser as you always saw the worst in the best. Life had yet to dispel your pessimism.
As he turned the page, another peculiar pang settled in you. You thought of your child and who they should be. You hoped they did not inherit your acrid gloom or their father’s malice. You hoped they were like the boy before you. You hoped you could give them dreams you never had. You hoped, you hoped, you hoped…
The door kept you from drifting further into your fears. You looked up as Loki entered and dusted the last of the melting snow from his shoulder. Hal was on his feet in a second and helped the king out of his damp cloak. You rose in turn, anxious as you bounced on the balls of your feet.
Loki’s pale skin was pinkened with the bite of the cold. He sniffed and bid Hal to fetch him tea. The boy flitted out obediently and left you to greet the king.
Loki rubbed his hands together as he went to the fire and warmed them over the flame. He didn’t look at you as he stared into the flames. “You may sit.” He said, “You should not tax yourself thus.”
You lowered yourself as he leaned on the mantle and brushed his fingers through his dark hair. He was still at his work in his head. You wondered why he’d returned so early as you expected he had much to do.
“I took my lords to arrange Tyr’s Hall for my brother’s arrival,” Loki said, “The snow has brought a tree down and damaged the roof.” He spun and his hands went to his hips. “We will have to relocate to the theatre. It is the only building spacious enough for the council and the jury and judges.” He paced and shook his head, “My father renewed that damned theatre over the courthouse. He always did like his shows. And now I must put my brother on trial as if it is some comedy!”
You watched him. He never spoke so much of his courtly troubles. You weren’t sure what you could offer. You knew little of what he did or could do.
“Ugh,” he stilled himself and held his hands out, “But I did come to clear my mind of these things.” He lowered his head and exhaled. He strode over to you and sat on the chaise next to you. “For all the nonsense, I could but worry for… the child.”
You nodded. “And me? You leave me with the boy so he can keep me from trouble?”
“I leave him as company. You needn’t be alone so much.” He leaned back on his hands and pushed his legs apart. “You don’t like him?”
“No, he is a sweet boy,” you assured him, “But I don’t think it fair to keep him locked up with me.”
“He does as I will,” Loki rolled his eyes, “As you do.”
You clamped your mouth shut. His usual mood had returned. You only suspected it to worsen as his brother’s presence loomed and the trial edged closer. 
“Your baker’s daughter did relent, at least,” he sneered, “Another witness for our cause though the word of a common whore will do little against a prince.”
You frowned. You didn’t want to think of Gilla or your visit to the dungeons. It made you shiver and you hugged yourself. He waved his hand in the air and chewed his cheek.
“There I go again,” He turned his head to you, “I did retire for the day and yet I cannot think clearly.”
You hummed. He sat up and rested his hand on his thigh, a tight fist as he shook his head at himself. He stretched out his fingers slowly and reached over to touch your stomach. It seemed to calm him so you let him.
“Your majesty,” you said softly. He looked at you again and drew his other hand from his chin.
“Mouse?” He gave a small nod.
“The child will need something to wear with the boots.” You touched your hips as they reverberated with a sudden pain. You held in a hiss and went on, “I can sew. Perhaps you might allow me a needle and some material to work with.”
“I would have my tailors take care of all that,” he drew a circle with his fingertips before he pulled away from your stomach. “I’ve staff to worry for the details.”
“But… but you leave me here without task. Without anything but a boy and the walls.” You leaned forward to take the weight off your hips. “If I had some work to do, the time might pass easier.”
His brows lowered and he pursed his lips. “I suppose you are right.” He looked up as a knock sounded and he called for Hal to enter. “Thank you, boy.” He pointed to the table and the cup was set down. “You may go and return for our supper.”
“Your majesty,” Hal retreated and the door closed firmly.
“I will have some fabric sent to you on the morrow,” Loki allowed and you squirmed as the settee made your bottom sore. “Would you sit still?”
“Thank you, your majesty,” you hissed and stood as you rubbed your hips, “It is the child. It makes me ache.”
He watched you grip your hips and the tension left his face. His eyes roved up and down your body and he rose. How quickly his mind flew away.
“I might help with that,” he purred.
“I’m not sure that is a solution,” you grumbled.
“Do not presume to know my thoughts,” he warned and grabbed your wrist. “Come. Lay down and I will ease your pain.”
You blinked at him and your doubt drew your lips taught. He snickered and tugged you towards the bedchamber.
“Time does you well.” He said as he drew you through the door behind him, “Your old habits do return to you.”
He was irritating you. The slither in his tone, the knowing, the taunting. He was, as he said of you, as he was before.
“And you haven’t changed at all,” you huffed as he sat you down.
“Did I ever claim it?” He winked and cracked his knuckles, “On your side, mouse.”
“I think I only need to recline for a time,” you argued, “Without bother.”
“Oh, a bother am I?” He arched a brow. He bent and came close enough that his nose tickled yours. “There are ways for me to hurt you without affecting the child. So, let us not tread backward, mouse.”
You couldn’t help how your anger spiked. Your emotions grew more and more erratic. You merely gritted your teeth and lowered yourself down across the bed. He spun his finger to have you turn your back to him and you obeyed if only to hide your spite. The morning felt as if it was long ago.
“Just… relax,” his fingers went to your hip and he kneaded the flesh, “Birger says a woman with child is usually uncomfortable, so let me help and you might not be so fickle.”
“Fickle?” You snipped.
“I could think of another word but let us not venture so far,” he teased.
You moaned in surprise as his touch eased your muscles. You heard his low chuckle in response and you went rigid again. He continued to massage your hip, then your back, and your shoulders. He was quiet and you were uncertain as your body eased and your mind raced.
“Turn over,” he bid and you did without resistance.
His hand was on your other hip as your arm fell back and you closed your eyes. If he was the reason for your tension, he was as good at soothing it. You felt sleepy as he carried on and his fingers danced up your side. He touched your stomach again and crawled upward until he was cupping your breast.
You opened your eyes and he was grinning at the sigh of his hand on your chest. You grabbed his wrist and he shook you off.
“Well, mouse, you’ve got me all stiff now,” he looked to his lap and you sighed. “I say, these are bigger with each day.”
“Ah,” you squeaked as he pinched your nipple through the dress, “And tender!”
“All the better,” he groped you again. “You needn’t do anything but lay there, mouse.”
He nudged you onto your back and you resisted until he pinched you again. He caught your hand before you could strike him and shoved it down beside your head.
“Think of the child,” he cooed as he stood and pushed his knee between your legs. “I thought we had an understanding, mouse.” He brought his other knee down and forced your legs apart. “Birger did say that these activities were beneficial to your condition.”
“Oh, he did?” You wriggled your hand as he pinned your other down and stared down at you.
“And it is not so beneficial for you to work yourself up,” he warned, “So you might calm yourself before you suffer for it.”
“You mean let you have your pleasure.”
“If it entails my pleasure, then I cannot complain,” he released your hands and grabbed your tits again. “Fuck, look at you.”
You squeezed your legs around him but made no move to resist. He’d worked himself into a lust and to resist him might undo all his kindness. As it were, his persistence was not so cruel as before. You could bear it if only for the hope of rest in the end. You could bear it for the life inside you.
“I do not know if I can restrain myself as I did last eve,” he grasped the top of your gown and with effort, tore it open, “But I will try.”
You grunted as he jolted your body as he bared your swollen breast. He bent and took a nipple in his mouth and suckled. It sent a tingle deep into your chest and through your core. You gasped and your hand went to the back of his head. He swirled his tongue around your hardened bud as his fingers played with the other.
He moved to your other breast, a trail of spit between them as he relished the way you squirmed. You couldn’t help it as the pain was laced with a sensation more intense than any you’d felt before. He grabbed the top of the tear already rent in your gown and ripped it further. He dragged his lips down your stomach and growled.
You cursed under your breath. You hated that you felt this way. He pushed your legs up as he nestled between your legs and his warmth spread over your pelvis. He dipped his head down and you flinched as he delved into your folds. You dropped your hand from his hair and he pulled it back impatiently as he buried himself deeper in your cunt.
You bit down as your legs curled over his shoulders, his fingers traced your entrance as his mouth teased your clit. He poked inside and you moaned. He added another finger and worked them in tandem with his tongue. You tangled your fingers in his locks and panted as you covered your face with your other hand.
He kept on until you were writhing and whining. You rocked against his face hungrily and the release swept over you violently. You cried out and locked him between your legs as you rode out your climax. 
He slowly withdrew and sat up as he kept your legs against him, resting your feet against his shoulders. He reached to the top of his breeches, hastily snapping the laces and parting the top. He freed his member and angled himself against your cunt.
He prodded you with his tip and slickened his cock with your arousal. Your hand fell to the pillow and you looked up at his dilated eyes. 
He entered you in a single thrust. You exclaimed and he wiggled his hips as he tested your limits. He gripped your thighs as he began to move against you with long, even strokes. You quivered as your walls clenched around him. You felt your arousal spreading across his breeches with each thrust.
He sped up, his nails sinking into your thighs as he groaned in delight. He threw his head back as his breath hitched. The noise of his fucking filled the chamber and bounced off the corners in a lurid echo. Your frantic pants added to the carnal symphony and fed your hunger.
You reached down to grip the loose fabric of his trousers as he rutted into you. His fingers fluttered down to your cunt and he played with your bud as he fucked you. Your feet arched and you felt another orgasm brewing inside of you.
“Please,” you gasped, “Fuck, fuck!” You were dazed from the sheer pleasure flowing through, “Gods, I fucking hate--” 
You came and your voice fizzled to a series of pathetic whimpers. He only thrust harder and faster. He pushed your legs down around him and planted his hands on either side of you as he groaned and grunted. He was close, you felt it in the way he quaked.
He pulled out of you suddenly and grabbed your hand. He wrapped it around his cock beneath his own and made you stroke him until he finished. His seed spilled out over your stomach, a few strings glossed over your tits, and he slowed your hand as he shuddered and stilled against you. He dropped your hand, his cum wet across your palm and rolled his shoulders.
His green irises focused at last and he sat back as he let out a long breath. He dragged a finger along your stomach, stirring his seed as he admired the small curve of your middle. He turned his hand and pressed two fingers against your cunt until you writhed.
“Thank you, mouse,” he rasped. “For a moment, I did forget my troubles.”
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jetaime-jespere · 3 years
47, 45, 43, 38, 36, 35, 29, 30, 25, 26, 17, 7, 8 , 1 & 5!! hahah sorry if it’s a lot i’m just curious 🤷‍♀️♥️
Oh wow !😘 Okay this might take me a bit but here you go! I'm going to put a few under the cut as well so it isn't as long. 💓
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
Oh gosh - definitely really young. I used to watch TV shows and read books and would rewrite things my own way. I also wrote some really bad ER fanfiction at the age of 11. I was really embarrassed about writing fanfiction for years (literally up until ... December) and now I just kind of own it. It's been part of my life for a very long time.
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?
WSNE, for sure. I remember outlining it back in July of last year laughing at myself thinking "well, if I finish this one day, this is how it will go." I never thought I would actually finish it, or that it would become what it did. I'm secretly really proud of it and sometimes I forget that I wrote it from nothing.
7) When is your preferred time to write?
This sounds bizarre - but early morning (think 3:30-4:45 AM). I have really weird sleep habits and wake up really early, and would do most of my writing then. A ton of WSNE was written in the early mornings.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Everywhere. I know it's a simple answer but a lot of things I write are based in real life experience of either myself or people I know. I get a lot of inspiration from music and movies, and of course, other writers too. Sometimes it'll be a conversation with another writer, or sometimes it just comes to me.
17: Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.
This is not Hotchniss related, but it's what I'm currently working on:
He recognizes the tone he uses, the gentle one that he often saved for the middle of the night when they would curl up into each other and pretend reality didn’t exist outside the windows of his apartment
25: I answered this one here
26: Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?
I struggled immensely with chapter 44 of WSNE. The aftermath of Doyle was so overwhelming to wrap up and somehow get Emily/Aaron back together believably while still keeping things moving. There were so many loose ends and a lot of emotion and it took me a very long time to get that one done.
29: Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
Not really - I am very grateful for all of the love and support on all of my stories. I really can't ask for more in terms of that ... and I am so lucky to have such wonderful, loyal readers. I recognize usernames so when I see the same people coming back ... it just makes me so happy.
30: In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Again, not really. I am always happy to see when one of my older stories gets some love. Acquiesce, the first fic I ever wrote for Hotchniss (well, in 2020 - not counting the one I wrote in 2011) lately got some love on ao3 and that made me smile.
35: Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
I was hoping someone would ask me this. I have been so, so lucky to have made some wonderful friends thanks to writing. Being able to share things with them - quickly send them something with "does this make sense?" or show them the first draft of something ... it has been a joy on both ends (sharing my own writing and theirs being shared with me)
36: Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
So ... think Grey's Anatomy, bomb episode from s2, but Hotchniss. 😈
38: If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be?
There are so many I had a really hard time with this. But I would probably have to say @eprcntiss. I am always in awe of their work, and after the masterpiece that was Sunday, I would love to see what we could come up with!
43: Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?
@whitecrossgirl guessed that Derek was the BAU team member killed in Right Where You Left Me almost immediately.
45: What spurs you on during the writing process?
Feedback. It's a common answer because it's very true. Reading reactions from others and hearing that someone out there enjoyed something I created is a wonderful feeling. I am always very grateful for comments, kudos, and reblogs. It really does help :)
47: Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about?
I would love to do this one, but I need a title 😉
And, dear anon, whoever you are, thank you for sending all of these! I'm very flattered! 💓
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hxneydreamers · 3 years
Hello dear ! I have read your blogs. You are amazing !!!! (10000x 💞 for you ). I wanted to ask a question . Neville goddard said that time doesn't really exist in manifesting . So actually my sp who is celebrity is very very older than me . Like we have a age gap of 12 years. 😥 as said i am minor. I decided to manifest him when i am 18 . But sometimes i get impatient but then i feel a bit upset and it's not legal to date a minor. Plus he lives in korea . As i have indian parents they never will allow me to even fly to korea. And even if we get in a relationship . They will never like him. Tho my mother is into the group (he is in a group ) she won't ever. As being in india , india is pathetic country with bs Trash . They ( the group is seen as bunch of gays) and most hurting thing is lgbtq is not accepted in this fuking country . Ppl tread them as trash not human. They get so much discrimination ( most of them are transgender ) and hate . Like they have to live together because thier parents disown them and stuff. Makeup is gender less. But in this country men have to be men. like all the fking indian celebrity don't ever wear makeup (males) . (Not gonna lie they all don't even have clear skin like korean ) Skin care is not menly . Men shouldn't do it. The mentally in this country is fucked up.
Now back to the topic.
- how my parents will judge him ? (Most my papa because mom knows a lot about korean cultural but she won't stand with me including some mfs relatives who judgemental af . Relatives ohh my these bishs are hella judgement (most the old one) doesn't matter how they themselves look or personality )
- is he gay ? Why he so feminine ? He is uses makeup damn sure he is gay or somthing he is a girl for sure !!
Doesn't matter how successfully he is and his personality . Doesn't matter how much more he is successful more than you. (Relatives and parent) don't matter if loves your beautiful daughter. doesn't fuken matter if he is caring and financial stable.
- as i minor they won't let me go to even study in korea !
- tbh my plans are to skip 12 or 10 grade (i am in 8 th grade now) and study in korean university as it's one of my dream. Then work as cosmologist here . I want to to have family here.
But but but
My parents hahah never i even asked them they even made fun of my dreams and they said it's gonna take 20 years to reach there .
I am extremely discouraged .
Then on the other hand i also want to desire body before everything happens . Like going to korea and stuff.
I suck at affirming and visualizing . I habe never got results from scripting.
Plus i got my school too. Omg also learning korean too.
Omg i am so done !! 😭 please help me and guide me. And advice me ! i am extremely sorry for my bad english . I am not a native.
Everything is so hard
Hey! Thank you so so so much for reaching out to me! I really appreciate you coming to me for advice! Don’t worry, your English was fine!
*I'm going to begin this post by clarifying that whilst it is possible for you to manifest anything in your reality, I do not encourage you manifesting this person if you are underage and they are much older. You have said in your question that you will not manifest them until you are 18, which is good, however I will just make it clear that this post is to help you manifest the other circumstances in your reality, and not the person or the age gap.*
Let me start by telling you I obviously haven’t experienced this as intensely as you have as I live in a country where people are much more open-minded about sexuality and ideas of masculinity, but I have stories to share with you from my own life that are very similar to what you want to manifest! They might encourage you! (PS, these following stories all took place from when I was at the age of 19 and up.)
(This story is before I knew about manifesting). My parents are very strict and traditional and I always wanted to go overseas to study in a specific country for at least a few months. My parents forbid it and I never would have been allowed to go, but I wanted it so badly that it was all I thought about and dreamed about! I started watching a TV show set in that country every single day. I even learned the language for fun. I somehow manifested it, because the next year, I took a semester off university and I went to that country for 3 months to live. So no matter what your parents say, you can 100% manifest this.
I had a celebrity crush in that country and I wanted to meet him and be with him SO BADLY! I didn’t know about manifesting until afterwards unfortunately, but guess what? I manifested seeing him MULTIPLE TIMES on the street, because I constantly thought about seeing him there and bumping into him! I even messaged him once and he responded. I also had one of his best friends on snapchat because I met him when I was there lol. I never got the celebrity crush because I focused too much on negative things. If I knew about manifesting, I would have gotten what I wanted.
My (specific person) SP who I am currently dating is actually someone who my parents also didn’t approve of for a long time because of sexuality and he is not stereotypically masculine! They also kept telling me negative things. The good news is that now my parents accept him and are happy for us!
Thank you for giving me the background information on your circumstances, it helps me understand your situation much better, and it also shows me how you’re thinking about the situation as well, which is the most important thing.
The beliefs you have are these:
Parents and other people not approving of the kind of people you are interested in.
You don’t think you can go to Korea for a long time
I’m happy to tell you that YOU CAN CHANGE THIS SITUATION!
As I said in the beginning, the age gap is illegal and should not be manifested. So as a result, you should begin with your beliefs about your family's negative opinions and your ability to travel in the future.
You need to stop mentally reacting to what they say when it’s negative about men who are not stereotypically masculine etc, and also when they say negative things about you ever traveling. They are only saying these things because in your mind you believe this to be true. Reality is an illusion and you need to know that if you really push through and persist, even if it feels extremely difficult, you can change this!
You should start by affirming your self-concept, something like this (you can also affirm in your own language if you prefer so it's natural to you :) whatever is comfortable for you!)
I am capable of anything!
I am a master at manifesting!
I always get what I want easily and effortlessly!
Everything always works out how I want!
Then I want you to affirm for your circumstances:
My family is always extremely accepting and encouraging!
I’m so happy that I’m going to Korea!
If you find it hard to visualise you can just affirm. I know you may feel like you’re bad at it, but if you practice it will get easier. Set a timer for 5 minutes and say your affirmations over and over! Make sure you don’t have any distractions. Focus on them. Do this several times a day, every day.
Also, if you can get the app ‘ThinkUp’ record yourself saying your strongest affirmations, and listen to them at night when you sleep. Start with your self-concept affirmations only for maybe 2 weeks! Then you can add your other affirmations.
Your goal is to change the way you feel and think about yourself and what you are able to do, your surroundings and your family’s opinions. Start with these things. Really persist in them.
I hope this helps in some way! If you ever need to reach out to anyone, so many people on Tumblr in the manifesting community are here to listen! We all want each other to succeed and I know that if you put the work in to do this, you will too!!
I also recommend you start binge-watching one of these youtube channels:
Sammy Ingram
Manifesting With Kimberly
Manifesting Secrets
Dylan James
Create Your Future
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Ayesha Liveblogs Death Note
I’m watching this show specifically because of that text post that said, “Watch how quickly this one guy decides to be the worst person ever” and he has killed two people in the first ten minutes
Though 2 be fair he’s killing people to save people so it’s a trolley problem kind of thing for now
“In fact I’ve been waiting for you... Ryuk” ok weird flex Light but u do u
“You’re the first one to use to this extent in five days” WAIT DID HE MURDER ALL THOSE PEOPLE IN FIVE DAYS I THOUGHT HE WAS JUST LOOKING AT A LIST OH MY GOD??
“So there isn’t a price to using Death Note?” said Light, as if killing people is just a normal thing that we all do
Fhkjfhfkjb Ryuk really went ‘u used the book so we’re friends now’ 
I was wondering why the book was in English, and I guess that makes sense British and American imperialism really Did That
“I can write down the names of criminals, and slowly reduce the number of evil people” uhhhh doesn’t u being a Book Murderer also make you a criminal Light
“Human lives shouldn’t be taken so lightly” bah dum tss
Also I guess that revelation lasted about thirty seconds for you huh
Update from 15 seconds later: Even less than that
“I would create a world of earnest, kind humans” really because I don’t think places that allow the death penalty are generally nicer societies 
It’s interesting that they use English in the classes and the notebook but the conversation at Interpol takes place in Japanese (despite the implied internationality and Ryuk’s aforementioned claim about English being most common) 
Huh I won’t lie I do think it’s confusing that the main characters are L and Light, which also starts with L
“I am justice” I mean if anything this show just proves that no one should be allowed to use the death penalty on apprehended suspects in criminal justice cases ever 
Wow this show is full of mind games already I guess I can see why like, crime show fans would dig it
“But I’m going to say this as your roommate” OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES KJHRGKJHKJHG
Interesting that someone is following Light specifically already
I mean not to poke too many holes in your plan Light but wouldn’t it clash with your plan to become God if you die at like 35 or smth 
“You’re already much more of a shinigami than they are” Ryuk said my friends are BORING I want to hang out with this MURDER TEEN
“I may not look it, but I’m pretty popular” Light is exactly the kind of guy who ends up in a true crime special where a bunch of people say he seemed like a nice, charismatic young man
Man this poor girl that Light brought on this date is going to be straight traumatized after this
I mean isn’t it MORE suspicious if someone dies around someone with direct ties to the police even if it’s not a heart attack
“You were indeed a brilliant FBI agent once, but now you’re my fiancée” kjhfkjhg WHAT FBI AGENTS CAN’T BE MARRIED 
“Once we have a family, you’ll be so busy that you’ll forget that you were an agent” I’m not a fan of Raye Penber 
What’s the point in killing Raye at all???? He told you he was part of a special investigation so clearly he’s not that suspicious of you
Light sure is bold to announce his Killing People Experiments in the middle of a busy sidewalk 
Incredible that consistently no one notices Light’s increasingly threatening declarations????
Fjkfkfhk these five cops finding out their Hail Mary is this strange little goblin man,,,, wow
This woman has really pushed Light to the brink just by giving a fake name, I admire her tenacity
Cops wearing fake IDs really did not age well oh boy
Wow it really took only eight episodes for L to track Light as close as one of two families
“You have a wife and daughter, right?” “I know!” I mean..... not 2 be that guy but... cops
 “To me, apples are like... Well, like cigarettes and liquor to humans” Vcvhcjhj every once in a while Ryuk says something that really tickles me
I know the word sociopath is kind of outdated but man does Light have actual interests outside of school or does he just do stuff to fill the void of his lack of interests (outside of murder)
JKHGKJHGKJHKJHG I cannot believe that this has turned into a fake classmate situation first of all 1) are you going to become friends and 2) How old are you Ryuzaki/L?
“Where is that rich kid from? And he’s even at the top of his class? What a jerk” honestly a mood
I DESPERATELY want Light’s mother or sister to overhear his evil cackling will someone finally eavesdrop on this god complex
“If I sit normally, my reasoning skills drop by 40%” weird flex but same 
Sidenote: I can’t believe how many episodes of this show I already have watched
Ngl I was VERY shook that Mr. Yagami had a heart attack. Also does Light care if his family lives or dies or is he kind of neutral on the subject? 
“If Kira is an ordinary person who gained this power, then he is a very unlucky person” Dad and L said ‘if u ARE Kira could you please stop murdering thank you <3′ 
Light really underestimated how much cops hate anyone who has killed a cop oops
Update from ten seconds later: Two people, I guess
Well this explains the girl in the short dress which serves as the Netflix thumbnail of this show I was wondering when she would show up 
Also she sounds like she’s very young? Clearly Shinigami don’t have a minimum age of informed consent when it comes to their Murder Eyes Contract 
Hahah I bet Light didn’t imagine that his petty and fucked up apple joke would bite him so quickly in the ass
Dhkjdhdkjhd Misa is so bold dropping her Death God deets in a video for anyone to see 
“The way to kill a Shinigami, is to make them fall in love with a human” does this mean that Ryuk is going to fall in love with Light or Misa? Both would make me uncomfortable
Oh wild guess Misa became a Death Note Wielder through the Power of Unreciprocated Voyeuristic Love
“Yeah, I have a girlfriend now,” said Light, after a girl contacted him through a series of anonymous video tapes implicitly vowing to be his disciple 
“No one could tell who he’s attached to if I’m with this many people” [20 seconds pass] “Found him!” HAHAHA the funniest part of this show is consistently watch Light going “got ‘em” before it immediately is revealed that he doesn’t got ‘em 
Why is Light so incredibly searchable??? I think the only way people people could find my height online is if I happened to answer it for one of those Facebook note memes in 2007 lmaoooo
“There are many places that will go and sell your personal records” ah, data breaches; a problem that has not gotten any better in the last 15 years since this anime came out
HKJHFHKJFHF Light immediately jumping into fake-dating his weird disciple in front of his mom... what is this show
“Please make me your girlfriend” OH MY GOOOOOD
This is one of the weirdest romantic dynamics I’ve seen in recent memory but you know what? Whatever, at least it’s not Anxiety and Murder
“Does that mean I’ll have to deal with her until she dies?” Light is truly exuding some Ladybird Book of Dating Energy rn: 
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The fact that to kill L all Light had to do was get an obsessive girlfriend... astounding
Beautiful that it took Misa less than a week of knowing Light to ruin his whole 15 episode game plan and also life
“I think I may be Kira” Well this show keeps taking one escalation after another this is exhausting why can’t Light just be a normal person who found it, tried it out of interest in the occult, discovered he’d committed a horrible atrocity and then went to therapy for the rest of his life only to confess to Magical Murder on his deathbed while his family goes, ‘Wow, Grandpa’s crazy’
Does L not think that keeping three different people imprisoned for days on end will lead to some psychological repercussions for him
FOR WEEKS ON END????? OH MY GOD???? The fuck L, I know two of these people are murderers but there are some minimum conditions of correctional facilities and this seems a little Stanford PE
“I will make arrangements so you and I are together 24 hours a day” call me crazy but I would not want to spend 24/7 with the man who imprisoned me for over a month while playing cruel psychological games all the while
“I’m one of those people who’ll accept Kira, I’d think of ways I could help him” Misa said Bimbo Rights
“I could never toy with a woman’s emotions like that” Light’s dating life and personality has gotten a LOT funnier since he forgot he was a murderer I kind of wish THIS could be the whole show 
Also: Nice to know Light USED to have standards of how to treat women
Honestly fair play to both L and Light they both deserved to be punched and it’s funny to see eighteen episodes of mind games culminate in punching and kicking each other in the face
“Matsuda’s being an idiot again” “Well, Matsuda is a natural at that” wghkjhgkj what has Matsuda done to any of you
"He’s punishing criminals as a front, and killing people for the benefit of this company” is Light unknowingly going to solve the murder chain he himself started... inspiring
“I was testing you” this is why Light is your only friend, L, Aizawa has kids and it’s a dick move to ask him to put his convictions before them
Poor Matsuda realizing he’s got the least to offer to their team... me in high school science labs 
I understand Aizawa’s moral crisis but why do NONE of these cops care about their wives or daughters they’re just kind of like, ‘I will provide for you but I have no interest in or fulfillment from being part of your life’ (ACAB)
Matsuda is truly about to die for being dumb and eager to help 😔 Rest in Pieces
“We must not allow Yotsuba to figure out that we are investigating them,” said L, just after it cut from Matsuda being obvious about investigating them. Oh Matsuda 😔 you’re so bad at your job 😔
MATSUDAAAAAAAA oh thank goodness; Bimbo Rights save the day
“I can’t go along with your idea, it’s wrong!” said Light, despite the fact it took him 15 seconds to get over murder the first couple of times he did it 
Staaaaaaaaay Good Light, I don’t want ur Deathnotesona I want this young man with moral convictions!!
The level of hubris it takes to answer a phone call during your secret Murder Meeting while people continue to talk about their Murder Plans is just out of this world
“If I die, you could probably become the successor to the ‘L‘ name,” said L, to the person he has been trying to catch for twenty episodes 
“I won’t say anything under any kind of torture” “Yes that’s true” Which he knows because he tortured her for six weeks!! You see that that’s fucked up, L, right? RIGHT??? RIIIIIIIIGHT? (LIIIIIIIGHT???)
Seriously not to beat a dead Shinigami but Light is so much better like this. He doesn’t want to throw people’s lives away for the investigation! He wants to protect Misa! He thinks Kira is wrong! Why does he have to be a murderer!!! Why can’t this show be about a nice young man!!!!
Wow Rem is so ride or die for Misa protecting Misa from creepy Higuchi, giving her info and telling her to trust Light, that’s love bitch
Props to Misa for getting a confession out of Higuchi after one (1) car ride 
Why do I feel like L is going to be responsible for reawakening Bad Light is it because he psychologically tortured him for six weeks? Had his dad hold him at gunpoint? Forced Misa to investigate on his behalf? Constantly and unerringly presses him on what Kira would be thinking as he’s handcuffed to him 24 hours a day? Maybe!! This is like Build-a-Bear but he’s customizing his Teen Murder Friend 
“Only Mr. Matsuda can do [the mission to lure out Higuchi!Kira]” Death Note really said the Himbos, Herbos and Thembos shall inherit the Earth 
They keep saying they don’t know how he kills but it seems pretty obvious that he writes down their names to kill, they literally saw him do it
I really don’t want any of the investigation team to die but things are not looking hot :(
“Ryuzaki, I never knew you could fly a helicopter” “It’s just intuition” what does that MEAN
“Those aren’t allowed in Japan,” said Light, about a gun, as if he had not killed probably thousands of people without one 
In spite of this fact I really do want Good Light to stay 😔 Why! Can’t! This! Show! Be! About! A! Nice! Young! Man!
Also they really are playing into this father-and-son duo I will be very sad when the dad inevitably dies as I’m sure he will 
Family side note: I’ve been wondering this since the prison ep but where do Light’s mom and sister think he IS now that he’s dropped out of first year uni to be a teen criminal investigator handcuffed to a maladjusted homebody private eye
AIZAWAAA and also the other two guys I guess there was a plot relevant reason for him to rejoin the police huh
Well what a clean ending to this Kira arc. No one died and the killer was caught! Yikes that the next ep is called ‘Revival’ tho 😔 Rest in pieces Good Light
Also a new and very threatening intro???? What happened to the Twilight Apple Hands 
BOOOO I knew Light would get his memory back but I was hoping it would at least fuck him up for a while he sorted out his two personas but I guess all roads eventually lead to Bad Light 
Full disclosure I stopped watching for a few days just after Light got his memory back and let me tell u coming back later hasn’t made it any more tolerable I am truly not built for this EUGH
“Do you really want to halve your life a second time” “Well, that can’t be helped” REALLY???? CAN’T IT BE HELPED MISA??? WHY ARE YOU AND LIGHT SO CRAZY
Oh I guess we’re back to Light saying incredibly suspicious things right near the investigators lmao what if those cameras secretly had audio or you know, L simply knew how to read lips 
“Misa, let’s make a new world together” Remember a bunch of episodes ago when Good Light was all ‘I could never toy with a woman’s emotions’?? What was the reason!!!
“Have you ever told the truth at any point in your entire life” L cutting straight to the core lmao (also the answer is obviously ‘no’)
This show has taken a jarring tonal shift why are they having a post-rain-confrontation massage and towelling each other off this is a level of intimacy I was not prepared for I NEED PEOPLE TOOK LOOK AT THIS:
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I guess L knew he was forcing Rem’s hand to kill him if he disproved the rules written in the book?? But to what end omg how does this help anyone 
“In April 2012, Light Yagami, age 23, joins the National Police Agency” should’ve known we’d land here eventually (ACAB)
Ah, I see another person who doesn’t know how to sit, clearly they will inherit the L title next lmao
Update from the first few mins of the next ep: “Near should succeed L” told you
“There’s no way I’m letting Sayu marry a detective” ahjfkhkjf he’s a little old for her I think but it wouldn’t be the worst thing this show has done romantically lmao; maybe Sayu would get to investigate her brother
“I might’ve considered going out with you, if you were a little younger” HA GOOD FOR HER
“[...] the Japanese police are unreliable. In order to solve this case, we want you to hand over the notebook to our country.” Of all the Japanese-speaking Americans in this show, this is the most accurate jkhfkhf the US government really is Like That 
Ah, so that’s where Mello’s gone, oh how the turn tables 
Also way to sell your subordinates out immediately, NPA Director, will you give them the Kira task force’s home addresses too
The real question is if Light actually cares about his sister enough to prioritize her over the notebook
“Call me... N” Oh my good L... M(ello)... N(ear)... Oooooooooooooooo
It’s my saving grace that I only need to get through 9 more eps but as always I must wonder where this is going will Light just die and end up in Shinigami purgatory while the people who knew him after the fact go, ‘hey, that guy was fucked up’
“If things get bad, I’ll have to kill Sayu” well I guess that answers that question, my expectations of Light are so low and yet he continues to find new ways to be awful
Good for Mr. Yagami and Sayu for getting out of that alive I guess but hoo boy I think this is going to have some psychological repercussions for both of them 
Uh oh this episode is called ‘Father’ I’ve been dreading this one bc I think that means Mr. Yagami is about to die 😭😭😭
“It was an institution for brilliant children, to raise them to become L‘s successor” okay calm down Professor Xatari that’s not what children are for lmao 
Well I guess it’s a lot easier to track down info about these two guys than it was to figure out L lmao
HAHAHA Sidoh haunting Ryuk to ask for his stuff is a fun addition to this madness  
“He’s scary for a human” jkhhfjh how unhinged does Mello have to be to threaten a literal Shinigami 
I truly don’t understand the logistics of how they revealed Ryuk to the police force isn’t the second Kira notebook supposed to belong to Actual Kira, in the police force’s eyes????? I do not understand how Light can just turn up with another notebook and everyone’s like ‘sure cool’ did I miss something 
Mr. Yagami killed for being unable to take human life ugh this is the worst 
Neither Mello nor Near seem overly concerned with the lives of people around them does being a Super Genius Investigator also mean you have to be a dick (is this Benadryl Coddleswab Sherlock syndrome)
Lmaooo genuinely love how it’s constantly apparent that Light is the least smart of all of the smart people Light spent five years working on his reputation and it took Near one (1) phone call to destroy it 
Ghjkhgkhgkgjh Light outsmarted by Near yet again never think people will prioritize principles over money
Lol yeah Aizawa needn’t have given a name after he said the “Deputy Director Yagami would kill Kira and then himself” thing, you don’t do that just for anyone who was he fooling 
How does Light keep track of all the renunciations and notebooks bc I certainly can’t 
Ffhkfjhfj Mikami truly looks like the son of L and Light it’s like Light missed him and was like, “Miss u boo :( (even tho I kinda killed u) I’ll adopt An Evil 27-year-old in ur honour :)”
Is Mikami’s story really, ‘I got bullied in high school and have mommy issues so now I think people I don’t like should die’ ok Shonen Snape 
“I just want you to meet with me and hear me out” Light really proving to Aizawa that he can lie AND manipulate people’s feelings 
“The truth is, she’s not smart enough to be my partner” first of all Light I think this show has proven you’re not that smart, and Misa’s Herbo Energy is effervescent and will outlast you, and third of all go to jail
“He’ll look suspicious if he doesn’t say something soon” “Ide, have you ever been in love” Matsuda continues to be the only good part of this show
“You’re the only man I’ve ever respected and admired in my life” GET SOME THERAPY KIYOMI
“You’re going to be the goddess of the new world” so it’s not enough for Light to be a murderer he must also be a cheater
Lmao Near’s powers of perception do seem a little B/BC S/herlock because L tried for literally months to work out the possibilities and Near is just like ‘I KNOW IT NOW’
“The only thing I can deduce from this is that Light Yagami is popular with the ladies” HEAVEN KNOWS WHY (PUN NOT INTENDED)
Every moment Aizawa gets closer to proving Light is Kira is another step closer to death 😔
“This is definitely Mikami’s handwriting” Not to be a know-it-all, Near, but handwriting analysis has been proven faulty many times in multiple courts of law
This truly is a game of Cat and Cat. All these hidden plans give me a headache fkjhkfjh call me Misa-Misa and spin me sideways I don’t have the braincells to spare
Well this is definitely some kind of s*xual assault absolutely fucking hate it wow this show truly just drains the life out of you 
“Matt, I never thought you would be killed” why wouldn’t you think that at this point anyone who comes close to this investigation eventually dies (also wjkhkjhgk why is Matt special didn’t you kill all those thugs you had before -- Mello said ‘the lives of my allies are only important if they are drawn in handsome protag style’) 
As of yet I haven’t really talked about Near’s wild toymaking but hoo boy is that L finger puppet something to observe
“Everyone who knows about the existence of the notebook will die” I’m still pulling for their survival, particularly Matsuda (himbo rights!!!)
Imagine if they just shot Light Yagami on sight how ironic would that conclusion to all these mind games be 
“I’m waiting, for the one who will solve everything, to arrive” Lmao if it turns out L is alive I’ll pee laughing this show is so fucking stupid 
Take a shot every time there is a Humpty-Dumpty-in-Puss-in-Boots style explanation about how everything actually happened
“I’ve won, Near” I bet/hope what gets Light caught is his inability to hold in his hubris for one (1) minute
Although the last episode is called New World, in which case maybe he wins in a very weird ending to a very weird show
Sjkfhkjhfkhfkjhf well I guess what gets Light caught is that the person he invited to be his murderous disciple keeps calling him God
“A second ago, you said ‘I win.’ That’s as good a confession as any” HA hubris strikes again also bold of Aizawa to clap Light on the shoulder knowing he is a mass murderer
Ohhh Matsuda he’s so nice and believed the best of Light :((((((((((((
Watching Light become increasingly desperate and crazed is very uncomfortable give it up dude u’ve been beat (though I suppose there is time for everyone here to be murdered still lmao)
Yeah I figured if one of them was gonna shoot it would be Matsuda :( :( Good for him for not killing Light tho!!
Huh I guess that’s the end of the show I thought Light would die but I did think we’d at least get to see him in Shinigami Purgatory or smth... what a wild ride. This certainly was a show.
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hangryandlazy · 3 years
africa jul 19
wow lol it’s taken me 2 years to actually put this post together. a LOT has changed since then and it makes me immensely happy to recognize how lucky we were that we’d had 2 insane years of travelling right before the pandemic hit. but this post is not to dwell on that, so let’s get on with it!!
this was our amazing 2019 africa trip~
jun 30, 19 ••• we make our way from hong kong to the netherlands on klm airlines. i distinctly remember how impressed i was with the quality of service and the comfort of the 12ish hour flight. after around 16 hours of commute, we just want to stay in and chill, so we order room service and call it a night early. i recall wearing a fun t-shirt that read, “not to be rude, but shut the fuck up” which i personally find hilarious and endearing, but which made the guy at the front desk quite uncomfortable. lollll oops!
jul 1, 19 ••• yay! we had a full day alone in amsterdam. we (i) decided to walk from the hotel to the town center, because it’s fun experience new cities by exploring them on foot!! why not? you come across many things that you just couldn’t have planned to find.
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look how beautiful the canals in amsterdam are! anywhere you turn, it’s picturesque.
we had lunch at wagamama because i saw that the avant garde vegan, gaz oakley, had done a collaboration with them at some point, so there are some guaranteed vegan options. we then walk around the bloemenmarkt and find our way to the cannabis college, which had 2 verdampers for rent! yesssss! i was so happy. 
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we explored and walked around more, then stopped by a coffee shop to smoke a bit more. there was a lovely vegan cafe right next door, which i’d been eyeing when we went in to smoke, so we had a top up on coffee and matcha there. we saw a cute frenchie across the road and missed the dogs so...
we had dinner at this place called cafe frijdag (which means Friday!) which was delicious! so happy that amsterdam had vegan options for me
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jul 2, 19 ••• we got up bright and early to meet my parents for breakfast and we go to the airport to catch our flight to kigali. about 10 hours later, we were buying sim cards at the kigali airport. we then checked in to the radisson for the night, and it was feeling very surreal to be in africa. i remember feeling anxious.
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jul 3, 19 ••• today started on a somber note. we went to the kigali genocide memorial. i cried a lot, especially at the exhibit with the photographs of only a fraction of the victims during that time.
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then we drove at turtle speed to our next hotel, which was a loooong long way away. we arrived at the lake kivu serena hotel in time for a very late lunch. the cuisine here consists of rice, tortilla-like wraps and papadum-esque crispy rolls.
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this fruit tastes disgusting... it looks like a tomato but isn’t sweet at all. i only remember spitting it out, trying another piece from another plate, and still hating it.
thankfully everyone wanted to relax and take it easy, so we ordered in for dinner and spent the rest of the night chilling.
jul 4, 19 ••• we drove out to see the border between rwanda and the democratic republic of congo. we were told to be very careful about taking photos of the police officers there, so we were. it felt strange to take photos of the border, i’m clearly very ignorant of the relations and history. it was a very busy juncture, with a sea of people crossing this way and that, lots of cars bumbling about and a lot of fruit, as i recall. hahah.
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we then drove out to see a makeshift hot spring. we were asked if we wanted to take a dip, but none of us wanted to..... felt bad saying no, but really not worth it, sorry.
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https://vimeo.com/568059672  (okay, i’m unable to embed more videos so links will have to do until i figure out something better...)
we took a boat ride along the lake, but there wasn’t that much to see around there, it was pretty dirty and murky... reminded me of the hong kong harbor, with trash floating around. it was also freezing, so i wasn’t having any fun at all.
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we went to the gym and worked out a little bit because there was a lot of time to kill in between returning to hotel and our private pre-planned bbq dinner on the beach. we were lucky enough to enjoy traditional rwandan dancing which was absolutely gorgeous.
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jul 5, 19 ••• we spent most of our morning in the car, having crossed the border to the republic of uganda. we stopped by a cute cafe along the way for lunch, but it was a grueling 4-5 hour car ride to mahogany springs, which was our hotel for the gorilla trekking. we managed to arrive around 715pm, by which time it was pretty dark and scary outside. the other car had broken down twice, once in the dark as well, so spirits were low and there was a lot of muttering and grumbling done under people’s breath. everyone was ravenous by the time dinner was served, but despite how late it was, it was absolutely delicious and i was happy! (also grateful for our car not having broken down)
jul 6, 19 ••• we woke up VERY early in anticipation of gorilla trekking. we waited around the hotel lobby after some coffee and biscuits for breakfast. it was an awful lot of waiting, but i didn’t sense anything wrong until i saw how pissed off our tour guide looked. it turns out our permits had gotten stolen! probably bribes.
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here we were mucking around, still anticipating gorilla trekking.
we didn’t let it slow us down though. i actually am grateful for how things turned out because we wouldn’t have gotten to experience uganda like that without this turn of events. we joined a community tour that showed us how tea is harvested, how coffee is grown, harvested and round, as well as how bananas may be used to make juice, beer and gin! very cool
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african tea leaves
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these are flowers from the coffee tree
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the different stages of the coffee plant
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this is henry, he owns this coffee plantation. here, henry shows us how to the use this contraption, the purpose of which is to grind coffee beans into powder
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here henry is, sifting the coffee powder
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here are my parents, having the time of their life (lol at my dad)
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fresh bananas
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these are the different stages of a banana’s life: from raw to ripe to fermenting. it can be made into juice and liquor.
we then visited a local school, where we were entertained by kids from kindergarten to 6th grade. we learned about their mission and goals to educate the younger generations by providing classrooms and a dining hall and even dorms for boarding. the singing and dancing was BRILLIANT. loved every single second of it. wish i’d joined in and not cared about what anyone thought.
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we stopped by a women’s community center and saw a lot of cool crafts and art. that was on the way to the batwa pgymy tribe. we learned how they integrated with the batwa community. they showed us some dances they have dedicated to the gorillas, for which they are very grateful because it brings tourists in and therefore gives them an income. they showed us how to use a bow and arrow to hunt, and how they weave baskets and make handicrafts.
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alan with the leader of the pgymy tribe
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one of our guides spotted 2 chameleons, which was super impressive. he even brought the chameleon down close to us so that we could see it. i won’t ever understand how he was able to spot it in the wild, and from so far away as well.
we returned to the lodge and had lunch. the veggie stir fry was pretty dang good. it was served with posho, which is a maize bread, beans, and also matate (???) which reminded me a lot of plantain. back at the hotel, we chilled (without tv or wifi) until dinner. alan fell asleep, and i kept myself busy sorting out photos. dinner was early, and our night was early because we were promised gorilla trekking in the morning!
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jul 7, 19 ••• we were up and ready to leave by 7am. we were in the clear! we drove a little bit to the bwindi impenetrable national park for some entertainment (dancing and singing) from local students and a hilarious briefing on what to expect and do’s and don’ts of the trek. 
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we then had separate meetings within our trekking groups. ours was quite big, with 10 tourists, because michael and our guides had spent HOURS the day before handling our stolen permits. an exception was made to accommodate us all, so our group consisted of the starke’s, alan, kerstin, a couple from oregon, and an english family. we had to get in another car and drive a bit to the mountain, where we met our porters and then began our trek!
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the hike up was difficult, and at times i legit feared for my life because the mud/rocks were loose and one wrong step would have had us tumbling down the edge of the mountain... and that was me at age 28!! cannot imagine how my parents were feeling...
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alan with meddie
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as we made our way to the gorilla family, we encountered a solo young male who was soooo friendly, he cut across our group, like right down the middle, and he even reached out and touched my mom on her jacket! it was wild that a gorilla was that close to us, and then he left as quickly as he had joined.
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this is the photo my mom managed to take when the young gorilla male was right next to her
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we kept on hiking and found a large. our guide, meddie, told us that we were lucky to have found such a large family doing a whole bunch of different activities: we saw mothers nursing their babies, babies swinging from the trees and playing with one another, sub adult males beating their chests and other members of the family eating and feeding. we even got to watch as a silverback gorilla pulled a very healthy poop out of its butt, and we ran into him snacking again later on.
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on the way down, it started raining a little bit. we all slipped at one point or another, but it was especially dangerous for my dad so we all had to slow down our pace a little bit to match his speed. thank god he had a porter there to help him out and save him. 
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we returned to the same place as where we had started our morning for a debriefing, and we each received a certificate to show that we had been on this trek. we waited around a little bit for the other group to arrive, and were once again very grateful that our experience was much more pleasant. one lady in the other group had to leave the trek on a stretcher, and the others were caught in the rain on their way to the gorillas, so it must have been a cold and awful experience on their end. 
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us after the successful completion of our gorilla trek!!
we headed to a local inn nearby where we had a late lunch and could change into dry clothes. we then drove a bumpy 4 hours to mweya safari lodge, located inside queen elizabeth national park. we made a couple of stops along the way (one of which was in the middle of nowhere so that people could go pee out in the open where animals are potentially roaming around?!?!?) and when we finally arrived, it was already 830/9ish pm.... we insisted to order room service because we were pooped, and we got showered and hit the hay.
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this cute sign was outside the lodge!
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this super old school cash register was at the lodge too
jul 8, 19 ••• today started off with a game drive, early in the morning! 
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we drove around the gorgeous park and saw elephants, warthogs, antelope, eagles, all sorts of bird and butterflies, buffalo and weird-looking lemur or ferret creatures. we thought it was great, but some other members of the group were underwhelmed. 
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this is the view from the car we sat in for the safari
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this gorgeous tree houses sooo many bird’s nests! do you see them?
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cute antelope we saw on the tour
after lunch at the hotel, we went on a boat tour around the kazinga channel. i think it was called lake edward? we saw many animals again, including crocodile, elephants, buffalo, all sorts of birds, and hippos.
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favorite photo of my parents ¨̮
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we followed a few elephant cuties along the bank. it drizzled for a little bit in between.
dinner was delicious. it was a great buffet, although i was severely grossed out by the ants that joined us on the dining table.
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there were so many animals on the grounds of the lodge. don’t be fooled by how cute these guys look, we saw them fight over raw meat at some point! we also saw a warthog stroll around.
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jul 9, 19 ••• we were up bright and early today for a quick breakfast before heading right on out. on the way to entebbe, we stopped by a local motel for lunch. the service was SUPER slow (maybe because we had such a huge group together!) but it was delicious and worth the wait! i ordered a coleslaw and avocado vinaigrette (this was THE HUGEST AVOCADO i’ve ever seen in my life?!?!?), a veggie biryani and some of paul’s aloo matar. we then filed back into our cars for several more hours of “african massage” to the next destination. had an early night, i think we ordered room service to the hotel room and tried to get our butts to bed as early as possible because it was another EARLY day the morning after.
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we stopped at the equator in uganda to take some photos, of course!
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i was sooo happy to be able to order room service! we felt like we were finally back to civilization... 🥺 we had wifi and tv and hot water... ugh it was amazing
jul 10, 19 ••• my alarm was set for 4am this morning.... 🥲😅 we left the hotel at 5am for the airport and obviously i was tired and grumpy and just in a crappy mood overall hahahah. our first flight was barely 45 minutes.... to mbarara i’m guessing?? i was assigned a middle seat on my own originally but no one was in the aisle seat so i moved over woohoo! our first layover was 2-3 hours, not too bad. we hung around at the lounge area. 
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our second flight was to harare. alan and i managed to snag 2 joined seats towards the back end of the plane so that we could watch conan’s traevel shows on his ipad. there was a pretty scary drop when we were descending imto harare. i think we just stayed on the plane for about half an hour so some people could get on the plane and join.
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we flew about 3 hours more to cape town, and we were EXCITED to arrive. it was a hell of a time checking in, and it was a nicer hotel in a nice area so we decided to just stay in and order room service again. we had a slow night and it was SOOOO needed. cape town felt a lot closer to the first world and we were enjoying and appreciating it to the max. we even started playing pokemon go and its harry potter-themed equivalent (oops forgot the name), but to be fair, we didn’t get cell phone service everywhere we went, so it would cut on and off.
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jul 11, 19 ••• eek, cape town was COOOOLD! luckily i brought a jacket along, we really really needed to cover up and stay warm! got to sleep in a bit, we left by 830am to drive to the pebble beach by the water to take some gorgeous photos. we stopped by chapman’s peak for another photo op, then drove to boulders beach in simon’s town to see the penguins!! it was such a dream, loved every second of it.
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i believe this was chapman’s peak??
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what a model
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this was at the pebble beach at the cape of good hope. 
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saw a cute ostrich on the way somewhere
next we went to cape point. we took the funicular to the top, then hiked up to the lighthouse. we took pots of great pics but omg it was EVEN MORE freezing there. we had lunch at the two oceans restaurant. fancy and delicious! the calamari was bomb, the arancini was alright, but the main of chickpea and mushrooms was delish. after lunch we headed right on back to the hotel.
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when i said it was cold, i wasn’t joking... it was FREEZING at the top. i had a horrible time because i don’t do that well in the cold
alan and i walked over to woolworths to get water and makeup remover and snacks. on the way back we stopped by PLANT for dinner. i was sooo excited to try out their vegan fast food, so i ordered a lot of the menu. we got the quinoa salad, mac and cheez, seitan lasagna, schawarma, pot stickers, siu mai, spag bolognese, tiramisu, milk tart and a bunch of other random vegan snacks. i was in HEAVEN. even though some of the stuff was cold by the time we got back to the hotel and ate, it still tasted DELICIOUS. i was soooo impressed.
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this was the lasagna. omfg i need an encore of this restaurant one day!!! wish i knew how to cook like this
jul 12, 19 ••• today we went to a wine blending workshop at grande provence winery. the first step was to blend 3 different mixtures. after tasting them all, we decided the last blend was the winner, with 40% zinfandel, 10% shiraz and 50% cabernet. so then we blended up a big bottle of it, corked it, thew on a hand-signed label, and then walked around the beautiful indoor and outdoor art galleries.
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this was our group!
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wine blending is literally mixing different wines together in different proportions and figuring out which you like the taste of the best
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there was a lot of cute art at the winery! i loved all the dogs and greyhounds around the property. these 3 dancing pigs came a close second
we drove a little way for lunch at another beautiful vineyard. i had a charcoal ciabatta, tomato quinoa salad, root veggie risotto and steamed veggies on the side. we skipped the wine tasting because our lunch overran a bit and our bus driver buford said that the traffic would be pretty heavy on a friday afternoon and it wouldn’t be worth it to be stuck on the bus. so we just walked around the cute little town we were at, franschhoek (??)
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there was a lot of cute art and small local shops around this town! we strolled around and got some souvenirs ¨̮
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love this
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we had a dinner booked way ahead at fyn restaurant. it was stunningly delicious. i loved every single course and was thoroughly impressed.
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UGHHHHH just soooo good.
jul 13, 19 ••• FINALLY we had a day to sleep in!!!! we let our group know the night before that we didn’t want to join the walking tour around the city. we woke up and made our way to the company’s garden, which was directly next to our hotel. we played harry potter wizards unite and ran into the tour group. my mom told me later on it was a good decision of ours not to join haha.
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we walked to addis in cape for an authentic ethiopian meal experience. we washed our hands at the table, ate the whole meal with our hands, and finally i was able to taste injera. it was 100% teff injera and it did not disappoint. i ordered a vegan platter while alan got a combo. the amount of food was PERFECT for us, we finished every single thing. 
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we ordered dessert but the hot berries never showed up and the ice cream was interestingly very gummy and very very sweet. the coffee was strong and served with a beautiful platter.
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after that, we needed to walk our full tummies off. we headed to the waterfront, where there were many shops and stalls in indoor and outdoor malls. it was just a really good time walking around there and we saw soooo many things. there was bubble tea in south africa, a yogurt bar that made me sooo happy, dogs were up for adoption, and a bootleg jabbawockeez performance at the city square. we walked back to the hotel after that and got ready for bed.
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jul 14, 19 ••• we woke up at 430am to head to the airport by 530am. we caught our first flight from cape town to johannesburg, then transferred to a direct flight back to hong kong. it was a TIRING trip but wow, the memories!! really want to go to back soon
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todoroki-roki · 3 years
Shoto x Fem!Reader
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Hey! Thanks for reading this chapter! Now...Let's get started!!!
(Y/n)'s P.O.V
"You're going to meet someone one your age today, I want you to behave" mommy said putting me in a white dress.
I wonder who I'm meeting?
She put a white head band in my head. "Okay mama!" I said with a smile, she smiled back.
After she was done getting me ready she picked me up, "Momma where are we going?" I asked her "Well since me and your dad are heros we get to go to important places." She explained.
"Ooh okay Momma, I'll be good!" I said.
"Oh, are you two ready?" Daddy asked momma, she hummed in reply.
"Okay let's go"
Time skip Shoto's P.O.V
My older sister was changing my clothes and fixing my hair, I didn't really know why though...
"Hey sis? Why am I getting ready?" I finally ask "We're meeting the (L/n) family." She said buttoning my shirt up.
"Oh, I think they're here!" She yells "Come on Shoto." She said stretching out her hand.
"Hello. My name is Michiko (L/n), and this is our 4 year old daughter (f/n)." A pretty lady said as she jumped her daughter that was in her arms, I looked at the girl.
She's cute
"We as well have a 4 year old...Shoto? Please introduce yourself." My father said, I nodded.
"I'm Todoroki Shoto" I said, The pretty lady put her daughter down and she walked towards my father and she bowed "Hello sir." She said.
"Hello...now, Shoto go show her around while we talk to her parents." My father said, I took (F/n)'s hand and took her to my room.
Once we were in my room I noticed she turned from serious to energetic.
"Uhh...So Shoto you're my age? Let's go play!" I look at her and gave her a confused face.
"Come on!!" She pulled me and we went to our backyard "What's your quirk?" She asked
"Half ice and half fire. What's yours?" I asked she ran to the middle of the backyard she made a bunch of water come out of her finger. "YES! IT FINALLY WORKED! oh yeah my quirk is water Manipulation? I think I said it right?" She said, she walked back to stand in front of me "How about we play Heros!" She asked, I just nodded.
"Hahaha!! You will never be able to stop me, Hahah!!" She yelled pretending to be a villain.
"Stop evildoer! For the hero Todoroki Shoto has come!" I stopped her with my ice and she pretended to fall.
"Ahh sorry (F/n)!! I didn't think you would fall!!" She looked back at me and smiled.
"Don't worry this doesn-" "Shoto! What are you two doing?" My sister came up to both of and grabbed our hands.
"We were just playing sis..." I said, "when dad said go show her around, he said you two should train." She said.
"Okay..." I said
"Here, I'll let it slide just pretend you're training if dad comes okay? "
I quickly nodded.
"(Y/n)? W-what do y-you w-wanna p-play?" I asked her.
I never really played with anyone my age before so I'm kind of nervous.
*Time skip 13 years old*
"Sho-sho? Roki? Shoro? Hello?" I was trying to get Shoto's attention but he just stared at his paper.
"Hmm...Oh sorry." Shoto finally looked at me, "Roki? Is that what you call me now?" He chuckled at the new name.
"Yup. Can we go outside?" I asked, I wasn't much fir parties but me and Shoto never went anywhere.
"(Y/n) you know we can't go outside." He said, "Shoto I know that but wouldn't you like to show your dad you don't care?" He thought about it for a second and nodded.
"Sure. Where are we going?" Shoto asked me. "W-well I didn't think to much about it...Oh I know" I stood up from his desk and went to my bag.
"We can go to my parents agency, they have a room filled with cool stuff." I took out the key and waved it in front of his face.
"Okay let's go." He said.
He was about to go through his door when I quickly stopped him. "Roki, we're not going through the door...we're jumping out the window." He looked at me confused, I walked to the window and looked down.
"It's not a high jump, we can do it." I said still looking down, I put my legs over the window and jumped down.
"(Y/n)! Pffft...don't do that, are you okay?" He chuckled, "I'm fine, come on jump! What do you want me to catch you?" I asked sarcastically.
"Come my princess! Jump to my arms I'll catch you!" I said in a deeper voice.
"PFFFFTTT- (Y/n)!" He whisper yelled.
"Okay, okay, just jump!" I told him, he jumped down.
"Let's go-" I was rudely interrupted by Shoto
"Where?" He asked.
"Do you wanna just go get some soba?" I asked even though I knew he would say yes.
He nodded.
Once we were there we sat down and ordered what we wanted, "What a cute couple!  I'll get your orders as soon as possible" the waitress said.
"Oh miss- oh she left, oh well" I tried stopping her but she quickly walked away.
Once we got our soba, we clapped our hands together, well I did it too loud gaining the attention of others.
We both started eating I took out my phone to get a picture of Shoto eating soba.
"What are you doing?" He asked chuckling, "you never believe me when I say you make a cute face when you eat soba so~" I opened the camera app and Shoto just rolled his eyes, enjoying his soba.
"Ahh shit- It was hot, really hot I burned myself...(Y/n) can you pass me your water?" I gave him my water, and he quickly drank it.
"Promise you didn't get a picture..." he said, I took  pictures of this whole situation.
"I did." I said in a obvious tone.
After we finished our food we thanked the people there, and we walked back to his house.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Nothing..." I continued to draw what I was drawing.
"HAH DONE!" I yelled which I think scared Shoto because I heard him spit out his drink.
"Do you wanna see?" He turned around and grabbed my drawing.
"Seriously?" He asked turning around.
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"I could only color one, but they turned out pretty good!" I smiled.
"Yeah, they did..." he looked at me handed me my drawing.
"So (Y/n) you think I'm cute?" He said in a sarcastic tone.
"HUH!? WHEN DID I SAY THAT!?" I yelled
"Wait you didn't let me finish" the night ended with him confessing his undying love for me.
Well there's more to it...
"(Y/n) I really like you...and I think you're cute too."
"Wow Roki you didn't include a "really" before the cute." I crossed my arms.
He grabbed my face and brought me into a passionate kiss.
I couldn't find the right ending so I found the easiest one out, request PLEASE it makes my job easier...
Don't forget to comment and vote on this chapter!!<3
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selfcareparker · 3 years
so the better university is in germany.. you already live in germany.. but germans aren't good as good at english lol and lemme get this straight- UNIVERSITY IN GERMANY IS- wait shit Imaooo i read that wrong, I THOUGHT IT WAS 75¢ HDJSHS like 3 quarters😭 but that's still less expensive compared to the US, 75€ is about 90$ here... i just googled it and (apparently) college is typically around $27,000 in my state (22,588€ i think lol) but wowee gee whiz. i think waiting till you’re physically there is the best decision though, just really seeing how it is, how you like it and stuff. BUT WAIT Imao i'm rereading what you said as i'm responding, but the university sounds good!! hopefully your professor isn't the one writing the english on the website Imaoo. your english is fine hdhsjsh & why are you up at 3am😭
i'm literally jumping around udhsj but no that did absolutely make sense hahah i just really enjoy talking to you & wanted to tell you what's up lol but yay we're around the same age hdhagajs
+ yes i have !!! thank you LMAO I BET YOURE NOT THAT BAD JHDJS that whole paragraph actually made me laugh. dude i could neverrr write a script where people have to act it out? lmao it would not be pretty (though i need to work on that) well if you’re not good at acting, you’re hella good at writing (I FINISHED THE ENTIRETY OF UR PETER MASTERLIST AND I AM EMPTY & I AM SCREAMING- i’ll send in another ask on my favorites and all my replies bc WAH they had such an affect on me.......... it’s not ok. like affectttt)
HAHHAA “trash garbage” yea... she was helpful in helping me get my first lead on stage but yea that school as a whole was pretty 💩 but honestly thank youuu <3 my new favorite thing? “thump them in the eye with a sharp metal rod” i think i have one in the basement LMAO
that was a joke...... i think this will also need a tw..... but all my asks are messy lmaoo- not me missing the heritage thing in the tags: that’s so cool!! i’m guessing you’ve been the england since your mom is british? knowing two languages sounds so cool😔 and you speak really good english btw (is that rude-) OOHH so you’re german bc you were born in germany but none of your blood family is german & ur mom is british? bRO that’s so cool like literally 😎 i wanna travel so bad and the UK is first on the list (probably in two years.. i do really wanna study abroad or be a foreign exchange student or something) then Jamaica (bc that’s where my mom is from and i’ve never been) and then all the pretty countries lol
have a good day/night idk lol it took me really long to write this + idk why jdhsjshsj
- lovely anon 🥰
OKAY HI OMG (I was about to say giiirrrl but i never asked for your pronouns or anything so let me know if it’s okay if i say giiiiirl in the future lol)
I saw this at 3 am and got so excited lol but my sleeping schedule has been so awful lately that I forced myself to sleep instead of replying to this 😔
Okay so... if you put it like THAT then yes, the university in germany sounds a lot better lol. But yeah like you said I won’t fully decide until I’ve actually been to university (well, it’s online but ykwim) and that starts in april and honestly i can’t wait sksjshh but yeah i’m like 90% sure that i’ll be staying here already. And yes let’s pray that it’s not one of my professors who writes the shit on the website sishshg😭
also what you said about wanting to be a foreign exchange student or studying abroad... i felt that. but even if i end up studying in germany, with my degree, you have to either do an 8week programme (program? idk) where you go to an english speaking country,,, or you do a whole semester studying abroad so i’ll probably go to england one way or another lol and i can always do my masters in the uk (if i do a masters degree i haven’t even figured out what i’m doing this year let alone in three years loll)
Also I really have to stop saying lol so often lol
Also I have to stop saying also at the beginning of every sentence lol
Also (😔) i enjoy talking to you too 👉🏼👈🏼 you don’t know how happy i get whenever i see that you sent me an askd sjsjhshshs
And yupp i used to go to england like three times a year but because of cov*d i haven’t seen any of my english relatives since 2019🥺🥲 BUT the uk is so so so nice i love London but I also love the country side and esp the north of england 🥰🥰🥰 (that’s where most of my relatives are) and yes you deffffff need to visit one day!!!!!!!
Also (also is such a good word tho sksjsh) likeee i definitely don’t think it’s rude when people say my english is good dkdhsg so thank you 😌 but if you heard me speak english irl, i don’t have a german accent or anything and i’m 100% fluent but writing like this is different because it’s like... it’s not an essay so obviously not every sentence has to be 100% grammatically correct but i always worry that, because people know english isn’t my first language (only because i’ve told them), people think my english is bad and that i’m making mistakes when really it’s normal to just.. not use 100% grammatically correct word constructions all the time if that makes sense...? (I don’t think it does 👁👄👁 this was the worst paragraph i’ve written in my life i’m SORRY ksjshs, usually i’d delete this but i feel comfortable talking to you so even if it doesn’t make sense i’m not deleting my rantssjshsh)
And yup, speaking multiple languages is (in my opinion) one of the coolest things ever, i’m fluent in english and german, i had latin from year 7-12 so even though it’s not a language that people speak anymore, learning latin was one of the coolest experiences of my life (which sounds so lame dkshshs) because obviously in all the roman languages soo many words come from latin, so sometimes when i hear/read words in languages that i don’t even speak i can tell what it means thanks to latin. I can also kindaaaaaaaa speak/understand italian (where like 90% of words are the same as in latin or even some english and german words so i never had to study the vocabulary in school skshsh) and a liiiiiiittle tiny bit of french and serbian. I know quite a few people who speak 3+ languages because a lot of my friends are the same as me and have parents who aren’t german so they speak their dad’s language, their mum’s language AND german and it’s like the most fascinating thing in the world for me
And ooohhhh my mum’s best friend is from Jamaica and my mum has allllll these beautiful pictures from when they went to jamaica together when they were younger (goals)🥺🥺🥺 so i really hope you can visit one day✨✨✨ (i wanna go to jamaica too one day sksjs but i think it’s even cooler if you’re like actually jamaican obviously and it’s linked to your heritage)
OKAY THIS IS LONGER THAN SOME OF MY FICS I AM SO SO SO SORRY SKSHSBAKSKSHSJAHAHABA but i enjoy talking to you so i shouldn’t really apologise but still like what was the point of all my rambling? Nothing basically dksjsh also I feel like i keep talking about myself but idk what to say and likeee i don’t even know, so how has your life been since covid? (That’s My attempt to ask about YOU lmao tell me whatever you want about yourself sksjsh)
Okay byeee 💖💖💖💖💖
Edit: i realised i haven’t said anything about you finishing/reading everything on my peter masterlist AHSJSKKSBSBSSBSB thank you thank you thank you, sooo i can’t promise anything but i will most likely post a new fic this weekend... but idk if it’s going to be good? I randomly started writing it last night and i definitely like the plot but i’m always so insecure about my actual writing and wording but yeah... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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velvetcarat-blog · 7 years
11 Questions Tag ~
Okay so it’s been ages since I was tagged by @ineedyixing, it took me so long to answer and think of questions myself jhdgdhj but HERE IT IS 
Also note:1)  I really enjoyed reading your answers!  2) I hope you won’t mind that I used my ult bias group Seventeen instead of EXO, because I don’t have a bias (yet) in EXO (it’s a work in progress okay dhaha) and I tried but I dont know them well enough yet to complete questions well haha ;3
So as you guys may know my very ultimate bias is Seventeen’s sunshine Seokmin so- here we go ;;
1.     If you could ask your bias for just one thing, what would you request?
Aaah okay starting off with a really hard question... If anything was possible, I would ask him to spend one day together, because I’d really like to get to know him and see what a day in his life looks like! Realistically I’ d just ask for a photo or maybemaybe for him to sing something ^.^
2.     It’s been a hard day for you. All you can think about is all the hardships you have going on. You’re going home in a rush, looking forward to chill for a while. There’s someone on the street hurrying somewhere, just like you are. Suddenly you bump your shoulder into a stranger. It turns out to be your bias. What will happen next? How do you react? Do you say something?
I’d honestly be so out of it I’d just stare wondering if that was really him who I just saw?? But he’s hurrying somewhere right so I wouldn’t have the guts to say anything jhfgfjh I know Im a passive rock
3.     Would you rather go to an EXO (in this case svt ;3) concert or spend 2 hours with your bias? Why?
I would rather spend two hours with my bias, see first question as well haha! I would really like to experience this sunshine in real life ok TT
4.     You have the opportunity to go to Seoul, SK. Would you try to fit in with the civilians or would you visit tourist attractions solely?
Ah this is interesting! Now I’ve thought about this and what I would do is try and find someone in the area who also speaks English and is willing to be my guide and show me around a bit! That way I can really see what life is like there for the civilians, but a visit to Seoul couldn’t be complete without also visiting some tourist attractions right :3 If I’d have to go alone I would probably end up mostly visiting tourist attractions because I’m really not one to explore on my own and go out of my comfort zone a lot.
5.     While you’re there, you’re on your way to a restaurant. You’re dressed all nice, ready to feel alive for the night. Your friends texted you the address but you get lost. You stop a random person on the street asking for directions, but it’s your bias! Do you stutter? Do you flirt? Do you ask for a selca? Do you invite him along, as he helps you nicely and seems like a genuinely nice person? Do you pretend, do all this without revealing that he’s your bias?
Aw man, getting lost like that is so me hahah ;; I would be so shocked lmao, I wouldn’t stutter but probably start rambling explaining why Im lost and all that oh boy. I would not flirt if I ever met him because I don’t want to make us both uncomfortable haha and also because wow nope my brain is still trying to process that he’s standing in front of me. As he helps me and is really nice, I’d probably calm down a bit and bring it up * awkwardly * like hey, ehm, aren’t you Seventeens Dokyeom? ;3 10/10 would ask if it’s okay to take a selca because cmon this is a one in a million chance and I think he wouldn’t mind~ Maybe, if I feel comfortable around him, I’ll confess that he’s my bias haha. To be honest I could see him asking himself who I like best in Seventeen dhahah
6.     You’re a journalist and your boss tells you that your next interview for the magazine is with EXO (Svt in my case :3). Do you still take the task even though you stan the group or do you pass it for someone else who wouldn’t get biased while asking some questions? What do you do? Are you professional or do you let the fangirl inside take over?
I would not be able to pass up that chance eventually, after thinking about it a lot. I think it wouldn’t necessarily hurt my professionality, especially since they act very polite and professional themselves, which helps. I’m big on professional attitude and I would really be ashamed towards both my boss and Seventeen if I let my fangirl side come out when interviewing. Afterwards I might tell them that I’m actually a big fan of their music though! :3
7.     You’re talking to a guy online for weeks. Eventually you meet up in a public space but you see that he is your bias! Are you upset he lied about who he was or do you get over it and enjoy the rest of the date?
Aish this is so hard to imagine since Ive never been in a situation like this. I think I would be really confused mainly. I’d probably be weirdly happy but also pretty mad but also I wouldn’t dare to just lash out at the guy who I always admired when he’s standing right in front of me. I’d probably just ask him why he felt it necessary to lie and why he didn’t at least tell me who he was before meeting up! I want to hear his side and have everything explained. If he genuinely apologizes and has a decent explanation for it I’ll try to get over it, but it probably would take some time for me to fully trust him again.
8.     What song do you associate with your bias? Why?
Aju Nice! Not only does his powerful voice suit the musical burst of the song incredibly well, the energy of the song also reflects his playful, but manly image. I don’t want to ignore his more sensitive side though, actually there should also be a ballad to describe him haha~
9.     If it were to choose between your bias and your bias wrecker for a relationship, who would you end up with? Or would you go for another member?
Seokmin or Minghao? Hmm this is hard. I don’t think Minghao would suit me personalitywise though (also BOI IF YOU DAB ONE MORE TIME ) so I’d choose Seokmin then. I’m not sure if we would get along well actually. I like him for his energy and bright personality, but that’s because I’m usually NOT like that. I think he would be better with someone who’s also very cheerful and energetic~ Out of Seventeen, I think I’d probably go for Hoshi. He still has that bright energy but as a leader I think he also has a more serious side and is good at taking responsibility, which is something I really need in a partner.
10.  If you could live with a member for a month while in Seoul, who would you chose? Like in a flat. You’d have to share a flat.
Honestly, probably Mingyu. I like things to be mostly clean and organized so ;3 Also I’m pretty bad at cooking so maaaaaybe we can eat together sometime and I can enjoy his cooking skills> hahaha.
11.  What makes your bias so special to you? How did he touch your heart and why did you choose him?
Honestly, I don’t remember how Seokmin became my bias. Was it the opening of Aju Nice? Was it him dancing with a frying pan on One Fine Day? I can’t recall what happened but over time he got my attention more and I just fell in love. He’s got everything honestly, from his looks to his dancing to his powerful and emotional singing to his gags and dorkiness. I get the feeling that he’s a sensitive guy too though, and I hope he doesn’t just put on a smile and hide it when he’s having a hard time. all I can say is WHATTA MAN
 Allright I did it!! Thanks again for tagging me :) I will tag @vitaminniedk,@jhopejumper, @mintdae and @kkimingyu to do my set of questions. I think some of you guys already did this challenge so don’t feel pressured :3 Skip it if you want to bc wow I know this takes quite some time!
1.      Describe yourself using things your bias has said.
2.      If you could go on a one week holiday with your bias, where would you go? What would you guys do?
3.      Who in your bias group has a similar personality to you?
4.      If you and your bias were a couple, what would most likely be something you fight about?
5.      Follow-up: imagine you guys are arguing over something and things actually get pretty heated, up to a point that he starts shouting at you, which he has never done before. How would you react?
6.      You’re visiting a theme park with your bias group and there’s a haunted house that has a reputation for being one of the scariest ones around! Only two people get to go in at a time. Who do you choose to go with?
7.      Which song from your bias group expresses best how you feel about them?
8.      Your favourite and least favourite song from your bias/bias group?
9.      Christmas is approaching! If you could celebrate this Christmas with your bias, how would you guys spend the holidays?
10.   Are you on Santa’s list of nice kids or naughty kids?
11.   All I want for Christmas is …. (complete the sentence with your ultimate wish :D)
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3monthsineurope · 5 years
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September 13 and 14, 2019
Friday morning Ingvar and I woke up at Mom and Dad’s on Camano Island around 8. I did my hair and makeup and Ingvar made himself some coffee. Dad came home after 9 and drove us down to Costco in Smokey Point, where Mom was working until 11. Thanks for the ride, Dad! We dropped our bags off at Mom’s car, then headed over to Target. I had booked our flight to Copenhagen with Norwegian Airlines, which is a budget airline. They weren’t going to feed us or provide drinks, so that’s what we did at Target. We got sandwiches, trail mix, and granola bars.
Right past 11, we met Mom at her car. The drive down to SeaTac wasn’t bad! Mom shaved off 12 minutes of drive time by being in the HOV lane and speeding a little. Thanks, Mom! We got to the airport right around 12:05. We said goodbye to Mom, and then I had to run into the bathroom! We checked in for our flight and checked our one bag at the desk, then headed through security. We got through pretty quickly, with a dog sniffing us all, expect we had to unpack my bag, which had four pounds of powdered Gatorade in it, for Ingvar’s friend, Nico. Apparently you can’t get that in Germany, so we’re bringing it for him. Our gate was A20, conveniently next to the lounge I get into for free, with my Chase credit card. It takes ages to walk all the way there! Our flight started boarding one hour early, which seemed excessive. So, we stopped at the lounge and had one glass of champagne to toast to our trip!
When we went to our gate, we realized it was a bus gate. We had to bus to our plane, so it make sense that boarding started so early. I started feeling a little anxious, because it was so hot! I had on a long sleeve shirt and my back pack was pretty heavy. Ingvar changed backpacks with me, and I drank some water, so I was good to go.
We took the bus to our plane, and it was a big one! A Dreamliner. Ingvar and I got seats together! Yay! I didn’t pay for that, so I was really happy it worked out. We had seats 27 D and E. We were in the middle section of three. And we were behind the mid cabin bathrooms, so we had tons of leg room! I was happy for Ingvar, since he’s so tall. We got settled, but couldn’t keep our bags in front of us, so we just grabbed our headphones.
Both of us were pretty snoozy, so I was asleep by take off, and Ingvar was somewhere around there, too. I slept for an hour and Ingvar did for two. We watched two and a half episodes of Stranger Things season 3 on my phone, to finish out the season. It was pretty good! We both napped some more, ate some of our snacks, and played trivia together. Did everyone know this was our first flight together? Surprisingly, it is! Ingvar listened to some podcasts and I wrote, and also did some research for our trip! I hadn’t done a ton, with all the trips before this taking up space in my brain, so I’m really glad there was free WiFi on the plane! I mapped out a lot of places where we wanted to go and researched the cities.
Our layover at London Gatwick was just under two hours. We had to go through security again and that was actually a hassle! They only had one X-ray belt open, and they had has take out all our liquids and foods before putting it through. They were super strict about liquids! All mine had to be ran through again, in two small bags, while all my stuff was supposed to fit in one! Thankfully the guy let Ingvar “take” one of my bags so I didn’t have to throw things away. A bunch of ladies had to get all their stuff gone through again, it was a pretty big mess!
Ingvar and I tried to go into a lounge with my card, but it was full. The airport was super crowded, so we just sat for a bit, then headed to our connecting flight. Our next flight was on Norwegian. It was just under two hours, but we left about a half hour late, because we were waiting for ten passengers? Any time we wait for passengers, I always with my plane from San Francisco waited for me, hahah. Ingvar and I ended up snoozing most of the flight. We were tired!
We landed in Copenhagen just after noon. We went through passport control and grabbed our suitcase. Did I tell you Ingvar and I are sharing my Away suitcase that I got for Christmas? And we each have a backpack. So we collected our bag, then followed the signs for the metro. I knew which stop we needed to get off of, for our hostel, Generator Copenhagen. We easily bought a ticket, then took the metro for about 15 minutes to our stop. It was only a ten minutes walk, and then we were at the hostel!
I was so happy! Ingvar was in Europe with me! His first international trip. We checked in to our 5 story hostel, but didn’t have access to our room until 2–about forty minutes away. We checked out the hostel common area, and decided to have a Danish beer, Carlsberg, while we waited! We hung around and used the WiFi, then at 2, headed up to our room. We were in a 8 person room, with four bunk beds. I took the top, so Ingvar could have the bottom bunk. Ingvar took a shower and I laid down for about an hour. We definitely didn’t get enough sleep on the plane. Ingvar walked around outside while I snoozed, then around 3, I washed my face and changed, because the hostel put on a free walking tour at 3:30!
Ingvar and I went down to the reception and met a guy for the walking tour. He walked us to the meeting point of the tour, where Ingvar and I got a snack from the 7/11. 7/11s are actually pretty good here? Ingvar got a skewer of chicken and I got a hot dog in bread, and we got a beer to walk around with. You can drink in the streets and in public, which is wild!
Our tour was of Chistiania! Christiania is a free town, in charge of its own government and daily running. It was created by hippies in the 70s, who wanted less government control of their lives. Christina has had problems of hard drugs on the past, but now it is currently accepted to sell hash in Christiania. Our tour guide was Jakob and he took us around some of the canals. Copenhagen is made up of more than 100 islands, separated by canals. He gave us history of Denmark and Copenhagen, and brought us to Christiania. He wasn’t allowed to bring in a larger tour group, but we went in on our own. Ingvar and I walked through “pusher street”, where dealers were selling hash. Families live in Christiania, and the vibe is really care free and relaxed. Hash is a weird thing, though, because it’s still illegal in Denmark, but sold in Christiania.
After the free walking tour, we asked Jakob where we should eat dinner. He recommended the Copenhagen Cafe for Danish food. We had to walk a bit from Christiania, but we made it! Our feet were tired, so we were happy to sit down for dinner. It was pretty chilly, but not too bad. For dinner, we got the classic Danish meal, smørrebrød, or smorgasbord. Ingvar and I shared minced beef with a fried egg, Danish meatballs, marinated herring, and liver pâté. It was all put on rye bread and had open face. I looooved the pâté! I didn’t really like the marinated herring, but I was happy to try some super Danish food. We also tried akvavit, a liquor from Denmark. It was pretty strong!
We were super tired after dinner, so we walked back to our hostel. We both accidentally took a half hour nap, then I showered and we both go ready for bed. We met a couple nice people in our room, but we were soooo tired! We were both asleep by 10, for sure. What a day! I’m so happy to be in Copenhagen with Ingvar. :]
0 notes
chityca · 5 years
5/365 - 2019년 1월 5일
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Today was the day that I was supposed to go to Vietnam for 3 weeks, but I really didn’t want to spend time with my viet gma. And I really just want to stay in Korea for as much time as I can ...
Anyways, my English club went on a MT! This is my first (and last) MT haha. So I had no expectations. Well we had retreats for ASA, but that was just for ~leadership and bonding~
I didn’t get much sleep the night before because we stayed out until 4am, and I couldn’t fall asleep well. The next morning, we walked to the building together. I mainly walked with Brian because the others were putting on their sticker tattoos lol. Why am I always with this boy.
He asked me if anything was wrong because I didn’t sleep a lot last night hahah. So cute. I really didn’t know what to say to him?? I said I was watching YouTube. Then he asked if I listened to the song he wanted me to listen to hahah. I forgot. But I did tell him I saw Joseph Vincent in person live!! Because he and David Choi opened up for BAP that year in 2013 lmao. 6 years ago??? Wow. We talked a lot hahah. Then we walked into the building together and saw Mia, and Kelly. So we walked into the room together. Haha, everyone was excited to see me because I missed a week of ECHO ... then I left Brian’s side to talk to people. We ended up going to put on the sticker tattoos together. Hailey tried to talk to me but Brian interrupted us hahah.
I wanted to sit next to him on the bus hahhaa. But I learned my lesson and didn’t want to be selfish, like I used to with Merton. How I wanted to always be beside him during retreats or outings smh. But I sat beside Owen, Eric and Amy. I tried to talk to Owen and Eric because they played Rich Brian’s Dat Stick lmaoo. But it was awkward so I just stuck to talking to Amy and watching the movie.
We got to the place and rested for a bit. I don’t know why sometimes its so awkward with Brian??? Lmao. Because sometimes he wouldn’t talk to anyone and I would be alone to. But I tried not to hog up his time.
We got put into the same group for our games, and we sat beside each other. He kept helping me translate the game hahah. Mia would sometimes tell him to do so 😂 I think they have a thing for each other 🤔🤔 but I could be wrong .. he just hardly was with anyone but me or Mia lol ..
The day went on ~ I didn’t know what to do for the dinner, so Donna told me to just follow “my friend” Brian lmfao. I felt bad because he was also confused and he really translate all the time for me omg. He told me to take a rest and he’ll come get me if they need me LOL he is so nice. When we were eating, he sat in front of me and Amy. Probably because there weren’t any seats at the other end.
I poured his drink for him hahah. Then he kept showing people his ice cream tattoo. It was so cute. He was so proud of it. I picked it out for him hehe. And then they saw mine and was like “wow! It’s similar!!” Woops. One time, Amy was giving me some noodles but there weren’t much left, so he told Jongwook to give me some of his noodles haha so sweet. He is always looking out for me. I was always giving Amy meat and mushrooms lol. I can be a good girlfriend okie okie.
Amy and I left a little early because she was on her period. We got a prego scare together smh. Then we came back and he was hanging with Mia. We talked with Donna some and ended up going back inside because it was so cold and everyone was cleaning up. We rested a little bit. Actually I don’t remember much here ...
We did the gift exchange and I got Lina’s gift! Eric recieved my gift but somehow it broke lol. He said he is really thankful for it. It’s funny because Amy got Brian’s gift lmfao. We went bag shopping together. Then Evan got Amy’s gift LOLOL. It’s destiny.
Me Evan Amy and Brian are so close now hahahh. I think everyone in ECHO can see it. But that’s good! Because I think they really like when patrons and juniors get close to each other.
Then!!! Began the driNKINGGG GAMES. I somehow ended up sitting beside Brian, again?? Lol. But we played this game similar to move your butt. I didn’t end up drinking any. We took a break and I went to lay in the room with Amy.
After that, they played more drinking games. I think at this point, me and Amy were SOOO tired. But we drank a lot together lmao. I didn’t know how to play most of the games so I was just like fuck it. I got tipsy really fast and Amy got red really fast. Brian was like “is sHe okAy” lmfao. Nope. Anyways I was pretty tipsy omg. She ended up going to lay down and I was checking up on her. But I ended up having to drink because John lost. Lol. Anyways I helped them chug it and went to help Amy hahah. It was gross. I chug drinks, this is why I get drunk faster ..
After a while they stopped the game and some people went outside to look at the stars. So I convinced Amy to come find Evan, and told Brian to come too. But Amy was too drunk. So she couldn’t walk and went back inside to throw up. Evan went with her too. I told Brian we should wait for her but he said NaH let’s go lololol. While we were walking to the tennis court, we saw all the echo members and they were like “WHAT IS THIS !! A SECRET DATE!!!???”
Brian had his phone light on so I motioned him to hide it so it looked like we were holding hands .... lmfao. Fuck. Anyways they all shouted “Congratulations!!! You should hold hands !! You should start dating !!!” Omg so embarrassing lmfaooo. Brian just kept jumping up and down with him and I kept said “noOoooo” in korean 😂 then Mia came up to me and was like “congratulations!!!” But we ended up walking with her to the tennis courts too lolol but it was so cute because Brian didn’t deny anything and was just hyping it up as well hahahh.
We laid down together to watch the stars. But my head was hurting laying there and Brian said something in Korean to Mia, asking how he can translate it to a english lol and it was, “do you want me to put my arm under your head” HAHAHHHA OMG. I really should have said yeah, but after that awkward dating scandel, I was like nah nah. He later offered both his arms to me and Mia LMAO. So I really think he has nothing for me 😂
I kept calling Mia pretty and she said I was prettier lmaoo and then I said nOo Brian is prettier !! Aha. I love us. We somehow all held hands and jumped up and down to 1million ... lol i kept calling Amy and Evan bc I wanted them to be there, together so it didn’t seem like I wanted to be with Brian only.
They eventually came and we walked together somewhere else. “To look for zombies” and I somehow tripped going up the stairs and Brian helped me LOL. Also I invited Mia to my birthday gathering !! Because she was actually the first person that told me she will tell Echo to celebrate it hahha.
I made Brian go in this sketchy place with me because he had his phone light on. And I held his arm because I was scared LOL. But uhm, not awkward right? Because I hold everyone that I’m closed to!
I somehow was very tipsy ... brian and I played with the his phone light and did some hand shadows to this dog lol it was so cute ???
Then we walked more and Brian asked me if street lights in America were the same color and I told him honestly I don’t pay attention bc I don’t walk around, I just drive haha.
I ended up crying on Amy !!! Haha. Because I was sad. I really will miss this and Amy :( we walked back and I held onto Mia and Brian’s arms. It was kind of awkward because it felt like I was third wheeling them.
Idk what happened after we went in. Oh, people played more games I guess?? I wanted Brian Mia and Evan to drink more but they were tired, so I went with Amy. Mia couldn’t drink more because of the medicine she was taking. I went to talk to Donna, Lily and Kelly. Omg Lily and Donna asked me if we were dating LOL OMG. I kept telling them nooo. I told Donna that I like him though. And she asked if I like him, or love him LOL WHAT. I said nO i like him, but he probably likes someone else. And I told her that it was okay because we are the same age and we are close, so that is enough for me.
Then Amy and I went in the kitchen with Selena, Eric, Owen, Ashley, and Ella. I ended up spilling my drink LMAO. WTH !! Why am I so clumsy ??? So I left that and went back in the room to play zombies.
I was just going from group to group to see what I liked. I reminded me of ASA when I would do that and not stick to one. So I decided to stick with one! I ended up playing the cup games with Selena, Eric, Ella, Owen and Donna. And I had to drink, maybe two times?? I saw that Brian joined the other drinking group. One time, I looked over at them (because we were making a lot of noise and looked like we were having more fun lol) and Brian looked over at me too omg .. I didn’t mean to make eye contact with him .. lol but it was kind of cute :(
Sometimes I would go to their group and refill our snacks and John would help me because I was kinda drunk at that point. I really don’t remember how some of the stuff played out but somehow I ended up going outside aGAIN. But this time I went with Brian ??? Alone ???? Lmfao ??? What. I don’t remember, why or how ???
But Brian was really taking care of me ahahha. Did we go alone wth ??? We saw Jongwook and Julie and I hugged them lmao I was drunk ?? We went to the tennis court again because I wanted to see the stars, and I was so drunk when I laid down omg. I was sooo dizzy. He didn’t want to lay down so he stood there talking to me lol poor boy kept wanting to go inside because it was cold. But I was drunk and wasn’t cold. Then some echo members came down and saw us. But they went to talk somewhere else lol. Eventually they left and Donna was laying on the ground so I went over to lay on her LOL. And I made Brian come over to us and I held his hand ????? LOL WHAT. I remember it so well but I DONT KNOW WHY I HELD HIS HAND !!! Anyways he squeezed my hand at some point and it felt reassuring, and cute. Heh.
I told them I had to use the restroom and Mia was actually with us so I don’t remember how she ended up there ... oh yeah she took his jacket velco thing and kept it :( anyways, I went to the restroom by myself and went back outside to look for them but they were gone. So I went back inside and went in the kitchen ... ? They told me to watch the sausages but lmao I left after someone came to take over.
Okay I don’t remember if this is in order or not because I was drunk ... lol
I was with Brian, Eric, Ella, Owen, Selena, Evan and Amy at some point. Brian was sitting against the wall, and I was beside him. But! I’m pretty sure he came over to me because that was the corner that I was playing games with alll of them. I told Owen that his style is really nice and he is really cute hahahah. And he asked what about Eric. I said yeAH HIM TOO. LOL. Brian drank more with us heh. Brian went to put Evan to sleep lmao. And Amy eventually left us to sleep too.
Brian asked if I wanted to eat Ramen and went to check in the kitchen. They made some corn cheese and Brian told me to come over to get some haha he is soooo nicd. Mia ended up feeding me because I didn’t have any chopsticks. I went back to play with the others and Brian came over again too. We drank more.
Then they all left to go outside. I was left with Brian, but we were talking a lot. Mainly about alcohol??? Lol. Like always ... but yeah why are we always together I realized ...
I don’t know what happened after this ??? Lol
Somehow, we ended up drinking with Jongwook, Selena, Jimmy, Ashley, John and Donna. Jongwook said I am his drinking partner lmfao rip. I fed them all sausages hehe. Brian kept telling me to go brush my teeth and go to bed LMAO. HE TOLD ME NOT TO DRINK ANYMORE.
Idk why I kept drinking more but I ended up going to bed. They went outside again. I knocked the fuck out though.
0 notes
Chapter 1
“Could I offer you some more tea?”
  “Oh, yes please! This is a wonderfully fragrant brew, what did you say was in it again?”
  Master Li and Sandro were discussing the intricacies of tea, while waiting to for the water to cool. Most folk commonly drank tea made straight from the leaves and freshly boiled water, but at SOMMA tea was always prepared with some semblance of ceremony. This young man was unlike most, for males of his age were not usually so cultured. Sandro was a tall, fresh faced young man, barely 20, who had heard of the society during one of the Scholars’ Guild festivals. A practitioner of traditional karate, he was not restricted by trappings of style, though he still adhered to his original form. He was dedicated to personal training and showed promise, although the seemingly endless supply of Master Li’s tea could be part of the reason he attended so frequently. Upon sampling a signature blend, he was enchanted by the most popular brew Solomon Li offered his society members.
  “Well Sandro, there’s not much secret to this brew, but the trick lies in how best to use the jasmine leaves along with the chrysanthemum. Jasmine has a wonderfully fragrant scent, but overused it will conflict with other flavours. Chrysanthemum is earthier, but can easily overpower delicate senses. It’s a good tea for us though, considering our activities hahah!” Seeing that Sandro did not immediately grasp his last comment, Solomon continued,
  “I’m our chief healer here, and that means I need to be looking out for our health. Injuries will require treatment, or even first aid should they be severe enough, but in addition to tui na (that’s Chinese medial massage), I also want to look after everyone’s general well being. Prophylactic Chinese herbs and food cures is part of that, so chrysanthemum has virtues which help with circulation as well as internal controls. Of course, I’d recommend a green tea for tissue damage, but that’s another story.”
  The young man sipped his tea, and nodded politely; Solomon did have a tendency to carry on with lectures. A good thing for a teacher, but not always so convenient for casual conversation. Sandro returned them to the topic of tea, where the correct temperatures were brought up. Solomon was quite impressed with the boy’s existing knowledge, although they had spent some time debating caffeine levels. Many who did not grow up with traditional tea drinking were often surprised to hear that White tea, not black, contained the most caffeine. In fact, an American student who had been part of SOMMA a few years ago almost challenged the master’s credentials. Realising that his caffeine scale was the reverese of Solomon’s was almost disconcerting, but a quick fact check online revealed that the latter’s status as tea master was well deserved. Sandro demonstrated much more grace, and both were happy to affirm their mutual love of teas. However, the duties of a coordinator are never ceasing, and Solomon could not stay in one area of the training hall for too long.
  “You’ve worked hard tonight, help yourself to as much tea as you like, I’ll float around the training hall.”
  “Thank you very much again, I’m alright, I’ll go and do more training in a moment too!”
  Visibly pleased at the young man’s commitment, Solomon migrated to a boy, barely 18, and the vigorous woman holding an impact shield pad for him. Young Kyle, along with his mother Shirley, though Solomon would have accepted her as the boy’s sister; she had remarkable vitality and still looked to be in her late 20’s. Both had studied martial arts before, accomplished in the eclectic skills of kempo karate. They were likable and extremely helpful, always on time and eager to assist with setting up or packing away the training room. Kyle had been practicing the move introduced to him that evening, the internal palm strike. Palms and fists are essential for anyone to know, though the variety available could be simplified as those that strike on the surface of contact, which were known as external strikes, and those which continued to penetrate past the point of contact, internal strikes. Experienced fighters could change their strike to fit the situation, but as Kyle was new at the technique he focused much more attention on correctly applying his energy sequence. With an exhale, he moved in and slammed his palm against the pad. Nice sounds were made upon contact, but Solomon immediately recognized how the move was not executed as smoothly as possible. The boy and his mother noticed Master Li watching, and shifted their focus towards him.
  “Very good Kyle! I didn’t mean to pry, but hard work always gets my attention hahah! May I try holding the pad?”
  Taking the impact shield, he carefully analysed Kyle’s initial sequences. He’s still quite stiff, Solomon realized, and the energy is unfocused. Power comes from the Earth, but he’s trying to push the palm with just his upper body.
  “Okay young man, I need you to take a breather for a moment. Relax your arms, swing your hips! Now try it again, and when you make contact with the pad don’t stop there- you want to hit through your target afterall!”
  Observing once more, he noticed that Kyle was trying to pay more attention to his body, but in doing so the energy he channeled was meeting with resistance. After tell the boy to breathe out fully and move into the shield, a clean rush of energy was released from his hand. The boy had managed to move his energy cleanly, and the internal momentum produced a very solid shock wave through the pad. Switching the pad back to Shirley, Kyle continued practicing as Jakov watched. Feeling the obvious improvement, she asked Solomon
  “Oh, could you demonstrate for us? He’s doing a lot better now, I want to see it’s similar to your force.”
  “Hahah! I would be delighted to, but there’s always the chance I will blow him away. Instead, let me give you something better. Jakov! Can you give me a hand!?”
  Solomon yelled across to Jakov, who was training on the other side of the room. He was practicing his swordsmanship, visualizing the opponent as he slashed through the air. Upon hearing his name, he put down the wooden sword, or bokken, and headed over.
  “Forgive me for interrupting your practice Jakov, but Kyle and his mother have been diligently practicing their palm strikes. I think you will be much better than they are, you execute it much better than I could hahah!”
  The other 3 were amused to hear it, for it was difficult to imagine that Solomon was truly as unaccomplished as he claimed. None the less Jakov indulged him, and as Kyle held the pad, he began to sink his stance in preparation. Although Solomon was joking with the others, he had trained Jakov in this particular move with great detail. It was not a unique move to Bajiquan, for palms were universal techniques, but all the foundational power training tailored for the Chinese martial art added lethal depths to the palm strike. The shield crumpled upon the impact, and Kyle was forced to take several steps back, clearly feeling the force carry through to his spine!
“Excellent Jakov, thank you for holding back!” Solomon beamed at the SOMMA executive.
  Having made a literal impression upon the mother and son, Solomon left the club president with them to answer further questions. They were interested to know how he was capable of producing such power. Jakov explained how it was important to keep the upper body relaxed, and to not forget stance work. A stable foundation was vital to draw energy from the ground and smooth bodily transmission of force would allow the energy to not become dissipated by the time it was released through the palm. He stayed with them, holding the pad as they both took turns fine tuning their strike, offering guidance as Solomon had done when they practiced together.
  Meanwhile the ground mats were occupied by Yin Lun and Shanon. If Oscar was said to have an advantage over Yin lun on the ground, a similar gap existed within the skill levels of Yin lun and Shanon. The latter was a childhood friend of Jakov and Tim, and had some training in martial arts as a child. Unlike his friends he did not continue it much as a teenager, but was a fan of professional mixed martial arts and could discuss the relevant professionals with Oscar. He had steadily been improving his physical fitness and could copy most of the basic moves used in mixed martial arts quite passably, though his passion lay in Brazilian jiujutsu; he had been formally trained for the last month or so, and was coming along nicely thanks to the ‘tutelage’ of Oscar and Yin Lun. It was not an enviable position, for both of them were firm believers of giving no quarter in training, but Shanon had been improving at a pleasing rate and to his credit had never complained. Yin lun was considerably smaller than Shanon, but pound for pound he was likely stronger with much more experience in general, not just in jiujutsu. Currently holding the bigger man at bay with his legs, the two took on a slower pace as they tried to actualize the theory behind their techniques. A familiar voice was directed at the two,
  “Keep your guard tight, if something doesn’t work then look for other options!” Oscar had arrived, and immediately began offering tips. The ground-fighters listened without losing focus, each determined to maintain their positions. Eventually Yin Lun’s precision tactics won out in the battle of attrition, and though he struggled Shanon soon tapped out to a triangle choke. Yin lun released his legs, and the other man lay in a heap, concentrating on rapid shallow breaths to stop his head from spinning. Blood circulation was disrupted due to the nature of the submission, and he waited for his body to reorient its bearings.
“Nice job Shannon, I was almost worried that the choke wasn’t working.” Yin lun was also catching his breath, aware that with Oscar’s arrival a new opponent would soon enter the space. He wasn’t wrong. After Oscar gave some feedback to the guys, he joined in, and proceeded to submit both of them. Several times. In rather quick succession. Naturally a small crowd of onlookers gathered around. One of the newer members, a young girl, was being introduced to the concept of ground fighting, and was particularly impressed.
  “Does he always finish them so quickly?” she asked Master Li, who laughed and replied amusedly.
  “Only if he feels like it!” This response elicited further chuckling amongst the spectators.
  Some sights will always be a constant at SOMMA; watching Oscar’s skill and valor dominating his opponent would hopefully stay one of them.
0 notes
todokori-kun · 7 years
Well, at least it hasn’t been confirmed yet, only heavily implied (honestly Mutsurie has been implied since the Auction arc)…sad thing is that back when Mutsuki was likable I used to kind of ship it. But now…
Ishida, bring Saiko back.
Urie deserves to love someone who truly cares for him and could actually give him a happy, stable life/relationship (because Saiko is totally filling the ‘Sasaki’ role for the Q squad now that Ken’s gone).
Not this murderous angsty yandere who’s very much obsessed with somebody else.
Also, I’m getting a bit tired of Kaneki making everybody’s relationships difficult. First it was Kanae loves Tsukiyama but Tsukiyama loves Kaneki but Kaneki loves Touka, and then Kanae DIED, and now Ishida’s going to replace that with Urie loves Mutsuki but Mutsuki loves Kaneki but Kaneki loves Touka? No.
The only thing worse than that would be Saiko loves Urie but Urie loves Mutsuki but Mutsuki loves Kaneki and so on and so forth… I seriously hope Ishida won’t do that. Not only would it be terrible for my feels, it would also be kind of ridiculous.
Though that freaking centipede was hands down the worst part of this chapter tbh
I’m really, really happy Yoriko’s alive, but this isn’t 100% fluff either because there are three questions I have now:
Since Yoriko appears to have both of her hands, whose hand did Mutsuki show Touka? (I just remembered that Torso cut off Mutsuki’s hands and put a wedding/engagement ring on one of them…ew. This is getting creepy)
Who was it that called Yoriko while she was out shopping?
Do the other two questions have anything to do with how somber Yoriko looks at the wedding, or is that just because of nerves (she does smile later on when throwing her bouquet, but…)?
(And yeah, Urie has known Mutsuki is biologically female since the auction arc: I got confused about this too because of weird translations, but apparently he smelled their blood and realized it was from menstruation and not an injury. For them, Mutuski being AFAB is an ‘I know you know I know’ kind of situation)
(Aww that’s so sweet! Tysm <3 Wish I had a Shuu irl…I got diagnosed with SA earlier this week so things are difficult over here ;-;
Once we got close, though, Shuu’s dramatic behavior might start to trigger my sarcastic/teasing side…like,
“Ah, so you’re using watercolors? How lovely! What are you painting? Is it me? Well, of course it’s me, your one true-”
“Actually, it’s Yomo. I’m kinda into the strong, silent types.”
“…What are you implying, love…?”)
Luna/Urie (Lurie? Uruna?) HCs:
-Urie’s attitude around you is a bit like this:
Urie around other people: (Total scum. I can feel myself getting stupider whenever I talk to you) Of course, sir. You are truly setting a great example.
Urie around you: (I was going to work more but then I remembered I haven’t spent much time with you this week…ugh, this is like those cheesy games Yonebayashi likes to play) Be quiet, I’m trying to exercise. I suggest you do the same (oh ***** wrong answer)- just to clarify, it’s not because of your looks, it’s because you have to get stronger.
-He’s super organized and has a great memory so you can just text him when you’ve lost/can’t remember something (‘Urie, where’s my notebook?’ 'second drawer in ur desk’).
-Though he’s more comfortable with texting, he occasionally leaves short sticky notes for you when he’s busy. Usually it’s serious but maybe not quite flattering stuff like 'there are bags under your eyes. The average human of your age requires at least 7.5 hours of sleep per night' but there’s also the rare, awkwardly sweet note- 'I’ll try to be back soon’,'stay safe’,'Your hair looks nice’ (when you cut it when he was at work and he came home when you were already asleep)
-Cookie’s actually nervous about making this relationship work and the sticky notes were inspired by advice from the internet.
-when it comes to school and studying, he’s extremely impressed with how many things you’re managing to do at once.Though he usually doesn’t express this openly he definitely lets you know when he’s proud of you.
-He helps you with Japanese when you need it.
-in social situations like parties, you usually stick together and don’t talk much to anybody else unless you’re with the other Q squad members (I think I remember you mentioning you’re an introvert?). Though it might not look like it, there’s a lot of banter in these situations and you almost always have fun together.
-Urie secretly likes your 'weird, slightly pervy’ jokes
-He probably has a secret sketchbook with dozens of pictures of you in it. His face when you somehow find it is priceless.
-At some point you turn him into Hamiltrash. When you try to tease him by asking him to rap Guns and Ships, he disappoints you by rapping the whole song perfectly. He also relates to 'The Room Where it Happens’ on a personal level.
-He doesn’t understand your manga/anime obsession. Especially when it comes to Love Live- one day you get him to watch the anime with you and he remains poker-faced the whole time (honestly he looks more interested in playing with your hair than watching the show). In the end, you agree to disagree.
Until a week later, when you discover Urie’s been secretly listening to 'Storm in Lover’.
(I’ll stop rambling now…I admit that a lot of these were slightly crack-y, though I did try my best to throw in some fluff and serious HCs as well ^^;; I hope you like it! :D)
Again, thank you so much for being so nice and supportive <333 (I say that a lot, don’t I XD) I actually tried out the watercolors yesterday, and though I messed up my picture by adding too much water (I’ve never actually learned to use watercolors and I started painting with them this month), the paper is actually pretty good! I was right when I guessed it wasn’t really watercolor paper, but it wrinkles much less than my other sketchbooks :D
but wait, 'Huge airhead with the memory of a goldfish’? Are you sure you aren’t talking about me? I don’t really have a bad memory, but I only seem to remember the things I WANT to remember LOL for example, I remember almost everything about my various fandoms, but sometimes I find that I have no idea where I put my glasses when I took them off barely a minute ago (plot twist: they were on the shelf in front of me the whole time and I couldn’t see them because of my terrible eyesight. Yes, this has happened before. Several times, in fact).
Burr would later be unable to look Lee in the eye lol. Seriously though, I ship this a lot. Burr is way too shippable ;-; Remember when I said I ship him with Eliza? The fic 'True and Earnest’ on ao3 is what really made me ship them but still (I totally recommend that fic you get the chance to read it because it’s just perfect. So sweet and beautiful <3 plus, there’s some implied Angelica/Alex at the end so everybody gets to be happy! :D)
btw, just found some fanart of Burr titled 'Aaron Burr has strong opinions’
Burr in the picture: 'Personally, I love things…
…AND stuff.’
And they call Jefferson a francophile. At least we know he knows where France is.
Last note of this ridiculously disorganized message:
I just wanted to ask, are you into the MCU fandom? Because I’m very deep into it…I haven’t watched the Iron Man trilogy or the Guardians of the Galaxy movies yet (though I have the latter on my computer and am planning to watch it soon) but I’ve watched almost all of the Captain America movies and all of the Thor and Avengers movies.
Honestly I have 0 problems shipping Cookie with anyone as long as they’re mentally stable. Hell, I’ll even ship him with Shuu as long as it means Urie would be happy. The amount of suffering in TG is starting to be too much. There is a fine line between ‘a little angst to keep the plot moving’ and ‘bucketful of angst because everyone shall suffer for no particular reason’. 
I read the new chapter myself (I always seem to do after you update me on the happenings hahah) and I am screaming. It’s like Ishida put a huge ‘No happiness allowed’ sign on his desk and looks at it every time he’s thinking of how to advance the plot. Sigh.
Honestly, it’s so heavily implied, I consider it canon. ‘I wasn’t going to come, but then I heard you’d be here’? Come on, Urie would never say that unless he really liked someone. 
Oh, what if Sasaki/Kaneki is Urie’s true love! I mean Saiko=Sasaki and he wanted to see Mutsuki since they might know about Kaneki’s whereabouts… Don’t mind me, I’m just trying to think of something, anything that doesn’t involve Mutsuki/Urie because that has become my ultimate NOTP.  But Saiko/Urie is very attractive…
Everyone loves Kaneki. Ishida lied to us, this is actually some sort of twisted harem/reverse harem manga that’s only full of suffering for the lols. When the end of the manga comes, it’ll turn out this is a stage play/movie/dream and that everyone is Kaneki’s classmates who have a crush on him, but he loves Touka, whilst she doesn’t give two shits about him. Yeah, that’d be a nice end.  Waaait a minute. That implies Urie will die ;-; Nooooooo, come one, the cookie deserves happiness, his life is a big enough shitstain already. 
The love relationships form a centipede. It’s like this a→b→c→d→e→f→g→h→i→j→k→l→m→n→o→Kaneki. 
I was studying biology this morning, and passed the Chilopoda unit. GUESS WHICH BUG WAS THERE. I WAS THIS CLOSE TO SCREAMING OUT LOUD BECAUSE FUCK CENTIPEDES.
Oh, those are good questions! Here are my thoughts:
a) Maybe it was Mutsuki’s hand? But the hand looked…. fresh, in lack of better expression. Who knows, maybe Mutsuki just chopped off a random person’s hand to use as bait. Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me. 
b) I checked the panel, and Yoriko didn’t look alarmed or confused when she turned around, so maybe it was a random person she knew? Or someone from the CCG she met before? (what would they be doing in a wedding dress  shop, tho?)
c) I’ll choose to believe it was simply wedding nerves, because if it wasn’t the nervous, it was something else more sinister and there’s already enough suffering.
Oh, right! Now that you mention it, I remember! Thanks for reminding me ^^
That can’t be easy for you… If you ever want to talk, I’m here ^^ And I’m very sure Shuu would be persistent in getting to know you, yet he’d be careful not to trigger anything. Once he’d realise you have that teasing side, I’m sure he’d be a lot happier, because ‘HOLY SHIT EVANS OPENED UP TO ME HELL YEAAAAAAAAAAH’. He’d get a bit pouty if you’d tease him, tho. Of course, that’d make it even funnier. 
MY HEART! A critical hit. You really know how to pull those off.
Here’s an accurate representation of me while reading them:
Tumblr media
Urie perfectly rapping Guns and Ships is now my favourite thing, especially considering he’d do it with a perfectly straight face. Like ‘oh this? this is nothing’ while everyone stares at him like -_-
I’m pretty sure that Storm in Lover came from my ‘the names can be weird af’, but you chose the one which is sung by the girl that I’m sure would be his absolute favourite.  whoops, my idol trash side is showing again.
Thank you so much for this ;-; It’ll serve as motivation for me to survive next week which is the last one this school year with exams (and they’re the hardest ones, whooo). THEN I’M DONE AND CAN WATCH TONS OF ANIME AND REDA MANGA AND WRITE AND SLEEP AND RELAX IN GENERAL BECAUSE NO MORE SCHOOL FUCKING FINALLY.
We all make mistakes when trying something for the first time, so it’s completely normal that you added too much water ^^ Now you know how much you should(n’t) add the next time you draw :p  Ah, that’s great to hear! Now you have somewhere to draw where it won’t be as bad as if you painted on normal paper.
We used to paint a lot with watercolours and temperas in elementary school, and my drawing always ended up being disfigured blobs of colour. So I’m sure yours are perfect ^^
The useless things I usually end up remembering are usually animal facts (and, for some ??? reason, heights and blood types of characters. don’t question it). Here are my proudest goldfish moments: Search for glasses for 15-20 minutes only to realise they were on top of my head all the time. Thinking I lost my ID only for it to be buried deep inside my bad. Finding a fork in my bed (I’m not joking, I somehow managed to leave a fork there for some twisted reason). And my favourite: Being late and looking for my shoe for around 5 mins to realise I already put it on. Yeah, I’m not very smart. 
Yes, Burr is very shippable. Musical Burr, at least. I ship him with Angelica, Eliza, Ham (to some degree) and Lee. Man, that’s a lot of Burr ships. 
Ask him a question: it glances off, he obfuscates, he dances
Honestly, no so much ^^;; I mean, I’ve watched the Iron Man (and went through the obligatory Robert Downey Jr. fangirl phase, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America (1st part) and Ant Man, but that’s it ^^;; However, I was planning on having a marathon during the summer, because I like superhero movies (that probably explains my obsession with BnHA which is a superhero manga.)
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