#this took me like half a day wow i really finished one (1) course and went 'time to art again'
quirks-art · 2 years
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sunrise, abram
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frances-baby-houseman · 4 months
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I ran my half marathon!! It was surprisingly great. I got a pretty good pr-- I took off a little more than 2 minutes from my previous best time, which is a lot for me!
I did not really have much of a plan for this one, other than feeling pretty good from my 10k in the fall and knowing I had done enough miles, especially since I had done a run the day before every long run, which adds up to a lot of time on your feet. I started around 8:50, and figured I'd just try to hold there, and I did! Some miles were down in the 8:30s, and one or two were in the high 8:50s, but I averaged 8:40 on my watch and 8:45 on the course (the watch clocked another .1 mile, which probably is right with weaving). And it was hard on my legs but not that hard cardio!! I felt really strong the whole time.
There is one section where you run down an enormous hill to the beach and then immediately back up the hill (about 100 feet of elevation and I did it in just under 2 minutes). People were FLYING by me down the hill-- I had to protect my knees and my mom bladder and kept it around 8:15-- and then I passed every one of them going back up the hill. I live at the top of a hill so I do have easy access to hill training. Carly Rae Jepsen's I want you in my room came on and I was just like, "Come on carly!!" over and over. It worked!
I also did a good job on nutrition-- I took a few sips of water (and rinsed my mouth out) at every water stop, and took a gel at mile 5 and had a date at mile 9ish. This is a very well-supported race, so you get water and gatorade every 1-2 miles and they also had Gu at mile 9. I
Anyway I finished really strong and had a lot of fun! It is a really surprisingly hilly race for chicago and all the strategy for the hills made it go very quickly. Idk what my next half marathon will be! I don't know that I want to spend every spring training for this thing!! My dad was like wow you're really set up now for a great half in the fall and I was like, fuck off! I was set up for a great half today! So anyway it was a great run and that was that. New PR at 1:54:40.
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yippee-boi09 · 1 month
Quirky Quinn, pt. 1 (for now)
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“Thank you so much, missy. I'm so glad you took up the offer…” Mrs. Baker says through the phone that she was their neighbor across the street, and Quinn needed a job for the week.
“No pr-problem, ma'am… annnny time…” Quinn says dejectedly
“...just ma-make sure the payment c-can come through after you come back, I apologize if I thound demanding in any way, it's just-”
“Oh no, it's fine, deary! I know how tough it is in your situation and I promise I'll pay you a very hefty sum!” Mrs. Baker interrupts, true to her words as usual. After further conversation and scheduling, Quinn hung up only for their younger brother, Johnathan, to run into the room with some scrabble on a word search that Quinn printed for him while they were on a phone call.
“Sissy! Sissy! Look! I did the word search!” He chirped excitedly while proudly holding up the scribbled word search, no actual word searching having been actually done. “Wow bubba… that's really great! You found all the words…” Quinn says with a tired tone, like some exhausted parent would to a kid after a long day of work. Only for an angry 13 year old named Sarah to come down with half finished half assed emo makeup, “Can you guys quiet down? You're ruining my brooding time… I swear I'm gonna kill you all one day…” the angsty teen says with malice and agitation, not wanting ever to admit that she was a little adored by the fact that her siblings were having such a wholesome moment.
“But sissa… why? We you're family!” Johnathan pleaded with puppy eyes so that Sarah couldn't muster up anymore empty death threats and walked out while scoffing to hide her hesitation. “Don't worry, bubba, she’s just… 13… you know how they get…” Quinn says while putting their hand on his shoulder “Well… I promise to always love you no matter what! Even when I'm 13!” Johnathan says with a big smile on his face before he hugs Quinn tightly. They pat his back affectionately.
“Hehe, sure bu-bubba… hey how a-about we go-go get some dinner? Mac n cheese sounds good t-to you? Maybe some tater tots to go w-with such a fine cuisine?” Quinn asks tiredly with a hint of playfulness to try and keep the mood light for the little boy. “Mac n cheese n tater tots!? YEAH! I'D LOVE THAT SISSY!” Johnathan cheers, throwing his arms in the air as Quinn ruffles his hair affectionately before Johnathan runs off to the living room to wait for dinner. Quinn walks upstairs and knocks on Sarah's door, “Go away” is the first response before they can even speak. “Hey, S-Sarah… I'm go-gonna make thome dinner… Do you want anyth’ng…? I could heat you up some hot dogs in a dog with ketchup…” Quinn offers, a nostalgic and warm tone in her voice as she refers to the Hot Dog Slic'r Sarah used to looove eating out of as a kid.
“What? No! That's too stupid for me. Go away!” Sarah repeats her teen phase phrase once more through the door.
“Okay… just let me know if you wanna let me in…” Quinn says the last part quietly enough for Sarah not to hear before walking downstairs to prepare dinner for Johnathan… not before they catch a glimpse of what he's playing on the Xbox, of course. “Hey bu-bubba, turn that off…” They say, taking the controller and exiting out of the game, causing the young boy to protest. “HEY!! Daddy gave me that game…” Johnathan protested as Quinn took the game out of the disc tray to see he was playing Fallout… God damnit… Quinn's gonna need to talk to Dad later tonight.
“Thorry bubba, but this game isn't a very good g-game…” “Is it a naughty game like the Auto Theft game?” Johnathan questioned innocently, referring to the time Dad gave him a copy of GTA… he got an earful that day… “Yes, Bubba, it's a naughty game… it’th only for the adults.” Quinn says tiredly. It's obvious that they're pissed with the game selection that was given this time.
It was common for this cycle to happen, where Johnathan begins asking for attention from Dad, Dad get’s aggravated and hands him a random game or thing so he can leave. At first it started out with a doll that to this day, Johnathan still keeps and snuggles with, and now it’s stuff like Fallout and GTA and even fucking Borderlands… okay maybe Borderlands isn’t exactly bad but it’s not meant for toddlers. “Look, I'll geeet you a n-new game thometime thoon, okay? I promise it'll be-be a good game…”
“You say that every time, sissy… when am I gonna get the new Sonic game?” Johnathan peeped with a pouty lip and big eyes, melting Quinn's heart internally and making them feel a little bad for not getting enough money to do so because of college. “I-I know bubba, a-and I'm so-sorry… I-I promithe I'll get you the m-m-money… in the meantime… wanna make me a drawing?” Quinn offers, brightening the little boy's face very quickly. “Do I!? HECK YEAH!” He shouted as he got up and pulled out the art box and got right to work immediately. Leaving Quinn to go cook dinner peacefully without the worry of their little brother being exposed to virtual strip clubs, which boosted the flavor of dinner! The tater tots had Johnny seasoning with ketchup on the side, and the Mac n cheese had hotdogs in them. How elegant!
“Bubba! Dinner!” They called out to the living room, setting the dinner table for him as he ran in. “Woah, bubba, thlow down… wh-what’s got you excited?” Quinn asks, holding an excited and energetic Johnathan by the shoulders. “Look! Sissy! I made you a drawing! Do you like it?” He asks, holding up a cute drawing of the three together, Sarah wearing her emo clothes and a >:( face, Johnathan smiling widely with a big :D, Quinn has a soft smile and drawn bags under their eyes and their father lies in the far right without a face… “He-Hey bubba, why doethnnn’t Daddy h-have a fathe?” Quinn asks, a little concerned. “Because we don't see Daddy often, so I couldn't give him a face…” the little boy says with a sad look on his face. “Aww, bubba, don't worry…wh-why don't you go eat your dinner, and I-I'll tuck you into b-bed and read y-you a bedtime story…” Quinn says, folding the picture and tucking it into their pocket as Johnathan sits at the table and eats dinner happily.
Quinn is sitting in the kitchen… alone… they've tucked Johnathan into bed, and Sarah's already asleep, so now Quinn waits to… discuss matters with Dad. “Being alone is weird…” Quinn thought to themself silently, a pit in their stomach from the silence, and they drank their monster.
Not from the monster or the lack of food… but from… another feeling… a sense of power? Maybe. A time to think? No. The time for their mind to run with… thoughts? Yes. Absolutely. Their mind was running with questions… “Why are we here” “Why do we still care?” “What are you gonna do after you graduate?” “What purpose will you have after this?”
These thoughts buzzed through their mind, setting down their energy drink. They sit by the sink, arms spread and sitting by the side edges of the sink while staring out the window and out into the forest… their heart pounding, but deathly still at the same time and a shaky, dizzy feeling taking over… the thoughts buzz louder. “Why won't he talk to you” “Why does he ignore you?” “How come he started ignoring you after it happened?” Quinn holds up a knife from the knife stand near the sink, looking into the reflection “What are you going to do about ⍓⌾⍓?” Their thoughts are cut off by the front door opening and closing, the shuffling of keys and a groan… Dad’s home… Quinn takes a deep breath, puts the knife away, takes a swig of their Monster and walks into the living room.
“Oh… hello Quinn…” Dad says, a little surprised but too tired to express it more than a slight eyelid lift.
“Hey Dad…” Quinn says awkwardly. Talking to Dad is like meeting with an office job boss because you need a raise. “Whatcha need, kiddo? You usually don't stay up this late…” he points out, breaking Quinn out of their racing thoughts. “Oh. Ahem… D-Dad… Di-Did you give Johnathan a-a-a copy of F-Fallout?” They question his choice of entertainment for the young boy. “Oh? Is that what I gave him? How was it? Did he have fun?” he pulls out of his lips like it were another breath of air, using the same excuse to avoid the issue at hand. “D-Dad…” Quinn takes a step closer to where Dad is sitting. “...Johnathan is 6 yearth old… 6 ye-yearth old. You gave hi-him a g-g-game about nuclear war!” Quinn had heard of Fallout and how good the game is, but they never bothered to do more research after hearing all the dark humor from it… it always bothered Quinn, laughing at a joke about death…
“Yeah…? And…?” Dad questions, breaking Quinn from thought once more before they speak up. “6 y-y-year olds aren't thuppothed t-to be playing ga-games about nuclear war… and that o-other time you g-gave him GTA-” “DON’T… get me started… I know GTA was the limit but don't use it as some iron fist over what I give to Jimmy…” Dad yells before stopping himself and lowering his tone. “It'th… Johnathan…” Quinn corrects him. This had been going on for a while now.
“Johnathan… right… sorry…”
“Don't apologize. I know you work hard to put food on the table but I'm the one preparing it… I put en-enough time in taking c-c-care of the two and I'd really prefer iiiiit if you didn't give him games m-meant for adult-th… or ignore him… then you wo-wo-wouldn't “accidentally” give him inappropriate games.” They explain intently, trying to explain why it's improper and a little aggravating to have to watch over the kid's shoulder every two seconds out of fear that he'll end up seeing porn or something.
“Okay. Fine… I won't give him any more inappropriate games… Plus, I have plans next Wednesday… go- “Get you a beer? Already on it…” Quinn says before he can finish, grabbing him a beer and cracking it open for it, knowing that when he wants a beer, he has plans… usually the good kind… it's a good sign!
“We have a dinner party planned for next Wednesday, I want smoked salmon, mashed potatoes, and boiled carrots…” He explains after taking a swig of the beer. “Sweet, next Wednesday… any thpecific occasion? Is anyone coming over?” Quinn asks while writing down the plans on the fridge, Dad takes another swig of beer before answering.
“҉A҉҉n҉҉d҉҉r҉҉e҉҉a҉ will be coming over…” The name froze Quinn in place as their blood ran cold at the name.
“...what… did… you say…?” Quinn forced out with a voice shaking from rage and fear. “...҉A҉҉n҉҉d҉҉r҉҉e҉҉a҉… Y'know… your-”
“I know who she is… why are you bringing her here?” They asked with malice in their tone, it’s increasingly obvious that Quinn is infuriated with Dad now… “Well… there’s some business and I thought, maybe it’s be nice to talk to her after she-”
“I KNOW WHAT SHE FUCKING DID! That’s why I don’t want her coming near Johnathan or Sarah. I don't care if it's business or family reasons, I don't want her in our fucking house or even knowing where we live.” They explain with a hint of anger but concern in their voice, trying desperately for this to be canceled.
“Look, kiddo, I know it's a lot to take in, but I think it might be healthy! Plus this business opportunity means I might be able to spend more time with the kids!” He groans out, the last part bringing surprise and a hint of… hope? In Quinn’s eyes. This meant they could finally focus on life… they could… live a better life… but in return… it would mean having to deal with ⍓⌾⍓… and… having to talk to her after so long… “....Fine. Next Wednesday, dinner party, smoked salmon, mashed potatoes, and boiled carrots. Don't expect me to be kind to her…” Quinn repeats the plans before walking upstairs angrily, going to bed and staring at the ceiling.
Why the fuck must he behave like this? He’s such a stuck up asshole… always thinking about himself… but this wasn't just for him… this was for them… this was for Johnathan and Sarah and them… maybe… this… won't be so bad…
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Hey this is me (the writer of this) this is the first part of the story, once I finish it and touch it up a bit I'll set a release date for the story and moght post it on ao3 or Wattpad (yes, I have a wattpad) and you'll all see it. The original creepypasta belongs to my dear friend, @bloodydove08 who poured her heart into this story back in 2017 (but never released it) and is letting me make this (official???) rewrite, essentially Quinn's backstory. I hope you all enjoy it and feel free to criticise me! Any criticism (reasonable and not "kys", something constructive like how I should write or something) is welcome!
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amorest-viesse · 6 months
[Composing a Joyous Melody] - Rustica SSR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Akira (Chloe in chapter 1, Western wizards mentioned)
The Orchestrina’s Melody ~A Moment of Serenity with Rustica~ - Chapter 1
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Having finished with lunch, I headed up to Rustica’s room with the Serene Orchestrina in hand.
This peculiar magical device is said to grant its users with a perfect moment of serenity.
Although it seems like an ordinary little box, by wishing upon it, it’ll transport you and a guest into a space of rest and relaxation.
Akira: (I’ve been inviting each wizard to join me on their birthday, but now it’s Rustica’s turn. He’s the one that lent me the box, so it feels strange to ask him.)
Akira: (It wouldn’t be fair to leave him out though, so I’ll just have to do my best.)
Akira: (Wait, now that I think about it… Where is Rustica today? I feel like I haven’t seen him. It’s way past lunch, but maybe he’s still asleep… Huh?)
Akira: What was that noise…!? It came from Rustica’s room!
Akira: Rustica! Are you alright in there!?
Rustica: La~ lala~ ♪ Be~ my guest~ ♪
Hearing Rustica’s voice, I pushed open the door to find…
[Rustica’s Room]
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Female Wall Portrait: Lalala~ Oh~ my songs are so love~ly~~ ♪ Bow down to my glo~ry~~ ♪
Chloe: The sun shines so bright~ And the stars gleam at night~ All thanks to the sound of your songs~~ ♪
Rustica: Break.
Rustica: What is it that makes the world so beautiful?
Akira: (More like what in the world is going on!?)
Standing in the middle of the room were Chloe and Rustica surrounded by a colorful choir of singing birds and paintings backed by an ensemble of dancing clothes.
However, as soon as I made eye contact with the portrait of the diva, she immediately shut her mouth. Her cheeks flushed bright red, and she hurried back to her usual pose.
Rustica: Oh? …Ah, I see now. Still feeling shy in front of strangers are we?
Rustica: We’ll simply have to continue our concert another time then.
At the sound of Rustica’s voice, order began to restore itself to the room. The clothes fell gently back to the floor as the birds took off into the blue sky.
Then, as if nothing strange had occurred, Rustica smiled at me. Chloe too, was smiling as always.
Rustica: Good morning, Master Sage.
Chloe: Rustica! It’s well into the afternoon!
Akira: G- Good morning? What was going on here…?
Chloe: Right, right, we should explain that. Rustica started up a concert as soon as he woke up.
Rustica: While I was still half-asleep, I crashed right into the closet, and to console me, the clothes hopped out and began to dance.
Chloe: That’s not what happened! You were the one that enchanted the clothes, remember?
Rustica: Was I really? In that case, was I responsible for your singing too?
Chloe: Nope! You just seemed like you were having so much fun, I wanted to join in too…
Rustica: If you’re having fun, then I’m having fun as well. To wrap up this delightful morning, shall we have some tea?
Chloe: Yes please!
Akira: (S- Shouldn’t he be getting ready for the day?)
Yet, despite my apprehensions, I was swept up by the atmosphere as Chloe and Rustica happily prepared for tea.
Akira: (...Well, maybe this is fine. Both of them seem like they’re having a good time.)
Rustica: Come join us, Master Sage.
Akira: Oh! Thank you very much!
Caught in their leisurely pace, I completely forgot why I came to Rustica’s room in the first place.
The Orchestrina’s Melody ~A Moment of Serenity with Rustica~ - Chapter 2
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Akira: (Alright, so my first attempt to invite Rustica out with the Serene Orchestrina failed…)
Akira: (But I’ll definitely get it this time—Oh!)
Rustica: Good afternoon, Master Sage.
Akira: Good afternoon to you too, Rustica. That’s a lovely tea set you’ve got there. Are you waiting for someone?
Rustica: Why, you, of course.
Akira: M- Me?
Rustica: Indeed. I saw that you were out on a walk and thought it’d be nice to prepare some refreshments as a break.
Akira: Oh wow! Thank you so much! But, um, Rustica… Why are all the dessert plates empty?
Rustica: Ah, that’s because you’ll be filling them.
Akira: I’m… not sure I follow.
Rustica: It appears Nero is out today, but please don’t fret. I’ll be by your side to cheer you on.
Radiating with charm, Rustica innocently smiled at me, and my willpower crumbled. I found myself nodding before I realized it.
Akira: Ahaha, alright then. If the recipe is simple enough, I’d be happy to try it.
Rustica: Thank you so much, Master Sage. I’m looking forward to it.
Akira: Let’s head over to the kitchen then—Whoa!?
As I turned to leave, I suddenly stumbled and toppled forward. However, Rustica reached out and caught me before I could fall.
Rustica: Are you alright, Master Sage?
I looked up at him and our eyes met.
His long, beautiful eyelashes—reminiscent of a bird’s wing—fluttered against his smooth, porcelain skin.
Akira: (This feels like a scene right out of a fairy-tale, lovely and fleeting… W- Wait, now’s not the time for this.)
Akira: S- Sorry about that, Rustica, but I’m alright. You really saved me there.
Rustica: Why, I ought to be the one apologizing for my thoughtlessness. Please, allow me to make it up to you by personally escorting you to the kitchen.
Akira: Thank you so much. Let’s get to it then.
Akira: Things have really changed since we first came here, haven’t they? It used to be me guiding you around whenever you got lost.
Rustica: Haha, then consider this my thank you for all those times. I’ll make sure you reach the kitchen safe and sound.
Akira: (It makes me happy how tightly he’s holding my hand while we walk…)
Akira: (He’s usually so gentle, but his kindness is really shining through…Oh!)
Akira: Before I forget again, I actually have something I want to talk to you about.
Rustica: I’m glad you brought it up then. I’m quite forgetful as well, so I ought to learn from your example.
Akira: Since your birthday is coming up, I wanted to use the Serene Orchestrina with you.
Rustica: Oh? Why, thank you for your consideration, Master Sage.
Rustica: Since you’ve gone out of your way to ask me, I’ll make sure to remember my birthday this year.
The Orchestrina’s Melody ~A Moment of Serenity with Rustica~ - Chapter 3
[Rustica’s Room]
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On the morning of Rustica’s birthday, I headed to his room where he was waiting for me in a special new outfit.
Akira: That outfit looks great! It’s got a nice balance between elegance and extravagance which is just perfect for you.
Rustica: Why, thank you, Master Sage. As soon as the clock struck twelve, Chloe came by to give it to me.
Rustica: He knows me so well, doesn’t he?
Akira: Yeah! Chloe really is your apprentice.
Rustica: Indeed he is.
Leaving the box on the table, I closed my eyes. In order to use the Orchestrina, I had to recall everything I loved most about Rustica.
Akira: (I hope to grant a moment of serenity to Rustica, the perfect gentleman who brings peace to everyone around him, who always cares for others while marching to his own beat…)
The box opened with a creak, and a little doll resembling Rustica emerged and began to spin round and round.
Music began to play out of nowhere and the whole room dissolved into light…
[Orchestrina Interior]
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When I opened my eyes, a calm, inviting space stretched out before us.
A sweet and joyful, yet slightly heart-wrenching song was playing. It sounded like afternoon sunlight, the warmth of a lover as you danced in their arms.
Rustica: What a gorgeous melody. It makes me want to put a kettle on. One should always add plenty of sugar into a bitter tea.
Akira: (It seems the Orchestrina is working… It plays a unique song just for the person who’s brought here after all.)
I watched his face as he listened, waiting until he seemed fully satisfied by the music before speaking.
Akira: Um… Since you already know this place better than any of the other wizards, I couldn’t decide what we should do here.
Akira: I brought some tea and cake, but is there anything you want to do?
Rustica: Why, that’s already plenty for me. However, I do have one selfish request if you’re willing to hear me out.
Rustica: Would you play a duet with me on that piano there?
Akira: If that’s what you want, then of course I will! Although… I’m hardly an expert, so I wouldn’t want to get in your way…
Rustica: What matters most is that you’re the one playing. A song filled with memories of you would be the greatest present of all.
Rustica: And any moment spent with you is sure to be the most beautiful in the entire world.
Akira: …Thank you so much, Rustica! In that case, I’ll do my best!
Rustica and I sat down at the piano and placed our hands on the keys.
Akira: (I’m a little nervous, but I’ve got this!)
Akira: …Let’s start!
[Music playing]
Rustica: What a warm and lovely melody. It reminds me of yourself. Now, shall I?
[Music playing]
Akira: Wow, you’re amazing…!
Akira: (Thanks to Rustica, my terrible playing sounds like it’s being accompanied by a whole orchestra…!)
Akira: (All I’m doing is pressing the keys, but Rustica’s managed to turn it into such a fun and lively song…)
Rustica: Oh? Has the tempo increased? This song is so bright and lively, it makes me feel as if my heart will fly from my chest and start dancing any minute now.
Akira: Oops, I was having so much fun that I accidentally started playing faster.
Rustica: Ahaha, and now, not only do I have the honor of listening to your song, but I get to see your lovely smile as well.
Akira: I could say the same about you. Even though it’s your birthday, I’m having so much fun. Thank you.
Akira: (That’s right. Since we’re here…)
Rustica: Oh, now the song has such an exciting atmosphere like a secret rose garden tea party.
Akira: Yep! I’m no musician, but I wanted to try conveying a message to you through the song.
Rustica: Well now I’m curious. What was the message?
Akira: Once again, happy birthday Rustica!
A Wacky Waltz - Card Episode
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Rustica: ~~♪
Akira: Good afternoon, Rustica. That song you’re humming… It’s the one you improvised on your birthday, right?
Akira: It was incredible how you created it based on a story Murr made up on the fly!
Rustica: I’m honored to hear that. It was quite the enriching experience to compose a song for a tale spun by the Great Philosopher of the Ages himself.
Akira: It started out as a tale about toy soldiers saving a human princess from distress, right? That sounds perfect for a waltz.
Akira: Although, it seems both the song and story changed halfway through… I believe it ended up with a rather strange title in the end…
Rustica: Yes, I believe it was “That Time Mithra Was Reincarnated As A Swan Without His Powers But Still Retained All His Memories ~What Will He Do Next?~”.
Rustica: Shylock stubbornly refuses to call it by its proper name, but I’m not terribly surprised.
Akira: (What a long and literal title… I wonder if the previous Sage ever told Murr about light novels…?)
Rustica: “Swanthra” for short presented quite the challenge for me as a harpsichord player.
Rustica: The sudden encounter between the white swan Mithra and the black swan Lord Oz had my fingers all tied up for the first time in a while.
Akira: That was an incredible scene…! I remember everyone’s dancing was amazing too.
Rustica: You were quite captivated by it, weren’t you?
Akira: Ahaha, I was just watching though. I doubt I could keep up with that kind of tempo…
Rustica: There’s no need to worry about that. It’s perfectly fine to dance to your own rhythm. That’s the kind of song “Swanthra” is after all.
Rustica: Ah, that’s right. Since you’re here, how do you feel about playing one more song? I’ll make sure to put my all into accompanying you.
Home Screen Voice Line
"Did you compose a song for me, Master Sage? Why thank you very much. This might be a bit selfish of me but... could you hold off the performance until after the party? While I would love for everyone to hear it eventually... I'd like to keep it all to myself for today."
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umichenginabroad · 4 months
Week 4: Prague!
Well, over the weekend, we went to Prague! We were traveling to celebrate one of my friends' birthdays. We had 14 people with us, which is the biggest group trip that we had ever done and everyone was very excited for a weekend in Prague. It was my first time in Prague, so I didn’t know quite what to expect, but was excited nonetheless. We took a 4 hour bus ride over to Prague and before I knew it, we had arrived. 
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We arrived in Prague earlier than we expected, at around 10:00 or so local time, and headed over to our Airbnb. We discussed sleeping orientation, dropped off our stuff and got ready. You may be asking yourself, what are these mad bunch of Americans (plus one Canadian) headed off to do now? Well, we decided that sleep is for suckers, and that since we would only be in Prague for about 72 hours, we were gonna make the most out of it. So while the night was still young, at around 12:30 am, we headed out for a fun night. Seeing as how there was a world-famous DJ in town, we decided that it might be a good idea to attend her show. For the entire time, we were bopping our heads to the music, dancing the night away and just having the best time ever. We ended up finishing at around 4 am, and went to sleep. That concludes day 1.
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On day 2, we got up bright and early, at least I did, at around 8:30. We then spent the next hour and a half getting ready for the day. At around 10:00, we finally headed out to explore the city during the day time. The first place that we hit up were the Jewish sectors of the city and their beautiful synagogues. We also made sure to take plenty of pictures of the traditional Czech architecture surrounding us. It basically looked like what I dream my Minecraft world could look like. From there, we made our way across the bridge across the Vltava river to the other side of Prague. There we could see the beautiful Prague Castle at the top of a hill as well as many other scenic views. However, the real breathtaking view was when we looked back across the river and could see the city in its entirety. For as far as our eyes could see, it was just purely red roofs and classical buildings. 
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The majority of the rest of the day was spent in the Prague castle, where we got to tour Cathedrals that were hundreds of years old, as well as other historical landmarks regarding historical Czech clans. We got to walk around some of their historical streets, getting to see what life was really like in the Castle, and visit other parts of the castle, such as their prison yard. 
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After the castle, our group decided just to walk around and hit up whatever we saw along the way. At around 5:30, our group decided to split off as many of us were tired due to a lack of sleep and wanted to go back and take a nap. I was among one of these people. However, due to two people who will remain nameless, I was evicted of my right to go take a nap. These two dragged me around for over an hour on their little shopping spree, dragging me along like two big sisters do to their younger brother at the shopping mall. We couldn’t walk 1 minute without one of them going “Ooooooo wooooow, that’s so cute”, or “Ooooh wow, let’s go in there”. Anyways, regardless of the circumstances, we still all had a great time and I even got myself a nice shirt, so I guess it worked out in the end. 
We had made reservations at around 8:45 for a nice birthday dinner. We had all agreed for everyone to dress nice and everyone definitely delivered. Everyone was dressed super nicely and we all had a great time and enjoyed the delicious birthday meal. And of course we remembered to sing for the birthday girl. With that being said, Happy Birthday Marley!
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That night, we decided to hit up another show, this time in the heart of Prague. This place featured some of the best DJ’s, and my personal favorite music. They played a bunch of songs that I had long loved, but had hardly ever heard in public. For example, they played songs like “Dragostea Din Tei”, by O-zone (otherwise better known as the Numa Numa song), as well as other favorites such as Fifa 14’s classic theme song “Love Me Again” by John Newman and “Astronomia” by  Tony Igy and Vicetone (otherwise known as the Coffin Dance song). Even though I suffered some minor hearing loss, it was well worth it as I had some of the most fun that I have had that night. With that crazy night over, it is time to go on to the final day. 
Our bus back to Berlin left at around 6:00 pm. We checked out of our Airbnb at around 11:00, and we spent the rest of the day visiting the local parks, and walking around some more around the river bank as well as other parts in the city that we didn’t get a chance to explore yet. When the time came, we boarded the bus and departed for Berlin.
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We had an absolute blast in Prague, and I would do anything just to experience those 3 days again. I am so thankful to have spent it with the people that I did and can say that it was objectively the most fun that I had ever had in Prague. 
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Dervin Tian
Data Science
IPE: Engineering Laboratory Experience at TUB in Berlin
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greenmegsnoham · 2 years
2022 Fic Review 📖📝
thanks for the tag, my dear @gaylord-zuko !!! This is going to be fun! (I hope) I wrote a TON the first half of the year, and then it sort of teetered out... so let's see what the damage is!
Most popular fic: Yes, Daddy - my 2022 @call-me-daddy-fic-fest fic! I really embraced my breeding kink here, and fell completely head over heels for Scarry in the process! Can't wait for this year's fest works!
My favorite fic: Wait For Me - My ultimate Dralbus for @hp-nextgen-fest - "it was only going to be 20k" - yeah, okay. My longest fic to date (and the longest Dralbus on AO3 😳) at 85k. Exploring the growth of their relationship over the course of 17 years was quite the feat. I almost didn't make it, you can thank @makeitp1nk for being the world's best beta and cheerleader. I'm so glad I finished it and I absolutely love it.
Most unexpected fic: And Still I Dream - My H/D Reverse bang ( @harrydracobang ) work and the very first all out AU. I never read AU, and I never in a million years pictured myself writing one, and yet I did! When I saw Gaudium's art - wow - the story was just there. Took me right back to my own high school days. Theatre Nerd Draco and Basketball Jock Harry for the win! Oh, and Draco sings Les Mis... a lot lol.
Fics for next year: Well... I have 1 collab and 3 WIPs that I want to finish, or at least get well on their way....
Until You're In My Arms Again (Remeber Me): my heartbreaking Rarry amnesia fic collab with @stonedregulus - I'm so thrilled you were willing to do this with me. I don't doubt it will be one of the best things we've ever made. 💕
Time Heals All Wounds: A Snarry time-travel/soulmate fic that has been around since 2019?? It's my most popular work to date, and I really need to finish it. 😭
For Love and Legacy: A James/Lucius that takes the Drarry dynamic to the next level - strangers / enemies to lovers with denial of feelings and fake(ish) dating - lord of smut and drama - but what would a story about Lucius be if not drama??
The Wands Chose the Wizards: My 2021 Tomarry Big Bang that has been chilling for far too long. A Drarry to Tomarry fic with Time Travel, and the launching of a new ship: Draco/Lestrange Sr. - I did manage to post a chapter last week and fell right back in love with the story!
I have my Call Me Daddy 2022 fic in the works, with a pairing I've wanted to write for ages! I can't wait! There's also @hpshipuary and @kinkuary ... so who knows what might happen!!!
I've been doing a lot of fandom hopping and have a lot of fun writing for Anime fandoms too, like Sk8, Naruto, and Free!, with plans for more. BNHA, I'm looking at you! (I use an alternative alias for these 🤫)
Next fic I plan on writing: From scratch? Oh goodness... My ideas are always endless and often hit me like lightning with no prior warning. Hopefully I can make a dent in those above! 😅
Tagging @makeitp1nk @thebooktopus @fantasyborn @cindle-writes @danpuff-ao3
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traynslations · 2 years
Mido Torao Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 3 - Torao and Chain Stores
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Torao: Hello. I went to the store you mentioned. It was delicious.
Tsumugi: Hello! Are you referring to the gyoza chain store?
Torao: Yes, it wasn’t bad there.
Torao: The meal ticket system was great.
Torao: All the French and Italian courses I know are served while I am thinking about how long I will take to finish eating it, but I was surprised that here, the food comes out right when I sit down. It’s really interesting that they do that.
Tsumugi: It really comes in handy when you don’t have much time or if you’re hungry, and that makes me happy!
Tsumugi: Did you go to the store alone?
Torao: No, I went with Nikaido and Tamaki. We met by chance in the studio after we were finishing recording.
Torao: When I told them about the store, they enthusiastically took me there saying that if I hadn’t been there before, they would take me.
Tsumugi: I see! Those two often go there, so they know a lot about it…!
Torao: It seems so. I was recommended the standard version at first, but then they changed the spiciness and toppings and arrangement of it.
Torao: It was a real pleasure to try the various arrangements and find the best one. It was fun chatting with them while we ate. The stories about life in the dormitory are fresh and interesting.
Tsumugi: Everyone in ŹOOĻ lives alone, right? Anyways, what did you guys talk about there?
Torao: There was a story about Nikaido eating the pudding again. Tamaki was angry because he was looking forward to eating it.
Torao: Well, it’s true that it’s a little horrible to eat something that someone was looking forward to.
Tsumugi: So that’s what you guys were talking about…!
Torao: The lunch was on Nikaido. We treated it as a treat from him to us.
Option 1: Were there times when the members of ŹOOĻ accidentally ate each other’s food?
Torao: Yeah, it happens sometimes. One time, Touma ate Haru’s melon bread by mistake. Haru noticed and got mad at him, and Touma tried to give back half-eaten bread to no avail because Haru was too pissed off. Afterwards, Touma bought him bread from a popular store to make up with him.
Option 2: Did Nikaido-san mention anything else?
Torao: He did ask me a lot about my private life because he can’t imagine me just lounging at home doing nothing. Well, I told him that I do relax at home.
Option 3: Did Tamaki-san talk about anything else?
Torao: He talked about school a lot. Haru doesn’t like to talk about his school life much. It was refreshing to hear that those three eat lunch together and spend time with their friends.
Torao: They also told me stories about you.
Torao: Managing 7 guys sounds like a lot of work.
Tsumugi: Everyone is pretty self-reliant, so I never once thought it was hard!
Tsumugi: Rather, I receive a lot of help from them and receive gifts from them too…!
Torao: They also looked very happy while talking about you, so I was just curious.
Tsumugi: Thank you…! Utsugi-san and everyone else, I’m very close to them, and I think it’s wonderful that there are things that only you guys can understand!
Torao: No, that guy has been too close to me ever since we first met!
Tsumugi: Well, I envy you more and more!
Torao: I don’t know what you’re really thinking, even though you look so good on the outside. Unexpectedly, I don’t think much. Recently, I’ve been getting more thoughts though.
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Torao: The other day, while I was humming, Touma joined in with me.
Tsumugi: Wow! Sounds like fun!
Torao: It’s strange! It’s because the air was frozen for a moment.
Torao: “It’s a good song, isn’t it?” he laughed, but sometimes I can’t tell if he is joking or is serious! He’s such a hard guy to read.
Tsumugi: But while we were at the New Year’s party, he practiced Mitsuki-san’s part with all his might, so I thought that he was a very serious person.
Torao: Well, I guess he’s serious… And I guess we all take care of each other well.
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End of Part 3
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faerii-shin · 1 year
A KamiJirou Fanfic
Chapter 5 out of 5 - “As Beautiful as a Sakura” Pt. 3, Finale
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summary : Will she finally admit it? Or it will remain like that for a couple of years? Struggling for him really, to simply ask her out.
warnings : none
genre : fluff, soft, comfort?
a/n : Enjoy the fanfic luvs! I stan KamiJirou so much. I need it to happen.
One of them landed on Jirou’s hair, but she wasn’t paying attention. Kaminari noticed and he slowly moved the strand of hair out of her face and took the petal. Instead of actually taking it off, he placed it properly on her, snapping a picture — adding it to his album in his phone.
Jirou’s face flushed a light pink, as she finally saw what happened, however only when Kaminari took her picture. “Why did you take my picture!??” Jirou said, half like yelling, half like normal. *Laughs softly* Because I can, Kaminari replied back; still laughing a bit. Jirou slowly looked at the sky, then turned her back on him. “Hey! I am sorry, alright. You just looked, umm, really beautiful — that’s all.” He mentioned quickly. She froze for a second. Jirou’s POV: What word did he use? I think I’ve become deaf, seriously. Beautiful? Was it? (End of POV).
“Can you repeat what you just said?” She asked. “What I said?” He replied back. “I said you were beautiful, that’s it…?” She turned back to look at him. Kaminari, realizing what he just said, took his turn to blush. He decided it was time he’d give it to her. 
- back a few days, chapter 1 - 
(Before the “Nintendo Switch Scene”)
“Hey guys..!” Kaminari suddenly shouted. “Yes?” Both boys replied. “I want to get something for Jirou, but I don’t know what.” He questioned them. “Something she likes or may be interested in?” Kirishima recommended. “Like how the heck would I know, idiot, rely on Shitty Hair not me.” Bakugo yelled back, doing his usual act of anger. Temper was not present in him.
“Oh, alright! Thanks Kiri man!” Kaminari said, giving him a thumbs up. “And Bakubro, try to get the girls sometimes. You are like one of the top ranks in class, yet you suck at these kinds of things.” “I mean look at Todoroki.”  Kaminari told Bakugo. “Fuck you, don’t include IcyHot in this dumbass.” He exclaimed, snapping back at him. 
- back at present time - 
Kaminari reached for something and pulled it out of his pocket. It was a small box and inside (NOT A RING, lmao) was a beautiful necklace, with a small butterfly pendant hanging from it. *Places hand over mouth*
I, wow… Kaminari that looks so nice. Wait, that’s for me? She said, shocked. “Yes, yea. Who else would it be for?” He said, giving her a soft smile right after. “Would you like me to put it on you?” He asked. “Hmm, sure” Jirou replied. Placing it around her neck, he peeked at her. He could see her smiling as a bright pink blush spread across it. It was the most adorable thing he has ever seen.
“There!” He said. “Okay, I’ll ask permission now. Can I take a picture of you?” He asked her. “Hmph, fine. This once only.” “Thank you, by the way” She added. “Of course you’re welcome.” Kaminari replied happily. Finishing the
picture, the sky turned dark. A shade of indigo. Then bright colors shone in the sky; the fireworks have started. “It’s amazing!” Jirou said. “Not as amazing as you are.” He said. Complimenting her, while slightly being a perv. “Oh shut it, dummy.” She moved closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder. “This is new.” Kaminari stated. 
“Be nice, while I’m in the mood.” She raised her voice a bit. “Deal, chibi-chan~” (Chibi-chan, shortie <3)
He replied. 
In between the fireworks, he whispered “I like you, a lot.”  “I know.” She whispered back to him. “So I can call you buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget now?” He asked. “Maybe, maybe. We’ll see.” Jirou replied before turning quiet again. “Yay!!” He exclaimed, in a low voice. *Holds her hand* “Hmm?” Jirou said. “Not allowed to?” He added to her statement.” *Rolls her eyes at him*
They continued watching the fireworks, while enjoying each other's company. 
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And they lived happily ever after, haha I’m kidding.
The End.
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12 questions for 12 followers
hello @displayheartcode!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Technically, I am very purposefully not named after anyone because my mother thought there were too many Julia’s in the family so she picked a different J.
2. When was the last time you cried?
HAHAHAH Monday and Tuesday because I thought I was going to get fired for forgetting to call out sick on Thursday/Friday. I am a people pleaser to my core. (I was not fired and I apologized maybe 8 times over two days.)
3. Do you have kids?
Because of the age gap (mind you it’s only 12 and 14 years, but when you change diapers and go on field trips it feels like they’re yours), I joke that my youngest cousins are my kids. But no, I am childless. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Mmm. Sometimes.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Probably their height and if we’re the same height or they’re taller. I think being under 5’5” gives people a complex. In this essay I will….
6. What's your eye color?
7. Any special talents?
Is it a special talent? Is it weird? I know a lot about random celebrities/celebrity families and can generally figure out how they all connect to one another. 
I also think that I would do fairly well on Name That Tune.
8. What are your hobbies?
Recently, it’s been writing. But, I also enjoy 
9. What sports do you play/have played?
I danced from 2 until 23(?), volleyball from 12-14 and I wish I had kept it up longer but the politics of high school volleyball on top of the Poms schedule just wasn’t worth it. I also used to play baseball in the backyard with my brother and dad. My dad played in the minors and my brother got through college on baseball and now coaches. I haven’t played in ages and kinda wanna start again.
10. How tall are you?
5′3.5″ the half inch is very important to me.
11. Favorite subiects in school?
In college I think the best class I ever took were the music classes about the history of rock and roll or popular music. But I also really enjoyed my classes on Black Girlhood and Politics of Sexuality in the African American Diaspora studies department and my Black/Jewish relations class. For how long it took me to finish you’d think I hated college, but I took some truly interesting courses. I was just shit at fighting my own mental health to push through in four years. Wow that was not the question. Moving on....
12. Dream job?
I was in singing and acting lessons for a minute hoping to get back into the performing arts. But, I’d really like to create things that people enjoy and can form a community around in a non creepy way. 
ummmmm I’m tagging @four2andnew @corneliastreet28 and anyone else who would like to participate!
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backupmiyuko · 2 years
questions 1, 2, 5, and 8
Wow didn’t think i’d get this far. *clears throat*
1: how did i get into Toku. Well, it was a mixture of watching “history of power rangers” and searching tv tropes. My first attempts at watching stuff were Gaim and Liveman.
But for how Properly: i’d tried for years to watch a show in full and really sink my teeth in and pretty much failed to finish anything but Liveman which even then took years, or in Rider’s case failed utterly to finish, and then my ex ghosted me as a friend, and i was stuck at work feeling bored, and lonely one day waiting for my ride, i was thinking about how i enjoyed reading about people’s reactions to ex aid. -along with it being in my thoughts for various reasons <like it’s insert songs > as it had recently ended, and i’d enjoyed ex aid 1-8. It had also seemed like a good way to try and make friends. So I Went and Binged Ex-Aid 8-45 <and Dr Pacman > over the course of that labour day weekend. Worth it.
And then a year later while streaming and being out of stuff in english To Stream i pulled another friend in with OOO and we binged through it, and Fourze. Finished Gaim too that way.
2: what was the first show i watched:
Well since i partially answered above: Gaim and Liveman were my first attempts at their respective franchises, Liveman took me about 3? Years on my own, plus i’d both skipped a few eps and had to speed up the last few eps due to having work the next day (it is still one of my fav sentai and i have watched it multiple times since, please watch it). Gaim i don’t know how many eps i got through but put off due to wanting to use it for exercise. Yeah that didn’t work.
Now for Ultra: Ultraman Orb. Fun fact i hadn’t realized it was only 25 episodes because usually the toku i’d encountered or looked into -and Doctor who, were all Much longer. until literally ep 18. So: “man how are they going to top this we’re only half way”. *checks* “huh where’s the rest” “oh shit”
i like Orb. It’s a fun little show.
Other Toku:
Garo: season 1. Tried to do a halloween watch and didn’t finish. Tried again later and couldn’t get into it-and then when in a situ where i could’ve. Had to miss most of the season.
I have however finished the first season of the Ryuga timeline. Started slow but really did pick up, thanks @flaim-ita looking forward to more goldstorm.
Other toku in geneal: Kaiketsu Zubat.
I’d seen clips and photosets because of how insane Zubat was and had been curious, and then Toei’s youtube put the first two episodes up. And: the first episode of Kaiketsu Zubat is Insane. You do not understand if you have not seen it.
5: favorite main hero:
For Rider: Tendou. Ultra: Riku. Other: Ken Hayakawa, and Taisei High School Heroes. <and i haven’t finished it but Mako Dogengers high school
Sentai: the Liveman Trio but for Red’s in general. -yeah probably Yusuke from Liveman if i’m being honest when i think about it, but Momoi Taro has been up there. i just am waiting to see if it’s recency bias talking or not.
8: favourite series:
Kabuto for Rider. Donbrothers right now if it sticks the landing for Sentai, Gokaiger or Jetman if not.
Geed for Ultra. and for Other Toku: Kaiketsu Zubat.
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Conclusion of my SL season 1 rewatch
I don't have much of a conclusion of what happened in the show since my opinion on storylines have not changed a lot. But I can talk a bit about... other things.
Ok, so it was literally almost a year ago I finished season 1 for the first time (october 9th to be exact - I write this at 23:50 so I might even post it on the 9th if i'm a slow typer - HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!). I know this because at the same day I posted my very first SL fic. I wrote it because I thought the SL fandom would be more into writing a certain ship with how many people seemed to agree they were dating. But then I found NO ONE had written a fic about them. So I took it in my own hands and wrote one.
When I made my conclusion post for s1 after watching it the first time, it actually caused a... little discussion, in my comment section. I don't like Lutteo and I kept talking about how much I loved the non-canon ships. This caused people to legit have a discussion in my comment section about how "wow I can't believe she doesn't like Lutteo how can she?", "I don't really care for the non-canon ships cause all the canon ships are so good, so I can't relate". And they weren't even talking to me, they were talking to each other. Like ?? discuss in DMs, you don't have to discuss stuff in my comment section??
So I actually got the impression from the SL fandom, at least during that time, that they were quite... ready to speak their minds. If you had an unpopular opinion, they would come and tell you that. Reblog your posts and go "I don't agree with you and here's what I think". Always seeming to wanting to change your mind. So I, probably out of spite, started to think the opposite even more.
Now, after a year, I can see that the SL fandom is actually quite chill. Y'all used to intimidate me for years, especially when the Violetta VS SL war was at highest - I literally did not want to watch SL out of spite for like 5 years just because people told me Violetta sucks (and Violetta... is my middle school obsession show. No matter what, I will always have a deep connection to it). When I got over my stubbornness and actually watched SL, I realized "Hey! This show is actually good!" And due to the fandom seeming to not have all the same opinions as me, I kept to those opinions even more. Now, after a year, I guess I have "tamed" the SL fandom. Cause, to be honest, even when the SL fandom was intimidating, the Violetta fandom really was the same, it was just that I was used to the latter so I didn't think about it.
But enough with the fandom, I wanna talk about some characters.
I see much more how Sharon and Ámbar's relationship is not black and white. Of course, I knew this from the beginning, but when I think of the show I think "she was mean in s1, nicer but creepier in s2 and just a creep in s3". But there's so much sides already in season 1. I mean, only in the first 10 episodes, Sharon seems rather... ok, around Ámbar. There's the "Ámbar, darling, why are you up?" scene, for example. Then there's scenes where she is absolutely awful. So awful that Ámbar doesn't want to come home. But Ámbar always fights back. However, even when she fights back, she always has a relapse. She goes back to wanting to please her dear madrina. She goes back to trying to be perfect. And Sharon, also has her circle of abuse - being extremely awful, then going back and being more caring, then turning cold again when you least expect it. God, the family drama in this show is <3
I have, to be very honest, changed my sexuality hc on Nina completely. I had the ace hc for her for so long. Like, I never changed it. I always saw her as ace. But now... I am not sure of that. I thought, maybe she's demi?? She could be demi. But then I remember the first time she wrote with Roller Track, and she legit just exclaimed "Roller Track!! 🤩😍😩". Girl are you...?? I- Back when watching the first half of s1 a year ago, I actually considered a lesbian hc on her - simply because I liked the concept of "girl with overprotective parents who seem to misunderstand her and she has to hide who she is". But that hc quickly disappeared when I realized, ok, no, she's definitely into boys. At this point, I guess I can see her as like... heterosexual but biromantic??? Maybe??
I always see Ramiro as bi, but for a moment I was like "nah he's gay". No, he's... he's bi, I changed my mind again hahaha.
Side note, I have written like 300 posts with "sara's 1 year sl rewatch" so now I am wondering if I should keep using that tag or if I should make a "sara's 1 year sl rewatch s2" so it's not "too many" posts in one tag. Then again, I might just keep using this so I have less tags to remember.
As a final note, here's Jim and Yam "kissing" (and I can't believe the post I made about that didn't get more notes)
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And now, we're onto s2 with more chaos, more mysteries and more of my analyses of Jim and Yam being in love that will get like 1 note at most, even if I even tag it with more tags to make it more visible, and the only thing that can make it get more notes is if I reblog it later (cause I guess y'all don't care about Jim and Yam enough. Good thing I'm here to provide some more content. No one else does anyway, so I have to).
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bulletproofarcology · 6 months
Week 1: Jungkook
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Jungkook poked his head out of the bathroom at your entrance, eager eyes meeting yours breifly before lowering respectively. How sweet, he was already somewhat trained.
According to his paperwork, he’d had one owner previous to yourself and she was rather gentle with him. No scars or bruises to be found, but he was a little malnourished. He wasn’t with her for long, and rumor has it that he was only really there to fill in the cracks of clean up duty. His old master preferred feminine slaves, so you assume he wasn’t used much, if at all.
“Hello, Jungkook. You can speak, by the way.”
Jungkook perked up like a puppy. “I can?” His voice rang out like bells. He had a light accent, not obvious enough to know what his first language was, but enough to know it wasn’t English. “Thank you…”
“Call me Mistress, hun.” Oh shit. “Oh yeah, and you are allowed to make relationships with the other slaves here. I’m not sure if your past owner allowed that. I try to say that as soon as possible, because the allowance kinda sets up the mood for the rest of the conversation.”
Jungkook has stars in his eyes. “Really?! I mean- really? I always wanted a slave friend! It gets so lonely when my owner is busy.”
“Well no worries there, buddy. All I have right now is you seven and Strawberry. I’ll have plenty of time to take care of you.” You wink.
Jungkook blushes a bit. “Thank you…”
“But for now, lets get some clothes on you. You could do much better than being just naked.”
Jungkook, wow he was so open with his expressions, seemed to wilt. The half chub he was operating with downstairs wilted with him.
Oh yeah, he was into humiliation. Lets see if you could work with that.
The closet answered your prayers, thankfully, as you pull out a single item of clothing.
A black, lacy, spaghetti strap training bra. His practically non-existent breasts would look cute in it, while the rest of his naughty body hung loose.
The slave’s eyes popped open at the humiliating get up and his hard on became, well, a hard on again.
“J-Just that? Are you sure, Mistress?” His face was red.
“Yup, is that going to be a problem for my new little slut?” You snap back, wanting a reaction out of him.
“Nope!” He squeaked out, grabing the offered bra and rushing to put it on.
And failing.
“Let me help you there.” You walk around to the back of him and take the bra out of his hands. Of course he wouldn’t know how to put on a bra, dummy.
Hooking it on, you explain the rest of the rules to him rather quickly. Okay so, no sex or getting off unless its with me, Strawberry or its for a job. Orgasms are rewards. This room is yours to decorate to your liking. I can get you some paints if you’d prefer to customize the walls. I’ll be getting maids soon, so don’t worry about messes.”
You could see the back of Jungkook's head nod, his dark brown, almost black, hair clean and shiny. “Yes, Mistress.”
You blow on the nape of his neck causing the little hairs to stand up straight.
“You’re all done, baby.”
Jungkook spins around to face you and runs his hands over his covered breasts. “How do I look?”
“Like you’re about to get on your knees and beg for cock.” He gulps at the words. “But really, you look great. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure the other slaves will love looking at you too…”
Your wristband vibrated against your skin. Shit, looks like it’s time you got back to your emails and paperwork. Acquiring seven different slaves legally actually took quite a few steps. Steps you had not quite finished taking. Yoongi and Hoseok would have to wait another day before you could see them in person. Stupid paperwork, stupid emails.
“Sorry to run so soon, Jungkook, but I’ve got some work to do.” You patted his broad tan shoulder, hmm meaty, and turned to leave. You’ll have to remember to send out a message before the end of the day with any information you forgot to tell the slaves in person.
“See you later, Mistress!” Behind you, Jungkook looked on with half lidded, love stuck eyes.
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caffeinatedsunbear · 1 year
was that a ride!!! needed to freak out about it somewhere and I'm a little too lazy to actually write it down by hand so typing it is :)
finished season one around two before and then season 2 just a week before this. oh man.
wow where do I even start with this??
I guess I can start with how I actually started watching mob? Which isn't actually that difficult to explain. I've heard of the anime as far back as 2016 when season one first aired via Domics (one of his old videos) and I didn't give it much thought at the time. It didn't seem like the kind of anime that I would enjoy (mostly due to the aesthetics, the art style is relatively unconventional for an anime and the character designs weren't traditionally attractive.) I've seen other posts about mob after that, and even seen fanart of it, but like I said I just never got into it.
Once I got into grade 11 and got closer to Victoria I started seeing more mob things but I was still relatively detached from everything. Then I promised her that we would watch it together at some point (I think this was first mentioned during winter break?) But because of the thing that is ib/dp2, we couldn't do so until after may exams were over.
So!! Exams are over, and I end up watching the first 5 episodes of season 1 with Victoria and. They were really good??? Especially the teru arc (and the op is. Insane. I never skipped the op for either season once) but we had to stop at episode 5 because it was getting really late. Then I took a few days break from it and didn't get back to watching it until maybe half a week later(?). And then the Ritsu gaining powers arc happened and I was hooked (because brooding overachiever archetype and the wonderful sibling dynamics???) Seeing how much mob cared for ritsu made me feel so many things. And also made me care for mob as a protagonist that much more. And then he gets kidnapped?? And the Claw infiltration arc???? Was so intense???
And of course I have the mention Reigen's 1000% power up. The way he's just a great father figure to mob despite the fact that he's technically a shit human being for underpaying and exploiting mob for his powers is so interesting?? The way One is able to write characters that I dislike initially (teru, reigen, 7th division members) and make them likeable is actual witchcraft because the turnaround is insane. Also the way that Reigen main priority throughout the entire infiltration arc is to make sure that mob doesn't have to fight because he's just a kid, and shouldn't have to bear the responsibility of saving the world because he has powers made me so emotional. It's so rare to see a functioning adult mentor figure that actively cares for the child and takes responsibility for their well-being. When he got slashed I genuinely thought for a second that he was going to get hurt (silly me) but the way he comes back was so. Fucking badass.
I just want to give mob and all the other kids a big hug man. Watching them get beat up hurt (almost physically???) Which just speaks to the impact of the animation (which is also absolutely stellar?? It's so dynamic and creative and so impactful) I can't help but feel hurt by proxy when mob is hit by the antagonists.
So season one was already absolutely insane and amazing, but oh man I was not ready for season two. I think this is the first anime that I watched where I deliberately chose to avoid consuming media surrounding it to avoid spoilers (which worked for s1/2 but. I am weak and I have a few minor spoilers for s3 and I regret everything) but going into season 2 was an experience.
I like how the way each season is structured kind of mirrors each other as well, starting with 3 episodic episodes before moving into some shorter arcs and then into the big bad of the season. The way that the Emi episode showed mob's growth was genius and really impactful and really set the tone for the season.
So. The mogami arc. Haha. Where do you even start with that??? I took a break after episode 3 and came back a few days later and I was not ready. I was ugly crying through all of the first half of episode 5. Watching mob have to go through the abuse from mogami was so fucking painful because he didn't deserve any of it. And the way the show somehow made me laugh after crying so hard when dimple showed up and the epic fight between mob and mogami happened was. Also a first!!! So many firsts with mob man. The scene where asagiri apologizes to mob was so touching.
By the way the messages of the show are so????? Positive????????? About how regardless of any external factors and how others perceive your identity you can choose to make your own life and have autonomy over your decisions, how children shouldn't fight adult battles, how conflicts should be resolved in a pacifistic manner if possible, but sometimes force is needed, the relationship between power and responsibility, the various relationships formed between people, finding the strength to stand up for yourself, dealing with insecurity and ego, how everyone has the potential to change regardless of their past, the importance of just being a good person at the core. Just. So many good things to watch be presented.
The separation arc!!!!!!! Aka. Reigen is an ass to mob but it turns out to work in both their favours. Seeing Reigen's struggles with his insecurities and loss of identity, and subsequent rebuilding of his self and abilities when apart from mob, and seeing mob grow by acknowledging how Reigen isn't always spouting the gospel and asserting his boundaries was incredibly refreshing. I think the first half of episode 5 and Reigen's tv scenes are two that I cannot watch again (I probably will but.) They were so hard to watch. I got second hand embarrassment when watching Reigen flounder on stage. The final scene where mob tells Reigen that he's a good guy makes me cry lol.
And. The big final boss arc. Was so. ARHDJDHSHSH the stakes felt so high?? And all the fights were so well choreographed and felt so impactful (I cannot think of a different word to use). Watching mob walk off alone to fight the boss and helping serizawa was so sweet and. Once again. Watching mob get beat up hurt. I also find the way that mob is able to take on the boss on his own as opposed to reigen really interesting. Because reigen comes back for mob but isn't able to properly fight (since he isn't an esper) and mob decides to take on the responsibility.
Watching mob lose himself for a moment and start to laugh maniacally while at 100% was really scary. And when he decides to go back for suzuki when he was self-destructing made me cry lol. How he was willing to take on the energy and pain from the explosion and stay with him in his "last moments". Come on. Like. COME ONE HOWNDNDNDJD he's so kind?? And good-hearted???
Anyways mob has since altered my mf brain chemistry. I'm not ready for season 3 (madeline said it will make me cry even more lol) and I can't wait to watch it with jet and colleen.
Also!! I read through "A Breach of Trust" which is this 300k+ mob fic in an au where mob is taken away by mogami as a kid and that made me cry too lol. It was really good and I really hope it wraps up with a satisfying ending.
Tl;dr I really, really like mob psycho 100 :') it's a good show. I think the high will die down after a while but gosh. It is good. I don't think I'll ever love it as much as I love it right now (just like how I'm sad I'll never get to watch it for the first time ever, which in of itself is a first for me) but I hope I'll still be able to love it tons even in the future :')
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jikookerie · 2 years
Wow that’s so cool that you can speak some Korean, are you self taught? If so, do you have any tips for learning?
Hello Anon,
Thank you! I started by learning Hangul on my own pretty quickly and using Talk to Me in Korean books at the beginning.
Then I registered for some classes at my local Korean American Cultural Center. I took three semesters of it. They used Active Korean 1-4 is what I finished. Then I started to self - study for the last few years.
My tips for studying Korean:
Learn to read Hangul first. Forget the romanization. It ruins the experience and is not used in Korea. Spend time understanding the pronunciation of the vowels and in particular the consonants-the double consonants especially.
Pick a good study resource and finish it. I have used Talk to Me in Korean 1-5 and Active Korean 1-4 . They are good But my favorite of all time that I currently use is the Elementary Korean, Continuing Korean, and Advanced Korean textbooks . The elementary Korean has a textbook and workbook. It starts with Hangul practice but first watch a video because it is kinda confusing how they teach it. I started at chapter 5 since I knew Hangul. These are my favorites right now.
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Do your textbook work 3-4 times a week minimum for at least 30 minutes. You need this to make the learning stick. I love the elementary korean because there is so much practice it just sticks. And it forces you to translate both ways which is really important. My notes are not pretty or Insta worthy but the learning sticks and I use cute stationary to make myself happy.
Repetitive listening practice is necessary to start understanding Korean spoken at normal speed and to hear the pronunciation of words. I use Talk To Me in Korean Iyagi series. I like these because they have the Korean and English scripts. Start with the half Korean half English or the beginner series. Then move to the normal iyagi. Then move to their Bibimchats. To do repetitive listening, listen to the episode without reading the English. Do that several times like 10-20 times ( for me about 2-3 days of listening on my commute). Then go read the scripts ( I do this one of my study days in lieu of a textbook day once every two weeks). Then listen a few times while reading the Korean script like 2-3 times. Then listen multiple times without the script ( I do this for about a week during my commute). I do this over the course of two weeks. Then switch to a new iyagi. I love it because I pick up phrasing and can hear Korean better. Even while watching dramas which makes me so happy when I realize I know what they are saying or when translation are off.
Practice thinking in Korean. Look around your surroundings and name things or describe things or as you get better make sentences about them. As you have conversations think about how you would have said it in Korean. If you don’t know, then note it and look it up then or later.
Last tip for now: quizlet for vocabulary. Study everyday for 5-10 minutes. Right before bed is good or before breakfast. Really doesn’t matter as long as you make it a habit.
Let me know if you need anything else. I’m happy to help.
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yourmidnightlover · 3 years
the nickname
Summary: reader convinced spencer to let her take the reins in the bedroom... or does she?
TW: oral (male recieving), fingering, mention of overstimulation, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, riding, scratching, use of nicknames (princess, love, etc.), hints at sugar daddy!spencer, age gap (not specified but i’m thinking around 10-15 years). *let me know if i missed anything*
WC: 2,912
A/N: this hinted at sugar daddy!spencer (not really hinted so much as saying it outright). I also wrote this for @anxiousblanketqueen ‘s fic contest for her birthday! i believe it’s prompt number 21. i hope you enjoy :)
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you had been together for a while, now. maybe 13 months? you bet spencer could recall - more like knew he could.
you had met when you were one of his students. you're going to georgetown on an academic scholarship because no way in hell could you pay for the full tuition when you still couldn't afford it with the scholarships.
he took a liking to you - how could he not? you were a hard worker and proved yourself to be extremely determined. on top of the obvious intelligence, you had a beauty that radiated around you. and that beauty had a touch of... innocence. and maybe that innocent beauty is what initially attracted him to you, but he'd like to think it was just your personality as a whole.
you were never one of the students who would come to his office after hours for help you clearly didn't need. you would use your colored pens and highlighters to help organize your notes, so it took a while to pack everything up to leave.
one day, when there weren't any students lined up out his door, he went to your seat as you were cleaning up. you looked up, rather surprised that your inappropriate crush was standing right by you.
"uhm... hi," you smiled at him as you put your pencil pouch in your bag, breaking eye contact for the briefest of seconds before returning your attention back to him.
"hi. i was uhm..." he cleared his throat, "i was wondering if you had any questions? you never come to the office hours for questions and i was just... just making sure," he stuttered out.
"oh," you chuckled a light, airy laugh that spencer wished he had recorded so he could replay it over and over and over. "i don't have any questions. i guess that just means that you're a really good professor - very thorough," you stood up and flung the bag over your shoulder, still incredibly shorter than him.
"than-thank you," he smiled. "i'm happy to hear that you're actually getting something out of the lessons," you began walking out of the classroom, looking back to ensure that he was following you.
"yes, i truly do," you agreed. "i'm also pretty sure i'm one of the other people who isn't auditing the class," you added.
"correct, you are," he enthusiastically gestured, another laugh leaving your beautiful lips.
"i mean, you can't necessarily blame them for just taking the class," you chuckled as he held the door open for you, you gave him a subtle 'thank you.'
"what do you mean?" he asked in a soft tone.
"i mean you- you're..." you trailed off, gesturing to his entire body in hopes to convey what you meant. he just looked at you with a confused taste, letting you know you needed to elaborate. "you're very... attractive, professor reid."
"oh-that's very... thank you," he blushed as you halted by the bus stop.
"of course," you turned around, looking up to meet his eyes. "so... wait, what time is it?" you asked rather frantically.
"it's," he looked at his silver watch adorning his wrist, "6:27."
"shit," you swore for the first time in front of him, underneath your breath.
"wha-what is it?" he asked, perplexed as to why you would be so frustrated.
"the last bus leaves at 6:15 and i've missed it," you huffed out, trying to compose yourself before checking your bag and realizing, "i forgot my key and my roommate is at her girlfriend's house."
"is there anything i could do?" he asked concerned.
"no i can... i can just stay at the library. i should probably study up anyway," you tried to laugh it off although you knew it was pointless... he was a profiler for christ's sake.
"the library? y/n, this might seem a bit inappropriate but i have a spare room you could stay in until your roommate gets back," he offered kindly.
so, you took him up on his offer.
you slept in his spare room after he got you both takeout. you laughed and talked for what seemed like meer minutes but turned out to be until 1 a.m. you talked about string theory and the leonard euler's paradox. he gave you interesting facts about tortoises and achilles.
that little hangout session turned into countless hangouts over the span of three months. and then he asked you out on a real date once you finished at the top of his class - and not just because you were his favorite.
the first time with spencer was... beyond delightful. he was captivating with the way he worked against and for your body. it was almost as if he felt like his sole purpose on earth was to please you. he was eager, yet patient with the way his tongue flicked and sucked at your skin.
he was such a dominant personality in the bedroom, which was extremely appreciated since you didn't have much experience in that arena. but now that you were more versed in that world, you wanted to experiment a bit more.
casually, he began to pay for your things. it wasn't so head-on at first. it would be paying for your groceries, or buying all of your college books for you. but then it got a bit bigger. when your roommate couldn't give you the necessary half of the rent that was due and was beginning to be a nuisance, spencer quite literally let you move into his place. he would pay for your car's repairs and bought you jewelry consistently.
one time, as a joke, you called him your sugar daddy - mostly because that's how he acted. he just didn't like the term. he felt as though it made your relationship together seem one-sided when you were, in fact, very in love with the man. you came to realize it also made you seem like a gold digger, which you weren't - even though the money is a nice plus. so, you relented and didn't say that again.
spencer never really had much time off now that he was working back at the bau and traveling but now, you had him to yourself for a whole week. you had been planning this since he told you when he'd be off.
step 1: look sexy - you always looked sexy to him, but feeling sexy would also be a plus.
step 2: surprise him while looking sexy - absolutely devious.
step 3: seduce him - when doesn't he want you? exactly.
it was foolproof.
you had gotten the text 15 minutes ago that spencer was on his way back to his place, wanting you to meet him there once he had settled in. little did he know that you were in a sexy little white number - the white reminded him of your innocence which really got him going - lying in wait for him in a pair of heels. you sat in one of his reading chairs, deciding to pick up a book until he got home.
when you heard the jingling of keys coming from the other side of the door, you assumed your position. the chair was turned toward the door, you sitting pretty with one leg crossed over the other.
spencer walked through the door, hanging his coat and briefcase up before finally noticing you. his eyebrows shot up, looking your body up and down hungrily.
"wow," he smiled a wicked grin as he slowly made his way to where you were sitting. you stood up, heels clicking as they hit the floor and walked closer to him.
"i wanna try something," you placed your hands on his chest, pushing him back slightly until he was forced to sit down on the couch.
"and what would that be, princess?" he asked, hands stroking your hair that was cascading down your back.
"i..." you bent down to whisper in his ear, "i want to be in charge tonight," you placed a soft kiss below his earlobe, feeling his body shudder subtly at the proposition.
"are you sure you can handle that?" he chuckled, hands roaming to your waist and grinding your hips down on his.
you almost gave up. almost. you grasped his hands, placing them on the arm of the couch before getting close to his face. your lips were almost touching before you whispered, "no touching today, pretty boy."
you felt his hips rut up against your core, you chuckled at his eagerness. you decided to throw him a bone and ground down, hard, against his hips. the groan he let out was low and enticing, nearly enough to allow you to give him whatever he wanted.
"bedroom," you whispered against his neck before getting off of his lap, allowing him to scurry to the room. "take off your clothes while you're at it!" you giggled under your breath as you heard his clothes shuffling, telling you that he was obeying your request.
you waited a couple of minutes until you went into the room, wanting to have him go a bit insane like he normally did to you. when you walked in, he was laying on his back on the bed, just like you wanted. his cock was already red and leaky, prominent as it bounced on his tummy.
"good boy, spence," you giggled, walking over to him and straddling his legs.
once you were settled, you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before trailing them down his torso, leaving the occasional hickey scattered on his chest. traveling kisses down his happy trail, you traced the vein on his dick and watched it twitch up and hit his stomach once again you giggled at the reaction.
"now i understand why you like so much responsiveness," you chuckled as you pressed a soft, barely-there kiss to the tip of his cock, he hissed once again from the contact.
you slowly took his cock in your mouth, agonizingly slow, and flattened your tongue at the base. one you got him as far down you could manage, you began bobbing your head just as slow. his hands flew to your hair, trying to force you to go faster until you swatted them away.
"should i tie those up?" you threatened, your hand working at his member as you spoke.
"are you fucking kidding me?" he swore, clearly agitated by your antics.
"no," you squeezed his dick for punctuation, the way he grunted made the wetness pool in your underwear. "i'm not kidding you."
you took him in your mouth once more, bobbing your head far more vigorously than before this time, just to spite him. hollowing your cheeks, you swallowed around him and began gagging around his dick before coming back up for air.
"fuck," he whispered underneath his breath, not wanting to let you know just how much of an effect you had on him.
you smiled to yourself and continued your antics until he was spilling all down your throat. you didn't stop there, you came back up and let your hand continue pumping his member slowly.
"shit," he hissed from the stimulation.
"shhh," you put your free finger up to his lips.
you gave his dick a few more strokes, curses leaving his lips delightfully before you drew your hands up his body once more before straddling his lap. after moving your panties to the side and slicking his cock with your arousal, you ground against him leisurely, trying to tease him a bit more. you unclasped your bra, throwing it somewhere in the room. finally, you reached between the two of you and lined him up with your entrance.
"are you sure you can do this?" spencer asked, not to entice you, but to make sure you were alright.
"there's a first for everything," you chuckled, knowing you had never been on top before.
you had never been on top before - you'd like to blame your lack of experience. you knew it might be hard to keep up the pace, but you were determined to make not only yourself but also make spencer feel good. that's all you've ever wanted. that's what you're meant to do - make him feel good. so no matter what it took, you'd make it happen.
you slowly lowered yourself onto his dick, being wary of how much bigger he felt from the new angle.
"shit," you whispered, your hands resting on his chest in attempt to ground yourself. "oh god..." you trailed off, feeling your dominant personality fade away as the pleasure overtook you.
"keep going, princess," he spurred you on, his hands finding your waist and rubbing gentle circles on your skin. "you've got it."
so you rose on your knees until only his tip was inside of you for you to lower yourself once more. you whimpered from the feeling of him re-entering your body, your pussy clenching around him as if he were an intruder.
"doing so good for me," he grasped your waist a bit tighter so he could help you rise and fall on his cock. "fuck, it's so good."
"d-doctor, i-" you stuttered, the persona nearly entirely gone and nowhere to be seen as he continued to move you up and down.
when you learn forward, your face hovering over spencer's chest, he took the opportunity to wrap his arms entirely around your waist. before you knew it, he was slamming his length into your pussy over and over and over and over again.
"oh! oh my god," you moaned, your voice reaching a higher octave as he drilled into your body in the most pleasurable way imaginable. "don't stop! don't stop! ple-please!" you screamed out, your hands wrapping around his torso and squeezing his body to ensure that he was there - present.
"i won't, princess. just let go. let go for me," he pressed a kiss to the top of your head so sweetly in contrast to how he was fucking you.
"i'm cumming! oh god, i'm cumming, spencer!" you cried out as you released the tension from inside of you.
only spencer wasn't done yet, so he took himself out of you, and he placed you on your back before reentering you. he moved in and out of you at a godly pace, trying to get himself to his climax before you would become too overwhelmed from the overstimulation.
"spen- spencer," you scratched at his back, surely leaving red marks for him to ogle once you were through. "i-i'm close," you sucked lightly at his earlobe before he moved his hand between the two of you, circling the little bundle of nerves at your crest.
"my little insatiable bunny, huh?" he smiled as you whimpered into his ear, nearing your second release. "loves my cock a bit too much, huh?"
"please! fuck!" you shouted out as you came on his dick, pulling at his hair. the clenching and fluttering of your pussy finally sending him over the edge, his hot release flooding your insides.
"fuck," he groaned into your ear as he carried the two of you through your releases. "good job, princess," he pressed a kiss to your neck as you stroked his hair, playing with it as you were still coming down.
"i'm sorry," you frowned once he pulled out, finally making eye contact as he lay down beside you.
"what for?" he asked incredulously.
"i just... i wanted to make you proud and i couldn't even finish without your help," you explained in a whiney manner, not allowing yourself to meet his beautiful eyes.
"hey," he grasped your chin to force you to make eye contact. "i love it when i have to help you reach that high. that's not something to be embarrassed or upset about."
"i know but i wanted to ride you and i couldn't even do that," you rolled your eyes.
"it takes time to get used to doing that," he chuckled. "and besides, riding someone on the bed is never a good way to begin. the couch is always better - that way you have the back of it to hold onto."
"really? so it's not that i'm just terrible at being a top?" your eyes widened with hope, he smiled at your eagerness.
"i think you could be a switch but it needs a bit of work, my love," he brushed your hair behind your ear before seeing your disappointed gaze and adding, "but i'll bet that with enough practice i could start calling you my little bunny, yea?"
"really?" you perked up at the proposition. "i want you to call me that."
"well then, i guess we better start practicing," he grinned before leaning in and giving you a sloppy kiss, his hands flying to your waist as he stood the both of you up to go to the couch.
needless to say, with spencer's guidance you were able to master the art of riding him. and you got that special little nickname, too.
if you’d like to be added to the taglist, please don’t hesitate to message me or leave a comment saying so!
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Sugary Sweet Apologies
Summary: You and Reid never really got along but when he saves your life, you decide to be the bigger person and thank him and hopefully start over. Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: light to mild angst with fluffy ending, swearing, spencer reid being an annoying bitch, brief mentions of case stuff (if you watch cm, you should be fine)
A/N: this is for @willowrose99 ‘s 1 year anniversary on tumblr writing challenge!! congrats! i literally wrote and edited this whole thing in less than one day because i got so excited, anyways i hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.8k
“Reid and Y/L/N, go to David Whitney’s house. He was the therapist of two of the three victims. He could have some insight into the victimology and know of any overlap between them. He has no criminal record of past aggressive behavior but we can’t rule him out as a suspect entirely,” Hotch stated.
“Hotch, you stuck me with her yesterday for the geographical profiling. Send Prentiss with her instead,” Spencer whined.
“I don’t mind going with Y/L/N. She is a great partner in the field,” Emily glared at Spencer.
“No. Reid, go with Y/L/N or be taken off this case. I’m a unit chief, not an elementary school teacher. I don’t have time for temper tantrums,” Hotch chided.
“Fine,” Spencer grumbled as you grabbed the keys to an SUV.
You don’t know what it was but ever since you started at the BAU four months ago, Spencer had never liked you which resulted in you disliking him as well. Everyone else on the team was super friendly and welcoming but Reid always was jabbing snarky remarks your way like “I don’t have time to explain it to you” or “This was in the FBI handbook. God, you need more training.”
Luckily, the others were quick to defend you. Once Garcia even heard him snip at you over the phone and as soon as you all got off the elevator after the case, Reid was being dragged by his ear into Garcia’s lair with him going “ow ow ow” behind her. So, you didn’t really pay much mind to him because you could deal with one annoying know-it-all to have such an amazing job with great coworkers minus the one.
“Look, I’m not happy about this either,” you said as you climbed into the driver’s side of the SUV, “But at least I’m not being a whiny bitch about it and being rude to the other person’s face.”
“Oh wow, I’m so sorry that I hurt your feelings,” Spencer mocked.
“Fuck you, Reid,” you shook your head.
David Whitney was on edge the second you arrived and showed him your badges. He was bouncing his leg up and down, he couldn’t sit still, and he kept avoiding eye contact.
He knew way too much about the other victim that wasn’t even one of his clients but you didn’t have anything solid on him. His house seemed very neat so you doubted he kept anything incriminating here. Organized offenders usually have a secondary location. So, you decided to push his buttons a little.
“I mean blitz attacks, leaving the bodies on the side of dirt roads,” you combed through the crime scene photos, “This guy was a real coward.”
Spencer picked up on what you were trying to do and his eyes widened, he was subtly shaking his head and mouthing “no”.
“Excuse me?” David asked.
“Well, I’m just saying a real man wouldn’t cower in the bushes and blindside a woman. He must not be very strong,” you stated, “He probably can’t even get it up.”
Before you even had time to react, David pulled out a switchblade knife from inside the couch cushions and put you in a chokehold, pressing the cool metal up to your throat. You closed your eyes tightly.
“David, you don’t have to do this,” Spencer stood with his gun pointed at you both.
“This bitch insulted me,” he snarled.
“She insults me too. That doesn’t make you any less of a man,” Spencer spoke carefully, “Just put the knife down and I’ll escort you out.”
David sighed, dropping the knife to the floor and releasing you.
Spencer put David in handcuffs and walked him outside as reinforcements came running in.
“Are you okay, Y/L/N?” Hotch asked.
“Yep, a little shaken up but fine. Thank you,” you stood.
“Let’s get you to the medics,” Morgan grabbed your arm to support you as you walked over to the ambulance.
Spencer never checked on you.
You knew your decision in the field was a little rash and you wanted to thank Spencer for essentially saving your life.
However, there was no way in hell you could verbally get out an apology while staring at his smug face, but you could bake. You settled on a note tucked inside a tupperware container of your Grandma’s special recipe of chocolate chip cookies. It was a good peace offering, maybe even a chance to start fresh.
During your lunch break, you took the tupperware from your desk drawer and approached the break room where Reid had entered about 5 minutes ago.
“I’m just saying I could not have been more clear in my message to her that it was too dangerous but of course, Y/L/N didn’t listen cause Y/L/N is going to do whatever she feels like,” Spencer stirred his coffee.
No one had noticed you standing in the doorway yet.
“Reid, you’ve got to be nicer to her. She earned her spot here just like the rest of us,” Emily defended you.
“Did she though? How much do we really know about her? She couldn’t even tell me how many pages the FBI protocol manual was,” Spencer said.
“That’s not a normal thing people know,” Morgan retorted.
“Well, I’m just saying the team was perfectly fine before her and it would probably be better off if she left,” Reid finished.
Garcia looked up from her yogurt to see you standing there, “Oh, Y/N”.
Spencer turned around in his chair as you angrily stormed up to him.
“Here’s your cookies, asshole,” you seethed, grabbing the note from inside and crumpling it up into a little ball and tossing it into the trash.
“Y/N!” Emily called after you but you were already gone.
The whole team glared at Spencer and picked up their lunches, leaving him alone at the table.
Spencer retrieved the balled up paper from the trash, having to fish through Rossi’s week old pasta and Anderson’s half eaten tuna fish sandwich.
Dear Reid,
Thank you for saving my life, I guess. These are my Grandma’s secret recipe for chocolate chip cookies so I hope you enjoy. I think we got off on the wrong foot and I would like to start over. I think cases would be a lot less miserable for everyone if we got along.
Thanks again,
Spencer, you’re such an idiot, he thought to himself.
You never came back after your lunch break ended and Derek made Spencer go tell Hotch why it’s his fault you were missing the rest of the day.
He tried to call you multiple times but they always rang out before going to voicemail.
Spencer hesitantly knocked on Penelope’s door at the end of the day.
“Is she okay?” he asked softly.
“You don’t get to ask that as the person who hurt her in the first place. Also, she told me to tell you that don’t you dare go to her apartment to ‘check on her’. I’m headed over there myself actually,” Penelope collected her things and shut off her monitors.
“Will you at least tell her I’m really sorry?” Spencer followed her to the elevator.
“Absolutely not. I’m not doing any apologizing on your behalf,” Penelope huffed as the elevators shut.
You came in the next morning, keeping your head down. You grabbed a pen from your cup holder and the first folder on your stack before getting to work.
You were on the second page of the file when your clean, empty tupperware was placed in front of you plus another baking dish with aluminum foil over the top.
You glanced up to see Spencer guiltily looking down at you and you returned your eyes back to the file.
“I-I made you cinnamon rolls,” Spencer broke the silence.
“Are they poisoned?” you asked, not sparing him another glance.
“No, they’re not poisoned,” he assured you.
“I’m just saying how can I trust you as you have made it very apparent you would like me off this team.”
“I didn’t mean that,” Spencer was quick to reply.
“Then why the hell did you say it, Reid?” you slammed your pen down.
You grabbed your empty coffee mug and briskly walked to the break room but unfortunately, Spencer was right behind you.
“I didn’t eat any of your cookies by the way. Not that I didn’t want to but I felt like I didn’t deserve them so I handed them out to everyone else.”
“Oh how kind, taking credit for my work,” you tried to close the door in his face.
“I told them that they were from you,” Spencer insisted.
You rolled your eyes as Spencer grabbed the coffee pot before you could get to it, pouring your mug of coffee for you.
“What do you want from me, Reid?” you asked defeatedly.
“I want you to try a cinnamon roll and let me explain.”
“Fine but only because I didn’t have breakfast yet and I want to critique your baking skills,” you huffed, walking back to your desk.
Spencer gingerly placed one of the sticky frosting-coated rolls on a napkin and pushed it towards you. You tentatively bit into it. Damn it, it was actually delicious.
“It’s okay,” you understated.
You knew Spencer hardly ever used his kitchen let alone be up baking all night. He even chose a recipe that required more time and effort because the yeast dough would have to rise for a few hours.
“That’s good. The first batch didn’t come out as great...or the second,” he smiled softly.
“Well, the floor is all yours, Reid. Please explain to me why you talk shit about me to my co-workers when I’m in the other room,” you leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms.
Spencer muttered something incoherent.
“I have to hear the apology, you know,” you said, enjoying watching him uncomfortable.
“You’re intimidating to me because you’re intelligent, beautiful, and courageous. I think I was a little jealous that my spotlight as the ‘kid’ of the BAU was coming to an end so I said some harsh, completely untrue things and I’m sincerely sorry.”
“Oh my god,” you smirked, “Hotch was right, you are an elementary school kid.”
“In what way?” he curiously asked.
“You like me like like like me. You don’t know how to talk to the girl so you pull her pigtails on the playground,” you giggled.
“I take it back. You’re a horrible profiler,” Spencer was getting up from his seat, completely flustered.
“Awww,” you were laughing at Spencer’s bright red face as he went to go to the break room to fill his coffee mug.
When he got back to his desk, a sticky note was placed front and center.
In typical elementary school fashion…
Will you go get coffee with me?
Spencer smiled before picking up his pen and checking one of the boxes, crumpling the sticky note up into a ball and throwing it over to your desk.
“Good choice. See you Saturday at 9 at the cafe down the street,” you grinned.
“It’s a date,” he smiled.
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