#this took so much time an effort for no reason
stayandcozy · 2 days
Reflection of Us
Hyunjin X Reader Oneshot
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These celebrity parties normally never bothered me. I was used to smiling and just nodding my head as big name idols rambled to me about a lifestyle I completely didn't understand. But that was okay. I didn’t mind and often I enjoyed getting to know more about the life Hyunjin lived. 
When we first started seeing each other two years ago, I made it clear that I didn’t want to share that type of lifestyle with him yet. I wanted something quieter, more romantic. But of course that only got to last a while, luckily we both knew it would happen. That Hyunjins relationship with me would get leaked. It was horrible at first, with fans sending death threats and him needing extra security. But now things have settled down and as my punishment I get to go to these parties. 
Worse was that these were not just social events for the boys but also work. Which meant Hyunjin was off playing the politics of his life. And I was forced to listen as Changbin listed off all his reasons for getting the idols to play a baseball tournament. 
“Oh come on, you have to see it right? All of us in those cute little outfits running around? The fans would eat out of our hands! Imagine how cute Hyunjinnie would look.” 
“Bin, your fans would be too focused on how bad you all are to pay attention to the outfits.” I said while taking a sip of champagne. It was expensive and still tasted like shit. 
“Where is your boyfriend, I need someone to team up with,” and with that he started whipping his head around to look for Hyunjin. I was completely unbothered by his antics so I just shook my head and looked down to check the time on my phone. But when I looked back I saw that his eyes had grown three sizes bigger. I followed Changbins gaze to the corner of the room where Hyunjin was sitting on a chair with two girls on each arm rest. They were giggling at something he said, and touching his shoulder flirtatiously. 
Not here. Don't make a scene, anywhere but here. 
As if he could feel the jealousy radiating off me, Changbin turned to me trying to diffuse the situation. “I’m sure he doesn’t even realize what they're doing.” 
I took my glass of champagne and swished it down in one gulp. “No, maybe not, but I’m not sure that makes it any better.” 
I couldn’t stop myself from staring at them. The way both girls would lean into his sides. It was driving me crazy. It made me even more sick when I saw Hyunjin look up and smile at one of them. What kind of game was he playing? Did he want cheating rumors to start, because this is exactly how you get into that kind of scandal. Or maybe he just genuinely enjoyed the attention. The thought he was enjoying himself started a deep burning in my chest and before I knew it my vision was blurring. 
Sometimes it felt like Hyunjin knew something was wrong when he shouldn't. There have been too many days after work where I couldn’t find the energy to make an effort, and before I could even tell him, he’d be calling me. Telling me how much he loves me, and that no matter what he’d be there for me. That sixth sense he had, must have been the reason his brows scrunched and he looked up to meet my glare.
There was no way from that distance he could have seen me on the verge of crying. But I guess from my deep set frown he knew something was wrong. He started to get up but one of the girls started pouting, put a hand on his chest and pulled him back into the chair. I saw him say something to the girl but then the other put her hand on his thigh. Way too high for it to be innocent. And that was enough for me. I wasn’t going to sit here and watch my boyfriend get felt up.
“Hey Bin, can I take your dorm key? I left my car keys there and I’m not feeling too well.” I let the lie slip out even though I knew he was going to call my bluff. 
“It’s pretty cold outside, do you want me to call you a taxi?”
“No really, I’d rather walk. Give me a chance to ease my stomach.” He gave me a sympathetic look before digging into his pockets to retrieve a key. He dropped it in my hand before walking off in the direction of Chan and Felix. 
I didn’t waste any more time, and rushed to grab my coat and head for the doors. The air outside instantly nipped at my nose and cheeks. Changbin wasn’t kidding, it was unbearably cold. But the temperature was helping cool down the fire burning inside of me. Every time I thought of her fingers grazing his thigh it ignited stronger. Why didn’t he stop them? Was he really enjoying it like I thought? I know that he’s surrounded by beautiful idols every day but never once have I ever felt insecure. Not until then at least. That definitely made me insecure, hyper aware of every flaw on my body. 
Three quick beeps from my phone pulled me out of my spiraling thoughts. 
From My Love <3 
9:52 pm
Hey sweetheart, where did you go? I saw you one second and then you were gone.
9:52 pm
Please tell me you aren’t walking home.
9:53 pm
Changbin told me you left and then called me an idiot…? Did I do something????
I didn’t have the energy for it. I just wanted to get back to my apartment and sleep. I clicked my phone off and instantly another text came through 
From My Love <3 
9:54 pm
I know you saw those. You’re making me anxious. Can you please tell me what’s going on baby? I can’t leave for a bit more, will you at least let me know you’re okay? 
A petty thought came to me, one that I knew wasn’t right but I wanted to hurt him like how I felt hurt. If he was fine with having two random girls flirt with him all night, then he would be perfectly fine not knowing if I was okay or not. Imagining him panicking over me made me feel a little better, which also made me feel insanely guilty. Whatever, he could handle one night of worrying about me. 
The rest of the walk didn’t feel real. I couldn’t recall a single thing from my walk, only that my insides were too numb for me to register any of the numbing on the outside. But when I walked into the dorm building, my ears started to hurt from the cold. I really needed a shower, something to warm me up and calm me down. 
It was rare that the dorms were this quiet. It was nice. 
I figured I still had a good few hours before any of them came home, and Hyunjins shower had one of those waterfall heads that dropped soft water. I opened the door and turned on the water as hot as it would go. A smile crept onto my face as I thought about how Hyunjin has screamed and called me his demon in the past whenever I got in first. But that smile soon disappeared as the thought connected me to everything from tonight, and it hit me again like a train. A scream was threatening to spill past my lips but instead only a choked sob came out. I let my legs give out as I sat and nothing could stop the onslaught of tears. 
What was wrong with me? Was I not enough for him? Did he want something more than what I could give? I couldn’t compete with those girls, who am I even kidding. Maybe it would be easier on everyone if he dated someone from the celebrity world. He shouldn’t even be with someone like me. I should take some space from him. 
The waves of thoughts were exhausting me more and more. I needed to get home. Sleep would bring clarity, surely it would. 
When I stepped out of the bathroom, the steam shrouded around me. Looking up from the ground, I was met with the red and puffy eyes of Hyunjin. I nearly screamed, not expecting anyone home, and feeling all too vulnerable in only a towel. 
“He told me you left because of me…” he started but trailed off when he had to wipe away a few stray tears. It took everything in me not to caress his pretty face. 
He just nodded, and sat looking even more devastated. I couldn’t handle it, I needed him to leave or I was going to lose my resolve. “Please, can you get out? I need to get dressed.”
“Since when have you ever been shy about your body with me?”
”Since now Hyunjin.” 
“B-but I’ve literally painted your naked body before. I’ve stared at it for hours. Thirty seconds of changing is nothing compared to that.” 
I’m not sure why it upset me, but it did. “Mmhm, and that was before I felt like I was competing with other women. Now I don't want you to see me naked.”
His eyes softened a bit but there were still more tears threatening to spill, and I absolutely hated how beautiful he looked with the added sparkle. “Baby… Is that what this is about? About Seoyun and Jiwoo?” So he knew them? I didn’t know if that should have made it better or worse but I felt the familiar burn start in my chest. He shouldn’t have left, I didn't want him to follow me. Seoyun and Jiwoo would make better company. 
“Hyun, please leave.”
“Why are you being so difficult? Can’t you see you’ve upset me and I want to be alone?” 
A small, exasperated giggle fell from his swollen lips. “I didn’t upset you. You got jealous.”
I rolled my eyes extra hard at that. “I don’t get jealous.”
“Then why did you leave the party so suddenly?” 
“Because I felt sick.”
“Because you thought I was flirting back,” he said more as a statement rather than a question. 
“No because watching you with them made me realize how terrible we look together!” It exploded out of me before I even had the chance to think. I regretted it immediately. 
“Come here.”
“Hyun no I don’t—”
“Sweetheart. I said come here.” 
He said it with such authority I felt like I had no choice but to listen. I let my legs carry me over to stand in front of him. But that wasn’t enough for him, he wanted, needed me closer. His hands came to my back, and pushed me to sit on top of his lap, straddling him. 
My eyes were closed, I knew I couldn’t look at him. I felt his soft hands push a strand of my wet hair behind my ear and his hand lingered a bit longer, swiping at the remains of old tears. 
“There is only you…” He whispered as his lips ghosted under my ears, “there will only ever be you.” I hated how easy it was for him to affect me. The evidence of goosebumps spread across my arms gave him the push he needed to keep going. “Look at me, my love.” 
And I listened again. I opened my eyes and stared into his. He was searching for something, but I didn’t know what. I stayed quiet hoping he would continue so I didn’t have to reply. I knew if I opened my mouth, I wouldn’t be able to control what I said. 
“When I have interactions with other women at parties like that, it means nothing to me. Truthfully it makes me quite annoyed but this is my life. I can’t risk coming across as rude even if I’m uncomfortable. I let them delve into their little fantasy because it’s easier. Seoyun and Jiwoo are the nieces of one of the big donors of JYP. My managers would have killed me if they said anything about bad manners.”
“It's not fair… I don’t want them to fantasize about you.” 
A shit eating grin spread across his face when I said that. “You do realize what our fans fantasize about right?” God, I really hated him sometimes. I lightly slapped his shoulder and tried to push away from him, but his arms wrapped around my waist and wouldn’t let me move. I kept struggling to slip away and it was useless because his hold was concrete. “Hey don’t try to wiggle out of this!” He laughed and started kissing my neck. It instantly sent shockwaves through my body and my groans of displeasure turned into moans of contentment. I was embarrassed of how quickly the anger melted off of me. 
The anger disappeared completely when I felt him harden in response to my moans. 
“When I look at you love, I see art. It’s why you're the subject of most of my paintings. No flowers, oceans, or fields of green could compare to you. Those girls are nothing more than a business transaction. You are my muse, not them. There’s no reason to be jealous because you don’t belong in the same world as them.” 
“Ah—No more, no more… I feel like I’m going to explode from too many emotions.”
“Then is it okay with you if I show you how beautiful we look together?”
I couldn’t do anything but nod my head weakly up and down. He moved me off his lap and walked over to his dresser before shoving it roughly in front of the bed. “Baby what are you—” I asked but I was met with a sly smile and a shushing sound, so I did nothing but sit there and watch as he moved his large full body mirror to lean on the dresser. Excited panic started to rush up my spine. Oh my god he wasn’t going to. Was he? 
My question was answered quickly when Hyunjin came behind me and sat on his knees with me in between them. If the fandom knew him from one thing, it would be his cocky confidence. The way he was able to turn anyone into putty in his hands was a divine gift. One that he used often against me. I couldn’t help but blush as I realized what his intention was, so in order to take a chance to breathe I looked down and stared at the floor. But he wasn’t having any of that, and his beautiful fingers clenched my jaw and forced me to look him in the eyes through the mirror. All too soon he removed his fingers carefully as if to gauge if I’d try to look away. When he decided it was safe he pulled away fully and his fingers went to the buttons of his shirt. 
When I thought earlier that Hyunjin shouldn’t be with someone like me, this is exactly what I meant. He was too pretty for his own good. As if he was made to be looked at. And I couldn’t look away. The way his brows scrunched in focus as he finished unbuttoning sent tingles to my thighs and I subconsciously pressed them together trying to ease the ache he was creating. After discarding the shirt on the floor he nimbly removed his pants, throwing them across the room. 
“Now,” he started. “Look at how beautiful you are.” And he hovered over my hand that was desperately holding onto the towel. I gave in immediately and let him pull the towel down. We were both staring at each other through the glass. His eyes darkened and a hungry look took over his features. It was rare for Hyunjin to get this possessive, this dominant. Staring didn’t last long, he was getting impatient I could tell by the way he subtly arched his hips into my back. Suddenly, he pushed me down so my face was pressed against the bed and my ass was up, all of my intimate parts on full display to him. No matter how many times he saw me naked, I couldn’t help the blush that would paint my cheeks. 
“I’m going to make you cum on my fingers, and you’re going to be a good princess and watch how pretty you are when you cum, okay love?” 
“O-okay.” Was all I could stammer out before I saw him take the band around his wrist and throw his hair half up out of his eyes. Fuck, he was doing it on purpose. His eyes met mine again as he twirled a strand out of the pony tail and let it fall. He knew this hairstyle made me flustered. Whenever he did it at practice he would purposely send me a picture to tease me. And that’s what he was doing right now. That cheeky grin was back, and a groan slipped past my lips. 
“Hyunnie, if you’re going to tease me all night, I’m going to go back to being mad at you,” I said. 
“Oh? Is that so…” He trailed off and I felt those godly fingers slip between my folds. “You’re too wet to be mad at me sweetheart. You would dare leave.” 
The feeling of his fingers dancing on me was making me dizzy and if I didn’t get more soon I was going to pass out. I started grinding myself back onto him. Thankfully he finally listened and those sweet fingers pushed inside me. He was slow at first, taking his time as he eased a second finger in. I caught a glimpse of us in the mirror and moaned at the sight. Hyunjin had one hand placed on my ass, and the other pumping in and out of me at a fast pace. The way he stared, captivated by me sent another shock to my brain and I could feel my orgasm bubbling. 
“Fuck… God.. Ugh baby look at you. I’m going to cum just from looking at you. You wanna cum baby? You wanna cum on my fingers?”
“Yes, god please, please, please, yes.” 
“Give it to me then baby. Cum for me.” 
And as if his every word held some supernatural force over me I did. I screamed out his name as I came around those stupid fucking fingers. 
“Did you see how pretty you looked, love?” 
Oh fuck. “I’m sorry, it felt so good baby I closed my eyes.”
He tsked, and I felt him shed his underwear. “I guess I have to do it again then and make sure you’re watching huh?” This side of Hyunjin made me weak in every way. I felt drunk on the dominance he was feeding me. I loved taking the lead with him normally but I couldn’t lie to myself. It felt insane to let him use me however he wanted. 
Before I knew it, I could feel him plunge himself into me in one slick thrust. The remains of the previous orgasm made it too easy for him to slide in. He let out a breathy moan and I snapped my eyes to the mirror to watch him. The image was so lewd. Hyunjin had both hands on my hips as he set a quick pace. I stared in awe as I watched him fuck me. Both of our moans joined together. He was right, we did look beautiful together. I nearly came when I saw him let out a light laugh and swipe his tongue over his teeth as he let out a vulgar moan. 
Watching him was bringing me closer and closer to another orgasm. 
“Mmm feel so good baby, I’m not gonna last much longer if you keep clenching me like that.” He said breathlessly. 
He was fucking me at a ruthless pace now, chasing his own high as he took quick deep thrusts. I couldn’t take it anymore, it felt so good. I let my head rest on the bed and closed my eyes for only a moment. 
“Nuh uh, we’re not doing that again,” he said as he reached forward and pulled my hair back towards him. The pain forced another loud moan out of me and it only encouraged him to go harder. I could tell he was closer from the way his eyebrows knit together and his thrusts become sloppy and greedy. He looked completely fucked out.
“Need you baby, need you to cum in me.” I managed to get out.
“Oh fuck…” and he fucked into me impossibly deeper. He still had a fist full of my hair forcing me to look in the mirror. I came instantly when I felt the warm jets of cum fill me. Clenching around him in flutters. 
He pulled me closer to his body and I felt the sticky sweat cling to my skin. His head was resting on my shoulder and I felt him watching me through the mirror, breathing heavily. I took a breath before I looked to meet his gaze. 
“See? Beautiful. We belong together. You fit me like a puzzle piece.”
I felt a pang of guilt wash over me and quickly slid off of him and turned to sit in his lap. 
“I’m so sorry I was so cold to you. I just got so insecure.” 
“It’s okay sweetheart. I understand completely. But no more being a brat to me over jealousy okay? That’s my thing.” I could help but giggle at him. He was truly the best, and I couldn’t have asked for a more caring boyfriend.
“Yeah I’ll leave the dramatics and brattiness to you. I don’t wanna feel jealous ever again.”
“Really? Not even after I fucked the jealousy out of you?” 
“What! It’s true.” He giggled. God I loved him. I never hated him. I pressed my lips to him and felt him melt into my touch. 
“I love you.” I whispered. 
“I love you too.” He replied. 
His eyes looked at me so innocently and I felt that school girl crush creep up on me. What did I do to ever deserve him?
“You deserve me.” 
“How did you even—“
“I told you, you are my muse, love. I know you better than you know yourself. Come on, let's get you cleaned up and go cuddle. I expect two hours of back rubs as an apology for thinking I’d ever choose anyone but you.” 
And with that he stood and took my hand leading me back into the bathroom. A smile crept onto my face and I thought about how beautiful we looked together. I felt all of the worry melt off of me and something warmer, softer spread throughout my body. 
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Author Note
You may have seen this before! I posted it on my private account, but decided I should post it here too. No I’m not stealing anyone’s work haha, I’m the original author. Thanks! Hope you enjoyed it you dirty freaks. <3
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renaiswriting · 1 day
Shadows of desire (part 15)
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Pairing: Yoon Jeonghan/Reader
You always thought the only romance you would experiment with in your life was the one between pages under the flames at midnight. That was until you found him, because the feel of his fangs digging into your neck was more than addictive.
Word count: +2.4k words
Warnings: mentions of blood, burning and pain. I think that's all.
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An icy finger was moving the hair that was falling over your closed eyes, and it wasn't until you felt the digit of his finger gently rubbing between your eyebrows that you realized you were frowning.
The cold finger was only part of the reason you felt like you had goosebumps covering all of your body.
It felt like your whole body was resting on a large chunk of ice; it was firm and held you tightly, as if it were afraid that if it loosened its grip on your waist a little, your whole body would start to melt.
Your teeth chattered loudly. You bit down hard on your lower lip, trying to stop the trembling a little, and it partially worked.
The original finger had been joined by four others, sliding delicately across the creases of your face. Outlining the contours of your lips and the bridge of your nose.
You tried to pull away, wanting to find some warmth outside of the icy grip, but a sharp pain in your neck forced you to abandon such a mission.
"Shhh," a thick voice whispered. Even feeling the warm breath close to your ear, the voice sounded distant, almost as if it were speaking from across the room. It sounded weak, almost without energy.
"Mmh?" You were able to ask, but your throat made it hard to speak, and even making sounds took much of your effort.
Your eyes were heavy, but with what little you had been able to see through the coarse line that had been created between your eyelids, you were in complete darkness.
You wanted to cry, but you didn't even have the strength for that.
"Does anything hurt?" The voice asked, and fingers quickly came to rest on your chin, moving slightly in the direction of what you suspected was his face. You let out an involuntary moan of pain.
Fingers rested on your aching neck, and for the first time, the coldness emanating from that body was welcomed by your own.
You tried to speak, but your dry throat could only emit a sound as wrenching as the pain you were feeling. Almost as much as the throbbing headache you had begun to notice was present every time you moved your head in the slightest.
"Don't speak," the voice hastened to instruct you. "Point it out to me."
Your eyes slowly opened, blurry figures welcoming you into a completely dark place except for a small window that could be no bigger than the palm of your hand, which was almost at the end of the wall, touching the ceiling.
You could witness a dark light, so you determined that it was soon to get dark.
How long had you been there? You had no idea.
A pair of thin, icy lips touched your forehead, placing a small kiss there. "You're alive." The voice sighed, sounding relieved.
Your eyes finally focused on Jeonghan's long blond hair; it looked much more unkempt than the last time you had seen it, and you wondered if this was also a creation of your mind, if you had finally gone without return to no sanity, and if, as many of the other children had told you as a child, you were going to follow the same fate as your mother.
But it felt so real.
So beautiful.
That for a few moments you didn't see what the problem with it would be.
You wanted to cry.
Maybe this shrinky moment would allow you to see your mother too? You didn't need much time; if that was an impediment, you just wanted a hug from her.
You missed her.
Very much.
The expression on Jeonghan's face slumped a little, and his shoulders slumped as if all the pressure in the world was there, resting on his back.
"What's wrong?" He whispered, his arms squeezed tighter around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his chest very carefully as he heard the first sob.
You wanted to open your mouth and tell him that nothing was happening, that the whole world was decaying in front of your very eyes, that you were afraid it was going to happen, that you wanted to run to your parents' bed like when you were a child and be held tight as you went back to sleep to protect yourself from the monsters, that you wanted him to promise you that it was real, that everything would be okay... But instead, hide your face in your hands with what little strength you had.
"(Y/N), it's okay, everything's okay, I'm here." Jeonghan whispered, stroking your hair, pulling it away from the wound on your neck. "Are you in any pain?"
You shook your head, pulling away from him after allowing yourself a few minutes of silence to compose yourself.
Your throat was so dry that even breathing made you ache. "Water," you asked as best you could. "Water, please." You repeated, afraid he couldn't hear you. You felt such desperation as if your life depended on every word and every second, and maybe, in a way, it did.
"I don't have any," Jeonghan swore, moving gently out of the place where you both were laying together. Your body shook when the icy feeling left your skin, but your heart ached for the feeling to come quickly back to you. "I have searched day by day and I couldn't find anything; they didn't give us anything. The little I could find in an old glass, I used it to try and clean your wound; it was kinda—er, it didn't look the best, and it was hard for me to be in this place with you like that." Jeonghan jumped really high, reaching the window and looking outside. You wanted to warn him that was dangerous but couldn't do more than a weak sound of protest. "I don't hear them here; I haven't heard anyone in a while now. They usually go to haunt at this hour since it is darker, but..." Jeonghan clicked his tongue, coming back to you. "Is your throat alright?"
"Just dry." You replied, sitting down.
"Slowly," Jeonghan mumbled, helping you. "Hi." He said with the same low and intimate voice, looking into your eyes. Even though the situation was awful and you were probably looking as bad as you were feeling, there was a small smile on his face.
"Hi." You mumbled back; the scene was so real that you were amazed by how well your mind worked. Even the wounds on his face couldn't take away his beauty. His hair fell on his eyes as if it were a curtain, and when your fingers reached out to touch it, you gasped at how real it felt. "How long are you going to be here before you disappear? I missed you so much."
"What are you talking about, love?" Jeonghan frowned, finally sitting down with you.
"I guess I finally lost my mind." You laughed, "It's okay. I guess this is better than nothing. I would rather be with an imaginary version of you than with not you at all."
"(Y/n), what are you talking about?" Jeonghan asked softly, "You're starting to scare me, love."
"Nothing," you reassured him, moving closer. "How long have we been here?"
"Around a week together, now you have been way longer on your own, and I got here a day or two later. I tried to find you and rescue you, but we'll, I guess that didn't work out as well as I expected." Jeonghan laughed with no humor at all.
"What happened when I left?"
"I got worried; I turned around, and you suddenly were nowhere to be found." Jeonghan started; his voice was chilling cold. "I started calling your name out loud, screaming so loud that I annoyed Soonyoung enough for him to start looking for you as well, we couldn't find anything but a slight scent of your perfume."
"I wanted to follow it, but it was almost morning and the sun was starting to make its way, so Soonyoung dragged me inside. He said I should wait until next night to follow it, that I couldn't go there on my own, but I couldn't help it; I was worried sick. Each minute inside my room meant a minute too late from rescue you, and I just couldn't stop thinking on the worst-case scenarios... So I waited until Soonyoung was busy enough to not pay me any attention to get outside the house and deep into the forest. Unfortunately, I didn't make it that far away before the burns on my skin were so bad that I was screaming. Soonyoung came in a second and dragged me back inside. He even told Vernon to keep an eye on me. I tried—trust me, I tried to come here quickly, to come back to you faster, but I just couldn't. Seungcheol apparently had already made it to their last stop before coming home and had managed to talk some vamoires into helping us, but it would take around another week for them to come back, and that was way too long. You could have been dead by the time they were back, so I took things into my own hands, and as soon as the sun was away, I escaped."
"I reached the house within hours, but in all that time I wasn't feeding well and my skin was still with pretty ugly burn spots; I was weaker than I thought; I put on a fight; don't take me wrong, but I found myself in this room way quicker than what I thought. That vampire, Mark I heard they called him and had your brother by his side. I tried to talk with him to warn him about what Mark was because, well, he was in danger, and so we're you, but your brother just stood there... It took me longer than I would love to admit it, but once I saw the dark eyes and the way there was dry blood in his lips, I knew we were dumbed. I thought maybe he was forced into drinking it—you know, some vamoires can be a little too—but then the night was coming to an end and suddenly he was being rushed inside the house."
"No." You shook your head. "Luke would never..."
"So I stayed here day and night, attempting to get out. But as the days passed, I wasn't feeding on anything; I still was starving and getting weaker and weaker. A vampire can't technically die by not feeding, but I felt as if I was dying. I was reaching the dying phase... And then I heard you screaming. I don't know where the strength came, but suddenly I was able to fight... Me, the one that minutes before couldn't even stand up. Anyways, once I got you out of here, you passed out, and I just kept taking care of you. I had to make sure you kept breathing at night because the temperature drops."
"No one came here; I did hear someone having a discussion downstairs, but I couldn't really make out what they were saying. I think someone left the house because after that, the whole place became so silent that it creeps me out." Jeonghan finished his story; his eyes were on the window, and for a fraction of a second you saw two birds flying freely. You never wished to be a bird as much as you did right there.
"What are we going to do?" You asked after a terrific thought had made its way into your mind, "Are we going to die in here? Am I going to die?"
"No." Jeonghan growled, "I will never let you die. Never. I kept you alive all these days, bearing with the burns that come from the sunlight through that window to let you die just like that. There's no way. We will get out of here somehow, even if it is the last thing I do."
"Then how are we going to get out of here? Not even the house; how are we going to escape this room?" You asked, feeling like the walls were closing. "How many of them are here?"
"Last time I checked around ten." Jeonghan sighed, throwing his hair out of his face frustrated. "Now there could be less, but I couldn't be sure."
"How many of them can we beat?"
"In our current situation? One, if he's weaker than me and we're lucky enough that he's a vegetarian."
"We can't beat them." You realized.
"Not alone." Jeonghan nodded.
"Seungcheol and the others," you remembered, "could come here and..."
"My scent would be gone by the time they got home; I doubt they would know where I went." Jeonghan punched his head. "I should have listened to Soonyoung; maybe I should have brought him or even written a note. I don't know; I was so stupid. I wasn't thinking."
"You're not stupid; this is my fault; I should never put a foot outside."
"It isn't." Jeonghan reassured, searching for your hand in the darkness of the room; you could barely make out his factions with the lack of light. His fingers interluded with yours, and the gesture was so comforting that for a second you thought you could make it out of this prison. "I should have kept an eye on you. I would have been out of your life; if anything, this is my fault, but I promise you, I will save you."
"If we want to make it out alive," you mumbled, almost as if it were a secret for you both and the moon to keep, "you need to drink."
Jeonghan stayed silent, and if it wasn't for his hand holding tightly your own, you would think that he had vanished.
You held it as tight as you could; you didn't care if it was hurting his fingers or yours; you were scared that your kind would give up on you for real and the ghost of Jeonghan would disappear forever.
"You're real, right?"
You felt two thin lips coming into gentle contact with your own. A hand caressed your right chin, and without knowing it, your lips were moving in a slow dance that you both seemed to know for lives before this one.
He was real.
He was going to save you.
You would be alright.
"I trust you." You mumbled against his lips. Moving the fabric that was covering your neck.
"You sure?" Jeonghan asked, moving his hand to the side of your neck that wasn't hurting.
"We need to get out of here, and you can't do it if you're weak."
Jeonghan took a deep breath before moving his mouth to the skin there, and you felt how your lungs were fighting for more air when you felt his fangs breaking the skin.
You both would be fine.
There was no coming back now.
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"Rewarding Good Behaviour." Mark Hoffman X AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
SO! I don't got a boner for Hoffman, but I wrote this for @eggsandbeer's birthday! The things one does for love and to be a good gift giver, you know? Anyway, the birthday girl in question gave me the go ahead to post this. Don't be expecting any more of this, so enjoy this one bit, eh?
Rating. Explicit. Length. 2K. Mark Hoffman X AFAB! Police Record Clerk Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Banter. Public Sex. So Much Cunnilingus. Vaginal Fingering. Hold The Moan. Mild Overstim.
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You’ve always taken a bit of extra time getting ready for work, you took pride in your appearance and liked to look good on the job. You felt like any job worth doing, was worth doing cute, there was no reason to not in your opinion. Lately, you have been putting in some extra effort, mostly because there was someone you were trying to impress, so you focused intently when you were putting on your eyeliner, you used a very cute tinted and flavoured lip product as opposed to plain old chapstick. Standing in front of the mirror, you did your best to keep your hair looking silky and touchable in that simple hope that maybe he would touch it. 
A small bounce in your step on your way out the door, swinging your keys on your pointer finger around and around, hopeful today you’d see him, it had been a while. 
Most of your late shift had flitted by without comment, some reorganization, pulling files when asked, casual conversation, reading over lunch and then, while working on a crossword in the paper that someone had left at your station, he arrives. 
For a man so large, with such a commanding presence, he sure can sneak up on you. It isn’t until he knocks on the desk you are leaning on that you realize he is right in front of you, staring down at you with those shockingly blue eyes. You straighten up, dropping your pencil with fumbling fingers as you greet him, “Hello, Detective Hoffman.”
You notice the twitch of his lips as he fights off a smile at how adorably flustered you are in front of him but doesn’t comment on it, instead just saying, “Hello.” 
He doesn’t waste time, but that is usual for him, seems he is always busy, he asks you, “Did you complete what I asked?”
Your hand was already on the cross-referenced file that you had tucked in one of the cubbies under the counter, you had gripped it and pulled it out in short order, placing it on the counter top, sliding it across to him. “I sure did.”
You caught how his eyebrows moved up very slightly, he reached out and picked up the file, opening it flipping through, lips pursing slightly as he looked over your work. You shifted the weight from one foot to the other, waiting for another shift in expression that might tell you non-verbally that he was happy with your work. He made you work for it.
He closed the file and his eyes were on you, a small smile as he tapped the spine of the file folder into his open leather glove clad palm, a beat before he finally says, “I’m impressed.” 
Yes! Those two words set your nerves alight, the grin that overtakes your face is automatic, your fingers drum on the lacquered wood as you ask, “Yeah?” 
He seems amused as he repeats what you said, confirming it as his own smile broadens, “Yeah.”
“So uh…How impressed are you?” You asked with a half shrug that you hoped came across as casual. 
He expresses just how impressed he is with you a few short minutes later when he is on the other side of the counter with you. He had your pants and underwear totally off and crumpled on the ground by your now sock clad feed, shoes having been hastily untied and discarded messily, you had one leg over a strong shoulder, his hands gripping your hips and his tongue running eagerly up through the soaked folds of your cunt.
So was it the smartest thing getting involved with what you suspected to be Hoffman’s less than legal activities? Probably not. But when you did well, the way he rewarded you made your worries melt faster than a creamsicle on hot pavement. Maybe it was stupid, but you would seriously do anything he asked to feel like this, the incredible spike of pleasure from his insanely broad and flat tongue running up from your hole and over your throbbing clit steals your breath and makes your back arch. The one leg you are standing on is trembling, you lean back harder on the counter, your fingers digging into the wood, head tipping back and spine arching. The fact he wanted to do this right here, so out in the open, sure the counter sits at waist height and covers what is going on, but it wouldn’t take much for someone to lean over and see Detective Hoffman on his knees and eating you out. He was always so messy with it, the slurping sounds, combined with your poor stifled moans, could so easily clue people into what was going on, not to mention your body language wasn’t exactly casual or relaxed. 
You need to try and stay quiet, keep it down, but fuck you wanted to look, maybe if you brace yourself than you can steal a glance. You steady yourself with a few deep breaths, biting your bottom lip you turn your head downwards to see the dark hair falling in his eyes, brow furrowed in concentration, plush and pretty pink lips locked on your straining clit, you can’t stop yourself, mouth falling open in a gasp as you move your hips, grinding yourself on his tongue. His glove clad hands are kneading your ass, drawing you closer, he hummed, and the vibration threatened to make your leg give out from underneath you, thankfully the counter will prevent such a fate. 
Getting lost in the sensation of what he was doing was as natural as breathing. One of his hands slides off of your ass and between your legs, one finger traces your drooling hole, teasing it before starting to slide in, your body tenses further as his efforts increase, pressing himself closer, sucking your swollen flesh into his mouth, enveloping it in the wet heat of his mouth before his tongue laves over it. You shiver and whine out on an exhalation, “Oh my Godddd-”
He gives you no chance to adjust, a second finger joins the first and begins to pump in and out, you groan from the slightly burning stretch, it is almost too much, a bit too painful, until he crooks his fingers and touches a spot that makes you yelp what starts to sound like his name until it breaks off. 
Your mind swims, soaked in a heady mix of blinding pleasure nearing overstimulation, hormones and Hoffman himself. If he keeps going, you are going to cum on his face at work, he is too strong, no way you can pry him off and even IF you could, why would you want to? It’s late anyway, not like anyone else is going to be coming by, you are fully giving into this, the one thing you attempt to do is keep your breathing even as he assaults your poor pussy. Lick, suck, thrust, and you are feeling your mind drift further and further away from you, until something or rather someone pulls you out of it. 
A hand on your shoulder and a voice asking, “Woah you alright there?” makes you jump nearly a foot, hips jerking so hard you grind on Hoffman’s mouth and the sound of surprise that leaves your mouth bleeds and merges into a nearly awkward sounding half moan. 
You look over your shoulder to see special agent Lindsey Perez standing there, her hand still on your shoulder. A thick swallow, you school another moan into a cough because Hoffman for sure can hear Perez, but he isn’t fucking stopping, his tongue still slipping over your clit and fingers working in and out of your clenching cunt. You force out a shaky, “H-hey! M’ so good!”
Her face creases in concern, “Yeah? Are you sure?” 
You feel the slow coil of pleasure starting to mount in your stomach, tightening, you curl your hands into fists, still awkwardly looking over your shoulder at her, “Oh yeah. Totally good-”
“Yeah? Because you look a little flush, like you have a fever or something-” Her hand moves off your shoulder and rests on your sweaty forehead, her sharp eyes peering into your half lidded hazy ones, your mind is whirring two thought on repeat, “Don’t moan. Breathe normally. Don’t moan. Breathe normally. Don’t moan. Breathe normally-”
The pleasure is building, Hoffman is in an incredible rhythm, getting you closer and closer still, you don’t respond, trying to put everything into hiding what was happening to you, Perez speaks up again, “Oh yeah you feel really warm.”
You need an out, somehow the idea hits through the haze of ecstasy, “You know I-I uhm, I don’t ac-actually ffffeel well, I feel a bit ahhn, faint, co-could you go get me some water?”
“Yeah of course.” Her hand pulls away, and she says, “Stay right here, don’t move.” 
“Tha-thaaankssss!” You call to her and your head drops forward, listening to the retreating click click click of her heels, heaving a sigh of minor relief, gaze falling to Hoffman’s smug fucking face still between your legs, he has an unmistakable mischievous glint in those hungry eyes staring up at you. He was challenging you, daring you to cum right here on his tongue. 
Jesus Christ, he is the worst, but you are so, so fucking close. If you cum before she comes back, he can stop and then you can cover up. You lean into it, move your hips, help him, work with him and the band grows ever tighter, the pleasure climbs higher and higher, you feel beads of sweat running down your back under your blouse and behind your knees, you are on the very razors edge, another few seconds and you’d be there. You bite your bottom lip, focusing, and all it takes is one more purposeful suck and a careful flick of his tongue, and you are cumming. Your hand flies up to your mouth, covering it so you could moan with abandon into it, feeling far too good to be able to be quiet. The orgasm threatens to rend the flesh from your bones, especially as he continues to suck and finger you through your high until you are a heaving wreck of painful overstimulation. Finally, you weakly push him away with a hand on his forehead, “Okay! Okay, fuck, I came, ease up!” 
Miraculously, you hear it over the ringing in your ears, the click click click of heels coming back towards you, eyes widening in horror, your legs comes down as your hand locks on Hoffman’s wrist, and you force him to take his fingers out of you, causing you to hiss as he does. Then you turn around, keeping your hips locked firmly to the edge of the counter so she can’t see the fact you still are pantless. You are resting on your crossed forearms and forcing a smile on your face. She sets the condensation covered water bottle next to your elbow on the table. 
“Here you go-” She says with a sympathetic smile, you pick it up and open it, with a breathless, “Thank you.” 
You chug about half the bottle in one go and then press the cold plastic to your forehead as she observes you. “There’s a reason I came by…” She starts, and you nod, encouraging her to continue, “What’s up?”
“Strahm was hoping to talk to you, asked me to come fetch you, he's in the interrogation room.” 
God, you were going to die tonight. You nodded, “Totally, I gotta hit the bathroom, and I’ll meet you there?”
“Sure.” She nodded, “You sure you’ll be able to get over there on your own?” She asked, and you laughed nervously before assuring her that you could, she headed off, and you finally turned and looked over your shoulder at Hoffman still on his knees, grinning as he looks up at you, holding out your pants and underwear. “You have fun?” You scoff and snatch the clothing from him, starting to put it back on with shaky legs, “You’re such an asshole.”
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
I hope you take this as the compliment it is intended to be, but you strike the same chord of irreverence-as-love, jokes-to-showcase-sencerity that I get from Chuck Tingle, and I adore both of you.
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You have bestowed the greatest honour upon me.
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hinamie · 2 months
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close again and closer still
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 4 months
Okay challenge mode. You are a therapist and Eridan Ampora from Homestuck has just walked right out of his intro page into your office. How do you fix him?
put him and karkat in a room with a pile of stuff and tell them they can't leave until they've jumped into it and talked about their feelings
#realtalk therapy doesnt work unless the person getting the therapy puts in the effort to make it work#eridan starts the comic in complete and utter denial that he's in need of help#so there's really nothing i nor any stranger could do about that#HOWEVER he does talk to karkat often about his feelings (and vice versa) and#the reason they didnt hang out during the game seems to be#1) they were on separate teams and didnt realize the teams were the same team until later on#2) by then it was too late and eridan had aggro'd all his angels#3) gamzee was deliberately keeping eridan away from karkat and vice versa (likely bc gamzee had a palecrush on kk)#4) karkat was too busy falling victim to his own insecurities abt being a leader to pay attention to his actual friendships#4a) eg. it shouldve been the time player doing the frog hunt with kanaya & not the blood player#like im not saying moirallegiance with karkat would have fixed all of eridans problems but i am saying#what eridan really needed was a friend who took his problems seriously and could see past his bullshitting#and karkat already WAS that friend - they just never hung out#so by the time the meteor rolls around eridan has spent WEEKS feeling abandoned anxious and alone on his death planet#and karkat has gotten used to not thinking about eridan too much#so karkat - who is basically eridans only actual friend at that point - isnt able to get through to him & eridan snaps#like the thing about sburb/homestuck is that it really stresses the importance of friendship and working together#letting each other help with each others' problems#thats why the smallest viable game is still two people by necessity#so when we see things like gamzee snapping or eridan snapping or vriska snapping#as much as these are the 'fault' of the person snapping they also need to be viewed as comprehensive team failures#the people who should have spent the game together didnt and the people who shouldnt have spent the game together did#vriska was allowed to bully tf outta tavros and nobody intervened#eridan was left all alone and nobody tried to help him#and everybody was mean to gamzee and nobody tried to connect with him#and you know whose job it is to make sure the right people are hanging out together? the blood player#and unfortunately our blood player was so insecure that he was doing jobs that werent his to do#im not saying pale erikar would fix homestuck but i am saying pale erikar is a symptom of things being fixed in homestuck
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misiahasahardname · 7 months
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i am a very responsible individual and can be trusted around mspaint
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mintjeru · 1 year
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icewind suite ✨
open for better quality | no reposts
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steakout-05 · 3 months
hello i think schools giving students more work during the holidays and having assessments due during the holidays should either be illegal or at least regulated in some way. like i don't think that's ok. that is the student's downtime to take a break from working. that is THEIR free time to relax that schools are taking up with more and more work to do after the term is finished and done. students are already overworked and burnt out as is, and their weekends are already taken up by either more work, jobs or extracurricular stuff. school can be incredibly strenuous on the workload they churn out when the students are actually going to school. a stack of homework can take hours per night, and simple assignments can take weeks to finish. people can't just keep doing that all the time, they need a stress-free break with no obligations to rest their minds. that is the reason the holidays are there. they're not an excuse for schools to cram in more and more work because "they'll have more time", students need a break otherwise their brains are literally going to stop working properly. let them take time off ffs.
(the same goes for teachers. teachers shouldn't be made to constantly work during the holidays, they deserve a break too. everyone deserves a break.)
#this is the reason i am against school#students deserve breaks#holidays are NOT a time to cram in more work. people need breaks.#humans NEED to rest their brains otherwise they're going to short circuit and burn out. they won't have the functioning to do any work if-#-they keep having to constantly do more and more and more all the time. people are not robots.#this is the reason i dropped out#there was so much work being given to everyone during grades 11 and 12 that i was constantly stressed tf out and my brain was-#-literally not working properly from the amount of work they were giving us and the fact that it takes me more effort to do an assignment-#-because of my neurodivergence. doing work in school terms was already putting me at my limit and when i learned they were gonna start-#-giving us work during the holidays my brain broke. so i stopped working and just left.#school already took up enough of my free time doing hours of work every night as is. i was NOT gonna do more during the holidays. fuck that#i actively refuse to do work during my time to relax and take a break. holidays are for relaxing not working. idiot#and like it wasn't just simple homework. they were giving us entire assignments to do during the holidays that we should have been-#-actually doing in class but weren't because of shitty scheduling. it was the school board's own fault we were doing holiday work.#idk man maybe i'm biased because i'm against hustle and crunch culture but i think holidays should be a stress-free time away from doing-#-any work whatsoever. or at least only a tiny bit of work and that's it. i don't think making people be ''productive'' all the time is ok#doing nothing and not being productive after a long string of work is healthy. let us do it. goddamn.#school#student#school issues#school is hell#<- most accurate tag on tumblr#breaks#downtime#hustle culture#overworking#burnout#apologies to those who follow me for jetpack joyride and are getting posts about schools and overworking lmaoo
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art is allowed to be lazy btw
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semothekat · 6 months
head in hands heand in hands
#paper is talking#Me when my dad is telling me how good and useful ai art is#How it would be so much easier for me to draw if i used it#That i can just skip the ‘meaningless’ stuff and get exactly my ideas made#Basically like the entire drawing process is meaningless and isnt important#Im not that good at speaking chinese but i said sometihng like ‘then i dont need to draw’ meaning like theres no point in me drawing at all#But i didnt really say the right words to get that meaning across so he said exactly!#Like.#head in hands right now guys#Theres no point in drawing anything if i use ai to make it#Like idk how to explain this in a way that he will understand in a way that isn’t ‘yeah! See now you dont have to work as hard and its so m#So much easier!’#Idk why but him suggesting whole heartedly that i use ai to draw just ruined my mood eniterely#WHATS THE POINT!!!#In drawing amber and sayu and all my ocs if im not drawing it!!#Whats the point in drawing anything ever agian#Drawing is so fun becuase i made that.#I made that with my own two hands#And its specifically mine. I made that#Like i took the time to figure out how to draw the eye to look just rihgt#i took the time to figure out which colors looked bettter and i took the time to look back at the references and study the characters cloth#s and realize with terror that they have 32847298374 details#I took the time to just not draw all those details#I tookt he time to make it and it is part of me#I dont care if its just amber standing there drawing 548 i made that!#He thinks that the amount of time and effort is a hassle and a problem that should be solved cause it ‘gets in the way of the#Creative process’#This is the creaive process!!!!#This is the point!!#Top ten reasons im balding
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saetoru · 1 year
ok if there are any artists out there who do comms can u like help me understand why there are no refunds for upfront payments even if you have not started the work at all ????
#like i am. very much struggling to understand why if someone has paid u and then#before u have even started the work#if they cancel#u cannot return the money to them ???????#i do not understand and i do not think i will ever understand. not that its happened to me but im very curious why tf thats a common rule#what is the purpose of keeping money for something u have not even done and is perfectly cancel-able#like its one thing when u have already started and are mid project ofc. then i def understand that u have spent time and effort and u shoul#be compensated for that. but if ur rules are 'no refunds whatsoever after payment' like im struggling to understand why if someone pays you#and a day later. like before u have even started the comm. why cant they cancel and have their money back if they decide to ??#perhaps if u do slots and they took up a slot so now u have to go thru the trouble of reopening that one slot and getting another customer#i would understand like a fee for cancellation and then returning the money after keeping a fraction#but#just no refunds whatsoever after payment ??? for a comm that hasnt even been started ??????#idk maybe im just not understanding something from the artists perspective or something here and if so someone help me understand#but i literally cannot wrap my head around it and until someone can offer me a valid reason why this rule is set in place i rly honestly#think its a bit insensitive to other peoples money and possible situations that may arise that might make them cancel a comm due to like#an emergency
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moe-broey · 9 months
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xcosmicsans · 2 years
Could you do the template thing of Gold? from pokespe
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Absolutely I can!!!! I don’t think about him as near constantly as I do Red so he was quite a bit harder but I really love Gold so I hope I did him justice!!!!!
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izupie · 2 years
I took a long break from tumblr while I got sucked into the never ending algorithm nightmare of Instagram, but I'm Back Babey
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blossom-hwa · 3 months
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