#this was before Kara’s colors/design changed
t-dubber · 7 months
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hey @star-sparkler — remember this? 😭😭
August meeting her baby cousin, Kara Hamato-Vega for the first time. (1/2)
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lunargazing-png · 1 month
If you don’t mind: glance, stature, motion, and night for Kara and Azailick alike? I feel like that may be a lot, but thanks so much in advance! ❤️
Thanks so much for sending in an ask for the oc asks: character design edition reblog!!! 😁😁💗💗 Don't worry a single bit, I love talking about my ocs! if anyone else wants to look at the prompt list and ask, you can find it here!
Glance The first thing that I think most people would notice are Az's eyes. His gaze is strikingly intense because of how silvery his irises are. It's like two bullets shooting straight into you. They command your attention and you just can't help but be drawn to them. For Kara, it's her hair! It's full, curly, and it defines her silhouette really well. When the light hits it just right, it turns from this earthy brown to a red auburn color. It's like the perfect picture frame for her complexation- It matches her eyes, and makes her smile look brighter.
Stature When Kara is standing with her crutches, she's around 5'10. Az is a foot taller almost to a T (6'10)! She has more Ectomorphic traits while Az has more Mesomorphic. When it comes to clothes, I think Kara is more about comfort for herself instead of trying to convey a certain look. Az, on the other hand, he likes to look sharp where it counts. His uniform and the clothes he wears out of uniform are reflective of wanting to be presentable. It feels nice to look good too.
Motion Kara's most coordinated when she's in a wheelchair since it's the mobility tool she uses most often- crutches aren't so bad either, if occasionally clumsy (especially when she has to rest standing or has to hold onto things). I think the best way I could describe Az when it comes to moving is that he has a lot of purpose in what he does? Like he's got his mind made up before he moves. He's definitely kind of intimidating in that aspect.
Night Az probably doesn't even bother changing he just 🛌💤 falls right into bed with his c-sec armor on still LOL Especially if it was a tough day, he doesn't really have a nightly routine for himself. Kara is the exact opposite though, she's got a full step-by-step guide and makes sure she's groomed properly, takes her medicine, and puts on nice pajamers 😌
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whatyourusherthinks · 26 days
My Adventures With Superman Review Wrap Up
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Final Summation
Roan, skip it. We know you think this show is good. You only spent god knows how many paragraphs gushing about every single detail in every single episode, and the only things you complained about were things only people obsessed with Superman would complain about. I now know more about you're opinions on a fictional flying man than I know about my wife's political affiliation. You obviously recommend the show, what more do you even have to say? ...Buggnutz, you make an excellent point. So let's move on to...
Episode Rankings
Season One is in red while Season Two is in blue pppbbblllttt...
Olsen's Eleven
My Adventures With Supergirl
My Adventures With Mad Science
The Death of Clark Kent
Two Lanes Diverge
The Machine Who Would Be Empire
You Will Believe a Man Can Lie
Pierce the Heavens, Superman!
Zero Day: Part Two
Full Metal Scientist
Zero Day: Part One
Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal
Let's Go To Ivo Tower, You Say
Hearts of the Fathers
Adventures With My Girlfriend
Adventures of a Normal Man Pt. 2
Adventures of a Normal Man Pt. 1
More Things in Heaven and Earth
My Interview With Superman
Most Eligible Superman (This placement is all your fault Cat Grant)
What I Want From And For Future Episodes
BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING BUGGNUTZ I know this is selfish. I know that this isn't the purpose of reviews, I know that creators shouldn't be hamstrung by the wishes of fans and should do what's best for the story they are making, and I know that just because I'm a big fan doesn't mean that I deserve to have my voice heard in the creative process. I know all of this. But I had some ideas/wishes for things I'd like to see in future episodes and maybe the readers will agree and the creators will take inspiration from. I just wanna have fun and excise some ideas from my head. Okay, anything you want to add? ...You're a massive nerd.
Anyway, the first this I want is for the show to have
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Massive. Nerd. Yeah I know. Actually, I don't want a movie necessarily, I actually just want 10+ seasons or however many the creators want. I feel like so many shows that are beloved are cancelled before the creators are ready to end them, and I really don't like it. This is just hoping everyone gets a fair shake in working on this show and telling the story they want to tell.
Second thing: Lex needs to start wearing more green. Oh god, really? Yes! He is a green villain, he should at least accent his clothes with the color! The guy wears green mech suits and has a green trench coat for Rao's sake! Yes, true, he doesn't ALWAYS wear green in the comics, but it's the color most associated with him. I guess they didn't make Alex wear so much green because they wanted the twist to not be more obvious than it was, but he's been revealed now. Seriously, I want this more than I want him to go bald. Why does Lois Lane wear more green than Lex Fucking Luthor? Actually, y'know what would be a funny way to do it? If Lex steals Lois's coat and just starts wearing it to be a petty bitch. That not only would be incredibly funny, but it would perfectly in character with the version they've presented for the show. AND SPEAKING OF DUMB ASS COSTUME CHANGES.
Third, give Clark his shorts back and Ma also makes a skirt for Kara. I am not ride or die on all super heroes having the "underwear on the outside". Batman looks fine without the black shorts, so does Wolverine without the blue, the Fantastic Four, and whoever else got that costume change. That is, except for Superman. Superman needs the red shorts for his costume. His design just isn't complete without it. Not only does it break the main blue coloring of his costume in a way that looks so much better than the quasi-belt every did, but the illusion to circus strongmen is something I think is essential to the character. And if you do it for Clark, you should absolutely do it for Kara. I was so excited in the second episode when Ma makes additions to Clark's costume, but now with the new costumes at the end of the second season, it just feels like fanservice inclusion that the writers forgot about. Well it wasn't to me, and it should be brought back. You don't even have to change anything else about the design. I've seen some artists draw mock-ups of the new costume with the shorts/skirt added, and it looks great. If the first scene of the third season isn't Clark and Kara standing awkwardly at the farm while Ma takes their measurements for additions to their costumes, I might actually throw something at the screen. Calm down dingus. NO THIS IS IMPORTANT.
Fourth thing, since the Newskid Legion are a major supporting characters, I want an episode with the Guardian. Hell, Cadmus was also introduced in the first season, and how badass would it be if Monsieur Mallah and the Brain met the Newskid Legion? I can totally see Mallah getting concerned about these kids getting into dangerous Superman situations by themselves and coming to the conclusion that what they need is a genetically modified clone to hang around and protect them. Besides, this is probably the closest we could get to having one of the best versions of Superman teaming up with Captain America (who also happens to be one of my favorite superheroes), and that would be awesome. Unlike my other wishes here though, I don't really need the Guardian to be a reoccurring character, I guess, I dunno I would like it but if they just wanted to make him a one-off that's fine too. But it would be awesome.
My fifth thing, and honestly I'm surprised I want this, is I want Krypto and Streaky to make an appearance. See, here's the thing with all the Kryptonians in the comics. It diminishes Clark's status as the last Kryptonian if every other decade they introduce more of them. The comics pull this a lot, and it honestly is kinda dumb. MAWS right now has only Clark and Kara, and they hammer it in the second season that there is not a single other Kryptonian left and that they just have each other. I'd bet dollars over donuts that Zod and his posse will show up if the series continues past season three, so do we really want to just keep saying "Oh... uh... more rockets left Krypton or that other Krytonians were just off planet." or whatever? Not really. But Superboy is getting introduced next season. And it's clearly supposed to be Conner Kent (or Kon-El), the clone made from Clark and Lex's DNA. He's even got the leather jacket and the shades like from the 90s comics, I can't wait to see what they do with him. So here's my proposal. Lex has to test his cloning experiments, and before he moves on to attempting to clone a human, he tries to clone a dog and a cat. And that dog and cat happen to have superpowers just like Superman. The writers could even be cute about it and have a horse and a monkey be previous attempts too. And then at the end of that episode Clark gets a puppy and Kara gets a cat. You can probably already see the potential. This Clark would be adorable with a dog, and there is such an easy b-plot to have Jimmy or Lois or whoever have to pet sit for Kara and deal with an asshole cat with super powers. Yeah you could stick with the comic's origin for Streaky and expand that to Krypto, but that would involve expanding Kryptonite to including a bunch of different types and that's another kinda stupid thing the comics do. Also, if Lex is cloning Superman, Bizarro better show up. I'm dead fucking serious. (Actually how funny would it be if all of next season is just Lex making a bunch of superman clones in various to try to kill him and they all go out of control in various ways. You already got Hank Henshaw as a pre-existing character who already hates Superman. This could be like Reign of Supermen but with the intention of killing Superman before replacing him.)
Sixth, and hear me out on this one. I already mentioned Conner Kent/Kon-El Superboy will make an appearance next season. Outside of the comics, most people know this Superboy from Young Justice, and in that show he is dating (or was, I stopped watching after the second season) Miss Martian. But, she's kinda got her own baggage that would be a bit to hard to bring into a show that's exclusively based in the Superman mythos, so here's my pitch instead. After Superboy eventually gets redeemed and joins Clark and the team, he should meet and fall in love with... Martian Manhunter HEAR ME OUT! Out of every DC hero that I would consider to be their own property (i.e. not other Superpeople like Supergirl or Steel) Martian Manhunter is probably the easiest to incorporate into the show. The comics and other animated properties constantly draw parallels between J'onn's and Clark's situation, and there is so many interesting directions you could take this in this particular show. Clark's constant emotional journey is about acceptance on his adopted planet and while Kara being around is great and I'm sure we'll get some great drama and introspection from both characters in the next season, he still considers earth his home. He doesn't remember anything from planet of origin. J'onn does. That's always been a point of contention between the two and it leads to some really interesting drama if the right writers utilize it. Can't you totally see a Clark who, in future seasons, feels more secure in his place on Earth having to help a new alien with a similar but way worse situation with the same problems he had at the beginning of the show? Now I can hear what you're saying... Martian Manhunter has always been a fairly asexual character, and a major part of his backstory is that he has PTSD about his wife and kid. Thank you Buggnutz, and you're right! But MAWS changes every character to fit better with the storyline, and I think the changes are always for the better. So do the same with J'onn. Age him down. Instead of him being rescued as an middle aged adult by a random scientist who then dies immediately, maybe this is teenager or young adult J'onn is accidently rescued by Star Labs, or the Brain and Mallah, or Lex Luthor, or whoever, and his PTSD comes from losing his parents instead of his wife and kid. You can still keep his personality the same, just adjust the anime knob a tad. Everyone already lost their minds with twunk Slade Wilson, can you imagine the pop-off for emo twink J'onn J'onzz? And then he can meet Conner and they can have a meet cute and it can be the new relationship to hope for after Kara and Jimmy inevitably hook up. Plus, DC already changes the sexuality of pre-existing characters, including Superboy (kinda sorta), in the comics so this wouldn't be the first time they've done something like this. And while the show is already a huge diversity win in general, if it's raining why not let it pour hm? This is the only outside hero I want added to the show by the way. No Batman, no Wonder Woman, none of that. Keep it to obscure easter eggs and references. Let the Superman show be about Superman please.
And for sure don't bring in the Doom Patrol. Or, at least, not every member of the Doom Patrol. Who the hell are the Doom Patrol? They are my favorite superhero team. They've changed a lot over the years, but the basic gist is that they are a team of regular people who got into horrible accidents which gave them powers, but also made them freaks in the eyes of society. They've been everything from black ops earth defenders to psychedelic dimensional travellers. Heck, their most recent series makes them a metahuman government support network. The reason I bring them up is that the Brain and Mallah are frequent enemies of the Doom Patrol, so if they were to bring them into the show, they'd probably make them enemies of the crew. I don't wanna see my boy Robotman be evil, aight? However, there is one member of the Doom Patrol that could possibly work as a one-shot antagonist, if they really wanted to do it. That is the Doom Patrol typical defacto leader, the Chief. Nile Caulder, a.k.a. the Chief, is a super smart guy in a wheelchair. Yeah that's it. His big thing in the comics is he usually engineers the accidents that give the various members of the Doom Patrol their powers, as a sort of sociopathic experiment. So he's already evil, canonically. It would be an easy thing to turn into "oh he's a scientist for Task Force X and he specifically wants Brain and Mallah because history or maybe ego" but eh... They're is probably too much history in the comics for it to fit. I'm just asking that the writers not make the Doom Patrol evil.
One final thing... Darkseid is gonna show up eventually, right? There was the lasers in flashback during 'More Things in Heaven and Earth', so there has to be plans way down the line for the New Gods. Right? Well if they do, I hope for two things. One) Mister Miracle is involved somehow. Even if it is in a limited capacity, I'd just want to see him. Mister Miracle is awesome. And two) Only give us sparing glimpses of the big man, at least until the finale of his storyline. Here's the thing, Darkseid is a big deal. He's literally the god of everything evil, and a character like that loses his gravatas if you keep bringing him back. So save him for like the final fight. Which isn't to say never show him or mention him. Darkseid is a force of evil, he has armies of minions on his literal beck and call, and Desaad is just his hype man. Darkseid shouldn't tussle with wannabe heroes unless they attack him first. Darkseid is greater than these lesser being. Darkseid is Omega. Omega is Antilife! ANTILIFE IS DARKSEID! DARKSEID IS-
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malaierba · 1 year
Upcoming a very-much-not-perfect headcanon regarding the matsus and colour theory, inspired by the question: "What if the Matsus were colour coded in Highschool?"
I'll mention why it's probably unlikely later on, but for the sake of pondering this idea I'm thinking it happened a bit before their 2nd year, when they've already shown distress at being treated like a single entity, and wanting to set themselves apart in order to blend in better among their pears
Interesting things I think a mother/teacher would think when color-coding her children, after taking into account the personalities they've already shown so far:
Red for Osomatsu, the leader. Good luck, strong. You'd probably want to continue to encourage that. We're kind of socialized to think that whoever is the red in a set is the leader, and since he's the eldest... Once again, seems like a boring decision, but it'd show how Osomatsu continued to be defined by his birth order.
Blue for Karamatsu. Karamatsu, who was apparently a crybaby in Ososan, and continues to be very obviously sensitive during highschool. If we think of tears as emotions overflowing, and pursuing artistic hobbies as an emotional outlet, wouldn't it make sense to soak that child in blue? Almost as if hoping it'll calm him down, almost as if telling him to chill (This ofc has funny outcomes after graduating, as he literally tries to embody coolness better). He's the second son, it'd do him good to keep a cooler head and cooler heart anyway, to be more of a traditional guy.
Green goes to the kid that as a child had the shortest temper and was the most prone to violence. Green, which we find in Nature, and has calming properties to itself. Nature, which embodies a delicate balance, which follows so-called natural laws that you'd expect everything to adhere to. In interior design they advise to have plants in rooms where emotions run high, and when you're anxious or angry you're often advised to take a walk through nature. You'd hope greener hues help him remain grounded, and funnily enough he ends up (cough performing) actively trying to fit into the laws and dynamics of the environment around him.
Purple goes to the child they apparently was the most serious, comparatively more practical and level-headed (note: I'm taking this from the wiki lol I've not read Osokun). He can be difficult when swayed by others, but in its own don't you just get the feeling that he'd be an easy kid? Since he comes across as more mature, you can give him a darker, more adult tone, that still carries some positive connotations like "royalty, ceremonial color, rare in nature". It's special.
Here between us, I think Ichi would be the most likely amongst his brothers to feel the weight of expectations that were developed on his early personality alone, even moreso than Choromatsu (who adopts the responsible act later on). You change the context, and the purple that was full of promise starts looking more and more like a bruise.
From my understanding, Osokun Jyushi had even less of a personality, though he'd get some visual gags that really stood out, the type that make it laugh and realize oh, he's a kidder. Mama-matsuno probably could see the if not smart and not a leader, he was at least funny, happy, energetic like he was made of thunder, and gave him yellow to preserve that. She'd be on point later in life, but during high school the yellow came to embody more a warning ⚠️ then anything else. (Unrelated but something similar happened to Oso, troublemaker that he's always been).
Finally, Totty, which ngl alongside Kara and Choro is who got me thinking about how you'd try to expose a child to a colour in an attempt to influence traits of their personality. Being the other crybaby of the family, Todomatsu has an even bigger crutch named "older brothers". He was babied too much as the youngest, and now you can tell that he's come to rely too much on them. He's also a bit shorter and softer, so even within the set he stands apart.
Apparently part of the reason why pink became so popular to give to girls was to "encourage them to be more outgoing and assertive, but of course not too much, so watered down red it is". Doesn't sound like too bad a thing you want for your youngest son. Besides, that way Matsuyo will always have a cute child she can dote on (because who'd expect the NEET rate from 6 out of six to be 100%). Took a while, but it worked, Totty really managing to work out his dependency issues to a degree while retaining his right to be cute and get support if needed.
Now wasn't that fun!? I started thinking about that because some of these guys CHANGED TOO MUCH AFTER HIGH SCHOOL AND BETWEEN OSOKUN!
it would've been easy to make them all Osomatsu, who at his core has always been the same, but instead the Ososan Team went on a different direction. The way characters like Karamatsu and Ichimatsu change is incredible between highschool and Ososan, Choromatsu is very different in the movie from Osokun, and Jyushi really had the most puzzling development across eras if you look at it chronologically.
Totty is great to look at too, because you'd think "ah he's still cute" but his development is probably the most straightforward AND positive AND impressive of all the sextuplets. He went from riding Choromatsu like a kangaroo to climbing the Everest and getting employed first, how's that for the baby of the family?
Reasons why I'm aware this theory might just be me trying to get more meaning from the movie but forcing convenient analyses on the sextuplets, that explain their development:
I'm not an expert in colour theory and the meaning of colours in Japanese culture by any means, anything I know I owe to Google (:-/)
I guess colours here kind of work as a stand in of how the Matsuno's social environment started expecting different things from them, taking whatever it could grab to set one twin apart from the other and either trying to encourage it or correct it. I mean, I guess colour symbolism is by definition vague, open to interpretation and dependant on context... It's evocative, not factual.
It's fun to think about it in terms of storytelling, kind of as a way to trace a personal development path for a child and see if it worked well or not. But again it's most likely just me trying to answer things that aren't even questions in the first place. Like, it IS a gag anime after all.
Idk shit about Osokun 😔 or the novels. Idek what it is that idk!
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somediyprojects · 1 year
DIY Painted Glass Tabletop
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Project by Kara Paslay:
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Like many Design*Sponge readers, I am constantly re-creating my space. A painted glass tabletop is perfect for creative minds because it is so easily changed. Painting on the underside of the glass keeps the motif protected during daily use, but when the creative bug bites and inspiration hits, the paint can be easily removed with paint thinner to create a clean slate for a new pattern! Best of all, you have endless creative possibilities for less than $30! — Kara Paslay
piece of glass cut to size (or you can cut a piece of plexiglass yourself)
spray paint
painter’s tape, contact paper, or stencil (depending on the pattern you want to create)
paint thinner
rubber or felt grippers
1. Buy a piece of glass cut to the size of your tabletop from a local glass shop, or buy and cut a piece of plexiglass yourself. (I got my plexi at Home Depot.) If you choose to use plexiglass, cut it with a jigsaw blade that is designated to cut metal. (The smaller “teeth” will allow you to cut through the piece.) Keep the edge very well supported to prevent cracking.
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2. Choose a pattern to paint on your glass. The options are endless and can be super easy or more complicated. I chose to go with something a little more complicated. Cut contact paper into triangles and cover your glass piece with them. (This process will take some time.)
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3. Remove some triangles throughout the piece to paint on your first color layer. Use painter’s tape in spots where the triangles didn’t line up perfectly. You can also use a guard (cut out of cardboard) to keep the overspray from getting everywhere.
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4. Once your first layer is dry, take off another round of triangle stickers and spray your second color. On the back of your glass, the spray paint will overlap, but on the front your triangles will stay crisp! And remember that if you have a little mess up, paint thinner will clear things up in a jiffy! :)
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5. Repeat steps 5 and 6 with however many colors you desire. I left some triangles unpainted to allow the white of the table to show through.
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Note: Remember to allow your paint to dry completely before putting the painted glass top on your table! You can also add rubber or felt grippers to the underside of the glass to create some separation between the paint and the piece of furniture. Of course, these grippers will also help keep the glass in place!
You’re done!
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peachynekomi · 2 years
About Sonia, Ann, Niko, and Sora
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Back in 2017, I had created these OCs out of boredom/fun and pretty much kept designing them throughout 2017/2018.
From recollection, one of the inspirations for these four was HDN (Hyperdimension Neptunia) as they were originally going to represent the four companies instead of the consoles in my version:
Sonia - Sony Ann - Microsoft Niko - Nintendo Sora - Sega
Sora was a special case since she had the most changes throughout the late 2010s; her name was formally Kara, was originally an anthropomorphic wolf, and had blue hair with green eyes. Her hairstyles even had to go through multiple changes before getting the right one.
Ann was kept the same along with Niko since their initial designs (not in the picture) were still the same with Niko having her plaid skirt/bow, red scrunchies, and brown sweater along with her twin tails. Ann still has her signature hat with feather along with her green overall skirt and brown boots although I'm considering making her hair peach-colored instead of blonde.
Sonia used to be an adorable-looking OC as she was going to be an OC who looks adorable but gets irritated by someone calling her a child since she is supposed to be short. She does keep the big hat but had a change in her hairstyle and clothing.
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svgoceandesigns1 · 6 months
Kara Lawson Handle Hard Better SVG - Trending Quote SVG PNG, Cricut File
Kara Lawson Handle Hard Better SVG, Trending Quote SVG PNG EPS DXF PDF, Cricut File, Instant Download File, Cricut File Silhouette Art, Logo Design, Designs For Shirts. ♥ Welcome to SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Store! ♥ ► PLEASE NOTE: – Since this item is digital, no physical product will be sent to you. – Your files will be ready to download immediately after your purchase. Once payment has been completed, SVG Ocean Designs will send you an email letting you know your File is ready for Download. You may also check your Order/Purchase History on SVG Ocean Designs website and it should be available for download there as well. – Please make sure you have the right software required and knowledge to use this graphic before making your purchase. – Due to monitor differences and your printer settings, the actual colors of your printed product may vary slightly. – Due to the digital nature of this listing, there are “no refunds or exchanges”. – If you have a specific Design you would like made, just message me! I will be more than glad to create a Custom Oder for you. ► YOU RECEIVE: This listing includes a zip file with the following formats: – SVG File (check your software to confirm it is compatible with your machine): Includes wording in both white and black (SVG only). Other files are black wording. – PNG File: PNG High Resolution 300 dpi Clipart (transparent background – resize smaller and slightly larger without loss of quality). – DXF: high resolution, perfect for print and many more. – EPS: high resolution, perfect for print, Design and many more. ► USAGE: – Can be used with Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Cameo, Silhouette Studio, Adobe Illustrator, ...and any other software or machines that work with SVG/PNG files. Please make sure your machiMone and software are compatible before purchasing. – You can edit, resize and change colors in any vector or cutting software like Inkscape, Adobe illustrator, Cricut design space, etc. SVG cut files are perfect for all your DIY projects or handmade business Product. You can use them for T-shirts, scrapbooks, wall vinyls, stickers, invitations cards, web and more!!! Perfect for T-shirts, iron-ons, mugs, printables, card making, scrapbooking, etc. ►TERMS OF USE: – NO refunds on digital products. Please contact me if you experience any problems with the purchase. – Watermark and wood background won’t be shown in the downloaded files. – Please DO NOT resell, distribute, share, copy, or reproduce my designs. – Customer service and satisfaction is our top priority. If you have any questions before placing orders, please contact with us via email "[email protected]". – New products and latest trends =>> Click Here . Thank you so much for visiting our store! SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Read the full article
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 3 years
Nia just needed a friend to do a hard mall trip. Trying out dresses. For a formal dance. And hey, maybe Lena and Kara are mad at each other but... She just needs Lena okay?
When Lena receives a call from an unknown number, she almost ignores it. But just enough people spread her phone number that she answers it on the off chance it might be someone who needs her.
“Lena Luthor, how can I help you?”
“Lena, please don’t hang up.”
The voice is familiar, but Lena can’t place it until the voice continues.
“It’s Nia. Nia Nal? And I know--” Lena almost hangs up right then-- not because it’s Nia, but because Nia treads dangerously close to a subject Lena is dead set on avoiding. Almost. “I know you have no reason to take my call, but… I need your help.”
Lena almost hangs up. She doesn’t.
“What do you need?”
The crisis, Lena learns, is that Nia has been given the assignment of her life covering the Golden Globes ceremony being hosted in downtown National City, but has nothing even remotely appropriate to wear. The mundanity of it all is so far from what Lena expects that it’s long moments before the words fully register.
“Uh, Lena…?”
“I’m here,” Lena says quickly, clearing her throat. She leans forward in her chair, rattling off an address. “Meet me there tomorrow at 11am.”
The next day, a few minutes after eleven, Nia walks up to Lena outside of Sylvie with hesitation all over her face. “Lena?”
Lena tucks her phone away and turns towards Nia with a professional but bright grin. “Nia, you made it.”
“Uhm, yeah actually… I kinda thought I’d gotten lost…”
Lena looks at her in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Lena, I can’t afford anything on this boulevard, are you crazy??”
“You’re not paying,” Lena says simply.
Wide eyes blink at her in shock. “What? No! No, Lena, I can’t ask you to do that--”
“I’m offering.”
“Look, I was thinking we could just go to the mall--”
“The mall.”
Nia quails under Lena’s judgement, and Lena softens.
“Nia, you are about to be on the red carpet, covering an event that could catapult your career into the stratosphere. I think that warrants something a little more than what a department store can offer.”
“But…” Nia continues to protest, but uncertainty colors her features, and Lena knows she’s slipped under her guard. Carefully, Lena places a hand on Nia’s wrist.
“I won’t force you to accept what I’m offering,” she says gently. “But calling a Luthor for help means calling for a Luthor solution-- and nothing says Luthor more than shopping at the best boutique in town.”
Nia nods, but she ducks her chin with a swallow. “It’s just…”
“Just what?”
“I don’t want you to think that’s why I called, you know?” Nia expels a sigh, working a harried hand through her hair. “It’s just that Kara was supposed to come with me for moral support, but she’s had to cancel four times and the ceremony is in three days and if Andrea hears one more time that I don’t have a dress, she’s going to kill me…”
“Nia,” Lena says softly. Nia stops, and meets Lena’s gaze with a hesitant one of her own. “I would never think you were calling for a hand out. I’m offering.” Nia still looks uncertain, but Lena holds her gaze. “You asked for help… so let me help.”
Nia considers her words, studying Lena carefully. Finally, she wraps her arms around herself with a steadying sigh. “If you’re sure…”
“I’m sure.”
Nia follows a few paces behind as Lena turns and approaches the door to the shop, lingering to let Lena be the one to press the buzzer to be allowed in. But as they near, the door opens for them, ready and waiting to admit them.
Luthors don’t use buzzers.
“Welcome to Sylvie.” A pair of well groomed attendants relieve them of their purses, exchanging their bags for a couple flutes of champagne offered by a third.
“Thank you,” Lena replies easily, well versed in the practice. Nia fumbles a step behind, her movements stiff and uncertain. Instead of moving directly into the belly of the store as she usually did, Lena lingers, allowing Nia the chance to take in the shop for the first time. The showroom looks much like any other, as could be glimpsed through the windows, styled with clean lines and immaculately dressed mannequins. The true Sylvie experience, however, happens further in, beyond the curtains that separate the dressing rooms from the rest of the store.
“If you’ll follow me, ladies, I’ll show you to your dressing room.”
Lena wonders what Nia expected as they approached one of the curtained off areas. Perhaps a cramped alcove like the hollywood thrift stores shown in coming-of-age films, where your elbows knocked the walls as you changed and you’d be lucky to find a stool to put your own clothes. Certainly it isn’t the plush, spacious room that awaits them, if Nia’s wide eyes are anything to go by.
Charnelle waits for them at the curtain. “Welcome, ladies,” she greets, parting the curtain so that Lena and Nia can slip inside. “Lena, lovely to see you again.”
“And you,” Lena returns.
“I’m Charnelle,” she introduces herself to Nia. “Wonderful to meet you. I’ll be assisting the two of you today.”
“Thankyousomuch,” Nia says in a rush, her shoulders tight as she shakes Charnelle’s offered hand.
Charnelle allows the curtains to close behind them, isolating them in their own little pocket of divine luxury. Lena settles herself on the central chaise lounge, folding her legs elegantly before her. Nia perches on the edge beside her, her gaze flicking to the small boudoir in one corner and another curtain that shields the actual changing area. Inside there, Lena knows Nia will find a plush bench to sit on as she undresses, and gold hangers to hold her clothes while she tries on various gowns. It’s designed to be beyond comfortable, a place where one could spend hours-- and lots and lots of money.
“So, what do you have for us today, Lena? Another benefit gala to dazzle?”
“Actually,” Lena replies, “Miss Nal here is covering the Golden Globes this week for CatCo Worldwide.”
“How exciting!” Charnelle rounds on Nia. “And what are you looking for in your gown?”
Caught with a mouthful of champagne, Nia freezes, then swallows audibly. “Um…” she coughs out. “Something nice? I probably shouldn’t be outdressing the stars or anything, so nothing too crazy?” She shrugs. “I don’t know, exactly.”
“Charnelle,” Lena intercedes, “could you bring us some formal options in black, maroon, or blue? Floor length, of course.”
Charnelle nods, beaming. “Absolutely.” She gives Nia a wink. “She has your colors nailed, honey. What are your measurements?”
Nia stares at them both. “Uh. A six, usually?”
“They’ll need your measurements to ensure a proper fit,” Lena delivers gently. “Do you mind if Charnelle--?”
“I’m trans!” Nia blurts, her chinks coloring a solid ear-to-ear pink. “Sorry,” she adds quietly. “But-- yeah. Just so you know.”
Lena stares, surprised more by the outburst than its content, but Charnelle takes it in stride. “So am I, baby girl,” she responds smoothly. “That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to have a dress that fits.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, Nia finally, finally relaxes. She offers a shaky grin. “Okay. Yeah. Let’s do this.”
Charnelle gives Nia’s wrist a squeeze on her way to the boudoir to pull a tape measure from the top drawer. While she’s busy, Lena catches Nia’s eye and lifts her glass in a silent cheers of support. Nia rewards her with a small smile, before Charnelle returns and makes quick work of measuring Nia’s bust, waist and hips.
“All right!” Charnelle chirps, wrapping up her tape. “I’ll be right back with some options. You two stay here and get comfortable, all right? I’ll be right back.”
She disappears, and Nia all but collapses onto the chaise next to Lena. “I can’t believe I did that,” she groans.
Lena pats her on the knee. “You’re all right. Sylvie only gets my business because they know the value of discretion.”
“Yeah.” Nia lifts her head with a hum, surveying the dressing room once more. “This is nice. Thank you for talking me into it.”
Lena smirks. “Just wait.”
As if on cue, the curtains part to admit not Charnelle, but the woman who’d offered them their drinks. This time, her tray holds an array of small finger sandwiches. “Refreshments?”
“Oh, wow!” Nia exclaims, quickly helping herself to three. “Okay, yeah. I could get used to this.”
Lena grins, snaring a cucumber sandwich for herself. “Thank you. And another round, if you could,” she adds, seeing Nia’s empty glass.
The woman nods. “Of course.”
When she has disappeared again, the dressing room fills with quiet, and Lena realizes that she doesn’t have a clue what to say. She’s gone shopping with her mother, and with Andrea, and in both cases the conversation flowed easily, for better or for worse. But she’s never been shopping with a girl several years her junior, and never one in the middle of Lena’s biggest heartbreak.
“It happened the last time I went shopping for a dress too,” Nia says, breaking the silence. “The anxiety about… you know. I guess something about formal wear brings out the worst of it.”
Unsure of how to respond, Lena looks at her. “When was the last time?”
Nia sighs. “Prom. I’d transitioned by then, and most people were used to me, but I didn’t have a date, and part of me just internalized it as a fixture of me not being girly enough, and not, you know, the fact I didn’t know how to talk to boys, let alone date them. I didn’t even know if it was worth it to go at all, and I just-- started crying, right there in the dress shop.”
“What happened then?” Lena asks gently.
Nia smiles fondly. “My mom. She just hugged me, and told me how proud she was to have such a beautiful, confident daughter. It was sort of embarrassing at the time, but… it was something I needed to hear, you know?”
She pauses then as the server returns with their champagne. Afte the woman dips out again, Lena nudges her. “And did you ever find a dress?”
Nia snorts, nodding. “Yeah. Like, two minutes after I calmed down I found my dream dress. And my friends and I had a blast at prom, so I’m glad I went after all.”
“Good,” Lena murmurs, sipping her drink. “Well, I can’t promise anything about a dream dress, but I’ll call it a win if we get out of here without any tears.”
“Cheers to that,” Nia concurs, lifting her own glass for a deep sip.
In that moment, Charnelle returns, wheeling a short cart of long dresses along with her.
“All right, ladies-- who’s ready to see some gowns?”
Nia settles on a bias-cut gown of sky blue, accented with beaded embroidery at the bust and straps. It may not have qualified for dream status, but it’s perfect for the Globes, and Lena can tell Nia is excited by the time they step back out onto the street, garment bag draped over her arm.
“Thank you, again,” Nia offers, hiking her purse higher on her shoulder. “You really didn’t have to do all this, especially with how weird things are right now. I know it probably wasn’t easy to say yes when I called last night.”
Lena blinks. It honestly hadn’t occurred to her to say no. “Nia?”
“Why did you call me?” It’s her turn now to shift uncomfortably on her feet. “I’m always happy to help, but… as you say, things are weird. Why me?”
“Honestly?” Nia asks. Lena nods. “You remind me of my mom. I can’t begin to tell you how or why, but you do. And the thing is… my mom was probably the kindest person I’ve ever known. So-- if you reminded me of her, I figured you were a pretty safe bet. And the worst you could do was hang up on me, so…”
Lena nods, her throat locking painfully around a sudden lump in her throat. Forcing a smile, she clears her throat. “Okay. Well… I’m glad I was able to help. Are you okay to get home?”
Nia nods easily. “Yeah, I’ll just catch the bus. Thank you again. This was really nice, and it was really good to see you.”
Lena nods, but before she can turn away, Nia catches her by the wrist.
“I mean it, Lena. I owe you one. If you ever need anything…”
Lena turns her wrist, allowing her hand to settle into Nia’s palm. Giving it a squeeze, Lena offers her a smile.
“I know who to call.”
// prompts are closed
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You Marked More Than Just My Skin - Supercorp
Read it on AO3
Kara’s first instinct was to blame Alex because, if she was going to be honest, Alex was the one to blame for many of her stupid decisions. Sisters' competitive nature or something like that. That's what their mother would say when they were teenagers and they randomly started a fight. A just adopted Kara who had just lost her parents was not letting an overly cocky Alex win without fighting back.
So, naturally, she was going to blame Alex for this. However, Alex had nothing to do with Kara walking down the street from her job one day and entering the tattoo shop she walked past by every day on her way home. No, it had started with Winn, her best friend, saying that Kara wasn’t the type of person to do things out of impulse. Which he wasn’t exactly wrong, although he hit a sore spot because "I can be very spontaneous!" had been Kara’s answer and everyone around them gave her that look that made it pretty clear no one believed her.
Then, just about a week after that, Nia was walking home with her after a stop at Noonan's for their killer milkshake and saw the tattoo shop still open even if it was past 10 pm. There was no one inside that they could see, but the sign read "open" in neon letters and Nia did a double-take when she saw the walls covered in drawings.
"Oh, my God! Look at that thing!" she had screamed. And that thing was a fairly beautiful drawing of a girl lying in bed with a cloud above her head as though she was dreaming about a myriad of things.
Nia grabbed her arm, dragged her inside and, ten minutes later, she was sitting on a chair while a young man that couldn't be older than Kara permanently marked the skin on her forearm with the same drawing.
"Did you draw it?" Nia asked and Kara could tell she was just a little bit in pain because she was clutching the arm of the chair and hadn’t stopped babbling for two seconds. Not that Nia ever stopped talking, actually.
"No," the man replied in an excited voice. Like he was happy to be doing a tattoo on a girl that had just ten minutes prior decided she wanted one. But Kara held back her tongue, took some pictures while Nia made her goofy faces and sat on a stool at the corner like the good friend she was. "My boss did. She does most of the drawings we have available."
"Well, she has a hell of a talent!" Nia exclaimed, bit her lip when the needle hit a soft spot and flashed another smile once it was gone. "You should tell her she's amazing!"
Jack, that was his name, Kara reminded herself, laughed like that was a big joke that only he was aware of, but nodded all the same. "She's in the office right now, maybe she will stop by to hear you say that. She loves when people pick her drawings, but she will never say it out loud."
The woman, whoever she was, didn’t leave her office, not even when they left, way past midnight, listening to Jack's careful instructions on how to take care of Nia's arm for the next week. In the end, Kara had to admit Jack was a nice guy. And he did an excellent job. Nia's tattoo was perfect. Perfect for her and perfectly done, and her friend had no problem showing it off the next day.
"Holy crap!" Winn screamed when he saw it on game night on Friday. "I didn't know you were into tattoos. It looks awesome!"
"Thank you! And I just decided to do it," Nia shrugged, as though deciding to do a tattoo on a Wednesday night at 10 pm after getting a milkshake was a normal thing. "Thank Goddess Kara was with me so she could keep me company."
"Wait," Winn eyed Kara with the same incredulous expression from a week before and she immediately felt defensive. "Kara was there and didn't try to stop you?"
"She did say I might regret it," Nia conceded with a smile. "About ten times, but she stayed with me."
Kara rolled her eyes, picked up the pizza box and sulked on the couch while her friends made fun of her lack of spontaneous nature. Kara was a planner. And she had learned her lesson when she decided to walk to the park instead of going home one day after school and returned to the Danvers' household to find out three police cars parked at the street and a frantic Eliza giving them a photo of her and saying she had disappeared. So, yes, Kara wasn't one to do things out of the blue anymore, but that was hardly a bad thing.
She tried to tell that to herself for the next week while everyone still awed and cooed at Nia's tattoo. She tried to remind herself of Eliza's panicked face while James, with his impressive looking dragon tattoo on his back, said Kara would never be one to make a tattoo because she would keep changing her mind. She tried to picture Alex's disapproving stare while Nia's boyfriend, Querl, made comments on how he loved Nia's carefree and spontaneous nature.
In the end, what pushed her to do it was her boss and Kara couldn’t even blame her, or Alex, or any of her friends. But she would, anyway.
"Kiera, the reason why people hardly remember your name-" she wanted to point out that Cat was the only one who had a hard time remembering her name but bit her tongue instead "-is because you are so... blank."
"Blank?" Kara had asked, trying and failing not to look so offended.
And Cat nodded because she knew how to get to her. "Nothing remarkable. You use terrible sweaters and write articles that everyone could write. Did you ever do something, I don’t know, remotely spontaneous in your life?"
Kara was sure - or almost sure because you can never know with Cat Grant - that her boss was trying to push her to fly to Midvale to write about the scandal surrounding some tech company there even though Snapper had decided William would cover that for CatCo. It was either that or to make her wear something that wasn’t in pastel color.
Well, all it did was send Kara straight to a tattoo shop where she hoped to find Jack and demand he did something as spectacular as Nia's tattoo. And she went on a mission, marching down the ten blocks from CatCo to the tattoo shop - that only that day she stopped to read the name of and what weird name they chose, Le Vintage Ink - her feet hitting the ground with a purpose, her hand pushing the door open with a vengeance, her eyes narrowed behind her glasses with one goal in mind.
It wasn't Jack she saw, however. She didn't see anyone at first, actually. The shop was empty like it was a week before and very silent, with the air conditioner doing a soft hum and nothing else.
The anti climax moment was enough to make all her determination wave off. Her shoulders dropped, her eyes rounded, her feet started to stamp and her determination, well, she didn’t quite remember it anymore. Nobody needed to know, Kara told to herself. Nobody knew she was going to do it, so she could just turn around, leave, go back to her apartment and try to do some online shopping. Maybe buy a red dress for once. None of her friends would ever believe she went back to the tattoo shop, so there would be no problem...
No. That was exactly the problem. They wouldn’t even believe her if she told them. They would laugh, call it a bluff, and keep teasing Kara for not being adventurous like they were. Alex does this long motorbike drives all over the state sometimes, and James goes hiking and jumps from planes from time to time. Winn would point out that the last thing Kara did without meticulous planning was to change pizza night for potstickers and that was only because the pizza place she always orders from was out of pineapples.
However, Kara reasoned with herself, instead of doing a tattoo, she could just go with Alex on her next trip. Maybe she could ask James to teach her how to hike. Querl adopted a cat he found behind his building, so maybe that could be Kara’s unplanned moment too. And what did Winn do so adventurous or spontaneous that he had the right to make fun of Kara? She couldn’t remember.
Yes, any of those things would be more reasonable. She could even do an impromptu visit to her mother. It would count for something. She knew Eliza would be happy and she loved making her mom happy. She could even pick Alex's old helmet so her sister could use it to ride with her girlfriend, Kelly, and Eliza makes a killer chocolate pecan pie too.
Already dreaming with the taste of the pie crust in her mouth Kara turned around. She must have been inside the tattoo shop for less than ten seconds and Jack hadn’t shown up yet, so that was a plus and a sign, even if she wanted to greet him and tell how nice Nia's tattoo looked after a week.
The second her back was turned to the counter, though, she heard a door opening and then a voice filled the silence. "Can I help you?"
That wasn’t Jack's voice. That much she knew. What she didn’t know was that someone could sound so... husky and still be so clear on the words. What she also didn’t know was why her body froze like she had been hit with lightning. Or why she ever decided to leave when a voice like that was inside the shop.
It would be rude to just keep walking, Kara told herself and even she knew it was a lame excuse for wanting to see the owner of that voice. But she still turned around, eyes blinking fast as she tried not to miss a second of what she was about to see, and then immediately felt her soul leave her body. That was the only explanation on why her mouth fell open and why her brain's function slowed down at least 30%.
Because the voice's owner was... for the lack of a better word, striking. It was a woman, looking a few years younger than Kara, with dark as coal wavy hair falling down her shoulders, green piercing eyes framed by some heavy eyeliner and plump lips painted with red lipstick. The woman was wearing a black t-shirt from a band Kara had never heard of, the v-cut being deep enough that she could see a black bra under it. The shirt looked like she had been cut at home - maybe she wasn't designed to have such a deep v-neck, maybe she had sleeves at some point and maybe the deep cuts by each side also weren't a part of the initial product. But, damn, it looked great on her. Since she had no sleeves and the shirt moved as she walked and showed a great expanse of her sides, Kara could see that the woman’s body was covered in tattoos.
Her arms, from shoulder to wrist, were almost totally covered. Her left arm almost looked like a flower shop, with dozens of flowers in different colors drawn all over it. Her right arm had tattoos from her shoulder to her elbow, and they were a mix of chemical elements and computer parts that, somehow, worked together in all black and white. Kara got just a few glimpses of the tattoos on her side - something that looked like a cartoon character, another one that assembled a lake, a few words that Kara couldn’t read from that far - but that was enough to make her lick her lips and try to picture what else was there. There were no tattoos on her chest area, that Kara could see, but there was a small musical chord on the left side of her neck, and Kara wondered if she had any tattoos on her legs. She couldn't see them from where the woman was standing behind the counter, and something dragged her feet forward before she could stop herself.
"H-hi," she choked out and her face immediately heated up with embarrassment. Her sister would call it 'gay panic' and make fun of her for three days, and Kara was suddenly very thankful for being alone. "I, uh..." The woman blinked, Kara mimicked her, and lost every coherent thought inside her head. "Jack."
The woman arched one perfect eyebrow, resting her hands flat against the counter, and Kara’s blue eyes were suddenly very interested in the long fingers spread over some papers. The papers, she noticed as a second thought, were unfinished drawings, but she could hardly tell what they were. Feeling her face get even hotter, Kara demanded that her eyes moved up and she was almost proud of herself when they paused for only a second at the woman’s cleavage. Of course, as soon as her eyes met the woman’s face again, she had a tiny smirk like she knew Kara was having a hard time being in the same space as her.
"I'm sorry, love," she said and Kara noticed an accent behind the last word, like she had spent years trying to get rid of it but still couldn't brush it off some words. "Jack doesn't work here on Tuesdays."
Oh. Well, that's a bit of a relief, Kara wasn't going to lie. No Jack, no tattoo, and she still could say she tried. She still wanted to say ‘hi’ but...
"Can I help you instead?"
Oh, boy. Kara almost turned around and ran away right then and there because the things she was thinking this stranger could help her with were kind of mortifying. Instead, Kara bit her bottom lip so hard that it went numb instantly, and leaned forward until she was resting her hands in front of the woman's fingers. She dared to glance down really quick, just to find out the woman was wearing black jeans and boots, before she looked up again - with a quick stop at the cleavage because good lord.
"I don't know, I..." Kara couldn’t even say her own name if the woman asked at that moment, let alone remember what she was doing there and where there even was.
The woman chuckled then. A deep, husky sound from the back of her throat that brought a small smile to her lips, and then she ducked her head - as though she had no idea that was the most blinding smile Kara had ever seen in her twenty-six years of living. Neither the chuckle nor the smile was mockingly, and her green eyes were just a little bit amused when she looked back at Kara.
"Don't get me wrong but... you don't look like the type of person that would get a tattoo."
Okay, what is it with people just assuming Kara is too boring to do something? Kara took a look at her own clothes. She wasn't even wearing a sweater that day! Sure, beige trousers and a blue button up hardly screamed "living on the edge" but come on! Was it the glasses? Alex always said she should use contact lenses, but she liked the glassed!
Feeling a new wave of determination, Kara set up her jaw and crossed her arms. "Well, that's exactly what I came here to do."
The woman raised both eyebrows now, clearly amused. "To get a tattoo?" She asked like there was any other reason for Kara to be inside a tattoo shop on a Tuesday night.
So Kara nodded, her blonde hair wiggling from side to side on her ponytail, and straightened up her back like she was about to enter a fight. Not that she ever fought before, not even when the cruel kids at her new school would call her weird and push her inside her locker. Alex would beat them up for her, so she didn’t have to, it was fine.
"Yes," she said and her voice only trembled for a second. "To get a tattoo," she confirmed like there was any other reason for her to be inside a tattoo shop on a Tuesday night.
"Okay," the woman said, clicking her tongue once before she picked up a pen from the desk, a smirk permanently spread on her lips. "Do you have any idea of what you want?"
Shit. Kara hadn’t gone that far. Maybe not even her own brain thought she would do it because she had neglected the most important part of the entire process. She had no idea what she wanted permanently marked on her skin.
(Permanently marked also sent a thousand of red lights inside her head because, you know, it was permanent)
It must have shown on her face because the woman’s smirk became more of a smile, not exactly gentle but not mockery either. "What's your name?"
"Kara." She was so glad her brain hadn’t come up with something ridiculous to say. She could remember when she met her cousin's sister-in-law and answered the same question with "mashed potatoes" for some reason she would never be able to grasp. Lucy never let her forget that embarassing moment.
"Well, Kara," and Holy Goddess of all the universe and beyond, how could her name roll out of her lips like that? "why don’t you take a look at the drawings we have here, see if you like one. If you don't, we can always come up with something for you."
She then pushed some heavy black portfolio across the counter towards Kara and opened the leather front cover to show her the first drawing. They were all separated by plastic, and she started the task of turning the pages while trying very hard to look at the drawings and not at the woman in front of her. She wasn't sure because she wouldn’t dare to look up, but she could feel green eyes staring at her and her blush returned full force.
"So..." she heard after a couple of minutes in silence. "What kind of dare you lost?"
Kara took full offense on that, glaring at her for a moment before going back to the portfolio. She had gotten on the dragon section and decided to skip it all together. "There was no dare."
The woman hummed, watched her for another minute, and then leaned over with her forearms touching the counter. She reached out, taking the plastic from Kara's fingers, and started skipping the pages until they reached the flowers. Kara looked up, catching a glimpse of the woman's arm, before meeting green eyes with a light glare.
The woman shrugged. "You look like a flower kind of girl."
"What else do I look like to you?" Kara mumbled back and stubbornly went back to the drawing she was seeing before - the ships and anchors section - even though she left a finger marking the flowers page.
The brunette seemed even more amused now, barely able to hide her smile, and she chuckled once when Kara turned the page to see another ship. "Like you randomly decided to get a tattoo because someone pissed you off."
Kara tried not to give her the satisfaction of being right, deciding to focus on studying every ship and every anchor. She heard another chuckle, but the woman wisely didn’t push the subject.
"You could save us a lot of time by just going to the flowers."
Fine, maybe she was right about that too. Kara would never pick a ship, or a dragon, or a coffee cup, or any other drawing she saw before. Although Kara never thought what type of drawing she would get tattooed. With a sigh, she went back to the flowers, throwing the woman a dirty look when she huffed a laugh.
"Hey," she said, raising her hands in playful defense, "if I'm going to do something that you will regret tomorrow, at least let me help."
"Aren't you going to try to talk me out of this?" Kara asked, remembering when Jack asked Nia five times if she was sure before touching her skin with the needle.
"No," another shrug. "I will get my money and you will get the regret. Works fine by me."
Kara scoffed and shook her head, but finally spotted something she liked. It was a rose, not larger than a paper ball, black and white with a few leafs to the side. She was almost pointing that one out when she heard a deep sigh and looked up. The brunette was staring down at the drawing with enough judgment that Kara changed her mind in a blink.
"What?" She still asked because it was a beautiful flower.
"Nothing, it's just... does that even mean something to you?"
Kara looked back at the rose and frowned. "I like roses," she defended herself.
"I like kale, but I won’t tattoo that."
"You like kale?" Kara didn’t mean to sound so disgusted by it but it was stronger than her. Her face twisted in a grimace, shocked more than anything.
The other woman laughed a real laugh this time, and Kara felt the sound into her xcvery core. "Please, don't ask me to tattoo a burger on you. You're too pretty for that."
It was like she knew exactly what those words would do to Kara because she winked right after, making her blush ten times more. "What do you suggest, then?"
The tattooed brunette smiled and tapped her finger on top of the rose. "If you liked this one, it's fine, but I would go with..." She let her voice die as she started turning the pages until she found what she was looking for. "This one."
Kara looked at the drawing and was immediately sold to the idea. It wasn't just any flower. It was a plumeria. Well, two plumerias side by side, with a few leafs to the sides and a mandala carefully placed behind them like it was the third flower. She knew she wanted that one the second her eyes landed on it.
"It would look good on you," she kept talking. "I wouldn’t add any color, though." Kara kept nodding although she was only half paying attention now that she had found the right one. Her silence must have sent twisted signals because the woman’s voice became softer. "I know I said I wouldn’t try to talk you out of this but... are you sure?"
Kara’s eyes moved up then, metting slightly concerned green eyes, and she smiled. "Yes. I'm sure."
The woman studied her face for a few seconds before she nodded once. "Okay, then. Where do you want it?"
The panic on her face told her out again and the woman’s laugh filled the space around them like a melody. "Come on, we can figure it out inside."
‘Inside’ being a closed room very similar to the one Nia had gotten her tattoo, albeit it was clear that that one wasn't Jack's. First, it lacked the smell of cigars and heavy cologne that Kara smelled last time and made her nose itch. But it also held a more personal touch like more drawings and a few words scribbled on the black walls. Kara didn’t feel nervous while the woman turned the sign from open to close, explaining that she was the only one who worked on Tuesdays' nights. She also didn’t feel nervous when she entered the room and spotted the comfortable chair she would be sitting on. What made her nervous again was taking her shirt off so she could decide where she wanted the plumerias to be.
She placed the printed drawing on several parts of both of her arms, her shoulders and asked the brunette to hold it at some spots on her back as well. But Kara was only satisfied when she put the paper against the right side of her ribs, a few centimeters below her bra. The woman gave her a knowing look and arched one eyebrow when she said that was the place she wanted her tattoo.
"Are you sure? It can be quite a painful area to get a tattoo, especially if it's your first one."
Again, she wasn't making fun of Kara and she appreciated it, but she also wasn't going to change her mind. "I'm sure."
"Okay. I will put the outlines, then."
It was only when the brunette had her hands against her side and her face a few inches from her chest that Kara realized she didn’t even know who she was. "Hey, I, uh, I didn't catch your name before."
Green eyes glanced up, bright and slightly amused, before they returned to the task of perfectly positioning the flowers on her ribs. "Lena."
"Lena," Kara found herself echoing the name in a whisper before she could stop herself. Lena looked up again, even more amused than before, and Kara felt herself blushing. "It... it suits you."
She had no idea what that was supposed to mean, but Lena smiled and tilted her head to the side. "Thanks." She pushed back the stool she was sitting on. "Take a look at the mirror and see if that's what you want."
Kara took a step closer to see her reflection and tried very hard to ignore the fact that she was standing in front of a stranger in her bra. The plumerias were exactly what she wanted and exactly where she wanted them, and she said that to Lena, who told her to lay down after turning the chair into an improvised bed. While Kara tried to find a comfortable place to lay, she heard Lena slipping on rubber gloves and moving a few things around before approaching her again. She was half expecting her to ask one more time if she was sure, but Lena said nothing when she touched her skin with the black gloves, and raised the needle to her eyes level to make sure it was ready to go.
Kara wasn’t sure if the shivers were from nervousness, the chill air of the room, or the fact that this very attractive woman was touching her just below her breast, but she did her best to ignore it. Lena had pulled her hair into a messy ponytail, Kara realized, and she could see her sharp jawline more easily now. She also spotted five different piercings on the woman’s right ear. For a second, she wondered if Lena could feel her heart beating under her skin or if she could maybe even hear it.
"Be ready for some pain, but try not to move," Lena said while she lowered the needle to her skin. "It will take longer if you keep moving. You also don't want me to fuck this up," she offered Kara a smile to let her know she was joking - at least that's what the blonde hoped for. "Tell me if you need a break."
So, Lena wasn't lying when she said it would hurt. Nia neglected to tell her about the painful part and Kara would make her pay for it by typing down her next article, but, holy crap, it hurt. The first touch of the needle made her jump and hiss, and Lena pulled it away like she knew it was going to happen, giving her a few seconds to recover.
"Sorry," Kara whispered once her body relaxed again.
"It's fine," the brunette mumbled back, totally concentrated on her job now.
It went like that for a few minutes - Kara squeezing her eyes shut, biting her lips, clutching the sides of the chair slash bed, and hissing under her breath whenever she couldn’t hold it back anymore. Until she started to get used to the pain and allowed herself to focus on other things. Her eyes trailed to the few drawings hanging on the walls, taking in the delicate traces and the lack of colors from all of them. She decided that talking would help her with the pain.
"Jack said his boss makes those drawings," she commented lightly.
There was a brief pause before Lena answered her. "That would be me."
"Oh," the blonde breathed out in shock. "So, you..."
"I'm the owner, yes." There was another pause while Lena cleaned her skin with a soft paper. "I used to work for a tattoo artist back in Metropolis before I decided to open my own business. Jack followed me."
"Well, you certainly have talent. Your drawings are beautiful."
"On paper," Lena teased and Kara didn’t need to look at her to know she was smirking. "Let's see how it translate to your skin."
Kara wanted to play along and tell her to ‘please, don't make something awful that would be permanently marked on my skin’, but she found herself saying something entirely different. "Plumerias were my mom's favorite flowers. My dad would bring them to her every Saturday after work because those were the first flowers he ever gave her." She could still remember her father getting back home on Saturdays right before lunch with a bouquet in his hand to her mom and a box of chocolate for her, all smiles and offering hugs. If she tried hard enough, Kara could still remember the smell of her mom's stew mixed with the flowers' smell, could still taste the chocolate. "They died almost fifteen years ago."
Kara had no idea why she was sharing those things with this stranger wearing black rubber gloves and breathing too close to her ribs, but she also couldn't stop. Maybe it was a tattoo thing, like sharing too much about your relationships while cutting your hair.
Lena didn’t shy away, though. She made sure their eyes were locked before saying, "Let's make sure those are perfect, then," and went back to work.
Kara felt herself relaxing more after that, although she didn’t say anything else for a few minutes. "I work as a reporter to a magazine," she found herself saying. "My boss is... both of them are impossible to deal with. I dream about throwing them into space sometimes, but... I love my job. One of them is the reason I'm here today."
"Who should I be thanking?"
Kara blushed one more time, even if she wasn't sure it was said to be flirtatious or if she was just imagining it. "Cat means well, she just... push some buttons sometimes."
"Well," Lena stopped her movements to look at Kara again, this time with a soft smile. "I will be sending this Cat some flowers anyway."
The blonde chuckled at that. "Go back to work. I don't want to end up with a dragon on my ribs."
Lena hummed, eyes dropping back to the outlines of the flowers and needle touching skin again. "I wouldn’t draw a dragon on you," she contemplated. "You're more of an iguana kind of girl."
Kara gasped in faked offense and turned her head to fully stare at Lena with narrowed eyes. "How dare you? You know nothing about me!"
The tattoo artist shrugged, not bothered by her explosion. "Maybe a kitty." Kara huffed and puffed, letting her body fall back on the chair, and did her best to keep frowning. "Definitely a kitty," she heard Lena whispering under her breath, playfully and amused, and Kara was soon smiling. "So... will your boyfriend approve this?"
"Are you fishing for information about me?" Kara teased.
"Huh," Lena sighed. "You didn’t sound this confident when you were stumbling over your words when you first saw me."
She was sure her entire body turned pink with that and she mumbled weakly that: "I was nervous about getting a tattoo."
"Yes, of course," Lena replied and Kara blushed again.
"No boyfriend," she ended up replying because the other alternative was to dig a bigger hole to herself. "Or a girlfriend."
She was ready for another teasing from the other woman, but Lena pulled back instead and eyed her tattoo with her head tilted to the side. "I need you to hold your breath for a few seconds, okay? I'm getting to a delicate part and it would be better if you hold it for, like, ten seconds."
Kara nodded and got ready to pull in a breath to hold it while Lena got her needle ready to go again. When the other woman said so, Kara took in a large intake of breath but, as soon as the needle touched her again, she exhaled in surprise when the pain shot to every nerve in her body.
"I know," Lena said. "It's the hardest part. I promise to be done with it as fast as possible. Can we try again?"
There weren't many options since Kara was already in the middle of getting her tattoo done, so she nodded and waited for the new signal. Kara grabbed the chair with both of her hands, pressed her eyes tightly shut, bit her bottom lip and held her breath for the longest ten seconds of her life before Lena tapped her skin and pulled away with a smile.
"There," she declared in her husky tone. "Good girl."
It was embarrassing how those two words made Kara react. She gasped, the breath still stuck in her lungs almost causing her to choke, and her entire body went stiff when a shiver left goosebumps all over her skin on its way down her spine. She couldn't see Lena and that was a blessing because she could feel the pause that her reaction gave the brunette. So, maybe that was a weird way to find out a praise kink, Kara decided while praying that Lena would brush it as a perfectly normal reaction to have.
"That was interesting," Lena whispered and, this time, the blonde knew she wasn't supposed to have heard that.
The blonde bit her bottom lip so hard that she could feel the taste of blood and she was totally sure that Lena could hear how fast her heart was beating. She could probably feel it, and, God, that was so embarrassing. Kara had half a piece of mind to just pull back her shirt, leave and never go back there, but the other woman didn’t give her time to react before she was once more piercing her skin with the needle. It was still painful, although the mortification she felt numbed it a little bit.
Lena didn’t sound so cocky when she spoke again and she even had to clear her throat so the words would come out less hoarse and more audible. “Just a while longer and we will be done. Can you handle it or should we finish it another day?”
Kara didn’t trust herself to ever come back – and not just because of what had just happened but also because she didn’t think she would be brave enough to get any tattoo needle to ever touch her again. So, she exhaled slowly and nodded. Lena went back to the draw immediately after that and they fell in a half comfortable silence until the trickiest part was over. Or, at least, that’s what Kara thought the trickiest part was because it hurt like hell and Lena had this crinkle between her brows when she glanced back that made her look... cute. Even with the tattoos and the five different piercing sets on her ears, the black clothes, the black room and her undeniable confidence.
It wasn’t until Lena leaned away to get more ink that she spoke again. “Plumerias were very common where I lived.”
Kara thought back on their conversation and wondered aloud, “Metropolis?”
“Ireland,” she corrected gently.
“Oh,” Kara breathed out and then hissed when the needle was back to her ribs.
“Not many people know I’m Irish, so I’m trusting you with this secret, Kara.”
She could hear the joke in the woman’s voice and Lena even poked her side playfully, and Kara heard herself giggling like a schoolgirl. “Your secret is safe with me.”
“That’s not how it works,” Lena declared with a huff. “Now you need to tell me a secret of yours.”
“Yes, so we’re even and I can make sure you will never tell anyone what I just told you.”
“It’s not like you just confessed a murder,” Kara argued with an eye roll that was quite too fond to be directed to someone who she had met only two or three hours before.
Lena looked up for a second and their eyes met, making Kara’s face flush red. She was pulling a very uncomfortable position to keep her head raised and turned to the side so she could watch the other woman, and she had just been caught doing that one more time. “No? Well, you shouldn’t go to my office then.”
Kara hummed, trying to sound unimpressed by the joke while fighting back a laugh, and shrugged. “I knew it was weird I didn’t see Jack.”
The brunette let out a breathy chuckle, her hot breath hitting Kara’s side and making her shiver again, before she pursed her lips. “I see you’re too fond of Jack already.”
Lena quirked one dark eyebrow and gave her a look – the type of look that Kara tried to pull out her entire life while trying to look all sexy and misterious and was never able to do it – that made the blonde’s entire body warm up. “I’m the one poking your skin with a needle right now, so I think he should be the jealous one.”
Yes, Kara couldn’t keep up with that. She was weird, she rambled, she stuttered more times than not, and just, overall, was terrible at the whole flirting thing. Lena, on the other hand, seemed to be a master on it. Kara didn’t really stand a chance against it, not even for a second. She could try, pull out a word or a phrase here and there, but, in the end, Lena would find a way to leave her blushing and flustered so easily that made her head spin.
(She couldn’t be sure if Lena was just that good or if Kara was just super gay, but, whatever it was, it was working wonderfully)
“Now, come on, spill a secret,” Lena said after a long silence that stretched between them while they just stared at each other’s eyes.
Kara felt hypnotized by the green eyes and that was so unfair. So, damn, unfair. “I get my boss’ coffee order wrong every day.”
Lena stopped with the tattoo again to blink at her a couple of times in what seemed to be confusion. Then, she tilted her head to the side, glanced to the ceiling and opened her mouth as if she was going to say something. No sound came out, she closed her mouth again, and she looked so adorable that Kara felt her rambling coming to the surface again.
“Cat has this really complicated order at Starbucks that makes my head hurt just to think about. 3% fat, quarter milk, a spoon and a half of organic sugar, or whatever that is. It’s my job to get her coffee every morning and there’s no Starbucks close to my apartment, so I stop at another place called Noonan’s and get an order from there.” Lena still hadn’t said anything and Kara couldn’t bring herself to stop talking. “I used to work there, so I have a discount. I can buy a coffee for myself too with the same amount of money I would spend at Starbucks. And she never noticed it!”
There was a pause where Kara tried to come up with more things to say before a loud laugh cut the space around her. She looked at Lena with wide eyes and only slightly offended by her reaction, but the other woman was too busy laughing at her expense to notice it. The brunette used the back of her hand to cover her mouth while she shook her head and kept laughing freely.
“I’m sorry,” Lena said, waving her hand, before being interrupted by her own laugh. “It’s just... Fuck! That’s the worse thing you ever did in your life?” The tattoo artist looked at her again with her eyes crinkling at the sides and Kara felt her anger melting away.
“What? Did you expect a murder?”
“I was hoping that you would say you spit on her coffee, at least.”
Kara gasped. “I would never do that!”
Lena narrowed her eyes at her, a tiny smirk adorning her lips. “But you think about it, don’t you?”
“Every day,” she admitted with a groan, letting her head fall back against the chair.
The brunette laughed again and a cold hand came to rest against her thigh, making Kara’s body vibrate from head to toe. “I won’t tell your secret if you don’t tell mine.” Lena winked – winked – at her and Kara felt her throat too dry all of sudden. The woman chuckled again when the blonde gulped before she gently tapped the hard muscle of Kara’s thigh. “We’re done here.”
“Oh.” Kara blinked in surprise and her eyes immediately fell to her ribs. The skin was red and swollen, but she could see the delicate lines of the flowers and the leaves, and she was hit by the urge to cry all at once. She felt like a little girl again, being six or seven, and running to the door to meet her father, seeing the plumerias in his left hand and the chocolate on his right.
“Hey,” Lena called her gently, ducking her head to be able to catch the blue eyes again. “You're fine over there? I had people regretting tattoos before, but not so fast.”
Kara laughed and shook her head, trying to discreetly brush a tear from the corner of her eyes. “Everything is fine. It’s really beautiful.”
“Well, don’t say that before you take a better look,” Lena pushed her stool away and got up with a refreshed excitement. “Come on, stand up so you can look at it in the mirror.”
That’s what Kara did, sliding off the chair and walking with slightly trembling legs to the full body mirror that she had seen before. The fact that she still didn’t have her shirt on was in the back of her mind while her eyes traced the ink. It looked even better on her ribs than it looked on the paper and she made sure to tell the other woman that, earning a smile that she doubted she would ever be able to forget.
"Here." She turned around to see Lena's hand reaching out a piece of white chalk between her long fingers and sporting a kind of smile that Kara hadn’t seen on her yet - satisfied, the type of smile you give after accomplishing a task that meant something to you. "All of my clients have to write something on the walls. It's tradition," Lena shrugged in the end.
Kara’s eyes swept through the room again, taking in the black walls and words written in almost every inch available under a new light. There were small praises, thanks, some jokes and even a few doodles, and Kara wondered what she could write that could sum up her entire experience inside Lena's tattoo shop. She took the chalk more out of instinct, her brain still working on finding the right words, and Kara took a few steps around the room until she found the right place to write.
It was just below one of Lena's drawings that were hanging from a string, between a Scooby-Doo doodle and the message of someone saying they loved their new rose tattoo. Kara’s handwriting wasn't the best one - sloppy and crooked - and it looked even worse when she was trying to write on a wall, but she managed to write her first and last name to make it look readable. Then, she added her phone number under it and put the chalk inside the small box she found just beside her. Kara turned around making sure her body would cover what she had just written, suddenly feeling too nervous about it, and accepted the plastic foil paper Lena handed her.
"Remember to put on the ointment I told you about and keep it covered so it heals. It should be all healed in a week, tops. You're free to call if you have any doubts."
Lena led the way out of the room and they found themselves once again at the reception desk. Lena picked up the pen she had played with before and scribbled something on a piece of paper beside the computer while Kara reached out for her wallet in the pocket of her trousers. Their fingers brushed when she handed Lena the money and her face flushed red for the millionth time that night. Lena gave her a knowing smile before putting the money away and just like that they realized that they would part ways soon. A small part of Kara, primal and shameless, tried to come up with any reason that would make her stay for a while longer. Anything would do, really.
Even so, there was no reason for her to stay and Kara tried to mask her unjustified sadness by joining her hands in front of her body and forcing a smile to look real. “Thank you again.”
Lena waved a hand dismissively, the pen still hanging between two fingers, before her hand came to rest on top of the other one on the desk. “It was my pleasure.”
“If I regret it in the morning, I will come back with a vengeance,” Kara joked, swaying on her heels, and the laugh that came from the other woman was worth any type of regret she might end up having in the near future.
“As much as I would like to see you again, I would hate for that to be the reason you came back.”
Lena winked at her and Kara’s mouth hang open before she could stop herself. That made the brunette laugh in delight, made a deep blush rise from her neck to her cheeks, and Kara started taking steps back before she could embarrass herself anymore. Alex, Nia and all of their friends were right: she’s a gay disaster. None of them would be able to judge her if they just saw Lena though, of that she was sure.
Stumbling over one of the chairs, Kara let out a nervous laugh and, to her utter terror, she pointed finger guns at Lena. “Have, ah, have a good night, ma’am.”
She missed the door handle twice before she was able to open the door and, by the time she looked at Lena again, the other woman was smiling broadly at her. Ducking her head, Kara walked out the door and let it close behind her. Once the slightly chill air of the night hit her face, she closed her eyes and resisted the urge to hit herself for some very stupid decisions made inside that shop. She wondered if she would ever be able to live it down if any of her friends ever found out she just did finger guns at a beautiful woman as a way to say goodbye.
Well, to be fair, she wasn’t sure any of her friends would let her live it down when they found out about her very spontaneous tattoo.
God, Alex was going to kill her. Not for getting a tattoo, but for doing so without giving it enough thought. And, for Christ’s sake, Alex could be a real pain in the ass when she decided to lecture her for whatever reason it was. She was so not ready to deal with that.
It was only when she opened her eyes again that she realized she was still standing outside the tattoo shop – and that Lena could still very easily see her from her place behind the counter – and, with another blush, Kara pushed herself to start walking. Her apartment was only five more blocks down the street and she took that time to clear her mind from anything negative she was thinking about.
If her crazy and very unusual night taught her anything was that she had the thing inside her that could make her do some very adventurous things. She was capable of doing those things. Maybe randomly getting a tattoo wasn’t the ideal way to prove that to herself, but, damn, she had just renewed faith in herself.
Her poor attempts at flirting were the last thing on her mind when she pushed the door to her studio apartment open and stepped inside, making a beeline to where she had left her laptop earlier that day on the small kitchen table. She pulled a chair after turning the computer on and, reaching out for an apple inside the fruit bowl, she waited for the laptop to come to life so she could open a new file to start typing. She had an article to write, and a trip to plan.
 It was two days later – after Alex had scolded her for making decisions in a rush, after Nia took pictures of their tattoos side by side to post on her Instagram, after Querl had awkwardly given her a thumbs up, after James raised his eyebrows, after Winn yelped in shock – that something changed.
Kara was lazily reading something Nia had written so she could suggest some corrections before the girl submitted it to Snapper’s approval, when her phone buzzed from its place beside her mousepad – her rainbow mousepad, thanks to Winn. She picked it up, thinking it was Alex inviting her for lunch so she could yell at her a few more times, but the number who had texted her was an unsaved one. She frowned, but didn’t give it much thought before unlocking her screen to read it.
“Since you didn’t barge inside my shop to kill me, I take it that you didn’t regret it?”
The smile that curled her lips up came from within her and it was apparently too obvious because Nia, who was sitting across from her, gave her a weird look and arched one eyebrow in question. Kara shook her head, biting her bottom lip, and turned her chair around so the girl couldn’t see her anymore before typing a reply.
“I never said I was going to kill you.”
“The threat was clear to me,” came the next text just a few seconds later and Kara chuckled to herself.
“Please, don’t tell me you were scared.”
“Why do you think it took me two days to reach out?”
Kara paused at that. She had spent the last two days being sure that, despite their easy flirt with each other, Lena didn’t actually want to talk or see her again. So, to have her texting her now was really... reawakening something inside her.
“Who are you texting?”
Kara jumped on her chair, startled by Nia’s voice so close to her ear all of sudden, her phone almost slipping from her fingers and crashing on the floor. Thankfully, her reflexes were still working and she was able to grab it, but not without throwing a glare at Nia for scaring her like that. The girl gave her a sheepish smile, although she shrugged and didn’t back away from where she had perched on the corner of Kara’s desk to look over her shoulder.
“No one,” came the childish, and not at all convincing, reply and Kara didn’t need to look at her friend again to know she was busted. Now Nia was not going to let it down.
“Really? Because you have been smiling to your phone for five minutes and you just smile like that when Alex says she’s bringing extra potstickers for game night.” Nia smirked and leaned over, trying to read the texts again, but Kara quickly pressed the phone against her chest to block her view.
“Alex just invited me for lunch,” Kara attempted to throw her off.
However, Nia arched her eyebrows. “Really? Because I just texted Kelly asking her to go to that vegan place with me and she said she already has plans.” A pause. “With Alex.” Another pause. “For lunch.”
Kara groaned and turned her chair so she was facing her computer again, slipping her phone screen down on the table. “Fine, it wasn’t Alex, but I’m not going to say anything.”
“Okay.” Her friend gave up way too faster than usual and Kara watched her with narrowed eyes as the girl jumped from her desk to turn the corner back to her own cubicle. Nia was about to sit down when she tried to snatch Kara’s phone away with one surprisingly fast move, but the blonde was even faster, taking it out of her reach in the last second. “Damn.”
Kara rolled her eyes and pushed her chair back. She grabbed her jacket from the back of the chair, throwing it over her shoulders and slipping her phone inside one of the pockets, and threw an overly sweet, clearly fake, smile at Nia. “Now you will have to eat alone because I won’t have lunch with you either.”
Nia stuck her tongue out at her. “I will call Querl!”
Kara waited until she was safely inside the elevator before opening her texts again. There were three more texts since the last time she looked and a smile immediately spread over her face when she read them.
“Okay, I confess, I was a little nervous.”
“You still there? You didn’t change your mind, did you?”
“About the tattoo, not the... leaving your name and number on my wall thing.”
She barely noticed when someone entered the elevator a few floors below, too focused on replying to the texts.
“You? Nervous? You don’t look like the type of girl that gets nervous. And no, I didn’t change my mind about any of those things, actually.”
A new text only came after she was already walking down the street to Noonan’s, but she wrote a quick text to invite Winn for lunch before opening Lena’s text.
“I’m also not the type to text any of the numbers left on my walls. And good.”
“Do you get a lot of numbers on your walls?” Kara asked and she had to make a conscious effort to cross the street to Noonan’s instead of walking straight for a few more blocks to the tattoo shop. She could picture Lena leaning against the counter with her gorgeous smirk and her impressive tattoos – and even more impressive cleavage.
“Jack enjoys them more than I do.”
Kara was about to make a comment about Jack but another text came in before she could and she stopped in her tracks so suddenly that the man walking behind her shoved against her shoulder. She tripped over a few steps, but quickly held herself again to read the words over and over in disbelief. She hoped, of course, but that was... wow.
“I don’t want to be too straightforward here, or overly confident or something, but I have a client coming in five minutes, so I don’t have much time. This won’t sound romantic at all, but would you like to have dinner with me? Tomorrow?”
Kara didn’t have to think too much about her answer, of course. Alex would give her a piece of her mind for agreeing to go out with someone she barely knew – and ‘that’s the whole point of going out to meet people’ was not a good argument on her sister’s book – but Kara would deal with it later. Right now, she had a very gorgeous woman asking her out and she already knew what her answer would be.
“I would love to.”
“What? Really?” Kara chuckled at the rushed text she received back, but another one came just a second later. “Pretend you didn’t read that. I meant ‘okay, great!’.”
Chuckling again, Kara typed a new message. “I know you were the one who asked me out, but may I suggest a place? I don’t have a car and it’s close to both of our workplaces.”
“Whatever you want, just text me address. Let’s say, tomorrow at 7 pm?”
“Can’t wait.”
 “Hey, Kara?”
“Yes?” She asked, not taking her eyes away from her computer screen and typing away as fast as she could to be able to put all the ideas in her new article. She had never written like that before, but she wasn’t about to complain about small inspirations spikes.
“The front desk called and said there’s a pack for Cat downstairs. Can you pick it up?”
With a small sigh, not because she was mad at Winn for interrupting her but because she would have to go all out of the way to pick a pack she didn’t even know was going to come in, Kara saved her file and pushed her chair back. Nia glanced up and was about to remove her earphones, ready to follow Kara to whatever she was going to learn more about the journalism world, but the blonde made some gestures with her hand that she hoped meant ‘boring things, stay here’ before she started making her way to the elevator.
Jenny, the woman that stayed at the front desk, was kind, around Eliza’s age, and very chatty, which worked fine with Kara when she wanted to waste a few minutes talking along. “Good morning, Kara! How are you?”
“I’m great, Jenny. And you?”
“I’m fine. What happened? I recognize that smile.”
Kara tilted her head to the side, although she couldn’t stop smiling, doesn’t matter how hard she was trying. “What smile?”
Jenny narrowed her eyes and waved a finger at her playfully. “That’s the smile of someone who had a very good night.”
The blonde could feel her face heating up and a nervous chuckle escaped her lips before she could stop herself. She had been leaning against the counter, but she leaned her torso back and tapped her fingers against the hard surface nervously. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Right,” Jenny scoffed, rolled her eyes and started pulling out the packages that she would need to take upstairs with her. There was a yellow thing that was sent by one of the photographers of the last shooting they made, some letters and a few small boxes, which made Kara believe Jenny had been holding those things with her for at least a few days. Cat hadn’t asked for any of that, so it wasn’t a problem. “Don’t tell me then. You don’t have to. Is all over your face.”
Blushing even harder, Kara huffed an anxious laugh and looked down at the counter. She put one hand on her hip as the other one raised to push her glasses up her nose, but she kept her eyes down to avoid seeing the smirk on Jenny’s face. She would have to agree with her, if she did. Because she knew it was, in fact, written all over her face. She hadn’t been able to stop smiling since she woke up that morning – who was she kidding? It had been like that since dinner last night.
It had a reason – and the reason had a name – but she was not going to share any personal details about her life with Jenny. The old woman had the tendency to share everyone’s secrets – which was another reason Kara liked to talk with her so much, but she would never admit to being a gossip girl. She did tell Nia, mostly because her friend wouldn’t stop asking why Kara was fifteen minutes late that morning, though she had made the girl promise not to tell anyone.
It was still pretty new, she had argued.
“If you two slept together, it’s not that new,” Nia had teased back, making her face turn red so fast that James, that had been coming back from the bathroom, asked if she was feeling well.
Even if the whole ‘sleeping together on the first date’ thing was new to her, Kara hadn’t regretted it in the morning. Much like the tattoo. Although, it would be remarkably harder to regret sleeping with Lena when the said woman was spooning her from behind than it was to regret a tattoo that recquired a lot of afterward care. Either way, Kara was living the best morning in her life and it clearly showed on her face.
“Looks like you’re not the only one who’s having a great time.” Jenny’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts and Kara looked up in time to see the woman pulling a big bouquet from under the counter.
The flowers looked cheap and scruffy, which made it seem like someone had just thrown them together without much care. They were yellow and pink daisies, the colors clashed and didn’t work well together, but the card hidden between the flowers was black and easy to see. She knew she shouldn’t because it had her boss’ name outside the card and it was clearly not for her to see, but curiosity took the best of her – that and the fact that the card had been clearly already open, and by Jenny’s face she knew who had done it.
“Thank you – L”
Well, that wasn’t helpful at all.
Sighing and feeling silly for stealing a look, she put the card back and started to try to find a way to pick everything she needed to take back with her. She knew there was a small cart some other companies in the building used to transport stocks and other products, but she was sure she could use her hands if she just pilled everything right. Kara had just come up with a plan when Jenny spoke again.
“There’s also this one. It doesn’t have a card, but it came with the bouquet. Same delivery. The guy couldn’t say anything about it, but I’m sure we can find something if we call the shop and...”
“I think there’s no need,” Kara interrupted gently, without looking up from the growing pile in one of her hands, but she raised her head eventually.
Only to lose track of every thought she was having.
Jenny had put a single plumeria on top of the counter. As the woman had said, there was no card or any type of identification – who it came from or who was supposed to receive it – but Kara connected the dots quite easily. Smiling, she reached over to grab the simple flower and brought it closer to her face to smell it.
“Oh, I see.”
“I have to go!” Kara said suddenly, knowing everyone in the building would know she had just randomly smelled a flower at the front desk that morning. “See you, Jen!”
The look on Cat’s face when Kara gave her the bouquet, not offering any other explanation othan than that there was a card attached to it, was worth every step on the stairs she had to walk up, holding the woman’s coffee every morning. As soon as she was back to her desk, Kara pulled her phone from her pocket and sent a text before Nia could start asking any questions.
“Thought you said that you’re not good with romance.”
The reply didn’t come right away, Kara ended up putting her phone to the side and went back to work. However, as soon as it rang beside her, she grabbed it.
“Guess we’re both learning new things about ourselves. Want to have lunch together?”
And, yes, she totally did.
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kassies-take · 4 years
If I celebrated Lunar New Year with Superfriends
A/n: Hello, Kassie here! Your author is a daughter of Chinese immigrants and is gay. A way to bring my culture to everyone as well as how I feel about it and how I think Superfriends would react. Happy Lunar New Year!!
~Lunar New Years Midnight~
Kara: Happy Lunar New Year!!
Kassie: *chuckles* Happy Lunar New Year!
Brainy: *tries to hand red envelope*
Kassie: Brainy what are you doing.
Brainy: It is a custom to give money in tiny red envolopes on Lunar New Years!
Kassie: Yes but,
Brainy: I have more *pulls out red envolopes from his pocket*
Kassie: No Brainy, only people who are married or have children give out red envolopes.
Brainy: oh!
Nia: why do you give out red envolopes?
Kassie: Growing up I was told that, the red envolopes, li xi, because of their red color symbolizes good luck and prosperity.
Alex: is that why you went into your room to change into red.
Kassie: *looks down* yes. Then usually we spend half the day at my maternal grandmother’s or my pó. Where everyone you’re remotely related to goes and spends to wish New Years.
Kara: sounds like fun
Kassie: Eh
Lena: Kara you forget that not every family is like yours, happy and loving.
Kassie: yeah New Year is a day to be in insulted by your Aunties about being too fat, too skinny, having straight hair, curly hair, tall, short and my lost native tongue. And interrogated with having a boyfriend, what school you go to, what’s your major, if you’re done with school, do you have a job yet.
Lena: And as a gay Asian-American filmmaker *Lena points at you*
Kassie: I’m left sitting there criticized cause *puts up a finger* I was pushed to learn English making me forget Cantonese. *puts up another fingers* I go to a community college. *puts up another finger* I’m majoring in film *puts up forth finger* I’m gay *puts up final finger* I don’t want to cause drama to add to my childhood trauma.
Kelly: that’s not healthy. *grimaces* I hate that you have to hide who you are.
Kassie: Don’t get me wrong I’m proud of who I am
Lena: it’s easier to not say anything to your family, you only have to see them once a year.
Kassie: Lena gets it! Oh and then I have to repeat the whole thing with my paternal grandma or my māma and yéye
J’onn: you cried last year
Kassie: I cry every year. It just sucks going somewhere knowing they’ll hate you if they ever find out and it gets overwhelming.
Kara: something good must come out of it though
Kassie: one Lunar New year inspired my coming out to friends, siblings, and cousin. I figured I’d probably have to hide a lot of things with my Aunties but I didn’t want to hide between my true family.
Superfriends: *hugs you*
Nia: awwww *hugs you* so do we get red pocket money when you get married.
Kassie: you’re probably gonna get married before me
J’onn: *hands you red pocket*
Kassie: J’onn?
J’onn: I consider you one of my daughters. You’ve celebrated Martian customs so I thought I’d do the same.
Kassie: *smiles and hugs him* if that’s the case anyone wanna blow up fireworks!
Kara: No!!! I hate fireworks.
Alex: this family makes it’s own customs
Kassie: *turns to Lena* next year below $20.
Lena: you can’t stop me *smirks*
Kara: do I give them too?
Kassie: no a family usually has one designated person who gives the envolopes. Enough Lunar New Year, I’m gonna have to do that a lot today.
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nieladasdenani · 4 years
Supercorp where kara hints that she loves when Lena waers suits and continuously tries to be sneaky in getting her to wear them. I think it would be adorable if it was set before they are dating but honestly do whatever you think is better😇😇❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hi, Anon! Thank you for the prompt! I hope you enjoy it! (You can read it on AO3 if you prefer)
“You’re wearing a dress”.
It’s not a question, but a statement that comes out of Kara’s disappointed? outraged? mouth. So Lena frowns down at her very sexy, very expensive designer dress.
“What...” the fuck? 
Lena looks down again. And, she’s sorry, but she actually looks pretty damn good in this dress. She spent the better part of her before-bed-routine thinking about what she would wear today. And she specifically selected this dress because of how well it hugs her figure and because of the color. Because Kara, herself, has told Lena time and again how good she looks in this color. How pretty her eyes shine next to it. So, yes, what the fuck?
“Nothing just... Nothing. You look gorgeous!” But Kara is frowning. No, pouting. And Lena knows she’s not an expert on Kryptonian culture or social etiquette. But she knows this Kryptonian very well. And Kara is upset because Lena is wearing this dress.
“I could change?...” With no superpowers, Lena just saw a flash of hope in Kara’s eyes. She’s sure of it. Before:
“No! No? No, no. Lena, you look amazing. I’m sorry. I guess I’m just tired”
“Are you all right?” Now she’s worried. Maybe Supergirl had some sort of top-secret mission.
“No. Yes, I’m fine. Just... It’s nothing. Promise.” And, finally, she smiles a genuine smile. A Lena smile. One that Lena can’t help but return, despite being a bit confused about her friend's behavior.
“Very well. Shall we?”
“Of course!”
And off they go. They’ll be joining the rest of the group at the new and improved alien bar. M’gann’s alien bar. It’s a sort of inauguration, but a more private one, before the grand opening they’re planning for next week. Lena is delighted that her dark chapter with Kara is in the past. They both worked really hard to mend their relationship and themselves. Years of traumas definitely influenced the terrible outcome. But neither could avoid their responsibility nor blame it all on their respective pasts. Therapy and hard work from them both have not only reanimated their friendship, but Lena would dare say it’s better than ever. They are better than ever, So much so that Lena is hopeful for more. She’ knows Kara feels the same. But they’re cautious of not rushing into anything.
It’s why she thought so hard on her outfit for the celebration tonight. She’s supposed to be wooing Kara and instead she, apparently, disappointed.
“Do you think I’m overdressed?” Lena asks, just to try and see if she can figure out what the deal is. Because Kara herself is looking very fine in her own dress. Her lovely hair curled up in a simple but fancy bun, exposing her strong neck, which makes Lena wish she was a vampire, so she could sink her teeth in it.
“What? No! Lena! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude before. You look beautiful and perfect, as usual.” At Lena’s raising eyebrow she keeps going, a tad nervous. “I just thought you, uh, would maybe wear a suit? I mean, you, ah, you said they’re more comfortable, and I want you to be comfortable. Because it’s a celebration between friends! So you should be as comfy as possible, right?” And she lets out that adorable nervous little giggle she does, that never fails to make Lena smirk (or smile... or melt)
“Huh. Well, I didn’t even think about a suit for the occasion. I usually wear them for business. You know, intimidating CEO and all.” Lena teases, hoping to lighten the mood and move on but, oh. Kara is blushing?
“Yeah” Is a breath more than speech. And Lena’s brain is working at a speed that would leave Barry behind. But they’re here. They have arrived at the bar, and she has to let it go. For now. The best thing about M’gann’s bar is that it serves alien alcohol. Which was exciting before. But now? Now she’s eager to get in and let a couple of hours pass.
A couple of hours had passed and Kara is wonderfully tipsy. Most of them are, actually. But Lena had a new goal in mind for the night, so she refrained from consuming too much, or too fast. She’s watching Kara like a hawk because she doesn’t want the alien to get drunk. Her blue eyes are just barely glassed, her cheeks tinted the prettiest pink, and she can’t seem to be able to stop smiling. Or giggling.
They have sung, they have danced, laughed, and eaten. Now, Lena knows, they’re close to ending the night. They have spread in little groups, conversing. So she waits for the moment Nia leaves Kara to go in search of Brainy to sit next to her.
“Hello, darling.”
“Lena!” Kara beams at her. Lena wants to kiss her.
“Enjoying yourself?” Kara nods and lets her eyes roam over Lena’s whole body. “Enjoying the view?” She tries, because, why not?
“I thought you didn’t like this outfit”
“What? No! I love it! You look so pretty!”
“Huh. I don’t know. You seemed disappointed I didn’t wear a suit?”
“Yeah.” Kara exhales and looks down at Lena’s body again. “You look so sexy in your suits”
“Is that so?”
“Uh-huh. So badass. And sexy. Did I mention how sexy you look in your suits?”
“You did” Lena's smile is so big she’s worried she might dislocate her jaw. “I wish I knew before how much you wanted to see me in them.”
“Eyes up here, Supergirl.”
“Uh... sorry”
“See? You can’t see my breasts as well in a three-piece suit.”
“So much sexy”
“The dress or the suit?”
“The suit! Always the suit, Lena. So sexy”
“God I want to kiss you” And, oh, Lena did not want to say that out loud. At least not here or now. But now Kara is looking her in the eye. Her smile is so bright, it could probably recharge her Kryptonian cells.
“Yeah?” At Lena’s nod, she confesses: “I want to kiss you, too. I want to kiss you all the time. Especially when you’re wearing a suit.”
And that’s it. Lena takes Kara’s face in her hands as if she’s made of glass instead of being one of the most powerful creatures on Earth, and kisses her senseless. Or she would if it weren’t for a pointed clearing of a throat, right behind her.
“Come on, Luthor! Really? You’re going to kiss my little sister on a bar for the first time?” And Lena leans back, not letting go of Kara’s face, closing her eyes to savor the fact that she kissed her. She did. And it was all she ever thought it would be. But better. So Alex’s purposed dig is not going to ruin this for her. Kara, however...
“Alex! Go away! Don’t you have a girlfriend to kiss yourself?”
“Oh, you think I’m not going to take the chance to annoy you guys on your first kiss? What kind of big sister do you take me for?” And Lena chances a look at Alex over her shoulder because she doesn’t sound drunk at all. Not even tipsy. And Lena’s glare softens when she thinks of Kara worrying over her sister's drinking problem. Thinks of how much Alex has worked on her own issues. And of how much the fact that both Danvers sisters had worked so hard on themselves has made their bond all the stronger.
“The best sister!” Kara says, solemn, not a hint of tease in her voice. And then is Alex softening. And Lena is so grateful that Kara has this. That she worked on fixing things with Alex, too. Because she could not get in between these two. 
“Come on, you dorks. We’re all leaving.”
And yes, there’s only the three of them inside. The place looks kind of tidy. Which, when did that happen? So, they gather their things and get outside with the rest. 
“You’ll take her?” Alex asks Lena once they have all shared good-bye hugs. And Lena turns to see Kara squishing M’Gann, again. Smiles:
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evermorehaikyuu · 4 years
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Day 11
Title: Timidity
Note: I’m sorry that this is probably a little shorter. I took the fattest nap today and got held back on my work. Plus I’m working on Shirabu’s at the same time and do not worry, there are no deaths here. Just the normal angst.
Doubt. The feeling that she’d leave him at any second. Even with reassurances, he kept asking himself if he was actually good enough. Compared to his best friend, Tsukishima Kei, he was nothing. How did this doubt start? Everytime a girl came to him, he thought it was because of him. After all, they were glancing down with a sprinkle of pink washed across their cheeks. 
“What’s your friend’s name?”
The normal everyday question. Of course it wasn’t him. It was always Tsukishima, no matter what. 
He told them but Tsukishima always turned them down. Yamaguchi wondered what it was like to be so loved to reject all of them in order to continue playing the chosen sport. Yamaguchi, however, had fallen for another girl and that was his best friend, Y/N L/N.
Whenever Tsukishima was away to go somewhere else, Yamaguchi would follow but soon he got tired of it. A girl came up to him and he braced himself for the question. 
“Do you want to sit with me?” Y/N had asked, a bright grin on her face. 
That threw him off and he found himself agreeing and following after her. He didn’t know how to start the conversation, so they sat in silence for a heartbeat. Then Y/N looked at him and said, “You know, you don’t have to be shy around me, I’m not going to ask about your friend like the other girls.”
He glanced at her and shook his head. “Are you sure you’re not going to ask about him?”
“Mm, no, he’s not really all that interesting to me. You’re smart, you’re nicer than him and you’re definitely more approachable. I mean, girls do go to you rather than him, even if it is to ask about him.” Y/N took a bite of her food, smiling at him.
Yamaguchi stared at her, completely interested in her.  “What’s your name?”
“Y/N L/N.”
“Yamaguchi Tadashi.”
The rest of lunch time was made up of them sharing small talk and sometimes a few laughs, but overall, Yamaguchi had found his new best friend. The girl that he’d be falling for soon enough, yet something that would bring their relationship to their demise. 
“Yamaguchi, are you coming with me right now? We can go to the new restaurant today!” Y/N said once she entered the gym, where all of the boys were already changing into their uniforms. 
Tsukishima looked over at Yamaguchi, who had been staring at Y/N with sparkles in his eyes. It was obvious that he truly did like her, yet Y/N made no sign as if to knowing this or not. She never looked at any other guy though, she mainly focused on Yamaguchi, a small smile on her face whenever she looked at him. 
“Yeah, I’ll go with you right now!” After saying goodbye to the rest of the team, some of them with knowing smiles, Yamaguchi followed after Y/N.
The streets were empty at this hour, the streetlights flickering and usually this would spark a bit of fear into Yamaguchi, seeing as that was the start of a murder scene most of the time. However, something about Y/N was warm and comforting and encouraging as they walked together.
“You’re getting better at your serves, you know that right? You started off a little awkward, but look at you now you’ve trained to get here and you deserve it.” Y/N gazed at him, the corner of her lips upturned in a smile, causing him to smile as well. 
It was something he loved a lot about her. She was genuine, honest but not brutally honest as to hurt his feelings. Y/N was a good person and that smile of hers caused him to fall further for her.
The restaurant was in their vision and it was a lovely and cozy scene. Wooden floors, a honey color palette for the design and the smell of something exquisite being cooked in the kitchen. It was obvious that Y/N was excited as they sat down and got their food.
The environment felt like home and Y/N with him? He never wanted the moment to end, not even when she had paid which made him pout. 
“Thank you.” Y/N blurted.
“For what?” He looked at her bewildered as they stopped in front of her house. “I just came along with you.”
“Not just for that.” She looked up at him and as quick as a flash, she pressed her lips against his before turning away and heading back inside of her house. 
He stared after her, his heart leaping into his throat as he processed what had just happened and a crescent-moon smile spread across his face. She was different. He hadn’t been wrong about her and now the feelings were mutual.
But now...now was different. They were currently in their third year, Yamaguchi was now the captain and had regained a new confidence on the court. That, however, did not mean that he was nervous about being in a relationship. He thought that he wasn’t good enough to treat Y/N the way she should’ve been treated. Relationships were one of the hardest things to get into, but oh so easy to get rid of and thrown away.
Y/N, in her third year, had this aura that caused everyone in the room to turn and look at her. She was much different than in her first year. Both of them had changed a lot, only her love for Yamaguchi had never wavered.
Today was obviously not a good day for Y/N. She entered her house with a frown on her face and slammed down her bag in the corner as Yamaguchi walked in behind her. He gave her space for the rest of the day, but anxiety started creeping on him as there was no end of her fury in sight. He blurted a question out and regretted it on the spot. “Y/N, do you love me?”
She whipped around and frowned. “Tadashi, this is the fifteenth time this week you’ve asked me that. I kept track. You realize I do love you, right? Why do you keep doubting my love for you?”
“I just....” He couldn’t say his fears out loud, terrified that they would become reality.
She rubbed her eyes staring at him. “Tadashi. I do love you, but please...don’t ask me that so often, I know I don’t say it often, but that does not change my love for you.”
“Why do we never go to the restaurant anymore, then? Have I done something wrong?”
“No! I’ve been busy and so have you!”
“But even with my captain duties, you could’ve asked...”
“Are you saying that this is my fault?”
“No, not at all! I’m just saying that we haven’t been communicating, so it keeps sending mixed signals to me! Plus you’ve been hanging out with two other guys instead of me.”
Y/N chuckled darkly, her rage simmering inside of her as she tried to keep it under wraps. “They’re just the guys I tutor, I get paid to tutor them.”
“You used to do it out of the goodness of your heart. What changed? What have I done? What did I do? If I’ve done something to you, tell me, I’ll fix it.” His doubts were back in his mind, fracturing his view on her again. Y/N had the side that was lovable and the side that he was utterly afraid of getting on. And, this time, there was no going back.
“Tadashi, please stop it. Stop making me seem like the bad guy, I’m not the bad guy! You’re the captain, you know your own schedule more than I know yours. I know you’re afraid of me leaving you, you’ve talked about it to Hinata more often than not. You’re the one doubting me.”
“Maybe I am.” Once the words were in the air, his eyes widened and he wished he could take them back. But they just kept coming. “Maybe I thought too highly of you. You don’t care for anyone but yourself.”
Her hands fell to her side as she stared at him. “If you think I’m that selfish, maybe we shouldn’t be together.”
“Wait, Y/N--I do love you, please--”
“Then why do you keep asking if I still love you when you know I do?!”
She wasn’t the person he knew anymore. He couldn’t look in her eyes. It was also his fault for not communicating with her, letting his insecurities take over. He stood up and looked at her. “Did it ever occur to you that you’re hurting me too?”
With those words, he left her place, never looking back. His mind was screaming at him to go back, to apologize, but both of them had become too different to be together. Maybe go back to being friends; however, everyone knew that once you broke up with your once best friend, it would be difficult to go back to normal.
Yamaguchi Tadashi, captain of Karasuno and the glue of the team, was not the glue for himself. He went back home, silent tears streaming down his cheeks as he tried to wipe them away with the palm of his hand. The only girl that had ever accepted him and they drove each other away.
Maybe it was for the best.
But that didn’t mean it wouldn’t scar him.
Taglist: @skyguy-peach​ @jovialnoise​ @versatilewindow​ @tsukiibaka​ @jaegersblogh​ @kodzuken-pie​ @sugusho​ @kara-grayson04​ @erialexerz​ @attixca​ @volleybloop​ @selca11​
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Aaaanyways, I wanna put on my comic-art-nerd hat and talk about panel-to-panel action in that Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow preview because yes, I have been staring at it for days, and yes, I will continue to do so until it is released next month! XD
I apologize in advance for the funky formatting, there’s an art to tumblr text posts and I...have not mastered it. XD
It’ll go image, then analysis.
Also, just to be clear: I’m not doing this so much to be like, ‘WOW THIS IS GROUNDBREAKING, STUNNING, NEVER-BEEN-DONE!’ In fact, many comics do the things I’m gonna highlight/geek out over! Rather, it’s more about, like. Appreciating the construction of the pages, panels, etc.
Okay, so! Page 1, the SPLASH PAGE
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Okay, so, admittedly, I don’t have a ton to say about this opening image, largely because it is one single illustration as opposed to a series of panels. But even then! It quickly establishes that we’re not on earth--the foliage, rock formations, and GIANT WOOLY FRIEND(?) give that away. Also! Said rock formations and wooly friend’s horns frame our new character RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PAGE, letting you know that even though she is tiny, she is important. And, I will just say, I love the dust effects on the ground. The repeated semi-circle shapes evoke the feeling of rhythmic, galloping hoof beats, even without actual movement or sound. Lovely.
And now, PAGE 2!
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So, I’ve highlighted panel 3, but before I get there! Panels 1 & 2 do such a nice job of giving us an idea as to the actual, physical size of these two characters, as well as the power dynamic at play. This random dude takes up the WHOLE DANG PANEL with his bulging muscles and is framed in an up-shot; in panel 2, Ruthye is not only shown from above--we’re literally looking down at her--she is also relegated to the bottom half of the panel. Additionally, it’s a great way to show the action of her turning to pull the sword from her belt, obscuring it from both our view and his, to bring out the ‘big reveal’ in the next panel.
Speaking of! Panel 3! Our establishing shot! We’re introduced to the full interior of this tavern. We see where everything is placed--walls, furniture, and perhaps most importantly, the various patrons!
Establishing shots are so important to have in visual media because they help us, the reader/viewer, to orient all of the various components within a sequence or scene.  
It’s also helpful for the artists because then they can better maintain things like screen direction and continuity.
If we don’t have a shot like this, then subsequent action can become confusing to the point of distraction.
YOU WOULD BE SURPRISED how often this is neglected or forgotten in comics! Scenes will change abruptly and it’s like, ‘wait, wait, where are we?’ 
ADDITIONALLY, the establishing shot not only gives us basic spatial information, it ~sets the mood~ XD Setting! Atmosphere! Genre! It’s all here.
I mentioned this in my prior post, that the art gives off some intense fantasy vibes, what with the organic shapes, rough textures, and color palette.
Folks who’ve read advanced copies have described the book as a fantasy/western; that extends even to the series title design! The designer revealed that the western look of the text is deliberate.
So A+ to the art team for NAILING IT!
Okay, on to page 3!
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Not a ton of notes on this one, but that’s only because the prior page has done such a solid job of laying out the space, as well as the relationship between these two characters WITH JUST WITH THE ART. (Okay, okay, the words help too. XD) Once more, we see this big brute tower over Ruthye, panel- to-panel; he’s always ‘large and in charge’ regardless of the angle. Even in that final panel! Ruthye is the largest element because she’s closer to us, but the guy is still positioned ‘above’ her, literally talking down to Ruthye from over his shoulder. 
(And HMMMM. That unassuming stranger in the back there, underneath the lanterns that seem to act as an arrow pointing right at her...could she be...important?)
(Her tiny size would seem to imply that she isn’t...AND YET...)
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Okay, but before I get into that, I do wanna briefly mention panel size and shape.
All of these pages (save for 1 and 7, which are full-page illustrations) pretty much stick to a very traditional panel structure. Each panel is completely enclosed, and there is zero variety in terms of shape. It’s all rectangles.
BUT. The size and orientation change--take, for instance, that ‘skinny’ horizontal panel up top, the way it perfectly suits the ‘shape’ of the elements/action being shown. It’s a close on Kara’s wrist/hand, reaching out for the sword in the guy’s belt. 
I mention this because often, writers don’t dictate stuff like panel layout in a script. They will give the artist the number of panels, and what needs to be included in each one, but the actual, overall organization of the page? Totally up to the artist.
So! Really knowing what you want to highlight and convey is key, because you can use the panels’ size/shape/relation to other panels to ENHANCE those images, like that sword grabbing up top!
AND! Another thing I love about that panel in particular is the way that Kara’s hand and the sword make a tiny frame for Ruthye! Who is, again, VERY TINY! 
I keep mentioning the size thing because it’s a nice bit of economical visual storytelling; the child character is going to be smaller than the adult characters anyway, but by calling attention to it repeatedly, we as the viewer are constantly reminded that this kid is small! She needs help! She needs to be protected! Which is like, the whole premise of the inciting incident. XD Good stuff!
(Also more dot eyes in comics that aren’t humor comics, please.) 
There’s another frame down in panel 3 as well! Evely uses this device several times throughout this sequence; it’s such a great use of the multiple swords in the scene, AND shows that she can really pack all of the characters in there without cutting any of them off/obscuring them behind various objects.
And like, NO TANGENTS, which takes some serious skillz.
ESPECIALLY when you consider all that beautiful linework. LOOK AT THEM INKS.
...In particular, look at them inks in panel 5! The shading on the booth is done in such a manner that the ‘grain’ of the ink defines the perspective. We’re looking down at Kara, from above. This is a helpful little bit of orientation, as there’s not a ton of room around Kara to have any other perspective lines to help sell the angle. 
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Allow me to explain:
In panel four on page 4, we see the guy reach for his sword, his body language revealing that he’s intent on moving towards Kara.
In panel 5 on the same page, we get that lovely down shot of Kara looking right up at us, the viewer. But also, the implication is that she’s ACTUALLY looking at Tough Guy, because in the next page, we see that he’s positioned himself right above her to swing that sword down!
(My apologies for the poor attempts at drawn annotations.) 
There’s no action lines cluttering up the beautiful art; Not-Conan’s hair, rather, acts as the action line/guiding ‘arc’ so that we can better follow the movement.
Kara, likewise, doesn’t have any action lines on her, but her posture and hair act as visual cues to tell us that she slides over in the booth, out of the way of the sword.
In particular, the way her right shoulder/arm draws closer to her body, and the way her left hand comes up to offset the way she’s now positioned, really sells the ‘slide’. 
More beautiful indicators of movement in panel 2; the hair, the action line on the sword, the torn fabric of Kara’s shirt.
Panel 3 brings more FRAMES WITHIN FRAMES! And, actually, as I’m looking at it? I think it could be argued that we actually have a FRAME within a FRAME within a FRAME!
First frame: Panel border, natch.
Second frame: Goofus’ sword, arm, and face frame Kara.
Third frame: Kara’s arm and sword work with Goofus’ head again to frame tiny Krypto.
And now, a note about colors!
I said before that I love the palette at play. The earthy tones give the entire setting an organic feel--this is not a high-tech locale! We’re dealing with natural materials here.
Not only do we get that nice split complementary thing happening with the yellow, but it also signals the blue of Kara’s costume, a little hint of which is revealed in the final page.
And, like. It’s night time. XD
(I just gotta say, love the cold blue outside the window next to Kara’s table, contrasted with the warm yellow of the interior. Even though this is a bar, there’s still that element of like. Coziness.)
Also! Even though the overall palette is heavy on the yellows, Kara’s hair is more saturated and leans towards a warmer yellow, while the rest of the yellows in the scene are cooler. Thus! We have CONTRAST! Our eyes are drawn right to her.
And I know--I KNOW--that SG comics twitter already hates King because Kara’s DRINKING and personally I want more of the story/context before I pass any judgement but I must admit, the shapes? In panel 5? With Kara drinking in the foreground? 
I kinda love it.
Also mmmm-MMMM, more of them SOFT BLUES.
Okay. PAGE 6!
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Now THIS PAGE is what inspired this whole endeavor.
Because, okay. If I’ve not made it clear by now: I read a lot of comics.
And I generally enjoy all of the comics I read!
But, what I’ve found lately, is that if I don’t enjoy a comic, it’s because I, as a reader, find myself confused by the art.
Confused as in, the art is hard to follow.
That can be because the color design/ink work doesn’t have enough contrast, or the composition is muddled, but most frequently?
It’s poor panel-to-panel action.
When there’s no flow/connection between what’s happening in one panel vs. another, suddenly it’s on you, as the reader, to do a lot more of the work as you go through the scene. And sometimes! We don’t even have enough visual information to DO that work!
So when I read this, I was like, ‘ah, thank you, an easy flow of action for my brain to appreciate.’ XD
AND SO. Panel 1! Same stuff we’ve been seeing! The ink work, hair, clothing details, etc. all work to show us which direction each character is moving. Kara’s arm and jacket all point to her slamming that mug in the dude’s face; dude’s sword serves as a GIANT ARROW illustrating the path of his stab.
Not much to say on panels 2 and 3 other than: FACIAL EXPRESSIONS! And also, HAIR!!!
Love. This. Panel.
Again, I really love that there are no action lines slapped on top of this gorgeous art, all of the movement is conveyed in the inks, body language, clothes, and so on.
Like. There’s a conscious decision, here, to not have Kara’s hair obscuring the dude’s torso, and that’s good! Because his belt/uhh...kilt? Skirt? Is showing us the speed and direction of his jab; if Kara’s hair were in the way, it would break up the flow.
Note the ties on her cuff, and the inks on her jacket!
There’s nothing special happening with Krypto, BTW. I just circled him because he’s a Good Boy who deserves to be noticed.
Panel 5, more of the same, the inks telling us how these characters are moving through space. ALSO, the length of the lines conveys speed without needing to add something distracting/obscure the art with a ‘blur’ effect.
Final panel! I. LOVE. THIS.
Particularly the movement in Kara’s hair, just. Beautiful shape language.
But in addition! You’ve got that LOVELY line of action in Kara’s spine as she flips him over, the sword likewise curved in the direction of the throw.
And of course, the dude is crumpling in the appropriate direction, bent in the middle as he collides with the table to--quite literally--complete the circle.
Also, just. The characterization here, is PHENOMENAL.
People (read: irate fans on twitter) have expressed concern (read: complained) about Kara having a sword. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that Kara’s basically a murderer now, because she’s using a weapon.
Never mind the fact that in an episode of JLU, Supergirl used both a sword AND a gun to defend herself while in Skartaris because she had no powers. 
Except we see here that Kara DOESN’T USE THE SWORD to take the guy out, she uses his own force against him. She only uses the swords in the FINAL PAGE in a type of ‘yield’ fashion.
(This particular ‘fight’ sequence reminded me of Brainy’s fighting style in the show so of course that added to my overall enjoyment.)
Like, Kara’s got no powers here, she very well could have used the sword to defend herself, and would...kinda be justified.
But she didn’t! 
Like. Even drunk and therefore out of it, Kara 1.) Steps in to help that kid and 2.) doesn’t use superpowered lethal force on the guy. (I mean, she can’t use her super powers anyway, what with the red sun, but you get the idea.)
And like, the flourish there, of the arms, the way the jacket swirls around her, like a gymnast sticking the landing, GAAAAAHHHH I just love it. It’s great.
Okay, FINAL PAGE, #7:
Tumblr media
I mean. What more can I say? EVELY AND LOPES, MAN.
Just some top notch art.
(Also get it guys, it’s a LITERAL shirt rip! XD)
(And look! There’s that tiny bit of blue!)
But anyways, if you’ve made it this far, I applaud you, and thank you for indulging my desire to just. Geek out over one of my favorite comic artists drawing one of my favorite comic characters.
And just to like, reiterate, I’m not suggesting that this comic is THE BEST EVER or that it’s going to redefine the medium, or anything. XD Everything I’ve mentioned here is...pretty basic storytelling mechanics. Watch any movie, and you’ll see all this same stuff at work.
RATHER, this whole post is more about...admiring two artists who clearly know what they’re doing.
And they’re doing it so well! :D
TL;DR: I’m so excited that the Supergirl book has Evely and Lopes, guys. So. Excited. 
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svgoceandesigns1 · 6 months
Handle Hard Better SVG - Kara Lawson Trending SVG PNG, Cricut File
Handle Hard Better SVG, Kara Lawson Trending SVG PNG EPS DXF PDF, Cricut File, Instant Download File, Cricut File Silhouette Art, Logo Design, Designs For Shirts. ♥ Welcome to SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Store! ♥ ► PLEASE NOTE: – Since this item is digital, no physical product will be sent to you. – Your files will be ready to download immediately after your purchase. Once payment has been completed, SVG Ocean Designs will send you an email letting you know your File is ready for Download. You may also check your Order/Purchase History on SVG Ocean Designs website and it should be available for download there as well. – Please make sure you have the right software required and knowledge to use this graphic before making your purchase. – Due to monitor differences and your printer settings, the actual colors of your printed product may vary slightly. – Due to the digital nature of this listing, there are “no refunds or exchanges”. – If you have a specific Design you would like made, just message me! I will be more than glad to create a Custom Oder for you. ► YOU RECEIVE: This listing includes a zip file with the following formats: – SVG File (check your software to confirm it is compatible with your machine): Includes wording in both white and black (SVG only). Other files are black wording. – PNG File: PNG High Resolution 300 dpi Clipart (transparent background – resize smaller and slightly larger without loss of quality). – DXF: high resolution, perfect for print and many more. – EPS: high resolution, perfect for print, Design and many more. ► USAGE: – Can be used with Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Cameo, Silhouette Studio, Adobe Illustrator, ...and any other software or machines that work with SVG/PNG files. Please make sure your machiMone and software are compatible before purchasing. – You can edit, resize and change colors in any vector or cutting software like Inkscape, Adobe illustrator, Cricut design space, etc. SVG cut files are perfect for all your DIY projects or handmade business Product. You can use them for T-shirts, scrapbooks, wall vinyls, stickers, invitations cards, web and more!!! Perfect for T-shirts, iron-ons, mugs, printables, card making, scrapbooking, etc. ►TERMS OF USE: – NO refunds on digital products. Please contact me if you experience any problems with the purchase. – Watermark and wood background won’t be shown in the downloaded files. – Please DO NOT resell, distribute, share, copy, or reproduce my designs. – Customer service and satisfaction is our top priority. If you have any questions before placing orders, please contact with us via email "[email protected]". – New products and latest trends =>> Click Here . Thank you so much for visiting our store! SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Read the full article
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coredrill · 3 years
ok full swv thots now that i’ve seen them all:
the duel:
me while watching: huh this art style reminds me of jojos, which i have not watched in part bc i find its artstyle off putting
me when i found out it was animated by a studio that’s worked on jojo’s: 👁👄👁
i liked the story and the umbrellasaber and the music!!! just the artstyle was not for me :( i like colors lmao
tatooine rhapsody:
cute!! chibi bib fortuna was SO FUNNY LOOKING me n my brother laughed at it for like an hour 😂😂😂
i’m CRYING the one band member was like “working for the hutt syndicate is BORINNNGGGG” but then his band ended up working for the syndicate 😂😂😂
the twins:
this one being by imaishi and trigger, and also most evocative of the ot, really just gets me in the fucking heart lmao. i’m as full of love as any trigger anime 💜💜💜❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
i’ve already talked abt this one extensively so i’ll leave it at that for now lmao
the village bride:
i wish there was more lightsaber fighting the design was so cool!!!
the ninth jedi:
i think this was my favorite after the twins!! kara was so cute!!!
bro when they mentioned “the lightsaber changes colors with the force user” i was like “oh we’re totally gonna see a sith then” but i did not expect them ALL to be sith FNSNDNSNDMKEI
i loved the animation too!! especially the lightsaber duels + ice fire thing + speeder chase!!!
i loved the music and the animation on this one!!!
it took me forever to get through bc i kept pausing to read the aurebesh (which was mostly either nonsense or a language i actually don’t understand) LMAO
the rogue one reference!!! hell yeah!!!!
the elder:
another one i have already talked about so i will just say i love dan!!!!
oh wait also i do want to add that i thought the lightsaber fights were very well done and creative and stylistically unique (as in like. fighting style)!!!!!
lop & ochō:
the imperial officer reminds me of fuckign. ROMAN TORCHWICK AJDNDNNSJSKSL i do like his undercut tho 👀
good dads and found family………….WAAAAAAHHHHH
bro that was so sad what the fuck. like i loved it and it was one of my favs!!!!!! but. FUCK
ngl the music in this one was pretty distracting……..people are FIGHTING and DYING and its like. Lofi Vaporwave Beats 😭😭😭😭😭😭
really my only big critique is the voice acting :( i only ever watch dubs bc i’m too stupid to read subs and watch at the same time and it was pretty disappointing that most of the voices were just off putting??? like some were good (AM SOUNDED SO UNHINGED, her voice grew on me tbh) but some weren’t (karre…you deserved to be johnny yong bosch or yuri lowenthal or like any other trigger protag dub va lmaoooooo).
also the music!!! like it was good at times but ESPECIALLY for the twins i thought it wasn’t the best. like they should’ve just brought in sawano for some unhinged gay keysmash vocal track for that one scene. and clearly other people agree bc i’ve seen it with sorairo days, libera me from hell, and before my body is dry!!!!! DONT LOSE YOUR WAAAAAAYYYYY
overall i really enjoyed it though!!! it feels wholesome and healing to consume new star wars content and not be consumed by blinding rage :)
like i feel like they all understood the essence of star wars but wanted to put their own spin on it!!!! you can tell the creators love it and want to honor what came before!!!! and they’re giving it the highest honor they can: carving out their own stories in the universe that share what they love so much about it!!!
like. MAN. just PLEASE turn all of star wars into anime at this point. this was so refreshing and good and i loved it!!!!
like the lightsabers ALONE were the coolest they’ve EVER been. and they’re LIGHTSABERS!!!!!!! theyre cool by default!!!!!!
truly genuinely amazing what happens when you give star wars back to the culture that so much of it was poached from in the first place………..
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 years
ohmygod please show us the pacific rim AU
Okay, in full disclosure the pac rim AU had a previous incarnation as an SG-1 AU. I thought it was AU enough that I would be able to swap out names and be totally fine with some minor changes, but ultimately those minor changes became major changes and I just didn’t have the patience for it. It might be something I come back to now and then as the mood strikes, because I really fucking love this story.
Here’s a taste:
Kara had been nine years old when she first saw Brawler Yukon on the television. Growing up in Midvale, the threat of kaiju had been all too real, but their town had been small enough that none ever knocked on their door. The Jaegers, however, were a whole other story. Kara used to spend hours on the beach, hoping to see a glimpse of a Jaeger in the distance, patrolling the Miracle Mile. Brawler Yukon was the first of its kind, and a far cry from the humanoid form the later designs. He had been built for function and not much else, with slow stubby legs and cannons in lieu of arms. But he’d proven effective, defeating two kaiju before the next Mark of Jaegers were implemented. 
From that first victory parade, Kara’d been hooked. She’d read everything she could get her hands on about Jaegers, and spent every cent she saved on books and stat cards, tracking the transition from Mark 1’s to the 2’s. 
The day she turned eighteen, she went straight to the recruiting center to enlist. They remembered her from when her older sister Alex had enlisted, and welcomed her as well. But where Alex had gone straight to engineering, Kara had been fast-tracked to Anchorage. 
The moment she laid eyes on the Academy Jaeger, Sensei, Kara had known she was exactly where she was meant to be. Her heart had pounded so fiercely that Sensei had bounced and jumped in her unblinking vision, and now Belladonna Banshee did the same.
She towered taller than even Sensei had that first day, topping him by at least another hundred feet and spanning another six decks above them. In one moment, her immensity made it seem as though Kara could reach out and touch her. The next, Kara caught sight of the technicians barely visible against her hull. Technicians worked on key points of her hull, mere ants against her massive bulk-- she spied one cluster on her left shoulder, another spaced evenly across the dead center of her breastplate, sparks flying as they welded the edges of her plating.
Banshee's helm evoked the style of the medieval greathelms she saw in history books, with a flat top and a narrow eye slit to serve as the viewport of the connpod. Sparks from the technicians working on her shoulder flared against the red tint of the viewport screen, dancing across the metal like a heartbeat. Banshee stood at a proud attention, her chest plates closed to present a battle ready warrior, just waiting for her pilots. Kara could barely breathe as she continued to stare.
In the shadows, her hull gleamed a rich, thick black, but the rays of light filtering down from above caught oddly on her edges. A shifting sheen of green, purple, and deep blue all shimmered like oil in a puddle, distorting her planes and angles to blur her true shape to the naked eye. Kara tilted her head this way and that, piecing together as whole an outline as she could. As she did the oily colors spooled and glimmered against Banshee's base black, as though she wore the galaxy as a cloak.
Kara returned to her senses when a passing technician called sharply to a colleague. Heat crept up her neck when she realized she'd been staring. She sent a guilty glance to Lena, but froze when she found her guide similarly entranced. The doctor’s features lost some of their stiffness in her study of the Jaeger, noticeably softening her expression. 
She looked at Belladonna Banshee like she was the only thing that existed, her eyes warm with an affection Kara had yet to see her direct towards any human. A gentle smile curled her lips, belying a devotion Kara only recognized because she felt it deep in her own soul.
Someone bumped Kara from behind, thumping her shoulder against Lena’s, dispelling the trance Banshee cast on her. A blush rose to the doctor’s cheeks, and for the first time since their meeting Kara found herself on even footing. 
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