#this was in my drafts and idk why I never posted it
hey. if you're one of those people carrying something you're struggling with but that you absolutely cannot put down, i see you. if other people rely on you to live, meaning you cant take a break on helping them without putting them at risk, i see you. i understand you. i know how frustrating all those "its okay to take time for yourself!" posts are when taking time for yourself would cause immense suffering for others. im sorry that youre carrying that alone and that i cannot help you with it. but i see you. you are not the only person feeling this. your feelings are valid and do not mean you're a bad person, or doing a bad job. youre doing great. but im sorry you have to.
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justaz · 5 months
merlin’s secret being a visual thing. when he is around arthur or gwen or leon or morgana or [insert whatever character here] merlin seems pale and thin, almost like a ghost or an apparition. when the sun lands on him he reflects it like a corpse, he eyes seem dark and dull. he has this ethereal beauty to him, this otherworldly visage that leads many to believe he is of fae blood. he just doesn’t seem to be 100% human. but when he is ONLY with lancelot or gaius (cough or gwaine bc gwaine DEFINITELY knew) merlin is heartachingly human. merlin shines in the sunlight, colors are brighter and more vibrant around him, and his smiles are wide and his laughs are boisterous. he takes on color and leaves everyone wanting to know him. but when other join in or interact with the two, merlin shifts before their eyes so quickly and suddenly that they aren’t sure whether or not what they saw was a trick of the light. the idea still leaves them wanting more and wanting to see the merlin who is just so full of life but that merlin only appears for a small select group of people. merlin who has a guard so high that it has an effect of other’s perception of him.
#arthur is absolutely steaming about this btw#he so desparately wants to be in the golden bubble around merlin in those moments#but his mere presence seems to pop it#hes fuming#its not until after the magic ban is repealed that everyone gets to see the glowing golden merlin#and they finally realize what the trick of the light was#merlin who is magic incarnate who (no matter how hard he tries) cannot fully repress what makes him him#arthur who finally gets to be in the golden bubble and its so much better than he ever couldve imagined#merlins magic is finally able to roam free the way it only could with a few people#merlins magic who absolutely adores arthur and is constantly reaching out for him even if him and merlin arent in the same vicinity#lmao arthur bringing up how merlins magic likes to card thru his hair and ease any sore muscles he may have#and lancelot and gwaine going ‘wtf? what about my muscles and hair?? merlin hates me?? merlin is playing favorites???? jail.’#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#subtle magic my beloved#visibly Strange merlin my dear#idk i was thinking about pre-magic reveal!arthur watching merlin and lancelot talking and then pouting and going#‘why doesnt he smile and look at me like that? :(‘#and then post-magic reveal!arthur having a moment of realization and going#like ‘oh hes hiding a huge part of what makes him him. i only know half of my best friend.’#and then setting out to know ALL of him bc arthur and merlin are soulmates and in love and two sides of the same coin and best friends and-#im going thru my drafts and finding so many banger posts#idk why i never posted them LMAOO
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writingjourney · 1 month
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he's wiggling his finger at all you naughty people :)
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taxkha · 1 year
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Sorry Klavier, Im sure he will get it one day
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minkyutie · 3 months
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jay b - not by the moon
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emblazons · 5 months
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Finn Wolfhard + me every time someone talks about twt drama from the Vanity Fair Lie Detector Test Interview
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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Saw some reblogs and likes on old Catradora so I dug out a never finished WIP
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sneeb-canons · 5 months
Headcanon #500:
Mind is afraid that when he distances himself from or above the others, that he will be too far gone to come back down. That when his paranoia gets the best of him, he'll shut everyone else out and then be completely alone with no way back to where he was before.
Heart is afraid that if Mind is right, with the idea that what he does isn't genuine, that he's being manipulative without realizing it. Then therefore being Whole without himself there is the better option. That he'd be thrown out because his ideas would then be "not worth it" or even "vile"
Soul is afraid that no matter what he does or how good things will be, they'll always eventually split up again or even end up worse. Even then he has no clue what he's supposed to do or be during everything, and so because of that he'll never be whole. Or worse that he'll never really "feel" whole.
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cypresstheworld · 4 months
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haseul ○ birth
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pinkelotjeart · 17 days
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my official persona character tierlist, no debate, i'm right
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sleepyezzy · 7 days
I like your art style! Do you have any more drawings ii? (૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭
yyyyeah a couple
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microraptorart · 1 month
So the original The Creature didn't work out (cracked when drying, very sad) ... he can be salvaged, but he is not present quality. (Is that where "presentable" comes from? Present-able? Much to consider)
Luckily I had a bit of leftover clay! And also pneumonia on Christmas eve. This was NOT lucky, but it did happen. However, silver lining - it meant I had time to make. A different creature.
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She's a sew-horse
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(The pun works better in danish)
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Winnie the sewhorse has been gifted to my mother as a christmas gift 🐟🐴✨🐎🦐🪡🧵
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son1c · 6 months
y'all don't even know about what happens after fibula encounters femur that first time... because, like, sure, he runs away from her. he flees the graveyard and disappears into the woods because he can't bear to face her.
but he doesn't go back to eggman. he can't. he's panicking too much to think straight. stumbling through the trees, overwhelmed by a cavalcade of emotions brought forth by seeing his sister again. he thought she was dead, but she's not. he thought, if she was alive, that she wouldn't care about him anymore. but she does. clearly--since she was visiting his grave, and leaving him gifts.
fibula is CRASHING through the woods, making so much noise and not caring at all about how many plants he's trampling underfoot. the flickies are pissed. he doesn't care. he doesn't even see them.
all he can see is his sister's face--older. her eyes, confused. because she doesn't recognize him.
and it hits him all at once the situation that he's in. undead. stitched together with chaos energy and mechanical legs. a monster. he never cared before. in fact, he actually thought it was pretty cool to be a monster. but his own sister's failure to recognize him causes his still heart to twist painfully.
is this really right? everything he's done since being revived, all the torment he's caused and ENJOYED causing... he's rethinking it now that he's seen femur again. because even though being a menace has made him happy, what would his sister think? would she be disappointed? or, worse...
would she be afraid of him?
the thought of it causes him choke and stumble, and by this point he's made enough of a ruckus to attract the attention of a certain blue hero... who of course, starts on a quip about how he wasn't planning on kicking any zombie butt today, but...
and then sonic sees The Absolute State(TM) that fibula is in, and whatever he was going to say dies in his throat. cuz he's seen a lot of stuff, but one of his enemies crying their eyes out? gotta say, this would be the first time. meanwhile, fibula is NOT EXCITED about running into sonic, because spilling so many tears--which are actually just liquefied chaos energy, aka the stuff KEEPING HIM ALIVE--has left him exhausted, and he doesn't think he has any energy left to fight.
and he's right! because he collapses shortly after sonic steps closer, his ears perking up curiously after fibula chokes out something about his sister... and when he wakes up some time later, he finds himself strapped to another metal table (different from the one eggman revived him on).
as it turns out, fibula's little "face down in the dirt" stunt from earlier made sonic think he was dead. like DEAD dead, for real this time. so, our favorite blue hero dragged fibula back to tails' lab to see if he could fix it. (tails, of course, was baffled by the situation, but a chance to examine eggman's handiwork up close could be useful regardless of the fact fibula is less tech and more flesh than most things the doctor works on.)
immediately, fibula tries to break free, but tails has that shit locked down, so the restraints don't budge. then, fibula remembers seeing femur earlier, and resigns himself to laying on the table. it's not that he's given up, it's just... this might be the worst day of his life (and the competition is pretty steep, so that's really saying something).
meanwhile, tails isn't sure what to do. by this point, he's noticed that fibula is awake, but sonic isn't around--he ran off once it was clear that tails had the situation under control--so he doesn't have his big brother to guide him. and he doesn't even really know fibula. since this is the first time they're directly interacting (before this, all tails would've heard was wild tales from sonic, amounting to nothing more than spotty secondhand knowledge).
and the thing is, fibula has no idea who tails is either. all he can see is that he's a kid. and fibula has a very strict rule against hurting kids (because they remind him of his sister. who is apparently still alive. and doesn't recognize him. oh, man--)
fibula forces himself to say something. "you don't look like you work for eggman," probably. with his typical snark, but it lacks its usual bite.
tails would scoff. an astute observation from the guy who was clinically dead a few minutes ago, he thinks. then, he tells fibula that he doesn't work for eggman, because he's on the opposite team.
that makes fibula grimace. great. so, he's strapped to an ENEMY'S table. and then he remembers running into sonic after having his little freakout in the graveyard, and everything starts to make a little more sense.
and of course THAT is when sonic saunters back in, probably with a snack in hand like, "how's it goin' in here, tails?" all casual-like. but he Knows. and fibula knows that he knows. and fibula is DETERMINED to act like nothing happened and sonic didn't see ANYTHING and nothing is wrong. so he instantly snaps back, because now he can focus on being a jerk again instead of whatever awful feelings have been brewing in his gut since last night...
and tails watches. he watches as fibula and sonic bicker and comments on fibula's strange state of not-life, not-death but fibula ignores him on purpose... until tails gets fed up and states bluntly that maybe he shouldn't've revived him, even though sonic asked, cuz he's so mean.
and there's half a second where fibula has nothing to say. SONIC helped him? even though they're enemies? but then fibula sneers at sonic and says "your mistake."
and sonic has that fucking look in his eye... you know... the one where he thinks he knows everything. the "we'll see about that"-type look. and fibula hates it so much because it just adds to his Inner Turmoil(TM). like, he's evil now! he's evil! and bad! and a no-good, rotten hedgehog!
and he's also strapped to a table. and owes his not-life to a tiny little fox, apparently.
and for the first time since sonic showed up, fibula looks at tails. he looks him right in the face with his unsettling orange eyes that shouldn't be. and he says, "your big bro thinks he's got it all figured out. but you're the smart one, i can tell. so i'll take your word over his."
and tails kinda like... falters. cuz he wasn't expecting that? and fibula doesn't realize it, but what he said reveals a lot of his inner conflict to tails. cuz he's right... tails IS the smart one. and when tails eventually lets fibula go, and fibula scampers back to the empire, tails is left wondering about fibula and his cracked facade
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quasiimodo · 7 months
fun facts i learned from listening to the hunchback audio commentary
tony jay doesn’t know how to do a spit take
they literally named phoebus’ horse “achilles” for the sheer sake of the “achilles, heel” pun 
kevin kline fucked up a lot of takes by whacking his prop sword off the microphone (which he insisted on using to “get into character”) 
the only scene in the film to use june withers’ voice as laverne is the scene leading up to “a guy like you” 
after phoebus says “will we allow it?” during the battle of notre dame, the gargoyles were originally meant to say: “what did he say?” “he said he lost his wallet!” 
the hidden sattelite dish during the bird’s eye view shot during “out there” 
the hidden donald and goofy statutes on one of notre dame’s ledges just before quasi takes esmeralda and djali down the cathedral
jason alexander stuffed his face with bbq chips for the “i thought i was the cute one!” line
one of the few times actors were in the recording studio together was jason alexander & charles kimbough to record “a guy like you” 
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pa-pa-plasma · 9 months
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just finished rereading Skeleton Key and i think i pinpointed the exact moment in this series when Mrs. Jones stopped giving a shit
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wingsofhcpe · 8 months
Aramis: I wasn’t that drunk last night!
Porthos: You were flirting with Anne.
Aramis: So what? She's my wife.
Athos: You asked her if she was single.
D'artagnan: And then you cried when she said she wasn't.
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