#this was literally just an excuse to write them being super sweet while getting high and star gazing
fromtenthousandfeet · 4 months
Dang, girl, you almost have me feeling sorry for Jungkook. Well, the man does love music. And OMG, does he love to sing.
I don't have the time or inclination to be an akgae, but if I did, I would do everything in my power to get NLG--masterpiece that it is--in front of as many people as possible.
Fortunately. I don't have a lot of power. Maybe I could solicit some friends to do a TikTok dance challenge. It would consist of us rocking back and forth and shouting, go,go,go,go,go,go,go,go,go,go,go! Easy-peasey, lemon squeeezy, Just the level we could carry off after a few beers.
I'd post long tirades on X and all other platforms, calling out the haters, because JK already explained why NLG is short and unfinished, poor darling, and he hopes we support it anyway, and it is so super sweet how much he love his fans, isn't it?
(Btw, can you imagine any other professional musician doing that? Releasing unfinished music and then giving excuses to your fans while asking them to buy it?)
Snarkiness aside, eventually people are going to see there is no there...there. Jungkook is like the empty vessel that takes on whatever it is they're pouring. Or maybe this is exactly what he wants and thinks he needs to achieve the super stardom he's been chasing.
I don't even know which would be worse.
Anon, thanks for the laugh!
Did my post not come across as sincere?!? To be perfectly frank, I really don't get the hype around JK. He strikes me as being just a hair above average, with the advantage of having had a lot of voice lessons. He's like the kid who gets a solo in the church choir or the lead in the high school musical. Good, but not great.
Here's the deal. I'm not a Taylor Swift fan, but I don't lose my shit if I hear one of her songs. I don't begrudge her success. I don't mind that other people love her. I literally don't care about her one way or another. And that's how I should feel about Jungkook, too, if only his career wasn't being launched at the expense of Jimin's. In my humble opinion, Jimin is the only one out the seven who has a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding in the US as a solo artist. Put all seven on equal footing and then let's see how they do.
You're dead on about releasing and making excuses for a bad song. It's sooooo unprofessional. But it doesn't really matter since his fandom eats up whatever he releases. The JJK comments I've read on Twitter in the last 24 hours are absolutely unhinged. Apparently, he is grossly neglected by both the company and ARMY!!!
And you're also right about him being an empty vessel. Do yourself a favor and Google Mijoo hand tattoo. That boy doesn't have an original idea in his head. I'm sure the Kurt Cobain quote on his arm was her idea, too, because he embodies the absolute opposite of "better dead than cool." He's an average singer, a decent dancer who is getting increasingly stiff, he has a dubious work ethic and no strong musical vision (at least so far). That is not exactly a recipe for long-term success. That Scooter push can only keep him afloat for so long. And boy did he have a lot of it yesterday. All the major music media outlets were mentioning his song, but the only engagement the posts got were from JJKs.
Look at Day 2 for Never Let Go. Nearly 45% of his streams are coming from Thailand and Vietnam.
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Hmmmm. I feel like I was baited into writing this angry screed and now I feel guilty. As penance, I shall tap into those years of ballet and modern dance study from my child and teen years and commit myself entirely to making interpretive dance TikTok videos set to NLG. It's the least I can do.
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theolddarkmachine · 7 years
desert smoke & aries rising
There was something about weed and starlight that was inherently romantic to Keith. Maybe it was the way those very stars he looked up to seemed to burrow their way into the spaces between his ribs with each inhale. Maybe it was the combination of the constellations with the heady scent of musky floral.
Most likely, it was because if he was sitting on the roof, tracking the likes of Andromeda and Scorpius with a joint between his lips, he wasn’t alone.
“I wonder what everyone would say if they knew my supplier was the Takashi Shirogane,” he mused, each word carrying a cloud across his lips. It had never escaped Keith that the biggest joke of all was that the Garrison’s pride and joy was also the one with the best bud on campus.
It’s medicinal, Shiro had once said when Keith didn’t know better.
Medicinal, my ass, Keith had said, because he’d always known better.
Warnings: Rated T for Teen for making out and getting high.
Word count: 2k
A/N: I CAN NEITHER CONFIRM OR DENY MY OWN EXPERIENCES WITH MARY JANE. However, if I did so happen to have any, my favorite strain would probably be called Space Queen. This was partially inspired by @acatnamedskai ‘s smoky Sheiths ( x // x ) that originally got the idea of Sheith and weed stuck in my head. And also somehow partially inspired by a drive home from volunteering and shuffle hitting me with some Panic! at the Disco. yall i just dont even know either okay
There was something about weed and starlight that was inherently romantic to Keith. Maybe it was the way those very stars he looked up to seemed to burrow their way into the spaces between his ribs with each inhale. Maybe it was the combination of the constellations with the heady scent of musky floral.
Most likely, it was because if he was sitting on the roof, tracking the likes of Andromeda and Scorpius with a joint between his lips, he wasn’t alone.
“I wonder what everyone would say if they knew my supplier was the Takashi Shirogane,” he mused, each word carrying a cloud across his lips. It had never escaped Keith that the biggest joke of all was that the Garrison’s pride and joy was also the one with the best bud on campus.
It’s medicinal, Shiro had once said when Keith didn’t know better.
Medicinal, my ass, Keith had said, because he’d always known better.
A shoulder pressed playfully into the meat of his arm as Shiro leaned in close, plucking the spliff easily from between his fingers as Keith marveled at the way the contact was interpreted through his skin as a gilded thrum. He would never admit that he was a quantifiable weed lightweight, but if he did, he would say that a couple hits was all he needed to turn simple touches into painted colors that left his mind reeling.
Good thing he wasn’t admitting it.
“No one would believe you, bad boy,” Shiro laughed darkly around the moniker before pinching the joint between his thumb and forefinger, bringing it carefully to his lips before he sucked in a deep breath. For a moment, Keith let himself get lost in the way his cheeks hollowed around the inhale.
For another, he recalled how Shiro’s cheeks had hollowed the same way earlier around a different kind of suck.
Seconds past as the older cadet let the smoke settle into his lungs, coating it with the earthy sour taste of their favorite bud. All the while he held Keith’s gaze, waiting until he knew good and well that he was truly seeing him before dropping a deadly wink.
Heat rose up from the forest fire in his chest and flooded to his cheeks, turning them a light pink that he’d be embarrassed about if he didn’t already feel the buzz of the smoke that shook all his other shames away.
“You make being a bad boy sound hot,” he hummed thoughtfully as he Shiro offered him the joint again. While he knew he probably shouldn’t, the bright shock of the cherry was oh so inviting.
Almost as inviting as the lips that had just kissed it with more life.
A smirk twitched at the corner of Shiro’s mouth before he exhaled a near opaque curtain of smoke that masked all but the sharp spark of his silver eyes.
“You are hot,” he said simply with a shrug as if it was the most natural and obvious thing. Of course, to Shiro, it probably was. Keith didn’t have any qualms about how his boyfriend felt about him. He knew, just as much as Shiro knew how he felt. They were vocal enough about it, and when words just weren’t enough to capture the way their veins burned with want, they translated it through touch.
That didn’t stop the way those three simple words made his stomach flip and his heart jolt.
Some would call it sappy.
Keith would call it love. With a side of some Space Queen.
“Shut up,” he said without heat before he pushed the filter between his teeth and knocked his shoulder against Shiro’s in soft retaliation. Dragging in another long breath of hazy burnt earth, he focused on the way it twisted and burned its way down his throat. It sent a rush to his head in the most satisfyingly dizzy way as he turned his eyes towards the sky, not missing the way the pinpricks of light dragged into lines before his vision could catch up.
They really were beautiful. Not that they weren’t always.
There had been two reasons why Keith had come to the Galaxy Garrison. The first being that he really didn’t have any other option. Iverson had plucked him from a holding cell in the local jail after he’d stolen the man’s hover bike and “shown him some of the best racing style he’d ever seen.”
Get in a simulator, and I’ll drop the charges, the man had said in a commanding voice. If anyone asked, Keith would have told them that it was nothing more than a good business decision.
Really, it was the second reason, which was the never ending stretch of stars that littered the desert sky each night.
There hadn’t been much that Keith could depend on in his life. Other people were always a letdown, and life always seemed to like to remind him of that, but the stars? They had always been there for him in a way that no one else had been and the Garrison stood like a shiny and chrome beacon trying to help him finally find a place amongst them.
Of course, then he’d been a dumb kid with a chip on his shoulder and some pointed, bony fists.
Well, now he was still a dumb kid with hard fists, but he’d also found someone as reliable as the inky night sky.
Takashi Shirogane. Noble silver. Just like the starlight they both shared a deep rooted love for. Keith hated to say it felt like fate.
“The bud has you thoughtful tonight, babe,” Shiro’s voice was a purr at his ear as his nose brushed against the soft waves around it, sending a shock of neon tickles racing down his spine and eliciting a sharp laugh that expelled smoke upwards towards the heavens. Fingers brushed over the bow of his lips as they gently pulled the blunt from between them.
“No,” Keith said in a hush, violet gaze painting itself over the shape of Aries above them as he raised a hand to gesture to it. “It’s just—”
Words escaped him as he tried to string together the proper sentiments to explain to Shiro just how beautiful he thought it all was. Beautiful, gorgeous and devastatingly magnificent just didn’t seem to sum it up. If he could, he would just something about how the pinpricks of faraway light gave him the same feeling of awe as the bright polished silver of Shiro’s eyes and then maybe he would get it.
Only everything he wanted to say was a swirl of haze and lightning that ran through his body, unruly and unattainable.
“I know,” Shiro breathed, leaving a shock of heat burning across his cheek before he soothed it away with a gentle kiss. “We’re going to be up there one day.”
It was another simple statement that painted Keith’s insides bright yellow. We’re going to be up there one day. Simple and easy, and as obvious as the sky being up and the sea being down.
He could have said as much, but even the three letters of ‘yes’ stuck themselves to the inside of his throat. Instead, Keith turned his head quickly, capturing Shiro’s lips with his own. It was a sweet thing, tinged with the edge of sour smoke that still hung on their tongues. Without preamble, and without breaking the contact, Keith rolled over his hip, deftly crawling into Shiro’s lap and wrapping his arms around his neck.
The sweetness was quickly chased away by something much more sloppy, and much more natural as he opened into the kiss, pressing forward with his tongue and licking the back of Shiro’s teeth. He felt the steady slide of his boyfriend’s hands as the skimmed up and over his ribs, the soft poke of the joint still clutched in the v of his fingers drawing a ticklish line along the heat that spread with them.
“Keith.” His name was a moan that he swallowed as he ground his hips down, the sensation of it cracking his lips into a devilish smile. Behind his sternum, he could feel the expanding formation of a whole new universe that was sure to burn him alive if he wasn’t careful.
Gently, Keith pulled back.
“Baby,” Shiro said in a hush as he chased after him with half lidded eyes and peony petal lips. The sight of him pushed the solar flare closer to being as Keith pushed his fingers up the nape of his neck, catching the growing hair hair there between their spaces. He was always beautiful, but like this, he was stunning. A paragon of everything Keith could have ever hoped to dream for, except even then his dreams never did line up just right.
There was no way he could have ever been creative enough to come up with a dream like Shiro.
Holding his sterling gaze within the amethyst of his own, Keith reached his other hand towards his side to pull the still smoldering joint from Shiro’s fingers. It didn’t have much left, maybe a hit or two, but they had never been a pair to let anything go to waste. Silver turned molten as Shiro watched Keith take the shallow hit, trapping the smoke within his mouth before he pressed the cherry into the roof beside them, snuffing it out.
Gently tipping his head back with the tips of two fingers, Keith leant down, brushing his nose against Shiro’s in silent question. Recognition sparked as the older cadet parted his lips just as Keith exhaled, trapping the smoke in the minute space between them as Shiro breathed it in.
Then he was pushing forward, swallowing the tang of it and the small sound Keith made. Coated with the smooth brush of smoke, this kiss was slower. Gentler. It caressed every inch of his skin was the soft blushing glow of everything sweet.
Everything that Shiro was.
The world tilted as he slowly laid out beneath him, pulling Keith down on top of him with the grace of feigned sobriety. Catching his sigh on the tip of his tongue, Shiro returned it with a wet brush against his lips.
Keith’s body thrummed with the feathery weightlessness of the weed coursing through his veins until he was certain the only thing keeping him tethered to Earth was the halo of Shiro’s arms.
Pulling away slightly to catch his breath, he pushed one soft peck to the corner of his boyfriend’s mouth. Then another.
And then another.
It pulled a slow chuckle from deep within Shiro’s chest, which raised a warm balloon within his own as he finally rolled off him and nestled into his side. Cheek pressed to his shoulder and smile hooking his mouth upwards, Keith returned his slightly shaking gaze back up to the heavens that twinkled and winked above them.
“Shiro?” He said after he finally found his voice buried beneath the burning sun of happiness in his chest.
“Yeah?” The word rumbled against his skin as Shiro’s fingers began to track lines across the arm splayed across his waist. Each stroke left a shimmering hum that effused from the boundaries of each touch.
“We’re going to be up there one day,” Keith said slowly. Even with the way it slurred and swayed at the edges, the meaning of it stood open and bare between them.
I love you. As if he hadn’t said it before. But somehow, saying it this way seemed to get the point across better. Of course, maybe that was just the weed talking.
“Yeah, baby,” Shiro breathed before he dropped a soft kiss to the top of his crown, sending a shock of Northern Lights scattering down through his body and curling at the tips of his toes.
I love you, too.
“We sure are.”
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shotorozu · 3 years
‘hey y’all i’m here w/ my best friend’
tiktok prank
character(s) : todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki (bnha)
based off this tiktok
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : crack, fluff (x reader)
note(s) : yeah so my activity is pretty wonky 💀 anyways have you guys seen how momo looked like in the new episode? hot and the baddest b word in the house, as always
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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todoroki shouto
you think it’ll be hilarious to see, because his reactions are always top tier
despite his usual stoic and neutral expressions, with you— his expressions are versatile, and he creates expressions no one thought he was even capable of 💀
when your classmates saw your tiktoks, it was shocking to all of them, excluding the obvious, which was you of course
but lowkey, you’re scared 💀 shouto could go from this loving, and sweet boyfriend, to the coldest bitch alive
still, you decide to go through with it
doesn’t think too much when you ask him to be in a tiktok, it’s quite routine at this point— plus, he finds it fun
but the AUDIOO
and shouto’s always willing to be in any tiktok you want him to be in, BUT
‘bestfriend’ 😐❓ who are you calling ‘bestfriend’
stops in place and looks at you like you just slapped him, did he hear that correctly? like,, why the hell are you calling him your ‘bestfriend’
he’s your lover
“boyfriend.” he corrects you stern, but you pretend that you don’t hear the correction, “you mean, you’re here with your boyfriend.”
and yet, you go on like you didn’t hear a thing, shouto’s eyes narrow— and it almost feels like his right side has been activated just slightly
you have to hold back a shiver when he gets real close to you “boyfriend. not best friend, i’m your boyfriend.”
he doesn’t mean to be this worked up about it, it’s just a tiktok— and when you move the camera away, completely ‘unbothered’ he feels himself growing impatient
and when the video ends, the cool atmosphere seems to break into two, when you burst out laughing
“shou, it was just another tiktok prank, we’re way past the bestfriend stage, and you know it!” you poke his cheek, still laughing at his reaction
but, he’s relieved. your acting was good— and he’s glad that he’s not just imagining things.
otherwise he’d have to start acting desperate
the video gets a good amount of views and likes, and comments are INTERESTING “ooo did you see the way he just went up all close 👀” “i can feel the cool aura BWNDKWS” “he got so worked up 🏃💨 oh to have a relationship like that 😔🖐💔”
in short, never address him as your best friend. you either address him as ‘shou’ ‘love’ ‘pretty boy’ or ‘my boyfriend’
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midoriya izuku
the trend itself isn’t the funniest thing on tiktok, but it’s the reactions that makes up for it, y’know?
that’s why you decided to pull this ‘prank’ on izuku— his reactions are golden afterall
but a part of you couldn’t help but feel worried if he’d take personal offense 💀
similar to todoroki, your boyfriend is very willing when it comes tiktok pranks— despite it being well,, intense, sometimes
looked SO confused when you called him your ‘bestfriend’ and the smile is WIPED off his face
“b-bestfriend?” he has to make sure he heard it correctly, and he wants to throw a hissy fit when you ignore him
“Y/N?” he nudges his head on your shoulder, not liking the idea of being presented as your best friend, “i’m your boyfriend!” he laughs nervously
literally pouts
the struggle doesn’t last terribly long, as izuku continues to mouth boyfriend, when the word ‘best friend’ is being said (also while he smiles at the camera with awareness, he’s growing petty, can’t you tell?)
and also while he tries to make you look at him, by showcasing a look of innocence while leaning on, just because
when you finally acknowledge him with a stifled laugh, his expression is like 👁👄👁❓❓
yet, izuku’s relieved when you start full on laughing, wonderful laughter falling from your lips, the desperation calming down
and— the sudden mood change is well,, impressive! he was literally distressed from the word ‘best friend’ just a second ago, and now he’s relieved 💀
“r-right, you know i’m not just your best friend,” and he looks into the camera with satisfaction
the tiktok blows up, and comments overall— went insane over him
“mann he was so desperate 💀 he just kept correcting you” “bruh he was like ‘hold up’ 🖐😭” “NEVER call him your best friend again🏃💨 just look at that satisfied look at the end‼️” “aww look at that pout 🤩”
izuku’s surprised, sheepish— when all of his friends inform him about the sudden rise of his appearance on the app (afterall, he’ll still remain with you, even if he got even more popular)
needless to say, izuku will get desperate if you call him your best friend— man already spent some time being called your best friend and he won’t bear being called it for any longer
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bakugou katsuki
should,, you be scared? you should be but you’re not 💀 you can’t find yourself fearing death, since you’re dating katsuki bakugou
you say fuck it, and rope katsuki into your tiktok antics once again.
and to any outsider’s eyes, it would be surprising when katsuki joins in on your tiktok schemes
but it not— even though the blond pretends to hate it, he secretly loves doing these with you
except, that statement is ABOUT to be retracted back, when the audio mentions the word ‘best friend’
excuse you? katsuki is faar from being your best friend. that word literally makes him cringe, he hated being stuck in the friend zone even though katsuki looked like he didn’t care when he was still stuck in it
he literally glares at the camera, his palm’s already popping with mini sparks. if you were anyone else, you would’ve started pleading for your life but you fear NOTHING at this point
“who the fuck are you calling best friend??” he’s furious, and you try your best to ignore it, biting back laughter— as you film the tiktok
“i’m talking to you!” he fumes, getting even closer to you— and you don’t seem to budge, as you continue to record
then, he YANKS your phone out of your hands, and starts talking, well yelling— as if the tiktok would record his voice anyway
“i’m their boyfriend thank you very much! now fuck off extras! this ‘bestfriend’ will beat your asses!” he scolds as if he’s talking to the potential viewers, and stops recording— and hands your phone back to you calmly
you’re laughing your ass off, experiencing absolute field day, and he’s just like 😐🖐 looking super unpleased how could he not? he’ll never admit that he was this worked up though
similar to midoriya, the friendzone was a pain in the neck for him— so to make him feel like he was thrown back in it for a tiktok
just because it’s for a tiktok, doesn’t automatically give you an easy pass
“you were SO mad” you laugh at his expression, and he just says
“shut the fuck up, and you better not post that shit!” then proceeds to scoop you up, despite all your protests— and haul you into his room
you gotta give him cuddles, or he’ll be like 👹 a literal demon for the rest of the day.
but on the bright side— you have content‼️and the video did blow up, despite initially telling your boyfriend you wouldn’t 💀
“omg, you don’t fear death, death fears YOU.” “i can literally hear his voice through the screen, we love a protective boyfriend 🤩” “fly high, it’s been 4 hours since they’ve posted 😔🕊”
and when kirishima informed him about his sudden boom of popularity on tiktok, he knew that you had some explaining to do 🧍‍♀️
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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Stray Kids Bang Chan x Idol!Reader Summary: You're known as the gym rat in your group, and quite frankly, you only have two moods: shredding or chilling. This was why when you're not asleep in between schedules, you're spotted with a male idol you happened to meet in the gym you were at that day. It's a known fact though, that you and Bang Chan are gym buddies and each other's spotter. Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Internet toxicity, sasaengs, vulgar language, sexism, misogyny, pining, fluff, mentions of Pentagon because why not <3, etc.
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A/N: Girl, i shouldn't do this but I did. It's so funny to me someone requested this cause I have recently become an exercise junkie lol. Also, if you can't tell, there is a pov shift after the cut so yeah. I also wanted to keep the reader gender neutral but I want to write about how psychotically different people treat male and female idols because that stuff aint it. It's most definitely not what anon was expecting me to write but I hope they enjoy it nonetheless.
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There's compilation in YT with growing parts centered around you flexing your physical fitness and prowess. It ranges from you affectionally touring your fans, which really meant the cameraman, through the gym, introducing your trainer, and doing your routine on camera, to your group (and others) both fawning and bragging about how strong and how hot you are.
CLIP #1: A scene from an interview of your group in Japan, struggling to talk about how you can do 40 straight push ups.
There was a male interviewer in a suit you could all faintly recognize was talking about your recent Instagram post of a gym mirror selfie.
One of your youngest members smirked and in broken Japanese, cutely said, "Wah, she does 100 push ups! Everyday, every night."
You snap your head to the maknae and raise your brows, "nani?" You begin to shake your hands in protest and begin to explain your truth, "absolutely not 100. Maybe around 40, but nooooo, not 100."
The interviewer and your group comically react in awe. The man in the suit urges, "can you show us?"
You give a face, "Excuse me, but I'm not getting paid to do that in this miniskirt."
Everyone, including the film crew, break into laughter.
CLIP #2: A scene from a variety show where you had to prove you were, in fact, yourself, by doing a shortened version of your exercise routine.
One of the hosts of the show asks, "Wait, do you honestly do all of this in your workout? Like you can do all of it?"
The list of your exercises were written on a colourful cardboard, held by the one who just spoke. It was a range of exercises in 10 sets, from jumping jacks to sit ups, to vague sounding exercises like crab pinches and robot arms.
You purse your lips at the last question asked of you, not really liking the tone in which it was asked. You answer quickly and nod proudly, "I actually do more, cause when I get in the zone and I'm already really sweaty, I feel like I should keep going until my whole body burns." You chuckle.
The older hosts, tilt their head and mutter lowly under their breath something along the lines of, "I'd rather die."
You finally do the routine, quickly, continuously, earning impressed reactions from everyone.
"That's hot," one of the hosts note.
"Ya, for some reason it looks easy to do."
The hosts begin to clamour at that statement, and force whoever said to do the exact thing you did. Clearly, they don't work out as much as you do and cannot even get halfway through it without stopping.
You break out into a breathless laugh in amusement of the comical attempt but then protest, explaining how bad it is to force yourself to do more than you can
CLIP #3: Pentagon, Hongseok especially, fawns over how fit you are
Trailing a conversation about how your group is close with Pentagon because your companies are situated closely to each other and you wind up eating together a lot, there is an anecdote about how there was a jar no one could open, no one but you, that is.
The interviewer asks no one in particular, "wah, none of you could open the jar? Really? Or did you all just pretend so she could open it?"
There is a chorus of answers concluding with, "no really, she was the only one that was able to open it."
The story is backed up by how the jar had a really small lid and some hands were too big. Then came an explanation how you were recently into the new rock climbing machine in your gym.
Hongseok speaks up, "I was invited to go to rock climbing in, like, an actual rock climbing place and I was honestly so surprised when she began to climb. She said she never actually tried rock climbing on a wall, but it seemed like she had been doing it for years."
Shinwon agrees, "Right, right. I was also really curious about what they did that day," he points to Hongseok, "that I joined them one time. I never felt so out of shape in my life. I just stayed back and filmed everything."
Pentagon laughs, and then agrees that you were exceptionally fast and just super fit in all honesty.
The interviewer catches Hongseok's expression then suddenly asks, "do you like a woman like that?"
"Yeah, I like my women strong."
Then came a lot of teasing remarks from Pentagon, and a plethora of complaints from delusional fans who did not want Hongseok to ever breathe in your direction again.
With all that's been said about that, in all the parts of this series floating around in the internet, one thing remained, there was a slightly larger population of impressed fans than the still large portion of antifans who wanted nothing to do with it and only came around to hate.
It's hard not to think about it, but even the slightest back handed compliment can sometimes linger in one's mind.
And right now, as much as I kept my mind on my counting as I finished my set high knees, I couldn't help but think of how much backlash I got from posting a post workout photo with my midriff exposed.
Apparently that was not only enough to merit hate for being both a whore and an attention whore, but people baselessly began to hate on my groupmates simply for being associated with me.
It's kind of sad really, how, say Wonho, can post a fairly exposed photo of himself and get so much praise for it, and yet I couldn't even do anything remotely close to that.
And I don't even mean to come at Wonho, we all know he's a beast at the gym and should be able to show as much of his hard work as he is comfortable in showing, but why can't I?
"Hey trooper. I thought you said you were only doing 80 counts?" a voice cracks me out of my train of thought.
I turn to whom spoke and chuckle at myself as I stop my leg raises, "ah yeah, I got lost in thought, and your really good song."
I pull on my earphones and give a lopside smile, "I love working out to God's Menu."
He gives a soft, "he he, thanks."
"No need for a thank you when I'm only giving my honest opinion, Chan."
"Yeah, well still, it makes my kokoro go doki-doki," he sniggers, crossing his arms and flashing a dimpled smile. I raise my upper lip and reel back, "EWWW!"
I playfully shove him. He acts hurt, "this is violence against children."
"Chan, you're literally older than me."
"That doesn't mean I'm not a child at heart."
"You mean, it doesn't mean you're not a drama queen."
"Hey, I have no interest in having a throne, my only interest is," he leans in and whispers, "you."
I feel my soul leave my body as he snorts to himself and runs away. I regurgitate in surprise, "YA!"
"You better do your next set properly," Chan says heading off to a cable row machine, "I'm always watching."
I try to ignore the blood rushing up your neck, "creep."
He shrugs, "rather that or have you get injured, sweet heart."
Yeah, Chan has saved me from a lot of injuries I could have had. It was a bad habit. It stemmed from the same thing that made me mess up my count a while ago, my overthinking.
Sometimes I thought of rather harmless things, but sometimes I began to fixate on the hate I received for simply being. I do a lot to get my mind to realize that they hated me simply because they could and because it was easy. Exercising helped tremendously, especially when I had someone fun to work out with, especially when I was with Chan. He just... made me feel safe, y'know.
But when the news of us being work out buddies surfaced, a lot of sasaengs came for me. Of course, a lot of Stays and my own fans were really kind about, speaking out that we were our own people and exercising together did not mean anything in particular really.
But some really went for it, and made it a hobby to comment on everything I was in that I was a slut for 'working out' with different men every day."
I let out a breath as I finish my routine. I catch my breath and go for a swig of my water. I take a moment then sit down by the mirror, which was near where Chan was currently working out.
"You're doing it again."
I turn from where I was blankly staring at turn to Chan who gave me a soft look, "you good?"
I release a sigh then purse my lips, "maybe."
He pouts, "what happened?"
I shrug and stand from where I sat, "you know, the usual."
Chan then comes up to me and takes my water bottle from me, "you know, no matter how much people say you don't need water to live, you can never change the fact that you are extremely dependent on water to live."
I look at him and half- heartedly point, "are you calling me thirsty?"
He begrudgingly groans and releases a chuckle. He calls my name out in a scolding tone. I feel myself relax, "I know what you're getting at Chan."
He nods, "good. I'll always be here to remind you of that."
I smile and feel an urge to hug him, "if you weren't so sweaty, I would totally hug you right now."
Chan then gives me a look then does not hesitate to crush me into his arms. I groan and whine in protest. He chuckles, "you literally just said you wanted a hug!"
Chan huffs and gives a wounded look, "hmp. You better spot me while I lift or else I'm unfriending you."
"Hmm... I think I'll be good without you as a friend."
I half expect Chan to whine about it, but he instead smirks, "ahhhh, you must want me to be your boyfriends so badly huh."
I- I mean...
CLIP #4: A crack edit of Chan when he gets asked about his gym relationship with me in Chan's Room.
He was looking through the questions and suddenly chuckles, his ears noticeably began to redden. Cue a zoom in of his face and his red ears. Cue a clip of Cardi B saying, "that's suspicious."
He says my name then continues, "am I close with her? Yeah. I would say I'm close with her-- and her whole group actually."
Captioned: Nice save, Chris.
"The kids and I are close with her group," he says, clearing his throat.
A clip of him clearing his throat is repeated about ten times.
Chan adjust the beanie he was wearing as he thinks of what he was going to say next, "we actually do work out together a lot because she's under a trainer that works with my trainer."
Captioned: Sure, Chan. That's the only reason, right?
Chan catches another question, "Is she a beast in the gym like Hongseok says?" He breaks into a laugh. He then rubs his cheek and grits his teeth.
A clip of someone saying, "Oh he's jealous," flashes on screen.
"Yeah," Chan finally says, "she's got a really high stamina."
Cue the clip, WHAT DID HE SAY?
Chan continues, "she can go between exercises without stopping. she doesn't even take that much time to catch her breath. In fact, she sings while exercising sometimes, which helps make her vocals stable."
Captioned: Queen Tingz.
The next thing that happens is Chan breaks into a laugh and begins to chuckle. He says, "Sorry I saw a funny comment."
Then came these comments:
They are dating period. prove me wrong. you cant
Chan literally blushes over anything, buT HE TURNED INTO A TOMATO WHEN HE TALKED ABOUT HER BYE
if you hate on your faves loving each other, you most definitely need Jesus (:
Yeah... it's not been confirmed to this day.
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itjazzbicch · 4 years
Collaboration of Emotions
Pairing:  Damian Priest x Fem Reader
Summary: When Bad Bunny tries flirting with the reader, she politely turns him down because little does anyone know, the guy who has her heart is her years-long friend, Damian Priest and when Damian sees the flirting for himself, he shows that he feels the same way about the reader...
Warnings:  SMUT!! !(18+!!)
Requested by:  No one But I hope you all enjoy!
Word Count:  2990
Tag List: @demonqueen29​ @jessiebean00 @new-zealand-chic @crowleysqueenofhell @justamess44​ @thatpanpal @hungmanhorsecarriage @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch  @linziland13 @yungbludjazz360  
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2021 was a new year, with a lot of changes and unlike last year, these changes were for the better. On Raw, I was getting myself into the women's championship picture again. There was so much action and some new faces.
Showing favoritism really isn't my thing, but when it came to a special someone that was now on Raw, it couldn't be helped.
Damian Priest and I, well, we weren't dating but we spent a lot of time together while I was in NXT, and with every given day, we grew closer and closer, ready to hit it off, but then I got moved up to Raw. Things really didn't change much after that and then he came up to Raw after the Royal Rumble.
That made me beyond excited and I loved cheering him on while he made his main roster debut and poking fun with everyone alongside his friend, Bad Bunny.
All of us were on a roll with the new year and WrestleMania right ahead of us and I was making the best of it.
On Raw, I was backstage, actually waiting for Damian because he had a match coming up and I was just super pumped, there to support him as we've always done for one another and while waiting for Damian, I had a special guest.
"Y/N!" Bad Bunny smiled as he exited Damian's locker room, seeing me sitting on one of the crates in the hall.
"Hey!" I smiled, being kind as he came my way, offering a hug, "How's it going, champ?"
Bunny appreciated my comment, smiling at the 24/7 Championship that was on his shoulder, "I couldn't be better."
"That's great to hear," I smirked, "I'm happy for you. You've been doing amazing around here and you're keeping up with the music business still. I don't know how you do it! It was a little over-bearing for me!"
Bad Bunny and I actually had a friendship that was more business-related because before I became a pro wrestler, I was a professional singer and songwriter, still writing songs actually.
"You just gotta make the best of both," Bunny sighed, "You got the skills. We should do a collaboration one day!"
"I'm down!" I smirked, actually excited by the thought, with both of us being big in the music industry and wrestling, it would be such a smart move, "I always loved your music. Some of them I know to word for word."
"¿Tú hablas español?" Bunny smirked, a bit surprised that I knew Spanish, wanting to hear me speak it.
"Sé más española de lo que piensas" I smiled, blowing his mind a little, letting him know that I knew more Spanish than he thought I did.
"Si no fueras lo suficientemente irresistible, preciosa, " Bunny cooed, really trying to be sexy by the tone of his voice and that really caught me off guard, telling me I'm irresistible and calling me gorgeous.
If that wasn't enough to make things feel awkward, things got a lot worse as I saw Damian slowly coming out of his locker room, not making a sound, but the look on his face said it all.
"If you're down, tonight after I go out there with Damian," Bunny sighed, tilting his sunglasses, really trying to persuade me, "I have a place down here, you can come over and we can collaborate. Sound good to you, hermosa?"
Quickly, I looked at Damian and felt guilt, instantly. I never liked Bunny in that way and even though I wasn't dating Damian, my feelings for him were just so strong that I felt like I was cheating or something in a way.
"I'm sorry," I sighed nervously, "But as soon as I'm done with the show, I have two hours then I have to catch a flight."
"Traveling," Bunny sighed, rolling his eyes, "Gotta love it."
"Honestly," I chuckled nervously, continuously looking to Damian; I think I was sweating too from the nervousness.
Thankfully, all of that ended as Bunny backed away, a little startled from Damian's presence. He was so quiet that he didn't realize he was there. I wanted to laugh, but the nervousness wouldn't allow me to whenever Bunny jumped, seeing Damian just standing there.
"I didn't even see you there, man," Bunny sighed, shaking off the scare, "You ready?"
"Always," Damian almost let out in a growl, looking at him, then to me.
"Dale," Bunny sighed, then smiling to me, "Bye, Y/N!"
"Bye," I sighed deeply, my anxiety through the roof, especially when I heard Bunny ask Damian:
"Estas bien, Damian?"
"No te preocupe por eso," Damian groaned, telling him not to worry about it, their voices fading as they went on their way.
Damian was not okay. I've seen the look that he gave the both of us before and it wasn't a good one. The one time I guy around here flirts with me and it had to be Bad Bunny and right in front of Damian, of all people.
If the facial expressions weren't enough to show his anger, Damian's moves in the ring sure showed it and his opponent, Elias; Well, it wasn't a good day for him, that's all I could really say. From the moment Damian walked out to the ring, to the time he pinned Elias and exited, anger was steaming off of him. At certain points, he even was pushing Bunny away from him.
I figured I'd give Damian some time to himself, and some time for myself because of the anxiety, but holding it off, gave me a gut feeling that it would only make things worse. So after about an hour, with the show still running, I finally worked up the courage to go to Damian's locker room.
I literally had to take a few deep breaths before I knocked on the door, knocking lightly, but it was enough because I heard from a deep voice:
"Who is it?"
"It's Y/N!" I informed him, listening closely as the door unlocked, hearing Damian say:
"Come in."
The second I walked in, I felt my blood pressure go through the roof, feeling my face heating up as I walked in, seeing Damian in nothing but a towel, body still wet a little from the shower. What was up with all these high-pressure situations?
Either way, I didn't want to stand there and look stupid, so I said:
"You were really fired up out there tonight, ya know, and not in a good way."
"Not in a good way?" Damian scoffed, turning his back to me.
"Well, yeah," I tried to chuckle, "You about murdered Elias out there. Is everything okay?"
"Wrestling is wrestling," Damian sighed, whispering under his breath, "Not like you would know."
"Excuse me?" I scoffed, actually becoming offended, "I'm the number one contender for the women's title! What championship are you ready to win?"
Damian slowly turned to me with a mean smug on his face, exchanging another blow once he huffed, "Well, what kind of women's champion just sits backstage and flirts with guys all night?"
"Flirting with who?" I asked, truly wanting to hear his answer.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Damian groaned, referencing Bunny.
"And if you know exactly what happened, you would have noticed how he was flirting with me and I turned him down!" I shot out quickly, "Why are you so jealous about it?"
"I-I-" Damian began, choking on his words as he turned to face me, just giving up after a moment.
Finally, I was the one who admitted the truth, taking a step forward with my head down, exhaling deeply as I said:
"The reason why you're jealous is the same reason why I told him no, Damian."
There was a moment of silence between us, until I approached him, saying, "You have no idea how guilty I felt, letting him flirt with me because of you and I know that this sounds ridiculous maybe, I just don't know how to tell you that-"
Before I could finish, Damian cut me off, sighing, "Enough with words."
All of the sweet, loving, heart-felt feelings I had for Damian came to the surface and I could feel all of the same emotions from him the moment our lips touched, Damian's lips smacking right into mine and god, nothing I have ever experienced in my life has ever felt this good.
It didn't take long for my arms to wrap around his neck, even in heels I had to get on my tiptoes a bit to pull him closer, just about head over heels, literally.
I about fell over when our lips finally parted, breathless from all of it, his nose nuzzling mine, my eyes meeting his gaze as he whispered:
"If anyone's going to 'collaborate' with you, it's going to be me."
"I would never argue with that," I smirked, biting my own lip a little, giving him another kiss, pressing hard to make sure it was real and that I wasn't dreaming, but damn it was real, so real and so good, so I pulled the next move, "Looks like you're one step ahead of me on that collaboration."
"Why don't you catch up then?" Damian whispered deeply, his voice alone just giving me a rush, that intensifying once I felt his fingertips at the side of my skirt, making me break out in goosebumps as he began to unzip it.
"Don't mind if I do," I whispered back, kissing him softly while my hands assisted him, making my skirt drop to the floor.
The moment it hit the floor, Damian smiled against our kiss, biting at my lip while his hands wandered, sliding down my back and cupping my ass, taking a handful with his large, warm hands, fingertips now going after my panties.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting for a moment like this," Damian whispered, walking me backward to the couch.
"Igualmente," I smirked, letting him know I felt the same, giving him so more help as my crop top came next, freeing my breasts.
My body was like a new land for him to explore, his hands so soft against my skin, touching anything he could, filling my body with even more warmth when his hands covered both breasts, rolling my tender nipples, about getting a moan out of me, especially when his head dipped down, taking a mouthful and sucking hard, tongue twirling all around my sensitive nipple.
We both couldn't help but laugh as I was ready to fall back on the couch, doing so, but Damian not coming along with me, laughing more as I landed with a hard bounce.
At the sight of my breasts bouncing though, Damian instinctively licked his lips, his tall stature making him tower above me as I sat on the couch, my eyes quickly falling down, following the movement of his towel, watching it fall to the floor, my eyes fixing right on his hard cock that stood tall.
"See something you like?" Damian spoke with pride, seeing his body break out and goosebumps, tensing up a bit whenever I stroked him softly, cooing:
"More than like."
What really got him is when I leaned forward, my mouth closing around his crown, sucking hard, tongue swirling all around, making sure I got the slit, my hand working the rest of his length. It didn't take long for Damian to really fill it, taking a handful of my hair as I started to down him more, his crown reaching the back of my throat.
"As good as it feels," Damian sighed, pulling my head back, but putting another smile on my face as he spread my legs wide, getting on the couch with me, "How about we see how good it feels somewhere else?"
The feeling of his crown rolling through my slick folds and nudging my clit, nice and slow, it was such an amazing feeling, making me want to moan even more now, just taking the time to enjoy the feeling.
"Damn, I really make you that wet?" Damian chuckled, doing it some more.
"You have no idea," I moaned out slightly, biting my lip at the feeling.
I just knew Damian wanted to hear more, getting off from it and by teasing me while his crown circled and teased my entrance, whispering in my ear:
"I have no idea? I think I do now. Have I made you wet before?"
"You don't know how many times I've had to contain myself, leave a room, take a cold shower, all because of you," I whispered back, my tongue dancing with his as he kissed me again, but quickly after, making me gasp and moan all over his lips.
If my body wasn't filled with enough heat, Damian added to it even more, slowly splitting me wide, giving me inch after inch slowly, smiling at all of the moans and noises I was making. Just being so full, and my entire body so warm, feeling every inch go up my sensitive walls and dragging back down as he began to feed me slow thrusts.
"Well now," Damian whispered to me, kissing at my neck, leaving some bites behind, "You won't have to contain yourself anymore."
At the end of his sentence, he pulled down every inch, down to just his crown, feeding me a quick thrust, snapping a bit hard, his hips smacking into mine, making me moan loudly:
"How'd I know that you'd moan my name so beautifully?" Damian smirked, repeating that same acting and getting the same reaction out of me every time, the feeling more pleasure than anything I've ever experienced.
"You thought about it before?" I was barely able to get out between breaths, arms wrapping around his neck while he said to me:
"You should know the answer to that."
With a deep groan, Damian began to pick up his pace, making my walls tighten around his girth, and with all the pleasure, the pressure hitting my clit, his body pinned against mine, so much heat trapped between them, it was all driving me crazy and it never felt so good.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, it did. Damian flipped me over, taking his turn to sit on the couch, putting me on his lap, still inside of me, and sliding even deeper, taking a tight grip on my hips, helping me roll them a little, feeling his crown hit my sweet spot each time.
I was still getting used to the new feeling, moving my hips slowly, but Damian gladly gave me some encouragement.
"Too much for you to handle?" Damian whispered, "I imagined you'd take the opportunity to ride all over me."
"Imagined?" I chuckled, moving my hair away from my face so I could stare directly into his eyes.
"What? A man can't have thoughts and dreams?" Damian smirked, smiling more as I responded:
"Yes, but what I meant was, why imagine when it's going to happen."
It felt even better to see Damian's head fall back for a moment, letting out a brief moan of his own as I picked up my hips, bouncing onto him, taking all of his length every time, planting some kisses of my own along his neck, whispering to him:
"But it is nice to know how you really think about me."
"How can't I be crazy about you?" Damian whispered, planting a firm smack on my ass, hands following the movement of my hips each time they rolled, gripping on even tighter when I began bouncing again.
"Again," I huffed, kissing him hard, hips moving even faster, "Igualmente. You drive me all kinds of crazy."
"Show me how crazy," Damian whispered, biting at my lower lip as he kissed me and I gladly gave him what he wanted, riding him like all hell, making my lip pop free from his grip as his head fell back again, handles fondling my breasts, trying to distract himself a little but it wasn't enough.
I had to power through my hips wanting to buckle, but all the pleasure was just too good, taking all his length each time, meeting his base, hips rolling, and not slowing down for even a second. It became a little too much for me even, but I was able to ride it all out, praising him with more moans and babbles once he picked up his hips, putting in his own work.
"F-fuck, Damian," I whined out desperately, both of us feeling my walls clench even tighter, knowing how close I was.
"You're really worked up huh?" Damian cooed, his finger finding my clit, edging me on by rubbing it rapidly in circles.
"Yeah," I moaned out salaciously, "I'm so close!"
"Get closer then, baby," Damian encouraged, moving his hips even faster than mine, making gasp for air. It felt like my body was ready to give way, using his shoulders for support, gripping on tight as I felt my walls tighten like a death grip, throbbing around his cock, then this huge wave of wet heat, gushing down onto him.
"Got damn, Y/N," Damian let out, a groan rumbling in his chest, giving me a few soft thrusts, then pushing me down by my hips, pinning them to his.
"Oh my god, Damian," I huffed, eyes rolling back a little, laying my head on his chest, body shaking from the aftershock of his heat shooting into me.
"So," Damian huffed, tilting my chin up so I could look into his eyes, "You know what this means, right?"
Instantly, it felt like I wanted to blush, my cheeks getting warm again as he stroked my cheek, responding with:
"No more hiding feelings about each other?"
"We don't need to," Damian smirked, kissing me softly, "You're all mine."
I returned his kiss with a smile as well, cooing, "And I'm not going anywhere."
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sleepysnk · 4 years
Hello can I request a Porco x fem reader Modern Au where they are in high school and Porcos like the bad boy football kind of guy and reader is just sweet and an adorable angel but they are good friends and Porco has a huge crush on reader but won’t admit it and their friends try to get them together but one day someone’s flirting with reader and she’s really shy and uncomfortable with it and Porc comes to the rescue and ends up confessing and they end up together
omg i literally LOVE this request 🥺 this was super fun to write and i hope you enjoy! thank you for requesting love ♡, Porco is definitely one of my favorites to write 💗!
What If I Told You I Love You?
Pairings: Porco Galliard x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
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Porco sat at the lunch table with his friends, the voices of his friends and other students filling his ears. The crowded lunchroom didn't distract him from what he was staring at, nothing could distract Porco from watching (Y/N), one of his closest friends.
He had met (Y/N) in middle school, she was being picked on by one of the rude popular girls and he came to rescue. He defended her that day and ever since then the two had been attached to the hip; he never left her side, and he even brought out a side of her that nobody else even knew existed. She was such a sweet girl, she had a heart of pure gold and Porco found that to be one of the many reasons he stuck around her.
Now being juniors in high school, things didn't really change. Porco was on the football team and (Y/N) was more into her studies; she was always doing her own thing. Even if her and Porco weren't as close as they used to be, they still talked on a daily basis.
Being friends with her for so long was something Porco cherished, he always cared for her no matter where he went. She would always clean him up after a football game or if he got into a scuffle with a guy, she was always there to help him, even if Marcel didn't ask her to.
While being friends Porco began to feel something more than just a friendship with her. He would always find himself being annoyed when a guy came around, or when she would mention a guy, he'd roll his eyes.
He fell for her, hard.
But he was too scared to ever go and admit it, fearing loosing her and the friendship they shared for years.
Here he was, clenching his jaw at the sight of a guy talking to her. The blonde was talking to her and they seemed to be having a conversation, considering how she kept giggling at his jokes and the way she would smile whenever the guy told her something.
It irked Porco so badly.
"Pock, you're staring again!"
His gaze ripped away from the sight before him to look at Pieck. She was nodding her head.
He scoffed, "Yeah whatever... that guy is clearly someone that looks like trouble," he said before crossing his arms.
Pieck giggled, "That's just Armin Arlert! He's a nerd and he would never go for (Y/N). He's a shy guy Porco," she said.
He rolled his eyes, how did she know that?
"Come on Porco you can't keep hiding it forever! You've liked her for so long, eventually you're gonna have to come clean." Colt said, shrugging his shoulders.
A blush crept onto his face thinking about her. It was something only (Y/N) could do to him. "It's fine! I'll do it eventually, I just need more time." he said.
"You said that four months ago, we've all heard that excuse!" Marcel replied, looking at his brother with annoyance. Marcel was the first one to know about his crush on (Y/N), he encouraged him to tell her, but Porco was too stubborn to admit it.
He fixed his jacket, "Just shut it! I'll do it when I want to.." he mumbled.
"Well she's coming this way," Pieck said.
Porco's head snapped up to see (Y/N) walking over to his table, she waved at him before stopping at the edge of the table. "Hey Porco.. I was wondering if you could walk me to the library?" she asked, smiling a bit.
He blinked for a moment, she always had a pretty smile. It could cure diseases, "Y-Yeah! Totally! I'm down," he replied. "I'll be back guys."
Marcel and Pieck exchanged looks as the two left the table. "He's such a stubborn ass.." Marcel mumbled.
(Y/N) and Porco made their way up the stairs, the library wasn't a far walk. She'd often find herself there during lunch to study for exams or tests she had coming up, Porco would always call her a nerd, jokingly of course.
"So, how's football been going? I know you almost got into a fight the other day with the rival team," (Y/N) asked, nodding her head.
Porco looked down at her, "What? You know about that? Ugh it was nothing (Y/N), but football has been fine. How are your classes?" he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. (Y/N) disliked the many fights he got into, sometimes she'd be the one breaking it up.
She giggled, "People talk Porco, even if I'm shy and quiet I always hear others talking. My studies have been okay.. I'm just a little stressed is all," she said.
Porco stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets, he saw a few students passing by seeming to be ditching. "Porco! Ooo! I see you with her!"
(Y/N)'s cheeks suddenly grew hot at the comment, Porco rolled his eyes annoyed with the boys in front of him. "Mind your own business," he mumbled before opening the doors to the hallway.
"What were they trying to say, Porco? I hope they weren't making fun of me.." she said, looking at the floor.
Porco furrowed his brows, "Oh! No, no! They do that sometimes.. that's all," he replied trying to reassure her.
The last thing Porco would ever want is someone picking on or making fun of (Y/N). She isn't exactly the type to stand up for herself, she's a quieter student and she's always been a nicer girl. She never talked back, always got assignments done, never got into trouble, she was overall an innocent girl.
That's why people found her friendship with Porco to be an odd pair. He was a jock, a bad boy, he got into trouble before, he was surprised (Y/N) even stuck around to be his friend.
'Opposites attract' as Pieck would say.
"Well we're here.. thank you by the way for walking me here. I kind of miss talking to you all the time," she said, her eyes avoiding him.
He chuckled a bit, "Yeah, yeah me too.. but I'm always here when you need me (Y/N). I'll always be your friend," he replied, putting his hand onto her shoulder.
"Could you maybe drive me home tonight? I have a club meeting after school and I don't think I have a ride back.." she said, nodding her head.
Porco shook his head, "Of course! I have practice until five, so it works out perfectly."
She smiled, "That sounds great! Thank you Pock," she said before hugging him.
His cheeks dusted pink from her touch, his arms going around her. "Yeah! Don't mention it," he replied with a smile.
She broke the hug, "See you later!" she waved before entering the library.
Porco stood there for a moment, his mind totally lost in what just happened. God did he yearn for her touch, her touch was almost intoxicating. She always smelled good too, like a vanilla and fresh baked cookies, it was one of the many reasons Porco loved being around her. Her aura always lit up his life.
If only he could just confess.
Practice ended fairly quickly that day, Porco was pretty exhausted. His muscles were sore from working out and all he wanted to do was go home to rest.
"I'll see you tomorrow Porco," Reiner said, patting his shoulder.
He looked up from his phone, "Yeah! See you, Reiner." he replied before walking down the hall.
His mind began to wander to where (Y/N) was. She told him her club meeting was over and she was waiting on him; maybe she was at her locker? He decided to send her a text and walk around for a bit, even though it wasn't exactly allowed.
He turned the corner and was met with an unexpected sight. There was (Y/N)... but there was a guy next to her, more specifically, Eren Jaeger. He played soccer and Porco hated him with every inch of his body, he was a stubborn asshole who got away with everything.
Porco listened in to the conversation, curious as to what was going on. Did they know each other?
"(Y/N) you're really pretty.. we need to go out sometime," Eren said, taking a piece of her hair and playing with it.
She didn't know what to say nor do, Eren had this grin on his face which made her nervous. "U-Um.. Eren I don't know.. w-we don't really know each other," she replied.
"Please? You're so sweet and cute, I just wanna treat you to something," he said, a pout visible on his features.
She avoided his gaze, she didn't know what to say or do. Eren clearly wasn't giving this up and she couldn't exactly walk away, it was Eren Jaeger for Christ's sake.
"Eren I-I.. um.." she mumbled.
His brows furrowed, "Come on (Y/N)! What? Do you think I'm going to do something? Pretty girls like you deserve the best," he smirked.
Her face clearly showed discomfort, Porco clenched his jaw watching the situation unfold. That's when he began walking forward.
"Hey (Y/N)."
She turned and looked at Porco making his way over, relief washing over her. "Hey Porco," she said with a smile.
Eren narrowed his eyes, "Sup Porco.." he said, looking at him with annoyance.
(Y/N) walked over to Porco leaving Eren by her locker.
"Sup Eren? I didn't know you two talked but uh.. we gotta get going. I'm driving (Y/N) home," Porco said, crossing his arms over his chest.
Eren clicked his tongue, "I see.. well my offer still stands (Y/N), see you later."
The two watched the way Eren walked down the hall and disappeared behind the doors.
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you for that.. I didn't know what else to do to turn him away," she said.
Porco smiled, "Yeah! Don't worry about it, we should get going before he comes back," he chuckled.
She laughed and began to follow him down towards the exit of the school. It was dark out, it was October and the wind blew around the leaves on the ground; a few crunched under their feet. The air smelled crisp and fresh, just the way she liked it.
Getting into his car, (Y/N) noticed the way Porco was acting. He seemed more nervous and his body language seemed off.
"Pock?" she asked. "Is everything okay?"
His honey eyes peered over towards her, "Huh? Oh, yeah! I'm good. Why?" he replied.
She chewed the inside of her cheek, "You just seem a little off, are you sure?" she didn't necessarily believe what he had to say. She knew Porco like the back of her hand and she could tell when he wasn't telling the truth.
A sigh escaped his mouth, "If I tell you what's up will you be upset?" he asked.
She could see the seriousness in his eyes, "No of course not! Porco have I ever judged you?" she asked as her fingers brushed against his arm.
Sparks danced along his arm from her touch, it made his mind cloudy. "W-Well.. I'll explain the best I can," he said shifting around in his seat.
She nodded, "Go on.."
Porco's heartbeat began to pick up, he could feel it against his chest and his cheeks began to grow pink. This was it, he was about to confess.
"(Y/N).. we've been friends for awhile, and I enjoy hanging and talking with you; you never fail to make me smile and you impress me everyday with the things you do. What I'm trying to say is.. I like you. I like you more than just a friend and I want to be yours," he replied. "I know you don't feel the same.. but I really do like you (Y/N)."
It was silent for a few moments, Porco felt the worst coming for him. He knew she didn't feel the same, and he was okay with that.
"Porco.. that's really sweet of you," she said with a smile.
Her fingers ghosted over his hand which was on his lap, his heart quickening at the feeling of her skin touching his.
"I-I understand if it's weird... we don't have to be-"
"Porco no, no! I-.. I feel the same way about you. I like you too," she said, her voice coming out a bit quieter. Her cheeks now hot and embarrassment rushing onto her.
Porco's eyes grew wide after hearing her words, he wasn't exactly sure if she was bluffing or lying, but he knew she would never lie. That was something (Y/N) would never do to Porco.
"Y-You..? You like m-me back?" he asked.
She smiled feeling bashful, "Of course! You've always been nice compared to other guys... and I couldn't ask for someone better."
He opened his mouth to say something but he remained silent, taking in all the information.
"Hey.." she said, turning his face to look at her. "I want to be yours.. I trust you Porco and I like you so much."
He cupped her cheek, running his thumb along her skin. "I want you to be mine.." he said, looking into her hues.
Her fingers wrapped around his wrist, her eyes staring back into his honey ones. Porco leaned in and placed his lips onto hers, the kiss made sparks flow along his body. Her hands went to the skin underneath his jaw, tilting his chin up a bit.
A smile appeared on his lips as he pulled away to see her bashful face. "Let me make you mine, please, be my girlfriend (Y/N)." he said, taking her hand into his. He rubbed circles into her knuckles.
She looked away feeling her cheeks growing hot again, "Yes, yes of course Porco," she said, smiling at him.
He chuckled a bit, his heart swelling and his mind in a frenzy realizing what just happened. She actually liked him back, (Y/N) was now his and he was going to make the best of being her boyfriend.
"Porco.. we need to head to my house," she said, breaking him out of his trance.
He shook his head, "Oh! Yeah right.. my bad, you're just so amazing and I can't believe you're really mine now," he said, kissing her hand.
She giggled, "I'm glad I have you as my boyfriend.. you're all I ever wanted," she replied.
He turned his car on, "I could say the same to you."
The drive to her house was fun, the two talked about when their feelings developed and things they wanted to do together now being a couple. Porco felt as if a weight was lifted off his chest and he couldn't be happier, he couldn't wait to tell Marcel and the others.
He slowed the car in front of her house, "Well.. we're here," he said, looking at her.
She grabbed her backpack, "Thank you for the ride.. and thank you for being honest about your feelings. I'm glad," she said.
Porco rubbed the back of his neck, "It was nothing.. I'm glad you were honest too. I can't wait to show you what I've been wanting to do for so long," he replied.
She looked down feeling bashful again, "I can't wait to see that.." she smiled.
She leaned in and pressed a kiss onto his cheek which made his cheeks grow pink. "See you tomorrow," she said before exiting the car.
He smiled as he watched her head into her house, (Y/N) was now his girlfriend and he couldn't believe how well tonight played out. He was excited to start a new chapter, with her.
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kpop-cakepops · 3 years
I will gladly read any Wonwoo fluff you would give us be it snuggle donation or otherwise! But if I can be more specific in requesting, how about a missed connection sort of thing? Like the reader and Wonwoo have similar circles of friends who think they’d hit it off, but somehow they just never manage to be at the same events, but then they end up meeting separate from their friends and do hit it off, only to be a couple before their friends even know they’ve met? If that’s too specific, totally do whatever you want with the idea. Welcome to Wonwoo brain domination (my friend incepted my mind last year too and it’s been all Wonwoo all of the time since!)
omg this is actually such a good prompt?!?!?!!? What the hell?! Thank you anon!!!
So this one actually took way longer than expected because I knew what I wanted to do but I didn't know how to not make it confusing? So the best I could do was use time skips in this one, anything in italics are flashbacks.... I HOPE IT'S NOT CONFUSING! Anyhow, I had so much fun writing this! Enjoy! (PS. I didn't edit so excuse any grammar mistakes LOLz)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,863
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Meant To Be// Jeon WonwooXfem!Reader
"There he is again... I wonder if he's single." your older sister said as she struggled to keep your baby nephew from running away from the bench the two of you were sitting at.
"Probably not," you told her as you bit into your popsicle. "He's handsome. Probably has a bunch of girls lining up to get his number"
"He's playing video games at a park, I seriously doubt that" your sister added.
"I think it's kinda cute. At least he comes out because he wants to" you looked over at your sister who was now too busy chasing after your little nephew to even listen to you. "Aaaaand I was talking to myself. Cool."
You huffed and looked over at the man sat two benches over. He seemed to be having fun on his Nintendo switch and you were sure you weren't having fun babysitting your sister while she tried to babysit her own son... so you took matters into your own hands and walked yourself over to the man.
"Hey, mind if I sit here?" You asked.
The stranger looked up from his game and moved to the side making space for you to sit down. He didn't talk at all but didn't show himself to be rude either. You took the chance to take out your own console.
"What are you playing?" You asked.
He turned around and looked at your hands, his eyes widening a little but the look of surprise was replaced by a smile almost instantly. "Super Smash Bros."
You didn't know what you expected his voice to sound like, but it certainly hadn't been the deep tone you had just received. "Damn, nice voice" you blurted.
He let out a laugh, "what's your name?"
"I'm y/n" you introduced yourself putting your hand out to shake his, "and you?"
He took your hand cautiously, "I'm Wonwoo"
"How does this dress look?" You asked as you twirled in front of your now boyfriend of 3 months, Wonwoo.
He smiled approvingly, "baby you look just as amazing as you did in the last dress. You really don't have to worry too much about impressing my friends, they're all a bunch of idiots."
"Well, yes, but... what if they don't like me? I'm the reason you refused all those blind dates they kept setting you up on." You told him.
"And I'm the reason you refused yours, the time will come when I have to meet your friends, too. I promise you there's no reason for us to be worried." He pulled you close and kissed the top of your head.
"I'm just excited to finally meet your friends," you told him. "I want to make a good impression."
"The way you make me smile should be impressive enough, no?" He brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Getting a little cheesy there, aren't we?" You poked his stomach and pulled away. "Anyways. We should get going or we're going to be late!"
"You should come up. Some of my friends are still up there. We could hang out" said Wonwoo as he pushed his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans. His tall frame rocking back and forth as he watched you wistfully.
"I really wish I could, but I actually have to go back to work in a bit. I just didn't want for your birthday gift to get to your hands after your special day" You shyly admitted. He held his hand to the necklace that was now hanging from his neck. The pendant hanging from it depicting the Smash ball from the game's logo. Something about him immediately putting the necklace on making your heart race.
"I really wish you could stay, but I guess, you'll just have to make it up to me some other day." He said.
You reached out your pinky and he wrapped his own with yours. "I promise" You told him.
He smiled and you waited expectantly for his nose to scrunch up like you'd learned it would in the last 4 months of knowing the guy. It was weird how after fighting off cheesy romance and dates, you ended up developing a crush on some random guy you'd met at the park.
The both of you stood there for a moment, pinkies linked together as you let the sparks envelope you both. It was obvious you liked each other, however, neither of you seemed to know who should make the first move... nor did you know when.
You and Wonwoo arrived at the large hotel his friends had told him to meet them at. A shiver ran down your spine making you take a nervous deep breath. Your boyfriend grinned at your cuteness and squeezed your hand softly before guiding you towards the entrance.
"Oh, God... Maybe I should've brought a gift?" You grumbled as you followed Wonwoo into the hotel. A sudden feeling of guilt taking over you as you remember your own friend, Jihoon, was having a graduation dinner that you couldn't go to because of this. You'd managed to drop off a gift for him days before, but it still bugged you. Jihoon was one of your closest friends after all.
"Honey, it's totally fine. I promise Jihoon won't mind that you didn't bring him a gift" he assured you as he held the door of the fancy restaurant open for you.
"Wait, what did you say?" You asked as you stopped in your tracks. Your boyfriend shooting you a confused look.
"I don't know, I think my favorite has to be biographies. I'm just nosy" you laughed, Wonwoo following along.
"Hmmm, I mean, biographies are nice, but I've been into humanities lately. It's interesting" He shrugged and licked at his ice cream cone happily. "I used to hate it in high school but I think as I grew up a grew more interested in the way people live... outside of just myself."
"Wow..." you mused.
"What? Was that sexy?" he joked.
You shook your head, "No, you're such a nerd" You teased.
"Hey!" he quipped bumping his shoulder into yours.
"Watch it! I almost dropped my ice cream cone!" Your attempt to seem angry failed by the big smile on your face. It seemed that was all you did around Wonwoo anyways. Smile.
"What flavor is that?" he asked as he eyed your cone curiously.
You put the cone up to his lips, "Butter pecan" You didn't know what exactly you were expecting when you put the cone up to his lips, 75% of you had thought he'd playfully push your hand away while calling it a grandma flavor as he usually did, while the resting 25% of you thought he'd just ignore it and keep walking... but both assumptions were wrong. Wonwoo grabbed your hand with his free one holding the cone in place before getting a taste. It was absolutely insane how much that made your heart race. "Hey! what was that all about?"
"I want to get a taste... but I can't... taste it... maybe I should-" He froze mid-sentence. Wonwoo was nervous. His face was a deep pink as he eyed you closely.
"W-Wonwoo. Are you trying to kiss me right now?" You asked. You wanted to scream and run away but you also wanted to stick around and see if he would.
"I was supposed to be at a blind date today" He admitted.
"Me too," you told him.
"But all I could think of was you" He continued.
"Me too," you agreed once again.
"Y/N, I like you."
"What the hell is going on here?" Jihoon's face was twisted in confusion as he stared between the two of you.
"You know each other?" Asked Wonwoo.
Jihoon blinked hurriedly before finding his voice again, "Uh, I think I should be the one asking you that!"
"My head is about to explode" You murmured.
"Yah, Jihoon, Dokyeom just spilled- Oh, Y/N? What are you doing here... with Wonwoo?" Yet another one of your best friends walked out of the restaurant, Jeongyeon's large eyes looking at you and your boyfriend with the same confused expression as Jihoon.
"They got here together," Jihoon announced.
"You two know each other?" Asked Jeongyeon.
"Yeah, Wonwoo's my boyfriend"
"Yeah... we're dating" Wonwoo agreed.
"Y/N, pleaseeeeee? I promise you're going to love this guy. He is such a sweet person, he will literally blow you away, and he's handsome! Did I mention he's handsome?!" Jeongyeon's hands were clasped together in front of her chest. It was once a month that she begged for you to go on a blind date with that guy she always talked about, but you shook your head.
"Why not?! What is it this time!?" Your pretty friend exclaimed as she crossed her arms across her chest.'I have a boyfriend now' You thought, a small smile coming to your lips at the thought of Wonwoo.
"I'm not interested in dating Jjeong. Please, can't we just let it go?" you asked with a soft huff. "We have better things to do anyway. Come on, why don't you let me take a look at your thesis so far."
Jeongyeon huffed and started to pull out her laptop from her book bag. "I can't wait till you meet him. You're gonna regret it"
"Wait, pause... so you mean to tell me that we spent ALL THOSE MONTHS trying to set the two of you up... only for you two to meet at a random park and fall in love?!" Soonyoung was being his usual dramatic self again as he glared at you two from across the table.
"I mean, we didn't fall in love right off the bat... but yes. You could say that" Wonwoo answered.
"Wow! I just got chills. I JUST GOT CHILLS!" Dokyeom added as he dramatically hugged himself.
"I just don't understand why neither of you guys told us you were dating! Like... How did we miss it? Where did you hide each other?" Asked Jisoo with a confused frown.
"We didn't. We were friends for about 4 months before we started dating. I even went to drop off his gift at his apartment on his birthday."
"The necklace! I knew I'd seen it somewhere!" Seungcheol exclaimed with wide eyes. "You sent me a picture of the thing and asked if you should get it black or purple!"
"I also asked you for tips on how to confess to a girl over ice cream and got me laughed at." Wonwoo huffed under his breath.
You laughed and shook your head. "You were right, Woo. Your friends are indeed a bunch of idiots"
"Wow... You guys are meant to be. You guys are seriously meant to be. There is no doubt in my mind. I guess when soulmates are meant to meet, they will." chirped Jihoon who kept picking at his plate. "Now that that's all out, I'd like to take a moment to talk about how if Y/N hadn't been dating Wonwoo, she would have missed my graduation dinner for a man. What have you got to say for yourself, traitor?"
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gojology · 4 years
Intoxicated. (18+)
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The Request: 
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𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 | I’m so sorry anon, usually I finish the whole fic before adding the author’s note, and I’m now realizing that I read your request wrong. I think you meant to have Gojo and Reader as friends but uh... I kinda wrote this as the opposite? It’s more of a Popular Gojo x Loner Reader. I hope this still fits your tastes because otherwise I followed everything you asked for, you’re welcome to request more and I’ll write them PERFECTLY I swear. Also can ya’ll tell I’m bad at choosing titles LMFAO 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | College Student! Dom! Gojo x Drunk! Sub! (as per usual..) Reader 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 3808 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | Suggestions of Rape (Nothing Happens Though, Also I’m Not Sure If That’s The Correct Choice of Wording...), Fluff, Oral (Male Receiving), Somewhat Public, Hair Pulling,  𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | After attending a party due to some persistent begging from a friend, hopeful for Gojo Satoru, your long-time crush to come, you turn back empty-handed. That’s what you thought, though. Eventually he comes around and helps you in more ways then one.
           The thumping of bass was all you could hear.      Loud drunken cheering, chatter amidst the scene. Poorly discarded red solo cups littered the floor and the tables, and at the corner of your eye you could see a heap of college students piled up on top of each other, snoring.     You impatiently tap your foot against the sticky floor, most likely due to the uncleaned spilt drinks. You weren’t exactly fond of college parties. Most of the time nothing occurred, and besides, you had your eyes set on a certain man, so you weren’t quite looking for a quick night. But you had come regardless, since your friend had begged and eventually convinced you to.     Scanning the crowd once more, hopeful, you curse under your breath as you come out of your search unsuccessful once more. Not even a glimpse of Gojo Satoru, someone that always attended crazy parties, and this party was high on the scale of crazy. This had to be the most depressingly boring party you’ve ever attended.     But if you weren’t here to shamelessly stalk Satoru, or socialize, you had to do a bit of drinking, or else what would be the point?    Walking towards the alcohol was the last thing you wanted to do. Hordes of intoxicated students were blatantly making out with each other, drinks left untouched and probably forgotten, not to mention just the overall anxiety you would get to be so caught up in the life of the party.     “Yooo... ‘S that you, (Y/N)?” you heard a familiar drunken voice even through the loud music, and you whip around, glad to have some form of escape from the awkwardness.    You were hesitant to approach your friend, you knew they were the friendly type, and that was only exemplified during drinking.    “Yup, that’s me!” you smile awkwardly, setting your empty cup down on the table.     “Agh. Fuck.” your friend groaned, stumbling onto you, sloppily catching themselves using your shoulders. “Sorry... Long night. Holy shit (Y/N), didn’t think you’d actually fucking come out and party. Nice to see you... Fuck-” brushing off a pair girls dancing wildly from their shoulder, your friend cleared their throat.    You try not to make a face, and instead direct your attention to the crowd on the opposite end of the room, hoping this was enough to tell your friend that you weren’t exactly looking for a conversation.    “...Fuck... What was I saying..? Oh yeahhhh, glad to see ya out here hermit. I’ll pour your drink~! How’s class going?”     Clumsily fumbling with your cup, you had subconsciously picked it back up, your fingers itching to fidget with it and pretend your friend wasn’t there at all. Turning to face your friend again, a grin playing at your lips, hoping you looked friendly. “No that’s fine! I’ll do it myself, I’m way less drunk then you are. Why don’t you go sit down?” You mentally facepalm. Of course they wouldn’t get your body language, they were literally drunk.     Your friend grinned boldly, “Hey, you said it, not me~ You can leave anytime though... Guy named Gojo Satoru coming soon... Makes all the parties go wild. Ladies love him. Probably not your style though, eh?”     You don’t reply, instead watching your friend nod at you, perhaps as a way of saying goodbye when they couldn’t do it normally. Taking sluggish strides to mix back in with the crowd of people, unintelligibly rambling about something you presumed was about Gojo Satoru. You wave at them as they blended into the blur of faces.    It takes a moment to register everything that was just said. Your heart pounding, you turn to face the variety of alcohol instead, finally settling on some cheap beer, since you had no idea what the rest was, yet you weren’t quite thinking about the quality of the alcohol you were drinking.    You were looking down at the selection of drinks, but your mind wasn’t thinking about that at all.     You had thought your luck really was shit, but that didn’t appear to be the case any longer.     Your brain was thinking quicker then your hands could catch up, spilling the canned liquid onto the table instead of your cup, but that wasn’t what you were thinking about right now.      Setting the can down without another thought, you take a long sip, enjoying the ice cold beverage, your mouth going numb with every swig. Usually you’d throw up at the slightest thought of the after taste of beer, but that didn’t matter. Right now, all that was in your world was your red solo cup, the cheep booze inside of it, and whenever the hell Gojo Satoru would arrive.      The likelihood of him noticing you was probably in the negatives, you were a wall flower, an average college student, but him? He probably had a part-time job as a super model, or perhaps a fitness trainer. Strong toned arms, always a smug smirk on his face, strikingly white hair, and those damned circular shades.      Shaking your head, you pour another can of beer into your cup, feeling yourself go numb and ignoring the thoughts going rampant in your head. The only thing to distance yourself from these thoughts were to drink yourself to sleep, seeing as everyone else was doing the same thing, or call an Uber.      Unfortunately, that probably had a lower probability of Gojo taking an interest in you. You were, of course, a broke college student living off of pre-packaged noodles and relatively cheap dishes. It would be more likely to crash at your friends place.      You weren’t quite the drinker, much less experienced with the booze. You felt your knees wobble, and a strong urge to throw up at the back of your throat. You shouldn’t have overdrank.      Leaving your cup on the table, you shrugged your way towards the exit, murmuring (or rather slurring) polite excuse me’s and sorry’s, Stumbling your way towards the door, you were just now realizing that people were even now still coming into the party. You desperately needed fresh air, the atmosphere in the party was too hectic, too crazy, too stuffy.      As soon as you stepped an inch away from the interior, you drew in a long much needed sigh, every breath coming out as a cloud of fog.      The night was quiet and still, and you finally felt like you could vomit your guts away in peace.      Walking over to the nearest trashcan you can find, you vomited as much as you could, feeling lighter as soon as it all left your system.      Turning back towards the house, you still found yourself stumbling and struggling to walk normally. Wiping your mouth with your sleeve, you refused to look this stupid returning back to the house, figuring you could take a few more breathers.       Taking another deep breath in, without even beginning to mention your surroundings, confidently taking long strides. You knocked into someone, headfirst into their chest.    Cursing under your breath, you squint your eyes, this person was incredibly tall, you noted. Remnants of expensive smelling cologne clouded your sense of smell.    “...Sorry.” you mumbled, still struggling to see who this was due to the darkness.      “Hey. No problem girly, you seem drunk, you okay?” yet another familiar voice, yet you hadn’t heard it quite as often as your friend.      “Huh...? Uh, yeah... I think.” giving him a dopey smile, you couldn’t remember who this guy was for some reason.      “Yo Gojo! Who’s this chick?”      Immediately swiveling your head towards the direction of the voice, it came to your attention that you had seen the guy on campus hanging out with Gojo quite often. Turning back up to the guy towering over you, beads of sweat formulated on your forehead, you gulp, the confidence you got while drinking evaporated into thin air. A toothy sly grin on his handsome facial features,  you don’t even know if your heart rate is dropping to the negatives or skyrocketing.      This was the actual real Gojo Satoru. The egotistical bastard.     Stifiling an eep, you try to respond, attempting to say you were in-fact not his affirmative, “chick”.      “Chill, Geto, just some drunk girl. Hey, you go ahead with the party, I think I’ll help her.” he said, waving at whoever Geto was.      “Gojo, again? You’ve done this shit like 4 times, you want pussy that bad... Yo!” he raised his arms up as soon as Gojo shot daggers at him. “Dude, come enjoy yourself when you can, okay? Was just a joke.” Geto mumbled, you heard a few goodbye’s and words of agreement, and then the atmosphere was still once again.       “You seem really drunk. I don’t think being alone is good.” his eyebrows knitted together. Placing a firm hand on your forehead. “which fucking sucks honestly. Here, let’s go back inside sweets. You’re heating up.”      Seemingly forgetting every language you’ve ever learned, you instead look back at him in awe.      He laughed, putting his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. “Here, I’ll help you walk. If worse comes to worse, I’ll fucking carry you, yeah? Nothing to be worried about, who doesn’t wanna flex that they were carried by Gojo fucking Satoru? They don’t call me the greatest for nothing~!” he sang.      “You’re real?” you breathed, immediately covering your mouth following suit. Wishing you had the confidence like this sober.      He raised an eyebrow, looking down at you, taking long strides that you couldn’t quite catch up with. “Yeah, I’m real, don’t walk into that you’re gonna faceplant into a car.”
    “I think I’ve seen you before in one of my classes, humanities maybe?” he added, turning you back into the party, you heard the loud thumping music once again.      It was in fact humanities, but you couldn’t quite tell him you always marveled at him every lecture, so instead you flutter your eyelashes. “...Uh yeah... I think I remember you too.”     Before he could say anything back, you hear the steadily increase of a deafening combination of party music and loud screams and chatter.      “Yo Gojo! Got a new girl? Thought you were dating some chick named Utahime?”      “Yo! Nah, just helpin’ this girl, and no I am not dating Utahime-”      “Is that fucking Gojo Satoru? Yo! Over here, shots? Geto’s here too!”      This guy was popular, obviously. These were also top-notch names within the small college’s community, yet here you were under his arm, and not one person knew your name. Everyone just referred to you as just a girl. This probably wasn’t new to Gojo then, so you weren’t special.     You felt your heart drop.      Once again, you were in your own world, and you never felt like a burden more then now.      “Hey, where are the rooms?”      You look up from furiously studying the floor, and you realize he’s talking to your friend, tapping at their shoulder.       “Huh? Oh my god... Gojo, I thought you didn’t make it~! Want a drink?” they lifted up their red solo cup to Gojo’s lips, an easygoing smile plastered onto their face.      “Nah. Where are the rooms?” Gojo asked with a slightly impatient tone, now rhythmically drumming his fingers against your shoulder with one hand, the other shoving the cup away from his face.       “Damn, my guy.” your friend wiped their lips before speaking, their arm slack. “You’re intent... Yeah down the hallway, left, there’s some spare condoms somewhere...”       “(Y/N)? I didn’t even realize... You’re gonna fuck my boy Satoru over here?” they slapped a hand on his shoulder.      “Wha? No of course not.. Uh... He’s...” everything came out as unintelligible babble, you felt your cheeks go warm.       “She’s probably not an experienced drinker, just looking out for her to be honest. No fucking, just want to make sure she’s safe for the time being. I’ll join you later, yeah?” Gojo chirped, reassuringly patting your friend’s shoulder back.     “Shit, say less Satoru. See ya~”  your friend waved before turning their back on the two of you, striking up a random conversation with the people who just so happened to be nearby.      As you both walked down the hallway in quiet, you look up at him, grateful for the not as noisy room.      “U-Uh.. Thank you..” you murmured, “I can speak though, you know..”      He chuckled, “As fucking if, I just have experience with drunk people, I can usually tell what they’re saying when others can’t. You sounded like a crackhead back there.” fidgeting with the bedroom’s doorknob, he finally unlocked it.      “You’re mean! How do I know you’re not gonna... You know!” you retorted, collapsing on the bed without another thought, relishing the plush mattress.       “Thanks babe, if it makes you feel any better I can pull any chick within a 500 mile radius. I don’t need to resort to such cowardly and criminal shit.” he yawned, grunting before placing his shades on the nightstand, laying down next to you. “I’ll even leave the door wide open if it makes you feel safe.”       Reassured, you relaxed your body, staring at the blank ceiling. Your body felt numb and you couldn’t quite think straight.      “How’d you know I was in humanities?” you slurred, still staring at the ceiling.      “I see you all the time, you sit near me and have some cute stationary.” putting both of his hands at the back of his head, his eyes turned to look at yours, his neck twisting as he did so.      Immediately, the first thought you think of even in your intoxicated state was how beautiful his eyes were. Like rare diamonds mined from the deepest caves, placed delicately into someone’s eyes by some divine being. A strikingly vivid bright blue. It was a little on the lighter shade, but so, so beautiful.      “Pretty..” you struggle to restrain yourself, but you can’t help it, instead staring at him, eye-to-eye.       “Yeah? Just like you, sweets. I thought we were talking about cute stationary?” you couldn’t quite tell if what he just said was a joke or not, but you really didn’t want to find out. You felt your heart burst.       “...Really?” you breathed, ignoring his previous statement, lifting your legs upwards to wrap your arm around them.       “You’re pretty. Why else do you think I’d notice you in lectures?” he paused, and even you can tell he seemed slightly nervous, a slight quiver to his lips. “honestly, whenever I’m bored I just kinda look at you. You’re cute, what can I say?” Gojo added.      Unable to respond, you instead looked up at him, you felt like a blood vessel was going to pop, or your heart, whichever one was first.      Scooching closer to you, he placed a hand on your neck, breathing heavily. “Hey, I’m not lying. You’re genuinely pretty, sugar, you know? Yeah we haven’t talked to each other often, but I’ve always thought you were cute and I’ve heard things about you.”     “You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?” that was all you could pathetically muster. “Is that the joke?”       “When a cute chick is on the line, I don’t lie.” he assured you, pursing his lips.      Seeing him so up close was nerve-wrecking, so perfect, he looked like was sculpted with marble. A part of you wished you weren’t drunk, so you wouldn’t look as stupid. “I think you’re cute too.” you whispered.      For a moment, it went quiet. So quiet that you could hear the loud music and the wild party once again, but you don’t dare interrupt. It takes everything inside of you to not break eye contact, your stomach a butterfly exhibit.      “I like you.” he finally said, you couldn’t sense a damn sarcastic tone. “Bet you’re gonna doubt that too.” snickering, he ran his hand through his hair, but you swear you see him bite his lip. Sexual or something he did subconsciously, you weren’t quite sure.     Time stopped. This was way too far to be a troll, but what if it still was? You didn’t know, the stupid small thought never went away, you looked at him dumbfounded instead. Snapping out of your daze, you ask, “...But we haven’t talked a whole bunch.”      “I know that. I don’t know, I guess I liked the idea of the competition. You don’t throw yourself at me, and sure other girls don’t do that as well-” he trailed off, before finishing his sentence, “but I think there’s a lot of positive traits that I like in you, and you’re just.. Really pretty. I guess I don’t want to throw you away like what I do with other girls?”      Before you could speak, he cuts you off again, this time a tad frantic. “But you know- Listen, I know it seems like I fuck around with girls a lot, but I’m looking to change that. I know I don’t seem very genuine now, but I think I’d like to try something with you specifically. You don’t even have to say anything back, just leave if you don’t want to, and if you do I’m sorry for disturbing your night-”      Maybe it was how intoxicated you are, or how you suddenly felt a burst of confidence, but you kiss him, and you kiss him hard. His breath hitched while you rolled on top of his chest. You’re desperate to have contact between your skin and his. He kissed you back, shyly at first, soft and delicate, but that didn’t last for long.      Heat rose to your cheeks, you were rusty with your kissing, but he wasn’t. The smell of his cologne was tantalizing, he kissed you like he wasn’t ever shy to begin with. One hand under your neck, propping you up towards him, the other groping your breast. Parting your lips, feeling him explore you just briefly before slipping back out as soon as it started.      You felt him unhook your bra with relative ease, and you can’t control the flutter within. Still kissing you sloppily, Gojo shuddered and you could tell there was a sound at the back of the throat. Moan, grunt, growl, you couldn’t tell. Slipping his hand away from your breast momentarily, he hastily yanked your top off your body.      Pulling away from the kiss not too long afterwards, he licked his lips, panting, you find yourself catching your breath too.       “Sit up.” he ordered, and you did as you were told, looking up at him with eyes that practically said, “What’s next?”      “Look at you. So cute.” cupping your breasts with his hands, you gasp at how hot they are, sweating just a bit, his thumbs brushed briefly against your nipples, giving them slight twirls before finally kissing both of your mounds.      “Let’s be nice and light today, okay pumpkin? Nothing too serious.” you gaze up at him, now standing and unbuckling his designer belt, unbuttoning his jeans which dropped to the floor afterwards, an obvious bulge in his boxers.      “...The door’s still open. Close it.” you suggest, your eyes still intent on his bulge, you don’t try to hide licking your lips.      “The world needs to know who’s mine tonight. Fuck that.” he smirked devilishly before also tugging his boxers down, exposing his dick.      Now, you weren’t quite expecting that he was packing this much, but he was. You easily estimated 7 inches, maybe more, you didn’t know. A pale flush pink at the very tip, veins adorned his length. Fairly girthy, and you loved it.      “Off the bed, on your knees.”      Scrambling off of the bed, you immediately look upwards and kiss the tip. He hummed, looking down at you with watchful eyes. You didn’t care if someone saw the two of you like this, in fact you’d love it.       You instantly put your hands to work, pumping his length, making sure that you were making eye-contact. Giving playful licks along the sides whilst doing so, you note his panting is getting heavier, so you must be doing something right. Your tongue quickly darted out of your mouth to lick your lips, before suckling the tip, just as a tease.      He growled, yanking at your hair so that you were looking directly up at him once again. “Don’t tease me, sweetheart. Or you’ll see what happens.”       Letting go of your locks, with one last look at his face you engulfed his rock hard cock, slightly drooling. Once in a while, you took a risky peek at Gojo’s face, predatory and lustful eyes staring back directly at you. Grunting, he twitched in your mouth, and you brace yourself.       “Fuck, (Y/N). You’re so good with your mouth.” he breathed. You groaned in an attempt to communicate, since your mouth was so stuffed full. Precum leaked from his dick, and you bobbed up and down once more. Taking another breath in, tears began to form at the corner of your eyes. You choked a little, but you were doing well for someone who didn’t suck dick very often.      Bracing yourself for a flashflood of cum from him, your mouth worked up and down on his length before you heard a loud groan, signaling that he had came, his eyes squeezed shut, the orgasm completely wracked his body. You found yourself with a mouthful of cum, and you struggle to swallow, before doing it successfully.      You look up to him, panting, some cum had escaped your mouth, splattering onto the floor. He looked you up and down, before opening his arms out for you, beckoning for you to come forth.      “Come here, you looked so pretty doing all that. Such a good girl.” pulling you in closer to his chest, he laid down with a huff, hugging you now. Gojo’s hand rubbed up and down your bare, sweaty back, in a state of euphoria, you don’t do much other then giggle.      “I’m so glad I can call you mine now, pumpkin.” he smiles, before giving you a quick kiss on the forehead.      “Wait... We’re dating now?’ your head shot up, in shock.      “Yes. Dummy. Fuck it, let’s just crash here tonight, your friend won’t mind.” he tousled your hair, taking another deep breath in. “Let’s sleep together.”       “Again?”       “I mean it in a literal sense.” he rolled his eyes.       “.....You guys can fuck here.” a familiar voice rang out from the hallway, you hear a murmur of thanks as the voice became closer and closer, but you’re too tired to move.      “We never closed the door.” you say hazily, digging your face closer into his chest.      He grumbles in response, and you can’t tell what he’s saying.      “..Ah nope- Looks like that room is occupied by Gojo and...” your friend’s eyes looked down, before looking back up in terror. “(Y/N)?”     They looked back down at the ground, their eyes lighting up as soon as they realized what was on it: cum splatters and clothes.     You’re too intoxicated to care, though.     
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millers-planet · 4 years
Cal Kestis NSFW Alphabet
A/N: literally what am i doing writing this. i have tests i should be studying for. jfc this took so long to write, too.
warnings: self-explanatory
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Cal definitely wants to just hold you, he wants to talk about anything and everything with you. He’ll plant kisses on your lips and on the top of your head as you fall asleep, if you do. If you want a little bit of space, so be it. But if it was up to him, he’d just lay there for hours and talk to you
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Thighs! I’ve talking about this briefly in my other NSFW headcanon, but he really does love your thighs. He will always have a hand on them, always. He loves being between your thighs, whether that’s his head, hips, or hand.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He’d prefer to finish inside of you, if he could and if it was possible. It makes less of a mess and being inside of you is the best feeling to him. Whether it’s in your mouth or in your pussy is entirely up to you. He’s a simple man with simple needs.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s had fantasies of just watching you get yourself off. Doesn’t matter if it’s having you do it in front of him or if it’s watching you when you’re not aware of him watching. For some reason, this just strikes a nerve in him. Seeing your perfect body in that state from a farther view means everything to him.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Cal isn’t that experienced in this part of the relationships. While he is a quick learner, he hasn’t had any experience, which is what shocks you when you two decide to do it for the first time. He definitely hides his inexperience well. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
The classic missionary or you on top of him, riding him. He prefers these because seeing your face as you reach climax is what get’s him off the most. Knowing that he did that, that he’s causing you such pleasure in that very moment. This is him being narcassitic or anything, but he can safely say that he caused this moment by himself, all him. If anything, it gives him reassurance.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Unless someone says something stupid or something stupid happens, he’s fairly relaxed. He’s neither serious or goofy, rather a safe middle-ground. Sometimes if you make a snide remark, he’ll make a funny one in return. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Cal keeps himself as groomed as he can, when he can. This being said, sometimes it is a little bit longer, but he never prefers it like this. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He is constantly praising you. Complimenting you, kissing you, running his hands along your body, and just being very physically affection and intimate. I’m like 98% confident he totally has a praising kink.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Before stumbling across you, he wouldn’t masturbate as much, simply because he didn’t have the time, but he definitely did. However, whenever he met you, he made the time to be as intimate as possible with you. Cal will always find an excuse to get you two alone if it’s been awhile and one if you is antsy.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Like I brought up in the other HC, he probably would choke you. Not entirely adding pressure and restricting bloodflow, but resting his hand on your throat, occasionally moving his fingers to readjust his grip and remind you of his presence there. Unless you tell him to add pressure, he wouldn’t do it on his own.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
In private and in a bed. At risk for being caught is a total mood killer for him. When he can get you alone in the Mantis, it’s relieving and the best. When he can just ensure a private time, no interruptions, no one coming in, and nothing in the way.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you happy and carefree puts him in the mood. Whenever it’s just the two of you, not focusing on the impending doom lurking ahead, it makes him just want to hold you so close and do everything he can with you. It’s quite romantic, really.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Hurting you is something he would never do. Making you bleed, bruising you, etc., is just stuff that would turn him off. Seeing you in pain, even if it was pleasurable, just doesn’t sit right with him. Choking you is already toeing the line.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He’s always been a selfless person if you catch my drift. Eating you out and feeling your legs shake around his body is something he can never get enough of, either. Cal caught onto this skill quicker than anything else, which really caught you off guard.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends. Cal definitely prefers to just savor the moment, but, if adrenaline is rushing and your both just really asking for it, it could be fast and rough. Most of the time though, it’s slow and sensual, really sweet moments.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Like i said earlier, he prefers for you guys to take your time. However, if Cere and Greez are on their way back or went off to do something, he would be okay with doing a quickie every once in a while.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Cal loves experimenting with you. Trying new styles, maybe some kinky stuff, but usually not that often since you guys don’t really have time to do it that often, anyways. Risks at being caught are also something he tries to avoid at all costs, but we’ve already covered this.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Tbh i feel like he could go quite a few rounds, but most of the time you guys would be lucky to get like two in. Cal always makes you first priority though, making sure that you always finish first if time does get cut short.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
I don’t really have much to say on this other than that he prefers to get you off with his own body, making you finish with another object is something he’d try if you wanted to, but his first choice is to always use his hands, his mouth, his cock, or hell, maybe even having you get off from just riding his thighs. (yup i now firmly believe Cal is into thigh-riding)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Cal is the BIGGEST little shit. In theory, if you guys had all the time in the galaxy, he’d tease the shit out of you. He’d touch you so gently, dragging kisses out, dragging out movements, and just getting on your last nerve. He would love to just have you melt underneath him when you beg, but since this isn’t really an option, he’ll instead make snide and dirty remarks throughout the day. He’ll barely graze your skin where it’s super sensitive, make kisses last a little longer than they should, and overall making you really desperate for him by the time you two can be alone. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s just barely loud enough for you to hear, it’s never loud moans and groans, just quiet little grumbles in the back of his throat. As he gets closer to finishing, he gets a little louder, not by much, but just a little.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Thigh-riding. Yes. yes. yes. If he was being a little shit one night and was in the mood to tease you, he’d force you to get off from riding his thighs alone. Occasionally, he’d bounce it or move it align with your movements, but it’d be mainly up to you. He would just stare at your hips as they moved so perfectly and watching your face change as you slowly got yourself off.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I don’t really think there’s any special about him in this aspect, he’s quite average. In no way is he lacking though, he’s packing, but just the average amount of packing.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He could go whenever, but it’s usual after intense missions or after just dying probably. Just whenever he has a lot of adrenaline is what really makes him want to get going.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If it was a long day, he’d fall asleep a few minutes after. However, if you wanted to stay up, he’d talk your ear off. Like i said earlier, if he’s gonna stay up with you, he’s gonna want to just talk to you about everything. This man is in love wit you, he has so much to say and so little time.
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
hi!! how are you? can you write for baku, deku, & todo where they meet their s/o family for the first time & they’re super scary? they’re all super tall, buff, full of tattoos, loud, aggressive, mean & the fam is super overprotective over s/o & the 3 are just freaking out bc s/o is the opposite? s/o is super sweet, calm, bubbly & short so the last thing they were expecting was this & they’re just freaking out & trying to get on their s/o’s family good side? sorry if that sounds complicated 😭
The more specific the ask, the better! I’ll see what my brain can come up with, I’ve just had couch medicine so
Requests are temporarily closed so I can catch up on them!
-Loud boi isn’t gonna let anyone know that he’s intimidated.
-He’s already a little nervous to meet your family for the first time, though he’d never admit it. You were so hesitant to ask him to come over, and at first he thought it was because he was the loud and aggressive one.
-But that Saturday afternoon when he walks up to your house and your dad answers the door, he’s like ‘oh’ and it all clicks into place.
-He loves you a lot, so he wants to make a good impression, but he also never backs down from a challenge. So he and your dad have a stare down in the doorway, until you stroll around the corner and see them.
-You scold your dad and tell him to stop being rude to your boyfriend. Your dad doesn’t say anything, but he sighs and lets Bakugou in.
-The fun doesn’t stop there, though. You tug Bakugou around the house from room to room introducing him to your family, and every single one of them gives him the same cold, mildly threatening stare.
-Ngl your uncle who lives in the basement apartment kinda scares him, but he doesn’t say anything and tries to play it cool. The guy is built like a brick house and covered head to toe in intricate tattoos.
-He doesn’t mention it, but you can tell that your boyfriend is wondering about potential ties you have to the mafia, with a guy like that living in your house. But you assure him it’s just your uncle’s quirk that gives him the art on his skin, and that he’s actually pretty shy about it and doesn’t like going out.
-The last person he meets is your mom. With everyone being so much taller and physically stronger than you, he assumes that your mom is gonna be the person you got your tiny genes from.
-Lol no
-She’s at least six feet tall, and without a doubt the most intimidating person in the house. She’s got the face of an angel and the grace of a butterfly, but behind her smile Bakugou can see the willingness to kill anyone who hurts her baby (you).
-Lunch with the fam is a little awkward at first, until your younger cousin goads Bakugou into a spice eating contest. Then the shouting at the table begins, everyone placing their bets on who they think will win. You’re the only one who bets on your boyfriend, and you get like a hundred collective bucks out of your family members when he wins.
-He’s earned the respect of your cousin, who’s like eight maybe and now deems Bakugou a respectable opponent. Bakugou is torn between yelling and patting the kid on the head, so he probably does both and shouts at the kid to keep practicing so they can try and beat him one day.
-At the end of the visit, your boyfriend is surprisingly calm. You’re walking him home, arm in arm, not really saying much. Though you do tell him that he’s taking your living situation pretty well.
-He’s like wdym? And you explain to him that most of your friends and potential partners are scared of your family and refuse to come over because of them.
-Bakugou just scoffs and is like ‘of course they are, because they’re chicken shits. As if I’d be scared of a bunch of-’ and he pauses because you start laughing, not at him, just about the situation.
-Your family actually really likes him and find him a suitable boyfriend for you. They know you’re strong, but they want someone who can protect you and who’s loyal to you, and they see that in Bakugou. They probably invite him to the next family gathering.
-A nervous boi
-He wants so badly to make a good impression on your family, to get their approval of your relationship. He knows you’re close with them, so he doesn’t want their potential opinions of him to sway your desire to be with him.
-He dresses casually but tidy, and while he waits at the door he fiddles with his shirt a bit.
-Almost has a heart attack when your sister opens the door and glares down at him with the rage of 1000 suns.
-He does his best to introduce himself formally and be polite, but your sister is making it awfully hard for him to stay focused. She doesn’t say anything to him, so he just continues chattering until he’s off on a tangent and saying way too much.
-And you’re like ‘I feel my boyfriend danger senses tingling’ so you go downstairs and lo and behold. 
-Ofc he’s not in any actual danger, just the danger of making a fool of himself. You set a hand on your sister’s arm, and the moment you do it’s like all the anger in her body dissipates and she turns into a sweet, smiling bean. Then she skips away to go do her homework.
-You pull Midoriya inside and give him a once-over anyways, just to make sure your sister didn’t burn holes in him with her glares. But he assures you he’s alright, and he’s a lot more relaxed now that you’re around.
-Probably says something like ‘I can see why you were so nervous about bringing me to your house, your older sister seems really protective of you’
-and you’re like ‘um,,,,actually she’s my younger sister’ and he’s like ‘wot’ and you’re like ‘also she’s the least scary of everyone’ and he’s like ‘wOT’
-You waste no time parading him from room to room to show him off, all while his soul slowly escapes his body.
-Your parents actually scare him the least, like, of course they’re protective of you, but they have the common courtesy not to exaggerate their scary qualities. They still tower over both you and Midoriya, but they’re mostly civil in terms of interactions.
-Your older brothers scare him a little bit more. They share the basement suite, so you drag your boyfriend downstairs to introduce them all to each other...and interrupt their poker game with their friends.
-All of them have some kind of tattoo visible, nothing Midoriya recognizes as any gang symbol, but he’s still wary. However, he manages to say hello and all the pleasantries, and actually gets a smile out of one of your brothers, who tries to rope him into a game of cards.
-Thankfully you save him with the excuse that you still have more family to show him off to, but he’s left with the promise of ‘later, then’.
-Lastly is your sister, who he’s technically already met. She’s arguably the scariest of everyone. She’s easily almost six feet tall and looks like she could bench press the two of you with ease. You promise him that she’s a literal sweet pea, but when the two of you walk up to her room, Midoriya isn’t so sure.
-She glares at him hard, like she’s judging him about everything and if he doesn’t pass she’ll snap him in half. He has to swallow the lump in his throat, and quickly looks around the room for some kind of thing to ask about that might get her to open up.
-And he sees it. One of the rarer All Might figures from an old merch line, one that he also has, so he’s like ‘do you like All Might’ and it’s like a switch is flipped.
-You breathe a sigh of relief as the two of them start nerding out about their favourite hero, sprouting facts and recalling films and old news videos. When he mentions that All Might teaches at his school, your sister honest to god squeals, and starts asking all kinds of questions about what kind of teacher he is, what he’s learned, what it’s like to be a protogee of such a great hero. He answers everything with glee, all his former fears forgotten.
-When it comes time for dinner, your sister insists that your boyfriend sit next to her, which is apparently a very high honor because one of your brothers sulks off to the other end of the table. (You assure your brother later that it’s just temporary and that your sister just really likes your boyfriend).
-But seeing the two of them interact warms your heart, it’s usually hard for your sister to make friends because she’s so intimidating, so you’re glad they’re getting along. And so does the rest of your family! They see Midoriya’s kindness and hardworking attitude, and they warm up to him pretty quickly.
-It ends up being a really enjoyable night, despite the rocky start. Though sadly yes your boyfriend does eventually get roped into a game of poker, and yes your brother’s cheat, but you cheat too, and you’re all betting in chocolate coins. You share your hoard with him.
-He goes into it being not nervous, and ends up being Quite nervous once he meets your family.
-When he arrives, you’re thankfully the one to answer the door, so he doesn’t get hassled, so everything seems pretty normal right off the bat. Until your cousin walks through the room and is like ‘???? who’s this pipsqueak???’ and Todoroki is torn between being his usual snarky self and being polite.
-He wats to throw shade right back, but for your sake he wants to make a good impression. You’re used to his manners (or lack thereof) but he doesn’t want your family to think he’s not worthy of you. He really loves you a lot and wants to stay with you.
-So he goes for a formal introduction, even going in for a handshake. It’s kind of funny, because your cousin is like ‘lol what are manners’ but your glare forces him to return the gesture. His hand completely dwarfs your boyfriend’s, and you have to hide a snicker.
-And then the guy awkwardly wanders out of the room.
-You and Todoroki kind of just stand there for a second, and then he’s like ‘is this what you meant when you said your family was intimidating’ and you’re like ‘:3′
-You give him a tour of the house, a nice modest place with traditional aspects. It’s nowhere near as big as his, but he like it that way, it makes the place more homey and warm.
-You introduce him to family members as you come across them; your younger twin nuisances cousins, who are more mischievous than dangerous, your aunt and her wife, who look like they could get away with murder, your brother and his friends, who mostly only glare at Todoroki to try and make him uncomfortable.
-Thankfully he’s used to the stoic and slightly scary expressions, thanks to his dad. He wonders momentarily if you’re safe here, but then he realizes that everyone in the house is especially kind to you, and very affectionate when they think he’s not looking. He doesn’t even bother asking the question.
-Lastly are your parents, who are in the kitchen preparing dinner. They’re a little perturbed that you’re both in the kitchen when they’re working, but they seem to be less purposefully intimidating than everyone else. They’re still a little scary though.
-Then he notices that your parents are making soba. From scratch. Which is particularly difficult to master, so he figures they must be pretty well practiced if they’re so good at it.
-Without thinking, he asks if they’ve made soba before, and soon your parents are sprouting off about their culinary careers and the restaurant they run. You were supposed to take over one day, but you ultimately chose a different path in life, even after they taught you so much.
-Todoroki didn’t even realize you could cook, but now he wants more than anything to try your meals someday, or learn a few things from you and make dinners together.
-It startles him a little that he’s thinking so far ahead in your lives, but honestly if you’ve managed to get him as a boyfriend then you’re likely to have him for your whole life, if you want him.
-He talks a little more with your parents about the food, expressing in his way that he’s looking forward to a dinner that’s had so much hard work go into it. And you can see the little light go on in your parents’ heads, the light that signals they approve of your choice in boyfriend and have started making room in their hearts for him.
-Dinner is nice, pretty peaceful aside from your twin cousins causing their usual trouble, but he’s nonplussed by it. he still wonders how you managed to come out so small in comparison to everyone else, but it doesn’t bother him too much. He can see that you’re loved and well cared for, and a little piece of him hopes that one day he’ll be able to get to know your family even better.
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Synopsis: You reminisce with your boyfriend about how you two met, while the team listens, seeing how your hate turned to love.
Genre: Fluff, maybe goofy idk I try
A/N: I thought of this when I didn’t write much all day because I was so exited to write again! but I’m so excited to put it down now! Enjoy this and thanks again for always being so kind to me 🥺 requests are open! KITHES!
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• He hadn’t know you didn’t like him, he just thought you were shy
• When he would approach you and you’d look away, shove your headphones on and walk away he thought you were just not a talkative person or in a hurry
Yaku: Oh y/n? She’s cool, she’s super hyper - doesn’t like you though
Kenma: Yeah I can relate
Kuroo: Kenma 🥺💔
• When you two where in chemistry together you knew he was the smartest person in class
“For this project you will need partners.”
• Everyones silently cheered
“But I’ll be choosing your partners.”
• Now everyone’s cheers became groans
• You silently prayed you didn’t get with the last person you wanted to be with, but the universe had other plans for you...
“Kuroo and y/n-“
“Excuse me, Miss, could I maybe work alone instead?”
• All the other girls beamed and raised their hands asking to work with him while your teacher shook her head and Kuroo blushed, wether it be from the amount of girls who offered to work with him or that you just lowkey humbled him
“Sorry y/n - but you have to have a partner for this one.”
• You only sighed and eyed Kuroo who still had a blush on his cheeks - and a bunch of girls glaring at you.
• You rolled your eyes and sat with him once your teacher told you guys to sit with your partners
“What’s your deal y/n? I don’t remember doing anything to you.”
• You glared at him before opening your notebook and starting to write stuff down making yourself busy
“Let’s get this project over with.”
“Okay... fine.”
• His eyes would wander over to you as you lost yourself in your work, but his eyes didn’t go unnoticed - they were practically burning holes in the side of your head
• You turned your head and glared at him
“Whats your problem Kuroo? Stop staring at me!”
“Me? You’re the one who’s mean to me for no reason!”
“What? Because I’m not one of your stupid fans? Sorry I’m not begging to be your partner but I have a little more decency than that.”
“I don’t expect you to be! But you have no real reason to hate me!”
• You glared at him one more time before the bell rang and you stood up shoving everything in your bag stomping out
• Kuroo hurried to follow you, catching up to you he grabbed your wrist
“Oh my gosh why do you care so much if I like you or not?”
• He let go of you and looked to the side scratching the back of his head
“Because you hate me for no reason...”
“Because you’re a player! You’re a flirt Kuroo! I hear it everywhere but I’m not gonna fall for your tricks just because you have a pretty face!”
• He raised his eyebrow and let out a laugh his cheeks painted red at the compliment
• You sighed and grumbled smacking his arm
“It’s not funny! Shut up rooster head before I sell you to a farm!”
• He started cackling at this point holding his stomach causing you to turn red
“Y-Y/n... I don’t know if you know this or not but I am not a player - I would rather not spend all my time flirting.”
• Now it was your turn to blush, you looked away before crossing your arms
“Doesn’t mean your face isn’t any less annoying you dumb bedheaded beanstock.”
• He shrugged and smiled at you
“It takes time to grow accustomed to people, I’ll let you have your time to begin to like me.”
• Your face grew red again and you stomped your foot
“This is what I’m talking about! You flirt!”
“That’s was flirting?!”
• Your eyes shot open and you smacked your head
“You’re so slow..”
• You two began walking and arguing
• and that’s how you two were...
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Inuoka: So... you hated Kuroo?
Y/N: with my whole chest.
• Here you sat at the Nekoma boy’s practice, Kuroo lazily slumped over you as you tried to push him away
“You’re sweaty, nasty unwashed potato.”
• Kuroo raised his eyebrow at you and Yaku laughed silently next to you
Yaku: it doesn’t sound any different, sounds like she still hates you
Kuroo: Y/n loves me! That’s not true at all!
Y/n: no wait let him speak
Kuroo: WHAT-
• You giggled placing a small peck on his cheek, showing him that you’re kidding - to which he picked you up and hugged you tightly
Kenma: Disgusting
• You look at Kenma and he smiled at you before looking at his game again
“Why don’t you smile at me Kenma?!”
“Because you’re irritating Lev.”
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• When you sat with your friends, all they did was talk about Atsumu, while you ate your fruit slices because Yum 😋
Y/n: he has the IQ of a mannequin
“He does not! He’s really smart! Which reminds me oh my gosh-“
• You shrugged tuning out your friend before looking back at your fruit slices and taking a bite happily
• Then there was Atsumu, in his own little world in the middle of practice - until a ball hit him in the back of the head
• Osamu glared at him while Kita shook his head
Kita: Why are you so spaced out today?
Osamu: He jus has no brain - it takes em a second to regain his brain cell
Atsumu: NOT TRUE! I jus- I saw this cute girl today
• The whole team groaned while another ball came at the blonde head with a thump
Osamu: who even is it this time?!
Atsumu: ...y/n 😳👉🏽👈🏽
• The whole gym went silent before everyone laughed at him making him go red
Suna: She literally hates you
*y/n: oh my why am I sneezing so much? Am I getting sick?*
• Atsumu frowned before looking at everyone
Atsumu: wait why?
• To which everyone shrugged and went back to their practice
• But that kept him only wondering what made you hate him...
• The next day you were enjoying your daily fruit slices happily on a bench alone, you popped a slice into your mouth bouncing of happiness at the sweet taste
• Your happiness faltered when you saw Atsumu approaching you with a sickingly sweet smile while all his fan girls glared at you already
• he couldn’t be approaching you right? Maybe he was gonna pass you? Yeah - that’s most likely it. He doesn’t have any reason to talk to y-
“Hi y/n!”
• Yeah no. You picked up your fruit slices and bag walking away
“Wait! Y/n!”
• You turned, half a fruit slice sticking out of your mouth, the other half being chewed
• He looked at you like you were the cutest in the world - and you took the fruit slice out of your mouth
“What corn head?”
• He automatically stopped smiling and glared at you
“Why do ya hate me huh?”
• You shrugged and turned around and kept walking but you came to a halt feeling a force pulling you back - he grabbed the strap of your backpack and you gasped falling back
• He put his arm around you and smiled down at you with closed eyes opening his mouth to speak
• But your fist in his side and his gasping fangirls stopped him from speaking
“Did she just hit Atsumu?!”
“She’s so ungrateful! I’d love to have him with me like that!”
• You internally gagged at their annoying remarks and sent them a glare worse than they had given you making them scatter
“You perv! This is why I totally despise you! You think you can do whatever you want and you get away with whatever because everyone likes you! But you’re just an asshole!”
• He looked at you with furrowed eyebrows as you stomped off
• He didn’t do anything wrong did he?
• He walked back up to you and you groaned turning and pressing your foot onto his making him wince
“Stop following me! It’s creepy!”
• You frowned and held the straps to your bag while he gasped and reached in his bag
“You like these? Right? I made sure to save mine for you!”
• He held out some fruit slices and placed them in your hands, before smiling at you, patting your head and walking away
• When he got to practice his brother was already laughing it him
“We tell you she hates you and you think you can get her to like you by just approaching her? Oh my gosh!”
• He growled at his captain but all eyes snapped to the door when you walked in
“Did ya come to confess ya love to me?”
“No I’d rather avoid looking at you at all costs.”
• He frowned and you handed some papers to Kita telling him they were for coach while he thanked you
• You walked to Atsumu who was sulking, thinking maybe you were too harsh on him...
“Listen... you should really try working on your people skills... then maybe... I’ll be your friend if you’d like.”
• He smirked at you
“Oh so-“
• You turned to walk out before he was in front of you for a split second
“I’m sorry! I’ll be a’ better person!”
• This had everyone’s eyebrows raised - and you nodded smiling at and putting a hand on his shoulder
“I’m sure you can do it!”
• Yeah he was a puddle in your arms at that point watching you walk out
“Ya wouldn’t last a’ day trashsumu.”
“Shut up ‘samu!”
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
• Atsumu recalled the story to Bokuto, Sakusa, and Hinata
“Wow so you changed just for her?! That’s so romantic!”
• Hinata’s eyes grew wide as he smiled at Bokuto who had a tear in his eye
“That’s so sweet!”
• Sakusa rolled his “You didn’t change you liar.”
• You smacked your boyfriends head
“I was not that mean you stupid corn head!”
• He rubbed the back of his head looking at you as you placed a kiss on his cheek
“I was actually really nice he was just super annoying”
“Was not!”
Sakusa: I believe it
Atsumu: Omi 🥺
• You giggled and smiled at Atsumu, he smiled back at you sliding an arm around your waist leading his head on your shoulder
“Either way she helped me change for the better.”
• This causes you to blush and look down at your lap
“Shut up corn head.”
Hinata: Oh my gosh so that’s what she sounded like while he was explaining the story!
Bokuto: No! She sounded more high pitched probably like this
• Cue Bokuto saying “shut up corn head” in a high pitched voice
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• He thought when everyone said you hated him it was just a joke :(
Iwaizumi: she hates you
Oikawa: Haha so funny
Iwaizumi: no really she hates your guts
• He didn’t get the memo - THE VERY CLEAR MEMO - because when you two were forced to sit next to each other in class and you ignored him, he was confused
“Can I borrow a pen y/n? I left mine-“
• you have already flicked a pin at his forehead to which he caught
• when he sat next to your table at lunch with his own friends he realized how much you hate him
“Okau y/n, kiss, marry, kill: oikawa-“
“Kill oikawa.”
“I didn’t finish.”
“Oh yeah sorry.”
• The look of fear on his face was very noticeable and not only that Iwaizumi cackling made it even more noticeable they heard because you turned around
“Huh? Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Y/n-Chan!” “Don’t call me that” “You just said you’d rather kill me than be with me!”
“Yeah what about it?”
• He was sulking the rest of the day and everytime Iwa thought about it he laughed so hard
• By the time he was at practice, he knew his worries would go away. But when his fan girls approached he started getting... bored?
• Iwaizumi quickly caught onto his fake smile and realized how he quickly told them he was in a rush
Iwa: Aye shittykawa!
Oikawa: Huh? What did I do!
Iwa: What’s up with you?
• This confuses oikawa, what was wrong with him? He didn’t think anything was wrong with him...
Mattsun: Yeah usually you’re all *bats eyelashes and puts fake hair behind his year* with your 5,000 girlfriends!
Oikawa: I am not!
Makki: Are too! And they usually go *appraches Mattsun with hands behind his back shyly* for you and you eat that up!
• Yuh Makki and Mattsun Debby Ryaning! Get into it!
• This had Oikawa red and blushing
“Shouldn’t you guys be practicing!?”
• The rest of the team laughed at their upperclassmen and continued on with practice
• He walked up to you the next day smiling at you while you groaned and walked into the girls bathroom to avoid him
• You stood in there for 3 minutes before you walked back out - thank god he was gone
• You jumped and swing your backpack at the boy who fell back with a thud
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! Oikawa! What were you doing!”
• He held his bleeding nose and sat up
“I know you said you’d kill me! But I didn’t think you’d actually mean it!”
“Huh? When did I-“
• the color drained from your face when you remembered your own words
“I’m not a psychopath! You just scared me! You creepy stalker!”
“I am not!”
“Are too!”
• You helped him up and made him sit at a nearby bench in the hall heading back into the girls bathroom to get some paper towels
• You cleaned him up and pinched the bridge of his nose
“What do you have in your bag y/n? Bricks!?”
“Wha- no?! I carry a lot for school!”
“You knew today would be your attack day!”
“I’ll let your nose bleed out if you don’t shut up 💞”
• He slightly laughed and you smiled at him, when he was up close maybe he wasn’t so bad...
“Y/n... why do you hate me?”
“You’re cocky.”
“I am not!”
“Are too!”
• He growled and sighed letting you take your hand off of his nose
“You also think you need to show everyone you’re so good at everything, Oikawa you don’t have to do that all the time. Everyone likes you enough as it is - stop stressing yourself out.”
• He looked at you as your blush painted your cheeks
“Y/n... do you like me?”
“Shut up! I’ll hit you with my brick back again!”
“Okay okay!”
• He smiled at you as you growled lowly, you threw away the napkins and sat down next to him
“Listen Oikawa, you’re a great captain. You’re a leader and above all you’re kind. But sometimes you let the fangirls get to your head and it’s - annoying to say the least.”
• He looked at you, you were gripping your skirt and your hair was covering your face
“Shut up oikawa I’ll punch you if you say something cheesy.”
• He smiled to himself, the butterflies in his stomach now becoming way more noticeable as he scooted closer to you
• You noticed this and stood up
“I’ll see you later Oikawa.”
• He nodded and watched as you walked away, you shot a smile at him and turned your head back around to continue walking
• He cherished that moment forever
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Kindaichi: So... She actually had a crush on you the whole time?
Oikawa: Ye-
Y/n: no. Definitely not.
• Oikawa pouted and you kissed his nosed laughing, while the other boys gagged
Kunimi: I think this was a cute story!
• You smiled and linked arms with Oikawa - who smiled down at you as you talked excitedly about their upcoming match while the other boys talked back just as excited
Iwa: you coming to watch the retired circus clown?
Oikawa: Iwa 😔
Y/n: Of course Iwa-Chan!
• Iwaizumi nodded patting your head
Oikawa: HUH? Why is it different when she does it?!
Iwaizumi: Because you’re just weird about it!
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ajaxwrites · 3 years
(previous: part i)
Seaglass by Aevas
There was more to the contract than a gnosis and test of Liyue. It seemed like a simple deal five hundred years ago: so long as Morax never had a soulmate, the Tsaritsa would never harm Liyue and she would not get his gnosis. But the moment he gained a soulmate, all that belonged to him was forfeit. He thought the deal left Liyue safe—he'd lived thousands of years without a soulmate. The Tsaritsa would be dead and gone by the time she'd have a chance to collect.
Five hundred years later, Childe appears in Liyue, Zhongli gains a soulmate mark, and everything falls apart.
(The obligatory soulmate AU, featuring a Zhongli with PTSD, an oblivious Childe, and demon-worshipping cultists.)
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: I CANNOT BELIEVE I SLEPT ON THIS FIC FOR SO LONG. Read it and I mean it! I admitted initially steered clear of this fic because I wasn’t comforted with a soulmate tartali fic pre-Osial but this fic is actually post-Ostial *facepalm* The writing is phenomenal and Aevas does some beautiful worldbuilding that you typically don’t see in Genshin Impact fics. I love the dynamic between Childe and Zhongli here and the angst is real. The author writes the two as very human characters who makes mistakes, etc. and notably Zhongli struggles with the concept of Childe as his soulmate (who understandably is upset by the rejection when he realizes). They get better though. Also very plotty. A+ writing.
it's a hard rock life for us by reptilianraven
“Ah, no need to worry about that,” Azhdaha waves a dismissive hand. “There is no real Kun Jun. He’s dead.”
A leaf blows past and plaps onto Aether’s face.
“You killed him???” Paimon screeches.
“No,” Azhdaha scrunches his eyebrows. “He was dead when I found him.”
“And you just decided to wear his corpse?” Aether says, leaf still on his face.
He shrugs. “It was free real estate.”
“Azhdaha...” Morax says, sounding vaguely pained.
Or the one where Historia Antiqua Chapter II: No Mere Stone goes a little bit different and Azhdaha gets more time.
He ultimately uses that time to bully Morax into confronting his immortal neuroses, to make Aether and Paimon suffer, and to figure out how to get that ginger boy Morax has his eye on to make a move already.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe, Past Azhdaha/Zhongli
Notes: Very lighthearted, humor-filled fic. Love how Azhdaha is so flippant. Interactions with Zhongli and Childe are pure gold.
if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes by moonlight_mist
Childe has a Weapon problem- specifically, that he can't keep one.
He's too reckless, too wild, and too keen on pushing his Weapon partners past their limits. He's just about ready to give up when he meets Zhongli, a Weapon who just might be the solution- so long as Childe can manage to keep his dick in his pants.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: This is a Soul Eater AU with some college/university AU vibes (?) but you don’t really need to know much about the anime. It’s a cute AU and I love the premise. Light angst but otherwise, it’s a pretty semi-plotty fic. Easter egg Kaeya and Diluc though.
To Kill A God by IlluminanceinTales
In Snezhnaya, they call them sansis—lost souls that have no guidance but themselves. It’s an apt description, given that most of the time, wannabe-Archons have to go through dozens of tests with nothing as their reference, relying solely on their wit and strength and hoping it would be enough. At least, until they survive the end of the whole game—and they might not have to undergo a painful reincarnation which feels like a hundred bones being stitched together again.
On his seventh game, Childe Tartaglia reincarnates this time in the body of a young man.
Damn, he thinks, looking down at his thin body, his slightly calloused fingers. This won’t be good when facing the other Hydro Decisions.
In a world where an Archon's position is not chosen but fought for in games, Childe Tartaglia is a Hydro Decision who's poised to become the next Hydro Archon. Of course, that's only if he survives his seventh reincarnation. All would be so much easier if it weren't for a certain Geo Archon interfering with every possible chance he gets.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: Think Hunger Games meet Political Intrigue meet Genshin Impact. Love the premise and world building that’s done. Features overprotective Zhongli and lots of Childe whump. Has one or two supplementary OCs that aren’t really important outside of plot device reasons. Warning for character death tho lmao.
Three's a Family by IlluminanceinTales
Childe finds a kid that looks just like him.
Of course Zhongli wants to keep him.
Or: How a harbinger and an archon accidentally become fathers. The kid is their wingman
Ships: Childe/Zhongli (?)
Notes: Your everyday cute AF kid fic. Fluffy as hell and super cute. Zhongli and Childe get domestic pretty quickly. Xiao gets dubbed a grandfather and begrudgingly plays along. Super wholesome.
in pitch dark i go walking in your landscape by snowbrigade
He glanced down at him, at the silvery scars peeking out from beneath his robe, and at his eyes, properly now. They were the bright blue of high quality noctilucous jade, but he could see it, an underlying darkness.
Zhongli wondered what his eyes betrayed about himself. --
Rex Lapis is dead. Zhongli, formerly known as triad leader Rex Lapis, is a detective investigating his own "death." Childe, also known as Tartaglia of the Fatui mafia, is undercover as an escort looking to kill Rex Lapis- until someone beats him to it, and he wants to know who. Goals intersecting, they form a partnership of ulterior motives.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: There’s like one scene that skews NSFW but otherwise surprisingly not explicit. Really fun AU. Like how the author addresses Childe’s reaction to being stuck with the undercover escort stuff and how the dynamic between the two develops. Pretty plotty so far.
Phantom Lines by iskendaris
“It’s a measure of one’s self, Mr Zhongli.” Childe says. “Maybe you don’t understand it since you work as a consultant, but as an ambassador from the Tsaritsa, as one who fights in her name— this is how I learn to know the measure of myself.” “I understand,” Zhongli says thoughtfully. “It is a warrior’s way, to test one’s strength against the incomparable. To find where one falls short. To find where one has risen to the challenge.”
In which Childe has insomnia, vandalizes public property and runs into a mysterious funeral consultant on his first night in Liyue.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: THE FEELS. I can only describe this as the fic where Zhongli pays Best Boyfriend Ever only to FUCK UP big time (via Gnosis deception). Poor, poor Childe. Look, he gave the boy feelings and then broke him. You can really feel Childe fall in love in this love. He also does mental swooning a lot lmao. 
adventitious by Anonymous
It's said the Ley Lines remember all things that happen in this world, from the surface down to the deepest depths... But in the hidden corners where the Gods' gaze does not fall, there are those who dream of dreaming.
There's a dormant bud where Kaeya's eye once was. One day, it will bloom. (Never forget: memory is untrustworthy.)
Ships: Diluc/Kaeya
Notes: I don’t even know where to start. This is very headcanony and lore-focused. Very much concentrated on Khaenri'ah. The implications of this story is grotesque to say the least (according to this fic, Visions are the literal eyes of the people of Khaenri'ah). Warnings for eye and body horror.
Without Those Dark Memories by StrangeDiamond
Diluc awakens in Stormterror’s Lair with no memories of the past five years. Kaeya is on the trail of a rogue alchemist, with a habit of testing his chemicals on unwilling human subjects. Now, in addition to capturing the criminal, Kaeya has to shake him down for an antidote . . . and deal with an amnesiac Diluc who acts exactly like he did before their brotherhood fell apart. (Standalone Fic.)
Ships: Diluc/Kaeya
Notes: This is sort of a classic amnesia fic. I particularly really liked the way that Kaeya was written in this. I feel like the author did a really good job nailing his character and they have a way of capturing the subtle things.
Through the warmth, through the cold by strikedawn
“It’s you!” Paimon shouted with a twirl in mid-air.
“…Excuse me?"
They were drunk. Were they drunk? Was he drunk? Because Kaeya had the feeling his guests had been talking to him for a while now, but none of their words had made any sense whatsoever.
That was, until Venti stepped firmly in front of Kaeya’s desk and set his hands on the top, the better to lean over towards Kaeya and say: “For the end of the Windblume festival, Sir Kaeya Alberich, we’re going to auction a date with you.”
Ships: Diluc/Kaeya
Notes: Shortword, Kaeya gets auctioned off. Diluc makes impulsive (but good) decisions and scores himself a Date but displays an inability to do Date Planning. Venti deserves a pat on the back. Very sweet.
Hide and Seek by Kiri_Kaitou_Clover
Childe did not expect regaining his memories would bring him such frustration.
He makes the best of the situation by messing with one amber eyed consultant in anyway he can.
A reincarnated storm god wades through life in Liyue, all while screaming about one dragon god's incompetency at being human.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: Features Childe as Osial’s very exasperated reincarnation, who gets the joy of discovering that his rival/enemy Morax is not only an idiot but also broke AF. He still falls in love anyway. Contains this golden line: 
"Did... did that complete blockhead really use my money in order to get me a gift that basically says that he is proposing to me?!"
(Osial was screaming. When had the other god become like this?! Had he always been like this?!)
Getting that Bread by tzitzimeme
Concubine AU where Zhongli is Emperor, Xiao is an assassin sent to kill him while disguised as a woman in his imperial harem, and the only reason he doesn't actually do it is because he pities Zhongli for being so catastrophically stupid (also Xiao falls in love).
Ships: Zhongli/Xiao
Notes: Like Xiao says, Zhongli is an idiot. Fluff and humor filled. Xiao spends a good 95% of this exasperated by Zhongli’s bullshit. 
prayers for a boy by Recluse
The only way to reconciliation is fierce combat!
Hm... Come to think of it, there will be a lot of interesting news to be heard the next time we gather for drinks. Filling in the blanks.
Ships: N/A
Notes: I...don’t really know where to begin with this? It’s exactly what the summary implies...but more? I was tempted to describe this as the fic where Zhongli puts his foot in his mouth but...that’s not exactly write? I feel like this was more of a character study. It explores the aftermath of the Osial Incident and how Zhongli and Childe reconnect. Platonically...though I guess it can be read romantically. 
one kind of longing, two places of sorrow by lady_peony
Zhongli's hands rest behind his back, both gloved hands clasping one another. His fingers tighten around one another for the merest moment, before he relaxes his grip.
"There is a tradition in Liyue," Zhongli says, his back still to Childe standing behind him, "of inviting out a companion to a last meal before a farewell."
A pause.
"A tradition?" Childe echoes.
"With a companion?"
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: The fic where neither of the two communicate about jackshit but go on a quiet, sad not-date before Childe leaves for Snezhnaya. Childe pulls (? on accident or on purpose, I can not tell) the equivalent of leaving the jacket in the car post-date to get date to call for the second date. Also, the author has a gift for like...writing angst...without writing angst? Like the whole fic is like brimming with everything that the characters aren’t saying but the thoughts aren’t necessarily written out BUT YOU KNOW THOSE DUMBFUCKS ARE JUST LIKE. BRIMMING WITH FEELS? 
The People of Liyue by queer_occurrences
But Zhongli whispers, his low voice rooted in the back of Childe’s mind. “Changsun, the merchant, who is never too Mora-enthralled to turn away a needy child. There’s Tiantian—she will allow anyone to join the Adventurer’s Guild—she knows what it is to be desperate.”
Childe ducks away from them and hurries out over the bridge. It’s a warm, sunny day, the kind he would have complained about, whining about his delicate Snezhnayan skin. “It’ll burn, or worse, freckle. Would you still like me if I was freckled?”
Then Zhongli would say, “The people of Liyue will remember your sacrifice.” And he would wrinkle his nose.
Or: after it all goes down, Childe takes a walk.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: The author has a way with perfectly balancing angst with humor in a way that makes you cackle. There’s a lot of feels in this one. Zhongli tries communicating--Childe runs away a lot. There’s a lot of love for Liyue in this one.
cold blooded, warm blooded, hearts all the same by reptilianraven
Teyvat Petting Zoo @tyvtpettingzoo
Well would you look at that! Zhongli, our resident spinytail iguana, has gotten quite cozy with Childe, our new (and very feisty) ginger ferret! Aren’t they adorable all cuddled together like this? 😍😍😍
[Attached image shows a brown spinytail iguana curled up against a ginger ferret. The iguana’s head is nuzzled under the snout of the ferret.]
At the Teyvat Petting Zoo, Zhongli and Childe fall in love.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: ...I promise I’m not weird. This is just super cute. Cross-species love affair? Childe the ferret is very besotted. The internet is confused and the zoo keepers are just done.
a geo archon's guide to the modern era by Erina
“Morax,” Xiao says after Zhongli finishes his retelling of the incident. “He thinks you’re a weirdo.”
“No, don’t say that,” Barbatos snickers. “You’ll give him hope that this is salvageable.” He lowers his voice. “Morax, he thinks you’re a boomer.”
(In which Zhongli hibernates for centuries and wakes up in the modern world)
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: This took me, I shit you not, FIVE SEPARATE ATTEMPTS to read. Not because it was bad but BECAUSE THE SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT WAS REAL. Like, omg, just reading about Zhongli’s introduction to modernity made me want to dig a hole and die. Super funny though. Do not read in public or you will look like a lunatic. Has a...parallel (?) fic in the same series called  buy two get one archon free where Zhongli gets reversed isekai’d into an anime convention.
time flies like an arrow by Erina
He’s tired, tired of the unbreakable loop of watching his loved ones pass on, tired of getting attached only for the connection to be violently ripped away from him. He wonders if the real victors during the Archon War were those who perished, who died long before their godhood turned into a curse that chained them to the land that they were fighting for.
But that is not a problem for Childe to worry about. That is Zhongli’s burden to bear, delivered to him in a pretty package years ago in the form of a gnosis.
His very first contract.
(Zhongli and Childe, across many lifetimes)
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: This is a quiet fic. It’s this kind of slice-of-life fic colored by this overpowering sense of love and loss as Zhongli remains immortal and Childe dies and lives and dies and lives for hundreds of lifetimes, but always finds his way back to his geo archon. It’s so lovely but also unbearably sad.
Tartaglia’s Favorite Professor by GreyLiliy
The famed hitman Tartaglia of the Fatui Syndicate spends his days as the charming college student Childe. The two lives remain as separate as possible in order to maintain a flawless cover to keep the authorities off his back and to better serve the Tsaritsa.
However, new intel about a rival syndicate intersects his two lives in a way he could never have predicted.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: Mafia AU meet College AU. Childe is somehow both a horny AF college student and murderous hitman. Zhongli gives off major DILF vibes. GreyLily somehow makes this work while also avoiding cringe. Highly recommended!
like a handprint on my heart by fallingintodivinity
“Strictly off-the-record,” Jean says, with a small smile, “I’m really happy to see you and Captain Kaeya getting along again, Master Diluc.”
“We’re not – we’re not getting along,” Diluc tells her, indignant. “We’re working together. Unwillingly, I might add.”
“Yes – oh, yes, of course.”
Diluc stares at Jean suspiciously. “Are you laughing at me?”
Jean clears her throat primly. “I would never.”
Ships: Diluc/Kaeya
Notes: Super, super cute! Sort of reads like a first date fic except genshin impact style? Writing style is very refreshing!
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srirachvbi · 4 years
Kageyama and Bokuto taking their kids to practice headcanons !
request: hihi i was wondering if you can do a continuation of the bringing their kids to practice with some of the other haikyuu characters? i’d love to see it with kageyama especially but honestly you can pick anyone! thank you :)
a/n: i AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG... I have no excuses, i was too sad about haikyuu e wording but i have read threads on how to write characters on twitter and i am thriving... so n e ways i was looking for a reason to write more of these because i just... love the idea of this so tsym for requesting!! if i write more parts, i might do hoshiumi, hinata, atsumu, and... maybe oikawa? i’m a huge bokuto stan so his might be longer than kageyamas im sorry <3 and and ik that kageyama goes to italy but for the sake of i want to write other characters, i will be using the adlers oops. i will also be only doing probably two characters per post for these because i write so much for it. LMAO ALSO these are super unrealistic this would NOT be allowed during pro sports practices but for the sake of entertainment, let’s just... do it warnings: manga spoilers
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Bokuto Koutarou
He had been wanting to bring Kaori to practice for a while but each time he tried to, you would be like no bitch </3 
heart been broke so many times
When you told him that you had to go into work and couldn’t schedule the nanny in time, he was like “I’LL TAKE CARE OF HER!!!”
Honestly you were only against him taking her because you were still mad at him for leaving her in the high chair for a while and you came home to her crying and him just knocked out 
Like... Kou, pls <3 
He had brought Kaori into post game interviews before but you were always there so this would really be the first time he’d take care of her by himself for a period of time longer than an hour
He’s a good parent dw !! he had just spent the whole night thinking about the most random shit and he ended up sleeping like three hours 
He was thinking about horses cause Ushijima brought them up in an interview >:0
You were still mad tho 
It had been a while and he had actually shown to you that he could take care of her by himself so you were fine with him taking her to practice
He was super pumped and was practically shaking in excitement (he was texting Akaashi the whole morning asdlfjskdf)
Bokuto-san AGHASHEE!!!!! Y/N IS LETTING ME TAKE KAORI  TO PRACTICE!!!!!!!!! AGHASHEE Congrats, Bokuto-san. 
That conversation but every two minutes
I’m sorry Akaashi <3 
He also texts the whole group chat and Hinata’s equally as excited
Kaori and Hinata were best friends !!!! She literally loved him
Like he would put her on his shoulders and they’d run around for hours
How he has so much energy goes beyond everyone but it’s fun to watch 
You lectured him for half an hour about what he should do in certain situations and unlike most times, he listened really well because :(( the baby cares about Kaori
Both Kaori and him actually walked with you to the train station and saw you off before heading to practice !! 
He normally drives to practice because he has a super nice car and it’s easier to drive with Kaori instead of public transportation
When they get to the gym, he goes running in with Kaori on his shoulders 
cue Hinata cheering super loudly
Kaori’s giggling and being all cute omg i love her
She was being carried in on her dad’s shoulders so Bo lets her down and she immediately runs (read: waddles quickly) to Hinata
Hinata starts crying-- jk, no
He goes “Kaori-chan!” and scoops her up in his beefy arms 
She’s giggling and she like kisses his cheek and everyone’s like “so cute...” ohmyogd babies
Similar to her dad, she’s super friendly!! and a bit simple minded
It’s literally in her blood to not actually hate anyone so she gets along with EVERYONE at practice
She even makes the coach super soft omg
Atsumu’s just watching her and being like “child. want. child-- oh god, i need a kid.” cause she’s just so god damn cute
Lol atsumu having twins cause it’s a gene or smth idk biology
I barely passed bio please spare me <3
I actually got an 80 smth on my final last year don’t listen to me
Sakusa being hesitant at first to be near her but she’s actually super sweet to him!!
like she saw Sakusa’s face and was like “oh!! I remember what dad said!!” 
Kou talks about his teammates a lot and somehow Kaori remembered him telling her about how Sakusa’s a germaphobe so she’s like
“Sir!! I washed my hands!! I’m not dirty!!” and he
He just 👁👄👁 
He thinks she’s cute and treasures her now
Suddenly Kaori has a whole team of dads
it’s okay
Bokuto itching to let her play volleyball but at the same time worrying about her if she does
It’s like the angel and the devil on his shoulders
One sides like
let her pLAY!!!!! LET HER PLAY (read it as if it’s the LEt ME INNN meme)
While the other sides like
👁👄👁 (y/n) will kill me if she gets hurt and i’ll kill myself if she gets hurt and hinata will kill me if she gets hurt-
In the end he gives her a volleyball after she asks once and he’s like ‘PFFT KAORI-CHAN IF YOU INSIST’ while she’s like
dude i asked to play once and normally someone disagrees with me tf are you on, sir? 
she tries to pick the ball up but it ends up being half her size and it’s just... such a cute image
Bo takes a picture of it and sends it to you!!
You reply back in seconds lol
Kou-kun ❤💖 [image.jpeg] LOOK AT HER!! FUTURE PRO (Y/N)-CHAN!! (Y/N) MY LOVE ❤💕❤💕💕❤💕❤💕 be careful letting her hold that it’s too big!! but so cute!!! have fun taro <3
He ends up taking the ball away after a bit because she can’t walk while holding it
Eventually practice has to start tho so he asks her to sit on the bench and she’s an obedient angel and does so !!
The whole time she’s like swinging her legs and watching her dad practice
It’s fun for her to see him play 
Okay but like I’ve said, she’s similar to her dad
At one point at practice during a break, she stole Atsumu’s water and was running around the gym with him chasing her
He was ofc not actually chasing her cause he found it cute that she was trying to steal his stuff
Lol Sakusa being like “oh, you can’t catch up to a child? are your knees getting bad, old man?”
Atsumu’s like “bro, we’re the same age”
Sakusa ignores him
She ends up TRIPPInG AND ATSUMU’s LIke “Oh fuck” 
omg Bokuto’s like “tsum tsum-- do you want to die 👁👄👁🗡” because she just got hurt because of him
Atsumu picks her up and is apologizing so god damn much
This is the first time anyone’s seen Bokuto remotely irritated
Atsumu: please, child... i don’t want to die today... please... shhhhhhh
He lets her down and she walks (read: waddles) over to her dad and is giving him puppy eyes omg
Bokuto stops being mad and scoops her up and he’s like “did Kao-chan get a boo boo” and she nods, sniffling
Ohmygod dad bokuto dad bokuto dad bokuto stop
suddenly I actually want kids
Shion ends up getting a first aid kit since Meian asked (woah more black jackals players except I don’t really know how to write for them??? woahhh)
Shion roasts Atsumu with Sakusa for letting her fall and suddenly Atsumu’s the bad guy
By the end of practice tho Kaori’s fine !!!
She’s back to her regular happy self so cute :(
She asks Bo to call you and when you pick up she shows you her bandaid on her knee and is like “Miya-san was chasing me and I fell!!”
Suddenly Atsumu feels a cold chill and knows you found out lol
Hi this is (y/n), and you’re watching disney channel-
good luck, atsumu *stops camera*
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Kageyama Tobio
He would be equally as confused as a father as Ushijima
It’s okay, he’s trying his best
You normally work from home so you guys haven’t really hired a nanny! 
And if you needed someone to watch your guys’ son, Sho (which can mean to fly oho see what I did there I’m so smart), you just drop him off at your parents’ house or Miwa’s!
However, today was the only time you had to go in for like the next few months and both your parents and Miwa are busy
So, you enlist in your husbands help
“Tobio... I need you to watch Sho...” 
He spits out his milk “wHAT” cause like,, he’s hardly taken care of Sho by himself and normally had either his sister or you around
He doesn’t actually spit out his milk-- you’d kill him if he did because it would be a pain in the ass to clean up <3
It takes a bit of convincing being he’s really nervous about taking care of Sho!!
Okay but he’s a great dad dw it’s just he’s nervous about having another human being literally rely on him completely
You also just remind him that Romero’s a father so he won’t be completely on his own while taking care of Sho
So he somehow gets to the gym with Sho in one piece but he’s literally so stiff like bro, i need you to relax
Hoshiumi yelling “KAGEYAMA SHO!!!!!!!” and Sho (who has actually met the team like two times) goes like “HOFIUMI-SAN!!!!!” 
Sho’s a bit of an energetic bby-- he’s less emotionally constipated than his dad <3
He’s... he reminded you guys of Shoyo and well, you thought it would be nice to name him after his god father
No this isn’t a kagehina post i swear i love them but this is me saying that i love their friendship sm omg stop im gonna cry 402 really just popped into my head again
Hoshiumi getting mad when he sees that Sho has actually grown even though he’s a grown ass man and the little toddler would not, in fact, be catching up that soon
Sir, pls... sit down
The Adlers all love Sho since they’ve come into contact with him like twice at games before 
Ushijima just... doesn’t know how to interact with Sho
He just stares down at him and honestly Sho stares back up without fear
Kageyama Sho: no (0) fears 
I think it’s cause his father gives a similar stare sometimes and he just... got used to it
Ushijima gives him that stare and Sho just goes SIGH this again
Jk he’s a baby
He literally looks up at Ushiwaka and gives him this cute ass grin and Ushijima’s like “oh, children are very cute.”
Thank you, Wakatoshi-kun
Romero does, in fact, give Kags some tips about fathering and ends up showing pictures of Rubens to the team (love that) 
Sho being such a big fan of Hinata and being like “woAHHH!!! I’M NAMED AFTER HIM!!!” 
Hinata rubs it in Kags face because Sho practically idolizes him
Practice starts and Sho’s just sitting on the gym floor with a volleyball in his hands cause he
Kags just giving newborn Sho a volleyball and expecting him to become acquainted
It worked
Sho’s used to holding onto volleyballs and even tries to hit it but everytime he did, he’d fall backwards onto his lil bum and would be like :(
Kageyama watching from the other side of the gym and his heart just goes AHHHHHHHHHH
He’s about to cry that is the cutest thing he’s ever seen
Sho making sure he doesn’t interrupt practice!!! and like chasing after the ball to make sure it doesn’t go onto the courts!!!
Cute babs is so good :(
He ends up tripping tho and starts to tear up and Kags is watching during practice and goes “OH GOD”
He’s literally whipping his head from Sho to his coach and has this desperate look on his face 
he’s saying “JUST ONE BREAK!! JUST ONE, SIR!!” with his eyes and his coach just gives in
Kageyama going from one side of the gym to the next at insane speed
Sho: dad :((( i hwurt my knee :(((
Kags just picks him up and cradles him to his chest (he does this after making sure there’s no blood or anything-- it’s literally just a little bit red) 
Kags being a good dad just... WEAK
Only like two minutes later, Sho stops sniffling and is like “!!! go back to practice daddy!!” 
Kags does and he can’t focus on Sho anymore cause his coach would yell at him asldfjlsf
At the end of practice, Sho is like “dad i wanna play voweyball!!!!!!” and Kags heart just CLENCHES
He grabs his heart like that meme or smth 
You call them cause you know when practice normally ends and Sho’s just talking a lot and it’s so cute
He’s super excited and you’re like !!! My CUTE CHILD !!!!
Lol you tease Kags cause he was worrying about nothing
“Maybe I’ll let you take care of him by yourself more often Tobio” “Pls, I lost ten years of my life when I saw him fall pls not yet <3″ 
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snowboiwinwin · 4 years
The Boyz as my University Professors
Disclaimer: Some of my professors are evil bitches; none of the boys are truly evil and I am in no way implying they are or trying to make them look bad! I love the boys and I just thought it would be a fun thing to post :D
the one professor that absolutely loves the topic of his class
super wholesome and smiley throughout the 90 minutes class time
getting super close to the camera (actually to the mic) because he is worried students won’t hear him well enough
always asking questions and encouraging students to interact
not offended when something isn’t clear and therefore students don’t know the answer
reading EVERY. SINGLE. MESSAGE written in the chat (sometimes students have mic problems or don’t wanna speak)
making everyone feel valid and appreciated
being super calm and relaxed
barely doing breakout-rooms cause he knows no one likes them
ending class always a little earlier cause “I know how stressful your life can get.”
just the cutest prof out there
another sweet guy
never holds class at its normal timeframe
just uploads all the files students will need (although attendance is supposed to be mandatory)
“you guys are all grown-ups, I trust you to decide yourself when it is the best time for YOU to study.”
constantly uses smileys and is therefore super popular with students
doesn’t teach many classes, cause which good prof does that? ugh
gets right back at students when they email him their concerns
and no, you don’t get half-assed answers
you get a very detailed answer, which is rare in university life
“Dear [name of stundet], thank you very much! 😊”
offers students to call him by his first name
“I’ll call you by your first name too if that’s okay... creates a more comfortable atmosphere!”
the best <3
he is a savage professor
his look is hella scary and students fear taking his classes
but he is actually the coolest and most laid back dude ever
the first time class is held, he comes in, stone cold expression and literally throws his bag on the desk - everyone is hella scared
then he says, in the scariest voice ever, “We can have fun here in class, no problem, but i AM YOUR PROFESSOR. NOT YOUR FRIEND. Remember that.”
*everyone scared to death*
“Welcome to class everybody! My name is Mr. Kim and I am very looking forward to teach this class in our summer term! Feel free to ask any question that might come up and don’t hesitate to reach out to me whenever!”
no need to be scared, he is a sweetheart
strict and has high expectations, but won’t overdo it with homework or assignments
constantly jokes around but then switches back to being serious
he creates a nice atmosphere where students want to learn something and do it voluntarily 
cares for his students and appreciates their hard work - especially during the pandemic
“I know this is not easy for any of us but I am so amazed by your guys’ work this semester. It was an absolute pleasure teaching you. I hope to see you guys again, but not in this class. Please don’t fail.”
I love him
omg, he is an absolute legend
class starts and he is doing his introduction part
the class i about british literature 
“Welcome to this literature class, you are in for a long ride!”
so far so good right?
“Let me just say, British Literature is an ABSOLUTE shit show!”
when I tell you, I almost died hearing that (no offense to anyone, pls don’t take my profs words to heart... he lives for british literature 🥺)
he definitely has his students hooked with this one sentence
“the teacher that taught this class before me... what was he even talking about! I mean, british literature is so much more than what he made it out to be!”
basically starts ranting  
teaches with so much passion
can’t forget the jokes here and there
also uses smileys which students seriously love (at least I do)
wants students to be informal with him as well
“moving on to this next topic... a little disclaimer before we start: I will go batshit crazy with this topic because I LOVE IT. So please tell me to shut up when I exceed the 10 minutes mark. Thank you!”
A savage legend that everyone loves
sadly only teaches a handful of classes as well
super laid back and chill
does never check attendance and just trusts his students
usually talks most of the time and doesn’t ask too many questions
is super happy when students contribute though
but he isn’t one to force them
“I know your day has probably been really long, so it’s okay. I’m not taking this personal.”
his class is not based on theory but more on experiences he made
shares funny stories, mistakes he made and what he learnt from them
always gives the smallest and easiest homework ever
“please just share your experiences with these types of situations in our forum”
and he does not want to grade students based on an exam
“I have a better idea. In order to understand a certain topic, I want you to write a portfolio about it. It should be detailed but I won’t give you a number of words. Do what feels right and surprise me! Be creative, nothing will be worth a failing grade as long as you put in some effort.”
does split classrooms
one half is in the main room with him, the others are in breakout rooms, working on a certain topic
super chill and just not as hard as some other classes
but students definitely learn from him!
oh boy, students either gonna hate or love him
he is very kind and nice but he is STRICT
take his class serious and work or you will fail
although he has very high expectations, he will make sure students will be prepared for all the essays, assignments and presentations he throws at at them
no half-assed instructions, you will get the full program (as every student should!)
you have to write an argumentative essay but have no idea how to do that?
Professor Moon (students are allowed to call him Kevin) will explain an argumentativ essay in detail, will show examples and will tell you exactly what to put in it
having trouble finding sources?
Kevin will help you, just let him know!
Also a very empathetic teacher
something happened and you can’t attend class? Absolutely no problem
whenever something serious happens (for us it was a shooting), Kevin will cancel class and spare his students cause their well-being is more important
he doesn’t throw out A’s and B’s easily but when you do get such a grade in one of his classes... dude, you did a really good job
so as I said, he is either your fav or least fav professor... choose your side!
he is a bitch (not really, but he gives the impression)
at first, he is that nice, bubbly professor
super friendly and kind
and his classes are absolutely okay! no biggie
or so they THOUGHT
his exams and progress tests or whatever ARE HELL
he makes it seem as everything is so easy and not overwhelming at all
BUT nothing is easy and everything is overwhelming
50 pages for a damn progress test two weeks into the semester!
the grading is so strict, you need at least 65% to pass! (maybe I am a baby but 65% is a lot for a passing grade hahaha)
but he confuses students
he is so kind and soft spoken
constantly smiling and in a good mood
but the exams????
are you sure you were the one creating them Mr Choi?
and yes, he is one of those professors that wants to be addressed by his last name (nothing wrong with that)
as I said, he confuses students
they don’t know what to think of him
at the end of the day he isn’t a bad guy
just not the type of professor the students would want in every single class for the rest of their lives
changmin is not your ordinary professor
because he is a big fan of team-teaching
so all his classes are taught by him and his dear colleague Haknyeon!
I love this duo already
he is the part of the duo that is EXTREMELY motivated
he is is so hyper and so ready for teaching
his classes are always fun but also slightly overwhelming?
juts imagine having too much caffeine in your body
that is changmin being able to teach something he loves
that’s just the passion jumping out of him
he is constantly talking and laughing and throwing jokes left and right
he is having a good time!
super understanding and empathetic
and although everything seems fun and games
you will definitely learn from him!
he has this natural and authentic way of teaching in his body
it comes... naturally and it all makes sense somehow
although the class is packed with inside jokes and changmin teasing haknyeon
haknyeon doesn’t even have time nor the chance to speak
this is changmin’s time to shine!
they love and hate each other
but the students definitely love this iconic duo
as I mentioned; haknyeon and changmin are a team
it wasn’t really something haknyeon wanted but... how could you possibly say no to baby changmin? 🥺
so yes, changmin’s cute face got him into this situation
he doesn’t even have to prepare anything for class - his lovely colleague does the talking anyways
he usually lays back and relax
he frowns into the cam cause he tries to intimidate students
but they know he is a soft guy anyways
while changmin is talking, he is chatting to students in the chat
as I mentioned earlier, not everyone wants to unmute themselves and therefore posts in the chat
so he is having chats with students, often not even related to the topic
“Please excuse me, I will be absent for a few minutes - mommy duties” -student
“Don’t worry Miss! I know exactly what you mean... children.” -haknyeon
whenever he tries to get a word in, he has to talk VERY LOUDLY
he literally has to talk over changmin
but changmin doesn’t mind, he just smiles, nods and listens
changmin is super proud whenever haknyeon speaks
and haknyeon thinks that’s very sweet
but that thought passes as soon as changmin makes a joke about him
at the end of the day, they love each other at least to a certain extent and students adore them
he is not an ordinary professor either
class time? virtual meetings?
nope, not with sunwoo
again, in the classes the boyz teach, attendance is mandatory 
mandatory? sunwoo has never heard of her
he doesn’t require students to attend meetings and homework is also something he does not expect from them
he uploads powerpoint-presentations with videos and audio of him explaining everything in the presentation
but the boy is clumsy
and he is not good with anything technical
so him dropping his glass and spilling his water all over his lap?
well, students will see this in the video
“... and it’s important to- YAAAAH OH NO....”
*awkward silence*
“I spilled my water... if you haven’t seen.”
*more awkward silence*
“Give me a minute”
*the video continues and sunwoo is nowhere in sight*
after ten minutes of an empty chair, sunwoo returns and continues as if nothing has happened
sometimes his kids walk in and dab in the camera without him noticing
“and then - Hey! I am at WORK.”
he loves it though
and he posts these “fail” videos on purpose
“I want to show you, that it is okay to not be perfect and to not be in control of everything! Stuff like that happens, especially with us being in home-office! And don’t worry, if your mom walks in or whatever, in my classroom no one gets judged! This is life and now that we have to do everything from home, the unexpected is unavoidable!”
Another students’ favorite
I would love to imagine him as this savage prof I have in mind... but no <3
he is a sweet guy
also super obsessed with the class he is teaching
he is LIVING for it
usually experiences technical problems right before class starts
“oopsie daisy, sorry guys... might take a few minutes *giggles*”
and no, it’s not a creepy giggle but a really cute one, I swear!
constantly has a pen in his hand and clicks it absentmindedly while teaching
students constantly hear the clicking sound... or when the pen falls to the ground.... which happens every five minutes
he constantly forgets to mute himself whenever he wants students to work by themselves and all they hear is him chugging down his water or whatever drink he has prepared
also sends out super sweet emails
but due to him being a young dude, he wants students to call him by his last name
he also calls students by their last name but he does use smileys to lighten the professional mood that comes with honorifics
overall a very motivated but extremely kind-hearted dude
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Congrats on the 500 followers! I was wondering if you can do a Deku request with some angst where the reader and him were best friends until they got to UA Deku gets super busy with hero training and almight that when ever the reader asks to hang up it he says no. So later on they start to hang out with kirishima more. Deku starts to notice and is trying to get readers attention again. It could end either but I just want the reader to end up with one or the other. I absolutely love your writing! Also sorry if this is super vague.
Little Too Late
Pairing: Midoriya x reader, Kirishima x reader
Angst, little fluff
Word count: 4.6K
A/N: I’ll be honest, this took me FOREVER to finish because I have the idea in my head, but somehow it just would flow out into words. And every time I wrote it, I didn’t think it was good enough so I kept rewriting it. I don’t think I’m completely satisfied, like some parts feel rushed??? But I also didn’t not want to put it out and leave you hanging. So SORRY if you’re disappointed in my writing with this one but I really tried my best. I’d still like to know your thoughs and thank you for all your continuous support~!
You screamed with excitement when your childhood best friend came to you with the news that he got accepted in his dream school. You had so many questions for him. Like how did he get in with no quirk? What was the test like? When does he start? Are the uniforms pretty? Did he meet any hot boys?! Okay, that question was specifically for you. Deku just sat there, rubbing the back of his neck, waiting for you to calm down with your loud mouth.
That’s why you two worked so well. This is why you were the best of friends. You could talk all day long, about anything really. Small things that happened in your day, gossip you heard at school, talking about boys! And Izuku took it all in, watching you with curiosity and listening to you intently. But it was also vice versa. When Izuku was talking about All Might, a hero fight that he saw when he was passing by, or heroes on TV, it was his turn to be a blabber mouth. And you would listen carefully to what he had to say. You respected each other’s interests and that’s why you blended so well together. Also on the fact that you both bonded over katsudon, but that’s besides the point.
Let’s not forget the huge secret your best friend just unleashed to you. You didn’t believe it at first. Because how could small, delicate, sweet Deku who you’ve know for your whole life to be quirkless to all of a sudden have a quirk? No less, All Might’s quirk? He couldn’t show you because he would break literally all his bones. But he did show you All Might’s autograph and that’s all the proof you needed. So it finally became a reality that Izuku Midoriya would be going to his dream school and become a hero.
“You’re gonna leave me for all your new hero friends,” you pouted, throwing yourself on his bed. He sits down next to you and pats your back.
“No I won’t. You’ll still be my best friend,” he reassured you but you weren’t convinced.
“I’ll be your best friend but you won’t see me anymore,” you began to fake cry. Usually by now, Deku would be panicking, trying to all different types of ways to cheer you up but this time, he plays with your hair to calm you down.
“I’ll see you every weekend, how about that?” he suggested. You jumped up right, sitting on your knees and facing the green haired boy.
“Promise?” you ask, sticking out your pinky finger and your bottom lip jutting out. He smiles at your softly and interlocks pinkies.
“If you don’t, I’m gonna kill you! Power or not, I’ll give you a good punch straight to the cheek!” you playfully threatened, landing a fist that stopped right before it hit his cheek. You could never really hurt him or even lay a finger on him. He was too precious for you to lose.
 School started and you two went your separate ways. Deku went to the famous U.A school while you went to your ordinary high school where nothing ever happens. At first, Deku kept his promise. Every weekend and sometimes even during the week days, he would come visit you after school to tell you all about what happen in class or about one of his classmates’ quirks. He was always so full of high energy and had so much determination to grow stronger that it fascinated you. You could watch him for hours on end, just listening to him and his stories. Often, he would show you all the notes he wrote down in his notebook. His mouth was like a machine gun that was stuck and couldn’t stop.
Although you were so happy for him and his new life, you were feeling left out. High school felt different without Deku by your side. It was hard for you to make friends because Izuku has been your only friend for so long that you didn’t know how to befriend new people. Most days, you would be eating lunch and spending free time by yourself. There was an occasion where you tried to talk to your classmates, but you ended up embarrassing yourself and you never wanted to do that again. Izuku was your support system and without him here, you felt your days getting longer and darker.
Izuku noticed that you weren’t as talkative lately. You usually would have a lot to say during his long rants. Whether its small comments or complaining or reactions, you always had something to say. But this time around, you were silent and it was concerning him. Thanks to his observation skills, he caught on to your strange behavior early on. And he was going to do something about it.
Him and a few of his classmates were going to mall since they needed a few things for a class trip. So of course, he invited you to meet a few of them since they were his closest friends. Not going to lie, you were going to deny the request. You didn’t want to impose and make it seem like Deku had to introduce you to his new friends. They were his friends. He can go and have fun with his friends all he wants without you, it was no biggie. But maybe he was doing this so that both of his worlds could combine. When Izuku was giving you those puppy eyes, you couldn’t say no. And you were about to flake last minute if it weren’t for him showing up at your house to make sure you get there. He was one persistent little man.
“Do I have to go? Maybe I’ll join next time,” you told Deku, trying to get out of meeting his friends.
“Come,” he insisted, grabbing you by the arm, practically dragging you out of the house.
“What if they don’t like me?” you worried. Honestly, any excuse you could make up was good at this point.
“They’re not that kind of people. You’ll love them!” he swore on his life. Yeah, well you’ll see about that.
You and Deku were the last to show up. His whole group was already there waiting. Maybe they were going to think badly of you now because you were late. Deku yelled and waved at them from afar, letting them know that he was here with you. A guy with glass and his friend with bright, red hair both waved while a shorter girl beside them was watching you two carefully.
“Woah, who’s this? A girlfriend?” the red head questions Deku when you finally arrived in front of them. You caught the shorter girl looking back between you two in a frantic and nervous manner.
“No, she’s my best friend!” Deku waved it off. You glanced at the girl again and you saw her sigh with relief. It didn’t take a genius to know that she has some type of feelings towards your friend. Out of the corner of your eye, you also caught Deku sneaking a glance at her. Oh? Is there a little love situation happening? You tried to hide a snicker that was trying to form on your lips but it kind of failed because you felt your best friend give you a hard nudge to the gut, making you immediately shut up.
“Let’s go!” Deku changed the subject real quick.
At first, shopping with Deku’s new friends was really fun. They took time to get to know you, chat with you, and even joke around with you. It made you gain confidence that you actually can make friends. But there was a small voice in the back of your mind telling you that they are just good at conversating. Maybe they don’t want to actually be your friend. Maybe it’s because they’ve been trained to be friendly since that’s what heroes have to do to calm civilians during a time of crisis. You were having the most fun you’ve had in a long time, so you disregarded that thought. But that fun didn’t last too long.
About an hour in, slowly but surely, Deku and his friends started to drift apart from you. They started to pull him aside, laughing and having a good time. While you? You stood to the side, watching them as they have fun. Deku and his friends were so immersed in their own conversations that you were practically invisible to them. It was like they forgot that they had a whole conversation with you just minutes prior. So when they walked ahead of you, you purposely walked slower.
This was embarrassing. They weren’t paying attention to you. Not like they should since they didn’t know you, but being left out bummed you out. And Izuku wasn’t doing anything about it. It was nice that he has more friends now. It really was. Seeing him converse and be himself around other people was so amazing. But they were so different from you. What if he didn’t want to hang out with you anymore because of that?
“Uh, (y/n) right?” you heard a voice come up next to you. Oh, it was one of Izuku’s friends. He had bright red hair and a toothy grin. It was a simple question yet you hadn’t processed what he said.
“What?” you asked in a daze.
“Your name. It’s (y/n), isn’t it?”
“Oh, yeah,” you laughed awkwardly, not able to keep eye contact with him. Kirishima kept asking you questions and you responded with one word, or if he’s lucky, two word answers. You thought that giving him short answers would make him leave you alone. But on the contrary, it made him want to stay even more. He saw you were being left out of the group. Uncool for his classmates to do that, but unmanly of Deku, too, because he was the one who brought you. Not to mention that you were his best friend since forever. But he was being left out too. Which he was okay with, but obviously you weren’t and it was written all over your face. So it seemed like a good idea for two loners to hang out with each other. Plus, this was a good opportunity to make friends with such a pretty lady.
And oh boy, was it working. Sure, it was awkward at first because you really weren’t in the mood for talking. But Kirishina just made every conversation, every topic so natural and free flowing. He just captivated your whole attention that you didn’t even think about your friend ditching you to be with his other friends.
“I probably should get going,” you excused yourself. It was already getting late with the sun starting to set in the golden, pink sky. Your parents definitely wouldn’t like it if you stayed any later. Kirishima frowned, disappointed that your time together was so short. Personally, he was having a great time talking to you, laughing with you, being with you, looking at you…
“Ah, let me get your number,” Kirishima quickly whipped out his phone, stopping his thoughts from exploring any more ideas on why he liked being with you. But maybe he would think more about it later. You agreed to exchanging numbers with the red head and headed home before it got too dark. You didn’t even bother letting Izuku know. After doing that to you? He didn’t deserve another second of your time. You really wished you never went. But at least you had a little fun with Kirishima at the end.
You walked back alone, thinking about your time with your new friend. On cue, you got a ping on your phone. Suddenly, your lips turned from a frown into a wide smile that you had to bite your bottom lip from smiling so hard.
Get home safe 😊 -K
If you weren’t in public right now, you think you’d be giggling like a little girl. He was such a sweetheart it was driving you crazy.
When Izuku found out that you walked home by yourself, he physically facepalmed himself and immediately ran to you. How could he not notice that you weren’t by his side? You must have been that upset to leave without telling him. Stupid, stupid. How could he be so stupid and ignorant to leave you alone when he was the one who invited you out. There was nothing in the world that could make up for what he did, but he had to try.
He knocked on your door, leaving over and panting from his sprint to your house. Seconds later, you were opening the door with a blank expression and arms crossed against your chest.
“What.” You coldly asked him, making Izuku freeze up. He was in a lot of trouble and he deserved it.
“I’m sorry,” was all he could say. No matter what he could say, what excuse he would muster up, none of it would matter because he messed up. Big time. So instead of giving you a big explanation on his side of the story, he just could tell you that he was sorry. But even that didn’t have any effect on you. You tapped your finger against your forearm, the frown on your face just getting deeper. You were piercing daggers at him, making him unable to do anything else.
“Hm.” You hummed, not acknowledging or accepting his apology. “You left me.” You started.
“I did.”
“I know.”
“Why did you bring me if you just wanted to hang out with your friends?” you questioned, still not understanding why he did that. And truth be told, he didn’t know why either. It just happened, he guessed. But if he said that, he knew that wasn’t a good enough excuse. And you knew that too. But even if it was just an honest mistake, you wanted to stay mad at him.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized again. You could see in his face and the way that he was acting that he was truly sorry. “I promise, it’ll never happen again.”
“Promise?” you asked to make sure you heard correctly. You weren’t forgiving him. Oh, no. Not just yet. But, as long as he doesn’t ditch you for his new friends again like that, then maybe you would get over it someday. He nods his head frantically and sticks his pinky finger out.
“Swear,” he interlocks your pinkies together and presses your thumbs together to seal the deal.
“Fine,” you huffed and looked away with one of your cheeks puffed out. He made the promise. A pinky promise that he couldn’t leave you hanging ever again.
What a lie that was.
“Deku! You want to get ice cream after school?” you called him, already excited to eat your favorite dessert.
“Ah, sorry (y/n). Not today. I have training with All Might today after school. Maybe next time!”
 “Hey, Deku! My mom asked if you wanted to come over for dinner.”
“I’m a little busy tonight. Tell your mom that I said sorry and that I’ll join next time!” he apologized, hanging up rather quickly. No goodbye, see you later, or hope you’re doing good. Nothing. You sighed and went downstairs to tell your mom the news but you weren’t very happy. But you remembered that he’s not the Deku you used to know. He was training to become a hero, he was always going to be busy. You just weren’t used to this. But you can’t help but be disappointed and scared that you were losing your best friend.
 “Dekuu, I already have the movie set up. Are you almost here?”
“Today’s Friday already? I forgot to tell you that All Might wanted to meet up for extra training.”
“Again?” you could hear the disappointment in your voice.
“I know, I’m sorry. Maybe-”
“Next time?” you finished his sentence, already knowing what he was going to say. This happens so often that you were already anticipating his answer.
“Yeah,” he breathed, not knowing what else to say.
“Sure,” you say. Soon after, the call ended and you just ended up watching the movie alone. Drink and popcorn in hand, eating away your sorrows and feelings of being abandoned by your one and only true friend.
But he wasn’t your only friend, was he? You paused the movie and picked up the phone again.
“Hello?” you heard that familiar, happy voice. You could already imagine his face right now.
“Are you busy right now?” you asked to make sure that he wasn’t training also.
“Not at the moment. What’s up?”
“Do you want to watch a movie together?”
 Calls started getting shorter. Texts stopped being answered. And you stopped caring. It was the same excuse every time and you ran out of patience. If he wasn’t going to try in your friendship, then you weren’t either. It was until one day that he showed up at your door.
You were standing against the door frame with your arms crossed and a clearly pissed off expression while Izuku was there standing frail and hunched over. Hm, seems like a familiar sight. You waited for him to speak up because you weren’t going to put in more effort than you should to make this friendship work.
“I’m sorry,” again with the apology. You were tired of hearing that word. The more he said it, the less meaning it has behind it.
“You promised,” you said, almost bursting in tears with how much emotion you were holding in that it surprised you. But you kept yourself calm and composed, controlling your breathing so that you don’t break down you barriers.
“I know. I know, but I’m here to make it up to you. Your birthday is coming up. Let me take you out for the day. We’ll spend the whole day together. Just you and me. I won’t leave or ditch you or make up any excuses. You have me all to yourself. How does that sound?” he offered you his best option on trying to save his mess up. It was tempting. It really was. Part of you wanted to say no because you felt so hurt over the last couple of weeks because of him. But part of you wants to feel that joy and happiness again. The joy and happiness that only Izuku could give you because he was your everything.
“You’ll plan the whole day?”
“The whole day. You don’t have to worry about a thing,” he said, still hopeful that you’ll agree. And how could you not. You’ll give him one more chance.
“Fine. But I’m dressing up so you should match me,” you told him, still having your angry face on but let’s be honest, inside you were feeling the butterflies and were so eager for your birthday to come.
You were dressed in your cutest clothes, your hair and makeup to match. The day was finally here. You and Deku could finally catch up and just hang out like you used to. It was going to be a good day, you could feel it.
You arrived at the meeting place Deku wrote down for you. He said to be there at noon sharp because he had a surprise for you. You smiled and waited on a bench that was nearby. You wonder what it could be.
10 minutes rolled by. Maybe he was running a bit late. But a text at least would be nice.
Then 30 minutes. Maybe he missed the train?
1 hour. Maybe he forgot where you were supposed to meet? Or what if he’s here and he just hasn’t found you yet? You looked around but there were very little people here. If he were here, he should have seen you by now or you would have spotted him instantly.
2 hours.
3 hours.
You knew it. You were so stupid to think to actually trust him again. All emotion vanished from your body, feeling numb all over. You couldn’t even shed a tear. He told you to come out, that he planned something for your birthday and he’s the one not to show. Classy.  The train ride and the walk home were slow. Painfully slow. You watched as every tree, bush, landscape and greenery passed you. The birds were in full song. The streets were busy with people, laughing and smiling. While you were here, completely emotionless. You didn’t deserve this. Even if you did, you wished it was through some other way. Closing the door gently to your front door, you made the announcement to your family that you were home.
“(y/n)? Home already?” your mom called from the kitchen.
“Yeah,” you sighed, not giving her any details and feeling emotionally drained. “I’ll be upstairs. Don’t check up on me and I’m not eating dinner today.” You told your mom, her catching your strange behavior right away and that worried her.
“But I’m making your favorite. You okay, honey?” your mom came out of the kitchen to ask you. But you had already disappeared into your room, locking it and putting headphones in so you weren’t disturbed. You were going to keep yourself distracted all day to drown out of your own thoughts.
 Even though it was a weekend, Kirishima still decided to visit the school to strengthen his quirk with the help of Aizawa-sensei. He was passing the school gates, about to enter into the building when out of the corner of his eye, he saw something green flash in the woods area of campus. Curious, thinking that it couldn’t be him, he decided to check it out and see with his own two eyes.
Kirishima got close enough to just get a glimpse but his gut feeling was right. There was Izuku Midoriya, practicing on controlling his quirk without breaking all of his bones. All Might was there to guide him too. What day was it again? Wasn’t it your birthday? And didn’t you have plans with Izuku? So if he’s here, then…
The realization hit him like a brick. Forgetting about his practice with Aizawa, he would apologize later, he ran as fast to you, making a few pitstops on the way.
 “(y/n),” your mother came in your room, using a spare key to unlock your door. You were laying on your bed, streaks of tears stained your cheeks and your eyes were red from crying. Your headphones were placed tightly on your ears, music playing loud enough to make you forget about your surroundings. But your mother ruined the atmosphere when she barged in your room after you said that you wanted to be alone.
“Mom, I said I didn’t want to eat dinner,” you reminded her, pausing your music for a split second to tell her that. You were about to play that blaring music once again but your mom had to say something else.
“I know. But there’s someone at the door for you,” she told you quickly before you could push her out again. You froze. Someone was at the door for you? Was Izuku finally here and to apologize again? Ready to confront him and take all your anger out, you stormed out of your room and to the front door. You opened the door, ready to release all hell but you stopped yourself when you saw that it wasn’t Izuku waiting for you.
“Kirishima?” you were confused why he was here right now. “What are you-”
“I come bringing gifts,” he holds up a bouquet of flowers and a basket full of your favorite things. “Thought you might be needing a friend right now.” And you teared up when you heard that. You bit your lip and nodded your head, letting him inside. You brought him to your room, avoiding the looks you were getting from your family members. As soon as you closed the door to your room, Kirishima drops everything in his hands and pulls you in for a tight and comforting hug. The sudden act made you gasp in surprise.
“Are you okay?” he whispered into your hair, his hand covering your head protectively. You wanted to lie to him, saying that you were alright but he could see right through you. Especially with your appearance now. So you shook your head and buried your face into his shoulder, hugging him back just as tightly. You stayed in that position for quite a while, just basking in each other’s presence. It was like he was trying to give you some of his happiness and take away some of your misery to help you feel a little bit better. And it was working. You felt calm enough to at least have a conversation with him.
“Kiri, you didn’t have to do this,” you tell him, pushing away from the hug slightly.
“It’s your birthday,” he commented. You wished it wasn’t your birthday. Because of this experience, you were going to think about it every birthday, ruining the celebration.
“It’s just a birthday,” you brushed it off like it didn’t hurt. Kirishima frowns at your response.
“I know how excited you were to spend this day with him,” ouch. It’s like reopening a fresh wound that hadn’t fully healed. “So I’ll spend it with you. We can do whatever you want. Watch a movie, just lay down and chill, or… I can take you out on a date to distract yourself.” He hesitated to say that last part and a light blush appeared on his cheeks.
“A date?”
“It doesn’t have to be a date if you don’t want it to be. Just forget I said that. We can go out, not like go out go out but like go outside and do an activity for the rest of the day, if you’d like,” he went on a rant, the blush on his cheeks growing deeper with each word he said. You thought about it. The flowers. The gift basket. Going out of his way to make time for you on your birthday. This was the guy you needed in your life. Not Deku. Not someone who ignores you or doesn’t keep his promises. You didn’t him. You looked a Kirishima. He was a good guy. He was sweet, thoughtful, sincere. Maybe you would give him a shot.
 The final bell rang in the 1-A classroom. Students were packing up their stuff, some staying behind and chatting about their training and how much they improved. While his classmates were indulging in their conversations, he was blowing up his phone with text messages to you. You weren’t responding to his calls or texts. He was doing everything he could to reach you, but you didn’t seem to be available. He was so concentrated on his phone that he didn’t see a certain red-head trying to sprint out the door.
“Woah, Kirishima. Where you going in such a hurry?” Kaminari stops him before he’s out the door. It wasn’t like Kirishima to leave immediately after the bell rings. He’s usually with his best friend Bakugou or hanging around until everyone leaves together.
“I’m going to pick up my girlfriend from her school,” he announces, grabbing the whole class’s attention.
“So you finally started dating (y/n), huh?” Sero congratulated him with a pat on the back.
“It’s about time,” Bakugou grumbled. He had to deal with Kirishima’s constant talking about you every day to the point where he wanted to strangle him to stop talking. But he was proud of his friend. Upon hearing your name, Deku shoots his head up and listens in on the conversation.
“Yeah, and I’m going to give her all the attention that she needs and more. Because she deserves it,” Kirishima said a little louder, taking a stab at Deku. Deku swallowed the lump in his throat. No matter how much he would apologize, it was already too late. You had already replaced him with someone else.
372 notes · View notes
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Dick Grayson x GN!Reader in: They Never Stood a Chance
12 Days of Batmas || Day 6—Baking Cookies
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↞ previous: the franken-bat rises || ugly sweaters
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|| dames day 6 | jay day 6 | tim day 6 ||
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“Richard my love, why are you this way?”
He shrugs at that, laughing a bit. “Poor impulse control, probably. A better question is why do you love me for it?”
Look. It was his cheat day, okay?
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↠ Requested By: Not a soul lol ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: SFW fluff ((but my blog’s 18+ if minors want to consume my sfw stuff while still respecting my wishes of them staying out of this space, they can head over to my AO3)) ↠ CWs: There’s some implied intimacy in the ficlet. Nothing too racy, but you definitely can tell where things are heading lol… ↠ Betas? Nah, we don’t do that here. ↠ Total WC: 1.6k~
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Headcanon || WC: ~1k
🌟 Ya know, I low-key/high-key feel like I write Dick as a walking amalgamation of every cutesy Hallmark MC that has ever existed, but like…
I think it’s valid?
He’s just so damn wholesome imo, and yes I know that he’s certainly not without his faults, but… My guys—he’s always trying to better both himself as well as the world at large and I absolutely adore him for it.
Seriously, how can you not love this literal ray of sunshine, like at least a little?? He’s so damn cute and sweet and thoughtful and funny and beautiful both inside and out—he’s the whole damn package!
But this is all super tangential to this HC so let’s move on.
🌟 Anyways!
🌟 I know some people see Dick as the kind of dude that’d be hopeless in the kitchen, but this is a whole ass man y’all, one with very specific dietary demands. He’s not always the most practical guy, but he does know the importance of keeping himself fed.
And if you just gotta eat, why not make it tasty?
He’s not out here getting his Gordon Ramsay on, but he can put together some p. nice meals. Yeah, they’re usually on the basic side, but they’re always yummy and well-balanced.
He’d be lying if he said that dessert wasn’t his favorite part of any meal, and as such he almost always has it in some form or another, even if it’s just a bit of fruit.
🌟 He lives for his cheat days, so it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that he’s a better baker than he is a cook.
Again, he’s not making 5-star dishes, but what he does make he makes well, and with cookies being relatively easy anyway they’re definitely at the top of his list.
He doesn’t even think twice about whipping up a batch or two—or three or four…
Look. He likes having options, okay? And cookies freeze really well soooo…
🌟 Baking cookies—especially Christmas/the winter holiday of your choosing cookies—with him really is like something out of a movie.
But like minus the mess. Sure tossing random ingredients around looks all cute/silly/fun on screen, but trying to get flour out of your hair and-or the grout work of your floor is a bitch, never mind hazardous given how slick it is underfoot.
Plus he doesn’t like being needlessly wasteful, especially around the holidays when there’re so many families going without. He gives both his time and his money when and where he can, but he’s still a good steward even when he’s behind closed doors.
That said he isn’t above swiping your lips with a bit of icing just so he can have an excuse to smooch it off of you. God, this man, I cannot…
((just in case you somehow forgot that it’s always soft simpin’ for Richard John Grayson hours in this house lmao))
🌟 It’s gonna take you forever and a day just to get through one batch because he’s gonna be all over you, as usual.
Lots of back hugs and kisses and cuddles and general flirty glombing that one would expect from him.
Hey, it’s not his fault you’re so damn cute! You’re in your comfiest clothes and rumpled in that way that says you’re content and not planning on going anywhere, and he loves that you let him see you like this—all unguarded and snuggly looking—and it’s making his heart do that thing where it beats extra hard and fuck but he loves you and how could he ever hope to keep that to himself?
More importantly why would he want to? You—the object of his affection/desire/every good dream he’s ever had—is right here in front of him, and by his estimation you most certainly deserve to know exactly what it is you do to him…
For the most part he’s pretty direct about expressing his affections, but he’ll try to be sly on occasion. Like, he’ll swear that he’s just trying to help you stir something and then basically recreate that pottery scene from Ghost lmfao.
You know the scene I’m talking about but if you somehow don’t, here. But be warned, this particular clip doesn’t have any background music and is awkward as all hell because of it, but dammit if I had to hear it I’m gonna make it your problem too lol…
🌟 His favorite cookies to decorate are plain sugar cookies, more specifically the snowflake shaped ones.
He finds them to be elegant and classic. There’s just something so delicate and charming about the royal icing pipework and the large grained sugar sprinkle. They are very much what he thinks of first when he thinks of Christmas/winter-themed cookies.
Aside from that he really likes novelty shapes, esp. those related to the Bats. Catch him out here making custom batches for each of his siblings with their own cutters lol. They always pretend to be annoyed, but cannot hide their smiles when they’re eating miniature versions of themselves…
…or the vicious grins that pull at their lips when they make direct eye contact with each other as they bite the head/various limbs off of one sibling on another lmao. It, uhh, it makes for interesting dining if nothing else—a mildly macabre show to go with your meal lol.
🌟 As far as eating goes… Look, I personally canon this man as having the palate of a toddler lol. If it’s sweet then he’s down. But if we’re talking holiday themed cookies…
He’d probably pick chocolate peppermint cookies—bonus points if you actually top them with crushed peppermints! Anything to get that little bit of extra sugar in lol, plus he likes the added crunch.
🌟 Overall, baking with Dick is just a really adorable experience. I swear the two of you are like a living breathing ‘Couple’s Goals’ post, and honestly? I’m here for it.
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They Never Stood a Chance || WC: 600~
“I know it’s your cheat day and all, but is it really worth giving yourself another stomachache?”
Your teasing chide sees Dick’s shoulders bunching up while his head sinks down to meet them. As he chances a sheepish glance back at you, you’re left to wonder how he manages to make his frame look so small and damn near childlike. Given the impressive build of him it should be all but impossible, but when he’s giving you those ‘please stop perceiving me and my mistakes’ eyes with a half-eaten cookie hanging from his lips it kinda makes sense.
Bracing yourself against his waist, you look past him at the platter that had been overflowing with cookies just a couple of hours ago. Dick had offered to take care of the mess in the kitchen while you tidied up elsewhere, and though you had known that he was just waiting to get alone with your newly decorated treats you really hadn’t wanted to bust any suds. And so against your better judgement you had left him to it hoping that the memory of last week’s candy cane fiasco would keep him from doing anything too questionable.
Looking at the few scant cookies that are left now, however, you realize how foolishly optimistic you’d been.
“Richard my love, why are you this way?”
He shrugs at that, laughing a bit. “Poor impulse control, probably. A better question is why do you love me for it?”
Well, he’s certainly got you there.
Some of his habits may not be the healthiest—though he has been steadily winnowing out the worst, most self-destructive of them—and his ‘act now, think about it later, maybe’ attitude has gotten him into just as much trouble as it’s gotten him out of, but… Well that’s just all a part of what makes Richard John Grayson, Richard John Grayson, and you really do love him for it.
Honestly you’d much rather have him like this, occasionally questionable dietary choices and all, than to just have parts of him. There are so many out there that think they know him well, but in truth their acquaintanceship is as hollow as the smiles he graces them with.
Gotham is in love with a façade and rightly so. His public facing persona is nothing less than perfection, a unbearably charming mask that has been carefully cultivated and studiously maintained over the years, but when the clock strikes twelve and pretenses are cast aside there are only a select few that get to see the man that lies behind it all. You have no idea what you’ve done to be counted among their number, but you thank every good thing this universe has ever produced that you are.
This is why you know better than to pile on him because at the end of the day no one is harder on Dick than he is on himself, and in this particular instance he’ll definitely be feeling the results of his actions in short order, you’re sure. Instead you grab a bottle Perrier from the fridge before pulling him into the living room with you.
The position you take up is a familiar one, with you sitting and Dick’s head resting in your lap while the rest of him is splayed out along the length of the sofa. The water is placed on the table’s edge for ease of reach, though for now both of your hands occupy themselves with one another. You trace the fine bones of his fingers from where they rest atop his stomach, circling their joints as you go. Meanwhile Dick’s free hand finds your own, and after placing a kiss on your palm, rests it against his eyes in an attempt to block out the light. It isn’t the most comfortable position, it definitely won’t be sustainable for any considerable length of time, but for now you’re content to enjoy the silence with your love.
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Up Next:
🌟 Day 7: A Compromise with Indigo Eyes || Decorating Your Home
“Richard John, we are not leaving our Christmas decorations up year ‘round.”
“But it’d save us so much time! Plus think of the potential for halloween—instant Nightmare Before Christmas vibes.”
“…you’re making points, but also no.”
But think of the possibilities tho!
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2020 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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