#this was made as a sticker for my friends
heartorbit · 2 days
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THATS ME!!!!! i didn't mean to just give them to pjsk fans help but i severely underestimated how many i should've made and cut out .. so i just ended up giving them to cosplayers or people who said hi to me .... T_T
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#again WAS NOT MY BIRTHDAY. MIKUEXPO TORONTO FELL ON TSUKASAS BIRTHDAY IN JAPAN TIME. SORRY TO EVERYONE WHO SAID HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.#i love your icon cause i saw a garf miku cosplayer at mikuexpo toronto too IT WAS SO AWESOME#i saw snother tsukasa cosplayer in hid school outfit and they had cute star glasses i Need some.#in the future n for cons i think i'll just order stickers to hand out .. cutting them out by hand was so much .....#especially when i did the whole pjsk cast. 10 or so of each of them. my best friend helped and it still took like 2 hours#<- I DID THAT FOR ANIME NORTH I MEAN i think i forgot to post about it here. anyways#i dont plan on tabling at cons or snything cause i just like attending them so much. but#In the future i think i'll just pay to get Nice little prints or stickers made and shipped to me to hand out ...#Sorry they arent actual stickers they're just laminated with tape i did them the night before while crunching for the con the week after.#alliellama#ask#sorry to go on but mikuexpo really was such a good time#when we first got there i was in the merch line w my friends and skmeone came up and said can you do the tsukasa laugh right here right now#but everything we said echo and i was like T_T no im shy ...#and then 2 hours later i heard there was a saki cosplayer there and started running around the venue shouting SAKI. SAKIII. SAKI.#WE FOUND HER IT TOOK ME LIKE 20 MINS which is impressive because there were a lot of people. by god.#it was so fun. we had such a good time i could go on. everyone was so FREAKING NICE. AND GAVE SO MANY FREEBIES. AND COMPLIMENTS.#but i literally only had like ..30 mikus. to hand out. i felt SO BAD. CONSERVING THEM.
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gemeenteurk · 1 day
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my friends made me custom stickers for my bday & I am obsessed with them. thot pic from today (not my bday) & unrelated
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skyward-floored · 13 hours
A short IAU fic I wrote for Father’s Day! Just a real quick thing :) Set pretty far back when Warriors is little. Sky doesn’t even live with him and Time yet.
Sky walked down the street, holding a popsicle in each hand and licking one as he went. He was on his way to Warriors and Time’s place to offer his friend one of the frozen treats, but when he turned the corner, an odd sight met him.
Warriors was sitting on the front steps of his house with a gloomy expression, poking at the grass with a stick. Sky walked a little faster as he approached, and Warriors barely glanced up, still poking.
“Hi Wars,” Sky said, holding out the more melty of the popsicles. “I broughtcha something.”
Warriors did look up then, and his expression lightened a bit as he took the popsicle from Sky. The drops on the melting ice cream refroze only a few moments after Warriors took it, and Sky sat beside him as he began to lick at it.
For a moment, their slurping was the only sound between them.
“...Did something happen?” Sky asked finally, and Warriors looked over, a bit of chocolate on his lip.
“Huh? Why do you ask?”
“You’re all gloomy and stuff,” Sky replied, licking another drip. Sheesh it was hot today. His ice cream was melting almost too fast to eat. He wordlessly held it over to Warriors, and his friend flicked his fingers, instantly refreezing it. “And you were poking little holes in the grass, you do that when something is up. So did something bad happen?”
Warriors squirmed, suddenly looking uncomfortable. “No, nothing bad.”
“Oh. Then what’s up?”
“Umm... It’s just...”
Warriors’s cheeks turned somewhat pink.
“...it’s Father’s Day tomorrow,” he mumbled, not looking at Sky, “and I wanted to do something for Time.”
Sky blinked, then let out an understanding oh.
Time was Warriors’ brother, but Warriors had told him he’d been raising him ever since their mother died. Time was the closest thing Warriors had ever had to a father, it made perfect sense he’d want to do something for him.
“I have no clue what though,” Warriors continued, resting his head in one of his hands. “I’ve never done anything for him before, it never even occurred to me. Everything I think of is stupid, or too expensive or completely impossible. I’ve been thinking about it all week, and still nothing, I... I don’t know. Maybe it’s stupid,” he finished in a mumble.
“It’s not stupid,” Sky reassured. “I think you’re overthinking it, Wars. Just... tell him happy Father’s Day. And that you love him.”
Warriors blinked. “He already knows I love him.”
“True. But saying it is nice,” Sky said with a little smile. “Give it a try. Or if you don’t get that far, at least tell him you appreciate him. That’s what I do for my dad.”
Warriors sighed, giving his popsicle another lick. “I guess I’ll try it. I kind of wanted something a little more... solid, I guess.”
Sky hummed, and licked the last bits of ice cream off the stick.
“Well... I have one more thing I usually do. How well can you draw?”
Time came home late the next night, a simple bank robbery stretching out into a hostage situation and a car chase afterwards. He was hours later than he thought he’d be, and hoped Warriors hadn’t stayed up worrying about him.
He went into the kitchen to find something eat, and saw his little brother slumped at the counter, snoring quietly into his arms.
Time sighed, but couldn’t help his smile, and he padded over as softly as he could, prepared to scoop Warriors up and take him to bed. There was something clutched in his brother’s hand though, and Time paused, wondering if he should try to coax it out of his grip or not.
Warriors shifted a little while he was thinking, and the paper slipped from his grasp. Time quickly lunged cirward and caught it, then stared at the paper.
It looked like a hand-drawn card.
It wasn’t very fancy, but Time recognized Warriors’ neat handwriting, and he couldn’t help but flip it open when he saw his name on the front. There were a few stickers stuck on the paper, and pictures of birds Sky had quite obviously added in, but what mostly caught Time’s attention were the two people standing in the middle, one blue, one green.
They were smiling, stick arms connected, and the words written above their heads made Time’s heart do something weird.
Happy Father’s Day.
Time blinked, not quite sure how to react, or what to do with the warm feeling that was building in his chest. He didn’t really consider himself a father... he was still a teenager, and Warriors was his brother, not his kid, but...
...The title wasn’t so bad.
Time’s annoyance at his day evaporated at the small gesture, and he let out a soft huff, gently setting the card on the counter as a smile pulled at his cheeks. This kid, I swear...
Warriors mumbled in his sleep, and Time scooped him into his arms, holding his little brother tight as he carried him up to bed. He managed to get Warriors tucked into his bed without waking him up, but right as he was about to leave, a hand tugged on his arm.
“You’re okay?” Warriors whispered, letting out a loud yawn as he blinked up at him. “You didn’t get beat up at all today, right?”
“Nah, nobody beat me up,” Time said, leaning back down next to him. He had a bit of a bruise on his leg, but nothing to worry his brother about. “I see you were busy, though.”
“Yeah,” Warriors mumbled, sounding sleepier by the second. “Did... you like it? The card?”
Time nodded, and ruffled his brother’s hair. “I did. It was really nice. Thanks kiddo.”
Warriors hummed, his eyelids drooping. “Y’r welcome...”
He sighed, and Time gently ruffled his hair one more time, then pulled his blankets up to his chin before leaving the room.
“Night kiddo,” he said as he left, and Warriors hummed again in response, them closed his eyes. Time watched him from the hallway for just a minute, watching as his little brother fell back asleep, his breath evening out as he drifted off.
Then he turned, and went back downstairs to find something to eat.
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bober-san · 2 days
My best friend had birthday and i made for them stickers from our favourite series
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my Iori, Mio, Arata and Souma headcanons as i'm very normal about the idea of all of them being friends!!
the four of them often hang out in Weekend Garage, usually after STANDOUT and/or Gurney Flap have finished a show, where they have dinner and hot drinks, chat with Ken and play cards. Mio and Souma are particularly good at cards. Arata cheats in half the games by distracting Mio to glance at her cards which makes Iori kick him under the table
Iori and Arata being twins is everything to me. Iori is the older one by a few minutes and she is So Smug about it. she will never stop holding it over him. she calls him her "baby brother" which irritates him quite a bit. she also gets to be slightly taller than him. as a treat </3
Iori keeps her surname private from STANDOUT's fans because she doesn't want people to know she's related to Arata LMAO. some of the Vivid Street residents who are fans of her band often ask her about her resemblance to him but she always gaslights them for fun i mean denies it
the siblings steal each other's microphones all the time. and clothes. and jewellery. and hair products. and eyeliner. and desserts. it is an absolute nightmare for their parents to keep track of whose laundry, shopping and food is whose
Iori, Arata and Souma went to Kamikou, and their year group was the first one to attend the school, since it was constructed so recently. Mio went to Miyajou. Iori was definitely heaps of girls' queer awakenings when she was in highschool. extremely popular due to her style, charming personality and music
Iori was always good with Maths and the various sciences, but did poorly in subjects such as Literature and languages, because she struggled with spelling. Arata was the opposite as he couldn't deal with numbers for the life of him, but had a skill for writing. for this reason, they often swapped their homework- Iori did all of Arata's that involved calculations, and he did her essays. they only found out as adults that Iori's dyslexic and Arata has dyscalculia. currently, Iori's bandmates always help her out with proofreading lyrics
Mio's canon hobby is collecting teddy bears, so i imagine her to be very into the cute aesthetic, very much a Sanrio and Sumikko Gurashi girlie. however, she absolutely adores creepy-cute aesthetics too, so her overall favourite teddy bear brand is Gloomy Bear. Mio likes horror in general. she loves gory movies, she adores creepy RPG games, especially if there's themes of dolls and such
because she's so fond of her teddies, she's learnt how to sew so she can make them clothes and bows. Mio can also bake extremely well and brings homemade snacks when all of them hang out- especially when Souma was in the hospital. saving him from hospital food <3
Mio likes to decorate her bass with cute stickers but tries to be subtle about it because she's conscious about "clashing" with the vibe of the rest of the band. Iori is not having any of that and spoils Mio with every single sticker sheet she ever comes across. eventually, there's barely any visible wood peeking out from beneath the stickers
Souma immediately went "extrovert adopting introvert" mode when he met Mio. the two of them are best friends, and Souma is one of the only people that Mio feels very able to be open and talkative around, because he has such a welcoming and friendly air about him. she introduced him to loads of her favourite media in hopes that he'd have more fun in the hospital, so now there's several manga, anime and games they both love and chat about
Mio and Arata, though, had a rockier start when they first met, because Arata being Arata (ahem, the king of awful first impressions), was blunt and a little rude, which intimidated Mio quite a bit due to her generally anxious personality. however, he then made a bit more of an effort to befriend her as she and Souma are close, discovering that they have some things in common (such as fashion sense. they both own absurd amounts of plaid) and over time, he became pretty fond of her and often jokes that he'd replace Iori with Mio as his sister if he could
Iori loves Souma because he's not nearly as much of an "absolute bitch" as Arata. Iori and Souma like to team up to tease him sometimes, which always has him sulking about the "traitors"
Iori and Arata are relentless about making fun of each other about their relationships with Mio and Souma respectively. Arasouma got together first, and Souma was very encouraging to Mio about confessing her feelings for her bandmate. however, when the twins were alone at home, Arata would be So Fucking Annoying about Mio to Iori. Iomio got together when Mio accidentally walked in on an embarrassed Iori yelling at a smug Arata that she couldn't possibly risk creating tension in her band by expressing her want for a relationship with Mio
Iori and Mio prefer to call their relationship a QPR, as Iori is an aroallo lesbian. Mio is lesbian (and also a demigirl). Arata and Souma's relationship is romantic, Arata being bi ace and Souma being MLM/achillean
Mio and Arata decided to go to uni and end up at the same one. Mio does Art and Design, Arata does Music. Iori did not feel like doing anything more than the compulsory high school and used money for uni to buy a (dodgy and old) pick-up truck instead, which is the friend group's way of getting about. Souma also did not want to continue doing anything academic as his focus upon getting out of hospital is to finally go out, have fun and try to build up his strength for singing again
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aranakula · 3 months
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i love this blue vegetable so much
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nxcromantik · 10 days
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drawn 2 u like a magnet
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macchitea · 1 year
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all the scuggies!!!
single images below
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
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this came to me in a vision
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phantomrev · 11 months
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When I say I have an unhealthy obsession with morro I am not joking
All of my friends and partner knows how much I love him it’s not funny anymore there’s something wrong with me
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girleatspaperforfun · 3 months
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the vibe atm…
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smrtnik07 · 1 year
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ickyguts · 1 year
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grub-art · 9 months
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my 2023 sketchbook cover!
featuring stickers by @gummygunk , @cursedluver , @transmonstera among others
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watcherscrown · 1 year
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litleo123 · 2 months
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me and my friends couldnt go to the bravern cafe back in march, so we coped by making our own cafe merch
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