#this was probably way more info than anon wanted
as someone who loves hannibal and analyzing, I’d love to read your papers! what are some of the topics/ focuses?
I'm happy you asked!
I've written three "analysis and evaluation" papers for my research and argumentative writing class. Each paper is three parts: Introduction, Analysis of my source, and Evaluating of my source through argument. For reference, my introduction stays the same in my first two papers and changes only slightly in my third one. Honestly no one has to read the Analysis part of my papers because, like I said, that's just the part that analyzes my source. Also, just so you know, for each paper, I add a source (just one source in project one, then my first source + a new one in project two, etc.).
Onto the fun part: argument topics! My papers all focus on Will Graham's transformation/becoming through his relationship and interactions with Hannibal, but between the three papers I focus on different aspects of said transformation/becoming.
Paper 1: "How NBC Hannibal's Morality Breaks Queer Stereotypes"
This paper explores how, through Hannibal's love and manipulation, Will is ascended to godhood. (This is also the paper that got the award nomination at my college!)
Paper 2: "The Positive Portrayal of Animalism and Monstrosity in NBC Hannibal's Queer Romance"
This paper explores the more gorey aspects of Hannibal and Will's romance and takes a look at animal motifs in serial killers throughout the show (but specifically at the Ravenstag and the Stag Man and how they connect Hannibal and Will), and overall explains how Hannibal and Will's relationship turned Will into something less than human.
Paper 3: "Exploring Humanity in NBC’s Hannibal as Provided by Character Flaws and Queer Romance"
I'm finishing up this paper right now, but the argument is focused on how Will and Hannibal's relationship humanized both of them, however I will still be centering that focus on Will's experience.
This pretty much sums it all up, but feel free to ask more questions if you have them!
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heartbeetz · 6 months
Happy to see my fun lil tidbit made ya happy :)
(I too get mentally ill about my interests and want to know everything about them abfjsd)
While I don’t have any more big fun facts that haven’t been shared yet (at least none that come to the top of my head) here’s another small nice one: yeah Anton is an alcoholic, but the reason he’s so pissed about his spirit collection is that they have a bit of sentimental value, they’re not just something you can get at the corner store
I am absolutely shamelessly that way. Sooooo fixated on this game (that is not even out yet). Unfortunately the "want to know everything" clashes with the "unwilling to join the discord or make any other social media" lmao
Holding this piece of trivia in my hands like a little bird. Hadn't heard it said like that before ("sentimental"... 👀) and DID think "literally just mad about booze theft" was fun to play around with, but also I absolutely assumed as much just bc of the implications of "collection" as opposed to like... anything else. It's not just a stash or whatever. Those are His and they're Special. There's thought and intent behind it.
It's like how the collectable vinyls throughout the levels are referred to as his "record collection" on the kickstarter page (I don't remember if that's said anywhere else). Those are his things they're important to him :)
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rosicheeks · 2 years
Who is ruining alone time? Tell Us about your life?
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s1m0nth3swag · 3 months
Hmmm I’m kinda curious on how Francis would be like as a dom in bed!
Ohhhh definitely!
I feel like Francis def is too tired to dom most times, but omg, when he isn't tired for once....
This was uhm
Harder to write than I thought! It probably really isn't good so I slapped some headcanons at the end to make up for it a little
Tysm for the ask though, Anon!
WARNINGS/ CONTENT INFO; Porn with minimal plot, established relationship, GN!Reader, Dom Francis, Francis has vacation and uses it properly
If you were serious, you barely know how you ended up in this situation. You started today thinking it'd be just like any other day, your boyfriend coming home really late from work, so you'd have the apartment to yourself until he returned. Contrary to that belief, Francis had instead taken a day of vacation. He had grumbled something about it being long overdue.
From then, you had thought he'd lounge around all day. He'd probably just sleep a bit more, lay on the couch, maybe help out a little with chores - that's where you were wrong again.
Once the two of you had finished the chores around the small apartment, he grabbed you by the hips harshly. "Francis -" you yelped out, but he already pressed his lips against yours in a hungry kiss. If it was up to him, he'd have you right here, in the middle of the hallway. That's just the way Francis was, when he did have the drive to fuck you, he'd barely even think about where.
In the end, you were the one to drag him to the bedroom after he had already pulled off your top and discarded it somewhere. He trailed kisses down your neck and over your collarbone, nipping at the skin softly. "Want you s'bad..." He groaned, grinding his growing erection against your crotch. "Bet you want me too, hm? Can feel how needy you are." He adds, chuckling as he rubs small circles on your waist. You huff and pull him down towards you, kissing him feverishly.
The rest of your clothes are soon discarded - Francis rarely took his time with you. He watched the way you squirmed and whined as he slowly pushed inside you, though. He knew you just wanted to feel him. When it came to teasing, Francis had probably won a gold metal in it at some point. "So good for me, hm? It's always so tight..." he sighs lazily. His hands rest at your hips, pushing you down so you can't grind against him. You whine in protest. "Francis, please.. don't be mean.." You mumble, and he just chuckles as he presses a kiss against your cheek. "Just taking my time, love.. weren't you just complaining about me being too fast?" You scowl at him, but Francis just grins as he keeps pushing into you ever so slowly. Surely, this had to be torture for him as well? If it was, he didn't let it show one bit.
After taking his sweet time, Francis made it up to you by being way too goddamn rough. He practically abused your hole while muttering and groaning praises into your ear. You desperately held onto him, nails scratching his back. "So good, hm..? God, swear you feel heavenly..." Francis groaned into your ear, trailing kisses over your jaw. He placed hickeys and bite marks all over your neck, and you were sure with how he was treating you right now that a few on your thighs would follow soon.
As always, Francis couldn't help but finish inside you after you had reached your climax as well. He watched your slightly fucked out expression and the way his cum slowly flowed out of you, leaving kisses on your thighs, marking you up just like you thought he would. "Always so good for me, baby." He then hummed, placing a soft kiss against your lips while you snuggled against him.
I just really think Francis is a tired man and therefore rarely doms. Just takes too much of his energy.
However, I think he really really loves marking his partner. Like full-on hickeys all over your body, especially your thighs, though (he definitely is a thigh guy). Also very big on praising, though he would degrade you if you asked him to. I just think that in his mind, it's like "in love with my partner, have to tell them how much I appreciate them, especially when I'm literally taking their ability to walk!" Because I just KNOW he likes being rough. He just can't help but love the way your face contorts in pleasure at every thrust.
Francis would also 100% hold you down so he could have his way with you. He'd also slightly choke you because he holds you down by your neck when he wants to watch your reactions (this is totally not because I think that'd be hot. Nah uh.)
Also, I don't really think he is actually that kinky (or he just doesn't know that what he likes is considered a kink because that man has never spoken to anyone about it). I think he always makes sure you cum first, either makes you cum all over again before properly fucking you or denying you an orgasm as he tests how long he can hold one back himself.
Also, with a fem partner, he is so into eating them out. Genuinely obsessed with it.
With a masc partner, I think he'd be the type to touch them while just watching their expressions
he is so big on watching his partner. He just wants to make sure he's making you feel good still, even though he definitely has your favourite spots memorised by heart.
Anyway! Really short omg I'm sorry. I'm currently obsessing over School Bus Graveyard, so uhm! Not many Francis thoughts in my brain. I hope this isn't as bad as it looks to me (it's definitely worse, but I will not be bothered (I will panic about it))
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kachowden · 1 year
hihi!! can you say more about cameron?
Cameron (Yandere Therepaist) Facts and Info
Tw: Mild Yandere themes, Nsfw mentions
In terms of what type of yandere Cameron is, he’s actually a fairly manageable one.
You have to keep in mind, that before you came into the picture he was a normal dude.
I mean a wealthy normal dude but yknow still normal. Went on dates. Experienced break ups. Though after college he focused more on his career than anything.
As a romantic partner, he’s actually quite the romantic. Maybe a bit more, marital, in his behavior, likely referring to you both as if you’ve been wed already, but other than that he’s really not that bad
He’s very willing to help around house, and will gladly assume the role of either being the breadwinner or the househusband.
Money isn’t really a problem for Cameron, the problem is that he can’t help himself but to spend it all on you.
Expect a lot of gifts. Constantly. On random occasions. It doesn’t even have to be a holiday
Realistically you could probably give him a compliment one day and within a few hours he’ll be a blushing mess handing you a new present wrapped with a pretty bow. (He’s good with his hands)
While Cameron is willing to clean the house and take care of any of your needs, I will admit he’s not the best cook.
If he offers to make something for you, I’d recommend takeout instead.
Now if we have a look at his more, not so great qualities, it’d be important to mention his jealousy problem.
He’s good at hiding it in public don’t get me wrong! He’s pretty well behaved when it comes to someone flirting with you in front of him
A charming smile, a hand on your hip, a kiss on your cheek, simple stuff like that to get the other person to take a hint.
If all else fails he may call the cops and report them to authorities as a dangerous criminal. Whyd they confess to a bunch of crimes they didn’t even commit? Who knows.
Despite how he acts in public though, at home it’s a considerably different story.
He’s not an angry guy, but everyone has their limits.
And sometimes he needs to blow off some steam after having those limits tested.
If he’s feeling more neglected and needy, then expect a night full of worship and adoration.
He’s on his knees all night for you. Consider yourself pillow royalty for the night. Just make sure you have your attention on him the whole time.
And if you’re feeling particularly sweet, you can have fun reducing him to tears as well! He’ll definitely let you take the reigns.
He wants you to remember how wonderful of a partner he is. How obedient he can be. How good he can make you feel, and how no one else will make you feel this way.
If he’s feeling particularly ignored or disrespected though, you’ll be on the receiving end of some deliciously exhausting hours.
He won’t hurt you, no not in a million years.
But he might take you so many times that either your brain turns to mush or are reduced to tears.
All while he keeps whispering how much he loves you in your ear
How much you need him. How he should be the only one allowed to touch you like this.
But on nights where you’ve merely been gone for a long time, just expect to come home to a wonderful partner, dressed in the most revealing of clothes, and ready to service you however you want.
A/N: tysm for the support anon <3
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thehusbandoden · 5 months
More Than Life Itself -Dabi x Reader | Alternative Ending to Burnt
A/n: I was feeling super soft at the end if you couldn't tell lol
I have school in the morning, I should get to bed.. but I'm so freaking inspired rn. I'll probably just fall sleep writing again.
Does anyone even read this? Am I talking to myself?
Wouldn't be the first time 😶
General info:
Genre: comfort- lots of comfort/angst to fluff (ish) \\ wc: 1,099\\ posted: 01/10/2024
Warnings!: (Please just trust me. Y/n doesn't just let him get away with it, but I don't want to spoil it lol). Crying, regret, mentions of toxicity, mentions of manipulation and gaslighting, Dabi's real name, hints of Dabi's past/backstory, flinching, slight self hatred, a slight mention of physical abuse, and slight self doubt! I think that's it, please tell me if I miss anything! <33 (anon in my ask box is turned on for my shy readers ;3)
Part One- Burnt (pure angst)
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You broke down sobbing as Dabi closed the door. You knew that this was for the best, and what he did was completely not okay, but that was the love of your life. Your one and only. Your soulmate. Your partner. Your beloved. Your first; and you were hoping your last.  
Yes, he could be toxic- okay. He was toxic frequently. He would yell, insult, manipulate and gaslight you. He would get jealous and possessive; and leave for months on end without a single word.  
He would break your heart; only to come back and repair it with his soft compliments, not only manipulating you into forgetting about it; but gaslighting you as he changed the story. Making himself look better.  
And you played along. Because his warm hands caressing your arms, shoulders, cheeks, and head were too loving. The way he kissed your forehead, whispering to you how beautiful you are felt too real. The way he would treat you outside of the bad times felt too... perfect. 
Your beloved Touya wasn’t all bad. He could be an amazing partner... half of the time. One thing you were- and are- grateful for is the fact that no matter how nasty, toxic, and straight up mean he can be; he has –and never will- cheat. It goes against everything he despises. He won’t do it. 
As you remember all the good times tears streamed down your face, sliding to your chin before falling onto your hand. Sobs echoed through the room as you held yourself. Rocking back and forth, you faintly hear someone calling your name. Roling your eyes, you flip the front door of your apartment off.  
No way you were letting that d-bag in. As he continues to call your name you scoff. Standing up, you head towards the door. Grasping the handle, you slam the door open.  
Right as you were about to say something you were- 
-abruptly awoken out of your slumber. You jolt awake, looking around in alarm. Dabi held your shoulders in worry, his turquoise eyes holding no recollection of the past argument.  
“Doll? What’s wrong, Babygirl?” Dabi cooed, pressing his knuckle below your eye, catching your tears. You flinch back from his touch. His eyes widen, and he pulls away.  
“S-sweetheart...” he murmured, his gorgeous orbs moving to the floor. You stare at him, tears still streaming down your face. He moved his eyes to focus on yours. “Baby what happened? Please tell me... I’m worried.” Dabi murmured.  
You shook with sobs as you stared at your beloved. His perfectly framed face held no hint of the malice it had before. His eyes were full of concern, love, and even hurt from your flinching 
“I-I had a nightmare.” You whisper, slowly melting into his touch. 
“A nightmare?” Dabi whispered, slowly brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear.  
You nod, whimpering ever so softly. Your heart ached at the vivid images of your nasty argument, physical abuse, and break up.  
“Do you want to talk about it?” Dabi whispered, pressing a long kiss to your forehead, holding your jaw gently, stroking your soft skin. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”  
“I- I...” tears slipped down your cheeks. Dabi’s calloused thumbs caught them, wiping them away. You take a deep breath. “C-can you hold me against your chest? I-I don’t want you to look at me...”  
Dabi gently pulled you to his chest the second you asked him to; you didn’t even have to finish your request. He caressed your head, cheeks, shoulders and arms, whispering sweet things to you and kissing your forehead. “Of course, Babygirl. Take your time.”  
After a few minutes you take a deep breath before slowing replaying your traumatizing nightmare. Dabi slightly stiffened but didn’t interrupt. As you re-laid how your argument progressed and how he ended up burning you, his grip tightened, cradling you to his chest as his jaw clenched in fury.  
Yes, he knows that it was a nightmare. And yes, he knew that he didn’t actually do it- and that he would never hurt you like that.  
But he couldn’t help but be angry at himself. Angry that he theoretically hurt you, that you were crying because of it. 
He was silent as you finished your account. As you finished, he gave the both of you time to process your words. After a few minutes, he gently titlted your chin up, staring into your gorgeous eyes, the windows to your soul. He caressed your cheeks and jaw, his turquoise eyes filled with un-wilting love and endless affection.  
“Y/n, my love-” he whispered, pausing to let the words sink in. “-I will, and would never do that to you. I swear to you on my life, I. Will. Not. Hurt. You.”  
His words were filled with unwavering confidence. He pressed gentle kisses to your cheeks, kissing your tears away. “I would rather die than hurt you like that. Ever- for any reason.” He whispered, cupping your cheeks with his calloused yet gentle hands.  
Your breath hitched in your throat at the obvious truth in his eyes, telling you that he was dead serious. After a few seconds tears ran down your cheeks yet again. You closed your eyes, leaning in ever so slightly; telling him that you were well enough for him to kiss you. 
Dabi slowly leaned in, pressing his lips to yours sweetly. Dabi rarely kissed you so gently, taking his time to tell you how much he absolutely adored you. He kissed you until you gently pulled away, needing air.  
Smiling, Dabi leaned his forehead against yours. “I love you, so much; and trust me baby when I say: I am truly sorry.”  
You replied a few tender moments later. “For what?” Your voice was low and hoarse.  
“For making you cry... for making you feel so- however you’re feeling.”  
“Baby... you didn’t do anything...” you frown slightly, though his innocence was endearing.  
“But I’m a broken man... I could totally see me being so... destructive... you must have been worrying about that- or I don’t know... you deserve so much better, my sweet girl.”  
`“Baby, please don’t say that. You are not broken. You have been hurt, really hurt, but you aren’t broken. The mind is a funny thing, but I can assure you: you are exactly what I need and want. I love you, with all of my heart.”  
If Dabi physically could, he would be tearing up. He pulls you into another kiss, slowly stroking your hair. “I love you too... more than life itself.”
Dabi's masterlist | Part One- Burnt (pure angst) | Navigation | Masterlist | Tip Jar <;3
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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pagodazz · 2 months
your post abt sexualizing the emh characters and actors was based but lets be real we all skipped the princeton tapes anyway
Im going to be so upfront rn. and don't take any offense I'm not mad or anything but I'm definitely gonna get heated HELP.
I listen to the Princeton tapes almost everyday, I revisit the transcripts often when I want easy access to the dialogue. The Princeton tapes might actually be my favorite part of the everymanHYBRID lore. It's so important to everything you need to know for the whole series and it helps explain so much, especially when it comes to vinnie as character.
the Princeton tapes have so much to offer and I think it's such a shame that this fandom chooses to ignore all the effort that the everymanHYBRID guys put into this series. The Princeton tapes has never failed to make me emotional HELP. it's beautiful shit. So I'm so sorry anon I literally cannot agree with this at all because the Princeton tapes are my absolute everything. I genuinely relate to Princeton Vinnie (& also Roger) more than I might relate to anyone on the channel. They're so real, and I wish more than anything they were more than tapes but at the same time I love it so much it's so perfect.
Also while during my most recent rewatch I've realized that in the series HABIT himself will use quote's and shit that Princeton Vinnie himself has said.
This one always sticks out to me, because it feels like habit pulled those words RIGHT out of Vinnies mouth only to in turn use them on him. Of course the Lexi video predates when the tapes came out, but canonically the tapes happened WAYYYYY before this, considering it takes place in the late 80s.
this goes with my idea that HABIT himself has probably had access to those tapes (atleast at some point) and he did he's research on Mr everyman here. but that one is just my personal opinion and I don't expect people to agree.
While people think that the Princeton tapes are daunting and take too long, they're literally shorter than emh as a whole series if ur watching the right shit.
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these videos are basically the full in depth EMH lore and it has videos in it that long since been deleted.
If you're getting into everymanHYBRID and you're not getting into all the lore and then you're gonna go an act like you know everything it's genuinely so??? because you're literally missing out on KEY information.
like did you guys know habit IS in the tapes 😱😱⁉️⁉️⁉️ did you WATCH finding fairmount all the way through????
did you know Evan and Jeff are there ⁉️⁉️⁉️
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nix-writes-mcyt · 2 months
Saw Skizz on your list of people you write for while going through your request info again so I just had to request something!!
I just know being held in his big beefy arms is like heaven on earth! So maybe some sweet cuddling in bed on a nice warm day?
Love your writing so so so much!! -XB anon ❤️
I love me some beefy arms, just ask my fiancé haha (no but really I will swoon). I've mentioned this in a previous post but this is actually very much influenced by my relationship with my fiancé who is on his last night shift of the week when this is posted. It's a hard time for us both but it's worth it when he gets home. All this to say, if you want to write one of the biggest tips I'd give is to draw from real emotions and experiences. It really helps to give a subtle bit of depth which gives your readers an easier time feeling that emotion themselves!
Working Late
Drabble Contains: Fluff -------------------
This evening has been hard, you knew it was coming but it has still been hard.
Skizz had told you he really wanted to finish his shop and would do so by any means necessary, the problem was that that meant you'd had to spend the evening alone, which was fine. You'd sorted a few bits out around the house, walked the dogs, made sure that everything was in order for the morning. It was all fine.. except for one problem.
The one problem came when it was time for bed, which was that you'd have to go to bed. Alone. You'd hoped you could stay awake until Skizz got home, but that wasn't the case.
Once midnight had hit you were falling asleep on the sofa, which the dogs seemed more annoyed at than you. They liked that spot.
So, begrudgingly, you'd made your way to the bathroom, washed your face, brushed your teeth, and gone to bed.
You'd had a miserable time falling asleep. It was too cold and too quiet without him there. You tried to read, but your eyes couldn't focus on the words. You tried to listen to music, but it just wasn't the vibe. So you'd given up and laid there until you'd eventually fallen asleep.
Until a few moments ago, when you woke up. The room is still as dark as can be, you're still exhausted. Groggily, you reach over to the side table and tap the button on the clock. 3.37am. It's been an hour, maybe a bit more. You're unsure what time your really managed to get to sleep.
It's still cold, you're still alone. Your heart sinks. He probably won't be back tonight. So you pull the duvet closer, attempting to fall back into your slumber.
You can hear your own breaths, the sound of your heart beating. It's just not the same without him here. It's not as easy, doesn't feel as safe.
Yet, slowly your body begins to relax, darkness taking back over. You barely register the sound of the door, the shuffling, or at least you're too far into sleep to be able to react.
A familiar weight moves the mattress, duvet going with it as he takes his usual spot. You make some sort of grumbling noise at being disturbed, but a sigh escapes you as he gets close.
One arm drapes itself over you, then pulls you in. One strong, familiar arm. His voice is sleepy too, muttering "don't you grumble at me it's time for cuddles."
You feel yourself smile, possibly only internally, although it's too dark to know. Not that you could see your face without a mirror anyway.
You shuffle to get more comfy pressed up against him, warming up quickly. Then you shuffle again to stuff some blanket between the two of you to stop the heat. "Just that hot am I?" He giggles, clearly about to drift off. Somehow you find it in you to respond, "don't need heating when I have you." He lets out an amused huff, but like you is too tired to say any more.
The silence is filled with the soft sound of his breathing, plus your cozy and warm now. That's not even to mention how safe you feel being in his arms again, those wonderful arms that are so strong holding you so carefully against him.
With what you're sure is a soft sigh you're able to comfortably drift into a peaceful slumber, dreaming only of Skizz, how much you love him, and the wonderful arms that leave you feeling so safe and secure (and flustered, but it's a calm, peaceful sleep. Sue me.)
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Blue, do you have any facts about any of your characters that you'd like to share. Habits, thoughts, info, etc. Basically anything. This is your opportunity to info dump lol (if ya wanna ;3)
(I'm new here btw, love your work)
Warnings: murder, suggestive indications,
— gets clingy/horny/vulnerable when drunk
— is a good cook
— barely has ant contact with his parents
— likes children (not in a creepy way smh)
— he can't keep his hands off of you normally (imagine when he's drunk) and loves to hold you close to him
— he gets jealous really, really easily and can't control himself when he does get jealous
— loves to mark you up, because ... jealousy and possessiveness
— a bit of a husky voice, a bit deeper, he drags out some syllabels (almost like whining)
— nationality: greek
— age: Around 35-38, birthday season: late fall
— has to work out a lot to keep his muscles (googled the different types and he resembles a ripped/athletic build) so he drinks more protein shakes than he'd admit
— height: around 189 cm
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Dr Kry
— secretly wants to become an author
— he's an only child
— grew up in a very strict household
— he's amazing at turning on/off his feelings and act professional unless it's you
— frowns often
— a honey smooth voice, not very light, not very deep. Clear pronounciation
— was the smartest kid in his class
— age: 33-36, birthday season: winter
— never cries
— nationality: swedish/norwegian
— he doesn't eat much, mostly chicken in all forms, but drinks a lot of coffee (he has a caffein addiction)
— has a habit of finishing your sentences when you don't want to talk
— height: around 187 cm
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King Edmund
— his parents were murdered when he was around 16 which made him the youngest king in their history
— gets someone to taste test the food the two of you eat to make sure no one has poisoned it
— has a sword with your name ingraved in it
— powerful, dominating voice, when he speaks it sends shivers down everyone's spines. He almost always sounds "angry", but he can force it down to a sweet mumble when he's with you.
— age: around 19-22, birthday season: early summer
— nationality: his own kingdom BUT if he had a real nationality, it would be most likely German
— you're the only one he's nice to, but he's a big fan of discipline and will correct you if you do something he isn't liking
— he doesn't feel much regret or empathy when doing something bad, since he's the king and gotten to do everything he wants, he hasn't developed a lot of those kind of emotions
— height: around 184 cm
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— likes tattooes, probably has one inspired by you
— trains boxing
— she likes night views, for an example sitting on a roof top to watch the city lights or sitting on a dock to hear the waves late at night
— quite a strong, clear voice, not very raspy, but a little husky every now and then
— age: 24, birthday season: late spring
— she wishes that she could let her guard down with you, but thanks to everything she's been through during the years, she can't let herself
— nationality: korean
— she's the type to go: "you're great sweetie" without looking at what you're doing.
—jerry loves alcohol and melts inside when you get her favorite beer for her
— she watches over you when you sleep and doesn't let anyone come close to you when you're that vulnerable
— will mock you if you say you like something, but then it'll mysteriously appear in your bedroom in large amounts
— height: around 167 cm
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— her voice is sweet like honey, very feminine and delicate!!
— age: around 18-19, birthday season: late summer
— BIGGEST sweettooth, she loves everyhting sweet
— wants an idyllic family life
— nationality: british
— dream job: model
— a big fan of photographing ... you
— hedwig loves to spoil you, you'll always have new clothes, perfumes, jewelry, books, etc etc
— clingiest motherfucker you'll ever meet
— LOVES to show you off
— doesn't like horror movies and if you force her to watch one she'll hide under your shirt every time she gets scared
— always smiles when you talk to her
— height: around 173 cm
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Hello and welcome, trainees and newcomers to the foundation!
It's time to put on your training wheels and get on the wagon, as we speed through Southeast Asia and the Middle East with our dear friends, the Joestars and co.
- The Speedwagon Foundation
Read the introduction comic here.
Keep reading for info and TOS down below (Do not interact with the blog if you have not read the TOS! It's at the very end.)
This is Project Ask the Crusaders of Stardust! An ask blog dedicated to the main cast of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. What can you and can you not expect from this blog? For one we will not have a set schedule for posting. "We" is right, we're two people running this blog. Namely @starplatimoon (Mod Moon) and @kuttblueberry (Mod Blueberry). We're very passionate about these guys and the story of part 3, and we have our own AU and RP we will pull inspiration from when it comes to moving the story forward on this ask blog. So expect the unexpected when it comes to what may happen... We will both be drawing and writing for this blog, but one of us may have more responsibility for writing certain characters than the other. Specifically, Mod Blueberry writes more for Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin while Mod Moon writes more for Jotaro and Polnareff. It's just the way we like to do it. This blog is fully a collaboration! We'll be putting credit where credit is due at the end of posts, we may forget sometimes or simply choose not to, however. There may be room for ships such as Avpol and Noritaro to develop down the line. And while that may be the case, we don't want this blog to revolve around ships, but the character's general dynamics and story! And to just goof off and have fun. That too. While the blog is "sponsored by the SPWF" and you're welcome to commit to the bit, you really don't have to pretend to be a newbie SPWF employee. Treat this like you would any other ask blog, there are no rules in that regard. But we will be touching on actual rules for a TOS at the end of this post that we implore you to check out before interacting with this blog or sending asks! And lastly, roleplay-themed asks and magic anons (AKA stand users) are allowed but we might not indulge in it regularly. But there may be events in the future that touch on more fun ways to interact with us, whether that be "a sudden influx of stand users!" or whatever. We do what we want.
Don't spam the same question/message, we will get to you. And if we don't, it's probably because you broke one of the other rules OR it's already been answered in one form or another. (Although we may revisit similar themes, time will tell).
No s*xually explicit questions (Or the ghost of Erina Joestar will come back from the afterlife to whack you across the head with her ghostly cane).
No proshippers or proship themed asks. (For you who don't know what that means: Proshipping includes ships that have inc*stial/p*dophilic/abusive themes. This also includes aiming suggestive comments or asks towards Kakyoin and Jotaro, do not do that)
Related to the above, do not send in asks if you indulge in proshipping, in fact, do not interact with this blog.
We are not looking for more mods. Just the two of us, we can make it. If we try <3
Do not repost our art without credit (this does not include reblogs here on Tumblr). But if you want to use our art as say a profile picture or header, you can WITH credit. This also goes for if anyone wants to dub over our comics or such, that is allowed too, with credit.
Do not badger us if we decide to take breaks or go on a hiatus, we have our own lives. This goes for literally any ask blogs out there, do not stress the mods out!!!
If you break any of these rules, you may earn a block, be mindful of that.
On a happier note, aside from abiding by our rules, have fun! This blog was made for fun and we hope you will have fun, we sure will. (If we don't, read bullet point 7.... just kidding.... or am I.....)
Thank you for reading all the way to the end!
Blog header by mod Moon and mod Blueberry. Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin were drawn by mod Blueberry. Jotaro, Polnareff, and the background was drawn by mod Moon.
Profile picture by mod Moon.
Crusader chibis by mod Moon and mod Blueberry. Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin were drawn by mod Blueberry. Jotaro and Polnareff were drawn by mod Moon.
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As someone who (full disclosure) doesn't study fashion, I wonder if this blog ought to be of great importance to fashion historians. I find it really interesting to see what sensibilities tumblr, a really unique and overwhelmingly queer slice of culture, has or doesn't have in common with historical trends, patterns, colors, ornamentation, etc. I'm not sure, i'm rambling, but it's fascinating to me
hi dear anon! 💕
thank you so much for your message and I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to respond! ❤️‍🩹
I also think it's super fascinating to see what trends/styles seem to still resonate with folks today! I think I've mentioned this briefly before, but the audience for this blog is probably a little bit more likely to enjoy more "obscure" historical styles, just because people who choose to regularly vote/interact with the polls are sort of a self-selecting group in the sense that they choose to follow a blog dedicated to historical fashion ☺️☺️
I definitely have not done any sort of detailed overarching analysis of what people like versus what they don't in general, but something I was just noticing was that I have found at least one enthusiast/defender of almost every decade of fashion I feature here except for the 1840s????
so this is a bit off topic from your question, but can any 1840s fashion stans sound off if you're here??? I'm just genuinely so curious 🧐
but to return to your comment: I fear I haven't run the blog in a scientific enough manner for it to be used as anything other than anecdotal evidence, but if anyone wants to use info from the blog for research or paper writing purposes, feel free to let me know!! 💖 I'm happy to help in any way I can!! 🥰🥰
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sketchingstars03 · 5 months
aghfdsfd sry about the infodumping but i havr to get tgis out of my head hc that ink has a kind of a fixation on naming?? him naming his brush ,the doodlesphere and giving people nicknames kinda?? something something about his abandoned AU not havign a name... something about his last words being not watnting to b forgotten. wanting to be someone.. somethin about names n identity sjhjgf also uhm i just learned that it's actually like. confirmed that he's the one who put all those buckets in the doodlesphere. and also ink doesn't consider himself a Sans bc of his lack of a universe. uh mirror room. apparently its implied that the reason he doesnt liek that room is bc. Ink couldnt tell that they're the original or just one of the many reflections/imposters. since he's the only Ink who doesnt have a soul and doesnt remember jack shit ab his past.(kinda outdated but makes sense. that room was made official around that time where the fact that ink not having a soul is considered vry niche info iirc? somewhere around early 2017)
no Anon you’re onto something with the naming thing.
I think it’s fascinating that Ink, should this be true (which it seems very plausible to me), extends this need to be someone, to have an identity, to others. In a similar way to how they might subconsciously extend that feeling of no universe deserving to be left behind, in that both stem from themself, yet he can’t help but fulfil that desire through other people. Really shines a light on the side of Ink that “isn’t completely selfish”, to put it in words I remember from one post by Comyet.
I always had a feeling, like a headcanon, that Ink would feel separated from his Sans identity, or, well it would probably be more like a role or title to him, rather than a name or someone he is. They left “Sans” behind with _____tale (something he doesn’t even remember). Though, it’s interesting that he still carries over some sans-like traits, like puns/pranks (though more frequent and intense pranks than a regular Sans would pull), and the creation of their own personal Gaster Blaster companion and forming bones out of ink. And there was the sans-like sweater in their old design (something I like to think they still hold on to, even if he doesn’t wear it anymore)
I should check Comyet’s blog to see that lmao guess it probably wasn’t purely just a hc after all.
THE PART ABOUT THE MIRROR ROOM IS FASCINATING THOUGH! Now that you mention it I think I remember a post like that, again looks like I need another trip through the Inkechos tag 😅. But still!! I wonder how Ink would feel about the mirror room now, if his dislike was based around how all the other “hims” had souls and he didn’t, now that that’s changed and it’s actually the Inks with souls who are the outliers (shout out to FTFO!Ink). Would they take joy in the fact that they’re not alone? Or would it still feel, weird and uncomfortable somehow? Perhaps serving as another reminder of his emptiness deep down, and so they still avoid it even though the circumstances in the fandom have changed. I know that whenever I RP my version of Ink meeting other variants, he’s always very interested to see new versions of himself, so maybe it would just be like that! Who knows! Well, Comyet does, but I’m not her 😅.
Either way thank you so much for this thought-provoking ask, Anon! I’m always happy to discuss my favourite chaotic-neutral-artist-skeleton guy like this!
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theotherseapancakes · 2 months
Psssst. You mentioned no one cares about Philemon, but now I'm curious if you have any thoughts about his role in the games after he disappeared. And for sillies sake, does he have anything to do with the Dance games?
I have been waiting my entire life for this. Anon do you realize how verbose I'm going to get. DO YOU REALIZE? I hope you like read mores. Let me preface this with I am aware and have seen some popular theories, so I'm going to sidestep a lot of them and present one I've built since... well, I became a Persona fan as a teenager. MAJOR PERSONA SERIES SPOILERS LIKE THE ENTIRE THING OK? OK. yes even royal.
The P2 PSP additional scenario is so incredibly important and I think everyone missed the point of it. THE PERSONA 2 PSP ADDITIONAL TATSUYA SCENARIO!!!! It's beyond important, because it reveals to us Philemon can have more than one Avatar we know about, just like Nyarly. (Casual reminder he's like half the shopkeeps in P2. Time Count, anyone? Why was the Time Count so hot. Anyway.) Disclaimer: I'm just a casual fan who has played a LOT of Persona and SMT. I haven't gotten around to all of them, but I've played/finished both paths of 1, 2, 3 (and p3p) as well as 4 and 5. Didn't manage to get my hands on Golden but I've seen enough of it. (It's funny you ask about the dance games, they're the only ones I don't have right now! But my roommate does, and will be gone for a few months soon, perhaps I will take the time to start with p4DAN. I'm atrocious at rhythm games though so more than likely I'll find a video. Anyway.) WHAT is Philemon? If we can't define that, we can't talk about The Positivity Guy Ever.
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So let's talk about Phil. He's a fascinating character. His Persona is just a form of Himself, But Cooler. And he seems to HAVE no set shape, not unlike Nyarlathotep. People have various theories about Shadows and their origins etc., but Phil is more like that vote of confidence in people. I think, personally, that after the end of Innocent Sin, Phil's been pretty weak. We see in Eternal Punishment he's fading pretty roughly, and has a hard time talking to the party. Presumably ending Nyarly might to some degree fix things when Deja-vu Boy goes home, but... the problem is, we don't know how fixed they truly ended up being, or the full depth of how much he could/did expend!
In fact, the first time we even see Phil without the dumb mask is when Tatsuya decks him. Pay close attention to that fact. To the mask motifs here. I want you to really soak in Phil's everything. He's a leader. A kind soul. He's the good of people. He wants to believe the best.
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Anyway, most of these things overlook what I find really interesting as we've gotten more games worth of lore: he and Nyarly aren't the only eldritch entities walking around like that. Yes, Nyx is one too. Yes, it's probable she may even be their 'mom'. It's possible they all came from Nyx initially, but it's also possible (and should be considered) they too may have been outsiders at one point. We need to ask ourselves how far the human collective unsconsciousness can go. Is that sea infinite? Could it affect other worlds? Think about Aion in Devil Summoner Soul Hackers 2. Yes, I am asking you to think about Soul Hackers 2. Deal with it, I don't care. They're sister series. They share many things. SO! Did the shape of the human mind change a bunch of eldritch creatures and make them interact with us even more after Nyx smacked the moon a gazillion years ago? Is there multiple worlds? Weird bullshit? Just the two? Hmm. Well... I, personally, think so. I think he was touched by humanity just like Nyarlathotep, but in the other way. The reason I bring this up is two-fold. The first is Nodens. Now, we don't know much about the actual Nodens, unfortunately, just some speculation. Which is a shame. (If anyone has more info I'd love to have it, ngl. As a pagan this shit fascinates me.) But what we do get on him in Lovecraftian lore can provide us some intriguing possibilities about Phil's everything, which the games love to keep really rather vague. (And this is putting aside that his human Persona is based off the obviously bogus Jungian Spirit Guide, but we love an old guy in a mask anyway. He probably felt that was more 'friendly' for humans, hah.) I believe that Nodens, and Phil by extension, are just as responsible for nurturing and keeping the collective unconsciousness alive and positive. We see the butterfly symbol everywhere. We see it with Lavenza, too. "This is truly an unjust game." So was the bet Phil made with Nyarly, a game he rigged. Phil made the mistake of thinking the Crawling Chaos wouldn't cheat, a mistake he is never making again, I assume, if he can help it. Shit, you could view his boss fight in P2EP as him trying to train the EP crew to beat the snot out of Nyarly, even. But off topic. If Nyarly is basically the father of all Shadows, and they and Personas are the same coin, it makes me wonder a lot of things. The two have always been portrayed as simultaneously diametrically opposed, but also not? They have identical halls in P2. They have similar powers and talents... I think after Persona 3, Phil's remnants sank into the Collective Unconsciousness, to attempt to rehabilitate humanity from what it lost, from what he himself lost. I think Igor took over the room, because he took a backseat to recover. It would go a long, long way towards explaining why only SOME characters have the tier of the Wild Card, which is similar to the 'original' Persona power. (Having multiple.) He was took weak to remain in his Spirit Guide (Philemon) form, and had to abandon it to return to the depths as Nodens... So. Let me go back to Nodens and make some notes about design.
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Nodens, as seen here, sort of resembles an iron maiden. It really brings to mind the idea of maybe Tatsuya or someone's humanoid form sleeping within it, doesn't it? Fitting for an aspect of Philemon! ... You probably can see where I'm going with this, but let me pull up some screens to finish the point:
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That's right! It's Azathoth, Baby! I believe that unlike mythology, he's yet another aspect of Philemon. Eldritch positivity, in too much force, could be used for accidental bad, too. (Reasons Maruki is my favorite Law Hero, haha.) Let me explain. I think Philemon always existed in... let's call it parts. Azathoth is said to be a dreaming god in whom's universe we all just happen to be alive inside, right? "Dream of butterfly" (Philemon) "Or is life a dream? Don't wanna wake up. Cuz I'm happy here." That sure is thematic to what Maki goes through in Persona 1, and what Maruki's beloved suffers, isn't it? ISN'T IT. The "true reality" he creates... would help Maruki create in the additional Semester--would be something most humans would never pass the muster to even try to control. But we have seen Phil test a few people and find them worth passing before! However, that seems like ages ago. Why has he been so quiet? I think because he was spending time conserving his energy. He believed in humanity enough to give Makoto a push when it was needed in p3 (or femc, if you play her), but otherwise trusted Igor while he restored what needed it. But in Persona 5 Royal, he hand-picked Maruki, didn't he? At first, when I played Persona 5 Royal, I really thought it was some part of Nyarly, but I no longer believe this to be the case. The coloration and symbolism in the background (the golds, the whole garden of eden themes, the way his Palace was laid out), the whole sea of soul motifs in P3Re later... mmm. I have a lot of thoughts about this, but this post is already way too long for one simple ask. So let's wrap up by going one step further and looking finally at Nodens' dialogue to the party in the Extra Scenario in Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PSP). The following is a transcript, you can find a video here:
Nodens: This is the memory of the lost child whom you all seek. Nodens: Memory occasionally brings about much distress and suffering, but it is absolutely vital to distinguish oneself from others and manufacture one's own psyche. Nodens: Ever since it began, life's memory has accumulated unbroken, passing through individual experiences and spanning several generations. Nodens: And so it has given shape to Kadath and the Collective Unconsciousness, thereby becoming a foundation for the next generation. Nodens: Even if the roots of the world are directed by fear and anxiety, never forget that the true essence of life is brimming with joy. Nodens: You must not stop seeking the answer for why life was born in a cosmos progressing towards absurdity and chaos. Nodens: Life brims with joy, bringing about balance in a universe predestined to heat death, and that allows the world to live a long time.
So to answer your question, I think he's taken a much subtler role. I think he's influencing people by pretending to be a Persona for Maruki, because he believes it will help them grow. I don't think he was intending a forever-control vice grip, but rather to prove a point. No matter what, the primordial chaos of humanity will rise up for chaotic good, lawful good, whatever "good" is needed. Azathoth is... interesting. Adam Kadmon is also interesting. But mostly I HIGHLY suspect we may see him again in Persona 6, or at least I'm hoping so. It's my personal pet theory by then he'll be less faded and come back to us in a new form of some kind. He's never had a set one, after all. Now for funsies about the dancing game, well, he's a positive guy, he wanted to just make sure everyone had their fitness regimen checked off. Obviously. (This is a joke.) Did the devs intend this? I'm honestly not sure? Like there's a lot of nods to older Personas in 5 and now 3RE especially, but it's definitely worth chewing on. I could go on and on about things I think he's connected to, but ultimately they have the final say lol. I'm just a crackpot conspiracy theorist on tumblr who really likes Philemon. He and the Room are my favorites. :) Ask me about attendants for additional dumb, sometime, I guess lol.
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s1m0nth3swag · 2 months
Can I request milkman X reader where the reader was always getting in trouble some way or another when they were a kid and they always got bored and just telling Francis stories about what they did when they were a kid?
Such as jumping out the window to go out with some friends because they were grounded and bored, prank calling on neighbours, chasing cars while riding their bicycles in a crowded street, climbing high trees and just jumping off of them, getting into playground fights and things like that..........(I did some of those)
Francis was a boring kid and never did anythings for sure, he'd have a freak out if his partner was somewhat of a troublemaker omg
Thanks for the ask, Anon!
WARNINGS/ CONTENT INFO; Fluff, GN Reader, Francis being a worried little guy, established relationship, kinda short sorry, Reader is silly
The first time you told Francis about your childhood shenanigans was when the two of you were resting on the couch after a long and hard day. He was comfortably nestled against your chest and inbetween your legs, while you ran your fingers through his hair and pressed a kiss against the top of his head from time to time. He had looked up at you in slight shock and worry after you had asked if he had ever slipped when climbing through windows, for you, that was a totally normal question, for him, it was a reason to be genuinely worry about his partners wellbeing. Afterwards, he was always on edge to make sure you weren't getting too close to any of the windows in the shared apartment. A little too much, in your opinion.
You swore to yourself to tell him your most outrageous childhood stories whenever he least expected it. Partly because you wanted him to understand how normal it was to you, partly because his shocked face was just too funny to you. Genuinely, he looked like you had just told him the world was ending.
The next time you spoke to him about it, you were extra casual about it. "You know, I once beat up an older kid because he threw sand in my buddy's face." You hummed as the two of you were cooking dinner, his arms wrapped around your waist as his head rested on yours while you kept an eye on the stove. Francis had immediately peeled himself away from you to give you that little look of 'what the fuck is wrong with you'. You started giggling, and for a second Francis was relieved. "I thought you were serious." He sighed. "Oh, I am. Your expression was just funny." You responded, a grin on your lips as you leaned up to kiss him softly. Francis groaned in annoyance, shoving you playfully.
From then on, Francis watched you with the utmost care. He was always prepared for more stories - which, of course, was no fun to you since you wanted to catch him off guard. For days, you waited for the perfect opportunity until he came home from work, especially tired. Definitely not up for your bullshit. A perfect opportunity.
You grinned wickedly as he walked through the front door, already sensing his mood simply from the way he slouched and the fact that he hung up his jacket just a little slower than usually - you had grown used to the exact time it took him to walk from the front door to the couch. After living together for so long, it was honestly just habit.
"Francis, love." You called out, the slightest hint of mischief in your voice. He grumbled, knowing you were up to no good, because in all seriousness, when were you ever up to any good (the answer was probably never). "Did I ever tell you about the time I chased cars around my neighbourhood? Or when I broke my leg because I jumped off a tree?" You started, and Francis mumbled something about you being an idiot. You simply chuckled as he walked towards the couch.
You followed him around the apartment for the next hour or so, continuing with your most dramatic stories. At this point, Francis was seriously considering taping your mouth shut, though he wasn't sure if you might already have a story about that. You continued to yap about police arresting you, childhood fights, and whatever else came to mind.
At the end of the day, Francis was more exhausted by you than he had been by work, which was a new low for him, really. Usually, you'd be the one to give him energy, not steal it, and run away while giggling manically - which he honestly thought was a thing you'd do.
At last, he managed to shut you up by saying he'd make dinner and breakfast if you'd just stop talking, a deal you were very willing to take. After all, Francis made such a wonderful house husband - and he wore an apron while cooking, which was honestly lovely eye candy to you. You pressed a kiss to his forehead, smiling. "Thanks, love." You hum, and he sighs in defeat. "You'll be the death of me one day, dear." He responds, though a smile plays on the corner of his lips, and you know he isn't serious.
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bajablastwrites · 2 years
Okay, I know there’s only going to be a solid 50% chance of you actually doing this request but I’m willing to take the chance because I can’t shake the feeling that you’re the perfect person to give this ask to. How would Saiki react to a s/o that suffers from… not exactly intrusive thoughts…but still thoughts that randomly pop into her head that’s straight out of a horror movie? Like they can never open the front door normally without randomly picturing someone stabbing them as they open it.
What do you mean it’s not normal?
TW: somewhat detailed description of gore
Saiki x fem reader
Authors Note: you’re right anon! I am the right person because I too have questionable, graphic, horrendous, disgusting and extremely detailed thoughts like this. (I had unrestricted access to the internet as a kid and my morbid curiosity always wins when it comes to graphic content, builds character and I don’t regret it👍🏼) I was originally going to just go with just the questionable thoughts but it turned into a completely different thing so… oops. Hope you still like it tho!
so I’m going too assume you also had unrestricted access to the internet and your thoughts really show it with how gory and graphic your imagination is. It concerns Kusuo a little bit since they just pop up during the most normal and mundane tasks.
Or sometimes you’ll just space out and your mind wanders to that one gore video from you saw on online one day that was filmed by the Mexican cartel, with quality so shit it might as well have been filmed with a microwave.
Now Kusuo doesn’t think you’re a bad person at all, just because your morbid curiosity has you stare at a dead body for a bit doesn’t mean you’ll want to recreate them. You’re no sicko after all.
But it always catches him off guard because he never knows when it’s going to happen, especially if they involve you. You had the most detailed scenario on what would happen if the person behind you pushed you down the schools stairs or shoved you over the railing and your only thoughts afterwards was “damn that’d suck real bad.” Which concerned him even more. What do you mean “that’d suck real bad.” It’ll be more than just sucking really bad. Man’s was flabbergasted.
He’s followed you home and used his clairvoyance on you on multiple occasions because you’d randomly have thoughts of offing yourself— like a “if I had to” scenario. You had everything from how you’d do it, down to even the contact info of company who’ll clean up any blood or other biohazards left behind. Like how or why do you know the contact info for a clean up crew?
Now that he knows you and you know about his powers, he now intervenes on your graphic thoughts if they involve you.
I feel like he also has a morbid curiosity as well so he’ll also be weirdly fascinated with things like gore to a mild extent. But if your thoughts involve you he’ll be quick to interrupt your thoughts by saying something like “stop it.” That’s probably the only time he’ll get a little upset with you and your graphic thoughts. He knows you can’t control your thoughts but like, can you not think about those things happening to you, please?? He doesn’t care about your thoughts unless they involve you getting hurt or dying in someway because he cares about you, will he tell you that? Absolutely not!
You’re still his favorite person even if he won’t admit it to you or himself.
A weird advantage of your dark and gory thoughts is that you also have some useful medical knowledge as well. You know where important arteries are located and such.
But back on topic, Kusuo likes to have you around when he’s with Toritsuka. Man’s was scared of you after Kusuo asked you what the worst way to kill someone would be and you gave the description of the worst Mexican cartel gore video to exist. (If you know, you know)
“Just out of curiosity. What’s the most creative and painful way to kill a person?” Kusuo asked as you began to sort through all the horrendous and atrocious things you’ve seen. “I mean you want them to be awake you’ll have to drug them with adrenaline. For maximum pain use dulled knives or machetes to chop off the hands and feet, maybe skin them too— it’ll take a lot of work because the blades are dull but they’ll feel everything and be awake for it all. It’ll get pretty bloody though.” You said as you had a vivid memory of the atrocity you’ve seen on the place you call the internet. “Good to know.” He patted your shoulder, satisfied with your answer. What he saw you visualize was less satisfying to him though.
Toritsuka fears you just as much as he fears Saiki. To add to your fear factor, your guardian spirit is either a mortician or a critical care surgeon. Man’s starts sweating when he’s partnered with you during any cooking assignment— or when you have any sharp or pointed object in your hand. Kusuo can’t help but feel proud that you can put the fear of god in him just by holding a pen or pencil, even if you don’t mean to.
Speaking of scaring people, you used scare Kaido when he first met you. You know how he was first scared of Aren when he first met him, it was like that with you as well. He’s not scared of you anymore— or at least not as much as he used to be. You still make him a little nervous though. In his head he sees you as Dark Reunion’s ultimate weapon that was created to defeat him, but ended up becoming a failed experiment and rebelled against them to fight by his side.
Now you and Aren get along really well. He really likes you, he likes to ask you “hypothetical” questions. So you both look very sus, since he’s making questionable scenarios and you have answers for said questionable scenarios. They mostly involve ways to help or get people to the hospital in time if said scenarios were to happen, so it’s oddly wholesome. Kusuo is always nearby because (he’s salty) you guys look like you’re planning a murder and he can’t have you guys getting arrested— it’ll draw too much attention to his class. It’s not that he cares about you guys! (He doesn’t want Aren taking away his only favorite person)
Your aura is somewhat unsettling at the start according to Aiura, like there’s a layer of dark purple clouds or fog surrounding you but once you get passed them it’s a warm and golden aura. Good people work behind the scenes after all.
Speaking of good people Hairo also likes you, man respects you even. He knows how to stop heavy bleeding, what to do if someone has a seizure, breaks a bone, etc.
Teruhashi thought what you were saying was either bullshit or saying it to impress Kusuo since he’s always with you. (I love Teruhashi, but I like slandering her a little bit more) She made the most elaborate scenario in her head about you wanting to be a nurse or doctor in order to get close to Kusuo and be able give him a “physical” (Kusuo didn’t appreciate that visual and wanted to go back to your gory thoughts afterwards) she tried to learn random facts about the body to try to get Kusuo’s attention but you always add more details or facts because you just simply know more (it’s that mortician/surgeon guardian spirit watching over you I swear) you add in extra information in ways that is easy to understand too. So she kinda just gave up because she can’t memorize all that shit to try and out perform you.
Despite your gory and graphic thoughts Kusuo still likes you, wouldn’t change a thing about you— well if he could have you stop making up scenarios where you die or get severely hurt he would, but that’s about it! Loves you just the way you are.
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kiwiana-writes · 2 months
I dont think anyone subscribes to you for t rated 5 +1s in your own au lol. Chop chop with those wip’s porn girl!
Well. Quite a bit to unpack here on an otherwise unassuming Friday!
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#2: I actually track this stuff. Admittedly the E-rated percentage is a bit higher if you look at RWRB only, but overall...
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#3: I think anyone who subscribes to me on AO3, or indeed anyone who follows the kiwiana-writes tag here on tumblr and sees all those fucking WIPs, knows that I like to write a bit of variety. That's not to say there aren't definite underpinnings of, like, themes and vibes that I return to over and over (which I can only assume are why people subscribe to me), but if someone only likes my college AUs, or only likes my post-canon stuff, or only likes my E-rated stuff, or only wants to listen to my podfics, they're probably going to have a much more successful time saving the tag search than subscribing to me at the author level. Or they've mastered the art of archiving and moving on without complaining about it, like I do when the authors I'm subscribed to write something that doesn't interest me. It's a useful skill! I highly recommend cultivating it.
#4: AO3 not giving series stats is and continues to be the bane of my life, but based on the number of people who subscribed to the OG actor AU, there's probably a significant chunk of people who aren't subscribed to me as an author and only want the actor AU verse stuff. And good for them! I LOVE that AO3 offers multiple ways to subscribe so you can get notified for the stuff you want (my kingdom for the ability to subscribe to individual pseuds, though.)
#5: This fandom is OVERFLOWING right now. Like, I can't keep up. You only want to read E-rated stuff? Awesome! Well over 100 E-rated fics have been posted in the RWRB bookverse tag just this week (it looks like most of the movieverse smut has also been tagged bookverse, but either way it's also very easy to find). Or go back to older fics and find some hidden gems—there's nothing an author loves more than for someone to come in and gush about a fic they wrote a year or two ago.
#6: You don't pay me, and I'm not subject to annual review. One of my favourite authors was talking this morning about how sometimes she thinks about taking a break from writing for RWRB because it's starting to feel a little rat racey, and that would suck for me personally because I love her stuff but god knows I couldn't blame her, because the (extreme minority but still exhausting) entitled comments and rudeness really do not help. Stop treating your favourite authors like content creators who owe you something new on a regular schedule, because that's a damn good way to ensure they don't want to create anything new ever again. Like... anon, you haven't even bothered to couch this in a compliment. The bar is ten feet underground and somehow you still managed to trip over it.
#7: Not to be all 'back in my day' but... well, back in my day, snippets and peeks into the universe of a remotely popular longfic were pretty much the standard lol. Nobody is forcing you to read them, I promise.
#8: I've posted two E-rated fics in the last two weeks.
#9: Honestly I just really want to reiterate #1 because what the hell lol. While pronouns don't equal gender, it's pretty reasonable to extrapolate from pronouns if you don't have any other info to go on—and of the three "main/standard" pronouns, the one most closely associated with 'girl' is the only one that ISN'T in my bio 🤦
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