#this week hasn't been great for art so I only ended up doing 3 more
commanderfloppy · 1 year
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Annnd here's the second batch of Art Party stuff
Ivar belongs to @gift-of-astralaria
Merrit Belongs to @wyldblunt 's wife
Qirri belongs to @ratasum
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batboyblog · 7 months
Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I recently discovered your weekly updates on stuff President Biden has done and they are so amazing! Your posts have definitely given me back some hope and it’s wonderful to see everything laid out like that! I just wanted to say thank you for posting them. Also, while I followed you for the politics, I have to say that you have really great taste in the superhero posts! I’m loving all the art and fan art! Anyway, I hope you have a great day and a wonderful week!
well thank you for saying so!
uh yeah in real life I'm a very political person and Tumblr was my space to indulge other interests, but sadly it seems like its really important to spread information to count a real sea of misinformation about President Biden thats been going on for most of his Presidency at this point.
I feel like just pointing out what he does every week for Americans is a good way to do spread positivity.
one narrative that is really dragging him down is the idea that he "doesn't do anything" Biden and the Dems passed 3 of the biggest laws I've seen, the American Rescue Plan Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and the Inflation Reduction Act.
and like part of the way Biden gets the biggest climate bill in American (and world) history through Congress is he doesn't call it "The Green New Deal" he calls it something boring like "Inflation Reduction Act" but we got a Green New Deal, it happened, we're on track to carbon neutral by the end of the decade, and I find learning about the pieces of that the Investments that are gonna add up so cool and so hopeful, like getting a Alaska native tribe a new dam so they can have clear hydropower rather than use diesel generators, SO! cool.
and another thing about Biden is he's been around so long he understands how the government works really better than any one. Student Debt is such a great example, most Presidents they get shut down by the Supreme Court they go "well I tried" and give up. Biden hasn't given up since the conservative court shut down his first effort at student loan forgiveness. He's take programs and authorities that got passed years ago and taken them as far as they can go, got debt forgiveness to 4 million people, so far and he's not stopping, it might take more time but he's gonna get there and only he really knows all the places to look to get the authority to do something like this because he has so much experience.
any ways I'm just trying to live by Harvey Milk's words "I know you can not live on hope alone, but without it life is not worth living, so you gotta give 'em hope."
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
Bloom for you by wngxnic
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Bloom for you
by wngxnic
M, 19k, Wangxian
Summary: “How long?” Wei Wuxian asks, controlling the urge to cough up another set of flowers. “We can get rid of—” “How long do I have, Wen Qing?” He asks again, his throat clogging with the petals that are threatening to spill. “3 weeks” Love is a kaleidoscope of emotions. It brings hope, joy, pain, and sometimes it drives you to a slow, painful death until you bleed dry and cough flowers for the one you love or a fic where wei wuxian has the hanahaki disease Kay's comments: That good-old Wangxian Hanahaki angst - always great! Really enjoyed this one and it hit so good with Wei Wuxian suffering from the sickness during the Burial Mounds Settlement days. Though it's a happy ending on the Hanahaki front, the fic itself is more hopeful/open ended, though the author has promised making a series out of this to explore how this effects the plot. Excerpt: "A petal..?" His shaky hands grab the petal, gently cleaning the blood off using his dark robe, and he inspects again. Yes, it's indeed a petal. He wonders if he ate something that had flowers or petals in it, and perhaps it went into the wrong pipe. That would explain the petal and the coughing, not the blood, but then again, Wei Wuxian had been coughing blood every time he pushed himself to overuse the dark art. The lack of a core makes his body unstable, and he can only exert himself to a certain limit until it gives up. As Wei Wuxian puts more thought into it, he realises that he hasn't eaten anything in the past 24 hours, and he did plan to put some food into his body until Lan Wangji rudely walks up to him and- Lan Wangji. Stupid, stupid Lan Wangji, with his ever-present pious appearance and jade-like face that always does something funny to his insides. His mind continues to play the pointed glare that the other man threw at him before he walked out, and Wei Wuxian senses his chest squeezing tightly again. His mind won't stop replaying the scene, and suddenly, he can not breathe.
pov wei wuxian, canon divergence, hanahaki disease, wei wuxian has hanahaki disease, sick wei wuxian, not actually unrequited love, mutual pining, misunderstandings, miscommunication, emotional hurt/comfort, blood and injury, pov wen qing, pov lan wangji, cultivation sect politics, burial mounds settlement days, doctor/patient, hopeful ending
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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starshipqstar · 7 months
On a supportive queer fandom, community, and making our first ever animation
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Making the Starship Q Star animation has largely been wonderful - we got to make a show we love and learnt a LOT. As two writers new to producing the format (Lauren had only written for kids animation) - it was a huge learning curve. A learning cliff if you will. Whilst we had to cut a lot out for time and budget, we're really proud of how they turned out within the constraints. And by the end? Lauren and I coloured most of the final episode and I did all the compositing and VFX myself (all in Toon Boom Harmony - a program neither of us had used a few months before).
Animation is also still a bit of a boys club - so we committed to finding a design and animation team that was diverse as possible, and reflected what the project was about. I'm proud to say that we managed that (out of our cast & crew of 24, only 3 were cis-men - and most were queer). We also gave opportunities to diverse creatives who hadn't had jobs in the industry before - and have since seen some of them use the experience to get more paid work. You simply love to see it! All of the cast and crew are incredibly special and brought amazing things to the show - an absolute dream team.
It hasn't been easy at all - animation is a LOT of work, and the budget didn't allow for all the support we probably needed, so it was months of unpaid work for the two if us, and a number of weeks working 15-20 hour days to get it done. But we bloody well did it!
But since the show has been out, it's been a bit of a... reality check? Having been immersed in the audio drama community with Starship thus far - we perhaps got a little too used to how incredible supportive (and perhaps queer?) everyone is.
Another animation project is part of the same initiative as we are, and it was one of the first projects released. The creator is a really lovely and talented guy who has made a special show we really enjoyed. His show went kind of viral - which is AWESOME! It's great! However due to his experience on certain other projects... some of the fans of his show... aren't necessarily our audience? And the nature of the initiative means only some projects get chosen to make more.
The first comment on YouTube a few minutes after the Ep 1 of Starship Q Star was published was "make more [the other show]". Then our socials started getting homophobic and really negative comments (and trust me I have spent a long time curating that tiktok algorithm lol). At first I thought it was weird or maybe it was just because we were being shared by a third party so the wrong audience were finding us - but then they also included comments like "[the other show] is better".
I honestly find it odd that some fans take it upon themselves to do stuff like this. Making art is hard! And liking one thing better than something else doesn't mean you have to actively hate that something else! There's room for us all to succeed (well, once we take care of that pesky thing called capitalism). And maybe remember that when it's an indie project the people who made the thing are usually the ones running the socials lol.
We are so grateful to have had so many incredible people love and champion the show in both audio and animated format. And we feel so lucky to be a part of both the queer and audio drama community (yes I know that venn diagram is a circle) - it truly is such a special supportive environment that lifts one other up.
Anyway, I'll probably delete this (way too earnest - eww) but thanks to all the lovely ones out there. We really love and appreciate all of you and all the nice comments and messages and shares. Means the world!
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cherry-alive · 5 months
So, okay, I made a post a bit about this yesterday, but I've had a lot of thoughts since then and a useful conversation with my therapist. So. Complaining about dyspraxia below
I haven't been formally diagnosed with dyspraxia. It's actually pretty much the only diagnosis I've given to myself without at least medical confirmation. But I've given it to myself based on both a lot of research and comments I have received from medical practitioners (e.g. my pediatrician commenting on my weak grip, not meeting developmental milestones on time, comments from teachers, etc). And today my therapist said she's pretty sure I have it based not just on what I've reported but what she's observed in the way I physically interact with the world over the years, so that was helpful and validating. And we contacted my doctor today to hopefully get a referral to an OT, who will be able to actually assess me, which would be very cool. Because I still doubt myself all the time and go "you don't really have this" except like...I do though lol.
Part of the reason I doubt myself about it is that it hasn't had that much impact for many years. But recently, that has changed, and I've realized that it's not that I got better, it's that I went on disability and stopped trying to do a lot of things I used to do and spent like all day on my computer and got assistance with most physical tasks. I'm doing much, much better mental health wise lately, which is amazing, and as a result I'm engaging more and more with the physical world around me, whether that's going on walks or to the grocery store or cooking or dressing nicely or eating in restaurants or trying art or whatever. Which is great!
But it's all. so. fucking. physically. difficult. Not in an exhausting way, in a coordination way. Pushing carts at the grocery store? I bump into things constantly and get really overwhelmed by it and a few weeks ago dropped a glass bottle of olive oil that shattered all over the aisle in the store. Cooking? I love to cook, but it takes me at least 2 to 3 times the time to make any given recipe because I know myself and know I can't multitask so I do all the prep all at once up front, and slowly at that bc cutting vegetables is hard. Putting on makeup? Better set aside 10 minutes just to try to put on lip gloss without going outside the lines. Going to a restaraunt? Often a mortifying experience where I a) bump into other tables and/or b) have food all over my shirt by the end of the meal, which is so embarrassing but I've struggled with it my whole life. And it's just. It's all really really difficult and often I feel so ashamed when I drop something or bump into something or get messy or whatever in public and it just...it just sucks. And I get so so so frustrated and flustered and overwhelmed when I'm trying to do basic tasks at home like hanging up clothes or whatever and it's just so difficult and frustrating for me.
And I had forgotten how hard it all was because for years I just spent all my time on my computer. But I'm not doing that now. Which is great! But I trip and stumble and knock into things and get lost outside and can't do the things I want to do and I'm just constantly reminded that the physical world is very challenging for me. My probable dyspraxia has really been interfering with my life lately in pretty significant ways that have surprised me, I had kind of forgotten how frickin hard it makes a lot of things. I consider myself able bodied for the most part but I'm remembering now that like...not exactly 100% actually. And it just kind of sucks. A lot.
The good news is that as I mentioned, we contacted my GP about it and hopefully I'll get an assessment and maybe even some OT and/or PT, which could hopefully really help me. Because I'm trying very hard to recover and regain some independence, and this is proving a more significant challenge towards those goals than I had expected.
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toxiclxki · 7 months
Build-a-Bucky Bingo Masterpost
This is my masterpost for @buckybarnesevents' Build-a-Bucky bingo, and it'll be updated continuously.
November prompt: Incapable of love
in the end, it survives us all
Summary: A throwaway joke, that's all it was. Still, it doesn't take more than that to start Bucky wondering, worrying.
December prompt: Flashbacks
the longest night
Summary: Steve Rogers is an old man, living comfortably thanks to his art, but he's lonely, missing the biggest piece of his heart after losing Bucky during World War II. All he has are letters sent long ago, drawings made even earlier than that, and his memories.
January prompt: I would die/kill for you
A Year of Happiness
Summary: Joy knew she was taking a huge risk, letting a stranger into her car in the middle of a rain storm. She did, though, and it turned out to be the best decision she'd made in years. (This is a paraquel to Bucky Barnes' Year of Peace)
February prompt: Frozen/Cryo
Summary: When Sam doesn't hear from Bucky for a few weeks, he isn't at all worried. At least not until he shows up at a briefing and doesn't find his partner there.
Bucky, meanwhile, is not having a great morning.
March prompt: Bad coping mechanisms
Someplace through the dark
Steve hadn’t needed to ask to know that dying would be classed as ‘something stupid’, no more than he’d needed to ask if allowing a random man claiming to be a doctor to experiment on him would be ‘something stupid’. He hadn’t done it on purpose though. Died, that is.
Or: Steve died, yet he's still here, lingering. He's waiting for someone, and he'll wait for as long as he has to.
April prompt: Domestic
Bottomless Sky Chapter 1: June
They hadn’t run away, not really. Sure, they had slipped away in the middle of the night, and sure, they hadn’t told a soul where they were going, even though Steve had known they should have told someone. They had left notes though, for whoever might be the first person to visit either of their apartments, probably Sam; notes explaining that they’d be gone for the better part of three months, that they were fine and just needed some time away.
Okay, maybe they had run away.
May prompt: Space
Bottomless Sky Chapter 2: July
“Do you know what this reminds me of?” Bucky’s voice is low, almost a whisper, and he doesn’t take his eyes from the sky as he speaks. The question takes Steve aback for a moment, but then he smiles because he thinks he does know.
“Summer of ’37?”
“Yeah.” There’s a small smile on Bucky’s face when he answers, and it’s an easier smile than any Steve has seen so far.
June prompt: Touch-Starved
Bottomless Sky Chapter 3: August
Bucky doesn’t care either. How could he, when Steve’s sitting there, solid and real and pressed against him? How could he, when warmth is spreading from the places where they’re touching, even though Steve’s skin is cold to the touch? How can he, when Steve’s touch seems to be the only thing that makes him sure he’s real, that he’s truly here?
July prompt: Hostage
Bucky Barnes Season of Whump chapter 6: vet visit
A veterinarian in a small French town receives a visit he would have preferred not to
August prompt: Bathtub
Bucky Barnes Season of Whump chapter 7: lost and found and lost
Ever since he got out of the hospital, Steve has been looking for Bucky. He hasn't had any luck, only ever coming across old Hydra safehouses after the public has made it there.
Now though, something tells him that's about to change.
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
The finishing of this fanfic has left me with some pretty mixed emotions. On the one hand, I dont want it to end. It's such an incredible piece of work and even though I finally committed to reading it a few weeks ago, it already feels like such a significant part of my life. On the other hand, I'm a little glad that it's over. FAR from the sense it was bad (I'll steal your liver if thats how you interpret it) but moreso in the sense that it was like a good crying session. It's something that a lot of us (or I assume a lot of us) typically want to avoid even though we know its good for us, and satisfying after the fact. It's like catharsis in a way. Endings aren't always a great feeling in the moment, but it's something that we can look back on with a fondness.
I'm so glad I found this work. I'm being completely serious when I say that this fanfic, and the other content you make, has changed my life for the better. Its helped me reconnect with that love I have for creativity after nearly a decade of not making anything even though I wanted to. It's helped pulled me out of a few ruts of depression. It's helped me realize that I'm not actually emotionally stunted (per my own conclusions) and be more willing to cry instead of burying those feelings. In the past I would just, kill these kinda thoughts before they got far because of how much I wanted to avoid crying. Much less actually writing them down, or express them to someone else. But now, I've been crying the whole time I write this, and for the first time in, I think ever, I'm okay with that. I know we don't actually know each other, but you've genuinely helped me become a better person with the things you make. Thank you so much for everything you've done Sofie. hey look! I got your name right!
But enough about me. I feel like it's getting indulgent at this point. (I've gotten dehydrated with how much ive cried writing this and from what I can tell, you cry a lot more than I do. So go drink some water first, and then) I wanna hear your thoughts. What are your thoughts and feelings about your work being finished? Do you have plans to take a break from creative endevors for a while, or are you gonna keep going? Are you going to be expanding more on this and other au's, different fanworks or move into something completely your own? Whatever the case may be, I'm excited to see what more you are going to come up with!
From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of everyone else, Thank you for everything.
It's so surreal to have posted that final chapter. I finished the first draft almost 100 days ago exactly, and I spent a number of days after completing it kind of adrift. I'd go to my computer every morning like I had during the month prior and sit down, ready to write, only to remember that I was actually supposed to be taking a break before I made the final edits.  It didn't click in my head that I had actually done it… until a couple weeks later when it hit me like a truck that I had an entire completed manuscript sitting in my Google Docs. I think I was making myself lunch at that moment, and I had to bolt to lie down on the floor and put my legs up against the wall because I was ready to pass out at the realization. 
This feels pretty similar. For me, The Present is a Gift— the main fanfic, at least— was finished in mid-January. But the process of uploading it and agonizing over what people thought of every passing update wouldn't be formally done until about 3 months later. It still hasn't clicked in my head that I won't be posting a new update once Tuesday rolls around. 
On the subject of taking a break— I've actually been taking a break, at least partway! I've barely written anything after I finished TPiaG's first draft, and I haven't drawn much “serious” art, for lack of a better word, since I started my blog. I've still been making things, yes, but scattered oneshots and sketchy pieces without solid lineart are not my typical fare. I'm usually a lot more “exact” with what I make— words fail me here— I hope I'm not being too vague! I might take a brief break as I finish up the winter semester, but that would be less a break from creating and more of an “OH MY WORD I NEED TO FOCUS ON NOTHING BUT PASSING THESE COURSES” kinda thing. 
TPiaG (along with its derivative AUs) is still very much a living project to me— there's a lot more stories the characters have in them, even if I struggle to envision a full-on sequel. I'm absolutely going to answer the asks relating to it that I've received over the months along with any I continue to receive, and if I get any ideas for comics or oneshots here and there, I'll make them. As for what's officially next up on the Sincerely Sofie menu, I'm planning to make a visual novel that's a lot more meaty than the last one I made. I'm not sure if it will be original or based on TPiaG— but a visual novel is the medium I'm planning on! 
I'm so overwhelmed by your kindness. I truly don't have any words. This project started off as something private to help distract me from a depressive episode and to process trauma, and it's become so much more. I'm so glad it was able to help you. Catharsis was the keyword for TPiaG— I wanted it to uproot difficult emotions and help people start to heal from them, but I never dreamed it would really help anyone but myself. So to hear it was able to provide you with that is unbelievably meaningful to me. 
I gave myself the goal somewhat recently to let myself cry whenever the urge strikes me. I used to go months without crying, and whenever I did shed tears, it was alone in my room while muffling the few sounds I accidentally let slip. I'm a natural crybaby, but I had schooled myself into thinking for a number of reasons that it was bad to cry— that it was selfish, or attention-seeking, or weak— so I've been trying to reclaim my teary-eyed identity. It's been difficult, but it's so freeing to let myself feel things fully. All of this is to say: let the tears fall. I've helped more people by crying than my stoicism ever did. 
Thanks again. I can't properly word my gratitude, but know that it's overwhelming :,>
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ninevehsage · 2 months
I think I'm losing my interest of trying to invent new ideas for photographing. There are zillions of photographs in this world and millions of photographers whom all are trying to capture something special and/ or beautiful. So many photographs online... so many brilliant, extraordinary, beautiful, interesting, alright, nice, plain, boring and ugly photographs. What the hell can I give what hasn't already been given?
Mainly I think that I'm having an artistic crisis again, because nothing I do pleases me and I feel tired and uninspired. I scroll the social medias and think, why am I even bothering to think? I just want to go to bed and sleep. All my energy goes to work at the Ecomarket. It's only 3 days a week, 5 hours a day, Yet on workdays (after I come home) I am too tired to even think and I need 2 days to cover from those 3 work days. Then it is the weekend and well... Saturday goes by fast and on Sunday I'll start to get ready for the work again so I'll rest. I have no idea how I'll ever manage 5 days for work...?
So... I built an altar for Lughnasadh (Lammas) and took some photographs of it, but I feel like I'm just repeating some pattern that doesn't interest even myself anymore. Even though my setting is always different, the place is the same and I'm bored. This time I was too tired to even bake a Lughnasadh bread. I managed to make a flower arrangement from dry flowers and few fresh peony leaves last night, but that was it.
I feel like going to sleep or just watch the Moomins or video clips of X-factory/talent etc. or some stand-up comedy or crazy animals. If only I could just unplug myself for a while. And the work at the Ecomarket is great, I don't complain about that at all! It is just consuming as well. I don't know about this art stuff... once again I'm thinking that maybe I should just give up trying to create something... *sighhhhhhh*
Ps. I noticed that I've lost my interest on music too... I tried to search some new music, but everything just annoyes me. My ears cannot take any noise anymore. Last Saturday there were some motorcycle/ mooed rally/ event near our neighbourhood and they were burning rubber or driving some circles with their motorbikes/ mopeds and the noise was sooooo horribly loud. It started before the midnight and ended around 02:00 or so. I as well as some others complained about that noise on a facebook group page and then they came to make more noise on Sunday night, pretty much the same time than on Saturday. So... you probably can guess that I was tired and pissed in the Monday morning when I had to get up and go to work. Maybe that's why I cannot even listen music at this point...
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quillsmora · 2 years
Hopefully it's okay to ask you a question because I'm wondering do you know why Gamora hasn't been included in the vol 3 merch? I ran across some stuff a while ago and when she wasn't included I assumed it was just a one off incident. But I just ran across some other merch and she's still absent. So I'm not sure if they are waiting for the movie to create merch for her or what
Firstly, it's always okay to ask me questions about this stuff! I love talking about film marketing (I did study this stuff for 2 years after all). Always feel free to send me asks about anything!
As for your question here's my honest answer: I'm not entirely sure. There are a few logical conclusions though.
Spoilers. Historically the first wave of MCU merch is very clean when it comes to the events of the movie, only featuring characters we know will be in it and vague aesthetics that align with the plot. So far the main advertisements and merch for Vol 3 have featured the Guardians in their comic-accurate group suits, which we haven't seen Gamora in. She might end up getting that suit in the movie, but we have no idea and that would be a major spoiler, so it's easier to leave her out of cereal box promotions and toy box art to keep that unified aesthetic.
Along the same lines as spoilers but deserving of their own point is the LEGO sets. LEGO sets are 50/50 when it comes to being accurate to the events of the movie because again, spoilers. The Endgame sets they released to go along with the movie had absolutely nothing to do with the actual plot because sets get leaked so often and Disney didn't want the plot of their biggest superhero movie ever to be ruined. The Wakanda Forever and Multiverse of Madness sets were also pretty vague if I remember correctly. It's easiest to leave Gamora out of sets like the Guardians HQ or the Bowie because while she might actually be in those scenes, we won't know until the movie comes out (we can assume she'll be on the Bowie at one point based on that shot of her pulling out a knife but it's not official). Since the LEGO sets and toy lines release weeks before the movies, it's again easier to exclude Gamora from these first waves of merch.
The historically bad representation of Gamora on merch already. Outside of figures like Funko Pops and Marvel Legends, it's always been nearly impossible to find officially licensed merch of just Gamora, especially cute good looking merch. This has also been an issue with most of the MCU's female heroes but it's definitely gotten better these past few years. Unfortunately due to Gamora's role in Vol 3 being pretty secretive, that positive change doesn't get to apply to her this first wave.
So basically TL;DR, don't stress about this too much. We're still 2 months out from the movie's release and a month away from promo and press starting. Yes, it sucks that so far Gamora isn't being featured in anything outside of posters and trailers, and yes it's valid to be upset and frustrated with that. But remember that there's still a whole other wave of merch to come after the movie's release, and Zoe Saldaña is still second-billed. She and Chris Pratt were the last two (humans) to wrap the movie. James Gunn wouldn't have brought Gamora back if he didn't want to. If you're still feeling uneasy or worried (which I totally get!) @enigma731 has some great posts about why Gamora will be fine.
Sorry this is so damn long, I kinda got carried away lol. But yeah I do wish there was at least like a Funko Pop or something and find it ridiculous that Kraglin of all people is getting more merch than the female lead, but I'm personally not getting too worried right now because we still have two months until the movie. It's not looking completely terrible right now. (Trust me, I was a Star Wars sequels stan during 2019 TROS press. That movie's plot was leaked via an official German Burger King ad. If it ever gets that bad for Vol 3 you will definitely hear about it from me lol).
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jigensass · 2 years
My 2022 Review: Section 3 - Vidja Games
In the last section, we ended off with a brief intro into what 'Obey Me! Shall we Date?' franchise entailed.
And I have, not so much a theory, just a correlation, that I will discuss after going into this gatcha franchise (more like 'water is wet' statement), as well as some discussion on mental health.
I've going to avoid all of the detailed stuff about it by linking this post I made earlier this year back when I was in the heat of playing the game and only having spent money to boost one card I liked, and maybe throw $20 here and there.
In summary: the plot has good premise, from parts Seasons 1 - 3 of the game {Season 1: Chapters 1 -20, Season 2: Chapters 21-40, etc.}. However, I have heard echoes from more well-versed fans of the series that Season 4: Chapters 61-80 were not great for multiple reasons in regards to the plot (I never made it this far into the game, I stopped around chapter 50), but the art and misc. content being put into the franchise is decent.
I've also seen a lot of people catch onto the....very questionable decisions that were picked up during dialogue. It's kind of dodgy and questionable, but they're the 7 princes of Hell, not some BTS crew who hasn't committed at least one war crime {this is a joke or assumption that all KPOP stars are precious little uwu angel boys because I know nothing about KPOP except the word BTS} (spoiler: all of the characters in Obey Me have committed at least war crime, yes even YOU the MC. Edit: probably the only character that has not committed a war crime and ironically is the only character you cannot date in the game and that is Luke)
(I mean, look at him, I don't have to explain why he's not datable.)
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And ESPECIALLY stay away from playing the game IF YOU DON'T HAVE IMPULSE CONTROL.
Between the months of March, May, June, October, November, and into this month as well, my personal life has not been great and my mind has been in some bad places. And when so much stress and trauma seem to seep into my head, I tend to want to dissociate and forget that reality is a thing. Because literally two weeks after writing that article, a brand new event launched on the app and my investment on microtransactions to boost cards and get pulls that I wanted hit a four digit USD number. After Lucifer's birthday back in June, I had to stop playing or I was going to drain my bank account. I was that depressed and desperate for any kind of dopamine to hit my veins that I was willing to spend my life savings for happiness on fictional characters. I do regret the choice I made looking back, but in the moment I could have cared less.
The same thing happened to me when I played Mystic Messenger a few years back, but I knew where to draw the line sooner rather than later when I noticed the dent in my checking account.
Don't get me wrong, I still love the character designs and the characters themselves. I just don't want to get sucked into what is essentially, an addiction, like that, ever again.
PS I am making this not rebloggable so if you have any other hot takes on OB: SWD, please reply, send me a DM, or an ask in my inbox I would love to hear your thoughts. Conclusion: Don't play gatcha dating simulators when you're severely depressed.
Going to start off with the games I actually have finished.
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One
Okay, now that is out of the way, I can fully discuss the first game I played in full this year from the Ukranian Chads at Frogwares: Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
This is kind of like a fanon prequel to the canon storyline where Sherlock grew up on this island known as Cordona, a melting pot of an island in the Mediterranean where you solve mysteries around the island, as well as into Sherlock's past of as to what actually happened in this re-imagined tale.
Warning: if you are very sensitive and get triggered from by-gone era culture, do not play this game. Even the game warns you up front what you are about to dive into, and even I, who has been getting less ruffled by triggering things over the years, had some 'yikes' moments when playing.
The reason I didn't give a full analysis the first time around playing is because I was a broken shell by playing the ending. Seriously, NO SPOILERS GO PLAY IT FOR YOURSELF.
okay maybe a few.
This is Sherlock, you can dress him up in multiple different outfits for funsies, and the writing is incredibly tongue and cheek.
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If you are also interested in Lovecraftian horror, Frogwares is also remaking one of their older games where it a crossover of Lovecraft Horror and Holmes so, if that is your cup of tea.
Now only if we could get a remake of this....then my life would be complete.
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I am currently playing through Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis and it's glorious, the Part 6 Lupin actually needed.
Disco Elysium
I blame Tumblr. Specifically that one gif of break dancing harry, this was the one that grabbed my attention to this weird little RPG.
I went in blind so I had little to no idea what to do, but loved how the game was set up all around D&D-style roll checks. I do want to play the game again to see what I missed the first time around, as well as mess around with builds to see what is most effective to getting what I want (note: I tried building Jigen and I think I softlocked myself out of progression because I couldn't pass any of my checks).
Funky Little Game that I enjoyed. 10/10.
I technically beat the game for the first time and now I'm on level 2 (I'm not good at rougelike it took me nearly 100 tries to get out the first time). But man do I love...everything about this game.
Favorite weapon is the spear. Favorite love interest is Miles Ed-I MEAN THANATOS.
And I can't wait to play the sequel when it releases.
The Great Ace Attorney 2: FINALLY FINISHED IT
I gave a lot of crap to this game duo set last year, especially to the last trial of the first game where it dragged and dragged, and dragged to nothing and everyone by the end of the trial, had admitted to committing one sort of crime or another.
But finally I got around to force myself to finish the second game right where I left off and....it was actually good? The plot twists (though I knew some of them, but not the two most important plot twists) had some logical thought put into them? And the ending case was excellent with how the game mechanics played out?
Why didn't we get this in the first game?
Powerwashing Simulator/House Flipper
It was annoying at times, and the plot (yes a simulator game had a PLOT) was bonkers, but I had a chill time with it. 8/10 for stimulation.
I've also been playing some more House Flipper lately to chill off which helped a bit.
Spider-Man: Miles Morales
I beat this game in a span of a couple of days, and I don't remember much about it, but I do remember having a good time for how short the campaign actually was.
Ghostwire Tokyo
My Diamond in the Rough of 2022 that was published by Bethesda. Japanese modern era horror? Sign me up! The atmosphere of the game is eerie, a contrast on what I was playing back in 2021.
Monster Prom, Monster Camp, & Monster Road Trip
I'm going to put these games all together since they're from the same series and I bought them in a set.
Note: These games are better with friends (I've...mostly been playing alone) and co-op is necessary when it comes to hitting the objectives in Road Trip so you can plan out your routes accordingly.
Overall, they're fun games to play if you have some down time.
Basically this trilogy of games is a visual novel dating simulator for monster fuckers. My favorite character? Milo Belladonna, hands down. They ooze aesthetic.
Side note: I have been planning to write this compilation review list for months now and the only thing that has been glued in my head to write down is this:
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Context: Magic Tree Mike is voiced by Kaiji Tang, aka Goro Yatagarasu from Lupin Parts 5-6 and KASUGA ICHIBAN FROM YAKUZA 7 (it's hilarious his running joke is telling characters that they're the chosen one)
Games I revisited/am currently playing now/games on hiatus that have not been mentioned
God of War aka Dad Simulator 2018
ProZd picking up a voice acting role in the sequel is what caused me to get into this 4 years later.
I'm not far into the game (I'm currently in Alfheim), and I'm enjoying it so far. The cutscenes are gorgeous and flow wonderfully together with the actual gameplay, which as it stands, is better than Yakuza. And I'm actually being presented a challenge when it comes to battling enemies. I've died a handful of times and I haven't gotten upset because they've all been my fault to just git gud. I'm hoping to enjoy this game to the end so I can get the sequel on the cheap side.
Dragon Quest XI S Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition
I started this game two years ago and picked it up again because I couldn't find something else to play and...so far it's nothing special, just your standard run of the mill JRPG. The only complaint I have so far is that the casino is entirely based on luck and requires no skill to play, unlike what I'm used to in Yakuza when playing Blackjack.
I just got all the party together and I'm off to fight a tentacle monster, but I hit another grind wall.
10/10 for cat.
8/10 for the very unsettling undertones of the overall plot. I'm probably not going to go back to it for the dystopian horror alone because it kind of makes me uncomfortable.
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
I've already been slandered earlier this year for what I said about Blackbeard, the Gentlemen Pirate, and Our Flag Means Death.
It's Assassin's Creed with Pirates, what more could you ask for? Although, I have played a bit of Valhalla and I can see that this game was the one that started the beginning of 'less assassins, more random countries with assassins as the side plot' because the main character of this game does not care about the plot that Ezio was fighting for in his trilogy years before the plot of 4 happened.
Crafting system is no me gusta. 6/10.
The Wolf Among Us
I will get back to this....eventually. Story is pretty decent and I like Bigby. 9/10.
World of Final Fantasy
I don't know if I will plan to complete this game from beginning to end, but I'm committed since I'm already at the halfway point. This game is just Pokemon: Final Fantasy edition so I'm not that invested in the plot, but I am interested as to what happened to these two twins. Like, are they even real or is this a Pokemon Scarlet and Violet moment?
Even if I do quit at some point, there is only one character I must interact with if I don't decide to carry on and it was decided the last time I played, which was six months ago.
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In case you don't understand, this is why
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I had some cool transition into the next segment, but I really don't have one.
Something involving the current blorbos I've collected and how their current theme is
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best at what they do
always grumpy upfront
either wants the simplest things in life or has refined taste
deemed as 'dad'
internally depressed
actually a big softie on the inside
may or may not be straight
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tehuti88-art · 1 year
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8/4/23: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's character from my anthro WWII storyline is Count Severin Volker. He's the uncle of Sgt. Wil Volker (also a count). He isn't a major character, but does play a big role, for different reasons, in the development of Wil and (bad guy) Lt. Gunter Hesse. There's more about him in Wil's entry in my art Tumblr and later on Toyhou.se.
Regarding his design, he's a black-and-red German shepherd.
TUMBLR EDIT: Count Severin Volker hasn't outlined his past to me yet; given that he's a relatively minor character, it likely doesn't play much role in the story anyway. His brother, Wilhelm Volker's father, dies in combat in the Great War, while Wil's mother and the rest of the family succumb to influenza. Only Severin doesn't fall ill, so toddler Wil is left to his care, and he fights tooth and nail to keep the sick child alive. Wil barely pulls through and is weak and incapacitated for quite a while, but slowly regains his health under his uncle's care. The two of them are the last left of the Junker Volker family, so they grow quite close, treating each other almost as father and son rather than uncle and nephew. Everything Wil learns, he learns from Severin, including his values...which threatens to put the two in conflict when Wil joins the Wehrmacht and then the Nazi Party after it comes to power. Turns out Count Volker doesn't agree with what the Nazis are doing at all, and ends up on the opposite side of things from Wil.
Anyway, as I said, his own history is mostly unknown to me so far and likely plays little role in the main plot. Most of his current involvement in the story has already been detailed in his nephew Wil's entry, so I needn't rehash it any further here. Any future additional info about him will end up on Toyhou.se.
[Severin Volker 2023 [‎Friday, ‎August ‎4, ‎2023, ‏‎3:00:43 AM]]
0 notes
greatwyrmgold · 2 years
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This looked fun, so I wanted to do one. But I decided not to calculate/post this until the year was actually over (in some time zones).
Oh, by the way, did you know you can edit these things?
I posted 2,307 times in 2022
That's 2,294 more posts than 2021!
Yeah, I basically didn't use Tumblr before May. I'm surprised I posted 13 things in 2021.
338 posts created (15%)
1,969 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,998 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags! I wonder why I missed the other 309.
#random stuff - 406 posts
#random thoughts - 374 posts
#wildbow - 348 posts
#parahumans - 320 posts
#worm - 317 posts
#art - 227 posts
#meta - 185 posts
#spy × family - 173 posts
#spy x family - 171 posts
#politics - 132 posts
I apparently talk about Worm a lot. Also, I need to do better about tagging anime/manga posts with at least one of those two tags.
Longest Tag: 139 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
One of Spy×Family's many great strengths is how it can shock you with obvious plot twists. Like, of course Anya was going to get anxious about her place in the "fake" Forger family when Twilight considered the possibility of using Yor's friendship with Donovan Desmond's wife, but I haven't seen anyone consider Anya's response to that friendship in the last two weeks.
350 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Anya being casual about the bomb strapped to her neck (because she read the terrorist's mind and knows it's a bluff) and terrifying all of her classmates (who can't read minds and assume Anya's being a reckless moron) is the funniest bomb threat joke I have ever read.
629 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
Caramelldansen, the Disney Channel theme, & obfuscated authorship
Kevin Perjurer's Disney Channel's Theme: A History Mystery and jan Misali's who wrote Caramelldansen? feel like complimentary opposites.
[I'm not going to include the whole thing in here—it's long]
832 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
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I love when series make this kind of long-term call-back. You thought it was a goofy one-off gag, but in fact it was a goofy two-off gag!
930 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
I note that, even though I post wat more about Wildbow than about Spy×Family, most of my top posts are about the latter. Granted, according to an external tool, there are a couple of Worm posts that made the top 10; it's not straightforwardly "I like to post Wildbow but people only react to my anime posts".
Looking at that external tool...the top anime posts about anime outside the fall season were a couple RWBY Ice Queendom posts tied for 31st place. I wonder what's up with that.
It could be that I started posting about anime on Tumblr more in recent months. It could be that anime Tumblrinas came across my blog around that time. I really hope it doesn't have anything to do with the elephant in the room.
My #1 post of 2022
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13,443 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
This cogsci post...this f*kng zero-effort found-this-on-Twitter cogsci post, it has been clogging my inbox for two and a half months. There have only been sixteen days when this thing hasn't been the most-noted thing on my Tumblr, half of those being at the end of December (thanks to a S×F reblog which would take the #2 place if essays you wrote in response to someone else's post counted).
I hope I get to forget about this post soon, so I can stop regret treating it as something a few mutuals would see and not something seen by a small town's worth of people.
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review while it's still 2022 →
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boydgearloose · 4 years
DuckTales Theory: The Rightful Heir of Scrooge McDuck
With the finale on the horizon, I've been thinking a lot about where they could potentially take the whole "rightful heir of Scrooge McDuck who is destined to find the Papyrus of Binding" thing. After rewatching the whole series thus far a few weeks ago, it's been on my mind a lot, and with all the news we've gotten about the finale recently, I've managed to piece something together that I think is pretty plausible. I want to warn you guys right away that this post will have spoilers for the finale promo that was released on Monday, so if you haven't seen it and don't plan on checking it out, please don't read any further! That being said, let's get into this.
For starters, let's look at what we know about the rightful heir to the Papyrus of Binding so far. FOWL is taking all of the missing mysteries and it's included, but they can't retrieve this one on their own. In The First Adventure!, Scrooge wrote that it shall go to "the rightful heir of McDuck" and "that those who attempt to harm any of them will be incapable to getting it." Therefore, nobody in FOWL would be able to retrieve the Papyrus because none of them are Scrooge's heirs and they've all tried to harm him and his family in some way. Another thing to note on the topic of this particular episode, despite being the finale of the show, The Last Adventure! is a clear parallel title to The First Adventure!, where the Papyrus was introduced, so it's likely to be found in the finale.
Now, let's look back to The Split Sword of Swanstantine! At the end of this episode, it's shown that Black Heron has gotten a feather from one of the McDucks for some mysterious reason. Many assumed this would be a cloning situation, where they need to get McDuck DNA in order to replicate a "rightful heir" who hasn't hurt Scrooge or his family in order to get the Papyrus back. However, a lot of the fandom seemed to think it was Scrooge's feather. I personally don't think that is the case. In the episode, we see Heron swipe at all of the children.
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She very well could have picked up a feather from one of the kids instead. Of course, the triplets are the first to come to mind because they are essentially Scrooge's heirs, so it would make sense if she was after one of their feathers. But then, I started thinking and realized that none of them really take after Scrooge entirely. Huey primarily looks up to Fenton and Donald (if you're looking for someone inside the family) and leans toward being a superhero/scientist rather than adventurer. We know from the last episode that Dewey wants to be a pilot and has always primarily looked up to Della more than anyone else in the family. Louie you could make an argument for, but he only really admires Scrooge because of his money. He doesn't like adventuring and would rather focus on strategy.
So who could the rightful heir be? Well, there's really only one choice and it fits infinitely better than the rest. I'm very certain that Webby is going to be the rightful heir who is destined to find the Papyrus of Binding. There is a ton of evidence hidden throughout the show since season 1 of this, and I've collected all I could find. I'm sure I even missed some.
First of all, let's get into Webby's character. From her first appearance, she's shown to idolize Scrooge and everything about his family. She's invested in McDuck history and dreams of becoming an adventurer just like Scrooge. In fact, the episode of the series that introduces FOWL way back in season 1 is one that focuses heavily on Scrooge's bond with Webby. There's also the part in A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill! where it's revealed that her perfect dream is quite literally turning into Scrooge. She also believed him longer than the other family members in 87 Cent Solution! There's LOTS of stuff in the show about Webby looking up to him, too much for me to even include in one post.
Season 3 is focused on legacy. We've gotten focus or are getting focus on the legacies of each of the triplets: Huey being a superhero (we could get more of this tbh), Dewey being a pilot and whatever's going on with Louie in the next episode. What about Webby's legacy? Well, it's very clear to me that it lies with Clan McDuck. The last Webby-centric episode we got was The Fight for Castle McDuck!, one that heavily focused on why she's a part of the McDuck family and heavily revolved around getting a placement in it (the whole statue thing). This episode really felt like it was leading up to her ultimate legacy being to follow in Scrooge's footsteps and become a great adventurer. It was also very recent and not counting the Christmas episode which was likely out of production order, the last Webby episode before the finale. (Also, I think it's important to note that the first season 3 episode that heavily focuses on FOWL has a Scrooge and Webby B plot. Just food for thought.)
Another important thing that I just noticed is that in the season 2 finale Moonvasion!, at the end of the FOWL reveal, the camera SPECIFICALLY pans in on Webby hugging Scrooge. This is a deliberate decision, as Webby could have easily been shown with the triplets of Beakley in this scene. But they chose to put Scrooge and Webby front and center.
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Another thing to point out is that FOWL's intentions with the feather is obviously cloning, as mentioned before and theorized by many. In the finale for the promo, we saw two new characters with an interesting resemblance to Webby. It's very likely that May and June are the results of them trying to clone Webby through her feather.
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However, they don't look exactly like her. Their color schemes and hairstyles are different, and we know by the casting announcement that they have different voice actresses. Therefore, I don't think FOWL has mastered the art of cloning just yet. They need a perfect clone of Webby, and much like Bentley and Buford (who appear to be clones of Bradford, I'm gonna be real), they're like Webby but not exactly Webby. I wouldn't be surprised if they were sent to the lost library for being "rejects," where they're later found by the family, explain why they were created and open up the exposition for The Last Adventure.
How does FOWL know Webby is the rightful heir? I don't know. I don't think we'll be able to determine that until we know more. But I feel like they somehow do and plan on making the perfect clone of her to retrieve the Papyrus before the McDucks are able to. This is a bit of a stretch, but maybe Beakley knows about this too and is keeping it from Webby because it opens her up to danger. Who knows?
And one more thing before we wrap this post up: remember when Frank said something from Last Crash of the Sunchaser! would come up in season 3? That had to be about him stating Webby wasn't family. It could very well be brought up again in the context that Webby isn't only family but the rightful heir of Scrooge McDuck himself!
Anyway, that's about all I have. I'm sure there's more evidence, and if you have any, feel free to respond with it or send it to me via DMs or asks! This will definitely be on my mind until the finale airs LOL
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crazy-loca-blog · 3 years
Casey Valentine: About Her Present
A/N: Did the inspiration suddenly hit me after I had no idea what to do about this because I had never thought about it before? It did. Set somewhere between the end of Book 3 and right after it just because otherwise I wouldn't have had things to say about Casey's future. Part of the @openheartfanfics "Meet My MC" event.
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Meet My MC || About Her Past
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If Casey had to describe her three-year residency at Edenbrook, she'd say it's been intense, life-changing and unexpected. Time went by so fast and so many things happened in so little time, that quite often she still thinks all of this is just a dream.
Sometimes she still doesn't believe that she survived a betrayal, a trial, and an assasination attempt. She could even write a book about it, but keeping some of these stories to herself and the people around her seems wiser.
She passed her boards with flying colors and now she's ready to face a new challenge: becoming the new head of the Diagnostics Team. Ethan offered her the job after he was offered the Chief of Medicine position by Naveen, and even though at first she didn't know what to answer, she knew that Ethan would have never offered her the position if he considered her incapable of excelling at it.
And you can tell she already has a lot of plans for the team, even though none of them implies filling the spot that she'll leave. The work dynamic with Harper and Tobias is amazing, and they all think they don't need another member at the moment.
She's also glad that her salary will allow her to get rid of her med school debt sooner than she expected, even though she knows what she'll do with part of her first payment: she'll get Esme a ticket to visit her parents in El Salvador. This is something she's been thinking about since she knew her story. She knows how it feels growing up without parents, so if she can make a difference on the life of her intern, she will.
The only condition for her to accept her new position as head of the team was to be able to set some time apart to work in the free clinic. This is one of the most rewardings experiences for her and it reminds her why she decided to become a doctor in the first place, so she doesn't want to lose that.
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When Casey first arrived in Boston, it was all about the medicine. She wanted to learn from the best. Little did she know that the same guy she admired as a doctor would become the love of her life.
Everything began as a mentor and mentee relationship, but after a few months it became something else. And it's been that way for the last three years.
Their relationship has been... interesting, to say the least. They both had different reasons to fight their feelings for each other (Ethan's morals on one side, and Casey's previous heartbreaks on the other side), but apparently when two people are meant to be, things are just inevitable. And they seem to be inevitable.
After the longest time and many highs and lows, they made things official a few weeks ago. And they're over the moon about this. Casey doesn't remember being this happy before.
However, she wants to do things right this time. She has always felt her previous relationships failed because she made too many impulsive and bad decisions, and she really wants things to work this time... mostly because she has recently discovered admitted to herself that this is the first time that she is completely and utterly in love.
Yeah, she thought she had been in love before... but after meeting Ethan and understanding her feelings towards him, she just knew she had been so wrong in the past! She never felt like this about anyone before.
Do people talk about them? All the time. Does she care? Not at all. She felt uncomfortable about rumors at first, but Casey knows that people have been talking about them for the last three years, and she doesn't care anymore. She's just too busy trying to be happy to care about what people say about them.
However, to avoid any potential conflicts at work, they both have decided to keep their relationship as private as possible. And so far it's working.
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If Casey learned something about friendship during her residency, is that you never know when someone may betray you. Luckily, she has few friends, but they're the best.
Luckily, they all happen to be brilliant in their areas of expertise, so they all are geting great job offers to stay in Boston. And none of them is planning to leave.
This is awesome for several reasons, but mainly because they don't need to find a new place to live or a new roomie, which is a relief for everyone, and because they won't need to schedule annual reunions to catch up on their lives... they can keep having their daily or weekly ones.
She is also lucky to keep working with people she admires a lot: Tobias and Harper. She still can't consider them her friends, but they're certainly on their way to become more than colleagues.
Outside Edenbrook, Casey also keeps in touch with her med school besties: Tracy and Lauren. They both are doing their residencies at Mayo Clinic, so the chances they visit each other any time soon are very low. However, Facetime helps them to keep in touch at least once a week... and Tracy is getting married very soon in New York, so Casey is counting the days to see her girls after all this time (maybe she should tell them that now she might be taking a plus one with her?).
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Even though the original plan was that Oliver would be going to Boston with Casey, things changed after grandma Marie passed away and Oliver decided to stay back home.
The twins had never been apart, so this has been a whole new experience for them. Not only it has helped them to become their own person, but now their relationship is stronger than ever.
They keep in touch on a daily basis. They don't talk on the phone often, but they are constantly messaging each other during the day.
Oliver also visits her every two or three months. And Casey's heart feels so full of love when his brother has the chance to share with her extended family, just because they all get along really well. In fact, they've already set a tradition: every time that Oliver is in town, they make plans to spend a day at Martha's Vineyard.
Casey goes back to Virginia every summer; however, the end of her her residency might mean that this is the last time in a while that she'll be able to spend more than two weeks at home. But that's okay... as long as she has a few days to recharge her energy by being in touch with nature and with her roots, she'll survive.
Of course, she's dying to take her friends there. Ethan has already visited and he won't admit it yet, but he's become a fan of that place. He completely gets why Casey loves it so much.
The idea of returning home after the end of her residency was tempting, Casey actually considered it at some point, but she'd be lying to herself if she says her heart is not in Boston.
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Going from Virginia to Massachussets was a 180 degree change in Casey's life. She traded the mountains, the lakes and the river for skyscrapers, Seaport and Boston Common. Of course, this also meant making some life adjustments and discovering new hobbies.
She finally managed to balance work and life (something that had been impossible at med school). And even though Donahue's is the place to go after the long shifts, brunch on weekends with the gang are definitely her favorites.
Bryce, Rafael, and Ethan introduced her to the gym life at Edenbrook. At first, she only trained with the guys, but now she goes a lot by herself too, especially when she feels too stressed or when she needs to disconnect from the world. However, when it comes to release anger, boxing with Jackie is most definitely the option at the top of her list.
Sienna has taught her the art of vision boards to achieve her goals, but she's far from mastering it. in fact, any person who sees her vision boards would think they were made by a 5 year old kid. At least she tries (and she may even have reached a goal or two).
She also volunteers with Rafael once a week at his community center, even though she still can't learn how to dance samba. Sometimes, they also recruit interns, residents and attendings to perform some routine health checks to whoever wants them. These events are a hit... handsy Henrietta can't deal with so many hot doctors at the same time!
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Life has taught her a lot since she arrived in Boston. Third-year resident Casey is a completely different person than the girl who assisted a thoracotomy on her first day at Edenbrook.
Luckily she hasn't stopped being her best self; however, after the incident, she felt that life was giving her a second chance. And she's been making the most of it since then.
She has everything to be happy: a dream job, the best brother in the world, a group of friends that became her extended family, and a "new" boyfriend who has been with her through thick and thin during the last three years.
She still deals with some PTSD, but a good therapy and understanding that this is perfectly normal while trying to learn to deal with it helps a lot.
Now she's ready to make a real difference in health care, the one that she dreamed about making in her intern year.
Tags: @adiehardfan @izzyourresidentlawyer
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This 2020...
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First of all, I know most of the people did this many days ago but I thought today was like the best for me to say goodbye to this year.
Not to mention that this year has been very difficult, not only for me but for everyone. A pandemic that brought us many changes of which many are not yet comfortable and is understandable. In my case, in this year I have been able to understand many things, I have suffered and had to face other problems, and of course, I enjoyed important moments with my friends and family. My first decision this year I remember was cutting off my bangs without my parents' permission. I was scolded for weeks, even months and yes, I accept that seeing that picture from the first day of the school year is going to haunt me for a long time but I don't regret what I did. Is not a secret that for many of my irl friends, I'm like a little child that needs attention because if you give me your back, probably I'll be cutting my hair or even doing something worse.
As for emotional and friendship issues... I have to admit that I broke friendships in a non-gentle way, there were also discussions over totally stupid topics and not to mention love issues that simply ended up being a failure—a waste of time, to be honest.
While it hasn't been such an easy year, there's something I still don't even regret doing: coming here to Tumblr. My previous account has many years to created here —probably in 2017— however, at that time I didn't try to search much as I got to do this year and I'm glad I did because I met great people. Sadly I doubt at some point to meet you in person, but I hope you keep in mind that you make my days happier with your comments or just being you. I hope our friendship continues and that you all don't get sick of me so easily. Also, I wish you all the best as I know each of you is talented and has the ability to succeed in your lives. <3
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Uh, the paragraphs 👉🏼👈🏼
Also I want you to know that this isn't in an specific order and that I hope you don't feel bad with my words.
💙 - @latte-fairytaekwoon
How can I start this without you rejecting my love? <3 You were one of the first people I decided to approach. I remember reading one or two of your works and just thinking "Wow, she writes very well... I'm going to follow her; it's going to be fun and interesting." I was planning not to talk to you at the beginning, to be honest. My end in mind was just to read what you updated and since you were the third account with content I had decided to follow, I thought it was a good plan. But one thing led to another and I decided to talk to you —which you probably regret since I bother you a lot lmao— and yeah, that's how we met and still talk to each other. I also need to mention that whenever I tried to talk to you about my problems or things that overwhelmed me, you always knew what to say to me even if that included to scold me. You always made me come to my senses. Many times I mentioned to you that you were like a mother to me as you "gave me those vibes" but how can you not? While you don't usually show so much affection through direct words of "I love you" "I care you," I feel them when you advise me. It's going to sound too idk, but I really don't regret to met you, Kitty. This looks like a bible and words repeating over and over again but how to show you that I appreciate, admire and love you if I always try to let you know? At this point if you still think I don't care of you, you are dumb 💖 By the way, it's worth mentioning that you and I have a long path together and you'll continue to be attacked with my love, support and jokes. I love you, mom 😗💙
💖 @winterviolet1
To be honest, I feel bad for not remembering how we started talking... I don't remember if I followed you first or if it was the other way around but hey, let's look on the bright side, it was fun to have met you and come together to always annoy Sofie with Hongjoong gifs <3 I hope we can still be little demons together and please, PLEASE, stop killing me 💀 I love when you send me gifs of Jongho because wow, that boy is definitely a daddy and more when he dances —I refuse to deviate from the subject but he jdudbd— but yeah, he kills me even when he just smiles. My point is that when I see those gifs, I went into a state where my mind goes to places that is better not to mention and I blush because yeah, we talk about my bias isbdkddj and I also frustrate because I find myself unable to return the same treatment to you dkdnskd. Ps: Let me know when we'll be demons again <3
💖 @teeztheflag
Your reactions are idejdindd art I feel shy as I know I never got to create a bond big enough to make you call my friend or that you consider me your friend but hey, it was great to talk to you. <3
Atte: the Slyffindor Girl 💀
💖 @twancingyunhoe
ALLYSSA 🥺 Okay, okay, just mention your name and I'll get in cute mode. I remember following you, yet I hadn't dared talk to you much. The safest thing I'd ever said to you was "Hello! I walk by giving love and support!" for days later asking if you were going to adopt me to have adopted Gabby as my sister 🥺 You're a beautiful person who has such a big, beautiful heart that makes me soft. I know I haven't exchanged many words with you this past month, but I hope that's not going to affect the fact that you're important to me. Thank you for accepting me, giving me love and always being so pretty. <3 kith kith
💖 @tinkerbellwoo
You are such a gift to me diejsndis. Since the first time I knew you, you were very kind and lovely to me. You won a part of my heart with your kindness and yeah, I do remember going to your asks and just "Hey, here is a bunch of love from me to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Also I hope we can be friends" kejebskssi. That was like my way to ask to be one of your closer moots because you were just so cool and I wanted to be friends with the wonderful person I saw had interactions with some of my moots. I'm sorry because I have time without actually having a large conversation with you and is completely my fault... I hope this new year will change that and I can talk more to you 🥺💖
💖 @yungidreamer
My older sister :( I'm so happy I had the opportunity to talk to you 👉🏼👈🏼 I still don't forget that you once used the dissapointed card with meeee, your little cute princess angel baby sister. I have cero regrets welcome you into my big, not normal, Tumblr family because yeah, probable we aren't the same but at the same time we are the same, if you know what I mean 👀 I hope we can have more conversations between each other because I know is very interesting to talk to you but at the same time I'm so shy :(
💖 @yunderland / @shangri-woo
How can I began this? Ksbsdusbs First, I need ti be honest. I do have my thirst times and well, I read many of your works in ghost mode 👉🏼👈🏼 I was kinda shy to just idk, interact kdidbdkd. Also I began to see you interact with Amelie and was funny and I began to think "What happens if I do try to be friends with her?" but also "What if she doesn't like how I am? I ccan be a bother some times...". And yeah, I was thinking that for maybe two days until I decided to make a move. I followed you and I said "Hi 👉🏼👈🏼 I saw you talking with Amelie... You seem like a kind and lovely person, mind if I try being friends with you?" skdbsudbdks. I. Will. Not. Regret. Talking. To. You. You are such a good person :( Every time we talk, you are just so attentive that makes me soft. Please, keeo being my friend :( even if you don't consider me as your friend :(
💖 @ursaurora
Well, I don't have that much to say because I just said hi while being in hiatus but hey, I really really like the idea of being friends with you. This doesn't stopped me to wish you a good New Year and hey, why not hoping to have a good relationship between each other? <3
💖 @illicit-roses
Rosa xkenskd you sidjdndid are isbddkdj a ksudkdid baby. Such a beautiful, sweet, kind and big hearted baby. I was also the first one to talk to you and I was the one that began being surprised by your words isbwkdz. Not to mention that I also got shy and touched by your words. In this year, I would love to be more close to youuuuuu <3
💖 @inkigayeo / @woo-san
Vivi, I don't know if you will read this so probably if you do, is because I told you in private kxjsksdnsk. I don't feel like remembering you how I began talking to you because you asked and I already told you that but something I for sure need you to know is that... I'm still very touched by your encouraging words to me. I think our first first conversation was about me being depressed and how I was feeling toward myself, then about my admission test that hey, you did amazing with your words. I remember I cried because yeah, I was anxious but you told me a great advice. And when I didn't do well on that an also began saying sorry to you for not doing well, you gave me anither good words that hey... How not be in love with Vivi? Vivi is just a Queen with a big heart and kindness to give to everyone :(( <3
💖 @atinyedits / @atinywrites
My lovely and beautiful Anrose kdbdkzkzd I remember I began to talk to you after I saw a post of Cottons talking about how you were such a fk rat brat and my first thought was "Hey, I want to be her friend" lol. And guess what? That's what I did isbszlxudbzk I went to your asks and I asked you if you wanted to be my friend and you accepted. We began talking and I began having this love to you idbesldjdbs. But something I do need to make clear is that I didn't thought you will be part of my Tumblr family as my mom kdjdsldudhs I still remember reblogging with an "you are married with Allyssa?! She is my mooooom" and yeah, you were welcome to a natural habit of a family who is thirsty 24/7 for Ateez or each other and yeah, such a triangle live attraction and the foughts you still have with my other mom kdisjsnd. But I hope you feel the love I have for you. Because I do love you and I trust you enough. Don't you remember how I send you photos of my body? I do feel insecure about it and still regret to be being called a Queen but yeah, I trust and love you enough, my Anrose <3
💖 @atiny-ahgase
Gabby, my sweetest sister 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 How can I began this? Well... Not to mention that I usually read your interactions with Zad and as I wasn't someone you knew, I was scared to talk to both of you. You because I was mostly shy and for Zad because I thought he was intimidating, funny, right? Well, I'm not sure if I do told you about giving you tons of love and support directly but I do remember adopting Zad as my brother and he telling me he had a sister and my first thought was "Hey, why I can't have a big sister too?" and then I began talking to you and with what I was welcomed? By tons of love and cute gifs of kisses and hugs. You make me feel lovved, Gabby. You are such an angel 🥺 Please, don't stop loving your baby sister Mei <3
💖 @shinyddeonghwa
Omg, omg, omg. I feel bad because I don't even know how I began talking to you T^T I feel bad to admit that I get confused between you and Treasure and ksbsizbdsis I think it was with you that I talked in Portuguese jzusnsks and if not, I'm sorry for the miss understanding ksisjs T^T but something I for sure remember if you trying to dom me and then getting flustered when that didn't worked and it was my time then isnwishsslsns I also need to mention that is always cute everything you do dkdbskzusks even how you talk to me <3 I hope our friendship can last for more time <3
💖 @sansbun & @choisans-dimples
Bun and Cass, the brat in denial 👀😗, the sweetest babies I have met. Two lovely babies that love cats and San. I think my first interaction with the both of you was because of the Tumblr family. Bun, I'm sorry for not talking too much to you. You are such a kind person and I would like to be closer to you in this new year. And for Cass, we talked more in discord but still wasn't that much :( But it was actually funny to see you fighting with Mari, it was cute nsisnslds. I hope both of you know that your auntie loves you so much <3
💖 @galaxteez
Our first conversation was something thirsty, I'm 100% sure about that. And how to forget how I always forgot to turn on to be anon siwnsibddk8dn. But I'm still sure you loved to see my asks while me being anon than when it was actually me because mine was just cute, giving tons of love to you when my anon... Well... My anon 😗 I know I have time without having thisty talks with you so maybe this new year will mark the difference 👀 <3
💖 @ateezstanlove
Ndyensiddhsihssjwj here is when my mind is having problems to remember how I actually met everyone and that's making me feel bad skdbwksjzns but something I can be 100% is that I tried really hard every day to make you feel all the love I can give. I still remember when I saw you were on hiatus and thinking about leaving Tumblr. Being honest, I was really sad but hey, you are here now to receive all my love and have those lustful thoughts about Wooyoung's thighs —I saw that, sis 😗. But yeah sksnqisndks. I love you and I hope we can have more time as sisters this year <3
💖 @ateez-little-star
Jas, the beautiful star in the sky 🥺 You were actually my first sister in my Tumblr Family. I still think is funny how I try really hard to baby you but at the end is in the other way, you end baby me skjssksisns 🥺🥺🥺🥺 How can I be more grateful to met you, uh? You always listened to my problems and I do considered a lot your opinions, is very kind to talk to you. I feel always loved when I talk to you. Also not to mention how I felt when during the night you left and when I searched you, you were gone. I was really sad and my first thought was "If she doesn't come back... She will remember me?" ksudisbskd but in days you came back and I was so happy :(( Please don't leave me again, Jas :( You are very soecial to me, my baby sis 🥺💖
💖 @hiatus-kittenmbb
Msisnsiddn MU AUNTIE HERE, EVERYONE. MSIWBSKDJDSBSB I want your love, cuddles, kisses and all the things you can give me and I'll make sure to make you feel the same, with tons of love <3 Not to mention how funny is to talk to you and all the times you told me to bother Kitty mom hahaha such a good and lovely relationship both of you have hahaha. Ps:Don't forget I love you so much, Auntie <3
💖 @hwastreasure
Mia :( I'm sorry because I don't have many things to say but at the same time I don't want you to feel sad about it. I remember I told you I will talk constantly to you and I didn't do it. Please forgive me :(( Can we try again and be closer now? :(
💖 @hongjoong-a-holic
SOFIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-.... Oh, no. My mistake. Let me try again. MY LIL LIOOOOOOOOOOOON GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR~. I don't have a lot of words how to describe the love and affection I have for you. You were always paying attention to me and giving me love —not to mention that you told me I needed to hug you just because you wanted nsisns and I say no lol— and that's cute sksnsksis. I also want to say that all those times that I do bother you with Blue about gifs of Ateez dancing sexily and those smuts and all that explication of sexuality... I have cero regrets! :D lmao. If you really thought I will say sorry about that, is a nono. I know you love it at the end lmao. But there is something I for sure need to be sorry... I know you were sad about me leaving ti be on hiatus and I still did but baby, I really needed to do it. I promise I'll be back soon. Very soon, just wait for me <3
💖 @hwaberrykiwi
Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam :(( I began to talking to you thanks to Jas that she asked me if I knew you and I said no and she just make me talk to you and guess what? I'm happy she did that because hey, I met an amazing person. And even if we didn't talked that much, something my heart will not forget are the words you told me when I said Uw as going on hiatus. I was really touched, I cried. I really did at the end but yeah. I would love to be more close to such a person with a big big heart <3
💖 @joongieblue
I don't even know how to began this because I think everything I need you to know, you already know it but at the same time I feel like I still need to say a lot :(( I don't want you to feel less as a person anymore... I know you said that way of thinking is because of your depression but baby, try to look at the amazing people who are with you, that cares about how you are and of course you are very important to them. You are very sweet and amazing as a person, let me tell you that I see in you a soft light. A very pure light that needs to shine bright in the sky but the darkness is making her feel like a insuficient and lonely light. Don't worry, things will get better soon. Trust me <3
💖 @seonghwa-is-babie
How can I began this without this looking awkward? 👉🏼👈🏼 I met you thanks to Zad and what I learned is that you were such a good, kind and shy boy but of course I still think you can be very intimidating if you want to. I'm sorry for not having a lot of conversation with you since I met you but I promise I'll try harder to be close to you. Of course, if you don't mind <3
🧡 - @seacottons
How can I began this?... The first time I talked to you, it was me trying to tease you really bad. I can also remember I told you to cald me kitten or something like that at that moment and the next thing we talked was about how I wanted to be adooted by you so bad isnsldks I don't regret doing all what you wanted me to do so you can adopt me because hey, you are amazing, wonderful as my other mom. Talking to you is like a way to calm my insecurities and stress I had during the day. You always giving love to me and even those cute hugs in the head you give or when you are too much sleepy to even type correctly iwjeneid you are such a baby :(( I'm still sorry for the time I called you a rouch, you aren't a bug... You are a beautiful, sweet, kind Queen I have the posibility to call mom. Not to mention that you are also my sweet, cool pumpkin —favorite— mom. Also, I can remember all those times you told me to bother or kick Kitty just because "she need it" dkbsskdjd the time you also wanted to disown me dibedidnzsj Leaving that topic to say cute things I love about you again is that... I'll be forever happy and gratefull with you. You gave me great advice when I needed them the most. You gave me a shoulder and a soft comfortable place to talk about my deep problems, my insomnia, depression, all of that. Thank you, mom. Thank you so much for letting me be part of your life and of course, youre mine. I will not share with Kitty <3
💖 @jongpleasure
My lovely, sweet and innocent twin ^^ lmao, we know we both are like really really twins. Our birthdays are very close, we both are Cancers, have the same bias that we share with each other because damn, he is really nice. But hey, is still very good to know you because you are talented, really really talented. The videos you create are wonderful and I am not saying that just because I know you, they are very good. The same with your fics, are amazing. You are an amazing writer, why you can't see that, uh? Want me to kiss your cheeks and hug you hard till you learn it? If you do want it, you are free to come to me and I'l give ut to you because msidbwks you are my lovely twin that I love so much. Have a great new year, I hope all your problems get resolved and you can noticed how you are talented enough to succeed and that you have friends in here that love you so bad. Kyra, my sweet twin I love so much <3
🕷️🕸️ - @yunhoshoe / @jonghoshoe
Aw, my baby prince Zad :(( The one I can trully see as a baby even when you are such a year younger than me. I want to protect you every time, even when I know I can't do that much virtually... So everytime I need to make me feel that I gave you all the love I can give and hope you can feel all the love I try to give you every time we talk. I'm still sorry for that time I make you feel uncomfortable with my missunderstanding about spiders and all of that... I'm also sorry for that time I send you gifs about dogs when you were scared of them... I'm really sorry, baby. Your big sister is dumb many times but hey, she is also still learning and want to give all she can to you. I hope this new year, we cab still be closer. Who is my little sweet, cute baby prince? Of course, you <3
💖 @xiuminswifeforever
I know we aren't that close, sadly. I follow you on twitter and here and everytime we talk is probably you being horny and wanting to have sex or somethung with your hmm... Is funny to talk to you and I know you told me that you are mostly in twitter and that was why we don't talk that much but hey, I would love to talk more with you. Want to try in this new year? <3
💜 - @yunhoiseyecandy
My sweet angel Violet :(( HoW I can began this? Kdsndid I don't remember very well how I began talking to you... Like I try really hard to remember how I began talking to you and my mind is in blank siwnsksus I'm sorry because of that but at the same time, is the good memories that are important to remember, right? How can I not be feeling grateful with the angel that with some kind words that came from her heart, made me a crying mess because of how touched I was? :(( There are many things I know I will not forget. That time I was feeling low beecause someone was just being very mean with me and you were protective, your kind words when I was just losing my mind and feeling all that pain inside and you helped me release that... For this year, I hope we can still be friends because you are amazing and I don't want to lose you :( <3
💖 @treasure-hwa
I feel really bad if I began saying this but I do want to say the truth and the truth is that I usually get confused between shinnyddeonhwa because you both had/have Hwa in their profiles and I know you both don't even write in the same way but idk, is easily for me to get confused, I'm sorry T^T Changing the subject, I really loved that time when we began talking in Portuguese and Spanish at the same time. Was really funny to even think how everyone would saw that ksjsnskdd Also I am very touched and happy when you roleplay with me... You are very sweet even while roleplaying and that makes me soft in such a way dksbskdid I would like to roleplay again with you, only if you want to any other time 👉🏼👈🏼 Also in this new year, I hope we can still be talking to each other for a long time, sister <3
💖 @cometoceantrenches
Not me being speechless every time I began writing a paragraph kwusnekdid also not me becoming your friend the second you asked me how was the relationship between Cottons and I 👉🏼👈🏼 But look at the good side, we are sisters now and guess what? I noticed how you have a big BIG heart and all the love you can give is just so cute when I receive it or just read it. I hope in this new year we can make new and memorable conversations together. Don't forget you have an special space in my heart <3
🤍 - @vocalyunho
Amelie, my sweet and lovely wife :(( How can I began this? I remember the first time I talked to you. I said your writing skills were amazing and that you were cute and I wanted to try being your friend. Not to mention that two days later I ask you to be my wife dkebdidbdkd But I don't regret that at all. I'm really happy I met you because every time I talk to you, I feel in a safe space... A place I can say how I really feel without being judged... And what do I receive every time I talk my problems out? Sweet words and advice :(( Amelie you are such a good girl, a good advicer and an amazing friend. Thank you so much for letting me be your friend. I know I won something big with your beautiful friendship. Also I know that you have problems and stress but hey, as you said, things hopefully will get better, we just need to be patient and wait. And don't forget that you can come to me everytime you want. I'll be here for you, Amelie. Anlso in this new year, I hope our friendship can grow bigger and yeah, why not trying to create new memories together? Remember you are Yunho of our 2Ho. Love you <3
💖 @sollyho & @ateezinmymind
Well... Maybe this will look like a very short paragraph but... I felt bad at the same time because I don't have that much to say... For sure, I'm happy I met both of you because during our conversations, I can deduce that I can trust you because you are lovely and all of that. What I regret so bad is that during this 2020, I didn't talked that much and that's why I feel bad for not writing something big but please, don't feel that I don't care about you because I do :(( i hope in this new year, we can talk much and maybe be close friends 👉🏼👈🏼
👑 - @barnesbabee
Queen Trixie 👉🏼👈🏼 Well, what I can say is that first, I love your humor keiwbsnd also that everytime you tive your opinion about something, you have valid points. This will sound stupid but I do really like to read when you post something. As I said some days ago in your dm, I really would like to be close to you but at the same time I do feel like that will not occur or will not happen that easily because I am not that cool and well, I don't know, I feel like I would be that kind of person you would dislike easily. Something I promised this year and will keep till this new year is the tonw of love I give to you and the support you need as a powerful queen. <3
💖 @multidreams-and-desires
My baby sis that I love so much, always taking care of me ane telling me how much you love me :(( this year was amazing. Probably our talks are mostly about problems or just giving each other love. I'm happy that I met you because you are always kind and of course you have also those thirsty moments that all our Tumblr family have —that's why we all get along, we are a bunch of people that have Ateez as their weakness lol. Also, I need to mention that in this new year, you need to know that I'll be giving you more love so just wait for me <3
💖 @msmadness99
Seven, my lovely Seven ^^ First of all I need to mention the iconic moment we both noticed we talked in Spanish after months of always talking on English lol. I know some of your insecurities about your writings and I still want to let you know that when I say that your works are amazing, well written and calls the attention easily, I'm being honest and saying that not as your friend, I say that as a fan of your works. I don't know who tells you or makes you feel insecure about them but hey, is amazing. Even those short things you write and don't get me started with Break Out serie siendjdbdkdys Every time you update, you make me have my heart in my throat kduebwdkd You are very talented, don't let others make you think other way. I love you, Seven <3
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I think that is all 👉🏼👈🏼
I hope you all receive this new year with a smile and always being positive ❤️
I’m so grateful for your support and love this year. May you have a prosperous, happy and healthy New Year.
May all your dreams come true in 2021! You got this!❤️
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64 notes · View notes
etheshadowlord · 3 years
Spoilers ahead for episodes 11-16. It's been a while I hope this post finds you...I don't know what state it will find you in but it could be Connecticut for all we know. Anyway, it's been a long time so I had to back up pull these out of the drawer and dust them off. I"ve mostly finished season 1 already at this point and started season 2 because the filler was getting to me and then I realized, life is far too short to get impatient. So time to slow down and reflect.
As well as subject ourselves to this madness.
Episode 11: No clowning around.
We start the episode off with Kimberly, Zack, Billy, and Jason at the Angel Grove Fair with Zack showing his hip-hop stilt dancing....yeah no it doesn't really work that well and he takes a short spill only to quickly reveal today's Villain, evil imposter clowns. Meanwhile, we see Trini bringing the kid of the day....her cousin.
Kids are cute, clowns are wholesome and nothing bad could possibly happen. Right.....so short fact I love clowns. I hate evil and monster clowns because they give the noble profession a bad name anyway whoever Pineapple the clown is, the clown council is probably greatly displeased with them.
Bulk and Skull enter the picture to tease the main team and get egg on their face. The eggs came from Billy attempting to juggle eggs on offer from the villainous clown Pineapple...Not sure but it's the thing today I guess.
So we get a segue to hearing the Gloriously Evil plan for her repulsiveness. Magical Pineoctopus that turns people into cardboard cutouts and....a...fake....fair? You know if magic stuff wasn't involved I would question how the fuck the police aren't shutting these stunts down before people get hurt. I wonder if there's just an "it's not my problem" field on these things.
So the monster of the week flattens Sylvia and the rangers convince the park goers to leave thus begins the fight. Meanwhile, Trini saves Sylvia with some water and then rejoins the Rangers in time to Put this clown down....for good. Okay, he's a fruit cephalopod but that's beside the point. End of the episode Vignette and we learn never to go with strange clowns.....or strangers period.
Fun: * * * - -
Rita: Mad
These Clowns: Failures.
Episode 12: Power Ranger Punks
We start this episode with a reminder that Baboo...
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This person is actually capable of evil as well. Though not skilled at the practice of monster molding, his specialty seems to be making potions. In this case, ones to make Kimberly and Billy into....Punks.
Meanwhile, Rita unleashes the Terror Toad while they try to figure a way to correct their friends' bad behavior. Through an antidote. It works they beat the toad with a well-aimed arrow to the mouth and save the day. Sorry Baboo, no villain star today for you.
Baboo: Great alchemist....also where'd you get the Rattlesnake Lips? Share your sources please and thanks.
Drinks: Don't leave open drinks Also don't drink open drinks if you're a hero. Even if it was fine earler.
Punk: Not dead.
Episode 13: Peace, Love, and Woe.
So we start off with both Bulk and Skull causing chaos and with Rita demanding Finster to make her....Madame Woe, who is apparently almost as evil as Rita herself. Huh... also love strikes when you least expect it. Billy ends up falling for Marge who asks him to the dance and...Marge gets mistaken for a Power Ranger.
Clearly, because Rita didn't give her loyal servant the proper intel. So yeah Marge and the rangers get zapped into Madam Woe's funky dimension of Woe where she is all-powerful and send the Blue Ranger back to beat her in One on One combat, Madam Woe is defeated and we get a vignette of learning....that Bulk stores his money in his shoe.
Knowledge: Cursed.
Fun: * * * * -
Woe: - - - - -
Episode 14: Foul Play in the Sky.
We start the episode by meeting Kimberly's Uncle Steve who is a pilot and a sleeping potion.
Rita, if Monsters can't kill the power dweebs then what about flat-out gruesome murder. In fact, why hasn't she just poisoned them with a deadly poison at this point? Is it the fact she wants to look upon them as they despair? Is that the game here?
Anyway, Steve is put to sleep and Kimberly lands a plane all the while Bulk and Skull are in the back passed out because obviously you'd faint hearing that the pilot is out like a light and you're probably going to die. Rita's monster of the week is a snake man thing that fires power-draining snakes.
The plane lands and Kimberly shows us some real archery skills with a regular William Tell signature move. And we end the episode on a light note of Shakes on Bulk and Skull.
Fun: * * *- -
Plane controls: * * * * -
Rita: Wanted for attempted murder through sabotage.
Episode 15: Dark Warrior.
So another family member makes a one-time appearance. Trini's Uncle Howard is a brilliant scientist. He even made an invisibility formula. And Bulk and Skull decide to pick on Billy for....quarters for a dumb arcade...game?
Actually, we've seen Billy do some really stellar martial arts so why is he putting up with this? Seriously?
Uncle Howard shows up and....isn't wearing his glasses as he's looking for his niece. So he dumbly puts the formula on the counter. This will cause trouble later I can tell. Also, Rita sends a new monster out to find this formula. The labeled Dark Warrior. Looks more like Camo with a scarf to me. I mean invisibility can also mean camouflaging.
So Dark Warrior being a sadistic monster captures Howard, then tries to extort the formula from Trini. They fight the dark warrior and defeat him with the combined power of friendship and giant robots. Then we see Bulk and Skull get a taste of their own medicine as Uncle Howard shows off the invisibility formula that apparently can be drunk and affects your clothes as well? Weird.
Fun: * * * * -
Boxes: Marked with TNT Like this was Minecraft.
Episode 16: Switching Places.
You'll never know a person until you walk a mile in their shoes is usually how the saying goes. I think it works better if they were them for a week. You really get to know someone's life after a week of having to do things the way they do things.
Anyway, we start this episode with Squatt being the little Gremlin he is messing with Billy's Invention....the machine in question is a Machine to allow someone to read your mind...
So first mistake not going through the line of making sure everything is right before the experiment. Secondly, human experimentation is a bit....questionable in ethics.
Anyways, Kimberly and Billy get Switched. Like you know....body swapped. THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CHECK THINGS BEFORE THE EXPERIMENT!
....The same also happens to Bulk and Skull.
All while this is going on Squatt unleashes a mighty Genie to fight the rangers. Guess it doesn't subscribe to the classic Genie Rules. However, the true power of the genie is in the lamp...obviously and Alpha defeats the genie by zapping it to...wherever he zapped it to. We close out the episode with everyone getting their minds back in their own bodies even Bulk and Skull sorta learn their lesson.
Switch: eroo
Genie: Wished out.
Skull: Pretty dull still.
Thus ends part 3 of this synoptic unprofessional review of every power rangers episode that I can get a hold of at least on Netflix. The next part will be the Green With EVIL special. Hence why I went with six episodes for this part because it's a five-parter coming up. Until then, see you in the next post.
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